._. • . - I"I I -_-----------------------. . ---7.--- • ."-------- - . . , . . . • . ,_ . ' . • . • . .0 ...,„ .. .. _ . • . .. _ . ~ • • ' . . ........,,,,....e"-I.S.PIPF. ' ' ---. Y a - ---. • , • ; . . ... . .• ••E 1 • tea ,t.t.2 t--z• •, 4 ...: ; ;, , '--,-•,,,, t , ,5 z: 14 1 .- it 1 ;i1 - 11 - . - ; T.INFN . . . ~. „..,... 1 • a 5 ...1tEt1 . f..7:!1:;.5 . ,, , .. 4 : ,, b,.. , -;:.. - - i ' imovosALs•vowrioniss Goo° Or . , . .' '''. ' ' ''' 'II'KEI) it A I) i . • \ TBANSPORTATIIIN. , MEDICAL. - . _ ~..1 . i , -, . ...-i,..,,...;,.-. •„:t.., -.!.rzi.-zli- , ,- -.l'-',1•1'...,:4...-Atzi.. 0 , ..L.... r t „:1•• - • - ..' Cam' = TU....q.Lw., ` ,11.' .. i .,,•' . ' - ' l-'ll "•-•••••••-• ''' -•- ---- -----. ---------- --a. I _ ____--,-,-.-_-_,:_-_7_-_a-=-__-•-__ .__=---- -- ----;---• on _ ....j,:..1.7,,:„ . .. gz . :,.. :g I a......., ; 7;1 . ,-,; r, ii; ...., _, . 3 2 . 1.• ~.i g , - it 2f,' ii-. 1" it 'E. 4iZ. d 7 e, e s ., .:s. ,,'''' • . '-. - --'-. '---- - ' - 114.114110 . 0. 1., U.... .. ,2!..............1.,.. . .-- .- ...,., 4. • Derek-retort or rut lreraroa,s,...n. -._ ---- -- -''- . -• '-' • -- • A .... . i , • uad Remittemme °Mee. . . a.. --e -alliaextprea 3E# apagatt AttgANGEmENT. , I skiiit.s. v.v.'s:, ttsossiss9-t - TinlY ." ''''' ex, -9 . • •••••41.. ~,,-.. ..-;...a..1.: t..t5%,..5..i.,,-;.-4.ii.,14i,,,E,,:z....;,, a. z • 2 2 . 54.Z - 1'; gi 4 .411 15 ; .E -7 5. ~ n. '•- ,IZI OMR hits A•Yetle. ?"4.2.32r,..2....-7,, Tvg• sceATT 0 1.-0..1')..f.;-. lIAND.DI.:N. it. CO . ronunve to brine; perm. I ~.., , .•'. .*4""'l,Ma... i7,:j I.l.;:crina, C/Itio•kiey S., Dail% tr=l) . I_T_l 1 ~..2,'., ; ‘ ,....,41.4-3 r.,....,....E E., „. t . il ,, „ .t. ~. .„. .. ..,, , ,, , L .._ J.:: . _ ,...„1 . 2 8 .. .,;-7.l.l . , ' r:t il l ' i s, :rit z . -a i?.. .". i 7 12 :10 1 3 • ; SEALEDin=.3.A.it,d.„,„..illiriniii.marn:Xii.4, .7.-3T--7-eg . "I','..''' . k i Ft:r.-...t . .• d ui 11 1 I° er,l'l•li!tt:tet4l.gett.r.f.ii.s.Zlll-.3.'4'.a.p.- tl ' .e.11,14.:11 2 ,a - kai , Will .:'..=4 - .L - •_:,4- i . 1 2 ervf,::.*•p4f:•,"Z•':'=-7.7w,71c•1',..-6`,•"r'.1.:6-...?,1,-J,•7,1 - ' *l4:-_,• Ma Ft- FL Sller.: I mil. • .il right,of yr.i.k.:l;.e"Raef.onLk.nier.en. cm tlp 4 ~...,,,,, i , ...2 . _ 2 , ... 1,...5..... t...,r _ t ttz ~..,. 2....ar ,1 . ..42CilliTsi:;_21../ta.o!::: 2.. .N..5i: .... ; ; 1 .:: :. •,, ,, , .... I S t; ingtelift*C9ury, .ul 10 aeroclr,on Th.tte,,q,‘_b,._ l _ . _ t _ .l.4 . ,„ '` =": 1 2,2• P L. p i. „1_.111 1 qpi '• • 1 cmal punctuality ur..l skimer.on to the wants 1.34 earn- raDA2IB & GO'S 'Lltilt• to Mate ...me tart . to el.oo .... ttirni r. ly MeMemc.. I:4%..i•r''',!Plieg2-.1E5t.a1....T,E.t-,,tg _.: of November next, fa furnot.toe 0._.•...„.7_tt1,5._°.,r'! ' it ti •• -c , t la the qoautities mutexed, or : tb:rf n re:. _,.f g.,5,•;,7a • • ° AZ • • . ''''' ...4 1 •-•- .. 11--"" h . a "'''"lW lim'..4 f"" of "Vrt.ht"•Zrit° rrlt'pl'.7hTiPX:l"liT.l."'. THE d,'''....,y1,11:?,,,,„R,GX:„"vd,"„•:,,,,',,,,t,.,:0rn, ; ,; 1 t.n.-:,„.;;•,,i,,,,z,nnv, ; n ,n.nrnn ni, )ii,,, ~ , I_ § l, iir. Ezt.o :In ❑ illa ,s.:t. it , . 1...3.1.....1,1..; .4n. . ,pt. i., 7... e t.... 1, ~.., m ._ ~, .. ;ism , ,‘,._ . 1 .:,. Q 7 k. 4 ail. et C. 3. e ,-.32e.... o ...if- c.-,P. a - a .., .1 ? -i . i iri11iediA.. 2 .,1_,,,...i . , .:i t ...-LZ ~.., : -.1.' .tr t e a 2a c • • ag the Indrone, end dellakmbl i, m uttr ... • 'York. silt i. ' 11l 't',ll4L. " ,. .r ,t 'II I ' 1 11'1'411" ' ".. '-'"'s'lkf't lir" i:''''iiratblbeio7):;:l'l-71rt."'Z'''';``'''''',;r'i,,,7‘,.'41''th4iLl ;%he'it''''SO4l:.'7'.l:l'.:‘Z4zFal.P.;,';it'l3lCditnli7.4'..';:j. ii : g" l „j:: ‘ ,,,.. n e'it ' ;o r t k a ' en ? .; 4 :::”l„"a`.. ,'": i t r:rd .. l ' ,., ' :! .3 .3:Z C t 4 ,4 1111:ali a 9-i ce E'liti - I;iii i z ; f:i'''?. il i ii ittt ! :o f ..r. a. t 1 14, 1 1? - . VP; 1 1 i l iqrtiFl. - 1 . 7 r -• . , Stanirt... ...- '_- -'' • ',, ' ' ''t •- • ''-'.....to'''''-='''' ..4mtclithem watt°. nay tlment,tm ..y -e arel s_.pl.- „... f..,,,,...,,,w r 0, ,, ~,,,,,,,,, . n .,.,,,, 70 ,,, , , ,„„i ii,„.,. ~,,..,. :'''',"::"17:;'" 7'l "vint..'"''''' ' . - - ---- .., -..- . ' We ray thn, fearle.Aly, •,. we lOW nue of oar puma. 2400 . pairi 3 polni white Mackinac blankets. m , ....„ -_,,,....„,......„..0 Fttgburgh and other Wearer. Come, wish ex Dior- 0 „. erke1.,17,1,r;11.., . n.„‘.nnninniiin, 1 nir, ~, .i o L. ...... 4 v. ,r 4 Lic.:3,1,t3/4%40.1;:1ige4.141712,.E.q,1tg1itt.7426•60 e.. , , a ..., c. ;E-z.e . :.,i,,:t - i:t1..q..,1e,: . , 0.. , a measure ,fio 41.12 inehea, arid wcigb e Eht • eer. to oboe , that lacy Were deutioddie Louhoug by on nn ~,,,,,.., ~,,,, ~ L t varpool, viltd-t Ihoo.attd , Of other . were der.o-toed --i7f,;„--,-„l„o,':°•.,'l';;...`"'°...Zit::,'Ltrt: tsetse S . - 4 .: ~'-• •tp t a yt t c c i c m i n n e nn f a t i b o o ni fi p rm ne C. l l i ,: . %;,' 7,,2' . J.; ‘4644 -.... ,0 e-u e .-Ii- .J 2 ;.0 ... dr....-. -1 .", r _ - m onths, until Miry could be oweumn come old e 1.... w 0.,,,,,,,,,,,,,........ t e r hf,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~., 2.!...._‘2..T_..,.c: ~.., r.......y .., 0., ~...,, .... ~, 2t . ' ''. 4:: P-'--- Lei : .Z,t,;,. ..y. 5, t PA Z 3 "ii . 32.3 5 1 . 14 . i. ttpltir..ip il ql. i'S - ..... VI ; 1000 pitIPTS2I point white rMackinac binnteb„,,t,,..n cli Zip tete, tathreli two frequelkay pro tbetr e04:11. the lialhatore lat.: gide Rail Hood Lornpony; Hewer; :.:',... 1:,,'_,,,,,„„ ou:a ..., ..,,,,,, ~ ku,,,,,,.. ‘,... ; a M iz ~ -volanwomm". ..i." . " = -; - - ccra , i'N,' , rOp, :- ta a so . 1,„ ` . .2 .i f. ratir, f ,. . ' s gs I t '",!. ?....3 F. --, measure 59 by CZ inches, and we g We intend to pctiorni ear eOntraelit honorably, Cool . 8. . 00, „, 0 , ‘ „ , ~...„. for m.ny ~,,,‘,..7„,..„..., ~,,,v,n,„. ~ ....h, ..2 .... ~.,.,, 4., . ~.,•,,,,, , „ow., , .1. - -jpOonds.o 1.r.). 4.;i7.:77-1:Iii-:...%:::TriAlt ° '.9 .. gl. 1 ° G 4 ' l''i.Al:i2:4stilnii'-..44t2,41:t1 Al t 'II, ... I,lls3saint 2 poist „bite Mackinac blanket.; to -.4.44'l.4eithen4rOYike't!‘4,-'4%.4•ll.o44e7r.h7rpther'focrl4e'lli'll4o4rarl,'...44; ‘,...,.?,..".!,' 1t h : P 1 .,7".41.7, i ~'„,t ,1;;.'„‘!.,1ic:iri,,i:;::,,,,1i°,,:i erten... PePor.• wilco it mired their ennvenier.ce. 2 ---...1 - „,. 1 - °I.. - - ...-..g.. , -......i ..-1 , ..... ..32.•2. 2 . trO S.e. ' 'measure 42* 56 inches, and weigh five 2Fi1,.„ . ........?...,,,,,,..,,,,........E.,.... ",..4eaa-alze.-...:fi-ttga. , ;•,, A . i; a . i• g '9. sad a quarter pound. , /E . rd" a r "'" ' , r ,"' b , r t 4 fur Y.r li 'l m fi M i r,. From P ' b n aTd th e I ' p li b m ' w ' efl'eaßc'etTrrl;Tßr.F. D'st."i;:4. ~,,.P7‘,'..:,,°:Lni.,lt,„*c.' ~,b i g , R , , ~,,,,,,',Pr.,:ihc:,l:„l',.,.i*. c - ti p , ...et 'es aromng at Patmburgh re•peettn.c.) . in , io , ~,a , ~,,,,,o, a . ; ' .-.: % ' ge o a gr, .0 z 3 .. 5tl a !rzi i - ..1,i* . 0.g.1 .. . 6 1.., '.., .. g t.:: . ',. • , . 960 pairs 11 point.white Mackinac 'flout:eta; to f ge :d . Vg:l T aa a it . t . c . 4. . ‘ t ' fit-' tidt . 6,l ' 't al aa. ', . r n to . , ,7Litri,e:a,n!..:.:o,,enrlDazin,o,.i...e ;: , :r...; , :i c tiLy„ti o ni , e , 7l , ur-Itok.rirtil,r,,,tro,,ii;,. 1,;f:,;(...11,11:g0,,,C,utr.ba1-loirl:,..it:n7yl..v • „ sr . ? he Ce. .., ~ •e 6 0.'3.... ;so I erene:7., g, .. t ... , . measure 303 by 50 inches; and weigh tour J ISIILIA DOSINI...ON. i ' EV. -- • • ••••• •:,!:.",. 1 - 4h ',-. igl I* d glft.reSX'aggll'st ':.' Et .: Ea tm . F..r.r .i. °II' ' 52 .' 21 •'. 2. 2'` , md v aluable Package.. We .dell Invert/My reemp -and a quieter, pound.' L '"' I " L 1 lan . c ' e C 0 ; i /,!°. l ' - .. - 7.5: -. C z.--.2 .: 1-- 1 ,' :::' ';' .= z_ ~- . .1. i . . C. ' I LI " ~" E ;11 3 ' 5...: N'ltere, , vicaliti7.i . ta -,. .: g 1 , - i: :•. I ,' .. ~., , ~,b.-----,------- for T....a ~c.. • 960 pain 1 point „bite' Mackinac Man , 9 ,‘ cl a s, r t c , meastue 32 by 40 intilles. and we.g. We have an mrangentent mirk Metiers. Et . ..Vial/3, .. a. - ~._,...r.. o,:ll''''74lllA"tihllC.ll':e: id1',1,1.111..1111,L,C, OlO .. e. ~- - 3. • :Ik:di 6 . ..... :. ."-t 4 .,. -.4 .. 1 : ,,,7 1 : :.,,.._ ...it - i7: - ..,...." ,t,:41, ,4 ..: 1 ' , .. 2.0 ^ e , :,,,.:... ; ,.,... C r ! . Isz....;:i:e...:::::::;:::. v1:7,:::.:;:::::.::::::,;:::::;:.4,...;:::::,,,,,.:. : .. 1,. ; aid a quaker pound. NE N/ sApF7I,,,RIA,,N-ti'eAd . 4 E E M D, EN v. ......,,, Coll TILANdTLANTIC It.krlßEdtte, I p .2?.....in1d.‘00",,.p bi...,,,,:„.,...?,.,,,,.i., ,or i ,, hp,.., , whir, .7ear. forurSrd I neettp. D'. It , 1,,,,..,,,,5,,,,i.,,,,.; ant 0 . ''-' - ' ll- i ll jZa n ,rows.lo".L=., , . 7 .. L.• ..i.„,-7 , 4 . 4 1,:, oIR -;.1 •-.r....t: 2t% tit :'';;T:3 . lTalif.',"..l - 1 • tS4 `4: ' ' b'fte'd i 7.1;! ti::,":L.,:.%,...d w ri woke. lam .. I ..-.. '4 're 3 'al scarlet Markiaac ' , tardier . . I d EXPOSE. . c. 7 ' x. 1.11-16.5.8 PA". PACK K I. LINK" t'itrii"ent's'iC(4ll7.'. %':".'6.ra''. ../I"ven'tc,l'.'lle,lemk Co an,te ntne• and ~ ..lo b a, a ‘ ..n , too , o,oro. i i 0,,,,,,, 1,,,„:1 „ .© z .. ..., 1 , is c „. ......, ....,.,....„„: ~.......,....,..,/ s, „.„. . 041) . u , .! .. :a..r. : ...:,,,..s.: ~ 82 i 1,,...„;.: t.i. ... ~.,.. . "'Dsate.tniure 60 by 12 inchee, n. we , l3 , o 4 ntr READING TIM FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT ilfti wen kno.t. great torworthog 'Mod+ tel , , -- --„;,- „,,,,,. ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,r ~,,. , y iy by A p„ . in( •a., pound.. • militlea In Farleod woe the i.. ~, you, nn , n , ~in .• ~ . r........d.. ~ ... ~, iicc . j •inne blanket:, to .t. for etiil learn the an or rather ultarja4bse * =.' .• -• ..3. rr.....)12 1 ‘: i E-. rn ' 4 . 4t /..''•:= '",, • ' 7- --b' • 2 4- 4 * f.L .- r• t• vs.l P I : .•-• .- . imese of Mr.c.r, Clue,' ~ 1 11.01 N, end lit ranee wil „nil, in ~i . n., i.i ‘.r.)... 1 ~,,,,,,,a ,0 pv, ~,,,,, the -Me..ageies Nalsonale. W 3 0"" 24 t' lnt."'l't M- L '''s , d wens a „elye for making 6 ° . they " n °la P ' eble •' U •-i6'+ eel)' 1) "'"'". D. g measure 51 by 66 Melee, .on ' '-"'*" '"' ' *". 1' "."''',. '; - d 0,....,, ..., ,i..,,, ...........er--. ~ 41 r - .• -0 9 =- : a • ......Ir...a.g= ... a , E ...., ... 0 2 .... , v W"'" '''" "n '''''''' ' sc.! ''''''';.'"" ' f. ' "'''' 'i '''' '" oininended. T111•113F-`3 1 Li . , CC , 9 „;.... - 1 . OlMlllri ~..,,,,,„774. ~.. ~ ~.-,..,„ t, '' CI tie g ..;.• : 5..1 ° ,1,6• 3 tit ; - z t....-g 7 , - .T4t.v..sf,T ~. ,:. , - . 4 ~d..• _.,„„d , ..,.......partiu • . ...... ft. - -. 1 ... 11 _1 , _,.,. VIA TM: 6 tm. r t.L. , ~,,,' BALT.tmos.s. ood. d.rontb ..9‘ 0n.!nn`„1!,°P.',.`2•,,,,,,,,,,,, ~.,,. __k!..t..r,t.,.....ttL.x.....:_,:7,..._, __ ,, ,,,,, u ,,, , ,,,,,,. ~o , „ 1.... _ .L...,1„ ~,,, ru ,,....torirLi. mom me To pER,ADELPH/A .....- ~ , ..,,,,,,,,,,,, to tarmel, the putnie wit° r ..r ~ 100 pato, 31 point green Mackinac blanchisrlis,,,;, ... * e. e* AV *T os rill . n* " 444 0 5 3" et ' p •Cl Me h 4ot. '' '' a..' '''' .""''', ' -,„--", ,•,,. ow.. 'email parcels aud packages twill Lc erotica by %, , t . ... a l , t i r ii ll , , i n., ,l•Li n. n %D n if,,,,,r,..,',' ....,, p „,,, i p. , E , yowl ~ Z G. p„. i., ; . 5. ~.: .. i: .11 ~....5 _ . z, E 2: . .; i 2 ' 1 . 7 e : e r ,s ' ' a ' - .. 4. . 1, ...;" 1. i.... - ": 4 . .4 1 '3:1 . ft:: s 2 . ..."1:: 1.. : " : 7 :7. ... 0 0. 4' ..„ 3 : 4 .4 - 1,., • : il . lit:mature &Sy nt ieehos, ona . '' - r`,..e ---- , °- , - :,,,, n ' Sr C. '), ILL - 4. • ' de artnbrr.d. I.."'''. o ''' ''Y .'"' '"'- ta et extremely low rates. a. ..: -a f 2 ..92,1,,,4'&2111 t'g atil ' i : P. ' ..l '' 2 - 1' E X14. 1 44,' 12 ,L,!;! - E°: : "'Et 2.;....!.1'1 ' 4A' t. g r i pound.. Mackinac blanket, to -*--.-- - v----- - • an ' l ' "*i . o l ,er the Coma% Sat , flood trout Is.- p,...,, .. .. hi. ,„, ....., Li,.....,. „,.,„.11, v. e.tlr ..U. ac•sr '' ' ' '' ' C'4 l;il coLtudArc '..,. re- . a ' 1 .11.' .'t 1. o.iari 1' 0g..1.... 42.:..2.2,z - p.5.7,,•g . o rd €2 c„) ~ 2 0 ,i?.,..2•7-.ill E. . E.,.... = .1 •- sze " 5' 4 d. x -.,. g re. • 300 e s 3Po .'t fi"' ' . d weigh einnl ‘ ttris lde adi t i . er " e ak a r d rpdoe ' 17 ‘71....11,!;i1 10717;1,1.'1,1; u,,,,,1.:,,,,•„,,,,1'',1',"..1,1,,t,‘"1R.,',1 it '' : l'' ,L . re . h ‘r < b e y ; eqo u p A e n r i ti i, c 11 e c r i t p i.s o rAe x t they oornrespondents to I - snesrure 60 by 72 Inches, and n.‘l2ootaLtteehdpelda.T. 73 1 . " 111 ' 1 4 . U • a r . ri . ltal i t , lt' n e i l,e in . , l, i Ff „. ". 2 , o r r : . " • '''' e' th ' u g h tebueript , , , „ Noe .11 d& i:mi z 'ea Mackhro,, blanket. to 'II'. Dock i'' ''''' ''''''" t 7. a r; "". n''' ' ur ' n.y. '" •4 ' t th"•. " conducted et Mk ellY bY "F h e Age n c y o f M e eb o•e r IL x " p S e Si' s M r• 4 I . 4 : I i '•• • •• • 3 w C . 1 4 1 4 • L e ' ' i t . I . 7 " .' , I t:: 'I that ". .. r . .?:::::: " 1" 1 , '" 4L :: :":41 p 47 , 14' ; °: ' n al :I n : 11 b l . d El r l A . *'.'"Rl cold 9 F 41. i i s : r , . . ' ''''M a c 0 . . 112 l i ii c P i_ I :1. ! fir .tt :: ~.. - . 1 7 1 1 5 1 . l iti . 1 2 . 1 -1 : 91 . 4 i .. i 1 i 1 .. i., !,; .-6 ,7: 1 ~..:4 : 217 : 1 ` 4‘ 22 i a ,,.. 1 ., .1. 1 3 l ti ' 7 . 9 l i i, 2 .3 : ‘ , i - .2 ; 6 . p 2ii 1 2: ... 1: - . ! . ! 4- - --- ,,, :. : :! , ,,,,ii , iii., , ,., -, - ; ;-.„ : „.;1 . ..,..„ I r i _ ~. , J. C. DIDW ELL., ao• vo • Mlle..' p 25° wale s 2 u l re, - 51°1;80 Inches, arid weigh sax '°a4"1344'441'31. ll' )older; •tita.rame for r efery. •rtemo end e0rrg,,,,,, ~ ~„1,,,,. ... e 'II6PLI °II" l" ru,lr,,Z. • 0.1 •I c no. in am to tee Eager. come .._.• _. _.. pomade. 7 ir a z 3 `4...._, 2 t,Zr... .? . .I%='. - .,:,1d,t,1.-,12-7•7. .E" Z“ inella idue Mackinac r'''' '„, ed na.,,Kl in dal light. 10t.., 3 21030SGAIIELA 21011"T:..'"' Ilk :: : ‘ i i .'" ii:E l ;lV u '' '' 2 .. N,.:C'.lThr"e'in_pg7nTe,l'o;:ldyn:tro:,e,l,ern:dgi:ignc,itt: . "' lajorm . C . ) 4 i i::,:r.....l.24.2l2.E,i'ztarill.lll!illisaii ii.11;•::4.7,7.:Zer..iii ;id:: •Attp.4.llsj o'no • . "ace 0 ......-- -f•- a• 0 'ti's I . 100 °dr. 3 ' r ' i" "nt 65 by St Welter, and ' S.' S' ° "' , sin. For i1110(111. LOU uPPIT , 1 , l Deal 73 111/ea Staratogri ....2• :a o r•• • e ..t‘'‘.2'l7.F.2 - • - 7.1.. , Z I- -- ;'. 0, ~ Went:eh to -cants _ - .2 ,g a ...q , e ~- e- - :-. .. --ri . of each 1111-vrt ")'.. '' -.T- I Nt' l .:L* Tell, Istonongultela Ileum. ' , Near•Pars. a.. r„, or D., i.Y.F.CII dr.oO3tanel Basin. - 2 2.'-'` ....Elo• - c-E- 0 00,-'.. t3,g ~.,....,t,..1,,,. 1414 - , -::: ° -'. 7 .F,' , . , E .7..'• - . .-- • - C.:l -. `: .: 0 pa 'n'igh " Pcgreetin blue blackineo blan- Vie Dmentivalr. enpdu?rii:tiepri,lienurl to Deltintone and ent.....,l•in,,lniF::.,,liirni:i`F.ll"'" a. _-,_- v a a - E . 2 4 .; p.........raU...52,...,ye...fete 3 ' .e. : ,L - 7,:f...2 ',."-•' , Ei' - :. .i:-."; r . I :I. : , - ; ':.:: ri ',',.' .t , 5 T•i., .3 t - '., ... - -''' ' - 4° .lrer..3to aressu " rO3 O by 12 iuches,no 1 weigh , ; Inlrt4ura:,444d4.4igly '4' l:t 4ti k r. 44 'r 4 ro . c 4 14' et rev4c4r•ee'lty.... above a the " ° l.lll. "°" " h '' ' ' • :••‘:'4"A'""::it‘l'liscth°:-FE4'44lil,7•Pn'ro'l%7l.::" CB ; i At tr be'b:p= ----L----7--- - ri:„."lAr LSOUTE eight pOaands.. • kinan 1* ' 300 paws 21 point gentinella bleo M. ~, .t ....., b1 th th ea t00k. .. 1 : .. .:" ° : „. TIiTE°SIIIIOIARLIIII,-,Ml°'lBl'sF'ithrArt!leDgeshTl:tillyE'6lu.DriNE„;-Lir,IXII. M ia ll.ES B g . "‘„, „"„% . ,,gg b ro r eT l u e ' or * e. " ..: ' :u h i ' y l" . l'elchein'ioS•o‘th:trY.ev• „an-".Pjl-.1.4-ti iv rii o - CiA i, l , ki - lit i i s rir s A . 3` .. V . 1.Z. , .. 13 , A . 1.4. n it , , r.r. A . F.tta.:35.17rt5;:i3.41:.f:.."..:0,:-.?::;',‘.! .. 4 ....L.1 1 , ; :t1 i I ...;" - 1 rf`.::',lu.:..-1 -..-.... 2 1 .-..- ...-...• . blankets. to Measure •51 by 00 inches, nod .p.,1 " 1 911! ~,,, ~...., ~.,, ~..n ui , c,,,j.,.,T.,! , 11, ,,,,, 0 ,.., 'e Icoe, :,.,...,,P,,,a.:emn:e.q.b.y.1,......rie1av0,nv11t.1 1it. ,.. 0 . e t r . e. , 1 ~ ..h, e , ,,l r t ‘ ,e ~,, !:.,, ~, ~,,,.,b.vn.,...„,,1a0r, :,,,,"..,,;;,,r_.,.,„„„a.,. L.,. r...,,, =N J 0111 D. MORGAN, 'Wet; D.M. CORRY, Alloghen_l °kV A. , PATTER S°. , Rkt.tnlt'Om.r. '7:6:17_4- . 4. when a ' f„.:::.71 LI. S. Alert swain baelr.V. MEDICAL. • MIgCFLI,ANEOCS , 1 '_---.--••-,-,----------• .. • weigh six Po to silts bent a' - ....a. EAILLDIS.II, day, end tlim. avoid raged ttovel. '4""414•4""" ";"°•fhe stomnel4l.,asorectglr':e'Pe- 14 x .i . ft . Nkib:, 'B, R OREm , - Dry Goods. . est reel drove ) our ticket. at the Office, hlonotteahela . ''''''''6ll' . :7 ' l 1-I'-1.-..4'''' lb Fr " . '''''''''"' `°""° . 4 ?' 50...... st ci...1.. tit.‘a. 1,000 yards scarlet strove , , Dep • a seq ,e uralt: : i,,,,„;,,,,;:::::,,,,,,, :. . p:::::,, ,, , , :, ,, ,, , :a i.: , •11 . . ,, p ‘ 5:1t M i .: ~,,,34., 18,i j..:22,71!..v..r.„...„:„...,„Lp_1 '..- ,n,..t:.,i'•i,;.:,aun':7k.r,o4eol.,!t:::L:•,:cc,in:..r...,,tK.,...lrii.not::.:ma._;v:o_:vti:eir,,c.h,,of:o.nn.r.:n,pt,:ri:nn,:rri,tl,t,,,.:t,g,:a:..;;;:::r:::,t.d.,:tr;:..:e:.. ::::k.„:1:31:.:770,...17ye.,:gt0rru5, rot . , .. 1 114/1"1.10/01 ' I 1 Audi - 13teadt 890 yards bluo Woods. with '4*" F'" nd ' d „1 ,, T NELY•DiN, tat oom t md of PeUrrel•orlahr , _ ...4. a - . 1,500 yards fancy Het cloth, blue. . M 1 i 150 yards fancy het cloth, scarlet. lion =74,7 r''' . whs ".. th ' . l. ' ~.,,,,,,, t , ~,,, NVbarr liont nt.o.. • 350 aide fumy het cloth, green. *stied. ' I''''''' " - . I''''''"'' '''''''''''''' ' ilSigal ' 9 .i;'-``'==2l. s ' D ` D ' ' ' Iv. ;as ia.i niindinamiat....iaii.i. . .. ~,a ri. ca l a . i,rt zmaA ct og a,GoLD ,si Me Nlonenualti. Dri4e. pi. .Thr, IMO yards gray lig cloth, blue. Suet. ---- " ' " ' .. L ','::::::;,•,,, p ' : 1 , ; ' 4,7 i r ,.• I ~.,. •• ,. • ,"p", ' a 4 ‘,. • 4 • 0 '1.4.:4;r0 Deaver ''''' 0.-."'Li', PARKS ,Ir°EIk7,:,...P.r°I4.P..I'7I i t. """ Tt'eas,"...und",r, I, he. r ' e. o'r*tietretdoi. Y 1 7,:",,,"e11.1 . 1, ' . ‘ e . ... * •l7 - s.? c 0 L IL, EL- ri 0 N A S N . - ‘1) D P :r A i: N i ts. K Nowe Ca F '4 ; n d Ae c e p b b a 'I V Yn c ' e • *Pl tt : i f NeTr'd.;(lll°Ser4BU-E'fIe:OEBI"4,6':,PI3":IPr. G'l'''.NAdZA-71-oCEhDA'rlos:lll7A'hsh7l 'QB.°?;;I:E.::::CR°:-;1 1:k:71:1--Gth. t:1 fr'''S-77:44-7:::°:111-":"'".1;17":"':11:9:"IC.7. u.B::: 'W.I; 1 -'. • PlXlOperda saved list cloth, blciAl That ..- ehase4 abe tleltom S. Ti Trimble, a Bodgroter, „ n nil th e ..D... f.' •. '''' hi ' l l ' i4n44'n • .g. am.. ~4.11.. t. ing .. pO.l on of it I.° or ‘ I "P ~, ,I. 650 yards saved ltd. cloth,zzar et. re l. • la Ma old 'la -The Farmer hn• Imes. bolit.enlnrit.ere:ll far het 0 l PCNNSFLVANIA, •• 3 0 liodm.i make n '774".'"'rdw Dat-nte ,t. ri:,..}lENTZ''..lo44el,egant r "' Cron; 4 11 " .1 4 e ' l rt . s; ' ' n. '"" • 44 " 4 ,1 4 ':e, ' .. •• • 4 ,e i' vl 'lndira Inlleril the ar.pt0„,...,.hA rva r t ,, il,e ,,, , n , ; ,ra nY . r . n r, of we entott,',oll.2 ..d....' ;of Turn looahimhenv neer, lied me, y , ...%•..... ItY LAKE. EMIL "kl Trilby; ; , 71. 4 d '' beee ."" in a 4.f'ydou'rainv'e'lu?b"le '44Do4ludgih"'Sy44l97, °ILI:he: SOO yards saved list cloth, greet, &yaw '7.45 pounds unmated yarn. 3 fold. „the sol male by reer.11.1...5,..7,Qty ~,, ,, t:r , al, .1: ,. ... „ I 0.,,,,.. „ ~.„ iLDItIEN CITY, '''''''''''' , ,o. 00,r,,,,,,, ~; 4 , ,h .4441 l e ' v • cni,:tr, ti, - ruoilennsi thin induced. Me proprietor ...rum to a n u B .: .. M yc e r ll .. d .d it p : , 1 1, 1., 7 :1 .1 1 i n h orti ,r eLt , a , e , ..‘,. .ii.,....__f. 4.,...i.n.:::,,iip,, ,.. :::: , , ,,,,, r ,, ,, , , ,. , , , , . t.i,1,",:,:;.....,:,':21.0C1.:;:i.170U:14::::::::.10:1,1;:n.niir:A4;1iiii,inindn. .p.i,....dning..W.,hon,iliDrinfiße.Fl7)...pllfrhißEP.i.v.h:JAAnniuti .1 . 0 0,, N ni ..._ ..., :o,:.giThi.l...tia a;:t.:6,,%hsae,bdrein,,d,,ciir' Vithid:l:l:,:fr:r.VrlrtvilNaiibj. II • • 100 dozen coulsolng nsnak.rotn.ft. r... it eet 144 4"414. l'''''' ' 0"_'..,..-----e--------"I00 " ' ''''''' y-I'IT Va"'"l' ' "" L'I"I U :lrel l' ITI forlOnuu thl 4 l ll 04,1,*.• l'.:1:4:"111'''''Ul:1::.,";:I-.".:•'''d'''''''''''...'d%t'h':':„,*1.,1,:::,.:,'Itr":e'roe•:117:4. , /lured agog dimonnte. et t ''o dozen cotton Madras handeere te. witiettilia if be coo. 115 dozen black an handkrrchief, "n""'"'"'''".'" "'I r''". 110' l'i"'''''' 't' 9 '' e ` ' '7"' . ''''''''' A 'I'INI rod -old b twern 2d md att., kgerp',,,,, : mpec.dpaiieuntiMattindiiminozn.tre.erterninile;tdnnidt tiii_ollhdaosite_a_iilLo..Y and -tau . 90 dozen 9.4 ccdton ehawle. conversed 77"j r :. -ig' ' ' C L . 2 .) """'"-2---"' . '""1.4"'"14. ". P...22.."2"..•"*"' °:"'n :::::"gc.:41,71e::::,p',,24bn0p, 1. ..p'1. 4 ,' " , 8. ' 4. " .3.4 •''''''''''''''” ' n "' •.' n • gn . e e ra mar me • ... of l'oreiga and Amerman 6012.4 Silver CoM bought rb.. IC ~.gigC c .o , l ...ll'Sd eos, ..41.7Db., 4C00Up5,,G.1L5.7.0," or inn, au .54..,..% ;1,41114 R. E. tit...44..6, :„1rhiz.y.73,7.47._ 1 . and aold by regains generally. in I tteiburg n. at__ !bra he 1M4.1. !a oct22 • •DU deice 6-4, cotton shawls. 'to Dr. A r clock, r. a ) ono maitre nt Erie 111 Offle In, pemengers 1 . 0., d. ,,,,,,,, f th ee :, ' e . af• Cr., ~,,,,,,,,,...„... ~.... 0ff.,,, No. .....„ ....a.., . r.,, , m atter 65 dozen 4 4 notton shrivel, ~ knew Dr. F. to_piiricke.,the -,nuns Imam.. Barato Or Up Me Lake. ~,,,, me for tu shoold t BILL -4 '" i'''''''''' l'i'n ' R el of Eiehange. 40 dozen 64 woollen shawls. , bee% mbe h . • 28, 0 0 0 yards slomeenc calico.. „ . could (mm ', 1 1..... " THE- p icket .11,1.--,AliVF.v3,:iCiossat...,Smewrnedyi,i...stnllpletenn b" b 1 *"P''''''''*"'inl''c''o777ejr('o".r:,,'N' v a e n l ie ic „ , AL:En.COL(R''Strai.l:7lllci.}.,rl2:lll::as:' 'l b, o FF : L e 'rth r .,l : .:,_: : !'' ' '' ' ," : ,,L: ' " & ":2--;: l .' : ' I''' ' ''' ' '' I t r t' _:'' ' :_ '' '":": " .11:;'' '''' ''''.7---::::'..P:::;,,,i,,',7----,°:„.---:X,d-------..r,C..11, d A se: .7 , .17--------7d Countries, ~:raebrdifit,o'6°t:6EAkr,,,,,'C'°Alt,,,4ol:r:s,v.,'d°.ria:xEDP,r':'' 6 7: 17 ': "'?' l''-11'17 T h . . cu ti . N n eo l..3 o l :7: T i l l. Ar ttt s ...s• goo° yards Eogloh ru.d French calico. well prepare 'inc . . 1.,..p14;',7„!„T„,..',..,,,t0r„.. !,,,1t,,11..rei.,_tt,r.0.1...a.,,.. '''''''''''''''''''''' ___„2=____________.2________..p., me v t _e_b____•lles lie t _teil_ . _ 10 000 cacao Merrimack cola, that might be , mat reuenlllb PI . • a ...,,,,...„.. 4 7'a ..,......., A l., Dr. l ‘' in.'"' , I'' ..p P..' a th e .d,,e1,,,e.n ~,,..,.., . ~,,,,,,„_,,, rh.„,.„,,,,,,.ii•,1„,.4,1,,,,f0.,h1.• 800411 fl4l.betraorluctrisecoos.enAu,nntoortittennetrad cnfti.::. ... ,..i i I l ',,-...4n.choit..4drordvelLinn.p fr 4d th eac:rean4T, 1 , JOSHUA /0440,1141,ft W ionn ehr o nu t orniirTnenii.ktWinin.... F111 m. .T .24 - .. - 1, -- ,, : ," . . 2., - -- ,.... fit p ri g - 7. 1 rz:_tit..„y"..l.,i.ithi__-_l,th_....,oll„74ieten p i, i, tcro pz., l i r i e ,., r i ; ,,,g t ,;i3it e l .t v lb ,,To e oll s ae 3:03 yard.latue &Ina] X. do,rejwt .... tow 1, Toesda Y , Thu''''" , ''' ' f o , ‘ 2, ...pone boat. ilangall 17.....-..• - - • - - sad •- b 000 yard:Georgia Stripes. 121/0111raCturli a d'm '''''''r wand --' - -- -- ''''''9' tr'' ' ''" nr ''' THE ''- ewer sTANnaw, E.° p. a z A unto a, 1' IIY at, :no .ansuarlp..s...A.:::"d:l::::;:.':"::" 'a/7112)"."10'SL"'"'270'FF"."1r "7'74 °'''' , 0 ,,..._,,, - """ ---------------------------. C•P * 4ut mal. blue Arnim''. hi,,,. yid Tt th'',„,''' PAl.l.t.i-.,,r.,lll.7."N*Nc'hel'L'ir'Pl'r:', "eTe ' eat . P'''''' ,o ' iArrrs. WAX ItinlitillT LINN. lattlitlC,,line.an.... oilminpalmegly and ' reg ' 444.4 eit f Way ?Lott ..,. Ministers of the Gospel, &a, to,lether with ,l u , MERCHANT TAILOR, . • Leoo yardsoottonado. , ~ ,...t, _. , may a aprereu 1 SANKERS AND EXCHANDE LifigkEllesd n e _ , apposed. as he 1 utld yet rd „ewe .turlin, I. biuld. 7 1 4 4 4 4 h 4 e l p a 1. e .. 0 eI, 11. „., , ,8K , A r ts , : ,, A , l . ' d ,..‘ d - ,1,1°,,,747'.,,,,,71,11. ' r - I. 10. 46 Market stet., . . - • . 15,001) yards domeste gilding, en loe.ct _. . eawarbed_y.ole....onsh, thi 15,000 yards Ida abecunz.rin .._ .il to be Ot the sem ft` Line ••Vtl enp‘i7t':nnit'ethl'o, -.,.,, 11,a1!ear,":7•1,.,?,:t:11.Ye:".,p0,'",:.‘c1,e,D'', di,Llau:lk',,__:N.,Uoptp,,,,l: lat,)„;...ocl.n,i7s:rg;,,,_._iii_..r4rn'.:let.o:f :„,,:1:n.L.::7,,t1";:...:77:451L,71;thi11vei. pc:: _ ° ep F 2 i .op T i nE ttA:i.,i,4s, p,,, e4 D tp l i c rae. , ,fl y .. 7. __b a . bad ri..ki„viNt, raft a[ 5ap5,..........atii,,,,..41%.c:T0na.,7.4.d, F.e. 6 000 yards checks, siriPr.` , A" 0.-," ..a... ...-1 I.E. ' 7 ", I.l, :''' . : : dt ll e• 1441 G' ..P s . r .''' a l t'rnirrE":; ''e r k e ' n] ‘: 7 k gL .S . Irt G C" P . ,' '' ,l. ;L:o ' e.o . i . a: ~, ,...h i ,2 2. 'LIM. .....' ". 2 .1 .. ..':. . 1 1 .... .1 , :,I l :. l • Towamod, event 1 - - 4. - sivkiittrir t•rs Do- ~ • • 400 dozen sicatillen aock. ' and procured ow ''' 'Tl"ilge7.l.lact'.. Us're'ti";:eg,lb*oV 7.l=thple'l444c..ebiderfrevav,..- 212222-(3-1;0.1,-.,2,14,2nk'iAa:N,ni.I.J.tini:JIlin•on2..i.,.nr,..;.iih. D _ w Obit: qua plum. to he re rag prepumg lar 0:,, ..... I 7900 yards-plaid howdy. And deponeot !, , ~ g ~,,, ,•0 „,.„. 01...,„111.0yP0.5.7angrg1..,d I.t.p.ch it....,,..„.0.. 2..... ~....,,,h ..,,6,..ve.., n‘ z. Ingene, I I • 1500 yards tonic); rosette& • .1,600 flannel storts. ed.M:sl eerily WS es 00 Jacob Towo . rh ' u. "6.%l . T °"•::,;,'•:'‘': i.,''''",..:1'.':‘!,..‘i.',.::,:.^..,•:,,,:,,:,:;„„:71,:nb.,,u.,,,,0,,,„- . pi,0,,,.::.:1rec.,,,:,,,,,...11,......,,,,L7,,,,,,:,,,,.„c...m5k:ei5.11.,..z1..zi.,:.,:a.hy80v,ur.c I KeMuely, e Moaned, i 700 calico slthis. Waked by deDualla 10...e1l a. Igo- - Heaver. a,p2.0 • 11.1 NuteL 7,,..r.,::b0chuy.::,..177:70,..,,,:47,,,,....,...2.--,,,,,:.:A0CNELci.11-1°.",U:4"" '''' °II :il7l:44,o.biitinishi...:ll'bi:b4"l,llo4..::::eff,blMbun;ll.:,-i-e„aibt;lie..rolni.e.'n:',..:one:r:.;:it‘naliki.i...**lap. aec ordlog to dlreeUene, end be. . bld at any establist.e e nt la tho wenn?. , p l a g agle. One 430 pool:4111nel thread. 550 pounds cotton thread. 400 dozen spool cotton, Nos 1 to 30 .50 piptids ...swing talk. 700 pieces riband. assorted. i 4.300 yards bed treking. , 1,10:0 yards If.entuekyienns. , 500 yards eaninets. . 150 grow wonted go cleric g. swore to Denali m PROOF Eon I. pr.' co.i • Banapardla is Ma or tad maw old", most rear '2OO pounds Chinese vorrnithon. _ a _' . MA f'11:'" "?' % D . !r! '', 7uu! ' t . , " Z.‘"T;rV""a-. 111 X 0 • f.O. 11, °l° 2 "'""'"'' A. ". ../ Pituburge et 3P. .F. - - ,.- -- -7' . e ..., nal‘ko ' ' *e* W ''' ''' ' ""y ' ' A• M it W. above bow.. inld E. - - __,___ a ".• • ..,' .- t., vi.CL.IrPF.II. will A I a l, O u.Le . 4, P . A C SIG . ! , 1 ,,.. . ,.. 111111 2 . efligiili a M. ""'" ' ''''''''''-2-"'2l--------------- - . -.-- ELAND LINE. vu. WARREN . , L'dt .111114 .area Cu, - crag t I 1 , ...5 1 :0 .., ::::t f . A - . I i , A 1 ::: us :, Cr o_ L . v " F ,s, , cv . V p ~ ck, A ,A ki r ell; . : . Bv : :7: : v , i ~.. ~., . 01S. * da th y s excepted> aw arorti:.e.r,":2;ou.onttn. ol ' y '''''''''' ' '4' "'"'""W' l ' lLl.hirs .t. BON% me aile ' 7l' '4 ' . "1 ° I A Ir . ' VE ba a r , a '"':::,...,:\ Ll:t ' ll ' L l . 3 L ? 4 . _!F ,1n.0i1ki01.,,51,,,,A.146;,ti,“fi1.,-:31:1's, L'il'ir'.-'l,'::l7nstt . :I,l*Vh:::::,,,:thiler..bu,do:,CF:l7l,ch:el.rb:elli;s,acouT:cr:holelECT77,pl,m7t:y7.l:l,7-r-V.01:7,,F.,:rt.7.4.t0‘inTd: 'l74.th'th:iii.la'Y':,,tl,:lli::::'°"''.:Ll:::s.'ll7:',l::':.A..h:f.:"'iLol:l6.:.::::k..l:l7:,::::;:it.:::.,l7:::"Ebn.::::l" -• Baloruors, .... , , Cun..sall • 1.., stria try N. bart„, ~. ',. 1 ...ol:t ''''''''Lndr•uff.d Ird ' "' 6o4Tb ri r , 7re l e:.:Te . ' Pe ' ,14i i° . Smithfield sued, eve dorm betels ' - 110!..11.1 ,5 O. BON , :. met UM% 1p1r1e=1,=",A„. 01:10110 . r ,- I .. , 1, .. 0 . ,, ,.. \ ..,..._,__. ___. __ ______________ ________,_ i : 0 t ,. . „._ "be ,...?" 01 ,1 :1:1 . ~ ,,,,.fi,,, W hose t v r i a i i . c hi . .o. r a ? t d tro vrE at tame , --ovter nolg.,iti,tuo(...,...iintc.inipn.ti: ap,roin„,ntipSrfillthe;.7Hif ic..,,..ittrotta:Tp,i:jr,!'kg::::7:, ii r d li th:: : a rs tam tui es ~ f '..,!, BOOK TRADE.be placed N 9A dozen silt haudlrenrhier, hark dz ,andan • ~, • 1 . 1 •1; c tL",„7 * ,,,,,,,,, e ur1y saved by PMAID.S.IIMI; i 0 , 1 1. 12 ' at • 150 gross fancy and clay p;pes- Hardware. ~. , „or ..: . : 4. 1 ., : 4 :: .: . s te i➢ ' ''' '' Lir e n :::' g 7 :1: : e t .:,' '' , :l 11 :'n,,'l they c on nect 2 f , :• I .1 , 1 e *:4 p 4 i: , 7l 1: •‘: k 7; t .: .% .I , i , ) c ave L h' r : I 't 17:: b . a l •1r e . 4'. . .% nth ' 4l -' . • eer. , ~ u., .4. a.. N,,,5,,,,n,,,......,,,,,...24, , ,u,..7.,,,,k,,,,,f ‘,,,, Ate'` 1; : l At r ik th il : 4 p i b ' ri ' e:tcclel'l.l 0 . y P th " i w e l poor ' , h .I, * ::". o ir d i ic e f I x i 1:: : s rt . o l t , sr s It av • 77,.:::,,,,,,,,cit_in!,,:zid.74,, 2. ,i, : . 1 ~,,, Letter,n i,,,,,,...,,, cl; i ~ ' h nit sceount .' O IX° pounds brass Irettler. \ zr, ar.-1 A' b. ' • 1,020 tin kettles. , urn.. " I. ' V "'"""'' '''' ' n • I ' ... 4 .. "'' 41 '" oleo l o ur 4 prepfred le at ' ,Nun rf ' o u r::: ...::::.;1,-,,,1 ' ' t.lt . ;I: r i ll ' ' 3,: . t....;:.}.1': % . 1:17:1:, ' .7 - ~,,„,.,.. 16 nests of japanned kettles, 0m a meat. ~.. FiVER .... ll E 0 : ,0 ,,,.:„ • ,. \ :N.,,,1-,.:,•,'Z.,...'.,•,••::,....',,-,,F,,,,,,.-,....,,'...:„up„*.4,,A1i.g.,•,,i,„, ~f u ne .p... , i, ast , oz ➢ ~,l es, ‘L f, t he TIM cost nn elfye4ogat ery atenedluiLatt...D.! earn_in 1y. ,. ________----------••••-•--IDIDOY ' l' A - - T. SALTER, PrOritlo7,. •A kli, lam.tat rlll:rt 216 dclen butcher knives. sods „the , • .....,11 . x run, B roadmny, Ctneingstl, Ohm. • enl ••••12' Veen. atr..,r, I APoo gun flint. The rewr . , .. . ac L I : :: : : :, • ' 1.,::),;;:„...1:,:1i,,r,....;;...:N....74::,•::,:evr,:::::.,,n7:,,...i.,,,,.:::.:...,,,L;,,...,,,;;1•rjf:L,..., _,,,,,, ..,. II ~„ 7 _,,, a, .. a. 'NT ' A ~.e. '25 gran squaw awls. by the jo. - - -m. l. tr.. 6 f,:o. I.' ' NOialt` dee, 1,000 fish hooks. -ioe is mar .. .... I .... „. . 1 . ' : ' ,l It b l4' __;c l ;:l i:47 12- la., ‘... mill ME r. .- ~_- 25 dozen fish line • ! u _ hair a of the et %Nen ii • .._ - 25,000 acidic!, snorted. ~,i rod sold ' L tho s'e 13.11 .1 r 1 \ LIM ll : ' •-•• • 3,00 00{011 combs, atoned. •Jast - d ~..,' . 1.,. n. n , , turp.i. -- It, v. a bre St 10 dozen scassOul, namtge , mgr., am WI MI. art lea, • •et el' . •l• ,• ~1 ~,..w, th,. ...coa . ut ~ .1 Z.. 1,1000,0 l.ell, 10 peas gun VOrrn, ~,... 4,4,/`• err •,) v.„ rue, hevidre , nod ~. it, ~., G,00,1 oy Mr I_ it ard -Di ..h.`ml . 1 I . I 12 dozen 0.11.0 to t o bum 41 to 51 pound. .i, in th. ae . ..,„„, ~ . . „ „„ ~,„,h,..„ 50 dozen half axes, to these 31 pound.. A. rrionae - '.,"-, '" i the,. .•• ' ...- ' ~. ;„; .. , , 21 dozen hatchets, to weigh I i pounds. ter 4.0 do- - Marna. , ~, ~.. ~,,,, ~ , me e rmi •. .... . i -.• . ' •••• .. ••••••- ' tm .1.4. n I ~,, r -• • Arrielettirallmplrment..,o, , I . ellelrre !•.'...,, rao ass to -erg'' !aeon 4WO 01 1•01.1114111. , Ite med., -.. ..r. mt• t. '.. . I •••••'', 1 / 4; , • 400 half szcs, to weigh 3; pounds. . meow , . mem e' .., t -1- . ee , ~,, • . -. ..• 200 beteEdle.ba-wedelt II poubda ernse 'mil. m Word ..1_ • - - m e, tt; ' mom., • •-mt _SCE MAKUFACTORY v Dr. S. P. TOAVNSENDi S COPTPOUND ISPIII.ACT OF SARSAPAR ILLA, The most 1,51V0,00a0l MBedOTineT oLf EthSg'-,00 , NiA.quAcrtraiD Immtvt. - . 1 TIDO Iffedletne le rot op in 19,sorg Bow., sod bee enrol moor* than 100,000 Oases of .01lreatio E 124410, within the trot Ten Yea= a-lltona le Cleatedis unless signed by S. P. TOWNS/P.3D. EXPOSE. DV 11F-ADINCi TILE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT • the Public will learn the origin. or rather 'Aare the recipe for making llie stuff they coll Old Dr. Joan Totentleed'S asaparilla, came from-and will be able to judgewhinh ia the genuine mkt Original nil of the bounty of the men who an employ ed in telling it as the ongithl.Dr. Tuernsend's !Weapon°. Dr. 0, I' Towraend woo the mirth:proprietor end inventor of Dr. Town Sans ' a, mad his m ed icine ham mined • reputotlon Do other remedy ever gained. Tie his over ope million of bonito int year, and is manufactarlng at prerient 6,900 bottlee par day. We we more flaraapmab end Tallow Dock in our egtehltallusant each day, than ell the other Sersaperilla klannfacturets to the world. Principal Otllzer In Paltosbet BEAD TES aniusrr. 04 and thorly of Noorrork, to n ail= Anntrong. of the end Clly, behraLdeZ sworn, doth dapple and sey that he la a °Oath mad Chemist That =me thirrahr 17/.1 r 4=0f::.711, 04 %. ....—r.b: the ,_ pamphlet pallier, cartel apron deparank at the bone Of hir. Thompson,lludeonatreet, where der nut bearded, thi requested depoond to write blot a recipe DT which to coke 0 Elroy of Sateararilla l ari ac o d 4V;1: : . ~" l i t b toot :1 i De. . , cr f b 'C T ° tfe . .e rdr i r e i U F d ' a n e i 1, Tole, Book Publisher, with whom said Townsend dealt That mid Townsend tad lubl frequent rowe o s. Sirsaw with deponenteepecthAthe maronocture of an Varied Itanaparillo In be under the came of Dr. decoh 'Cowmen& That old Townsend stated be wart an old man. and 0, end was Dot et for hard lebnr--ead wished to make some money. In order to Kee easy Ire hie old dew, ord that, if Sanapatills under the 01.111 e of Tang , .00d old so well, and so ninth money ms.' meda y It. he could sce to rOOOOO why be =en not make something out of rt too. Onu tonne being Townsend) lf be could get a capable parson to prepare •• reap. and moufacture it for him Deponent In one of the conversation. asked and Townsend if he area relent to Dr. IL P Townsend, to which be replied. that after be knew or. S. P. Towrneud would be down on tam be thwart comsrene. But that he did not eve for him, es he had f ormed . co-partnership vent , men who could furnish the requisite amount of copital-ndwar. wed prepared to deland himself agathst any attack Int might be anode on his • Depement further 0)3, that reinvent to the request of nad Joon Torerneml , hew orn a recipe for , the satinacture lip a Syrup Sarapooll, and gave aLa hith. Sant Townsend observed that S. titled to make a spetiran to othibit manta partnere for their apponn . he wished to grallfy them in every thing, as they (welshed all the capital -and Tosraend also tad deponent that the bottleithe• were to use tore to be of the aeme size nut ab et eas Dr S. P. Toura l end's, and deponent. at khe request of raid J•Coht TOOOOOO d • went to the odi co of Dr. S. p.,Traortoead. and procured nee of bin label. And deponent ther, Oak. been Lorena. eltbrad verily believe. Syrup of Sarsaparilla, sold os Old Jacob Tonsserad, is man after the, recipe fur. Molted by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, es afonsaid. And further deponent nith not • WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. °°*°Lnit°°d°" ' " hb "ih C " . I.l4lnril L' ltL. Mayor of the City el New York. PROOF:: PROOF.:,_ ..,, • „..„. , Nest I. prod cond.i..e... in , "•-.....—." is igl it iL 1841). nagail canons. a the ortgunt Ihr follotang to dram stoma of the most reset:hie papa. Sothis Butte FROSI TIM Winer., and Cleveland Peraaellfgrev Lira= Albany Ervatlng Jonnasal. c 0 ,,,,0 p0,,,,,,5W.1.1.110W - • V'oantselld,a Sarsapari ll a. a a -OCLIAN. There If never h. been sir re-Tulare remedy, 011n°,....iiy.'„6,,,.-7,6,,11:60`, ta „. ." , 1 . 6 -6 ,, i1 , 6 ,. D .- „ , 66 , c5 ,,, , ,, 0 0 0 0 :1: 1 6, Y , Lifo.,,,PiLor,'"...ooi' e „, e t thL ß 6' '''' ': e l) r i eTfer„,•7 n' to bob"",,,oobLifiot. W a rren orison thy) corr., .ith me Matt .5.4 e. So an,-,---o-th, iyo.---6--ooy, oa el' o ,o - b y — o n - 1-_,, 0 00 to -o r m ono - ---o:.---:' ;.itfro,,,,n riu:httlre...,e,,,,rauor.l.lacrpit.-1,1x,..1,7....1.r 0‘f,.i1a.,57,0,91,040000; °U.°°'•U°. ""°°l"." °b.' in iiL° IL fe"L:Li"" in SI . Al rad acre at 01 0 000 n tin, to tole the by Chip? & Totannet, there.. propoetora. Since ....0.1„ ; .,,,, ,, o , ~, „, ....„ . .h the partherstop 'formed the Doetor has marled in . "., New York, where ha. keeps a nor, aol attends to the CV. ti LEFFiNtin'F.LI. h. 0 - 0. Waver. / , business that scanaulat. at not point Ilse nano. .11 ll'a-Atholt.., Jo $ rectory is In this city. ..1 If wannest by the junior IN A CAL:GREY, Area panne, Sir. Clopp-here all the medicine is mOO 000 , apt, lora. Want end Sartuficrd an, . the ra.......... Few of one citizen ha. any lino( the Lacall of MEM 184 , . ath median. thatis manufactured nui soLL Deane the eons In this country, It la thlpped torte Canon, West India Wools, South America and even tn La ropo, In considerable ipordthaa .kkthe mnufactney UNION LINE, .I'l . :7,11,.:„,40:40 rri%V.4'p.,:r...nuol'rge r,o'so,b"th: ON TII hr PEN SPA AN V 01110 ..-...NA.L.5. Coourr.rat .). a' rtszon tan, Clara • al. 0 , p;,,,,,... median, enakang bra.. Wining. kno day, onto °Zt , a, 0 .. p 0,,,,, Beaver. ra , 0000 0 rood for 00 shipment„Orer 00.0 men per day, or nearlyii roas , ..„,, -.v, t . • ~.. ~,,,,,, .. „ ~,, , 0 . anCOlottles. th e an earrmous quntity. . 1 G...,...,. t. , :,.••••••,, le,7ltt zad leach.ai ran great de =iacin Lag atequlred. hoe then , 1 ., ri.:ip Sti It sad el.llt I...LAN to, to ant pant 04 ' ., ISo ! ducal a numherof mento get up Imitations. 'rend them , . 5 . 0 . 00 , 01 „, i ,... „ ' $n at the preten tor, other natobeirt. for sale, that 1 . I n ,. ,0,..ith..., 0 .., ~, oth .0...„.,,,,,,,thL0r, 0,, ,,., ,„. 0 ere atilt& r. Or. Tnainsends Sersoraillo7 Orm ua par. „ ~.. , 0 tient. darted, lea lime ste,r , a Now 1 nth a eslled I in . , ,;,,,,., ~,, : 0 . .., _,,,,,„ , $ "Old Doctor .I.oh TOtertieml'a Earrarrelllme end a.,- 1" ...„..-,0ii.,`,/,...,,tr.,r„,,,,,,_,,,,,..,,,,,,.0••••,, 4 ,00 ,,. 0 0... 01111 , para.') with • s tear, toy dud of adratruntx, artl_tn th'io,,' :„.„.,' ....„,,, I , roriihrooroL°.,..°LoofiV. r ' . ' .. i . l o n ;L oh , „ d - ., - , , .. ~..,7r,,m-,,,,i ; th ,,,,,,, i. ,..,...., : , :j ,...,, r; „.. , ,, , , i , A , :,.D . ,,,11C,111, t. .5.,,,,.,,,... ~ eat thus e ra 'AV 0 6' . n e'Ll.reg 17,:,'"1er,,,•1,7,;',',•. ;`,.. Steam. 1.. P0pa,1,0 . • nralt eve . . Inn hie Intel Ly';itriV'uflati.e.ist'amal weepensiee labors:. Do S V 0 ''''''''''-'-","...,,....1. i1'0.,,,'.L.,,77,i,,,,L,„th,,,,, ~,, NI h 'lay., W•rverr I t ' V i l l ' e ° c i te r r./1 iii il . :::. 1 . (1::e0o1:.00. hthered.r.isruthcue invthen.t05ra:0.,:71:0.7:00.,71:11:1,.. id°:,„,,,,,pr0::,,:ir10i110.er,k.0.1°,..ire, '', \ T'ens76.7o;kl,:°*'nk'mtholde'rpersono who art anemias, tr.. 11 Oran'lni . • ...clitiVindia- f ai d, I, TUBS SSD C 111.111.31 S. ''''''' '' i'iLyZii" "" LiLi''. is • • _, riNE AND CEDAR St ARP. MAN l' FACTOR 1 . • FROM TIrE N•wr yerk, mu, ryeribm.ne, . 00 . 0, .o, litter ..,i„Looibi th oof" iirotoUthii,iii.,L,,N.L.°3"V•i' No el. corner Mar art awl Fif-a--or 49 XL. Wt. imeen Thai and Fourth sta. $ Cy- We peddirhad an advertisement thadvartently ,..00.,0r1y rrtli . •uncrrner keeps concoutly on hand whale s e thal did tonnes to Dr. S. P. Town- IDRAVS:D.-PACILIS.Tri. 1. rota abo toad. (Sr roliowing intrev., yor I - .V. when the . anginal proprietor of they reparation r nnon t cf -Sarsaparilla known as Dr. Tarreend a Other * "'.:7*.'" .lAegi--1-11-.''' 0-"".%„rdun. , Wen Tun.. tnol Cann, :4.00 r“!... Darrel Chnuri o rani. have wittun the 1.. t ferret ths eogagal or ier, o 00 • ~...,...0 aeo n:, well ....., . arr.. incr.; et P.' . iO.ll, Tar.. - lint trabo'.. - °°i°Li 'Lib 0 b y biL° ''''''' of .1c le , ` hot e C../..larrlco: st....lit. the , Judi 10.„..... ~,,, „so„, „ 0 ,,,.., , , , Perks hod Il L elf Pero, Townsend who pet op a mollciuo and calls it by the , ~,,, ~... „....00. 000 . , „,,,,, tho „• ~,,, ~,„,.„,, ‘,...,,, ..,.,,,, litara 8um . .4 Becacta, orne nth, Vnse me1....'."•' ...1 i. M . I rualairc i a rind Inaret reetilarty Jamie 0.0 seastii- •-• oteL p„... Towel Kolterh Tridow ap the original IC. This advertisement also 1 ,a,,...„__ W OOOOO I.saltm limed 11011 M. ;per Med., oantalory m fb_, L. ,.. , ch.... 0 b. °I Dr; ' Msat ran No V. rent• Ihranearot Cary at 0 o'clock. Cothoo . th 0,...,.. Maraca Be . he , le. 4 nd end that a r le. ...°.,,..m°"'"'", O' "• .PL" •.ef ' d 11-aerr tal ' 01/4.10t," l id. Lake Ent ~,,,, 0v...,,,,.. make this es "' • - '`'' . L -• • t .•l a- ' prorbergh 00 ". ''' P'........ ' L. ... o. -- . 50 e 0 Roo Do ll'i/ nr. ° rii.-• Aeo -- ne____fll__________.----Nio frllken,n_d alley, Pittsburgh planation. i tt,Tain . xetr P. :4• . PROM Tue. ! !r!: ,, v.r , ..- , . '."'-'' "" ' ""'°'" e " "' 1 LOGALN WILSON SI, • CO, New Vork Dolly can. j R 9 Faro' 1,......... ;!erkri L...., ‘0,:.r.k., D. Torraermari eatraorduary advertssementwhich , • Torino k Laid6r.r..! '4 1 !:::.,..!:,...`" .'!!!, ! -, 110. 199 WOOD 01111111 T. :cif:tr. D 'us r 5.°0-0.,-70two tlth, webtor's.th7eoUong'in"alo..prorP. 2 i cl'li"or°'-felf..!,;;arlFir.f.f.ll'i hr.'''[.nLia'a'Cint's cilia L.JCIA FrC.Sth L A LIIF 500° 111-DI3iIIN° • L"."6 •."4.°-*.fri`L0.6...."" , sornient of IIARDWARL. Rt. n.r_fo, sou. priator of In. ownsend. ....1.21-.111:Iit, and whose of 'ow. . ~ _ ' Lkill Y. and RAUFkI.STERIP r0w..,,. Mont from ~IlTaril,"ar'r driaangi°L'earise,' troll biOnabo"or, been Inn .2.,0•. ' U 6 i'LL",:i stroll ~..."17". C P t;',..-C Yu * 0 5 . ,.1, 0 0 ,),,,,, i the ursafeeturera in Etna:, and Axone., end titre „-L'iVi.,,'",''',"” 'Lirai-, rL , - * L,-1•,‘,„..,,t, 'm re miry repaled to offer goods at o=s prices ra. co to than Sour hundred dozen of earvirasille per I k., • dAy, and even tha enema. quntity does nut supply \ ~,,,,,,.,_.,1_,"----- A. --_&-'_ein-i-fil-Lltr-r"i‘art'af Sas ' 4.40-yd Luck . 0 ,•,.. , .0.0,10,....„...T.00.6....., end .....1 ., 1......°•,,:dl r.200e.: lth Northam. guns. Merrhaan ter.o are In 05, ha. ot g the demand.. No medicine ever rand po gnat 0 ing Ea. ar rorn Tuna censt Mr) win tan ,IC Tthsbri'vc.....F.6...l.°;vraibt6b.lL°T.'lL.°6.° prapultatty as ha prepultioo of the lar.pa r illa. lin jC„' '-'''" II ICIA (1 . mak therettaS eraMio, Mat . oar Firer wlll compare the whole or cw t a tof the contract twee:dine to o oth, th o r ,uo„.ono 6, ' go ~..., a.,,ont, Le d b a 1 ,e..-3.Lt ,0.4.0. , IMOVO teak. thDepartntellareeeeelog 10 Welt the tight id . r th, the . a LeLe y or k soo fro.Ad‘,, i g , goo tavorabiy with any nose. , tor_Ehhadelpbro or New So he Whether Me bidder of toMpclent and re- Loot c oo . T 0 0... „roar, o.n o , on , b n0n,,,,,, 0 Vora ______ or-r 1 sporesible or ot, thst it it the cheapen anernsing he has Said dons I' tTiniilliiiill AND CLEVELAND •___ ._ _ ..... WAOLID 17013110111 f• The whole amount in Money to be applied to the q -,,,,. tho th o „ o, . opoo , o , to o b. c . 0 .d.., w o o to. ------------- purchase of gnosis will be about ODO,O O O, Ir . ..the. D. - 4.,a5., South Marines astd Dante, Dr considerable - LINII, panacea reserve. the drat to Mere , . Or dtrotnnhlo,c thdth d L „. and d ceetheg th th Ed e e d one ie dthLe . quantity of any of 1040!0• name d, or au ot.t. ooLoth i n; ~, well o.horo. , .74 Till: PIiNiii•IYLVANIA ANDOiIIOCLNAI-D. an to bee thereof, or to reqUtem at atMlWprmes, such L lit BF Pronto...lna of an °lc enabluthed and pop.. an may De wontol'forgrce rtn or °tr . p,%rposcs, so D,,4104,, . 4 oth. tVoller . r ., ...0•...wi11. f,,,, th. k ~t,,,,,d0,..,1j,..,),,,,,....‘i ,;;,,,,,0rn,,,,,,,L.5,1.1011Yrinr,:tx,e....‘7,,C,,tr0E11. 'Gogh' "M n't*"".'m a ' '. 'la" °I. ' D' • • `,.'''' - (catkins and original Dr Taw d' bonapanils. ca sera trot area Lott. (*.AVE? AND CAL Cll - ° of Aiii°6°.° LiL°°°f°°°"°'" L'Lb".°L°L-'' °°‘ °L° that la not atoned by bP. Totaremett, Colermite* heat. 1 ,111. k- um pet dd to oboe unctealled famlibee for c an. will be prat:c.d. tat in all toe •rtanea ot „ ...,„ 1 .. th . „ 0 . 00 .,... moo o w, ~,,,,,i. b o , ~,,,,,,,,.o of I acid and nonsers, on the ' r ' ne k e ' esnly M ''d 'veTelrt '"dcrlnfeliternrel7,°:l,°,roi,U,L'ra pod awe ~,,,,c......0.1,1,.........1....y...hb,!,,,..irta. i ::,,,,,, ~..„,‘.,,,,,,..:,,,,,„7,10%..,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,,, .:,.;,,,.... the gene. I ' '''' • ' • N lurk al end the Lens wean • fit 'bawd accompany the bid, to comb:et:re _, „,..!;,,11111„,„taytg.„,,,,.. thwth r. SI !'I TC k Co. Cleead. Depivortearto decide whether it to of equal snarly trot 1111)%91.1.L Cc 9ROTIILit , wan the somplea to be ettabard. - Old Jacob Townsend. Who thaw , thrt-PrrolY Poiothq to 'orlblr She creel" , wilt oahr .souter people who are eart well Inanned. wad have 'i &irmen. at all the to e Mor•ecd In the shove 1.., 1 rn a red on r.r...4.„,,„„,,..0,....10,„..„,0„,, ~. „,,,,C1.11d.. Area, goo o ily shr p,nce, in aollate end care, . whtch be 'nee been 1..1 . suppose athd. ,i,, th j at braTonse,,..thee.„‘.o ei„ether.e,di,• , .r1:0.,.:,,Jr.0_,.., __,.. ~,.......7,;,,,:.t.;!1,,,,, 70`,'''!:,t1.11,'-':,`Pra.t '.:t•oWj'::,:.-Narr .r.lfni'h.. 17 1 1 r' . 1 4 lidgersa, belho(ongo!.7 It is leo ... ilin . , o . oe . I . ltt ß a Ir i s h. w zrLL , BRh. .1.1411-aidii. gueotity me t. o. d:livercil rant LAatlm Maaol.l . l, free yr,rjama Mei eoththeoeed m make thett me •• of adarne t.the 000000M.I.drr an or ,beforc IL. 1,,,. ..-.riarrovre Seen to the market owr to year. , day •f. May nett, a•sourly we quill:11y rat each aro. =the Old Jacob Townsend. Forwarding iltrethints, .....trzad,d in Ito. anenneureat, and ettardaug ~......, .... o , oooth . ths ‘O , 1 , 4 , 00 0. , 0 , 0 , 00 , 0. ,,, 10 ,, •••• . .. r. , ..,!•;..,2,_,.}...t,air0ir..4., . rui r„..,,,T.,,,. the ..,..k.s.. cv , ‘ - 5... ~ th., . 6, .°6°.'' on obi Physical, kn. le a not • regutar educated Arra/ape ha r . eureorllr. °i'LLLULLII II L''''' The (00 ' s ' 6lL ' b ` 'ol'," 000 '" Mysore. and Dernr atternpOlto Tenanting a med. Inorgla ..d hr.. lA. oto Ern, and far mon 7...11a.1., oa d i^ S' . t. '" i '• 00 00. P - ' oolo° of 00 " -icon, until th.e men hired hunt 1., the toe of ha Ants Boom and Cofrb C. Obold Do drover,ll there,. oan agent of the Cirtire n om.. They say they do most wish the peoPle Ol".. Ilaraz purr em.ed Mr large and subnormal What. SAles, 6.0 a , tk 0,...d blr no InToto°' for L knee that their barseparalla as ours, or the same-but , t o , „,,, moo „ ,b o ~,,,,,0,..00nie reeaete,ha:e P.P.. , 664 o °. 6 . rindo ne ro• IninitT 0 . ..." the better to deceive the pubil,they et the roam tone „.,,., ~,.. ~,, „,„,,, , o r o w .. 0 t 0 0,0, oro m on .'Plc a• ae Par Deo won thD ...V ie. 6 0 0 ...... i, ....." erten that their'. a the Old Dr, Tirataends, and the ~,,,„,,,,,„„„„. 0„, „,o tied roareardag, 51110 thoacica .ea..l be Made, ilea 'atilt Mc term.; eg the ongoo a , oo d dodo,o, to 0 ,,, 0 k 0 t o o r .,,,, b,,,, ~....„ ~,,,,00.0.„.....,00.0.0••0„ pr.•• 00•0•0,....,,,, p,,,, coneaahataella whnit AIL, 0./14,401 o einne tire if au thd the dth y thee thddLieethee. Le the _ LL 1.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,_.,__ _ ...1, ,0 LL , , ~,,,,. ~,, rd ,,, ou 0 , , ,,,,,,, , ,,,,. nulielo are null forul...ed antra the sane prcarraed . , ~,,,,,,,,onoroo,„ o. o L b an poorooned . 0 ... n o ~roof„, . _._rat 6.. or If abet are of t raffic... qua* In the ouicton or I , 0,...,4-, , p., ft. y .... • . 0 , 0 , ~,,,,i , 6, ~,,,0 , ,, o _,T.i.rri,_,%_-.491.i._ka_4_41._8'1;,--..13'..'1' Me agent anresa,S, 11.411,11 wohm boo on yr toter no. 1 0 . n . 0 .,. ~,,,,,,,, , o 0 0 , 0? ~,,,,,,,,, ~„, ~.,,,_ cu re et ou c h ineomoreney Me party that rtht lanai .La. L ., . ~,,.., v ,,,.. unp,,4, i,,,,),,,,,,, *Mere in he r tuernol of required nualny, the In., We b00.z.„.•/,71r....,„=,,,,,,0, 0n00th.,,,z.0.,0:.• WE,O .184 d.,,,., ka 1 1 . . ---- 9 . .1 ...J.., shall been um. 4to puronoe • nom of , . .....1'"." '''. d '' ' ' 'ic '" I"""' a P n" ‘ 5 " . '''../ Itho relatiorilo D, Townsend whetever ID thee ad .... pt: to per therefor, to the .1111.10 r, Nreo rertinments and clrcul.,tbery imblizh a Inaba of lIA l.statraslre , . , , _ .. ON VIE RIM. I.XT,NDION t:o ^rot.. :13.10," a7...ta:=7l,:doemr,,e",q,7;t:l,r:ed7n:tib‘cetirrto:D‘rill:, ra l :I r n:• , : hid., 00,.. ~,tu"%,,,,1'ir,,,,i,,,.'"4" r'''F.a..P"'ll'it% De l''''."..kkl. '' i r i rlyr k , l o r . o , i...r.,,,,i0z 00i,eta,...;:dei,t0tti,.0,:,,,,,1aiie.erc1e,..t7..i Wafted try • loath Stele{ 20000 Or Dietelet 4,01- Oar ' onooogot. b oo . po bl o bod 0 o o n popero•tw \ ,orl 1i,fic„,14.1%.,....,, r,.....1.,....,°_T.,,,. 0 , :: . 1- 1 • 00 , 1 0 . 0 0. 0 0 . 0 , 11 0,: ` ,,;1, 0 ..r, ra the 'failltnal Petfonnacc °I dr. c° . ....'" . Dr. S. Ipronneod war aread. Tho they Kra t. 'lour , or l b • _,,•,.., , ' ,. ' . D ,• :. , 7`7: -- Yoyment =lt= mode -ft. the canna la complend ~..,,. ~,,,,,,,,th th o 0d„,0),....h0 re rrd trot .e hare • . 0r , ..... -. ;, , ~, r i o i „ . ,, . th .„. „,,,,,, , , 00 , , 000 . atsalthe du1..1 of thc lona as alairtlb : .- 06 O ' OLO 1 green up bottom. kr_ kr. The public nand hams , 1',.i.,it..,,,,r., _a ......_ ......,,, 0,..,,,,,,,, ~,,.,,,,,,,, et the Replama, tiaras a Coptic., Invoice canted th o o r..,d, and rte Le deceived by Mon 0101.1C.t. 1. , ,, , ;•‘ . ~.. ~, ,1 lie . th . th boo ,. oth , 00 , Iry Doh. ', pled man - • ' ''''' I Mc Yroy evil lictigarr Gale Conaltrmleations ta Le masked alnopose's for Ir.- 0 Iv ~ dam gc.ata.'• '4l4'"b` '' ' ‘"' I."- r.i. cork renal .." i R'''' al -A!'''' fth' ' 1, .e.. 'nu br Coot LL'O ‘L" L " L 1-7;11 Iriiidd, recast EA., 1 . . Do bide wit be • athranted ...th the foloroirec heaC• lbukr o °. li ./°„_,..6.6,-,..._,„ c, York no so noon a nen, Mg, tyre Oro Will be ovate. %Lat . ./ ' trot rondo 111 ~. °own Delo*. •-..."' - `v "' ' . ~,L, ll.Jvoll k Ilrotter. Morro , Ile!ra e, , dm Senn and terms here pre , 'which Ss row uudergo°4 a thorough chnnge, r , 1 Maitre r. gerrt. 1 Metirmen . Paantraar Ipst . reel propose to funatth for the retina: of Mr 1 ' l,lll. nue' to , tb• bel-.......,..."'"' a th° P.- ‘,...,...m.,,,,,,,-. Se a t P.,.,,..7.::. iE. ~, ~,,, 10,...tattrDe.got,.attetto.„:pftertirlo,,,tie:Ivt,I.,sg!...da, al arse priers I Vol r and th=licii,,,,,,. ~ 1 ~, , ,,,L o .. too .. ~, 1 ,, 11 , , .. r ,,,..,. do, )11 N 0..., 11110,11iNtd1,-.-W C. Mal., bin , In pen Ole. insert the list et good. 0 outline Rolmoot Dr. ToToros . 'n"drsTromh,. poll . l. eD ..-,,,Tdr,..."',.!!",.,.;.fri.‘1.:V1r•r . fir 11 , l i v i C o o. u d .. o r r nr Vl;l D ,. t . h u , r ,,: k r DeliVenthe in the city ark. Y.. t for rt. Lonr-I ai Gialtgred by S. P.Toweraeol. ' "ri"°'°°. L'" ' - ''''in" n' .t;truit, Kirkland k or before the - day of -- next, and ur ell. , 01 ll,e • . _ , ..- M... .0 ''' ''''. ''''.l..', 'L !. A.' ."Vi°117::&. W,15i.„1.. M...., acceptance of bet T. toirorala the c m tang pt.,. narer..„-Fledsllngvk ~,..„0.,,,,,_ ~..e . OLl3=. ..,„„,,,,, ~,,.,.,,, . ~,.. , 0 ,, , ,,.. ° ._ ~, ..,, .. . 1.,, u ~,,,. w oned try the Depart.out, I lor am wrn enema .1 .51... n. ,- ....... • ... ,- --•-27,-.-7...,.. ~, 11,... i I . .ltpt ~ ...•1' t - ! ‘‘.': _.:. _ .4',. ".o._ : cachet SCGOTOIOS to this agreedient Ml , l ...on Li oer, Jr . . Lowell; 11erry.7.7.200,,,,,,,,,c,0m , i. ... r chiengo; ww . All,w faetetel IMettsitY to the inpartnent wn len dela Doer, ''''.... b.; nal Mennen.° ant. bid; sad In •!,..., or WWI 1 Balch& Son, Providence.; and hy Druggist. and , ; , ,,lv d r to ow, Into to - II coronet, and garo a 0,,, .„..,,,, , = ‘.....„,i,_._..th,...‘„,,,,j. ~,,,,,_„, ~,,,,,,, . Par:is:a:ANN it I.V AN t i t s. •C•4:tt)hlA I. A- It. 11. 14.24,1 7 1, ror anslll pay a the tinned Slams the dirk mote tr. \ , ens the htii.°"6 E • . L''' " ,r,,a.„ mien the seine bidden oy MO Of 13.4 and the rnal li. b/ 11. P- bIAA-. • ILS , ale one° ° ,,, r e • _ ,whisk ute thrthd Sm.'. maY to lour t O PDY lot 0!•! ,U. P. m.cuyiev, A:lrghc ay; A !!..erri. . N SX PRESS FAST PACKET t,INII, earreaattietes." ream r .e m ehan. , ...no-eel • ESICch and every hod aunt into be acComPanied wrin • got.ntl In the followlng non, to be Matted by coo r o r e t efte responaible petsons, .ornoec ormaciency tun. rotriro,ro,4o4,no,..P,.virAtd.d. .t0,i,r,1.1.,,ir5,,,.:(:i::71,7,,1fr..d!L0i1:21.,,,," tr""""h' •."' "'"00 L ) Mo nta Illth March. be certified ay wee D o w o ts known to Ur. Depart- .., will comma,: annuls on . 1 Yr ° . . ~ SWier peronallr-by his other. p.m., I tbm Lon rem raf a mei, relit . , It o - lO ' r ever Brrehr ll°oooool ton -------, oh, :the , bidder. wrlt c0mp1yznittcrem..,..0.r,1.,,,,,,0.x,,,,.,::::: 0p,..,1i,:0.';;,:,;:r.t.7,ei1.1:0., w a tr. v. al to., e.,,re.a.,:vr,,e,onm 1,:t1 Vol 4 ca nTer ° , l* 1117 r If .11 . 1.. contract snond tor a woraeti te • A loon wail away. be ;01.??.11k1,:.i.,, ..„,0,,, torn and enter noon ond lot the „exec In of the 0 roc Li°"'" "di °°' : S . "'"lf'e;'wh 01 leVar the Width ,01 1 withhothelinre prowribrd.o lt- • . i.D , arl • I aRLANDO liiitan S, ""1 15,'AltLaiijit7, DOLLARS Tlt ItGllfill. ~ . Coruatanoutr of Indian Affairs. Pr..UtellielT.frihic;tl,,,conter plOOO street 11.0 OW • • ..fi.'r4 1,):5:: .I. Ml/11 0 0 .°0. '''''' '''''''''''''' °Pl3.' 7 .l.,L`lxit i, 0,05 .113.0 , 'lOO., R io . . N rl o r.l ,, . t i 1 .hunt‘, '. . tl::,(1:‘":tfri:.:1:11 la ....,7co:s.e*:::, ~,1 7 .: 4: ri • iroe.:,il.,,lt'at::,,:f.u. ' .. u d : : : . zi n a r _ i i, Lror: y l7 ., : i e ., retail -1S broad axes. 200 draw.; kniveA, ien.hen 700'sugera,ln equal p7np..nl:oll, 1.1 I , I 150 pairs homes. 750 pays trace ellen, • 300 pounds brans kettles. 1,500 weeding hoes. 175'hanil saws. 40 eroso-cut sawn, '7 feet in length. 40 cross-cut saws, 6.feet In length. 100 hao.l-ease 100 erssu.eut saw filus. 4U lore them% to weigh ` 'Z pounds each. WO Whittemore cards. o Its '7OO gloaters remeket chisel , . 90.pleines,firre end jaek. North:nat Go", , 650 Northwest gear, ..Kittlird, waeol moOt measure 30 inches in kaarth of sorrel, ..nd one Third inches, to be eeleveredtrie ere ery of New York or Philadelphia, no may be • gaited. Samples ofsill the almro anieleartre &panne.) in Me 1 °Zoe of the Commissioner of .Inilean .tefter , end el may be proper to remark that tikom, ortoardware,,gri eutauts' implements, and northwest elms.entirety neer, andel beater quality than that monies heretofore Wombed ander forme r tantrum.. 'fhe proposals rosy tee dor edect info doer parte, viz. Ist ktlank , ts. Us Dry Goods. :SS Ilardware, to include agneetteral Implements. ,:, . ~ --. g7NOTICK—The tote fat opcnitt; t etas +s 'e Legnica to the lii gtu, 'Of leleenglget next. at to ogett:eig Emd the time of 4cla very of t he ttoola to, the Igt of Jane, 1t.:03. The ILegolt,gort torbighlttge c/truela to = be taken Ito the toottetts of foer yetttt 003 beer reseladed. oct?.l-tDee rgo l JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. We have been informed by4;llrsolosegftia,o:rwo Parolt4jtanhcstt' pbry:lo3rft.yjovlrrr:O:ryttlesier remedy ' of 'or kind,lBhe has'boott kCl:Oted for the , last sixteen y seta NIFAMUSE WIIITI.. nIis ..SWELLIN(4, ausaded sr.th alsersuoas sod en mg hu."'""P rt vniefroratott. • the =nisi boos St!, crab I.t, o.,tabi sad haads and tr m both leg b.:10,n. fedo.ll• bollo'. and from She right "'"'"o'44r PlroffrePmcost eUtuucta ybrcisto of LALtits;j4sml."ll7o' '74/a24f l'otb:kbblem Jtf:ehretgm'cbg3rs ' aro lamuc.<4 to 'try Ds..layao's Alter-sore. • lab baa lad 'toto4l tesppy r 6 " , ;, epos bet, ZWire'VefsgbirktltigslaTetgotrigene;te 'j;lt It" 11" e e"*l''clzirt;r:v.t..mot= Cri lb* wars than 41. ..ar trolr roabi.pkpanol- _ re; Ittfrr lOktrtaltt shee r t • y t l Pingriuo.l3.l44 rani. TEA aving, . 0 poi Boast Wo o4 . 4 x. ASETV au a ~.2_s F.,. i. 1:R S' v ' AIM , . .......terecr r . 0., 1..., r‘'irr- 2,. 1.-i9 . . 1... ht r.n..0111. of ,our R.Rn - :1 , . II Innt ~ 1, i.pl.. V... , In Fr, 1 ..erial car , rm. 4, t,r... t '. 1,..., tro•.,ll o G, •P•rr ‘,..r......0 it...lt ro .It, I had or \II! ‘2,..t t rv.r.... 1 '....• P. I ...rt., narand Wit. ~ fay ne.rt , ....• .n try .• I. ~ .t, ....rut Vermlue..- \ :'''.;',.';:rr'r.",]:!:l„r :::,-:5'1'1;',,..:.,..:1.:').',1',"';',:,; ppare of 21 h0u.... in; w.nn,• ••, •••• • ( tn.,. In...am, re ''''' '':•27A::4.-'...'". k ''' ° ' , t ‘rjrtrpareLl ape , 0114 ,. . Irrol ..o',l 1,1, Dr, 51V; 1 1. :v ,Jug .'~{ ~I l~l:l'I{1,•1'~':ir~r': n 'r r. COll ,l Q e•Antxr ;..Olf, 111, J.AtICS -..w. n -,,,- ph , k.. 3 jusy oodd a I.A. a nizh nolorc.: p,,,,,,,,i. -5,,-,,,1.,,,,.. 11.,,,..1;rey.0. N. , . 4 VI to ern“ per are.. r.... 1 n In.r, xi) r .1 , n , ~,, •—., fi,yored Mon.. d- ;lam,. a: v ,r..,... ~..- 1,,. o nh a o no , ...,,,,,,,n ni ~. ci,....., 0. ,, r0.' , 1. **eh as Fancy Sllcr, FRll^l.: N,1n0., CaYbroso,,, CobUrgi and Lyneo• (:,,tlo.. ay Um N. F. otOnCe 01 rOlll. tk7:4 Motto , . ~... WhoICIMIC-R(VM. up aunts • . .. -.......-----• ---------- C ---:------ 'LARD OIL-44 bbl. in Coro nod fon stt e by . EINGS.ISII 't LIENNI:I7 , 1 12 . !dor Wood 0r... ---7 LA Fl ' . y..prr 4.•,JorrY, .'unnig.:Ty.T .136.1neiso,wiih'i, enorul sy,,rnueni of . un'uor. of ,Gtocories and PinYOurph IllanufarYno.,l uoielor, on band end for sate by IV & R. MeCUTCIIP.ON, • novlll 151 Liberty It ---1115815.4::•• fultulent ree'd Per N .11 . 1... 1211p11, Fling. and Hindiegs. WTI& • • MASON CO . . Vii—.l-AAI---K3L'liil COPT,SPPLPTIVES, 11li Op, 1 uI.T.R. u Valli' DU SPPAYNE'-. C0,311113ND SlitllP ON WILD ClOllll, tut or, War., Foe , , , Consuatptlon, Cnuch.,Cold,,aethr., pa,..,1.c.!t,,:.,.,, at Cornulatot.PloraPP , 7' n , 1- ,, T=14 , 1 ~A , ,1;,,:: Uto i.:..1•71:‘.-17%.'Infrl::::11?-e-re7r?lioliL, t . t- . sdiptiOl.,.,t,,Thlont,Nrrrotra De to.. ViigtlVlht t .‘1‘..1.:74.. Te"eool,oten;." WIWI and hreedy ea" •fer knowv.o. an} 01 the ,boil. dFFon * • et is IF R . S P. A V Fl P. , •F Donna Syrup Of I.li Da chueeyl 11!•*rfeLt ,s nu oozer hrnog , ,t thanq of deuh.o utility. It has Du's.d e xx, trom the thotzahn?, Jo, launched upon We au et e rye r anent, an el'o. Plan. NONIA re,11.00,0, knd ,orogninc ..mor,rlno.nos, ly used thus any o ti.rl PreLarat.on at inc...le.i.e e., P fo: Dr re o l,e , a ...lacuna loan, , i t, It tax been .... Jared vet) grucrul y .y4l , `nned :,tal., ate Iva pc, asol 11,ere are leo' loWn • L Du. 0 hat contain wane re.naraat, , krZ3F'‘l.'Ff o. 3...,0d ee eet.. Ft, prod. DI ihr loop , auriestenta,:.nil of thwe zn.r.71....‘,6%,:a.e,y41,......,1fir, 1 ' 272 ‘tch.'uPtror3als' or ' nte'n hnre lmen p.n./In-dn.' 11, WO of.the Ur, reapectabillty —oleo who have toe) •,a.• . 1 raoFa, n in e will on, tee that to r If! 10 litt,cts. ~,,r,.Z1L:&,1: v011,,,,10 t ri , 1t . .. e . l ~.• pl,-sorori . -- BRAVER ,AND KRIE. PACKKI LIN, elusive 3) .Fatt it. at1PP.0p.A.eL14teu3,,.e,...,„•,..r!......0- traozull TO THZ ULU Ili villa. itot,a hy Its oll,he raorth., and toe .:,,,...brr,;•, :, ty of puha:. optWou. The ,AFL” ...ana: Paeket—Pa‘Fonvanta,"Vapt. /cane, tonic arta the ...Wong Influence dtau..ed D. eoual. Tra.atarn, ".-- - P0.10P1., whole oat, by ,•e, nder. it • ruoFt .a. , Laaa Rua TF.I.Y. towed,. for thc attracted PLITeOuh, ~.. “ Drown, REM FADER. -., It Y" , hen r.r„. acur.r Own .00Arvt.t.ou. Lao. e,: r' u.a. e :7e:t; r'thenWrol :g n d I . :: t ' lrt " e "1 :0 i1rE.714...11 A.Z.k.1.1.17. 7.°2.^.^1Y,.,!',7',Z.%:;,,-,7,,:;,.'7,,..,,h,::,,-,;,;:: and , a , Il run ere dor.% the aestwu—ohe twat ,-":,r,',',,,1,„,,,, and ~,,,,,,,e, ootee. totorwao le,ukt, how every vaortunet at. ectoduand gum letty• ~°;,...;L 40 ,, , 00 ,,,,,, „A, ~,1 ,„ , ~„„.,,, ,„,,, 0.• Heaver ery evning, atonettotte.) alter tar toll- 0,,,,,,,,,,,,......,•• .....,y1,,,,... N.,.,,, 1..,•,n. vsk Ji the .traokhoat hitrhoott ti nn B E, i. 1 IF F.; Fp Ott.. hIIIIF It .1 II F. a Dr Prt v 0x... , i 0.1 artl • ''' "i ''''''' ''' '. • ..‘'''''' . ' ''. I thew." nave. .....• F0n,,,) ' , I , . "F. '"'":" FL,, ..., o N ••,•17 1 F .21 ~ ..... too th.- ~ „,,,,,,,,, 0,,, 0, ~,,a„„,,,,,,,„, ,„ a , v , •• • ... e h.. , ealo,ttooth T.k. i ~,;,,,, , ~..i ‘,.,,, c“. •., . I, •If , Clh , " •••,- 01 ~ la, 0•0 be proeured ty , .. ~,..,,, , • propnewr, 1 ~ate !"I 3.. 1,u,, ,- II tL.RD, YARNS a Po, Lit'AVVI 0/.1..111,1, Agt poDooren . ror Wm, ..o3 FFtrolthe..: .t. P`.. --Jag C Darl.eon Duda , P. :• N al Reed, tale, Pa. Cl' V. ttk,lizetortlte, Pa • NI - rariand aad Klux, thq ' Rend. Pa, Hays a Plumb, F.F.harpstarah, Pa, %, c Mcdo.uoihanazt, i, ,• t: Mathew, rds.ti. Pat a W Csuntninam. New c adge, Pa 111 I"'" . trt bine p g Tana through, dal. PORTAFIL EWMI 184 9 . Mia t 1•o, the transports el attLen.urts„.._..... EIETWEEN Gcl‘,,l),:esTrUtralZ.th'und ithande ‘ lD . hts , , tL, Lne ere tot 13T . 1 hiP T . ned . tour . noolton POrtable tor o 'Worm, of 1,1,1,40,11 r. ol rp th rondo fur aus lip nt torportonso. su ocroritig ur . oporg, or for odoraletriF harae.. Ali ' geode forwarded wan diapanA, and on us restromaa " nu" "‘"IJ JDtI N kr DADEN t Co, c. atu oA PennAVIS at,Dittsburgh M D & Co, marl 247 Market 4 t'onanerce a4PhDs- JOHN Mel'ADlslCn. Fors/arilDa and CO.O Ili. Merchants, Carus lino Databan. JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Pica. Factors and Commis sion Merchants, Y 37 tilactci. iiiiil al Commerce stree4 Philadelphia. marl Advances crude y b cane. of the a bove op ROW', NAVirazdl older snerehs...sase consigned to them for PD. snaild MN% N 10111.... O. W• O. POTIO. 1:141F. undersigned, successors to A fluor. o Nichol son. beg leaven , inform.. 01.1011 5 of Vituiburgh publie generally, that ther have rebuilt the k.n. tel.!, FOUNDRY an.l are unto' in cell opt rm.., and have pxn of their patter. , i d y tar to ...set,— soungsi ar•deb am Cooking 2. , Myer, Coal and Wouo Mose., sedh a splendid air-lurid Cnal Stove. which is now sunerctding in nib, eat.. Me eoutinon roai..l move a.., a cheap co, Coot.; Stove, well ad v. ied for so,. faienlivs. with a full assortment of co. Irma anti etanws orates Wit arrxeld par is in vile the se of persona huddle, to eall at our warehouse belie' purcueung, and ei10.1.2/ a splendid *mete of eneonseiled oral., 1. .bed m We otyldr— v.:My new in MIS 1 11 t. "0.4.r,",1'ii.' ". Ittlgtrailffig..ll'W/t171••'!1':" 1,54:515.6,1.144,vciar , 011.001411.1 1 IS ,41e• r I •I1E. ettb.nher is in 1 recei,ine his Fall Euret. 001 . bracing all descripuuns of FO tFIGN WINk.S L../..” I.ro. its, Cigars, Ike. Ile olEni ihatmentetor it, it, W 000.0.1 I.andu Baal trade, test cani...l be es eel.. Among the anic•es fur sale, be would es nerete inn toIIoOVIM a nags !Weir roc, Bordeaux end Cognaa.Brardies. I tt1c:::,,,.1..f .y..:111.,,/,,.?,,,,c0,mr• via outer all chiac o plpc• 1 1-011MOI bin', : 0i11.0..1 , coo. rammea Spir'ts. A . New England Km it do Sent. and In. Vr Meaty, lee ibis 1111 sto ongahela Bye Whiskey, 31 Fhog •Al do dlr In, St pkgs 31adetra and Sherry Wines, Iv hl pipes, hue tar• end petit..; -.A 1..0 i isiwn.irul Tereoge W tor, IgOutt/rl4 :+7 Ukf:,,r•°.l`ln".l,..t:l;lienSpLenri.d9 ' Sr .. ; ;111a 4 ,taiVrri ' M WI s l leil sails uld itio,'es,h txxs ßrandy uai r• and Ja• • Cadre; 05 pkg• V 11, Ii 1 sod ClMlalt Teas. Xil pkgs a ssailed 'Fotweeo, L'.... inol hales deices, IA bids N Vb. Splice; I? baskets fresh nand Oil \ i in do Champagne Witoul pul and ipt, ill cues ; I tot ‘laret Wm., AU .1., tieek or Rhine dm it 1 1 1 1 X 3 .In Soutcrim Wmet,lM do Muscat, li, du ilat I berry Woolly, 11110 impeded Caltrs, togethc with Cordial., Denuding ti.lelicr Flaeks.Scatch ale, Down Stow, Arnma it WI. Miters . , Betiled Wines a id 1..• Mon ef ipe finer londellAitnianite, MT./ 14., Mara Num , . iiNivai, t.erises, Hock sod Col. te Bot Lies, Anchovies mirdinex. Le, Arr. In „••••• •r.p.u, Olives, Ite,chups. it S CimeOletc,Corko, reach:Bop Sluddiers,tdigai Itasca. Mesbere, and FilteldirrJh Men • ,d e e.re• generally. 1 ACOB WIIAV tilt. r neat* eor Market and ti st sty _ . 11k1DICILle i ROLIOIONge OW V 1.5.1.., s , . No. 05s DIAMOND N111.t..1 s y . i 4.114 f.eve,,,kto,ors below Wood ircet. to I ' , it Tine $111.015115, ne. in I,sen 1 , , . 7- ' 1 -16-;;',.,,. f regularly educated ir, th mean. • 1 ,44,, ...,.,.04e,.. profusion, and h..is for s moiste \ t . , ~,,...I,f,;i to general precut c, not cune .5 , t . ✓ , t, ~,I .i. 2 1 ,7,. .an 0 ~. j ... ,..7,1 , , r. , , , ,, , ,..; ,1,,,.....k. plaints fur which his opporionitir , i ri•rh,.. and experience peculially quail, 1 ' . 1 . Y , X,1... ' . t • bpeen, . . II le esidanu. - sly dere, ; to study aseae of th.otomplaintn,idurii•ii Whi••l. tnne lee ha hail more preen. and liss cured more pa. tientath. can ever n ftll to the lot of any pdvide ,, or.7 "pU.'‘7,)ne'rromPalifiel&'ser all'f'.totaryofcfrunrc to all tilll7c s ted 1 trith‘delleme di.a.aana all discit.es e.t.a therri from. Dr. Brown would inform Moir .110101 with mews . dweasee which have hecomk chrome by wee or apil Bra ITy',dtlltliit rel'ioetoouir'nu'vo,slc‘alTi .:‘;,7,0,...‘ a; - .‘`liTTo"r! ..,bi, eared, be having given his cal cful attention tc the trealineni of ancheases,ind succeeded in hundred , fee'rio7t7e. tlacrarr,V.noliikgilrg 4 1 11 t r a n e m s n vx ‘ 7lTo 11 "g olt1 insult (rota those ea. , where other' have consigned Mein to hopeless deamilv. Be parocularly invites such is have been long and ansilecessiully t o by otliere to eonsalt 41. when every staisfneilon will he given r y as , and their COW , treated in a eurcful,thoroogh end Weinfeld Manner, pointed out hy,a long e xperience Cody. and investigatio, inch it is impossible tor ihno rxcer..,,,,,,,ionnteLog. pt. . of medicine to give an \ 'Erik/MOOT Itutuni DI Brown also inviies naii i one afflicted with 110001 s o call, at•be hos 'aid pante O 'jt.P.l•rari, Tim'hic‘udiTll'• I Skin diseases, shore I, Paley, etc., speedilicara Char ea very low. N.111.--Patients o! nth act liyif• gal a &Manes, by gating their disease in Of/flrlog, giVing On die sympi tams e. Obtain Medicines with directions •for ese, by ad4.l,offig T. DROWN, 51. D., post paid, and enel.ms l ' i g l."“ a No. 53, Diamond alley, Opposite the avidly HO.. RElgnultsm.—Dr.Braines newly dl.weeret few. gy (welghentinuilisM la • speedy and certain remedy Zr• thatolwaidnDa iroable. It never a nd and P 110.45 Convening 11000ia, Nu eti Dia eannd anl Pitnibarghs Fa The Doctor is always a deal*. V. pir ssre as '.7 to , . 1_ ,..... : k : R m g ya :.: .; • .. g , c o :- COL ,'C 1 OINTMENT., , , . - t - :. : L. pr ,i - p: 1 I I U. I T I . I i'lo A. hang,; .. r o 'l t i l '''':: , :o li , fal f : N t.c . : e , r , il S ::: l t i I k g r " : ,, P :,:" '' :::: b s e .17. p. i: :: ::::::e ,:e i t o R :::; . : f : P g L i e r V e . P i a' g r0de 44 .,.;1,. __;. • • 7: ' ".... *-. --; ;7 errd;ye•.% hara . , ° , 9 ,y , th,,,,,,,...,. .gollae design and workmanship, h i m been ofF . 7 '. 4 , ~,,x,.-,:z,RE.s. c„EHHEHLogys Intradoe ," ry aze , :r.eg , pensag nt . is ret%th: A ..,._ ~.. HUMORS SKIN DIS- ..., ~. " "".. .',.,. ". .. , Th... it r ..-'. A 'may. Fis E.e ' olhoNorrs, aer 'WO ..UM eihlehtlate. .e..k.CreL ugures and 11. 4:2 71 i.,., -- k ~ -. r-- - --"" , -- '''''',l":.',,,i,' ....id o. t.ni..indy ....u...1.,-, 1 • , ...t thee nals them. ...... Wl ss len b ' l,l as to tile light t e Duero, shselink of- the ..."--:-. - -2 , . ..,.,..,h1ii...,,"'-,..,„; dill en.. o every line, however minute, tkroughtratthe _7,-; ALL. g,„.,:.-.arg.-' ..-- ' hole o hi. purr of the engraving rsoligh az emcity • ; - trl• . , I .... it 7 - ~ C ,1,,,,,1i.1 " stator pereven liad biest made apemen:Slade C.. .- ...),,,,ei1e...,..• '' tonn es •-•'''.?‘"*". ' . ly, addle .I,h ase netually printed don both sides of the ''' that it 'ma POI. 1.., paper. 'hot thoutd in nil cute. be olaerved. Ala- ' -•' ' '''. - I ', n0 ..." .e . I/ 1,1t1.,r,,1„h„1„.t.-; eel Uponieuelt amers is also printed In red noel both De -".. 111..4.i D. IO k'beft• ' , es ,•••••ex• ~, hie . sateen yeas. fee ell ilisealeS o`,..‘" r , '''''...",,.'T'a-',„,"7.i.„ hel d en, and ehoald be exersoned its the sante Mherlee". II eV, 13JeJlas. V... aUdOst donee , ood ""1tm_,.'",..,'„ 1n ,„ - ,, 1 7..".. i, - ..„, it ' This y reparstam has now .....ituct... of ....y. 1:1' ,.. :. ::.;n:t' '''t::':.:,;.l;.''.''',7T;'.l..l., ' .7:f: :.': .'=,,: :, L ' ., ' . ' : . ..:: ..'. . , i i : ,v . -: , , N_,. , 1 : , ;I , ~. .N ~5,i,,,,;,..a,,t;),;i:1 Dela, ei,e7o,T,..,:aemr ..not, f‘ooti:;:ottorer.....hibcloort':,:totoo'.'",.. proreoq°,;.,••• .:j6. , • -- - 0 - -- ~i.,_.,.. Iva: fir c ... , 1,...6.1-tirie. die:rty.,poref uoaunron,.2talk.Sth.t. '.l::r.''''L'll';':::7:::::r:::l".:.:l''..,i.:l.:::"'cl'al::::::'''it'''''.'7:::;‘''''''rs:':::;-I:ds'..:::::'.L: , ..n.rlY.ey}.'...:::-rrt:.'..'e":,‘'''.:Si 1:.1;:::‘'..:;:"S''''':::' 1.1..:d"::::;7.-'''''.11:'"':::7°' L'''.l"'dl:a:mi.l":llll:nt:i.!EihrclCl7thl:"orp4,cir..CTO°setitlei tn:l.:4lh7el.r:er-m7l7' Yetn ''l : .'- tyr ''''' o l l 1:17-''''rnt1:17'kali_i_ _;:lL:'''''t__.::'.3l'h:_::"':__ _.:P:''''2,el:.:::::!..lAFl'l:..hi.:-.17:'1‘1:'41.:174-: ... " ' .l "- - ' l ' '".. "c:' ' e , he e •• •, 1 • •ee Va.l. .: e•etS , .' , ‘ ‘e• e q .. ' - V . • ".'".. way, and them has Men but one Aoice-one untvccsill rayal l' T o .117camsaa.:a. a"maat%;,.y. a :la c... .= I; r,`,;:,, ,. "..,,,", , ,,,..i ~,,, , ...., , , , L , ,- , „ a t, , , , ,e, ‘,... ; ;n-Z, T o ` ,-,,,..„:, ...,:, , 2,.,, i ,. 1' „,, i ,,... , ,.... i ~, Alw-A v..:v. t, ot .0: did Anna- 0i,r,,,,e00,1,7,-ogo.,,,LLISTEII, VOUIL OINTAW.SeT knowletlee end obeeryntichr- amid he inverrieLly fotantd .j.,,,ey it %produce the CP3st salutary etlects-tioiunfreqlieo -1' '''' . ' ' ''''''''"' '''''''' '.." . ''' • . '.' T C .1* I-5" llewk °' " e. n..'"1... I'''''`.• RIMIDAATISAI-it •reaumes • almost to ly ay nyey all th rdry p 0......,,,.. ...."'' ee."‘ "I trilitles-1... ..1 0, 1 .!=.1..,, ..: . ....a . ... . 5, the itillammition and swelling, when the vein ceases,: .a,arasaal for ,y.y , a , bad by,,,rio..i. .... d . rmav "1" 1 • "'d '''' 'll man s, I "* """ n r "ll r .. .I .... e ' er " ; .. I 7 - • ‘' ' i i•.'•;•11...-111NIC, ASSISTANT, a da pted for •the t. the otroo.ooo wOOO O th o 0 0 . , "„,:.0.::,;,111.,,..'1,7,...0__,;,";•,:•.,‘W.,7.,C;;...,,,,....t0,,E17,,,T.:,,e'i,hr5t'e:,,,,..7..c,,f1.t. t,,, ,.... , . ;, 5z,;i:et:;:.,,.....7:,...,-;;.w...,,......:huip,r,,e,•,,a.t,5;,,,,,,..h,r..e.1cig.h.,,t•i„,,,::_1ui1i h...4.11-ACfer,w,..lnti,. ynear.„,l.htodi.s.d.4_,a,noP4erLoonoo.°Lft...,lT.,l,torr.Lttiptcri..,-,,,F;;,,,,.........,..,t,,,....:4::',_.7.---,:,...Tti,:iii-b,:1:0..-.01,-. , , ~., ,„„,., ~.., 1 ... o,n. T,e5.1,11. no ,e s ~,..0,0, e•ery week re the. wanittnf turu,,, ~.. . h.e.., ,,,,_,1 try, tad alloca induct. f amilies always to keep aV* -'''''Zr:Tre:;rn'rt!re...ra',..-i::..7.i..,,,'''7.,..,'.. ' '''..,'',.,*•,,,..1.,*,";,.,......1,''"11'',, h1111.,1,'„'',...,1,',7,7,,,,',:',,,,M,, . •..,•.‘Talatc.,T°?...rll-hdi,C'allaalra'a:td ALll'k....!..•:***-71 of the preparation in their pc...melon. It I. mild into ..,„. I.; of ned slag be Mministered with perfect safe. I.l.'.'"VpteW o'9 ' .."' -*.e" ". * . Loa. olola i, IMa •ti .ry Ixt.t,.• t,raicrnor. iIY , te.• HcALD ICEISD-We have .......• -7 7- "nkf ty to the mew detwetis InfeaL known, as well as the ability ot - • 117 .„ w a,,,, , ,a c,,,,, ~ , .1' . 0 , -- - , . ~......ri,,, , .. .......- iirt-- ,0-.0,-.• L T to• 00 0 ,. Leer .o :artily datums Om men told us namsP t 4.17 . DA I. MIN b.STODIC, Prnsburgli -_,,,,,,,,,, fe.,,,,,,„ twee,. of ).),0 7 , a Vidtyr 0,111. 1.•0/.1,11:10. t aa , apaaary thiay . __, Tn. dw 5. c,,,..,.., pp,..,..i.by W.'' . ' 1.... '1'1".111".",...... ' a . "a cn lar • on ins children wohau any benefit, when a few ,_. -i a Ur. W''':< to the aifseted gebr"-Ir• ' :',„ I' I ...as' Tl,.:Unnlll ey and hocarahaaie Tables, 1 ~ ,o , „ of e ,..0 thee, Grant Xxigliell SAIDaGeLys TEETER -There to troth= ...I foe th e C.... of T7tOlt!Conelt.s.Colds,,,!wilurse and Coiwemptlonl 11.; ' y' heat-be tc•tneny In (.10. of ,TAt:,C.,....,,,,1•Yi1i",,..;, vtd c•-dd / .: k , ~,,,, i ~,,,, ~,,,,k. *"l'''' W''' 'Th'''' ‘6.'"'ca ''..":' J'''''''''''''t th` 1 1 T". ''''''''''". '''" "'""' - . T'AINS--It te one of Ws hest things in the world for .. ..GnElAt AND OtiLl 13.E.SIEDY fa sth e cunt ot do .17 onncoe d 9. ' e.. ',. ocd wit, a Ocomotme 1 . 1 ~,,, ...,,,.., ay , ~,,,„ • above seance , ki tim lIUNUARLAN t he OF Items. LIFE, discovered by -We celebrated Dr. Dothan, trl I:1:k". p, o '''' I' "I ' 70'.,,°.%`:7,,:i--0.. '''" ""'""''' ' N 1 ", bs. n teir D.cj.co ,sry ~i.r‘e;i:;;;'l., ;, e ;;;;. 1,7.1 i sz..-o . PILEE-Tbonsands are yearly.cared by this Cita. uedori, England, and introduced into the United Stele. Of:avitter'eTo‘f.o'lrce.N mueus, (row the.;:nsw.L,,ra•-•-• ; .. Wes. fail* in staling retie( for the Ede* aaaa, r u be iaa,aaa... aapayia,ya,...,0,i1.4..., ~,y ~ r, kg...n[o ar se. k....,,,.::,',,1thr t,,',',„71„,..',!:‘,;„ ~,, 1, 1011/11.1:10.,/d,olie:.:-.11.tIr..,ks.,, o‘t N 1... Teslngueul ' be n' j. " rumid the kat are daccuOilli for . usinA m Ard i- The ~,,...00n.roo, eoece „ o f t oo, otodiotoo, .‘ th ... . '.7:01:1,;e!,,,,1,'1:rwe::4:0t:tt,,e:117;:f.,:,::::.:',,P01:`,11;n:'1',:0.:70 ; 1 . 0 ' ,. ' 1 ,: ;.. ,1, ' ; ;;,... ,. . ' u,, T , ,.. ;: . ';‘, v:::::o0a,:i-,:7,.'!:.,l1:::::::::,:::::.' : `:: - .1. ° , .2 ' . 2.4 iiuo'-::::.::T;2:fe,..:-.,We'r::"'",,,sr,;;Can.,,,;“:2,,,,,,,,f.7.0:1:::::!...??,,...,07.:Lir;,:off, 1,,,C7...c00,...'",,,._,,:5„..L'fi,..1.1'.....,,,,......7:,........:.; itiTi."5h.,11ft:1.1rrt...1i.ai5:1ffitr,,i..g.if...0r'!1igri;L:01mi7.6%,:0e11...,17":1.13......0ef,100,'r5..::,....d;,:d."'5.44:..../1.31:':171:1;.12:1,4 .• d y ' ee ' I h".",."..4 ut or •Pc.tt,°''%‘',,,* s""*P".';-"' t V, .„4,4 ef t'tem‘ie, Ito ; 1 -eve 'ee geed... we c • s us '''''''''''''''..l''' ''''''''''Ji°"'::Aut'''''''''''''..r.:'''''''' 1 'li:'4'." '''''''''./ ''/.. tr.../.‘" h" I."'P''' I col. Fsal, ` acid Pa . C•es‘P. 3.•• • ••• 4 •"13,..k...8r..h ''''''' . Bellem has eured,antrwi ll cure, the most despe tie ~,I ' ' I..""1". """-I.,77.":endet by . dear leo-so 1 • i ';`-a-::,.,,.,„ ,la , ma. Ague sn Os Pao, 44. 4.c. • .of east , It is no onnek nostmat. but a standard Dig -" e I w." "."-ed " ' ot e".""`,......'" 1V11"C'.... 1 .' ti. ' u .', 1 l'enteatrol I.cmlc 1t .' ' 9. • ~'." ' OULU rEt,:r-i.,... Complain[, poin to the Rh.. I lieh ....liar..., of known and established efficacy, ".'"...." ' ''..",,,'" e e' too) t had bre, Ine ,, i '!' ', , 'r• I ....“ ed‘"'" -' h ' ~'"'„ and i ...,,., acne ,.:: . ',,-' ' . i!"":""i.;,..!„L,u,,t,',1. ~,... 0,."..<..P..- , Every family iti the tizited Stoles sh be supplied " nd Sl.,..",ie'rlre".aliVrolll'i"n"tmbett'lts the moe temed9.l W I with anchan's {instead. ,Daisam - o ink oe, not only yin ' ' .x..d.. ''''''''''.; Pe:'."7"";'ia'''t:los:•'-',l,7•:lii"n".4lP"rolcs'ti'c'el".lii ' `tol'itI:':•,11ro'.9":••••• Tor ';`''' 'T R la*l.,,RC'hd• rhea sdd of dt. , :me m bee. the;; fem. \ eountdrxettbe consumptive tendenciak of the clirnatz Fort''''y "0"."0..' "'""h ' " COILS.Z-Ocessincol ace of Olitimmt will e. h.„,,,t,„„,„.., . 1 ,, v „,,., medi ~,,.i.,,,.a....e,, .1 Vrdd,4L7,rnd"-tir:67.l.'''!", ar''',..hl,l'„,T.:-..7:,-;,,,"40;;;',:, t_.„... ;.,„. ,„,,„ ~,.1 . - „,.- ,-., , - y - E ,D . -- y - tc, ~,,,- ; .,, ,- o . • •. em ogps nom wins. People need never c01da,.....h., epliling o r blood, p ,„„ i „ the . ,w,„„„c, 1.7 . ' ~,,', : i s c c, " 7 7 ,1. ,"::, : i ::17,,::: :1 ,..c. ~ , i : • ::::: ~ . 3 :5 t . y:i...••• r ," 1 1 : a ,,, ki.....„,..::,..c....,1•,,,-at,1,,,•t1t... t0t,::::::„„,e,,,,,,,-;13,, lilio: ~,:a • '• betx,...'ti,01aia0t,",:e:d:7.,.,ad,,,,•-,..".0t.auraa.y1t.yRady,...t...50.• a a y ll cdliukineli,ll.7aolitiot.,ent.andidriy,:ric..tc.athcs..:,,9,theliti.ux.,,,,hre.llrtionss.i. '''''.." " '.•""Ir U''''''l''.. ''''''''"" "'''''. 1.'"'"" "d 'I"InIIT '''''."' `"ri . '?,. ~ , ~, 1,..h. sy.„ ~,d-d. 1„... -.,,, ,ho rrid bad I cough anderoop. swin e,. p ,‘,. - .amply ~ ~, o ' e ea' or the fast four at I+ •l .. le.. .I. dll 1., wag, •ul Not, e h tee I . . .71,.. 1 .;,,,,,__N0 ~,,,,,,,,,,, will be genalne unless tb. 5a1 ...,,..„ .. th i a ,,., sit Per ....„, ..g i h hal gj,..., ...",' . ''r„ e 1 i e ,",. ‘ „ 1 .1, " ibe cocoa ., I licOmmolt a , rot) .lint Prs, ie- oi T. ,clarg, cr. the .. In De . 'lDi'trei; r'%urr'io:;:e.'l.'s-tz'o.:a'. :"‘r;:r",;‘,,:t n r : . :‘ , 1‘ . 1 7 ; F' -'' : ::. :! ; : ' , '' , ' . i i ' l l''''' ; I A :: “d t, 4 .7::: rA , ' N '''' 1:4 ,' P:::'''''4::';' ' 7 '''!''''''''''' ''' t': i'''':::;l'''''' ''. D'-'7l"''' 'I '11;:,.,v'5:.,i,,ji I.i'''t,.;7es".'yM:ge.ALL,,,s 11:TelEiRthi: :".ani:f;,:alne .P eal i::,,Pnata',..inblbli,:sts!..,"Cortain;lng":o:l:,sitas::stb.o-LcEng,. .li t. sit .i,, end tire o. eri. , apostles' mettle of this great English Rettee47, moll. loeintned of the Agents. rnutnitonsty. I.o,LbLoa,bao, 1 .- „ ' . .t y... .f,,,i r ,' 4 ° , ,, , e .„, ',..„. , , , , , : :. ,,, c , i , . , .... 1 , , ,t. , ...1 .. af r v , • . ' , ; r \ n., ! d r ....r.,,,T.:,,, ..,..,e,r,.‘:',,iot,,,,..:•lo4..Fiitiske.rg :, 0 ; % , ~,,d•re fir 1..n.5.1...5,b,„.. ". tovem in the Cutts.' Stateeituras Ni.ALLIBTEsi ., .. ' sad ''''''' ' ..we..." . data, d Illued•addl 11 It 114dIdtl. Fete Noricum ot dm - above atedione. - • --- n a rfiliNwpcagg . C o ;. .... h ., , " '-'. 1'3 . .... - hee " .1 me wwwl 1,0 ' ewe (c'lrer"l'l.l3.;:tite : srquld,','''f.""' ' „0,,. ,o; 0., . . . l'hTehere lodoweetieW. ,r,./..t.1gec,.„,,, ~.,; nn the ',.',,l'"'' n' r 1 e „ ew„l nealth. 1 have deie 1 0 I ho ' 'Cr" 'r ' ""' II." '1 ' 0 10" C''''''''. I i'''' '' - d ' the 1/11.111dIld, a. comer of 411 sod Oh brans, wog .. way the is J 0..., ~,, o.i „,,, . tit,,,m,,,, 0 tilr,t,!:,,,O:l:diunc:lM:':/:::11:11:417:nar ::::: 01. i t. . l- . D--' ,, 1P :: „. 1 . '" ::: : R . : 1 : ) . 7. „„ ° :;: C : F..t :_ dti°15. 33 . : 1' : k: : Th li 5 0 ,1 .11 : . ::: • :: ". them an.. t.... re "r .1 .... • ~.,i ~,,c , ~,, t he i mp., , ..,e ,J, ~ a ., .ye• ••• W- ell imo of ha r tlurble Merk,e.t .1.taa'..,t117e,,:::.711 __ L. 0_7i1_0(0w1..::::::::: \ ~d , ,a , .6 " ..a "" ""li'll'A...-Y:it, the pel•ot.„eoci ..i Mt ' no t. l. eet. , m' . 1. ' 9..**1.0.1" "° " ..."" ' I"I '".*"."'''' e d 'l .' Y " 'J ni garl=Mte in llmttlahern ion Id lai ny to the air y ex. or. 1511 war ,sn so. ' lit . re - , m e a . g . : .‘ :I fc'' P""cu4.7,7"4 Ill.."..I.Io1,,Io"."1. 'C'1,11L1T......"i'1e'17.051171,:c.1 imprnr. moot al the e..teloy w, gil loot from Second hti at Allaekehy..aity by u ILI: 01,1,1 .d 11., W. r f Ws Ulu.. i • Nor'". II rnae, Schwartz and 3 5010001. °I J "I.,".rlbiejuwitify,',,;,•*;a_'' • • stansurs , Dulan count. i`f • , ." \ nogham; U Seeley, Last Saber ), , - C Wt.- va,l• IL•sd! ' ll ;•••" . 1 1 1 .1 1 "11111'1" 11 _ lllll ll . "I I) LOCK WOOL 11i,eie,..,,w0.rt., „.I,,,Aele.;ran.ulde jt Se.T.S.ls.,n,,,l,,.lonuo.„ngabwne..ladC.t,tyjohNn I ~,11il ~,..,,,,:, . !-./"."..".0. ".. p, n isoen of Dill , / Cherry. 1 ) . t 1M a• - : LI h a lt IA A History, oth a view at the , d ot hl e . , . • i 5,,,,.,, 1..., ere aWolosele weetaa. 11', "'Site. V"..ncareiTiaci the ' first e• er °tiered io the uk, ~,,,,, n. ,•, dif dttitlctil iso.usos Hy Saran , I, ~,,,,,,,, Ibe foYe -ea ade o ' n tii - e . iitiTaVe Pp-re.O.edgis fern fano. ''',,,;eeh,el. 'NO lotgc , l tomlloorn the 1.51.1 t, i• .., In•outeil wain twelve ...qt. , mg., 02 - • ___ ••_ _. - midmost fashimable Elwin patterns md_as..ors. Also t...'S ,-,,,,,,, '"yet„ n p.m of tat sad ui t r e- ru ed w home •,! vol. , 'IV II : uniform wtth r rzlpou.: s Fail.. for the Peebllo. ' TIIE CHEAP ROLL, at BOSTON tILINIS, on ,and ''‘,t;,' .., rhe name of \%* tlftetr . : have ill, ,1c..: Ss err.. In rHmon to mot m.0.."' ....t . 5....,,,y, or made inorder of all Cad], end vital' pp IS, L; -,, ~,:' :‘ r '' ' der carer of ....•rrer''`' Ill•t hid ',la d 4.1 f.r este by .rj-;,,,t‘tr_1,.7,,... ei":::::.:l:rui'o.‘fe.,::::::::::,.;;;;ef.‘t:th7e,:;r,,...abite::::.. r , :: : ,i , ,, :, ~,,,,,, ~ , . 1 , , s , AIRY. , 0 ~ ~,, , ~.• , ...,, , , „I , rno ::. ox .0 , e., , ~, ~k 111 L. , ~,,, ~,r .:, , 0 , ‘,4, 4 0 .: 9 . r, : 1 11 , ! ., 1 7. ,1 ,h1 F, ,c 1 1 : : ),.., S N101.0 M , 0, 1 ,0, 9 5 1 . 1: .r t 1, ,,, ,11.1 N,.. 1. E h 1 y T ., & c.. ! ,.. C . T .7. 1 .._ a i Alec , ~...;;Cd,,,,r,LaLt.tle.y.th!Yril,,re.,t,ohy.lots.l.;_n:ll,dith.Lo.thrieb..re.,..;::.ti.eli:nd.r..,7.ll,lirai.O.a:l4l..itnoldt. BY ea '„1"f,,,0,,,110''05' lil"...g.rt7tle ot ta• Scorn. '' I ;ANN V bililliLli IS (TALLY nu.' armed claw, 1 the following, addressed to ) Agent,. •r • 11l „ ....tag., pa,g4aya, ,u'''e'dr.d '" .‘",?' . . hereon, a‘W, la. assw•oe. s t „. t ~,,,,,, t.„ts Likene sel W k Odd , • clld cut,,, Ab.1.,1p11, anldly_-_____:__________- A,I,STEIt____VEL,S9 , e of duly compels Cad togive my tvibute LOOAlis WALSOSI & 90 , r . ' ~.° • 1.....1"J'eir,.:',"V"' . Ii". I''''''' 'l' DI I e 27,1'...",'."' '''''"'" TP"''',;',; r'"..:l 4 1.V . 11 . 7. 7 :;orn E.... , 11 .. e. ari...cd .I..c'' . I n[1.051%113 ... W..i...i. Dealers M Vt.tiert... 3l ; ..,'... V. . '" , "re. "1 ,, I a•ce- --• 9 - . e... ,.. e ... """'"'" ' -.--' ' ' -.... .. ''.*".... '`.. we .* ."" '. " g t i ot oo .trutn. Maine for their object answer . 1 . 1),...... 11. r .....ce, HetHry, S.Rdillerty,&d, oRD, ' ' ''' • '.' "'" • "I " " '... ""' In. "I'' I'II"" "I lI" I'I"' '"""' "In'l'l"'"ds'''' '" 'n • t moll.t„F having R= 4 (.. We "Km 6 of . WoollatreeL, r„isburgh ere now full .pub with ". l"c"''•''''''''''`"" . ' ""1"""'"‘ ""''. ' l'. ""'"'" ''''''''' """ """' ""' w"'"""" ' ..,""c"...."'-I ant mimed to tender you this certifi- . ~,,,,,ga ..,, o ,,cd a i g cl, o r 11 .,..,e,e.tiery,5 , .. - . el have . ~. ' ' ''' l ",:, 7 '' ' ' ' ,' - '7,. : ""'",' '` . ."': 1 ,,:. ," <. ',- C LI V. `4 3' fi";' 7,. : 2 : , , ',:,',,';',':;;;;,';,.),,"'„,:`,`,,,`„ad,,'`,.:1','-' "r.V„"%. , ,i,, m°1 ` ''" I 1 c,, ° :,,' I.''''''' Beet 9 femill , m etY P= 9 . 99, on , I awry, c.n.. , ....• Tool, tee .to otfor rev; great M. , .... *.,". .„'.... ~hh - ..."1ie.."°,;"...1‘..rn Inc nottic ot 2 '. '••• ' • --ti I . s') dgcceddlC doll teddalde brae` . . mania wan ell the hop PS end wondet. ll ell e.. Ihrn coma oce.eins to Dien... Id e iyhint., es In additim to '..."."- " * .t ... ; .1,..y• bent ••• maul the nal..• 1 i ~ . -,3, ~, ... o „, e nd -s.J.I. .pt,,,,ir,1......11 cal.•• • • , pus II mortred. IL J. Rh...". A. D. , the many caveat-4h hid by our ptedtere.or., Ma , C'''' n"'"'":1. ',. ‘„ deeeter,. ` 1 rs,ofne,.. ,Vr recomme it 10 eur re il r M_._ be Ell•hlittbdtlie Is the mntor Porumr at Soothe A . Levi,; sr, L0g,,,, s, Remedy, we have greatly Increvand oat Dtuggiso. . facilines, and purckase all aur goods from first hnsd, boitammatury .RAeumstiare. lon Re very bast term. _ , _ . . . . , . , 't I'D.'"':..ol.l'l''''''.."' ;";-.:'"' a I'o '''' '''' a'''. ."'".' .. I ' 11.1.7.C.I:ITt:11‘,1,11,t0: .1 0017 on l ' uT a t:i n t A ' hv'Cg/ (:at.. ur... I i 1:0101.1. rh ,,''': ':l‘''''. .. I alio, 1., ~,• DEN A tiND W ano Ittivldtt, ill It.H. sod Is 100 ot the plrawnicst 1 The anonyms tcsomontal comes from_a source fa', . Toe junior mcsultrre of tne MID 'les • me mew whom Lig.' -- o "a" '' ‘ , .,7, , . rk•rc If Al t Etr'll illi" h ...I 1.405 t tutere•dltir 00010 yi the eenoon "-Co.. hed , oath. to many of those traveling on our Western. iv. , ettenuon w solen,ina.....fc,l.intic_o,rifidneLli oLf 1 ... Vi n e . g .. .1111 , - , - - N, our 1- 101% I s t d S t, 0.11 Wood ill, WM h,,,,,,,,,,,. I ars Alr. Glinte, the well and imorably known pro- ; uttactton, cripeC 41c . • 1 Cdd ril'''` . ' '''' "I ..." .... --,• ..., t• .. •••;-- ••• 1 ~.•. qr .. . r...,...,.. , ....• onabm a w en, 21. ‘t• i 1.0 - y w hew letter I annex .... C. 1.. "" 111 '.." ' ''''' ' 3 '. t'*: i-.,‘,."','-'",;‘,•,,1,h,,- , ' 3 "et' rimme"9."" I'm" W .!" . read d '" “'l i prletoe of t;le Parkersburg Hotel, Is husband to the I , vt•uitithutssfluTleTt...,s rc____lii,m__;l_6A;c_wriadtTahrwirsce ''' J"'"• '' •'''''' ''' I ' ''' l • , inlw dru' t ' 1. ',.. I w.ui e o 'loe :a Howe. 'ln all et s.,wen, eastne , d , Y ; P.m:memo, Va , April 111, tem S'll3lOD. EU. A , 99 " c. '", • I." I " '" " .e. neill \ ' ',....,",h.- - a..illikertrlile,. t r alley, Chemist. rec.-Sin Having ISO- _ , molten" n l'lnoser. /of •t.tt: I ) J A DES It Lt , CIC , V ,I OO. I toc*rly"L'ee"..l ?Dog nilitcted wltth lent indamorotery • ITITMERTS SUPERIOR GED INK. II- ' tor btatlr seated mto lIIIIBEUTS MACHINE COPY INIi. , "'• VI. I'. I'' Prlt'''.?..",:eoll.,, ~, P ll . l I '""'_•' r.''' ''' ' ""' " `v°."" . h..... i 1 i 1."" ... ",.. "" o " ,, II.I."" y the - pto i A Lt. tht w W.. from ordinary Ink, as. thxy ale at g Vt. D . r 1•.1,010. id.thr . te .. i .., ~.; 1.110,1 ,0„, 1 \ illsor.roptslo list abllshinont 4,4 Y ..-." ' ol. *.• ""'" ."to a" ar 1 • 0.0 1: ` • AIL CAC 10011 millions co:Mining no viscid matter.. .11)..."1•11111,11"...."1001."'" ' ''l 1111, 0 / *kW It, nf,;•l , , xi' 11 W. ',III . 1 111) I:' , y, Thud ~,, .N.,.. ‘.... \ taco-lute mt. I dr.,' ‘+‘‘).7d„to., , rs., ' k Y,„ . .. r _ ... _ _ 00. ... 1 _ _I . ! , ~_ _ ire t• c _„. ..., ~,,,, 0 , ,_ •,_ k ep, '..LO .:7'.%-".. „'"..".‘'.'e sl u e ~ ...O .0,1...1W0 c• tI , r h , . oda,. n 110.101 3 ..-tau a, Lhi , I.Lups.. Rob htllratddr: M. ...hay . th„ e . Le . ‘ 1 0, .7.0.,,,W,....t..xuLia.u.. ; tr0'rra,r,,,,.,,,,,0b; ~i . t ...,,, L . b,,,,, : t 7 , -; .. . t ...01a r Lt c4. I ; r l' ,,' '' , l „ ."1". : .. .. 1. 1. r i1 .. 1 . ... • i c • i" .- 11 1• 1 0 , rtr11..."10.i.'1,:.'11' 'Ili.I0I.0,1:1'17• . 1 . . , ' ,, , 1 . 1 e 1. , , 1 ,, , 1 , 1 . . ' ,. , ,,. 1 i . , , , , 1 ,i n , 1e , . ,, , 1' : . ' l ' , I ViI . ,'T, ~, 11, . '. , "0 " ,, ,. ." , , ., .' , ' , ,e , , , . ., .. ...: ~ , 1 1 1 , ' , , J . " ,, ' ,.., V ".•,,':' d l lItgI:I:t.,:ao1,1:1';.,.. .1.:,',1.,ei1,ty.17,40h1.:.'t,:1:1. lini"..'et.7lolli,r: el:lr'n:t.".4ll t':,,e",r",in..!,,,c"111.1.1.:011.1re..01kaa27d .d i e th e edp.l:yrca.i.h..:ll3e;llnii I te,pie5,d,c,e,...,1,,,,h,:e,,,e,,,,./101eht0th.r0r.,,,,,,, ,e,,,,,,Lr.de,,o.ge.rittil.o7,7lt,„„vettlettnh‘c,ituiczh,sr,..o.:::. '''''''lil"'.."......r.'''''ll'o..t'lwo 1..1 - 1":."I‘ ::::. I'l •IT•I'Its;:l'Imel. I.; . "e'.. , .".10.,".'55"11." """""111 '''. I. ' ' 'l 0 1 , 1 1 ,1";1: "".' i"..inli'ilil,"'ii9 "tenti,:in7,,"'",:r,o;u".liE,,,io.on,.:o,,..lcotiasilni:ix.pe.bry.riLe. I et,ehatriourte....,,,A,l,l.evgcm.l4,;,h,r..thatchei...ltte.::,..Cooocn,tur,erzotLllO„.v. ' cure en d ..---d'''"'"."' ' l ' ll '. 11 " " .. "1.- 1 . 11 1 :. i . . t„. . s " 1" " 1 " 1 ' 5011 - ' 1111 " .100 1111"11"1.1 ' "111"11 •. 1 : 1 1, 10 1,... .111..11 d , o n. purnuou. In Cildt). lid: In ,•,, . tt i.t,.th.„ r, IA sisals" Ceee 041. hi thgro hkledr 1 ..t.10,1,011:41:,0'cp'117,,,,• ~..,•, , L, 0 0 1, 1 ) lye "1,10:1::. :,,ttettr, o . i . r n .. l e 1 ,. 0 , a. y N a i : fi a t .e, 1L m in i i , • ,,, h ,.., ! , e ,,d 1 . 1 .1 :: 1 . 1 e - ..0 1., 1 0; : , 1, i lh l, l ;,; 1 a s ...a k b ta .. 8 . 1 . , 3,1 ,111- - ; ;,..,,t,, , 1 (..... feet coal for Berm and scalds, end all extern ut. ,cs: i„,:.. dammalion .. Having many delkilitladlnced formed lay:heir •k)II:. at my hostroull. howl sei th 0 - place, I h • supprr 1 ...., e • cline tnern Wow led/ likard, II Indy 1. , day__ I. Y d !IC'ltrdn'e'ltt't Cot. to thew mod y outsell. 4',:,11.;;;t1\ E•,;::f.d.,.;,J,:,.:1t1:,;,;,,,,r..,,,,,,,c; ::::::;f:,s1,,,,,r.n.:::;1::;:..1.::!;r; 11 a ,,,,.., • .,;: it:;,:::::.h ~:•.;;;:.,,..;;;!:;1:1....,,,,:;',.;v;,. :I' ; I It rum •,, rltld Iddlitot , . rFearVl'7l" '''' 'alb. I Ur J reer•e, 11 entertain the hops that Mu, A 11, , , gneivy r,i• e to We e 'mit. a. Wel' on the .zoge a „„,,,, . c o , •• idnntall tilt.. 1110111ttItd Wan id ' IO ' Ce n . ' Potfrooof'hlt fricoda.--11. /Jau-ar.l • remora:hie tents. and P ::". ' , l- 1 b ,4, : d 1 : ' ,..7, 1 ., L , : ' , : ri0 Y i e r,1.,,f 11 yuf . : ::,,,, : : ::;' , 1 . : ;, ..,,,. : :, : iy 'k i m i h ‘ . : : : l: ll : : l . 1;C:C:.mu‘c.":"f.,..d0.:..;c5:,-r4..l,:i.l..y:l.7.,:::::,,,.:nhl:::iianotiitTab 7.:,..ll,:,,::::9,:::::s:::;ip.,:.,znA"otAtlre:.iiikirl:::l.4..,ll:acii:lstu,P,:p.:::::ln. u : :: : : : ::: : :: .6, a 13 , 7: 4...5 7 0...., :r .:A: " 0., 5; ' ,,,, a l ' , f i lt.l " : .,; 1 . ! ,,. " , :f ri.: 1 . ,1 ,,,a . d i :o c : Bl . st s e .r.L I: . 1:11 1 0:1: 1 01 ; 01 :pl r IEVi r e x tl "P .ut: ft :: . , t..! • sore Ntypics, Draken idolii. auglit.ll), mast, Eidie.lol., tearhs, 11 , L,,,,,,, yithte *44 td ' he' wdt"fif:'oln'''' AIIICSLCILD-ANELICECIIt-Al9lll. 00-...4l•A'Alfe „i ~„ ...called (....1y:.vi:,Lnipt,;.,,,,,....L.,',- aarrnium. rtrorrerrea. *h. rrucoLeho. . - ~111 n„ ~,,,, ys m Wi 1, , ,.e ,h t .„ ~,,,,,..4 1 000 kric,k 01 „1,, um.. . W EASTERN LING. yon 0 ill he ~muted ) I. the 'Exchanges. ao...ir .. , 'T...r.i:.'r.T.Y.:•.i.-7:::,..... apply only to the inventor. , B,Tre.,r;:ir,,F,-1.77.,..0.,-,!F,.irc , 7,!: II 1) ,...,. 05 1-4...d,'.1,'"';',71,Y,!'„'1,,,7-TT,UIAjs 04. tattgh or Wnrell4 . , old a ' c ' erltTe• l Llifit e' lg, ....,_*. dior Hal ore... "....'' '-.-•,:""'s. mid* on iillielegraphic Je.piliche , di' wdedtna k.- . D.......T ., • an", , L'•.lil- _ limore West of ilimburgh, Pa. ...- I.'" - .,' Henry r•Seh..n ., A,, , !.,g ,, ,...9r, , A Ni" , . ti ... ,' A,.., 6 ~ HAM-Te charge tor vsrlerreph deltP 4d. , e ~,,,,r.1 . Wheeime. V.L; J.'nes " . ..P . ,': - ',"? , 'id -,,..' •', - 7 I from Ilaluniorc, Pittsburgh Ilia Wbecling. to .. ----.. rm , .I. , *th' , ."'''''''": -. '' -." '-'l.','' v*P " ' . for the firrt ten wont; ..... , I•seento tor raell etrt ll " l . -- • H. 19- T D , the severe" born. acolds It erne,. .yaa,a. , . ow nonuic.-11 never falls' ittl..l ID 7 N. char.' is Dade for the-address ..d . 19 " . - ecte 1000 of Until the completion of the South .W.m.,tr ag .,,,,..... Telegruplaftnni Memphis, Tem., to N.. ~..m. ..,,,,,,,,,g Patches con beforwardcd to triedipli".l.4.l.••! I.u_ &tiled tor Now Orleans. _ . 11. E. 'St.:IA.I'AV+; '1,,;-..;.,7,., 4: , ~,,,,.„ ~ Sow ....,,lit . ~.‘„ . ii . 1,.,,, juro . 40 1111' 4 zu. doze. of 1.1 0 'i".. '''''" . ' s '1.7.11. 1.1 .40111'111C '7' sP`T4.%.:„'",„"ou',..‘ ,i..“ II y. Sellers ir rolr ap..“td'l 4 i ' ll.raltglt, r and I , : 4 1 4,4r4Y 144 Allegl,cu, COI(or for 111., . . r t iTRAcT (IF COI , tcF.lt —A! , , a .......t , i , e:::L;:: ,. :::.. psdly Como.: 4.'..4, ... 4, mina , , and de ir4ou.boreruge, wivg. ir.ra.p,ra:ri, ata1.1.4.14_ limbic dot" common Cacc,,tr.4 to I 4 bra,. ,te 9 , 9e dxtr.G only ten red. . Nv.l ga ..144, at Iva. 7°u d e call'l (41.001setuted y r ° u" 5 .old it orlodeattle by 13 A FIttItiIL.SCOCK. h. Co. ' r land N•ood gaol Sixth and Wood movott . corner tO . • rnpll ',7,b,rg' HCA-161;-it-S-1: (301JD.1--/u,t tt.croicd kitt-sitTilflllottitt.t.; ttAr,r tt...ti ~ pr. r ‘ .. IS putt* oott hoed Altni..6 1tiw0‘...i,!.,...11,5tutn,=;,,. w g :troll oToTh";'1 du: 'ldlotoltelt ..w N w iotte ,, y , itets; (l u, do e o c t a t . r i qamtalt do do. Th. eta , . 6. _,. 40..1.. Comb Outfiong EAtablittudent.. No i t k 6 . u PHILLIPS ' metsl4 -- ----.-- . - ---,SO ED ICE.I3--Pot up for family in.e, in stn A - ELT-- 6P d , g sliding 114 lox. eninglintlig sans, en: i i . o . w .,d,, Alopice, Cinriantnni Ginger, • P.P"I ....,,,,,,,,,ICI°:"' For sala at the new t3rin* nod Alrina----44 la-Oto.rgr, ;towns of Folly B. jo liti l t s rta l tii. m.L__ - 2-" N n i t i -,;,,Lis;•,,soanilrOi; A-174-174-1-J,7121 iii,col.7urEsui,-, A - LucAlla works, warranted; or 4. 00 bawd and auPPL.4 UagVlirnAN., N y c a. 51 sara9 A AVM.- • It for thr vet) . e.wouraqr.wanat ..v, e,qvi•d .or lowly 7rttr., I ha., n vi a.v eon...len - o.ly. I luug COilliFtriNi Elo o loall. Ivvul LcC1110.1: 011 la dn the work Ili o.rof 10101:1 N, st I lay karge 0000603 111,I• 1.11,it• 0 r. J,.. 101 11[4.164, - it.l-."1.1,0101,s 11101.SIniern..cor.Kc,, Fez, Ind.. and u-ontly an ...tra.ohlient ol i! tlrder• trup. 1 , ...PUY. .- 0,41eil m" 4 ` VIAN ULIND, AN It WA LAN I ry W A . r.trUUN. J. A. Illtt.WN would natty tultnta the publt,, that ' ou hued ut Inv.-um: on the T oteole et the Dint - wild, AI,- nittan t he nrc.tmac tu or del In the trert etyle, wurptuled equal to our theCititcd St,te, 011L,t,r. the te,ll to: r . ll , l , t , :ed th Li !lacing purchased lb c stac e e k. 1' toote =f wood of thoeutithet lletn•ity.t land, I am prepared to funitsh thew old conomors, 1. well 11l the public Vlni.ngbult,tettL7ituite,,, AglenlA J. A. pra.ars. o 10 AMR lIANGINIO tun ti ork, P our reeetihtp, dune Pfrom the manufacture l rs in New Vhiladel phia nod Itaulmore, a largo add well selespd assort ment of all the latest and most Improved 9.1 c, of wet an, Dared and common PAPER lIANGIND3, eon strtute lU,WA pleees of Patter md•Frooro; 10,0u 0 " Hall and Conn.; 10,b 00 " I/ming-room, chamber and , o r Paper.tWhtch.l stPplil,partiCularly tantalite at etde. (Odour , berme houses to paper, to Call tad Oro s O the Paper Ware:ease of tl S. eal=. . • - n. W. ELIO W lilegwo IA the . City al New TWO. - !VIE undeisigrlluti ettengevely' wow. hot le Ingaineee Joku.strees, go elty of New esk,• and we preperogi' to FlApply Uro tse eilsts , and eisatrf , Mie t ergia mial... with gor t tr u te, . A glh 311. 1 1 ,1 1 4. F a l ages fiewiesle,(octlgeigOefll Is.o ell WWI gullet's Weer line of bugl tenant- 4. 00 quAits lee 9 ww. Pe*. N N :w or WI ealia. • • New Yeti , 11. A., KUM= TAB STAIL OF TILE WEST 41111. VIZSMAN 1114 ND MANUFACTORY Fat , lode ot tbe Iht.nnal, ark re Yer.ll. Rawls of MI We to .• not hilt, nod colon are tub.. ea band h: uncle to order ane• • , the tale., and tay.,..t.proved EILW3, Mk!, xt the shorn;, ah:hee wan ein Ebrtb•' .. . ATIIENANI.4II3I .' "D VFW'S •=s Dl 'l4.i 81 tt - 4 3 .....„.W i1raTai. .hI.cALL, Inform Inc "1„15Z., I..gis and vicinity that bit acova eatatiliatiment, ahem etetrica psi.% to the mean of thocc vibe. mai •• Lamti strte!, , below." W Cr I eam* Ani, cittAr defies
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers