ESTABLISHPA) IN 1786. BUSINESS CAR *.an... sit trkairs - T. — nsino dtc. wrictutisTT, ATTORNEVN AND COUNHELtAIgit r LAW, Fourth •trycl, betaccn Sszall4lteld r •,1111 Unant hitalsrgb, 11.2. ILLIA JOllll It. LARGE & FELTEN AITORNEVS AT L.AW, Fourth.. bead 1014.,1 - A RAI erkilk% CRUZ jai, Cosai . agi2l .Me L r mod Dealer.. m Produce, No. -- , Pittsburgh. 4%. “ •0•11,131. L. Vi LEADER, 1) Ury ROO.. UT ar I 4 al urueloa, he-, No. VO LittArty ore, Pmatou JT9 rrium t r umotisa axtrx.a. B. a. Iti'd t'Filt, ly bolesale mut 'newt Drue giabo,lareer al Liberty and St. ChurlltTeell, Litygri, Ea ; cur.yl4 .ua 243. arowm • B'' RU4 CULLIERT`34.OI, Wholeiile bro.,* sad C otrimlusou Merchant., No. 145;.1.abarty at., rtatablarir4 • f•xt. - da,llly. ff - X. l'o.ll/1.1C711. b. co., Whoniaic and /he: Drums., corner Wood udi WYOlesale litocc.a, In cod 29 Wood wee Pitisbargh. A. MoANtiI.TY a Co., Foroaris4 , and Cunt Merchants, Canal Basic, ealq,borgh Ye.. rhB DStsVastasso tlpring r Axle, Stoef ," if f ind Iron Work. fIOLEhIdN, • lIAII.MAN tr. Co, turdithtircntrars 01 Coach and IStptic Syringa, lianquirsted axles, klpring and Plough etech Iron, /cc. W :,,,s inhouse ott Water and Flom sure., l'atcouren. Also, dealer. in; Coach Trunuatngs awl Malleable Cuaex, r e. , octlY MAULILE V,. Mtn. ON Llut:ltlb nr,, THE MEAL OF WINSD, ILDHUND iv LLILINS,.7 CIONTINUES so manufacture blostualtina Bernd ‘,./ Vaults, Toombs, Head Stools, Mantelltieccs. urn. IMO acid Pier Tops ai lonian war drametticlaniraic, at a regular and fur price. N. A—Drawings for rocciument. veal**r. Mains. ed, of any description. Ile aoircita a einn of 'hanion patronage, hileu.du narw,p Soms-rt jNGLISH k.'I3ENNETT, (late Pdt,lti{§)! Golittz Lot (' t Co.) Wholesede ()racers, CommisSzah and kw muding Iderehams, and drolers to rno.:Aagg Poo. brorgh filadlfactores, No. 37 Wood at,L,edidortt .1 and 3d SUM, °'" ZAINO!:, L.ocusow.ost h.rialSorwo, ding Alrrchant, No. Zi Woo +se, 7 ItUIIE LUAU U.141 0 ACT6,11.V. AMIEION STEW ART, um.. iactumr, uf Ileoop H SlAlWings, Checks, ic., Rebecca .I.krt, r,:y of Abegbcoi. h.E. Isucerwoot - 11.Thrp luhy .l.e,f %Soca lx,n • L cfaril Coma...ton Itiefetta.. lOC limcneon —r ms4. bumniore s.h .W.O ttwa.Lo, Ot.ii =l „ . Is. C. n't...ston, sow... w•anza, $ 7 IFALL) S 111.1CHNOR, ToiJacco Commission Mins., 41 North Wams U, SIG /Volt. l harves, 0v..704 JUNE it Co.. isucce,ors Alwood, jl Janes it. Co.) Comm/swan and Foralsidun Mer hants, dealers. tn Ptusborgh ManutsclialTd ttood.t. Illtsburgl4., Pa. _ _ metal Malan er, lr LICOJ.W A Co., Wholesale lihrierets, Com rnissiort hlerchatith and dealer. to Produce, Nou.S. mina, and IV/ Front streets , l'alWanzsgh. no :1 - 4. -- )1IN M. TOWNS . F.ND, Druggist asd Alsothreary No. 43 Market sh, three doors otiose num se Pitoti liarigh, will have eaustautly on hand a well s elected as; sofintelll of Um best and freshest filetheisree, sr Meth he will lel 013 the most ferreous/de wane ; Paymenter welding orders, be promptly miended fa, ate/ inp plied 01111 atheleir they may rely upon tols enuum 'Er Physieraos Prosermonns will be arfixtrateiy end neany prepared loam the hest materials, rainy boar el Ye dry or tusks Also Mr amt, a largo stock of fresh and idol Perla. mat'vlJ CANFIEI..II, (late of Warren, U . V. ContralA. •iou mid Forwarotng filsrehant. ',Wholoale dealer In Western Barmen cheese, Bop Prlt and ni Pesti Ash, and Weme Produce gene Water bt, beet, between Smi th field and Wood, Pt ih. apr.l 1011 N %YAW, thirteens. to Miran Sicithart,i 11.1 Wholesale (Newer and thinotairant ;filereitant,, P rati dealer in rudoee and fier - et Al tares, ear ner of Liberty and blond streets. Pnealraryith Pa. Path j AMES S AIoGUIRC, (lab of the firm $f ithreo and V Metiaire,) fiterchmt Tenor, SS LtharkiC,Nutldings 811114 •Lrect, near Wowl, Pittsburgh 0 ' JfllidkS A. NUTCHISON, 12.0.—iitetc5; , .. 10 I Lew. Ilutchiems 16. Co., Galanumaicrit! !deterrents. , wad Age.. 01 dm St. Lou. memo Sugar Itheuery. No. 43 writer and lei (Mat wee., Pnwrairgit. )and JN. 141.,W0R1'11 to Co, 11 oatewato Orewer for Wdor- and 0.112111211111011 Idetchoeta, hod. e Dotard Powder Co N .V Ag"."' pu . bur,b, o. , Prood st, JOHN Mtlll.l.,i•<, Wu,rieauic Ilre . gr,4l,lm4,ltral. er lu Lye :qua, Num.., Jill., V•rnohes, 4c., N... Wood aut., eve aver South at Dkartund burgh..;jnul gt:111:„ Jr., & 1 : 0., (troccerr..r .' WJo"cyu U. U D 111,14 Stip Curckr. rtLer 04,1 JUIIN 11. MELLON., SVlaulcwrie and Boleti de.xlr, to Blume arullibuircal Instruurenv, ti4le,ol LW.), roper, Maws, derel rcerr, Llel l l, l're+ l .ere litrozonnzy gerieraLly,Plo. Wood _XX Kegs bouFt..or take. grard, prpls a L IS o. C/101.411MAlibit & Co, %Vholcsal! :DruggeoL, ..1ti..91 Wood .10001, ktusburgb.. :'• • JWIN D. DAVIS, Auctunteer, con= Ala &lad liVotßl streets, Ptruiltunit. • onnl JUIINSTON STOCK'rUN Booksein4a — Sraters and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Itturnui st., Pao-- burgh. a-a Irmiltio J& U. FLOYD, Wboletale liroeers, Comato , ..ton Merczatitz, and dealers m Prodocc R. 111.1 1,1 . 0 - 1 •I- 40 d ,0 6 0 4 It onutas on Liberty, t..4.1 ' end t.ti, httaboto, IN. urye I.I.ILZELL, IV'hole-sale 0r0ccr,1.4 . :121.1.,,0n • biateloant, and detain, to Praloc..c DIW kat...Wash ittanobneatirea. No 21 ‘,5 ater IL, ittulturgh, ;ant If 1 ACOli IV EA V EH, W palcwe m d 141.11 De.;• ler Lo Furexpt Wines mod Ltquortt, =Wald Morton. • Ryc UVa.teyn, comer Pint and .!otter 172 lE.'ltd JON LIS, Funrantang and Comnivw ton 24c, data., Lealt-n. in Praluee and I'Matsfrth waou laetared unities, Canal Llustit, tear 7th at. tr. PIE.hIII PlirrblitllttiLiii;lPA. ENIs ELY, OULU'S lc CU., Muuutacuircrs at arty aopnOr 4.4 15lircUsivy Carpel Chain Coati.. Twine and Baum:. • 4a14.-1 y Vesuvius Iron Works. • LEWLS, bALZELL a. Co, manalucturtis of sal xes Shect, Boller 4..1 and Nollaol tha boot qUallty. azahousc, 54 walcr nod Lob (told ea. L. In ....w tja l co 'ilt.S m.u. LAN .o ,,Vl :l.4 "ho c i nv sa h. ie. o4 4 l. ,.rot l r l l :7l4 .l : , burgh 11121,4Ucturee laud Produce, Ploc 4' 'Water at and G. 2 From .127 Kandiif &DT & eAWYiEIIr 1306.114 ti IiLAOS Manstmeturcrs, mot Vihalcoale J.. 4 dealers in foreign and domestic Variety tioeds. Western merchants., runoff atsd others-are tovitml to call and examine the braces and gustily bLutte staek, as with our present Increased meat.. tonnoloethi• :g and intr....tog, arc trout we min otter ea glee unlncements to buyers as buy other Loa. West of the .111011131.16.118..1+,4 y _ _ . staZa Wall.sae. D. Wt.. c ILA WILL tc hole.ric. Grocers azti C.asuus... In slop licschnists, No. ILD4 Lawny MUHPHY, & Cu, hate M ate a 'Co.) Whuleule DcalerA to 1./ry "Garp..l.., Nu. .1, rrtu.ttrEh. 111. , iia.r , INA ter. Rooms, comer of Peet Othee Alley an d Foulb meet, eutrrutee on 4111 near Matta.. MMEMMEN I=CEMII= /01173, M. V. you. JONES 4 411100. 1111ArtUFACrlikkath of apnlag and blister 11i plough steel. seal plougo conkit emil •prtngs,mmuarc.l MU &lie., mud dealer. [u i3J 'table eluting's, hrtn env,. Insup., and roncik rnmrumgr gcnendly, conic, 01 IL., muLd Front • I . l.4urgly Ps. eteri . ee N ee:f ' role te, Ni ele ' n l ' e7rt te ' l l7 :l;e :". kg ' d -sea Doomed.) Balls of Fanhan,e, es nameless( Defeo.- de !kale Notes and nepeele. .1 dry . Colleruous eusd sle the lenncipal ewes sserosgbont tee linked States deel7 IM nvauckerEic, akadontstsyr Went, Fount. thud door abase Sentenced, sown Ude. eoneoyaseang of all kind. dune with ins giesesse safe and legal steuraey. Titles:a Ideal Emote simonised, he. oedlo.l y DIG. GNOMON lU,coo K. AAFFICE, Fourth etrees, near Orem, Isa. the mann .41.17 oacsapsedray Alderman Mailer, loamedmte Ir orPorme Mr. imarivrric... me may Lc ,nntl,t al I. NO. li, St. taLartes liet.L • - - - 11. T. Embargo, al. D.., rein attend, to the , treith %.F.anziartf leaeases tit the Eye. Or. Eha+ been engaged to tom branch Of the raedn eal profession for stamen yea, and be. ,onitlactsd an tatabastilat'al for the Iteauncul 01 iliacattis if the eye alone tar errant ye.. times and reatilenee, corner of Statetlaitky One Earrbetri alley, Allegheny eny. 0e ,13 PEKIN TEA ISTORE.—ND: Fa Fourth k iwas ...nem Wood—All quantutm. ol i thmen and !Wok To., done up to quitst4i, oath and Walla Pxkl(C2, tanAnnj from fa , ctr.. Fer Pound jy.l A. JAI N 1.23, Art for Yekin Few Co. AUL. 1) .IWIIISON CO. havlng assoeino4l - 110: 1 1M5 urrt.E, Myer Mt thew to I , uattee,s,:tlic bolo tale Cu...cry, Prodace wan C010011.2•14/1 bemoans will be coutittarat mt areal muter tun Urn] of itinn,,ou, WI Ile k. Co. • UTILE h. co, No. IS , - 14eity street . Whate.ple ur , 1 . /induce and ,outraission Merchants, anti dealers ta,"Ytttst , orgl , Manufacture, iT7 mum ecose.oa. mos tairta. assn.. tr V nlit,etsfyiog 1.1,WW de.a t i ; " m ‘ P k' roZo l 7ll . ltoih n' a r rgb Mum. , rvoy auld VI koalla of F0t,404 004 Doomithe andLberty 0140verf of anocrior old . 1 1uuougat,G1 gortuth v.sll Le uala low for ea.h. 1114511karf DALiELL er. Oolcairc; Groeers, ClOmni.aion Lud Forward:as deulrro r kmiglce sad riltaborgh Aluoulattama t y.mrty al IRw ace ana . 041 . Wholddale Groddt N0..194 .544_. Puttl.rgt taanaled,rdd. & S,[llE,Pdmardlogailtiv.'""Ls.o Neg dad.. ( 1 41 , th ° &" . ..6 40 07 14derrrstd m d ers rnl id On a ngina 1 nod...,t.eatge and Chloe% ad 0f unoructurd, dd tpridod,!,...d.. , o, paid at ad dined for coma comer of .xOO and Ida j.„4 V. \urn., moTZt. `DZ.I ; `,„ s ii r tz g , -;; L - d Lk ,,,„ D u Good. Nia.lolVolZi Plusimust, kiT,/ i 4174 4 AGAL'HY Wb01.14 0 - n ,„„„; S Monet strett,locLureuu:ru, „„,luod GU, Nardi fade, PUdadclp6ui: , .wr y 'Yowl Hcrcfiuit., thy,. }7 a io Sour and Produce gesupaif, and COULUiOIO[I tdcrclouuLs, Vn tj Waxer et, Pu. wry! ... ... _ •,.. ~• ,• --. -1. -. ••,,,, : • •-•••-i: .•-•:. -,„ 4 - : m •-,.. .4 T ..t,. -• . - • i -r... 5 )•. --- 4 . A ~ ~ . 11) . ~,, :_...,J..g.... .. :., .... z. _ ~.:: ir4l' Zi _.,,... ~ 0 , ...„. n' 5 -I ^. -;,-- 3. W - •-zz",s :...--` .'af 4i • .•,m.........----_ CARDS. • ssi.inim errrsso.. J011N10101.6, 0A attA,7r. Ki.LERs it Niel/LS, Produce and Gener:4lo.n.- 0 mist". hierebenut, No. 17 Liberty •1., I . ll.l.lwrKh. I.ln,cd and 1..5tt.1 ltily F VON BON N11611114.T. &Co, Gro • ten, Porwarrhnr and Commusson ?dereLais, Lk.Orr, Ylcusbor,rh hlnnoketorrs 0a..1 We.tcrn No. IVc ttivrc removed to ticlr 0.- - y worehoo.e.(ul4 stand) 0 . 53, rorner of Fro2o. /4 211.1 Chooccry Lane. trASt. , EN • ,0.,.r• 33,dt unma... Merchants. and t• rodare No 35 sto 'Kb p 024 T. r. rcasrr Tit , oll.k scory, :and tiro. tn .IL TrooLs, Itona,W. ,orner apt 45. nod tmouthlic4l,.. p; .otus wtes, D• YT.41,1 , 1.C.7.1 iCK M'CANI.I.I , ..g, I•occeo.ors to L J. D yy ww.,) I.\ nole.air Grocer.,Forieuroltna. nod ContruuNion Merchants, in Iron, Lotion }arm, and Putsbargla Monufveturen grnerally, c0n..., Ai \ Vtaal nod Wm.. , - t.m.burvh Wit )IF(.t,T Ma ing cstaldishm ' ent.No..lll ' near :he mud Txr Jew., TT .- and Ithlitary Goods, rororr A, •:1,1 . 1:n StreetS; Pittsburgh, I . v. N. IL. a1..11.-• coretully repo.tre4. E - r BOW EN—Coxat....Lon um: Forwrtan& :err:snot. No vu Front st. between c 4.1 and Merke l / •treet:. Wit. 511:11.1 . 111, Wk...., mod 111,•11 druirr :n • Forttro and rknoe*tte Dry 144.1,, North root et Nlnrl,l and I ..0,0 .4.21 no. wn - t, IA I Al.. It. NG & 011 Dente r• 1.1 ..alb., V 14.: 141:erty Wd IL M'cuTrin . A.N, Irr• tt. Pft Irno, el.t biwth . diamaselutes reDer/11, •I, bur,l3. W I ZC N . AI WM. VOUSIG C 0. .& EALEITS IN' !MIL', AND ItEATitER. 11 Shoe roollogt, Ae . 11.1 1-tttet .er.. jl.l retmv,4l ate.- SI'ItING STOCA nt pot,. e, att• prt.lng a lame esocatsw•al aro, .e• ct 1r to otlttelt the ottention of porch:L.. , r era melds PETTIGMENV & CO.. 1 to 4STEA at It AT A.m OrrICZ•BOt, M A No I, l% INSURANCE WEOERN IMSELLANCE COMPAN-1 OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL 000,000. . . truoilre laud. or VIM:AND 111AILINK AU. foss, will ho bberu.l.y tolAsted nod r p roin.l., peat A Ltonle lortitution—mnzrneed I.y Lltlecto, o• e. rcll kmnen in Ili corn and iio ure N Lt poymptnedl. and ht ertility to =lcy gorly , cls they have otTrt;111 ;;;• protemath to dinar who drama to he hw, d Ktruorlotra.—..lL,hlOlcr, Jr . Gro Mask, .1 It' r N. Holt*, Jr.,. Wm.low, \ Jur Lsoni Wro .1 14 on. Jos. Lipinneo, Latch, Jain, NT oley. Psnwk, Nrwt Ot rani, No.:0 Water strew, la . ..Cho:We .31 Spa., & up staws,lil . toshurch. at , INSVILAN 111.:LA1A 511/71: Al. SA r 1.71" I \ I . - RAP:CIi YANK --Otos North Mown o, the Eachauds.Tturtlatrewl, Ploladsloton Fu., Ittnuaaaati..—kluslchog, March:l,l.ll.e and other proprrty TOW% nn4 111,11.11111 arnwst dausage firs al the low.. rate prrnourn Maw. la ortas:ors —Thry also nwars .•.. • r gewa Pretglal, foretan or soostasn. sod, w,ra or special floor tr., is the awsun, way de•., lal-saliTas..ssrewrsplow —The, al. taw, re torrahoo dwa traitsported hy Wagons, lisetroad • Csnai Boats mil Stcam;llOata, on rtarta and lalrrs. on the most lit:Kira! terzt. DIRECIIOI. Joseph II l 4 r st, Ethantol A Ssal, John C r la, Ito wrt Burton, John It Iron rose, Nowa Fsleraids, tiro is Lelia., Flrlword Dorosaton. Isaas K Kaat•PNNlLlla t u a t r.t.el.J.lot Nea.. Dr N I Hus ton, hd, Theopbtus Paulthos. II Hmo.3, Cratg, tipetwrr Ir Uvula, Chark, Krill. J 1. Joonson, Ns J d ¢ hum H. Dr S 151ornay John :Wile, W 1.:).• Jr Ut RrArroas PITTSBURGH-1J T N/o, on. Ilaplry, lop. T. Logan . • 1. I WI L LIAM MARTIN. Pre.."l,l'. S N-rool.n, Sc.-roar , 4,413ce of It C.mpany. No 42 NV Cr! !suf.,. Rttt4bsil•gb. )41 s:dif P. A MADEIRA. A,. 1 , 1174 , 11121i1i killAt 14: I CISIMANC K. fling INSURARIOR IR, 4 ./ .1. mg.. p,rotitleol and 1144.1R-.1 Inca , alive .4 ,ro perly le city End ririally, rola 1111 l ror Canal, KR I.4krit. and 1., S.- a. T 4, rI • - eorop ar4 44,11 1nv , ,,..1..141 , ...•4.•.. stlole ar, r •:Alln A :14a dutire• tdi protleird In4arouc4 m, 04_1, 44 . M. J0NE.5..44,-nt. 41 ..: iIIIDERINITY. TA. Prcfrllitt Rirt In,wrattec P , Lladelp4o.a. )1 , 11...17:/..t . . , h I , llt r y t tr• irl 1 (leo. 4111.1:41,0-: . 11 Mo . rdecai Done, Up, ol a. Mown. morn, Pao-....,n NIMEM=I COIEULIt, 171 iusttmorc, pernetosl nr Inteled as Ittveryr.ert of property 10 town or • ouhtry at to us how asihre connagent stilt to-curdy. To Codaynny hrite re wordn large contingent rued which with the Capital nod Prentlatn•...ately ot.eht cd, tutfortroneple ptrotertion to the a••uren The aeicte di romontn7. on of I-19 n • pobl•shrtg hperatly to 00 .1 01 As•eudtt . n , follows, th It Niqr. tenle••r • • ... • f 1.047.11, 41 IllettAt Lntata• • 94.7,1 'retth,orarvtl.onn• 61,.1.,4,2 7, Suter ahtir atearporsoon, • aren't' of yea rs. they have pea upwurils of one nall•ontoot hundred thou. and Jun. It by lire, thereby toe., e. cf the hOnotairrti of autoroute, un oreli n• the a! t.,t y and dinplio,tauta tq taut, walls prooltdoe.• J. IiARDINE R oFFIN ,fil . Arent, morly Otter N Ft. eor , •r Wtett, tt , l ht •.• INSCRA IC CO. Agent at Pttuthorgh for the Detu . wale hiatudl.Safety Insurance fnmyan y ot Ititto,• arlciplitag re Ado [woo Initldaug• and ine , ,• of cverh,l de•eripiioO, end Monne. Betts nova nu ...• cargoes of venao?n, taken upon the mu , las ne shie Rana. arse In thittt V‘'areholise of W. ILI 1/0100r, & Aro- MPothr, neSr Masket ntrerh Pit.horgn N. I.l.—kiThsucteas of dun Company' sitter the r .151.- 4.lanerd. l bs /story In thot CO. ~1111 WC (1 itt neon wale/ wh•ch every e 1..., Lyn,. went for lon. Ins bO.Oll ottlnixted. fully warrant the ne , tortung thr enithtionce and itatrotne n , , utt the roottouto:y at lerge to the t h e tao arr S. ran, tkirnpany, tvloie tt hasaddatotod eato•g•-• 0.0 nislituttoo nhoong (LC MOM iloterotho,x hut :the,- P , “o—ret;itna th, 011 no.ple pand-ttt ertintall. nv th• oiterattotY . Otarter ettrorant.y my ytefdlug In s lob pernon itouted It, du.- au n t •uh the eurliparly, wllbout mono. (nut at ah) respon Ility whatever, and 00, tore 0' the Idottaal thre.ted ot c•ery onne.tton• leu lure „tJI, FII ' .1. " 17141; ' 371r1.171 ' N ." 14 ' 71 SUILANC 1•1 rimiE lasainnce Cotoputry rot North A uw, 1 . tut dilly out/tor/zed Ag•tto. the tten•erther od• r• to wake petrhatettu mad hooted Innernore f enee t• t .1 Otil city Ishd t vi , Wei 1,11 h, tu• oal and i DI R1 2 ,711/11,1 Arthur (I Vothn I.llnrir• Tay. 5.13'1 Wk Jon, , Alohrow W kw, Edwardßum, Jur , . SI 'n...11.., John A. brown, /nn R : , ...a. John Wirne, liwnard I Wood, Thomas P itni.:, - V, ,r 1 Wel‘h, Snontel P. Sandi, I rann.• Iln.icn. Suntnel qlook, ...- 1... Au.. kino, ...... • ___ . - - . I I[s. r. 811#1.11 , see'y TI,. I (J) We olds{,lshmranee Company 111 the I 'wed States, Ifithing 14er, chartered DI I;h4. 111, hart., 1. , peri.esuo!, luid (t' 45 nn Ingle mandsoncr. lohg riperh.hee. ample retilon., at nvoiding all nal,. of au extra hoz. and cl[hOr.iciert it may lee cortmdered a. offerinh am. plc ccoutily to thd poblw. W. l' JON lA. 1 At the thUghlt , 14.0021 of Atwood, JUhr •A. CU , 11.. Le and 11 1 ,ront .. rithatuchh ne, 5 TillitibßACß Rilif ea: bend appoknted A{eht pro tem.* the Itimsnee Company a North Amer.. and will IfutPe I'o <it , and atteud to the wher hh•.”....., of the Agtehey, the P. atellou, th A .5. hod. J.•. . 5 CO. ahl2, FORWAROING & COMAIISSIoN. cltrx COP & BRE E FORWARDInt A CUM A31.,,10N I.lo'll 'O6 A,. dAnlero . q‘Vitar lv Ind.. , Will au.i2ll;; . : . E9 .l'" :l ' y ' t ‘ u rr t:e '. rta ‘ l ' a " o l 7 " l s tr " (..•!:: . in; u to tto, ear, 8i dto—lta~ y aley & Swab, IL Tanner A fu . w A liguinktigh, !pay It Co , Morph), •N Ll•otk . 114ttual., ltsatlans & nod it... scutially; Nev NI Do lc,. 8. Co, lie, Wray, We 11... nil, .6,0 lIN sd, R , FrirnerA ;10,1,11,1 0u ,- A lll.ltoWn & Muladvlrava la. A uro , 406, Ilnimes &I . lloyearet,l.o.uvellle, N.,. lobo e. Nt Ilandy Y. lien' .... a:level...WO.. t.a.., J 6014, a./.[-. 0w1., 43% & 1 . 0 . 'leaver. ha • , It A. SII A W. TACAI OF POUR AND MET . . . Monicuinsioh Merchant and le d ()twat r!, NO 4 CANAL. SI . 1 :1! , 11.1`,..,1 I 1 0111/ alt nuon pn.t In me ~nr. of any Produce ot A lorwenthig or toinds generally H. I, „, • •. Meal , * /dusi t'e S. C Pat urn, ter cu. d /odes! 1•:/1 . 11.11 tr. Ltennett, Ol•roitC7 .3111C111LAN. Consertlisaion,nad Vorwrarell Merc haat. wa,, lonrrertrEs to transact a general COUEOlis.tli II 111111 eepemilly in the puccluare and .wt- ut non rn can A1.14.01=1410111. and Produce, null di rercoode formardints hoods eoustgnml 1111 car , A. A c ,.„, the Madttraeturee, he will be Man. 41.1.11, xllppilett x. 114 the pruittptd articles of PitoMergit hlotodnet..o. a, me e *hole. e rices. Unless and cowls Low,. owr re at snectfully p irt ed. JAIL Vii•ol.• IC rirrama uro • W.',/,' VKATMAN, R I AN A. Cu., FOKUIitiIINU b COMMISSION NEItCIIANTS, tb-.1 Second ntrect matt? dGm• `if I , Mt) & ATKINSON, amwtiatt Wodo •vt. Mamie, l'otlnmalan / IrrN" NUE tO manufacture all khnln ol 1111 . 1'Elt. %,/TIN ANL/SOF:Kr IRON V, A ItE Pow, smith t ro rir. Stec Boats Molt to order. Spent tenone riven scram boat wort linen gamic 1 Mir a.otuvent of Copper nTnl names, n Wale, de de {....031. 4 . 1 .1 Ponabld Forges, anus. soma— very eon reldeot ar. L et annnfttn,Cnlstatus• cohgrains, 0r v nnad to.d 4 n'PecthillY "lane steam boat Well and mhers c a n sag see our ',notes and prices wane elte6tore. ,rl7 FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LI6 II T TitF. E T II AI.T I 1: it I ri.. AVIS 711‘1.10" . . THEIS cntohliallment lone nud .4 s TN. being •nte o( the mo•I romtnenua ~ .Inn. •.• of " lialtirtmoe, has ren entlr en•lerrune v ..• sive alterabona and t•nprorement• A r•d re wing ha. been Added. ..dam., onmerto• sir-ening agnomen:, tuld e 1e.., The lathe depart...nun t trt• n . .. 0 Id reureamted and filled on a nu , unume n •tyle. In fart the who.- aria cement 0 , 1.••• lien remodeled. wt. I sue.- • re 0:1e par, 04 doe proppnorn. board. theroullort a.••• „I thou Guest), tool arlr. h ,h e y „... challenge eompuoinonwtiA :my 11.01 in It.e. I .•• nalde will aloe , * Ire ....lied eau. eve 11 -O. anunal and legate a L.ell the market alibul• „„...d up La nape rano my.: 'eh. , In the wag of Ave. A... they RA/ 1101 eurpaeneol In en...n.119, pron.-nor. beg. sap, that ”I'lk no vr.II lea undone on then. parr and an the pr n. nuur render Au. Ilan.. woo.) the • en:outage the.r trten. and 11.0 puhld. The pen,. tot hoard have al•ro L•t • .1 lo.oong Ladd, I•elutney. per dry ltentletne.. • 1.30 N. —ll, Itaegnee Wean.. or the lion, se, At. way. be lound at ;Ile Oar Ulkd Steamboat whoa. w.ll convey baggage In and from the lb. ure of r move. 1,11.. a or a. vs,. 1:1,11( •..., 111,..1, ,:I,tv u'l u 111., WEEMENIENI . . pa.. *lll Lr •pittril zire mak, tOr Endrangr oar rt I. vet v trt eoulitr y rnr under., ned ro-q•a•tru!:y •Arrrlts • col, a Om 'err, patlorlar•• Tlll 01M3 OWSTW, Pnwr LARIARTINIC H0V1414. )0[4,11. IND norrawrat. 6ulworther ret.pertfulls Illt1110 , r• taw Abe ha.. now nprard In. new and r 4. lintte. fr the arcommndanott avetrr.. In.unto, and ii., rani, generally Tito hnnw an. 4 canto y new. and no [maw expntwo nave Itnea onan..t to rt tt one nt mow nominwanto tt onttant I knew In etty delormtnod to do-rwte. •tt.l lnrrr ''are tl lit tt ttll. P ta.rownte. , .00.1-111% J Awl tlronnoinr l'til'VED STATICS LIOTICI., eurvekx ot. ( I.le Eluitt of Or l'mtect de.pti,L M WIPE AI rrc 11E1.1 LAW OFFIi:Es, " .r;m111.1]. ATTOILNE V AU' LAW, Jjertier. frs L?r, ' ,..:r ml a 1; rot.. I, 11.rtrr to J 2 It rov.l Fr I fl Jrturer 11. r V a J 11 4 1 1'1 ri.VIC. . . •I 10 rr. •r RirlF1:11 Black rtnr.t. 11,11 2t. ) 1 - I,lErr l'n r.trrzlr I) 51n.,11, 1 1 4 4 . rlrr.l arr nrrrl lir •rttrelr, yrrri,, , r) •ylsnr•ra. for 13111, I. .1,:t: hr S r R.t rrr.-11,,r, 44'm IL 2 -4ml. rur..• ertur I. 2 I'nrotrurn. Val Ilny4. 1r r , EIDIECI= FIAT CAPS AN BONNETS. DUCOII.O Kin,/ ok ra•lnlonnabl• Illatter•. Cur . of 11',44 rr.,t F; 11 nu rwt•LAR nn.eolon pa al to coo T • T Ge stie” ~,,, ran on,/ upnn ••••on, n•rir Ila T ou:•••lntn..nniero To• roo Coma, Alerrhant, PnY•l,ll•,, by 11.,,,T ' . • • ,Y syn r. 31 won onlll.n. thal a• TT ‘r.T.t •T nod nn. nn • comp, na... • • hon., ra.n.0101,0.,.. 4 4 . I,- I, y FAsllltnrft: it/. It IN A • IS bar. now open a • .I,ly •pt 7 140, • •n, I.lnrn FAIToo,, V.. non, .14.,u..l Mno.n. • incontn.s.rothroidertal :,•••••• :.1 tr• 'I,. • n lar,e avtornorro of Apr i 11•00.• rel., 1 . •,;1/3 cnO corne 41.11, nun .klarArt so - cr . -- Whnlv— c i!•• ilooreoup •Lu.r. 1.144 (11•PARMERSIIIN,.*3 Coparturraltip. A Itra.t.ley, ,Ito Luu.tett• tti farm vrtlt •roc, •,,ItoOr ott /oleo t et ,te rat ~,, I.IIBmOLUTIOI%. tom oi 111 . 1 4111E1,1/ h. 1111. -11 .1:n• u J,.Vecl atteru II llas . II 11i.Y4.:J dur Air Yrl ed 1., A !I al. Jct., by in,- ,a. firm r ‘l.l '•, Ill: 1 111'11:1 I/ 1•IIIWur, I.lg It 11 11.11 Cat Alt rvilt. , llv—, h 3.... .1111 ,111' I 1.0 a I.l:‘l,Eit giniffillin vkA, i•ont I,:11 , r 1 , 0 •113 V I • • it !lAN, r t'nf. " „TiolC, " 73:r •.,I.y mew, onset, M.,.•• rpm. t ot r o %/1.1r14• y nu1.....1 w•• ti enflrern . 3 A rliAN11:1. Cc O,VA It! I 1110,11 ND BU RKE . T110:11, 4 BARNY, on the ottomoo tot k It N . , lotooto•c fot nuttoutot.•ttottnt, F!to• },00( Soo, ,o Vault Dt.tor• mom Itor hrm 11,10, A I slta •J. erg. pwetnurr fr 1,11111,1.4 141'1' A 11.1rne, to mt. vorifidem , oi n. 1'..11 9.141, 011.11.143LUT111N. itr 11.11 i hr . , .1 11 , 11 Hl'lll. I•l.t.bure't, Jan gi.l-11 , 11 I. El. 111 trot. , Denn thr firth of Murphy . 1 td, lltt,tturt:h JIIII ill. i" J NIUEI •1 1 r 1 ,111.: yutrwrit , r. selyr. toh,thr tor ihr put,th , 111.111,2,., yrltotr , stle hitt!, tall Dry I tog., told I at No . ..It I,therty, oppo,, th,rtttlt t, .ty tr /1110 i WI :Ail 1141.. ut-J.ll,th 1., my I. It. It •I tur ttitt Val. 1 10111,• au,t 111, pulth.• err hi, ti RTNEILSII \NT ,I FE r A I'IKIN,O:4on me 1,. ....F.prr, 1%;..r. tos Jri x!i t Il,r c,tl oflll,l •irrrl. °cur llrurty .1 . arty ti um , l . r, lO ..... W 1,1,4 I r i " • . r u wit r Luo J .NS I .1 P11.551J1,1 II / uun, I 1-1 . 1 f!! ' :; ' ,r t /It. " lo! ~,, J. u sUU " K ' t.. \ \ln 1444,44 r. , o 55 ILI 11 \I St, 4 .5 :so) t I NI BENNETT A, BROTHER, gFur, - • %VAR! , N1A7,1.11 , 1L. Blrnossrhaurt 'neer Plt tsburA•l3,' I. Werreltutt,-, No. i Wood air: , :, itilirbtsr44. zz v i J . 3, • no.le.vvntr) INlvr cio at. •, rv•yrc rd to rail 3el r *ate for sr vr- •, Jvterrutor•l e r .:l cheaper Ur. n ~,, before beco offered Is I .. „ , . ~,.,..,1,.. ~,,, I. 1:1 • )1 I.u•r, uu~ iu 4un JA 11.741'1.1. Penn Blochlse Shop. El %%Pall NIAN —Nlenuoactuo, od k.. 4441• lon •4141 swoon., orltoo-r. The zoo', nork• lo4lu now oi to!. noo o•-ot 00. ranOn, I u/0 iououtsl nuonio, 4.441.44• 4.. on 41i•irii• 14 .11 linos 441 lounittoury 4404 One •44. it ••••44.••••, ENE tiont , ... or moor., for merr nay,. or o.orr, tura. kr,ll.c . sr.& imd took to gro. rol. All 1,..1.1•rrr,fr.r. fluratir v for grartug 1.act0r,.... or entil• .1 r •xr .13.1•11,4. Ilert trt, Co 1 Pr..Ocrr & Co .1, A bra r PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY 4RNING. A 13,6 HOTELS ' F a rt i:IJi n rtu. N - .~ I ~I. . ,udn~t~.n ! oral Ilmon'. 4y Ia ul ritlor.ll,2l, rl 119.0,, 1,, 1.. Itl, , ”s. Ornigt" I.y Osvyl. ~,,, I Cho... • •Ie vo 1-17 I' r,v or Aoler.rr ov.n.o t.y 11 II ropily..r Wee 1...14 , l 1.. r Expetloson I/end Neu llt ver Joriloo 1.14(q*. •I o 111111 iltnotroug ton, a..d • Nt:., num o: Encland A new •unr: llnrner'• 011, 01 i .11. n. in •liep eno.:one 01110. Chu., I. ur 1121; a t. 0.1 and u.r ..adc. ley H .' ru 0.142 Apttdo Hutidenga, Hoonn 1.11 1V Mt H OF Nll/DEILP. 11 TER. --Th.. S. v.. 0 1.01. q... Joilll HU•k...HU dam.o'oBo,lnm, and u 1.2.1 1. tn.. author 000 vol 2.0.. /00 pod. di . J AIJF:S T NVothl .1 Ni." Sothr, C.IIInIOII rterr rd., I, it.. •on-L.l•ln Joloit flood Ilatirn, 11 I. lIIEBIESI •'I ' r..a r ;t. ' Hooper • :11,1,eni thea, lourd..en'• do do Cooper, Fur2lan.d.. L., tion tan a Sara, .CA.11,10/ • ‘Vork., 1 vo , •. I OH 14..6., re., , ...r, Annual,. \\.:n.,. on In. rn.e. i., l'en.,ro a Mitten:, Med:en nod tre - rnneetir Chopm.,,, Erupove Fevers, Ova, ...Tialles ra., ~ , I.diorstnx,, l'ruenne ol Median., AO., 6 Inree and 0 , 6:. apeir 11,. F 1 1 11,00 on nr,...t and :or FA.l.lttl'E A 124.1.1. M. 'AO NVoml litiSr kV:A ALII.I \\l TIIF -I.llAaus 411 d iu 11. le iert,rlll A", rLa. .tu•we Lan era. • twe vo“oor., new. 11.1,10111 ilwistrecoo, 'll.ore n rem.. Juo.lle,tolu: tozabinateoa lereelot, ,orokon. nntrntonn.•nolt • we •ootneAleer oo eimonk wort of knee , , :oenuve, • • Mr lw, alatat a•••• 1., • aan •aa paa turr an taw, ttal.caaturatua. a• taw, tabu. I .aut mat, at yor • It. I.ok n• •Orn U 4 - ...... -Oa, lar aloft reaatart,..- w•arl. I , a. a, - 11 .1,011, Di, 'l,lN'a,aala tsa Warn! - It Periedit•l l.tterstgre. I Tla•• I..madotat aftalatra, a• If • 'I a. - sae.. Q " " `" Hat' \•. U , lart• • a Iat,••••• I aaa,•atvaanat'• •ur MAC 12a, • N 104 1‘.1 . alarar 11,11,1 ane latataa• unnu .kr v, on tn.. papa, nlu, J 1,, W. 1,1. V 6 1 - .1.1.. floilrrii and ntiyar t,urnitnrr r rokvve Oa, on . y, 0.. hot, rota trlo.t. to ovJer. toe.ont oro, boo, cor.ot r,cootted 41 . ar, troislof 4.3 to go, ple 1. Xjl, 51.a1, , ••••• Diaphragm r, for Hydrant WaLl•r. TIDY , I, Inerr•• , , %Mal I O•r potatrd L•v•ogatna 11., ..o r-olsat e Ag-n, tor tor •a• •2 Jerto.t., • Pa Irlayra:•frm r tor it, rli Ewa 1•1 •••••I.ll•rghra, P,1‘.1•1101,• 1,•••1 V. 1 4 r.• •••••1••••• ,••••••-•-, ratirheu ill, •• a •••,u , •••• •.to •,, I .1, %I, tioN k r. Ibt• Filtering Conk, rEn. Which mode" evainy purr hy tri ~,,, rooinarr•, rI lon u, W . ller 1 otk ° 0 ' .7• • •„7, " 2;.. lotering yol, anew. lerin ticroal impure mat:noire rt.” ,• tie rnor noir or Ilia with ell hydrant realer he. Itrv• loan. inf . L. ',rot aral onrahlr, and to not mend, aria 1/... irnioooloarc air:, .1 lor wart t..inr••• r• netraiord troika t hring ..riacand fan ao watt, pi, by morn].) ni foe kry or handle •..lo to the nth, f• t y . tilt rary yrnnrek ao, etoare *sof to chntired, wad nil. cniontiletion• fr nape re •utotanne• e & at tem, of cornon ti.ocirertnt th• Fillet It *lan p . advanteite °I being atop e ort. arid pr. ••• a ntuly nue, sea ho vett COPV,IIIO/1.11.1../ /' ...111 1. , a Linea, retie, Inert any pre••are. tot! .•••• In a en• till, he o r RP , . ro It• rtE ode Ater, %V. LE tVII.nIiN, Nal •i• It , t1,1111'..../ 11 1.1,1/FIS I 1) , I I • lo UI IlEl TI III}: A., LI/at:St, 1111:1,1, AND IMAM FOUSIM 1 . A/ LI,N, I . llllfr 1L. Jr....1 I A F LA PI, An, ',town...A ni lIA NA•CA v••• MM..)FIu '..yam ,rAte,t, llonongethein I.lvery Stable. 101111:ILI' II 1 . .11 - 1..1:,t0N i..t• .l ar rßnJr 1 F.r.l Ullik I lit 1 .111 a I•11111.1,r1 dor re 4, Mnalo, ,tu rntirrl ot y t, 41/ osokle• anal ..urtiag.-. ol t... aiyalt, nik.l 1.10 p o trtoorr 1)1 i 41 r INU\ rt , —aktk.e i t. 4 .1 . N t.r.rr and clprnel ad i k itYttO , ttn ittgrn tt , I:ro.i. go 10 t our* ...olio,. °Cot. to tront 3.1 rapt- N .tur.• with prom... •. :god ...rotor, -ocor.o , r MIN . ° nod taller ion.roo too on.vortoollli. char, , . arc trent tool io 111 J .to.. lore ro I.luor loot, Ithotoototott Ar.“ ". Improve.less. In I.lnnn.. ~ ,,r 10.1 I. rrn .1, %oat., w .1 it. .•••rofron.alaiioir a! . .• 11 at ont a Ow too, ...Ga. 21 1 1 / 1 1 ,1 '1 1 t•roaalit oat 11,1 44444 log•eihar oJta I tt Wool. tttritt the itttsto rtitt,tttre vtittedatttl. at,ortittettl herr: att ,fitttltwill `ottt at I ,e,tttat. mattuttAr urrr. tirtrrs. ItIII at, 011410 kI.EII/-.K.0.1a. tt, J IVeA,JA , ell , i 1l 1, 1. , 1 I:II 11/e 11, Ann, tram II tp. , awl A l• II AJ , ost \u .n• A CIA., I.A ..... I'l MY, rmyr,..d Prrgon%lAmy2A ntAir. AJ• ' uo• Avvetl to rail awl ner ib.rn At .AA 11, A A /61 , S yeti itrarket its tvz • r 1.1 B1)Oi TRADE. l I.- I .rlv ,l nrr rr,n I.V U.•lr 1.1111.r1..r111ri.1r,.. r.,1 \ls,-„r • I.y b. , •on :1. 13x . y W ~r‘r• It II I❑b,ur, Nita, of Fr "ler, J S. t. I . ..etia. Iry 11,,v NVn.l4wortle 1..,1•01• /1 1 .1.1\1 am, I rot -to STOCWTON.A, vor Mat trt c• A u Itlt 1.11 II E. .te —Auterit,Jl raw, up ‘eret.kt, 1 , :. i, Agrlcu iutc. Ar. r.hrin RIZ3NZMIMIS=I J %Mr. D k%%1,1,0. EMMIEM!I9 Iv ~ H.~. I. ... ' .11.~ .. I ~ . i t l.n 011- , 101:4..10 M `; pu.r. Iht “. I+utt pwr •, • 11., • rtl . pt It 1p: • 211Erlar Plnud., ~„„ • -pair !Alp, IVork A v.-P . ., •••ormrnt rorumnu r•... aiutp r:tgallt• 114. .13100 {0 11114 . 0 i“, fir Swam 114 , .• funnelled •bar. 011 rra.stal. lerrn• n . 11 y. I, • 0 MIEMMI ad a •• . I •.; : 1"r " U T 39; • 1849. .141KVLLANEOU8 Cltutet r 011ate t Cpcoa. /140. Baker's A eetrrieten anti Preneb Chnrolot,, tl.teta 'Poet., Brom., Crutoa tehol4., Art. rrt i. rn ., etzh , o p t tentlco o ;tltuto o rz, l nth7 i. lr m onctu r. ellt w ase ,,, 04001' nut 611.111 than ten or egnice t ond 111 yttullyy Moser paur.t. the enhaentter recommend.. the ulnae. Ortkltte t . 1111.11iiir 111,11 hr hinteelt and .Imp p.. 1 with nnale. ti, Worm. and Cocoa 1 . 4.41. am &bent., fit aleitt., nod eolutas nr...ltt. tor Ineuthle t ...moire,. 0, haul' nth., plottounttril ihr too. ettntnent IsbYtnreates.l .open tiny othrr inonallteLOyeOlt. art. otuta v. Olt ' any quonoty, by Qin awn ettertohle er.1.0, tr. 1 - nor rar.rr.. vibe, mid try norm., II awe," ray 1•'0 . nt Hew ~, ; Jontent NI Barite' ro, Ct.., & Murray, N.., Voikt 1 :ran, Tn,,,ua. V lerninlisedilie Ittn.tte, Id h.:,00 0 Itr....rts tt.nrior att. Ok.o. 11'.41.10:11 1141 K EU. Ih.reurat.te For ...he by atnt.ll 11.11:11.1.1' i ythllTll, Age Wrought and Cast Iron Railing. bieloohahhtel., Al Iron Rt..1...e. both I. nothn, I l' ...ote... r ttchracurr I trri... ran end relnontt. and tut*, or 1t0r...../•r. tot oi hr 114 'III- hrd nthe •thtrh het .l 11/d corner ot 1'4,14 lechersh Ai eity a_ ..n 1.AN11.5T .1 KNOX Attatafisatloared To%lartro. rort.e•t ••••0.-15 111 I.' Is Poor A Ilomen.l • 21 do •In 11rto J koloomor 5 - hr., rho tit on 4o Win poor•on T rottro'a IS ao t. Ao•ler•orn II rto I. 101. t, • • •• ror.4 Snort thrulto• Nolo ' , roomer ronl pa, tool rot ••••le 111.01.11 111 i'K fit ACo 41 north ••••••••• •t And Ir. row:, 0 . 1.0rv.. •]e!4 IriolorlorptitO M ANI I tin: .11 , 1.1, .J..r • 1 . 31,6, •y , .l4gar ia ur, • ••• •• r' Irdwr• ore Lout., 5-A 1.• pror 111 0 1.11, r•lsh,o4( d r••• 41 ••• •4. nor arr•l ••• ol.•••••.. mvtll trtolorioltrh, W. / J. GLENN. Rook Binders. AI .1 I I . I. , tner• l% 1,1 \ ItIA I LH, I 1 1 1, l'l/INIILN VI II 1 . 1•••' I If ...RANT Conlnz:••ann •I nr•• ,lerr,ot An II “•,..t 1:412 Scales, Cvsoklaeg Mo . ••• aaaaa 4e. /%1 , ron. lt,llA VAL ,LACI. C 1,. ,y %%44.1 Atter.. nAnnumetnre ,nr. • :or , rtsti rn: viar,pt•rinru Ow Allr art tor I. Ln• wr vett •ur•4 AIAM f, I •0 ' V 1 J e .* I . I •Lir rl fel. 21 I.,‘‘ .‘II.{I%IAN Pit. ll•cititse Vliorke and j i :1,1,N, .l. iira: art,. i•- or dra anis 11 HI TI St. 111_01S0 Tor :art offi...• d. au who.. lamed a purfort 11o.k and la:our, rid, • We,. sru-1. • inicel no rentlanwriaa, on flir nut tis u hole not lie n. ‘ll4k,tl not to a' al to rot... IL u•ilvibe, 5 nur ~,,, .1 Lew ku aud - twilo•r 1,. les r •1n.... No nt Pinot Pui.ourah In within. to Uir Shove odvasittouo, th-y ate ,rool'euunot Innot 1 1 . 111 , 1.1 IV 1 1 .1111111....1.1.. GOAD . , BiltAV COACH WM - TORII. PO4mt Gr.:ll'4lW Gainame Baum, and Postera hasulate.l Pd. for Afediud and alter purpares. rj'llls t the only moment of the kind that Roan,-. nevi tlua ••••••• -.••• • • •, •• . •••• •.. • for rnd parlor., sad If tie only ono eTer known to Man, • Tow... • lur •.... 1. a • du•le estorn,ty or tutor:sally, t a def.. ren • "' ""• ". •.••••• • artthout thanks or yam —watt perfcct zatct, • We) kre veal oP.en w Ow uupptrlt 011,11. •••a •• k • 1 134 , • tr. I Th. important spinout. is m ow highly approve, 01 by many ,•1 Me noun emutent ph ystei.uos of this eosin. elno . try Slid Fairopet, to whom the tense., and other. whom thot it ruay ruurcul referrra. /Legerrnee K. "e I , e e•tup, moot tll,lll, rreper mble cittzen. who Imre p,rd ily Una of Itts most •aloatile apparatus io moue ot thr mon turetorato itervous disorders which rnti.l inn to. zoionved any other known moans Amu, earl*. Where !sue Lcco to he od a...rattly Intapted nu the cure ul the tollowing dmausr. ,z 1 norvous headnehr mot other disraoce of the was. It is with Unit spoarstu• storm that the operate, so. rime, itto ontenruc fluid with emote and solely to me ryr, to restore sight., of cure ontaueosa. ra Om eat restore bran", to too Or andth oer organ. to re. sturr .prerh, and to Or vadlaus pusts of the, lin the cure of chrome rheurnalan. ucura luna, 1 , 1 P...Y., P..Y. Coat, chose• kiln, donee, eptiapg, nt sprat., U. son, down.. • pan ultar to leadcsionniettoi. of . I..4adw,ric eto. K.ehts int loirresundeng no, oak:. of Wenner, I'. 'rub thg insuuniont, may he puts, eLJ otrd tor the Fun of ....eases Full instruction, Le given tpr too 0,000 . nem . air hi he tato, for •anous and the hell Man ner fur open...a for iho cute ol Woo. discosee totll so lir fully o p•oi nod lii the purchaser. and a putaphirt put loan us•td• to pro": y 1 .1 Melt . puriww, air lulll prepurrti loy the }input. Of cwiL }oily It WILLI,OIIr, Voir .t. Put•hurrh Tillie A ItIe•OAICTIL2I ....Fe, • r r,l r• ant ...r. 110E1 e I,ttern• Il I. mr.., ,‘"". I. suqr Co •Wwit. /1,1 d. J lloorrhead , Is l‘ A Nam., 1,1 . 11.\ \LI lu La 14 L, brrom, iny4 [2.. A • •• l'iteMnAM. DI IR r I N - A Merpt a Forrestrp. • 11... r•orMI CampUel. Cu tool dr, Irs.paum • rum I . J, 111, 141 r rtp .:•• pal cap Irtr h.. . .fiuha !tr. rt“.l w.t,11.11 celebtatr, ut .1 Ele•trutn,i. xre war untr.4 to Le 0 4 .0 1.• any oftenuot..Lumal Mi• *Ol d Ufly bruag , l3l Irom thr F No 112 wood • ISJ door arrow,. St 4 B —Coy ~roo I•te. nt p•r Irr • row E ma II /12.ralgormr.—<:1.expor than Evert ,% nlvovc a J tow .tnrc rrry ,lervant• wi.oo prr loi 101,11 ..t fiene, iy 04,1 n , .. Irorg4 ol II NI reca I,rd aka N 1..! CO, ) A'n r It LARD I.nll, - r . lllo,rlVt L • , ..r. , 01 of Cor.,,kr.- ••• • •-• 11.11,1 •1 1.1.“. rw . imry;w .51. I• W W 11,,i , `• myttru •I \ OFFICF lone.. NILS ill nr......•air a 1 ... .n.rn, and OM, irrnts....l. nli Inurt. t. ..-••. nll non, a lad, ..... • on Ira vi. nhn , nnm• a •• •• rho-- tn t lll lll l / 1 1101. , • . oils aril to nine al n nn.ll, n• rn. r. or Om OVe . V, uwe Y 1, 1 ,1011.1, s.i c.,• • iA\Lr , ttA TAIMA \ N.. Au \ II PArt • t• toy wowool coorotoo ( loodlo orolole and cc. twoow mot. tlecytlicy ooloocrwooc woo I id moot, to toy cooottooor 1 I .I.l‘ A r MAN . FUR I'ILA3lPlit. 11'1 llnvl, Ulu .‘11 . 4.%). 110411.11,1n.t• V 1 ti goo. I.lrmtl. I rrri rrt Irelorroorp orol rand 11Insloo wei•elPiV rim!: e outi or ro, loorlulroo, lord., are rar or 'Or nod .Mr t. 0, I.lf the preers erruelem • yet., orrr room:teler tor •• er I elrrtor Ire, or rue •rorre ~, ‘ lll lll`. Nrlr Ire a.... orrorror error, ludo, 0101;4110•. 401 lb. (4, torirerrerr roorrororal Ctoroorrol Ireelar• • orrir t. rleirverral Ilurroz ore wororr,^lJ 110 111110. 0.• Vi.f' 11 root loretrutorroor J. Mode. IrIoIrurIk" Drllwtroc 11./111 l l rorrior, orri enen Ire under the ea of a romper...3r Irrroer.tor Ily ero, ettrerrooer to 11..0. norrol aro! orteller Loa! rorprovetrient of Or err our. rroteroal• loore io mem • rorrorrotorrot of Ore oree r rorroor ul Iffy. / to the Prrorrools rorfOrolll Dr. PI tLnne In e • I . IIIS la tu verllty Inat I put. lop,f, ot,n n•I of I/P I,'• ot Spoothr, woo. Pao t000to• nod Fog, to a 01.15 1111 l toid, t. o neopnona 0•11. u.ot OtlonteP lono !ft luny appeat arßa., tel I no•• Ooopt I•o , tloop opwarll• of peon Inootaaa wouta pn,no , J 111012 tool, incanlnup tno, quannf of CO op n two. tooneo long. I, IV 1101.1.,1DAY. Rona'. Cr:,1.01c,1 renn 1' 1,17 ,a,TI ___mistlt4Mous • PARPFA.s...on mi ,oucai Flo ECFJYRD TUN DAY, o.aveling Auld oil Cloths ofWog ststl.sosuopproveil shd prises tir nit slotribpsent,and heap . awed so soy orshe Fa hl eltiei r eomprleng rho rot losnos moistener • •• • • - • • EDra 09 , 41 Volitot•NlaClUPorg rtiaolinialor DarpeDO arty sae hall moms or veal .Tapdstry do tiVales. irdp Royal Brawl. do TOpyrry noir carpool; Duro sap ply •di, 41raascla do do ~ l ispordno, do do Chemlla Raga; Dina app !Wain do Tolled do "Roperarro do do lirrosaela do Fioo do do Cht 1311 if, Door maim; Manton do do Tollad do do . . 4, 34 & Topemly Adoloid do do Damosk do Sheep .kin do do 44,34 Vo- 12.4 trot Nod Now/rovers hrtion Jo 64 do Tullio: do 44,34 & plain do do 6-4 arced do do Cotton I nerton do 0-4 worsted Sod linen dodo do Volnum do Bras. Stair Rod, -4 cotton Druraei; 164 wool Cilinfb clothe 134 woolen do Malt Linen 0-4 do do W table do Kogiodl Town Od Cioli34; Diaper do - 77 1 1 Mgr: O d ti o riot Innomw..-o:7l.ltrtinsi MM=Mr= :....1 do do do Mere." 4-4 do do Carpet Binding; stn.., 0.1 Clotho, or tzmorTranap'at Windom Sha.leo 'hp..trt patron, tto to fit To the sOwse we are constantly recetsona our Spring 5t...! at e,rpet. Iblelotbs sod Steamboat Trimmings, m which we vale the attemuott of all who +ntab or fur. soeh door house. or steamboats as we will be able to oder gOOrlil k/Ili steamboats on lw purchased 111 the Sin, And of the whew and later style, Call asol ex amine our .tork before our - cheats elsewhere• house, No lS Fourth at 'octal V. hl CI.Iv7YL'K IMU;SEMII No. 81 Wood Btrtel, 1017111:1.LI roll t he ntirotfon of the pobhr to thrtr V V pr,onett .wet of l'affrr flooKtifgof. "loch for no y, lfroof y of Iffiatf,clurolailfly •nd ehroputon. I. toe nutf•e•tfetl Iff. no y life Colon. 14 , 111 r. far,. nod !u:1 saffortsurat of paper of tell own moon...ruff,. iltr, arr oonr footettottn n toe petrtalfoof Vreorkt nifil Kntlfffh owe. or Poo, Ifoorl fon• nufelfonfral by foil Lovi lloor•rcl, one ol the hoe, flow ot Europe cooolgiftlx of 10 .0 Neel.% d WU d. lhea own 'nanolaraure Ihry have DCA* all Paper, and !edam plerrs g :rd Liando.he Messrs Jame. Ilowsril h. Ca have span-J neither e.rreirse nor IiMOI in their endeavor. to rival the wall pnper hoilz tlt imaitty of man• Mae lure mut variety .o pa 1111ihry are weer - vim, eil in i-mrtn. the public Mat Me, him, succeeded MIEMENEME n . and tawpon aohr•allntl r At /11ll' IA hl!7}. M ar N I dr" vora high lorot aahr, Tort enml , •, narrow tor a4ral Lora a'ara • I. ' a tor trudaio •• ita • •rom llnt.t..7ldoi 4111'11 bolt. •44ortsd tr•. tro.•• total Ilot• ,ilr 3 Jot .15,1 dr, ..... Inotroato do do.. do 110,, 4 do 7 7 4.11. Ivor 4. tra ,040. do S 7 do do. II 17 cr.. 7 find do do, 1. rou4l. 47..ra 4p11.1 C3EO2 ==lll Irrt•rotroortrA u, Ilukotry. Nanny ok I DANK ER". I. X A NG). LlRlrlt Ear!, and deal,. 1) to roil trto tool Irotocsror klattlto t rtt. co-r:.Lt or lk-ootoro, Rant Note, cod sr,tor—lourrk •trroo, •'I °moo,. tke LINN tor Yooltorgfi t'orront no, tot) re.ooiret.l on .1,0-or -,oskat 'rote,. tor r . ns.,l rottertoroot made utt ot, it, the protrotost pool. to the I toted NI., 11,InRe.a prarnium pond fnr 1%n,, and Artrarrcan Gorr! Athrenr••• fly... conurnatcmta of Pro.lor•. ILlwrx4 irrofft up. =ll =nteUll Par. rrusE.lnw .2 - trnst.,t SWIM. Burn-sus, Awl ('ax. lErulag (.EVEN OF VI,Wt.IIT IKON _ • THE. TABLES lor ...Looping raft{ other g venionn Ind now r want The{ ran trndr.l wont ow, in inwnt, O,r and when e10w..1 tb , wall.- ore 01l w , odr. tor, arr 1011.1 . ...kJ 1% !OW., NO DII4EII , ,„,) , pt. Ocular, 10 1.01 ....It el•olko ,ot -t • •poio nporottent two a =EMI . . THE aucollou 1 1 4/1/114, / 4 rovoctrurry Una to.lown, ..nut. so , . al a .vrog iccred a quaotayof Gold art.abco v )011, A 4 S/411. 4 1:4, I fi...1 tar maul; pro vas )uur into corm., rocoanuo lbe Lilac of rr oo', 4/1 C. .:ornru.. beo oaeoloo lor ob taining Llar rein • Altlo 01 Hull your, J. H UCNL.EVH laud Pootboral.. Marco A. I--lA. I . .rmimudt. Marrh 7149. 71a La alma- Dear Sr' Ilosola olonvoosi thr. “droo motor,. eanokoactured at our loot. nt , I do no,t 10 rommett4 d to or ihoNo getlomeo who aro 1.0111 remove., 10 Califorroa to scorch o(Gt):d. it ••••• • ie tr. the seeMe gray, male. rm e.ebl.s p adrenturar to neerriu.r r 1 La• pincer .• ylelthite lielJ tatmlx J It. I NM (i d ills I. S ol s.• ...p.m., from 1 511 :JO 5011101 ens, pivils Slid kill •a le al tar helm Hut..., No a Wooll.. derVO Lk II PIIII.I.IPS INF lit. , hrrr our., of ll{ reicl row.l !NMI," 1 . 4.111”. ow, c0...1.y I. I,,Thollwrg nod grrot mriorwerr, logrther wort o 11.1(ge 11•4.1111JII• owewowl e•ol otahognoy. of toy ow,. :omotoort.• • Tlw ohorr to•inourot• ant wArrolor.loa prelor• ilk rvrry rewperh. ortO hr low ho• ro•h 111.1 . '4E. N,. w_ 8I .lorr lowo an 'l'''E orl• I.r.ced/ant Rater r0w,1,1,1 Itrco, h+ll 4,, plitr, l•eal.•.Jltr J A co. trtrottkl st DRY GOODS. SHACK LETT .11 WHITE. Dry Doody Jobb•r., 7 , O I . , itoN‘oODSTRKET—WOUIdreO/ 11102111fM1011 111 01 WI, Lanu to Una large rtoek o. aal Furrari Maaann r.eving fro 111 e Ita pr,r4 maa Lo. ~ aqach Iticy m a at vrry rat, lar raae or up/rm.,' oral Our aloe, a• mow 11111 tool complete, told il wool. vortotou of Moen. at! ven tov. to volt tl •141, of love pro,. C3llllot nieino make it vta.eate duloovitacto a' mom/ uvula la an 101 l wt.,. S1110:1:1, A dna and 1.1 sr , . In do n int tin (.rtin. .1.. in...a , ' no tral I. 111.1 tor 1* 1,0, 1.111 ,at ree• ,prit r • ..)•1+ 1.t . 111 . 111:111t AN 1,1,11t.111a..111 - ILEMOVAL. rubrcrtio, her ~,,, red hie Wholerele I,lrl` 1 111, !,4 the corn , t liner-trek &urea u.el %%hart; licit Joyl to the Perry Iloure eortot air .101 IN I i•ER It I' WILLIAM bicios, Ilannfattorcr of Mortal Water Apporotax, r. or cAour NTA No 111 NorTorthsoLoolo Sr,ond Ann abrOVoyrM • PtiII.A 1111.Plll n. A N .. : thuut lye it an In the ,Vider Ape kliw, ei the m...alma of killieral SI/ oiler nl Ii 01 1 ,•• and EOM.- .., eat an ile/ide witu a seeenkthe and prise. lieul knowledge ot of limit braiiehe. liumnem :age. d wtiii liiiiirovenienw we roast...butt el the A pparathe mid the prepay., ad the kk'lll , r, eel. b he succeeded in admit., Ma Pon, tied idler yen, of and Placweal applies, thin. a, applied to the ar. 01,11.111c* and 01 , 111 t•• rualile• •utiacriaer to crime the mild, with mthre cmuer. And oder we the Leal and mint 00010101 e pparulaw, manufariure 01 Mini I cal 1% atter .1 Mulled mei PouriMins, that till he fari .1 the I mied 511.1t4 • Itt aloo u.nel. litThereato tteer oril Ow the eniar tetl asa ne Thereat exted ve and dtuly Int o-dorto amt.,. 100 butoorort 1.0 1 the %dove An. par1nt,”..1,11•13,, WOg cOnViliflyg prod( of Inv 0„... d .e00r0y fit A plotrald• over three of all ther.. mod of toe outlay and elduttrity of tko Wale, ro .. oare o theredeto Itortuno Who order the Apparatuo Owl a distaoce, ropy theaoeurert that then . ..fordo. altodl t t 1111thltil• I.cuplir.l With. and to purled a rtry sately either try land or wed r to do. purl of Ile - l a . Stata. T „ do„, rerunnio•(de•l tome oeto. rte or•ro ue t• u. o• erl) a day aa cod. In.. re; Appanyuc orraiora .nd 1 . 04. 1 1AnS I Fruatu...4 I rue add red,rtal. for ,14111 d, COUILI•1% and Lar• oi alf 46; lor drawing Ilydr•a; Wn a, ion•ther w ..rk...g and Tying alarinnea and ryr thong apvcrtn.,,wg Le the above Ink•Lne•a co. on Magid. and ;or tale on .e lowasi tr: to. for oglh, IT'S:dna/am DRY GOO I . 4 1' RED(TiiED PRICES—W. FL'Alurphy las on ,t 1 Imam raw whin gad colored gel% winch be win eke. oat allow . Vttli leuW—W. k. Meerut . end sell tan hewer one Summer Bootle, at reduced prices, vt= Drew thnOmme Barnes, 7 .' Sommer 86t.wlt Stage, Bonnet Itaawne B-Idnet, Alen' and Bois. SWAM? Penang wanaio, nay above, or nay ether deeeer. eau of Dry .:rods, sill do well to eall as porthcast comer o(4th and Market els. 1910 %AT HITE GOODtc. FOR,ORESSES-417. 8. Murphy V V lins n large aysortalent of above fileasis, lately eceived, each as plain alum Malls, from 111 a per Td up is very fine; plant Swiss do; barred Swiss 40; em - Sundered rlcv sada barred Jankanel; soft flnivbed do; nano strirnada; and a general assortment of, White Goods, saeb /a plain and Cloaca Plena; Laces Edg nc4. to —al northoast earsan. 4th and Marten .la. .Vivolevale towns op stairs juV 15 - 0. - -OPENFILL—A. A. Maw" ,. Ca, 1.11. tablishinont will be reopened on FY. nth. All of their stoat having been 'waked down. wail offend as the VOILIZIII bargains. I'vrratiagra may LI pead upon aegiaing goods at LOW! It HATI,Y4 aver before. ,ys ijIRUSAEIS CARPETS. —roe Ihrgovt o 1) Brtitnelt Carpet• ever ode red to thin city, for .via Al ;ha New Carnet Watchman W. At'ellittixk, No 73 Fourth at, eutupriellig the lalett and richest ttylet, and at priee• lower than ever offered in tho markt... All Who wuni Eirottelis Carpets, thnald roll helots purchaving tlsevt liar, 1010 W eircuNTocK ARTIFICIA L. FLOWEns-3j o ,,p e kn. tor Anthem' Flower, vtz: Ylwn oast, paper. "pouelldo, Car none paper ior coloring, huk Nuacers., -avo.l of eve n, W., bud, UP", as,d callow", can be obtained al H EATON & Co's Tricusuing_Saore, pI4 6Y Fourth s 1 UNIIIROMERV—Worsted patterns for lalatailraa h 3 no 4t.01%. Table Cover; Traveling Ilaga, wlth a vartrty .mall pattc rue. Also, WO/Illeat Of ell rotor+ and shade., by he ppaa rfl,ouace, •Iteln farlr l.v apl4 CII CATrtY m Co, Gil Patina al EC r\ D aUITLY—%V It Murphy, ai nordwasi cor k)ner Ith afar hlarket street, has now coon las erroaa aapply n( annul, and rummer Gnodgh and Flan lama 14 , .... , T011/ . •11 of Dr. .a liodala of neweat styles, and t.aod. toad, all of which sadl be sold atar 111141 1100118, 1849 ENNEI/1" A SA WYF.R. corner Wood and Fourth IS, kite., are node receovtog dtreci from first hands, a farge stork or Fancy nod Varfriy Good., including Cioet. ot every var,rty, gold and silver Watehes, Jewelry, Freoch Prof!, Combs, Ilooks and Eyes. lona, nod lheoery, So•penders. lion Caps, and all oilier articles n thm Iron—all of which haying neon p.ret.ed personally of the manufacturers esuft, du nog the beat erotic,. eaprescy fur die Spring trade, old If. sold rearm-safe st n fonall advance on cos, run old , 0 tin hAtul, descrlptious Lookoig M .aas e. of our oleo 1nu,...1.111F1e. t narlern More. 0,4.23 11,T EW FANCY AND VAKIRTY G(X)13.6 —AL %ES VI 1 lON KIN - Shr:". O Alar l . l . l m o . - !no ;,•• C.lnno to,d; 1.5 arts twist and rut velvet emit Moon"; 40 fine velvet Corral Das.; . Z/ ,10 do gr.: • lrovolnts; (onry silk anion, (or 10 dor Noll Bru.tir., nia'd; gro fine arum, aom . d: JI do tin pot and rimed, do; dol ro-corood Has, Itnathes, 4 do Wa.chingtn. Jo; Ido 111,1,,,, do, 3 r FLai. n•li Hook., asno ',v:. A r J VI.R V, sr -50 co:J iever Wateties; 50 do de- In• ~ ..Ivet NV.oror, 10 I.epane do; 10 fine di:l -000i r 1210 s, 1 doc taw cold Vest and Fol• do t.uard., e•t Flncer It I:0Y 11.0[•..5 r. 1.1.1, K.. A r do, 1.,1,es Cotton clew.., n 41 . 1 t to do de I,lr Thrtoul. Inr v tar. ; 10 do %.m, ti,k d 0 do 1..1 do. 10dtta tad, aten: IU dr, Ao Fir)' top V A Brl 610 —I, ply A nantlean Tina: 300 lalt Cotton Ilordt: :5 it, Paper Musltn; SOU,IIIIO nl,l.ed Pr1eu5..10 , 11,, ,, ?Mgr,' arr. Vitt:Helton. , do, 11..11/lot I :or 000s05, hark tuning. Ha din. LI tt }:.5 I ure t.ow nttatung the, nprtng •lON t Tr,oo.looy. eonattlint in part or st+n !,lla and 10..•• I•trtty, Wank and cord Silt Inn, Hutton.. 11101, Unlinet rrtanutinat, team ItatHe• nod ttlaLtlrella plan, and tau t, Ito el' lor rtv, vat ~ t, Comb., Isorr and attn., Han t. Vara. Sp,ti Cotton, k. Tap-.. Bolt. I,oa, Bat. 40, hr, .11 1,0 roLer it, sale. lona vraolYa, and rtia.' at l'neammt tcar , Fourth 11,01.•Geo:roar. 10/0,, and Marie, .014 PUKMB 8Y.131/0 citIODIS• Ahaeklett NEI 'V CO, /DS It alt En.., 99 Wood street, Ist the jof Nlerehnets to their Work nf A 311',111- 1 • .1 \ NIP 11111/11.9, LARY GO, /11+, now weelennt ,Prr et now Lr howl. Here. en, regolor •oppties or hest ennl. durlnt the wo-on, ono deconnj o huge ;Wore th• nuennon Cr, Eastern Ye lion .Nor. they run tendon ...1y n I, ••1, tweer• thef n, hnd 10 1,11 . /mere, COIn ezonowl , Ite nor k J“ , l ,rre Inrrne , , n( new ttyle Drev, Erkmtuto,,,, ti 4114 I,enrlicd Shrrtauy.oi van Ultg no rrr co. H•rt - rtis tl I.l't%T*.`iS.;;;:' • .111M11t.42 111 0,, All 01 1 ,, ver' %ea.:, r.overl.te a 'I •)re I'. 1 11 . r- tor. •rr 1.4,r, of r.oLoor ono art., 3 ad pr 0411,111,1 an.l .1 , .fv0- I ie ta, themrer..l:a , oce atornoo.r of all rir to, rol or lioratlr . .- 4 lo C116 1 1(1'111 Me loraral*F. I•ro , :or lot: A ,rl.-rn/ nuortor at of• justly rt‘..- Wale. lactruntents. or •Il atze., us well at 1 1 .14:11fIl00. I), Mat. 71.., at 11.1overst row. • • - NI H. pr:rEa SNI lill, Caneiboual, uur au thor...A age. for the Inle of the a 1 . ,. In.trumet.t. A 1...4.1 . r.c.5ean be claw tie: by a‘b.-bung W. k LANG Exchange, Phtladrephia. Importer. a Daguerreotype Mate nab, mai General gr., .r the .me of Vi..placuLicen 0pttc,411...u -rurut• u..i rt/ micnovAL. infiN T•.:nr. ha• remo.etl io Al Ma, km street, one. duo( :rum ,coral, 1,5 , 1 111. tor para tayort. he rexpect(tally whet. .1 eni,ll,l•l3tte. ot the l• crottax, het farmer esatoorcrtu and tikes, itte itte hatrottxtye ni a. many .cm ooca . •, ot Order• tn Ott rtriCne exeearet.l in the most attit.r.nattio anner. and w dotputch. At•o, a futhttittaitic anx.,rtlytent a( ready made Clo Mess, ot kind.. Cheap for cash, of course. itentiernene Purntatutts Umtata to nil their warren. altaety a no hatel. J.. tUttrte, Ltottoorg, Collar, Cra vat, Cie,k., tartan,. lln eery , ft.peutlers, Pocket Ildaitt,Glovee, Drawer, Umbrellas. &v. he. &e. ot,YI tl - 171 - 1, - .FtrATIIVESTRFLaI LIAM/I.P. 111 HNF-99t,IMUNIC AND WIMP MAN PA• roity - The suhacnbet take* this nonhoti of imortente In. fern(. and the public in geaterst tool e life the turee, •traek of the follow - mg' tiittned sets etes of 11, orontotheurre te this etty—Seddles.ll3, nee, Trunk • tool Woo., ell of whieh he will warrant to be made r. tire ire; maternal and by Use best leech. nob, Allegheny roe soy. Maine tletettomed 10 well litammiaetere• somethlng lower than ha. been be,. by any stouter este...einem to alte he wont:. ot one pets TICC4 el theabove named arnelo• to toe were 'o. Ltbe r I etre, orre , tote. be:toroth Also to order to mariner o KERBY. FOIL GLIM alset.l. NI A SON t from 11, Vote, feet': • 4.. Pt Lne,t) street. 191--lettnt at tretok. A NI . nod st ton becottrote of each pour utrul P. fil Vt..rers ell ohdthe tonat at no' horn She eras,. 0, 1ta1.,. 0, la, no Theeeneoe .• Lem adraecopc, and tture wu,Mocto Is re.reat. ee toe tone to Fp,. a now m., not le are smoke un now d shon of the coy, but in pore matueplorre. perfumed *Olt the fragrance oi anwrr• All I. Inds °I rairexhunanta e r,ept tntol:calint drink are heat oh the ,brelnisca I.teanhouar lhnota, and lloayo.l. :holre llower• tor sale elan, on Son. a.r JAIIII,I WKAIN (V-Chnnar of landing made on ntooent 04 low vra. 121101 AL. GEO B. MILTEN IlliaLG KR LUZ -. rommrding and COIIIIIII,I. Mar slant, has rroved to No..' Front, ltrimaen caal antl,lh•hl mr , ata. •al V EHMIFI t.E IN t.E0111:IA.- 4 . 01. E, 14, Igo • . • . , R F. Solier.:— Tour Venue ho, well, Anti lea• boon beele y .poie on of by all wuo bay• tired Front Ihre whoceet• niteroleuir nalineta mune; of four Voreeeleuer o yeeer rye, I irueo hoary' o, nm obenlrelout ran 0,1 more darer, tier eolneete ara.on Seale I .11.1 lure / be eleta to rrerove aisollecr roll' ply of or 5 gro•. oar, revert:a:lr. iEr eruct froen lotto j R CARTER. Preperoel and .old by It E SELLERS. 117 NVoal .1, aebe ocebe ue elregy..: 0,- at- , 11. ibitahurgie athi Al le-ahoy /.I.IJ A II 1..51'x1\ s INFICATE rt. t•it .1 A 1 N -fu. r • mime .11A1c1 y heir, buy tee 1,0/tiled. 1111 oi lier lot ...ea or e terlyeenipboei eel Niteroi. lei?. I wee. wvh :1,, 1. 011,1111,1.11 or taro. I,llll4,laelei, 0,1 aetee reau. vel 11.1 the els. 111. 101 11.00 ye... I es er. on tide II niernel to nlf leu-ele y b ..teer et 11:: le or 1.14o:tel. here, Cr the • 1430 4 i t. 11 •4. ,raw nt I 1 , 4.! r peci.1...1 aledarm nact.leulce recul, nnd 113 ale nmourst ot S , I•N t , ..rtv.”C £m' benefit the,from. Jul,. I-4... I `di Jayne , :4-di. s „ t t t.tttrtt mury I. st, ante., ntt,l ,tt • ttt t• •t wt. t.y itrrxrv.ttittg ttt titeir utr. „, I • ttt • 111111 ttnutt coutpletit., tttitot. I ih,rn coo., 'N. 0t,.1 0.. iur. , nce m pittre, 111, 1t.15111, ol the and ma rrrufww..lor •!..1 .fir ni V.ITON ,yrioglorul, N. 1., •.In. I in 4 131POIITANI' TO rim, APFLICTICD Dr. Itoir's Celebruied Remedies. • D R JACOU , Ft( r,F, , .I,e,,rr and role m oro.Lor of :” , .00• ona turd ...o L. vi u( 000tu i./elsl lot ItWall, ill Chromr st - 1. •it3/1/,‘ ”1 'l,l • it . - .1. pi; yfe -1)001, l• 11,....i1at0e l tlit! rhivrr•k ty 01 Pt - 1.1,1,4 111,a m! for .‘, 1n) ysfxr..t.tirr hoilo,tl 5ig . ,..11 10 11.. Lwir•l.g.attott 01 .. 11 . 4- 1,,n/0.1 the •ppli •11111011 ul ,111,3 a, awful(' Thtt , ugi kin Idbe. With 71Ir unit mite ce h.• hasyn,raratiolied ernme. , r, in toeing ttranoriii Tuiicrealor V.:road:l, liiieunintian, ever nip/ Ague 11 I'. earn . n:1 I. ,, uls,Anrouie. Exyaipa. t. Alici u/' tie c , i , nruaespeeffliar to limo/qt. me Indeed ca. r, tor, of dinen, vaiiiihes under the L 01 ion heionnity is heir—not by the uof one roolliourvil 011, tor Hint t rioistoputitile walk siolugieal I.nv.utit 1.7 the uno-ol hta ream then. n.laptril r •i ,:bed ~.r tacit preuliar form Ih itoiaMiToote Alterative Pill., when vied are tn. VtLltaLly rick nowleilm..l to I. supamor to all other, raw a p ar of hoar pill, solurstoPh su they 'nor Me hoimia perfectly frac stom COS{JVCIMOM a. alai, hit Miami Pilli I.aansitind the faculty to ppm...perm. lim propertiri ual‘ptnl rn female Jamaica, out Imong amilmil that a 1.10 trial infheteni to cambia. what Mu hem, ..Id in ihr 014/1.11 of the no. ilefilleM Thr mw,ced In roll upot: lAn ecunr, and procure I.r I Ihr D.rtar • pan,141., ;hang Jritule, t,c:/ rumed, nix.l appltcataon. F0r421 , I.y :&• vlrcil Ly DIA. 4... rot. tlkoui roillll,l. J ariatoriu r• r 'o, V, rthaburghj NI Nlarku.i . A t.cur lie P. I. Alleglairaty Uartmairr/11,13 , 0grr ' , runty, J ///i 1-.11/4iti. ~,,,, 4., • T .1./ 1 / 1 ///i ivc/ mrirlu VOL. XNTI. NO. 19. MEDICAL. SARSAPARILLA Wender and Bleating of ilar.Age. GREAT SPRING AND BUMMER MEDICINE, This Extract is put up In Quart Bottles; It 4.ala times che.ver. pleasanter, aad ...rattled superior .y .otd. hear. disease without vomiting, perm( sick ning, or debilitating the Patient. The peat beauty and euperiority or this Barsaparilh esor all other Median. trial. it ...Beate. Ji,cua, n &Dymond. thy body. It is tine nf the .1 b. SPRING ARID SUMMER MEDIONES ern know., ft not only nitrides the whole system sod stre ngt h., th e perm., bat It creates, new, par and rich , lewd a power ;unmated by booth. Mediclee. And sts thy. hen the grand whit at ice weed/wild rocersa It h a s performed within the tat two ytmrs, more than on. hamlred thourced eaves of nee. cams at disease; at ie5.450.000 were considered Jecurattle. It has saved the In es of mare than 15,100 ch il dren' the three past neatens. 100,000 eau. of General Debility nod wool of Pleteroste Deem. • Or. Towamend'a Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole system permanently. To those who have lost toe., mu• enter energy, by tie creole of medicine. or indium's.. , 00nortnal so youth, or the excessive indulgence ofthe namiona tad bronghton by physical prontradon of the nervous systam. Welted, want of unladen hinting are. nom.% premien., decay and decline, heateoing tower.' Yet fatal discuts. Consumption, east be entirely restored lay tos pleasant remedy. VIM Samaparilla is 'llO sop. nor to may INVIGORATING CORDIAL, A • tt renews and Invigorates the system, gives tem le • 0 endstrength to the =teenier system le mum ...manliest.: degree. Cm:unsnarlle. 'bared. Cossamptios can bs Colasmaqsfikro, Ltrer Oozy!slat, Colds, Catsrrl, Ocie Amass, Spitting of Blood, Sore,. s• Liu Chest Hulls Flash, Nivrit Saw , INffinde , Profue Ycyecteroti.s , Pais is tie .Side, ire., kons W usa ee cored. Spitting Blmeti. Um. Townetwo-1 Tartly believe your Sarsaparilla Yee been the mean; throligh Providence, of mato, my Ille. I ben, for auroral e ears had • bad Cough. It be name werae mul wave. At last I raised tarp quanta:me of blood. Lad night swam and was greenly debibtattal and reduced, and did not expert to live. I hare only used oor Sarsepardla • stnn time, and there base wesalernd <bugs bona errouebt m me. lam tow able to walk ,at or.. I rm. no Wool, .a my able to MS me. •cil haw. thzt I ma thankful for Rum emelt.. Your obedient tervanL WAI. RUSSEL, GS Cathertemax Thts i. ooly ooff, of mom Wu four Osoatasul of R haumathm that Da Tow esatal's Borsaparf fla has coml. The. ago. wavers sad chforae MOM are weakly arsalaatad la, et. ............. virtues. iallIn• Cu:nonage Eari.~. on. oral.. ...hunt. in Moo L. nat. Asylum, IllackwelPe leland. Is dm pollen.. ape len oft, the following Imuir: Ittockreelr • Islawd, Syr 14.1847. Dr. Teemerect—Dear Biz : 1 Imre ....flared tnrlLiy fu: jeer. the ahromMtern commie...ln of Me an couLtemeiret.eleep or wall.. 1 h.d the oftnost dm imviol ram, end my limbs were terribly revolt.. I nem ue...1 four bodies of your flareaparille, end lb., here done um more lima one &nomad Mama worth .4 goon. I U.S wa much bertles—imimad, 1 um entirely re here.. Yoe sum at hbeMy uwe thie for the boorfit of Ike 5855,d. loan, twapectfully 1111&9 CUMMINGY. EZECOM Dr Tooromeol, oot hand` loatost hos liartapardla cams 0ft . .., rJ momee, never reessetrosaded It ail loos sorprisest to raceme the following from en teloillgoolood respectable F•rotor It Westchester Comity , /yrsauto. Aurae: U. 1947. th. Tounueuel—llear St, I bat. • little gut, sett, t. of age. who hat beeu several year, aillhcool 1',14 • truol alnauet evurythlng for her. but wahoul teereet at lett althourh we could find Ito recommends, hal at our alroulart ler emelt lake her, wa thought et Ise war twry deltcata health, we would gin har wawa .1 , our Saraepardha are very (lad we dal. for at am , rala wwwwwl ha - •Verlewth. het she bas had ea rotors ill h. Fua tn our yreat pleasure awl eurpnrst. :She la foal herunerty ruyyral awl healthy. kw which we real yeatert. Tuura, reapeetfully. JOUR BUTLER, Jr 12153M!3=21 Mr To. Sarmtpartlla is • •Mattatta and mis..tly roe. for loritibtat Corounspoom Mamma., ffiulapros I r yrs or Falling or the Womb. Coatroom. Ptt... 1...0rar. to. or Who.,cil otirtruel dtfficult bleary.. dom. I iimintsar ore of Uri... or tovolontory dmcbario. and for lb. general prostration of ibe ot. • oneh tothlucc, by orecularity, tlluess or u - sulcht Sotto.; cat. tt• wore •urpreatic than its tororroratrug el I-ot 0. Ujr 1.“.441 truute. Persoo• all wentkaass arol La ss fohn ta the at ours heestros rolotat ant! full of ne ll r Zok, dchsa, a tottorth to nattilott too Iterates ol • hrrforturth lot t arc can manor. the that aotttlettla of cases hare loran esportrtl i Thotoryttl• ul axt• where fanalltea hay• beets • ithout ehtldrot, after thong a rots bottles of thn haralutable Iletiscin,hat 0 1,.... Itiosaesl• healthy ofraptloc. Great Ittleasalleg ITl•ther• and ChUdroaa. It.. the sera , *annatitt effectual naniesne los parity mil ihe 'ream. and relies., the altering, standar. upon iiitn:harth everllsoosercd. It etreerthein lath the nun liar and the child, prevent. pun wad awns*. agree..., ail enriches the food; those oho hate used 11, think it indispensable. It highly useful both bellare and after con not, ea it prevented...eats “taisluit opal Costiveness, riles Camp* Swelling en Feen, Detparlency, IlearNurn, Vomiting, Paw in Oa Bark and Louis, P. 1.. PAM, lirmorrhage, and a re.golo , pareiinne and equaluing It, *in-vistas it hat ho The grim. beenty of that manatee', it . al wars are, and the moat delicate nee it MO" access nit., very few eases require say other Incill<MP, 111 iouhe Sale Castor Oil, or Mgt... is oafish gyve.* ,he open air. and light fond .ale doe callicioe, int.... secure a ale and easy confinement EM=l Cosmetics, C 6•111., awl • e•riety Pr<P•rAt. o .• R.*" ro , ty t• use, when applied to tho Face, very sam spoil tr us beauty. That ewer the poruof the dun. ”d <beak tbe rtretilatton wbic h , wiles, nature Is not thwarted by uh•cte or powder, or the skm softer:3rd by the alkalies .Ped ...vs. beautifier Its Lora product Lon .the au face Mein," as well as in lb. garden of nab sad d-Itestoly toped warp:trued flowers. A free, artier •sl urculattun of the kinds, or the count:, the purr ruill tn theattremities ia that which pato. ;in • duirrtanca themoat exqutaiti. beauty. It oi that nich taiviart. the lade.critrable shades and tlaattaa of p.rarteri that all admire, but wive eau deacnbe. This lir ...I, iv the off.pring ofeatart—aat elpmarr or romp not a fray. and healthy circuit... then. la ou liaauty. If the lady t. fair as driven scow, she paint.. aud uie•wad O. Wood is thick. cold sod tat w brautiful If sha Its brima or cello, nil t,rr. par., sod activ• cis el • rich blown bi the cheeks. and a brilliancy to their eyes that I. fa.. Th. to Ity the mothers, end espectallf & lcomash 1a.," are an much admiral. Ladle e the north. to ha tte hot hale earn-Are. or arysonfitted rhate roman. ta have tmalell their complemoo by the apylicaltou of jet- tem,. mixture, If they vmsh to regain "et. buoyem atom, eparkling eyes and benotallil rota p.•they should oat Trovnertanly Thoorende who have tried it. am more then satisfied, a re Laxlice of every ammo moved onr olttco 'Floor that m rate Dr. Teereeentre flunapeolts, hero trteltit ran, tee.. stud a great Reauthy for resaics. . Ate_ and bare emitted nue bins and circular.. which to Itte compLatute of women, nerd for word—other up, who put up mediate*. hare. since the great necnene .c Or TuatuAratt's Merapartila in complain. leredent le relent, rrourrannettleel them, although previously they Ant rut A number of theme Mixture, Pill, tr , are OA," • u• to frontline. as they aggrareta disease, and untlerteme orti6eata coaelualvely prem. that this Seroepe. . a.. p-.fret contra/ aver the moat obettoete dueaesee no 111.. , .1 Three persons eared is one es. rrrnarnd —Dear It, I bare dna pleasure to In loon tte that three of my cbildrow hare been eared of rofola by the tote of 'our e•callent medicre, The r •oce odlteted very tdr with bad Sore.. hare toll bear toetko ; n toot the, a•ay. for +web I feel,,, ..If underyreol ,thlt/tarort. Very roopectfully. ISAAC W. CRAIN. 106 WootWoll Doe , . le. them Die. Seeoral thtenand children died in Witt nay Last setae.. • he weld hale been awed by turn Dr. Tow:weal, S., soul Otero are thwart:Ws of children .has ern now outionor from bad oon• and ham r.--other aro pun, owl weakly—who, u•lesaualateaL mtl mak. rarest ton. wor and ton, if they do out dr, whrel, Inghly prottattle Towt.entro Stroaparala wdt roct,t, oleo It • pet ut,orty atlnplwl to children a. sMods, too, awl when dantol • all water . ta • delt;laLful beverale, awl children for II dearly II will presebt a.eon. the Starrhtes, Ilytetranry owl Cholera !Sorbs., We ana theto a no father or mother who a Eat pew, two. or ,I.lnii• tal drt,pro chrldren for doll., t 1,.. loodnable tetowly, whmkt cortaanly soot to health. OPINIONS OP PIIYNICIANS, 11/ Tovnoentl an alnt do ay reetweing order, from Vol •,..,at. d part. of We Cnw. noCertily that we the untlcroyned ?bro... .4111, 11, of Albany. in 'tower". eager pt ,bed too moo ralwado preparataws to the marks If. P. IIULINtr. If II U.l. II It IL .11.11 0. II eloany, Apra I, 16C. I'. ELMENIS IR Y. hI to kersao.l,4o., the foot of r . my., 1 ,, • I' To•neond, New York (Moo nal io too coih Ilaptiot Church. No. rC N wean tare, winch tr woe o ~, a thorough clualo, and toll be MP, for tb• It, It, or rommodatim of the propartors awl ibe pub, fot , ptortscaaar .Tote t --,Ne Sarsaratelis o• tn. c•ots toe owl 01,mM Totroarn tr d'a arsapardla, ua 1 1, P I' Tor. end. It ',Mine A, Coo No El State street. •to.l Mr. 1. libbler. N.. ISt roar! ..... ry....41 Sa.sow - I 1 , I woe!, Ilenr, Nit; Salon, Joon.. It rt.., 1.tY.1.0 Allooot trt,tlL Coneonl ,1. 11,101 Sno, he me Potted Swot., Wo. 11d,, and tbo l'lr .lo It I.: SELIERS. Sol. Agent rot l',nx burc , n. Allegbrily; A PATTER:4ON Barneingrrarn _ a0,11,1A1 J.y nes' Espeetorual. Souls, Columinous eo,a, Apr. 24, 101. DR. D. JAV Dena tram—l feel briond to you ap d the ed li med to avail taysell of terve, port inuty ot giving publicitylo the extraordinary edeets of your LepeeoMMlt on myself. Ilaviug Leen eiltir -d for veral years with severe cough. beetle free r ford.o coneountant diseases, and seemed only doomed to [lnger out a short but miserable existence, until the toll of RCMhen being more severely stmelred, and having resorted to ' sil my former remedies., and the pro. tertpnens of two of t/te most respectable physicians La the neighborhood dt withoutdemanig any benefit, or e consolation of aorvoring Lut low days or week. 0 farther—when the last gleam of hope wee about to vanish, l had recommended to me your Fatteetortud— and blessed by that Being who does all thong. is the sae of the means—sad contruy to the •xpeetatlons of mY PhYsteninvand frieeds,l or. RI a few days raised from my Led, and was enahlerlby the ascot a bottle, or attend to my bottom., miloging tunepbotterheatth thou I had for ten years presto.. Respectfully yours, ke., Jsa. Farris. a Ica sate m Pitusbargh, at th e Pekin Tea btteire,77 ['comb street_ suitrlb / t . t u b ir . l.: o D NUTO—list bosh formate uy WICK d 6VCANDI.I22R 1-." A 4 k'';‘ , C..., X-4- ""Z • . - 'A A "t:rke 4,1: . ., . ; t • :A- - , , •. 4 . , . ( ~,,t i A--Yii , 1 ;,,,,,, i, :' i r A4 - . ..4...,,t, ( ....,.. -. , ; ?v. , • . r 7l-z t r' , l' ,' 'i ; I ,it - i i . , i., C-,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers