ESTA.I44SIIED IN J 786. "In° r 7 w . Ad' and I S ta. jnIS ATrol ./1: — ...... rm. I) la V. LEP' •ft BID , rumliosab ___./b su WoeiZeWili4¢ t rfi _ • .01 117Prir. — I"Forraidriiil7-6Mia ‘,./i Clit Bum, Itillabiamti Fa. ii!:• , 07•11 - ti•, -7 1..17a, rieVV.. i . .. - t ". " ...O Ire r Top. ofloreign;l4.l . dottec ...ell, .. • reptant and lari price. m . , • , ~,,.•.:_•,,,w4 . ft,, mon nu, vsa,ta, as arcl4l.. cr, of any dawn... no. , ie. • ...a at protein r... - 1 , _Ay , .____, ‘.3. 4 1i 1 w lA . litl . l. l 7ltEigiik,ll7 . ''''"'‘ii tg'ileWmftfax,' •' nYal t.' r : ' l -4 .c.e.:1 4 1.1i: itlaintiactonca, N 0.1 4, belveccu VC mrd 1., .. cora p c.critraki vuc,a .i tt.,..,C..i.....0 .F ;c. i: - ....i... - 4.4 J Morebrult, No. In 1% troitoijoan. /RUM,. rp.S. cayl. • Hums:" ...za7I.6FT, LI AMU:IW? STEW AR I. .LL Writypi, Meek, Ste wacit6ei4'. IFA — C TOIL V . Ilea, y (:ebect. suaet. thy arovls-41)• L.k.E.,&rttee.... toatart.i s Lao Wool Leah Jla., c um Cou...ana &rte.., Cat -the ea. at Ant... L.4 , ri),appa... , 4... kid: wla, laaaLD, lia/umara_ - J. AltAZOls • a. c....Weaautox, f4o.aata.a, LAU) Tadipeau Mer yl. <taxa& 41 Nona H atef 0I & 10 Wbarrea, end.. no•M•ti . . SP. P. /011S1 Li ARM, JUNES 6. polienisora In Alsrimad, JUL Jones 1. Co.l t:Aintida_ . akin and Forrrarding Mar. ehaara, , ones Moutuncrercil Goods, Yntsliergh, to. ni0027 et, is, 6. Co., 11.0/:31:N“,1, C3ll - Merchants, and tri it: l'Adoce, incr, arol liG Front Arro_phro hay! , ggint r. i. - pothaear:, No. 46 Market st., Vim, 'firs above Tiara 04 Pula; "'l b, "'Ai have c01vt 4 . 1 4 1 614liend wen seletted al; sorsallVlll Of the ant and Veil:lod MnilelllCS, which he oall on the moat reoadpscrle tonna Yap:i.e. sending ordera, ton rolydy auiltil to, auk. I vied nal articles May iumly apart gonurne. Yhysterans v.. coi . arkiely utd m imady prepared ig twin the en). bear of ils or nht. I . io y Attar Male, a large 4tireigut Rene and good Preto ry r 6 aw 0 1 a Vioranho leaale dealer snY n e u sier ' ir raxr /leu ‘ rT! wr:t Pearl tuh, and Western Yinilitee generally, Water aad veer, btarrOClS 4/211:111/tid11.114V4.1, .p3 IeWIN WAIT innecchantl.ii thwart liebbotn,) Wholesale(Voter Merchant, dealer se 'Prodese and Pitvfth Mennikeviirk, cot tier-or lyijd streeM Pittsburgh Pa ps..y . Jni.c DIItE7O4:Of and i'd , .. 466 1) Merchant - Ta4M;igBi. Chivies LinddiAgs, Wald sireet,ne. Wood " ' 1 AMES A. IIUTCLIL.4O* t10. , -75tleceasora to 1, Lowe hiatehisen k-Oolorremeerr Marchazta, sad Agerds• M 411. Lund eam Pxfinery. N0..63 ore.r =din Vont strtl , Minanurgb. Mtal ;4./1. .1. lOW% D. fotrnoleh, W ktoptale Dnealay ar4 ...- LI or in Llyol3lada, Punts, 1:6441Vana414•, to., Nio 53 Wood arrow, ono cow - South 47 Dosmand Alley, Yna bargit. ~ [ ,• tam ti l dltEldi Mii, Jr, ic of au.ccuir to Jowl. 1.1. 4 it.„,, limp c4andlers, C 04 . 3, atm tnc,... _ . .c.31 1 4516, LL NI P.I i. 413 - 5111,1.1 - aud Retail dosior ILP to Moue and lonalcal .4, School Ileac% caper, lata4s, thool You', 44 ' ' ?mac& Unnia, Outlaw.) goael44),Nu. el Wtrod al-, Pitotturgb. ligtriNt!!...2g..?!..en ''''''''t-- .PIL. i 41:1104NN1A.41.1C S. 44. " j 1 1 , 1;44, - 1./tudgista, ILP • No. ai Wood sucet, YlNWargh 'I Ull,l U. DA ViS, Anenos , aocorlaat/ilh and Wood t/ wools, Poulwrigh. L}, :iiilto. . j 011.1=1 . 2 J3l.f ua l c l.hT I 14 , , , .. ,, tt,.. , , 4ri r r,.... 1 i.. . 1 4O I J& FLOYD, Wholcsa4 rote({ Comacuaaian d/ Mandan; and Dadakta,,m Prod.& Daman Church nadilings, [rowans oza - Lineny,JWood and dd& areenb_r atarah, Fa. AMES DALZELL, Vithni Groner, Centminnion bleichnitt, anti denier in iPbsdnee Pittsburgh id antitoxin res. AA tit incrilins burgh. Intan I neon NIibtAVEII, pal s .O Retail Den in Foreign Wines and 13 Imre. ithil old tilstuon• ssinein Aye Whiskeys, corner flint and Slarnst elk .IY2 VIER& JONE.l7,Pons.dingtindi Conintinsion Nor ennuis, Peeler. in Produtip hind Pitnibtugh mint• (.enured unielen, Canal linainLniner t'th at. 121 PICA di MLA, P&PPAI3U/t/ill, PA, KANELY, CitILPS A Cu; Alimufneturers of very “iperaor 4-4 Sheetings,i4tupdt tAtaiu, Conan wine and tigAtly Vestavtlin LW tn, DALLELL & Co;"1 u nide timers oftillN ee2 Mu, Sheet, Bolter 1.1104' lind Mils tar the bed nesting. Weretionse, hi inning iol Ina (tont.. Anin .11,5 amlComMiamm NR 1, !Maier m YiMr. and FroM , Im blommmuum Proatilef, Nu. 11 H.; ...A 11..N.11. at ',; , ion Y. saw!. k ALILAibIUDY lb . 4iW rElli 1 00:CINti hiLot.. AL ant ft. one Wholesale' A, deolerst in , foretga nod '': tette Vittiety tioads. %%catcall inerchonts, Peelers d otbefe ore Invited to call and ettahoute the pftecoquality °lout stook, as wall our present themasee Ge le cosoutactott 814 end putehastagi we Otto *et can ode, au great todueentent. to buyers as ray other holiSO Malll al the kilowatt., tt - ';' ' ;to.-17 .idas. -- •• - ' ' lint. In . Um; e. vri ' •lirttscra,yl4l,ll,urgh. 2.k,f ILIA:ht,TSUN,v olesals (nocars, um/ Yl ithpurtsre 4f Onutdies, uu4 IS 71 :sod 174, einuer of Co ViNd Pa Nails, 1144 softy ea Wand- augil Sol. ;Coal ILL D. MP . * Ltalt , C. not. hi LLS b. RUE, Whole Groc ers 'and a n d Itterehonts, No. tirilaberry 11l Viustorrell. le6- k W,..04 Fillsborgh. :41 4 "0: 11 . ourth lotto, elorooce on .11t4 qr4r AlarteL decu-dR. P177211.11:R0H AND AXLE FACTORY. Inoue roma, ' iq . lenul gri“. JONESLiIt 0:111?0, • MIUFACTUNIALS WiOitYg-and stool; W. plough stuol,flool . plough>tlugu, moot uall la grow, ha/hummed iron. ..WA' nod dealers to MI togioo larcedoin4.2z6trininungs limenilty,oorner of 12.41 antirlitum ia., Fluslougu 'l4. tebn 110LitilE.S s CON, No. 330 hiarkot at., sccon;P N o door frosa.cormor of Fa 006, conical In Foreign. Ror kixchalom CeruLuncsof //cow ti Licak Note. and tiPoCla I .E. - P - Collocnnad acid on abi'..)iic prinCipal •cmics ! w o ogionat Lialteal thaws. docl7 IitICKMASTEEr, Founhir, 11 • aunt door above Smuhltity, seat ande. Larrteraueing Of all Linda chuc antb 11, pagan. care aua le al accuracy. 7, -- • • auulnely • ant: tirmainc Allocooff.. . i IFFIEW, Faked, awes, neliftirattl,Ul the COMA 2,..? lately emended Yr Aldames WWI in , thndul. 17 oppeette2lr. BakeerelPe. illbilany be ioend el Welt 14 No. Il i St. ChArlee Holsi. ~ l Pala , . . -----7 '/L, T. Itoberta4:2la Mt OPTLIALMIII .SUROEUN, 4111 attend to the mat. meattlf Diseases of the 271 7 2 ' . lb. It ha. bete/ engaged 112 . 12!biltilar et 4 menial- ..I Mee. o faiausteou yeanhatiol hom coodaelsel ouir rezamishoi., icre lie trealsecedaid dioceses of the aye clooll hal secant . yea.. - ,e,,, Wilco and rendenee,eortrettef Sanded? at and etraerbetay &Hsi, Allegheny eflr -- ectli9 • RJLILIN TEA. STa . Vu . 7 2 Fourth L., eces - Viiod—All IA hose of Green and Meek 'Teas, done att. quarter, 'half, and OM bound packages, rongirc lo la , et. per pound ty4 A: JAI PikS, A ow Pokin r,.. c.. cev . "Vi;;l, ROBISON . * CO. hnontiessocissed T.140A1.15 Lerli..F...,scornh them *monist, the Whole tioncee andColkinisainn bublnes.. rul be conies. o sneer tbknica of Hoboes., La ne a. Os. • .I1T112; & CO, iNs Moly sue. 5... Whet/Okla Gelicers, ann. cssobassion blocks..., and sklers Potabergh klsnetbetares. s.on.mum Lrratc. e i boa.. Lomas. tr weird* Groner Bannlys li, Uginlir.rrds dnat i r .', n ‘ P h roduer,qPinabv.rili at '4 waea .and .1 Masa of Peresgadind lioniastse Will. OOd L.P..; l'so. it Idberty Vt .. . On band a very sneye asiea of OUPCIILI old gaisela whiskey, , d esers rann lat odd soar if for °ill _ apisisly , uiikkrr im,i.741.1. & •-• vii.3i...i. Greene, 0 00 , oaondori and Farms 1 bierebanta dealers us Produce end riittbdslb - tstr.., Liberty t. t K febdi Yinatoure,?2,l.. ~ . I• - cauTr. A., CiiINNINGI . Ali t Dealer 11 , gM4..... 13 4 r: s_?. 141 Liberty a. 0. aiiSsairdr r .. - it L.dansi. — 4, EYNIALDS 4 4.11E4 ~ ss.; . • • g ..a COLIMIIIiOI3 Do ZderrhOlglifOr Lb. • •••O' y River Trade, deal .oo Guseariena, Pi.d.coa • • • Rannfantares and..,„„s,_ tlisliseitirsad T. 01,4 .t owc , 0 , ~,,_, ~. .•, at all times for GM .84. .-00 , .._ 5 - D' P'th an •Irlain sa. , l a = _ I•argh Almn(a 1)11 e c. saacaucrf, MIL 1- WhIZTV 0 ,lACKIjaV a ju 0 Foreign mad paatesue DI rods. Pio. eto Woad et. r,seurgik. • • febraf • 6,.i.Mi1ii571,1 11 Co lf -- gil . a7o.7xM and 0 Prodaes desiersAa,tp, . ba!strect, Immesh 501 sad Ma, kr_i_rst, sidlti,-YeaaseTA_______ CL , - - - ii ITI.I ilWalliTw. blareksats, DesGe 0. fn Mac ataltrodeca psi:ANIL ...4 Fersrardtaa in e„..=lssicli Vambea.b,Pileo. SI Welter at., Pins, tar& . ' .•. - '' NI TOE CARDS V •ects.v. I.m-wry.... :owe metro., Itmal . a:cm, (LIEI.LERS NICOLA, Praiure 2.1 “..entral emu. 0 miusoyt !dere/mut" No. 17 Liberty , Pittsbergb Linsed Ista Lan% (to. 5.„2 -- I , :' Year it(iN X HORST, a o... Wholesale. . Mn, F 0 ,...,1, 1 ~ and Camnalmann. Merchant, Na . tlert to Pittobotra Mart.tvarlurvz itod Wericro Pr.. tad ..ttnve remand to theu arm 0rar5.1•00,4014 8t..) s., 2.5„ ~0 , ..,,,, or ~,,,,,o , ~ , 0 ,.„„„ ~,,,, _pr f....k.sET iiitYr. - Wh41....1e G,..4", ~„l .5..;,,i.7.. Oi:ra.l4' - ',„";:, - "'' d"' — ' '" l' — '"''' ',::,,i" .. N Tiara. at- 0 . 0 , VROII4 A. F.MTT. R10.4.-.o'o ...I V.. 110• 01...0, 0, t Boot, 5i.... rrao , *. ~. , I ".', ~... a , • a' " 01i0... 4t nO4 , 'P.mU:61.4,1 .00. 00.10.,5. Pt ~ . mdia n awc. In, lavanrano Akr UNE a`C...'l.Nl4,l•Zis 0.00040010.. er. 4. 14. J I , ti l 5 irk: _Wit.... 4. t: rt...., r., re.rwAnlmt .. CM:Milan. 51 ,- .4.•nt5.. , 71,1., in T,.. 0 .., ~,,,,„...„ ~,", t A ltaa Van,a. and r'annrryqo, MAnara , ,,,, reaml..iy, Prin.. en Vl,nsi 1.n.! ST - 0....1 .v.r,•• ,r,vA,..,..,,-.,,,.„;,.....„,......„,„,,,.„..... • t, esin.,..Miant NO 81.110....,' n . 1 ., a , .e. ...i . ,k ..„..,,.,,,,..,...„. : , t ,,.,, nt ,,,,,_„,.„ .. ..,,, rr reFaited. 1 . INT -- t0...1N - .,•,i,,,,,.;,,- ~., ~,,,...;„3 , ,,,, T ' aii......x.,,,,. 5,,, iv rt,,,,, ~ .....,,....., ~,,,,,,, ..a Martel ..0.01. 4.1 , 1 . , ‘ , „. ~„,,„.„ .... tar. N- ~.., ~, , . Pre, , tk - r, ted bermept, ~,,,... .4,1 r2laftat r•oF , a , r of ) 3 a9.10.:01P0,-.1.0..0. vo 4 - 0.....,..: NV >l . llriii: a On —0r..., 0, 0 '. ..... ' 4.:: ~ .Elz,.;. a ' Ury to ' jr 'L 11..-- - Dc cc.T.ND D, IL j1.116.1f nott Aterctan. Martei streel ..esks. ac ueurßn alet• bbne er Laberur street, acte] thus , ureNs, alayl.4 teigic LAS, Laxrty _41:1 EM=l3 ==rl ecilY , ureu;,7lll , kuti __ ..IVILIVIRO,N. CC/mom.. t0v,...t.. VII• , • h . -I, tEi I , VMM,, itle, %.... lb P....., •••• rm. ha v t A MIT.V(3,II3TH rootr•iil, lai 1,,, , t1 w. Paco to A ace: T . - tiArrt:.‘ - ‘ , ... 1:4,, ,z, w..,,, Ji..41, 1 ..0-..-....‘, 1t... IL.Hottry (4 , ...1*, A., N. S. M•r '.-`.! net, 1 Vile!. 'A 0117 NO & CO.. _ It&I.F.ItS.IN ft; 1.11,.4 ONO I.ILAT t , E.E, Nlonorro, -Sim. foolit..p • &0., No. 143 LaNc r, r orrvet, hare , 11l ttreico3 ito,t SCRIM . ; STOCK' . . Food, v.- rtiE•sg • largo •••ortoto: Of &netts tocir tine, to •rlet, Oat nucooon or parchat.ora tom c a t. .L —..l''''' " PXICTIGII.IR,W & CO:. - i ..,„,„,._ , ■ 1 . 4 „ "A STEAM' BOAT SI.E N TS ..., ' Owno• oeorr . ALI-Lod Co, oc•It No .11 lt so, cr., • _ L L• [NSIISdeCL Co9lPhtiV j. OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 830U,000, J. 0142CET. lr, . lfeey. I 14 Mltua, Jr ., IWill ...we mainsi all Linda of rum, VIRE AND MARINE Al a. losses trill I. hherWly najusteil and primmtly mild. la home iallitarioh--nanntcrcd by Directors who are we.l ll known in lint COIMUEIIIIIy, Mad virlar. arc dem rmia isrompmem and Imerality In maintain lb. ohm/ *Mir whmh they have mounted, as ntlerme the Lest protection to those who denre in be Icsareti , iimanroas--11.. Miller, Ir a Witi k. J W Butt., /ohne, Jr., Wm. Is. tentes. C. IC:ascn, IV son. \ m. M. Lyon, Joa. Lippe. nit. Tao.. K. LdiJames hrAoley, Alex. Nom., '1 on- boat. Winer street, Ocatelccrike Spanc Cc', up ritarr,i I/diabase/I. lIIBUELANCE. rr HE DELAWARE hit:TVA L 9A :'PT}' I.ILA NCR COMPAVY rQ ee,N t,fionm till, Ell age, Third meet Philaideloh:s Fjm Marc sand.... and other progeny la town anal n00n.,, crc4 Jos. Or dardage by firo at the lowest rate or or-m, uni A‘ainx lassaanea—They lit,/ VI . , Cif. CM, gr., and Freights, foreign or e.0.m.., nu,: opener pe..41a1 m mnireia ;nay de..i n isa TailScreers non. —Viet- 44, re mere/inn. dile! it . ..ported by Wagons, itaCrutr.l ~ ars, Canal m s and Meant 1313101, au neer. and on the most liberal ten.. DIRb:CTORS—RompIi H. Scab Edmund A. Sander, Johit C Robyn Hunan, John.ll rennase, baton el awards, Gaol) Leiper, Edward Dani-gme. Isaac H Willie= Falwell. John Deselin. Dr II AI Ho.- tan, lalanses C Hand, Ttueophiles Paulding, Il Jane. Drools, Henry Slams, Ihmh CMS', Gccrge Ppm/ear Marxist, Chaney Kelly. J 0 Johnson, Wil Mins/Ilay, Dr 9 Thomas, Jahn Seller., Win I.:yre, Jr. HURECTORS AT PITPSDURGLI—D T. Morgan, Wm/ Ilagaley, Jon. T. Loga.n. WILLIAM MARTIN, PresidentileriAlCC , .9.ecrecary 1W - Otsce of the Company. No. 42 Water street. 1015allf rA. MADEIRA. agent _ rl fa: AND N. ilia 1314.1CN c 6. rrahi .INSUIRANCE CO. ol North Amenca will 1. locate pernianent and limited Insurance on pim peril In Ibis thy nob vicinity, and n akil , inenti. by Canal. Rivers, Lakes., and by bra ort,erties ot this Company aro well mauled. and tarnish Sr avail. able tuna for the ample mem:ninny of all penona vatic <Matra to be ploier ad by insurance rt.3B Wal. P. JONES, Ay 131DEBINITIrs Tice I .Frmalin Pin hxrunrnec Co. of 'Phi ladelphia. wrOßS.—Cluarks N. Smoker. Thumb, lima obis& Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, btee.i V Richard*, Maniacal D. Laois. - Adolphe E. /Jamb Docul S. Drown, Morns Patterson. Cuassatu N. Ilumana„ Pecadent ChLltts G. Smoker, Secretary. Corbin. to snake torunanel, perpetual or Muted, oa mica . : description of property to town or comtry. Lamm. us low aa arz cousamswerithaeaunty. To Company have roserved a lalgireentinvera rand, whlc.4 veldt time Capital nal Provo/um , safety invccr, ad, egged ample protecuon to Mc swanned. Tat moats at We company, on Jmnary 441041, as publirbed agreeably tom oat of Assembly, were 03 fencers, rt. Li' Kt It lTempantry Loans . Ot,lllll. 01 :Sumas . /SIAM Mt taxa; tee_ 77 • 31,1A492 71. Butte their incorporation, ape riod of 19 years, they tome paid upwards of one miliwin four handealthoug end dation, losses by Are, theteby grinding evidence cy f thel,adymtages of /utterance, as at 1110 and ddsposation la mem w ash promptarn nil liaMlities. J. GAUDIN Eli tAWFI,I, Agora, ;w B. AD Otte° N E eirrtr Wood and . I.l ns 0141sAWA.14.1C /MUT il.) D. re. AIADMRA, l Agent osnrancti Situth o argh for the Deta !darnel Safely Cmpany Phial adelphiw Fire Risks upon balding+ and merc of handise oflevgry dosenpdon,, and Alaram Ruts upon hullo or matgogs of vessetc,. Lazo uppn the most favorable J[T b Odce In the Wscbotue ' afW.IL/lohries & 8r0.,' n.nt of the Agrocy La iitle calf, with the prompt not+ indlthemrity, with wrhich every claim upon diem for lots has been aillisted, fully the mem tit lovitigg the coartdencet midyear:mega of Ms (timid+ and the chinolimity, at large to the Delaware ht. S. (Asa. reaceiCompany, while n hoe the toldtmaal selvantage as an truutimen among the mom d rousting in Pinhole'- s . Mlle.-yrs hurley en aniplepaidcin capital, which by tiad operation of its charter l 3 out Increasing, as vicidthg to snot person inured hi+ doe dime of the probed' of the emape.ny, withont involving Mat In soy utsabllity whatever, and therefore ea possessing al principle divested of every oldwirmos few rem., and an la most armaeure toms noel '.l , iiiricei - tioaltanfitg Ilavas:it E. - Male hummed Compaity of North Amenca,ierough bat anthorired Agent, the sot oder, to make permanent Mid Immatire all properly, an this city otol its vicieity, and on stoptconna by - the Co ital add givers. LIIRECCOR.S. Arai' G Coffin, Cliaries tamor, Sarni DV. Jones, Eriwaill Smith A.:llbro,, Whit, Jacob :II l'hotua.s., John 4. 1 1, 0 , •.• John IL Ned, Jo4n Th mas P. Cope, o ftiebard a Wood, an Welsh, Frsairs 11mtens, Setrotell Croaks, a. Aaron Alhluane, ITI' UR U. COFFIN, ProOt. DAI. IT M D. 819211.11, S",.T • Thid as the oldest Insoronee Company in Um United Plates/ booing been mm In I:la Its charier is p,rpolit, and from kw high standing. king expenonee , =Note ans,and avonling al. mot.. of a. extra hal. mdon eltameter, it may be mum:erre as alaring ma ple sedulity In the pablie. W. F. it.IXS di i4e Counting Room of &Inroad, & Co, IN o. te,eena Front streets Plitateirgli. moll rd SUBSCBlltrtithao been appointed7Afeii - e; - 0 jj feta of fhe Ineurziee Company of North men - es ; and mill issue Pollelee ead attend to the awes linsincor th er thethl ' l th er"leeed At wood , Jones & Co. to i . o , --. .011 WARDING & COMMISSION. COPE & IIIEETWOOLE, FOSE/LOMA° & CObIosISSIoN And!dew,. in White losta,AVlndo w Gnu., Ito., i Ind /Second omen, Pitiaborgh , Will attend prom.* to Ito sale Of nrueles entrancd I ki their eary. Qvb so—Magniey & Smlin; B. Tanner & Co , 9. & Illrbmgri, Kay & Co, Merrphy, ilson aCo Piosodrgn. Hannah, Omani a Co., and the iner hlin.idgenessliy, Nesrlestiort, U. U. &H. APUouind C0.„1..e0. Weil. Wellsville, U. Joseph Wu.° a, U. Bidder & Co„ Fenner & triUlillen, Massillon, Liennelt, Marlin 0 Co, Weaver, Taylor & Co., John & Co., Ptillaileiptua. Riebardson & loro Honne• & Co., Cincionsu, John F. flows d, Lowry ine, Ky. John Smite New Orleans. Hand It Hannan, Cleveland, 0. A. 3. Findley, Mists. 1504, V. Clare. Farts & Co., Beaver, Fn. airge:dif JOUN A. 180A176', PACKER. OF PORK AND DEM', Cotombiston Merchant and Forwarder, fi O. 4 CANAL BT, CINCINNATI, OHIO. 117 . ,.Partimikar 'Hamann paJd to tho rurcaammr of .y:arucle of Pradaen In Has mark, Alto In the rarahang of Goods generally Refer to ideaars. John Sammy & ,• Martin A Steekwell Cmeannati, O. B. C. Parkbanu, Esq. Lippincott & Co. I, ter A Jones, Pivabargh, Pa English & Hannan, maim:den 6 , OIIO I COGUILAN. bo.2lharpOPar., brirsznou, Co,7,.74.7g.tbaytraent in a let a general COI and =l 7k b, un . esti Mitsui/Aster°, P e rit!dTos, and hri ress O isina ' s ". nt foreratkllng trawls cerudgeed to hi. cone. A. Agent ror the blinufsatiffes, be will be eoustaritly supplied sulth thwprthelpal ,artieles of Poisburgh blanufecture so the lawes4 wholesale pries. Orders autl consignments ssei_ tfully 07 WZ.,Y1.0.11111a1. 0. 7. rrreasx. om. •01311 SON eirEATIMAN, PITTMAN & .0. Folivaauno I COMMISSION SIMRCIANTS, No:15: Second otrect, .1157:dern• ST. LOUIS, $5O • •. 11.1111 L. 1,101,1 471102... ICAO% & &TX - ANSON, From tv turrets. Wool, sit irrrISEIVII.II. COrtNlik: to manor... ell kind. or currEti, T AND Slit= IRON WAKE. Also, 111. k. ornedO:ork. Belau badt order. MI attention given to steam hoot work. I ode or, bands au. a.m.:Lento( Copper sad Ste,, YeAla, Tin Wore, tr.e. Pe. Steamboat Coottng Stoves, Parable Forges, sari.* si.s—a very nonvertient agile for ineuubakto, Getifongil CMIS.s. , *) ar rail road eow weivroold respeetfully sm., !mai men and ottiond. call and ace mu ardoltse and prices before pos.ming elsevehere. 0 . 17 I .• ..W., T , . • c 4 •. I .-- 191 • iltd• •-•'• - . • . - , HOTELS /TOUSTAIN HOTEL. LID lIT EtTR•HT 13 A 1.7 I!IORG. tram sles rumwrost storms:rota .tablahment loug and widely known Gain ime of the most commodious in the nay o reanimate. b ., recently undergonevery exten sive atrlyrations and improvements. An entire new wing :as twee added. containing numerous and airy sieeptt4 apartments. End exthoaree bathing rooms The I..bes department has also been completely morreMsed Innod fated up in • mow unique and beano fa7 strfit. fart th e whole amungement of the limn. has lon., remodeled, wi th a mimic aye on the part of prey...meters 10avignie. the comfort and pleasure of then Gdests, and which they confidently ithsen will ehalierti.e comparmori with any Hotel in the Vito,. Their...UM will always he wmplied with eveq sub. sasniat . 4nd luxury which the market affords. served up in al:metier style; while la the way of Wines, he , h. vriS not be surpassed. em proprietors beg zony. that nothing 0,!; amlone on their part. nod on the part of their assistsiit. to render this Ho.l worthy the continued farnmgl9,2. of their frieds and the mild. generally. The armee for baw d have also been reduced 10 the loliowme rate, LatS(? . .*Ordtnary, $1,76 per day. 1,50 li-The ISaggaen Wagon of the House .111 al.. anis 11 . 4.nd at the tar and Steamboa. Landing., ot char!, .111 convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free rnarbf • . _ _ EXCHANGE HOTEL, maxat 07 rstre T{ cunt ermatraton. The subset-thee having assumed the manage lilt of tins long established and popelar kethlly annonnees to Traveller. and die Nitthe generally, that he will be at all rimes prepared 0 stecodiModate them in all things desirable ton well tvgulareS Hotel. 'rite Boons Is now hem, thoroughly revatrihtithroughout and new Fortunate milled, end no pore .01 he :p ,red to make the F.xchenge one of the ory hrelfotela 111 the eountry The uatieringned re‘peetfally eolith. • conunuanee of the eVry liberal patronage the House has heretofore treevook THOMAS (IWOTON, lebtrelip Proprmtor LABIARTINE DOUSE, WINAIROO74,II. AAO OCANS man, PITTA2I7.II. ntINP : subscriber respectfully announce, that ripened his new and excellent Hotel for;the acoommodation of traveler, boarder., and the pablie generelly The house and furniture entiftely iftelynew. and no paina or expense have been tart render in the eiry it onc ol the most comfortable no pleasant:4loloo The sdhaerther ts determined to deserve, and there fore e thereof paddle patronage— octl4-..1.1y JACOB /10111:11. Proprietor 'EN/TED STATES HOTEL, • ten , amvaaa roasatt /.1113 MTN irrn PrOS)11 , : late Dant of tbe Unitad States, Phila. 31 POPE: MITCHELL, inartaf P.Pe,t,at hAIV OFFICES. TIMI3I.IN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Herder, Pa 1 • 1 , 11.1 . .1.a150 attend to colleenom and all other basi- T nen r.:lll.lcd 10 In Butler and Armatmror rounuu,•Pa_ Refer to , I k R Floyd. Liberty at . ... \\. W. \Vonore, do .• James Nlarchall do Pittsburgh. dty . Roc & Co. Wood at.) _ ;'", JB. 45VE , ITZKR. Attorn.,y at Law. off., dot. ~ oppoode !Ka. 110,1, Iqstiorgo, nill also ...lid proeopely to Collection, in Witching - tun, Fayette odd Grecii-eoandes. Pm. MEM BlacOnnt t, Brit a Co., Cbureat Carottlera, }Pmsbargb .chant • J. aENRY, Atnarney and eauncallor at Law. etn4nnau. Ohio Colleenona tv Sautnern Onto, an tbr d lauctiaio Inana. and trt ocork. prattl and rare folly fn nd U. Cannaataatoner y fan nap Slat y e at Pens, artaanta, lattAnK nnpouttatza; acknowledgment., TO-11 , oct. wm II t Son, Cur., Cliorch & EN., Witioet & Devil. , HAT 4 CAPS AND BONNETS .7" lIPICORD s co. ) QwAr..7.T.V.'cVi•tK - g). Come? j IVipd and Pita Streets. PA RTICtLAR ratertoon pant to oar Itzttal Truer. I:awl:e.t.a canrely open gettine thr Iltaeaaat Ceps from Far esrablutunant of the varr .01.11. LA LA • rid the tame STY.., m 2 et tar taw th, Country ttlernhants. purchasing by wholesale,. roe respectfullY 10•Ited to call and caruntne ourtort'. to see can say 'nth confidence that as tero,:d• rrest..rry sad ranr.a, O a - 111 too surfer ill • comparator, ' , nth az-, hanse in Piiilarlelphor. CALIVORNIA ite--N nmter j;jit rs Cattforno .4 te ptceinc I IL Li 1., M'C..11.1) • ehr: corner .srh and Wood so S PBIIFo FAAHIONS FOR 1h49. 441.11"N0RD LO. urt: ...educe 011 ,tslur :dai, larch .41. the crrrrng sty. of llA'rrrr nue to vent of a nest and soportor haL are Invite to call at earner orath and flood streets. nor/ . . _ PRINGLIONNET EtallIONS, An.—W II Murphy § has 0011 V op,n a supply olspong Bonnet ROrbons, o nem audriandsocuo styles. Also, osr*stylo JooLed he: Loll. Laces and Ed:T OT, Linerha.ldgmeo; Vierorra do. pod Nlusino and eAttootdeml Swiss Munn, Se.; ...Wes rarge utoe'A-rent of trp On,/ treads generally, at north cut corneridth and Flatlet streets. ,Wholeukt.Nerono op sours. ard M•PARTNERSHIPs. Coppi rtin E r%lg ned Lye tiliT 4.l.o<llted m t.uIor.JACUU L I WARTY.. and coo Ucue the Inotmese us heretofore under the firm a 13 A. FA lINESTOCE A Lto 1).13 July 2 I 9 TilEparr:aere.lp heretofore exastacar antler the tam ce A. arr.C. URAL/CF::, to 111•414Aved by the deer:tie of Mr. I'. litaartley. Tire butair.esa will Le carried on by A. liredleyj who will .enl , w 4 buitnc, or the late Lim 111 , Alf 'VAL —A. CY has removed has Founder nyeahowni Worn Nn al2 Second street. to No. 19 Wood street. between Parra and Second atrecte, o the imrelreta, -oraled lay (1 A. Berri, noire he B keep eOnet.ltntly oat hand a general asnortinrot of Clistlngra linnet, Stove,. Cooking Sloven. de ,y!.l DISSOLUTION. --- rutE pattaereinp heretotnre extsting between Stun. r j del B. !Lichfield and Wllitara B Ilaya, tradlng order leo et.4n or BUSHFIELD &14.11'S,hae tins dry n drswived oy Willtam B. Bey...clime In. entire interest IR Etna to 8. B. flusltheld. All neeounts dee :hr br,d Ned' be eoßeeted by te B. Pash4eld, and all debts dtfe by the late firm to he padi by the mime. 11. B. 131;9iiFIELLI, W B. HAYS. Jnoc =IM. CO-PARTNERTRP.--8. D Brett/nat. havtag this will. himself llama Lunn, formerly ( f1df0rd,;...., and recently of the National Hotel, con Lour the husluees u.der the firm O litkiklF(ELD d LEADER, at toe old stand. N0..0 Elbert)B. B. BVSHEIELD. Pauburgik, Jona 22. ICiU. 17 LEADER. Having revved Om the former Istamesc I mire pleasure ieaommeruhng my • to ti. pe. U ~ of .7 custoMers and the polite Glmereliy. S.' It HAYS Difsol anon., etetttrtnerfhtr, heretofore extrolog between the C l fob...neer. 111 the RIM! of Constable, Burke & tine doy dorsoived by rourtost confetti:. Steams, Barite & Dienes writ neute the bustness of n, for which purpofe they are fathomed to us. the nun. o[lhr...concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, D5l IT; Ft 13 R KE, THOMAS BARN rho anderdlgned have this day associated themselves in the riernewi BURKE & BARNES; for the purpose of manrifnerilring Fins Proof Bale, Vault Door, &h. &a. ILI 4tUkd Of she We firm of Damnable. Burks tr. dr, whertsnaey will Lit pleased to receive tronage of the eusioniers either house and their friends. EIIIIIEND BURKE, THOhl AS BARN. In relitibi from dna firm of Constable. Burke tr. Co, 1 with 'able Fre pleumm rerommend Ale•Rra. Burke & Barnes Ili tIID eoufidence or my Mend. and the public P%bal i. l2. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. IJ!rlflPlN.drlJ,f &ti MUKYHY The tig x 7 1day Irate nn .271;, • Pitt.bargitj Jan. at. 1 , 49. If. LEY.. • N . OTICR—'Phe andel...goad eonunne the Wool bvetnese and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods at the old stand. H. LEi. In ref:tone from the Ilan of hlfarphy h Lea,l take g feat pluesele of recommding Mr H. Lee Pa the confidence of my friends and the nubile. Plttaburghs -en. I 4,. JH. 31tIRPHY. PLIE anba'iStbers have this daiassociated them. velvet ttigatber for the moons., of transuchng whelesalc and retail Dry Goode and Grocery business, Cl Y.N./ Ldlerty, opposite Seventh curet, ander the st)le end fill!, or IH:SIIFIS:LD I HAYS. Plusburgte... anunry 1.1‘4.12. N 13.—Ortiold customer, and the public ore •nolted to pc:" 04 a tail. :LS R32Mg=!M! Wdr B. `.... , CMF 1 : 'apt. JAMI ATKIVSON lutva,cd tato ersbtp, wider We irm of ett:A were parwauul will carry we the Tta, Copper, and Sheet Ir. Ware mattafactory. Also, litactatwthtms 10 ail as branches, at the old smod OI Woi Fir.t .trees. near Wood. Partiealarlstwooon gtven w steamboat work. , octi , I HAVE. tit. day mociaLed with nm the whole ." ..tie Uralery, Produce and Commitaton Lunn n,y my , n other Joseph, under the tam at J. N & Ca. J. S IJllo,ti,ilt ,J nnuary I. pq9. 111-dPAICTNEILISIIIP—Wm luvug li•viikK wu k." day wotoetated with Intn, John IL WO., the lea ;her busmen* t will hmane, be conducted under the hrm of Win. `VounK Zu Co WILLIAM YOUNO, JNtt. H M'CUNE. B EN N ETT 8. BROTHER, LiFk:F.iitSW ARE MANUFACTURER:I, Birmingham. jneer Pittablarghd Pa. Ward:owe, No. 137, Wood etral, PiVaburgh. WILL conotalaiy k txp on 11,..11 a good mu; n- Inent.ot u..e, of our own manuacture, 1•111.1 .araMornuant, bolealie and count, Me, hant. YIP rr.pectfun y .n•ited to call and ex amine fort 4ern•telvea. as we arc determined to veil than.haa ever before been offered to the pub- Urer r.• item ay nLit, ACC.OO panted by the cue or tie . promoilv attended to. mylil SIV •Xs Wool: I do Feathers, .anding Iron L Al Lum, and for aa,c Lyy . I A .11 Eo TIALZELI. - Ifiraztilete Shop. TT IVIGI Of all kind. of C . Ol.- LI. um smd woollen nmetunery, Allegheny city, Pa The above works hemp now in toll and suereirt(td op crotion.l aingrepared to execute orders with dispatch .(or all buds !or machinery in my hoe, such as m,ic,,,,gpreAders, cud, grinding machine., fr.6e , thriroul., looms. woolen e,...dr.,,Joubld r or moagle, for merchant or country work. w,,,,g54e., slide astd hod lath,. rod tool. In gen- A ug of stußitiog made to ord. or pleas gm tor ,r.or faxtotie• et mills at chuge. RxxaaKennedy. Childs k Co., Blackrtock, Bell jk. xigg cannek t Co, Jas. A. limy. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1549 BOOK TRA UE F:w I.llll.lClTlt , Nrs com,.. rmauval /Iwo,. by Dr rtnrlll roungeior • nod ordmary pr0...0r 1, r,rorGo tmgrn, Ith et: I . 'olll t vo 11, 1.er61.a!1 by r+ Drl av,.4, L D 3 rolls WEEIII=I EMMII= • • History Lb, Marie Annonetie 01 FrNIA,CIC, JA. t: Abbott, With en;rnintigs. litsiory ofJohos Cecsor, by J *col. Abbott. rny'v Poem, by ll•nry Wadsworth Loner:low Complete Werke n( hi to )loorr, I vn , vn. *beep. • xtrn. Chalmers Sr rynnos• I:9, to 1,17. C:rry, of Amerirs. by los A Il Co , runyn's Dicoriral I.rography of um I. rt., l.yorb'r rapodinon to lb. Annul Au :I , l' Rl en Janina Large 'nen with numernov ton, nnn grip:lllg,'s Hi•tory 1,1 rocla id ,itnny Harper • In, vols out. ort ...nun, in • sheep rttra. and In cnkrobrlr N.-ander, History ad, Church. /Ale to the West, by I.: F Ruston. Fan On hand and for •ale by R HOPKINS, aor9 Apnlo 13m1,1Inga Foe, •T . kTEIV WORK I.I(AC F M TIIIiH Ot 1 , /, II TER- , —Tbc Seven L 11111,1% of Arenderture, 1,, John Kaaba. Kahl ~ r imerone troriratlce, n•nw!, etched by the ampor one voi lord poi•ltelred and for *are ,y JAME"! I.or•KN% trot) Wraal et „ 1%; Ahboirr, Meier). ni :uvu• t e•Lar. won ronvingv. Joel received irt JOIINSTON & , I"Ortert/Nlr, 725 eor Nlnritet mod 'Mord •t.. Ahe—American tem • Sh.e) Idndier •t. vectuh:e An :dot nett Davy's Dl.eourse•mt Acneulture. hr, 12rno Sehlenters--Tbe Nun :yd. Liebtg's Agrtettlturnt I'llerrostry. It&nn Mint Amementt Ile nook. mn Atnemean Fenn Boot. 12run &Sett'. Dommite Ilion Webster & Part • Dotnestir reottrowy. lite, •vo. For sate by JANII'...t lAMANN d't M„DILI .aphy. Phtntot• theauo. Ihmpert IlleMent Ihrtmenry, Dustgleinn'• tto, Cooper,. Suroted. do. tem nt timrgm t, ttoitrott's tht. A' mom tt,•. 2 vv . ,. Irupmepts oil the I trt, Hope on the Dr.., ueet•hte. Antrim., W otths.. Skin. Pr, It, Nlmmts Mad , . :And newel/ties root Eh r-, do o the l'hotmee m: Antlenne•l t•erre. Woo, n: Nietheirs, OnlkSlc.oll thl ou r INtertt.h..ln .to large sod fresh ottnnle of Nia•• N Unto. float.. on hand sod tor soh. ht . 1711 ELL./ rrS y.Nt.1.1..11.74 Won.: ro Nit/ST It 17 , 1AI1NA DIA'. WWII. t./ . rll5 . Niowv an —Nineveh utto It. mar, 'Anti tin sermon, of r matt to the Chnmittrt• of Aorthetan. sncl Yerolt.. or Deed Woe Mimmtm, and an Ingutry into the manners motarts ttt the mamma A st., ny Dm, 1. 0, 1.- •••1 D C. I. tn two wah numerous tliustrosom• ''Thorr 1.1 remarks'', add tleltghtfyi et/ in the wort ban, mt. or voidable cl yorem siol to ter-emote personal nun-anon tmett n• we 7 ,11,1116<f / 0 •Ithlor wort to 'navel r • • Sir sy art! is nut suriou.ctl 5) t w e e N itro eler. 1., the te e tiers of the mum he h. vvr, mu t a surpo... C. them n'l -We 11,0121 ono there on• her, nn on it t ...Oar. .1 any modern hoot or :monk Port Is III.• Gruver morn tolventurouL Iturtnrodt ta hot morn tuth., Holbert not morn guy or preture.rue, Men the her 0. the boot tonne us FA aim r ••Orte of he mow rnmorkob!c vent,. or oot , • London Tne, Jur, mn,vert aro Int .0., JAMES Itr o Wt na Wood to British Perlotlie•l Literature. 1. The London LroarterlT rte:tree 2 Th- TArnhuren H,tettr. NEEMI . „ 3 Binetweed's fitiniturau • Mon.. The mithve Perai.tien, ale reprinted in si ea' %or, imatedinieif ffef the fir, f f t • ,, vit.••r•. sr itith on tine width thiceii 3 nr• rupie• Of the orieinain--Itthet 'amid Inien rid. tieing 3 , eta, Iti I redid. Ttic price. Of the rani - this ore ictia than one third di thane the (omit,. eithira and while then ath tine* weti elecuted aderd ndimiithee id the menet. neer ME F. 11,1.4 reader • Trras,---rPri,oar It! or mode ro For any ono or the lour flovr-Fot. ILI HP For gro, lour el. • For y three Fortoor or Ore Review, . - or For drarrivrood's Almra.nno. For Mart...Fr •orl tor 1• 0 010 R•• promptly ruppOrrO b 1.. n BoAtoeloor et2tl Importer .1f 'l , .rtwood's Mscatone lu l y, 1 . .•• qrt r•cr•vrtl, 11, • 1, M WELL/NE(4'6 JAPIEB W. WOODWELL, Modernund Antique Vorniturr, P 3, TOM, Smut, P:rbirt lar e. g t minable for fit of eamboa. Hotels .4 ril.. flier , Ve ' p * re 'n se b"' nntoTk h rbtio ." :l ' ea n lo dc t ‘ l7c * e r ; ' ,:e r ;ded te; .y Manufactory the western country Pi ...a wishing to purchase wrotabl 4o vat top. me • call, aa am demrouned My prices shall pica. Part of the amelr tonel. to— Tem a Tete; Ra See Faxi, le; Loa. XIV Chu.; queen tallo!th chain. Tea Poysoi Fro or it Tnoms, To,;et Tables; Oben, ~, , Preach Mahonatty Itedsicacts. SOwith Plost, and fleur-cloth co.rai Lr hishi.any Hoe., Thais; 40 doz Parlor ab Taney OS Cere Tolile, itu pair nt 4 par pier Tabb,, 16 marble top Dremong liareno4, i• Wardrobes Sedietarte. hoot e••yr mort,,e top \ :band. ; pair I itionow., pair !atm v brt A very iorgo akionrtieni et erbbmbr, e.ktori ...I orttyr lororture too ouniortroy lo orrnoor MeMEIM=I ... Diaphragm Pillar, for Itydrautt Water. 4411411.° THIS r, to rrrtay thri I hare sr: Pointer Loring - rum. Row., d. o. So, Arrots for th e sale to Jetoont • Proom Ihoptsdago. rtArr, for tor . if tles of l'uo.our,t. an.l A ~,.....) - JO/ IN (.11iM)N. A,nt. t r y Writrr M i..r•0u.:, , Er 00......., Get 10. 1,41 We have been usura one of the above alt:eir• .1 th• acme orate Novelt Wt.,. fur three moms., oh tet,. and feel perfectly sanatted mat it l• • awfui.invettwce, abd lace pleasure Irl racommerultbe utelko• • to, tut article to all wno love pur. water tredt , e• wII/ be thanktuily reeet vett old prompny exeetned n,11.1 1.1 VINGSTI Pt aev•r•lble Flltert Cock, FOR PI'RIFYINO WA t ER, Which render• to rind wont pure by tremwoor to tabetance. not entoble t• router The eraton aster In a Vote . 6 )1. , al :to n e Altering ctok. •Itow• •to t hour r, detewtt { or nult•tustee•, worm.. Re n. Is the ease More or le with all hydrant trotter. The Reversible Filaarr r•at pied . der. 1.. ts not attended with the ineoeven,oree inettlent FlRerers, as it i tt elounted wzillout teing.l..l:.r. I—a met the water pipe, by mealy :be key br •c e from one ode to the tuber, By thi• en.) prneeot, tl.l eoarae of water la changed, end all sr.:etas tloar. impure suboances are driven 01 alotoo tustast without unscrewing the Filter. 11 .hat advantage of being • gulp cock, and o+ suct,is cua. coca mill be very convenlrnt tnd crulonmsl. • It can he attached Inhere there If any pr Or lave to a cask, tank, tub, hc. with cane. of We m;le Alen. BELL AND OHARA VOUNDIti AA FUI.TON. Bell and Brno. Fauna., bat both and rortnneneed but.mee. a , l. too .too 011rft• be anti be piewted to see In• ettt eat,. ere and mend. Charalt.ttroornboot. end Gil. rrfovory il,Olll 14 to 1 0,000 pousurs, CO) from poooros of We moo appro.. . odmMel., and worraniod Im trort nal• blinorni Wmiter l'urnpa.t nu..., Ratlipir. &v. war thnr with evrry var cry of Um. C,lming., rt..,el,a, turttood end tinlahcd 111 C ticnir•l nuanLirr A F io thesole proprietor or /Laser's A Irs-Arrai rnts Nlrtsa- .n pony celebrated rer the rt duriote of fetetton in machinery The Boles and 0111,11/,,,1 1 ran tot had of him 2,11 ono, , rnt Iv MortongaikeliCLllTery Hats blot 12 ROBERT II PA rTr.R., , ON opened the large owl, on 5 . ,. ot, otno..e thrnogn to Sr.cond oz. between Wood atot Snothlseio ate.. in the rear or the Mottorteotteta llttinw, wun an entirely new spelt of Iluroes stdit arrianes of the he ualtly nod latest styles. Item , 1 ,1 1 1 111 il 1,- ry in the e hest manner. l' 111, Vain dt'h grf 2.14 ) 4 T W 4 t.,,11 UiFot 'llAtOroll I - ~~: =~;~-- A N EXINENT *Uti ezpuumcw: 1 . 10, :Fote, t 4 East, yuars mandwg, offer• w treat oa• a a Delsratu NaLure with prnnapu,•• M=== permanent. Old 1.:••••4 f• I oor AKtv, r} azatzwims= • • . . . Omen, St. ClaJr wee t. :rem Ibe rke Teeth Kalractr.4l Advice no thr pour EMiNMEMI THE rutmeniter 11 just rerri:, omotrunr ul Ptimor loon Om lot tory oilititons Ctoric. ymottit tor rr egoorn 0 rrmrtor Mau, nod toiimrior, 01i0... nod I,lr n tot, own: nrri itrougni to 113.4 eit) too atm, firm, lonK and favorobly liotonn Om form., lorrmnit in lite 0.. nand Ii n. ot Itrootlerooti. London, boo root. y ttni , tooted the Piano.. or Nutottp k elork. Y to . „ lent whah. outinesuottato y. olatt•• them iti tit N, al being tile very be!.l4 t Piano. to be got to thi• country The lot We in the •ly le and httntb. which matt them at once the trto•t cletnta a, ta•ty tht, rte. r brought out Therm ntetrurnenta. 10,111 , tv. stork on band, form the ein-n•tve. w ord a. l MEIEffM9I66I .1 NV Wooderol:'• Thor! vt N. .thtterther w. , 1 he found c the wore. hour, from II to 12 A M. sod itofr M lui fl. It.. solo Avont for Nunn. h. C.:art lATF: have some YUALYS, 'node son ...proved Plan.. as out or free Pt m the cokka I yr eal.tlct Perseus urstuttog such articire. are netted sold see theta at SCAIFE h ATKINSON'S. lIY lot, botwcou Wood dbutot sts NISCELLINFATS . - --- CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS; foe. - W Cocoa, al, . W Haters .kternean and I reneti Chneolute. P-inn, 7) 11'I i'll f 1114 DAT. c o.r p o u n oo d Oil CIOIAJ TO Longa, Cutou PLC, i,,,.. 1 UVOLLII/1 ,, .• . , 0 n ••I ,',• ,ate.t sad mon approved pollen., ...4 al TO morrhatda and con • 4.1 parelmsers, end &alp pattern., nen be par -1 the brat producer o•+ . d• .1 .• - .. • .iy 0(140 i.. 11.101. dile., etnizprinng tho (al thorn mnrota than, • .• all • J 11,11• •••••111K yar,ties.— posse.. thc ,or boon , . t ~,. aot - ,n,no• rgrra Royal Velvet Pile flu ; II . n by bri.,o4s. 4 • .- • A,, :a .• nr Carpets; any sae bail rootat or lull Ifi• Itrotria nod t . .., oa V., . do bbohnu and vaaittay for 0,.....1 -, -. 4 1; .: 1 .. ols do Tapenry stair eithr i th th oer, aro prnuounced by th lm calmest m . • , Latrs -, ~ . ~. y du Brume!. do oupertor to any other precut,. ~,, s. Ili. monctoet4ros Superfu.e 40 do Chomile Munk • ere alnr a) son mule... any qusoutv by die MOO re- : Kum sup 11, , raio do Tolled do •peetaole grocers ru the raster. tn.-a, mid by then : nUperfige ' do do "Brussels do ng-trt, flow, Urn). Ater,. of Boron, James Milton,: ; Fine do do Chetollo Door met 4 Aeo lint (ford. P 0,,,,, II us•er 0 Murr4. Sete Volt; I Common dii do Tufted do do Gran & SlOO7, rntlarlelploa. `foam:,. N' lir..mtige, Hal ' 4-1. 3-1 0. I Tapestry Jnielald do do .mars, 011,1 Kellngs Sr.. fh-110011.121/10:11001.1.10. i r ,1,101 . 0 do Sheep Orin do do WALTER BAKER Lior00m...110•0. , 4-4, 3.1 & I rwlld Ve. 11-4 ErobSed Pin. torero rm. •ror, hy IILIO3i or ;?:,111 kris I tieomr du . 6-4 de 'noble do _ , I-i. 1-4 & i plan; do do 6-4 woo/ do . do Wrought and Cast Ireiht Ralf lug. l Cum., Ingram do 6.4 worsted and Moen.. do npHi.. .441• Ar rtbers bog leave. to ...roan Me prO. o. na: , do Venetian do Bross Stair Rods A , hr, have 01001/104 100111 11, 0...J.1 a,. tb, . : .4 oo no o .h ra , ge k 16-4 wool eritub cloths ashiona,.. droop.. for Iron Ito:',lr,e, both Mr ot ter 'h ia-1 ~,,go o d o ikaor Linen end tooth-terms Prsoo• .v 1 ,1... ,ro proeure I 'll r !0 , do do 6-4 table do "' '''''''' ol i'''''' 0011 00.1 0 o '. ol ' 0 " d ' i 1. , 4b Table 011 cloths; Diaper do for thetorretves. Mailing will be t.•r. ,rir 4at toe 10011 ,i,,,,,,„ do do do d o e rff ,d, 011 hoore. and mMr hest ma Me,. 01 .0 conto I. 01 i.. 4 r.onr 01! drabs; Snow-Drop Naphirok Craig to t tl Rehe o e n ,redt....\ 4 1,e 1 g1 A 0. ,1 , ,, , , .. r . , , i„:.,,,._ " •= 4 , :Inost do o dod p c . fi r 7 i 7ll P d 10:10 uuells.olf - _ . ,h 4 do do do hlaroon do Itlanurit etured 'Tobacco. I 1-1 do do do Carpet Binding; 48 ..L.). : , , ,, , r . v. ik t,„ f r tr; ,‘,,,- • '`'P'...."”• - 7 ,;•,,,, ..., . ~,,..., ~,, 0.. th.. a newTraniplut Window Shad. 16 1, , do I . oo e & Harwood' , " " h ' r " "rlY ""' ' 6, To th e above we •re conatanlly reeeivin6 eorBprlng ol Jr, . do ndos A ni C. rpot.a. t It I Cloths nod Stounbool Cummings, ...:5 do do Pearl /s. Harwood - n ,A.O, - ' 14 JO Jlb 'lllOOO to when w. invite we attention of all who wish to fah 5: Id don do . , ...I. 11100 hots., nr steamboats as aro will be able to .Z.l do 4o Wm Dnurvon .. , , , offer ponds n• low as they can he purchased le the , „ 4 . , I h,,.1. Rod of the nehest antl latec sty . let. Call and no .Il do 7 Wriohr• :17 do 1.: Anderson .. .. , , 0101110 our nook twfore purouvot r cotewitere. Ware. o I.'l' !bole, _ ttou•se. No :5 I st. nadhtri W. IFPCLINTOCK. . , .. .. . doll Alneo.C4 - -- - PAPER HANGINGS. a Jo ,117mldf . . ill ESSRS• I 4A 14• HOWARD & CO., Just landart nom steamer tool pt....•t• dor' for +l.• by 111.41.0 Ift t'A \ rril A. Co , NO• 12 Woud Street, 41 norm water., nod 111 north tsnarve• ,Ii rfrrl.l) rail the !mention n( the public to their Jead Pht , ndelonot i V V po.u...nt •mek of Paper 'longing... which (or itt- AA .0 NL 1 \I:1 'I. If 0.11 ritltAt'Clr---, t a m ~, , . r t , 4 heauty of baton, durability aud cheapness, is Un -41.1, 604,1, • totiter ,or tow., :I. too, rarpd ••••,1 by any establiehmeut in the Union. ..t 0,11 Sym m:c .. ..„, ~,,, ...,,,,,, 5, ~,,,,,, , 1,,,,1, a large and full assortment at paper of their ...: •• •., .• :g. 0.. 0 .110.1 • 141, they are bow reeelvutg a direct ism Iron •'r. , i. A ~.. porta: on of ref.:. and Ktur,...11 •tyles of Paper Ilute. _ , . .., I 11,1 . , .. . MC, Rawboned by Mr Le, Howard. nue of the firm, In .. Al e1.,,,1 .. _, . : ~„, o t ',rope. ronto•tore of 2 , .. Lessons,. (.0110.1 5. 0t . p.,,,, ; runntan manufacture, 1141/00 p.0.e.,. Jot., InnoLog (-ton steamer. 14,1 for •ate I • i Lawlor, oda 5.OUn ,lo it 1.4 Lir. 111 sAO, l i, 4 ~, tit dont own manufasture they hare 100 4,00 preen. I; 7 , , as:, It mot ,1 N .. , tr ,.. I Wni: llnper, and 12,0110 Mem...satin glared Wandow mrd Ph4n4r. t.,,,. . !Mods, Br. NI essrs. James /lowan! h. Co. have spared neither W. (4,..J. tiL Eh 31. Rook Binder.. WE "''' 0,1, ' o ~,,' 'I , 00 ' • 1.0, ' '''''. ',' ....r.' : ot wa.l pr r crunblishments, both in ourdn'y ot ors.- "' ".... °'''''' rho '. ' ..' ''' 1 .. . ...,'. ' ' I afar", re n u ll variety of pattern, and they are warrant w" .. I, ' i'rr'PaYed he dt , an) 0 ,,, I • nh , ~ 'e to 0 , ', - ; eft m l,' the Rohde that the) have suceornled patch II r attend to OO, ,••• , ..011.1.:1. 0 : :! T.,- sonata ovum:net. (OrrICO 01111 home nianufae : ttn, wr., to. awe, o ur ett:tot to d. td and da. ! In,. w.., hd uttered on trllna tir• , e, os those of 0 0.1- , .t.t.5.., r rtt loan otscturer• and Importers. rue 0071,111 It :Ink Ito,. ru,e,l to 4. . pm , . to uist hound •ub 0 ,,,, iy ,„..„ ~0 , 0 r„ .r . ~,.,,,,,,„,, ~,, .. N: EV: t . 4,1011111-41 ZE.RULtIIIi KIN44EI 'ld, 67 blur. ful,v, reroute,' Naare• put on loms • tn got Ira,. ' i"' ''''''' Tlm.o. that have wort lu our ~o, ao• u,m,„,. to eau , I 40. serY high ~,,,o k shell l'oloth*, m 0.., ~ I SoTle E. a ,rain hlzb n . '' 11 A , !NI, sold our r. , ,,,rt sar atol It i.R....5t ^" , 11. 1 II ' nrrow boaried lop " " r. nor t..l the patronage n: 'ad 00 , - ~...• ~nu n + dr- 10 ~ land lata •' go w P•",, I , i.ATE I lt. at grovri rem llortc 30 dos shell vole, assorted ai -1 III: P•d:•ln.A 1 - halt , sr, an error. prim hors Side; 3 doz Orli dreaung do; P0i., , ,.rg 0 nod 411,. 1-4,-• . 11 orm Bothaso do do. I On I nittatlon do do, 60 do best --- i 1 . 4 , 404 r Ikon. 6 do $ o S fine Ivory, eztra rue; 18 do I fr 1 , 11 0 N . 1 . .10 ho.”, .“ to-ot.or. ~,. •10/.•••••ol sod t SS do do. .11 boxes, 4 I 2 gross S hoe do do, I do comb I • iot ward., Alen oant. N. 41 t, roor .1 00, • 1 L,e,trter. apll3 .. - lee, CoobsisaF stove.. Orates., qv; c a .7 wn t 1t..X(.4.1..,1tk.,110,1iLax118, rsLL % . 7 , r: n ' ud K S ' b e..4j r -Fo C' urit, street, . \IA i.,1:,.:r1:RIA.,Ttl),1.11:1•1,,1:- MIMEMM tt• 1 ny, it It y I • 1-antatr•ltti L.•• 110 tlicar Hut, 1- i •• Henry et J‘lstr, , PRA Works •nd Fd.onalry. 11:1/-r IVRIOffr I n 1 ' , % 11, attar„ .1 on tarn route 1..r,r,s I.rttrtau. Ir., lin, ote hr rrot lOF nen , 01, ;arse art...., need no reeortitnendatton: the kor tow,. Co.l tl o.t. 14:1( Ca, Leatoy rsuo, Ur, are! wrturrauted not to t ururrrit, ttrtier• or aa: tur o. J. out or tutu, r 'Till lte for your otter,. to Calls d Pump rA.Co , Auvr nrotupt roc,. exanti,e arne.r., a :Sr roanurtratuter's store No. sts,ro Ptt,lntrutt. In addition to dna above ran 0 0,..1 , 0t,• thc y .Ire proof agelmt tlags 10 51r, Ittr t0001:1W OWL Urn R. 1.. w Itiaok or. , IP - A Col K , . II Vtt tooor ;otos Ftw,., P tt.t. - - meow COACII FACTO-CV, Pots,. (et...dun:vs' Goloorste B..ry 0 , 2141 I tux lazed Pa. fin Alechcci and Parr wirrws. M• A ravlra Hl i ,r ie '' •,-•••:••-•; • •-, • . I. and ts the neT one. t y wat known 14 for /DAN ed n the ur ro. •etr •M, Cllrtha .y, in a defunie youth; .• sei • • •s. leithooshotil• or Nun-with perfect earerf .am•tl.l3• is now Illyttly approved of . 1 e .ee `..her physicians of Btu. coon •.i. o. y 0.,d Korn:ie. whot.ittPartal and others reborn roiwere can •.e referred. Refeßince arta also • e 111 1, 1110 many 0401, respeehablammens, who bey. iei i.e.,. eared 111 means of this moat ralaahla apparel. .0010 11/ most 00010 tonervous disorders which 'Ft 10{414 1 , 111.1 . removed by any other known mean, a nni.tir various others. II has been proved to be ad .., noapted tic tno cure 01 Ow follow., disease, ilex:kens othet diseases ot the bram. I. ts tuts •pporalio. a.ooe that the operator can roove, the mariche lard with ease and safety to the m restore ,(111. or e ore amsurosas; to the ear to res.nre beerier, to the tongue, end other organs, to le, •.ore speech, hind to toe tattoos peel, al the body, for the Fore of chronic roman:m.l6. salhats, nallsmJgla, al • L''',:t'ttl"tu'x'cr"'eppori,:pl.tyy",%•7l:l*'ll7:4' La"' eho uts' rot- ore , i•ou.d Coml. ilooe3.•••• pt,:allat to lei:talcs, Coe of the ll . i ' obs, e dry 1 , , .al.. • .-at. /wee Icar or Cori Harris o Se . ••. , c iinor• •broo i-oo • . R.ant• mart... Wing count... of We ern d end •I wie •I'^` The . " •, c" ' sristie ies. wan the ...women red o ior toe, .n•-stlear nicer... • soof f ey. and woo,- I " "" "'° o.ti • 1...t0 tor the cure a nd disease. saw or rets,l at the W.., r and Foil fnitruction. will be given for the irsmous amity " V'l:l<. Jr. <al. to usod for vane.o ihseases, and the best Mau- PIANOS! ner for 0 , , ,01314 far the cure of these ducasen awl al suf•seciser nth., for mle ,orre 1114 . (co.)" ,I un d o t he •• , •••••rt and • pernliblot it.....,rour•it 111.1 woo, and inisimcsni Ac. , put into Na hands exprusfy for these purposes. care t,. thanos.. %soh ood V• 1010•11 CO,MII4M• refs ornied ProP•rol hl' the p.o.e. Eottiotro of 4 ,„ w „ . 1. , !: •1,11 S WILLIAMS. Vim,. Biliehorgh route, tu Noel 10 muds I veun- T ay. namonaterlsiii - try, mot he tow lower rine 0.11 1.-oscht It the'. ric if fi nuention of the pobrle is respecneny oniine 10 1,3•1, BLt 8k . .. a‘,..d or. .1 the todowing rerufteethie YJ docoiMu S. klotists---liesing tested • quantity of Gold —0..0' 1,0 MIMI et rem u yof , weighed Li) nor A tcoureter, I Lod the result proses nil F your thiaroment correct, am: recommend the use of a ~.r, 11,n, pito, Cniifornia. as the bast method for oh ]lll,lN 0111 f, 0 1011,1 r, the real stave of Hold. Heap Joan, i/ Li r-orer• It. Ilur.t,,r s.,nmuery. No I J. 11. DUNLEVN , Gold Heater etet oti er t ales,' Firth •oo^ MAW 'Moly very I rittshurel., March Si, 1,49 etiettp and or. se.seted Hardware. in., ' - Nines mop, hlarch 7, laie. 011 , „ „ 0‘ „„ Ile I Luts-Dent Haring es -maned the °Areo wne hove he... 1 • 0 ' LI, rar,eu. meter. - nmilutsetermi so (nor roam., Ido net hesitate ~,l 1000 11 0 1 1 to COILLIMMtI ale tow of Bari. gentlemen who are .„•11,001 recoortag to California in •enteh of Gold. It riiin• a close approximation to the pe 011,1 ut methls, and will certainly enable themvouturer ,A,•l ''''' ' •• 0 ...• ascertain when his placer la yieldnyr Gold. one ono'. A '°`"' '• tentlo Yours. reap., R. afhI.INTOCK. Ss o.• the titunalootori al p if Cert...., to .011 I n ,. 1,1 NDI RUBBER CLOTHING-1 MO reeolved forth° 'ere. ved 0.1 for sale bv J. C Bourn.. bixpedinoo, a Complete assortment of I LI , 1,010 Elastic Clothitig, Cl prates rangtog from $0.40 to . for :otit of rout, rano. and hat. For side at the 1 ISA I ENT soLA ft 1.0 1111 r° ' °. BoPot.rut, No 5 B. nod st. 1 ...oriole. of Corneous Co s & PIItI.I.IPS iupertor to sun o. u, - _ 11.11 h roc more of those 40 pistly rr ,„, , o „, aa , a a e...elirated Hamer /Nano, used constantly by ~ ,ml.l 11111114 desirable I L..t. Yhanierg and ew. 01 great performers, together ...toles. Hall Luta, °BO • "Lose c• 51(1 . 11, Or 8w0 w ,.. 4 cod ocohotetiY, II :es., c,s„, of 0 10 ,0 11 .t0 tamtulsett The sense Instruments are ~• 1111.1 100 ,, 1 , 11 , 10 ~,,,, :I De per, In ever,' reepeet. and will he W mars, st c " '"' °°•ii F BlArdE, - No 111 Wneet .t. Yd SAY WANTED, Poe Caltfor est.. ' , III: nick vonnini, to Item half , keg, qua rte rs and can. tor -ae hy cti`i I. ,GENC \ aN It Cif SIC , . Cs MI J S DILiYttaTII Jr. C, iflwood st 1 none NI tiN WY0.. , 01e . ml ro,“ .ot, " DILI' GOODS. Me' •• 1 . 111.1 ts ~nrlieu/ar a • •, . w~ . 1,10. II•v , A./ • • •. • • VU, mer - Yerrx. Firrak, ,utue.. Hen, 1.,. 1..... I•ce:it r.' I. • h.. 1, n.,1 1721=211 .‘g•u, It•up• ,a••-u• r• •!, tnur. latar aLu•!, •,,c, pa) trom JOU tn uur UM] nit, Ul utupl.o.o. 0(11.ily Wuuul w 051.14 roal,r u• p au , • a • a ',lb , . •ituatiou •,•••,•!, ito.o.+Atitalice In tall niet !, MllO 1., Lir ..1 . 11 • lAi 1, ,, ft 8.1,11 MAN NO . - - CO NU V 4 1.. retnor rtl hts Whoir the I:rnew. corner of Ifitheool •weet nod Al., rt door to the Pert, linear. /MIN P PERRY WILLIAMI4II4IOO, _ It Ir.L Ikr Fl•IL CILAMI't. 3.llllllllflekDrer of liiacral W tau' pporatni, v/. A [llr ['at% 11. WA Stal 1.11- ro t a or Ills tIOLIMA trOLE 1,10 hitt / " .1 " . "• e •' • o. 4 North Se collo tl.. above Vtoe, - • PILILADEI.I'III A gapernowe of inore 04111v:elle year. oi the It menu (arm rtng of oeral Writer Apparent, end • • a .1 e n• I ~ prenarroson of %acre' Waterin Rattles and '"" c hr. lame l y"lal ns. on turentronoe goal, with • scientific and prat koowiedae of Loanclwor of buetheire, ..t.<l with rreent improvement. to She conscrucaion of Ihe AppniattoA and 111.3 p r eparing of the Watrr, which PITTS II LI Lt.o phm WIT (P T ha, needed •n adopting Qin, Itie volt to Pluir, "mob. , 00,0 tah and nrwr year, or ••inwe, wody ante reeneal applice• .`,°' I t °.""ar , 0 11 111 [ Prar l,ll • Lions ag sprOw4 to the arta in Mechnic, end Cheir/. e`•^tit ,, ) 05 ; 'e't• oothowiwe ott toe fir ,, ..ruA ttothior gatow.nocr to come before the public r, to, to. non, No 1., [ rrly avert. ' otatO Orr autilidriter, t and oder them the beet and , """"°"'"`" i'r o , t• o'er • •oiat :. - tr• for :he manufacture of Min tle . loon:. o'Orth OLP tr• [Ws. totY [ Valor 1, !tool, et.,l rou,:ta,.., that can be fur. •,• tbs. e.t, tor lo st' a thorough Ene 3th. C.a../ toshea 1 4 .1, Illtrd r , stot: 1 'eow tt, oltreOtot. A rti.. sou r•o 1 % 0- 11•• al , O dat•or• itonsrll that thil °marred nee.* he ."Pa.raJ a" hedut'a• I•e , tarr . • wdt Jr• •^ o 'd hat in, taith, [...d itt (41,11 e.atenalv and daffy an 'Jur' ‘PP:l'‘ta• - ing amount id no bout.. in both the above der permookt• Vor 1t,,,! In••(.lrner.,ll r, l I put rorrnette. the moat ...thing proof o his La•••stirtgr, Drewoor 40.] eeith e'.'et I c eon to the .oper:ortt, of Apparatus over theta ( fall oi torte[petr 01 1,0 At root.. Ma, Otat „A, rs. rnri 01 11101 portly anal salubrity of the Water too atorio [ttl .tot [[stOtos tt.' o [ot tru s t tao [ rttorrr, rrironn 1 111 [ [ll, I. rot l aP [ O , 11,[ 0 , ot . room who onier the App...., from • distance, •”erot P° oo,o °S• 0 . • •• o. ••• rot tuey I,c mwored that their rustraetrons shall be ger • ire uthr or appt, t o the •if rip .rd woh ; and eo packed as to retry safely learlhAtt oy iond or orator to any part of the U. States. 'I u avoid disappointment-II Is rectum:tondo:lto Mose Ur. McLane In Ten • r i `HI: , is us certify that I pur..Art,.1.3.... v... 11,1 Do lie Laue's Worm Spice.. *moo two oitokow ago rd - - early • ear as can -004 pro ro a jlO/1 01 Mill, sonar %eve, tic r. 111 LL ‘[lV. Water App annals, Generatara, Pumps and hasamond fob. and •t•ahoegh the ....tint . T" . ' r)rtnignen.l lima end Pedeatala for Stevie, "."` ''" .1"""t thtautalt utd Bars of Hotels, fes enema' Hydrant w .. 5 ” 0 " , h ur ts , water, together "nth Cork:mg and Tylnit lalaefanta, ham ate quarter of ars mall at tato Ile ues loox. Is. hi . L ic r ot . I utd everything appertaiateg to the above boaineu, • rolthrhlttly on hang, and for sale on UK lowest lama Roa&o Cram, Carrot co Trutt , Ike 1n47- Ada IV cub, aplEt &Wein =MEM =MEI • r.trey the Wank o( Pittsburgh fharrtnt mo r. I he, drpoK t•—:•iight Checks for sale. and g. 114/1.• oo nearly thy pnoripal points to ;he ,nter r 7.: tt,: vv. ,"f POrrtgo cmd Amenc., kdvante. rtlndr on I , ll.spliroCilli Of Produce. dip . ra .1114 up 2 OREAT fN VEN =e!= r'lllG T ICS tar surpassing every other in -1 re .tmn or thr kJ ad now ex:aut They eau be et • ~ m.. tercet) .five fret, and wheu chreed u.e -see. ate a:I eu.itaiaed •lamde, they are made to ..te• are admirably adapmd tar Stem - alma, 'lute., and larae ',Matte tamales. farm. ii.e A Mrtt ontoph-la heath] tattle. •• I aA:ab N.I.:A US—These articles are meat- I art... Mei • 10 Mare swim lab to e.M onv en n aparlatent into morn. • ar tar) . call he opened and abut and Whin shut. the heddme is enelos rartna mom aid tent. A I the heal rh.. !tr.- form • heoutithl pu t t] farnhare la a tit. A and wt., ~ t to c., tviwn otte.ttc4 a moat cottYemetit Led. ottte... p.c.! perfect th•ak SH ACK LETT & WHITE. Dry Gaod• Jobb•re, iN 141E1 —W-iuld call the 1 1610/1110/1 • • .•11It cl Mei - chianti In their iarce elOck of Lorne.. ono I urn, UNI i,inbUs, the Im nort. ro mai Monutainurers. and which uvey will sell a: re,rot, tor or approveil 0/ 6 1•11L •41. 4 116 1•4066 1014 complcie, and well worth nic Attention f we ore determined to sell in toe, extrinric, low 04 cannot lan to make It ---ne nin tricen a r iocretioins is mute a toll with „., iu Y A ,114 I VEls. e --.1 dna Sp.!. mad Ant, CI a - r.-, w'l.3 Nln.nurr I orlt, YU do Gnaw Shuvel.. au • •• uuc Y. nil,l Pick. ~,,. ANEOUS. Wnttra, Desk, 1.1.1'E0.0y WROUGHT I RON I=l ==l DRY GOODS:- - - - A T REDUCED PRICES.... R RhoTh7 ha. an .11.Imui Ceur.whoteAnd eanc..l VD% ..hlah elausosic salow.priers. Jr= 1411 We tolwar ausSemm, Cries Goodo, reduced s; Buriles, s, price IR:: LussuinAlitru ureijs diaeu, liunrrucr Shorts, Smarts, Bonnet Rlbbohr, Baltin g r , mcss , s4 Bore 130marr West. Perronarratnin nay nipare, or any otter dcacrip la" of D 7 Gk.* wo do well In call al norittenal .I.or or nod Market sts. trio UtTRITR GOODS FOR OILKSRMLW. ft. Murphy Vl' hue largo assortment a Inhofe bloods, mouthed, such as MIR% swims Mulls, Rom WO per yd do: em- Uorde . rfadt:VOT: i stjat s tta h h a r r sVe:llti satin striped do; and general assortlitent of t'Lloot .0006, such us plain and firarsd 1...5. Edg- Logs. drat northeast ensues It/sushi 31/argot to. Wholevale Rooms up .:.i.e. • ri-OPEArgiI.A. A. AlAso.i it.% or). inbliehnient will be re•optned on Ender. Jely eth. A:I of their stock having been nutrAut dawn. wOl be offend.l the peanut bargniva.• Eitteinisers may itv pond upon eeeorlAg geode at LOWER CATER then ever before. B SS F.r c lamest a wia r , tr i rt o o , n t t , o . at the Nem Carpet Warehouse a \V. ACCiletc•ek, Na Ti Fourth s. co wer the 'west and riche., stria,. sued at ernes lower Lean ever offered in the market. All who want Brume,. Carpets, should call before parthasingalsorehere. • solo W y,IVICIAI. FLOWERS—Maser... or Artanctal Flowery, viz: Plain tisane paper, bpotted do, Car e paper for coloring, Pink' Sancera, Leave, of eve ry form, Laub} Ups, and canal., earl be al....Anne at F H EATON fr. Cos Trimming _Stare, apl4 Fmirh irt Elf . plUilpE4V If—Wonted paves. for -sAstastans, Piano Stools, Table Colors, Travelitta Bap, tenth rent variety or amall patterns. Also, Worsteds in all colors and shades, py the pound, ounce, or stem for sale by apli h HEATON A. Cn, G 9 Poach st SECOND SUPPLY—AV B Murphy, at northeast tor aer of 4th and Market sweets, hew now open Ins ita.coxo supply of mynas. and summer floods, and has a largo assonnsent of Drew Goods of newest styles, and staple Goods of every kind, all orwhith will ho sold 090 Imar KENIVHDI" A. SAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth Inege street, are nosy reeeivine direct ITom Best hs aids, 7, k ,:r r y n ,nr,Z,°,7 4 s v ord"r.f. 6 °..°,,,":•;lViet'e a l:e7, Jewelry, French Prnt.. Combs, Hook. and Eyes. not and Hosiery, Suspenders, Hon Cop., and all nthrr artreles In their line —.ll of whielt home teen purchased personally of the manufacturers coat, do nne the Inc veinier, expressly for Me Spring traile, ' be sold wholesale at a small advance on cost, Constaimy on hand. all descriptious of Looking (11use ce,-of our (ma manufatturng. al e•eitern orires nile23 N E LZ .F N AN KI C N Y st r eB, V cA H AL. I 7k. V , I.i ., OO „cc I ! S—At ZEII 100 pr. fine Mon Vase, see'd,• sets twist nod cut vel•et coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpel Bogy; VA do do gent's traveling, 100 areas fancy stlk Buttons, for dresses; 10 dna Nail Brushes, ass'd; 100 gra fine bIY Vest Buttons, tweed; LK,I) do do gilt and plated, dot Y 5 dos rosewood Hair Brushes, 4 de Wuhingtou do; I do Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Loon Fish Hooke, L.lme nek, tee JEWELRY, /ke.-3J gold levy r Watches; 50 do de tached lever Watebes; 10 do Lepitte do,• 10 fine dia mond Futger Ethos, 1 dos fitte gold Yeas end Fob Chains: 2 do do (lauds; Drout Plut, Finger thugs, E :llAJ R" :A i dse O. .-200 dos Lad'. Cotton Gloves. awed, 3,311 do do Lisle Thread, fare,. top, ke., to do gents' ellk Gloves; 12 do do kld do; 50 do ladies kid, 00. 4; 10 do do fancy topailk. VARIETY GOOMS-7.5 yoga Amerwm Pow' MX. bra Cotton Cords, 75 pa Paper Muslin; 5011.000 ribbed Pereassion Cops; 200 pro dress Whaletoane do, lusido: Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Hoek Combs, /sc. Ica. e. F. H rt i OrollV ß itntig . Ze n o ' n ' sis ' trog ru 'r ptt o" orKlT! dila and Draw Pringes wraps, blies and void Laces, black Fluorine ' Lace, Buttons, Bode, BOW. Tonto:finks. gents, ladies and children. plant and lan ey Hosiery, Shirts lor metrand bo, s, Combs, ltory and other Pans, Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Taped, Jjoh bin.. Puns, fie. /se, which they roger for sale, both wholesale and reto 11. at lbw Trlnwrilng State, Fourth street, between Wood .d Market. -aOl4 FRESH SPRING GOODS. Bhaeklett k Whitt, ran Y GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood atrect, ask the U 411111033 Of Aterchan4 to their atonic of &DEBI. CAN AND FOREIGN DRY 60009, now receiving direct front to..t hands. Receiving regular supplies of first goods daring the 11011.100, and .gal • lame share of. heir anendon Eastern /median es, they can confidently assure buyers they wal And it to their interest to examine three stock. lust rocetrlistilrree invoices of new style Drew Goa., Pansy.,nis, Daum:torts, Cloths, Summer Goods, Lases, White Goods, Irish Linen, Tailors' Trimminga and brown and bleached Sheetmas of and ohs brands. mark Natl.. to Dagn ypo ea. TL'FT recrivod.a small invotee of VOIGTLA DEWS:I.IEICKWORKING INSTRUMENTS, new construction. These Insvuments possess great advantages over all others ever made. covering 2.3 saa Plue reducing ute tune of muting one-half, and producing a sharper, clearer and better defined pin• They, therefore, deserve the attention of all Ar lists eenraged or mending to engage in the business. Prior for 550 Tube SOS. A renorsa assortment of Voir!mender's justly °eh, brad Instromenu. of all suss,. weLL u Darcuerrno.. type Materials, at the lowest rote° MIL YETI R SMITII , Clumunati. Ohio, IS our au- Morrsedauer° for the asJ.: of the nbuvo Instruments. A LAM of rote. ran be obtsinet: T uldresatoF. post paid, W. IL O. - - , Exchaugo, Phtladelphitt, Importers of DagoemotTpe Materials. ond °totem] moonto for tho sale of Voarlaendor's Opizeol !mam !, t000t•ood.:to EIEZIO VAL. • • JniiN FORSYTH, Merchant Tailor. bad rerno.,ed to No. 34 Market street, one door from rlecond, Fist uda Thank nil for past favors. he regd.-vitally solicits • continuance alba patronage a his former e tutomer a, and likewise me patronage of as manynew oars as arc oldie right stripe. Orden n tine Tailoring hao asematod in the Own lastiienable manner, and with dispatch. Aim, • fashionable assortment of ready made Co thing, of all kinds. Cheap Good.ut, of ..orse. Cimittlemens• Furnishing in all their varieties always on hand, •seti as Shins, Bosoms, Collars, Crav ram, Moeda 'Scarfs, Hosiery, Suspenders, Pocket HUN, Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, d.o. de. de. mrdliddist Mw:et,F 4 ,t 4.1 . . Ii A LPIPA L MI A L rn, T i to e N ri A r lakes P mMe MAN osinforming his (tient. wtd the public tu geoeral that he has the largest octet of th e followlng tooted •rti ele• of his own manufacture m this etty—Saddles, Har ness, Trunks and Wilms, .11 of which he wdl wanwat to be made of the best muerte.' .nd by the beet meeh u Allegheny county Bente determined to sell ht. manufactures something lower thus ha. been here tofore sold by say sunder ettabbehment in the coy, he would uvrtte persons In need of the above named articre• to his warehouse, No. o ll Liberty street app. % att. Seventh. Also, bandit Fade to order for machine. ry G. KERRY. Oa . CAEN: ZHWUOD 0 LI tr. The .team hem A. MASON 4 rti r r ' y r' str n' t ' t l' 7ll " . '' gris! en--leaving m 9 o'clock. A. M., and nt.the twgiumug of each hour unt.fl 9 P. M. Vioncra may rely on finding the boat at Me hour: She leaves Me Garden, the butt up trip, at 10 o'clock. hie season m fast advancing, and Mose urtshing visit this delightful retreat, now is the time to u pen d a few hours, not In the yanke and dust of the city, but to • pu atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance. of fl All kJ.. of refs . ..cow, except into.leafing Etrinka, art kepE on the premEsea. Greenhouse Mow, and Bouquets of choice flowers tor sale. Closed . Edon. day astl . JA.Mk3 APHAIN. GatChange of lending made ...not of low we er. MO 11.M.ILTENBE6OICH • ligglia N. B. AreENT, Formanling and COMMltiliall M. thaw, has removed to No. ei FIT., between Wood and Smithfield rovers. .ey SELLERS' VERSIIFUGE IN GEOIRCII.A.-77 . Ms Ft.. E. Sellerm—Your Ifortr Count augo has sold ; J.. Pas ISO. well, and ha been high y simk. of by all who have ori is From the since. eftendtrar this sulaiblistranco of your Vennifuge in every ease I have head o‘ I am confident I can all more during the cumin season than I dad Inst. I will he glad to receive suother.op ply of 4or L gro.. Yount, r.pectfolly, Prepared trae r and Dom lever.] R. CARTEL sold by It E. SET.LERS, 57 Wood KS and sold by druggiste generally, in Pittsburgh and Al Icahn, N. Et././AIIEATON'A JA YNE—Thts cerullesh Mu immediately after hovtim attended my brother, who drud of commun. in Mach, 1-1 A I was taken ma with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, nod sr•s reduced . low with the disease. t h at tor four years I was unable attend to mY businees, either et home or abroad, being Ratio most time .0050.4 to my Led During the alone peri od of unit, I Lad extmaded for medirl aneudance VMS Physicians eind medictnes, to the amount of VMS ortthoot receiving any benefit therefrom. In July. te4S, I roinmeneed taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cine% and have taken them more or less ever since, and believe that VMS by persevering to th eir., that 1 colt Do. truly say Mot have complete 4 ernorm .. dmy health believe Mat Jayne 's tlananve. and re Especial., are the best family medicines now In I mode in Springfield. Otaemr comity, N. V., and M on a furnace mid medium shop in that place, and am nut aaerest.d In any manner in the safe of We Mom msdieines. and make this certificate tor the bce. sfit of those ELI/A II F-ITON. Spin held, N V., Sept In 19t 1 Psi IMPORTANT TO THE AFOLICTICD• Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. la. JACOII S. ROSE, the db.coven and sole pro. y p ieiov these mon nopulas and tosoiegmal tried- I irises, tad aim seutor al the celebrated MEMO. er. fur IndaLlag the Lungs, in edeeting a cum af nThrolar, was a rodent of then amineat physs . elan, Doctor Ybyme, and is .graduate el the Universe !ty Pennsylvania, and for thirty years nitro has been eugaged in the investigation of dissoati, and dm appll. Callon at remedies merino. Through be use o( his iiikatun tube, in connection with his Yrophyimue Strop mgd other of hut remedies, Bhaa gained an unparale minence in curing ose dreadful end faml m alad i e s, Tubereular Coo. gumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kind., Chronic Eryame lais, and all Mose obstinate diseascapecubar to females. Indeed every form of discos vanishes under the use of his reenteateuirole afflith haI:IMAM/ la helf—nat by the an. of one compound only, for that is incompatible with Phytio/ogical Lam, but by me tme of ha reme klies, adapted mu and presenbed tor web pis-calm° form of disease. Dr. Rose's Took Althrativ - e Pill. , ware used are tn. variably as to be wipenor to all other, as a purgative or liver yin, opescauch as they leave the bowel. perfeedy free from eostiveuess, as also hi. Golden Mete nth:clued by the Gentry In prime. perm. 'w hi! M rs been said to the minds of the most skeptical The alllictod are invited to call upon the age. and procure ream) oar of the Doctor , . perephlets, giving a dwelled acconnt of each remedy and It. applleauon. For sale by the fol'ostag agents, as well ar by Mist Dreamt. throughout the eount, / emboomnaker & Co, 34 Wood mreel, Plustngrei, Townsend, druggist, 43 Market at Lea A Lic.kroun, clear the P. aAllegheny , cirr . Jos llarkley,Liall.r., 1 1, -tve , co r , , Jima Elliott, T Adam. .oity VOL., XVII. KE;D OA; L - - T (l)l :Mtisr,4l2 . - . :r• • 11 iiiiiii 0.1611.1., iv, - ,•,„; , •''' svi • Z ! - ti . ° g a1.A 1 4 1 1rACT0R.V...,.., DR.owNlismrs . . coarromisi r.,‘: .. 2 . 1.57. or S A R EA Wonder mq siennsios virib• Aim!" GREAT SPRI!Ct IND 'ernaisu. 'nag Extract 11 pet op In Quit Bottler• Lads time cheeps, plea um and trarntetili Ittipirriar WISE acid. It cores dtoototo treatlblug. peg* *10,.. emu,. or debllmating the fatleut. . • , • The great beauty suetauptarturtty of Ws Alaroapau t over all other Medicines La obi% Makatea Wassail. otvitorahs the body_ h Lot. or the very bnl SPRING AND 13011MDCWEDIcllilili esor known , n not old: noSiglete4 Tea ad aorrothatis the porton. but h am, rho Witch thns d ; v.,. sr possessed be goodiSrlielleisi. - Loeb tilts bn the 'rand secret of ite wonder-DI sannews. 11 has pernonod otalo the last two ye.* ttot• DWI* honlion thousand our. of seven mass of dlssuot el teal, 50.000 tress contidetidlostoilis. It !mural the loss of morn than ISMS children the doss best rims ' 100,000 eases of Geoterei Debi li ty RA/ Dr. Isolator( Norvooto Misis 't D. Tow:vaunt Ciarsapatilla Inv me ,Toridaa lie system persaanandy. To those *he 14614 Warms. soh., enargy. by the effects et thsestas, or ladlissettoo net us yuirilt, or the 444 ludal.D4 .47* room.; led ;bret on hy-yhydeat proltodhso isf Ito aaryonanystenhleasinuhr. 411 otaatheloo. &late Op utioaa promoter's decay and decline; bus nles toarard• that fatal disaase. Coasting/Don, out b. Itatircly radioed by thla 044 remedy. TN. Romps:dila Is hussy. nor to say • INVIGOILLTIBIO COOLDLILL I ; La it tenors sad antgoratts th e syttatis.gt4 settsitito iba timba sad womb the Maseslat•yate• la • Asa, extraordinary degree. Comsonaptiods Cent& Clssnot and Stress-Utah. Ceontetytios as bit envoy, Cr am ats. Cavoptime, Lae. Cossylotah liolsk Catarri, Csezia. /ohm& Spitrist, qf Elea. bsrassto ia [As Chart. 7.lsiattn frythe Sonde Dlibodt tM :of:: =albs, Pak so Lb SW, 46., how Mao . Spitting blood. Da Tforrovnt—l tardy bales. year .111 5. beefs the usaaas. through Provide:co ofsi7Z d r . Id, I has. for atraral years had • had Ottaytt. ' t rams, wane and worse. At 4 I raised lam quaarlaininu or Wool. had night sonata and vas greatly dstalthatei mot radusad. and dad oat axpeet to 14. lime 44 Saar Sarsaparilla • abort timusinialehe luso woodated, , Chases been *Tuvalu In Ina I w noir able Jo wont elf" se.s ttro say. 1 ratattooldoot, eadmy tooth basisbolo;:. Is. ..0 sett lamps. that lam be those tosalto., ‘ Your obediestt sonnutt. WIL RUSSEL, 63 catbssloolot,' • This iv ouly an, of more thee falir thooaad awes oS R.heumetion that De Towamed'illarsimailila ha mired Th. mow ...resod chrome can an weeny ereolkand• bl It. earthedioary vulva Jas.. Cummings. Esq.,one of the amdstante the L. woe Asylum, Blackwell , . Weed, la We pallewas . We aria the following leder t Btschwatf ti Me ad, P ath 14, - • Dr. Tvurrumui—Dear BA / to safethd brat; Per 11;114 year, with the Itheornedue ; considerable' a We bale I con idmot eat sing... Wk. I had the UMW db. • umbiag pen, and toy limbs were terribb easeused four bootee of your garosipstilla, as h dean me mere thee one thostaad dolletharinb wf ,mt. I tha so mach bettal—indeed, I am wthaly op. wend You are ei liberty to ow for the benagtef ' the afflicted. Ytetr, responthily, LULL, CHhllrllffilZ Fite Fla II: Dr. Towescod, not herb; laud hb lanapartlla la ewer oftgits, of muse, ithar.reeoutheaded /t. ad was torprieed tAI receive the following from an htheiligem and rrepeetable Partner in Westchester Coital; lapiasak Airon It Mao • Dr. Towescad—Dees tfir I hare winds giri, sews amen of age. whr has hew several years cdliethd with Flu; we bud Wooer everythleg for her, baY•withan nose. m oltheash los maid lad a rethwatheetthe .rte-was la your circulars br name Ilk. here, we Monk, se the-was m very delicate health, we would gin lar eons, af your Senaparllth sod era very giad did, ihr in mly restored her wen. ben.he Isa r . .mesa Morn of the Foe t ra g g ed mum pimswe mid thrtie She I. 64 • hecornomhealthy. for whkit we feel grated. • Tam nospeafnly, JOHN BUTLER, dr.• Female Dr Townsend'. Baneparilla k a...111p endy •ore for incipient Comuroptioa, BWITILI2.II, Pro I - Art or Falling of the Womb, Cestivliones, NSW, Loocorrbea. et White, abstracted or &Math Ithatarta th, Incontinence of Orin or involuntary discharge eeof, aod for the general yrostretioe ef the We. trio—no mom synth the motto( Interns mann twee, prodoced by irregularity, ilia.. or eceideith • hothlog can be more surprbing than bro Ittrtgernin ep feu on the biome Aare, Pcnnoall welemeand lap . Crum Win g it, et one. become robust Lod hill of ". ea.ter bdoence. It ththuliateli , couutersels • inure 11,4 inmate Atm-. +ben le We pest irA. of Barna...b. It sill 00( be experted of tw la cur s of er , delicate a na., Co exhibit art/bean ed eu• es performed, but we r e,iti emoth Nyeafflicted, , booth- rd. acme. have been reported to 0.. Thawed.' a caves wham familia. have been without abide., el. , stn; a h.,. “ , .”.1.1 of this sew >amble gletlician, have bees bteb th ed with nee. healthy °dep= fr Ixn leasing, to .11 others sued Chltivallt.' 9 . the et effectual urealbasne to parilyttql Ito •,trtr. r•'t,lt li i, aufirinp attendant upos chtldbuto men...fared. It etrengthene both the ow Cheer sod the Dahl, prevent. pain and dimes, ipcmksek act.l enrich., the fowl; Chow who hate merf tidal theispezurable. It Is highly meth/ bah Wawa ad abet ecitteamoot, w it prevent/ discern. attendant epos chilithirtb—ba Cambertess, pie, Crembe 50 . 1 /149 d the Fe.. Despot/say, Harlan, Vothilath Pale lathe e rink aryl Lobtoi. Pelee Bain, Hemorriteg, and La relay. tag the .001,3041 moil equalising the, circobbon, it has elmaL The greet beauty of dd. modicum b, it le e 4. ways ale. sad the most delicate we it most Noma. folly, very- few use require any o th er etedickmat some bole Castor 011, or Meassia L anal. Ramada, In the pen air, and light food srlli this medicing will always nays safe and easy wodoetnetth • Beauty and 'Umiak. Geometry. Chalk, ad • variety of preparation pm. mile in tur, when applied to the be, wr • ...poll St 01 ma beauty. The" Woe the pore. of the dun, wad dm* the rirculation, whiny, when moire is not thwarted by dieewe or powder, or the bkin blamed bribe eikelhot used in wen, bromide. ite own n:sinews to the , bee ; mail face 01.111," as well as In the garden of rich and deliestely dated variegated dowers. A Dab active Cod healthy 00 lai r of the Mani; or th e ecoormog of the pure rich blood, to . the eats-emblem is that which Fable thenommenewe in the most exquisite loamy. It to Wes which impart. the edescribable shad. mad dathaa ar threlitten that all admire, boo Cone um dwerilits. Thin Weary ts the offspring of estarra—mrt qfprodb ar sea. It tare la on ha ad biralthy eirculatMe there la , bean. It th e lady la far n drfra aws, she palata. ad mw coasts/ea, ad the blood is thick, eon sal ay pee, obe is not bioatifitl. If she he browns fellow, end Were A punt ad active blood, It Mrs a belt blahs ' thatha theca and brilliancy to .lieu eyes Wash het 0100407. Thy in why as somber, ..od sepoolelly the epasta • lana,tve meek admired. Ladies in the meth. 100 take Bid MCb eserri., or are confined In-aloe* mom erilithe spoiled their complesion by Os appliathos iderstenotio thiaturay, If they web to regale nutria of "pp, buoyant spirits, sparklieg eyes and beentilid web Heston, they Would we Dr. Towasemlb Ssrainsatits.. 'Thousand. who Wye tried i, ere more thwoodthed.ani delightoL Ladies of every Melon tweed ger saw' Jade. Notice to Ike Ladles. Theo that imitate. D. Towsasod'm flossaparills. Ifnartably called their gruff egr.i Remaly lir Fewislimmt,.. /re., fr., and hove copied oar bllia sod circulars. whisk Meta. 4 tha coroplaum of women, word for I/Oflietbeir abs put up uthdicimk hap, miaow IS. goat ono. of Dr. Toornsautra Parsaparillato Car Inside= to A nrcoatutanded th eirs &Moab sob. thay did all. A mambo of tbs. Xis:W. Pt &a, axe hioni ao to female.. as they aureola d 1....., and soden.. Ore committal.. Thu urtskala n:alclaaitaly proves that thlallatmapar Ws hat parfoct cam:retorts tha matt obeli:Lau dimwit. a the Woad Mute pawns =nod In ma Merl vaa placedeateil. Dr. Towncade—Direr Sir I have ;lie pittaanre s b ' foi ni you that three of my children have been ovoid . Te Scrofula by the we of your eecellent asdlclas. hey were aillizted vary valonly with bad/leen: Liken only four bettlea; it took theta away, Dar leilch I feel myself under great obligation. V ."7"'f i. Y; IS Donn lea droxr. Me. Several thousand childreo died io this - city leaf eenacolh who could have bean sawed by wan Dr. Towneentre Sat` repon/la mod then ere Statuette:le of chlkina who luet now auffertits from bad soma and huavote—others puny and weekly—whq beim nitrated, will snake la.'. inato roue end women, if they do not die, which la highly prohablv. Dt. Tow oar al'e Saratparilla will rectify the it IA peettliarly adapted to cluldreo of slender weeds. ..tone and vibe n diluted with niter, it Is • dellyhtlitt boverayr, and children love it dearly. It will peewee. aed cure the Diarrho, Dyserektery Clam' MpAa. We .11t then la no tither or nineliev who Id'.. 1101111- • ot. or itiburaan ea to deprive their children fOr • dam . , 11.1. in...11.61e remedy. whirl, sIL eanalaly rpm. hem to health. OPINTORB Or MITZIOLLII3. Dr, Townsend I. almost dally meaning ttedsn iigto Phreiciane in afferent partii of the Utile. Th.. t. to Gentry that leg the undersiprtl.Pltydrlave of the City of Albany, have la attaleroaa eases yam - riled Dr. To. , ..ttd't 9arvperUiq and belles it to ha ov of the moat ralaabLa preparations'. u. =Alm IL P. PULING IL D. 7. WILSON 2- B. BRIGGS. td. D. Albany, April 1,18.17. P. E. EIALETIDWIF. Y D .mice of Reemee—After the Stet oftleptereber. 1842. Dr. S. P. Teerterecurs Neer York Once twill be to reer South Itaistid Church, N. BS Nusat Woe, whack le mre en•lrrectet a thcrauth ch. F ., turd will be fitted tbr the kerr ircommodsoton order proprietors aed the Wife. Tett poster:oler .care,—No Staresparille ts the ree ler, end critical Dr. Townsend% ererteeperUbt. eater glen* S P. Toe•rustrd. Ao each, dr Cu., Nu. d Scats ore, • r 'Mrs F. KUM, No 100 Court street, Dewey Samuel Kidder, Jr_ Lceell !leery Pratt, Salem. J. 0•• B. Green. War.. -.• • . • Al & r;•..ft. Catb.sord Mice k 5.., pri ~..r.•••• Horchadu pedimpy wur.l.out h T. l'mn, Std. W , eot ham& an 4 C. Far eale Ay R F. SELLERS. &le Arent km Pius. burgh, D M. CURRY, Albubany. A. RAFIER.V/N. Rirtninghans nag .1:41 i== Sa Colunibbma Apr.ll R D. JAYNE tes, S: Dsas nn:-1 feel 'bound to fry mud the nalleted public. to senil retype( of this ponututf ',yin', publicity to the ettrsis &nary re..e of your Bspecterent on myself. Hs inng bee. &Alia 4 . yea far Beversi rs with & severe cough, Berne les loot as eoueoutinon amasses, sad seemed only &mood •• to linger out • abort bet ottserable ealseeni, WI of lan, when. being oleic severely attasked ' s moo harmned to all my fosmetreme•dist,' sad theptes nptloe(two of the most rayseaSblo RhYaloirla, the neighborhood without deriving say be... 4 the conaastitat eons - lying hut alms days sr weeks at airthest-when the Ism gleam of hope w&& abellt vanish. I had reeoutroeuded to me your tapeworm sod blessed by that Being who does all tbutgs the use of the oiesns-sad sentmry to the sopeetailsrs of aly physicians andAllaide,liess la Sifter days ralsedT from ary bed, and was easbled by theple of bottle, t• ahead 16 my business, eratrylagatne.,lloifitgabitthaa I !tild,for ten years prestoas. - • • -• • ' : 11p rpo ..a t:111 =dace o.i.oi&74,=iiiv I Sol meet. 4eystityND-arruso -Ipf Ostrlo LtWICK& '44"261411
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers