TH PITTSBURG-II , 'PE . M3LII3.ItEDTSY 011.011 PEntlia Y.bR'NING. ISO -----.--_ arm 'hemmer Dare Oexertil I. pa umbel) Tn-Weeity, aid Nookly.—TherDally la gown 001lara par =mom; ttleTri.Weekly I. nye Dollars pre azyzetniee Weekly Is Two Dollars per etinete agi.,l,,cl',:rke'f....M' kt:n i a Advarliseuereits .i . ria .. l l ( n or th a ' ve, l % led time w ullnvariably be elia4ea uplir ordered out PHIL ADZLPIEII.I PORTS AItICRICA I. Adeenieennetiu and sabsoriptions Alle North Amer 4°. can and United 113tedes Casette, P lethillthis, receive wie and forenirded from this Mika. bon ANTI:N/lEolf= .1061 WHIG' TICKET. ; , .. =KT - ffill Cill.L. /1054:11: L MOM H. FULLER, Liirortio'Coonty . . , mu , or .... WILVAM KASL ,of Hdger County. r . E 0137. C. WALKE R, o ElO.o.beiA BoroolO• . JOHN MILLER, ot strorgh: . ,, - , CALEB LEE, of Pozaboi .-! WH. Espv; of Lower I t. Our ; 1 : CANTER corns, apt PERE Clef{ f, . , o EO. a Revs, of Upp4 St. i, JOHN BIORRIBON, of eght,iyi' JAS. MITCHELL, of too. .:i, WM. M_ ARTERIES, of Pipatncr, aroSTOT, JORN NIMES of Findlay. q•:.; •. Per Local Biattare are naliff page. Iles .at pato for TeleirrfOle Blows The disgraw.ful squirming of thii : Locoilheo Con vawion, on Wednesday, on the 3Thriff questton has no doubt afforded our readeriOnuth amuse went. Such ridiculous ineonals*ey . surely •• never bekire exhibited by a debbi :binive body. 1. one hour, they deliberately voto after de bate, a resolution in favor of the Marie - of '46, mad he the nest they almost unanimonaly pass a re.- [titian la ha Coeur, and go to the hiletit of passing a vote of thanks to the Pmt foriitipporting it'— Wu ever such folly before exh§:nted by grown up into What a pity we havdifor the yeas and rums. The people of Allegheny couirV now have the bane fairly bellow them. After4he most deeper ate effort; the Loeofoco party atm been brought up to the mark, nod has sancticthitid the Tariff of '46, with all its detects, and its ginous operations upon the labor and Industry of fftn, country. Let every voter at the October eMnion remember this. A vote for the Lmofoco iigket to a vote for the Tariff of '46 —for the destr4Oon of oar great interests, the prostration and erSding of our man efacatues, the ruin of our torm# mon, and the injury of our agricultural intelpta. Pennsylvn ale can never prosper as stielaught, under the operations of an ad =brans far:lff, mch as the present, and •he will never : , f.ease to straggle swung It. Pte. gall MU From the communication belot.y , it appears td . . the account of an interview aii*ercer, betty General Taylor and a committki from the W ern Reserve, given in the /it Luminary, and which we noticed a few day oigo, was a gross misrepresentation. From theletatesoent of the Luminary. that the committee Med plied him with indelicate questions, and had rfrijeived evasive an swers, we were led to the anCptiaition that it was • committee of the Free 11:*ocmcy," far we felt mooed that no other coda be so rode, sad we were pleased that the F4gident had so el. factually foiled them, es was Oted by the Loon- N.! It Dow appears that the co4atee Was comp, aed of Whig eitzeas of Warie?; and not hat such questions as those stated by tittj! Luminary were asked, and consequently no oithh replies given.— We are surprised that Mr. Claig,insuld have suffer- ed himself to be so isoposest:lipos, as we eau not attribute to him the turpticidii of manufacturing the aniebs oat of •whole eiottlel while we feta his political pntodicee mould kaki ?non to listen too mina confidence to evegt s llale calculated plane General Taylor in a itrO i lig light on the SI Very vaesttost. The continual noun kept up*y the Free De my of Ohio, about General 7tylor's opinion the Wilthot Proviso, sod SIaTOT is the New Ter ritories, shows in as ematerot degree the hyOrter. lay and. insincerity of the leadeile;of the pony. It G — iifit*; attempt to deceive ati'42hombog the people in that sectims; by appealingMa jest and proper cippoekloo. to slavery which they, in common with the Whiiie . people of the Not entertain. They well beam, that as fu as ov nem terntories are concetned, on which they bike their fundamental principle of Free Soil, the glititirm is already set t/ed.—that slavery has no nixie chance of obtain ing a Got bold there, than in*innethta. Indeed, there can be no doubt, whateier, in the wood of any candid and unprejodi4ol man, the General Taylor will not vita the Wilitet Proviso, should it pass Congress. This, hosedget, will hardly be the cue The new Stem will k for admission a• joss Santee, and will be thutrAdmined, Indere they are kept out by the conll4l . l ri of Loeokem and Free &tilers, who dread nothing so much, especial ly the latter, as a apeedy ud4ll settlement alibis question. It avoid be well for the pe4le to consider the ul tenor objects of the leaders Jibe Free Democrat= These at the present are LeP L II In the ho It ground. The people are not preparekiet for a revelation of all their plaza. If my on,ake that they intend nothing more then the prel - Oion of eleven, in the new territories, they are rtiqh mistaken. They nre, in Get, attempting ti4revival of the old de. row Abolition or Liberty X4,.rty, by covering up their designs by the prominOcy which they give to temporary question. Thetas.° not such rumple nine an to spend their time .50 exertions in form ing& party Which the next,Ongress may destroy, by knocking their only' pre* from under them.— They intend the formation Otitoch a pony es iiir ney, Garret Smith, and 4 - titers have long been striving for, with such meniril success—a North arm, sectional, Abolition POY, which cull first at tack slavery in its out-potty and having carried them, will assail it &remit - air • State incaution-- a party - which is intended o,klestroy the harmony existing between the filers, and to road. the Union, If it stands in the of their object. Thiats trodleiently evid4ii from the style and tone Driller writings, thel4hatinaed miarepresen. Ghosts,' their labored clibrialio abenue the people tithe North from their bren of the South, and the 'dark coloring they Oye to every action and every opinion diObring fe4O4:their own in relation to slavery. Every sepportiat ) ei the Whig adminis. welkin la denounced as W.-slavery the—servile friend of the slave potieto4 connivieg at the en croachments of slavery. j their motives arc tn• deiced, their language mind resented, their opin e/US caricatured. The NS lanai Administration, and the President, are ear of as if their only object was to promote thOtlyance of slavery, and as it alt its energies went pont to that end. When the proper time Comes, this patty will throw off the mutt, andt*ty itself against the • compromises of the eonsilldhon, regardleu of the tOMleguitucet to the stet of the Union; and to accomplish their object, stop at no coalitions, bower dishonorable4n6 misrepresentations however gross. There Is no eatery kW; e country but to the Whig party,—, patty wh ilr exists in every state, mid which his, by Its contrive:lye indoen re, borne the Union mthly over nuutOugenr, a party which, while it regards all the ti9illiliimmirea of the consti tution, has ever eteadfastlined patiently, through evil and good report, residifid the advance of the slave power which coa*ded ageing the annex shoo ofTesaa, and evetUather effort of slavery for Its aggrandizement, pisE Which has ever been the Ann. unyielding, dovilitid opponent of the ex tension of slavery in tbeeew Territories. Bet we only hatende4ntroduce the fo ll owing communicktiou, enitheirtVftn inadvertently led to rude down game thonghiehich have been Sitting MitocX ll our mind Cur imeolli week. If they shall W say Wiggle- pairiat akin he commit. him self lea patty whose *object. are miaowed, sad which are bought er4l danger to the country, MIT tam Vida be answeirei , : i W 4 , 0., Sept. 4th, 1849. 21* . tka Batt, of au gh. Ganser Yeatepet of ilie LW*. contains an extract teens the Mercer liemled43l, to-the dread= Gen. Taylor wee elated laeplace, by a company of Free Piolletii , Gom theßitiktme, and Mat lbeY_9 l leW tkmedand r mossinuakM*l him upon the Wilmot ;Pres*, and Ideated Migeti, ail orwhieh hew:hay evaded nee•' Now we wish to oorremithis statement, e0111ZOn• leg as ft does also tenor upon Gen. Taylor, se well as antselves. Bo au we know, we were the only company ft=, dm wished the ?re liant at Mercer. and et diy man of that company Was Whig Of the nisitt:Stemy tamed Ste 91111. Taylor. We t mailbag oecuion thirty miles for the Kt&D of belong the old veteran by the hand, and tuned, feelinn that our labor was yell e were corifintly meet red, and man* questions askdd relative to the arrieultnral pursuits of our region, &a. Ininidentally, the subject o( slavery in the tent brie. was biting& up, when the President said. emisintsiagy, he reinsidered that gm-triton Pettler and as did sa Aker terrirorws would is added to the Micas The catechising of Gets. Taylor, his shrewd evasions, &e, are all manage. or the Mercer LO mittary's brains, if, indeed, there are try at the bead of that paper, and manufactured from whole cloth. As no uncivil or ungentlemanly questions shed, to evasive answers were received, , amnia respecttelly disclaim all right to the Free Boilers, not being anxious for that Oat or ton Ntramot. Although the Locoloco Convection passed a vote of thanks to the Post, for its support of the tontf of '4B, it also passed, indirectly, -a very se vere censure on the editor of that paper for his comae upon the Roman question. Poor Leell Harper stmds all alone with the reverend editor rf the Piusborgh Catholic on the question of R. an Liberty. I.POS.T.T resat Venoms. —By late advises from Leanym, received at Philadelphia, it seems that the second attempt of the partisans of Geo. Plea to revoluttonize the Government of Venezu ela has been so unsuccessful as their Ant one.— It Is reported that Gen. Paez and President Moo eon, at thd head of their respective fors., had conflict on the 12th of August, at San Felipe, Melt resulted in the capture of the former .d he flight of hie army. The affairs of the country main in fiver,. unsettled coodition. This will be cheering news to vome gentlemen of this city, to whom 2donagas hut granted im portant privileged, and which would have been probably loot had Gen. Rea succeeded- Mum MISTING to TJTEVIT TEM P1.0121.T. A moos meeting of the people of the city and aannty of Phdadelphos is called, for Thursday yesterday, to make arrangements for the re ception of the President of the United States, who is expected to pats through:that airy on hut way to Washington. Seem= or Puitanztrara Riorsata—Five of he Philadelphia rowdies who were concerned io the recent riot at Red Bank, io New JerieY, were sentenced on Friday last, in the Gloucester y Court, b fines, ranging from 550 to $2OO, and imprisonment for the period of three months. Ridge Carpenter gave notice that if the finer, were not paid by the 3d inat., the imprisonment would be changed to a longer term in the State prison. Rae= or 11.11. Y COL6aaa. — Wa regret to leirathat the Rey. Henry Coleman, of Mi.saohns liens, died at Islington, tear London. on the 11th of August. He had token passage in the Caledo nia, and was to have sailed for home on the 19th. Elm too, who went out in the Caledonia, roved just too late to Ilse his father before his death. Kr. Coleman was is mof fine attainments. and the author of " Famil iar ar Letters from Europe," and of many well known contributions to the apical total literaturellof the country. He was a most intelligent and agreeable companion. and • man of a singularly healthy, vigorous, and well disciplin. ed Mind. la the moat intellevental aor.lety of Eng. land he was a general favorite; and few Ameri cans have been personally so widely esteemed 'and coasted in that country. Liarmaron--Some rime since. e Rev. Mr Fairbanks was committed to the ptuttentiary of Kentucky, for having aided to entice away a slave_ He has since been pardoned and liberated, bin • correspondent of the Boston Traveller say. it was not done mud stout $BOO were peittn the owner of the slave. Ftssousss ov Orrtcr. Efottaints.—The Gores" nor of Cattpda has bad all the windows of the lowi er door of the mansion at Mankland's, his' White House," barricaded with three inch plank, loop holed for musketry. When he goesabent, it is al ways Within the points commanded by a line of muskets. The Genesee Synod of the Presbyteria a Church which coevenal at Fredonia, N. Y., a leer days ago, closed its sessionston Friday last. It eras not largely attended,' oaring to the preemies= of the epidemic, and the most it:arresting busioess before ft was a case of discipline. A lay member, con trery to the roles of the church, had joined the Sasso( Temperance. and the censures passed sp ot him by the church were sustained and &dinn ed by the Presbytery. An appeal ass had to the 'Sinai, and the matter NMI settled by repealing the tesolution of censure passed by the church for his joining a secret society. The St. Louis Reveille states that Mir. Hughes of that any has invented a plan cater carrying Tad. road trains across river amp. op Sca, without the ordinary assistants, as bridges, inde ed planes, tunnels, and stationary empnr-s. By Mr. Hoghes' method, a train el way weight can be tr. ken over a mountain where the rise per mike is not mare then ftfteetr hundred feet, without cliff.. catty.' So Pegs tbe'Reveille. When the thing et doe wo obeli believe a. Fenn rum Okra or Gaon Hoer—An arrival at Boston, from Cape Town, brings adviem to the 13th July last. Much excitement existed in conve yance of the intention of the Horne Government to make the Cape of Good Hope a penal settle ment, and a public meeting aro held on the 4th of idly, at which regulations were adopted dueler. Mg the Introduction of criminal], injurious and dr. grading to the Colony, and that it ought to oe re sisted; also declaring that the British Government ham do right to degrade i he Cape of Good Hope in' to a hens! settlement, as it wan acquired by seem, sion from a friendly power, with its rights nod pri. alleges, no a free settlement goaranued. The peo ple *ore much exasperated, and at Cape Town a deteMaination was expressed not to employ, work with, or for, or associi.te was, any consumed fel . ons,:or with any penon who may assist in landing, supporting or euipining such convicted klons. Tirol:eskers of Cape. Town unanimously refused to propose for supplies of biscuit to the Commissariat, lest they ahould he need tor the stippon alhe coo etets on their arrival. The South African Adrer timf of Jane 27th,aars .0 - testae" the pledge not to employ convicts. and to dirop connection with those who do Si, it will be seen by numerous notices in that day's paper, that Banks, Insurance offices, Cart/altos, and others, the most respected and influential members of Una community, are panning a course that will in the end render the enforcement and demand of the medsore altogether impracticable. The felons will ' be thrown for support On the Governor at once. and so long an they remain In the Colony. Will be Tel:hare to employ them on pubbc works at the ex• pease of the Colony? The payers of rat.s milder.. or to that. II is said that for greater security, the people in the country &evicts have resolved to employ no Enropean laborer whatsoever, until the power of amaggling thieves and murderers amongst them, me tree emigrants, shall be taken oat of the hands of their ruler. by Act of Parliament. This Is what might knee been fort aren The strength of these resolutions will be tested gulikly, for it will be reeounemed that mime time and three hundred convitna, among whom la John bluebell, the lgish patriot, was teal thither, and mast by thin tutus have arrived. It in said that Go verhor Sit Harry Smith, tad lux council, were intich averse to the measure, but he ha. expresser/ btiOdeterminatton to carry ont the orders of los Ga'vernment. Trouble may naturally be expected to jtrzse from this. A peones has been sent to the Q cert., praying her to abrogate the obnoxiona Or deka la Conned, by which the settlement a eats!). fished. The bee Arthur Pickering, which brink. Or Luke., has on baud six Eno young hoar and a I • paid. The will of the We Omni Bust..., of Pmsi• ddnee, (R. I) was proved oo Wedaesday. The isskala is estimated at four millions or dollars, near lyiall of which goes to Mr. Duncan, formerly of Canandaigua, who married the testator's niece. To t`t.'e eldest no of Mr. Duncan, • yotmg gentleman, Otwenty, $250,000 is bequeathed. Yicia.ow Favor ar EL•vata—The GOLdel of lisvmis reports the total number of caaes of yol kl!W feat( In that city, during the month of July, • 1,305, the deaths being '7l. la the hospitals there yore treated 772 caws, of which them were 41 diattns in private practise, 522 cases, with 30 deaths. Ora readers will be, perhaps, aurprieed at the low proportion of deaths-lam than 54 per eant.--ealdbited by a disem which es, lo this pin of the. world, sniposed to he a formidable pestilence; and what to not leas remarkable la, that the mortality appears to have been- kw in the hospitals than that In private practice, the nib° tieing 5.3 per cent., in the kroner and over 573 per cent. in the latter instance. In July,lBlB, the mortality was somewhat grafter; but even dra them were only 43 deaths to 918 cam; mid i* an average of kw than 4.7 per ant. Straits of lingellagna The passage through the,e struts is likely to he. some an event i f gnite common nornmence, by reason of the active intercourse by sea which will he roan:owned with California and Oregm. The' following letter, fri , to the pen of a California at.- venturer Who mad:pa. passage to April Met, in a • vessel from New 'jerk, will be read with intereat, We copy it froutWiie Journal of Gommerce - Sixty days pleaninto galling, the lost three weeks of fighting with psimperon and heavy gales except ed, found as in 'Arght of the ...related hieght 01 Cape Virgins, theta-stern entrance to the far famed Straits of Magaltinan. These ate clatoifyrwaters. Through this narrow cot in the land, scarcely three hundred mike in ad ifs tortuous course, bold Fernando de Masaihnen steered, and despite of unfitness of versale and treachery of offloers. accomplished that wherein Columbus failed,-bed opened • new toghway to the Indies. For inane years afaervionds, thin was soppm.ed to be the only channel for ships, and many were the rich logos - ma that pasted hese with the traits of sunnier climes many too. `Which Much *here the white and fleecy waves Looked waft ut'earded wool, But the woe! rocks, they gored their side. Like the borni of a hungry boll." Then Cape Hots was found to terminate the American Continent, and lew vessel. except those of the simpiest rig and smallest nine. have since dared to attempt a passage from east to west through Magaltiden's Strait. You will best iinderstand the peculiar nature of thin corner-of, by following to from Cape Vagina to Cape Pillar. The first was spent in painful beating up to the first anchorage r. Possession Bay. ageing violent gusts of wind which lifted the tops from those deep • green harrows, and drenched us whith showers of inexpressible atter.. We anchored with our consort, the Sea , itch of Mystic, the pilot hoot Anonym., severiv two days tram Boston, and the clipper Bolos,: eighty day. from Baltimore.— though thousands of miles from home. at a die - more where the distinction between States shoo , I be Iced, nod all viewed ea a single calico. I veep never more tordbly struck with sectieeel peeto a-ittee, than when contrasting the slow drawling reply of the Balthaorean, with the itearty shout el the Bostonian, had the bluff, independent hail of the Yankee smackman. The little fleet which had Mot gathered is a single day, determined to nee In company, through the Straus, and it may safely be said that Mgr swifter vessels were never yet seen together rdthese waters At the second anal we suceeeded in passing the ' first nod seconerNarrows. These ore each about t ten miles in leepth and nearly two in width, the t tide running thrOugh theta Atli tau or twelve miles ' en hour. By seizing It at the feverable time, 110 I danger need he apprehended, except teem tile heavy emplings in welch many vessels have been lost. In three days we bad passed the firm o' the three great dist..ns which nature has marked to the Straits The region of eland hills and granite cliffs yields to one which appears almost del.-Met in comparmen with what precedes and follows it. Herr the cons( suddenly tends soieliward, and the Strait expands fato a broad sheet of water. thirty miles in andth and three hundred fathoms in depth. The hill. are thickly clothed with trees to the ‘9llot . lledge. and were it not for the humid climate and boggy soil, man could gain his livelihood tram the earth. As ea., the China colonies of mot viots at Sandy Point and Port Famine. are supported from home. Rain fell every day while w were there, and in a continual toad for a tall ; e lord of the time In ilia hind of experience we can runt' equal even OUT brother nun era for gold who trudge nod across to Panama Port Famine, the eacital of sent.-eivtilmtvon in this quarter of the globe, consists of a few houses, melosiag ato den fort. in wash lie untfumated two honey d twelve pounders and a brass field piece, ti g ht spiked' Buenos Ayres aim, vinous this moron, and Chit tens atm , her•e . .l 11, /11.1 her rival in imbeeditv. There is u rick. le • ii . toy for a fence—a stoat eat might p w e dowii—running mound thirty.or forty yells in mur large 111,7, be tween winch are gutters for Forel., lion stone Wands for • side walk and eighteen inches anted for a pavemelon I thought oi New York' to each of these six by eight boxes, windowless and chimp elegies., exists a (newly el eonviets About sven. ty from the fleet went ashoreone evening. e suit saw • fanogiago. In Spate the dance may be graceful. HeYe, no wonder that the wretches pay ear dollar a pboad for soap, and and make a good banrain at that Moat commis stop here needlessly for wood and water. Both can be procured a. well, linen better is most harbors farther on, sod time spent here is Lee far therein always a liar wind in oils portion of the Straits+, and many days mute be spent at anchor beforethe Pacific is reached., Vet trie wat er at Port Famine ennui be sorprosed. Men of erpenenee 411) that months et pea do not atter its mate. At San Nicholas' Bey we saw a fair specimen of the Patagnmaes This is that son:tar rare of lure m which have ms inexptiesnly laid half iheir eta , In the last two hundred yea' Magelheen affirmed them to be nearly twelve rs feet high. Cur. dove and Sarmiento at least note. An.on abour tght and one own school geoarnphy, bell seven truth, they measure about nix fret, and are very tingly bull!. Whether time tears down tate,/ nu men or from fable., is a p0:111 for coercttire. • . . These Horn they are commonly relied. from Ow equestrian hie, ere blandly and at ry stupid.—The Tterrn del Fungi., or Canoe Indi ans, are of the ordinary neural. niventea ist toasty, baboons eountensore and imp, to treachery Many coniteta have taken place between teem and inalinereaseis.. They aro bed seen at a at At Cape novrard the mato cha anrl turtoa •haryl to the north•erest. Here end lb. firs: t tarn sect, of the Straits. and all plain Tee wee body of grater is bete divided .oto a ibonnend 111 channels talkie Partner, c.l when the best it.. to, the Cackbare,Hartern.Crattnel nod Mein Gee seta—The labyrinth of Illandn and soonds is no per feet, that a good env: is indingeonthla. nate indeed is Ikm vessel in Crooked Reach, whi, h has mved..inn unlucky sr:pen, in not ',maid,. 'several stout ar hors and the bent of cold,a. allome of it the half-aupplied depot in Port Fa mine. ''. Here the navigation assumes a new Militia( ter . Nine days in ten, gales of urvererly wind prevail and beat deroely opon the adventurou.yew , which darot to xlrosotle with their power. Ka 4 falls se -sisciM time. each day, and when that fob shovrern of thick .now, or stinging hale, Popp, as place. There La a certain singular gust o wind very prevalent here, which the sailors he " termed •oarcoliewawa." Woea a vessel is cattgto at night orillof Inc harbor by rain, snow, hail gales thick dart:deal and woolliewaws, there will be 111 de sleep on beard. We were twice trapped this manner, and always allerwards saved n, and labor by reeking a harbor at three o'clock io the alteration. Strangely enough, the temperature of I. high latitudes Is equable, and not very cold. 'foe thertrometer ranges from 40 to 50 dents Fehr. throUghout the year. Decreased strength winds alone marl. the winter season. In one slay we nailed from San Nicholas' Ed to Rapt Hay; braving the region of thick verdoi passing grim Mount fiarintenio, seven thousand ,. feet above us, and struggling through a intro island-spotted ribbon of water, with gumtic wall. of gronneavershndowing as from their 119IDOVC2- blo resting places. Cordova Laid that the moon tel. west of Cape Quoit gene this portion of ike Straits n uruttet norn 11 ble , re u-wan." They do indeed seam very desolate and aninviung, almost all termtnating in sharply *ensued peaks, or plight ly rounding knob, of bare granite, but there is if savage grandeur, a wild glory, upon their lofty summits, which far excels the smile , of the sone* Landscapes. At Borns Ray we found iiist beg Saltillo, which had sailed. from Boston some time last yeas, and bad already spent firs4l , llr/1 ie the Stritis We alert :.cereal:.cereal New Y ork papers to Fehr., 17th, from the steamer Panora. She c-pored several vessel , at the entrance of the Static, tool among them the well known New York steam boat, Win. G. Novi:o.K which sailed one dry before us. At S enilow Hot.n lay the Felon-n. of Groton, and i tat, or Dan harbor. Thus our fleet was there.eil s•x sehooners. Both harbors are most secure nod pictures..., locked m. as off, ire, hy lnhy mountains. li'nM at the bottom of etch, a magnacent cascade rus Urn down the aides of a broad. brown mouniatn. With rho /0.114 V Abem of fountains, falling through the paint. air' s Few I:ling - s 1,. be more lovely than these Isolated Ml 7 bare cliffs, like grins net in gra. nite. Vie weary eat. who looks for no heavy. can never deny their comfort. Toe only oltlecion to them Pillkorn the terrific wooliewame that rustt from the surrvonclote bright., m.o. ..rind's warning, and pounce 'upon the waters, gatoortng them into • narrow hut boiling circle of loam, then ebony mound. fan shaped in every direcluon, and with Ma stfe. Jury. -These wottiies are queer thongs"' Unclaimed nor skipper. `See row iMI-7 Lae the se . .iter all up in a hale heap, and then loco,. it every ?birth way^ Even at neater the wont,. fleet rots down in abject submotution befit, item Once, the Anonyma l s choker boat net, to, from her acre:, whirled over m thee sir end rani tt single second. It is ',innate that they last fade longer. Ii wag only by very pstattl beating tha• wr pasted Heath, I rooked !leach Loins l it„ o h , p a d See React. The gale will divers tied only Will woollawnws. the rain With •now and bell, Sanetimes we are sailing along le tare Bus shine, woes a woolliewaw whirls a storm of sharp diamond hail into our faces, or II column of spray- beads to the very truck, Almon our little craft down into the water, till a rustling flood nwashes along her decks, then moves leeward in a brawn and distinct whirlwind, till it hides one end of lastrotia,ramboar, whose other extremity is splen. dully ifikilried against some rough mountain Meanwtale the glormos sunlight in over all. PR. Fort Fafinae to the }Labor of Mercy, near Cape Pillar, Obey continually 'acre.. In fury. The day bef ire we left the letter harbor, there was a grand d splay of their impotent mot Our ) Irosage ensnared twenty days, thirteen of which found as closely that up In harbors. We overtoolt and passed square-rigged vessels, which had been weeks in the Strata, unwilling to return and unable to proceed. Few square-riggers can I hope foe a short pamage ; the difficulties in moonli t tag them m a channel, barely a mile wide lo some places, Sue too great. The s pasame trom the Atlantic is !hurl mostly confined to small vessels. From the Pantile, pas urn a4ll Wait made by ships in two or three days. and theaaly weeder in why more do not taste the distangsk aroand Cape Horn. There are scarcely any drfigens which are not 'Haile, ItO bold is the Want end deep the ...thugs throughout ton Few portions of the earth can surpass this an eranderfill in the grandeur of as scenery. Here let the Water came, the poet, too,--all who love naturalto her wildest monde and can discern a mysna htvehnem behind her Gowan Only the mo , • ---- norhantae sold-banter views it with an mitt:retreat i FUSS , 9.% —Areol:lllta from Tampa Bay to the etc 125th alts t •••.• ~ .n received Cl New Orleans. I o We have kb the Simla of m.,,ag` l °"" . Cape Thew •• • . S int one thooleed Indiana In tour grown dim; Westminster nail tower. faintly the „ afar . the sea-haves Evangelista begin to loom ss number only air o°' lralsaiter the eveniag sky, and. Cape Victory. like gruit o ;tiered • , to i thcir am cal .t Taan ,„, Baa, wander, watches our departure In etc.. Oa one ; . t he I , r; Ilrw,he, the romtn=ndc.t s•de of ea ia the mighty group of Taw. de: Fuego; ' m toad on the other [teeing an immense eon:idea'. who, I "'nu' thorn inn flier or unti • •••• wite held or outrage+ commit, ' , thee extremity is near the North Pole. Belpre to: .e poorer claw, ot neighboring le :, the greet Pacific. balutat.•• • "me lit to the Cuovernment quarters - From the Repulaw raylng that they are afraid of the Indian., anti the Paine T. Smaarasallh—Will he presented the Th• American Con•ohma at Tunas. , Government in obit red to eupport them. SPOILED CHILD. Wr bane a 1,„„ ire gentleman ar • It it thought tea. toe Intimns do not deem to , Lame Pickle Mi. Heron. Marseilles, under dale of the 13th August, whim h ave any war or d L enny wan the whtterh a. tiwY . T __ (Wire °wee." Batter's IferretiPs4 eppear to be in alarmed at the presence of to ! , f 7„. 14 ,6 ' !.. 4 "' that the United Nolen steamer Mtwassippt, ouss raze], n,pen on u fie Man? (MOM in thew regton of votinifY• Dues—oft in the Stilly Night," with Miss Heron and Fanny. Om, with the Unned fortes co sal, Dr. Heep, n o , preparattons going forward. Tim Intim. would board, who is on his way home. ' mu•M rather be bribed in leave the country than to A Mammal Olio, by lb. Heron ramify , It appear. that during the teal year the Amer.. i fight. while the white poptilcion, feeling eoretnnt I After wic hh, flag, at the consulate in Tom., b e d Iv apeeure with the Indiaos In their immediate THE It ;.o.C.N.G Hem.. by the Bey, who had tinprvioned the dragoman of • neighlxilhood, insist upon their leaving on some SPlesh -Write the co sal. For several years there hna else Men terms The result win probably be the same. in Amelta• . • • • • - • • • • • .. .. rawly. nand . pneee a dn . ,. opon the fi n , or John . ' many tort., meta.. t the Indite. tvi.l be obi, The whole conclude with the much !Idatired Farce of our /newer „ os pi a , taa,, p la c e . 1 . 0 ri g ea to rnirenml , to burr:or tore tied gli.longlhe„ NIPPED IN Tilt EL D. iJalochnrd • Mr. Robinsoo Inc lest eprmg, matruchons were scut to our Wu- old hinting grounds, tab , el , their resideinin on mad t mioehard • .......... Cratsa sul, Dr. Beep, to demand payment ut . th e elaon, ' side 01 the M•ss•sstliPt my" .d, at the same time. proper atones.nt for the , mishit to the American flip, to Wh,Ch We have re- BANK DerALCATION •T I meet, Ma—The Easton leered. &duplicate ot these Inntrucnons was en- ; Star. of Tuesday Inst. -•u. in foll.•wons. i-tinted to Commodore Morgan. Who, under the "However oupleme . :se imk, we are vetoes ..rder of the President, mot. the Bey in the steam! I tartly tit . ..Pelle , ' ite Pun.' 1 ' , tr.-sits , . mntnine . • Miem. - ppi. Pasture the snivel of the Comm, : lee recent amounding diaeln.ores made at the bank e et Tants,the Bey had agreed to pay the moo- 1 at this place., by which it hypes, that Will: ten B. ey due to Mr. Payne. The gallant Commodore I StuYthe. the late easmbr, was til•coYei'ed to•iss taithfully obeyed the ...none of the Secretory ' einbe.led funds to the amount of about $l2 000. of Stmts. and hne obtained all the movement fur Eleven thousand of the amount now.vr , m "or the outrage which Was d muted. I .uticates u 1 deposes in Baltimore and other paper, Ho called in per-on on the Bey on the lit Isiah. I have already been refunded, and the balance. we p er ; and war received to lb.. morn frieudly nota, !earn, wasp romieed to he made good In a few um; the Bey treating him wtth the moat marked I d•ye. coneiderstion, and a•suring huh that ail he desired"P. S.--Since the above w. to type, we learn Wa• granted before a wa. naked. Tne Bey sale I that fur th er developentries have been node schiett ecquemly made a venom] communication to "Ad. ' have Increased the atimuut to about slo ono M oral" Morgan, in which he the .aurance Smythe was arrested evetnng. and .1.1 to boil of It a w preserve the 'float fru...rimy relannna in the mina at 65000 for a further hearing this morn. with tot' United :hater , tad pre mined that a hire ; rate to that til the drngoninu should not occur again, • Degrancova Fine.—OsJliednearlav morning ann that all our treaty stipulattons should be sunci- I ,a„.;„ nwrunig attar and „„„bonaa of ly observed. ' David ou Bsey. P,.0., •a Newburg Little Beaver We have a large and eirective Pririddron •n the I n,,; syna ifi. k, b .,. t-b,„„ Mediterranean, sent there by the Preatdeneeorder, t ntsmaking an adgreante ,na; 0f o er 54,000, in consequence of the distracted state of Europe. The fig snip of the do 14 the IYl•setamppi, upon which there Woe no insurance. Mr. Ramsey was abeamlrmo home et the time oi the sad or- Com ino.lore Morgan. _ _ , earth..., and the fire was nutnotict-d by one of Ili o netithbon about day fecal:, who succeeded in aroomng the sleeping who imrelv escaped with their lives. Th, loon tab , henvoy upon a neat worthy mrseti. who will have tit- deep Pyrn polity of the roinmutotv.2:llratvr Ae g No troces of the Stl,ooo. stolen on Sunday morn ing, (mill the meat., En.e. have yet been disc iv red. A report Wan anoat. a abort time alter the dtscovery of the robbery bet a package. ouppoaed to e the money thrown overboard lot the thief, Yerl.l flonting down thn river by per on the hoot T 11.2. it probably one of the mere idle rumors ncectionrtiy created by such au occurrence We stated, on Monday. that the money wan to Ire dr:tvered to the Merchant.' and Mechanic.' Hank of Wherllns. Tne notes were all ou th a Bank. btu belonged to the Norm Western Rank of Wheebne The not, belonge I to the North Western Rank 01 Vllllllll,and were heong , onvev• rd, at the tone they were motet, to the lam named trunk, in this any, inns the Parkersburg branch of the N. W. {lank of Virginia It wd ..ern by an adverorentert In another un, teat the Bank ear offered $3OO reward fur the re m eovery or tee money, red SI Ott for the ap preheoene of the rubber —IV/Lerl,ll,y Gazrtir _ _ Mos rscrwr. or Panmicrr TA,Lon.-1:, Pre alder, Irtt Enr, Pa, on Saturday, for Niagara 1 , 4:1, be arrrved, doubt, the ...lone dAt. lice heel ta ~nttauerl to be very f,,,ble—the annek ..r. h .lJug 51, puralag which ne .uttered at End 113.11/, 134• VII al t, • /1 veecre auadaneertota than role been votepoved Pont the reportv w loch reached New York telpecfing it. For thts ten.on to , we. compelled to .and peeving template lief , It would have twee Impoevtclu for hem to vaClpc all dell.laatratiorl of popular admtratton an election. Ile ec,ordtnclv took a gleam boat lor on the Affterman •ttom %tone nele• utete• the Kit., or fur Cim,tpewa on tile Canadian side at aLnnl the acmet/Ot eer.lll • • here are contradletory reports or to it. He unit realm at the talk mud h.s health shall be ',estate lighed be gust and the pure air of teat reg.". the uneg in• gorhttbs in the would. bt to hr. •troo.g egn,str,ulwo d cannot take long for hin usual robust strength I. be rewored.whea:he be able once more to revtioe the svearwoune ye.l agreeal le th Ihe people, which be Sn ise• how render no enrdie, I, e, and tn.) , rri.4b...a.— N. F. Tr 11,... Tu. P.c....yr Asti tux CA atarr.—Several ear ns. journals, a•W and •Dernocrscie • i.e 'Dem. ocratic' and 'Whoa; whichever any reader may regard f Anumber.' are in great tchulat.on about the relate r soting between the Preeudent and his 'Cabinet One yet way and invet and urge end .wear tbsobenovereign and his mildwor'Are as cu noble As a litter of purple. before their eye. are opened. 'lnc other set are equally positive in re. ~,,enilna them of entirely hostile. no agreeing he ..riser than VAN and dogs. A third, entirely aide. pendent, nye ' no independent as a Siam soldier, or, to we more ecoereital compartoon, as lade. pendent as CAptasta Dugs:d Dal,,etty, any. that the President and Ms Gantoet are 'sewe es the pities asunder; and nate each other mortally. Our own opinion it Inal, en, set know tot much of fee ewe as either of the other two, and no more , nod that tai- titre tie. ed know twining sib tit n. We eft. I that the Peer ideal, tele rine thal he has been deceived to his Cation!. W traVellinir to ate wth his own yr yr., and he pO ar with hnt own ears; and that, the people, itacgreeting the Preiude.P, ieretully overlook tho Cabo, I, and loos e,rne their d of 'II. Ma jesty a minister.' We are told that the ?resident has bunt his cabinet h-iters, and i. now travel], alone. rod eabihning what the country has not nr:l. vetoed I h. mann years. a President traveling at the ilnief IVlagstrate sit the nation, and not a. the b ea d of p •neee.situ! party. We are told that the Cabinet Way at bonne under a dome. fear of popu lar indiananon,which might erect item if they a, romffa ed the Pres:dent. And front all then sop pardon, the irl'od to -wean , .gm: mech.'s, turd the people ere coorely die.atiefied ith the Cabi n, and with al tis proenediwit and trig on she Presn'ent alone for towline it out of drop. and giving them whatever they want. All this is very sarena and stows hove moun tains can be mode ed molehtlle, When people do not understand the, solve, Tho is not the floe in inch a President ban traveled as the Chief Magistrate, and a3' a partiwin (coder. In. deed we never knew or heard of a misa in which a Preludent did travel as a plateau leader, or ia any of charneter than that or the Cruet' Ma., trate of the nation. The hat President d er Oen. Wwmifigtoo, traveled. was Mr. Moat, who, in Intl. received received cordially by the whole ye without the -fah ew partneri dotiction "I he old •Iteniml can' and Federal' roues united In bu rying the hatchet, that tarried 'the era M good if cube.; Mr Adams went from Wash ington to Mewo ,••-cto in Inc ACIMITICI of ISIS. no, offir,ally, se Pronfent, in coon oar, not alone. cii I embark n ee or ao plain ilfuter Ad • of Quutey, Mae , The neat Presideoual Loynd after Mr. Monroe, w oe Genera( Jackson fang War every when received by both partiee jointly as the Chael l' , leitetrate or the nation.— Wetegicri . Masormwtts, nod 'extra Whfegish . Boston. we cartwolerly cool. They did not know Genera re l lack , on, Old Hickory,' the head of the 'anterrided deawcrecy lint they did know and hendeomety rereiverl the Chief Magistrwe of :he nation. Tneneat President wh travelled of. • was Mr. Polk . and he too Wan received Re the Chief Mar 'irate. and in nil other i•har•cer Throughout 'Whigge.h . New England, he was re ceived end cordially erected by the reniqe of both moue, and by 'Whig' And liemoeretir rCirrhotic •. together. I /own Earl, the 'Democratic' Preen dent and the 'WI., Sennior from Maine, Mr Ev ans. W^,, •••0 I-mving for lFe President woofed -once'..'' v .•.1 the 3futl,r • family and •. e I.:arm-hearted alfusion to the n.llCor ' • en, then nehaina in Mete oe. the, Pre, •lertt.a , treite, the Pre -went apt, e , o r['fife! Mu:lsle., 0.1 not as heed of a stlecroon: party . end in none ot them aid the Cab ., tr per so • r Nene Pt referred to in any of tee sperenes or replies. Indeed nobody could n.ive in.erred (rum any thing ..Mti by or the Pre•tdrio in any oOf these effival WI lls {nal itch llnna as a Cabinet inet raistol And preemely as Mr. Moneve ;en Jacksn, Mr Polk. traveled • Pres.doit., does /eneral TAN lor travel now.— Never list the Cabinet traveled in • body with the Prestdent, and never ha. a President. in any pub tie speeeh or document, either of biomeaa or cere mony, alluded to tee •Calunet; as a distinct hod', or a potent...existence Then what in all this stuff about the Cabinet and the Cornea and tag CABI NET Nant.Cl , r • Mr 1011.1111,. d the ',eerie are•rtied with Inc Cahoot.' W. a e. n n.. Put whet hos it done tuutia , t•year! , ' lt be very much hk. I•ra,rr ribll,lA,cutn,.o.• el ni able tun a who maul mruhnn: Aid the Pre. dent In gattut em4,ull for rettpl. to lenro with hut own , wort! !not , .tnt ' th,y any n...erettt to ottrtt htto 't And son he do any thing for them swab, ut Cortgr. , 4 l — why tit, nut the rop4 itend their p.ntrmu to— the Itto , l of thr than,' ttr , tnY hut 'the, mtp- Wry' may Ims dittmlitsed Tux to, rtLYNCIC —lt re It, a'ireapt to dtmuter the Idyl, that Ole Saul Sic Mane, ever atippioird I, Lr thhyoltd the calamity of di ...eit•es which have isintitied htyrtoole protons ot ilii• eviiii• neat, an Wei! a* the aid .rni, has with a the lap month been viatica cab Never& aillitthou. The first of the Wien. Mores W. titeireno, d Jostrib Tramp., were announced in our paper -d the lltb inst. The or no. Irian the white paptil.itiOn, was Edward Clarke. Esq.. it Woreerter, 1 , 1 wit., who expired at the Auden ;louse nn Tu••stlyy. the 7tn, end who t 0,.. ellled from the smut.. of usefulnem and mire/sant engagements, almost as suddenly or Mr. Stephens. The third. Captain Uytoel Heka, Rector of the Land Riess, who had stood by the death bed, and followed the others to their law resonx place—who came out of the m egie an campaign with the lose al more than three fourths los company, a cocoanut:on penile what shattered by the yellow fever and the diarrhma Which aeorimpartied moot of onr troops home, but was apparent p the day berme his death to good health. The fourth, Mahar J. B. Martell, expired on the came day. Joseph Lalonde, died on the 1U:h; a Mr. Ross, to the employment of LB- Lyt. :nesters, Eye., followed torn; a Mr. Pierre, to the employment of Judge Bacon, of the North Amen. ran Mining Company, with several ball bread. and Indiana. Now. we have the mournful taah of returdlng the (tenth of Mn. Sumo. wife of Mr. Asa Fowles, daughter of that old patriarch r , %the Soot, Ephretm Johnson, Frier of Mr.. S. R Wood, of Mot. Newcomb, and of Mr. Barret. There are none who bare veer been on this military latilloo, ur who have travelled the country, who do not re member this family with •flection and gratitude, and who would not, if permitted, drop a tear on the grave of ibis amiable lady.—.goka Suprriar Nnw. Kgrox 1nt..C.0. I. co:ocrat, In Rhode Island thought it made a greet hit recently. when it suc ceeded in hrtnpng Free Sal under lin wlng. tor the' purpose of carrying the Congreasional electtoc. Commit,. tbet tt had not Itself the pacer to con ...Ott to buy aid, an.J did purchase some in:ng that acuminated :bell toe Free Soil party Itnode nand. Yrtnc.oel and oily natght to- Itelher,•Witn Tourston for time leader, end the Wangs, in oppose i. 4 eat into the contest alone, to melee a atrurgle fur W Ingon. Loecfccinaco /nada' extraordinary exertions, end brought out as utmost strength, including its corporal ' s guard of Free Sailers, but all in vele—tor the nonl and complete result shown that lhann is elected in Congress by rnajOrlty 01'625 diare, and Unlit the Whig. have made an agival gain. en., April lma, e and axt., nine votes. It le n clear Whig ',awry. tun, tor Lhlon lin. made :Wilber comport nor milldam, and goes Into Congtro. fettered by tin pledges bit th ne wh.i, his prnmple• and cheraner Iligiii,ti.—North A in. I=l9 'rm. 1.401W:on !ma ,ern in oucept•ini parano Crr lairt-en inst. •nr apt pipe midi, th.i direr tat pre:scut P rinCipal 111=! I=SM=l Tne Calaloaue lot leln. alloote • n all lhlanee or VT pups,..ah rt.hla t eaetera The plc.-nal et,- awn eak•e Rout et• nrJt po., m.. 01 motto to tolortce. the ettorpeo fur Itotard root tuaton to thr F.:1,1812 htlkn•ket ore 1ta..5 per coo or *11! aer. Vorhoard It al woo., tn. gnhor or r th Moo, Drool., Potato., nod Froveh toneuarro. Stt, per Pro, or *OlO per .ream Nolvr:lll.,anflf, the lo•• of fire, of .11, 0! Ift,lid , laps In- I" rumee• ple.a, of •:•t, h.. r-ff.rfrel t.r rafordlng.lnlffro•ell atcool. 111•,4110/,• for nu Itomiter of puffllr. ctultc ad , cs cdu,•tedlnstettet, •rt. reall to dtf ierem ttecuottts al t. I' man up.° ”pltl.t-tattan Ithe Pratetptl II t or e oti the Ntet3NALWIEV. e... t. RKW BOOK I ) DIXON'S Tou tt TIIIMUGH AMERICA PP.r.ona lturrouvr o: a tour theonin • port of the L' and C.a., orb lb , ' Inwtortt and Intettunon o , Memo, stu to Alt, vet: It) Jam, 'lace, LI D. , ttu a puma t et thr any.. The ea, montio. • etdieenots Sac Ted Monte. potent and round no,. !drib... Alumnae for 1,5 , -prlre .ate who e-41.1. anal zeta!! by It. II(ll'itl`IY ,pl 7 Vo' 0 Bultdink., Fourth .t +•:-`7 4r-1.4), '-r:pl 1k ....0" e — - ~,..7: . ". ~ :4,3,',1,,,?.:....r.....7-."-.....—_, • i ,,,r1--,4-,...;,..z1.-..f7 • t.. .. z qr , '.ti . :71:..-. 3 - :7 , r, t : --:--t----4::,-; - "V-, '24,, „: ---,' •_- " ;-_-, ..i ._4_• j O r Fl , \ 71 .., :4F1 r 1.1 :. 0 . 11 ,;„... 7 , , :c 0r 11 ,,, N n V 0 0 v d 0nr 5tre . erlc 4 / 3 141 ,nufne•u.ersr.— One Rov,rooti car•cd !nth , . wile of Lot.. X.V do 7 do do do do do 7 do round corner, plan. tar not One do 7 de pl.,' round cement do 01 due ddikotly carved- One to Mll do plant round oornors Or.e do di do do do One do do car.rd forninme no. do 0 do pun round corn, Our do do do do Oce d0... 7 19 do plata .guard AEI the %NM err from toe reirhrtued manufactory or Crtelm.mrttitgazinm and are warranted to all ear., and Mc purehale money refunded. found defective in any p.rnerthir the p n ... art thr •an, . rtareed •11- manufactory. and are vs law 114 Mom: of tnfert- Of q •I/ty from other rollrerr. Soren Rosewood .e irreo ',son A. R••eo11 Y Iler do 6 do do /I orrsorr. NV. Teo ' fj Jo dn Hosuo A Raven. N. Onr do ro do do Gold. , me 'ogre Me e° Forte. ..nento•ed rc, re Orrno made expre•. 0.4., ..t euo). as ean Tlon tor durntn ov, even to •oarh, and of •ttp , lllo, .1111 IN II MEL. R. $OlO Arcot Or •o,e Ctvetewor • 1,..0 Foetea, .to: for Wertern Pennty,ranno 'rat: •tthser,l,or has ot•t earn pletr.l No ,tort O. PIANOn, composed of A I 61 nsnd of ever, s toteey , ! sty la and pone lab sod vroboot Cole. j mon , [...1f W.f. .Eollen Attachment. trout the erle. booed (veto, o' Nstota &Clark. Near Cork They are all provoled soot, the na, .ve Important Improve. mato Ad other I'M, fr.ek•ra , Oa, roan ry etp , er ,e hammer. , farloch sofa e the atotta and pnaluct the lon• with leather Tit, as titer ell alluur. wear. nan:v. tite'esthef arowisg hard and hen& and thts• esetaitte. af,er the Piano hal Levu used n whtle a most Iltsmer-eah.r. harsh and tato tone NU!". & Clark hare eollon th- la. , 'ens osentha revered the haooners af, (dl rfath. an co lael, near in renloot PV, duotaff a tueltohon• aod au ototonts• torn. soh ch at P Ini p ay.-. "a one. to•teado. grow., hands and hard, a• len her naressoniy do , . 1 Ito mos •velo to. p,. nnuneed the values, mno, trent to PI otos yet in •-nted The inter or 01 I eve Vows. Is maaror,eut y all led and crone 'bad. al , , , ,ther Ilse r. ,,, “ fn. itotonnat , , Kee, Int •n assortn , ,, , PI Boston and other In•nee Ole pun, eat, COSIVIIIC. themselves of ,he •uneelnrov of ~t In leather by eattnor and try mg 11, ts•tramenta II ELE.OO.R. • At / Woodagett'a N II —The •• weetrlll .oldat tnaneartnrers prset... and tha mane taturneti found in me frac defect", .pt? ST. JOEIN FEDI 4LE COLLEGE - MARIP.IfTA MI. It , Ili, C1AA.11,4 P 140., of Episcop.' ChurrhlLJanv Re• It W T.,roau R b Fleeter o(.t. Lukc'a Ept. irch NI•rlf114. PIINCSP4I. Mr* 1•1111,!1.1 A Si Touosu. n.aorms Prs,spe. EM=IS2=9 5F.5.1 , 11!..i of 1, , t common err rh. Ir. orlMr .....loonteouer c• Aar rah. Nvallocr Inca. Boarding Pawl.. Liar rzu 1."11T1 AOr i courte ocruplealhrra yoara. Mao dararoi grad.raiso loch . . TN. Ino invert is ttoteted nn the tooth teener° bon &eon' the hen...fel Moto or the tel. n( Marlette. neer the wen know , • tie of the l'arnp,..l..forttht The kr. coon •, re or, .1. then sod heotey Tureollndo cover •Igat 6•C se re• att The tote...rag of the place—the ••- •ot tanned of the Inely—the et menet, of the mon trootthtto • aret.ery—the I or Old trove I f. of below—the the d opuettont hottdone—the aropte trteunds mot abodetootle In eoettemplatton and molly It in most pleasont rove al, •only from the !envie, hoot anti mere ni eine* • The large a' re apartments occup.ed by the Young are comfortably furni.heti, carpeted. eupplieJ with ha re nut.ned enttvenl.ll,4 not ennunon In uett achool• The abate( le to guile std.lnf a high n-der with the mm/on a 'datum( adrealogre of a well regulated artgaan . To•nad ha. Immediate. charre n' :he boardmg l'a• ill The government le bete bat k.nd Pa)ment. a.. hal/ m *demure TERMS PER SEN.IIesN for N.nrd and Talooo, Ineriudin. T N. fur . ww.l.eddrog hr.. and w .--waa ”wl•ar• tam In Fml.roalrr - v. ?rad Fran. - y work. and nt k I.locuaire• 3no uo Fx”. rha • R^ Lt ettir.w rr ~• . 8,, ['plaid. Iltahop el ,, nt Ind[e - . nr ro Dr P. reruter Day, Allegheuy A r•ehal or the heanb alanetta, it may be re melted. tha t Omagh the btrotina af a k•ad Pravnkstee dortny th• •na.n, there has bee a n no ease of od, 0,11 won. been the gene. ru' Prallit of tan town h., en ^nod apt7..17, The undersigned, passensers I.y Leech's Canal Par Let Line. lisving the Jays,Philadelphia to Ptttsliurgh in leis t han`throe losenienaure to recommending the room the levommle /lOU,. of we have [loth , We len Philaitelphla on Monday morning. ad met, at right o'clock, arriving in Ilarnsburalt at 2 o'clock, p t ee stetted et 24 o'clock. P. M , on Me new and iplondid rare of toe Cenral 11.11 Road Com. pany, reaching Lownitowt, a distance of sixty-three o ,ti sg , t o precisely three hours. AL Lewistown we took the packet limiala and reached Hollideyabargh et fi o'clock the following evemine. mimed the Incite.. ed Planes. so as to arise at Johnstown by eleven o'clock. Here we took the packet boat Obi. in charge of her sent cleanly and Obliging Captain. Cyaig, aod gotsbursh at four o'clock on the mammy , thten day, Mut making 'he whom Imp from Phil. adelptaa to Pfitsbargh, in four hone less than three ds J. y NI. Cootie, Plnstiorgh, H. Reuel, Trenton, N.J. Jae. M. ~ S*ll., do Jacob Wright, J. Shea, do S LI Myers, Lancaster It, A Liitic, Cm , N eteman. L klowen. Ham Mas'lon, W Demon, Wm ilton, Phila. b Pittsburgh. tient- ny_lrL„ , HRESE—IU) boa prime Cheese )tot reed and Inc G rale by th S k W HARBAUCHI IThRIED PEACHES—WO bush Demi Paches, preens ji halve. in care MD for sale by .pa 8 & W HARBAUGH AMpEMENTa I THEATRE. koattooom--Lhoes Circle and Apnetnaent for po.ple color • • • • ••.p " CZ," DOOTII open poet 7 &clock—Curtainn se k o'clock FIFTH APPEARANCE OF THE HERONS The fine Steamer CINDERELLA, a m & Coltman, MIMIC( vrlll leave or above and intennediate porta oe EMINMMM IZI= r y The splendid rummer HUDSON, inflator, %ow leave for above oltormochata pens duo day, nit • Mt==2lMl PEARL ASH-13 can /damn' mpernar Pearl Mb/ yed '.bin day per Union Lmo rerei, and for pie by Bpl4_ ) & R FLOYD 1D I,OURIOn bbl. exma Family FlllO , fOSI rend and Yoa sale spit & HAHBAUGH IDUT/ER-40 ICigs Baum en d - ana sale by D apt ( s & W HAHBAUGH WOCASg—WO boxer and for vale by am 1.2 for COR :HI bIOS-10 mks Soorcog lua, IMICI Q ODA ASH—I 7 oaks Soda Aph, rend and for sale by am/ H GR by ANT I Li_ Sk WHARBAUGH For fro‘ght or panogoapply on board. NEED a. EVELLEU, tD TIY) 118 of the German newspaper, "WEST PA 1:1 STAATS ZKI office oppostte the Post rococo. Tarry street. Pittsburgh, would tespeedelly so nuance to the publte ingenernt, that thou paper, which h tr, wlre.dy • large . eireulatton, offers the hest °ppm , tuna • fur adverustng in German at customary and donesable rates Also, all kinds of JOB PRINTING tn German._sjp_gr,d3l TUBACCO-Ur bra Peorbenanla superior Vs T. bane° recoi mg and for sale by rrn7 C Fl GRANT 09L -The ple b e; in cash paid fo Abe ° • • ~~~ LHD 011,1-8 bide No I Lard Ott, In afore and for ' enle Ly gpo 8 dr N IIe.RBAUGH WN71414-5000 boeh Healer 5 do Corn; 4000 do Ity • for vrhoeh the high*st marker met In enrh eetli by spa Sh W HARKAUUII ES—F, H. Eaton 1 Co have received ply of Kid Gloves of all colors, suitable 'd winter A 1.., Silk, Cashmere and Bee -1 tit fur wrists. For sale at 61 Fourth at. KT,`:`:. YARN,-rded scarlet and blue,•sabila. bitter, , an. blank mixed, orange, aney wad slate co lored Yarn o all azzos.)nat reed and for rale by .pi , F HEATON & CO, ni rutiritl st t li y , NIIIRF:i. AS—A mall lot of Ladies Silk nabrel- U las. Lot slack and colored, (or .ale at EATON'S 1 rimmingSl re. Fourth _n. spa Utlin R-1 6 blida N 11 - Sugar, atnedy prime. past CI received and for sale by allt% LS WATFAIMAN, Water at VEATHERS-2.50111b0 pram Feather., m anire to snorrow and fot sale I.y opt 7 15 to NV HARD/100H 11 t 1 ACK Eli bblo No 3 large Macke...o4n .moo and (or .ale by op? R & 'MAUCH EM131131 l III T ' len t' ' 1 rtt0 " (11 ' V; 4. ". ;:f07 . 017:10 1 Vi ' lr•O Of I r P O . I: P.Ol In,ide In Mae< of a wooden one as usually maded) o Lear s r 1•1,111 for dm use of Hyd , aulie Cements for biting th vsetiorn in said o f understaud mg mai oth rs-have been inlrtngind cm he insproec. OW el (tor Melt ',tiers rment have been )matedl weeour adpliestion for said potent. we now glee no. ee that all art, infringement either in mumfactertes. serious • or ti ns shall be 'roman ed aceordiog to law. E. A. J. L HALL, Cinemnad. spt...ddt [Cid. Atlas. __ — _ 01.1,1 IL 01 14011.. LWORTH AMMO 1,11.40,11 . 7 n. K. DI k. Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro -4 . dace ppnn d Comm lasion Marchards, and Arm , . 'or the Ilaz ri Povrdor Co. of N. Y., No. 77 Wood st, Pambargh. II soUS SUCLEI.—I6 Mids. N. O. Bagar,m store.. for sale by •p09:11, A. GORDON. IREANI CIIEME.--20 b. recd and for rhs spi6 WICK & CA-NDLKi IL ., C O I , IEKBK—I32 13EARI,S—S rata reed and for rob by , WICK k bYCAN DLESS I:BENCH BRANDY—A superior article for med. coal puma., rre'd and for sale by JOHN D kIORGAN, [mega. 1 yORT WlNE—Warranted pare, for medicinal for L ,ne , res, bust reeereeet and for gab , JOHN D MORGA.N P !lira; —labble for sale MI 0 916 JOILY 1 . /MORGAN ' QP. TURPENTINE- 12 bbls jut reed and far sale 0 by spa, JOHN D MORGAN C Ii , H , TIEGREENI-2 cues exAlgo6sArN t oL AN DTI . l p ‘ ,. TOOll.-30 bbls s JOHN iLfdsvf:s3,.47 Vil\P II Pia Wawa J T. Headley. Life of Ple Witt Ty. Alps and the Rhine, by J T Headley. ies. for Rich mad Poor. Holidays Abroad. by Hrs. Ki loand Raul Liman. by N. P Wdlia. axial fistuto by - It. HOP kUSI S. ryt A Ito ttoildin F.orth st GREAT AIIHIVAL, bF NENo ciDODS Fog THE FALL TRADE A A. 3lnsns hCo , N 0.60 Market street, ha rest received an inunenle steak of NEW PA LI GtrODP. to which they Invite the amebae of thet ir,end. end the public—eventing them OM every to ill be K.1(.1 at their usual low prices—so low a so defy competiVon. Wel Q IG trr,n4 ahbn ume BILLS OF EXCHANO6, poy -0 able 1111eIndetaan, Loniwillo and tic Loma, put chased on Inc Wllort favogoblo term. _ N. HOLMES k SIINS Q IGIIT CHE:eft op Now York, PElladelphla and 0 Ureurnore for sole N. HOLMES Ir. SONS SODA A law 1, Muter. Soca; 13 do Steele aSone t0ft41,3 Ey m.krrkiEws & CO, • 15 24 Water et 0 RC II INGtr—o3 asks best for lode b rpuS RHIV, MATTHEWS & CO p U_ H et T . p ks fi i 7 , 1 4 ;T, (....1111,78 CO (IC"F.,,F,F—IsI"P El , o—ISo ni Own. Y H, Imperod and G r Teo; le Jo do Poorebong Teo; ES caddy bss V 11,0 P and logo, el Teo, of roeero smpormion; for mole by 11,06 RORY. MATTHE:WN er. CO szookod do, for • e by RHEY. MATTHEWS & CO Ilertinor N) .p t 6 011ACCO—P3 tll. 6'11,9 . 11 augl lb.. of best brands. •a.e 31,0 Et REY, SIATIVEMI &C( R , ic. les fresh beat. for ule by spto HUEY MATTHWq k CO •IF ik.l.l•Nl-10 bbl• for sale by sign RUBY. MATTHEW'S & CO AR-20 bble NorLb - Carolina, for oak by apr. RIIF.Y. ATITIEWS kCO OLA mime N 0 M01d..., 20 do 111 .0 g r house do. for sale by WHEY. MATTHEWS k. C ) DM MIS ?BATOR'S 2110TICIL.—The . .o b . ocriner having token out Letters of Admm - t. 411 on the Estate of PAUL MILLER, late of tto of Allegheny, deceassni, hereby ail,. 00000 to •On• h•Vlng rigLIMI against said estate. to ,resen mcm. budthenticated. for settlemenn ancl ll per can. inded ore required to make Immediate pay. input to the sobrenber, in the city of Allefbenli• d.dul• ANN MARY MILLt.R, A dttu_ lA7AN 1 . 3,CD, to go to Ohio , one or two first rate V V Machinery Moulder, of steady habits, and oral •equ mr tell with heavy work, to whom conmant era pc, and fair wages will be given. Enquire at THIS I.FFICF.. w. • aatriman. IRAIG ric SKINNER, Forwarding and Cernialut • r Nietr ha Nn. YeMarkin ar. Pntabargh. spa NEW UT M'CLINTOCK is now consrtantly receiving his Fell Stoat of CARFHTINO, OILCLOTHS, Ac. among which may be found the following varieties: Agencster Ceipets; Bop Chen." ENS.; Velvet do do Tufted do Tapc.iry do 'Comecon do do itruwels do +beep skin Mats, F 'Ars sup 3 ply do Chenille do Susesifisie do do 'Tufted do utiperfine Inge. do Adelaid do toe do do es-4, 74, 64, 5-t, 44 and 3.4 Common do do Cid Cloths; Listing 04 Table Linen; Rug do Ifluckebeek Diaper, 4-4 11. 010 Tap do do Linen Crash; 1.1.54 Twti do do Damask Linen SW. Cover, 44. I tr. st 4 e 00l do do Fat. Cloth do do I-4. con. do do Ilium . Rods, Binding, he Goods which we are now able to sell lower than ever before offered in this city. We Inv. all wishing so turn. h House* and Steam Bests, to call and coun ine our soceir before purchuing elsehere. Carpel Warehouse, No 75 Fourth M. ,n,5 W. M'CLINTOCK. [, , L01,', it —ati Ohl. tost reehl and for sale by .pt 3 CRAIG dr SKINNER - NAX...' ; : em . n le,;l6;;;;;eFineCl;Ming ToiZ6o . mt • W II Grant's` s'. lump robs66o: tip do •Ilart's 14's 11 1 do •I.symn i 6's II w •J A.per s' 6's lissltmoote P l at' (17 . 0 ,1 orl %a., 1,5 .pl 5 1) It - K-10 let in store and fir tele b CO _____.ll3 DILWORTH tr. 11, i. to -- 13ATTIN1.-21X/ bale• No I end 0., le store utd for D 1111 le by spa / S DILWORTH k CO , f tor EON YARN—IO,OOO lea In lam end for met tty V •ptS 1 6 DILWORTH St CO I , ] 1111' . . 'PYLES-200 bush 1131=MUTWZOr A.. , 1 . 1 CO= ~ .— y luo be a .7 . iaMa t+H argd piti.ll,N-2130 woe tort 2, 17,16: ,t v ga g n o b, ___ ____ - - rrEAS—A supenor qualoy of Oman and BM Tem, I always nn hand and tot sale by J H DILWORTH & CO FE RESH DHUGS--Eng C.lomat. Ch.lirornrso, Chlo ne Ether, Lni. Indite Ferri, Pipasina lodide Po- Ihnnun, Strychnilt, Opium. Polled Rhabard, lon recd and for 00 1 0 by J BCHOONMAKEEt &co Wood at UN DRIES--3 bbl. pulverized Ginger, 20 bma Cae. We emata 2 bele Cream Tartar, jest raehl and for nee I SCHOONMILKER k CO ----- FOR CINCINNATI. The qlezAhl owner GENEVA, Wilkins, muter, will Isere for jartbar da7. F o r (melt Mange apply an bout .Pti FOR BT. LOUDI. Th. Wanda steam FAIRMOUNT, nalLybbert, ataar, lan kalee for above Ad al InunamBM. ports thls day positively. Far thighs or wage apply at bard. gall Con LIVER OIL-1 dos otsapeitm quaßtMlibl . ter abed awl for bale by a• t 5 f SCROONMAREI O ANNEELIYCTL-11 eats on haad and kor Bala by B , IIOOMIAKER b. CO nIAVE OlL—t cyk fay sale by .pI.SSCHOONMAKEII & CO Q. PER E OIL—I Jim just reed aad far sale by .Pal SCHOONMAILER dt CO main— - - 6r In SVGA R tan renewed eortnnyn- VAJ mem and tor sole by apt&d:ll /AR. P HANNA, Second et. IM — REAR[ CIIFFSE—MD b. non ,eVd nt "nr.; IL/ nod Chen. Depot, No Ili Front at, ead for ente by spp J B CaNFIELD TALLOW -5 bbts reed and r., 01e, by • WICK & WCANDI.FSW ALSPICE:-13 liksTenTland and for um by 21,9 NICE A SITANDLS ' g', 0N FC/11311AT MRTAC—Simal' Nit good Foundry_lder tali for la, by 'TO WICK 31'CANDL&.13 PITTSBURG& 3I•RBLE WORKS. — N 0.3 Commercial Rorst.Ltheny meet, near the Canal. TORN WILKINS. Marble Curter, has on band a ka large assorement of Nlarlile Menials for Gabs All laillAS of Monumental erotic executed. spl4:3l' C °01?-214 b ,stge prima Rio Cow.reed . ..rid for rPRAia; So7;:hcing Teo, yu C GRA NT si by .poi C II GRANT SODA AB—' 3 ' ti. AI reele ktot 4 So ' da bob; 5. bbl. For tale :ow (to arrive) by C H GRANT, sprl 4l Wale, sr STARS, TASSEL.. FRINGES, LACK and elik Volvo., and Mae Stun, kept, for We comma no den. Also, Regalias made op eomplem. spiS W W WILSON aso'•%V Glut Ire 41 Si %V HARRAIIOS - REAM. CHEESE—SO b. reaß and for gatie by • .t 4 d. HARBAREIR D Rig i d ?SAC/IES-40 bgatt s ilwa H 7 4 A d far RB MILITARY GOODS.--Caps, Plumes, Forords, Sash- INg. es, Epaulettes, Lace, flumes, Flags, and MI the trimmings neeesatry to equip volunteer ma:pan:ea [Er Volunteer MOlnanie• equipped ...plea and cheap a. done in the Fast. at tee All,iing,EAT...;,oerr net Market and Fourth sts. P. S —The Ur.: ea States Ram and Tenor Drums, of Gomantown make, for sale and warranted by W. W. W. - FOR RElFiratortable brink Dwel.. MgSi l o me on Market st, near Fir. m- P. green immediately. Enquire of •pt.t.d6: WALTER BM ENT, MS Liberty et Tim 1 4 OnnayIvania Company Fos l nsne.aea on hives son Ortenviso Anwerrots. frill.: first Life Insurance Company in the U. Rules .g. Incorporated March In, rata—chatter perpetual. Cupaal RsOn.OtiO--all paid in. Having satherused the undersigned to receive eppli. Canoes for issurance, on which policies will be issued, according to their proposals and tetra, which will ha matte known to applicants at his ethos., No. VI Wood Street spit CEO COCHRAN. 1 ) Re . p . ..A L PP A ON'tt i ll iF e. C . L , A.S i i a l o t, n tff —Picot Cosar's Commentaries on the Gallic The ..Eneul 'fired Cicero's Setect Orations. Refloat's Jugarthine War, and she Conspiracy of Cat. aline. The Wad. of Iforace. First lintel Lessons Creek Prose Composition. Crammer of the tireek Language The Anabuis Zenophott. Cicero de Pence's., de Amiens, Paradosa, he For sale at reduced pores at th, nook store of JOHNMTON a STOCKTON, rOE3conrer Third arld ?darket atm SHINGT.4 - 23 7 :schn of Saingl;e - for sae Enspine o SC aIFE t ATKINS. IS, apt 3 Fast ~ betsseen Wood and M TN STORE: 7 9 Boxes. tratd "1 N Ihnthilt, Needar I Bee, P. care of 1N F. o, Poonorkb,. reepe S B Elehange GEO B MILTENBERGER, rPrE g> Flow ar S/VIII . T p r i - FISII-11 S ' d ;1 ' 4 ' 4 ". ,: , , i , iii ' 0714 ' 41. CO A.,--,ku obi. Inrdo No a, tor .ale by /VI- PO tl F VON BONN UUIt to CO LAS9Z , IXTbis bb IR, 20 do 101 . 1*, 100 do 10011; 20 L do 71,T, for .ed. by spa 9 F VON DONNHORST d CO 4,4 A3H-IXXV lights iisored. fur -.le by ,PU b F VON FA. NN CIoRST &CO _ I IHEEBC— . ...IO b.; large Cveurt, f0r...... uy 1...1 spci 13 F VON DONNHORST & CO . AF.TI3I^r3 CANVASS, on suetchent, for s•le by .m 1 I KIDD k CO 11.1437 - OLOILS, frcob, for 1 ..- 1 a by • . bobl J KIDD le. CO 'INCY.L . S.—A fresh Lot, for ariay 1 KIDD & CO • It .p'3 RISTOL BOA tIDS, E..g4sL—For sale by 'Pt 8 I . )A Curi-13,5u0 144 ortatts rider; 4WO do do Shan .13 4.'41 I,IW /trim tat.) tec'd u d tor solo t. 7 ept3 8 DdLTHL.I. CO DLANICITIS-3 , 4 pair of [hoe use heavy Sloo p Iteu, of A 61411.13 manufnetom,tee'd and for sole by sprl GEE. COCHRAN, 23 Wood at TALUABLE STANDARD WOLlK.S..—Sporko' Lite and %Vntings of Wahanyton. le volo,,royal Sr.. Spark's Ltfe and Wooing. of Froutlon, 10 eels, roy al eve. F.ncyclopeorta Ausetwons.l4l vols,Ovo Cum prebenalve Commentary, B rola. toys , Soo. Wtites' United States Explonog Expeeitme, R vo'a, MTh Soo. ' , outshone's Queens sf r3thone. It vol Itmo 4 Pieta rral Alistory of reread. 4 rots, royal Pao. Shake. phase lllostratce, 3 vtous. soyel nvo. For We by JAS.. D. LOCKWOOD.= Weed at For many - Tetra - oebliato3l , iliti Meows. Wylie & Putnam, New York. rnel Xyt.:WlinTsTO - - -- lioll on rover Moue; Nally rens a 1,11 Lady, s new end popular Etbieptmt.3.l4.dtp C Foster; Be Mini al th e loved ones at home; 5 Nattily, as song by Ihnpire Hutment; Itosithy oat liehdy as sang by the Empire Minairelsi What Mast • raires Meant be; Ben Beth Louisiana Beam No, neer con thy Home be Mine; He dea th With nip Me th Walk One de Tutor, "Repertoire de. letnresWsda tea," little fantasies Nom all the colibtated and popu lar Operas, composed oy rent Beyer—in 20 numb." ol f 7 pops each; pace Pc per camber. The above, mutt Is lame collection arrialte•s, Mambas, Pedro. Beep, de the reed and for sole b) syld dOHN H MELLOR, ed Wood st r. • •• ELLIN° OFT AT CO - ST.—Baca about to C.D. amaze., I aDI tell oil co nook u coca Those wishing DRY GOODS GROCRIOISate. .111 Sod it to tads advantage to call beam the Mt day of t=ilt!tati . . r 11ARI ITOIA REMT—The eartuaadlous doable Mote Room which I occupy, togalar with a comfbrtable dwelling house. The stand ts aus commanding ad vantages to • bs man at good as any! in tho al , mall sell my e ntireu.k, consisting of Dry Goods, firocenes, Shoes, Of., well selected for the locadon, at the lowest possible prices. to any person disposed to edger taw a comfortable hying... and dve Won at any time. SAMUEL OROlrr e4 Federal street, Allegheny, abort the North Com. moss spiltdlnt XTIEW BODlCS — Ciatcd.g riad OialaryThy Prot — n. dealt. Clasio French Reader. by De Fivas. Class Book in Zoology, designed to alto. to pupils in common schools anti sea... a knowledge of the Animal Kingdom: by Prot B. Jaeger. Cholera, Its can.: prevention and ewe, by Chas. Hie...on, M. D. Sokhey's COMM. Place Book port paper .4 rot. Ist in carob. History U. by R. Iladreth, , vole 21. History of America Bible Society, by Stnekl.d. Lyell's second ash to the U. 8., 2 rola , paper and month Loomis' Trigenot.try, .d Lop rethmlo tables, dtc., I vol. large Pro. Lamarline's His tory of Girona., 3 rots, cambric. Ilisurry of the Constituent Assembly of France, torn May, 1818, by 1 P Cothran, Esq.: paper and cambric. A 1.., • lot of mat excellent Steel Pent, to which the attention of wholesale to insued. For sale by. R. HOPKINS, ..3 " Apollo Buildings, Foto. at g tir.oat b. rat read at the Rower and Cheese Depot, No nest st, betwecnStalth , field and Wood, and for sale by aug3l lapifeThe jnchNFIELD 30 do Gibbed tail, FOK btu,. —no excenera ,nnwur-onun PIANO, in good order tial repel', almost an good nw, for sale low for cardi. IL BLEORM, mag3l Ol W WoodwelilL, 'I hind . - - • - ENETIA.N RO Vltsli•ZA R-24 4T. for Fa. by .131 R 4 Ft• F LERS ... • ARBLE DUST—IO Dble ler s..o ß by . sgozn er aagai LAUD bble ftariFildEloolore and io and by ENGLISH it. BENNETT, aug3l 37 Wood al Q A LEUATtJ —bma lb. prima Saleroom. for alai 1.7 low to close by aa3l Wile pure Cider Vinegar for we' k2VOLIgIi & skorgrr i lrtr=l,'' C- KS WELCHED SA E 'er: YJ do Pouts, to Arriv and for sale ay anti ENGLISH & BENNIgrr - IETOPLZ-1. ow tt e np. tor gala. Ja. suet F.NOIASH k MTN . . TANNERS. 01: _ smell to ow for sale low. SI , GLIASII tr. FrgaiNß77 VI ACK ERLL-7a bbla Noo Mackerel, to arrive attd In for sale by atrial ENGLLSEI & BENNETT Glttadssif6lo .- ito for sale by aog3l ENGLISH & BENNE - Tr 'ciroLktagEta—deu ebb N Idolater., In more and Ai for sate by .ausal ENGLISH & SENNETT XXPECEr'erenriOltle.T-IL-15riC,--- FOR PHILADELPHIA AND. BALTIMORE, Exclusively ihr Passenger. The Boats of this Ltm will lea as follows, at 9 o'clock at night: lnelarta—P Burney, Paturday, Sept Ist. Ohio—A Craig, Sunday, RI Loutstans—.l P Thomon, Monday, 3d. Kentucky—ll Truby, Tuesday, RA Indisna—P Harkey, Wednesday, Rh. Mai—Capt. A Cr*, Thursday, eth. Louisiana—l F' Thompson, Friday, 7th. Kentucky—Cast H Tmby, Saturday, et. Indlam—P Markey, Sunday, lath. Oblo—Cspt A Craig, Monday, Pah. Louisiana—/ P Thownson. roesday, a 6 th are ontelty--Cagt H Pretty, Wednesday, Mh. Indiana—P Berkey,, 13d. Ohlo—A Pram, Prtasy, 14th Louisiana—/ P Thompso.returthr , For passa6e •PPIFto SUTCH. Monongsheta House, spLL or D LI CU h. 0.. Canal Taw. UNITED ISTATEIS WIIOLESALE CLOTIIINC IYAKELI00811: LIAWIE £ 11414P0hIP, Nos. IX DI. 255 and DR Pup. Sumer, (beta, Fulton tt. and Darling Slip,) NEW yorm New on hand the largest actortment of 01/OVIIINO , . IN THE UNITED STATED, ADATTA TO AIL lAAAITTS. in the %nide or "MISTS .rut DIPLAWZRS keep en endless ettnety. Also Me most estenstve stlmstitestmen of oil Clothing and Covered Bats Ta the world. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Camlogaea of stock utnt by • mall. prmptly Vad. LEWIS fr. HANFORD, t zi4,236. and 951 Nan at. N: Y. uns, aor or N. Lisbon, 0. V. s. Ulm& "" c 0 1 11.1 ICI & SICIIIWILWr ENEHAL AGENCY, Commission sod Forward- Ur Ind Membama, No. frel !dukes n Pitsburgh,p& ofll2l=ifvu'th"...6l"""' Wa P'7.11-101 &, && ,.,,,,_J o u Woo Co., Morpfry, Wilson& Co. Plusbol Po,. Lawson Hill, Mahlon UMW, Wallui O. John H. Broom 4 Co., Oki, glum & Ca, P elpfrls; 11. W. &memos Omni e Noon, Nev Lisbon, 04 Fr. Stlous, Hon. C. D.Co2n, clsolanan; J. P. Bell•r, Yonaprosso, 04 W. 1. 4 Clofrolood, O. udS4 AUCTION SALES. By jetua 11-Davis. Auntloasair. .lissiricis Sao d Dry On ?Jonas) . n•Nning.S.P , l , T. lol 4ni 10 tielegk, at the Commercial Bales Rama, of essi sad FlO.ll owlets, will be sold, hl Orderer Amiga._ A lawn aaortment of ample and fancy De, n o . * .. pe e„,„ oteths, cataintematereeds, winess, jeans, blanket, cantos bleached and brown nursling, licking+, ebedka, hams, aver prima, detain; =Own, alpacas, .ilk, laces, hosiery, [loses, ke- At Sn'elock,_ Groceries, Queenswanl, Retaken', km Yong Byron and Imperial tea, Va umnefaensenli tobaceo, chess se a '. and weight., Pewal balawcia, urea, batches; shovels, writing i.d .r.ppinit Mar, window blinds, mantel elocks, looking' anseses ces. Owing, elasaware, he A large and general assortment of new altd sward hand household nankeen, he. At 71 o'clock, A. Q 01.1 3. Of fishinnahle ready made elfothing, . boi l. awl shoes, hem ears. fine cutlery, Ir o d 0 . 4 .t" , watches. shot Ira., pious's, ambrehas, =Laical loan menu, he. Jugs Bale of Boob On Saturday eveumg. Etb am; o rg_p2elock. at tka COmmarcial galas Rooms . Comer of Wood and !VLF, SU, 1•01 be sold midterm reserve— A large collection of valuable+ mimellaneous bout% in .on Val{ooll departments of limratura and setae% amonS.ldeb ant wandard library of of ebetiew work Madly and pockal bibles, blank Imaka lank , mid cap +minus paper, gold and Heel pens, grab.. ' fors, maps, charts, eupsvinga do. agar JOHN D Devt94.o ' Thirst street Property. Aunties. t • On Friday utero.n, Sept Sly .4 &cleat oo „. 11 A preintses, will be sold, th en two very valuable Bnies g Lou, situate on ties *oath aide of Third ot, neatly opposite the Post onse, kirein4 • front of 44 lest .ad V Inches and eatending back 8n fr.e. Terms. $1 100 ouh, iesidne to be divided and paya ble on Ist January, IS% and 1051 with Interest. sett JOHN D: DAVIS, Suet FALL FABHIOS FOR RATS. PrA McCORD & introanee this day PG, rtor 4 e7 , IMO Roh.) the fall sole of Geoulemen4 au, earner of Mb sad Wood sueetfo ria4 F&L L & Liberty areal, opined. thebeed . 4 of Wood, will introduce tire fII style of HAII3, on ilne tiny, the Lane nut, %Web, for beenry. of &nen, cannot be sorpeseed. flegandlis S UNDRIE2'" I ' . ° O Dfs N r t a t . ,l o se l se " s, '' fin oska 20 do 11 . do 103 blob dried PeeeheA to more and for We by 00230 JOHN WAIT & Liberty 25 S i tI y ARES HAND n o ttal u NiS t r E f o lia ast(3o 110 !Woad VirlitTE Pl9B-10 tible Snarl Ellin 10 do doi— T put received and far mile by artgoo 18411011 DICKEY a CU - - OPPEE-150 bys Cadelb, bow handing nod for szlo by . ISMAH DICICKY♦ CO TEL -40 kf charts Y O.nd Blaek Taw, Jai t teed from Nevr York and for 4.14 w;3O ISAIAtt DICKEY a. CO W It ir Cll ao 14Er .. .- 4 411:L u steszrz Cb4 , 7o l;y lartdlns avi3o JAILDALEEI7I34 Water 41 7!.6KEREL,OO t.. w No 3 Mackerel, OM IV" i. by moat and for sale by ..yam_ LOS Dmasu. - DOTO.SII-20 oaks Polo* .orio ard for .le by aug3O 7AS DALZELL flllkle orH EFNII—IS las CM= Chess., reetivel ) end ale by aa3o Me:Ssl bb.ls4LbeTeavllle BORIIII.IDOkI, WILSON if. CO ; 1111,.ti XVltter iiiNtENll)-4b bey reabinnd for Ilea by — • L WICK fr. MeCANDLF?bI 'CAVA CoPßa..—M . tecelwaa ....d for Bela by tI a ny WICK & /tIcOANDLES3 ri ROUND NTITS-100 buyla for Yak by J aorT2 WICK & hIck.IANDLYRS DAcoN-4638 lbs Bacon ROM, PM& do Rib., I) 3.00 D Y ShouldersY .6,6 ll ' a k: MeCAPICILII.B - ' NOT IC S. TO STOCKHOLDERS. OIUO AND PENN? YLV ANIA RAIL ROAD 4.10 t - S "Vllll etwltholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania ,. Rail Road Cordpany are hensby eatiersi is pay the Second leststatent of Flee Dollen per sheetson er before the eSth Repaember. . Tta atoehholdent mailing In PennsylVatthitisillPsy ' the said Instalment to the President of the at their take Thad street, Pinabostrk. 13177iWs;Ii the on Daem A: BROOKS. ?maim, Salem: 0, vg. t 3,1149 . ana3alliSip2S XACKYJIEL-100 bah, No 3 tdataarel, tOlonneater Inapeetiono jou reed an side by JOHN WATT R CO Secant gratin 'Works fair Isla • MBE subsesiber offers sale, the STEAM 13RICS WoRKS, above La for verencerUle essaysisiss a Steam .Enghte,ll Bolcn. a Mocld Machine, month% of matmfastanng tel,CooEressed Brick. (dot al ¥. as taken from the hank,):per daYi srith ire tor. of land on the /sliest:env neer, on which • 4 kilns and sheds, machine and Clay s teel arhecibcrrow% tomb, shove;s, smiths, de., every thing requisite' ot can menco °pa rad mut at an boats notice. PtiCe, ineladini the patent right to tssa mid machine, 67,035--tesem of payment mac pasy. Without the land; 65,003. For particulars, address anoo-dtf HF.NRT MERRITT, No 110 Alasskagatlela Boas. ACONS/ tee TayiniesTCO'lTS Ilaiaa, Chad* i j) plain do, el do Shoulders. in store aiding Cale by mietr SELLERS tr. NICOLE 'DICE-10 boo rim. Rica Jam recelysti an 4 40 NICOLS saI.' LE by morn SELLERS IC ICE—IO tc. Moe Jan reel and fbr nee by JAMES d 13 IMCINPSON &:ta ILITAINSEtErEL-9a bbla large • a ms. nod for mkt km*YP ar29 7AMIZS A EflnCnisoie'r; be; /00 0Z... par . ? Crown Citla riaratoi - 414 nianlik.oo ELF9II DRUGS—Chloroform, Woochtromos, F Ile Ether, jom reed and for rata br ogY7l SCIDD& Itindanganese, for G--- - tabfrothetatet, lot 600 rozeivorl pal for oalo by ••••• • • .1 KIDD /6,00- - - .IV Rio,Of We LI . rISOPEFOX' ST,°,,tl,ol9,lloVirood pmqg 4041 " 6 "0[18; " 001 EMI SMI-11-g29-40birs rG i r. e4 e rr N "'ln + I do Saltpeire; 9 elo'Aleml 9 eases Germs annal; I ease Macess : do Vermeils; 1 emcee 13 Pledile9 6 do Csadlo Sem ea.e 11>des YILIM 801 5; 41.0 Candle do 9 /107 Almond do Porde erolyN A WILLIAMS CMIZESS-95 Da Cream; lo do )* - 11797 - Airy; 9j sale by 9t1929 I I) WILLIAMS• CIIESSE-6.6 tzs Cbeit - ss - Tha goodorderoeso9- _ stay and for ode by ang2B BAOALLT warm, 18 &BO Weed sa WO. I 86LEILLTUS-0 asks and SO .bas premkui, 1.1 Saleroom, for sea by DAGALEY MANUFACTUREDTORACCO— -200 bir bx. Heavy & Jam& 610 . p 140 do W HGrad'. by and irs- WO do 13 Myna' saw on bknd; airru lb, aide BAO &LEY & s rIOMMON OECARS-200"0 Comm/ Seim, o. good arida, for .ale by DAOALET it SMITH L3l 614 7 .4eitiiiiporb — ri Palm OlOrTstiro and Y for .ale by MILLER A RICKETSON, so,r2/ iN an} FM Liberty .t ARD n 7 6b - SNO - i - Lriid OD Li - rune and for .ale by aorta MILLER*. RICKETSON fIIIRRANTSC—Di orkiiEsoto.Ortrist Is, hi eon sod NJ for uhr by aorgl MILLER ik RICKETSON CONOMY CIDER-20 bbls Economy Cider, 1. E slorovol for sale by attly29 MILLER RIEKETSON It - I/CCKDISNradEiVEDMZELLI;;Dibis - lisiFall al. Mace/mull; 20 do do Vorastelli, ion treed and y for aaL b an. MILLER is RICKETSON pp MARS-30,0 1 . , 11001/0i 811411 , 0647.1 A t 1 Navin fin, various brand', just 'reed and ka sale by ' angel MILLER & EICKETSON reedd - 7m sale by 0 B GRANT '47siii re - 051 and - 15,55 - .at. 5K1,1.1iR55 ANILLA HEMP-1.6 Was titans emn, for • ' 0 II GRANT §HAUILLhi ite WHILE., Lny you. ' Jobber 0 Wood or, ridotiorirti, rwo doors obovW Diamond a eV .00,3 LiNl32l,ll—o ,0,,,,T010s .d fancy ploid Linsey., iood aniole,joot opened and tor nolo by .dg9S SHACYLETT k WHITE, 90 Wood ei QTIMMINTAT - DRXI2 , =3 - 6 - gei — extii - ieiiviG. .1.7 thilllnOsoliabla for SUIS2II boot deeking,oo bond and bp mac by sorb) SHACKLE: TT k WHITE WADDING—WO dos bloat and white Wadding, tor solo by so,tM SIIACKLETT &WHITE VALI. PRINTS—Fivo eweaw style dark Proms, son 29 "' fled .nd for sole b iIIACSLETT k WpITF frANcarfat -- -75 pos dam !tansy vs.,. Casshoores. for Fad sides, fast reed andopr”ed by -- SIIkCILLETT k.WHITI3 PiGratrAi—ace tons Sinew Rook Mei - A — for sale by IYIBJ3RIDOE, WILSON & CO, acrid Water sl Dinolatitia or Partnership. 16 .speernersidy of HENRY HaNNEN & CO formerly Heoneo t Moller & the Window Colored Glass batmen. is this day dissolved by se withdrawal of Mo. Frederick Moller. The business twill be continued hy the ondersionod, under the am of - HENRY HANNEN & CO. Ware bouse No. 103 Second st, where we will have mutant supplies of superior Window Olen. 10I1N HANNIM: • • HENRY 1 1ANNIEN, HUGH ROBERTSON, Pittaboriq, L Alß,r, 4p HENRY UMSTEAD. NEW 8 O E F i t u f E r A D 4 . E N ICZPszs■ FAST PACKET LIRE, 32551 • lihelesiyety for Panenderal VIA THIS Ci MAT CIIPITR AL RAIL ROAD, TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALraroas. I Ott: saddle informed that Oa cadence !Saturday willthe, Ist of September, the paneogers by Am Uwe will be carried Met o.tral Rail Road from Lem. moon to Henisbugh, sad Cam theses to Palladaie pan by the Harrisbargh, an Coltman Real Roads.— ur this new areangeruent Awasertgere will go 0:00140 In on nay use eras than heretofore. The Packets of this Loui an OM and of lb* Den etua The MU. for safety, speed and entfort, to P. most preferable now its ne to tesstero skim , Rail Ronda ere MI ...a today liabc gF MT. Pacel:rart Poe Wounded now ''' w WPM, Monocashelalflrtas aurD • or 11l to LAMM Fs CO,CaseIR. piduits. • .TOREZ`IWOODtiARDEN..—aotte• prerelerrealut, 1006 per handle. tod aftditop,4ealtei PeT h... 73 0 dklfl 4 pima warranted. Orden from • distaste GI out up and (:demean. Atte, a Nap Bi wa, OreeMease Pram Featelph and Telitu'r a"P VI I". DAIS leases the Aileen,/ Sial °Nat Art 0 o_,..umb.p, L 1 St. Clan SernelßridnCor the Glat et its during the day. TLS - steam twat .reattlar tripe as soca as the river ADPrises. casZt Vshall3L IL HARTMAN ma gly,r Like LI tag each parchesedirn betareld • trot and Steel AVorn. list. Piater,w4AAAL .theSufamore of Steel, Boiler t i t . Pp Anvils, Wen, Re. kc, en n the name of warmAN k. latiNen.s to pawn' H. Ifectena, l tanDOlicl...- aseadlog to my triads ths % a loucum. Co. nalbstlw JD WILLIAMS, uo wood
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