' 0«-i established in mb. • BUSINESS CARDS. A'-' R.NJSTKONO ifti*rdds»,'N«.'a Market *wei Pmrfiorgiw • •' • ! ■»•..’•-• •=•._'•; i * .'■.‘■rmunLLD. . SCOT LUBE*. ' TlttdllPlKliU k I.EADEK, Wk®t«*»ata dealer* itt TJ pry UooJ», Grocene*> H‘»ou, MiUt.W(ck «2fe£ft£dl ixxx\c*f*** ,«*» fituborßh. -,. •; —; U CWU, t*racr o«tn>cny aad SH3tur*tr*rt«,Fms-, but**?* 'I-'-- 22*1., -- ■■■ 1 '. . . . M.'f • ri«mv! \Vko»ci*Je Giocew, CcfimiM.au MerekmsU, N«. Hi, ,L i fitaburek. >*«. *;. .. -. B' A. l ; jillSi>VOCfc K 0«_ WUf*'.r»».c «“ *®* • tall'Df uesrt»i*. e'm.rr V. 6od auilCA •J*- _ J>* . - O-'&aT.KY fcT.vfjTli; Groeeris lb »» X> ayWcwltUcrtViUfS.orsh- , O. H. PAHTRIDtIK, ». D.i Cosrixl -Ke t» «»»*»«» Y treatmriiwti the S*- H r ■nJ-Di»ts*K«ofVik«:TllKuAT. . .. Office boat*: > A- MS | I* M., •«*?»’ M octVtd.Tru* i • ~johh a- csue. I •, "*1 commiMimi . / tUAHi ft. MUNNEfI, ronrenlsPß L/. MncUanU. MnfMlaikct tt»* bur S k - «** n a. ~M.ANni/rv i. c», fSj w " i sLSii!s'. “ d ,ro “ /SoiJMAN ' II lfi.UA°N“c«, •»> ; fllSZiiJmSZTMnti, Mil Jr the month, pimsanJ leeth treated .-- ■ „ .n<tT’»»7 • jfcMCS J. Bitxsicrr. IWGLISII * -»l NNin.T, -(late Is.r!isU, liaJJach«r !j *Oo) WheMawi riroeem, HommntMon wiirmnr Mcrt’hnnliUuul dealer* tn I‘roducc afnl 1 iVW- Utßh hlnßufactutn.-No. -H Wood m., Kim-cit «1 aud ■ tWur'fet*- J; - i «■ -■ i . _li .°* • TTkohU*. umaiUAA, uobuuimioh and Forwardtii* lj- HerehanU f<n£t>Ayaodiur*Hii.J'itwhnrßi*-' ntyl? 7 — 7~v:‘ai, vAM*.,'auD.i HmKEoi’ATRIC AND SljnCiKON. “uirica-rMnSimihleld *t., between tld'antMib. Office bourr-Urlim la ht. lo 3 M.—fro«n 6toV, P. M Hauixscr.—Air. Dander’*, corner Htnitufield and and Third tl*. •[ 1 ': ; _ • “HbMK LKAUCti PACTOHT. TTAWII.'iONJfTI'-'VAKT.maimfacaurer of Heavy H Shirting*, Clievli?* Act, llcbecca'«tcoi, city ol Allegheny. I ;f j !j faovtJ-.lt) Hi.KFn (»ucrf Mor.lo Murray &■ !>ee > ) 'Vool Meal i or am! OoiuniiwAoti Merchant, :fur the «de ot American WooteA*, Übrriy, oypotitc fith «• tebl7_ j"7~W»C, UtuUjVMaiuiuorV;. ... : : i I, . u>\{r*Au UitUi, i I'hilada. | V. c. K’ciMttoS. jutut a. watLHii, .1 . . ■ Tl UAMi A UOCKNOR,ToI-acco CoidonMion Met-, ■ h caanu. 41 Nurtal Whirt at, AIG North Wlmrve*. yffltt.. f ••' : -i- • • n»rdi>-tf • i Tl AIU)\\7jANKM&J CO4 (*«ceeswi» Jo Atwood, rl junta fc. Co.i Cnkmmion uud Forwarding ftlcr- Ch sun*, dealer* ia FUtrimrsh Alanolaciured Goods, J'iuaburKb, Fa. • ; a ill Irtcrtr, • SOBIST UICiXT)J»I AH DICKFV & Co , Wholewle Grocer*. Com iilcii MereUnU, uul dealer* In iFroduce, •, ami 107 Front »irccts, Fnisburfcfr. Bovs, _iTa. wi.wo«TU- ioinru mLWutrn. ! 'l" S. UILWOKTI! A Co, Wliolerale'UTocers, Fro tf.-ilucu and Uorauii»*lou Merchants, and Agent* i <or llie linraid Fovdcr Co. ol' N. V., No. U? W (Pittsburgh. ... "P" : . TUILN -M./fOWNSENI), iirjgpM old Apothecary tl No. 45 Market *t,three doornnbove Third «. Inti*; ; . Lurrh, mil imvc cousnuuly on band a well eelectrdra. •orunemolliic »«?*l and ir»Lc»l Medicine?, which lie 'will a»ll. iu Uic icosi riowunblo tern-. F*yMc:au* '•ending ©rUei?, will be ptmnplty attended u>, and »up [] /tilled wilii article* they way rely upon a* trauma. 1 ID" Flisincimm Frcr-criiiUurs will bei»cearaie.y uad * i Deaiiy prepared fruta ike i>M maTcricli, tl acyheur oj ; be .day or ~i • ... . au« iot suie, a lav* itock of fresh and joed Ferm. . i roerT- __ _ _ ■ ... _ * nl3 . . T- Ul. C>fNHKLU,(Uv» of Witrcn, yiuo.t.Gouaius *l , limifand Furtear'.ios MaicbauU and wjoieeido J dealer In'Western Rcrrrve Cheese, liuttcr. Fot ood ‘ ’ Pearl A*h» and-Wunera Froduea gonexalty, WnlCr Heal, between Sicilhiicid ami Wood, Ff-iabargli. ap3 J* OITN I\VAIT, LiTcceMCr xo Ewan & UcbbarJ Wholesale Grocer nud CoiamiMion • Merchact, ! dealer ia Frodcce and FAtaburgb Meiniiaetares, cor* . tier of Liberty taul Hand nre-.w, Fitti!)orgb_Fn. inS?, I TAMEK V 'MeGI/lßß,’<* a ‘‘ e ® ftJie firiiiof Aijico and 1 J McGuire.) iderr-uam IviKit, SI. Cliartes’llubduig*. j HuhlfcUcc;. near Wood, ; / TAMKS’A. IiLTOiHSONi. A.Co-—Sutrewur* lo I tl. Lawu ilaiciitntui K Commission Merchant*, ’ aodAgtJi’J or Uic. tu.. J.wn*sk&m Sugar llcluiety. . 'No. iSwalct andVd frdat streets, Fiuauiuga. janl ' •' • J OHN JU. itIOKUAN, Vi'huk-«ule : erin Dye y;u2-si‘«iiaj, OJb, Varu:?.Jic*,ic., Jvo.W Wood iUccLoce tloorUi>til<*f UUnioml Alley, iuu- Mitt . • - !■»> Ca ? lju*ccc»*^f.li>0. TAMES A WWKr«..». — || Davi^) W»iipt^iu..i < iier.i.Ja.yatcgatfceu frc3l J“oi!N iL*airjxc»K, wLoletalo “fid Retail oealct 4b Mn»ic njulMufical lusiraweni*, School L’ooea Paper; Slaiee, Sircl iVfir, Quill*, ttijim l Card*, ana Stationary generally. Nol el WoedsL, PauL-ur^li. IP“ Uag? hou'xbUir tannin trade. «Tl 5 , J"“ SCJUkiSiujiLjt'ifc Co* Wlmlrsalß UnsggtsL l , « No. ill Wwd Wcct, l*nuliurt»b. ' - ;. onjTiiriiAVis, Auctioneer, corner silj and Wood •treens llUiiiurgiL .... JOHNSTON A. .STOCKTON, lArck>clicM, l’mucrr auvl I'jwr Maijnweairdr*, No. 4-1 Murid *t, riu>- l>ar?h- ' • i ' I- 1 !, -■“jouiU-ujiu. • . , “ KtctiasoFuna. J fc-K..FLOYD.'•A\ Morale Gtocm*, vomniiMion • Mer'cami;*, und Dealer* ui I’foJuty, Uuuiitl Chuicb likuidinga, Itouting on, Wood and oil* nrccts, tiluUUfsU, tXmKT llAUfi-LL, Wiimeralu Grocer, Ccriiißt.'Mdii tl ftlen li.iiii, dud dealer In Produce nml 1 uutiuriji. Meumtartun:*./ .No. Ml Water »t- l’nutiarsh. J~ACOU n'KAVV.K, J*i W »»I<*ale and HeUtl lie* Itr in li-rciru W me* and Uquora. and old Moitoin galrnla lf>e WiUkcys. garner I‘u.iauU Market an. ; —-—~ 1 tt iPH ArJ)iN'M, Fopvaiduig and Gomuiusioii Wrr* K fi-rm., U-lidcr* Ui Produce andl’iiui-urgU *u*ao itcuired ataclun, Canal Putin, near Till tl. ■ MUili. Vm’sUlllUlli PA. T/’KNNhUiYwCIULIW * CO, Munafaclurew of »cO jV «j'penor<-t SliocUng*, Carpel CUaui, coHon Ufld ; jamity \ ' ““VeauTla* iron Work*. , LiriVtß. l)Al//.liLt. * Co- iuanuiacturers of Win- Jet 2nr. bkcet,-Uoilcr Iron and NnlL of tfic i>e«l uunlityv' 'f utciibu'e,water and HO front si jaalw •. . • _ - T Wiiolesalo Clrocor, Fonvard- I j. in* miJ Conunuaioa- Merchant, Dealer lit • P«u»- burgkMaulifaeuire* uml Produce, .Non. Ul rtater *i, dad CM From *i , -L- it sawyfX““'" 1* OOKINU tjl.As'rf Mnnuiaclurcr#, and Wfiolrsatc llj draJera ;n iwrtign and dom*>tic Variety Wealeni Wortham*, I'tdiara and oihcrn ttc uivudd lo ealLiiid txarouic Utoprwcaaad uualny.oUiUT uvnllToUf present ill mamtfauiiu & fcSl paicbMiiii, w* Uu*.V wc cao offer w jjwm utSawmcaUto buy«f.-*».uiy «J»eH.ou*o wc*u»uic ' - w. nic»KWOM, l'ia»i>ur ß b. ‘sf iLUBUi lUOKKlfcOfli tthole«c.Jn4J«K«:r>,ai>d M. ihi turner* ol iltamlic*. wuw «“>* Segat*, P»os. naaod Jji, cornetof i.iueuy and Irwm onveu,! m»- i (ifiSfA* 'Jran, W-, **«£ ‘“*‘- ft*Uly on liru'.t. -- s ‘- "iitio«*Cini • •!*«. I>. N'liiu. WAi.rKU c. WHO M ■ . 'in Merchai'i., No/WI .OWtll «, TOW""**- •■• jn& ' ■' * Vo, w< Joi<ejMt>rpi.y i CorWUole-i'l'J Ik-iltit B i)nr AVuodsiresV tiU-iiuiftli. ;■■ .- ' lUl * ■— S. A,A-/-rii«AV Wil.»l>P»« Mmi.tuuul ajn-. -M in KwmV, former ol IW Ute Alloy *«d Fi«nlin'n:e|,c«U-tn»«:tf ou-Jlh ncarMaikcu _ D ' iHfSib J*MW ?. *ew rally,lioruer «“* tn,lH ’ . |cl ,g i’a.V' i ' ! ' ; vr~iw,r > l Hn? A. **CiN No- & M««<i .• h,Uank N«Ao» amlrypcl—• principal ritie* - Jp?CoUcll«CMi» «r»MI ou mil l!?* Ibruugiiuut \\u- Untied Maicc f _—- T v Vpav«:j«i£lttgofßH,amd#..tfoiid w»ta lue £"•* tareaudleKßl accaracy. • J TUI»« ic Kcai-Uiau exmtunfd, Ac, Ult. UKOUUK McCUOtt. OFttCK, Fount street, i:p«r '■•™U • Utelj oewnied by AWenoun JUlicf, -)y opposite Air. fakewnit*. ‘ lie may soa . H ( ' l *>£' Ifa laNTtt.Hb Chart** UotcL .. ■-.■••] ». lx**. ' ./APTUALMiC »l>Kl*KO>i«wiUaUend totbtuest -At mental Diwuo of the Fyc. J, . , t ,- l)t. 1L ha# been engaged >n lUm branch.of d»<» wear \ ictlprofersinu for sixteen tandocieu an '•..•eatahiuluneia for the UcSuuentCi «Utca/«4oi Ihe®> c 1:aiono lorairarul years. ; v j , .« rUlfici' and icwkoce, corner of Burpls**)'*l .•'tJSrswbtrrj alley, Aliegucny eityv j * rl ‘? . ‘ Pginy TKA 7S Fourth iCW it* oe*r Wood—All qaaniiue* bf Orf-u and Kflfclskck.Tea*, done.up in quiuUr, ualf,ttt»ci ms pound packages, ranging from AO per ialu]*d_ •Ld«. jyi AJAINhB,Agt for Fokin ft-a l>o. i - r-;' *. CAUD. ". | [i ‘ • T> 1(01 IStONkCO. haring «<«K»aled THOMaF Jtt# LrrriiKifer, with them in t>ti»irtri>i«,lbe WliolA- I *u!c Oroc< ry, Prndoeft and ChmtaUtiim! business will ] .'be eoiitim ed uv viloer lbs firm of i Koblsoii, Lit tie &■ —— 1 : f >0«»8 *N, I.HTJ.II It (X».,sNo. 191 liberty JV pmsMitcu, Wholesale timers, Prodm.’* end > Cottml"(p :i McrehahU, and denier* In PiUdrunh ' MaJiiiirtCtuTr*. /' iV? uorro*. Tno*.Lrmjt. «**!._». xhau»a. • i-rTjjjgkl MoTtUk, WLJirtaic iirocfi, iWunjuig l\ 4 _l)ii(ulkr, dealer ui Prodace, Pittsburgh llanulne “** kind* of Foreign and Domestic Wines • * iTdijnSors, Mo.lt Libeny street tm hand a-ei-ry ' Jick of superior old Uouonglbr.ta urbwljcy, ' ivftt>*i *"*d low forctuU. *l>U:ljr -^Ti’iitl'iri’ DAI.ZFJ.I/ A C<m Uholkt&lo Unjrjers, L>%, ri rui««Jou and Forwarding Aleiehantt,dealer* , ami Pittsburgh: MauufaMore*, Liberty «l *• >'*• ■ '■ " -wfa, nlSi and t/btr 'XftChi . rarr.’ 5?“ Fonwajdiiuc ■» Altejbeny lOt. 4,- Frodiico,' kW»l*rgfc U»* -J’-'-'-t'il-.ii MdSSSTCWBS ]ii xttfjyij .-. ,'w -v* ./•' CAM- I m nfirvtttf* ■!' TltiW. B. WJfJTX. SiI\CKLLTT k Wlim; WholeMlc Dealers 1n P&riSnS lknestic wnr Good,. No.W W«*l st. Piittbßffh* _\ . . ?*»«* MITlf IJAGALFY A Co. Wholesale Grocer*, and ’ Produce dearer*, No i‘-S3 M3r>ci street, between ilh ,cJ cui. North aide, Philadelphia. novS S Ol W. lIARUAUG}!.' Wool tyerrhstu*, Dealer* « m Floor and Produce genifnlly. and Gorwardmg tai -CoafeirMOQ Mere nan U, No. M Water ft-, Piur. bnrpb 1. . . ’ .!. - _ , r jn< rirnsßraoti. jotra niciii'ls. stjumuKil. SELLERS * NICOLS, Produce and Generai Com* Merrhatit*,No.l7 Liberty t-L, Pittsburgh, sperm. Lirserd and Lard Oil*. Sf. VliS DONNIiUKKIYACo-,\Vlioie**ir Ure v rers, rorwardi|>e -ami Commission -Merchant*, Dealerstn l’ius'jnrshi Mann/scturr* and Western Pro dace, have removed M> their new w»rrhon?e.{old stand) No. corner ofFmiit *t and Chanrery Lane. •w>*7 ' , . A RF.ST, Wholesale Grocer* and Commit-. »u<a Merchants,'mul dealer* m Produce. No. Itf Wixi.ii.t.t’iUrLiurgh.; pa£2 w. t Tumi. t. r. scott; T' DOTH A. &CQTT, Wholesale and Retail dealer* in Roots, Shoe*. Trunk*. Carnet Rags, Ac., t*. W. corner ol 4th and SmulifieJd *U, Fm*burgh, Pa. ja.l l". VVICI. T {'” ‘ DAVID M*C*StILKM IV T ICK A (successor* to L. A J. D f J Wick,) Wholesale Urocur*, Korwardiug aiul Couinu«*u.u lron, NniK Glass, Ootton Yam*, and Pitlibcrjh Manufacture* ceucjilly, comer o( Wood amt W'airj -in-cU. WVV.AVALLACL.MiiI ttuiic and hlilf Funnsfc * li.R No. £l4 Ul«rty tL, near the canal rnnrdS W. VV. WILSON, V\ trtrhcj*, Jewrlry.Silvcr Ware, ■ nnd MiliLary Goods, corner of Market and 4th ■trpcis, Pittsbargh, I‘A. N. U. —\Yaiei.es and Clocks «W*eftjtiy repaired. dec4 \I7T2?T_ liOWVjV~Cctumi*»ion anil Fonvnrdinf >v Merchant, No. 90 Front *l. between Wood and M;irkelj.ireet*. febsM W‘ Tl MUKPU V, Wholesale huJ Retail dealer in . Foreign nnd IMnestic Dry Good*, north east curner of Marfcctand Fourth su>. augul w*. votiNOi,! jjw.'b. M'ourtß. . W’M. YOUNG A Co.—Dealers in leather hides, Ac, VY IMliWnytt. _ ~an£-ly WM. M*ITTCUKOS. ' aoar. W'CTTCrrWIS- 1 AA U. M’CUTCHKON, Wholesale Grot-rs. dim-' • W V lers in Produce, Iron,-Nailt, Glass, and PitLn nurfli Manniaciarcs penernlly, 15d Liberty kl, I’ittv hart; h. . . • drf.‘ \ir ' W WlLSi'iN, Dealer in Woirhcß. JrwHry Y\ % yii»er; Ware, AlUitary Goods, Ac., No. 1»7 Mar WUrVODKO * co., ■JNEAI.F.RB IN HIDES AND I.FATMKII, Moroero, I J Slio.- No. 143 Litany strert, have Jurt received tbc'ir S*FRINU STtKiK ot poods,' com prisln* n Inrce assortment of anirles in their line, to which' tin* attention of porehasers is irtvited. inehlS * , A CO., ' STEAM BOAT Omiiabove M. AuussA Co, ■dnraweui octsi .No. T-* Wnler street. INSURANCE. 1 k"s U R A N C K. PHOTKCTIOS! FIRK ASDo Marini:iNriUßAnci'.comta- NY OF HARTFORD. CONN. mcogroasTKo is I8\!3. Annual Premiums, Capital Ulock, and Surplus Fund, 81,000,000. This old and reapourible Company continue* n i« sue |>olicica on Uiu most farorable terms on Dwel.imj sue uu uw mw>« i-*^.•-.**••* , House*, HoukehotJ F'unnture. Stares, Slock* or Cooiln, \\ orcbou.es and contents, Mills and Manufactories, Ac. Ac., against U»SS OR DAMAtiF. ISY FIKU Alio, »n Goods, VV'ares and Merchandize, against the hazard, of Ihlast) TasKStvrrArioa, nud upon the Cargoes of Set Vessels. Tbe i'rotectioiiTniurancc Company having, in the la.ivi years, paid xaxr suLUoxs or ihili-akj.oi tbf.r >t'vtial agencies Uiroughout the United i»iaies and the flritiih Frovloecs, have r.tabbshrd a just reputation for solvency and fair dealing, which chalicngn com parihoa valh any other insurance company on the coDtiucat of America. The anneicd ciirart from an ariide uu the sabirctof Insurance Companies taken iro the i; New York'Day ilook,” exhibit* briefly the standing and policy of the Company. ‘•The -money ed men 1 of theunvient and always pros petous.citV of Haitl'ord, have for half a century been famous throughout Uie Union-for 'he cure, direretion, ritfid honesty,and unvarying success with which they have'formed and managed corpi.tabons ot this dr-. tcripticn. No Hartford Hank or Iniuranee Company La* ever. failrtlf These Companies, have tor more than. awhale generation acfliterdl their,ri.k* m near ly every Mate of tho Union, and have itrvej failed to pay t!ie InnoratrabU;' lof*e» which they have tiiMircd **AU*or«e» iriilngSipon policies issued by the under- will be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen eral Aaenjy odtee, located at Cincinnati, O A large peruon of the funds of the Company, (including all prenuent* received at the Weatcrn agenct-ts,) i» de ported vrilli the General Agent of the Company at Cincinnati, for the payment of \Vcrcrtvnnil Hiutbmi u> ~'"rAVKrVK'imowN, nr liio ciiy of I’iiubargli, auJ <or All«j:beuy >unlv. ’ *• ’ • ocuLdSm'.. 7h« FenaiplranU Company F«* I***uajici ox Lives asii *«'K±!m!»a A ssttTtE*. IUIK fin-l lafe iMßraiice Company in the U. Stale*. --tncnipinil«l March to, lil-J-eha ter perpetual. c'apltal LVjOOJJOO—tiI paid lu. lluviiiit authorised lire jnidcrsigoed la receive BPP*t*. cations |«k insurance, ou which politic* wU* l>c I ***“-~ according to their proporal* ami rates, which will be made keown to applicant* at his office, No.vGWood «rcel,' *ptl tiKO. COCItKAN.- tSBSI'KS*' IJISDBAHCE COBi’iSV OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL ISUOjUUI). J. Jr- Scc‘y. | H. Muxkk, Jr n Prp» L Will insure trams; all kinds of n»k«, HUE AND MARINL- looses will be liberally adjusted and' promptly A heinc InitiUitioD—laanAged by Director* who aie well kaov/n in the community, and who ore ih-termin cd l.y promptness and liberality to maintain ths char acter whiidi they have assumed, as offering the l*rn crvkciic.il to those who desire to bo Insured . • iniaa.-iviis—U. Milled, Jr., Geo. lltuck. J W Caller, N. Uplines, Jr., Wm. li. Holmes, q. lbmren, «.> O . W. Juckjon.-Wiu. JiL Lyon, Jas. Lipplncott, Thon. K. Luck, James M’Aoloy, Alex. Ntnuck, Tbo.«. Scott. DrsTca. No! CS» Water street, of spang i. Co., up <iair* I )PiUBbcrgh. - ia<:»lly INSURANCE. railfß DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFCTY IN*H -1 Roomoi the Kjcchaajf, Third iMeel, Philadelphia. Kud lirHTjuTyy—Rmldmys. Merchandise and oilier property in Town and «taKi«T, insured against loss or damage by fire at the lowest raw of premium. Masike ListTßAUCt—They also insure Vessels, .Car roes and l' > ieii{Utis foreign or coastwise, under open or jpeeial policies, at the assured may desire. I!iLAi«iTiiA.JKroBTATHiit.— They liJ*olo■urelncrella^• tranf-ported by Wagons, UniJroiid Cara, Canal iloats and Steam Boats, on river* and lakes, on the must libcruJ terms. ' - . . , . _ . DIRECTORS —Joseph II; Seal, Edmund A- Souder, JohifC Davis. Roben Barton, John It IVnrose, Samu el lld Wards, Geo C Leiper, Edward D* tU "S“ ,, ; i i ?“ c U Davii, William Fnlwell, John Newlm, DrILM Bun ion, James ClUnd, Tbeopbiius Doubling, H Jouoi Brooks, Henry Bloan, Hugh (Inug. Gcoige. Bern! , Spencer Mcllvain, Charles Kelly, J O Jobujom tVji liam Hay, DrS Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBUUUH-D. T. .Morgan, , VARTi: (’ nicn*noS.Nswwji.r, Secretary. in” Oifice of the Company. No. 42 Water ftrei i, Pfitoburgh: ' lul3:dU\ I*. A. MADEIRA, Agent. _ ”piRK AND JIAOIMi INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO.; ol Ncrtli America will niaJ:'* ranuaurm and limited Insurance on pro oertv hi this City and vicinity, and rji shipments by EKL The prof crt.ee -I. ibis Company are well invested, uiut/uniUh an «*vn l abk ftnid for the ample indemnity of uil person* who deme to be proieetcd by insurance. myld ■ WM. P. JONES, Agent,*!_Wal«r;<>_ » ' ISDB3XKXTT *' The Fr<i,iUki Fir* Insurance Co. vf-I'htfarfrJykta. i \lRKOTOKS.—Chatlea N.Boucher, Ttiomu* Han, I) Tolnas Warner, Samuel Circuit, JacntiK. Smith, W Kiebard-, Mordeeai I). Adolplro K Uotir, Hand rf. Brown, Worth I'utterson. . UARtHit, 1 rosidcJit. Charles V. Baneiser,. Secretary. , Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on o«ery description of property itt town er roumry, - arratruai low a* are donsirteat with security, fro Company have reserved a large poatineenirn ■which with and l*rc«nium», solely invi cJ, a Sent ample protection to the o*«n«d. The n*««t* of tlmrotnpaiiy;on January Ist, IMU. rnblmliM agreeably to an act of Assembly, were InUowi, viz: I Mortgage* Real t>tate*"v •• Temporarv Loans I ■ gtQCKS • |»' Ca&H, Ac timer their incorporation, a period of 1» year*,'they have paid upward* of one mUfioo four hundred thous and dollar*, loirc* bv fire, thereby aflordmß erid-mce tflbe adruntapet of inturariee, at well a-the-a - Iny and di»i>oz!iion to meet with prnmptneMi all liabiliurrf. ‘ J. GAKDINKK LOFHN, Aaent, marl-diy " Office N B corner Wood and :Jd :.i* UELAWAU* USSUIIAKCK-CO. 1> A. MADKIRA, Affentat I'niKburffb f*»r the IMla whit Mutual bafciy Insurance Company of i h>a!- ..dcli.lMu- Fire Bi»k* uivou building* and merchandize •nfel.r. description, and Marine Risk* upmi «r orTe#*elrf*, Ukeu upon Ui? iao«t mromblc l< ir>" ij;ricr xn the Warehouse of \V. B.lloJmc* & Uro., 4sra: Wuter, near Market ttreei, Wtubargh. ‘ >i n The *ucee**.w" tin* Company »mcC the club luSiSnof Ha A"" 0 * 'V P””?’- rn lTmnd anili wlncli raeij- claim upon U.cm tofo" baf been udia.lcl, fully »*iru»Jl | ie.u l reiu | ii UT Sur He couailepco unci pulmnaje alia. fr.uud. and *t! T amuiiitv aitarre’to the Delaware «\Lb. linu ** t while it boa the additional ndvautaeet <**"’* E,i «j£W ibn most fluumhinß in I'bilndel- V phm—a* bavin* u« each perwu m»urcd hit due there of Uie _ yicldJac «> cotopajiVi without uivolviiir hiuiinaiiy profit*of in . P , r ’ therefore as j-oMentinß rc.|i«a>Hil'ir";T X«, l ed al overy olmoiiouucu. „, UK ASD BAtURB INSUIIAHCB. ** , *. rvunhuiY of North Araenca.uirounh ItHF, rt T«^S P AienU ruorcriber, t.!b-r« m . tl* duly 7 u , ur niicc on properly, m Si d!'>-SSS“ «»'’>'u'e,'a ual aad Kiacia- UECTOH^^ AmbroifC Wlunr, Jacob M.Thomas, Jobuß-NclJ. Richard D. « ood, - NViu. \VeUb,- f«anie»Mo«eiu,, H. Aui*tin-A*Ubowe, ARTHUR Vi* COFFIN, ’ HaSBT D. F»«a*»b. c ">*- i„ the Vnitcd This i* Uiooldeit j"‘Jj |ar|fr is rttulr*, having been rharlercd i ton* experience, peniclual, and from «» h, *i| * lm** ample meant, and aeoidinc “'t ri . , ojoruic mi afikiis characlet, U way «>« considered a* joNbS. pie security to the public* • , , ,*• * - \va* , At the CotMiliaß Hrtoai of Atwood, Jams A* ■arand h’Tnnt rtrcci* Fiitaburaj*- <!|'IIK.bURSCBIBkHIim T&r.n yrtbor U Coffin. \\ i JOUCS, Edward Smith John A. lirown, John WliiWp Thorna* **. Cope, Samuel F. tAißitb, Samuel Hroek*, J. L. Kltt*. ind CaauiUsion rsr Trade,'deal b Mauataelem [1 time* fortaun legato Grocer' [ Mau«r»ill*tes, f , •,;«* X. M:' jV§' ‘ HOTELS ~ FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT i 8 TREKT BALTIMORE roce ilxd trcustox, pHoFantroni*. , ■■m THIS establishment long ami widely known a* «8 brink one of the cto*t commodious in the city of JSfi), n-iitimore, has recently undergone very erton ■iTt! alteration* and itnfcroverne.ni*. An mure new win* ha* been adife-d, containing mtmercu* and airy sleeping apartment*, ami exteiuive bathing room*. The Ladle*’ department ha* nl o been completely reoryanfeH and fitted op in a mo a unique ami beauu fuli-tyic. In faenbe whole arrangement of the lloui-e. Ua« Ikwi rwodeled, with a single eye on the part of Oie propr.etor*. towards the comfort anil pleasure rtf llreir Uue*tF, and which they confidently o**ert will challenge comparison witi any Hotel in the.Lmfui. I Their"tahle'wiU always™? witli every *up ■tanial and luxury which the market afford*, servfd ap in a superior *tyle; while, in the way of Wine*, Ac , they will riot bo surpassed. In eonrlu*ion ihe proprietor* beg to saV, that nothing will l>c fell undoeson their part, ami on the part 01 thru ***irtaiita, to render thi* Hotel worthy the ctmlmued pnironage of tiicir friend* nml ihr public generally. The price* for board have ul«* been redaeed to the follow,ng rate*; Ladies’ Ordinary, •• f1,“3 per day. Gentferarn"* “ . I*-'’* l N. B—The Baggage Wagon of the Homo will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat (binding*, which wHI convey baggnge to and from the Hotel, free of charge. EXCnASOi coax anor rantaxd*r. cuubrts.,rtTrißCMti, rx >«M • The vubsrnber having assumed the manage* igfi nfeniaf this long established and popular Hotel, JBfr respectfully announce* to Travellers .anJ the Public generally, that he will be at all lime* prepared to accommodate them in nil thing* dc*irahfe in a well regulated Hotel. The House i* now* being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, uttd no pain* will be spared lo make the Exchange one of the very best Hotel* in the country. ’Hie understgued respectfully solid’* * continuance of the. very liberal patronage the House ha* bereTmtrre •received. THOMAS OWSTON, 1 fel-Bdif , Proprietor. * LAMARTINE HOUSE, t count or fourth *xu cium srtuirts, rrmntiteH. M THE- subscriber re.poouutly announce* t,hnl hchaanuw opened hie new mid excellent Hotel for the occomnfodation of traveler*, lioardqr*, and the public generally. The liouw mid furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense have been ■pared to render it One of the most comfortable, and plcu»ant Hotil* in the city. • The subscriber i* determined to dewrve, ami tpere 'forr «nlieiL«, a shore of pulilie patronage. nrtU-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor. ~ " UNITED STATES HOTEL, I citEssrTrr., Bvrwrgx r,»rnrn-AX» nrrti rr*J OITOSITK late Hank of thn United State*. I hila delphia. M. I*ol*ls MITCHELL, ] marttl ‘. Proprietor. EAW OFFICES, JOHN 11. RASKIN, 4 TTiTONEV anti Oouimeltor at law. cuul Comim** f\_ fipru'T for the Sint. - nl IVniirfylvunin, (*t. L>ui», Mo (l«: t ol PuuhurgM . . I«mv«ci».—PiluUurith: Hoi.W Fnrwnr.l, lon A Miller, M‘Cnn«lle*« A. M'Clure. John K. I'nrlte, 1 A, temple. MjConl *. Kine. _ iKo. ' > urmui. UAIUD* BTKRRKTT, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT I AW, - Fourth meet, between SmitliheM mul Ijrttnt, _ ;mm a. L*R~U. - W?- LARGE A FRIEND, j TTORSKYS AT LAW, Fonrtii *Ui-el. hear Grant. illicit! jllic l! JAMKBP.KKUU, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Oili?c "n E.umli rW* ttrren VmMiGrld «ii«r'<sii»nt M. »‘iU«l*iirtT>i. WMr-TI.M HUN. ATTOUSEY AT LAW, Hiftlrr, Ta WILI. nl*o attend to (xil!«cunni* «nd nil Mliir Um ncift < MiuV.etl to Lunin KuUrt •■•• I AnoMron* roiim>*t. I’n- HoWto • J. A 11. Hojrd, l-ibcrty «t 1 W.AV. Wa.Hw’c, I jvnui Marshall do ; PiuM-iirrh • Jly ' K»v i (’«. 'Vgol *l. J _ JR. SWXITZKIL Atuimry m l.if.T, oflirr :iJ *\ . , opcouln ?u Olmrlr* Hot). Piiifl.ufe!.. w»U "t*o sitrnd promptly to Collection*? in %Vfc»lnn<loti, <trnl tiresu cocnue*. Pit. _ RKFF.R TO Blank i-tt*ck. Bell 4c Co., ) CJnmji fc Carodier», i) T. Morßun. ) Ei UF.NRY, Attorney fcii.l Cntiix-i-or n» i , CineiuimU. Oiiin, Collection* in Southern • n.o and in Indiana. and m Kentucky. promptly anil «• ire fully attended to. Comrm«Mt»iirr fuj the s'nu* of l ‘ini. *yir»uin, lor taking I>t|iomUoii«, nck»owlrd«;no , tiia IW.Wm. Bell 4: !<<m..Cunu«,.Cniir< h ft. CnrotUers, Wn. Hay«, ">llock X I)a\n. . u —* HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS ran FALL FASUIOSFOK HAT*. TCI JSL MrCORI) &«Co. will introduce iht«*dayc»sl (tfauinluy, Au- totli.l tlio fall »iyl« «t IJrml«-to»ii liaiii, «'on-«ir ; oi' Fifth ami ffwl t. n-rU._ ou,;.i M’COEU> *- CO., /ftt* Bs (Sacfes*>r*»o AJ’Cord A Km*) • FaphioaabU Hotter ~ i ' ,5 Canter of 1W ex* b'tjlk Sirrrt.t. P'AUTJiHjLAR aiieuiion raid u> oar Kraail I rude. Gent'cmen ewi rely upon ceiuiiß iheir »ln.'*»d CApa front nur c»ii»Mi»hulriit of the e«rr a*nxi.iu -«<d wos*UA» jltp, of the IATOT irm.Esnnd al the uwjerr Cnniury 1 Merohnnts, parchaMn; by vrliolr-a.H are respectfully umtrd 1.. c:.ll mid raanunr our Mm-A, as wc can **y with confidence that tit frgaiu* *< mid rcicm, it will nol rutfer in a comparison wn!. any hou«e in I'hiiaiMpnin. ,• I ’* ' r-*, CALIFORNIA lIATF-IU dur w.inr .prvpd- Jjg California Mats, |uH «Uc‘.y \ ; corner slh itml Worn! -J* *7aSP»WePABBIOB» FORIS4V. faj /j 8 M’COKDACo will introduce oh f-alur-jlB •■Lda’y,! March *l. the spmic «ty.c <•( JlAlsw* •FboTc in want of a ueal ami kupenorhal, are mvonl lo call at corner of Ath iunl \\onii atrrrts. "*'’ r , oi’kini; BONXirr Biiiutiss. *..-w in.'rt' ha« now open a supply of "pnt'd Hom.et Kibi «»ui, of nrtr aiid handsome style#. .... , ... .Also, new style GgM Netw; l.i<.n Ln«*s nml l.'K inrt Lir.cn Edging*; Victoria do; plant Alu- ui« ‘i'>> Jaconeu.ssmbroiilered Swiss Muslins, Ac j l '* 1 large assortment of Spririi; Good* generally, at north caht corner 4th ami Market streets. Wllolcale Room* up stnir*. FOIIWAKIIINd & COMMISSION j atiurr -tin** * s*K£ .^strsiss: Ileatrr* In Groceries, Flour. W lieu , Ujr,Otti>.» «n», Haney. Pork. Uarrm. Hotter. Lard. < <»*«, |,r Ulv«i:*c»-Me»«P■ Myrrj. A H'“iter R«.M Dal vell A Co., M'G.IL A Roe. Hampton, J»m l.i £<£•• Jarne* Mny, Knm A-Moon.. «d. it M’Mi)l:iii, Massillon. Jo*. J'- Mom-on, L;*l . t I»aL.. . P ; *e—“-*> jons A. Ciuto. late of N. l.i«l>on.J» w- B.aiiJfSKU CHAIO AhRISJiMI. /SEVERAL A<»KN'*V, Commj-.nn 't"' 1 VT intr Merchant*. No. Market -i. 1 **; [TT*l»roinpt attention given to Uni purctiast rui o ’rkFkU 1- Co I M»n>lV. IVil.nn l’»- W.11.v.i:,-., O . John H. UW».. , l.np. RJo" l * Co.. Plill«aelpl.l* U. W. K..on*m«. «. co . ■'* - * Niro, l.i.bon, o ; 1' “■ Cinrtiiunii; U. P. Keller, \ ouiig»u.wn. -i • dart, rirvclnml, U . r'ense ’ J- *■■■ HKKTF.ir.UK. COPR dfc BttRTPOOtB, FnRWARIMNU A 11 \ N Ami dealers in "’hue Lend. Windo w j.ta-.s, A-... Ite? Si’conil street, 1 utsinireh, la. , ■Will auend promptly to ihc sale of article* entrusted Umr„ n-Bmuler * !*•*!•■ • *- W. llurl.augh, RayACo, ..turpliy, »vilm»u A , . PiMshursh. Haim all, limliaiu ,t M ’•*J ll l|.i cltanu r.eneraUy. New Lislmn, n. I>. &0 M l>o«a -l A (ieo. Weils, Wcllsv»ile,«). Joseph W atsno. U. J DufE'-r A Co., tenner A M'MtHen, Massillon, « llciuicit, Martin A Co., "Vavcr. Tuylr.r A t-o, John 11. Urown A Co., I’luladelphia. A. U. Hu U.ir-l n" k. Uro., Oroff. Il.ilmes ft. i>< , t.iiicuinaii. J*'“" r Howard, Louisville,Ky. Nrvr «»r'e» ■ Handy it Hannan, Unvcland.O. A. J. l.ndle>. Man. held, O. Clan, Co.. Heaver, la. umti.-uit ii SJ . un.noi fd tili . lkv-04 117 OEOHOE COCUUAS. CommUilon and Forwarding Merchant. mi. u*ti wtsih st., rimmuHdH, , . CIONTINUES to irunsnet n general Commission hnsi , pp. 4 .-inirrially m tlm purehnse aiut sale of Atnen- I Sl-in’ufaetuies and Pruducr, mid in receiving and li S ..rlm ibhl nilick..fei«.l™a , > »1,„,a,0T„i,r »uho toV™. Xlc»k prk,.. Ortcr. «,,J are respectfully solicited. l- r ‘ _ penn MachlneShotn \N—Manifaeinrer of rill kimlso' c« .H. ion and woollen one! ioery. Al’egii.-ny r.y. ? The above works beiitj now r> tu.i an 1 *arre*'.il •• crution, 1 nia prcpnwd i» eki tste for all kinds of nmi'lmieo' *T ,** • craC AH kinds of sbnumg n.mle to order, or plans r. cn for cuarimi lurioneanr ni]*’ 4 ■ 1,3 ' l ' '' lJf ; RCTta TO —Krnuedy, I.Uild* A Co., IJlh. s.lo. k, L A Co., Kmßr'Pcnnock A Jn». A firny. in the rear of Ibc Mononitaliela House, EUSS3S ry in thcVnjnatmcr. __ . FOIL GBBBNWOOD aAUDK»B. _ The steenl bom A. M^nO-.-livap . fP* & now run* from the Point, Liberty streei.-io thaj^t.ar-^^/p* at tho beeinmng-of r*cH"hour until W *’■!**•. nwf tely on findinp the boat « Hit hour. File lcave o llie Ciatdrn. Uic last up trip, ul HI o «»<’»} Tlie »euson i« fait advancing, and tlio*e wistung to viiit this dclighiful retreat, now >* the Unto to; Kpcii.l a few hours, mu in the smoke and du«l of the city, but in a pure auaosphcrc, pcrlutncd*vmh the ifragnmee oi Alfkiiidsor icfrcAliments, except inioxiealing drinks, MIC kept on the premises. Grccnhooifl Hants, and lloonuri* of choice flowers lor sale. Ltoscrt on i«uii day. jy so JAMI> M’KAIN. (jy-Ctiange of lauding made on account of low tea rnwk, ~ KBSOVAL.' j~ B.MILTBNBKRQKR uud Cotfunivsion Mrr clinnt, hn* removed 10 No. e 7 Front, between V\ood and Siuilhficld streets. .. Bn * . . S in: Imvo tome PUMPS, made on an improved ’ W plan, ho 0* not to treeu in the coldest weather. ’ i , er»on* wanting such articles, are invited to call and 1 irO them at SHAIFE A ATKINSON'S, myv3 *l*l, between Wooil.Markct »ti PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1849. tO-PTOEgSHIPS. Dissolution of Oo>^trtn(nbliL TIIK co-p»rtnen«hip bei-etofort eliuiog betteee n iSx fObucribeTSi under iKc style of Urowu &■ Colhe.it •on. wo* dissolved an the Ut miu l>v mniant eouocnt. >I.a»RO\VN. Cl CULBERTSON. The «nl>»eriber'will ronimoe (lie Wholesale Groce ry ami tVunniiT'ion lltuiurM, ai heretofore. at the o'd naiid, U 5 LU>»rty «t. oci3 |A. CULUKRT!M>S_ Piiubargh. Oct. 5, IFI9. » COoPAfITNKHSIIIP. JOHN PARKER «utd JOHNNY. RIDDLE have ta inted into partnership, under the tinn of PARKER -k RIDDLE, and will the Shoe business in nil its branches, at the old *Ulu4 of Jobi) Parker, ror tier of Federal si; and South Common, city of Ailegbe- JOHN DARKER. cllidlnt JOJIN RIDDLE. TATLOK* MbMI KT, PROPRIETOR* OFTHE FITrSBURUU ALKALI WORKS, are now prepared to furnish a superior article of Soda Ash and Murialic.Arid. Perrons wish, ine lu imrcbnsn' either ol thrlul'OTc articles, are re quired In call ou ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 Fifth *l. aud examine the. articles before piirchosiiff elsewhere. ,V B.—The Sodn Ash manufactured at this cstablish men: is greatly superior to any o|her brought to this market. npUJI w*. Ltain. q _ jambs atanwon. BCAIPE * ATKINSON. , FIEST n- BETWEK.I WoOfc AXD MaBIBT, C'Ui.NTINUEio roamifaclure 81l kinda oC COPIER, j TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black rimili Work. , Steam Bonu built to order, j> Speeinl nitr.n'ion given $> utepin boat work. Have na hnnd# a fine aAaortmjmt of Copper and Rra.«a Kettles, Tin Wore, Ac. Aca Steatuboal Cooking Stoves, ‘ Portable Forges, various iies-fia very convenient ai- Uq>o fop steamboats, CaltfemiajemiftrauU, or rail road companies. |S , _ . We Would respectfully invit«J;stcam boat racn ana others to call and see our articles and pnees **”'*• purchasing elsewhere \t . ! DlßßOlwtton ojr pArtneraUlp. TUB copartnership nfillKsiKY IIANNJvN A CO, lorroerly ilnitnen.Mulleri.VCo~ in the Window a d Colored Ola*» business, if’tliisdny dissolved l>jr the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. • Tlie business will be crrfiUmWd by the undersign*?*, under the firm of lIKNRV H&NNKN A CO. Ware house No ICK *erond st. when* we will have constat* ““ l ' pl ‘ c " '“v™' "'""‘"jS'S’-hannen. ■ litiNKY HANNKN, : HBOM ROBERTSON; Pittsburgh. Aug. 3?. MOj IfKNKV UMSTKAD. iK IIOTBLi Copartnerititps hotick. , . r M!K parti»*r*t;ln bcrrtotom tfxiMing under the firm of A. A IT. HKADI.KV, i» Blwmlvp.lbv tb«* •I*****"™ Mr. IT. Ilrad)<-y. Thr l.urii.e*- will br curried on by . UTmllry, who will wilier *e burinrs* of the lair UF.MOVAI. —A. Ka*J>i.»T bjiL removed bn Foarulry Warehouse from No. 111! meet. to No. 19 Wwhl .(reel, between Fir-I.aitJ Second ftrccW, oI be warebnu-e Julrly occupied l.r S j«- A. Horry, where lie will keep constantly on hand ft! Rcneral nseorutirnt of (iniiea. Sloven, Cookjiig Sloven, Ac. »l J DISSOLUTION. TUI-’ pitrlnervhip heretofore fexisttng Iwtwcen Sjim uel B. Bu«lifield and WttMaiu B. Hoy*, uadiug under tho Grin ofIWiSUFIBI.IIiA HAYS, hi. But day i r ndi«*olvcd by Willtam U tility* trllin* b.« entire mierc.M in ibe firm to S. 0. B&shfirM. All account due li.e firm will be collected liy S IS. Bo.lifiel.l, and nil debts due by the late firm I'ltuburgh, June ft!, !; W. B. UAY9. rO-PAUTVKRS'IIP.—«[,Rcairn«UJ ImTing Uii* Jav uxftonainl with liwnsell IIitSKT LfAUia, forxnr.rlv i«i Itrdford, Px, ami recruily ' of- the National Motel, Puulmrnh. willei.nuuoo il.r hiiamea* -under ihr hrm ol Ul-«riFIKI.UtLKAUKH.a ibf ■‘“‘“t.g?-,;-' 1 I.IbTIV *treel. . **■ uUl*i!pltbUj I’liiwlitiff h, Juue SKJ. ISO. H- LKADF.R. Havmr retired f*om the former bu«lnw», I takr pleasure in rrcommcitdmß my tueeCßßora to Ihr jva tronnpr oi my cu.inmrr* ahd the pubhr^cucrahy.^ Dissolution. THK ro-punnoralnp heretofore criiuc* brlween the tii thenarne of Coususole, Marie & . i« tin* day ih.entved by mutual conwns. Mrstts. Uurkr .t Jlnrne* will erttlr the bu*ii'e«* of lb** ooti cvm. for wl.u-U pmcp-e they are «mh.»n«e.l W u«r the «tf die ronrrrn NATHANIKI. I*ON:»TAU!<t»i KDMI/NU BCKKK, THOMAS HAKNKS. Tlic under-irnrd have tlu« day BMoriated themselvr. m Ihr u,mc.o?itl'RKK k UARNKSs tor the P urpy*r of inauuiacturim: Fire Proof Safe., Vault DoorJ fee Vr st tlir Mail'd ol ihr late Cnn of Coiutsblr, Ourkr iCo wiirrr ilry will l.r nlraard to rec eive the mv „fihr customer* of that house BTUMheir fnrinln l "'|" re 1 F.UMOXDHUBKK. THOMAS ItAK.NjIiS. In reiume from the firm of Constable, Hurke ■ t *•*_• with «mrerr pleasure recommend Mr**n. l.i rke a urrrs u. the eonfidnire of my frirmla ami thr i üb#r. Fe'h U. Ird». .NAT‘IANIKI.CONSTAHi.H. r.ibia-<iif DISSOLUTION. m»K partnership of MUKPHY k I.FK .f. th « day 1 dissolveit liv mutual ronur-nt. ThebuttJvegJoHlm firm Will l»e Retried H. Left. J. 11- AIUWUV. Pi;u-jicrjli, Jutt. 3«, H- LF.E. NOTICE—The uudemgned will onnnnuti th* \Voo anil attend 10 liie sale, of Woolen Goods, ■ ine old si&nd. " *'• In rrimng from the firm of Morphy A 1/ce, l take grrnt pienMirc in tecommen tmg Mr 1J Lee in the Ccmhdcni'C ofnt) friends and bepnbhc. Plitshurgh. Jnu.iiJhJcJfl. J U.MIRIH\. riMlll lubsciiters have thii day a*s*>eialed them i reives together for the phipope of transacting a wbolc.uir and retail Dry Go|kls aiul Grocery lii>"iiie*». at No V<S) Liberty, opposite Seventh Atrect, under the • »ty !r und firm oi HUSIIFIKLU A UA^S. \ IMuburgb. January l.iv-li». , W j{ Uur obi customers bud the public are ttiviicd toV«a‘ n(,aM . \ i CO-PAUTSERSUIP, v M‘-U. SCAJFF. mill tlapt JA.MF2* ATKINSON W buve cutrri'd into partnership, under ihc hrm of SCAIFH A ATKINSON, and wilt carr>*-on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. . Also. liUcksamhlng in nil its branches, al the old rtnnd of Win 11 Scluic, First sired, near Wood Particular attcjiuou given to sleiunhonl work. peUi _ _ _! I li.tVll* ibis day assoerated with me in "die wkole • alc Grocery. I‘rwduie and Commission bu-mess, ml I.ioilkt Joseph, under the hrm of J S UII.WOR I U 4. Co. . J. 3. UILWORTH Janunry I, • _ CAO-1* ART SIKHS HlP—Win. Wung having thi ) day e.-ocinled wtih him, John R. M'Cuiir, the les tl»-r l ii-niess will herealLcr be conducted under Hi firm of Win. Young A Co. " ILI.IAM \ UL-NG,- J:i „s i JNO. R. MCIjINF. riMIK subscriber offer* fo< saio, Ihv STEAM lIRICK I Wnllhri; above Latvreoeevtfle. coiupn.u.g .a xicam l-aieme, tl Roller*, G Mould Machine, capable oi niaiiufnriunng sSMWi Pre*<k-d Uxick* (out ofdry el n y. a. taken from ihc bank.) per day; with three arm* oi lund on ihu Aiieghenv river, on which are 4 kiln, nod .beds machine and day sheds, wheelbarrow*, truck*, .hovels’ tpude*, Ac., every tiling rei|iitsite to r«.m nmure oiierations ul an hour* mnne. nice, includim the imir-tii right to u*c said machlnrf. 67,OOP—terms of navmeni tuu.le caav. Without the land. 65,tMi. For ’ IIKNl"' MKBSlTT auictf'dlf No 111 MonongHhela llnu.e. Jlfiilern it oil iotiqac Farnitorc s.l, TlllßD STKKIftj I’rrTRBCMU. Hotels and private dwcl lines constantly «n hand a,,d '"a l ’" 1° order. Tnc j.n-*ciu stuck on band connnt be circrdrd t>y au’v niumithctory iu um wr-tern pouriuy. Persons nMnng to purchase would do wrlJ in give mi* a call, n- 1 nro determined my price* shall please. Part of ilir .bn k eun*t*U it*—’ • Trie a Buffet Kimjeic; l,«»ui» XIV Chair*; Iptcm Kliznbeth chair*; Tm I'liV'c; Fruit Tnlilr*; Toilet Tallin*} t,ouis XV Commodrr; ■ Krrm-h Mahogany Brdsicttd*; Pinijp Stool*; 50 sofas with Flash and Hair-cloth cov*i( j 50 .Mnliogauy (locking Chairs; 40 dot Pnrlor do :W •* F»ncy do 25 centre Tanks; V*> pniyHivans: 4 pair pier Table*; 15 marble top Dressing Bureau*; r Wardrobe*: s Secretaries and Rook r*-e«; 20 m ruble top Wuh Stands; •1 pair Ottomans; i> pair fancy Work Stands; A very targe assortment of eorartton chain ami othe (uciiiure too numerous u>mention. Ip** Steam Boats furnished on the shortest noticr and nil ilir rnn<l reasonable terms. . di*rl.t Uliiliaracm'rrucirTfor urdrmal VV ater m THIS is that 1 have ar H pointed Livingkwl, Kojof*- 11 i£E&Sok Agent* for inosolo ofjeninnj! Patent IXaprahctn Fillet, mrthrr tlr lies of Pittsburgh mid Allrglnny. * H JOHN t.lllStJN, Afi-nt for Walter M <Sib*on. IM'J Hrou.lw*' ¥ N. Y: Ji Oct 10,1*3. . We have been n«ing one of the above artici--* at Ui« office of the Novelty Works fur three inonUiis «n and loci perfectly satisfied that it is yuKeftil Jl‘ v * ,l ' J, ':i mid we lake pleasure in recommending them **™ r u , - fuinrlirlr to nil who love purn waler. Orders will nr thankfully received and promptly execojed. •wttu LIVINfiSTON. RU».«KN *• r ° a«v*ralbl* FlUirlne Cools, l-'Oil \ INO w ATIS.K, • fi Which render* turbid water pure by ' removing all substance* not soluble in water. The croton,water tn N. tort- although clear nud pure la the eye. yrt it passes an hoar through tins Vsfiltering cock, ahowt a l»r«[ deposit impure irub*wnec*^ wonn*/Jic. Ihu >■S'S. h i r "x The Reversihle 1 • _ onTßn j e nee incident to othei the water pipe, M' "ifJuSa easy proems, ths from one nde to the outer. j (0 o(»»!!!, l« of .lmort iniuntly,: luiparo mjlj.i.iibb. “ r “ 'I I .' It a |. o posiMßc, th« wuiii.lll m.»cre»ii>e *» Jl‘“y „ lt „ , ocll i„ ml anvantare nfbeing a .-jeconomical, ease* will bo T **TT on u®!iu ie *Sia any pressoM high l.ran he aaanf.rd eLi To.hs had or low Ui a rnrk, tank, tub, * w w WILSON, ofthemdeAgr.nl, eornero f p oaT th and Mkrkr.i st» to UMWU be of the be*t matenuU. e.l »Rodrlsnna warn»o‘®“^ oßnter^|Ull | llg *<., luge Mineral ' Vnle ‘ * “Jnf „f Juan* CasUng*, if iteiiutre.l thcr with rvrr >7 a . uealcst rtiannej. j_ lunir.l and hr.-dted lit ll* ipwr 0 f .H» BW tt* Al+Tl-ATrul A. I’, i* " c ‘ lehratcd for the reduction (> tius Mtr*L,ao Jpsuy Doles and Comprwiuoi (rictimt m mac.btnery• * i>a>at-iv einhehml of him al allumes. I )»»:«> MISCELLANEOUS- Ddim Brick Works for Sals. JAMES W. WOODWKLL, AST" ' ‘ I' >' ‘. .. v'. ; : '-'/.-.,v ".-• <’ •• ■ ■ ;• '/. • ■ illiT 'GAZETTR ChocoXmUt Coco«i *c. . W. Biker’* Ameriesu and French Checohie, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, ikoma, Ac. mo merchant* and coD#umer*,wbo w ® o, AFt««iion 1 tlin best products of Cocoa. fmc from adn terabon, more nutritious than tea or coffee, an*j ,n< l a, ‘J lt y piuse-dj the suhseribc r rrcomnmnd* llie a V < J T * Brtl s* ’ marroforiured by himself, and wampcdmth hu* nam . Hu Jlroina and Cocoa Paste,. w udiealft palalablf, ami imluiarj drinks lor invalids, convalescents, a oiburs arc pronounced by the moft eminent P“Y”«l a “* ntpcnor to any other preparations. lit* rnanutucicres am njwny* on sale, imany quantity/ by liio mon rc stvcialde grocer* tnfhe eastern tuei ngenls, Hawes, Gray Am., of RoMoiA JtunejM Rutter. A eo, Hanford, Conn; Hussey k P* e '" r *®*» Gram A Stone, Philadelphia; TnoroasVßrandige, Bal timore; nnd Kellogg k Bennett, Cine nniw,Ohio. WALTKR BAKKR, Dorybcyirr M^s*. For rale l>y aui-:n BAGALh} A feMITH, Agtt Wrought mud C*at Iron Ualllag. THK subscriber* bee leave to Inform the public that thev have obtained from thu Hast all the laia and fusblntinlilc designs for Iron Railing, both ' l,r I'®“**** nun eemeterie. Person, wishing lo procure band some patterns will pln.se gull and einmiuo, and judge for tTiennmlves. R.i.ling ■Unll be furnished at the tbort est notice, and in the best manner, at the contcr ol \V. A J OLEKN. Book Binders. WK are still engaged in the above business, corner of Wood ai.d -n.inl street., Pittsburgh, where wo are prepared to do any workinour line with ues pntcli. We. attend io our work personally, ami s.Uis laetion wdl be given in regard to U» ncutne*s and du raßlank" Book* ruled lo any pattern and bound sab* stnntially. Hook, in numbers or old book* bound care fully or repaired. Name* put on books in gtll elier*. Those tl.at have work in our line arc mviie<Mo call. ROTIOB. ... HAVING gold cur en.ire stock to C ll.Gmst, with a view lo rlo.ing our old bit-jur**, we hereby so licit for him llie patronage «>f "II our fr iend« and eu»- uJ t nern **«. W POINDEXTER, . Tlllv POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aog.'tih, ISits. Cl 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, CommlMinn and /, iKorwardu.g Mcrchmil, No. 41 Walersl. auld_ Scales, Cooking Stoves, Urates. *e. Marshall, waiXaok a ro., Round oi.ureh, comer Liberty and Wood sireru, manufacture and offer for «»lr Plntform, Floor and Counter Scale*, ol llie most unproved quality; Cooking Stove*, for root and coal; Keg Stoves ot various sues, Parlor and : common Grilles, Ac. Ac. Tncy also mui.ufncturetlie Kitchen ha* given such general satisfaction lo those having n in use, to all ot which they would respectfully mvtte the attention o/ the citizen* and the. public generally. ocCi7-dlf MA.NIfKACTLRKU TOUAPOO—The sut>*-riUr would cull the :iucnti"o oi the etiy trade -rfod di-Hl. r- gcncnlly, io the following brand* Tobaccos, in I'torc and lii arrive, which bFi.ig consignment* di tcci from in.uiuiui'uifrr*, he >* eirnlucd to sell at ei»«l- j;U I bx» R W Cten*haw 2c; TO | •• Jun.es Madf.no •'*«; -I J - I.mu'IIUIIC i-i XI | *• Miraberui . SI I *• Put.-«m 6* amble; J 5 j •• Ro- er.s k Sisson !►«; •/ e } *• ‘Oscar Hurl 5»; ' l> j *• Jobn« A Lewis I*: ;j | “ Warwick, supr I*; 4« I “ Henry A Jama* &». l.nndbs; fchsii LFWaTEIDIA.N Pitt Sfacbtae Works »a<l Fauudry. HTTHiciy.ii, c*. JOHN WRIGHT A *'o., are prepared to build r.iuoit :unl Woolen Machinery oi even deveriplion, *u<)h a* Carding Machine*, spinning Frame*. t»jM-eder,« I»ravvni? FratiK*. Railway Head*, Warpers,Spoolr.M, Dre-«iitg Frainc*, Isooms, thtrdtirmders, Ac. Wrouehl Iron Shaltms turned; all sizes oi Cusl Iron, Pulln-s ami lluneufa ot Uie bilesl pnty n>->, slide nnd hand Lathes, and tool* of ell kinds. Ca*t::.g* of every description mru.*licd on ihort nonce. I'niirni- made o. order for Mill Gearing. Iron Kuiting. Ac. Fleam Pine ft>r heat ing Facuirtrv, Curt Iron Window,nush-aiid fdiicy Uav nu--> getifi.ill) Order* left ul the Wurchousc of J. Pa'iner A I’m., Liberty street, will have prompt alien- •fer to Ulnekstoek. Hell A Co..'J. K Moorrhead A G K. Warner. Joan Irwin A Fons, P,tt*|<urgh; G J. 11. Wiirnrr, Ftralrt-nvdle. inula NKW COAOU KACTOUY, *Ui.l;anjnw, MA WHITK4 00, would rrypt'ctl'ully inform . lUt* puUCv trial they ti.iw ircoird aithnnuu l.u< i.rL. wiuffii Kfdn aljm <1 Miiiduji) lliey «rr iuixv nuikma ami <>»«• preputfd 10 ntoinva order* for every description of l'ii;.clici. Ctiartot'*. Ila fou> L.-f. Hue*!*-*- i‘li:isi»ij». ic . Ac, u tnrii fniio ttirir lone dp - - nonce ill llic Ui&nuidrlnrr o( the utiovr work, UU.I UiP mr.Ulies o>c¥ (ia vr.U'.ry I'rrl coufidon: liley are collided to do'wnrk on die iti««t r.-.r-tuiniilc ii-nru wiUi thoof: waiiliiij} article* m tiifir lute. . , I’nyine particular uttenimii to the •r.lfeuon Of maio nui*. nini hnvme none Put compeieM workmen, tliry hape no lienlnuon in warrantim; iheir work. Wc Iben lon a»lt die mientinii (ifilir piddir u>kh;» inntusr. N U. lion** in Ih>* It*i m inner, und on Ilic ino-t rej«oriul’le terms. jaWilf f|V iHrI’IVN AM). Wui i1.1.N MA vi , 'FA"CTI f " I UITIS —Mrncim* iu#dr anamd'tniMls for n em.- »uii.t wipply of FACTORY wo will «ll tB low tirt'ce* Calf mid r*beep Holer Laco Lea- IBrr. l’ivken*. Rmilh, Sfttttllc*, Hemp Twine T.:adle<‘ No. > 10 Hi Hell I‘unrhe ■j. Wreitet-e*, Sirippine Cards, tuioljiir I’atent l>ir«r.«-r Ilnt*lii*,'We'iver»* Jtrurh « A.- . IAMJAN. WILSON' A Oil my< ‘ l'.“J Woo tirert, P'oUT WlNES—Olliry* Wrbbcr it ForrcMcr,- iNtV, l‘uro nrt nnd dry ItonM, Campbell & tie'* old lirr \r-tr .OslW>r« »rv3l. Pure iHl* Pure Juice par urulur Fort. lUrm A Sou«, Fu«c Jnu*e, llircbln, dou ble and► inßle *n»e«e wm« are ull rtlclifn ted for lltrtr medical t'roporue*. and tan k»c bad whole kale or retail it the Wine tfioie «>f Jy .j »; JACOHAVKAVER, Jr. PIANOS! rpUK tubxeriber olfcruor *ul« » large Mid Pp!c«tll.i I uvuoraueiU ul ruretvood rmd mu'i.-tany grand A c ' un.. I'iniin*, vatli ruu) without I'olciimu** i-clebrtitf«i .Koiian Auarbtneni The above in*truiriem« are war r.i„iril u , i, r f(|ual to nav maimim-lured ii' uij» ruun irv ntul will be sold lower lhaa any l»ro**Ut from ibe 1 V'- Ul.l'.MK. No US »»ioJ ki. •Jd iloilf above Jib f,-, (j. City Scrip wllf bo taken. at par far a few of he above* nsmrintciii. »»'* llarilwart-CltMiier tl>»n Kreri LIMiAN. WII.MIN rt Ml* Importer* mid Wbolevala Denier* ill Hardware, i-mi'-ry titid Saddlery, No 12* \Voo»l 'treel, above have now m Mwc a very clmaptuul well (i-bicbiil mock of UarJwnrc, tmoorJoJ ♦il.ccllie decline of :»(■<**«•« in Kuri.pc, oral which theV an- driennmrd to *ell eorrojKimliiiirly low. Merchant wbo Imvc been u» the luilbt ot going Kast, are parlieu-- laity ie,|ue-nrjl to call ami look urougb our ntm:k, a* wenmhdciitly believe they will **ve ibeir expencet CiAl-l’ SKIN-"— -**• , l"i Rename I'renCh Call Skm», a / very line nrtiete. A f* w iloxe ■» I'biluib-lnbia S»m*, from the mHintfiieiory of H il Crawford, to wMcl! the attention of bool maker* »* invited. Ju*l received und Lif talc by W V« UN(j K Co, i IVI litany »i 1) O’K.NT sKH.AK I.AKI) i.AJU'S—Anextrinive I n««orunriil of Oornrliu* * Co's ef-lebput.-d utanu- I'netur.., and »upenor U> all o ii>ui Wi adapted to. etiuM-tien, lacun i ■* .-Iwclliurs, public and puv«»eh»U», and lo all other a ■ » where a pin-up, safe and ■ •rillinnt hrbt i“ rie'irublo AlMi,(iirmulol<o>, Hull Uint-m-. Candelabra* .Olobe*, Shades, Wick*, Clunmim, Can* Tmauicrs.&c. Al»n. ii:t» Chandelier*, from one to tour tttfhi*. d.-ed XV XV WILJMIN. « market ■_ ” ' WASTKU, ‘ DAJI.Y at tl-*- IIAi;r t |.XM»Kl f , I'HIIjADKI.I’IIIA, NKW YOi'ti. ItOS-mN ANUMAX'OKLKAN* t.KSCKM. ACKNiCY AMI COMMISSION OlTlCr.i V,.'ui;- MCN m wholesale i.mi mail More*. und other rrsm-eiatile lm*nn-»«. to aet u» lWk-lecpe»«, Kale* Cartel-., Uur-liverutr*. Winter- I aniit-M, Coach t:ar Agent*, Kook ur.d .Map .teem*, Colln-Urrv, (i /ft-r.-fii lit all biaiiche* i A i.ii«me *. Ac. XVe have n i nil time* a Urge numlw r ••• iron.! n i on baud, «iiirii|>»y iroiu JOO lu it!,. 1 -** P'-i ..nomii. tln.-c in t*-4.,t ot Pituaiiu-.i* m any kind wo.U.i do well .o Rive u . a eull, a* tve UavrSityrn.-. in each of lh<- n ove cl t,r«, tvhi< It will enable u» to pißeo .-very amilieant in a suitable ittuution ut the onuriCKl uoUit; XV i: hove a lnr<c acquaintance in all the nbove niunr.t cilie*, vtlncfi t»* trust will enable U» 10 Rive entire <ali*f«e -11,1" *" TAYUIK A TAYMAN. No. AH Second *L, bcltvei.il South anil Clay. . S It—JVr.ons living m any pnrtof the U. Suite*, aji I wi-hiMR lo obtain a -tiuulion in Hnltijnore, or ei liter Ol lne liliove nllr*. Will lutvc llieir tyjilU linillc diatrly aueoded lu by adiltw.-uiR u* u liiic.lp.**Vpuid) a. by iliiuii-. ihey will rurtnt) both trouldn and ei. p.-to.', whiidi ih.-y otherwise world ny cmnniß ~, thc'rttv nniti'e.ikinr • inploynieiit lor tiietn*elvc» A.lU.fe*, TAYI.OK A TAYMAN, • No ill Scctmtl street, llaltunofe, Md RBLIKK POII ciUMl’S.' U K 11 AVK AIHHi.MINAI. WARMKHSmndeftom ilic rii'Mi' Approved Kiu:h«li pattern, furmmhrd Dii.l rcrotuiw i«U-il i-y Th<unu» Iktkewell, Km,„ unit number of eminent phi <iciau*; bring u mo-t cnuvcm nii uppnrutu* for the application oi warm or hot wu ii*r ii> tin* hnwr-U, in ease of crump l * lit Cbo'rra A* V.»rt) perron i- sahjictin Midden »unck-., t-.u hinnly ibutaxi I' - tvillmut at imc. SfAIFKA ATKINSON’, j u ; Fir«t st. between Wood and Market riTTsciliUiii p a 3lALkT«stit v t fIUIK S-pcond Se««imi of 11-t« InMiluiUi, under the I rare «r Mr. und Mr«. lio-uinitN, for Hir iirwul ai-ntlL-iftli- vi-nr, vuil immheiicc on Hip firm nl jVbrus ty nmu in ihe name buitdiui{% No. W Überiy ntro.pi. Arriui,!«:iiiiMi!s liuv-r been rnnilr by which they will I,ruble to furnish young ladies f.ieilitle* c<,ual I « any in tin* West, for chliimiiii; a thiiuiUjih Knglirli. Clnwi rul, nml tlrnaiucntul education. A full Coilin' «•! I’m* |li«np!m-ui mill Cln inical Uniitr* will In* dehvin-d •lun.im< winter, illn<;r:i|.-il i.y app-Motm. Tin-dr* pnii.in ill- £»f Vm-u! anil InMnjinrntnl. Mune, Modi-ril in. .• irf'nlu rimi|.i'tr*’;>i I’rm'pv'.or. Ily rbi«e uth-.ininu u> in. mmiil anil i<iip!lp<'l<ml mipruveincni of itn-u ,m- il.c Principal* Impi' In nn Ml u i-f/iitiiiualii'n of the 111., iil {uUrnmiriP thiy hitv hitherto ,rtyo) ed. lor irru. nrr iilht or apply to ilin l*ruiripn.t» l‘-*b _ .. ... Ur. Mcbaue In T*an«i»**i 1 1 'Uif* t* u> certify that l puti-bowd ©tin vial of Or. J. M.il.xae** Worm Specific, *‘*m:p two mouths ago tra gstv to n .‘On of mii*.i , ) »oin> - ."even year* old. two Xj»poLn» fiilS. and ullbough ill*- Aiimuni mn) nppvaf iiiae, y*.t 1 have no duilli: but them wau upward* of r>vo tw io»*uti vn-tus pa.iMini from Lint, m<:n*uriilf tom «.w liuanr-r of ;.u in.-li to iwnjnchr* Inin;. U VV MCILI.IOAY. fto.ia u Oiek, OirruJ o». Trim .Dec tI7. 1-47. rat. 4 BENNETT & BROTHER, HlKtlNS’.V.vitK MANUVACTURKRS, BlrutlitEium.lßdirTlttaburffk,] P». Vfarthtxlii) l*o. luV, IVoori slrett, I‘ititburgh. WTLLconMsnily keep on It mil.a cnod assort ol Ware, of nurowu iiianuinciurii, ami MipenoniiiAiiiy. Wholesale and country Mer -o*3 ciianis are jeapcciAilly mvited to call nod el ann:i« for iLiutuelvc.i, as wi are drtermined to soil cheaper ti»uln*»everbefore been ofleredto the pub lic. ID* Oril-ra sent by mail.aermnpanied by tbscaih 0? i - /reii-rem**. will lir prompt! > ai'ended ui inyl«i f|t(i nit: I.AIJIKS—Ju»t received, o toll aeonitincn X ni |»n>d und »ilvc‘r Thread, Cord nnd Ilr.iiiti ulio ppangioa Hiid llullnm, for embroidmiip anil oilier or nawehwl work. Fringe, and l^cc. Jvwriry of the biic'-i farli)on«, in fitrat variety. • Waii-lies of lupedot i|uulity mid beautiful iiattcros, and fur enle al Ijnstrru prine*. W W WU.fON, - nut 7 . rorner Market and Fourth *i« lA' TflKNfiliului'inNU KTABLian- MlvNV— Open from f. A. M. to U I'.'M. kinglo jiaiu "tt cent*, nr C fort dollar l.artirn department otic a from UtoU A. M. anl nom 'i to ft t*. M *The llefreslnucDi, Jtalix.n* ’are onei|ualle<l In style ntieuduiiee. 'RerluMche lecKrcamsl auglft 1 T.M'FALL, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Felt-Cloth Covered Plan®*. . , - THE subscriber bus Just completed «££&■■ bis. stock of PIANOS, composed of A ©ett»e* of every variety of f | V f 11 mvlc sod price, witk awl without Co e man’s celebrated .Italian Attachment, from Jna cele brated fueiorv of Nunns A Clark, New York. Tory ore.a!l provided wlth ihe' above important improve ment. All other Piano maker* in ihtieouotry eo ’ cr the hammer* (whleh strike the string and pfiriucc tws tone.) with lesOicr. ,Tbt«. as they all admit, wears badly, the leather growing hard and harsh, nndu.u caaong. after (be Piano has he.cn used a while, am, disagreeable, harsh and wiry, tone. Nona* x Clara have within the last/«r Ptentka covered the hammer* withyy» ciith, an entire iy-T*w invenuom producing a most mdmlieos and volaminoos tone, wb.clt «t»J proves by age, nuifkad 01 growing barah and bard* » Traiber iraraiS *»», TUt. m?y <*“7 r™ noanced ilie greatest Improvement ui l ,ano *./“‘ ‘ vented [The sinterior 5 interior of these P»n«« •• ““««}' gilded., ft (id embellished. altogether the and imaginable. Keeping an assortment of Uo»toii ana other Piano*, the Public can convince *cmsel«a of the superiority of fell to leather, by easing and try ing the fnsirument*. H-KU.BKR, V Sole A ;etil for Nunns fcO atk, l ■ At J. W. Woodwvll’s N. U—The above wU be sold ar prices, nnd the money rt turned it found loth Ideective. . ~ PAPER HANGINGS. nESHHB.JA«> HOWARD A CO.» ■ K&. 81 Wood Street, lirOUl.D call the/ attention of the public to their \\ proem .took of Paper Hanging*, which lor va nity, beauty if finish, durability and cheapness, is tin stjrraiiwd by any establishment i» the Union, /llenide* a largo and fulllaMortmenl of paper of their o'wn mamifaeiore, they art now receiving a “irccl im portation of French end Kneiisb styles ofl riper llang tnit, purchased by Mr. Lev) Howard, one of the firm, now m Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture, io,uuu pieces. ] guidon do S.WW do Of llieir own manufacture they have IWIM® pieces Wall Paper, and ia,OW pieces satin gtaied Window James Howard 4.C0: have spared neither rxpente nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality otman* ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded. The yvbole assortment, foreign and home raanafae ture, will be offered on terms os low as tbo*e_nf east ern manufacturers and importers. mchtf7:ntr witKanAfiTatiaat. josac* umwu- _W“' *• llltrr PAXHEOf IIANHX A CO., (s*nece»*or» to Homot, Hanna A b-o.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Fachiuige, of Drpostie, Bank Noles, and Specie-Fourth street, nearly opposite the Uank.of FuuWgh. Current mo ney received on deposite-rSiflbl Cheek* for rale, and collection* made on nearly all the principal poinia in the United State*. „ . - The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Advance* made on consignments of Prodnce,*bip peii Itnt.s on literal tenua. _ “P*;.. GREAT LN VF.NTjoN!—VA f.UAULK IHSOuVEKYI riraar Stccaao Jir-':»aT IM, lf*W. Pjtrvt mwWeper extension Tables, Sofas, Butmhi, Aval Catu, Wruing Dais. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. rilllE TAJII.ES far *urpai*ing every other m- X ventxni oflhe kind now extant. They can be ex tended troiu ten u> twenty-five feet, and when Hosed the. leave* are all contained inride; they are • made to ■II »iie« and «hnpes, and are admirably adapted; for Steamboat*. Hotel*, and large private Umillcr, form inr when clo»od a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Tiie*e artioieJ are Inval 'anhle, particularly to tho*e who wish to econo mi»e room, and convert a sleeping apartment into u parlor pr-*ituug room, as they can be opened and rhut at convenience, and when shut, the houdiug i* eueltis ed A great raving in room anj rent. All the Jied aicuJ* when closed torm a beautiful piece «lf furniture for i< parlor or sitting room. IP MIK OASES —A neat and useful article lor potior ordrawing room. \\ RlTlNfi DESKS*—Fbr low officer, counting ronras, and oilier officer; when opened n moat convenient bed* *txnd, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone la viitMe. , . Ail tiicse article* need Do reeommendation; the Vaury of the whole i«, they are warranted cot to gel jui ol repair. it will In- for your interests tr. call and examine ihe artielci, at the manufacturer « -tore, No •sa Tlmd nreet, Piiuliunrh. In addiuou to the above advantage*, they are proof aeanwt hug*- lu , t,l« JAMES W WoOUUF.LI. V.aent Graduated Galxmx; llaUctf and Paten Initiated PUas-far Medical and ether purposes. Itlll> n> the only instrument oi IJUe kind that ba» eerr pTcsenir-ljaUiu country or Kuropr for med ii-nl ]n.ri>o«e», and is the only one ever known to man, by winch the golv&nlq fluid can bo convoyed to the hu man eye, the ear, the brain, or U> any partofthc body, either externally or internally, in a detuite geuL* strrutu, without shocks or pain—with perfect salcty— and often with the happiest efleett. This important apparatus it uow highly approved nl by many of the most eminent physicians of thlscoun try add Kurope, to whom the afflicted and others whom it may coucem can !•« referred. Reference will also be pivmi to many highly respectable citizens, who have been cuted by means of this-most valuable apparatus ot some of the most inveterate nervous disorders which could not be removed by any other known means. Among various oihera» : ll has Ueeu proved to be ad mirably adapted for the cure of the following diseases, viz: nervous headache and other diseases oi the brain. It is with this apparatus, alone that the operator enn convey the mater-tic fhiid with ease and safety to the eye, u» restore sight- or currramantosiu; to the eano resfore hearing; to the tongue and other organs, u» stirre speech; and to the various pails pi the body, lor the' cure of ehronle rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or, tir doloiifeux, paralysis, or palsy, foul, chorea oeSL Vitu's dance, ehilepyy, weakness from sprains, shine rtiscHwj peculiar to females, contraction of the limbs, lockjaw, etc, etO. Kiahis for sarroandiag eoustles of Western Pa- and, privileges, with the instrument, say be purchased, and aUh tested for the cure of diseases. Full infraction* will be given (or thn various clirni* cal-> ;o he used for runout diseases. and Ilia best taau in-r iur operating for the cure ol those disease* will air M> he luiiy explained to the purchaser, utni a pamphlet put into hit band* expressly for these pa rouse.*, rare fully prepared l>y the paiintee. Knuuitc ot c'rtirbJly B WiLIiIAMB, Vine si, I'lttstiorßh Tine AuioralCTKD ri’JiK mieuunii of yhe public ia rc»i>ccUQli>' eall&l la J. the (allowing certificate*: ,Mh S.'Ealia*—Having touted hflmniiiy of Uolii wMpiT.l by your Areometer. I fmd-Uic retail prove* your iiHtrumsm correct; )anii recomineii'U (tie u>o nf ii 10 thov goini; to California, as lb a ben jueiiioJ lor ob- Unuiiv Uic real value ofllioM. Kstn. your*. ,J. 11. DUNLEVY, Uoli Deittr. I’ilLft.arnlt, March b, PiTfMOMUf.March 7, IMP. Me. KiiUiw— Dear Sir: Having examined the “Arte* meter," monatac lured at your room*, 1 ilo not hcuum lit commend U to ihe,n«e of tbon gentlemen wUo are about removing; to CutifomiH in icarcb uf <>'o!d. • ft vi?r» a elo«e itpiirotiininion to ltie »|'ccific gravi ly olraeiols, and will rcriatnly enable tlic adventurer u> xHciUiit when l:U placer i» yielding Gold, tesTin Y«*u»-, reep’v. J. It. IiiVLINTOCK. 1‘ NL>IA ItL’pUKK l-UrrillM!— Jubl received forth# C tlilbrniq Kz|»i linuu, u cochplelo a»«orimenl ui Gout Kliutic noihui.r, at price* ratiffinr from io ?i for null of ciiii, pant* and bat I'or »&in nl tbe India Hubher Depot No 6 Wood *L dferju j J \ II IMIJLLII’S For California* fpllKrtlcbralcd Hifle Powder,itt,kegs, hall I lege, ouarters tiiid cans. for »ule by Irl.l-J J fi DILWORTIIJt Co. L-7wpr%.t_.l_ lUCUOVAL. T fitHK subscriber Hus removed hi* Wholesale J ty Slnm to the comer of Hancock .street urn! Alit irteiiy Wharf; uext floor to the i'crry House. i u .eh;fJidt/ I - , JOHN F. PUKRV. WILLIAM UKISS, filaanfaeiarer of Mineral Water Apparatus. nun or tub lioldci b»€Lx xNO roonTaw. i ) No.jSia North Second ou, »l»ore Vita, I'IULADfcIUMItA. 1,- AN experience I of more than twelve year* initia manufacturing of Mineral Water Apparatus, knd (ho preparation of Mineral Water iu Bottles and holm tuns on an extensive scale, with a scientific and prac tical kiiowledge-nflofboih branches of business, torn tier with reeent improvements in the cotwtractiof c.< the Apparatus andjihe preparing of the Wutcr, wljirl hr has succeeded in adopung since las visit to Paris and after years of tlosn study and practical applies- Uoni as applied to the arts in Mechanics and Cbciii*- try, enables the *uliscril*er to coine before the public With entire confidence, und offer them the best tand tniwt complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of filln eiui Water in Boi\les and Fountains, that cau beaut iiiibodin'lbe Untied States. j ’ He also flatters himself that the enlarged succcsji ha ho* tact with, ami the present extensive and -daily in creasing amount afhis business in both the above dr parigiema, furnishes the most convincing proof of his ciaifh to ilm superiority of Apparatus over those of all otlicrs, ami of the parity and salubrity of the Water prepared therefrom. , IVisoiti who order the Apparatus from a distance, may l-r assured that iheiriimrueiion* shall he faithful ly c-oiaplied with, and so packed, as to carry safely cither by-land or water to any pari of llie U. Mat^a. To avoid disappointment. ii i* recommended to those who intend supplying lliomselvei the approaching sea son, to forward lUcirpnlcra at as early a day a» con veniriit. Mineral Water Apparatus, fienrrainr*, l'ump« nnd t-'ouniama, Ornaineiilrl Urns aud Pedestal* fur Stands, Codntrti and liars of Hotels, for drawing llydr-inl Whirr, together wuli Corking and Tying Muelmir*. an<! everything nnperlaimng to the above riiin-tunUy oil hand, ami for fair on the lowr*t terttr fiir r i*b, OItKAT WESTERN SAUni.B. lIAUNKSS,THUNK AND WIUR MAN iTAOToKVThe subscriber takes lUi» u.ituvil ni'ii.fppnim; !ii< f'na.Js and the public in '.h : '' hr 1i is lli)' largest -lock of The following ttainril an rW of hi> own mtmufnciurc in this city—{Snddli*, 11« *■- Trunkr .imil all of which be will » aroi-l. in i<>- iim.l. l (ii tli'* tnnirnal and by 111" bc*t m> eb onies Iti Allegheny. lbiillff ditel ItiKtt'd * rll Ui« ntaiiuiniMun'# «4inu*ihing lower than ha- l.i rr lotorc by nny simitar establishment ufr.lh*- city. In* would iuvite |ktmoii* in need of the above nninru artieles lo Ins warehouse, No. IM4 Lilmrtv street, oi»l*o* aito Seventh. Also. bands mode U> order fr>J_ niuUiut— ry. ocCW-ly ' _ . Timtf a«d‘ f >INE AND CKDAK WARM MaNUPACIOR\ t No tTi corner of Market nnJ Pi«h »’reei«, »mr - burgh. Tbe'sabwrßter keer* con-untly on hand wholesale ami retail, yer? low for cosh. | W “"‘‘sAMfiiS.'KKO^lS 1 " \M OUNT Faulk 'rkl i'OLR InrVoliihmK, a newly N 1 discovered subsume lor Ctoeus, Rotten flour, Ut i.“* P, i.m« found il invaluable lor their .silver 1 Ind Metals, iioi'Aiili rqunl ihot substance kuown by • TupnbUh.s m a superior amen to Thai first bimivht front Italy by ,lbe Venetian*,and used by l fW n in s thrirpnlmydaysoi cla«* makiu*. to giro it ,hs . n ■eiiiittr polish so much admired by other nation*. ’V ‘■V v “ , ““ s ' 'u"«S.e'r?; 1 S 7 WothWi _ 8 Pliikt*, ATt:HKKN\VOOD.OAHUKN.— D'tm*s l*nie, the pf etqiumj>laiit,»l l lWper[l|tindre.l. Victanaand , Hovrv’. Seedling* Wernl*|*t hundred-all lhr.fi/ p aut'warranted. Ord.tr*ffot i a distance caretuJly. p ., ami lomaided. Al»«l o large collection ot Uieennouse Hunts PasinlphWtTaylor'a Sccditns • ’>"• AlUb.ny Ciiy «a«ni* 11 sii fiu.r su.iet; Rrtdirr. lor the tiardeii.every b tlf boor du.inj .sJ day ™L .l«u» U. «i» coon :«• ”■ • I “ ““ "r JAMES ATI JUN. I siwBtyUC*rp«tfc * ■ • WUrdiINTOCK, 75 FqufUi. . sow reeeimng Hi* w»WI ,u>e|ofCUrpfU, among which are mu* of the!»'«} *n J now in the country. Tt«‘o wishing to * •r steam boats are respectfully ioviied to r ® ll .“ a “ r ® tbe new styles anil low prices, the subscriber l* no oUenna in tun luio. ’ . Received ibis day, direct from the Importers ana manufacturer*— ftw yJ» hew style Tane««ry Brussel* Carp-H; •Jan) •> •• n 3 pfy Imperial «j n luotn* 1 ' ‘i « «uprrfinr Incrrin w*. . • eun “ *• jj n * *’ ~ «o . a*«o-“ *• “ common “ All of which will he sold low for rash-. »* lowa* canl'c pureba«etl its any of lb* R.i*i*ui cities. _*t;W. \V M’ci.INIOJK. 75 Foun-h at CIIIKAP AND DK2HRAKLK CAKPFTTS forihe fall J and winter, will be received all through the sea son direct from ihc.snanufaciurers, and will be sold nr cash n* cheap us enn !>.• I origin in tbn Kusicm ci ties, nt ipWJ \V M’CUN-I'OOK’S. 75Fourth *1 p' cu/rMs—"- '^-- i? IItINCH CU/rMJ*/—W. iL r Mati>liy Uoa I? opened to-Cky a fr*sh tot of.thc above rood*, from two dcl!ar«-jicr yard up to superfine qualities. and of unproved nitnutuciurr, to which ho particularly In vite* tbo Attention ofhoyet*. Also, black ami fancy C.sMunrttn, Satin Vasiiotr*. muslin, merino nnd cotton Undershirts, Hosiery and (ilovrs, I‘ockel Ildkf* and black.ltalian and fancy OravaU, at cash price*. Merchanuwlll find it to their advantage to examine tbe stock in Wholesale Room, up *iaint,' hefomjjny i»(t their goods. anil? DRY GOODS. BIIIRPHY, WILSOS * CO., No. 4U Wood St., rirmcuii, ARK now receiving iheir usual, supplies of Good* ior ike Fnfl soaxon, which Ikey will l>o happy lo exhibit in ihcir otJcuiiomcx*. and a# many new one* as may feci inclined ii» present ibemselve*.- Alway* taking great pain* 10 lay in ancb good*as are adapted to Uie want* of the Western trade, which lone experience enable* ikem to do, Ihey cansay wUh much confidence, and without entering into a del*} of iheir s'oek, thnt, the Western retail merchant will find with them all that hi* customer* require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing 10 the Eastern cinis lor their flock* of Dry Good*, would uowebu call, os a candid comparison of pu ree wonld in many] case* result in the convietloti that the expense of going further may bo obviated by buy ing in Pittsburgh- *P» a GRKAT AUKIVAJ-, nr NEW -iIjODS rOK TUB mb TRADE. A A. MASON'&CO., No. 60 Market streM, have • just received an immense stock of NBW FALL (UHIR*, to whieb they invite the attention of their -friends and the public—assuring IkenTthnt every •ru de will be Hold at their usual low price*—*o low a*- 10 defr competition. .* * plW NEIV GOODS* WM'CLINToCK is now constantly repcivmehis • Fall riioak of CARPKTING. Oil* CLOTHS. Ac. among which may be found the following varieties: Axminstr.r Caipcts; Sup Chenille ItugM Velvet do do Tufted do Tapenry do Common do -do D/ussrl* do . Sheep skin Mats; Extra sup n ply ' do' Chenille do Superfine do do Tufted do ' Superfine lm*r. .do Adetaid' <*o Finn do do ?>*4, »-4, (k4,S-4, 4-4 and 3-4 Common do do Oil Cloth*; listing <l.i Table Linen: Itng do Huekebuck Diaper, 44,8, and A Tap. Vein do Lmeu Crash; 4-4,3 4 & 5-4 Tw’ld do do Damask linen Su. Cover; 44> *, |Tc:i-4 wool do do Pal. Oil Cloth do do 4-4,4,vtf:M rein, do do Stair Rod*, Binding, Ac we arc now able to sell lower than Otar Vwirv offered in this city. We invito all wishing to fernfft Henan and Si-nm Host*, to call and exam ine m* stock before purchasing elsewhere, Cwnt Warehouse, Nc.TS Fourth,sL Wj bPCLINTOCK BRW PAlib GOODS. Wit- MURPHY is miw receiving hi* first Fall » supply (if Foreign and Domestic UOOIfc?, and ha* already opened an a**oilineni of new and beauti fulnylcs dark l(ili PRINTS, vrarnuited fa»i color*; and r.eai new style Fait , Mu?Un do Lainen: Alpiicr.as arid Mohair -Lustres; . ' Dama*k fig’a and striped do |< Parruuiio* ahd Lyonrje Clotbs;| (iftlie ifc.ist desiraMe color*; and a fuil supply of bleached nail unblcnched Muslijih, Irish "Ciucns, Man* rhc*tcr ciiiigliam-, Ac., u( aorllieuu comer Fourth and Muriel si*, buyer* are.invuedtocoll and sec. colors l 7 *ueh a« Mnroon, Garnet. cherry, scarlet,different shade* of grern <lnb. anil bhtek. . Also, I‘aRMKTTOS oi all ihe above colors, m c«o -ry var’ciy of quality; an l LYONKSE CLOTHS, nl* l ' of nil the dcurabltr colon, now open at Dry*;** l * Home of - *pU4 W R MUItPlh Mourning oo.ous-w. n. Murphy h*» now open an extemive assortment of Mack Goods, Including Uombaxinm, French Me.rinoe*, parmeitos, Mouic dc l-piim, Mourning Alpuccaa, and other .Mpuming Goods. _ *ptl4 ti.V [ LIT A It V GOODS.—Cap*, Plume*,'Sword*. Bask iVl Kpauleiin, I.ace, llutioil*, Flags, and ail the tnmmiues necessary to equip volunteer companies. U 7" Volunteer companies equipped as complete.and cheap as dune in Ike Ka-i, al tae Military Store, cor ner Mmkei nnd Founh -I*. W A' WILSON I*, ji —The Uni'eu Stii*< Hbii mid Tenor Drums, of (rcrauniowo make, lor wale and warranted by rpl l __ ; W. W. R ■ SDACKtiRTT * WUITR, DRV, GOODS JOBBERS, 00 .WOOD STREET, ' ARE uow receiving in-very largo sioet of frc»h (iooils, of recent pnrehase and importauoti.wlurh they will sell to the trade at sueh price* aa eoiniul fail to give entire sausfactinn. City ant Country Merchants arc invited to call and examine our Hock before pnreba.»iiig elr.jM.-i*--- . rays * _ NEW GOUUS, 1819. KENNEDY A SAWYER, corner Wood and Fonnh tired, are now receiving direct from Crsl hand*, a large niuct of Faiiev and Variety Good*, iuc,tiding Clock* of every variety, gold and ‘tLvcj \Vulohe*,i Jewelry, French l'rint*, Comb*, Hook*-and Glove* ffinl 110-berr, Suspender*, Gun Caps, and all ntb»r article* in their line—dK of which having i>een purchased personally of the manufacturer* en»i, du ring the la«t winter, ejpressiy, for the Spring trade, wilt Pc «ol<i wholesale at a t-muri udvitnccon coit., i’.oii*t:niUy on hand, nil ite>-cnpliou.H of Looking (Has*- i e«, cfour own manufacturing, al pastern price* tahtrj. XTFAVV.VNCY AND VARIETY Gt>ODs—Al ZEU j\ UU»N KINSEY'S, ti? Market street. i ion pr» due China Vnsra, ftM’d; 175 sets twist and. cat velvet coot Duttons 4*l line velvet Catpel Bags -V do do genfs traveling; IWI groM fancy silk .Button*;, for drc-ise*; 1U xNnil Brushes n**‘d; lUUgronnei tdk Ve«t Hutton*, a«*’d; 350 do dt» gilljutd plated, d<s 25 doz rtucwood Hair U rushes; -1 do WaiUiogtou do;; 1 do Barbers do, a gro FirJi lines; Fish Hooks, Ltrue* "jEWEI.RY, Ac —5O gold lever Watches; 50 do dc*; inched Wet Winches; lOdo Lepine do: HI fine diik mond Finger Ring*; 1 dm fine fold Vest and Vob Chains 2 do do Guards, Breast Fma, Finger Kar King®,"Ac. . GLOVES, Ac.—2oo dox ladies Cotton GiQVes, a*s«i; 300 do do ljsle Thread, fairy top, Ac.; 10dogcnU ; ttlt .Glo7es !2do do kid dc>i.sodo ladies kid, arsd; td dn do fancy top silk. , J' VAUIhTrV GOODS—7S pig* American rut*; ; >W |,x» Cotton Cord*; 75 pa Faper Muslin; 5UJ.000 nhw?tl Percussion Cap*; 200 grodre«i Whalebone do; HWdpz Ivory CnmbapDressing Comb*, Back Comliß, Ac. Ac.- NOTICK. /tt . i I WIIKRKAS, Join l*. Hopewell, of ibe ciiy o. I ills' bureli. Merchant Tailor, by Ills deed, beanie ! ilnv the ‘*Sth day of July, A. D_ 1»W, anil recordod/m tti« Ur-* nlr.r’a Otfiec of Allegheny country. in deed; t.ook Vyl hG, page 4W, assigned and transferred loraoj all bo. r.iaio, real ami p«r*ou.al, m trust for ms crcUH tots- NOTieKi* hereby giron to ull person* I ui raid estate to make payment to the ttndrr«gpe4, ttotfi : iho«r having claim* against it, to present them for set, M Ueuient * UFNI-VhUN ULYDE, Assignee, I , ti ' BATHING. . IJ 1* T.tKJin* UATII3 FUR ONK DOLLAR, or a Willow s- Xj itaih for fifteeu ernu. . , J i.mlies Department open mm 9 to 11 o dors, a. y-,, of and 2to 5 o’clock, l’. M. *h AlliriuL'Oin Saloon and Usihing fc.*tal>lt*limen.; j ( t t jyiv, < T. M'KALI- Fropnelnr | Mil EiIA'AB"BATOSvV»»nFie*T« I Ti>jß JAVNlv—Taisrrrußc*. that inncnliatulr a f V f ] havi.ie attended my brotiir r, who died of cainniuipumt . m Ktlirch, Hi I taken rick with ike or Liver Complumt, and »«* reduced an low w..n wg disrate, that fur four year* 1 was unable to ftlbim W mv bo-ine**, either at bom- or abroad, being ihrtlth mLt ume oonlmed to my be*. l)um.< the .lK.v« pen* od of ume. Ihud expended for » regular FbyMCian* and m«-die«»e». to the 1 without receivitis auy.b-icflt ti 1 11,81 \ *»*»'»V I r 7,.v- that JnjnnvTsanaUVd und .ri U- be., furndy Marine, now i. °7‘, ~i. .n w..i.iet;H.l. N. V. and | 1 .••oiiiii-’c a»>J ro'chin*- -shop in (Uni plare, , r * r *y . .any wanner hi U»e tale of thr . aiiU am ' d ,„ a Vc llu« er.rtiGvatc tor the ben- , Kt.UAII EATON. ! N v.»Km* i."*. IIiIPOIITART TO THE AfPLICTKO. Ur. Sost's Ctlrbraitd Krrardiu. Dir J iCOHS ROSf-V the dfarnver.T awl ante pn>- ' ,\ -r ofih**-e mri»l popular and heurGml rued • * ~|( 0 ;^ c iMTcmor of the eelohrumd instrn ".V’rorHidatic# ibo lames, i*i: ellUciiiur a core of .... waj u student of ibat eminent i>by*i tm I'lixie, m;d is a-rnidirate rtf lie* llwvepd ‘‘‘M iv, ,«.yivu i.«, »n>l for thirty yearrsmeehnsbean tnUrtrdi-i llifiiirratioalion nf di«ew>r, aad the nppU* ■• ■tifii ot iciwdies thereto. • i ‘ hlol ,,| l lUd of hit iudatini-Mube, m connection w,U. niAvophylacUc djTi'P m»doilier «.fbw remedle,*, » I.A, -ai- cl an uniniralrUcil eminence in ctirnls U?n,e dt" artful ami fatal maladies, Tubercular Coll • unii'tin.i <.MWier.«, lU.euni.tuwn, Arthma, ... y,. r .,u J Arise, Fevers »■'aU kinds, Curomc uud altthu.e du-.caseijiccuimr u> female*. K «v«y ton. »' 4i ' c "’ "M* 1 "? ul " 1 "- T irmoifcMo wl.teli Luiubniiy l< hcir-00l by thb „ “ of nnr compound .mly, for ttiai u wiib l*l>yMoloci«*l U*r, l.ul by the uw of.Ui. retrie dies. adapted ,m,i each peculiar fc»|«n Tonic-Alterative IMU, when Bird are in n»ria!.lv acUiirtwlederd to be superior JO all Ollier, at a ouftfutive or liver pill, innstooelt a* they leave tbo iyovvefs norfccUy free from cnstiveuM*; asnl»o hi* Coldcn l’ills it admiilr.d !»>• Cue faculty <u pos/ew peouv har'properties adopted to female diseases, but being .S 3 that o bare trial ii Kulfiehnltoe.mbhsh wft.J b'i» I Mien .aid in ihominds of the-mou skeptical. The atßietcd arciavittd to mil upon Uie ngrni, tnia procare (Rratisloueoftim Doctor's pauiphlcit Rtvia; a deuiiieti account ofemdi remqJf and Us application. Fot sale by tin- fol'owin? u;c'it<, ns well n*by rno-t lhroup.Uout the-1 nuiiUy: J leboonuiuker it Co, tl Wood street, I‘m.sburßh; i \i 'P«.jni«riirt. 4i Market »l * IiIASSbdA - n«.lb"V.«. AU.sht,., dlVi Jos Uarklcy,.l>artinsu«ii, Heaver coiuiiy, \j. i JwpKllmU. „ „ ~ T Adams, lwnver, , l4 Tld.di# / r ' : OFIJiKuj VFJIMIFrdF IN (il-UlßdlV- - ls lal.iiA.t i CWstWBOs Jnn.fth. it'ia. . *P n K Lucm:—Vonr Venmtaife Jia» »o.d wrll. - rj&sfisi “* m every earn ! have beard pf, I am yif « f W ri..l mge «n ni.im dutinj the cmmnß »caaou confirm ljean t 0 jcceive anaUirr sup «l,»n J 1 l ,’ t ' l - 0 ’ VoSn.rt.pectmliy, ' . , ~lUCARTER. |titrae» fiw|» i. R. SELLERS;47 \Vuod M, „i 25 by .!>«««'* i. Ptobb^^l'Al legltnj. ; VOL- XVIL NO. 56. rjEIitsS’UVKE PILLS WAS MV DOCTOR- . N T . Bgraa, Pa., Sepb lM». „• Mr. r] F. fallen—D-.i SirTfeel li "" J £?' r r l?ir, to Ibi'inbUe, fa. well *. totfae craUl of IfalK to .iuui lb. pioJ .ITecl. prainfl>T J”?/ ““‘J j. , »yownfiue .Darinff.fa.moalliof very unwell, my appetite failed, and ray itreogta was . ihouMers. '1 was told by medical mea th*tmy wu a severe attack of liver complstut. - ral boxes of M'Lane's Liver Pill*, ami some *yrapfc which |vu told was good for thatdi*ev*'-« h“ . all I wAgetting worse. I finally concludedlto place rayielf [uad«r the «are ©f a phyatetan hir mJtte . _ wor*e; f-ut, fortunately, jurtatthi* time, 1 wa» loa by the Rev. I. Nihlock, of this pines, that a fnend sent him a box of'Seller*’ Liver Pill* f r om P * > which had Iwncfiued him very much. I teß“** . •umfotabAX of your liver Ptir*, and by thowo® l ''- wa» done using them, I we* *aliified that ll _wa* ju* , the tnedieine that *utted my cake. I sent for more, and took five or six boxes, and found, mrself uiraw - etuirely cured; but in MarcU -laR Icnugnl n sever*, . cold, which broujfhl beck the diwrase, and in liroolwa* as heduaover. ‘T esaia had rvcovrae to ... your Liver Pill*,- and took them every other tor. t *ix week*, and occasionally *iuce, and I cau uowirayj that I can now *47, ibal I led llulfl if any *y»pto<|t* of the liver Complaint, and my fcenera»R?aßhl > . a *;:' good now as It ha* been for the list 111 year*.-. I My neighbor* ask me who waJ ray doctor.-stetr, them that Seller** Jdver 1*»1U wa* uiy • doctor, end- by the bleating of Divine Fravideace the mean* of curteff me. l orn confident that when the pablie hecomo - <iuaimcd: with the value of your Liver r»R*> mand for ihemwill ineieaas. Many of tnf neighbor*, to whom' 1 have recommended the pills, cat* twUty to their value, a* well aa to the fact* above Reapectfally yoars, . Uxoau*Mills*. . ( Tom Pcbuc.—Tbs On s inal,.ouly trueandffCM nine Idver Pills eins prepared by R. Ji have his name stamped iu black wax upon u» tut © 1 each Uox, and his signature on.the*ouuid« wrapper;' |U*AH oibcr* are counterfeit*, or bo*e iutltattOiU* *pCj7 R. K SELLERS. Proprietor, 57 Wbod-»l_ CAVTIOH EXTRA 7 '" '* ' A man by the iiameof RUKLGLAL’P ha* engaged • with a young man of the name of 3. T.Towii»ouu, aaa , use* his name to put up a Sarsaparilla, which .Ihev . enll Dr. Towtuend’* Sanaparilla, deiiomiaaung.tl GENUINE, Original, ete. ThuTownscnd «» no doc- - tor and never was, but was formerly.a worker on rati* 1 road*, canal*, and the like % Yet hoa*Bunm* lho «t[b - of Dr„ for the purpose of gaining credit for what hors. ; not. tie ”i* sending out card* headed “Iticlm or Quack*,? in which he *ay*. I haTe sold the tue of mT name for S 7 a week. . 1 will give S. P. Townsend SSW • if he will prodaeo,ono single solitary proof of r ' l Thi* i* to caution the public not to v purehase none but the GKNUINKORIUINALOLD .. Dr. Jacob Towntend's Sarsaparilla, having on U me. Old Dr.** likeness, hi* family o«l of arm*, and hw *lg natureacroMthccoatofarmk.''' _ JACOB TOWNSEND. Principal Office, IQ3 Na**A«,st, New York City. ... OLD • DOCTOR JACOS |j|*g TOWfiSUHD, ;TMF ORIGINAL {DISCOVERER TOWKSKSDBAELSAPABILLAJ Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 year* ofMJf*JW4-, (in* long been known »■* the AUTHOR and DISCO-' VEREftoftbeItENUINKORitiINAL“TOWNSEND > SARSAPARILLA." Being pA>r, ha was compelled to limiCiu manufacture, by which mean* it has been kept ont of market and ihe!;Salrx circumscribed to-'i those only who bad proved »«] worth and IU value. Thia Uaaan *hd UswtPAtxsD P*»a«l'nw l* • i manufactured on the largest; : *cale, and is called foe ( throughout the length and breadth of the land., llnliko young ». P. Townselid’s, it Improve* with age, and/nevet change*, bnl for the better; because tl . is prep bred on seienufie principles by a scientific man.; The highest knowledge of Chemisiry, and the latest discoveries of the An, have aßbeen brought into quisiiion In the manufacture oLlhe Otd Dr.'s Sarsapa rilla. The Sar-aoarilla root, itls well known to med ical men, columns medicinal jitpperties, and some pro perues which are inert or useless; and other*, which, if retained itr preparing it for <?**» prodnee fermenta uon and aeiil, which l« injurious to the system. of the properties ol Sarsaparilla are so volatile that* they entirety evaporate and arts lost in the prepara tion, if they are not,preserved |by a scientific process, ■ known only to thoie<experieneed in its manufacture.. Moreover those volatile principles, which fly otTin va por. dr as an exhalation, undefl heat, are the very e*-> semilt medieal properties of tire root, which give* to itaUlt* value. The^^^ OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA , it so prepared; that aU the fitajaproperties of the Sat- • ssparilla toot are first remove*}, every thlug capable of becoming nrid or of fetmenwtion, is extracted and rejected; then every particle drmcdical virtue is *&««•-' red in a puns and concentratST iotin; and lints It I*, rendered incapable of losing aiy of iw valuable healing properties. Prepared In this way,itisinaad the most powerful agent in : CURE 01 s INNUMERABLE DISEASES. ; ' Hence the reason why wo hdtu commendations on overy side In its favor bv and W? find it doiiiirwonder* m the^uKT of CoasampttOß, Dyspepsia, and Civet Complain)* and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and i'ilfcs, CosUvenesEy all Cutaneous Erup tions. Pimples. Ittoiehci, and alWaection* anting Itwa IMPUBITtf OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous effidhey in all contpUini* arising from Indigestion, from Jwidtiyot the Stomatb? from unequal circulation, determnauou of blood to tfca head, palpiutioa of thn heart, cold fed and cniiLhauas cold chilis and hot flashes l*ody. It jtas eot had it* equal in, cough* aud colds; and promotes easy, expectoration, and gentle pertptralicta, relaXtpg »trfe uire of the lung*, throat, aiul other part, . t Hal in notliiug Is iu excellent** tnoro jnani tcstly wen and acknowledged than in ail kinds and stages of'' 1 FEMALE COMIU-AINTS. ; ',l i It works wonder* in cates of fluor xibus of whites. Failing of the Womb,Obstructed, Suppreued,©! Pain* 1 ful Menses, Irregularity of ilio jmeua'Tual penpds. aud the like; aud isetTeetual in caring aliform* of the Kid- ey Piscaae*** By removing otJaTroetioua, and ung tlic general *y*teta, ivgivei lone ea<l strength Ui the whom boilv. and'cure* all&nhs of NERVOUS DIBI2ABES*ND DEBILITY, - anJ Um« prevenu or reliasea & gro*U. variety',of other dim-a»e», aj Spinal Irriutioof Neuralgia, St._ Vttna ...<*! imtalioof Nemu. & .-, . tiee‘3woomug, tlpiieptic Fus-ConvuLfton*,**--!* ii ilns, then, tub Muncui v TOtt Nb#| lUut can hnv of these thiugs Jie tail of S. l v . Tewn*: / semd's iuictior article! Thu ybaitff man's liquid taast : toftie COMPARED WITU-ffllK OLD IIK.*, . !; because of ill* tiimnd Fact, ‘hat the one u incapable of] and NBVtIR,'BPOIIjS, wlrile ike o(h-' rr] DOKS; ii sours, feraenUi and blows Uie l-oulei containing it into fragments; the aour, acid liquid ex ploding and damaging other gftodt! MailiiotthU llor rtiile compound be poisonous' tsths system? Whorl phi-acid into'a system already diseased with acidl What‘causes Dyspepsia but aciaf Do we not all know, that when fbod soar# in our itpmacha, what mischiefs U produces?—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation ofthe heart, liver complaint* diarrhea a, dysentery; efcobe and corruption of the blood? 'WtiisU* Bcrofola but sm acid' humor io the body? What produces all the humors Which bring oa Eruptions of the Skim. Scald Head, Salt Rheum, EryrtpelasjWhiieSwelHogs, Pever-Sorps, and all ulcerations iiuenial and external? It is now* inlander heaven but an acidtaubstance, wbieh soars, aini lhas spoils all the (laid* of the body, more or *uss. Wholesales Rheumatism but a sour ucid fluid, which insinuates iwelf between the joints and elsewhere, ir nuune and inflaming lh* tender aad delicate tissues aiton'whieb it aeis? B=o of nervous diseases, of iropii niy of the.blood, of deranged iirculations, and nearly all the ailments which aiflict hhraait nature. • . . Now, is it not horrible lo make and jcllTiufil infliute- OP H.’r.'TO'yNsTiND jul yet be would fam have it Understood that Old Ja ob Townsend’* Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, u an imitation of hi* inferior preparation!! IHcavcn forbid ihat'wc should deal in a* article w!liich would bear llie most distant, resrmblitjice to S. p( Townsend's article* and which ahoald bring down upon the Olil'Dr. such a mountain load ofcobiplaima . and crimination* from agent* who have toM.juidnur citwn who have a»ed &J*. Townsend’* Fefmeatiag **jwo°wu!h'ii understood, beeauta it ia the (absolute truth that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend’* Sarsaparilla arc liraven-wide aud infinitely dissimilar, that they are unlike in every par ticular, having not one single thing in common. • It i* u» arrest iraud* upon the, uniortuuate, to poor baliu into wounJcd humanity, to kindle hope .in the dqipuiruig bosom, to restore health and bloom and Vi rdr into she crushed and broken and to iianiih intirmi tyt—ttiat old DH. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT add. FOl'NlMhe opportunity ondtnraas to bnughis Ukaso UNIVERSAL ODN.CEN PRA I’HD.ttKMKDY, within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it. that they may learuund know, by joyful ex- lUTUairscßVUK.srrotVKajTo iikai.! 'Fur sole by j. KIDD A Cl)., Wholesale Agent for Wcicm Penmylvauia; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr. J.'SAKGKA'NT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, Fitlh ward, <>. VV. riAItUNEK, Mh ward. Pittsburgh *pU _J«yue«'Kxpeetoranu -'""7' ( S*Lt - *, (\>lumbiaiia c0.,0., Apr. IM, ISII. DR. i). JA\NK3: yuL;—l fed bound'to ybn and itiß nlllirted public, to avail myself of tUn op* pOrlumiy of giving publicity to tii« extraordinary effects of your l-lxivri'lortiMl on myself. ' Haring been afflicted far srveral year* with a Mtcn*. cnvgb, hectic fever aud its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger oat a short but miserable'existence,i'antll tbe fair of lKD,when, being more sitveteljr attacked, and havtug reported to all my former remedies, amt the pre* ♦rriptton* of two of the most respecWble phyrieian* in die neighborhood without deriving any benefit,! or tho .-nii*olation of surviving but a few day* or Week* a farther!—when the .lost gleam of hope w&s about to - vanish, I had recommended to me your Rjrpeptrmmt— and blessed by that Being. who doe* alt things In the are ofihfe mranvJ-aad contrary to the expectations of u>y physicians and friends. Ijva* »n> few days raided from my bed, and waienulitedby the u»Cof a ooUle.to to thy buxines*, enjnylngaineo better health than l had for ten yearapreviotts, , v Uc*jwctfully voars, Jtc., J/H.W. Eetni. - For sale in IHttshurgh, at the FfckytTea titdre,7* Fourth street. ‘ nxarO ■ ,» N KMINRNT and eiperiencci Physician front the /A. P.»*r. of ?0 year* standing, offer* i o treat aUeUsca of a Delicate Nature with promptness shd secrecy. Hi; mre.-.s in ltutfitlo and otter larjte cities has brvii pro'ierliial. lln clitrgCs ate moderate ,-**dht* rurM perntsnr n£ tlld e**r* of fula, Floor Albui, Rheumatism, Ague,Syphilis, crany chrante or inveterate cates eolieiud- ■'*): -A eure warranted, or charge refunded; y -, 1 • orncti, t?t. ClairttreeUSdoors from lire Bridge. Teeth K* traded. Advice lotto poor gratia.-;* • N. u.—Tie. a., solicits the.word casesofany d(*ear« in I'ltitbcrsh to call. —o aElId H WOiTbUiKitiir . W 1 1,1, remain ».pen forVi liters until t!w In Janus'* rv,!■'&». Oystor* and other ItCfrdbmiiftU suit* .',l 1.. 1 bo iinnMi will he kepi. The Ureeahnusef too* largaVotlecUonof rare and choice Plant*, wilt be ope” to. visiter*.} Ikxjuct* neatly put up at short notice t'jfrouphcjut jlhc , season. 'An' Omnibus leave* Hm'Allrrtfujr. ew of. the St-i CUitirStred tinder, every* half hour denng the dayyrn'iinmg Iq (he Wariienj and tiic ferry boat, Captain Walk£rp tans from the Point,'iandjug a short distance above the gar den Panics, wishing to spend the evening, unit bo aci'uinmodatcd witivu return Oinuibar at foVttorkt i*. W. Kept on Temperance principles, nivd eldved 00 Bn l ay. - spii3’ J.-,tt*KAlN. Atbeurenm HaJoon and Bsihlne K«iab> - ■ Uabuismt*- Tub PKoriutnoE u uow pp*pa op meals at all hours, fa connection by the day or week. - -T-i *pl34 ired. la .*rre iwiib lUArJinr !; Proptknor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers