BY lIMINETICIELEGRAPH RZPOR ZD & TZLEORAPIDED Oa THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE FOREIGN NEWS. ARRIVAL Or WHO EIFBER3I" SEVEN DAYS LATER - -FROM, EUROPE AIIIITaIaN ATILOCITIZI 'further Nowa or lb. Turkish Dlgnowity RIOTS IN IRELAND NEW HUNGARIAN CONSTITUTION SACIVELLA Nov. 3. The Hibernia arrived at Halifax lua emoting. *Ur a rough passage. Wattle in receipter, dates from Parts up to the 18th, and Liverpool to the 20th ult. The Hibernia brings 100 passengers, among whom is Mr. White and family, the Ame rican Consul at Hamburg. We learn that lion: Richard Rosh, the late Min ima to France, Hoe. Mr. Saunders, Minister to Spain, and Mr. Sales, CAargs in Austria, and Flenniken, Charge to Denmark, left Southampton on the 20th ult., in the steamer Washington, for New York. ENGLISH MARKETS. The LIYISPOOL Corro.v MAtErr opened at an advance of 101, over the current rates at the sail. iag of the Europa. • Mnrcumarra blhantr.—Transactions la Amer!. can detonations have been effected at an nuance ot id. Tlre aalca alike week amounted to 191,000 We., 41 610 6 1 fot fair Mobile and Upland.. There is no material change in WHEAT, FLOOR Or Coax. Wheat is quoted In 4 635 s 9d per 10 lbs: Westein i amil F10ur,.19415 Ohio, 255. There is a steals! request fix fediL 280029.6 d for white; 27 6d6328s for The market for Amerce. Cuano_Piovuions Is improved—Mes are real! effecta at hill prices. In Lay) prices are in raver of the buyer. There m a large business doing in Toaacco, on on speculation; holden, &renew, anticipating ,highr er rates. Scores Pio Iwo has advanced la per ton; Wetes is quoted et .E. 5 10a per ton. The accounts Groin the manufacturiog distncts are generally sat , The Mom Maur; presents no altered (num. A alight depression has %inn experienced in sectuities—Consols closed on Monday at 921; Wedneadmy and Friday, 9113911. For American sectuities the demand is limited—U. 8. 10513 106;Peruda 5'., 71079. Thera is no later European news in Wilmer's Time., the only piper which has cour to hand. TURKEY AND RUSSIA From Constantlnople or St. Petersburg we have no additional information, and u yet have no !so lution of the difficulty between she Porte and the Autocrat—the general belief, however, among well informed circles it, that Russia will pocket the af front, tether than provoke a collision with France and England. A correspondent writing from Belgrade, on the Ist Mt, stales that the Husgarian refugees are cull at Widden, rcady to set out for any destination they may receive. Prince Alexander, of Semis, bas behaved well towards them, allowing them a. five pasrage, and provisions, through his territory. Beat, Dembinski, and others had embraced Ir lamimonaeatered the Turkish army. AUSTRIA Haynan:in hie administration of military affairs, lowa noupportubity to preterve the bloody epithet so nniverrally appplied to hat. He hav murder. ad, under guise of• Court Marge, thirteen Hunira filUl Gm:tends, whu4elivered themselves up at the sad of the war. Count Baihyuiy, the Prime Minister of Hammy, *Aiken shot Coo. he was to have been bang, but his wife sent bile a dagger, with which he cut his throat; he did not succeed, however, In con emitting suicide, and fell pierced by Austrian bid let& Several Hungarian °Seem, who were famished with passpoitairosn Comorii, have passed through Berlin, on their way to the west—some ore going to America. KJapits wen said to he among them, and had embrased the reeolutlon of crossing the Atlantic., with.wtmndred others. , Rangary Cie divided into ten disuicts, each d to hate* awn Provincial Councils; yet deputies are to NO &mien by a majority of the voles in the - ITALY. from Rome are the reverse cleat. 4:61004 1 J.' 7 " , Me returitTo? . .lhe Popo is will talked of, Snio toll a aullent oi,,cookictore. the iiacksot. Madeline for o,l666:',4CotWhencii hp 11,01 for London, and ednonatnlyircweed,to ikmessei. • nairi:frefai -France, inland, and Ireland ThoOt ails of. the rkotrriof Jane 13th are going on at Versailles, attended with much mreuement. MELAND. Several anti-test tints have occurred, with fatal, -results. A riot took plate on the 13th ult., at sit testy, Bilis'. County, where three police me, were killed, and , several others severely Injured. VERY Liat FROM THE PLAINS AND \ SANTA FE. ST. Loots, Nov. 5. The Republic i gives an account of a skirmish near the Doe Levallee. The Indiana had taken ■ Ire of clothing, two horse., and :a hundred sod filly head of cattle, from Los Lavelle. Captain Papain, with forty men, pursued them fifteen miles, and then divided,Sergeent Miller taking the com mand of a part: Miller, when six miles distant, came up with an 'encampment cf the Indians, fired on and routed them, killing five of them, who were left on the ground. Among the killed was Pctrilo, ■ noted Ckic Cot Wasbiegteu, with a large force wu hunt ing the Apaches, arab but little erect, as depreda tions continued to be of daily occurrence all around Zenon Fe: RUNAWAY NEGROES. Sr. Loins, Nev. 5. A despatch from Quincy, In., ye s terday, uy. that 50 negroes, of all ague, and tall rues, with teams, stampeded'from the Missouri side, the night previous. The owners ere Miss Miller, Me. Maine and MoCotcheon, of Sugar Creek, and Ellin, of Monti alio, Lewis county. _ The destination of the runaways Is unknown. [Cecoun DIMPATCH.] A despatch from Quincy, of .Saturdly, says the slaves who stampeded from lowa County, had been overpowered, and after a desperate resist ance, with the lou of their leader, were captured The negro killed belonged to Miss Miller. APPOINTMENT. BY THE PRESIDENT. Weimer:rum, Nov.s. I. W. venally hu been appointed Sixth Auditor cd . the Tressury,eitie Pour O. Washington. Prime C,orreopondence of tit< Pittsbnrgh thizette. WA/wagon:al, Oct. 5. Col. Pawnee, of Somerset sweaty, Pa., has re calved a Commis" appointment, and Mr. Fatally Las been appointed BMA Auditor. THE SUSQUEHANNA BANE. PIIII4DiOLPHIA, Nov. fr Montrose . , Cashier of. the 'Susquehanna Bank, has boon committed io deiaalt of $lO,OOO bail—it is alleged that $55,000 are smacconated DREADFUL' OUTRAGE. ST. LOWS, Nov. 5. A negro LeLonging to Mr. Glasscock, neat Pal =gm, committed violence on, and murdered Miss B r i g ht, aged 14, and killed her brother, aged 11 • year. The negro milk be burned on Friday. THE CHOLERA AGAIN Si. Loma, Nov. 5. The Cholera has re appeared at St. OtIttlf14•01 till le Oita prevalent and fatal. s gs grm e abo was shot by Monteignien, la be teff,' and torae hopes are entertained of bs reeove• f . Tr. CINCINNATI !AMULET. &mown, ' ov, 5. The river has rhea 22 . lushes since Saturday.— Irk . ..poe t has grown quite warm, and pnekn,g operations hav4 ceased tor the pr an esent. pligu...frhe market is bassi d prises dash ,,s4 Sales of sew at $1,25, and of old at OAS .parbbL _ —Whisker—alve at 19. perk in. Imolai/ important in the (eatery. or proeirio6 COra ERCIAL RECORD 14v4,J) ii:Pl:ornyyTriry - x - vino I COMMITTEE FOR NOVEMBER. lIILITTOI ITU TIMM ...... CLAW AistaxAo 'LSO HOVEN:IOEL 0 MI 6 33 bas 6 36 4 37 6 38 6 32 4 Sunday, I Monday, (1 Tuesday, 7 Wednesday, El Thursday, 9 Friday, 0112C1 PrITIWMIN O.IMI, Tuesday Morning, Nov. 6,4d49. The general tom of the market yesterday pntsented no important variation from oar tut vegan, though in• general way, a fair amount of holism was doieg,— The reuniter was quite ammo, with strong Indication.. of min. The river continues In good navigable stage, and businesa on the wharf continues quint active. ..Flees—Tke-reccipts yesterday mare limited, and sales from first hands Isaa confined to noel lots, at 84,4504,50 41 , bbl. Sales to a considerable amount welt etrerldi at the river on Saturday, at KS% the pee. chatter naming Marisa of inspection. A good ankle of Saperface on the wharf, that will pus inspection „at ~,,eutand 14,60 t bbl. Sales of 130 bbts (Mai nem In dray lout lots, at 114,69, 54,7004,751 bbl, as in quality. itrcsuramm Flocs—There is a g ood demand Maio Market, vriat'aales from 1110.1 at SASS 1p tOi te, for a choice article Re. Fr.oca—Sales to a limited extent at 113,83 tis bbl. Gtocantles—Sales bane been confined to regular Un ited lots for city consumption, at the following rates:— N.O. Boger 8061 c, in Ibis, and 618:1111, le bbls. The supplies of N. G. Sugar, in this market, we are Inform ed fall eonsiderably short of those of a CORP spending period for . several years back, which will bane the ef fect to keep the prices at shoot what they are. Pales of Loaf Sugar at 8010 c, of N. O. Molasses, in oak, at tifttfle,eash and time. Sagarhotise Molasses is . sell ing at 3:3810c; Rice at 6061 cm; Rio Coffee is gran at tic Vb. LincoX—The muket If any thing, is less actlye, and and !tales hare been confined to Smiled lot, only at for Shmildets, 41 Sides, Se; Prime Ragged at Bc, and Sager Cored Family limn. at I.4llllfie f lb. Burcsa—Lales of 8 bbls roll to cloaks at Inc. Sales. • (40 kegs indifferent bun 93893 ft lb. Tatzew-84fea 33 cask., (Iwo 130 for city eon umption, at 7e, etutt currency. nt3, Cructsz—Bales 500 boxes in different lota at a Tango • (51 to 6ie for ordinary to prime W FL (Millen fir sold rlkv lb. Fha—The market continues very km at tally quo• lei rams, sap for . Salmon, SIB for bbl.,and IV for tea Mackerel No. 1,1114 No. 2, 510.50; and No - . 3 at $7; Doti ring 110,31, and Codfish at 114,73 'IT Gans Aretas—Are settee, with moderate sales at SAM • bbl. for • prime etude. DeoN FaClT—Batas of old peaches at $1,73, of new at SASS'► bit. Dried Apples an sallies from store at 73e Potieoss—Bales of Noshumocks from mom at $lOO bbL Bale of 651'sks lone reds on the wharf at Son fs ba. Bales cited, from store at 44650 e ft' bs. Ws - uses—Salm of Rectified M 22023 e. ALmnoL-BMetin bbl. at 50e PROVISION BUSINESS OP TIIE WEST. The Cincinnati Gazette of the itd Mat, hays that foot boas. in that eltyvnire engaged In wining, mostly en drovers accotrat £ 'ale at 100 head, average .eight 113 poands,orse made at g 4,15. The pens on this side of the river are still empty, bat we learn there were some lots in those in Covington. The Madison Banner eapresses the opinion that the price or Hogs will open in that place at about 52, 50 1 and sink to 10,1002,00. The Louisville Courier of Wednesday says—"We heard of • gale to-day of 1500 head of flogess a pecker, at 111,150 net, to be deliverad In Loatsville at an early day. Thiele the first transaction this season." The Alton Tsligraph dine lath eh. reports several eatrasta for .flogs to that city, at 22.30, for .. 1 .7 'U neasy. It also uodces nomads for Beef Cattle at 500511.50. The Maysville Eagle of Wednesday IMOs that there were COO head of hogs ia the pen. Mom of the opera tor. in that city, ready for dm knife,. and that one of the packing bonsai kad commenced operations. The same paper nyr.—"We Item that holden am 'riding to Lake 11,2, bin so far, them am no buyers at this price. Then is a general feeling of deprestion to the market' and kw, if any, have fixed their figures for fatale ope ration' The Indiana Sate Journal or the 3lst e11.“07. .There seems to bo but little doing in tho pork torsi os in this city. Ileum Manger t Sono haSe pre pared themselves to pack a large =cum. and we on. demand that so enterprising citizen of Lowrance barn has leased the stleghterinkand packing enablish. meat if M r. Blythe, for the purpose of lulling and pat ting up • large moult of pork. A considerable .1.0130123 of cooperage is now in store in the city, ready to eariply packers." The Menet Advertiser of the 27th old ears:— . A large comber of cattle come forward. They command on foot 112,122253,20, es m weight." Gas!la Iliangets. 11...urcenas,Nar. Catge—Thare w as decrease in the amply et ne males m tdonday,Md the neck being of. WM' qua/ • y, prices Mad WPM ettling higher. TM diming% made it 1409 head, of &nick 550 were sold to city _butchers, 100 to packers, and 61.0 wen driven to Philadelphia.— Prices ranged Mot de top on the hoof, amain NOP 193,9.5 nett. and avenging gr,4o gross. "Ifoge—We quote horn 01,23 to $4.73. Pzusnalinns, Nos.l 1843. The offerings Mi. week composed 1340 head of Reef Cattle, of which nearly 50U head were driven to New York; 200 Cows and Calves; /505 Swine. and 1500 Sheep and Lamb. Prices—ReerCaule were In fair demand, aNd priers ranged from 11.5 to 16,50 fe 103 to. Them were bat few lett over. Cows arid Calves—hutch COW. command moo Spongers 1113 to 1414; and dry Cows 117'101114 cash. Hogs sold at ISt 15,50 is 100 Pic Sheep sell or 11250 54.50, and Lambs from VI SO to SI each, aCeording to qoality --•- - ' EASTERN STOCK MARKET. Barn oi Broess to New Yana,—Nov. 2.-111.20/0 U. S. Os, ISO, 114; MI OM do do, 1362; 114;115,0x0 Roe 72 renewed, 34; 0;1.000 do do. &5;14000 PomisYlmmtin to, Ertl; ISM Striding Blig .Bds., t t .h.. Bank New York, 117; 10 do Ohio Life b. Trust, 53; II do do. 232 295 do. 'Farmers' Ems; 251,• 34 do. Eno R. R., 611;150 do. Alohawk IL B. b. 4 m8E450 she Canton Co, W 1; 427 d do., 231;50 do do, 15:10, 32 4 1; 400 do, Morns Ca h. ; WO do. Ruading R. R., 331; GO do do. n 30, 312; 033 do do, 322. At the board to-day Farmers' Trust Co. and Erie R jHas dec ten Ra il. l M Road orris Cand an C al Co. I; Ene renewed bonds anton Co. 4, nod Readiag Railroad; I. Pennsylvania Bonds mil Long Wand EL R. closed at yesterdars prices. illmmoro.—The Sun Mutual Insurance Co. have de clared a dividend of 38 ♦ Ct. On the earned premiums of the year ending (let 4, 1549, for which certificates will be issued on the tat of January nazi. Also, a din dend of 6 ♦ et. In cash on .he sena heretofore tuned, payable on.demend. The certificates of Iftts are to be redeemed on the in of January ant. After which in- UreSt thereon IS to cease. • Suss or Bursa—Pus atom ..-11175 Lehigh Int be; }IN State So, col; 1,600 do, esf; • Mush 83120(iCRII 1, 19•, 0 New Orleans Gan, 112*;000 M.M. bi.III.UN Rending Rall Road Bond., 69:13,000 Reuling tdottgnge Bonds. Go, 41, 554, 63,960 do, 'l4. 66; 10 Lo. tlf; NAM Renick) 66, 103 I• 111,700 Wilmington E. as 1, 4 fa; t 22; 4 North Bank, 4., 107. 850000 Boasn-1110,003 Reading R. R. 'Mortgage Boa., a, store stc. 6s, A merican ) n o o k. , 661; wurnon Ba Tena 31;19 Ron l2lii 62.100 Stale ss, 121. 61,200 City 55,'59, 071. BMA. or Sucre fer Balms, Nov. I.—Ar von Boun,-3 horn Boston and Maine 11. R. 1051; • do. &nun R. R. IN. II I 102 5 do. Norfolk County R. 8, 30; 13 dodo 30, • 10; 20 d0.d0.504, • 11:4 30d0.d0,231, • 1C4 4 2) do. d0.30 1 l 7 do. dA 3021 do. Eastern R. IL 101 f; 150 do. East Boston Co. 131; 60 do. do. 14 b 30, 110 do. 14 b 214 1 do. Saco Water Power. $76146 do. Atlantic Bank, lA/1 ; 6 do..F.xchuge Bank, 99f; 1 00 dividends East Boston Co. No. 4, 64 OM Rending R. R. Bond', 1550, 57); 1,000 Buton City Fives, P 49,95. PETROLZOIII “Thera are more things In heaven and earl Than are dressopt of In philogaphy." TiVIRTUES of dus remarkable mmedy, and the constant applizatim for it, to the proprietor, has induced Idle to have it pot up in bottle. with la bets and dar.cdona for the benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM Is procured from • well in this county, at a depth of font hundred feet, is • pore dna. dalterated article, without mly chemical Omega, but just flows from Nature's Great Labratoryn Tbatit contains properties reaching a number of diseases,is o longer a matter of uncermaty. There are many thine. In the mama of nature, which,if known, might be of vast mantle*. to al.v.ting mdiaBUlti and "- smring bloOlceallik end vigor to many a .a(- freer. LORI be re the proprietor thought• of putting It pin bottlo., a reputation far the mire of dis ease. The eons I and duly locreanng falls for it, pod several remarkable corm It has performed, la a sure indication of Its flume popalaray and wide spread soplication In Me cure of disease. We , do not-wish to make a long parade of certif. rate., Ss we are consehms that the medicine can soon work Its way into the .favor of time who alder and With WO be healed. Whilit we do not claim Writ a mivenal application in even disease, we unhesita tingly un that leg number of Chronic Disease. it is unrivalled. Among Mese may be emonerated —all .diaemes of the mamas Maus& such as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS , CONSUMPTION tie It. carly L mi Asthma, and all diseases of the air p COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, 'Diarrh=esses of the Bladder and Kidneys, Palos in the Back or Side, Nervous Diseasehlicendt,ify, Rhettemlie Palos, Goat, - rem", rem, Burns, Scalds, Braises, On Sores, ire., tee. n ems of debility re. milting Imo caesium, or long and protracted caeca of snassme, Oda medicate will hnng relief. It will act as • golooal TONIC, and ALTERATIVE In sorb eases, Imparting tone and energy to the wale frame, renter • log obstraetions, open/nails sluggish functions, which Cause deem and a broken constitution, and g i,j us inercued and renewed energy to all the organs of Life The proprietor knows of several mime of PILES, that resisted ev' other treatment, get well uu n u (1... of pEEROLEU BI for • short tim. The proof ran be Oren to any person who desires it. traEftft, 67 Wood at; genuine without the aljnaGyre of the proprietor. Sold by the• . and—KEYSER t AVDOWELL, corner Wood rt.mid V irgin p alley; who are his novS,lll _ _.•2lll6Pl,romd Agents. Dlauslatliast of Partnership. hereto- BY MUTUAL CONSENT tide day, the firm fore nalitom under the elle of BUISHFIELD LEADER, has been dismalved by Henry Leader sail. ins Ids ULMre tillsrest in said firm to John McGill All businesseonneeted with the firm of Bonifield t Lead er will be sealed by 8. B. Rushfield t Co., who are duly authorised to mete all eollections and angst all Mahan BUSHPIELD t LEADER. Pitodnagh,Ocsl7, Ibut. N. 11.--8. D. DIMILIFIELD & CO. will continue the wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery Miaow, el the old wore room, No. 1110 Liberty et, where they will bepleased w here their friends nod customers cull mi mamba their Moat of good. octal 8. D. DUISHFIELD & CO. 1117111/1X UAW MILL FOIL /ALL, TN Monroe eamiy,Oblo,l7 lase below Wheeling, and arse stile above Danish, on the bank of the ostilbass sores of gem.; on whi•ti Bean eowiphne• operate. Al., • M emem klillDesa, SO by 17 feet, soil throe MM. high o. Brink and rya Frame Derelling Basses; 70 dunce beepin mar be m haal by rept far taaphii•alNualtediambibt, PORT OF.PHISBURGH. Tex Ilxvic—There were 5 feet 0 Inches in channel lam evening al dualc,and ARRRIVED. North River, St. Louis. Louis McLane, Berman, Brownsville.. Verona, Hendrickson, Mcßeesport. 'Philip Doddridge, Brownsville. - Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Atlantic Parlonann, Browlurrilla Lake E rie, Gordon, Beaver. 4. ' Camden, Hendrickson, brKemport. Jenny Lind, Gallagher, Shenandoah, Bowman, St. Lows. Ohio, Stoups, OA Lowell, Heater, do Hibernia Na 2, Khnekher, Cio. Lady Byron, Cincinnati. Viroqua, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. 43 4 62 44 tips DEPARTED. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Peptone, Hendrickson, WEeeerron I Caleb Cope Murdock, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Gordon,Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wlleville. Camden, Hendrickson, hilleesport. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Monongahela, Stone, Cincinnati. We!ladle, Wiggings, Bridgeport. Wyoming, Rogers, St. Lows. Cinderella, Calhoun, Cm. ceo. Shields, Cincinnati. • Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. North River, St. Longs. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Wellsville Packets, 10 A. M. Cincinnatt—Hibernia Na 2. Zanesville—Jenny [And. SL Lenin, De Witt Clinton. D. Leech dr. co., packet line. 9 P OL 13E=132== DEAVER /a WELLSVILLE—Per Beaver-325 boo cheese,4 bbls butter, J B Canfield; 29 boa cheese, W II Brown & Bra; 4 cks pearlaah, R Baleen & Co; 75 00. cheese, Canfield. Per c b. Grand Turk-9 b. potatoes, 4 bbl. do, 1/8 do apples, L S Waterman; 199 amply carboys, Jas Ir win; 133 bbl. plaster, %V W Wallace. BROWNSVILLEI—Per Atlantic-46 pkg. dry goods, 10 bales leakier, 20 kg. nails, 9 Los glue, 3 bbls dour, his glus. Per L McLute-49 bells loath., II pkga oystats, 55 explain; pkgs, 10 boa window glass. CINCINNATI—Per Pem-1 eheat,7 Mats tobacco, D Leech & C; 9 do do, 27 kgs boner, .1 A Roe; 49 dozen brooms, O W Martin; I orate, 7 aks rags, has, 19 dor browns, 25 bbls, .1E2,6 bags bags, G W Smith; 14 bbla lard oil, Tulle & &Conan 73 to. 915 metal, R Tanner & Co; 33 bbls potatoes, oven.. ST. LOUIS-.-Per 0010-10 bbls seed, I bx mdee, D Leech pigs b 00k. , ,, Matthews Ors wool, W Barker; I ba Elliott & Engliah; bbls whiskey, Tann & O'Connor; 37 bbls scrum. Cole man, Hallman &' 5 nsts lead ripe, .1 W Butler Bro, 31 alts peachas,9 hOda tobacco, 2 bgs wool, I ba sample. bads bean., W Bingham; bbl hominy. Jos Kerr; 1 02 books, H Graff; ea bo potato.. Abllingerl.s2 bbls apples, J House. CINCINNATI—Per Lady Byron-125 ions pig metal, H Childs k Co; 33 bales broom corn. Tulle & Creek non 4 ball. bags, G W Smith & Bo; 9 bbls clover reed, II Graff fr. Co; 35 bbls high annes, 1 Ls radar, Clark & Thaw. Z.kNESVILLE— Per Jenny Lind—lll reams paper. 1 & H Floyd, Itt do do, Wick lk McCandless. I la, 42 bbl. beet, 5 sky wool, MA bbl. dour, D Learb & Co; 99 dodo, 9ellen k Nicola; 7 hhds tobacco, Wm Iltraharo; 4 skit feathers, /a. Put.), & Co, ho. Clark & Thaw, .to bbl, Robermon & Remelt, 75 bbl. palate., DT Morpm, 4 bids lard, eapley k Scold, • LADIES' LAMITA WOOL DRAW ERS, Vesur uld Union Etteues tar .ale et the lathes' counter txtAO , F H EATON A Co. Ite at VID GLOVES.—F. H. EATON k have meets.. JELed by Express, Kid Gloves of • new Color, tor minter. Introduced into New York.aud Boston by the truest European atrivals, which they vrtll reserve ex • elostvely for dim retail trade. Triramtng and Vane !, StOTV, si Fourth st. _ oeLKI WEIR LEIVORK, Jost received by Et DR., tire dirt worked Collars, Cam, Can, Caps and Hold' kerchiefs at oet3u EATON'S Fourth rt. f ILN' WS e DO Wltriestionwn, cut in any widtSh. far sal by th-, , patil at ' rwOo EATON'S wcass, mucous, Gaocicaucs, otbscribel. is just removing hls Fat; Stock, on• bracing all descripttoos of FORIQUIN toos., Grote t tea, Cigar., to. Ile a anducemenu te Wholesale and Retall trade, that cannot by ex celled. Among the %fl WN. for sale, he would cou ntersue the following , Mii pap. Rochelle, Bordeaux and Cognac Brandies. in pipes, bf pipes, On quarters and octaves, all chow. brands and Lager, IS pipes Holland Gins; pmtcheoris Jamaica Sono, - 5 do Now England Ram; 2 do • Scotch and Insh Whiskey; 122 libla Old Slocbogsbela Rye tiltshey, . . 31 five gal don do din lenit, 41 pkp Madeira and Sherry Wines, to hi pipes, quay. ten and octaves; pkgs I ,bon sad Tenentle Wines, (quarters:) es rkfs Port Wines, In hf pipes and ginner.: 07 bb s and India Dbl. Sweet and Wy Malaga Wines; 20 bal. Old Pena Brandy. • • • - - R R seeks Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffee; 73 pkge Y. H., GL Y. eoil Chelan Tear, 30Age end Tebaceir. 0 Ws end Gahm Svioo+o 11=== tit=:=M 73 do Champagne Wulee, pH sad qui WA cues (1 dot) Claret ;Vulcan JO do Hoek or Rhine do; 73 do Sauterne Wince; 93 do Muscat; 10 do Black berry Brandy; 110000 Imported Cia.ara, together with Cordials, Dentitorts, Wicker Flasks, Seotc h Ale, Brown Stoat, Aromatic Wine Bittero, Bottled Wines and goon of the finest kinds, Annuteue, Cyrano.. A ttsynth. Maraspusno, Orgeat, Cerises, Hoch and Cologne Dot dew, Anchovies, Sarthnes, Lobster, Ina, Cape., Olives,Olives, tat Ketchups, A S. Chocolate, Corka, Punch Maga Maddlers, toga. Bozo., Masher, end Patel:4l9th Man. aracutres generally. " JACOB WEAVER, Jr, `ox-729 coo Market and Vint ata •daerleass Woollen Goods. subseriber has on hand, (recessed Ms present ammond consmeed from the mmufacturms, the fol lowing Goods, 'rhos b be a mthonsed to clmc stoners veryleer, 30 pieces yard wee Barred Flannel. 250 pairs wrote Bed, Blankets, ribbon bound, .to pounds to the pale. I ease SO pair. Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound, • veA superior article. 4 eases (GM pairm Grey tared Blankets. 50 pairs Dark Gentimalla Blue Blankets, • very su perior article. 8 cases Grey and Bine Blanket Couto,. 40 pieces Tweed, Stenbenville make, I ease assort. ed pla a b overed Jeans, Stesbenvide manufactory. Te.als are ell cofisigned direct from the maker, and mil be imdd .cry lam for cask or approved notes. oco/2 IL LEE, Liberty G., opposite sth. =2!=!==l C • - • • LARRACIE'S Water Care, lamo. Franeke's ter Care, Illino; Liberty's Triumph, 12mo, Ralf Hours, with the best !tinhorn 4 ants, l'Auo; Root and Swentaerte Singing Book, oblong, larno. Bin is Man- Irmo; Frank Forresters_Fisking or the U ge. R., Vivo; Dowrlng's Fruits, EWA; do. Cottage., Cm do. Land twrilw Gardening, Own; JO/14,800k Keeping, b en; Da vid Copperrield, part 5. For sale by ontan JAR D LOCKKVOOD, 63 Wood et rio3l*-4TM. RANI% ELS--11 Feces brown Thine. 1/ white and b.ood Flannel!,lAkthurs le Dm. man. uranium) which will be sold at a small advance above mintufacturers' prices... Call and examine at No. Ilk Ariake at. onteedlm D. 11. FHA LICK • tom`, larkein amionmen .0 am °tared in ails market., and nekll be eold .mall advance. Call and see al No WO Market el. nettelm D. 11. FILALICII. Cotton Maohltaary,.Too/B, die, at Auction I9N TUESDAY, On 13a, of November, at ten o•- eltiek, sold at Ameba, on the premiss, fth Want, Pittsburgh,) all the Machinery, Tool, Shafts, Drums and Gearing of the Phcenis Cotton Fac tory, formerly belonging to Adams, Allen & Co. Also, a quantity of Cotton Mill Cenings, Wrought and Cast Iron Work, Cart Steel Spindle, Rollers t e.e.. prepared for said null. Patters, Office Furniture, Se., among which are Cording himnes,Threstles, Males, Speed ers, Drawing names, Ac. A liberal credit will be given on all purchases over SILO, as mode known at sal, 0et.30-ritsikwltT rVINNERS Mel a complete assonment of Bras Kettles, Japanaed aid Brass Candlesticks, Ft Shovels and Tongs, Steers, Skimmer. and L ally, Flub Pork., and all other kind s of goods as ally kept by them, and for sale at extreme low pore °GB LOGAN, WILSON Cu *~{EROHANTU OF PITTSBURGH ph. In are desirous of extending their business in the rounties of Fayette, Greene, Idoineract. andalso in Western Virginia, will find the PAVY:ITE WHIG, published at Uniontown, a desirable medium, as it cir culates largely in the places specified shove. Te moderwria augtnid3me CHEMICAL WRITING VLIIID. HIBBERTE SUPERIOR RED INK. HIBBERT'S MACHINE COPY INK. ALL these differ from ordinary Ink, as they are all chendaal solutions containing no viscid matter, doss freely Dons any kind of pen—the color deep, bright and durable. If there have been Letter article. made, I have neither seen nor hoard of them. Sam ple bottles can be obtained gratis, by the reerehuns generally, front makeFahneatoc Ca, Henry P. SchwartsAllegheny, or of the ufacturer, THOS. R. lIIHOLRT. Dosiggist and Cbetabil, corner y and Smithfield streets, Pinsburgb, P. a( Ilbef N. R—Any bottle not giving complete satiafaction son be returned rod the price will be refunded. Juleidem SAM'L. GRAY MERCHANT TAILOR, a:ou*nos •UILDINQI, ST. CLAM STRZET, PITT/BURGH YUJI MIT R. 17411.119 non NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine assortment of GLOTIIB, CASSIMERES AND !RATINGS, OF THE BEST QUALM AND LATEST STYLE.% Which he is prepared to male to'ordo' IN THE BEST MANNER And in the latest Fashions. Oet'in LOGAN, WILSON &VET, CO., 1.9 WOOD large ARE NOW RECEIVING a large arid complete ale eonment of HARDWARE, CNTLERY, SAD ERY, and CARPENTERIP . TOOLE, the .manufacturers In Europe and America, and are new fully prepared to offer gOoflf at such Prices Si cannot fml to please, and would arearticulmly request the attention of Merchants who in the habit of go• lag East, sts we feel cerdideut they arid find, ow • thorough examlostion„ that our non will compare f a vorably with soy hoase in Phnadelptda Of rim Yoh. • rmtl It reed and for Bale by -- 13 & W NARRATION ILIED APPLM—io Deria Earache. 13,31 os Prrtsscsalc, October 19, IN9. N ELECTION for thine. Weston, 4(.3 , 9. Bonk Ato servo for the ensAlog year, will be.hold at th • Moose, on Monday, the MO 441 of Norco b., ...AI, between lb. hoary of 3 P. M. TAWAS OL UWE, Cubic. LAW AL MATER Coon of Quarter 611.101i11e Moon!, Nov. 5 Present, Hon. Benjamin Patton president Judge and Samuel Jones and William Kerr Associate Judges. In the case of Edward NI ullentotheted far a manslaughter, committed in Manchester. Mr. Stan. ton for the defence, read an affidavit, alleging the absence of a material witness, and raking a contin uance. Mr. Bitch objected. The indictment was found at the March Term., Ed wiird Mullen was ordered to enter Into recogrosance to appear at the nest term for trial. THE STREET PREACHERS. Trial of .1031/211 PiaMEL Huou KIRILL..II, anti .11 , 0. SlOAP.—ladictmout, NUI.IIO. The Court called . 9 this cue, and Mr. Magraw or the Commonwealth, stated he was ready for tri- I. H. 8. Magraw, Esq., nod dames K. Kennedy, rutted for the prosecution. Mr. Kirkland rose and dated that he appeared four himself. Mr. Eyster stated that he appeared for Barker and Sheep, as also did Jasper E. Bradley, Esq., of Franklin county. Mr. Kirkland asked the ~Court •if this was the proper time to move to quash the indictment. The Court replied a was. - Mr. Kirkland then proceed ed to argue the illegality of the indictment. The following is a copy of Mr. Kirkland's remarks.' fle said: This ism indictment for nuiwtnce. A nuisance is any act that worketti hurt. moonvemenee, or damage. Nuisance may be public or prima.. A public nuisance , must affect all the citizen. la the present one such a easel It will pot do to say that the fears of some may be takers no evidence of a public wrong. If any particular par.ns are dam aged, the remedy la by a civil aciton. Defendants salt the Court to quash the indict ment on the following grounds lat. The indictment attempts to supercedd err lain city ordinances relating to the oletructions upon the public streets, which by said ordinancs are made the subject of fines. The city laws are passed under the set of incorporation. lithe pow ers vested in the corporation are ample to protect the citizens against nuisances upon the streets, then this prosecution is illegal. "The criminal law lavers not of oppression; two remedies cannot ex ist to punish the same °deuce." (For this he re ferred to 3d Athens, p. VW; 3d Blackstone's Com., 216; 4th do. 166; Ist Burrows, 516.) 2d: The indictment illegally presumes to al in question the liberty of speech upon religions mat ters; and in the same illegal spirit tt would dam to call togneation a conaiiintional right which no law, COaltalla or statute, mayiabridge. (See City Cam.- ter) 3A—The defendants pre jointly charged in this Inst count of the Illegal. indictment, with uttering certain "loud, lowd.esiteked, iuiandalous. and in famous words, dec.' Igo specific language to stated; neither can the ;defendants learn which of them is to answer the Undefined charge. If it e defendant* are to be surprised upon trial, about offensive language, which is only known to the Attorney General and the WililetSCA for thCom monwealtb, the forge al a trial may be dispensed with, and the Inquiratural proceed:rig tray be at otters closed, by a judgment without further hear tog. The infamous Je nes, who could a Presbytenan forty mile, distant," and denounced the immortal Baxter Bala hypocrite, would blush to atom his monstrous tioormitics by evading the forme of the laws. tt In the swill reinedyt. for libel, the very word. complained of must he riven. In criminal prose cottons, the rale is'-mote strct Why would the Attorney General put in jeopardy his legal repts fatten in this case! 4th—Would an railmtineot lie'susisined for a nuisance in oho/venni the public streets against Governor Johnston. Gevernor Metcalf, Mr. For mud, or Mr. Loomis, tn. addressing paltneal meet ings? Rem is the rub. f: Delicate religious nerves are not disturbed. The motion tcrquash Was overruled. The Jury was then etnpannulledi three or four mounting to be exeuncd, and one or two being .• bailenged. The following were the names of the Jurors ho were sworn. Jury . —Wm. Mllle, Wm. Caldwell, Mathew Harbison, Ir, Joh. Stononpher. James Taggart, Fenner. McClure, John Weiler, David Bryson. atchard Black, Joseph`, Campbell, Adam Walter. and James Campbell. The defendant. asked that the name of a prose cuter might be endoraed upon the toll, and the o•me of /Mtn Herron. Mayor of the endorsed. Mr. J. K. Kennedy then opened the emote fur the proeecutton, and coneltided hot epeeeh by ratta( n John Wynne, one urine vntnenleo for [he plOne ution. tnatimolv I , O7TAW. rros.l,l,t. John Wynne, siworri.4.lteetdeon Liberty street , Is segatinted with all the defendant, by wear, with Barker personally; has keen present et them tee. turn in the Diamond and on Peon rirem, they hoe been going on bitter than a year—twice e week in the Dallsond. On nights before market, and on Sunday at the Canal tinder, hove heard therm all speak; they ;poke from Leech . . ware house steps. They obstructed the Wee, SO that it was inapoaatb:G to pas . t on the ride on which the speaking was. By Mr. Magraw—Did you hear any obscene lantrittl4c' Mr. Brady rose and objected to the giving in evidende any languege which the dekindente had ever made one of, they were not net Forth is the indictment. It wee not the language which conetitnied the L offence in the first two counts of the indictment, if there wow any offenee, it was in the assembling of the profit& togetheri and if thin was an offence, he had himself com mitted it, and he saw gentlemen around him who hod committed it—clergymen, also, by speaking on the public streets. lie then proceeded to the third count, which charged the nee of infamous language. lie argued that n Wel absolutely ne cessary is law that the word, should be set forth, otherwiee no evidence es to whin these words were, could be offered. Be referred to the law Woks to sustatn.his position. He claimed that the offence if it were an offence, must be na►owed down to the obstructing of the high way.' Mr. Megrim replied, giving a few authorities. The Court ordered that the testimony should go Mr. Wynne resumed. Ile detailed a variety of expressions made use of by Barker in the Mar ket House, which are totally unfit for publication. Cron examined—People could not pass by con veniently, even on the other aide of the street. I was there listening, attracted by the speeches. The crowd got out of the way for the omnibuses to pas.. John Alexander, sworn—Do business at the corner of the Diamond and MArket Street ; have seen Mr. Barker speaking there; a crowd there; I have found the streets so obstructed Marl had to take the middle of the street; should dodge there were in the crowds from one to three hundred. Cross eiamined—They bold political meetings Chore, some times. Have heard other gentlemen address meetings there.. W.H. Garrard sworn—My place of buetneas is the Si door from the Diamond, on Market street. This speaking has continued on the evenings pre vious to markets for one or two yeare; crowds there. They used to block up the street entirely. when they spoke on the Old Court House side. They speak now in the circle off the street; can say no particular language which I henrd there; generally went through as last as I could. - Cross examined—Could not get through Market street conveniently; could push through the crowd, W. IL Whitney and James °walnut testified to the fact of the meetings being held, and to the en. tent to which they obstructed the high way. Mr. John B McFadden testified to the some facie, as also did W. F. Willock, Ildliary Brunet. J. K. Kennedy, and James McClain. Some of the above witneases Leanne,' to the use .of inJecent language by Barker. Ur. Robert Hallett, sworn—Lives near the Ca nal Bridge, Pcnn meet. These meetings have been held for two years; have hoard the delendanla on Sundays. • [The Wane!s detailed some lewd expression. used by Snrker, and said he generally reed them tram Roman Catholic Books. They were very ob. scene, he said, and were made use of by Barker as the doctrines of tee Roman Catholic Church, con tained in .books called Den's Theology, lAgenn'a Theology. and a Catholic *au ual called the Gar den of the Soul] • Wraß. Thompson, sworn—Lives on Penn st., opposite to where the meetings were held. The crowds were large. [This wanes, also slated that he had heard lan guage used which would be obscene in the res. ante of a female or . child.) Crooo-examined.—Tho language would he oh ocemo to a private room. Alexander Lowry, swami—Have ascended the. mewling.. and I have heard obscene language used. Have heard Mr. Barkar read from boobs, and comment on them. lie could riot help using indecent language in speaking id what was in apse books. (The witness detailed some of the expreadons, and said Barker Dever fated any thing Wilbtrat he said he could prove ft.) Baku told out the names of the hubk, in which he 3,,c1 tLree thwge were to be foutul He read the q nom, out of the book. He Mentioned Duos The. ology and St. Lagoon. Weston Bowen, sarorn—Has pawed - through Mess meetings in - the Market House several times. Had heard obscene espreesions used by Barker. (Someespretaione were given.) Mr. Magraw here called over a long list of wi nouns for the prosecution, not one of whom an. slivered, and attachments weregranted against St. vertu of ihrlo. David I funter,sworn—Hart been present at some of these meeting., and heard indecent language, which Barker had read from a book. He made Use of expressions which I' o not recollect. He said the book was the Garden of the Saul; don't recollect the page; got the book and read one of the questions which he quoted, myself Murphy, James Dean, and Geo. Beale, Sr, tes tified to nrarly the same Mom As the other witnesses for the Commonwealth were not in attendance, the defence went on, the prosecution reserving the power• of calling their witnesses when they came in. THE MUSIC. 113TIVONT rOlt. .... Mr. hlynter opened for the .defence in a speech of considerable length, arguing the insurliciency.ol Ike indictment, because the charges were not so f. firienily specific. Dr. John tins, sworn—Has sees the meetings. Perrone could not have scree. on the side walks where the speskers stood. The number was 100 or 150. They could on the other side. The crotyd attended about to the middle of the street.- The ciowd_was larger yesterday, about 200 I should think. . . . Wm Bayne, swam—Lived in the Fifth Wald. Pass their meetings every Sunday. We always get along without any annoyance from the crowd. Suppose the ommbusses might liometirnes atop a little. I generally croseed on the north aide.— There omtubusany generally went through the crowd. ?distills. Daleell, sworn—Have seen some of the meetings. The crowd would sometimes be acmes the street, but the horses and drays could could grt along without stopping. The crowd would get out of the way. t:teorge H. Thoinpaon, sivom.—Have witnessed some of these meeting's. 'Have seen large meet ings there, ton people and mon:butes were painting and repasmng. They gould not well get along on the sole the peahen were. Robert Forsyth, sworn.—Have been at all the meetings which have' been there yet—Atagket House, Penn street, and Allegheny, except two or three of the first At the Market House, the speaker appointed men to keep the street clear.— I never al to a carriage stopped. On Penn street, the people would push uce side gnat the other, and they would pass ; sometimes the speaker's side of the greet was thronged up. PUT Snepter, evrorm—Live in the Diamond, back of the old Court Howe. So far an I know there wee elwaye room fir-carriages and omnl_ Mises to ports, outride. The people seemed dis posed to let every body pass. There have been other meetings held in the Diamond. Since I have bard there, it has been a public place where ntechnen were held. ' Benjamin McLean, sworn —Have peaked down Market street, when these meetings were in ses sion. The omnibuses could peas slowly, through the people would. seperate. Other petunia have held meetings in the Diamond. There would be difficulty in pealing unleas you kept on the oppo• vie side of the street. • Samuel Cooper teatified to the alms erect— Have known six diderent kinds of meettngs-going Jo la the D.amond at once; every thing was rep resented except Temperance, have heard Barker .prise from books, and glee the page in Den's The. 4logy, St. Ligoun, and others. Dr C. Armstrong, sworn—liave seen these Mueller. Have never been hinderedip prom!. Tim Dismond has been frequently used for public meetings of different sorts. Crome.esainined—There war some lithe difficut ty in parsing. lied nu great difficulty in gOing along at either ride. Hit. G sworn—Wes late Mayor; parr ed o eeting in the Diamond; parsed' up the other side rit the street. Heard Mr. Harker read. tag in some hook which he called the Garden rid the Soul; friend no difficulty is passing; rent On the ether side from the crowd; here been called upon as it Police Magistrate In regard to these °wrung,. John Kmg, sworn—Have been present at wimii ertite meetings, never bad the slightest &Scatty to getting along; have conned omnibuses, car riages and buggies paw; never taw a ay diftcohy; tbc:people always cleared the way there was crowd on the side walk next the speaker; have heard one of the three, I can't tell which, tell the crowd to Sive the people plenty of room to pass, ID that there could be on complaint. S Morrison, , sworn—lies been at some of these meetings, never saw any obstruction to peo- ple patsies.. The Diamond Is a place for holding all kinds of Ineethno. Have beard Barker quoting from the Garden of the Soul, Ligouri, and Den's Theology. Have seen the audience fill tip the greet nearly baC f k to the other curb stone. When vehicles appeared the crowd would glee way. Adjourned to 9 o'clock this morning. BA.. or Prrisanaott, j Omobar 19, IGO. AN ELECTION for thirteen Threetara of thin Bank, for tho enJulna year. grill he held at the Banking 111 p.... on Monday, the 19th of November nest. ttrO-dto JUIIN SNYDER. Caaliier. 51Laca•ler's AND 111aactactrazes BANK, j Ocuatet 19th, IWD. S 0 1 , 11 , . h ECT I ON for t httteen Dtreetor. urthig Bank, B :e nk'ng 11,0i9 .11E. W. 11. DESN V. Cqsbieltr„ fIEW GOODS AT DIODY , III. W . 1) , .1 0 G . 1 , 1 0 11 htl4 . trn , n d tl,ood, ha. •ust receive .- md a full supply of half ' goods, cheap Ind good aa usual. 00 pieces black and colored French, English and Aviv-no on Broadcloth, of every quality. 100 pieces black and fancy Cauwitneres. am platen. Vesting, many of which can only be had at thts establishment 50 dos menno, lambswool and cotton Phirm and Drawer. A full and handooma lot of Cnvate, silk Handker• chiefs. Stopenders, Gloves, A large lot of fine and common white Shirts. Alto an hand, Pat diab, blue and black felt and blun t. Over Coats, from 112,50 to 812,00. CM dram. frock, box and sack P.oals, from Sa to CVO. A large mock of fine and common Pants, from to 210 per pair. A fit V ira ' . d ;o o rirret r. :l o o7 f ;:n7lele c n ' s` lo oo S giks, always on . lituld. N. 11.—Con work wtll receive particular amen -11011 Handsome garments and good ht. h er anted. Any person ILI want of clothing can be suited to their entire saltsfactlon, at W. DIOBVS cheap Cash Clothing Store. PAX Liberty. at ocL3:diro Road! Read! ELLERS' SYRUP.—From W. K. Roden Cl Cab, Clerk of the Court of 'iltriarter Sessions of Beaver County: Mr R. E. Sellers—Sir, Some tune in the winter my r war afflicted with 'leveret and distressing cough, and hearins of year invaluable cough S_yrup, 1 pure slurred bottle front S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, end finer robing • portion of it two or three evenings on going to bed, the found immediale relief; as else revere friends have been relieved in severe cues. 1 um therefore satisfied that it is safe and valuable medi o in o , and wOufd recommend it to those who way be afflicted with Isom! Coughs rod Colds. March 2v, 1013' W. K. BODEN. Prepared and fold by R. E. SELLERS, 07 Wood st, end told by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and AI °OSP RICH FALL 000DS1 ALEX ANDER fc DAY, corner at the Dtamond and. Market street, notify their friends and the public that they have received their stock of Fall and Win ter GOODS, direct from the importer, manufaemren and auctions at the root Their stock of new style and fashtonahle Goods is large, and.presenu strong altme .ions to purchasers. In Ladies Dress Goods and Shawls, tha Fling splendid and fashionable Goods of thesett.oii nre now offered, at remarkably loss prices, consist/rig in part of the following LADIES , DRESS GOODS. New style Ilrocha Camehon Silks; Cord end Dlack'Satin Du Chorine and Tam Satins; Cold Camehan Groderhlnes. of the item qualities; Black glossy Grodenens of the celebrated Eagle ralttalucturn. The above linty./ Thank Silks ere warranted not I cut In the wear, for drones and mantillas they are th heat inputted SilksotNeat WI Camel tan Satin Dt Chem., the handeotnes the genoon. Near style Ltrochn Silk figured French Menne., a new and splendid article for ladles , walking dresses. Enthrnldered French De tarries, for dresses and sacks. an courtly new article. Cashmeres, De Lainew, Medd., Alpacces and Far mem., o large userunent SHAWLS AND SCARFS! Breeds Long and Noon Shawls, of the be st quail ties. Plold Long Shawls, or the newest designs, reteszlt ably cheap. Splendid Terkeri Shailds, at greatly redoced prices. Cumelion Brodie fird Sdk Shawl*, in groat variety. Crape Shawls, white and colored, :a great variety. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS! Best Sudan rval French Twilled Cloths, all price.; beat Sedan teal French Caselmeres; new idyls Amer ican Casaimerevi wiper Satin Vesunaa. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! French and Belgian Mack and Oliva Cloths, for La dies' Cloaka. BLANKETS! A splapihd amordoent of American Rod imported illuikets, at remarkably lowprices: DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large mid complete immanent now on band.— Many of our present stack of Staple Ooods were bought from the manufacturers previma to the present adymice io price.. A principal part of our stock of French and English goods have been purchesed at the great Auction Sales to Philadelphia and New York, which enables us to offer decided bargains In almost evsry description of good. in oar liao of briaineas. Country blerchmts, Merchant Tailors, and all wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an early examiloation of our Mock add prices. ALEXANDER& DAY, 73 Masked at. octZi 000th won corner of the Disatood.. M ISC E ',LAN DAIS. LAPEESS PACKET LINE. FUR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, F:velnamely for Passvrygers. —The Boats of this Line will leave P Tfollows, at 8 o'clock at night: hompson,p Thursday, Nov. lat. Indiana —P Burke y, Katucky—Capt It Truly. :Saturday, 3d. ottio—A Cmag, Sunday, 4th. Loatitanu—J P Thompson, Monday, Sth. Durkey Tuesday, 6:8 Kentocky—Capsgiiruliy, Wednesday, 718. Ohm—Capt. AC g, Thursday, 18 1.111111•116—J P Thompson, Friday, gila. Indiana—P Bumpy, Saturday, loth. Kentucky—ll Truby, Sunday, 'Oh. Ohio—Capt A Craig, :Monday. lah. Lootatana—J P Thompisan, Tuesday, 1318. Indians—P Burkey, Wedaesday. 14th. Kentucky—ll Trilby, Thursday, 1514. • For paonge apply to W STITCH, Monongahela Houe, novl rta..D LEECH k Co, Canal thsein EIOSONOAIIELA ROUTE. Only 73 BIlle• Staging. Via linsentsville and Cumberland to Halumore and Mandeiphia. THE omitting boot loaves the wharf, above the bridge, daily, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time to Rothman.,?) hour.; time to Philadelphia, 40 boars The evening boat leaves duly, (except Sunday ey. eningaiY at 4 o'clock. Passengers by leaning on the evening boat, will crass the mourtants a nage, nest day, and thus avoid night hovel. Secure your tickets at the Office, Monongahela House, or Ss. Chas) Hotel. W e J. ME :MIEN, Agent Patent Ohltted italtere. • TO THE MANUFACTURERS. OF IRON. THE undersigned ha. received Letter Patent from the Government of the United States. for a new and superior mode of casting CHILLED ROLLERS, which are now offered for sale at the •IOWA FOUN DRY, Pittsburgh, by PARRY, SCOTT I Co., at • half cent per pound lower than those made by guy other manufacturer. The Rollers are superior to perfection of surface to any hitherto made, and aremanufacture.] from the. strongest Iron of this country. 0e1224. JOHN C. PARRY. TTTP . . SPLENDID assortment Jam reemved, suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade, co del, in psn of tEN'S, WOMEN'S, SOTS', MISSES' AND CHILD. KEN'S WARE. of every varietyaud style, and at prices to suit the times. Those wishing to purchase, wholesale or rend, will hod it to their advantage to give us a call and examine for themselves. TROTH &SCOTT, oetl? earner Fourth and Smithfield sot lips'Dont forget the plane. CHICK a BING'S P/ANOIL 'fiImRECEIVED and now open for exami nation, a new and spendid assort ment di Pianos from ..Chink ering" Boston, among thern a full carved Louis XIV ordered forn, one o( our eintens, who nos kindly permitted it to remain in my ware room to day I Wednesday) for echtbition. Those who mayhem, a desire to see and hear this splendid specimen of art, are respectfully invited to tall re day at the store of JOHN II MELLOR, el Wood n Agent for Chiekering's Pianos for Western P 5.1.17 .1.17 Lit ph 0 F IZMiIVe " Illt e rtag A ll. ' N ap ' s " , 6 a m n , d heads, Pliourtolls, Labels, Architectural and Mitch um e Drawings, !liminess and Visiting Cards, &e , engraved or dray n en Vp and printed in colors, (bid, Bronze or Black, in tee most approved style, and at the tonic rcasotiable pricey ' amid:ly FAYETTE oticitti EL BLANKET** WHITE AND BROWN LiDASESTIC FLANNEL§ WE are noir reverting from tho ....tory a large supply of thesegoods, which we are selling low er than sorb goods can be had elsewhere in this city. We time no acids in bleaching, that iriures the Rooth,: • • - - •. . • - WU Moan being to produce goods not tot chow only, hht for comfort and durabihty, and as arch they re ceived the first premium over all other good. exhibit ed at the late Allegheny Agricultural Fate . Fot sale to the Blanket Depot, No. lid Market in, and at the ware room. of the Fayette Manufacturing Co.. No. tie htecond Blankets of our Alanufacturr are .31.1 in Allegheny City. by Mr. John Dean, and also at the "Tao Bkg tY tndoias." Feder,/ IA cortp PURIM TER AN BOOK ILOOKS, - NO 7S WOOD STREET, We natant WBMW. will be found for sale an ...Storm of valuable religious [Woks and Tracts. comprised in manes °labour FOUR HUNDRED different pub lie•tlans, (of-which entilogues ran be had 011 amine. bona embracing many standard works in Theology, Biography, &o. kn.. selected and published by the Presbyterian Board of Pubbeation in Philadelphia; and well adapted for Sabbath School, Congregational, hllvio or.' aid Private Libraries. Person+ wishog axporehue ouch Looks. .re rnvl call and examine the as.rtmeni. The Depoettoty of the renentylvama Bible Society kept at these rooms. 0025: d telat PEKI TEA lIITOJELIL. subscnber has pat received at the Pekin Tea T Store, 70 Fourth street, a very large and well 11, lected stock of pare GREILN AND BLACK TEAS. from New York, all of which has loom received in this country saner the Snit of Fahruary lost. eonmeting ot all the diferent grades grown in tie Celestial Empire. Our stock being among the largest tat the Weil, we ore preouse pared to wholesale. on boner ten. than any other han the city. ‘Ve innate reawl grocers to call and ettaanne sloek and pricer.. They eon have uptick. ed I. trial I 5 packages, 5Pa tut C 11.1113.11,1,, or by half ctiests, to sun Melt emcee:ence. Oar onsul prices vary (or Oolong, Black Teas (roan 50 eta to 51.00 per Nina Voong Souchong. 50 co, Congo:0, and English Breaktast 50, Young Hymn, Gunpowder and Imperial, from 35 ea.. to 81,25 per 11, FlNmill. arc rermegred to ..d and get samples of f oar T.% ashl try them Leforepurrhaa,mg. 19 - ..1.R.wS A. JAYNES. 7D Fourth .trees NSW FALL AND WINTER KNODIL No. 100 Market Street, BETWEEN FIFTH Aso LIBERTY, PITTSBURGH. THE subsenbcr would reapeetfally invite tos mend, and the public toeall owil examine tus mock, which comproies topar: the folioonng, Fancy Colamer, !Unman de Lams,Satinde Chine, Fancy nUk, and • loge usooment of French Men. nos. Plummet.. Lyonese and Coburg Clothe. ALSO. French Embroideries, flowery, Glove, • large assortment; Erobim, Thine, Tarn Satin, bilk and Woolen Long clrisla. DOMESTItZ, FLANNELS, Tialling, Clotba, co.. aim... Sawn., Tweeds, Ky. Jeans, Ike..he. oeni:dlm D. IL FRAI.ICH. TCITHE LOVERS OF GOOD Tk.A! S 5 eheqs Splendid BLACK TEA, not received direct from England at MORRIS ii HAEOETIPO WINE STORE, rents...Sylmar, 'rind very pener Black Tea was purehatied by 1 Me Ha wor th. an the London Docks, dairy/rig, and la the same hand of along and rough havered Tea that as retailed a England at four and five !Waltrip per pound. Whoever haa tasted Black Tea an England. to well aware that the strength, darer and roaghners iv far .refier to any they have been able In porchare an this country. II you compare thlif wash what you pay higher pnces for chit-where, you unit find it superior In flavor, and nearly double the otrength Price-25 ent, per package, or an bulk .1 50 and Si men u per pound. • We have also low r.eived ARTIST'S TOOLS and COLORS., purchased by Mr. Haworth when in Parts. - FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS,' AIM received at Morris ok. Haworth'. Wine :tune, Federal st., Allegheny: Direct from Prance,lOpipes prime old Cognac Brandy; do °pane. 3 bald. Port Wine "Pore Grape Juice." . do Holluid, 3 pipes Gm; do . London, I puncheon English Gin; du London Lucks, I hhd superb Old Port Wine; do Belfast, I puncheon Irish Whiskey; do Grennock, I puncheon Scotch Whiskey. The above were purchased and shipped In the differ ent pasts of Europe, by Me. Haworth, (who has just returned„ and we now offer the name for cash, whole sale or retail, sr • fair profit. This is a ram chance for those who require superior Wines owl Liquors, as we are determined to offer them roan. oet.M.Mliar PHIOWB E. BURR MILL, STONES. menufacto. A red In France, composed of but few Blocks and solid eyes—a large assort - tneo, the best of the kind ; always an • hand at greatly reduced prices. ALSO—French Burr Mill Stones of Ilk WI my own towmfacture, made of a new ‘._ • and superior quislity of Blocks. These Burrs are made under my own superin tendance, and as great care is taken to make the joints close, and to hare nit the blocks in erica stone of a uniform temper, they are warranted to be of the very best quality, superior to those imported from Fence; and also *opener to the crest mare of there mode in this country, and at pricer lower than hair ever before been offered in Bus marker Laurel Hill Mill Stones, all saves. Bolting Cloth all numbers; of the best quality, war ranted to give satisfaction to the purchaser, and at greatly reduced priers. Mill Hpindles, Irons, Strews and Pieta Plat form Seales,Corn and Cob (hinders; Grist and Sava Mill Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in gen eral. All orden promptly attended to at 214 and 2U Lilo any street, near the Canal, Pittsburgh. inv3Mdam ' W. W. WALL ACM' The Chart.lera Coal Company. [INCORPORATED.I BOOKS will be open for subscription to the stock of .Tbe Chalmers Coal Company,"on and after Mondry, the :Alb day of :September Dust., Ot the office of Z. W. Remington, Penn st, Pittsburgh. ept2lulu • Z. AV. RE.MINfZTON. • India eZIiRUSS jun reed from the Philadelphia Factory, on eXcellent article for rendering Boot, moil Shoe. perfectly water proof, and son as • piece of cloth. one application of thls Paste is sufficient to make mem Inver - mous to water for two months; and is a perfect prcirentatVre from the leather cracking. Sold wholt• Bale and retail at N 0.5 Wood LL oetlP J. & 11. PIII LLI PS. TO PRINTERS. gillE rubecnbar has on hand and (oral,, as &gen of L Johnston & Co., of Philadelphia, the follow • ing: IS pair or Cases; 45 founts Farley Letter, different:ires; 300 Newspaper Cate; SW lbs. Leads, cot to ardcli 10 Composing Socks; 10U kegs Prout's New. Ink; 1 lirms Halley, Column Rules, Brass Rule. or all desenptions, de. A. JAVNES, Pektn Tea Store, 70 Fourth Cl N —Orders received for new Tyr. ATTENTION BUILDERS. A ND OWNERS OF REAL IIeTATE AND SPEC /-1; El; ATOM+, TO LICKENTDALER'S rATENT wisDow AP PA RATE S.—A gentleman of ;thin. who holds from the patentee the right for the Slum of Pennsylvania, has entrusted to the undersigned tie dirpothi of the right tor the western part oi the mine. The invention is among the most useful dole Age. en abling one to open, shut, bow, and boll the windows from the inside, without raDing the sash. The soara ta. supplies the place of turnbuckle", miss, 'tholes, and lower binges. When the windows ace nengly shut, they cannot be opened from the outside: when lower d. they me fast:without tyinr, wren open. they sre fast without turn-buckles Those interested in g. improvements, Should call at once and examine FFIN, the model. I.VND octlldlen Red Lion Hotel. • iiiiilMl= ROBEIIT A. CUNNINGHAM has removed to No 6 , Commercial Row, bow formerly osrapied by Morris Orom, where be will be happy to see Ms Inr oa ds and former costumers. ‘,“. TO PIIINTICHE TWIN D. WCREARI', Pntione Ink filthafeentrer, JNo.. 131 and Xth stanton Buret, NEW YORK—De. pot No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attention of primers to kis improved Pnotinif Inke of virions kinds and order, at the followutg Extra fine Jet Black, for Card and Wood Cute - - W 00 and 3 10 per lb. Fine 11.0 lab 07 3 100 Boos nk . • -,0 40 ° 030 Newt - 0 19 u Fine Red Ink - Tho lop 130 u te, •• D Yellow, (Weer and Wthto The 1001 30 " Gold site at 141 per In and Bronze .1 50,73 et and 111 Por rpeeimen of Nowa Ink thin be aeon on due pae Pot sale by JOHNSTON STOCKTON! r. C. Morgan k Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Pittabargh Pa. Minion kGrithrould, Losisvills, Ky. sePhtlem lIoK-NmC iInnt KE to RIN 05-14 . Mason u 4 Ertoos,ofdo bpsosa Rinboa.hOdom&.l QM? WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. A. A. NO. 60 NARKET STREAM PITT9DNWifir.66I WIX7OULD rerpectfully,:call the intention of city and councry Merchant. to their choice stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which for ement az d variety hal probably never been equalled in the West ern country. Possewing the wale facilities and ad vantage. enjoyed by Fnatern Houses, by haring one Of the partners constantly in the East ummg the man. iffacturars, Importers me Auction Home., they prepared to offer the Mt/ advantages in style and' prices, that can be obtained of the largest Eastern Oltlt. large consignments of DOMESTICS from . .Se manufacturers of New Englatal, they are enabled offer three goods at less rates than they can be pro. :ured of the Eastern Jobber. • The fact that their establishment often equal, Knot greater advantages in every description of gwdit, than eon be had ELM, has been cleat]) demonstrated to their numerous Patron. They feel confident if Mer hants contemplating pumbasthrEam, will examine their Keck, they will he convinced that they c. Inky the same quality of good. at such prices •s will save the roc of transportation, and - the necessary expenses sad time of en charmtrip. nee mention a part of their stock which will &ways be found fresh and corn ;nets:— ' 30U CASES CALICOES AND PRINTS,' from the Merrimack, II anti hon. Cochero, and Mat/cheater Com panies: also from the Print NI/arks of Pannell, P.Allen, ABod w am an, ILchrnond 1., Carr, Chape • Amer/atm, *, Ac 40 cane* GINCHIAMS end CHINTZES, or the bent tuafeeture. 130 cue. BLF.ACIIED MUSLINS, of all the well known and approved makes, for sale by the package at Agents' priers. MO bale* BROWN MUSLINS, 0(101 eridthr, quail lie* and price*. MISCELLANEOITB Pittsburgh Steam Marble Works. ‘TO. 944 LIBERTY, opposite Smithfield street.- 1.1 Marble Mantles, blonumenta,Tombs,Table Tops, kc., a lathe variety of the most beautiful kind, made of t he finest ueality of foreign and domestic marble, always on husd or made to order, by the aid 'of Ma chinery, on the shortest notice and at the lowest pricer. N. 11.—The Country Trade furnished yeah all kind. of Marble al the lowest rotes. All orders promptly all tended to .10111 Liberty, opposite Smithfield n. my m W WALLACE r=== L . LL'S Psdant drone or ?much Purr BNIUTBIA LI CHUM ue ben article or the• kind in use; they run liiht, clean Cam, do the work well, and will Mat a life time. Abate WO of thou are in one, in the boot mills in the itotorry, and we hair the tera• many of cow:qt.:apemen, as their superiority over all other grit Dlashines. Por thither pardeolars,‘d dress the subscriber at 244 Libertyet. Pittsburgh. mytttbdilm W WALLACE STEAK ENGINES AND BOILEILS—For pie; saw andother alvrayy on hand, or made to order on very thon astieer, and - at the lowest prices. All or d er promptl attended to at N 4 Liberty street. near the LanaL my3O ; W W WALLACE TOCASTER PARIS -F land, and other purposes, I. always un hand at 511 Liberty sr. my 22 W W WALLACE I_l 11./RA CLIC CE. s l2.lllwiTre — Ott - ititid,Th - aiiil LI Liberty st. ray3o W W WALLACE GRINDSTONES -AS me. and4rits, always on hand at 241 Liberty street. my.lo • W WALLACF. C=U:=l depot IT la with plemure that the subsenbera inform the cameos of Pittsborgh and vi cinity that they have completed arrange ment. with Wawa J. C. Jenkins Is Co., of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept constantly on hand. They are neatly and securely put up to mendee peeks of}, i and 1 lb. exch, with their panted card—ehowing toe kind of Tea, pnce, name of the mneern and tn hiladelphia, with an Invitattou to return th. To., if not liked. .I[l,ll. Pit.CIS: { • Gunpowder• • • ---04 75 1,00 135 1,50 Imperial ••••40 73 I,Cit ES3 1,50 Ilyson• •—•••— -•-50 GI 73 1,03 1,53 • Y. Droni ..... —...00 en 75 37 k 50 IAO 1,53 1;50 Hlmk Buck& 1 Etna and Arms Fine. 43 ~ 1,30 1,25 1,50 We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to, if not surzann to any sold in th is egy, and shrould they not prove acceptable mthe taste, they can ha re turned, and the money will be refunded, as It Is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a fair trial, that the public may be able to ridge between our Tess and those heretofore meld by other companies in this city. . All lovers of rich, delicious and good favored TEAS, Mudd gyve us a can. For sale by JOS. S. Al. YOUNG & CO., N W corner 4th and Ferry ammo, and E. YOUNG & M, myl&dranis S Wyon3er 3d and Ross streets (De Sammons Zits Sum llszal.p.—JONEl'S Ital ian Chemical Soap causes a free perspiration, and at the snow tnue moltfies, softens, and whitens the skin, /riving. o the texture and beauty of an Infant's. Smite', SALT FtutrearXXlD Sawn, are soon not only healed, hot cured by twine, as at leam seven Physs cians iv New York know, who use it in nets oases, and find it unfitiling—as also in Prschis,lthorcints, Faroxxxs, or any other skin dis- Ttfe reader is assured that this is no useless puffed nostrum, an one trial will prove. 1 could enu merate at leant enpers ons cored of Sona limn; So. Leos AND Sons Ele.amx—Buy it, and use it, nod the render is equal assured I would son cruelly .11 it (or the above unless I ktiew It to be all sty, Those who are liable to CII•r., Cass. Puesq, will find this a eure. Any amta.4lC4,l with any of the 0b.,. or sim ilar Any will End this all and even more (admire. Lie in its properties) than I eta.. net, reader, the stores are flooded with imitations, and be mare y esk for JONES'S Chemcal Soap. Mold b y y WM. JACKSON, E 9 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. eaelkdit.wT Qj' ha nuu or • Harms ts nolo:lore repul sive thana bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow diseas ed teeth. lipereens hove these at is their own laalb— they can, for two shillings, buyee an article thet Wilk make their breath pure and swt as as Spiry y Arabia. it cures di teases of the Gam. spongy or ulcerated, arid for the Teeth it Is unequalled, removing the tartar, futemogi the teeth in the gams. and clean them as whim se the snow of [ht./Iv:en 2lronA. Such, realer, nre the properties of Jones's Amber Tooth Pawe, and, without praising, tt oureelres, heat what ohs of one most respectable and sctentifie Den tint.. Mr. K Field, of New York, says: - . - "I have both tilted and anahled this beautiful and im palpable article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Putte,) and can recommend it as poslerring rithhe qualities claim ed for it.." Render, we eau say no more to convince, only that if you try this once you will he well pleased. It a put up it beautiful English China K., for tO ecnts. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, V 9 Liber ty crech Pittsburgh. ringthdEctvT Dr. Au. GOOD eloshva are • honorably' assured that the following are the actual Rualities of. ns bottle of Juser's Coral Hair Restorauve. If they doubt of word, they canoe..hese highly respectahle citizens who have tried itt— ' Mr. Geo. Becket, II Elm at, New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle an, .Brooklyn. Wm. Tompkint.SM,King at, New York. Mr. Thos. Jackson, Montour, Island, near Pittsburgh R. Cullen, late barber steamboat S. America. And more than a hundred others state, though *him moll suffice, that it will force the hair to grow on the bead or face, stop it falling off, strengthen the root,, mmovlng sear( and dandruff from the root,, making light. red, or gray hair usame a fine Mark look, end keeping dry, harsh nr wiry . hair moist, soft, elew and beautiful. a very, very long awe. sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, .Sll. Liberty at; Pittsburgh. 'Price 37j, AU cents, and one dollar. ace:llama 1351 . LADIES ARE CAUTIONED, AGAINST U SING C05151 - ON PREPARED CHALK: They are not aware how CrightfulWinjuriona It is to! how coarse, how rough, how sal low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin at,- pears after twin; prepared chalk! lk aides it is injurious, contruning a huge quantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being plaided of ull deleeri • gualince; wad it impart, to the akin a natural, heal thy, alabaster, clear, living white; al the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Sold by the Agent. WfrL JACKSON, SS Lib erty st. Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents. ausiollt.orT flookleakr...Galvamalsed Tlm P 1 MBE subscpbersliegin call the attention of Builders, Arehneem and cogAersof Buildings, to the many advantages whicluthate plates poetess over all other metallic subetaneet hitherto used for roofing, ho., as labilitythPpossess " raft , n Vase the I n g. o b w w t ' L . n 0 f ies i Tet,for.arg t er i rl year. in this pimueula!, both in this connti7 and in En rope. • They are In liable to expansion and comae- Lion from sudden change of the austraphere, than com mon tin plates, iron, char m, crony other metal nommacd for roofing, and consequently form a sasekbeller and tighter roof; mquiring far•leas frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is but a trifle mitre, A full supply, of all aissz., from 10 to 30 G, con stantly en hand and for mleby GEO. El: 1.10118 WOOD & CO., 14 and Id Beaver street, Neu , York. The patent right foe Ibis arßele having ken seemed for the Untied States, all parties Managing thereon either by importation or otherwise, will be prosreu. teal ocktAilklvlvT RUST,PROOf IRON. Muff: underssgeed have erected Works ill the eiry of New York, for the purpose of Galvanizing all arti cle, alien, which it la desirable to PROTECT FROM RUST, ouch Teleg ra ph Wire, Dole, Spikes, Nola, Wire ICU Fences, and .y other article which may be required. For Hoop. for Clacks, as • antennae (Debate Rope; for Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods, and n host of other applications, It will be found clomp and durable. They would particularly tall Mention to the Galvani sed Wire for fencer; it requires no plaint, end will n root. Alio to Sp*. and Role, the preservation NY whichmach sniport.ce, that 11 will commend tmelf to the notice of all those interested. OEM R. NOREWOOD A CO., Patentee., ocrasida• octal . 14 and 10 It at.N. York MEDICAL. i .61711GICALL CPPICR, No. 65 , DIAMOND ALLEN, a skVii•E•• LkT ... " "'""'" to , DR. BROWN, having heel regularly esineated to the medics tn g f" ssn ' re ' ll so pra d ctice o , fo rs e ow .° Tonfincip ..vilvip;.t:it'ir.7,;•-• attesmon to the titatment of If 7 • those prtvate .d delicate cord ...• . plaints for which his apporturatie ~•••- c " ra . and experience pceediarly quality • ' him. II years devoted to anal - h a. reatmen of those complaintatilumag w hi c h time he h had more praence and haa eared more yap' Dents than can ever fall to Me lot of any Private pram. Intoner) amply spina. hen to o 0 ,0 of speedy, permanent, and asusf.tory core to all aelieted WWI liCheEt diseases, and all disc arising Mani from. Dr. Drown would Inform those afflicted with or di.ases which have become chronic by time or age gravand by the ale of any ° common !inane. IN the day, that Moir 4011101.11111 C. be railicalty and the. the emend; he having given Ma carafe] attention to the treatment of sack coo., o rod e in hundreds of instances in canna persons of inflammation of Ma neck of the bladder, and kindred disease, which often result from those cues where other. bred toneigned them to bee n lon g He patticularly invites such as he. been long and iumuccesidially treated by others to commit hint, when even . satisfaction will!. oven cng ,. treated to t a cuetul,thorougn anit intelligent manner, pointed oa by along expenenes study, and investiganon, which it la Iniposaible t e e rte . engaged in general practice of modielini to nitro an one cis. of dise. . . U7llemta o Reptare..—r. Brown also Melted pary eons afflicted with Hernia to eall, as he has paid pot. slat mention In this di.ase. . . • CANCERS also cared. Skin dimes.; Weill e, Paley, ate., ipetidlly scrod Urn vary low. , Cb N. IL—Patients of cab sex Sw i nt abhe.s, their i n In writing, ming the qsapj tom, can obtain medltinen with dim:lens fort= addressing UROWN, postylid and OlDna NO. 63, Dimond ihs crail Ho um Rzenurrat.—Dr. Brown' le' newl7dlaeo vaad dy for Rheautstiam is* elialOYAud f e !?aln t thatpaltdalletrabl6. Paver •• to •, . Mee add Private •• soma, Mond Wei, Pittsbrfh Pa. 'The Domerls'atvnito at bome. larK•gansopit I=lEl=l {C l ease. and bales of TICRINDS,of IhS es‘glges than; Amoskeeg sad Otis Campeau. . 33;bales Red, White and .Velloss FLANNFI.:9;a. , complete assortment for sale low by the bale or pieceil. received dime ffrom manafaosavera_ -• • _ , HADA DCLOTIIS and CASSIMERES, of the man ' farmers of S. Slater & Son, HADA Enimmar, nit nom, Harris, So., °revery grade. *CAS.SINI,TS, JEANS and TWEEDS.-41 eater( et $ 0 all the various manufactures." • • ' cases MUSLIN DE LAWS and CASHMERES, of We Hamilton and hlsnchtster Works; sortmeot of Foreign mannfaetani RO lases coIoredMDBLINS, fot4ak by the Nee a A Csitrgeteited and Colored C nark I REL.% of all the usual makesi also Gloat ALDACCAS, BOMBAZINES, and 00FIV 'More lama 20 eases. Alsoi 300 pieces Pesach Sdolßsp s Lyme. and Parantatut Cloths. " • • . SNES and SHANI.S.-.3.0 pa of black tad gartey Silas; n.r l l DOI Shawls, Nog ruelagertreOß kinds. Also, metes, Cheek Bear% - A • • .foll assortment of Mate and Linen Goods. - .Aso - Hosiery and Gloves, Embroideries, Laces and Trim= mines, blooming Articles, all qualities, 8i2132 end make lof Blankets • • RIBBONS—Ndbous of rich Boma utd.Cdp sdso, Velve; Silks, Satinsate., with every oth er description of Millinery article., Tailor. Trim. ings, de. de. Alt of which, together with a general usorouttnt of floods of the newest and most fathionable tole" will be offered at an extretailY low advanoe, ` , New Good. constantly received. All Merchants ans'e6rdially solicited to esti: '" opll/3 A. A MASON &C O. ROUSES, LOTS, FARM NO bk.A WELL FINISHED ROOM, salable for • V. 1. ), or Grtlemen's Forxdshlryr.Storol AI, o—Sercral looms • nitible for othecovor tlsre room.. E D G ortlinf Offter Thud otTrtl• over I`l"ZrAr Valuable halal ftsr.B•l44 , ALOT OF GROUND to the Dished,' Allegheny City. adjoining Dr. Pressicylsproperty, lie feet Irma by 120 feet deep to a It feet elley.- Ts de Indigo. table. Led terms tug. For further particulars applr to J. FL Miler, Federal street, Jklirgbury elm nearly appetite ht. Jenkins' store, er to the subscriber.. ROBERT LINN. Seerickleyville, Oct. 7.-Irell7.4l2vre . , • tar Items. . - -_l, •. City, very desirable residence in Allenbeny, City, lately oceopieff by R. W. Foinderter,Ane weaken given immediately, - - , l '. • For terms, apply at this office, or to W. W. WIL -411 SO ; Tlarkei et. BUSINESS STAND FORSALE—TIin MeV:: Building and premises , In Diamond allow no*, • oCeurned by Mrs Boyle ' having twenty kg SA ' front, extending back towardsFoonh street pita km. dred and twenty Oat For terms, apply to . , octl2 GEO. COCHRAN,. AY Wooffit. for role.. NE PAIR ISFAIOND HAND ENGINES 10 inch O cylindere, 4 feet mate; 2 Roilen,22ketle4, - 4 inches in diameter, all in good order, such be sold at • bargain, if apylieatina be wade somv.. They have Mill • been in use about 14 months. For particulars, leggin. b( 1y1.741 R. 1 11A , ,5, Oh:ea° onceVoi, LliniT—Tha c.IMFIOI3 O occupied by Mrs. Atwood, attn.:l4d at Oakltuld, iM~with im aeres or ground attaelshd. The bssurbi isspacious and convenient, end the mend well./wys proved. Apply to HARDY, /WES A. MS atig3l Watery{ :, FOU. maLE—ss Rnel Houso,lbut oOe YAM sod LPL, on Robinson street, Alloghetty. In. m a near old oar oldlinage. PTiCG lOW sod ten.' eisy.— sof jyY4 SOIOWICIL LIO Accord-WI OR -RE:cr.-7 4 e three story flock - Overt/foe illause, on Liberty, between lisy sad hlartsSry treets, now occupied by W. Gruber% Jr. rossessWo, given uuutb:Lately. Enquire of (Oahu"; cilia the Ikru.Ustore at JOHNSTON to siticrrox,' corner Market and Thiel mean, , _ 11 . (311 SALK, 11 A TIDIRE atrial Dwelling - House, twins the tewani bonne from, renn sweet, In Snyder's Itlet, on Hat meet. Immediate Itossesoion ,wilfent green. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE; ;Attontey 'en Lave—offiee on Fonnh meet, between anent 'alloy sad ~C.rant street __ • lello-41.' I iron affietr, FOUR trg tiow two Mori Buck Dwelling Houck well sked and In complete order, on Crate, tivenao, 7111 Ward. - Posseasion given .1.4 i, ow. Engin= of JININ WATT aco, r .two of Liberty and liana sett _ __ wo Loisor Salo. ' ... . . fr HE sabscribers will sell at p . nvate sale, those two Ivaluable Lout or Ground, situated on Tomato st., in the Third Wald of Allegheny City, each having,. front 0(0 feet, running bad It* feet In depth to aIS feet y, upon which is built a stone wall, t 5 by lOU feet which contains stone enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelling houses,. and in Insed.gltertlY 'ate three abode Item., oft years growth,And side wallt ispaved with brick, alt which will be sold at lOU Ptusbuygh and Allegheny, or • County wtil b. Wren to payment. J ft II PHILLIPS, Nos Wind st., or to ITN. BENSON, immoitintely opposites inidlotM F 729 F(SR SAI,E3—Flre la Meligcbly moan/albs Um nom - ndiing morn of Ihnuinshrum The lots are situa ted au Dennom street, numbered in F - Baueman's,plina 77, n, do, 81 and 80—Lot No 73 fronting L Proton Ma ry Aso street, 70 feet deep; tae other . four 20 feel front each, by eo feet deep.. • may . Term4--tiroater port of puroboso money l'oj morn for alt years, secured by morwagn.' For psalm' d rfCllOl - Erft,' oleo", 2nriolre.of . myl6 • 110 wood% Vat watici Coal Laud for Salo: ABOUT four miles above Look Nat, ot tibiwoutlit of Pine Ruzi,Alonongabela Lem The. Cool is of rho Tory host finality, and roof, of =cm, Any number of acres, from tweray.flve to a hundre4 migh t be Wanton. l'entalw de:firma of poselmishig, on rail no rtALKER REED, on-the pronditocor Wm. Reed, o pciano the Post office, who will elm goy in formation concerning the properly.' The bo gold t na at bargain, yiLltiblos: . I < 77 11iu6 Na uire e, sitente kl ' SOLOMON scudnat FOR. SCRIP—A lot of *Tonna ehater street, Y 5 feet from That street; on Webster, by 8b feet to a five feat -alley' latee to neer coon beau. Price SIM 'Terms, cub in bud; balance in one, tern, three anii,foor years (rota the first of April last. . , County and Coy Scrip taken for cash payment In s Lire of turn SCHOYSR.IIO aeeond st • Ken Aare@ Coal Lan • tor Bala, CI ITUAIr:U on the fdonongahelativer,aboaatelie I feen,Po'clintgh Lod 9 auks above third Loci, In the immediate neethborhood of hlesenaLyon ASharb., told Mr. Jelin Iferron'a nerchex. Thla Rudy of -• price of Caper note—one -e equal aroma payments. 7tusble, ' , Location...Very For further piutienista • bas a draft of saidpro. Perty,htv.Adatanntow. of coal on Ws tenet, , of excellent qualify: , r Lote nixed teed. at • priVana arable terms, a number ota,.composing a large red 67, 6a, SO and 70, In City of Pittaborgh; Ikea enter of Penn end Wayne re former, nod _extending at to the Allegheny river, rotate of the leter/amen above Libte, to center. to sett, may be Wilt at an north. bargee. Mar- WILLIAMS L KUHN. 11./TS YOH RAU& Cr s vs treet, in the city o vet Commons, ort hiels no stones high Suitable Se lots 'are en 4 Roersty feet deep; sou Cho buildings on the pm, giros interest on the invest: I. sold cheap for Cash. office U. S. or m' • ' FLAY k CO J .iTaTFlDOgiel. , for, TEN ACRES OF LAND, situated la Peollei Limn sin on the Monongahela Orme miles from ?Du• burgh in lost to suit purchasers.. Poe (=hex wt.. ears • • ply to floury Woods, ad it. Oslo . A WASIIINGTO/, not • tf 4th, above Smithfiel WAREHOUSE FOR S'ALE......The subscriber o ers for sale the three story brick Warehouse o Wood sueetoseimpted by R. Teanoris. Co. spit, WhL WILSON, Jr. V " R reel, t hog sing f San a. o set • ri ABLE REAL EBTATEON PENNETRAT,T SALE—A Lot of Gro.d aitvate onPdna tWGLII Hay and filarbory enters,''adidlnlng and lot now occupied by Richard •Ederahla, front of 25 feet, and In depth 150 feet; &eatable terms. Title onezeeptlonable: 'En. C. O. LCOMIS,Iih at; near Wood. \ du Ul=t Lot in Alter/116i eitiyfa• located, in sae Terms.Wl an. eu Fie on imeornmodatiom Inquiet or W1E1'410E3;110 wood al 11 RENT—A room in the second almil t To Wood street • arty In Aliasbelay City for Sal 4 ebsenbers odd for sale a number et eknea' ,1 , 9 „. u . 5t1 , o h: , the Second t Mrtfron t ll4: on the g o'll. ° Rol3ll , os4N, Any a; LZ:9 . l.ltl ' air r orJA9 RODINSOLI, Ural:rams, alAvrta W ARRANGEMEN: • SPEED INCREASED. S. 15 IS PAST PAO IC /ST LITE, • TRIEI tri CfREA I"I4 T Y CEN tor T i r•L . "'M HAIL I ILADELPILM AND B411.7:11110RE. • Mate are informed thaspnandafter Saturdays lot of L :ejr erhergv thla . 11, ,h L 6 l ni a i x iu : . lAUl=lt ment pasungers . wi.llllo gttlugh {than heretofore.. ..• Vs lane am nem inladm.beat *1.4 i.d*oiiron, 4 it. Lt. F.stac t. ities.. passed t ssal ta day. Time, 0 For info op' apply to surca, hlononaahelilloose. LEECH CO.C.anal Maim :Mr -- 11311, LtAND.PAILLDELPHILI. . 0111 . Ear TiVENTY-SIX WILES tilatengisony fl/Asrs he splended Masa , Itas3 =AMC Alm siA u rgikta , Fumy, himmr, mill tan 11.• dal rcepted) between PITTSBURGH on opening. of ainvigadon on Leaves West Nesconleem the every porn at 9 'o'eldek, Re. thargh • froin • MMltrf 'Beer above tralbMel7oeoreniebext4.l,,,,tk„ ..bat been ball: exposealy. for the 4r, meths public ntarrely , ea her .ntly m the trades-. , n pale to all way baled az,,;oas- E..., Ts. f;rxr. . We public Lutiiiiiine law? anreenaceticamt dug?, km entnblisb, •,.. LINECSIVtInadneNar • • • -..• v. In Pit. rtne5........ _ - .!InTIEI,I '..: ylk - Km- owe, K. 440 'ffiVANAtlieltratfdth 1116.11 D CAttihis.EUt.,..arapsw.,,o/ H r.o,n, sad aryl gh ctp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers