' , a a " :;~>. .p : 3 .. . , N yi. `,~.x . _ ____~. P SUBBED BY WH TE:4 Co. lamer j (.amain. eattrors Out aut TIIIILD MU% MST Don TO IPOST 01111 CL kilns: Daily pa r ---. 1 1 7 . 00 per annum. Tri•Woo, 5,00 " "Week, in dassee).- •••• • 2,0 0 " DD. a i Os, at a noltteed Mt. OF ADVERTIIII 2IO - AGREED UD • _PITTUIVIVOII rags& • o. .e, One. of Nonpareil or leas) Egos I werlion----- - • --- 7 • 50 P Om Sqnr IC, each additional =ration. • • dad ona week Do. taro mr9 _ 00. three west.- 4Po Do. one -540 Do. NA, Fstr • Do. tour months --- • 10.0 0 Do. six monthe• • • • • ma) Do. twelve monthe.••• --‘• • • 18, 00 Stranding Card (6 lines or ima,) per emnem• MOO One Square, changeable &Weser. (per an• nem) exclusive of the paper— s i 13.00 For meh edditional *sere, Inserted Over one month, nti for each additional square Inserted under the Year ly rates, half price. Advertisemente exceeding a square, and net over Enna Ilan, to be charged as a square and a half. Publishera not accountable for' legal advertisements , beyond the amount charged for their publication. Arunerneing candidates for oflice,..to be charged the lame us other advertmemenu. - Advertisements not marked on the copy UM epees led number of Martina., wdl be conducted all forbid, and payment exacrei accord The pnvileges of yearly advertiser. will be confined rigidly. to their - regular bueiness, end all other ruhrer. usements not penal:nag to their regular business., as agreed for, to be paid aims. All advertisements for charitable institution., fire communes, ward, township and other pablie meetings, nod such like, to be charged half price, payable etrietly In advance. Marriage notices to be charged OS cent, Death notices inserted without charge, unless cream • pained by fonend invitations or obituary nonce., and - when ORM:MO=Ia be paid for. CARDS. vwrtltlN. ukiNerr, 03.1174 " art._ t i Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Comminion - and For trasd Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pnw barge h anotactures, No. 37 Wood at, between di and wee. I LJ. lIENRY, Attorney and Councellor at Law, • Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections inoutlient Ohio, anJ in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner tor the bode of Penn sylvania, for taking Dopositiorm, acknowledgments, An. kn. !Wean so—Hon. Wm. Dell & Pon Curtis, Church Carothers, Wm. Ilays,.Esq., & Davis. at.D rIED SLOE COCllRAN,Conummion and Forwardmg . lir him -chart; No. 40 Wood Mires. Dingman. myl 110B1IL LIGAGIVE VACTORY. Z 7 ALIILTUN STEtWAßT,ltianufactorer of Licsyy Ll ttliirtings, Checks, ere., Rebecca weer, city o Pegbrily. noel 4* LEE, (anceessor to Mcmphy k.. Lee,) Wool Deal MU, er and Comminion Mershint, fin the sale o American Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th et. febl7 • nint.D, Da'Dolan. S.Y. 1nc11,03, IcoW•ILD t D. c. sec.:mom, /0101•....1.1113i IFIALD h 8UC61.4011., Tobacco Comoulazion hte 11 chant., 41 North Water at, t 16 North Who've Poly ornelit.tf •. 11•11.• HARDY, JONFM k Co.. (mammon to Atwood, Jones it Co.) Cotinguasion and Forwarding Meo, shams, desierajd Pastier& Itlanatattared Goals Pirisbargh Pa. awl= CMIE=I INN. 8. WILLIAIIII i CO, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Nob East comer of Woad .4 Third etstets, Prrtsroaaa. W. Pp M A RSHALL. lIMCCiaso. se •AMUIL V. plu,) IMPORTER & Dealer in French and &suede. P. per Ilanginp and Borders, Window Stuules. Fire _ward Prim, &c. Also—Wrning, Printing and Wrap. aing Paper. No. 87 Wood street, netween tintrth meet and Diamond site), west side, Pittsburgh, Pa. fe1,13 _tasksy rag Ir. ,lEcerrs. TIETAIIIIIiiakEY a co, - A. solution Merchants, and dealers in'Produes,Nos.s 6 Water, and lm Font streeta.riusbarah. norr9 trN7CA7CAUt.iIIEV, Agent for the Lake Erie and. Welds. Lira to Beaver and the Lakes.—Odic e on this corner of Water and Proithfield au. tune . . John d. Dth•ront,-- Et. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale Grocers, and Agents for Hazard Powder Co., No. t 7 Wood lit., - Plusburub. en.y • & Co, WheleTar n e Graven, P . ap . dace and Catamiszion Merchants, and Agents for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., No Wood Pittsburgh. ated JTWIN hi. TOWNSEND, Drautst and Apothecary Na. 45 Market st-, thwo doom above Third st.-Pited burgh, trill have constantly on hand a well selected a 4 sortatent of the bossed fresher' Medicines, which kw will sell en the snow ressortable wens. Physicians *wring faders, Inn be prompuy attended to, pad sup plied with artielei they way rely upon w genuine. PhyaichatiTrewraitions will be aceurikedy and oay pruparld irate the bast atahaials, at say towel he day ea night. Alm ler tar, a large steak of teak add good Pees: 1413 WATT,.(suseessor t o Ewalt Calmat, dJulWholesale Omar ad Commission ?Assault, sr In Produce and Pittsburgh hlaulastares, car. ear of Übe and !land streets, rata •. h Pa. }alb 1 AIM HUTCHISON, Co.—Successors ro gP Lewis Iluishison Co, Commission Merchants, No Agents of the h oo touis Steam Sugar Refoterl• No. IS Incur and 02 t &tient*, Pittsburgh. • innl 1 i n IL MELLO*, ViVuiCula and Re - 73 in Music and Manual Inatmments, School Paper, Slates, Steel Peas, Quills, Printers , Cards, and Stationary Generally, No. 81 Wood st4Pituburgh. • Irr Huns bought or taken in trade. sepls • WIC TOVNO, DL YOUNG & In leather hides, ten. 11 143 Libeny _ Tax. si•orromox. W tY. V:kl•,.Sass,G"''f':)ta.- b¢rgh.aiLfae.mne:g.eue"nty, a4beny st, rut. bank dea ATTOILAZT AT i.AVIT, Butler, Po WILL . auend 41.11enlier. and dl othu wa nted Mut nes Wallas In Bader Arctstsosig soltak,.. Pa. peter to J. a. IL Floyd, Lawny at. - W. W. Wallace; do .4131. Marshall do P ittdb.gh• _ Wood n mo! PMATTIORMMT - Ii CO ? 11 1 BTBABI BOAT AG 6N rs Onnca Aso. M.ML. b. Co, c o at No. 4s Braur area. & 111. HOLANALE GROCERS, REC FIFIHNO W TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOWMERCIL ANTS. Ako—lmnoners of Soda Aeh md Bleaching Po.dor. N a 150 Laren) , (opponite Sixth et.,) P o burgh_ - mt 23 remit n. Ines, .arc WICK k WCANDLESS, (e ' ssora nvw : L. i....J. D. Wiek,) Wholesale UrOCCDI, Fallnailifig and Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Gin., Lotion Vara, and Pittsburgh Mennfactams generally, mow of Wood aid Water streetkPittsbafell__ - — WriC LACE:, ArMiII nom and M i ll +arnesb • a tog establishment, No. Pl 4 Liberty at, n marM eat the canal. W7Wll,WClA'gtebes,Jeweiry,B,tver WiTe. W: and MiLitarTGoods, corner or Market C loc k s einem., Pi tt sburgh, Yu N. D.—Watches and Ck earerhily repaired. tool yrberliisWElN—Coranussion and Forwarding Merchant, No.llo Front st. between Wood and arket streets. febS4 inCittlialfrW, kToliiiielid-killi.--ai ast ldiiii • •ofeign and Domestic Dry Geada, earth e a neer of Market and Foarth sta. saga ---------t-- n o IMM" OLLOOLO. 11 :. IgELLEg; Nlglit Produce sant General Com. intssaso Merchants, o. 17 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. baem. Linseed and Lard Ms. SP. VarirONNllol4.4r, &ca., w•• 1•••••,•&•. • eels, Forwarding and Corrunissinn Merchants, Dealers in Pithibstrgh Manufsetares and Western ro, dam have removed their new warehonsedold stPand) No. hd. ranter of PTOOL at and CAOLT.O77 L•nn. A. H. ymOLlla & GOa d Bendayl;ol Itosocoowet., wrhing. Booksellers, nod anglers In all 79 Glad .. tree4 _ "".." Wm:CrriNo.ruZ:sah. r. 7 moon Few* and • n da l gY, . . r 8510 " Wholesale Grocers and Cancel Goa Menden* and dealers ln 'Prodded. N. ood at. Pnrsbarsli. • oat 2 a. Las. WOOL DEALER A Commission Merell.l for tb& sole of Amman WoolooGoods,Lit."1*"• el. 1... i Ini... 1.,:l t 1 ._ oriCitiiiiii. 7 - .11 B. CIMIILATS- /011. W. a W.WDWLI3I ....... •-••••11.M.ZU ILLOALSS. yO. BIOALEY & CO, ViUlm& Grocers, sod ge Wl:edema tango. rgh. solar • HARBISON SMELL, Rnen $ Ol O , 0 Imm.-01 , fled on Vona et., above Smithfield. noes.ly • • • B i Mk llate of Warren, Ottle,) Commis ler I I W "' estera lassegt Caw, t itatter, w . t Ett altd Pearl Ash, and Western Predate generally, Water I .__ /ISealthal.bl end Wood, gittsbargl_ J WholiaTeDregglate . x> 94 Wood street: Phlabartb. • J 01IN TI. MORGAN; Vilsedeeolo Dfltertet, nod dal ., le Dye Stub, !WM. Oil; Voroishis, ire, No.lie/ Wood wee, one door I3ooth or Thistiood Alley, Citio• burgh. .: ' ) aor . •folaitilmvis, Ant wax:, eon., la ...1 vrd7:„ o rratsbergh. '--MINTS:ait" jtitr — NSICIM & STOCKTON, _Boatmen.% Prm and Paper blzwactx.rhNo.4lldasket PI.. ..114 soon *hose. Fwyri, Wheluelts Graters, Colanneskrn lambent', and Dealeve in - Produce,' Rolmd ey e d Handier", (routing on Libetty, Weed and thtr or ,mts, Pittsburgh, Pa. lays IrAlO2 MIZELL, Wholesale Urocer,CealaroisToe aJ bletehant, and dealer in , Prodaeo and rimbencl. ,i...fartFea. N 0.511 Water s4Pinsbarilt. joint' SWEITZEft, Attorney at Law often 34 • J opposite nt. Charles Mod, Pittsbidah, will also P romptly to Concealing, is Wasldnatan,Payatta and Green connnee, Pt REFER TO Butoteek. Bell h Co" / Chereh & Carothers, Peushanelt. D. T. !denten. ' eetndly . W. lIAROAUGH, Wool iffiriAvar and Produce pooray, and Forwordbyt tpd C.oth.do, litatitoto , No. gi Water M., Pins. lIISCELLANEOP B . W. a. J. 01.1CJIL Hoot Bladert. of sun engaged to the above buciness, cornet wf Wood • one Third streets, Pittsburgh, ashen do a¢7 wor p W :te a h7 P ar , . LI raetian arnyber even In regml to its neatness and di- bility. " Mutt Books rsled to any pattern and bound sub stantially'? Books In imnibers orold books hound care folly or repaired. Names put on books , l.n , gilt letters. Those that have work . In our line am invited utcall. Prices low • royalictf ifilastles, Cooling Stoves, (Orates, &as AclleirAltkr7yki:Yal CO Ho uo d f(h.e`,.b• and offer for sale Pistform, Floor andtounter Scales, of the onsisthopresedattallty; Coolants' ons, for whod and , coal; Egg Bowes of various sizes, Parlor and erioultoo Orates , Hollow Hollow Ware, &a. fr.. They also manifacuire the Kitchen Huge, which has given such general Satisfaction to those having it In Ow, to all of which they a n d respeetfully invite the attention of the citizens and the public generally. .rl7-dtf 117•11SY. 011 PALM. 3061111/‘ HANSA. INNZI. ILMIX PALHEII4 HANNA is CO, (Successors to Hussey, Bra & Col WPM.. 7.2 1 ,22i.unc WATILI Notes, and Specie-2 , earth street. nearly opposite the:Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo- Ley received on deposit Sight Cheeks for sale, And collections made on nearly all Lbe princiPM tb the United States. The highest premium peg foe Foreign and Amelia. Gold , Advances made on Consignments of produe: ia ship ped Esd.s on liberal terms. The PetatasylvasalLa Company Font:emus:mg on Leg= Aso thserrato ANNOTrIEL glitz first Life Insurance Company to the D. Reams. Incorporated blurb IN 181S-schatter pnspetuaL Capital sSNooo—alipedd in. - A et!ltlVor4insti=,‘bel vithieVidpolijies‘o .7flLeeLUtPtreld", according to their poposal.% and rates, which mill be comic known to sppbconts ea his office, No. dO Wood tare, ' • ORO COCHRAN, 114 t • Rt nd bliaNcl?unPrdowe c—oloinren=ts,blfre fttoawmha'n'g be found at the they 000,19 HOLM of W R atURPHY_ r• - Iciin z. v R. MURPHY boo received a further supply .•-• of Turked IledTwilledollGuints, for cum.., lowe4 price, or the North Fin corner of Fourth id blarket fettgl Ecri VED THIS DAY, as A. A. MASON - W. CO'S it another large invoice of those desirable French Wrought Cape., Collars, and Coifs. Alro—blonthing Collars and Cuffs, and 150 pieces rich black Silk Lanes. all widths. febta !NEN II DIiFS--300 dox Ladies' L. Cambric Hdleta Also—A small lot of Ladies' Choice ErobS do, reed per exprers at 0.5 M A A MASON A CO'S The Franiiirs Fore In Ca. of .Petilacrerpkia. rtraLvTollB.—Charles N. Handcar. Thomas Ilan, Totims•Wanner, Samuel Grant, Janet. A. Smith, W Menially, Mordecai D. Leans, Adolphe. E. ne,,Dand BMW, Morris Patterson. Enna. , N. Basensta, Prnsident. , G. Bimeker,Scerchary. - In• -ante. Continue to make Inaurence, pm, on every' deacri poon of ropert a town ...canary, at rates as low as am con p sistent y with security. To Company.hoye reviewed silage coatinsentFond, whirl, with them Capital and Premiums,away invest edaffora ample protection to the usua T h e asset. of the company, on January IM,IBO, publisbak-agter.ahly to eaact of Assembly, were as fallow!, otar. ?dot - mares R.l Estate Temporary Loans Cas, rce. ...... • • 111,na,427. 71 &nee their incorporation, a period or la yeti^ they have paid upwards of oae trollied font hundred thous and dollen, losses by fire, thereby afferding evidenee if the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability ad invention to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GXRDINER COFFIN, Agent, Office N E corner Wood and 3d ste MIIISM . Life wad Jlealth Imamsamen. 'PIM Ph iladelp hi a. fe and Ileatth hisormwe Comany of lneorporstcd bribe Legisla p tor. of Pennsylvania. March, Ibld. Charter perpetual. Capital, SODOM. Hass towns nun ear Pangrrr bb11.11.. 01111141rY, and full %I per cent lower than the turoal rates of Life Insure:me ai the following com parison wdl mus Thns, PeisOnof the NO of w onting for MOO for life, t pay in the Girard 5.1,30 Pennsylminia,s2,3d, Penn Mutual, I=6; F,quitable, .1:,04; New FAR land, £4,2th, New York We, UM; IKM"OLiIe end Health, Philadelphia,Sl,Sl. Drascro.v—Satouel D. Orrick, Charles D. Mill, W. F. Boone Robert P. Kin g, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, ' M. M. Reeve, D., Chas. 0.-11. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, ',Rodman Barker, O rrick; a, Edwin R. Cope- President—Samuel D. Vice Presi dent—Rota. P. King; Seerctary—Francis Blackburn. Applierdlons will he recelved,and every information lb.. by SAML.FAIINESTOCK, Agt, Other, Commercial Rooms, corner of ocDI.OIY • Wood and Third sts. Pittsburgh PIItE INSURANCE CO. of North America will 1. make permanent and limited on olnsrance on pro perty in ibis city and vicinity, and shipments by Cann!, Rivera; Lakes, and by Se. The properties or this Company are well invested, and famish an cecil able fund for the ample Indemnity of all permna who Ureter to be protected by insurance. mylO P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water sr. 'I3.IOALTII 11111711.A80E0 at pitub.lie , The Sprlog Carden Ilealth Insurance Co, OF PH17.4 BLFEILA—••—*CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. NSIIREB Melee and Female* againm the Expense I.d Loss occasioned by Sic.. or Accident, by an immediate allow.. of from MI to id Per week, for one, two, three, or four year. The methodof erecting Oda lesum.e, and the manner of awarding the tick alloweocq will be folly .explained by the Av.. aagan A Per. in . can sure against Sickness or Accident which will detain blot from has ordinary b.iness, as fellows, y. For one year, by paying MAO, end .ceire 33 V' wed , . For two u For three u u 733, 3 For fear" u a Or, for t a period of four years, the sum of $14,40 paid .nualy, will secure 19 per week while sick. Bverynecessary information will be afforded on the tbpset of Insuranc e gene. l l7,hj JAMES DORM B. CO, Agents, Odeon Buildings. WALL AND BRASS FOIINDRY. a A FULTON, Bell and Braes Founder, stand has re[ bnilt and commenced business at his od where he will be pleased to see WS old ensthm ers and friends. Chirrch,l3thambost,and Bells of eve slw, from 10 to 10,000 pounda, coot from patterns eve ry =wispier. , ed models, and trammed to be of the best materials. Myers' Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, ho., toge ther with every variety of Brnsa Castings, 1.1 required, turned end bashed in the neatest manner. A. F. its the sole proprietor of Closures ATIII-Maur 110,1111M1, Oa justly cclebrathd for the reduction 0 friction in=whiners . . The Boxes and Compositio can be bad of him et all times. jwagly at. IL SUM. SCARS% AS ATKINSON, 817,...11 LSD ALAILLItt, rmvazzam, cvsiNTINUE to manufacture all knids of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black. smart Work: • • Stearn Bona built to order. Special attention given to stearraboat work. Have on bands sin e monsoons of Copper and Bran illy. TinWare,ke. SteamboatCciokmg Stoves, Portable Forg various sise•—a very convenient ar. ucle for steambo es, ats, California emigrants, or rail road `4 7; would respectfully ionic steam boat men d others to call and see our articles and prices before arebas ping el ...rite.. 01, . SHACKL.NITT £ WHITes NO De WOOD STREET, • AVE now in store a lame and general amorument H of DRY 000DS, which they offer to City and County Merchants at reduced pricer, and which they will Kell no •L to ma t h buyers. Or tor aporneed ere jinni() Penn glatehlaa Shop. WlGllTAlAN—Slanafacturer afall kinds or cots tonsnd woollen machinery, Allegheny elry, Pa The above works being now in fell and saccental op. oration, lam prepared to ezeacte cams dispatch for all kinds of machinery 111 Cy hoe, each as willows, pickers, spreaders, Viol% grinding a:matinee, nit Inapt, drawing *amen' speeders, thrown., 100n1s, woolen made, double or single, for me reliant or country work, mules,jacks,&c.i slide nod hand lathes and tools in gen eral All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans en for geanng factories or mills at reasonable charge. An. , go—Kennedy, & Co., illsokstock, Neil tr. CO., Kings Pennock & Jas. A. (any. BMW ,TICIJEGII.APIIoiriose.— - THE citizens and Mistimes men a.PittSbOrgil am respeetfully informed that the Morse Telegraph Lines are now in complete operation between oil Ca y and Baltimore Washington, and other EiSterll connecting at Washington City with the !dorm Line, the only one South to ittolunond, Raleigh, Cnarleston, Augusta, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans—and connecting to this city with lines running West and North to the principal towns and olden intho valley of the Mississippi, and on the Lakes. These Lines will receive and send messages as cheap as any other Line, and the operators and clerks will be found gen tlemanly and accommodating. thrOthee in the lower nary of the PT. CARLES tHOTEL, Wood stmet lHarth-tos /4.3;i1:44.04:. tA . C. OREYFOGLI . ; having associated with hint . IL CLARKE. for the purpose of trammeling the forwardtng and Conutilswon I:minces, will eon.. tin= that healers. at thaold sould of ..Cope E Bay fogle,".and respectfully =kg • continuance of the former patronage of Ina friends and the public gener .ally. The business will be =tideland under the name mad style of Bans.. & Oxus. C . • -J. . BREIMOOLF., Piththugh'l.".lB 30-4 i '" rtmerslOp. Dluolapes at thc T liN gn e' d . , F rHe ' r ' re P sl;l l e i O( n5 P. 11. Sawn .t. ""n"I "b anTre ' in i te " Kro b i W E.Wn; """'d illltend to the Ktll=mt at the bo on, frgel 1 4 t a F t the o-EATON,Id stand, No 62 . H. F.'" 1 " a1.2 """ • - W. P. MARSHALL. _ - • .kiATON, TIEALER In Gloves 1041 llosicryatimmings, Panty \ t if Good s, fl:rstYCeart" " r t b " O i 2 d ; d o Ws? b t " , Pittsburgh. A fall WA/ of Finn Shirts and Gls . Under tharsusals feb4.llll /saBIAILT/N6 I . MAP 0/ /00=1 UM, 41/421 2 111110/1; 7/ITMIIOII. ATILE Mau*, respectfully announces that he has rune opened his rum and excellent Hotel for she accommodation of traveler., bouders, mld Me public generally. The house and . fernitere are eplicelt 1.., and 110 palmier expense have been spared to render it ogle Of the -Most comfortable and pleasant Hoods in the dry.. . , • The robsearber is determined to daterre, and there fore aollcius, a share of pablio pamox.fe• :.-544411 -- , JACOB BOUGH. Pro ti --- —_ _..... 9 or. _LBO & 13110 T-7: Eige . 4ll7lo:l: y sale b y ybO 7` l nurcittgpNA co ic • by J A 101 GIBSON & CO I ' DRIED FRUIT—St I . : pf d ir EZ p g i tr s trr yoy sme by febStl ID WILLIAMB.IIO Wood of TLR-75 NA. N Carolina, formic by fetal J A iturciusoN A co Elff== MISCELLANEOUS IiVANTSMs A RTTV at IVIC I ,TOTTO R A r aI gikgREM GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION °MICE , Young MEN In wholesale and retell stores, .d °Mit respectable business, to at a. Book-keepers, Sales. men, FOrtere,Bar-keepers, Wlters, 'Fanners, Coach. UCar Agents, Book and Map . Ag Collectors. Overseen in all branches of m anta a, We have at all times a large IMmber of good simations on bend, which pay front MG to $9,1100 per annum. Those in want of mutations of any kind would do well to give as • call, as we have agents in each of the o.' , ove ci• ties,.whielt will enable 0.10 place every , applicant hs • mutable situation at Gm slionest notice- We have large acquaintance in all the above named e w e., Which WO UMW Will enable In give enure satisfac tion to all who may favor us with • call. TAYLOR k.TAYNAN, N 0.59 Secand at, between South mid Gay. N. B —Persons Hying in nor part of 'the 1.1; States, and wishing to obtains eimation in Ealtimore, or ei ther of the above aides, will have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing In a line, lleost-paio as by so doing they will curtail both trouble and as pen., which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and seclung_cmploYment for themselves Address, TA's LOR k TAYMAN, No.oo Second street, Baltimore, Md wits mur.olawrza. rz... attention of the public respectmuy called to the following certificates: B. Eacom—lfaving tested a quantity of Gold Weighed by your Artooloter, I and the result proves your Instrument cornet; an d recommend the use of it to thou going to California, as the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Resp.yours, It. DUNLEVY, Gold Basle - . Pittsburgh, March 9, IBID. Prresnaa, March 7,1652. Mn FAxars—Dear Sin lining examined the `Vireo metc:," manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate to commend it to the nee of those gentlemen who are about remondg to California in notch of Gold. It gives a close approximation to the specific grant ty ermine, and 'Fingernail, enable th e solveummr to ascertain - when his placer to yielding Gold. mart 2 Veers, reep'v. J. R. tax:LIN - vice._ INDIA RUBIIE:R CLOTIEING—Jast received for the 1. California Expediton, • complete assortment or Gum Elastic Clothing, at puce. ranging . irosu SAW to Sly° for suit of coat, 'setae and hat. For sale at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 wood deel9 J & Ii PHILLIPS Aiiiiiii-131171ra Worksros'ikale. TIM subscriber °Smiler sale, the i3TEAh I MUCK IVORIVS, above Lawinnera lllq comprnang a Steam Engine, 2 !toilers, 6 Mould Machine, capable of matinfactunug t 26,000 Pressed Beicks font of dry clay, as taken from the bank.) per dy; vrob three sere. ut land on the Allegheny nver, on winch are 4 anus anti shed, machine sad clay :sheds., nheelittennini, trucks, I shovel., spades. Re., every thingmos:Lihe. to smut core perations at an hours notice. Prier, mu ludntg the patent right to on said manna, 67,0un--nms et payment made easy., ,Without the Ind, 52.100. For paltieulata, address •• HENRY AIERRITT, auggg-dtf No II" Monongahela noose. Woughand Cut Irotk THE subscribers beg leave to Inform the publte Mod they have obtained from the East nil the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both fos boner and cemetancs. Persians wising to procure hand patterns will please call and exuralne. and judge for Memeelve. Ratting win he furrurbed at dm MK.. est notice, and to the best manner, a: the corner or Craig and ' Rebecca streets, Allegy esty. augai-dif A. L AMON'I & KNOX. .rpeiusl oy ty.7l.llllrit - DIJRSE & COS Rally Exprassts near than:last,. des Gn sing C. and Snell OYSTERS, swinish ve of fered Is dealms and families at We lowest prices. quality rarranted equal to any brouglit to this mos liet, and or sale by 1. C. BIDWELL, AgoNEnier o. Also—At the following depots:—Reis & lle rote, cor ner Suthaeld and Second so: F. Ilealleinn, litanionit; Alereer k. Robinson, Federal in let beny. PEll Virg haveSonsi:PUßPS,Siade ou an iiiiproseil • pl., go us not to freeze iu the coldest weather. Persons wanting such articles, are invited to tall and sea them at SCAIFE& ATKINSON'S, torts let . between Wend Varlet so 81,017,43441 44,714 El . 98,001 63 • 51,19 PS 33,401 37 ARIA BOOKS! NEW lloolEitt j PRE Constitution sad fitendard of the Adeoeiste Reformed Church an Nofith Rummest hem bound in sheep. The Other Side, or Notes for the Mowry of thr Wee between Mexico ' and the United States, lorrineo to Mexico, and translated from the Sponloh, with notes: By A. C. ILLIZIACT. Stet...sot Reforms and &eh:memo! Great Braun and Ireland: By 11. B Stanton The Wort. of President Edwards,to 4 vets; re print of the Worcester edit..., with 0dd.... end • copious general index. bloantsios of Egypt, or Etypt a Wane. for the Bible: By F. L. flaw ts, D. D., L.'.. D Memento of David lisle, s tate EX :tor of Journol Commerce, with selections from his Miscrlivirous Wriungs: By Rev. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and lii. Dasgbteri by J. K. Paulding. Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico rioa Cab Rends: By Liesit. Wire. U. S. Navy. Familiar Lamm to Young Men. on yowl.' dested m. a A. A F: o upartlon to the Young 111co' Bp Poe= and ' Prow Writings of IL A. Dal Nineveh wid lit Remains: By Layoff!. For sale by ELLIUTV & ENGLI, No 79 Ws - ;CP r Your Wandly. MORRIS& WILLIS` HOME JOUR PrZIALII. W Z.XLT - ecaExs. The best paper In the Union." Rather get in cent then go ornhontlyn irsto'"n New subscribers can be topplic celmW , c i I f immediate application bemade mon. by WWI at the 011ee of Pablieatten,ll.l Weed enle J. D. LOCI WI owe swamit AAshS ACRED SCENES AND CIIARACTCRe3, by ' T. Ifeadlyowith original designs by Delany. The Poems and Prose Writings of IL H. Dana. Physicianand Patient, or a Practical Vicar o the Moral Duties, Italadona and Interests a Me , al Profession and the Community; by W. Hook ho er. I. se D. The Paritan and His Monitor. by J. K. Pau ing, author oi:tbe Duteliessed• Arnaldo. los tillages, or an Inside Wow, of Mexico an Cal ifornia; with, Wanderings in Peru, Chili and I'ol noun, by Lieoh Wisc. For sale by de.ll ELLIOTT 3 ENGLISH. In Vit• d at MISELLANEOUS LITEItATUR AT LOCIEWOOII.9, 03 WOOD ST 'DROWN'S American Anpler's Guide, fu . of illog• 11 lems. ?wilding PoPein and Ili. Daughter, I • • . Dr. flookers Physician and Fattens Ift.. Mrs. Stilts' Deane and Hume.; tivo. Neander's Life of Clans& 1500. Neanders History of Chrietian Cheretr, cols, eve. Rev. Dr. Sprats's Memoirs of NW Mu y, vela • AmeneanAleuesc, 1306, deo JAMES 11. LOCK • COD, janlo bookseller A Importer, 63% nod at.. New la lb. Urns to Subserlbs rIFFICE of Sean'. Repnnts of the Foureerier. Vlies and Illaetvrood; RIO per year.. Norris Wills' Horne Journal, publlshed l New Fort weekly; Si per annum. Do wing's Ilentenlinraltei, monthly; S 3 pekr year. Invaluable. The Cultivstor, monthly; per Inner. < The Agriculturalist, monthly; 11l per year. c . The Democratic Review, monthly; 163 pccodoure. The Bankers' Magazine, do SS do JAMES D LoCKWOoD, land BOoksciler & Imponer, 6ll Wood si ------ —•- - Pitt Ilbaelklas Works sod Woraradrg. T0R111.611, PA. JOEN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared 10 build Cotton and Woolen klachinery of every description, such as Carding Machines, Spinning FIIIIDEo, Speeders, Drawing FIAOZOA,ILIOISCILy Heads, Warpers,Sivolers, DICAIODI(Pramet, Looms, Card Grolders, &o. tkrought Iron Shafting turned; all sizes of Cast Iron, Polite. and Haagen of the latest patterns, elide .d hand Lathes, and tools era kinds. Castings of every desenption famished on short notice. Patterns made to order for IIU Gearing, Iron Railing, to. Steam Pipe for heat ing F.tories,Cast Iron Window Nash .d fancy C.- tinge generally. Orders left as the Warehouse of J. Palmer & CO, Liberty are., will have prompt &RAD OM. Refer to Rise/Mock, Bell & Co, J. K. klotftehead it Co, G. E. Warner, John Irwin &Sons. Pittsburgh; U. C.& J. H. Warner, Steubenville. ittnl9 PIAMOSI THE sub.riber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand A, non Planes, with Auld leftism. Coleman's celebrated Ahab. Attachment The above instruments arm war ranted to be equal to any manufactured tit nun ono, try, and will be sold lower thine any brought from the East. F. EIL.UME,Ne MY wood sb. • 1.91 door above Sth N. Be—City Scrip will be taken at par for • few of he above aasortmest. air) - -- --UNStriiiNIKAT-Cil.ANNe.s. AV R. MURPHY continues to keep on band a fall Wk • s, assortment of the Welsh Urohnokabla Flans eel and has recently received a supply of the flea qualinea Aso Swansdown Flume's, • • scarce ens. vie and well adapted for the wear of Invaltdr, mod others wanting something warmer than usual. Also, PersOLO .aod Hansa Flannels for Infants wear ; ie. gether with a full supply ol American manufactured Flannels of differ.' qualttless AI/0, SHROUDING FL. ANNid..5, of all the didemnt widths,. the knob Kart corner of 4th and Market Its (Er'Wholesale Rooms up stairs, where dealers will always find • good assortment of new style goods. i... 4 Dlapftrin Maur. Air iiydraut INate.7. TINS le to certify that I have .p t. Age la nt ' a l for 'tchntivlrearniikninClg • trCi n f t p°, l 2VT'l j Idlir: l c7"y b 7 ' il JOllci GIBSON, Ac c e n us, far Waiter kr Gibson, 349 Broadcrity, N.YI Oct. 10,NKR We have been acing one cattle abovemonths, KONA. al the flee of the Novety Works for three on trier, and feel perfectly l sattaSed that it is • useful mventioc awi we take ;demo , in recommending them wi l l . fat article to all who love pure water. ON he thankfully received and promptly executed. octle LIVINGRTON. ROGGEN k Co Hirer E I RERAN faro Jus t reeelved,one elegant Rosewood 6/ octave Piano Forte,from the role • orated factory of T. itlbert & Co., Boman. ,This instromunt is remarks- Lb, for brilliancy and sweetness of tone, and elasucitY at touch. The above Ann is considered one of the very first in Boaton, and their Pianos, tor egance o exterior, beauty of tone, and duration, are n et mimosa ed by those of any other make. For sale on reasons bit terms ll. KLEBER, 24 by at J. W. WooderMrs. KlaserifOni—mmirair ilk CAN, • totes roe BALL. FROM FAYEITEMANUFACTURINO COMPANY, 20 eases superior Family Blankets, le by 12 qrs; 200 parr Steamboat do sby 7 It, EC do -do do 4by 7 5,i IRI do red andwhius Horse do IW do colored California O' do - ALS 50 pieces 64 white Flannel, warranted all wool; IW do 44 do do do 'do Um do 34 do do do .. do 150 do 34 red do do do 73 do 3-4 yellow doALSO, do do Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans and Woolen Yarn, at cui• ern mutofactorer's pores. pg-Warehouse, No 317 Woad st, Ith door fromFiftb. /AIM ___ rafetTlik.--2 doiDoilles, foiriaViry febt3 J D WILLIAMS__ rlied/LIIIbIAT FLOUR—A i'ittliLT,l"X7 131.7 "IUI or castifost rea J3l „ and for sale by Ell ,YR A. RICKMAN, febtl 172 and 174 Libenrot GEL, TIIURSDK PITTS MEDICAL 4 CARD TO .I.A.DIFS AND PHYSICIANS.—No 11. recommendation is secompletely emisfactory, as to the excellence arid complete sneerOS Of any iffirClO don, as thiusilted testimony of those who have allict synced Its benefits. Dulieg the last fifteen yeses, In all pans of the United States, our most talented and mninentphysicians, lave daily born testitoony to the surion ease, sod comfort of Alm. BEITiS inven tionspe for La dies ' Buffering. They do not compreissity steel privatise, which 1. now proved to be attended by bad li ra lo ng mare difteulo than befoul exist ed. Iler long standiopin Philadelphia, and lases and 'rescuing business both Wholesale and Retail, is a guarantee of the correetneu of the above. To proeore her Genuine SOrepOliff, apply only to 11thl. THORN, Drueßiet. 53 Market at, Pittsburgh— all others arc counterfeits. JAMEI BETTS, Wholesale Agent, PkileffelPhla rebtUlteml CltV i rt. SEED—II blitz reeillAahnid PROPENNOR BUIRIPS IMICOPHER.. OUI3 OR MEDICI/MED COMPOUND. /NFAWBLI2. for meowing, goreting, and bed.. tyfying the flair, removinglieurf. Dandruff, and all Akin, of the Scalp, and canna Emptlons on the Akin, Dilease, of the Glendaffildriscles and Ins - manta, andrelieving Stings, Cati, Braises, Bradne, de Au, With this prepatuden, ``then M no each wo m fad? The first Jemmies Ln America, of men rd of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of all pr ofessiona, and ladies who have used it for 'remain their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with one an. cord, that, for imparting vigor, glom, luxuriante and curl to the hair, eradicatieginsurf sod dandruff, heal ing wounds, caring contusions, rprains, stings, and relieving diseases of the skin, the glands, end the muscles it no equal moor the multitude of com pounds advertised In the pubbe prints, or used in rod vate practice. In cheapness as well as efficacy, Bag. ry's Trieopherous to unrivalled. The Whiny between: the meiribmnes which eons& state the skin, and the bale which drawn its sustenance from thin triple envelope is very cline. All discuses of the .hair originates in the akin of the head. It the pores of the scalp are e logged, or if the blood and ther thud. do not circulate freely *emelt the small vessels which feed the roots with moisture and Impart life to the fibres, the result is scarf, dandmff,eheddied of the hair. gramma, dryness. and bummers of the ligaments, and entire brddnese as the ease toga be: Stimulate the skin to healthful action with the Tricop herons, and the torpid vessels, recovering their mile ity, will annihilate the disease. all sefeenom of the skin, and of th e aubstrata of mender , and integurnenmoar proems an the elect ate the IMMG. It is neon the skin. the musenlar:fibre. end the glands, that the Trieopheroes of specific. action. and en nil affections end mune, of them; organs. it is cold, remedy. Sold, in law bottles, price 23 cents, at the principal Offiee, 137 Broadway, N. V. IrrFor sale by FL F. SELLERS , meal Pittsburg. _ —_- - PROCLAMATION. KNOW all men ha aro sick and afitieted with di.- ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rheumatic pater to bark or barb., etlffroints, old notes, ....mg awes. hc, that they can be cured by taking the r , - trolearn! You may ,talk about no being a nostrum as murk you please, but this dots not make it so, for proelaim in the flee an honeilt community that It has 'trines arkur:nb •re not tontatned many , miter remedy The sodu lobe to rucked with pain, and nuf. !rime (tore dircuae. can far fifty c. 0., Rot relief from any of the ill. ennornarated ulnae. Reader! it mitts very little to !Mae a Mal. Tam Petroleum to nom; tore—no eon:pond, put up to tbr purpoac of imng on the community; lint it in n - remedy elaborated 131 the wester hand or nab., a bubbles op from trail... aora d 10111 mother Gantt in Ito •nainal purity, and of. fer• to .rfcring !Lament 7 a =ad) , ...Mai, • cc...n and cheap core. It has cared Pdke after other medic.. have failed to render any rebel. It b. caned Rillolllolllilllll of look standing. and of the worst and most palatial character. It ba• cured Cholera Marti. by one or two doves; It bas eared old easea of jTarthaa in which ovary other remedy bat been of non, 1 . Aa a' local mainly in bar. and ncalds, n le better than any medical eon. pound or moment that we know of. It will care chit. btaitw or fronted feet, in • few applicabons; andoebb ed testimony can be furnished of the, tuck eonmlnu , I the above istaltuneut by calling on . Samael M. Kier, Canal Basin, 7th weer, or other of the agents. Keyser a. McDowell, earner at Wood street and Virgin Alley:WE. Sellers, CI lk A, E. hot A. D. M. Curry, Allegheny city, am the agents. tan3l CAUTION A man by the rune of DUEL CLA - 111 . Eta engaged with a young man of the name of S. P.Tosmseed, and tiers As name to pat eft a Sareaparillt, which they call Dr. Townicod's claresparillA denominating it GENUINE. (Mutual, etc. This Toum•cud a no doe tor and never was, bet was formerly a wales On &l in ed., canals, and the lite. Yet he assumes the title of Dr.. for the perces. of gaining credit for what ha is not. Ile t. sending em nerds headed "Tact. of quacks.' in which he says. I hese Gold the u. of my name for al • week. I will give S. P. Townsend trite win `re duce one .1.. to solitary proof of this— 'Oita to to caution the pabile not to be deceiseil, and purchase none but the GLICINEOSIIGISAL OLD DT. /mob Townsend's Sarrapvilla, having on It the Old Dr.s likeness, bin Wail,' coal o( arms. and hts octave acmes the coat of arms. JACOD TOWNSEND. Prtempal OfGes, DU Nassau at, New York City. OLD DOCTOR JACOB Y. 714 TOWNSEND, VIII ORIGINAL r` - 4 DISCOVERER IHMECDI TOWNSEND iSSES&PAILILLAs Old Dr. Townsend Is now shoat ye can of age. n. has king been known aa the AUTHOR and HMCO VERSIX of the B&NI/INEORIGINAL"7 0 WNSILND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was compelled to ikut am manafeeture, by which means it has been kept out of market, and the skies cirtunartribed to dime only who had proved• its worth .d known its value 'DM Gunn ago UNIQUALLMI PIitIAIMTIMI ri manaf.mresd on the largest gene, and is tailed En thre.hoar the length .d breadth of the toil. Unlike young S. P. Towrmunl i s, it. in - images Inth ad, and never eh..., but for toe better; beicease it ts prepared on scienufte prindipl o by a setennic man. Taroghest knowledge of .Mcmistry, and the latest dieries of the Art, h ave .11 been brought into re. ouisition in the manufacture of the Old DO. Sarsapa rilla The Sarsaparilla root, it is wed known to med ical men, cometma menclual properties, and some pro. pent. -which are inertor melees; and others, which, if remimd preparmg It for use. Pont.. (unseat. don and acid, win. Is inlet - M. to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla see an volable that theyentirely evaportm .d are lost in the prepara tion, if they us not preserved by a scientific process. known only to a..., experienced in its manafacture. Moreover there volatile pnociples, which dy °gin va por. or wee:halation. under heat. arc the very es. rtnual medical properties of the leo., which gives to it all Its 'aloe. The DENT:UNE 01.15 DR. JACOB TOWN.END'S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared , that eh the meet prove.. of the Salo ...arida root are first removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted .d rejected; thin every partiele of earthen! virtue is seen endn a pare and concentrated form; and thes it Is centered incapable of lonalt.inl of its 'ird.E l,l E rr.t healing properties. Prepared in this Me, It la moue the most powerful areal to the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISSIABES. Hence the reason why we bear commendsoune on every aide in tt. favor Iry men, women and children! We hod it defog wonders In the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint,end In Rheumatism, Scrofula and rata, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Erni urns, Pimples, Blotches, and altaffections Angina from IMPURITY OF TilE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efflcocy In all complaints sing from Indigestion, from Aridity of the Stoma.; from unequal cirealatton, determination of blood in the head, palpilartan of the heart, cold feel not cold,liande cold chills and bet dashes over the bendy. It has net lad Its equal in cough• and eoldn end preemies cat! expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing stric ture adze lungs, throat, end every other put. line in nothing Is its excellence ainre mouleady se. and acknowledged than COMPLAINTS. kw. and singe. of FEMALE ft works wonders In eases of dune albus ter whites, Faling of the Womb, Obstructed, Neepressed,or Pain fuliMenses; Irregulanty of the metistmel portals; and the itte; .d effectual in curing all forms of the ne Disenrea rtmonng oburactions, and regalia- Bei, the general systern, it ere. tone nod strength to the hrboil,t.durtes ail forms of NERVOUS Di SEASEN AND DEBILITY, and thus prevent. or re-limns • grew varies, of e ther dispel... as Spinal Irritation,. Neurnlgii,; ER Nita, Donee, Swooning, Eptleptle Fits, Conmiltinsis, Le. Is net this, then, Tug blunting urn PauEworeeng Nand :But con any of these things be said of, S. P. Town. sand's intertor article.? This young man's liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH THE 01.10 DR.'S. because of the Grand Feet, that the one I. incapable of Dertnoration and NEVER SPOILS, while the ono er DOES; it Miura, ferelents, and blows the bottles containing it into fragments; the sear. acid liquid plothag and damaging other goods! Mamoru thin hor rible compound be poisonous to the system? Whad put sold into a system already discanid with acid! W... Dyspepsia but acid Do we noted know, hen food *ours in our stomachs, what mischief. it pralucesl—tlatulenee. heartburn, palpitation of the heart, deer complaint, diarthrea;dysentery, abode and corruption of the blood? What to Scrofula hat on acid humor in the body? What produces all the humors which bring on b,uptions of the Skin, Scald Ile., Salt RheuirbErysipelas,Whlte Swelling., Fever-Sores, and .11 ulcerations Inter mil and external? It is emit dortre=,"mhoirce'osreleursus, What cant. Rhetimatism but a sone amil fluid,whieh whinnies Itself between the joints and eDewhme, ir ritating and inflaming the tender and dchene unites upon which it acts? No of nervous diseases, of Imps nty of the Wed, of deranged circulations, and steady all the ailments which afflict ham* nature. Now, is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite ly worse to a* this tYSURING, FERMENTING, ACID "COMPOUND' OF S. P. TOWNSEND! and yet he would have it understood that Old Ja • cob Tow mend's Genuine Ovum! Sarsaparilla, is an imitation of his inferior preparatioull Heaven forbid that we should deal in au article which would bear the most distant mminblence in S. I' ,Townsend's article! and which 'humid bring down upon the Old Dr. *eh a mountain load of complaints and criminallons from agents who have sold, and pur chasers who have aged S. P. Townsend s Fermenwg Compound! We wish It understood, because It Is the obsolete truth, that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Towesenil l s liarsopuilla are heaven-wide apart, end infinitely disstmdar, that they ere unlike in every par ticular, Laving not one unglo thing in common. It ts to natal frauds upon the ilufortullate, IR Pan balm Into amended humanity, to kindle hope to the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and Ti ger into the crashed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—Mat old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT end FOUND the opportnulty and mean. to brtni Ins Deane UNIVERSAL CMCEN PRATED RE'dlll3l". within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need It, that they may learn and know, by Joyful en. perienec,llllTP.MKlMilmrs row** rusk. I Pee 1 . 1 . by I. KIDD b CQ., Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania, J. SMITH, Ilinathipt.: Dr. J. tiAIWEANT, Allegheny; Dr. I. CASSELL, DIM ward. G. W. GARDNER, loth ward. Pil•lrigl22lV by L' vusin .. g - i't°hoMoPrtgmll . ,Lo — ntin TrOV:n7l°l:ntrif Liver Pill. /ornate., Drown co., 0., March 9,1947. Mr. R. E. Pollen—ln April last.) , Wm , W... , r t . w k.; ed with Liver Coniplaiote, and hat 111 . advt_Fli:i p h y tie tans ! ar c ll tmillorribio.t7i4entb4i,d .7: 0 %7 c lr e 'Asti " Ove r t ring, I col:minded to gitie . 3 l %. tried. I purchased oars box of Id!, ft.yeer:bio: and gave them according te the second box, she was greatly relieve. I which entirely cored her, and sla prooonnee e loot health. I have used tbeineil rite? them the beat family medicine I rit ? wild by IL rrepa You% red and sEaLF.O B ,S7 Wood at; sold also by Draggle% generally % the ........,...,...,_________________ . ...... 2 _, .... ~._ „,,,.. e .,,,, _„ _.',...,:... _._.- -,.-_---,s.'-',' .I._. -1 1--- --','`.2„,_• ~..__.....; :_..r . ,.. , .,-_,...:_ z_i_-:, -- fl -., . . • ,/ . • . , .... . 7 ._. 7 0 o .- ,:,,,, D MARCH 2J, 1850. VOL. XVII. NO. 19% ', . _____.._______-_-- ,_•:: 1 _ .. EIMSII ORnNG. MEDICAL EVALLIIITIZELV 018TROCIVA, Containing wa /ligrarry, mar otker THE following testimonial was given by de ccle brated Dr. Wooster Reach. the author of the peat medical work coaled “Tbe• AMICTieIIII Prude° of Medicine and Family Physician . 4-laving been made ampainted with the illVetitrAll which compose McAllister's Allacaling Ointment, and having presenlmd and testeA it bicameral cases in mygrivatoLractice, I have no hesitation In saying or it Vegetable *needy eantaltung ro =fel gu t lis= co whatever, that its ingredients, combined as they am, sad used u directed by the Proprietor. are not only harmless, bat of peat value, being a truly. acientilie Remedy of great poem and' cheerfully recommend it u • comported which has done much good, and which is &biped to the cam of • great 'anew of sues. Tturgit I have LISVOT either recommended or engaged in the sale of secret ate& clues, regard for the title honest, corrmienlious, ha. mane character of the Proprietor of *is Ointment, an d the value of his discovery, W. oblige me to ley thus REACH, D. Ile maNshw V ar t,A p l ri l Zid ,lol6. BUINS.—It is one of the best thing• in the world for Burns. PlLES.—Thouss ads are yearlY cored by thht Oint ment. It never fans in giving roßef. For Tamers, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It has 0 1111.TO I thond and Hanes knew Its Taloa In eases of Swollen or s, ore Breast, they would slwaye eon In such em if used recording to directions, II p relief in • very few hour. Around the box are directions for rising McAllister's Toot er. Oment tor Scrofula, Liver Complamt, Erfolpolas, t Chilblain, Scald Heed, Sent Eyes, Quincy, Ban' s. roat, Br i ne, Nemo , Anhetions, Pains, Disea of the Spine, Head Ache, Aaiun., Beene., Ear Ache, Barns, Corn., all of of the Skin, Sore Llps, Pimple. fee. Swelling of the Limb., Sores, beeiaim, Piles Feet, Croup, Swelled orllro. n Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in Me Pace, do. From the Reading Eagle. There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the public, that ha. in so mho& a time won arch a reputation as McAllister's All-Ilealing r o World Salve. Almoshevery person that has made tend of it speaks warmly In he praise. One has been cared by it of t h e most painful rheumatism, another dem piles, a third of a troublesome pain in the aide, a fourth of a melting in the ilmba, de. If it does not give Imam diem eelief, in every ease, It can do no inlet), being applied ornswilly• A s another evidente of the wendmilli healing pow er possessed by this wive, we eublean the following certificate. from a reepectable eaten of Maidencreek township, in this county: klaldenereek, Reek. a., March 70.181 7 . Mews. Ritter & Co:-1 desire to inform yes that I war entirely eared of • severe paizintke back, by the use of kleAllister'e All-Recline githe which 1 Put chased from you. I euffered with nine ;bout Su years, hod at night was unable to sleep. During that time I tried renew recondite, which were prescribed tor me by physicians and Miser person', without receiving any relief, and at last made Wel of this Rater, with • te mit favorable beyond eximetwon. lam new entire ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a Dhnnerhl and sweet sleep. I hone also used tie Salve stow for 1 tooth ache and other complaints, with enuller happy results. Veer friend, Ion" HOLOINIACEL. AIeALL/STE/1, Role Proprietor of tae above medicine. Principal Orkce, No 'M North Third street,Philatiel. Oita. PRICE 26 CENTS PER BOX. Soros to PITTIIIVIBOIL—Braun k Roller, earner of Liberty end St. Clair ammo,Wilcox. Jr., ear ner of Market etre. and the Diamond, Moo corner of Fourth and Smithfield enema; J. IL Casoel, comer of Wriloot and Penn meets, Fifth Ward; and sold at the DCHAState to lanntfield meet, nd door from Second. In Allegheny Cory ny'd. r. Schwartzuni J. Sargent. By J. CI. Saab, DroggieL_liirotinghona D. Kegley, Raz , LibirrO; 11. Rowland, Mc/Cecilia: l M J. Alenaraler k Son, Monongahela City; N. B. 0011•1.2 & Co., and J. T. Rogers. Drowntoille; John Barkley, BCALTer, John Walker, Jr., Elizabeth. feblleodly - .Isaddra al admitted Liquid Cutlets. MHIS a undoubtedly the best preparation em die red,cove for dreams Hams, Scalds, Cats, Chil blains, Bruton, or any kind of fresh mounds, alas for sore Nipple. .remedy unequal.. Tbis .agile is intended for family use, and shoedbe fond in the poneesion of every family In the land. Ileehanses who are - to teristrun danger of iniary their perm.. Omagh areident. and the improper or mole. are of tool., mill And this artiale to be invalu able to theca, and eler a fejt trial conalder it In. dispensable. It Is an es east. aabstitate for adhesive plaster of all tied.. wino. any of its tacon.orences, sod is so medicated as to allay all pato immediately and most perfeetly. A very Utile applied any when on the surface of the ...Immediately Soma a firm, mooch coating, very sit.lar so the amend cutiele or outer akin.; which may be freely was with mmer .0 amp, wltheat., in jury to die The an..rs is freely used mid highly recommended by the most eminent Miracle. of Neer England, and oiler parts of the eosno7. Foe 5110 use by R 6 SELLER9,S7 Wood st A —TO trade repotted at the manufacsareem (obi_ IPollereo TT 11AS NEVER, In a single instance, failed to ga -1 pel Worms. Cam Coen Hone, Va., July O. teal. lit. R. E. &Mem You vrill mein,. that when we wont to Pittsburgh, in November lash you prevailed 00 CS to tee to your Verreifuge, to testis 'melee. We did so, mid through the venter we weld what we par rimed, Ishieh gave it a fair reputation. In May last parehased more, which was iimposed off ell. We then ordered more, which reached ea on the l3th of the present month, and on yesterday we sold the last of two demo beide. We Ind it ea val. r.1111:00011000., OM every person of a Em il y wish. 'ill hveremail la theirPoemmion Thom who bare parchseed It amid be perfectly the to giro certificates of 14 excellency. UM ef the quantity we have vended, it las 1 1 90 1 .• 111 men the romance, !tiled to expel worms. Your friend, Wm. C. Nu= t Co. Srepana and mid bySELLERS, 57 Wood at, end sold by Druggists enondly In the two cine ma fcbdt Every Odd Fellow should bobieribe. Volumes Xll.—Zlll, GAZETTE OF THE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE. The Guam end Rale tea now the support of Order to en extent that mates me determined not only to deserte this uptsbuien, but to add largely to ear Reef readers, and therefore we pmpose the followthS NMW TRUMII, which are more Sherisl then have ever been offered by uy unwspapor or_eaussess 01.J/tilted Slues FlTd w ifuglrira:i?7,trErtF a ttc•lNllC it: IRO, in • style that can be booed, thus ferseirre • book w. of hich - each you make. snore valuble The chars. the Claude and Rale is too well knout to need explanation here, sad n is awash to remark that Grandal., from tune la time, the proceedings of the Lodges of the New York. and aloe of ether S•ateot amounts of Celebranans, lulled°. of New Ledo., and oceasionelly, a Complete Directory of all the Lodges in the Goion. Its Litel.fr Deportment is (lied with Original Tales of the rushee excellence, by the meet eminent writers In oar canary; Popular Tatem Choice 111taelIIOT the rue. Gents of Poetry from the Engtith Poem •. Sketches of Trivet Aner , dot., Le., Am and es:ca./0..11y illustrated with lilleautlfal Wood Engravings , Being equal in landterary character to any Weakly in the country, being thee perfect in its Odd Fel. laver ( depanmut, it is worthy of e place en the table of every brother of the er, and Indeed in dirpensible to all who wish to keep fully informed of the work aim now glorious Order. ro One copy, one year, 113 l`wo copiea, one peaty.— —• 3 PO Seven copes, one year, each•-----• • • ISU Twenty cal.— —• "la up Thee reducing hto thet every lodge W eal get a first class paper cheesier then the cheepen paper. gee& the Wolloseing: The pardeulerud especial attention of the brother. hood is une followleg extrain front a from thatdesired distingui th shed brother, James L. Ridg e ely, Plet., Greed Car. and Rae. Secretary of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States, I. 0. 0. F. GOLDEN RULE I. to me a moot welcome and valued 'niter; and since It has fallen into your hands, I here witnessed Its gred.l end. steady tm. provement with greet pleasure. It is new become, to toy lodgment, sr ens nth nor reatomeet us nevem and Ido trust, that a dimerning and Intel', gent Brotherhood ..111,4 , y a liberality worthy of yeor great <Santana, enable you illmere to ugerant Ito twofulneas to the Order u large. With great mspect your friend and brother, JAS. L. RIDOELY." Opinions of Members of 0.L.0f U. Believing that the enemas of the 1.0. of 0. F. as well as of society at large, will be moot effect.lll promoted by the publication of • paper devoted to the pfemelgatien of to principles, we lucid earnestly recommend to oar brethren the or roe Union sun Gotten Rots, ee now condneted by Crampton I Clarke, a. • valeable.mediem for the anpooldu of the designs ef Odd-Fellewshlp, and es worthy the cordial support of the Order. Tkomu Wildey, P.O. Site. John A. Kennedy, P. ILL Sire. P M lames I. ninety, of Idd RW6 S. PG Roe. Fad P Wells, of Mau ,R W 0 Ms ' P 0 John It Johnsen, et Oa, R W ft. Mar P U Peter Frith, P G 14 / %' Bushes, P 0 W M len P (I Wm A Wells, timid Represenunives of Pa. NV,oCeram (1 800 of Lof Penn. th Skinner, It 0 ilero(U S. P 0 hl John W Andaman, P U Solomon Cohen, Grand Reprosentatives of Georgia. P O M Henry . L Webster, Grand Rep of R I. PU F P Theobald, PON WR Smith, Grand Rep. of Maine. P 51 E 0 Robinson, P 0 off Virginia. • 1 , 0 B Frost; M., Grand Rep Ulan. I' 6 Geo 0 Dickson, P G IS John Feist. Ruth, Orud Representatives of Delaware. P 0 NSamuel Read, P 0 Wood, Grand Rea. resentalives of New 300.0 y. PG Talc= Illrydry 1 1 ht John II Muley,Onuld Illepresentathar of N Carolina. I 1 1 it John Snotty, POMROPIbeer, Onind Rem. motet/Teo of Alabama P G M W W Moore, P O M John TTewers, (hand Ropretremulves of Districted Columbia. P G P Stephen BrOvra, (lewd Rep of N Hemp. P G II Norton AUdre‘lr, P 0 Jam. Strawbridge Orend Representatives of Loeb... P 0 D N Barrow, RepO L of hliesiseippL; P G Isaiah Forbes, P U Wm A Moffett,(ineul Ref. resentatives of Missouri. P O hi Geo W P 0 MO Marton, P G Peatook, flops Lodge of Ten.ssee. 0 Fred 8 GarrYlt, Grand Nap of P 0 John Wile., PG BF Zimmerman, Grand Baresentatives of Muyland. Inman 5 Post, Grand Muter of N Y. Thad.. Davide,D G Muter of N V. llenjemin .1 Pent., 0 burster? Of N y. • P P /am. W Rale, PG WW Dibbler', Greed Representatives of N Y. (leo tI Andrews, P G Blaster off/ V. Potlaillytont an authorised te ICU& 010Urty topub. halters, and all team mailed in ream. of the Pam moor and duly forwarded by bum, is at ass tut. In all be where postage en subscription he eel paid, it will be deducted from the mount credited to those who seed it Address CRAMPTON t CLARKE, feb4.lBfunApinTl N 0.44 Ann W., Now York. 011 ALIttIIITUISOI , HIS last Marna from the Ems= Mao, and 1 receiving VIIiM Or neallolabkl 0004.. which he 'repeat...lJY Wood attention of search .ma and pedlars. No 64 t. [atilt P _ RINTINO PAPER—A faU %apply of all lb. dlf fore= anti on land and multi to order. fob* SUNOLDS t MEI WISCELLAIEOUS liodern and Antique Forniture. JAMES W. WOODWELL, 83, TM. St, Ferrets:mu. J. W. W. Respectfully informs the" . public Met he has com pleted his opting week of FURNITURE. the tergest and mos:varied asurtment aver offered for sale in this My, comprising several setts of Roe:moon, !Kumasi., and Ilmez. %Vetoes Carved, ornamental end plain, mhable far Parlors, Drawing and Bed Rooms, ell of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Pasoan desiring Furnitu of any destription, are spectfully batted to mill and s examine his atoek, which embraces every desermUon, from the cheapest and latnert tit the meet elegut and costly, of which the °l 'Pet r i i ntn i i lace fas; 'P.Ln' Tete a Tete Divans; Conversation Choirs; EliMbethin o Ch..; Reception do Louis XIV do Extension do Buffet Ettlque; What 'Coq Toilet Tables; Louis XIV CosaModele; Babe of York's Couch; 60 Sam with Plash and Hair-cloth covers; 50 Divans, 41 do do do; 40 dos Mahoguy Parlor Chairs; IC ° Rosewood do do " BILle Walnut do do 40 ° Cane Seat do 4Mahogany Rookie( de, " Plane &Dole, 50 Marble Top Centre Tables; 00 do do Wash StoodK 20 Mahogany Bedsteads; 12 dbes; 19 Rite W alnut do; 8 Cherry do. A very large ammtment of Common Chain and oth er Femme too tedium to mention. tor Steam Boat. furniehed on the shortest notice. 411 orders unmet. , attended to. P.IS -Cabinet Makers can be supplied with all Forts of Mahogany, %Velum, and Veneers, at considerably re ... 4•Bsdpoces. **GOAD 4 (Sucessors to M'Co rd & Elm) ANL Fashionable Ilatt•Cis, Ckomor of Woad end Fifth Senors. PARTICULAR attention paid tono Retai ol Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from one establishment of the .21r luntious sod *muumuu, of the yno=rl . Kenos, and at the worm "Cm. Country, Merthents, purchasing by wholesale, an reapeetfaity invited to call and anardme our Stock; as We can say with confidence that as regards value and rams, is will not suffer in a comparison with any house as Philadelphia.febt7 T 0 PRINTERS — . 1•01 IN D. M'CREAR 7 i, Printing Ink Manufacturer, eY No.. =land :07t Stanton street, NEW TOM-De pot N 0.3 Spruce street-Would call the attention of Printers to hi. improved Printing of of various kinds and ordere, at the following Pr.". Extra fine Jet Black, for Cud and sVood Cats Co and 3 re per lb. Five Book Ink - 073 LL 1 00 Boos rk 040 " • at News Ink • • . 010 u' " Fine Red Ink -75 e IOU 150 " d tai L. Bine Yellow, Green and White 75c 100 1 Gold sue at 12 per lb, sad Bronze at 50, 75 cu and al per os A specimen of News Ink can be teen on than paper. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTO:9. , Ps. C. litorgu a Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton & Grmeonld, Louisville, Ky. onetulftm NEW COACH FACTORY, • ernierfrel. lUr A. WHITE & would respectfully inform AM, the pubtir that they tome erected a shop en co bptereen Federal nod Su:dusky tweet" They are hoar ankles end ars prepared to enterer orders for every description of vehicles, Couhee, Ulnas, Bar remehee, Boggles, Photons, ke , which front their long expenenee to the manufneurre of the above work, and the Medal. they have,they feeleonfident they are enabled to do work on the most remonable terms with thine Ranting exudes in Metz line. Peyote particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and haring none but competent workmen, the hav e so Maimatos in an their work. We themfore test the attention of Mc public to this mm". N. li. Repairing done lathe beet manner, and ac e the oust reasonable team. Matt( -------- Thomas Parkinson, ftACIIINUIT AND MANUFACTURER -Lathes, Tobacco, Honsin and large Screws of all kinds, Oran Cesdrige and Bram Works generally. Cornet of Ferry and Fast Immo THE saburlber, having Purchased the FtimotT of James Patterson, Jr., located at the above stand, would respectfully infanta his friends and the public that he is prepared te fill any Were in h. hne, on Km most reasonable terms mid with dispatch, md will feel grateful for the. patronase Tic PAREINSON. Pitudnargh, J.. 1,1830. HAVING disposed of my establishment to Ur. Thomas Perlonson, I take the bber. eolicit for Inat the purnnege of my friends and the public, feeling confident that any favors conferred will be dotty appreciated end promptly mended JAAIES PATTERXON, Jr. Ptusbargli. Jan. 1.1850.-0. 7,10 at - • PITTINUROII FEMALE INSTITUTE TRS Second Sewn. of Ms lionitudon, the the care of Mr. and Mrs. CdranOtle, for the present academic year, will commence on this day, Monday, Febrasry 19th, in the same buildings, No. fel Laberty stree An t wuremenu hare been made by which they will briable to famish young Indies (*Mims oral ta ay In the West, for obtaining a thorough Eoglisb, Classi• : . 11, and Omaniental education. A full tour. of Phi. end Chenuml Lecture will be delivered dicing the winter, 11. ..stied by apparent*. The de. =of Voce' end Ingalunentel Mesta, Mealem Dmarug runt:4V, each be ander the earn *la coMpetent rrofeseer. By dose attention to the moral end Intellectual Improvement of their pa pd., the Prinemals hope to meat • commission of the liberal patromae they bays hitherto emoyed. For see else woe apply to the Principals. W' ft " lttiollo A. A. MASON & CO., 000. Markel rout, am daily receiving new and desirable Goods from the leading manufactories f tan consul , and or the hosst hmattatione. The facilities which theybe ng connected with home in the east, enables them to purchase goods at the looms valuation, and keep their stock full lead de lamb. at all seaoo,lll. They have a fine amorment of Home Keeper Goods, to which they solicit the early attention of their friends and the public. Ina e Imperial Cosign Syrup , Till., man be a pmparatme of much merit, when so many of our own Maus willingly and voienter. in unary to its Canine properties. An aged and highly respeomil citric. after using it, expremed pennon of KM very popular rough remedy by savior, "it is worh tan 'motto is gold" An cddor of one co aur daily papers states in • note-" 1 always beep it an my house, and would not, on any account, be mato. , at LL Au old unary man saye-"I eatisfied, after a Mal of three or four yea.. that its the best cough seedmine I have ever t ried, either Is be Old or Ncgr World." If you have rt cough, get • Mule and tait; It costs but IS rents. mr lllY•pratt a. one , Patent Soda Ash. CmAnnSeffSnery'renr.,h"v'llYNew 'f.irlderns?..pfen't'sht: Ammo Boodieta, lemma, and Mlstrlit, which will be sale, on armal, at the lowest ma rket price, be W & 51 511 ECHEILTREF., feteXt 100 Liberty at I,l7"ebey will also reeeme large applies dunng the spring via PadlillelPhia and Baltimore THESPLENDIDENGRAVING of the Death Bed A Seedy of REV 101111 WESLEY, published by sunscripann, engraved by Wu, (lvcrnnd Grata, of London, from the original painting by Marshall Clax ton, bassist been received, and to now for sale by It HOPKINS, feb2l Apollo IlsoldtriyFoortit • LARII-434 bbis, 9 tee, II atuds -- N o 1, to Untie on steamer Euphrates, for sale "r 4 I)7 6 II_ACI L LOtiIVOG l A9 " =e N fli e s F ;?i fr- b -1-) - „v KIDD b CO. 115AC1174-20 maks prme bacon shoulders, received JOI on consignment, and for bY L. S WATERMAN, feh 3 31 Water. and 6/ Front W. SUtiAR azoiSIGUS isFS 7 48idtds N Mel 0 Sugar, 117 barrels anie., lot sale by 1.11. Wht LIAGALEY ft CO. CLOVER brhalhlo Clover Seed, for sal. febtro Whl I.IAGALEY & cp. BrrAR-10 iiirelißolttierrehy ,b• CO. by V fel'!" :l ln•lan WICK & MeCANDLESS `VELVET CORDS-M 3 piece., of venom styles and V quail ree'd hY feb•G SHACKLF.IT re WHITE New Siyle Carpets. . -'- TUST received, some handsome new style Velvet eJ Pits end Tapestry Carpet s, direct from England, pnrc and will bo eold as low the Name quality eranbe hmed in the Atlantic Cittev W McCLINTOCK, feb23 75 Fourth in, Potaburgh WADDINU-10 bales glazed, superior, 13 do common; 2 do white. The ro o lemiened having been appointed agents, by the linana4Ctifferg, intend keeping a large .apply of their Wadding constantly on hands, and will be pre pared Is fill orders to any event. Dealers are par. %milady Invited to examine the qualities sad prom Of the above supply, which we Mink will compare favorably with those of any other market. WICK k. hicCANDLESS, fe1.25 Corner of Wood and Water street, - L~ NU hit arra Tow Yarn; 50 dal Woolen Si mi.; 30 cuts do Yaini I piece White Flannel; 20 dos Bags, " Xt. Washboards; for sale by fetiD 1 D WILLIAhIS IVOTA 611-15 cask. on had and for sido FLOYDby (UV J & R QALE.RATUO-13 emle Mains% for Leo by la MG & F... 01713 ( DUTTF.R-10 bin prom Family, for sale by feb= nee for & LOYD_ LOVER-15FX1D-40 buts in Stet; a - sale by CfeblD A 11U'l'iS0 0 IitACEERELL-LIM bis Large , 1 1 :!, Mrs . .inspLooort, fetal " uuicinsom &CO BACON -2 casks Huss, ft do Sides; I do ...litionidetinttgropieloraartioe, l far stole by k ARD-25 kegs No 1, pars! ree d !a d far We A hqlauNu & CRuZa )slily lda.l.4 - Iffoleq reed and tor sem by 604.5 ARMSTRONG & CROZER volTruc lesilinit for WO by feb2s ARMSTRONG & CROZER. rjl ' lll -1V1114140 re3l-6 h arEITTOMIT.NII3zER VAo —w g'“ for setaN AN , DMORGAN Merr"rmt-2 bLn 6'lElll;4 MORGkX R ( oo oba lidS- du Corn, in store A aall24= l., B CHEESE-ito boa Create, " Eselsk Ram far sale by OM P ViLWAD4uoWood a MISCELLANEOUS. 1850. !WILING 'DRY 1/011111 1 irare swyr receiving our regular istrTlis l ! o ". D a . mastle amt. Patois. DEW GOODS. "sioe...ic we prepared to sell aisle lowest makes prices vs sub buyers and prestipt basints.inen, We "...Id Ad te the atnboe °May and Wes urn 51erehiraa es ear wet, believing'''. etc offer - roan, Indriconentsurptirehrue frons oL silecKLErr & RITA : feba Dry Goods /ribbert,99 Weed st • C , ASSIMEKES-5 cases Fancy assail:sores, just re, solved from manufasturers, on sonslgninent,. , for sale by 11 LEE, Liberty street. febe9 opposite Fifth ; • r...._ , eases nrseds, olive, broeiti, wed ye, gola xed, just reed on sonsernmeot, for sae by fet II LEE, übenr at . ItaNKET9-51---- 'ern* .4 eases Om/ Confer do Dnab do: 1 do Bine del 1 do saperlor Bed; far sale by 11 LF.B„Liberly mo t draiso PASFILIPII. Tips beantilal lay In of BATH in now Lit renamed oM , and will be Introduced on Bat. lud , ath Id, by 1110001111& CO. folor3; Corner &ha Wood ra, ' BEN N ETT & BROTH ERi QUEENSWARE UPACIIIREttI3, 61 rsalnegham, [near Pittsburnit..lPa.. Office; No. 37 TVater boxliwris Maw; and • Wood, P.,l4orgh. ' IRWILL constantly keep ou hand a geed melt- Meat of Winn of our own menufamure,atir e operiereuallty. Wholesale and emsou7 ?der clams are sespeetfully mvited to eall and el luidos for themselves, on we are determined to WI eheaper than hasever bet. been offertdte.the pub - iie. gjOrderasitnt by mall,secompaeled by. he cash Si nod reference. will be prorciptly attended m. mr6 ; INrifiCiTo—Biiiip ere, Stream thus Owner* • and ethers. • • j rtsPTSIN SAMUEL U. SMITHERS,IIaring been 1../ sppouned Inspector of files= ROMS for ihe runlet signed Insurance - Companies in this city, a classifica tion of Boats will he made, and TILICS or premium charged accordingly. All shipments,under open Pelf. cies subsequent to this date, will be subjected to such rates and regulations as may be adopted wider such inspeetion. Every information will he given at the to- speetbre Mae.. J. FINNEY, Jr.. Beeman' Western lavaraneeCornp“Y. ' P. A. MADMNA, Agent Del. Al. B. Inv. Co . WM. P. JONES,Agent Ins. Co. of Nanh Antenna. A. W. MARK Seretary Citn S, ens' c Ins. Co. Pittsburgh, March SI, 11150.—{Mt4 Goerge 8. Elenesery, HIN anotiated mt hint WM. Jr. W G ELL. and JOHN CALDWELL e , Jr., the Ship Chandlery, Boat Store, and Qtteenserves Business, all he conducted at No. ZS Water greet, under the 11IASSEY t CALDWELIS BaldamMary Illachlato Bliasayttuatorr. THE subscriber informs/tie Armada and the nubile; that at his extensive establishment, (capable of employing from two to three hundred workmen and wbere he away. keeps a lame tutmbst of the; bend eltgaged,) he is prepared IA execute, in the best manner, and with areal despatch. all orders In, MILL WORK and (%7VTON sod WOOLF'S( MAI. CUINERY, of every dasmiptiorm Fondle workman: tido and style of hi . Machines, he would refer to that numerous manufacturers In the Western and Southern Mates, as well as the Middle States, who are now opi rlratlng the. He recently-made greia tutprovet Itoth in the style mod plan, of his Mill.lunery, - ill be famished at reasonable `mit. by op. ALFRED /ENK LiziAiwbOnG Pa. olOteh plying to mrs-2ro• • SLIMES saw Mill for Heat. tobsent.er often to mot a ammo Saw Mill, in complete taming order, meant on the Bank of the Allegheny river, within one mile of Tarentam. The knew and other Mier. We all to gad Cutler, and capable of doing alarge amines.. • The Coal la CORT<IIII2I3{ to the Mill, and them is comfortable Dwelling HOUNI attaeited toile eremites which is mlielently emanations Mr the au of au Mai i . Pm farther ',oracular. enquire of the sabsenberi n the premise., Or to Pater Peurson, who can be od at the Warehouse of John Menden it Co, un al Buie Pittsburgh. PETERSON. Ititgltzh Tooth Brushes. rIERSONS in want of a ovoid Tooth Brash, see Wain 1 - led to examine those braihes. Ito se e are warranted ilk to oomo oat, a--. 1 for ionise, one of them is worth a half dozen Of ihoso in general use, ai•snifseesaed tor, .ro Ira orbolwania and retai by {mrlll R. E. SELLERS, 07 Wood st ICOIIO42IIULPIIIO EINOYOUOPAMIA ' OF 'SCIENCE, LITEBATITWE, ft. ART; SVSMIATICALLti arranged by G. BECK, withfine booth.. Orterto smell plates, by the most cis- , dog-rashvd ant.;, of Germany. The Text translated; .d edited br SPENCER F. BAIRD, A. M. M. D.,' Professor of Natural Science. is Ihckinson College, Carlisle, Pa. T. ...graphic Encyclopedia will be publislaid• in 25 parts, each contemns& W plates and %I sages .r. truer press, tuned in a convenient port olio, iu which , subscribers c. keep their copiea in perfect order an 1.11 completed, when they a. be bound. Onc pan is rablisked every month, Al the very low price of 51,00, s. hich will enable allover. of hiatrue.' urn in the most Oceanid and practical fermi hinoteo-' er scanty their means, to become subutibers to thel work. Subscriptions token kothe whole. work only. Prom the'Boston Post. T. work shoeld not be coupled fora moment with any of the trashy or popularly scientifte publications' of the dny. From the New York Tribune. The tortexceeding beauty of tk• of recommend. them attention of Om lover of Oct. From the Literary World. A WA eItEIACA solid work, of substantial value. The intralectien of this work intagenerst circulation among oar school and other libraries, public and pri-' vale, cannot fail bii be prtnlnelive of advantage. From the Washington GI C.) Union. We cannot too highly recommend the work. The engstvings are in the highest Wye of art. No work boa ever before been pabliabed in this conetry on splendidly Slammed, and the printed matter is of an equally high order - It is just the work for females. publis SlX he an d ready for su of Mil Invaluab. nbe Facble r yclom s. re edia a now /SAM , D.LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, 13 Wood et, melt (After Ist April—Forinh • near Wood.) L. A. MASON & CO., 0. L. ANTHONY A CO , rITSISSMIU. TZIAI YOU. 111111170LIIIISALM DRY GOODS! A. A.. MASON & CO.,' ,No. 60 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, OULD resoectfulty call the attention of City and TY Country kfiercbente to their extensive !STOCK, comprising probably the largest and most varied aa. woman of Foreign and Domestic Goods ever cubit,. tied in this market. renewing the mow ample reali ties for the transaction of their butanes., and one of the pawners being constantly in the eastern markets, thou presenting every advantage enjoyed by Eastern House*. They believe that they hues clearly retab ' bitted the fast, that they diet greater indneemems Aletehaets generally, to styles, pulite% and Fakes, pt than any e.t.a market— tolj'teeinavitre,'ecat et 'v eford b ed at the low r d atrs o..l"eaus Y' ll7ew Goods constantly arriving. Merchants intending purchasing east are particular ly solicited to examine their assortment A. A. MASON A. CO. Pittsburgh, March 0111.1b50.—{eur9-dAwfivrS INWLABIKATONY RIIIGIIIIIATIDEL TILE AMERICAN RIKEUMA TIC BALS AM!! A NEW remedy le n dscv in the Vegetable !I Kingdom—a sure permanent mire for all Itheunnote Complaints, such as Indstunuatory, Chronic, Moto and Memorial Rheuntausna; Gout Lumbago, Spinal Affections. as. This medicine has long been sought for. It has bean mid that Rheumatism could not bircurcd; but there is a remedy designed by nature for the earn otevelyths. &KM that the hum. system i• •UWerr to. At bat art. medy him been found that cures Rhcematism of the worst no of of the most valuable vegetable pro dtmuonis of the earth—the greatest arid most important dieeneory of the •gO. and a wonderful blessinn to the human family. It cores an dswith smkeniag or delnlns ling, and retterS strenmh vigo ts,the whole sys tem. It has eared, during the pll.lll three months, over 500 eases that were conmdtred incurable. Certificates of the curative properties of this medi cine can be seen by calling on the Agent.. None genuine unleas put op with an engraved label upon the outside wrapper, signed by the proprietor, B TURNER, Buffalo, N. V Sold b. 11. COWER, corner Tlatrd and Market st, Pitts..ntsh. Sold lib by O. F. THONIes, No 109 Main et, Cincinnati, O. feb7..1.4.156m8 --- --- MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE, No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a .• few doors below Weed area, us • wards market. • ,-- DR. BROWN, having been • • - 1- regularly educated to the medicalt • et.- g 'on, and been for some time • In •I ' neral -practice, now confine. anernion to the mourning of ."dt those enure and deliver...cam ,e. plaints for which hi. opportunitier r! • and experience peculiarly quality , him. le years assiduously devoted to study & treatment of f those complaints,(dunag which time he Ites had none practice and hummed mom pa. tents than can ever fall to the lot of any private prae. Odour) amply stuallges him to offer aworaneei of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory care to all Mt/kW with d e L, c ,,,,, elsµses, end all diseases witting there from. r. DM= would inform those &Meted with Ornate iscases which have become chronic by lime Of eg. usi d rated by the use of any of the common nostrums of the day, that their somplausureanbe radically .4 thar ought) , cured; he having given his model attention to the treatment of math eases, and succeeded in hundreds of instances In miring persons of irdlammation of the near of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often react from those easel where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. Ile paniculatly 'unused as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others to consult him, when every smiefactionWill be given them, and their rases treated in a eareful,theromrh and Intelhgent manner, pointed out bye long.expenence, audy,and iovesUgaunn,wblehitfa ire:pueblo for those ed in anent practice of medicine. to give to ..ec of•' pTllemia or ituptate..--DT.B101•11 alp Invites pi?* • as &Meted with Ileraa to call, at he hu pall peat. gs l ;zs'MgCg Skin diseases; also LL a,Palrg,'eta., speedily aura C 2 very Lew. M—Pailents of either au Being at a diming*, by giants their amen in writing, s giving all the wymp toms, east obtain medicine. with envenoms for nee, by tddressiniT. BROWN, M. D., pest paid, end endue i3 =l.lO is anima' surhoppowmthoWL*" l / Limn. RlistrmixtrX.-.Dr.Brormes newly diseoverod mot dy for Recanted= fa a opted) and certain remedy for Mal_paleal trouble. ft never fails. =ea mad Private Carmelites Rooms, No. on Di.. Mind alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. V.* D.= IS always at home. fr/No a am o 0 9n. D .R. NW. GYRO. W. 11111117 ft .4111. CO., no l o nger weir (hatch, and pablht tha h n , tte at In ' P n ea r •Vairt=awira gaainin,=ll. hinn ,kaudrrit ear bantam to it. POINT EMU& 311 TRANSPORTATION. alteMlB6o.lllMl Merl4uuttat Trootsportsti.os For the TraruPsh.dic. or , xmozzuroua aIIa Motu noir mammon re VIA pEriNslNEircepueraid:ic i A D, TIMR-1O Diya."bltai;Mitt always as Row as any other respoluible Liste, • O A MeANULTY & Do., Proprietors, Cacall Aarins—RO:n MORRILL & Cr, Bahia:ore.. CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelptda. . . aIIf,B.CHAJBTOr WAY wasuner L uiz. ExeitZ7 V o w m n i l = the Between Pittsburg, Blaintalle Jobnaemin, HollF daysberah. =a all intermediate Maims. Stamm by this line can always dePal U a aisianwired at has ing their goals promptly forwarded and r . ir g t ° L im on the Pine! or Rail Head, at far wars for JOHN MILLER, Proprietor. staimrs—it liCANAN,Johnstisem, JOHN MlLLEJkliellidaypborg, wit C A WAPIIIITif I CO Pine'. IMS Euraaszcit POUTA.BI.I6 BoATAarigic. •.';m"------1850. • • PITTSDCRGII AND rini-ADELPIILL PROPRIICTORS of this old establlalted end .I. mar Portable Dom Line, are now to receive od• UgH o T f WC.anP..M— , Having ma th hc fo y Mpm i nto nn op .thelt storage Is ample and complete. No transhipment takes Owe on tlos Lino; the goods being pat into section mythic boats, are tot disturbed until airiest at their dutioetton,--then arc hind' linß at the time poinu of Johnstown, Holhdaysborg, l undNo clvmhis charge Made for receiving or forwardingser ad. moments charges. All goods forwardat promptly, .1 111.1113 fair testes es by any other Line. Oar neighber hoes differ as to their respamihilitY. We hive, h ave fre last fo r t' een. been "The Reliance Linesant h never forfeited our title; and weals& we ese earned ilte privilege of now changing otr name to the MONT= of "Ton Rartmessis Lars^ JOHN AIeFADETi CO,& Canal Ruin, Pittebargb• JAMES Al DAVIS &CO, nun No gni Market at. PhlladelpMe. • • BALIANCIS FITT. DA 17 JAMPit, ron TUE CONVNIMICZ or rtracturonsi Arro TACILAGEB wrns srzsa CUTAMIT, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGIL fIOODS forwarded by this Liao are carried in tk `jr 11151 i 111.i5 m Chumbershugh, and are immethalc ly 'loaded In Wagons going - night sad day through to Pittsburgh. The horses are stationed every 15 miles, which Wilms the prompt delivery of goods within tke time promised. the Wo,cons will leave oar warchoutte daily, (Boa daysaxeepted.) at 2 o'clock, P. M. Idhmkrs are assured that no more goods will be taken each any 'than eau ho Imiactaally carried Ihrbugh.; JAMES DAVIS & 60, IV Market street, Pluladelpiuls. „. JOHN Id'PADEN & CO, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh!. . , 501 IN MeE,OI6Y & CO, FosTrmOrlto & Come mos Illammurn„ Canal Basin, Pena street, Pittahargh• JAMES M. DAVIS le CO, Mora Parma an Com. solonoplllaarnaers, '47 Markel, mad 64 Commerce at, Philadelphia. jllerAdvances made 6, either attic above, on Flour, wool, other merchoodiu, consigned to them for sale. lan't UNION LINE. WINTER ARRANGF.DIEVT; 1850, THE subtetlbera, now haelog in sneeesathi ope r ti lapgess Wagon Line tempts rataba ,l and Philadelphia am prepared to reams for ORO . freight daily. Dub wag dalirenable through in Aix days, Sundays excepted. HENRY GRAFF /a CO., Paned Maid. Piesburgh. DUTILLE HUMPH REYS k CO., lantaft 107 Market at. MP. WINTER AURA auIZ&NEENT. lafla.lWO.Ma EXPRESS WAGON E LINE e •TraIOUGH IN FIV DAYS canal THE IM'tlrig`P'F.TP7V.thgr, N lga ao4ase u ' uiblished singer.% Lh e te b P y Ifithelland %Iv beytor.eenrcP.hrldi gpfhoire4rdind.PgiAblgi„. Ly, and ree . elpffor P the delivery of the seine in 0 days. They be leave mss aure then . friends end the pet,- lie Wu their arrangements regarding rates, regularity and despatch, cannot fail to grse satisfaction to all Who "" theth with their fa il & O'CONNOR, • earner Perm and Wayne .is, Pittsburgh. THOMAS 13k.RBID0E, del 578 Market street, Philadelphia. GEE, V7Ol GEE, WO , WESTER Asaallozzsza.r. 1850. iiiMA 1.1.3 =MD tIIIII OLD 00:031 . 00.•. BIN A M'B 6XPILE39 . WAGON •LINE, • • • • Pittsburgh wad Phllsdolubla. S the banness on the canal is abouthsing closed Afor the Beason, aro would inform the piablie we lava min brought the ConutogaWagons into I' 6. quisition, uid will be prepared to forward Carapriands WIT, (commencin on day, the Sllth inst. A Car leaving Philadelphia dolly Mon by the mail train for Chun bersborg, and the Wag°ns traveling day and night, ensures the dellvery of Grads in five dry. Apply to BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, BINGHAM. &DOCK, N 0.153 Market street, nov2o Philadelphia. • WIIIT*I3. /kRB.AINGEELENT ROA 11850 Mak EXPRESS WAGON /JIVE, . Zb A. MOM PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. - Tut= Elva Days, (Sundays excepted,) ritnin , l e stay and Nght. THE public ir respectfully inlonted m e, which has been in successful operation the ewe pennons winters, will again commence routing on Monday, the With of November. A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chambersburgh deny each way with the Mall Train,. and from Chao. bersbargh swim relays of horses rumung day and eight. We are prepared to forward 4000 lbs weight daily by the above Line. Apply to D. LEECH & CO, Pittsburgh, or to—HARRIS LEECH, No 13 Routh Third strut, PhiladelphL. noviOdtf lOLLLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICES! LEXANDEtt & DAY, corner of th e Dimond and AMarket street, are now selling ofr, at redhced pnces, their stock of Winter Goods, consisting of Otiawts and Latter' Dress Goals. in great vanety. w m—illankem as sortmentls, , and a full as of heavy Cotton Bonds. Confident that better bargains cannot be had ohm whets, we invite the attentma oALEXANDf buyers. ER & DAY, 75 Market street -- ypg6MON GOODS, 60 1 1 .E.T. 11 ; Pains; ritso—Moornuas Moods, 'Anent, ;ranch Wrought Capes, Collars and Culls, Dress Silks, Mantillas, Aler• ardent Kid Gloves Fine French and Scorch Ging • barns, all of which have bean selected with great east, and will be found at low prices at A A MASON it CO, • 4 en Market at WIST nod short time BILLS OF EXCLIANNE, 10 Ole in Oneinnan, Lonriannillo and St. Lon n, put. onased on the most famornbloterm HOs. N. LISM& SONS. TABLE BIA PEELS Ur IL MURPHY keeps constantly.= bald us sil -1 • Raiment of Melte/mil Linen Table Diapers , a &decent widths and queues. Also—Table Cloths and Napkins, Toweling Diapers and Towels, and • full assortment of balsa famishing goods. • leblt TOEUXCO-Z kelp 6 twnt, cadge & itro:e brand, for ale by rp RIMY, MATTHEWS ft CO F001b:-100 - 661$ Fro mo'd awl tor oda by - mN JAMB DA LZELL MOULD CANDLE 3-30 Ala km gala D by my, • JAMES ALZELL NERTAWAN IL NNER'SO-25 brie are l reeeivevlb and fo LL.rmals AN atIES DALZE IviAc"" l— timdbo''' MI ; • • No :4 More, for salo by ears JAME2I DALZ ELL SU . IVARB. SODA-4 l e gs flzlo by CO CLOVER REED-3 bbls far sale by nue J SOHOONIOAKEE &CO ANNEJLT OIL-19 bbls for sale loy J SCHOONMAKER & CO frOW NSENIpWeji SARSAPR OO L N A M—A44N dEoRr. AC e TAMPA • MUSPDATT tr. SONS' PATENT SODA ASll—me calks in =re per Mesmer Aroaroaley and for sale la the lowest market price, by W A M MITCUCLEIPA mrk Liberty st BACON -23 colts mit, to day too'd and for 0104 mt 9 NV ALL I NOMAD & CO .Wate SGARS -400,000 Ky., rec'd pet Messenger No.; fel sale by ind) • AHDla•••••-• constam ‘ e % lpl a fi si sr u sAl;B i tz .k. co' --- LEAD-147 U pip Galena, for sale by HUEY, MATTHEWS & CO, mr9 27 and VS Water at FISH -12 1.3 No I Itlnekettl; VA do Nog do; do No 3 do; 10 id bbl, 3 do; 10 bbl, Gsbbod Ilefrlng;_ arsolo hr &HEY. MATIIIIEWS & CO F ORILS-Ju dox loon Cott Steel-m 7 Foos al dor. do Monoro F. • :V do. do 3 Tined Fooks; for oak by !OM L S NVILTERALSN. GOLDEA SYROP-3 - Orls are see d;ond lot safe bi JAMF4 I DALZELL. wononI14•1•1r. PPM,' fir,._= 4 . , dal. 0.1 . qualty cut *mei tioes, for sole by • fobi7 L 8 - WATERMAN. LOS (I:7r tal e by roblbi" • E SELLERS. B pa — BOXES—r o c t l e. ngrs . e i ldp; " 45 do Eaglish willow; tarsals, l'b • , R E SELLRS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers