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J _. .... , . . • .......... . .~ '"~ - :LI,SHED IN 178 G ' BLISIMD BY & CO., Thar, Ntrr MCI To pan or 1 Mr 01111 CL un a...c0. red • • De. to clubs, ea a uced nue. ziaszs OP ADVIZRTISINO AGREED UPON Sr ,THIG PITTifDDROBI PRESS. OasSqzus,(loSnes of Nonpareil sr ka) ass itsinsion SO,ZU - Oise Elcuire;duit6 additional insertion. • • 0,3 . De. one week 1,75 Itt=t=l • • ••• Do. two akeeths.— •• 7. 0 3 D Do. three morons. •• • ••• ..... 10 , 60 Blinding Card AO !lies or lee s,) per annam• 1010 Oml ftaers,etiangeable atpleasurc (per art • .mimi sielonve of the piper 3, 00 rot Ptak additional moue, inserted or,, ono mend,: a " 44 aaaa luiaßk.rAlnlrotre learned order the year- , ly mem, leallpdlia. est a ountable for legal advertisements lligiVroinnosint cc Merged pub , iceile, • • . Anneatunligdmodiestes far M ir e , to bo chuged the ••• Mine as Odor advegUsements.: ' ...dlnortlsonterda earmarked o h the cOpr for ` fora uPool• Awl smatter ogiesertions, Intl he cootie:mei till fotbid. .nalalTltlentaiactei accord 'rho privileges of yearliadvertiiers will be confined Alley to their regular business, and all other oduer. 'demean not penalning to their regular bounces, as !greed ter, to be paid urn. AU adverdscusents Or charitable omltutle es. hen oompanlss, ord. teruntshlp and ether public nuetlegs, and mach Inmost be charged half price, payable, ettleto atetanus, notiegs us be charged 00 manta Death nodearlesened erilhoutenrage, unless steam pautod 03,linneal lintatloas or oblatory ninnies, end • lobes! nmenemeted to be paid far. • ,11.spdaredlienieero and ell others seeding commis. • . nhhllinus artlegalthag„nottees designed to call alum. Laws tepens,nmlies, - Ilhencerte, or any public enter , talmoonewoheretharges are made for edmiumeen- ' 'll3lnotlenti of prime esseelatious--tieery nonce de. Bard to call uttatlon to private enterpnees *steels rod et [wended te promote individual Interco, : ran on , I 13.b0 inserrodnita the understandlig But the name is be ;Midi= Ifinlinded to be inserted to the leen ;:colionn e tkorapseereril/ Meta:gad lige rate gornot less Azalea ts_per Una. • Ulshop. sr ristNinices iii lie charged trlpld'price. —__Tarern Laois Petltlorts,lNl each. • /agal and liodlial utreplumenli du to gauged at rot l b l : '"' litr Me . S t n y d etf= a -6 6n A t rob, rliet ' sre "i ; 0114arat0Calny Wee and one *ft r nee from the • - isment of bUb. • . Mass ea tiFIFICLLT 1.11 Ono Benue, three Inte:rtleas Pl,lO • 'Da. each liddltional insertion 37 . . 006 o.42Ant; (10 lthes,) o ne toseniou ••• 40 eta. Do. ;ekeif All tranvia= advertimnema to bo *Oa Id.o WHITE & (X), Osseo. ROHI„ HARPER, mesz, U 151. - RIDDLB, - Jouroal. JAMES P. BARR b. CO., ChronfoLs POSTISR & BROTHER, Val. et JOB. BNCPA'DEN,ll.tersorp: JAMES W. BIDDLE, AloArrlar.A fterstvw, Deg. I; 1841. 7 BUSINESS CARDS. k!,E ZANDER FRaIiELIN, Aizaraey at Lavr, nov;lLly_. - AU O. T '4I2V ETAT AT VIM ANO•COMMISSP TOR PENNSYLVANIA, T. Lo u,IMo. coormonleadorm prompuy mmaremd. •IZ3-1T yit.M.B73LONG &CROZEll.,C====ils.l= ema =4;k:el= 12.111ente, No. 22 Market are= lit eB Junk 8. sarlins, . 4. 7TOELIWY and Foaasellar at Law, ma .Ca maw: ristatagart.). disaatulat the Mate of Pennalrlvaais, -Loa.. " (lam ag . , agavgavams--pgaoulaa: tioa.lV.Fociiar L ft amp amt &Was .31'Cazalcas & Jan )i:. Parke, Smalls it "Jecopla,Bl , Cord & au, giLVIT_ T. IL SLIM a Y. P fr.t.alltT AITOHNEYB AND COUNSELLORS . A.l" Lq W, F9Arth Areal, between lamimAeld and - - LATIOLE FAZIRAPr,.-9 7TORNEYS AT LAW, Fauna stteet.avgititfraz, TPOSNEit AT LAW.— O ffice on Fourth st.,. be ll,A . Mum anti Great rt, Fturbszgh Pittsburgh • Alksit Works. EritßETT,BiltkY k CO, ht. ostseturer, of : bit a B Aik_Blestions Posiders, riaLic and Nuloblerte Acids. , Wirebosaa Nor— , Water .reel, below Ft itry. imialy - • • . TEDIZIO.t111211:14 •aortal =nat. HeUfu & =TES, Wiliam& and. Satan D nag. a Man of Liberty and St. Clair streets, P two - raw etnataxaca trumaw a. a. t=irr i .- ' Wti N r .WitokaaLn Ciendason Merchants, No. 145, .Libeni. AL, 431 D A. ! 1 ESTOOL & Co, WholesCv .d I . oatj =met Wood =Mt ' j 91.. VriNti/V eLcyUw." -- "NiTrit, - IV door above tun 157 c N 0.103 SPRUCE STREET; PHILADELPHIA, CONTINUES to gore his particular attention to the Ornament at Mamas as %ha SKIN, SCROFULA, Rad Manses of tke THROAT. • COCO D A. 14, 1 P. AL,' and 7 P.:14. • • Awl k SarNlSTEß,FOrormain and Co*auraioa %.allaetraxas, No. d6Market 0. PluaborkS. rrS7rClakil. l l. 3lo7, Co., Prin.. irkiilk Com- Merthants, Canal Barka, yiataargh P. - SlllVissas Awls%Axto, Steel And Irma arks. • . COMAACHAP4IAN tr. Co, Inanufacturara - .1 LW Elnme Sittings, B•anzonsd Mkt, sad Plod& Sieal, bon .t.e.. Wareboate d3a I rat i cr gad Front areets,Plusbnigh. Also, degisto tat Cop* Trimmings and !( , )•. , 10 - Cutlass. • °cult ___ le l, U.11:131 1 1 Eimusf ztt.ar. More/duns, ugael. Ln Prodnee and raw. Asian lures, No. 77 Wood st.., betweeo :2:d and 41 muds. oett .1A- J.-DENBY, Attorney and C,ouncellor at Lew Chstininul, Uhl& Collections In S m outlle Otno ; \ and in Inetinus, tuni in Kentucky, promptly skid ear*. .Cll2lll6ded lb. Oaiglainioner kW Oa Sum of Per w lvents, fox taking'Depend.% admovrlc4 - MAWS, Wm. Wm. Den & Son, Canis, Church is OuSotinmly Wm. Hays, Esq., MBank & Davis. end A.' ira VI Id rr &co., it'":.' T.17: - ~, .., la, Dealers rut at, Patobal "s aptr n and Ea nreroff,ig Mareluat, No. - 5400d street. Pntaburgh. msl7 BOAZ LIGAGMLE; SACTOix.Y. inr AMMON BTEWAIIT, tnanafactarer of Hammy ja gathdrigo, Checks, k r t4 . ..lybecea rtroet, a.ry of Elior i;; . ; . .'• novl4-al9. ••• fonconaor ILO hiarlfhT &i 0,1 Wool pool. ,„. , hod ChtufaisoLon Meretant. for thou/a at Weeiena, Ilbeni. appalts kh at. &hl7 W -- X --- T" -s-- IMuJJh ALltnnora. ,h.1,11=1:101, IfOlvaaD =LLD, pw . , „ 4,.. IL h. iftalrho3, Lcach a. afaxasa, $ )1/SALD& 811010.011, Tobaceo Cc monnOf la:. m cr . sleazy ll Noni Water at, a lg North nlhon., 1..344 - • Um P.P.= RLRDY, JONES es Co., (vaceamoa to Atwood; doses b Co.) Cotanuanoo and Forward ink bier; daalark Pittanargla dlaaaraotored Goods, • Po. anai? . _.-....-. WWI ll=Xf • 1071E113 =UR, la, twad.41.14 & Ca., Mann ale Wax*. Cum. minion !derthanis, and dealers in Prulata,Ziaa.so and lO7 Front mamma, Paul, . h. - nova . .. .... —.. Asll a =wenn. . • • • them Y t PL-INLWORTfI & Co, Wholesale finoneri, and Commission blerelthisiorl Agents r e thp im umard - reorder Co. of N. Y., No.lll Wood I, rinthugh; CX:I &I. , II)WrIND, Crania aim .r.potoTreriy' MAI MAO et., thou doers above rtue IQ bays eenstaMly on hand a wen relent...A er lommest dam boot sad Mahe& mirtil &Won the room reasemblo terms. repokteas 144.11. aden will be promptly attended to, nod sop. ptist wi th maths they may tat) , orOo se P aT ll'' .c n 2t' yreyard the r I , ;efhe or of 1111 QQQ y tor night •m far sok, • large stock of &WA and pad rethil iola PitiatoOdi 13 . WELL, Saut al senor Larr,—.e. Wm • r oasts, above Smithfield. nority ii ir frlANAWCido Of Wines, Obro,) Moo lad Forwarehts Merchant, mid wboloor.la Ladd Reserve Chem, Horeb Pot. end tee& A.abouit Weconi ?rodeo* ienerailf. Weinf tiot4botsera fMth.ll.l.e-Id sad Wood, Pittebargb... ap3 E nf Wi sal ntTcrinFeTeoo - r — iitortiTC• GM. t;el 4 .) Wholee wromor end Commission D'.erchcou IS holw sad fltudnugh Manntheemm, cot. oar of Ltheny sad hind areetediuebur3b Pe r lent ' Viadr& ttUrCHIBON, & Co,-80 eT.c..souis 1. Levis frateinsori & Ca , Commission Nerehmas,- lad *gum of the St. Lona Stoma Swim itrinery, No. Uint a: sod On Nut streemillushuryb.. 101114 11. 11111Stiklt Wholesale larearss, asuf aes4. a in DPI &a% ts, Oiby Varnishes, dr.e, No.la USE, no doomor.th of Diamond alley, PAts- • - •• • • Jr, &Co (sseoessar to Daykspliopw_isquAEssOa Water street rjuNIEI.Lo it, Wholesa.ro and - liers.“ ifeider • in Maria add lastrutunts, Sellout Ikass, ri Slates, Steel Pails, Qualls, Primers , Cards, and Stalirtaar7 food at, Pirressali. 117- Bags barren Or taken Is trade. semS J Na s 4 Wo ad street, ?arab arab. JJOM ADA 18, Aactmow, coroor Stit ood incelkrisubluNk_ ridadit o trrtharroN sad paper 2dsonfacturont, .110. 4 4 ALarkei b h. • .JOZNYLOTD. - • all. FLOTO R. PLOYik, Wholesale Grocers COlllOll/4{.021 hieranania, sad Dealers la Pr , gonad b sawi n g*, treating on Liberty Wood ond Gib • TRW Wholasaae Useeer,Cesanaestott Ih7.77,ebtant, real dealer la hada.a aud rtastatrib . 4 tam - . M. 14 Water at, P 113.041411. Jean, swkarzEm.., Auarney at • La. mace :WJ. OrpOgla Dente. Pluzbaiir. win as avail w omirtly to Oolloettoos, la Wublopo. tad Olsen counties, 10 • • gb.eistaet,lteU .sca, -oarett & QuOthcrs, • Posbarit, • • D. T. W 2, riT, sea.% ' • JTh.OOll WEAVES! J., Wholesale and - Retail bee ler m Foreign Wine. and Ligtuns, and old Maim gahala. Rye Whigkey., comer First sad 'Market am. bit . LER & JONES,Forwariing COmmimon Her. thantsOkalds niProduca andllttakagh mean. f.eCored azuclat, Carat Ruin, new 7 th st..• • • •421 .=17,00 ppr =a.m. V 3. YUAN ISIITULLGII, PA. KENNEDY, CH TIaBILDS & CO.,3lanaffintarera of anperiot 4-4 Sheeunga, Carpet : Cita* .Ceery Tonne and Etattint. • "4,2611110 n --- "Viatairtws 'rota Works. • LEWIS, D.M..ZELL & CO, atanafattatratif. all al- Boilei Iron lag Nails of the beat ittality. lA/arc:Amax, 54 water andlo3 froatat.. jante 3.IS'AT! HAIAN, Wholesale Grocer, For Ingand t ommiyion Merchaet, Dealer. 13 Pius, ~ J uathilmw o n c , , . :,... knee and Produce, Nos. 31 Water IL, 121111E:1 roux. ass... a JOU.% a.. SAW & SANYELEI L _,' oolarci,c,LAss Idanufaelltrem,Fad Whelesale 4 dealer. al (reign god domestic Goods. Western merehwns Pedlars and others nee melted to call and ca alaam litepricesand qualitySifour sixt, as WiW our pro=msincreased faciLliesipMansfactar ,44 Peteb , ing, we think we can oder as groat muUSGUICLIs u, I,lyert as any other UOUIIO wen of the Mountains. ;18.1y Ira. au. Phi.eda. W. 11A.(LLtig PAC KErraoN, Wholesale Grocers, and /11. importers of lirandies, Wmes and .9fOrlat., atul t 7.1, co,er at Liberty and Irwin Moot% Pnts b"ll/4 ' Naas. , Cottorr Yarns, Jka. nastily on haa,t scats lOW. )o.s. D. 1. 1 011.4. WALOn C YOO. ril.C 6 / 14,,420 E,WholuadaGrocus and'earnade. sloe diente;No. let Libeler .1., Pittsburgh. ➢SYle~;ty iu & Gamic - oereldirßbi& Co.l 'Wholesale, Doulere.. lb Dry Goode, .rso. 49 V. RIM, Pittsburgh. • 'AA ATlTLElMLSVN7FiiiiiiiLliiiiklairiiiiiiT LVA., ter. Hoome, ,coritor of Post Otees'Alley uW Fottnlt Greet, earanee ou 411 t near Nukes. ' , fee6-dtf. 11372181 1 / 1 011 • !YEEE/.. Wolk:9 MEl=lM= unow, L :. tin w. aroma..• . : JONES it 4.1110G, ;o . VieNuFecruitras or piing ant Witter meal, .A.XL plough heel, steel Wlongh mug* attach end clip, newprutp, hall:meted ipri . tiles, and 'Haler! in mol !cable castunra Buy enalaelarnpr,andonanb trannintrdis Pu.ratlY, warner MILD. and Front 1 , (5, PiWunnzat, kb& . tiON tr. • 01..P11.1$ , Markel secoad W.. /4 door from corner of Fourth, dealers in - Forego eel Domestie Dills of Lrehange,Oertificates of Dews. it Bank Note* and Specie. ' - ' - Collectlara mat. on .1 principal einem throughout tre.Voired Rama deer; Animahree r rourth en, third iloor above Smithfield, meth arde Gonneyar clever all tennis done wrina ths: greatest care and legal _aenantey. Teem us Real Emma examined. de. mop. ll>elfiuY soaubos,, . .IDENNSTKEEtr, &crime. VVaynapoi land. boa testaacdtda.printcselonar OnILES, pew Anstrnc• nons on eta Piano, G altar, and in Vocal Moon:. UPEILIN TEA STORE.—No: Wood—All innznitles of thud and • Watt - Teas, done an In amine 'half,. and ‘817,1"17-TIMITIllgAribtPagi:Vidr.'. 41 4 bIts i fr. an" - 'Piuncd Cararaissisn ra s rohaets,, sad- dealers ip Piltsbar g h Slanufwarea: )17 ADM =MX 11041. LIM". nflß. 111101111.3. tiY.# -- 13 - Fka,77,700 Reside Grocer Lome/in Lti'Distiteri'dealet ?mince; Pittaburiti tura, sad. allkinds of Fortin and•Domestio Wine. ariil etteetc%;rin bud . • very Woe. mock,of.soeeFor ,old r whiskey, wtutli will 14e %old low, for c,••4. "spitely 01 7 119 4 6 ' 13HEF., - TOrsra &M1 5 ( 4 1414 ' Ltßlooksata; foram' Alloho /tor Trari, dear ars to. Grooms, - Prodaco, Fitihsch blamfaitons anJ Chloride of .1.10 n... . . . Tao higher. prices, in awn, pain at all ti 11145 tbr noun CaTnerni Penn and Irwin sta. • • ianZl i3OBERT DALZaL tr..Cd4,,Whatesale 9ndectd, 11 Commidsiod ant Forordrdag Merthadts;dailen d Mince and Pitabar‘h numfacutres, LitVeng_si. ' - • • • leb:2l DOITT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale °rota., EV Dealer le.Prodeee sad Piusbarah Meaufsetares ,+W Istorts , st. , l irl2 warm WHITE, Vntalasala Dadra. In I t Z . Mn and Donaeatie 1 . 1 . ry Gaddr.lccik9 . , mgr. 'CI - re W. Itiß.Bevum, mirOol."Alereauas. Dealers ka. in Flaps and Produce gene:ldly, and Forwarding ant Comanaudon Idarehama, Zia. lid Water at, .• r smart elmassarat. Joan Inettotsal.l.ll.... CIELLERE , , et NICOIS. Produce anJ Oeeenl Cota s.] Mint. Merchants, No. 17 Liberty Piltaburgh. VON BONNIIOII.Bf, Ce.,•Wholeitale tir0%.34 %.34 este, Forwerdtne. end Commission KOrchants, Utttlete is Pittsburgh dtanatactunts end .190.ern•Pnr dace have removed to their new antrehooseAold stand) corner of Front st and Chancery Lewd. n . • r...„ t IiEST, rcaWiriand Cosi - ea. Alestimats, sod drawn In Prodneci No. MS rpROP/i L .400172, WholSoalis and Remit Osie rr rs in j Roots, Shoos, Tpubs, .ft.rw Rags, fro., S.W. ;Fun ter Of 4 th and Sonthileldlos, Pittsburgh, Po. Jed • • JR . O6IB7YIEN •W 9 101.4.&LE GROCER, Im&orter of E REIGN .VINES, LIQUORS Sod OIGAILq, eller itt 0. st..ll'orontabels Rye Whisker -gild Pittsbutgb ietorw, corms of Market and Rust sm. lOperior llltiCitt /applied allilladel /Ale, reels W. & 31. EIITCIIEL TREE. t 01...}SALE GROCERS, 'IILICIIFT ll YY T 1.P1 3 ,1, andWINE LIQUOR Ettal. !a. Also—importers of floda'Ath an d leaching row. tar, No. 100 Ltberty (oppotite Sixth tt.,) Pitt. lorgl • • itetrl • 010 D. Wit.. DAVID SCCANDISIS 117. ;GE & (rne..norsors to Z., tc J. D. IViek,)inlarale Croce:7, Vormardin& and Cornrai rion. -Idcrebanin, &niers ro Iron,NO, canon q 'lrma and Pinaborgh Marrancruron corner of 'Wood and WAller *Mtn; Mahn ts.. Siwa,AcEorm - A....5a V. int; esie-bliehment, iIo. iii 4 Libeyty Ft, neer the ----•••••••• • -- • Ar w .w ic o.sr, - ,ArEct. 4 .l..rers,..ervevi, 1'1'• =Kt M.W.I. utPood.u , eOrnet of Market and lth Erect., Innabarp, re. N. B.—Watches runt Clock! carefully repaired_ rgr. Dowm., t —0...,c,..ai0n and ei7n.7l — arilg Merchant, Na. VI From sr. between Wiwd urket Mute: - • • feteEll Ntr B. mUs.Pin, 'emols.de and ftAaf dealer In ~ eorelgn. and j) uneaue Dry GOolle,.lloTal 4111 t nrDel. of Market and F.. Wrth Rill. _ Sari wx WM; Yo 11G ie. Co.—. Widen !tallier bars. An 5.11 es. 43 Libelw wx. JeccrresexgT - , 77 aserr.xtvxameni• , . ..._ . ... W tt i lit. r. I i ,i'VTJTCHEON; ,iVtleuescLrOa.. berh . Z.Lartufa u ctrree l'e'llierall'..);;lll2lN.lert.; 4414 barge.. deeit'._. liirVT .IYILLESOff, Dealer 6 - 1 7 1Vazeb.ee, Jewelry , Silver Ware,lll3lhary Goode, Jr.e. Ne. 5 7 ner tel. st noel . _ • WM. TIMBLE% AWN:MAZY ASS LAW. ' • Votleri Pa • ' also atoOld to to and KOu'l at Idol.: otos col:rank& to Um Boast and .411.110t00g caulk/ A FL' RoW to ' •• J. & , ft. Floyd, taboo) st. . W. irirnVaitre, do Jor,to• A•latoholl de .Ktilborib... . 4111 - Erl , & Co., Wood to. ) - pa a z. -7 -- IF ECTIC - 113X 4 1 1 IT 4 --- t , CO - RTEAM Boer AG ENTEV • ()ma oloor M. AzaXt& Co, oct3l No. /9 Water Odret. . _. gmomorimmtrm. -- HOTELS • — T'VctTrFiiiar noTEL, LIGHT Err BEET BALT 'ALGAE. ,„,' Tone Am. Vernon., Yeatvaeße RS API eltabll&lustent long Lod widely lumen Le tetpg one of MT o moot commodlone in the of adltainte., bat reeendy name.. very eaten. siva alterellorul and haprovements. An mare new .Intl bas been added, containing nerocrous and airy iirc,Ang epartments, cztenelve bathing rooms.' 'tn. Indies , ' depeet, mt has at been complexly n.ronesidsol and lined op in a me i g gstigne and beans dd style. In fact the who. Ie arrangement of the Hone ba4, with .s oingle aye on the part Of proprietor, towards the Comfort snd plenum or their Goems,mul which they coaftdandP Scion will cksllenge comparison with [My Ildwl in the Union. Mir lOU will Mara,s be it - applied with every sub "u‘i'l and hteety which the market efordl, eeMod up Lan superior style) Mdie in the twey f &el they will not be sarpmemd. I •In catchment tee prooniciors begin sa y, will be led lindens OP their put,altd on periTftVg eashltente, to render this Hotel.Denby the continued parroctage admix friends s ad the pitbitc generally. The pnele for bowel bee e silo been moaned to the following mom Lodso.' OraLoary, 4,75 per day. deallemen , a n • 1,0 ll,Mrite Baggage 'Wagon of du, lion. will al waysbe found at Me and Steasebnat Landings, which will convey bens ge to and (rem he Hotel, free efeherge. - ntayttf Ilrr 7 T 3 VrrTT 7 3 IMO. al TOM. AND seam ATI.NI, smsseica. THE subscriber sespeeually anuottoces that itthe has now opened 1 his new. and et Beat Hotel for the aceomatodat ion or nastier", boarders, and the piddle /messily., The house and Walters are ebneely new, and no in tins or expense have bees spared to render It one of the met eakleneiNe and pleasant Hotels In the city. The sabseriber is detened eat to deserve; and there fore solicits, a share of publio pp ANnineglk. ec da.dry . . JACOB HOUGH, Pl2trietor. dlT ciusrstor saisnrwsnis /On= al. Mix /Lk 4" PPOSITE late- Rank of the trotted Hums, Phila. k i Jr . 4,lpb*. POPE ht . 3.TC Pevprt HELA,_ . ar2, BATS, Cil i N AND BONNETS 111PCOILD dr; VO., • • - • „mai. It • es (Summon to ?Mord 6 Stingp Fanb lma sb/L'llsittir:es • Corner e Brod' aid Ft/tIAA etrwas. IDPARTIOTILAR anentien paid . w oar Atwell Trade. Gentlemen can 'rely lapels getting thtlr Bata nod Cops from our establishment of t atsmala us mod woarwastr, of the Lavin onus, .Lad the num. • Coy 2derehams, purchasing by wholesale,; ate ..Pert6lly invited to call and examine Oct Mori r; as we can say with revse.vots that as regards Ws InT e o nd 'unit will not refer in a eamparksen WI& .10". . . §PRIBUDIONNET RIBBONS, 6e. —W Mar 01 has new opeasse . upply or spring Bonnet Bibb. Ins, 0 jaltd w ltandstint , .1 144 / Also 4l4l7:o:tdVreliontli.itts p as, and ussovas, embroidered Series Mamas, 2 1 4.bea1/e in i is =lre emonesent cf Spring Goods gillesally, al swig t elm , Sonar atb eta:Market MeV. Vilabbsaal• ReeMe op Mira. CARDS, _, its • • •u•ank uranci: -- Pllg:ldameLLlfo and Health Inutrance Costively of P9IWOOS., Incorpotated by the Legitlantre ef.penaaytvama, himelt, 1542. Chatter perpetual. ILW e=r; est ' l fell pp per cent lower ain cove Tnaa atrt than'it AftDil rates of Life !moral:tee, as the following co. en. Will ahoy-, Thee, fr=txt *r NO " in suring-for SSW libilde,'mast Per Oimrd R 2.36— /ansi u lvania,S9.36,Zatt!lalat .11dea f i Fr ai t4itilz : bine, Sal; =l ' l.l, Pnaireliiltl.9t. Dmacreas—Sattezel A Ort Mule. D. Hall. W. F. Beene, Robert est P. Hayes, IL W. Balance, M.N. Reeve, D., Chu. 0. B. L.Smpbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, E. H. Butler, Educe R. Cdpe, President-4=nel 'D.' Orrick; Vice Presi. dent—RobL d e nt--Francls,Blackbunne. Applications warw received, and every freeniatku given by SAM- FAHNESTOCR, Agt, Oftee, Commercial Rooms, collier ed oet.W.dly {Pond and Third sts. Pittsburgh • 'BAUR/Tel.. WNEf l ?llt l gt zi flor NV OF HA RTFORD, CONN. 11=0/./WW11:0 131 Atalled Pres:dew, Capital Stock, and Serpi us Fond, 11)0,00,000. This old and responsible Company condones ti sue policies on the most favorable terms on Dwelting. House., Household Frimiturq Stores, Stooks of Goods, W arshomot. and contents, Hills and Manof tortes, Ac,against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. Also, on Ooods;Wares and idennuthdize, 'agmust the hazards of INLAID Tiosoce=nox, and upon the Cargoes of Sea Vessels. The Protection Insurance Company having, in the /ast Y 5 ears,. paid astir nrcuont Or SWAIAS at their seveN agencies throughput the United Stilt. and the British Provinces, have eca til ished a jut revelation for eolveney and fair dealing, which chain o,fn com parison with any, other insurance company on the continent of America The !sneezed CSIMCI fm an an the &dem of lesurance Companies, ace from the .New York: Day Book,. exhibas briefly the standing and policy of the Company. "The .nameyed =We! the ancient sad always peones city of Hartford, have (or half a century Leen famous tittroughotothe Union lot the care, 'discretion, egad honesty, and annoying suet:mew= *bleb they have famed and managed corporation.' of this de eorlatiorn, Do Hartford Bank or Insmance.Company has ever Wed: These, Conipmdes have for mare thane whole generition scattered their risks In nee , Ply every State of the Union, mul have never failed to the losses which they have insured agrua losses arising upon policies issued by the under signed, will IniproMplly ail Justed mid paid at the Gen; sal Agency *Dee, loealetat Cinchmeti, 0. A. hose potnen lot the hugs of Company, (Including all pertain= received at DO Western egencies,) is dis posited with the .pane s Agent of the Company al Cincinnati, for the payoust‘of Westem and Southern best.. Apply to FAYETTE BROWN ' Agent for the thy of Pinetturgty and for Allegheny • Tlakrasuatryarania COPIIP.MY • Foittastrastaou'Larai eauCikaarreo Allacittn. rtir. drat Life Mumma. Company is tan U. Stem. Incorporated March 110,1914itr perpetual. •On • U paid le- -1 Having unarmed the undePtillaadao pewee Anal• callous for hums:ice, on labial' Wields lOU be Usued, aeconithip to their inapoeala ar4.lvlalab ail be made blown to applanaus WI otantOie. is Wood street apt! OM). COCHRAN. WHTIsfl OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITLL liathOOD. J. Flamm Jr, 1411assz, testi Will insult ftatest all kinds of risks, • FIR.WANEOLLitiIag. LL losses will be llbersLy =doled and promptly Asaid. home lat tinolon—cunsged by Directors who no well known in the somma, not ho are deterrent ad by pmmpmeusadhb era ity to atsintaks Ow el= seta: which they hard assumed,. as Gehring the bent protection to those who desire to he ;mused ihastons--dt. U., Cisca Black, 7, W. Ostler, N. itolusesoir, IL Holmes, C,; awes, Geo. W. Jack Sea, Wits. hi. Lyon, dos. Lipploson, Thos. IL Janms Idtaalay, Alex. Niattek, Thos. Soya Orsrea, Na 7p Water street, lwassitnase of Spark fc• =shad Piusbargh. - • suittly az DELAWARE Attrithat, SAFETY RANCE COhtrANY.-011. 1 1 . 1 . 0nk Boom or the ' aitangc, Third Meet Foltlimatincs , Vezeltandiimand abet property in rows and Oorantax, lammed aping losa of damage by lire at the lowest rata or Prednietn Mama lascialotta,-They also imam Vessels. Car goes tad Freights, foreign or COlatixse, ander open or special policies, as the amazed may desire. ahem psustaa- 7L isl.so !mare meta.- tranaportedar taroby Wagons Eutrood Cars, Catml Boats and team Floats, oa man. and lakes, on the most liberal mom . DIRILTORS—Joeoph H. &al, Mimed A. Sender, Sohn 0 DariEoben Roston, Jobaß Ponnsse, Evan 0 Edwards, G Wiper, Edward Darlington. Isaac R Davis, ' John Newlin, Dr R M Has. ton, Jesseo C Hand, Theopallas..lhroldimr, H Jones Brooks, Henry Slows Hugh Craig, Gentle Serra', Spenur Mr Swath, Mines J Jolson% Wil hem Hay, Dr 8 Thorns., Joan Sellers, Wm. Eire, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan, Wm. Basaley, Jno. T. Lamm. Wits ell MARTIN, Presiders. Rtcaoaa S. Noiroocc, Secretory. °Mee of the Company,. No. 411 Water meet, Picoborgh. Jalboitf P. A. BLLDEIk.k..A KeoL -7 0111.111 AND NAZI% lig INSVILASCR. fr 11E, INSURANCE, CO. or North America will A. make permanent and limited Insurance on pro-. perry la this ell and vietnity, and en shipments by Canal, Elvers, Lakes, and by Sea. , The popertirs or this Couttrany - ore Welt Donated; and thresh atilvtilV able tug for the ample Indemnity of all Nomns who anise to be prooetad by insurance. myli WIL P. JONES, Agent, U Water at. imanglirstirie. Tie Fraakfia Pus hirenince Co. obf PAileetillaia. TlritECToB&.—Chaske N. Baseber, Thomas Hart, 1.1 Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, /arab R. Smith, tier. W Richard., Alordeeai D. Lewis, Adolpho L Z .." Boron, David S. Drown, Ala Pantsuits Cuanza N. a... 2214 President. Charles 0. Danaher, See . Combine to make bourne , perpetual or limited, ea every description of property in town or country, at rates as low as WI =nations with security. To Company have rammed a lonia canting at Fund, which vita thelz Capital and Premtams, utfoly invest ed, afford ample protection to the oasarad. The assets of the coeval:l, on January lµ IRSI, published agree:ay act of Alsambly, we re sas llossa viz: ii fle=te dt,017,4.21 54,724 6.1 Tempuranr Loans •JO,OOI 83 SLOCiI • 54521 (.Yoh, &o. 36,!W 111,2V,4.92 Su. , their incorporation, • period - of 1 9 yem, they Lava paid upward. of one salllnm four !malted thous atiddollan, losses by fire, thereby agerdieg evidence cf the advantages o(lnsarance, as well as the ability and dimension to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, A .l, marl•dly Offiet . i.N.R corner Wood and ntl sat DELAWARRI OTVAL lIIIMODASICIF. CO. hL&DL2RA, Agent at Patabumh fir the Dela wasp Mental Safety luourance Company of Phial adelphls. Firs Risk. upon buildings and merchandise of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes, of Teasels, inkna upon , the most favorable term. Mar °thee In the Warehovo of W. Fl. Holmes A Ore., PlCO.37.Water, near Market alrom, Pitlebarth -.N./I—Tho success of thla Cempany since the mat,. lislansurtof the 40.7 In this etry,Airldi the prompt bess and liberality with which every °Mini upon them for lon g has been saintsted, fully warrant the anent In inviting Me cuifitienos and patronsge aide trienda and the connuanity at large its the Delaware AL S. Insu rance Company, while lt has the additional advantage. aninatitution among the Most flourtrhing MPhlladel• pia--as,having sit amp/epald-in capita], *lnch by the operation of us chatter a constantly Increasing, as pedlar to each person instated kb due share of the profile of the company, without involving-him In soy responsibility, whatever, and therefore WI poswasing the Alatosi obnox principl e diveste of eVery io ro us (car mre, and in fin mem mutativ d e form ve FORWARDING & COMMISSION. VOA MA QTCARTIt HILL, Otrocars, and Produce and Cone is,7 subside Merchants, Na. WI Wood st. Pittsburgh. Dealers In Groceries, ' err,,, Rye,Cests,C4to, llartal, Pork, Bacon. Hau Lard, Chasse; Closer, Timothy andklaz Beads; Duo Nada, Dia., ite co. kn. Particular attention paid lo lb. oak, of Wo were Produce. Raeramcea—Mesers. Myers & 111011. r, Null. 1101. Tali a -CO., WOW. k. Roe, Mammon. Minna & Men Ring & Moorhead, I'liMuigh , rasher & DVlDllso, Massillon. Joe. 8 4 , Morrison, Posy. , Loan,. _splint) -... • 10/01 . 4 cull . ", law of N. Urban, 0 w.. Minna. CRAIG 1/11[1111/111C , 13, irLIENERAL AIi&NCY, Commtalou sad Potwar!. IJII - Ins rilltrabanta,.No. VI Mark M e et Paldargh, Po. or iEr rroit kiadat s i l . t:::::1 . 111.0 10 the pairlts•e son mi. Riau to—Sohn Want Co., Mamba, Wilton 1 Co. Plitrbargle, Pa.; Lawsen I 11111, Mallon Marna, Wellsalfle,.o4 Joan 11. Brown & Ca .oAgg, Nilo., • Co., Philadelphia; B. W. Snodgrass & Greg, & Naze, Now Llsboo,O.; To. Sklonat, Ilan. 1/.. , 0. Cabin, CluelanaW 1. P. Keller, Voangstoarn, 0.1 W.I. *tan. Can, Clavelaral, 0. COMM 1111810Z1 and Forwarding korobant • aan Z Wocera, arradanaolt, CONTINVES to transact • 'mural Cornell melon br.1.1. nets, especially in the purchase and pan+ of Amerl• can Alanaftseutres and Produce, and In issel•lng end forwarding Gorda col:Aligned to his ease. As Agent rut the bitartaacuitres, he will be constant 4 supplied with thoprincipal articles of Pittsburgh alenufneutre at the lowest wholesale priced. Orders and consignments are supecefully_eoLieited,__,==, _ _ Steam Brack Work, for Sates 1111 , F. 41. 7 i t i raerib118elrotfe hov. rsar w ite . tiz i ST!: 0 4,:1 0 11 .1 1 , 11CII 5.. m Eugme, 0 Lka,,,, I Mould iiiao a blne lepeld l e of a manufacturnor su,butl Premed pricks (out ' of dry Miry, as taken from the bank,' per day; with three an,.. of turd on the Allegheny mar, on which are 4 kilns and Bove Muhl. end clay shed., wheelbarrowe, trucks, shovels, epodes, he., every Ohm requisite to Coro. =TIC! Operation. It 50 hours notice. Price, including the patent right . to use sold outline, 40,000—Wm of payment mode easy. Without the land, SLAW. For particulars, address HENRY, hattilllTT, '.. eare7.lll No Itel Monon gahela noose. 1 BMA. kaliliaLso swiiiiblili. -.. A FULTON,BeII.. , B , S" foander, has re. bti“ and commenced butane. et his old mud, whin% he will ho pleased mace hit old eastern. era anitrionds.' Chureh,Steardhent,end Belie of every else, from In to 10,1011 pounds, cam from pal en..r.o 0 ." ... ettpuutete. ono *mama to bo of the beet materials. Mineral Witter Poora,Combers, Railing, he., ono , Mu with every variety of lime Castings, II required, F. and loathed in the nvat Mawr., • 4.. F. lathe solo proprietor 0 BanerVidurn•Ayno- TION ifstsuiso jusdrulebrated fur ile, reductionof friction to Machinery, The Boxes-end Composition cu Ida harlot him at &Oboe. s *MAY ijiiiisTficio PAPER. —aite o reams -- °°g " I L Book -Favor, a !opener article. hooraid An en hand. Any one made IP order at .honest mete.. 0.0 W C HILL. e 7 Wood 0. as 11.013% " 11. h743111L•2•Lh o9e- h d elm to Second dti he Wood itt4 EMldifad std., la the rear Of the NoLoopholo o with Oa enUtely dew mock clamed do 4 w ilds It idildt 0744 HAP 1.964 PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. - DECEMBER 8, 1849 INMUSG. 14,11.0{4 , NA 61E013iillE 00011.114121 COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution of Partnership. i MUTUAL CONSENT Nile day, the firm hereto fore existing under the etyle BUSHFIELD & 'ADE% fru &ma dissolved by Henry' Leader ratl ine hie entire totem t le said firm to John MOGUL All business connected with the firm of ButhfieJd & Lead oreliti be sealed hy.S. B. Dashfield & Co., who itre .duly.anthorMed to make all collections etedadjurr all chum. BUSH :FIELD & LEADEN.' Pittabargh, Oct. f 7 NH& I N. BUSLIFIELD to CO. will LECIIIiIIIMV•e wholesale and retell Thy Goad. end Grocery busineo, LI the old stare.rogea, ho. 2 1 0 Liberty st, where they will be pleased to Ithre their friends •Ild CUALORICKII call and examine their meek of Foods. ott3ll_ B. H BUSHFIELD tr. CO, TffE partnership af the audenlimed, ender the arm of Balmier; is Satitlh.saa dasolved by mutual, wagon on fffithScptenaber, W. Bagaley purchasing the interestof.J. B. Smith, who retires. The bounces of the arse will be settled by their auccessers, Wen. Bagels; & Co., al Noe 18 and 93 Wood st. WILLIAM BAOALEV, Pittabungh, Oct. 8, 42. ISAAC R. SMITH. CO-PARTNERSLHP.—Wm. nagolor having use. Mated with him Wm. R. Woodward of Phliodelphira Jobo 8 Cosgrove and Ralph Barsky of Pittsburgh, will eOndrine the Wholesale Grocery &winos., at Nos. 10 and 8,1 Wood st, underihe,firm of WM. BAGALEV tr. CO, Pittsburgh; oLd EigGALEY, WOODWABak CO., Piffled , . oeo Dliicant.lon of Co-Part...hip.. THE...:= — ,..hgrhthr:Tt A rlWY;37:rublrlt too, vras dissolved on she 1.1 by r rocanal conzent M. B. BROWN, PBUltlargh, Oct. 5, $12. 1 A. CULBERTSON. Mr rut., nl-r -"ill continue the Wholesale Groce ry tool t mi•a.a Dasmess, us heretofore. at the old cb.nd 1.13 r' vt. octs A. CULBEItTSOIV • - . EICASTIC i ATKINSON, Pa issT., arrarras WOOD LIED Kim", Primt MVP,* re manu facture all kinds of COPPER, V AND SHEE IRON WARE. ' Alw, Mick iamb Work. Ream Boar beta to order. . Epoeta.l altrallalaril WWII= boat . work. novo on hand. a e Itillolll9olll Of Lopper aptram ire Met,Tin Ware, de. die. Steamboat Cooking . WA, Portable Forges, various eitee—e very emmement a ntis for asap:Moyle, California emigrants, or rail road com W panies. e would respectfully inane amain boat men and others to tall mid see our monies and prices before ""b7 I V I 7 h . ' .ffl7 D•4nlaor Pwrtm - ifilt - • HE copartnership,' of HENRY HANN & CO.. T formerly Mimes, Muller: Co., th the Window a d Calmed Glue boabsew,L. this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. The businew will be continued by the andeniiinedi wider the firm of HENRI , HaNNMIe CO. War w. boas, No. ialtflecaned st, where we will brae supplies at superior Mildew JOHN HANNEN, MMTI=EI • • HUGH ROBERTRON, Plustmrgh. Avg. 27, 49. HENRY UMSTEAD. - Coparsmorottlm. . i• • 'rat .derci g ned have this day amociated with them .1. In bacinets JACOB 1.. lICHWA UTZ, and will con tinno the hostmcsaato heretofore, coder the Om of B. A. FAHNESTOCI .t; CO. JilY 3 1 140 . 41 3 • . 2110Tlehil. ,THE partnership heretofore existing. under the awn of &C. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the ttemima air.C. Bradley ; The buounew will be carried on by A. W.W.I, who will seas the Muttons or the late 8/010VAL —a.. Haulm has rammed lam Foundry Warehouse from No. MI Second street, to. No. le Wool meet, between Firm mil Second arum to the warehouse Imply mooted by GI, A. Seri'', iirhiin he will keep °mentally 04 hand a geneasi WM:Mint 01 Cazdil . Grass Flamm Cookies Ste .. an tlYtd 'FELE eo-eartue_pOlp heretofore eadaw.g% between the mbseribam - la the name of Columbia, Berke- & Co, is Ws day 'dissolved by mann! comm. .4lesara.. Betka'a Dames will mule the Witness of the cow eem,be which purpose they are authoriud Masa the. name of the eadeem. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,' EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS EARN E 9. Tha anderalimed have this day emulated themselves to the name of BURKS to DAILNES, for the ' , purpose of manafaetaring Fire Proof .Safe Yeah Doors, &o. &o at the mud of the late tint of Censtablo. Burke & Co, wham they will bepleased to receive th e pa. Maar: of the cucomerxettuu house and thew (needs. EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. • In rearms . from the Arm or Coro:ante, Burke 44 - Co , [with starer., Bleu-ore recommend blnsra. Bartz Barnes to the confidenie of my (Bemis and Feb. 9,1849. NA 11ANIEL CONSTABLE. febll4tl MISCELLANEOUS —•---- Pens Shop. #WIG/int-AN—A ansfaernrer of all thy! , deed . ton and woollen Inaelinery. Allegheny ery, re. above lurks bang now to fall and accuses: 0- MAUD, lam prepued U.". miters will dirpitek for all kinds of ensehlitery La a y net at willowy, picker*, spreaders, wards, grinding MT, Gino, itiway+, drawing f i xes, apeeden, ihrusas, looms, woolen eirds,don nr:dille, for rumbaed or *Dome, work, ag.is sad loud lathes aid toOthiagY. lo.riahrridadelld ordeWbrplansilt en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable *huge, ilma In—Kennedy, Ctalels lc Co. Meek cock, Dell It Co.. King, Pennel l*Co., Ja A. frraY. REMOVAL. B AGENT t .i , BomarSin, Commttrion Met the.nt, has removedto No. tr; Froat. hetwro Wood Lod Smithfield poree“. atr,l . .._ . • VIETII - ititie tToiaelklSlT'itT; iiill - e — i - e7 lin tali, ti - ii ed V I plan, to at not to (trete to the eoldett ereath“. Procne wanting mach &runic, are invited to nail end nes them at SCAIEE A. ATKINSON"? ' etvint Ivt. het.een %Vo , -' %Itirket ell Removal. TIOREPT A. CUNNINGHAM bra removed to No Commercial Row, house formerly oSeoPled by Menial Orem, sobete bawd.] be happy to see his trienOs and rooster ctistome, oelzo _ _ _ - To rallyriars. MIN D..3I"CREA RN", Ynnung Ink Maeufneuthee el = ~ Not. and 1i.33 SiAllto , l street, NEW 1 - 1111 C —lk poi N 0.3 Pereee etre:et—Would call the attention of Mum to at. imptetred Priming lab of bade and weer.. at the following prices Erica line Jet Blatt, foe Cane and Wool Cob - - . all CV and 3(0 per lb. Floe Dank Ink • . 073 " 1 00 .• BOOS. rk • 0 la " u W " Na.. Ink - 0 113 000 " 0 ta" - Fine Red Ink - 157 1 10 1 50 " 4 W &Ise, Yellow, are... WK. 7(o 1 00 1 30 (llpil ..ite a I! per !h, nu Bromic at 10 78 eta and 01 Par.. , A • p-ouner News Ink can be seen on this paper. Fir sale b) JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Pillsburgh, PA C. Morgan 1. Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. _Marton it Otiswould, Louisville, Ky. tielL.Girn W.-VP-60111/VlPiTsKst • Modern and Ant''vie Furniture; e 3, Wren bruarry Perleague. ZaA largo and aplendid .....-., ref. assortment of Far:l4m, " - 0 ,- -" . .. , 'ek. , 1 mutable for Steamboats, c.T.. , ' ---- '' '- Hotels and Land derel. to o rder. U % ` ;r " a pronoun on troth on d ' b:elellnl2ot be ° exceeded by any mantuardory in the W.Storn country . re M. purchase to purcha would do well to give me a tall, at I not determined my prices shall pleas. Part of tha atochehrtains en— .. .. ... _. . . Tete a Tete; lied. Eleatic, Louis XIV Chair.; Queen Elthabeth chair.; Tea Po yse; . Fruit Tittles, Toilet Tablet-, Lome XV Commodert French Mahogany Bedewed. - Piano Smote, 08 sofas with Plush and datt , eloth eovr.,4, t Rocking Chain; Olt= du 20 " Fumy, da , it:Penal., Tablas; lia parr Divans, 4 pelt plot Tables, IS marble top Greeting fierce.; F Wardrobes . , 8 Necretanes and Book tone, VO marble top Wash ESAnels, - . . 4 pair °Hammel 8 pair fenny }York Stands; A very large as in or coollinOnanalls and E l la.. furniture too numerous in mention. •n i C r .7l 4 . sto am i s k t rOe i sg r able be te d r o m n s. the "nes, duels mut e, 011ej.kirsisia - PligiVa`o - F - 11,4x.....Wiii — ort im ; i f n l .a l IS i b s , to in e g c . n w t . f y, Rog g ~,,I hone Co s pi . amp Sale Ageeu for the MIA of Terming'. Patent Disprsigm Filter, for the oil iteeof Pittsburgh and Allegheny. • JOHN GIBSON, Agent, tor Walter hP4llbson, MP UrestS7l. N.Y, • Oct. 10.1846. We - hew been lasing one of th e above a 4 Li," at 1.1,0 nau of the Novelty Work. for three months, on trial, atid feel perfeetly eauslcd that It is • useful invention, end we take pins.. innmommending them as a ow, Nlartleth to all who love pore water. 'Orders will be thankhdly received and promptly executed. netle LIVINGSTON. RfUltißN Pt Po ---"liverillririir—r-...11 ok, FOR PURIFYING WATER, •••••1 ‘ rlm hi o c v h i n r fe e' allTib t i= i oe d e w n:rOl ' a u tTe b ill avr.‘l/43 ..„?.. water. J e h i e . c . r , i , g we n, tef 1f1 ,, 1 i York, - 1,..(Z,;• ~ 4 wheUlt pa. ' see Im P hour * throuN ' t Altering cock, Orme it large depoalt impure anbelancea, wontla, &a. 71. Is the ease morn or less with ell hydrant wewr. The tlevrthible Filter.. is .al and durable, and Is not attended with the lriconvethence Incident In aUm ' , literate, as Iris cleansed without bring douched flow Romar pipe, by merely taming tholrey or handL one side to the other. lip this easy process, the coarse of water Is changed, and all ecetuuttletio. fo 1 Impure gubstatices are dnven off alma Oratzlitly, I without unscrewing the Filter. It also posortisee the edvamtege of being estop cock, and as such :in -many caw. will be very convenient and economical. Item, be attached where three Irony prethere high or lose to a cask, tank, tab, ao. with case. To be Led of the eole Area, W, W. WILSON, octl7 - corner of Fourth and Mark. its - . Wrin . nkint and Vert Iron Itallingc— nbacnren beg leave to inform the public that they hive obtained from the East all iliglata and Th ionablo designs for Iron RiUtoß, both for houses Dna cemeteries Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please call and eramme, and judge for themselves. Railing will be famished at the short est notice, and in the best manner, at the cotter of Craig sneßebetec• streets, Allegheny city. V-tilf A. LAMONT /LENOX. _ _ h e '--, Caicos, ie. W. Baker's Satericanau French Chocolate, Prepat ed Cooms C.Ol Paste, Broom, Coto. Shells, &a. U merchants and consumers, who would purchase T the but products of Cocoa free from adulmrauen, more nutritious than tea or coffee, end openly sneer. planed, the sabeeriber recommends the Shove *nicks manufaanind by Memel!. and stamped with Etta name. Hie Mesta and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, pahttable, and Watery &MIA for inrolids, convalescents, ethers, are pronounced by the mast eminent physlelens seperier to any other preparaslow. His mannfentere, Mu always on sale, in , soy neentlty, by the meet rb ceelable 'grocers in the eastern Mlles, and, WWeirentar.7:Gray to to, of Boston ; James Ben,. & en,i 're Conn omit; kleawy t Merely, New York; Qwew Bto Philadelphia; 'looms. V Bmndlie, Bab Immo and Wien & Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. - Wistabtlt BnKFlt Dorcheesairdata rank by asg 13A0ALEY t 5141114 Agra MISCELIANEOUS - J.BLRsBI.BooIa Diadem. em still cognized tu the above basin..., corner i 7- of Wood and Third &trams, Pins/tine, reborn are prepared to do any work in our line. with des. patch. We attend to our work personally, and faction willies given In regard to its neatness and du rability. Blank Books riled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books /14 artml.cra or olabooks hound care fully or repaired. Names pat on book, in gilt letterk. Those that lave work in - lotted to call. Pricer low inyncen Soaltsa.ClookliT MARSHALL ; W; corner Liberty and offer for tale Plt of thet moatimprovedi and coal; Egg Mow common Grates, lit manufacture the Kitt puma satisfaction Which ey.wonld rest We einsens and the r. VIANUFACTU RI 2.1. would mid tne deniers generally, to In store aria to aniw rect from tasculacto cm mice.:., 132 i kil a W Creusbaeri 5,, 1 - 11 f " fames 51.alson 5.; • 81 f " Lao:Udine 5.; 33 f " Mirabglat .-. 2.J; ..G1 f " Puln,So. . 5. aa 1.. 15 i " • ftobtlas tr, Siseen aii 8 f " &ice Burl 5 . .., 2f " Job t Let.rip 1%; 3 1 " War.wict supr le, 98 f " flonfr &James :4, la and df, tebtl • 1 L S WATEian.IN - - Pitt /11n.ehlue Work* and Ppeendry. TWIN WRIGHT &Co., are prepared to bath: iMitco and Woolen Machinery oloactv dascriptian, such as Carding Machiuos, Sinaniug Frames, Speeders Drawing Frames. Hallway Heads, Warpers,Spooiens Dressing Frames, Lantos, earn Grinder, /cc. Wrought Iron Shallias turned; W *De. of Cast Iron, Pulltr. and Hangers of tha latest patterns, slide and hand Lathan and tools of all kinds: Gostiogs of evary descriptiou furnished an short:notioc. .Pattents sonde to order for Pit ticanob-s/roa Ilail.iass ?sc. Steam Pipe fur heat um Factories, Cast lirotf Window Saab and fancy Cas- Lmgn generally. Orden tell at the- Wareham., or J. Palmer ic -Co., Liberty sprat, will have prompt mum- Sou Refer t Illsolateek, Bell & Co., J. K. Aloorebee.l & Co, CI. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pausburgl: ; u. C. & J. 11. Werner, Steubenville, ienlb NICW COlOll PACT-011i, AA A. wart: a CO., would respecthilly inform the public dun mey have srecnd a Q., as ,Lacock, between Federal ntvl Sarni...Sy streets '62c) ire now making and are prepared to receive orders tot everyrthecripttan of value/es, Coaches, CJaariot's, ranches. Boggles, Phyla., he., ho., which from their long experience in the inanufacture or the above trunk, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they art enabled to/a work on the most reasonable tonne with those wandngarticks in thew line. 'Paying partnelistr • attelitloll to tho •eiceneck of mine. riale, and having none but competent workmen, they had no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the pubtie to this mutter. N. B. Itepairingdonaln the best manner, and on the most as tonna. /m.kittf TO R =o4 . ANILIN:OO ..., LLN slant supply of FAC v!z kOLIY — FINTANG . S, see will seit ed paces Calf and Sheep Roler Skins, Lace Lea ther, hekers, Reeds, Shuttles, Hem; Twine Tresdaea Lee- Ns: tick Pankhes, Munches, Salpping Cards, lOss IS in; Paton Dresser finishes, Weevers' 11rush ltc. to. • LOGAN, WILSON CO., • rarl . Wee strCet, Pittsbuthl.. DORT WlNES—Otasy, Webber A. Forrester, ISA, Para rich mad err, Ooald, Campbell ft Co'a old dry 1959, °abeam', 1311, Pare I€4o. Pare :race Far• ticalar Port, Harris ec Sorts, Pure Jake, taxable, dm, tole aml single Grapes. Those mines aro all relators. red for their medical properties, and can ballad wee:. *We or retell m the Wino Store of iF2 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. Pi-KS-0111 THE aebterihei ;Oen for este a large and epic ndtd assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Oe. iron Yianos, with and without Celanoutls celebrated N.OIIIIE/028n10.21. The above instruments are war ranted st , be equal to mtrateurnfactured to tnis coun try, and will be sold /ewer aha• any brought from the EuL r.BLIIME, No Ha wood at, ad door above Stb -,ove .N. R—Cirr - Serrp will be tal. - aa at per Ora ret , of he above szeoreseei. tey2 Eiardwaletaw-Choaper thaw Evert r OGAN,NVILSON & CO. t importers and Wholesale Li Dealers ire Hardware. Cutlery and Saddlery, No Lit Wood street. above Fihl l have now in .re very cheap and well aelected roc of Hardware, maenad since the decline of pries. in Europe, and which they IM {lMO:dried to sell correspo utli ugly low. Merchant, who have been In the habit of going Disk are Ilarhon• larly requened to and look through our *tuck, a. we confidently believe they will save their capture. oct4 W&STKU, r l mix at the DISINDICIRE, PtiILADELPIDA, I_l NEW YOKE 80/31TM AND NLWMP.I.EANS. GaiERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION VERDE. Young MEN la wholesale and still stole, and Otis, respectable bottoms, to act cs Dent-keepers. name sum, Sestet', Barskeepars, Waiter., FlLlDatts, Coach men, Dudgeon", Doer Ansi hap . Ptpent+, 4.,ottectOrt, QTariCen in all branches of bestnets, Ac.. We have at all tithes a large Isabel of goodsgteattorte ou head, wbseh ply from 331 toll:MOD per annum. Those in want of Washout amk 01.1 *mold do well to give tstelly,Atlnf hare igusta in gosh of the aheve ei ne% which will cuabia as to place every applleant to sailabletalthation at the shortest notice. Wc have. lane acquaintanne in MI the above named titles, which we was; will triable an to awe enure satisfac• den to all who may laver us with a call. TAYLOR tr..TATSIAN, N 0.59 Second is., Ustwcen hiumh and t lay. N. 11—Per-song living in any pert of the U;nnex., and wishing to obuoa situation in Rai:la/we, or ex thee of theahove sales, will have their want. Itraao dlutely attended to by addressing us u tposhpslJ) as by as dew; they will curtail tooth tresuie and ex. penes, which they otherwise sesald locus toy rotting to the city, and seeking graployincut for them/nixes Address, TA 1 LOR A. TATMAN. N 0.49 Secouli silret. sorrndtf Baltimore, 31.1 Dr. McLane In Tenn .. . . 141/.1 is to certify that 1 purchased one vie; of lit. .I. hitakaineS Worm htpacific, some two mouths emu cad gasp la goon of mum, same seven years aid, two maspooas hall , and althouzh the amount cloy 4; , ea, am ' * 701 I have no doubt but there was upwards of rt. MOP.. in paregd from hint, to anal Sam emu gunner of m lath to two moue. sung. 6 W HOLLIDAY. amiss thicae. Carrot to.lgno_.Diecin. I --17. hit_ BENNETT & BROTHER, ityEE-Y3WAREIWAS.7IIB Blematmigamaseadneeir rittabturgh, . f t a. IVarehoust, 'No. 137, Wood area, Pilt.' , urg.ll. fiI?WILL eonstantly keep on hand onto.: noon moot of Ware, of our usru manufacture i eand superiordoelay. Wholesale and coantry Her ahants are respectfully invited to rill sod on Maine for thcomelves., as we ate det.Ollll:Ccd La yell •elleapar ILan hat everbefets bees ofeeed to the pub ic. Er Orden lent by abail i accomilittaicil - hy tar cast or or reference. will be promptlt him:tiled to mytil 1110 THE LADlES—jhst mu I. of 'gold and adver Thread. Crird ruhr llrordt alro r?psogleh sod Bullion, for embroidering and other or ourtental vrork... Also, 631. J. oft," ativor Frtnge, and Lace. Jewelry of the hatext fashion., to great variety. Watches of aauerter quality and beaauftil patterns and fur We at Eastern price. W W WILsON, =M=I=EI ATIIENACVM IMATIIINGI 65T AULISIII— from 6A.M.tO II P. M ntottle tlath U cents, of 6 for 1 outlet. tad,. department woo from 6 to II A.M. and from Y ton I'. M The geffeshmont Saloon. are onegoalle4 to st7le • Reettmotos lee Creams! IMffE!MMI 'FILE sane.. deli, pub& is TV-crttfLiti7 eased w j. the following castanet.: biz S. Entes—llavieg testeda quantity of Gold weighed by your Areornetar, thin tha resell prove. your etsetenent correct; and recall:anent the me of it to those going to California, as the bast teethed for ob. Stineg the real value of Sold. Rev. your.. J. II SUNLESS, Sold Basta. Putsbargh, blarub 0, FAD. Perttacafin, hfrosa isea. Mn Calm—law Sir : Having cUantuted we "Area mete 7." nusaulactured at your wont. I do not hcattate to ernantand It to tha use of iloge actioetacti tau° are about removing to California in search 01 (Inld It give, a close approximation to thr soartlot part ty Of Metal*, and well cortrunly Viable ti c ,i.vcaturet to lucentm when his placer la lichhaft Got , • li, Wil.l7cretitti. r;.cufT:ctl tot We Celtfornia Ifepethuon, u complete a‘wurment • Lim CiOltinmr, at prgeea rarlBthi , 611,50 fur sult Of tent, paw. wad hat. or kale the Ind a Rubber Depot , 'Pr h Wood to. decat J Cl Yllll.llPht OfiktiAT WEST - MN SADDLE. HARNESS,TRUNK ANN Willi' MAN UFACtuRV.—The subsenhei take+ fhu method of Worming hie Meads and No nab! c in general mai he bsa the largest stock of the following, named arti cles of hie own atanalartnre in this city—naddlee, Her nest, 'rninks and Whips, an of which Inc will .:arrant to be made orthe beat material and by the beet mech. allies In Allegheny county. Haling determined ID sell his misnagacturee something lower then has Lech lien, adore sold by . soy similar establishment In the min he"would invite person. in need of the •bove named artieles to hit warehouse, N 0.414 Liberty meet, orina. alto Seventh. Also, bands lands O. order On tavehin, rl• ocasty , G. lib:1111V. N6E, pay 0 able taCtneomutt, Louisville Smd ST. Lotus, put ihased oo the most favorable terms 'sus UnCEIYED TICS HAY, al rlao laths Rubber ne• At pot— ease Wourien's Skiable 'NIA,. Sandals; • • " • " 'Juana; Masan. •L ; if Slippers; " hien.. " Overelinea; Sandals; be mitt " llecotioca, All of which will be son, who' evald or ron all, lower eau at an house in the city. 1A Ii lIIILLIVS, 0 4 Wood street WHEA ' YLOUR-100 auks of Nils) to more and Toe. to by • nenrll S &TART A SILL SOAP -11.5 bea Irlanoleutad4,io.l Real. fur • ale by novll • 1411E1 • P.ATTIIENI'S Ye •1) can T. 11 ,7f :Tr e - Popporra.m, " " Smeseram; Fresh and pure, for sal e by nordl- tsCIWONNIAKER fOLASS C.O - 411 - KnitSan, nadir - 4164n Tie .L trimmer Monentabele, and for I ale. by 00011 .1 A LIU 11:111SON in CO T al — iiibry • .1.. s A HUTCHISON A Cu fIOEFE:F;- - -iiirtTage Hie, receiving Mau canal, 000 for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO illtilEN — AYPEMa — Glile — Wsiiiii7l . N.H by nor2l ' CUTE 2c BRE , ' FOGLE 1 ovil 0 1. A "arks e n • ' TASSEY rt. IILbT • nriVVY TAsscv a,. BEST EovEgievinfoatitliV-4triws 4L A. Akp—tt tee. No I, for sale b 7 M" lb .1111 dos Gloves Malan. of awl twangs. nova MISCELLANEOUS. Ely tae Proildent of the 11701pla **Otos TN_purseatice of law, .Z.AOHa4V TAYLOR, Pre of tato United Stoma of America, do fie by declare wtd make known. 'that public lode. -wrol be field at the andernseisdaned . Ladul ()flees ut the state of MISCIOURJ. sibe pcciede herelaafter dedreated., to wit: . At the Land O. a JACKSON,. onsaninctoct nd Monday, tho 'seventh tthy otJantoothi, for the mentionedl f the public land, mottled dsitt the mtet. marattion told patina townalps, no Nor. of the bass UM, and wrtrJ the fifth and Chur•a, uikenal.olur. 14r Jt Yea, re or wood rl•r an d •rn y s peen • 1.1..µ to el Township twenty-two. (except tension. seven, se venteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-nine. this. ty, thirty one, and thirty-two,) of range font. Township twentyetwo, or range fore. Fractional town•llip deicer., and township teem') - tydwo,of tang to o six. Fractional whships sixteen and sevnineen, tout township twenty-nee of range seven. Fractional townships sitter:is, seventeen, eighteen, and twentysone townships twenty-two and twenty three; and sections three to ten inclusive, sixteen to twenty ore nielindve. snd twenty-nine to thnety t terer inclusive, in township twenty-six, of man eight.. Townsuip nineteeintexcept tractional sections tinny. one, Mir-y.two . thirty-three, thirty-four, thltrSsavet and thiny•six.lfractionul township twenty, and frac tion.. township twenty-tore, (except gentians ; one, twelve, thirteen, twenty .three,- twenty.four, twenty five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, tun?-long, tlortYrfire, and dart) at range; nin•. The northwest fraction of section Six, In township nineteen, and fractional township twent;,, of range ten. Nett% et . the the bass ((flannel mat of as JtjtA principa nn el att 1110 Of cwt.^ dtf r uL..cnber yrr told s To ...cc.; Itnwents - •• Townahips twenty- hem iwenty.tour, twenty-tight end twin: tt -mite, of ranee eight. Townships twenty-ikree, twenty-Mat, twenty-flee.. tree nty-six, and twenty-eight, of shone nine. Townships latent) enty-tw o, twenty-three, twenty-iour, twenty-hoc, and twenty—its, or range ton. At the Lend OlTieu at P commenting on Modday, the Tairteenili day of January next, be the divosec of the outdid lands within tin. undermentioned townships end (mediuml townships, nit Ninth of Mt bowline, and seen qf the fifth principal ow . . nd an Fractional' township twenty-one, and townships twenty-five and twenty-six, al range. leven. Fractiodal township twentysone. oe ranges twelve, thin fourteen; fifteen, sixteenApevmitcen, eighteen, ninetects-twesty. and twenty-one. Fractional township or:may-one, and township twen ty-four, of range twenty-Pao. Fractional township twenty-one, slid townships twenty-three and twenty-Mar, of taupe tweruptime, Fractional township twenty-one. and townships twenty-three and twenty-four, of range twenty-four. Fractional township twenty-outs ot ranges twenty. five and twenty all. At the Land Other. at CLINTON, commencing on Monday, the twenty-first day or January mean, for the disposal or the public lands within the following nam edtownships, to wilt ArttriA of tke aim Una, andleot of the fifth principal nu ration. 15agtuthip thaty-five,tif tee L u ds a lp op by law for the use of Schools, military, and other purposes, will bo agoluded from the ea. The offering of the ribose mentioned lands will be oecommenced on the day. eppoLmod, and piece. in itia coddrin which they are advertisedwith all convenis gni despuch, until the whole shall 'hove bmnoffeted: andlthie rale. M. closed; but no oak shall be kept opewloneer than two weeks, and vo private entry of any of the lands will he admittad .UI- altar the expi ration of the two weeks. . • • Given under my nand at the city of Washhhttota, this dneonth day of hvpiembet, Ann° Domini one thousand mg* hu.ntrt-d and fony-aloe. By the President: Z. TAILOR. d. BUTTE:AFIELD. , Comottavotter of the General Land cm... OTECE TO PRILLIMETION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre emptton to any of the land, Wiliam the townships and parts of towneitlps above enumerated, or requited to establish the time to the eatitfaction of the Register and Reeti ,er of the proper Lend Office, and make payment Mere. for as soon as pramicablt after seeing this notice, and betoni the des appointed for the commencement alike puble tale atte lands embiactl34 the tract claimed, othervensc inch claim wilt be forfeited - J. BUTTERFIELD, Commitstortar of the General Lend Odice. °Ca d la w lOttV Boot• and Shoos ASPLENDID amortmout Just raceiveti,saltabla for the Fati and Winter Trade. conflating in part of MESH , . IVOniSiNte, DOTS', MISSES AND CHILD. REVS %VAR of every candy amd style, and at whoateok hie times. Those wilting to potehate, :ta or :cld, Bstd it to their advantage to give vs neon and examine Cot themselves. TROTH & SCOTT, ocal7 comer Fourth and SmithEr sis. FO - Dont forge: the place. SAM'L. GRAY, - ILERCRAINT TAILOR CICIIASIGE BrILDIFGI, T. GLAIR STREET, PITTSHUILGII. us. Jul irrmoso r-,51 Ni:W YORK' AND PHILAD,LI'DIA, And it ;on lectavins a tine aszortmeat of qUTIIB, CABBI4BIIEB AND VESTINGS, OF TOE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, WhscL he Is preprtred to mite so Ards.' IN THE BEST NIANNED bad in the late, fach,cc. Oct ' PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE 1111.1. tenth r tho rare of R... 1.31. GUS. AY.D1,A1.1 . .. vat! re.op,ll a.l Monday, the I;th al Sep:rm., to •arne roooys, Na 52 Liberty rtreet. Haring limited the natter or their pnptla, the Yrinctpala hope m mere x co/AH.1211011o( that 'theta] patronage they have 'Athena etuoyed Parente mai reel ....sure.d that every advantage .13 be afforded chair daughters, if placed tic , :tr their chem., (or ob. tatiang a tharduel. Englith, Cia.tocal, and Urnanssatal edurauon. ErEM32:IME=U .11: 7 -1 fi riniaLtio . ;• 4 1 , m4itn p, t , i m ort b zili Rooms on Federal rtrecl. “Colonade Row," 5,1 from the bridge. RAT. or Trertog ram 80.07, or non Mourns Engll.h Department, including' Rending, Onlicarra• pity and Defining, Wmuttc. English tirannorr, Ram. , nc, Logic . Colorositlon and Criticism, Geo graphy, ilmtnry, Arithrncur and the higher bmnches o/ Alatbernailes, Natural PAM:4.3OIy, eLematry, MarlmmY• Fb),Uology, (geology, iniellectual asulAloral Seteoce, end al logy, other branched requisite to a thorough English Education - • - 4120 Classical Depannoebt, including the Latin and Greek Laneuacec, each French, “erenaa, The services of comprtent teacher. are .ecured for each as dcwre instruction In French sad Dermot. end L Dressing, Painting and Music. it o deniable that pupils enter at the commence ment of • seasion, yet they are received at any time, and arc charged at the above rates from the time of extrance. No deduction. , me made for absences, ex. cent in cases of protracted Mmes. Penner Informautin may be obtained, and applica non. made by calling upon the Pi - wimps', at his rooms on Feder. wr-e, or at Pie lodgings to "Irwin'. Row," Liberty WC, Pittsburgh. between 34 mu 4th tweets; or by addrr,iitm, thimaigh the Pittsburgh Poet Office, the Principal N. W. METCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7. 1.40 dtf - - PITTIIBUILOIII FEMALE, INSTITOTIC TILE Second domino of this Institution, under the care of Mr. and Jiro. Ciwnom, for thesent academic year, will commence on the Gm of Fe pre bma ry next, - in the same In:tithing. No. Old Ltheny Street. Arrangements base hero made by which they will be nine to tarnish young lathes imitate. equal teeny to the Wyo. nor obtaining • thorough English, Clmst. eat., and Ornamental education. A Pill course °Mo. limpltical and Chemical Leeteres will be delivered during the 'muter, intimated by append.. The de. garment. of Vocatand Instrumental Mane, Modem Languages, Drawirog and Punting, will each be under the care ofa competent Professor. By close attention to the Moral and intellectual) Improvement of their po nds,4ie Principals hope to merit conunuation of the liber patronage they have hitherto cnioyed. Foe terms; lee circular or apply to the Pm/scapula R THOS K Sir. Your Will. M Tl;s6 P1.1 . 10 , N. have ens, been Using terminus year. and on looklug over time en.nee made by It, we Ind be co.ur e bright blue Mace. Illsplevailt in witm sech, lover free. end does not clog the pen Ike the o , Innate juke in use. Wodung sou the ready sale tu nu, aewand, wr are, Your. respec tfu lly, . • • •, EIhIPSON & CO. Fo sale, tnlittner with Ribbert's Red Ink, and Mn. t u al.' Copy Int, by B A Fahnestock & Co, H. E. Nee Lox, Alin, heny City. and by not raunntactorar, T. X tabery Dotagist and Cheroot, corner of Liber ty 41 &Malachi ro, Pit:shore, __ OCaa 11,2 !I I'LLIIMI. 10610 A HANN, WY. I. East ~' ' PALMER, HANNA oo CO., iblecuscrs to Mosey, llama & Co.)) - I ANEERS, EXCIIANGE IiROKLRS, and dealer. I in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Corifteues of Devoe., Bank Notes, .and Specie—Fourth sweet, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburg& Current mo ney recurred on depositet—•Sight Checks for ule, and collections 111.142 to nearly all the principal points in the United Soot _ . . . The promduou plod do rote/go and d.roono. Gold Advances made cm consignments of Produce, step ped Put,, on liberal terms GREAT IN VFN ri cm— V ALU AULK i i iSCOVhfl" PA R Sirossv itriSAUT Ii 1940. raterti crcus•leve7 szteraion 2101 a, Safiss, Bureau', Book Caro,: . Wruing /h+l2. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON . • rrHY TABLES far stirhlissing every other M y amnion of the kind now extant. They can be ex ladled nom ten to twenty-five fret, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they are made to all sixes and shapes, mid are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, End large private families, fen... Ing when closed a complete eciare table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Thew articles are inval uable, particularly to those who wish to Cootie. mite Winn end convert a sleeping apartment Into a parlor or *Mule room, as they c•n opened and shot i convenience, and when shut, the bedding is an ed. A great saving in room ant rent. All dm bed steads when closed nom a beautiful piece of furniture fur a parlor or sitting room. ' HOOK DAISES--A nom and metal article for parlor or drawing loom. , WHITINti SFS-1- 01 law °Mee.. roanitng rooms, go d o w ev ° Weer; when open D e sk ost and` bed stead, when closed a perfectwed Library alone is Isible. All these articles tired no recommendation: -We beanY of the w b a p. is, Wr y lire vaunted not to pi ant of wont, It will be ter your Interests to call and examine the articles, at We manufacturer's store Na. O 3 Third. We.. Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advantages, they are p ro of quilted liege. • meat/ /AXLES IV WOODIVELL. o ursT. f. - Y , L ICTC MLR, nikmuricrrin 07 • ALCOHOL AND PURE SPIRITS, Corner Flout and Vtbo streets. Cioclnomi, 0. (ADDERS from Putabuigh for Alcohol,Pure Splrhe, ky Raw or Ramified Wbiakey,.aill be promptly at. ended to at lowest Car het piice. mebtadlY bIEUSSED VIAND AND TABLE COVEB....—A E bugo airtortment of Embossed Piano end Table .very can be (amulet %V :tPCllr.toolta Carpet Ware. bows,at reduced yucca Call and exam:ea before pureitmmir cJacaehare. novID WWI GOOK lke . FA YALTA% PRIMITIUSTMLANKEITI, WHITE AND BROW* DOMESTIC FLANNELS W.Vap°,7,.Haar aa""lap..-"..n.•,t-...0u ea thao otteh ' :roods elm beraad eeDevettero dry. aso'sin.aetd.,lo bleataielf, Dna Oiar's the ItoOd.i 8e nbjeec raniftrtriea,:x-y, &ived th ° ," first prat:algal o.ar all raker rxdi edl,t the late Allqrhagy Affnealnaral Pats. Fe, axle at the Dian Wet Depot, Nora. 66 Attract el *ld 7,1 0 t h. &rZ o l n or" of the Fromm Mandattaring CO., Olahaesi of oar Manufacture aro sold' DiAliethial a, bY Mr John Dean nal also at the "Too elllg Wttt4oaN" Peden' sr, • vals Wi;ele*Gotids: THE saliscriber bairn hand, ' Crec ehod the praatc ftollloatconshnerkfroos the manufacturer.. tho ballast/AMP, winch ke is authorised inclose apnoea very low: • 3o pieces pact wide Barad Flannel 150 win Whim ihd Blankets, ribbon bound, dr pounds io Lhq I sale 60pairs Saha:oam Shakers, ribbon baud, a very sapper article. eases (MO pairs) Grey Mixed Statham. c olor DaraCientiaisolla Mae Blankets, a very su perior article. El eases Grey' and Blue Blanket Cleating. . . . . 411 pieces Tweed, Steubenville nuke; i Man ed plain and-barred Jeans, Steubenville inanufseten2. The above koodiareval WlLldszed &tee.% Irani the El=kar, and will be mold very low for cash or improved notes. oer2d H. LEE, Moly et, opposite 2.15. 'S4W 000pst a JEW GOODSII . • . BARGAINS! BARGA I NS!! 6' di .s, VIII AND WINTER WIT GOODS, .. ST Ml* Mal Or 1•131110 VIM HIM 89 Market n.. between 3d and 4th, Pinstrargh. Alll3l. L. RUSSELL, No. CJ Market street, between Vl' - Third and Fourth, sign of the tog golden Bee Hive, has Jest commenced reteiving and opening the largest, cheapest and most splmdid stock of Fall and inter Thy Goods er-r offered by am home In . Pitts burgh. All of three Aveiro goods have been purchas ed of the importers pa , the last element from Pampa, and for richness of ersle and beauty of designate un surpassed in this or my ether market. The domestic. old staple department will aloe be found complete, and eWsaper than at my other house in Oda city. The mimes - Mar would here respectful; call the attentiou of his numeteas eustenners, end all wisLing to bay now and cheap mods, to the Prices which will no doubt astonish them, being detemoned to Mil cheaper than the cheapest Good dark Calico ' only 3cenisper yard; . Best qiality dark Calico, fast colors, 9ta 1;:5 • 4-6 British purple Prints, fast colors. lit to Ifq Heavy Bed Ticking, from 6 to 10 cents per yd; Bleached hlitalins, good qaality, 6to per Id; Best quality Bleached klinlins, Bto l 0 per yd; . • Henry yard wide Unbleached Maslha, 6 to dy; Good rod Flannel, from LS to 26 cents per yd; Good yellow Flannel, 1.5 to SS ca per yd; Good black Enema from 13 to Es per yd,• Emelt Ginghants from 10 to 15 cur per yd; - Irish Linens at prices Rota hi to 1,23 per yd; Bottom and Kentucky Jeans from 14 to fa ors; Cloakings and Linsey, from In to Si eta; try Dometa Gingha i rlo sla ttv ; uhaW e l r U 3l ': o ""C rg IR3B GO%. A crn.arsonmehtmrestahfil lacrsoneserbagtyoZ. Lupift French Thlbet Ikrerinos,7tie finest lotlP:aoredi Bl a c k Clion Etalk%ln ail colors and marines; Bl Annum, best quality, plaid and nripe; Black Oros de Mae, ail widths and qui= .Ismin's line blaekkloorbasines, beanthol ; do best Preach Merinos, blank and Wed; do do de ;do la high colors; , - do tine French de Lobes, Margot, high calor% Rich hg'd Guttman., beaudful goes* very cheap Dotted Smelt Begin% Dr evening dreaser, • Broil. Thibet Brief late haponallost; Rest cattily French Ed Glms, all goTorN Blooming Coalmines and de Leine% all Prices; ' Ladles embroidered Neck Ties, mlendld goods, Ladies finest pate French linen ME% Belting Ribbon, a fah assartmenn - . Worked Clipes,'Colisrs and Cods, in great varten Block and colored Crapes, all qualities; Brocade Lustre.% In all colors ar , ol2 , talltleß Mohair Carnelian Siam% rich g • , ' French Makings, superb goods, h color; Alm, black Brunel Lam, all widths and prices; slack silk Frut.es, wide and heavy, ben quality. Together with a large atOeli of whirs Goods, Swiss /moan and latoll.Mardins, besides ano large and apart, steel of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the litest im• ' ponation and Mon: fashionable style. Mmy of the Mom mods have MC arrived per the last itteitmem. from Europe, and are. wonky the mention of Me la dies. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! - A splendid assonmern of Shawls:— Super extra sise French Long Shawl; bat leap'd , Soper extra aim Long Brodie, limn quality; Superb qv aliry Long Piaui Shawls. rich emborei I Ben quality square plaidEnt wool Shawl.; Rich and heavy ema one black silk Shaw* Rich candion changeable olk Shawls; Super black and salute, all wool long Shawls; Super care size. Long and Stem Monrovia Sasses Paris primed CaMmere Shawls, in great *MUM " . Terkeri " all pnces & goats Mode embed Thibet . heavy silk fringe; Black Sleek and mode colored heavy cloth Shawls; White emb'd Mabel Shawls, beastifol porno Highland pltd long and sq , re Shawls, very cheap: Mourning Shawls and Sc arfe, ha great variety; Also, • large lot of plaid Eita•et Shawls, from 73 cm to 8;01 Together with a fall supply of Gloves, Mitts and Ho laiery with all articles asuallY kept ..• • Whelemic nd ' Retail Dry Goods House—all of width will be I ' ls 2 lie ' m d'f ler ' Te P' sg i re,7l4a. a Marta um .be • i raven Thirr and Fourth, sign or the Bta t ittaturrs,il where bargaimem at all times be bad: I. ept24oisau WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. i CalustrTnacr r hmoommenceo to eemve ai : large assonment of Woolee_Cosof c orts and, ood% Hoskin, Berlin, buckskin md woolen Glee* Thibet, cloth, mom de lain and blanket Shawls; cash •-, mere, worsted and woolen Base; Pongee and linen) Ildkth.; silit and was Cravat. and Scarfs, Gimps and , Fringes; Irish Limn, Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons, Laces, bleached hod colored Bluslins, Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, Samna Silk, Ronan% Gas Swam i ders, Pins, Percussion Caps. Almoners, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, et and table Cutlery, and many tither goodswhich country and airy Merchants WO respectfully i n vited i ... a MM... .p PATZTTEI MANUFACTURING CO., .thI.IPACTURE and will keep on hand Family M and Bloom Boat Blankets, DOlnestie Piano blue, brown and drab Blanket Coati Satinets Satinets and Woolen Yarn, which they will volt at Note. Pico.- Wa,elutsas No 1.19 Second at, Pittr , nrgh, Pa. FvolotY, New Haven, Fayette to. Pa. .pllll • NEW GOODi oyirE have just received a large and complete track of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Goods, sage for the fall wad; to which, with every,desOciption of Looking Glasses numnfetentted et our own Swann power mop ht this city, vre ask the attention of West ern Merchants and other dealer.. KENNEDY fr. SAWYER, spt2n corner Wood and Fourth au DRY GOODS. MURPHY, WILSON £ No. 4tl Woos So., PISTS3.OI4 AttEnow receiving their usual supplies of Goods for the Fall season, which they will be happy to ex bit to their old castorrisn,. and as many new ones as may feel /Darned to present themselves. tilwaye taking great pains to lay in cools goods as are adapted to the wants of the Western trade, which long experienee enables them to do, they ean say with touch confidence, and without entering into a detail of their stock, that the Western retail merchant will find with them all that his customers renalre. Those who have formed the unprofitable tuba of repairing to the Eastern title. for their -stocks of Gil Goods, would dowel! to eall, as • candid comparison of ph ees would to many aues result In the conviction that the expense ofmeg farther may be obviated by boy. Mg in Pittsborgh. /pan lIIMArIfALL GOODB.. WIL MURPHY is now receiving ills fins Fall . sapply of Foreign and Domestic. GOODS, and has already opened an assorunent of new and beanti fal styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall Munn de Lobes, • Alp teas and Mohair Lames; Damask fled and striped do Format. and Lyonese Cloths; Of the most desk...kiscolors; and a full sePPll of bleached and unbleached hlnallas; Irish Linens man chaster Gingham., . &0., at northeast corner Fonicl, and Market sta. Bayer. aro invited to call and see. nPtS BIIAOH.4LTT WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, ea WOOD STREET, ARE nose too a can large stock or (rut Gnats, of meant pinch., and importation,erhieti they will Hell to the trade at loch piece as cannot WI to irtea entire eatiefactlea. • eCbtywe e l a Co e u o y b M ef e o ch er ts e heretee bttiarrio owh to cel su owe 0111 f KM KING , * PLaNOa. ff i liti ItECEIVED •nd nu. own me es.a,, , nation, a new and sp colloa asso t went ot7 Octave etanos t•ont ••Chink• atinr Hasten, strong them a toll carved Louis XIV. ordered Means of out chizens, Ham. as kindly permitted ilia remain in my When IoN-I to day 4 Wednesday) for ezhibluon. Those who may have a desire to roe and heat this Splendid specimen of art are respectfully invited So call so gay ai tao store of JOHN H DIELLUEI,BI Wood et Agent for Chickarines PiSllO5 for Mum 1% octl7 IDIGHT DAVIS FOR Of4E DOLLAR, or a single Ka Bak for fillcon cents. Ladles Departrocoto,yert from 9 to II o'clock, A. M., and 2 to 5 o'clock, P. 51._ atnonosnat Saloon and Balkan Establirtiment. lYte. T. SPFALE.. Proprietor. %K R. ELLIAII EATON'S OENTIF(CATE TO DS LLL IAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately silo, having anended my brother, who died Of consumption In March, ISM, 1 was taken sick with the COMMMiniart or Liver Complaint, and was minced On lOw with the diaoax, that for four year. I leas unable to Intend to my business, either at home or @broad, being for the most time wanted to my bed. Duringthe shove port al of time, I had expended for medial attendance e regular Physicians and OltdietheS, 4 the amount of Wlttn, sentient receiving may benefit, therefrom. In July, loth, 1 conanteveed taking Dr' Jayne's Medi. eines, and have taken them more Or km over done, nod believe that It was by penevering m tholl nue, that 1 can now truly sty that 1 have completely mew. .vered my health. 1 Were that Jayneh Sanative Pills sail El newtons t are the best family medicines now in reside•in Spnagfield, Otsegonmlnty, N. Y., and carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place, and em not interested In any Mariner in thelude of the above medicines, and make this certiScate Inc Mohan of those oillicted. . • ELUAII EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept 16 1644. Jai DOWER & C 043 ThillylEspra. is LIDNV rugalarly 12 &Tering Cm and eeell OYSTF:R6, which are of feted le dealers end families alt the lowest pr... illeudiry warranted aquaria any brought to this mar. tat, andioe sale by J. C. BIDSVELL,Agt, Water al. ilso—At the following hepatic—Kass &Berger, cop. rier Serarafteld and Second sts; E. Ilemlenon, Diamond; Mere. & Robins.. Fisderalra.Alteebeny. .U 6 ZOTIOn. lIE firm of fiLCKLIN &DRYDEN being dissolved, the undowigned will =Wow , the Forwarding and Commlwiou 2114410 A •it theSle•lll boat /zodiac FiLaNaltAN, son, fospeettalls Worms his friends:that to the °zooms: . of a heavy lasoranca on tha wnt ,t too aa cal contents, _foe sacral yeank'sad crawhe will give moire shastoollatt to all WllOlllO fr ium mdso 61a- De Irllt toodre freight at the Lawn. VOL. XVII. NO. 194. MEDICAL I SF int:anus WAS MY DOCTOIL-. ' Pito SoPl- IBM Idz. IL F. 4 ..ilers—Dom Pal 1 feel ais a duty I owe • to me public, as well its to the credit of year Liver Pills. to .rate the good .Seem produced by their me in toy own caw During the month of June, Wadi llook. very unwell, my appetite abed, and my strMigt.h was emmely Pm...ed. with severe pant in my WOG and shoulder. 1 was told by metheal men that my disease was accrue attack brilver complaint. I toot ave. ral boxes' of TPLane's Liver Pills, and some limpe t which I was sold was good for that disease, bat after W I was getting worse. I finally coacladed to pines myself under the earn of. a, shy... for „better or weosm bat, foromately,Just at this time, lone told by the Rev. L Nibloek, of this place,lhat a friend bad sent him a boo of, Sellers' Lives Pills from ?main:ugly which bad benefitted bun very Much. I forthwith tent fora box' of your Liver Pill.- rind by the time I woo done aging them.l was satisfied that it was lost Me medi that suited my ease. 1 tent for more, and took tee or six boxes, and found myseif almost entirely cored; hot In March last 1 eanght 11, severs cold, which brought back the. disease,. ..1 then time I was es bad stforer.• I 'again had mamma to your Liver Pills, and took them every other night fat six weeks, and occasionally since and I can now say, that lean tow say, that I met tilde if any symptomsof the Liver Complaint, and my.gcneral health Is as good.now no it has beenlor the tattle ' My neighbors sat me who sem. my doctor., 1 tell them Map:tailors' Liver Pill. was my deem?, end by the olessing.of Divine Providencethe meansof eating me. lam vont:ideas that when Me pablie. become so. quaintest with the value of year Liver. Pills, the do. ' mond for them wilt ioeteaaa. Many of ruYestiglibors, to whom I have recommend.' Um iwk, can wary. to Melt value, as well as to the facts above, stated; ' the i r yours, Covens MML.I2. TO , 'me Pratre.—The only true and gene. nine 'Liver Pill/ are prepared by R, E. /Wier*, and have km name stamped In black vin.g upon the lid of each Sox, and his sweater • on the ottuide wrapper. .1.12 - All others are counierfent, or base iMitillioo34. urn R. 6 86LLtgl...i, Proprietor, Al Wood at OAUTION - 16.XfilAs . A lean by the name of RIJEI. CLAPP has engaged with a young man of the name of S, P. Townsend, and rues his name to put op a Sarsaparilla which they call Dr. Townsendl' Santana/lila, delmilnating GENUINE, Omens!, etc.. MS Townsend is no tIC.C. tor and never was, bat was Correctly a worker on mil. roods, canals, and the like. Vol he usumes the of Dr., for the pulp., of gaining credit (or what he La L Ha Ls sending out earth headed 'Tricks of Quacks," in widen be says Thum sold Me use of my name loin? a week. I will give S. P. Townsend SRC if he will produce one single solitary proof of this.— This Is to caution the pablic not to co deceived, and parchare none but the GENUINE ORIUDIAL OloD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having an it the Old Dr.'s likenesa, his family emu of arms,and his sip natare acre., the coat of urns. JACOB TOWNS:MD. Priscipal Omeo. lOU Nissan it, Now Yadi Ray- 3 OLD • JACOB 1:,,. , TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL l 's,fr ~-.-- DISCOVERER 011 , 111:E OMAR TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.. hulloO. Townsend is now about 70.yeara of,age, and • been known al the AUTHOR arehDISCO PERES antic GENUINE ORIOINAL . POWNSENfr SARSAPARILLA.. Being pcor, he Wu compelled to lima its muerte-tare, by which means Rhos bean kept oat of mete, and the =leo eltellettseribed to those only whom proved as worth and known Its Caine. G san USTAttabLII3) Paataurrin I. manufactured on the largest scale, and Reeled for !Amer boat me length and brudth Mite land Cense pomp b. P. Triwnsendhi, It improves with age, and nem changes,' To, for the better; because it . Is preitamd on Scientific principles bye actenuile man. The highest knowledge of Cheuffsuy, and the latest discoveries oldie the,, nave all been humid into reo peskier, in ate esinudtelort at the Old Or a Samna. RM. The Sersacarliis root, its vion hud ern to med ical men, contains medicine properues end mein pro. perties which are inert or useless; r.r.d emirs, witch, ,( retained In preparing it for use, produce' fetmenta. Con and acid, which isiuinrinns to the Ombra. Some of the prep-nies of Sarsaparilla ore so volatile that . they . entirely evaporath and are lost Is the prepare. srot, nrarES Preserred by It 'minuet process, known noly to those experienced in as crianunieture. Menton. these volatile principles which air offin va por, at 611 so ORRILleeOe, feeler heat, are the very es• senile medical on:Tenter of the root, which gives to it all its valet. The GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNoENDS SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that all the lees properties of the,Rar upsilla root are first removed, every thing cepable or becoming acid of of fermentation is extracted and :elected; then every particle of medical efirtee is secu red' tea pore and concentrated form; and Ohm it is rendered Incapable of losing any of its valuable an beatifqr properties. Papered in His wayjit la matte the mewpowerfal agent in the CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Henna the reaun why We Rear einumendations on Telnddiet in tie %ceders' men, wam of sad ch i ldre n. I p d gin n. Dyspepsia, and Liver Umplaiut, and In Rheumatism, e.copfula and Piles, Costiveness, all Cele/Meta limp: dons, Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arising from IMPURITY OF TIIE -BLOOD, lipossesses marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising front ledirstion, from Ames, at the Stoma It; from unequal determination of blue to the head, patios., of the beat:, cold feet and cold hind. cold chills and not flashes over the body pheasant had Its equal in coughs and colds; and promotes eavy expectoration, and geode perspiration, relaxing atric• woof the Rings, throat, and every other part. Hot in nothing Isl. excellent° more manifestly anon and acknowledged than is alt kinds and etagu of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. • It weeks wonders in cores of Amor Abu or whites, Failing oldie Womb, Obstructed, &repressed, or Pain ful Menses, Irregularity of the reeee.rua . lpenoda and the lam and is effectual in curing all forms pf the Kid , .nay Diseases. By removing olmenctionkrind deg the general system, it Alves vine. and strength to the whole bode, and cures Wilhelm - of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY', and thus prevents or relieves a grew variety °father diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgie, St. Vitus Dar ,Swooning Epileptic Sots, Convultons, he. not this, then, on, &Lamm Too Pas-Extrannv Nan.! Bat ran any of them things be said of S. P. Town. send'. interior article? This young man ' s hese is not to tie COMPARED WITH THE OLD DIL'S, bemuse of the Grand Fact, .hat the et. o incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while tare rah. or DOE^ it soon, fennents. and blows the bottles pcontaining it into fragments; the sou, acid ex oiling and damaging other goods! Must not Um hor rible compound be poisonous to the system! Whet! at acid mto a system already diseived with smolt What causes Dyrpepsta but acid! Do we install know, that when fend Seal le OUT stomachs, is hat mischiefs a producest—thantence„heantniro. palpitation of the ,tieurt, liver complaint, dierrhma., dysentery, duals and 'corruption of the blood? What. Scrofula bet an acid • homer in the body? What ',iodine* ail the humor. hich bring on Eruptions of the Skin. Scald Head, Mall Rhearn,Erysipeito, White Swellings, Fever-Sores, pedalekeT•4oll/ lIIITSTRT and ermrult it isnee, under heaven bat an acid substance, hicii enure, Inc • sr d thus roof's all the Re mote Raids of the body, or lets. What causes Rheemausm bet a sour acid laid, winch Mstimates itself between the Minte and el-cohere, ir ritating and inflaming the tender mid delicate tunes upon 'Mick sets! to of nervous diseases, of nape. 4 ty aloha blood, of deranged circulations, and neatly , I the ailments which sillier hem. nature natu. Now, is it not horrible to make and sell, and Baehr 6. worse to axe this toBINO, , Ft•i s. EIT y n : ,V24':COS7OIINTP , d yet he Witold fain have it underatood that Old Jak ob Townsend., Comoros Ong nal SampanUs, is so • 'ration of his Inferior preparation!! - 4 Heaven fortod that we should deal In an article Which would bear the most' distant resemblance to S. r.Towt.scrld's article and which should bring down ttpon the Old Dr. snob a mallet.= loud of complaints krid criminations from agent, who have soil, pm baser. who have used S. P. Townsend's Fermenting pound! We omit it mderstood, became-it is the absolute mill, that S.F. Townsend'. article and Old Dr. Jacob ownsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven.wide open, a.d nfuntely dissimilar, that Magary. onlike in a verrpar. calm, timing not one sieve min to content,. It is to sorest Hands spot, Um un'ortuna e, to pour aim Into wounded humility. to kindle hope in 'ha espelring 60.002, VP restore health and. bloom and , I. Incy into too crushed and brokeb and to hardsb nahriar , —Out old DR. JACOLI TO ViNSEND has SOUGHT d FOUND the opportunity and meansto bring hot 'mann ITNIVEFLIAL CONCEN CRA CED RE HEDY, widen tho reach, nod to the knowledge or all 'Mho paced it, that they may learn and knew , by payral ea. eriencelits Multscamaer rows.: ro OW. ! For a e by J. AIDS re CO„ Wonlesolo . Agont for Western PentHylvania; J. n3IITI-1, Birmingham, Dr. J. SARGEANT, Alleabeity; ur. J. CASSLIA., nib, ...el, 0. W. GAHM GR. cilt ward, Pittsburalt sin. Jaynes , idepaeterame. SALEM, Columbiana co., 0., Apr. 44, 1941. D g D. JAYNES: Dun diet —l feel boand to yen jj and the afflicted public, to Seoul myself of this of • ,tortunity or g TiOgplitt.ci,y to V.McMcsordloaryedema 3f your Expectorant canal self. Slaying bows MILICICtr .o•Oral years with mituere couth, hectic fever • and its concomitant diseased, and seemed only doom, d linger out • .bon nut mieerablc existence, until tie rsti of Wont, when, more msere.ly enacted, and sting resorted to all my Simon iremmkt i., sod the re,. , Lai0,... - ancwoof the moat . psylmwn. ,n • ucteuttorlis 01 without . y'tiste6t a!.O uolntiau unsuraisitur hat a fuss ,tuy• or es, erthest—when the lest gleam• of hope woo about to vanish, 1 hal recodtm.t.tded to me year Expectant tn.- tad blessed by that [king. who does 0.11, WMge in the MO Of the MOILIii—MM COM/I.y_ to the i.ipecO.oloi, of my physician and friends, f woo is few - dais tailed :torn my bed, and woe enabled by the nse of a bottle, to IMCIVI 10 my business, eMoying stone better health Jaen (bad for ten years pre moos. Respeetfully yours, fee., Jai. W. Emu. FM dale in Pittaburgh, at the Pekin Tea Stem, 19 Fourth strew. morn. Dr. George McCook HAS sedeetsd Pittsburgh. as b imam resider.. He - haa taken the 1104taa lately occupied by Aloes• man Millar, on Fourthlt Grant. Immediately ad. Joining Ike Lamizane HOgNe. Hit oilier is attach.. We raaidence, tabs= he ►ill COlullitay be found, I. n. less absent on p...m.1 duty. cute< hoofs from 7 to 9 o'clos 9_4. AL, and from Att. 7 o'clock P. AL notrittlaily Office of tae Dslsr.re ;Satan/ Sates, SAL. anraaa Company. Partiantimiga, Nov. 51h,1840. THE Hoardof TEreetioga thy day, declared g .11. dividend of Tk PER CP:fi r. In ienp, aut of the profit. of um Oinnpauy for the yur ending 0 .tebe. .1519, eeeelleates for ortilen wog be 'suited ou and taw the Ern day of Deounber negi. Also ' a dividend of SIX PER CE,NI' In cub, on the capital along and unp prairiouelv.itmee, parable as acoye. RICHARD S. NEWBOLD, Secy. g noylo 2' A. MADEJ RA. Av., i. — r i—r'~crai ~!J,suij 11771.1. remain open Of St n unti the lot Janes. ry, leSn. (hitters end other Refreshments Sat. CLI to the sterna will oe kept The Greenhouse, con. raining a largo collection of rate and choice Planta, open to visitcns. L Roque. neatly pat up n on e oue throughout the amts.. Air Granibu leaves the Allegheny eel of the 'St. Clair Street Bodge, steel half hour during the day, running to dart Garden; end the taffy boat, Captain Walker, rant from the Point, lending a Omit distaste., shove tho Gar. den. Parties wishing to spend the svening, will be accoMmisialed with a return Omnibus at IV etelMtr P. 34 Kept on Temperance principles, and closed on unday. soda • . j. m•KAirc Athenanin Ilateem stud Dathtnl z m b. \allotment. HE PROPRIEIIitt ni now mewed I, be,. ltr , mean hrl . M•r., 4 4i agArmaion .Ith &trains by the day or Inbek.. TOPFAL, j u i ra z z zEuk. . ricks .44
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers