IMMLANEOII& ,TO TILE Pi:FOLIO LdieOI.IT KIM years dace, I era. unve-liog Bens of Wm while vending • few days an I disellvered a singelarklfewhe ichstance. stot milLequently bouned that it had been known for ?ems. and mappmed to be of rus use or value, but (rote its amblermity e( Menu. and elogalar appearance, I Waa led to believe it might be made metal, bet for what 'purpose I had not the least Idea. I commenced egpenments by barring lt, boiling it,' and pulver ising lt, and aempeendlag It with vane.. substance.; lad.* sewn we. my confidence theta ere Wm value In ty that I gave up my entire time and means in We promention of those expecilleeri% end from thartime to this,! have attended to no miter businean at the Cr. pplletaattiirsof alemt.lore yews, I finally discovered. Way byedseteg it to a Soo paerand mixing It with ho med .M 1 ro about the continency of thick 'paint, and cappdyingthis commend with • brash, that c ht. costing in a law months would become a perfect stone or Matz; an that the substance when applied weammally slate Ina liquid state, and the imr, Mount of silica, Manuniy magnetite and black oxide of iron that hem,. tubed, rendered It bothweather and fire preell the longer clewed, the harder mid' more Nit,meneot . MOMS to become, and as th e coming faller it turns so Mete) to of itself indestructible by tire consequently it protect. the we coveted with It from the itir, nod where there be no air, three no blaze or combmtion; thereforeWs wood will actually that', before the Ohm earning will aloe 1•11. I conaldsted the discovery of the greatest import - Mtee, and applied to Government for a patent for any sown eon or discovery, fondly Doping that I arould new be remunempd for all my outlay to time and ma tey. The govenun,nt, without any hesitation, emu. ea name Letters Patent (or the sob right to en muter, tare, sell same my improvement in 1121, manufacture of a "Weather and Flee Proof Composition or Arti ficial Slate...far fourteen Tema Ptlasl l•h". Whl: BLAKE. WE, Ole inhabitant. of Sharon,have read the above atataweat of Mr. Blake, and believe It to be mbsum. Maly cermet, laws cre knowing to most of the sute rots contented; and we will farther state, that we do not believe that Mere ever was a patent more honestly and laboriously eamed,.or more deservedly Pena* es be Omuta hie experiments with the most thdoutitab'e perseverance under the most discouraging eirearmutneu, so the pablie had riot the lean confi dence that there could be any thing valuable made from the No therefore hadto eneounmr for years the lendscoffs of wady the whole comma. Mo. Notwillistamiing all this, he was indefatigable Br the premeeution of Ws experiments, and we do not believe that there is one man in alloasand who would lave persevered under all the eirenmstanees. Rat he has al test triumphed over all obataeles, add we be lieve Mere it now bat one opinion In awarding Mtn the merit of skis valuable dimmer), ObA. W. CRAIBBNE, InaLices of • 'IANJONA EVERHAAD, Peace. I.EWIO C. CHATFIELD, • Trestees 'LW MILL, of BENJAMIN JONV., Township. WM. EVERETT, Town. P Clerk. ALLEN HOWE, Trimmer. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. - • - I km sagesiaineo that Were me individnals engaged in dilgett inkr gehdth, and peeper - kw for mi. the above stetn n Minera l, to be mixed end, oil, and used pre cisely as I awe my patenthd article. I have been to those perm. and shown them my patent They say they do not Inland t Infringe or treopus noon my rights - then they have aright to dig, grind, and sell the powder, If they.ean find purchasers; that they are not bound to know what they are to do with In that It it no inminarment and It I. mixed with the oil to mate the .mpoand; and that those who boy, mix and one it, co at tone the resnonsibilny Most of them say that they behave that the patrnt la Rood against those 'ha mix and me th- eampotsid, and Lame hate sue that what they wanted to nor they ahould certainly par.- ate of Me, na they did an in end to mate thenntelrea liable It, any way. Now I feel mantel( 6t ants bound to expose this barefaced tread upon be paalmi as I can call it by so milder acme, where • man sells and re ochre, pay for an &their. Ott • We a( whtell he well knows =bleats the parehathr and user to a• protects d0n..4 tale came of those who ere engaged to thi• nefarious teotho, wiLl'unque.nottahly ewe.. to the soh. then my paten. mil not at.d tyhot tdare nal praw., NOW, to take tale &Maw away Isom arm, I went to volme of the. who were proelamurg the: my patent was of no Caine c d awls the fo.low. lax pr teeth oat that they rubht erleere tudgo nod two 'lawyers woo hue some preenee petenvet.e, and we wool , •uhnst the - a to Ili m and I' they decided that th• patent are gthd that the) d atop all fan,' preeretnne• to the buthie •s; but if they alteald 4. ite that to woubl hun t In their wanton, held, I w o ol apse or tel thaw go on and ...11-dial, could, without thyine aa• Itsr,g it e entitle Woes them. Tti- prove: Ilion hey would .t aitthede to ro lan as U, • tilts nt my p. env otheemed Ido not do , pow entirely aeon own Judgmsel..u..g. I Gave the falleareenfideneo in It; oat I have smomath4 it le sully of theladges, and SOWOral of the most <Mount patents awyers. who have, rwithont.ception, decided Vila a verse goxd, and would protect me to my dtheysti. • I ari.d the article to a fine power, and pet It up in hwyels, the which are marked: efitbara's tin aSp WiaTnEll tab. AltranC..l, Blase" I therefore vie notice to all who buy and note the then mentioned mineral for the purpose set forth in soy patencexcept.from me or my authorised agents, that I shall hold them to a strict aceountability, and shall commence suits at law against those who thus lamp open my nght. %VAL BLAKE. Stumm, Medina Co., 0., Amp N,1919. frrTWO -TONS of the shove Fyn and Weather Proof Artilicial Slate on hands and for sale. The above we can recommend, for we have hien using it for some 4 years, and know it to be what it in eel forth in ever" particular. J. Zs H. PHILLIPS, Ant, noviil7.43m Nu IS Wood at EXCELSIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., , Bre. GA Hearth Stalest, Pittsburgh, Have BOW to Stara their tall .11301110.11 of Trisimilup, Gloves, Buhl' and Lac 6 Coodi A A DAPTED to th e malts or every ala. of Nerd..., _and COnsaaterv. No puns have been *pared to ilex lice: Their stock consists nt parroi the following: DRESS TRIMMINGS. Fringes and Gin: - pa, a .T.r 7 variety; near sryleo Iltputel Galloons; Aigerine soul Imperial Braids; aside and narrow fillk and Worsted Embroidering Broids; =and ant Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; black, white And colored Silk Laces; extra wide, do do, Ow • SSonneass•arilit a fall assortment of Dress Batons; Drawls finked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. LAOS GOODS. Embroidered Lace mil Muslin Capes, Chemins., Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Halt Sleeves, Premb Worked Coils. and Cads. in great variety;Lsce Teals, Lappets and Open Ties; Moaming Chenusene, Col lars, Cads vend Ralf Sleeve.; Linea Lawn Ildkft, plans embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do; nal thread Laces and Edgingc lot.. do do; Bobbin, Lisle, Lace Muslin and Conon Edgings and Inserting. - BoriarT.rmamuma Rich D. Into glonneißibbon a French Face Flow ery, Bonnet Tab. Velvet. Sad. and Florence. Silk =ado. and Tarlatans, Bonnet Frames and Tim. - - - - KID GLOVES. • Bost mannfactare, with on approved fasteninp, and choicest colon. An extensive assortment always ea hand. HOSIERY. • gnat variety of flilk,Weini, Condit, Merino and Cashmere, fiir Ladies and4dimen Tarim raid , . and a roll asseinnent other style. fancy and liam Chad • ten'a lion; wren styles Infanta Boma and Bock,; Gun& Grampian, Vigonia, Merino, Coon and fine Wool Hal( Ham GLOVES. - - - - - - A' fdi aaronment for rand, warned and children, =tang which and sar l a p in Ribbed, Poloselle and plain Sat; ribbed p Cullman.; Crtunala Lined Der. • it; Camioners, Mnne, Parrlined Bearer beayy and Backskla, Military and Limbs Thread ' and Cram. WOOLEN GOODS,. s. c h Ladles' and Chd een's Hoods, Children's Wo..lonesse., Knit.Searfs and Boa., Children's.Gait ena and Issog %Its, Woissed Cad a Knruing Worsteds sad wool= Yarns, Califorour Condom n!so, fine CasdUnor• dreads, for Lad., - LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Zeltk7r and Tapestt7 Wonneds, Patterns, Ikon , and Bose'` ellk, Bristol and Peed Boards., Pa. per Punter 11IntaiaIs, Lamp Mem, MM.', and Em broidered Work. Also—Ladies' Sdk and *nine Vests and Brewers; Era soldered Sects andFlannela French Wo.ked Cep and Waste for lelardspsnd ,Ssean4Pdown TriasnLp. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. • Pine Stuns, Cravats and Csllars; Flerino S t i ll, Conon Wranposs and Branca; Sospenders, Fbou der Braces and Dressing Uowns; Silk and Linen Ildkfs; Ways. and flattery. - - - COMBS. alemsHEs 41%.12 PERFUMERY. FTC.ICtt fiatcrna urv , tand plum Paull /Jae leCanaha; BaILN . and Ifn. do; when Nideand Long Combs; Ina. da. Pada ri, dada and Rowan:lad Lbw Bniaric Sliell. Banta nand rag. Nona °roman& au Bps ,vary Comb.; 1•1111 an a Prount of `gad and ler= Braille, Wealarrl'allkild MULL . Perfaanery. VARLE CY GOODS. N gn pi g i i , Pius, . Tapa, laurel Bags and Pups, D i ng nn , p„d pa,' , tools, Berlin Wife llaaa. Lai Pup faria . ,atail Saari p Au Itapaav al Deaks and CoN B. ailed* & (1•IIcroir rant y Wart Barren Cook Cdo and r Niel., orifnlioa, eon:emu...L.l Blip S. rlade unsung Lathe.' lla.anarr, Pa pit & Sulu, ranch Cora. Utica Up& .leirrer • rut p• ....ii.k & fil Oa r salbrellaas, Bud' ...1..1r 'y'd ad Nolan& ..ap r dldNi.iii& Nona .., Eng IN . al 0 ottia, Ii as &isii & Webbing Pf.g a tal u s lianltng, C ...-01 an, an.. . , trW A VI) V . A Vt., DIANN'S. DIND:AR Lull AND SPRING I....MsTap, 0161111. ID, TNIE i 1 w.anlete of pant Away to nil !tenons en• gaged inbailettag, or to them who have dready bails, and aen witln•t window !Wetting. While n tanuskn. aper4et gabililluz for paidca and weight., St .8..4 1 1$ a at Iciatieltn emelt window, It atorde inta safain .lialattoidg that hms ever bow brOnent in L 3 The ahlity.end convenience of thin Boring over all others,..wi that by. otto thumb niece, both sash of the window can be rattled or lowered. It requires °toy to istow.i to be appteelatel Persona wishing to Dag the article, or to have them pen into. thus 1na..., or the tight of selling ti for Count:tea La this Pura, may apply to the at tae 1.k.-RRYIIOWIE, oo the Allegheny river, Hos hatiO, Pe. TURNER, • nov26,datetirPP C. P. MAYO "Tirgltralfr tififirkt—!--itee'd Lids day, at Ile ~,,.. ' Clintock's carpet Viluebouse, Na. 75,fonnh a, a f mbar apply pt Carpel of Me latest and most In c:ad styles, to welch we invite the attention of best ma, and those wishing to Innalsb llowea, to Call and'exagee the largest-ITottment ill th e city, which we will sell cheaper than ver Delete offered in tie velum saarket. eeel3 W WCLINToCE - . ji.triass -Long tikawla. IR. kJ UBPHY tore ree'd - a simply of the ore ern le, of the best quality; LW, - pleb Black Man; Shawls; Week Somboulnes.fdoarning Al . . =Peralan Cloth, black Ceburgs, partectte4 ma, Moos de Lades and French Meaner, black , 'Previa. ud Mmuniag.glollars, bloutalng 18; f eet 8.4; n ,k neck and a . fw I aworone o S'" l'LldliatClC - !ALMS, • • , A Mge anorantro, inenuttoga few Pieces very wide *Virden 'Boyers aro Invited to look at them, . Perth Bast earner of Ruth lied Market rte. Waolosato Boom ay stain, where l large wenn• ant of New Goode has lately bean received. ._•• , 118.181fJIWII ALTERATIVE. - we have been Informed by Mc, Hose of aeon, PP'. .Ibrated °alter by Drs Jayasta Altairskly•liieb - Cea s e Iras bean al pberlty r=l;lTh o et er ein remed y y etre with the ZIEC8088:5 or WHITE 11WELL11108, attended . snth aleenakine and entails:toe of vedette bonee,da.• Itsgerilehume many pleoeshard been dieeluutedfrom ' ' • the metal bola ot. the quint, from both bar atom. ' anode *ad heads .tail from both Invoked fame Oa left 4.• fentors., bone and from the righ • knee. * besides pail:LAI Ilene oa outer parser her pe ••• wit/abbe. belled „gae shlll pi a umber of the ma -•' • at Su an,,darreg mat of tbo • •-• bet earrings lima , S.-MUS4R.II 4q114010. About three months lines sha was eedl be try ...Jayne's 4.lterallas, • ontlek bah bad ea astoalshlngly . army elect upon bet, ~1172111.71141=1, e ad swell up; and causing the • la meet .• e hergeneral health .” "'Zl l areemooloplettlyrileted, • that she now *Wits Pm awe than she did,before • • commented the O. thle %rely valeable. preplan Sex . Bva . Post . For farther informataakkupare • f Mr. Hose,No. Inn • ' , Arbon st,Phlladalplus, ft** Pnaibapi auks P . IS. e / TPA BTORP, DMIr76 monrovso EXTRACT OD SARSAPARILLA, The most Fondeffill Redicke et this Ise, 1,500,000 BOTTLES MANUFACTURED YEARLY. TOL rlettietep Is pat up ta • wed has mead owes Om. 100,000 ,Oassa of Chromic 'Obsess, • . . • the bet Ten Yeara--Nebe Its Geesida• steleth Aped by TOW888:8EL EXPOSE. - - - BY READING 771 E FOLLOWING AtIODAVIT • the Pahlie will Lam the origin, or rather when the T r for soaking the nod they roll Old Dr. Jonah Turmoil% ftereepatilla,.ol=o th—ead will be able to judge which le the genuine end ridging], end otthe =meaty of the then who an employed to willing Res the original Dr. Town:lead's ausepariDe. Dr. rowneend Ins the original end inventor or Dr. Tennatersh end hie medicine has cathed a repast/me no other MUM _ma pined. • Esimulktared over me million et WIS. bat year, toe rousafacterher at mew, OM bottles per des. WI twe none nami.o end Yellow Doak la oar enabliebrownt In day, than all the other Berayerille 31.9hottorml In the staid. Principal MS" Dire Fulham= BEAD TEE end Crewel el New-Yerk, . WlLLiam Assagnorw, of the mid City, bedsgtel; mi; dank decor and ery that he Ina Dregikt W Chemin Thal eome three In t.QIZ part - of May, or ftret el Jame, then, a man by the name of Jacob Townemd, who at that time a book sad cam phlet peddler, called upon &TeX, at the hem of Mo. Thomism, No. en Budermetreet, where depn own boarded, and requested deponent to writehhe tordi which to make a limp eiraparille further hays, that he beams env:Waled 17rIETZiTrenserrdet thi amt of Thereon, You Book Publisher, with whom add Tow That ski Townsend had bad Prequel cowmen throe with deponent recant the maunfactrue of en anode of teereepatilla to he end under the tenth doh. moOmid i Sbarnastal .toted ha sow ea old mom rd poor, and Ina not at for hard labor—and wished to rota mane money, m order to lib easy to his old dam and that, if earespollla ardor this mama el Town wed acid es era, and so much motley Wu mad. by h. mold ow to boon wiry he might cot maim soma* ma of ft too, ads cub being Townsend.) C b tlea. P".' Derramularte " trtoo coubmetions .shad told Tommead if ha err related to Dr. B. P. Townsand, to which be boiled, that ho tam Dr. 6 P. Towtestal would be doom on hios after he should commence. But that to. did not cab for en he had formed a co.partorraldp with au who could bon& es requisite muountadcapibl—and wet gcmpared to Woodhintsalf menet may attack Mot Might Do made cal Um. Depotamd author says, that :mamma to the raven of sad tenon Towneend, he wrote a recipe for the teenufecture of e Syrup of Sereeperille, end gave It to kb. Raid Townsend observed that he wanted to make • epetimen to aohibit ta his partnere for their amoral, ae ha wislust to gratify them so every thing, withey furnished all the ital-void Towmeod NN depweat that the bee they were to um were to be of the same she and dupe et Dr. a P. TOW. /112Vh. awl deponent. at the requeet of mid Jecob Tolensand, went to the ogee of Dr S. S. Townsend, mod prorated out of his labels AM deponent further nye that be boo been Wore. ed, and mil, believe, the Syrup of Sarelyerilla, saki as Old /mob Townsend, le made alter the recipe for. ebbed by &pawn: to Jacob TowneeraLue eMestIML And butter deponent .4th mot WILL LLM ARMSTRONG. Byron to twines me, this Wit day of May, lan C. n. WOODHULL. Mayor of the City of New Yotit. PROOFS. PROOF!!! Here la prod orearittelre that Dr. & P. Warmed% Sateeitanlle-ia th. original. The follovrtch ina• at the mat respectable paper. in Ihia Ittata MMUM Dr. Tovrasend's Sarsaparilla. - Then probably meter has bean et. s remedy, at pole= medboal, si Dr. Townseades EtansperiL4, witch Ina orieloolly, and saatiroms to be tnenttlec =red to this cty, st first by the Doctor bantelh ani allarrards for =mat yea= sad toll= Frrtlect time. by pay, k Teemead, the. Rua= propnetcre. Rita, the n partnenblp vas formod, the Doctor has make In New Yor., where he keep atom and en to the W oos that Atom:toles at that pant. ./ tatt ==.l. Wormy ha this olty.hod cooductsd by the potter partner, Mr. Clepp—bere ell the medielne to to • thwart der artless lame any Idea& the amount of thia melicine that to marortattured to arra 'Betides tho milea In Wm country,ft art/fmed to the Canada, Wert belie labrida, /Math Amerika, and arm to Eu ro" in courtdorablit quontitlos. At the manufactory they employ • gem emUa, bride. ei UM° number of to. mommt Mad Air* le the prepare o 0 a the medicine. ;inking bow; pia:rite. fro.; and turn out, rady for Wpm* or 400 Amon per day, or poorly 11:03 bo.lm. The aan emsrmous quantity. The treat arts lb. aladielno haa sequlreat tae io &trod • neartrer of memo got up baltatiensa am there to at the preaumt time otbtr modicinm for MI, that are called• Or. Tenonsemra busaparilla." Ow in var. tinder flatted • , hort time ago in Nom Vmt, • co Lind • OM Doctor Jacob Tererseend'a Saoreperille.” sal sp. prareatly meth a view, by dint of advertising. and the usual remedies reread to to nsch efforts, t appropre. ate the tame of D. S. P. Townsend% greet reeled). and thus pin aD the adrantegtor molting from the pepabrlty of the name which he has acquind for Leaf patient and exteutalre Loon. _ Dr. S. P. be 6 the Inrealo - a. amid nedkiaa known al •D. To wnsend% SareaparMV wad are think thew porton who are attempting - to their article ea the {wombat,. dread be exprned. FROM THE Dew York Dolly T.Mama Og• We publithed'. advertisement inadvertently mum time t 1 r. thrt did injustice to Dr. S. F. Town went, who le the original proprietor of the pre paratiun of iberapparilite too. is Dr. Terernecara Other parties here within the pct Der mouths er.getted or oonnected themsairm with • smo by the name of Toe mend who pot up • medicine end calls It by the one name. This medicine wee whertised b Tke TM.. .a the km This advertisement elan contained matter to the character of Dr. 11. P. Townsend end that of hismedicine. We regret It smeared, and in justice to the Dr. make this so phenatkm. • PROD THE • Naar York Deily Siam Da. Teurarea'• catraordmary auras= ent,whish ocestydas in aria peg.e of the Sc,, will cat aaa.P. indica. Dr. S. P. Miriam:A, who is the original pm. putor of Dc Touund's itartausilis ad whom of site It oat dies to eau, where he bas been for sever al years,le driving an immense butnea He p er is ler than bar hundred dcasta Sansuarilla per day, and even this nionnous quantity doe. at apply the demand' No nthdiciu our salad a great a popularity.. his perforation at the - gawps:ill. HL edition of Adman= for USD toot MOO% and ha boo paid the New Toot Sr. fa adverthdag, fn the last four you; over a 10.014 and ha acknowledges that it la the clasped advertising he bat had done Tide sadist. a argorted to the Camara, Virgd to die, Swath Amain ad Estropo, io easaidarade qualities, and la analog into ganani ,ath la those unsaid; as wall ea ham •, ==ll Drosslets stud others that ell Swami fire the Rains old ortioal D. Ten...lWe Baresp.eillst tin t. cot sagood by h. P. Towroard, commits • trod, and rwindles the custroms. lira that would b 111:4111121 act, Iroalli commit soy other Erma res Drogwild or coma= intellrgerwa but Items that cont. the only punk. &NM people who are not mall Wormed. mrl have out read Me pews, mid not men oar adrartmameeta have bees lad to mamma, that became these man art venire their starve "Old Jamb Toerneemta" that it Utast, ed comma, be the origami It is lam Lhasa otee yom-dare they emmatertud to make their metimine. t;bre am men ha the matte arm Ma lean. on eadearoaing palm of en the public u Ur ;id Physician, Ito not . regular edno-serd Plijslenn, acid buret ettempted to mannfastore a med. Dieu now time nun hired him Sot In nu of his rume. They say they dn cat with' the people to Deur that emit Banaterilla it aura or the came -- the better to t odeceiv the public, they at the corns th e aurrt that their. e the Old Dir Towneend'a. end the original ; and endeswer to maks Ma people tieliere Oct the pal they sithuhicture, is the Dr 'I ',vowed . . berupuilla. that las lathy ouuderful cum for the past ten yam, uid Ir huh hu gained • npututiou laucti no =in mak!. ern enjoyed— ' which In hue, TOlainnoe, unprincipled falsehood.. We MTo comaitiarul sluts agund thew men for dartmea Ws triati it lobe undernood, Wall. old man 50. .. ao natation to Dr. Trirernothd ertourar UEur sd vertiseakento end citculsea, they publish a number of pose laleebocula reapecting Do Townsend, •hick we will pot r ye.... Pulse Reports. Oar opponent. have putilitheed W the: roper* that D. &Townsend ern deed. This they send to their igen* stool the country, who rep,* Wet we have poen op beam* ho. ion The public shoot/ be on their guard, and not he deceived by three unorincb pled teen. Ngied Rme.l.—Alter the - first of 'Sapient.. IN A Dr. & P. Towneend'e New York Office will ho W the &nth Eeptlet Mich, No. I* Neasanstrwo, which le sans undergoing a thorough dune, and will betted kW the bitter emmmodenee of the pro• prise= and the Wm Ta. Reim—No leareeparilla I. the C ato es% jorierWlTtr...=thendb Bersepanlle, sto. Aoiarta.—Baddlog k Co. Ha. a Btatostz eat, sod Mn E. Bkaigra No LOCI Conekstreot. Bort.; esinnal Eldder, Jr, Lowell; Howl 7 Pratt Velem I /twee u. .thonA Womestst I k Gant; Ilotswel Balch k float PlUVldlate 1 and by Droglnts and Mor J. chug,' ganseelly II:moil:out the United State.. Waas Wirt and the Caosda. Foe sale by R. E. SELLER:4. tick Agent for Noe , rglg D. Al. 4:LIRE Ir, y; A. PAITIIIISOII snonoblow. •eetl A VIV.ItY WONDERFUL CPR F !—$ t:l. I. A M Ct. Mercer co , Pe.. Sept. v-, 1-44. If E. Sellerri D.or Pt, I !Foul, one bolo , ni your Weruefuge et the Iron City Po meet-Moro. at 11i3 idner, ecd ham performed what we con. tiler out her- ti won derfol urn on olio of toy bore veto yours o:.!• h. 4 beer Unwell for Mutt yearA, •cr Intlch .1 that 1 4,lFir- VI up all bopee of Via I eel/TV 17. vra. nd•ord y tie • e of my itrighters v . . try IL toulte ne your Vertnifue end lam kingly to idfr,rut you nf o hovinp do.trait creel of relieving my sco. Hr of , in the .hart peer of SI hour, NA worm, mom of them ineavor. in ♦much sa, IS vid 14 owl,. long I (et I lemitti Juliet to give you thn obovt 4:411.(11.111. tor . you may melt. soy weed my ortme Mat you think proper. loon, very mut:dully. J0u..., P. InTro. tryi?vepare4 oral mid ty stit.i.Kß. , . Pt Wand etyeet4 and sold Drugei.ot veld:roily the two elate. ,our. - -.- - trh.LT CLOTIIS-3 and tad. Cloths, just rac'd and for sale by MURPHY, WILSON k CO, aovl3 Wowl,st Ciil.krilo lot o Uti. DE fast reed a f Itish colored Mons . mall. Cherry. Scarlet. kc, at th e low irt,, I ad.r. peryanl. Also, limn Drab, Drown, tre . at 1 , 1 teats per yard; and a large osimrtrnent of mat •1(11.• rad NOUN. da Loin+, at VOllern• price., inge.ther f lgit • ChOled. cs.ortment Drat. Good. dravudy, awl as Fanny_ Silks, French Merinos, Cerimeres, POOlryp aoriLyanese Clorkutrat the N. N corner of 'Fourth and Marko eta Molest/a Roannstp at:dm • . reale il/1 /451 L-16 bbls is More and for sale by ENGLII3I.I*.DENNKIT, boull • No 37 Wood street LoPICE, Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, IN sdderirria A Indigo, with agenentl assortment of all sons of Groeiries and Pittsburgh Pdanufaesured articles, on - katid nod for sale by IV &It 111eCtlfCHFA/N, no• 111 Liberty st V7.LVET alliLltlNti-A fall &North:ton reed per p express. Also, Gimps, FriagsAuYAWand BindlogsO. bone MN C Ini:Piziollicitozi!ii;orzi - 14IMEN a. co , . Pass! ager wad ItArsantasec afikHANRDM oft CO. continue to bring persons from any Part of England, haland. Scotland or Wales. upon the most toms, with their oral] punctuality and attention to the wants end one (oriel cmmigrants We do not allow.). passengers to he robbed by the sonedling sumps that infest the sea ports, or we take charge of them the moment they el:l -imn themselves, and see to their well being, and de nitch them without any detention by the first e uy Our fearlessly, as we defy one of one passew 'gers to sinivrthat they were detained 4.9 boon by as in laverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months, until they could be sent in some old craft, at a ieh ep rate, which to frequently brewed their calla.. We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost want it may, and not act as Ins the cue tut season, with ether otEeerv.,—woo either performed not all, 01 when it suited their convenlenCe. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh' for .7 a-am from LI to LIOOO, paynt,lc at any provincial Elias in Ira. land, England, Scotland and Wales. lOSIIVA RUBINSON, FIR ' :t aP T. :011 6 70 . . 1 437 4 NEW ARRANGEMENT. EXPILXBiS FAST PACKKT LINE, (Exclusively lor. Pusengers, VIA THE GREAT CENTRAL RAI ! RO. TO PHILADELPHLI AND BA Tntro • - public are Informed that on and alder •. ay. the Is: of September, die paesangers y this no will he carried over the Central Rail.Ro from w. islcont to Ilortisburgh, and from thence to Phil pina by the Harnehowth and Colatadt Rad Road.— Isy this new attallitenterit passengers will go through oSS navthan heretofore. The Packets of this Line ant new and orate best claw. Thw route for safety, speed uldcomfort, is the most Nee:ante nowt it, nee to the Eastern cities. Rail Road. are all passed in day light. Time, 3 dal a. Pte. Ten Wham For informanon apply to W RUCH, Monongahela Mouse, oet.l or D to LEECH & CO, Canal Mein. efiew—tititrricf. . TO BALTIMORE MID PRILIDDLPHIM Tltl SHORTEST ROUTErr TWENTV-SIX MILES VI. Somghloghtray Hived, The aphendid new uld ram mains 7 - 114 U . 1 Mail amacke riEDIEkly 4. It. raa, Master, mill rd tas pac ct ittuada ya excepted) between PITTSBURGH tmd WI'T NEWTON, oil opeolay of navigation o laughiorkeny river. Loaves Wert Newton from tba upper IN hart Boat, cver7 ...MAI. o'bbmk• urnicg,,leavea Pitoburgb from wharf Boot above the alonortgaltela Bndge, every evening at 4 o'clock. (MODS received by Agents ors board the Marl Irr h e rer ha. been built expressly for the Tougiti 'neer, mtd the public rimy rely rut bar remslities permanently in the trade. articularP creation fre e to all eruy freisht and part mnuemaZT onmagOtOlV, and...•ar Castle Camel Packets. tiar i TI wte lean L E esVg k r e o;l "- ar ' ly n a' altris , WaL and Filday eveumes at P. M., and akive Ponds . own next 61011.41 9.1 5 o'clock—lemming, leans YOLIZI,p man Tuesday, rs Thuday and Saturdayevenings at 4 P.M., and reach BO,e In time for duo morning boat, ALLEGHENY CLIPPES, attiring at Pitlabargb la o'clock. Tim panic, HARILAWAY, Capt. Laranki, wlll lean Heaver Tuesday, Thunday and Saturday amen. tncs at 6 P. M., ratentimb leave New Miele, Monday, (Wedneeday and Friday evenings at 6 P. N. atm eua seating with the morning boat for Pinstrargh. These .ekc n.. are fitted op in oomph:as nrdar, ate. log fin. 1C,111 . 1.1 d 1150.1 for pusangsra and Hoppers ma , rely o n pUltalisilly sad pa despatch atoll hes barn.. rCri obtained on those routes. 1. fa. FITCH & Co., Propriatora 1. C. lodvrtil, agent, Pittsburgh. & Bro . u ikamr. A. D snobs, Ifoulvirrara. B. .Ca ningbam,uNear Casale. Tee etegam seam., ALLEGHt NV CLIPPER, will reave ileac duty at et A. M., a. 4 Pattalturgh ts P. runnus to ornmoction *latha above boars Ala • 1849. ar ad m. Warren and Cleveland Paaaniter lade. Canal sagket.-85VALLOW. • —OCEAN. nNEI of die above Plasm of Demme every day (Sunday. excepted) and arrive next morning at 55,mren, when they connect with the Mall Stage. for Almon and Cleveland, arriving at each of them places before night. Ono of the packets leave W1.. 41 .1214 at 5 P. N., and arrive at Beam . In than to the morning boat for Sittebowch. CE S LEFFINGIVELL & Co, Warren, p ro. NI It TAYLOR do 5 JOHN A CAUOHEY, Arm. ___apt] . corner Water arid Smithfield Ws Ea= 1849. lat. mmuza ON THY PENN'A AND OLIO CANALS. Cam-reap a Cuenustnuate,ClnyelnAd.o e, ~ IL O. PAR. Ikaaer, Pc 1 9 ItlB Late trill to plepireeon tbei ttning of anal g ntion, tantistiOrt freight and kellgera from PErrADURGII and CLEVELAND, to any point on the Canal nod Lake, . , ' Tlie , facilitlea of the Line are naauspussed in amber, quality and cap city of Boat', expellent, td raptena, and etrtr tunny of Agent, "tie Bunt leave. Pitt thu rah and Cleveland J a ,ly. ran• ninq connection with the otetuneas • Between Piutliargh and Beaver.ind aline of Beal rhea Steatarts. Propellers and Vesaele on die Wee Ainare—a C Turks, Beaver Clia; Praia/L. =one, Wheeler & Co, Akron. Crawford Ir. Chamberlin., G and, 0 G.TOhnf.glrgiEir. Ai Oleo, car Winer .td Smithfield Pittston ' : mehtldy - 131CAVEK PAIBALETSI. Steamer MICHIGAN N. 8..-Capt. Gilson. LAKE EtLIE, Gordon. "I , IIE above tegclar and reell known Beaver Patt i, commenced making their daily trips to am! I nf o Beaver, vmd will eontstma to ran between Pitt•bor,:a and Beaver regularly during the session, as In ML ehlgut Ain. 2 leaves Ptusbargh daily at o'clock, A. AL, and Beaver at to'clock, P. AL 'Lake Erie leaves Beaver duty at 8 o'cbsok, A . and Pittsburgh at 3W-clock, P. AL . . •• • , Theta steamer. will run In cowed:inn with R G Parka , Karin.. Packet W., for Erie; Tailor tr. LefkinrrelPs Wwren Paokete,• Illuon Line of Fought Boats for Cleveland . Certe &Co's Pitniburgh and Cleveland Liiie Frei& Boats. G Parke daily New Cloaks Penitent. CLARKE, PARRS & Co, Beaver, Agents. JOAN A. CAUGILEY, Agent. Pinsk Rh, ear Water and Prielllig Id au kiiit 1849. PITTSBURGH AND CLHVBLAN Obl - TUE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO C. NALS. Tiff: Proprietors of tide old eetabltsbed and • • pular dally linquntaleting of SIXTEEN Cum el • anal Boate,.owneti by thegtechtea and running .0 onnee. ant: mud the New boats BEAVER AND ALEB (X)PI , - are enabled to otion unvI.LIRd D. l 'ties for. the tritteportation of freight and passenge on toe opening of Canal navigation, to all paints on t Penn tylvan, and Oble and N. York meals and th Lake.. PITCH it BIDWELL tr. BROTH ' Agent., Be vet. mer 2 7. 0. 111 Wa DWYILL, Agent, ter went, Pattbargh. C wits, D. WC. 1311./.4 ht.tuch. BIDWELL ri BROTHER. Forwarding Merchant*, GK.% PA.,. 4genu furfFe Pim/Air:A onefarrafrind ltregA and Erre fast vies Erie, and fir straw kat; Burro. and Corril Cc?. Haring hereto...Mt large and sebeLlal Whar loet utt huill far the Monongahela Puget% hart with the Werehottee, the mold ample ao. ionoupdationa for receiving and forwarding, and pledge their utoront ottootionf promptness and despata rev , eentrigament. to thdr care, and rely on their (need. trlnl snea-dir U. EIRO PITTISIMILOII ADM ki.'l/1 • 181K.7 11/4349 Old Established Line. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CA.NA.L. •lIE Proton. , at tiro well awn. Lao of Cana. IMann to glow prepared to transpe o r,Pasgenge aid I , eight to nit paints on the rie Extension, New Jerk canal , and thd Lakes, upon the most favorable trini and with despatch. This L.nv Bina hi contecuoit with the steam horde tiLAYBIt. and CALEB COPE, between Pasburgh and Deaver, E . AI Reed's Line of incurs beats and yea 'cis on the Lakes., and the Troy and Michigan Lake anal Line on thd New Cork canal - C. M. REED, PrOptletOr. Eel., P. Didwell a.Danker, Agents, Beaver. W T Mather, Agent at J Me.klmenl ?autism glee, Monongahela Howse, Pittsburgh. CONRIGINEES-eW C Malan, Sharon; .1 E at.B Hill, ihurpsburg; .Entith & Downing; do; J D Plummer, Wert Oreenville; Wick, Allhie k Co, do; Wm Hertill llstristown; D. 1,111 Sutton, Hoffer _; _ /3taney, & Ca, Bondacky; J. A Armstrong, Dettelt: Newhr try, Slieboyana,• & Mdwan. kir; Coop, Morley& Dutton, Racine; John II Kinne y chiengo; A Wheeler & Co. New Cork. sal PENBISRLVANIA. CANAL*. Us 11011EIR 1849. Maa, ratobtoretlitetol F el issidpi P tsa eeecti and ilia I SWIM. fbnoy for gere Tgespectfutly informedtoe! thth Line 1. will commence running on Monday. Mb March The booth of this Line are of a superior eta., with enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort iD passe:igen , . A host will Marius be in port, and travel en tutor: guested to cal/ and exartior the. before engaging pt%• sone by other roans ('hey hoidotin& poet., the U. S. Hotel, Cotner Penn Street and every night at 9 o'clock. I'ARIU—NINFI DOLLARS TItROUGII Time-31 Dap. Far information, apply at the co.. e, ongahela LEV.CII & Me n C Huse. k i 4. ". ll.l e Tte proprietors of the al&ro Lee are now building an additionalino of PacLets, to run t. above on or about June let, inconnection with the Penny!. val. R. Road from Lewistown us Philadelphin. At that time a packet will leave every morning and even ing. Time through,* day.. mettle atiaMi 1849,ffitila For th e trIt11,001:t 0 :10 01 Irett.di ZFJPWEEN PHILAUP.LettIA AND PITTSBURGH. (100 ISA ea rned on this Isue are not transhipped Uf between Pittsburgh and iquisdelpbia, being e.c• ned in four seenon Portable t:nata over land sun wa. ten—to shippers 01 marelnu.dise regaining careful handling, this is of importance. No charge mado for receiving or chipping, On for advancing chairs. An goods relented end+ dlsrach, and on as reasonable tom. as h any other Line. Jour! M'PADEN A Co, Canal Basle, Pens at, Pittsburgh JAL. M DAVIS & Co, I marl C 2 7 Market AM Cm:amerce st, JOHN AkfI , S.DEN fr. Co, Formant., Mon Mere Canal Basin, Petut st, Pit:taunt. JANES DAVIS k Co, Floe t Pamela mul Cesar*. 'lon Here h • 927 Me tact end 34 Commerce street, Philatiel • • maul FI grade by enter of the Omen Flour, 1 ate. agrul • . ittemilmoilme aaoajaed ra Aga nss A TRANSPORTATION. NEW EXPRESS ARRANGBIIII3IO. 1849.A1at ADAMS i 130 , 8 LIRE. PHE cilliens of PITTSBURGH and ha vicinity are respecifully informed that we have no connection with any other Western Exp,eos, •ndare now pre pared on forward PACKAGI , S, MERCHANDISE. Al., froal Bost, 0, New Vork. Philadelphia and Baltimore, no Pittsburgh and other Western Cider, with eitirpor "cuaonanLßcnaaaa- rs=rei"'nwenfit Dr.W.o wporieum, wino was for fifteen years superintendent of the lialtimore snit Ohio Rail Road Company; How,. Avenon, Eon.. for many years principal confidential agent of the Post lace; and 4. W. Can, Esq., of Brownsville. Pis These goni/emen will gin poreonal supervision to Melina fnien Baltimore to Pittabaro. From Philadelphia we abet run THREE Dolly e. pinto Lines, arriving at Pittsburgh respectively in Two. Thee and Four Doer. Cho Two Day Line will run at mail speed, and is principally inleaded for small and roalimble Packages. We shall invariably receipt for etas and rams. We bare an arraagrancut with Messrs. Ensnare, Haut . 1 / 4 Co's TRANSATLANTIC EXYRFAS, by which we can forward Packages to. or transact (:o - minionaiW Great Britian, Prance, and most of the Ccintlnernal Cities. HeSsralidwardi Hale A emanate' la England wnit .the well known great forwarding bon= of Mesa, enema &Hoax, and In Franco with the "Illessagerics Nationalee We shall spare ns expense or exertion to get our. goods through with outmost deepatcht, and endeavor =furnish the public with a really well conducted Es-i press. Small parcels gad packages will be carried by; Sat extremely low. rates.. Penton. witting to ate oar Lines are =spectrally. requested to particularly order their correepondents to ship by °ADAMS It.CIPS Philadelphia. Nov. ta. ADAMS ACO. The Agency of the above Lute will he' conducted or this city by J. C. DID WELL, writ-411 m • ' Waterstrest._: , 1849. EtamS Bassett wad: ris Kap '' et ma Pack Limo. O. PARKS, Beaver, henna - tor. T HE new and elegant Passenger Pankow, -NIAGARA, tI Cart 111 II Jedries,• e, PENNSYLVANIA, "1H Huffman; LAKE BRIE, " Traby; QUEEN CITY, 0 'Malan); Pormlag • daily Line bemsen Bower and Eric, I ban/ commenced running, and will eentinue dating the ace/ son to make their reveler trips, 'ceiling Selmer Bfiet the arrival of the morning bemire= Patibargii, II of clock, it. tel and arrive et Erie to time for pawnor* to take the morning boats to Ilan= isr op leo Lake. Tickets through to Erie end all Lithe ports, can had by applicatioe arner to JOHN CAIJUIIEV. Sett of Water and Staithttel• av GEORGE 1111Cli i antler the 14, etinde..llwel li IN-19 EitaiMl z . fLEIGIIT LIAM. For Ulalnnße. Jahwitorrii ollidaysbarob, taut • all nitcrairdin - laces . 1 1111 S Lina 0r.31 continual. rry lyay Goode alght oriiti tileiT usual despatch, tool at fair Ma. Of Arirrara—C. A. IVANITUTY CO, Pittabonti. 0 Watcfisid, Johan:own. John Miller, linllidayabursh. fLania_sr—J amen Jord., Smith A Sinclair, Dr•F Elbontiaier, latiora, , Joan Varner S F Von Bona bout & Co, Win Lutunor & Co, Jao aPDavitt & Pillatimyb; Joan vary, Small, & Ray, Jao Graaf & Co, Mao* rite_ anchar PAZUIIa i Ooh. PAOZZIi LINE. ‘ - ' r 1844 N. l AA NEAVVfI ANDCLEVELAND WARKKIV _ Canal Priekth—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. Waiters. g o rrE of tho pore Packets leave Beaver ever) ea), a leandays excepted) arm ante* next rooming at arm, whims they connect settirthe !dad stage. for Akron Lod Cleveland, arriving at each of these places adore night. On afthe Packet. leave Warren dall), at P arsh anis!! at Beaver le time to take the si TAYLOR, a BEAVER AND ERIE PACKAN LINE TO Tall asses FORTY POLL. Paeket—Prucistroca, Copt Jutbies, • • Tostotatir, " Pollock, " • Lau Eau, • 'habit . • • PWriscok, • • Fakcivag, • & B own; • e The abogn new end splendid Pusetgar Pacyk r. ets base ocausoneed rannoig between BEAVER AND,ERIE, and w:11 ruo-ragalarly dazing tier seaaonc-one boat leaving Erie every morning ate o'clock, and one lea, lot Beaver egery eseningmetliately alter the Uri. .1 et th e awazoboat Michigan term ( TL. boats are new and conuortaldy sent arm ,an through .r ropy hoc, Value:Arts to any ct, an etc Lauri. or :o Niagara Aug ran t , •e-m.0.-Jusas aud espeotiona Tickets th.vicsa ...gong or :at Lake dap be poetized by afyistcg a ten prop PEED, PARKS & Co, Deaver. JOHN A. CAUCLHEV, Ago. Pittsburgh., ear. Wider and Stritilirld alt. CH—Jas C Harrison, Iludalo, N C M Reed, Erie, Pa. C C Wick, Onsenrille, Pa; Wralland and King, Mg Dena, Pa, Hays A Pleat, ilbsrpshorgiu tV C Malan, Moron. PA D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; R IY Cunning - ham, New Castle, Pa. 11l Sloamboat for isle. • -- jg,!lt. •:',."..Pntaff,',7jl I . ' l%?rt d . nig, on MONDAY, die Ind, day of Da ember, tS4O. 'cane—OM , oh in hand, and the balance el . , d, and DI menthe with Inicrest Approved negotible paper will be taken for Ike deferred payment. Sale potthire. - H. BIOODE, lima) D. g MiE • 'irserniVielieritersTrilite•MW:llßl • • • Than are dreampt or as philomphy.l .1 • .BE VIRTUES or this remarkable remedy, and the constant application for it, to the promo., bas induced him to have af in op in haulm wish la- Licht mud directions for Meei, benefit at the pablies The 'PETROLEUM is procond from a well in this comity, er• depth of Mor hundred km, is • pore on•. dulterated article, without any chemical-change. bat ct Waimea from Nature's Gnat Imbratory!! 'That It ontain. properties reaching a somber of dimases,ja no longer a matter of uncertainty. • Thera mo, runty things in the amen, of utiture.whreh,llknovrit,micht be of sun amfainess le. ekviering steering, tail re• stoma the bloom of health and vigor to maoy a staf fersr. Long before the proprietor thought of Putties •it up in bottle., it had • repetition for the <onto( dlv. ease. The common and daily mereasang calls for it, and several remarkable earns it km performed, la • Sole Indicatkot of lu Snore popularity. ants rode maned application in the Lore of dilease. Wo do not wish to make a long parade of Certifi cates, as we are corseletua that the medicine can soon work its way into the favor of those who roger and Irish to be totaled. %Mistier, do not Oahu for it • immersel application in eve?, disease, we aubmita tingly say,' Met is a number of Chronle Dimities it tr uirlealirii. Among mere may be enumerated—all diseases of the mamas tonnes, emit as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION lid in 0.017 ethist) Asthma, and all diseases of the ale passage., LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Manteca. Diseases of rho Bladder and Kidneys. Paine in the Back or Side, Nervous Dimases,NcuralgM, Paisy, Rheuinstie Patna, Gout. Erysipelas, Totter ' /Unawares, Burns, Seeds, Bremer. OttiSeires,l“..,br- in eases of debility re ! salting from esliontre, or long and protracted eases of disease. tins rendimaa will bring relief. It will act as a plural TUNIC and ALTERATIVE' In snob cases, imputing ion* end energy Ps the whole frame, lemon structious, openitur Ike elaggivh farictklarywhich m disease sad a broken cousutatiom and giving. increased and renewed energy to ail the organ. of . Lae! The ptoprietor knows of several surer of PILES, that ruined every otter treatment, get well under the nano! the. PRTROLEURI for a short time. The proof gall be given to any permit who deatrirs•A. None genuine without the efgrusture of tie proprietor. Sold by the propneuir, S. NL ICIER. Canal Basin, near friestenth Sr. 4 Also or It F: SELLERS. 37 Wood su and—KSYSEII k ;STOWELL, corner Wood at. and Virgin alley; who are his nor4-dly ..gnarly appomted.Agents E5131:11= PINT:%IND CEDAR WARE lIANITACTORT fl7,haracr Monet and Fir o—or dig Macke, Immo Third and Fourth sta . ... .. . .. TUE sesi wbner keeps eaateudy on hand, whole .le aod rel., the follosslog enet., nit 4kaahru... Ste 3 Churns, klea, Tuna '. Lturel C. 0., chub Tot., . 'env ti“.l K .l„ 'A °oleo bowls, Pecks .4 Half Peeks, Wash lions., Urane Hound Llankete, Clothes Ms, Towel Kotler/1i woodeo Ladled. Brodd 11,4,4 ”: f Clothes Umtata Nark. Bub., he, &e - AMID al IaKOkSKN, nor!! No 6.3'1.M nd alloy, Pinatarab LOGAN WILSON & CO., SID 129 WOOD aTIIMICT, NOW Hc.Cr.l VINO a loco and complete atv (9, sottomot of HARDWARE, , 1/TLERY, trAte Iit.,ERV, and CA (WEN tOOLt, direct from tie manufactormaln Ettiopo and America end ore v.4m lally prepared to ode , goods at mach Cheer o Mlt3llol fail to please, and wood particularly 1 . 911.11 lye owlet. * of tenants who are In the bobit of ago n6 Eve, to we let confident they will find, afar n alorptigh <3.6oll6ilitM, {bit( Oleos will comparefavorably with any boric, On thiltdelpton or New York. colt SAGLE 1/00110111r NICISOLWX • •• AV. O. PLUM. ITHE undersigned, incie...o"ors In Arlberg is Mem. eon, beg leave US iflftifttlitte Hilhens of Pittsburgh and point° generally, Mat**, hewn mantlll the EA GLS MVP/ DRY and fell operation, and have pen of their patterns rildylist, the maroon— Amongst sebielLern,Cooking StoveghoCoal and Wood Stoves, wing . 11spjendid itimight Coallidove, which is now superceding in other eltleivtlie‘cOmllOn round Suva. A7ao, a: Tsap noel Cook w lS . ikenr, •tlap _led for WIWI 4aratii.., wi th a fisll merit of co,. won and mantel Orate. We ,parlettlativ in• m u the nOennon of permits handing to nil al OUT warehouse berme purebsaing, and exarpie...Sepani article of enaminelled Grates, •Salalted to itgle style— entirely new in this market. Warehouse, Llbeny et, oppuelte Wood st angtMuitt NICHOLSON d. PA.TN wiNgb, Licivoits, cutooklitie.T. Will; relax. Let la ju.t ter:ravine hit Fall Flack, cm " bstrnir, :,ndescliptlont of FOILF.IIII4 1.410114, I.:race...len, Clam, at. We ore. tuductuurnm to We Wholetale andalemll trade, that cannot he ex celled. Among the article. for rale, fie would enu merate We following: . . Or pkg. Rochelle, Bordeaux and Cognac Brandies,. In rn t s j. hf garters 'and moves, ell choke, 9 61,-; 5 do New gglartunueln 0 do Scotch and Irial Whigkey; 162 111. Old Monongahela Rye Whinkay; 21 live del domnion do dee 1153 P; 41 Pt Madeira and Sherry Wines, In If pipes, quar ters and muses; 25 pkgs !rbon and Try e An Wines, (quarlered 8 5 4 7 Etfs ' e f n o d n lr7debt I `',,J4' ig; eg g r ;1; in'e .; 111. Old Peach Brandy, . 000 k o Rio, and Java Coffee; yr, pygo y. O. . and Chalon 'NBA; f 30 pkgs awkorted TA • 6 bbl, and bale. Spices, 15 Dbl. WhitLfiugln i rN 37 benkets ft h 73 do • ChellnP=Sud O . 4B . l' 'IP. nod dui • 172 cases() dos) Claret Winer, 30 do Bock or RAI= do; IG do Sainteme Winer, 2U do m. 0., l o d o m oc k. b 0,.. Brandy; 110,810 Impanel Cigars, together with S wat, Wicks/Flanks, deotch Al., Brown Ann=td w k i i r dc l3= Bottled Wirms end Li or,Z, IgGat, CACTint, Hoe ' k eu and al:TO6 Ab dc 7'4`l: des, /anchovies, Elardioe., Lobnen hu", Ohre., Ketchups, 8. 8. ChoColate,Corks, Punch Meg., ',toddlers, Sagan Bose% Mulas,and Pittsburgh - Mao. 'Amon, gen=2lly. JACOB WEAVER, fr. aide ear Market and Mon IKACNEJLEL SO —lO ht bbl. Noo 5 Kaolin • _ Ndo; 111" No 3 64 Ihreeellse Ines the canal and fin ma* or .. motl4 . ZAMCISIAiigUeSO Woos ht MEDICAL. STMLpS , FAMILY bIIEDD klettiems of the day. Eastlake tsrrutr Ohio t May YS, 1E49. R. E. Sellers: I think itrigin for the benefit of others to state some facts in relation to yc •r eteellant ly alediethes. I here used your Verthitage largely in my own fattm ity L ithe •tal frequently summering for eapellingi ege tin...miss-tiny I to OM worms from two childsta hare 'al.o used your Liver Pills and trpugh Syrup in thy (smile, and they bore in 00017 Instare produced the efieet desired. • s. • • - • . A. I a engaged in raerehaadkaing, I am aisle to state that I have yet to hear if the first failure where your otedietaeahave been tied in my Secoon of the eoantry. la continue..l, I may - .ate that they are As ruedseines of the day, and are destined have a very extensive popularity Sonic res.., eery Prepared nod sold by. IL, I • FRO,ISoF7 Wood street, rat sold by &lnt. • . ehorany to the two ei der. nod vicinity. m 731 i t (11:11EirCLIFIE - OF - LI Bit eusrfaira . , - by Ea kj °sienna, only One, d 'elution Liver PRI. Biwa r, Ohio county, Va./ March Onds, inn. Mr. R. F. Seller. Dear ir,-I think it a duty I owe to you and ID the public neri - Hriin CAM thm I have beertatiLloted with the ver Complaint for a long time, and BO badly that ahem* formed and broke which left me in a very i Mlle. Having beard of your celebrated Liver. LLB being for sale by A R arp, in Wmt Liberty, d recommended to ma by my physician, Dr. E. Smi , I concluded to ma titeat a fair [Oak I. purchased one boo,_and found them to o just what they are recommended, THE BEST LI VER PILL. EVER USED; and alter taking four boxes thud the Macaws has entirely left me, and I on now perfectly well. Respectfully yours. H CO . West Liberty, Marcig l e49. ' I ca -jty t h a t I ant peisonally aognalmed with Mr r.oleun and ern ben testimony to the truth of the aO,O t itifiClle. ' . A R SHARP • • ••• • , lint -unitise LiTer Pins arc imitated and sold by R LLERS, No 57 Wood linnet, and by druggists to sot too . . Tlrt'lBi r uuuc.—Tbe original, only tree end tred eine. Liver rills are prepared by R ESeJlere, and bane Ms emit stamped in bleak wax upon the lid of each tor, and his nellatelie on the ontlide wrapper—all others aro counterfeits, or base imitations. apt° R E SELLMR__Proprietor JAVISirom GAILISIDIATIVIC LIA.LBABI teROIR the Ron RCA SHIN N, a well known and pop el.. Clara]. Oltde ProlutentMetbediel Chad, Sae ondennaned Primp beraafilietteddating gamut tme a with e &mese of the commh, sometimes pro inc•it Perceive in iu the elpellafer tenor twelve hears wtticut.nierm t'oe,and after having tried earlsul remedtw with elect wan famished with • bottle of Dr Dinyne• it' mauve Haim. This he axed at. cord fax to the dna, fats aid fund Invariably th at this medicine caused the pal ate abate in three or fourth, atom, and in Shun or tweaty calnateeevery anew sensation was entirely imicted. The medicine wee al torwardensed whenever indiendonsoi the al proaeh or pninwere pereelved,•ndthers at was thereby propent. ed. lie continued maw the medicine every evening and sametnnee •de aerator, and la • s:w weeks health was. fareastemd, Mat the sneerer wee retire ed from a Lugo amoanitif opprertive pann. From ee perkteathereiore. a can witlidently , rectrametX I' = e a O r f=m ' ae l- 17 l ut e" d ' hoWs!I p si Alter hens city trt For sale in Pittsburgh a. . 41•EKIN t - A st - Oe ri Foneth mraet ee, R 0 and ,Ix, •I a,. Ding More of y Yen War v•Z v si_ttreet • V ALL DAHL= DI eiLOVJULY: CONSUMPTIVES, BE OA tOUN GUARD. Da S , COI ORO HIM OF WILD CHUM. TIM MOUT =ISDv res. fl lng, Jain la in the Site and drcast, Fral ' ut r i j' uD the Heirclefluensa, Croup, Broke n Cor slit w utt%Sou Throat . .if f ey m ot , 9e .„ l, ili 'bruit and Lungs: the most. • fhethal and •toetty mare ever know lei any of the Lbw 4.:•••••• Oa IS DB. re Sz A s tOs * m an eCine taloa el W ea n s d ne,us Ch. ofla.. away Moe the thousands doily roust,. It lunched epee Me dam of ceps:Omni, and now anlldi • nigher in repo aid •S.LaDOOMnig MOM ealtual•e- d ly wed than any other preparation-of medicine ever • produced for P. • reheat safe ring Man. Dear beat thoduced 'en/ genierelly througa the United States ono Mir pe,and there am few lawns ot " importanire-hot what amain sane remarkable en dame of its good CUM.. Inc proof of the foreguing stmesents, and of the value and eaten} , of thm medi c:roe, the proprietor writ insert a fewer the mu therm send tostinfordels whiz/Lhasa been preeented to him by men of** first respectabillty.—men who have higher visors of moral teSpousibUity and PUS., than to nor. ter to - facts, because It will do anothee a Color, and theauclas inthades. Such testimony' proves eon eluare/y, thane annorialitganellence is established by Its intsinae merits, and the nnquedlonable authori ty of public opinion. The tallnlotancoaa relief it af. kin's, end the soothing Infaionni. diffused through the wbolefrarne by its use, tenders it • roost agreeable remedy for the afflicted • REMEMIIER! • r•Whan Men, acting from a . ..Manta:ma napalms volindarily bear tettimony to th e troth of.a thong, or pang Islet fact, such testimony, being contrary to their wodify Interests and porPow4, e04, ,, e4 conv tenor, of Its truth, and cm wall in a Spenlal manor, to mavens) enadence.h—lYllopittle Moral ' lasi . 'IF-ADVIL; HOME CIUMFICAT F. StILL AMMO. Ca or PaI..IIMFMIT Conimalltut— Thera never was o remedy hoot to been es sucrerzfal on do cases of Consumption, sz Ltr. Sway or'. Colammalia Syrup of Wild Chary, ,It ztrengthent the sync, and appears to Leal the Meers on Itte me anR mo (roe w and rich blued pascal - poe.erircil r.., Otter admiLn. Comma Co., Aprtl littit Mr. syue—Dear Sir: I warily Leber, your Cam , pond Sirup of Wild Cherry has been the means et saving my itie. I canght a severe told, grade. Oyster worse, atterednd wig: a severe cough. set lesaated MI the remedies which I lard recoarse to, mill inemasing until My esse exlidt Med all the symptoms of ItOlombrerm‘germTetr"...-.4. blitr Minx I tried seemed 7MM MOM'S so Vali M if, {Sao op oftaoprs - ot ymou rrenco e luab . leA m l th d i l s i a m ste II d tieda s sou t h meendmde te try hap. pt, mats. The brat bottle had the afloat to. toozen the eough,constng me to expeetraste e etretyc'e.44 by_ the um I had need est be rql sus edict:ll_o l MM am lama tal hewn, • net as arm was Iny Leo, sod would be Itsgpy lo gm any niformtionsuspecting my ewe, the other enderers may demo the benefit for whist tam so grateful For the truth of the above natement, I refer you to Veer Rah, Grocer, West Chtsurr,PA., of whom 1 purchwed the medicine. HWY.:MoiI V..., Jsms Mown. Winderful Curs of a /a• Mina an Dr. Swayze—Dear Sin 1 (con &debt of gnidulds doe you—bid • doty to, the elated generally, to off knonble testimetkid yea favor of ye Comp ound By rep of Wild Omni. Jileme three yam ammo I wall doWaly mooted erlik 'cold and Inflaimmtion of the Lunfz, which Las -e.c.cioexd.frXtill dismite. ppan in ofruithe mucus frider -17 1171sings, espe- n" airily:wan amigo of meatier however abed Al first I fella° alarm about my corialioneltut salts pretty tram eons:need that I was tepidly oiling into usassallp liOM "grew daily treaket, and at langth me scarce r, able to walk about, a wee k_abeee • vbi.p.F, wait tru llhrdgel Ta l l t e ' rr =th'yn lands. r Dar th , et q q b food no ramf—growleg the Ome 9 worm. Jut hire I was ady•ed end persooded by a dear friend in Wilmington la mkt, vita elm Syrup of WU. Cher. ry. I mast eratAsi that prmouslyel had been projo. thud against peat mettle:nes, and I am still against those coming out of the Wadi of emperles, bat ander standipg pilot elsierm to the profemien and proorico Of mdiemo, and 1.'1.4 implicit faith th the vying of my febrode, I f ew purchased of Dr. Shaw, ow °flour soma, • few Wales, nod cononencedltsees. My Ma- MSO tras at Om. time of 20 or months , mending, con sequently yew deeply sestcd. I forted, however, conaiderable renef from the cm ef the first four or five bottles. But bong a public speeker, I frequently at• tempted to mash with my inctewing strength, and thereby ruptured Mx Swab. thu had almatly begun to heal; to this way, doublets, my emu was greatly retarded In m.zroquethe of acting thus iothradant' Wuoo ow Mond or Sheen Miles benne I was pe. reedy restored I have no gamion, • Mtlat small number of.laroozs wooM bow made me mond, ha thiahavo buitaisrebou. The Syrup allayed the fee ,oh habit, took -ow ths distressing tough, put an to the &Marys of Matter from MO longs, and ~,, them and the ezi.tre system good health I have WIZ red offering this anthem amil now, for the purpoz of bents paten a Satisfied 'nth the permanency or thi ban,and now nal feel perfectly well I offrr rt with dem. Rs.. J. P. Joan. Duain coanto N. C imoorrons Couture—Brad/ R.& Inert, le hot... • genuine proper.. of Wild Cher). and that le In. swains lb., first weer offered to the Gbiledorminwoi....t.r.bVpsnt o ttrgil oo ltroLt hi: , l:t p th m e tt . pemtion. cam by %bk.'. of Villd Cherry have been put oat sir me t under cover Of some dery eireeo Meitaart, 1 Order keret Cuereuetelf Wee. By a ihrle otuetnetloB, no person need mistake the genuine Item IL tato. Each bottle of MI genuine I, ouesioped wit ab e steel engreeing, with the liken.. of WIP.aIII Penh tkertiont also, Dr. Swayne's gnetium .d • lowlier secanty, the portrait of Dr dwey. will I added hereon., so as to MS prepared* , reei.lll,lcheri. Now, It it is. not net krealcarith•einopenies and mimes of Dr. dwayne • Cow wand Br of lee Cherry, person woold not be .-eideneortog to glee eilitency to their “Iletitlees Ina" by smaltng the name of Wild Cherry. Reaumber, ilwor7a bear . ln mind the num. ViheSrpaillwe,adeotlittncort ol;lttit and Race stetson, Philadelphia. For ealowln ante end mail by OGDEN & SNOW DEN, oor SI .1 Wood Mx, D A PAHNITOCK & Co, ear lot ant Wood, and lith and Wood sus WM VIIORN,SiI M .eltes .11 S /ONES, fhb Liberty nth JAP A JONES; ens 'lend end l'enn eta; /011 N mum'. Allegh.. city, and by ell respectable dealer, in medicine. octl3 Oa , %Va r . lialagad , o Pronghorn Prnatar. DR. W.P. INLAND, ofthe Medical College bf PhD. edelphin, now eters to the public his Indian Veg etable Premium Plaster, the ea..* of which ; . odor loAg and tried experience, h. be. estisfeetonly Pbli.e& To all women ho luny be afflicted with rO•prate Uteri, or Fallen Womb, he recommend. his 'plaster, guanudeeing a sure and speedy cure in the ehort space of from two to then weeks, if applied with care and rest—discarding .11 the cotton., instruments and capensive bandage. en Ong in two. This be feel. conscientious in noting, in.much no he hat nut felled in one ease oat of three hOodiOd nail fifty-three pa tient. Also for Itheentelnue end Weak Bract or Lieut. at. tended with polo, there to °odor& .cel this floater ediirding mild. effecting • care. l'or sab. by I. Wilcox. corner of that& ind end Musket M uskat( Braun A RelWr, liberty and St. Clan ito, Ur J Sugcn Fedeel in and Diamer.U, All.. theny Jr Co, Denman and Diamond 81.11111 g. horn. lea lar - E. SELLERS, Druggist, No ra Wood Dm.. Bole Agent for dm sale of Dr. Tourtmend's Gem baa in received Mar dozen of ( ` this Went Spring and .Sumbter Medicine. p g .h.em Mould rekollect Mat E Sellers ia sole agent for Pittsburgh, and D Curry for Allegheny. Caw •EipldlycomßACT 6 og li tuto A w n holesOm ie e w u hi o c u an l. d delicious beverap, wing more pleasint and pa u l• amble emu COMSCICIII Cott., ftrld roe cheaper, ar ..null paper 0011100 only. DM _cents, on far u (our P°°""`" - .14"1:4 * L". ???. LLK ll Plttsburgh, Pa. Sold at wholesale by D A PAH SISTOCE & Co, corner of Find and WOOd 50.1 Sixth and Woodsmen, Pittsburgh. urn lALIFORNIA RUBEN& GOODS—Joat meowed, V 39 Camp Blenteu; 20 miner coats; 12 pm Yams; -p,p,r. Bind main Comm IY Imam. Rags; 3 water Tanka and Id g alone each; 60 amt.., .1 gallon each; T dos Boalmbn Money RoioN Ido odor muabrio do do. Ike atm. ;ands for aide at the Cali fornia (hating Eatatlirnmem. No 6Wood et. & 11 PHILLIPS A&SORTED BPICES--Psis up for fatally use, to tin mu, auelonad an • eliding lid ban. containing Morfard, Aispieu, CLoaasoon, - GiNT., Olons, PePPuns Warred puns. Fut We at Ilia new Spine, and tam/sad FastlathbOrW a F. " 7 k • Lib.nL" .1.71.11 JOIG4 7111.E- Cll.l3—Wrought i ro n Ana, inua use Temper. ...via, aorta, grarruuted; will be constansly O. map atul nupplii4 t ri o rzraho zAzi,. w..., . zE g .'ztv; -. ;;" r -4.7 • 4 ' 4 1 " e ccos gsf L, Pa - -.' sE ; z i tl liZA - 42•5. 02 - i4ll1 4 1;Va l t•i ' it.;, Kit& ii .it t i GI W „ati1e.t3g.,,y1itt1t,322t.:01,...,„ -.-. . . vs . p.tligl :fill' SN 401 ; Q? i 4'4_ ---Ar3.113,i2,211-41,143..::24123 ,I' F_ , r.h . 4 1 :: i 6 ,..z.f t .- , : as . iiigi g1.4 . E , , c 4l iii:, i ., ittr:iii.e 2 Btr.i.a.,- - zref. F= P.l: ..." •%.111 fo3sl,tpwel:trAt,lfiltitz..;il:- OC -12, 1g . '7 11 11:A E I:Pri,i s . : =-1 I I:s. , :okier i ii L ttli7o .: ii24l -., 11 ..t cia 0 Z a cgs lkV i d . id .aSg- 3 :14 t 0,41; ; li Eli ..,..e... ~.1.502 : 41-1 .licz. I '3 " e ill ICC i i i CD bi ra tg g, itai.z.3l..opgs ...i 21 ~,...t ,UlE ..arg.t. :.E3 at.. 4 P 1 .4 14 c c ..' 713.13;1e'11i5/gsl.•Petl.2l a iaA • <c) >,•:- M1LE .E i: , ...31..22‘...4 g 1 Jr= 40.2 ~..z .i - za,•:, -i.: t , i%.,„„ o - 0 ..: i...t- 44 ...4, rt ., l. 3 g , u,...e. ,4 x agi g i v, li a .74 Ca 1 a1iv..::(144ei1 a 01.25 j 41 ir".. `Ca i b ` l lttgl.,,fl l, lls,ll:.:Eliiiiiir• 0 1E CC l'. Isilli:i2ri7;;—Eitili..3:3l.ilr: t*rlile.l.4;4l, 1..• E al r,..., ... 4 4.16 t, ..v 38 -: „ ,,y4141#.E.m1.:4 . e. - 5 , a'l •.11s. 7 'f=. - Ar , ! . 4 ° ..7.,..! ; :t0 ~1 114 °cc -.zrn,; l . k 79147: '':-1 E. . 0 elt!:3 = 111 gni DIRE I .7I; gII ' ''' L " 1 g F 4"- i.§ :g1;';"4111 .4j " `1' 3 2 ° Z.5agi: 15 •7 , '....5... , .4 .237 2 . !...4, 1 -...!-..5..s :a yl i v , .i . 3 ''*•-• If v i ..,, _ .. .."; =; 1 12. =' .5 1.=.;:i0'h41 .2 a 8 , :35 ,,,,, 7 , .....11-:,230f....,.... I GO 4 _ :if 2 fil ;;;0:5: - 2.r.t,M4 .2 ,,9-= 0 -. -7 - ).."‘ I 611-1",11••134av34..,54,P,E,1iel ± «,•. rifrit 4514. ,z 4.=ct'z' 't 1 4 -11Z1.'1, *st .s.•,:—aZt - t:17, - r,s S 41X :3.4 2 =f . lite_itg't-t,-,.,'„f,iit ET, k• ail a - a v.:74 'ii=3 „-411.074 4- .7.... .'• 3ac t i.giif . .A;r4val . gz;eN 8= H c!4,14W,111141-.17..327.1j.e-c-,Vi, . co- AGENT. JACKSON,JOHN D MORGAN, Phisblight D. St.CINTRY, Allegheny Cstr A. PATTERSON, Bloningheseh Jytegall ; , ; 110LINELI & 8018, Dastk•rs t litehangs Beek•r•• L. DM= 1 - 3 NOTE.S, DIlAFril, ACCEPTANCES, GOLD, SILVER AND DANK Niorrns. COLLECTIONS.—Drafta, Notes and Acceg at abeea payable in iny part o ( [ ha Uniorbbodbxted °go favorable term.. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadohla and Bal timore; also, Cline.... c Losallle, Sa in t Louis and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANE NOTM—Notes on all solvent hanks In the Univ. Slates discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign and Amerman Gold and Bayer Coln bought and sold. (Moe N. k Market meet, between 34 and 4th. Pittabunth, Pa. oeds lOM liIMGHANOII. AtILLB art Engtand,lrelsaL, an Beolland bought any =aunt at the CUM= Raw of Ezehmore. Dralla payable La any part of tha Old Countries, from LI to 521/03, - at tarn= of` illiirthe Sterling, without Wattle]) or -thaeoant, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, Qt.:pent anti General /gent, aline 6th at one door west Gimp*. actl9ll .ILL [Lisa. uusz ICOWA.EI flux EL 4 DAH/Da_ _ _ IrNICESS AND EXCHANGE HHOPMES, dation in FOT:11 and Oomstle Bills *Mach:nage, Cor n to of poalie, Sank Mimi . and Cain, comer of 33 snd W . streets, dimetly opposite St Charles Ho. lei , mayinly IIT IiSTIZILD PDMDS— Ohio, . . I la rlim kenmaX, i . TZlNo4tr, purtivased Si the lowest rat. h ) t N. 1101,31 ES G SONS, d -pl 3 35 Market street ! DILLS OWICXOIIIADOID—Sight Checks on I L) Nero York, Philidelphla i - - Canal:Lou, lot sate by * • . N: 110=fr. SONS. .eats 33 Market et BuUK TRADE. "One of tA• Aron EPIA. 4.51 d Works of the Algy‘ NINEWEII ADD ITB REMAINS; with an .eermot of a visit to the Chtndieut Chriettan. of Kura. ten; and tbe. ?Amid* or 13.vi1-Worshipperm and an indtory logo the Pl.:remand Arts of the Ancient Ate Urrinnti t lnetr; n Pi ll' 67P i rV D. LL. D. Ilhatmed with 13 pia.. and map., and DO wood ems. Y e n ola *lvo. n 1 ,411.111,50. .'fne book his me amount of graphic, tor td, pi. turetque narrative n—Trlbune. "The work of faxen] is the most prontictent euntrt butteit to the Watty of antiquity, that has appeared for Marty Yeam."—Chris. Inq "Not one excels to Mama the aceortat• of Niece& and he lira., green by Mr. Layard,"—W•efeington. Intellwencer. "At we follow the diggers with brealltess interest at thud . ereavatlotte, and suddenly find oarsolves be fore • massive figure carved won minute accuracy, nut rettug us tocantte head Irons the dust of ottOo seam, 'sr . .pry out wtth the i ed Arabs, , Vattalr, tt.lewweicrtut, but At is slue!" sleaendent. JAMES 1) LOCKWOOD, MAI/odd •t Now Books, flint: WOOD.' of Do Old and New Testament. J. Hided by E. B. Spragoe ‘ D. D. I vol. Imp. evo., 'I I F IVF t .hfIfILMV,IYMAttgI'W.HIIL• and enlarged 0. - Mi by nion: ill ' astrawM cuggivingi 11111' A V lsts-- i'' s ' gri °l' e ' tro ' f ' spi v e * niti e il l l g u an nti ‘ :' alt l. aid Gift Boo t. ks. SewelPs girl[ Book of the Llistbry of Home. voL /fto. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTAN'T, adapted forthe use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, ...taw yers, Lumbermen, Students, and Mumps generally: being a ihoraugh and pram mal Treatise on Demons " bon and the Sliding Rule. 11y D. M. Koper, A.M. Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. Otiendord's Elementary French Grammar. Hy Prof Grecne i of Brown liGiV[llirf. I vol. limo. Roediger's Gemulus• Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. , Gesesuus , Hebrew Lexicon. Loon.' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. 1 'vol. (shecp.) The Eitgliahni.'s Greek Concordance. I vol.(ougs- 11.) . Action's Classical Seder WolimergDictiotimy, revised ed. 1 TO ' l. deo. do do unabridged. I vol. dug libirne's Notes end Quesdons on New Testament. Whately's Logic. Motheim's Ecolegastictil 16story. 3 vols. and vols. (shcep.l Vestiges of Creation I vol. ldrae. hlurnums among the Dimas at Rome. I vol. (cloth and pape.] Scen es where the Terdpter boo Triumphed. I vol, (Moth and paper.) Itogite's Theological Lemma. voL Cgs. (cloth.) Alder's - Pronouncing Bible. Bayer's French Dictionary. Smart's Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS, ' tarsl3 Apollo Buildings, Fourth at "IVEW BOOKS JUST KKOSIVED.—The mints o 11 Montaigne, edited by H. /UMW, comprising his Fim•Yai Letters, and Journey through Germany and Italy, with note• from all the COSIIMAILILILLOTS,IIiovaph• 'eel rind lithliographical Naito., L. Theory and Practice of Teaching; er, the Motives and Methods of Good Pichool-Keeping, by David Liege, A. M., Paracipal of the State Normal School. Aibany, Frank Forester's Ito h an! Fishing of the D. States and gnash Provinces of North Amence, by Henry Win Herbert. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, hold_ comer Third and Market sal 1=! T A BEI D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Imp trtcr, U Ism 03 Wood suety has tor Wes mormancs cote. pete, tthe temainder of the ettinou,) of this ralasble amt, devotee to tie P.ll-131T•11. 01 Documents, and other aethettuo Immo:Won fetal as to the cart) ex piate.. settlement and improm mem of the campy y tread the head of the Ohm. ny Needle B Oral, Mtg., of hasnergh, In Y Cols ere. 00010 J. D. LOCK% 00D: UPI AN LJBERIT: A Ilissory, w Ih a View of the LL Libeny of other &beim& Nailerge By B.lmuel kioq IllhAnasti with twelve MgAlt•lop, ehmal at Boma 7 .0141, avo.,,astif.a4 with ricseo4 Joel pubibbeo and for gale by J.M.E4 D. LOCKWOOD, Slokileller and ca.lo Importer. 63 Wood et 3.3434 . n - CYAIJLF IN ITALY.t , Soiii, -- cdei . ttotc Itmo 73 cts. MRS. FANNY REMULE . R Y ' RAR UP CONSOLATION 'Ewa mulled en des book has impressed us with a Avink higher p.usio.. of it. author than ere hull rased from perusaug her other vetoing. It display@ a dee per tone of Moab Iv, Loewe to more pare womanly anima of leashes than soy toner predumlon w the b male mind woh which we aro aequelomd.”--Eve. Mirror. , 6 11 is very agreeable and readable book, wriaten Penny Ambles nest styso—bold. vPilltml nod ern." LoAklng. Werecommend Ato oar Feeders as Use best. publiaation of the NasonY—Reading car. .11 conunks the Jodrell of a travel through Europe, and ~.14.ncs to luOy; and Is one of the pie ...test and mom anterwarog Loaned the wason."--Cour. and Ancuarec. vA very aharacteristio beak: We hive reed it from tide pogo to Odlopbon with ersabated IMMO. A via and picture of lafe in Rome. In all respects eminently reamble."—Kruckairkeeker. For sole by JAMES D LoaCKWOOD, noviS Bookseller es Impener, Od Wood st aaattegraphlo lastalltalment at, opposite the O Post-Once, Pittaborghi—ftlaps, Landscape., heads, dhotebllle, Lahela, Architectural and Ala/thine Dryer:no, Dolneve =I Visiting Carte, do., enslaved or Ora. n on atone, add printed in colon, Gold, Limn= or Blatt, to the mom approved style, and et the moat oetth:lv reasonable prizes. • GRATEFUL for Ike Very liberal eneoumgeirientl• nave received for- many yean, I bane •deteri• intacit oenlarge my busincert constderahly. Roving competent Foreman, I will be enabled 'to fill tor todure promptly, and do the work to one swat ityle and at fate prices, and ask the attention di unit chews sod Mum. to iny large mock of UPHOLSTE RY (mous and Dads, itlattmeses and•Eledditt,, Mawr/glib Damasks and Morten., Cornices, Flini ges, Bordertnes, Terse* Split and Roller B•trutc. and every trade usually kept in ant establuditneut of the kid. Orders respectfully sollmted and promptly at. tended to. N. Ili—Cement made and pot down. Wed. Ntillt.P.. ALLT:S AN TEINY D Z CABINEF WAttEiN/Ofil. •• I • ally inform would rennet*. keeps Co hand at firstaluf et re . west side of the Ihmootatl, Atte.' glatoly city, a complete imam. ment of Walden Moth; also W alden Shutters are made to or der in the hest style, warranted pawl 41 may in the United Stmt.. Ills minds e as he miaowed with. out the aid of a screw drivor. Having purehaaed the moos, tools, and wood Grille Cabinet a ... tablialtsacal of Rummy& Id Tact. lan4, tam prepared to furni s h their old 011111tOnlen, as well WI th,p .,,,, L ,1, with every thing in their line. Agency, No liWood covet. Pittsburgh. uteb.MJ. A. BROWN. . IDAPBR HANGINGSI am pow Miele - um, dir ec .1 - from the manufacturers In New York,. Phila , Lel. plata and Baltimore, a large and wall selected assort. meat of all the lateA and most Improved styles of ea; do, glazed and common PAPER HANGING/3, °a.; .1, A — ,„..,. 0f Nviar and Fromm 10,000 " Han and Column; ' MORO , P pining -loom, chamber and ogles PaW—whieh I *dd partlealadyinvite theadentlos el Mom having housed tamer, to call and ansalna, at Go Paper Wantons of • 117 11 .: lid MEAD AL , . GINSENG 1 NA:CEA! OITEZIVd" DIHEABED T D MlWThintinateadetted - mem luks =dad the of Inec GINSENG. PANACEA ti all the fouls ethic. Luludoh of ths mon, has induced thuyteprlctor spin to calla thus to this • • . worm:pm, rimpautioN. rho ehangable wesitter whit.' =art* oar MI and owes moothi,lfikarayualtulttld source of . COLDS 'IIIVVOUGFIS. Chan, If ncglitted, ca -butts preattnon of 111.210611 . . the queston, then, how shill . Memiothe dectroYor IR no bud? haw ,he ll Mit got elegy of. ear tent& and rids? is of vital ortalioli to the paws. THE t•••TSINII•ONLYWS' will be found in the Glue* Pima A.,, In prose of dds we have horn wpatoo.wo lll oo9 l thrls*"" of Mum of our best Radom °Alerts; m haml PAT ?Ti• awed Its curative porWara:,•, - M1 e Int! dt to 'I T 121)=L 'In taVO5 11 ArgE e grA/11)1X10i ilinizten of the titipeI,A4VIOINMON,WWI..*. " 01 loco hots the JOURNitst OP - TE Dia, • we have embodier! In p fb Intl CM be hd nuts of say of oar savretti tbammatry. HUNDREMEOP. M UTZSIVINgIiTIS'OFTSOIRLUUO Ammettotit the Il e mptatee soid Clutida,and we ehl (aye any ran t 6 oit ' ?VOLE INST ANCE I . . which,. whim.tnlett anoraks 'ID Elantione, and he to. too baNnktßat.pmf,(l44/0419Min.ind, it hu aver failed to-. • . • Efteei thßt :cittran. • Why, then, need thealblatod hashare. Why "JIM 16 the mlwrable nottronsigottallap bynos • own MAIM& eels o teethe enema =met some ee shraged Ph* edam and mired too notoriety by oertilloates of pas sena eqmdly unknown? Nifhlist ansedlobis el UNPA • ell P1131:1 EFFICACY • . i.. be had, w f vriemit om.voopigoisztit 60m: 1 / 4 —our oulghl rv,--many•oe gonr .• . SNATCHED FRO/J.IIIE CRAVE. In o lder that this iiMilqable sal:4lol4e may be plao4 within the relelf dr the door newel the rich, we have ONLY' MIME ozrwr*, . • lest one half the at mouth =Moinea nis for sale bsoar agentairt neatly averydown mid village over the westoche are prodimedre gild dill infanna den Mlative to iC —•-• - "I`.• SALTM,6 ' , Proprietor s, `ltrohdwayr • M i• A tLIST - ER •I 4:-,OINTIVI ENT ' - - • • : • CONTAINING N 0 .i '...::.:,' " 7'.. - 1 -- , , i , mEßcuitY,orotior m. . : ' 5 - 7.".. -•, ' ;77 ~2",--1..... lanes'. —. S t %RNA —, • • e - ieM7 . • 4 --": , EASE 0:: to 1' :,' . '•-1. 1- WOUNDS to discharge it z A is Mil th =ere, mad .: It is Moistly kneed ' .../ It :•' A L 1.. -111aL11.41, for .....: • , ..- • . • - . : 44e.te It eeereelt i o dlr. - 1... 4 .. '6 , 6VT . ' • I '' a t st it will 'not beneht. . -•• •• .. ` . • ~ .' I hive axed Mar the last ~ ... • sixteen years. for all dam. or too ekes! inVolvieg. : the maw danger. gad sespeeeibility, so d l • deelare Ware bearren,end mem: that eat= one ease hu/It failed to benefit when the patio* lud within the re!teh Omer* plum.-- - - . • aa' r and at iolV i dte. poor nit - It In every vorWIT of way, And:there kab been but tine volee-kinsinnlvertal lssnice TOpif OINTXIINT IS GOO .” ILEIEUMATISt adattier immediately the Inflammation and rweiling, when the path ceases: the direction. around th y bead / • 1,• 'also kits eareipemons of the head:oehe of twelve yr statrag;, il k nd who had it r,Amrat ..71.Nr. es. swiped with littisaccess. „ Iitt:ALDNELAIS—We him eared the th at aearally daft isp every 11114 kettnew es well tithe &batty of fif men ,o twenty deems, Owen= told on be hadspent en his children witlointenT benefit, when a row boxes of Ointment eared them.! —There In nothing better fee the • care' of `Tater. - • • • BURNS—III. on. of thethettiblage the world Car Born. PlUS—Thousands' arellearly etted , by tkis eta ! moot It imvaia fails in gnu relief fot the -Film QT Around the box arb directions for usings Limes oinaneviijor Strahats /kW CceePlatati Loh TN , ' OktiOlovit 5.0.4. M 1 10 1 EY.. cf.f.slli Sere Throat, sr mecus; Myron Arthoret,'telski, Du- Retest f Spins; Riosed adoe,wrthross,Dafrecra.beredie, Coma AU Dimas. et !lc Akin, Sore Lip., Nor pin, 4 , 0,, Stesilice et Sore Pats, ela FaLeronh Stedial or Broken Drury noel Lue 4a-4t Mlrt—Lirer.4.lo l . l . l i-JP. in the Chu. and Side, falliy l if of the • hair; or the other aeeennpa r nies cold feet. • Ointment Is the MO tem•dy.); is a Imre sigh &lieu. to Non cold:fem. , COltti&vOcusional „Othtthard o f way. keep COLO. from growing. monk need never be troubled With the:Off they me It frequenUy. .r.k.TokbwlLTlTr" "*"" ' P n a shi d o w airt i med.- J ai m e lLl ., 0 opylied often. ..• CAUTION—No Ounant will be realm. animate eMtniAM in MlTEltirwrituinwidmi pen on every label: • ..• • • For sale by my Agent, in all the.prthaipal eitiel and towns la the United dittos. • .1 Aiill2l hreALUSTER, Bole Proprietor of the above medicine. torr • PricafpalOrdeo, No Y 3 Hoch, PhD. eryhia • • • - . • PRICE 53 CENTS PER BOX. Asrmrn m Prersavana—Baas! Rehm, earner of Wrens. and•St Clot su, and I. Wilcox, Jr, corner of Basket' at and the Diamond,• also warner of 4th asd Smithfield aud'S li - puwei, corner Of Walton and Pratt ,N,l door 6th"di Rom . oehwarm and .I Sar „Pargeri oy l 0 Smith ke , -Draggle; Hip. 011ashamt .0 Begley, lanlAboni Li Rowland, Me - 1 P Seesportrl Alexander t'Sso,' Blondopluas N 11 Bowman &Co, and J 7' Ropers, • Rrownarillei him Duality, Bearer, ata wholesale, gam , I . • ,•> tiluitaks Baltic relsOno to Iltaz oortFallod WWI; Saha,, DI 111/$4l . 11/01016 -, PIIII .EIT BA Olt 11;:; fAk Tl6lONt of. it =SAM - able Phyliniftead I.the following; addrearred to my Agent, Kr. P. Mos tpreatber,Cumumarl t . . • -• aCnretwaave r ieb. la, WO. 9li: As i a Skit compile ma to give my tribute ro Dailey'. Pi= Emmet.. Edna oppos a d to coach• cry and all nourems having for lama obteet mist= motives—am =stirring mach good Sofa rho nitht of Pain Xillerrt—lant induced to tender you this ea=rth, I oalo. have Asa& Sin mytmoilY. PrUTICOI edul troth all the happy and ?vendetta] enacts that could possibly bo imumeted. ' " /Moors, AL D. -- Dr. , trroS&-ta• We. =dot pares of Brodie & LeA Thefollaering estimonial Comes •froia a .011VY. WI tomany <dike= traveling on our Weems& wa- tem ?4r. Slime, Me wetland favorably known pro:. priehrr'Of thirParkeribmg Hotel, is Inabaa to We lady whose letter I V.H.IXEMO, , A pri1L3,1619. To Henry Salley, Chemist," &0....4U: flaring for merly been ion/ allitetad wait violent inflammatoty Rheumat: =Sell app no firmly seated Itato dm) , all ordinary appliances to allay the aura plan attending 141 was unlaced to try your Magical ?LIU Extractor; and it having elected, .altuoat as if by am ' pie, an Loaned.. relief, and also, to all appear= emanate and perfeet cure, am iodated for the bane, Et of others Who may be Maimed with pain, =used by anY had of iegamamtion„ to on ro=om, declaring Wet in my opinion,. founded on acto r experience you Myles? Palo Paine.. ie the most valuable dia. •verp oftbaprOsent agai i for the immediate azteactioo raf badilY Maim 41t Mout to .inurfaate nods per. , feet emm,for Sums an re old: and • all arbetrad amdmation. - - . . • ii.rinr foamy acqualntances formed by _ at my hurbanin , hotel in this pia., I have suppoled by your aliening them timer iew Imes, It may in:wilily be of benefit both to them and yonmelt. • • bh.t.zaarrir Gutte. (I entertain the hope riati3lra pardon the publicity i give to her letter, a. omit ou the mire of humanity Cu taus being the surma mode of bringing it to the notice abet (tient:la—EL Dar...r..1 Felon Cured. 13=1MTM!EM Mr. H. Valley: "I have tried your Pahl Latractor ID • rose of felon, in my own family which it relieved and anted to • very 'short time." In j hattg years rot sp tfully, as. ht. l'oene. ec (r.r" Burns and Scalds, hie, Pore Nipples, tridken Brcae, Eruption., Sores. Cats, Wonals, and all in flammation, readily to the wonderful properties of this inuivalled family salve. But, iu same pro.. portion that you will receive benefit from the genuine, yea will be injured by the deleteriens vireos of the cownerfest salve, CAUTION—Be sate and epply ealy to toe i gn . nwr, Deasas,. 41.. Broadway,Plow Vork,• or to his au thorized agent, JOIIN MORUAN, • G.varal &TM, rittstetrgh, Henri P. Schwartz, IttlegheAYl Baker, Wheeltug, Va.; Jame. W Johnmon, ,May Ify • F. Merrywcalher,Cinciniinti, 0., tleneral Depa: N. /I.—ln the severest Earns and Scalds . it attracts 0. pain in a fear never (agar juir L. A. t•IIIIIRVIVII . .IL I. Faaasoloct, Fmtballa. A.. u. 111". . N. " n. W. F • w tiol=itrals Wass la thal Clay id Now Lark. . THE saleaWil lallallatl7 •asigod la do ww...i. Walesa as Nola Jolus lona, la tto carol New• Fraand to wooly Doariatslond aseaal mamma Ina Dra Patin:, 04 Ilyoatall, lamp sal ABIIIII*II/1 Water • Was 4111aadaraClaadortof their moll m p oca o.) war adJ oast main La Mao of bad. la aro! • i =Pala lamill l 74la as day Goa la pap. skand likataw slam am Irodlt NM Lb •13 - kril44,ittili „; 1113:1.9. -if ;14' 44 ' 1. 0••6 4 . r p -ts 2 1 t 1 1 0 , d .z.vs:9lllg .1 12 Am" 2 " 2 2E r 1 4 , s.s - -2 MISCELLANEOU& la7== Q_ELLERIT COUOII 137111 P. —Prop W. L. Sod.. I.7.6k yßeavar.'; Cleft of the Conn- of Qast Bead.. a air. a. E. &Dm—far, Liam Us. mitslay mils was Mead sit. a um. sal dims/slag mai, and busing of your laralublis. lam& BMp s I pat. chased a t omb Iloat B. T. Tomb., of Mdiasraza. and alter mkt!: pool. of (I Oro as dtteparagais oa golog to b (*and baapssUals. alto *ovens friends. ban.relleed Its saver* Ossa I thesefon sailsaed Atlas Ss Is ads and valuable raedielai, sadascoOd. oscoasautod Isto *u wbos, nay &Lewd ysith *avers C , ...ay1 . 1.1 sad Colds. • • MA.1013,11341 . w.; Bonin, Pos. pared and sold by LE PM lmol, 47 Wool a; sad mold by draggles generally, Plotsbaraant toolbar Clerol_Gespainin • lINCOILPOBATED.I DOOKB will be ow for annernplen uitheennek'f D "The Chen:Lars Meal Onopmer t " en and Mar Monday. the nith day ornepteaber but, at the enlee of Z. W. Remington, Penn a; • epalnin W...iPithilliTufroN. • •• - 0110 . 8.011••R110114' MEW I 7.IIA.NTTAILOR,. 10..46 add streak • , HFIAVING paransed exuariv• and arch*. j3Dr ing and 8=n8:. Mods. the . 111 . 0 0.1 teepee . WM= 4EB .... en4r, tie pnbilo.lhat landw a Mio reaelfesad cute th eir tnderB with' and' in On nunrrranstandal,and meant. deeds:wool to do Waning on the cask mum, ha LW tar. higMlf that IVA be Oda tn dti wort se gap as It can 88 done &Can* utsnlidurnent in die Ws stook invanstopnaisting of Gauteneres,= oNestings, to-ortaloh his Moods on rospookki: IV t. 19.9014010,97.A014t01i0n. . ." oEolthlt ARMi I lls a • REMOVED telo door duce t Wok onikattedeld Met; we tbathotoon. Thoth-narra &to d frionone teen eatbto ad, onnhooacaloapnastpts with algae. dtolnoprotanonon of the mare doon—ntranyng osiginashape of the ram B.—Tooth easoetod with Ilubt ee no Deroyal Tooth pernumently wad by pZeiplis annoy thq tooth oohs, whkh anolt - bottes Warta ring it, awash it D be dam in al abuttoop at CONS FOR WORM& : B. A. reams: Irraows , VEILIIIIIIIMM, . • . - =manor irmataz. *Nara. yld °ramie afford - ell pmethis secatitytotha pubilft las well as to themselves, against fraud and ap. anion from counterfeiting,' the premien= hltra Bide action changeth the-exterior ',mower lablitedtheir Ver. udIVICe Thdoe, Wt.. beli Thlehlartsteal a:Watteau( She most exquaite tiesimi and wattle:unship, has been 'introduced -at weary gnat expense. end is free the brain of an artiste( the first talent. Tim dimiga ia now, and the execution elaborate. Several gores and st portrait lue moos premiums; -bat the word uVagms =eau printed In white lepers on a red aad Anal? ea. graved ground, thould be particularly einuained.— Whoa held or to th e light the Imre,. ithit of tba letters and every lthe, bowayaras int the arlieldof this pert of the etigrattng match as etactl F . is ii the impression bad been, , Made Le= idle add On ly, atticonich kt 4.4. etnallY.PrOlod on ~., % 11 sidis 1 . ( the gr. -iteus`v , touid La all 1. Cann ba nts l eserwed. .A. mol l. side'MaCastiOald ho esandni n mood e Yung! . IPUL . Tins preparation boo now stood the um' of muy Year* ...4 ...I is ottfiden* reeonnmendad al leans end effeetnal medicine 'for rape =ram from Um 1° WM24*, -• U. the aursmisnief phYsiciiiti. •.. . '• : =int trfrun't mo d '!" l a me.,_ ''' '1 aaheme= tnowle•and Masertration—and alt illMittarlio.ZlA it to produce the most salutary adsets—not ly aura. nearly all the artinui .prlplimictout mesa mended for wormi bad been premouely =breed ta without any - permanent =ventage Ti faM Mat tes= by the cartilleatha and statement* at hinareee of respectable persons' in 'different pane - tit the one. and should induce fandlies always to hoes a vial • the preparation in their pomesdon. •ltls mild in lia operation, and may be administered with - peon oda by to shit most delicate Infant. • . .3h .r is tr ettly genuthn ß M A p p rel im ared b Ei y rocz.p.: " .4.o . _ . . . 01 d --418vst ?. 6 .ase, H Urß Of discovered by tbe :mdettranal DC. , Basikan, of London, Eagland, and introduced into the United Sulu ender the itamodtaut suprohnendeue of the bream The exusordieary roues* O of. tide rartani medicine, In tki. cure of PankoAry Aroiletts the Agent In soliciting for treatmeat tke taint Fusible Americas ea. sea thalami. found !tithe coutaronity—essearoaropk ttllst la yaintlrout arty of the crounion remedies ad tke day,. and have been given ap by the atom diet= Arlie:cans as acidulated and mourable. -Tbe • as galas:aims elired,and Ca.4.144g,== 0( Me. It is no quuknosinua, bat a HA intend,* of buret and meablished itiklaty: If Bury Gamily in the United States altmati sappLied .vritb Buchani lan Balsam of not Only re deaddesatt the dam: to ethane, but to be sued as a promotive mediehm la all. musis of colds, coughs, uitung of blood, pain 'ln'tha sad ahem, =citation and sarcasm elks lump, talokitia, ditliculty of breadng, Ueda fever, night sweats mud. atiou tilleneral soitairoflagynu, whooping Bold en in large bottles, 1 iii peehottln,%Alt fell Omit dons the caom:lan of health. ' • • :.serophleta, contaroing •Wu Engßals ittd Amul• can certificates, and other evidence, Mauling tba an- Orottlled malts of lids great English Reruedyi rosy be obtuaed of tbo ,t,ta.„=„2ii belyzy,i. ruutA an thy mon apporrdPlAtuo Para -- uld dam fulderamble Easaayauiditoldideohns. , Aloy TILE CHEAP ROLLoar BOSTON PUPA, m WA • ramie to order of y4l ills,AndiHAUprsess. Cv‘nlry macho= dad dams dry auvlastnetall in! se tbdabove fed *amens, as all *WU sold whaleseo or random, • llbintl dadiHrded duido wholaaoh,perohnsia: .. Aoldly , . ~:w EsteitvEir LOGAII, WILSON' ••4304 •1111PORTEES ighotevataDeelenvig Favor" awl Deatelai6 Manilfl.ll4 Cathias 61 14 1 k37.411, Woodatreeh rtaabargh , are sew filllrprapared w k lii ieVerleg sleek of klartenue, Callary,gad diem Carl:aware Toot., key ioolor tartgrearla• thecatetairo Western Meraltaalia as ha - arlalrhaa w the t=n7 selrvaaery hid hr.= Plobeeevera,. Mee. eta.Logea )(may, we have greatly Ihereue4 oat and patellar* ag our gaga Urm_gratLaads On the very beat terms.. . •L• " • Tee bullet members et Las dayoW.lhdriekrg. eateaasa to sales, sad reellag ernigdearot giving Nu. LC mzectraly tolleit a call train` Oleos-07V 1/1113BILEV EI LII AL S ZSLIELCI WIUTISS 111111301.714 SUPERIOR RED Miff Lummox* MACUINE OOPY MIL:, • • .A.-b LL ilgatttigm.?",..l.l:' !Lat.. el bow freely (Md. my hied or Pe ' n- 'l 42st ' i Color 4.4 ; . bright and a anble. lf thembate beestbenderarttelett made, bare neither seen berr - haant sudge o s.. phebotues can be obtained grails, byfOos atetc »em henta senerobl,.froo B.A.' Palmarlock ItSp, Seery P. Allegheny, otof the manimetercr, TROS. V. LUSHEST, Dmistet end Chemist, comer eflaber• y and ssaithfol4wee4l/4.gaztbvsla.,ra: N. H.—Any horde not gmbtrebolellttelailsliallohl 'nu be reterecil and the price will beretsado& I lettedste-. THE 'STAtt OP TMENIIRPT VENMAZI BLIND hi&Pittl'ACToll V *Fast aide or the Dame jut, lettere groadati__,._ mina s of idt thaereerein Man end euPerit are kept Op Weld rer istiule 'to ceder Oa. the West tad m i e taPP..hti Eilkairt ruhl wa i st the stomp mike skid ea Me ates . • • Teasoali le VIM. ,* - • , . Alto, But ehenp Boston tall or cut mut Trine 4 . fenny and Paper Citrtnens of W tae did:Mean alma and patterns, an hand and for sale law farcaan Old Van. inn Blinds painted aver and ft et atm a pal pa /sent tor new 6]t %V Ti pavan Ni B —All wata done with the beat inktenitl sad worntnanaltip, and worn—mad to please dm mom thw 'Moan anarladtl • ABesliantsty, A 4.10,11313, -•• Utopias; wersamm t ami optuninia. WWTERN UNE. • •-•- Clitlats at. the Exchange, Enhance" _ AL. , AEDUCED RATES—The chant* have been t= end on all Message to or from Bahltame L .T.6 are la or Wheelner„ . and la earrempondiret rsnt . im s,. made on all telograplite despatches forwarded WWI Wm. Wnilof Pitsburgh,Ta. Item.—Tho. charge for • telegrapirdWVlPZ. from Bahlmoriii Pittsburgh and 'Sre..liaa..,...r ons g for the loon Len ward., and 3 emits for eaten word:. V' No <luta te made for dm aigrette A na of taro. Ihrtil the eompleHion of the Soma Weststi.-- Telegraph from Aleimphisi Tem., ha Nor wawa can bs forwarded to litannoila h 7 canon. ea smiled tor Neer 0i1... ITHENANII MID 11•1.1/115111 r111%1111.10011W • TMcFALL , bat/ to Warm do aildaddin air Pau: burgh sad Vicblity, QMMAP /Don ni•badalleal, wWg paid la an manta! thaw wito sir lair IV . ' s t iel k =2"2 pprmi=tries
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers