ESABLISHE SS CARDS, -- i. x ....,.. : - I I, 1 . 111 , 11.10 T. BAIRD & ISTERILETTs, jiTIVIINEVO ANL CI.N/ ?al ELLOBS A r LA W, Fourth treatiPleneeen Bnange:d and Grant, I.;dubaratt, I 1; ' i juls )OtIN Z. LIE ii ieL l u ' l j t a parics r , e• ju lls;:n; A TTOFIN 'FS AZ LA W, Fourth steeeL pear (..., - 4 11.+1.-rril iw kiiiirl'Aiku, c0......aterch.... la& * til ' Prod.., No. e Market . l it , l Innaluasl, 1 _l_ n 11.0. I, 1.111...41 651 F it PADER, %Ulae.. deafen '& j,. Dry 6 Nalco no, Boots. Shoes, rttl•bUlth B•• 1210.112 11111Cfef, &-C., NA INV lobsidy stsce.4 Mansard/so i /, i g u vow , . t I •111...1)1F . 2rETACIIII.II3I4 b RAW. It. REX P.R., Wholesale end Renal Brnt. jilti gists, 0 nu. of !Oasts and As. Clair stows, ilin•- !!'".. l !'s r 2! ' maylil oa. n.Otac... lon___TSON, Wholoonloi, (hooch, P aullsauol gosolututz, No. IC, Llbony • den ty. ni Co, WitoTe - saTi' mad Kb= JJ. Draggy., Comer "%Yam! oznlNOr.o. 171_ WALE'? Ihocers, lb odd Wood arocc . rour_gla_ -Ct — AIIc.A.NUL • ✓ l. Co., i'ororanitog' - iOor IJ. Merc4ato, Canal Boom, Putoborthll.. BROWI I stud C• ni rilaboo)th. tech./ _ - Dingman* 11prlisitr, Axle, Mtge! ssia Trpb COLEMAN," lIAMAL&N a . Co i rtiantiattltort ammered Adel, tfprine Mi l = . I '. , P =a4. Warehouse On Wate and Front streehr.Pittsburgh. Ms:, &dent Ooacit Truntimpt ...a Malleable Casting. octet MARLILN WulifOilViLlitiotTle Ttlalt.EAD Or WOOD PITTEDUROIL t • Enacting wattrougs, , /lU.Y7NVEJio.Wiun6etnn blonorneatr, Ulan* i Totaba,Miad Sta.% M=6 tie aid rieribps. - ofibreign and dattestle intbh,, it •regalar avd fits pnba 13.—Drayrum fo t#2lllll.l3tr, vaults, 'IL of. itty destnyiott;,: DO solicits sainie lot public _ ' AMMI 111.0111.. • ETWAVVLlV l M l 4 t tota 'g ralotit n j. warthny, tderhama, tiodilealcrs Produee FIO trom6 Msau&etuma, N0. , 37 . n00d sa_, between .Junll INUCOC ;ilZuon.lon IFOrlastoi Nerchtn; No. ?:1-1 , 7,00d xtreet Pitlebeneb. tn;lt HULIIC I.ld4hOW - 14 11. ACTORY• IarAbIILIUN STEW /UM, manufacturer Rileavi Altirtinga, Cheats, itattecca street, etty al Aneghany • anglehaly• (arcersdAb Murphy on Ler",) flea' ...411.• Cr and Comudision Novena', for We ale of Atnerirna Woolen.,listorrty, °ppm'. Ash Ire_, 10117 ihnuloko. h. ki canna, JIM" A. liairEALD & iftlekr.Boll., TOL).eg Coradareu Aler- JA, aunts, 41 Nora Water &IG Para Wharves' IL LEL' H• 11)1 ' ; JONSS,St IsaccessomtWatw.'di Jnocatc Co.) GalataLama and Forwanitng chants, de:slack/a Yhtslcugh Idanufactared Uocda, ihnahttritt, • nicht" DUn, roam ream, JO, trail.All - LIICKY Whiilesale (.Iroce.., COM ;mission Meretuums iniddealers in ProdoceiNoi. he' nine aod Fohnt teeht, Piusbut., JI GLEN IL TOWNS 'Mb, Drsgaisi &ad epoloseary, No. 41 Market three doors at There at Pima: tomb, will have constlenlia herul a we ll selected sa.„ muter.. of the bete and hest Medicines, whleli he will sell on the mese noble wrists. Pletsietzna seeding seders, will belprompily attended* and stele,l plied with sleeks therUky rely Iwo as &lame. Oar Owed., Porsitianoru Wilt be ace arately and amity prepafed from boo materials, at Ley Lear of os day or Also for sate, a largS Meek of rnodi sad good Perin, L. , Jain e. " /ki ft t ah 41 ” 0171 cg de t Pearl- -• IMES tl McCall:RU.l4. °film ELM of Algeo 11.1 AP PleGuim,) Plm.mtlT.or, 83. Chmlat 131131.4., awl 3:nee: L a./ Wood;rtMmrs& 7 AMLY d HITPCLII:SIIN, & Ca.--Summiont V Lamm La china a 3.01., Ca.:3lmion himetuanm, and A.Emm at .3 .81. '4443413.. So Re do N 0.41 1 wt. =din frog gtreets, Pillabust. • 1.1 I e. 14.1.W011.111 ir.Z l Wholesale Nneeen• Pro. U • dare and Commile hlerehanu, and .Agenas for the Hazard Powder Cam' , . of N. 27 Wood SI, Piltsbnroh onNEk muktuert, IF ern' Din Sar,rerd, this, V Eze.,111o.0:1 Wood attest, one door Butho or trinanord AneT, Ihus- Innad Temps KERR, (=neer...s dosepn,U. V Any-120p InkdisrO,46 Water street. 0e..1 I diEN MELLo4;o4oleasde ecaad.a. u Moue aruirdowerdi lostrcourras, Selood Boons, rairer, Slates, Steel Ye., quills, .Prilners , CardJ, and Eltatinnary voeralty,Diciarl Wood"; Pinobartn. J..tatrzei 40,i4..L4 rerade Dropots, JOIIN :pAVL,S, rtne!!r+r, eornezAn and Wood __orseern,:Pattrbortli. J( - 11 - 124 - 01 & SiWCW, 800k.11.11, Owners and Paper Mutest N 0.44 Mukat bargh. • :jelf Joan PLoyn. • . 1 ,77, ir e.. H. FUiliD, Ciadeille 0 rewe ' n, 1"?' :' ~ z„ . P h "lite u rnu, and *tars /12 Prodnie, 14oftni fronnaront La. ny, Wood and tia, nnwu, rnabargb, iti. 1" mib fAhIt.N.LAI.,ZELL, Wlttolelsole wooer, Llettonneuto, Itlnehout, and draletiiti Produce nod Potato:ugh blanafostatca. to. 74 loVglrest, rotsborge. Aunt JAM/ INTIVEII, Ja tiod ter to Fossign Woaes hli'd Liquors. and old Marlow, ! valeta nye Wtoakers, col Must and Rae, ha, /72 .K.11.31/r. JON 533,Vorertrdi9g and Coafforamon Ater. cheats, Leak-no. PiNiece end Yltlehergh realm teetered ...les, Emil MOM, mettle, et. del PLUM BULL, illE i laiDeJtiffekl.-Ptrj w - ENNEuy,CIIII.Led &GO, Iffrootfarareee . OLeerY 11 reP.Tsor 4-1 Necetrak., Carpel Uwe, Canoe 'l carne and u.uutl. pe.3s4_ Vesowloa Ifors Works. LffsII.ILELT,L ,Co., roareffactorent of all 14- of Caritas! zee liar, Sim., Boiler Irou sa d Na IVerchonoosl 'rioter and 145 faun et !, Attie T~MDCII/ II WATERMAN. Wl7Oleole G Poniard- - , leg and C 0111321.111310111 ; erchant, Of w Ku. tgh FronMannfeetores and VY0•111CC- ; Noe. 31 WeIV., sod EU t • a T 110142 i 11016121, . 4011111 awl LTII,IitIMAJIGDY gtAWYElli u 00r ta.nas ldnaglithtutem, =I Madeirale dealer. in foreign and gunman Variety 3:120re91t“.1, red4ll,ll. aad othata xr 11,191.. ed to C■llll3llleitl4lllll the prtdchmtd quality ofour sweit i a. with oar present increased technics to manufactian mg and purchastng, we think we can oiler as great alcum:mats to buyers as toy other house . of the Mountains. tag-ty /C 5111.1- 3.. c. AacGILL.SIt. iditustatlatle ILirocentatstillotamm. 11Lvon Merchant., Liberty sr., Palsbamkl,. NA URDIIIi, WILSON &AI:, Owe Joan, Nat'P.tY I IVA Co.) %Vboiesale lkided it Dry Goods, No. 4 Wuxi street, Potsbamh. l'd ' Culnr2ll 12 _ 11/I ,III FAV Wit.ROKlTn;liisitandAtliiudriPlost ,ro. mr, ROOMS, . come; 41 'Post Offmo Alley and dC64I.L Fonith sheet, entrance on 101' near harken. 4.i.4..... .L , . ATIRBURGII emu. WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE:PAL:TURK. til•Aa Mtn, ''S.: . /0101 P. quoin. JONES 4 , 4;uicace. ik i rANITFACTUREILS o . imrog A .) pg. ) , ~,,.et jig. ploagh steel, steel plinsitherings, easel and clip ye mane, hammered non etthes, and dealers in cal maniacamings, lire engine looms, and conch Otmmings generally, corner of Ross odd . From.. as., Pittsburgh, ra. febn XT lICALAILS h SON, ?is 53 Narita it, wend door from corner of . Fourth, deafen la Foreign aed Lloamau o tads of Ezeberurey 13errilleameot Depos it, Bash Normand Spade. .4 arr Collor-limn mad oh: al! the pnnetpal enter throughout the United Siateh dg,co ..D1 •H u door Sis a titiOd, sontnef '"‘h i t ' Vatoreystmagni All all tit done wak We greatta • .2 • I* DLL GICOLI.CI* hInCOOK. giAPPICFS, Pourth Greet,' near Mon, the ro am 1,/ lately occupied by dideOrtan tramedude IF opposite Mr. liatearelfailitle my be found at night i• No- 71, AL Chutes lulLAtien Talitabeirdau M. D., 7 %AMELIA= SUR(LECIAL will attend to the ',dab 1„." litenlof Dianne. of Ihdhle. LICE. tram been engaged Winn. branch of the medi cal profesaion for Aileen yeah, and him conductallin Adabliidiment 6r the treatment of Moses.of the dye alone for several years. Ounce and residence, earner of Sanduskyst Annerberty alley, dllegbenr,pity. actin PEKIA TEAfrpair..—pip, 7.1 W l oidth k Wood— ;aluminum of Green nal . mama Tau, don in gentler, half, and Al Posedpnetagea, raugihg from no ma. per podird ll". its A. JAf NE 5,.,11 . 41. (or Pekin Toe 1:4 Ito UOICSON CO. havlag asseeinted SHOWS Abe LirrLE,ar.,aath dia* . buxne of, the Whale sate Grocery, notlaen .11 Galan business lint be continued manual owlet Ok firm of N.A.., Lik- Ile P. Co. uu OBISOiII, LIME& C jl ' IN°. 102 Liberty .irate, lb Pittsburgh, Whinesahf Alhuers, Produce ane Connarardon 'Merchants, anK,eim.en, in Pittsburgh Manufacrams. JY7 MOM Reilook. mom trAtat. 0001. s 10fun02... ROBERTIROORE., Wl,4aile Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, den*: in Prodnee, Pittsburgh kli.df"- tares, and all kinds of Pordiga and Domeztio Winas aisd Lateens, An. 1.1 Laberollure L On hand • very hops 01000 of superior eldihtLongabels whiskey, bowie low for e¢jh l aptkly., pOniurt ipetti ei.," (-1.3e42 and Formrstrillal Pis:shrug , and Pittsburgh glidiufaeurg, Lheny U. vinaburgh, Pa fele* a. 144 Ir lANGrwi7cti DealLabeiler td Predate mid illi'Aliburga Manufactingli, y_ e3O, EYNOLin , LBEF- 1 :. Pellsarding and cm 'ulcitt bl.mfififin , fin fin aned.ry Tradme,'dcalii Produce, iltillaburgh tilan nfireturini and Chloride au... notagteekt pne“, m eatilid at all tuxes DU corm Pecm 'lrwin ... e c f1 ...,...n., ihteiaorr It WHITk i‘vb,,, — ZAiL D =.4 , 1.7 Foreign sod Lioadestie Lid!poons. No. O 0 Wood FL. Piudbargh. p I. „ . 1,611711- ----- ' OIdITLI, anniALNY it telVheimde Grocer, tail 1,7 Produce liClliCilh itl.ta . ekti street, booreon OA .ad nth, Nonl, did., mi.!. ....frj K Limner. S — ! '- olu i r iA di 6 = Vtd : 11 ni -PI' Y, =to . eo`a/dnii st Ler? Conunispon 111 " Wo - fdolft: .66.1 Water dt., Pam. Initgb. 6, 1: t 1 . , -, ____ ~";.-, - , .. , : r.! , . • f- Y.,- • .. , , 1 . . . . , • ..,... , 7 i .. r... , •1 ... , . -'% G , .. , , .. • _ ... • •, ',..:*' •.. . ~..,..! . _ • „:„..c., T , i , ....,,, it 'd ti • .. . 1 ' ki t, -/ lil : • , •.. . i ...: ... ~.. „...„.. A• L ~.,..... , . ~ 1:..• . .....r.. ••• e• ,. . . ..• . _ . 130 IN 1786. CARDS mum; rrrnotchau. rata Immo SKLLERS 8 NICOIv% Prodaca and General Cofo oilawon Alorchant, N. 17 Ltborty l'in.burglx. Liusced and Lard Oita VOFITCRO:r:IftitId3T6.&MTI Nt,'KoZ.o.fei.Wo- DoLors r ll ' s PiOsburoh lloonfactuTes b dor v have removed to [boil. new warchoow,(old stand) 33, cornea of From and Chancery Lane. nov7 Coma.. slam Merchants, and dekletri in fraluce. No. 35 nod K. tinsburgh. pa ur.i.. f I iROTII k. SCOTT, Whole.aie o d Flew' dealer, its Boas; noes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, W. orner of Oh and Stnithficlil INitatin.rgh, Na lad nay aceAmri&Xs Lo& & iIY:ANDLFZS Duecesann to J. Wlck,) Whalen Co rom, Forwardm g lusd i Idarchanta, denim' in In., landa. Clam, LAM M Yams, and l'inaloorgl, idannfactores gcamDY3 rem.. ni Wfund mdiVaier •traem I•nDhumh )Eir w. anan, -- ',ll PrnMl Ty ing mtablisnment, 0.244 Libarty " =nal Man., rFKW W ILqN:Wiefc.,J evreiry, bilvcr Ware, ►• and Dfilinkryfititotlit, romer or ittarlet.d 416 Pitisbetrigh, P. N.B.—Watches •titt elonk. der4 )iV.ESTL7IS:;;;;dIIN. - -Cominnorion and Forontrdn Alerciinnt, Ne. 90 Front in..betwren Wood 11T 1131.11.41 street% frlt24 . . W . su b sale inn i t i Z i tan r =lyr eallierOf Market •nd Fourth ' . e nt ry ngn. TOIMay - CUM. YOUNG ix Co.—DeGers in l ealini hide, &.4 WV 'IC Liberty si 0015-4 IninTalinitrrornann. - .Sr. MOVITIVIIZOIF IAT &R. IIPCUTCIFEON, Wholesale 13i - eers, den- V lets in Produce. Iron. Nada, Gina, and Pau. bore. hlanufactures 'centrally. 1.C.0 Liberty at, Pion beret; deed W W WlL.a.o?i, Dealer in %Pawnee. jewelry teI.VT , Silver Ware, Military tioods..k.c., No 57 let RI. WIT:NOUN° Olt.. CO., Ir\PALERN IN HIDES AND I.EO'rliER.. MornsX/ Shoe Finding, 8.c.. No. I.4.lLtieny street. Jost 7ceeiveil their SPRING trrolir r.t r„ primalarge axiortmeut or articles to Door Which the attention of purctio.ors is toweled. matt:, PETTICIIMIN dr. CO” *3n'. STEAM It °AT A 'r Omen ...BOVE Al. MAX, S. Co, oel2l , No. 41 Water %ire, a • • • • • • INSURANCE. wit 8 'l' xilill lili rit 8 c 031 P -A ii Y OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $300,000. i Tom:Y. -1, Sett'. I 11 Altus& Jr, Presl . Mill moire Inralllsl all kinds of risks, FIRE AND MARINE. A 1441 m m, mill he laterally nelemed turd promptly Jolk., pull. A home imettaion—managed by Directors whir are well Imo." w rho comintoe7, and who ore delent.ll2l• ad by Promptness aid Mesa rly no maintain Ms char. aster :Mich they have assumed,as orenng the beg protecnon to them who donut to be Insured. Drimocom—EL Miller. Jr.. Geo. Black, J W Beth, N. Holmes, Jr. Wm. D. liehmer, C. Ihnime, Gm. ii Jmiron, Wm. M. Lyon. Jas. firpmneolt, Thos. K. Liter, James hl'Anlay, Mex. Nimek, Thor, Scott OrrICII, 1i0.77 Water street, (warehouse of Spear A Co., up maim,/ Poulterer. na4:dly URAMCEs IN I s LS DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY MST, RANCE tXrhIPANY —Office. Non& Room of be 11:chnege Third street, Philadelphia_ Fin ErstraMlOL—BarblingS. Merchandise end other properly in . and commar, mitered W../ rove rir damage by firear the lowest nue tr y pummel BILAIRIKE lesult....—They also moue Vessels, Cm goes and Free., foregen or cfra.llllrue. under opm or special policies, as the assured may denre. bLeroTraitscoamma—They also Insure mere hen. dim transported by Wagons, Railroad Curs, Cane Bolosand Simon Boats, on rivers am lakes, on the Most liberal term.. DIRECTORS-Joseph 11. Seal, Fain:rend A. Sonde, John C Nota, Robin, Devon, John R Peen», Some al bklerotris,Gros 0 Leiner, Eduard Darlington. Inas, R Davis, IVillimn Falwell, John Newlin. Dr R II lles. ton, James C nand, Theephiles Pmldtng. II Jones Blacks, Henry Sloan, Ruth Craig, George Sernli, SpeIICCT DICIIVIAIN Charles Kell Johnson, Wri 11•61 Ilay, Dr 8 Tharnits, John Sellers,Wm. Eyre: Jr. DIREC'TOIIBI..AT PITTSBURGH-1J T. Murray. Wm. Bagel y, Joe. T.Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Prendent. Ihmisko 8. Nraracask,Dricretary. ID - Offree.Mithe Compauy. No. 42 Wamr arreel, Piesbnreir. Jblkdtf P. A. hIADORA, Agent. FIEL - k — A - 11111 BAALIANS INSURANCIA. trpfix INSURANCE Co. el : Nord, Aarserick j make permanent and bunted Noumea on pm. tteetr i, tn ß lite ., 7 rt . :pity : and La Ointment. by Tb nleteente• of this Company are well invested. and tarnish an avail ble fond for Abe ample indemnity of all persona lobo ldaalre to be protected bylandsmen. tayle ANSI P. JONES, Agent, tt Water .t. 1M : awry. 1 270 Frosailia lhr. innornmee Co. of Pkaad4heo. ; - i - ItuarrOß3-Cll.l. N.B.eker Thaw. Ilan. .IJ Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jamb R. :Wow, ;Goo. Witmhardy, Mordecai B. Levy to, gdolpho li ;Bone, Docol S. Brown, &lonia Patterson. N. MEM.. Presidcza. Charles.G. Donau, Summary. COminoe nodes noranee, petruvoal or lianmet oet ovary dearoptioa of property w town or moony, rates to.. am. conalaent with sooority. To Carnpany have reservad a large oontro goat Fond, which wlth their Capital mud Pronoun safey loves. ed i ttroot ample protect!. to 10e assured. e assets or We eon:pony, on January ea Wan, poblithed agreeably to . act of cwouthly, , .Yore delloon_oon_ fac.O.6e• But Ceram Temporary Loans 01.01. Cash, to. 91.3g1,192 Since th eir incorporation, a pe ri od of 19 years, ( they have paid upwards of notiodllion foot hundred thou.- and dollar., lo..estry fire, thereby affordingeruienee the advantaged of Insaranee, well as the ability and diapoznion to meet with promptness all J. tidiRDIN CM COFFIN, Age., marl-city Office Pt E corner Wood and Jd its bial.smiannitPriLtiakiaiLiimom. co. I)A- AIADEIII , ), Age.. Fitudiorgh for th e Den.- ..ware biota. Safety Inaiiranee Congany of Mal adelphia. Fire Was upon buildings aiLd merchuudrze of every deacription. and Mastne'itisks apron hulls or eirgoes of Venue* takes span the Men raVorebk Una,. IlirL °Mee In the Warehouse of W-D. Holmes & Bro., N 0.37 Water, near /dark. urea, Pittsburgh. N. mice . ..Sof this Canommy since entati- IMltment or die Agenel is this ratty, with the PlomM neun and liberality withwhich every Haim upon them for bus lea been adJasted, fatly warrant the agent in Inviting the <indolence mulpitiroisage Mina friends and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. limo tame Company, while It has tha additional advantages as an institution amang dm morn Amami/nig in PhiloilM. phia—ss hating an ionplepain-In capital, sob eh by the operation• of its charter ts eon ...Indy inewasiog, yielding to each person insured his due mare or the proGto of the, company, without isminving tom in Roy responsibility whatever, and the-retort as powessui, the Alimsal principle divested of every oinmasone tea. tare, and to to most nuraetive form tool PULSE A:NtrmLiatittir. !MIURA/NCR. Inusrmie Company of North Amerlea, mroogl, W dal y oinhoriscd Agent, Me Imlsseriber, otters to make perumern and liEnted I.aranee pnipenr, . this city and to vicinity, and on obmments bt tLe fi nal and Leers. LICE= Arthur 6 Coffin, Charles Taylor, Anthrose White, /two., Joao A Nett, fischard D. Wood, W. Welsh, Franks Rodeos, S. Attediri ALlilrone ARTHUR U. CUFFIN, Pre. OVIXT D. Suzann., Sees, Thou Revision Insurance Compair, in the United Stoles, itovift been chartered in 1.114. charter is piny - rental, an&froto its high stooding,long expetee, ample means, and iroidiog W mks of so Gin. Ls. attn. character, it mll7 be considered as ...Tsang nos plasocurar . to the pobt.c. W. P. JONES. At the Coauthor Room of Atwood, Jones A.Co , W e m/and Front streets Patsbagth. me& frli urnEr SURSCRIREItias boon appoint«) Agent pto , . of Cho Ins urance Company of North Amens a, a so will issue Pohries sad attend to the other busnass *Cam Agency, at the waronooso of Atwood, Jon,, Co. us.l2 Whi. P. JUNES.. wutet el Sandi W. Jones, Edward gawk John A. Brown, - John Whihr,, Thornax . P. Cope, Panned P. ban* Santualßrooka, FORWARDING & CORMISSION t C. COIL J. C. 1 1 21/.7P001...i. COPE a nay. YPOGLE FORWARDING COAUttIAiSION AIERCIIAN, And dealers ni White Lead, Windo w Glass, de w , &wend Greet, Pittsburgh , Po. Will attend promptly or the ule antele, entrusted to their ewe, dam, 1.-B. r atcySmith, IL Tanner N. Co , A VV't Ilartangli, /Say A 00, hfiwytty, n ilownt L Co., Pittsburgh. Hannah, Granata Co., and the nier. ehAnts gennialiy, New Lisbon, O. D.& D. ID'Llonald tr. Co., blew Wed. Wella.ule,lJ Joseph WitGon, I. Digger it Cu, Fenner Se felawolion, Bennett, Martin Q. Ce., Weaver, Taylor. tio., John It. 1t,.,.,. a. C. Philadelphia. A. G. klaritardton BDS , Grog; Jet,„ Y. Latta vine Ry. John Sandi , New falcons laid) fiannaii, Cleveland, O. A. J. kindle .id aus. jail", G. Clark, ?GIGO. Co, Heaver, Pa. alien:oi ~o L e. anew; PACKf,.Ii OF iiJRKONit CoMmitstot Merchant and Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST, CLNCINNATI, 0100. PET jtonsnolar oltennon ltd to the purclthaing of Of any aside; of Prodnee market. Also we fOrgralaing Or 0.6 Messrs. John 8o soy & Co,) ; " Maras &_toaksrelirtneinnon, O. S. C. Parkhurst, boy. ; Lippincott & Co. Kier & Jones, • En }Pittsburgh, I . s. gtals & Bennet; ugyoues! srijmulalk.AN„ Ootaraisaloo and Forwarding no. LS woeinti rtrrstworm, CONTINUES to transact ;general Cotranuston host. Demi, cif pc-chilly in the purchase and mile of Amen an Manliflietnces and Produce, and N receiving and towianling Wool. Wane./ is ISO earn As Agri° for the Mosul - actor., hi W ll he constantly uopplted with thedinneipal Wile/Clio( Pittsburgh hlworaelsrs at ths koala wholesale prices. Orders nud coniiigueue: Ire tespentlallp_sWelled. lo; run. k. r. jirrintlei ow. a initillinos. , YEATIIIII,I4, PITT.IIMI CO., FORWARDING COMIIIANION MERCHANTS, No. ISO Second•treet Ittedt27:dant• IT. LOUIS, AlO. s lr. ;Cum -- B , 43F.dia As ATKINSON, PIM Fly ...Wt. WWI &ILL.; cIONTINUE inandaware all kiwis of COPPPR, Tin ANI)ddIECT.IR t:. ON Wen A 1..,, Sib Work. Steam HOll4 hellt to order. b-ie, end attetnion given to steam boat wort. Davison band. a no meant.. of Copper and Dram Keides,Tin Wamdte.k.e. iineanaboat Cooktag Nieves, Fallible Forges, variants sises—a veryconvenient ar tieleyor steamboat, California emigrants, or rail grad eena aide". s p would reipectfully invite steam boot men and otlie=all=o . ; . onr amt. and pricer Were p.m. trio ' ~~. .. .. .......~L~~w _~ ... • -- - FOUNTAI 170TE11.. LIGHT STREET N HALT !STORE. trao A:10 ehoasvom, AIMS establishment long mid Witiriy known n• being one of the most eomniodions ,a the env Baitnnore, has recently undergone y emea. sive .11e1111.3. anti .prfirVernen.. A rn, new h a . s b e en added,. ennu.ning nuni,hho aid n;:y sleeping apartments. mid extensive ' , anti:ix rooms Thm l.adics' department her also been ennletely reorgartire4l and fitted op in a moat unique nod .beann• hat style. In feet the arrangement of Ow p en ouse hes been remodeled, with e arse eye Oil .1- of thenp towards the comfort and ple-nre thei Ouesta, and which they ran net ft.., win challenge compar.son with any llotet in th e I Their table will aim Lie supplied with ever, cub. Menial and luxury which th e market o f served up in all perior style, while in the way of Wt.,. &c., Thep wil not be loniasned eonchision the propnethr• beg to soy, the , rothing will be left undone on their pm and rat the part of their aSslstallbi, to render this llntel womb] the continued patronage of their friends and the public The priers for board Lave also been redueed to the followmg rates: [indite' Ordinary, 111,75 per day Gentlemen!, I An N. 11.--The Itagmwe Wagon of the 'louse will al ways be found at the Car and Stearabom landings, which will convoy baggage to and from the Hotel. free of charge. EXCHANGE FIOTEL, inayglf 0011.171. Or a IM /NU ST C mr on, r•. , ubaenher havn R. neshe...tug , me t O(thin iartft . CSltthindlEd and popalar lintel. respeettally announces to Trarellern a1. , 1 the w Public generally, that he wil! he at all :1111, prepared accounnodato a... in all thing. deunn.le 111 a well regulated 110101. Tho Hoax.. t.tanw brute thoroughly reviled throughout. and neva Purniture ad.led. nod no paint. will be spared to mulct. the kettange cow of the very heat Hotels in the counter. The uudervigned map"etfully solicits tt rotinuttauce of the very liberal patronage the House ha. he mtutore the ' THOMAS OWS7IIN. - - -• feldidtl Proge.eior Of VOL/LitTli /L. 0.701 . senirra, rerreseautt 00095. TOE nobreriber respectfully anonetnees mat he has now open e d his new and eseeller.l Ilnrel Coe the erromandlation of treacle,. tsmoler. and the imblie generally. The house and furniture are crittrelyand no !mins ov exgeo,se hal bees seared to render it one of the most comfortable. and ricasant Hotels in the chg. The subscriber Is determined to de-serve. and there (ore gottetes, n share of publir patron:4c. 0c114,11y prog,,,iro UNITED STAIPH HOTEL, - 11.1.V.L111 . 0C.1r /L. Inler IL .1 IrlsreilTE late Bank of the United SLIM, l'huts k drphia. M. POPE 114M.111E1.1.. ma rO.f Propnetnr • _ LAW OFFICES. SVSt TINIIII.IIi, ATTORNEY AT LAO/. , Pa W - ILL also attend to rollectoons and all out., loasi- T T tams entrusted to lout on Butler and Atm...lw it. Refer to J. & R. Floyd. Liberty at. IN. %I'. I; allure, do lames alarslia: , rittehueg Fly Kay & oat .1 "' J . VF:ITSER. Attorney at •I J. It rti oppostte St. Charles Bow/. l'ott , l.nrelt. to.' .0-o attend promptly to Lblleetiort:. ti'aMoug.ton. r and bre..en coronae.. N unrrn Blarkstoelr. Bell to Co, Church & Carothers, Frysbergls. T 7.torran, S ..0111.. • -E lII'NR V, Attorney and Counmilnr . tin emo ato, Chou Collect.. on South", in Indian, and in Kearneky, prompth fully Kneaded 10 COIRIM. , 10111, .1' 0, ,tAlr Fenn• sylvsma, (or ta1...0t, Dopoamoat, S.e. • Rana Bell A Pon. Cann, Ch.,reo Carotttem, Wen. Hays, tag ,tr Woe! at. Dan,. arf. HATS, CAPS AND . BONNETS EVCOUXI CU" (Snre•gors to a orta n`g) Pashion•ble Ei•ta• renter tif Wow( dnd F Oh Se , -O. PARTICULAR *neut.:l.N. to our k -tau i't•dg Getalrmest ran rely Wyou rettmg thei • Ila.• gad Caps from our eatattludurteut of the El:, augur, • and WORICtULTiaII, Of We urgar rm.., sod at thr r wagr rates, Coautry !!.ferchabb, purchaging by arholere, arr reamcdody maned to gall and exanuou oar ca. • o• - we ca. hay with confidence taut a. regard..., ...ter rod meg,. will not salter too rompartgon y boom t .17 c.,..,..,F0RN.A II AT•e•—l dog •••• Califorota lu•• recelgthl s and lot •ah 'Ct 'RD Ain icha7 ranter Sub and %% ••• rnaSPIUNO YAh 1410:4 S VOIL IN 49. at ,51'Clltil/ hr. wtII sound„-e on .elor 4 4,Any, Nlatct. S- Inv r to ing sty, of 'Those In vital of a neat nn ' n: eoponor eall 4rorner of licla end Woo.' ....els are 1•C 14/siFIT RIBBONS. R Q has now open a sopp sprlr., Don. 'et MIL., of itew end han.l•onne styles. Alui, near -ty.o Ned Naar, Lisle Laces and ,le. RIF.; Linen Edrinre; Vision. Oa Lo Nli ia.l Jeteoncis. embroldeml Swiss Masi.... he, e 5...,• large sawn :moot of epring Goods generally, e nor. cut earner 4th and Martel streets. Wholesale Rooms op stair, COPARTNERSHIPS. c. ~p:rane 6 04..47.1 41 14,7,1 51.5 - 0,1,4 ZEutl-r,331 :Lein tou,bw.• JACOB I. ,lIIVARTZ.anJ MEMEN7MMI 'init.: parlay r..h tp herrlal arc ex . wrlna antler ta, 0( A. a .7. BRADLEY . dlawdrea In v,e J, ea. at Mr. C. Itrralloy The id 511.[....• 140:i b.- earned .04 A. /Wadley, who will or, tic the I..urwer• or the w firm. - RENIOVAIr—A. Rxardo a 111 I• removed Li. Fano Ir. Warehouse /real Nu. 11, :coral ruse, ir• N 19 IVowa rarer, belwarn ITtnl and Accohd ot O. • dere, gal I.y r: A. Clear, . war.. w vtll aer,../awtanuy w, band gedaral 1! Oi Slow, Cwaktna l•toaca. dr DISSO 141JT)01%. , I , llBprutncrahlp beret. 'ore eibt, between Sam '. us! B. thuh6eld es:. William 8 liar, b..bbse under din bern of 111:441IFII iLB S BAYS e . 324 thi. ,t, re-o ,Ibuolard I.y IVilbam B. Bay. lento, tso Imeeerl In the firmS Barbbeisl. MI ....c.d.. mire dee the Lyn. wul be robeeso f by S H. Ito.labelE. all debte doe by lbc. laze Gnuto 1,42 yard by the .lIPC II El .11, Pittabo rxll. June 22, 1,19 NV IL VS an. PA Rvadrrr n harm g day a.m.dd Yana tanaanif 00 !Jung, fa. •fltedford:a:a. Pa.. Ed:4 In•-natly 0 .1 NPII.I rm *4 . . . I'M. bur; a. ,al ...... uncle ihe t.w.n.... ~,,d,y ih.. h. a( 11 UNIIF/111.1) A. LA:AUK/I. Al n.. • oi.l m Z.d. No 11 Larerty .i..• t. 1. II FINQIIFIF.I.I) Pillshorgli, Jon,. ;•_, Ist, II L.l.:ADift 114,, mum! .scrt the for mtr 1 ~ I tM, f. ,. .ure .11 n•votnonrmalmg lueTessers truultge tn) euotonzter• uss,l pub:, tmlerAl , l .127 /lA, 4 sn.thcreethDlonol ptla btp ee , .fore be lnrll I)) rthere. inth a Cone4be. . dneolve n mats n 1 r engem.. ]lens Burke 4 Lien,. virTfl settle the IA ...we.. el the eon cent, Icor vesneh purpooe trey arc a athonaed th name at the .toorern. ti eI.,NSTA E1 , 3t1, ND Be jIILF- T/ 1011 AS Be yiN Es. The undentiotne.l have thy nawelated theootrlve I r the name to EPURICP: Pr. BARN ',P t for the porton... of manufacturing byre front Mat, ti Vault Door,, ke ha., at the .fund of the. lute lam o f Conataltle. Rorke & Cu., where thei a,ll I,r plett.ed to reprove, the pa tronage at the eustnote r. eV". Iglu or and thetr foetid, EIPAI Uhl! PPLIOPK, TllO. dAS BARN P., miranlrrwbtmnlrn.nn wtl9 .nrem pi-111/um feroulsn,n,l MCPI.I.I. ISnrk. k We vosnfidenre of my friend zuld the Feb. 9, 1e93. ATII l/NSTA /11,E. DISSOLUTION. p•rlner mutual er.nscnt. 11p f MUNTICY /i• th,. dayVrv,l' . 511ggI:7(!'" Into firm .111, risuberglt, Jvn U LER. undr•tol;;:l mill e , he Wool nod alteu4 to the unle of Woonttnue olen I .00tf., at the oft etend. In from the firm of Murphy fr. 1.4 rt. I take great plen•uve in 'l:commending Mr lA, to the confidence of toy frleods and the 'whit,. husfidr;fi, Jan. 30, L. 441 M UR 1 . 111" 11114 stuouiibers tam ‘1•1 thew selves togettaor for Or purpose of Inman,. r arbolennfie nod retail 1)07 Goods and firouely Lostne, at No 2fill lafierty, oopostte Soventh stre,t, under the style and firm of DU: 4 IIIIEI.D & ILA I'S. Pnl.l.9orgh, January 1.1849 N ll—Our old customers and the public are lovoted to glue naa call 1.6 CO.PAIITIMILSIIIp. WNI. It. 84.1.41 FE and Capl JA 914, ATKINSON barn on4ered into parlor ,htp, Louie, tar firm of SCAI4I4 ATKINS.ON amd eztrty on the TU.. eopper, and othret Icon lb an, tll[lllll,,VrY Au. o. 111...44ma10ng td io all us at the old anu of 41. to. 11. scud', }first .111,4 Ica, flood. 11N ,r n/lc/1“. give 11 It steamboat wort. ==EIMEM • . . rotetr, I•rodurt. ac..l COMIIII.I/011 • ••, the/ Ju•ri.L. whirr 16.1 firm ol J. .A 1,11.W1,1r II Jamanry 1.1-19 10-PA ILTNIC.II.BIIILP—Wm. l'oLaa bay. ,; twa V, day a. a0.nt..1 avaL L an, John R. NlNNant, IL a Ira. /bet 1..0..,tta1. hcfrsallef ho aoadoa , al u,rd. r ,40 4r , r, art Wm 1 ancu 14. Co. WILLIAM YOU: Ili, ai,as IN , / IL : BEN N ETT h BROTHER IdrlfErkSW AR If. s 1 AN UP.M.71'1.1 HERS, Elloonlraghamt. [sear Plataboar Itorrehrouac, No. 137, Wood sired, r, A. WILL eonistanuy k cep on hand moods c Port meut DI WK.; 0 our own manufacture. and aucieriorquality. holesair and country Mer chants star roaprotfitily invited to 0 amine far thernselaco, as we are dotermined ite:l sleeper than ever before been oh trod to the put,- m. It 7 Oder, a.t y aecomprinie dhy the csAah or faferenur w LOA hum,' tv at:en fed in in, If. on &f ..caCVmft., I dT. Peatl.rr intidufg IrWma I. E. A Al Luse, and fur CI, by JA All' It ILA 1:21.1.1.. Sho p. Witil lTAlAN—Alanolholurer o. kind. of rat • tun and woollen nmehincry, All reheny eft,. l'a The ativre wort* being now in full iar .1 fore...dui op eratic-Ih] am prepared to elecuto ord, ra with M.p.g.!, for all k :std. oVmaehl nor) in my Ito'. ; , I , 'h do willo., ptckers, spreader, hard.. grinding nut.. him,. railway., . l ard frunies. ...mwdera, rlirmuult, loom, whole,: ca ,h, doable nr wngle. feu merchant n r country work. a,uleadacka He 4 011,10 and hand tOthICI 111.11 tOnie ii kinda eh:Ohm made tu or , fur, or plan. giv• for gearing •inciorwa of noilla at ma , ennoble charge R.. no—, & Hunt afuelf , Co, King, & las. A. .a. , — ~ PITTSBURGH: FRIDAY *RNING. AUG* --31; 18.49, HOTELS • Ne-11/I.l[l, / !wary or the Ilburah. r , re to b , , Vrset, by G. Y. Iloilo, Eno On hand mad for *ale by IL 111.0 . KINS, atm. Apollo Rail.lingti, Fourth F.W WORK ilf . Al-111OR 01 , MODERN lydri• TEnA.—The Se•en Lamp of Architecture, by lobo Ruskin, wtth autocrat. 11 , ii.otanur. drawn and etched by be millictr our. vot 12mo. Just publirthed. end lOr sale by JAMES DLOCKAVOOD. coy! ry Wood et EW ItOOKSl.—goutitry,. L'ormon trlacr, -Jr!aite l y I. roa-in-law,Johillloodllacteffr at, Oboe 11.1ary of Julius C 0.., with ea/grafters. Joel received JOHNSTON & wroch - Tori-s, 153 cor Sin r tot and Third A 6 , 1 , t . t , 0 , y , ;!.. , :r , u v t 0 tF.. &c.—Amcncno Former's Eno) I Jodi, Vogroable Kingom, don. Davy'. rn,coli rte. on ,AFriculioro, !kr. M. Scldonlen—The Plant. m.o. U " I For mle by JAM F.S. 'MOM, trld rU Worol at We i t ' a i l ' o h jMo li t. ' st "K ro 1 :00 - 411. Hooper • Medteul Utrboltarr; Donate.. .Ws do Ma I Voy . cr's Surearnl do; Clutha, Sy.- tent ot Sur very. .lo AretnethyM livac 2., Doom-mum oti the I ;ant., flop. on me term% . .rovemhted s Aostorne; Wilson on /.0.1 . 1.1 1 4 of ho ream; l'ereires Muterto .11ediro ond Thertmeautor, Chapman ou rllllllll, Fevers; do on the . 1 . 110•101, 0.1111 Abdominal Vuetra, ‘rood's Practare at Ides:hero, Jo do; Iflterlo... do do Alm. a lame and fresh smarty of NIA.. S. $ roan Books.on bond and mr sate by it 11 Et.i.lorr a F.N41.1,11. TV Wood at Ai..r Ia:MA FIRM.II,b; WORN' Or THE I AUF —LA'S N, ad. mt Ntnevelt and Ke non.. stub att aretonit ot • to the Chuldtmo moans Munlistato 0.14/ Yesolts, or Devil Wor hppar, and an watery An. Mr nod arts of Mr a ..war Ass room; y en flenry.Lay std. From U. C Is. la Imo voltam,. or-dh numerous illustrations. - There ts a remetambor bind delightful comblnalmsa 10 1110 Dort brio, tr.. or •mlnab:e d sr-every add In. 1 , rec., ,fO.Ollll startnlmn. suet a. we remember 10 1111 4100411 WO, truvel or demoverf. •• Mr Lar tard ta not surpassed tar old traveler. 1 , , the woe. der. rot Me story he lans m tel be very much surpnts.. , them ra:l e r-peat that there hog Lien n nAi p.ettare In any oronirro two:orlrovri, Inn* not Inver or mon. .i.llAnturou, y Iturtbordt clot morr truttrfol V. b 4.11•11 nolb ranoro, vo or pr r,r riorne than tbo arras at oot ri of Leemftrlf•lflc srofl, of .e ' Inndost Jort for...fret, find for solo Iry »,, JA NIKS 1. 1 f.:1010‘.10. WooJ el I 'l', 14,1.10.1 4.luorterly Re v wn.r. 'ri.- qua net I Th.- We•mon.trt Rr4.444. ; 4 The Sort! Ilia. Itr mare wood, N111,..41, Montt-I TL. Perno.lirn, •r. trynrard in Neu Vork. nnenerhureq on In., •r/rrnl Ar ihr Bn4e r...a...25, •r 'To.. 0 , 1 fiat arhur paper. and dee '4.1141 root.. ofthr nrlglrm!.- Mark wood , Leanne tar! , nr.•intt r the ittl.nertr.e.h r•mon. I.: repes•ur are .r lb nu on. wird at topo,runl veto. they •er eon till • .11 e... .1.4. Or, alfor4 •:1 ;Par radv4rrundr. 14. 4 dkrierr or., tlt. te.nrier 'rimu• Pn,rurnt /rr , gnat. n ..boner h'nnal on. or .or urn! It. 1471 11u,, a d n Ft. non o nt •n, oir nr a i out r. Orr 11. errev• =ZEE JAMES W. WOODIA'E.LI., - Modern and Antique Furniture, no. 'N See., heesaranil. v . -Ot:37;1 N '' t nd ra '4 . nottatee Stentatnnant s fNt~f 1a • Ilonnn antl nose.. der, hnen. enestootle on hand and matte to Thr rrseettt stuck °a Land cannot Ins oil eedegarf Lay utontuantory nt the western coaery. vr,laug to purthava irosl4l seen to ,tve ten es esl, as lam slew rtnitestl toy porn soon texas. Yan at the sne, ent.sos te-- Tete•Tt e. •i~, ,•1.1 anw lln rraz c ,,,„ ,ot rut or ' I "7 pmr melt' pre , TO.i,•, l 9Di,atng 80r,t0., PteettlArt”. 104 Roo 5, mar.. top Wst.h 4 oats Ottoman. - 6 per lures Wort Sundt' A eery lesge a...ono:teat of common chairs and other mr_m_ture too ottmatoto b toentton. MM=I .. . .... ivy. SUlmm Beals flnutatatrd nu the shortest hoops, Tar the too." teasonable tars.. dee to 'iP":sloasimPh'"." P , pantedll I i I's ' 1 . :::0,7 . e ,, 11 ,1; "". y R ti 4 l. l lA :L ." 7. f r i4 " , Solc /igen. fed the File et J.ssnme Pete. thaprahgaz Filler, (or the et, het of PinlsturgS nod A Ileghooy. 101 IN (M.P.MIN, A..ut. Mr 1 Valle, :II Liao., MY Lltotadsem o N. Y: thrt 10,16.4 q. (Sr h.", 1,..r.n unu.g olle a the ante!, at ma. na,„ "I, h , ,„,,R, Worts tor three urtnot,i, oo trs, and .....I ~..-•:..., y roosfic..l to t‘ .• a ext.:L.l osventeoo,. aml w.• Inkr 'Or 1,111, I” reentecoendi, them as a ..e. I. e.aII r. n n love porn Ooze!. Order. sot 1 , 10 ~ ., ,L l, l rerrrn. 1 Owl pronli+L:y executed. ....rt. I.I‘'INI:KTON. at wit.EN Ae I. IL* VII ral.llo Flltoring Cock, PtilllrliNti IYATF.K, ‘Thtee rendere wrote vrateerare by r e a,„re, it aobstaneca not soluble in _ er Re cleartyma watet i m e a y e , rk, as.d puns I 17 r n r ' r t e impure tot, atenece, wee., /cc. Thla it Ihe ease more or lees wan nil hydrant ureter. The Rev •ruhle Vtlicrer I. neat and datable, and ft no • attead,,, sena Me meant entree', tneident I. orb et VII term', ae t 0...0,4 Mr. he t he detached Ira 1 - th, water ph by aterely toreithe the key or hard' . fro et one tele to the other. Ity thiaeuy procems . rot rse on ~an rr la changed, and alLemenatalatioUe ant ire aubrta ore. are do almost tzettently, wit 50111 tiO•cfc wing the Miter. it el. mum act the eels antage I, nog a at reek, and 01, voch In many ea. em wilt be ve ry tonvetar_nt end economical. . . . .. . _ . I' eon be alias ltesl whore there . luly pressure WO or low to e out, ..0 S, tab, Le. with oeso. To be ha/ or the solo Agenh W. W WILSON. oell7 eon., of Fourth ear. Mu skst • ts BELL /UV D BTU; SS FOBBID-16. . .. .. A Frl:l%lN, Ilell . A Un." FAA'LA ,, , h. r ~.. ..II be piinscA LA ..e ~..,, rU.“. - rs Mttal if 1ef1y.76 Charrb, Steamboat, ant Beiht nt In 10,rten rodent., root from poOreem `r , t. 0000 ortmoo• nemlele, etenl watruntrol to I.r ut ?Moms/ Water rump, Conotrre. lege. the: rvrry of Ilram Cu..., 0 , e. ommtml. turn.,) And Mo orate. Mann, A V. ts the ..ote proprsetor of l(aurrta ~..ten.Al mo rn MUT/11-.1 p.n.tly Belt ttrnted for then. doetron of Inetion to toneltmery The tiol.l and t.:onspoatts.... eon 1,. 'and of toot at all times. ro2otly . ...... . . . ... OloPoingabola Livery Stable. 01 IiOIIEKT 11. pArrniEsoN has opened i a%the, large tonblo on Brat at, rotinin througti to Second at. Yetwern Wood and "totttlittrld rta. to the rear of Inn Alottongahttin If otote, ertits an eaft rely new clack of Home. and Curti IltrPS Of the Lear quest.) and towel tapir,. Hartle, kept At live ry in 11to hest manor:, jyttdl7 .. .. •,-,..;;- . .r..3 ~ 4 ;F? paic , , - , ?.. , !?.:IDPR . Sit tS-044=-\ \ ...q. t., .• .47 -. p . ,, 2 :_ : ,t C 0 N RIM Al fig Nl' ,Nr: - : --_,-._*..... - .... , .:*-'l> ..- -.--- - A N EmiNRNT and experienced l'hysiciun (nom the offer. In treat alien., of • ttehr. Nature with pronipteeilm And sce , ree x I Ix suet e•ri in Bahia and oilier Inrge elec. in* been proverbial. lin charge,. urn moderate, and le. eur• p led cow, of lilent, ,^ re fulu, Fluor A Rionautikusin, As - ne,Sypfilli., any chronic... 13Ivetc ewe., J. A cure wurrauted. iihnigic rel \eided. M=UI . • • St I 'kwfrom th p door+ from m! ,e r atter Teeth k itrat ,Ivtre to I , lr poor gra.. N II —I 4 A...4m. Um worst n eixra , s in 1'11.21116i to call ny d ly I mprosement In Pianos. fffil 1110. 01llulellill, la Juot revers lon no ill 17.,.,."„:',: ',%':',:`."..; , ":.t:„'1:','?: fluor, of 0 Mt., to- my of tu.oda 1 1 / 1 11 roportority of lOW- UM/ Wort, surpo•o. oral' 0,•..r ',aunt. t to no. olt.. fir t'lnrk, ni I kto ot.our lit n,, tong nod moo fnvoralrll 1.0,, a the fortoor i tornenao tot the relehrotrd Piano ento, n I...hmout of 1 lir, toil wood. boon., ht.. roreolly town l/Fli 011 Ll IVlr. I ler: vd toe I'lollo4 111 Norton & Clark, N i . to an on • ten; wtoch. 111,11,1 ~,,, 01.1, onto.. them o. Ito trot, llii•lk IL of to, or t ... v..f y to,i u• w • e!I an it.o curny•ort INno.o. to to- not 111 Ito- . o.oory 'O If i now urn. inu„l,ll. 111.- foltt.i.onal rrof•Nroc, Anton. co on ft,. rem,. to 11. r .1, In trod fitamft. • rluch took. tnnut x t onre tho mont etrount owl In. , tlong nue,' luntoot out Tttneo mot...trot, tug, :or untie ins stork on Land. IKm the on.l urto lal Ye. V a , led and In. wrlrly.qmOrllnellicVer VirPrtd pc rc, all ,( .rluch vrll wid inattu.l4,Yrer. po wet, tkilli ac et .1 W. Wnpl well's, 123 Thl/12 01 N •ul,.rr,l , .rwtll lx coned et tea Kest ben. Irma 11 In 12 A NI , pov/ 1 v. 5 I'. AI. 44.1 II Arnt g*, ,r 9 ,, nnx A Clark VVE .nme PUN! I'S, Made on an L•aprov; - ‘4 If plea, .o x• not In rrr , ce in Ilia r-ohlant • re•aser. ernoti, rueb arncl, ern in viwd all nerd St • A IFF: A ATAINSON 01)23 ue I• 1, bc.mcc4l IVtg.4l Market at, BOOK TRADE r a" 0rd....) Pmlev.ur '1 rbr,h,FT int,o -t igvn, (.olu toe Gem ran S o w, ~ 3 vols Muslin. . Ilt-,,,,r of Ow t , taei of AMC, 1 , 11. I . oy min .ard litlarrth a.m. o 410 , .;$ ou.bry'v Cm4lnnn ia lbob rt 4441 by 4. um la M== . ll,tory or Mar, Antomear u! Prltarr. by J. C. Aboott. watt;Lb•, b Javal. aalbt. Vacant by /I.,ry I .l"ntl.tyroryb I.onefellow MM=MM= =221225E1l . . . • •18,111'• 1114tortent 6,oi:rapt, y of al, Ila , or Lets , I:, tick , Expntlitioh to the Pritd r 4 e.i and R.. art Jordaa. Ittige •iwo with austwrowt out, and an 111-tor; nl Englculd. A new Harper , vols. ow., 0, rdtuou, ui bhccp rmra, .81 in eniulme • I.lokg . .k.rieultoral ehnnamtry. It!wn Mmer'. Anterlearl 1.1.c.k....! rt. Atnerienu - • A , leri% IhnueAur Nmo. .k Park'. Dosties,r E ' entiomy. • ••"- .• • • • LI , Periodical Liteisiore =EIRE 1, 11 L . K1,11,D, tjo...lfiv . .rf arta latio.r4, of Forent, 114.4 of 'ld .mmal Mr IM), hos orm bgrt .v •st m.. 1 ma r G hv.l rt• iII&ELLANEOLS. Raft, r.:ny.ic, I,4tal,th frt. I rv. 1,. .\l'r r. EM=EI lIISCEUaEOtg • Clzeteol•stals • •W. Hater'. American and nob Clitocolll . 10 ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, seine C.o.a lk.• eflu march.. and consemera whn bould'parehaac 1. the hear products o( Coca, (confront adoltdration, more nutntioax than tenor cotrec, quality' num. paaocn, the .hoeriber commendalluiabOv o arnales, roam:factored Itinao.alt. and stnent/4 Vithits name. Itts tiro .= and Cocoa Paele. deliehki primal+ and salutary drolk• for sumdids., conlvaldscouta, °titers, are prom:moved by the mold eminent •ppcnOr to any othrr preparatioall. /Ib.IIIOAVACAUfr..I siway on alle, to nay tin-1(114y, by the moot re spectable gro.. , r. in the caetern cities, and by Utah agent * Ifewes.l.ray & co., of Boston: Junes tot Bunco h. en. Ilertford, t'onlc limnoev It Murray. New York; Crain & tnotrina V, IMO N, and Kellnig & (Ham. %CAI. rvit 11.% Dorebealer Naas. For sale by auelll & 511tTi1 , 4gt• Wrought and Cast Iron Mailing. null. tut., raw r. LW' I. form the pubis< that 1. they have obtained boot al: the Into und tiodnoon,•le ti,otan‘ for Iron Itallmr, both tor houses enwtcrlc... l'ormons wahine to procure hand rotor pa:zeros picaso rail and ox [emote, and judge tin themeelyea. ILadme will be form•hed at the short. cit nobeth and in the be.ct manner. •1 the Conner of C rata and R.,' bercs Alret,lF, A llegheti my A. LAMONT & KNOX. - • -- Illaaufactured Toboacee. 48 sopf:rtor lov:ec:: If; IP n 1 to'Yruec & Ilarlvood'a 5 . 2I do do do . Id do do Pearl & Harwood "5 & il,'lt do Itoboo.o. • b( do do 1:3 do da Wm 'law... .". 5 ad do t Pirsghk's al do Andel - km Oo I. T 5 d do R slstron't u do Hoichlr fuel landoy from steamer and Fame., and for ale Loy 111,11.1). 141 CNISOII. a. ea. 41 north wok r and Id north wharves, 1,51 rialaulelplon ANI'FACTI 'll - 11fA1'C1 al br. 41 S •Juars. &Soo ft 'olio-nor lowori 11. lour.. 75 half boo lid moinrrlt, nvrects4 lump. Luverctlre La .` Orulry nk, :I.& ° ~~dQ I.ovrrunrc r , og Jo. t land,nr, hoot ...RlO,.nil Inr anlr II I:A L. 13, Ilt.11.:Nolt a 0 0 , (I N 1421 t, *t anal Iti N whom, torn W. it J. UL.ENEI, Book Binders . • I " ' rj " s ' t; c " te " ay.. are vr•inarrJ In an an, 4.7- v.or. nur !me with 4onleti. uner.l onr wort in•roon4l;y, ann tion gi rnt irr..ird to u+ncnlnr•. and du• rulnln) Maul 1.111011•ruiril to any pattern and hound sole lox kwally !Woke /1111,1,, Of oldbooks torund ram vor re: d Num., pat on Wok. 'lt uttl tench. 'Mote that have work our Ww are toriteti W roll I . Irty. myT,tf NOTICE. VI NG .01.1 nor en.< e.nck to C /I (D Illopy, watt a ric‘r ta eloung our old Avslars... eve hereby so lum the ppirmlage al all our trwatla and elm. r Iti, 11' POINDEXTER, MM3S= . .. . Anr fib, C I Males, Cooking Stever, Orates, lee. ILA Altaaflaral.L. WALLACE CO., Bound Church, 11.1, ,moter latlteny taut 1V.,,d Street, 111/lallllkeltl .of offer for fair Platform, Fkaor .I , ll:punter ScaM., Witte moo Improved qutisty. Cook tam eh tor wood ;rod mmf, Move. of %moot. torch Parlor land common liretrt. Hollow Were, de kr They .1.0 re e Koh., an Inv Geom. ,14.111 C 11011 to 0.., 11.1VIllg in use to rad of who, they avotald renotetaully Vile common of 10?rturYet • ond the paldo• genera:la favor -tad )1 A: I L, ' t;ACTI „ Il Fllt e Tt lIA • . rf ItL• to.; mato, ,ttrert.., to lite following amends Totmeeor, m •hare that to tot... whet, Iretng contagramento th. fret Nom ,n nu hy Is roamed oe,t . taat I II %V t'rettrhtw St, bit 1 Jaime. tholtrou •11 I.srmontor St, "II Martha,. ml I Putn te" `t.,,dLa I • Rohe. am . It .1,...,1 S. • I • ratear Hurl / '• Jo & I.ewot 1., 3 - ur. tator It I Ilenty a Jame. I. Ltd Mt I. :a IV A TE/IM A Pitt PI tackle. Work• and Foondry. r-rrforottan. rt. u. a, Caret Ltreartag l'., Itteeter., , • w .e a p.. 14 Frame., Sp. eters. umet. .ea I , Nee- Leda, Care tins...ter...Le as rough 1, ern Neural, tereed, Nee. of Cent Imu, Puttee, and 11. N, wr 'm em patmraz, altde and bawl Lathe., tore. of ten, Cameo, •rart r it e lure ....bort eerie, Pattern. matte to enter trot Th.,l, tram, Iron Rm.'', b.c. :Ste., Pipe for hem. tg:c FL etenea. ..I Iron ,‘ Snell/ Rai nt.ry h arteralry. tYnters IM Itt the %Varela...we. r.l 1 Patmet t tt.e. Latterty street, ha, prompt aunt. Iteler to Mart...ea t Ben t Coe J. C Moorehead k c., t. c t , Warne. Jobe Irv, A. hues, Ptimetarga r e . k J II N Verner •Irealeenvalle innly • 'PAGI . OII.I.y. • 1.1.C.1.111 M. prcpan.... tar, . ante" !or crcr, ort ot vcitlctar Lm...e. L . :l.Lnc,, Lt., . Wa1 , 14 k awl, to.asmfLeturc .Lc .11.1ver the oa. tbr, r , ..tyrathrt.• o they art cattb.c.t ule rraco,.. c tern.* $9l Ara., g I , lure ea:ettoo of :u ....two .A.rrauma4ll r usa Ihr p ova< io Lhio rool,r B Aunt. In tihr ..“1 or. yin 'IN, Cif! rt.N A.\ I) 1\ 14 , 1.. EN Al A Nl' VAI - rC nr.116, -II••.ag Wade arma,murat• a* a rn ..., ..• FACTORY ara will sail at 14,.•V( and Sae, Nal,, 1,„ 1,, %bat. Pirkenrs. laculltat, Ilnnp Twine Treaula.. Nv 510 IS Ife,l l 'analatv, Wnelmlic*. sinpiaag Caro, 10 w 110, Patent Dreeser UNA., Ve cave& Uraalt a Or ar LOGAN, \ il,50:11 a CO, aryl OS Wars .11ett. eltistm.h. ORT W I 11 , 44-4). May VP7Mbor 1,4 FormsMr, . Pp un . rw h . n d d r y, Gould. Campbell & co'. old dry WM. Osbourn." IC Pare 1t , 40: Pure Joie< par • /molar Port. Hamm t v P.. Purr Juore, torebl, dao- L+a .mglo t•raixa.. Tlome 'me. are ..,elobra o-d In Lh c , r mita, a bo had wool, sale or r... 31 at Me Wino IY2 JAGOFI'WEAVER, Jr. • PLotai 081 1 ri , HE sato , farent fur au e leqe VleeLbd aasurinteo.t n. rosewood anleulteiteeY gre.44rat l'imuosoren witueut ..^..leman's celebed . . ..E.otma Attert,snent. The Move Iv...meets sit war ranted La r,...n1 Iv my mmotneuVed m thu eouo cry: mad veal La euld lower gm , ' my 4 .Atirbl rats ILc h:eet. F. LILUALE., No :12 wood et, 2d door More nth N. I.l.—Cny ptenp enll be taken at pa • ler • few et he Move atamneaant. rny2 , F It thas T L 1.430 1 ,6 h CO..lxoportora and• 1,4 Dralera In Ifardware, and Saddler,. No tVo,AI strort, above Fifth, have now ..tore n va r y er3cly, arrri well ...Icel.d .tort of linnlw•ra. rovorwd ur. Ow decal. of pro.% in N0rt0,.. , , nod w both ih , y tv tletc Cunard to ocll correapon,lothty low M orphan Is have bt-eu in the habit ot Folng tan are pane, Invly tepteated to call and hAtt througlt t sto4. sa wo , onfitlently helinve they will thy,• their expeoroa Ocl4 tAI.F SKINS- r .Ina remote Fr,iteti Omit Sitnt..rt •ery In,, arttcl• A few dote" . !tont ryr rnanoise boy of II NI Cra *lord to wqtel, the antabu. al boot maker. s...ned Jl.l n•eetvett and lor oor Ly W 1 OliNto Co, l.bertv Ft ATIINT SO LA It LARD LANII . ZI— An est...ire w00f . ..n0 f eeichrui,ti nthno• then th. •upa nor lo al; n u•e, adaral . li aharcra. ors... al, larluit and prlvie le hall, and to ail other ra w hero a tool lo halo o rm..... A., I ortoololco, lin Laal-ras,Cantlelttbra.thloi,a, Suede., Wie la, Chit an, r.t, Cant Trttutner, ttth. Chu ndel,er, trAti n to four hg ha. WIL.St IN. 40 market •I IZEIZEIM lAILY .10, lIA t;TIN. *Mir, NF.,V YVRK. 00Sro,1 ANUNFAVoIIi.EAN, ND, CONIMISNION , OFFICE oung ;n wholesale nat 'et. , ~t oaes, and °O M , respectable bualneas, to act a. ~e aa-ke 8 .a. , In,. Porter., I.lnr.keere t ., 1\ at raralo•ra, CO.lll/1. Aonta. Rank , 0 Arent, l'Aleetors, Over.were nil branch- •01 6,1.4 ha." in nil Inonnni //ll,[ lof r... 4 n baud, from Mu to ;an' 111 uellons anuld do well to got, rail, aft we hay. a u a ,h , 1 the a , ove saheb will eaul, et,. p ry applicant ist au ttel.;. souatoot 4 ooretavt now. t We have a large aeyua c, I one above 'tam. , et.", whseit We Moo will us etve et, We 2,11.1.- non ta nii who oozy favor 41.2 IVlth a emil. TA YGOli TA.1 . 31 No aa goal at, i.otwroo :both nod Guy N. H .11k —Per.totot liwtorg noyAn 4,1 thn maw., andVrlvi ,to olotoof Nlll.l/00 lit Ilaltim .Ml . , or co ,ttoo o - ,tttr. wni hove their Iva O. own.- dtsorty -.Jed In doo. theywtotHre•ttor t r, o• . H on/ tad tonit p.m.... wit., • hey othervro , e wild Inc coy. and ,o.oking crurioyentot ror Addre,,, TA) I,OK & TA PM. No..z ,r.oud mr2.l thr I.4lreasor, nicLiEr FOB CQp7U Ps , vuu lIA YE A iti3ll MI NA I. WAHNIERS made in yhr a spin.. sit Englieh tu.the. and re ~,,, emended 11 , 1 :mom. /takes...en,q. rt and a now oi phystreane; being must eonvenc eta apparels. ior me application al swarm or hot ven kr m incur! in 01 cramp. in Cholera. As every pt.... solneet lo sudden attack...o family should be wallet...least one. St:AIM & ATKINSON, I )07 Fit.. et-between Waal and filareed 111 Willi Second :keen:. of th. Mento ll n°, under the ezt. of Mr. AL/ti Mrs. tioanneet, for Oen pre-Bent ticeildmie ear, commence on the first of li r) !WEI. in ine ant will , buttdingu, N0..T.: Liberty Fehruv Arran hare been made by which _they seal beak! to famish young ladies kellate. equal any I i Use %Vest, ear obtaining a thorough English. CM., cal, anal liniments.] cdocenon. A fall crinkle of Pi. beopideol and Chemical hectare.; wait he delivered durin n g the oriole, illicitrated by apperntue. The de pertient, oi and Instrumental N 1..., Nltedern Languages, Drawing and l'atnung, sr./ earl, be unite, kic earental codpetent Pesor. By Hoe. kiitper ion ta the mora intellectual rok improvement of an thc. p..e, the l'knr.i.alr hope to merit a e1.../1 UOOll of r Use imerut patronage They hn ye hitherto enroyed. roe tem, re circular or apply to the rrinctpala ja24.lltt D. Dia Lauf, In Tenn ritins ix to ' , tut . ) , thett I y 01,01.041 one vtal J 1 111c1. -cute to Worm SpcelEtt, oome two R.0.L. , two nw 5•00 to o .on of Into, Spine 10 0,1 ycattt old, I WO• 0.0.9000. fell. AM alutottoh the amount may uppcns are, yet I her, mo 1101,10 but therr upwastlo of IWO 17.0Cna woln. 000.001 tro.o halt, Ineatrunl, I/001 eta ttuartrt 01 an 00-4 to two hithet lo 0;. W 111 , 14.1t1A1. n 0... Creel, l'arrol 00 'retto t'7. NA MEM 'MLLANEous CAAPIITS; se. • Tiolo ECF4VEM*IOS . DAT, Carpeting and On Clodis XL , .rall3iffle4,l3.3filmort approved pariornr, at prices to writ gnitretriWora r and cheap aa can tie part lived in Maui Eastern clues,•coloprlaing rite fol lowing variener— Euro Royal Velvet Pilo Carrie:nu Auinsfer CarrerN ony wan 7110911 or real Topesuy do fibulae. . Sop Royal Brawls do Tapeidgy stair carpeu; SuParr* sap 3 ply do do 'bowls do do perfine do Ilantrib Rog Runt sup Ingrain do Tot Wat ba do Superfine, do do Clau di ao ruto . do do Caa 'Dear maw; Cnranwer do do Tufted do do 4-40-4 iTrapearry Adelaid do do Dumas! do Elbettp in do an tral'd Dobhed Piano rov Mien '- -- • do • 4.4-. idb Tette do, ' 440-44 fiStun do do G-4. wool do do Cotton Intrain do &I otontted arid him, do do do' Venetian do Orem Stair Sods e 44 town thniggeg 124 wonted dd 64 do do 144 wool eruml. cloth% 'Stair Linen 44 able English Table Oil cloths; 'Diaper do German do do do do Creuth Floor Oil cIoME sn o w-Drop Napkins; 7-4 do 410 do Crimson MMMM Sheet do do do Carpet Raiding, Sheet Oil Cloth., of acarTranatiat Window Shades Ilitrtry patterns, eat to lii lo ie the abase we are constantlyreceiving one Spring Stoat of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Steamboat h`naludngs, to which we levee the attention .1(811 who wish in fur nish their housesor smantbuatv as we will be able to offer goods as low m they can be erchased in the likst, and of the richest and later styles. Call and ex amine our stork beilsro purclissit:g elsewhere Warr house, No 75 reenlist., rattan W. arcl,lNTocK. PAPekHANGINGS. mEsens•JAl• FROWARD s CO., Mo. 82 Wood Sind, o,l_,,,,LDn,ecal nk of v a tc p :h r f v t n h g e , p w u t c c h t f o .r th v e!r . may, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, is un oPp".„-, 0,.b,„ own manufacture.. they are now reemvusg a direr t porution French and guicnsh sultan( Paper Hang tugs, purnbased by Mr. Loch Howard, one of We brtn, now in F. rope. sonusung of Paroslgn manufacture, 7000 rneces. London do h,Otto do Of their own manufacture they have Innhal pieces Wall Paper, and P 2,000 metes satin [lased Wtndow Made, de. Messrs. Jame. Howard .4 Co have spared neither 'rapesn. nor labor In that: endeavors to oval the ea.- ern wall paper eatablothatenta, both in quality oCraut ofaetare and •enety or pattern; and they are warrant e4 to assanng the public that the have succeeded The whole assoroaent, foreign and borne man afar.- tore. will be offered on tense as low no those ore., Stu manufacturers and tampon.... tnehl7.dtf MEW COMBS—At Z19131.71.4/N lINISHrS, pier. J.. 1 het street -9 dos very high beta 13hell Tack Coml.; 3 medium . Y lass 9 plain high " 111{1112A ad ell m 4 " 511 " Caney top Halal° In plain al/gross ears Horn; 30 dos shell side, assorted sn sex; 2a gross cote bon Side; 1 dos shell dressing do; 11 ant Buffalo do dts 4 do lantation do do; 50 do beat English Horn; 6 do S 4 S fina Ivory. earns site; 19 do S 4 do do, in Lases; II) gross S Lae do do; I do comb Cleaners. %pig •PATeiIICIA J.L111:• 1.1&k; PALMER. LL&NNA 6 CO, Otarremuirs to Massey. Hanna & 13ANI‘ER.K. EXCHANGE DUMMIES. and dra2ers I )a Forr,an and Dornestte Etenaage. Cernfieate. Deranute, Runk Note., a‘td epeeio.—Poarth Went, warty otposltr the Rank of Pat../aret. Cortent nry received on depaute—fYtea Cheek. for sale, and collection., made on newly all the principal the United States. IMM=I Advance. made on conaufnments or Produce, *hip. ped E on ',bend Vrm• 1 . 4 V4llV9iOl.V. V AIX AIiEC 11190UVERP I'•rgr Nscraxv JA/M4RY (111, 1549. went rrokslerwr ravasten 1414141, Sofas, Burrs., Bvok larn. Wrotng LEVFIR OF WROUIOFF IRON . . rI , IIE TABLES far mirpamtng every othrr tn• i t vellum! of the hod ham extant. They ran be ex .endrd Imo, ten to tarmityflre feet, and when closed be leave. am all remained oamdm they arr made m n emit armors. and are adrotrably adapted for tea,.:.,r loon., and I.Lige prorate famallr, Mon ne when closed a complrm croon table. O.OPAS AND OUR KA l'or-These ;melee are meal atilr. panmularly to Mom who moth b erono tame mom and roarer, o •'eeping apartment I .m nto a barior or ..g mom. a. tbry ran be openea anal shut vonven/rnrr. and letter slim, the bedding m M A great mama ttt mom and rent. All the bed 0-ad. when rlemed form a hrounfal pomr at foratture mr • parlor or atiting,romn it t•ASIKS—A neat and aseful arbrle (or parlor Or orommt room tVRITINt; DESKS—Foe law net., tounidue room*, ni Olt., kat, when opened a most conveineat ',ed .!. when dead . perfect Idest mad Ldbrary alone All tfo-, •roclra aced: no meonan,ndattnn: the ;osty of the when. I. 11aV.sfa worna.atted not to Set at of repair It Will I. Hu your anteeeata to call and !amine the aruelf.a, at tlfistoaunfacturres stnte. t No. Third am., rittaborglix In addlUon to On .0, antor, toe 7 aTo PV.V..r.4'r-A,,,,e3DW Oxala cuuLbro Graduatedl..reßdassay and Paula' Juratatrot Pairs/or Medical and Min is the emit' movement of the hind =ter T been presented in ills oonnU7 or &trope for meri ...l pot - pores. and It the only one ever known to mon, Ity which Lite ghteneco find can be conveyed to the ho- matt eye. can era, the brain, or to any part or the body, rt titer externally or caternolly, in detente geode mecum. vronotat shock. or ptun--enth perfect oatety— end oAco torah the happiest eittecut. The imoonnat apparatus is now highly approved el by many of the trona eminent physicians of this coun try and Europe, le whom the of teled and other. whom 11 may noncom can he referred- Reference will also he pees to many highly respectable alumna, Slab bent boob cured by mans of ditsinool saleable apparent. wane of the moat In hi nervoua disorders whisk cOct be removed any other known mean. Ammer von.. °diem It bas been proved to be ad - morality adapted fa theca. of the following diseases, irtr, Derwin, headache and other dmeaaes OIL. brain. It I. with this apparatu• atone that the operator can convey the magnetic Mod with ease and safely to the eye. be remove stank, or cure aniattrosas; to the eat to restore neuritic, to the tongue and other organs, to rep more mecca, sad to toe various ports of flan body, tor UM core of chronic rheurnausaa, embank, neuralgia, or tie doloaretts, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or in. Vitst'a dance, epdepay, 'preside. from sprains, some dtspo•rs pre bar to hamlets, contraction of We limbs, toe (jaw, eta. Ma for w sArtuantnni counties of Western Pa, .o 4 p aiso U teate (or the :u ' re n"' =. ' 'fly b. PoII In strucoons will bagmen for the venous chem. cats to be used for various diseues, and the beet mute ner for opera., for the ogre of those diseases will al e. he fully caiamed to the purchaser, anti a pamphlet pat 11210 has b aud. oapressly for thase .r purrOses, t'are ftaelj.,l":l4;'4 by ti th e vfl7l7= l , '' ,lL Pulaburch THI Ank:OlaiitT/Gli • rpm allennon u( the reline Is reapecuolty called to 4. We ionnertug certaLicatem S liants--Ilaeing tested • qtity of Gold ientglic4 by your Alticurimer, I hod th e n munn proves (Ito-rdment roma, nod recommend the use of it gouts to slenforrda. as the best method for Oh- Mum!, the teal value of Gila Ito. 1. LL DUNLEVI Gold Beams. Pittsburgh, March 9, 1049. Prrwisaami, Match 7, 1t49. Ma. F-amisa—Denr Stri flaying examined the A ten meter," manufactured at your ros, I do nu heaiate to eommenil it no dm use of Moan om gentlemen t who t are about removing to California in Gobi. It aFies a Mose approXimation lo the specific greet ty at ouoW.. end will eertaanly enable the adventurer nocertain when his placer ts yielding Gold, maril Your, may', J. R INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Just received for the California Expedition, a completk uaortnient of (min Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging trout $3,50 Bt 1,50 for suit of in,at, punts and liar For sale at Me Depot, No .5 Wood st. tiers. J & II 71T1F:ii - :1 V b:LI--' moor of tryo.oa so 110111 . tiomtows, 111 . 15,101. used conttaittiy b y Lint. Thalnerg and great pe”orinera, together with a large 0050r1me. et rosewood and mahogany, of ley own maiintarts • The above instrument. uro wurranied to he perte.. In every respect. nod will he sold4r . for cash. No 11, F st. ad Anor from ath " Per California. THE celebrated 11/nant Bade Powder, lo Item half kegs, quarter. and <no*, for pale by te1,13 .1 14 DILWORTH & Co, d7woai DRY GOODS I f S Dry K a L ATt T A WHIT E...-. v. 0 9 M'Oltl3 sTREET—WouId call the attention 11/..? Aterettanta to them large mock of Detneetle hod F fil. DR ,. GOODS Just recetving from the !re pent and Idanufacturchs, and which they will •ell at ve ry low rates tar ceeb or approved reedit. Oar lock et now hell aml complete, and well worth the att n oon Mintier., as um are determined to sell 111 AZIC ex trrmely law pnces as cannot fall to make it ea.., . esdaectnert he =mahatma ts make a hill with - as.-1,11 ^`• ItA Es, ell tovELS, ae —49 J doe Spades and Oho. L vele. Id do Manure Fork.; Mt do Limn Shovel.: to do Socket do, Axes, IlaXchcm, Mattocks ne4 Pick. ti dews, V•res., he , tee •ale at manantentrer• price. by l Twain MU. txxlill/A N. tot .....1 .J _ l REMOVAL. tr /I , li y I ... att . b , ae w rib t zr e hx .,,,. re r tn . oit i e i d .n h c la . ' k . 2t , o r„ tez . le ,, l d i ze ,.: (larlly A heel', 0011 door to the Perry Hansa, RC M7:dtf . JOHN F. FEIIIIV lar.zes. ilanuaelnror of ailitial — iiiii . Apparaluo,, pot. or Mt aoLDII/1 Karl.. urn trlorrro :N. Ale. 413 North Second st., •t , orc Vine, PIIILADEI,PIIIi. 1X leeperience of more than twelve year. is tha .acisfacturing_of Mineral Water Appvatus, and owsparatton of Mineral W.isr in Dente+ 7 r0an .,:',,,,. SI ifol outcome. arcade, with a ...Wee Id ptae. , ~ aorlosigns of of bah braccha• of boatees+, Mgt- L .. ' • , % t 0... ireptornatouts in the contitraction ol et wit i vun s , an d We prepartna of thepter, which he Anne v,,,,i,„s ..4,,,,,,,,u sauce Iva to Paris, e ha. sue. v' of .tune shay and Pt lisatl •Pellea " •"' y' s: to the we in linetturties and Chums .. as Krell. ~,,...etect in entrioybefam the pabhe ty, enables the ~, „„ end odeMim the heft end Ith enure cont. ~ , , Or Ile,rilalLciaro am. ....DI. M' • ad , Fallible, that ean La r.. to' Water 4n Itonle ‘. oohed in the Polled tt m`'`',. , _ h. Ile also flutters Amu 'at ." the . '. ! .. k . ' d .....C . ... ~ ... ,4, ." b e , ourn CM., 've lead doh,' In. ".: ;moon' of. Ivo I;h s in bob the above des .. . 4'' d., i o rnidtes lit ~ Inv convincing vs.( of hie •,,,,,... u su pet tonty of AT p trattv o•er those of all tlilrt.. awl oi the purity an SI lobrity of t.'se Water report,' • oeretrom. Persons who out the Ar. vete, as front a diestucc, ••alt be n voted that their ins. tactic ni shall be faith fol. y octets ned wtth, and en pa ..lted Al to merry sal.* tiler by hand or water to an, part oi the U. Stance re ow sd , lisopp. , tonent, It , . mecca to to thew . • who lute nn wpplying thesnm I-. a the %An...ening to Y .nv.srd Wert cad,. . a catty a day w con. welonnt... hi tee, of Water Apparatu,, crn crowns, romps and Futunal 4ai Ornament.' I rl.• a. 4 I 'ednatala for Wanda, onn. • and Bar. Bowl., for draortntr .. /lydrant 'Water. talon her with and Trlng Marking, and evtrrytionic Annetta gto the above busuor:.., rbtan.ntlY on kat.] an 14,1 .alehe lowest torn, for 4.1), or.V4coilGto DRY GOODS, &c- A T hand a ILEDUCE B- BlurPhY (car Dh wite and colored out at low prices. • E Y W W. E 3lgnmm win aell We MUD. , ". Summer Goad; at minced priem, atm ame., Greve, Gingham.. Buragms, Ttsgaea, Oman. IlaJoannea, gamma Shamla. 14 .. e. iZ c a " * " ., HT-4.og+, Mena' and Boys' Sonsmer Wear. - . Pars.. craptiac any above. or any other dvaolp tioll of Dry l:oods, will do - nell to call at northeast corner of 4th and Market eta ITW OtRIDS FOR DRESSES--W. R. IfietvPhY V has • iarse assortment of above Good-, lately received, such a. Wain wtutefrO 1 2 to Ter Yd OP to sne, plain Svrio do; ba from d Swiss do; era toroidered do; satin barred .laekoriehß oak satin atraprd and n general assortment of White Good, •ach a. plain 00,1 figured Nein.; I.acex Edg. m, do —at northea.t career 4th and Al.rtet rt.. Whoh,ale Room.up .iatra. ;eV 1) Co. Lky.-o ,l * tablodirmat Dill be re.opeoaleaFriday, Jo ly eth. All of Weir stock baring been marked down, vritl be altered at the greatest bargain, l'erehasers saay de pend upon securing goods at LOWER RATaS than ever before D RUSSEL` , CARPETS—Tun largest osseritnent o Bruvels Carper. ever offered to lLuti city, fur tale at the New Carnet Warehouse of W. llVCltatock, No Fourth at. comprising the latest and richest atyles,. and at prices lower thauFe•er offered au We market. All who want Brussels Carpets, should before purchasang elsewhere. tole W M'CLINTOCK ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Matenals tor Andietal Flowers, nix: Plain tisane paper, spotted do, Car mine paper for eblonna, Pant Saucers, Leaves of eve ry tom bode, tips, and callow', cut be obtained al P II EATriN & CoN Trimming Store. apt! W Fourth st ElllROMERY—Worsted patterns kn . Utua...4 ' Piano Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Hags, I. ph a great variety of small patterns. Also, Wanted. of all colors and shades. b the pound, ounee, or stein for sale by apl4 P H EATON & Co. 62 Fourth at R Murphy, at aortae... r• nor of Ma and Market streeta, has now open his sum., supply of spring and summer Getods, and het a large assooment of Dress Hoods of new...styles, and staple ltoods of every kind, all of which wall he sold low. spy) NEW GOODS, 1849 IT ENNEDI &SAWYER. corner Wood nod Fourth IX. street, are now receiving direct from first hands, n large sleek of Fancy and Variety - Goal,including Chleas of .very Tanner, gold and salvor Watehea, Jewelry, French Prtnes, Combs, Hooks and Eye. Gloves and llossery, Suspenders, Can Caps, and all other articica in their line—all ofwhich baying neer' parrhaeed perm:many of the mminfacturers east, du ring the lam winter, expresnly for the Spring , trade: so sold wholemile or • small advance oil cosi. roneinntly on hand, ail deverimmos of Looking a:lau d, of our own mminfactuntig. at cotter,, prin. mho FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS—At ZED I.:LON KINSEY'A, 67 Market street. Ittn ins fine China Vues, sated; 175 lots twist and cut arise, coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Court Bags; 20 do do gonVI traveling; 101/ gross fancy ma Buttons, for dresses: 10 dot Nail Brushes, word; 100 pro fine ilk Vest Buttons, us.,tl; 250 do do gat and plated, do; 25 dos rosewood Ilotr Brushes; 4 do Wulungtou do, 1 do Barbers do, 3 got Flab Lines; Fish Hooks, Lane. rtek, JEW ELELT , Ice —Z.O gold lever Watches; 50 do do- iw 11nd lever Watrees; 10 do Leptne do; 10 fine dm mood hog., Rl/0, I doz fine gold Wel and Fob Manta; 2 do do Guard, Breen Pin:, Finger Mop, Ear Rim, oe. MAP,' bO, &0.-21/0 dot I..ndica CO4lOO Gloves. lased: 300.10 do Lisle Thread, ferry top, &0.; 10 Jo Kent.' etlk (Pore, 12 do do k.d do; 5640 Isubes kol, amid; le do do tenet top VARIETY 1.:(10114-75 pL Amerman his Cotton emlls, 75 p. Paper Muslin; 000,0e00 ribbed Percus•tou Cap., 700 ern dress Whalebone do; 100401 Ivory Combs, Dressing. Combo, Back . Combs, &r. apn tIATC,N cf 1. are now oporung Weil spooo U nook of Te:noting., constrting 111 part 02 Alan. all a and Dross I , rtneea, lump., black ronl cold Silk Late., black flounce Lace, Buttons, hinds, Bonnet Tnnarnmea, Fen., ladies and childrens plain and lan. ey Hosiery, Starts for men and bore, Combs, Ivory and other Pans, Tarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tamv, Bob. bins, Hos, 0.. which they .00, for sale. both wholesale nod retail, m MtrTneaming Store, 60 Founh wee, berme-et Wow.d and Market. •pl 4 vamen sraiNa o—oi3ne Blinekktt k White, T\ WY GOODS JOBBERS, LeJlVood gtreet, wst. the sanAntlon Mettdents to thrur stock or AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, slow receiving threvt from firA handl. . . . • aceerring regular supplies of first goods dortng the teaaon. and devoting a large share 7their attention to Eastern Auction so., they eon confidently a•aore balers they ortli find a to their interest to exaerune bear stork /ion ref-rived. largo invoices or new .tji Drera Goods, Fumy Prints, Csomumeres. Cloths, :rummer Good.. Laces. ‘Vhtte Good., Irish I.teens. Tatiqrs' Triraintors and brown and bleached Shoeunrs of vari ous brands morn Notice to Daguerreotype Artists. 3,1• eolistrurtion Thear Instruments porteus great advantage-sorer ell ether , e•er made.envertne a 2-3 sir. Plate, redactor the unue of tuna nue•laalf. • and pooduciug a sharru.r, dearer and better defined ;no ate. They, thereto,. drueryo the amerdion of all A, tista erygared or intendiar to engage to the business. I . rtee Ter the Tab< 6175. A rowsl assortment of Volgthonderes iaaq erle hrated Instruments, of .11 six, as well as Daguerreo type Mw om Stns at the lowest rate.. Alit PIOTEK. ssirric. Cineninati. Ohio. is war new thorned areal for the sale of the shore Isnorornenw. A List of Prteesean be obtained by slit:owi post. paid, W. A P. LANITP.NHEI ng. AL li:chance, Philadelphia. !moaners of Dagorrrrotype Material, and lieneral Agents for ale sale of Vwetlnenders Optical bistro u<ntl(llll4:Maiiim .Jot,, rILS OVrii:,llrr , bant 'rodor. has removed to No. 31 Mart. street, one door from Second, Thankful far past - favor, he respectfully 4011(1X1 X rontinuance of the patronage of ht. former customers, and ken lia it, patronage of as many new ones as are of stie right .lope. Orders the Ta.lor. ne :me exact:nod la the most fashantionle 111.1111/er. and Wan dispatch. Also, a fastoutiable assortment of ready made Clo thing, at all hinds. Cheap (at cash, of coarse. Geutlernens . Purnishnik lioods in all their varieties always on hand. ainh as dhtrv, BOSOM], Collura Cr. vets. Stocks, saris, llostery, Paspendens, Pocket 11.12 fs, Uleero, lhaseers, Umbrellas, &o. do. do. inytk,d.los GILKAT WESTEIIiN 0 ADDLE DARN INS, TRUNK AND WWI" MAN 0 UFACTORI.—The subscriber takes thm mrthod of inforoone his triengs and the public in mernt that he has the lareem nook of the follovetne named ant elm. of his on, manufneture in this eity—laaddies, Dar. n 0.., Trunks and Whips, all of welch he mil warrant to he made of the beat material and by the best mech anic. in Allegheny county. Rehm determined w sets hum anufacture4 .ontethine lower - theist 1. been here. tofore aniil by any simitsr establishment in the city, he would Jorge per.ons in need of the above named isles n, 1.1. waretrotme, No.' 14 I,l,criy street, °pr.- doventh. AM, bands made to order for innehme. 00. • G. KERRY. FOR DRUMS WOOD O Am" The steam faint A. AlAtiON4 0 .1 now ruh• trout the Ilnoth foot . I.loerty tttrcet. to the liar len —letmug oloc k. ,and al the It , 111 each hour until 0 P. M. hh.iterti may rot, la the. boat at the hour. She leaves der Garden. the lac up trip, at 10 o'clock "Me a f udrancmg. and those swollen to VMt lb" delul retreat. now IR WI tit. to upend a tcw hour, not I. amoke and dual of the city, hut {I pun, a.nosrltere, perfumed with the fragrance of dowers All kind. of refroahmostr, ~.rcpt intoxiontinc dttnlvt, are kept on the prend.r.. Greenhouse Plants, and Bouquet. of choice flow-en lot ante. C10.,1 . Son dar ,rAI- JAMT.S 211'K AIN. (o-Change of landing made on anoonnt of low wa n,. ILBHUVAL. SO B. lIIILTENDICII.O ER 8, 1.1..M.ENT, Forwardiur and Cornmts.lon Met ch.t, laaa removed to Nu. s') Front, between Wood. .d Southfield street*. any SELL,E.ItS` VERMlFUtiUir„.frmDirinlA..;, Mr R. E. Sellers—Pour Vonnifugo ban fold well; and ha. Lean high y spoken of by all who have used iL From the •ucceas attending the administration of your Verrinface irt very ease I have beard.b4 I am confident I can antimore daring the conaihe season than I did last I wall lee glad to teem. another sup ply oft or S gross loon 4 re.pectitifir (Extract horn leiter I ' CARTER. Prepared and fold by H- F SELLERS. 57W00d at, and sold by Jenng°. genera:l y, Pdniburgh and AI leghtir loon IN 10 DR having attended nay brother. whit died Ofconsampnon in March 1942, I was tater, nick-with Ike Conant:ll.°n or Id•er Complaint, yea was,reduced an low wt. Me ( or four ers I was unable to allehil to my busines, either at horrfn or abmad, being for the most time co nfined to my ,bed. During the above i.orl od alum, I bail expoiadtd for medical attendomee n regular Playsiewits 0 71 f madames, to the amcia.ii of Ram. without reeeiv g arty benefit therefrom. In July. late. I corm nerd taking Dr. Jayne's Medi. eines, and boar taken them mare or less ever smon and and thavit was by persevering 111 there Lame, , dint I ran .w my that I biter completely rhea-. vernal 1111 health 1 eerie,' that Jayne . . Sanative Pill. and Expeernsfin are the beat family medicine, nom in I re•nleSonngfield, Otsego connry, N. V., and carry on A turnace and machine .bop 111 that p. tee, and ern int MICITALCLI r nay man r tor •ne nimvapiedirines. and make nos e•nihmate for be ~ene rn ol..huse arflicled. All EATON Springfield, N. V., Scut In trio. lIIPORTANT TO TILE AFFLICTED. Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. ,DR. JACOIf S. llt h.q.:• the dumoverer and ale prietor of thew most bonnier and beneficial med. mule; and also tile 111 1 ,11l0f of the eel's - brined tort a. merit mr mast/Jig me I. mins, effeedlog earn or Chronic disease*. was a student of that eminent ph ym. man, Dortor Physic, and , u a graduate of rho. Universi lam Penns y and for thirty years mince has been engaged tu the investigation of disease, and the appli. cotton or remedies thereto. Through the tar or his iodating lobo, In connection with his Prophylactic Syrup and other of his remedies, I hr has gained an mipatidelled erninetha in ronag those dreadfol and fatal unlashes, Tubercular Con sumption., tanners, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fever. gg ail holds, Camaro Erraipe las, and all thew obstinalFdistafespecolim to females. Indeed every Mein of disente vanishes under the sae of ha rernethes,lo which huni . anity Is heir—not by the 1100 .1 one compound only, Inc Mat is incompatible with Phymedogical Law, bt iryy the rice or boa fame. dies, adapted to and prextinal for each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Rose'. Ton,c Alterative when cbsmi am in. variably acknowledged to be surnor to all other, as Narrative or liver pal, Inasmuch as they leave the Lowe(,. perfectly fere from costiveness; ea also his Gold e n /lila is uslautwit by the (Realty to posseu pecu liar properties s•laiiteil to female diseases, bet being satishml abet o bare trust is *ailment to establish what has been pent In the minds of the moot skeptical. The alaiond are invitrato call opoc UPI aget and pnucoro (gratis) oue of the Doctor's pamphlets up, a detailed account ol each nnazdy and Its application. Fur lel., 14 We Col'uwing agents, as well as by map Druggist+ throughout the country: I eo r.oongnatr r a. Co, .51 AN:ood meet, Pntaborgh; NI Town.end, Bragg tot, 15 Allarket Leo A Beckham. - sitar the P.O Allegheny city; 10. y, pansnquin, Deaver comity, Pa, lOU Olio., Knit°. t , Adams. Ileavcr, VOL. XVII. NO. 20 MEDICAL. BARZAPARILLA Wander and Blessing of [ln Aga • GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. This Extract is pet ap in Quart Rollin, It La dx theft cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted raperior any ankL It earesolfseafe trithont eonhint , wen, do, or debilitating the Father. Tits at bump end superlotity of this a:equals „ 1 t h a is, *bile bendiest. disease, le omeonitut die body. It Is cue arils rely beet 111PRING AND 1301111Ek ICEDIcINFLI known: .it mw only pueblos the .bole eptena and prt thaw them..., but It unmet, new, pore end doh basil; apow. possessed by no other Iledieloe And In euti hoe de grand mime of its woe:bib, menus. It has puribroaed •••ebde the het.tne pm" more than one lioNtred dousend enrol of enure Pad of 'disease; leest,sooo went moldered bearable. It hos caved U. isterif mine din MOO ebildmt the three put tercet. 100,000 cases .f DeesePel Debility and - wul .t IRen~W B. g,, T.4;;;Ti 7,111: 7 77itTra.. tau= permantsaly. Te tbs. who ay. 4ost their s r color tarn, by Us elates e mtdhjaq orlndisreauoh aeon.. In youth, or thy sanative Wok.. a MI . P.Mio.U. and brag... by plrylleal prottrall..4 the servos sass las... want of ambit.; Aintin sae allots prase* , deem] and darn. hattesing toward tat fmail <Waft, COMMltlele, so h. entarly raised by tell pls.. resady. Sanoperilla is fit sp. nos to ay INYIGORATIIIG counrA.E. As d amens and Inviguratim the synas,glanaartnrigy on b. limb, awl strand la Oa inascalarlynem in . mad eatnnardivary depen evessumpilsa Caped. Cinemas unl fltrelytthse. Connaraptinncan 1 - 4 eared. Bnrackitin Ortnossprinn Ccnnadahn,, Csaaqfs. Aaasany spabv e And. Serra., dV Chu; ibetic Mut flight St.., Dijra-lar o. ErpseScrew; Pam is Las Pik, 4.r., Aye Into and ans in naval upluln Birremi. De Tovreverre.-1 verily believe gutty Sarsaparilla b.. b... the ions, through Providemta of saving my lefr. I have for several rears had • bad Cough. It be. um. worse and worse. At Wei riled huts quantities of blood. had night mew, and wasMaly dahtlitatael and reduced, and did am aspect to live. I have only wad roar Sarsaparilla a .bout erne. Cul there bas • standout/I change been wrought in lam wow Wet* eel* idt ar.r .me mt. I rah. no bkvai, and my cough hat Wiens. Iwo .... fe minim 111. gam thuktal for theta melte Your obedient/veva.. wit RUSSEL, CI Catbstias.t. Th. ts only OM. of more than Shur *almond nava of litwo.ousin that Dr Townsend'sßarsaparillahasservi., Tho mow severe and chronic suns aro weekly antalcar'od vistas. James Cumostuya Eacr, moo of dm assietauta la tha aatso Asylum, Blackwell , . Is the gullet:tea ape' keu of.: the follower, beer: BlerkereEre Maul, Sere lf, T".. --Dear Sir: I hare attlrmitd terribly Oar sow , eery tba lufU®; comddersblo of the tame I met Meru mst..lecp or waft. I had the autos as trumar p.m., and my hmbs wet+ terribly s.eollao. I ea a .. used four bantam of yew: Bunapafulla. sad tlx, base dosto me moms than one thoorand dollars worth of powl. I am .o mach better—hadasul. 11911rnly 10- he,ed, You aro at liberty to Ina Mu (or the Wood. el . ites .muted. Your; marmetfidlY. I =11=1E2514 Dr. Tunnaend, not having toted hie Mansaparilta tuoa of-nta, of mama, nom reconaturoda,l U. wad a.. 5t0pri.....1 torecriy• the following Nina an intelligvat and respectable Fanner in ligenichavtor County; Yoram, Avon 13, SSG. Teentemed—Dmr Sir I M. • Tattle pd. germ mom or stre, mut hae been emend mean adteteal sett% Fur , ea tried elm. everything/or ber Mt settle. meters taM edthongh eteedel find no recommends um le your etronMes for ease bka Item. me Stmeghtme .1.• ens mu very Jelsceie IteMtb. tr• model Vet , bre rt e rf your Serespardts..d are very glad we did. fer et not otdy restored Mr strength, bet she has hed co return et 0.0 rus, to our meat pleamere and surpnee. She Y. felt runred end healthy, fsw which we (nle grateful. You, rurpecttedly. JOHN IHTTLLIt. Pookale Ur Towosend, eiarsepaxtlls le a sovereign .J vpswdr rnr. for Jury:tient Consumption, Romance, Prolspsue rise{ or Fallon; of the Womb. Costlrencww, Paw, Lwrrhes, ur Whitre, ehlitcactrd cw difacciltdienstru. scion. ocu Incontinent. of Urine, or involuntary discharge thernor seal for the general prostration of A. two—oo wetter whether the result of Coherent cause or root., produced by irregularity. slltmos or mettles. Not Mug tem b. more warm -Meg Mt= f. 101/I,nralJe. yr , Oct. on dot lame. from.. Persons sll weaknose antrlme wade, from Inking it, atonce become robust and llll of energy 1.4, indttertro. It tutnitediptele roseirmem tiv- oemoirmnete ot Mmoto fronte. eitteb I. thy :,<.l of ',crone... It will not to, expected of win ca.,.Hof oo delicate ature, to eXhitot eertefivetri of coo, perforo.d, hut we CAR ossure the ettieted. ch. hundred. of cox+, have bresil,ported to us. Thouvraels a cues where lanoline hare teen without childnee, eller oot, few bottle* of this inishiabla Nrdiolae, hair hero [dossed with dee, healthy offrprio;. (giving Ironing to lllathers egad Childers,. It iv the saf midmost effectual medoine far perifying and redieving the .fferinge tittraeluni upon cliild.bleth ever discovered. It alrenglinstertiothlbe triu ther and the eldhl, proven. ram and dims.. inc...n ant enrich. the fool; those who bare oval li. honk ks indiorpeumble II I. highly moral both before and alto confinement, ea It prevents &arum attendant open child blnb—lu Coo:imams, Rise Crtinpat, tibeellisqr of Feet, Deepondency, 11.rtburn, Vomiting, Pala in On dark and Loins, False dab. licaannitage, Othl in regal. nag din secretions and equalising the chmilutkin, it Inis ea equal. The great bounty of this medicine igh el. ',aye safe, and the no.. delicate ere it most macre.- fully, vary few cm. require aby other medicine to some hula Castor 011, or klagromia is audit Minim. 13 the open air. and light food ebb this medicine, will sleep, secure a rare and cm andlnement. Beauty and Iteattl. Cotonctica Chalk, and • variety of preparationagen. rally in ussiothen applind to liar face, verysoop spet I It of ita beauty. The. close the portant the skim and check the covalence which, obeli nature is sot thwarted by die.. or' ponder, or the skin latlanied by the alkali. used to snaps, beautifies ins own production in thee hu es. teen Divine... as in the mina el' rich and delicately tinted variegated dearer. A free, and. , Red healthy circulation of the amide or the conning oSlhe pure rich blond, 10 the estremnie, leethat which paints the countenance in the most anguish. hominy. le that irhoch Imparts the tad...table shades and dashes la. ells,. that ell admire, but eons can describe This twain, is the offspring of ontare—not efpesder meg. there o not • free and healthy circulation, beauty. If the lady is fair as driven sonn!if she paint., and use cameo.. and the bload b Meek, coldead pit, she 1. net beautiful. It she Int Itikton or yefio •ise there is pure rod active blood. lug.. a rink Nihau 0.1 the cheek, and a brilliancy to th'etr ern that Write .trio mg. ts ehy the ...than, and especially the Sited/A lAAles, am ea much admired. Ladies in the north, wire toe. but luthi exercise, ne are confined its Host Owns. or hare yielded them eoinplamoti by the lel-serums minaret if they wish repun elsetklty of step, buoyent muum, sparkliu; eye. and beautiful corm pi.,1011. they should um be. Townsend's lisnaparilLs. Thousands who hare tried It, are more Ana dMorbonl Ladies of every simian ertnril one office C=Cl==l . • . Thos. that isrdtate Dr. Towaxodht dlataapardla, hare nobly called theiratoll • h.-real Remade for Pelraef.s. tora . 4,, and /are copied oar bd. aad csrealara watch ...taloa to the contplatota of waken, arced for word--otter who pot op toettiko4 her knee the great as of Dr. 'ro* cute ad's tlarsapartila le complalaut iseideat d• trotalra r iecondoooded thalra slthoetehpreirtoesly they du, not. smear the. Malabo. Pith , . k-. ate N.. out la (mod.. •.• thity aggravate dtaaaaa, aalatadermute thtt duosotobov. roroficinenooclosinely prow. thal thb Barope• 11..1 ,rrect contra! on, Ws mat olutianui &num l ot use Blood Three persons entlni in am bowie in rredetavi. 11. Towedcaii—Dear Sir: I Isave the pleasure to ivr- Gum T. dim three of my ckildrye dene bas mumla I•Der Serofele by the use of your racelleur modicum were afflicted very eorevely with bad Sores; kayo Laken noir fuer bodied ; took them away.fos lehich feel zof self eider areal oblieatioo. Very reapcustelfy. Several thousand children dial is thia city w hu could hovo bean saved by mann Dr. I l teinaseireniSnel ooporilla nod there art the...owls of children who us now renewal , from !owl *moo and hutuore—othows son roily and orookly—ortigoolootoansistad. will make mow ww, and witneo, if they do noodle, which bled, probable_ Dr. Townworl'a rattily It to per uharly wispted to childnra of deader tannin. nous, and when di uteri with water, it to • dolightinl twverane. .ad children kw. It daorty. It prevent otin rare the Dhirrhora, Dysentery arid choler. Motion. Wetrust there to uo father or mother who is roeto or mho... at to deprive thcir chiLlirao W tins romody, which will cortanily reatows 'tem to health. ormsnoss or PHYSICIANS. Ur. taiiinagint Almon daily ...waiving Imieni tint. Pbrmein. Irs Jae,.t pasta of the Union. l'4!. n hi Corti& that en an* dadorantried,ghtlartmaa ino cm of Albany. tiara to tumorous cue. pitmeribett lir Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, ad botiramit to h. ou. ut the moat r aleatild preptastinns ie the market. 11. P. PLM.INI.I, 11. D. J. WILAIi, M. D. It. It. BRIGGS. If, 11. Alban, April I, lei:. P.l. II Nesier DJ . Revierel.—Afler lb. tnt of Sepliwobor. JelPr, D. S P Town...milt New York Oak. will I. in IS. Neal, Baptist Church, No. le: N.... atro, wlxeh a wo" irier...ea • thorough rhea', and will he Erred fix lb. le tier arreininiadatioo of tbn proprietor., eed the radio_ Tat, paelioafer .Yews.—No Parsaporilia 1. lb* prow. • lee awl amine! Dr. Towsiavoilla Naraoplalaitei •iged be 5 P. Towson:el. .totor..—Reddta; & Co. No. 8 Stele won, owl Mn. K. K..1,1er. No Ind Court .area, Bosom Samuel J.... La..., Unary Fran, Patent. R croon. Woe , • Almon & Gaol, Concord; J. itolch £ J4II. Pre and 1.• Oroero“ an.; Nle , chhoo. govenallr tieoughout the Unnod olaaar, West ;adios, snd tk• CL Fnr aole by R. in SELLERS, Role AKent for Pins , burgh; Lk NI CURRY, Allegheny; A. PAITF:RRON. Ihrnonghom sairl4:4l. . . I=a;o;in SA LB., Columbiana c0.,0-, Abr.:R OOD. rxR. D. A VISES: Dux Bair -1 feel ,Aeund to yon LI and the whined public, to avail myself of Mitten. portent[yy of givoig publicity to the eilmmedieary Ceuta.,e (your Ka foram onmyself. Unit/been afflicted' for sate. years with a *nem eon hectic fever • tit edit, m.o.:Dant diseases , and see r only only doomed out a Oen tmt ntierable exisrme,strail the'" all of lam, whin, being more seemel Ittantited t and Luittlr resorted to all my former mnuilltesi tad the pre mripuons of two of the most respectable phyakinue in •- the neighborhood without derivieg my benefit, or the emmolation of survislng boon few days or weeks at farthest—whea the last gleam of hope was ahem. to • muddy kid recommended to am poet Expeclutent-,‘ and blessed by Mu tieing who does all Dimes in the • oat of the meana—ead contrary to the expectations of. phyelei.. and Dietubr,l arts Ina fees days raised from my bed, and was =shied try ihe vie rs o a bottle, to • attend to ray Moline., enjoying stare betteuldtb than I had for ten years pr.... Respectfully yours, ke., 5.12.-W. Erna. • ' For Selo Paisbutgh, the reltipaerk&tptv,l4 FOIR rlb street rA ROUND - Nrit-- - 111.10 bash for Wear, - IWO WICK & tegiXl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers