ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CABDS. DAVIU C. TCTTJbKi AtTOKNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOB PENNSYLVANIA, Si. Loco, Mo. * '* - : -*'*on* ■ otly »a»wered. Ail comma nieiUot ~A RAISTRONO*CROZKK,Coi J\ ud in Prodaee, Nc Pmkbarfti. ' v- inaruLD. astir lxjjto. BUSIIFIELD 4 LEASES, Wholesale dealers in Dry Good*, Groceries, Bools, Shoes, Pittsburgh •anafscuired articles, 4c., No. £2O Liberty street, Pitabtrgh. i _J>»' ’ nxDiu tt Bison. I oioMB uiru. BRAUL 4 HEJTER, Wboleialo and Re toil Dreg ruts, (traer o t Liberty .end Su Clair streets, Pius* burgh, Ps • mi'yU ceudinon, 7 *. ■. »*owt». BROWN CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, led CosunUstoii Merchants, No. 145, Liberty st, PuMHintb. Fa. de3lty. B“aH "A JLN ESTOGK 4 Co., Wholesale sod' He* • toil Dregfistt, corner Wood end Sth su. jyl TjJUZaIEV - *. BMlflCfrkolec«le Grocers, laind Jj HO Wood street Puutwryh. _ : O. H. PAUTRJDGE, IL D., NO. 1U SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, to riTe his particular attention to the \J treatment of Diseases et the SKIN, SCROFULA, ud Diseases of the THROAT. . OSes hows: 9 A. M., 1 P. &L, and 7 P.M.' octfcd3m* : ion a. caata. w. s. niaxxa. CRAI0 '4 SKINNER, Forwarding aadCotnmiuie Merchants, No- 88 Martel si, Pittsburgh. C A. McANULTV fc Co., Forwarding and Con « niiadon Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pi • . mehS Pi|«w Steal ud.lrea 4 Co, ouaiieairt •/ Coaek and KUptic Spring*, Hammered Art*., Spring and Ploagh SmeL Iron, 4c. WarehoHK on Water tad Prom street*, Pitubnigh. » AUo, dealers u 4 Ceaih Trimmingi and Malleable jftMtinga.; . oeiia : Ptt» W. iCdakk, (Late of New v’ork ) . Omca-fSmlUuteiu street, between Seventh and Strawberry alley. N.B-—lhaeaaeaofthe month, gum* and teeth treated llWiTiopalhtcaUy.. »ptlo.d3ro ' w '* *• uiauxu. jun 3. aaaarxr. | GiJiukt # Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and rot wanting Merchasu, and dealers in Produce and Pitis tafh Uanafaetares, No. 37 Wood it, between yd and Matreeu.' ocil citrra ■ jsjus s. turn GEORGE W. SMITH A CO., Bnwtn, Maiden and Hop Dealers, Rrn st, Pmibaryh. *pi*J . CoiPBUMien etufForwsrtini \JT Merchant, No. SO.Wood street Pittsburgh. nyi; HOiB LSAGDX FACTORY. HAMILTON STEWART, mnnofsetarcr of Heavy Shirtings, Checks, Ac., Rebecca sued, city of Allegheny. . poTls-dir* HIiEE, (laeecwor u> Moipbr fcljeeJ Wool Deal • er.aadCeeu&ieciott Hereout, for the sale o AJoerieeaWoelea*, libeny t oppo«iteCUi »i fet>l7 ' w*l bslld, iteiui&ore. A.I.IOCUTO, IDWAXSmiB, } pkil.^. s. c. tfcuaton, itnai j. vmn, j •«**—»— MEAU) £ BUCKTiOB, Tobacco Conunmion Me cfeaau, 41 Nortk Wi»f ft, k 1« North Wfearve L _ < oorSO-lf 11AJLDV, JONES 4. Go., (successors to Atwood, Xl Jones A Op.) Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, dealers, in- Pittsburgh Maimfaeuired Goods, UltttpilyfL tttchat? tMim msit, adust imr, «, ' TSAI AH GICJCEY 4 Co~ Wholesale Grocers, Com* X mission Merchants, andtealera in Prodoee, Nos.M Water, end 107 Front streets, Fitubgnrb. nova j»km s. xolwokth. loura dilwokto. JS. XMLWOKTH 4 Co,'Wholesale Grocers, Pro • dnee«end Commission Merchants, and Agents lor Us Jiaxard Powder Co. or ;H. Y n No. 37 Wood it, Pnubirit, ’ , : • spot JUUN M. iinggisi aid Apothecary. No. U Market sl, three doors above Third et Piutf harfk, will have cons tan Or on hand a well selected am •ortmaniofthe bestead freshest Medicines, Which he will sell on the meet reasonable terms. Physicians •ending orders, will be promptly attended to, and sup plied with article! they may rely voce as genuine. (£7; Physicians Prescriptions will be accanuely and seedy prepared from the o«snasiciiaU,atany bsarol MdsyoraighL \ ;r . Also far sale, a large stock of fresh acdlrood Perfs. ■cry. • , jwta. T it CANFIKLIi, (late of Warren, Olio,) Gdmmis* V • sioa and ForwardingHarehaaL-aadwholesele dealer in Western Reservo Cheese,, Ilausr. Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Produce renertify, Water (net, between flmlthflcld and Wood" Pittsburgh. ap3 fOffiS WATT, (seecesaor to jgwatt 4 GebbsrU w • Wholesale Grocer, and Commission Merchant, dealer in Prodaee and PiUibnrgh cor* aer'afLiberty and Hand streets, PißsbarghPalfaM JAMES A. UDTCIUSON, 4 Lewis Hatchison 4 Co-, Commiidoa Mnrchunu, and Agents of the El Lotus Steam Soger Ae&acry. Mo. tt water and 83 front streets, Piasbargfe. V. , lanl - i • , ~ t ; T GUI'S JhMUKUAN. Wholesale DnwnsL mnddciu* V er to Dye Eads, Patau, Oils, Varnishes, Wood street, one door Eoath of Diamond- Alley, Pitts* — .-jsni t . TAMES KURIL Jr, A po_ (successor to Joseph G. DaTisJ_t&ipChundJers,3e_WaierjurccL oc3X JfliiN H. UELLoK, IVlftkMle and Email dealer .ia MuieandMasical Instramems, School Booxs, iP»per, Slates, Steel Pens, (Mills, Printers' Cards, end Stationary generally, No. fcl Wood »l, Pittsburgh. , lyfisgi bought or taken in trade. eepU JBCHOGNMAKEE £ Co- Wholesale Druggists, m No. 01 Wood street,' Pittsburgh- ■ •■. JOHN IX DAVIS, Auctioneer, earner Sih vy^| streets, Pittsburgh. ■ «cis TOUNsION A STOCKTON. DookeeUenTHmwrt W Md Paper Manafactarers, No. 44 Market at, piu*. Jt H. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commisston • •'.Merchants, and Dealers in Prodace. Roand Ghcrefc Beildiags, fronting on Liberty, Wood and eih etroets,Piusbargh,Pa.■ . . myfl JAMES I~ZKLL Wholesale Om^*r‘ Mel chant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh . Manalaetaxes.. No. SS-t Water st, Pittsburgh. janld TACOD WEAKER, Jl, Wholesale amTßeuifDen- O ler-in Foreign Wines and Liqaorf, and old gakela Rye VVnisieys, comer Pint and Market sis. , Jjr* __J ’ 17 i£R A JONES, Forwarding and jy cr . YV chanu,'Dea!er* in Prodace aadpittobnrgh ntann /hctared articles, Canal Basin, near 7ih at cat \ emau mill, pittibvkou, pa. KTENNEDY, CIiILDS A CO., Manafactarers of very JUL superior 4-i Sheetings. Carpel Chain, Cotton Twine and Bailing. . . . | ‘ jaJo-ly ViißTias Iran Works. LEWIS, OALZELLfc manufacturers of all si sea Barj Sheet, Boiler Iren and Nads of the best quality.. Warehouse, H water and 103 frontal. . ♦janld ■ - . , , , ,j' *lJf A WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward* J Am lag and Commission Merchant, Dealer in| Fiu*- bui ghManafisetarasand Produce, Nos. 31 Water si., and From ah : J-J7 xna*a\s i«*irsDT ( xa. rooms. atwY - tutniiiov * unriß, X OOhUNU GLASS Aianofsciurcrs, and Wholesale J i deai'ers in foreign, and domestic Variety - Goods. Western merchants, Pedlars and others are invited to call auu'egamtne the price sand quality ol oar sleek, as With oar present increased faciltuea in manufactur ing and purchasing, we think we can odor as great JndaeemeuuVo.buyen as any other boose west of the Mountains. 1 • . . Jsfr-ly me. xuxaa, Phitan a.” c. w. Bttnws, Pjtubargh. A# ILL HR A KICKCTBON, Wholesale Grocers, and Ivl; importers vf Brandies, Wines and Segars,No*. i7S and i 74, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts hargh,Pa. iron, Nails, Couon Yarns, Ac. Ac. con* atamiy on hand. aogH JOJQI H*OlU- .US. I>. M'OIU. WSI.TKS & SOS. is 6GILLS A RO.E, Wholesale Grocers and Commis- JVI sion Merchants, No. 194 Liberty sL, Pittsburgh. MURPUY, WILSON A CO., (late Jones, Murphy A Co.) Wholesale Dealers m Dry Goods, No. 49 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ; n0r.21 IT/S AlTiliS WWILSON, Ponraitand MuuaiarePain. iKL ter. Booms, corner of Post Office Alley and Foorth street, entrance on 4th near Market dceAnUf. • ; . m'njUUBGJI STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AILK FACTORY. tuae team, • . ______ roiut f. qotoa. - jobes * «nao, Manufacturers or spring and blister ncei, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip rnnes! hammered iron axles, and dealers in mal SeablseuUdjc*, hte engine lamps, and coach uunnuiigi nmßy, comer of Ross and Front sis., Pittsburgh H. . a fci* WitOLAihß A BON, No. M Market sl, second • door from comer of Fourth, dealers m Foreign •UA Domestic Bills ©(Exchange, Urruhcaiesof Depos it Bank Notedmud Specie. . . . .. VD" Collections mad on all tha principal dues Ihrysaght/ui the Uulted States. 'dccl7 Ampjctti—Otoe, Fourth »L, i3l.' third door Above Baiihlield, sooth side. ' Cea vey*nei&g of ell kinds doue with the frettetf eon »t¥i tarsi Aeeanwy. - Title* ia fieel £*me exmlned, Ac. DU. OKOHO& BoOOOK. fymcv, Fnnrth street, Mirfinafc In the < room U latelyoccupied b j. Alderman -Miller, immediate Ir cepMiu Ur. He may be loend at night la No. 71, Bt- Charles JloieL . _ - A. IT&obirU) fli D„ rtmiAlißUa SURGEON, will attend to the treat* \J meal of Dues.ies of the Eye. , Dr. K. in this branch or the medi cal profession for sixteen yean, and bee conducted an establishment for the treaunenl of diseases of the eye alone ter sevara! year*. Ofnca and residence, corner of Ssndnsky >t and tttawberry. ettey, Allegheny city. ectia T) RODUCE, Grocery, Hanniactnre and Real Estate Jt/Broker, WLee ling, Va. _ (D» Refer to 1. Dickey A Co. octlS-dlm paoKwaSy aoHBOGK, IpHNN STREET, between Wayne and Hand, ba* A resumed k» professions! dauea, giving :liwtruc» umu on the nano, Guitar, and in Voeu Music, anutdtf”* ’ FeunL If sl, near Wood—All quantities of Greed and ■■■bißlach Teas, done up in quarter, fcaJf, and •naaaaad package*, ranging tromeo eta. ‘perpound HJB. ! IT4 IA. JAYNES. Agt. for Pekin Tea Co. ~ CARD, E ROBISON fc CO. having associated THOMAS • I*ITJLE,Sr., with lhcmin business, lie Whole -tale Grocery, Produce and Commissien business will i be continued as usual under the dm' of Robison. lit* tie A Co. __ * *D PRISON, LITTLE A CO., No. 1W Liberty street, .Xv Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and ‘ Commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh .Manufacture*. j ji ißoar. aosuoa. TBoauTrLa. taaDua-toama. j3)OUbkf UUUIk Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying “Xt# Pistiller< dealer in Produce, Pittsbnrgh Msnufaf *tarea, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines ■and Liquors, No. il Libeny street. , On hand a very i large eloek of superior, old Monongahcla whiskey, which will be eold low for cash. ' apl&ly U & IKTMIM, . _ J. J* «HX*. I Chi a ' XV Merehuu, for the Alleghany Kirer Trade, deal- ’ •«n in Giocerie*, Produ«, Htubnryh Maanlaeiurea The highest price*, in cash, paid at all lines for coun ty ragi. Center of Pena and irwia su. lan» THE PI ROBT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Groceil Dealer in Prodoee and Piiuburah Manufacture* Vo. 144 Liberty cl jytai "ROBERT DALZELL A Co., Wholesale Grrv Comnmsionond Porwarduix Mela*--* -w Commmion and Forwarding Meffcksnta'deki'rra M«£-.=u,’,„,“ub S Af," - ■ . feliiM io. 9 Mfcrket aln deed *. e. «K4«L*rr, ~ ’■ — DIIACniBIT * WHITE, Wh o le^ e K wxP Mi y °® C,llc *** Goods- No. W Wood aL tJSSSffieSSSSaB ft?l I?P J 1 c. lh „ _ JOIW RICHOLS, MAEILATO. Pfoducc And General Com- IJb ' nr, '-' pi, “ b^ h - S. , F^ VO F^" UOB Wholes li^.' Cottmiwion Merchant,, K* Msnafactam and Weatcn. Kre* No it S2 10 licir ncw Webonsd,(old aland) ««£ fPwa,BL .“ dc,l, * ee ** L » , ““ J*g®> 'VhoJeoale Grocers and Com mis . <w^.“iStaSS“ d d '* 1 "* “■•'"->»“• {£» *ut COT Tf Wb °le#»!e and Re 1*1! dealer# in W, rrt JACOB WKAVlfiur~Jn.7 UBfJS£ L F. G,loc,i,l » l»P°ner or FOREIGN WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS, dealer uj ym Mocongahela Ryr Whiskey and Pittsburgh Man- Bf * clß, « , vcomer of Market and Fuat ats. • ■ Superior ntttclc* tapplied at market ratea. t octiS W. dfc n. niTCUELTRKKj lI7IIOLESALE GROCERS, RECTIFYING DIS \JL TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—liD| ortera of Soda Ash and Ulearhtng Powder, No.’ 160 Liberty sl, (opposite Sixth - at ,i l*uta burgh. oeril ■WIS 0. WII a, EAVU) ITCAKDLBS TXTICK i .V’CANDuESS, (ißccr*»ftrn ml*. A J. f) ft Wirfc,) Wboteule firoceri, Fonrirdin* mid Comauuioii Jderrhaaia, dealer* m iron, Nrnlg, Glai*. Cotton Varna, and Piuabnrjch Manufacture* ccnp.raJlv, fOH»r» of W<ipd gj|J .Ifel*. PltL-hurgh. WALLA'OK, JUill atone’and Mill Funuah tt \ in* eatabltahmenl, No. ttU Liberty ct- near the canal. - mafia W ' v • Waichea, Jewelry J t*Uver Ware, • and Military Good*, corner of Market and 4th atreeta, Piiubnrgb, Pa. N. B.—Watche* and Clock* tarefelly repaired. ,j ec^ ■CT, r E3t BO%V^KN—<iommi*«ioa and ~Forwarding .ft Merchant, No. W Frontal, between Wood and Market street*. frM»i Wfe- AIURPu v, wholesale and KmifKilafta « Foreign and Domestic Dry Good#, north eajt comer of Market and Foorth at*. 4n<[2 j . . rad.'*. HrasinL.' * Ca ~De*Jer* in le.uher hideV, &< JJL-\*?JL>bcnT_st. /fA&T W 1R- M’CUTCIIEON, Wholesale J * • }*! n “ Produce, Iron, Nails, ala**, and Puts, burgh Manufacture! generally, laj Libeny st, Pitts- deed W'Y WIIJSON, Dealer la Watches; Jewelry e Silver Ware, Military Good*, Ac., No-57. Mar • - _ _ now 'WBt. YOUSG 4' cOm “ HIDES'AND LEATHER, Morocco, A-' ®»oe Findings, he.. No. 143 Liberty street, hare Jim reeertred their SPRING STOCK of ,reods7 conn pminr a large aawrunent of articles in their line, to which the attention ofpurchaser* it incited. mchl3 a- PKTTIGRJCW * CO n — 7 jJjw» -VrJ p BTEAM BOAT AGENTS ' OmcsAßors M. AujctACo, ' No. 4a Watc r t itml INSURANCE, • IMBRASCK. PBOTECTIoa FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMrA- B NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. ’ mcoaronATSO in i£& Stock, and BuTplus Fand, tiiuoo^oo, TnU old and responsible Company continue* to i»- tuc policies on the sum favorable term* on DsreLkur Houie*, Hoatebold Furniture, Store*, Stock* ofGoods, warehouse* and content*, Mills and Manufactories &c. Ac., against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. Alto, on Goods, Wares and Merchandise, against me haxardt of Ikluid Taasapcayattos, and nnoa tho Cargoes of Sea VciteU. . Tfle Protection'lnsurance Company having. in the last S 3 year s paid mast xolioju or notuun at their *f«ral agencies throughout the United Slate* and the Bntith Worineet, have established a juat tepuiauon tor solve nryand fair dealing, whieh challenge* com parison wuh any other insurance company on the continent of America. The annexed extract from an anicie on the aubject of Insurance Companies taken Iroc iho “>ew York Day Book," exhibite briefly the standing and policy of the Company. “The moneyed men’of the ancient and always pro*- peroaa eity of Hartford, hare for half a century been UStoo* throughout the Liniou for the care, discretion, rigid honesty, and unvarying success. with which they hate h>nxi< d and managed corporations of this de scription. .No Hartferd'Uaak or Insurance Ccaapany “•* ever failed! 'These'Compomca have fop mere' than a whole generation scattered their risks in near ly eT *O r . State of tho Union, asd[hsve.tiever failed to pay the innumerable lozacs which they have insured again m." • i AU losses arising upon policjet issued by lie under signed, will bejtromptly adjusted |uid paid at tie Gen eral Agency office, located at Cincinnati, O. A large (Ktruon of thb funds of tie Company, (including all premiums tcceived at tbo Western pgeueies,) it de posited with tie General Acenl oftie Company at Cincinnati, for the pay meat of Westerh and Siuthern loracs. A;>ply to ' FAYfcTTK BHOWN, Agent for the eitj of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county. • • T octS:d3m ThsPsuuylTaala FoklxnifaKcaos Lara akdGi • —• U 4 liiTH JUtf UK 'pliEfin! Life'ltuannce Comp J. ‘ Incorporated March 10. lsitl Cajiial ti 00^)00—aU paid in. liarlng authorised the vmlersig cations for insurance, on which p< according tu their proposals and made kojrru to applicants at lna street . sptl smriiit'H issTOsi OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL HUQ,OOO. J.'Fonnrr, Jt, See*?. 1 r) Mill**, Jr., Pre»’t. ,■ Will uinn against all kJhds of risk*, L -FIRE AND MARINE. LMosies will be liberally aafasted and promptly A borne institution—managed liy Director* who are well known in the community, add who mredetemln i&bj promptness and liberality io maintain ih* char ncter which they have assumed, lag offering the best protection to those'wbo desire to Ibe Insured. DnttCToaa—R. Miller, Jr., GcoJ Black, J W. OuiW, N. Holmes, Jt,' Wa B. Holme*,! C. Ihmaen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wtt M. Lyon, Jag. Lippineott, Thns. K. Litca, James M'Anlejj AJex. Nimick, Tho*. Scon. Omc*, No. 10 Water street, (warehouse of Span* I A Co., up eiair*,) Pittsburgh. jn-Ldly I INSCUaNCK. 3 HIE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU .9RANIIB North Room of the change, Third street, Philadelphia. Fzu licn'llutc*^—Unildiogs, Merchandise and other property in Town and cocntT, insured against low or damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium. Uaaiszl.vscxarrc*.—Tfceyalsoinsnre Vessels,Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or ■ special policies, as the assured may desire. ixL*rn>Tiuasras^*Ttos.—They also insure merchan dise transported by Wagous, Railroad Car*, Canal Boats and meant Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most Obernl terms. _ - DIRECTORS Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Sender,- John C Davis. Robert Burton; John R Penrose, Santa el Kdwurdi. Geo GLeiper, Edward Darlington, Ixaa£ K Davis, William Folwell, John Newlin, Dr R M Hug ton, James C Rand, Tbeophilos Pssldtug, If Jones Brooks, Henry BJosn, Hugh Craig, George Serrili, Spencer McllvsJa, Charles Kelly. J G Johnson, Wil Ram liny, Dr S Thomas, John Sellers, Win. Eyre.- Jr. DIRECTORS r AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan, Wm. Bagaiey, Jno. T. Logan! WILLI AM MARTIN, President. Rxnuas S. Nxwsols, Secretary. ID* Office of the Company, No. Ci Water street, Pittsburgh. Jul&dtf - P.|A. MADEIRA, Agent. PIrE AND UARIftR ~ THE INSURANCE CO. of North America <will make permanent and I miied Insurance on pro perty In tits city and vicinity, and on shipments by Cup*], Rivers, Lakes, aud by Sea. properties oi this Company are well invested, and ftinuthian avail able (and for the ample indes uity of all persons who desire to be protected by insurance. myl» WM.P. JONES, Agent, 41 Water *t. IBOEUSITY. The PranJJin Fire lnruratuc Co. oi I)' iriECTORS.—-Charles Nißoneker, Thomas Mari, Tobias Wagner, ttamue| Grant, Jacob ft. *umb, Geo. W Riehards, Mordecai D. Lean, Adolpho K. Bone, David S. Brown, Morris Patterson. Ciurlxs N. Bancua, President. Charles G. Banekcr, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or country, at rates as tow as are consistent with security. . To Company have reserved a large contingent Fund, which with their Capitol and Premiums, safely invest ed, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets ot the compsny, on January Ist, 1349, as published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as fellows, vim Mortgages, Real Estate Temporary Loans Btocks ’ Cash, Ac. *1,329,492 71 Since tlieir incorporation, a period of iy fear*, they haTe paid upwards ofbae million foar hundred thout and dollars, losses br fire, thereby affording evidence cf lie advantages of insurance, as well as the ability antf disposition to meet with prcmpmeis all liabilities. r J. GARDINER COFFIN,.Agent, marl-dly Office N E corner Wood and 3d sts O|SAW4SKAIJTDALUIBC&AirOB CO* PA. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh /or the Dcla • ware Malaal Safety Insurance Company of Phial adelphia. Fire Risks upon building* and merchandize or every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable in the Warehouse of W. B. llalmes A Bro- Ncl37 Water, near Markbt street, Pittsburgh. N B.—Tho success of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in .this eny, with the prompt ness and liberality with which every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrenithe agcinin 1 Invitine the confidence andpatronage ofhis fnend* and the community at largo ,to the Delaware M. a. Insu rance Company, while it has the additional udvamare. as an institution among the most flooruhiug in Philadel phia—as having an ample paid-in capital, which by the operation of iu charter is constantly increasing, as yielding to eaeb person insured his due ahare of the profits of the company, without Involving him in any responsibility whatever, 'and therefore as possessing the mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feu tare, and in its most attractive form. . , no . OOOT AND SWEimER’S New Collection oi li Church Music, comprising many of the most pop ular and useful tunes m common use, together wiui a great variety of new and original Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Chants, Ac, designed for the u»e of SteSSEEttf - oeiU, :» Wood st L ADIK3’ WASHING ULOVKSU-Jusl fee HI, 1 dot pkir Ladies’ India Robber Washing Gloves, and tut solo at iha India Rubber Depot, No. fi Woodt at ocU5 j ah Phillips CARDS. fAII HOTEL. i LIGHtTeET BALTIMORE. a -roOWxsTos, rxorazron. THIS wont long and widely! known as being «most commodious inthe city of Baitiutoeostly undergone very exten -4 tire alteratiqtaprovemem*. An enure new ping baa befl, containing numerous and airy Mecpinr apaipad extensive bathing roonu. The I>adieJSnient has also been completely reorganised djtp inttnoi unique dad beautl- Ail style. In |*rnale arrangement oftbe House has been remjrith a tingle eye |on the part of the proprietofd* the comfcn sad pleasure of their Guests, #eh they confidently assert will challenge era with any Hotel the Union. Their iableg*y> bo supplied with every sab- Mnitial and tfrhieh the market Wffords, served op in a superdwhile in the way iof Wines, Ac., they will notxssed. J ; In conelaslfoprietors beg to say, that nothing will be led tut their part, and on the part of their assistants, to [this Hotel worthy [the Jeontinued patronage ofpnds and thepublicjgendnUly. The prices |d have also been (reduced to the following rati ! ' Ladies* tA fit,72 per day. Gcntleiud 1,50 • N. B.—Thije Wagon of the House will al ways be foune Car and Steamboat Landings, which will coggage to and from the Hotel, free ol cbsrge- j i ' nutylftf BOUSE, coanxx or saxD oxaitt stuxsts, rtynatTaegi THRiber respectfully aimonncea that he has tned his new and excellent Hotel for the taodation of travelers, boarders, and the pubkrally. The house (ana (furniture are entirely i| do pains or expense have been spared to reme or the most comfortable and pleasant Hot* city. I Tlie Mrliscnctennined to deserve, and there fore solicits, *f public patronage.' ocU4-dly ! JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. CHI STATES HOTEL, aroxrnwzzsyonmi aud nrm m. OPPOfilTlßaak of the United Slates, Phila delphia. | M. POPE MITCHELL, i AJIH.fUHKIS, TroßNECounsellor at Law, and Coramis tiouer foate of Pennsylvania, fit. Louis, 'lo. flats of HU.) Huraunadbargh: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton A Millerjdless A McClure, John E. Parke, 1 wells A *tePConl A King. ang!4:dty T. B. BSL3D.[ bMimni. BiA BTEEBETT, A TTOHNgD COUNSELLOBB AT LAW, jtjl. Fourth| between fimithfield and Grant, *msburgh, R jnIS ;oun x. w*. c. nuian. iB * FIUKSOI TTORNu LAW, Foorta atno, nr- A ~tfeS~9TKßmir ATTORNEuAW, —Office on Fonnh »l, be. tween Sfi and Grant st, Pitubarrb. tptlfcdly 5 | (M. TIMBLIN, AftSBY AT LAW, {Butler, Pa \mj iLL alaJ lo collection, and alt other bui f V uets enjto him in Bailer and Arm,iron* •“anile*, Fa. J» Jjtojrd, Liberty *t 1 VSfaJloee, do I J#nhaU do f Pittibonh. *L ■ j j %n7_ _ _dlT J 'IL SWT-J Attorney ml il - « opposite tries Hotel, Pittsburgh, will alu. attend prompi|llectiou,*in Washington, Fayette and Green ooj*a. REFER TO BlarkstodJe Co.,' ) 4 Church A krs, > Pittsburgh. D. T. Mori j \ EJ. lIKPoumeT and Conncellor at La'-, • Cine inn Collections in Southern Ohio, and in lmliaixin Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended inmissioner lor the Slate of Penn sylvania, tor f Depositions, acknowledgments, 4c. tc. ! Run to — Bell h Son, Cards, Church A Cnrothem, Wa, Hmj., Willock A Ditu. aSS HATS, g AND BONNETS. g PALIiHIOS FOtt HATS, n £2% McCOEo. will introduce this Saturday, Au) thi (all style of Gentlemen's lau, comer ofccd Wood streets. augtt A 188 * CO.. jgf (Sue* to ATCord A Kina) tt9 VailbbU^Q £pf Wood ahd Fijih Streets. PABTICULtntion paid to oar detail Trade. Gemlemettely upon gening their Hats and Capa from our ihment of the nor uirnuu and woumaißEir, latxst stylo, ami at the townt rarer*. ! Country Met,' purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully ini aall and examine oar Sloes; as Tre can say wtfidenee that as regards (joaurr and rates, it wlo&r in a comparison with any housein I’bilad feb!7 n* CA LI / B Californli just received and for sale by - ATCORDACo, rebtS7 eorner sth and Wood its FOR 1849. ! m M'CORi. will introduce on Batnr- ; m Marthe Spring style of HATS.dIK Tbose in want ti and superior tiat, are invited to call at comet and Wood streets. * marl SPRING BONRIimONS, Ac.—W R Murphy , ha# now opipply of spring Uonnet Ribbon#, of new ami banutyles. Also, new styl Netts; Lisle Laeet and Edg ings Linen Eojjfictoria do; plaid Muslins and Jaconets, etnbroSwu* Moiling, a large assoruoenting Goods generally, at north east corner 4th triet streets. Wholesale Rip stairs. spC muia As.vurnx*. ny' iq the U. Btaiei -cliaUer perpetual FORWARD & COMMISSION. let) to receive appb liciea will be issued, rates, which will l>e office, No. IB Wood 3KO. cocnkan. . IB COTI’AO a. j. srturr. thOs. a. sill. STUART A Slbeers, and Produce and Com mission llB Wood si. Pittsburgh. Dealer* intirotFlonr, Wfaea', Rye,Oats, Corn, Harley, Pork, UCutier, Lard, Cheese; Closer, Timothy and Kills; Iron. Nalls, Glass, Ac. Ae. Ae. Particular Sn paid to the sale of Western Produce. . Htntnce-fi Myers A Hunter, Robt Dal sell A Co., H'Gißoe, Hampton, South A Co., James May, Kirioorbead, Pittsburgh. Fcnncc A M’Millan, Ma. Jos. 8. Morrison,' Esq., 8U Louis. spi3C:ly iok.v a. chain, lau Lisbon, O w. a. inshaa- CRA BKISSER, GENERAL act, Commission and Forward ing Merchant Market »u, Piu&burgh, Pa. -C7"Proinpt oitwtven to the purchase aud sale of all kinds of Pr;. Kevin to— Johj A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co. Pittsburgh, bn A Hill, Mahlott Martin, Wellsviib>. Uj Jaßrown A Co., Gnrg, Elliott A Co., Philadelphia/. Snodgrass A Co., Gregg A Nape, New LlsboFf. Skinner, Hon. C. I). Coffin, Cincinnati; J. P. 1 Youngstown, O 4 W. L. Stan dart, Cleveland, I auggl Comriaiaalon forwarding Merchant na in st., riTTsacaon, CONTINUES tffiet a general Commission host neas, erpeciaie purehaie and sale of Amen raiyManufactnreProduce, and In receiving and. forwsraing Goodfgned to hik.eare. As Agent for' the ManuixeturekiJl he constantly supplied with the priu'eipal anif Pittsburgh Manafactnre at the lowest wholesale*. Olden and consignments are respectfully Jed. jV7 Pauklai Ihop. H WIGHT.YMwit/aetuier ofiill kinds of cot • ton and %j miehlnery. Allegheny eity. Pa The above worlbg row'in tall and success 111 op eration. I am prd to uetiu oiftn with dupeteh tor ail.kinds offtneryin sty line, tteh as willows, pickers, spreadkftls, (rinding machines, railways, drawing fnuneeeden, thiassils, looms, woolen cards, double (le,foi merchant or counlry work, tnulesjseks, Ale andband lathes and tools in gen eral. All kuithaAing made to order, or plans giv en for gesringriea or mills at reasonable charge. Runs TO— Wy, OUldi A Co., Blackstock, Bell A Co., Ring, Bk&C0-, Jas. A. Gray. Bontlisla LlTeryrStiabla. *fs BIT H. PATTERSON has opened l amble on First st, running through ./ to B it, between Wood and Southfield of the Mouongahela House, with ah entire* stock of Horses sod Carriages or the best qualif latest styles. Horses kept at live ry in the lmaier. Jy«dly FOIL OBSWOOD GARDENS. /he steam boat A. MABoN_*fr» I fL .. . Jr runs from the Point, footStb ySSoPBELibcrtT street, to the Us HMHBR—leaving at 9 o’clock, A. M , and at the bcginuieacb hour until 9 P. M. Visiters may rely on {the boat st the hour. She leaves the Garden,' tt up tap, at 10 o’clock. The seasons! and those wishing to visit ibis delipetreal, now is the time to spend a few hours, noe amoks and dust of the city, bnt in a pure ttmo^.perfumed with the fragrance of Bowers. All kinds ofihments,exeept Intoxicating drinks, are kept onpremises Greenhouse Plants, ana Bouquets of e flowers for sale. Closed on Bun day. -VO JAMES M’KAIN. (gy»Changending made on aceosut of low wi- KBMOfir. r.MUiRBO ILJHLTKiniBROER jnggf 8.11. AGENT, and Commission Mer* chant, has rctl to N 0.87 Front, between Wood andSnuthficltets. - an* • 81,047,438 41 94,734 83 Ufi.ool W 51,633 35 37 WE base 1 PUMH, made on an improved’ plan, sm to frieze in the coldest weather. Persons wantneb unities, are invited to call and see them at SCJIFK A ATKINSON’S, m«3 Ist, bdween Wood Market su_ Stakrlek Vorka for Sale. THEsubsemffers forsale, the STEAM BRICK.' WoßKSbve Lavreneeville. comprising » Steam KngiutAilers, 6 lould Machine, capable of manufacjunnM) Prvssd Bricks (out of ary clay, as taken fromaank,) pe day; with three acres of land on the Aeny nvet on which are 4 kilns and sheds, machual clay slid*, vUieelb-irrows, trucks, shovels, ever thing requisite to com mence opcratfct an how notice. Price, including the patent rig hue taidnaehine. 87,OtW—terms of payment maatv. Withal the land, 85,000. For particulars, adk HENRY MERRITT, aug¥7-dl( ' No IS Monoogalicla House. BELUD BRBS EOUHDRY. A A FtON, Bell rid Bears Founder, has re bnilt aiymmenee‘bnsineis st his old stand, where rill be plcsed to see his old enstom m audnds. Church,Btc4at,and fills of every site, from 10 to 10,0b0 poumust from ttierns of the most approv ed models, ancjrrabied t bt of the best materials. Mineral WaPnmpt,Csnters, Bailing, Ae., toge ther with CTerjricty of Ikss Castings, it required, turned and fii;*i in ihe nitest manner. A.F, is the sproprietaof Usxsir's Aim-Arru- Ttos MnsL,aQt|y eelebfted for the redaction of frieuoh in winery. Tl; Boxes aud Composition can all umu jaithly ” —9d> reams of Pnniing and ‘‘*Pi a superii artiele. Assorted siaes dny>e made Wrder at‘shortest notice. ”T 8 C HILL, 67 Wood si «l!l IM.II lIIILT G PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 29, 1849. DTE LS CO-PARTNERSHIP.—S. B. BitsuWiuj having this day associeied with himself Heist Lfcson, formerly of Bedford, and recently of the National Hotel, Pittsburgh, will continue the business under the firm of BUSHFIELD A LEADER, at the old stand. No. *2O Liberty street. 8. U. BUSHFIELD, Pittsburgh, June 22, 1849. U. LEADER. Having retired from the former ljusincss, 1 take pleasure in recommending my successors to the pa tronage of my customers and the public generally. _u27_ aHAYS._ Dissolution. T THE eo-partnenhip heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the name of Constable, Barks A Co., is this day. dissolved by mutual ednaasi Means. Burke A Banies wtU settle the business of the con cern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THrunAjan^gwra The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name of BURKE ABAKNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Yjeult Doors, Ac. Ae.. at the staud of the late firm of Constable. Burke A Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customers of that house and their friends. EDMUND BURKE, , TUOSUB BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke A Co., I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke A Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the public. Feb. 9,1849. NATHANIEL CUNSTABI-E. febld-dtf | DISSOLUTION. TIIE partnership of MURPHY A £eE is this day dissolved by mntual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled H. Lee. J. ft. MURPIIY, Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, 1e49. li. LEE. NOTICE—The undersigned will eoJliuue the Wool business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, at the old stand. . H. I.HK. In retiring from the firm of. Morpur A Lee, I take great pleasure In reeommending Mr*, IlfLee to the confidence of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh, Jan. 30,1849. _ J. R. MURPHY. THE subsenbers have this day associated' selvfis together for the purpose d( transacting a wbalesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at No 330 Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the style and firm of UUSIIFUuLD A HAYS. Pittsburgh, January l, lsM9. I N.'li—Our old customers and the public are invited to give us a call. 1 jaJ " CO-PAHTHBRSHIP; "tXTM: B; SCAIFE and Capt. JAM IS ATKINSON TV havfentered into partnership, uhder the firm of SCAIFE A ATKINSON, and will cahy on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware nf—«r--Ury. Also, illaeksmithmr in all it- at the old stand of Wm. B. Seaiie, Fust i jod. Particular attention given to rk. octa , IIIAVE thii day associated ie whole sale Grocery. Produce one business, my btotkcr Joseph, under the fin. ..WOKTH A Co. J..s. yt«WORTII. January 1,160. ; OEB, COCHRAJI. CO-PABTUKUSIIIP-Win. Ytfttni haring 0u« day aiiociated with him, John R. fi’Cune, the lea* Ither buiineu will hereafter be condubted under the •firnrof Wm. Young & Co. WILLIAM'YOUNG, Jonh JNO. Rj .\|-CUNJ* Oyitanl OfiUnli , BURKE & CO'S Diijr Express is now regularly de .livering Uan aod Snail OYSTERS,: which are of fered to dealer* and families a( -thndoWcst prices. Quality warranted eqoaVto any Itrougbl ip this mar* iet, and for sale by t 1 J. C. BIDWKLL, AgvWater at. Also—At ibe following depots:—Rei»;& gerirer, cot _ner Smiihfield and Second tu; H. Ileaaljbion, Diamond;' Mercer A Robinson, Federal at, Alletbenyi' oetlS jimu w. woobwitT," modern and Antique Furniture, B3, Thud grant!, j A large and splendid assortment of Fnrnitare, soluble for Steamboau, Hotels pnd private dwel- = linn, cooaunily on band, and made to order. i The present stock on hand cannot tie exceeded by any maonfaetoir in the western coin try. 'Persons wishing to purchase would da well to me a call, as lam determined my prices shall plpasf. Pan or the ftockieoniists in— j; „• TeteaTete;' BnffetKuqeie^, tools XIV Chair '>neen Elizabeth chairs; -jf»; Qnee.. Tea Forte; FntitTablel; Toilet Tablet; Lotus XV-Cbirijnoder; French Mahogany Bedsteads;' Piano btoslt; SO sofas with Plash and IfaJ r-<* loth covers; SO Mahogany Roeking Chain; !; ? 40 doz Parlor do f « 30 H Fancy' do \ 83 centre Tablet; j -80 pair Divent: 4 pair pier Tablet; ? 13 marble top Dressing Uareans; { !i -8 Wardrobes; 8 Secretaries andlßo«k cate*; 80 marbie top Wash Stands; [ 4 pair Ottomans; f 8 pair fancy Work Stands; f ‘ h A very large assortment of common emails and other famitare too nomeroat to mention. I i Ir~7~ Steam Boat* furnished on the shortest notice, and on the moat reasonable term*. f / declS DUphrafm Filter, tor Hjrdrwii watar, A TUISU to certify that?! have ap{ pointed Livingston, ftogffen 4 Co, Sole Agents for the idle of Jenning’s Patent Diaprahrm FCier, for the ci| fjf ties of Pittsburgh andlAllegheny. - - » JOHN GIBSON,-Agcnt, for Waller M Gibson, IMS V N. Yi - l i ■fc OcLM,IB4B. t ’ We have been using one of the above, articles at tha office of the Novelty Work* for three mpnths, on trial, and feel perfectly sauafied that it 1* a n*efo( invention, ■ mi vc lake pleasure in recommendingvthein as a use, fnj article to all who lore pare water, prdpra will bt thankfully received and promptly executed. oeU9 LIVINGSTON, RQCKfEN ft Co ~ - B.«r,.W.V.iu.rt. Ro^k.ERi . B Which render* turbld/waler pure by . idk removiniall substance*notsolublein /fISHt wa ier The croton water to N. York, WjfiSft uWftallhongh clear and pare?to the eye, yet lt paaae* an through this VxEZif ahowa apaifo deposit impure substances, worms; ike. This Utheeeeemoreorle.emilheßbydmtWler. Tin Revenible Filter i> nett *»d dbioWe, ood ii 001 encoded with the ineooeenjonce Infcldbnl to other FUlerart, ee it ia cleooeed withoot beingnleuehed Iron tbo woter pipe, bj merely uniinr *• WJ oe heodl. from one eide to the otbor. By iße jipoeoM, the eonnoot tetter lochenjed, end oil IciemtUldone fa impure substances are driven off almost instantly,' triUtoot otuonteiot tbo filter. It olemjpoeuieei the advantage in many caseswm be very convenient and economical It ean be attached where there is any pressure high or low to a cask, tank, tub, Itc. with ease.; To be had ofSMSaXnu. W. W. WILSON, ocU7 comer of Fourth aid Market sts CO-PARTNERSHIPS. Dluolntlon> THE partnership of the undersigned, nndcr the firm of Bngaley A Smith, was dissolved by mutual coisent on 29th September, W. Bagalcy purchasing the interest of J. H. Smith, who Retires. The business of the firm wiil be settled by their successor*, Wm. Bagaley'A Co., at Nos. IS and 20 Wood it. WILLIAM BAGALEV. Pittsburgh, Oct 6, >49. ISAAC R. SMITH. Bagalcy having asso ciated with him Wrs- H. Woodward of Philadelphia, John S Cosgrave and Ralph Bagaley of Pittsburgh, will continue the Wholesale Grocery Business, at Nos. 19 and 20 Wood st, onder the firm of WM. BAGALEY A CO, Pittsbnrgh; and BAGALEY, WOODWARD A CO., Phiiad’a. oct9 DUtolnilon of ~Co»Partn«rahip fpHE co-pariiienhip heretofore exUtinjr between the X «üb*crtber», under the mtlo of Brown ft. Culbert* •on, ni dissolved on the littnit by mutual contend M. a BROWN, A. CULBERTSON. Pitt*bargh>Ocl.S, 1849. The labicriber will continue the Wholesale Grioee* ry and Conmifiion Bosinema, a* heretofore, at the old ajand, 145 Liberty «t. octS A. CUbBKRTSQN. » CO-PARTNERSHIP. JOHN PARSER and JOHN W-RIDDLE hare en tered into partnership, outer the firm of PARKER .A RIDDLE) and will cany on the Shoeboaiuess io alliu branches,atthe old atandof John Parker, cor ner of Federal *t and Sonih Common, city of Alleghe ny. JOHN PARKER, JOHN W. RIDDLE. TAYLOR* BKBBfeT* PROPRIETORS OPTHK PITTSBURGH ALKALI WORKS, are now prepared to furnish a superior ytiele of Soda A*b and Munatic Acid. Persons with] ing to purchase either oi the above articles, are re qoired to cj|ll on ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 Fifth sL, and examine the articles before purchasing elsewhere. N. B—The Soda Ash manufactured at this establish? raent is greatly superior to any'other brought to this market. spell BCAIFK* ATKISBOS, Fai ifTT- utwili Wood mru Main, PnrsucaoH, /NkJNTINUK to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, \J TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. * Steam Boats built to order. Special attention riven to steam boat work. Have on hands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass Kettles, Tin Ware, 4c. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various sixes—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies. • We would respectfully invite steam men and others to call and see our articles and prices before purchasing elsewhere. _ jfJ7 Dlsaolntloxa of~ Partnership. THE copartnership of HENRY HANNEN A CO., formerly liennen, Nailer A Co., in the Window a d Colored Glass business, is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. The business will be continued by the undersigned, under the firm of HENRY HANNEN A CO. Ware house No. 108 Second st, where we will tsr» essr«r* supplies of superior Window Glass. JOHN HANNEN, HENRY HANNEN. HUGH ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. Aug. g 7, ’49. HENRY UMBTKAP. Copartaerslitp. rplIE undersigned have this day associated with them X in business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, and will eon tinue the buiiness'aj heretofore, under the firm of B. A- FAHNESTOCK A CO. . jy!3 Jaly a, 190. NOTICE, THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A. A C. BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease of Mr. C. Bradley. The business wtlllbeearried on by A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late firm. ’ REMOVAL—A. Beadlxt has removed his Foundry Warehouse from No. lit Second street, to Wood street, between First and Second streets, ’0 the warehouie lately occupied by G. A--Berry, where he will keep constantly on band a general assortment of Castings, Grates, Staves, Cooking Stoves, Ac. jy 13 DIIBOLCTION. rpHE partnership heretofore existing between Sam*. X ncl B. Bush&eld and William Bt Hays, trading under the firm of BUSHFIELD A HAYS, hoe this day be?n dissolved by William 0. Havs selling his entire interest in the firm to 3. B. Buihfieli All aecoants doe the firm will be collected by 8. Bi Buthfield. and all debts dae by the late firm to be pkid by the same. 8. R BUSHFIELD. Pittsburgh, June £2,1519. W. B, HAYS. MISCELLANEOUS ■“ill — [SCELLANEOUS Gpxoeolata, Cocow, Ac. W. Baker’s American and French Chocolate. Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Brotna, Cocoa Sheila, Ap. TO merchants and consumers, who would purchase the best ptoducl* of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more nutritious than tea or coflee, and in quality unsur passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himselfi and stamped with his name. HU Drama and Cocoa Pajte, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescent*, and other*, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparations. Hts manufactures ore Always on sale, in any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers in the eastern cities, and by then agents, Hawes, Gray Aeo., of Bouton; James M Bunce A co, Hartford. Conn; Hussey A Murray,'New York; Grant A Stone. Philadelphia; Tnomas V Brundigo, Bal timore; ami Kellogg A Bennett,Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by sag3l BAGALKY A SMITH. Agu Wronght and Cut Iron Ratling. THE sabsenbera beg leave to inform the public that/ they have obtained from the East air.tnn.late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses unit cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hnild some patterns will please cal) and examine, and judge for themselves. Ratling will be furnished nt the short est notice, ind in the best manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. auggftdlf . A. LAMONT A KNOX. W. * J. GLSSS, Book Bltjdsrs. TTTE are still engaged in the above business, corner • Tf of Wood and Third streets, where we are prepared tojjo any wotk iu our line with des patch. Wo attend to our work personally, and satis fnetion will to given in regard to iu neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbers oroldbook* bound care fully or repaired. Names put on book* in gill letters. Those that have work in oar line are invited to call. Prices low. roytSfctf HAVING sold our entire stock to C.'H.Gtnjrr, with a view to dosing our old business, we hereby so licit for him the patronage of all our friends and cus tomers. RO. W. POINDEXTER, THE. POINDEXTER. Pituburgb, Aug. 4th, 1643. (1 11. GRANT, Wholesale Groeer, Commission and J% Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water *1 aul*J Seal**, Cooking Steves, Gratae, Ae. YYARSHALL, WALLACE A CO., Round Church, iM. corner Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scale*, of the most improved quality; Cooking Stove*, for wood and coal; Egg Stoves of various sizes, Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ae. Ae. They also manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given *ucb general satisfaction to those having it in use, to all of which they would respeetfully iuvite the attention of the citizen* and tlie public generally. oct27-dtf MANUFACTURED TOBACCO—The subscriber would-eall the attention of the city trade and dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaccos, in store and to arrive, which being consignments di rect from manufacturers, he is enabled to tell at east ern prices: 139 | bxa.R W Crenshaw Ss; TtJ I “ James Madison Ss; (I j " Lamartine s*; 33 I Mirsbeau 6s; flj *• Putnam Ss and is; IS ( M Roberts A Sisson Ssi fi | " Oscar Burl Ss; >1 “ Johus A Lewis Is; •- 3 | Warwick, supr is; 49 | ° Henry A James sa, it and 6s; l 8 waterman Pitt Bwhlas Work* and Feundry, rirnscacu, ra. JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Cotton end Wodlen Machinery of everv description, such as Carding Machines. Spinning Frames, Speeders. Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, Dreasing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ae. Wrought Iron Shafting lamed; ail sizes of Cast iron, Pullies end Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Ladies, and tools of ail kinds, Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ae. Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. , Palmer A Liberty street, Will have prompt atten tion. Refer to Blaekitock, Bell A Co., J. K. .Moorebead A Co., G. E. Warner, John Irwin A Pittsburgh; G. C.jA J. 11. Warner, Strubenville. jon!9 SEW COACH FACTORY/ MA. WHITE A CO-, would respectfully inform • the public that they have erected a shop on Laeock, between Federal ardSandasky street*. TW are now making and are prepared to receive orders for •very description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, ilo rouebes, Buggies, PhstontjAc., Ac., which from their long experience tu the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feelcoufidentthcy are ecabled to do work oil the most reasonable terms with those wauling anicles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and having none but compeirm workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. >Ve ! therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most reasooihle terms. jaSOttf r'COTtON — AND _ WOOLEN MANUKACTU*- REiDh—Having made arrangements for a con*' slant supply 1 :of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low price* Calf end Sheep Holer Skins, Lace Lea ther, Pickets, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Trendies* No. ft to 15 Belt Punches, Wreuehe*, Stripping Cards, 10 to Ift in; Patent Dresser Brashes.-Weavers’ Brush* ■ Ac. Ac. v LOGAN, WILSON A CO., , my 4 ■ S lig> Woo street, Pitisliargh. nOKtwiTff»—OtiWy. ,Webber A Forrester, l£M: A Pure rich and dry, Gould, Campbell A Co's old dry 183 S. Osbourn’s ls3lj Pure IbOh Pure Juice par* titular Port, Harris A Sons, Pure Juice, threble, dou ble and sirtgle Grapes. These wines are all celebra ted for their medical properties, and can be had whole sale or retail at the Wine Store of i7* JACOB W’EAVKR, Jr. PIABfOSi 1 HIE subscriber offer* for sale a targe and splendid . assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with BDtl without Coleman’s celebrated Jiohau Attachment. The above instrument* are war ranted to be*equal to an; manufactured in this coun try, and will be sold lower than any broaghl from the East. ■ F, BLUAIK, No 11V wood «u !ftf door above Slh N. B.—City :knp will be taken at par for a few of be assortmenL myj F. 11. llardwan**Chta|Mr than Ever! LOGAN, WILSON & and Wholeaala Dealer* in Hardware, Coilery and Saddlery, No 1:9 Wood street, strove FiAh. have now in store a very cheap and well selected mocc of Hardware, imported since the decline of prices in Europe, and which they are determined to sell correspondingly low. Merchants who have been m the habit of going bast, are particu larly requested to call and look through our stock, as we confidently believe they wilt save their erpences octl WAITED, Daily at o>.e Baltimore, Philadelphia, NEW YORK, BOSTON ANDNKWORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY ANDCOMMISSION OFFICE. Young MEN m wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable bulines*, to act as Book-keepers, Sales mm, Porters, Ilar-kcepcrs, Waiters, Fanners, Coach men, Car Agents. Boot and Jlfap Agents, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of business, Ac. We have' at all times a large number of good situation* on hsjid, which pa> from too to 82,000 per annum. Those in want of situations o/oiiy kind would do well to give u* a call, as we have agent* in each of the n'>ove ci ties, which will enable as to place every applicant in a suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have a large acquaintance in all the above named cities, winch we trust will enable us to give entire satisfac tion to *ll who may favor u* with a call. TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 5# Second st, between South and Gay. N-K—Person* living in any pan of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a aituation in li<imore, or el. ther af the above cities, will have their want* imme diately attended to by addressing us a line.lpost-naid) as by so tlpnijc they will ennailboth trouble attd ex* pense, which they otherwise would incur t>y coming to the city, and seeking employment for ihetrt>elvei Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No.SB Second street, Baltimore, Md Or* HcLmi 1b T*ucim«i I'HIS U to eertify that 1 purchased one vial of Or. McLane's Worm Specific, nomo two months ago tad gave to a ton of mine, tome (even years old, two oaspocos foil, and although tbe amount may appear largo* yal I have no doubt bat there was upward* of rwo TlKioatao vraui pa**ed from him. measuring Croat cm quarter of an inch to two inches lonr. O W HOLLIDAY. Rom's Creek, Carrol eo. Tenn., I)ec 27. I*l7. )>i24 BENNETT i BROTHER. qFEKNBWARR MANUFACTURERS, Blrmlagltaa,|a«ar Pittsburgh,] Fa* WareAourc, No. 137, Wood tired, Vilttburgh. WILL constantly keep on h<tndagoo<t «s«on m^bJ mcntol Ware, of our own manufacture, and VnF supenorqunluy. Wholesale and country Met chants are respectfully invited to eallaud ex amino for themselves, as we are determined in sell cheaper than haaever before been offered to the pub- £ET Orders sent by <oail,aecompanled by the cash or uy reference, will fm promptly attended to. itjylil TO THE LADIKH—Jmt rcceivod.a full artonnirn of gold and silver Ttirciul. Cord and Braid; also Spangles end Bullion, for nuliroidcring and other nr uameutal work. Also, gold ond silver Tassel*, Fringe, and Lace. Jewelry of the latest fashions, in great variety. Watches of superior quality and beautiful patterns, and for sale at EsMurn prices. W W WILSON, corner Market end Fourth sis ATIIKSJSUfif BATIKISO UTABLIBU MKNT—Open from CA.M. to M F. M. Single Beth Jj cents, or 8 fori dollar. Ladies department open from V to !1 A. M. and from If to 5 P. M. Die Refreshment Saloons are unequalled in style attendance. Recherche Ico Creams! . T. M’FALL, Proprietor. THE AlUfiOfilKTJCB' THE auenunn of the public is respectfully called U> the lollowing certificates: Mb. S. E&auts—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, 1 find the result proves your instrument correct; and recommend tlio uso of it to those going to California, as the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Kesp. yours, J. 13. DUNLEvy,GoId Beater. Pittsburgh, March 9,1849. PrrTßJcaan, March 7,1649. Ma. Eseuib—Dear Sin Having examined the uAreo meter," manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. It gives a close approximation to the specific gravi ty of metals, and will certainly enable the adventurer to ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold. . maria Yours, rripV R. M’CLINTOOJC. INDI A RUUHER CLOTHING—Just received for the California Expedition, a complete nssoruiirtii of Gum Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from V4,ho lo- for suit of coat, pants and hal. For salt: at the India Rubber Depot, No 6 Wood it. * dec«i- J A II I'HllJ.ll'rt GOICATWICSTKIia QADpLfc. HARNESS,TRUNK AND WHIP MAN O UI-AL KtßkThe subscriber takes this method of informiug his friends and the public in guuemi iliai he has theiargcststock of ibelolluwing namtsd urn* dea of his own manufacture in (hi* city—Hadillus, list-. Hess, Trunksaiid Whips, all of which ho will to be made of the best material mid by the bust antes in .Allegheny county. Br-tng dmntminod in soil his manufactures Mmething lower man ha* iu*=n lieu tofore sold by any similar establishment in U,o oity, he woold.invitn persons in need of ibuahovu nmudd articles to his warehouse, No; iH4 Liberty stfM>i, H’i”** si la Movortlk. Also, bands muds u> order for machine: rj._ oc(3My <J. UEiiuv £t IGllTstid shori Urns U11.1.H <if LX-UH Ahl.t able in Cincinnati, (.otiuviild and tit Ufa's, V ht chased on the most favprabfa urm* „ •ptf N. HuLMEdAbUN* MISCELLANEOUS. *Ol TBS BOtOVAL ASD rZHAtAIUtSTcrUor ALL DOXASBi ABUIXO PAOS as WM7EB STATS OP Till tLOOD 01 lUßrr or TUB ststbm, viz: Scrofula or Kind's Rheumatism, Obstinate Cots* oeoas Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Bore Eyes, Rim? Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones andl Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilue Symptons, Bciatica or Lumbago,—arid diseases . arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Aci tites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorder*. Ac. This Medicine has arquired a very extended and e*. uhllsbed reputation wherever it has been used, based entirely on its own merits, which its superior efficacy has alone sustained. The unfortunate vietim of her editary disease, with swollen glands, contracted si news, and bones half carious, has been restored to health and vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with ulcers, loathsome u> himself and his attendants, has been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who bod groaned hopelessly lor years under cutaneous and glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism, and many* other complaints springing from a derangement of die secretive organs and the circulation, have been raised as it were from the'jaek of disease, and now, with re generated constitutions, gladly test i> to the efficacy of this inestimable preparation. “TRUTH IS STRANGER Til AN FICTION. 1 The attention of the reader is called to the fallowing astonishing cure, effected by the use of Sandt’Sarsap arilla: This is to certify that I have a colored woman who has been afflicted for the last five yean with Scrofula, and'all the remedies I used had no effect in arresting [ the progress or the complaint; on the contrary, she 1 constantly grew worse; and after expending between > f? 0 and ®9ti with physicians, besides using other pop ular remedies without success, till the disease had eateff*away the cartilage of her nose, made its appear ance on vurioua parts of her body, and had finally commenced its ravages in the roof of her month. In this dreadful situation, with the prospect of death staring her in the face, | stated her ease to Dr. DLaos way, the agent for Sands’ Sarsaparilla in Newbern. N. C , by whom! was advised to use that article: ana to my surprise and that of ray neighbors, to whom ber ease was known- after using four and a hair bottles she was restoredtoperfeelhealtb,andthatinUiespaec of three weeks, and was able to work in two weeks from the time she commenced taking it. In witness of the truth of this statement,l have here unto affixed my name, this 19th day of Sept, ISI7. JOSEPH M’CUTTER, J. P. . Mouth of Neuse River, Craven co. t N. C. ' SORE THROAT. . The following it an extract from a letter received from Mrs. Devon, who had been afflicted several yean with Bcrofatous Ulcere, Dyspepsia, Ac., and recently an affection of the throat and chest:— Baileysburg, Ya., Dec. 13,15<5. Messrs. A. B. A D. Bauds: Beiore 1 commenced us ing your Sarsaparilla, my sufferings were almost past expression; my throat was completely ulcerated, lnad a dreadful cougb, aad there were frequently weeks to gether that I eouid not speak above a whisper; and be sides, the inffaramation trotn my throat extended to my bead, so that my hearing was very impaired. After taking the tirae,*ray health and my throat is now well; 1 am a* tree from cough ami lightness of the chest as ever 1 was, and can hear quite distinctly. MV throat bus been well about three months, the cure £f wbefa has been effect ed entirely by the use of youf Sarsaparilla. Your friend, 1 LOUISA R. DEVAN. The following testimonial to the value of the Sarsap arilla, u from the Rev. Lathes \k ngbt, aged 76 yeUn, Congregational Minister, residing at Woburn: Woirex, Mata., March 3tnh, I*l4 Messrs. Bands: Gentlemen, (From what I have expe rienced, and from the Information. I have recently re ceived from a number of persons or high respectabili ty who have used your Bariaparilla, I have not the least doubt but that it is a moth valuable medicine, and that the numerous certifiiateafyou hare received of its efficacy are fully sustained fiy experience, and al though ns reputation and utility are very extensive, and stand in no need of my hhmble efforts to increase them, I want all who are afflicted by disease to became acquainted with the efficacy aindpower of your valu able medicine. | 1 am, gcutlemcn, gratefully and very respectfully >•«««. LUTHER WEIGHT. Prepared and aold, wholesale and retail, by A U. A D. SANDB, Druggist and Chemist, 100 Fulton street, . comer of William, New York. Bold also by Drug gists generally througbout the United Rules aud Can- , odaa Price fel per bottle: staj bouJes for 94. For sale by L. WILCOX, J*., B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., and EDWARD FKNUERIOK, Pittsburgh Al o, by Dr. S. SMITH. Bridgwater. octia PITTSBURGH FEMAjj THIS liuuuue. uudcr the ci HORN AND LADY, will l?th of September, in iho wm slreeL Having limited Ibe nu * I’rincipnli bope to raent a con i patronage they have tu'iierio i tee’! aumreil lb at every adva their daughters, if placed and tatntng a thorough Kiiglirh, Ct; education. I.K iarSTITUTE. : ire of Rer. J. M. (JOS- I re-open on Monday, the t room*. No i-i Liberty i nber of their pupils, the i inuation of that liberal enjoyed. I’arenii nay ulnge will be afforded :r their charge, for ob vssical, and Ornamental ang*J6:dif TOCNG L. BEUUT&BT, T»f. autumn commence on i Room* on Federal al from ibe bridge. lUtb orTcmox English Depmrunen phy nod Defining, Wr ne, Logie. EngUih O gr»Dhjr, Hicnry, Anil of Mathematic*, Natt of tbii Institution trill >mlay in Septemt*!-. lolonade Ron,” tkl door is or nvi Mornis, ur ReajJihg, Orthosri- Rlub G rammer, Rjflo in and Criticism, Geo id the higher brunches ’ (’hrtni.t— ♦ - nophy, (shemiftry, A*- , lntellectual tronomy, Botany, Rh anti Moral Science, m a thorough Knfliih Ed Classical Departmei Languages, eaeh French, German, The services of eoi i id all other branches requisite to lueaiion ... gju oo it, including the Latin and Greek 8 fl 00 * * - ■ 910'00 tpetent teachers are secured Tor :uon in French and German, and mag and Music. *ach u desire initra also in Drawing, Poi llis desirable ihs i pupils enter at the commence ii they are received st any time, tie abdve rates from the time of : ions are made for absences, ex r acted illness. nest of a session, yet itnd are charged el t entrance. No dedue eept iu caeca of protr Further informauo lion* made by callim on Federal street, or i Liberty street, Puub: nr by addrejsing, tbr the Principal Allegheny, Aug. 7, PITTSBURGH FIMIE Second Seaaii i care of Mr. and academic year, will < < ry nest, in the tame 1 Arrangement* harp be able to famish ycjs iu the Weal, for obtain eal, and Ornamental r liaophical and Chenij during the winter, illi LartmenU ofVocal ajn angnaget, Drawing: the care ofa competes to the moral and intep oils, the Principals ho] liberal patronage the ternia, see circuTar.oif. E obtained, and applico e Principal, at hi« room* giugs iu “Irwin's Row," ween ad anu 4th streets e Pittsburgh Post Offiee. N. W. METCALF*. XEIHBTITDTK i Institution, under the wHoax, for the present e on the first of Februa No. Si Liberty street, ide by which they will s facilities erjual le any trough Knghsh, Claim i. A full course of Phi* turei will be delivered by apparatus. The de mental Music, Modern ling, will each be under sor. By close attention ttprovement of their pu nt a continuation of the hitherto enjoyed. For the Principals iVBOIi, SopL 19, IWO. •Dear Sir, Your WRI r been using morb than emnri made byh, we lacK. Ilia pleasant to not clot; lbe pen like log von the ready sale i respectfully, SIMPSON A CO. ’• Red lak| and Ma> il BHERT; * b have ni t g over it ii;ht blue <, and do use. Wi r i are, yo Mr. tiios. k. hi TiNGFLUIDw a year, and on lookii find Ihe color a brii write with, flown fret ibc ordinary ink* In i Us menu demand, w For *aie, together (. A. Faimciiock A lio., 11. p. Oily, and by the manufacturer, at and Cherniy eomer of Über> Piluburgh. ocU3 joanuA uanha. wk. k. iubt chine Copy Ink, by . Sehwarie, Allegheny! T. K. Ilibliert, Druggj: ty end SmitbCeld *u,J wiiuam r*L»i«i PALMER, lIA USA * CO., (Successors id Hussey, Hanna A Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Drpomic, Bunk Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on dcposile—Sight Cheeks for sale, and collection* made on nearly all the principal points in the United States. The highest nremiampaid for Foreign and American Gold Advance* made on consignments of Produce, »hip petl Kat,» on liberal terms. spa GREAT INVENTION}—VALUABLE DISCOVERY! ParosT Jahcast Ist, IH9. Patent cross-lever, extension Tables, Sofas, B’crnans, 800 l Casta, Writing Dtsis. LEVER OF [WROUGHT IRON. fpIIE TABLES (at surpasting every other n>- X ventiou oi the kind now extant They ran 1-r ox tended trom ten to twrjnty-Bvo fuel, and \*ht>n<-lo»ed the leaves are all contained inside, they are mSde u> all sizes and shape*, and are arlmlialify adapted <nr Steamboats, Hotel*, and largo private raraillc*, lemi me when closed « roroblrlo comm tutile. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—-Them article* am mval uatile, particularly those who w»*h l*‘ cvoiu,- mise room, and convert a alecplng ttparuuem ij’h' * parlor or •itting room. i. limy con ho i.iwncd aud ytiut at convenience, and wlicn »hui, »b«‘ Uuddmrt tn.Sioj ed. A great suynic 1 1 iu«»i > cul *'■'*** ' steads when eloaed for[u a hoaainul ol tuiaitaro for a parlor or tilling , . , BOOK CASES—A mjai aud useful aruclc tor potior or drawing room ! WRITING DK^KH—Wr law oftoea, ouumutg louuts, and Other oflcaa, wheH4iMw»a a imuicuuvoniaui bod mead, when clu.rd a Ifcat aud Library aloua U ah''them ariietc. nhad ua recommendation; the V.Mtuiy Ofil.e Whole I* .Jhoy*iewa»iai»tmi w-Jl logoi out o/repair. It will Uo mi r©ur iumreat. to «atl aud rsr;: LUWl&l'*' FtKTOUER, MASI-UCtttM u» ai.iunol tiui mil arum, Gutmii-Froul aud Vtu« street*, Ctatitmatf, (h OUDbBs iiom Pmtbutgh lot Alcohol, Pui« bmrut. lUw or Ucilthed Wkuhoy, will Lo promptly H cndul ju ni lowot market juice _ tnchtadiy NOTICE " ' t |MIU firm NICKI.IN A HRYUKN Utug dliMdveJ, 1. ihc uudeniguea VtUl cunuuup U*o and iiamml**lun Uutitieu at the steam boat kaudiu*. FRANKLIN, and mpeetfullv iatoriu* his fnyuj. that he lifts gOnn to the eXp.duso of a heavy ia*u|uin:ti an the W irr-uOiuc ttttij contents, tut aavotai soars, and uu.tvhe will giro cutits sausiactiou la*. l ! who way nslroulrt hiUi. Ila Wfli tUCdiya ficishl at the Lower loading- . o;iW Ja2v3 UKYBfcN. • DRY6AQDS, SEWQOODH lEWGOODBII « BARGAINS! BARGAINS! - • i ‘ ffßff FALL AIOWISTBEMIGQODS, • AT THJTCB3 Of tH* »i» B» . : •5* Market«., between 3d and 4ih, Pittsburgh.; ■writ L. BUSSELL. No.« NarketkCreet,’ between 1 Jf Third andFoorth, sigtzof the btg gojdcni Beq Hite, ku jnii commenced receiving end opening the S“ e «Pe»t end moat aplendid stock Of Pall and.: Winter Diy Good* ever offered by one hosae In pitta*' bargh. All of iheac foreign good* have been purehia- ■ ed or iho importer* p«r the lift iteaaera from Europe, and for nehaeu of style U d beauty of design are nn aunja*»ed in thla or any other market, -If* oo««ue and ataple department wiHaliobe found complete, and cheaper than at any qtbex house in thla cuy. The subscriber would here respectfully ! calltho attention of his numerous euatomerafand aU I wlahing to bay new eud cheap good., to So prices which will no doubt aatoniah thein”belnr determined to sell cheaper than the eheopeet. 8 . Good dark Calxo, only 3eenta per yard: Beat quality dark Calico, fast corora,o to Kk • 44 British purple Prints, fast color*. 8 to Ift Heavy Bed Ticking, from 6 to. 10 cents per yd: Bleached Muslins, good quality, S to 01 oer v? Bert quality Bleached Muslins, 8 to Voter yd' Heavy yard wide Unbleached Mualina, $ u> 61- Good red Flannel, from ISto 23 eentsper yd- • Good yellow Flannel, IS to iB eta per ydl ' Good black Alpacca from IS to-25 ppr yd; French Ginghams from 10 to lS’ets per yd;' Irish Lioena at prices from its to 1,23 per yd: Satinett and Kentucky Jeans from l2jto SO eta: Cloaking* and Liuseys from 12} to 31 eta; Heavy Domestic Ginghams 10 to li| cis; - Crash aud Diapers, all prices and qualities: LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. A splendid assortment of all the newest styles. Thibet Cashmeres in high colors, rich goods; Lapin French-Thihet Merino*, the finest imported; Rich OamelioaSilks, in all colon and qualities; Black Annures, best quality, plaid and stripe; Blaek Grot de Rhine, all widths and qualities; Lapin’s fine black Bombazines, henuuiul goods; ’ do best Freneh Merinos, black, and colored; do do do do in high colon: do fine French de Laines, all wool, high colors; Rich fig’d Cashmeres, beautiful goods, very cheap Doued Swiss Mnslins/for evening dresses; Brocho Thibet Scarfs, late importation: Best quality Freneh Kid Gloves, all colors; Mourning Cashmeres andde Laines, all prices; Ladies embroidered Neek Ties, splendid goods, .Ladies finest quality Freneh tinea Hdkfs; Belting Ribbons, a full assortment; Worked Capes, Collars and Cuds, in great variety BJucli and colored Crapes, all qualities: Brocade Lustre*, in all colors end qualities; Mohair Camelton figures, rich goods; 1 | Freneh Cloakingt, superb goods, high colon; Alio. black Brussel Lace, all widths and prices; Black Bilk Fnn et, wide and heavy, best quality. Together with a large stock of white Goods, Swiss Jaconet and Moll Muslins, besides a very large and superb stock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest fm* ponation and most fashionable styles. Many of the above goods have just arrived per the last steamer* from Europe, and are worthy the attention of the la die*. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! A splendid assortment of Shawls:— "Super extra aUe French Long Shawls! best isQp<l Super extra size Lonrßroehe, finest quality; Superb quality Long Plttd Shawls, rich colors; Best quality square plaid fine wool Shawls: Rich and heavy extra size black, silk Shawls; Rich camlion changeable silk Shawls; Super black nnd whitewall wool, long Shawls; Super extra size LongandSq*re Mourning Shawls Paris printed Cashmere Shawls, in great variety; ‘‘ “ Terkert u all pncesfc qual’s; Mode embrid Thibet *» heavy «iltr fringd; Black u “ ** “ •* u Black and mode colored heavy cloth Shawls; White cmb'd Thibet Shawls, beautiful goods: Highland pi’d long and sq’re Shawls, very eneop; Mourning Shawls and Scarfs; in great variety; Also, a large lot of plaid Blanket-Shawls, from 75 :u to B*,oo. Together with a full supply of Gloves, Mitts and Ho ler?, with all articles usually kept in a Wholesale nd Retail Dry Goods House—all of which will be t prices to defy competition. ID* Remember the' store. No. 63 Market street, be ween Third and Fourth, sign of the Bio Bn-Hivz, rbeM bargains can at all times be had. sptakdam william l. RUSSELL. C. ARBUTHSOT has commenceo to receive a • large assortment of.- Woolen Comforts aijd Hoods; Haskln, Berlin, buekskin and woolen Gloves; Thibet, cloth, tnoas do lain and blanket Shawls: cajh mere, worsted and woolen Hose; Pongee and linen Hdkfs.; silk and sadn’Cravats and Scarfs; Gunps and Fringes; Irish Unco,Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons, Laces, bleached bed colored Muslins, Tabby Velvets, Patent Threads, Sewtng'Siik, Buttons, GumBuspeb* ders, Pins. Percussion Caps, Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock* et and table Cutlery, and many other goods wbieh country and city Merchant* are respectfully invited o examine. sptlO FAYETTE MANUFACTURING CO., A/TANUFACTURE and will keep on band Family I*l and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannels, blue, browu and drab Blanket Coating. Satinets and Woolen Yarn, which they will sell at Eastern prices. Warehouse No' ltd Second it, Pittsburgh, Pa Factory, New Haven, Fayette eo. Pa. «ptl!t NEW GOODS. TT7E have Just received a large and complete stock TV of CLOCKS, Variety ana Fancy Goods, suila blc for the fall trade, to winch, with every description, of Looking Glasses manufactured at our own steam' power sbop in this city, we ask the attention of West ern Merchants and other dealers. KENNEDY A SAWYER, eptSO corner Wood and Fonrth sis DRY GOODS MCttPHY, WILBOS *. CO., No. 49 Wood St., Prnnnsu," ARE cow receiving their usual supplies of Good* (or the Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old easterners, and a* many new ones a* may feel inclined to pretent themselves. Always laltinr great pains to lay in each (food* u are adapted to tne want* of the Western trade, which long experience enables them to do, they can say with much confidence, and without entering into a detail of iheir slock, that the Western retail merchant will find with them all that his customers require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing to the Eastern cities tor their stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to call, as a candid comparison of pri ce* would in many cases result in the conviction that the expense of going further may be obviated by buy ing in Pittsburgh.' *pU3 ' BEW>ALL GOODS. Hr R. MURPHY is now receiving his first Fall V y • supply of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, and has already opened an assortment of new and beauti ful siyles'dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall Muslin de Laines: Alpaccas asd Mohair Lustres; ■ Damgskjig'd and striped do : Panpgnos and Lyonese Cloths; Of the most desirable color*; and a full supply of bleached aud unbleached Muslins, Irish Linens, Man chester Ginghams, Ac., at northeast corner Fourth and Market sis, Buyers ure invited-t* call and see. sptB - FRENCH MERINOS—Of all the dcjMraale colors, such as Maroou, Garnet, cherey, scarlet,different shades of green drab, and black. Also, Pa RMETTOS q| all the above colors, in "eve ry' variety of quality; and LYONESE CLOTHS, also’ of all the desirable colors, now open at Dry Goods House of spill WR MURPHY MOURNING GOODS-W. R. Murphy has now open an extrn*ive uurtmem of Black Goods, including Bombazine*, French Merinoes, Parodies, Mouse de Laines, Mourning Alpaccas, and Other Mourning Good?. MU4TAR • GOODS.—Caps, Plumes, Swords, Sash es, Epaulettes, Lace, Uuuons, Flags, and oil the trimmings necessary to equip volunteer companies. 1 II r Volunteer companies equipped aa complete sod! cheap as done m the East, at tne Military Storo.'cor* 1 ner Market and Founb sis. W W WILSON P. S —The Unitec States Bass and Tenor Drums, of Germantown make, for sale and warranted by spt4 W. W. W. SRAOELETT * WHITER r DRY GOODS_JOBBERS, 99 WOOD STREET, ARE now receiving a very large stock of fresk Goods, of recent purchase and unportation.which they will sell to the trade at such prices as cannot fail to rive entire satisfaction. City and Country Merchants are InTitcd to call and examine our stock before purchasing el*ewt>»- - myw • For - California. THE celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, in kegs, bait kegs, quarters and cans, for sale by febtt J S DILWORTH A Co. 3?wood st : Bat*miso. Eight baths for one dollar, or a single Bath for fifteen cents. Ladies Department open from 9to 11 o'clock, A- M., and 3 to S o’clock, P. M; Athentcum Saloon and Bathing Establishment. _• JyW T. M'FALU Proprietor,, MR. ELIJAH RATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR •JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption 'in March, ltMa,l was taken sick with the Consumption or Uver Complaint, and wa» reduced so low with the disease, that fur four, years 1 was unable to attend to my business, either at homo or abroad, being to r the most time confined to my bed. Dutiug the above peri* od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o * regular Physieiaus and medicines, to iho amount of 83tu, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, ISO, I eo'minrnced taking l>r. Jayne’s Medi cine*, and have taken them more or less over since, aud believe that it was by persevering in their use, that 1 can now truly say that 1 have completely reecs. vered my health, f believe that Jayne's Sanative Pills sud Expectorant are the best family medicine* now la u»e. 1 teside U( Bptiugfleld, Otsego county, N. Y., and cany on a tumace and machine shop in that place, und um not interested in any manner in the sale of the utMive modicums, and make Dus certificate tor the ben cut of tho«e afflicted. ELIJAU EATON. Hpmigfield, N- V., Bdpi. 10 IMA. ' jag i IUfUIIIAIT TO TUB AtfVCTOfEB". Ur. Hou’i Celebrated Kemrdies. 1 DU. ri. HOSE, the dtseoverei and sote pro* pricier of these most popular and beneficial rued* teiuos.and also, tko uvcuiui of the celebratedinstru ment lot iiiflatirg tho Lungs, in effecting % care of Cbrouio durea***, uiits student of that cauaenkphyti cum Doctor Physic, aud ta a graduate of tho Umveral i) of tWsylvai’ta, aud for thirty years since has been; engaged iu the investigation of disease, and the appli*i Dalian ul rumedtea thereto. i j Through the use of hi* Inflating tube, in connection with hta Prophylactic tty tun and other of tus remedies, ho bu, imnod an auparaJelled eminence tu-euring those dreadful'aud total maladtea. Tubercular Con sumption. l ancsrs, Scrofula. HheumaUtta, -Asthma,' Fever aud Agup, Fevers of alt kinds, Chrome Erysipe las, aud all Iheao obstiuai* dissaaci peculiar to frmalr*. Indeed ovary form w disease vanishes under the um of his which humanity is heir—oot by the uao of ono compound only, for that ta trexmpauble with Physiological Law, but by the use of hi* rented dies, adapted to aud prescribed lor each peculiar form ofduease. Dr. RoaoVs Tonic Afterativs Pills, when used are in-' variably acknowledged to be aaperior to all other, as a purgative or fiver piU, inasmuch as they leave the bowels perfectly free iron eostivencss; as also his Golden Pill* is admitted by the faculty to possess pecu liar properuc* adapted to female diseases, bat being: aauDfod that a bare trial is sufficient to establish what, has been said tu tho minds of tho most skeptical. fno attacked are invited to cpU upon the agent, and proDuto (Iraki*) one of the Docwr’s pamphlets, giving a detailed abesuul of each remedy asd it* application. kNir aalo by the following agents,** well as by most bisidiii ibtoiukuii the country: . : . figd-jR, *<*« *" u i" r ' h| WUikley,Wun«ton, Beaver county, Pa. Juu KlfioM.lhiuon Valley, u . ' T Adams, tkaver, novllWly ] VOL. XVII. NO. 70. MEDICAL. SELLERS’ LIVER PILLS WAS MV DOCTOR^— . _ _ „ „ Brno, Pal Bept 23,1349, Mr- B-E. Seller*—Dear B;r. 1 feeiu is a duty I owy i £*“ e pablie, u well' a* lo the credit of toot Liver ; .Fiil*, to stato the good effects prodneed by their uso'ia ; my own ease Coring the month of June, 1845,1 look i yen' unwell, my appetite failed, tad my strength was rely pro*tratea, with severe patnmmy sldeani —: shoulders. .1 »u told by medical men that mydise use - wm» a severe attack of titer complaint.' I took sete* ral bozei of. AT Lane’* liter nils, arid some syrtin*, which • I was told «n good fox that disease, bat after all I-was getting worse. 'I finally eonelsded to nlseo ~ myself under the care-of a.physician for better or • worse; bat, fortunately, just at this «<■>*■ I was toM 1 by the Rev. LNiblock. ot this plaeeythat a friend had sent him a box of Sellers* Liver Pills from Pittsburgh, which had benefitted him very wni»ti I forthwith sent for a. box of you liver Puls, and by the time I wasdenansinjthem, I wa* satisfied that ft waa jw the medicine that salted my case. 1 tent for more, - and took fire or six and foand myself almost | entirely cared; bat in March Jattlea&ght a seven cold, which broortt baekthe disease, and ini short timeLwa* as bad as ever. I again had recourse to■ yoar Liver Pills, and took them every other night for \i six weeks, and occasionally dace, and I can nowsay, !• that I ean now say, that I reel little if ant symptoms_ ' of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is as . good no was it has been for the last 10 years. .My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. I tell them that tellers* IJver Pills was my doctor, and'by ' the ble*«jag of Divine Providence the means of earing roe. lam confident that when-the public become ac quainted with the valoeof your Liver Pills, the de mand for them will increase; Many ofmy neighbors, i?.i i * “* vc recommended the pills, ean testily to their ralne, as well as to the facts above stated^ Uespectfelly yourvy Gsosax MtLUm. Original, only tree end gena-' “® J» w Pw<> W R- E- tie lien, and “X name »tamped In Hack wax upon the lid of irr-“iii Md hu "ffnature on ike outaido wrapper. JD”AII 'S counterfeit*, or base imitations. , _gPg? R. b SELLERS. Proprietor, 67 Wood «t CAUTION BXfSi; A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP has emrrurtd ofn “ mo af *• “!? 5“ ** P™ «P a Sarsaparilla, which iter OFNmi«r D E2 , 1 ad I # s * r *J£‘ denominating!! oprCJlNE.Ongfnal.ete. Thu Townsend u no doe t« and never woo, but was formerly a worker oa i*U roads, canals, and the tike. Yet he assumes the title for the purpose of gaining credit for what he is jj® l - , -* en(s f n * out cards headed “Tricks' of Quacks, 0 in which he says, l have sold the use of- tor • n*mefor*7aweek. I willgive'B. P.Towuscnd S3UU ifhe will produce one single solitary proof of this.— lots is to eantion the public not to be deceived, and purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD «fj fif?' Sarsaparilla, having on It the Old Dr. s likeness, his faiuily coatof aims, and his sir. nature across the coot ofhnsa. • « „ . , JACOBTOWN3ENO. Principal Office, lira Nunn si, Ne,w York City. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWHBBHD, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER j QETUtnX TOWNSEND S&aSAPABILLA. Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of age, and SS"“M h?*. 0 ■» AUTHOR and DISCO JFnI'. tt n O f^ ( ;^ IJLNEOaIGIN AL“TOWNSEND , SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, he «u compelled '■ \ to limit iu manufacture, by whie& means it has been „•? »ept out or market, and the sales circumscribed to ' those only who had proved its worth and known its value. This Gkajtd aim UsxquaUam Puraßama Is' manufactured on the- largest scale, and is called for throurhout the length and breadth of the land. .' • Unlite young 8. P. Townsend’s, it improves'with age, and never changes, bnt for the better: beeaaae it is prepared on scienulie principles by a scientific man. / The highest knowledge of Chemistry; and the latest —— : diseoveaiesoftheArt, baveallbeen brought into re*. floiuiianln the mannfnetore 61 the Old Dr.’s Sarsapft*- • riila. The Sarsaparilla root, it is well known to med*. ieal men, contains medicinal properties, and some perues which are inert or ose!ess,*/and others, winch,; - , u retained in preparing it for use, .produce fermenta tion and acid, which is injurioes to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that . they entirely evaporate and ore lost in the prepara tion, u they are not preferred by a icientiOe process,' • known only to those experienced in iu manufacture.- moreover these volatile principles, which fly olfin va» *' por, or as an exhalation, under heat, are the very es sential medical properues of the root, whieh give* to it all iu value. The * < ojEHunrs OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Sar saparilla root are first removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected; thert every panicle ofmedical virtue is seen- - t red in a pore and concentrated form; and thm it Is rendered incapable offering aay of iu valuable am healing properties. Prepared in this way, Uis mane ‘ the,most powerful agent in the i CURE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES, lienee the reason why we hear commendations on every side in iu favor bv men, women and children. I We find it doing wonders in the core of Consumption, : Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Piles, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arising from 1 IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints . arising from indigestion, from Acidity of (he Stomach; from on equal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold;hands cold chius and hot flashes over the body. It has not • had iu equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy - expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing atxic uire of the lungs, throat, and every other part. *■ But in nothing is iu excellent more manifestly mh>h and acknowledged than in alt kutds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. • _ »i works wonders In eases of floor albns or whites. Failing ofthe Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed,orPalii- rr* ful Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and 9 - the like; and is effectual in curing all forms o'f the Kid ney Diseases.. By removing obstructions, and regula ting the general system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and cores all forms of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, mid thus prevents or relieves a great variety ofoiher diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia. 8t Vitus Danee, Swooning, Epileptic RtsJ Convulsions, Ac. Is uonliis, then, tax Mnieciz top Pjss-R*iimrt,T NouT But can nay of these things be! said of S. P.TAwn send’stnlcnorarticle? Thisyoong man’s liquiits not to bq COMPARED WITII THE OLD DR.»S,' • because of the Grand Faet, that ;the one is incapable of Betenoraoon and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it sours, ferments, afid blows the bottles containing it into fragments; the sour, acid liquid ex ploding and damaging otbergoodf! Must not this hor nble compound be poisonous to the system? What! P“‘ acid into a system'alreadyldiseased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia but neidJiDo we'noiall know, that when food sours in our stomachs, what mischiefs • produces?—flatulence, heartburn; palpitation of the bean, Irver complaint, diarrheas, dysentery, cholic and corruption of the blood? What is 1 Scrofula hut an acid humor in the body? What produces ul) the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, ' Sal* RheuxuvErysipelas,White Swellings, Fever-Sores, and all uleermtions internal and external? It it noth-- - mg under heaven but an aeid spbstance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, mote or leu What causes Rheumatism but a sour acid fluid, which ' insinuate* itself between the joints and cl-owhere, ir ritating and inflaming the tender 'smd delicate tissues - upon which it oots? So of nervous diseases, of impu rity of the blood; of deranged circulations, and nearly - all the ailments which ulfliet human nature. Now, it it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite-' ■ ly worse to use this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND” OF 8. P. TOWNSEND! . and yet he woald lain have it understood that Old Jo** cob Townsend’* Genuine Original Sarsaparilla; is as Imitation of his inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that vre should deal In an, article which would bear the most distant resemblance to Bi P. Townsend's article! and which shoaldbring down - ; upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints' aud criminations frois agents who have sold, and pur- ' ' chasers who have used s. P. Townsend’s Fermenting • Compound! > We wiih it understood, because it is the absolute truth, that 8. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, aofl infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par* ticuiar, having not one single thing in common. It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate; to poor - 1 bairn into wounded hamanity, to kindlh hope in thb V despairing botoas,.to restore health and bloom and vt- : gor into the crushed and broken and to banish infirm!- - v ' ty—that old DR. JACOB TO WNSEND has SOUGHT ' and FOUND the opportunity and means to bring bis ! : Gasro UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, ! within the reach, and to tho knowledge of all .wh*- ' need it, that they may learn and know, by Joyful ex perience, its Taatiacaxncir rowxa to BXai> 1 For sale hy J. KIDD A CO, Wholesale Agent fo Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham, D, J.SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, Fln.‘•.!'■ . !: ward, G. W. GARDNER, Hth ward, Pinsburgh- *pU - •Jaynes’kxpdctorwair - .• ■ Sslxk,Columbiana Apr.Sl, IBM; •> .M DR. D. JAkNLS: Dasa Sun—l feel bound to yrj • 1 and the afflicted public, to avail myself of thisVi> .-f portumty of giving publicity to the extraordinary effectr - ef your Krpeetoraat on myself. Having been affliefi-M for several years with a severe cough, hectic fever'* and us coucomitsut diseases, and seemed only doomii ■' to linger out a short but miserablev existence, until tfca i' v 7.1* fall of lt<B, when, being more severely attacked, aid » i havuig resorted to all my former remedies, and tho ptr- '.l senpupna of two of the most respectable physicians in ■ the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or r» . - consolation ofiumving but a few days or weeks farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about ia •'';rcif vanish, I bad recommended to me your Expectorant ' -; : ‘hs and Being who does all thing* in ice use of the means—aad contrary to the expectations s-f my phyucians and friends. I was .in a few day* raiieS;' ; ? c from my bed, and was enabled by tho use of a botUe ic! attend to my buaineas, enjoying since better health thi», j .M 1 had fb( tea years previous. j -.r'-Ms Respectfully yours,Ae., Jia W. Esmi: For sale in Piusbutgh, at the Pekin Tea-Btore.?^ Fourth street i . • ■ wmmmt ? ; f A N EMINENT and experienced Physloanfrora uk -rl [ A Cut, «f SO years standing, offers to crest all etna ■:^-k of a Delicate Natan with promptness ud eeeroey, .. •<. p i Illssueccas In Buffalo and other large eitiea b»j if been proverbial. lbs charges are moderate, and Joa cans permanent. ‘‘Old cases of Gleet, gmctnrc, Bi-ro»_.:\, i-.n WarFloer Albas, Rheumatism, Ague, Syphilis, ©racy ehronieorinveterateeasesseueiied. [ . . ';la A can warranted, or chain refunded. • i.'V* OrrtessvSt. Clair saeetjSuoorsfrom the Bridge. ,'j Teeth Extracted. . Adviee to the poor gratis. H'2 1 N. a—Dr. A. solicits the worn ea*es]oT any dia-Mtae.:.. ;;'-h ; la Pittsburgh toeaU. 1 ■■ apl4:dly . .. ' ’oukes ■ 9 XX FILL remain open for visiters anal .the lit ff ry, liW. Oysters and other Refreshments mU» .■■■•>'■ ed to the season will tie kept. The Greenhouse, i jjs' taiiting a targe collection of rare and [choiee PI-- will be open to visiters. Boqucts ncklljf .pdt.v short notice throughout the season. j.An' : Om> leaves tbe Allegheny end of the Stf C}air i; .wr>- » Bridge, every half boar during tho diyJnjn* - '‘ -» Garden;- and the ferry boai. Captain]^ from the Point, landing ashortdiiuncaati; : den.. Panies>acUuk. le spend the evgtv - _ accommodated su return Otnnihu)' v ‘ y. M. Kept on Temperance principle*!' (j ; unday. spU3 ' •. ;/y ~J. ItbwaMßM galooapao -- Uifestaau, t • THE PKOPRIETOK U-«r? bnpr 1 by thoday.orweek. • ' ; /l) i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers