ESTA'RTiTSTrRD IN 178 b . PUBLISHED BY ’ " WHITE & CO. ». : ItsUAUMi. ‘'•Aitrrt ani aabv’tnjw mm, ioxt kwajto- mx ton caryiac j ' Daily p* .**-*57,00 per annum. 1 TriAVee' ,y....**.~~* tyQ ! Weekly, in ••••. u Do. o Clsbs,atare£seed rete* . RA9 <1 OK. APTKBTIBWtt I - AGREED OTON ; BYT! 8 PITTSBUBOS FIlXEfiS* One Baer «e,(iQlines of Ncnparellor less) one » iienloa****--****-***** .OnoSflasieJesehadditioaaJinscrtlen***' A» ■••;. Do. . enoweek.....—-• Do. • twoweeks.——••••• 2,00 •. Do. lihreeweeks****-* <>“}' , i •• Do. oho month--— s,w ; Do. 'momoiiths— 7fl> J>c. ihrto monun-... o^o Do. leor months ......t.——. 10,00, Do. sixteenths....— ——* . .Do. twelvemonths*.*.—** •• IS»W. - Ctandiag Card (0 lines orlet*,) per annaßi'lGj*: UaeSqeere,changeable atpl&tsare Iperon* • asm) exeuunre ct tho paper*—••••>•• 25,00 \ For.eae|> additional iqsm, loKittdoitlost nonfli ana for each additional square inserted under the yeas lyrote*,halfprice. .•■,-t ; Advertisement* exceeding a iqaaxe, cad not oyer ; fifteen lines, to be charged as aiqoareantfahalU , imbliabers not accoenteblo for icgul advertisements. ; bvyoad tho amount charged Cor ibeu pobUeatteo. - ; Attniwnring candidates for cflice, to be charged the I ; game as other advcrusepe&ts. *■ Advertisements not marked on tie copy »r aspect* 1: fiodnumber of tUKrtfuns, will be continued till lethal, i tsd payment exseted aeeord-. - . J; Tfco privilege* of yearly advertisers will be confined I rigidly to their regular basinets, and ail other adver tisement* n« pertaining totheir regular business,** i • agreed for,to be paid extra. - .- 1 ■ AH advertisements for charitable institutions.'fire ! companies, ward,towiuhipaadoiherpttbtic meetings,' and each like, to be charged hiHprice,payable stticuy ■; is advance.. V-‘ ' - !. Marriage notices to be charged 50 cents,.. i Desthnotiocalnsertedwiihoutehargeinnleesaccom* ; panted by funeral larltstinas ex obituary.notices, and whcaao accompanied to be paid for." I : Hegnlu idTenlsert and all others lendlcgecmmu* nicattow,'Cr repairing notice* designed to call attetw lion to faiiSf-BoueeSrCeaeenti or any pabtte eater* lainmenls. where charges are made lor admittance— all notiect of private assoelaticno-every’*. aigaed to call attention to private enterprtsea eakula > tea o| Intended to promote individaai interest, can oa*: )y be inserted wi<h the understanding that the same Is to le paid for. Ifbuemted to bo -inserted'ln ; the.ioea column, the same will be charged at the rate of hot legs thaalOcr u pCrllne. • Bishop ornitNoticestbbeehargedtapleprice. ■ Tavern license Fetiilaas, C 3 ' Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at ! . follpneei. - - Beal Estate Agents and Auctioneers’Advertisements not to be classed under yearly rates, bet to be allowed ! discount oi thirty three tadene third per cent, from the amoont of bills. •■_••• _WXXU.T OU m.WXSXLT Df UILT.TAms. One Bqtare, three insertions—***••*♦.'. ! j Do. each additional insertion— 37 * I ■ asvssruutxuxs ct wmii rim. ! ' Due Square, (10 lines.) oneinsextion«>**sQ cts. i; 'Do. • each additional insertion* *SS u • ! All transient adTenisetneuts to be paioSaedvuxam >1 wmTEACOjGaMtteT^ L. llA&f EB, Test, i EOST* M. RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES F. HABR A CO- Chronicle. . • - FOSTER A DHOTUEE, Bispaek. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. VT-■’ ; : JAMES W, DIDDLE, American. Pmmioß, Dee. 1,184#. . BOSIMESS CARDS, AbBXABDfiB B. mTBOI, ATTOENEY AT LAW—Office, oa'Toanhctreel, above -hri-ri* 1 ! BrrUrtmpMtp aiain. ALK&AMDUI FBAMKLItf/ AUorniy it Fourth n. ~ • aorflMy BXVIU C. XVTTLKt ! 1 ATTORNEY AT UAW'AND COAIMXSSONEB FOB PENNSYLVANIA, Br. Loin*, Mh. > - ! Ail eogflaaleoUoQi pronpUr unrwered.' oetSMy <A.ud Seilers' la Prod ace? Mo. fit Uukdirat’. r Pfattbarglh- ■ •••.*••■ «■ •y- . • decs V' . • .: jtf&Hfcniriini,. .-.’I 1 ATTORNEY tad Co«aseUor»tiAw t '«aiCoauau4 tax the Huts of PexuuTiTßius. BV : Lo«i*r no. IUU oi FiUtborjh.) , • r-'. ■ HxrxaMC**.—PiUtbmrh; Hon.'W’.Pcrw*rd.H*3B{>~ Coa A hliller. Al’Ctadiet* A M’Clare,-Joha E. Puke. •i wilt fc denote. tl*Cord fc Kiog. •■ •-—:«gl4aUy • x. u. oiixo. ___ 1:2. ... ntiitn, «iTWn A BTOBItRyir. AITOBNEVB AND COUiNHELLOUS AT IJCW, F®«nh street, betw*ea-SmU6BeW eijd tinmU ■nusbaryh, Pi. ■—- !■ • i ,• 76)01 LUUL-- -- . WM.fcwnßtnT 1 ■ IiASOB A.SVRIEHB, .; A - TTORHEYB AT I*AW, FoaitD street, oen Gttaii A. - >. ,: — . ' - ,. :J ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office enFtnmhsC, be* tween BaithfiglA end»Great it, -PtiabniTh.-:- ■' ) •aptPsdly t 1 1 -*- • '. w. a. wocawato——asLru smacky. J VDAGALEY. WOODWAEO fcOe-rWholeiaJe Gn- No.BU Atacluteaeet; FiUedelpkUi i sort? / FKUimrgn Alfcnll Work*. BENNETT, BtJUiVA CO, iUnwacuirtMoTSo4i Bteachujjf Powder*, Mb risUcAndSolpherih ' WueboSM No. —AYalrrirrect, below ferry. noilMr "jJ itiuui ii menu. - osossx xxxm. Braun Ik REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drujpi canter of Liberty and Sc Clair streets, Plus* ewraaTß - - " , , weyli . T> A. I'AIiNESTOCK A Wholesale and. *oi jg. tall j>rogglt*, corner Wood and 6th sis. iyl . NaYLOR. Attorney at Law,, / itt door those gniihiieli. narlAaa : : o." ILP*UTiUAQK t tt>fi^: NO. 1M ai’HUCK STREET, PHILADELPHIA, * /"CONTINUES to rive his parUenlar auenUoa to Uto l» treatment©! Diseases oi the SKIN, SCROFULA, utd Diseases of the THKOAT. ’ - Officebearer » A.M., l P. &L, and 7 P_SL octSußm* ' .- . v •• •'. - riPiiH tt BlUNNEß, Forwarding and ConumUsion 4 Mtre**« n ta. No. 3> Market »t, : FilUbarth. A. McANULTY-A Co-, aad cTo • minion Merchant*, CanaMJaoa, Pittabarjnra i ■ . • , ;•■ •: - ■■■<.' - *-« wchA ; _. G~" ' m COffiaumilflu*?d-t t Jdcrchant.No. 41 W*tcrtt.~ aald COLEUAN.HUILMAN A Co, 'mikafaettm* of Coftclt »nd Biptje Spring*. Ilunmered Bprinr end Plough Steel; iron, Ac* . Wtfehoiuo e» WMtf endPwttrtieeu.Hjttbßfgb...:; . ■■■■■•-• < j ; Aloo, deaden raj Conch Trunaing* tad. Cotter*. ' ocH<_( • IfH- X. : ' UXB J. TjINGLISt! & UENNFTT, {Uto En*lab, Xj * Co.) Wholesale Groeert, CemnuMioa and Yoi» wanfln* MeretaUiW, and defers in Prodoea and P*ttB» fcaitn Suumfactarei, No. 37. Wood sl, beiwixa ad and 9d streets. ..• ■ • * • E: i. IIKNKY, Attorney; and.CcaDeeiicratlaw’, . Cincinnati,Ohio. 'Collection* In and In Indian*, and in Kenlocky, prcrtirtiy and care ftllr uk. .Xommiuioaci tor Cte tiuia ofrenn* ' ayhrania, tor lakki£ Deporitions, aetaowledgmeau^ to— lioff. WaSell ft Bon, : Coni*,Cbarehft CaroUten, Win. Ilay*, Itoq., WUloek ft Uatia. cPJ i.C.ft»yTog*«*r*—U-Ciaike. ; BOBTPOOLB * CLABKE, T7QBWAHDINO AND COMMISSION SDSBCH. r ANTS. and tJeaieri' in Wlcdaw Giau, Wfcita ti,. No. IteSecond n.. • Jonypr . .7 s —""wruriir juhmstosv •• -'TVj FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANT) No» 113 Second meet, Plnrinart. •• '-dcH . - ■»wm« tt. ts<rni. . J4JmS.TJSSEt GEORGE W.' sMITII *CO, Brtwer*,’W*l*wr» •sd Hop Dealer*. Pin rt, Piiubafgh. »ptO j /■ypgßTn-; coctULLN.Cominmion end yariw3ing |jf Merchant. No.Bo wocd»trecLPUabnrylL nrl? BOHE LEAGUE FA-CTOaY. HAMILTON 6TEWABT, manufacturer of. Henry Blurting*, Cheek*, *<* Rebecca atieet. etty oi i Allegheny. novlS-dlyJ , i TT LEE. fraeceuar to Murphy A Leej Wool Deal. H. erandCosunistlo* Merchant, for the*ale Of - America* Woolen*, Liberty, epporite fiut at teu!7 wx, pTtlr.rt, CilUJnore. . .•• - • . A.r.mgcr«o» t 'ptrAiag**ig»_'■ ipmatfr.- ; ft.C.« , e*>SKOJt t Joß3l*.Wfß3t*»»_ \ . :••„>• SB&LD & DTJCaNOB. Tobacco Commlulaa Mer tamu, 41 North Water it, A lB North Wharves, Ju*.BlX9T- • : XI AB PY. JONE 3 fc Co-, (receiwer* to Atwood, XL Joaea & Co.) Comouuon «nd FcrwaMia* Mer- Sana, dealer* la Fiiubareh -Maoufaeiiired-Good* Fa. * : aoahSy ■ ~ • ■. 1} UOTICE. '•>>•• •r lIIAVE usoeieted L B» MfiVAV with me In U». FjfhtPge andUtnXiagba*ln»*d." : : , Juuzy ui, IsJO. , WAX. tit WILLIAMS.; . Wm. -•*•• -t D. McVoy. WH. B. WTIAUMB * COi, . ; BANKEIUkAND EXCHANGE BROKERS, . NonkEwteoniet of Wood bud Third *treet«.' , ‘ jtni r . .. . i prmnr»aß«Paj 4 ■’ ~_uius lurxxr. - - —... IQIIR DUUTi T&jUAH DICKEY & Co-, molwalc Grocer* Com* JLlßiulouUuehmsu, anateller* in Wfclcr. md 10? Front fliec.u, Pmabonrh.. : '•ng79 j ' IRO. A.CACCUE\,Afeot for lb* Lake Erie aid V MieWt*a Jiaoi* BeaTeraad the Late*,—<Hfieo 00 the corner of Water and Kmitfe&eld «n. •, Jaol - Joho jL pJwonff JB. DILWQRTH A CO., Wkoleul&Cneeniiaii • AWJWfcrUtKard Powder Co* MfcW.Wood it., ruaburgh. w . - dcS-y -i®**HJR*CK252:.'.. loom sawoxnt. 1 R, DSIWORTI! fc Ci, Whpleuli flioeen, Pro* V • dues *■"? Commission Merchants, and Again £»ite ilaxutd Powder Co. of N.-V- No.» Wood «v • . B 0.) • JOHW.iCTTpWNaENP, lfraggut and ApottteeirT fie. O Market it,three doors ebore Third it PittiS constantly onband •••■ aoitinentoftbe totead freshest Medicines,t?hlchß Will.*eU:.oa. the BMUt twaonehlo term*. Physicians orders, will be promptly mended to, tad up* elied with eitiol4?jACJf taei rely none* genuine. ; wjbe accurately tad ■ uS&Tl*’**'?*!*, nrrrielt,et any beitrof V vAbo toreafiyifc Ufjf» eUKk of frtth-tnd good Perft* Counsellor at Law.—Uf* _ Vtf • fie* on Fourth *U, etwee SmiUtfield.'. : notS-ly ..-f C. tUU ofTVerrenjOMij,) Oomals* enjiFcrwarcingilmhrmt. todwhotceele ** gfAe In Western Bw,nru Cfecegc. ilaUcr. jppt had , cue*! Ash. end Western Ptodueo generally, CT*tcr ..-ygfl,bOTeeirtiMtbficld.i«4Wo9d,Pittsburgh, hpj l iTnceetsor to Kwait : A OcljbtrtJ • ’ -el : WboWmle Groce r'and _Co mmhsioa, Sigler in Prodhee and Pittsburgh Msnnfaetnreh, for iSaf liberty and Hand streets. Pittsburgh Pa. )at6 IiUTCHUSONrk Co<-Bacec««ora to Hutchison A Co, Cornmhrioj Merchants, ’JLXfontg the St. Louie Stem Sugar Refinery, ando2 front streets,Fttuirurjiu, , . . •g* B fc'co., Wtoleule Dnagula, J^So.S4Wooditreet,PiUibttr|h. i - 1 " '• ' 1 ‘* l ‘ ‘ JOHN D.-MdßGAN»'Wlwle**l8 Druggist, and deal '• erfa'Dye Staffs, Pwats,OiDjYartiishej,&A, N 0.93 WDS AS-'iSdit AEty.KO!. >Birfa-' - ; ' ' '- - —*HL. UlfN D. DAYLS, Auctioneer, comer 6th and Wood ' streets. Pittsbargh- ' i cetS . JQtIN H. iIfiLLOE, Wholesale and Retail dealer faMosioundilcsieal School Boeu, cafe^MMSsisagt-* |^»Fn»sbonxbtrr taken in trade., aeplS "toHNSTON * STOCKTON. BookaeVlera, ft inter* J[ and Taper Manufacturer*, No. 44 Aluktt it, k£* Imreh. ' •"••• -iefl Jr£V£°rJ>, Cr«'srs^“v n J• ud.Dealer* la ProduceTßound' Churebßtaldißgi froatfagoo liberty, Wood and Cih «f rev. Pittsburgh, Po. '* .. ,=£ v “ fatt* y hqicttio Grocer, Cemmimo 7 * J Metehnnt, and dealer fa Prodaeemid,Pfa.«bunrb Manufacture*. Pittsburgh. j-Ai<r Ji-wSSSEßrffsa.'siaSiSftfitts -j g^SST 11 *"- oc . mir jjT JLII & uid Commission Met «a*n U, Pi? ale a fa Produce and Pimbairh lasaa faetared BTUcle^CaaaUfaafa^grg^n., - l PB4ianiUiL. Pll u i‘gminHn. PA* ClUl*f>B A CO, Maattfaotnreri of t Afa.* superior-ViShee tings,. Carpet Chain, Twine and Baumr. .. jafoiyitoa J ....,’ y. c * n .T lnß **on WorJu. . .T EWIB, DALZELL& Co., manufacturers of-all si* VAJKsBar, Sheet, Boiler Iron >&nd NalUof the test ■‘jaality. Wnrehottae/MwaterandlWfroniet.’ jnnlO . . . ::•••'••'- tfr'WAT HUMAN, Wholesale Urocer, Forward* • fag andCommUsiou* Merchant Dealer in Pitur hafah Manufactures and Produce, No*. 91 Water *u MOW Front«,.y.. ..- . -- %1 ... , , j£7. tntxiun, Fbiiadau: .'••• c. w. unaxTSDarPiuaburghT MILLER ARICKETSON. Wholesale Grocer*, and lm port erVof Bran dies,’Wines and-Scgus,'Nos. L«a and i? 4, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pius, burgh, Pa." Iron, Nalls,' Co non Yarns, &c. fee. con* stamlycnhand.-r' - - : augl-1 tatatareui. - rxa. n. k’suj. 'trams c. nos* \iT eCILLS A ROE; Wholesale Grocers and Commit ilL *ioa Merchants,'Noi 1M Liberty *l, Pitisbsrgh. ■ M tad . ... ..... K/I UHPttY, WILSON A CO. (late Jones, Morphy A iVJ. Co.), Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 46 f Wood street, Pittsburgh. . nov£l- * - IW.I ATTliKWWlLSoNTPottrailand MiniatnrePau.- i.VX- tcr. TlocTnt, comer of Post Office Alley and •Fourthstreet, entrance ondthncxr Market. ~~ *’* > •. ■ • AtcMiC .. ’ ■ ' " FfITSB IIRG WO RES AND SPRING I AND AXLE FACTORY. MACiasv,, - roHjiy. onod. • JOSEBA4I7IGO, MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel, • plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip* fie springs, hammered, iron axles, and dealers in miu table eastings,fin engine-lamps,and coach trimmings generally, earner of Boss and Front sis., Pittsburgh, ■AT .HOLME* A 6QN, No. 55 Market sL, secoad Is * door from corner of FourUn dealers ui Foreign ifid Domestic Uillaof Exchange, Certificate* of Depos- Baht Noteaarid Specie. ■ • 'H7*Collcctiona 'tnod .on. all .the principal cities Utrongbout the .United States. ' dcc!7 N /.BLICKMASTEB, ALExasur—OiSce. Fourth V third doorabove Smiihficld, soalh side. .conTcyanclngofall hlnds done with the,greatest care andlcral accuracy.' • Titles to Kcal Fxtatn examined, Ac. 1 oct3tMy V ' . PttUVi BKSUS.&UUROQKr T)ENN STREET, bewreca Wnyne asd Hand, has -X'l-Rtsmedfaa professional duties, giving tiutrae* UOBS on the Pmo. Gaitar, aad.faiVooal Maaie. * f ! ’-a®rl4idtf vt : riflT-rt' »m- -arifc a ■ KfroTTg -Nn VhTirSwT. ■Xra ~*L*HC*r Wood 'AU daantitics of Green and Igßaj-Blach’ Teas,’ done-op 'ln.quarter, half, and one pound- packages, hanging fib rnoo ots. .'per pound , f|»‘-?jys- ‘«A’-JAYN&; A*t for Pekin Tea Co.: ; tWRIsUN/LITrLB ACO-j No.iva ldbeny Street. -Wholesale Grocers, Produee and Merehenß, 1 and dealers fa' Pittsburgh -liaiißfapfares.':.-' Jy7 ! ’fcoaslidmxur..'.. •moa.inna.-.' iuwt.n.aoßisoa.'-.. i|iDBERT Grocer, Recuiying. At Risillcr,:dealer m I’rodacc, Pittsburgh Manofac pireA.aad.aUrkiuds of Foreign and. Domeitic Wines SndXfauors, No. Jl. Liberty sireet. On hand ,* , very (am-stoek [Of superior -.oud Uonohgahela whiskey,- Which will fee sojd low for cash. - r apls.iy ; -L-a aargotas, ■•••■• - ■ ‘ i. u coxa. -. REYNOLDS ABBES, Forwarding and Commission. Ale for the AUerhenr RrrerTrado,deal arila Groceriei,-Produce,. Pittsburgh Alanufocorel Chloride of Lfaici \ • ' - ‘ The highest prices, in etih.paid at ell times lor coon ryrags. Comarj>fPeon.andlprinstA ien23_ fpf>npttT,>AL.ZKLL A Co* AtTiolesalo Grocers, ‘tt Comuiliiioaand Torwsrdihg Merehanis,dealers :ol*TOdace and Pittsburgh MaoufadlUTTS, Liberty St, |Piusb*r*hi-Pa, r «- • • feb24 - IYOBT. : A .CUNNINGHAM, 'Wholesale 'Grocer, Ct Dealer laYrodnce aad .Pittsburgh Manufaetures MAt4«ljheTty st. ' • ’* . :tyttt Is. c. suacuxrt, trios, iu winxs. CtiIAGSLECT A ‘WHITC,' Wholesale Dealers fa CV Foreign asi} Domeslie Dry Goods. No.Sfl Wood st PRtt_harga.~’ ■ -y t >fab|?tf . STg~tv r HARUAUf»H, Wool Merchants, Killers •■fa tlour and Produce generally, and Forwarding an* Commission Merchants, No. 33 Water it, Intts. barsh. ... • . . ■ 1 r.-sxttxas, raisßcaou. .. joua moiuiA, staxTuinc. Sn.i.FRB a NICOL 9, Produce anJ General Com • missionAlerehants, No. 17, IHusburgh. Linseed hndLard ODs. . S. -F.- VON BONKHORST, fc .Co., WTiolesale Gro* • cers, Forwarding and- Commission Merchr.nis, Dealers fa Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Pror dteej have reaovedto faeir new stand) Ndl 35, comer of From su and Chancery Lane. '~aav7~ - • r|\ABSEY A BEST, tVho\esalo Urocers andCommls "X kicn Merchants,and dmtlers in Produce. No; 3j wood st, Pinsburgh. . 'P? 33^ . W. H. WOODWSHD- •'••KALFII&AGAI.SY, WftL BAGALBY A-CO, Wholesale Grocer*, IS and 20 Woodatreet Pittsburgh. noyfi? W. A K* 'ajITCHBIiTUiCE, . WHOLES ALU GROCERS, RKCriPYING 3>!S» TiLLKKS, tadAYlNEand LIQUOR HKRCII* ANTS. - Also—lmporters of Soda Ash and lileaetdng Fowder.No. ICO Liberty at, (oppotito Siith «,) Pxtu -borgiu - : *roas ». wick, davib jtcajcleo WICK A JPCANDLESS, (roceewrs to 1* A J. IX Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and CronTTnl ,c ? m t Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nail*, Gtass, Couoft Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, nf Wood and Water greets. PittsbntKb. ' _ Xir W» - 'WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill FomMi tV v.lng ejtabUahamt, No. M 4 Liberty n, neifUie XlEr~' WrWllSCNrWetcliesjJewelry.SiSyerWaire; W • and Military Goods, comer of Market and 4th street* Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 8.-Watehes and Clocks carefully repaired. . ■ dec* T¥r FyT BOWEN—Commission and Forwarding fV Merchant, No. 110 Front SL between Wood and , Market street*. • - • . —R. iiURPUV, Wholesale and Retail deMerin • Foreign and Doroerae Dry Goodi, nonh east gamer of Market and Fonrth sta. augtfl k Co.—Dealer* In lealher hide*, k*. ;W- 1U Liberty it. ,mS»ly_ WK-MCUTCBSOT. .»•• • Wh. JL H'CBTCUEOK, Wholesale Grocer*, Uea- V lers-in-Produee, Iron, Nails, Class, and Pitts, burgh hlann/aeiurr* generally, 12J Liberty «,-Pma bnrgh. flea. _ W W WILSON, Dealer In .Watches, Jewelry * Surer Ware, Military Oooda, fcc., No. 57 Mar vet n. ■ \ T>ov7 ■ ATTORNEY at law, Butler, Pa also attend to eoHeedons and allxther busl- W w» entrusted to him tn Bnller and Armstrong .Stuvt UltaU *M Marshal?' dj | Pittsburgh. _ dly - Kay kCo., Wood it J . jan7 • K PBTTIOBJBW * CO i/!S?1A bteam boat agents • wtawgai oi7iez4>onM. AllkkACo, tUBOEXSta ■ octal No. 43 Water meet. FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE rooo aim wetaroa, raomwous. MTHIS establishment long and widely known a* being one of the most commodious In the city or 'Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvement*. An entire new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy slMnisft apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. ' "TnSXadiei* department has also been completely ‘reorganixed and fitted op in a mo rnniqae and beaati fai style. In fact the whole arrangement of the li°a»= 'has been remodeled, with a single eye- on the part or the proprietors, toward* .the comfort and pleasure of lbelrOnests, aad which they confidently assert will eh alienee comparison with any Hold In the Union. - Their table will always be supplied with «7«Y«kr : t.r-i.t sod luxury which the market affords, vended • sp in a superior style; while tn the way of Wines, Ac., nSronage of their friends and the public gmierally. P The prices for board have also been reduced to the ‘‘"SKSStajr. . «.»p «<•* nPb^— Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car and Bleaabom Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Jfoteh free af charge- . m -f r rV- lamartine house, >• roßßTtt »*n oaxirr rrarxT*, nnrseten. the sibSeriber respcetlully announces that ;A helms now opeoed his new anJ excellent Hotel T H wS^SSS!u?SS^ c * ea^ggiSgSS®* as taken from the bank,) . 4 K itni and Und on the Allegheny «m, on which abed* machine tp com-’ ■hovels,- spade*-**, everythm*» e^.«*j^ hjdin(r mence operations at an hours tun e* 0 V ?;=s,r;»sgs“ f “ » u - .. wo .assaafi^. CARPETS.—W. Al’CuTttOC* offers to; the mo*t approved pattern* of Brussels *«ar*i*j eheapst thaaeter before oflered in thu nmkcj. . -adwwiina oa r stock befine parehaslng elsewhere, aaaexaams our sto« GU^ 74 Fourth It *■ _CARM LIFE INSURANCE! Trenion Inintl Lifo inmsiue Company ! saixs or ruaom KEpecfed 25' rat' cekt. _ Oupltal, 6150(000. JAMES DURNO A CO* Agents 1 at Pinsburgh, Pa. >. ; soAin of .Bi»xcnas,'tat-fM3n«5, ttrsr ntxssr. Jaaes Hey, Jr. ’ I' Joseph C. Pons, Preset Benjamin Fish. . , G/A. Perdtearis,.Y. P. Jeha A-Weari. I Hi Morris, Secretary. Jonathon Fls*, Treasurer. ' J . iurur toax. CbmpiroUer ofNew Tor A Georga Wood.. John F. Mackie. ■ i David Dudley. Field. Joseph Horie. | srw JEJOXT. llis Exe. Gov. Haines. I EX-Gov. Vroom. W.L. Dayton,U.S.Sen./ Isaac Wildrick, M.C. • G. D. Wali,Er-U.S Sen.'! Wrn. A. Newell, M.C. Ex-Gov. AL Dickerson. I Honl S. ILllamtltonl MEDICAL EXAMINERS. ASidney.Doaco. Alt D ,\V. W. Gerhard, M.D. : 3d WarrensuN. Y. 301 Walnutst,Phil’s. Wra.MTC MortanTlJ. D* n. R. Bell, JLD, George hTCoofc, M. D-. . Allegheny eily, PA . Piltsbureh. Pa 1 f- . Thn Agenuof this Company, at Pittsburgh, are auth orized to take every first class risk on Li:e at a redue tbn.ef per star, from the usual rales of pre mium an charged ny other Companies l . xxkunx. - . \ A man 30 yean of uge, taking a Policy of Insurance for One Thousand Dollar*—- 1 To run fox one year, pars only; 89^0. do . seven “ “ “ . annually, do lifetime, “ “ “ And in the same proportion for any sum up to 850C0, whieh Is tho extent taken on any one life. Thiseompany commenced operations on tholstOct., 1648, and its monthly business up to tie Ist Oct, 1619, shows a progress axteding that of any other life Com panion record. ~J : Tue first dividend of profits will be declared to the osiuted on the Ist January, 1650. ; Pamphlets containing the various tahlei of rales, ami all the necessary information on the important subject of Life Assurance will be furnished on appli cationto JAMES DUKNO A CO., Agents, ' t r dcl7 1 1 Odeon Buildings. THE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN SURANCE-COMPANY will Issue Policies of In surance against Losa cb DAXXGKbyFtߣ,aponDweU 'iugs audFuruilure, Stores, GcodsAo., on appli cation to . JAMESDURNOACO, Agents, de!7 Odpori Buildings. HEALTH INSUIIABGSs at FltUborcb. The Spring Garden Health Insnrance Co* OF PHILADELPHIA $lOO,OOO, INSURES Males and Females against the Expense and Losacecaskmed hySicknesor Accident, by an immediate ’allowance of from 63 to 86 per week,' Car one, iwo/thiree, or four years. The method of effecting this Insurance, and the manner of awarding thd sick will be fully explained by the Agent. % ' SXAXH.*. ■ A person can insure or Accident which will detain him from hi* todianry basinets,' u follow*, ric , 1 i For one jew,by payinsS4,2o,MKl rteeive S 3 P week- For two “ “ flA***, * “ 4 “ For three « 1 .7,03, ? ** 6 “ . For four “ u .. 10,US, w 4 w Or, fr" *'eriod of fn'**' • if #14,40 psiJ T!IE •filntcab Life and lleailli Insurance Company of PkUadeJpMa. Incorporated by Uy» Legitlonro of Pennsylvania, Mojch,lSld. • Charter perpetual. Capital, 9! 00,OUU Hits# lows* TBas SOT pM»Tfc vixii; Codakt, and.f&HSO percent. lower than iho usool rates of .Life Insurance, tu ihc following com parison triU show: Urns, a person of the age ot 30 In* taring for 91W for hfc, most pay in the Girard PenwylTonia, 92,39, Peon Mutual, SLWi -Equitable, 93,01; New England, New York Life, 8&3G; Al bion, 82,48; Lite and HetUto, Philadelphia, *1,91. ■ • DuuceroKs.—Samuel J>.Orriek,Chule»D* HalL w. F. Boone, Kobert P.'Einr,.Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, M.M. Reeve, M. Chosi'O. B- Campbell, . Le wisCooper, l.KwTjnaa 'Barker, K. 11. Bailer,- Kdwia ,B.Cope. ,'Prefident-J-Saixwel IK Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Robt. P. Kin« Secretary—Fnineu Blukbume, applications will b* received, anil every information gireaby SAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt, OSde, Commercial Rooms, eomer of Wood and Then! its, Pimbargh FIILS AND HAJLITiE lECSCHANCE. Tub INSURANCE CO. ot North' America will . taafco perm onent. and .limucd liunJance on pro perty in ihtacit7 and Vicinity, and rn ihipmcou by CtuyU, Uxvero, Laket, and by Sea. The properties ot, ihis. Company up well iay cited, and Ccroiih ea nvofl-. able DtuS for the dasplo indemnity,of all penoni who deiiro to be p'raieetod by buarance.' ' myli W&I. V. JONES. Agent.« Water at. : . imngMßiTT. , t< ' Tte Franl&a Fire lamrcacc Go. tf FhUaielplaeu DIRECTORS.— Charles N.Bancfcer, Them** Hut, Tobias VV'axuer, Sairjuot Grant,-Jacob R. Smith, Ciee.W. Richards, MordeiHti TX. Lewiay Adolpho -E. Bene, J>n»ld S. Brown, ilium Patterson. ; • ; • OsaUAiN. BASOaot, President -•'Charles'G. Baneker, See rotary. *" ‘ '■■■■• • Condnae tomakeinsardnee,' perpetual or united, oaeTeO'ideeerJpaoa of ptopertyin town or country, at rate* u low u ore consistent wiik security. • .To Company have reaßirod aUrjeeonuiueatJHind, wMeh wi& their Capital aid gwttiTnne, aawly iitTcati. ed, iiTord! ample protection to the usarod. . The asieti of toe eonpany, on January Ist, ISI9, W published agreeably to as act of Assembly, were as fellows,via; Mortgages Heal Estate Temporary Loans Sloes* ■ Cash, &e. > 9>t335i492 71 ''Since iheir incorporation, a period or 19 yean, they I bavakjioid nrwanl* of one million four hundred thou*- 1 id &Uan t lone* by Hie, thereby affording erii'eneo the ndtanugea of insurance, os well Is the ability id dUoosUion lo meet with promptness all liabilities. • J. UARDINEK COFFIN, Arecr, Office N E corner Wood ana 3d sis Foa liuaCAUcs on Lives asp (Inaimsa Aarttrntta. ItiiK fim Lifo Insurance Company in the U. State*. incorporated March 1C!, lbl2—chatter perpeiaaL . Capital fifiOOjioO— all paid m. Having aothonsed the uoderetgnea to receive appu cation* lor insurance, on which policies will be itiued, according to »h** r proposals and rates, which will be made known to applicants athisoffiee, No.uOWood street- *ptl GEO- COCHRAN. M'COED A CO., 4S& ffj (Buceessors to M’Cord k. King) Bym wfc Rashionabla Ilatttrt, *T*w> Caratr of Wood and Fifth Strutt, PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely open gcuing their Hals and Caps from our establishment of the soar matxhoi* and gfttmtwntrr, of the lstxstarraxs, and at the Lower Cointry Merchant*, pnTchastng by wholesale, are retpcstfulyinvited to call and examine oar Block; as we can say with confidence that as regard* quaurr and rum. ftwill not suffer Ina comparison wtdi any bouse to 1 Philadelphia. - fehl ? Itio. * xwHX. PITTSBURGH PBSALB INSTITUTE rTUJE Second Session ofttus luntitution, under the JL care of Mr. and Mr*. Gosnoa* for the present academic year, wiU commence on the.first of iebnia ry next; in the same buildings, No. fid Liberty streeh Arrangements have been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Cl mm • eai, and Ornamental education. A full coar« or I ai litophieal and Chemical Lectures will be dfiuvered during the winter, illustrated by apparalaa Thedf Lartments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern languages, Drawing and Fainting, will each be tinder the care of a competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their P»* nils, thi Principal* hope to ment a continuation.of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For term*, see circular or apply to the Principals. j*3o-dtt _________ .soar. jrccrtruxuK- DELL AND BBABB POCNDBY. A A FULTON,BeII and Brass Founder, ha* re built ud commenced bonne**. at hi* old (tend where he will be plowed to *ee hie old euaiom* ere and friend*. • , . Church,Bieamboai,and Dell* of every eiie,fromlO to iOiW pound*, east from pattern* of the mo«t approv ed model*, und warranted to be of the beet matenaW. ther with every variety of lJraafc Casiingi, il required, turned and finished in the nealMt manner. ' A. F. ie the cole proprieior of iiaßW7 s Arm-An*i* non Mstal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of Mellon inmachinery. The Doze, and ComMamoa eto be had of him at all tuhee. jo-irtiy _ UNSHIUNKABLE FLANNELS. - WIL MUHPIIY eontinuee to keep ou hand a full « awortroent of iho Welsh Unihrintable Flirt nele and ha* recently received a supply of the finer -quafiuct. Alw Swan*,downTlanod*, a .can*i.n, eie and well adipted for the wearof , and other* wantin* aoinetMnj wjrnner than * ! .°l Ferdxn and Cause Flannel* for infanta **« . «® gather with a full .apply «/. A ® er hJiSoUDINO llaidfel*, of dillisreilt qualillei* A *o, SHROUUINU FLANNELS, of all the different width*, at the North East corner of <th andMarkct»t*. -,m iry Wholwale Boom* up »uu«, ‘ tlw»y* find aigood a**orunent oT new »iyle good*. jnn4 . i ' ~~ jLott or HOTELS PITTSBUII6H, •I'SIDAY llOßKiyfc: ARY % 185 °- INSURANCE, I .KCULDELruti. Hon. Joint* Campbell. Eovid H. White. , Alexander Cutnttlnet W.J.P.White.P. 5L FIRB UfSUnAWCE. for & period of four year*,. the mm of Si4,«v -sully, will teenreSSper week while nick. Erery neeer* ary information will be -afforded on the vbjeet of lucranee yenernlfy, by ' • JA&IES DUENO & CO, Ajenu, Ode on Baiidinga. Lift und UtKltlt Inittrimei> •51)M7,13S 41 M,724 «5 «3,lWt 545 61,53 SS S3 Tbo PexutsylTAsUa Company HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. /"yN th« cienlnrol Monday !■*«, i U die*and 17 Lftfaoflron, {masked W.McG kt-u) Worj-tho Wharf, nbo *« lha Mono'Wthel* Und««• Any itifennation that will remit In the ° f n lhe m " '%£Ss £*^k!«!ssn, JenlO Find street, hefn Wood kMark ct. Arrived. C -tCRKD SCENES AND CHARACTERS, by J. T. o Ikadly, With Original designs *>V D” 1 *?.; Tno I'oeo* and Vroto Writing* ihe riivuciaii and Patient, or a l radical View oM&e Mori Done#, IlelaUotu YIJXe? M* 5 Vrofcftiob and ihdConmnttrrr/} by Hooscr, .M. u The Pnriuui and Jits Daughter by 3. K. Paulding, author of tiio Dutchman'* Hr*stde. . __j p.,. lion Gringo*, or on J««ido Molten and Cal ifornia; wiui Wandering* in Peru, ChJliand Polyueula, ii *s wi "w.r.»rstf£iyc..i3ii,TO ... Now Is tlie llmi to Sabs? rl Us-^ OFFICE of Ueott's Reprints, of tbe toof t l oartet JieianJ DUiilnvooO; SLUporytfar. • Morris A Wilts' Homo Journal, published in New York weekly; *3 per annum, - Downing** Horticultural!*!, monlUly} W par > Invaluable. . The Cultivator, monthly; 61 per ahnum. ' Agriculturalist, monthly; 8> per year. Tho' Dcinociatie lloriew, pjontnlyi *3 per annum. • : The Danker*’ Magoiine, do , * JAMES D LoCKWiKJD. ,' fang BogV*«iHer A |mportor,<a Wood «t A FEW ran Cue (iUITAnB,U““. "<•? 9? celebrated manufactory «C CUP: Manip.ond fat mle by Jon S- J. 11. AIKLt.OK. bi Wood «t. W iNCOW GLA3S-«»t>oxes bill* window «0O do 10x1* do do 01 do 7x® do do ;*» do OXl* do do ao do loxti do do la itoie andjfoi »alo by jaa3 ‘ tafcW.HABBAUOa : ‘ CO.PARTNERSHff& ■« _ / Dtaaoiatton rfVwtMntUß* T)Y thiidsr. the firh hereto- XS'.foreexiattaxandentho rtls orBUSHFIELDf, LEADER* hoabeea diMolred ojr_Botry U#der *»; in* his entire interest in said firm to John McGill. JJI buinesseoanected with Uip&fmof BAshfihldft Lead*. erwmbe»euWl*7.S.‘a?Bd«hfie!dft C« ? who arc dtiy nciharised tq make nil collection* and adjust *ll claims. 7-.- OTSHFIELOft LEADER... Piusbatjh,Qct. & 3 1E43. V.. .•,Y• * ~ .• N. a—S. a BUBHFBELD ft CO. w£U effntinMlhe ■wholesale and retail Dry Good* end Grocery business, at the ahTroro room, No. JEJO Liberty si, where they .will be nletaedto hsve iheir friends anjd.custbnica ■coil Ihsix stock of jroods., .1' ; . OCI3I . .. . aaBUBiTFIELDACO. : • Dlaso*mUom» : • TpilE partnership of the nndersiened, vaflartbe-fina .X of Hartley ft Smith*, web disaolred .by .Wtnud ' consent on 29th September, W.BejalcT-pirchailßS: the interest of J. a Smith, who retires, lie business of the Brio will be settled tfy their successors, Wm. iiagaleyd; Coi* at'. , yj' •*' b 9 • i. r william hagalet, ; Pittsburgh, - ISAAC BJ SMITH. .-. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Wpi. Bagaley haring eiatta with him Wfc. H;Woodward'of Phil sdeJphjo, John S. Cosgrove and Ralph Baguiey of Pituburgb,' will continoe the Wholeoole Grocery Btuiness,et Not. 19 and 20.W00d sL-ander ihefimof.. .... VViT. BAG ALEV. A CO, Pittsburgh; ■; and BAGALEY, WOODWARD ft CO, -Philfd’A y OCtD " ' •- • • • i ' ”T' , Dissolution of Co-Pattnonlilp. THE eo4truimhip heretofore existing between tfie •übicnbe'ra, wuler tho style of Brown fc CuTbety on,midissolvedon Uja'lilmit-' bytantostconsent' i. M.B. BROWN, Ju CULBERTSON*. Pittibnrgb, OeUA, lsi9. > i The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Groce ry end Coouniitionßoswese, u heretofore, attheott stand, 145 Liberty U. OCI3 .. A. CULBERTSON-- BGAIFBft ATKIBMSr-M Ft* nsr- ktwxk* Wood a*o Mamkt, nrmne& /““WNTINUB to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, O TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black* smith Work. ■- Steam Horn* bailt toorder. , -. ' Special attention men to (team boat work. ' Have on band* a fine assortment of Copper ana Brail Kettle*. Tin Ware, Ac. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stores, Portable Forge*, TErioas *i«*—a reiy conwuent ar ticle for steamboat*) California emigrants, or rau road 1 companies. . . - 1 j \ve would rcipeeifally hmia, steam boat men and Others to call ana seo oar article* and prieet beroT* purrhnrina elsewhere. '• lTt*» ttliiSlatlon or Partnership ; fpHK copartnership of HENRY< HANNENfcCO- J. formerly Uannen. Mnlfar A Co-In the Window a d Colored Glass buaineji, is. this nay ditsolred bp the withdrawal ofMr. Frederick Mailer. '• - ; The business will bo eontlnnOd by thC’ oadersaroed, under the firm of. HENRY HANNEN* CO; Ware house No. IDS Second st, wberefarosri!) tav^oesfas! supplies of superior Window’Glass. __ • • - • '‘JOHN HANNEN, • HENRYHAMNEf. ■ . ! -.HUGH ROBERTSON r ■ Pittsburgh. *tf. lIENRY UMSTFIAD rnuE ttftdertlfiSfl'ffTOtoU wlikihea lin bna incss JACOBI*. WJUWARTZ,and wiUeoa unnc the boainen as bore to loro, tinder (lie fins of • , Ji. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. * " Jt» - •■■•-• Jaiy g, 1&19. : ao’x mifE partnership heretofore existing under the film I ofi.*C. BRADLEY, Udlasolvedby the decease o?Mr.C.Bradley. Thebasißesawfllbecaniedoaby A. Bradley, -who will- settle-tbe business of the into REMOYAL.~A. Baaniar hu removed feu Poan'diT Warehouse from No. 1W Second'street, to Wood sueet, betweeaEifst and Bedend ■ treeia, i* toe warehouse lately occupied jby G. A. Deny, where ba_ will keep constantly on handa.general assortment ©t Castings. Orates, Stoves, CookiaitßtoueStAe. fylfr ; * Diaaolatlaa*. THE copartnership "heretofore casting between the subscribers, fa the nano of Constable, mtM * Co., is this day dissolved by,mutual consent' aidsst*. Buke &■ Borne* will seumhe business of the eon* cem, for'which purpose they areaaihoriaed touts the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, < ' . ! THOMAS BARNES, The undersigned have this day *«*[atodthesisdive* Jif the nnmoor BURKE A BABNE9, for the gvtpotc of ra*nu£*eniitog?Fire Proof Safes; Venjt jte at the stand oftbo late firmoijConftable, Darke i. Co., where they will be pleased to Pa tronage of the cnstomeraefthai house and their friend*. • i EDMUND BURKE. THOAIASJUJIKES. . In retiring from the firm of Con*tabid,- psrkfrJfc.Co., I with aineere pleasure reeommendMessTmJßßfke A ••fehiidtf . ■ FORWABDfIiG XMHISSION, a.r. btcaxt. too*. a.Jitfc. ; STUART A SILL, Grocer*, .and Produce anffCom* mission Merehanu, Me. 118 Wood at. Pfttsbatgl* Dealer* to Groceries, Floar, Wheat, Rre,OawConh Barter, Por)c.Bacon, -Batter, Lard. Cheese;’Clover, Timothy and Flax Seeds; 'lron, Kail*, Glasv, Ae. Ac. Ae. Particular nueatloapaidto (he tale'of-western Prodace. * __ jt-' J Bxyxaascsa—Mean*.. Uyeradp Hipuer»ißs2;D*V X&U A Ctr,- M’GUie Hampton. SmitoJk.Co,, James May, Kin* A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner A MlMillan, Massillon. Jo*. S. Morrison, E*q., Sl _ ipiuOily joun a. cuuo, lite'ofN. LUBon.O/ w. a. tutunot CKAIG * BKIHBEH, GENERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward* tog Merehanu, No. 88 Market iu, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jp?*Prompt aueutioa given to the purchase and sale of all kinds of Produce. . Rsnra -to—John Wan A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Lawson A Hill, Alahlon Martin, Wellsriile, O 4 John |l. Brown A Co., Grixg, Elliott A Co., Philadelphia; B. W. Snodgrass A Co, Gregg A Nqcb, New Lisbon, O; Fr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. ColSn, Cincinnati; J. P. Keltor, Youngstown, O; W. I* Stan dart, Cleveland. O. . aagSl GEORGE COCIZBAN. Commission and Forwarding Slsrehant' no. 28 wood *t-, rmunaß, CONTINUES to transact e general Coamlaklonbutl nei*, especially in tho pare base and sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Prodace, and in receiving and forwarding Good* consigned to his care. At Agent for the Manufacture*, he will bo constantly supplied with the principal articles of Plusbargb Manufacture at the lowest wholesale price*. Orders and consignments •to respectfully .solicited, |97 MISCELLANEOUS- ■ Penn Haohlaalhotb TT WIGUTMANT-Maiutfietaterofallklndsofeot 1~l t ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny dry. Pa. The above work* being now la (ail asasueecasftl op eration, ! am prepared to exestlt oifcr* with dispatch for all kind* of machinery ln*.y line, rich as wiflovr*, pickers, spreaders, cards, griadreg miitines, railways, drawing francs, speeders, thiussfls, /looms, woolen eard*,double or*inrle,for merchantor country work, mule*, jacks, Ac.; slice and hand lathe* and loo!* in gen eral. All kfud* of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Karat to—Kennedy, ChildsA Ccl, Sluckstock, Beil A Co., King, Fer.nock A. Gray. ■ to piunmtu; —^ JOIIND. M'CREARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer. No*. 331 and 333 Stanton street, NEW YORK—De pot No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attention of Printer* to hi* improved Priating'lnk* of various kinds and orders, at the following price*: Extra (model Black) far Card and Wood .Cuts. - ' - - $3 00 and 3 W per lb. Fine Book Ink - - 0 75 “ i ou “ Booc rk • • • 0 40 M u 50 ** New* Ink - . 0 18 0 20 u 0 13 « Fine Bed Ink • 75e 1 00 1 M “ 3«/ “ Bloc, Yellow, Green and White 74c 1001 80 “ Gold sixe at 6* par lb, and Bronze ax' 80,7* «u and 81 per ox A speelmen of New* Ink can be seen on thit paper. For sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. Plusbargb, Pa. C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton A Griswoold, Louisville, Xy. oetfrdCm JANES W. WOODWELLT' flodern and Antique furniture, 63, Tniao Br»rrr. Pirmcuog. /*mm A large and splendid assortment of Furniture, WWJBMIMIffrT reliable for Steamboats, mBSHSBwS MflttfeMHotels andprivate dwel- . ,#l linn, constantly on hand and made to order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Percent wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, oa lam determined my prices shall please. Port o) the stock eoasist* in— TeteaTete; Buffet EJoqele; Louis XTV Choirs; Queen Elizabeth ehairt; Tea Horse: Frail Tables; • Toilet Tables; Louis XV Commoden French Mahogany BedJteadx Pianb Stools; 80 sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth covarm CO Mahogany Rocking Chain: 40 doz Parlor do • 30 “ Fancy .do SS centre Tables; 1 SOpatrDivona; 4 pair pier Table*; 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; 6 Wardrobes: 8 Secretaries and Book calcs; . SO marble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; , bpairianoy Work Stands; A very large assortment of common chtirs and otbe furniture 100 numerous to mention. B - Pteum Boats furnished on the shortest notice, and on the raott reasonable terms. declS - Dlaphragm'ViluKlor BRiaaCWsUf, es THisis recertify that lliaveapj pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co, Agents far the solo of Jehniug’s wW Patent Diaprahgm Filter, for the ci| fJT tiesofPiuiburgb and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON,Agebt, fat Walter M Gibson, JH9 Broadway, A Oct 10, . ' - We have been using one of the above articles at the office of the Novelty works for three months, on-trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it It a useful invention, and we take pleasure Jo reeommeddlng them as a use; foi article to all.who "love pare Waler. Orders will be lhankfally received and prfiffitftly executed. oetlß ~ LIVINGSTON. ROOOEN ACo . Bsvtrilbi* Vlltsrtng Cook, ’ a FOB PURIFYING WATER, H Whloh renders turbid water pure by x 2)». removing all substances not solvblo u) /tSK3V water. -Tho croton water In N. York. el though clear and pure to tho eye, vet posses an hour through this ly™/ filtering cock, shows a Urge deposit Impure substances, worms, Ao. This is the care more or less with all hydrant water, ; ‘The Reversible FUterer 11 deal and durable, and U not attended with the inconvenience Incidentjfai other title rers, as U is eleansed without belngdetached frets the water plpo- by merely turning ibokey or hand!, from one lUVre the other. By.tbfa «*W proww, tho course of water Is changed, and all Dhpure substance* are driven off almoit Instantly, without uhscrcwlng tho Filter. It also potsenes tho advantage of being avtop «wk, R “ 4 M ree > (a many case* wii! be very convenlentoad eeoßoafaaL • .• nncan bo attached where there is any premia f high o/ioTtoa cKik ? mb, Ac. had of tho solo Agent, '• . _ w ' r\7 LB .°‘f» ocU7 H oornerof Fourth and Markatsta « NEW -RAISINS .and uocoa Shall*.—4o-qr. boxes fresh Kaisins; Shags Cmo* •NdlsiM’d and for aalo-anho.Pckin Tea Store, 70 Fourth itrett. flcclfi . £■ i- -> . <, 'V. *Vn*v-'- nV.*‘ :1 .*1 miscellaneous ; ; W. fc J.OT.BHa. Poofc.B l i* : ferrs»; laettaawtillbe given in regard to iu jie«j»*»«add^ JeaS ' BookarelCd to any paturaaad bare* fcanttony.' Bookstojmmberi or oldhooks bound <*£», .hUyor repaired. .Namesputoa booki in-gutjewsc*. Three thathavo w*xk in oar line are tovitedtocmlf Prices low. ’■ V ' iJYI; corner Liberty and WoodtftnrettrJsaw&wa? iandoffer for rele Platform, Floor and Coupler gc*le»| eommon Grates, Hollow Ware, Ae/Ae. They also minnfoctore the Kitchen Range, whithhasgircarech general satisfaetion to those faring it to are, to alt ®* which they would respectfully inrUe the .attention f the oitixetu and the public generally. octJ7*dtf , |?ltt Bachlna Werhi and Pauadry. nTOMiMu, r*. • •• • - ■ JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery ofevery.description, such as .Machine*, Spinning Frames, Speeders, BrawingFriuaes, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spooler** Dressing Frames, Loams, CnrdGnndert, Ae. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sUesofCast Iren, Palites and :Hangers oftae latest 'patterns, slide and hand Lathes, .andtools ofsllkindi. .Casting* of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing; to. Steam Ptoo for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Coo tinga'renenmy. Order* left at the Warehouse of J. ’Palmer A Cm, liberty street, will have prompt alien- to - Blaekstoek, BeU A Co n J. K. Moo rehead A Cow 0- & Warner, John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh; G. OA.J.U.Warner,Steabenville. • »ianifl new ooaob factouy» .ntflinw.., M - A. WHITE A CO.,' wonld.rccpectfcUy’ inform • .the public that they have erected a shop on Lacqck. between Federal ai'd Sandusky streets. They are now snaking and are prepared to receive order* for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, 11a roaches, Buggies, Fhatons, Ac., Ac., which from their ion* experience in the manufacture of the above work, andtha faelliiif* they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with lb**e wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rial*, and having none bnt competent workmen, they have-no hesitation to warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention qfthepublio to this matter. N.B. Repairing done totho best manner, ana on the most reasonable terms. . JatShtf PIANOS! THE subscriber offer* Car tale a large ahd splendid .. assortment of rosewood and mahogany, grand Ac tion Pianos, with without Coleman 1 * celebrated I *tf#»bm#nL Theabcvo instrument* arewur>- ranted to' be equal u* any manufactured -in this ooun try, arid will bo sold lower than any brought from the But;.:. : , F.BLUME,No 113 woodsti V sd dopr above sth N.B.—City Senp wiR be taken at par foraftwof he above assortment.' ; myfi B. WASTES, _ TYAILY it the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, X) NEW YORK. BOS TON jSDNEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, Young MEN to wholesale and retail stores, and other ■ respectable business, to act as Book-keepers, Sales men, Pcrters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers. Coach men, Car Agents. Book and Mep Agent*,-Collectors, Overseers in ail branches of business, Ac. - We have at aU ♦»"*— a large number of good situations on hand, which pay trcm UOO to per aneam. nose to want of situations of any kind sroulddo well to give us a call, as we have agent* in each of the above cl ties, which will enable us to place every applicant to a suitable situation at the shortest notice. , We ha ve a large acquaintance in 'all the above named cities, which we tmst will euable as to give, entire satisfac tion to ail who may favor us with a caJb , TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 60 Second st, ; - ■ between South and Gay... ; - Niß—Persons living in any pan of the U. States, and wishing to obtain'* altoauon in Baltimore,'or ei-: tber dfthe above cities, will have their wants imme diately attended to by addressing as a line, (post-paid) as by to doing they will eurtaiTboth trouble and ox.; pense, which they otherwise would incur by coming to theclrv, and seeking employment for themselves' Address, > i TAYLOR A TAYMAN, > No.WBecgad street • ' ■ 1 Baltimore, Md BENNETT 4 BROTHER.; . . UFEENSWaBE MANUFACTURERS, Blvtnlaghsm, (uer Flgtabnrftrii] Ps, ; Wc rtfuwit Ho. 137, Wood itr&t, PiitiburgL «snr%WlLLeoeitsially keep on hand a good assort- XSRhlmtmi oti Wart; of our own maßaTaeture, and ■Baeriomaalitv. ■ Wholesale and eountry Meg- V. - chants are respectfully invited to- call and ex fo, themselves, at we -are determined to sell eheaper thanhasavhrbafora brenofikredto tht pub -ile. • - . - • ■ 1 Trr Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cash or uy reference, will be promptly attended to. myld 1 -TBBAREOJtBTKB* ' mHE atteriiion of the public is respeetmiiyeailad la 1 the following certineateu: - ■ Aim S. Essum—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer. I find the result proves your instremsstcorrect; and resomaend tho use of U to those California, as tha-best method for ob- u. B«urT piiuhargh,Marclx9,lS(9i .. Prmstraan, March T, 1849. i •• ms Filins That girt-' Having examined the “Arab* ioeur,*Bulnu£actured*tyoar rooms, X do net hssitaie eoeommanAlLioUto naa.of tooso gentiemon who*r* about removing to OalUboiia In aoareh&fGdlS. -’~ . It gives a elose approximation to the spoeifio gravi ty ofmetals, and wuleenainlr enable the adventaxar to ascertain when his placer l* yielding Gold. * martd '' Yocrs, respT- J- R- ATCLINTOCIL f NDIARUBBER CLOT received for the X Ciilfomla Expedition, a complete assortment of Gum Elastic Clothing, at prieet ranging from ta fUJO.for suit of coat, pant* and hat For sale at the India Rubber Depot, No 8 Wood tt- Ceca> JA H PHILLIPS r FrrrucVosTSpl 19,1^18. MIL THOS. K- niQBEBT:—Dc«r Sir. Your WRI TING FLU t D we hare now been using mare than a year, sod eo looking over the comes msdebyit, vre tad the color a bright. blao Llaec. it is pleasant to write with, Hows free, and doea not clor lie pen Uko Use ordinary ink* in use. Within* yon the ready aalo iu merlu demand, we are, roar* respectfully, • , . SIMPSON 4 CO. For sale, together with Hubert's Red Ink, and Ma chine Copy Ink, by U. A. Fahnestock 4 Co- 1L P. Schwarts, Allegheny City, add by the manaraeturer, T. K. Uihbert, Druggist and Chemist, comer of Liber ty andS ml ' K fteld»u, Pittsburgh. oct!3 WAixttu rsuaa rauara namu. w*.a.iu*i m CO~ . (batsrtMn to Hussey.Uanna 4 Co.) BjUfEtRS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers In' Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposits, .Hank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, ncartyj opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current me oey xekond on deposit*—Sight Checks tor sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points In the United Stains. • • ■ „ , The highest preoiam paid fin Foreign and Amecian Cold ••• Advances made on consignments of Prodnsr, ship- liberal terms. . apB GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE PISCO VERY!. ' pATEirßacvsxniaiinarr Ist, ist9. paltrt ftos*J*xr extension Toilet. &fst, Bunatu, - Book Cott2,Wraing Daix. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. TUB TABLES far surpassing every,other in ventionofthekindnotr extant. They can be cx tended Irom ten to twenty-fire feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they are madd to all sixes and shapes, and are admirably, adapted for: Steamboats, Hotels', and Urge private families, form* iw when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are Inval aabte, particularly to those who ' wish to econo mise room, and eonvert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, as they can M opened and that at convenience, and when that, the bedding is enclos ed. a great, saving-in room and rent All the bed whan glased farm a beantiM piece nf furniture ior a parlor or iUt»n< room. - BOOK CASES—X ne»( gad xsefcl article t hr parlor or drawing roost WRITING DESKS—For law oE«s,MiwUnjrootns, and other iofices; when opened a most epnvnnienl bed stead. when dosed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All these articles oeed bo recommendation; the beaniTofthd whole U. they are warranted not to get oat of repair. It will no for yonr Interests to eall and examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. b 3 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the shore advantages, they are proof against bsgs. mehld JAMES W WOODWELL. , LOWELL PLETCXUSa, juscrscrcara ov iLCOnet AND.PURE SPXEITB, Comer Front and Vine streets,-Cincinnati, O. ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Faro Spirit*, Raw or Reeti&ed Whiskey, will be promptly at ceded to at lowest market price. mehlhtdly - ttnongahtla Bfabii, A ROBERT U; PATTERSON has opened ACTfSthe large stable on First st, running through, ffl\ to Beeond st, between Wood and Smith field <HMBAsts.,in the Tear of the Monongaheia House, with an entirely, new stoek of Horses and Carriages of •the best anility aadlatesl styles. Horses kcptaiiive*- ry in tie best manner. IvXdly < • SEW BOOKS! BSW. BOOKS! fftHE ConstUntien and Standard of the Associate .1 Refonaed Church in North America: Svo, bound tasbeep. The Other Side, or Notes fortbe lUstory of the War between Mexico end the -United Slates, written in Meateo, and translated Rom the Spanish, with notes: By A. C. Ramsey. Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Orest Britain and Ireland; By 11. 11. Stanton. The Works of President Edwards, in 4 volt; a re* prist of the Worecater edition, witk additions, and a copious general index. ' The Moantalus of Egypt, or Egypt a Witness for the Bible: By V. L. Hawks. D.D.. L L. D. Memoirs of David Hale, late editor of Joarnai of Commerce, with selections from his Mlscellaueous -Writings; By Rev. J. F. Thompson. \ , . - -.The Puritan and His Daughter,, by J. K. Panlding. Los Unngos, or an Insjdo View of Mexico and Gal* iferriU: By Lieul. Wise, U. 8. Navy." u Familiar Letters to Yoang Men, cn various subjects; designedasaCompanloatothe-Yeasr Men’s tiuldei. Ur Wm. A. Aleou. r , . The Poems and Prose Writings ot B.A. Dana: 8 vs Nineveh and iu Remains: By LtyarA ' - For sals by ELLIOTT 4 ENGLISH, l*s** . No n Wood st MISECtANEoUaXIxESAtUH'K AT LOCKWOOD’S, 03 WOOD STREETi BROWN’S American Anglert Onld« foil of Illus trations, lgmo. - Fanldlnv’s Puritan and His Daughter:,Kmo. Dr. Hooker's Physician and Patient; 12bio; Mrs. Ellis' Hearn and Homes; Bvo. - - Meander’s Llfo of ChrUt; Svo. Neander’s History of Christian Church; J yols, five. Rev. Dr. Spring's Memoirs of Mist Murray; Svo. Amennan Almanac, IBM: Svo. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, - JsuilO Bookseller 4 Importer. OS Wood «t _ W*li. OiIMESE-to bis in storuJaniJ. fotsaio uy elans. . WM IIAQALEY 4CO , PAST OOLOXUDD Pnurvs* i/ W-R. MURPHY invites tha attsntion of buyers to r hU present ehoiee stoek of PrinU at 181 « nU per yard, nT fast colors and newest styles. / , Also—Newest styles English Chinoes,-Bemud to IS) cents. / -- Also—A fsß assortmant of small truTed Ught Prints *»d CMatxes, • bnC bine, pink, Utoek, piipi* 4e. Rooms up stain. / m® i ■ ' bail mfiist t ;• / -i - MRUTOAL. , CADTION KXTttA. •' iXaicsvbytiMtoiaalDf RDOiCLArPhaseetaged of the namo'of 8. P. Townsend, and gtoto.-pm up .a. SajtapariUa, wMeh iwnreod’a.a>xrep«rflim,.4enoiMnritlng it OrifUml, «tot: Tuts Iwnsend ts sodoe jtwu* but wwfiMmerty.a worker on rail [*, ans]ke like. Yet he astotaas ths title » puipreq cffliMn*, «edit for wh tihe U SSto*7.*««k. iWlxlna.E.ToFs««lp» .wScaf-mSajjaBITOgEOMGWAEjLD Sr. ,uol>T.wiiwifilB»l«illot tartaro;« AM 0!i Dr~ * riifcb'BTOWNsto: ’ -priadpalO^ca,l«3NMacist,New York City. . ~j, OLD ' i DOCTOR . JACOB TOWHBMO; THR.ORIGINAL ; .DISCOVERER OP TBS- • ' GXNGZKS'’ - TOWHSKND SABSiPARILLA. <-• ' Old Dr. TVanseod S now about?? years of age. and has tong been known as the AUTHOR and DISCO VER EB of the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, berwss compelled to limit its manufacture,: by which neons it has been, kept out of murkevund; the unld* elrenmseribed t»' those oMy who had proved tta worth' aadknown its value.. ’This Guxn axn Unquaixm Pixrauxion is manufactured on the largest scale/ and' is e&lleil lor throughout the length and breadth or the land. Unlike young B.P.Townsend’s, It improves'with age,and neverchonres, but for the betten because it Is prepared on seienufie principles by a scientific man.. Tho highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art, have oil been brought imo re quirt ties in the manufacture ci ■ the Old Dr.'s Sanapa nlla. The Bamparilla root, it Is well known to med ical men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro perties which ore inert or useless; and others, which, If retained In preparing it for use, prodneefenfienta .lion and acid, which is injurious to the system. Some bfthe properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lost In the prepara-’ non, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced to iu riaaoufacture. Moreover these volatile principles, which fly off in va jx>r, or as an exhalation, under .beat, are the very es aentitl medical propemea of the root, whleh gives to it all its value. The' ; . - • , osßoias OLDDR. JACOB TOtVNAEND*B SARSAPARILLA - Is so prepared; that all the Inert properties of the Sax sapanlla toot are first removed, every thing canahle ofoecoßung acldor offcrmentaiioß, is ‘extracted and' rejected; then etery pirtlcleofmedieal virtue is secu red in a sore and coneentrated form; and thus it is rendered Incapable of losing any of iu valuable and ■ ; healing properties. 'Prepared'm this wuy*itismana the most powerful agent in the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. - Hence the reason why we hear .commendations on ; every side in its favor by men,’women and children.' ;'We find it detogwonderaln the cure of Consumption, ; Dyspepsia, and uvet Complaint, to Rheumatism, ; Scrofula and Piles, Costive ness, all Cutaneous Erup tions, Pimples, BloieheWand allaflhetieas arising freon , IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous effieaey to all complaints arising from Indignation,' from Aeimty of the Stooaeh; from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and eald haads cold ebUis nad hot flashes over the body. .It has not bad it* equal in coughs had colds;-and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing strict taro of tha tonga, throat,: and every other part. But to nothing la its excellence more manifestly seen and acknowledged thanto all kinds and stages of . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders to eases of floor situs or whites, Failing oftboWomb,Ohstnsettd,Snppressed,orPato ; Ail Aleaass, irregularity of tha roc unreal periods, and tho like; and is effectual in earing all forms ofthaßd ucy DiMases. Uy removing obstructions, and regain ting the general system, it give* tone ana strenmh to: the whole body; and cures all forms of NERVOUS DISEASES Afq> DEBILITY,- and thus prevents or relieves a great variety or other diseases, ts Spinal'lrritatitm, Nearalgii, St. Vitus Dsnee; Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convuii tons, Ac. It net this, then, tbm Msstcn rocFxx-KJtnrxsn.T Nrtcl : Buteaa any of these thhm bo said of 8. P.Town-: send'* interior article! .Thuyocsgman'sUquidunot'. lobe' COMPARED WITH TOE OLD Dll’S, ; beeapse of the Grand Fact, that the one is tooaaahle, of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while tho oth er DOES; it soars,' ferments,' and blows the bottles containing it into fragments; the sour, aeid Jiqaid ex-j ptoding and damaging ether goods! Mnstnotutis hor rible compound be poisonous to the system!' WbatJ; put acid into a system already diseased withaeid! ; \Vhat causes Dyspepsia hat aeid! Do we not all know, that when food soars incur stomachs,'what mischief* it produces}—flatulf nee, heartburn, palpiutiop of the heart, liver complaint, dianfama, dysentery, cholic and corruption of the blood! What tsßerofnla bat An acid humor in the body!- What produces all tho homers which bring-on umptions of tho Skin, Sqaid Head; Salt RheuaqEry ttpelas,White Swellings, Fetdt-SOfes, and all ulcCratfont ioiemal’and exteriuiiT It is noth'? tog under heaven bat in aeid substance, sghieh soars, am! thus spoils all the fluids of - (he body, more or less. What cause* Rheumatism butasoaraeidfloid, which insinuate* itself between the joints and eLewhere, ir ritatlng and inflaming the tender and delieam- tissued upcm which Racist' Bo of nervao* diseases, of. impu rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly ait the ailments which afflict human nature.. - Now, Is U nothozrible to make and sel!,and infinite-' ly worse to use this OSURING, FEBBENTIKO,- ACID “COMPOUND* OF B.P. TOWNSEND! aad Tel lie would &in bate it understood Out Old Jar eob Towauead’* Gamine Orifissl BampaiiHa, tx as inferior pnparatiea!! llettea forbid tHal.wu thould deal la an article wMcftwimlH baertbaiMQiuattaotrmr.niNancq 14S. P Totrnwnd 1 * aniela! and which should bring; down; upon the Old Dr. tuba mo on tain load *of eomplainta and crimination* from agenu who bate told, and par* chasers who hate tied & P. Townsend’s Ferae ruing Compound! | : * We wish it understood, became it U the absolute truth, that a. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's SampaziUn are beatetnwidc apart, aud Iniimiely dissimilar} that they are unlike in etcry par* lieolar, caring not one 1 single thing in common. It is to arrest frauds span the 1 unfortunate;- to poor balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in ibe despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi* ror into toe crushed and broken and to banish infirmi ?r—that old DR-JACOU TOWNSEND bas SOUGHT aud FOUND the opportunity and means u> bring his Guns UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, within ibe reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it, that they may learn and know, liy joyful ex* perleßee,itsraaKsbßn>orrowxiTonxAL! , . For sale by J. KLDD.& CO-, Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham] Dr. J. BABUEANT, Allegheny; I>T.J. CASSELL, Fifth -ward. G. W. GARDNER, tith ward, Pittsburgh. ipU IV qmT.BOTTLSS. rot rat xsxoval ua nmimpni ouu ooxasw afttuo rani 4* ivmi«T*T*QTTH> Stoop oißiiirerTKßtTSTzx.TU: ■'■ BerofWaler King’* Ryii, Rheumatism, Obstinate Oats* ntoqa Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Fseo, Blotches, Biles, iChnmle Bet* Eyes, Rinx Worn or Tetter, Scold Head, Enlargement ana Pain of • the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltic Symptpns, Bd»itea orLnmbggoj—or4 diseases arising {torn on Injudicious useof Mercury, A el* tiieaor Dropsy, Expo rare or Imprudence In life; Coniiilatioasl Disorders, Ac. In this prepsrauon on strongly concentrated all the Medielnot properties of BampsjiU|, combined -with the most effectual; aids, the most soqixiry productions, the most potent staples qf the vegetablekingdom: and it has been so full/tested, not oalySjr patients them selves, bet also by physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendations and the aaproba lion of the pabUe; and has established, on Ua own merits, a reputation for vaic* and kmcaer far supe • rior to the various'ccmpoondsbc an nr the nuapof BamparlUa. Diseases have bppp oufpd, such as are lot famished In the reeords of tune past: and what it has already done Tot the thousands who have used it, lit is espohln of doing for the millions still suffering ana struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and ■ strengthens tho'-foabtaln springs.of lift, and infases new vigor throaghoat the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CORE OP 80ROIVEA - The ftliowtiig pinking. and—os will bo seen—per manentoureof anlnveteruto ease of Scrofula, com mends itself to al| similarly afflicted.* i ■fitiwimt, ConiL, Jan. 1,1649. Messrs. Sands: ;Gentlemen, Sympathy for the affliet* ed indaees me to inform you or the reosrtsbla earn effected by your Sarapanlla, in the ease of my wife. She was severely afflioted with the Scrofala on differ ent ports of the body: the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged,:and her limbs much swollen. After suffering over a year, snfi'.finding no relief from the remedies used, ibn disease attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated.' Her physician' advised it should be laid open, whlchwu done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, ana were Induced t>i Use, Sanrfsl.-Barssparilta. The first bottle produced adeclded and favorable effect, reliev ing her moro than any prescription she had ever taken; end before the used *ig battles—to the astonishment and delight qf her friends—she found her health quite restored. It 1« uqw over a yCar since the care was ef fected, and her health remainsgood, showing that the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are Cl knbwltfglo these frets, and think very highly of.Stnds'garsapaiiUa. Yours.with rasped, ,_ .. JW.IUS PIER Eltraei'Trom a latter received fh>ra Mr. N. W. liar* ris.m gcHUeman well known In Woulsiana eo n Vaa ‘Kienileicn.T nave cured.accgro boyof imn? with your BsrsapsrWa, ; who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a Serofalcbs family. • y Yours, truly, N.W. HARRIS. ‘•Pmderieks Hall, 1MB4&” Sssm* seems almostunnneeessa rv to direct attention to. an article so well known. and Siirasafssssssßs^m totheadveitisemertof the Messrs. Bands, In another column. The bottle has recently been enlarged to Mi Vaoan. and thote who wish,a really good article will finSeotteeMfated In this all the medicinal value root. The experience of thousands has proved Its efficacy in curing tbo wtouo disdauet for which it A. recommended; tad at the present lime sura than airr other, perhaps, is this medicine wefrhtn preps* riag the system for a change of season.—{Home Jour- sold, wholesale and retail. by A. S. A p. BjiNM. Dragtist and Chemist,-100 Pullen street corner ofwUlUm, New York. Sdld alto by Drug* otsts gettsrully throughout the United Statesumd Can* •da. rrieefl per bottle; si* bouiesiotS*.. > . ... >, l tirDfcS;SXmi l ßri4m»r. [<UWM44^ “"3 A ; '-V- .... , ! ;\V- -.w jo ] '.' ’ v * c '“ r \ ■'" ;■ . .... .. . li3£«f f-’ : .V PITTSBMGH GAZETTE. i The following belongs .to tho ennoaities of thetimea, and we otir Tefldera have aa good a right tb it as others. It Beenw to be, a kind of. extension 6i the telegraphic wires into the spiritual |xbrid* j '.Whether it Uanangemous Yankee’invention, or some thing else, ooz readers must decide for them* wives: ■ c-j . SINQDIAS REVEIATIONf- Prom a Correspondent of the New York Tribune. •Knowing that the public mind in various locations in Western New York, has been somewhat ; agitated on account ascertain sounds, called by-some “mysterious,” '.we shall offer no apology for makingthe follow* ing plain statement_of facts in regard to our knowledge of the manor.. .The sounds we first heard about two years since, and have not yet ceased, but seem to be spreading from one place to another, and mdually claiming the attention ofthe pub lic mind. When first heard, they were man ifested by a simple hofloW-Bonnoing rap up on the floor" of s house. This rapping was continued every night for a bng ume, and finally commenced in the day time. It was; at first entirely., unintelligible to the . inhabi tants of thehonse. .. i At length a little girl said, “now do as T do,” and snapped her fingers three tubes.— She was answered' by three rapiL On re peating it, 'she found that it invariably re peated the number she made herself* An oiberjperson said, “now count ten/ 7 and it was done. “Now-count the .age of.—” (one of the children.) -= It was done correct ly. Another was tned with like success.—. As it began to. display signs of intelligence, ihefamily becamealanncd, and'the females all left the house at uight . The neighbors were .called in] but there was no of the sounds. Theexci lament became in tense, -and 'at'one time, it is Baid, noarly or quite 300 persons assembled to discover from whence the sounds proceeded/ The house was 1 thoroughly examined from ; garret -to eellar, but, while the sounds continued, no one ever discovered the operator.. At length it was discovered that every time a qoea* tion was put that required an affirmative, a rapwas heard—for a negative—no sound. The question was'pul, “Are you a spir it?”/ Tne answer was*by. rapping three raps. By this means they foundthatit was the spirit of a man* Many expedients were resorted to'by- which to find dot the name of the man whose spirit was making these manifestations. . At length ia.- stranger asked, “If I will cal! the alphabet, begin ning with A, will you rap. when - ! come to the first letter of his name?” The. answer was affirmative. He then commenced, “A. B. C.” when he dune to C., there was a rap. Again he went on,' and it Japped at H,' and and in that way it spelled pat the name of Charles' fiasme. As Before stated, these, sounds have, from that 1 ' time, been heard in various families in thatplace and the cities, of Auburn and Rochester,- and various pla-’ cos in the. country. •: Although confined , to this rapping sound, tho mode of communi cation has gradually increased, so that very; curious and astonishing sentenccshavo been spelled by the use of the Alphabet It ho’ longer purports to be thespiritoflone man 1 or person, but when an individual makes the inquiry, “who is if that wishes to commu nicate with me?” they will generally get tho hame of some friend or relative—a mother,' father, sister, or brother, who has passed from visible existence.? „ Many: persona have made the trial, and hava had names spell ed .out to them of their friends, unknown to any persons present Strangers have tried tbe.experiment, and had their names spelled outbefore any persons present knew' ir, or where they came frrim. • In each family-where the sounds appear, there seems lo be some one or too, whose presence is'necessary to insure communi* cationsfreely. Generally) wefindthat these persons are susceptible to magnetic infiuen ,ces .and Clairvoyant, although we have heard it where there were none that had ever, been ‘magnetized,.or were known to be Clairvoy ant. In the family, of Mr', Granger, of.,Ro chester—a; citizen well known, there—the communications could be had with any two of the family previous fo any of them being placed under the magnetic • influence, but after a daughter was magnetized in the family: where it first appeared. , . We first became acquainted with these manifestations about one year and we have taken every opportunity Jo discov er, if possible, what it is. We hate become convinced that these three facts there is ho disputing. Tho sounds/ the intelligence, ana the absence of any’ collusion ! or decep tion in the matter: • SomBtwo weeks since, we were in com pany with some persohs-who were getting communications • from this invisible com municator, when amessage was spelled out to .the import that the matter should be made more public—that the time had arrived for the people to investigate the .whole affair—that it was a thing which will ultimately become known to all men, and that wo should immediately take mea sures to have it investigated. The direc tions were' then minutely given -by these spirits as they purpart to be, and which we are willing to believe are, until we ; have as much proof io tho contrary as it rdquiredtb bring ns to this conclusion. These direc tions will appear in the following history, a&tbey were strictly followed/ The great object was to start investigation, and to iesche those who had been hehnggit for the last ’ two years from the imputation of fraud and deception. Accordingly, On the'evening'of Novem ber 14. a lecture was delivered'in Corin thian Hall in the city of Rochester, and a fall history of ihe rise and progress of these strange manifestations given. Daring the relation of these-facts, the sounds were dis tinctly heard bytha persons inthe hall.. . After the tatare, a Committee was cho sen by the audience, oompesed of the fol lowing persons:—A. J. Combs, Daniel Marsh, Nathaniel Clark, Esq., A. Judson, and Ed win Jones - ; On the following evening, the Cominlt tee reported in substance as follows: That without tha knowledge of the persons in ! whose nresenco the manifestations are j made, the Committee selected the Hall of j the Sons of Temperance for the investiga the sonnd'on the floor near where the two ladies stood, was heard os distinct ly as at other places, and that part of the : Committee heard the rapping on the wall behind them—that a somber of qaestidns Were asked which were answered not alto j gather right, nor altogether wrong—that in I the afternoon, they went to the boose ofapri ! Tito citizen, and while there, the sounds i were heard on the ontside, (apparently,) of i the front door, after they had entered, and I on the door of a closet. By placing the | hand on the door, there was a sensible jar ; felt when the rapping was heard. One of 1 the Committee placed one of his hands up ; oh the feet of the. ladies, and the othei on the floor, and though the : feet were not moved, more was a distinct-jar on the floor.- On the pavement, ■ and on the ground,' the same sound was hoard,"—a kind of . double rap,'as if a stroke and a rebound were dis tinguishable. When the ladies were sepa rated at a distance, no sonnd. was heard; but when a third person was Interposed between them, the sounds were heard. The ladies Beemed ready, to give every opportunity to the Committee to investigate the causa fa], ly, and would submit to a thorough investi gation by a committee of .ladies, if desired. They all agreed that the sounds were heard, but they entirely failed to discover any mans by whukit could be done. After this report, and some discission on the subject, the audience selected another Committee, composed of the following per sons: Dr. H. H. Laneworthy, Hon. Frede rick Whittlesey, D. D.MeCuilnm, William Fisher, of Rochester, and Hon. A; P. Has* call, of Leroy. At the neat lecture, this Committee reported that they went into the investigation at the office of Chancellor Whit tlesey, and they heard the sounds on tha floor, on tho wall and door,—that the ladies were placed in diflerent positions, and,'like the other Committee, they were wholly un able to tell from what the sound* preceded, or how it was made,—that Dr. Langwonhy made observations with a* cwtUa‘whether there was any movement ' -'U VOL. XTO -NO. .of she encewhen the>Qßnds,wera^M« there wesno kind of probability or ity Of their being made by yeatruoqt j®n.aA same-had supposed—end. ihey col la. notj have been maae'by machinery;--. '. Again, after tins report, another CoifiiniH • tse fwaS formedj from persona. whohad bj>ri ipcsedin the meeting all pretensions tether? being any thing but atrtek.; - ■■ xhe Committee was .composed of Dr/E - , 1 , P. Lahgwoithy, Dt., i. Gales, Wm. Fitx*_ hugb, Esq., W. I*- Burtis, and L; This Committee met at the roomß ofDr. -s Gates, at the Rochester House, and appoint- • -ed a'Committee of ladies,: who took the . youh" women into a room, disrobed tiiem, ind examined their.-pereqns. antLqlothing, to be sure that there .was. no.fixtures - wont' - them that could produce the sounds,,. Whea.j satisfied on this pointt, the Committee; of ; ladies tried some dher experiments, gave the young ladiealthe flowing certdM they wore standing l on pifloteii, with a handkerchief tied around the bottom bf their dress,'■ <dthe-ahbl«i the rapping on thB wall;ond floor distinctly* MRS. STORT, MRS.; J.'GATRS,;/.'”! p. UtWBIKCX. s ; In the evening. the .Committee; through-! their Chairman, i)L iimgworthy,. XRRdefAt very fall report- of their : eliminations .da- ; ring the day. • They they haa. 'excluded all the friepds, of ; the twb jladies from the Committee' ahdTfad Jhe examination only :in presence *of the :J Committee of and ladies chwea 4 ... .by them. Notwithstanding all tins tion, these sounds were heard when’the ta-* dies etooA-on large feather Withenft and in various: other positioner boffin ;on the floor and. on the wall, dial a number ' :of questions .were, asked,: which, - ■swered, were generally qorrect. ‘EachmemV ;berof the Committee;reported . agreeing with,, and corroborating ■statements. * ‘ :v /‘' ' Thus, by three of the strictest serntb ny by men bf inteUigence,' - were the per sons in whose presence-/'these are ! heard, acquitted of ail fraud.;, i. On Friday evening, after the .lecture,. three of the Committee, viz: Hoa., P.. Hascall, D. C.McCullum, and Wm,;Fisher x repaired to the house of a citizon, andpur sued their inveitigationa still further.. "Tnefa were near a score of persons present The' members of’the Committee yrrote''manY questions on papery which' no persbn/pres* sent knewthe purport of, r and they Were swered correcuy.' At times they wonld aak menially, and .would receive : uio-anawera ' with equaLcorrectness, and they.were folly eatisfiedrthatthcre.was writhing-,present manifesting intelligence beyond theperatw, . . • •• n -,± .. .One of,the Committee, tried the erpexi ment of/standing tfie ladies on "glaM,7'ana failed to get any but the sarriß Wai v subsequently tried in presence ©f a'laige number of and the sounds wefe ai loud and distinct as before, on the floor as usnal.: • - .. -i/-,'* Such are ; the - facts, so far ; as this pmdip proceedings are concerned, small- part of these, strange occurrences,) with the Committed’s/feports greatly cpff densed. ' Thus the - matter stands - at present,' and whether* it is only a remarkable phenomena which will pass away with the present gen eration, orwith the persona who seemiiaw to be the medium . of this extraordinary communication, .or whether it be mencement of a new entj of spiritual mflqx inte the world/ it is certainly something worthy the attention of men of candor v 'dna philosophy. E. W. Caprok, Auburn.* : ' r:, | - ' •- .Gcoiicn:' \9iLLXVs ) 'Rochester; 1 Rochester , Nov. 22, 1849. . r?,- GOOD H2WB FBOH APRICA! We have Received our Liberia exchanges down to the 14th of November. The. Umri nary of that data’ contains some very: »4-. courting revival news from Several qUft ters; The editor says: / rrr -' : Thanks be to God; who has caused us' \o . triumph through onr Laid ChrixtV : 4n%.-- answer to prayer, there has bden a T gr4eitma revival going on during theTaattwo mcßEths. Daring the last quarterly meetrogin Septem ber, tbe fire of God’s spirit broken out At Miilsburg; about 50 experiencedTtho-for giveness. of sins; and manifested - tiieir 4 e * termination to serve God, by uniting them selves to the churches at that place.. .From Millsburg, Caldwell seemed ,to, catch the . healing stream , and for five weeks the 'ser vants of tbe Most High there most successfully; tbe spirit of conviction' broke out like wild fire among stubble, followed, as it was, by plenteous mercy, until about 00 professed the forgiveness of their kins, Themselves to the church.' 'la ■ the feast of fat things, thero were somo ex traordinary conversions; one man wbo had been mourning for more than seveayears, suddenly felt the mighty, influence, la.tfis soul, which is siceeter than! life , and sfronger than, denth, and he . was enabled to shout praises to God, and. testify that'when be believed, God converted hit souL Another per son who had been trampling : on (he “thick bosses of Jehovoh’s buckler” for more than eixty-four years, without remorse,—turned to the Lord with fnllpurpose of heuq sought ’and-found the pearl of great New - Virginia and New Georgia shared plenteous ly in this spiritual huvest wh3e/ ( our brethren up the river were thus feasting and rejoicing, tbe membership in Monrovia were in constant prayer to. God for a revival of his work in this place; and Thors day,’Oct. 25 th; was set apart in solemn prayer for the commencement of a four days’ meeting— and he who hears the prayer.of faith,;an swexed to the joy and-comfort of the;souls of his believing children; they, were revijed, strengthened, and built up in. the faith, un til their measures ran over, and,ltae “gtanr> r freihedteith new wine,” they Boldly praised God both day and night. 'Some-fifty or six ty souls have professed to be converted and reclaimed by the power of .regenerating grace, 'and forty have joined ub on probation, others having united with our sister church es, the Baptist and, Presbyterian; 4 Andnow, though the meeting has,been in progress . for two weeks, there are yet some. 25 or 30 * who are seeking the solvation of tiieir souls. Thus the church, during these two- months, has roceived an accession-to her number of 120 persons, who aro now on their journey to heaven. Among the numbers united with tbe different churches, there are’ some thirty or forty native Africans.. .i V. . . The editor remarks that ha; had just ret.. ccived a letter from the Rev. Amos Herring, _ Greensville, Siqoe, giving an account of the addition Of 11 persons to our chnroh in' that, place, all of them professing godliness; / and that the glorious work has not ceased/ ’ To God be the praise. The accounts from the Colony generally represent it fobo ih a pros-, perous condition.—Zum’HTirald • /. ■JWt »»<1 c»«t Iran Bntllniri rpHb subscribers bee leave to inform the pabue that X ' they have obtained from the Gut all the late and fashionable design* for Iron Railing, 'both tor hows ana .cemeteries. wishing to procajo:han<!- stttne patterns willpleate coll anil examine; and jodgo • forihenuelvc*. .Railing will be furnished at the short est notice, and ih the bent manner, at the coiner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. * »ttct»-dt/ ; A. LAMONT & KNOX J OyitenlOyitinl r n T>URKK & CO'S Daily Express Is now rerulnrly de- JJ uvennir.Cim and Shell OYSTERS/ which are of feted to dealer* and families at the lowest price*. UuaUty -warranted-equal to auy brought to this mar* ket, and for sale ly •, . : t^l ' ' J. C. EIDWELL, AgVWa«f«t. V* c lowing 'lepoir.;—lteis &Bcnrei, cot ney brrmhfio.d a;u. Second st*; E, Hc.axlelon, Diamond; ■Mgrccrfc Robmuon. Federal at JMlccheny. oellS , OUKttSWiIOD OAUUW \STILu remain open for visiters anti! the Ist Jacni* ▼ Y rjYiSSO. ; Oyster* and other Refreshment* rail, cd to tbo icasoU will bo kept- The Greenhouse. con tairung a large fcollecuon of rare ami choice glanu, will be open to visiter*. Roquets neaily : pat-op at short notieo tbroogbeut the Keasom Aft- Omniba* l^ v . M lhe -Allegheny nod of tbo St. Clair Street . lmdee, every half hoar during thcday.ruanlnjtlolhß Garden; and the ferry boat,' Captain Walker, rani from too Poun, landing a short distance above the Gar-. dotu 1 aruet wishing- to spend the -evening;- will bo accommodated with a return Omnibus *«, lt> o’cloe* ‘ i.ol. KcptonlTeinperance principles,and dotedoa umlay- • I *ptl3 =. J.STRAIN. / ' XUBULTEKBEIIOEII C£SS££3S£o ' S. U.-AG ENT, -•••-• - Forwarding and -Qymgmrlon Mar- I chant, has removed to JVo.hT Front, between Wood andSmithSc.ld streets; •••j.'-mfcvi.'i’ r .'go* : “'.-T«• K‘- .-iMjiviuvi';-; ■ ', - ' - &aci;,;;/-vr t U .-'h^ji.vv.^v :r. to:jri*i':C-sv» i !^-ja; •-.r.-.'i-Vii
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