. . . . antoPos4u.s Vol, utkIAN GOODS. Dzrasnatass ci rs fail:Lama . , . Oleo Irma Maims mists 110,1619. L b., glLaiD PROPO S ALS 'win bo nudged at tat M ks tabs Ocasatissottatr ollnollan Nesdre at Wash. Cllr, tall lastaltat on.Thuraday, am lot day anal, for fa:Woking , tat following goals la go assaults annexed, ea tbe i reaboate, for the use Otis ra4sm, and deliverable in the city of :kw . - 8 400 palts.2 paint white Mt: kin. blankele, 10, . menus 80 by '72 Inches, and weigh eight IsO pairs 21 polo white Mackinac blankets, to Agewntre 5.1 by 66 inches, and weigh inx pounds'. 1,175 pdra4,point white Mackinac blankets. to alsewalre 42 by 56 Inches, and weigh Eve AS* vaster pounds. point white Mackinac blankeis, to ASKIISIIIO 36 by SO inclea, and weigh her ahaskia gutter pone& 600peipt,l.peint white Mackinac blanket*, to ..2,,,,:1'erte11#05 54 by 46 inches, ind weigh three sad. %quarter pounds. 4400.pers 3, point scarlet Mackinac blankets; to measure - 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight P 0 3 36 1. was Pairs 24 point seed Mackin att blankets, to . mason .6i .by 66'inches, and weigh six HO *id 3 t Pointgmee Mackin= blankets, to tliMnitee 66 by St Inches, and weigh ten 2110(kimitt8 point green Mackinac blankets, it, measure 00 by 12 Inches, and weigh eight wands. IMO peas 31. point emu Msohles• blankets, to ' maim 51 by 66 inches, and weigh nix peon& , up pairs pad geniinalla *blue Mackinac Nantsts, to measure . 66 by SS inches, and wahriften pounds. 400 pelts 3point gentinelablue Mackinac Men . bits, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh .300 a ti6 =tt gentinelli blue Multiuse te measure 51 by 66 inches, and pl~jh di. wnids. I,OOS, yards scarlet woo ds. NO yards blue weeds 1800 yards fancy, list cloth, blue. .150 yards Ailey list cloth, scarlet.. 350. yards fancy list cloth, green. loxpo yards gray list cloth, blue. P,oooisrds saved lid cloth, blue. 0,000 rya saved list OA, scarlet. • 800 yards saved list cloth, green. 223 pounds wonted yarn, 3 fold. /.0 0 ,...n cotton Sag handkerchiefs • -290 dozen &midi Hiram bandserchiefa . i. 115 ticiinin Wichita handkerchiefs. 90 dazes 84 canon inswls. l down 04 cotton shawls. 415 doses 44 cotton shawls. 40.daten134 woollen shawls. 55,000 yards domestic also. 5,00 0 yards English and French calico. 10000 yards MerritniEk calico. 8,500 yards blue drilling. 11,000 yards Genres stripes 4,oooyards blue denims. I,oooyards cottonade. 7,000 yards dcciestic shirting, blenched. 15,000 yards domestic shirting, unbleached. 15,000. yards domestic sheeting, unbleached 8,000 yards cheeks, stripes, and plaids. 400 dogen woollen socks: 7,000 yanis'plaid Linsey. 2.500 yards Munn* assorted. 1,600 damsel slam 700 calicos shims 630 pounds linen thread. 550 pounds cotton thread. 400 down spool cotton. Nos I to 30. 60 pounds sewing silk. 700 *ow riband. assorted. .000 yards bed ticking. 1,000 yards Sennockyjmutz 300 yards sattinets. 150greas wonted gadering. 203 wands Chinese vermillion. 20 dozen silk handkerChiels, bark & liaade • 150 pow (way and clay pipes. Hardware. 1,790 pounds brass kettles. 11.60 tin kettles. 76 nests' of japanned kettles, 8 in a neat. 276 dozen butcher knives. 26,000 gun beta .25 grow squaw zwLs. 7,000 Ash hooks. 25 dozeclsh line. 10,000 needissoussonadi • 100 dos:ono:who, assorted. 10 down winces, wooded. 10 gross gnu worms. 12 dozen axes, to weigh rpm .11 to II pout: 50 dozen half axes, to weigh 31 pound. j 24 dawn hatchets, to weigh II pound. ilsiiewitural Implement, ,te. ma, to weigh from 41 to 51 pounds. 400 ha/faxes. to weigh 31 pounds. WO hilast.l.o weigh 11 pounds. •-951 broad axes. MO drawing knives,l2 tackier, in length. 700 autenkin equal proportions of li, 1,1, end inch. 150 palm homes. 750 pairs taus chains. MO meads Manhole. 1.500 weeding hoes. 175 bead um 40 crow= am., 7 feet in length. 40 coms-cot lam 6 Met in length. 100 mad-saw gle. „ _ 150 eratorotit law Ales. tO log ehalui, to weigh 25 pounds each. 930 Whittemore cards, No 10. 700 quarters !locket chisels. 90 planes, Om and jack. , ' Roraima GUIS.. Nor Mentor inns, two-thirds of which matt • utemore 313 loam in length of barrel, mid miothird 42 inches, tobe delivered in the cal of New York or Philadelphia, as may be te finked. • 'samples of all Um above articles.. deposired In the Mks of dub Canutussioner of Jodi. Attu.; cod It my be properto remark that those of hardware, seri cultural Implements, and northwest gums are entirety new, nodal better quality .than the wale les herctolate Pkumidled under ,former commas_ propegah may be divided into four parts, VI/. libManteta U. Day Goods. • liarderazir, to incldde agricultural implements, Le. • 41.1. bfinkwest gm. . Thakrerest compete= tesponsible bidder mill receive tkmldeals or anyjuutt of the contract according to t he . the Department reserving to trrelf the right m determine whether the bidder is competent end re- apaivials, Of MIL The whole amount in money to be applied to the InVeltise of goods will be about $90,1:00, but the ',- punned reserves therright to inctewe or diminish the • situtalitY:f Wye( the ducks named, or sobs:Ade oth -era In he thereof, ores require, at similar die., such no may be wanted for presenta or other purposes., to the adownbtration of the affairs of the Department Goods of Ameliaae mannbicture,all other ming, being 'equal, will be preferred; but as ell the samplee of bloabeto cloths are of forciert manufadure, it Ayill be mead% when *domestic article i 1 bid for, 'hate sample !fit should accompany the bid, to enable the Dope/Impel to decide whether It le of equal :quality With the Simples to be. exhibited. ' The party di:pada; to .apply the articles will melee an blvoice of all the items embraced lu the above lin, ella the dices, in dollars and rents, at which be or they will famish them, deliverable in New lois, (or it themetractor prefen tr, about one-half of the quantity maybe delivered to St. Louis, Missouri, free ^ of expense lathe Dovemment,) on or before the 11th day of Mays neer, - eastuninetbe quantity of each ntd aNuspeetfied to this advertisement, sod extending the eoge,rasking ut segregate ol the whole invoice eetesdrateng the bid. The f oods .4) be Inspected in New Writ., (and In St. Loam, Duly portion of teem amid be &dewed there) by an agent of the United /Moe, who will be a7pointed by the Depatunent for itssau. ketatl spew, audio ascertain the confornuty of tile pure with the samples exhibited, when tits contract shall be made, and with the terms of hoe .1605tIllet lualf,whlch shall cadent a. citlne that If the *Whales are not throbbed within the time prescribed, Grit they are of insufficient oddity in the opinion of the spar aforesaa4 _and if within .five days after 1.- fte of such inatMekwey the party shall net farn.sh othaesin lien thereof of the required quality, the Uni ted Stases shall be utheria d to purchase then, of Mbar* sad to charge any 'nerve. , of price they nt ay be compel ed to pay therefor, to the contractoe, tall° shall pay the said differenceto the United State.. Meads will be required, le the mount of the bids; Willi two good sureties, the eufbcieney of whom to to • *added by a United States lodge or District *nor. may, kW faithfal parfonnanee of the contre-ts. truant Wilt* made after the eontrad is .completed the dellvaty of the pada as aforesaid an ey.tat of dm rwpartonnt, open a duplicate invoice ce tuned by Idea to be marked "Propos/a for In- dian geode . The tdds will be sabraltled with the following head lag, end area will be received till are not made it OM fixed ILIA tams here prescribed: !I(bWIN) propose to banish for the service of do udiso, Dwutillint .the following goods, at the pri eei 11a201 ID *MI mapectively, , . tam insert the lie Of goods. Deldlienble.in the city of New Item (or SOW° 16/ OP ' 01 belbrithri ...4 .i. , .er4 and in case or thi IliblundadMl-Of NS proposals, the quantity being pre seethed by. the Ilithartmen; I (or we) well execute oppugn tO this agreement,. end glee relic Astrborrimedziry - in the Department within ten day. riser the serorputher a of Oda bit and to case et forum IlignirdAnte• Mach trinteict, and give such sectirl,), I WWII) will pry to the United Statei the diffcrenec be tbieget: the sou bidden by me (army) and the the which the United Mate. they be obliged to pay for di, maul arielern a • Etch sad cwt . y bid wart also be accompanied with *pygmy id the following form, to be signed by one at zumwsellprilmible persons, 'Mimi suffimency moat 3:4667011W by some one who 'ls knows to the Imps rt. rem, either personally or , by his client • aupg we)) itemtry gnandity that --, the at?, e Udder, brill empty with Ore terms of the advertise .yagas fair tropoititbi for Indian goods, davd Cep mew, 1.60, the cecina should:be awarded to hire, end weer IMO bond for the GICCIWOO of the sumo . as Clio PIX•Ci O . 4-" • • ORLANDO BROth rr, • ; • ...dlothrolanoner of Indian Affairs. oelisainlatNo• CrifOTlCS—?6e bine for opening tsa Ikids ts ex Irpbagto aka Ist dog of December net, at 10 ektOsk A.V, fizOttio dor of &atm of the goods to the is 3 11 : 11 a; 191 % The RaPlation forbidding extracts • Isa islig.frosstba contracti of fanner years btu bee • sombiftoo. 001111.4D001 DE. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. Ws Rats bees to be Mn. gm of owl*. vol. 'armed Weer by Dos 4/WWII Altorativoe et web rims Its edeniedity env revery other rembit of the Ned. Sho Ilea Idea *dieted for the lass eLtteeci t eere ,tsph NECROSES of WRITE lON HUMUS, ancteled ssill Al 1 toad ado! laden of 'ludas bone. In toes of ate have Idea discharge d lova land boos of I.M *Halm, from bath bet erns. NNW owl Audi s end tram bate legeould from e left ONION& botte.sal from the eget toott e beddes p th e,pfnl WWI ON Neat pestle( bee peTtION Villa hi.. Wiled NINO el Assobet of U. mod eminent peysiethAs of S .41h2111 Nod of the Cod kit nderlots esee eed deplorable. AtetteS three motto , issme ,64, Z_Ala eta , 1-• 1111111KIINI.me PEA An/ Lags, sod esalisqc tei 101110114VOIS =Woo he genertfloalth so till itherieet we INNINIS Ma bolero dee coadtesteed mew ,: if , ,le . eat. rya. yog. ~, rr -.. otlbs.Xoar No 111 P 4 , sktia .. • PEA non. NPR ;7' MI PR Al Kardwic Or Galvanic Mae bine. for Sale owe braying eonstroAly tin hand Or oeir „Ire rompu rich by ffireeetlone for their prop, In nil taPe , of disease. ae well as (or I isleanirom moat. in the oettest manner.. Pao experience thr treatment of dteeafes has led him m ot elieve that there are few eerie*, Ifany, whieb may n be advsnmoinitely vot ed .y a proper app'icatroa or the ea , ennie said. The mon satudiletory Iretimoinsle' e given of retro having been effected of differriit dieear, mint, of Which were deemed incurable-in the °Mine ry molten , make; and on pereane trnneen among en. to whom reference, may i.e peen • Pereone afflicted with Obron e th.it,o or any kind, ate impecially Invited to roll and re amine these 1r..- mantels for thernselvee . •.MEDICINES, too, prepared by the noel eureeeeru. practitioners in the ,net Roil toy ttion cOnneenott with or FITISTaiI: from the n00n... will constantly be kept on hunt!, wan ihreetirme (hi nee Single operations an the molt rereirrele wrma. Office No. CI Sr. Clair et, neer the Old Ant...holy Bridge. oprlStdly' A. WI.:STERVV.I.r unt TreruNoW4l:lo . o. - „, • 111 ,Ittikifidi lull d i: ninon - 111 ~ 14' ral" J—lrma 1. 1-01 . OE Cr rM=Mi Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COM1?0IIIPD EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, Tha most Wonderful Medicine of the Age, 1,500,000 BOTTLES NIANUFACTURED YEARLY. Thle Bledletoe Is pot lap to lat!ert Bottles, and haa cured mon than 100,000 Oases of Chronic, Disease, Within the lest Ten Years,—.ll one Is Denolns mica •Igned by 8. P. TO WIYISIC.ND. EXPOSE BY RF-ADDIG THE FOLLOWLYO AFFIDAVIT '—aatifthlic will team the ongi, or rather where the recipe for making the stud they colt Old Dr: Jacob Towiteend's Sarsaparilla, ram. form—and will be able to judge whlchb the genuine and original. and of the hoeesty of the men who are employed in selling it Rs the 'original Dr. Towroentra Sarsaparitht Dr. B. P. lbwasend wee the original proprietor and inventor of .34 Townsend'. Sarsapari ll a, and hit medicine los rain reputation that no other remedy _ever gained. • S e emaragmbared over one million of bottles WI year, and is manufacturing at prveent 4000 bottles per day. WO MO More Bareaptrilla mad Yellow Dock in oar eetablislunent leech day, than all the other Sarsaparilla libutubcturals in the world- haw* Ofike, IBS Ifilltoreet PlAioyy:saW:l4rpilAvyyl City sad Cotraty a/ Nato-Fmk se Minima Annstmag, of the mid Cltr, being duly worn, data &pore and ay; that ke m a practical and Chemist That sums time ho the latter Fu r l c ral t ihry, or test of .1 rule, ,ISM, a man by the name of Jacob Townssod, who at that time was a beck .al ITepeddler, called upon deponent, at the bonze Thompson, No. 42 fludainstmet, when depo. nant boarded onal redposated deponent to write Min a Maim by which tn. make a 'Syrup of BarsaparOLL Deponent further nye. that to became acquainted With mid Townsend at the ,dine of Theodore Faun Drat., Book Publisher, with whom mid Townsend dealt The said Toomend had tad frequent ecoirrerm Bias with deponent tsspecting the romullattre of .0 *Melva Bansparilla to be .014 ringer the name of Dr. JeookTownsenel. That mid Townsend statedio ems an old man and poor, mei was mot fit for hard Inber—md wished to maks some money, In order to live eo,y In his MI days, and thaLif Barstparill• uoder the cameo( Town mad mid so vrell, and eo much money was made by IL he could no. no to why he might not make something out of it to, (hi. on being Townsend.) if he could get • mpable person to prepare a recipe, and manufacture it for him.. Deponent in one of the couversatkma eakedmid Townsend if he mu related to Dr. EL P. Townsend, to which he replied, that he knew Dr. 8. P. Townsend would be dollen on him alter he Mould commence. But that he del zest care for him, ea be had formed a co-partnership alai man who could (tarnish the requisite amount.' capital—unit wee well pinqueed to defend bowel' wait. ,my attmk But ntighthe made on Um • Dapaaeut forthee sa) 4 that pursuant to the request of said Jacob To•triveed.srnhc a 1,•111 for We teanufaenare of a oyrup at harsaparilla. gni, it to him. .10 Townsend abscised that hr. .veutal u• iliac a specimen to .extutut to ha for that a approval, as be wished to great) - them to t cry-thing. they famished all the capital aid Townsend told deponent that the bottles they sere to use wen• to the Of the same lase and shape as De o P. Town _ sandt, cal deponent, at gle request of and /keel , Townsend, weal to the 4aSce of Jr. To e -went end procured one of his labels. And deponent further says, the he hos been Inform 6,1, and verily believes the Syrup of rarseinnlls. sold ae Old Jacob TowroenPa, is made after the 1• •ur ebbed by deponent. 00 lecub Townsend, so atorensol. And farther deponent sloth not WILL lANI . ARMSTILONCL Swam to Wore me, Mielitt diy of May, IS4O. c. s. NV0Q13111.71.L, Mayor of the city of Now Port PROOF!! PROOF!!! Here Le proof conclusive ther Dr. n P. Teal:L.lld%. eatesparilla Le the oriltinaL The following ii from cum of Use omit respectable papers iu this Mato FROM TILE Albany Evening Journal. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Than probably nerer hat been so popular a remedy. or patent medicure, as Dr. Townsend...a harupsoilla width wax originally, and continues to be manufsc. tetrad In this city, at Ent by the Doctor himself, and afterwards for several•reara and to the present time, by Clapp le Townsetul, the present propnetors. Howe the partnentup was formed. the Doctor has:resided to New York, where he keeps a store, a.] attends to dm business that accumnlates at that Duet The menu. factory D In this city, and is conducted by the ;unmr =er, Mr. Clapp—here all the medicine I. manufm• •. Few of our eitizem bare any idea of the amount of tide medicine that is manufactured and sold. Beside. the Wes la this country, It is nhipped to the Camila, West India Wends, South America, and even to En• rope, in conaidemble giunatitiea At the mmufictery they employ steam engine, besides • large number of men, women and girls, in the preparation of the zombelne, maidng Omen, printing. kc. and torn mit ready for shipment, over MO dozen per Jay. or nearly 5000 bottles. Thin an enormous quantity. The great cola the medicine boo acqutrekhan in duced a number of men to get it fi imitations, and Mere 10 elite present time. other medianns for sale, Met are called Dr. Townsend . * SarnaparillAr One in pii• ticular started's short time ego in New York, I. cell*.! P Old Doctor /mob Townsendl Parsamuilln," end parently with is New, by dint oDadrertising, and the mita! onmedizi resorted to In ouch efforts. to appropri ato the name of Dr. S. P. Townsend's great reined), end Um gain el the advantages resulting . from the pomilarity of the name which he has acgmred for it, by years of patient arid asp* ire labon. Dr S. P . rot Torrmend, formerly of this city, to wall known here, is the lurentor and anginal pprietor of the Medicine Imown as • Dr. Townmodl Sarsaparilla,' and we think Moss persons who are attempting to sell Ihelr article as the gentdne, should be exposed. ' • Flit3M THE New York 0.1.117 Trlbano. Oct- W. published an advertivemeat inadvertently knee time since that did lvdastice to Dr. R. P. Town send, who is the original proprietor of the preparation of Elartaparilla 'known to Dr. Townsend'. Other 'parties have within the past few months ervaavl or connected themselves with a tnan by the name of Townsend who pot op s medicine and calls it by the lrams ems. This medicine was advertised in The /Trams milks onlginaL kr.. This advertisement also contatossi Matter derogatory to the character of Dr. ,14 P. Towessod and that of bla medicine. We regret lit appoarod, end Janine to the W. make this ea FROM THE: • Few York Daily Sun Da. Towmaxsok extraordinary advertisement,which occupies m entire page of the Sri, will not escape otice. Dr. 11 P. Tenneco& who oWe original pus printer of Dr. Townsend'. Sarieparilla, mil whose of I Am is next door to max where he Las been fur Wirer .1 years, Is driving an immense bluiness. Ile receives lest than four hundred dorm of Sarsaparilla per day, and even this enormous quantity doesnot supply the demand. Pie medicine mer gained uni grew • popularity as his preparation id the Sarsaparillx edition of Almanacs for 1849 coat $4 O 0 and he hes mid the Now York Sox for advertising, in the loot boo yam; over 510,000, mu/ mkramledgm that It is the cheapest advertising he has had don* This medicine la exported to the Darwin, West In din. South America mid kurope, is consalerable quantities, and is oming halo general ma In those countries, as well .. here. • 'windier& Drug:girth and °then thit.sell gernaparilla for the genuine and original Dr Townserath Seratherilln Nat le not aigned by 8_ P. Townsend...omit. e fraud. and thriallse the customers. Men that ',mild be Pat/ of moban wet,would comma any other fraud —endm Druggiat arm.. Ithelligetthe but tomer Oat oath Ythe only plank.. Old Jamb Tawnsagod . . a re . . Some people se o not well Wormed, and hare not read the pen, and at seen our Oral/Dements, hare ban led to supper', that because these men ad. sera* their /Old Jacob Towanda," that It seat, of canna, be the otiglal. It Is lose than one pda elara they commenced 1,, make their Enedicha as r *eau lalhe market over too year.. tido Old Jacob Townsend phy=eiVroring to palm off on the public es 1„ is It. la tot a regular educated rhreicten, end never attempted to marntfacture • med. maw. orittl Duke men hired him for the use of his motor They ear they do cot wilt the people to he here that thew Sarsaparilla la oun, or the tame—hot the hatter to deulve the ptilm, they at the same Unie einert that their% I. the Old Dr. Towmenti% and the °flickedl and endeavor to make the people believe that the atuff.they menufecture, is the Dr. Twernsend• Sartalwrillk that hee performed to mem wooderful curse err Our pe!t ten yes" end !which Les gained a reputation*Olch no other medium, ever enjoy W e in • bask unprincipled fakehood We LIM GOMM= 414 sults eicalnat these men let damage. We erbh It robe understood. tea tee old wee is no Megan to Dr. Tawneend wester sr In their ad wntleamerita and Discolors, they publiah a number of von faiita respecting Dr Townsend which we will oaf nods. n=c=mi Oar oppoorpti here pehhabed ha the raper,. the Dr. & 1.-Toe/meat wee deed. Thia the, seal tothei deed the conntryorho report to, „„ bedews, he. ke. The public , elarold be e. h. guard, end not be deceived by those onprioci plod ma Node • rf Rsoureol.—Ml ftrst of uoptomtor, fig, Dr . 6 S. Townsend 's Now Yeei. °aka will b., to the for* Baptist Church. No od Ner•scs strut whlch 1. or undsrgbing • thorough <hone, ood mill be NIA in the better ersommodetios; of ID s Odors god Oa pabllc. Ma_ yertaresw iforfes.—No Earruposills Es tho =oXst °Seo at Ds. Terwrosadb Surraporillo, sus nod by 6 P. Dreasead. •• , isieres.—Raddleg . .Co, N. II - Stsle.street. end Mts. Ridden No , ItO:Coarktreet, Boston ;• Banal sides Jr. lormr11) *my Stott, Salm me. B. Owen. W or cester; Slaws h Molt, Gramm' ; J. Aikli k goo, Proven" t rod bg Droggista sod Nor shawl parocgtenst the baited Sofas, West Win lust the ref Ws by IL E. SELLERS, Solo .}gear , for PlM re4 D. M. CORRY; Allegheny; A. PATTERSON fIRWORIds repll7Sll TIUNSPORTATION LINES. -- Youngstown and Now Castle Canal I FLIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE Packets. __Cl:rile:. f.. 0,,,,„.,,„, PHILADELPHIA, HAI.TINIDEIE& NEW I'IDIE riMIE packet ItEAV En. Card SMo!c} . till ledge VI. ,INESS on the CaJtal. being now re , uom.d. mt• I Reset, re,ulerly on Moing. Wgoloe-day and 11 P "'Pr''' . "'" ""' ''''''' L "' r.. "' , ''''''. Frnla, evenings at 01 . 11 , lull arrive at Younmeown I .. - Pol , te dont Mt , 00e PraPore , m :00 ,,, c ..:.1 tr ne et morning ia -r. cloe I-- return tag. ',aye, 1"oung• "'Ls' F"''''' w '" , dv ' r" ''''' 31 ' 1 ' l "'" " "' to , Tur.day,'rne r ,,l e , ~,o t ~.t , ,,,by .- v ,,g„,, , g o "ri 0y m0n...1 also gall Oto anent.. of ..hlt.po r.E ot 1' M., nod tench Hearer 111 1/1/) , for 11, 111,1 ti-V., ha.. e:dr.l to thr t. et that the Drat. rm:' , Ded t.Y mem no A I.l.hailIENV CLIP l'Eti, ouriving at Pitt•burgh at ' tedtegmJ!....o”` ...."'. 0, I ''' . "'. r " m " . "'“" '', Id o dock exp..r.ro.od r :gnat. The packet HAREAWAY, Capt. Downing. woil 'Shmptr• of Meat Inßulk - gni' h o da advantagooma lelve Heaver Tuesday, TNormlay and .aturda .. even. In hip icy this lane, a, au. stot,grawr. goo, n..... 0 ..r. mar at 0 P. M., rentimonc, leave Nero Co,io, MmLday. ' rator''men'• at ''. l. " . '" . °' hav " url. '''''•". '.' ''''' Wednesday and Friday evading. at 6 P Al. n.po von. tirnore handed dirmtly Com Imam tr. cur, ;hereby ea necung Witb Me tommtng boat for Pittsburgh. • ving v.:trot:M.o had. .. These ,0. , 0 - arc fitted up in complete order, tza, I Preight m Philadellogat goes clear througl. to ihr thg fine oe 0 Imq t 11.10. for pax...engem and shippers , boa.. may rely 0 , s o .0,- runetuallty and greater deapaten No charge made fo l r i rocrivlng dapping of ml, angina Man hn. ',I,- b••n .pained on Meese roates.• charge,. IER & J. INF..', Proprortor, I'. M. FITCH & Co., Proprietor. Cana: Itanot. Segcntli,treet. .1 . V./I:dwell, Agent. Pittsburgh. AGENTS—John A. Slni..v, Cmeilt,.ntt. Iv, ..1 no Me -0 Ilotwell & Jiro., - Mayor. Collough &Co Caltimorr; Jo. Steel 0 Co, P•aladel- A. 1) .' acoha. " Youngstown. phial Eranms A 'Photon., Columtdd. sneb3l D. W. t , oJnjoithom."Nr`v Castle. ITENIIPSYLVACIA I; A./tiAl. il. --- 1(. ROADS, The elegant atesuner,ALLEGIIENI"CLAPPF.R. will !rove Beaver. daily nt .A. M.. and Pittaburgh at :t I'. 0 - ........g=C. 1849 . ft .. 4Q 4r 11. tumult., to vonnecoon with the above boats. told ~ .--,..c.4.- . -.‘....n. '- . • 41' • 01 ea=lB49.arEAMA Warren and Cleveland Passenger Line. CAII6I Packet—SWALLOW. —IIOEAN. (NE of Ile above Pocked, !rave Beaver every day / (Sandays excepted) and arrive next morning ut Warren, when th ey connect with the Molt Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving ...Itch of the, plaera ,efnre night. ono nt the - oneket.. leave Warren daily at r , P. hi., and arrive at Beaver in tone to take the morning 1... t :or Pat...burgh. C E S LEFFINOWELL & Co, Warren, ? hi TAYLOR, tin 5 Pro' • ••••••, JOHN A CAUWIEr, Agent, spla comer Water and Ilanithfield nu dattMl 1849. UNION LINE, =1211:031 Caws , . tc CIUJIIfi Clcreand, t prone . R. G. Beaver, 1 , Ille I.mo wail I, prep. cd on the opening of nevi notion. to tron•portneigh( and - Pawners from TrelleßGLl and CIA: \ ELAND, to al point on - . the Canal nail Lakes. The fwilitirs orthe Line are binsurpossge neither, qualoy and capacity or Roo., exporleneo of Ospßens, ni ettetency or Ageats. One Boat !caves Pittsburgh ond Clovelogg golly, 'an alog in connection with the Blowers LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Iletweco Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a lino or Mt class Steamers, Propellers sod Vessels on the links. Aoorrs—ll G Park, Romer. Po. • . . Jcs•e Buldwm, Youilmown. (ink, M 11 Taylor, Warren, Cymru Proffura, Ravenna, Wheeler re Co, Akron, Crawford Cc Chamberlin. C and, 0 Seam Er Griffith. Buffalo, Office, co r Water jd O S H IZAZr t r..9 I Cf• n A r r ili n . tnehtfl:ly IBEAV.I4II. PACTCETS. • Steamer MICHIGAN No.S—Cum. Stlacm LAKE IBMS. •• do n CA m d fro Be . and will cont.:nue to Am between Ibusburmi and itsIINCT regularly durum the 11C31.01, 0110 Michikan No. lenyei Piaaburgh daily at olock, A. M. mid ar one: ai o . olt,ck. P. Lott: Ell, ,eale+ Bearer truly o'r k. A. hi.. on. Pitf.burgi• at 3 o'clock, P. -31. • . , 'Fn ese steamer. wrl run rt rounretion with R 6 Park.' Elm.. I.neket Luw, for Fine{ • Tsrlor k Lemur weln Warrtga Packets; ljuk,n Line of Freightfrr Cl.,volund; Chaim it Co'e Phyammi, Une Fro goat.. it t Para. daily New Ci,tin Pankel, CLARKE, PARKS A. Co. Deaver, Agents. JOHN A. AyAr.L. metal .. eor Wit:, and Saliftdield 1849. / swat PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND ON TILE I'ENN:3I'LVANIA AND 01110 CANAI— , . lIE Propnetn , ofthisod enttbl,hrd sod rwintlar doily bac. entu.t.ting•t‘tFlXTEEN Canal I.loau. awned by thern•el‘re rpld ...lull; in rt.. , :tott with the .team Wain ILIA VI :11 AND CALEB COVE, ore cnablrd to rider 1,...4..11:,1 (.111“ , , far the trummortatlon ar,tl ott lilt apenttiF of Canal nn vtgml ton. to po:11tA 031 the rcnn .ylvartia and Olog and Id. York rands unct the Lone, E N. FITCH* CO. C.- veinnd • DiDWELL h BROTHER, g,,nts. hear or J. C. BIDWELL. Arent, ma, Watrr Atctro... I:caver. BIDWELL k BROTHER Forwardin.!lltrchitut:, ANantsfor th,Piadaere ane. , (70,./am:( Isar, Puts. burgh and Erie Lair rtaErin, nod. ..a-n Goal.. Bearer and Calth Cap& 11.tvin‘ ourchn,d the largo and anb.tantoo N'Tnpri 80. Jun 1, It for am Monoi;gellolei PaLktfts, "an thr addition of a Watriva,c, the m eotantralattone for recznamg and funaluding. p t hair at aueouna, proatrane. and dv+pat , L to constanntrat. to Limn- ear, and rely on do, Inv,. Cnr • inal. 11 t, lilOt DITTsINOLLOD AND Kiti.E.l.lllill4. alai 1849. • Old Fambhshed Line. • - ON TIIE:ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. Propnetor of dim well known bme of Canal Boats,. now prepared to transport Paahrligcm and "'might to all points on the I no Fatenston. Now York Canals end the Lakes, upon Mr most tavern:dr terms and with dr•pstrh. Ltit- runs In ronneetinsi watt the ,tenor Ito.. GI:At:I:It and s:\ r do COPE, hetween Pitt tbautp smd Beaver, MRe Line of , teant taws Junt vett se]. on the Lakes, and the 'lmp and .Michigan Laic Foal Line on lb., Now York canal C. M. REED, Proprietor, Brie, Pa Iddarll & Brother. Advt. , Beaver W T Meth,. Agent al J Meskinsenta Paawnger Other, Monongahela Boast. Nuthatch. CONSIGNI.F.S.-W C Malan...Sharon, J & A 11u11, Aharpstmon Smith & Downing, do; J D Plummer. West lircenelne; WI , k. A , tmc & Co. do; Win Ile , Barlalown, boot. & :moon, 80h01 ,, , Boric , . Oita, & Sandualt Jas A Arm..trolig, Detroit; Kirkland & Newberry, peeboigan, M (Kura & 7111 wit, km; Knep, Alarfey & Bono, Ruch, John 11 Kittc,c, Chicago, A Wheciar ik Co. New York. 0;v1 Pittsburgh and Blalreville Packet Line 17...--isz= 1849. ilieatg, oon and tptimattl l'ack ' s. ' t gouts to ran 101,00 11i , ,o e t a n onn, Im• r.vale and Pltuthurgb—Me 1,0010 to ne tow ed by th ree boons, and every eifort made to s now. m paatengers. DlOPllll9ll..—Bouts will leave Pittsburgh every Monday, Tuesday. Thursday nod Frldatt. 01 lock, From illawsvtlie every Monday, Wednesday, hursday and ttaturdal at 7 0 1 eloc A.. and orrice Pinsherch the same day. AMO V:llrf e ' thick fron, Indiana will meet the 1,001 01 Saltslm rah. both on up ward and downward tap—putung passenger• through from that place in one day. Freight for the ahoy , Into will he received at the hoar , of the Boatmen's Line, by Jun. Farm, & who are our authnnwd Agent.. All freight received tree ot room:demons. J M MARI•tiALL & Co. JNO FARBEN &Co, Agents, Canal Basta. at, Pittsburgh A Pock leaves IllairsvOle few Yoenvlown:ld . arrtval of the heat—returns to boat in scondng. I Fate fm PinahArgh to Youngstown 6d—received at o th er of ro ßoatmen's Line through. no9olGio vitl , s vita et iiiiiElMl lB49. /NAM-- For el. Tran.qx,rtatton.l Mg), r 4 and from. N. PITTS. 8eR1,11,..1:1111tApp,14,111.A, BALTINIORE, 'VOR.K, BOSTON, &c. Tnt as 13.1111.1. Tea r FPlt O'Costion. PittAl,urgit. rrnii• old cstalltatied Line being flow in-111;1 opera. ott. the proptterore are prep:teed rstittltheir rt.uat eireottv - e lu...tiger:orals l'orvrard'ooirehnntlige, pru• dug, e to and let m above port.. bn term, wit tc regularty, dettp‘tch and .aftrti IX...collar to tt tl,clr mode of trannporaon au Of1V1011, • trah •listntat on the way t. nvoided. All eneatattunentr nod Cur OA. kite received, char. ge. pgtd, nnd torn:anted in arty rcqutred dtrtettrot , (me or eliar, fur comounqult, flt .canar. Na iutert dirreo) or it 11l I.I[SIIIIIKMI.I All entantuntrattum.prompdy attended to on taitphes. tton to tit,: Inflow:ut ✓ T: , Rotuma: t 7. TA A Fri: & rONNOII, Corm!C . •ItNNOltat.ilCo, North FI, Iltritatturr. merttrt gI; 184.A.,A BINGHAM:4' Tll4\ NISPO June 111N.111,, hi:m.3i, Wyt.Dress.Conducted on strict Sabbath-keep/Jur! principles. 1•IIE ProprmlOrs thi• old hoer. put their ranck in the mo.l complete 0 , ,1cr, and a•r thoroughly prepared to forward Produce and Iderchan d,e to and from th., \Vet t lot oar lon, expencnre 14, the currying nnJ itelou• iillenUon to Mel:defeat. of t uric tomr, will ...cure to on o incr, pattomore hitherto estended to halt ai 'Our arrangententa will 011.1. int to e4,,r ,igh , t with the tiono , t rlcepatch, and our prire• •wa) a• low ze tqe lowest COurvd by other •%••n0 4 a.1.1., We hove ononed an office in Ng 1. , :t Marla% •Ine, "trotwreti Ath and Oth Philodo, tor the conve men, of alopperA. Produce and •Ale renund” , vet!! 1,0 :termed rind fo,. orded, Bro,r and W•t, without chAtee. for tor. wardig, advancing freight. •ior,,ge or otirmie,on. Bills of 1.6,11 hr, forwarded: and .e , rY dnection promptly oto.tiolcd Addr,, or apply in 11l Cimat stir I,therey it Wayne •in P,oni, ! DOCK, NIP 1 , 3 and 276 Mao., Ore, Phi••da. JA ME:. Age., wo !pti North linCraul tialloilore. . - "aLLIAM TYSI IN, Agra, mchll No 10 We•i •treei. New York • • 1:71=. 1810 ,EfED Merchants' Transportation Line. VIA PENNSlaseroe CANALA RAII , HOA to nut.aufthrula AND PALTII4I... TIM:Can:4I4 nod Rail Road. being now open, all aud L in good ander, eve art Prepay ed to forward 2inde merehluidage avid prcidoeePhiladulphin and Baltimore, 'nth prompinere and deeprach. and 011 t goal term.. any other Line. C A McANULTY tc Co., Canal &Lida, Ibnn Pl. Pitirburgh. Aarrrs—CLl ARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia. mr27 ROSEMORIIII4. h. Co. Baliimow• Pennsylvania Camal s Rail Road Mae prassyaat Packet Line, - ilEte:gi' 1849. PROM , PIITSLIUGII 113 PIIIOADELPHIA I HAL- ••• - - - TII4IOHII, lEitelosively for Passenger.) 11E pablie are respectfully informed that thil Isin• will ea en` e. running on ihn Inds instoind con Toe throughout the Beason.. with en The boats are new, and of a superior elan, lured cabins, which will give greater comfort. Th. ears are the latest construction. . • al boatyrill ways be 111 pon, nod traveler., aro re gamtalto call and examine diem before engaging P. aidLe trnA d atlrArieVrn4op ft porlte t t L rlnoVl eoroor *Mono moor and Ca.UZI, ovary night at nine o' cloak Tune 3g days. For i n apply at th OS" Illionoogaltoto Loan, or to D LEF.CII& Co Canal TROSPORTAT)UN, FAVIIESS FAST FACKF:I' linNl Puubtergh to Philadelphia and . : 11,clutavrly for Pa.-roger* I i'hi paithe are reopectlully informed that tht. Line will 1 . 01.111 . 11 Ct running on 3itiod,) , liii. Nlaten The boat* of ttio , linenrc of II .11pertor 6... riflurged cal.., which will give greater rotator, to paienperd , A nout c c alway• kept port, and traveler+ are ,• quested to call and e.nininr them before etlgit,lll, mit,e by other rout. They will 101 l re Lae landsog, po llinate the U. Hotel, corner l'enn street and Comal, every loght g o'clock. FARP.--ININF:DOLLAR-S THROUGH. 1ion;--3I Days. For Intormation, apply at the odic~. Monongahela lioufe, veto 1.) A. Co, Canal Boom. N. L.L.—The proprtetora to" 11, al., lane rtrr now building en addittonal Line of l'a , kets. to run as above on or ata.ut June tn couner.ooo ,aath l'enn,ll- vataa Kml 'toad (rota 1...wi5100 . 0 to l'hilndelpHa At that time a pnekervtall leave every morning arid t•ven. l'ne thrnnah.24.,,aY, tuchld rucLiAmdr. PORTABLE BOAT ifr ict . 1849. 41.1 Far thr irrit•tanntron al wren ourizr DI TW , L,I . N PULL. 4 Dt. I !IBA ANDPI rr-631„ 10D , cArrre an Line arc not tr trr•hiriped n 7 lirt,er , n tsburgh mud Pit Li Irlpisla ,ar rted rti tour reorait l'ortalrl, Boa r I ind and trr. —to r ot ntrryl rindrzr retiorring carcrul 1111 . 1,11111 G hi, or =port me ii t- \ char, road.° fir rerter‘srm or Orli pu I, or ads ,111, gnod, wuf, d 21 ti on 0.• (te1,0111.1 5 10 ti.r - rn‘ a' Ly ut.p other Luna /OH . 1 AID. kr a Canal Drool Pr:or rir t A orirh JAN DAVISk Co. rturrt t 451 tionintrir e At Phtln. JI)IIN I- AD} N o ro.;.Tt roc 311.1n1LTIL1 1 . .0 I Mert !mut, Curial Da•rsi rem •t. Put.borgh JANIES M DAVIS A C,;, Fluor raemre awl Commo“ stem Mem.lmme.e.t..l.:llnrket and 51 Commerce Plxiladellatta. marl sale- ELICRC ti4 l, 'WAY S r - REItaIIT LINK. For I,mer. of . • I.ltCrk,lll. • rrnis n, I ront. , tio. It• carry all Way ,o,:nir 1 'with Me, atm. Jt tyatch, .IEII at fur, rue. of (mgt. Aavrn—C7 M'ANI:I.TY. Co, I.ll,isbar,ll. 1.1 It atc4eld. Johnhnowil John ~li:irr. 11o11Iday5loUrgh /I.C9LaIrSMSr -- i nnie• Jordon, :+mith kSinvlrur. Dr Sixocnbcrir.r, it i,loore. John l'arker, VOll M.:- horst .4 Co. Wm Lehmer & Co, /no 3l'Devat Itro. Pittodmrs.h.l... I vo ry. t‘umtl,:ilaiholltn .4 My rJun brad' Co. trurrAvllir LIKED, PAIUKIII i Co's. PACKET LINE. 1 12Egtal is-is. BEA VEIL ANDCLEXELAND LINE, v %VA It W.::: Canal Packet—,'vvALLOW, C. Ford. OCEAN. Capt. Wartors. INF. of the above racket. leave Rea vet every da), IStvule, excepted and arnve neat Moral.. Warreo, where they connect with the Sad ' , Mee. Mr Akron and Cic-veland, arriving at encl. of these p:.t.ers Octave night. Om. orthe raekrt. , leave Curren dm') at 5 r. 31., and arena at !leaver is 2 lour In tab, the too, rung steamboat for I . o,4urgh. CtrIES S. LEFFINI3 WELL. ‘Varrerl . m t orn 1, TAYLOR.. DEAVER AND imp: PACKET LINE 1•11%••••1,111 4 111611-kli I, FORT) nor u. ...war •iteitnr)sl;.l•,.....Capi arit • " 1 4 161.1413.0 . 1), 4 r• I • tritat•V " • Par rosla. )• ••• Fauxurn, trrt The 111.t.5. arte..itirn.k.l Pur.rttrrr P. , eturtrurneed runumr hrturern BEA VIM \ and I,c rUlt rreutKrl) iluntt< t... levoltrig Er , rvrry 111010110 at 0 000 tir•tl ~ ~ Beaver, rv. r) r•Ven•rt,, rinnirtlurltn) Rave Um arr.. v ti tht r. nr w ard roattiot.t., .1 a vr,ll .11” trt n.rty Ent, Pa r. n rwornt Inv bate, Or 'a Nsur nut Fu Tort, lir. rr.4.1 rrpr lt.FUL on 'll .L , ' ',or, on Ito. Irks irritnuttnt v pty•itg peoprit., HEED, PARKArn, Brnrrr MIEN A. CAE:DUEY, at,:l AD S Ptur t Lus d rh , r4ti Water ir Ihttrl t'S C lEttri..oty Ihrffaw, N 1 C E. Pa. C Wick, Orrc.vtlle. Pa; NPFarlasid and Klita, yhp liend, Pa. flay • & Plutrellb,rrittaspabargtt, l'a, C ,Malatt,Sharon, .. I , Cll athew., l'alSakt, Pa; W Cuntrlngttatn, New Cartlr. l'a -E.-11,11151-e • - .2" - . FOR COIIiLITLA ND, IiALTIMUItf., AND 'I 'OF rAsTERN 1 , 1114 rrnpriemrs nt tl.la Line have pm no and lir , po epar,l Le forward parte:, a., de. ner,puun.. ti.o!), at the !awe, rate. J. C ISIDWELL, Agent, Wm, .treet, Vitt.dairgt. ROBIN,UN & nelfll nil South Charlet st n Baltimore . lIAILNDF—N & CO's Paarlettatier and Eteinittahle• it— i t HAMMEN & CO continue to bring per.,.;., Dona any part of rnirland. Ireland. Seotian,i rr Wales. upon the mast liberal term, wdn thed nal punctuality and ettletillell to the whole and en,- tort of emongratio. We do not altow our pa,settger• he robbed by the swicitlitie s..ainp., that left t tire Neu. ports, ta we lair charge of them the RlOntelit they re. port themselve, and gee to Mew well °coo,. and de r.patela them without any detention by We hest snip...— We say thi. fearlrosly, a we del', one of oar Kers in show that they mere detained hours by u,n Liverpool. whilst thOueands al others were detained months, unt.l they could be sent /It some old matt. at a char rate. which too frequently proved their col:, We intend to perform our contract.. honorably. sox: wl,it may, and not act as wos the env 4.1 t evaeo.l, Wlth ether odteers,—who either performed not alp, u when it rutted Weir convenience. Draft , : drown or Pittsburgh far any SUM from 1.1 to Llotat, payable at any of the provitimul Hants is, !re load, Enr..,...id,F,otland and Wales. JOSHUA R081N51.,, , , [ . ..lmpetus rind Genzrai Axd.. fey.. Rine ttreet. oee 10:11 NtcHot....ON ,il2 nixie anti vet generalay, that 11Cy have rehab - , l• IC theirn ate um. , to Ilat °poi vt o. •. twat! part ot the pattern,' rci.ly tot tic vv - trit aro Coeidt.g :"..tat: toad vott Stove-, v,iit Ipicattltd.sor-totta, Coto Stove, v. ht,h eove in other citte., thr. eouvuea, rotutd Aa,o, cheap coal Comatog Stove, wcal tc.dlur, onta:l fututht,, with a Wit /1•114.1{:11,11t ~ 1 eum.. moo a,ot I.,hatel tirati• WC WOUId Ictvarly to. vale the C ., 1111111(1 Of p01 , 01I• bulitittg to eat, ,t 1 thar warelton , hviorc putchaeout. and rratatuat, a qt. fluid woe , etteautoost,tturate., hotato-t hoc ,ylh— enstoly tins ta,:et. Woo-house, N 0.1,1 Lat,,r, at, o,popate Wood ahgt- , Nit:1101-t-t/N a. ?AI N h.. -- ALLF.daIiGNv VENITIAN A(slie MONET WA Eltttol. J. A./114 IVN would nisi , . tit. • Y , • lint,. (111 band at • •a o „ Wt• e t Clly. 1•01111. ....orb tis t of %Cl/M. D., V... I{ll/I\ll r•ltutittru tttr initilr to ilcr 1t irr itt, tit ilts 1111.4. cr. Dr 11/m..4, 6,111- Olfil utit of:, :tu t ., • Jn itwin. Rad wouit „luliitu.i,• iutilbilitortit of Hato -at A. , It, furtii.it r quer:. ut it• th• r .it Ir, • every thisir Itur itigrit , y, No. Arcot, Pittsburgh. .- mll2, J. A. 1).11 . Ef& tini now tr,iiivoig. A-I fie froo. ;he nottiufneturenNrur %ors, tunic awl 1.1,11 :e.,extr.l. 3,011- 11/rlll nl, and room imps/yr.! •tt ir• glarrd mad ramm , t I'APE/It 1,1 t• ni ,trre, of Parlor and Freaco . , Hall awl Cu.usaOi w... 0 I,IIIIIIK-rOOl/1. /10.11 1 , Paper— . .. ,l lt , h I would parkicularly mvar 110 o fhou.e• 10 paper. to eall 01 etnolc, at the Warchou.e of t: 1111.1, ..odd r.l l'3l At T 11F 01,14.A.: , —An nnltol- whsen rr•t- X, oorrunf. Into u,e 00 n rehole-00.0. anti ...Non , . heyrrage. hem 10000 pie. ;01,• arable V.Ol common Calree.a[ol ler 01004 , 00, a• 0.0.,. pope , .... :y tell trot, Fr. V 1.011.1 ., 1.1 4 . flar , NllknOketur. , l .11 , 11 N JS MILLER. 1'0101,00,0.V. S. 0140: 0,1.00,01, hy 11 A 1.i1".F. , 1 4.'1, 0 0 comer .0 FITOO 01111 ,Vmitt uo;(11,xlIt anti ii 00.1.000,• urvl, 111101 f IAI.IFt R. IA UIII:Il UQI 11$- tttt 3 , 1. rmV littragtg, 20 wile, row-, 12 1 3 1,13- • roir• ~ 4 1 Nlintfig ',qt.,- 't wa from- 11 nnod 12 ,11110 tt, /. 1,01 riot Ituttkalista Moor) light, Ido totletl ettolltrtr do do. 11» above good. for .1/nt t'itit itlrlll3 Outhtlog Extrdoltahment, Nor, Wood tn. II t'llll.l.ll'S A it , 1 . 11.1.5-1 . . up nor fumlly c rd ono slid~nK . lid I 02. dontalu •JuK , Austard, Cluvra, Chinaman, Warrant , . pare_ For male at the new Spn, and En^Lur), coma r of Ferry H. Liberty si. _ . /MIN II - . liOn'invdo," - frOm . thr'remper. aucc,lle work,, warranted, will Le r on.tant!y on b modmid supplied to order, by ottre , 6EII Van:IIRAN. A Woo,: .o ,•••011 , r HEARTH n tort, ,11/11 k ~;,...I.lor rurir of Itoli;ar ' l•"trc Ruck nay store nod for sale by Klllll d. lON i.fs Mc. W.,W, Wallace hoeing used a 11c0rut 0f .1k11112., quality and manufacture (or the pan Agate., te. pronounces It sapcnor to the hearts now f e..eral vlb et.R;NIAC LIRANDIE,—Y. ball . rpe. Vlireot• vintages, of ow own no orittoon per Connor/re from Bordeaux., past reed and for sale by MILLER d. RICH 11l W - 11./I.liUllAlN . ra-Just reccsred. a taatuful a‘ort ment of ladles and gentian:mos' quid laistd Prom SW to $5O each, eastern prices. A i•n. Wedding Rings ofd carat gold, gold Pencil, Ftbeer Mugs, liar Rlogs, Meant Ems, Pens. Watches, Ise. IV W 11,11-aaIN. jai eorner •Ith •Jol Market et. slit clop n-. ItgL;w,TY 07 S 7jr N t '. .t;ro j r, " ' '''"" 30 pa colored Velvet Rlbbon, a”oned colors; 30 " bite! • « iitbroulary Gumpi lops widen Plain, kn. 4/84 MEDICAL C 1 F.LLI:R~' FAMILY 516DICINES—"Tbey are tar Lrnon. Ohio, May 4L e , e , !. •- • I Mink it rtaht tor th. benefit of ollmn In ..ome tam. wrelatma to year excellent Fanar v I rave 0.r..1 your Vermifuge largely to my own Mot , one vm: r.lo,lliy an,venna for rpolliny: tee m munne• Ito Man worm.. from two child., I a• eo your Laver and rough Syrup Me) have m evory inatunee produced A; I am enKaged in mreltandboug, I am able to Mat I I et to bear ef the first failure stiter your ni , ,ltc t,o-s hove been vied In my section of the untrt In entseluston. I mey Otte that they or, hi mede.met the tiny, and are destined to have a vet, tensi,r penularny. VOW+, rceireF . tfut!Z, I% it MM../. rrepored and *old hy ILK SELLEIttI, No s Woad rtrort. mot aoot Druggirta generally to the two ri ll,+ nod vol.oly. mV3I • II ItEAf l ItE OF LIVERCOMPLAINT, by he of true, g laver SRO. efLUZII, Ohio epunty, V. Match 211Ih, LEO. S Mr. R I:. -I I:ern. Dear Str—l think it a duty owe to you awl o. Inciutbite rutera ly, to state that I have been nlH.etrul uOh tue Liver Complautt for long :ue .tol Mat an abces• formed and broke, ..vt,t tett to , n very low mate. Ilavlng had of ur eelebrated Pills tieing for sAle ,by A T Et arp,. lve,t Ltherty. awl rccenumentled to me by . Inv iihy•nurtn. DT. E. Smith, I conelneed to give them fart inn! I nurchaeed bat, and found them to ,u,t..111 they are reeommended, TOE HEST LI VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking rout bog. I told the memo< tut , enurely left me, and I ant now nerttetly wen. Ilevectfully young, D COLEMAN. Went Liberty', March ',AVAIL I cerufy that I ant pernunally.nequalated with hte Coleman, nt,:t vett bear testimony to the truth of the AR SRAM' 'fur genuine !Ayer are prepared tfnd gold by It tt: No 57 Wood greet, and by -druggists he two ernes. '11) THE I. I:It Lle.—The original, only tree and gen ine I.Lver fill: are prepared by RE Aellera, and have t” , name blatelf vv. upon the ltd of each and lit, ngttatare on the outside wrapper—all others are von...tart., or butte Imitation, nplu R E ttELLEß4,yropnetor ID it. JA V!. CaIiIIIILI ATI V ii:I3ALS I • 12l 11i tat. aro SHINN, a well known and pop J ' A(l . , .._`:.11,” of tin. Vroicat.lMethediSi Chun . t. The nolitl.gra,d 'Laving been .fined during the past w vrinti r ith in. d -ease. °Me-stomach, SOOtallICS pt. deeil/g areal in the stnafachfor tenor twelve hour. vr' awet intern...non, and alter having tried raring: W.., cdeet, woo furnialted -.:hp hotel. c: l Dr I! Jayne , Gaionnative 13edaam. Th , !lensed te• cord°, rtireetiona, and found invariably thatthia medic in. caved the pain to abate in three or four min itte, illOr twenty rninutesevery tureaay ,rll,Mllitill wear lithely quieted. The medicate w eh tera - ro ft:tinier when i ndications of the appaoh painweir perrn.vcd.win ever dthe pain rano thereby prevent. eil ;le contended to nie toesmedicine every evening aul i'ernnunire in the 'netting, rind'. • few wee'. liconii we, iiir reatinedi that the ilderel was rela • ed nom moron, of opprronnve Ire-u. Froie EIC/ .^llCr. the ',tore. henan coefele ntl ereoinnw d Carminative. Ballast, a salutary inedleie tor diwtaaes Lathes...eh and trowela A t'ritlNNir Alieghetra an For s. in l'inaliurgh at :no PEKIN TEA reTtrii e h d Fon 'it, e". near WO..d. and .ern at the Drug P.-i• I:• I W♦ItTZ. Federal rtreet. Al'eg VALUABLE DlSailf NRYI CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON POUR GUARD. • DR. SWAYN CUIDPOURD NMI? OF WILD CURDY. 010,111 ME. eea CAumnipura,. Coughs, Colds, RE Asthma, Bronchitis. Liv er hompount, Sinning Blood, Difficulty of Breath ing, Pam in the Side and Brown. Palpiffi.n of the Ilcart, Influenza. Croup, Broken Con • stitunon, Sore Throat. Nervous Debili ty, atal c.lllCi.e.e , of the Throat, Dr...land Lungs' the most ef fectual and speedy eta. ever known frit any of the shove diseas is • DR. S NV es, A . Compolcad Syrup of Wild Cherry! triClll,lll , to SM longer among those of doubtful lt has parsed away from the thousands daily :acnehr.! upon tho tide of experiment, and now stands Mg her in reputation. and 1.1. I/CCOMIIIK snore extrintive- Iv need that, shy other ofeparanon of medicine ever produced for 0 • roller of suffering man. It has twen ai odured very generally through the Dotted rttatc..tid Europe. and there ate few towns of Importance hut what roma. sonm ternarliable eon donee of its good effects. For proof of the fotrgoi.ig staternent , and of the value and efficacy of lilt• eine, they roprietor will insert a few of the th ou . ram] testimonial. which hero been presented to low by men of the first respeetabilttY — men who hove higher views of moral rerpousthilay astAlustlce. than to err y far.. 1.4,,111.• do another a favor. and W,III24PIVCS an njunire. Suchp to es roves eon. elusively. that no •urprising excellence tablished by as tw in... morns. and the unquestionable authors. ol put., opiguon , The Instantaneous tulle( it of.' orda, and the soothing Influence diffused through the whole it bt in. one. renders it a most agzeoLthle eemddy ter the atlitcted. KU •,,\ hen mon. actlng from eourclenuou. lo•iir testimony toteh truth of • Mang, or testanolly. lietng mantras) . to the, and purpooes, m,eree. codvieti rulh.m of ~,ot stnelf in a sper ial mon., to Louver•oi erden, "--011oiron's Moral Maxims. READ THE 111th11; ANOr/i.r. t• or r co:lover - no:v.- 1110, neve r 4fßellleg , y that in-At as ourrearful 11: de.pern, ,•••• .1! Gon.umplion. ti 3 Dr. Swoy. , 4 orooun.l , tnierry. . rr,r, other t .....-. - Cl/EAT.A co.Aplli 2Atb, lode. Dr Su A yne—fiertr Sir. I verl:y believe, your Coin. cop o r .Wmt t'berrs bee teen the fitenim al ...ease ms , de I rutleht aAearc cold, which p.n. ally crew worm. attended wlth n feV,ll l ! COUgh, that r-isied all me trinr,hev whirl& I had recounta to, .11 mr,es•i,c My eshiloied all the symptom , of l'udona Every thing I tried n•v-med etteet. nod my romp...nines...A. ram‘k,. tha, mend. weh rn,,eltr. gave up AI hopes el: my rerover, At this tune I vria• recommended vetot try your n.valudble teethe., did with the m hap py renult, Tile tattle bad the effect to loosen lbt rough. COIVOOtt me to expectorate freely; and by the time I bed um , l tux Imules.l was entirely well,and act now hearty P must as f ever wtou ray Ufe, and would he happy to give any informetiospeenng .thud other .htlerers may denve thebeneht lot whic:t I RIO I-0 relllOrta. For the truth of th e abort. ttaten,cat, I refer you to Peter Roth, Greets, Was: , 11,..e oi whom I purelia.d the needle., liciperifudy your*, JAIK. Matt.. trm...i.crfui Curr of a Makodi.a brinarge, Dr Sway,— Dear I feel a debt of gratitude dor a you—and a earl' to the allbeted generally, to offer my humble ...any in favor of your Compound It rup of elterry. three years since I wea violently attacked with cold and intlammation of the I.tittzs, whfert -tieconipmited with a distressing pain to this breast and head, a very distressing isobar, in oelmiNive mucus from the longs, exit— upnt, f weather, however At fir. I frit rii alarm aboumuy condition, but wit, predy cc.dtt ent.vtneed that I we. rapidly going Into consump tion. I dally weaker.. and at length was scarce ly able to walk about, or speak above a valtisper, sue area the egreeding wenknens of my usagelun During lose unie I hod troll mariourt preparttuon person but found tin rettei,growtag all the time worse.f ort hr, I war adv. ed and perotiailed by a dear friend in to mate trial of your Syrup of Wilde/ter. ry. mum 0011.031. that previoualy I had been preju diced again. patent medicine*, and I am still - wham 'hose minium out of the hand. on emperies, but under standing yodi elmms to the profesaion and practice of tuddicine, mol mita implicit faith In the saying of my friends. I lortliwitli purelmacti of Dr. thaw, oar. of your • 1 01111. few hmtles, and cotumeneed its use. My Eh, eat, womi at ths tone tit 110 or 25 months' standing, ear, •rtilienoy it deeply nettled. I lonia% however, conra‘..le relief front the tiae of the first foal Or five Macey lilt Ltring a pultoo 'raker, I frequently. nt. toured in pte.irh my increasing strength, and there y rupture I thoso mo•aria that had already begun to heal. in way, doultle, my cure 'nib ireniy retarceil co.terquener of ncutto thutt imprudent' I had to a., tw,vr or htmett bottle, before I oral pa. ~ .. .cut T. .red I hove 1 h Iill,(1011. II much small nurtioer or would ha. made tor 1011011, bu Inc above todtscretton. The Sy rap allayed the' fe• tea ham, took n) the distres.u. cough, put 0.4 i to the dt.eharsa of matter g. 111,. lung, and gqv nl rho 01..tre sy.teto good Ocala I have ado fl.d rtffe rote thts rernficate 01101 now, for the porno,. of hettur, p.nee .tr ..nto.rted watt the permanency of the .ttre. and 11000 cat (eel perfectly well I oder it with pleasure. Ecay. d. I'. Josue, Lhablin corona N. G imporoafil Cauturn — Raad! Reza' There 1. butt,. e gent.. prep...onto( Wild Cherry, and that re Dr. ItiWo.VIN'S, the fast ever odered to tbr e 4111 e. whleh ..a. been told largely throughout the United :tone. nod porno nadir of Europe; and all prr pontoon& call, by the nadir of Wild Cherry have been put out nitoC tote, under cover of mrnr dr.:tither r,rcionstancr.. orter ta give currency to their saire. 1:y Otto. no person need uninake genuine from talea Each bottle of thr grntatir tretarrtl wit a be:initial awed eitgravlng, onto the w re n,. Woourn Penn thrreml, also, Dr. Sway:Wit nature: an d lu titter ...cunt), Ilto portrait ov Dr. Swot „ o to, I . added licreatter aa dianngantli to. propurouto tont all others. NOW, tilt WWI 110) tot D.. KM. cUrntote Norte - rm. and known virtues o Dr. oni•.onot :41 . .1 , of Wild Cherry, person. would net be .endravoring to g ...cy to their enc.:mous no. ...other. al Al.' by stralin m. c the m name or Wdd Cherry. Remway.4 boar in mind the name of Ur two) or lit I. not deortottd. Nominal nobre, r ~,, er of E.gittlt and Race steer., rtuladerphia. For .alr wltt- nede anti retail by 01:LIEN Ir. :MM. DLN, roc w.. 1 Wood At... 11 A ' , ADM.:STOCK An cor 1.1 en. Wood. and ' nth and Wood at.; IV)) r 11111; N. fa .rtes ott 4Der Liberty nt; A JON cot .land and Pettit not, 1011:+: 0111) . 11- /41.1- Allrglien ray, and by Ell reapertable dealer. to ine. octl:i medte • ' • k n , NIDENdII that Dr JAYNE' EX Ci , TOILA NT ts supenur le all other remedieS for Stoneha, A.thttte. esel other Palmo , t. that the tame ' rersuo. u.r Imams tto y ears o still prefer It .11 ,111, ` re,utd,e• of the Ittod; and whale., hate been tod , ,ced other they almost ,overeahlybetu drappeto , rd to eee..d the ...Ail which arsts rcluormlsy the ledh ' , mere twato,red by the pror.alt,re, ,/••• lou,neLltu the u, of i.e..' EdeacrsaeSr, e. 4ea1..1, that ha e t,rler laded lo reheye them. and v Welt ne.•r bed Its eqtael to arrest.% pulmonary dt•tdme. 'r,perett eoty by Dr IL Jayte, I'L,ladelphle. and told., edesef ALEX. JAI ,IrethlN.rtt 72 Voert6 . Dr. W• P. Irataan•Pe Prominko Plaretrir. t) lt to I• INLAND or roe NlOdrell Co.lh.q. to' vow ..der. to the outdo. bra Indoor Voc• cubic l'ionuoin Planer, the tout.... of which. niter long Anil tried exporicore. bro. brrn -atie(actonly c.. T.. All 0 ,, 1DC11 Who inay Lo allhotcd won 1..4.p-t, nor'., lit Womb, he rocommonds in o ...re and aprody cure to Um short spoor of from Ito ilico weeiv, if appliod with rurc sod ro,i—ili•iniraina all Um .ileas inatruments tool rtprr hand/loot 50 long s i tuus-. Tho fee" vonacitituitus in staung, tinviniiieb iv An has not ladod Ili 011 , CIIPC u. of nitro,: hundrod fifty-throo pa. All , O for Etheumeurra and Weak Breast or Back, no coded woa polo. o f ero is nothing to carol Una Piasn, atford tl ino .corner corner of Diamond and Market et Brow. & I.theny and St Cr too Dr 1 Sorg-rot redeted et sod Mamoru, 11111, giro°, city /room, & Co. " Denman and Dramond Iltmornt. ham. . .1) lhugits“, No 5: Wood otreN v s o , Avot tot the Slat of N. Townp,od's Geo. Ito opt re.oetved 10L1 dozen of tht• 1, , Sprlog; and tqlotEcr td.dtelor. • ' l'orrha•rt, •I•oul r rollcct that H E ,calm in Sole '.Rent for htt•burKtt, :Ind 1) Al curry fur Allegtortty col' hp.l i rri.l, AND sli.VElt PATEN l LEV'EII. W.111:11- lj liS —1. , 01 , .. W.c.." . 2.....k' by lho rJobratr.l ~\ 0 roper of I. wino, :it J. Totm. of I.lrerpool, and a large tumor , eta ot detached gold and 'sliver L.evers, olu.le by um I c.t.e . neva umnuticturerl. Sp.clar:e. (all kindx; Con:inn/um Ware in veil, ~,,la 1h,.... Jtve . plry in large variety; Siltrr Spoons, Fad., /c w c Ira - ~,,b op.ring exenuted in the ben Tangier. W W WILIioN. rnyll, corner hlntkef.nd Ith .ts NA, ACAULA 'S ENGLAND—Harper'Y Jaie edmon /V1 Po" Pr! partrally; cloth-70 aents per volume. For balb by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, OPT alma Mari= dad fd .... Ay....h • .;...hh - 1'th.1 .. ...2.. , _:1„, _. - 2,.,...t..g.-.S. - EAn.,,Rs.S, `-ay,,nr,.., - :e 1 . ,,.. h. .. va ZIMi4 1; ::!;Iliig -•':•••t.-i,..'...7;,-.: V:';;1; "1 11 . . ••=' ":, °: §t illeakV .f, :i _ ,,,,,- : ,. . -4 -;•se.g - i . igi.-.2z, ; ,- ---,;. , -- st.h. .ci, 2 , 145 ,1 1.1=r:fg.; I '2 -1 1•>.' • - ii-2-: -. ...-4=z?:? - 2- ' - .1g:z1704.11-g= .t d C- ... a ' re 'C' ell i -i4h. 1 3 1 2:011.41 - g. :21 7 , :t1 1 1 g Slivr-i4i:4.liarl ig 121-.4 i 24 ' 4 iki'll 4l grcl 7 :7:4ilillil--7illiig 1 ., , i. , sll4lltiVi - - §-:.,i4 4 lFiottl_ilifill--11.iliz'gliTtg- ~ t. ..., ~,,411111:3- 7. 2!,*- 5 !3:- . 1 14,E,,;. t-.. 15. ., . <4 - ' 4 1. m E: 3 a;l r -i.4i ;: 1 1=1 :,*41 - 1 1. :. z 2 1 i g.. T... 3..41- - .: . tc l- 14g1...1,, 7 .7N a f', 4 c - i , 5 2 g , z 1 EEF.7:11114.1.1%... , ;-. < C . E t ;a - 8- .! 4 z4 ,- srri4v4§ .. ZEI 0 ', ‘ i . , . , i , " . ' 1 .8! ,'• t- ,.. 8-.. . , E . 3 0 ,P. 74-t °3 -t.'" 0,. - .. 5, A 31 1......'... - 23:?. 1" t . 3 t ICC l i i , 2 ' 4 :g 12 .5. “ F4,lt. , S' tivagii-aE1r,1 , 22.E. - i g CD.- =w N ''' ti E .= ' 14 -941g.5gi1? . .. t.-:,`s::,ggA . . d °3l ! ,4m Q' z.itE NVA N ,i; 1.;4.7.,;q 1 Eng 7, re g g a and gf'.. 3 a 7 - L .11. , 1.11. o .f/ oi 0 t ; ..1,,,..re.@:413' . 3.. , ,g2 , 8:!. . .e o T... Le i1.za,r21,114.!.:Aii'%•;.4 CO t R. ..` ,- -.cs , -4 , ; ri . t. a . 1 4 4 . 5 ` 0 :f;:gi: •-u El.. - 'f; g A. % -1 .." 5 :412 ^2!4.5 4 ° 7:0 3 ''i` . `-'.• r 4 17, ..., .-,- -4 -:. , ...._.ti-tr..g ji,,i. g .z?, . ; 1,:.: • .:. • .., 3 Ca .i E , . ,s , ,AvL,E.............,-,...3,.,..,..,..... 4 ~,, , y cs„,:co r 4 :.9,.a...4..1".f2gr;;V:' ..• 0 , • liCir E . I t i E " &. 4 .4 E" , x.0.."1:.: ?-'g?t ° F . , g ?ti , .1..:.. ,-;,, t,,, 5 ~., Q 4 ' @ ...' :V -= ' °, ` , ..1`34: :- ,,•-ti ".4 l - . - ' 3 . - . ,!-* 0 .."., a ~.^ • 1 07, ..:;•aliF=37i.; ,- 2iCl: :: ,..g°-Ytii=.- - ' ..:1 ii:, .....-.-..--...-- " ,. ..... , -et.--2.` , .` , '''' : P...._. e-:. t - P. .A? . .=_::.:; , -_..-..... 1 -:=`':::' 2: 0 a V`z . f._, l , , " - '=:* - - - ..J.`.:' laa L ilii-ii,44 .- :;.t.p1.F.,i- :F : '-At. ,, c 7 - ::! ,-- g`lt.il '•'' u 1-e- s : ,l ';' - 'es:i't'_ I;,::l'z'' zio .l,, Tr - : , ...z. - 1. 5 .r.....1;i t .-...-;7- z s-s.iii S sllii s gi'lr: -, ;:-z:'. , 1:;! -:- .2 1.7 . :i go) a .ft -:r3 -, . ° 3: .. i -5 2 'l - E .I'''2, g " l l'- 3 ' • 0 •-al:iti,- . .7.,- .. -_;-::-:;,,7 0 6" r -- - t . 4 “ 2 g , ':gLi.f•s'. l9- _ ,7- ;' - i- - ;=E7:--"'dt z.'.l.''- - zlf. r-', % . 7?fis.".e-= t' ° t ,11, 6a7,iE.....-L.:. 7.7..32, .-JrZ,-:_;:fT.7-1 - .. ;.;." . F. 7.2. ...A., < 1...1 . - ..... ge..n c -z-z- c.,-, ,g -- -'2=.., -,- -,5» - ..u.'- E ..s .11 -I ;e4Etr!lt r '.:,-1.,...7 wic a" 5.....,•-.. ._..t.....-7- - =- - -- , ~---•.. T : ri.a%E.l . , : :: ,, : , z . .____-:, .vi CI wg tig.,"3-2`'..":'-`;:=V:.-,:,-e—i--'.'-''''Ot.:'..'- W 16 g.P._ -...2. 2 . ;:' . : ' 5 --'l-. 1 - ,.' - fi .;:-: ' : i" . ; : -'1f t a4:•0i1..-1... --- -:F...":;.'... -, , z: ',;':;:.-1:7'..F,. ..;'."-EY>-A 17 - AGENTFh—Wq JACK , ON 30111 I) M0R , ..01, l'in•hurgh D. ht CURRY. Allegheny City: A-PATTERSON, Etranngh7ez -- EXCHANGE BROKEIP. I ,M EDICAL. • Pi noLnizs & SONS, Ilanker•, Exchange Brokers, • 3 I. OILL4CIPX NOTES. DRAFTS, ACCI.STA NOES. GOLD , SILVER . . - . - AND BANK' NoTF.s. COLLECTIONS.—DraiIs. ploP., and Aci-rptaneep payalde in any part of tae Llaio,Z•ollerted on the m 0.41 luvoral.le • • • EXCHANGE on New York. Yhiladelrhta and Bab limo, also. Cincinnati. I.nuGville, Saint &Mild and New (Wean., constantly for sate, BANK NOTES,—Nottis on all solvunt hanks in the Unnrddntate. discounted at the lowest rate.. Al! kinds of Forsugn awl American Gold and Stlarr Coro bought and sold. • . . thrice No. 55 Market street, between 3d and 4t4 Pittsburgh, Pa. oet23 VOILICIUN 13 1` ;,!; - 7 Irr d reu ' i nd ß S a c l;:t ti' al l' ET:f2l ' gr.. Alec, Drafts pavaide in .y part of the Old Countries, from Li to .LlOOO, at Ilia rate of 6i to the if I , terlitie, wtthaint deduction ordiscount, SON, Europa. anti General Agent, Office sth at one door west of wood. dint! .1.1......4611 „..A.m . - tr. 3.,..: Aritir ELL a R.AIIIII, DANK :B8 AND EXCIIANGL: kiltOftEftel, deolcni Din Fa en sod DOA.. Bills of Exchange, Cer liticetcl of Deporite, Bonk Notre and Coin, corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charlie Iln tcl. martedly VOA DB - Indiana, Xentacky, hLssnon. Bank Notes; 'Purchased at the lowest ray,li Ly tiLkti" k sepl3 'trt klneket meet. BALLS OS ar.xcummUlf.—:iiight Checks on Neer York, Philadelphia, end Benmere, Constantly for sale by N. HOLM ES I SONS. sepl3 33 31arket at. GUOILOIC Afitnon, MERCHANT tAILOR, No. 46 Market itreel, R A, , ,...l , N, l i .t u,rh ko n i r.r,ti or n . etc l a inv e m n , 0.. d. • the Outoror,ber respetAilly toloisa n n fnend,... and . ol.e otohlie.,ohat he to now preparing to receive and xe cute their ord,rlMll.l.l dppalch, and on Die u-noce, root t onal, and mita/mll,lc amino, A. 1,0 deterattned o do buoinco. on the ra.ll-porto, helot. ter% hunaelf that he will be ante to do Work 0000 p ILI it can he done at any ettoldi6holent in the Connor,. Ills stock on vaned, COrlll,lipg of ,ase.orn..re.n. cloth+, Venting+, ,te., which ht. Inc, to boo re-p.-..n0.• ly Invited tot,oe, eatunlne Iv( theOnn'iye , * /tir2l:dtf IA.:OBOE ',mina. M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT t - ' ,l . '—,,„ .mEg l ilit,T i t l' Aii, - ' - ' 4 ! - . ' -,,,, era, h has ' e a r wr to . 17. is,.//,,L7 , ZsTs- (some all EXI t' ERSI AL k -- : el\o --, tm-, ',L,?crkatv. .., ,--,,- 4„, ~.. - WOUNDS EASES. POISONOUS 7:.0 - i,-,i. ,1 • WOUNDS to t e r , an d ss - ...,,,' . • their putrid matters, and J r --- k - then heals them . 4 — Z.,— It . richtly termed - - lIDALINtr, ~,• ,„ •,,, ~s, ~ , ~ . . L st . li oss ic -es dish iL sr n. s ,_ , es. , external or internal, cin b. amities, or u. s .-- - ••• sr that it will not benefit. coot if .... I;t4 • • ft . - I bane used It for the last sixteen years for all dlsassas of the chest., involving I—For cleaning veto ~ , We cameo. caurer and ruroonsthility, and I declare "v " p l. ' br "'" U " tentre hen-•en mid man, der net to one ease has It isilL wad, out all t•pcn.• ~,,,,,,,,,,, 4 ,4,,,„ 4, failed to I . !. , f, , whca the Faucet was anthill the ranch . '`.4 4- ea " 4 ""' " '""`"'" I have ha d physlefinilearitefi 11l the profession. I 111, D 1110111.,%, ~,,,,,,,,,,,_ have umste. of the gospe, Lodges of the bench, al dermen, rawyerz, uentlemrst of ilie highest eradmon, awl multitudes o the poor use it in every variety.or way, and Dere has boon but one voice—one universal nnce raYtes—"M'ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT lii n 000;" RIIEUMATISM-11 removes almost Immediately the tridammation and swelling, when the prim gems. (It lie directions around the boa.) D ALSIE.—The salve 'has cured pencil. of the beat-john of twelve years standings, and who had it Agsi rs : 1 0141 . 1fI k elsi ' l. 1 ,!,. a an " irATIViti F irIsE. ?. F r .LI A C J I: up sal 'rdwith like stICCO66. SCALD DREAD—We liar, eared eases that &Molly dafroplt seen Dung known, as well as the ability of fif wen o twenty damns. One man told an he had spent Fs. on hr s children optima any benefit, worn a few be," or OiIIrCELICa thorn. FF:TTER—Theca is nothing Lauer tot the ears of Tencr 111.1nNe—i‘ is one of the best limp in the world for Inn .. si FlLFS—Thousands are yeirly cured by this Olso incrik li -farms fails m giving relief for the Pile: kEr Around the box ore directions for nano kVA/ Lister s fllncrocurfor Scrofula, Liens Complaint, &pipe- Par, hirer, Chtlb(arn, Maid Head, Sens Eyn, .Qutnrp, SO. Mum, Brom/was, Snossas Afficriens, POllll3, Do. I ... of ... Sp.s, Head ear, astkuto,Thsfuess, Earache, Boon, Cann, aiI APIAI.4I qf Ow Skim Son Lips, Poo- Fin. 4c, Stealing of t.le Lands, 1410, RAINNI.I37II, Peln, ro:1 Feet Croup, SlceSod o• Broken Brum, Toon\ ncAs, duns to au Face, te fre. COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain io the Chest and lit, felting olf of the hair, or the other accompa niescold Bob „Tina Ointment a the true remedy.) It Is n suns sign or &wow to have cold feet. CURNS---Occasional use of the Ointment will al-. ways keep con. from groviong People need never be troubled with them 'filmy use it trequently. - Rip- This Ointment Is good for any pint of the goly sr limbs when Inflamed. In some eases it shoald be spritted orlon. CAI - TIOV—No thennent will be geomve unless the lame of J k klEs MeALLISTER . women with I,pen rn •-• Lt., , a tel For sale . y my Agana to all .he principal miles and owns 03 We Uplled Stows JAMES McALLISTER, Sole Propnetor of the above roetheme. trY- ['rummer Offt“,No W 3 North Third street, Phil. tdroplan_ PRICE 25 CENTS PERBOX. . _ Cl• - I , lr - MODLII, Dean... X. .: TSBHE:MOVED tit ni nen' thiee war} litiek t Ilia I; a• -;::T. ' , ' :::, '' 7 ;: ::: ' , , n7, 1 7 1' t to ii. entire. bet, on the litietion i rin.npli:, tinill it nen., ow; rooreserautoot of thr naturitl gure—o 51/(1, L.< oro,,nal ehope of B.—Teeth curtse ter: won I,cnyett 'fret!, pettont.en , y Rig the wont acne, w e Itte rang it, though is ottouidtiol even tostautly. OL't•T E.A(4LF TRIPii iv a0,,..d N==:=l MOM==tiil2 If=a=l==! 12/32=n1 Light I I t Cul,/can now be et, No. K. Thud rtrto. Ltglat I Light TtiEluatly celebrated Lublin at We Eastern Lamy Skit• M=t2=M _ the preference in nil 'cell) . sate dm! ettrao merhAettreenble tu are: ale°, a tet,tr 1,1 ,titert , for bunt. J. DAVI It. Fur a pa ' nnhla tla . use light Ir b of the...tent eines. being"tke void of neiolte, grown or any 011 elides. to lighin now in cottmi ul mit:aunt:in of lumps of the :kg the Ilan.. ty3:dlinko •----- . - • • *.VENITLAN 1.14 ND MANUFACTORY Ibuil side alba Diamond, . where Venon.n Blinds of .11 the th.lercut 72e, and tapir'', are kept on hand 'pr made \ to order mile the latest and menet .pproved Fastern fitsre ions.eit die B{loll.ll nmice and on the own reasonable retina . .. , . . . A hui, the cheap Boston roll Ur spin Mind Tranepr rency and Paper Curtains of all the diderent 111[C.1 arid patterns, on hand end for sale /OW forea.h. 04 Vein ¢n Mind', panned overand.rrpaired, or token in purl payment tor new . Al LS' r-wrEit V Eta, Pro pr. N. B —All arm. done wall the hest inatertal and workmanship, 11.1111 warranted to please We to fa. i Mous. augin-dly Allegheny city, Aug. 10, VE2. . . • 1 JIT/ . 6I3URCiII hIANUFIL —l'Le undcr -11 Agent (or them Utarttircrs, has on Llita and Is constantly receiving a (II aopp;y Of the articles mode W Pittsburgh and vicinity, which he offers tor sale at manulacturers prices. GEO COCHRAN, ieleda • to; wood st PASTE-1,1.1 - o.llmill •. Indiali i j.Ter Paste, an excellent article tor rer e identig 'nets ALI shoes perfeetty water proof, and soft as a piece of 1.10 t,... Our application of papa is sulteient to matte them impervious to water for d or 3 menu., and a perfect preVelitalive from thg leather cracking. Itee'd and for sale at the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood a 4 febX3 J & If PIIILL.IPU R teXL CilarlPAtY bLLTIIIOYt~ n~ImCIGLL ~ WLLHILf}G. =tMIM -001ce at the Exchange, Baltimore. REDUCED RATE.—LThe charges hove Leon redo. tied on .1 Itlessa.pir moY trom 8.1191,11, Ihtts. hung h or Wheeling, aad a correspeuding reducutm made on all telegraphic despatettas forwarded frum tonerelVest . of Prrnitrclrgh , Prh Its.r.. — Ttre charge. 11. ItliegTal% de,paleto V! from Ilidumore, Plusher. 45 Cr:, for the first ten words, and JeeeLr ter each, additimint word. D.. No charge is made for the address .d signs- mre. Linut the completion of the &tutu Western Lane ar Telegraph (mai Plempltt, Tenn., to Nemtrtranto, Mabelcan Scrota - waled to Plea:phi. by dub tonic, and Mabel Mr Nee/ Orleans. HOSE! HLril'—tlMnrlret J un. a i;ty India Itut ..er Pose—last received (or the Borough of Nlan , :sicS. tor, which anti i.e Felditi sre for hew day*. T.... Roston Belting Clllllptluy czpn-Ra h strong desire tor die lire departments ill lie cutter on l'it, , a , ureti hod leghouy to call and ciaintoe and utak, a tr,aini the.::. Tan company is willing to put them to an) tent they think proper to coiscludo upon. inyth Ja. PHILLIPS, s epos; nt q.ANCTACTURE OF IltON publiAled .1. rriortly, The filar of Iron, in Chez, man toe digging or irtm ore coal to the king acharroal wed coke, rnr ituihnog hod m•/1,,,,,4 bl „, Nru acce by charecnl, antbehmte and coke; hat bloat tad bllitst mactuneo, Ac. &c.. Inc 45Itng essay on tha uitusula.c tare of - ..ri tee!: by Fr ede 11 ~- autikhliniug Elmer, Caniptele onc votem, pages, with illustration., engraved on wood Sit Subscriptions received !.y Ed ang3o abecribe JAS Lot:11;Wotill, Word .1 TAISINFECTINti sthArrio:. 'IF decomposer the virus or pecraut Priori. I.e 01.11 roma:porta renatoec• the 0116 plusr ,a of sick rooms, oke. ne meim‘tint en• - r. gy mile - VT.li, sod intercepts till romull,l/10 11160/6i6ll,6olother in mall Or hoilmils, he. Just reel and cor vele by 0.11 W,__ ATIIENALLI SALOON, AND DATUING•NAITABLINIINENT. beg. to :atom l. the sobatnot.o, h,. t. j . hurrh nod vteitaty. that he hn. opened th, alkove <OO,IIAI/ten% where every Wlll I.• hold to the comfort of those who may t arot tom wit:t n rail. Liberty otreet. between :Seventh and 1 00,1 lea Creams nod 01l Other deheneaes of the .ra•El. 101,117 CLINTON PAPER. ---- T i lt . : u""" tome o ' r gi d o , o " p o r r e e n " l ' l e a nti y o . ;.::: ' l ., :r ." : l a:. " l j o ' r! pow of manufacturing paper. at the ch.fion Popo mai, where they ant be pleased to recriv, be patron sae of the pablie, and the former cuttnrner+ of me ki... nior arte,. • 1 he p , roll at all time. keep on hand a ..I,ral :-... 0011111.10 of vrrallig, wrappuie. Ica find w di papr., broinel board, blank book.. :le ere., as-hien they will exchange I. clean linen and cotton ra k a, Ponscro and Hook publiahor. can be supplied with every description of prinung paper at .lien notice, nod at reduced prices. TOSOIPSON 11.17. NA. April I, flo—fer liftlam I.:ROUND S. lIAN DR.ItC rTOWNSENIP.' kaARSAPAIUI.I.A-21r dor. of Ih. Tooroaand,i Genuine Saraxpenll., I.at reed and Mr ante by ; R E SELI.ERS, gy Wood at. onlY Agent for Pittsburgh. ink ffy 0 N CURRY, A ent for Allegheny city --' SOLD 'WA TIERS. - ry PARRY has invented machmo for C:100111it ii. ti old, for which he has made application for a Patent. They are tow offered for tale al the ware house of Parry, Scott & C 0.,, No. 114 Waal meet, Pittsburgh. , Adventurer, to rahforula ate invited to Mill and car . amhte there labor-saving Madhinee. They are skint. e tit their coustructlOn, easily tVisportsalon the back of mules or horse., weighing ighty petunia carlf.'and, 3 . coo be pat in operation in hal an hour, They .:..1,. filed with provisions. It is l e opinion of 1.11000 ..0110 linVe even the trial of one of th ac machine.. Otorzatir.. that Iwo men will to LI 016 1/0.e.1 Iron,. gil , bushels of satni or earth in a 'ny, without file he , .1 a particle of the mineral. They can be inerrawil in .4/.c The soothed by water or nk le power, if ripc.ll..l. 1 The operators work without Meg two Me water or Acing exposed 10 111 end co wequent!) without e.- Jungerms their heal • They will requare but a antral stream 01 water, and can he ed the whole wawa, and cap be pet Otto operation Wixom Meru Is not sorb elfin water to washin the 131.1.1 tray. Prier of antalleat alto 11.15. Orders from abroad. an companied hymnal, will be p raptly filled. : fetid-illf , H. PARRY, at arry,Scott & Co'h - - No 1 Wag] sh PitthlArkr.' • 1R41.2910„ 'llifiL'it'Atilt. R iftwEntA h... 6011 hi; ilk est in the no-pannentlup (Coleman, II an & Co., to the remaining partners, titm this day retire Lensfa, funs i Isbssary 19,184041 ' SALTER'S INSENG 'PANACEA! ' rill) THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED I lAINGS—Thc unprecedented mecca& ribich hus Ueuded the use of tee •• • 01=1 n CI the various tarsus which Irritation of the Irutge as iones, her hiditeed the proprietor again to cell etterr to thut WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The eithgable . , wenthor which mark. our. filliud xi months Ls always a fruitful source of 'cour..l AND . COUORLI r f negleorod, aro but the precursors qf that COSUMPTION. . . r quern.. then, how shall we alp the destroyer m the bmil bow then we get clear, of *or rough; and ss of vinthimpartntice to the Public. 'TIE GREAT AND riNLY mminv ...it. mond in the Ginseng Panacea. In proefer this we hoar from mac to tone published the certificatee oI dozens of our beet known citizens, who have experi nced I:A ca rive power.. These, with a mewl of tea pnnovy irom all parts of the eoantry,—drom AIb,DICAL MEN OP. TILE FIRST STANDIV.OI • NI/lantern of the Gape]. tac-, together with mite= no' ices from the • • -. JOURNALS OF THE DAY, .0 have embodied m pamphlet form, and MIRY b• hid gram of any of our agents throughout the mintnll7. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES ' have been used in this ov7 THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Viuted States and Canada, and WI obu lenx e /My m. topemt ma a • • SINGLE INSTANCED wnieh, when mien ereennimiie , 41motions, and ha. f“e. 1.1. t !unav had become fenny dlaorrtruzad, it bu aver failed in EFFITT A PERFECT CURE. Why. Inc. aced the adflicrod hesitate 'Why vuOrLio t nun-rable nosrtunis, gotten up byturt etraindiVid u ler tic anumed name of some co limited Aye ctrian. and puffed into notoriety by certificates et par ser. covally cnknown! Whilst a medicine of 1. - SPARALI.FLED EFFICACY hat!, tallow vouebers areal homer-oar ulgh3 cetw—rusny of wham it b. s.NATEHED FROM TILE GE AVE order that tidy invaluable tnedieinelmay be placrld within the resell of the poor as well the rich, lira hay. DUI MC price . ONLY FIFTY CENTS ut oe I.W.f the neural cost of cough medicines. roll •er ode by Mre aen t to nearly every trounand oillcSa vrt the west, wins arc prepared to give . informer. give {a it T. SALTER, Proprietor Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. - AOlOll,l la Pirrssuaori—Brann Is Seller, corner of Liberty and St Clair nos; andL Wilcox, Jr, corner of Marker st and the Diamond, also corner of 4th aid cmitafield err; J 11 Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn .U, Mb ward; and sold at the bookstore lit Smiltficld it, Ad door from Seuand st; in Allegheny city by II P sch.carts end J Ancient; by A G Smith, ' 111 • 11 gGla minghaun, D ;leaky, Eall liberty; II Row land, 51c l:rem/on,. „I Alexander & Sou, Alonongaliela City; N II Llowinon & Co. and 1 T Rogers, Alrowneville; John Barkley. Beaver, Pa; are ntiolesido agents. - felefloleodly Pact■ for the Public. . In ...mm In that unrivalled family Salve, ' NUEVA NANICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. - PF.SI OloNl* of a rumematile following, mlillesaed In my Maul, Mr. F., far yweather, Ctuclanati Cutamum ecb.12,11119. it,: A truce of duty compels me to give my tribute a DullrylL rem Extractor. Being opposed to quack •rv, siJAMals haring for Melt . sitipict emistor Leh vca—but realising much good from. the "Kivu of ,•ak.l ant Induced to tender you this certift . I hove need it in my family, in my practice, and otth the happy and wondenul edema that coda pos.ibly be. unglued. IL J. Bantam, AL D. '- Or. the senior partner of Brodie & Levi, Drugetsu. Ilytamaststory ithetrmatis". The billowing tratsmonial COMes tram a source fa' lbw to many of those traveling on our i Western'wn• ern ?it. Glans, the well and favorably known p • neon et the Parkersburg Ilinel, is loosb.d I. tan ady shore letter 1 stoma t Da tum...can, Va , April 13, Chill. To tlettry Dalleyj,Ghemist., ice.—Sir Ilavinglnr. meet y , Iteen long atlicled with' violent InflamnlaMrY ahrothollwal wthelt appeared, so firmly sealed as to defy 11l oratrmry appliancee to allay the severe Pm. Fate mime It 1 was tudeced to UT year Magical Polo Fairer:tor; lid It having effected, almost as if by nath r ate, an omit diets relict, an th d MOO, la all appearances an cour.• andtpethet Cure, lam Induced for e Leese.to et maces who may be afflicted with pale,eafill o, ,4 any kind to inficannatton, to write to yen, de o l.r. l 'd mat in my optnton, founded on actual caper:race your alnet'al l'utu Extractor Is the mow veinal* dm covery 0. Me ptesent age for the immediate <venetian of hodtly amu. It Is au almost unmedive and a per. '°°, rot' . for Darns and :melds, and all,external to. dam nation. tinning many' acquaintances formed by their visits at ni t totstt. , :id't hotel in this place, 1 have sttppum a t,y pour ellowing mein no.ss taw liner, li may posoibly , tin at In nett both to them and Y ' oureell. .' Ethetment Itratri. II return:ln the hope that Mrs. Glitne will the the publiedy I dive to her letter, ...ell on the ettare of humanity la 01 its being the sorest le of bnnglng h to the notice of her friends.-11. DA T.I , . Fel. Cara L.ttrael 41 a letter, dated Baustdrr, Ky. Nov. t*, 1041 Mr. 11: Valley: "I have tried you; fain Ertnietor in it case of felop, In my own family, which it relieved htime.' In haste, ours 'c owl eared m .. v.rl 0 ne l ~ ...g . m. t..,,,,.. wean:llly, tcr Duns and Praia., Piles, Seto Ntpples, 'Broken Dream, Vropturds,lores, Gals, Mound., and, •all In ffumtnatio.n, yields readtly to the wonderful pwthertle. of thi,unrivutled tenuit salve. Bet, to the s pr. „,„,, t hm yoti will deedire benefit from tie s guine, yen will he !Muted by the delethnous effects of the onitterfelt salvos. , c GA urw N —lle sure and apply oafs to the jp,,,,1p, ,Lancetam,.l.3 Brondaray, hew Vork,tkth ur, ha s ~,,! t agents. JOAN D AIORGAN, General Depot, Pittsburgh. Ilrery .I'. Schwan., Allegheny, Agent; J. Dal, telsoting. Pay James W Johnston, Maysville, Ky.; fl Merry weather, Cincinnati, 0., General Depet. N. 11.—ln the her, Dares and Scalds it =tracts ,:, aAnt tu n teat mantes—. nem:flails. jots /J. tiOLL, N. 1. C., 11. 1. lattarroca. PH. iiltarra=trag the City . et .31.4 Task, , •, andarslV AP t q I IN tullesak , sbeen&W, ,v,„cuty.c,Ntw..iftekteeie it `to impel, Urne rad - eccatrf Atitrynaeu with lanai PLINY. Lty roads, *Wall And Antlit.l4l Perfumery," e , A ca-at ilatitaCa Cbcadeat ( of dais own .• aatta).l4/ifth. , uligH 44 lami• Ot a ir4law avually.a. 141V111 lbe par New la taiga/rimy adiy. New Yols,lWile B. A.VAILIEMOcatiC B ' ptal; FOR WOR-. M a. A. FAIIINIESTOCK'S VEII.IIIPVGE• dino. or ar.grunsk sooner.. order to afford all prisnible scour ity to the public, well as to themselves. against fraud and imp°. gni. from ennotcrreinnig, the proprietors have made, chinge in the exterior wrapper or Wile of their Ver. maga , I . ln . itcw *hick Is a -wet engraving of the Inast exquisite design and workmanship, has been intraluced at a ry great expense, and .s from the twain of air lutist of ve the first talent. The design Lanese: and the execution elaborate. Pegerel figures and a portrait cltr. Mott ',recline., hut Vis word "Vaastl 7 scan,. printed in white lettere on a red and finely en graved ground, shell'moud be paructiiarly examined.— When held on to ght the letters, shndlnk of the letters and every line, however minute, throughout the whole of this part of the engraving match as eased; as it the impreselon had been mule upon one aide on- In although it is nmundll Minted on hush sides of the L or o r i:on T:z h s , ti o o z u , l . d . 1 , 1: a . p url , rsdebde aeon sides, and should he examined in oh- ca im me manner. True preparution ties now stood time test of many Years trial, and confidently recall-amended as aura and effectual meth.. far expelling worms (rain she system.'the unenimpled succor. that b. attended its administranonan every ca. where the pauent wt. really addicted with worms. certainly renders it wor thy the attention of physici.e. oho propnctor h. made it a point to aster.. the result ol its use in such eases es crane within hie knowledge and observation—rind he ItiralieLly found it to produce the atoll sulutary edicts—not unfrequcum ly after nearly all the ordinary preparation. recom. 'mended for Worn), had been previously resorted to without any permanent advantage. This fact is at tested by the certifientes and etatementa of hundreds of respectable per.. in didnrent parts at the try, and should induce Monti. always to keep a vial of the preparati. in their possession. It Is mild in Its operation. and Laity be administered with perfect esfer- . sty to the molt delicate min. The only genuinels prepared by ept27 IIIFAIINESTOCK, Pittsburgh Great. English IL•morly. FM Coughs, Coldit ‘ Aulna and Conindoption! Tha GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the CUM of the above diecaam, it the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIPP, dincovered by the celebrated Dr. fiktehan, of London, England, and introduced into the United Staten alder the immediate superintendence of the Inventor. • The entrnordinany success of this Mediclnc, ip lb. tore of Pulmonary disernes, amiantus the Atnene. Aim= in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ca that can be found in the community—ewes that seek relief in vein from any of the COl9Ollll remedies of du day, and have been given up by the moot distingaintied phystrians unconfirmed raid incurable The Hungari an-Bahr. hail cared, and will cure, the most desperado of caws. It in no liaaek nosunnt,,but a standard Eng lish medicine, of known mid entablinhed efficacy. Every family in the United States should be nopplied with Buchan's Hanged. Balsam of Life, not only tin coontemct the consumptive tendeies of the climate, but to be used ns a preventive me dic ine in all canes of cohin, coughs, spitting of blood, loin in the nide and chest, irritation and soreness of the kingn,.brechltlik difficulty of braiding, hectic fever, nighlrorentscaab ition and general debility, asthma, influenza, w ping I 'cough and crony. • Sala in large hottlri, at 4i per bunk, with fall . dine Ihr.tha ra.terauan nr health. . . Pamphlets, emaninine a terms of English a.Vel Ameri can edratica tee, acd eater evidence ' showing he am equalled merits of this Feet English Remedyi may be oh muted of the Agents, eratuitaurry. . For mile by B A FAIINESTOCK & CO., corner o et end Med Arlad Wood and 6th etc.. laDd&orS 04all Arid Melia Egginess Paiiiikai blame R. G. PARKS, Heaver, Prowler... • , MILE new mud elegant Pariectiecr Packets, . NIAGARA, Haut H H /adman PENNSYLVANIA 7 "J H Iletfrismg LAKE ERIF., ". e QUEEN CFPr, Forming a daily Liamberiemenylleaver and E ri eihare commenced running, and mill Mootinue during Ihe nea ten to mate thelrreenlar tripe, leaving Heaver lager therival of the moraine boar from Pntsburgh, cloak, r and arrive at Erie in tithe for palar.,ngers to take thd - morning boats to Buffalo or op the Like. Tickets tbrotteh to Erie and all Lake parta,..eanLie had by application to JOHN A CAUGHEY; Age, eon:lord Water and Smithfield:Rl as GEORGE KECK, vat, before—me - de ti I) the atom approved Enters galls— d most lAL hionnlite Eastern puttees and color.. Aiwa THE C111...a 1.• ROLL, or Bosrori ea hand or made to °rile r oralsaes, and at all pricee.' Country Merchants and whore are invited to millet:id' examine the above for themselves, aa all Intl be sold' wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction made re wholesale purchasers. aoldlp A WESEE:OkiLIt YDITINti I'AY6R—llanng the exeldslee agency to; the ogle of the 81111i:rove Prittung, kern, (ri. It. it C. P. Markle., Proprietned tee moll be conitantly ouppited with all the different sixes of eeperiotqffnity, winch ere offer et the leaven inguleteprteee. • REI,NOLD3 SIM% febfft . oonntoPeon and Irwin int - LOGAN, WILSON & • Wooleaolc Dealers inForeign and .L. Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, tee., stH', Wood street, Patkinigh, Ore LIMP fully prepared..with recently imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dinfri Carpenters , Tools, the., to otter very great in ducements to Western Merchants, as to ailtinion the many advantages had by our predecen.ory Mea nt.. Logan In Kennedy, we have greatly increased oar facilines and purchase all oar goods, from Oil hands on the very bent rerms. The junior members of the hem devote their whole ILLICLILLOIL to Wen, runt steeling confident of mfactlon, renpectfully solicit o colt from all who may rigs Una mem.. melthl Butoks.EOE47eltz. rpHE Louden - mg - nod offers for solo laitopelor article .1. of brick for Inuithook, mho by kw Steam Press, omiroved onrehine, for. which he has obtained a patent miJ agrees to give purchasers a written guarantee that they are stronger, and will resist irneioand wet weath er and imbilin late moisture or dampness than any oth er brick, poetusong greater body and superior anW much more durable in corer...Ps:eh .ach brick being subjected to a presturc.of wound LOU,, and pas eovestok,a handsome ,mooth enclose and oven edg.Lo they make a front equal to Oa best fount bnek. They have given He greatest nutielactiao Mall who have punebawod. A kilos can be omen at thrkorks, sad apeciinett at the sfueote cace. Those having supplied mantel: es tor their buildings, and wool - long handsome front lorieS, or sioperior hard and sour paving briek, can obtain theta. ISAAC GREGGI flonnifogbaru, June hog hestyrose in totallploilhiaii tialcrent grade,. of Crean tenntstat ( Meta(, m„,4 H J.EL, talierty st,_apwlfsgoo, CuPAßTscrnsiiir-1 have dots day usocoomel with me in the wholemie girocury, progrgo road COloneesion internees, Mr. Joint Vinson, Mir( ttle Wen ofJoiv. Iv...ver k. CO. wATr. riwbosh, April :id, 1,12. Li - u,fOu guilij..e, Oxide of Tin, Prawn Acid: Cip rate coo Iron' lii Carbonate of Cona4h, of eh ovg r, Calomel, Zodiac. of Lead, Claoride of SOda and Catorte Ether, all C 11.4, and for sale by J. TILHH & CO. I. G.tab-: RATErm.. for the very liberal eileourigetnent Ur have tree:recoil for ro litany yeark, I have deter. lathed ettivige my bountvot considerably. fitortng g t ,gaged a eou.vtetti Foreman, I will be.enabled to Ali an ordervprontputr, aud the wor k m ' our m‘m i sty le et prsecc, ntidash . the atlantic. of mer e:43l. Lad Cill2elll tO sty large atnelt of urtlutarr;- utniDn aual finds, dlattrasaes and bedding, Car; wig Aintnr w., Daseasas curd hlonteng,,Curuteea, Vito gee, holdertogt, end Koller C ta d and every article eanaly kein eetabltehment of the rat. respeenuity solicited and prutuptlyat tended to. h. It.—CtllllCl3 Made. lad pea down. . . P ISEILI RUH GAZ.IiIrrEt , n ~.- E FALLY Ai, t.e ;Mg., stogr Fe 4, OP tyv"lc T 151 1 0., UOO as, 17.1 i nes, 0? lets • '•• SO b 0 .I•,,,,, iyertioo,llithou . talterntior 4 •I'Lree '• •1 00 tint IVe,t. Iwo Wct•k. • -`• • t• 50 r hrec "" • ***** V *** 3 One 010ntl., ........ . 4 . wo •• .. 600 .. • 7 50 in' Longer advertise.e eta in erne propn w io One ngnare,G month., without aluerittion;re is 00 (II) Each additioneal egnare for t", znna l -4, . . • 10 00 J'arrlr wyv r 15 - bee. icicare,6 nenthe,tenerrehle at p , (x 00 i I= lo oo iarh addiunnn t vgnnre furl tlmontht.r. Cwo aquaren. s crooltri,reNrAblretp . .. Each tlalaiopal aquare.n mo llo,l , lIILIILLT un TII.I,•WNSir.L7 n n it 7c 00 One square_ 3 Inneitione, ... ... :7 " " each additional inveraan! Brarnia;' Five docker lean, *** r 0 .off.. sir morithsrt•••• , "= • r' one •ear,dlllo , 0 " •' its ontaff wa pi ativawrtnEOrwe , , 4 7 ,1 For IS lilies, or lees, Oise i••• .• v 0 Two, • ' 0„ s ic 4e v i no, I." Thrtik
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers