ESTABTASHKD IN 178 b. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & co., Banns auußtrwei, TIIIaa RIZISOUCIT DWI TO p —t7,00 per a. m. '‘% vekly, ulvnep--• •••• 20. , 0 J. to Clabs, at reduced rate. 'RATES OP ADVERTISING AGREED UPON V THE PITTSBURGH PRESS. - - - - 0 e Finest., On Imre of Nonpwed or hos) one lawmen •-- 10,50 Or Square, each additional inseniett• • • 0,t5 On.e week 1.75 W.two weeks-- —•.- • 3,00 On three weeks• •—• 400 • new —••• • 5,0 D two mo n t ht•—• •• • • 2 i o i , three MOIM •• • • • • ••••-•-• •• • • 9,W tour months ••• ..... • 10.00 - twelve nionths•• • • •—• • • letAW &W WI • g Card ill lines or less,) per Lunen. 10,0/ L. One• are, changeable solemn (pee an tlers vitAlllyle Of the paper 'B O O , Flora b uddillettarsquen, inserted Oyer cue sioirtus, awl fore eh additional square inserted under the year '', rates, alf prin. Pabli en not accountable for legal advertisement. beyond e onwern charged for their publication. , AllllO clog candidates!. office, to be charged the same us •trier advettilements. Moe meats not muted on the copy for • web. Sol num -e of Insertions, will be continued till forbid, and pa memos:l aces*l. The p lieges of yearly advert:Wen will be confined rigidly to cis regular basi and all Giber toner. Usenteata not pertaining tow, Owir regular business, as agreed to be paid extra. All ad erdscreesta for charitable institats, fire camper, ward. township and otherpublic mi nt i and sorb 8, let* charged halfprice, payable aricuy In afloat= Marts I n to Ins charged 50 men. DOll4 tilliOrteallfithOUlCiaare,UlSittlf stem pealed by unreal Invitations or obituary I10:iCtil , and when re .coonatual to Ire rid thr. itqlllo vertu and all ostlers sending celnlnn • IC9II I / 1 114DOilte. designed to call alien. w mum rus.sog, coiner's, or any public enter. wow., /where charges arc made tee admittance— ell notscee of private associations—every notice de• and or the Te p t=i e d::lTt i tt ' ; ' rrat,C ' ent Se be pai d f or with the understanding that the same Is Se be paid tor. If branded to be inserted in the lee. celawn, the MOO will be charged atilt nn-toot less thsa 1n et es per Ilne. ktlsluip Notices to be charged tripleprin. Tann License Pennine, 82 <Sea Lopil and lledical advanneasents to be charged at NU priest. Rail Ewes Agents and Anetioneets , Advertiennents not to LA classed under yearly rates, but to be all ske an .mint three and one dila per per m freak the moan Of bills. TILT 01 T4II . I=ILT O ZUSIX tA71013. Me *mare, three nmertions.—.... Do. each edditional insartion• • - • :m. na r t DO a a ms ntmesd .m 33. 4, 3. MDoSquae, eath adddi o a erti otion. 4 ea All trseadent advertisements to be pabils advance. W HITE & CO . Garaue. • lute • gouT leamaL JAMES It•DAS & Chronfell. F05T1.11..& BROTHER, Dispaell. ios.stiow,pErc ?daftly. • JAMES W. RIDD/B,Anscrican. Pernemas, Dec. 1,180.. BUSINESS CARDS. LEAANDER FRANKLIN,' *awake) at Law, ,1111. north as L. as a i3.l, 7— EPTIL.V/D O. TETZLIR, A TTO FOWP RN EN EY NS AT YLVANIA, LAW AND.COMEISS Loon, Ma. IONER awaxavaleadampoowaly answered.. oeiliCaly 1131.4TRONG Ir. CBc2TEE, Commlsslon !demi:taut; and Dealers • in Pronitco, No. 2 Nagel street'. mbar. b. Joins u.v.Aaraus,! " A TrOgliEti and Cotutsellor Law; artiCommta ja.. sia - urc for tha Bum of, Pennsylvania, 21t : Louis, sta. Oat, ol Pitlabtu'ahl • I Ram sacu.--Pirlabargh: Hon. W. Forward, Hump. toot Miller InGandlesit 'Jahn G Parke; I.ssalls t !temple, hr.dord Br. King. . , • M. 71311irr; -7 1 - 216.111 D & STEFIFIZTT, 11 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOIiS A t LAW, Fourth street, between limitakold and Grunt, .quaburgh t Pa. • tun /OHM 14/23): LARGE* VILINXIV. • A TT 9 RNEIS AT LAW, Fon= me, ter Ors • JABnialVat/inat, A TTO'RNEV AT USV.-.otriee . liti Penn 6eA twien eanitancld AU us sr, Psnsbagb. AILLNLIT ;Plttsbetralal Alkali Worker - BE OM% BEBOP CO, Malostastasetast Hod Asa. 13losetung Potriers, Ala Artie sad telpbert Acid.. :Warehouse No.—Water street, belor Ferry uoriaaly Intsniss.n stame, • 5.020. =EL gAUR , REITER, Ml°lenge a.d Retal.Drets, • ra, Eimer of Laverty and tn. Ctalz laces, lira: CriattS.Tboal,_ t . . 14'71.10 1 / 1 1. DRUM CLILILEBTBON, Wttelesaa Often, and.C•ismlsaoll Ilsrchanta, No: 1.1.5,. Libel sci ramberal. Pa. & Co., Avhow.i. it. tail Lltompoia, earner Wood and sta. gr 111AILLE.13 Auomey kj In door above .novi-ko U. nabrsit.ltiffircial7lL - WW -,7-7 N 0.125 SPRUCE SMELT, I.I.IILADELPLIA, OONTINUES m gm his pustular A/1.110;10 treatment °Utast... ot the SKIN, semyuLA and Diseases of the TIIKOAT. Mos hours; 9 A. AL, l P. AL, sad 7 p' hi. ulftel2mt dr akilo 6 iILINNER, Forwszdlng Comiluio Merchants, No. VI Market at, Pataborgb. Ispa DIcANULTY & Co., Forwarding ow Com C. mission Norehnots, Canal Piusbuth Pa told• Ditcpataras Spring, Axles Stoll assdlellil eeks. . • OLESIAN, 'HAIL/SIAN & Co, mannfactans of C Coach and - Etiplie Springs, threatens:l Wes, Spring and Pliosh Steel Iron &c. Marchese on Water and Front streets, Pittabirgh. j • A150,'41.1C33 '314 Coach Trimmings sal. Idasible Casting*. ALS 71. s. smarmy • rens 3. 61121 M. GLISII & LIENNSIT, (W En am li e , sljgher F # Co.) Wholesale Grocers, ' =For. wardnlat Alettluuns, and dealers In Prodoeo burgh Slanufsclons, No.= Wood et., between I and 'Jd sonata. EJ. HENRY, - Ausrney and Counceller slaw, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southenitdo, and in ami in lienutoky, promptly endue roily Wended to. Camon.ssioner for the BUMP Of mai sylmtnia, for taking Depositions, acknostedonits, RIM/ 10-11.6 Wm. HeB & Son Corns, Cloth & Carothers, Wat. Hays, Es 44 Willso n Dams. td ODOM. W. 101.1115. " Jana D. IP 1117.211. GDODGE W.- SMITH tr. CO., Bowers, Olden and Hop Dealers, Po st, Pannonia so IXES9III3 - oWiWolnaussum and Peserdop Merchant, NO. 2{) Wood moon Plobargh.. yld 11011D 1 LlirtattlE, PACTOR.II. H.SidILTON STEWART, manarictarer of hey pnirtnngsiChrels, to.i, Habana un is e . 5 et in Al r• , L O u r u .l4ll."" Toir d er4.l4 ..4" rg u rd . ADICrIO4I Woolens, Liberty, opponite /5 1 : si„ ° ( 47 : -- W111: lout, 0.50,0000. l. 5. 0000000, 00V000 DUI., t raudji . '. C. IittAXIID2S, Don a. wain% i • IL KAI.D & BUCKNOR, Tobacco Comndsalontor. a tords, 41 North Water sr, DAG/iron Wkdr en, nov:if A. MEDI. w* 11 . 4411. 4:J81.)Y, JONL3 k Co., (soecenons OP &nod, ooto & Co.) Commwoon and Formuto,. , Pltu~deolon PittobszOt blonofictiujod'foo.; Et? L!BLAILAU D ICSiS E Y iniva lL n Mer c han ts, and &Wgh eign/m i a n l eP drteem,llm4 aterolZ4ll# FlDDravee Pin•Obtlrgh: • nears. ou..woeTu. - roma =wow. 1 ,oILAVURTII Co, Wholetele Orowerera dere ad Commission Merchants, end Am rile Muni Powder Co. or. N. Y., No. £7 Wd et, Plttabargb.. • • TUlLlChrltifcrillt2il.l,lintaatat Autuzy Vi Na 43 Market st.., aeon doors aboao Mad Mktg bargh,will have enostantly outland. a well select ag acme= of the beat and Gnaltest Idelbeitemt,whe be will tell on tha most reasonable Wrote. Ykysana want orders, t h ey promptly auezded to, mum: plied with aniefes ortr . ely; , nde t %:Monsts k. imFir=ota ti Pre fe n tcat materials, at 1471,41 M Alu i sc ° c ' slo h , L . lama lowa of Stub and pod Tfa i T SEWELL, counselor at .au os Pomade at, above flotithaeld.. Borer • - a B. CdIdIRELD, lints of W.... 4 rrS ohm and Torwaraina March.; sad whosle startler In Weston Samna elteedus, nutter, Nand Pearl AA, sod. Western Prods. "generally, Ater erect, between Smithfield and Wood, Phutbeughip3 loiiii : WATTTlnenctllOr to Ewalt a (kin,) Wholesale. Grocer and Communion L natant, glee In Pied ace and Pitubaralt anafaetaresor err of Li be . a . !tp_d_ Sand cream, Pittatrre,la Ps. S il e M, to. Co. 7. 3.reg e ar. to sad Ascots o ea !mss f t ies St. Low Mom Sugar Refry. No. U water wide: front wens, Taubman. lard r „,, ~ j o z i ll . Lo i i:lggr t 4 A k i lr Yakut Dm p a., &VW: '''. . 'pal street, ono door Bolitti o( l an d Illey:4 1 .. tr _ ......„,... / fvl,,tf;th:gdit,,34 rx:lnf , -- icara.u.iii; vigocr.ifr, Zwitel - Ta Nomad Instruno ' ” i tt i tg u got I Pool, 1 / 1 1111.0, lttor=intl eutioall gestrally, No . of Wood 4t., Potabore x___ „, Loahl ~y !oirot.. 1%717.. _ .. „ ... 1 1L •—_st......ffici,,4loehoutet, corner .Iti . 14 je , •=2 . z-ri4 - 1 - sirtit.' 7 K-ruN, - 11oolroelle r ik, Is or d i . ,: r y., lu.oufsdlorors, No. 41 Norte( slim. KU i'l' • A. iili. • a a. FLO% . D, Wholesnle Dro c .,,, c." ,t u ld;_ Derebant., eid pool. , in,,,,. n. . o,,iiaine, Dwaine on Merl w -- ,,,,,iir i "riabox6, r.- _ ' . 6th DAl42l:ilitii 'holosale firmer, c.,,,,,,. ----- pin... 4 D ger at. pinaminth. 'hi- ER, Acwrucy a Lam akin, g. Cluales Hotel, Pitta4gb, ikalections, Waal:luxe .µ. •ttead ,•Lnd 43,0,1 REFER TO iwor, & glee a COtha . . , • }Pati&alit, monk ESE T 8 E7:::: - : - .VITTNRIUBOR7777-"NMY--- - GAZETTE - -,;";,,,„ . JACOB WEAVER, Ja, Who:rank lad Retail pea ler in Farenan Witten and Lictuara and nkl blonon 'theta Rye %V turkeys, coiner Firer and M artel • IER E JONES, Porsrardmg and COrnnniSlOn &ter n. chants, LYalers in Priniiiini and Pittsburgh maim lectured-armies, Canal Loam, near 7‘h . — Triefiri KENNEDY, CU1L1.43 & CU,ManufaelarerieTv enperitif 1-1 Sheeriuga, Carpel Con/7 Twine and &stung. . .lu l t non a•n•ina Iron Woks, Lgwis, DAIsZELI.& lasou foe tutors of. all si s‘.. Eat, Seel , Ito,Ler bun soot Nails of thq heal, igo li l y. Warehouse, 54 water and Ihh" front at. *MY La 6 WATERMAN, Wirolerale rd , U. rag' and Conuniaaion Merchant, Dealer .isi .Pitts burgh Alanufaenates and Produce, NO, 31 Water rt. sad ti Front rt. . • • • ,3111. MIN Y. UN' Kral At/ADY et SAWYER, LOOKING GLASS htnnufacturv, end IVholesale dealers iii..intelgu domenut Vistirty Goods. in merchants, Pedlar, end other. are ed to call and ermine the price. anal quality of our n nv eck, as with OD, present increased facilites to nmulseturr utg and pnrehasing; .we think we can colkr as vv. uldllCCMcata to lnly o l l lllll . l.ity other boot 'N.CSI Or the Mountains. s a. c.711.10 - Cleirscn, PittslltEriC pin.LEK RICKIITSON, Wholesaleilroeers and IhlPOrlers of Llrandies, Wines and Seg., ' NOS. 711 and 1174 Comer of Liberty and Irwin streeta,'Pitts burgh, Pa. Aron, Nails,' Cotton Yarns, me. tic. con stantly au hand. angle lot. Weill: jag D. WOW. W.:T. C. DOZ. NI:ILLS &HUN, Wholesale Grocers and Commis sion - Merchants, No. lei Liberty to., Pittsburgh. A WOOLY, WILSON :pate Jones, Murphy & LV.I. Co.) Wholesale Dealt,. in Dry Goods, N. 48 Wood crest, Pittsburgh. nos'M ATTfI6tVWILSOBi, Portraitand ter. Boo.; toner of Post Othee Alley uld Fourth attest, ontrutee on 4th near Market. _dectiehL • . • FIWBUVRED STEa—i trirCENANtr.DPELINI3 AND AXLE FALVORV. • • MAO wash Josses s 1. INAISTUFACEURLXS of wing =id Linnet stoOl, 4 1 1 O 4 ough owe, steel Ploogb wing., coach and opnago,konanolod•inin Axles, and deniers in foal 'cable tosongs,Ero engine. Innipopuolcoach trimmings K icialty, corner of Ron and Front Yitunirgh,. N. 111014116 Z L.SON, No. Mt Market oc, second O door from comer of Fourth , dealer. an Foreign rad DINIULLie Rills ofEschatige, Corot:rates of Ltepo. it, Hoak Notes and npeele. Collections mad 04 all the principal cities tkroarrbout Mc Oohed Mama. deal. NIIIiCK/dAtrYER, dsaaastan-01Xce, Fourth at, Colthird &oral.. amithheld, Youth side. ucrancing °nal/ kinds done .th the greatest ewe am legal accuracy. , to Real Estate examined, X.e. P. pawn niasair uonnocK, ENN SMELT, between 'W ayne end h i nd, has resumed in professional dunes, gime, insuve• isms on the Puma,Guitar, and in Vocal Mum anelidtf • RP/JUN' vkA. avrciffitinciaa at, near Wood—All quantities of Green and Bina Teas, done op in curter, half, and Id packages, rainig from do ctn. per pound • from for Pekin Tee bOLOStill rgh ,t,drlttl, I.lo — Pittsbu, Wholeeale %men, Produce an, Continduion ilerchants, awl dealers In Pittsburgh fdanufactures. • son. arensom 7110 a urns. saart..s. wouloan: Ittatk.lST blOOH.E.,ilesale Grocer, Ifectityli4 Distiller, • dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh /Renew, tatreiy hod all kinds of Foreign atul Deinestie Wince andLiuuors, No.ll Liberty - meet. Co hand a very large stock .tsf superior- old Mononguiela 'whiskey, which wlllbe eoldleur *ll cask. _ • - I- Nl= DEYNOLDS&6ILEP., FOrilnliliBglllld Conzeniador VW M81.61.4,4* Wee , llegheny Lear ore In Green:us, Prollaeo Pittabargh hlenafeetarel end Chloride Gipson.- The highestprieta, in cub, paid at all times for coma. laaa. Corner of Penn aml Irwin eta , 911E17 I . IALZELL & Co.. Wholesale Creeela, COVILIIIMOU 1•1111 Forward.' hterehanta, dealer, al Produce and Po:taboret idanalielarea, Libeny Pluabarah. teo2l OBT. •A. CUNNINGHAM., Wholesale Gmeer 1.14 Dealer In Produce and Pinaburch Manufactures o. 144 Liberir 'tun IL C. now a. 42,11ACKIXIT dc Wholassle Dealers rOltipl and Domenic Dry_ Goods. Woodat. Piusattrah. . • a - ICW. 11.113BAUGII, Wool IderehantS, Dealeis' 0. in Floar and Produce generally, and Forwarding and Commission Merchants,' Na. 53 Water at., Pins. berth . . r. m=ans; r 1113110.13. 3111111,41C0. SELLERS Prodsteo,and General Com tnisszon Merchants, 7.0. 17, Liberty at., Pittsburgh. npertn, Unwed and Lard Gila... - F. VON BONNOOKST, & ed., Wholesale on, ee7, Forwarding and . C,olumixtion )4e.rehante, Era in PiLlSlMlZtl'lttinnuNtwresaryl Pro .lN'="....7,7l,„ttlftre=r7T2'.l.d • ' st.vr, Wheir.datirocers mad Commis - Rica Merchants, sod Jesters ia produce. Pie. 35 rP /torn scaTr, W ho mid Retail detsiothip oota, Shims,' 'Pranks, Camesßarot, 11M.W. corner ol tad Smithfield so, Pittsburgh, P. Jed IihrHOLESALE GI B OCER, Importer of FOREIGN WIRES, LIQUORS apt MAIO, heater fri onortgaltela Rya ;Whiskey's.] Pius:oel Al su alletartsi corner of Market mid VIM ,t, • RaOhMtudrheles supplied m Market rates. in irt • .:W. , ;11..M. JIITCILELTELICZ, 1)1711101.E1M.F. ItWC/MP, DIL GP T/LLEAS, arid WIN PI nnd LIQUOR MERCH ANT& Alsci—ltsporiOrs of liloda :104 and Blenching Poordar, No. IGO Lerry at, (opposite St rib at.,) Pitts. I ODD D. amt. '- DAVID ICCANDLIMS 'WICK A APCANDLEVA (nereasors to L. &J. IA TT , Wiek,) . Wholcoalo Grocers, Forwarding and. Counniasion Merchants, dealer. In Iron, 141tiIs, Wm,- Lot Una Varna, and Pittsburg!, Idartufacrorrs generally, evrawrof Wood and Water tirrets, Pittotheirgit. W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Pascusb. TT a lag catablializotal,No. 244 Librly et, near the; maru IV7W.AV/14:1TiN,Wascikes,Javrelry,Pilver 111i1C; TT end httlnary Goods, toner of Market and dtii streets; Potsbusgb, Pa; N.H.—Watches and Clocks casslally repaired. , • deck BOWMCommusloo and Forwarding Merchant, N 0.90 Front at. between Wood and bet amts. ' • &big 114%2ITWL — olerale - r — ribetall de I • 1 bo—d. •"" .earner og tdarirettuld Fourth ate. '" """ north caul MIL TOMO, _ . ran Z. nIIN:11. innrra. ,YOUNG I Ca-1b fa lesaher hides, lee. TT 142 Liberty et. me. Vearracort. • . IMT.ICCITRICIUM" W ,f •!! it. WCUTCHF:ON, Wholesale Grocers, des. b ____",f a .. . r t p-4.e.,1.:‘!9,,, N.j.IR, piss, and Flue. b m , . 7 irener . s,ty, 1,2 I. iberty sL.,.l;ats., W WID3ON, Dealer In. Wine o, Jewelry TV &loot Wam Minim Goods, N 0.37 Mar tot al ntnr7 Whl. 71M111.1b1 awron.agy AT Lew Bvrksp Po -' NvliL also attend to tollettions and all other bust. rims entrusted to him to Botlor and Armstrong stoandes,ra. Refer to • J. It IL Floyd, Liberty ILI W. W.lcillsco, de Janda Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly Kay A Co., Wood st.) , - Jae . . PET 'RI CTIKEV STELA! itIOAT AO ENT'S Oinnem• tont M. ALIJOI O. CO, IX= No. 42 Water area. HOTELS POVNIFAIR , 11107R.L. LIGHT STREET HALT IMOLE row AM ThirlltHON 231.00/.1.0115. ITHUS establishment 'long and widely known es being ono of the - nest email:4l,ms in the city at Baltimore, has recently undergone very even. .tee alterations and improvements. An enure now wing hen been added, containing- numerous and airy Meta, and eneustvo bathing rooms. li rsi=depanalcut has also been completely " o **.h.ti and fined up In • rue ectunque and beano 7 Ail style. In fact the Whole ammgement *flint, /louse he; been reatedeled, with s'aingle , eye - on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their 011/1%., and ; which:they couldeutly. amen will &tartly eomparlson with soy Ilene in the Won. Their table will always-be supplied with every soh mutat and bulky fwhich the. market sfords, served op las euperke atyle; while In the way of Wines, &e., they will not be auryntssed. la conclusion In proprietors beg to nay, that nothing will be left undone en their part, area on the put of there studstants, to sender Ills Bad we:ll,7lhr, continued patronage of their friends and the public generally.. T he ,,r a b rres the board 4111 aW.been !educed to the Lartros.Or dlrmi Oeedemenl. +s i, .11,71 per day. N. /I.—Tur Baggage Wagon sit the limns will al. ways he found at th e Cat and' Stossaboat rebid. will convey baggage to and from Moil otol, free • • , . • t TIER. HOENE, - somesz rontrest also ewe winnert, etrrsereetr. THE Inbeeriber 'respectfully annottneas Mat ho ha aoacepertsed his new and excellent Hotel • for the accommodation of traveler., hoarders, and the generally: The hoedrand fon:Ware are entirely new, and no pains or expense have , leetts spared to render it one of Ine most et:n;(0,1161e and pleasant Hotels In the city. • • . • . The stibsailyer is determined to deserve, and there 4 fare solicits, a sauna( pa lallepaunnese.. 5m114.41y . • JAcoullOUGll,'Proprietar., .HATS, CAPS' AND BONNETS.- 4 , .• . . , PORD IL 00.• . (Baraeasors to M'Cord & King) V•sktaaable , flatter:s r Corner of . from( eme1.1414 Strata ARTICULAR auendon paid .to oar Retail Trade. Gentkrmen rn ralyr two telling their Ilats and a from our establiehment of the mar WiTitllVita and itoniumurcr, of the Law 'num, and at the Lowarr • • tloansry . hicreksats, asldg.liy wholesale, ale respect(olltradleeddo call and examine .r Stock; as we can say with confidence that as ressrds ot - sint and talcsat i iwill not sufferenniaarlson with any 6oaa ein PßlM BuriNET•iuußoNS, &c.—Av K Murphy • supyl ew baadeemea l of wing Dolinatitibbony, new an, new sty la fig . (' Nerf;. Lfdle Laces and Edg tae. irni Linen Filainpp Vietoria dot , Odd Moulins and daemon; einbroideredSsitim .;Peal hags =surname( paring' GoodeArenerally, at north comer sad Market sweets. . • • dui Kamm no'stairs.• anfi r oar. OirdifillA I Id•••' - i JLJ Muted Peina? , Uwat Cho Itna sta °opt...lash Al wr—P cheats ta.saathod *•l` A • - 71tay way hate becninieunt id wow sosaaassion lipase or steamboat- . I A liberal reward wilt ha dire.. reran or enteral' the sehsdeiV on Ibpontnoo, ry, by . : •• WWI AItFADEN Et CO : ~ t , : ilJi Ilmonaol ah -- Ittaltit Inane &nes. TIIF blutual.l.lfe and Lleatth Insaremee Company of Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Legilleture of • Penneyhratua, March, IPID. Charter perpetual. Capital, 8100,000. Rana town on. axe P.16,1,- . PAIST.L.II,SIFAIIT, and fail th 3 par cent. lower than the anal rates of Life Ineuranee, an the following eon. Prison will show: Thus, a pence of the age of 31 In• curing for 8114 for hfe. moat ray In the Ward Spr.— Pennsylvania, 1E,36, Penn Rental, 2.1,3 D; Folonttole, Ild,Odthiew England, SOX; New York lgfe, $2,33; bk.., VAS; Life and Ilealtn, Phlladelphla;lll,9l. • Dircerou—Renntwl D. rrick, Charles D. Ha IT.. F. Hoene, Robert P.King O , Charles P. Hayes, Pl. ll, W. Baldurio, M. M. Reeve, M. D. Chas. 0.11. Catriplo•ll, Lew!, Cooper, I. Rodman ,u lcer, P. 11. Dotter, }Audi t IL Colter President-4.11nel D. Orrick; Vide " Poni. "' . S IllT k ores • 0rn0.,.. •ipplieatiou• ',Juba tteeived, dean yory inf nuadoo, eyrn by SAL FAIINESTOCK gf • I OMCC, Commercial Roo co Alt WV-oily Wood load 'Lord st.s.Pd adirgh. 1118th ad :: P ITII I MSTRIAMV I T 44, 1 •NY UP HARTFORD, CNN. MOlMMilaille I, INS. Anneal Premiums, Capital Stock, and Surphoi Pond, R 1,000,000. This old and responsible Company continues to le sue policies on the most favorable Mime On Dwelling Iloused, Household Furniture, torte,Stocks of Goods, iVarehouses and contents, hldls and klanufactorics, ad. Re-i egainat LUSS OR DANNI.OR DY FIRE Alen on Goods, Wares and Merehandise, against the haltads of Inset TWVOIITLSIoN, itild upon the CargoesefSca Veneta. The Protection Internam Conthiny having, in the last itSyeam, paid suet 11111.10ris OS notrorts their several agencks throughout the United Mates aud the Urinals Provinces, have established a Just reputation for solvency and fair dealing; which challengescom. pans°. with any . other inseranee company on the continent of Ame rica. The annexed extract (men an article on the subject of Insurance Companies, taken .from the "New Turk Day 1100 k,.. exhibits briefly the rianding and policy of the Company. "The 'moneyed Men , of the ancient and always pros .penathi city of Hanford, have (or halt a century been famous throughout the Union foe the care, discretion, rind honesty,andsurvaryitagenacesa with winch they hare (slimed and managed corporation* of this de. Mrintion. No Hanford Reek or Insurance Company has ever failed! 'Them Companies•have for mom than whole generation seantred %talk risk• in near. N every . Nam of the Union, and have never failed to pay the innumerable •thases which they have insured against. AR Mares arising upon policies issued by the under signed, urill be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen eral Agency oace, located at Cincinnati, O. A loge portiou of the Golds of th e Convoy, (including all premium., received at the Western agencies,) 'is de posited with the General Agent of the Company at Cincinnati, for the payment of Western and Vonthem lassies. Apply to • PAYETTE BROW N, county: Agent for the city of Pritsbargh, and for. Allegheny The PissamaylamalmCfronipatay Poi furies...a on Lomb Ann Oart-ennis Annerrom r .. 4 ,7 first Llfe losanmee Company In the U. Status. Incorporawl Muth 10,M U—eh. ter perpetual. • 83Co,000—all pald ' Having aathonsedihe undersigned to receive applo cations for hmatance, on which policies wilt be issued, according to their propoitaLs and rates, which will be made known . to applicants at his orlfee, No. 00 Wood street. aptl GEO. COCHRAN. Gift OF PITTSBURGH.; • • CAPITAL 1100,000. J. Fcroorr; Jr Seely, I A. Meuse, Jr., Presk. Hfilansare against all kinds of risks, FIRE AND MARINE. ALL.I puma will be liberally addisted and promptly pad: A home initiation—managed by Directors who ire well kaolin in the commaruty, and who are &lamm ed by proMpmess and lrberality. ta maintain dm char acter whith they hare assutoed i as offering the hem proleetion to theme who desire to be Insured. Drawrons—R. Miser, Jr., Gem. Sleek, J. WI Ruder, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. It. Holmes, C. Ihmsen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. ht. Lyon, Jas, Lippuden, Thos. K.. Litek, James DJ'Auley, Alex. Nimick, Thou Scott Orme, NA 39 Water street,' (warehouse f Spimg ,JS Co., up Stairs,f Pittsburgh. mtdly INSURANCE; 7 .•. . rIgtVCitrYO I UTUALee, NOtri I tOLTAY; xe hnne; Third street. Philatilpula. 'Fain leariumnu—Buililmgs, Blereharuhse and oilier property in at mune, insured against lima or damage by Arc at the lowest rate of premium. Mama. Manus-sc.—They also insure Tease/. Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, ender open or special policies, as the armored may desire. lathamrTamesrogramon.—They also insurers,ern dise transported try Wagons, iteilroad Ca Cana/ Mite and eteam Roam 'on riven and lake, on the MOM liberal terms. DIILEWPCMS—foreph 11. Seat }Amend A. Sander, John 1,1 fans, Robert Reston. iota, R Penn:ay, Same el Edsrarde, Uro G Leiper, Erlinerd Darliaguarn Isaan 11. Deals, Wahl* Falwell, JohnNevelin, Dr It AI Has let; James C Theephilus Paulding, II Jong. Brooke, Geary Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Scroll, Spencer Alellvaln, Chart. Kelly. J U Johnson, WO Lam flay, Dr S Thom., John. Saner., Wm. Kyr, Jr. DIILECTOWS AT RITIRSURI3II-11. T. bioreso, Wm. fingerer, Jana T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIAL President. RIC.. S. NIW1101.1), SetTel•l7.. fl7 - ,Gthee or the Company, N0...0 Water atreet, Moberg!, ' Jel&dtf V. A. MADII RA, Agent_ AlAtilt& friSURANCE CUJ North 'America mill i make permanent', lad Limited pro perty in thin city and vicinity, and s/ , ..lpuketua , Canal, r fUventilates,ml IT Sea ; The propertleror LIU,. Company are well levestel, and fenush en avail able fend for the ample Indemnity of. all persons' who drone to be protected by inantristee. 'myth . WM. P. JONES, Agent.,44 Water et. • . . dains :Art bureirance Co. of PAikuielphies. - N - AIaEL7ORS.-47harles td.llancker, Thomas /lam J..P. Tolima Wagner.Santel Griot, Jacob IL pawl., Geri. W Ittehards, Mordecai V. E.ewis, Adolpbo E. Done, David S. Brown, Mora. Patterson. Cl:Rebid N. Buhrtrac, Prondent Clmrics U. 'lunches, Secretary. Continue to make insuraarn, perpetintl or lindt-d, ou awry den nplien of property in town or country, at saws am tow as are 0.n.0.:1 with seekinty. To Company have reserved a lunge euiniegentrield, whirls with their Capital and Prat...4 . ..04 invest ed. allbrd ample protection to thy SWILIWI. The aswts or ilta company, a January Est, Into, published agreeably to en actor Assembly, *WU. Jellenn,via: Mortgages • 11,017,4i3 at Real Enate 01,771 1 , 7 . Temporary Loans 90,00 amen • .11,313 1.3 • Cash, Ac.• • ' andA4 37 !k 1 1t92 71 nee their incorporatlon, a period of ,1 jean, they have paid upwards of one mllhou four hundred thou.. and dollars, lours by bra, thereby affording evidence of Um advantage. of insurance, as Well . tiro ability and dirposulion to root, with promptnes. all liabillue. J. erA/IDLNat COFFIN, Agent. Marl.dly Office N corner Wood end 3d its DILLAWA TVAI. I NB IMANCE CO. 13 A. MADE:lllA,Agerst at Pirtsburgh for the Dela . tram Mutual Safety Inrurance Computy of Phial. 'adelphia. Fire Risks upon bnilding. sold machandize of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes or vase; taken ay,. the 6041 favorable term. ID- (Mee In the Warehouse of W. It Holmes Zs Deo., Nit. Tl Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. 11.—The success of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt. nem and Liberality with which every claim upon them (or lose las been adjusted, (ally warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage of his (tirade and the continually atlarge to the Delaware Id. S. Inca. ranee Company, while it has the addltidnaladvmtagea as an institution ameng the most flourishing in Plitladel phin—im having an amplepaid-in capital, which by the operation .of its Charter as constantly tncteaamg, sa yielding tomtch _peraon mated his due share of the profiteer the company, without involving him in any respensibilny . whatever, and therefore as possessing theldinnalppneiple divested of every obnosions fea ture, tel an its most attractive fem. / nevi FORWARDING &COMMISSION. 1. S. arcaor. • • • Tam 1.11.1. d Com- S T Aa U tsViEllt i l l' o ' urgo7llB ' l ' Yoo r dl:. " Pro, , ba„l2. DealcralaUsocerfea, Flout, tlbeay Rya, Oafa% Barley, Pork, Bacon. Batter, Lard, Cheese; Llowor, •Tuaothy and Flaz Souls; Iron, Pimp., Glue, &c. &a. .Particalar attaadon paid to dm tale of %Vellum, . Ruleludas—Mews. Myers & Rooter, Robl Dal R& Co., & Roe, ifaroplon; Smith & Co. Jamey hlay, Mug & ? Southend, PlUabuisit. Fem. & hlumulkm- Jas. O. Mottisoh, E. Nt .Loniaeply Atka two, Imo of N. Llsbon, O. • W. taft w. wawa ' • -cuala Lsuiseren, CIEN.ER&I., 'AGENCY, Comminnion and Forward. .infMorehants, No. Markel st, Pluabsugh, Pl 4 tOMpt attention given to the purchase and sale o alt kinds of Produce. Rena row-John Wall &Co., Murphy, Wilson& Co. Pittsburgh, Po.; Lawson & .11.111, Mahlon Martin, Wellsvule, 04, John 11.11rown & Co., Grigg, Elliott & Co., Philadelphia; B. W. Snodgrass kern, Gregg_ & Nate, New Lirbon, 0.; Fr. Skinner, }lon. C. D. CoMn, Chieinnatt; 3. P. Koller, Youngstown, 0.; W. 1.. blan dest, Cleveland, 0. Kap; GEORCIE COOLLBAH gomnaluloia and !Forwarding Morahan! notil WOOD It, rtralsoacii, C op:rx,r n yrs i t li mp. ul et a gene ral Commissionbowl !. Al Y a!i n d Produce, and re:c o mic o e n n ji (cavorting Goods consigned to his care. As Agent for theldansfoctures, be will be constantly supplied with she prinCipal atticles of phi/dila/0 Anil Inc lowest wholesale prices. Order. anil ecusgiitticnta ve: FLE:ctfull y . - • • -• , Steiasis Billets Works tar Stale. MI subscriber offers for sale, the STF,AhI BRICKI Wththlthi,l above Lawrenceville 'comprising rteattrEnthe, Boilers, Alithhine, copulae of manufacturing rO,Ol/0 Pressed Bricks tout of dry clay, as ttheu front the bank,tper der with' three acres of land on the Allegheny river, on which ore 4 Itilus and /ands, machine and clay. sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, Shovels, path* Ste., every thing requisite to coin. 'Metro operations at an briars notice.. Price4ding the Valera right to =a said mad W am,' W 1 sof payment mammary. Withoot the land WM. ' For pantheists, address • NENNY dgetcrpr, • ist.,ity • ; No 110 hionongabela 'loath. HELL Amu nitAiii"PTituriun.w.- A FULTIdN,yeII and Bross Founder, hes re. In and commented business el his old.stand, where he will be pleased to sea Jilt old co MOM. .n end friends. Phareh,gteemboat,and Dells of every size,lrost 10 1010,000 poands, east from proems of tho 11120“ aßyrov.. Cdt6Oliti•. and warranted to be of the best materiels: , . . . . . - Nmtera Water Pumps, Coantetig,'Hniiinf, the with every variety of Butsi. Cnstings, u requtrel, tunied nal finsdi4l in dm neutral manner. ' .• • . • A. F. ls the sale proprietor of I.lenett's Aers-Are, Pion 141 craLoto Pun). celebrated for the reduction of friction in otailllnery: The Uoxee end Cotopu,ition can he heti of Wm at ell times. . inVklY DliIN/MU PA.PEN.-2UUtI reams of ?riming !mei Hoot raper, a saperier article. Assorted mem OD band. Any ties made to order at shortest notice. cmc9 er C 11111:1., tl7 NVeof Illosamore.hollalvory:tab - setr7 --- y It PArtnita(ll4 haw apeatd. awx the large stable on First st, running through na k to is cutia at, bctween yed 16111101Orld lay to the rear of tan Monongahela Howse, with au courtly now stock of Howl lOW Carnageh of the best gloat.) and latest Claire. kept at Leo gin the kill =MACS. . ' I .“ , ,A. ,Z.. ' :,..... ~,, .•...,, ~• i k.- , . :VIII VI —... "ti: :i! 1 . . - ' ' .. -..4"" ,1. ' .. 4 4 , ;‘, 4 ,11 I , .....,_ ~A „. . .%. i ,‘,.“ i •1, 4 t. , J,,,.',41.;.;,:f -- ''' - • ' -4 1 , ':-.•.-A! , 1 ‘it.... - ..:, • tiwieacutteit 6... r" f ‘ 1 1 - .... I - vier.vir4a,g - u. ‘ 44 4-1,41.4t0 45:Attiolii 44 04:41444: 9 '" ,47 ""s'ita ....--;;.:::!,::: - , : , 1 . .:. - i - • --- -. : .!..,.---:- - ii -, .' - - ---- - .. .... ._ . . . • . ; 111 .S 4 ill; Ia ' 110 G D MBER 29, 1849 CfIPARTNERSHWS. 1:11.00lutlos of Partnership. Dl' 14117117 AL CONSENT this dny, the firm hereto. I) fore existing under the •style of 131.7811F161.D LEADER, has bona dissolved by Ilemry llieader sell ing his enure interest in said firm to John hieGilL All business connected with the firm of Husbfield k Lead er will be settled by S. R. Itushfiedd d Co, who are o no •uthorised to make all collections and adiart BUSIIFIELD I LEADER. Pittsburgh, Oet. 270819. N. 13.—S. IL BIISIIFIDLD k CO will continue the orliolaore and retail Dry Gotta and Grocery baffle.; a Ste old more have. -XI Marty they will be pleased to v their friends end eatoatcro cal and examla,that block rood 0001 ' S. D. USIIFIRLD k CO. I • ernn D•o/u • ti• • Ons - • • -•_• part . r_ — p of the undontigtted, under the b ....1. -.'ay Bagaloy k Month was Morticed by mug mascot on PIM September, W. Hagmley Nachman; the ilitittot ofJ. R. South, who Mine.. The of the 'Gun win be mined by their torecessoinclY.- /lagaittry fr. Co., at Nos. HI end PO Wood ot. DAGALEY, Pittabnigh, Oct. 8, 49. IBAAC B. WILLIAM SMITIL.• CO . PARTNERSIIIP.—Wm. !lapin. hotting lase. l , elated with !dm Wm. H. Woodward of Phlladelphou; John )3. Cog - rave arol Raiph Dagoley of Pittaborgb,, will tontioue thn Wbolcoale Grocery Ba sines, at Not', IS and t.l Wood ot, under lbs. firm of B%M. DAGALIW A CO, Pittsburgh; and RAGALLY, WOODWARD A CO., Philad'a. 0011, Dissolution or C.... Partnership. fiIDE co-partnership heretefore existing-bora-ems the loOmenbon, owlet Itke •tylo Or Brown dimuilred all the tat MU. hY mutual comtent. M. D. BROWN. A. Citl.lihinTBON. Pituburgh, OeL 5, 1959 The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Groce ry and Cornniisaion tintincsa, as beretofors. at the old nand, 111 Libewr at. anti A. ' was Z. PtAtlll. alurrsort /OA IF& & ATTIANISON s Ira any intrivartr Wain 0.103 Maur, Pinssinien, (1./NTINUE to manufacture all kind, of COPPER, lJ TIN AND SIIEETJRUN WARE. Also, Black. smith Work. Steam Boats built toorder. Special attention given &steam bout work. 11ave ore Tiny • fine assortment Copper and Rm. Kettle.. are, Sc. a.c. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, rations alsea—a very convenient a• kale for steamboats, California emigrants, or roll mad companieg We 'timid respectfully invite stem beat men and other, to call and seeour articles and prices before purehasine elsewhere. iirPaTruserellips rr lIE copartnership of HENRY lIANNEN &CO., ionnerly Mennen, Muller /1. Co in the Window • d Colored Glass business, in ibis day disaolved by the wandnoral of to.. Frederick Muller. The business will be continued by the on&rsorned, ander the firm of /IMRE lIANNEN it CO. Ware house No.lo, Second at, when we will tre e earrtan, supplies of superior Window Elam JOHN lIANNEN. HENRY lIANNEN. HUGE ROIIERTSON, Pittsburgh. Aug. 'Arta. UFA:RV lIRISTEAD. CoprirtertratiVe rrilE amtrralrned haws Ow day associated with the basineas JAWS L. SCHWARTZ, and will untie the business as hercotore, ander the Ena of ca B. A. FAHNESTOCiI, & CO. )71.3 • Ml= . I partnership heretofore existing. under the firm . ofd. ft C. BYLADLEV, is dissolved by thr decease of. C. Bradley. The business will be earned on by A. Bradley, who will settle the basiness of the We firm • RIXOVAL—A. Baum= has removed ha Foundry Warehouse from No. 111 Second street, to No. 19 11food street, between First and Second streets, to the warehonae lately twettpled by U. t. Kerry, where he will keep contently on hand a general asaortmeut of INnotevs. Gnats, Sum, Cookie, Stoves, de._iyl3 Dl•sollation7 . . . • • • • rpm.: copartnership heretofore eatittime between the eubsenbers, In the llama of Oinstable, florae it Ca. ; is this day dissolved by mental consent. Almon. Bute t Harney wtli settle the business of the con. eern, for which purpose they ere mahorised to am We name of the terfera.,NATHANIEI.Ct/i4STABLE, 31If ND DURK& t. ' THOMAS lIARNFA. The enderrignedlaietitts day wointed thrrotelve in the came or & IiARNY.I3, for the purge. tnanattheruthng Mee Proof Safes, Vault Open, It &e., at the stand of the late firm of Conotable, Burk & Co., arbere they trill be pleasied to trcet ve the pa trouarla of the ourtoaren ordeal hose and their friend. 111/11KE, TIIOSI/tht.llA kN F 5 In retirina from Ib firm of Congo!.le, Rote a C.o . 'nth sincere pitnAirn recommend !deem,. Milt a Hornet ro rh. confidence of my friend. and 'be public. Feb. 0, 1.411, NATUANIEL CONSTAIILE. febl.l.drf MIBCELLANgoiiB7 Peas Illaolsimo WlGllTMAN—Alististhetuter of sll tango of cot torrand woollen machinery. Ageghehy city P. The above works being new m fell 112:1 aleee,:li Op eration, ma plot...est to enconte osifeto with diciatek for •Il holds of inarhiltery in h/hrin.cmh nmlinmat picker:, core odes, cards, grinning martinis, 'Mirrors, drawing frames, speeder's, Ustleionts, woolen cards y tioolilo ogsinglsofor Magma work, moles, ha; slide nil hand elliconod tools in gen eral: All kinds of stmllimetriade to order, or plans giv en fort' aring Inman. or mill. al rearOliable charge, Rama To—Kennedy, Childs a. Co. Blacksinet, Ekll it Co. King; Ponattek I. Co. Ja. A. Gm/. BESOVAL. £on.arwrps nail.° sat S. 11 AcEnrr, ForvnNins and Cotammeue :Stet chant, he. reeloved to tin. e 7 From, between Wend and .4re ithErld'atmete. tA, r; hare *ease 1 . L.111 . tt, made v.. an nei,rored VI plan, Po as nal in (mere Eri the eeldert vreviker 'errant waning each articles, are Invited to eat; net] to them at • NCAIrk ATICINSI.N.B, reel* Ist. Itenereen We, OIESLA .71iN I NtLll l 3ha r oel ;o c c.iowhu; l o,wr l y z tu No 6 Mortis Or®, where La will beihrippy to see hl. friends end Ilanocr customers ii TO UN D. STCREARY, Pilo Ink Minaferiarr, ef Not.= and SYlStanton um., NEW Yo/11:--De poi No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attention or Printers to his Improved Printing Inks et ratio., kinds and orders, at the to prices t EXP. fine Jet Mack, for Card .11 Wood Cam - • I Wand 3 per lb. Fine Book Int 0 75. " 100 " sat 0 2 04 " 0 LO Vitlnk - 0 1.9 00 " PS Floe Red Ink 7.5 c ItO 150 " 200 " Sloe, Yellow, Green and Mee 7Sc 1.0 150 Gold silo at 153 per lb, and Wenn et 50,75 cis and $I per or_ & speculum of Neves Ink eon be seen on this paper. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCK ON, Pittsburgh, It. C. Morgan A Co. Clad:math Ohio. Marta A Gnswoutd, Lonsvillte, Xy. ant:dans JAMES W. WOODWELL. modern and Ant'vie Furniture, as, Tina SIIIISI, PAITSIMICII. 2E A large and splendid z 0,...y.i.r. anortant of Ennitare, ...lit.lirr...l`ff, 1 ' 1 satiable for Steamhons, :f's' - `-f - '-'''''. Botch and private &ret ina, constantly on hand and made to order. The prevent stock on hand cannot be exceeded by soy manufactory to the western country. Person. torlitagno palmse would do well to give me a call. as determined toy priers shall pleas.. Part of the stock consists in-- -- Tete a Tete. Itaffet &now; Tea Elizabet h Paw; Twist Tables; ' Frau Tables. Lol a XV Co French Mahogany Bedsteads' Plano Stoolmmoder; ~ 30 ea. with Plush and lisdr.cloth covert; 20 Mahogany Rocktng Chairs; . 10 dot Parlor do 30 '. Fancy do 23 centre Table.; 20 par INvann 4 pair pier Table 13 marble top Dressing Baratta 8 IVardrohes; 8 Secretaries and Book eaten V/ marble top Wash Sundt 4 pair Woman 0 pair fanny Work Stands; A very large aeorlinent of commen chairs and other' furniture tin a useaus Manion. . 1 Irr Steam Boat. forahed on the shorten nonce, and on the mon reasonabbi terms. deels Diaphragm gllttirti-tiii-111fillffloTttiiii. THIS In to artily that I have apt. pointed -Livingston, Roggen & Co, Sole Agents fur the sale ofJettningto Patent Lkaprakkm }liter, for the ol lies of haburkla and Allegheny. JOHN GIBON, Aa for Walter Id ailkson, S 310 Broadway N. Y. 0ct.11.11 , 18. We have neon using one'of the above ankles at the °Mee of the Novelty Worka for three mouthy, cm trial, and feel perfectly traded that n m a useful invention, and we take pleaaore in recommending them as a um, fat article to all who love pbre water. Orders tall be thankfolly received and prdmptly executed. onlit LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN A Co --iiiiirliiir-in-g-Cook, FOR PURIFYING WATER, , 0 r 4 ........,,, M i leh u renger: b tarbld ware Lu t r , F by 2. water. Re c * rohL lalc/rl . ll .° N. Yo e X. :tr i l ' i ' e ° lll "' p l'" e no d rt " o u t* h h relo ' s Y l e lt ' ll filtering cock, show. a large ale ' posit Impure substances, womm, r e . e Ttu. is the ease more or less with all hydrant crater. The RevertoblePlltcrer is neat and durable, and I. not attended with the Inconvonience incident to other Filterem, a ot Is cleated without being detached from the water pipe, by merely taming the key or handl. from one mde to the other. Hy this easy prOcrrS, the course of water Is changed, and all accumulation. fo impure subances are amen off almost instantlif, without unscrewing the Filter. It also poanases the advantage of being atop cork, and as sash In arty titles will be very nonveli tent and economical. Bean be attached where there le any pre aaaaa high or la to a cask, tank, tub, Ac with ea. To be had of the male Agent, 04, W. WILSON, octl7 scans of Fourth and Market ila Wring hi. muid Cast Iran nailing . . THE aulnenbers ber leave to Inform the nadir. rho they bare obtaintafrom the East all lie late and nitianale dengue for_lmn Foiling, both for houses and cemeteries. Perrons waing to procure band. some pastas will please cull and examtne, and fudge for themselves. Railing will he familial at the short en notice ' and to the best, matter, at the corner of Craig andßebeecastrects,AVeghea9 Mt) , agf.S.dif 1. LAMONT A IiNOX. Chocolaty, - Coco La. W. Baker% American and French Chocolate, ?repel ad Cocoa, Cocos Pala Dram, Cocoa Shells, /cc. rpolnerchanto and consumerswho would purehnue. j, the ...abreacts of Cocoa, ' Da from adulteration, more natotiout than tea or coSca; and in, ality onma admadi robscrilter racouiniendu the above valet, manufactured by himself, and stomped with his name. His Hrorui, and COCO.Paste ea delicate, palatable, and I: away drinks for iumelds, convalescents, an d' other,, are pronoonbed by the matt ambient phytalida superior to any other preparations. Hu manufacturer 611:1 always 1)11, any quantity, by the most ro rpectable grocers In Um cistern' clues, and by their nVnt.t_ liowa , Cy &co., of Hasten; James Hance aco Honk Coon; Hassey a Mann, New York; Grout la Slone, Philadelphia; Thum, V Hrundtge, Hat. Valera; and Kellaa t Beam; Carina., Ohio. WAIMEA BAKER, Dorcherar Mama For sole by lag3l HADblibilf h SMITH, Ara .L - • • MISCELLANEOUS W. Ik J. 471.11C319. nook Slartiers., TM are still engord in the above liesineue, comer yy of Wood nod rhinl eueets,Pllndlurgh, where cm are prepared to do any work in our line with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and nte I faction willbe given In regard to has neautena se nddd. rahility. Blank Pool. rubel to my pottern and bound sub nantlellyt nooks in number, dr old books bound eare‘ fully or repaired. Names licit on hooka In gilt knew, Thom that have work- Incur line are Invited to call. l'ticen low. '' auirOilf Scales, Cookllog novas, 0 . Aso. ANARSIIALT, WALLACIit CO, Roma Church, ! In comer Liberty and W streets, manufacture and offer for vele Natrona, F ' r and Counter Scale., of ttm most improyed quality;• t noking !Royce, for wood and anal; 11.74 X, !hot. of • 0. IliZell, Parlor and common . Grates, %follow Wa , d.e. Ice. They also mann facture the - Kitchen Ilattgo, which hos give mch general suiefactiou to thorn having it in use, to all or which they would respectfully' invite the latent'. a of the entrees and the publle'gen ,erally. oat, If • 1 M ANUFACTURED TOLIACCO--The sal • Wes would call the a:Mutton Sof the city wade and dealers .genrally, to the following brut!. Tobaccos, 111 Cafe and to arrive, which being conMsnmrals dl• not (rpm manufacturers, he Is erubled to sell at • east• ern prieel 139 bra R 7 o7Ctenshasis' 14; 70 / " ;James hisillson 0s; et i " Lamnieino /05 . 13 I .. 91irabeatt Ss; V . hataara . , Us and Is; 10 ° Roberti &Bison '9 , s; .• It . Oscar Burl. 11s; 9k " Johns & Lewis LI; .... ' 71 . Warwick oitipr, Is; 491 0 Hoary & James W, is and 136• —reb2l ..L . ,L 8 WATERMAI9 Pitt Alachts• WOik• and rewmadrys rtressuaatt, TWIN 4 WRIGUTR Co., Ore prepared to Gelid Cotton end Woolen Machinery °fetters description, such ea Carding Machines, SpinninPrames, Speeder., Drawing Frames, Railway Iles Weepers, ti,oolers, Drrevhig Framer, Looms, Cord° der., to. Wrought Iron Shading ranted; all 'Woof Call /ron, Pulite. and Ilanger, of thn latest paueme, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of everydescription furnished on short notice. Patterns ovule to order (or Mill Grunng, Iron , tiltensa Pipe for beat ing ?Rootless Cast Iron WirtdoW Sash and fumy Cu. tinge gener al ly. Order. ten or the. Wareham of t. Palmer k. Co., Liberty nitict, will hive prompt att./. ell. Refer to Blockstoolt,ll4l fa Co., J. K. hlooreheid ,G. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh •G. R I. 11. Warner, Strobest.die, NEW COACH FACTORY, 1719 • • ..u.airrxr: AT • A. WHITER CO, would respoothdly ft63shopl4l 111. the lic that Wo hare erected • on Locust, ixtwee pub n Fede rot an g d Sandusky streets. They re new ranking and are pp bored to receive orders for o d . eldzs i LriAt; ,, i , on c i d, b.t oc o lti n e , l , e , s , , e C „ oathes , , ilatnutY, B om .; o . ,, s e rrzir t a i t . c . a i i n be th y e h mo .ve rlf t zw e r . the she l ve wa y nit, nor netted to do work en the Most reasonable terms with laze mooring uncles in their line. Loping particular ottentiort to the selection of mate rials, sad h”ing noise but Om:potent 'workmen, Obey hare no hesitaston in. wartalumg their work. We therefore ash the at tif the public to this matter. N. B. Repairing done in the ben manner, and on the tote erasonahte rums . Ontinf flitt — CtfittrN AND W(K/LEV MANUFACTIiI j.REßS.—llorid c ‘ ode a r rangements for eon. MAW sully of RI PLN.DING t i , we will sell at low p es C ShosS Rater Skins, Lace Lea ther, Pick no Dyed., Stuntica, Ileum Twain Treadles , No. .5 to litatelt phe., Wrenches, truing/rig Cords, info to is. - , Patent D unc resser Drashu, ' Weavere . LARIAN, WILSON & myl 1P Wro street, Pittsburgh. MECZEi DORT WINF24--0111.7.• Webber & Forrester, latim A - Pura riot and dry, t3ould,.Ceraptiell t dry Egnii tharearnts ttGL; Pnro lig& Pure Juice pot ocular Port, Horns h. Pons, ,are lairs, thread., dou ble and mangle Grupe& Itehre warms tot at veleta.- led to their medical onoperthw, and ran betted tirgkolt , _rah, or retail at the Wine Suite of jy2 IJACOI3 WE.%VER, Jr. • enitlOi ' HE subscriber intro far 'Ca Large end splendid assortmenl of' end wallegney grand Ae uotaknanomi, with and wttlettur Colestan'a celebrated iletion,Atturhatent. he above insoniments me wow muted to be yowl to any nihnefactorest is this coun try, and wit be raid lower than any brought from the "Loot. P. uLyntE, Noll 2 wood st, 51 door se dam . ay Penis trill be taken el par air • few of hollow assonment. nirt ~ ' Hardware—Cheaper than Ervin L()GAN, IVIL-40N A CU.. importers and Whatnots Jaraleni in Hardware, Vonlery nod Foddlery, No 101 Wood sawn, above Full hove now in emote a very cheap and well selected stook of 'Hardware, imported since the derbue °flakes lat Europe, and winch they %redetermined to roll coronpouthngly low. Merchants who hare beyit um the halal ofgolngatluat, are particu iarly requested to eall and lgok throogh our neck, as re conC.Jently believe they Fill nave their ...Op:tares mon4 WA eITLD, I) A l! 2-441 fin, iti;7.4TAA'AVII:I;',;. Ntl „ENERAL AGENCY AN 0 COMMIEION OFFICE, uung wholesale uttl retell stores,ead other rsspertablabunneve, to netl a* Bcoa-keepers, men,Porteglier-ticepers, Walters, larmany, Coach thea,Car Akents, Utak sod Map Ageets; Collectors, Osetherth all branchre Jen. We have at ti large number of good sanattone en bend, 100 to 112,0thl per annum. nate tn us*- briny Watild - do Wet to glea ns a call, aa we hive agent. us veal, of the 'Wave rd. tire, which will enable as thinatte every applicant in • taitable animate' it the +hottest mates. We have a large aeqvaintanee in all the above named cals., witch vetting will enable ati la ve entire satisfac tion ta ell who may fever er With a call, TAYLORre TAY MAN, No. ha Second et, between South and Gay. N. It.—Perzonv Ilvlng In nay part of the U. or and svothlng at obtain a situation In Dahl/aunt, or et. 'her of Ow aboxeities, will 'have their wants inate y of to by .tddrocting es lista icos,peolt at doing they retll curtail both ...nhle and ta. rya s there•e Wesld usessr by cooling in t he eisT, ee4ereeltine ems for thern.ell AC.Jrcs, TAILOR TAY &lAN, No. r. 31 Scrawl street, Uslaceore, . Dr. IdoLoael lasi Tenneamee. 11119 L. to certify that I purchased ono Mal or Dr. MeLana's Worm hpeerfus, seam two months ago and gave to a eon of acme, 60112 e .even yeses old, two .ersspwers• fall. and althouh the amount my appear arse, yet I have no doubt but there was upwards of nee rnoothrus oedema pathrd (mot hun, ractsurint Ina cad quarter of au inch tOtWO blehe• long. .0 W HOLLIDAY. Renee Creek. Carrel ro. Teem.. Dee 07, /e{7. la2l BENNETT ii, BROTHER, OFE(NOWARE: MAN UrAeil'UlUigB, Et ir,,,,i,nremm, {=ear Pittibeergh,) P. tVarciotat No. 137, Waxi street, l'itteurgii. i t will constantly k eeii on hand a 8 ,,,,,r, w0ri . memo=. Wang of ourlortn mandisteture, and superiumthalio. Wholemileood mtheiey u e ,.. chants an respeerflillp invited to mill and es. ~,,,,,, for th omselveit as we. ate determined to sell deem than haeever hereto been olrered to the pub- ijj Or den neat by tai.l,•cmiatpar.',ed by Menton or nv refereacc. will be promptly Attended to. .n4lB ,rj to Till.: received, a full asnorunen 1 of gold end silver Thread ' , Cord and Braid; also sgmmlon end Bullion. lot embroidering and other or emanate! work. Also; gold ondstiverTamels, Fringe, mad Lace. . Jewelry of the Imam fashieen, In great variety. IVatvbet of nuperfor qaMityand beautiful gamin., and far solo at Bastorn4tricea. W%V WILSON, atta7 corner Market and Fourth es ATFILIGNMUIIi ILTABLISII.. AIENr —Open from fl to P. Al. Single Um 0A orals, or LI frl m fldr . Ladies department open from u to ti A. M. awl 1 - (09 2 to. Y. AL The Befrcabureut Salamis aro unequalled in style uncolored. Uocherehe lee Cream: , 02215 T. APPALL., Proprietor._ ViiirAitlollllotion: min:: attention Of the public le rcepeettulty culled to 1 the following certificatert Mn., S. EaVan—llaving tested &quantity of Gold weighed by 'your Ammeter, r End the, remit proven your inttrueleat torn.; anti recommend the ase of it to those going to CO likania, as the ban inethod for ob. Mining. the real value of Gold. Uo.p goon DuNLEvI , Gold Bettor. Pinahurgh, Attach 0, Bing. ' Nutt I.Mo.Eaarns—Dear Pin !lacing ermined the 1 "Are. mett.'," Inanufacturcd at your rooms, not hesitate to commend it to the use of tbose gentlemen who asa ~11,0t.t removing to Colirornia in scorch of Gold. •It gives erne mops...oil.* to the specific gruel ty of metals, and will cerunnly enable the adventinai aocertaln when his placer to ylcidtalold. T o "? I'uurc. ropy, i_ R.Mt:LINTUC6. I CLUTHINti—Just received for the Californsa LeileiilOoll, n colophon assortment of Gum Elastic Clothing, at priers ranging from Baba to #11,50 for sun of tom, pants and hot. Par oak, ak,Me Indio !tubber Depot, No Wood el. decuni / • .1 d II PHILLIPS • — liev WRlPlldithr '0 ADDLE, lI c ARNEAS ums ,TRUNK AND WHIP MAN £ lIPACToRy.—Thc subseriber tole. Pus method in informing his Omuta at,/ theyoblie in general that lie lino tho largeat stock of the following named ant e!, alibi own manufacture lit ibis city—Piddles, liar. 'trunk, and Whip., all of which he will warrant to he made of the best motet.' sad by th r eiest mech anic/I in Allegheny county. Being dote. med to sell kis manafuetures something lower than ha been here. lain< sold by any similar estahliahment its the city, Le would invite perm,. in need of the abovo named ;uncle. to his warehouve, N 0.2 1 ,1 Liberty dice; opine situ Seventh.. Also, Lentil mode to order for machine. ry. oetNy H. X/21BUY. toltl iffTind !Mori - Dice SILLS UImEXCILANGE,Pay. A7able in Oneumati, Louisville and Louie, par owed on the most tavorable teems. lona N DOLAIPH &POND .li/LIZt THIS LAY , at ih6 Iridia Ilubbe De -I ease Women's Mel:1411e Hobbes Sandals; t i u 'r ettus ". I'• Mimes' !. ISlypers; 1 " " , Orershoesi andals; I . " leather soled in, S. Overshoe. All of which mill be sold, wholesale or retail, lower thin ..y 1.011111: o the city. J k II PHILLIPS. 4.11 ' 'No 6' Wood street WIIKAT FLOCIL-46socks (of 50 HO in store and V V tor oath by: naval ISTUAIirI'A SILL `OAP -123 bie.C.theinnati.josli7e.Q, Hir tittle try 0 env. HUEY. MAT PIIHIVS A CO E NT/ AL 011,31, cur 1 .1 Sepperrathil. . Sassalrasi Fresh and pure, foi nate by noes 1160 1100N646'1":11 & 00 ; UfitLA station, lanatiylion sviucauter Alonortgahelaaand by J A HUTCHISON Zr..CO LHAO Ilia pigs tildeastyor sale by born .• HUTLNIISON A. CO Clif 1. bagsFEH-lltioittedvingiroin Donn • ' j 111.1101( A ll irrcinsori &co eikkr.I , I7MPLYCT I LI s mat 'rec`d andlor sale' kr by t. 12/ ''COPH/12EHEYAIGLE pOTASIT—VS/W.lO-- elw—vs tegt No r, fur solo A. 41 nOrr. IASSItY i__ , ITAIVIOTINTH&TOrt 444 . 0 MO dot Glovrs snO,lforiorr& ttl tior!o4uol gerapSO.,'. l " . ‘. r Alta Prealdeat °Cahn Vatted /natal IN nunnanee of law, I, ZACHARY TAYLOR, .President of the United nuncio of Amnon, do hereby declare owl male known, that public ealee will be held at Ile undermentioned Land Oaten in the State of MISSOIMI, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wlti • Al the Lend Office et-JACKSON, commencing on Monday, the seventh of:smutty next, far the dis posal of the retitle lends situated within the under. mentioned townships, end of townships, viz: North Vitt bats MU, and tart q/ tL Ailh. principal roe. Township terentrivro, (except sections seven, M venteett; eighteen, nineteen,. tweet'', twenty-nitre, lute. , ty, thinyene, anti thirty-twoj arrange four. Township twenty-two, of range Lao, Fractional township sateen, sod township twenty. IyAwo, arrange six. Fractional townships sixteen And seventera r aand township twetuy.two, of range seven. • t Freenonal, townships sixteen; seventeen, eighteen, and twenty-one: townships twenty-two and twenty three; and sections three to ten inclusive; sixteen to twenty-one inelnsive, and :twenty-nine-to tinny-two Inclusive, in township twenty-OLX, of Mien sight - Township ninetheit,(except factional sections tatty one, thirty-two thirty-three 'thirty-four, thirty-live,, and townshipacthmal Louisville twenty, end Pone, twelve, twenty,one, .(exeept sections one, twelve, thineen, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty five, wrenty-siX, tsventy-seven,. thirty-four, thittra , ., and tinny-six,) of range nine. The nonhwest reacts on of section sir, In tewnship nineteen, and fractional township twenty,' of rsogn! Nerds qf As as awe Ras, and woe efA. Mh rho* , neridion. Township. twenty-dune, twenty-four, twenty-eight end flyer ty-nine, of sus eight. Townships twenty-three twenty-form twenty-five, twenty-six, and twenty.eight, oflunge nine. Townships, twenty-tero, twenty-three, 6' sZ ' 11; 10 1 ' 1 ' twe nty-fire,.AVILTAM ' fangs tng on Monday, An fourteenth day ofJanuary next, forth" disposal of the public mods within the undermentioned townships and hormonal townships, odor Moth of ids bow fins, and toys er . Ids JIM • tidiest. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-five and twenry-six, of range eleven. • Fractional township twenty-one, of ranges twelve thirteen, fourteen fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighneen: nineteen, twenty, and twenty-ono. Fractional township twenty-ono, and township twen ty-four, olreanye twenty-two. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and terenty-four,of ranantsrenty-thlte. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and twenty-tons, of range twenty-four. Freedoms' township twenty-one, of ranges twenty fire and twenty-sin. At the, Land Mee at CLINTON, cornmeneang Monday, the twenty-first day of January nay!, for Ow disposal of the public lands within the following nam ed township., to wit: North e box lima, and sreig qf W.IM principal no. :Toloothip thitty•Fire, arrange eighthen. Lands appropriated by late for the nee of Schools,' militeel..ry, end ether purposes, will be exeleded from the Them:feting of the above ntentietned lands will be etuntecneed on the days appointed, and 'proceed In the order in which they see adiewised, with all conveni ent despatch, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus element: bat no elle shall be kept opcirloaser than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be ablated until eller the veld. tanea of the two week. ~- - • Givenntider my hand at the city of Waabinctt, a Uda fifteenth day of tleptembar, Mao Donned one eight hundre tha d andlortjiEdne. , .Z. TAYLOR.... 1. D I A TERFTELI2, Cenuniesioner ache General Land Otlea. NOTICE TO PRE-EhIIIION CLAIMANTS. Every pencio entitled to Via right of prittempuott to ally of ho lands within the tow:whips and parts of townships above enumerated, s required to establish the same to the utlsfaction of the Register and Ravel. 1. , Maw Pftifter Landed:me and make payment there for as soon so practicable sarmog this notice, and before the doy . &primed fonhe coostommement of the public sale the ands embramog the tract claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. • J. BITITERPIELD, Commie/Wooer orals (knead Land (Mice. oethtlleirrlßW Soots 1112,112 Shots. A SPLENDID etworunentjart received, to for the Fall and Winter Trude, conrlsting to Pa. et AI PN'S, Wt_thrllNlt, BOYS', ADMEN' AND REN'S WARP:, of ever, variety and etyle, and at price. to rain the times. flow wtshing to purchase, wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to give us a rail and nSilmiliM fur themselves. TT, oetl7 c TROTII &SCO p l a ce .att and thnitlilicid ea. rrflont forget the SAWL. GEtAY E • MERCHANT TAILOR, 11[XCUATIO[ 13111LDINg 8, ST. CLAIR - STREET, PrrTssunau, 11. /MT as 71CM NEW YORE AND, PHILADELPHIA, And Ip now receiving ague await:mentor MAVIS, COSIMBREB AI.D VESTINGB, OE-TrIK.SEST4VALITy ANDIATEST STYLES, *kith he is • prepared to make to orde TI E BEST MANNER , • And In the latest Fashlena. P/TTSEIDSOII FEMALE lIIITITUTZ. rimminviltute, under the care of Rey. J. 14. GOS- J. HORN AND LADY, will re-open on Monday, the MA of September, in the name rooms, No. D.:Liberty ntreet. Haring limited the nomber of their pupils, the Prilwipuls hope in merit a continuation of that liberal patronage they hovelicherto enjoyed. Parent, may feel unwed that every advantage will be deeded their daughter, if placed under their charge, for ob taining nitiorough &tenth, Clasticol, and Ornamental , educe:ion. I" " aug.Vidtf HUMP DUGS' ALLlradaSli. TIIF.ACTUIIN SESSION of this Institution will commence on the firip Monday in Se w ptember.— Rooms on Federal are et. ••Colonado Ro," tld door from the bride, RA= or Terror so:assay:ex or nes Monts. English Deportment, lees:ding Reeding, Orthogra pky and Defining, Writing, English Grammer, Ramo. oc, Logic, English Coinpogition and Criticism, 'Leo-graPhy, Ilistory, Arithmetic • and the higher.hrancturs of mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Lherpts_.l7.„.A.s: and t" htint ftet n n Y ee, P k h o Y d 'i d l l ' ae ral o st. reoutsi to thotoesti English Mansion. 00 Classical Department,lnehadiug, the Latin and Greek Langaages, etch -• • ' • • - 8000 French, RIP 00 Gertnan, SIO 00 The services of oompetent teachers ate scented for such as desire instrohnon in Preech and German, and alsoln prewiAL Painting and Music: • his desirable this pupils' entreat the commence ment of a JIG xi., yet they/ are received at any time, and am charged at the above rates from the time of entrance. No deductions are Made for absences, ex cept la eases of prows-led illness. • •• • Pinker Information may be obtained, and applita. Sons medal/. callin atpn the Principal, is his rooms on Federnl street, othis lodgings .IrreSt's Ittst,O Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between 34 LOU gth streets; or by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Mice, the Principal. N. W. 311 , NCALF. Allegheny, Aug . ?, 1819. • dif PITTSEIVROLI PENALE WE Second Session of this Institution, under the „L este of Mr. and Mrs. Gosuoars, first of present academic pair, will imminence on the first of Pelson ry nett, in the same budding., No. .32 Liberty strecL= Arrangenients have been made by which they will be able to furnish yomig ladies facilities equal to any In thh West, for obtaining a thorough English, Class, eel, and Ornamental adoration. A full coarse of Phi. lisophical and Chemical Lectures will he delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus.. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modem Languages, Drawing and Pointing, will each be under the earn ofa competent Professor. .By clese attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their Po'.. liils, the Principals hope to meat a continuation of the beral patronage they. hare hitherto enjoyed. For aSt-d terms, sec ti circular Or apply to the Principals. J E. Tuns. K. llll3l3):l3l%—Dear file, Your {Val ' /VA. TIN() FLUID we have now been using mare than a year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we find the color a bright thee black. Ills pleasanf to wear with, flows free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in are. Wistang von the ready sale Ili modu demand, mu am, rants respectfully, SN For sale, together wi th Ilibbertts Re d lnk, and chine Copy Ink, by It A. Fahneltock fr. Co., IL P. Schwans, Allegheny City, and tby tile mnnufacturer, T. li, /libber', Druggist and Chord.., corner of Liber ty and Smithfield Ws, Pittsburgh. octl3 WirsomuuTALNltn. EMI It. Mai - PALM/Ell a ILANNA CO., (Successors to Hussey. Hanna a Co. BANKERS, EXCHANGE CHOKERS, and dealers In Foreign and Doruestie Exehenka, Certificates of Deposite; Pant Notes, and Speele—Forth alrech Dearly opposite the Hank of Pittsburgh. COMM Mb ney received on deponite—Sight Cheeks for aide, and coitertions :nadir on nearly all the principal points In the United hales. MM= Advances made on nonaignmems of Produce, skip. pod Robs on liberal !emu. GREAT If.TiftIII'IIINI—VALUAIILE PISCOVBItYI listens SWIM. Joalvoatv Ist, ISID. Patera ..,44.,...tru.i0n Maks, Sofa; Burnam, • Wool Cases, Wrstior Deado. • L'SVEILDF wnouairr IBM TABLES far surpassing every other m ato, 'MUM kind now extant. They eta he ...a tomise nom tern to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are alteontained Inside& they are made to all slag and snap., and are admirably adapted for I Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, fann ing when closed a complete reline table. ' SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Them ankles are inval uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and counsel a sleeping apartment into a peeler or eying room, on they cap be opened and abut at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is emelt". ed. A swat saving In room mid rent. All the bed stead* when closed tom a be”tifal piece of furniture r ittile=n ' rat wro parlor or drawing e n act.mum] usurs.-Fr law omcesCoentingraorne, and Other dikes' when opened a moat emprentant beds Weed, when ettuiedo perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. • AU these 'article. need no recommendation: the Loamy of the wholeld,, they are warranted not to get out or repair. 'U still be foe your interest* to call and examine the timelei* at the manahittoreri more, Na SI Third sum; Patsburgh. In addition to the ahovd advantagosiilley ace moo/ against bur . a JAMEMW LOWELL PLZTOnaI :aevs.ticdaNs sip t; • ALCODO4 AND. rkDA-IfIDITE COI= Frau and Manumit% atiebttaul, 0. ORDERS tract lintaburKb for Alcatel, Pala Spin% 10 Raw ar Reptiled Masker, will to Prama coded to at limn% market puce. - • temblreaty T/WLb: Cultkus—e iuge amonatem ol , Embented Piano am! Table Carers can beltuad tAV llPLTtntacri Carpet War. 11 . 01111{; a 1 reiliteeC pekes. Calland ensameletent RuMmunreltsarbera. nova da, itsysak. Dv ' Th y aLigY a 11E1, BEE _ . 4.41 s.,chi, • • ~41~:`f1~~~l~Ij1~IxII11.`~ - 617terat Oysters: DURK'S & CON Daily Faure. lc now regain 11, hearing Can and Shell OYSTERS, winch fermi to dealers and Ontil/ea •1 the lowest Q et , antualityi for sale br warranted equal ha any brought to ad k . .... J. C. BIDWELL, Agt, j Alta—At the:knowing depots:—Rei• Berge net tictithG,Nl and Second stN V- Ilealleton, kterter & 11.nbinum. Federalst .Allef be.) , • NOTICE. hrm of NICkIJN &DRYDEN being disWilved undersigned will eontinne the Forsrartli* and L 'anon and at the steam best landing, PRA. KLIN, and respeetfullvinfonns his friends drat he bat gone to the expense of • heavy intarance on theararehouse and contents, for several yenta, and %regalia will give canine sansfactkes to all' who msy *re isoya, He will receive freight at the Lower petit JAM EY3 IittY,DEN. rot rim unsaval. Ann nmusur =eau so.nrusret AAAII.II MX AN mono RASO or TOO 11001, On Mild 07 VIII SiSSIOO, V= Scrofula or Mug , . Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cabo neon. cans, Pimple. or Pustules on the nee, Blotehes, Bilea, Chronic Sore Eyes; Ring IVonu or Tense, Scald Head, Enlargement and - Painlot the Bones anch o r . s Stubborn Incers, Sypitiltie Symptoms, Sciat or Lambert—and theca:race . ulg from u Iniudiedosts use of Mercury, Ail rea or Thom, Epitome or Imprudence in Life; Aleo—Chronie Consallatioital Disorder., Re. In this preparation are isuarigly unmounted all the Medicinal properties of Sanapanita, combined with the Most eneetnal aids, the most Watery produetioria the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; mid it hubeen .o fully tented, not only by patients then!. selves, bat al e by physicians, that it has received their timpralifted recommendations and the approbs: don ':of the goblin and has established, on its own merits, n reputation for votes end ran so* nor'. IO the retina compeunds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cured, such. me nerfamithed in the records of time past; and what It has already done for the thonsands who have used it 11 to capable of doing for the millions still staining and straggling, with diseaan. It purifies, eleimses, rand strengthena the fountain springs of life, and lease. new vrao gho ribrouut the whole animal fe. ANOTUER CURE OF CROP f UL ram . A. •_ • t The following milting and—es will be seen—per';: manent cue of au inveterate can of Scrotal*, coop; mend. itself to all similarly afflicted: Souraromr, Cone, Jan. 1, Una blissra. Suds: Geollemen, Sympathy for the ethet. ed hidaees me to inform you of the remarkable care effeetal by your Sanapartila, in the cam of my wife, She was severely afflicted with the &math on differ ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck weld greatly enlarged, and her limbs mach swollen: After suffering over a year, and grading no relief from the remedies, toed, the disease attacked one leg, and his. low the keen euppuratcd.' Her physichut mimed should be laid open, which was done, hot without any , permanent benefit.' In thin Unatio. we heard 06 and , were induce-din am, Sands' Sarsaparilla The Arai bottle prodeemladecided and favorable effect, log her more than any prescription she had ever taken; and before she used sts bottles—to the astonishment and delight of her friends—she found her health quite restored. DMnow eves, year singe the cure was.F, reefed, and her health release good, showing that the diwase , was thoroughly eradicated from the nylons! Oar neighbor. are all knowing tothese lieu, and thing very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. • Tours with respect, JULIUS PIKE. ' Extract Irmo a letter received from Mr. N_ W. Hu, tie, , gentlemen well known in !realism no., Vat I ontlemen, I have cured • negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Eicrofithq and of a scrofulous family. • uFours, truly, PLAN,. HARRlS _"Fredericks Ilall, Va., Jaly 17,1/318..• I Some' SATOAVASSIA.I4-11MOOLS almost nu netema.! ry to direct attention to an se well known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparation,butprittente iellen Who wish to um the extract of Planaparills, are induced to try worthless compounds bearing the name: bat containing little or none of the 'IMO of this VilhAJ able, root; and we think we canton confer a greater benefit en one readers than in direeting their attention to thindverdsemest of the Mantra. Sands, Id another, • column: The bottle has reeendy been enlarged to held a lean, and those who wish a really good article, will god concentrated la this all the tudieltral value of the TOOI., 'Om ooperlesce of thousands hat prayed it. efficacy in eating the variona diseases for which it' Is recononeededt and at the pteseartlme more then! any other, perhaps, is this medicine tuft,' inrepa4 ring the systeraf ss or a change of aeina— (aton e NI Sept 1948. • •. • • prepared and !sold, wholesideefid by A. D. k' ?i, 3,0 - 11 ‘PittITOL.nd Chemist,- VD Fulton SA ' - rater Yak, Paid 'also by Drug giou ! generally throughimt the United Saxes and Can.: ads- Price St per boulmara bailor for 53. For sale br WILCO__ WILCOX Jr.,13. FAILNESTOCE, , and b.DIVARD FENDER/CH, Pittsburgh. Al., no, by Dr. S. wan!, Bridgwater. • (delladeodawT AU EATON'S CERTIFICATE T 6 DB' ' .leTAYNK—Tttia centime, that Immediately after harlot attended my brother, who died of cormamption I March, IMY, I was taken Met with the Cortromptam or Li Ter Oomplalnt, aid wu redeem! so low with the &mai, that for foot years I wu unable w atthod ow boamem,elther at home or abroad, Slag for the mut atm confined to my bed. Doting the above pert, S °Nate, I had exthendM for medical attendance o r Wefet P t=l 6 :e7elvTag i 4 1 0 =EIT gelarratt. am'W Jan 1243,1 commeneedUling Dr..layne's la dram, and hare taken them mom or . thaa cairn Moro, and believe that It was toy perothermg /a their aae, that I can now to:D.4v that / hate aonmattely rem.. urtid =Thaw& I behind that Jayne% manure PEW and Expectorant are the belt badly medielnesnowla I CboDwELL. • frande In Springfield, Oraego.enanty,.lit carry on a Menace sad machine Mole In.thsl and am ran Interested In any manner Irk the Me atlas ibsie medicines, and Make ads entitles:le for Me ben.; a Sm l ofinglald those a , diteted. • U. „L.; . . . t tri l f ••-•• • " • - •, - •••/"i 1i DRY GOODS,-&e- S t AYIEIBTZ mrantrEr B LMIKET B, WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNELS as are now reeeleirag bud due fames a large pply V suof there goods, which we are selling low. er thee melt geode can to bad elsewhere In thiteV:. We use nowt& intkiening t thet W.'. th e our obieet being to produce goods not for show only, but for comfort and durabihm_and as each , they ret ceived the.fint F 1Y2911. OM au other good eXhibit }.""l* Um ' a Pot, No. a 6 Market at, and ed the late A leMly /LeiculMnit Farr. I. at the ware raw. of the Fayette hlaitufettorleg 0 , 4 No. 119 &mond sr. 111ankete of our Varintietwe an sold in Allegheny City, by Mt Jan Dean, and also the °Fero Big .IVmdoerar Federal at. , *Etta _ • At murk :are WoolareGoodsri THE subscriber Inn on hand; (nmeined the Present nelmon,/ cenrigned from the enumfamarere, the fol lowing Geode, arbleh he I. ambotised inclose at prince very low: 31 pieces yard wide Barred,PlaueL ZU mars While Bed Blanket% ribbon bound, kli Pound. to the pair. Jeans poen" ireariboat Blanket., ribbon bound, very superior article. 4 cescat3oo palm) Grey Mired Blankets. 150 pain Dale Gentleman - Blue Blankets, very sh. pesior ardele. Brazes Grey and Blue Blanket Coating- .1 40 Ogees Tareed,Btenbenville make; I cape anon. edillato and barred Jeans, Buribenville manufactory. The above goods are all otetalgued direc t; 'from the maker, and will be sold very low for cash or Approved notes. oet23 FL LEE, Lihertrat, oppoeite ath.. ritiTasor has commeneea to ivories e 4..1 largo asaortmern of Woolen Comforts and Hotdc Hoskin, Berlin, buckskin and woolen Gloves; Thibee, cloth, auras de laln and blanket Shaarlg cult of worsted and woolen Hose; Pongee and linen KW.; silk and satin Cravaraan.d Scarfs; Guam and Fringe.; Irish Una, Table Covers,.Cnperl Ribbons, Lam, bleached hnd colored bilialtus, Tabby Velvet., Patent Threads, Selma Bilk, Bunosta, Gam Super. duvrinsPercussion Caps, Abasnacs, common and' gold J ewe lry , gold sad silver Watches, Combs, pock et and ua, Gallery, and many other gialuls whack eounuy and city htersha.o are respectraily invited o czamme. -pus ' • T ..ka• AC • • ' Mend will keno on hand Family and Enema Boat Blankets, Demesne Flan= blue, brown and dnb Blanket Coat we, Satinets an Woolen Yarn, which they will sell at Eastern prices- War ebonae No. WI Seem! it, Pittskurgb, Pa. Facto , New Raven., Fayette Co. Pa. setts NEW GOODS. kayo jam meeired • hula and complete stoat eref CLOCKS, Maria ty and Fancy Goods, mita • for the tall trade, to Which, with every description of Looking Glasses manufsetured at our own steam power elty, we ask the ausatkm of West ern Iderchants and other dealers. KENNEDY SAWYER, spa) earner Wood and Routh sts DRY GOODS. 111 1711.PEIT,' WILSON & CO., No. 44 WooHr a Perinnas, A =now recenbig their amal smiles of Goods s.l for the Pall 'emu wid th taw and be happy to exhibit to their old cusicittatio, and sa many now acts as may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pain* to lay in sack goods as are adapted to the arms orate Western trade, wideh long experience enables them to do, they canny with mooh confidence, and without custom into:a detail of their stock, that the Weitere retail. merchant will find with them all that hi. elastomers regain.; Thom who hive formed the inprolltable habit of Opalring to the &mem aides tot then stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to call, as a candid comparisoit of es would in many eases malt in the conviction that the expense of going farther may be obviated by bay bte Pittsbncti. • tt3 - 72111A0 TT 41 , W8ITZ, DRY GOODS JOBBER; St 9 WOOD MELT, ARE retelling a rtiry o large . smelt they slT a se ' ll to ." 11=do at such priesTas to gore canto satisfaction. o • City sad Cowry ?annum a:010011M to. amino our aoet before rostrekasinn my 9 • 0111CIXICHINGOS. #/A NOl9. momRIMEIVED and now open for nation, • new and epkindid meat oft Octave Plata:afro= ; ming" Boston, among them' !awed Linda XIV. ordered for one of oar Cid= AY kindly permitted nto remain in my wars e. day IlVedneolnY) for exhibition. Those who In a &sins to we and hear Oda splendid specimen Ma respectfully invited avail to day at the mon • JOHN H IitELLOH, 9i Woo: Age ? nt for Clacker - Mee Piano, for Wester, • ricit . , ; . ME DIC AL' REILROSP LIVER WWI WAS NV DOCrlne k'n be:44 4 Z 'lb. R k EtalliwilietrolMa ear 0 tho patine, as well as 00 Me clidit 46t.=-Uire-sn,. Pill, to Ewa the good Wean misdeed W. _Mss is I, la moompim my elm. Daring the =nth of Mom. thw very unwell, ze re u .n, igp,,ita hiked, ad art i itmailM iambics. 1 . 1 ins - told wiedleal meg tkatiry =MU mu a =yam attaek.of acrotplabit. • ' rot bases wf Mrlaute's Lim cot which I was told was pod ball.[ di= di I was getting wane. I " &tally watettwkid WNW.. •-••• myself mules the oars of • Mar trail • wome; bm, fonsoinelga ram at ill kWhh i k ed • by the Heir. L Mtbleek, or this placeokat aaseol mot klat a box of Man' Lim Pillattaft - • which had benefined Man wen_ neectbr. sent for a km or yam laws Alls,and bylkg . 1-, - was daruSastag them, I wail 'gadded Matit*agiaig the laedielna thm suited dry own' /swaS/fmrao =I toot fivo or mix bonus Ida kdotd eu rr - entirely ennidrbot to March bunt • eold, whisk brought bank (Mt dhotis, had in* , Mae I was as bad as aeon 1, again kid romentie soar Liver Wl* and took don area othitstight . llll: t assfp al Tr i a ud :y tha el4N neWtr alcan y_ z aWWWW *6 ' . ' 4 of the Laves Coinifidaa, sad my ganli a ' wwuntionaz good now as lib= bean kty Lamp) yawn • . My ad:in ask me who was um of - ikak - them that dances' Ulm PM wailer doom:, and . - Wr." the blessing offM= Pnividenee Mc menu of giating ; m Ima confident that when thooblle liestoma outdated with the wine of Tons Uwe Pilbl ,l2 . mend for Miamian' buttesse. Nasty of my ainitaketeh et 7A to whom, I tome setootatendat oak 04117 ow , their 'raise,. well.. m tits fact. above Mae& r. Rospectfally sort.GmassMlSOMe. ' - To mta PostaM--Tbis 011iginalgerii " 4 P I Z- f ulna Liver Pills are prepared B. liellenh . .„ , . , have lamest= •' In Mink cram inner the lacklearal to VI/ , eanh Box, and ha ognamre ea the. aside meillistn. ~ ,_ , ' ltrthli °then are 1501211tedate, or base hattedlena• int. , , ire" i oar, B. E. SELLERS, Penwell:o* le Wood eit - ,••!;1-:sel OAUTWB IILIT/LA• •t , • ;-•., 'tn ma A min by the name of EBEL CLAPPAT f Mika young insnof th e =sae of A:P. tookri,i ell le uses his name to pm 4,: , ....„.wk1eh-11.111,,,,. cell /hr. Townsend% . t GEUINE, Original, ett7l. - Thu Toaritti " ut 'cli tnes a tor and never was, bnt was forseetty a wenterennollr n , ,nr roads, sartala and.* bk. Yet ha sawn. ets pas. , ~ of Dr, for Munn of gairdits credit' Par odualwra 1:413—o not. Re 'ls am • muds headed ~ nlialta at( ~,,,,,,,,, Quake," In which says, I hams mold the use of_lel . , mem. for Sr a moth. I wills:Ivo S. .Towamend 1100111,a.,7 Bite will prodme ems sinte molhary ot 11 4 1 .." .. „_, Thin is to cauflon Um pnbrionot OS re nd itrae,..y.„..;s3 EfiTUINEORI gl e . co h 7' o =y glanpandia, having, as IL :Maj. 4.) inv 1 Old Dr' % li keness, his family Motor lennsf.4l.ft.:ltiirs,ll Milan saran tho emu (Karma. JACOBTORTIENTID. ' • Pr incipal 011ioni103Nmania i4 - NOW.Yollt Ottl: , - rt-,1 - .3n1 cm. .. A .. D01ip.:',,,:.,„, JACOB ..... 4 -• yonigni,..a tcr.a , . TIM ORIGINAL ,'"=.".? rdScloyplik •,, ;4 . , . . : • • =Ma 7 7 , 1 thr td'he . Towaresmin esusOuutaze: ••'•,.., •• • • -, 1 Old Dr. Tomsendla now alitufplyurbeflikkidig '•• l•ttel.'O' has long been known as the AI.OII. and puma., ~,, 1,•. • VEREN.of the GENUEZOILUiIItiLI.fut wiliest., •••• _'„ aesstenanza.. Being peer, to wimemeounkt , ' - ` ,0 • 41.1 .: to limn Ps mantemeins, by Irk'. swans It haaleinx,, , ... •. kept oat of mar.; and the salsa itittesunwilmg Sr, '' '" • those only who had proud Its worth and known itsPsr.-..itrie calm. Thlathieroo aim Ilustramaarazasmos ht.,, 4 manufactured on the Wiest lea* mat h &&,,: Teatekte s • • throngheut tee length anti breadth at tba Din& , , : t.i... le: ed ea Una. young IL P. Townsend% it istproess Mith .. , a „,• ago, end never changes,. ben fort ths bi...; _beet. H . '. -',.. is prepared on mcbmnibe pftociples by a mia.l_ . __1131., f , :,01. , :1 ' Tha highest knowledge of t t he Lt.) discoveries of the ATt,haTe aU been • into re. - ; . misitien in the nianaome at the Old Dr. ilibunapww,i, t .s. rata The Sarsaparilla foot, itle well karma to m a • teal men, contains mealmw OmPerllm,..4 en* . - ---- perties which nee ball' or bade* end ogle* t If retained in preparing it for use s tae eiatelea-; •,;,. Lion end acid, whichis *mimic the endeslis. nf , of the prorsettim or Sampartlia are Is TO ... .401,-...L.44 ... they entirely evaporate and are lost In the - . min, WM. are not preened bps It o '-` ,, dgi - known ono) to those experienced in its • • Moreover atm volatile pPlassvilldalt fIY Oneefife. per. or es an exhalation, under heal. Ore Illalrfriler" - , eIY medal medical propernes of the root, whin. slii9l tO ... • it all its value. The • • • •-• , ' .., , -I, ~,t . -t oieuranirss , _ • • ? , ~„, OLD DR JACOB TOAVNOENIPS anitglifillri '`' • • . is so prepared; that n/1 theft:en pmertiei of lb. ear.a444 - ie4ll • naparala root we oral reninTed, every,, IT tti: 0 6 1,-.111110 • of Th en ti or of fent:tem* is and '•• rejected; th errempartielei at Tinge u5i.a...,1,-(4 red In oed pore 7 4- e;rtnlytett fl o rtAand thee /CIS ~ , ,,..i. , 4 i r eet i rmy pr ' op c e= ° Pre=l o ll als ,it Is ate the men powerful nvent in the i CURE OF INNUMERADLEDISEASE .-," • t i ti 7' flame th e mason why we bur e cod.dllome AM ..,e, . every aide In its favor by men, went deed ehildree' - - We find a doing wooden in the omen( Com_ antpthan-TA,IS Dyspiipsia, an Complain; and In asewi-aallates,.„ ....i l .. Scrofula and Piles, Comlynness, all al Bray- '• . •, elan', Pimples, Blotches, mad all adeethana mixing Boum tr bee • IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD, . i ~, It possesses a mane libus effinney in all complabits , t - t!" arising from Indiration, ft= Amid the libeattaelg,ext t t • fromeuequel circulation, determineton of Woe lathe ~, head,:pelpitielan of gm hem* cold feetkindeoldpeande 3 2 •••••• - cold dtalls.and hot dashes over*. body,. Num tuns - ...L:;:. , 4 had is; equal In eon. and eoldic sad - pmmotes mar • - expeetotation, mid gentle perspiragno, nitrating Wig..'. '"rd met of the lange, throat, oda.. othasp.; ~......„ 4 ~..,,,,, ~,... 'lnge nailing felts ereellense tmontmanirestlyneen '' _' mid cob than in all bra% and amp% Of -4 t.t.' , et''''Be' . . p ri Itworks wonders in camel. fear alter. letif;;;W - ,'.:• . ,,,,ce • _ nailer of llieWputhilphaitrathed,BuPPmand,arPili k-c t'l ha Maim; trregnlmay of the menstrual periods, and, .ii,".. • the lite; sod Is ellectualin coring' all fauna of thersd,i:„.; nay,Disessm. By mamma obstructions, and imptio4,l4.ll. Meg the general system, it loves tone and inetinth i llt... im, the whore body and elms all arms o____U, ~- • ~ .. •'3O`T • NERVO U S DISEASEZ AND .D/lleriThjile, 1,, i.., - .t:illiSP and this pre.= or -relieves signet varier .RidWr "41'. ' .. 'Mamma as /Spinal Irritillit s pcmdgla all. 3'stme,,i,,, s t • ' Den..,,Siroommlr=a Conmaurmafta, mat t.O . not rill' of these "' be eaddic i a.. pi Twiinp.',•!,..f4.l" send% interior artider Irinion.m man% *aid ts nots,,,imv to be COMPA.IIIIiD wire ME OLDDIR. 'II, - - ear becalm of the Grated_ pan, that Um ono is meopapt...;,.l of Detenoration and NEVER SPOILS, "Mlle tte.othl . ..s. ii:il of DOES; it soars, fennenis 4. o44 - blows thif bottles containing It ine fragmenle somr,ackl • /hoe* ate.; id, ploding and damaging mbergoos: Mutton this kw- 57 ~.,4i tibia compound be poisofesa t o the nyseetaY 'whae- :--- -, r , Amr id se: a =blot ec l at Ladiar4,..tia ...''''..".... that•when food sous In Our ileeleatha, what ralmhiefi' , lii - S. -. . it prattle ces?-dandenne. hearthans, palpinnion- oft he heart, lives =plain; diarrhea, traeteryieleesell'l3lll ornett. of the lood? What siftelisla Mu humors : homor in the bod_yf What ptuO•• all the humors which being on Eruption. of the Skins &aid illend, Rail Fthonne,E l ni M it atWhitaßilndlitegalbsemßon ne , ... and all ulcerate= internal and external? It Leeman. ing under heaven but an acid mubmanna, which sonars, • . and tens spoils all the flnids of tins body,more or learaiilt .-. What cause. atenuM but a sour nerd laid, whi. . . insinuates leer between the lama and alanwhere, lePia la - ' ritating and liegamimr the tender and delicate Moon— ~ ' upon which a ante So of newoas dimmer:of out' '...'.' my orate blood, of deranged eirealationsmol sitarbe.,4 o r all the allinenta which maim hem natore • .or Now, is it not horrible to make and aell,nialnlaltait''i --• . Is, worse masa this • ......_•• i_,' ' tt .i. SOURING, FIIIIIMENTINO,ACID NnsAWOUND4 TOWNSltipalt a -... •, i,,,, mad yet be weft fain ha. it understood that 101112,Ba•niT . - cob Townsend% GenulmOriginol Stereapallllie. FA . - ' - Imitation of his Inferior preparatinoll - • - • •••,,, .• . iti 1. - ' . . .. Rearms forbid that we award deal In an .artiyis.,- , --1 z which would bear the more distant imam/damns to S. '' ' • ' - P Townsend 4 ankle! and which should. bring dawn. • , - 3 upon the Old Dr. mule a motratain load ofmemfilarnm - ilia • anW crisdnatiora from agents who have eold, mndpe, ' - - chase o rs who have mad S. P. TowenomPaPeratemlnir.t.'Mw • . Compund Wes onsh it understood, becanse r it fa' the' alitiolitti Iran truth, am S. P. Townsend% article nailOki.Dr. hustler, url , - , Townsend'. Sarsaparilla are heaven.widet apart,and,„•• ~. infinitely dismantler; that they tun unlike kreeary par. "'''''''' • :I dealt; teeing not ono Wage thingin.iszen.ixe., poor n:.-1 -1 It is to west tie ßa ndee s upon the enfortiniate, ID .... , .1 been into Wonenffinhy,. to Aindle hapir-llt• den ,-, despairing be:mone, llt mstore hag& and b bloami aWab leg i r it,...T •• , .! ty-thnt old DIL JACODb2MNSEN and D hal SOUG/lii " I '''''r ' mid FOUND am opportani andrnemens. so. IV hien •,:i ••• Gunn UNIVERSAL CON TED Be t DV ' - within the numb, and to the knoweedge .of MI .SOhn‘''''''‘) need it, tam they ass, learn and knew by jogai eg. , i.,, perience, its neanscsan or rowan To Att. i ....,-- For tale by J. /ODD & CO., Wholesale Ageht , .- • ' Western Pemmivanim I. email J. SALUMAZir Allegheny; Dr. J cast i llea ,, l ,, . -• . ':. ~‘td, B. w. GARllliEld, nth war CPinabonsk. • 4 ; tact-' . • -,. JaysteaSlirpaoganuat a , , 1,2 i.1,' Sams, Colambioem edv 0 1 dtat 'n iSh ig D. JAYNES., Drat grw.—l feel idllto mil ;mid , jj., arid tke Maimed putitlo,l6 Mall mrselflinidaW' ' • porta., olgivingpabhcity to do mothntinlmafgremie.::: - ..? ot your Emmet/mat comma. liVa.. afflicted, „ for its yeara with a severe , lichto rover ''''''l and its concomitant diseus, arid nee onlyalocurat e.,T to linger out a shOrt bat onactulde axis/once, ontll Una , . fall of IWO, when : mom several, attacked,ingt , _,... l.' , hoc., resorted to E lmdarmanamo sod tharat2 . 4.' '. aerirtioca of two of the mom reaDoe legbralciut la the neighborhood without dorinng any baud; ate is faith comolatio Of waiving but a few dart or Inch aig n ai . ., fartheit—slum the btA glerun"of hope 'gni Khalil la vanish, I had recoromed. to ma your Expecatrant-a t ayet and blessed . by that who does all. in the ; ,rr a n of the mesas—mut contrary co lemma 'teellme . di ' cory physician:and friends, I was uedy bed, and wall enabled by the Wm eta acme, to to my huMness, ignoring a beater halal clao I had for ton year. drachma . , ~_•-• • t:, of vi•da 'lrespeciftlir yfitus,ka, , , ho.VVi•Eleglihl , ../ of I • For talc In- rtuabur,gh, at thaPritla Tea-StOre4rne, _____________._•• pate of the Delaware Matwalllallelin ... imict 401 alill lira COM P eA Tk;•:::••/ Sir • • ,Patanzuoml • Nov. ..6111.4"... TINE }leant of Dither. ham this daY, Wm‘anwati‘ erf j, dividend of-TEX FEE CS=. In set% fielOClW.,,d, profda of the Company for Um year endifir Detobahlri 5.,.. !SW, mini nettles fat widen Wil be Isatedionimutaflarz .. 7, No Grit day of December {gp - - •., • --, ..'; ,;:t visrvol . l Mao, a dividend of SIX cENT. insabowase -44 mita! over and term previously bm%,V,ayablapts, above. , , RICHASD S. NEWFXI 580'1,,,14,4- toritr , Y. A.MADEIXd• • • , . . . GRUGIIFIATOOD GAUDIO,: .41 Wiremit. open for 'leiter& eat,. the to e l y . „ JEW: Oyeters and ether Refreshetneneet*a y . ea le the etasaa'enll be kA.PL . Th. GmehtteetUs. Lining • lame =Gateau of and chat* a te • Wert will' be open to vista' . Llovou* neetii;geattOL eoti ee thee:wham the KAMM 44 waiiimun . 0 4 teens the Allegheny end of the .81.— Galt 40.044,,e,.• ra e, ;ratretry b* lo u tt g eTAV:M i ZlifiltV from the Point, Lendulg ■ dentate:axed abase tbellata;').... , den. Parton eriehing to • the -lesubt , wilt !.t.• accommodated with a ream Otenibwitt ettkielo P. M. Kept on Temperenee priaelphee, and clamed ea, aridity. sptl3 . AVgAllt'"!"e" Silkliars= Bahr ug oa sad Tm 'PROPRIETOR nos paidad . • :., up adds nal hauS, cosesia.sial by the dap or sea. •'- • • TOPPSIES' WANTED--,NVI, • • - J BCLIOCIMAnkik ti,EEei.ll • • •Mk 1111444 - 1 et? z•:.'l REDRusm, w 4 ~ ..m... .._.-...-, uthoro ,„ AucnanalleUtlllpi . La I vim UlatorroriaWrld 0 „ iina top i 4 . mp,. .., , b , 4 ll tb e tAltiollfP tr mins T - ....; 5: . ..... • STOCONAN:q ,12, . ---.7rr• Wig. Nastellfttalt44ll - , -_,`` ',......, .:: , ' -i, li ,- -`,.'• - A;tirtlt/ trlVr"..aW , ',.- ' 1 ''''T' ii/ , ioi, zzit-oat: ,•:4- , ::::..:,, , , . ~,, .. ? -t , ' ':L 47 ..`W: ii l : . t. L A ' 1 i:4 ,,..., ; - , r ... x.,!,:.,t,r., r-- - ; : .. mr..: trk#44,l4V, , ' • -.4 ':::2111.4 - S-afIr ',..:.:;-' 4 ' .. "• 4 ~” '"' 0 1 : 1 . - • 4 , : z4 :11,40 ,•,-- ;61
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