HIEPORTZP ti TELZOILIPSIED FDA THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE • MINISTERTO NAPLES. .- • Parrania,ents, Nov. p. .\,lastesid. Power, Esq., Somme!? Cane Com. mnisionar of Pennrilvants, dos been appointed • Weiner to ftles, Mee Thomas W. Chinn, re. •aiiikea• ' Crworust, Nov. 22. H. W.,Derbey de Co., whom book Wore wee re merely dgstroyed by sw, was opened again to day basing bought the entire stock of an other bona. Their basin= will carotene u beteto:slte. CINCINNATI MARKET ancuauz,Not..22. Heavy rains all dey.-bastiaese oevrequeetly very the tiveriell one foot Hoge—No ales to day. Pro►Liona—Nmtmg Flour—Salea of 600 616 of Caw at 4 31:01 40 per bbl. &lea °fold at 5 903630 par bbl. ' Whiakey—Sake cf Exalted at 201p201. ' N e w'r3i~s ~isassi:'=~ Flour the with""ni =t nisikorb miter biaif though upon the sob Grain—Wheat—the deniand is good, but tram' action/ not large : the inquiry is chiefly ,r good samples—poor lota being heavy and neglected. .41applies hnvurg come Gsrmard more freely, aces have receded. ;Provisions--A decline anticipated in the event fTurther snivels. Ludy—Teo demand is dual. • Sagar—Goo!'demand • for Orleans. and prices . ze fully ausuluerl, with tale* at 404. Idalssiese—Tire is an improved demur! far OfIVIIIIIII, with sales at 21029 per gallon. The Steamer is mar over due, and le momen tarily expected to artlea MTH WI TAB'S BALSAM Of WILD CHERRY. THE following aidele we copy with plume * from Ilse a•Ilosion Mercantile Journal,. of March, IMO, and we hope that if any of our render "are suffering from any of the complaints which it is said to care, they will !weedily avail themselves of It: • DR. %VISTAR'SRALSaM OF WILD CHERRY. . It was well known many years ago thai the wild cherry bark lett . ftf this climate possessed'valaable medicinal qmlitici: Indeed this feet was k4ovrti!o the abmigince, and decoctions of the leaves eekitark 01 this tea has ever been regarded by thrirphyaieJans as one of the most efeetual remedies In many diseases. This fact, several year. since, arrested the auctuton of Dr. Wlstar, a highly respectable practitioner of Vir ginla If. inseminated' with <are the healing psoper• ties of the - wild cherry—tested its effects when lidaii. unwed alone, and when in cotabbastirM with mhos te medial avenue Hi Attend that its mural ski might be greatly improved, and by combining It with Ingre dient. WWlse pnipenica were MI well proved and cavity reeognised;!a medicine was prodac 'width consumes a mmedy of great imiortanee i n p man, ry Uremia. and di. aces of the chest and diseases which araprovarbially pnivatentiumi cities and large towns, and often prove fatal, • ng the ~ bill of mortality to 1 mach greater extant thin is the case with moos °Sties, we had Oman said all ;luny of disease. The genuine Mimes !Warmed Wild Cgs'' , has a . fez simile of the irignanare of Henry %Mama AL iC; Philadelphia, and Sandford and Park on a finely exe cuted meet engraved wrapper. None other Mese... nine. We unjust h, receipt of the following voltudiri tri bute to the curative power of Wouar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from S Hall, N. D, of Mt. Clemens, 'dila& gas, who Is a phrSician of high standing, and an etr , saistre druggist: MT. CLIMILIS, Mich, Oct. Ikth. lB4l, To the afflicted, this may certify that Mrs. B. Rob erta, of this village, three or four weeks after cantor. meat, was mucked with a violent cough and great prostration, mid crowed hastening to the grave with fearful repidit7. ladvised her to um Mauls Wears of Wild Cherry—roc did as, and with "that Minable medicine alone was restored to health, and Is bow a Jiving proof of the Inane of Mame. Balsam of Wild tkierry. ' 50dPhy131.11.,.,....„ • sician • Read on and be convinced still hardier of theromar kable virtues of Wistaria Balaamof Wild Cherry: Mum. Sandford is Parks Gents, As a matter ofjs. tire to you, and for the benefit of the poblic,-1 amold offer the following statement of a cure etreeted by your medicine, known as Wistaria Balsam of Wild Chem. In the sring of 1947 my wife was mverely attacked with Penpneattionla, or Pleurisy, which resulted in a deep Named pain in the side, accompanied with a itio were coughs she was attended by come or the beat piquet.. to Chicago, but to no parposm the weeks oho sneered, without te tt e!, coughing memsantty night gad day. 1 came to the conclummuthat all the rem dies amanita the physicians coold out help her, sad was induced to try your Wild Mc kry. — lr proCtired one hoctle, and commeresod suitor it according to dine doom before it was all 'gout—the cough stepped, the pia In her aide left her, and with •the aid of another bottle she was rentne:l to remscr aratnt. to con sideration of them eireamstances, I woadd reescomend at to the poblie s. minable medicine _Year. respectfully, R. N. OARRATP. iCiamn Reams, kLeh., Oct. 6,1819. Bead aka Volloraifig Testimeniak IX all the cures that have been recorded, there are certainly nand coati u the one first mentioned, which plainly stoma the sarability of•Coneamption;Cerda in mom of its wend foram • Ceows Manor, Labe 011,1., Jane 15,18111. J. D. Park: Deer; Sir, As I have a deep emeulsera• tion for the afflicted, permit me to give you a brae( ta g s,' oy aidicßons, and the bone is derived from the use of Dr. Whines Balsam of Wild Chewy. In Joly, 1E44, I was snacked with a fever or the iv. phod character, which len ow in • very debilitated state, when to thefallowing winter I woe taken with • severe cold, which reduced me to mach an =lent u up eve me the appearance of a confirmed consumption. 1 labored under a.vere cough. , expeetormed agrees deal, end sus troubled erilmstd feet and night guru. also frequently raised 0 lap my Innis. I coo. Closed to this stale, grade iog order this dia. .ease, until January, 1,,117, what I was again snacked with fever. 111 y friends despelral of My life, and my 9shyricius !ho eght I weld survive bet a short time. ,gsrgeenles, cepecially my feet, Refe dOUltilldy -cold, end almost lost their feeling. Under Mese eir oemstances it may truly be said that I was a living , skeletom 1 - finally determined to quit taking medieitte presc by physicians, and try Dr. WisuresSalram of a bed herry, and from the first week that I cone. cewed taking it, 1 can dam a gredeal recovery. I ontinued Its are six months, at the end of which time 1 was eared. and have enjoyed good health recede.e, and cheerfully recommend too Balsam to ell those at: *feted with disease of the longs, and repaid may to Uwe commencing its use, PM 10 bediSCOSlTlptdif two or three bottles do not effaces cure; boa persevere u I ban done, and I have ho doubt bet mu eases out of ten will be Messed with rreaewed health as I have been. Respectfully, yews. JOSEPH JACKSON. Paves SI per Bou for SS. - a 'old by J. D. PARK, (successor to Sendfoni A Pare) Fa..rth and Walnut sweets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General a g .ca t for the South and Watt, to whom all orders mma L No addrencd. ap. , lcor, Jr; James A. JoneM J. Kidd k Co; B. A p.bw.,,,vek it Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Rowell, Wash init.. W. 11. Lamberton,' Franklin; L. B. Bowie, Volontowa;'/I. Welly, Greensborgh; R. Koomallomer. set; Scott do Gilmore,'lledford; Reed k Run, Homing don; him Ott . , dolliday sham; Ilildebrao I k Co, In& ann; J. K. TVdgitt, Kittanning; Evans a Co, Brook. silk; A. Wilsbe .A Son, Wayiesbargh; 'Worland Co, N. Callender, Burton & Go, Erie; J. Nlsgod,o, Mercer; /mum, Kelly iCo,Butler; S. Smith, J. D. SBIIIMetWO, Warren; F. L. k C. S.JOnee, Conderoput; P. Crook., Jr, Brownsville. novlO.d/kwlytisl7' -' • • HAND PRINCIPE RFAJARS— o,o'o full sired HaTAOS, Ihigller. • 40,000 med. do do, Horned; 10,1220 Regalia do, Cosmopolite, 10,000 do do, Ld l d4; 10,000 do do, El Neptune, ICAO Imperial Regalia, La Ne 0111; " 0 0 00 00n1,C.110 Prtncipe, Cruz & Sons; 101.000 Eagle HegOtt; I,OZ , Eloperior Half Spantsh Begins; "°'"d and (or rata 0) .114 . Nos 171 a LLER h nd 171 Liberty el "fliteNuip.B, WN - Es. oiNrtr, 50 ki.piPea Coen. Brandy, Jas Hennessey & Co; 30 qr co do MN do , dot .2 q, •do d o do, 10 le 'do Rochelle do, rdH"°""'; 'dl pipes 11911an4 Gm' ' .p,1010h0013 PrOtettllila Whiskey; 1 do, NIA do do; 40 qr Old Jotnaica Illpts7 1 ; OPerio Wine ° Wl2 do 4 . Tenerife ' Wine; iS alabria POll do; .11.1 gr c a ste s weet Helena do; MO Indian bbla Drs do do; • 7o baskets Mammy Champagne Wine; •, 11 do' Ileiddeles '"do do, 21 do Meister' do ' do; - J qr casks Racial Alideln. do; In EOM and for wale by MILLER A RICRF.TSON, Ito•1 2 ;_, ; No 172 one 174 Liberty et PIPES OLLI COCCI; ter pipe. Lafayette, Extra Rochelle, dark and pale; sintsefel . s.l 7140, and 41. it b.r . pk. dept Prete', Eva Rochelle, dark and oi o„, niskre of .36, Ay, '47. • o krix;pe• Piaci Castillon Co'. Coptic, dark and w o w term of 42, '43, 47. • o mp es A.ochar Cognac,pale, (B. A C •)riot of o do Jame. I itnqttsy, COrtiaei polo, do 411. d o ' Chatenet Hordes., pale & Mak, do 47. 2 do de Costtllo DePon,y, do do do, do 47. 0 do Rasteau, dark. do 47. 7 do o'4 Otimmeolart. qr cask. °mud. Dopey & Co, pow. do 'el c 41mtlory Lognac, dark, do 'U. '4 t ?ehlleP:Orattc'th:' do ICI 4 - do 4 Legs vista of 4 4 1 4 • L de : T . e e g*. 7,74' 3 ° , 7 3 i 4 Q „ Vineyard Propmet • *" ' dts ' l do_ Cognac. ' To 47 . Q et ‘. oo4 Chathharre • I bw Old Posta Brandy. " b., • Cherry Brandy. FL. 04 Cognacs, by the dor' or single bottle. Mr. sect of high proof choice Ilranthee has been T,td 4 Vibe sabsomber and connoisseurs, w V. and are non °Dm] to the trade upon VOA. farms shoo heretofore. Call and ea ,pareaasing olsemttet. m2lria bebirs JACOB WEAVER. Jr novin . tat fort etry Oil no IWA ENOLIBIi &-BFIYt.4ETT toucKertizoo GUN,. BENNF.TT KAJUB--113 bursts Buster .day toed and for WO by • norto Atudirraoria CROZiit V:-.4b41 ut reed. for uls h I.Q. OAP Caen ,144ADESI CO Fiv.Coovit • leg%l AILLEIALISAC. Ti , OVSIIIE.12 : I - j 7 ISalBrdaj, 19 'Sunday, 21) Tos.day, 01 Wednesdy, -----., 21Thursday, Prrrsavnicat BOALLD OP TILAD/C. ♦%D YEDIANANT . 6 =MANDL COMMITTEE FOR NOV}MBER. INO, MOTO. ..... ”O• MLA • • • • • •D. • ouug Dams Prrnanaon Gaarrka, Friday Moraine., November 23, tb49. The weather yesterday was dark aid rainy, eon.- quautty, eery hula traimpired in the market, la the way ornate.. flocs—'he receipts were quite filh but in moos e goutoe of the inclemency of the, weather, the Musks Was bssetive, and the larger portion of it was pat i store. Severn: lasso( 40 MCP toblo were sole on lb wtortiat sipaa4as. The sepias sawe rates, its amni lOU, range from, 14,62 to {l,:'o r bbl. Osturs—ln the Grain 'market, Ave hear of nothing doing to any consblerahle &man:. Front fint hands, priees. mugs as follows:—Wheat 80 , 291.7, Barley sap 00m Bye 5003.5; Coro 43, and Oats at 3:1934e i bu shel. „Gummi—Every thug in the Grocery line, re. stailaccu u our lut quoted nom We note 4 .7.lTher.siles of N. 0. Sugar in hh t. at &tante; Lon( gokor 8010 etc. Molar.* 011ic in cypress; and fijahlte, In oak packages. Rio Gone concnnes bras AsilOt•ltc, is in quality. ~ ...4sheeiwoha—We have whin_ new to notice in th ' Fibvislan Marker the market, lino) , thing, a dulle .Ciltimoilerate sales of bagged Hams at Pe, of prim. ...alai eared at likklike; of Shoulders at 41c, Rod o Sid. at 5e P lb. DWI!, Bartz —The receipts of peaches yeeterda7, arnotested to actor 1,500 @zeta Sate SA be neer crop at $2,25. and of Apples at S;dts Gam ArrLer—Reralat, sales in lots of 10,15 and 20b1.111, from More, arsYdlsO9,:Ar bat, for bast quali des. 1300 a—We note sales of dressed - Hogs from store, 3e 1. b. • Luz—Sales of Pig at Ste, and or Da , at Se V lb.— neat Lead La selling at t k . according to quandry parehased. ' Pipe ranges from 10k r foot, for We •14011 t else. Lash-We note moderate vales of tea Lard at Gig tdio Fran—A general fanners prevaa in the market a the following rm.—Salmon, BLS e bbl, and sr IP tee N 0.3 Mackerel, 87,fig. No. g, 510,3, N. lat 114 4 bbl Lake Fah are sold at 19,30; Herring, 30,31 for Iles Codfish 114.73 drum . Ptdlltau The following aides are reported as having takan plane within the poet few dayr-160 ions Jinfernion at $22, 6 eons; IGO tons toh.an, $24, 6 mos; 175 tom Elk, 724, 6 noon; WO tons ShipponoOle at In, 2 m 05230 tons St. Chatles, IN 60, 6 tie. P1113...1911. Broca Mtxxxv-iittle nose the follow ing axles of Pitiiikurgh and Pennsylvania Stale Snooks Al the Exchange Board in Philadelphia,. on the 1201 insit-191,0e/ Pillmburgh s's, 8.5,91.1; 05 . :00 Pena. Va 001; $1,400 Penna. es, S 11., and ins 991; S shares Bt. Pewit 109 l; WOO Penn. 6 . .601, 21. Bt. Kentucky, 1051;190 slot 11. B. Bk. 115, in; 19 .k. H arrisburgh 10 shs. Reading R. R. BS, MI; 10. h.. Penn. R. IL 371. 'ltti Lease/11c Journal °Otte 17th, in its weekly re• view of the market says: flarrtm, Hoes, ite.—Good beeves are rather scarce. We quote sale. 0(40 fine mule at the yards at 61%. Sales of Inferior cattle we quote at 62 Se; lingo during the week hare been sold at 51,75. [Mr. (or packing are In fan:demand. We heard of soles 8,600 bead St !MAO am, to be Jelirerod Sales of Satiate at 752 Sit ♦ head. Sales of Sheep to butchers at 61,fi903,fi9 Salcsof Lambs at 75430,75. • 'The Vincennes Gazette, 41ndismaj of the ISO, nays . Paso PACZINO—We lee gratified to see that our mer. chants have made exmnsive preparations skeet. tering and petting up pink danng the approaching tea son, and we trust that the prices pot d will be high enoegh to save the farmers from •oss. . We are creel. hly Informed that there are more wellifattedihmis new In the country then went ever known. before. Itop• pears to be the prevailing opinion, au this time, that St the best, pork will not eon Mod more than 52.0 u pa hundred. If this price was even for all well fatted hogs, weighing from ISO to WU fir, rd upwaria, we are of the opinion that there would be little or no grum bling; but a less . price will not pay. The Bae,ellviUq ICy.j Herald, of the 14th instant, says; Po a—Wo Monday last, layered at tte amount was lean tbu bayer• worn la our town o isfrth.c stAFt hundred for Pork, d hot Green and Clarkaralo. • • Na Src old. The Indiana American, (Brookville.) of the lath ye peeking hod eorneneneed, end a Caw hog per hued at 94—hnteould give no advice aa ie future op tangos in pork. The- Lafarette Joistail of the 15th cape thst.obeg area complete dreg; the prices at which coin kiss bee selling, catfcreatisore ledeceseenti 'to the far:ries than pteessioas eashalltaiitio to !locales. The marker wi open at item IVO, dell." .We Item dm small sees of port have teen med. al St r 100 Oa pet—tone le..—and two taltevc the Is a pare gemesi feeling not tp .ell at thew prtees a preset:them/ that a better figure may gel prevail. The prospects as not In fairer of a mach much bight Mae r of the porehawrs who wan,. areep: ca , ea Mc. hare already made arra”Kenarnt. for peeking. inizotting to dot thelutttre forsolliug, or dipping o •their owe account. Bm Pacakko to Catmeso—The Chien*, Tribune has•mt article on this subject. It ssyc -About six yeas. ago, the Beef Packing batiness was commenced here, on *yore small scale, atikbas grown, until th ls year the amount packed is equil 1.3 about iiity thou sand barrel. Darin the last seven -"eke, nearly tek" COP beeleattle havobeee slaughtered and packed hone The ge papa mate for three canle by the packers have .excee Jed lIIO,CCO per day—so amount greater we think, than the payment. for wheal dunng the mme time." PORT OF PlifSßUßiiti. Rivsn—There were 5 teat 6 loam in the channel lest evening, and filling. ARRHIVED. Caleb Cope, Mardock, Beaver. Viroqua, Gaikorai, gdonongebala City Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Parlcineou, Brownsville. Laka Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, hl'Heaapnn. Bahia, Jacobs, Brownsville • Messenger No 2, Woodward, Cin. Peru, Calhoun, Louisville. Wellivilla, Fouls, Sunfish. Caledonia, Calhoun, Cincinnati. Wave, Franklin. • DEPARTED. Cale.blne, Murdock, Wellsville. Lake e, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver Clark, Wellsville Canade , Hendrleason, I.VPReeieinn. Viroona,Galloway, Monongahela City Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati. Lady Byron, Cincinnati. Mount Vernon, Koontz. Cincinnati. Exchange, Snowden, Cincinnati. Eitibusy, Cox, Cincinnati.'" BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Brownsvilki Packets, at BA. M. aid fi P. M Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. Hid 4 P: M. Cincinnati—clipper No, 2, S. Louis,Schoylkill. Penutylvailia. BriZteeport, Hudson. Sunfish, Wellsville. Folll3ll.A.D.Pilla. • D. Leech& co's, pieket hoe. 9 P M. • rot rtterosr. H, E. Out, h Cot Canal Packet, 7 o'clock, r. r. - - 13E.6Vklt & WELLSTILLE--Per Caleb Cope—l Mid ware, /no 0111; 12 bbls apples. Bonnets; 21 Gbh; op Ar 11.41111. & Crams, 21 ski poacher, onomn: Mar herrang, 1.11 Wriermarn; 16 Ws lour, Anortronc t. Closer,' IS Mrs dried poacher, Smart & Sinelru; W. floor. AI Thompson; 2 IMI• handily nerd. Y do beano; 7 .k. dried apple., Snook & timelan; TS Jo do, mime: 100 bo turnips, owns; 13 sea DOM., g, la do ;led peaches, S hhls eggs, 1 do boner, E Conic, t l 4 4 i "1 ' e? 73 Cle; /n; V. 4 M bbi. send and boner, owner. LOUISVILLE—Per Pena-3 bm, Young, Ihnasen & Plunke=ll orates rags, 31 lulls du, 1 la, II Olaf & Co. 11, pea *alas, tt bids lime, la 3 Inn. pit mead, Salm.- aorn sks apples and peaches, ft & Co. IVIIEF.LINO—Parim Bekaa-12 bbls, hlfdo ala, O W Smtth; 1 pkg, Baker & Forsyth; Gempty bbl., Mod & Hughes; 10 bbls 0111 T, Mown & lOrkoatnek, 14.0 tibia apples, owner aboard; GO bbl. Goon 9 Mediu & Co; 49 dodo, Jas McCully; GO kg. legd, II Grad & Co; 117 dodo, Wm Bingham; 13 do do, It Balza!! & Co; lo don broom., Wick & MaCantes.;. ;do maw, owner; I 7 labia apples. 14nai & &nein; r; s hdle laathe r, 3 bbls dnqs,,C , tbathnott; 10 Ltd. apples, Oaten • Clipper No 2-4 bbl. acohol, linun & Rm.; 10 bbl. slam. Rbcy. Mattbents & Co: bss mike Kidd Co; 10 tibia lime, Ciamptet, & b., sham. W IlleCallonsh; Lee.- was, 113 (sadism, 11 Grad & 10 bbl p ar k. li r ,. pads& P.m 70 as salt, A.Ack Icy; I btu, BEAy - E9,...1 7 er 1.41 e Erle-10 bbl. clots, J & II Bps; b 3 sirs peaches,42alzell & I hdl tries, L; bt Rat ion; 21; ski peach. , Elagaley d oh I ,l f 335 do do, 2 co do. Dalsell & Co; 98 sk. peaches, I bbl d& same; 79 do dm P. Ileamillan; 1 bbl, B A Fahnestock Co; I keg beer, own.. BUNF73I/....P. bbl,, 1 oh Classeed, tails dons, 137 g Johnston; 8 hhds psited°, bit. mr, 9 eh. D Lecah & N; 93 bb's flsar; B Lim Ctn..; 17 bb • elder. Armstrong &te r, ID sits but. tet,4 sksindse DT r Morgan; 21 Wits goo, 140 ibis, D . Leech & Co; 31 bbls lions, 4 do 2. 2.0.1 b. rags, 1 keg lard, Drown & Kirk pallick:l3.bbls apples. owners, 41 sirs prachts. l l2 do apples, Won ninth 2.112; 3 do do, J Richardson; 111.kgs, bbls Lard, R handy. CINCINNATI—Per Caledonia—ld Obi. molaws, J Daibell. 20 hbda bacon shoulders, J P Pear; 0 3 6 ;00s pig meml, McCurdyt lioottls; 12 &viscid -hogs, Artn• strong & Cron, s 13111DGEPORT—Tor Badmen-41 •ksctirn. Banc 03 bbls tout. J 114 Cally,• 150 aks b w fluor, li es W.Wbite. St do do, 11 DAS& Co; 0 do anal, al do dried apples, 101 tags lard, Wm Bingham; 3 bhls beef, Mites. Met. thews/13m 231 Dbl. floor; B . Mellitus. /1 Cn; 30. bbls a o44 •Rnman t gitkpatriek ; • I= bids apples, Alien Cor dell; bg's P11.14K-S. D 0 hhds tobacco, 1 A WIG; 7 Ws ben., J Dilworih 114,4 117 bb4 floor,ll 1, 7 12101 ; 60 do 6...1 ainda.c. ____ _______ .. —__ . . Ohio aid Peekrasirralita Iteellrose,'. T ll7 .ers in the Ohio an Petimylearla " R.mi any are hereby omiGedio pay Me TAW t of flew Dollar. oo each 'hare. re .*'ll"l7 he IT tthus, . of th e (him of the Company, Thifel et; Pi burgh,. or before the :sth of Novem ber. L. 1.0.:-.1.T, J..RO . Q 'Fromm. lid!wm,a, De LOCAL- MATTERS. =MET. TOE TEE PITTSBURGH DAILY DOZER' Iron Manufacturers , Contention SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. 3 LIULNINO E.3310.N. • • The hour of meetiog. having arrived—the Cho man called the Conventiolt to order. G 57 43 6 ZS 43 be Secretary stated that he had the minutes of yesterday's proceeding., as, reported by their Stenographer, but that, no they were exceedingly voluminous, he would move that the reeding be dispensed with. This motion was carried. • Mr. Cnpp offered a resolution to the effect that somisperson be by this Convention to attend the coming 'miter, of Congress, with view of urging upon them a modiication of the present tariff law. • Mr- Post thought that this resolotionwan oone. ceMli, ae one of those offered yesterday covered the whole ground. The gentleman thou read the resolution in oneation, providing for the election of ■ Committee to memorialize Cong... &o. Mr. Clapp said that it might further the object of this Convention, If one or more intelligent persona well acquainted with the matter. at issue, attend the coming meeting of Langres, with a view °fact.. log ailobbs members, and presenting their maths tient information to the Committees of that body. He was not however tenacious of his proposition; and had no feeling to the nutter. • Mr . Paterson thought dirt if one or more per• sons would undertake that arduoui duty, it would be well, on them exertion. would likely be of great tme to the iron interentin Mr. Clapp said that he knew one or two person who, he thought, woold . attend, if: their expense were paid. Mr. Post would submit a modification, if the resolution which had been passed laid night did not coon? the whale ground. Mr. Clapp might submit hie intended lebOilliioll directly to the Con vention, and not to the business Committee. The. following communication, adopted at meeting of the citzeta of Pittsburgh, held at th. Board'of Trade Rooms, ou Wednesday night, w read.. Jame, Badgers, EN., President of the Iron Man ufactorera' Convention. t Sin—/t meeting o ufacturers and other citizens was held at th rooms of the Board of Trade lest evening, fur he purpose of adopting tome eillitAbie mean! of anikating their respect for the. Convention of Iron Matinficturent now as. zembleil in this cut, so well as their conviction of the vast importance to the State, the Union, and the world, of the great interest which it represents. .Believing that the advantage of all chose! of manufactorersi in every portion of our country, would he promoted by' a free interchange of opin fon opou toe important subjects which have Deco. 'pied your deliberations, and by the 'extrusion or personal acquaintance among those whose inter. eats are so clesrly identified, and knowing, memo ver, that the avocations of many of their fellow citizens would prevent them from devoting any other portion of their time to this purpose—the meeting decided upon respectfully inviting the Convention to partake with them of a Temper. none Supper, and appointed the undersigned a committee to carry their intentions into effect . . leporsuance,thsrfore, of the hmor thus delega• ted, we would request the rdeasure of the comp.- ny of ott the members of the Convention over which you 00 worthily preside, to alert o num - b4 of our fellow chi:ens at the Si. Charles Hotel, It half past 8 o'clock this e denied, and would mother solicit the favor of your communicating this irnh ration to the Convention. Sincerely impute that your efforts to promote the welfare of the Iron Manufsetriers may meet with the success they an amply merit, We are. with much respect, your friends and fellow eifiz,ns: THOS BA KEW ELL. Ls. 100101 EA I), WM. LA 1UME11...4. W. W. WALLACE, WM. M , CULLY, M, ROBERT6ON, P 11,31138011, Nov. 22,,1549. Oa notion. the invitation tendered to the Co. [l:l6oo . Wilf accepted, arid the fulkolvlag ass.. Ptrrinotton, Nov. 72, IS-19. Memos 3altevrell and ot era, Gm/nit:or. Grertssav —Your poll a toy:mina to the mem- Sera of t.`ta Convention to partake of a Temtvr anee Sumer at the St. Caul, Hotel. thin evening at ball part S o'clock, illtiankfolly screwed. JAS 0. WILLARD, See'y. Oa motion of Mr. Dempsey, the resolution lard .a the table last night was taken up for farther .•neukratlon. The resolution in question was hen read by the Secretary, as Resound. That we consider it necessary to the Proper protection of the too interoe, that a dolt . of 420 per ton be Leaned on all. bar or common merehawable iron. Wait regard to pig iron. the committee suggest that all p:g iron imported from other countries shall, 1400 its arrival in this conntry, be descried and taken to be worth Slfr per lon, without regard to its costar value abroad,,and that a duty of nine dollar. per too be levied, thereon, and that upon proper and satisfactory evidence being made out to-our custom house officers. that pit - iron has in• creased in value above Often dollars per ton in the country where the HUa was made—that in that care, for every rise amountirg to one dollar per too, the duty to this country shall be reduced one dui ar. This plan, it is thought, In ll in all ordinary time prevent an entire proniliitton alike foreign pig iror and keep the competition odithis lad other countrie neatly ennui al all tor.e*, l nil guard snamin a=m cirdinnry fluctuation* of ;or value of pig IMO, ii this and other countries. The noininotee belies , that no better plan or poll y can be pursued. . _ . Mr. King then offered ttn following resolution, a a substitute, the blanks to be filled up by the commuter:— newdemf, That this Co voodoo recommend _an assessment of duties on iron =ported into this „country, as ;allows, to wm. = On pig metal manna at the boost of ehtpment flora dollar.) per ton, • duty u( (eight dollar:), and on the common bar iron 0O0ill•111 the some points (530, per 100, a duty of ($l6), and when the prices may rim above or fell below these prices, tho duly anal' rise or fall to an equal amount, but that M theidaty shall be at no time less al (SIJ nor more t no ($l2) on pla metal, and lost than e nor e than (1120) on bar Iron. and that a corremonding Mares, of duty b. levied to ell the dcecriptions of iron manufacture The (gores in the braelf l eta occupy the place ci the blanks, and were merply annerted by the gea Homan fur the purpose at Illustrafion. Mr Ckuren :nal lo !no lerOlu , :ensju.l rent here, ma WS Mention made uf brumes rod., ur heel am. Mr Post thought that itiwoold, perhaps, be best to adopt We substdive, kin the purpose of bringing the whOls subject before the Convention. N, Andrew Stewart was of opinion that it the words, "other dessoptions / of iron" were located it would cover the *hole [ground. - The Hon. Judge Shale, has then introduced to the Cocteau., by Gent Win. Lorimer, and in the midst of the warn[est applause, ruse and and said— The subject which bring thin convention timed. ,er, iva mater to which have given or indeed could give but little anal ration, since I heard of the honor conferred upon We by the conventmo. lam only able to express in the briefest terms, my lama, considering this irtloo no BO much a compliment to myself as t the great question; file abstract principta on w ich the convention is wooded, and in which wel are all so much Inter ested. Ido pot know butthe remarks rum about to make, may be deemed hoproper, or that I tusy be Interrupting your buctichss. [Cries of "Nut Not") 1t . i,0, I will forlecnr At 1[1,4,4 I rimvery much engaged in my prolessional ditties, and my atten• 11011 0111,1, Of .. our, almos't exclusively be devoted to She [MOWNs of my profession; and fought, in• stead of addreistine thin rO•VentIOO, to sit here a . listener, and ascertato trona them—ltem Mitten]. 1 mils who col - Knout this convention, whoara so einminent, many of them in the country, and who to well understand the great question now before the public I ought to sit here as a listener, and derive window and light from them. It ie lcipotnible that any thing I can say, can confer light open this convention; but I am willing to say tit st.l go no far as Ilny member of this con vention Can go in protecting the great principles of Amerimn industry, (great applitll,ll. How far at may he noceiciary, in order to otimin the object of that protection, to make a ditfe,nce in thepm -.Teta Ural of I.lollna, is a waiter In relalloo to which •m not competent to judge; but It is novo:al. for me, to look around ma, and see the papers, and mmottilin tha name, of the member. lid, eon- vcntion, aid perceive that they roma !torn venous States:of the Union, and ree them assembled here, without &opening that they themselves believe, and that a .urge mass of their fellow countrymen believe flint something is accessary for the pro• tempo of that kind of industry which they specially represent. I man take that for granted; because 1 eannotauppese that men of wisdom, red judgs ment,•aud intelligence, would assemble here for nothing. They mast represent the feelings, the sentiments, the opinion of the great inemats they represent, and I would therefore take tt as a matter of course that some thing is neemsarfreetne action of the guvernmen—some increase of the duties, for the purpose of protecting the non interest, at tout. If not for the peremeof protecting the generalinauu. Metering tedustry of Ain eoantiy. That mubject will, I have no doubt, be preaented in a prayer way by the reports of the committees, as it has been, neaoubt, by the addressee of rainy eminent gentlenietrwho have already addressed the 'Con vection. The great question, I take it, is not whether we have an object to attain, hat whit Is the mutt wise and judmione method of attaining that objecr- I think it ;tenement,. that in the par. ty eollipgn that have arisen In this &ate, and perhaps elivthere, thia plell7loll has at any time been made a question of politics. I have had the honor an a long time of taking the stand in what is termed the democratic reeks; kr mare than i mi wy yetis 1 have been a laborer as that gromml. and upon those principles that hare been sustain ! ed by Bab Japrton nod tinier ,eminint democrats in office. I nerericari shrioli from this pricier, le, wog as I ree it is tt ueen exhibfte, us both to the budory of our cow:try owl in the wonderful and tepid growth and reosperity and happiness of this amazing empire. Out to regard ter the question before this conven ish I have aver considered it not oat upon which I ciarld differ 11, s politician learn others, but as X ensat corlyk-nt public which work, Ind iten - a ight be the difference iu principle between pulse., parbee, wawa great question of pubLe policy upon which we should .11.n:thine and spite. (Cheat applause.) I think it a mistime]ne that it has ever been brought tato discussion as a question of politico, and that any petty has rendered it necessary to! take up this false iosue v upon which perhaps Ebe l party might appear to be defeated. Such we kuow has been the moult in the late elections in our own Cerautenwealth raised--unfortu lately raised—and made a political queatton, end to all appearances decided agates! this location of p.lic.v• I any it is a misfortune, because we all know that sti far as the democracy of the Stale of Pennsylvania (I speak of them in the melts) they , eve interested in Importing and inaistiag, by all ' their. meson, by all their energies, a sufficient pro tective tariff to earrrieto effect and permanently secure the industry and proaperity of the country. (Applause.) When therefore art issue is made up upon a question of mot kind, I deem it a false home; be• I maze no party, standing as a party, unless they' can unite with others belonging to parties of dif feroat political sentiments, will etrer be able to car ry out the great object which all have in view— the object of protection .(applause.) This ie the great matter to be regarded; and I think it e matter of great moment, that, assembled as we are to, gether, we do not eseeruble me partisans, as demo crats, or as Whig, but we assemble as American citizens, anxious for the glory, the honor, the pros. mrity,the weans of our common lead. This it is that cow unpins*" us; and it is with this view that we must endeavor, by our trotted energle., to carry into operation that which-we deem necessa ry for our protection. I have -no genetsl knowl edge upon this subject I do - riot pretend like ma. ay gentlemen here, to have examined and loves. bgated, and gone into in depths; but it 9peara to me that there is something upon-its addax that stakes the mind of every one, - and induces me to think that protection, at any , rate some extent, will be beneficial to one native land. If it were necessary to recite examples, I might recite the example of our great city hero. I have lived in it for minty years. When I first mane to Pittsburgh, it was but a thriving village, with a population of some 6(.00 In habitants. Whet is it now a mighty city—a re. stion of wealth—with a populatien a! from '7O. to 100,000 coals, (applause ) We see bounce on houses rifling above us We find them occupied by persona of immense wealtn. And who are they! Why persons who, when I came hem, were poor operatives!, laboring men—but who, by their enterprise, have acquired fortunes, and, amassed estates. Is them any man here who for a moment be lieve. that the operatives and the capitalistauto he at wit! Why, who is the operative 1 And who is the capitalist 1 The capitalist is the very man who handled the hammer and the axe; the very man who labored at the loom; the very man who when I came here, was comparatively poor; and If we look around our city, we Gad that the whole of it—the very wealth is composed of operatives of hat:desieription, who, in the eserse 0(14 or 13 years have &cystic:l their aartuarts, and ate now enjoy. Ins a comfortable independence. Pon look at the matter further. If this smoke, analog from our manufactones were cleared away, you wosid see every hill covered by bedding. of ,a comfortable—many of there of a eplendid char. amer; and erected by whom the workman—the operative. He is not only a freeman, bit like his Anglo Saxon ancestors, he boasts that he Is las er:se a freeholder, )applause.) Well, what has caused the accumulation of wealth Manufac tories operauous And how have they been nag tuned by a tariff of protection Have I not wen when tten nerd was withdrawn, misery and dia. trews oce'd judgments, and executions to the land; and have I not seen when that proteettua Ade M etered, that the people became more prasperons and wealthy and happy. And can I kohe yrs that after thirty years' experience that a reaaanable sod lair protection ought not to be afforded to the mace. factures of my country! 'foe gee it difflcalty that teems at present to prevail, is tee tiaturtunate aye tem of politics that men have catered tom, in. creating what they call pla'forme, instead of go. log upon principle. Scarcely Ira platform, as it called, erected. than you ere required to rally amend and Support it; and it'you do col support you ate considered as deserting your political creed. Scarcely Is a'''platform' erected beiore is broken dawn by their who !stand open it, and a new platform la erected winch is ibenified with the name of • lilatforin or a par. " Teals a di, acuity that affects and icdoences society at loci , . And what are these plc:farms" Look ai sue city. It is now covered with me smoke ca--our manufactorta. Well, erect or stand upon the platffirm of 1546 —the Uttar of 19th—and what will be the resin,' That smoke may be cleared sway you may see the sunshine, you may feel the cool and pl ea .... breeze; you may see tee bloc %ry 'Wee you ; hit what doe, that revolt from Why, yea rtan.l up poll that platform of 1516; yon look oat indeed. up on the bendicenee of providence, hot you Neatly look upon the folly of man; (great apishness.) and instead of seeing thousands of happy and tea. oi thousands of dirty faces in your streets, you wilt see tho!anods and tens of thoaaanda of men walking about the wren—suit clean flees, ii may be—hot with sad hearts and without being able to obtain either lab], or food. And is that Ike result of the taan't of 1913 Ido not know that rt r•—but a is alleged to have this effect, and there are many facts watch acorn to substantiate this suppasaron. However, I pledge rovre:fto mining; nevertheless. I know that the Lyra 01'46 is • measure that produces distress mthe miontry It Is not a democratic alevines.. an hag as I re mate a democrat, and lb., I trust, will be to the end duly We It a not a measure rat the skewer.% cy; it is a meutire of the conservatives. Most ex Mannheim it is that those who are laboring to have an efficient and useful tend, are railed conserva tives, because they ask for c ineruinre which will equally re-emcee the prosperity of all, but especial ry that of the npereuve and !nearer. No, this is pro. ereasiee dennoeney; aadprogreereve democracy hes come to a nand semen the platform of !Ste (Applause., Now supposing we are right in dor opinion of the tariff of I St 6, do the gentlemen Who are here see that it is thus injurious ' But 1. fear I am occupying your time, and interrupting your business (Loud cries of "No. No," cod .gt, on, go ea ") I grand in this position; I am ao far unpainted with the operation of tariff. as to see the effects of tanda of protection from their local operation. I seek to raise no privileged etas.; bet I have yet to learn that the laborer who is worthy of kis hire, comes Into any ...test with the mat:infect:lre, and the capitalist. I ay that it is not se ; and that this large city and ha numerous dwellings evince that the laborer getting his fair remunerstion, be comes himself a mml'alist in the coarse of a short time, and thatia right he has his freehold. There he builds his hart, there he eldoys his own and fig 'ree l ^ there he copy% almaelf under In here he ha. his own family, hi. own relation., his own borte, his own propene. I have yet in learn—and have vol tearnad it by upwards of thirty yew.' export.. clue—Mat capital and labor ought to be et war IMe b ee l. thine la altogether the reverie, and when Sae find that capital 1 / 1 11 been produced by latior, and that the former operative is now the eapotalkh he who look. upon lelairand capital nit bemg neeewa ri fy at vane., does not endeavor to ascertain the facts Of the cart as he m.eht ascertain them. and thia em Doty he because his heart w Week and he will not undermand them (applause I Now, In Pennsylvania, we hold n position that is ddrirent from that at ens other Slate in the UntOn. We are fray wither. of dollar. In debt To pay the moven upon than delo. we are auhleet to rot enormous min.'s Well. Is it portilite that If by our indouty and a protrenie tariff nrn able to raise our propeny, we ought to he prevented from doing an, nut that our indoors , and • good tariff eon be a calamity in the countm• Our agriculture !• heavily taxed; and why abould Ibo.e ens aged In It be immured to prideetion? Are they the... who 'Mould arty, "Levy your tax upon eerie ...Lure; do not ',undue,. a prolecti•• tariff, do not title pi to sustainnufacturer., leave us alone es we are" I gay this ma is not the progressive principle white ought to govern u We moat depend, as eeneryivarcaos, not upon the ag riculture of Pennsylvania, hat upon the rich trerturre m the Imwela of the earth: and if we mutuot the them out profitably with the meart we have, in the name of God ie there any thing In the tariff of Ohl that can ever work out •nything but our final nub and that of our state. I Mink, then, that we ought to have such to riff as would he onsfeetory to the country general ly; that we ought to unim and cointiiiie—whether in Penrtylv.ia or elowhern—ln supporting Inc inian try of the countryo adding aing rh km prosperity, to ererting graameex, and in the ounshine of happinne. over all Ate land. The address of the learned gentleman lets received throughout with the loudest dcinonS , ratione ap please. Considarable discussion then arose as to the adoption of the subwitute for the resolution. laid on the table on Wednesday. The Han. Andrew Stewart, of Fayette, made a lengthened, energetic, and animated address, prem ien foam • great variety of facts, the necessity of having a sliding scale of duties, and submitted that the motion in relation to the duties be know milted to the committee. Mr. Clapp then made some observations in an• ewer to a part of the remarks of Mr. Stewart. lie was In favor of a apecifie duty. He doubted ihe efficacy ea the eliding ecale, and thought that a epeeific duty would answer every ma niple. Where wo had only to contend against the production. of machinery, we could compete successfully with great Britain, or any other coon• try. But when we came to look et the. productions of lichor,not of machinery, we found that it was hip posaible to compete with them. He thought that the Committee should, in their report, adopt Bomb fixed, specific duty, for the consideration of this Convention. Mr. Paueraon, was of a different opinion from the last speaker—he did not think that ■ eliding scale would produce the iaparantil effects attributed to it by Mr. Clapp. If a duty of seven dollars per ton be Mid upon Imo, we would still be foe abort of protection. The speaker con tended warmly In favor of a sliding setde. Judge Myers thought that wo abould leave the e.nelderation of a sliding ecale or a specific duty io the Committee. The Committee might recum• mend either a specific: duty ore sliding scale, as Congress might deem moat advisable. It elloald' be remembered that they eatild foree nothing front Congress and all they ought to elm at, was ouch ■ rate of duties, whether by a sliding mobs et, specific; duty as 'meld protect the iron interest. Mr. 410Millt lOW, to reply,:and again contended warmly in favor of a eliding male. He was glad thia &tenant= had ariatn for he had beard sore r - od sense in that ConarMtkm, in the Teat I 1., hoUre, Mau he had often heard to Coltman for week. It would certainly be adeloable to discal, the (meat= before the Committee retired, an order that they might have the benefit of such an platen:a as might be adduced, before they came to a decision as to what they would recommend to the mecung. Mt. Post, wan of opinion that gentlemen were travelling over touch of the ground that had been travelled over on the previous day. Ha was op. posed to the passing of any law which would be merely local in Its operation, bet be would have it understood that the interests of the United States should be regarded, for if the iron interest generally received a reasonable protection, it would apply to every state in the Union where the iron interest was known. He was opposbd to portico:am-tog the retesof duties here, on different branches of manufactured Iron. All that could be accontlish ed by those who were deetgau,d to wait on Con. great, would be accomplished by asking for pro tectißn generally, and would'avuid the possibility of the appearance and want of unanimity in the Con vention, which would certainly be productive of no good effects. Mr. Patterson was of opinion that some dia. Unction should have been made, a, they were there from several states, each to represent that brooch of manufactures in which they were more apecially engaged. Mr. Sing obstryed that th see resolution. were adopted. , iith the expectation of bringing about some dlisturmiori in the convention. Mr. Hodge thought it was highly to be desired that the convention should avoid any thing like dictation to Congress. Were the convention to fix rates of duties, they would ho regarded by Con. grew as the highest rates asked (or, and they might be an cut down as to afford no protection at Ml. He thought It might be at well to leave the ques• Mr. Dempsey agreed that it was the duty of the Cosecant= to come to the conclusion of what they wanted for protection, , ind go before Congress with such facte as would connate them that they wens right, and being on convinced, they would doubt less concede all they wished. Mr. Kerr proposed that a special committee should be appointed to collect statistics, so as to ob. tato so avenge of the cost of various article; and thus forth a bams=of the duty to be asked for.— He Inoue that such a committee be appoint ed. The Chairman tatimaied that there was already aqaeetioe before the Goeveattott. Mr. Patterson thought lithe motion was teem= mined, the Committee would probably be able to come to some definite proposition. Mr. Post declined, on the ground that he wan already a matcher of the committee of correspond. once m New Jenny, but intimated his willingness to furnish any information to his power. CoL Paxton raid, if this duty were to continue only till the session of Congress commenced, he would willingly undettake jt, and give every mo ment of his tune; but it We's likely to be a pr.- teamed busmen and he amid not possibly attend Mr, Robinson advocated the reference of tbs I to The question wan about to be put to the met ng, whrn M. Post renommended That instead of referring the question to the business committee, it should be referred too special committee, bet be would rather it was acted span by the Convention, to • carat-name of the whole. ouon to a special aommittie The question was men put, and its recommit mast tp the business Committee pan negatived Oo motioa'of CoL Long, the members of th• Bdard of Trade of the coy of Pittahtirgb, were is a:ted take react in the Cdoventos, and that a COnl mitten of three he appointed to convey the invite both . Tne oonzrnoee aplw word, conu•ted or Me Atexander Reynolds, Dav:d Agnew, and Sim° Plummer. Mr Kerr then moved lhai . tho quest:no of the propelled duty ehomd be remm.ntroded toe effeetal contra:flee, to coosnt at one member from each State. Judge Myers strongly urged the propriety of the oturrentou settling the question in a commluee of the whole. The only question new was, shall we se to Coasts*. for a specttle duty or a sliding settle, aid tf for a .peeitie duty. Wbat /*Otte the amount. Hn de.dedly.opposed an ad vAlorern duty. They alive ask (or a sliding reale if they pleased. H. had uq doubt they could hi n easily enough, bu whether they caiu!d get it was another question lie HOW t. reason why fins motion *Would be re commuted to a special committee. Mr. Preston — dent - derby apptored of the suites boa of duds* 'dyers. They wore all there t• apes), for thewselees, and stand up fur awir par Ocular interest. which they could do mach better in a eurn.utea of the Whele, than by a referen • to a epecral Comanune. The Conrentton then adjourned until 2 o'clack. .?moon wcr. Colonel Platte would ask for the reconsidera. ton of the first resolution passed yesterday. The eallat,on had.been paned without a d:nentitr net, Mad on 1 . , [ I.6lderatian be was of opinion that the rob, second thought of the Cram-a:ion would find tofficient reason to alter or discard it. He al luded to that part of the resolution which admit ted that the tar:Tor 1618 was sufficiently protee tive at the time. What he would ingsmit to the place of that resolunou was this: ftearaml, That however patriotle—however pore the motives which may have led to the adop um; cf the tariff of 1646; ume has proved that the worst apprehension• of Its opponents have been rertlial, and it is proved to he wholly ineuificierit to sa.tsiu the great totereits of He country. Coigne! Lang seconded thte motion, which was unanimously castled. , Mr. Arg . R.er. from Sharon Furnace, Mercer County, aniii he came in late on the preceding evening, sod had not heard what disposition had been made of. the petitions sod proceeding, of meeting. which, had heel, read. If it waa not w too late, hr had pettoon from the iron trate- r est of Mercer County, which he would read. Who petittoo we. then read, recommending • specific duty on iron. It bore a large number of M. King of Memel. Cougdy, then presental the following resolution, wlmh he suggested might possibly be seted upon. TI Is o'tject was to bring the discussion to a point, sod ObVilie, if possible, the differences which might cgbit. Resolved, That we reeonaini std to Congress the adoption] of such rotes of dooon as wilt prevent the introduction of foreign iron at leas than the fob lowing rates, duty included, to soli Pig Iron Bar Iron i to hugest rise., ®!tall Road Iron Round end square I tot BO Round and square 1 to 75 Hoop Iron 1 to I in, do do tto If $ll per ton. 60 Mr. Robeson, of New Jersey, observed that to show that he w•s willing to meet the gentlemen of the Convention, he most cordially seconded the resolunoo. Mr. Church, of Pittsburgh, observed that be fore flitting that resolution to the meeting, .he wished to make a few remarks. It appeared to him that ripe of These resolution. seemed to meet the case. "filen they asked Congress to do some thing for them, they must have a basis to present to them on which they might act. He suggested that after ibis Convention had concluded its ses sions. a committee Amid proceed to collard • sufficient amount of statistics for their informa tion, the names of the owners of furnaces, their location, the number of hands employed, the cap ital invested, and their aggregate products. This would lead to the diffusion of a vast amount of useful information, which would benefit the coin moony at large, and might lead to the. accom plishment of such a rate of duties ae would pro tect this particular interest. Mr. Patterson thought this suggestion was an csccedingly good one, and appeared to meet all the requiramenta of the case. Mr. Church was requested to furnish his resolution in writing. It was no follow,: WHERHA., it: is difficult to obtain nod embody in too best form, oil the stntiatleat and other tutor illation, important to be submitted to Congress at tho next session, in relation to the iron interests of the United States, in season to lay the eamo be fore this Convention during its citing*. There. lore, kerolced, Th a committee consisting of one person from each Sole represented in this Con vention, be appointed; to by ended the Executive Committee, and whose duty it shall be to prepare and lay bekire Congress, on or before the let of Louary peat, a full report of the entire loon man ,ofeetere 01 the United States—its extent—capital Invested-,hands employed--quatuitv produced cost of production In the different sections of the country—its relations to, and bearings on, - the' the farming and mechanical Interests of the coun try—and generally such other matters as . may to them seem relevant to the aubject on hood; and at the same time said committee shall prepare a. Italcanent of the price of.tron In England at' the t i me o f the passage of the tariff 0f.1816, showing t h e ro t e of ditty ehargable on the iseverat deacrip• dons, and submit the same to Congress, asking in our comes tnat these rates, tires ascertained, shall L o h. the,place of the present rate of 30 per cent. ad valorem,and shall be speefge. He offered this imam amendment to the rem, lution of Mr. King. Mr. Pogue of Kantucky,orared another. reso lution tattle effect chat a tunspadttes should bo ap• pointed to draft a statement of Weir grievances nod suggestive cram remedies. Judge ?dyers spoke to order. He said they ap cenrc.i in hr /ma in their business, for he could not n .• .•rther the beginning or the end. is further discussion ensued on the point of order; nod Mr. Church wu undemood to my that he offered his resolution as a substitute to Mr. King'. atnendmenL Mr. Unpp, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Pogue,' Rai Mr Means, severalty naldressed the meeting. Mr. Agana was of optnion that the resolution offered by , Mr. Church was entirely covered by • resolution adopted the previona day, appointing a committee of correspondence and statistics. Mr. Charch did ,not particululy wish b press Mr. King did not wish in his resolution to dictate to the Manufactorers of bar iron, what protection they ought to ask fort but he had consulted with some of them, and the amount he had named ap peared to them to be a mitficient sum to insure protection. Besides, be thought this proposition would bring tha present diseustion to an end. On motion, it was resolved to suspend the con -eonsideration of the resolution and amendments before the meeting, to give Mr. Pogue, of Ken• lucky, an opportunity of presenting a resolution. It was to the erect that a committee of gentlemen be appointed, to consist of one from each State represented in the Convention, to memorialize Congress on the 'object of the tariff:. The rev:do:ion of Mr. Pogue, was put nod cer tied. Mr. Post really thought they were beginning at the end, and thought that all this was amply pos vided for by the resolution of the preceding day, In relation to the committee of ,correspondence and Inatlstica. Although there were only three per sons to be upon that committeeh they had power to add to their numbera ad /daunt. He would move now that these three gentlemen should be selected by the meeting, and every gentleman present wonld have an opportunity at proposing whom he pleased. The question now to be de• tided was, whether they 'were to abide by the resolutions they had already adopted, or begin again at the beginning. The resolution ofte,ed by Mr. Post, to postpone the business of the meeting for the appointment of the committee of correspondencel &a., was then put and carried. He suggested the name of Col. Preston, of Columbiana county, a, one of the com mittee. COL Preston decliaed the appointment, on nc •uot or the great labor attached to the duties of his appointment. Mr. Clapp suggested the name et Mr. Post as • no of this committee. Jodse Myers was next nominated. He said he had two blast furnaces and a family to viand in (laughter) besides many other itungs; and more ban that ne did think he was ant competent. Alien many nominations and refusals, the follow in gentlemen were appainimYtne committee:'-Mr. Hodge, of New York, Mr. A. 6. fiewat, o New Jer.ep. It was then 'loved and earned that Mr. Camp bell be •ppmnled on Mot committee.. Mr. Stewart mated that the CIDIIOO be retvnald sued, for the purl.. of Inerenstog the number of delegates to five. Ti,. wan farther amended, for the purpose of appointing one from each of the Stele, represented to title Convention, )seven.)— On notion, Gen. Wm. Lorimer mu appmnted GU this Committee. Mr. Hodge elated that he thoucht it would be dritable to nominate one units each of the Iron tale* in the Hama. He stated that Maine had one blast furnace, New Hampshire one, Vermont ten, blsssaehueew lieVel, Connecticut seventeen The middle states were represented HP. had some six blast furnaces, Missouri kior, Maryland was a strong Iron State nub as strong as any one, In pro- partiou to its population. except Toone., Gear • gla had there, South Carolina ea. Alabama our and North Carolina three. After the nomination et aeveral gentlemen, Mr Poet moved that the number of the Committee be left open to ba filled up by the Convention with as many names as they deemed advisable. Meow, Wm. S. 110.4 e, of Now York. chairmen ; Mr, Gueper. of Georgia; Mr. Stephen Colweil, o f Pena; Mr. Liontel Spllman , el Tent...eel Mr. A. S. newel. of New Jersey; Mr. I. W. Campbell, or Ohio; Geo. Wm. Lorimer, of Paraborgb; C C. Alger, of Morsochurettn; I H. Anclerron. of Vie. gimp; W. H. Campbell. of Illinier; W. S. Pogue, of Kentucky, C. E. D.IOWIC, Itlarylond; IL W. GAM., of &mai Cirrolien. were Men oppmated on this committee. toe committee oppointedtor the poriotte of it: mug the members of the 'Lard of Trade to take part in tee proceedings of this collect:num, report ed that they had furfilled this duty, and that the bad been accepted. M. Clapp then offered the toll wing resolution: Resolved, That this Convention befoul . ), apposes of toe proposed Great Paeffla Rail RoScl, and when bunt, that it be constructed al Accents° fret, Gen. Wm. Lamer then offered the following resointion,Winc.h were aosepted as amendments, and adopted: Resotund, That the great national highway, de nominated the "Pacific Railroad," in property • subject that interests all dames in the Untied Swim. Resniterd, That this Conventicle, representing the groat iron interests of our country, would re spectfully Urge upon Congress the tm - psrtance of thrs (crest work. destieed 1.2 be the great chiiiit of improvements that will command bilf the coo melee of the world, and when constructed, to be permanent, should be made of American iron M. Hodge - then offered' the !allowing resole. As' +eked, That, whereas, the census of the Uni ed Stoles ha heretofore been very in:pert:et, at. moistly a regards the wegulfeeture ul fron. We zprew our opinion of the same, and the inipow, seen of this matter being more particularly at ended to in the kirthcyrning census. The finance Committee were proceeding to re• port, when Gen. Latimer said, that although not authorized ,by the City authorities to doh go, he would undertake the responsibility of saving the ante committee from al. trouble. The member the Convention bad, at great loboriend copes_ come to Ws city, which wag garnet M. de • mated the Birmingham of America, audit, cl ans could net do less than defray the expcoseai the Convention while here. He would nem beg thew got to forget to attend he hopper, et the St. Charlee Hotel, stl air eVell. On !notion the following resolution was ...looted Rua ued, That the thanks Of Ws Covveution be • presented to Geo. Wm. Lorimer, jr., for his very munificent and generous offer to defray the ex pense. of the Convenient. The Hon. Andrew Stewart then offered the fol wing resolution, which was, on motion, ottani noel, adopted: Ruched, That while this Convention have as • rambled to obtain adequate proieefon to the great iron interests of the Nation, they are ready and willing to give their aid and co•operuliou, It ob. taming ample protection by speeds dunes, to all the Other industrial interests of our Common. tecidth. On .motion luljourned cold this morning, in nice o'clock. Patent Chilled Rollers. TO THE MANUFACTURERS OF IRON - - • underrigned hut received Letters Patent from I the Government of the United Stares. fur it nvw end superior mode of castles - CHILLED ROLLER., which are now offered for sale at the lOWA FOUN DRY, Pittsburgh, try PARRY, SCOTT' & Co., eta huff cent per pound lower then those made by any other msnufacturera. The Roden are scperior to rerreetem of sedate to any hitherto made, arid are manufactured from the strongest Iron of this country. octil-Ror JOHN C. PARRY. . :.--4,.4,,-_-.7..-F..,47---s--.7.cw--',i ~ ORlllitilplitSiO)Np , ,-, ~,414-f.'irf;) .. .-P .- - , -- 1 7,Y,4, M. 4 11,7,:. %di l'l''''' ~t x,[4l ~.,..- * 1.t.....:`.., . .. ..:-..-.__=. 4 , .,„ -.„,.---.. t , , ,, i .,. r FON lIIMITANLPAINA ;.; -- --' -- --4 . .- ..... . ._ A N EMINENT and uayarierteid Thysiman from the East, of flO years staudmg, offers to treat all cases o ' f • Delicate Nato re with prompthese end secrecy. Ills soccer* In Buffalo and other large cities has been proverbiel. fib chvges are moderate, and his cans permanent. Old eases of Glee; Suicture, Som. lola, bluer Alba', R heumallam, Agee, Syphilis, or any chronic or Inveterate CU. solicited. A core warranted, or charge refunded. Omen, St. Clair street, I orli front the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis. N. B.—Dr. A. solicits th e sum cues Many discus in Pittsburgh to call. • splatdly AB - TINES-7D cake Tem, Madeira . , Sherry and Sweet T V Malaga Wm., for sale by the cult or a gun- Utica to volt purchasers, by hirrcitETLREE, Rail ) No LOU Liberty at HOUSES MS, FARA, .17•11".411, Para Abr/Mei NEAR CANTON, Stark enemy, Ottioj condoling of MI oF LAND, in a high rate of cud& cation, with a suitable proportion of timber, nod an abundance of stone coal and limestone Abo ut eq.l proportion. of Mk !and tae rollisig.upland, adopted to wheat, and meadow land adapted to grass Arid corn. The impmremente aeon good Frame Dwellitry,a largo Brick Barn, a young thrifty Apple Orchard. si choice grafted (nor a fort h ply of young Deana T choke At. Terms—One in hand, balance in =anal payments_ Title mdttputable. Fur further particulars apply to lit On. Canton; or to the undersigned, at Stenbene JOHN h Administrabr of the E3tate A oN f D Gc novS—dloars-h-- . 0 etlnt • et ris T ces, I EL" ant bistro ~ Es untie 0, /R Zie • Hull. . For =ants THE desirable property accepted by me in• t • bor Il I.7BT,':,'nfdt.'o'l7.Crer; of Groans Guely t roved Poxes gives immediately. Entittint,9( I An denim, Erg g ad the presalth.l6l,B nova W. hIeCLINTOCR, 75 Fou hat • A WELL FINISHED ROOM n umb!. fir a Variety or CenUemen's Famishifig.Sto w—Several rooms suitable for dices or Ar tus rooms. E D GARZA oetniff Office Third street, over Pon° Ore. Valor . ate or 1 rat. ELTHE very desirable ruldenee in All hasty City, lately occupied by R. W. Poindez .1., and nenion given immediately. Bor ters, t st. apply at this office, or SON, Marke to W. W W/L -isT#oB. 13.1651 T—The =Ramp hou, emir occupied by Mrs. Athrood, shamed at 0 land, with 20 . acres of ground attached. The tthuse i..potions and convenient, sad the ground w II ito proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES & • Wa e , proved ` ' r et 271 TOR SALE—A Brick House, I. at o e year builtd mul Lot, on Robinson street, Albs hasty, near old Bridge. Price low and terms ',— Inquire of jyti 8 9CHOYER, 110 Seco d 1,1011 RENT.—Tbe, three story Brick D- clung Haan, on Liberty, between Hay and M rbtiry streets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Po enion given immediately. Enquire of Wm. Graham or at the Itookstore of JOHNSTON A STOCKT s N corner Market and Third st r 1B 1 A THEME stoned Dwelling House, be a( t h e second house from Penn street, In Si yderl Row, on Hay Meek Immediate possession ill be given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE. Atm at Law—oee on Fourth meet, et, y eet, betweeu Che alley and Gr ffl ant man. julth Two Lota for Only. THE sabseribers will sell at pnvate gale, 1110 e two valuable Lots of Oro.d, situated on To to at., in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each ha rag • front of 10 feet, running back 100 feet In depth o a 20 feet alley, upon which is built a stone wall, 1. 1 5 y 100 feet, which muffins stone enough to build cell ta for two comfortable dwelling houses, and In front there are three shade trees, of years growth, nod th side walk Is paved with brick, all of which will be sold at 0000. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip, will be token in payment. I A II PHILLIPS, Nn 5 Wood . or to WM. BENSON, Immediately °panne said lots. my:11 VOK SALE-Five lots ertibly situated In the dour '. !shine town of Binning ant. The lots are .situn. tad on Denman street., numbered in F Ethannan's plea 75, n, 00, et and EN—Lot Na 75 fronting ain (vet on Ma ry AIM street. 70 feet deep; the other font 20 feet front each, by 80 feet deep. Terms--Greater pan of purchase money may re] main for six years, neared enortgage. For partici ullrs, lawn. of h SCIJOYER, myl6 110 second et Refrom Fleet arch and miles above third Look, in Re immediate neighborhood of se. A. &orb s and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This fine body e Coal will be sold at the low price of 833 per acre—ona third in hand, balance in live equal annual payments, without Interest. Titlo indisputable. Location 'fa good—carnet be sorrowed. For fur th er particulars engthre of S. HAWLEY, who boa a droll of said pros piny. Residence/Id stsbeloW Ferry,Mr. Athsrus"llow. N. B. There is soother seam of con on this tract, abant6o feet above dm lower, of excellent quality. Driardif S. H. BailiffirLeLots ear . rf/HE subscribers are . authormed to e a r Bari rivate .1. sale, and upon highly favorable term, a mber of very valuable Building Lots, eampriong a large portion of the lAte numbered 67, do, 60 and th Woods' General Plan of the City of Pamburgh, meths teat the math eastwardlyerner of leena and Wayne sts, frontin 240 feet on the...former, and extending along the letter about 601 , feet'm the Allegheny river, and being a part attic Real Estate of the late James e. SteVenson, Esc., deceased. •- • A plan w subdivision of the above Lots, in -cool°. inky with which it is propo.cd to sell, may be seen at the office of the understand, on Fourth, between Mar. Set and Ferry st.. WILLIAAIS A KUHN. toy{ IrALL.AULE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET V FOR SELF—A Lot of Ground situate ou Penn street, between limy and blarburystreets, arboining the bout and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, having a front of 23 feet, and in depth WO feet, wtli sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En. quire of C. tb LOOMIS. 4th of, near Wood. 0e121,111 A DEA RAIILE 11taildiac Lo t h AlleKbetay city, la. voniblyn 1112 C about half 101 Imre, imd oil] be eatbl ou accommodating term, Inquire ot fell J D WILLIAMS. Ito owed al _ "There are more things In Leaven and earth Than are dreampt of in phiMsophy." rum: VIRTUES of no:earl:aide reme.fy, end the "instant npriticatom or it, to the propnetnr, has induced tam whave it put up in bottle. with !A bel. and direcoons for Mc benefit of the puhlle The Prnu'LEUM is proctored (rem a well in this .11,1111), ate depth of four hundred feet, is a pure unn. dal te reted cruel, without any chemical change Mot /a. mi Rows from Nature'. Great Leboutory!! Theta conmius properties reaching a number of diamoce, is uo longer • matter or untertiOnty. These are mune things la the arcane of oature,wkleh, if known,might Ise of ono usefulness in alleviating suffering, and re ruiring the Weans of health and vigor to many a sal !mem Lung before die proprietor thought of petting It up In bottles, tt had a reputation fob the ewe of Mi. eaK. The eurortaat and daily increasing calls for it, and seveOr remarkable ear. it bee performed, le a sere it:Miceli= of its future popularity And wide pureed application in the ..are of disease. %Pe do Oct whit to make • long parade of troll& catea. al we are emweioun that the medicine can soon work its way into the favor of those who tatter and wish to be heeled. While' are do not claim far it • universal applies's. in ever, disease, we ouhcatita. tingly pay, that Ina number of Chronic Daell.ll it is unrivalled. Among them cony Le enumerated—all dMesses of the ?. Lone; each as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, C nose ONSUMPTION tin its early singed Asthma, and all 'Mom.. of the Mr pamagra, LIVER COMPLAINT, DV•PF-PSIA, Madura. Damages of the Bladder and Kidecha Pain. in the Bark or Side, Nerve. 0: ceases, Neuralgia, Palsy, Rheumatic Pei., cum. Erysipelas, Tener, Rum - worm, Burr, Scalds, Bruises. Old Sores, de., in. In vetoes of debility re sulting from exposure, or long and protracted vows of d ino medicine wilt bruin relic!. It 'will neto e gcuerat TONIC and ALTERATIVE In curb emcee, imparung tone and energy to the whole frerne, lemon. tag obetructions, onetime Mealaggiah funetiame,rehich came &maw and a broken couegtotam, end givtug increased •ad-renewed energy to WI the organs of Life! The proprietor koowe of several cues of PILES. that rooted every other treatment, got well under Lae use of the PETROLEUM for a dhoti time. Non proof can be elven to any' person who decree it. None genuine without the eiguature of the proprietor. Sold by the proprietor, S. M. KIER, Canal Rosin, next Se teeth at. Also I,y R K, SELit.ERS. N wc...d and — REYSEIPA.AVOOPERL.L, corner Wood es. and Virgin alley; who are hie aomfolly regularly appointed Agents Ban°.`:.l B-4 °"c - cerigigkg';7 l ,: VROZER NEW GOODS: AT DIGLITTI. DIUBY would hereby inform his friends and TY . customer& and the pnblie ht general, that he has lust received his fall supply of fall goods, cheap and good as usual. 60 mecca black and colored French, English and Amerman Broadcloths, of every quality. 100 mecca black and Caney Cusimeres. MO patterns Vesting*, many o( which can Only be had at this establishment. 60 dor menno, lanthawool and cocoa Shirt, and Drawers. A full and hand...maim of Cremate, iiiik clock SMpenders, Gloves, &c. A large lot of fioe and common white Shim. Also on band, 400 drab,idue and black Mir and 61.- 1w t Over Coats, from $2,50 m 1112,00. 400 dress, Mock, box and sack Coat., from Edo D.lO. A large mock of fine and comunon Yll.llO, Cram SI to 610 per pair. 700 Vests, of various Materials, from 75 cts to 89. A fine assortment of ladies end 'enflame. , Cloaks, always on hand. N. 11—Custom work will receive uunicolar alien don. Handsome garment. and good ht. warranted. Any person in want of - clothing can be he soited to their entire satisfaction, at Y. DIGHV'S cheep Cosh Clothing 800. (26 Liberty st eemelusn --- Olinda of - Pilrlidatiota. d UR friends and the nubile me tespectfully !atom, (Jed Mat Me Reliance Line will erase to ship hoods the Canal from Pittsburgh on the lurk, and from Phi adelphia on the Itth inst. We shall oontunte tk carry goods by railroad and wagons daringliiimer. noel JOHN MeFADEN k. CO J. Bill•Lpr . :l , sl. Bone! !tent Serla d Aelt. 325 Intl k r t eSd Glees r : u' f d ro ;n o ' St eVo7: et c ; r A a manufacturers, a per rent Amellenn test, arriving and tnd for gale by nova Wde Id MITOPIELTHVIP. L IQUEIRS-17 pipesrrandy—houvLiktpuy, &o; 2 ipe. unbend (31u; • 3 ccos N E Rum; • 4110 bble Whiskey; for sale by itorl in m MI PCHELTREE uLk:ACIIIIu ruWDEII.--ro ce•k•Jav tdurpriot Sons' brand, • voporior article, for sale by novd W NI MITCH KLTREE ONV , D AF. L'AVENN—lUtiullov tout !Ivied utd ,r 4 vole by , nov R E ESELLit.:RV UVA URSI-2501be lost reed .11 tor wain oy • nay Ix R NSELLERS GROCERIES, 3x-15U bagi prime Rio Co;dre e 6 h chants Y. ii., Inhpl mid G. P. Tea; 10 catty bzs do do do do; lb begs Pepper; 5 begs Aleplce; st; malty Cinnamon; 2 bale. Clove, tea Frees Merl; 73 bble Large No 3 ftlackli tn. Codfish; 110 be. Scaled Herring; arriv ing and for sale by BROWN & MRKPATRICX, novltt I EAD—b5/ pyr Lead, reed and for sale by novle II.IIEI, MATTHEWS & CO FAIL) -21 kegs eu,d I !Al reed and ter sale by novlo SIDIV, MATTHEWS 4 CO IiObACCO-46 kegs No I and 6tw ;Just teed o fur .le by noylli HANDY, JONES it CO. . . ili4:niklirHEESE-10 b. auperior, for nolo by un•l0 lIARDITOONE. &C LA.IIPS—A lull essonment of Lamps. for Churches and Dwellings, Stores, nteamboals, An. Wholesale and retail W W WILBOI4, noon corner Fourtn and Market sts !?.? , -REkt-i..iirEtiti .. . .. . . ---- 300 m'i, - ...ce.vr. ' - do., just received and for etile by no. J 0 CANFIELD TOBACCO -50 boon's, Honey Dee, superior quell tY, Just recd and fors., by nosIU W & Ft McCUTCIIEON CHOCULATE-50 env No I, ree'd .d lot sale ny nevlU W It riIeCUTCHEON CI a. UOAR CURED lIAMS-4 tierces superior, Just re la ceive4 and for sale:by novln SELLERS & NICOLE IrA . L , LOW-3 bbls Just reed and f j ol j a c iVA ELD " .!WEET SOTATOES—At bbl. Just landing' from la steamer Nominee, and for sale by noata ARMSTRONG A CROZFR_ w INDOW GLASS:-300tili hU. lOU* 14 box 10x14; 00 his 7x Fr; All of AlarteLl'a, Or good order, for solo Of JOHN WATT k. CO, novM comer of LJberry tad Hand IV HITE: PI P E:s—a b.t.; AI e lt r . 7.4;p i No 159 Liberty IOFFEL-140 bag. ibo.wo'd mod for wle by o•tn W t K ktoCUTCHEON MISCELLANEOUS Au onoisrattut ore nonontbN Wand that the farmer; aro the teinal Ruallthsg ota AIL bode of Joan; Coral Ham Rastaratme. If they dada Mr who mo ie . rd, they eILIt these kitkly roapoolaide dd have trd de Mr. Geo. Reek., 41 Elm New YOTE: Mr.. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle ay. Brooklyn.: Mr. 'Wm. Tompkins. PI /Gag et., New York. Mr. Thna Jerks., Mnntours Island, near Pittsburgh E barber steamboat Amoriea. And more Man a hundred others mate, though this mast suffice, Mat at mill force the hair to grow Ott the head offace, stop It falling off, strength.roots, removing scarf and dandruff in. Ms roma, making lightbahy hair assume a fine dark look, and keePt47 dry,ars or wiry heir maim, Sell, Or" add lareaunlal. a vary, very long time, '"Sold by the Agent. Mal. JACKSON, Se Liberty ata Pittsburgh. Price 371, 50 emus, and one dell. autiedtmeT Er LAD/ES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST Um SING'CONAION PREPARED CHALK. They are not aware how frightfully 'Marlon, it la to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how tub. low, yellow, and mihealthy the shin ap• pears after using prepared chalk!' Des sides it is injurious, containing Imie quantity of Lead! We- have prepared a beautiful-regetable article, which are call JUNES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being ;larificil of ail deiced. ens qualities; and it imparts to the skin a newel, beak• thy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the came time acting as a cosmetic Co theskin, making sell and. smooth. Hold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 89 Ldr erty st, Pittsburrh. Price 25 eenu. natetddlaT QT LieriloL6O AND testa rescsmcb—dONES'biltal faa Cheuncal Soap causes a free p.n.s:ion. and as the same time molthes, softens, and whitens the akin, giving n the texture and 'meaty of an infant's. SantsT, Sacs ROE,. AND Sokrirpsre 'soon not only heslcci, but cured by its use, as at law seven Physi cians in New York know, who use it is such. eases, and find it unfailing—as shit in P01L1.23, BLOTCII., FILOCOLO, onroy other skin dis ease, The reader is assured that this is no useless paged nostrum,. ate trial will prove. I could enu merate at least 60 persons cared of . Soon Henn, Peas Lee! AND SO. Ewan.—Bay it, and arc it, and the leader is again assured I woOld not cruelly sell it Ler the shove unless I knew It to hi ail I state. These who see Seidel° CLler.en, Caaaso , as Cnserntxxst, will had.this a cure. Any one alflteuid With any of the above, or OLL3L. Ilar diseases, will find this all and even more (*detail be in its properties) than I ata:e. But, reader, the stases are flooded with imitationts.y and be sure you est het JONKS'S !Isaias Chemical Po b ur hid by WM. JACIZSON, ES Liberty Imo.. g . augGid&wT Tux 911.11.09. y 091.. R./911. is 190191101, Wan repul siv e. an bad, puled bmath, or dark, yellow discus - 'en teeth. If persons have these i iseir own Nett— they can, for two shillings, buy s an a rticlea that will take.their breath pure and sweet as a. Silky +fir s oseia. It cures diseases of the.Gtous, spongy or uleerated. and teethe Teeth it is unequalled, removing the taper, fastening the teeth to Alm gums, and cleat, them MS NIM.O KS the snow vet/m.O.MM North. Such, reader are the properties of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste, sad, withom praising it ourselves, hear what one at our most respectable and scientific Den. lists, Me. &lied, of New Fork, saps: have both used tied enabled this beautiful uditses, palpably oebele, (Jones' Amber Tooth Psste.,) and' can recommend it as possessing all the qualitiesciaius • - ed it." Hendee we can say no mere to convince,.' • only 'that if you try this once you will ha wall pleased. It is put op in beautiful EngliA China PLO, for cents. Sold by the Agent, Whi..JACILSON, efi ty street, Pittsburgh. usigfluid-wr _—.— NW. W. FtA-JiDW A Rkil STORM. SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, lie. 48 Wood p Piot . ararfflo. Hin Foreign and imblvTudtter.. all its varieties, are now prepared to sell as low and on as reasonable teems ao cart be e pased elsewhere, ho solicit oar friends, and th emblie generally,ga call and examine our mons, which consists mu part ue IDNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN SWIMS, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Ilauje Triumange, such as Lucks, Latehea, Hinges and Screws, together with every article usually kept to Hanlarate Stores. We Smite the anent:oil of Carpenters and Mechanics generally to our msertnaeot of Teals, which have bees selected with greet core, and which we are detentiu ed to sell so us to met 9.999.1;Acti0n. etvldAseT Pre ..-roperty las Alieghaoy City for Sale. TRU subsenbers over for ettle a numb. Of Chases Late, eitente In the and We t ed, fronting on the Cammos ground, on easy. tinets. W. 081. ROBINSON. Any af St Clair at et . of JAS ROUINBON, on the peAteiOill vaYl7ll2c.cf PIIk6BBYTIdItIAN BOOM 80',3gys, NO 'YU WOOL/ STREET% • Ire watal.l will be_lutind for side Pa assOrtmetil of voldable Boat...AT..comprised toe series of about FOUR HUNDILKII dig:wept pub lications, tor which catalogue., can's. had on twist/ea u,' sr... e . g. many standard works in TbeoLsay r Ittoarapny, itleturd and published by Uto Preitbyterian .Publicatiou in Philadolphi. and well ad:toted tor b.blrath :reboot, Congregational, blinituhrs' and Private Librisie, keno:• sale.. to purchase inch books, are inv.- led as call and extantne the seaman:len:. • The Depo , ilorV of tito Pennsylvania 13lble Society is kept at the_ roans. ortPalteortmS DEICIN TH,A. STORK:. HE et:Ascribe:- Ita., just ivccived at tie Pekin Tea 3:ste t 70 Foust!: street, a very joryr end well se-. !toted stork of awe Olth:EN AND BLACK TEAS, awes Neve York, all of which has been received in lb/s ecrlatry since the first of Febrnary last, consisting Or all the different evades grown-is: the Celestial Eutptn% Our quell twine tououg the largcstio the We rt, we are prepared tu wholesale, oar better teems than arty othor— houre in the city. We Invite re tail grocers to call an& cznutior cur stock and prices. They ears have it peek ed it: and Ilb peak ens, slb thsettunistera, or by nelfcho-:s, to rut: their conseque. Our marl prices vary for Oolong, nce Mark Teas fin= cts. to V...1,A.a.pc, Of.; :Sing Young Sot. hong. 40 eta: Coupe:Lb, d Ertelirlt Breakesst 10, Young Hywn. Gunpowder and Import:11, from -xi to a 1,15 per lb. Parralms are Tupeplea to send and get samples at of ourTeay. and try :hem hefore purchasing. (o,l:tur9 A. IA l'At ES. 70 Fourth. street RI T 43 PILINTARS. %/to r a h r • in'palr of Casea. 43 foents Fancy Letter, different:xi:as; MD Newspaper Cuts; Skips Leans, out to order, to (Imposing tiitirks; to kegs ProuVat News Ink-, Watts Galley, Colninaltalei, Brass Ihtle. o( all descriptions, So. . A..lArlal, - NPein (e r ne Store, I'D Fauna tit —Orders receive-I (ernes, Tcoe initOdiari • • •• C. 730. W. &TUTU. i CU.. NFOlthl their (new], and the public that they hare no linger any entiunettoit with their late establish eet Pt Pena street, known as the Pittsburgh Menu:. roi removed tr.:, eal/113 basin.. to the w.t.i . t•ur. in lir alr“, ,010,1 y. TO BUT ittRS OF DIRT GOODS! AAT R. :MURPHY, at fionL clot corner of Founts kT nod Market so, is now ititaiVill, his second supply for the sea..., dean offer inducements to buyers ertely to Ire met with, His swortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS Is very fail, cmusivring of French Merinos, Cashmeres, Cohusgs, Lynnera cloth., super Printed French Cash mere. s7Cpriecs consilerably lower than they could Le boded early to the season. Ilia sunk of LONG SHAWLS • - Is large, and embraces many Of the beautiful styles now on exhibition ut Fraultha Instßute, Phltad'a. BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS , Of, new rind very It:redden:us rryles, .Velvet Trim mings, dw. . • SACKING FLANNELS, Vatinll3 style, and quoloies, pier, and embrolidemi l Black Silt Lakes, Needle Worked Cotters and Curti, Bonnet Satins 'and Velvet flowers, Caps aid Feather*. • HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of We newest styles, and at lower prices-gun usu end rich changeable Silts and Satins, I'M Mnaull died and u largo stock of STAPLE AND HOIJSEKEEPEN GOODS,, at lowest price. And in the gentlemen's department wilt be (mord Seth FRENCH FILACIi AND FANCY COL'S) cLoTns; Black Winter Vesting., Fancy Cassinicres, Underanne ntit;Draisers, Craeus,TockeiLlantli kereinets, Ac tol-Mereh.te hre :oohed to 'Wt. the iTholessie Rooms, op *Lein. *ear, - LI.LO/1 FALL GOODS! A,Llrlefl:Fr.at npg ,72'r7,;°.`..tiTd7treldatif2 teat May horn received their mock of Fall and Wide tee GOODS;direct front the imparters, manufacturets and auctions at the east. Their stock of new style atid fashionable Goods is large, and presents strong amain M ona to purchasers. Ladies Dress Goods IBS tiltrarts, the most splendid and fashionable Goods the action are now offered, at remarkably low prices eonsiming in part of the following LADIES' DRESS GOODS. New style Broth% fit's Carnelian Silks Cold and Mack Satin Du Cheney. and Marc Satium Cefd (.larbehait Groderhine of the best qualities; , Blank gloat' Grodericns tithe celebrated Eagle nmoufactare. The abort, named Black Silks are warranted nal* oat in the wear; foraresses and mantillas they &ratite best imparted. Neat Bald Carnelian Saun Du Mena, the handstim+ Silks of me seam). New style Drorha Silk figured French Mentass, ja new and splendid artisle for ladies' walking drew. Silk Embroidered Trench De Laines, for arena. slid nets, tut entirely bow article. Cashmeres, De Lain.; 'Merinos, &Bianca's:o Pai large assortment. SHAWLS AND eiCAELFS! • oho Long nod :iguana Stukorls,sf the boa WWI Plaid Long Shawls', or the newest designs, rerm4- ably ekecr• • srdeocirt Terkeri Shawls, at greatly reamed p oises. C4IYGI/011 Brocha 6..gd Silk Shawls, sit great variety. Crape Shawls, white sad colored, In greet cancer. CLOTHS, CASSIMER.D.S.AND VESTINHS!, Berl Foilan real French Twined Cloths, all prim; best San relit French Cusionerec new style AM. , low Cassimeres; !Miler Htlrill.lkllllllrll. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! • French and Belgian Black and Olive Cloths, far La. dies' Cloaks. BL ,LNICETS! _ . . A splendid amoruncot of Am •ricut and imported Blankets, at remarkably low prices. DOMFSTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A lass, and complete assortment mw on band,— Many of oar present stock of Staple Goods were bought from the manufacutrerspremoas to the prase= advance in prices. A principal part of oar mock of French and English goods have been purchased mike great Avedon Sales to Philadelphia mid New York, which enables us to odes decided bargains in Miaow every dgptlon of goods in our hue of busineak Couttiry mri Mrchant:, Merchant Tailors. sad all wholesale and reran buyers, era invited to au only examination or our mock an d prices. ALEXA.NIIEII. a. DAY, 75 Mashes at, oceN north won conic. of the -Diamond. • ks:SPRICSS PACILIET LIME. FOR PEILADMPIIIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively for Paanagers. ttto'a a. z ..httra - The Mama thilV Ltne will lona follow*, at y o'clock at milltt: Ohio—A Craig, Foday, Nov. 16th. Kotostuna—.l P Thompson, Sate May, 17th. Itultana—P Burke uatlay. Kntucky—Copt 1l ?run, 3londay, Ohio—Caps: A Cre.m, Tuesday, Wok Loutslana—f P Thompacm, Itutiana—P thakey, Thur.:lay, SILL Kentucky—Copt Fruity, Priday, 211 Oloo—Can A. Cram, Bata:tin, :Nth. Louttiana-1 P Thompotok Sunday, 11:41s. ludaaa—P Barium, Monday, 28th. Kentucky—ll Trubyi Tuesday. 870. ' Ohio—A Cram, Wednesday.Mlth. Louisiana,../ r Thompson, Tharitlay, ISM. Ind tana—P Durk cy, Friday, WM. • For pasanEe apply to mon SUTC or D LEFZH I,tt H. in'tt"' 7:RESII liubboveder and Yaallf r ilyaoa of onperior qualtly, Lt bf edegs,l. and 6 paarlloar,jurt recd mud for rale by noval 1. tr.. EIITCHELTREE ucri. sALTs—iu.-- • rl acaa . k.-i F*Zati a L ic l4 ° lr:l3 ENNETT (KEEN APPLES-40 banal Run., and otbai chows varietiev, in store and for eels by ; nasty . ARMSTRONG CROZER'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers