'/ . - r „-„-.,.-, :; : . THE PITT&ttl? ESTABLISHED IN 17SG. ~~ P f BUSINESS CABDS. CARDS. ~ - nnT P r7 ~7~FbrSTAINHOTi^ i Fittihanrii. * • ■ :i decs . p Foreign and DomesucDry Good*. No.w Wood «l LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE -W- * nii*Tltiu»Ei. nuauargh. _• feblTtf ml 060 , t*?™****™, nwntnpnia. BUBUFIKLD 4 LEAPF.B. \% holcsalc jdealera in D MITil, BAOALEY 4 Co., Wholesale Grocer* and ra# THIS e#tabu»hnieat long and widely known as ‘Dry Goods, Groeenes, Boots, Shoes, Pittsburgh O Producedealers,No.223Market street, betweenSih Fa ■ l!s*Sp' ong °/ t^e mo,t .Commodious in the ciiy of mauafaitaredairieles, 4c, No. **> Ltteny «««, *ad fitCNonhside, Philadelphia. “ Baltimore, hw recently undergone vet)- erten. ivfl • *• «.• ,!. ort A ,-,'i f to ,»r . . _ OTB live- alterations and improvement!. An entire new jJfpliwapSjip si agasFawiS SSfgSSSs— -y -" Q t, mcM uL*,luarLA«tD. f ul Jn ftct the whot-arran R e™enl'ofthe iiouiie cnn iIMS, . m, t. aapw*. CLLLr.RB A NILOLB, Produce and General Com. has been remodeled, with a tingle eye on the nan of BROW! I «r CULBERTSON, molesale Grocer*, l,l, '?"« l 7 ch s n t t ** Liberty st n Pittsburgh. ihe proprieiors^toward* the comfort and pWa.ure of and Commission Merchants, No. 145, Liberty .M, L.nsccd and Lard Oilk. K - their Guests, and which they confidently assert will Piuaborab. I'a. ; C F. VON UONNIIOUHP to, tvu...i challenge comparison with any lintel in the Uninn. B. teteft^SsiSsin.‘>«4 s: • BSffiS® 655 *£SKjjto B BSsS I r- a S ££: COV7 -- «r iasoo. Inconrlusion ,fce proprietors bee to say, that nothing . O. H. PAUTEIDGE, M. D., f|IASSEV4 BEST, Wholesale Grocer, .„d r™ s *. W * H **« led undone on their part, and on the part of thnr NO. IM SPRUCESTREET, PHILADKLPiiI A, J Merchants,and dealers l nfrlodwe. £*»!*"*? j th ',* I,t,l 1 ,,| I wor » b 7 the. continued CONTINUES to give hi* particular Btiention to the Wood it. Pittsburgh. roauce. N<nA» patronagi. of their friend* aod the public generully. treatment of Diseapra ol the SKIN, tfCKOFUi.A, w. j. T tiwrn. ' JZT ..}“IF' L ” * or hoard haee also been reduced to Uie and Diseases of the TUROAT. SCOTT, Wholesale D-,.J P “ Tr foNomngrauS*: Office hours: it A. M, IP. AL, and 7P. M. 1 1; Boots, Shoe., VronkSca™? !1 ’ 75 P er ' ■■ CA. WcANCI.TY A Co., For»iiJins Com- LoiiSTv™.. S”? 1?? ■» !'»». NuiL.Glau, KXCHASOK HOTELS “ ~ • mission Merchants, Canal Basin; Pittsburgh Pa. eoror<- or wl^i h Mano/aetures generally,. eox.'tn of pets *st> «t. cl*j* rrmstraan, pa. ; • ■• • ; luchd TTI Cl- TTT. . * >lrecU ’ Pimbtlr »- • Pfi The subscriber haTing.assumed the manage* ’ Daquiiai SprlDß, All«i lron VV ,tone hltll Famish- jsg m *” l Jo «ff csfahhshed.and popular Hotel. Works* • . ; p?m.t* UI S e*lßblishment, Nors-H Liberty su, near the rc'pectfwlly announces to Traveller* and the. GOLE&tAN.riIAILMAN 4 Co, waiWactnrara of - Brn - Xt: ' marttS labile grnendly. that he will be at a!I times prepared Coach and EUptfe Springe, Hammered Axles, W Jewclry,silvor Ware,' i2ifi C^Si,^? d , a, i e *JI * li thln ß* desirable in a well Spring and Plough-Steel, Iron, 4n. Warehouse'on ..*/,• _ anii Military Goods, corner of Marketand 4th ? ?!. olcl L lllfi **«wBe i» nowbemg thorrmghly Wat»a»d FrohtttTeetsfpittibßrgb.- . |. , * rM .!'V FitUbargh, I'a. N.B.—Watches and Clocks «patted Ur oue hoat,and new Furniture added, and 9 o • Also, dealers in{ Coach Trimming* and Malleable repaired. ‘‘dect P“»* wi >be «pared to make the Exchange one of the ' ULNnST, received. THOMAS OWSTON {Lair ot New kork ) \\J £• MlißPHV,'Wholesale and'Retairde'aler In frh&rttf. Proprietor B^S^ S SS“‘“ ‘“’“b. »»“ tAMAttTIKK UOIISK, ~ wh. a. UMBUSH,-. JaMES j. axanxrr. ~ u ~7 _,ans-Iy_ for the accommodaubn of travelers, boarders, TJtNGLISIi 4 HENNEIT, (late English, Gallagher Ti‘>“ Inn . ""-MVarouwa. and the public generally. The house and furniture JCI ♦ Go.| Wholesale Grocers, Coniiuissiini and For- -W • l *M I CUTCIIEON,-\Vhojesale Grocers, dea- are entirely new, and no uain? or expense have been = wknlieg Merchants,find deaJera'in Produce and Pius- t *,•«,'* / ln rro “ Bce i * ro ‘ l » Nails, Glass, and Pm*, spared 10 remlrr it one of the most comfortable Hrtd bargb Manufaclurea/No. tI7 Wood mud Munufactare* Benerally, lfc* Liberty *t, Pmv pleasant Holds in the city. 3d streets. r fw-n ““ rpn J L_ * derti The snbacritirr i« determined to derrrve. and there - itWHUb cix;titLax\, Conum*Kion anil Forwarding \V A" J V *^ he ij ° f J D u' w p IJ.Merehant, No. JW WoodstrreL Ptiubtirgh mylJ ,V * Mlver Ware, Military Goods, No. 57 Mar HOLGH, Prapnnor turn aiajclTa ~~ ' . n«v7 GSITKD STATES noTKL, ' ir r .- r «»♦ is., f do CO.* csevtctst , svrwtun rortni a_*id ntra sr». TTOMCEOPATIHC P.IIVSICIAN AND BURGEON. T\KALEKB i.N HIDES AND LEATHER Morocco. /"OPPOSITE late Bank of the Ifniied Slate*. I’hila- XI USJIC*—On Mimnlolu >t_, bctw««Aid jj Shoo Kudinas, 4c„ No. 14,T Libertyatreei.have dts P h,a - M- POPE MITCHELL. otto hours—From PJM. to 3 l-. Al.—from 6to »,V. jUf-ij received STOCK or Propnetor. 1 M a JS? <acß - Mr - »•»*«* *• t -o rn «f auutblield ,and ,pn*it)g* large aaiortmeni of article* iA their line to SSSSSMHMmBMwwMMa and Third »U. • • spthidCm 'which thn atlealion of purchaser* is invited ’ . - ■“—T""“ ' “ - - mchls . ' IIOBK LUAGVk FACTORY. * HA&IILION STHWAUT, rearm tactjrer of Heavy titurunga, Cliccka, Ac., Kebecca »uecu city ol Allegheny. ; novlAdly* (auccearor to fiftfrphy &.i<ce,J Wool Deal* • er and Cowaussion Merchant, for llie aaie ol Anencan Wooieju, Liberty, oppoaile htli at fcbl7 wm. nsuu>7 — "] A. J. BCCIBoy, UiWAiS auu, . > O- c. ji’caxMoa, johji a. wansstt, ■> 1 ttUMa * * TJf I&ALD It BUCKNOR, Tobacco Coamusaioa Mer* JJL oiuutu, 41 Nutlh Wafer al, & 1C iNonh Wharvea, tMaia. . novihuf A. UAIIDT. , WJS. f. JoaiS. XJAKD.V, JONES A Co., (tacceuars to Atwood, .»1. Jones A Co.) Comauuionand Forwarding Mer chants, dealers, in Pitubatcii Manufactured Coeds, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; : tacfelft —soentr incur, in, TSAIAJI DICKCY A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Com- JL Busrlon Merchants, and dealer* In Produce, Nos.fid Water, and lw Front streets, Pittsburgh. novd Jj« Ha •. toLwona. joscth cuatuxtu. K DILWGKTIi&Cc, Wholtiulc (iroeeri, I'ro • dace 4»d- ConuciitiofcAlerthimu, And jureuu {or the Itex&rU I‘owder Co. of N. Y_ No. ‘J7 Wood at • ■ BDUi '•OUN i UUN AL 'iUWNSEND, Drnggi&t uJ Apothecary if No. 43 Market adduce doors abo;reThird tt. l*uu* tmrsb, willfaavc coniiamiy oa bund a well aolecied u: •Ottment oftbe licat and iretfaegt Medicines, whiefahs wulaclt on tbc most reasonable terms; ffaysielaos aemung order*, will be promptly attended to, and aap pueuwiUi article* tbejrniujr rely upon’as genuine. ID" Fhyaiciana Prescriptions will be accurately and te*uy prepared Irota the beat mite rial*, at any ha nr pf fas day or night. AUo for bale, a 1» stock of fresh and rood forte, mo nr. ' ' - jui3 J- If OAfiFliXb, {late of Warren, Ohio,} Coanu • aion and Fonmroltjf Mardiani, and wholesale dealer in t\ estpro neeerre Cheese; Halter, l’ot ami rearl Asb, and Weitera Produce generally, Water ttcet, between Bmithficld and Wood, Pittsburgh. ai>3 1 OJ?N W 1 w “-- ‘ — ----- (suecesm to KwaU ft Gcbbarl^ w t Wholesale (jrocer uid CosuouaioD Meichact, dealer ta Produce end Pmibuxgh Jduuuacture*, cor pet of Liberty and llacd ttrceU, £ipabcrgh Pa. j 026 *| AMK3 8 (lbie of the £nnof Algco aod tv filcGsurc,} 'JcrcJiant .Talk)/: £l CUailci ItuMinxs, tturt sired, near Wood^l'iitebnrgh. J~AM±S A. JIUTCIUsSON, A to uvu liulehlioa A Co~ C&mzuuiou Merchants, "tod Arrau of die -fit.' LesuJi'xaA Sugar lteJwery. No.4fiWalcr andM front streets, Piusbaxxh. janl - • .. ; : .j J OHJI D. JHOKUATt, VVfcolos&je Druggist, and aeai> - «r la Dye Staffs, Pawtfl, this, YareitSes, tec., No.Bo WOod street, one door South of Diamond Alley. Pitta* b«jt_ _J ■ • . -jturt , JAMES KKltjL Jr.,-A Co.,‘ (<ues*i«rioj6Kj>ti U _ltavUJstipOiiitKijicr»,Wi Wai««ireeL ocUl % i "JOHN 11. UELLUA, Wholesale and Retail dealer Vla Mtuic and Musical Instruments, 6cbool Booas, Faper, Slate*, steel Pens, quills, Printer* 5 Card*, anil stationary geucrally,No. si Wood iu, Pittsburgh. HytUri bought or-t&henlutrmlg. j scplS VJf BCiIdONMAKkIt A Co- Wholesale Drug-uis. tP« No. JM Wood street, Pittsburgh. GUN.D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner sth and Wood _ streets, Pittsburgh. _ j oct3 JOIIMS’I'ON A STOCKTON, Booksellers,' Printers oiid Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market ih, l'iuy burgb. . . Jc «' JouPtom K • Kicimu Kloui. JA U. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commission • Mercmmts, anil Dealers in Produce, Itoumi Church Building*, frouung on Liberty, Wood anil (ith Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. <. '.. my a JAM.KS DALZBLL, Wholesale Uroet-*r,Crmml.«*io& Meichaut, and denier ui Produce and Puubunrti Manufactures. No.m Water st, Pittsburgh. jnulC JACOB WEAVER, Jl, Wholesale arid'ltetaiTi)ca lerrn Foreign, Wine* and Uquor*,*julold Monon gahel* Rye Whiskeys, corner First and' Market its. 3r» TTIES A JONES, Forwarding and.Comtnisiaon Alcr /V chants,Dealers in Produce andPiusburgh maun- JfcCtoredjamclee,.Canal Basin, ucar.th il ddl FEaw niLL, pn-TssTTHuu, pa; TTENNEDY, GUILDS A CO, Moaufacniien of very JV superior 4-4 Sheetings,' Carpet Chain, Cotton lime and Palling. jakMy VeitSTlaa Iron 'Worita. LEWIS, DALZELL A Co., mano/seturtn of all si* lea Par, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the best quality. Warehouse, £4 wurr and 105 front ct. jaaU . , * T 8 WATCHMAN, Wholesale Ureter, Forward- Jj* iagandComminion .Merchant, Dealer in Pitts burgh Manufactures and Produce, No?. 31 Water it,' and Ci Fronts:. > jsf MUEBMKDV A BAWYER, T OOKINGGLA63 Manufacturers, and Wholesale At* dealers toforeign aod domestic Variety Hoods. Western merchant*,. Pedlars and others are invited to call and examine the pricesand quality of our slock, ’at with our preieut increased facilities in manufactur ing , and purchasing, we think wo can otter as great inducements to buyers as auy other house west of the Moan taint. •- ;at>ly ‘ n. KOxaLThiJada. c. w. a iciknoH, 'Pittsburgh! MILLER A HICKOTSUN, Wholesale Grocers, and importer* of'braudics, Wine* and Segurs, Nos. 17k «nd i 74, comer pf liberty aul Irwin streets, Pitts burgh, Pa ' Iran, Nails, Colton Yarns, Ael Ac. con ataatly on baud. augU sou >r«nx. u* n. *rotu_ w*i.Tut c. box MCt.ILI-SARIJE, Wholesale Grocers and Cominiv siou Merchant*, No. IU4 Liberty sU, Pittsburgh.' I*o • - ' - MUUPI1 Y, WILSON A Collate Jones, Murphy A Co.) Wholesale Dealers ui Dry Good*,- No. 4ai Wood street, Piiuhurgh._ * nortd__ ■ AITHKW WILSON, Portraits iKlMimautrcPaio icr, Kootns, corner-of. Post Gdicc Alley and, Foarthi street, entrance on 4th near Market. 1 ' : dccfl-dt& - _ PnXSBUEfJII STEEL WOBKS AND SHIING - AND AJILE FACTORY. Sate jam. Jons r. qviaa, / JONES AKiDiaa, Manufacturers of spang and bu««r steel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and dip, tic tpuag*. hammered irou axles, and dealer* in mai cable etsuno, Cre engine lamps, and couch trimmings prettily,eoroer ofßus* and From at*., Piusbiugh, 'M’ DULMES A SON, No. 55 Alarkql st, aecond X\t dootlrom corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Util* of Exchange, Or ru!icaU.~sbf Depos it, Uaik Note* and 6peelc. ... &>* Collections ruad on til the principal cities throughout the Untt&d Btatex .. i ' . • dect7~ NBUCKMAssTEK, AumckaM-Othee, Fourth it-, • third door above Smiuiheld, south aide. . Co&veyanctng of all kinds done with the greatest ♦"Jfmllegtltecarae'y. 5 . - • 1 Trieste Real Eeuusexaminod, Ac. - octtW-ly r, HR. OEOQGE UeCOOK« /yTICE, Foarth street, near Grant, in the room V »*t*ly oecunied by AWcmap Miller, immediate •7 opponte Ur. tiakewell'i. ' lie way he iouud at night >aNo. >l, RcCharles lloteL jullidCtu^ - HI “ n.. /\I*TIULSIIC SURGEON, will attend to the treat- Diseases of the Eye. , ~ h** been engaged in this branch of the medl- ; lixieen years, and has condueiedan raihililißcat for the treatment of dlseasea of the eye HM» tor«!V>m, I, . .^J®n**-*a4rewdeace,-comer of Sandusky st and . pj*wpcn> alley, Allegheny city. ocUtt eras™ T£A BTOXUB. — No. 71 Foimi hear Wood—AH quantities of Green and i Black Teas, dpno up in quarter, .hulf, and 2? 8 «, pw ' 01 T_P u^4 S c »i ranging from 50 ct*.'per posed <L5a-. pri AIAYNaLArt. tor Pekin Tea Co. E * CO C aiiociued THOMAS hr, with them in buiinesi, the Whole* nieurocerr, Predateand Conmiaiien butincw wtU-l ' 6,111 0f ■ wC K i *9° » No - 1M Lib«ny inert 'yboteiale. Grocen, Produce mu SSSSS* tole- 1° Btub.^ %ort. acmes. • tiioil umi »akl.*. somaox. •jjmKT MOOH£ l T\vraF, 110 0fOC „, JQ» Atulier, dealer in Produce, Piuiburgh Mniiufae* tarefc.ami allklwU of Foreign and DocSeiuc Wine. Md Lhjaars, No. 11 Libenr itrrec. On hand a eery Utct aloe* ® f t«Wrtor old Mo&ongmhela whiiitey, which will he boIJ lowfareaah. apl&Jiy , KDIiERT Uroeefi, Xv Coounuxron and Forwarding 6lercham»,«le«ler» w Produce and Pimhurrh Manufacture*, Liberty »l ttutbnrgh, Pa. .» * ~ . fgfot L_p. junior 1 j^iuaSia. 00’S, .. 13EVN0LD3 & SIIEE, Foprardhur and Caami**ion AV AJeiebimu, ibr ike Al'crbcny River Tnlde, deal ti f ‘j*2.' c,oc,, f ie, j Piusburch Maimfteturci •adCiland" Of Lime. ' aae highest prie«i. la ea>b, paid at all tinea Cat eoaa' 1 Comer of Penn uml Irwin ata. iarrt3 SOHT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Or*cer ; Dealer la Produce and Pini burgh Manofaetares, HlUbcnr u jrU;, rfV?** a. r fBTTIGBEW > 4 CU^ 8 T *3 A 111 BOAT AOKNTS jEwg-Jfrlt . Ofttci above M. Au.w> Co No. 42 Water street. INSURANCE. »IHBURAMCK. - protection Fink and MARINKINSUHaNCE COMPA NY OF.HARTFORD, CO.NN'v mCOftMIATXD IB 1&!A ' .* £««««*, Stoek, ami Surplus Fund, Thu old and responsible Company continue* to i«- *ue policies on the mostfavorable lerm* on Dwelinr Houses. Household Furniture, Store*. Stock* of Goods! Warehouse* andcontent*, Mill* mid Mnnuiactories Ac. against LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIR E. Al«o, tin Good*, Ware* and Merchandise, avoinai the burnd* of Jbubd TaiitsrojrTAnox, and upon the Cargoes of Sea Vessels. The Protection Insurance Company having, in the last 25 years, paid makt viLUun* or doujlk* m their ffY e . r ~ “fencie* throughout the United States and the ‘ UriUsh i roruice*. hare established a jmt reputation for solvency and mu dealing, which challenges com parison with any other insurance company on the continent of America. The annexed extract from an article on the subject of Insurance Companies, taken froj the “New York Day Hook,” exhibits briefly the standing and policy of the Company. “The ‘moneyed men’of the aueient and always pros perous ei'y ofUanfard, have forhalf a ctiitanr been throughout the Union for the care, discretion, rigid honesty, and tmvaryinrsuece**.'with which they have formed and managed corporations of this de scription. No Uonford Bank or Insurance Company has ever tolled.! These Companies have for more than a whole generation scattered ihtir risks in near ly every State of the Union, and have never (ailed to pay Ibo innumerable losses which -they have insured agatuib” . AU. low ea arising upon policies issued by the unddr signed, will be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen eral Agency otfiee, located at Cindwwt). o. A large portion of the 'fund* of the Company, (iaelndiifgall premium* received at the Western agencies.) is de posited with ihe General Agent of the .Company at Cincinnati, for ibe-paymccl of. Western and Southern' losses. Apply to FAYBTTK IIROWN, Agent for the City of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county, . octfi.djra . 1 hiPsßuylySnU Company ' Fob Wecascx os ttra in Gusnss A.vucmsa. 'J hrst life Insarmnee Company in the U. States. J. ijteorporated March 10, IKl2—chapter bcrpeiaaL Capital 8500,000—a1l paid in. Having authorised the undersigned to receive appli cations lor in*urmaee, cn which policies will be issued, accordingtotbeir .proposals and rates, whieh willbe made known to applicants-al his olfie*. No. vO Wood «»et ' spU ' GKO. COCHRAN. VfBSTKBiI IBSDJU.HCB COMPAQ OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 9100,000. J. ram, Bee*y- f R- Muxek, Jr., Pres’t. Y/ill insure against all'Kinds of risks, ' FIRE ANDMARINE. . will be liberally adjusted sail promptly A borne initiation—mantgcd.'by Directors who are well known in the community, and who are determin-i «1 by promptness and liberality to maintain the cbar ' eeter winch they Lave assumed, as offering the best' protection to those who desire to be I rum red. Duenna*—ll Miller, Jr, Geo. Dlack, J. W. Butler, N. Holme SjJrii Wbl U. Holmes, C. Ihmsen. Geo. W Jackson, jWa. M. Lyon, Jas. Lippineott, Thoa. k! l.iick, James M’Aolcy, Alex. Nimiefc, Tbo*. Scott. On tea. No. 39 Water street, (warehouse of t*panr A Co., np stairs,) Pittsburgh. juttdly ' iNsraAscK. ' THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY.—Office. North Room of the' •Exehonge.Thiniatreet, Philadelphia.' - - Fisk lj'-srutscx.—Bondings, Merchandise and other property In tows and tuuam, insured against lots or damage Ly fire at the lowest rate of fctreauutn. Maeiitr. Imcusjtcx —They also insure Vessels. Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, as tha assured may desire. IxLAffuTßaitsrozTXTioß.—They also insure merchan* diso Iran suited by Wagons, Railroad Car*, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and'lakea, on the' most liberal tenas. .DIRECTORS—Joseph H., Seal, Edmund A. Sender, • John C Davis, Rotrea Barton, Joan R Penrote, Snma ; el KdwarJu. GeoG Leiper, Edward Darlington. Isaac R Davis, William Folweil, John Newlin,DrßMHu*, ton, Junes CHand, Theophiius Paulding, U Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, Spcneer Mcllvata, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Wil lism Hay, Dr S Thcmas, John Sellers, Wn. Eyre,' Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan, Wn. Bagaley, Jno. T. Logan. • ’ WILLIAM MARTIN, President. JUcBAkS S. Nkwuouh Secretary. ET OtUee of tbe Company, No. 49 Water street,* Pittsburgh. JmlStdtf P, A, MADEIRA, Agent FIRE IUU> MARINEIUSURANCE. TIIK INSURANCE CO.' of Nonh America will make permanent and limited Itmrauce on prtH perty lii tbiaeiirond vicinity, aad V-n shipment! by Canal; Hirer*, Lake*, and by Sea. The properties ot this Company are well forested, and famlih On & rail able fund for tbe ampla indemnity of all perrons who deilre to be protected by imnranee. myl* . WM. F. JONES, Ageni it, 44. Water at INDEMNITY, Ths Franllin FtrtJjuurance Co. of Pkiiadetpkia. D! RK«,TO RS.—Charles N.Bancker, Thomas IJart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Oram, Jacob R. Smith, Ueo. W'lUchanlr, Mordecai l). Lewis, Adotpho K, Bone, David 8. Brown, hlorrirPatterson. Ciujllc* N. Dxsntx, President. Charles G. Daneker, Secretary. Gominne.io make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or country, at rales ms low as aro consistent with secarity. To Company have reserved alargc eoniin/entFund, which wiu» their Capital and Premiums, safelylnvest ed, afford ample protection to the assured- Ihe assets of the company, on January Ist, 1649, as published agreeably to on-aet of Assembly, were as XeIIOWSjTIK Mortgages Keal Estate Temporary Loans .Stocks . Cash, Ac. *1,M7,438 41 . ..... 94,734 KJ • • •• 96,001 85 64523 ‘JS a 71 i Since their Incorporation, a period of 19 yean, they i hsveptud upwards of one million foflr hundred thous and dollars, locseabv fire, thereby affording evidence cftho aavuniagtser insurance, u well aa the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. , J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl-dly Office N E corner Wood and3d sts DELAWARE lICTCALIBIDRAICEGO* PA- MADEIRA, Agent at PiUsbnrgh for the Dela • ware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of PbiaJ adriphii. Fire Risk* apon buildings ondp merchandize of every description, and Marine Bisks epon hulls or eatgoei of vessels, taken upon- tba most favorable terms. THr Office In the Warehoaae of W. B. Holme* A Bro- No. 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B.—The aueceta of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this city,.with the prompt ness and liberality with which every claim a port them for loss has been adjusted, fully, warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage ofhis friends and the community at large to ibe Delaware hLS. Insu rance Company, while it has the additional advantages as an insliunion among the most flourishing in Philadel phia—m having an amplepaid-in capital, which bytho operation of in charter u constantly increasing, a» vwldlDff to each person insured hi# due share of the profits of the company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever,. and therefore as possessing the Mautal principle divested or every obnoxious fea ture, and in its most attractive form. hot! FIiUS AJfD MARIS® ISSOBAIOS* -Triiifi iosarauee Company of Nortl* Aminea, tarough I ' »u daly actboriiedAgWij the tubscnber, oflers to Sake penaanurt awl limi«d insurance on mwny.la this city and its Tieini ty, and oa shipment* by the Ca- DIRECTOR. , - &£"“£££ 'SbSSTjfe. John A. Brown, Wood John .While, WM.h ' • kasaT D. Str**»s*»»Bec , y: . n-:,*A This u the oldest. Buurance Company in ti* UnUCfl State*, bavin# been chartered mI«W- Il» chaner ts perpetual, ana from its high standing,long expenenee, ample means,audatoiding ail tub of an extra bax* ardoos character, it.may be considered as offering am* pic security to flic public. • \V. T. /OinS; • At the Counting Boom of Afwoodj Jones A Co., ”.** t*t add Pront streets Pittsburgh. mays- bUUSckIUEA baa been appointed Aceut pro . ten. of (he Insurance Company of .North America, and will issue Policies mad attend ttfThe other business of the Agency, at the warehouse ofAtwood, Jones & Co, WM-JP./OftEß, water si PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 11, 1849 LAW OFFICES. JOHN 11. RANKIN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. and Comrai?- ■iover forjthe'State of Pennsylvania, St. Louis, Mo-(lst* o( Pittsburgh.) RVMrtCHs.—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, 11 amp tou A Miller, M'Candles* A M'Clure, John K Parke, i s»pH« A «empic, M’Cord A King. augl4:dly t.astua j. r srßßtarr. BAIRD* BTEEBETT, Attorneys and counsellors at law. Fourth street, between Smith field and Grant, 'itUbutghj Pn. S juls_ toun a. LASftS. ' vs. c. FS.KBt) LARGE A FRIEND, ATTORNEYS at LAW, Fourth slice!, near Grant. I JolG:if' JAMES K.KpRtR, A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office onCFourth n,, be- A tween Sraithfield and Grant si, Pittsburgh, : ’ WM. TIMBLIN, *• ATTORNEY AT LAW, lisstlfT, Fa WILL also attend to collections and alloiherbuii ness entrusted to him in llutler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to J. A A Floyd, Liberty st \ W. W. Wallace, do I James Marshal! do f P-uttburrh. djy Kay A Co., Wood at. j j ,_ j*n7 JR 6WEITZER, Atlamey at Law, office ad *l, * opposite 5t- Charles Hold,'Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Ooi!ections,in We*hingutn,Fayette and Green counties, P*. . •. f REFER TO / Blacktloek, Dell A Co., Y \ Church A Carolhers, » _ D.T. Morgan, } • ocl3dty_ EJ. HENRY, Attorney ond.Counrdlor at Law, • Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. CommtssioneMor the State of Penn sylvania, for taking* Depositions, acknowledgment*, Rxrs&YO— Hoa. Wm. Bell A Son, Curtis, Church A Carothens Wm. Hays, Esq., Wiltack A Davis. aUS . MTS. CAPS AND BOPiETS 3 FALL FASHION f6r HATS. raf 4OL McCORD A Co. wid introduce this, day Saturday Aug tsili,) the foil stylo of Gentlemen* latsfcomc rof Fifth and Wood streets- augdJ 1 ■I . B’COBB dt.CO., ' J£ (Successors to APCord A King) €kq9 r Fashlbaabls HatTeVa, Corner of Wood atid Fifth Street*. PARTICULAR attention paid'to oar Retail Trade, • Gentlemen con rely upon getting tbyir Hat* and Caps from our establishment of the best suxcuau and woanuKonr, of the urm sttlcs, and at the tonrzst nuns. ' Country-Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and examine oar Stork; as we can say with confidence that as regards Qr*u?» and rater, it will not ratfer In a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. frh|? nwj CALIFORNIA HATS—-tv doa water proof / fl California Half, just received ami for sale by M’CuRDACo. ieb‘27 corTitr's'.h and Wool »t* n>SPRING FABHIbfiS?OR l hTCORD A Co. will introduce on Saiui-j_M . March :td, the Spring style of HATS.IA Those in want of a neat and c uperfor hat, are invited to call at corner of sth and WoodUtrret*. mart SPRING BONNOT RIBBONS, Ac.—W R Marphy has now open a supply of spring Bonnet Ribbons, of new a:id handsome styles. Also, new style fig'd NeUs; Lisle Laces and Edg ing?; Linen Edging*; Victoria do; plaid Muslin* and Jaeonets, embroidered Swiss Marlins, Ac.; besides a large assortment of Spring Goods generally, at north cast comer 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms op stairs. • ap6 porwarWg~&COMMISSION. a.stcsbt.- thos a *ill STUART A SILL, Grocers, and Produce and Com mission Merchants, No. 11* Wood *t. Pittsburgh. Dealers In Gioceries, Flour, When', Rye, Oat*. Corn, Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butter. Lard, Cheese; ('lover, Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Nails, Cl*«*, Ac. Ae. Ac. Particular attention paid to the sale of Western Produce. RxreiXKCD— Messrs. Myers A Hunter, RobL Dn|- xetl ACp., M'Gills A Roe. Hampton, Smith A Co.. James May, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner A JiTMillan, Massitlon. Jot. 8. Morrison, F.sf], St. Louis. . . fpt2B:l r routi a. coots, lata of N. Lisbon, O w. s. sEixtora. CRAIG * SKHiSFJI, GENERAL AGENCY, Cnmiaisriou and Forward ing 26 Market si, Pittsburgh, l‘n. attention given. lo the purchase ana sale of all kinds of Produce. • Rama to—John Watt A Co , Murphy*, Wilson A. Co. Pittsburgh, Lawson A Hill, Alahlon Martin, Wellsville, O.; John 11. Brown A Co., Grieg., Ellioli A Co., Philadelphia; B. W. Buodgruss A CorTGregg A Naee, New Lisbon, O.; -Fr.'Skinner, Hon. C. I). ilr.lfin, Cincinnati; J. P. Keller, Vouugitowu, O ; W. L, S:uu -dart,' Cleveland, <). aug'.M C.COM. ' J. C. BBKTroc.LB. COPB A BRBTFOOLK, FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealers in White Lead, Window Glass, Ac, 10S Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Will olieud promptly to the solo of article* entrusted Rmx 70—Bagaley A Smith, R. Tanner A Co . S. A W. ilarbaugb, Kay A Co, Mtirphy, Wilson A Co, Pittsburgh. Hannah, Graham A Co., arid the racr 'chants generally, New Unban, <>. D. A D. M’Donald A Co., Geo. Weils, WelUville.O. Joseph Wnuou. I). Fenner A Al’Alillen, Massillon, O Benneit, Martin A Co., Weaver, Taylor A Ca., John U. Brown A Co., Philadelphia. A. u. Richardson A Bro., Grotf,'Holmes A Co., Cincinuati. O. Jntin F Howard,lu)ttiiviUo,'Ky. John Smith, New Orleans. Handy A Hannan, Cleveland, O. A.'J. Hadley, Mans field, O. .Clark, Parks A Co., Ueavcr,lPa. utigGMu GEORGE COCIJRAN. Commission and Forwarding Merchant*. no. 2fi woou «T., riTnsßuittiu, CONTINUES to transact a general Commission buti new/especialiy in l!ie purchase and nnle of Amen can-ManufaeturcS'and Product, and in receiving and forwahUng Goods consigned to his care. Ah Agent for the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Piiubargji Manufacture at the lowest' wholesale'prices. Orders and coimigumems are respoctfully solicited. __ * . ' |97 ■?|jj WIGIiTUAN oi Penn Slachtme Bhoj fn.ll kind* of cot* _ - t ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny ciry. P» The above works being now in full and suhcc»*is! op eration, l am prepared to cxciite osisrs w.ih i for all.kimls ofjmachmery in ay line, *3t w . as willow-, pickers, spreaders, cards grinding n.ttUnet, railway-, drawing frames, speeders, thieisiU, looms wooiru cards doable oraingle,for inerchantor country work, males, jaeksic.; slide and liaml lathes and tools in gen eral.. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Rkvkk ti>—Kennedy, Child* a: Co., Illackstock, Hell A Co n King, Penuock ACo , Jas. A. Kray. • UonoagahtU Livery Stable* &BOBKKT H. I’A’maLSON lias opened the large stable on First *t, running through to Second it, between Wood tunl Sn}illi£eld gts.,in the rear of the Monongahela Iloute, with an eitlircly new stock of Horses and Carriages of the best quality and latest styles. Horscj kept at live* ry in the best manner. JythUy FOaGBBBNWOOD GARDENS* avow*- tv Tilc steam boat-A-. MASON_s6jw i[L . Bt now runs from the Point, foot»M&* ttßwcvtWft of Liberty street, to tba Gar* ■qlßßSSHSderi—leaving ni 9 o'clock. A. M., and at the bcgtiuungof each hour until 0 P. M. Visiters may rely on finding the boat at the hour. She leaves the Garden, the last up trip, at 10 o’clock. The season is fast advancing, and those wishing to visa this delightful retreat, now is the time to spend a few hours, not in the smoke and dun of the city, bat In a pure atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of Sowers. ' All kinds of refreshments, except intoxicating drinks, are kept.on the premises. Greenhouse Plants, and Bouquets of choice flower* for tale. Closed on Sun day. IjTfO JAMES M’KAIN.. {Sy-Chaitgeof landing made on account of low tva- B. MIIiTKNBKROKR _ , Forwarding sod Commission Mcr* chanl»h*s removed to No. b? From, between Wood gnd Saithfield streets. , • and K hare some PUMPS, made on an improved plan, so as not to freeze in'the coldest weather. Persons wanting such article*, are invited-to call and *e« them U ' SCAIFE A ATKINSON’S, • jaygS tit, .between Wood Market «t* lt(>ll DAILY €rA^KISTTIS» CO-PARTNERSHIPS. DUiolatloa. or Co*Partntnhlp. rpHE copartnership heretofore existing between lEe X subscribers, under the style of Brown A Culbert* son, was dissolved on the Ist Inst, by mmnal content M.B. BROWN, i A. CULBERTSON. : Pitubuigb, Oct, 5, ls-10. Tbc subscriber will continue ifae Wholesale Groce ry and Commitriou Business, es heretofore, at the old stand, 145 Liberty it. octi A. CULBERTSON- i' CO-PARTNER6I2IF. JOHN PARKER and JOHN W. RIDDLE Rate en tered into partnership, under the firm of PARKER A. RIDDLE, and will curry on the Shoo business id ull im branches, at the old stand of John Parker, cor ner of Federal *t. and Sooth Oornmdd, city of Alleghe ny. | JOHN PARKER. fcrtl:dlm , JOHN W. RIDDLE. j TAYLOR* BKHRET, Proprietors oftijf. Pittsburgh alkali WORKS, are now prepared to furnish a superior article of Soda Ash and Muriatic Acid. Persons wiahj mg to purchase either of the above articles, are re quired m call on ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 Fiflh Ml, and examine the articles before purchasing elsewhere. N. Soda Ash manufactured at this establish ment is greatly superior to any other brought to this market. • sprit UMD ATKISSOS. i SCAIFK *. ATKISSOS, rr*sT st„ inwus Wood as® Maikxt, PmencMK, CONTINUE to tnnnufennrc all kinds of COPPER, TIN AND SUKET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. ■ ; Ste/un Oo{its built to order. Special attention riven to steam boat work. „ Have on hands a fine assortment of Copper and Bran Kettle*. Tin Ware, Ac. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stove*, Portable Forge*, various sites—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboat*, California emlgr&hlcforrall rosfl companies. • we would respectfully invite steam boat men and other* to call ana see our articles and price* before purchasing elsewhere. jy:J7 r DlMolatlon i THF. copartnership of HENRY HANNEN A CO., formerlv llsrtneo, Mailer & Co„ in the Window a <1 Colored Glass business, u thi* day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. ‘ The business will be continued by the undersimed, under.the firm of lIENKY HANNEN A CO. Ware house No. Ilb Second et, where we will have constant supplies of superior Window Glass. JOHN HANNEN, 1 HENRY HANNEN. , HUGH ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. Aug. t*7, ‘49. HENRY UMSTKAD. CQp»rtß«r>hln. ' THE unUrr«tgnedjliaTe ibis day associated with them in bu-iiie»* J Af!00 L. SCHWARTZ, anil will cori unur the business as heretofore! omler the firm of B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. . Joly a. I&4P. jy 13 _j_ NOTICK. rpIIK partnership heretofore existing under the firm X #1 A. i C. IIKAULKV, i» dissolved by thn ilccctn oi Mr. O. firmlley. Tb« business will be curried on by A. Itrndley, who wil) settle the business of the late firm. | REMOVAL—A. BtuDUtr has removed hu Foundry Warehouse from No MS Second street, to No. 19 Wood street, brtwttij First and Second streets, :o the wnrebouse lately occupied l>y G. A. Bert)', where be will keep.constantly tin hand a general assortment of Casting*, Grates. Store*. Cooking Stores. Ac. jyld DISSOLUTION. fJMIE partnership heretofore existing between Sam- X ud U. Btuhfield ondWillinm I). Ways, trading under thn firm of UUSHFIELD A HAYS, has this day i e u dissolved by William D. Hay* telling hi* entire interest in the firm tot S. D. Busbfield. All account* dun ibr firm will be collected by S. 11. Uushfield. and all-debit dne by the late firm u> be paid by the same. S. B. UUSIIFIKLD, Pittsburgh, June 23, ISW. W. B; HAYS. . , CO-PARTNERSHIP.—9. B. Bcstnrm* haring this day associated with lumseif Ilaaar Leases, formerly of Bedford. Pa., and roccmly of the National Hotel, Pittsburgh, will eontinne ike business under the firm of BUSftFSKLD A LEADER, attbe old stand. NoltHß Liberty street. W B. BUSH FIELIL— Pittsburgh, June Si, 1549. H. LEADER. ' Haring retired froin the ftjrmer business," I take pleasure in rccomimuidiDg my (ttreessors lo the pa tronage of my customers and the public generally. 027 W. 0. HAYS. Dissolution. < THE eo-portnerrhipheretofore existing between th«y subtcribert. iirthe name of Constable, Burke A Co.. ix this day dissolved by mutual conrent. Messrs; Burke A.Darn-** will settle the-business of the con] e«m, for which purpose they are authorised to use tho name of ike concept. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. I EDMUND BURKE, > ' THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned hare this day associated themselves! in thn nsme cl BURKE £ BARNES, for the purpose) ofmauufaclunng Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors. Ac.! Ac., at the suud of tlie itte firm of Constable, Utukc A Co„ where they will be pleased to receive the' pa. tronage of the customers oflhat bouse and their friends. EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable,Burke A Co., I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Barite A DarneVto the confidence of my friend* and the public. Feb. 9,1-49. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. feblft-dtf : ; J . DISSOLUTION. THE partnership of AHJRPHY A LEE Uthuday dissolved by mntnsl couebl Tbe business of th* late fins mil btfecaled H. Leel JllL MURPHY, r Pittsburgh, Jail. SO, 1549. : TF-LfiF NOTICE—The undersigned will the Wool business &nd mend to the tale of Woolen Goods, si the old used. 1 U. I-KK. In retirptgfrom the firm of Murphy Jt Lee, I take great pleasure tn recommending Mr. 11. Lee to the confidence of my friends and the public. •Pittsburgh, Jsn.ar.lMi>. J. R. MURPHY. fpi'lK s utme rihers base this day associated iheim* X *elres together for the purpose of transacting p wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, 01 No £& Liberty, opposite Seventh street. under the nyle ftttdfirm of UUriIIFIELD A HAYS, riltfcUuigb, January I.lSty. I N. U—Our old customers and the pid-lic are invited to give us a cail. ! " ’ co*i>AaT3Kaßiiip; " •fXTM'B. 3CAIFK an Tf hare entered into SCAIFE 4. ATKINSO Copper, ,u, d Sheet Iron Also, lllackunuhinr i stand of Wm. it Senile, Particular attenuon gv orti I HAVE this day unto sale Grocery; Prodv my undr A Co. January 1, 1« W. CO-PAKTMKRSi <lay tiMociaitd wiih Ibrr tmjiiiM-u will iierer Grm of Wm. Youtfg h. r Staam Brlcl THE subscriber offer* U’uKKS, above i Steam Engine, d Boiler*, manufacturing 151,000 P»» a* taken fiutn the bank,) pern*,, Inud on the Allegheny river, : on wlm... . *ln-d«, machine and clay tbddt,-wheelbarrows, truck*, shovels, spades, Ac., every thing reaulille to com mence operations ni an honra notice. Price, including the patent right to use »md nachino. 87,000 term* o ( payment made easy. Without the land, 85,000. For pantcul trs, addre** IIEN&V MERRITT, _nuit'J7-dif . No tla Monoflgabcla House. JAMES XV. WOODWELL, Modern, and h ntiqnc Fnrnitnrc, S3, Tunu Stxsxt, I‘rroncaan. A la, K n and splendid '" 'W assortment of Famuuje, M'BafiSJSßtflfX suitable for Steamboat*, KBSSSHSK BEB9 Hotel* and private dwVl hue*. constantly''')!! trend and inode to order. The present rtock on hand cannot be exceeded tty ary manufactory in the we*l«m country. Pernor* w.*lmu; to purchase would do Wll to give me a call, as iam determined my prutes klrall please. Part of the stork consists in— J TetrnTetc; Buffft Flaqeie; l.oui«XIV Chairs; Uurcn Elizabeth chairs; Ten I’oyse: Fruit Tables; Toilei Table*; Intuit XV Commodcr; French Mahogany ned*le nd«! Piano Stools; An sofa* with Plush and Hhir-rlolbcovsis SO’Mahngiuty Rocking Cfiairn; 4" dor Parlor ll o IW u Fancy tlo « tSi centre Table*; j Sttpair Divans; 4 pair pitir Table*; J j marble top Dressing lidreaus; 3 Wardrobe*; 3 Secretahes and Book cates; ini marble top Wash Stands; . . , 4 pair Ottoman*; •( & pair fancy WorJrSldnilfi; A very large* assortment of common chain and other furniture 100 numerous to mention. |jj" Steum Boats furnished (in the shortest notice, and on >h« moil maxinsl.le Irnjn*. decld Ulapitrapa Wiier,T6r [aydraafWatsTt A THIS i* to Certify that I have apj JBL pointed Livingston, Hogpen' A Co, Sole Agent* for the sale of Jenning'* Wy Patent UrabnUigm Filter, for the ci| fM tiesofPittsbuffh and Allegheny. > an /UT JOHN GfUSOiN, Agent, for Walter MGibson, M 9 Broadway, X N *dci. 10,18« j. We have been using one of the above articles at iha office of the Novelty Works for.tliree month*, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that (l is a useful invention, and wc take pleasure in recommending them as a u*e; fui article tn all who love pule Water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. nets'* LIVINGSTON. HOGPEN ACo_ Bsv«riibl«ipUl<nxiß Coels, iFOB PURIFYING WATER, Which render* turbid water pure by rcmovinrall aiibstancescotaoloble a. water. Tho'crbura water in N. York, ShT , 'fP k WiF££t a l l k oU dh clear bid pure to the eye, yet ttwhen It posset an boar through lath VsiSoJ filtering eock, shows a large deposit? impnre sabstruice*. worms, Ac. Thu is the case more or lessjvilh ol| hydrant-water. The Reversible Filierer is neat and durable, and ii not attended with the inconvenience incident to other FUtererv, as it in cleansed witfurat beingdetached from the pipe, by merely turuing the key or hand!* from one side to the other. l Uyrthi* easy process, th* course of water Is changed,Tind all accumulations fo impurM substances are driven} off almost instantly, without unscrewing the FlltcrJ It also posseaseatha advai iiago of being a *top ai such in many case* wul be very convenient and economical. lie an be attached where Uteri i* an* pressure high or lo wtou cask, tank, tnb, Ac. iwifo eims. Td bo had of the sole Agents , jW./W. WILSON, . • ictl7 comer of Fourth and Market *ta BELL, ABO BUABS FOpRDRV, |t A FULTON, Bell dud Bras* Founder, has re 'Pa boilt and commenced, business at hi* old stand, rf eft where he will bo pleased to sen his old custom- and friends. ‘Church,Steamboat,and Bella of every lire, from 10 to 1 u,ooo pounds, cast from pattern* of the most approv ed i nodels, and warranted uibe of the best material*. Mineral Water Pump*, Counter Ratling, Ac., toge r thei t with every variety of Brass Casting*, if ton ted and finished in the neatest manner. A . F. is the aple proprietor of Baisrr’i AJm-ATTXi- • not i Mrrxn, so Justly .celebrated, for the redaction oi f 'friction in machinery. Tha Boxej and Composition caoj, be had of him at oil time*. I ja3o:ly MISCELLANEOUS OhoeolaMt Cocoa. Ao. w. American and French Choeplttc. Prcpar- Ted Cocoa, Cocoa' Paste, Broao,"Cocoa Shells, Ac. O merchants and consumers, who would purchase t " e^?, t P To^Betao fCocoa, free from adulteration, morenutridous than tea or coffee, and in quality unsur passed, sabseriber recommends the above articles, • manufactured by hlmaclfi and stamped with his name. His Ilroma and Cocoa Paste, as aelieaie, palatable, aim salutary drinks for Invalids, convalescents, ana others, are pronounced by the most eminent phrsleians supenor to any other preparations. Hu manufactures on sale, in any quantity, by thd most re spectable grocers in the eastern cities, and by theft 5* enu t» a 7 of Boston; James fit Bonce A co, lianfonLConn; Hussey A Murray, New York: Grunt A Btone, Philadelphia; Tnomaa V Brundige, Bal timore; and Kellogg A Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. _ WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by aagfil BAGALEV A SMITH, Agu T Wrotuhtaad Cast IrenßalUnf. HE*absorbers beg leave to inform the public that Urey hare obtained from the East ail the late and iwluonable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses ami cemeterits. Persons, wishing to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short est notice, sad in the best manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. angSS-dtf ; A. LAMONT A KNOX. W.dbJ. QLEMI. Book Binders. Xhr t, are still engaged in the above business, eorne ff of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, when we are prepared to do any work in our line with des Siateh. We' attend to our'work personally, and .ssus action will be given in regard to lu neatness and du rabtlity. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbers orold books bound care folly or repaired. Names put on books in gilt letters. Those that have work in our line are invited to call. Prices low. mytffctf NOTICE. TTAVENG sold our enure stock to C. ILGejUTt, with XX' * view to doting our old business, we hereby so licit for him the patronage of all our friends and cus tomers. RO. W. POINDEXTER, ! ' the. Poindexter: ( Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1848. €IL GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and » Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water at. aulQ Sealsii Cooking Btovu, Oratsi, dtp. \XARBHALL, WALLACE A CO., Round Church, -Isl. corner Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture and offer for sale platform, Floor and Counter Scales, oftite most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood and eoal; Egg Stores of various sizes, Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ac. Ac.. They aDo manufacture the Kiteben Range, which has given such general satufaction to those Daring it in use, to all of! whien they would retpectflilly invite the attention'of' the citizens and the public generally, oetB7-dtf Manufactured tobacco—The subscriber would call the attention of the city trade and dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaccos, in store and to arrive, which being consignments di rer! from manufacturers, he is enabled to sell at east ern prices: , i:t» fbxaßW Crenshaw ‘fis; TO | “ James Madison fis; fl| “ Lamartine fis; 33 | “ Mirabeau fis; * 33 I u Putnam fis and is; 15 I u Roberts A Sisson 6s; S i “ Oscar Bnrl fis; 9 | “ Johns A Lrwii k Is; 3 | “ Warwick, supr Is; 4d | u Uenry A James ss, Is and 0s; feMi ls waterman Pitt fiTaohlns Work* snd^Psuadry mrsßCutt, ra. JOHN WRIGHT ACo, are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery ot every description, such as Carding Machines, i Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Onnders, Ac. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sizes of Cast Iron, Pollies and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and t>«M Lathes, and tools of ail kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing,-Ac. Steam Pipe for heat ing Focjones. Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas ting* generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. palmer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atten- Refer to Blocksiock, Beil A Co., J. K. Moorehead A Lo, G. E Warner, John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh: u. C. A J. H. Warner, Steubenville. janip SEW COACH FACTORY, ALLZOEXXT. MA. Uli fc A CO™ would rcspeetfhlly- inform * the public that they have erected a shop on , Lacoek, between Federal ai d Sandusky streets. They are uow making and are prepared to receive orders for Jr err description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ba lueties, Buggies, PfaatpnA Ac., Ac., which from their ong experience in the manufacture of the above work .ad the facilities they have, they feel confident they are ■ mabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with base wanting articles in their line. . Fvyinff particular attention to the selection of male tolt, and having none but competent workmen, they iave no hesitation in warranting their work. We bereforeatk tbe attention of the public to this matter N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the i tost reasonable terms. joSfotf TK> COTTON AND WOOLEN MAN UFACTUI X RERS.—Having made arrangements for a con stant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low prices Calf and Sheep Roler Skins, Lace Lea ther. Pickers, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadles' No. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wrenches, -Stripping Curds,’ IQ to 13 in; Patent Dreiser Brushes, Weuvsrr Brush l Ae.Ae.. .. LOGAN, WILSON A CO ■ «ny4 129 Weo Street. Pitishargfa. PORT WINES—Omey, Webber A Forrester, 1834; A Pure rich and dry, Gould, Campbell A Co’* old dry 1838. Osbourn'* ISM, Pure 1340; Pure Juice par. tieular Port, Harris A dons, Pure Juiee, threble, dou ble and single Grapes! These 'wine* are all celtbra : ted for tlieir medical properties, and' ean bo hod whole : sale or retail at the wine Btore of ; jya JACOB WEAVER,^ PIAHOBI : THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman’s celebrated iJKolian Attachment. The above imtrtuneni* are war ranted to be equal to any manufactured m this coun try', and will be sold lower than any brbagh; from the East. F. IILUfiK, No U'l wood st, 2d door above nth ' N. B.—City-Scrip will be taken at par for a few of he above assortment. my 3 f. g. ! lbsi'Ev«rt" T* CHJA.N, WILSON A CO., Importers and Wholesale JLI Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No IS) Wood street, above FifUt.havenow in etorea very Cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, imported trace the decline of prieea in Europe, and whieh they kre determined to sell correspondingly low. Merchants who have been in the habit of going East, are particu larly requested to call and look through cur sto ik, as we confidently believe they will save their exo nees r o«4 CALfURINs— <M dox genome French Calf til ms, a verr\fine aniele. A few dozens Philad tphia Skins, from the manufactory of H M Crawfo iL to whieh the attention of boot makera is invited just received and for sale by W YOUNG A ci, 'ie® 143 liberty at ■p aTENT~SOLaRLAUdTA.M exteusivt JL assortment of Cornelius A Co's celebrated menu tsetnns, and superior lo oil o min usej adapted to Churches, steamboats, foe to rira'.dwel lings, publio and private hall*, and to all other a ts where a cheap, sale and brilliant light is desirable i Also,Girandoles, Hall Lam-rns, Candelabra*,Globes, Shades, Wick*, Chimnie*, Canv Tnmmera, Ac. Also. Gas Chandeliers, from one to ibur lights t deed . W W WILSON. IS market a i WASTird, Daily at the Baltimore, Philadelphia. NEW YORK. 1109 TON AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Young MEN I in wholesale and retail atores, and other respectable business, to aet as Book-keepers, Sales-' men, Ponera} Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmer*, Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collector*. Overseers In all branches of business, Ac. We have' stall times a large uuraberofgood situations on hand, which pay from 3UO to t'AOOO per annum; Those In want of stinationa of any kind would do well to give uii a call, as we have agents in each of the above ci ties, which will enable u* to place every applicantin u’suitable situation at the shortest notice, we have a Urge acquaintance in all the above named cities, iwlucb we trust wilt enable us to give entire satisfac tion to nil who may favor us with a calL I TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 53 Second il, [ between South and Gay. ! N. B—Persons living In any pan of the U.Biates, and wishing lo obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above cities, will have thrir wants imme diately attended to by,'addressing u* a line.(post-paid) as by so doing they will curtail both trouble ana ex pense, which they otherwise would incur by coming •o'the eity, and seeking employment (or tbeaselvea Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN, N 0.69 Second street, • mya&dtf Baltimore, Md UKIsIBF FOtt OBABPBi WE HA VK ABDOMINAL WARMERS made from the must approved English pauero, furnished and recommended by Thomas Bakewell, Lsq., and a number of eminent physicians; being a most conveni ent apparatus for the application of warm orhotwa ter to the bowel*, in case of cramp* in Cholera. A* every person is subject to sadden attacks, no family should be without atleast one. ' &CAIFEA ATKINSON, First it. between Wood and Market PITTSBURGH FBHALE IMBTITUT 1 *: fltliE Second Session of libs Institution, uuder the X care of Mr. and Mrs. Goutojui, for the present academia year, will commence on the first of FeUrus ry next, in the same buildings, No. 63 Liberty street.. Arrangements have been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies faculties equal ta any m the West, for obtaining a tboios'h English, Classi cal, and Ornamental education. A toil ;nurse of Phi losophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. Thu de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each bo uuder the care ofa competent Professor. By closo atteulion to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of tha liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For term*, see circular or apply to tho Principals. JadO-du r ■ T. Dr* Hel<sas~lm TenissMS. HIS is -to certify that Lpurchased ote.vialof Dr. tlo Lane’s Worm Specific, some two months ago and gave to a son of mine, tome seven years old,two teaspoons foil, and althouga the amount may appear Urge, yet l nave no doaot bat there .was spwaidsof two nooun woxin passed from him, measuring trosa au quarter of an inch to two inches Jong. ■ „ GW HOLLIDAY; BoaaN Greek. Carrol eo. Tcnn., Dec 37.1M7. Js24 ’ BENNETT a BROTHER; UFEENBWARE MANUFACTURERS,' Birmingham, [asar Pltlsborch,j Pa* . WcreActire, Jto. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. V WILL constantly keep-on hand a good assort ment ot Wan; of our own manufacture, and supenorquality. Wholesale and country Mer chants are respectfully invited to caltaad ex amina for themselves, as we an determined to tel) cheaper thanhaaeveroefore been offered to the pub lic. U7* Orders sent by mail,accompanied by theeaah or uy reference, will be promptly attended to. myl® fIH) THE LADIES—Just received, a fall assonmen X of gold and silver Thread, Coni and Braid; also Spangle* and Bullion, for embroidering and other or nameatal work. A(*o,goldond silver Tassels, Fringe, ■uid Lace. Jewelry of the latest fashions, in great variety. Watches of superior qoalitv and bsaaufiil patient*, and for sale at Eastern prices. W W WILSON, aug7 comer Market and Fourth st* 1 TBBBJBIIII BfiTHISO CTABLISU- A MKNT—Open from 6 A.M. to II P-M.. Single Uaib SS cents, or 6 for 1 dollar. Ladles department open from BtoUa; M. and from «to BP. M. The Reireshmear.lalooiis are onequkUed in style attendance. Recherche Ico Creams! , Ugl6.. . T. hTFALL, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Felt-Cioilk Covered .pi.siioti . THE subscriber has just completed his stock of'PIANOS; tempo*ea of e. Mil 7 octaves ofrcvciy ■variety of •Ji * V I*styteand.priee.wwhundwitiioatCoJe man’s celebrated Afotian Attachmsnt, Xrotn. the cele brated factory of Nunns A Clark, New York. They are.aU provided with the above important improve ment Ail other Piano makers’ in this country' eover thq hammers (which strike the suing and produce the tone.) with leather. -This, 1 as they all admit, wears badly, the leather growing hard and. bnnh t ana thus coaling, after the Piano has been used a while, a most disagreeable, harsh and wiry tone. ’NunM A Clark have within the ias{/ne months covered the hammers wllkyUt doth, an entirely new invention; producing a most melodious amlvoluralnous-toue, which still im proves by age, instead ofgrowing harsh tuul hard,-as feather necessarily does. This may safely be pro nounced the greatest improvement in Piano* yet in vented The imeridr of tbesie Pianos is magnificently gilded and embellished, altogelher-the rienetL-finnh Imaginable. Keeping an assortment of Boston and other Pianos, the politic can convince themselves of the superiority of tell to leather, by calling and trying the instruments. "H. KLEBER. ’ Sole Agent for Nanus A Clark, ] At J. W. Woodwell’s B.—The above will be sold at manufacturers Since*, and iho money returned it found in the least deective. *pt7 I PAPER HANQINGS. HES3RB. JAB. HOWARD A CO., So. 82 Wood Street, "TTCTjoI/LD call the attention of the public to their y f I present stock of Paper Hangings, which for va riety] beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, is un surpassed by any establishment in the Union. Bekides nlarge and full UASortmenl of paper of their own jmnnuikemre, they are now reeetviiyr a direct im portation ofFreneh and English stylesorPuperitang ingsJpurehased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm, nowjtn Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture,, 10,000 pieces. Loudon do fi,ooo do Oftheir own manufacture they have 100,000 pieces Wall Paper, and pieces satin glazed Window Blinds, Ae. fildssrs. James Howard A Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east ern paper establishments, both in quality of man ufacture and variety of pattern; andthey. are warrant ed injasraring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assorunent,/oreign and home manufac ture, will be offered on terms as low as those of east era manufacturers and importers. meh27:dtf ■irmni.MLvn. jubhua Hstins. wm. e. hast PALRER, HANNA * CO., (Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Co.) , TJANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers X> in Fbreirn and Domestic Exchange, Certificates jjf Opposite, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on depoute—Sight Cheeks for iole', and collections made on-nearly all the'principal points in the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Eat,« on liberal terms. ' apt! GREAT DISCOVERY! PsTcrr S ecus an J *: • I'ABY Ist, 1949. Patent cros+bver extension Tables Sofas, Bureaus, Boot Cases, Writing DesJa. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. fpIIE TABLBB far surpassing every other tn jl ventiou of the kind now extant. They ean be ex tended from ten to twenty-five Teel, and wheu closed the leaves arc all contained iuside; they are mode to oil sizes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, farm ing when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are Inval uable, particularly to those who wish lo econo mise room, and eonvert a sleeping apanment into a parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shut aijconvenienee, and when shut, the bedding is enclos ed! A great saving in room and rent. Ail the bed steads when closed torn a beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or sluing room. BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed stead, whenclosed a perfectDesLand Library alone D viuble. 7 All these articles need no recommendation: the VatutT of the whole D. they are warranted not to get out of repair. It will oe for your interests lo call and examiso the artieles. at the manufacturer's store, \No. 83 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition lo the above advantages, they are proof against bugs. mchltt JAMES W WQQDWKLL. cqXß*b . | Patent Graduated Gahmu Battery \and Aston* Inmlalsd Poles for Medical and otisr purposes. THIS is the only tnsmuaenl of the that has ever been presented to this country or Europe for med ical purposes, and is the only one ever known to man by which the galvanio fluid ean be conveyed lo the hu | man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of the body, either externally or internally, In a definite genua 'stream, without shocks or pain—with perfect eatety— and often with the happiest effects. Ibis important apparatus is now highly approved of >y many) of the most eminent physicians offitis coun ty and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whoa i: nay concern can be referred. Reference will alto be given to many highly reipec table eidient, who have been cured by means of ihlsmost valuable apparatus of some of the most inveterate nervous disorders which could not be removed by any other known meana Among various others, It has been proved to be ad* nimbly adapted for the cam of the following hi—— . vizr nervous and other <>>—«»» of the brain. It is wilh-thts apparatus aiooo that the operator can convey ih«'magnetic fluid with.easqand safety to the eye, to restore tighu, or cure emaaiosas; to the- ear to restore heartug] to urn tongue and other organs, to rei ■tore speech; and to the various parts of the body, for the cure of chrenlo rheumatism, asthma, heoralgta, or tw dojonrtox, paralysis, or palsy, goat, chorea or SL Vttu’d dance,epilepsy, weakness from sprains, some diseases peculiar u females, contraction of the limb*, lockjaw,ete.etn. Rights for • unwinding counties of Western Pa- and privileges, with the instrument, may be purchased, and also tested for the cure of diseases. FalUnstructions will be given for the various chemi cals to be used for various diseases, and the best man ner for operating for the care of those diseases mil H l* ■o be folly explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into his hands expressly for these purposes, care fully prepared by the patentee. Ennui re of _ocll3-dty__ S- WILLIAMS, Vino ft, Pittehunrh THIC AlfleaMßTiiiii;" 6 THE attention of the public is respeetiuiiy called to the following certificates; Mb. 8. Eaxxas—Having tested b quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer. I find the result proves your instrument correct; ana recommend tho use of u to those going to California, aa the beat method for ob. laming the real value of Gold. Beep, yours, J. B. OUNLEV1 1 Gold Beam. Pittsburgh, March 0, 1949. „ PTrynnau, March 7,184 D. 3I». Eaano—Dear Sir Having examined the “Areo meter," manufactured qt your room?, 1 do not heanate to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California In search of Gold. It gives a close approximation to the specific cravi ty of metals, and will certainly enablo too adventurer to ascertain when his placer u yieldiug Gold, maria Yours, respT, J. R. hPCLINTOCK. INDIA RUBBER CLOTHlNG—Justrrccived for the Criifornia Expedition, a complete'assortment of Guu Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from to. for suit of coat, pants and hat. For sale at the India Rubber Depot, No S Wood st dc«a) 4 A II PHILLIPS ForialtforDia. THE celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder! in kegs, half kegs, quarters and cans, for sale by febl3 J S BiLWORTH A Co, iffwood st REMOVAL^ fT'HE subscriber has,removed his Wholesale Groce* 1 rjr More to the corner oi'llancock street and Alto* gheny Wharf; oeitdoprlo the Perry House. pjeh¥7:dtf JOHN F. PERRY. WILLIAM REISS, Sumhctnier of Dlioeral Water Apparatus, 808 or TUB OOLOtn BA«LB IX TOtRtTAQI, No l . 913 North Beeond st., above Vina, PHILADELPHIA. A N experience of more than twelve years in the A manufacturing of Mineral WBier Apparatus, and the preparation of Mineral Water in Betties and Foun tains, ou on extensive scale, with n scientific and prac tical knowledge of of both branches of business, toge ther with recent improvements in the construction of iheApparatu* and tho preparing of the Water, whieh he has succeeded in adopting since hi# visit to Paris, and oAer years of close study and ptaciica] applica tions as applied lb the arts in Mechanics and Chemis try, enabled the subscriber to come before the public with entire confidence, and offer them Use beat and mo«l complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Min eral Watct in Bottles and Fountains, that can be fur nished in the United States. He also flatten himself that the enlarged success he has met with, and the present extensivo aud daily in creasing amount of his business in both the above de partments, furnishes the most convincing proof of his claim to the superiority of Apparatus over those of all othfcrs, and of the purity and salubrity of the Water prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Apparatus from a distance, may be assured that their instructions shall be faithful ly complied with, and to pocked as to carry hafely ci the if by land or waler to any part of the U, a talcs.' To avoid.disappointment, it is recommended to those who intend supplying themselves the approaching sen soid. to forward their orders at as early a day as con venient. - Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fountains, Ornamental Urns and Pedestals for Stands, Counters aud Bars of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant Waler, together with Corking and Tying Machines, and everything appertaining to the above business, constantly ou hand, and for sale on the lowest terns for f-ash, .'apSAdeadOm GRKXFWEffEBS SADDLE, HARNESS,TRUNK AND WHIP MAN UFACTuRY.—The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general that he hak the largest stock of the following named arti cles of his own manufacture in this city—Saddles, Har ness, Trunks and Whips, 01l of which he will warrant to lie made ofthc best material and by the best mech- Allegheny couutjr. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower thau has been here tofore Wold by any similar establishment in the city, he wepld invite persons in need of the above named articles to his war choose. No. 944 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine ry. • octDti-ly G. KKRBY. .TUBS AMD CUUOSS. TYINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY Y No. 87, eorner of Market and Fifth streets, Pitt*, burgh. The l tnbtcriber keen* constantly on hand wholesale and retail, Terr low for cksh: Wash Tab*, } Darrel Chons, Bath Tab*, stMTChama, Horse Backets, | Ualfßusheii, Ac. All other kinds of Ware in bts line made to order aoglt SAMUEL KROE3KN. 'TUN' MOUNT EAGLE TtUPOLI, for Polishing,'! newly discovered substitute for Crocus, Rouen Btoue,. Boajte, fcc> F&oiliei hare found ii Invaluable for their silver «nd cosher wares—in short, u remarked by the ‘'Scientific American," in an ftrticlo upon it, “of ill tie substances which have been applied to polish Glass and Metals, none ean equal that substance known by the name of Tripoli—ibis is a superior article to'that first brought from Italy by ,the Venetians, and used by them in their palmy days ol rlast making, to give u that peculiar polish to much admired by otnernaikmi. It should be In every family and every work shop. For sate by BE SELLERS, sag 10 S 3 Wooqci . Premlnm Btrawbsrry piaaii. AT GREENWOOD GARDEN.—Bawl’s Prue, the premium plant, *l,OO per hundred. Victoriaand ■UoveyU Seedlings, fiacents per hundred-alt thrifty plants warranted. Orders from a distance carefully put op and forwarded. Also, a targe collection of Greenhouse Plant!. Fastolph and Taylor's Secdlin* Raspberry. *e. An OMNIBUS leaves the Allegheny City end of the St. Clair Street Bridge, for the Garden; every half hoar during the- day. The steam boat will commence its regular >111! aa soon as the river rises. •WOT JAMES hTKAIN. DRY GOODS, -T.w Btyl. Clip Kl. ■fir ««*i « U • turn reamughill fifCaiwu, among whieh are some of tbe latest and best styles now in the'eoantir. ■ iWe wishing to famish houses ,«£ meant boats are respectfully invited to «*ll Md see tha new styles and low prices, the'subscriber l» now o&rtnglnhuline. V ■ - .'i - Reeeiwd thu day, direct from tbe Importers and manufacturers— hCO yds new style Tapestry Brussels’ Carpetf; im&u u “ 3plylmperial do • - superfine Ingrain do ■ ®JW» “ ' u common • do ‘ All of whieh will be sold low for eaab, as low as ean be purchased in any odfco Eastern cities. i ■peg W M'CLINTOCg. 75 Focrth at CHEAP AND DESIRABLE CARPETS for the fall and winter, will be received-all through tbe sea ron direct from! the amnnfactarers, and will be sold ipreasb os cheap as can be bought ih the Eaitern ri nes, at sptltf W ATCLINTOCTUS, 75 Fourth »t 17*RKNCH IiLACK CLOTHE.—w! R. Uorphy hat I? opened , to-<|ay a fresh lot of iho above goods, from i two dollars per yard up to ’superfine qualities, and or approved iaanufaetaro,io which he parueolarly in vites the attcntioit of buyers. Also, black and fancy’ Cassimeres,’Satin V*sungs,nrailin,meriftoandeouon> 'Undershirts, Hosiery and Gloves, Pocket Hdkfs and black Italian and fancy Cravats, at, low cash prices. Merchants win find (t to their advantage to examine the stock in .Wholesale Room, up stairs, before buy ing their goods. ! sptt7 DRYGOODS. ICEPBI, WUBOI« * CO., No. 4a, Wood Bt., Pmurun, ARE now receiving their nsusl supplies of Goods for the Pall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old customers, new ones as may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pains id lay in snsh goods as ore adapted to the wonts of the Western trade, which long experience enables them to do, they ean say with much confidence, and without entering into a detail of their stock, that the Westers, retail, merchant will find with them all that his customers require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit ef repairing to the Eastern clues tor their, stoeks of-Dry Goods, would do call, as a candid comparison of pri ces would is litany eases result in the eouvietion that the expense Of going further may be obviated by buy* ing in Pittsburgh. gpil3 GREAT ARRIVAL, OF NEW MODS FOB THE FAIL' TRADE. A A. MASON A CO, No. 60 Market street, have • just received animmeuse stock of NEW FALL GOODS, to which they invue the attention of their mends and the Jpnbiio—assuring them that every arti cle will be soM/«t their usual low prices—«o How at to dafy competition. sntfr WM’CLINJOOK is now constantly receiving bis • Fall Stoek of CARPETING, GIL CLOTHS, Ac. among which may be found the following varieties: Axminsier Caipeu; Sup Chenille Rugs; Velvet do do Tufted do Tapestry do Common do do Brussels do Sheep skin Mats: Extra imp 3 ply do Chenille do Baperluc do - t do Tufted do Superfine Ingr. do Adelaid do i Fine do do 51-4,7-4,6-4,5-4, ; 4-4 and 3-4 Common do do Oil Cloths; Listing do Table linen: Rag. do Hnekebnek Diaper, 4-4, #, and | Tap. Vcn. do Linen Crash; 4*4,3 4 A 5-4 Tw'ld do do Damask-Linen Sir. Cover; 4-4, wool do do Pat. Oil Cloth do do 44, {, 6 A £-4 com. do do Siair Ro?s, Binding, Ac.' ' -which we are now able ip sell lower than over bafore offered in this city. We invite all wishing to teauft House* and Steam Boats, to eall and exam las or.r gtaah before purehsjing elsewhere. Otr.ei Warehouse, No. 75 Fonnh st. »!Hfi - W.' M’CLINTOCK. SEVTFALL CKJODS.”^ "TIT ’R- MURPHY is new receiving h!s first Fall YY • supply of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, and has already opened an assortment of new and beauti ful styles dark fall PRlNTS,'warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall Muslin de Laines: Alpacea* and Mohair Lustres; Datmulrfig'd, and striped do Lyonese Cloths; Of the most desirable coiorspand a fall supply of bleached and utjlileaehcd Muslins, Irish Linens, Man chester Ginghams, Ae., at northeast comer Fourth and Market su. Buyers are invited to call and see. IPI3 ; FRENCH MERINOS—Of all the desirable colors, such as Maroon, Garnet, eherty, searlct, dlfferent shades of green dxmb, and black. Also,' P A RMETTOS ot sill the above colors, In eve ry variety of quality; and LYONB3B CLOTH 9, also of all the desirable , colors, now open at Dry Goods House of ! spin ; W g MURPHY MOURNING GOODS—W. H. Murphy hu naw open an extensive aucrtment of Slack Good*, inclouioff Bornhaxines, Preach Merinoe*, Panaettoa, Moau de Laihei, Moaminff Alpaccu, 'and other Moarainj Good*. • • *3114 TILIT AR V GOODS.—Cap *, PJomem, g words, Sub* l "A «*> Epaulerte» v Lue, Ballons, flags, mad mil the ommiDti necessary to equip volunteer companies. I IL/ _ Volunieercomp antes equipped as complete mnd cheap os done in the Ernst, attae Military Store, cor ner Market aid Foarth sts. • W W WILSON * • &• —The Unilea Slates Baas mad Tenor Drains, of Germantown make, for sale »nd warranted by «Pt* . ' - , •W.W.W. BHAOKLXTT * WHITE, . DRY GOODS JOBBERS. A, Wl, WOOD STREET, I . / RE B4jw receiving a vary large stock of fresh Goods, of recent parehoaeaad u&portation,which they will sell to the trade at sueh prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. City and Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing clsewh«- . myd SEW GOODS, 1849. KENNEDY & SAWYER, comer Wood ud Fourth street, are bout receiving direct from first hand*, * »u»ek of Fancy and Variety Goods, including Clock* of every variety, gold and tilrer Watches, Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks and Eyes, Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Caps, and all oiher articles in their line—all of which having neen purchased personally of the manufacturers east, da* ring the last winter, expressly for the Spring trade, will be sold wholesale at a small advance on eost. Constantly oa hand, all descripiious of Looking Glass*"' »s* of oar own manufacturing, at eastern prices, mhSI N” E\V FANCY AND VARIETY UOOIW—At ZEU . . ULON KINSEY’S, #7 Market meet 100 prs fine China Vases, kss’di 17S sets twist and urvelvct cost Boltons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bigs; 20 do do gent's traveling; 100 gross fancy silk Bauons, *{*•«»} dsx Brasses, assM; ICO gro fine blk Vest Buttons, assM; 250 do do rill and plated, do; 25 doz rosewood Hair Brashes; 4 do Washington, do; 1 do Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Lines; Flab Hooks, lame* tick.Ae. JEWELRY, Ac.—£o gold lever Watches; SO do de tached lever Watches; 10 do Lepine do: 10 fine dia mond Finger Rings; 1 doz fino raid Vest and Fob Chains; 2do do Guards; B(east Puts, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac. <-• GI/OVEa, Ac.—2oo doz Ladies Cotton Gloves, aaa'd; 300 do do lisle Thread, fancy top, Ac.;. 10 do genu’ silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; SO do ladies kid, ass'd; 10. do do fancy top silk. VARIETY GOODS—7S pigs American Pins; 300 bxs Cotton Cords; 75 pi Paper Muslin; 500,000 ribbed Percussion Caps; 200 gro dress Whalebone do; 100 doz Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Back Combs, Ac. Ac. ap> NOTICE. WHEREAS, John P. Hopewell, of the city of Pitts burgh, Merchant Tailor, by bis deed, bearing date tbe tifitk dayof Jaly. A. D., 1019, and recorded in the Ree> rder 1 * Office of Allegheny country; m deed book Ve1.60, page 4Pfl, assigned and transferred. 10 me nil his entile, real and personal, in trust'.for his credi> tors: NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make payment to tbe undersigned, and those having claims against it, to present them for sot: llement. BFTitAMIN GLYDE, Assignee, augll Piashunrh, EIGHT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or i Single Bath for fifteen cent;. | Ladles Department open from 9 to 11 o'clock! A. Ma and 'i to 5 o’clock, P. M. 1 Aihenceum Saloon and Bathing Establishment. _ jyW ________ T. M'FALL. Proprietor MR.' ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE T 6 DR JAiYfiE—This that immediately .after ; having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, lßhh I was taken sick with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so ,Jow with the disease, that (or four years I was unable to attend to my business,'either ex borne or abroad, being ibr the most time confined to my bed. During toe abovd peri* od.oftitne, I had expended for medical attendance 0 regular Physicians and medicines, to the omoimtiof S-'iitt,' without receiving any benefit therefrom. 'la July, 18M, 1 commenced taking Dr. Jayne’s Medi cines, and ,have taken then more or lesa ever •inee 1 and believe that tuwas by persevering in their nse, that 1 can now.iraly say that 1 have completely kccos vered my health. I bebeve that Jayne's SanativA Pdla and Expectorant are the best family medicines new in use. | I reside in Springfield, Otsego eounty, N. Y.J and carry, on a furnace and machine shop in that place, and am not interested in any manner in the sale df the above medicines, and make this certificate lertbdben efit of those.afflicted. ' ' ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y. T Sopll< 180. - ja4 IMPORTANT TO TlfM AFFLICT SS£ Dr. Bose’s Celebrated Remedies. Dr. JACOB 8. ROSE, the discoverer and sol: pro prietor of theseinost popultrhcd beneficia med icines, and also the inventor of the celebrated: rtitrn roent tor inflating the Lung*,. in effecting a. t are of Chroaie diseases, waa a student of that eminent physi cian, Doctor Physic, anduagradaateofthe Un.verai ty of Pennsylvania* and In thirty yeansince has been engaged in thelavwugadoa of disease, sad the appli cation or remedies thereto. ; Through the use of his inflating tube, in connection without Prophylactic Syrup andother of hi* remedies, he has gained an unpanJelled eminence in cosing those dreadful and.fatal maladies, Tubercular.Coi£ sumption, Oaneers, Scrofula. A.ikp,» Fever and Ague, Fevers of ail kinds, Chronic Eryajpo las, and ail those obstinate disea*es pe&piiTinf^ Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by the ose of one compound only, for that U Irermpaoblo with Physiological Law, but by the use of hit rente dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of disease. ... ‘ ; Dr. Rose's Toaic Alteratlve'pffl*, when used are iij. variably acknowledged to fce superior to all other, as a purgative or liver pUL ioaamueb aa they leave the bowel* oerfeetly-.ftee- from costiveness: as also his Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to possess pecu liar properties adapted to female diseases, but being satisfied that a bare trial Is sufficient to establish what Jtas been said in the.minds of the most skeptical. The afflicted are invited to call upon the agent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving .a detailed account of each remedy and its-appiieahon. For sale by the following agents, as well as by most Druggists throughout the country: J.scboonmaker A Co, fit Wood street, Pittsburgh; J HTawnsend, druggist, 49 Market st “ Lea A Beckham,’ ** near the P. O. Allegheny eity, Jos Barkley. Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. Jno Elliott, Ennon Valley, “ T Adams, Beaver, “ ** tsovlO-dly - SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE LN GEORGIA*— • Colooct, Jan. fth, IW9. ■Hr. It E Sellers:—Vour Vermifuge ha^sold well, and has been high y spoken of by au wlu> bava used it the admmUuraUoa of vonr Vermifuge in every ease I bate beard of, I am, confident! can sell mor« during the coming *ea*on Uan I did lan. I will be glad to receive aoo&ersup ply of 4or 9 gross. Yim^mpeeUuny,. ' ' iKxiraetfront letter.) _R-CARTER. by st, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and A 1 leghny. ;' / W VOL. XVII. NO. 55., MEDICAL. ■QKU.KRS’ OVER FILLS WAG .MV DOCTOR.— .Q * WCTL*«;Pa.,^pt23,l=4^ r Mr. Sin l ibelliiaaduiy tow* to iiapoblio, as well os to iheereuit..of ; your Liver Pill*, to sute the good effects produced by their use ta my own ease. During the month of June,’l6ts,l took feiy unwell, my appetite Ailed, and mv strength was* entirely -prostrated, with, severe pain in my asdri and., shoulders. I was told by medical men thatmydiseise wo* a severe attack of uver complaint. 1 toofcsevn-: r&lboxes of M’Lsne’alfiver Pills, and same syrnp*,.' which I was told was good for that disease, but after ‘ ail was getting worse. I finally concluded, to place) myself nnder uie care of a physician for better or worse; but, fortunately, just at this tl|oe,f Waatnlfi! by the Rev. I. Niblook, of this place, that a friepd had sent him a box of Sellers* Liver Pills from Pittsburgh, which bad benefitted him very moeb:' I forthwith sent ior a box of year Liver Pills, and by the time l was done using them, 1 was satisfied that (twaS just* the medicine that soiled my ease. .Isent'fot' inoteyv and took five or six boxes, and found myself almost entirely cured; but inMareh lastTcaoght a severe' brought back the disease, end in a short' Aunalysa* asbadasever. I ajaia.-bad recourse to ' your Livif Pills, and look tbem.every other night for. six weeks, and occasionally BUiee,'and l can uowsay,, that I can row say, that I reel little if any symptom* of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is as' 1 good now as it haa been for the last 10 years. v . ;; ' My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. I tell them that Sellers’ Liver Pills whs my doctor, and by the blessing of Divine Providence the means of curing, l am confident that when the public become ac quainted with the value of 'yeurLivor Pill*.' the- fle maad Cat Ucm will iriarexjj.. Manypf my neighhors, to whom I have reeommeuded the pills,' can testily to lieu raise, as well as to the faets above stated* ■ ..>• .1 Respectfully yours, Usoaox Millie. .Vo rax Ptrtucl—The Original, only true and geno* cine Over Pilla are prepared by ILK Seiler*. And have hu name stamped iablnekwax upon, the lid of, °°x, and hu signatnr.*. ou the oauide wrapper-, tE?*All others aro counterfeit*, or • i- • spt2l R. E SELLERS. Proprietor, 6? Wood H' , . . caution Extra A man by the name of RUEI. CLAV P has engaged. with a yeaog man of the name of S. P. Townsend, and. name to-pnt up a Sarsaparilla, which they £AIL.KI..i <>wn * en< *’* Sarsaparilla,' denominating’ jt- GENUINE, Original, etc. TiusTowurcadiojk> doc tor and never was, but was formerly a worker on rail* roan, canals, and the like.' Yet he assumes the title the parpose of gaining eredit for whaihe.ia. not. He is sending out eanls headed 4S Tnck* of‘ Quaeks, n in whieh be says, I have sold the use of mjn nrnne for 97 a week. I will give S. P. Townsend ffiuu ifne will produce one single solitary.proof of this.—' This is to caution (he public not to be'deceived, «nd' purchase none but the .GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having on lt'lhe' Old Dr.’s likeness, hir family coat of arms, and hi trig* nature across the coat of arms. . , JACOB TOWNSEND. - Principal Office,'lDS Nassau at, New York. City. OLD—- DOCTOR "7 JACOB townsbsd, : THE ORIGINAL J DISCOVERER ' of the .'GEtraas'; TOWNSEND SARSAPARIkLAi Old Dr. .Townsend is now about 70 yean of age, and has long been known a* the AUTHOR and-DISCO VEREK of the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TO WNSEND SARSAPARILLA.”, Being poor, he was compelled lo'limn its manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of market, and the tales circumscribed to those only who had proved its. worth and known Its value. This Gxaxn ass Uszqoalltd PuapAxanoa U manufactured ou the largest scale, arid' is called fl>r throughout the length and breadth'Of the land; UnliKe young 8: p. Townsend's, it improves with age, and never changes, but for the better; because it ! is prepared On scientific principles by a scientific man.' 'lke highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the)S72*t / discoveries of the Art, have all been brought Into re quisition in the manufacture ol' the Old Dr.’s'Sarsap*; nlla. The Sarsaparilla root.iUs well known la med- - ical men, contains medicinal propenies, and some pro perties which are inert or useless; and others, which, if retained in preparing it for use, produce fermenta tion and acid, which is injurious to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that jhey entirely evapqrate and are lost in the’ prepara tion, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, • known only to those experienced in its' manufacture. Moreover thesewolatile principles, which liy off in va por, or as an exhalation, under heat, Ure the very es sential medical properties of the root, whieh gives to it all its value. The GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWN**END'S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that all the inert properties of the Sar saparilla root'are first removed, every thing capable Of becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted »nH rejected; then every particle of medical virtue is seen- - red in a pure and concentrated form; and thus U is . rendered incapable of losing any of iu valuable an i healing properties. Prepared in this way, it it made the most powerful agent in the - . CURE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES, r-s Hence the reason why we hear commendations op every aide in its favor bv men, women and children. We find irdoing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, . Scrofula and-Piles, Cos’Jvenevs, all Cutaneous "Krup-' tin ns, Pimples, Blotches, andaUadeetlaas'&rumg fretn i IMPURITYOF THE BLOOD, . . \ , Itpossesies a marvellous efficacy in all complaints ' anting from Indigestion, Irom Acidity of the Stomach; from unequal circulation, determination' of bicod, to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and ooM.hands eold cbills and hot flashes orer.the body. .It has net had its equal is cooghs and colds; apd promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perspiration,' relaxing eirin tore of tho lungs,.throat, and every other part. .... But in nothing is iu exceilense more manifestly aeon ‘ and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of ; FEMALE COMPLAINTS. . . It work* wonders in eases of fluor alb us or whites, Failing ofthe Womti, Obstructed, SupprcMed;dyi*xlnt v ful Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual periods. »pd . the like; and Is edeetual in caringallfornisoftaa yfo ney Discuses. By removing objections, and regula ting the general system, it give* tone and strength -to the whole bodv, and eures all forms of . NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY; . * andAhn* prevents or relieves a great variety olcther diseases, as Spinal Irritation. Neuralgia, -St- Vitas Danee, Swooning, Epileptic Flu, Conval-ions, Ac. Is net this, iherijTHjj-MxDicaK too Pax-Kjc.'tsfiTLT Nxxof • But can any of these things be said of S. P. Town send's. interior article! This young man's liquid is net lobe' COMPARED WITH THE OLD DRJS,- because of the Grand Fact, that the 'one is incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it sour*, fermenu, and blows the bottles containing h into fragments; the sour, acid liquid ex ploding and damaging other goodsl Mu»t not this bor- ' nble compound be poisonous lo the system! What! nut. acid into .a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepslabutaeid!-Do we not all know, dial when food sour* in our stomachs. what mischiefs it produces?—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation 'ofths heart, liver complaint, dtaxrfca:a,dvfentery,eholic and J ‘ corruption of the blood! What u Scrofula but au acid humor, in the body! "What produces all the humors t which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, - Salt Rheum,Erysipelat,White Swellings, Fever-Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external! .Jt is Dom ing under heaven but an acid subs lance, which and thus spoils all the fluids pi the body, more or less. What causes Rheumatism but a tear acid fluid, which insinuates itself between the joints and cl.-cwberc, tr .ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tixtucs ‘upon which it acu! So of nervous diseases, of impu rity of the blood, of deranged circulations,.and nearly all the ailments which-atibct human nature. Now,ls it cothomblo to make and sell, end infinite ly worse to use this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID -COMPOUND" OF S. 1\ TOWNSEND! ' '* and yet he woald fain have it understood that Old Ja cob Townsend** Genome Original Sarsaparilla, is an Imitation of his inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that we-should 'deal in an article' which would bear the most distant reseinbl&nqe to S. P. Townsend’s article! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaint* and criminations from agents who have sold, and pur efaasera who have used S. P. Townsend's Fermenting .Compound! . We with it understood, because it is' the absolute truth, that 8. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr! Jacob Q Townsend’s Sarsipsirilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dissimilarpthauhey are unlikeineverypar ticular, having not one single thingtticoimnop. : It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate; to pour balm into wotfhded; humanity, to kindle tope-in tbe despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gor into the crashed and broken and to banish Idfirmi tyj-that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity'and means to'bring his ~ Ga*s» UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, within tho reach, and to the koowledgo'of nil-who need it, that they may learn and know, by joyful ei- . penence, its TiiAWcvvDS.'sr poWehto naxC! ‘ » For sale by J. KIDD A CO., Wholesale Agnti for Western Pennsylvania; J..SMITH, Binniaghamr Dr J. SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL; Filth ward, G. W. GARDNER, sih ward, Pittsburgh'spt3- J T Sanxsr, Colombiana co-0.. Aar.QL tsat DR. D. JAk Nt»: Dxas Sm—l feel bo ana to-you and the alHieted public, to avail znyselfof this op portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effect* of your Expectorant oamyselt" Having been afflicted for several year* with a severe cough, Reehc-fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed > -miserable existence; until tho fall of IS9, when, being more severely and haring resorted to all my former remedies, smdthepre icnpuoaii of twoof the most reftpecisbiaphyafeUmi in tbo neighborhood without deriving any the ■ eonsolaUonof surviving,but a few days or . weeks a farthest—when, the last gleam' of hope vnis about to Taj t j sh' I had recommended to me your EXpeetoraat— and blessed by that Beings who does all things in the sige ofthe-mean*—uad contrary -to the expectations of my physicians and friends. I was In a few days raised from my beiL-and was eaibled by the tise of a bottle, to aitgnd to my business, enjoying ainee better health than I had for tea years previous. , .-' *c u ! Respectfully yours, Ac., . Ja*. W. Emu. •For sale in Pittsburgh, at tho Pekin'D*.Store, 7S Fourth»treet. -i , | . • ■. - A N EMINENT-and eiperleneod PhyaicWi {tan the juL East, of 20 years standing, offers to.traaieUcuc* of a Delicate Natan with promptness and secrecy. .. His success in Buffalo 'and ether large .-.cities has been provexfciaL- Hi* *barjre* are .siOd«me ( aod hia . care*permanent. Old eainofGleel,B;jietnre, Sere--, ftila, Fluor Albas, Rhenroauara, Syplulik or any chronic or inrgerutecaite* solicited. . r... - Aeon warranted,or,cburOTc/audcd,-. , Oni«»,Bl.CJair»tre*t,*doQra/rojathoßrdge. Teeth Advtee to the poor gratia. i N. B.—Dr- A. tha worst care* of any disease • In Piasbargh tocalL . _■ apldnlly - ——O&EEjrwOOb'GAUuKS "T" - WILL remain open for visiters until the Ist Janus- ?' ry, ISM. • Gy *tera and other Itefrcxhiaehts suit* c j to the season-will be kept The Greenhouse; con. *' taming a large collection of- rare' nod choice Plants will bo open to visiter*. Boqueu neatly put up at •hurt notice throughout the ctaMtt As k Omnil»iu leaves the Allegheny ecd of IhC'SC • Clair‘Birect huf hour during the day, running to tbo Garden; and the-,ferry boat, Captain Walker, run* from the Point, landing a abort distance above tbeUar- . den. Panic* wiahiag to spend tho ererJnr, ‘will bo ' accommodated with a rctnnt Oronibo* af lO o’clock P.hL Kept on Temperance principles/und closed on and ay. : , *PIL7 - • J.-hreAINX : AtfcoMßn^ooa.SS^atSSnnSit&b*. • [ llslumoat. t ■ \ - THE PEOPBIETGR a now prepaid to- serve ' ap meal* at *ll hours, la connection wlth by tho day ar week. T. M'FALL. s • 1 •P* 94 - Proprietor. . >
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers