7 -1" ": 1-; PUBLISHED cairn St WITOS, Tuna) 2:sari zoo' To • vYI ran' Onto= - -- . pa Imam. Wceklr, lul advanc).— •••1 to Clubs, it red.ea rate. :MATES OF ADVICIITI lEO AGREED WON 81(1 TIM PITTIISFAGOI PR $• One :H oare, DO ItneaOf Nimparcil or lam) nsenion IWO One t o, each additional insenton• •• OA o. one week 1,70 Do. • two wee...* ...... 34 0 • Do. three weeks...—. ......... 4,00 =l Boo b. three Monlns• • • • • ........ 9,W rave months 10,12 - Do: twelve manths• • • • • —• • • IBA Standing Cold le line. or len,/ per anima, 10,00 . One Sqvare, changeable etplesaure (per am • num) excluaive 01 the paper 20 For cacti addannial square, macried over one month, nee foe each additional *realise insened ander yea* l m rane,•half price. l'utiltatiera not zee...amble for legal advertisements beyond the amount charged tor their publication. Announclog cmididate* fur aim., to be charged the i• same a. other •dve weenier/la lAdneitftements not marked on Me copy for a apeci. led atonal of insertion., 0111 tie continued till forbid, and pa/locator ea ccoad nl. The p n lege. of yearlyvertisers will be Confuses/ rigidly to their legal. basilicas, and ell other miter* liftmen!s sot perlailung LI theft regular business, as WM4 for, to be paid extra. All ads ertisemotot for Charitable Institution., fire companies, ward, township and other public manage, and such likv,tofie charged balfprice,payable strictly la inliance. Marriage donee. to be charged 2/ cents. Death noticealusencd withoutcharge, note. accom• pealed by funeral invitatiess oy obituary notices, and when so accompanied tole pusfor. Regular alvatisen and all other, seeding comma* icatkos, no requiring tonteetitiegnad mean attem nee tgi Fel., pelmet,. Colleens, !or aoy , public eater* * taineseina . whav charge. are made loCadmittance— all aottetrof private esiociatielm—every nodes de , :*tiro'dr irtglieTo"p6rrtie!'l'inivli=al"*lrtr"eal,Torii"anort-- ly be inserted with the understanding that the mune is be paid for.• •If intended to be inserted la the to ea • cola., the same will he chested intim rate 000 h leaf Mangum t. per line. , Bishopar FistNeacea to be charged triple , pries. Tannin License Petition., 112 each, Upland gledlcal adventacmans to be charged at fdl prieca • Real Estate Agent. end Auctioneers' Advertisements not so be clamed slider yearly rata!, but tp be allowed dawn:Mel thirty Redone o:draper Pont, from the vumMint el Ella _‘lo3zisi ea nu•wsimit m nAna Onst Square, three insertions— . De. each eddiusinalinsestion •• . . . ADV.IIIIOMITS 'VW. taro One Square, 110 linca,) nue Insertion•• • 40 eta 1)9.. —each addulonal Inscrtion• 73 All tranalent advarri ITsement• Ca, Ga to be nn. advance. WHE* • 1.. lIALtPEX Pear, 110117 LL RIDDLE, loamaL JAMES P. DARK Os. CLL, Chroaleie FOSTER &SMOTHER, JAapach. JOS.SNOWDEN,IderaIui. • JAMEaIWL_BIDDLF., Ammican- Paroman, Dec. I, IRV • BUSINESS. CARDS. A LEXANDF.R FRANKLIN, Auenay at Law, Ana. Fount nevl3-ly DAVID 07 iftPktrk, TIORNEV AT LAW AND COMMIS9IONER • FOR PENNSYLVANIA, Sr. Lams, Mo. All coantpric Wont promptly ammeTed. oetlAlr CROZEB,Comadsclon Merchants Aand Dealers in Prodaee, No, M Markel weer Asbural,.. , , deed 3011IIII:BANHIN, ommle• beet for the en d F mieel r " ef."Loni., 'to. (late of PituMwg.) , -•• • 4 . .Icreas.—Pinatturgh: roma., ton & ISPCandlem & 2,PCllste, Joton "aka, -Issas & Semple, 14',.:0td &•King. WIC:4Iy YAM.. 1. 1101141 T. 11A111.13 & CAENT, ' ••TTORNEYs AND COUNSPALOIIB er LAW. 21„ Feronll evect, between Belanaeld euld Grant, -lusbergh, P. • • _.Tccrm trim - cna. C. rixtio. • - - --- •'• • LAIWZ i FRIEND, A TTODNEYe AT LAW,Foarak meet, near Grant. Ally ( . - Jiaturcsuatu, .• . ATTORNEY AT LAVr.- , -.4alea an Fon - nh at, be. tween s•aahaeld and Gjrant st, Paaaugh. . • .112:My _____4----- . . • Pittsburgh Alkali Werks.,' •-• 16111:NNI.1T, do CO, Lisa numetaners envy -64:4A JCP Ask. Illeaclong Porimie nod bctio . /told. Woretiou.e No.— Water meet, below toot noT2oly • .M 7112 CaiatWiiai • masa cur_ rHAUL: & RE lE$ Vittoleral• and Retail Drag- I s cat r a . . earner of Llber7 aad St- Clair stiveta,r DRAMs 1 tt • CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocer, A) and Easunhenon Merehante,No. 14s,Llbeny t, ihnsitsteh, Pa. 210 A. PA tihaNTOCIC it Coq Wholesale sad ile• Drusisla corner Woodard WI sta. Iyl ts—A-.Yl;6ls,ftuomer at Latl'prd In done abolre iteld. •'U. ICIPAB.*MDSIIis n. D., NO. i tiritUCE sTREair, ,-,, uti. --:.- CONTIN - 1 , 122s to gist his parllealer atlealloa to the treatment of Esseases of thaSILIN; scaonllA, and Diseases of the THROAT. Office boom 11 A. M., IP. and 7P II 0e6:43m• — iiiiii".:eiat a - 7'7 7--- W. B. 111... rlßitlti tr. 1311INNE11, Forwarding 0.1 Commun. V tdereliarda N 0.16 Market at, Finatrorg I_ . _ . apr4i d ri -- A. rdnANULTY Co. t , Forwarding and Com ~ mission Merchanig, Clime Bleu], ratibutgh Fa —.-. . . metrY if { . 11. ti 'LANA vib.i..t. ii roger, Cornananoa arid Vra 'Forwarding Ideretent, No. 41 Water at- .14 Lkatianasrao Sprint/Isla. Steal and la.Oa I <arta. i CIOLE,SIAN,,BAILAIAN tr, trumfaeisuarr la( %„j Coachgliptie Sonars, Co, ' Hammered .0.4*., ftßring and Plough Staa6, tron, - tce. Ws:elan. by Water and Front ornra, rittaburaa. Ala., Oak. u4C0•04 Mumtaz. and Dialleaido Castinp. , oetli -- . -......... EINGLISH & BENNETT, Bite Eaalish, Unlimber Ns Uo.) Wholesale Grocers, Communion and For wardutg hie rehants, an d dealers in Prodnee and Pins. burgh id setteseurres, No. 37' Wood n., between ad and 3,4 stseets. • - oat la J. HENRY, Aamoty and Comicellor at Lam, Cincimimi, Ohio. Colimtions and M WM.% Mid in . Kentucky, promptly Lod case attended to. e1. of of relm rylvmda, for taking pepottimm, ,Mkrmw.tedgmeum, at. &e. ftmrsaWM. HMI Son, Citrus, Much Carothers, Wm Hays, Dm., Wsllotk k. Dams. 8:"M -- - . 0•0101 W. SZIII4 /MUM GIDURGE 3Y. &VITO tr. Bowls, Nalgung .3•1 WV MAIM; Piu By/hug...ugh, optAt a.bitAN,CoauhoWort Ind lo _Diorchant, No. VJ Wood sweet Phisburgh7MiO, 1O I LUAU OF. FACTORY. HAhltl.ION srEWART, manaforiarer or Hoary I Shistinp, Cheats, to, Naco s. otroot, aiLy ol onvir.rily• • tsoeccoor to Murphy A looe,) \Vaal LW. an.hComountoubloroOout. for Oa Cale of American Weems. Liberty, oppOalto 6th Cl. lOU . Oithiroore. h. 3: rochhoh, 1011W01:0 null, 'D. C. IeCtIJOIDN, /OSA 11.11.112113, Ph" 4. 6 .- WALD k NUCKNOR.,Tobsteo Coutthoiloo Wm , chants, 41 North WSW in, AO North Witarvo, . IDFAIWY, JONIE Co, (usenoson Atwood, .A.L Jones & Co.) Commulon .Fotwatftedgir• ctu ood alts, cloalorkin riusbargit .11:z WW2 DLCIST, a l z 6ya3ww ... a . = zalsioplAcoota,:nZdnicra In Prodfie4 Winer, .6 lU7 Front nmu. Yitubar ß tL.. "42.- AQUA S. DISAVOISISI. SWIM 1111.11011111. • DILSVONTLI A. Co, Wholvale G (Vera, PAS. • SIMS , Lad CostanLvaton Merchants, end Agents tor lbw IlissirdPowder Co. of N. Y., No. le Voottnt, Plaabatyt,. sont • TA US 14. -- YONV tik.ll Woggle:own Apothecary V NM's hiatkesst., three dam above Third oh Pim: •bvgbonall hue conctunli °ahead a oedema alg ntava of the. beat and freshest - dledletealh ka .41 etti on the non reasonable lama • Physic-Iml ocodlng nu T., will be Smola" elvodgd arVIV. plied will! Vey may rely on geninse.,./ ear m 766.. p,...cap oes ti. ling be aeennusly and eVs best materVla, at any bear ol da sale b y lug, stocker grub &MI good Perils; mri• • Ina • ttesel Comaallof ..Tc 7 c on . Younli above Smithfield: - novily 1 IL CANFIgLD, (lwn of Patna, 014 q) Connana , V • ton add Forwataing Alercnanti and w in gsante demist in Wesurn Kerala - Chonad, t( Pot "4 .Pearl AA, and wee,,,,, Prada . renat 7. What train,benrse narin 4 Ad and Wood, Mandrel , na3 7151iNW.itT(alicasor ti — Thratt & — G" banl fhp Wboleaala Gum' and Coinadsgon MertbanM dada , la Pudic, and Pnlanuribldanntamarnn , .net *flaw, Gad band larceny Fineman P. jatl lA.Mkt A. HUTCH:MIN, tc 00,--ttoceesson to Lute ilosoblool Comaitslon KetcluiloOt sod Ageno of the SC_Latindteam Bogor Belo 1. rb. ',ma aodp treat street., Kt:taboret, Olird. Visolebble blincbt.b and ea in Dyebtes,Pairtu,thls, Vasnisies, No./8 b boa ztnxt, one door South or Diamond Alley tr. ' -Zs; Eft in Mae gum! Insuesl !unmans, We ScMOnn% Psper n lilatmlitul Yens, Qulls,Pansses , Casnli an. titalionM rtAsmilT , Nn Ell Wood ?labia! ba, _irr_y_fx!l , l4lttiaJ2ll” InqLet • nun r tiI:I:IO6NNIAV.Eitt Whinessi,Dtv nt Wool street. . . . J - HaTCTIVIS, IS, Aretts,yitqtnrigh. 171HICSTONb, ISTOCIZTON, Booksellans, frbten and riper blnncraconntr, No. 44 botx b. ' -• ions Vacua • ID, Whearile . Gror ja R. FLO ~ „_____„. . Merchants, and Dealers in • tixbr7" * " . Vittv,:;.' .I.'"g *".Le:berv. wo:d LT". VZ=ft.tri`.`l4,,Tr.;,,,c - e — g -- .9: Manufactures. la 0.1.4 Water at, pitr.t.,,x,...,,,,a. 12}31t, IMAM] at Law alma 3d 111., Dosita S Cantles Howl, Pitlablatla will atm Oollcalians, yira.liorma,rw.f. .7,113 , cni!° 14 . ii " 7 : " , • • Blackfack, Bui au ra & cumin& • Panbust..:• . - ~ . .. .. , . , . . , . ~:' • - 1:4:..'" • - 1 .. . . . . . , . . T.E. . . _ ..... . . ~ . . . . . . . , . . i . . ... , . . • . . . , , _. . ... _ .. ~. ..... m .___ •. - r ---- 7, -- - - ------- ______ -: - ;;;. - „7 - 1,., -- _ , I CARDS. TAcoo WE4,11 ER, he, Wholesale sad Retail Dee ', ler en.FOICIV.Winee and Liquors, and old Aron.. - ralkela Rye V.Mateyt, corner PIM and Market eta. KIER tr. JONES; FoneardlWanill Caannininn 'Mee; thazda,Deslers in Produce artdPittabarah mum aceured a:0104 , 101 Elaeln,..nearith at. • .01 • PRAM. HILL PITTSBURGH, pA. • .. EVANEDY, CH ILDS do CO:, blanafaetarera of , , weals Sbeetraga. Carpet Chain, Coary aa'and Uteting. . IWO.I One Vonnvihas frau orks. f SW/8, DALZELL & manufiteturempt all al- Du;; Ske et, Boiler Iron and 'Nails orthe beef many. Warehonn, 54 water andlos front.. • isrAn • " wATl,knieN, whotew Grocer, Forwzi tutaLrtC:fru".ksre b,lO P'm cs and Produce, bis-91 ud u . - • 11,10111•• [SEXISM, 1L JOHN S. SAWI KIiNSI/RDY t s&wvmat, I &RING IiLASS Manufamarera, and WholemlC Li dealers iti foreign and domestic Variety Llioods. 'Western merchants, PedMrs and 'others are laTllo4 to Can Stud <USU. this price•..a 4 .aliLy °four stock, 11.11 Ptith Mir prawn. (Retina,. mantitactur. Mg and' purehasing, we think are can offer as great Judaea:imam to buyers as say other halm west 01 the Mountains. . me.ty 1 , 11..111• • - ••, - PLulad. c. w.socartaima, Pinsburgh, ILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and lig, importers of Bnomdies, Wares sad Sega., Nos. 1.7.1 and 174, tamer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitt,- Intrgh, Pa. on hind.l Iron, Nada, Cotton Varna, itc. We g ., Con stantly . mi 4 mud arDDA- 34x. w vow., c. Doc. DdicGILLS &ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis sion. Merchants, Pio. IN Liberty oh, eittsbargh. j A URYIIY, WILSON & CO., (late /ones, Murphy & ITX Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Cioodo No. 4 Wood meet, Polabionh. norlt ierragtv=WlLS - ON, knonshandlifiniiniieknin. LTA ter. Rooms, corner of Pair Othee Ailey and Fourth Erect, carmen on 4th near Market. dee&dil TlCiSti - UItGH STEEL INDUS AND 'OEN° AND AblE FACTORY. [Y. /MD F..Q11:.• JOZIES t laviaa, • Air ANUFACrUitERI3 of sPriug nod blister steel, 41y plough steel, steel plough wing., conch. and elip_ tie spnags,,hionmeird iron axles, and dialertin mat easungs, fire engine lamp.isad coach trintrenogs le .- rierally, coiner of Ron and. Vrout. its., Plioibulfilli lOW . N . & SON, No. SS Market al-, toenail 'a nol I:ll=aira ilattai k ' ig u e, d'entraLTollaltri 0., flank Notes an4Spetle. owl on all the principal rides ihrotortioni the United Slum dent: SIXIBIASTER, Atmetcslee, Faexth at e . thild doer above Smithfield; sou th side. • illexareyattetog *tall Lim!, dons limit the greatest saes am legal accuracy. Mlles to Rul Estate exastime.d,.te. I • PROW. sznair ILOLIBOOK. IDENN srakaa., between Wayne wad Used, has ,L teamed hut professiorml . deues, 6ien4 mgr.- yen/ ea the Piano, Gaiter, and In Voeal rterialif ZSCrerri ACClliVailia 70 Fonnti IL, near Wood—All quantities of Green and MIA Teas, dem up In quarter, half, and 11 one • • , Jed paellA. JAlN ages, raging fmm for, Pekin fe u d po o. und , 1it)24 in ,141 'LE o. ivy Lit,Crty Stiet pimm t., Wholesale Orneers, Prodaen .11 Alerthllll3, atid L dealers In Patsbarsh TWA. 1.17112.. 'LLY.L./..101,01r41. • ==l uktEICT MOORE, Waal° Grocer, ileculgiug JR, Monier, dosbariu oca, Pittsburgh Mantilla titres, sad AD kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines awl Liquors, Na 11 n, Cheru d irt. •On band • very I stock of ,11!1`"' wbtch will b<wtd law for cask . I EIIYOLDS SIIEE, Forwarding and aamauses. jy Marehaem, for the attleshery Laar Trade, dcal era is Groceries, Produce, Ptuabargh Manufacture arkt Chlorills of Limo. The highest price., in eash,ped at et flees for coma ra , mars. Corner of Peon we Irwin es • isolla• DOBERT DALZELL h Co 'Wholesale Grocers, 4L Comminion and Forwudin6 Merchania,dcalers m ['reduce and rivabargh htaholketares, LiborLy Ylttsbarst, I. r. CUNNLNGRAIII, Whoterale Grocer Dealer h. Pro-Ince nnd Pinsbnak Mannfaatared n Na Lamm 1912 . • . .1 , 17' tr. Vann., inolesale Dealers In -Fore gp and Domenic PIT Goods. N 0.99 Wood .t. ruuborgh:' • , • 047—&-NDlAltil.O.lltill, Wool Merehants, beaten I,_ in Floor and Prodnee generally, and Forwardrng ant Com=ismiori Tderehanu,. No: Water at, FM, • I. UZL rrrnonsu. roan Imam& ELLEIL9 & MCOLS. Produce and General Cam• O• mission Nerehanu, Id 17 Lin.ny.... Sperm, Linsied and Lard Oils. VON BON N110ft.97, aCo 'Wholesale cars, Oro- Forwarding and Coronataion Merchants, Dealers in Pinaborgh Monufactorea tad Western Pro &see, have re.=aed to their new warehrintsa,Aold Wadi Na. MS, toms at Front st.,and CisoiacrY Lan. WS.SEI" I BESlNtinnnule ilincers and danunn, siax AlsrelLar.uinn.d design in rumba.. N0..35 Wood 104 Pitinburgn . . T ROTH &SCOTT Wholesale arid Renal dealers ta asoogv ROLESALE GROCER, Loran...et KOREIGN ly WINES, LI R TORS and CIGARS, dealer Lri 0 Idononsaluda e Whatex Pltiak...slt Mao. araeouea, dormer of M att e l and Arststa. • .Sapersor ankles applied su waster rates:: ' °eat . K. KiKeKuI:TREK. • AV ROLESALE GROCERS, 'RECIIEVING DIM TELLER, WINE and LIQUOR 111ERCII ATUNL.Also—Itoporters of Soda AO and Blvaelook Powder, No. MI Labcny luppoaite Sixth Jo') NU.- • oct2l • Kkon D ones, • . • :povw becolloWas WIT:A4I,VAtiIDLIFS.Z, (weenr , 10t . 0 , !L i , i ..k. CIL ) tde re b = deafen 71', I ron, N allih4 ud Gh., Lotto. Yet. and PidOologh Mannfacture4 gon!rady, eon. , of Wood sod Waxer. " .. • „ WW, WALL.ICE, Mill stone end hint Famish • litt ettntblistintent , N. 244 Ltdictty st. nest the toartS ' ''-'L-4.--. itie -..- WILIEi W• , Watches, Jewelry, Wiser Ware, . 'sld Military Goods, earner . of Adszket Lod eth .streets, Pittsburgh, P. N. B.—W•tehes •nd Clocks ceref4 reptired..• . .•- deed ENT BOWEN—Corrawaion and Formatting Merchant, Na W Front' or- between Wood and ES rkU folaY liV-3-o!goU agl Y borde O s i tretrr Goorn! ' ith cur corner of Market and Fourth sta • •• VIM!. IOiING t Co.-,Dul.n,ID lug. hides, 4.0. TV . 143 tAl..orty ;AT prErrcuEcni, virholZ;fi , Tei- I nee, Iron, Nails, Ghee, and Pam 1 , ....11 1H atafentares generally, LW -Liberty .M uir • • Ur V . WILSON; Dealer br er Watehea, ieelry t V Surer Warn, Military Ottotia,ae, yla,M Mat -, norr llkt • N - • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pd py also attend to colleedons and other WW- I! nass entrusted to him in Yoder and Armstrong J. .1. B. Wulace,. do Jwams banthatl 1 Pittsburgh. ii--:„ Tay k Co, Wood ort. tan? sIat:TrIZAVAW-kaCI CO.. 8 021122.2.20 rs M. Au= h. Co, oel2l. . No. 42 TY4tor 41re01. HOTELS I • • FOUNTAIN 110 TILL. iLI.OHT..I3TREET BALTIMORE. goes min mrcsarog gsormicrosa aTIII3 astablishmedd long and widely known ea beta; am Hike mat corm:dims in the city of 4lawnore, ha recently adergone very eaten. eke &Mend° m end improvements. An enure new - wing has been added, containing numerous and airy ft:....el !nutmegs, sad e ge teething roam. . —dies , department as Mao been completely naingsaised and bated op 111 ,a 'parkas and bmuti. .1.4 , IS eilie. let fact the labiate patent of the Home has teen remodeled, vela gal le eye on the pert of 'the proprietera swag; the s wilin and 'pletsure - of Bair Ganes, and which they • nfidently assert will eitallettge eampariann with hotel in the Union. fr tablewill always be se plied with every sub.. and lung which the marker affords, aerved oMa wineries aryl while in, way of Wines, de., act will not be warfamed , ' . In mtaluaz As pmpetetoeS a antethat nothing will la latandons on their end on pato( then saaistantarto render We Mel wortbp the continued partway, of their (rinds and a palm generally. =yes the bond have alhw been redneed water rata: - L.: Ladies , °limy. 04:11.-Tha Haan@ Vlinrol ways be /mod at the Cu an. mill convey berme to . . . 17 AR • Ja,' UOUlline • • • Or -.011172 .an 014117 WWI,, 1111112111. Q. 14:,..Wrris enbeetiber reap , ttelly anneal:we. th at be bunny, opened Ids and excellent Hotel ., idler Ittate,r,ttrawdatio of travelent, , boarders, add, den - id. , and a: j am house and furninite ga entire ly new, nO or expense bare - Levu ated to ,render item the -won condonable and p antral lkdelnin the ally. 1 trbe eat,ectiber le determined to &Irene, and there 1. Petl4solleits, name of pot CO hipatronage. .11, • JAB BOUGH, rronnetor. - .. _ . _... lIATS, - CA - P - 1 - 3 - AND BONNETS. ' ' EVOILD4/1a • Canecesoom to ifVord & wag) - +kg/Ilona:big Elhat•r",' •• • • °orate bf Wad and Fifth Strom. T asericoutic =mama paid to our itstml.Trode. OsAUSISISS GSA tar aeon getting their MIS and ups thou oar establishment of the am warrairma and .11/oga7alwqr, of the asrgar arose, and at Motown? Country Merehaista, purehasing by 1•1014 . 1s/s, an respectfally invited to call and re g ardsoth; as N ean - say. writh confidence that as clown .11Adzase it will not wrier in a comparison with any hosts has In • fohlY §Markt-SOMME? 41. ahtf g Murphy • km now Open a supply °capful Bonnet .Ribbtins, 0 new .4 kWsoma styles. Also,nesi_stylo Netts; LW Lamm sad Edg• ,441 Edging; •Victotia plaid 'Marlins and ,Itieonetsiembroldered Swiss Muslin., &et beslde• • 'Largo amiotsweas of Spring Goods geuerallYi ot north Casycomet nth sod Market streets. 'wholesale Etooms up stair. ' SP6 OteT MiWailh-i trunk towel, woltt.mg 7 5 &J. Dtek, Meadvalle m*" atroat Re tre.Aot flu October Ma Alio— • 4 diens laattstarkl2;&ll. o • The ylaag Lure been unser' at m! on Noose or stesontoah • t A ghat ward will bellfell for all either of tha 17 11174, Tkolthwar ratorcry,b • . . • MoVADEN & CO • - ONE INSURANCE; Lltvaad : smith Leienseistices THE Monte :Life and Hesithisaarance Company Of Philedelphi, theenperated by the Legislature of Pommylearns. March' 1049.. Charter perpetual CelilittlelllCO,COO. Rams IoWWI. TIMM ART Paging , ", V rUol'ellT, and fall Si per cent. lower than the nuns/ rates of Life laseranes, as the following com panion Will alum Than, • person of lko ode M eaning for.llllll for We. =stymy In die Binged eiPl— kriev: an° 14 pr't , i zift, e,E41":11! Al bion' 82,4% Lite h' andHeld:rhilaelplua ,6ll,ol, Ilittseross—llnnsuel D. Orrick, Charles IL 11.11.-W. P. Boone, Robert P. King Charles P. fin _yes, hi. W: Baldwin. H. 41. Reeve, lb ' Chas O. ID CeoMheil, Leads e. Badman Batter,l , ..H.Butler, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel' D. Orriell Vice Pres' dent—Rob?. BlngllSeeretattFrancis 1311wIthurne. Opplicalidas benrcemed,and every informatton giveli by , SAUL. F,AHNITOCR, Agt, Othae, Connuerelal Rooms, corner of ectliNdly I Wood and Thad Pintburgb • . 1 118LIRANCS. PROTIECTION FIRE AND MARINEINSURANCECOMPA• • W t„,. -. 1 NT OF HARTFORD, CONN'. Tilkotroaavon m Ilisks. Mina al.Prennams, Caplt a l Stork, and Swedes Fund, 0000.000. Tllts old and respentable Corona.) , continue. M is. the pelithes on the most faiorebla terms On Dwelling Wows, llouselialdFurnitureo Sres,Stocks of Goods, Warehouses and contents, MillsN and blentaremories, fee. An., agalnsfLOSS Oft DAMAtaI BY FIRM. Alm, on Godds, Wares and hlerchatelme, against the bane& of lemon Tussrogranox, and upon the Canteen dries Vessels. 'pie Pro...ellen Insurance Company having, In the lastXs years, paid user 1.111.10 rs or Dotage, at their several specie; throughout the United thews and the British Provinces, have established ! • ust reputation for solvency am/ (Mr dealing, which clialienges row penman with an y . other insurance cotapany on the continent of Amerten. The annexed extract from an farticle on the subject of Insurance Con/panne, taken rog the "New York Day (lusk,. exhibits briefly the stmidliag and policy of the Company. .The 'moneyed men' of the ancient and Lynn , pros. penes city of Hartford, bare for half serenery been lemons throughout the Union for the cite, discretion, havehonesty, and untr . Va thecess, with which they have formed and m corporanons of tons de sedution. rio,,Dartiorkhook or Insurance Company has ever failed Theta Companies have for more than a whole generals., scattered their risks In near ly every State of the Union, amPhave failed to pay the innumerable losses which they b ar ee insured against , ' . All losses arising upon policies Issued by the under signed, will be promptly 'Wrested and pant at the Oen. end Agency office, located .at Cincirmatl,O. A tinge portion of the' funds of the Company, linclading all prmniums received at the Wureta agencies ' ) ts de posited with the General Agent of the Company at slincianau, Inc the payment of Western and Southern lasses. Apply to FAYETTE BROWN, Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county. ocekdain • The Pennsylvania Company Fos Iszscaska oa Lam •11, Gassrriso Anaemia rIILIE rust Lab !mare Company in the U. States. J. Incorporated March 10, Idlß—chs , tor papaws'. Capital 11500,ODU—all paid in. !laving asahorosed the undersigned to reectre applt cations for lomuseme, on which policies will be issued, made to their proposals and rates, which will be made kerma to appheants et his awe, No. 2$ Wood reet. aptt GEO. COCHRAN. st 8 OF CIPITAL $ PITTSBURGH. 100 000• • J. raml. Jr, Soul. I R. MILLIS, Jr., Pre.. . • Will Insure against all kinds of mks, FIRE AND MARINE. AL , L , l z samr will be Liberally adjoined and promptly A home Instita - tioned by Directors who are well known in the community, .d who ere deur-min ad by promptness and Liberality to maintain Ma char acter which they have summed, as crams the best protectron to those who desire to be Loser. Droccv.is—R.Aliller, Jr., Geo. D . J. W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Ihre.n, Geo. W . Jacknott, Wm. Lyon, i.e. Lippincott, K. K. Limb, Jetrus til'Auley, Mex. Ninnek,'Thoa Scuts OMR, No. Zll Wooer street, lerareho.e of Hp.g & Co., up maim) Pittsburgh. rutdly _ INBUELAINOi3. TM DELAWARE MUTUAL HAFL'TV INSU RANCE COMPANY North Room of the ExchangeaThinistreel, _ Plra bricuseA—Buildingt, itlerehandua and other property In.SOllll and coca., towered against ton or damage by fire at the lowest tate of premium. +Llamas Insc.sta —They also Insure Vessels, Coo goes and Truth., tor sign or cossurise,ander open or special (adieus,. the assured may dears I....Tuarroarsietort.—Tbey deer:ware dire tr..portal by Wegonv, Itailterel Cars, Coral lieut. and Steam Beau, on tilers and [their..., an the inert Itheralrerma. ' DIRECTOI2.S.-Joserdi 11. Heal, Edrumad A. SAlder, Jo. C Robert Burton, John R Penrose, Same el Edwardr, Oeo (3 Lutist, Edward Harbert., Isaac It Davis, WWl= Folwell, John Newlin, Or R hl Iles= too James C Hand, Theoplillos P.lding, Jones Crooks, - Uenryl3loan, Hugh Craig, Cramp Scrrin, Spinet Mellvain, Charles Kelly, 3 G DIRECTORSJoh.., Wit liate AT PYTTSBURGH— Thomas, John Hellen, D T Mors., Plagaley, Jos T. Leg.. WILLIAM MARTIN, Premderia . . Kremlin S. Pirielol.4 Secretary. ID" ONrr of the Company, No. 42 Water meet, Pittsburgh.. rotardlf P. A. MADEIRA, Ay. 9/ELISI AND WASIAK. INIDDLANCII3 - . will. INSURANCE CO. of North Martina will _L make permanent and limited Insurance on pro v'n":l,le"es,.7.g, roltr:.7.d Una Company are well Invested, .dforr.h pnue t r ayalle able fund for the ample loderaustf of all pennies who 1 dewed to be protected by insurance. • Kayla WM. P. JONES, Agent, 401 rater at, • The Prong.* Foec h.... Co. of Paitaitat . .. Ora W Richer., illordiesi D. Lewis, Ad.. E. hone, David S. Brown, hlorrir Petters.. Cosai. N. Basica., Perwident. Charles G. Booster, Secretary. Continue to make intrtranee, petpriu. I or ,mired, on every rissertption of proprty in town os country, at roles aa law as are eollisiatee o ut with ereattly. TO Company hair resirtra • latge contingent rand which with Urea Capard and Premiere.; rarely invent atiord itattile plate...o to the assured. The austs or the eumpany, on January 15t,14411, Di publifLea agreeably to an I. ut Assembly, were s. lellows, Mortgage. ' " ' final Estate Tosnyorsry Loans Cash, i 5....... 11,ILNKU2 71 re their incorporation, a perial of to years, they paid upward. of one million fuer hundred thou.- oiler*, losses by fife, thereby affording evidence ailowniges of insurauce, as well as the ability Isla:ennuis m meet with pp preen all liabllltacs. J. DANDIN ER COFFIN, Agent, marl - dl ) Other N E earner Wood and ad ate DIGLAWAISiraIIUT WILL 12110VILANCE CO. 13 K. NAOMI:A, Agent at Fitudough for the Dela ...wan 'Mutual barely Imarance Companyof Phial. adelphia. Fire able upon buildtngo and merchandise of every description, and Marine Woks upon hulls or cargoes of venela, taken upon the most favorable terms. Office In the 4Varehouse of W.l3.llolmee A Urn, fd0.37 Water, near Market street, Pittahurgh. N. 11—Theawcess of this Company same the clod.. lashmens of the Agency In this city, with the prompt en end liberality with: which every claim upon them (0, leu has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage oldie friends and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. lase. ranee Company, while It has the additional advantaae. as uuinstitinion among the most fieuriahing Philadet. phia—as having an amplepaidain capital, which by the operation,of it. chatter Is constantly inercuing, peldLog to each personnuanced his due share of the milts of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whetever, and therefore es posaessing me,utuprinciple divested of every obnoxious fee. and to Its cant attractive form- nov4 FORWARDING & COMAILSSION, ypfS. L~CO2WIOR • R. 1. if/4R. TKOS. R. 111.4 l,' TVA= & SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Cora- EllilllolllHerchnots, No. lle Wood sr. Pittsburgh. Dealer. In tit °cc tics, Flour, Wheat, Hye,Oats, Corn, /Imlay, Pork, Bacon,' Batter, Lard, Chem; Clover Tunottty.and Slam deeds; Iron, Nails, thus; ae. ac &a.= Particalar attention paid to the mle of Wean: Produee. Iliamoincira—Mesara. Myers tc Ilniner, Robb Dal zaD & Co, Midis & Roe, Hampton, Smith tr. , Co. Linea May, King & Moorhead, Pittsourgh. Ferule & Palladian, Maaullori. Jos. S. Moulton, Esq., St Lode . • sydiady onm a. caste, law of N. Lisbon 0. w. s. suss. CRAW • IIIaNNEIL, GENERAL AGENCY, Commission sad Porn sub lag Merchants; No. VO Market sr, Pittsburgh, Pa. (17 Pronlpt attention givan to purchssa awl sale of all kinds of ..Produea. Urea to—loluf Watt& Co., 11l tautly, Wilwn & Co: Pittsburgh, Pa 4 Lawson tr. Ibil, &Whims Martin, Wellsvnia, 04 John IL Drown & Co., ling g, 10nott & Co., Philadalphis; IL W. Priodgraw & 1,0., Gregg & Nace, New Lisbon, 04 Pr. Skinme, Hose. C. D. Coffin, CinculSols; J. P. Netist, Youngstesech O.; W. 1.. Stan• dam, Clkveland,.o. • augal. °MORON COC ME= Co;amlastosilwa E.rvrar Uri.% woun ay., ri non, CONTINUES to tratoutot • ger .ral Commission Lusa ness, especially In the purchaais and sale of Amen. . Illonufactuni and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding .Gotuls con•igned to Lis cans. As Agent for the Manufaczums, ho will he constantly supplied with the pnneipal crock. of Pitutliurt Idanufactdre al On loot wholcule or& and e annulments STY IeApCCOI.II4 SOUYiTed. 197 of the lieu, will 4- Mo:them Laudings, • from the Hotel, flee =rat Stearn Brack WO(k11 [Or Bale. I r 111 E aultheril.er offers for rale, the STEAM LIRICR WORKS, playa Lawfulcr rthle, conthdring .a Knuth, 1 Boilers,6 Mould !daub..., cepuble of ithroutaclusuld 2UBUU Punted Un-ke of dry clay, as taken from the baak,) per dayd with three mere. of Land on the Alleghory rther, on which are 4 til. and abede, mac.. and clay thedelheeltkort.ra, truck.; rho... spaded, fue u t!cry 71. 6 .4 t? n ler n - H,UOU-111Wt• :f 115,011, Far IERILITT, Kele lion.. off oder, b. re 'a. old smolt, old eustum. arith every in of Dray turned awl (rushed in the neatest /LP. is the tole proprietor of Me an in M.1.L,110 petty celebrated Med machinery. The ISee Can be had of hint at all Limes. .INTIN(i O. baud. , Any sqa mule to ord 8 nf-ttEiv;T ! tz; Zug, nabm ir 'a pa, to Socott i terzelo o wtstk.atico=72sew mock of LI. the boot 'witty n[14123011 . 174 a 'ha boot roamer. ITRGH, FRI PITTS f',OTARTNERSHIPS. Dl”olution of Parsoaraltly. - Dlf MUTUAL CONSENT ttna day, the,rm ficreso, fore canting asides the nolo of BUIIFIELD & LEADER, has boon dss.olved by Henry Lead , cell. ing'fils Mtn. /mescal In sold firm to John McGill. All busineks connected vette the firm of David:cid Cr buitil cr will be twilled by S. R. Bushfield R Co , who are duly initlaitilid to make all collect/nes and adont all clemte• BUSIIFIELD 6 LEADEN. Pittsbargb, Oct. Cl, 1319. • N. Et.—S. /30SHFIELD n ett w N <antpule lie wholewale and Mal Dry Goaln iirocery haVteetivi at the aldadora rams, No. Vta , LbeTh i et, whore they vnll ha !ward to have their friend, rad ellNiolll.l . l calla:attired:tune their stock of anode . oFnlfa. B. BUSIIIII , I &CO. - 71 Dhusiklutior. — rr,lsNal.nership ilfellader.k . gliel, under inch:: consent D o otgen k plett the tonerentoi J. K. South, who 'um. bliclorts 01 ihn Lino will l n wiled 14 their surces.ott. Bag - inlay 1. Co., at Nog nod . ..!0 Wood WILLIAM BAGAI,EV, Pliotbungb. 001. e, Vv. ['SAM! It. SMITII. Wm Ilegalry as.o. elated with him Wm. 11. Woodward of I.4ondrlidoo, /oho Y Co.grave and Ilalrlt liataley of INll,lourgt, Irillconttnue the WI:401,Mo Orueery Humor, at NJ.. Iddind .20 Wood et, loader the film of ltitlitl.EV atd LIAGALFX, WOODWARD ACU., l'hiled'a. Of 19 Dissolution of Co-Partnership tun, Was din.olved on the tat tart by'ntutunt cou.ent. M. U. BROWN, A. CULUER.TM/N. Pittsburgh, Ot.L. v, lA. /110 .bgenbet Win COllllll.. the Wholehte tY arta Cm TAI reiorore, o. weOld Mod, 145 Liberty et. ateCt w. CULBERTSON. V , Sit. a aoMet JAY. LTLEISON , ATKINSON! VII MT.. SCIW. •11-I,I.IIII,BCILOTT, CONTINUE t o m anufacture all kinds of COPPER, lJ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. AlFo, Blael• smith Work. :team Boats built to order. Pixels! attention el en to steam boot work. Haire on bands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass Kettles, Tin W are, Lc. /Lc. Smarobold Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various noes— very C.Veillellt stele for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies. e would respectfully incite steam Lost men sad others to call and see our articles and prices before putrhutine elsewhere. 0:17_ — Eiliioleattosa of Partn•rahip. copartnership of HENRI" lIANNEN Is CO., I tordierly Hunnen, Muller & it the Window a d Colored Chou business, is thfs day dosolited by the withdrawal of-Mr. Predenck Muller. The businesowill be eontlniied by the enders - mond, underklie arm of HENRY HANNEN A CO. Wan hobse No. IDS Second st, where we will supplies of superior Window Glass. JOHN HANNEN. HENRY HANNE.N , INOII ROBERTSON, Plusburgh. Aug. dr. , 10. HENRY UMsTEA D. Copartakerablp. T UE andertigned have this day associated with them torsizeons JACOB L. ECIOVARTZ, and oral eon trine the loomoss as heretofore,nd under the firm of 11. A. FA & CO. /YU iQiy - s, uqv. • ROTIONo TUHE partnership heretofore olisunt under the firm of A. C. BRADLEY. Is &welted by the deco..< o r. C. Bradley. The boornow still be earned on by A. Bradley, who will settle the outtheso at the late firm. REMOVAL—Es IlnauLso ha. removed h. Foun d ry Whouse from No. ICI Second cel. to No. It Woo are l street, between Firm and Second re urceo, .0 the warehouse lately occupred by G. A. Berry, where Le will keep constantly on band a general usortment of Cutler, Grates, Stores, Cooking Surma. rte. 'yin DI gisaleatiou. rinut oci.partnerthrp heretofore esounc Oyu...eta the aubverthers, sso the name of Conri.O.da Burke Co, to Ciro day dilved by mutual convent. Mums Burke Barnes will settle th e bamboo of the con . cern, for which pave.< they are author ...of to use the P932..rthe concern NATHANIEL CoNITABLE. EDMUND BC FIIIE. THOMAS BARNES The on,leraigd hare this day •wpoeistrii in this 6•1/1! of B ne URKE & lot the {hair.. of ihutufaeturing Fire Proof Satre, Vault Doorr, at, at the stand oldie late hi. Of Constable, BIM tr Co., where they hall he p!eartl to meets, the pa tronage cattle r ow mere of :hat house Led lil<ri fne Eleil CND ttlialiF.. d. T 1 raIIAP DARKER. In teurtog , Imat the t...tu a, Rene at Ca I wins sincere ploaeole recononrnd Nlceirg B.rke notate to the confidence of my Inc ad, and the poll Felk. 0 IOtO. Pi AVI.kNI CONSTAIILE. debl3-dot MISCELLANEOUS. Pagan klagghlea• Skop. 'tj WlGl.lTlLAN—Slantfiminaf at all kind. of .1., Jur and woollen now Allagneay m!y, The abut e bentg now la fun a'a.l sue,eastC.L/m -erauon, I am • ra arM lot all iada of anattunery m y wloyeav pickets, epnmeert, eard•,gnneing matt: -Im, fanwas a, drawing (tames, , aperdert, thmas,la, .morna, wo.olea eartla,,doble of magic, Mg me m•d of cauntn w. k, snalea,jarlt a, fr.c , slide find ndnd lathe!! and timlr g to mal All kanda of •batling made .0 oed,r, of plane ala en for gearing faMnries of nulls al fewfnablerhaige. Kota To—Kennedy, CM14.3. Co . Illarktdort, 110.1 k Co. h - mg, l'ermnat , gaa. A t.rnt• REMOVAL. • . sm..o42tivrESilleasoli44 H. H. AGENT, Forwarding, and Corniniggiot, adgr• chard, has torairred igg No. S 7 rood, botwerii 11.4r . ;11141.4.i oottero, w .lll. ht moor 1 . 1 , 511'5, mu, tOOO oist toloootoo,ol V V Ont o ,. oroo Out to Irre :e 11, coollrool weeooloho Yor•ona granting, garb •ruclos, ot, 000ntood o, r.ll ;toot) •ge theta at heA.1141.1. 1.1. ‘1.., ro !o. itagagoo al. O Co BEIIT A CUNNINGIIA bay Icolouvcoll ioo Not tionoccolal How, Low, tuoincl, ;'r 110114 s (num, wile, will L.l. oaotrof too 6r , bo• loorool and former COMM., ,11 1111,17,4.19 41 v 4,7.4 KI • Ste,Ovl 51,5•-; • .I.AM a JIAIN U . M'CBEARY, Tenon, Its AI xnaixcinixi, and SLlt4a/sUnkoLtrel, NEW \'ORB.•-11. No. 3 ~ p rarr rtrres— Would rail toe soenuoa Printer, to has teapr. , , , d Pnriuog Ink. of N Rinds and orders, xi the Poilowinx 'price, 11.1.111 a fine Jet Blaek, (or Vat. and Wwal l'Ata- - OU and 3 10 per lb Fine Rook Ink . 0 75 Boos rk . . u 000 " ' Newelnk • II II oil tk3 Fine Red Ink • 75e lit I .50 1 la) • Blot!, Yellow, Gera, sod White 76.0 I OU I 5.1 liuld sac at 3 . .! per 11., and Bronze at. 44. ets and RI per oz. A se re . ONE,. Ink can be .ern on dux paper. For wale by JOHNIRf tiN h sTucirroN. Ya. C. Morgan k C. Cineinnkv,Uhio. Moitan ta. GrAwould, Lowsville, ocadf. AMICS WO ODWELL, modern and Antique Furniture RI, Truth Surma. Prmsscuti. Mfi A large and splendid ~,,w,,k,ip,.. usortmeut of Fitrulturc, irgtW,,....RYitt.: suitable for Steamboats, ^ -,- •'Ss lintels and private dwelt . Una, constantly on hand and made to otder.. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any matoractory in the weatern co ' y e . Persons wishing to porchue would do well to eve rue • . call, clam determined my prices shad please. Part of the stock et:maists in— Tete a Tete4 Buffet Emeeie; • Loot. XIV Chairs; Queen Elizabeth choirs; Tea Payee; Fruit Tablas; Toilet Tables; Louie XV Commode,: French Alehogany Bedateads . Plano Stools; 11l aofas with. Plush mud /fair-clo th covers; 30 Mahogany Rock.ing Charts; 40 dos Parlor do 39 " Fancy do 23 centre Taller, 20 pair Divans; 4 part pier Tatiea, 15 marble top. Dressing Bureau: 9 Wudrobesi 8 Stweetaries and Hook race; 20 Marble lop Wash, Stande, 4 pair Onomthe; 9 pair fancy Work Stands; A very large etwortenent of common chain and tithe fundtan too unworn; Uentrolloh. . E.7r , eol. l o 3 l 43 , n r.Zz ib l d . ounhe. thornest notice deers lillipbviim Vatic; for fly (truth 'Wager' mistio, THIS is to certify that I hour ap: • • palmed ;Livingston, Roggen & Co. Sole Agents for the onto of Jennine'• Patent Dinprolig,lo Biker, for use el! • jitter of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN CilltdoN, ireleent. for Walter Mltibsuit, 3.10 I:roadway N. VI Oct 10, 1019. We have been nklng one of the above ankle. •t the office of dm Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly sanded that it Is e. userol inrettann, and we take pleasure in reo.nendme them as • use cut article to all who love po re water. Order. totti be 'haat:llly received and promptly executed. octln LIVINCisTON. ROGGEN & Co Roselle IllbliViaillii - gok - FOR PURIFYING WAIHR, Which renders forbid water pure by _ a ) . . " ; 1 % • " vra m tc * ;. i ltc li c ' ro ul lit ' w " 7 „" Vl. " tr T. ; •...,,,,t,:ql.,l:::c...lnpureutrol::yf ~Lej, • , , ' • filtering cook, showe • lane lepoeit z impure substanges, worm, rte. this I. the on e more or leth with all hydrant wt., 'Ch. Reversible Fitteter Is neat nud e dor:ride. and . not attended with the brut:ref:then, ol:tent to oh,. Flrterers, as it is cleansed without ben,: demehen trust (het:raterrye, by merely totems tilt Loy f.l" 111,nil 1. from one ludo to-the otter. Itt thld C.SI erode-is, coulee of water le changed, and ad sect:nitiation% t• impute anbetucas are ditveil et almost tortantly. without uniscreortng the Filter. It alth p.m. , Ins advantage of being • stop rock mid as thek in men, 'crown will be very convenient and tennendeal. lieart be - Utah/led where there io ut Pfc. , . I• fief or low to a cask, tank, tub, Sc. ; til l lease. Ti. l.e ha: of the solo Agool, 'WU:, df, 08117 earner of Fourth and Marie: at Wittiatitteand gas, Iran Railing. /VIM subscnbers beg leave to inform tl&-vulihe .sal they have oktainek from the East all die late anti futhortattle design. for Iron Railing, Loth for hours, end eemeterlea. Penton. it to rancor , . hohd. WI. patterna will plea.< 4,11 and examine, and ridge , for themeelves. Railing et dl be forturlith at the short , tat nonce, and In the best manner, at the cotnet vi Criaig and Rebeee• streets, Allegheny dy. _ ix . urni-dtf A. YINION r a. RN& . === Chocolate, Corner W. Elaine% American and French Chocolate, Prepat ed C oto ., CiaeOli Paste, Biome, Cocoa &c • TO merchant. and eouramers, who would purchase I. the best produels or Ceenei If. , 1,041 •dulteranon, MOM statritious than tea or eudec, and in quality unrue missed, the. üb.tilics raromatenths the shove eruct., manufactured by himself, and stainpcd with his name. Illa Wont. and Cocoa Paste, im delieme, palatable, end •tialutaly data for luvalidr, convalescents, and ethers, are pronounced by the moll eroincnt physicitun Meli( le lay other preparation.. 11 Le crianufachts. are always on axle, tens quantity, by the most re ' spectable poorer, inhe astern eines, and by then agents,theres,Grey hem, of &orlon; James hl Bence A Histford..Conin lifarki& Morn), New Vert; Grant &Sionte,Philadelhrui Tnntritre V larrase, Hal. inners; and & HeancA.Cuannnati, Ohio. - WALTER BA LE R, Dorchester Maw. Fm sale by aag3l . 11/LCIALEY & MTH, Ave toga iepog tt reqmled, 1, .• - . Urea Ann-An (or the redaction ea and Coarposio. }IL. Pfll3llfl6 and tie. Awned saes • . et Rhortest. rtuoc Wood *1 ry hU OD' LYbod and 81ut4Csl4 NoooultaLela Ho¢m ones anal Canal n o~ Hong Wi7ldl7a NING. DECEMBER, MEE %V. dr..V aLiesx,.dloalk 13111•48111all` {ITT we Annenraged in the `nbilitebutiniess, einnar of Wood siorrhird streets, Pittsburgh,. #ll.9ve we are prepeted to do say WOrk OUT, line won new pown. We attend to oil, went PeP a oVdi lae nog will be gillell . .ln regard to us iterate arid my du reta Blank Hooke ruled toany pattern ihd Woad nab, tantoilly. ilook it in utualienros old books b9ollidUl.k.' fully or repaired. Nanieo put au books in Olt ilitte2ll. Tbuir that hero work in our line are invited to eall. rd.!. low. man(' rieettaa, aim:Acing Slto . vat!, ; tet bl A tt?t!eftkey Al° :l\ r t "' f4l ' g ' lt t2t= nun odor for nit Ptatrrem, pluor . 11. " O Counter Stalin of the most Improved quality; CooLiog rttouesilot and coal; Est tores of various otter, Parlor and . common Grates Hollow Ware, ..te, Se. They also nionometure We 'Kitchen Rao e, whith bat 11110.0 geLtef eatitfaction to Wove i n it In ne, of In, they would tespeeffitity intim We alitsiunn al the. eittscw Sod the pubile itentrally. - - . MANUFACTURED. TOI3ACCO7TIie subaUritur would call the atteinion of the oily trade and dealets generally, to the fallowing brands, ToblKeoa, in stole and to arrive, 'which batag conssananußs di. ter t from mum... warts, he is rustled to sell at, rut en, yneea, ix , I btu II W Chenallaw 501 • , ''' 1 `.. tran * r d!.'" t ' d •l 1 It 1 It,. htirabiraa 5.1 . •5l 1 '. Patna= .7 4 5a and la, 1 ,, 1 '• Roberta /I. Sisson So ;151 1. I •. Oscar Dori ; 11 1 " Johns la Lewis 11l • f " Warwick, lap, la; , 4, , I " Henry*. Jaw. tis, la and bat - ' WWI • ... ' L 4 WATIfR4AN . . - -- , Pitt Illachtno -Works and PoaradVy. triantanna rii- . 1 WIN WRIGHT . &Co., arc prepanoo ta build Coinon d and Woolen Machinery of every description, anal an tinuding Machines, Spinning Fral3lo4, Venn Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Waers, km, Dressing Fmmes, Looms, 'Nadi:finders, kn. ninght In. Shnfij. , s turned; all rises of Cut Iron, Mies and Hanger, of the Intent gamma, slide and hand I s athea t and toots of all kinds. tii.astina of every description tenanted on InOrt novice. Pasterns made to order foi Mill Geanng. Iron fulling, fa c. Stoma Pipe for heat ing Fart...tea east Iron Window Sash and 'WKS C.' Mtg. generally. Orrice* loft at the Watehnote of J• I.3,!ruer & Co , Libertratmot, will have protapt anew non. Eats no kEnoltGock,Vell & Co., J. K. Moomhead Co., G. E. Werner, lobe Irrrio& Saw, Plttllbllligh; G. C.a..' H. Warner, eteubenville.. • ?AO NEW COACH IJACTOISTs' y. 4 • A WHITE & CO., would respectfally s hop on the publth that they beer, erected a he on ar e o w between Federal and Soxidasky strees! They are now making and are prepared to receiveorders o Or icry dcarnpurni of eatables, Coaches, Chariot's, Ile notches, Buxgies, Phstone, LC, the flew Mer long experience In the numufactnni of the above moth, and the (,ethos , they hare,they feel eonfidohlOth7 are rumbled to do work on the moo reasonable teem, with thew mooning articles in their line. Paying particular attentiert to the sclecuon 4 mats a,wl having none bet competent workmee, th ey Aveav no hes/mhos Is ihermiting their work. We thertfore uk the attentien of the public to thontancr. N. IL Remo - 11111one to the beat moaner, stud on the Most reaeoushle - jakr.ktf fIIO — COTTON AND• WOOarILaEN r .L malcuAcru 7 . ngtments far a Con. start supply of FACTORY FINDLNGB, we will sell lew prices Calf and Sheep Rater rdiins, Late Lea ther, Pthkers, Reeds, Shelties, Hemp Twine Treadles' Ni. 5 to le Belt Punches, Wreeckes, Stripping Cu*, to to 15 int Patent Deemer Brushes, Wearers - limb • _de. de. LOGAN, WILSON & CO.. tov4 Lie Wen strait, fetuhamh. 11ORT WIN k...—Ablety, Webber & Per,, jai; dPure nch sod dry, Gonld. Campbell la.- Co's aid ry P+3, Osbourn' . 0514, Pare tole: r un, Joint per • neuter Port, limns & Ron., Pare Jorge, Racal, don tUe aid entitle Grape. These minerare all . celebra ted tor teMr mei:heel pniposurs, god ean be b aimle ss', or retail suite W ine Store of JACOB WEAVER, Jr. _ aubsento, oiler* Par sale a huge •ad aPloodt 4 orsorournt of to•earaal and tualloaanT Skaa 4 Ae w Piano*, wah sold onthout 9,leualle• pOlebtated Otiachmern The above iLostramenta are wu rootri It. be equal us any tuausolietared to tail row, try ant artll bt *ale lower altar any brooghtthe Wt - 11L E, UM No lit wod t, Soot atolve fel N 11 --tNty snit t. taken at par for I tor Of aDOVC •Anonmltni. o3E_l P.B llardware—Gb•aper ihass gwert MN, WII.SON It CO., Iniportert and Iltholeoalo .4 ittoticts to flerdwotd, tAtlery,and Paddlery, vd Wood Korot, above Fifth, have now to uotaa very anti oodleeleeted odek 01 Ilardwute.intPoreW nee the dram,- of privet an Ettropfii anti watch they • detetrotned tooth rorrespoothogly' . hirtrhanu havetaticri to the habit of going' tail, tut portico. teguertrd to call and look through oat :moat, 01 o confidently !where they wilt anon thew orponves ett IN talliTiCD, 1./ 1A11.1" at 11, LiALTIIIORF., FILILAI.It.I.PIIIA, .1../ NEN: VOILK. HOS YON AND N lill, OR.LKAN3 I.gra MI Al. nutzicv ANDCLININIintiIUN OFFILei Voaus it:::11. istaileaale and Fetal 1101,, ,Cud utliet I re-perusals ill-111,..1, to tut Ss liont.teepeSsi Sales 1 nniiiii. Ptilltrt , V517-kelifittl, WW.T., Fariiieril, Coach. I rilen, Cat Agent*. nook anti Map Agants, anterior*. ' CI rerseers in all branches 01 Cann.% ... il.Ve land' at all wino a huge ounibet olgood situation., ou IST.nd, isidi h of fruit ...in to @SAO *couldn. those in wato ot mutat.. don't tind do well to rye us a eali, at WO . knee ayttsto in cash of the Stliove w ile, nide 6 wdl enable OW place every applicant In ii satiable timing. al . ttorytlnntair...r.- W. ..... 4 tango anourinitanee in ll*the *Ouse untried Cilleil, svoeb aretolslSaull_etui La us to give etitira faunae-. I " ‘ "l i. „Ti . .trii . A Y AV, I NO L . L*4,."..11.i - :, i', 4 tialwrest 7siaiti and hay. Nit —Yersnoir Hatay - ill au] part of the 'U. Slates,' and ssulttug tololdain a 31101111011 I/I lialtunpra, or et titer tit il, AS,o . c vales, .111 has* their WWIIIS mune tri y alisialin to Ly addresony us a low, ipost.patill b, so ....lite Tar, Will car ail lath ideate and es. "r 5vi,,, , 11 they othorsose Wiillid iligilir lay eolutsie a, ii et, ~ • 1..,er-t., • otploylueut tor tlielsorners **.ll.titt a TAO Stikli, No Li/ tier inid treel, lialuslorei in.! 131111=1/31 •L:7:1 -• ' 1118CELLAIVEOUS PIASOST - Dr. tact•an• Is Tenn • ins IS tlkltxtttly met I plieelt ,ed one Wal of Dr. 'll.otte. Speetr.e, Owe i.e.. Winhe ttgO .t 1 'nee to a Yon of Dune, we.. sevEn yew OW, two .elmot. foil, end ante...nett the entolott oat appear •; I nave no tlaubtpot there won ,pwatelas of trreywant worus hum Liu, onesitattnt uas quarter of tatela to too mete. Oreg. , IS W lIUI.IiI AV'. . tn...' C et. Carrel eo. Tenn Dr al 27. ten. In 1.1 BE E NETT & BROTH'EFti L/FEENSW ARE hIANEJFAL7rUItt:it.q. blesalmessna,lneser Piimsbargt,l Pao ' /Yarehoue, No. 137, Wood steed, rouburgli. 21.4 . v.. , il.t. f w. ,,,, ,, ,,: 1 , , ;, k zr p o o w n . h...u u th...• iv iu...z. t superiertiality. % Vholesale anti enenteihier• • chants are respectfinly Invitee to callemd el. IMill• fur themselves, as we arc de In sell cheaper than hu nter before been °fared 1.0 the pub- Er Orders sent by csmil,accornpanied by therms& Or rsteremee, will be promptly attendedtmilnyttl, io Tim LADIES—Jnat received, a full;aimorlmaa of gonl and silver Thread, :Cord and Plaid: allo panglim and Balboa, for embroidering and oilier or iainental work.i_Also, gold ondbilver'fasaels,Fnoge nd Lac, yrdirp of tlf e. latest fashions, 112 great variety. Watches of superior quality and Leautlf4lpatterns, .d for sale at Eastern pricer. W W WILSON, lure corner Market and•Foarth stn BATIIMNIG IGTABLIBII. AlliNT—Open from eA. M. to It fl M. Rath 24 mts, or 6 for 1 dollar. Ladles dcAsrusteut open fm 9W Us 11 A. AL and from 2 to 5 P.. M. The Refreshment Suntons on unequalled to style attendance. , Recherche Ice Cream: auuls • T. APPALL, Proprietor. J.UfE attentinnof tlmptiblic, is , reapecudity called to the following cerldScatesi M. h. Eastm--Bering mated a entrain of Vold weighed by your Areemeter, !find the tenth peen*. your instnatuent entrant; end recommend the use of ft to meta going to California, as the best inithed fur ob. minima the real value of Gold. Reap. yam 1.13. DLITiLENTY, GOIt( Beata. Pittsburgh, Match 9,1%9: • • • • ; Prrnotrabb, Starch 7, idle. Fisumi—Dear She ihningissandriedne"Arees men.,' manufactured at your rooms I de not hesitate to commend it to the use of these genthimon who are abOUS removlug to California It gives a eine appresimution to the apecifle grail ty of metals, mid wth cenamly enoble the salsentursl to escort/an when his placer la yielillng inirir Tours, 'J. R. APCLINIOCK, I RULIRE.It CLAffitiNti—Just received for the 1 Callforina Expedition, a . complete ;anon...llla 6013 Risotto CJedliimr, at pricesranging from 03 • ,A to • al LW far run of cost• rmits and hat. Ear silo at the Ind is Rubber Depot, ho a Wood at. desmi J S A Nkt l"l t uLTNOYlaiii m Ki. .;t.dt•his method of riforeeng his Mend. and the public tit; genend that he 1t... the largesrstock of die following: named era. tiler of hia own manufnture in this eity+Raddles,ittir. st, Trunks and Whigs, ail of which hit. will wurrunt ne he :nude of the beat materiel and by the hen merh• vine , in Allegheny county. Rehm determined to aril nianuntetures tatarthing lower Mantles been here. toiore add by nay ailallbt estahllatime t in the city, in WOlll.l tIE pen to need of the Chore ner d ac. metes to W. watehouvr, N 0.274 Übe, ir Insect, 0111.*. !Ile StVttl lit. Alto. hones Cade to ord r for machine.. ry oegatt.ly • O. KERRY. :1;t11 . litOtt Lune RlLEsat/7' EXFANtiF.,pny• Cl Rids in Co-/el:molt. Lul ofatlle slat . Louts, per the iimid & etid yule terms. itot..sM4.k.i.Dris c.t.' FAYED 1111 S DAV, at me India Rubbtr&: tot -4 cea.e wokneera Ma die Slut/het ttanclahal ghPPYliti t3lipimeal Overshoes; Sandals; I Mi. •a I hti.n •-• lesOlot solod t Overshoot; Ali of winch will be said, vvint•blo or rettal,lovrez note pa ,oy house in the city. d & nnJa No 5 Rood weer IA; II FIAT FLOUR- - Inr. etch tor bn (6) In ooronnd b Inc • hle Li ot STUART SILO . . LIOAP-1:&" , Lie Cancintati,lun me'd', fur salt by 0 [10 , 21 MATT/It:WS & 4&J "j&eiTA L (ALS can C , hl Mu°4 - . . Lhalt afr•si neeh and pore, fur suic. Ly . o `. l J SCHOON AKER RCU kAUCA-WthtS-44.1 bbl. PiIILIUZIT ending finr - n - & steamer Monongahela, and for ale by DOYIL J A HUTCHISON & CO rEfiL:Perst — gijaVia, r+Pile i{l novll .• • A HUTCHISON & g 'STAPES-1M bya tin;;Te eea nag tram nail, .eo ki !imitate by 7. word JIOIEB A HUTPIISON & CO giattrrgralantrals put ree'd anima by, onvtl • T 'COPItIat'HHEY.TOGIX 410TASII-1.9 - niOrs mold this dayAAS, tor n u. by nose • E.Y2kAl:3lr_ IJ A nkre !,' ASSEV ik,111 , 2T kegs No &de b 4 ' ' CfrOVD7 — all 0 6 / 1 3111—havroPram% I. tit m. = o.& CoU4I do. 610.c0i Haucti, Ron!' kakis and paaluisa. r It9-3R t~ - 1,..... . 1849. MIKELLANEOITS !N'pOnonce f taw 1, ZACHARY TAYLOR, Podent of the United !i re to t eo of /motet, do hereby 'thae11ar0......4 make kneiwa, that pahlic sates will In, helikat the Laud Moe. au th e State of MISSOURI, at the periods hmemafter &waisted, to ant, At tie Land Office terJACIiSON, .commeming on Monday - , the seventh day tatJanaury next, for the dm ,Rout of the publid lamb, situated minis Lee sander ruentionvdtownsblps, Wad pans of townships, vat NerthWihr Wet eau nt the fifth re:newel me. 'Township tareniy•MO. (eXeePt actions seven, sc Teatime, eighteen,ltllliLeett, twenty, twenty-nine. Mar t el, thirty.onn, and thi/l141V0.) of range four. - Tovenaldp twenty.two, Of 'range lea. Fractional township alitsen, and tawnsaup twenty AY.tmal, Of range sta. Fractional to*bships sixteen and seventeen, wad loweashlp twenty-two, of mute seven. Ramon. townships sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and twenty-one. townships twenty-two and meant , - three; and sections three to ten onehmive, sixteen to twenty-me itteitiettle, end twenty dm to thirty-two Inc inail/ey le lowtothip twenty-sir, of noose eight, Township nineteeu,(except free tlonal sections thin) , one,' thirty-two, tty.three, thlety.four, Utirty-fiVe, and dairty-siX.) fractional township t*e.nty, mid fem. nuns! township twenty.one, (except sections one, twelve, thirteen, twenty-three, twerity.foar, twenty. Gramm/my:Mx, twenty-seven, thirty.four, thirty.fiver and thirty.sof,) of range nine. The mellowest fraction of section six, in- township nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of range ten North of the ths bassiinsoond teat gf the fifthyrrinefper eridian. Townships twenty-three, twenty.loue, twentreight and twee ty.n i na, of rasp eight. Townships twenty.three, twenty-four twenty-sax, and twenty-eight, or rane nine. Townships twenty one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twynty.rom., remnty.five, Ind twenty-ma, e osin rae tots. Al the Land °thee at SPRINGFIELD, cnhing on tdanday, th e fearteenth day of January nest, for the disposal of the pablie lands within the undermentioned townships and fractional townships, vie: NeoN of ohs haw fine, and seet vos.iof tAiNti ridi Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-five and twenty-six, at range eleven. Fractional township tereaspone, of ranges twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. Frasaionel township twenty-one, and township twenr ty-four, of tense twenty-two. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and sweaty-fons,of range twenty-three. Fractional township twenty e, and townships Monty-three sad twenty-four, of range twenty-four. Fractional township twenty-one, or ranges went y. five and twenty-eiy. At the Land Ogee at• CLINTON, commencing on Monday, the twenty-tint day of January next, (or tie disposal of the public lands within the fallowing nerv ed townships, to wit, North of tis bur tine, and. nest qf cis Nth principa/ nse Township thirty-five, arrange eighteen: " Lands appropnated by law for the use or Schooled taihthry, and o th er purposes, will be excladed from the sales. The °feting or the above mentioned lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and proceed in the order in which th ey aro advertised, with all eenveni omit derpm* until the whole shall have been offered, and the ages thus closed; butco •ale shall be kept open longer thsto two weeks and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until Idler the cipl ninon of the two weeks. Given =dor my hand at the city of Washmktots,thla fifteenth day ef September, Anna Domini one Ihoaaod eight Onadred and foray-vine. Dr the President: Z. TAYLOR , lIMTHILVIELD, Cematissioner al the General Land OM.. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre eruption to any of the lands within the townships and ports of townships above enumerated, is required to ertabloh the ...to te the satisfaction of the Register and Recei ver of the proper LeodOffwei and makeipayinent there for A. •0011 a. practicable after *eying this nonce, and tem the day appointed for the commenceount of the public sale a the hinds embracing We tract clamed, otherwise ruck claim will be forfeited J. BUTTERFIELD. Corocrusetuner of the Deftest Land Ohm e, rAaJlavd&W Boots sad Shoo.. SPLENDID athartmedt lust received, suitable for .11. the Fall and Winter Trivia, eon/Hung In part of MEN'S, WOMEN'S, HOTS', MISSES' AND OW WARE, of every annoy sod style, end at Vance. to sail the Hatay the writhing to potehave, otholethle at snail will find it to then Alvantere to pine an call and e soothe tor theateelves TROTH/VS - DO rT, comer Fourth and Sou th field an to the place. n-117 IrrDant Co SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, gxcniaios 8U11.41,0011, ST. CLAIR STURICT, PITTSBURGH Ma ILVICIUML rwu NEW itlttli AND rtllLillET.rllllA And I, now rtteiving . hue unatmeal of CLITIII;CItillINISIFS AND VENTINON, or THEDEST QUALITY' AND LATEST 'STYLE. 'kr hock bee) ptepated to make to orde 4 IN THE. BEST MANNER AnJ In ttre latest Fa.hione. Oat IS PITTIII/CMGH FACRIA.LIC INSTITOTX. tiug I Ritanit, under the care of lace I'M. Gtriuii IDDIN AND LADY, re/11 reopen no hloaday, the lith of Seuteuther, lu lh Mme 10061., No. SI bibarty thoet. (loving limited the number of their yupila, the intithal. boric to went a eurthilittilith thilt potruuage they have ut . herto entoy ed. Parent+ may lee.' assured hot every advantage will be tilfurded their daughter.,if pturnl under their charge., for etll tutting a thoroughEnstesh,CllllB.llel2l, and thruaruentel eduestroo Lmoiws sionusinlit; -- • rit lIV. be d pf ova Inwrution will L enititornee tin Aitantay in Septrltitter., ti.tnti on Federal' street. in "Minns& Row." thldwe from the bridge. „. Has. or - Tcyrton PSI sientlol4 OF MN Mott - 111. titgioh Deparunetif,.ineluding Deeding, thiliogri ply and Defining, Periling, English Grammer, Dorn,- e, Logic,. I-MgMli composition and Criticism, Gce graphy, History, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Mather:mike, Newel Philosophy, eberandry, , tnanottl,, Dolan, Pity Geology; and Morel twinned,aud 01l other branches ter/Wane II a thorough English &Weather - • - salon Clauterd Department, including the.Lwin and Grecre Lingatges, ~each - • - Ili I Preneh, sin 03! German, .010 0o; The services of competent teacher. are aerated fer each as deilre instruction In French and German, and also In Drawing, Paltieng and Neste. It is desirable that pupal enter at the commence ...l of a ee.ajpn, yet they are received at any attic and we charged at the above rates from the note of entrance. No dedwtions are made for absences, nu cept is caws of protratted inner. Further Information may be obtained. and appllea dons made by caging won tho Principal, whim rooms on Federal street, or at Ms 'edgings In "Invin'a Row," Liberty street Pittabargh, between ad wit 4th street.;or b y addressing, through the Pieshargh Post °thee, the Principal. N. W. murcALe. Allegheny, Aug.', 1E49. dtt iNsTrrowic Tut: Second Session of this Institution, adder tins care of hit. and Mr. Gramm, for the present academie year, will commence on the first of Fe Bras ry nook blithe same buildings, No. Sk Liberty Went Arrangements have been made by which they 'Mil be able to famish young ladies facilities equal u my . in the West, for °limning a thorough EOfgliahi CBS.: cal, and Ornantonel education. A fell coon. of Phi lisophical and Chemical Lectures will-be delivered daring the winter, illastrated by apparatus. The di maintains of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Lamming., Drawing and Punting, will each herunder the cam ore competent Professor. By close attendon to the moral and unsllecteal improvustern of their pu lls,p the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the patronege they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, sec circular or apply to the Princlpals jelitt.dtt S. K. lIIBBER P"'""L TI—Detr B. B' , PL Y ' olir i ril- Mliti e rnArip are have now been using more an a year, and on looking over the entries atedeby it,kre find the talon a bright blue black. liit, pleasent to write with, IloWs free, and does toll ring the pen re the ordinaryWt.hliir •••ott &a ready ale its merits demand, we arc, your, iiii.iertfully, AMP-AIN A CO. For sale, together with Ilibl, , e, Red Ink, and ' chine Copy Ink, by IL A. eulinertock k P. gl e a,ssate, Allegheny . Cliy, md by the mmatecturer, T. K. Ilibbert, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Liber ty and Smithfield at., Pittsburgh. • octlit waTIMUPALMER, & GIkotIII.I.XII. Inlet WM. Wal. ILLIIT (Seco.... m Ilassey, Ihmna Co.) BANKERS, EXCH.SNGE BROKERS, and dealers tit Foreign and lemmuie Exchmge, tkrtlficutes of Detimlte, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth We.., nearly opposite the flank.of ibusbergh. Current roo my received on deposlw—lalght Checks for cale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points In the United States. Tb c highest premiere paid for RifeiSll and Amerkm Gold • , , Advances nude on consignments of Predate, Usip• pert ban,. on liberal terms. era ..11111iNt1Ury!—VALUABLE vISOOY r:141 P/Arrib#CURED .I..roArt Ist, 1949. P.dent croskirver eztomion 1141.1 u, Sofas, Ifurr4u/ Boni ewes': Wrating Dub. LEVER Or IFROUCOIT IRON. TYitthes feel gurproeingOther tit reunion of Me kind new extant. They can Le ea tonded WM..... to twenty-foe feet, and when e toyed the tear. Me all contained to r t eN they are made 10 oil rite. and shapes, and are Min:nobly adapted Steamboats, lintels, sad loge prtram tamiller, term ing wheel eloaad a complete centre gable. SOFAS AND BUREAUB—Theee angel. are , IlmrUcularly .to those who, wieb.. .000. mile room, and convert a sleeping apartment 140 • parlor or titling room, as they cap be opened and abut at coot nience, .4 - when shot, the bedding Is ermloa— cal.- A great caving' in ro am mid rent , All the/ bed. Mgradawheu closed farm • beautiful piece of turtirture fora parlor or sating room. • BOOK DASF:3—A neat and 11. tot ironic for Mutat 'Or drawing_roont. • WRITING DEStS—For law °Sees, °minting seume, and other 015cear when opened smut cow/ewe. bed. !let when closed a perfect Desk y. Mune o big, • All these need recommendation; We butof the Vrtiole.il,ttlay yourstr•O ilOt to get aut of repair. It wrtl be for Worm. to call and examine the aruclas, 0 the ta.ufarturerie 21010. Nu. ectTaird meet, Putab . ailtioo_ the ribpve the ! " P Je4Es I6W ALLFL awl u Itanaructoan os 11C0110L iND - PUBII)IPIitI4S - ' Corner Fiala and Irmo atxeeL. Ciorl m%i, 0. , . 0 a ill E jltrirlaM44 6 4. Wrontiltplit ended io at laerai searkei.puee. mehISAIL . MrlatIMED - Maio AND TABLE COVEII,—A Wage asionsoent'or•Emboased Platte is Tsble coven can be Wand at W .Waintotty Ctipet Wes, home et mitred Ines* Call ssue before to p e X aarS3 MEM= MSMSII DAY GOON /4c- I retworacespairawa aumlituzl'av %MITE NiA BROWN' DOSIESTIC 'FLANNEL'. WE are now reeelving DWI 'the lactorl a lar'„ ars VI .apply of r th elos w6ltll In WC 1011/ e i ',‘r ui l rof :j c r oat ith i g Y in"! .% °l l P.ti r l' Onb e":"* l b lity """k. , l sacl illi aa r"s t etke.:l:74 “taed ale GE pletnteat over all oiler pod* eibiton ed At the late Allegaeny Aartealtaral flaw. Fbt Pala 4Le Dialect Depot, No. 56 Market et..la at ilbe ware mantra rlte. Fayette bleu.( Co . NailJ2 Reeend et . . onlete or tow Illanufeetare tol4 la A 1140102 0, Cit . by Mt loan Dean, and .1.0 at the .14.0 Dtd Wanlowa," Federal et —• itsaarlosta 4711;011taa Gondar riallE tub ai hon Ell% treetited.laa - I eansirwil (roils the timuuthclarera, the Rd learete Gewls, which he it autiturwcil to clew , al priee4 :at piece, yaril'arple Ratted Flannel: • • triO pair, While Bed Wankel, ribber. booed.. alas Ini.eitaiti to the pair. cum PP pairs Steilaboal Ellanketsi ribbon bound, a very vunerlor ankle. - • . 7 • e ewes tZlo pain%) Grey lined Blanker.. ; • Painr Dark Gelitiauel la Bloc Blankets, It very so. pe artlcle. CO.r,, Grey and Blue Blanker Coating. do pieoetTuread,Stenbenville 'wake; t ham atop•, edploot andbafted Jean:: Steubenville otanufeenny. Ike abovo good: are all •eonvigneil direst Irian the - maker, stint will he :old very law (of fisher epprorwl nines. oefl., 11. LEE, LibenY et, dePe.nte dia. has coninteneen toroceive a, huge arannnient. ad Woolen Comfort, and Geode; Baskin, Beata backskinand .woolen Gleam Tdiber, cloth, mooed, lain and blanket Shawl.; cub mere, waisted and ,poles nose; Pongee' Batts; lilt and satin Cravats and Scarfs; Gimps and Etingett Irish , Linenjahlis Caroni CruPeei BibbOttei laceqbloaebsd hod colored Muslim, Tabby Velvets Patera Threads, Sewing SLIk, Buttons; Glatt Bogen. Odra, Plita, , Peniserion Capai,,ltlrriansehrotruon.and geld Jewelry, gold and MOP , Wihistßie pr. ',- et, and table Cutlery, and many •ollier goody 'Swett country and city Merchants aro,terneetfidryjnvited , esamme.. . -• - - reyir.vrE•aiILXVVAOTORISO, OO .i VANUFACTURE and will kit 1. md Steam Boat Blankets, atestie , Flaniteds, blot, brown and drab Wankel, Gosling, Satinet. and Woolen Yarn, which they willaall at Emmen% prkeea., .Warebome No 114 Second at, Pillbergft, •Factory, New Hawn. Fayette m. "‘• WEGave lust received a large luideompleto stoat of cLOcKS, Variety and Raney Gooch , aalta-. bin for the fall traile; l to lwbfehi with everrdeamfPliCok of Looking Glasses manufactured as our awn •stemil power shop in this clay , we iisk . the lineation of West ern Merchmts and o ther dealers.. • • • • , GSNNGDY&SAWYI:I4. sick°' confer Wood md Fourth sts DRY GOODS DltLete4Y., W-[L'a OIT £CO., A now receiving theit areal inimplies of ficlods Ad_ ior the Fah ,sesson,vrbicht,they Intl be happy to exhibit to their old customers, end rnmeng nerrnmea minas feel incluirn wan:sent themselves. Always taking great pants to ley in tarn good. as are adaptptila_the Wants of the :Western tree, Which I s n o:O ' h u ggd " en ' eZt •:iill ' i L cre ' rstiali e n y g Toe s : l d:2 of their stock, that the Wester* retail returnees will hod with them all that his mummer. require. Thom. who have fanned the Unprofitable -, habit oftrePeiring to. the Eastern allies oar their ameba of Dry Gerais, would do well to call, as a outdid - comparison of pri ses would in bunny cases result in the conviction that Me fa - pones of going further may be obviated by. buy ing at Pittsburgh. . t aptl3 dls WHITso,• • DRY GOODS 401313E115, fel WOOD STREET, • ,A RE now receiving a. very largo stack _Of fresh AGoods, of recant parehrne and hoportation,whieh titey . will sell to the Mee at each Irbee• as cannot fall to l ie entire satisfartion. Cny Coantry Merchants mo Linvited to e all and examine ram cock before purchasing eisete,e myy PIANOS. , • RECEIVED. and ttetel open for 'Milnanon, a. near and ..plentlid asittio swat of 7 Dottie Pilot. front“Chick •ertne . Roma, among them a fall eloved Loots XI °Meted tar one of our eititene, Who ate kindly permitted um ecuthin in thy.ware twat to day IlVestaredayt eklulitunt, Those who may IL.Te desire to see uad kl , "-at thin tpleadid epeeimen' of .0, tv fat pectluily tainted LO tall to &Lila the ttioro 11.711 N ft 711:11..I.DI,nl yr Meat tor Claelteltog•t Prana Weetecn Pi. 01:117 IIURI:R & C 0,3 0.4 Cape ts mn.rcgutu(Yde firming Can and sha OtisTERS, wbab ara of. Eta to dealer. and ;Mims at the lowest Flees Quaiity warrants"! equal to any brought to ibis cults Mt, and tor yale by J. C. UILINVELL, Alsa—At the followma depots: —Rest *met, cot ner Southfield and Seentai Mat E. IleasteMni Diamond, Merest &Radom.... F•4O/11.1 ...01.1beoli- • orfls Mt= Leex NICKLIN tieing dinvolyed T ; the urpletelignetl will eisetillue the Vnivn erilisiti Whit Cominfmon Beeler. WI the wean, boat Iheadtteghl FRANI:I.IN, wad reeve:daily infutens bu frKhill' tbay i he bee cone to the expellee. CI Y heavy. issuraticie on] air 111111fehollflaSal come., Of fevers! year., ;aid] ereets he will gilf who may , '• T1M1F511.1.1,211 MOW= CVI2 MAI /01 WC= MT; .3p . 'WOO oa nsarr or saaanrrissetr ' Scrofula or Riug's Evil Rheaminism, Obstinate ~,t , e , none Daimon., Pimp'. or DuateleSea the Blotches, Bilea , Chronie Sore Eyes, Ring Wo or th Totter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Fain t er e:Banes and Brines, Smbborn Dims, Sypidßie Symptom, Sciatica or Litmluifflo,—.d diseaTs arising from an !M . edici° use of Mereury, A I thee or Dropsy, Farman" or Imprudence in L i e; Also—Chronie Consfflutheatal Disorders,ae. It this preparation am etreaglycone.trated al l , lidadminal properties of Barsapanlla, combinedh the most camel aids, the most salutary preduels, the 1110 . 0 pellet simples of the vegetable kingdom; slut it has been so folly tested,. not only by, patieuts *Mu rals.. bat also by phyuciana. th at itlas reedited their unqualified recommendations and the approta- Con .of the public; and pea established, on its own merits, a repatation for vat.. and trews. far Sege ride to the submit Competent!s bearing the no of 1 Sars•parila. Dliemes have been cured, such as re not famished lathe records of rime past-nod w hat It bra Wendy done for . the thoas.da who have user; It. It is capable of doing for the m 1111.3.11111 leadenog cod struggling with d1r.... It purifies. cleanses, and strength.• the fountain seeing. of Ufa ar , ‘Lirlfst. new vigor throe emit the whole .imal frame. • ANOTHER CURE- OFECROVIILA. The fol.osruig atriking, stridas will. seen=phr mamma care of an inveterate ea. of Scrofula, emit- , mends thief to all similarly afflicted: - 1 1 - - Sonoran, Conn., .1.. I, 18111. I Maws. Sander: Gentlemen, /Sympathy tenth , affliiet ed laduce• me to term:myna. the. IC0111010113C•te effected by your Ethrsapsznia, ital. ease of my wife. She was severely to with the Berofula on difflr cut parts of the body; the . gl.ds. of the nett were greatly enlarged, and her limb. no-relief owolled. suffering over a year and. adding no.relief fro m. remedies need, the &karts attacked one leg, and be low the knee supporated. lier physic,. advised It abould be laid op., which was done, hot without any wnneut bhuelL In this situation we heard of, and were Induced to use, Sands. Smesparllla. The• fins bottle produced a decided .d feworable effect, reline. log hermerenthomlrprercriPlion she hp:lover token; and before she used est bottles-4n the astonishment , and delight of her friends—she found her health gene restored. It is now over a year since the core west et (ceed, .d her health remains good, Aerating that the diocese was thoroughly. eradicated. 'from the system. Our neighbore are elliknotelngulithrvPMMlMMlak crop l ';hlT-91'8 4: " 'I"P'iII' .II7LIES MK -' Yours wait peel, Extract from • letterreceived from ` sr- ' G entlemen, • gentleman well know:( in Loolsthea to.„ Va t • mlentlernen, I live cored • negro buy of num, with your Sarsaparilla, who was enacted wlthterolula,' and of • setsfulogatuouly. '• _ .., . . .. ' , Years, truly, N. W. , mini. "Exederieksllell.,'Veil, July 17, IfitAn - I ~ Sono' BA Pi rpor.t.r..--It seems Menem uarieeethis. - ry to dhe.t attention to so article ,o well known and set dewrredly popular, as this preparetuth,betnat ma riles who ton& to Urn thejeztract of Sarsarllit, are. i n dneed to try worthless composted, be o fin this n roe, bet coot/win( little or neineof therein. a th is ale able root and wr think we cannot twilit' argrader I,.fit on oar readers than lodinating their anetitiod to the ...seeder. a of. the Mews. Saadi,. iusrurther . ~luolo The beide has recently beta, culerged to_ , held a yawn, and th ose vrho wish *Milli good artieto will tied concentrated In this all the ritedieinal islet, 1 o f th e , e m, .rn,, expel:mien of thordoludelas Rimed era elfieury 10 curiae the names dtuttotuuY fur orturiNf is recommended; mid, at the.presanitUnte come than. any other. perhape. ir this riyailicino near!. in' Freya' nog the system to: a change of •Belleint.-1411.de lain , nrl, Sept 18.1 - 11. lI: i• t Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail. by A 41. de D SANDB! Druggist and' Chrinillr rah Fallon Wait,' cornered William, New York. pop al. by Drug-1 gists generally throughout the United Blotch sail Vila , ado. Prue. dl per bottle; six Coulee for Is,- ..- ,s, j , - ~r Pe.: attic by I. WILCOX. Ir., 11.1 t. FARM JCR' , CJ., and EDWARD FENDERICII, Prushargh Al ea. by ll& IS SHEN'. Ur Idevaier.. .o,llo,o.i:ever, Ik4 R. E14.1A1l EATON'S, CERTIFfCATE TO PR 1 11.1. .1 AVN—This cables; toot immefflately: aft. having Sounded say broths., who died of canthraption in !flinch, ther, I was taken slot with We l o w r , eir LminCoutploint, and arm reenteed we wilb the .. .in.l.i 11/M Mrinlrl Year. I was ouilbte bl atr.l to ittrlinntlttOOS, either at hum or abroad, being e the Moat tinre confined to My be d Darin:tn. above pen! od of time, I bad expended for, medical artmattthefi a: regular Phyeleatts and median., to Vot uttuAtul. , Illiur tralinitt,ltzputtuy .4 , tither!! "."" 4 2' hi dalY,t WS, I comme n eed tains Dr. Jayne's pled/. atilesould_ bare tat. thommare or !woman slnee, and believe that it Wasty-pereecaing In their us; that I 'Cannon: truly thy that I have rometamlrtee?7 , erred my hatttli. - .lbeltcve that larise's sa.mitoT 1r..... ...41:ap.mr.t w u. best *may Medicines urns on I reside ina ne , litglieti, 01.410 ethery, [My on 5 n and Inseam° shop. that plaosi.! and am dal interentril . to oily moaner al the um eh the 1 .•bove ow.lictiws, and sway du. certificale ler umbels,' efie of tho.,anbeteal ... • 'ELIJAH EATON, I Leprenglieldr.N. 1' :Srpt ii MS. - ~ - yuly -- _ _ ) 4,7 • - . ' • . 1- ' 4 :-, - :!',, '- . ;;;-..,,,.: ,‘ , -,-); ,- 5 , : , ~.,. Yt , - ~. ...',.. ~.! .1, '_' ''' ''':-, rv-.. .rz ' i,•:‘,."7c***:,., '*' - .4- ,- *Awd, ~ _ ~ : ,• , :c:. :vox a.,;J:,,--.4.,..,},`*",-;--!'e-**.j:ieft V 1 -7 - * l 7. °mg' ------_____________ . . • .... . 1 •. i , v limn lit.:::: :i i.t;!& . 2 ...., ' .... . , .. _...... ..,,,,.......... ..7, i..- - '. * • ;:. : ssumrstuirsit fladla WAS mr -ur i e ij , : Ai , •,_. - d.. it. il Sahaute-diMags a Ld'Kt ;,,,..t. to Ute politic, ...ell as so the Meta ad PUI r FA Male ate rum dram iptatodA w r: s .T,- , , at ma Dattog time mesa .o%se easrell;aty appetite Called. had 1 I Z t ... 9 - entirely. prostrated, wall genera pailk VI sit eihieng. I 'WSW 411.9d141116,4 ". ; 1. ral • sewn lama Of •VMr ereaCeaked ,4 4o o . l " , " , .._...' . n tr . IdlatdPs Wet Ptah. sot admacaltrAirleol . It I was told etas (*albs that dia ,i.e ` ail wu geeing me. t I Gamier- _ Oa!! .: eeepr If the ma A i : taerA4eres, t... 4 .....,. ti 7 . V b .*: I t =l=el thie. - ... sr"klehhiSPteerui' ''' = ' read (or a bee of last War .1k Wilt d.Oll 1 .."7. vas does liana dm, I wan mailed s teit - .1. wee Pea ',...,. - the. eiedietee'lkes salted my.tasik , I •nllt%=F: - and took,dve or ail boxes, ead bead MI , , , • .chtty Med; but Whim! last I el4Pla . IMMO .',. ~ , coUolibial M& lbailk AM &easy Sts_e_. l6oo, ,,;a,' time I mu a. bad as mr.' t aCrithe hid N'a ii. • ' yoer LIM Pllle, rod toot UM away getaitaitglalettql ' .. t h e .vaii. sal ocaulomny . olgtos tad leo so. all. 2 , . . h I cm. now ',ay, that I WU liPaa t( or( orlOart • , . or :the 'LIM haplaint4 tad LY ipoMIAPO-la ,-- a 4 pond sum salt asabota for U. Last It years. .., . _ neighbors elk 'ass erta ass op Mae. 1 lell.. than tie& sailsse!.l4per fills Wm 011-.40414110110. hl ~,,g a 4 Westing of Divine Prosidertee the mem of vertaf ma I •teeohildent that alien therpablle - WOO/ IMF ~ e .i4irlle.4l erbb the *egad 7oelelm,Ell* mend tor Was Intl MI Of. Ilia at ay neal.__ to "hem I kere re Ms pithy, rtel_ ,are. 7 r., • 'a. Ibte inteei a* well a• le Jba Was re-ut , e , J;*• , - , ,a Soeiheetrally y0,14,_. wawa mama.. _ , Colin I. in=irtglilll 6 oll# trietti.,4 . . .it. /4,11 t, MO on pared IL 'HAI _ . 20 , =l.. E,..=. la hdaeler=rora (.--.. . Ar All Aare an r=rer hernia:Chide/ha '''' ... '. l • . i - WV ' IL ft - SELLER* Propdalor. Claresi. , = 4 • - ma by W asors err DULL cutalii ' taNrof.' tr, *Or • young mao of Os woo of S. P. rAir. Vtl7:LTV'estaltAZlE " GE:"ErOrODO, err Tarawa ha do it Fairer sm?r b o o s ms , for rm ori b l , ==r-r. I Dr 4:ll l r . 's of rtol ' soar of trbsarbs ".1 ire Is soootog P"Pw ross • = 4 stow n'Tta. of gluts, ta * Nobss say, leas e odd Polo" Pr sons for W: • itak. pro IL P. Poworl WO irrottoos troorlogis dart *CAW ,— L. 'Ma is O. woks; tre pbtrlto cot to doesirsktiAl Prams loos' bat Itot 0 MUMS ft/DOOM OLD 7 Dr..lsestoltwoooOs OrmaprO/15..1 Lout 1.4 r Old Dr.'s likaortn, kir Wally eat of arm, cor Writ"' • nature urea ths too silence' • - • • • JACOIVIODNSW% r. r? 'Pri.t r. l Der., tariDssos sr, New Irbrk CO . OLD DOCOPOIL • J HOB .THE ofuoiNal. 611117= , ..I.OICIIIIIIIND SAUSAPADJJWIar• • Old Dt. Tererasead to now abort atig i t s aroildr 3 911111 *MI (TRIMS ZIDIAZ..IOI62I:IOND • OWLS aPABILtra.o Doing poor , be orsatOaargloiLs to ulna maradatton, by *ebtia wow. ki" ter oat of mutat, tad the wto.ctrunierratell Doom only lobo load vim& as Ina sad ILDOTD 'aloe. TOL Gump arol:Dcozaaarso Patraaaattot Is • maattrootered oo lames Imo* at* la wallah far .z throtaboot Densth arta.broAth dabs last. ; Dallas young D.P. ToornacD2l, - 1144 Dar , aad moor obaasoa .41 for Yap DeDWIITIOatoo WI • ort= r:I t o Tr' dotoro Tho deo of Or an t have LI bon lal i 1.• 4 - raialtioa to the martatumso Lao Baroa,por tool. Tbe Baraaproilla it ir kno s en• es tool aim motels& tort4icanal propotraa soap.. Pto'! , pantos watch Cr. lant or wale* ao4 other', wt./A, • Li Mated Is porpt It De soo, r. 20 4 . 2.• tioa roo4 acid, es o f it WOWS. Ott IND /751616, BMW/ of tar proper/es of flarsaparLlta an *a volarila that .o thor calmly l oo ao4 are tau la ..tao porporat riao. own ik oa o" to thort 'm P e= 6 14 .6en"k formaaularlatio nr"'1 / 4 . Immo tbelo rolattlo paraqploamtdebtiv *Ca Pb.' por, i s 50.0 eabolatioa. order aeo , , or* 'rain] otedleal proper.* of lb* root, Over ‘u It. Tabu • • • •.!. .9r41/1.11.1/ OLVDR. JACOB TO - IliFiE - I , TDltteirs•Plania I is so psaparol, that aldilsa law meanies Id 1 ,10 . 9 . 2- 1 sapsplls root are first osatarsd, *Yea = l 2db - of Peron:ass , acid or a ferazatitistni Ist a 215 misstate, tieo every puttered mollealrirlae Newt' r 4 u, a pate sod "aestivated fordo sodded. ills tenisred Incapable of lasing any 61 , M mataabla mt.Ys sealsza properties Prepared is AL anor i ltds Mader the most posreifal irt.o to du CAIRN OF IN. UMERA DUISIABE,, Ilatieadhe seams troy sel) /teer.ooMllladadar;§ Oss. every side fis its Root by men, wawa and ell/dnur welut it ulna Imam lade em el Cm apassitko4 Dyspepsia, aad - Lisat.Complattit, sad et derifida sad Piled, Cositscaeot, att d b ta o am be a tt a was; Poopks, Rtaschss, and Walachian aPioay NOP IMPURITY OF.THE /MOOD. It passers. a it asvelem %Ithaca ea ell.theeellesce union from !activation, (roes keLlay oftlbr9Colnink; Oath unequal eirealsalea,dateriatelitele li glad betel wad,had chins and gibes isi baary gst , hody. " lt= had es road te ecoalthaad eal and lisedllthellad7 egyJouradoe and pans perginauon, relatogentai mega the lasika, dim; and anny Other parr=i-• • • -, Hat ma octangle ita amelkart itcoaathathetely lone - mg ger itogrledgeOhao la all Ida& an.l stages of PRAIALE COMPLAINTS. It wore. wanders gamine... Snider Ohne oElskion, Fella% of Uts Wosab,OteruetedlScePresstel,er Pl Col insoles, Itiv=a f thanansisaal eartoda,,ed --- dir nerved lagarle% salami ofghe liad• evythsessea. By 1.10•1811 Obstreetiorta, end meta. tog the eveeral patio It rota Wee aM manila to the whale body sad yoga all factaket • : . NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBPLITT. . yid Dias prevents Or• vellum agroat rarely ears &ems, as Soloal . lrritatioti, Nesralgia, blai-Ndas Dante geraoseay, holleytk Fits, Orrivalums, Lai Is ceilidh, then, me aleacthis rue PLe.napeleeT Nub? Bat em any of thaw *age . be mid of 11.-P.Tinea ...Ma Interior artleier This yews Baal liquid 1/1101 Le Ls COMPARED WITII THE°LYDIA.% , berme of the Grand Path , bat the em is neaballe or Goienotation .0 NR onto, wide bid eta. er, DUAIS, t gam, ferments, cad tdoere the holnes iontaistuia d into rraeseeins; the soar, acid 441 isa• fledige mil deranging ether goods:. Alen Da thn bor • Jae eurapeard to yuctoom 00 thesyssespl .Whan yet arid into a system already elsethed gritigunD What coma Dypegula humid Do w ool eleade; that Bee., food ppm sa &Sr AMY hs. w mischiefs It yrodeeesT-Ilaintenee. hemberg; Waned/ me bribe 1,..4 Wen peasal Loh diorama, dlerethell.eballeand corruption of Oa bleed! What is Dertifida bet en mid baser lo• then body? 'What predate. ellgass Inman arb/sh Aria( 'on ,kgainioati el the thltbal &aid Held, Salt Rbeem,Erysigielais,Whiteß Power-Bore% • and ell aleetahoes Wane alall 11 , : II I. note. gag, ender beavos tea an mat sabataacia whlga agora md thou spoils all the Mae or thiebodY, more or tea What causes Ithriamanser bug • Nur add Baltosyllialt mineable/war bentreenJaeloluis gad eherrebers, sr. manes. and tridentate the nook& deadtree ttheetee vac which nun: to of =feu cif Jan. lily algae bleed, br de and licitly allele athareas whack llama* clam Now, la It ritx horrible. os nuke andecliounillnlialte. - 177 wars to no t to SOURING, PERAIENTINO, ACID eO9*POVIIUY , • . UP 9. P. TOWNWID I it et gad be ensald Ma have tlio&noeod thal Obile. ggo, pd's Goo-atm Laggard Elmsepargdis, an ll:mango cif Ws rior Infe yry W taratican • Heaven forbid teat ere should deal la ell Wale 'thigh weald tear the mon du tat, • we, 1., TounseeoPs ante's! arid in ald 11 de re upon the Old De seek a smanals - biate soleeagoltnete and Manna:lona lr wing 'Yid Lave geld. Old chasers lOW bate &sod 11.T7 Telugu ad`s Pe C ~t'l een it !redeemed, be ole th e lira, that S. It Togneseadl erne le and Old Dr= Togresenda Sartheatilla an heavatheido..lipenh bad ~,h.angig &entailer, teat they are wakens every pay dealer, Caving OM on. single tame 0 et eisaltesni .. It is t is well Plods epee Libel aalealesste•Kr Pear balm one wounded hammity, to kindle tope la the despairing bovere,go resume ...M. and bleasued Y. "4 W."" R. '"i'd "4 bmk'a " S a u" W hi'dad. tr —that old D R. JACOB TOWNEND BOUGHT sa,d FOUND tho opporumity eild Maga Itl • kis (Iwo UNIVERSAL. CONCEZTRATED Y. ir p p anthill the reach, sedge the kmaledge o all who need al, that thereat, km: and tam by rill ea permit ~ its tame.= sort ream ro LW./ . .. For sale by I. KIDD & CO. VVltonlials Agent Or Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, B=ang Dr. J. BABGEANT. Allegheny Dr, J. C E. Pink r.rd,i G. W .94RDN . pf....el . itt want, Pleabarytt IV) %isaraarj Cloistabianheilikit i t jyt.q . ..l.aattlrlicp Wait laTheirOnhis %et beiry portennriringpab tothJ!nra seams of you " Muni an Sayeed& foraere years with a mem kneading? d fur eOneerallant domes, and lailytoduesd to linger oat a short her wimp* the Gm of 130, when, bean* more 11. W having nasortsdao all lap fannetrmormailang pre, seriptions of two Who most resperstablopityaWans the neighborhood Inthont deriving say jienelt, of 2wriaonsolnuon oisorrivint bat a Ana days. or - mar l lieSt—WheZ If , Om" eC hops ,ipasoute rrinlah, rharr reernmendod uslrie year Ittpeerorinb— and blessed by that Ming , who, dabs aLLxhmgela the proof thc vaeans,asd,e dsa oPlVarY,Ao the egresenadons of ybyeirina and Crien was bi'a Yon:lm nisei trtrlA may. er bc4,4114 was impblattl vaaarivbeavO• attend teary brumes*, enroyOrasneabastarhaaArhaa I had for ten years prelims. _ Jas. Welardal: For - sale Pnisbargh, at the Yet , its„Tera atere.l9 Fourth weer. • - • ,toltra Ohio• at she Delawaati Wataai Sat" Vela. Sam/cos. .L.... , ~.; - ... , • ".. • .1 , .;•., IPPlLititinui, Noy. 5.111,1fLU; T !Tytl ' et t c°l '. ?Z..ll.Vit i allt. VI d'. ndhq 11, Vt b: f n a " o n2c o te. f .2 .- b... tie : ai P - 'and des 3. the a an r lf DeVi.ag....... - n_.. -' 43 f '. • ,Also, a lend MIN c. is eseAsa 1•• appal wick 6.l:latent. previously lope, payable U above -' - , {IHMD. NEBOLD,SOO7 , / auelo ::: .•.. • . P.A. MAINEI2.II, . I,t rb I,_ ' • GUEXIMIiV6OI3 40/1.13.D1112 , ". .YrILL remain open for vSsionsouslil /et Jenne y, t U. OtsLers and oWet itetteetnenli sub, tIS 4he segion..ll kepi: , The ensea.Mley con. Jawing a lugs collsopswog tere 144,SkfliSsX1Satf, ul be spoil id , vliatte 'lMiptese nein) , pntYp . y niarn amine lb:ones:AC We Beam, :lus Almasee leaven Welttlespeny. entl 01 1W t l Clets„lcreet amine, ere iv taLfhbedering the den Rani tres th e I.esiructn. auti.WC.tOIIICP.IL.VeI.WM....W4I/41.1 rens wow the row, lending a short dissance &Wm des. Parties wistag mepeadgh6 be ecterinuodated Ivan lrepon Alsaniteweth telaelr AL Kept Oil Temperance principlcs, " • Atb•nookussillidloo l.l . ll4 ritorAtiet igeOred isni• vp meshing all hbars,io elusuicassvotaillillirdyss ~ t. day - • L itviv,u24, lkowl2 ' • - ItAlf "- DEDBMINI - HisFiteVaiiie,brEtemmagtll, austkor at .1"mm:0 .I.hapop ia, gamy of Lug Alr.d. of . kifiglsad, JpsabAbt4k wpm Sae ea~nnoQ~ .44;407exiibrIsNitVlatilf coca klip?tellga ami - Nattruktusis - v. - fi" qtr , •-. • • StO.ta ;, •;:
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