BY MAG NEW TE tY Uri - PORTED & FOIL THE PITTSBURGH DAM! G/I4BTTE LATE FROM SANTA ,PE- Ss. Lottist_ 4 4:: 25 ' Intelligence has been strived frotti Sn!iika Fe to the 4th Tiniest. Trade is dull, and the IS:Onic4. log Indiana eantinsie hostile. ... . . , A military expedition had gone aialnat qte G. mooches, Arrapahoes, Navadoes, ep: Iknc3Panra The petition which had been sem IlitWard4gton, praying finthe appointment of MaJ• i3ll, ILA nillitary Commandant of the Americ=a ezpnn!ittori til;1 the mitten at Bangra Christi, has proved rilifave*le. RISE IN THE MISSOURI 111.VER.;.' &r. Look AM42I. Renal from the M . on report a Onvy lit!er in that river. The nr rat this point II risingimpid ly. .S is The weetber wet nos er.casivelf!hot. ?then is much sickness re, but coropOttively, few deaths. NEW IiRK MARKET.. Ron. REKNIT. r • Nrw ]oaf, . .. Callon has advanedd ic spree the aniVilk: iN" the ~i . steamer. :: ;if Fkrar—The mock Western floor-is ie.:filmed the demand Le dead d prices firm. F. - r.` 1 ''r Gran . -Corn is at e dy, with sales :la Wretem yellow at 61a per bo. ',. f .... 1 i 1. , Pe:Melons ere withoitt change. y. t ....' Wbistrey—Obio Whiakey is active,Ovit6 . *dee, at 260 per gall. . I, i Tho.Ganads arrived early this asor.og. f .:, CINCINNATI MA [MET;. Cnaticiani&mg.iss. Floe!—satesAt fresh ground at 1.1 . ; np, at petition old at per bbl. The merts tsitreen Wldektry—Sales to a We extent at citipheigall. the unertet ekeirOnd. Snpx—The racket is drooping. 4 cbie.—sae.etast per lb. • Sr. Lcurk..Au4lo.s. Plott•Tbe trade has been lig ht,tmdihe SiOaricet quiet, and dull. Sales at 51,2381,50 pts Grain—Wheat is without movemees wit& mo derates*, at .50:63a per be.; a widiranigi, Of Cora we sales of Prime White in Si* at 40e._ 'Oils lain lair demand at 30e per bah provigap.--sidis of Mess Pork tit 071. Onoort is Oelllai 0t.5105i for aidosoind Sc Maar...Sales at 21c per gall. Wount—As this Is tho season of the yeiay then learn. ate most formidable among childith,thaptopri .ors of AVLane's Vermituire beg kerma do collude= Darer* soliciting them attention to its unitise-ill* gm enieliing of these annoylug„and oft= fatal enemies of ,mcir meennot ts by a phrusian Creed 47t11.514! Viniinia, and oiler using t for ispineral years in his own practice, and finding MI sinfintim so unreersal, he him been ioduced of last to offer WM the public 8.• a cheap but certain arideucelleist Call - and pumhase at the Drug store of • I myeidatudr. KIDD &APS CREAM COELZE-100 bra lost teed and 4air , sale by attg7 J . 9 N r .D t, 1 „AAcKi.,..E.,_.O bbl , large No 3 Marta 1; }us at received and for sale by JAMES A LIUTCHIIOIO InTO . ...,..- _rt 11l 10E-10 dere. Rice, In same and h.: na g sJAMES A IIUTCHIION Ici,VO P`TRY FLOUR-10 barrels fresh grinsndl palate orbeat; M do extra Rattly, for wale N by. Li aag4 S F VON UONHORST „, 4CO SP. WHITING-10 bbla Jost reed luadlor le by Attu.. R-14 SELLER.% 67 Wood at 1 . .) ED PRECIPITATE-2.5 Its, Just reedand ll* sale .1.15 by artgl It K 6,ELLM9 HLORIC ETHER-121bajaa Teed sadt:;:j aa .521 REEELLER9 11MM M===4_3Ml by R E fcELLytas A FRICAN CAVESMI?-5 trom k c = o, T, - VITELAPP/Nti PAVER—aro rm.edirnitrero3i.36 TV do crown do WO do crown nod maim K.OK (no sale by .00 WICK tr. M'CANDGMA ALUM -1 bbl. for .Lo - fB9 SC -4.2 bids for male by .- •:?.: 10 aullo WicK & E1T*1D1453.5 pOTASH-14 bbisfrime i, g , r rlar c g i go D s 4 4aT:ir .4" . A L.IIOZiDS—IS sit* 8 8 A/ monde for sisto 42: il. ...FIO WICK & M'CANDI4.3B TEA-13 hf ehesiz soPhßof, RILe lb PllPors, but read and for sole by b 0g . 7 C fl GRANT,It:WeriT ot PTAGH both for oleo by h , J n CA:Wig-4M mriv OIL ANDTIIRPEMIN. E ILSAREf e I for E sale by witid it SELIF-RS, 57 VOQdat DAtEiiT PAINT-0 tai:iab color; J. iry do, received on consigurocrd .r.or eitto bY sage GEO 11 DIL.TENBERGER, Proiieu f SO . , A o f' 0 -000 be... L C: g rated tirs iE la i=alLor PIO Ilto2l-2.33 Lona (or ule by bbal J S DILIVORiti 8,,C0 OWCHONG TEA—:v half chests, eiliandkite P lb. Pilptll, for sale by and C II GRANT,4l'Arstei l t St 1)A IV witisKEy—l4bl. It by puzl JACOB wrgav 111 ICE-. 'toren jest received, for aale try 4 ; :t D WlLl.lltlll2.llol27ocit at 1110E1SE-11) bra Cream, for rale by .fi g ir CO coA.--, bo. extra No 1; 2do Daker'2 Ittre2l24 5 do do Chocolate; tor tale by 0092 J D T oILICLO . tas 110, 54, Its ..11G11 10 - .0 cored Natural LW. /04tam . E Tt J DlLWOlerlik: CIOPPEZ-180 bags Ms; 10 da Java in nugt ' J 5 mworttit bbls Pi. C. ID mt. _ 313 DII.ICOII7IICO . QOAP-2(Kerre Coale, in more. J S MEW Ortill_qo Esrnmr itmritvF. Cheesejest retraced and for rale Orr WICK a. nvcionzes.4 • az comer Wood and Warrant A Lora CaltLE for ;tan. A t. 2 to 41- W3 l l Fun at, between Wood ond Maet Biting at Hook Wliaaso, SPARKLING !Soleil°, Crown brava; Ifook of Boothelat, Coblnaba; Still Efookhower, Lisa, /Swarm & Co; 154* Henkel! ik Co; Ginsenbeinter, L 544, Co ?dosed Alnanatol, LSil do " Johannisberg, I/77, Dialing & Maier, " Ilndrahrisnoi, IS3I, Maim & tt; Alan, Mot Stumm, ISA and in bbd. • "" These Wines am from the most ealebratedb*Wries along dm lain. In worn and for .ale bytilsesogana dos. els°7l, 07 bribe single bottle, by • 47, /72 7 JACOB WEA2EII,4i. . ~FRHINOS-150 b. Sena. Herrings, #1 for solo km to clone consignment, by. 7;7. .41 JAMES DALZEJ.L,*atiint DAIRY' SALT—dO sks kiln dried, for sate by nog? 11111,AN TEAS-10 half chew exwi, fb dirhy C sag? J D - DliriolB-30D cure d, for cop • I D WWLIAESEI EORGEBUIIN, by calling al my 0tfia.124202y. XX In charges, will !active a Box eontainisEVala able Medullae., Books, d.e.,..44. • BEDEWS a MILTENBEIIGEtti, prz No. Kr.Erolikif. PlinEn uiS secs elnNt" me I. or real. -Oa aof She above Piano F i re r se/i be el e as ,, dg=onti f iellyin fora t eVriad, Orli • n 'Elatnic,p ... .'disei§: ; st srOtid.k.4.-Imported Pfineipes oad !f .as, N." sixes arid colon.. of the most oppeosedfiran4afor .ale cheap by ryto JACOONVEry.VEIteI . SCOTtiflitt=isO dos pints, feesh impiotatipp, to arrive io I day or to. For sale by Oad JACOB IVEA 'VEZ O IL-t 5 bids Linseed Oil, /MI seed and -' or sa.C.• D ZAbiFlaD . CRECE3E-50 b_ss just ree'd and for subs !SY J O OtaiFll6in T ow NUM) 131LANDIES--Irgh Prokf }Witch sale=lf ealort and grvde,, for Bale , taaie• ;Tv JACOB WEA . QUGAR CURED 11A1R. , ,A) tierces “Tarfor Area" 4.7 W eared Rams, in store and for sideAty ecte FELLERS! _NIECE?! is A °SWIM M/N NEG—White, green egd hared; al farther .apply remitted at the dry Most, s W R. MUYIPHW, N Scorner ith and Marker LI LASB-11 , IT ego att., smv, & nem cok pips ,•• to 10x11 " 83 •" 10d34 " For sale by' RILEY, ta.A77nylvo4 ce - Ai For Wattael TAR Maa art d Hamby: GO de. Candle."Wl'et,nfre:Tfida' k n ..le by bbgb RIMY, ven d etta k MD. , .1-ITROVGHT SPIRTS-113 kegs improard iron Vy atpikes, faraile be ! nt ay,_ RIMY. N1A.1111F3y . 9 tao p — ,_, - -„on AND SCOLICILINGL+-12 esti pura4ol v..,. •pa do Searchings, In morn and L . 41' by 7.74 . 6,- . ______ J h. ILLOgb ._ . FEA.ia;VXS -- 4 • k . 3 retteived net! for - 61-11:WIT— __ .0' ARMSTRONG h. 080701 ir—.....•5T.111MG375.4* bundles fins qt iyh w jk Ar U . lfl , _ . i i .. , .. VII.. Ruin.. dintet'ffreinMse ir....7: nc ~.1,1 fn , ...le whnlntale and .40! by toll:V /1 MELLOR. el W00r..14- - aura 0 ALERATUS ::I cam! for ',a., ,T, —t 0 ang7 _ __ ~. i n CA4FIEO' jo rbleilliS &NO } etoile _II, saw, aref P h”. 10 0 ree‘h}eri and :or sate sir the ' , tan 're. arose. 73 F q ,.th PERFl2llllllY—llauel:s Lily r . 2!! ,j 1 flearbi Oil; de Beet einem, de phit,,,Zl d e Tilyesple,,Sorip; joshreceireci surd for tale by; ,;( 11 FINE corvEr,i—mo . 7 11 6 .... J. L.:80,3: gt Desunge arid Kin Crs :rest lust see,.. ster}:}es 1 e at the Pa. Me Susie- :0 Forrrib st. ... i• nl4l • 2..dlUM6it - Hautssi's Arcanum VinrgoS ;do YPhilltcone; do .tiotbiade thl. 2 csold fine red o Salts; do do Soap; do do P. 020 2 11 d: do do Spinet do. do Co b Marqno; bum doc'd md for sale yI6 IL SELLERS, ViV0,2141 'RiAL RECORD , :LEI AC AtlGl:kr, ------- 7 3113).i.3,; • •• .. .. ...• 3a Ttambasy, 3I F 0 3.71 ; - prrrsavaanc , l3oAßD OP T FOR ',MUST. was ■al, OM Wrtlll.4. ryrca Ywnaraon 0.2(172., Aar= 47,1849. = Mainmast, an Satierday;srare quiet throughout We found no marked ehangelo gootajoy , and sales wersidlostlylof a 813;44, or ritail charmer. Tl•ll.feufb . al" 1. agalq iOO, and dry; the river eon- Una. gradually to mdage. aq,l freights m Munn. 117. up again/Ito et p 141 , 11—,14.0 erortk4aentioning is coming forward, and Slat lirakeS ruppBBl in tie market, urines If .7 thirafnrere theejbei no Oran.. The Wee are .911 confined ro limited lota loge regular hen. trade, at gd,7L 14. Lamd itimiqe• would be sold., low er nays ; OROCERION—Our isat queraticum are folly austain ed, wilA .sly of N. O Sigar kr a range of Lin fie, of Loaf Sijkar an 94910 a, o.9dolasees at 264rAne, and of IWO itrffeeial p R . HAWN *eaten eird4 yeti, Gnu, for ben qualkier, at the*londilg priemo *lrree! . ..4,agged rand rugar eared 100141 F PlaNt San. 9 169e,:abd of shoulder. 11411 i eta. at 5134 e P t 6. Ind METAL—We *le • ;wale of lid tons Sharon Furnide Mold, at IMO 09m05. , omiEeety thin 4 s ins tandt forat4er quotation, and we calnher qbobt • . ..... Wobten manufeeturis;are tit a more ea - mt.:ye and solid (doting ih Fradatiele comm. VA. than is usually sopped. Winetoistar Viltnisu states that .Nlessrs A. 1. ibgl.ll.olilEth, &rookland Flamm two miles from Wlneiterstea,alent tiff by mil road on Wsd amidst:4ton, tits* bond Yeatand anty-seven rolls of wool en Wile, waighing saiin tiocnsand nod thtrty pound, and vldged laprarda esio r. • pEst4sypvimiA 411,1 AL TOLLS..—The fallow. Log I* Lit coarrrarative eldietimil of the Tolls received ent didTPertalylvartia BLlte VL'orts, to August I, IE4- and : , !k.S.O 1,19. Easiol ... , . • •L, •• • .... 2.; • •979.126' /81 67141 , 2 cal Nvf,liopdi.•. ..... ,J:,.. - 9914 71 60611 5-. 8r1.441• ' ,- .', . 1141.22 36 11,04/ 19 plulukiphi9 . . ... '..• ..4.• 1%12531 1E4161 11 Pnolf.- ... . ••• • • ..... 2.• 9,09.2 RI 9378 72 Parlanbunif • .24.• 12,861 48 21.314 . 21 La 2294164• . 4+ • 3iLs.l 7. =At. 46 C 141 266h. •1• .• • • ..... . 6 • 1242 M 04 171.904 &I P0rt.664211...• ..... . . 4.- . 7991 91 4.401 64 ll‘nt 4 S 6 rll ••- ... . i - • 1.42911 34 Newport ...... •-• • .4••• • .W 4 71 14 953 94 32446 19 Law31.444 - 9' '` 1 4 2 113 91 77:1,19 H.rilligdmi•••• • ••,,.• • f,990 41 6.72.9 47 liollidiyabtltg• •• .- .42.. 6 1 14567 06 94425 31 J 094424692 .... •• • I:8 , • ' 3 4 0 04 46 ...4.100 11 41161962.114 . •,... 2,350 uu 0449 22 Fr 299941• - I.• •• - • • 15 ••‘• • 2,591 27 1.604 79 109113irgh• • .:. 02,t7u 09 77 033 20 1:04492046422 •• . • •4• • 11.013 53 8.41.0 45 4 9 11091.206 1 4% 1 ; • 4,011 84 0229 49 Norlirinabe(lend : 94,014 78 ;it. 20440 1.6. 8449412 k -.• 0.987 27 52.56.1 44 0.419 73 921227114,11 tisdact • ..i. • I 2:6 4 81 1161 1/6 PorlsenolollLo2 It 26 • 1,426 in 1.12 , 2 60 7..91ira 11121:22 ..... •• 10 , • 1 310 II . ..54 99 Danoi3's 14 od Bt3d,iti• 1,4 a 3 - , 1.839 19 J 226142 A 4404021. • .• 4 ••• 30 00 111; , 91 14939.0&3 70 Inert*. Milt gear, to De Is& August. over the mum period last rear, 41711,503 20. The *hole 4eoeipts liskgearitto Ist December, veer 141=1,1544.--ftionit Ami • ...... -- Oubdtisfest:Totms.—Tlt Stale Journal publishes the mathrnent t4 .. e net: receipts of tolts upon the pedalie vrettles of diereitatnitfor ho Emu three guar ton, eating AUgust 154, 5240.i1e0 for the cerrespond log peebisd to ,121.5„ sturetlng ah increase in this 4%61 over 1444 to tli4l =wont a 656,107 20 Rgeeived during stee Received during the • first 320.016 M, first 3 ors in 1910 Ohio Cites!. •it •- 094d004 11 225,07 5 87 Miama • • 171,3115Qi 107,:5147 Muskingum IMprovl 24&140 p 1 31.511 43 Hoc 044 Candl • crro76, 4,400 01 Wolin:ending Cranal.• • 1644 R! • 902 21 44 037 402,04 52 • 1 .00.157 34 Ineetaie io 5649 .• - •:••i• • • • t't The $ mem azy m arnv yesterd mn- Tb le, lop f ine d the 1/hie; withi tire Irma= pitmen of h e m ler boanl sward , cook honsp tnd pgrary tom spray When .boot roily mjln. bele*s elry, and while under fall headway, ohol smock ti ineMng max 'stuck. did the damagephestegs ritghteialtg a Mem number of passen gers nepiy ow colf, Melt! The 'meld-et happened betoreetf,pseelte - tmd he lack at right, and (coo. nately Omit iir# mietretl—[9F. Loins Rep., Adg. Tux ffmrat Clarnm TlParat,-Aeconling to dm best informplim Irifere no. Ma Bnitith experts of Calm., peintedEl ddoi. to Rid t.Ritedlttates in 1E43. :mount ed to .91 II Oteda Rh a % YrLs and Handkereh tefs, 149,517' )1 Hmiepy, 40,41.4 dozens Of Gm, hams, %as° Of lttor, Vont, Eq.= as. Of Cambria. anti Ihloslins, 14)7,1PS yards Of Cotton mo Liaen Ifited, 1, 2 45455 lON. (t.Corek and Velveteens. IZ 4 2,stO r tirt.rdv.i. 01 plaid,s37 yards. Of 1,./uthings and 'L112,85341 y.0415,1'01 hoonterpmes, /he , 11,057 fad. Pf Cotton 151hreedi 1,302=0 Hs. The Gillowihr tabla atf.”.. Re quantity of Con. men I.o,Trigladd and Et 1349: titiniier ;:ragp ate! iVeekly • „.• f r bags • ighl weight coo. enhatmed. hag* of bags. veloptien., Annelid& 1,1150,F10' ,;417 - 191,155,571 t51:455 Limed. gPe •• • 4 :5,..553 :154 •i 14,rD1aN Eo lt d • 4 m.f.t7 . ;910 8,101,11,3 aril Fan Ivdk.- •+, 04,e n: :5f6• 60.343,151 w.. 1 4* .• • :Vc 3,=2 o : ICI2 =MO - 51 . ... • • . • 55:415.035 19,711 Lem imiiinnieg,ll 05 4 5 tb. • • • :$ • 05045,3,1 4gikil in . ltiirtand 503=1..1 Deduct u!Citocanil Ib4S, • 33,172-`ll.. • Towsfirto: in gatiand in 1;54.3• .ii. 471,7543.51 fb 1 "WiEllitllb:STEß; It EE ' MR JULY, 1,19 II C0229212-liTenn sgo's *tem.: Ariparot /wi no; Litseraord of Ifield Asecllotairy; a arthqtrake• in NeorlealtaplLP old .04braeo mod Cloloruza. • ois Ile,polell9,—Frencli &options; Vo ' relg=tifuto; Critigial Notices. J s pobbehed and forialle b _. maPlli .19./3 D LCTC6WOOD A 141 - 30211113111 21(1.2711.1211 !GT 912L1DE1.. /01. Mbl...a(T—Dpets (coin :0 ,iL /11. to II -departmentP S Itacb 211 iento,lor 6 for 1 aollatk Ladles open two) 9 toll'i. lil. aid (rota 2 to 5 P. AL Tbe Defrosb i tot Salbatta att unequalled to style attendattite. bertha leo Urn - Po! .14A i. '.5. T. IrePALL. Proprietor. . • odti# kehtz—Bakcou wool gor hwhlth 0.1. e highest elesh p ea will b paid by aucla isqr, W IIa.RBAUGRa Prolli.,Thdostapessalal.Rsselale.Semlaassy. THE PALL &Ins,' will commence on 111,0111 D it SEPX4d, 16,19. at ki• Rooms in Bow, !liberty stleag,nettreen Third and Fourth meets,..:; . t As, neslielutaes will Isrtjormid, is is exceedingly desireblittlital Pupils MU* be So atuntdanee at We openingtilftbe seesion. !Early Oplication will be ne eessary, . theinsmuer of grupilses Ilmhed JAhLklkt TISCOIPSON, N. FL For MP. and tegereures, we circular., to be had al she nrincipal Punk stares, or at Prof. 7.1 ' • anagedid or the thy of Pitts , . th b . ° 2tl4lo(l4, 27 1 ,1 9 0 . 4 , , and re ' es= the Recorder's Office of Allegileny eonntry, in deed book V 01.66, page 400, isabgned kind traneferred to me all his main, skid .od personal, trust for his emell. tors NCYrICEdr herabg given to ell persons Indebted to said estate id make payMent to, dm undersigned, and hose having WOO. If, to, prevera them Mr act tlement- ; BENJAMIN aI s YDE, Assignee, emelt, i Pittsburgh. : !..11brbt I Llfl4 11 LlQealii THE gaily celebrated Wahl°Odd can now be had at a:Eastern Lunn Nord No. lb Thud meet, betatecniVood and Mattel. .. Foe a *debid hoase_lieheil ha/ the preference in all of the etcetera citltat, bdotperfectly safe and cheap void' of onoligreue or odly orolte disagreeable m end antelb h is bow La also,* beaud ul mum - deem (lamps 4ftg latest patterns for hero. co the *Ledo. . !Jyfedame V. J. DAVID. Mc r tltY B.SEID-15- pl. prime rimowy gool , aldwaglorder and for We by aogfiti l & R Fri.ovp NEwLgot4S+Ao Olaf:mg °wow oi Fabler Malinco, 'frith an *begin& or, tgo Paibior &Whew Tourer ateork,isoid the ihtetemigg camomile& &brand ing ws Itiylng gig bib& Cosuidlipoo opening of the Towrae, The IWins, dr True IlipAry or Desteoti Giles Doti!. 1 .7 &ndOtatob ibuos' ITraitarergi choice eolleeboo of mom Mn tolo hundred Temparanee Anecdotes, se "mL"'t.,‘"lb illuatroting the evil& of rs en. Aisojuseraecrired, & largo ithd •nr,lo3 ,, rar M. 13. Et • Its, :or sale by an, to M. 8. RN LISH , 70 Wood AufkaFlTT OD bb ri•Otr‘od tor role b 7 .404 18Ali •p 2 a tone Mackerel, I 4 MU/ICJ:EIf & CO. Frnm . . - 04 -anaRADI4.-10 604 oa ioaslgament apelos Ssai,b7 attasla ISAIAH DICKEY Ir. CO PTS. II7 HOENTRIr,-1;Y bbli reed andfor sale by au • BRAUN & REITER OT— O. • ea AO la, always cod and nod rnr ' a REI rEit 4 , 1 BOUND PLTPER-4%tunrime Ground - Teppe rr for mile bblgin I.lrlGq 11PCMNDLE.YM nn 0 titre. pr 12774mt e , puu ree'd and Ibr bY LENS /r. ISIcOLS —_---- nANKrbill3 MAGAZIN —h. b. wmkbppoinind .114ealoi th 4 Bankers` Marimba •nd Suusticat &letter, Oditeday J. Smi th liolmer, Esq.; pidgmbeil EttOolttlY .11.1 15.;19 per annum in mi. ranee. "It• . preiskats atelier whikh iatot to he met sr,th Is nay whet ahlia:loth* r. Teewiik is e 4 sdapteatio the yams of the buduerstlien ikurtally as ita beaker -No Pried/la, Cashier, Or Teller of a Hank should be witheik "Worthy of • liken! morks.._,_"' atteS,ir, 4A151,23 Li WOOD, tkl Wood et ttrATUß — irgrgim.P-i. R it Its branettes, - 7:7 VV ' rietent sitile•speetal Owe:Ara attention. Mei in the stkiit skilful sad exikeei , W.ed workmen. In ,or ethPlok, Mid glirinir a eottslarti ~isersonsr seal:awn to Oa. bilt s 2H; r barrelaisoAtta hest sans' facia] to all sake taayhrorim ante th•jr sekik. • NV TilkSo,li, watch Maker, lyll 57 Mark.. SaiGat . o lttroot's (Hydnt glatatatorpooses; do Ca; tastenKElangaltea imp Greek Loosens, do Lana do; Glarght Practical. Gnatnay, lo which word., phrases a:s septeta inkelasetied and illustrated. adtKIINKiN Daentents of Vege table enttArnintal Physiology. bye Hamilton, DI. O. LiemenurOf Zoology. by 1/,M. se, LD; Fuel b c .tDrY4feasd t2y,D. M Keese,l, D, Elements of Cheretatty'and Eleetrfeity.:in two parts—pan tat by D. D Peat, al D.. 1 part ad by A Bain, File to of Natoral PhaireopitY, In a ptats-Ist, Lowe of Matter and a nd 2d, Mechanics; Elydrosteoes,llydreu. I IlL• and Paetantares, by SV,:tkfl Chambers ParkerNritehool Cennoendluat of Natural and Ekofi sk:trout Pjelosaphy, Inth desfinpuon of the Strom Loedlßoune Layman ePi Loeb. to Pektorel Pitt'osophy Fultengallt Fostotannt Doak Keeping Alto, till - whole of Davlegnlattfonouteal courseoo hand tte ard azda by If LLIGIT KNOLINN ' ags :9 Want at FLNKAILD tigAN DV-ettle_ n oeure c.i7lca . Cavlatt, juv,ripeival and for sale by the . r • ton kt bottle, D 1 t_ of JACOB WEAVER. Jr QOAP:4OOI% N so;i, GAlle by A 7 `set }MEV, ATTIIKWEI &CO PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brournsedle. R Wightnian. ---. Elisabeth. Peyton., MeKeespnri- Reveille. Stone, Beaver. Pitibp Dorl4ndge, -, Brownsville. Saint Francis, Abrams, Cincinnati. Shipper, Cincinnati. Friendahip,: Davin, Wheeling. ' DEPARTED. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. R W4tamilip, ----. Elizabeth. Peyton., Irlicesport. Reveille, Egon; Beaver. Lowell, Deter, Citicannut. 6 43 as I 40 -6 34 0 37 au 0 34 Tax Itsvas. , --There were 22 inches in the ebannel, by meml mark, last evening at dusk and falling. BOA* LEAVING THIS DA Y Louis Mclale, Brosrussi:ls, 6 P. M Its seine, 1162ver, rot PHILADELPHIA. I). LemPs co's, pactces I.oe. 9 P M. R, S BAIL, k Co's Canal Packet, 7 o'clock. r. 34 I==! a . . Orrfr or H TI- ..orr G. COPT. NT, j August 15, A lIEETING the Stock ..ebr ern of the Punrbureb /1. U. Compri.. vrtll be held at the offire of the Company, on 51:rtedey, toe to Jay of September next, between tbqour. of 2 and 5 I' M., for the rur , pow of elecung 1.0 person. to serve no Trustees of raid Company foe Three year, angle:6lw -TAMES M. CHRISTY. Treasurer . DAtttlAllan i 4 NuUSE Dk: LAIN nnt—W H. Mur- D pby has reel rab Mouse de Lames at 'nets per yd; fine do at Itati. also black as low as IS., all word_ sotto striped drat, lead, and dark green as low a. :a els Also, I.ILACE . S.I LE NETTS for Capea, Ac. Laces for Trmarnngo, .0 a fon assonment of Atornem (or Shine—mime, Stilt', load and blank, at the comer or Fourth and Markil atm Ew BOOKS; /I'6l' 1 . 1.: SLlSHED.—Sarantam. N Calrforrna aria Oregon Trul.l2roo Fremont'. Cabforma and Oregon, 12sno. Rttellio's Severra,..amps of Arebneeture, Itmo Iremg's Wmtainew untfortn ed. 12mo. (donor'. I.tarth snd Man. 12mo. - - GaminelN llin-y of Unmans. Ifte. Moore'. Poetical Worts, new ed. I2mo. Life and Beal of Shelrepeare, Melo. ly Coo's Brmatt net. 12ma. For sole by auglS AS DLOCKWOOD, fnl Weed .1 -- Edinburgh a4vlelo..—Maeatalay2 ' la II VDINBUROiI!kt.VII,4 FOR JULY, 1841, , Connrms. - - . Transporootoniiis it now IS. FEakapeare•a Crates: British and Foreign Ds Toequeville'F Reign o( Lou.a XV. Dennis' Etrarta. Free Trade. l'aoper• u! l w gnauuuntn. Bar Lyton:. Kinc Arum, 4,. / ( i a .n a d nd Hungary. 63 po year—Snlie No.. for sale. Tins day publ,els ad, and for tale 121. MES D LOCKWOOD, 01 Wood et Agent for Reprliala of th e goorteetes and Blnek• wood. Terms, Illtl Per year, wben all are to to gether. angla . _ Linfeed Otl, met ree'dllt , l A dfe/ .... ..0!e_by i il (111F.A CIIEFZE-200 las to ornere the. day. and A../ for sole by "angl3 .1 El CA NFIF:LD MA . C , K nv E . Rr o t .. 7 , s4lels No 3 lloeton liaekerel KIER 0.../CENE, ' tool) Conal Basin NIATA MAX .:M.3-10 tow (or arle by anels KIER & JONER SUNDRI-17Sbnehele emprertor old "Au; No do ES prune Rye, lOU do do ...eel, fort landing from keel bom Rough add Ready. and (or ale by L 0 'WATERMAN. 31 Water and 03 Front at UG AR AND MOLASSES-3 idols N O Sugar, 3do a. sugar house Midasset, rust landing rrom tee! boat Blue Wang, and 0115 conaignment, or tale by angl3 L A WATERMAN IGARS--100,00g Coin Cigars, in acorn and for sale C low by 3& W MARBAUGH, aegis 33 Water at INDOW GLASS—WO b. amid Ines. reel and Ye Y for Nile by • arigl3 FA W HARHACOII BACON esks rust reed and for sale by suirls R A 11ARB• UGH ODA wail=lcF:Firec'ii Tor S augl3 S & ILARBAUGH . . SilsGtoAreßaTi?J'fohrhalieNby° S'VY'AV'7,leßilTttl° oifor sale by 1,4 augl4 J SCHOONMAKER &CO A ZU2II-201.0.71;t. .We by angl4 J ACIIOONMAIIER & CO BORAX, RRF INt.LIZS e 7 sage just'tecM and for sale by augl4 J SCIIOONNIAKI-K A CO erER-1.. r* Wrapping Paper. assM, Son de' P Can and Ford tio; for sale OT augl4 J SerIOONNIAXFiR A r 0 BUCKETI?--30 iLas Beaver Henget, rust ',eland nod for tale by, .013 MILLER & RICKETSON rr ItlEe'uT VERMILLION—IUD His r-e'd and 'or •alr by aukli BRAUN A RKITER leosi loos to — r Sale. 0 NF. PAIR !lECOND HAND ENGINES 10 Inch cylinder., 4 feet stroke; Y IM,len, Ili fret lu.e. inches in ammeter. all nt coal order. will Ire wud at • betrun,..appheati,m . be tuado Loon. They have only been use al-out !Ku:tonne Fur perucelars,lnqutre of jyyTurif R. RAI 11. "exert. office WATCHES, JIZWEL/I.Y, AND SILVER :., WARD. rItiTHE solwinher. wk: has A..en to brininess la the santedttn:alrnd Cor ta, last uttneen olktdesenpuons ot Floe Gold and Sa ver Warel,j, Jewelry, rend Silver tyare, retail at the eery lokeeNt prier and Savor Edlltott rate. Lever watches. Gold and Silver Gaubd lover and Ledlne Warchda. bold and Silver trarnordal and verde Watches. Gold and Silver 14dependent Second Watches for ummll Ltaraes4 Gold Guard. fob am vest Mann Gold Speotacles. Gold and Slicer Moeda Gold Seat.. Ladles' Gold and Stone Or - owlet. Gold Locketa Gild and ditser Humble.. DMISIIIII4 wnr. .ud . Ladles' and Gentlemen, Eeamonot. Sterna, Sleet Etpepoo‘ Cans, Ft &c. Gold Watch as Raw an to each. Watches and Jeuilry exchanged. Spoons and Fork4latee on to mum Silver, a sne azuele. All ameba ‘earrant.4l to keep coed tone or the money retuned-1 Jewelry rept...ed. and Watette• cleaned and reps...tit te the hen manner, at ranch less than the usual once!. GEO C ALLEN, Importer et Wateirps and JegrelrY. oonlesale and retell, 51 Wall street (op etaos,l NEW YORK. I.s:d4nne ars.ol , llbow - T,, , E ‘, anderemneMlave emoted work. ta the city of Vero York, Mr tie purpose of Gslvantrom em ote. of Iron, sr Stch destrahiew I'R(YrECT FROM RUST such an TeMdraph Wire s dielm, skes, Vail., Wire for Fence, and any other uri< winch may be renamed. For Hood, for Cask.. a* a sebaUtate for bale Rope; tor Clothe. Lddes. Lightrong Rods, a nd a hom of other applications, 1r..111 bc found cheap and durable. They mould partiraMely tall no euo to hr Galvan,.. sod Wire for rences;it renal,. paint, and sn,l not nat. Alta to Spikei and Bolts. the preqtertation lirbial IS Of to ouch :Aportanee, that 191/.1 come:Lena itself to the not of.dti those inmremod. OEO H. MCIIEWOOD & CO., Patentees, DECIO-dlr arty T 1.1 and In waver at. N York. Faetri.Sor the PuDlfo. - In relation to *at nonvalled family Salve, DALLET'S MAGICAL PAIN ESTEE:TIM rinStTIMONY of g respectable Phystetan.—Read 1 the following, Wreascd to my Agent, Mr. V. Mcr ryarewher, Cinuonalit Covemusn, ieb. U, 111148. B,r: A sense of dills compels me to give my tribute to Dalley's Pain I.:stractor. Du oppomd to quack ery mil all noitrunaaltaving forgood/'er tab/el sinister ouves—but realm,* much om Ine vIC mg of Pala Sallets , --1•113 idsteed to tender you tins certifi cate, I have used it tti my family, to my pracuee, and widi all Me happy Moll wonderful effects that could possibly be Ontigitiet4" IL d. Uwom, M. D. Dr. Brodm a the fun., partner of dralie a Levi, Druggists. . Infiroatviatory Alsertmatina The following tesugtonlal comes from amince fa r mitiv to many of Male traveling on our Western era tem Mr. Glum, thif well and favorably known pro. primer of the Parkgmborg Hotel, is busbarid to the lady whom letter 1 Ranee F i gatmasamo, Va , April 13,1849. To Henry Dalley;Chanilm, tre.—Str. Having for merly been on allbeted with violent inflammatory Shea ism. whlehi,appeared en firmly mated vto defy .11 ordinary •ppAmees to allay the worm pant defy it., I was inlueed to try your Magical Pain Extraction and it baling effected, almost as if by ma gic, m inmediste reri4 and also, to all pearances anum and perfeceettre, I am Induced fort he bene fit or others who maybe afflicted with pain, mimed by any kind of influnnuflion, to write to you, declaring that in myopunon;;founded on actual expenence your Magical limn Elftlymtor Is the most valuable dis covery o f presentAe for the immediate eMraction of bodily pain. It ts*tt almost immediate and aper fect care for Barns And maids, and all external in flammation. Marina many ammaintsnce• farmed by their visit, at my husband's hoies . In Muplum, I have supposed by your Mowing tomb these few linen, tt may possibly beef benefit both to gram and yourself. F.taxsarrn Guns.' II entertsta the ho 4 Mot Mrs. Gismo Intl panion the publictty give to hhh: letter. Its well on the score of humanity co of it. berms the surest mode of bringing to the notice 01 Aer (riends.—fl. Daum j lt kr . iota Clrred. Extract of • letter, Dated Balaton, Ey. Nov 1513 Mr. 11 Galley: "1 lame tried your Pain Florae., in ea. of felon, an nay; wn family ,blab at relieved and eared In very there tone." In haste, yours re spectfully, Jos. M. `r"tiono. ET Borns and Sidri, Piles, Sore Nappies, Broken Eretwiti EtaPooata, Shres. Cuts, Wounds, and all an. Baniannuon, peals retddy to the wonderful properties of 111,• unrivalled fuegly .nave. Boa, an the same pro. poruon that you wail peceive benefit from the genuine, you will be injured By' the deletertous effects of the eoun.riait staves. CAUTION—He sarb and apply way to the anvenua. 11, 411 Bro.4way, New York, or to Ito au thori.d agents. a JOHN 1) hlfHlti AN, fjeneral Depot, Pitaltrah. Henry P. Schwaft.t., Altegbeny, Agent, J. Baker. Wheeling, Vat Jetta, W Johnston, play. tile, Ey., F. Itlerrywealber, Citteittnetv. o_, General Depot N. 1.1.—1 n thesevetyst Burns and Soak's at cornets the pew in four no4tr.—it never fads' lull BOY OO WANTED atl. 1.• office, to carry fold pa , sta4l4 SOAP—loll hx bro4'n Challlemoe ,00p. ' No Ido do, 4u ,canat an 0.,: •lore for sale by _2.302 RICKETSUN I . ot.:62itiLi'd A Rf.IAATICK VINIXIAR—The high o ly sanatory, hermetic and tonic properties of tins Vinegar render it 4qitupcnor to C.ologne wane for ' lt n ordinary) , purpos4f of the io,let, sit ipso .ing the lat ter in as perfume. It'. prevents and removes pimples, letter and asperity nifite skin, it rufresoes and whitens the skin, rendenng tt haft and smooth. it corrects the clammy and bitter of the mouth, iMparllng fresh and pie ant brenth,i It cleans,. end Whitens the teeth, end hardens thg.gunts. For lib the above pur taes. it is used with Inner i sorb orb ',den as way rod most an - reenbie. it . inhabit I. and rubbing it on the temples, it *ill remove headache. If applied Instantly to a burn otbrunie, it se-,11 eventually prevent It cortuen. vitiated air, and multee ..titeefort very useful for and pen..., For b, I. : I4 FXLERS, Wiso:evale irdt •Iv s> Wood v . reel Pittsburgh eaIL c .„ !if Oil Cowan/oil,• Oil Loa., „ OR Wintergreen, a I Cod LAvr Oil, preligred; for side by J SCHOONSIARER k CO. b 4 Wand at (X)RCIIIVOS AXI.• t'oTA - 811 - -73 tibia Seerentirs 0 14 eats Potash, Gsj sato by avgd RHEN, 3 IATTIIEWS oh CO 4, amp FRUIT—Io bosh. Pea Cher MO des Apples . for We by nuiA fill EWS A CON-40 pieces 7 A e rt lir m ed s r a d o r N a7dte c t io y .11 ZER LOCAL MATTERS. .ZTOILTZD 101 THZ lITTNIMitaIt DULY GIAZATTI IVlzacaarrs' EXClT.o4—nis propelled lentil. lice still remains among the things that "arc to be. The Board of Trade, by tatting the matter int rte 00711 hands, paralyzed private energy, and it does not keep its promise, will-do irreparable I. Jury to the mercantile interestapf Pittsburgh. Rscovmte or Srotri Goons:— Mr. James Jacks who lives we believe below Jack's bridge was out ahootiog towards the dote of last week, near that prectpuous ledge o of rocks which runs Gs, same miles along the Ohio below Manchester, and shot a bird which fell over the rocks. While engaged in searching for it, he discovered what he took to be a man lying cascor ced is one of those little cave. which abound in that vicinity. The Allegheny police were immediately informed of the etreumstance, and started to ar rest him, as they supposed that he was a thief be longing to cue of the gang. of robbers so 11 timerous near Pittsburgh at present. On coming to the rave, however, a was found to contain nothing but a large bundle, full of clothing of all qualities cad descriptions--pantaloons, coats, waistcoats, shine, rocks, abate's, quilts, St,., dcc., which are supposed to have been stolen, and deposited in the cave for concealment until a not in the rivers would ena ble the thieves to escape with their booty. A st. ry comfortable bed, made of leaves, with come woolen rags for a pillow was likewise found in another cave bard by. The goods eon be seen at the Mayor's Office Allegheny. Our musens have probably no idea of the num• lee of small Caves where many moo might Ile COO tealed from any but the strictest searcl,in the rocks below Manchester. The material of which the stone a composed, is very triable, and crum bles under the action of the weather, terming snug furls recessesv cry clean, and as comfortable places as could be imagined to sleep in toe 30 summer. Some are undoubtedly the sleeping apartments of the gang. of ruffians now prowling about Pluosburght and other, the receptacles or their stolen goods. Moron's °Tn.:, Pittriburgh, August 25.—Sic persons were brought befits the Mayor ibis morn ing, one charged with assault and battery, with in tent to kill, another accused of being necessary to the, above attempt, and the balance with drunk enness and disorderly conduct. Leonardßrooks, the colored man to whom we alluded in Saturday's paper, as having fired a pis tol at, and severely wounded Jerre Swede an Henry Glegget, his alleged accomplice, were ex amined first. Brooks wail committed to prison for further hearing, and Glegget discharged. Two of the common cases were discharged, one paid his line, and another was sent to jail for twenty firer hours. SMOULUI LAIICOIT.—de we were pealing down Market street, a short time ago, at a late hour at night, we heard an unfiattmate porker equealing in its molt ear piercing style, in the Diamond.,lazd oar first idea was that some of Um country people, whose vegetables it had •ttacked, were tolltettog a summary punishment upon it. Oa coming nearer we observed Iwo watchmen attending near the animal, which was caught in a most savvier kind of trap. It had run its head and forefoot through the bottom of a chair, which arts firmly fixed around its neck, and of course thee dims which'it made to extneate itself, only wedged the chair tighter on. The watchmen soon released it, how ever. from ;durance vile," and with a loud grunt of thanks for its enfranchmement it, as the toying is, "made tracks," in double quick time. Cu01.62a Mlistntsvll.l.6.—Theno was nue death from cholera in Stinersvihe on Friday, The deceased, whose name we did not hear, came from B rminghain on Ttairsday fie was VISA:- ed at six o'clock in the woman, and died at anon. Rgracues luurrnarcas or Srtagart.....—We had the pleasure, a short time ago, of egtunining some of the mere recent numbers of Itetrehe's alas ; trat,orts 01 Etiakspeare, for which Merrs. Ellmt and English, of Wood street. are agents. It is somewhat singular, toil rather humiliating to 111, I that the best Murray,. of and conamettiators on • our Great Bard have been Germans No seines of tilestrations aroch has yet appeared in Great It,, tarn, con be compared to Retsch's .n genius ar to spirit. We may, and du deserve credit for ex.:ai ling them in Galati, but this is but praising the gegen that truant, not the mind that conceives. The numbers to refer to, embrace mecca from they plays of Mactscith and of Romeo and Juliet. The German mind is peculiarly framed for cast eclat:lg Imagines of “the horrible laud perhaps less sueeeptible of the softer e1n01.013.1 than that of the A aglo mason race. We accord tingly perceive a marked sL,..enority in the plates, on MerJoeth over those on Hamlet and Rthor.o and Joliet, while the reverse would be the case with an Enghsh anon In Macbeth, the artisea mind has had fall scope, and the witch teene, .d se veral other. are drawn with groat originality aid boldness. Means. E. and E. will be happy to eupply ureters for the above work at their book • 'hare. t do TOR'S Or 'lel, Allegheny, August 25.—Two persons only were brought belbre the Mayor thin morning, one accused or lunacy and the other of drunkenness. The poor madman, whose mind was an far gone that he could not even tell big own name or where he lived, was discharged, as there is no suitable place where he could has been sent. The drunkard mu ...moulted for 'twenty four hours. OSIADING.—TtIe eueet conamls.opers will cool meueskho day, :o grade Grant street, opposite the Court House. We mentioned in Friday's paper, that the city authorities and county rx, to misstoaers had compro mised the disputed grade. The conclusion to which they mutually came, was, that it Mould be lowered ten inches at the centre of Diamond alley, instead of three feet, as was the original in tention. The telegraph brings us encouraging news Irons Hungary. The brave Magyars stall hold out, and gain fresh victonea This much increas es their chances for final auccirss. Time is im portant to them, as the longer they can protract the contest, the greater likelihood of final secceaa Neither Austria nor Reeve can well sustain a pro tracted war, and the sympathies isf England and America being on the sido of Hungary, will greatly strengthen their hands, while their Inca den are proportionately weakened thereby. Meerino.—An adjourned meeting of the young men will be held in Chissam's Buildings, Third street, entrance on Market tenet, on this (Mon day) evening, at 7i o'clock. The meeting will be held be the purpose of organising the instiiution proposed by Dr. West Cluotaaa a Itimmutussa—We turnish lalow the report of the Birmingham Sanatory Coin mitten from Saturday at 12 o'clock MI Sunday at the same hoot. A groat number died on Friday night, and Saturday morning, atone our last report, which are not of course included in the mournful Het. Our friend Michael Dan Mogheon was auimk ed on Saturday, but we are happy to announce that he is now out of danger. It is truly frightful to look at Birmingham now. A short time ago it won one of the tandem little 'dams in the melody of Pittsburgh, now it in almost dowed . A striking proof of-the scanty population which now inhabits It, can be found by going to the mid dle of the Monongahela bridge, and ...wing how clear the atmosphere, around that town now is once clouded by i h o smote from a thousand atria l:UM JacobSinop, Nicholas ['race, John Millar—died in the name boom. Thorn. Kay, Lower St. Clair. Iterovering—litchael Crowe. John Kitlh ler. F. PLUINIKETT. F. ❑LACKMORE, J. IHMSON, D. CUNNINGHAM, Sanatory Comm ittee. Rorainay.—We r,,r,rei to announce that bands of thieves have commenced their d rrepredationa in Birmingham, and have already broken open and plundered several of the hoes ts which wero deserted by their owners. The;codzens, w . to re main, should organize a patrol, which would, wr think, deter the miliaria from pursuing their almost sacreligious system of robbery. Carw--The water in the canal is becoming very fool and pestilennal,mt d should b a drawn off. This should be attended to the more promptly at we do not know the boor when the (:bolero may commence /1/ ranges amongst us. Fumc—A frame house is Cecil's A lleY, behind the Fourth 'Ward School HOMO, took fire ou Sa mrday afierneou, but the flames were c aleguithed before any material damage tied been 4 oils. CHOLERA ut Raisaurroars.—There were 'lwo death. from the Choler. is Ilayardatoteu, on Fri day, and one on Saturday. One of the ea., died within two hours idler/laving been suncled. Csatn• to PIPITOW.—Tbare were lout deaths In Pmstoorn on Saturday, from the Choler. Cnozna rn Rszuscesuns.—Job Guess died . ol the Chatern,lo Hardscrabbe, on Saturday. Fma—Curacu Elcman.—The Welch Chewed aitnated on the aide of Boyd'. Hill, w., tog;ther with three frame bonne, burnt to the ground on Saturday night. The exertions of the firemen, however, prevented the dunes from spreading be yond the locality where they that buret forth. Hon-atm. ACClD....—Whilst a draymart who is In the employment of Henry Graff & Co. of the Union Line, N. engaged in unloading his dray, befute Mr. Mellor's store in Wood street, on Sa turday aftersoon,i he horse becoming alarmed at the rattling of a wagon loaded with sheet iron, which was passing up street, ran oil. The draymna en deavored to stop him by pulling the reins, but was hurled to :he ground with grout violence. and his head was eithet horribly cut on the atone. or as some of the bystanders assert, one of the wheels plumed over It. The flesh was cut to ilk bone all along his forehead, and his, arm., and various other I..rts or his body was severely braised. Hu wounds was skilfully dressed by Dr Ddrsoy, who was promptly is attendance. 1 Eot'rn IVIIANTBBI-,—The Empire Minstrels give the.• fiftieth and last performance to night, for the benefit of Mr. Cool White, a gentieman, who, in his peculiar line of acting, hes no equal in the United tfitaies. We trust that be may have a full boon.. as his merits certainly deserve one. A new song enutled .The Empires farewell to Pitts burgh,' composed by Mr. Dunlevy,;of this oily, will be produced upon the occasion. EMI= I=l PINE: AND CEDAR No C., rawer at Marl burgh. The subseriler kr agul reissl, very lc VARE hIANUFACTORY` kot and Foth mrcew, 8,1 • conAtntly on nand low for cosi, ESM=I - Bath Tubs, Stud Chrns, Home Buckets, Hall Realm s, &e. All other kinds or Ware in All line made to order augl I SAMUEL MA:SEN. A A. ISIAnUN & CO. oder their entire stock of Ili • Mk. at Eastern rates, for • lea , dal. Our sleet comprises rich Tore Satins. Chamelion. heavy Brocade., soon stripe. changeable. Veleu• de Ottoman, Woe man, de Rhine. ac &c. Cheap One Price Stoic ' No GO :OLGA. ~ itur2o_ _ _ W reed and for sale Lc I r V &oat I BRAUN FTTER 130TA811 -50 casks Potash, in store and for sale by A augla DALZELL • - " • AA oLA ht,l% Lfroorn . 4 cooperage, DUI oak and cyprcs• bbl, Id buo, it o.ore •141/ fur gale by •uglt; NII.ILLS • ROI: orAsii—io casts Poteet, (or vale. •uglo M'GILLS & ROE BACON. LARD AND HOTTER—Por snle I.v /JI •DiDI MGILIa d'ROE ALCM—to lobis prlrne quality Coulon. Lahore.- IT. lot sale br nag, G ActiILLS & ROE riOrrOld YARN, Ramo; Candlernels, loheeunga. Cully!, Iron. Nall, Sucre!, and I•iusburab manufactures generally, constantly on band and (or sale. engin .M . GILLS & ROE LlCiraß—ar Plod% N O Sugar on cnortfri.laant lord for !rare by •wgia ISAIAH DICKEY RCO B UT au r :ll '—e (7O 0 1L .. 7j . 11.101.-15 curbo). on hanJ j or i t c cl i Lo t ; .ule by CANARY SEED--,VU IL. pc reed and for as.b3 by aug.l6 J KIDD Jc CO CHIP LUG WOUDSLI obi. in. rre',l .. ad to wala by .100 J KIDD & CU rpowNeEmrs AAIL+WPARII.I.A--4 , doxen ,apt I reed azed for sal.. by kairlff J KIDD a CII ‘l. IFINEI-1 bbls Mallow; Hooey , . for .4.. bY RLIRIDGF:, ILSON &W. UNGLISII CIIARCOA.I.— Iust rec'd and fur lode by X., lop It E SELLER,. LIKATIIEII,-41 Ala Fertile, 000 r , audkng fro. r rtanin Ex,Lange and for sale by w.gll ISMAII DICKEY A CO U ,r.f17T1 . 1; rar G . • •;[ ,: v .- .. t r- v , : now landal from guar AJ AU DICKEY & 0 ) A ICIJ AND Ibbis .1; 3 a...p row lanthitg trout star Eichang-a and tot rule I, suit? I,IIIAII DICKEY 811 l QI:IklIktIE-4-1 Woo:, I do Dec.sai, 3 do Flat sesd is. received end for salt. Iry • • • I+ SIAM DICKS V & AHD . trgy, or flubty owe, on conot,un,ut and 14 (or so, ay au/gl 11 , /dAII DICKra At CO s :Cull• . 11141.. leta, on cobugnmebt and 1... p for .ale low to ctn. by . . augl? NAIAD DICKEY A. CD 1", , 09 good gem boi , ‘ ne.rly r ww, E..,,,0re of AI.RIANDRA t DAY, ottail eor of we Lau:mood and Stereo'. . _ S U"B-21 " TlViflrST77ll‘ , .,„—, 01t.4119 bbta Ite•l7, larielnqr fictm carsatiFd for a, anglo JAL h 9 UhZEU. cE,--t if 1 glee, .r re and for sale by auglG • J AAIby DALZKLL 1V1 '0 ,n 3 , 1t y A c C . E.: . : , (t . t.:. , 1 „, .--1 ,0, ..:1t y N0 3 Mocker,. land ALA E. JAMES DALZELL Il NIULASSES—V. LLL S II Molos•es, us store 1.1.11,14-Lttl "cry lose to cWa co..‘“meat by ao[lo J A AI ES [MIZELL 1 . ) ft ick—IYAAM Ear Hack, ea.tore too ior sale low I ) .t.gLC• JAMES DAL-ZELL s--01 Uoses Stu, Herr-my, to alnre azA 'or pi.. low 10 cm, ,on6,gno,nt. augla JAMES MAL/A.A.!. A. Logs A iwace, for .ale by M Jig A AECANDLESS UAL:‘ , Di:zi—For us., 40010 WICK to WCANDLESS A R Errs sr., I:res unt. reed sod ior .oglo WICK A M'CANDLEsS s ;10 .No Soop, tot sale by k 51 'CANDLEaS _ 1101.111-0 bb.• J - do 'do booae. kJ by mob l 0 WICK & 51'i5ANDLENS, 1 IRI PEACH 6 a--49 aa• for rate by _ LI =e l° WICK & I"."...ANDLESS 71H .1"1"1.E5 , ---On Land and for gala by La knit , WIC & 1 1 / 4 1'CANDLa.9 / lIEE.YE-3.3 Loxes tor .air by t/ amain WICK & NITANDLMS D&CON--50 casts •ogar cured ean•aased Him., In lJ arm, order, X. lb. ;Own Hama 13 camas prime Shoaklers, leeloe. and for . 0 e by .413 ROUISON. LITTLE & CO. 199 Liberty at I , KI /I ITE 11RANOV-121. pipe Pmpi. Mahe branuy I tor preservlng, on draagbl and for tale by miuxe & SICKNTSON, angl3 Nos 172 and 174 Liberty al ACKEILKI.—i3. , Ws No 3 216 - ilierol; GU lir bblm In. do do, for •ale by _•413 - • _ • S_ _ tails to oldre, for sale by . 1 DILWORTH ACO,R7 Wood st ISIRS, OIL-5 bole reed hod for its!e by negll BRAIN A REITF:R zacitisTe OF RIITTISDIEMOLI who AL are deuroo• of s•stending their burner. iv ibe 4,41111., of Fayette, Ureene, Some r., sod also in Westernwol and the FA WNW, published or 'Auoutown. • medium, 0.4 it cir culates largely iv the plsees specified Terms moderate_ au%lßd3ms. %TRW AND VALI:ARIA.: skßiEs OF RillOoL .—110010 t— Parker's Natural and Exponmental Phllosaphy do first lessons in do Coon/bee. TyraAare o, Knowledge, do Elements of Zoology, do do Chertuslry and Eleetrtedy do do neology; do du Vatetuble and Annual Phyazology; do Os Natural Pluto onplry, do do Mar.:up Fulton and Eamman'a Smirk Entry hook Traclwra, Parents...l all others 'untreated to the can't , Of eduroi.on, are rag uovied cell and azottithe We above nor ca, at Ib book •tore of • J 01IN & STOCKTON, r Thin,l land Mnrket sts lIIBLIERT*II 0/SEIIIICAL - - •- • - . - PLUID. SUPERJuIt Rill IlltZ=ZWl=4=6ll3 LI. thee., dater from ord.n.e., they are all chenateal .elution. co, I . ll,l4 4reseed matter. Imely fryer, any ki ; . -the color deep, b 'trot and durahle. e.. better articles plm!, I have neether seen e.. ...I of th em. Sam e mettles can beobtam,.. try the merchants xenerally. from .A. tr. Co, Henry P ktelvarts, A Hellion y, or of euenufacturor, THOS K. minwirr. DruKvat and Oile[llll/4, cwt. r Leber y rod Smithfield street., Pinsiburali, Pa -11--Any bottle llol Kevin,' complete et...factual, :se be returned and the price well be refunded. ,eitirdom WIIOLESALS CLUTIIING IVABEHOUSE LKWIS & RANVOILD, No. 2 A ta. 2 55 and 21 4 Pt•u. tirg we?. Ihrtweer. Fulton .4 nn.l Ilun l Sltp.) NEIV gull A, 11,17 e han4 tile iarevot a“nriment of CLOTIIING IN TIII: UNITF:I) r/am AD.,. TO A.. 14..1. ST. In t,n nrucle of SHIRTS and DRAW ERB, we kerp an •ndlers vanecy. AI.o the moot extenuve manufacturer. or Oil Clllhlng and Covert(' Hata lo ihe morl4. PLAIN AND FASIIIONA [ILE CLOTIIINO RZEMI of mock sent Ly reenel. Order. promptly LEWIS Nog. VAL ret.:lsll. need ISA Pemrt et. NI V. Iljte.l , k. V AI.TrA SI.K 1 1 :01[1118 JUzel . 1 . 1111- 11 I'emme:eliune of F;erleesteemeal tory. 1, It, John C L. I...e•eeer. Cons:gum:el Catena/el her mat Ordinary Protveem . al Theology in (ioitenEen, from thee totertb rtv.sad and tesetentl.-11. 1.41..4 from by Baum. lett.etd.. .... 1. I. I A /helm,' oftoiled State, or Alyce., from hie din cry of Cominent orgeentue.tem ee. rrnment thr Federeel Conalau.aote, by Richard 11I'draeh Jugt rern.v,d and fin gal, by JOHNSTON It STOCKTON Martasod Thlrd es_ IDO'bolr No I 8114 NO sk. Dam do, just re. delved mod :of male by adgl3 MILLER RICRI7MIN IBUTTER--.. bucket, freah Dattar , Jost reed and for sole by art6lo C H GRANT TlLortfx.—xl . bble tort rec'do edteZderneot and for 1! onto by aoglO 19A1Ali DICKHY &CO pLOUR—X3 bbl. extra (resi t Floor, m •no 12 for zsde by end: & Mill A RDA UGH GLOVER SEED—J. 3 bbl. Pen.. Clever Seed, to OM and for sale by aryy Jh R FLA) D Iti i4IOR-40 bble meat vc4 .t 1 for sele . by ARMSTRONG h CROTER ID.. Au. coon mussy hortoraldy united that the foDowoes ate the ...nal qua/ides oft 2a bottle of J 0,11.01 Coral Hair Re•Wrative. If they doubt oar word, the, cannot these htlldy respeetatole cid:44h who have tried it:— Mr. lino. N Recant, II Elm st, Near York. Mel Matilda Reeve, M•rde av, Brooklyn. M. Wm. Tompkinv King st, ew York. Mr. Time Jackson. sLortioara Island. near Pitobargh H. K Callen, late barber ateamhoat S. Arteries. And more than • hundred others sur e , tho ug h dna mom rake, that a will fore.° OD, bear to grow on Me head or face, nap It off. strong - Men the roots, rencovlng antic( and dandrof from the root, mating light, red. or gray hair sissme fine dark Icok, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, son, clean and Peaty:llol • very, very long llme. 50,4 the Agent, WM. JACKSON. ES Liberty at, Pittsleirch Price 37k, SO cents, and one dollar. anfleilkerT Er To. two= or vtLe Rzern.a is not more repol tive than a bad, potnd breath, or dart, Fellow ditto ell teeth. If perm. hove thew it it thew own WI they cut. for two shillinp, buy no article that vol make &or breath pore stud •*cet as Me Spey 44 0 kabia. It cure. di teases of the Gum, spongy or lacerated, and for the Teeth it ns unequalled, removing the tartar, fastening the teeth nt thn gun. and clean them as white as the sews .f dui...Len Nona Sorb, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber 'Paint Paste, and, miliaria praising rt oarsclyea hear whet one of our most respectable and scientific Den tists. Mr E. Field, of New York., says t "I base both used and annlisedthi• beautiful and im palpable article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Pate,) and can recommend it u possessing all Me quaint. chum ed for 11" Reader,we can say no more to convince. on'y that if you try this nee you unit be well pleased. It is pot up in beattuful English Clans Pt ts, for 23 cents. Sold by the Agent, IVAd. JACKSON, CS Liber ty street, Pittsburgh. atigtSulthwT ID" LADII3 .. ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST L RING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. Thep arenc: aware bow frightfully injurious it is lo the akur bow come, bow rough. how a low, yellow, and unhcatthy the sidn up. pea &net usint, prepared chalk: lie 'ldes it La injurious, containing a large quantity of Lead! We hone prepared a hcanuful vegetal,le nude, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleteri. rm. aualin, wad it Impart• to the akin a natural, heal thy alabaster, riser, living white; at the name time aeons ar • co.rnenle cm the pain, inmates - it roll and smooth So . ld by the /lent, Wil. JACKSON, EN Lib erty at, Plttebur..h. Pnee tats. aua7:d&wT Pair Earritona SIMI DEaII.,O64—JONES'S Caen:nail Soap eitithes a free peroptrauon. and at the theme tune moillea, sollens, and whitens the thin, gthine n the texture and beauty of a,arant's. - • • &VW!. SALT RCM. *3t Sem, are soon only healed. but cored by its use, as at least seven not Physi cians in New Yoet tool., who use it in sorb cues, and find n unfailing—so also in Prsersas lisorrnas or any other akin dis ease The reader is assured that this a no useless pathd nostrum. as oue teal orillprove I could enth merete at least eu parsons eared of . . ;bee !fur, Ploaz tn.% Els..l3.—Buy tL and use M. and render Is again useuted I would not on eon it for the IbOVO 'mew It to be all I lace. Thaw who are hable Casa.. on CII4rLD FLan, ' , ln fled the. a core. Any one a@ieted with any bribe ahoy*. at urn , illy dmeases. teal hod this all and even mom (admira ble in it. properttea) than I state. Bob reader. the Stores are flooded with imitation., and he sure you ..n for J(NE.S"S Italian Chemical Sony. Bold by WM. JACKSON, Et , ',Then).s Pittsburg!, aura dAyeTtre et, CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT RALE A -- A. A. MASON & C 0 ,13 °SORGE ARMOR, ONE PRIcE 9'FORE, MERCHANT TAILOR, .41 trap greater Reduced Prues. No. 46 market Area, A 5I & CO, desirous of reducing and cleans A. out their Stock preparatory to receiving their LEAVING Machuod an eXteilaiso and carefully . oe- Ness Fall Goods, will offer greater inducements Got .0 1 . 00 . 1 Id r s , t . u_s: k ... o f f L S , r L 8411 9 ,4 1. .: G . h b e e ever Their recent largo purehete. 41 We Now York • Sales, made at such 1030.10.0 uonotes from cost.wt, ors heir orlon mth most subsiannal. and fashionable mutter A. he A mu to to bowies. en We cash oysters, he tint- ternhimself Wm he will be a id e to do work IA cheap d hLuhna , P and Its u an be door .t say . c .„, y. A , forge nook Silks, Shawls and Vi ilts Irmo low, 26 et 61 do L.I. 0. 1 Nio Ills stock Ls vaned, casoasting Casstroorea, Broad. , nr, e loth. Vesting. . which has friends me respectful- l df.d- ono call ' "Ji inseams s; e. ly invited to examine ( or thenuelves 0 F:mbroideues, very cheep my.l4 dif GEORGE ARMOR 6 Wane.. half price OLD PENS—AI S. Fifes Patent Durwood Pointed "Honer y, Gloves Laces, lnmening.Ac LI (mold Poe., with and without cues ;tot reed and 7 cue. Merumoek Careoe., mNr tor time by JOHNSTO4 & xTriGH - rosi, 5 • In ci Calicoes et 6,te augl corner Third and Market *pi and hales brown and bleached lfaelig , cheap. Litins at tee, Linen Gingham. Ittic G. W. BIDDLE, Death[.. ;LT btson 8 and Inc, Gloves at 40 REMOVED to new three story linc k lice o o limmense varlet of oth Goodof •i iiiikaa w a s. , .1: 0 1d .0 " ., o^. d oor below which welt rove • raying to purchasers of litn n 23 to Teeth insened from one do per arkincen TD store will he closed one day for to an enure se, on the soctain pnuciple, with a boat. preparing dewu and nOC the all O. tilot representation of the natural sum—restonns the , A A MASON & r.` h of the face *r Z On lV.l . Teeth extracted with little or no pain . Decayed Teeth permanently used by plugging, pre nprg We tooth ache, which to ch better than en. ring it, though should be done to five minuet, q; even inotamtly apn.Ltly LYEOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI for I r oitahing. • newty disrorered subsunne for Crocus. Rouen Stone, Rouge.b.c !amines have found it Invaloohlo for Weir silver and coarser wares—in shoo as remarked by the Scientific American its an article upoo ty . of all We substances which hire born applied to polish Glass and Metals none ran ennal that substance known by We name of Trpoh—ans J. • ipenor arurle to that fi ; ,. L, r , nig h t from Ind, by the V imam. and used 1., t h e Weir paltny day. of •• meanie. to mu Itpeculiar oetish so mu!! isai re , by other nation. It Wn. he in early fund, and every work sup For sal. by R E SELLERS, 27 Wood st IST 1 ITtit, AND J ELI( rite subscriber I , has no n on band a 01,0 12"onOICOl of best Eng. loth and Geneva Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watch. es at s. price. as are °tiered uWe Eastern cities; a., ;J1 good order and warramed W WILSON. comer 411 and Market su _ _ PE/Ll5ll %%A STears• rrIIP setweriber 622 just reeelved M the Pekin Tea I Poor. 70 Foortti street • very largo and well se. leered smelt of pare 12116:EN AND BLACK TEAS, from New York, all of which has been received in this ui, sine, the first or February last consisting of enn all the diderent grades grown in the Celestial Cumin, Our stock being among the largest:ln the Wen, we are prepares:it* wholesale, on bailer terms than any arbor hoe. m Dte eq. We lavite remit grocers to call and examine our stork and prices They eon haven peek ed in k, {, au l 1 11, package, 5 D tin consumers, or by half chests, to .tot their convenience. Oar meml prices vary for Oolong, Dlaeg Tees from 5D et, to 61,510 per lb.; ?Ong Young Fonehong. 60 et. Comm" EA and English Breagfart 50, Young Hym, titinpeciler and Impenal. from 15 cm to 8141 per lb. Famines are rapreared to send and get samples of of oar Tea. and try thorn beGan purchasing. invienlitern JA N'N EA. 19 Fourth street Greet lenge Rameaty. iT OR Coelho. Cold.. Asthma arid Conseereptiont The r URFA AND ONLY RFAIEDY for the cure of Ow •bove diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIFE, ttscoveird by the celebrued Dr. Michael, of London, Ragland, and introduced into the tinned Sweet ander the immediate seperiuthietr ..c of the inventor. he estraordniary Coot of this medicine, 1.13 core Pilmonary &tenses. warrants the Anietieau Agent ie sollening for treatment the worst possible en ... thee can Gerd in the c ormmuilry—cues that seek relief en vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and bane been mem op by the mewl datinguiehtd physician• co:ermined end inclinable. The Ifunguri. an Balsam has mired, and will care, the most dov , eratte of oases. It is no quack nostrum, but • candard Eng. Bah oiedietne of known and established efficacy, Every familyie the (foiled Slates ahoeld be nepotist! with Raceme . . fitaigarlan Balsam of LIR, not only to wienterant the consumptive tendencies of the clintaie, bet to be used as • preventive medicine in all eases ol eeldth cough., dreDlDeli of blood, Pain in the tide and eheat, trtilallon endsorenew of the longs, brochitis, difficulty of bre a thing. btette foyer, night meant, emaci :neon and general debility, asthma, in fl uenza, whooping cough uld croop. Sold in large bottles, at gl per bottle, with fall three. lions for the renown!on of health Pamphlets, coutatniog a ales* of ay g n.i. and Ameri can ennificathe, fool other evidence showing the n /mulled menu of hi. great English' th Remedy. may be obouned of he Asecir., grethimusly. Per 541 C by II A FAILNITOOK t Co. corm , of se and Wood and Wood and kb jitikikwl4. To Teat LA DlVA—Jest received, a fell usortmont of gold end sil•cr 'retread. Cord and Brood; also, eparviles and leollthn. for emorniderinc and o th er or namental wo-k. and wirer Tassels, Fringe, sod Lace. Jew try of the latrst taahlonr. In great •aneny. Michell of aopet , or ganitty and beautiful patterns, and fur axle at Haztern prtre. W W WILSON, aug corner Market and Foarth n• _ - MEDICAL t 3171014311C&I. OFF ICE • No 110, DIAMOND ALLEN', a rc'el fro dmatt below Wood Btteet, to OR. BROWN, having Issca ,'‘„ regularly educated to tho medico n tb'n h • profession, and been for some Omit ra.g°aZt. those pnrate and delicate corn sl plaints far which hts opportnnmes ar Wt e ff y en . e . n r. .. ettpecailarly quotas stdoonsly devoted to staoy treatment Of those complaints,ldants which time Le has had moon practice and ha. cured more pa. hems than can ever fall to the lot of nay private taunter) amply qualthes hint to oder a meow,. of ahead), pent:went, and utast...2l.y cure to all athlete. 'nth Miens diseases and all disease. arstlng there! from Dr. Drawn would Inform those sainted with pnnro diseases which have become chronic by time or kg gratated by the nos of any of the common nostrums of the dsy, tliol them complain. can be radically and Mon °ugh:y cured; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of such caws, and anteceded in hundreds of tumaitces to sung parsons of inflatarnation of Ms neck of the bladder...) kindred diseases which erten moult fmna those caw. where others have consigned them to bopeles• Maseru, Ile pi... Warty invites such es have been lung and unsuccesafully treated by others to conault him, when otery sausfaction will be gi'voim them, mad their cases treated in • cereal, thorough and intelligent manner, painted out by • long experience study, and ipte4gutpyrt, which it is impossible for the. engaged in general prmiust of MOJA.= give an onc class of diseas. IlDtallernla orßupture.—Dr. Drown use Invites per. sous afflicted with Hernia to tall, as he has paid panic ulcer attention to this diastase. CANCERS also cured. Milli discuss; also s, Palsy, ato., speuttly cared Ours.. very low. N. 11.—Dattogis of cith sex living at • distance, by stating thew (limas& In writing. g:sto; all this symry is s, can °bum medicine. with for ate, by addressing T. DROWN, M. D., post paid, and emotes & in; a fee. Off.. No. Oh, Diamond alloy, oppugn dia nasty Mow. Hnrn hunt s —Dr. Brown's newly discovered rcm. dy for Itheurnausat is a speedy and certain remedy or that runlet motile. It never fads. c,dtee sod Nnvate Contsatung Rooms, No. I'4 Dia. rne..d alley, Plttsbutet, Pa. The Doctor is always at horny. "'l' No eon no D.l =11=1!C1'tr!I . . . Atoll soma. D ROPOSILS ARE IN YITELFOR THE ORA De -1 ATION AND MASONRY of the part of 0111 road net already under contract between thfuthertand and the 'Pygatra Vatley neer—a distance of about ILO miles. The number of aection• vow to he lei wiU bo about 5, of which YI occur between Cumberland and the mouth of the Savage river-18 in the glade*, and the remainder on Raccoon and Three Fork. crook.._ The vrork will generally he moderate, although then aro a number of wenons worth the attention of con tracture accost toted to heavy tuba rimvetticanons and ;lon. will be ready at Curt Ma imed ml and a lot the 11th of Augurt carren The to we Undo /mined, will ba selvad Maryland, up to Saturday the 101 l of $ eptember :Aclusive Farther information Fulin, t he hod at the Cpaura Oleo ia Cumberland. twtonennals required from Ulm manor. 1110 I:niers/gum, order of the Prealdent and IS 11E,s1J. LATItOrtE, Am; Calef lzrtneer. ENE= A. ALsso, Co Odd Markel stree, bss. received Urnsl, Diapers, Nankr,•• cothl qrl.lings, blue and arr.: s c Pro.. Nlerr:...mrlr, l'of Furniture do, 4—l Idgvrus. 1./nen Holland., thug lour'o and mtrip'd do plain Jaconeni. Largon Hdkfe, Ike , he . miglo oar GOODS AT IeVUOLESAL/A. R. htURYtIY invites the attention of met , cornea in Ws corner snd sarket strnms, Pittsburgh. TOO lining his secondsu for dna spring, ho has rimy hinds of goods at radupply ced prices, wadsous. styles not to ba fonud clsoirhans. nyislitsrT J.oammmiax4ll4 Pittsburgh gleam Plarble Works. NO. 944 LIB/ MIT. apron.. NntsitMwd street Math. Manses, Monotony, T-vilmTable Tops. • large variety of the most 1,..,a0 kind, mada of the (toast quality a( /conga and &muslin marble, morays on hood or made to ante, 1.3 r the aid of ma chancey, on the shortest notice nod at dip lowest price. M. U—The Cnontry Trade farnisheo with .IF kinds of Marble at the ;owes{ rates. All orders promptly traded to at 94d Laberty, opposite Sinithlield st tayafram W W 'WALLACE EISIIIT MACHINES: LULL'S Patent Stone or French Barr SMUT MA CHlNE—the beat article of the kind in we' they ran light, clean fast, do the work well, and will /est a alto tune. About SW of them are in use, in the best nulls in the conntry, and we nava th e eteongest testi mony of competwn persons as theth supenonly over oil other Fermi Machtnee Fee ftthther particulars, ak. drew the aubthriber at 144 Libeny et, Limburg& my:ln:dem W W WALLACE N 65AN11 BOILERS—Fat FN., new S and other nlls, always on hand, of Made to order on very short notice. and at the loweetprices. All or treexptly atten . dedt;ii at 544 14 m bn vA ktraattr pLASTF.R PAWL For land, and other mayors* always on hand at 144 Liberty sr. rny29 W W WALLACE n7llA—ATnr .fST— ei YA Liberty .t. • rity3o WW WALLACE iIIIBIRSTON473—AII nixes and calm, ninnys on kj hand at 544 Liberty wreck my. W W WALLACE TEAMTEAM: TEAR!!! IT re with pleasure that the subvenbers inform the mute. of Fattharth and cinny that they have eon:vie:ea arrant.. menu wash Messrs. 4 C. lentina te Co.. of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept eonmantly on hand. They are treaty and securely put up in metallic pucka of j, and t lb. euh with Meth punted card--showing the kind of Tea. pnee, name of the concern and depot in Philadelphia, with en i/Vllt3lllotl to return the Tea, if not liked . IGunpowder 521 75 1,00 1,1 1,30 Imperml ....... •• • .30 73 1,00 1.25 1,150 11 yson a 0 621, 73 1,110 1,23 T. Hy... 50 021 75 1,011 1,73 1,50 _ 1 Illmik •••••• • •• • ...... 371 50 B "'''''' S Eine and erne Etne• -70 1,00 1,25 141 We will werrant all the TEAS we sell to he equal to, if not BC/P,lool{ to •ny mid in tine tiny. Oct should they not prove cceptanle to the taste, they eon be r turned, and re a m oney will be refunded, mi It i. on ly with that undermanding we e ll. We oak • Pole trial, that M public may beatbla to ode between oor Tu. and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. Ail lovers of neta, delicious and good Favored TF—',2, should tier nit a call. For axle by 309. 9. INL vouric A co.. N W center Ith and Fen; K YOUNG & CO., myth:dn.* W earner .1.1 end Ross streets .•DR. W. H. PAR.R. ST; 7 "" (Latel?Ven ° ork.) Ontee—Smaithel street, between Seventh and Strawberry alley. N. R.—Yhsetwes of the month, rams and teeth treated Hontswepathseally. ,¢Beidat PICKLES, PRZSEILVES. /Le. WELLS, MILLER &PROVOST ICI Front street, New fork, MANTFACTCRERS of every variety of Pickles, Preserve., Jellies, Jams, Catsup, Sauces, Sy rups, Vinegars, Mastard. Spices, Extracts PATENT PRESERVED PROVISIONS, 'inch as Oy Lobsters, Salmon, Mackerel, Shad, %feat, Vegetables, les, Jae. Importers of Oboe., Capers, Salad Olt., Sardines, East and West India Condunenta, etc. The,, sloe k ss more extrnstve, competes a greater irlfletV. sad ts put up m better style than that of any ether !louse In their business in t h e Untied States Thetr goods are packed to all the VII.T10q)1 package. god in tm safe • manner as to bear transportatton any part of the country. N. R. Catalogues may be seen at the office of this Paper. Aeenta In Boston: Saes Peirce d. Cb. Philatlelplus JO, It Sumer Bahrnaoref A. flank Son. St. Loots Gee. Buchanan A- Ca. Louienlle: John floods dr Cu Cinema.. floor.. Bradman. ,o3thafho lUFFS BOOK-ICEEPIN4--iimrMA for maclum thpa work, wail tbe author's Ms - cello/lit to mom,: eTs printed on We cavern A nes rupply just room , rod from Now York, and (or Cale b $4ll JOHN H MF.LLOR. SI Wood st_ ATIIELEUM SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. T?le FA LL begs to inform the inhabitants of Pitts. . burgh and vicinity, that he has opened the above eszablithetent. where every attention will peal to the comfort of Gaze yr [to trtsy tivor Min wsh e.all Livery street. between Seventh and 11'no,L Ice °maws and ell other delicacies of the season. CLINTON PAP/La MALL. PPM undersigned have thia day assomated under A the name PI Thompson Hem; & Son, for the pur pose of manufacturing paper, at the Chu!. Paper Mill, where they will be pleased to receive, he patron. sue of the pub lie, and the former comerners o( me se nior partner. They will at all nines keep on hand a general a.- sornaent of writing, wrapping, tea and all paper,. bonnet board, blank Looks etc. ere, which they will exchange for clean linen arid canon rags. Prhiters and Book Publishers can be supplied with every d.eription of printing over at alum /Wife, and at rednee4 pace.. THOMPSON HANNA Aprll 1, 'BA—say:M.lom EDMIJIND S. HA N• Assignee , • Notice. s" ileitiemin Smith lawd George A. John sou, hierchwas of the city orPhtehargti. trading ,„ firm of Smith A Johnson have made to the sabronber. an asttenment of ail their Rgasta for the bench. of all their c ralnors , a. *ball within two month, from the date thereof execute and deliver to the we Smith & Johnson a full end absolute release of ail thew rospective claims and demands. Nonce, is hereby g roan that the assignment and re- Irene n Row at the when of the aatneriner, au, Fourth street, m the ear of Vittrourth. for inspeetiondrol nature with ail whom it may concern. Irtartmo MoCANDLESS. Assignee. DEAUTIPUL likNA2l eTTFsph' rha...tross.- 1J /Mie nsome Locminaon, lit Wood ect, no. Just received beautifully ornamented G R AT E APRONS, of • variety of pattern• and eolor, also, eat 'nun., Paper for ornametrong .loolung glasses, promos frames, 01 lamps. at= 1849. alitm B and Elle Express Paolist taus. R. U. PARK,, Seaver, Propneta. TUB new out elegant Poaengerreekeli,. NIAGARA, Cant Kin Jerrie.; PF.NNSYLVANTA, 't JII Hofrataig: LAKE ERIE. " M Trohy,• QUEEN CITY, " J flatly: Forming a daily Line between Beaver and, have commenced running, and will continue daring the sea son m make their regular trips, leaving Beaver after the arrival of the morales boat from Pittsburgh, (I o , dock, r. r 1 and arrive at 1-}te in time for passengers M take the Morning boats to !duffel° or up to Lah.e. Ticket. through to Erie and all Lake parts,. can be had by enrolment. to JOHN A CAUGHEY. earner of Water and Souttifielil it. a GEORGE KECK, saLgat ander the St Chartmllotel Hatteras Trimmings Chalky for Oath. TTadvertiser is now opening. st 111 Weer Street, g New York, a complete assortMent of HATTERS' TRIMMINcis, selected by himself from the palatine. tortes to France and Gennaly, which snit be mid iow for cash. Pleau call end exam,e before poiehasing elsewhere tytrnller, Nate Voes. July. la& NEW LIGHT—We. have received • tot it: Lamp. of varius sues and kind., of a new construct... that I. quit e , torip.o and complete—acme ornamenul Also,•the arab. to burn lit lava called. -Burning Eno& oe Pfiberial OIL' . It ha rare qualities which recommend to the intention of steam boat men. hotel ' keepers, and bout° keeper., for cleanliness, economy, ad brilliancy, surptuses any thing portable now am. Persons who please to cal on us will he moat the peepliarntes of thts new comptand. A constant supply of the Fluid and Lamps kep t by SCAIPE & ATKINSON, Pi rst st. tafil between Wood and Market I NEW II Ait OW ARE STORE. SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, ' 78 Wood Pittsburgh. "Er USER AND LAUFM AN,l mporter . and - dealers fl It Foreign sod Demesne ILAILOWARE, in all tts varlet., are now prepared to sell es low ond on As n:tunable terms a. am be purchased elsewhere We solicit oar friends, and the pantie generatty, to ca/1 and examine u or stock, which Consists tit pan of KNIVES and FORK: , , POCKET and PEN KNIVES SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trbanings t such as Lake, Lathes, Hinges and S.:rasa, together stab every article analty kept in Hallways Stores. We mate the attention of Carpenters and Meehan,. generally ta nor assortment of Tools,wlueb have been .leered whit great care, and which we are daemon. ed to sell sou to gum satisfaction. arad&wT Linodng.--ti b alviktaised Tin Plats. T H A " .7....7d.l ', .. S t A lltultra, ' to ° ' lt d an7 advaetaires which these plates posses. over all other metallic subsume,. Intherto cad for rookute, ac, es they possess a arsi neon theft of iron without As liaty to rust, harng now bait tested' for severe! years in dus paned., both Mos country end m They are les. liable to expansion and contra. nen from sudden change all. atmosphere, than ea.. men tin plates, iron, or or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently forte • mach better end tighter to requiring far less frequent repair., whilst dm first cost is but a ma more. A full supply, of all sires, (meal(' mai W. G., ..- .Randy on hand And Mr sale by f GEO.& MOREWOOD & CO., Viand le flenver street, New York. The patent nil" for this article having been secured foe the Tinned States, all pima* Infringing Menton, eater by importance or otherwise, will be pr....e.t -.d. uefilid-trasliT JURIES D. LOCKWOOD, For =say yatora eouneetett with Mews. Wiley tr. tana=, and late Jahn Whey, N. York and London,) LCM.UIMiI •ML 151 0 04.1.01/ ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN BOOKS, No. 03 \ Vow, IgTZTIT, (Nearly opposite me St Charles liotel,l PITIMUURGN. lEr English, French, and German Reviews and Magazinery and Newspaper. imporred to order, prices of which may be amertamed on application to Mr. L. Catalognes grans. mysi Das MINT, Uttrisiter Dentist. Corner of Franth and Decant:, hem,. Market and Ferry west. . _ . W rg.l3=7,Wi MOneMI A M.F..ILICAN 11015 E CARPENTER.—The Amen -L-1 etm linear tarneoter, • tre•use apes Architec ture, COTIIMe• aud Mooldiona, Framing, Doors, Win dows, and Sam, together with the most It:Rymer-tar prinetples of Praetmal Geometry. HY H. G. Hatfield; 11 ed. two., wim over nt.O enrrraeomrs. For sal2y . amen, JAS D LOCK 1V0011.13 W Ilrool.--The highest price in ...mtsh pofd Tor lean TV leashed Woof, by fl LEE, sugla Lib.rry HOUSES. LOTS, FARMS, &v IN THE Tux 91.1(TH WARD FOR &ALE-- A Lot of Droned having • from of 42 feet on Fallon awe:, by 100 feet deep to ut elegy, on which is envied two good two story back Dere:ling House. The above pro pe rty Ia well Improved and pleasantly shamed: mid will be told very reasonably, (either altogether or pen of it,) if application be mede soon to HENRY B. MADILL, on the premiaea anglAdtf FOR9-itEirieklionso. Wori-ottl6leor both./ and Lot, on Robinson street. Allegheny, near old Bridge. Peer low and loran easy Inqoire of H . 21 SCHOYER, 110 Second in FOR RENT. FOUR newts.° story Brick Dwelling Routes, well finished and In complete order, Centre Avenue, Of Hi' emit& road, 7th War on d Pass &eastern given immediately. Rent low. Enquire of JOON WATT! CO, Ogg corner Litany ana Hand ass FOR &Alai. .tILA VERY dean-able reudenee HI the bo- 1 2 ugh of hieheater, adjoining Joh Dw ning, Paq. The L ot Is corner care, fifty feet boon by one bandied and ninety feet deep—with a two nor, Brick House, manly-five legit front, with two Dorton, dining roam, mid kitchen - on first floor A carriage frost tree house, stable to and grasser'', and the lot fall of chorea s, all good order. annum or the sabscri. bet, Lumber Merchant, Allegheny city. JoUndAstf T JNO. PATTERSON. , FOR R. —This, the story Briek Dwelling name, on Liberiy, between Hay and Matter; ancta, noes cceopied by W. Grahant,..k. Possession given immediately. Enquire of Wm. Grabens. or et the Bookstore of JOHNSTON R. STOCKTON. • iy27•dif corner Market nod Third soda.. Prop•rty >a All.gbainy OlEy for eld• rt TOE .nbannbe od for sale a number of Choirs Una, Atlanta in o rho Second Ward, fronting on the Connann grown], on rosy forma. Inquire of W. O'H. ROBINSON, buy at Law, St Clair at or of JAS ROBINSON. on theorem:dans rowl7rdkiwifT Damirable Prort for Sale. frltiry..beitanfulvebll pey reabikienee, Me rep af T ih " eUrl c ' west y of Sre beon i lie , P., and st djjetnao tut the Kteeheavale and Cambridge road. The for contains about eight acres. err. meadow, tied ander pod (Met. mapianrements are a two awn Brick Dwelling Have and Kitchen, brick math Swam i and chicken hotiK, a good frame stable, he. Thera in a variety of and threbbery, hut a foll tion of this we e p known pm . ..Sy is deemed nnneee.. wiry. It in one tithe aidu beautiful ram rt,ats ay. the vicinity of Rcinonville, and Le perhaps one ca most neeililsynnlidmisg Me many edvaetancs weirs Thentry., with few of the inconsoniracel mai..title is unexceptionable. Posseutms coo be given on the first of Nbvernaer For further par. dealers, apply thogh Nil °Wee, address ilia cabs ro enber. Ellliensville..lerferson comity. U.. or at ba, resalenceLoo the haat of the Oino,opporite New Cum berland, Y 4 JAMES R. AL rsTEIVART, ird7-wk.9 Ear of Alex. Stewart, dyed. POR RENT MA large atom on Market at, boipopn and and 4A sts, well Etalahed and tined up fur oods, beteg • good stand PA/ that buetste.... AI, iv • kt (Kee. 3rd in, =ET Ptah. hous• frE D 0 AZZ Nal 11 to . 12's FOR SALE, A THREE FOR !haven:tug House, [mine tha d douse from Peon street. la Swyderni Row, on /bar street. Immediate posses cco will ho given. Enquire of EAVID RITCHIE, Attorney m Lavv—othlo we+ Fourth street, between Cherry alley And Gram SM.. _ j1412:411f _ . FOR RENT, 12. FOUR new two story Brick Dwelling Houses, well finished and in complete order. on Center Avenue, 7th Word. Possession given July Is, Real low. I.lnottire of JOIIN WA RA CO, _toecomet oi lAbertY min Den , '1'O&till 201trl AND 1., 0 inakiickiklN. Tundersigned offers for ale in 3r R- ..1 rounty. Pa, lengi news of well ilmnerei LAN 0, with an eseci:ent Saw Mill heart" new, 0011 two rew Frame nausea one 41 foot front hy 17 back; the other :la feet (met by '3 l beet. Also. eood new frame Born. Miry by forty feet. The WAR and land are situated four miles from the Allegheny river. A 'rent deal of PINK TIMBER of the best quality, end also a +oat quantity. of the very best hemlock. Also. one acre no me bons (Ike - Allegheny , near s rove, moot artnuratily ada,t ed (or rafbag, where turn,r can be ratted on the ice in winter. smd perfectly Aare Im a m utl frr.hota.-- Prier 69.000, or SO un acre. Terms easy. Will take a well cleared small farm, with good house and or• Ohard kmon it, apart imymern, of location Ls suitable, and ago balance lumber, or on may be agremr-or Thin is an excellent opporionitv (or 'authentic nod the probnbility is great 11101 10 two or three years due property will double its noble, in roe )nonce oi tar proximity to the Now York end Eno Lladroad. Tao • ber suffiicent to Amor out several saw mills—and an - eral mill sites on the stream which suns nearly through the centre of the land. About fifteen acres in gin. , No 101 l to rinein hauling lumber from min to nver Trout and game in abandon,. Per farther irtrtice• addreen, (post-paid,) P. lETE,mptit.:roN. mestdicsetnt Gael. office. Pies:ninth. TIN* Loa. for Sale. iithmenbens tool sell pnvate to two T valuable Lois of Ground, situated on Tomato •r. in du ' f Ward of Allegheny City, each having how of •sti fret. running back Bat feet in depth to a . .to feet s,:ey, upon watch is both none wall, ...11 by Ina feet. which contains stone enough to build cellars for omfortable dwellorm houses. and on front Men age a ilree trc-s co yers crowd,. and the sod.- wa:k 11 paved with tinet. al a iot watch oelll ~I Paulin:eh no I Allectimoy. or Cowity Sery, mu; be token in pupae. JN, 5 Wood st . or to \Y,\l. BENSON. narnedmicir opposite seed lots, toy Z, VOR SALE— Osr I,n. cdattoly situated in me, o 6 town of Ito imnelonon. The lots ern sit., trd ne Denman t hree, noinMer , ,l on F linesman's pll.l 75 P.., xi. dl and S2—Lot \o 75 (remit. feet on Me ry Aso street. 70 feet dehlt, the other Mar (e-t front • cze h, by ell feet deep T. nun—tire:it., part of parr Anse money may mom for six years, sectored by mortgage For partici alai, intim:, of y la S SC , IIOVER. lin secondat Valranlal.Cinal Lnad toe ABOUT fear miles above (Awn Not, at Me mouth of Pine Ran, hlonougatiela li.ver. The Coal,. °film very best quality, unit ea., Or Oren.. Aim number oft from tomitty.ti ve to a hon.lted, nusht be obtained. Pe. cme, rsons dettrons of purehosia:, rm. roll on WALKER RRED, on the pre/inlet, or OVro Reed, opposite the Post office, who will give any in lonnatlon coneoming the property. The above .vt I be sold at a great bargain. my2l,lfirn MO LET—A good brick Dwelling house, ..tuato On, Itobieson otrect, Allegheny. Enquire of my BS 501,001115 SC BOYER F OR . il unto on t‘ ' titc ' Pr FORS.ree 5 R i e teem it 20 feet front on Webear, 67 ,0 fort to a 4 vo feet alit, —quite close to new court house. ht. 292. d. 'Dimm e r •Wit cash in hood; balance in one, taro, t h eca and four years from the first of April last County tout City Scrip taten for cub payment In qutm of mylfi ~C HOYER. I le sceend ot 260 Aorea UOO, plena for roase ' SITUA I':nlxoe tho Mourciamholit river,nbotal4 4miles Crum Pot idravgh nada rules above third Loot, in the immediate nelghborhood of 51csatrx. Lyon A. Stunt, Cod Mr..lohn Ilerron'a porches., This fine body of alwill be sold at the low price of &Up.. arro—ono third In Land, brolauce in fire equal onzhou payment, without interest Title indt , pnmibe. ',ovation Ter) good--catmot surpnroed. For fur th er poruchinre ettgaire of S. LIALBLEY, who Yea n draft 61 said pm poorly. Resideucc thl shier-low Ferry, 3lr. Advent , Item. N. U. There ts another sown of coal en But tract, etiolate/Ifeet above the lower, ol ereellent que/ity . Irsidtt S. It. reotei - TOi Rosie. - MBE soliscnbers see odu,or..teol Moder at vyr j mle, and upon highly fa eure.ole memo. a number very voloalrla compo o 1-srue portiOtt of the tatsnunitmte.l O. 1,,... n •tut 79, on Woods' Oeuentl Past of the 1.111 of PoU4 , urek, sita.• ted at the ;moth contentedly tomer of 1 . 0011 W,tl ne strecu, tramong 110 trot on the former, an.l extender, along tac loner about Was feet to the Al,eganny nee,. and bri,i o pan of Ma Rem Esmte of the :ate James S. Stevenson, neceased. • • . A (Han or subdivision rtf the ttituvo (ma, in nonibrt may wutt winch ti nropoted to foal f , Peen st the °tune of Me und•rtigued, on PoJrth. twlweer Slr. let and Ferry .la. SV.. LIAMu S &fil IN. my 3 TWO IltreYe.S WV o Lars an Itcernr .treet.,nth. rain n Allnabeny, above the upper CO bleb Acted a frame building, two untie ßl ', lll,ll, lupe. •411,,,• far two smell tenentedist TIC 1.. are each t• my feet In front by oar hointre leet ru” to a street forty fent wide. butidntas on the pro. ntisea roil pay a very liandroins interest on Site ment, and the property w.:l l.e t.nbt cheap Inc cult. Apply to If. Sproul, Clert's °dine; IL S. or to nov2l . KAY et Fo rfeotosa estattoto Land r At:ILK"; OF D,stsnoted In Peebles tmen .l. %env. on the 31onottenheht, three mile. from Poe. burgh—tont. to too pore hnorit. For further part ~ ktler, yto liner, Vn0..1,341 pt. nr to A ‘V.WeIIiNfiTON, noveV-hr hth. 3nove South/held 41 Vt.F.SALM.—'ll;c.volrthcr of. r. for ...le tne Oft" , ery hock 11 1.rehou.o on Weent street. oreoinen ey R. Taunt, kr', , rAt. WIL , AIN. Jr. VI L Rift, I. F wivir FOR SAGE—A I.ot of t:roand mutate on Penn, Hay an.l 7.1,1,0ry arrms. adottonn Inc hone ana lot now 0,..,,ne.1 by Etc har . ..l PAWN rd, hav:ag a front of 23 feet, oat! is depth On met. ertn hn sold on favorable terms-'Hite nonsonpumtat;ln. En quite of t:1-0[f C. 0. LOOMIS, lth vt, near Wood. oc A DESTRAIILE Ilu F tlng s Ln 4l t% AlleOrny arty, m voranly tocntc.l,t.t .tse anat. hall an nor, nna will be told nr, wrmn. Inquire o, fohn J I) WILLIAMS, lin wood &n I , llliiti.;;VC—A room in We renond ntorri,:ij Wl_ 25 Wood o woo tame '‘ , /010.1 KILLF.R. MUY4IN''' P 117,1.211, June 1 . 1. Mr. John 11. Morgxn—Dear Sir: I gave one 0,910011 fu!l of your Worm Vier to one army children. atel to LUC ..13,1 tlenc ulnae half boor it 'passed tsr-ntylame worm.. I feel safe mending your Vero:dui, et the best medicine that eau ue used for exprlliii,.; worm, .lalie.• Moan., near Nob:rain., Prepared and so:d by the propnetor,JOHN U MOR GAN. Druggist., one door below Lbarriond alley. Wo.ed street. _ SIIACKLETT DRY GOODS JOBBERS, vJ WOOD STRZI-rr, 111 now receiving.n ;rery or fre•% linogls, of recent pnrchn, anJ nnportation,h.,l they wtil scLI to the trane at such prices as cannot lag; la rive entire stausfonnon. City and Country Merchants are invited to tail and calamine oar stock before purelnasuyr elaescume. 1:350:1113 VIGUT RAMS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or a .5, L.,' Bath for likeea dents LaJie• Deparurtrnt open fro n 9 to It o'clock. A. M. mad Ito 5 o'clock, I•. M. • Saloon end Fitebli•lmen:. 11 , 13 T Yetpririor. 1.)0010S BOOKS!!—A oecowl Vi., IP the I.7nitcd Sldlo4 DI North /manes. hp Ett Cbar.+ Lynn, F. IL S. History of tee Aeoeiiiito /Mote Sociiity, from it. or 'animation to Li, of eincinnad. Sit prc*ent Ay W. P. Strickland, Ron. N. L. Rise, 11. of dm Sameor's agents, "nth an introdnction Ly Pan Scl *mothers Cornson Place Boot. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, .e , rner . ll_siv.l and Market OEO. W. BIIITII f . CO., pFOAM their f r iends and the pablie that they Oars a toners any uanneetion >nth thew late estaatima went In Penn atrecl, human as the Pot... Leigh Hrtvwc, b.ving removed their car3re b....> a. pov, 41{RIVESIW. Pir 1 lleirlt - WPERY- 1 1Sold nod latge variety, of (ha Lam qualiue• end snot Bawer Spoon., made of cantkod COlll mud woe mini; Military Goods; a Ad; 2tasartmeat Patent Solar Lard Lamps, now at universal are, andLdivina the bast and •cosiaiwat light; TaNle Cutlery, Tea Ware, comr...tde. flpeewalel, Cold Pens. kw W W WILSON, Comet Market itod•Forirdi •• • ' bowl. v. Nicaeriku, I,{ILLEItt RiCiarrsoN,Nbotaallanroeers, urcl Lmportero of Uruld/cm, 172 ¢vd 174, corner of Liberty aratrwia stme iurgh, Pa 14no, Nag., Collett YU., !a. te t, . eon- Cintly on dial anti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers