LIE vITfBI huh dA4ETiII PII - rI4I3ULLG , H, WEDNESDAS . MORNING, 11:UGUST 29,1E49 • 11:rTua Prriseutton Datar Damns te praltheed Nay-, TWeolly, Frokly.—Tha Dolly is Semi Dollars per aooyon; the Trt-Weekly 11 Oar Dollars per atm.; the Weekly ,s Two Dollars per =nom crab si rola:Ara rD.A.evadtmles came.] requested to bend in .hetr Mimed sr. , and m requested to the dey •I PMettedble. Aarertilements not inmrted for Am , . led time will iitmtriably be <barged nedd ordered out PIiELA.Dgt:PHIA NORTH A_MERIOAN. Advertheeliata anti sabeentemim to the Not, Amer can and United States Guam.. Palladeiphm,Nee e ee sad forervllelifinta tyds *Pee. ANTI/MASI/En AND WHIG TICKET I=l HENRY M. FULLER, of Luzern; count, es!..A.Tx, ILLIAM fiASLATT, of Butler County. FOBT: C. WALE:M:O, t 1 .teeth ;DIEN hit shmp.bu,of. CALM 1.0..0f Pasab.o. WI% Milt, of Loma 91- 'Cisur R.:11:117, CARTER CURTIS, of Pi rgh flurraosorasT, GED. s. ffit of Upper at Clear . talusrent, JOHN MfAtltlE 3 / 4 31N, of Allegheny CMOLINICIO7r6 JAS MITCII ELL, of Prom., cola . 1 WRI T. A RTEII:II, , , of Pitutrib. AL =TO. JOBB BYERS of Foldin7. For Local Blotters see xierat pogo. • b• moot pogo for Telegraphic News. Itchdarind OP TIM PlCArtnenTodie Crlrrettitha AT EILIIL—We had the pkasurc (a caulterSatioll soith;Governor Jhhastoo, lett night, at the Mon.. gaheht House, nod he Octet-Mei the receptaell Which the Preaidept met with eltaloug the roe* to Erie, as being moat eothua(atio. Al every town sod vitiate, thousands of Popsylvanitit no. ble eons burned out to greet the arrival of the brave old hero. We regret to learn that the President became very l 0 at Cambridge, and it was deemed advisable to convey him covertly rum Erie, in advance of the cortege by which he was accompanied. The carriage in which he was, was driven recidly into town, and the General we, conveyed lobed, where a burning foyer seized bun, but at last he recovered. under the skillful treatment of Dr. Wood; after discharging an enormous quantliy of bile. He still continnes very weak, however, and data not intend to leave Erie until the sth or 6th day of September. Thoustuada cif people from t KIM end New York, bad congregated in Eye, to bebiZld him, and they were of mane ruitnewirst died? Minted. Still the excellent earth which oar worthy Governor made, recompensed them for Chit ataPP°Lrtlint• The Vice President, Mr. Flit - more, is in com p/my with the . President, nod designs travelling with him through the State of 'New York, after which, they go to Boston. Governor Johnston leaves town to t: IT and mill visit his Gustily prior In his departure for Harris- 'Tax Prrnntratin Cain 'l.lC.'—Tho ones; ed itor of this newspaper. though; dechntlic direct controversy, still coationo.o m :111 . 1 . g., hi. hostildy to liberty, awl lostil lug politicallootann into the Winds of his iVader., with lac ndraolneas as well as thi\ monis of a Jesup. Wntneaa:e slander and total disregurd.o! fact• are no n, ai ever, the wrap owe with which has order tins met every forward movemeal. Ile facets to be greatly edified with the proclamation at Pre.ident Taytere rgainst the supposed expedition to Chiba, anOne• us a hom ily apart the sin of in hvratent. !growl' authori ty, nod s. parallel between the Whine. and Ca bal eases, To died:lid. of winch we have the fol lowing .01d Zack, boxever, has *puled the eport this time, unless bits orators shook! frighten him, by denouncing hlyn, is another Innis Nsooicos. faithless bead of lt kindred repnloic, pursuing the unnatural cannel of etiaillg el, , kberr the institu tions to which lig is ores ail hi, Warr at home.— But we trust that even nitre sock (three orstnry theold man will not recoll. tt le 'therefore, Tote probable that Captain Thompson, iftstead of beins the hero of oaf lyle. is likely to be furnished with cheap lodging: ley Uncle, Sem in the paten. pen Unfunny. Puy to have thus destroyed a hero and rs-urned effort of liberty in its very bud.- The entriptvison whleh - The Oahe!. " load. tonsils tiofoltpiate. General Tawint very prop erly refusev to 'interfere to the interani afreirs of another State. it is a tired retina of A - =wizens, that we have no right to do so The alma doctrine is also embodied ins, iete z of the constitution of the Fresco au boi siviStustaading vio l ation of its oleo lov e es yeti state nai,hrsi lie ha of mankind, and with peeolinr direordstaiseas of in'amy be food presd, dent—the French Pretinent did what oar insp. President refuly• to do, and the Jetalt of -The Cott°lie " applrdd bbtb. The Romm Republ, which the Freqch have intrriered to upset, was as legitimate etnverninent es ever did or ever can exist upon - Worth- It w.t the moult of the el most unanimous voice of the ',topic. Whether a good form of government, to we thing—or not suited to a deblWed and uneducated people. as .The Catholic . ' niontende—no foreign government bad any right lb Interfere wth itybut for the France to do 1.17:-..{1,43 haaeness beyond espressos and without .parallel. It is so foltAvy the free henna of the whole civilised void.• Even among the Tories of gjgleiod not one voice la found to defend it. If Captain Tiompson deserves ithprisonevent br aiding in ;moiling dim, the oppressive end dee pita government of Spots to Cuba, . Whet should be the fate of these who by bloodtheY and vio lence have extinguished a republic in Italy. "Tim Calholie should cease to preach pointes and eonane itself to fig more legitanaie funeticn.. A bad ednetuionhas so engrafted servility into his very nottue,thathe has now come ; !,e think it rt virtue. We esn'assuro him, howevtptist though obedience—psagloc, unquestioning 4cdreace— ssay be the Ent Uhl almost only virtneibil the le man, q cannot, With raceme, be ptelitiii , bed in ml. awe, esti least of Ann the communiii. In which `The Catteeic` Von n east. If be ethinot change ilia creed in thts3 paroculit he hni . go to BAIBill Austritbitad though he totil.tbete too let devised by the people, hs w.ll undoUbtedly find *woe compensation to the Breads a( thit Court.— =;=2I!MENIN nor he 11. Each auffere from the presanee of th. other, and the sootter both are reliere4the better. American liallatielas with 4apaia The North American, of a late daffy ielates two 3412111Cea la which American satiori :have lmen shipwrecked on the Japan Islands. Mid have toff fermi incredible hardrhip. (tom the ertAl treatment ofthe people and Government. One,iiithese Tea sels was the Ladoga, and the other Me Lawrence, bath Americau whale ships, The ereW of the for mer were detained un the Island one year, and dui of the latterleventeen mouths, ethlng which Oils they were kept in clone coatody,tochned in dungeons, cage., bore, and the holds ht lun kg, 3a Winch they were posed froM port to grt, all they reached Naagasaki; being 'coatinuntlit!rapOiad to all eons of 111 Otago, threa.enod, oifehrd, iod sometimes cruelly beaten. Poe of the*lr aUerripturg to escape, was ;put to dr w.thcut mercy, and another committed ; and the whole althorn were notopeeed, undetirrer 0(0m sword, to go through the ceremony of4rupling on the mom, or a picinre of it,mccorling `1../ the ttn cielit heathen rule adopted tv t beau 14anders, to regard to foreigner, at the nine of . ; 41e expul sion of the Portuguese, more ;ban titind nenton, 3 3.41 0 . The North American thirsts it is tioift our Gov marmot Interfered to protect iamb of tFor cltl32aos es are accidentally thrown upon theiiinhoepita hie diem, to whit* many of them ace : 3lontinually eXposed lathe 1,141 penult of bustne‘. It re commends that an expedition of eruiliefint strength to create a Mutable impreasien, be rcpt to Yedo, with orders to open direct icommunieetion with the Court, for the purpose orarratorma q coo reed°n looking eticeiatiOo this object; nor obit she es peellion to leave the bay caul n ts fliOy neoien plisbed. Such a Gammas . ooght to provid4r opening of the prlneimo Japanese putts Mtig merino ships driven to them by thress of *gather, or needing refinements; and 14 ouch portal the nem• ell or mom CO ovenleat to the disaster, American wrecked mambo taught to benondorted and hospitsbly treated, at the expenseiOf comae, date United Sucele—ectil Wien off Is;j the first tread entering them The Nay York Cosonsercia, a very iMspassian ge and eme paper,toters somewhat 4iength in to the natio* and moral aspect of *question, o which we lake the coneludihg paraorapdta IS - either England or the rotted States wonla I Mott :r , ve', •.le ‘ lt: di:of/rd aristocracy of the cci4 , ll engage in wee with Japan, under the intleeneeFf I try. Gen. Ta r 'I ,r tank.. n 0g,,,,, ~,, _ h the antral sent/twat now itrevrolinr. ~,, :soot va4ll E latch stale •it his hr.( and hands alwals an peat reluctance • for me vets re'.. , .. IL:. it. , 6. , outiide. tut r•, dPc. N., salt molt be so sure sit intairaf.ulaciv esay.;,- I ... — The slaughter of thousands, sear, y .., . , ra t, t , ~, rie •—• . :ne i ..1,,w ng incidents are related in a letter to aistanee, and the destructiou of t i0r1,1,. 9 . I. . ix, o w N ,, , , A ~,,,,,,„‘ _ and eines, would be regarded n• 1o•iv : f .... f".." ( -3,1 r i - I attchmi. an active and Intelligent madly, to be avoided, if poss.ldt., ~,. t t tn0.••.0 of th:s 1 . .1V. went out in it bturry and met meant , - Yet how to be avoided. 11 rah,' :, r ~,, p--trails.."' ra '' ' ' ... " .. ''''''' r .... ""'" GlTaabagh. On • ' the way nada. Mr. P. nn•nged to get old Rough lice .4.....1 m"'("t ''''''" Ii: A' ''''''' ' ' .l "4 s . I 'tad rns , e.' , V . M. bmzgV, ;tad thus led the way to We cannot sobacwbe to the ar ' s.ille.n ' t. , it ' I Turtle Creek, the dividing line between West. adaariest4!" ari ..a a man as the "tts lams He n , oreloud and Aqui:hen) , count,is . re they sere tlis I Quiz., RJ.I.Mui that mere " 6...v. ''' . " . • were met hen deputation from P.l.stAirgn. Mr. tonal to communicate, or, the part of Mrs ustl9l, , ~.._. .,and b . ,r, old fr, .n,, ...,.or. he had ____ bo o i rait rson s Ida. s •, .. ran dustily a rata to torte be other r ' s. "'" ..„. . picked up somewhere. bt-lna fo - ernest to the ca refuse/ may be unwno• may ..."'.` ' . " ..v.... " fl 'eti 1 aloade, were first halted by tbs. zraloos city dentl may he otoecrionaLle in a hundred ways, but,ll, ..._ tation—“Clear the way. Rode, Mr idd Taylor."— sisoNpriateeted by the principle actionsr nation ! ~,,,,.. obeo e d.l eneure the other, to hod ant their has a nab! to t regulate its own by its MO : t" .. day a, obeyed, leisure. _ view* of interest or of propriety, and other no- r " ' ... trans .:n. 4 " s t n. ' this L v em httne,y its operation 1141 ' hie. a° I. rten it. n° tilt. • • • • • adore wrong is done them 1 Ai 71 o'clock the ladies mod their respects to our ' of t dislinguisbed attests at the Monongahela House. when positive wrong is done to the citizens tlii ' t em. the thgruned urbanity of the UssvernOt . , and oil er natoo—when they ore deprived ofttnek „le ! ere s ire rich humor nod over l i ming pleasantry of the live... , tpeir liberty , or their properly , b y :Cr . ' , ' iil.l he. fa finely exalt - vacs!. Probably not a working r 4 the exclusive policy, the.. i.enstins l a dy took bun by toe hand but received a ditrcredreode of treatment. .: DMINISTHATOR'S NOTlCKweLetteraof rl A Imtruaration upon the Estate of Woo F.Gun ning ate of t he city of Pittsburgh, deceased. havtng nem, granted to the aub.nber residing in said city, ali person• indebted to itaid E.., are requested to make N/1.11110.2, payment. and Moth having claims •amast •rird F. ' tor , mut dela, , et we ochre of rods A South. ..wormer on I uorm erect, or to the sub.riaer al toe cab, ot Jot,. a. qui., on Rasa street sorenalltawarT ISAAC JONES, Adis, r . ORPHANS' COURT SALE. y N pars,. nee of a Mort. order of the Orphan, Court 1 i.e. 51 Potstrumh,l.l and for the county of Atte- I ithe I on the eSra day o' August. A I) 1.4 a. he un. err ...toed Erecutore of Lae last an and tes.ment of J , .1 How Land. late ot Lew St Clair tots nth., it re d . out.), deceased, utli expose to sale, by pub!, • CHOLERA-ITS CAPtucl(lt'sNEss-ITS CA . :::''Z' i .n,.%,? . 1,7 - . .,:y1T„F!,: ), A‘,. ';', - . 2 7 ,'.tr . 'LEER IN THE MiSS'SSIPPI VA LLEI . :,,si ..: dose REAL HAITATV. of s then said 10. , The Cholera has now •wept over the entire rx - : . :d:': t ,", d 'd.T o ',;,, d ",'2,, w o n .. o te . tt „ . . 0 '' , Y 0 b 1 .. „ 1 ,.:„, ' ,7 e '1 ,“ . . ' „ ' 1,.., - err of the Mtem-lappl Valley, os an eptdeitoc, and ...„ ta d ~,,,, o f 1,, d, e in Upper St Clair spew .1. Min, at nearly all important poet.• 114 Inw 'slop, VOlllll / Of Al egheol. bounded mid dere, dendhost mynas, have been at New Ortettit•, St had a. 10..0we •u wit. L em. ~, ~,,,y, N.,,,,,„,k , L e. ,,,,,,,,, , , a ..., ~,,.., tie/to/nom at n post on the line dividing I.lld planta. Stuldotuy C.v. Ltfopettet °Ad D ot'''. t ' t w h s ''. : 'r !re rac '." lr " la ii l ur slt l it ' s ' t=:o r joVn ' '7ar '* :; and miles Cl' consul:crank. srx • that nave teen via- Mors mot thence Mirth all de, vast. wee perches sod l ited by it, it ha. fallen moat lightly upon Molee, dear ltnks . a while oak, thence north entree 1 Natchez, I /what...en, Lourseille Wheente Getout, east ...Vera Petehes teautote oak Wince north Cleveland, Coln eh*, and P,ltsburgh. 'fhe email 5. 7 . ' , te a , ,e,,r,,,c.atw.aea'r.,.:ll°,‘","„n cut. one o " ,, tn a r ,l':= , , ' a n a. ,' towns in wt..: has raged worst, arc Bell vr'le in ' ' m "' r..,...5en OTINDOOo. LIODIOCC 001.111 49 deg e a „, thre e Illinois, Lebanon in Tennessee. Pant and R. I. a .t tmee-fourths perches to a post. thence south soef mond in Kentucky, Aurora, Boston end Napoleon Ora cost, tone,. and one tenth per** In a pow 011 tii Indiana, and Eaton, Venda*. and Wearer in the line uividt. raid plantstion town lands of Jr... I ':hies Flares that have suffered a good drill , and M't.°4 ' P .m. ' , D ' lll,stu M C.H YD thener ."', ' oriel doe anode Ali deg west. save tears use lore,- pot cannot be comam onto* the worst, ere Chits. „ re b eawho , „..., l arge so ., go, Alton and Peeria to Illitoi. Memphis, and thence north St nog west that 1-one and a hall perch. Clortsivit 'n Tennessee. Maysvdte to Ken- es to a poet thence south it dee west slaty••kx perch. I ~,, , „ a „ „ i t In i n ,.„. , 2, 0 , I i n ,,,, , cy to a post on the lug Melding maid pl..tron from Spaingfied end Batavia in Ohm - The Coast" ifil n j 0 e ,, , ,:". " „ d ",, t 0 .",1,.,, t° 1 th it ,;, e \ a n y ,;,74.',7 ' 0 . „. "1 „ th y " .. ,... 5 e , Lotonsnn h. also suffered a great deal from first :„, hr. t , ts . ' ,, a „, ~.„,,,,,,,, pe rc h,. a, We plate , to 111A1. iti 11l i'd's per ren• of the sloe, /Wing carried ...Tinton; eontutimor one hundred and fear a. rev ...1 off by pre tw earv.r percher. otnet measure (hi amt. arc non. Plion eof et nvderable bice. when have roeeted slug ft...lute Rouse unit a •tettY ...nt. caber nearly ie attogether escaped the msnatton l ' ;l t .,.,., ' ., ' : ' ' } t o s „,."l' o t "0",,,,t7,7,,,,,,0.%7,...,,,P,',.117,3 mittt 01 the pesttlen, e, me Jackson in Maw- pp , Little the appuoe• lances thereof Bolt rit Ark Moll, HiltalVille, Ttleti orsruwa, and ihe wool.. or w 114.1 leant a• deserthed well be rods bind in A.n. una. Kenos/Ile in Tenitesees, eteeloote a lot et Mere et emend nt'y teal square Glasgow, Shoe,. die. Cron k fort an ot I ;eorgriow n sL r e." tee a'' sve do e o t a M .. . o r r r et '` gm° 'mrod, t.e ar '.' m Kentucky, CAln., and Spor afield ,n 111 nois, New ;;;;;;',..,77'."„`„ n ; 41;" 1 ; 0 " ,., n a n .I o n a dt , e ",',Tl. r , ‘,.‘,.,,", Albany, Madison ondlodtanopol. in indult., and non, surd o r alone gaol true to Jesse M'Cully a lin, Zanesmlle, :Sic., villa. M A nelta, Chillacutoe, eft ore, and thence. o uie some wtdth. slot, limnilion end there ,le, tu Onto. sold Jess< 01'ituti T..• line, to the puhlic road. lead.. Hare, now, nrc rungular fuels, plmulv showing t "" n a C Z,' . . e ..l7, ‘ C" ao. e .i et r ar e a tt n n. ",.7 . 7th ... O 0 . , L the mysmnout and to prime.* cherarter of ,b.. 11;,,„,,,:_%,„,,,, r , ,;;T i ,',;`,; u r ,',.:,:=. ) , dreadful ddeease. It wears here, there.Msew here, e rah 10 h... three hundred dollar. Olt OW find May Al suddenly and often giving . warning s without spot nest, and the . a n d ce tu three squat 10... m,,,,,, reference tu ithes to trove., ri cordleas or ritoural mitotic to one. two. and three years the-maker, sydn intermit thereon Irma the let Jag of Apo! A. 0 Ithit Wetter COUrrao., wholly Independent of the chreetton tibial ROWLAND. of prevailing weds, end uncontrolled by Ihr tom, JOHN VARNER ROWLAND. graphcal chores ter or geoloatcol :roman iu of ibe Ekren., fie , of Jul. loaded, deed distr.. wtthin its generni course. Spending [(sell see2i sell r where it light° lime, either gently or lethotottely, It PROCLAMATION. ...many a man oil disappears, and while netilobortng points are elan,- 'II EREAS In and by the Act of the General A•- leg in awe Of 1. prommtly. and tinily experCng do VI ..embly ot Pc/m.4. lilt ant an Act fel, desolating presence, it sudden.y appears In 1, 1 10- tine lo e 1... or thi• . Coltinionwea:Lb ols mottled pettier another region, a hundred et two ..r three on en . Rtse mime mime'. 510 e.... be held and <numerate ia moth none.. what officer an, Lo I.e elect. hundred intley awny. And again, 2 or :1 weeks ,I l e In m 00..., therto. I Jo. POUNOTII si,,,i n ,r „ or two or three mono. afterwards, white Imre the county of t I rebel,. heretore make known who seemed to ham escaped are slid warm In and cve thr• Won' , cm'''. flt- e , ettota a.m. , rona. their congostutattone of each other, and are broil- ray o A:Peoel.. mat a genera eleetroa son: be held in n,rag In talk and to ante ahaut the. super Ur newt! - I ''' ''''d e.s ent; n" me 'EC°N D Tt . f , "'D XVOF i 'C. , r ,l o.lEit NEX at the meerat erection distoct• there fulness r I thee towns, the destroyer retraces its . ate y' strikes at the, best and their wdrat, tnenr The e'ector• of the Ist orand of the en) of P,,, hurrah strung and their feeble:. alike, and carries mourn , to meet at the hottse of Mr. Jane Little at Me 1 . 01 . 11, IDE M nearly every ...MeV of Feri, and Fourth ore.. m ADM ward fur elector.. he ...rd wart of the el: or OIIIIIDUI b This is the manner tn unich the cholera b. ay. eel st the house 111 Wm Arrow g Y over Tli g . peered and disappeared, in Ire course eine mar, h i r i!.:; ' tni lihrld street.. oi the wartl °' . " over t.. - Miss.° l l.l , vtilleY Poe weeks it . . Ihe e'retor. of the 11.1 ward of the city of Plusburgh Neu' Lthcans, and d tes not appear al Neca-1, t r to meet at Mr hon.. ot And 11 aster Eon Vreksbora a. or Metni.b.s, although the .ntyr-rotn. 'the clertor• oMe Itn ward of the cm, ot Pitt.b. IDII me, :..ban r t.t. tut .fur even month., it to tr eet al or. Coffin> Hon., corner Oell I ir • inin that est, ryd .I. cs ti it of pear its Motile et . all. " ..-.,:,.;,,.,; r :„, , go, ward al , op 7 , ~,,,.b a„. except lit the ma antes of three or lour persons Lo m eet at t.„. n o ,s, a t s• e a ..,,,,,.„ 5 , „. a ., sett...moo home wilt the disease developrits in 'T he electors of Inc G. ts and of the eitt or Pout. -o h, she. rst. en s sod dm of it. It repeat" at SI len. m wee , at Me at h. ,. sentml hoow to ...1 ware •. elm st erges that oily as no other A Metre. ... I '...Y2':',.%„";.',.!''.7, ' .'..",..,"...:=' ,, '' , .. n ~ , ,, L.L.i:,..,, , ..1, - , h cay , rtes : beet. st °urged, and ,el for the space. 01 •r,„ ~,,,„ n , ~,„,„ wn , o r ~,,,, , 0 ,,,,.,„ ti vr moult. the etty et Alton, a few hound Haver i, me-, :the pub. rearm, boo.. in said , are ...h a ,. 0 ., I t„. „n ote ~,,,,, a n d ... dn.,y, we no t e II,• elector• al the nun word 01 toe .. 0 Pie•ho rah , o „,,,,,,, ed ..,, , , o d ,„„ ~„„ f„. Ira r ,..„„. to meet at me p.m, •n hoot house in rout , road Mrs. treasures oI the ar...,t Weal. in .th prove, to i aa. .l:'' ....0,0, n.o. 1 . , ,,,. ~,.,,,,,, ~ ~,,,,... T , o , y „,,,,, , , ~,,,, is word „ 0,„ a.,, 0, s 1„ ,... an Eastern or aa European markto and toe latter Z . , . a ~ ~„„o thd 0.50, 1,1 boo, d„ do t O „ .00 i0 . t t 0ct5 , t , i , n 0 e . tiz , 7, ,,,, v2 . , , , ,:0 ~, ,, , ,, , ,x %;„ 0 7, , „ „ , ..: ,,, ,,, , ~,, ,rag up ~.., Manumeturem :,ad merreontr i home to the erase wh.le the sde Log on red r••• 1,, [neer st me house or Jobe then, former, oret.o7e.l it, nab custom of northern Oho. nod iht. 0.1 I rape. It :rein to Clamant, mot ine, cm r loth ..-.. Johu coentinc *emir ire me Lhamond sad ~t heist ~. The elec ors to the 3,1 ward of tae . it, of Arcane., eountry of the Laker. Through these sod kindred deeds of PP ''' . a P IPAP ' d 'PPP" to " ''''"' ' - meet .1 the out. , school house m sae ward on the I and passing Tiv nisi, nth as and coos en the wn- t ,.',, , , r , peels, the resent generation may Yet roe the ter line or Ira ‘,..1, and bit two nr at,. rtddeets us lur e eel irso Me 410 warder' the et.y of Al , ghee, oimeory progress of a hundred )eau brougot , to i A terrible ravages, cdrreing MI rhou•andr of oar to Mret al It, noose or Mr. WO, MO ND 1 . 001110111 . neopi , Yet sortie in •,s at., en. 0 p putous Tbe • otiose Pm tow ...hp m inert at 'he n0...0t M tn n the compass rat lee. , tv hip ' tarn oire than a Mindr. d miles ~ u. Mrs Nsitr , ski', tot ,be o lemaritc , and Farm-. For anther line aroma:unwell* no lean rm- '.. ... .. . ' r....,•.• oisd m sant townie., ...rept in e q ua nn e d port to the inlercels.d Plttaburgb we are about : 7 '; ' ,l 7 D'' ' . 7 . : , ; -7 :,, , , ; . . , , : n 7 , : , , z , "n ~,....,-,,. SoIrl• re. di It . • ~,,,.. N.. 4. 7 awl la nr tt, e o s to OCCOM• indebted 1:1 the c„..inec of the citizens ' n ' ',.. 1 y ;,, ' ,, ' , ' ,,,, ' ,,,,„ y0 ' . ib ' ,.,g 7, /,'„,, 5 , 0 7 1; ° .„. “. .5t 0 ,:; ' ;,;', ' T., ' „7.7,„,;„47,.` ° ' "' "" n "" . '" "s of Steubenville, Jeffers., Harrison, Tuscarawas. 1 '' , , Y" a ` a t , l o t , h , . I ~.. 0, a "0..01 ~., 000 , 1, I , .. ,11 . a 'roe row.. ro I'eer e. township in meet •t the mob otherrolanties, in Ohio The, plans have so ; . tn h e dhdoo,„ on , ..., : V on .. do ' o odot'o to irood , o , tho. d. , house or John then, .11 the vttlage of East 1.14,11 . fer matured. sea I learn train unaoubteul authortth, i o n , ono ..,; .„ o. . th ood aua ~..... .......`,..., ... a _ .. roe ke... lL tk n o too. D .f oo fo 00 .,., ~, /h , ‘... •" 1.... of f . r,,,, 11 , ort. on Me rrar.Low r. ad to OS to immer the conatruelon of the road. COM- • ' ''''''' with., th,. interns... Mule toe as seed low. ehtti meneing at Stentent dlr. and running through the 1 n ' ' ' ' tn-tve 'No"' , . with thee istpulninma of IVW tot 000 earn ea. tine recto,. of I• on. township in meet at dim non,. Mt central port,. ail Ohio, it lurm• a ...Moo mood , Id lod oora , , „ rot .. ut John Sur...rule. of tad mamma/ and tin 1.., anti 1 durnbus. when a sonnet. wirk n tw near . ,per P ‘h 7L P ' ' ‘ . Pn „ 00 , 0 ., „ .„ . „„ o , o „ o , o „ • et! .h•.' le. Judge. and Hugh 0 kora and Junes Ile omplelmon. teltt male the nne ft/MOD, to C•n• '''' , P '4." . '"."' - r . no, n...P. a 'al. he me nt • lwe'ors. üb•i• mner• aro du eloolo Tlie ri woo, :a tee truverwa are arnorgst I cPPPPP ' t. ,' Pt.. ' ' e " ',.... 'P. •v. "' .•oo 'o - .: elected the o cheat ,o. toot goo., State. Thoth ododdodoo. nabnanta nas witnessed the presence and Ihr to- , ;I : he,,,,e,,c, •t, el I . lloo , tovensh. to mere el Ole house 1 d but a easy outlet to marl.' to Ca. '"" "‘ ' b° d ' ea ' e ' ' l "' . ....I ' Pt ' u lf ' Punt "' ; 1 , 0 7 E ,, ,:; . ... , ,,,,s, ~,, :,7, , : n . , P2L , ,5 r..! ... , , , , , , , , ' t ;h a .±:e d etteo n' t nee " " • ' even 111 breath has u. t been felt courage an roteosive eniartetneiii. nod reel Mtn- , I . w. •hisl, Le In.enr•rors dna; others are duly elected. And no, bag ha m , wed thole .prter..., then w y . ,,. ,, ,: ,. „ ,..,.. ,,r. ,. ,, ,,... 7y0, .,, , ,, ,, , , , :zz0r,,,, ,...... ,r,,. :,,, erai areattres, now useless to tn-•r a tly need but . lane extreme to the other of lets Great Valley, II DOA wort to L....revert Into abundant sources of Inmate. to return upon It. track, and wrap In the Puutharei, ...I oreerahoreh tee npikr road., stud make,* and desolation tee place. that 011 new it tarn•MP _.....„._ sj. a W.tever miry be done in the war of improve- rbe etemers ... Elrratteth town.. toeludt ta the , d lino 1•07.1. DO. This indeed, m what It hes a ready ~ o , „ _, oi . ~ . ~ T4+ President p o . ooidtoooa aoo pa„ . .. eoegb i roc It l in other quit.:l7 ;,,, w . n;:ther other no , ~, a,,,,,a rile,,, „ ode , „„, ~....,,,,, a ,,,, , ,, ,,41 L0 .,, y. ~...,. ...r., i.T rir , ro b a n ..w aii ..., ,,, ,T . et .,. . u i i , i .. h , r .,, l t, ii;re termer:, We have{ been Interested in reading letters .IA , ° ,7 0 ° ,, , , Pr'3 . 7 . ; ey ' m ~,,,,,a ` , , a7 ,,:' , n . .° , o n a n d ' " ,'„ ; . : eon i 1 Tennessee, an I Harrodsburg in Kentucky, 'the elertor. or J o ff e r 00 00,,,,,,,, , 0 ,„,,,., , , ...7 , 0 , di...noted In Ohio, and Birmtegharn near tiro* or J .hn !tore, formerly occupied by Jas. King, tea tram Pittsburgh, for *stern pavers, desert:4l4 Steoben•ille to its western tern:lieu. real 4 , , =ad, . 1/. I doureh nod .mine other places near welch It th vatd t0...1ds oi the motet' Gen. Taylor to this olty. The late Bat to bring Its advantages to bear upon the inter- stewed mall gyao . 0 ,,,...... two --, -d mo ' a, :T",aaegatv, a w i eut i e l",3 l „" n a : o , t r . e ,a t p tin , : e ",.. „ . i t aa ufh a tt house. lowing letter to th e New York Tribune, is *oral e " . et Pmeiwm g h, we wee ' he" e "" ' "r"°"°" " • w' rwie v: nr y i had ' n'ene 4 :Catirel :'2 - 7 -e Lion wall the former city. That if made, coast be • ° " I' ' ' t Y P"'"'FF need .S.,....dotownithlp . of republielt.o. Mark the lenge.* used 10 It, gon d, by „ o , ay i rya. The anal 5e ,,,, asyyy its for weeks. Ti :moors of Upper vi Clair township to 131.11 at .• Truiy . the the pystilen• e 'ref walkreh .1./ ;V', l/. noose of J ernes c.,,,,,,. ~, sa ,d mw,,,,,, la . ton ~ 4.1..11. Tr/vine's speech. Al, u. ho vrem . weto'd scarcely ask OUT Ohm (nerds to bong so . „ o „ and ,a,,,a,„ ern.,„. ~„. ho ~,„, „„ ~,,,, rt.. eectors of Loam di Cirtir townsalp to met st near enouip to near the Prenident's rembris ,'/se el e - sve a a Irg, urh ail 'lv we "( b. thett^ 0 .„ „k,,,,, .b y g, ~i, th e ~,., i . : a a„,. ,d i t ,. 1'r ... b . L . , of ~ ..P. , Oti•ii•t• "meet ter , ' I in sae i linelly, wi i,accurd with the bentauctit ek pressed:it . ' I '‘"" `" ' ''''. f . , others t, aced or Palo women artltd•••• at Ine re t•I. T., ~,,n „ , 40 .....„.„„ . o , on , ~, ~,,.,., .., th. , e 11 nsiair e has been lavish to u• or her g 1., net . v. Pit - emcees, Al 20, 1,19 :.„ , .„,,„tnat it t n.. n ., ~, toe focotty with i'm r" cta Grier. mid tho ether le , -- L ...Sartori ' , rase ot sarob M Fur ttor rotated, Ad.,. M'Far. and .. ostd tow., f lee mat gratifying feature of Gen. Taylor's whim or t tor , be node to opoiger room peasper.ty. '''".' -woe The ereelom or 1-1.1.7 In xnalito to no, rt. 11.0 ' 0 1.1 10 ' t '''' el . " Pk. 's• that 1-I ' .. ''''''''' I's welt ll € Every mil of f O l l ...I that we melt make. 'faith , . hesill ST Ehorii*.._ f tie hooki. rt Common. in be: II quietus* A Awn., lormerly oru pied t., ' Wales have every where greeted him with tot bru insure a certain tribute to Oar trado. But true • wean. of vatted*, glee, 1.,,,,,,g, 10 1 oe d repo ,. John Charles In Pe. vol.. 01 Colton, La .011 tcw, warmest calettnoram, and have in every tustaord. au t o ,. yos , so wy p yo d ees „, o ,d.o og o, y „,b.„ te.'. n: the D - levaten and 11, •pr , --e , e , e •'" I C :. e se ine, ef Moon tossmeilp to meet a. the hoe, , limthme attlfrthed to him for b. polorod trod perso4, to enlarge of.. tk Prubablv the COOT ODO/1"11 DI ' , 1110 1 -. OD ..C.1.11/.1 and to it e Legislature. The , , p e ,„ oon „ „ . a „, ~,,,,,,, ' [ 'Um hooeati. J.. In Pr°P.Dton to th e ankethAt at :„ the monad m any 10 ear e immonity at ma day loos trove one member in' r earth bud' to hear Irmo. • The electors of ohto town.ll. to meet at the Loos kale torero:woe with hue. Considering the o ' o l to vtaks of this klad, lies in the fear that we inay , The delernre elected footo Casey aunty i s cot of Jinn Ilat Iti snot tows.. 'COCO 110 d )nr.c.eupuiLenen,n. ,„,,,,h ~,p,,, he lan; undertake toe mush for our ability, and succeed ' tenant ly known. Gorr report ninkee a tie vote The eteema id' VINInkII.I township tO Meet at thl f been airiladid-a,,‘. „ 0 ,,,,,„, e d,,,,, , the In nothing. I am convinced, however, that the I between hlr. Riffe .Whtql mid Mr Cofley (Loop.. " .I.7 o . ° 7" tert ` e ee nnred he I . hront.. mod township i hi. , not only b y 'nee" of the "Jet" and gth - les comma or Patatnirob can *lord to do more than I and another report elects Mr. Ride by one majority s ,b, ~° ; ,` , ;;" , s . L a t o n . ; Z::"Y° '''' 01 " nehe. "" e ' nue t ' iniestatemeets that the hope of future and Inagtotnei' they generally imagme. A cat' that can hose fire Granting the election of Mr R. 'he Lamlocos Ths rammer, of Reserve ...snip in meet at tee cent maraud' can eater' from ferule imogmation,-: mbhons by fire. Without tmpeding her ***my. will *0 have e martuttY a lot Whet. end JOboa. el Got/telt Plaher. in said township this 001ve4. 1 Proton ban, !nen. end In o eltq c* seemly shard to pay half as moth to redouble Locoloens Th e elector, of Beldame town... to meet ai Me wds not to hove been e.PePted- Si nce the P re'' , that prosperity. The es that alLOryled by the The lie m Repreeenian sesetands ft/ What. ' " n .i.;,:.:4",,,' 0a " C 7 .,"" t " .. .7 4 ,a m a. w 00, th. 1 .. dent nut set oat 'Mon h u v... th.ngh Pe nn.lefkl' env of P.asaon, leo. proves that thnt Is not a prodi- 40 Locohleas. and Me Repreacenatims from Perry, boo* of ..,,, poye", of .art , ns ",;;?:: 7 - -- - ear sin. the penl.'eirdander has been uncommonly pov gal Idenslity tartnch topeads lonely in works of Letehee•nd Clay In hear from. The Whig madar. The eleroars er gen. Eat rtte tort:snip to meet a; dligtive .14 not lam remorkable for theorigural* 'internal improvement such as I now advocate, but i try on putt ballot in the Legralotara wil. be about th e h en.' of It ll*. no the arm of tr V Coulter , in sat, marn•lun of tra folsehferds. Th e anecdotes that have bee ntrother A wise sly and au enlightened economy. 30.-foie Lothar Jour. The electors of North Fayette Morns up to most st put forth to regard bt, MM. by the Loco Face me' The least measure of what a commonity may aafely ___ ._ il, house saw *repast by Prancis Moira*. et Ro set t . ate to l'hollY nun ....elf' . ..tient rottn d at thnre expend in such work. is the value they will add - MILD, ger. 01./I. in said ...rah., . are theuguettors of character. In all hor mt .- iantis reel estate. The moat limited estimate oil ire soma.. 10- ba r A l t at a ,abet POl at the Tt. ` teeth. a t "u ...hub+ . meet st the be* , venation. Ond in all ha speech*, the languag.i. the advance to be expemed in the value of such re....ore 01 h., tuber Aes Eta,. A TIMM, wile Of l.ronth Cooper on the Franklin road. 111 sold tooth at the Pres:time to plain, chaste, Leneme, and en -7 .. ' ,,roperty • in and ol.ut Pit/tabor*, oo she 00muice .of Res A A a....r.g0,11,1e Paser ut the Asiowlste Pres• . 4' ii• eiecturs of Pine mem*, In meet at •he nout• ltrely COME? SI prone was one a the meat Two- .tion a the c..ound. the Pennaylvant 4 and Ono, i ellen. Cho.. Potsbuthh or %Citroen Coe.. Fay . in am.110.1•1111h, __ . 3 .. ,. . L - ..? F.... le.lent or I° tuxbtudh with th... *d the Steubenville Rail Roads, cold glue a i =-------- The electors a Weet Deer town., to meet at the , PiTTSouttont FEMALE INSTITUTR h„ O ., 0 , ~,,,..0 , 00i0 ,, ,,0 .0.0 ~...., : n .„ fife, that hel remarked sea sun" es th e Pte.tdeneft 7 ; mum more than sufficient io defray every rent i hat speech ware concludest on Saturday, that it w*. we go , care ra FL, J M /litre , The efretors of Eit t Dee i h t be railed upon to contribute towards the Ti1u,a. , . 17 ,•,,, , h , ,,, r , , ,.. , : , , • . T own. ip o mem at rh• the most eticenvely eloquent and chasm of my. 1,,, o r ro t ,g tos s er...mem. ii mpen rot 0lond•y. Me pantie reboot hoot, In U. •Olon.Of Taremum 1.1 sod speech that The ever heard in Ms lile. 17. or s , carnwc,../. the serve rooms, No Mt //I.n, townsh. A, A ContlectlOn with Steribenville if tow regarded street i1a,... lisnued the ...nth, of their point. the Tir• e'er.. of Indiana townsh. to meet al th Th.. 14 eve of be nee ) : e ,..7 .° ,'7 . a the' too many an.. mt.*• as n matter east ail.. Principals hop. to moot a n o , of the. item: house tormerty occupied by S Mackay In said to ktod I hat hope been Manes Al fork, narnsbOre'repeals but weakly to their interest. or that will do ten Olin - maw they have hi hello en,. ed Formw may sm. , Lancaster, garlisle, Clamber:abase. and the Inter.l veers hence as well *now. Game are frigmened ;;;;, enured th ' t i ev `‘,. t °",.°',.`;"", on : a b ." " P ". " 1 T" ' et " et " . n r Sha' m weth•P in weet at John I meth lie pla*s, the same mm*ks have been rnade,p from it *cause It WIII Involve the cost of a bodge, ~,,,.t ., „ o ~,t , e r d, ,, , 1 , L':;, ,.. d h tt , ad ooo t t e o - .. 1 c oo t d r,_ , , ,. ...1L: . tii Shows Mill, to said toverehip The/m.lmm Cotes, of that part or 'lndiana township end trot imnies of the Individuals who ex pressedtor possibly two of there. Odle., with scornful air, a m e do ., ' one'. ac re...dice in the followtng described boundary. 'hal 1 Merin 'en hes , ' , .• Ose et them at le.. , .elt o , are willing to olkno the people of Ohio to make - PALL FASHIONS vote at all general sec unit 111 the borough of Ythares I km, a itirelighOut the country, as a prominent thew rail mad to Pittsburgh. To these good mast. namme. Wills I would say , that oar western II of µ " ,,,. " ; i. s.!l llo u ,l ;;:a " tu rl e ) e ' t ' h r' e s ;nl77l, ” l * e .' o; h l e l '.'1"1`.." It.."'...:her.fratienrhfi''rtn7:3":"Ol.''''Fltkois‘;ahord.'l l'r'urrri'Fle%arl'irt''lr4l..yr. I T 0.211 nal a dabs and Buller Elector. The in. 3, MOON , or wit... the Peestideol hoe bee. rudely met;;, friends have DO intention of eapcniling a single on Cas .I.y. the ague .ust . a nich t,r beauty ot eon.. between the fart. of sradJ•tnes Ross and 1m necurred at Greensburg. and . seihmetoty er Oath - dollar to the One of the over. Nor should they, fin se tenth be aurpaased enc.° dlut and Fr.,. Beatty. lan the N E corner oh ADO /ma. ed lib the hug that the LomerPoco W. to liquor at t; What they hove undertaken triey will handsomely Ito••' farso-thence rutin.; a westerly course to Ito.. Farm for Salo. i awl apeedtly oretunplish. What we most do to , . lownsh. ham i • n manner a. to embrace oi: the 1. In; °, Pk., bl:lne. and ..°°. ne..^teet F make them labors mere to .r advontage, I base I DK Pr"""''''' soil' " P '' " a r '''' r, " t, '" . •^ . e'r ' 'Stn. ur o. 0n... In .•,,..,c i o o .. c,. 0 .„, low servo. ..I sere. led In Shoon marsh. ana lo.ninaing to what arn en I/1 1 . . 15111, of Gee:nutter Mil even' where are so grril- aiready,ndicated. The cost of a bodge more or Allealieny coo.) on. hod ..... non. samiset ran. o . the •hote dm crib.. liounda or ' ' ' r" 'ter "''' ' rime to the people, taut Our an the lthernoco lea, . e a weoo „b jeet ., comp e r e d to what we ,1., lie nv,, rt., romroveiner. are • tar. Brick The e ern,. of the borough of Ithrootelmm to meet pmems and Or - respondents IL I , c &LOW toe Pre., may 00 , 0 or. t ub a by ...cur t ., or neglect., ihrs 11 0 , 1 .0 s o d a y 004 ito,n. won 50 other nere....., ,to the mod, school house, tit and horolieh dent, relate tocidcata that never occurred, and „,,,,,,,„... Aa I would open to our trade a the ....I i. ...• , out toot eeseed , an , i , in a The eleethr•Of the borough of Fast Ilansineham to to pail words . h. month thoo he never othoood - „.. L. 04. no, „.„,,,,,d by aay other r „, ry „ . r i i , ini• r, o .1: 01 L, 00 L . L 1 , : ” V0 . =W . 1 L 1 .. 11 L 0 .L 0 L 1 ,. /0. , ..1 , 1 L. 1 . 0 L 11 L : r . L. 7 , 1101 ied ~.", 1 . 1 1 L .T , , ,, : r t n it . e ,,, 11 , et/ Road office of (Leer 11 ...malty, to There ra not one of theae sneaking v lifters that s o ir may be encouraged without prejudice lo any p r .„ t, 0 , 0 1 r ,,,,, w 0,,,, . st,it. ~ . 1 , 0 0„.,., „ a t to . e .„O„. 01 p o „„ do bood oh , „d dam make O un gl e ° net of the tnenY ...tenement. other. But whether this ta so 00 000, or whatever in M seen 1.1 I-, . DAVID \lt t.l IRE. polihe whool Isola, :it mid heron . ; a 0 ' a' ''' over bus name. arguments may be made use to convince ourselves t Jetta/et , ur oi .... F state of Bernard Domthertt rine elector. Of Oa. IfillODOh n/ Lowo.t.eaviile to Upon the",sxtgeot or Tonal Sais.rreamary. la , that no importance .11. Chen to this matter. I. for riir. o.1111•1' me-. or tt, panne .chool hon.e. in said borough tern./ 1tL1P.... 1 ..1.4 I ' O .V. P.I “IV °I th ° G V - 000, an persuaded that self t o may aorta 'l)At•it,N- IT etc 1. .or ala. • DI fi ort , .. ~.., rti . " . or or . 1, 1 .. , 41. ot Sharpstio,j, to ewe, al th, no.. or James Sharp i i ••.,1 both, a 0.101001. Scei the views a the President are well. „i m p e l oa r eius e n, in Que.], better of t t. It woo hl J_JI 11.31/1 ID, Alt, Di 101.1.141. r•. in CO, 1•111 i ..,..1., . T .,„.„,, ~,,•.,,, settled, concise and corm*, according to the Poe b e „,,,, f u r th e 1 ,,,,t e , StnoLnntoun to on „ nrn , sees. . _ I the „... 11. . 1 r , in i . t thi t „ J r. ..4lyr .Lit Kempen to meet at SELLER. 0 Nit 01.. ' • Liples of thellWlng party . On Saturday evening pthetr road W. the Baltimore and OM i Iliad . at ), E-11. ti • 1.11141 Do.o jl.llll I, ed arid tor side Tic elector. of me borough 01 DOlt h ri1.151,10 to 1 nervy three t l nnetee. DI °P h..' upon Wheeling, and with newly :he *sue adv./nine/ an I 'S. • , i ....ts, nh•LI.F.RS ,I, NICOLS • We. et the len. , I , rmerly or..mitd oy E M'Anureirti these noe.athar litt'ing ha Plews w l th the athee n oven,* to the sea board, so by is, o f oar coy , ~ 0:0 _ 0 , Inn 0 .., „, r o e I end for 'Me by - '47,7. . -:, . ,, . -;,:.. . - 0 7 . x . c r1 a n e„ , 1 ; 4 0 r ,:c1.% , ,, ,v. p. ,tt,..1 1 , 7,41 , g, , ,, force, preciaon, and modesty That .ex In nt • Thal.. I learn, wit] moat assuredly be done un- IX, „,..e, IA :ICS A lit'T. , 4thriN & C.. m•ct pubil o who. noosr in surd norm,. his Mexicanaiespatches, or the celebrated .1 - .:vip 'i t * ro t romp:, of Is t uabargh rod of yibdede,,,h,s. AL which time entl place. Oe 1 .,•14.116,1 rector. a• ACKERFI.- h 1,.. lathe Na d Marseret ...ore Mem.. w. i cirri hy helot_ ' I'll , . to Mr. •trircy. ...which ts no less interested, del 1.11,1041. m a ~ , or ~„ a 1 He id el favor of a modification of the Tang a . AUt rims re Pi moo not, aelf,ll One ',eon for I 'Ana. Comin..toner 1 ANII.S A lit - n - 10.0N a v.. it„.. e ,.„ 0 „ ~„ „,,,,,,,,. „ , ~,,,,,,, , p„ n. ,, ,.. °f laid, but itot in favor of the goitre re-estalihsh. . men: ot the tentfof '42. He is to favor of d c pert. ..: ('or n,o G,:: one . 1);) . 1 , 1*. T o ll- to nag. r. e 1 1. L. , :e h l ii . ‘r ; 1 1 . 1t .A t1 tn,..„ ttt I s „ I . o o 7 a n r . a n a n a e a tt , o a t r t ~ , , , or lo ni th r , ou to t e, ,r , ,or o‘ t . t oL, mg it • for boast the ad valorem *steno es tu afford - "g - One m. 0.. for Slartiff Frankfort Sprlng•. g AV.& i t itrEhl..-Iteemeed •...1 tor role by a just and oefament thscriminellon in firma of nu* e• , returned hum a Mau to that de ~a lit- ea tinge/ WICK a McCAN iJI.E.SS I On "n ; P P :: : ::: gt ! C l itt .r at ' Y '" ;;:a r .i r ieer naanufneture2 domestic ariteles of merchandise as * I. ' bevy i n" """ ' t 0 ts, 1... ~,,, „ s ob ~,,e i , ~. o,e person fah Count, Canannwerner come in campelotion wall foreign labor. lie .In ..1 1 . 1 ...thrice place, Feentth"" 80. ""' Tn " 'n. "'" (. I" .S- . ' tk tt.a & hte!,,,Ntit,p, oo On , person for Connum 3 a a ire , favor of the t?a•asge be Caner*, °numb a ball ns ;Is a powerfol male. I wad you atu wider used ' Chre tor And.. shall afford tie protection tp the laboring cruses And by per sonue of the lOth ...lion of Me act of W< !h: de. , do do s mu der. ior • IVO by of lAs Clunt*,thout her. so restrictive as COn- .... ' oriuly IBS: it w*easeted ii, e , „.„. 7 , „ tee egray , 'Lloout two weeks so 1110 :thong, and you can see . 1 . 3- -, ..,-!,....--,.,:::::; ,:::. ''',,, j 0 r, d , " ,i 7 ., 1 , :5. , J,,,,...,th. IN., ~,, „nu tie la ..,, . tt, ~ . r. otirouy r e , t i e: , , mod; or the ygyry , sy a pc ,,,,,,, j now heavily st is notated with the mineral. l have neJt. P rime shooter. I ..,*ank or all the *torsi mineral witt.r. of our CHEF:sr-1u 1. V II 11.0000 sir .4,11, pati.oot of prodt or true ondor tbe Government of „oddo ~e.,,,g 4 . ,T,,, , ~,,,,,,,,.., ;he United 5.1., or of this Orate, or of any city. or lii I. lie is not in favor at max tog an Indtecorninale rezuntry, and I corm*, the water Waal on c se. - - cornet . ..old doselyt, whether a eon... *Geer or attatok upon she whole Sub-Treas., 'stem until ;',otrior to any Mher Th., Wrth the pure air and 1 , A 111. , 1 - ... o•l. re. 0 mot tor sa e nr mherwrae a subordinate °Meer or agent, who ,or M 1.. k A Mr, t NItLESs. . thali be employed under the Legislature Judiiary. or it shall have. been thoroughly treed under the lsot t ilent fore of Mr. McGinn., will 0 . 0 . 1 01 .1• 1 ''''' managemeof of new and more capable officers t ime improved lical.h. Every one there was lien- NOTION . . Fxrcute demartments of ilt. State or Me Coned • Man •, e, of any Judge o incorporated Monet. and though he heltevna that it already Sends annoy ifi, pleased. and don: mg much benefit Iri , 111: third cite .o. i r- , crred creditors 01 the ale I s an 0.01 every member ofto„,„„, sod o r the „ to ., modificationt in other words. in order to save 'l 'rho fullowtng result of careful analyst., ma d, 1 h r „ c its so 1 ,1 itt, Iv mt, . 1 / 4 t,„ „ e pew., tut. • Len:La., of the 'Sole, nd t'antlogn Councils of any i i to:a . tom the Ass... ore now prepared to Liatrihnte 1 cit, . COC1111111.41011,411( ON /11COrr/01.114.11 O/•1,1, NS the country from the coMineraird embarrassments -..'• two a 00, Loo SCICOLfie nod aceraulill•he i which a cry chew to the Onanrual .. ~,,, , INDMIO (It ottere•L will se t rut p.m at I so m e t,,r, the .ere or oopeihtme• to! J mien father the Govern nt moot el wo v e prodore, Gen. Toylae - 4 , 0 ,„ o 7 ,,,, a bi y ono, ~„o P nl '"Y ni. aysterans, Dm Church mid Dews., poo :es the 1. d .. P' ,` Pd a '. ..":""' "'. °.r.. n ' ','' ..,"^. - , too . law iti - apatite nt hen*, id ~,,.„.o bog a , ..„ , itty office No !It, ocree. .1, o • slain.. arthorn the ; tor or Clerk of any el. roan or oo• PornaltnnWr• 1e believes ., it ‘4' o', be Eth,.:l,-dT",,,'Y c(. the G , '" ' "° ',. °.° t o Ift , 'ILKILUC arid gas , sulplourated hydrogen gas, hours ut i ,i, 4i I A 11 old a sod ol' ILI JOH.N h'i ,CM i \r, ' r ' . 1 h 10 :1 1 :4 1 ,4 1" it A iled ITo r t . b .' . I .. l.l erie Lire ' to ' h' i r ta n yl c i ' Ll . -' 7l " ‘h 7. -..."" -- --- e "-rY ' L' '''''' . P .. .' r "' PI barbel Of iron, otirtion ate a magnema, mutate ••ent ior tee ALicoe•• I then voted fro ender La mumgement . mom boreal ono con, Li' ~„dO, and o minute quantey of Mtumen. patent men. 1 . t Atee In W. by the lth wen. u' .am spur., d The Sprtugs are but 30 miles frown the ...t..„ on N EW /S,RRAN.GEMENI-. In.o IPth of April. 1;4, 0 ~....sete d ,1, st t h e min aee 3, Ho is usii` t rississ at ird'''''i I°4"°°°°°" '"' , She Steubenville road, and a pleasant aftern Wl's S '1.F.1; t ,Clll,-.6.IaFH non of no act mosed Jl. Id. tele entitled an am r... 4. In regard to the foreign palmy el the A° - hid )1 YH' I. i plenty 01 roam• 111111 .. K A PRMSS VASS' PACKS,' ir LINE, ~,,,,,,, 10111 C elernons ill tbi• common...rens rtnin Oct e. . r ~c. DO IDS ultU tn. Un n •Yte t" t. a nntettnntlt the honor of the ZIII• del•ghtful season to be there Several *elle- - ..aimed .to pre, enr any rtiditto officer or tors country at all hazards, but belteves that the policy . (nigh career, from wry.. 4. lid, r .peemr or Clerk .... 1.1....,..... ei or General or Special h. ecnon 1.1 WS 1. omm.. of pence is the ouly prosperous perry. Isein who have been there 'tits summer. cartoon- a a aiill=r Glaic iornnng a company, and erecting eater.. see weal. Thar late Proclamation by the Prestdeot, in re. 1 t..1. , ..f e'S 1. , Pm...engem) fertile.' te Mg expedltma secretly biting oat against %Ay of the place *d I have no doubt will effect It, . And hoodsome *ridings and Improveruente we, Ant am return J Al. ola rearrest... dia.,. VIA THE FAT CENTS. , " 1. RAIL ROAD, . , a a ~, .„ t meet a, We c oo " ito .,„ „ cob. was not Sennett al Washington, . has beco ro rinr....4l,Kr.rniA A N D BAcrinfoßt 7,'^',,„'..; p t ~„,, „, , o , n . a , 11:id that It Wlll ' bee... one of the most extensive ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, ~,,„:„0,...„..4.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., _r.,,,,..i,i......,,,,...;.; ~.,_... 1.... . or, A .. rt. r. DII. hiol.llllll Yoe' then an d toere teapre stated Gen: Taylor OODIODTDd 11. wilt Ms own „,Sted f.aionable resorts in our country. i 0, Ist or DOptello. 1 the pa.senaers by him LI. ' „ - • ,7 0 - („, ~,0 „ ,,,,,,„,,,, ~,, ~, Iva hand at Harrisburg, while suffering severely from well be corned over the Central R. Road (ruin i o - ' s.. The Water manes nut of the Centre of Sc 013 . .' fVett under my hand and seal . Pittsburgh...ll.47E hm late attack of cholera morbu. The Lecorom ~- t eesits rect. ebout twenty feet In thickness. The tonwn io liarrithere. "'", thun thence . tthhtnl° l- dun 01 A.ll - 11Al. A 0 1 , 44 and of lac Independeact presses Intv endeavored to make mu* capital petnery . high', besettfal and romaine, and the "„ t t. • "Y tb " U . .' ' ''''' t " t ubta Rao Roa 4 .- 'l o u ro (limed Sta.. me seventy.fon oh out of it, hal not q word whath they have yet Atmosphere as clear and Id be h I Hy PP. new •".• *"''''t l'useoiers 0 1 1 1,0 through oA. enawatT /OLIN FORSYFH Sheriff sure . costa .'" .. • in use DAT 1, , lex that, her...lore stated us rsgaro to n is true. It wan wroten, ,- copied, atdrideapaiched by the Presidents own . band, in a brLer spars, of time. In compangwith Gov. Johnston and a committee of citizens, the President has vented Inc venous Motories throtighont the coy, hoe the purpose of becoming psychically acquainted snub the detarls of Pennsylvadis's Industrial pursuit., and to mingle with the hard hated and warm hearted men of *I, who maimed to place the destantes of the *navy as will so thew own todividual welltire, in his hands: Unlike his predecessors, he bee made no prop lee. or pledges, to betray them He has been among them all, and taken them by the handa e with lbet mate ropes., and the same pride that he would exhibit in his intercourse with the .5 . .._ some remark well worth cherishing. The little Peritapnit would be going too tar to say Ilia. ti e . win e received marked auention. He must kiss " ewe of itine"thth "'nein' wrecked in the ""Cri. II ‘ I ' eto; and it soon became manifest that many borbood . p Japan. have n legal and poidicx; rig.. who hod got a little beyond the age of childhood — though ,F.goostionably 4 moral—. 46'..4 wt cm play ," d, gentle from the .I.apimese; but there can be no questirt would lain aspire to the sau e honor. A i t m cdde of their ri ght mbe let alone on reaching the abort, oo tomoducca a pretty go,. ruder the existing relations of the two count s(@, -she is a Locoloco." Tne red veteran kissed her i. ,. n , on both cheeks, ridding. wt It great glee, "I always PurlimPat We mop um contend Ibul the we"...inot been for the ladies so few of I would tilades twice—there are have n ; , : niee claim to by . ii n " eth ' ithe en4 e . i :..m.W iss the lonotochy, had it furled In Morning to their own I sod, by either tne wit cove bees where I an. I ow , coy oth .„ c , to "'nerninni or the people of i th th ' but thi-51. :lets. - "General," ,aid a gentleman standing by, t no be no scruple against the assertion that ihfry n. I wish you would appoint me chairman of the hove all 1g. , . right tu the world iti their frtecti..'4, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ^ ..C..,liinel." reptied he. hdooh and to the , exercise of sunk endeavors as ins; 1'.6 yo u know the old sat-tie—if we want a thing done. Within their power to provide themselves v. iefi . i.v.. . ~...i.o, our moo to do in, cm it we woo , ii wet aqd and clothing and the means of rrtur, T^ I:ir , ! . I le. we do a ourselves' This is but a satanic inthrithith th ei ' ith e in-iithith ' thinned " thein ''' i l a. 1.1 lhe reh humor and overflowing kindness of this outrage nen n theni•elves and a wrong to me r iwff, i rottcc aid worrior. (tovernmect. for which that' I ofernmen, is Imuukt i wo„ the crowd had to some mcooore dispersed. to obtain lidiess as to the past and moyention Xi' nentl sad the Ge was andtiuletly walking Ivanto ihe tuluire - ' to . , 11. , mutt group. chatung fttnultarly with all he met, 11 the pp:Alsace! ac vont, ore corn. , t. ° ""l .. ir• 1 I could not be: central" the scene before rue with this cue has amen. American ship win-hod stflz lots have seine trough which this man hod passedd in Men. been maltreated. and there is every re 1.. co. "General," want I. "you met with notione like eon to pregame that o,hers, in like circutrostauti tioo et montevey. ,. ~ No." said he. "very dtiferent. will undrotigo the like maltreatment , pesh, esp.,. ve r y differenC" A shade of sadness chased the worse. The troporative necessity mr decided sip- milei (cow his benevolent leotteveo. lie vennbeed "° hen FiC°°°t`d itself We do not rev h°°. ' 44 !' talent for a few moments, and then added. ' , boat Government can avoid meeting it with decider' action, however patnful may be the mote. the battle was nothing,dWll4 what followed after •O ~o . that made the heart sore." W e hope our government will make the proft,s, - Cti n en t esst;,.." smaid amveanneraJllth,elmadyy.wohowiwasais,..te:tril... iticestiga4no, and if it is fond that such sulifennV ' h n ve K ! you % e.„ came ooi:n "I trust Great Ruler." o 1 .m.. have been'expeneoced. measures will immet:istfl- dein', said ' he with renotten, taking lire cordionv ly be taken to precast a rerrene in fotur:#. by the hand, 'that IS the best of all—that is the bolt' Such a rtgovement would be highly ` popular, aril 01 all!' won', doubtless be peodnetive of effects not koele ~,t i:, v n e e r , ,,d id l l n, Se , n n e , rvt , o l f T i o , y . lor ,, :n r‘ ore truly utter the n than when he de to the lit. irtitabti.. , " 14 Fant aun to 4. c tied. in his roply to Mr. Forward's address on own seactinn. ' ' o, ..- " Saturday evening—'4 am enspnaucaily s m an of ..? . C. Ge!ti. Tayto r and the Clergy . While *e President was in Harrisburg he wAS whited utt to a body by the Iteverned Clergy iTti, the borough. They were introduced by the Reit Mr. Colt, Ef the Episcopal Church, who after pro? :eating the different gentlemen addressed the Pro': eldest to tie following effect 'Site "lit Carry of Harrisburg hsve a body toffender you their respects, and they tits, sire to espies, to you their high considerstion yourself sir a man, and Or your drier. hour pale perienci in the evils of war is our sure. guaratf'. ty that yob will labor in tenure to this union ttA, blescogs Of peace. We trust that your adminiPsli 'ration will be on guided by wisdom from above tri will enauly the welfare and the prosperity s: th' people of *cos United Saties. And Ca s ourserf...l personally. sir, we desire happiness. We woM me you 3 to our borough. and hope that coat via. , co bore attti.throttehout our state via.l! be tattth plain aunt and a-rateable." To Itu4t!dress tion. Tailor rg,poncic,l in 111i.' , following itg or& 'I thank:, you, gentlemen. far your ktnilness.-t- My life tortpriere titan fumy years has tern spc4 . on the frorkier of our country Wherever tteti hos teen the most of hardship And the trios: ger, the rgOvernment has seen fit to out-vices; ab that t have indeest enk/o et opportnne. ties of 'corking the horrors of den}. I have erits been overlie to war; and, in try negotinthins waft hostile PO4r:CIT as in advising with the I tovernmegt nave eve rid vomited nactfio measure,. I: in nail oral fora people to rejoice in victory but this glories of iit:Sctory cannot compensate for the .3SIS that comeivpon Indtvodtrals. Tr.nruphs will my make op t 6 parents for the lass of little sons, ntii to the waft' far the loss of her husband, nor to child for the it., of in parent. We Millet brads war home 41 the hearth stone to twine.- tie Ali iffil Ii servos. But while I contras nay avrrston t watgs yet I moat . jawo declare my porpo•-• t • il•lend thA country aggnutt oil aggro-moons; anal woo. l toot all that to dear to me rhould perish 1,1'1.'1'1..1 nun wrong shdOild ho done to our Ire , My reception in your State has been most cordials Ana the henry welcome o: this Jaya:specially, shat&t . Deere be Totten."' The nateitview then cloned, and the Revere:tie s gentlemen ..ettrcil rMIEM Steubenville Roll Read Nothing in the present age isso certainly pro. daebve of vommermal prosperity, as the construc tion of well located rail nand.. They have had fah and lair trial, in this and other routitries, and ihesult has shown. that the cost of construction hear,ears re but a small proportion to tlist henehts they router. Pills , tirgh, owing meanly to her grew natural advarimges. has. it is troy. pre :y Dearly ina ntansed lien relative position am°, the Cale] of :ha I 'mon, w'h la! !tile aid wom great works fic of artiial communication. But tt that ianktion is to he maintained and improved. it In cow manifest. :hat it can only be accomplished by means at a ietill system of ra. I roads. iii satin a system. the Central and the Pennsylvania and Ohm rail r. ads may by considered a fair beginning—me nice.un ling to our warytioiesys the vast agrieu, GRAND REFIILT op ittaLothelitt Ntrtnu BlThittrati. Stephen Brown ill Son Rohl at auction, title Morning, all the effects of toe Ontonagon Copp.' poropany, snouted near Lake Stifteelor, Mlehigan, oostotiog of the rght• In the lends froth the IT. Motes , totlidiags, oono g about TAO bathe!, Lot Potato., 100 ollahcht temps. all to the ground, .dud shoot 50 kegs of powder. The whole inns, knocked down for the large sure of forty &A- P,. How ranch money Wm been paid in by tliaoe 01 - rr_wed was not tuned, it is preowned (mm me ilakov .ale that the dividend canto to. very large Balsa Travail, enninir, In Martiaort Conterr. 11010 . —A Cll,ftnn. A O h .7IIINISTSAVOILtgI 21FOTICE.—Notiee Is pondent of the Colambs, Journal, writing from o r B arr L . :l ). j, ' , 0 p;:,,,, t6 ,y a1 N.17,7,,,1 de n 'd " 2 .l, b ,ep,'Aile- Plenaaut Valley in this minty, Ananal 01st, Kates ehe.f roan ak. decease...l, tomato immedtaw payment; that the Cholera had appeared and war marking ther:7=7r alr= to ' its course with much virulence. The town of th" DAVID McGinn& Adnuntatrwor. Amity, in the northern part of the eonntY, Won - nearly:deeerted by its inhabitants, but 7 retruntng . and 4 of them were down with the disease at the date of the letter. The writer gays there had been a lame number of•deatht, among watch he men tion. the :ollowing in two &undo, In. S II Car penter, and:tos Mother-in-law, Mrs_ Man, A:vn Barren, on the 13th inert.; on the 14th, Na. hat; tn. wt.. aged 10 yearn , an the 10th, Loretta. h:. daughter. aged 17, on the 16th, Diadanta. his will ow; and Henry. another eon, was then down was the teca:se' The Packets nt Ilo• Lute arc new and of lac toect claw Tn.• too. , tor wttety. qtard and comfort is Me mow crewcut], hoer a ow to the rawarn caw,. • • • . Hall Road• arr nll pa.-rd 111 day !ialst. Tea,. ,! d!,!•! Fit For talcum. too appty 11' Strcii. Aloraragaltele aught or to I/ h Luna] Ilaam NOTICE TO EITOCILIIOLDELLS. (HIFI ANI) I . PAN,OrI.VANIA RAIL ROAD CO TrHE Stockholder' , or inc Ohlo and Pennaylsalus Rao aond Compa.4 . ate hereby noufien to ay Reonnd ILoononeld or I' l. ore Dollars per shun on p or beware ate septrro'xt The Sow lbelJor. n so/mg In Pconsy!r ania, wdl pe)- the sold los . •1•,, , ow In the Preudent of the Company. at dour ono c Third strr, Plochurgh 11, or are of the Dtrectora [MOORS, Treasurer Salem, VV. Ant. W 3, 11110 aog2IIIIIIInpn:, Root.— Dove. !Hoek," Federal st., ad door boo H P neh warts Druggist. ,411 J. It a graduate of Vele College, IV] ne , li open Nt. ,enoel for Inca un Monday, yep. loather 3d Inatrtte.n 1•111 be given to the Leath and Greek lan.sgett, and .thelt brunettes .. are alerted to the opiPs range of odya.ement P Tain.-13a0 pere •easton of bye month.. Tbe Heather pupil. ta Ittotted end applicants ran leave an In eruh the teacher at late lentrtngs Irwin', Row," Wherry at Plostntrate liulatmeu—Rev. W. A Pasaa•utt. Prof Thoaort oorn'tndtJar• .011_ 500 10..i.tonor re Root nt't reed j a i r c oLl , 7 3 rrie by mrtn atiaTIOL-10‘ mO. PATSL ontlets4ned, puecesaora to Arthara Nichol con. heg leaven, inform the citizens of Piltshorsb and puldie canal-ally. that they have rebuilt the NA GLE FIJUNDR and are new M full operation. end Amon ueir rmt,43• ready or the marl,v— Among, "tie:sore Cooling Slaver, the and Wood Ettore•. u .plendtd •tr-tieht Cent ;aurae, urtech is now . uperceding in other clues h, common mond &ore .41..0 • rhea, coal Coating Stove. well ads, ..ed for aural, Mmlies with a tu:l areartment roin mon and mantel Grate., We wr Wel par scalar! t. In• Mt , are atteronte 01 person• bellmite to call 01 oar wah . ltortrre Gator. purcitating. and examine a atriettrita arve;e enaroir.,led Grate, finished tn fin< st, Malt, Wyr, Mu b 0.,.. No. lei Lthenr st. orposite Wood • aorta, Ott NIC/lOLSItS & PAYNE: NEW FALL GOODS. S plan, antl colored. hen reale. Bonnet Velvet, Silk Cravats. Booth Lace. eta.. fresh moon ed at the mon reasonable puree LisrTii'-4..cnOmtiebi2lL,oilivilie Lime, (sr svie . low rte. WILSON It CO litrlt, WAler el 16..e•m Brie k W 00... for Salo. - %oloiortber offer. for sale, the STEAM MUCK \l ot,ove Lawre.ce•tie. ronsproator a Holum, (Ruler, 0 Mould Mach., capable of manufacturing :MAW (res.ed bricks our or dip clay. as taken bons the bank.)` er cl,ty, veto, Oiree acre. or lan.) on Oa Aliegben r rier, on oebich are 4 kilne aud shod., mac lone stud Hay shed., otlterlb,trroort Rock.. .tiove,a ',ode.. Re every thing requisite to eon, men, opera,..n. at an hour. stone< Prier, Including Patent 1101110 Yee .11.10 madme, 67 00.§--terata of p.l ',in mace on, Wtthout li e lend, 6-1.000 pa...mut:tr., address IIE.NRI MERRITT. augg,altf No lIS Monongahela 800. ( I( '7;sfru,7 re I.ruin, Q". to' ""J'lg for r gob' It EUll DRllio_chiorot ona , wood :1, 1 ., Ono /le Faller mat reed and for sale be augg7 RIDD S CO 1 6 0 r lt I v a: , l g :o ar naanot r actorm lull le by J KIDD 2c CO ( 10 FTRE-11...a0• mos. Rio, for sale by . 0 . 17 J D WII.LIAAIS, lIU Wood BLACK half cheats , ex!ra 1) IVII,I.IAAIS, 110 Wow] at - " . ... . . Qt , DRIES -10 1 , 0 Brartl Sugar; I case , 'atm cgs - IJ I b'-1 Cloves. I 131r1 Ganger; I do Saltpetre, 2 do A/0/1.1 2 cases rrruna Citron, I ease Maeda, xri.• I do % ormssl/111. I erne ,, SI" thgo; 5 .+., 1 ~, I , ~.p. I rare ilrde's Palm SOap; oo C.rotba do Sdo Almond do tr" ..•, 1,., aus2r .1 1) WILLIANS f 111 EE , V..-- 25 (at Cream; 10 do EngliM bury - fo k_.., .o , ~r aue2. 1 D WI 1.1.1A,1iS ( Illl:' . .rol:-or, a . ,v H Cheesy. I 0 Ron, order. nrcor ( a 1. ., for 'rt.,. by 11., 1,2 LEE fr.. SMITH. IS k 21 Wood at NI./ ..,, :,4A . 2: . R. , , , TU ,„ ..: 7 4.0 eats sod SO bes premium Rued, II ADA LEI' ,k Sad rr II A 4 AN; I' I''l'l. RED T. , IIACCU - I A o 2.1 20, Drury k. Jenea• Slump.; ito rio Wl/ Gran, Xs and h's; 1 ,, do SS 31 yers' rupr I. no band: (or ..le ley "'S"` LIAGALEV tr. slum rll/NI \ SKIIARA—VnOOO Comm° i Seger. • coati albeit.. for • me by vt. RAtIALEN eml• •unenorrotim In more and lor Al, by novVe &lILLER & RICKEY lON. IS? an 171 I 11.k.rly it r ARIL lA , . No I Lanl ,in more nnd for ..le n 1 net. MILLER & RICKETSON lII:IIRANTei . —_y, cats Zama Currants. in more nod tl Tor cake by nay-L1 MILLER St RICKETEON CIDER—IN bbl. Feeonomy Cole mor , . nod for •4le by MILLER & RICK ETSOR n n RI" I AND VERMICELLI—Vi ho. ltalio niccarom, do do Vermicelli , ono rred nr for sale ,> curt. MILLER A RICKETIION "• vup nor Recohd Sea Ira. 20.1110 d. .II: .+,a do 0 011001 brand, )1141 reehl and for an'. by MILLER A RICKET , ON It ICL;11 ttts free, IL,. 'Jet reed aLt . d l, lll , r „ ill . a b 1 ` ; 1 ANILLA bales. olana Hemp, for sal try atort. C H GRANT DLACKWOOD FOR AUGUST --GoT(Lpyl—Cbat I) Lamb. 'Tliv Cortons. part XV. Jonathan '0 Arll The Great Hand—a -Shoo, Varo. part III: Po ttr tato me of - Our Album; Thy Insurrection to B. den. Lam:mond, Revolutton of load, Doot Boreal.. No 111. Chrtatorther owlet Canyatt• Tlua de, pub hmhed. 5.1 per yenr-23 eta 'angle No J MCP." , D LOCRWGOII. 6.3 Wood c Pobb•lonl—Pd/oburall Review for July. London quarterly for JiLly. Werimtn•ter for July our!. TEA WA et A RE—Ju.t reeaed. I near. panerr a Dixon'. eoletvuted En-lob Hottanto re. Setts These pall,. too very lomultrol, and eloarly resarn dd the real tdlver CONIMCNION WA Rld--A comp:eta aovortmnot Tankards. Goblet, ate, and Haptounal Bowls of lloonnta wore. for •xNte t,111.D PENS-4120t opened ilua day. twelve dozen ,ry W W Wdvan" Gold Pen, and superior to any older manniacntre For sale by W tV A% 11-SON. any. - corner Mather and Found Ins HA u • I.E rT 2c NA HIT H. Dri Goals Jobbers, an 1.1 . 1 Wood at. Pdisburgh, two doors above than:toad sag:. IJIN , EVS--a eases blue and fancy plaid LAnseys, kossl ustele, lost opened •nd for Sale 17 ea LET r & WHITF.O9 Wood rr C`TF.&VI IIOAT bale•extra heavy b ro . •unable for ...In] bnal decking, on band And•ale by sustly SHACKLETT h WHITE . _ W A L/DING-1.5a doz blaek and brte Wadding, I for sale by mar& ISIIACKLEITA. WHITE _ . VALI. PRlN'l , 2l—Fhve eases near style dark Pr opened and for sale by anal' SHACICLETT Jr.' WHITE LI A SeY CASSINI Eat.:,l-75 pce dart heavyrani7' r Ca,tamore, for F.i rro'cl and 0pe , ,,1 Ski/Xi:LETT & WHITE I )14.: NIETAL-- , 1.0 ion. Hanging Root Mein!, for al.. nT HURBRIDOK WILSON &CO, aor.h Watcr st Dbrur rat Partner*Mire THE torartuorldop of HENRY RANNEN & CO, toraverly Hmoon, Muller & Co., iatha Window ad ro , orchl Masa Datums, la Ole day drarolvest by le withdrawal or Mr. EfedCriCk Muller Tr, wll, LC conunued 41 toe uoderatrueO, qq , ler the 6rm lIF.NRY HANSEN &CO Worn. Nu I. Neeo”d at. whereme will have eonatarit a,,,,,her a: rope nor Window Elora. .1.1-1 N HAYNEN HENEVJIANNE.N. rso i' , its.bural.. Art, Yr. •Ig. HENRYnum! CAN+RoilEtt rEAI) To 2loonlaottax•ro. rriw. Ter.fiess, Manufacturing Conap.y, at Leh. I refl. Tenn , w:rh empley a first rate versee er • r oad Room. • no." Wearer. and a good Carta and Worn er AN.) Iu J W Brl.R & BRA/ ?A o, rintaburgb. or to ANDREW ALLASUN. Agent. 7 I'V .•:"A` alsv Lebanon, Tenn I G-50 Lela dbat,. for see by Y- J SCIJOUNMAKER & 00, nes, ta Weed at LI PI,.Tt f•EN'I I.Nk;—ai able nu sand order, fa. 1,3 safe by nua, 1 1101.1NMAKER CO tab.% rrf bbl. pure. brr .ale by mug, J SCHOONAI&ki.R & CO I) A Rig "REF-N- 44 7 5 t - quality d and o-011 !o A- ` , :v b 5 au , Yt. 1 aCHOUNNIAICER HCO SALTS-5, WA. ror mak:e by eug,J SCHOONMAKER It CO TIIE ttatler•tcned oll,* 'ttr sale. hitt present re J deny , tt; 11,P. wan the twenty sere. Croot1.1111•44 , 1, th•r,in. Die iitle , ”.:lll SO L O 101drr. and the ground ronaid Jaw/weed. .3e, a large garden and 53 oarrAnrd . . ROIIRRr FINNKV, Yo 2t Market we., Aearfiercay. R %yd. open hm Smaing Aoadecey I V l constattne of two elaese, st Unton 1411, over Mr Baler' Mae mom, corner of Elqh and Scrn.h6eld The Jovartne Clam comneences nn Saturday neat. at • .c.], I . NI Adult Clam ott Alooday evening, We of ' , clamber at by o'cicmh. Terms tine dollar 4/111 fifty teat.par ealmlar, on two dollar. for a body and ;madman, adult class, payable at the excarafion of bait the tema. t:l7-At S L lIIN(MAAL PAncipal TO LET—A DuroSine 'loos, pleasantly wonted on Thod app.... the I'oo4/Mee, contatn•ag 0 room,, urlth a good cellar Tbn alnme would be a good .rand for a hoarding !mow 1 ' INI•e.10 , 1 given 0 . 11 Ibe Atm of Refit Stk.. lung's on be prornoes nage! 12,1 ll'll-341 bbls ezira fanady. Inr olr:by uur3 S F VON BO:VA:HORST FA LL FASHION FOR lIATEI. MeCORD A Co. will introduce thi• dayejA, ,ocord.y. An, ,3th,, the fail •ITM of Gentle Men's Hats, earner of and Wood • reets. puKYs NtA,l;dlC,O cell e,nl .ICt o r: . e y zo o , i f or , e v u . r ,c s r4t . v v , cetved. nn,l very betrultful and convenient W dPortreurl3 r Y•rretan M W NI, —rine Wn‘en r.patnnl• of ion, dune 111 • super :or manner W W 11.4, orner Fourth ratdii:;;;;.• 011.--.1 r loot rre'd and for 4 ( J Front.nt. nu,ll Sinlthfinld and V 1 nod. (111 ARI “ti EA. - 9E-197 lose., just treepred 0 the 1., IL.. and Ch.. Depot. No IIY Front street. .d for •alo 1.41 3 : J R CANFIELD S . rak. by sptA D CJANFIELD Faan ;.'rous, to store and fur ~Jr try DILwoRTH 3 / 4 CU oh; FOR 10...ASTI S \[ ) : ‘ ,1 , 9 ,( ol T s fo u r .ale 04 CO 1 . ' Sun Cured .Nototal heol, tor .031 IS DILWORTH & CO r xtonstee assortroent of Wtote Goods, r„.„nor. oar nod Moll Munlros, Slnped Cord. Bishop and VtetorE. Lawns, Ca t r. 1 ,, Oro ott, cheap ode per .tore, Go Rise. TI R V A P51.1...5.--1.3 4w. for .nic by LA .'. .S. r VON4O4.NNHVBST __ lIN I- N II I,K 1.',..—.500 ‘1,..4 iktkia, Ito,. i. ,ept. J tn :., c.p . . ea,h, are (Or sale M %lir only cheap one price •tnre j A A MASON A CO, ng , AP-I , X , has Praetor a liana, c`. "!.."Lrond. rrrr,nyßsale by =2I!EI uet4 IIAIiALEY S SNivrii. lo mid WI Wood di. VI. 3 NI ACKKREI.-153 Ws NI tise,...usoos totopee tion prone order •ci A} nn R-21 SMIALET & SMITH • S. n i,v III.)I,ASAESL2OO bbls ehowe brandk for rah SretNISfISFatAR24 13.1/AL.EV 2,511111 ll•v.zt• Sa..nrs (or .1, l""rmt and LEV k SMITH wa, a%roth-7T—F— by ;8,11 UAU A 1,EY:41G . / N ,1„1:1,/p1,1: (%, rry :a . , . 143Liberty,A, allen• hi N h„ Ireneh t el( LUC 4.7 have illet . te ° emea th^ Lr"` attefl rrus TANNEIN---54 . 0 r , ritte.l Poll" Kip girl., put and fur ralc by WNI VOClalli lc CO ri , A 7., \ 1 . .R ,, ' 011.—carri, • &tale., Meae., Llev• 1. .n, 5in.7... 5.e . con•aant,v on fluid and for male lo . “....ii %V NI f OUNG & CO, I 4 Liberty it L . , PI'S Ti lIPENTINE-39 b 1,14 reed anol for male CI i. nu yr) BRAUN lc KEITF.II Ili EltotoTS— 15 bx• Havana Cheer... for .le hy 1 , ~„,, • WICK & 11I`C Aal DI .{,,,,, RD— kyYNo I Lard, for sale by NICK k %IV AN DI.&4S C I , D2-: , -K t ;- y -11 W.. Sweet Cilqc4ll,cll:dzctrjactii AUCTION SALES. ny John IL Davie. Auctioneer Staple and ?owty I)ry Gods. - " • On Mars,toy morainic, Aug. abb. all 0 o'eFook, at Ne CommermalLi. Rooms, corner or Wood and RIM meet. mill be. veld.— A large artrortent of for,. and domearic Dry .orrd, 1.0, wh m xlt are r.arreritue rusimere, rollolllde, rir ;,in, ticklug, cheek, 10,0441., rmr.ndrdlures ortnta, do lan, si ps Ir dress inks.. Ilkor bed Ir.tal bron mes 1r0....rry, g:over, r)dit r.bbnua. Iserl let • AI o'r oat, Grocerica. (jurenoware t rum:hire, Ar. Young Hylton nnd Inaperlal tea, Va manufactured tobacco.. hne toilet and ahartng 'OAP, and , tn satca. patent Itatance•, er scale, and wotglats. sltavele. spade,. forts. oxen, hatchets, brat, and hitt, window b/anda. fly nets, manta' clock.. 'mama glaa a,s. rarpettoa. naturaaae, mether hod.. /re. A large awl general ..natant of new and second hand household Ammar, dr At o'clock. A tonvintr n(14.1).5 , mb1e reed, mad.. clod:mg. boots and .bore, nab, cops. Imo ctrl , t). aohl and ulcer """, umbntllas. caw, lever •nd op ...chink parer, variety good., aor, Pres.lam Strawberry Pleat., A T OREESIVIKID GARDE:N.—Deist's Prtre, the premiumSLOG per hundred Hteton• and Rover. Seedlings ,0 rents per bundied —ell thrifty plants warranted orders Tram aMstatien carefully put up sod forwarded Al.n, a !s-ee rollention of Greenhouse Plants. Fs stolph and Taylor's Seedling Raspberry. he An OMNIBUS leave. the Allegheny City end of the St Char Street Hoke, for ihe Garden. every hairline, donne the da as y. The steam host will ...elite its regular tops soon as the river rises aura JAMES APKAIN. FOR RENT—(hie of the small stores in the bedtime. vorner of Thsrd and Market street.. Also. the elegant room in the 5:1 story or the same bedtime—Me latter being well adapted for st. wh-lesale variety store, or would tot for an lee Cream Selena ausTJ E 11l rece GA.Z M ZAM. sCL..I:4TOCK, No. 75 Founh at, hai iveyl this day anode, lot of Mose ban b e French Transparent Shades, winch In point of beauty and nearness suss any thong ever brought to this mar ket- LUMEN... lisiws .. Ire, LF,A, , F., FROM ONE TO FIVE YEARS —A .I. number of Lots an the Ninth Ward, below Cro ghanavalle. on anti near the Allegheny raver WM. M. DARLINGTON, nuctal, :I ve At R. Darlington'. Fourth st_ OTEE 'WA i 9slo — N . - -- 4, Et. Nlooßlt, 75 Wood etreet, will intro-A duee the Fa I style of RATS on the Veith, wine for beauty of style crotnot he eurpassed. aupd-dat 30. A. mum. late Of N Lisbon, 0. w. s.saianea. CRAIG i SKINNER, ( ..32,... t ENF.RAL AGKNCY, Commission and Fo•wer4. mg Merchants. No. 26 Market n., Pittsburgh, Pa. Prompt attention given to the purchase and sal. of I kinds of Produce. Rrrza uo—John W. & Co, Alurphy, tCuwn & Co. Ynutbargb, Pa.; Lawson & Hlll, Mahlon Martin, 0.; John H. Drown & Co., Grigg, Eno. & In., Philaden - Ana, R. W. Snodgrus et. Co., Gouts tr. Nano. New Lisbon, O.; FT. Skinner, Hon. C. D. Coffin, Cmclonson J. Y. Keller, Youngstown, On W. L Stan dar, Cleveland. O. aog•24 S hereby tnea. that the ItLlLK oneetrtog MEN of the etty of J. Pittsburgh have had a , and resold after the Son of otottember not to sell htla at less ve than the follovrtne price.:and a fourth cents per quart tor Milk. and Cream at twenty-five cents. Maxi. seratrlGt• CHEESE -115 his Cheese. reed and oar uOt. tty ototall WICK & fooI'CANDLFSS DOTA.S/I—l3 caks reed and for sale by •urft WICK & AFC A NDLESS WLASS-:- . loto boa Tit Glu., forsiTretry • .R2-I NICE k M'CANDLI{I4.2_ WHrrE bras for lade by sag= WICK fa APCANDLKSS SOAP -123 Lox, Ciociconau Roan, for sale by attp23 WICK & CANOl.l , _ls CREA ICI r6-..n0 Dote losted anti oor maw at oho Boner and Cheese Depot. by an ct / D CANFIEI.D °ti c ; to Lis Loomed, last roe'd and for .ale by aug2l J 13 CANFIELD LRAF LARD-4 bbl. end 13 kegs , ee'd .d for sale by ourr2.2 TASSEY & 13FIST I)EARL ASII-0300 [ban. storeand for .ale by aurtt TASSEY & DP.ST perr au t V l-10 esks fora:e by TA,, DACO! , : - SlDrl4—.ol3 pnoie rre'd UP flay and (or tole by 0r22 TASSEY pirEDPEACIIES-1 ret for sate by TASSF:Y & BEST TO PRINTERS. T lo`T.ubsonbeT luts on hand and 'or sal.. as Ann 1. Johnstorr& Ca., orVhdadelphin, the follow- 2.5 potr S founts Fancy Lotter, ibilerent uses; 3ro Netwopaper Cum 500 ll , * Leads, eut to order: - • • • 100 kegs Prout's New, Ink I Bra. Caney, Column Rules, Woe.; Rules anal de.crlpuon6. At. A. JAYNI.33, Pekin T. Store, 70 atiFourth ot R.--Orders received for ne Type. 11141*,e3 MAHOGANY HAWES & GRAHAM are pleased to inform ? thew 6 the uldie large, that th have on bend a very extensiv lA e p stock at of MAW/GANS'. and otber wourf usually kept bythe trade. wine a they offer at the folleartng unusual law moss,. .111.000 A of Crotch Veneers, from * to 3S ru. per A. I Hoards and Plank ••1 . V i thickness, Neel, seasoned. 30,040 Shaded Wood Veneer., from jb3l el per loot. Ei3SM= . 110,000 ft Rosewood Veneers. from 9 to 5 cit. 25.50:1 ft Whae Holly. of all tlveknest {Se feel coAfident from our long crpertence. the ad. vantases are have in ouperanc and roreimr, that we that/ alvrays be enabled to keep on hand a vlock of the most imperlor quality and finely fqored wood, at the verylows Marhet prlces,) sated to the lAA! of the moat razadmov. that may be pleased to favor as with their patronage. All order. promptly lilted and carefully parked. HAWES & GRAHAM. & 17S Cesare two...doom North of Canal wt. arte_aymv NKW YORK. IiLACK Ar —W k Morph y mvue. attention of hoyem to p eed perior amortmeut of above Goods, from lowest finest—platn. va ne stnped it anon barred; also fancy do ln on rat es of styles, at north east corner Fourth and Nast. 11,.t .ta. • anal. . . i - tte7Z-lor,—wa odereed 1 ,1 he jt" J em*lFtl7 l ° st, bet Wood and Smithfield DOORS — ENGLISH AND AIME/210AZ. TAMES I) LOCKW(N3D. Boom:Lama alee Iwo/ri d za. 53 Wood rueet, onll leave rad In a feav day. for N. Bostrat, Ice.. to attend Ms Te .4.lea. end will be to e2ecote may orders tor Hooka. &e., which may be a:alleged to hem. asre._ 13 AbayLEV—lumble's b"" Ig s rArtg44 raa'e I Kari ISHE —The pstory of tle Fontana el to Bogdan 1 and Ike rig= Fathers, complete in rot Loyola und Jutuusto its fludlments, by Isaac Taylor. The Genius of Sentlaud, or Sketches of Soo ush S c enery, Literature and Bourdon, Ly Bev. Hobert 'Turnbull; Jib edition. The History of the Church of Exteliwd, by B shop Shorti skine's Go.. On! Moneta. Corder Warfare of Neva York. The Mount ins of the Bible. Last Days of F7iabn, by Bro. maeher. Cottage Lector-to ' or the Pilgrim'. Progress ti Praccally Br plated: published by Am. H. S. lonian. The Wonders of Vegetation; published by Ara. S. S. Union. For .ale Ly ELLtiI,T7 & ENGLISH, anoll ;1 Wood st s - C.lWri . . - tYg hasdist received ¢ bandsman u- Llji so rtnient of CARPETS, suitable for Fall sales, amone which may be found a prenatal orsornanot of Tapeatry, Brussel, emu, and super 3 ply oaspets Also, superfine. One, .1 common Ligrans Carpets. We recommend all wishing tek purchase Carpets, to call on W hFCLINTCIO4, 7.5 Fourth st. angll NOTICE. persons interested will please tate notice that Pl. Lettere of Administratton on :Le Estate of IIEN• RY MANSON, deed. iate of an ray of Pittsburgh. have been ersnted a the subscribers, All pens°. Pitying chums or demands against the estate of the •a le tleeeden, are requested to make known the same to them wain,. delay. and those knowing themselves indebted to mate payment to ZACIIAR:AII PKYERS, Eh Ward, PitisburgE EEORGE BAUM, rah Ward, Pittsburgh. Adounisirators of the Estate of Henry Manson, doe'd. augltEdat• Del:ON-5000 prime liamm Huns; .50L0 — & — Sidea .1j) IMO do Shoulders, now ready for sale by ow IV tc R IrcuTcHETA,,I32 Liberty at CANAL ROAI V !UR SALE The section canal ‘J host., Abigail and Hold., in fine Endes the busi ness, beteg nearly siew, now Is likt In Ravin at Blairs ville, Pa . are 'offered sale on aceocamodattng to nos Apply to BAGALEY SMITH, ansai 11 and 20 Wood st I uNDON QUARTERLY AND WI,NTA/INSTER REVIEWS, FOR .1111 4 4, I.lo—tint published and for sole LT JAS D LOCK WOOD, tt3 IVoo st Resetaly Pabllshed—Edinburgh Review for Ju d l c; Blank wood, Magazine for /lily aus2l DAEDWIN MILLS . EIXTRA FAMILY FLOCR.- 13 The subscriber will keep constantly on hand the above EXTRA FLOL'IL which te.....arropta e , qual to thej'ent brands In A. ...kV.. t'nities are request ed to give u a trial C KELLI, aua2t-d3sy earner st and Market WUtf-Db r.rit's!lednitAtoCrp.4ubt-t's.4llV)77:lfi'.t.P'''"- htatestnatu,' Manual—The address.. end ag es of the Presidents of the U. coot 17e1A to ISO, adtb memoirs of the Presidents, filstory of Melt Adtainis. tranons, tee. tt.o ; compiled by Edwin ME..., 2 cols. vv. --souslin. latnartines Ptignmage to the Rely-Land., 7 rola loo••.. Lnlstrd , Nineveh, a new cols, S on. ellsetnated rove., revised edition, 1 vol, rush Stenmete :..,zits. 2.014 One. muslin. Wash. name",g•Works. id volt, Putnam'. uniform ca m., ;v.v.', <and , Miss Mitfortr• Wanks, I Tot, biro, heep !teeth's Sermons, 4 00.11, R sheep:Jana Chambers' 001.... y, marbled Xnap'sacy Theology-, veL voFlora'. Lesmoo and Mr, Haley Floras /awe' hllleba,i's Ancient GeoFrapl.7 end Alb.. V R.l.' en the Mind, new edition, Crime on Dancing. This du l y received mid fur sale try sag 27 R li.Or BINS, A polio Balding, 4111 11 l'lrrsanaort, Jane 11, Mt. 1. K. iirantSr.—Daar Rir: I nave now bee ulna your WI. tang Fiord arld Red Int nrar y•ra, and find theta the bem I ever pot • pen into be dant wr e. get alona without any imported tn.! , tnk lane hereafter. Yours, reapretrni,y, IJARTWELL. For rate by B. A. Pahnetanat & r 0.. Pd.harlrn; 11. P. Schwartz, A IlegAenx. ed.y, and by the manufacturer Theme. K. 11tbb,,,f, Drugalat and Obermat,comer of leheny o^4 timilabeld street, Pdtabardb, Pa. aunal.dior /011P1 H. RAIIPLIN. A TTORNET and Goonsolhor at Law, and Comm.. clover for the State of Penuaylvama., St Lame, Mo. (late al Pittsburgh.) Itergeatreta—Pittsburgh. Floe. W. Forward, Hemp! ton & MIIIP, , NUCandless A M'Clure, John E. Parke, Mattel. & Stemple, & King. aagl4:dly usrET It riN HA PHI C EN CTCIup AiHiA OF SCIENOE, LITERATURE AND ART.-Edited by dp«r F. Haled, Frofenter of Natural Pesence Dtehl en nwit College, Carlisle, Fa. Illustrated by five hundred steel engravings, compiled by J. O. Heck. The complete work onll form two nob Owes of teat and the different classes of plates wdl meet , . separate titles, so that they eon be bound in one or mere •oloctes , to toil the taste and b ou nd rice of the The wort be published in t went, bye monthly par., commencing in the month of taf,pionabor. I+l9. Koch part will cannot of twenty ,nrsu qu•rto steel ertgravoigs, and Upwards of ,0 par . letter ores.. ~CBSCHIPTION PRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAR.— Pubsenpuon h. are already opened. All prepare. .ry arrangements have been mute to secure the reg ular continuation of the work. Specimen plates. one st , each class, are antlered to this proapeetus, and all friends of .ctenee, literature and the one, are welted to Call at the Agents' store and examine thee. The leenographle nieyelopedia will be printed In rhe finest style, on fine paper, and will cover upwards of 2.00 paree lama, royal oe.vo, the whole adapted to pracueal use by t maplete indesea and .61... co ntent. JAHR? H. LOCKWOOD, •Wil7 ' wood STEAM BOATS. -- RECiil.Alt C S MAIL BEA WEB PACIEFM. to imagism Tbe .pleodi.l fa. rvat team aog ser ItEVEILLF- Store. mune, *III lea . .. for sato,. - ad ail taterotediata ports e•ery MOM "- --` - inF at 9 o'clock r, Rees ~tle dm,. but 12 inches *vet. For rvight ut .b...d rtue.s 1.) AV ROMS, .uaent: FOR CINCINNATI. * hi b. 2u The ' DIREI, ‘W O '4.31,33, mulct, wilt Nara{3, { .{. 3 , 3 ud :311 laterromisate NM, thtg d g y . /ooit4 o N. 69•33‘1. ou{{{, OINOISNiTI 6 PlTT6llujul- 4- 1 ; DAILY PACKET LINE. MS writ known line of splsodid pa , ...nger Steu, fi l m era ye now compewed of the hugest, nnzb bee shod end furTetshed, and :newt powerful lwags ea tie waters or the West. Every a•cortemodatwo and min. fon thy: money can procure, has been preceded for p.. sengera The Len h.. been In otenoweet for fie. years —h. cartersky ra,:tion of people wethout the least nas ty to thew persons. The hoots will be .1 the foot al teN'estd mom the day veva. to stoning. for the recep tion of freeght and the. eony of passengersn the Mg. ter In oil caws the passage esonay mus o t b• pall advance. • •cNDeY PACISAT. Ile IVAAC NEwroN, Captal. leave Parnbursti every Sanday tourntne 1 to Wheehne every Sunday everous al to t. Mx) . :9,1E47. MONDAY The MONONGAHELA, Capt. Sloss, •vili leave Plu.- burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Whael/01 every Monday evening at 10 r. n. VI:114813A Irkallir..k T. The HIBERNIA No. 2, Cape J. Kyrnatza, nth leave l'itPatutgli every Taceday morning Cr 10 detect; Wheeling every Toemlav evening at l 0 r. n. WEDA - Po7iiik — p — Ac iczer. The NEW ENGLAND No r . S. Caps De a, grill leave Pintborgh every IVedoesday rnonun tat la o'clock; Wheelina every Wrdneaday even ing a 10e T111:7118DA The BRILLIANT, Capt. Guts, 1.6/1 1e... Pina t:melt every Thereday morning CIO o'clock; Wheelie* every Tbaraday avehma at 10 a. ar. FEtibit The CLIPPER No. I. Capt. Pm Duvet, Mal km Pitiabaryl l m-y Friday lauttuirayatllliolelotkyVillarne every prkyeream n II P. K. BUMMED. AIIILAINGIENIENTO for 11149. MONONOAIIELA RO BtaUTE. 0 - lely 73 Elllea dglfg• Pia Brownsville otta crtotoortood to Baltimore gad Philadelphia. THE splendid and fast rusuctig 178 Mall roamers ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson( BALTIC, Copt A Jacobs; LOUIS hPLANE, CagtE Ileoneth are now eking double daily Rips heists.. PITTSBURGH BROWNSVILLE.. The immlng boat will leave the-A( ! onongahola Wharf, above the Brides...daily MB o'clock Imatiael7. Passengers will take SUPERB COACIIFII atttrovroe- Mlle, at 3 o'clock. P. A, and dokepleadid can of ',the Baltimore .d Ohio Rallrottd,..ea Cumberland, al A o'cl.k, A. 31., and arrive Enddmnre the WU even boOin time for the evening line to Philadelphia .d Washington city. From Pittsburgt to Baltimore, entlylJ hoe s , Fare 110(00 Praia Pittsburgh la Philadelphia, wag Ls Fare ........ Ems The evening boat. will 1.. aultololmB4... e , day Puemogo. by this heat will lodge board in comfortable Sta. Emma Ws lbw night, paas over the monnou. the followiag day in daisy built Coaches. and lodge the second night la Cumberland. Passengers have choke of either Ste...ler Rail Road between Baltimore .d Philadelph and the privilege of stopping at C.aberf.d and end resamlng their seats u' pl.suris Coedit{ dum mied to parties to travel as they plea.. We mate op the leads and way trUhnfog the Coact.. es in the Piushorgli offices, (in order to eats time e . arriving at Brovnisville3 h I. therefore Jraportaul for passengers to get their ticketa helm* going" on hoard of the boat, at our ollAce, filoactigahela Hon., street, or St Bowl, Wood at, Pittsburgh Water apsidfim J. lIIFSEIMEN Mw ....._ • Pitgablarigh Ca LoadsTtUo Pactimg May FUR CINCINNATI AND ILAMIWVILLE. Tile •leva l d newstasza ti l Daalep, master, will leave Gip above d satamadiala part, 0 o Wedmr da i T ir, dl,4l l l , lll o .4at . lo o'clock a. X. Blia="4hoard, orm GOD BM LTNDRROF.R. • PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLAYACKET UNA oat Thane . and e94adid fast pus.. " P"k ALEGRAPH N. 9, M.., maw. ,1l :c.v.: for Cimin o. and Louisville Thuniday, the It at le o'cloek, A. M. For freight orpassage apply an hoard to BIitIBRIDGE. WILSON it Coon ‘. UFO D hIILMNDERGEIL onlsoll.l* and St. Lents Paolo.* LID.. 1849. 1849. RP.GUL6II TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS The boo fan arming passeuge The ATLANTIS, `CR (ho. W. Wicks, master, will Navel 'or the above and Intonnedlato tons every Tuesday, at IV o'clock For freight or par e tetpry gobrzdz l nond.den xsl,oeis. Lonnvide. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FUR ST. LOUD The fine rutrattan's panenger . meaner GEN LANE, A. ItlePhenton, matter, will leave dmhove, shavnandustennedhate pone eve.. rS entarda o , al too'clock, P , "'Tr L 91841,1110 FOR WHEELINci AND EIRIDDEPoRT. marib The veal end sob N st , antiod summer. HUDS McMillen, marmot O volli pe r f 4 e no or regular trips bolireen PirAbev e Wheetingoadliddroport. Rho will leave rietehmrh on Wednesday and hood Keel:74ld he pansniee,ypXonl_olLo_ ___,.mL.9 FOR IFEIEFIINOF;AND RIRYFISIL cater The hoe mom. CINDER:MU. George Who., muer, loth lowa or ahave and Inthernedla. ports on Idondaya and 'Fhamehsps, et 10 h MFa! tfrijill Of •3141388 e, *RAT OM board. • .17 .. . . ._.. . SUNDAY THUDS TO BEAVER. no U. S. Mail .reamer AIICIIIDAN 1 , 7 4 :. Asarnoil.l Icove.atoalandukg oppoaDo gchOlll coo ovary San _ ay , :a :roma at a o'clock, for /acorn, k s c Fole t w i k. 11 ., i t 5 o'clock, P. N. T and back, Twenty-five Coats. Mr.tra __- SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEATEN.. theittZ, o" a; AYRR nein ! e t:: : foe eiltudelLessooling snit leave /teases ' :I ' l o'olockL and u= 3 7: 4 o'clock. l'Anr, Twenty-ace Cents, lavlp4 12.1P8E54 PAC77LET LINN, FOIL PHILADELPHIA AND 'BALTIMORE, likehouvely for Passenger*. —.Ttis.i.pik.arantloL'ers:inlir leaea Ohio—Lept A Craig, a 07011 pay, Aug Nal g Lorialana—J P Thatriparm, Efic reekr — Cap , /*Toby, Tlourdeg. Td. I ndlona—P Surrey, Friday, 24. otuo—A Craig, Sagarday, Louotans,—.l P Thompaco, Sunday, so e Kermaky-11 Truby, Monday, 27. indiann—P Berkey, Tuesday, 28. °Leo—Cat A Craig, %Tech:wader, 29. Leoustana—J P Thompson, ThuntdaY, Keutucky—Cy Troby, Friday. UL For passage apply to %V sir/Vile cog% or D LEECHMonongahela Mow, to Co. Canal Ruth lIMANDIMrt A T THE %VINE STORE OF wsavr,RJr cor a. sic, of Market and First streets, wholwale and retail For solo, to glas*, by.* bore. or dam.— Toi Leger Prere, emu; tAignne, Y. ex. oth '33, '43. nth con Old hlcalory Cognac, vintage It.CR Old Palo Nectar, do The following are for male in half pi ISM; pes .0 qclasletz, otta•ty. 0, at retail by Ste deraboltus. Leger Fret. Cognac. voltages POll, Lathy.. OC,, '4h 45; Depoy Co. do ilia .47, Pure; Castlilon S. Cu do 41; Old Staglcry Cohen.. do 15, do Pule Champagne. do '4M do C 0.., dri '47; Cher:mune Coga. OD '42, '47, Om. Hottrvmsy, do '47; Old Pab emir, do Pcleveueno, do 47:J Rsate. Charruyrer, do '47, J Dopoy, Bordeatut Chotonet do t -t'47 Topthor yob several other vaette" t. . These Biwa dice are of the hi best pt.& kirmy an of them are old, artd embryos all the fine Savors d hrtrecr grad ee front Itoebelic, Itordca.t Cognac sod Arraigns.— None better oor cheaper. Onyen entirely epee obtaining pare articles at the establishment of the subscoher. augl , LOLUIDIIII-6 few dossis Brandy. bottled In PAS. Pale& Yd bbl. 1547 Pemh Brandy, made from notthe ripe anth We dry froth Old Apple Brandy In hbl.. old Amerimn Brandy, In Leper A fear dot Cherry itroody, tooled ill Blackberry Dr.dy by the eats or booth.. auglB JACOB WEAVER, Jr- WAMTM,D,, A BLACKSMITH espable of mating salt panaYor !lug, and furnishing arch ,ork se is and required secul 53.1 L boilers sal Work, hod eeptheg e email *Leah, ensipea A good abandon is w odered to ouch a person, to esmblish Abuse!, to n o mma where he can employ two cur three hand, Apply to ICIP:It Pr. JONES, or the aubsonbers., oasis Tageutum, for further Information. THOMAN KIER, SalineLEWIS PMTEFLION Salt NVorlal, July Idle. lArifalx — PTCC. Am Mamie. Mabee, ti solo. Dutigllson'a Medical Dicitimury. Taylor's !Realms] Juristatidenee. Taylor on Poison. Arran:. Phyeice. Cyclopialla of Practiul Medicine, a vols. liooper's Medical Ihellonoey. Plllotton'a Practice of Aledteme. South and Honsers Anatomical Atlas. 'Awe. A.... Jew Atlaa Par rale by 0 05 21 DASD LOCkiW OOD, C 3 PILLOW CASE MUSLINS,SIIKETIPIGS, ood A at c.— W. R. Meanie .viles the alteethon of hootS keepers to his extensive assortment of the lellovring Goods, via Pillow eye Linen nod Shectinga; Mash. for dra Linen Table Diaper, Linen Diaper Tonle Cloth, Col-' Lon do, botched end tteOleaehed; colored do; , V.w" ed Tata& Covers; Mayer for To prellithr; Grath far 400 Diaper for crumb elothai Dimity for bedsrproada tWW., co. .. Poona oalOred Org, oil at low cook nortlienalsoLner Satkel nfii Car-KlE— Mh wieca " ; :r V a ill nd Cheese Depot,.and for sale lir 113 CAP/Flap ARD-L2 bblifor tale by 4,j Aught I 11 CA li i I ' fJ ~R'MI brie Pogis . l ceuh Flow, iiip received and for aim by alliTH UM/BRIDGE WILSON 1. CO, " prr rrnPA tit IL 1' P LOC Zlill-bi,l7/ _K . ., W 3 do Glenn* rust reed mad for angel ARMSTRONG& L ROZPR ho. Wean's Ilewr-re Cheese, land ing and for pa e bj R LZKLI. CO. Libert augll y a - MACKEREL—Asi bin. Tree', larE, Peh - ' by nonl \I or kerol.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers