ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PUBLIBITED . 111" WHITE:4 .CO. TIMID 22111117, KIST Doom TO .•••-11700 per . -- Wee Do. re)- ••• 2,00 at reduced rxte. Ka, CS OF AMIZIOrIBIBO I=l BY T 1 C PITTSBURGH PRESS One Sgt' (10linee of Northerell or less) one I •—•••••00,7) One Squ re, each additimud insertion- t• O,Z .;Dis one week Do. two wormle—.... • ;Do. three weeks•— (,00 Do. one niuth•—..— PAO Do. two TRU . throe months-- ._ PAM Ito. tour mouths Do. six months. •-• • MO , Do. swerve monthe•-• • • • 19 A° Standing Card 16 lines or less,) perannern• 10.00 One Square, cheogeable atpleasure (per an num) exclusive or the papers— 25,00 For each additional square, Inserted over one mon au for each additional square irtrerred under the ye - ly rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding a moue, end not over fifteen Imes, ni be charged u a eqsare and v half Publishers not accountable for legal ndvsracements beyond the amount charged for their publication. Announcing eudidates for office, to be charged the -same as other adve rtmemen in Advertisements not marked en the copy for a speri. fled number of insertions, will be continued till forbid, and payment exacord accord , • The privileges of yurly-adtcrthere will be confined rigidly to their regular businua, end all otter &dyer. .sements not pertaining m Steil regular business, as agreed for, to be paid extra. AO advertisements for charitable institutierre, fire companies, mad, township and mbar public Weeringe, cod sorb like, to be charged half price, payable raricuy adeuce. Marriage notices to be charged GO cents. Death notices inserted with.ut charge, unless decom• Ranted by aural iumtationt or obituary notices, and hen en accompanied tote paid fur. CARDS. W. S. OWL.. /SWIM/. MINIM LINGLISii & BENNETT, (late English, Gallagher ,Es et CO Wholesale Grocers, Commission end ) or :ding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pirni- Id m sAg . ti hlanalielums, No. 3 Wood at., between 2J and um. EV J. HENRY, itttorney and Councellor atLaw, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern°leo, and in Indiana, arid in Kentneky, promptly and can, fully amended to. Commissioner Cot the State of Penn sylvania, for taking Depoaitiona, anknowledgments, am. ks. Ram so—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Conlo, Church d CaroUmrs, Wm. Rays, Willoek it Davis. (11 FAROE COCHRAN, Commission .d Forwarding Aletchun., No. 70 Wood mom_ Patolnioh. owl; LICACIDS FACTORY. HAftll LYON STEWART, manufseutrer of Heavy Shininess, Cheeks, Az., Rebecca street, city o coViAdtr• Oneceuor to Alurphy & Lee,) Wool Deal. Atnerleaa and Commissios Merchant, for the tale of Woolens, Liberty, oppoaite 6th as feta: arm. toraublialumoro. A. I. acßtroq 1910,113 O. C. IeCLIAVon, rout swum, P"A ' EALD & BUCKNOIt Tobaceo Commission Mer l/ Chants, 41 North Water 61, & le North Whs.., . norAstf A.A. 1141.1. MIA T.lmax ARIA', JONES & Co., Oureassora to Atwood, JLI. Jon. & CO.) Continuums .d Forwarding Men. chants, deafen. in Pittabargh Manufactured bloods, E ... lLujimriky Pa. meleD Wm. 11. William.- ...... B. Mei" WIC U. WILLULDIR & CO.. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East corn.. Wood and Mini meets, Ptrninntan. PA. w. P. MIAIAZILI.L, ISUCCIaIIoI TO C.C. TEIPOILTEK & Dealer in French and tuirerie. Pa per ilwegiogs and Borders, Window !Blades. Fire &e. Triclinic. and Wrap. :121/lllM.ll:ile77,Ww**deal street febl3 13.1.1 InLin, 301.2 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Coa -1 mission Mereliants, and dealer. a aProduce, N03..16 Water. and 107 Front etreets, Pittsburgh. novB aINO. rt. CAUGHEY, Agent for Ma Lake Erie and Michigan Line to Beaver and the Lakes.-010c , on the corner of Water and Smithfield st. Jens `.• S. Inlarosb ' -sep• Joh Dd'" th T 8. DILWORTH CO, Wholesale D ed 141. Apr for Lissard Powder Co., N boraol dcCey 101 /0101 a DILMOI2B. /00211 t Datum= 1 B. DILWORTH a. Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pre y duels and C O lll2lll.lO2lM<Khlllll, utd Is for the Huard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. r. Wood sa. Pittsburgh. sorb J .• IMM M. TOWNSMiD, Druggist stud Apot h ecary N. althlarket at, three doors above MA et. Pitt` burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected as. somment of Oa but and freshest hfedmines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms.; Physicians sending orders, will be promptly attended to, and sup plied with trucks they spay rely upon as gentdn. no% ieiane I n c :rear wtU bal 'E mir l' Also Y lo7= . a lam stock of trash and good Petra: luta TORN WATT, (mettesaor to Ewalt A Gebbartr II Wholesale Grocer and Commission .hlerchant, trader in Prodnee and Pittsburgh Manufactures cor ner of Liberty and Hand atreetsPiusbargh Pa.,2 . 11211 . 1 AMES A. 11UTC11113024, Cm,Saccessors to Y Leiria lintehison do Co., Commismon Merchants, and Agents of the St. Lone Steam Sager Refinery . No. 48 water and 92 front meets, Pittsburgh. JAnt 011111 EL 2dELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer is Mode and Mancal Instruments, School Hoots, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quill., Pruners' Cards, and Stationary cenerally,No. St In sh,jesuabo rgh. I trr Rao bought or taken In trade. xeRIS WX. TOP., 111 U. arortrz: M. YOUNG &Co.—Benign in leather hides, got 143 Liberty gt aria iectrrenson.. Son. 3ece-retiaise w& IL WCUTCHEON, WbaleszJa Grocers, des. WV len la Produce, Iran, Nails, Glass, and NU bargh • Mandl/311re, generally, IseLiberty st, Yius bargh. ATTORNEY AT LAW, B,a! Pa WILL also attend to collections uld all other b.l. TV nes. entrostesl him in Boller and Arntstrune antlea,Ps. Rater to 1. It R. Floyd, Liberty .L W. W. Wallace, do Junes Marshall •do j Paul:lush. dly Kay tt Co., Wood ot. 3.7 PETTIORICIA/ s CO., STEAM' GOAT Ati . ENTS Orates asovaVT. Am. ,& Co, oet3l. No. Water street. W. i Al. RIITCURLTREE, IXTHOLLYALE GROCERS, RECFIFV/NG DIS. TV TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—lmponers of Soda A.h and Bleaching .Powder, No. 160 Liberty at., (opposite Sixth st.,) Put. burgh. nettO Tafel( A w n rruav ECANDI q (atteee ' ssors 4"D to J. D Wick,) We Grocers, Forwarding md CO N 126111•1011 Merchants, dealers In Iron, Nails, Glass, Conon Tarns, and Piosbargh Almufactares - genandly, etwme of Wood and Woo., .11000, Pittsburgh. NIT W. WALLACF, calm and WI Fonsish. yy cstablishateut, No. 214 Liberty at., hear the canal. roam ,Nlir: l and Military Goods, cornea of hlarkotand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Watches and Clookr sweatily repaired.drel , . IiF}NI — DOWEN--Coronuardon and Foram:inns Merchant, N 0.90 Front at. berwren Wand and koi street. friar a t otasaikrte — tall o =lor • firmer of glarkeand Fourth ats. augut V. ea, eve; retracoon. 10113 310101.5041ai1ii1, OELLERB & NICOLB, Produce and General Com. iJ Sawn Merehluos, No. 17 Liberty at, Pittsburgh. Net., Linseed and Lard Gil. VON 130NNUORBT, & Co., Whole ale ro • ents, Forwarding_ and' Comotlanon . 111crehants, la Mubarak Manatactures and Western Pro. dallmaremoved to their new warehotwe,told wand) N o. N 4 x corncr of Front it. and Chancery Lane. • A. H. /OWLISH £ CO., TiHEOLOGICAL, Clamdcal, and Sinday School Boeksellen, and dealers to all kind. of Writing, 1 .dos. and Wmpplog Paper, No. 79 Wood street, tie- Iwo.l. Pm. and Ditunond alley, Malta's., Pa. fcbl3 ToillßEY AMrp Merchants , y, wholesale Grocers tAnned , Won Merchants , dad dealers in Produce. No. no od to-, Ma. li. LEY, WOOL DEALER & Commiseion Merchant for, th e It II V sale el Amen.. Woolen Good., Libcny, gr.!, ti • I Olio. 1:. - gia - E - Butu.i -- -- 7 ----- soon .7c050... ' W,- 1. - 1 2".....0 - T O .. O ALEY it CO, Wholesale llrocerd, IS y and Woodureet Pituborgh. d,d`l7 JHARRISON SEWELL, Counsellor nt Low.—Of- Lee on rumbas., above is.i t t,fied. n0,5•1y T B. CANFIELD.(Inte of Warren, Ottio,).Cornmis• *lon and Porwarning *ordinal, and wholesale dealer in Western Rperre 'Cheese, Boner. Poi and Pawl Ash, and Western Produce . genorlly, Wattr trlossreett Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. sp_ J. Wood street. Pittthavah. 011 M D. MORGAN, Who!easlitDriost,andinai gj gr Dyoßt ulra, Paints, Oils, Varnis ea, , No.l/1 Wood Went, ono door Bomb of Diamond Pito - borgti. 101114 . 7 r MVIt3, Aitetioacet, al streets, Pittsburgh. P` „ 111 ,800 s gg berth. and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market at, Pim. — soon horn jco ftronatto Puma. y A IL FLOYD, Wholesale Orucers; Connaission Merenunu, and Deo'n-s in Produce, Round Mardi Daildings, fronting on Liberty. Woo nog 6th streets, Pittsburgh, F. mit! TAM PALaxi.i..., - WiiiiTiZ;6 — riar,c.. A iAiiim to Melaka:l4.d dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh pludattaret. N 0.114 Water at., Pittsburgh, Junta J • 1178 I WEr rTb . Attorney et *wain St. Charles Hotel, Pittsbuicb, will also atmcd promptly to Collection, ❑ Wachlopoo,Flyrill cod Greco CottliatlN Pc REFER TO Blackstock, Bell &Co., Cho tch Carothon, }Plano rot, p T. Morino, Q tW. IJARBAUGII, Wool ?defoliants, Dealer. Eh in Flour and Produce generally, and For+. ardino and Commission Merchants, No. 53 Valor st., Pima. .-', TIIE ..I.. .:PITTSBLRGO : -• -DAILT"..--ak..ZETTE-i-L-k- MISCELLANEOUS. W. At J. GLZBIN. Book Ilrrad.n. I~S are still sugared in the shore business, ionic of Wood and Th ird misers, Pittsburgh,. prim, wens piepared do any work in our line with des. pdmh.We attend to our work personally, and t,r o b. faction will be riven in regard to its neatness old do r. Blank Books rated to any pattern and bound rah Ban number. or old books bound e. foily OT repaired. Names put on books in . rilt t o nil . Those Piet have work in our line are invited to . Prices low. cur2traf B.?11.-fr. . • Stoles, Cooking Stoves, Grohs, id. ARSIIALL, WALLACE & CO.; Round Church, .I.U.comer Likoa7 and Woad • manufacture and offer for sale Platform, Floor arid Counter Searles, of the most improved uality - i Cooking Stoves, for woof and coal; Egg Stoves of various deco, Parlor and common Grates, Hollow 'Ware, &r. &e. They also manufacture the Kitchen RUZIge, which has givenoneh general satisfaction to those haling it in use, to allot which they would respectfully &mut the attention of the eidiens and the public generally. oetur.flrf Wa27.31.1.12 PAINIZIL MUSA .11.. WE. X. Y.= PALMED., HANNA 4/u CO., (Succesaora to Hussey,- Mom, & Co.) -DAYIKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers 11 in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate. of Deposite, Munk Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, n ne e y a r r y e o e e d t oa te de e l Dmanek— of i P gh ittt s C u heghk.. Current mo male, and collections wade on nearly ail the principal gonna to the United States. Ma=l Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped 1."..1411 on Itherni terms.. • The Pennsylvania Company Ton Irmscases on Id eall (insane. A totem.. unt: first Life Insanance Company in the U. State.. 1. incorporated March (0 1612—elm ter perpetual. Capital 1141011,000—ttll paid in. Having initial - teed the undersigned to receive appli. canons tor insurance, on which polities will be issued, according to their propotals and rates, which will be ulnae known to applicants' at his office, No. all Wood wart. eptl UEO. COCHRAN. Nr9aLtlt'ilaiNellirT3ore—(tana.ama clank a white he found at the Dry Goods House of WWI NV R MURPHY TWILLED SCAR - LET CHINTZ. MURPHY baa sr eeetved a further ropply V• . Torte,'Red Oil Mons, for humors, at lowa.: price, at the North ,East comer or Fourth and !Market sta. ILEr.ThaiIED Tait; OAF,. A. A. MASON & Co*§ smother large invoice of those desirable French Wrought Cape, Collars, and Cuts. A&o--hlourning Collar. and Cuff, and ILO pieces rich black ...04:1k Lace, all widths. lab% IN&N 111.11iF8-3un dor Ladies' and Linen Litm L.Cambric Milt& Also—A small :of of Ladles' Choice Frtib'd do, reed per express at &ten! A A MASON & CO'S Lig &MITT. The Franklin Pare Jrnntence Co. of Philadelphia TIDIECTORS.—CharIes N. Hawker, Thomas Ilan, 1.1 Tobias Wairner. Samuel Gnu; Jacob R." Smith, Geo. W }Lenard., Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph° E. Boric, David S. Brown, Morris Patterson. Cnt. N. President Charles G. Bucker u , Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, n every description of property in town. country, t Mee so low as are consistent with secunty. To Company have reserved aistree contingent Fund, bleb with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest !, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on J estuary lst,lB4P, as blisbed agreeably to enact of Assembly, were as ows vizi Real Estate Temporal, Loa. Stocke Cub, &e. $1,,,492 71 Since their ineorylitration, a period of 19 years, they have rood upwards done °Onion fora hundred Mous ' id dollars, lodes b fir, thereby affersa• dense Ole odmaxed o li nserance, as well tithe ability id dapoonon to meet 'rah promptnda all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, (Mee N E comer Wood and 3d at. ===lttM=l THE Mutual Life and Hearth Insnance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, IE4B. Charier perpetual. Capital, 5100,C00. ILeet Looms emir avv 1 3 .101te 1,31. COMPANT, and full Or per cent. lower than the usual rates of Life Insurance, as the fallowing corn. parisan will !Mow Thu, a person of the age of 30 in. mining for 5100 for life, moot pay in the Girard 624 1 Pennsylvania, 112 30, Penn Mutual, St* Etlmmble, 52,04 New England. MGM, New York Life, tAlli% Al. Mon, 52,4 U, Lite and Ilea lib, Philadelphia, 51,01. Ducrema.—tlearmel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W. F. Mane, Ruben P. King. Charles P. Hayes M. W. Baldwin, ht. M. Reeve, M. D. Cha. O. It &mewl', Lewis Cooper, 1. Redman Barker, 1311. Butler, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Rohl. P. KlEgi Secretory — Franey ßlackburne. Application. will be received, and every information given by &ANIL. PA lIN aITOCK, OlEice, Commercial Rooms, center of oecn.dly Wood and Third Oa, Pittsburgh, FIRE AND NARIRE INSURANCE:. 1113 INSURANCE CO. of North America will • make permanent mad limited Insurance on pro perty in this city and vicinity, and on shlpmenth by Conal,Rivera, Lakes,. and by Sea. Tee propertros of this Company are well invested, and famish an avali dble fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who esire to be protected by incur...v. myto Wlll. P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water st. HEALTH IFISUBJUIFCSGs at Platalmleghs The Spring Garden !learnt insnranee_Co, OF PHILADELPHIA-CAPITAL 3100,000, 'INSURES Males and Females aptinst th e Expense 1 and Los. ocemioned by biota. or Accident, by an immethate elloormce of from $3 to 8 per week, for one, two, three, or four year.. The method of <Feeling tkis Insurance, and the mincer of awarding the sick allowance, he fully explain.' by the Agent A person e. Insure npsulst Strknews or asiesnleln bleb will demo Inm from his orslmari Lanuncss, co For one year, by paying 61::11, and mien' ire P ipo week For rwo " 4 For three " " " 3 " r. for a period of four years. the sum of $14,40 paid anually, will secure !ti ery week while sick., Every necessary Information will be afforded on the West of Insurance generally, by JAMES DUlthill k CO, Am., del.7.4Gm Odeon Buildings. DELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY: . . . . . . daA FULTON,BeII .11 fluted Founder, hodi re . b iltand commenced beeineds at lilt o.d timid where he will be pie/Liked to lice hie old enetoni era and friend. . . Chnreb,Steamboat r and Dells of eiery noe, from 10 to EOM pounds, VW from patterns of the most optima. ed models, old warranted to be oldie bon minerials. Mineral Water Ponaps,Coonters, Ratline, let, leve ller with every variety of liras Conine, ri required, turned afll fikethed in the neatest manner. A. V.A. the sole proprietor of Dozorr's Awn-Arno vadelilerok., so Justly celebrated for the reduction of .frietion in machinery, The Waco and Plasnpovaion eon be had of him at all times ra20:10 . . ••11t. IL 5utra.“.2.,6(01. !WAIVE R. ATKINSON Pm inn., ISICITITXX Wool Lan , Prrnimmeo, tin:lP:to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARR. Also, Black mon' Work. - Stem Roam built to order. Special 1.1.111i011 given to .team boat work. flavenn hand. a rine assortment of Copper and Brass Kettles, Tin Ware, &e. Steamboat CoolungSrisuS, Yorteble Forges, vsrions sons—• any eonveident dr title for steamboats, California emigrairts, or rail road co . pics. is would respectfully invite stem best men and others to toll and see our articles and prices before purchasing elsewhere CI:17 IMAGELL.ESTT & NO. NJ WOOD STREET, _ • H - -. • AVE now in store a large and general &nommen( of DRY 001111$, which they offer to Coy and County Meremints to reduced priers; mid - which they will sell tia gt . at induccaiena to cask buyers, or for approved me MOD Penn DIMCIIIIMO Shop. WkiliThlAKl—Mors!turer ofall kind. of cot- LI, ton and woollen mactinery, Allegheny oily, Pa. The above works being now to full and aucceestal op ration,l ant prepared to cAelatu oilers with dispatch for all kinds of machinery in tr.yline, tech as wil lows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding miatirtes, railways, crowing frame., speeder., thrassils, looms, , woolen earth., double or single, for merchant or country work, mulcajacks.,itei elide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. MI kinds of shafting made to order, or riv en Inc gearing factories Childsl. at reasonable charge. ro—Kenned y, & Co., Illackstook, to Co., King, Pennock & Co, Jar. A. Gray. • 'KW TELEOBAPH orrzosr,. eitiwns and business men of Pitudiurgit are reapeCtfully informed that the Morse .Telegrapn Lines are now la complete operation between this city and Baltimore., 'Washington, and other Eastern Cities, connecting at Washington City with the Morse Line the only one South to Richmond, Raleigh, Charleston, , Augusta, Savannah, :Solid° and New Mileage—and connecting in thin city with lines running West and North to t i town. and eitiet Mute valley of the Mississippi, and on the Lulea. These Lines will Lseise and send message, us cheap as •ny other ine, and the operators and clerks will be found gen. Unmanly and ancommodating. Ofp(fice the lower awry of the ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Wood sisal lona-:m LT, ki , 7:1‘ , 4 . C. EIREITOGLE, having unscinted with Itini A. H. CLARKE. for the petposa of transacting I'ot - ward:nit. and Commtaston business, will con iej that bastaess at the old stand of ..Cope it. Bre)- j. le n and respeetfallyrAsks a eandnuance of the r rairooloto of to. Wends and the patine ganef ), The business will ii conducted under the name d a yie of Barcroona lt-Ct...AFE._ _ _ J. C. BREYFOGLE, A. IL CLARKE. bugb, te-541.--(j,n9 'isolation or bo.Pritri' lp. Co-I , irtnerslap ..ziannr; hctweci: the Undei Loon • • •• stsned, under the. tyle of - F. 11. Elston & Co-"' won ditsolved by mutual toneent, Jan. MM. P. H. Eaton, basing Oureinwed the enure interest of W P. Map retires, will attend to the settlement of the b inset or the Isle lino, at the old and, No 02 ratirtif tweet. H. EATON, fetm W. P. MARSHALL. V. 11. ii.ATON,. I' KAI,Eft to Mose. and /loam, Trisominge, Feney Goods, Mebane, Laces and embroideries, Zephyr Worsted, Patterns and Cannes, No 82 Fourth street, at. A WID supply of oe Shirts and Gents' nuns foh44 • LADIAIVFINIA 110VSX, COM. OF IOVILTII AND GRANT FM.IFFS, FIFFS5171011• jaiTALE subscriber respectially announces that he hen non opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the pnbile generally. The house and furturare Ire entirely new, and no plus or expose have beet. spared to render it one of the most comfortable mil velment hotels in the city. 'ltio subscriber is determined to deserve, end there fore softens, a share of public patronage. ocill4.d!y JA:tXill HOUGH. Proprietor. L gAD& SOOT-700 plg.Galena beat GJ kegs a.o'd Shot: lot sale by frb*Gi 1 A lOJTCHIION &Sp ,. letehtes 6.4lll,ln . itiore iTI4I&W sale lby GIGGJ. • J A lIUTCUISON &CO Dull" TAQ:a • ,lIIED pnlne fence AI o Jo Apples; (Of Sale by felen J D WILLIAMS MU Wood st - c ' n '''''Arlitrtinsoll & co MISCELLANEOUS. ITTAISTIM, rhAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA .1../ NEW YORE. BOSTON AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL , AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young MLlti In wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable business, to act as Hook-keepers, Sales. mon, Porter., Har•keepers, Waiter., Farmers. Coach. men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collector., Overseers ill all branches of badness, ac. We have at all times a large number egood situations on hand, attach pay from MO to MIX) per annum. Those In want of annaturns of any kind would do well to give us a call,sts we have agents in each of the attove el tiert, which will enable as to place cygry applicant in suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have large acquaintance In all the above named title; elch we trust will enable as to give entire staisfire. Um) to all who may &TOr us with a call. TAYLOR it TATMAN, No. 59 Second at, between South and Gay. N. a—Persons In any parlor the V. States, and wishing to obtain a situatton in Raltimore i or ei. thee arum above cities, will bare their wantsimme diately attended to by addremung us a line, (lo m- paid as by so doing they will curtail both trouble and on. pease, which they otherwise would incur by coming to Gm ineking_empjoyment for themselves, Address, TAlt LOR k TATMAN, N 0.59 Second street. TU AILIEOBIZT/Ell• rtniE attention of the publie ts respeetniiii called Co the following certificates: Ma. S. Rams—Having mated a quantity of Gold Weighed by your Areomemr, I find th e result proves your iturtrumeut correct; and recommend the use of it to those going to California, as Um beat method for ob. Mining the real value of Gold. Resp. your., J.ll. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, !dant, 9, 1549. Mmon, M 7, 1646. Ma. EMnes—Dear Sin Having examinedarch the "Are. meta manufactured it your. rooms, Ido not hegira, to commend it about removing Californiao t hios march l of Gen ldwho It glom a doer approximation to the specific, growl ty of metals, and will certainly enable me adventure to ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold. marl 2 Your, espy. J. it APCLINTOCK. • IINIDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Just received for lb; California Expechuon, a complete mei:prurient or Gum Elmtic Clothing, at mites ranging from SADO to Stt,sO for suit of coat, perm' and hat. For .ale at the India Rubber Depot, Do 5 Wood at, demfil J & H PHILLIPS filionass ralt. XIMIE subscriber offers far WO sale,k thetitar-g STEAM BRICK WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprising a Steam Engine, ii Boilers, 6 Mould Machine, capable of mas anufactunug 22,060 Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay, taken (into the bankd per day; with three acres Cl laud on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kiln. and sheds, machine, and clay sheds, wheelbarrow, trucks. shoves, made, he., every thing requisite to corr. mence operations at an hour, notice. Price including the patent right to use raid machine, ICialol-marns ol payment mane easy. Without the lend, 145.000. For particulars. wldreas HENRY NIERRIIT, .6 , ,"-air _ No Ile . Miniongahela Home. Wrought mad Cu t Iron • rilllEstib.riber• beg leave to Inform the public that 1 they have obtained from the East all the lath and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, Loth for houses ana cemeteries. Persona washing to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine, and Judge for themselves. Railing mill he frirthrbed at the short rst nonce, and in the beat mannm, at the corner al thug and Rebecca mute., Allegheny city. martb-dtf A. I.AMONT & KNOX. oy r y .B U IIIc K n E n:L7asI ) ;I I KPSUIIIg, ' 2:I I I%re red to denim% and families at the lowest price Quality •varratitm/ equal to may brought to this mis ko, and sal, by $1,047,419 41 84,724 153 141,001 85 • 51,51/3 83 .1••• 501 3" J. C. BIDWELL; Agt, Water tT. Also—At the following depom:— lien. A Seeger, cor ner Southheld and Second sts4 E. Ile.leton,Ommand; Mercer A R0b..., Federal et .Alleaheny. nctls %ME hive some PUMP'S, mule on an improvid Y &moo as not to freere in the coldest weather. Persons w.une, such articles, am invited to elll and see them at SCAIFE & ATKINSON'S, turns rim between Wool Marltet so , JIEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! T Constitution end &ancient of the Associate inJ. Reformedeep. Church in North Anitenew non, bound sh The Other Side., or Notes for the History of the War between Mexico and the United States, wroten to Mexico, and translated Iron the Sputub, with motes: By A. C. Ramsey. Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Itritatn and Ireland: By 11. H. &anion_ The Works of President Edwards, In 1 sot.; • re print of the Woreciter edition, with' additions, and • copious general index. The Idonntaina of Egypt, or Egypt &Witness for the Bible: By P. L. Hawks. D. D.. 1.. I. D. Mentoms of David Hale, laic editor of Josonel oi Commerce with selections from hi• Morel:animus Wettings: ' Ely Rev. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and His Outdate,: by J. K. Paaldine. • Lou Chang., or en Inside View oi Mexico and Cal. Iforniat By Lieut. Wise, U. S. Navy. Familiar Letters to Young Men, on Tanana subjems: designed as • Companion to the Voeng Men's Gable: By Wm. A. Alcoa The Poems and Prose Wettings of H. A. Dane: 2 vs Nineveh and Its Remains: Hy Lapsed. For sale by ELLIuTE a ENGLISH, 10012 No 70 Wood it Al — Pres•al Sep - Your &Papally. MOR R ISk WILLIE• HOME JOURNAL Plll4lB. lIVIMILLT-82 rn •nsnx. 'Tha best paper to the [Evening ?tar. Rather gin to coal than go whim:sit , tß Poot Neir subseribers eon bo supplied horn Jan. I, lOW, 101:Mii11115 application be made (either personally or by lunar) id the Office of Pubbcouon, 61 Wood ed. janle J. a LOCIOVIMI/0. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERtV, by J. T. Deadly. with original desivis by Dailey. Thy Poems and Prose Wrinnas et R. 11. Den.. Pbateista and Patient. ot • tactical View of the blare) Dune.. Rel•tions end ialtr.. of ihe hledieal Protection and the Community; by W. Rooker, hi. D. The Puritan and Daughter, by J. li. Paulding, author of the Dutehinstrs Ftreside. • - . Le. Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal ifornia; with Wanderings in Peru, Chili and Piny new.. by Lao. Wise. For sale by degt ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. Weiod at MISELLANEOUS LITERATURE, AT LOCKWOOD'S. 63 WOOD STRAMT BOWNM Marne. Angler'. Outdo; full of illus• Huhu., Moo. Youldlng's eurAnn hod 111. Doughtcr, lAtti Dr. Hooker'. Phyateless ned l'atteol; limo. Mrs. Me' Wool and /Aurora; evo. Neander's Life of Clam; ,vo. Meander's /Emory of Chnstran Church; 3 vol., erg/. ktv.SP ,,, lelMernoir. uf hlureey, ovo. Ameneau 15.10, list JAAIFIS D LOMAS'. NM, Bookseller tc. Importer. Cl Wood st Now le the time to OFFICE of Seotk's Repro. of Ole Four Qoarter. Iwo and Bloekwood; CO per year. Morris s Wtlliel Home Journal, pablikked ill New York weekly; et per annum. Dowtonglo Ilerueelturaliey monady; 113 per year. loyalual;Le. The Culuvatar, monthly; Al per annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly; 81. per yea,. The Democratic Review, monthly; $J per annum. The Bankers' Magazine, slo 35 do J k 31144 U lan/ Bookseller & Importer, AI WusJ Pitt llaehlaa Works' and Foundry TORN WRIGHT &Co., ace prepared to build Cotton el and NVoolen Machinery . °revery Sevcription, such as Carding Mewl/meg., Spouting Frdmes, Spcmicrs, Drawing Frames, Daily/ay Heads . , Winters., vh,oolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, c..-q liroulere g skrought Iron Shafung turned; all sizes of Coat Inin Pulll. and Ilanocrs of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Cutings of every devesphont furnished on then notice. Patterus made to ordcr for Mill iileartug, Iron Railing t &e. Steno Pipe Inc &tat oo Factories, Cut Iron Win dow Sash end fancy Cas- Pngs generally. Orders left sa the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt ouzo- So& Defer to Dlrskstoek, Dell & Co., .F; D. Moorehead & Co., G. K Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh C. & J. D. Warner, Steubenville.‘. iania PIANOSt TILE sabarriber otter. foe nalc n large, and splendid J. assortmernt of rosewood and mahogany grand Ar fion Pianos, wi th and without Coleniun'a celebrated Attaebmenb The above insirainentv air war. ranted to be equal to any manufactured In this coon• try, and will be sold lower this , any brantatit from the Flub F. GILLIAM, No 112 wont .1 J N. IL—City Senp will be taken at per for a few of be nmen aaeortmen:. Fur/ — KA -- IAT R. MURPHY continues to keep on hand A Pill PT, rtment of the Welsh Unshoultable Flan. nets . , end has recently received • supply of the fines ualities. Also Swansdown Flannels, q A scarce erns el. , and adspted for the wear of weals., and others wanting something warmer than usual. Moo, Persian and clause Flannels for Infants error ; In. ether arid, a full supply of American niannfuctossd Flannels of different qualities. Also, SHROUDISII FlsANNfildfl, of all the different widths, at the North East corner of 4th and Market sm. ErWholesale Rooms up stairs, where dealers will always find a good assortment of new style goods. . • . lava • Diaphragm Pilger, for fly d 'W.W.I. .... 1„. TH ted Livingston, IS is to certify that I hove opj poin Roggen ec e. Vole Agents for Me sale ofJennitte's Palma Diaprahgna Filter, for th e ell tie. of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter N Gibson 341 Broadway, N. T 3 ,Oct. JO, IBM We have been usang_one of the above arbcles at we office of the Novelty Works far three months, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it isa useful mumbo,, id we take pleaante in recommending them ai J an, fiat article to .11 who love pure water. Orders will I a .thankfally received and promptly executed. milli .LIVING N. ROGGP.M at r OM= filliniffl Just received,one elegant Rosewood g octave Piano Forte, from the eel. Waned factory . ot T. Gilbert & Co, Boston. This attainment is remark. ble for brilliancy and sweetness of tone, and clastichr of touch. The above firms considered one of Re very Gest iu Boston, and their Pianos, for elegance o exterior, beauty of tone, nod duration, are ant surpass ed I.y those of any Mier make. Por sale on reatona lac terms by lI.KLEHER, inn% - . et 3. W. Woodsr.lrs. =!M:I= nays FOR satS, FROM RAYETTEMANUFAOTO RING COMPANY, YU cases impeder, Family Blankets, 11l by la ors; eropur Steamboat do sby 7 IMO do do do 4by 7 fl; . . _ • Se do red end white nerve do 00 do et:tiered Cohforoin do 50 me d c o ca 54 white Flann o l, watrantedled do i wool 4-4 do dde rzznemn Su do 34 red 73 do 34 yellow • A 1 Satinette, Tweed., Jeans and Woolen Yarn, at east en maonfuelortrls Fn co-Warehouse, I IST Wood at, 4th door from Fin. Jant9 rrfOrifAiiidoz Soule., far sale I febTJ J D WILLIAMS g u i. C h %V HEAT FLOUR—A pii. j . sigleZ i tilAt s br LTAUTERATURNE qr cut. Rol reed CAUL and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON, kb* 1711 and I>4 Llbertypt : : t 6N N M • 2 1850 A CARD TO Lams AND PHYSICIANS.—No recommendMion is so completely satisfactory, ea .to the excellence and complete success of any ineen• lion, as the united testimony of those who have cape. neneed its benefit, During the lut fifteen year., In all parts of the United States, our moat talented and cannentphyslciarts, have duly tam testimony to the uperionly, ease, and comfort of Mrs. DEITM insen tient, for Ladies' suffering. They do not compreu by auel pressure, which to now proved to be encoded by bad effects, cueing more diEculty than before exist ed. Her long standing in Philadelphia and large and increasing buiness both Wholesale and Retell, is a guarantee of the correctness or the above. To procure her Genuine Suprter, pp al only ta WtL THORN, Drurrist, S 3 bler po ketst, Ptuyaburgh— all others are counterfana. JANES BRITS, Wholesale Agent, Plailadelplda. fieb9Ateod eILOVER SEED—II able reed and for sale by febd JAMF.ft DALZF.LL PROFESSOR 'HARRY'S Tropornagn- OVB 'OR MEDICATED COMPOLJ D. TNFALLIBLE Or renewing, invigorating; end beau lJ tyfying the flute removing &sic Mudruff, and all Skin, of dub Scalp, and curing &options on the Shin Dineases of the Oluids, klastles and Integu ments, and relieving Stings, Cuts, Bridges Sprainn, , Sh. With this preparuion, "there i s . no mach word ns fail." The tint journal. In America, medical men of the highest eminence, prominent citizens et 5/1 pr efesslotti, and ladles who have used it far yeses in I their dressing roams and nurseries, admit wits nine ac cord, that, for importing vigor, glow, luxuriance and curl to the hair, eradicating scarf and dandruff, heal any, wounds, curing contusions, sprains, stings, Se., I and relicung diseases of the skin, thegland% and the muscles It has no count among the multitude of corn. I pounds advertised in the public prints, or used in pri rate prunes In cheapness as well as efficery, Bar. rrs Tricopherons is unrivalled. The affinity between:the membrane,. which rate the the akin, and the hales/thick draws & runtenanee from this triple envelope is very elem. All diwares of the ;hair originates in the akin of the head. If the Pores of the scalp an clogged. or if the blood end whir fluids do not circulate freely through the small vessels which feed the roots with molstute and Impart life to the fibres, the result Is scurf, dandruff, shedding of the hair, graynew, dryness, and hameness of the ligements, end entire baldness as the core may be-- Stimulate the skin to healthful action with the Tricot,- herons, and the torpid vessels, recovering their art, up, will annihilate the disease. In all effecuoas of the skin, and of the substrata of mueles re the and integuments, the peace.. and the effect same. It is upon the skin, the mo alar%Shre , and th . glands, that the Tricopheroutt has its specific action and in all affections and iniones of these; organs, ft i a sovereign remedy. Sold, in large bott wayles, pN. V Office, 137 Broadrier 2S cents, at the principal , : 'Poi sale by R. E. SELLERS, Pittsburg. PROCLAMATION. KNOW all men who are stet and staieted with dir eof the bladder and kidneys, with rheumatic paius itt back or lumbe, stiff joints, old eores, running ulcers, the that they ean be cured by taking the Pe, unlearn! Von maymilk shout ltd being • nostu an much as yea please, but doe does not make a r so n for we proclaim in the thee elan honest community, that it has Tinsel which are noticontalned in any other remedy. 'lle man whole racked with pain and suf. tering from disease. can for fifty cents, get relief from any of the ills ennnmerated above. /Leader! it emu very hide to make a trial Oda Petroleum in no 12112• tore—no compond, pet tip for the purpose of imposing on the 7 ommeoli7; but a a sr remedy elaborated by the master hand of nature, and bubbles op hoot the Lo s . vein ease mother earth in its original parity, and oh fees to suffering haniani.y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap care. It has cured Plies after other mthileinee have failed to render any relief. It has cored Rheumatism of IOOR standing, and of the worst And moot painful eharacter It has eared eholera North's by one or.thro doses; it has eared old eases of Iharrhee, in which every other remedy has hero of no avail. A. a local remedy in barna and scalds, It better than any medical eon, pound or ounmeot lialwe know of. It will care chit.. blues or frosted feet. In a few applications; rd mstimony can be famished of the truth contittned In the a m bove statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Dan, 7th street; or either of the agents. Keyser k McDowell, corner of Wood stivet and v , rw. Alley; 11. E. Sellers, $7 Wood street, D. A. O HM A. D.. 11. Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents. isin3l CAUTION NITR/1 . . A tnan by the name of RUM cLAr P has engaged wth a young us. of the name of S. P. Townsend and uses Ms name to of up • Sarsopanlla, which ' tise call Ur. TownsemPs Sarsaparilla, dessiminatirgr it GENUINE. Onginal, me. Tins Townsend Is no doc tor and never was, but was formerly a worker on rail roads, canals, and the Ilke. Yet he assames ths title of Dr_ forme purpose of gaining eredn for what he is not. Ile is sending out cards headed “Tricks of quacks," in which be says. I have sold the use of my name for 117 • week. I will give S. P. Townsend ssuo o . he will produce one single solitary proof of this.— Tb. is to cautioo the publle not to be deemed, and pmehase none tim the GENUINE ORIGINAL 01,U Dr. /mob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having on tt tht Old Dn'a hkeness, his family coat or arms. and his me atom moo. the coat of titan Priueipul Me.,10? Nusau at, NewYorkC;y: OLD DOCTOR JACOB • TOWNSEND, 1, THE ORIGINAL - -.4 , DISCOVERER 07 TEX . avrtroz TOWNIE/ID BA.B.MAPAIIIitsisA. Old Dr. Townsend le now shoat TO Teener age, and has one been k sown as the ATOLL and DISCO VERER ofthe ClEfill7iE °RIM. L "TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA:" Being peel e was compelled to limit to manar.tare. by virtue !means It has been ale i re ont of market, and dui sale eircumeeribed to those only who h. proved ~ we and known . Caine. This Glenn Ann Vase. Peraranaima is mannfactured on th e largest scale and Mailed for throughout the length and breadth o psi land. Unbar young S. P. Townsend's t improve., with age, and never change., bat for We . cr. her nee it to Pirraord on ....he Penmples b a acre.. co. The Mohr.. knowledge of "hectustry, and We latest discoveries of the Art, hale all been p r n, into re. mitsitten in We manafartore of the Old D rnu r.', S ur Cilia.ia. The Sarsaparille root, tt L. well known to sap med. teat men, eonaune tvedielnal properties. and some pro. perues which are inert or toeless; and others, which, if retuned in preportng It for use, produce forrnenta. Lion and acid, wideti Is insoleae to theaystent. Some of the properties of Sarraparilla are . 'elude thin they entirely evaporate and are lost in Ear pre.puse non, if they are not preserved by • seienefie. env..., known only to We. experieneed to In mannlattere. Moreover Rime volatile prineiples,whlnh ey arta •a por. OF al an eihninnen, ander beet, Jae the very me• it medical preperues of the root, which gores to It di Ito mdse. The OLD DiLJACOR TOWNnEhIICK SARSAPARILLA uso prepared; th at all the Men prapertiCr of the gar. purilla Toot are first removal, every Intllig capable of becom,og acid or of fermentation, is rairuend and relented; then every particis ohne/Leal Irma I. secu red in a pure and concentrated form; atid tam It is rendered incapable of loathe atly ciL itc Valuable an hcaling.propertics. Prepared lin this way, n i. mane the moat penman! agent in the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASP.S. Dance th e reason why we hear eotritudratsoone on every side in its favor liv mcncarernen It/ children. We find it doing wonders in Um cure of neturipunn, Dyspepsia and Liver Complain; and in Itheunotuam, Scrofula and Piles, Costivenem ; all Caitaireou. Ern.. twos, Pimple. Blotches. and all affection, aniutie front ==CEI=E . . • • .. It posses... a marvellues efficacy in tell entnplainm .617 from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach; Mom equal circulation, determinist.° of Mood lo the Lead p•lpitation of the hears, cold fret and coideutuin cold Chain and Lot heeding over the body. It has tiot had ile equal in come. end cold. nindpromotes 00.7 ~/\ cape toration, and gentle pampiration, defacing Illfle• ture tbq lunge, Wraith and every other per- Hut In nothing in Its excellence more manifestly seen and a knawledgesi then . all kinds and kluge. of , FKMALECUMPLAINTB.I It warts wonderer!. core. of floorallitis or whites, Fatima , of the WoulthOlintrueted,tlappred.ereetur ful hleascs, Irregulanty of the menstrual penal. and the Ith,q and I. effectual lit curing all forum attic Kid, nay Diniessea. By removing obstruotionc,untl revile. trig shmgeneral nyintern, it glee. tone and, strength to the whole body, all and cures forms al . . . . NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEDLLITY, and Was prevents or relieves a great variety of ether diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, et. Vim. Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ac. Ik not this, then, mu kletonage you Pas-Extrikirru Nun? Dineen any °Mew things be raid of S. P. Town send's Hilmar anklet This you man's liquid is not to be COMPARED WITII THY. OLD DIVS • because of die timid Feet, that the one Is incenable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the Oak. O, DORS; 'lt sours, ferments, and blows the bottles containing it iota fragments; the sour, mid liquid ei abiding and damaglng other goods! Must not this hor rible compound be poison°. to the eysieml What! pot acid into a system already dl eased with amd! Witatmenses Dyspepsia but mid? Do we email know, that when food sour* in our mentnehe, what mcwhiefs itmodoces?—flantlenee. !wellborn, palpitation of the heart, hirer complaint, Mardian, dysentery, chalk end eoruption of the blood? What is Scrofula but an urid humor in the body? What produces all the humors Witch bring on Lruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Stilt RhettiadEruipelse,White Swellings, Fever-Soren, and all ulcerations Internal and external! It is, Itoth ing under heavenjout an acid eallennwe, which sours, and thus epolls all the Studs of the body, more or leak What causes Rheumatism but • sour acid fluid, watch I insimatfis itself between thostinu and el./male..., tr. mating and Inkanniq the tender and delicate name, upon which it sets? So of nervosa Mutts., of maim my of the blood, of deranged eireelanons, and eerily all the aliments which aMiet human nature. Nots,lo linen horrible to nuke and sell, and infinite ly worse to use this LiSURING, FERSIENTINt/ ACID , 0111POUND' • ' OF P. TOphISEND !q1 and yet be ,would fain havelrunderstond dim ON la. colt ruwitoend , a Genuine Oilman/ Sarsaparllta, is on im'action of his inferior preparetion!! Heaven' forbid that we should deal In an article which amain Mar the mist don.. tosemblance m s it Towound's ankle! and which should bring dews upon the Old Dr. such a mammon load of compleintr and min:mations from agents who bane sold, and par chment who have need S. P. Townsend's Fermenting Compound! We web it underitood, because It is the obsolete truth, that S. P. Towiteetel's ankle and Old Dr. Jacob Tovemend's Sersaparllla ore heaven-wide mon, and infinitely disstmilatt that they ore unlike in every por• dealer, Laving not one aingto thing to fllll3lllnO. It is to wrest franc& :yen the unlonanew, to pour balm into wounded huniwity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, wheeling, health end bloom and vi. gar into th e Brush ed slid broken and to banish infirmi ty—Mat old DELJACOLI TOWNSEND has SOUGHT ' and FOUND'Ihe opportantly and means to bring his (Dunn UNIVERSAL. CONCEN PRATED REALKDY. within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who :Iced it, that they may Irate and know, by /arr.' co• penmee, rtartactatilar.rowita TO 11.4 For sale by J. KIDD & CO" Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. skIITII, Ilinnlnfbrn, Dr. J. SARtiIIANT, Allegheny; lir. J. CASSk..LL, Filth ward Si. W.IIARDbIKH. eat ward,Pittatiatett..N3 L IIIEJL CONYLAlN ' l'.—Another cure pertermen tip Ptll• ming the origami, only true and genuine Liver r itd door above Zith Ammor.m, Brow. co., 0., March 51, 047. Mr. R. E. liedere—le April last coy wife was attack- ed with Liver Complaints, and bad the advice or two pOsicions, who toted various remedies without pro. clueing any good erect. Having heard of your vela. Invited Liver Pill., I concluded to give them a fair dud. I purchased Oar box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdemh and gore them accenting to the dinette., by which she vsu greatly re li eved. I procured a second boo, which entirely eared her, sod *he now enjoys erect lent health. I have used Mem myself, and Pr...once them the best family medicine I rear tried. Yours, be., Mums Sun.*: Prepared and .old by R. E- SEd.LEES.L7 wood at; co letjaws also by Drugps ta puma,' ilia. two mos. MEDICAL. Froirm the Reading Eagle. There was neves, perhaps, a Medicine brouseek a reputation h. MeAllimer's Albllealina or World Solve. Almost every person that has made trim, of It speaks wormy in its praise. One bas been cored by it of the most painful rheumatism, another of the pies, • third of a troublesome pain in the side, a fourth of a swelling tis the limbs, h.e. If it doeanot Oro imme diate relief. in every enae, it can do no injury, being applied outwardly. As another evidence of the wonderful healinf pow er possessed by this salve, we aubjoin the fol osring certificate from a respectable citizen of Maidenereek township,its this roantyt Maldencreek, Ilceha en., Match MI, 1847. Messrs. Ritter 7c 0cc.,1 desire to inform you that I was entirely eared of a severe pain ill the back, by the use of MeAllisters.All-Healing Salve in ch I put , cal red front you. I suffered with it for about Si years, and at night was enable to sleep. Charing that Ureic I tried various reniedjes, which were prescribed for me' by physteien• and other persons, wlthaot receiving any relief, and at last made mat of this Salve, with re- • cult favorable beyond expectation. lam now entire ly free from the pain, and rum at night - a peaceful and sweet sleep. I bare alto used the Salve twee for tooth ache and other complaints, with stintlar happy results )bus friend, Juan Ilotriusucti. Sole Propnetor of the above medicine. ph Principal Mee, No N North Third street, PhSada! . . . A• 11.1111.41 PrlTM.M.—Braun & Reiter, corner o Liberty and St. Clair street& and L Wilcox, Jr., cor ner of Market street and the Diamond, also corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets: J. 11. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn streets, Filth Wank and sold at the Bookstore to Smithfield intact, 11 door from Second. In Allegheny City by lI , P. Schwan: anti J. Sargent. By J. ti. Smith, DltTrift. Ilinwngtianu D. Nagle', East LihesYi 11. Rowland, McKeesport, J. Alexander A Son. igotiongshels City; N. B. Bowen. & Co., and J. T Boxers, Itrownastlle; John Barkley, Beaver, Pa: John Stalker, Jr, (entrain:lly Jadd'a 11•41aased Liquid Cattalo. or aor kind of fresh wounds, 1 for sort, Zw.pplaa a leeway onniaalnl. Thts sruele is intended for family sac, and should be found in the possession of every Munn). at the I.d. Mechanises who are la const.t danger of imam to their penal,. through. accident. and the improper or eareless.e of tools, will find thie article to he Invalu able to them. sod after • lair trial will consider it fit dumen•able. It is ea excellent for adhesive plaster of all kinds, without o f say of tts oi stitute cenverococev,•ad la so mettleased its to allay all pun immediately and moat perfectly. A very lade applied any whets on the notice alike skin, Immediately forms • firm, smooth coming, very stmust to the sutural entitle or outer skin; which may he freely washed with water and soap, without any tn. jury to the wound. irticM m (reel) need and highly recommended by the moot eminent pbyriciati• of New England, end other parte of the country. For sole ono, by 11 E SELLERS, ELIVood et rr N. LI —The Node eupplied u Ina mumilier b4 r • Sellers , Vars. Crags. 11. T 11A1 NEVEM, in • stogie Instance, failed to ex• pel Worms. CAnCI. Gear floral, Va., July Z. OM. Mr. IL E. Seller: Poe 4.'111 recollect that a/4 .n we were io Pittsborsh,ln November las ou prtnrstled on vs to Iry to year Veraufage, test is:lo •tetei We did so. and througit the winter we sold what we pur chased, which pave it • fair reputation. to 112 y last pnrehued more, which was dirposod of named. khqi ordered more, which teethed as on the 131b'of the 'present month. sod on yesterday we sold the last of Iwo dozen battles. We find it so eel sable a enedielne, that every person of a family wish es to have It in their pusosslon. These who have _purchased it would be perfortly wilhar LO rive cendheates of its excellency. (let of the quantity we have vended. It has never, in • maple insmace, filled to expel worms Tour (Mend. Ve. C. & Co. Prepared and sold by Et. E. SIELLERts, 37 Wood st. and ...It by Mumma xencrally in the two cities. Minn Every Odd Fellow [hold Eabseribe Volumes .111.—X111.. 1050. GAZETTE OF UNION AND GOLDEN RULE. The Gazette and Role has-now the support of he Order to an anent that makes ea determined not only to demos this approbation, bat to add largely to our lot ofrreaders, and therefore we propose the following ISZW which ire more liberal than hale ever been offered by any newspaper or maga.. in the United Sums. We give in the Gazette and Rule, every year EIGHT HUNDRED PAGES OF CHOICE RFIAD: !NU, Ina style that can be bound, they forming book which each year mates m ore valuable. Th e a character of the Gazette and Rule is too well known to need explanation here, and It is enough to remark that it contains, from tune to time, the proceedings of the Grand Cadges of the New York, and also of other IL ales: accomts of Celehrattous, Janina/ens of New bodges, and occasionally, a Complete Directory of all the Lodges In the Union. Its 121Z333 Literary Departukest is tilled with Original Tale. of the highest excellence, by the most eminent writen in our country; Pope ler Tales: Choice ?discellany; the rare, liema of Poetry from the English Poets; Sketches of Travel;. Arm doics, &e., rec.; and occasionally illustrated with Beautiful Wood Idurravinga. Tieing equal in tea Literary character to any Weekly in the country, and thong thus perfect in In Odd Fel lowship department, it a Worthy of a place on the table of every brother of the Orr, er, and Indeed to ut• dispensible 10411 who wish ,to keep fully Inform d 'of the work of out now glorious Order: One copy, one year, so tot Two copies, one year,••• •• —' 330 Seven copes, one year, cach• •• • 150 Twenty copies•• • —• • •--•, --• pp to/ Thus reducing It so that every lodge can get a first class payer cheaper than the cheapest local paper.' • Read the Following: The particular uld especial attention of the brother. hood m desired to the following contra from • knee from that dietlasunlied brother, dames L. Ridgely, Esq., Grand Cur. and Rec. Secretes*, of the It W. (hand Lodge attic United States, I. O. O. F. "'The GOLDEN RULE is to me •most welcome and veined wiener, and sine it has fallen 3nto your hand.. I have witnessed It, gradual and wady tie. prone eatwith great Meanie& It is now become, in Y judgment, ai .11 .1.111 MITT .1.1011.11 14 ,1111 0114111: and I do trust, that a discerning and intelli gent Brotherhood will, by a liberality worthy of year great amnions, amble yea still mare to augment Its usefulness to the Order at large. With great respect your friend and brother, JAS. L. RIIKJELY.I. Opinions at Members of O. IL.of U. S . Believing that the 1111..11u of the I. O. of O. F. a. • wen ao of society at large, will be moat elfeeteally promoted by the publication of a paper devoted to the promulgation of its prlnelphls, we would earnestly recommend to our brethren the Oozier. or reit Usion ova Coop. Riot, a* now conducted by Crampton & Clarke, as valuable medium for the exposition of the designs of 031,LFellowshlp, and 4. worthy the cordial support of the Order. PG M James I. Ridgcly, o y rMd, RIV GB. P U Ed Rey. E M P Wells, of Mess, It IV U Ch. Pt/ John R Johnson, of U. W Mar. P Peter Mita, P 0 j W Stolle& P W N Al. leo, P U Wm A Welle,Grand Representatives of Pe. Wm Curti% G See 010 L of Penn. Smith Skinner ' P G Mar U I. of U I' N John W Anderson, P U Solomon Cohen, Grand Representatives of Georgie. NI Henry I. Weimer, Wand Rep of R I. P U P P Theoliald, PUN W R Smith, Grand Rep. of Maine. P NI E C Robinson. PCI Rep of Virginia. I. 15 111 Frost, ir, , Wand Rep or Moan. P G Gen II Dickson, P G M John Fairr•l Smith, Grand Representatives of Delaware. G NI Samuel Read, P G Wood, Grand Vey. reenteavee of New Jersey. P G Taleott Barr, jr.„P G N John II Filuley,Grand Reprerentatives of N Carolina. eutatives P Joanof Alab a Sileby, ma.PUNRG Shaw. Grand Repro • I' ti M W W Moore, p G Id John T Towers, Grand Representative...of District of Columbia. PI/ P Stephen Brown, thand Jam e. N llama PCI II Norton Andrews, P Strawbridge Grand Representeirties of Louisiana. P U U N Barrows, Rep U Lof blisslssippl.. P U Isaiah Forbes, P U Wm A lilotkitt, Grind Rep. manual,a or lilteunri. P O NI Ueo IV Wileon, P 0 Elijah Morton, Plld J reseoek, Reps gLake of Tenneuee. P 0 Fred 8 Oarrat, Grand Rep of Ark. I' 0 John IV Hunt, PG BF Zlmmenuao, Wand Repreeentatives of Maryland. Simeon 8 Post, Grand Muter of N Y. Thaddeue Davide, D U Nester of N V. • Benjamin J Pent:, U Secretary of N Y. P 0 John .1 Dame, PUJamesW Hale, PG WW Dibitice, Grand Ittpreseetativu of N Y. Geo II Andrews, P G Master of N Y. Postmasters mo ney ed to remit money to pulp !letters, and all mailed i 0 (nuance of the Post muter, .4 duly forwarded by him, le at nor t ub. lo all cues where postage on subscription is not paid, it will he deducted from the uncut credited those who-send.. Addrese CRANIPPON & CLARICE, febilv/SharIAPOTI N 0.44 Ann at., New York. • Ciue., and 1 4 llreBeegrelo'gelulrg(4e f e ro an m e t ty e of E :e sten' esk We Goods. to winch he re4peetfuyy into., the attention of reerett .lB"e4 &dim. No 04 Wood st. fetal PRINTING PAPEH--.A. faitse:9 l 7 o ..f: . " the 41C. ferent an hard and mad to ..-- febrlO .NEYNOLDES 41 DMA _ MEDICAL. WALLIATEIVE OINTMENT, Containing no Iffercury, star Wu" litianni. THE followine testimonial was given by th e cele- I bested Dr. %Vacate, Beach. the eathorof the great medical work entitled "The American Practice of hlediciae and Foully Physician." `flaying been made acquainted with the ingredients which compose McAllister's All-Realir.g Ointment, and having prescribed and tested it in several cases in my initiate practice, I have no hesitation In saying or certifying that it is • Vegetable Remedy, containing no mineral substance whatever, that NI ingredients, combined a. they aTC, and used as directed by the Proprietor, are not only harmless, bat of great talus, being a truly scientific Remedy of great power: and I cheerfully recommend it as a compound which has done much good, and which is adepled to the core of h great variety of cam. Though I have never ei th er recommended or engaged in the sale of secret medi cines, regard for the onto honest. conscientiona hu mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of Ms discovery, oblige me to any thus much regard:lag it. W. REACH, 1). D." New pork, April 1814 - 11URNS.—It is erst of the best things in the weed for Items. • PlLES.—Thousands are 'yearly cured by this Oint ment. It never fails in giving relief. For Turners, Ulcers, and all kind, of Sores, It has no equal. if Mothoral and Nurses knew its valve in caam of Swollen or Sore'Drenin, they would always Reply it. In inch eases. if Used according to directions, It gives relief in a very few hours. Aroundthe hot are directions for using McAllister'. Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Mysipeliw, Tester, Ck,lblaio, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy, Sore Throat, Itronchties, Nervous Affecuons, Pain., Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Ache, Burrito' Corns, all Diseasts of the Skin Sore An.. Swelling of the Limbo, SOMA, Rheumatism, Piles,Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Dra ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, Ac. ==ilMXl PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Ttema. Wildey, P.O. Sire. C. ARBUTHNOT, wiIoiNFIZIV,IIO Modern and intl.:lnc Furniture. JAIIIIMI W. WOODWELL, 133, Mtn Ss. , Prrrntrway. J. VV. W. Res Decently informs Wm public Was he has com pleted Ms spring stock of FURNITURE. the largest and srompedari assortment ever offered for side in this city, several setts of Illogiwoog i and Bum W•zse-r, carved, ornamental and plain, suitable Mr Parlr. Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of which will be mild at the lowest prices. Person. desiring Furniture of any desription, me speetrally invited to call and examine bisstock, which embraces - every deserinatin, from the cheapest mid plainest tO the most elegrott and costly, of which tho following eoropmes a pare Tate sa teT Sofas; Tam• Tete Divans; Convertton Choirs; Elimbethian Caws; Reception do Laois XIV do Extension do Buffet Ramie; What Rots; Toilet Tables; Louis XIV Commodore; Duke of Vork's Couch; Bo Sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth covers; SO Divans, do do do; 90 doz Mahogany Parlor Chairs; 10 s Rosewood do do; 12 " 811 Walnut do do; 40 s Cane Scat do; 4 s Mahogany Rocking do; 2 " do Plano Stools; Su Marble Top Centre TableS 20 do do Brash Stands; 20 Mahogany Bedsteads; It do Wardrobes; itl 1111 Walnut do; - S Cherry do. A very large enrollment of Common Chaim and orbs ir Manner,' too tedious to McEntee. IQ - Steam Beam famished on the shortest nonce. Arden promptly attended no, P. S.—Cabinet Makers can be suppled with all torts of hiahogauy, Walnut, and Veneers, at considerably reduced prices. feblo BICORDs CO 4 (Sneee•gorgto grCord & King) Paahlon•bla Ilatt•ei s Oornor of Wood and Fifih areas. ARTICULAR attentioa paid to oar Retail Trade. P Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Rata and Caps from our establishment of the ustrr mamma. and wuanisanstitc, of the LATER eructs, and so the town. Tama Coantcy Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to .all and expire. our Stock; as we ern say with confidence that us regards drum and rams. It will not suffer in n comparison with any house in Phlladolphi. febl2 T 0 Pll3lslTliLlitris OKN D. n'cdtlAs" . •,.P.=, NEWL n'irml..,` pot N 0.3 Spruce street—Would nail the attention o tsintem 10 his improved Printing Ink. of Carton kinds and orders, at the folloanng pores -Kkiva fine lot Black, far Card and Wood CU. • - • Rd Ire and a NI per lb. 'Fine Itook Ink - - 075 o lon Dona rk - - 0 40 " 0 50 News Ink - • 0 IS 0 20 " o•• Fine Red Ink -75 c 00 I 50 o 2 Ott " Blue, Yellow, Green and Mote 75e I Hi 150 Gold sizeal K 2 per lh, ;and Bronze at 50, 75 eta and lil per of • speeimen of News Ink can be aeon on lb.. paper. For aale ST JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, P. C. Morgan k Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. tenon & Gtiowould, Louisville, Ky. mita:dam 1115 CW COACH FACTORY, • MA. WHITES CO, wooed reppectfolly inform Laet:the public that ib ex have erected a shop on k, between Federal mg Sandovkystreets. They are now malting and are preparod to receive orders far every demnpuon of vehicle, Coaches, Chariot', Ba.. roaches, &wipes, Phimens, inc., An., which from their long expenenee in the manufacture of the shove work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reavonable terms with theme wanting articles in their line. Paying particular anent:an to the selection of tome- . . nills, and haring none out competent workmen, th ey ave no bwitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. B. Repairing done in the hest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. 1,40:11 Thomas Parkinson, kIAf o ILIN m IST iIo rt u ID . MANUFACFCRER—LatOs. Brass Castings and Brass " , ; `I .LI. P4` ; ‘- en ' en c ify .ll C l io 'i r n o d of Ferry and First .vats THE subscriber, harm g purchased the Factory 01 James Pauenon, Jr., locoed at the shore stand, would respectfully i nform hw fiend. and the public that he is prepared to 111 arry omen In hie Into on the mom reasonable terms and with dispatch, and will feel grateful for their patronage THOMAS PARKINSON. P usburs , Jim 1, IE4O. HAVING disposed of myestabltahment AN. Thomas Parkinson, I take the Itberty solicit fo li r 11. the patronage of my (needs and the pubbc, terdg confident that .y favors conferred and be daly appreciated and promptly attended to. PATTERZON, lr Pldsborfilt..l.. 1. tetio.-4...7-dlan - - _ EVAINALIC INITITOTZ E..s'ortitSTlr " far o . ' '1 (1 " 0 " ; t s r ' tit ‘ r l p ' re th n e t ac ic year, vull commence on mut day, M00d .,, i Feb •ry 19th, in c urate buildings, No. Ai Liberty !st t A eats base been mule by which they will boa to famish yrnmg tubes facilities equal vs any in Wes., for obtuning • thorough English, Classt cal, d Ornamental ethical:on. A full course of Mi meo teal and Chemical Lectures grill be delivered dun g the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de in ems of Vocal and luromeentai Maxie, Modern Lan/stares, Dravnag and Punting, will each be under W e cue of a competent Profesur. fly close attention to the moral and Intellectual improvement of their pu pils. the Principals hope to merit e continuation of the !thorn! patronage Play have totlzerto ewoyerl. For term, are clreuior or apply to the Prinewals. febl,4lll A. A. lIAIIIO2II t Co.. CO Market week me daily reeetvlng new an des rabic (hod. from me leading reanafaelorie of khm country, and 'ld the latest tuttrortattons. Th. faejthttes which they enjoy, io 40+11g connected Intl, heart tueast,. urubles theta to purchase goods a the lowest valuatton, end keep Muir mock full and de usable at all seasons, They hare a fine , assortment or !louse iimpin Goods; to which they rahett the early attention o their friends and the paint°. ter: mlllll Luapula' Cough Syrup. 711118 must be • prep•ration of much merit, when en many of our own citizens wlllnogly and voluntax hy canny to ita curative properties. An aged and highly respected molest, after using it, espre”ed Ida opinion of this very pepirlar cough remedy by ato "it is worth Its weight In gold." An editor of one oh our daily paper, mates in a note--Iniantys keep It in my bones and would not, on any coconut, be without ^ old coontry man aaya—vl am satisfied, after a trial of three or fear yetis, that it is the beat cough medicine I have over tried, either in the ld r New World." If yon have a cough, got a bot tl e a n d try It; it meta but 23 emits. Ice; M aijitat de.llona' Patent Soda ask. 9as,) OASIOiI will shortly non e& dile. front the i5,)44.7 manufacturers, •ta New Orleans, per ships audit, lloadicia, Jessica, and Austria, which will be sold, on arrival, at the lowest market price, by W& hl ICIIELTREF, IMP Liberty It • • Mr They wall also renown large•eupplia sinlnK via Padhllelptna and Eta:unwire. TIDE SPLENDID ENGRAIN:VEOi ZeDoaacDT.S I Scene of RI.V JOHN tVLSLEV, pub:istird by subteriptoon, rttgrmrcd 1. Wm. Ormond Geltnr, of London, from the original painting by ttlarshol: ton, 'njust been reortrcd, and as now for rain by R. HOPKINS. A.llo Datldit.a. Fonoh • fetter LARD -34 bbla, Y Les, 11 man& No 1, ,to acme on steamer Euphrates, for sale turd ISAIAH DICKEY tr. CO EXTKACT LOGWIHJD-32 cases for sale by frb2.s TJACON-30 cash prime b.eoo shoulders, received _LP on consignment, and for sale by WATERNIAN, feb 31 Water. and 62 Front st. U UGAR and }rids N U Sugar; 817 barrels Molasses fur sole by , (rb2S WM 13AGIALEY & W. aSEED7b"Ti i O t '' C kg Ohio iCO. ' barrel• Rol - 4nrrl&by ß A tA i co. 0111,-5 bbls il in c =aNti forallby Ctl / IODFISII-3820 lb. jn, reed and for sate by kJ ruble WICK fr. KIeCANDLESS _ IrEI.VKT CORDS—CO pieces, of ,moan myles mud huMittes, last reed by fend Slt ACKI.ETT A WITITF. New Style Carp.. JUST received, some handsome new style Velvet Pile and Tapestry Carpet, direct from England, and will be SOW as lea as the same quality can be purchased In the Atlantic Cities. MT hIoCLINTOCK, 75 Fourth at, Flrtsturhh W ADDINuI b: 1 1 0 e. f.olemx.egl,;n7periar, The undersigned having been appointed agent:l 4 f by the ammo stoners, intend hand a large supply of their Wadding constantly on hands, and be pre. pared to fill orders to any extent. Dealers are par. titularly Invited to examine the (pain'. and pores of din above supply, watch we, think Will compare 10t...p1y with these of any other market. WICK dr.:ftleCAN MKS% febli Comer of Wood and Water atreera. S t UN rz z kLen , t n erA , Von Tore Yarn; • 30 eats do Yarn; to White F1...e1; 20 doe 11.4; 10 nite Washboards; for talc 67 feb22 J 11 t'11.L110.1.9 Jcanna bond Cool for own by OMR J & R FLOYD ALERATI/1--ZLI. Adam % for sale by feb•P l A It 1f...01M 1)U11 . E11-10 baa prime Family, for min by LA fab23 J A It FLOYD CVES. SEED-110 bbl. In mom and for sale by Mb= MACI IEI —lOO 010 Lugo N03,A1 ay. ounpoc uoo, Nod, do do; J A_HUT9IIISON h crl B ACON —2 ouks Ilwr d do Moo do Odoi d .„ ~lor !Vol^ for by ' LLINU ry FORD & CO. litKr. '—' 25 kegs No I, priatei bred and &rude by foll A lIIIISTRONCI a CROZ FM GGLOVER•AbfkI/--o hOls - just - ree l tlittel - driila Joy feb2s ARNISTRONIII I CKOZER _ MDULIC • liIRK-100110 unjust ~.., a s6d for We IF rotas A RAISTRON ' 1c cnozEit si4kAtlll , -10 des Patent `SC the .. nealliii i l - 0,70, by febdd JAS AII erryso, k. CO ftle by ITElttliaret-30 bids In can and lo leld4 "lAN IAK-2 bbl) or 0 JOHN OOMA—•s 4o Cora, m .lore.aM C tobtl • 73 MISCELLA SPRING DRY GOODZI MTare sow recemng our re gar supplies of Do merle 'and Fotelga DRY GOODS, which we ate ptapared 'to sell at use lowest market prices to rash buyers and prompt banners men. We would. ask the attention of City and Western Merchants to our curt, believing we ran offer many inducements to purchase from tra suecimurr A WHITE, febdi Dry Goods Jobbers, 49 Wood at (1413SIMEILE13-3 cams Fancy Cassitne - r; ; lustceimed from manufacturers, on consigns's..., and for role by H LEE, Liberty ellbeL febtH opposno Fttil rllwlkc- - .4 ease . tweets, °rive, brown, gold mixed, Just reed on consumanent, for sale by feb29 H LEE, Liberty or B i LiiNKEtite ( . 9.3E• Gray Contemns; 2 do Drab do; 1 do Moe do; •• • , I do superior Bed; far sale by H LEE, LiberlY SPRING Pi-BRION 4 THIS beautiful ityle of HATS I. now received, nod will be introduced ou Sat today, Murcia dd, by hIcCOITD & CO. fetal Corner Zak & Wowdati BENNETT 4 BROTHER. QUEENS W ARE MANUFACTURERS, in rialeghltll, (es• sr Plittabargh r il Par Otict, N. 37 Water rt,• between Maria: and Wood, Pittsburgh. IF/WILL coaatantly keep on hand a krwilesion mentwt Ware; of our own manulacture s and euperiorquality. Wholuale and country Mei , chants are respectfully invited to call made., amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell • harper than hasever before been offered to,the pub- &Orders sent by mei', ■c companied by the cash 0 cod reference. will be promptly aoeotled to. mot Notice to Shippers, Nies= Boat Owners and others. CAPTAIN SAN' EL H. :WITHERS, having been appointed bulletin, of Swam Bontirfor the under signed Insurance Couspmie• in this eil. , netatsifies tion of Boats wOl lie made, and rates of premium charged accordingly. All shipmes under oen Poll. cies subsequent to this date. will lie nt subjected p to such rates and regulations al may be adopted under such taspecuon. 'Every informabon will be given at the te spective offices. J. PINNEY, Jr., Seeretary Western Insurance Company. P. A. MADMRA, Agent Del. M. S. Ins. Co cPhilailalphia. WM. P. JOSES, Agent Ins. Co. or Nosh America. A. W. MARKS, &screwy Citizens' Ina. Co. blarch RI, 1850.--fmr.l George IL. llsax.y, HAVING associated with hen W3 l . A. CALII. WELL. and JOHN CALDWELL, Jr., the Ship Chandlery,. Rost Store, end Illlteentware Ropiness, trill be conducted tt 35 Water street, under the style of - - ==E=M Brld•amarg Machine Illanwraotor.T. THE subscriber Informs his friends and the public, that at his extensive establishment, (capable of employing from two to three hundredworkmen, and where he always keep. large number of the best machinists copied.) he I. prepared to execute, in the best manner, and with peat despatch. all order, or MILL WORK and corron and WOOLEN MA CHINERY, of every description. For the workman ship and style of his Machmes, he would refer to the numerous Inpufacturers in the Western and hinuthem States, as well es the Middle States, who arc now op eraung them. Ile has recently made great improve ment., both In the style and plans of hi. Machinery, which will be formatted at reamnable priers by ap plying to ALFRED JENKS, mrAtitali Ondesburi, PA Steam Saar Mill for Rana. rr lIE submnber otlem to rent a 5te.4.2 Saw knit, in order, paeans on this Bank of the Allegheny *Fri, +Mtn& one mile of Tareetam. The Engtec and other Amines are all to good order, and capable of doing a large businem The Coal t. convenient to the Mill, and there Is a comfortable Dwelling Douse enriched to the premises, wßich is sufficiently commodious for the too of the Fat further particulate enquire of the sabwnber, the premiwa, or to Peter Peterson, who tan be and at the Warehotiee of John Menden & Co, Ca. I Basio Potebargh. LEWIS PETERSON. ==:=M . • PEESONS in want of a good Toole final', are Wei. led to Carron, these brushes. The blvd. are wwrantednot to roue and for 'service,' one of them is worth • half dozen ar those in neral use, blenufaentred for, and for wale, wholesale ge and reta il, by final) R.ll SELJ-EftS, 67 Wood et ICONOORALPHIC lENCTOLOP2RD/A OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, ok. ART; Cr VSTEMATICALLY arranged by G. HECK. with Ck Lao hundred guano steel glamor, by Me mon cria ung noshed ant. of Germany. The Ten translated and edited by SPENCER P. BAIRD, A.M., M.D., Priam." of Natural Selnocea 111 Mckinnon College, Carlisle. Pa. The Iconographic Eneyeloeirdia will be published .13 prts, each mentabong 20 plates and 80 pages of ner press, maned in a convenient porvolio, which .L.tcriliers can keep their coulee in perfaet order un- I completed, when they can be Mend. One part is pnbitthed every month, at the very low ire of 11,00, o toeh will enable all lovers of instrue• in the most bemitifel and prattl su esl form, booms mly their means, to become bscriber. to the Subscriptions taken forithe whole work only. From the'lloston Port The work should not be coupled fora moment with any of the tmshy or popularly scientific publican°ns or the day. From the New Cork Tribune. The exceeding beauty of the plates recommends them to the attention of the lover of art. hum the Literary World. A well exc.-vied solid work, of substantial value. The intro./mon of this work into general eirealahon among nee school mid other libraries, public and pri vate,cannot mil to to, productive of advantage.TTolll Me Wallington (D. C.) Union. We ce.not too highly recommend the work. The engraving, are in the highest 'dye of alt. No work bas ever before been publiohed in this eountry no splendidly illustrated. and the printed matter is of an equally Melt o.der It inns. the work for familica SIX NOS. of this Invaluable Encyclopedia are now publiohed and ready for subscribers. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, ItookselMr and Importer, on Word at, troll (Atter Ist Apol—Fonnti C., aeon Wood.) AMINO not w Won sea,. no Sag 1120;13 ■ oarr or en, men, vim &rondo OT King'sßvit, Itheamatism, Obstinate Can.. neon, blivpuona Pimples or Pustuleson the Face, Blotches, Biles, Cho:tate Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tenter, &old Head; Falargement and - Pain of the Bolles and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphillie Symptens, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and disease& arising from an 'Medici°nn use of Mercury, Act. lithO.Y. Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, de. In this preparation aro streinglyconcentrated all the bledicialpropertirn of Samoponlls, combined with the most o f aids, the most salutaryproductions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it haa Leen so fully tested,. not only by patient, th , m• selves, to l d. by physteinns, that it has received their nuotillfied recounneudotionsant the ameba thin of th e public; and has,estahlitheit, on ns awn merits, a reputation for vox. and lIFIIICICT far ape. nor to the Talons composted, bearing the nate of Sarsaparilla Disrnoes have been cured, each as are not furnished In the records of time pan and what It has already done for the thousands who hats used it. It is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with disease. It panne. ; cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of life,. and lethal new urger 0110111[1101,1( the whole animal Ital.. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The fattoanng striking, and—as will be then—per. roa m. cure of no inveterate ease of Serafino, eel. mends itself to all nimilnrly allietod; Samurai, Coon., Jan.!, H 49. Ale•Ars. Sand.: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the alb et. twitters oe to inform you of the remarkable GMT :fleeted by your Sarsapallls, in the eue of my wife. the was severely afflicted with the &rotate On dike, I pats of the bo l t the glands of the neck were greatly enlaced, sn her Ind. mach moll.. A ft er suffering o'er s year, and finding tio relied from the remedies used, the discose attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated. Ilyr physician advised It should be laid open, which was done. but without any permanent benefit. In thie skean. see 11.01 of. and were induced touse , use, Sends' SarimParilla The fits bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reheat ing her more than any prescription she had ever take. end before she used .slx bottler—to the astenishilient and alight of boo friends—she found her 6.1. quite /t now over a year since the care Was of fecird, and her health remaine good, showing that the disease was- thoroughly enolicated from the system. Our neighbors arc all knowing anthem facts, and think very highly of Sandie Sarsaparilla. Vows with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. NV. Bar ris, a gentlem.n well known iu Louisiana co, V. “lientlemen, I have cared a negro boy.of num, with your Samepaillii, who woo attacked with Scrofula, anJ of a scrofulous family. Yours. truly, "Fredericks Va, Jay 17.1a N iir' Sane' Sax.ratuff....—ff t seams aline tiOnneyellna ry de ser ved ) p u t to an artitie ea well known, and so y popular, as tids preparation, but patients aim who wish to use the extratt of Samaparila, are induced to try worthless compounds bearing the name, ha containing Stile or none of the virtue of this Oa. ablo root; .d we think we cannot confer • greeter benefit ego. readers.. in directing the. attenuon the adverlisemer t of the Month. Sands, In atiother column. The bottle has recently been enlarged to held a quart, and those who wish a really good oriel., wiII find concentrated in this alt the medicinal velae of the root, The experience of thousands hu proved its efficacy In curing the ratio.a dimams for which it Is recommended; and at the present time glare lb. .y other, perhaps, is this medicine useful. in prep. ring the system for a of wawa—Mane Soar. nab Sept. Prepared .d sold, wholesale and retail. by A. U.S. D. SANDS, Druggist Chemist, 10. Fultiin area, corner of Willie. New Fora Sold also by Drug gists ge.lally throughout We United Stales and C.. ado. Price gl per beinc; six bottles for Ca For sale by L. IVILCOX,Jr., ILA. FAILNESTOCK k CO., .d EDWARD ITNLIk.RICII, husbargh. Al. abyDv a SkIITIL Brideurnier. fdetiadenatwg 17MMISON !LAMS—LW° lbs E J traCane for sale by Lard] wa.wde VOL. XVII. NO. 193 TRANSPORTATION, maIIsSo.NLIML It•rohantso Transportation. Liao. For ths; Transportation of XMILLIII.II ann nommen 7000 memo.= N fluty SOD ZULTOIOIIS. VIA. PENNSYLVANIA CANAL A BAIL ROAD, Without so-shipping. Duys. Rates of Freest always on low as any other responsible Line. . C A AIeA.NULTY ft Co, Proprietor., Canal Bashi, Penn st,Pirmbargh. Asians—ROSE MORRILL Co, Baltimore. CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia_ iIEROLIAIITS , WAY PREIGIIT LINE, Each:Wryly for the accommodation of the WAY FREII3IfT BUSINESS Between Pinabargh, Johnatown. Ifolli ddrabetab.-and all intermediate nieces. Shippers by this Line can always depend upon har ing their goods promptly forwarded and delivered at • any polio on th e Canal or Rail Bond, at Mir 012 U for freight JOHN MILLER,-Proprietor. AGMA—R LI CA NAN, Johnstown, JOON !KILLER, ollitlayilVarg, cut C A M'ANULTV lI A. CO Pittat. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LENZ. atlEalBso.llllM Vol TIM SaMasrossetlON or MIMMIVIDISS SlerarSaal PITTSBURGH AND PUILADELPMA; THE PROPRIETORS of this old established and. mask Portable Hoc Line,nre now fatly prepared le receive goods for shipment on opening of Canal.— Haling monk increased their facilities, their roast fo I Bongo IS ample and complete. No transhipment takes pines on tins Line; the goods ' being pot into section portable boats, are not disturbed • until arrival at their destination,—thus avoiding ham. _ ling at the three points of Johnstown, liellidaysberg, and Columbia No charge made for receiving or forwarding, or ad vancing charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and open as fair WTms üby any et hos Line. One neighbor Uwe differ. So their responsibility. We have, for the last le years, been .. The Reliance Line," an I have never forfeited our title; and see think we have earned the privilege al 31114 , changing one camel., the awinrout of "Tint Rictromirma Lora" JOHN McFADEN & CO, Canal Darin, Pittsburgh. JAMEM M DAVIS tr. CO etre No WThlarket et. Philadelphia. mia RELIANCE FIVE DAY LINZ, Tat CIMITAbeI 01 1.11.01A.L. AND FACIALS= wire inn Amp curator , armsrt. PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS forwarded by this Line are carried in th mail train to ChemberabenilL and an intmethate ly loaded in Wagons going login and day thr021 .... i to- Pittsbnegh. The horses are stationed 'every 15 miles, w=iii Insures the prompt delivery of goods within tie time promised. Tbe Wagons will leave our warehouse dart (S.. days excepted.) at 2 o'clock, P. M. Shippers are ensured tbat no mere roods Will be tiken each that can be ;pasentedlv canted through.; • JAMES M DAVIS & CO, 227 Market atm; Philadelptua. JOHN APFADEN & CO, Cowl Dania, Pittsburgh. JOHN McPADEIN & CO., Fostwastacto &Oman, won Mauna:tan, Canal Daslo,_Peno meet, Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS & CO., Puma Farina! min Coy inmost Matacnarrra, 227 'Market, and 34 Commerce at, Philadelphia_ _Ur - dvances made by either of the alativon Moth and other merchandis eale e, consigned to them fou Jana UNION LINE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. _ _ 1850. %UM subscribers, now haying in soceessfia opera /. on an Express IVagoo Line:between rittablalth and Philadelphia araprepaxed te receipt for 600:11b. freight daily. Each way deliverable through hs days, Sundays excepted. HENRY GRAFF tr. CO, Canal Caen. Pittsburgh. DUTILLE RUMPIIREYS CO., ittad*o 107 Market C. Plea. WIN' _ AMAala IiCKEEIT. W411'1850. =ilia EXPEF's-9 WAGON LINE —Tr., R9VIOII IN FIVE DA; r T.nb.rib.", having nded their canal op. 1. elution, mil the opening o the Spruig Naviga uon,haveestabliahed Expo= Line b 7 Itattroadand Wagon between Ptultdelphia and Pittsburgh, by which they are prepared to forward 0000 maids emelt day, and receipt for the delivery . of the amain days. They beg leave to axon Om hint:bi and the pot• he that their arrangements regarding rates, regatarlty' and despatch, cannot fail togive satisfaction to all who favor them with their earnaufas. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, earner Penn arid Wayne ets, PittabugL THOMAS BERBIDG 278 Market street, Itlladelptua. GEE, WO! GEE, WO! WINTER ARRANGEMENT Miat 1850. MM_. BING n'fbl77Elp'`fe&' ' . ;71) . " x LINEi Plittebargh wad Philadelphia. ABA fl the Liminess on the canal Is about being closed fin the voltam, vat would inform the patine *at two have again brought the Conestoga Wagoimlnto re qtnsition, and will be prepared to forward MOOpeatida caringme on Monday, the vain.) A Car Philadelphia daily by the mall for CM.- bersbarg, and the Wagons traveling day and night: °names the delivery of Good. in five days. Apply to WM. GINGHAM, Pittsburgh, BC2GRAM ADC/Cll, N0.1E3 Market • no v2O Pidladelp.. wiarsa iLILELMIGENIZIST 1111M,.1-1850. EXPRESS WAGON LINE • PITTSBURGH. AND PHILADELPHIA. Tu.. Five Day., (Sunday. ezeepted,) running y and Night. ' TAE public is remwethilly hilortntd that this • • which has been In successful operation the t previous simmers, will again commence running 'n Monday, the :NW of November. A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chambersbur h daily each way.with the Mail Train and from Ch •'- bersburgh with relays of horses tanning day and mg. L We ate prepared to forward 6000 lbs treignt daily • the above Lind. Apply to Jr. LEECH A. Co, Pittsburgh, or to—dIARRIS, A LEECH, . No 13 Seoul Third street, Philadelphia. novi/Difil BELLING OFB AT REDUCED PIIICICS ALE:NAN/Ea & DAY, corner &Me Diamond au Market street,are now selling olf, at redact priers, their stack of Winter Goods, consisting el tihawis and Ladies' Drew Goods, in great ninety. Also—Blankets and Flannels, Cloths, C.' issimes.Sattn etia, and a full assortment of heavy Cotton Goads. Confident Mat better bargains cannot be had else. where, we invite the attention of buyers. ALFAANDER k DAY, ionic 7.5 Market alma. GORE NEW GOODS. 60 PIECES beautiful styles 4.4 French Prinho. 3 cues Moue de Larne, good stylec reso—Mourntag woods, Liu/m.l, French Wrought . Caderte pes, Collars Kid Glo ve d , ~ F Ende, Drew en Alex tmree Frch and SCOICLI Drug- - -- hams, all of which have been aetected with great care, and will be found at low prices at A A MASON & CO'S, fcb2l CO Market at SIGHTand short erne BILLS OF EXCHANGE, pay able la Cincinnati, Lortimelle- r ind St. Loam, per enmed on the most favorable term.. apt N. 1101XES:it SONS. MADLY. DIJOPKILS. R. MURPHY . keeps constantly on band mass sommenYor Bleacaed Linen Table Diapers' of diderent widths and qualities. Also—Table Cloths and Napkins, Toweling Diapers and Towels, and a tall assortment of Loose famishing goods. teal BACCO—I3 kegs 6 mist, Gado & BroA brand,' 6 zaba by ra SHEN. MATTHEWS & CO - • FVR-10U bblo Jost rood and for solo by mr l JAAIE9 DALZELL'- xI'OULD CANDLES-30 bra for gala by mrd LOOMS DALZELL TAart'S 01L—Z5 areizolgthand for aau ALzEu. ACEY:EEL-10 hf bbls 1; - SO do No Oi 00 do No in Moro, fort/do by . torB JAMES DALZELL 5 .... UP. CARB. SODA-3 keg]; for sale by • mrd 7 ISCHOONMAKER CO. CLOVER SEED-3 bbla for sale by • rand TANNERS' OIL-10 bbl. for lisle by mte .1 SCHOONMAKER k CO TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA-21de: (or ufn by (roSj J SCHOONMAKEIC & CO' JAMES MUSPHATE & SONS' PASENV SODA ASII—b2 men to arrive per meaalei Areasonla, and (or sale at the lowest market price, by ' • W & MITCLIELTILEE, I. Liberty et BACON—Z casks a. . 41, to day reed and for I ale by Mei WALLINUFunDa cu. Wan+ n QEGAILS-100,000 Ky:, reed per Meaeenger No. 1.) for nate by ang WALLINGFORD a., LARD OIL:A constant for enle by nun WALLINOFORD & CO WALLMGFORD d CO GAD-1470 pigs Galena, for salt: by L - -RHEY, hIATTHENCS t CO, mro , 7/nod to WlLter at F ISH_,: bbl . No 1 Mackerel; :X. do No 2 do; • 0.8 do Nog do; • .. LO bble 3.- do; , 10 bbls Gibbed "terrine: - (or sale by m:9 RIMY...MATTHEWS k. CO: voRKS-40 dos best Ca•t Steel Hay Fares, Cl dos do Menem Forkii., :Edo . : do ' 3 Tined Potkr, -- lob sale 67 ' (b 27 L 3 WAERMAN) 2:4 i;74, - .7.17ti0 r We by 131 - febla - JAMFA EALZELIa übll—.o dos boad qi.bly Copt *via bto — aja Mk olio by cabin !_142,y . An7. 11eN . F Fri,4 piLL BulL—zpV , r 1 . 4. ." 1 .7 45 do iltst I I b&EA 14 • 5) 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers