. •!; •.; A-. -.. .■ t • •'■ " ■ ■■■ - l - *' i■ ■ ■' “il: : ■_*■ •' '. , • j ■ \ "... ■ > ' ■ i r ‘~ - ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. ‘PUBLISHED BY :... ‘ WHITE 4 », t ». ynsrrf, J •airin' But fines, ■ tuup wttxstt hsxi.doo* to TUB just otnct 1;- - • ft? i £ ptr -*“'^ “ : : Ljcsokadvsbbiuo r AU&EEP UPON* ' ► irt jB PITTBDtrnGII PRESS. . Oaa Sgu* ic, (10 lines of Nonpareil or lets) ,oo« iliertion— *——.••• • •—fiO^O OssSqos re, each additional insertion— OfiS J *"'. —' Do.. . • one week-—- * 1,75 Do,; ; two weeks. ~. 3,00 .' lta. three weels-— 1 —- . 4,00 > ... Do. . . one month—— .. 5,00 • ‘'* ’ ' Do. , . two months—— ««• 7,00 ' .' t i)c. r . three months—* 9flo :, Ho. ■ lour tnemlts 10,00 . Do.- ':,.aiimontbi—l2,oo - ‘ Do. , twclTo moothi---«- - - Standing Card (ffline! orlestdper annum- 10,00 (peran* noia)£XeiUiv*o( the paper*-***-*-* 25,00 vJi Jorcach additional square, inserted orer one nemtb, - t.. . uaq te etch additional square inserted under they ear i : Jy rates, half, pries. Advertisements exceeding a square, and sot direr - r-tftfiaeal&ttarto be charged as a square and a half. ' ; —ftbllihejtsneiaccoaiiialile for legal advertisements beyondtheardoafiichargedfortlicirpubtieatictt. ■: Announcing candidates for olLce, 10 bo charged the •use Mother advertisements, i . ••- Advertisements ncimalked on the copy-far a speei ,> , ied tamber of ihaartiirtji, will becontlimedtiU !oihm; aadßavmcntexacisi accord ■> Vm pneOneaefyeariftdrertleera willbe cobhced to Ihcir regular business, and all other adver* tismentmotpensining to their regular business, aa agreed for, to be paid extra. - All .advenisemeata for charitable rastltations, fire eempaaisa, ward,' township and other public meetings, *'' ' Ja J aSMtt[ e,toboC6U^ e<l taJl 'P rfc * , P*^ ahleMricu J r Mamagonhiiea* to boeberg'edfiO cents." Death notices Inserted without charge,unleu ae com* funeral invitation* or obituary notices, and ~ when so accompanied to be paid for. Jtofttlar oilverUser* and all others sending comma* nica&ons, or jcqalring notices deigned to eallatten* ; ooato yarrs,Soirees, Concerts, or. any public.enter* c , • tegmenta where caargp* nn* msda <*>* ; . t»' -rtl eoliets ofprirate notice do i ' sS*^r.. eaiiattenUon to private enterprises calcula* . .v-toßorinlctidedioproatoteiiidtTldaalir.teresticnnee* lybeiaserttd Wriih tbe understanding that the came Is be paid for. If intended to .be inserted iu the loca ®P- «ame wiu be charged aithe rate of not less . . 'ihanlQc* tsperlino., .... yßabop ,or>lM Notices to be chaired tiroia price. • > *• Tavern License Petitions,S3 eact' ’ "fa^>ncc^ d advertisement* to be charged at • _J~*\ liat * le **g eala &£d-Auctioneers’Advertisements ; j}®**® 1 . t ? u * CQ nnder yearly rates, bnt to be allowed * - • decant el totrty three and one third per cent, from the amount of bills. - ■ • • • * • \WKatt oa tic.wxxxtr cr naiit mxxs. Onoequarej three insertions- ?81/D i . ‘■ v 1 , ®P- ' " each addiUonallnsertion- 57 • • paeijqa»re, {lO Une*j «oe ia*eniea« • —5O eU. . >• ' «cb *dditjon»l in*cnion-23 •** •• - " Alltmmeni»dTcniaeaebUiebepai(tiQKdTaooe. WHiTK & CO., G alias. 1 L.IIARPEB, iW, •BOBTU.JUDWiK, Joamsl. 1 ' JAMES P.‘BARR & CO, Chronicle. fWTKHiiinOTUKil.J^apach. *■■- 'JOS.SNOWiIEN.iIefCBty. JAMP-S W. BIDDLE, American- ; Pinsioutt, Dee: •• y >• MSIfIKSS CARDS. '.uv y .-v.-.'2 : AI*BXABI>KK Jtt. WATSOV, I ■ A'tTOBNEV'AT LXAY—OiUcej oo Fotjnh iticet. i jX. above Saliltfield—Law/ic’i BaUding*— sp si&in.' i Jtta-r-••■••• • 1 ’• v v 3. A tJsjUftCUt.TFEANItUNrAiwiwy; « Liw, - { ~ .'■■•.•■ . . noTl3-ir iJ ; r -UaVIU «. TETTER, : . A TTORNEY ATUW AWP. COMMISSIONER ''A TOR PENNSYLVANIA, 81. Lucu, Me. . *— ■-Afl’cottfatnnlcalfaa promptly mn»wgrctL oct2Hy A RiISTKOISC JYCROZEB, Commission Merchants t in Predate, Ha.SI Marheratieef JdWOSfklir' 7 TT and-Coenselier «tLcw,«isl OcnffiUs zr\: ■lo‘4A> for the Sufo of PecusylTawa, dt. Louis, 'Ho.Uaisal.ttilibarfh.) - ' *• r . r Hon.W.ForwanLTlainp *oh l fcrMUler r ‘ M’Candles* ft. irciwe,-Jehu J 2. Parke, <e»MisAseiapic.M , Cord*:KiDg.- .' ' angHally v HAtnn m. ff*n?;pnKTTi - >• . - A TTOHNEYd ANl> COUNSELLORS Af LAW, W Foarth street, between Smilafield and. Grant, "‘’’lcsbnrgh, Pa> - ...; • ~ •*. •■■ ■ jttii- - • watt KtXUE - 'WW.C.TKtKtn,' .. -' ' HUGE S FIUE9O, A TTOWtEYSAT LAW, Founaitreet, near Grant ;A; ■ . ; —~—jak£s rneciut; —~~ r~ ‘-V.ArrOßNinr AT LAW.-Oiaeo<m FcnrUiC., be* ; ,£± tween RmiiAfield and -FiUabsrglL. - 1 K • ■ *uJ2ally ~ _ . ■ • v - ■...•• '. • m wm/ —-j*ioujr «. combats;': }. ..••V — : -'~~iurettini,TT. ■ VVOODWABD & Co* Wholesale Ore* IVgftfa.Mo.gl Ntafket sweet, Philadelphia. Berg. PUUbaxßb ADulTWorkit BENNETT, UER&V A CO, JUantuaetaren or Sods A»W. Bleaching Powders, Mn rialic ana Sulpherie street > belowf'eny. •■- ootaHy - • :/■ rtx&svxi asar*. - tnui ifitiL BC. < fc BETTER, Wholesale and Ketail Drag* JO guts, t enter o{ Liberty and St. Clair streets, pias ■■ ■ - • inayl*. A. I'AUNESTOCK * Co., Wholesale cad Ke~ » miJmsgista, comer Wood and Gihita. ■ jyl~ HARI.M NaYLOR, Attorney at Law, Third St, Indoor aborc timhatield. • aoTlMm: oTh. pa£¥Hiook, a. 0., NO. US SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, - i tegive hi» partieolar attention to ibo • j trcatneat of Diseases ot the SKIN, BCROPULAj vaad Diseases of the TIIROATr • • - . Officehoers: 8 A-U-, IP. hL,aad7 P. M. octftd3m« ‘ •' '• _ -sox*a.eaato. . w.s.«uo«*. Gb Aiq a HttlNWEg. Forwarding and ComuUMJOn Merchants No. Hi Market st, Pmsbargb- spifr . A-MeANULTY & Forwarding and Com 1 '.suasionMerchant*, Canal Basis,.Piusbargh Ea - . tneb* tL UHANTTWholesaleGroter, Commission *ad # Forwarding Merchant, No. 4L Waicrst. sola JlaqMlM SUU VIOLEUAK'fIIAILUAN Co, ■muiftetunn *f Aj Coteh'ud Eliplic Springs, Uumeied Axles, f> fT jn g ud Plough.BteeL-lraa, Ae. Wsrehouso on W*ter*a<i Front «reeu, Pittsburgh. I AlsOt'deaJen nit Couch Trimmings una oluHemUe j -Omings. •• •• 1 -'••• •- oetia \ :« stk. a. «au»g.' - s ' juaa i. reratrr. ; IWGLI3H ft UEPiNKrr, (I*lo English, Gallagher < . JPj > Co.) Wholesale Grocer*, ComolUMn and For warding Merchant*, and dr a lera in Produce and Pitt** Brtira HacnCactartit No. 3.' Wood eL, between 2d and Ddatreeu. ~ j, iIK.NH.Y'f AUoniay antl CoaneeiJor alLaw, M7J. Qnc{paati, Cotleetiona’in fiogthemOhlo, auxd in Indiana, audio Kewackr, promptly and eaie tfbllr attended to. Commissioner tot iha auto of Pena* ■/Irani*, tot taking -liepoaiiion*, acknowledgment*,' r BzrzaTo—lion. Wa. Bell ft Son, Corns, Cbnrtbft "Caro there, Wm- Hayi, £aq-, Wlllock ft Data. aas 'J. C. Unytogle • •A. H. CUrkc. j fIaETFOQIiE 4 OLABKBi *T?OR WASDINU AND COMMISSION ItERCII- J*i ANTS, «wl (Seilers In Window. Gliu, 'While I.**. No. 103 Second rt. juiß-y i. 1 — *rabRWA!UUM) A COMMISSION MERCHANT, J?Tfto«n a B«con<Utrett,Plmt»axgl> ■ del* • • «*(ry- • t nn , simvnstt. sSsOKGB W. SMITH te.COJ, Brewer*,’ ;\J aad Hop Dealers Pin »t, Pnaborgh. : «prt3 cominSglon tnd yonwdinf r Meretant,No.BQWooJ»tfe«tFitt*bttfKh. myH BOSK LSAGCS FACTORY# • ; 'TTAIiILTON STEWART, nunufaciorer- of Henry M-* Bfb'ctajteggp;* Woolen*, Lilicny,oppo»Uo«*• 'few- w*. niALD, Balanore. . . , _/ - A.'»,Kxt3oa, kowaxd nmi>, ■ ( Fhil&diu ■BraSffi^fcßUCiSoiCTobMcoComniwion liefr 41 Worth Wm «4 fclONorth Wfcanre^, : wit rJOHXS. . i TXARDY, JONES iUI JonesA Co.) Commission and Mer» ] «h*Ms L 4ealen,ia Fittsbnrgh Maimfoeniwd Good* 1 tTftUlHiii. r*. - Jtfjg? _- I HAVE as*odaie??B?WeVAY with BO In fofl Exchange tad Rantrinr business. . . ~, * • January uijlciO, ... WAL lI.WJLLIAMS. ; ,Wtt.'lLxbnt aw< .; .~1TL.... ......l nMe Var* . • WK. & WILLIAHB At CO.» i BAJIKERjJ ASI) EXCHANGE BROKERS, j - ' iwnk ~ r , f mssekstr. F**_ 1 "i«ui swn. MMttfwSit, »i f 18. UAH mCKEY A -Co, Wholesale O roeerfcCoß; a tartan. Mcrtharts, and dealers ia Produce, No*.fid Front street*. Pittsburgh. • novgj JNO. JL CACGHET. Agcnr for foo Lake Erie end Hk'hieaa. Lise to Beaver andUe Lake*.—Offled. on the e wtet cf Water and Bmithfif Id ns- Jan* •_. JoEn tkVtiwonb.-l— worth. J,;S. DJIiWOETU A CQ., Wholesale Uroccrv, and * i»#«» ** Hazard Powder Co., No. tt Wood suj Pittsburgb.- ■ »-y .- - -v ; -dc3-y :- J9ttH A BttMTOSTK. . jotnn munißTtf. : 1 • S’ DILWORTirA Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro* J » .and Coßraiirion Merchants, and Agents tottho Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y- No. 87 Wood s 2 . piaabatgh. •■•-• ■ :•■• ■ • .. : tots ■ i Vrt*jnUb«»c»twiiU» OJluid , mil .olenrf oj •ortncnioftfee bettand <«*!«« Medicine*.whieh-Tt orillaeU on tho non rea*oorfdo tens*. Physician* •ending, ®rie»,siU bo-proaptlyatieiuled to, and sa> 1' arfofesUicy o»T wlf «poa u p-nuLne.^ i *rgy PhysteiattaFreacrmuonswifi be accurately: and ■Saur p. '.pared Rest (ho best material*, at any hsuz of ■Aim tot sale, a largo Koch of fresh tad rood PerftJ .. /; .•-••••■•■ lul3 JHAiUUdON BE WELL, Counsellor atXaw.—o£ « fice on Fodnh sfr above Smiihficld. novS*ly : JO- CANFIKLD, (late of-Warren, OhloJ Commis* • ".kit and Forwarelng Merchant, and wholesale dealer In Western Reserve Cheese, Uniter, pot .and Peart Ash, aipl-WMtem. Prodcee. generally, Water crml, betweea-BaiUtfleldmad Wood,Pittsburgh. apa -JOHN to Ktralt A fiebbart,! . ttf wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant* •ealer lo Produce and Pittsburgh Mnnufactarev, eor ; ■ »r of Liberty and HandVtrectsy Pittsburgh Fa. jtgft JAMES A. fIUTCJUSON, A- Co.—Successors .id - ixrwif UotchlMn A Co« Conatission Merchants,- tad Agents pf ike. St Losis Steam Sogar MAUwaleraadSS ftoaisuceu, Pittsburgh. . "leal' - ___. . : ' -*| p~ , .ii<MtNMAKC t p Ar i~v> t Whnir»afa~~Prorrtsts, ' . 4p » No, iH Wood Street, Piu^argh. CARDS. 1 OIDi D. MORGAN. Wholesale Druttisi, sad Ink oa Wood street, one door Boctb of Diamond Juior; Pills, bargh.- v■-/:-Ui>i r imN 1). DA Via, An b uoaeoiv center &<h »;T itrcets,Pimbimh. - ( JOHN H. MKLLOR, TOtOlntle tag fiettildooler ni”, Ji feK U “£: U ’ School BoSlUk _ rcr Roc* bM|th! Ot token is lni Ji ■ ..IOHNOTOITt STOCKrqN7BSnS6SrKfei f imlhoteren,No.MM«ksß?KS ftlySo™, Wlolcai OroS^g^Son Dealer* tn Produce, .Bound ■sg^wasßa.jSffy ra uhmj ’ ' n “ s £z •* * T*mi.^^!?l'l* l Whaleiola firco** B iSSMSfj itt .Produce tod Pitubuwb ■ 'No. M Water tt. Pimhurah- l.nlif J; SiKffiSoSWfffiS, ‘*w U itag, n ,F.rcm , BEFERTO Kiek«toek. , Bd!*Co, •) • Oiwcli fcOmnhew, • .Jpmsbwgh.- r DT. Motgan,- - - • y : ocl3dly 1/~I£B-A JONES, Forwarding sad Cccmiuion ilcr* Ok. chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh aann. • factored articles, Canal Emin, near 7th il. - dal mi. PITTHBUnOUTPA. • ' T/ENNHJY, CHILDS & CO-, Manufactnrtn vfy ;. A, saperioM-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, \Co e *j Twine and Batting. JaaMytintt _ 1_ Vunvliu Iron Works* ' T EWfS, DALZKLL & Co, manafaetaxtrs of all ai . mj set Bar, Sheet, Eoilet Iran and Nails of the best inality. WaiefcwLte, M water and 103 front st. . jaaio ‘ ~S WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer; Forward* • in* and Commission Merchant Dealer in Pius* rboigaMannfaotarestnd Produce, Nos.. 31 Water st» taaclFrontst • - . -...-. • •-. > J 27 tm. man, Phiiida. ■ _ c. w. amnnmat, Pinikanth. MILLER A RICKCTSON, Wholesale G roeer*, and importer* ofßrandies, Wines and- Bc(tars, No*, lit asdl?4, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitta* .burgh, Pa-' Iron, Nalls, Cotton Yarns,.fee. Ac- eon* stonily on hand. ‘ . acgUf ious srsiLL. its. s. trotu. . vtim c. aos ;TLf eGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Cornmis* ill sion Merchants, No. 194 liberty it, Pituhargh.' MURPHY, WILSON A CO., (law Jones, Murphy A Co.) Wholesale Dealers, ut Dry Goods,- No. 48 . Wood street Pittsburgh* - / . oorM "JV /jATTIibW WILSON, Portrait 4.VX ter.- Booms,' corner of Post OfficouUley and : Fourth street entrance on 4th near Market decC-dtf. . • FfiTSßUßtill STEEL WORES-aND BPRLNG , AND AXLE PACTOBY. , tuuic jokoi .. - josa r.cnoa. JOVKB * UtriGG, • TtfANITKAtTriiRKns of spring tad blister steel, JUL plongh steel, steel plough wings, eescb an# dip. tc soring*, bammeted iron axles', and dealers in mat table castings, fire engine lamps, oud coach trimming* juterafly, corner of Boat and Front Pittsburgh, _ £fc “ MU)LU&* A BON, No. £3 iUrket au'secotui ..1 .door from comer of fourth, dealer* la FareLrn •M Domestic. B3U of E*ehanjt, CeniheatesofDepos* it,Uank Notes and Specie. Collections mad on aO the principal cities l&rooghoat the. United States. dec 17 N- HUCKAL&£TEB,.-Auxnu»—OflLcet foartheu • third door above flmith&eldj tonih «jrff ■ CoDTcyttncing-ofall kiadj dose with the (reaie«f eare sad feral aeeqnuijr, . -• Tttie»teito«lK»t«teexamined,fee. • - oet3<My ' PUOr. HKaitY ILOHttOCH, * EENN STREET, - between W»yno and Hand, b*s rctnsted bu.professional datte'si riving Uutrnc • Uqpt aaifco Finns, Guitar, and in Voeu Music. i . ... an* tf • (B&A 7o~i¥tmb ■Xfiß rtintarWood—AU quantities of Green and %Bol.Blaek Teuj.doon.Bp in.naster. hnU; and snsponsdpaekagea, ranging from SO eu.nperpoand >1,60.- jyd A. JAYNKa, Agl. for Pekin Tea Co. lt u ' JiIISON, 14TTUS&CO,No.lwtWrytaetl, Jli . fiOi&Qnh, Wholeuls Grocers, Produce ud OoaimiMion £lcrtthftsis,,a&d dealers to. Pituburyb AUsaftetom... If 7 . - aoßT.acatsott. iroiwu. «im.a.>CTisog. . /IlOllEkT Grocer, Reenlylag Ji Distiller; dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh lUtanfac utres, usd all kinds? of-Foreign and Domestic Wines and liquors, No. 11 libernr ctxret . On -band a. very lurje week of superior cud Moaongnhclm ; whiskey, which will bo aold tow lot cask. •. . .. . - ... aplfcly _ . I, o. kamoLDa, " u r****~ REYN OLDS k BHEE, Forwarding tad Camfeustoa .Merchants,forth* Allegheny KirerTrade,deal in in Groceries,‘Vrodace, Pittsburgh Manufacturet tad Chloride of fclme. ’ 3fce highest prieeaja cask, paid ax all tines for cou ryrnjn. Corner ofPenn and Irwinats. . taasfl EOBEKT DALZELL fc Co., Wholesale Croeen, Commiiucn and Forwarding Merchants, dealers -a rrodaeo and, Pittsburgh ilsnufsctures, Libenysu Pnubarab. Ta. ■ - , ; - •. tebUl KOBT.'A. CUNNLNGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer In Frodaee and Praabargh Minafaetnres . >ft. 144-libfrtT »t. : • • . ItlB CJHACKUZXT It .WHITE, Wholesale. Dealers In D foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No.» Wood at. PkttonntaT -.- —• • . ~ ' ifebl?tf CfTiTw. IIADBAUGU, Wool Merchants, Dealers O, inTloor and Prad&ee generally, and Forwarding and Comtnisston Jlerehaoia, No. fij Waterat, Pitts, boffb. . :r. oauuK wntagaan. 1 - joh» swhoMjKastiaot.- SnT.t.Ettfl * NICOLS, produce and Omen] Cora mission Merchants, no. 17 Liberty sx, Pittsburgh. Spcna, Linseed tad Laird Oils. • ' S F. VON ’ BONNUOAST, A Co n Wholesale (iro* o cenr Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in Pinsbsigh nlinofactsm and Western Pro* dsce, have removed to their new stand) No. JSj Corner of Front St'and Chancery Laca. - nav? '* 'ltASaiiV. A BEST, Wholesale Groeers I 'siaa Merchanu, and dealers In Produce, No. 35 Wood «L, Pituburgh. .' .paffl •ton a ooaotarz. ■w. h woonwAas usuxr. WM, BlflAt.CT a CO., Wholesale Grocers, IB \aad SO Wood street Pitubsrgh. “ _ noyTT ' W.*M.HITCHELTn.EE, ■ TX7BOLESALE GBOCEKS, EEC PIPYING: WS* W TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—lmporter* of Soda Asb and Bleaching Powder, K& 100 Liberty tt, (opposite Birth sijPiUs bßTgh. ' . • . ' seta ■ - lessatna,- i; _ ,n*w»*yaJtstmts TTTICKAnrCANDLESS, {K^enssoTstoL.Ai.U. Vf WlehJ Wholesale Grocers, -Fcrwartia* and . dealers in Iron, Nails, Glass, Lottoo'Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generaily, fprprr nt Wood and Water «treeta> Pittsburgh. - t nr wi WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill. Famish. VY a ia* eaiablishment, No. SH liberty st, near the 'canal --- • .~ - i ' ciatSS . /ttf - %9rWXLSON,“Watehea,ieweliy,tSUmWafe f ■;\w. * • cod Military Goods, corner of Market and 4th •meets, Pittsburgh, ra. N. U—Watches and Clocks earefaily repaired. de<4.* • %TTE3T -and Forwaniing ■ ff Merchant, No. POFltrat «t benreen Wood and turketstreet*.- . ' /ebSi Xtr MThitlKPHk, Wholesale and RetaU'deajefln YY ft- foreign and Damestie Dry GMtds, north east comer of Morket and Fourth st*. • aagSl WJS. TOCBO. ' tCCBWt, • rmi YOUNO A ln leather hides, Aa. W . : : ■ MS.lt W. A R. M’CUTCHEON, * lers.in Prodaee, Iron, Nalls, Glass, andPms. . birgh Manufactures generslly, 153 Liberty st, Pitts*, burgh. ‘ ~~ -' • . - - - -. decs • YTT W WILSON. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry . YV % Silver Wars, Miiitary Goods, Ac., NAdT Mar .rat su - nov7 WM. THaßLiis,. ATVORIRV AT UWt Butler, P« TinM. ettead to collections and all ether trail* YV- oessentrastedtohixaio Butler and Armstrong eoutkaPa Refer to • yrAS.Fioyd,Ln>«rty^ . Wallace, do .1 jubum Marshall do- fPittsbatgh.- ‘ dip Kay A Con Wood St. ) J*n7 . k. PSTTTOBSW # CO.i IIESIiIBTEAM boat aoentb wffn7Tn»' OmenaaorahLAixisACo, BgHflßflfia . ocOl No. 43 Water street HOTELS POOVTAII OOTEL, LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. : mi astd racprua, nariaam. STHIS' establishment long and widely kz»99 gs being one of the most eocaaodious in the eity of > Baltimore, has recently undergone very ex ten utvorahcrattoasnaad'lmpravaaent*. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy tpsJßtCfils, and extensive bathing rooms. . . The laches' department has also been completely reorgaaizod and fitted ip ia a mo prsaiqße and bcanu fal srylo. In fset the whole smngemnntpflhn House hM been remodeled, with a single eye on theaprtof the proprietors, towards the comfort tad pleaiprs of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will -ghaUeago comparison with say Hotel ia tho Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub p.friai end loxary which the market affords, served an ia a saperior style; wjiilo in the .wsy of Wines, Ae n l&t, mill snbtmwutd. , - la eonclsswa ih* propnetort beg to tar, that nothing will bo left andone oa their pert, and on the pan of their to render this Hotel worthy the eon tinned Mtroaage of their friends and thnpnhlie generally. . Tbopriecs for board have also bean reduced to the ».»Kf4.r- K. < S!iSJ , EWP>^w tfim <aa»«mmwa «!- wiMbTfcimJ »t thoC»r uid. BMmlxm vucnvQi toatej bagro* lo l P a ‘b® Hotel, free - v ; .-. m ‘ r -" LARIAB.TIHB HOUSE, MWm w rnuara SXS OKAST STSXXTS, nrilflUSOß. TiS* TfIJJ SScSber rcipeeuallr •etioenee.lh.t AS h.bliiiirmMßi ble new mil eieeUeot Hotel J6B.“°“r I l"SS£S..ki. Of m-rden, bMrten, . tUMSanSiJV Xtfr house and furniture “ dttOT " * ltre ° f §AcisißlOU^n'.Pr°bt<etet. as taken from the bank,} perday,ttdth land on the Allegheny river, an trideft Wf 4kiMt w ■beds, machine irni elsy thedfc figk shovels, spades, Ac, every.lhing. fo «»* menee operations at oa hoars ooueo. Price, Uie.patent right loose said oachia*. -•WKtsSrw*. payment made easy. Wilhant Uie land,. I MWt For particulars,address * - lIENRVMERanT. : ang»7«dtf No ilg Monoagahela lloosc* Brussels M’Ciksrocx oflen purchasers a large and handsome assortment < the mom approved. pane ms of Brussels Carpet cheaper than ever befora offend ia this market. Ca andaaamladoaxstoelt before purchasingelsewber deS .. ,W*CUNW*»7J*o»rtll« PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MOANING, JANUARY 31, 1850. INSPBANCE. LIFE: INSURANCE! Trenton Hritoal.liile’Tastiranee Company, Katzs or raxurot upccm 25 rut cncr. . * Caplt*J, 8100,000,. 7AUES DUBNO k CO-,, Agcnti Pitisbargh, Pa. lam cf tssxcaoSt ax tiotos, Krrmm. JuosaUor.Jr. | Joteph C. Potta, Prea’i. Benjamin Hah. | .. G. A. Perdiearia, V. P. John A. Wean- ' 11 1 Hi Morrla, Secretary. JoßathanFlsr, Treosnror. REraREES- i- BtWTOtT. '■- I'* ‘ FmL4i)KL?nu. Comptroller ottfaw York.l Hon. June* Campbell. Geotro >. . (David U. .White. • John P. Mnckiei 1 (Alexander Ccsnsinrs. DovidDndley Field. . | W.J. P. White, P. M. Jo*eph.Hoxia.,. | —r . ; c jrswrnoiszT. I Er-GoT.Vroom. | Isaac Wiidriek, M. C. Win. A, Newell, M.C. Mon. 8. It. HaaUton. XAMINERS. Bit Ere. Got; Hhlaea/ ; I W. L. Dayton. V. & Sea. .1 G. D.Well,Ex-U.S Sen. 1 Ex*GoT.M:Dieker*on. f . ; . MEDICAL hO W.W. Gerhard, M.D. 301 Walndt iL Phil’tu 11. R. Bell, H.D.7 i Allegheny city, tn A-Snincr Doanc, M. D " ' 'WwarreniLiN.Y. Wtt &TK. Morgan, RI.D-i CeergttM’Cook, M.J*. .. Pitubatjjb, Fa., - .• . Hie Ageauof tbii Company, at Pltuliargh. are anth* mixed (o take cTery fine cJ*m riik on Lite at a ted*o dan ifttwtffiz* jtr ml from the aunt mu ef.pre* tnium a« charged t>y other Companies. • -sxaxnx. • A man 30 year* of tahingaFoUny ofjnmanee* for One Thoiutad Boliais—. . . . . To nm for one year,'pay* orfy 69,Sfc " .. .do ..*even.“ ?>' .’>***' 810^0—Acaually. do, , Lifetime,- “ > ?*517,89 * ■ And In the wne proportion for any* sum op to fCOOO, which lathe extern takenononyonelife. * < - ■ This company ecmmenecd operation* on thal*t Oct., 1&J8, andita monthly business up to the lit Oct, UMP. ahows a progreis aetedingthiLi ofaay other Life Com. pany on record; ..-i ■: • The firtt dividend of prohls will he declared to the aintred oh the lit January, 1850," ** * Pamphlet* containing the various tabW ©f-rate*, and a!) the necewry infonaaiioß- on 'lie: fmportani subject of LUoAituranco wilt bo furnished on appli* eationto JAMES DURNO & CO; AgenU. dd7 . * -T •• ’.-Odcoh Building*. FIRE INSURANCE. - i , fpHE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIREjN- X ; BURANCE COMPANY WiU iarao Policies of In- - caraueo against Lou on Daxag t by Fax, upon Dwell* inn and Furniture, Store*. Condi, S«, m: oh - apnlt eaiioa to: JAMES DURNO A CO, Agent*,; . , - d«J7, . •; Odopa ImldimrsC 1 * . HEALTH IBBOHASCBi «t Ettibar|b«: lie Spring Harden fleallli Inuranee Co, OP PHILADELPHIA— SIOO,(XXV INSURES Male* and Female* against the Expdnte and Lou occasioned by Slcknes or Accident, by an iooediate allowance of from S 3 to S 3 per week, for one, two, three, or four year*. The method of effecting this Insnr&nCe. and tho manner of awarding the tick allowance, will b« fully explained by the Agent. mmt ■ A peraoa can mnms agaiifm Slehneti or Accident which will detain him from hi» primary bcMneis, a* follow*, tix: t . Fbr one year,by paying £4,20, and receive S 3 week. For two *• « - 4 »« Forihreo “ « « “ •* 6 »• For few “** “ •* n “ Or, for a period of ionr yean, the asm of £14,40 paid aansalty, will aeenre £3 par week while »ick. ErCry nteetnary information will be afforded on the' mfcjeetoriaaaraneeirenerall'r, by .. JAhIES-DUIOiO b. CO, Ageau, . Chleon itaildiuga. , Lift and Hultb Insurance. fPBR Mutual Life andlleallh Insurance Company JL of Philadelphia. Incorporated by thef Legislature of, Pennsylvania, March, 1543. Charter perpemai. CapitaLBiCO,uiO. Eatxs lowsx tiusaht rim Comcast, and full SO per cent, lower than the usual rotes of life Insurance,-m the followiar coat* porison trill ahawi Thus, a person of the age of 20 uv earing for. §lOO for life, mast pay in the Girard &S,3Tf— Pennsylvania, »S3d, Penii 'Mutual, S&3K Equitable, •AM; New Eng lied, «2,50; New York Life, Ss.*; Al bion, 63,4£; iiio and Healu, Philadelphia, ftl.ui. ihaocraxs.—Samuel I). Orriek, Charles D. llall. W. P.&eone,' Robert P. JDnr.' Charles P. Have*, M. W. Baldwin, M.M. Rceve7M.lVCto*a. O. B. ; Campbell, jC»ri* Cooper, L Rodman Barker, E. IL Ostler, Edwin L Cope. Breiideafc-Samucl D. Qmck; Vjee Presi ent—Robu Secretory—Francis Uioekburne. - hppHemlon* will bd received. and every intoroiatiou givenby SAMUFAUNFSTOCK, A*t, • Office, Commercial Rooms, comer of octT7-dly .. . Wood and Third sta, Pittsburgh FIBE AID ajUU^BIVSCiUKCEi TUB INSURANCE CO. ol North America will make permanent and limited Inscrsnee on pro perty in this div and vicinity, and tn-shipments by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, sod bjr.Sea. The properties ot this Company are well invested, and famish an a nail* able fowl forth* ample indemnity of all persons'who desire to be protected by insurance. “ ayld WM. P. JONES, Agent. 44 Water at. I9DKBISITT. Hu Fra*Mi» Ftn larura&tt Co. of Pkiladifyhia, N.Baseker, .Thomas Han, JL/ Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo, W Richard#, Nonlocal D. Lewis, Adolpho K. Bone, David 8. Brows, Morris Patterson. Cnoxtxs.N, Bancxxa, President. ... Charles G. Banekcr, Secretary. . ' Cominae to mako insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town cr country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. ' To Company have reserved alargeeoWintent Fond, which with their Capital and Pfmnuas, safely invest-. oAadaid ample protection to the assured. The assets of tee company, on Jaanary lst,~lSis, os roblished agreeablyio on act of Assembly, were as ellOwa,vi2; *<1,017,433 <1 9V721 KJ • 90,001 65 • Sl,&3iS 33#U 37 •Mortgages'.*...*.. Real Estate Temporary Loans Stoccs • • • ••••• Cajh,&«.>•**•• •• 7l &mee their incorporation, a period of id years, they ave paid apwurds of oao miluoa four bondred thous* nd dollars, louses by fire, thereby affording evidence f the adyanlages orinsurance, as well a* the ability nd'dispostUon to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN,Agent, nUrt-dly; Ofieo N E earner Wood and 3d st* Tho PsaatylvsnlsComptay Foa luxrutcs on Lira *xo Ga&ansa Anvumcs. milE first life Insurance Company ia the U. States. JL Incorporated March ttt JBta—ehuler perpetual. - CapUal ASOCpoO—allpaid (cl Having aathonsed the undersigned to reeetve appli eattons for insurance, on which policies wilt be iasoed, according to their proposals and rates, which will be made known to applicants at his office, No. SO Wood street. apq GEO. COCHRAN. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. 4(SM»u£2Sw£rt Stitt,) . Paibioaabls IlattsFJi Comer of Wood and Fifth Street*. PARTICULAR attentio* paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their lists and Cap* from oar establishment of the xox xaxxauu and woxxHAiSßir, of the Lmsramss, and at the lowest rxten. - Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invned to call and examine oor Sloes; as we can say with confidence that as regards vcaUtt and naas.it will not suffer la a comparison with any house ia Philadelphia. - • feb!7 PIfTABVRQR FJdAALB INSTITUTE THE Second Hession of this institution, tlM care of Air. and Mrs. Gosdosit, for the nreaeut academio year, will commence do tho first bf Februa ry next, in the same buildings, No. £1 Liberty street... Arrange menu have been made bv which they will beabie to furnish young ladies facilities eqonl te any In tho West,forobt*iniag*tborough English, Classi; eal, and Ornamental education. A full course of I’ht* lisophlcal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered daring tho winter, - Illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and InstrumemalMosie, 'Modem Languages, Drawing and Fainting, will each be under the care ofa competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and lntellec toil improvement of-their pi* pile, jhe principals hope to memaeonttnuntion of the liberal pairoegge they baVo hitherto -enjoyed. For : terms, see circular dr apply to tho Frineloal*., jaXCMhf , BELL AID ORAAB POOaDRT. A' A FULTON, BeU and Bran Founder, has re buillhndeommenced basines* at his old aland where ho will be pleased to see his old custom* ere and friends.' - Chsrsfc, Bteus>boat,and Bells .of every size, from JO to 10/100 poiutdS'Ci#! from pnuerns of the roost approv.. edmodebh and warrunlefi tpb.e best material*. Adinerai Water.Pumps,Coanlers,’tiplllns, &i~, toge* iherwithevery variety of UraK. Cssungs, U turned and finished la the neatest manner. A. F. Is the sole proprietor of Jlannrr’s Atm-Ami* ijosMxtal, so Justly celebrated' for the reduction of frietlon in machinery. Tho Dozes and. Composition esn be bad of him at all times. •; lailftly UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS. ■ *. W. R. UURFIiY eoutlnucs to keep on hired a full • aisonment'ef lkp Welch Unshrinkable Flin nets, and has recently reeels'ei'u snrtply of the finer Dualities. • Also Bwansdown Flannels, a ssaren a,-tJ* ele and welt adspted for the wear of invalids, dnd 1 ethers wanting something wanner than usual. Atro, Persian and Cause Flannels for Infants wear; to* {ether with a full supply of American manufactured lanneli, of different qualities* Also. BHROUOING FLANNELS, of all the different widths, attUs Noith . EastcnrocrofithahdMorkelsu. • < Wholesale Rodmi «p (pm, where dealers will •lirays find a good assortment bf BdW sty Ip (pods. Jan 4 ■ . ' ' ■ : Loat or Stolen, ON the evening of Monday last, Jih Inst,—l3 bun dles arid 17 bars of iron, (marked W.Mcp fcCo ) from the wharf, above the Monougsheia Bridge. Any information that will result in the recovery of the above namad Iron, will be rewarded by ealliug on SCAIFEAA'fKINSuN, JanlO . . First street, befn Wood AMark el. C- Bfiv r Poojko : Jnat Arrlwsd. SACRED SCENES} AN& CHAR ACTLRS, byJ. T. Deadly, with original Parley • The Poems and Prose Writiur* of lL If. o«ua. • Physician and Patient, or a PracUcaLViewol the Moral Datics, Relations and Interests of the Medical AWeartMtud theComounity; by W.Hooker, M. D. The Puritan and His Daughter; by J. K. Paoldiog, author of the Dutchman's rtresida* . . . Lot Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal* Uerala; with wanderings inPeru, Chiliand Polynesia; byLleuLWlie. porsalobr , • , dc2l ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. 70 Wood st Sow la tho tins to flubierlhs. OFFICE 'o/ Scott’s Reprints of tho'Foor Quarter* lies and Blackwood; CIO per yC|r: • • .•• Morris A Willis' Roste published in New York weekly; S 3 per annum. ' ' ' Downing's UorttcalturaiUt, monthly; t 3 per year. Invaluable. .... The Cultivator, monthly; 81 per annum. : - TheAgrieutturslist,nionthly;Blperyear. ' The Demootaile Review, monthly; Piper annum. The Danker**Magazine, do 85* do •' ' JAMES DLOCKWOOD. Jand Book teller A Importer. fl3Wfto<s «t A FEW vary fine .OJJITAUS, Just rec’d from foe eeJebreteamasttfacfory cfC.F. Martin, and for tola by Jana J. ». MEL LORI HI Wood tt. _ WINCQWgLaBS— «io boxes Bzio window grus. 800 do tOlta do do Cl do Tx» do do fciO do* SxlS do do. SO d» ! - 10x14 do do COPARTNERSHIPS. Dlriifltitiea .of Ptrtft«ribl» : BY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the'firta hereto., fare existing under tho. style ofiBUSHFIBLD A LEADER, haa been dissolved by Ilenxy Leader tell* ing his enarelmeKsUn said firm to John ItfeGlll, All bnsiness connected with the firm of Buhfield fc Lead-' erwillbeaetllcd by S. B. Bosbfieia who axe duly authorised to all eoUeetions ana odfrirt all claims. . h i - BUSUFIELD ft LEADER. Piusbcrgh, OeL Sf, 1943. 5 i N. B.—R B. BUSHFtELD’A CtEwHl continue the wholesale and reailßry Goods and Grocery business, at tho old store room, No. 290 Liberty sft where they will,bepleaaedto;have their friends and. customers call end ersmlnt. their stock of goods. ... • octal ’ ;/ ;.8. B. BUSHFIELD A CO-' * Dissolution*. rpilE partnership of the undersigned, racer tho firm JL of Bagaley* Smith, was dinolVed-by mutual eoasent on kOth September, W.Bsgaley^ptnthanng thelnterestofJ.R.Smith.who.retires, .Thebusiness of the firm will be settled.by their successors, Wm. Bagoley t Co- at Nos. 18 and 20 Wood si. ’ ' • ’ - WILLIAM BAGAIiEY, • Pittsburgh, Oct 8, ISAAC B. SMITH. • - COPARTNERSHIP—Wm. Bogilcy.havtnff aiap ciaicd with hlmYWm,. H. Woodwardof PhHadeiphis,- John 8. Cosgrove and Ralph'BagaJer of Pittsbargb, *wiil continue Grocery Business, at Noe. 13 and 20 Wood si. tinder the firm of ' WftL BAGAE&Y A CO-, Pittsburghj} - - and BAOALEYi WOODWARD * CO, fhUod’o. _' r. . 1 Dlsaolatloa of Co-Parinar*Rlp. rriUE co-partnership hetetofoTO exitting between the A - subscribers* under the ctrle of Brown « CulWTt ■on, was dissolved on the Ist Inti- by matunl eoamnL - . , ' , : M.BL BROWN, . PittsburghjOcLfij 1&43. . JL. CULBERTSON. ' The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Croce ry and Commission Business, as heretofore, dt the old smnd, 14fi liberty st." oei3 A.CULBERTSON. ~ WM. B.ocamt.'' .' ' '' iJAyBATicaoaT". , BOAXFB * ATKIUBOHI -' 1 Taiarr* nrrwtct Wooo aim iUaxxT,.PrrtCTC*on, rwNTlNUEionjannrecwreall kinds, of CpPPER, V TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Aiw, Black* smith Work. . ' • ' "Steam Boat* built to order. ' : 1 Special attention riven to (team boat work.-'.’. Hate on.hand* a fine assortment of Copper aim Bra*» Keules > Tin\Yire,ftc;ft«. SteamboatCookingJltoyp*, Portable Forge*, variou* sire*—-a very conreuient cr ude for steamboats, California emigrant*, or rfcil road companies. '• 'WevoaldmtpeetfoUylimta'aaatn boat men: and other* tp cal) and aeo ou article* :ind price* .-bekr* purchasing elsewhere. , . . • ■ flftl* \ . • DUaoiattom erputturiUp* ; „ THE. copartnership of HENRY UANNENftCO., formeriy Hannea. Haller ft Co„ in the Window a dColoredQlaaabusiness, Is.this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Haller. • • - , The business will be coniinaed by tha .asdertDmed, antler the firm of HENRY HaNNEN ft CO. Ware* house No. 1W Second it,’where we will iaT*e3s3'-»~ supplies of superior Window Glass j ; JOHN tIANNEN. • HENRY HANNEN, • HUGH nOBERTdOSf Pittsburgh. Ann. St, MB. HENRY UMSTKAiy . Ooputunblpt rPHEiindenlfncdJlato this day associated with them X in businessJACOß U SCHWARTZ, andwill cm timic the business u heretofore, under the firm of • . ii. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. Jalyg.lW.- - • . • i; . jytt \r ■ ' ■ r - " nroTioß. THE partnership heretofore existing; be dor the Cm. of A. A C. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the deee**e of Mr. C. Bradley.. The business will be carried «mby A. Bradley, who will eetUe the business of ihe laie linn. - —— • i '• REMOVAL—A. B&asurr has removed his Foundry Warehouse from No. 11* Second street, to No.JP : Wood street, between First and Second streets, to the warehouse lately occupied by O. A. Berry, where bo wilt keep constantly on head* general -assortment of Castings. Urates, Sums, Cooking SioTts, Ae>: ’ SJlMOla^tOlb TUB co-partnership heretofore erifling between tbw subscribers, in the came, of Constable, Burke A Co., isthis day dUaoltod by mutual consaat. Messrs, Burke A Barnet will settle the business ertbe rotK ecru, for which purpose they art authorised lo fcse the tame of Ihfc concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, -EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. i The undersigned have thb day associated tbemselve*. in the name or BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes. VasltDoors, Ac. Ac.; at the stand of the lute &nn of Constable, Ilarke A Co, where they will be pleased to yeceive the, pa« minora of the ciuumcrs of that house and their frioida —EDMUND BURKE; ’ / .-THOMAS BARNBS. ‘ In retiring from the fins of Constable, &w£e JtCa, I with sincere pleasura .recommend Me»*rs-Burke A Barnes to the confidence ofojrfriendi and the public., Feh. B. IMS. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. /foblidtT f * T* " FORWAEDISG& COMMISSION; . A. I. fTCAJCT. OtflS. «. CUi ~ STUART A SILL, Grocer*, and' Prodace and Com*. nslMlCn Merahmiw*, M<*-HttWocrd -»T;~Ptn*tJllfftf7 •- Dealer* la Gioeerie*, Plnr, Wheat, RyejOauuCortv Uarioy, Fork, Bacon, Bocer, Lard. Cheese; Ciorer, Tifflottyaml Mai Seed*; Iron, Mails, Gla**, Ac; Ac. Ac, ParUcsJar attention paid to ike sale of Western Prodscs. RiTxcrsr»—Uesin. Myet* AHpnter, BobtDaL cell A hi'Gill* A Boe. HaijJWon, Smith A James May, Eiuf A Moorhead, Fiusbnrgh. Feoner A .M’MiUan, >lai«m«n- Jo*. S. Mormon, Esq , fib Louli. ■ •' . ■, . . ' . tptfd:ly aunt JOES a. cauta, late of N. Lisbon, O. oa4lO>*BKnißEß« GENERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward*, in? Merchants, No.SB Market »t, Pittsburgh, Fa. Prompt'auentioa-givea to the purchase and sale of ail kinds of Predate. . Rxixs to—John Wau A Murphy, .Wilson A Co. Pittsburgh, Fad Lawton A Hill, Aiuloa Msrtia, Wcllsviile, Oj John 1!: Brown A Co., Grigg, EUiott A Co., Pbitacclpuia; B.W. Snodgrass Nace, New LUbon, O.; Fr, Skinner, Hon. C. D. Coffin, Ciucinnau; J. P. Kelfor, Youngsunrs, O 4 W.L>Rtan« dart, Cleveiand.O. aay34 OEORQB COCHRAN. Commloalots and Forwarding Birehut* ia,'A woas ramrMU, " - . CONTINUES to transact 0 general Commarioa bull nen, especially in foe purchase usd sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Prodaee, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. As Agent for foe hft will be constantly supplied with tho principal articles of Pittsbargh Maattfacntra al foe lowest wholesale prices. -Ontm and consignments .sure respectfully solicited* j . |»7 , MISCELLANEOUS- Penn nuhUtlhep, ofall kinds of cot* a ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny eitT; Fa. The nboyewurke being now in ndl asaneKacml op eration, I am prepared fo execute nfin wlfo dispatch for all kinds of machinery in *y licit, txeh as willows, pickers, spreaders, c arts, grinding masMnes, railways, drawing frames, speeders, foresails,-looms,- wooteu cords, double or single, for mcrekantOT country work, mules, jack t, slide and hand lathes and tools in gen* eral. All kinds ofshafUng.mada to order, or pious giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonabla choree. Ezra T»—Kennedy.Childs ACo-lilaekitoek,Del! A Co., King, Fenaook A Co^'Ja*. At ursy. ; T(FPBIrOTBft«r~ —— JOHN D. M'CRBARY, PtiaUii* Ink Maßafaetorer, No«. XII and £23 Stawon NEW YORK—De pot No.Sfiprace autot—Would call lbs attention' of Printer* to bU toprored Printing Inks of rafiom kind! and orders, at the following price*: - Extra fins Jet Black, for Card and wood ' CaU •' - - • *4 00 and 3CO per lb. Fine Book Ink - • 075 « 1 00 < « Boocnk • . •. ii 40 •. OZo . “ ' Newalnk • 018 030 u oii u Rncßrdlnk . We 1Oo160“ .9 Co “ Bloe, Yellow, Green and White We 1001 SO •> Gold size at f S per Lb, tad Bronze m*. CO. 73 cts tad Stperoz. A specimen of News Ink can be seen on lint paper. For sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, ' , FUubarrb, Pa. C. Morgan k. Co. Cinelnnali, Ohio. Morton k. GrUwoold, Louisville, Ey. oeiflrdOa J4BKB W. WOODWBUi, flodtra aad inllgna t'arnltare, '• • 63, Tmxn - _saittblo for Bteamboau. BsSSStSSSSSaL 0880 UoteU and private dwel’^* ~ lines, constantly on band and made to order. The present stock on band eannot be exceeded by any mintcaetoiy la the-western aosntry. Persons wilting |p- parcfißsc would do well to give me a call, as I aid SettrCdiletf MY pflpsj sbftUpijajt. Pan of _ .*■ TctcaTete; Buffet Etaqole: ' LouU XIV Chain; Queen Elizabeth chain; TeoPqyse: Ifruit Tables; Toilet Table*;- 1 - LcßiiXYCommoden French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano mooli; Wacfiu with riash and llalr-clolh eovsrss 80 Mahogany Rocking Chains 40 del Pallor : do i s>-.Fancy•.? .do • Sa centre Tables; ; IB) pair Divansi '4 pair pier Tables; IS marble lop Dressing Bureau; SWardrobes; 8 Secretaries and Book earn; 3U marble lop Wash Stands: 4 pair Chiomaas: . 8 pair fancy Wotz Standi; A very largo assortment of common chain and other furniture 100 numerous to mention, \ l£7* posts furnished on the shortest notice, u>Jonthouoitreaaouabfo *“> • -fleets 1 Diaphragm Filter, f#TUfdrtit n Watiri m THIS la to. certify that I have npj -JgL. pointed Livingston, Roggeo A. Co, safer ICA Sole Agents for the sale of Jenning's WW Potent Dfaprahgm Filter, for the ei| qT llesof Pittsburgh and Allegheny. • _MaJU£ JOHN GIBSON, Agent, . 111111 lor.Walter M Gibson, 3io Broadway _ ,a bctumsia, , XYpiifto Beenazinreaeofthe above articles at th* ; offie* oAheHdveliy WOrtsffrr three rpqnjita, on trial, , and feel perfectly •aosfiedihatiti* a useful invention, arid wo toko pteaivre in recommending them as a ore* fui article to all who love pare water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. PC HO ' 'LIViNQbTON. ROGOEN A Co ItUvinibi* Fin«rlog cook* a FOB PURIFYING WATER, 11 ”• Which render* inrbid wolcrnnreby yggfc..removingall aabsianeea not soluble in //sjfiSK_ water.' The crown water In N. York,' •OTuraiftftfiil'bOßjrti clear and pare to the eye, ret Itvra/tfTVwhcnTit.PMSC* an hour through this ’filtering cook, show* a large deposit : .yßpS^. -tenmre rabetanegs. worms, Ao, Thu is the cue more hr ICsswiib njlbywrffttwbl-f. The RflvertihleFl&eTer.Uneat and dttnlißf,.and Is not attended with the inconvenience incident to other- Flltercre, as It is cleansed without being detached from the water pin©* by merely Brning tho goy.nr hantU«, from one side to the other. Ur flu* easy proedai, the coarse of water is changed, and oU .McaauUtlnni fo' impure substances are driven off almost instantly, without unscrewing tho Filter; •It olio pomasestha advantage of being • stop cock, and as inch In many, cates wUI be very convCTiientand oeonoadetL • • . .Itean.be attached where there Iswypressar* high or jow to a c»*k, tank, tab, Ac. 1!?^ To bn had. of the sole Agent, ■> ~oetl7 . cornerof Fooith*dad’Market«a~ j JBW JIAIHIN3 and Coco*:Shelii.-«.qr bo2e»: fresh Raisins; tf bags Cocoa shells rec’d god for uMfittho Pekin **«*■■ ‘ deeld MISCELLANEOUS »J. OLE«B ( Boolt KaA«M. ,4*/ dare toll engaged is the above haziness, corner , ffff of-Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do uhy work in oar - lias -with des patch. we attend to oar work personally, and saus faction will be given inregordtoits neatness and do< tabUity. [ . . BUnk. Books ruled tq any pattern , and bound sub stantially.' 'Books in numbers or oldbooksbound foUyorrepnired; Names pns on books' in gilt letters. Those that have work in oar line are in Tiled to eolL Prices low. •' ’ ; myfifetf 'Sealsii Cooking Btorti. Grat#s,dte. Tk/fABaHAMi, WALLACEt Rbtmd Church, JU. comer liberty and Wood streets, maaafaeture .and oflerfor tale Pfutfom, Floor and Counter Scales,' ofthamosiimprovedqualitj; Cooking Stoves, tor wood and'eooJ; Egg Stores of rarions'sizes,-Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware,' *c./*c« They also manofaetara the Kitchen Range, which bos given snch ' general satisfaction to those having it in use, to all ot which they would rtspeei&tllyuivua the attention of the citizens and the public generally. oeul?-dtf y Pltt-RMhlnr Works and Psondry# riTTSBCKOE) r*. JOHN WRIGHT*Co., are prepared to bnild Cotton i and Woolen Machinery of every description, such as Cardin*. Machines, Spinning Frames, Bpeeder>, Drawing Primes, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, Dressing Frames,lmoms,CaxdGrindcr»,Ae. wrought Iron Shafting turned; nil sizes of Cazt Iron, Pollies and -Hangenofino latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools ,of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice; Patterns made to order for Mill Hearing, Iron Roiling, Ac. Steam Pipb for heat ing Fae.lories, Cut Iron window Sash and fancy Cas tings generally.' Orders l left at the Warehousoof J. Palmer * Co, Liberty street, will have prompt atten tion. Refer to Blaekstock, Bell & Co, 3. K. Moo rehead * Co., O. E. Warner, John Irwin * Sons, Pittsborgh: O. C. A J. H. Warner, Steubenville. |ani9 SSW COACH FACTORY, uixioHurr. MA- WHITE* CO„ would respectfully Inform • the publio that they have erected a shop on Laeoek, between Federal u« Sandusky streets. - They are now tasking and are prepared to reccive-orders for ' every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ba roams, Buggies, Pbzions, *«., 'Ac., which from their loug experience in the manafactaroaf the above work, ana the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with these wonting articles in their Use. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and having none bit competent workmen, they have no hesitation, in warranting their work. We therefore ask the aUention-ofthe'pabUo to this matter. N.B. Repairing done idihn best manner, and ontbo most reasonable terms. J jagfrtf PIANOS! THE snbseriberoffera for sale alargennd splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos,with.and without Coleman’s celebrated ■ASoUan Attachment Tbe ebove instruments ora war ranted lo bo equal to any manufactured in this coun try, and will be wld lower than any brought from the East P. UJ.UME, No lid wood at, tSd door above oth taken at! par for a few of. my 2! ■ '- -P. 11. • WASTER, ' Daily oi the baltimorf,. Philadelphia. NEW YORK, BOS PON AND NEW ORLEANS' GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, i oaug HEN in wholesale and rctaiTatoresj and other respectable business, 1 to-net as Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach men, Car Agents, Book add Map. Agents, Collectors, Overseers la all branches of business, &e. - We have at all times a Urge number of good situations on bend, which pay from duo to 83,000 per annum. Those in want of mutations of any kind weald do well tn give os a call, as we have agents in each of the above ci ties, which will enable os to place every applicant iu a suitable situation at the shortest nouee. We have n large acquaintance in all the above named cities, which are trust will .enable as to give enure satisfac tion to all who may favor hs with a call. ' TAYLOR ATAYMAN, No. W Second si, ■ between South and Gay- N-B-—Persons living is any pan of the U. Staves, arid witting to obtain a situation in Koltimore, or ei ther of the above eities, will have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing as a line, (post-paid) as by so doing they will cunaifboth trouble and ex pen»e, which they otherwise world incur by doming to thp cirri and seeling employment' for themselves Address, •■. - .* TAYLOR A TAYMAN, . • . < No.M Second street, ' mySSaitf • Uaititaore, Md BENN ETT * BROTHER; . UFEENtsWARE MANUFACTURERS, BlmlnghiMtlntar 1 VtafthcwCi flb. 137, Wood ttrtd, ritltburgh. ■BNQg\ WlLLeomnantly keep on hand a good, assort r|gSWmeatqt Wan; of oar own manuitetare, and auperioiquality., Wholesale and country Aler *fi» chants are respectfully invited to call and ex> amipft br ihpmielyej, as we ate determined to sell cheaper Uoahhsertr bdford bt<n offeree to the pub lic. ! ffjT Order* wot by moil,accompanied by the cash or tty reference- will. be promptly aueaded to. saylß - TRKARSOIIETRB' .ITtHE attention of the public if rcspeouatiy called to lh* following certificates; l • i-. hlx.B. EaXls*—Having tatted a quantity of Gold weighed by year Areometer.. 2 find toe result proves ryour Instrument correct; ami recommend ihs tuc of It to those gosag so California. as the best method far oh- Dining t£s real vsJue of Gold. Kesp. yours, .•••"« . J, EL DUNLEVY,Ga!dB«ttar.' Pittsburgh, March : Pntnrui, Mareb 7. 184®. N*. Eatma—Dear Sin Having examined the “Areb* Beu:,”inucfuiaKi) aiTfcor roosu,ldonot hiunate to commend il to the us of tbojo g&xulemea who are About removing to California la acarcji cfGoliL ' IteireißcloaoajpfTJiinjanoniothc ipeclCo grivi tjr of metals, and will ecmuxlr enable the adreatanr to uecrtaia when hi* placer U yielding GeltT maria You re, tttp>y, IJL M'CUNTOCK-_ 1‘ NUiAfiUaiiEK CLOTHING—Jujt rereireti for'the California Expedition, a complete auorttoentfot Gam Elastic Clothing, a; price* rangtne froia ill ,50 for *nit of coat, ptnu ud baL For tale at the India Bobber Depot, So 6 Wood ct decs . ~ JAH PHILLIPS ' Pirrsirica, toept. ifi, MR.THOS. K- HIODKRT.—Dear Sir, Year Will- TING FLUID we hive now teen using more than a year, and on looking over the eniriea made by it, we mid the color a.bright blue blace. Ills pleasant to write with, flows, free, and does not clog the pen Jike ibe ordinary inks in ase. Wishing yoa the ready sale iuj&erita demand, wc are. yoors respectfully, . , SIMPSON A CO. For isle, together with Hibberi’s Red] ok, and Ms* elaoe Copy Ink, by #. A. Fahnestock £ Co- it. p. Schwarts. Allegheny anJ by the- manafaicutrer, T-JC. Jlibbert, Druggist and Chemist, comer of liber* ty and Salthndd tts, Pittsborgb. octlJ wsixsjlls raijrxjL_ josnui amt _ w*. x.tuxr ' PALBKBf nAHBA * CO., • (Saeeetson to Ilowey.llsnnaT A Co.) Bankers, exchange brokers, acd dealers in Fereixo and Domestic Exchange, Certificate* of Deposit^ 1 Bank Note*, and Specie—• Fourth street, 1 nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh.! Cumnt co* ney received on deposits—Bieht Cheek* ter sale, and collection* made on nearly all the principal point* in the United Stale*. The highest prtndtuapald for Foreign and American Cold . Advance* made on eodslgimuints of Prodaee, *hip* ped Eat,* on Dberal term*. ap3 - GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE NBOOVERY! PiTEtrSscvass JamtaXT l*t. IM9. Patent crase&ver extension Tables, ikf/u, Bureaus, Boot Carer, Writing Dolts. LEVER OF- WROUGHT IRON. TDK TABLBS far surpassing every other in vention oCtbe kind now extant. They can be ex* tended from ten to twenty-fire feet, and when closed the leave* are all contained Inside; they are made to til size* and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboat*, Hotel*, and Urge private families, form ing when dosed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These article* are inval* sable, panieslarly to those who' with to econo mic room, nod convert a sleeping apartment :lnto a parlor pr stßflfr ttotfl, i* they edit be typeaedaudshni at convenient* and when that, Ifaa bedding ii enelo*. ed. A neat saving in room-and rent All the bed* fttead* when doted form a bcantifoi piece of famitore for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A neat and use fill article for parlor ordrawinrroora. 1 WRITING DESKS—For liwefflee*,Mominjroomi, and other office*; when opened a nu»l convenient bed* •wad, when closed a pertcei Desk and Library alode is visible. * Ail the to article* need no recommendation: the beauty oflhe whole is, they are warranted uot to set oat of repair. ; it will bo for your lmereiu to call and examine the article*, at the manufacturer’* store. No. 03 Third street, Pittsburgh, in addition to the above advantages, they areprcofartUtwt bora. tnchia JAMES W WOODWELL. LOWELL FLETCOEO, . susnracrcaxi or • ILCOHOL AND PUBK SPIRITS, Comer Front and- Vine it reels, Cjneinnadi O. ORDERS from fttiisborjch for Alcohol; Pii.re'SpirtiK* Raw or Rectified Wluikey, will be! promptly at ended to at lowest market price. thchiaraly Aoaoa«an*la Llvtry *Ubih «*| •- ROBERT li. PATTERSON has opened largo stable on First it, running through [1 3\ to Second at, between Wood and Srhilhficid the .-ear of the Mononguhela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of the best (nudity and latest styles. .Horses kept iu live* yy in the best manner. . ivahitw SAW BOOKS! SBW BOOHS! TUB Coiiktitnliou fend Standard'of the'Aaaoc Late BeformedCbarch in North America:: tiro, bound lit kheop. ' . The Olher'Btde, or Note* for the HUtory ofthe War between Mexico and tliu United Staten, written tn Mexico, ant} tratulaied from the Bpanlabi with not*- Uy A. C. Kamaey.: ‘ •'** Tie Wari* of V<c»[dcnt Edward i, in 4 «oN; a re proof the Worcester edition, with addition* and a eoploa*general index. ’ Memoir, of Dayiil H»lc, luo ednor crjtmnmf of Commerce: wltti reteeUrjiu from Jd, MueeUtneoß. W'UutgaJ sy Hev. J, i*. Thompion. ■toe ratter arid 111. D«a B hier: by 3. K. PooMin. , FwaJlidr Leltiri Ur ten* Mat („ T „i„„ , nb t«„. By'fvSl S <Aidll The i'omniwi'irro.e Wrilinga of H.A.Caea; 'J vi Nlncreh andiu fieaiaim: By LarartL V v * F Un*w C Uy HLLUiTr A ENGLISH, —HsaxasEoDs-ntEiffiroitS AT LOOKWOOD'g, 03 WOOD STIUBET Mr* 1311* Heart* .nj Il“„e,‘o™' - ' Neandert life of Carirt »»S n£ a »/’£ l ?J^2&? r Church; 3 toU, 6to. Be». l»r. Bprutß** Mtaaolre of-MUi Murray: S*o. American AJtnAaae,lfciO; Bvo. “ w . JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, BookaeUer A Importer. <p Wood at. jKOtO'r . VV —WXJ bii la kiore ■ua *or taid by TV « jfcaß WM.UAOALKV t, CO .FAST OOLOZUBp FOISTS* WPr MUOPUy iatiiei ibs attention ©f bnyer* to > hUprewilchoice nock of Print* at 121 cent* lost rart, nr fen color* ami nowt.iylc*.- ' ’> Ah»-rNiwe*t ttyil, Engliih Chinuc*, from WI to lefcmiUt. • .> f , ofunali Scared Ilf hi Print* yd ChlnttcybaS; blue. pink f lolceh. pnrplc,.or*nfO, k 9. lETWholanloKowßiopiUir*. .. Juls DRlirfiOODS^ic: FAYETTE PREHTGI3 BLANKETS, WirflTE ANb BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNELS WE are now* rekelring from tho factory, a large supply of tbesoigoods. which we are selling low er than suchpoodi can be had eftewhereirt this city; l •WoasonoiieidfinbleMhisg.ibtticjEres tho ; good*; oar object being to prodaeeroods not lor show only, bntTarfeomfart and durability, and as sueh they re* eeired the fintprcminm QTct all other roods exhibit* ed at the late Allegheny Agricultural Fair. '- ' . For salo al the Blanket Depot, No. 58 Market st, and . at the ware rooms of the Ftoyeao Manufacturing Co., No. 112 Seconds!. • ' Blankets of onr Manufacture artsold ro Allegheny City,by Mr. John Dean, and-also at the “Two Big Windows,” Federal‘at. American Woolen Geod» T' HE subscriber bii on hand, (received the present season,) consigned from the raanufactnrere, the ml* mowing Goods, which he Unuthorisedtocloseetpriees > 30 pioees yard wideßarred Flannel. . 250eairs mite Bed Blankets, ribbon bound,.six poatflU io the pair. I j ' i ease 50pain Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound, a very superior article. 4case*{soon«lrs)GroyMixedttankeu. /• 50 pairs Dark Gentianelia Bine Blankets, a very sn* perior article. ' : SeaserGrey and Bine Blanket Coating. 40 pieces Tweed, Steubenville make; 1 case.asson* edptain and barred Jeans, BtenbenvUle oiunftelory. The above goods tire all consigned direct from the maker,.and will be told very low for cash or approved notea 6cg9 IL'LEK, liberty st, opposite sth. CA&BUTHNOT has commence*: to receive a • large assortment of Woolen Comforts and Hoods; Hi*kin, Berlin, buckskin and woolen Glove!) Thibet, cloth, moat de lain and blanket Shawlc ensh meref, worsted aipl woolen Hoeej -Pongee and linen Hdkft.; silk and satin Cravats and Scarfs: Gimps and Fringes; Irish Linen,Tablo Covers, Crape*, Ribbons, Laces, bleached had. Colored Muslins, Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, tfesfida SUk, Buttons, Gum Saspcn* ders, Pins, Percussion-Cups. Almanacs, eommon and gold Jewelry, gold and silver pock* et and. table Cutlery, and many other goods winch country and city Merchants are respectfully-invited o examine- ; ■ , .spilt '"’FaVjCttiu MAfrUFAOTUtUNG'cO., MANUFACTURE and will keep on band -Family and Bteam Boat Blankets. Domestic Flannels, blue, brown and drab Blanket Coaling, Satinets and Woolen Yarn, which they wiU sell at Eastern prices. Warehouse No M 2 Second st, Pittsburgh, Pa.: .. Factory. Now Haven. -Fayette eo. Pa. - •ptID “NEW Q(Mbi~ “ 117£have fast received a large qpd complete stock ' W of CLOCKS, Variety ana Faney Goods, soitt* ble for tho fall trade, to which, with every description of Looking Glasses manufactured at. oar own steam power shop in this city, we ask the attention of West* era Merchants and ether dealers. , * KENNEDY A SAWYER, spt2o : comer Wood and Fonnh stt DRY GOODS. MCBPHT, WIItH.pN * CO., No. 48 Woos 8v n Prmstruß, ARE now Tecelvitig. their asual. supplies, of Goods for the Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old customers, and os many tiew ones as may feel inclined to present themselves. ; Always taking greftpslns to lay in such goods as arq adapted to the wants of the Western trade, which long experience enables them to do, they cau say'with much confidence, and without entering into a detail of their stock, that tho Western retail merchant will find with them all that his customers require. Those -who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing, to-the Eastern cities'tor their etoefcs-of Dry .Goods,' would do well tocallj as a candid comparison ofipri* ees would in many eases remit In tho conviction that the expense of going farther may be obviated by buy* ingin Pittsburgh. ! ‘spiij 1^ SRAOITbETT ft Waii'K, DRY GOODS JOBBERS. 99 WOOD STREET, i* ' ARE now receiving- a very large stock of fresh Goods, of recent porchaseond importation,which they will sell tn.the trade at such prices as cannot fhil to give entire satisfaction. ' City and Country Merchants are Invited to examine oar crock before (,«*»*»•• .' my 3 • -j; • • ' *•'** Wreaght amt Cast lrota lUUlng., Tit JlKsulrseribersber leave to inform the pubuerhal 1 they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing,- both for houses ana cemeteries-. Peytons willing t? procurb hind* rocio patients will plf its* calVaud examine, and jadge fbr'themsdvcs. Ruling will be famished at the short* est notice, and in the best manner, at the center of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. ahgO-dtf I •; -A- LAfiIONT A KNOX. Oyitsril Oyitsnl BURKE A cos Daily Express is now regularly do-' live ring,Can and, Shell OYSTERS, which arc of fered io dealers and. families.at the lowest prices. Quality warranted equal to any brought to tkfa mar* krt, and for sole by t ' • * " ' 4 • J] C. mmVELL, An, Wffli r. the fallowing depots:—Reis A Be rrer, cor ner Southfield and Second sts; E Ileazieion, Diamond; MereerA Robinson. Federal sl-AKciheny, oettfi : dußfiStYoOrGlßb^jr^’" TiniL reman open for visiters until the Ist Janni* Tf ry, 1f50.. ftysyrsnad oihicr Refreshment* suit* td to the season will bo kept. The Greenhouse, con taining a large collection m rare and choice Plants, wiU be open to visiters. Boquets neatly pat op at short node* throughout the season. 1 An Omnibus leaves the Allegheny cud of the St. Clair Streei. Bridge, every half hoar daring the day, running to the Garden; ana the ferfy bout, Captain Walker, runs from the Point, landing a shondittanee sboVethc Gar den. Panic* wishing to spend tbti eVenlng, will be aeesmmodamd.wuh u. return'omUilma at td o’clock P-hL Kept on Temncfance principles, and closed on Undsy, * ' «pit 3 , J. M’KAIN. - n*&IU.TBSjBKXLGSR and Commmslon Mer* chant, has removed to No. Vf Front, between Wood and Smilhficld streets. snV WE hare Mae PUMPS, nude on an improved pIaOt«o unoiio freeze u the coldest weather.' Persona wonting such articles, ore invited to call and aeo litem at ] SCAIFE A ATKINSON'S, nrSi lsybctweenWood \jor<ei (U viotf ~~ MY wHI be published in as abort o os possible; and 1 con assure my subscribers, the public generally, that it aboil bo sermon— both in fidelity ef detail and beoaty of execution—to any outer whatever. Lei those who doubt, wall a few weeks and see. i ' • , E. WHITEFIELD. Nsw You, Dee. sih, lHfl.-4dcll . SFLSNDID ASSOttT&ENT OF OIB*T BOOKS AND ANNUALS for 1850! THE GEM OF THE SEASON, withlixieea decant engravings; edited by N. P. Willis. The daerea 1 Annual, A Gift lor oil Seasons; by 11. Weld. . ' The Floral Keepsake, for 1650;witb lercy air beea-i -fol colored engraving; edited by J. Keer;,. ■* . Leaflets of Memory, an Illuminated Awmal for 1650. Gems of Beauty, er Ihtttary Girt for 1650; by E. PercivaL , The Opal, a Pure Gift for the Holy Days. Harvest Gleanings,—* Holiday Book;—by JC A. Dwight. i: ' * Gin Leaves of American Poetry; edited by R. W. Griswold. i: • ’ - • The Romance of Nature, op Pcctfcal Language of Flowers; by Thomas Miller. The Forget-Me-Not, tor 1650; by Mrs. E. 8. Smith. The Mom Roso, > ;;** by Mrs. E.P. llovdrd. The Snow Flake, | beautifully illustrated. The Cbaplet of Literary Gems, with colored engra vings. Toe Home Offering, or GUmpsea of Homo life; bj E.C.Embury. ’ ;! > The Gift or Friendship, a Token of Remembrance. The Hyacinth, or Affection's Gift, for 1650. The Gem, for ISSftr edited by Father Prank. Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver; by E B. Fal lows. I Flora's Gem, er the 800 net for all Seasons; with beautiful embellishments; • '' L The Drawing Boom Scrap Qoek,'with seventy illus trations: • _ *_ The Characteristics of Women; by -Mrs. Jameson. The Heroines of Shakspeare; with forty five engra ving*. from drawings by eminent artit\]. liibles apd Prayer Books! in every style of binding to suit Uu taste or purchasers. For sate by i ELUOTT A ENGLISH, - No. 70 Wood street, between Fourth ; defri i •; and Dtamand alley. ABIVUBI ANNUALS! LEAFLETS of Memory; Lady’s Gift; Gems of ihaßcasons; Gems of Beauty; Kasselos; Gift ol Friendshipj Floral Keepsake; Romance of Nature; Uyaeiuch -Child’s Keepsake; .Christines Blossoms: Gift Leaves of Am. Poau; Golden Gift; Friendship's Uffering-,Pott's Offering; Reade’s Ferahlfi Poets of America; ' Tho Brilliant; Proverbial Philosophy, ill; Sacred Annuals; Jlarvest Gleanings; Snow Fl&ke; Keepsake of Friendship; Young Lady's Offering; Bibles and Prayer Books, hooad iu velvet and mo* 1 tecco, wiihclssps. Received by ’ , ‘ JOIINSTON& STOCKTON, dcCO ctfrncr Market and Third iu. FLO UK—lOO bbts fn store and for sale by del* Whj U JOHN&7Q?<, H 4 Second at Chriitnmi and Hew Ycai’i Approaching! Elegant and substantial books, »mu. bio for the coming holidays, at LOCKWOOD'S t*EARLS OP AMKRrCAN POETRY; lllaminatcd by T. W. G. Mapleum, Ksq-> dto, elegantly bound in dark morocco, gilt edges,[antique style: SUL “Somo of the happiest effusions of lioflin&u, Long fellow. Bryant, \Yulis, Whittier, llalleclc, Sprague. Dana, Mrs. Sigourney, nrtd Mrs. Embury, 'among oth ers, enrich the volume.V-Al'Yaicliriraii “These are printed most delieately ttrul petfecily, In lithographic Gcrtnanffcxt.ou Bristol board, each page being framed by a rich illuminated arabesque border, in gold, suver, and colors, with-ylgoetu wrought in the borders?’—[Commercial' ? • “The first Ulummaietf voldme that has been oitnnpt cd on this side of the Atlantic—and with regard io uio beauty of design#, uijd the execuiion of thi-m. may ne said to rival, ifsoi-surpass,- any thirty fli Uipkindm Europe ” v l»v8 op the- Western \vopi.D.-c.,u„n -‘ Love’s Rcguiem,” by Charms Fem:o Hoffmau; “The Mother af Moses,” by film. Osgood; “The Land of Breams,” by Win. li Bryant; - “Lee* in.the Cup of Life,” by Mrs. 8. G. How?; “Toe Night Cometh,” by Mrs. Embury; “Tho Tournament at Acre,” by It. W. Herbert; “Greenwood,” by Mrs. Pindar; “Worship,” by Miss Baytyd;' **TUe Child’s Mission,” by Mrs. {an bury.—-Small folic, iUaawiaicd in the most sqprrb manner by Maplesou, ’ .Willi- borders aud vignettes primed in gold, stiver, and colors; in mnroceo, in a massive Kyle.—forming the tnojl elegant and re* cherebd book of the kitnl overproduced in this coua*- try. Price, 81A ! For. sale l>y • ; JAM ES D. LOCKWOOD, dc!P Bookseller and Importer, 03 Wood sL anrißookii A SYSTEM <*t Ancient and Medimvnl OeosTiphT, tor the use of School! and Colleges by ChetlC* AitUtan. i ■- ' ' . Literature; by Geo. Tioknor. 3 ’ I%e \vhole aud Ms Captives, or the Whaleman’s Adventures, and the WhaleVßlorranhT, as Fathered ia the Homeward Unite of the “Commodore Vrcblei" by Rev. Henry r. Cheever. - Chatmer’s lualitotes of Theelerv: 3 vola. init rec’d by ioiiNsTorrisToc^roN, «eS9 _• r L cornejThird and Market its. i -• and Market *u. chued on (be suit favorable tenuv. «* w • ,ptfl .__ !fi N- UGLMEfI * SONB 4 br (HrtliiffsJriSiriSD^Jiu-- pabUthfid and received! by eXDmi. for »ale at ih< I’RESBYTIiWAN BOOK kooXlS.VwoSl up vtUra. t .! JUvo—The AUrwtibnv of tho Croev; by tits Rev. Or. Sprinf. | i . MEtilf) AL. CAUTION EXTRA* [ '■. ' A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP has.engaged with a young man of tho name of 8. P. Townsend,and use? his name to which; they eall Dr. Townsend’s: Sarsaparilla, denominating it GENUINE, Onginnl,teie.-r:Tnt* Tovnaend is nq doc tor and never was, bet was formerly a worker od rail* roads, canals,' ana the' tike. Yet be assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose of gaining credit far what he if not. \Ut is.sending out cards,headed, «f Quacks,” in which he says,' I have sold th&'use of my name for *7 a week. I will gtee S. P.Ttiwmend SSM If he will produce oae single solitary,proof, of this.— This is to caution the publle not to oe deceived, and purchase none bet tho GENUINE ORIGINAL GLD Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Samparilla, having on It tha ( 01d Dr.’s likeneu, his family, coat of arms, oxd his tig nature scross the com of anus.' . i ‘ . - JACOBTOWNBEND. Priacipal Office, KB Nassaa st, New York City. . - OLD . : DOCTOR : jacob -mm To ™ Ei, p» THE ORIGINAL ' DISCOVERBR OP TBl ortUEJX ■ : TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.! Old Dr. Townsend is now about TOyears of ago, and has long bees known as the AUTHOR and Dl&CO* VERES of tits GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, ho was compelled to hunt its manufacture, by which means it has been kept ottt of-market, and .-the tales circumscribed to those only who had proved us worth and known' Its value. - This G&aas aao Urbqcallss PaxrxxAnba fa manufactured on the lareect scale, and is called far throughout the length ana breodth ot the land. ■ i Unlike young S. P. Townsend’s, U improves .with age, and nevsr changes, bat for tho better: because It b prepared on scientific principles by a scientific Tho highest knowledge of Chemistry, and thelamst discoveries of the An, hAYO oil been brought into re quisition in the manufacture ol the Old Dt9s Sarsapa rilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it fa UfaU known to med ical men, contains medlduaf properties,and feme pro perties.whlch aro inert or useless and others, which, if retained in preparing it for cse, produce fanaCßta* tion and arid, which it injurious to the system. Seme of the properties o! Sarsaparilla are so- vobtiJa that they entirely evaporate and are lost la the prepare* non, If they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in Us manufacture! Moreover these volatile principles, which fly offia tu por, or as an enhalation, under heat, are the verr es* p -s !m ' ! ‘ ° r w ‘ uci > «•»*■» ' GENUINE ■ . ; OLD DR. JACOB TO WNPENtFS SARSAPARILLA 13 30 prepared; that oil the inert properties of the Sar* sapanJla root are first removed, every thing capable or becoming acid or of fermentation, fa extracted and rejected; then every particle of medical virtue fa fcen red ina pure and concentrated form; and thus' it fa rendered ineajmblo ofllosing any of ifa .valuable and healing properties. Prepared in this way, it fa maae the mostpirrerfal agent in the . CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why wo hear eommendatiees op furor by men, women aadchUdran! We find it doing wonders in the care of Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rv» SL'.f*™,*?? over the bod,. IthuSl hsJ iu.oioiU in ,u,g\» oad toli,; oirf-nrenii?;™ u FEMALE COMPLAINTS. •It works wonders in eases; of floor albas or white*. Failing of the 'Vomb t Obstrueted, Suppressed, orPalu* a»Tf®fi2jflSJsarsß&a! andlhus prevent*or t rriur-e» a smatvariety efethet Du&ee, Lptigpuo Fils. Canvulsions, Ac. Is not tius, than, xSXldxixk Too Pajs-Ksumeir w Nnnl things be said of &. p.Town* sentf’i Interior arodef This young man’* lioaid wTSI lobe (XJiIPAHKD WlTii TH&S“ddE b 5 ( ° r the'Grend Fact that the one is t’vspsMg °t “ d /•EVER SPOILS, whilSbS! cr .it soars, ferments, and blows the bottles epumiaing it into fragtnenu; the sour, acid liquid ex* Noting and damaging other goods! Mustaotthfa hor* nblo compound he : pouonotw la the - system* What" nut acid into a- system already diseaied with acid! ,h ac,o? 1)0 “tail know, that whei; Jpuri In our etomaehs, what m<«riricfi it flatulence, heanhuxn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, eholie and h o ™ pt ?„ U ?/*H e b Mh} vlB ‘ w Kid humor m the Wdy? AVhai produces all the hnmors which, briar oa Eruptions of tfie Skin, Bcald Head, Ssl; HhcumjEiyiipelM,White Swellings! alll ulcerations internal and exteraalf It isnoS mg.under ncaven but an acid substance, whloh soars, wu thus spoils all the fluids of ; the body, more orfass! What causes Rheumatism but a sour arid fluid, which insinuates itseirbetween the joinu and elsewhere,' ir* • mating tmd inflaming the fa&det and delicate tmses w^sss-Js^sssssssfjsi ail the which affiiethumsfl nature. : iV>'T» t» ti not horrible to make a&dacU. and infinite* ly worse to mje this w : USUKING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND 3 , Of S. P. TOWNSEND! and re: fee would fain hire itunderrood that Old Ja cob Towtuend’o Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, la an Imitation of bit inferior preparation!!. j. lleeren fortid that we ebouM deal In an article wmeft would bear ibe most distant resemblance id S. P l'owutend** arucle! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a. mountain load of eamplaiats and criminations from ageats who hare sold, and but* ° n*;d d. P. TomiKttii’s F™*, W e wi»h it underload; because it i» the absolute trmh, that B. R Townsend* article and Old DT. Jaeofc ToWMcod* Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, aud dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par* hcular, having not one tingle thing to common. . • It u to arrett fraud* upon the .unfortunate, to pour balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope lathe despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi* K° r tato the enuhed and broken and to banish infirinl v-t* JACOB townsjuS hSTsoucSr ud FOUND the opportunity and mean* to, brine hit Uaaap UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMKDV. wtWj the reach, and.to the knowledge of ail who' need it, that they may learn and fcanwy by jovial tx pcrieuee, us TBaxacctncir twxa to nsan * For safe by J. KIDD A CO, Wholesale Agent Sot J V 5 4X ?!2 Pennsylvania; J. SMITH. tw TNJALLIELE for renewing, invigorating, and beau* -l removing Seuri; Dandnttr, and all affections of the Scalp, and curing Eruptions oa tho Skin, Diseases of lha - Glands, Muscle* and Irnegu- Stings, DreSses/Bpra&s, ie. Ac. With this preparation, “there is no laeh word a* faiL ft The tot iiornal* la America, medical »* a Jhft hcheti eminence, prominent citizens of all pccAftlont, and ladies who have used it far yean in their dressing room* and.norsertet, admit with oao ae* eord, thatj for tapartintf vigor, gloss, larurianeo and curt to tho hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff, heal* lag wounds, outing contusions, sprains, stings, Ac and relieving diseases of.the skin, the glands, and the muscles it has no equal among tho multitude of com pounds advertised in the pubhe prints, or used in pri- Tale J r ]* (niee - cbeupnets as well aj efficacy. Bar ry’s Trieophereus is unrivalled. »**** *The affinity between! the membranes which eoattk state the skin, and the hair whieh draws Us suateaance from this triple envelope Is veryJfclm&.'-Air of the hair originates in ifco head/Lf the arc eldggetLor if the blood and otier fittidf dn not circulate fcsdy through the «™«h veisel* *Ueh feed tho room with moisture and Impart Ufa to tho fibres, tho ;reiul: is scurf; shedding of the hair, gruyness, Urynesf, and harseneis of the ygaments, and enure baldness as the ease may be<— Stimulate the skiq to healthful action with the Tricop hmroua, mpd the torpid vessels, recovering their activ ity, will annihilate the disease. In all affections of the skin, and of the substrata of muscles and integuments, the proceis and tho effect are ttie same. _ MIU MIO IAJUQ* » Il i* nnieoUr fibre, and the * j, 1 Y»*J_Uie Triewpherea* has its ipedfio action, ««»*. “ i* omgvtibTXSXy! ««““> * ,fl “ f^** 1 .R. E. SELLERS, 1 an * t .Piltiborf. nciUlOAt. AND atffaicASrojn?loK~ No. QS> DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors bdow Wood street, to ward* market OIL. BBOWB t h&viaf been reyulaxiy educated to ilia medical profession, mid been for toms time in fonei&l pmtice, now confines his mention to the treatment of those-pnvste sad deUeste com* plaint* for which his-c- “lrtnnide whicn opportunities and experience peculiarly qanlL’y him. 14 year* assiduously devoted ! to study t treatment of those coaslaigu,(danßg which time he hu had more practice ana hu eared more p«* tent* than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac titioner) .amply qualifies him to offer assurances of speedy, permanent, and vails factory cure to all affile ted with tiuicat* diseases, and all diseases aiisifij ther*- from. Dr. Drawn would inform those affileUd with, pnrata : diseases which have become uhsoaie Lytimo or ij< Sravated by the use of any of the common nostrums of m day, that their casaplnmlscan be radically and that- i ooghlycsrodihe having given his careful attention to i the treatment of such eases, and succeeded inhandreds 1 I of instance rin curing persons of inflammation of the : neck of the bladder, and kindred maeazes which often 1 resullfrom those where others have consigned theta to hopelyu despair. lie partieularty invite* such u have been long and unsueccstfully treated by other* to eonvall him, wheu every satlsfacU** will be men : thca t and their cases treated in n eareffil, thorough and inteiUgent mauner, pointed out by a long experience, study, and lnvest*?cuj.u,which it is impossible fer those engaged in general practice of meatcuM to givo to’ caeetiu* of disease. yyilcroiaor Rupture.—DpSrawnalsoUivlu* poi sons atflieted with Henna to col), as he hu paid poroe olaraUemlon to this disease. ; CANCERS also cured. !'' Slcia diseases; also i! *, Palsy, ate- speedily eared Charge* very low. N. «•—Patients of eilbqr MX living at a distanea, hr staling.their.diMaso ia writing, jiving illthoayzDP lorn*, can obtain medlcinea with directions for we. br iddreulng T. DROWN, M. D-, ingnfee, . ; No, 65 t>ia»gnd*B*j,opposit*lki Waverly RuxtnuTis^<-Jft».‘H*own , i newly diKorettd reme dy for a a speedy and certain remedy for that (lalkfsl trouble. It never fails.' OAice and Private Coniuitinj Rooms, No. M Di*. •tnond alley, Pittsburgh, Pi, TU Dociorts always at home. • OyNoeora oftpay. D ■P, teu.. LlYfcltt'OOSil’iiAlNT.— Another cure pcrionucd by using the original, only true and genuine Liver AesasasN, Brown eo., 0., March 20, 1847. Mr. IL E. Seller*-—ln April tasiwy wife Uras anaek ed with Liver Complaint*,anil bid too advice of two physician*, who tried varfou* remedle* without pro ducina any Rood elfeet. Having heard of your cele brated Liver fill*, I concluded. t» give fair trial! ‘I purchased one.box of Mr. Scoit, of Aberdeen, untf gave them according to the directionby. which' The wu* areally relieved. I procured a »econd box, P«p\red und -old by B. E.SELLps, OT Wood m; »ofd al*o by Druggists genertUyin the two cities. lan». ' ’ "V >; voL xm m m *nsnmASEOU&’. DEbiWAU BTOVAXi : jBjUPJBTT tt uuharck .mratanr* u , OFFICE. IN NORTH ROOM OP EXCHANGE. On Tkird&tTtet, PAtlaidplmO . - \ mug following *nf* ofths admre of Cm Cam , !•. <wtfawattyiih..MifPvisim of itscharter. Prtmxta** raenma during tk* fear ending Oeta imp* 1G49,~ : On Uanno and TUsW, ®18t474 97 On Fire Risks, ■ 7jCT CP . yf • _ ; *?»,754 00 E*nud Pfmx*M»'4»rtng tb fearfmdtng t On UHdboui laltad-Blika* gj. i -...-/ OaPtoßiJu, .: *31,00 1. -.,;X3£19 9« f^OCBOO j, oiber Proto} : * Imus, £xpaua,te~i Marias and Inland NaTigaiian Lones, 23 FlnLonea,,.. -O 48 fietnraPreninaa, il g AfSßcy charges, ■ * . ><v7i ta Expefaevßsot, Salaries, Stationery, Ac.* ' Si®® ® 7h» AutU &FQu Company an aifeUom,- Bend*. Martfacedand Ground rents, _ ®29 t Tl< 33 -UiutedStalealKXpereentLfMn, -i,; - OO do do -10,000 08 - Rro do . do ■•'•• • ’ 6,300 09 Philadelphia CiiyBuc per cent. Loan*-- . IOjsOO 00 BUU Eecelmhle, «SS7B 51 70‘ Sham Stock Union Bank tofTcnne*-' 'tee, . . . - -. v . . 345000 SO do do Merchant* and Maculae* - tareia Baakf Ptoaburea, ; ••'•■ OO lSOSharesStoektAmeneanMataallafor*.: .. , • race Company, • •• ' I.tiOOOO S Share* Block Philadelphia and Harro do Grace Steam Towrboat Company, . 30 Share* Stoek Delaware Maud Insar* < aneo Company, .- • r JOO 0} 3 Shan* Stock. Philadelphia. Exchange . " Coap*ayV : ' /■ - -‘78.00 lOOShsieaoiock Pennxylmiia Railroad . i . s Company, - 5.000 00 Cathoabaad, ■ j • 631444 Senp of Mental Insaranca Companies • - • TO Balance*in the hand* of Aaenu, and Pre* ’ • slams on Marino Polioies, recently (*• saed, Imerest doe, 8 ah scrip don notes, liorxxßiaiArHtiMw. 'The Board of Director* "have this day declared a dividend of BIX PER. GENT, in: cash, im the Capital Stock and Scrip of the Company, payable on, and af» t»r December ltl, 190. Also, a dividend of TEN PER CENT, in Berlin on the Capital Stock, atft earn ed Premiums, certificates for which, will be t»aed aa above. ' v *. f. DIRECTORS. ‘ Joseph H. Seal, 'H. Jcmeißrook^ Edmond A. Bonder, - Henry " : '• JohaC. . Hugh Craig, ; ; Robert Barton, . ' Georye SerrilL' . JohnS.Pesro*ei Wffl.Eyre.‘'Jr4 : ’ ■'’ .SamnelEdwards, . Charles Kelly,.. , George O. Lei per, ’ 3.0. Johnson, Edward Darlington, Willlam'Hsy. ; -^ isaae R. Daria, Dr. S. Thomas,.. - WlliamFolwdJ, • Jehu'SeUers,* ‘ “ * : JohnS. Nowlin, . Spencer McuTain,''i Dr. R. M. Huston, J.T. Logan. Pittsburgh: } VJamesC. Hind,' ' D.T.Mcrgan;'' * do Zhoophilaa Paulding, - Wm. Bagoley,\.;.do WILLIAM MARTIN, President. GEORGE SERRILL, Vice President. RICHARD 8. NKWBOLD, Secretary. V : ;; By the Act incorporating this Company, the parties-* insuring property therein, *re entitled to h 7 causer the prodta ol tha Institution, without subjeelipg them selves to any liability beyond the premium paid. The Capital Stock-and Sobsertpaon r -noted are pledged by the Charter forthepaymßot of losses: and the profits of tho Company are directed to be invested and remain in tho potierston of the Corporation, as a fond for the farther secanty of the aisared.- This fund will be represented by Scrip, bearing an faterest'of six pereent. divided amoftg.-the intaredaod Stockhold ers, pro rata, upon the smomitof earned Premiums' mad Capital Stock. '- • * - •~ • 'Jaatdlf A PrMOtt for Tour Psiaily; MORRIS A WILLIS* HOME JOURNAL PmtiHXD WzmttT— Bi rxa atomic i '■Tbc best paperin the Union.” fEveninif Fur. “Rather get in coal than go without if? [Boste#-;PoiL-» ~New rebscribet* ean be‘sappUi*d from Jan. 1,1350, if immediate application be made (either personally or by letter) at the Offlce of Public snort, OJ Wood *t JanlS ~ J. D; LOCKWOOD. ■ PEA NUT&i-ISO sacks lor sale by ' ' " lL ' ■JanlS.. ■ ■ *. i ' HARPy.JONPSACO MOULD CANDLES—IOO bxs in store and for sale by JanlS HARDY. JONES fc CO ~pACQN HAM3-'-Clty Caredin store and for aalC bjr - JjJiBM ' STUART A SILL, 119 Wood »t | TCTEW Negro BONG. byS.C. Font*.— “OhiienJ*' it. net, go'down to do Cotton Field,"-id riaWEthio-, plan Melody, jnst rac'd and for sale by. , Jams J II MELLOR, 81 Wood it CREAM CHEESE—47 boxes lirgevin store end for sale by ~JaalB HARDY; JONKS fc CO XJOTATOES—HO sacks In store and tor sale by X JanlS ■ HARDS’, JONES ACO GUNNY BAGS—SCO ja« ree d and for sale k»y JanlS. ■ . »- STUARTA'WLL /^IUEESE—3CO bxaprime, in ■mreand tor sale by ~ y/ Janlg - . . - BTUART ASILL C'UGAIL-dOhhdsNO.newcrop. Just reokCaad tor IJ sale by jant7 McGtLLS A ROE •pv RIED PEACHES—IDO bn on hand aid for sals SJ hr jam? 1 McGILLS A ROE DRIED APFLS2^—A small lot, choice,'for’sale on eonalciunent by Janl7 : McQiLV-a * ViTOkASSKa—sohf tobl* N Ojiu tier* asd dorsals IXL to elcm conti rnirurnt by ;", I«nlT , McGILLS fc HOE HOTASH— O ctaka tax t*lTbr~ " 1 1- )*al7 - ' KeGTLLStHQB KKBOOIDEBXKB. A LARGE assortment of;Preach' Wrottihtcines, Collar* and CsOs, may bo foafld, ircry ebeap, ti Jmli A A MASON A WB, CO Markctst FIBB-fijUCK—l2,OOO reeM and .for sale by ; jaal< SAW UARBACOH A APPLES— 'Eindns /bo reeM and for tale by • . , '.. - r _iaaM SAW HARRAUQH 14 bbU Roll, yanincloth*,-. ' _ SDkega ** \ ’for sale by - i«H 1 LB WATERMAN T^ht — jza W B-m bud amt for tale br frnw : S t B PLOYD i sacks prime Illinois, forsalary • . L B WATERMAN ►EANS—2O bl > jtola 1 0 sack* WWa^tor SEED— 21(fba prime oew .,, ' SObawrittlypriaeTin&tlitßeedririittiro ud for tale by janl4 L 8 WATERMAN T)EACH£S—lTOtaek* Dried Peaches: " - -' XT . 40bbU •* - -1-:. f, ;. a , 9 bu prime Pared: for ulrf-tnr LfIWATRtfMdN SA I .KB ATHW—nn hhU Aittimi' ii fpriiito by _ janlO —. . JAR FLO VP GLOVER SEED—(O bblj' extra prime, jut andforattoby Jtnl4 I JOHN WATEACO QCOBCUED BALTS— 4bble’la etore tad ferula by OjaalS HARD V, JONES At CO ; \4TEAL—iB~bbU'Cora Seal,'in store iU.ltal4 ' ;• L 8 WATERMAN SHAWLS.— A very ebelee anieleofWooraiijkLons Shawls, et low price*, at tm» A A MASON-A COTS Ot CASKS Mmprau &Sen’s Soda Asb.inKtnroand OA for sale by janB J 8 DILWOBTH ACO BEOWN FLANNELS—JnU recHl, an additional •apply of Cook’s fine pressed Brown-Flannels.. jan3 GEO COCHRAN. 2fl Wood si BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—6O scksreoHL for solely jsoS CRAIG A SKINNER ARD—2O kers'inh & tools No t, on banti and for sale by jan!7 McGILLSAKOE CIDER— 23 bbls Crab'Cider; . >4 Shfbbla** “ Jest ree*d and Attain by BURBRIDGB, WILSON A COd jan!7 WattMtreet Molasses— 900 bbu No, oaw eTop, jostiee’d and (or solo by - Jantt- BURB RIDGE, WILSON A'CQ ' Window glass-ioqo t>z>, «a*d «u«-£bef heart’s make) fox tale by ~lp janl7 RURBBIDGB.WaBOMfrfo DEAR LAS ll—s easks ree’dand fOtnlclrr 1 r " ’ JT jaol7 : BURBRIDQE.WILSON ACO WINTER LARD OIL-rIQ bail, pus? (wUI-«t#ad . freezing polny jut reeM «Ufor tote by ' *" JtaM WFi.i.KBHASiCQLS /TiLoVER £EEJ>-4CO baW Here auT] V. JAMES A HUTCHJ Lover SEED— 3 bbUJuil ree'd and for isle oy ~ jtal4 - BHEY, MAJTHRWB *CO - Window boxu. su'd«!»% Frank* tin, and Smith A fie non** Brand*, in store and far tale by Janli BHEY,MATTHEWS fc CO FLOUR— 255 bbia Extra Family mad Raperfiflej > , ' 50 •** Flovj. i‘i - «2»' 7 “ prime Rtb: In store and lot rate by • ' LSWATBRitAPf/'_ 31 Water tad ftt ftW»C WOOL— 2 iicki in (tore and for *alo fer __ jmg ' rBATfI fc SPNKEtt BANNERS’ OlL—sobl»l*Strtli’*OH,GirlkafelY . JWH# JaMKS DaLZBLU 21 VtfXtt it ■ OLE I^TUEE-~-^»s^bgggr T.A.'Sr 20 *«■ N °‘'“'““‘Sffl-I, ; 'EATHERS-lOCfll! J“L« . prime, tor sale by -J ■T JAMES palzele y T s~*” k ' p XTFAV BACON—HAMS, BIDES A BHOUUJEBB J J/| 30|0001bain8aekeUoeze.for.itSBjir4>< . - / jaulO cfcar Berenih attest _ j ONIONS— 10 bbls rec'd and for **ieby ‘*• t laaltt CRAIG A SKBtNBI Hickory nuts— lo bui* is «o» ud fer*Ut*y jtolO CRAIG A SKINNER [UTTER— 9 bbla (Plainmre) Freak Roll, Jasure’d tod lor «*Je by JtDlO _‘ J £mOVfa _ T>EACIOS—3BO bo, to cloMeaa*i£ftttbxmi&iW« by JT -itolU - , BTCART A COBURG CLOTHS ut *eliin» Terychcip(Vp«>» low uS3 ccnu peryinh at k - ‘ AMf BLACK—3D bbbi in tiara ud fo t til® by * nin!3_ r ' JptDDfcCftWWotdii iait rec*d «a>£6fwUoby. JUDD *OO e’raacKmcfili ( 93Ufi 55 SI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers