THE WTTBBDBGH PUUUSHED OY . SATURDAY MORKINO, OCTOBER 21,181». Tm* Paciitc Kjul Road Cwtctpo*c—W e hare the proceedings of thU greal Uonroa lion, which u important totbe'Wbole country, a* , asch u practicable, and yel, jlcave enough to - fire cat reader* u intelligible of its ae , tloo. Wo hope their leogth *rill not deter any from a careful perusal- Piiubnrgh is directly in* forested in this matter, and are now living hare, hi the prime of life, who will yet tee passen gers and freight pais through hero direct by Rail Road to Califersia aad Oregooj lad to read in the ' moraiog papers, lelefraphic nows from San Fran dsco, of the day before, gislngj the l* l ** l oeW * . ■ from China, and India* for a. cf <*> ■ CkureL R«7bod edition. l : »iU “°*"' b h | * mtft.ud lwffl«i»«wllb^be|Jn<^er«Mcbn»•l• : S.—lCor.iir.lli. PabhtheJ by ’ ‘Lane and Scoa.". • ■ • ... .. The hymn book at preeent id nee m the Melt-1 odi*i Epfeeopal Church, i* more widely drcoUMd than lay publication |oo the American coubttX, except the not being exlrav ■ • agant to *ay that miHioua have printed and . , distriboted in that extenaive denomination. But in thj* «g® of ptogreia and reform, nothing ia ata • c tie but the Holy Scriptures. add tha old Hymn Book baa to give way to its rrvUtd succe ibesatr, ditle page of which ia given above.' lothiafeyis Hymb Book, the claaai&cauOfr baa been chang ed, aoma few old hymns left out, and a large V «>nm>»«t of new oaea introduced, bot subatinlialfy I •• the ia a feir representative of thonid one* We also observe tome [very decided im* I .’provementa.among-whjeta are a title is given to .every hymn, descriptive onticontept*—the names of the author* are given in this index to the hymns, a greWlmprovement*—and an index to each verae • -ia alio given. | j ’ . On tbe whole, we like the new Hymn Book ■ and have no doubt itlwlll meet with gener , v; el acceptability. The copy i* m&st beao ' tifaily p; In ted and bound—nosmail mauer. by tbe i way, in i vak which will ia bo extensively cic * *; oolated. • i .1 * • Sold by RobL Hopkins, agent fer the N. Y. pub lishers, Apollo Buildings, 4th street lUa. Boxd* w Itxinoi"— A wonderful ferment I exists, tithe present moment, in Illinois, fn reU* I .lion to nil roadr." A convention has lately been j held tnjHdUbo rough, Ip that State, which was the Urgeal'whicb ever convened in the Slate on any 1 subject. The Alton Telegraph say*: u We witnessed many public gatherings on dif fcrentvceasioet; but uever before bad such an a*- greeted oar eye* The procession wu | been seen in Illinois tor £BHSBfl3pttr, and it supposed numbered ibis is but about one ibird of fSBBSBSB§ESBF*I the barbecue, estimated not thousand.” §SfijE2jjH>|jg|H|fth(est is going on about tbe point faK9Httj£KM£)D*d from tbe Wabash shall term** Oreat oppo*Uiou la man* ■MBtevSilSi and a detcrtninaiion evinced j to buildup a city in lllinnis. Tbe lowna which are auiigtting ”** ,uil « D tre», on tbe Mis sissippi, aw Alton, Cbaler, Quincy, and Cairo.— The most active interest* are those ol Alton and Chester. Alton wtwenty mile* shove Sl Imuis, | aad Chester it sixty mile* below, at tbe mouth of; the Kaabukia river, illinoistowo is opposite St Louis on the American bottom, frequently over flowed. The Hillsborough Address stales that Alton aod Chester at* the only two places on tho XtliflOla lido of tbe Mississippi, upon which great town* can be built. Whether this be4rue or not, it m obvious that Ahon, lllinoistown, and Chester, are tbe real rivals for the Mississippi crossing of the great Railroad Line- The Legislature is now in session, aod aome law will doubtless be passed on the subject The Louisville and Cincinnati people are in favor of the'great central road, across tbe State, atari i&g at Vineenncs. PtUshnrgh interests require that Terre Haute shall be the point of crossing the 'Wabash. Wo shall watch the proceedings with great interest. SootsbmFanaticism.—A Convention of3l holders lately, held in Mimtsiippi, rualvttL, that the passage, by Congress, of the fc Wilmot Proviso," I would be regarded by them *« an unjust aod in-1 1 •utylagdiaerimioatloato which the slave Slates j cannot, without political depredation, submit, and to which "this Coo veutioo tr»M not iubnit,” The Ctoovention also irjohnl that the passage of toy law abolishing ala very, iu the Dirtrlei ofGo tuablt, would itself ruakejit the duty, as it la the ighl of th*. slave State*.“to lake care of their own Mfety* 1 and to treat tho free Slatej as ene* -mtea. The Convention alto pa^edareaolotion, request ing the Legislature of Mississippi to pa*» each saws as would beat encourage the emigration c lave holders with the net* terriion< tftht jf/ai/J. i . We leant from the Minnesota Chronicle that a battle was recently fought at Pocagomon I-ake, between a family of Half Breeds, named Le Trait* sad ■ hand of Chippewa*. There were flee Half Breed* and from ten to twelvo Indiana Tho light lasted about three hour*- The Indian* lost one man. killed, two mortally, and three or four Rightly wounded. The Hall Breeds suffered BO 1 0(9' with- the exception that oae of the ears of Lonis Le Praire wastaken a rifte ball. . MiarTtM o**HßT»r*t*R* ahp ALmst.—ThaTru*- teea and Atatani of the Wertern Univeruty, met at the Fourth Ward School Home l*rt evening. The meeting w» organized by cailing Dr. BmcLx to the Chair; and appoint! ug Titoua* ll»irt.Tos t*en -Mrf M’CaUblk*# offered the following malntioru, Wrieh, .tocooded by Mr. Stockton, were unantmoudy adopted: . The Bev. Joaa Biacs, D. D, for many year, an benored and distinga «hed Profeiwr of thu lo.utuuoo, having departed lku» life, theTitutee* and of the University have met lo pay appropriate honor* to • hi* memory- Therefore, r "Resolved, That the decease of thia venerable and excellent mao i* a public calamity, and we lament hi* and «h*» chemh the remembrance or his virtne. as a patnot, a Ph laiuhropiii and a ehnuian. Sesolved, That we deplore hi* low, and will pay proper retpeeu to hit memory, by attending hi* fnner £> tlto morrow *tu»o appointed hour. ■ '. JT . Beaoived, That ia utuawny of onr high regard, a • efinr cf these reaolßUon* be communicated to the fam * jjy |Jm deceased, and pablid-ed m the papers of the “'iaoHti, nc ike Preildenl of iki. oeecie, eon ' sanieal* the foregoing resotauoiu to the family of the ' the meeting adjoureed ' . . .yr’rr* D:n. RIDDLE, Chairman. TBoWA*Hi*nJoJ«,See’y. ■:! -t m !!§! i a.' ■■■■■ . f •> 4i % -t 8 , lli’l '.)i I 1 *v.' *. .nr*. The banal of Dr. Busts wilt proceed to ihe Get Ury, thie morning, at 10 o’clock. - Ocx Cattlx Show asd Fail—As to the iro* ■ OBft»e crowd tbtt wu in attendance on the oeca , etoa,Uexceeded all expe<Xaiioa.s.. We hasefsel jug, if tTtfiKta to vut aanUilode ta oor towa ii (hit vliii throe god oar, streets oa last Tbur*- • dig—tho wooed dig d the exhibition. Tee dsy - previous wu exceedingly inclement—so much - „ Mi ula awaken serious apprehension* that lha .iWXoH HT l,<r would prora ■ uilare. It mined In* . ounntly during the mornlog. nod until noon .of, ‘Wednendnyy ‘ when the clouds broke off, nsd co!4 nod cheeriest, the prospect began 'o 1 hfttV— feetha second dss’s exhibition, which ah ways prove* to be the great day ot the Pair. At - ax early hour 00 Thursday, every nvesue 10 our lows wu thronged with earrUgts, baggies, two hong wagons and horsemen—so that by 10 ’ Velookinth®forenoon, tbdroeouid with difficulty be frond x place even to hitch a horse—tj to «u* mthaaeng where, that wna totally oat of the neStfes. '-Tfb* Societr's report will famish our ■aaflftT'nt 1 - an desired IntbrmaUon at to the stock AaL and wa. therefore omit la this ' b um *m reference to these matters. . wttold remark here, however, that, on the. whole iha Exhibition was generally astirfuiorf; Ifcoogh not « entirely uwe could hive wished. S?2crff iapreseed ware oor eitixeu wtlh the 'inoatuce oT tSue enoaxl exhibition*, as well to ttosSSarsnoi ere>« of oar county, a* ip the - v7.,rftf« of our borough, that decided measures other, will short. • s 1* be taken) to pot the Society- oueach afooting « H«rtk>MMWmreita permanent growth and we shall /’ '• P| comrtetolie.neoiuxl. Tlw lul iremoißU of the IMUUX left Ite pl*» «"»>• tltft Intflnt They were, uken«iow 10 V*"' W,brPiu»ed lll4.U|ta»aDjef,'whom* forty Jetton took pu*M= In the »«il bo»t for New ■ <IKS. end theolW., wboea twenty ft" n non- STJuaWtiner Mowle; No obttradion wo ISLI b, Utn Nulled flute* reeeel* to foelr price rfuSZunZ StßJOluneonalr wfch te am . ff-ffreoSrcn.e.en. tent to. ApMlrf.■ Tko ■* * ZZ+Am* embneini lb* tloop of w*r, Suatbgt, , fjSJJSuiI Wnrd, end the eteuner Vixen, which Urireti on foe ; ttoWeefttotSM" 4 *." the pieiectlon of oor t- USSm*? i£»r«> cpuMau ft*:; /;* ; :;: V ''"""'' i Lire msd Hulth tsarasw*'— A ac * (of life and lumllh IMOMO hub«n openedm =tty bj Mr. Suned P.beemock, wbo i» «“ tbe Mama! Life «nd _He»&k lemtme. of niUddpte.' Tki. mode of proeldto, meknem,aod for Dm «PPO« of .orrmo. re*, bu beeome quiK common 10 Urn country «nd In Europe. Tboro wbo w»b to t«ke Meh predation, would do well to wen npon Mr. EJmeUock; who wilt impart all neceaaarj in formation. Vote far Csaal Oosamlialoaer—Oflielal. - w e give below complete returns of the vote for Canal Commissioner, by which It will be seen thst chevote given for Fuller falls short-of the vole given for Middleswarlh last year 31 ,IS^— and that for Gamble 22 090 short ol that given for Painter. Tbe majority for Gamble agreeably to the returns made, is 11,72 ft—but owing to a mistake made in the return from Bradford, it is in reality one hun dred and fifty Ire, or 11,r»79-Gamble’B real roa jority io Bradford being only 103, instead of 253 agreeably to tbe returns made by the election judges. It is easy to. see that if the Whigs bad turned out in their strength they would not only have elected their candidate for Canal Commis sioner, bnt have carried both branches of tbe Leg islature, and given an important impulse lo the popular feeling in favor of a protective tariff. The following are the official returns for 134 b and lSl9f EF Sfj g.-§' IF' S.sssiis i W j’e a •>7QO 6992 6CS7 ' 2434 K • ’ sSJ S»3 4657 4443 s“fw' MIO 2303 1911 2100 O, 1000 740 750 4yo gS?’* ".IS a£S • IMs B ii- -i. 3 2TO 2395 ,21»3. »»» | 3134 |*M • «43 164 b! S“ a W 792 1001 G7o| S..V 355 *» *“ “Si Dauphin, IBM *£? :£3 ~ -'S 'no 'Si %' xvJl 2090 3305 1 300 •Irilte 337*1* 2710 2645 21 l.t •«£ -Sis ;BST 5 S %s ''S'-'S EL. IS as. g g P'S-' MS. wf ; ' I 3653 2599 3140 257 s SS? 35. >«r !“j s ,Mo»«oa.e„, MJJ 4a_ ia)3 X>l Nortlm.ikrl.ud, 2033 14SS 1371 , ,™7 S 1 -MI9 9-23, PhiUcitr. I 209T7 25919 19232 19100 “ coaaty, i ~_ HQ Pit- 595 117 6 >4- *»* '& § | | | 1 2315 1 505 ■ 2073 1361 Tirw. 1050 1124 1631 IH« »■£ . iss “Si frS 2 ?.n !m 901 913 613 Wuhbium, 3972 3900 3610 3276 WMmiruUnd, 4953 2039 4097 2397 %“ ,DB ' i“ ' «» J™ Tolil, 166930 161294 14ISI0 1311 Pepvlar Kdacatlon. Philadklpaia. O.LoWr 20,1549. Toth* Editors of tk* National Inulhgrncer . j GEmtro; A Convention of the Friend* o' j Public Ednralion bes ju?t closed tin delibcraiit*'** in this city. The Convention ww attended. I*7 delegates from fifteen States oflheUni-n.and *»» •nuked by the uibaaily, iateUiganco, and dignity of its members. Speeches of deep 'bought and : commanding eloquence wen- delivered, nod L»- I teoed to with a-prolbond attention, which, from I -rath an auditory, waaof itself evidcnce of their value. • * ' . The Contention organiied by appointing— Tbo Hon. Horaee Mann, ol Maa*acho»eU*, President. } Via-PrtsidrrJi. Joseph Henry, of Washington. John Gn*com, of New Jrrsey. Samuel Lewis, of Ohio. The Right Rfev. Alooxo Potter. c*i ' cito.vl G. B. Duncan, of Louisiana, Secrrtarieu CbaiW N-mhend, of Maewharett*. P. Pemberton Morris, cjf PeUosylvani* S. D. Hasting*, of Wi*eou*tny . Sol. Jencer.of New York. ' : And a business committee, who reported the t»i i»wing programme of aubjeria for the musiden ion of the Convention, Which were all, alter dn eumon, and a comparison of aeiitinleol fruiu ti e different State* represented, rckrieJ to aricd committees, with inWroctionsto report at the oeil annual meeting of tho Convention, to I*, held to Philadelphia on the fourth Wednesday in Augml fa iO. Topics for nnsidrraticn relating to tlu orgont. lion and adm\Ai*tTalien of a rytiem of vuUie urufiion-, OfOpteJ la different,uttioo* of the L. 1. TxaxtToxi*L,oa Civil Scßoivurotia op S TaTI Involving the extent to which the Dm Sy.trni carried, and the tood-ficaUci which the aarne i*auscepli»>le. 2, Sen,K»t. Architectueb— -includuij; the foca tioa ai<e modes of ventilation, warming and seal* ing.dCJ. of building* intended for educational pur poses. 1 ScUooLATrxaoAttcs-rtncludipg the arhooj age of children, and the best mouea.of eeeurtag the regular and punrjual attendance ol children at school. 4. Gradrs or Schools—the number and char acter o'each grade. 5. Cocaaßor laerßi’CTiotv.— Phy»i<**l, inlelle* tual, moral and religion*, weheUral, indnttnoer; studies, books, apparatus, method*.. G. Tcocufßa—Their quaiilic*tiono, their ex amination, and compensation Normal School*, Teachers* lartimte, Books on the Theory and Practice ofTeaching. 1. Sor sort .—Tax on property, Tax on Pi rents, School Fund. , n. Surßßvt§io?i.“Sute, County, Town, y. PaßsaraL am» Ptr»uo IgTRRRvr. 10. SOT«JWRttt-a»T MRam.—Library, Lyrcun Lecture. Resolution* were also adopted— Ut Thai a committee of Gv«s be appointed Ui repjrt lotbe seal annual Convention apian for (be national organisation of the friend* ofeduea- Thai a committee of one from each Slate be appointed, with whom tbo committee of five aliatl confer. Uoder the first resolution the Chair appointed the following gentlemen to be the fommittw: The Eight Bev. Alonio Potter, D. L>, of Pbila* delnhia. . dor. D. H.inti, of Htmbufgi Ei«i coumy, New Jersey. ,' Henry Barnard, Eaq., Hartford, Connection!. George M. Wharton, Eaq, of Philadelphia. Edward G Biddle, Eaq, of Philadelphia, Under the second reaolotion the following com mittee was appointed : State. Name. Residence. Alabama..... .Norman Pinney... .Mobile. Arkansas .....Ww- B. Buus Little Rock. Cofldtctticii.xH. BarnardS Hartford. Delaware. Hall. _ Florida. Hon.Tbos.Baltzell..Tallahassee. Georaig .Ktßev. GUioti.Montpelier- Illinois Jobn 9. Wright..... Chicago. lowa Tbos. H. Bentos,jr. lowa City. Indiana .HomAtnory Kinney. Terre Haute. Kentucky... .KoU. J. Breckeoridge.Leaington. Baldwin. Maryland. ...J. H. Lai robe. Maine Wn. G. Crosby BeUiut. Mauacboaeua-Wta. B. Fowlo. ....Boston- Missouri..... James L. Minor.... Jefferson Oily. Michigan. • • .Sami Newbary..... Jackson. Mississippi. .lodge Thatcher. Natchez. N. Carolina. .Got. Moo rehead. N.Hampahire.ProC Haddock.....DartUnaelL New Jeney. .Theodore T. King. New York*..Christopher Morgan. Albany. 0hi0... . .Samnel Galloway.. .Columbus. PennaylTama-Tboa. H. Burrows.. Lancaster City. R. Island*.••E.R.Fettof Kingston. 8. Carolina*. Jodge Hager....... Charleston.' Tennessee.. Philip Lindaey President. State aeunew r UnirersUy,Naahrille. ...Gen.Henderson*....San Augustine, i... Got. Jas. McDowell t...GoT.H.EaIo« Enosbarg. ,o.. Rev. A. C. Barry.... Racine, i a Territory Alexander Ilamaey. : tyect id of of great naUonai importance mbl many minds in all parts of the conn liof regard to it, bf.Utese eommiitoea will point oat « through whleh this information may md available. All persons -interested In of «w requested to firs it M* Thai ; »B<! BO Tbs pa u «v« Frosrtnc St. Loai* FepsWlesn. PACIFIC BAIL BOAPiOOHyBVTIUS. St. Louisj Tuesday, Oct 16. At 9 o'clock, the Contention waa called -to order by the President pro. fm., Judge Ellia. .The proceeding* of Monday’s session were then read and approved; after which, Honorable George Danic. ol Pennsylvania,from the committee appointed to report officer* and rules for the government or the Convention, sul>- mitted the blowing report, which was unnnu monaly adopted: The committee appointed to select officers for the permanent organisation of the Convention, and o recommend nilea for the government of us deliber ations, Report, That they have agreed to recom mend, « Hon. STEPHEN A. DOUGLASS, of Illinois rot vic* rataiPCTT*, W. J.Totto, of Pennsylvania. Sam’l Forks, ol Ohio. Sab’l Emuun, of Indiana. Hear J. Eastih, of Kentucky. Hon. Jtswa Wiu.tA*s,of lowa. Cuas. Beackcn, of Wisoonsm. Hc.ey S.GET*a,of Missouri. Jho. Biooix. of Michigan. Aaitasr K William*, of New toil:. Hon. W. B Scat**, of Illinois. FOR SXCBCTAftIE*, A. B. CiiHAVBEav of Missouri. W. H. Wauacßof lowa, A. S. Mitchell, ofKentacky. W. G. Minor, of Missouri. T. A. Stuart, of Illinois Mr. George C. Sibley, in behalf of the St Charles delegation, then tnbmitled the lollowiiig resolu tions for the consideration of the Convention. Rtsolnd, That Ibia convention uoca con»id er the prime subject of and meet iog to be, lo elicit an expression of the public. opin ion, and the public u ill, ad for as can be done or this occasion, in reference to the establishment o a Rail Road and Telegrupb to conned the com reerce of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, forth, benefit of our Union. That wo deem the eatah Ushbient of auch road and telegraph lo bo on entn prize entirely worthy ol the prompt, decisivc.-and I liberal action of the National Legislature. 1 hat '• | is emphatically called for by the national lalereFs Tbhl it belongs 10. aud is obligatory ou Loqrt«m lo lake such immediate order on this measure, m is consistent with the energy and power ol this great nation. ? Col. Sharp, of Illinois, then moved that a roar | miltee of one from each Slate represented, be I pointed lo report resolutions for the consideration l of ' the Convention. , , , i Mr. Band, of Illinois, mared an la amend ttm motion that “three'’ delegates bn appointed irwm each State. - He urged the propriety ofhis amend meot m n lew pertinent remarks. Several ol tho Slates were represented try a large delegation, which held conflicting opmious m regard to the •object matter presented, and he was desirous, where these differences existed, they should he represented on this committee. iMr. Van Swearingen then moved Hie previous question, which was seconded, and ordered The Chair then put the question, t .. Mrte <tnl so much of the uiotiofi as pioviJed for the appoint ment of the committee by th* aml ,t "' eT \ -‘(hat sa‘d committee be appoint* J by the several delegation*, subject to the d.-itinon <d the Conven tion, 1 ’ and it was rejected. The question wasttu-u pul oc the second propo sition before the Convention, v.r • th«l "fod miuce consist of three snenitnrr* Innn pach atate represented, and be appointed by the C-hair, and it was adopted. . , . On motion or Dr. Hnpe.of Minos*. the offered by Mr. Sibley, ou behalf of the Sst tohariea delegation, was then taken up tor consideration arid read: after which. Colonel Benton was loudly called, atnl to.»k the stand amidst the most rapturous applause, tie said being fully sensible of the value ot time, he did not propose, in what he should say to the < .on venlion, to consume a single moment m dilating upon the importance ol the ohjeej tor which the Convention was assemlded, as he took it for granted that every member had fully considered that part of the subject and made up his cniod in re'ation thereto. In what he should*»y beseem ed it appropriate to the oc-yasiun to proceed at once lo what concerns the practical business of the Convention. In doing so, b" begged to before the C&veonoo the latest information which be had upon the subject; A letter, not written with the expectation of being Ist I t ef>re any as sembly. but for himself alone, and os an apology j tor not being able to d<. what was requested, had been recently received by him. h lew sentences from which he wool ! bring before «»- txinvenlion. He nllud-d to a letter from s member of h" ly Mr. Fremont, now upn the Biy r.f San bran cco. H« «!•»• k» «•«»* »“* .**, f“ u S’* answer in detail soma questions a-ked him. lie say* in that letter: ‘•1 shall l* snxton* to receive llie least infor mation relative to your plan for the railroad—wbst ihe prospects ere for Us adojUton—and toward* what part ot this rountry u will probably be di reeled Ju conversation with Mr. Butler KiLganr Gen. Peraifer F. Smiin.a tc* days «i*e, this read' vea* a subject of great.ioterest l mentioned that the tirie explored »u nty last journey wit admro tdy calculated tor the road. rs***"? the unionism* between the Arkansas and Del Norte.wrtb scarce ly ao inequality Of prufile,andwhitli knowledge ou (dined since our disaster, showed would have been the character of IW extension further west to thfi-| Great Basin. A reference t.» lire; map wdl show , you that lh.« bon cross:* the valley <•!the Del Norte at the northern cJge of the New Mcxu-m retlh-mcnts, (a hand«otno and tortile cuoutry) wlrrurc a branch read might tw thrown dowu the valley of the river aud through the *eU»emci»ta to. Santa Fe, ifr. The road would enter the at Che Soutbert) eftdof the Mormon teUleurents. and ,-ros* by way of Humboldt river. About midway of that nver* -.rar-e, a large val'ey opens Into u. and up this bes na-ujiMlent w*y lo a *“* l**-*-* near th# hcaO • th*-»wer Sacramento Valley Before reaching lists |>a«*. • «*? diverging to M n-irth, affords a very practicable valley road mtq Oregon. and, th ruy tiproioa, for »he 1«*l l y which vnn ran reach laalUouulry Immediately, alrer this coiisersstuui, GrA. S.nub dftermiaed-ui®n a party toexplorethatliarttif the finite which l have ! las' described, with :f vie w t*» rtqiort nj-ou » at the rn«u<ng session «*l l (J-.ngfeas. He afterwards cafod up-in m»: to re(|iie«i that l wmitJ -wudhim a written cOmmUni« aii'»n t-* U-* same .-irect io order that hereafter ttwcredit -i th- -iure.v.m u.-ght re main with me. It i" not (I *a« •«' t.» fc the work pas* into other ham!*, bhi pmaicjnenn* arc in adequate lo such uudertak-of* here. Tms is the account wtiu-h tad Fremont gives ol the line of bis l«*« exploration. In lettcra winch were previ3ii*ly written from the base of the K-ar-ky MouaUir, from BeiilV Fort, giving an ac count of his explorations that for, he rays • ‘ We havs met w.lrt very re»*onnbl<s success, and some good reeiills. m thir firs* 1 oy_g »tcp m our expedition. To avoid the danger of snow siorms U| 01 the more rxiuwcd Arkansas route, 1 follow ed the line of the Jiouthern K (the tnie Kan sas river)r—and so far added nomctiuiia to gcogrs ! pj,y. For a distance of tour hnudred mil**, “Ui route led throagh a country atfordni* alnmdani w>xid, game,and grass We find that the valley of-the Kansas affords by far the mart ap proach to the mountain*. The whole vaiwy *.el I* of very supenor quality, and the route very direct, between 3S and 39 degrrea. This line would afford continuous and certainly four • hundred, miles, and i*. therefore, worthy of consideration in any plan ot approach lo ihe mountain*.” . Afier reading these exlraets from Mr..Fremont* letters,Col. Benton spoke at some length m ex plaining the routes spoken of. The resoiuliuu introduced by Mr B.t.lcy, of the St Charles delegation was then disco***,t nt *«ne length, by Messr*. Knim. of Bt. H n» Illinois, and White, iff Indiana, after which, the previous ques'ioc. was ordered. aud pul, vu - “ShsU the resolution be adopted*' and d was car ried in the atllrmalive. Mr. Snyder, of Illinois, moved tho folfowmg resolution : Rnoltttl, That the powers of the fotmmiUre or Re solutions Ire so restricted ms to prevent the i. from a-riing upon any one of lha points included in the resolution Issl adopted. Peodmg the consideration of the above resolu tion, iba committee adj >u/ned oottl three o.:l(H-k ißiheafterocou. -s APrOUIOOW SXSSION. • Mr. CtlrtlM, of lowa, offered the following res olution: , . RentviJ, Thai a of ooe from each- Stale be appointed to draA a memorial lo.txio gross, presenting the object# and desires ‘*l tm Convention. , , Mr EJaatln, of Kentucky, moved to . refer this proixnition to llto Commmr. on retoluttoi.-, 000. tending that they had Mil little or nothing to do anyway. . . Thejtolit ,n of Mr. Kratm wan andtbe resolißk of Mr. Cortisa adopted. JodgflJ. 11. Birch, ol Missouri, offered the fob l ° That ihej.rrvtit slate of gcographi eal and topographical information concurs with ihe ilatiitic* of population nod of wealth, in d«*not» ; M ,ho licit of public territory alma or neur the 40. h parallel of north laltiudo aalhe •taiituif point, and the general course ot the emigrsut route to fh. So*'Jiero pasa in the Rocky Mountains, as the line of the projected National Rsilwnys to the Pacific Ocean. , , . ~ Mr. Lamrop, ot La., moved to lay thorjsou ,io Tho question waa then pul, and the resihitj^n W Tlie l pmiident announced the, Ml-twin* gen tlemen as constituting the committee on Ke.olu ‘‘Towa-V. P Antwerp, Cl II Walworth, Wm. "■SEL-m *■*■.*> E J t; - rrell - tJca W Knntnnltr-H. J E«U“. A 3 Milch '"' , ‘ m ‘‘ "pennijlTgni.—Onorg. Dnruin, Chan N.jlor, J '^Wiraniin—Chu Bracken. 1 R Marny, EJ *' Bond, Wm B Wamtn, Tbn. Hayne. _ ■ , Indiana—Albert 8 White, R W Thompson, A T Ellis. Michigan—John Biddle.- > Lottlaiana—Chaa C Lalbrop- ' New York—Amherst K Williams. . Missouri—A -A King, J Loughborough, T B £flgh*b. . Ohio—D W Deabler, J H Sullivan, Henry Stoddard.' ' On motion, the Convention adjourned until to morrow morning, 9-o’clock. Wbsnuday, Oci. 17,1849. The CoayanUon wm called to order by thaPro* • •; .fFT?'-. '.V:- . - .-^twyias-;,'. sident, the Hob. S. A. Douglas, and on invitation, the proceedings were opened by prayer, by'tbe Rev. Dr. Foils, of the Second iPresbyteriaq Church of Ifala city. : The credentials of the Lient. J. F. Maary.-4»f Virginia, from the Board of Director* of the Vir ginia and Tennessee Railroad, and Robert Cham bers,-of- New Jersey, were then presented, and on motion their names were added to the number of Vice Presidents, and to the Committee on Reso-o- lions. Mr. Ely. of Marion co /Mo., offered the fob swing resolutions: R/Jol'vtii, That tbe committee on resolutions be □strnctcd to introduce no resoluiion designating my pomt for tbe Eastern termination of the Paci- fic Railroad, or recommending itt passage, as a national work, through any ol the States of the Untop. Retolvrd, Also, that this Convention deems it in expedient to introdneo any motion teaching either of the above mentioned points, and believes that the discussion of these questions should be left to competent engineers appointed by authority of Congress. Mr. Ely disclaimed any intention of casting a fue brand into the Convention by the introduction of these resolutions, and urged, in a brief manner, their adoption. On motion of Mr. Hadson, of Si. Lrfutis, the above resolution was referred to the committee appointed m piesenl resolutions lor tpeconscdora linn of the Convention. The Chair announced the following gentlemen to constilute the Committee to memorißljze Con gress * W. F. Bowden, of Wisconsin; A. K. William*, of New York; Clisrlea Naylor, oi Pennsylvania, J. F. Maury, of Virginia; ' John G l*ow, of Ohio; («. W. Lincoln, of Tennessee; O. 11. Smith, of Indiaoß; \v. s. Wnlt, ol Illinois; John Biddle, of Michigan; Janie* Clark. ol Iowa; Thomas Allen, of Missouri; Basil Duke, of Kentucky; .* ('. 0. Lalhrop, of Louioiana; Robert Chamber*, of New Jersey. Mr. Hall, oj HI , offered the following resolutions, whis|i, on his motion, were referred to the Com mittee on Re*otuti«mi. Krro/nn/, That we. believe n Railroad from the Stales to the to bo practicable, oud ulu« raately calculated to of immense benefit to ibo IJoitcd Slates and Us,Vili*ens: that, with thews con victions, we rctoinniend an early auryey of the entire line by the General .Government, and that i it* final prevented from becoming a political engine, or’-a speculation monster. JfeofmJ, Tlial w» recotnmeqd that the snid Railroad may ripuurtooce at some pjmtover which the General tjuvcmmeul have rulir«Pjurir- Jietion, and Pom thefacc run westward W the ! ace tie Ocean; and that one of the earliest measure* , iu connection the said work be, to guard the . land* along the »ainy »ri>n» tailing into the handsel speculator*. l.» the lflture exclusion of the superi or nebls of workmen oh the road. * ' . ftsWr*/. Thai the Mjd Railroad, when finished be open to all ibe world, and that-it* tevenoea bo kept down at the l.iWeat rales adequate to the cur rent exjn-n*.-* of tb| atteodsnee and repairing. On .motion, LieuC Maury, of Virginia, ami the Hon. R. Chamber*.were added to the Committee on Resolution*. 5 a Col. Curti*, ofloyra, moved the adoption of the following rcaoluiloni — RrtofreJ, Tint the contemplated wo»k should commence tmwdijitely at a |Kj»r.t without the huuls ol the or.MUired State* tofthe Unun, and run through the m<|«t feasible pa*s of the Rocky Mountain* t» thr.gisy of Sau Fnuiuinco <mMhe Pacific, anil that It; should be completed withiu ten year*. v \ Mr. Mc.C*l«-.,oi'Mo n moved,to Uy the resolulioav on the table; whirJj was adopted On mono.i ofMt Hudson, of Mo., the motion to lay the resolution jm the table was reconsidered, and the Col. Curti* was taken up. Upon this resolution, the lion. O H. Smith, of ladiaoa, addressed tbo Convention. When Mr. Smitjj concluded bis jeinarks, Jedge Douglas*, me President of the Convention, said: the lime had arnv«l when he wasewnpelledlo va cate the elisir and.-duties rmjost d ojkjq him by the Ctmveutioa ft asrpresuling otficer. Uo felt this course incumbent itpiui him, iu order that be might maintaiu his right* and .privileges and mtulain the right* and privileges of those wl* sent him to this Convention. ’die would not have taken this step at the precept time had he not received a gentle intimation l(iro&|;h the press that in main taining those right*. sod availing himself pt the privilege of discu*ymg them before the jjeople, was unbecoming m hint as Chairman of the Conventioa. la passing a iui?»':me.eting of the people ou the previous eveuing.Jie was called upon, and,in re «pon«c bad freely expressed hi* views lit Ration to ibis measure. .Kor.lhts he had been impugned, tie therefore frit ijiinself called upon, by • »«»« of duty, to vacate trie chair and iu »o doing, would invite 11. S. GeyMj °l Si. I*onn. one of the Vice Piesidenu, to-pM,overHhu Convention. Mr G,:y« r took the 'chair, when Jodgo Douglaas wa* fondly called upru, and took ibh sxanJ. t TheSmbitanco qi the retnsrks of the Honorable 0 It. Smith, and J;ad*e lfoag'“« in reply—also, the remarks IL W. Thompson, wtll be ropared for an early day.] Judge Douglas fjavmg coneludrd his remarks— Judge Williams, of lowa-, obtained the door, and a nis usual hoppyimanner addressed the Canvea- ion. • After I#* concluded, the Contention loot a re MM uoJil 3 o'clock, F.u. arffcaftoo* The resolution p( <*>l Curtin, offered lh» fore- | niKia was leid up<3n the table. j Tb« Secretary \nnn«*Utii-ed, to ibc C-onventiof, , that n delegulioo ffom Maryland anil an additional ; deleiplion lroni had »«crn reported; there- i *On motion, Joa.J*. Elder, of Maryland, wan in vited to tabu a *c«J an one ol the Vice President* ol ibet'onventtoni 6 G r n. Shield* ol moved that ihe lino. Geo. iJaraie, ol P*omyl*auia, bo now ejected as President of the dtirinK the remainder of it* »ey»ion, motion was cariied by accla mation. _ f the chair an presidm# officer o Mr. U»rw<- t.-ukShe cbalr as pree**-- .. ttr Conreuiioij, and arknowiedijed llw comph m»*ot paid Lsm. a few brief and pertinent re- Franklin Sieelr/E»|, a delegate from the Tei rttury ol M*nueM>l*, 6fn«arrd as u delegate. and was uivilril In a jp«*ol a» one of the \ ice PlC , >' dent*. » Mr Saxn’vin Maeon, of Ohio, from the ooramsl* the spootnted lo df.sfl resolution* for tbo.cunaide rmiron of ilio ( • »D<VDlion, aulmiitted whhi> were read x I. Resolv'd, Tlifit ihrt Convention ta, in iu "pi rn ond object, -iririly national, having no party, no eeriional, no inK-rent* to nerve or promote, but having at licjirl the iutcr«>U of the whole cotiuiry. * •j. That it In lli-: duty of Urn l~io*rrwi of llm lloilW Sinjet to make immediate proriMon for the ttonytnr. tiijn of n great trunk Katlrnnd lo (ho I\»»:ilie U.-ii*Ji, m tbilUornia, with ■ branch roud to Oregon, fijma |n»m( m the Mut»i»Mppi voliry, <>r on liio frontier <>f tbo State*, an m»V l«v toiiDil, from exuntiiidfion nhd atirveym, to the tunal eligibV and ••onvyinenl, with reference to Uteri ialing and |>roa|N§eUve title nf thy country, and the population and convenience of the whole Ujitoo, and that ii ahould Ini diligently prowtited by the Frdccil fJoccnKnent. 3. That thu_various lidva of railway, cjyw either complete or tinder prorr** of ennatmo tiou, Irani CharlealoOpJtichinond,Balti more, ntUdelplija, New York, tind Hostan, leud*. ine U, and connoting with the valley, are only part* of) tbe great whole, winch the Geo* eral O.ivrriimetit ta asked by tbn Mississippi and Pacific Railway; and tbaf these K.istero <tonne»sp>n» how lieing prepared for it by uniting "11 iniertj>U, guarantee the perfect nation ality of tbia worfc. I Hnolty l, n’hat, as an important means, as in*, ce-sary and preliminary )o (ha construction Of sunn railroaJ, it is ihe first duty of tbe Amcr'cJD Uon grea*, luimedwtjly ii|<on Unassembling lagetber.tu make prov.siuji (or the establishment of military posts, bum ih* iv.-»*fn confines of our Western. HiAtea to ihe Banff- < mean; that these pOBs shall l>« established none *»u«dy, m all proper places, noi far distant from • i.-h other; and that civil iaed aud producu-* settlements should be en couraged nr-mud tuem, by liberal aalesorgranta ul the public lands; by extending ample protection to the settlers, and t« (ha transport of their stores (in.l merchandize, Jen, dtc : soihat by these means full opjinrMiaiiics may l>e afforded teroitr Topo ,.r , -| E. auiecrs for ibe immediate rcconnois -.- and survey id our vsst possessions, t > Hie Pacific, aud one or mote practical rornli, with facilities of travel, immediately formed for our citih'-ns, scrims our own territorial from the Allan t,c to me Pacific shores. fi. RrjohiJ, the (Congress of the United Slates lie im-nmnaux-d u» construct, or A*tin»nxe the construction, of a National line of Telegraph along the roulc, whiuh may bn determined toon hy nniioiiHl authority for the great Railway to the Pa- 0. Rtoolvnl, That a Committed of five be ap pointed by tbe President uf this Convention, to prepare and publish an address to the People of the Untied Slates, urging the>f co-uperaiioo in jvoru. ring sur.h action on the part of Congress as may bo oecewsry to curry nut the views ot tho Ooiven lion. Tho Koo. R. W. Thompson, of-Indiana, was then called, and lucih li u - sltud, aud at tome length examined the severel runieu upon which it whs proposed the road should be Ijealed.- Ho con teuiled tbaf-it was the duly /Of ihe General Ifov eminent —and he alrungly emphasized tho word duty —to build aml road which should coined ihe waters of the Pacific Ocean with ihoae ti the valley of the Mississippi. Ho contended that' such rail road should bo a central and a jjalipnal one; lhat, in order to make It central, three lateral brunches should lie constructed from its eastern terminus—one to reach Memphis, another to rench Chicago, and another Ukjeftrh St. Louis He contended that ibeCoavdtmha should, by their aetjoo, express their preference for such a central road,a»d then leave to Congreu'the performance of their duty; and if they not make such a road, to hold them strictly, responsible at the bar of public opinion. If the! Convention resolved upon thia great project, ami presented totnodefi nito action, there was no danger tube apprehend ed from CoDgrcss; public men always loved tbe people too wdll not to relief tbnir 'will, and such a measure, he eoAlcnded, wou'd bn their will,and concilia)? all >«cirana of the Union. After dilat ing. in anwloquent manner, ti|>on tbe practietb'li ty of ihe measure, ami il» vhh| importance to the world, bo concluded by -nbidiUiog the following in'lieii of Uni'* • reported by the Q>m mtttee: ... , t . « ' tUnUrt, Thai, in the opinion of this Conven tioa it i* the doty of ihe General Uovernmat* to provide, at an early period, lor (be ooutrnctuo of a Central N«iW4ailn*M'° m Iho eelle, cl the Mwdwippi Uftw Pacific Ocean. .gmJrW-Th«t in the opinion of thi* Convention, a Grand Trunk Rail branches at 8k Louis,' Memphis, and Chicago, would-be aocb a central and riAlioo&l one. Uadotd, That a commiUee be appointed to comtnunieale to the convention to be held at Mem phis, the fortgoing rosointioni, and to repeat the concurrence of Said Convention therein. The amendment being read, the question vaa put “shall it be adopted?" and it was carried by utmost an unanimous tote. (Much applaut-e succeeded.] ' The Honorable Charles Naylor was then call.-., upon to address the Convsntion. He took tt.r stand, but owing loan indisposition declined gmt»« into a general examination of the measure. Alt» r . some lew remarks relative to the territory acqiiif ed from Mexico, and the adrantagea of the Gila route through that country, he took his scat. A communication from the Tennessee delega tion, inviting the members of tho Contention to at tend the Memphis Contention to be holdcn at Memphis, was then read, and ordered lobe spread upon the minutes. j On motion, it was ordered that a committee of ' fifty delegates from this Convention he appointed as delegates to attend the Convention to be held : at Memphis on the 2.1 J instant, and that the lion. , R. W. Thompson, of Indiana, be selected b* the chairman of said committee. , The Convention was then addressed by Colonel . W. w. Kolierta, of Pennsylvania, after which it adjonrtied until nine o’clock to morrow (this) morning. From the New Knglnt'd Farmer. Coring* A?eliUeetwre-I-»»daeape Qar danlng." Mr. Editoi : Perhaps ilietej* nothing in winch more taste c«ui be displayed than in cottage archi tect lire and landscape gardening. And yet, how lilth* we see in the country, compared with the number who have the meaos lo grntify thin kind ol 'luiUj, did they really po»se** it ■ Men of propelry will thoughtlessly build a plain,sqnure bouse in the dual oftbe road-wde, with only niodofgroundiu froal, covered with weedsgnd mullein, and con gratulate tbemaelve* on the. pleaseut site, and its proximity to ‘•passing." Such m«u have no taste, and oot a few oflbera deride it. They claim to be utilitariona, republican in their notion*; and while they have have'no expenses io incnr lor ‘•other people's eyes,” they r-eem to lie insensible tothc fact that decree ol neatueaa and taste would soon become n ucw source of pleasure to themselves, and much enhance the value ol their property. The objects of taste in rnral Milairs are generally thing* permanent; uot transitory, passing away in a month or a year, hot objects which will endure for many generation* with most oflheir beauties to the praise of turn who uuites refinement with utility. Hence ita unportonc*. • t know that practical farmers are inclined to Uim a deaf ear to such suggestion*; bui 1 do not petceive that » house hhndaomely located, neatly 'touilt, and a garden neatly laid out and planted, would be any more annual expense, than one bnitl or laid out without tasteful consideration*. Besides, who has not fell, that a beautiful object is an Incentive to and lightens labor, and will bo en *B*l. u»e nuention, that moment* otherwise u»e ies»iy rpent "will oow be usefully employed 1 How can a person labor lor that which he does not sherish? or toil in a garden with satisfaction, tbnl | has been planned in defiance of the rules of good 1 order and.taste? Let the farmer’s or gardener’* ! well asVvcry other person’s! motto l«e “Per ’ pclual Improvement.” ' Respecting collage architecture, a numlter of beautiful plana have of lain year* been preßCUted by architects, and adopted by builders. Look at Roxbury, which is unrivalled for it* beautiful new callages—erected upon rocks in tbo midst o'bram bles—-and one will tie astonished at what taste and head w<’ik have accomplished, assisted by thu hands. Here are found every variety and color which ingenuity can iuvenu ' . Nol many year* ego, the moat open Bile* were choMufor building; l>ui now the moat *eqne*ter ed tad woody, if not 100 far from a principal read. The cliQioe ol *ucb situation* give* a greater op portunity for t dinplay o( \a*le, a* baodaome, sha dy farei* trees are aafl'ered to rcmtia, while tbo ground m rntciUceJ wilh walks and shaded with cultivated (towers and sbruWiery —thus preserve mg ibe beauty of nature’* wildoei* and the nro dnets of horticulture. And it li remarkable bow a Mad cut piece of woods, with here and there a dorter ofdlowers, w.ll redeem the wild aes* of nature. \ D.fferent situations of i-otlage* seem to require, l think, different form* of architecture. The En glish style, wilh bay or lemi octagon win dow*,strikes tta an besr£tted for a level piece ol ground near the street, ahd will bear more shelter than roost say other kind.\ But a prommmt site,. g( some di-taucc from the street, would seem to rcauirc. a more stately architecture, embracing lofty turrets, spurious nod elected ptnzza*. Arc. Where streets pass a how* on ditfern't sides, pi- Alias iookius towards tbeui are quite erst nual. The odor of a cottage is-next ih uii|»irtance to its architecture. As ( a general rule. I tbinl; dark color* (chocolate, fur lustnni-cj nrAmrt in good taste, an io tnoM seasons ot the ytar they »rc gloomy. alyl r.ot raicolsiej-long to plrase. f».r a'ab?es and out houses they ore more tumble.— There is enongii in the country wlieu the trees are n ,)t in Ibittge, to excito melunclvdy, wuhotu n?ra bre house* or dead pole fence* atul K*iininer\lum»- e*. Every tiling in and around a cottage ought Co look gay and cheerful; and hence brilliant color* for buildings, such as while, straw, light puik, ue far nt <re prefemhlr, to my tarte, a» they revet; rncoamge a fouling of sudors**, but appear in cheerf*! contrast with the aurn.uudmg landscape. N rrx ur thk EirtToa.—We her leave Jo differ with the alwvo writer ia regnrJ to the color of cot tages. While or light ‘pink we do not think in gyod lute. A neutral tint n the best. —ft ife« p crvani color, the various tints of stone, making Ihe ,-dlorv drrpr-d 'in ihe largest and most durable looking bouses, is in accordance with the heal tavle. To Caro s Stifled Horae. .J. B. Goddard,<t Norwich, ronnwlicul, writes to the AinericsQ Agriculuiri«f. as follows: — Take one gallon ul nrne, and put therein a small Itandfel of junk tobacco; boil down to one quart; then add two ounces of oil spike, one ounce oloil oftuilwr, two spoonfuls of spirits ot tnrpcu line, and two spontuU of honey. l*bl it into n jo*, and Cork H u*bt lor u«. Troceas ol application: Rub ihe olitfe bone bard with the mixture tiftceu or twenty uunutes; then dry urn thoroughly with »Ve«l hot tire ahovel; then ride the horns tbrtli and backono hundred yards. Re|>eat tho altovc iwo <>'r three limes, and the cure will be effected. M lasa* Vvauivtoa.—Read U»n following rertib. caie, tu.l itien lii.bht, if you can, ihe* inumphaM .pini- Kir■> by thu grand remedy: 4 I'HsaavaaT Tr., V.kxsSui* Co., J lirreinher *it«(, lei?. j Mr ilirakcly t» si Sir. I mPt: ptra.urc .» >nfc v.. 0 dial liic tiotib* ol l>r MT.*uc'« Vcnnn’uge which I |u»iriii.c.t liuui you, ha- given nie -a li.farlioii I gave to a child ol lu.tie one lra«|HHin fall ol ji. .hr p,i««i-d MT wuftn* The licit morning J gave her a lea-pnoti lull snore, when she ps«.cU 111 uiorr Tlie tjrii morning I gave ber thr .ame guao my, and -he pji-rd I I more. \our», Ac , ANHiiKvv downing. r„t sale hy J KIDD \ I'O . Nn. CJ, corner of I'.uirih nd Worn I « , Piiishnrgb |ocU.»7-oArvlwM JOB PItIDtTINO. ntl.l. IIi'AUS, CARDS, CIRCUI.AKM, d/.«/i»/rj/j, Utils Ldiling, C*Jiiiiiu- «, Liio tUaith, nJISU I-lUJ, LAUZLS. CKKIISICAIU, cuat l*. founsa, Ae Ac . Primed at the «horie*i iioUcr. m low pliers, at iha (iirxrrk Orvica. Timm ktassr. Improvement* iu Ueutletrjr. DR (g O. stTKAKNS, laic of Uosion, i« prepared to puonlarlurc and >isl lihuca Tyrtsi in whole and pan* ol -ets, upon Rucium or Auinfiphrne J*u<-Ui>n I’liici.- f-ibriuriltCUM' IM vivz-MiKtiras, when- the nerve i • ipo-ed IMln-e and nj.tdriire tint door In ihe May or- oflier, Kourlli •Ir-H.-Pill-liunin. KarsH ib—J. tl. MTadden. V. 11. )alV Five stud Nsrlnt laiaraats.-Tut I’irrs luanu Navnuiron anu Fm InstKANra Couranv ch-ricred tH-ti—conUnues to insure, upon every de scription of property, al lA< ieic-si ram. Orricc, No -Jl Market aireeL ’ SAMIJKLIHIRMLV, Pr.-s’l Roszar Finnvr. Mcc.'y my6:dflia D. IIUMT, K u jt™ :: ‘S^s ... • - . - ••-— ix'u-tiicm Market and Perry «tieeia. 1-KKMiuM Lranv PDi»»e— Prepared Ij>* J W. Krlly William atreet, N. Y„ and tor aolc by A. J«vite», No 7it I'mirih Ktrrrt. Thl» will Ur inuwl a dHiphiful arti cle i.fUcverafft m tiatmlir*, and particularly for »irk. Him’! UIOUI —An improved Chocolate prepara tu»a. I"*i()([.r ruiutfinaiKiw of Poena nut, innocent,. in vigiiraiiiii; nmt [iaihtii>-l'* l biphijr rccoiinncmlril partic ularly for invalid* Prepared I.) W. Haltor, ter, Mh**, and fnfaa'e Uy A.JAYNKS, m the Ktkm Jrm Kims, No. 7U Pn«rtt» it inchM Ureal Ator»l and Xobilmr Exhibition! WIXFW THHH-l.’Nt; PAINHNfi OP DEATH OI'T'I'IIK PAI.K IfuRSK nr Opening of the Firit Fivr rtral«, a. repr<t*nni.'d in the Sixib Cbaptr o( Revelation*.—Sr Joan'* Vinov, wluru liu <prak» of bavin* Ur held \»U’le an ex Ir on ilie Maof J'avmo.: rr.prc«roUns-*U elwrarirra full nr; of life, panned upon *4tU'iuare Jr« iOl Cn»va>>. will. Ur on rln Union nt the APOLV.O HALL. On Saturday for the tirat time, Al»r —Open day and inyht.oii Monday, Tuesday and Wrilnrnday, Oft vUtk, 3Uth and HIM. Itay exhlPJWjn or*" from 1,1 ,l > I'd, ai|J I to i '■NiKiit opto from 01 to 10 o'clock. »ry-epicKet», 43 renin: Children Imtf prire. Sunday Schooli. in Uodiea, al fi rent ratdi. Aliriitera of all dciiurainaiion* are invited to attend. oet<7 d|W - Vralt asd OrnuminUl Tre*a for Hal*. •<jk unit VERY SHI’KRIOH INOCULA jg* 4U.UUU TKl> PEACH TREKS, Of the proper kite for uamplatiiiiiK, a large pro- " portion of arc of tho cboicrai early and latr Prera’onc kind*, *ouic of which have received the Fir*l Premium* for tbo lam f onr year* at the IVnniyl yauin and New Jeraey Horticultural Sorietie*. 30,000 Apple Tree*, of the noil rxteereed vane 'li*a,fni»4.wlur«,« ... Apricot, Cherry, I'enr, Plum and Nerturme. Trees Raipbcrrm».«nip,;i,Ac. Catalogue*, with the price* annexed,rany Ue nlitoln* «<* bf l ""’ r ““'OTa'S 1 , lli«hl»town, New Jrtrry. m u —When Tree* are ordered from Puubureh.or any wc»teru towns they will be deliVeredln I'biladrl ufaij, free of charge. , . V •il.n Tree* will be forwaided by any of ‘hr line* • tifgnafed *’* eol-1 wider. _ oeC£«:d , .HAw4lT* ~'T itianiiiaUoa of il«ada. » #-tt TO\VNSKN» will reratitfin tb« city for • (Vffew dirt, daring which u»* bo will.wait upon thine who way favor butt with* rail ■fcl’MH.O HALL, JSJrSU. 0( 9A. M. .„J 11- »l 11-W,. cive l‘hrraolocieal Examination* and Chana; and wil vllit fwailiox for that parpo*e without addiuonal charge*. ocUf7 Lift aad aii butuiMi* Tllfe Mfltasi Life andpth IniaTance Company of Philadelphia, Intfued by the Legulattre of Penruylvania, Marcir*9- Charter perpetual. Capital, •100,0(0 iUwti toas ast Pniatt vaxia Co*p*frr. and foltP« cent, lowerthaa the luual rale, of Life IniarfV a« the following com ! parieon will »how: ThQ«4^ r * on ,he of 30 in juring for 8100 for life. m»*V in »h« «irard.Bij» I'rnnaVtTania.rfM, peii»‘o*!. «/» 84,01; faew Knglnnd, or k Life, Al bion, lift anil HeafbiiadeJplua,*U>». I>i«kttuu.— Samuel n.jck, Coarlea D. Kali. )\ V llcone, Rotierl P Kin#" I ** Hayea, M. « • Ifehlwin, MM. Reere, |- CLa» U. U Campbell, Cooper, 1. Rodmaif*cr. E. K Bmler, Mwin U r«,*. |*w.ident-Sajl D. Vice Prew dei.t-Kobt. P. King; lflMsfcl’tayi**;; * pplicatioca will bo re#.»«?! «ery t nfortnolion given by Art Office, iv»«n««l Rooms corner cl I <wts7 dir Wofwl Third «l». Ptuahtirgh OTICE.-AII perm claim* .team 10.-U “Aaron I •« requc.trd to pre *n.i Hum for cxaiuinaiio d "cltlcaenl nt <*< , orge tt.Ma.mys .»«*«« Cn P l. Koa«w WU be preteni U. u-tilc all bust—every bu.ineM day 1 10 A - *■ F'fly ‘«Vw iKbulSch' toc'd mil for ule hy SA \V UABUAUUII igai Cured lined BtcA 11 YK Kf AyVR —*' w,u DKIKO BBKF-IU e»l ju«i rer'J ami for (s' oci!47 S A W UARBAUGII ;*d and for tale by SA W HAKBAL'CII Q»IKKi*K— 50|rjs W rime (Hover Seed, ju»l tiv SAW lIABBAUfiH CILOV'KK i*KKD—4no i rrc'J in fcioie mid lot <( rec'd and for tale by SAW HABUAUHIt_ AI'SM.KS-Su hem Flour, Dried Fruit. Hye, for which die high' >e (•■ill. SAW lIARUAUGII W, Ui Kr* Huiler, Barky r.l market price in e:i»U More nnil for talc by S A W llAlUiAUtill ■yy lIITK I.IM K—*A> l> SKN'IHIII S -» J bid. P .HI r<k« H 75 l-I. W fl do; rcr'd and (or A'IT A (Hi, liberty »t_ . Shot, ntt'd Not; Har Leml. in More and II DAI./FJA-A CO, Liberty at |I U do/ lb; nale by oc:27' Kill HUT AND I.KA'l>--Sil tor .air l.y 1. Moron A Co iipenlbit High Colorad French lure. ooiyT Ijtltl Ni‘ll MKttlMH r. t,>>-r■ (If -10 |.« „| | Mrmw, ..I (hr br»l mull iNKSF.-A A. M».on A itward* of 4W p* of the »l every i|uahi). oerf? I>AKv\IATTAS AND I',, ii,,* now npetui Ij> ArtnjiUnoi. •Umltrd Lie by <: akbl'tiinot i)ATIvN r Timi:Ai»- blur u<.i.,'ila.«l .ndies' A'tU'< wool, m ‘ttt <ln( m> • hI« l.y ' .«•' eniVUie; Mixed. :AKBUTHNOT iz. n f(r*h-lm, jufl ARBUrHNOT ooI.KN COM!' trcM t>v on raid't; 500 do Coals’ SPOOL COTTON- Duo <io Smart'*; ju*i ocw? CARBUTHNOT MAT?—A good »i»ort- C ARHUTHNOf MHO.Dkr.VS wool O ni'-m it r rale l«y^ tie by C ARBUTHNOT TOW YARN—SUO dor ociSi iRt ree'J and for uU bjr L‘ k SI LI., US Wood *t Lin W. / or:‘J7 STI! dirt, Leonard's brand, CtRIAM CIIKKSE-5: / lor »nle by & PILI* 11a Wood «_ i d tiir*. in aiure and for STUaRT A SILL Hum i* cord-as «ii sale by octti. u - lore and tor sale by SILL, lIS Wood »l F.OUUII LINKS—*O. net*7 _ STL «fc* in utori I for sale by ocur STty &■ SILL, H 9 \Vro4 ibl« Cotton Ht< SberlfTa Bala of THK following valnabi ichlnery. most of u new, and of ihr lx*ai cju: an'? with Uio latest itn proverueuU. will be sold be Sheriff of Allegheny countr. at ihr t'olinn Ma ‘lory of Jaroe* A Gray, Fourth Wnrd. iu AUeahe ity. On Mondar.tbetSUh at 10 o'clock, A. M., U £1 inch Siagle Cara J 10 Roht.iu Speeder* li Throttle*, 144 ipimtpch; ■* .da Itl9 Undo •J 1 Head Drawing Frfe, 1 •* heater ipreaiiei; ypi 3 rc|*U; 1 lacdpre**; sin { old twitter; I old ►rir; 1 railway bead and \4 1 raileiider drawing moe. IN FORSYTH, Sheriff •p-locttß-da I 1 beater picker, niidte.nlreicber. icb baiting card*; I 3 batting inaclmio*, SllSlElff f Office, Q( ’ Orpbnna’nrt Bala. By Order of tksilians' Court of Alleghe t > ny Coonty, will [>ld. on ihe premise*, by i la s y public Vendor, Saturday, the I7lb day of lrvtLl, l o'clook, P. M , all that FARM or IMKCK OF LAI situate in Wilkin* ip , late the property of Daniisiliew*, dce'd, contain* in* Suty onr Acrr* and (hundred Perches, adjoin ing lands ol James Veroß Jones. K. Dewliur*t, part of the «arnr tract lalkt the appraisement by Andrew Maltlirws. cine n( heirs, £nd other*. Tne nlmve pi“ot> of l.ait of Cm rale quality—in good order, and rouveriet ihr River and Canal For tunlier particuJiirs.uire oiilthe premises, or of Thomas M-Uom K«|., Ihurga.; T,» ttr sold by order of It. orw7-difcw:mi i«: SNIVKLY, Ailm'r. Alumni of the |%«rn UalTcraltjr. ri'IIK Alumm of ib« AWn University, loaeihrr. X with fhc Trustee*, Wuret at the Fourth Wurd l abile Set 00l Roomr. eiulay evening,at 7 o'eleek, to take order tier the fbneif the lamented Rev. Joins Mi &ca, |) 0 , one of the? reverend and honored profmoora of ihr tnslilalh crctSß AN KM'.tmON for i<ient, Treasurer »nd Hu I>-recior«ol MooonMa and Coal lli'l Turn' Conip»nv r wjll l»«* L4I ihf boa*« of Wm. Mil v'lnnU. SouUi IY.t»l>on»!j!*atUiilajr, iLc 154th <]af 01 \viubrr n<*>i, briwc>-i| fci ur« cl I noil 4 o'clock 1 \V. O IiOBINSON, Tronrurcr. NV|\ :a.ia «• j I tun* »'■»», fnr »»!« by 1 BWON.-I.nTUK A CO IJTKKI\-sU»ll.«r».iSd c \4ot>Uo Kng tired Fieri; for sale by orta* \ -bison, 1 \*l I I.UsXjVoolen Siinr Yarn, while and col loUorc.l, fwwilrl.y ' ' r ,.,» ■ bison, j.ittlk 4 co_ IAKH • 7 kr<\v»T. lireniid far sale by _j \ M*K4 UREY FtMil.K. \ No lir* Second «t 11 KA lll>—l'.** ju aunt ree'd and for sale by , <IS W V J A CA_N.-IKU>_ 1,01.1. bfn cloths, jwi tert'd i*Y mitjii \ J B CANFIEU) lUIF.KSI'.- w l-i» llr*J (feibstn Farm Cheese; / U) ■!« do; Inr «s!e by on-4 \ J UCANFIKI.U CliH;b>sF— ibOliT* in fc. 70 do cum. for sa’e i»jr , ISAIfHOKKV 4 CO, From at (Y||/t— Fure. i.i orifiilaclt»jc rt ~ ) | c»n Oil I can OiU-cmou; 1 •“ Ai-i»; i I “ Origanum; I “ IVniicnJ I ‘‘ Jumper; I •• Spruce;' a bol Oil Clmh; Ju»i rec'd and for «al< R K SUTLERS, nrIJT. ■ No S 7 \Vood H Jl sTKKfVU-d'W »d| liom C*rnape Cloth, with Uk'il back, a bis) Collide, for sale ibe Bobber Depot NoVwd *l. \ ~ria4 . Jkll I’lllLl.fPS UKt' D Tills l'Al it ilic I’lnltipsyillc Factory, :a«i y,|. i t Flour ojolh. rold at a low price.'at N„ yu Aol 0.-ii J AJI.PIUEEIFSX 1I sr RKI-'l)—ltßMi it)sou* Sails for anle i>v t) lai>D4 CO,_Ml Wood *t RFPB SAI.TI‘KTHWOO lbs ini ree'd and lor rule by ociac i K1I)I) 4 CO, CO Wood» Bonnets, caps, and face fj.o\vkrs-w. K. Murphy ha* received a supply of lie above good*, md offer* them low, wholeaale or retail, at the .'perth earl corner of <-h ami Market all. o«EJ4 _ . ENT’S KANOV CRAVATS—Of haodiueme atyjei I IT and black Italian do., lately reohl at Dry t>i>)» toil rec’a autl tor »an 1 Ilchwof oc.utl WR MURPHY IKIDP A CO. 00\Vocd n I oi-ANisirwurriNi L> by <xr* SWtiKr OIL—'JOU ekc’d and (or sale by JCJDD_fc CO,® \Vond_ (vH'AI. VAKMSiH e«I»JUM rec'd and for , ~y - oci-Jfi KIDD & COJOO WofJ Ci kix'Lßl*^ 1 — 11 t*° Codre; I lau pin* V. H. Ifisl and Black Tea; luO )>X< Lump aii>uu Tobacco; lust Ue*l« N O Mors W hbds do Sugar, 1-6 libl* l/»»af Su GU do Nos * A .1 Mack< rSlifsnd qf bblfc I Mackerel; Stiuaib* Ked !M bn Pepper; •j hbds Maddcrjht* No L Chocolate; ■lO huts Tar; vo Tanners’Oil; h i-ereou* 8 F ;u; U bbls ilrimtione; 4 « malt Cbip'd Logwood, ]•„* Mils .Ssltpeinbbls Kps. Salts; 100 tram* Wralt Paper; :(SKI !h« CoUoii V IS) bis Batting; ii H« t'undtrw GOdox I'uinlcd Uucki-li lIW lII* tsilO W'h* <>!■•*; u bush Dried (flics; 50 do do Apples; ’i keg* Nails, 4 sires. <ii general n«Mcrtl of Pmsbatgb Mane Het. lor *alel_ • BISON, LITTLK4CO, j _ _IW liberty «l_. 9ew ] ite Books. ','||.F. OttAl KSj a ColWliou of Song* , i f,l C U | Hori d other Caucenn, Javeafie School*, \c.: J. (XJohiiMQ. I'rire.&'Ct*. 1A V STATU J.LKCriON ol Church Wu: ,rl*utp a urcj nifty ot Pialia and Hymn mull, AuUic£borai>ea and act f.iecea.or j>c rcird. lth*r with a complete cource uuiy rierci lolfeKßiai and tinging le»- whole fonni complete Church j A. N. John JiMiahOnjood, andSomucr ■ on, latlf. I* TJcU. . ,ud lor ««'c 1. JOHN 11. MBLI.OR, HI Wood •( Tillin', C Igliml ail or . Inue rmt; the Hill, Uo. K-c'J i *uperior article for sale by iMHtRONfI & CROSSKR OIDKH-? I. bUls in sinre and fur aale by it MSTRONOA CROSS KK 1 and for tale by RMSTRONH A CROZK.R will open this ranrnin •rtceni OatLiuerrt, of oetao J MASON 4 brr fair* of iinHthblf Myl la. A Mason A Co are no ><• of iltoto eery cheap I‘Jj petti its DK LAII [iting aiiollie Maton A Co. have rce’d at G(c; !«) do I2le; 100 do A HDKlii— i Wnx l.iurn II taftl* DUOKpii'a How »d Cotton Oaoha, heavy iwilirftlcln for Steamboat Deck*, trover*, and lanlin*, J»»l rrcM and for »ale i HI’IIV, WII.SON 4 01, 4 No IS Wbod it Horlaps, far wool saeka, ,e by gl’llY, AVIUSON & CO, No 4S Wood AND DRAWK.RS—A lance and black railed While and vt Drawer*, juti rec'd and for RP|tV, \VII*SON A CO, n ’ 'No<dWoodaJ_ ti’OOM-lN SIIIU Vr ii»»orUuenl of Si-*il'-l Woolen Shii Li< n,-iJ Tiiuitrr i • rioijn, low, m< y||it Crtiri W col'd Thl a and fine, tec’*! «»"l for s KH.v.wn^^i, 1| I.ttfor ail« lOCloms*. t aMsrttOSC t CHO»BR F3^32fig^'3E®&- (<UN NY UAUg-^4 n , 10f * nH for f*l*by ' U -V‘ “cop? k BKKYFOOU?, MA«AklNKOi3]Kir|-.FACUAS*r ;u< ‘ % ' C ‘i'r a 2 mwmnent of n,L t j n « l»«« Alp*«*» »nd Co* i>( „ n j all qomliUM ■« ihe Drjf tioud. House of T T V\ MURPHY, _ eciU :N, comet ** M*ikd i. ■ - Ht D . K er—c. Adw*io*—Drest Circle ond Parqnetic ” C L‘' Second ’Her 'y of M<, A A. ADU AMS, ami hi# last ap- THEATRE. SATt auAT, Oct. 27— Will be acted RICHELIEU! ' Mr.' Adtimmn. ...Mr. Welib. • •••Mr. Ro>». •Mi« Cmiw. •Mira l'oncr. Ricbe'iru. fii>t time- Barmin* Dr M*ur»l Franroi* -•••• Julia to conclude wilh Oim NATION A!. ftKPKNCES. i yimdn .•••Sir. BoUnwn. U7*Mr. SJhSIIKK, tbo Yankee Comedian. i* en ami will appear on M.mdsy. j ' AUCTION SALES.! By John D. Davla* Anctlonaar. Positive St lie of Valuable Btal Etbtte, 117 order of .Marco* ISlack, »orvirinjr Eieculor of ihe folate o( Samuel Black, dec'd. ] On Jaeitny morning, October 30th, ol 10o’clock,on the premwe*, will lie told the following valliable Real Fatale, air: That valuable home anil lot, having a front of 23 ft on the Diamond, and ex .ending hack along Diamond alley 130 ll u> Deramr at ■ Kleven very valuable boildinglou, situate on Lib pity ft, near the Monongahela wharf, having each 30 ft fiihiton (tie north stele of liberty ft, andoxteildmg bmek 110 ft to Urewrry alley. At 3 o’clock, V. M—lo lots in Foath Pilttborgh, sit uate between JoueV Ferry and the lroij Work* of Messrs. Cuddy, Jonea A Co., having each a from of 34 ft, tndextendiuj; back *. The above property offer* treat indneeme nU tn those wauling good aituatioa* for buainest and manufactur ing purpose*, being iu aiUiaiiona that are improving ra pidly. Terms at sale. | OctSG JOHN d Davis, a mi PeremftoTf Salt of Dry Good!, On Monday morning. Oci. siUli, at ID at ihe Commercial Salas Rooms, corner of; Wood and Fifth street*, will he sold— • extensive iifsortment of tuple ami fancy foreign and domcttic Dry Goods. ! At» o’clock, j Groceries, Queenaware, Fumitard, Ac. ■ 15 Uxs Virginia maanfactaredTobaceo] A large and general assortment of nets; and second hand bonselrold fumiure, cooking stoves, kitehen utensils, feather bed*, beddiug, maUrasges. looking aiatteajrarpeliiig, mantel clocks, window blinds, Ac.; ah o. a quantity of leather trunks, cattcaad trunks, car net.and ieailier bags, saddles, bridles, Ac] .. At 7 o’clock, ! BOOK?' BOOKS! BOOKS!! A large-collection of valuable miscellaneous book*, fiitiilv sad pocket billies, albums, port foliol, blank books, letter and can writing paper, wafers, superior gold pens warranted, Ac. [ ''» iwu» JOHN D DAVIS, Anct Administrator's Sots of Xuw Books. On Friday evening. Octobers, I *, ni7o’clock, al_tbe Commercial Sales Rooms corner of Wood and Fifth sis, will ire mid the entire Law Library of David 8. Todd. Esq, late of Greensburg, der 'd, among which : will be found all thr Pennsylvania Reports, and many standard Law book*. To which will b« added a largo fiauuaiu un uuvt*. ■ u „ui,h —... colleeuon of miscellascuns books, embracing atme the most va'uabic in Englisn literature. : Catalogues will be ready od the 25th. 1 ocßtt JOHN DDAVIS, Auct SAM’L. GRAY; MERCHANT TAILOR, cxcu*nos boildisgs, BT. CLAIR STRBKT, PITTSBURGH, oas jctt &uu&Kti> nu>JC| NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASMBEBES ADD TJSBTISGS, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Which he i* prepared to make to orde IN TIIE BEST MANNER Anil in the latest Fashions OcIUS SB' JCKW.IIKAT FLOUK, Com Mc«l,«nd Rye Floor, iu •acks, for «ole tiT . ' oettl 8 F VON BONNUOR3T fc CO , CtIIKESF.-000 Ins Cream, 900 do. W R Cheese, in j store and for sale by i _ . ... 'V cctfl > • ■ JAMES DALZELL , r |7aN NEK*O.L-» bbls SuruPa OU, in store and I for sale by oclSI JAMES DALZbLL BATTING —•jobbales No 1,50d0 No*, in Store and for sale by arik . JAMtS PALZhLL POTASH-20 e»ks Potash, in store and foT sale low ”.51”“ b|f ja&ies dalzeli. SH. MOLASSES—2O bbls St. James, in stare am t far sale by nedt JAMKB DlLtMib 'AILS—2SO k<* Oliphant’s brand, receiving undfoi .“ifiTy o.uS JAfe UAUjKLI.. <AR— SO l.bls N. C. receiving per raitaJ.ttrfd far sale hy ' -oeiVs MHiS UALZbLL SOLE LEATHER—»S sides jiwtirre’d. forsaWbr JAMES DALZELL MOLASSKj^— IW> t>bla prime'N Oj in oak packages,, ■mi rre'd ptr atenraer Hindoo, and for sale by orctl ' JAR FLuVD. MACKKK El*—» bW» No 3 Mielterel; a •* No 1 , do; • . . sqr MiU No I: 5 kiu do; Jett rws’d octdt PALZELL id for *tl* by GLASS— IMI bn 6xlo, OOdoIOxH, lsdo»lJ2,fcOdo JOxlz, M’Ketman'c It Oo't brand*, a tapertor aril* rk>, luuliur float Pitutargb and Brown*viOe line, and for ulf by ocili ■ 4AME6 DALZELL * Moi.asses-50 i)W» n OMoiawr, . i 3 “ NUBH dot taMoreand BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, Nr> m liberty tt SUGAR-OT hhds NO Sazan S» lib la No 7 and •» Loaf Sagan }0« reeV} and for (ale by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, • ociil _No 144 liberty_«l_- F'I.OUR- IW bids superfine Floor, jatt rec’d and for Hie by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK* ocrtl __ No lit Interty at_ SHOT— 13 fees Patent Shot, Ho ltoNo 4; Ike “ “ No 9; j»«t ree*d. and Tot tale by otf. 1 ! C II GRANT SALERATUd —70 bbls Bolerain»;C brsdftjJostreeU and for sale by ocl'-l , :J A R FIXJYD^ kITTER— I M) kn Solid Batten just rec'd and for t for «ale by ixt'l4 JAR D r.'*KATHF.R<-b sacks on band and for sale by l* r OCt c 4 JAR FLOYP r 'IUEF3K-lW bzs W R, on hand and for sale by / ocrdt— JAR FLOYD POTASH-Scask* Brown's Potash, Jnsl tec’d Ibu day, per Lake Erie A SI. Line, and for rale by octai JAUFLOYD CIGARS— 30 bx» prime Ohio, jasl rec’d and for tale by octal JAR FLOY'D BLANKP7TS— ‘J cases Plaingroveßlackels, superior quality, on band and for sale'by oei*4 JAR FLOYD I*?LANNRLS-* caves Barred Flannels, ree'd this ’ day and lor sale by oet2l JA R FLQ¥D_ BLACK SILK I.ACKS-*Of different widths, at low prirei for uusliiy, to be loand at the store of £ t ,H - ' W R MURPHY Ijt H. KATUN it CO. have received their winter 1 • itoek’of Fringe*, Ginpa, Laee*, Embroideries and Buhoum, which they offerfor tale at wholesale and retail their atorc, 63 Fourth it. WCH WOOLEN tiOODJt—-Children’* Woolen Pack*, Hood*, Comfort*, Gaiter* and Hosiery. ean be foaml at \ RATON'S Trimalnj“tore, 4th at, ocutl \ bet'n Wood and Market ZEPHYR WORSTED—A large assortment of Ber lin Worsted*, for matching pattern*— alto, Zephyr ami German Worried*. for knitting, always on hand ami for sale by F H EATON k CO, oerrt \ Ci Fourth «_ WORSTED I*ATTF.RNS—Far Ottoman*, Divam, Fire Screen*, Cbiir*, Stool*, Cuihloat, Book M«rk*, he., alarafi on li»ml and for ule by F II KaTON kCO, Fourth it, octal \befn-WQM and Market FINE SPONGE—9 cue*,'(one very tapcilor quali ty,) ibtt rec’tl and (ornloby octal R E BEELERS, 57 Wood »t QdMPHOR— 4 kbl* jn»t ree’d »n 3 for »ale by octal BE SELLERS IQUORICE BALL—Smell itick,Ju*t tec'4 and for i Min by octal K K SELLERS BLACK LEAD—4 cik» prime QU&IiiV, >ua r«c'd end for »»le by octal It RB ELLERS U oct** Jt E SELLERS^ RICK FLOUR—S cues aunoifinF, In »ioi« »d*l for •tloby JD WILL) AMS, octal . NoTIP Wfrod «l SPLIT PEAS—I Lbl Englrali, Juit tec'd. for ule by octiM ', • J O WILLIAM^, SOAP— 100 b<« CbilJtcotho Soap, jail recM and tor wloby otva _JdItLKR * HICKETSON\ Catton' Factory for Sal*.. ItllK lubfcriber cUrr* for »ale tlus whole or ■ P* rt of tho Allegheny Cotton Faetory,containingelev en hundred Thioille Spindle*, and otic fttrear her. with - all the necruary preparation lor the mauuiaeiutinrol Cotton Ynrh ami \Vlrk. Machinery in good order. For particular* enquire of the »ab«cnber, at tae rae* ;U Allegheny-city. ........ fIBAV the oofcW-Utw • jAMEtf A. ORA*. DUIVATK HJSSOfIiS m the German, French t land English l*» fi usgr*, Writing, Book-keeping by •iugle ntwl iionl‘l- eniry, Ac., given w » r r * eU e*l "“li ner. Jar and eremite, at -hr Western Commercial School of HUBERT ftCHWAHZ, ocMMw* No C Sl Clair »U (up statra.-) MIOV HUNTER will call for four coils Rope and one i»»x SunJnes, per stcsmboat Gen. Gaines. UUO H. MILTKNUKRtiKR, No. K? Front it. CODFISH- 15 lo* »n store * f or octW __ IXAIAII DirKKY A CO, Fronts! l * ACKKRF.Ii —** nr *»t»U No I. for’aala by U oeuS ISAIAH IHCKKY ft OP, Front n POTAMI—• l<bt iu store and for sale by uetiß! ISAIAH I)IC|CKV A CO, Fkoat st PoW’D RHUBARB—4 ca*CT'ja»t rctM and for tale l >y . R E SELLERS, ociSJ _ No 57 Wood ttrret ; No. I—s»ib» jui rac’d,'for tale by ociSa _____ B E SELLERS GUM SHELLAC—3 ea»c* juit ree\l and for tale by ocU* • __ RESELLERS ; TIT HITE CHALK-3000 Ibt jotl rce'dand far tabby y V octal RESELLERS i_ n ALLU’OTS-7 |fo act’d ifea, Jait tlcM and for \x tabby ?<«?3 RESELLERS '•**_ AJT ACNKsi A-a cates, ia bine paper*. )t« rocM and . IVI for tale RESELLERS lARI>— Wkeg*ieeMlbisday and<br»BlotT ' 4 ncnN .... ; _TAB9KYjk BEST UOI.I. CUTTER—J hM fresh Ruli Batter, ree’daod for tale l»y oettH TASSKY * HKf*T ’ WAllfil), r=- A GIRL to tin house walk. A permanent siinatio an 4 good,"wage* will to given. Lwjiuie at tin othet. eetfcdtf FO» CINCINNATI AND BT.I.OUIS. k The aplesuhd tteuner ■ ‘ SUENANOoUI, . •"'HBSaffiß W Bowman. Will Iran? ft, ,!»„ ■■■■■□■■and. sit intcnnediuo fart* Ojs day, <tS7 | at 10 A II.S, 1 For freislit or ravage apply onboard FOR CINCINNATI V ' T _ w - The splendid ateant«r. »FAIRMOUNT, agfaftKEfl Ebl>eit> tns*ter, will lc:»»r lor in, ■BdBBISBVaad all intermediate i>ott» tfcnj-- at A o'clock, F. M. . , f For freight or parage jpply on board __ oct? [ FOB ZANESVILLE. k. 'Tie fpkndti) steamer ‘ f . rff*. & SHIPPBK. : JoagCwP Parkinson. maiter. willlearo ■KKKSBiBahovA and all intermediate ports a. ' day, at 4 o’clock, I*.lL ' ' . u ,1 or freight orpatMgp, applr on board, or to H otttT 'VUWHBtXpK.Ak CINCINNATI A PITTSVI!BPQ || OAILV PACKET LINE. mills well * Bown line of aplendid pa«» Steam i. era is now composed of the largeXi swiftest, bos finished and furnished, and'mostpowerAil boat* ou in* waters of fte West Errrr accommodation and etm« fort that money can procure, Uas been provided tor pis* , senger*. The Ijoe has been in operation Yor fire y«ar« —has earned a million of people withopi the least Wjß* ry taibeirper*oai*s Tba -ooats wtUpb* at the foot of wood street the day previous to nartui*, far the recep tion of freight and the entry of passenger* on the tens? 5 ter. la all caws tbo.passage money mastbepaidiß SUNDAY PACKET. • the ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, Wil leave Pittsburgh every Sunday .menu tig atlDo'clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening nt 10 i. h. May SV.IiM?. ' • . howuat Packet. - j.. The MONt INtiAIWLA.Capt. Stott*, wtlUeave burgh ever; Monday morning at tO.oYlnek: .Whee Ling every - Monday r.vetung*t 10 f. W- _ ■ > rr. - 'tVIWW^XMCWK; - -.-i The HIIIEKM 4, Capt J. KUatma**, will leave piusburgb evkrf Ifcwdijrenornins at 1“ o'clock; Wheeling every Tneidaf evening at IOe.K. ; ; . . wkdhes'dXi PACKET... I The NEW ENGLAND No. St, Oapl. S. Pa.p,will lesve Pituburgh every Wednesday niormit |tU W o‘l-U.eW; WLrcfiii* every Wcdnrv.tav evening % 10 r M TBPMiTit'KfffKS** The BRILLIANT, Oaf* (laic*, w*|l ieayo Pitta burgh every Thursday morning atll! o'clock; WaeeUuf every Thursday evening »l U» e. *. ( . , r&Tß'KV'eianZ**. ~ I The CLIPPER No.3,Capu Paaa DcttaU will le*t» Pittsburgh every Friday tnomingat luo'cloek; Who# ini every Friday evening at 10f. «- ' SATURDAY PACKET. - The MESSENGER No. 2, C»pL l. C. WoonwitP, will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at lOo*- clock; Wheeling every Friday at ID p. w. . " PEA NUTfr-flO laekatn storeand for salebv > 0C122 • ■ TASSUVAPEST TOW YARN—3 iteks Coarse Ti*w Yarn for aaleby octgg ' TaSSEV A BEST- Rsmerai, EOBERT A. CUNNINGHAM has removed to No & Commercial Row, home formerly occupied by fttarria Orsm, wheie bewiUbe happy to see hi* friends and former customer*. ■ octW DeitraM* lad flrSalii i l *- ’ TWO very large :and Aenrubte LOTS, fronting SO • and Si feel *»n Webster at. bvlil and I*s feet in depth—being the eeotad and third lots from Giant at— wth be sold on Apply tn v*. octWdlw , 19 Water*! BACON HAMS—A few cask* prime caavuied Kami, Just rac’d and for aale by • . otl<M * . . - . ■8 A W UABSAUOH r lUEESE—fiODbbxea Crtam Cheeae, lautorojtrgfer j tale by octSO .. ..'8 A WIIAHBAUOH KUDSSELL'S eelebraied Bb*TiH|f Soap*, J£xu*c&t Perfumery,Ae—a fre»h invoice fijraalabr oeMB • • . —JSCHOON&IACKBACO FINE laqre iMlwiwe^lijn'^Vv. . J aCJIGONMAKER A CO, No 34 Wood rt FLANNELS— 3 bale* of' Bed, Yellow and. \Vbi» ptnnylt, juw rea’d ffom itve menatuclOfV.opcan ait nasal •un for >alo by the pleee'or package at : BARLEY— The wtxcriber will pay ibe tlrtertaui'* ket pries, ia ea*h, for Barley, da mig ihe woon. OSes at the store of Brown A Kirepainck, No MHJb erty st, Pilubureh. oeliH MBBBQWN moBACCO—IDO pkg» mtnftfiettfrcd, *»iion«tiimnd*, jL for-tale bjr oeiSi 9 V VON BONNHORST 4 CO BROOMS-4CO do* »»pe ri«r gilt handled; ' ' 20 dot common; for sale br « - V oct34 ~~-B F'VON BONN HORST & CO E ~ , °' >l .^ t FVCafßONNI I 6R3 T t C 6 kATTiNG—SO bbU family,/aranle by. | o.tS4_____ S F VON RONNIIORST4CO CIuVFEE— 15 hags Old tiov, Java; j 50 •* Fancy Hie; ' L 100 u ■ Prims Rio; la store and foe »ajh ; by .o«t3l _•••.. . i I) WILUAMfI-' SObfchesiaEliraCbalaii; 30 do superior Greea; ' fiocattybxa'' **' u toraalebT'j octal . J P WILLIAMS, SUNDRttIB--fi» matr Cassia; . I bbl Natsef*; ■: I ea*s Clotci; leueUace; 5 eases Citron; . S bbts Cerruti; • I ease Orange Pl;,a utobea. Fed; 1 ease Jar* Pranes; tat aalo by-.. octSl . JDWILUAM?fc J. Hniprsti 4 Seas'Patat Soda JUb. •>nci CASES l»la«aand Soap'iaakeTi’ Soda Asb. 040 imported. direct from toe above carebroteu maoufaeinrersi 89 her cent American text, arriving and for aale by oedO W 4 M MITCHBLTRKK^ BI.RACIIINO POWDER—2ocasks ill Mtt*ptlU* Sods' brand, a soperior ailiele, for sale by -•' ■ . ticitD WAM.MrrCHELTRKR ’V* GLASSES—ttbU pruM N O Molasses, in eat Ift, bW«, in store and for «ale by . i Will MITCHELTREK IItRESHTEA 9—lmperial, Gunpowder and Yonar ; - Hyson Teas; of superior Quality, in hf cheats W awl 6 noant) bxt, just ree*d and for sale by -•- 5 ~ cctil : W A M MITCHELTREE :: COFFEE— 150 bags prime Rio, arriving andtorasM by octal 7 ff.t m wrrcHßWiar NEW MAOKERFA#-3Ubbls large Noi*ai®hf bblt No 2. (MaisacbusetPa inipeclta&djut andfor-raleby ' ' • • '■ octal ! W A-M MITCUELTREET TOST— October l«th,-on (be wharf, boa Meaner j Hibernia No 2, one trank and otto cheat, marks* Mr*. O’Nril!, Pittsburgh, Pa., cerualaiag ciothii}g, tC£ lufomation of the same please leave with _- vr iRHEY.MATriIRWSfoCOi v fjcis3 ; ' -No 23 WaMMt, • FLOUR— TStbla superior Family Floor, just repW and for rale by - - COi'K A .BKFTVFOfiLKi oecP ~ • • • IttfgacoadH-, POTATOES— ids bbts ree’d this day and for sale hi TASSKYfo BEST , SOAP— 100 bxs No 1 Cin. Soap, in *fre andJo* tale by oet*l . ' TAS3KVA BHST \ /IANDLES—3i bis Mould Candle*, for sale by '/ V/otilgl TAySF.V h BEST BACON— 100 itb<l» Sidca and Shoulders, prime; •. ...> U 5 lirrcea Caavansed Hsuu; >. 4 hhd* Yellow >iami;-oiL eonsijAßcts and for sale by oeCP SELLERS A NICQL3 /. JARD OHr-13 bbls Fall Strained, juet raoVand for. i mJc by __ tel-*} SELLERS ATnCOtSJ, hhd* N O Sugar, just reeHl ’amJ for tale by octa ISKLLEBS fo NiCOLS LEAD— 3000 pigs Galena lUad, landing fronstean*; era Geneva, Boiion and Hnduui, and for aafo hr ocia . JAMES A HUTCHISON* CQ IBBONS—A. A. Mason A'Co, Market sWirill this; — day open 50 boxes of the l«te*i *tyle of Bonnet r Ribbons. :_J . oe I opemW, at eo Wsrkel st, 60* pair* of English aad American Blanket*, eom prtainf the best makes of Bath. Whimiw and Rose , Blanket*. . oet?l H A 'triuil COIdJRED of U the fashionable colors, fnd no 6^ -Matkctst. oco3___L A. A_UABoN*Cp__’. I ENGINES FORSAI.B-*Uavarl4ng‘«a,tTrUwfor ll Hjiiieh diameter, • feel strohe, allyeady for-BSOj. wdtteioUeae.p. ; i oci2J >,l bet’B Wood and Market sts . ;* M. gtfod FKnchTcKek'ShiiigU; O jnst reehl and for sate RICKETSON, oci33 > 171 and 174 Liberty st riRKAiTcUKiaE-ia »p«n;' Creun ctK,M G mg h. u J*®FFkK-4»b ? .WjC»o«i._ . III “ top Lun»rmioa ia were, t>r pC*3 MtLLtttt A RICKKTOON ■•• J. coarse anil fin* poWM; c crashed Suftan. loW’d'and lientabed I 8t James pfos 4^/ & RICKKTBOfy ’ v . Molasses- " i ■■, * In store, fi»r«ale bp. LER A HICJCETHON $ forge M«beret:'?•*:; i\ " nb4 .• • ‘ • 40hfbbU(NoaLarjo “ ‘ ; lit stare and for sale by < t or«« . MILI.ERARICKyrSOV o"^™ ‘\ " IftHb a ' “ \Fall v • «!'• "?' ' \ 1600 “ • Bleached » •” a »r \ «»“•■•“•■ Wnwr Whale \ S6t« “ Cmde W)\al« Oil; • . • ' _ ? bbla No a L*nl oil; ia More, for & HICKKIBON- ■ \f ACVKKK!»—Oj rreM »*J. i *** for-aalehj . .bccw . Kfc W HAHIUtTOHQ Bacon »i»» and each in siote amt fat sale hr ‘ * o«ta> • « M W lIABBAtJGH. laipn rnpplv of Window*; Ww, hoik citr and eoiiotry brands of a nor quality,coniUmly on fcaidd by - - . . - •-.4 , . „CO!»KkPREYPOCI.R_;;->i ocua ~ ,■ T No ta< Keeood*^/; M7OODKN in,!ov» iMt***-. YV bjr • COfKiBKKYKIOMfv/- SUGAR-80 W>d»N O B#ffj 45 bbli Lorenng} » “ ** I 00 11 Si Loni* I 90 “ “ »| S 0 >nd Instore and foM« oeRO **!' •nUNTAtiwJfAsns-TK J. a3obl>l* Plantation Mol 58 >< oc«J • O WKirr roTATotx-M i) NH§*s pLOUR-ao bbl, *• by curi • oetao- . f :■■ ' Haifof tale b}‘"< Wi*■ r iSim »km» , CIIKF.SK— A choice oriicle COK Lamp duack-oobbuai i oeiap . , 'J» MASON'S CILALUHNGRJ mleUy ogi3b.. J^Cl ROLL HRIUSTONE-Sbblj *ocQfl i JSCj /IAMPUOR-* bbh lor rde \ / Mia , i Jgb oyOAB-Vil UMH b, «l n»a ■ - , **• . CIIOBANT. ' bT N / , J ll_W«i r lUt«i_ jp¥Mras=i?bsUi»i““&jU*suMaat ?- 1. in ;ABRRYFOG*S? * ?-Z. • No !WSfsfi4=-' ' CfeSgi*S»*«>4. feicKlNG-2 hbU'Caf'- jjgoNUABEa * ai>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers