~ f _i. t ~} _..~-~ . . TRANSPORTATION LINES. • packet tf:Avr.R, Cipt. &malty, will kite ieerjuliarl9' on Monday. i:MCcelnimidaraind Priddyeteninearit 6 P. M., Mid arrite s tAY• ..9fn.6 0 • ni eon othink e ed uk .dc—rettunini; a.. Ygnnp t TcreadaT. Ttnirsdn y, and • Sinnott/ evenings 0.4 P, M, and reach Beaver 'in time for tiro morning We; AlithiGllnilY CLIPPER, arriving at Piusbustkil r 2 sOelock. The pnelretCob& Downing, vlll lease Beaver Teeaday, The r m:lay rind Paturdar ra.h . nine of minnarig, leave New Caelle, Mond*, Wednuday nod Pndny evening. et 6 P. M. Can can• oreting snas 13101111.135' boat tor Pitudiargh. The= [Me ,1.11 Lord op la rotriplote order, hh . p . r• mg tine le rot. ir. renijopiie for pruhrengers. and iihippere nay rely 01 .n.rf C pude...thy mid greater derpaipir wan bar bell., been obtained eagles. nti , a A h. it. FTLE/I & Co- Prop ei.eira7 r. C. ttdwdfl, Agent, uidiurgh. Pic:writ & tiro.. Bearer. A. D: tar, Vounginown. R. IV. or oingininahNear Cantle., The eiedant nearneriALIX.CHENV P14,110E111 lenvo Deaver. dady at c nod •Tilishorgh et.ZP al, .armingoanneenon wall:111e al .1, bon.. ."15 1849. i tt E em maim - Warren edad Cleveland 11;ineenger LIAO. Cann eneket—SWALl,ol (rfla ortke,k, bore Peekeu iE21,0 Beaver every ay itiondayy excepted) and next morning At vrfevi When they earumei vilh the of Sumvaler Akron end Cleveland, arraying im each of iheia places before night of ti,te packets leave to dilly ) M , end Meat er no time to takeilhe wonting [matter litiebarch. CRS LEFFIZIGWELI.L Co, Wanre, j M TAYLOR.tic .1011,1 A cm:min', Agent:, npll corner Warr .cl Smithfield WI iliktMi 1849. „ EEL UNION LINE, ON THE PF.NIT'A AND 01110 CAN ADS. Onewman A CuswantliM,Clevelm4.o. RG. Pliers. , Deaver, Pa. 1 tHISt Lire will be preps ed an the opening of EMl germ. to transport freight surd Passengers from I'ITS,BLOICiII and CLEVELAND, to my point on' the linnet end Lakes. The facilities of the tine are umarvassed in nanDwr quality end rapacity of Boats, experience of espthlris, nod Ode ieney of Agents. One Boat leases Pittsburgh and Cleveland Milne's, lung to conneetton with toe members • . LA IC tUERIE AND MICHIGAN, yeomen Pittsburgh and Beaver, a and lira of firstelms Steamers, Propeller. and Vewels on the Lanes. Amara—it ti Parks, Beaver. P. daps Ilaldwia, Youngstown, Ohio. It Taylor, Warren, " ',- Cyrus Putting. Rasmus, Wheeler 6.. Co, Akron, Coterfont &Chamberlin, Cleveland, D Set. , A firtfitit, maga N. V. /GEE A. CAUGHEY,Aigkm, 0(6,,, tor Water and FicnitWield .to. Pittabores. nitti2l.ly BkCAVEIL PACKETS.P Steamer MICHIGAN No. 9—Colic. Wenn. ' - LANK • Cordon. • 9 'III: shove mentor and yell known 11 , •nver Pack's rm. have commented magna their daily trips to nod nom Ileasi•r. and continua to run list/alien lanuLarea and Bonver rsgultirly dune, the imai,on, as to!lows.— kliehignn No. 2 'CRTC. Muslin's h daily xt 9 o` loot. A. M., and Soaks, at 2 o'clock, P M. Loth Eris bate. Seaver dimly at S o'Mock, A. M., asid Pitmf-mrgli tit 2 o'clock. Tlisse rummers will ran in crioncetien It 1: Parka' Ilkoress ...Iciest Lose, for Sam, Taylor & IsStinvrutra Wurren I nton Lice or Fitt4 , ,, Bon,. ic! Cleveland; o:an, &(:o, l'n,ourrlt end Clevelaml Larkt4peaght BoottLL 1. Prakcastle Packets. CLARKK PAI.K4t Co. Bea , rer, JOHN , A CAUC.IIEV. Paubar6h, melk.3l ror NV zmi, Et ,, swthfierS 01 _ 1649. DITTNBUND AND ChEYDLAND'; - , LINE, I.N TDE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CV.AI.S. Prrynlrtnr., of kivi cht prtnldoqn-d and Iritroulvt j. datiy I• • . Coll Oita, ni SI V.l-:^. r orrarAl I.y theinneive. Anti runzuar anct• ~,An tvllh thy. rat..in 2.VF:I: AND - POl.l, rantrlrd odrt anNuaPrd far.l4:4es for nrAl....pr,Anuna imrht and intent:llcl,, *a the o w .nitt; and I n LE, point, CM ati Pe an. ar-.1 la4A, N A ,:rir rural the 3,u4r, P. (I I-1' & CO. Dlteeft.:.&. BIDW ELL & art,rrnuu 'Asyut*. Drar , J. C. BIDWELL Arent. • v ter w c. Plll.lour,n "Seas* BIDWELL S: BROTHER Forwartlins Merchants, PA.. . . . ..11. , ":4 for the P x.S..urgheadClrtriand Ltni, Pat.. I,,gh and Erm Lane mu Ent, dm/ fuf egram iurtta Bran, m uf Call C.,pc. I lay dip, purchaccd ho 1-tr, and snbsulnliolf Wharf Ildnt lent Idvit for ho Ntoldnighbria l'ararfv. basr wan the addlt:on n Wardt,dr... 14e MO. 31twir rommodaLoons rect.! vidZ d'd•l ecide, done . uinlo.tllltelil , ll. h^ end d i e-pa 1.1 cvnongnments dd., , drr. r,..y tiicij frirad. tdr inn! 2111t0 . PITTSISVUOLI AND hill Y: LINK. i Na= 1849. 1.14 Estahloioal lan, ON TLIF V.St I 1,. 11.1TF.NSION CAN ..., frill: Pon...et:of thm t k.O.r. d c... , i1 oCattle & COB FAsti:EXPtusse. Hoots.. now prepaord to transport l'a,user.r. , , nod I , ,etnltt to a 1 polo. on 11, I . Tm Estenstha. NoR,, ark Cattalo anal the Lalea, upon the roost ravoralrir t terms and with despatch. This Lthe noU au eonnecuon with the steam b0ar1 . .., 11F.A 71.:Et and C.A.LI , AI COPE:, brumes= PALshorgtr r i. T „,...,....„..., ,_..?,.BT.,r.,_Rr,.Nof,r_r_T-60. New ..„ and Beaver. C m tt.,,d . . Lane of Meant Imataand are 4 '............7r• r.r. .-Ol o rs t ...r .„4 ,, lr n r .:T o l . k r o un package. or f . ~... sela on Use Lake, and the Troy and Michigan I.abef, ..u.,.. „ r ., , , r „, .. . ,S oen, , asons na,,y, at the auser,,ra.a. Hoot Line on the New York canal . r t ! J. 11, DI4WELL, Agent. V M. IS:ELL Propnetor, Ede, Pe. q V,1ctrr,,,,,,,... Prnaos , th Bidwell L. Dea t h ,. A reel.. Beast,. ~ . 3.1 t W T Mather. Agent at 1 hleoramen's PAssenri) ~...„,, .. R. Ur: \ 4,.., e. in i P!ri s: Office, Vonongithelo' House Pr_shorgo. ~..:. , , 11 - '-. ---....----„---,L2...,t05,r.r.:-::',,,4,,rrp.".: •.. 1-t.HroPre COSSIUN.IIES-W C Malan, :An r , it, 1 1... .25: 101 l • i r - .- '"'"•,, - Shot-pato:cm Smith tr. Innantna, do, .1 Li ethenntell„, I ... uun nig u a sad gelnitSsuse.• 01111 e a. o,,,,,,t rs e s vals, Wier,. Agate & r'n. do: Wro Hairy J, saacHDEN la CO, cgruonhe to hong pt t 0.0... Hansa's= Dusts 7 Saone. trudalo; Ilarner;;rsiblta SA aki „,,,.., p „,,, E ,„ . ,,,..,„ c0 ,‘„, d ., Co, Soniimir , , -th• A Art0...u0 , .g, 000011, ii-}ti...o Writ upon the mom hber terms. ant, 11 Ne wherry, Sheboygan, 2,111.0.10100% A Wilthints..ll7.lWariA .., ,,1 „,_,,,., „ an d no=tion _ o _ on. o. . on.. km I,:nop,.7.lortev A Dutton. Racine; John El KirtproC, , or , r , =„7 . .....4, ~, , ,,,L ~i'.',, ,T,_..... - . ....: , :_r . ... Chicago, A Wheeler . Vo. :, et.. York _ PO: i . li 2. , ~,,,;Zgd„. ~, ....m. . .,, - 4 . ,;;;;,3 . - ,..,,t ~.,,:::.- ~.:',,,,,,... Pit.Mtbiligh and Blairsville Paaskerr, LajorN.l. ii:rta, as wt tote : o h-Y 0 ofgl.f7 . _ e r r t r ro T r r or r , .- . 2 ~,:: 1 ~_ 4 d ~r.s; ..--• • vi, prt la mad:[ a t a .... 9.••••l r no. .1.0 . -3 ,T.J a -f , _7;v.. 7 f apaLett thed4wit&eut an 7 dothnonn by the Gut erupt . '"'''''' ...- :j We soy Ltuaferleasly, as sit dell one of our po,. r! r 1 lb Pnrd. .re r,hP,'''iln,'Y ;,,farmed Ll J.: DI lers to shOglr that they were trital l, ad th boors by us tn i blAtesnALL. & co. hare Eved oerimartnirr 'l,.erpool, Whilst thOT ,,, d , tanf , o el me,, (t,. apundol Packet Boots to ran donne the set'son., her ~,,,,,,,,.., n al, 4, on ., ir ... . 6,, ,,,, ,, ~ tweeit Li:au...stile and Putsborr , - , he boots rp be Ma, o p', rothOorhun tno froguehdy p v their .os rd by three" horses, and evert *don made to steatite . ii,..,,,,,,,,,, n , ~,,f,,,,,„ 0r,....,,,.,,*„..,,,,..0.17. ce., toodate passengers. c _L t ssloU tt ut . and not act a,asibe caw last season. llsrarstrarm.-host will leave Potsbdrkh evert ...44, r op e r , ara,..-vrito either ~.,,loaned not all, or Alinadny, Tar day. Thursday nod Froloy, a!!o'clOr ~ ~,,,,., 4 ~,,,, .„14,,,,,,,,,, 0 „..,,,,,,,.., on. From tnauevillo eery Monday, "Sdnrr:drri; Drafts to.. at frinatouth fonany suns from Si to Thursday and urea., nut o'clock.... st.., Frdc.orr.l... of .jaa,. 1.,...,..,,,,y..Lth4p,.1..,,,ij „ Lc „, ~,,,, x . :o Ire. " ' . 12" 0 r fi " h 0 .time d. 7 A ""' hone ' ' t"" r . i'" ' ' 42d.''' ' ''''' A JZS.II A I4 A- ROBINSON, Holman set Meet the boot al Sun . ...burgh. ItaMt 041111, want awl downtown! nth-putting pmscareE: , thrOesp , Fatropeas ani General af r nt. tram that photo to one day. . • 1. rent , Filth WWI, antMltatt twin.. W0n. , 4 Fm'"' r" '''. ''''' Line '6l ''' ''' • . IsciaßEßY IniCairtiAN BLIND, house o f the lislonneith. Lou, by .1 nn. Fatten &Alit ASA . sur,,,..rw 42,00„, who arc our authonsed Aecnta Ad rreartz reedt veld tree of eintatritsloons. J 11l MAR-VIALS.. A Co.fP . . r ,. , 0 ,,,, ar , ,,,, N ~.._.., _,, ... !NO FA lIREN A Co, Menu; ;1 ‘-4.---... .... ..• ... f olly / . 4 .,,,,,...y. 0 ror ag r T io :r i l Canal Ilasto. Ltiattly AI. PallatuNhi. r........,... a. , keeps,ao. loOd at Lust:old ass the A Hoek lenses Unursvine for Youngotrufm on ttY . --•- - west side o f the Dianlol3.l. Alt, mt,VM at the , ant -rettuna tot ot in morope roSr ~.....____L0.....__,,,..... 6 ,... y .F .. .. 0r , 000rp , o . oororr. from Pittsburg:: in ~ onaretown *2r-reran : TA .PdtsS :--- ',....=::-.: metope rchann Blinds, also Ye ,f Boatmen , Lane ,roosh . .s'l " -t--V , .. it..,-....._== Zr .i . ...4 nitiorPf.lunfars are marle to or- PUTTSBUIt.O ll Poll3:Artiokt. atssaa as . r. ..- 7 .7=.1 . Aer ante isk , si style, warranted , ci ~,,,,,,,.....4 . :t ....,,, ft , F.... ___ 1 .,... t in u i 1 i. 24:2 . 21 in 1 ,, he r 1! ,, n.te . d ., :tat.: •, : : :.1- '- a - .. ' ....!..., ..- 6 . ~.. ISl ' 7 •' f ;:a , .....Z. Z ic; ' "9 ------..-.. ' 1.2 t ki; ail of : se ' r A c ' w. sane. For Oa Transourrotara of Peng& thual . frentE ~,-___...,,.---•_,_.......---- two uq u a ..,,, , ~, ,- „,.. r ... , I'ITTstHIJRI'II, frill LA.DP - .1.1 . /11 A. 11A.I.TG‘1.11(F., pi. ~i. - -..„. . .,..____-........, a- toola,,and V. 1 .& .he raionet e . yoRK, IHNTON, A.c. 'il ..=--.-•-,-....*.‘; malrshatenßaf Itorromy /s 2.1,1 e l UMM21 , 40- Palla..et,Thia. 1,, ....."---.-__.....,........= land, T, tonitprepored to furnish Tae"AAA A 0,..0 ,0 01 , .. l'1110.0.11012: , -- 7, - ..... ,-, .. -,- Lttc,, Old o.isunners, as wen its PUP+ old <Am/dashed Lane being 110 w In 012 arat:ttl, lb . ~.,,,,,,,..,10,,,a 0. , ~,,,,,k,thpt .12, mere 000 J. that. the ptaprmlopt are" . Mernta.l with 111..1r t 3 all. ~,.,,,,, N o ~,V0,,,, cards, „. erg 1. . 0%. clitenmt nmangerneritt to twara naMMILLV,O, ii . Leta , , S A RO N '"`.. A '' ‘"' ul ""'""°"" " a" ",,,-_''' '`l'' pAPEaliAttiNus--1 il. no. ~,,,, ~, f , dues stath 1.,e , regtoanty. despatch nod salary w ollar. to ,_____... _ ..,_____, .. tor 112011 mode of trausponotion so onviows, StMett. tIV,I- ~,. L , :: ,, r iin......„.%.7:::,..7:1:, ~,, ,kc,, , ~, ,...., m a. ,,, . 01 "" 00 " 1 " '''' " 7 " 000240 d. ' went of nil th e thlest awl mdst Aproved style , of sa kli '''"4"'"' by "a f" th " li" r '"P cd•''b r 4 .. 7- on glased and sot 1§AP4.14 HANGINInS, con g<. and forward.' to any required dud - Lois li r i,!e rooor , 0r .. r0. , L .:. of ehortre for r"mnerr.tro ^ t rtd.ro r bff of ..4 , .. =. ji: 10,ma faeces Of Parlor god Hresen, 1 No odor,. dirgetly or soduretty, In stews. hoot, S• 10,000 ° i Hall and Co4lnso, All commonmhaao•PromPOT n n tor oPir4. - 10,(ass 01, Duung-,Yom and office tom to the followan, agents . I . IIOS 80R1111RtF...27, Market at, PhtlacTe ' IpLia '?' o P r r r 7V, } o . v 6 in I r oo ", 00 td P o r T A rr ."" r 4:7 o ' o n r o t ro h ;: r. 7.'“ or . o ° , TA AFFF, lc O'CONNOR. Coon: 'lour., Py tabrikail 4 mate Pour! . tLikehouse At . A. C HILL, 01.:ON NOR & Co, North at. Galtintore.,: rucl4 ..„, : .i, • 07 wood Mt _ .. er (.-'r" ' ' 2,-7..171-4UTIVfIYr ttha apt:Oa:armed th . teceare a 1849 4=74 ~, ,,. ...z. .._ (j. lafge saws:teat al; Panay VALUE' 1 tslsoDP, . . -..A.." ' ''. ---‘"-- coruistasi to purl of .Antatiala„,l2thbons, Laces. 110- ' ""Anty ' ''''.. Ass ._„, P° „ "T ' '''' .- ' " 1 ." ~,,i.1:14200, Crape, Lets*, CaMbracs, Netangs. Lore '''''''''''''''' r 1 l'r Vrals !Atha/a, Fihngeo Hattllkei . ..h.e.s. gems t..r,,sots, Jong artaltats, Tlta o lithoira..tl goteh ' air6ind eshon Ilatinkerdluelo. corded PAT, V.: u llmatate, /aro. De.aa. it , „„„....,,,,,slo t , Th reads, lio/4tas, VOlntal, imacipt, Cilt ettraineted on strut Fobboth.keeping p r Oticiplea: 20 , 1 ...ai . .a .c. C ou ntry lond ony rocrehnsits r arr . tes- MIM I.Pro'arr . a d" . i'd r.r.b,''' . `1, 1. " . .....,.. pecifolly,,inaltedith call nll4 estimate has sous. No at .1_ Pot Weir... ,o: to" mo - r For.P'' ,. orr . r. rr.. i r ‘ • Wood siteet.e.saiter o af oD!,1 alley outon.i thoroughly perpoud to n.r.aaro Produce and:dela iiin. daar a. and from the ',stern cities . 00 c ta.ITKA' CT Clir COFFIOI Atohooiruele which 01 . 1 a. - W t al th. tt , Marr t ot an ihe aarrtlna 1.:4 portrcomunt into ruins ayr es i osoe . , , t , a , or , ; ,,,‘ .ar . n ost :,::ortd imtlont lend to the ante:Mats of db. nod achsloos teeveraye. haste more p eno mar tyill areal , to us a continuance afal inariase unable thln ervoshon Cadeuitsurlfor eneupe . r . , l : 5a ,, ;1:L0 . 1 , 1 ':( th ' 02 0 00 to Illingrounf a 1.4 P e. paper eisung ably ten Otits,;.,..vall . go e patronage , ~ ' . 4: hi poundadiColled, alsmufattured II) Our arrangements an, enablo Im 20 P.M_ - r,-g r L. 1.115 ..6111. , ,......, 71.,0100. r. with the utmost deapoich. Mid our r owerhnu tiHthlra ....sale Sold 'lO whotesale by •a A IrAIINEPTt /Ca a Co, 20 ' " ""' i ''' ' '''' ' ''' 'A '1 ," ' I' . corner Pt First and Wood god Ilisth and Wood street, Lint. We have opened en odic- in No U.l Sarket s . 4,, , Pat:slurp 1 : - atilt between lm and ali sts, Ph11..-da, tor the atarPronailiau i i i .11;10:41 . 41411t11 43aCiiii0D. - - Ju.l rarer vut, of sloPtuta. , , a ' s . iAJ :HOS, Prip Blanket, tllhfricer coats; 10. pr. T ama; prods, anal Merehandue wp b he raeotß , rguor . I In patralent hued ?dining slioogo, 12 Isthmus Hags: .1 lard, 1.....42 and West, Without any chute 1.. Sor - watcr 'tants, i and II lo=t each; PU es...teens. 4 wording, n4vrtheorg freight. storage or curb.... c4r.. gal 013.01, 1 40. I f . tre Ilucka . 0 I.Epne , 7 Hale . I.do, Cal, Bliss Dins 01 Lading forwarded, and evety dlreaiton 0,,,,,,,,..4,, r ph . 0br, .. ,,, ,,...,, r or ptoroptly attended tn. ' tonna Mollusc Zstablielikteahltia 6 Wood id. Address.. apply to W 51 .13 124;411 mc w, I. t,l & H PHILLIPti Coo.. Darn., co , I.dren7 k r ,‘,,,Vh7 c , V . ., ~,,.1 , ,,,,.." „ A . ..SSOiITED SPICES- ' 4 ' kut 6 for lamely use. In tin No 1F11.114 277171 ' :;:e A t ' S ' Ire - r i .. Phila a I cadla, Mrelerted in • siedinarlid Los. contronmg . Alitatard, :: a iv..., 1 A MES WIL.SO Aret, No LW Nash Howard street, Iwamoto .: CinnamOn, .Z. roger, WILIAM.' T 1 SON; Agan‘e, 7 lore, 7 krepper, Avaltaeel pare. Foifealeral th e new :spice and nula2l NO Hi West streeLlaew Vat , 5 , .„ • ..... ..,. .r... cane motors . , earth r6l Ferry h. 14 , <r, st. Dill,`. ~, a ...11, I: :.1:1-L nkll 1849 .1 ---, A!'....`siilJlP"'"" 4 "d"Zi , ".`" , ` „,, :.'l ,-, .; m......... Tr artsport allot! Lt..", 0. , „ rod orr ° 4 p 0 r r..1, ,,, vr0tt: 111 1, ,, VLA I'ErNIVSYL VA NIA L.SNAL a HAL War's, - - mvS9 r. l:K i ri Clif;t111 A N. 2.1 Wood. st L aLruts onto na1:n.404 - TilF.Car;l:':'ort.'lloAFtralps,...pben trio,lNTil k ot:orrueehan.l....e nod produce to Phillde , Ohlitnod ll ' a ' iontor , , won Mot:Wart• at, tletjatlO, owl all, as good terms a.. any saber Lint. -,‘ : !., CA.: A :ANt:LTY b-CdA. Canal Dorn, Yana st,Pitul,thith. A sars..-CIIARLI*.st BAYNoII, Philselpltia3- mrtr7 o,,rat: Mt 4RH 11,1. A Co. Darlatord ,L . , Petattaylvaal• Canal & Rail ILaild - , patto preaaPaat Packet Mk& . it . ~,, 1849.. MM FROSI PrITSLILNiII TO PIIIDAIHILV7IIA tztl.lAle TI)10111.:, • ' Z r : lEkeloavely kw Pusenseca . S. , rni:ie are respectially informed ' hot Shia Lane ?wall con:mance running on We Ittth ang coll imate throughout tha Season. The boa ts art nets, and of a superior ejassoalth en. Jarred cabana which will glee reams ensforte The cars ore the latest coartruetton. , r A to wall always be in part m and trtirelata o kra re goested to call arid emunote them before y ngappg pea vter. ! ; h are 't" aly sine dollars throrglth Ono'af me Ifrettoof 'HO Lima vnll leave dm Landing ( 0 07 U 45. lore!, i o 'tan. of Penn street and Canal, every n4gla at tie 0 dock Timis di dna Pot hifortontht appl at the Ogee, Nenongaltelailasse, or to lh Lec,Chl a , mall C'L". Uttib./1/05 1 14 . i -'''. TRANSPOtTATIO. • 1PM12.1.11-111,,..1.4, ciaringr, • r_ • 'too tonsw=itctb Nwert.;:ten t hi. h....,,,Yerthenstots•thotop et elm., irtudimasine, us/Maim:li ta voi:K *Ma on the Cana I ; n, rumor. oFthe oboes taro'tr apt, no 1, la tat (134.*1te that boy ala prep...l, , to . tr telghtatl4.lle4Oatchtat Jat lear , s t t • Lnk'y Would altsd Oral Ot a b or , wt. (sett). the .thts tentanyfta tta frandtrittitathm, straner ltno. omi 111cra had etrontua ate by " itl:ara 'Wl erl44%in Path will 4,1 A ' otleantaSeno. ins/Arty this Ideet, thesabsenbets - a-, mode if Ikon u greQh“Abla b oa loch {441, for Bal. liandhll dthently from boats te earn taereby za e t . warebourstN a dloct gheto P elphtts sots clear tQroach to do ba teharga made foarceirthet tthet t 4tte l edtedter dodge. o xitata c Odell Bone, Seenth sho•st. AINTS—Johrt A.Sham, Comrthan , leo Nle Catatil, IC* Iblefesrer. Ja. hotel te Co Patladel pt Franco AdtbotaacColemblth r h ob JCISITINSYLVAISIA DAPIAL IttlA Ds. .I.attr]...llo. 1849. axplikr. rns* PACKET rN • rensf 2Patuthurg4llo Phtlesdelphla Mid ittaittraota o.loj:sorely for PaesenseM ) TDB' 9.11 a are tespeelfittly tafounedshathho Leo meal eoautkubact throw on 51.dat 19th March 'Vie boats of ads Line Are of a supedar clots, with cutterced catoth,reshich *di glee octal!, comfort to boat omit altenra he l b Porte otW l trt ) ',, m , sail end exam Delbert boforwendaog pa g saVVI; other rattles r, leriostth . too, op. pm= the st Dotal, editor Pen, st t and Ca.! evey men at 9 trelockl FARM- , ' NINE LA RS - mint& it for inforrartliik, applyi at the ocel.Clonongaltrte 1194 ac, est D hi t to r nanat Cast^ thal -.m n t:dtat i n n alVer " on4l: l ;:t Y 3n i tu ' n i tt r o n Ze n e oterloo . fit Jane to oOnneetiort,at'a the P, • RAII pas te l rom Ldwittnatt l'9lladelptLet At thin t.e a will leave es cry moron; mid alert, na Tune threttab, 21 day, 111.111 Ltnra., sllkiMi 1849. 441 4 3, For the transpocon of acre cthwe rWF.P.IN PIIILAD PHI A AND ; 1 1 rrsui LI ODDS canted on x Line ate t.tlot tr analupped between PUmburcir sod l'hslaticlftoa. b.tna ear ,gd to four sccuon Portable 11mats writ load rood ' a a bit •-to shipper* of mfrchanday TN:timing caret.' hStotlitc, of unp‘rtants tolthe made for reemotog or rhi3pinh , , or for tolvanett shorans.An good. forwards, dispatch, abd as reasonable 1 1 other l a'n" "Y JOIIN FiDlo N & Canal llama, Pcnaxt Ithtsburch JAY 5111,,0V1s & to ;read /227 Market A 54 C.onorrce st Ptuta k o rthlCY hIeFADIII4 tr.,Co, onconhog not Connor tOrt 3threlmult, Canal Dawn, Pena eQ Ptonarsh talk, bi DAVIS & Co,Floarlrac f brs and Comm, Rtho Mershon% rat 11011 et an t l ort C2ausn• ace etre, t t ,hlladellottra , t o n. Advances mode by entor of tho atrove F owl and to, DLEU.Cliarri t Cti s WAS( 11 . 1.b.kisliT LIN G. FJF ra or Blatfiße, Johnstown, 141, )Zburiktl, 00.1 2 ,01 totettnethate Daces Ims Lute VIII continue to et/Ty:ad' 11 ay good ms their thual tthspatch, and ett Mr rates Detcht ; Atsants—C..A WA.IIIILTV t-Co,dtutolorytt I) rl WeCePeld Johns...a John Millet HollOtifots4 s F. FLlZ7latrsesemea' Jordon Smith I Poet., Dr 1 a nloneberger, ft Mooed, John Pthlte, sF N. }loon rot ft. Co, Chu Lehther d ko, ersll)cht In Int - atitthburg,n, Joint Ivory, Smelt, & Ray J Uiralnt La 130stravitte. encl."; - • e "d3.81f.D, DAMNS IC Co'sz PJLICILET LINK. 1848; • ,F.A V ER AND CLKYELA :VD el. 10 A alt r an t.• Canal Padker—SlVAWAtlF, C o pt, ford . 4 UCF.A.N, ken tutz p?..E. of Me above ?askew tepee Paver every daTt ,Yentlaya . excepted, nod ner.l moraine at arum, setteta they Connect with tk2 Sweet , me POllOl3 and Chirrclond arm ine ...mt. at t . ear pile., tabling tught. of the Caroni,. eh I P AL, satiarnce at loorro uf to eke to rt ' Agr i tz n Vl e l'it ' Aur AI 1.1 TA Aral, I„, SEAVER AND St"WiltoCF 'NC react. to 'ma Lone 1.1 rtflt not .al Pail' et a-Pl,tart.va"as, JOlrt c, Tcbcatura! • I iot s Lac • 1 rub, lw ' PWll . osta, Ines • I • • ' r lost er The abote nod fork, 0 hat , tommence ve d rue r num between r. 49 t ANC 11.1 b.„ mot wIl t. r tpararly dun, 0 .- one bout hoeing the evcry moreuth glee o i a ttet, and one z et '. ;aloe Heoecre,er, r emu u; datheolsoz y after e ot the sts'atal oat Alietti t ratt,,b nartlbu.sou rot ), t bewail. new end tom. horror, d , anJ E:l r rot . h m fort ) 11 ) .11• Ta.a.ei ta rrt he an f;tltolet nn the takes, or Nu.. sI a. Gs, t twohe the atom comfortable thilk-muolo tornoth to alit,. on the Laze eßrt , prot,"ct .4.llg 00 prop ‘ rutorn I t. UEFA it. .h Co Liza.. A CO.FI,tICI orcb cue Our a4d -to t. Fs C C 51 RGEII HamEnt, mon, lastrati , IN 1 0 • Cl% ink, treentPl a ' , lte t a arl.d and Ititte, Lbo I',. Hay. to Plumb Sharps arch, In SVC Malan,Nuknon, Pik D C WatheowskPuitski,:l l a, jit tthaaintlonl, I.ot cootie Po t 1:313111,14WE. muutionoured wino ntilkr firuclo of For Fin: !Inca Clay. in nd tio KIER a JoN at r. W M. W. Wall/lee yea a Hearth of ulnae, qualliyo,and raifittilacturit ur tw poai prontiOcea it atiperiorttiliss 14atttin novo in general as i nit If. coGro . w litt.Ah . f/Ifp—T7 half pip . 0 0 0 00 . i t.. =IV j e u e . f m r/W ec E : [ ....n ll2l , arl , e .a lli n ri ( 1 , 7 r Commerce Olt „. ~ 1 111L.LER iticxscrsoN 4) 41.,C1141s . t.—htiiiicZhca, a f...athifta I as•orl kJ #teol of, aleti friaMleMens , Gold board mein( (tom 510 no ISSOA-At1n....., eoriren prlect. WrcalAng Run& of 21 mittl gord gold Perim., r Tfterr.,.*.er tire.o.Ofintlo.cenen.. G o ld ;w Vi WILSON, ;00. c antor 4th and Ala rlget •t•I kr- ; F.' ;• , Z G•rira7lrei.ll , ;l4, 34,pe boloyed Vell.4tol.laUtra, osworthd bolom 30'. 61. Z ":. sr" olibitddery Obbyr: wide Plain, be. iroST VICES, con J. nng ob bipbabeges.l !Slot Pow Offlceii,brough biliiht. Utoteil Staler diiiiinieW froth Wwthingion, C.; wiite bad iblielloll4 itlipeetivelr, also 01- h.bidog the Elba übb Siva, 111 well as cown iy, with w. appendix drfbe ralttli Blatt , * bad Ibitub Tula. itsE . ibed by N a STOCKTON. • : . ;•fearev 3d wid sarbalbts MEDIAL. ~...,. . - . Q 13. L ERF FAMILY Mr.DICINE.S . —"'Tbny are a. 1, ) Medieints of dm day! , . 21, , . • - • _ idxmateskrtpd, Oh•n, May 95,1849. 11. Ft Seller.: I think lc nOd (orate benefit of miters to state rowan Neu relnktfM Pont excellent Pami• ly 31eMemen. have to.ed yonr Vet:mirage largely in my awn tam er. nu n tremenky nortatrmg for expelling lane quati. (ray 1,0 'S metres tam two children. I hate .4 Igo aped your Lifer Zile and Catlett Syrup ,and they have in' every inkmen prod we Hire, de•tr,ll. - - A• I am enajtged in rtsetalhandisina, 1 Ana ahle to Plate that I have %et to hear;ef the first failure where vour medlebtes have been abedy ..ea or the <aaatrT. etmeittato, y stale feat they are the raedietoes of day. and 044 tio•une.l to have • very e atea v populartty. w tl. . . . Prepared and so-d by R. SELL.F.RS.No 31iyood , wee and sold by Druggista.gcne rally in the oen lea and victintlf. my RIA ,, T , .• ,, LI EOP LIV Vat C P r, onlylT true. anitgenuine Liter Snuar Ch7SZ. Ohio - county, 1114,1 5. March ?fob. ISO. Mr R.Dear Sts-1 wink it a duty I owe to I oat and to the public g;tivDa ly, 10 state that I hace Leen attlicted with tho Line Coinplaint tor a long time, and to badly that snakes. formed and broke, a hien left me in n very mei' rtute. /laving beard ol your eelebroted Live( riff. being for sale by A R Sharp, in West Liberty, and. recommended to me by oy trial. ph Florian. M. Smith, I coneluged to gite the n m law oth I purchased one boa. mid found theta to be just saint that Man i'ecohinnentletl, TIIE lIEST LI. VER PILI. EVER USED; and after taking four boors : I find th e disease has entirety len me, and I ant no perfectly well. Respeetfinly l ours, ; D COLEMAN. %Teti - Liberty, Mardi WILMS, I certify that I ant tweathially acquainted with Mr Coleman. and ran boor tostßuutly to the truth of the at certifies:eh ASIIARP Tan aenutoo Liver PilliVare prepared and 1•014 by It M SE.LLEItS, No-57 Woisd . street, and by druggists; to die two tites. Tt t THE rU HLIC.—The ; Oiginal, only true and Kan- U.fla Liver Pills are preps*, to R l F:Sellers, and have 11,s name stomped Muck-wag upon the lid of each bog. and los wennfore on , the outside wrapper—all others nee countericot, or Sm. , w0n... , split RIF: SELLERS, Proprietor 1.511. J ASC PI CARJOINATTITIE HALE .!Lto I , 'tom the lien ASA SHDIN, a well known and pop /' alu Clete`. Mail Of Otuffrote•Mnt 51elhodist Churel The undersigned hattngsbeen afflicted during the paw winter with a dis wse of MP illomoelt..-Fmneftw" during great pain in the stOnaahh for tenor 'write hoar, ...Stout ,ntermiwoon. and „after harm,' wied ation remedies and, bule edres,lnts furnished ;soh a bottle of 1)r DJayne'sCarnonatigh Balsam, 'This he used se. cording to the directions, add found invariably tbattnis medicine caused the pain Mohair in three or four non nta., 004 in fifteen or tdienty inteseeery uteteet ten.nion err entirely eared. The inromine mat of. terfedrdetwed whenever rfrdicabout of the ag mooch of andwet per t ed. and Sil.b pain wit. thew , ecy.. , nd Ile Yell' conti o use dtx 19CittC1110 evert : ...tag and warneumes in oho enet4iing, and in a I wo weeks health tense far restor<64l7 at the sufferer wet rent' ed 1) . 010 a iltl,th *MOO nt ahpprentive prim. Fre u pertenee,thereforr, Ile eatteenhdently recemtur•.‘l It Jayne). Careens:lee Littlomm, as tetteere for dlteeses oftLestorneett.lt4l towels A sll . Allegheny city . For sale in P ittatturth at the PEK I N TF.• r., . Fourth street. near of 10. nitil .lan n; ibeltrog Salta ofll tt.l.llW 1 , 11. .greet. . - V ti.LU A BLidttIISCOVERY I GONSUAMPTIVES,IiE ON I'OUR GUARD. DR 3.A . .11 . NE'S COMPOUND NIOU? OF WILD CHEERY. 'rut ar.o Com ...notion, C ouch, n gOltla, .Laaahlanivow Ihy• ; r thllhoulty of Bor..- .., Porn ot t! to :3tO1(irol Brno, Polintdonn of i Heart. Inlicettis. Itroken th., .city . u.. Sore or De., and all Lnitaars or the Taroal., Brecon 0...1 Mo coo, eh. e,tual .fwedy rum. erev kip9rrt lor any of the e;atrYw tue•o- PR• SWAVNT.I. Compound Syridp of Wild Charryt not tocilteute 1,. no loalger among tn.... of tiout.tfo t , luteapasned hiOuy from tbe thoumnd• duty wuneard npott the tule xpentneht. and now numb. In, her th reputouou.ankis heeonnag mar tr extenace, oseal than othor ft egurnoon of mdicum r ..mod Mr Um rel.' ollaitfortrur mon. It has lawn intraolocird very getieral!y 'broach the :!mted Sta.. und Europh... and Mete ore fovo tdeen. mtwrianee but wL, epittool ohme remora:tom tv, depth of It good ea . . .ha. For norgoma atatomen.. and of the aa4ne und mod rho proprietor w.R Imo, a few at Me on maay thou• mod test:mm.la witwltuaar pre...tell to Inua hv owl. of the re04,er14...,,,,ty- men otho hduo tugh. r rol roaonn.....nt and tun., malt to re is...to another lava, a... 1 I 111.01•9,0e1 no cuanwe'.7 ,urn tonnuony prove• ,o 1.• 1 et...ye...that nu ortepoiing excellence tx ti Ito totroune or-rna, Oft the unquesuorunne author.. pub. 0,11101 , ..The ......mneent• rel. .1 a u.-dh, •a the wn... ,d.... , .loluo.d I:, our t .. t roe mime I, e rn oror, r <uric. d • mot of feta. llllrciaoly for abe aura - mar ; It ISMEMP -When mesh sco,4 iron ^ u orwtunhou• npulwa. voluntarily twur matunot. chob ot • hung. u. ,otrtgro y l at bet, rocu ,w4ltuorry, L wow ooutrary to Our I and pz)p.••••••. ra troon :.• truth. and commetnlihtwh n uto t 0 oreneuer Mum Nlll.lll{{% REA DIIIE I la% E E'er] rtc.p r r.s Cox g or t i.Not,ox 2,orlormorom . - nore never er, reMady th , h.. been r.• I dr,,erate ~,,te• of -I',3•••urnp:lo, ILA , • ompounO Syrdo of rc.. It reugna the • ...ens, and nrrut, TS. hon. tin. thoec• nu 11, lung.. nen; blond. power po.wouw, !•y tot 1 . .1[ 4 rfi Ar,12.:•111 almaylte—Pcgr Far I eardy bade , . our Com. ..yeao nr 1,,,1141.err, 1,... tnena• ~ e no I caught a aerate cold bselt grad.. rem wor. Munn - Led 'Ada veva , . couch, Into a d mal al. We m. rencdt!", arldich 1 had c c0w...1m end Pream, Antal e etlTex A.l we •ymplo.n. nt ulmonary Consoondnil Floe, them I tried Amnion, I,•va no ellact. and tlZ,y compiami reas.e.l to rat...l. , that lends as well m yam. ap ail booca ol recovery At Woe tune 1 ay. recommended tav tri tnamottlde roadmcl., 1 MA Ao Aran We most bar ,revalta. The (trot 1. 1:5 !lit,. 10 loosen We agn. ceugtne In ax;..r.atovn.a fre,y, and td - We Ama 1 asul aged ma andg , a.l a mall, a. , d nal atom al bratty Stns Yam am, .vad..l be happy to E.mattny kniormatnundeytatl.la y v. thal .otritili rainy den, - nenett 101 . gal. 1 ean vtalefal For We truth uf adallee w p 141 oo y F r lil y; e a c a l 1 a 4 y l L , W CaritAi.et I,,,wnyne- rearlint I Mel a de, attmde u—and n daty ta'Ahe etihted gencra..y, to Oder out.Mle te,many :in favor of your Compound Sy. rap )1. , t4 Cl.erry tome qurec years amee I cr. s:onenily attacked atilt cold and t u!amrhaton of to Lanza, wlnch was 4mtropartted anth a Maims, ,g ' tnal, pcun m I. , ramt and bard. a very ennod.er• ro c alanhat•e mums from the lungs, cope- pou 01 10011011.0 t. 10:00,007 111,0b.1. Loa I felt ro farm ation my coodaten, but we. prep) 0011 COll7lOOOll that lirras rapidly gotog tato co oooot naum, non. I grew daily water, end at loop was aearee obi.: to walk ahottli...br speak above a wimper, such um eaccesitnr weakness of toy ianta Donna thm R ule I had trmd ammo, preporanom and preacr.punns, but found no relic(—gtharlaa all the tone worse. Jest re I was tadv . L•ed a,nat persuaded by lidear fnend I amaugMn to male trial oryOur Syrup of Irtld Cher 1y most eonfatet 11. Mt previonsly I had been pte „,„ Jtmal coming patent_inedlonos, rod I em sun acamet imme coming out of t4e. handl of empertes, hut ander sutontng your cladructo the P ent) an practice of edene, anal havoqr ttnpneat fent) in Me saying of my Orondo, I fortbretth parer...A-LI w. n ow,ft one of your men., a few Lottles",2nod counnencedn use. My dm cafe was at that unse of 20 or 22 months' standma.enn.. tequently woe .I.ply seared. I found, however, cony , relief (loon the me of the first four 00 Gee born! P.,-„Zablic apcaker, I frequently al temotrd to preach my Increasmc strength. and thcreb) . ruptured Mehra T omei. that had already tnnattu to hcal, to thm waye.doubticaa, my care arse penny ....e. In or of arung imprudently, I had m o use twelve or fifteen bottle.. o.l.nre I we .„ , Hnctly restored. I Mare no o [ oololo, • much smaller numner of hott:va wain, have made L., aid, I.utfor 01,01, "Miscreant)The Syrup a...., d Me fever halo, toot away ihe Moremie a moan, put • nor tne discharge of Manter morn the and gave mem and the Ire gond nen., I Love deter. n...t offering this eestairate son. oow, for porposs wt ne [tette..., astketeel erste the pern.orne, ut use rem, and now that I seri perfectly I oder 1. pi...regret J 1.-Jorman IMhko county. N..p, Imports. Citutuan— gold' Rfarl.' There a but ane eituitc preparation of trod Cherry, sod that is Dr. .1,4,1,1,10{, hnt ever offered in Me r 7 ta b te ".'' s an . ; el:e ” p . i:r ' t d s rtlpe".7at throughout paranoia called brkl,e nie of Wtlil Cuorry haae been put out since ttf,. under cover of some deceptive eircurnittatiees, o.tar rno give eunci.e, to their sales. Lly attic oliservatik.n, no person tired mistake the genuine from the lalen. I:Jen bottle tot the genntne is enveloped with u 6trinolui aicel cogravtlig, wlth the %tette. of William thereon; ale°, t- Rwarnek sornaiunt and or tdf,ther security, the portrait of DT. tswayne anll be mailed ...ince, !so as to insongutsh t h e g rea t from °Mans Now, it it woe unt tar the great eunau•e piiiperues known •I nue.. at Dr. ,twayee's Compound. troop of Wild Cherry, perrons would not to code...nem M "rreG, . `fictitious nostrums! by smelting OK lIGIGO GI NV11•1 Cherry Remembet3 111 ar:ly. bear in nand the name GI De ,wayne, amnia noted. notripel !tinter of EARtith mid Race rtcrets, Philadelphia. F. sale w balcsslkand 'chili by t 1f:131.N k t ofW. DEN, cor Yd and Wood ate, It A FAUN 1'.: , 11 tali S Ca, nor tat end Wait: and thri and %%a. , at., WM rIIUNV,it AturaciAri JON ES, 1,0 Liberty at. lArt A JONES. car Itand, and Penn ow, JOIIN Mr Mil. ELI, Allegheny eity , ,, and by ail rc•peemble dettier• medicine. a. tIJ - . _ ... .. STl:Otili CVI.i)F. , g that Ur JAYN F.,. ES AI F..,..TORANTI..orr.or to • I other renodoett for , umompticm,Drourham, atolout. awl °dote ruttoo- 1 I,lfl ' t h. 6loall , ,l•ltml the some per... othocomueoced the 1m of .111 their frail!. Ito years aao sit, prefer a h.. all 'the( rrmedie•ofttelf.lo; and the dr, ha.. u••• todoord try other pr•paratais they haw. Could td•rt.d.:y been timppoluted to recetthaa the lwo•fit ulerl. ••• 1,....41., Lla.elfgatd hose dm hi rats., bcdowed ay the prop end*, and halm rammed tu I,de ••• 00 .1 ..... 'Kersulloutrr, as 4 remedy that has ecaer muul to reboot them. and oribth Proisbly [ll.l. had tto e.t.a, to sr radar., pulmonary dtwasea ri'quir ed holy I , y Or LI J•io• Philadelphia, nod •oldoit byy at..l doeVld&wtr : ALFA. JA 1 Nl.' . .d 7 . 1 Pot rth al Dr. W• P. inf&lad's Premium Plater. DR. IV. I'. INLAND, oldie Medical Colode to l'ho. adetphia, noWaffers to the pulalsc hi. Inctint. Vet. eroble Premium V0L.,.,. the yotaltuo• .1 whirl., atter long and tried cape - boor., has been r..o.ractorny ea. talAtsbed. To alt,bwomen who may he rullirted wt., Vrolupsom tioda Oi Fo.leo Womb. en recut.. ..... ...d• t• phi., pa anortzetde • ~.. 0110 and opeddy rut^ 11. I/, , t:h:;.",:,r..:!_ra-t,7::„ . .rL . 7. - ,, - ...,., , .;.1.:7217',.'„.70 ., h, nod ~,,,,,oe todatee... w, long LI4 um.. Ttb• be fool. COrt.elenlignin 111 stet, inasmuch o• he bo• not tatied in one owe out 0 three hundred and arly-tltr-e po tter.. Alwr for Rhenstiiirarn and Weak Breast or R., t, at tended with pain, Rao, is nothing to excel th.. looter In tdfordtng relict,* odoctmg • cur, For utb , by I. Wilcox, coffer of I•torsond and Martel u Braun & Reiter," salem and tlx Chia st. Dr .1 Sargent !' Federal al and Lhamoud &de. _I:e:LI Zlei, '; Denman and Diamond Dlrming led Offiee at the IC achasage, 11•Illmore. J) Fll4l t:I..11 RATF:s.—site charges hove ~ . , I n. ] eed 01, .11 Alr..aces to or from 1 . 1.•• burgh or . more.,, r rv,r,on made on al: tetegrupho • • sot. .or. 4010 11,1 , Lahore Weat of l'instor,ti. Pa. I Fl. .—The chore , tor a telegraph despot, or iron P.a•bh. 01,11 Wheeinta, r t,ven, , for the hr.t ten words, cud 3 teats for eat to s.ddrnonc: word. I LI:7 - Nu charge to made for the address and 41g t.- 1 tare. Until the completion of We South Western I.llle o 1 t I Telegraph from Memphis, Tern% , to New 01.0uns. des . patches eon be for warded to hlotlipbta by dm mole. and. mailed tor New Orteons , o tt Cr,,, m or ey Deena Fats de Pan., 0 Chase de Lyon; . _ e't 01.1.)& - ND it(r.VS4lt PAT,NT . 11 , 1E14 WATCH- .• " Garde Francais-, ky . ii —DapletWatehes, made by the celebrated me •• Col C Auvetstre, Cooper of Irondort, J Tobias of dverpool, and a e above ra surtahle lot papering laree St detached Old end silver Lever" Just reed direct from Fans, and 101..11.11. g the w.,,b00.i 01 spy c /111.1. Ensile hy the Ler. beneva manufacture, Spectactes o; kind.; chammurnon Ware in seta; , 41 , 0 FA Al I. et—Cheraw. I.Maid for wuri,n.g G o ld p eas ; Jesse., in “trge venni); Sliver Spoon& clothe, r.rtwirratilks, paint and an, furrow , — Fork& lot flawing half :h• lahor and thspenalog entirely with tire u:r Watch repairing Direuted to the best manner. ' washooard Th. hues: Wilton carpets, after having W W W1411.0N, been in use e eveir years, have here patter, y meteor natl9 r Ordr r Market and 4th its sal without the shakiest floury to the latent, and with - oat removing fromin- the floor. It will not thin re the ACALTLAY , SIZaL.AND—IIarper. hot edition, °loth. Dlrcroons companying each bottl- Vrtr , B wo , with POrtraits elolli-70 cents per v lemc , cent& For sob Ly J SCIIUONM A K 1414 & Co, For aide by JOHNSTON ! STOCKTON, aye woad corner Market aad 3d .4 13 E791 7 5.1.iikt., Orticen, •SOOO wire, n oe ao,e Agent,for the sale of Dr. Toven.endstrien nine Snr.....ptiniin,bn plot rcceived dosed of Ono Gres , Spring nod um r Medicine. Poreh.er* reen.teet 11111 i R E Sellers a vole weal for rittobuil3l, and U M Curry for Alleghapseny Al:111:1ARIN11141 HaSea 111711PUSII.„000DS. AT REDUCED PRICES. ALA LENDER k DAY, 75 Market street, northwest corner of the Diamond, am timer opening Achoire stock of fresh SUMMER GOODS. le lupe poetize of these goods have mccul/p boon purchased at a rent. sacrifice, from the Auction Sales at end Dom' the ammeters and manatee - wen, We have decided °daring this mock of goods at prices so rod cod upon meet the approbacine of those mho do busmen.. on the cheap cash fauteuil°. The Stlk Der."... 11l 'reel eriensive. embracing the didernit kinds of dress and mantilla Silks, Satin de Cecile, and Cacialian Gee de Rhine.. The Shawl Department on heave. a splendid Mar tme or Indio Crape Shawls, from the lowe.l lo the finest qualities. Meg-doily embroidered. Also. I ire nada.. lierage, Mohair. Nen and socinlid figured edit Shawls. • SC ARM—Ruck horage nod 1.:mm.41i me Scarfs. Iik:RAGE other than Lni GUOD,A--/Legatit end novol owlet of Berner, SIM Tissue, nitO tabor ores. I:ood, worthy of We attention or 'be Indto, AWNS, LAWN, the Lown deonrtn,n, am sOdinane from the t;•.tom nornons err quor embracing oleennt style. at retrarknbly prwes. Imported and DomeAtie (;Ingham. Priots nod Chow., It-own nod Illon,i.ed A 14.1101, Mier.. Tick toes, no,. Vu prtLar Eno a:ed Ittrnoil "loth. owl Cot•ilntrt Sotto,. nod Puntatloolt ,:tripre ud All of tvlorh otrertli at toclo a tedorti u o.: aor that purchottort cannot 1.11 to It. roosted !Y 4 ALEX kNl,tt Cheap Dry Deed*. WllO WANTS Mustooto Mars for 6.4 cents VV !teem Brown MOoklua for Al iand quality. do Moon de Lamed Gonghon:s A Ipaecne Exits do. Silk and Wool Beragee O.^^ " Bonnet Ril.or • 'Good quai:ty Kid Gloves 41 Brandoth• •'A A ci Jr CO here 01.00, .00,1 .0 moon the 001 v cheap of 0- olore, 60 110 ..t .seat. 026 E=l PAT - NT DASHER CHURN 11. rno of the pubhc invired to 0., verT rnboahiu ctloc Coon, which ha. theullyoLtace of o lcoo in conab..ors rho old rind new invention+ or gethor Tile ulit7 nrthl• to notion apporar las it n' pie prioe,. the atr ts forced beneath toe da•n, and doe own). scrth the nerewity of purchnot, a new (7hurn. n• it ean be epithet, it, any churn in noe. and (or one doliar can have .H the tonproventent• of the man combined with thaw of gatlitirtit• the Huller in the buy The putiltr are invited to tall and nutlet for thorn ... Writ liefore parebasto• eloewliere. at •17, corner of Market and Fob mree.o. or at fol lhanomil aary, be tween Wood and Market stmeto, Yiu•bu re SAMI. Kilt iTSTN. T.,: tindryby/oett halo, hero unwonted A teem of .1, Mrrru. X•rx, lx,. RA,.n coot. 111 Illy pine.. to Joon Fhoory. Jr. . rynoroyal. re. apryaull, mho,. the pub, nod (ho 111,/d. 0.1 Yu•. lomoro n 1 the omp.., (hot hi• pry,..11..1 to talc.. Moroo mod (loosthy, caw, No Walt, Wert I' A AI A L/h:III A mv I Agent. In Men will he 1,441,1 144 itOle for I. Ongs The Itosmn !kiting Compsny express • strong desire for the firs , ilepur nmins ,o the ett.r• a l at pont A.- 10511444.: 144 r 114/ attune :mg '1 . 1444 mama) m smlhng to put them 1.4 an, test they thott proper to Fungicide unon um to J A.. 11 1 . 1111.1.11.?. igno4l44t JOl./Kit Ftlll left, MP S't lit ') 14, the CP hienlnsurance Compatix of Plttsl,4s re!, wr1.11414 opened in the Rooms M the Honig of Trade, on um fir, Niondas et Noseusber next ut n'o roe s (.*tuner. Jr Itohert IVosnts X% in IX NI, Inc, Sort, Plummer S. NI. 1:54 /istall King, J... 444 5 ..11 nosetimrs, and 11. U. King. lloatru.•tor.,‘ GOLD WAIII WILK. lr l' R Ln• invented a meet., kw whetore . rood. .r which he has made Toredt Pee ere now oltere, ior ewe a: toe wore hod, or Parrs. Scott & Co, No Wood •nreet. Po 'dour, Advenrurere in Canlorme ere mesh, to red zed ex• aoner thew I.l.r.eat rnevione. The, ere roe:de oi eon...archon. reerly tran•pored no rhe islet or wedqoult 4r. par lo orwrerooh so hod en hour 'fuel telth prl/Vl.lOll. l• ter 0h0..., re indee who o r,e peen Lhe trori otte ro thew roaeloneent hoe oek enonl or earth in dray. rke awe o porde, ark+ moierai 'Ehe, emu he le, .• , ..d. • , tr And worked wad, or mow 'weer nedw , the ,e-rotow work w eo a too tl,e wet., Proo, xp0..., In wet. roof eoro,orot, Phou , ennh , rthe Ow, henlP. r,y op, re.,, Pn• won ••,rsh. , Pt . woo., guol ran Pe oval the who •-• •e•si tvoi cal tee pot :nto ~ torpotton obr . 11 , 1, I. Pot P., Dor , to •n..lr. •or loakts !root slooeJ etc aaa. o 5 5 prn.i. , :y L' , II Dal - W . .lv rt y, ,••-ott gs. Ca • 0,5.1 tai law.. 1,1.1 urrh PI u.prsil 6 Salle Swla A• 11. I HY...taw. tor now reeetatag 'Aro Ynll noel of ann... tor.. ..... Juntom Metlavltna anti LT... atro. AM., a. Dtteati..l.s , and 8a110t... and two rear..< tatryttro Daalvca no. Lot.. rap. tell, tory str.oarfore. prop., to r. n ...Ea , ' I, art. ter mot •rfli, re.:or .uor. es rot N.,. tr:eal.. o• 1.1 lI S M Itl Gt.frllll . ol.l--Vor r :caning arta' In ' tl i a s o N la.t P .l A tainy . g mho, .N,••• II notl ottter wore It ropolly take. out all spot. Rpr - o.:ltr, to.t.COI and 0 - trabir lo•tre ot -.re. la. rere..ad and for sale, vol..- stair tool rr at— 5) /OD N U MORGAN. tatit . A T R MI. R. HARTMAN o••tote aedd a.. otter- L. the ad- parateratto of Coletoart. lieu:man a In 11, reaaaattog 11.111.3, has m„ day team. RettroorT 19. Ist,tf t)IfirdIL.AI.II ALA:AL Fr:rt. - at:44 Tbe ander. rn , enrd Agent rot tbe marutarturen. ba. on hnn.l sad conrmoti, treri•lng .nli •cpply r-rt.telr• mode In Inn%l.ren and v.rnisty bir hr oder , for •n• enl,untrturrn o,llltAti. tL x.." 1 NW:: lit'Lllitt-R Pftte nott..., lathe Rat.. net Yee, an excelient aritele to rntlertn; IN er, shoes itcrtert', ar••ex prawn. end roans a tare , . e.ttln anteteattott tt , Ow peat. ta mate ntem imarr,:ta• te water for 2tn atotttitt. a:.t pee, e , e front the te•tber erne actg te tart . •te ttar hullo LOWELL FLETCEIEU, x•Nrr•t-trnan ALCOHOL AND PURE SPIRITS, Corner Front and Vine eve u, CLne,..l. U. { ~-+ ~. - .;1:JY.v.., , L ji j I El s 'et,gi-, ,, k si,, T A 0 E r: R,wat,, f r - tFT ili ~..,, ..... - " 1 t I a 1 itivi ,-.„..,.....~ ._ ‘A.,.. i'• .. g, -,4 j:.;11: - Z. 7 ; iii I q:01:i : :4. - 51 , 1 - •:‘,.4:-vp. ,- i : . ~,_. ., ,,,,.., , , ,, ,,,,,t i, .v..; - -'' - - - ----- 4-•m!- -- :&• - ,„, ---.'''------- - .. 1% - tiv, '-:A7,---g,i,f;;..----,,,,,,,,z-,,Avt,- a f Tr order. (non l'ttaaboroh lot Almmo.. Purr Opt .. Row nr Rertihod Whi.kry. will t..< promptly to,. ntchisZu, rtid - ne. ear f s tVv oI to ni weal moolint pore. f) hone. No. O Fourth otrent Cwh esolawsod Nona coven I Plain Tondot rod Ci..ni On do 10510 do Fig•d do do di do do Jo do Corder!, Moe Coliviwiii Carrot litrollrie•. l.treo Coon,. Transparent Shade, `Wig-now Viows do do do do do Chow, do do owperf Ctionio. dn Mnottiwtit Views do do 1.01.1.n5, Jo • do do T 410 tin Cool onit Sol,. and ;id... Rork . Rfti, End. The oloor Goods the richee.t root two.. [17,0t, to winch ow invar the attention 01 our inn awl too totor r.. d nino. wionog to furnwi. inntitah •iliam UOzilli and liouoro nine NV. NI VI, I\ •I, The Allegheny Cemetery. LiA T the errant mean, of ihe Corpcmatorc, bent tbe lint.„the following person. werr Limo tontsly re.elehted Managers lot the ensiling year: TIIIiMAS M 110 W E, Ilreenfri. Mil IN RIPSEI.I. Jr.nSE NATIIANIEI. lIIII.S It 11.PON JOHN II rIIIighIIEHGRII ft R Fleece, Jr ,ccroutry end Triimnrer The yrintiel .tnicsccrti plesenica aft.iir.. of ! c Company In n Tr11,1 1 ,11,10r01111 condition. Thetr odic, io. r,,,, ..,,, o, , • t.,,,, aat • rr; not•o•a• • , o 1 nr•••. , 1 Ihr my ta %o :i7 Wa•rr Wert _ . . II 10.t.1ta.11, TIII: STAR OP TIIII: WEST NI KNITIAN 111-INDAIANUPACTI•RY •n, • r 1 . • k A:. . 1 •1 1 , 1,. i , - fn ~,•• r.or Eaai ante of the Dom ..... t, arbrrr \ ••..tnan ( jr i .,; „.. ~ ••,red Own: Ivor . nod ;or ...t.r, 1111 A l r... Igllllllo, all Or dillanon atz.e. and ror• • ~,, „ aw ..,..,„., o ; 1.,a t0 i ~r.e. ee,,, e.... , Ai,. . ~....." ° r ... 4 ' . ..." ..! •IN 1.1 . C,.l:st; n ,i( 1r- w1,,,-1, ~.......,. ....,, ~...,, no. In and most approved lito.n•to f••• 11.. a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„. ~,,,,, ; ... •,,,,,,, c.a,...0cr S alo. • h0t..., In n, at thr ottortoat nonce and on the. 1111.,1 ,,..,,,, gL. 1, ~.... 1.. p.! .. LL ono, rout...ada) r.,,d ar,d•on.r once, min, ...o. I, •• porocularly dean .. d4itgo nrht and ram,. t. and orrrpt •;;:t 1 1.; .. o°lll 11,111 11 ..111.1P •..; .. t.o. e. l'ho •dward.er It• . not o 1. 1 . 1 111. 1 , 1 1: oarron 1: \ nom .1.1 1,. ..I 11.al •l. Mo , ,enc.. 111 hi, own no. ,rald •vit, 11. I\IA-31Ka. AU 5,' Woods, ' _ Chlckerltsg's Planoa. ftii9l nroironable It op, roo• pip ~r, llootor, roil or spill 111,nd Trrtrrpo• pi all Ow didertitt perlerns, 011 1,.•1,11 .11..110f itulo low for roan. l/..1 Vrns trap 1111nds pz, or •nd rcpaircrl., or tarsals to part pry arena lor :p.p. 11 hl WKZ 4 TERVKLT, Jr.. pr N. A.. dog it wait Ow 1.4,1 Inolrfl:t. iLI•0 orksnansbrp and warranted to plea. We 1e tar. trcharter augio-rily Allerrheny r. . Auo 10, 1019. AMERICAN TILL EGELAPII CCiEll PA N Y P1T1350.11 •AFID WKSTI:101 LlNlwueww EXCIIANGE _BEGKER2% N. lIOLINSZS 4 SONS, Elantzer•, nzettangil Brokers, ,r; Da A rnq, ACce:FM;:sCe..4,Got.D,snArER - - - AND RANK NOTM.- CI'LL Nobs and Aceeptaneea y aay part of he Cason, colleeled on the most fa vnea , lr thrma Net, Vora. Ptilladelnhia and Bal. umory'. n 100, Cineilthati. Louthrdle, Swot Low, New , (wean, ennatantl 7 ler .11e. GANK NOTES —Notes-on all solvent bank. in the thal thaeotthiee at the lowa. rale- Al , amid, 01 I nettle and Amerman hod and S,:rrr Co, 1 , 0,a1.1 .nd thld No. Si Mark, we,. tketween wl nn.l ith F,:t•lu•gn, Ya. FOREIGN IeXCIIANGL: • • .11ILI.S {a.nothoot. Ire,. ,Lane h.-no:tot! to...it:lt amount et the Crartt.nt Rao , t Ex:haher !Coto, ltratta oat olor ot any port of Out Cottnuto• toon 11 ' .flitte.t. at tho reto of Ott to It.. 1. tetthout oloducoort or thgooont. by .1 1 1,11 t . t 1 11 , t111\ hatropoatt Jet. ..rot rat /torn, lahe- .ills et on 1.1.1 MN ELAM] • v•r` ,Ali it AND lt~rhl:l:i.:._;rr Form,! and DOMCfllt' Nilo to l'•••r• .. lit Ilitok No, t and ••Of roi Nod Wooll •treet, no Cllr N y S T IZe,tzar LT, 111,rours Daqt Note, purctm.,l at :Ite lowc•: rvA. by iMil= .cpl 3 .75 Market *lre, DILLS XXCH G kl-61ght tv lurk I . l,:adelphia nrv! Da:Atmore, .a2e 1101..M1: , .4 SON,. ser , :a 35 Market Rt. BOOKS &c NEW OrMll V.fl 11F11.)11 5 .1. -- nod Mot Nobs-n.51 'in 3,str A Vor. • Nett n oft, wool •••e•at•••• moon, the Mirror, and g• - leck,klk: •• ki•,•• n•k r ••,e I kook,. kltgp nytiof a• •I••••• winontott pow, ora, nt thotnnit o !orb <onto. own., igo• cacre tlto 4proinl w - oodrr of N.nr It ntol llon•non, w t, ( o •••••:‘ to tor elan, k rhu .:le• marker" Lott kk, 1•• takk toottot A... 'lt.. y twowl iiror• l.n)n• , usot, woll motto, Ou• oontroto••• tlro• ol it, ono! reotarka work 41 the to:o Tinr• tlooloo • 1 . 1 . , Tit• tonnotoo•trr. n 1.,t0n of !lie. 15co Fortosees of n.ol root., 1.. f. • on,. orn F t e on. 100 Ot oi • otono r•r.• :5 • t• zintwo.t. Coov I lte n , 5 ono/ tool Orott to fur rtltonc rr,••,l • . • vitt, on. new print,. . to I/4 it. tor l'lot. •Ow •-our • t r Thr o no. •o• 511 1•• re 011455 nod on. ! • 0 , • •• r: • o .I•onnrottno otnionto, pro,. to two end ye •ope•••or pat•rt uk.l.• eakk••••• ”1.1,11• C Fon •• • ! ttla , tu•• lotto Vll, 'N ; •. iIW ke• Nlt•rekkaak— k ••••:,.•• ke I, 1,. kokt.sorkt, NewornO Ouron- n Nloott.wr ok toe la, allk, I•Lot ke, k lummtkal A ',tun, c• loon •ont 4 , 1 nr) is •t, kakoakag •r rte.. or nk•t eurtoLk• •,k1 one, um..., veLluz • • • I' •L•, kko: go kook: k• tomoot coon oro - t'ottonri cot' Ad r•--.4.14er A 0.,0k ni nro,rottnt. Oln•r41, •oltol•rl: Ir.rront, l-lotory hV,rhl rr too. no' 4tt • ton• otirtoluctson nsal lone. llotto 'll.r Sor n 11115 wit II Is/loot wro- the lion Aroen 1,11 L 444, 504 I'll vrek nonfrr•nll,..l ovtionvic,ed to lir tt ontowolow ,lart r 1:11o•m•kko kvokk •latt sort • l" 5, • wo• ntoll ^Wow ltO 5 • 011 '• 5 I,Pt 10Vt )1,1, I " Il %I I I r ‘I, I.•nrirlitir. 1 I, N t , I'::~In•nC~~♦ ~~ N 1.. 1 .. ~i I.+~l~ r.i 1~ 1 1 R. , tin ph 11,1- A. u.. is C voi ,• I ~n 1.1.1.. MEE --A-4-i • 1 IA • PIANO FOl7 LIN.. EI4ME EME ,11 JOHN II Sole Ageas.:y fur tiunn• a Clark•• Plenos fMalll '"r I:1 I.IYI LO a.I vp,., - i-::::::.::,:,.:',,,:::.:.:.,i.:.,.,.,0„:. A';'L'ArT impt,t2 .1 „ P "..'•'” PIANOS. A , 11.1. 7 , , MI, ... - sonrrnt ' A . .........7.,, :" L- y m.; MF. 11V «Vo.l .tr.-rt. \ II T , nI 1 ST it =ES ost t,t,l 3 ennil hur..l I•.n it'll, II AI NIL /I', II Itl II KHZ- 11, 1,- it s.3r •nir MEl,l,Olt. Itil 1111 lur 00. 0 • Per ,le,s3r• ca • 4d. , I. rrtr,l ..... wt ma cxerd,or proKr• •-o.t arrtu,cd rt, rlt cr eed•rd. A ,urdy of Ow 61 dirt, :row r•, L, :01 - IN 11. MEI.I.OIt. m, :ad -I wood ,k, 1111 hi N t., I-1 E RIC `ll , -- i.Not 111 vidre add r 10 , id r.eve eciaign riiJ rot J I/A J.Z FILL. \ Ater at A.AAU CA, i'V I: 31ca k_X.A 1 I m ed a re ems Acid colored t.luvve and Crapereceiv hise among the latter grren and other deotraide eolotv Al4o, Win A, pink, trid bloc Sdik no IN art. Woad.. Iu II IA IN oa F.re, lam rec `,l and for aalebi Nor, ita II A rAIiN Esnicis k CO• MEM ‘;' , 4 •-• ': 7. • 4 . -..ll. k.. "'''' '''''''..." ll ll4l MtringrF. P '( . l 1„W:1 , ,74111.. g ."4 " ...,, .. , .r.,... ._ E , P.gig v al r.-, . I .s # '2.-;,7.1. 4 -....42=a-12 ..t= !: ~ # 44,4illEintg141:=7.1".eatiL20. s 1#1.4:,4x1.e g V.1.- s" 14. 1 4 Z 9 i- ,-;,, ,, z121. - E":llvigittilaxg-.. - ati-s:sos 'a -:.!el'lltiti!.2.l-rap ,2 fp ..; 1. .. i r . : ; ..- . 7 . , H,...4.....w4. 4 2.:2".... , . e.... 3•,.. Ct) '° ' '4l . > 6 i7a 5 :‘''..tiV:l " '"- - 4 e i,5, : g•:.2.1: P. 4 . 3 5,E111r,11:7.gp.9 - '•:1.14: T,--1 _`poi s ~,- t 2 •,,Azt.i.5z........ -2 'a , - .-10-gs-z-z-e% - i° ,•:: :4 ... g ~.1..5.1a5tE.2 . F.,,,•#,..0.##1Vi1...4 '.l-..-'•iliF.. 8 ..•111,' .v 1,4, 4 1'14141 f.'i 1-- .-. .1' L ZI 14 -4 1 , .. 5-ar= , ejit=4:ll-4:4 2, - 1 r.14#:-.lot g ... :- . .. 9.3v.; 1 9..a1r;iq51; , :r. q f,..:3 ; - Z. 4.7. ; fi'i r 5. .."..?... 3.-s- - i--=95. 3 .2g:4'g --. `r.g7 4 . It Eiul o,:i e.fri-i,-;14;.=1 a v4ll . N n'- e '°. •• ft L. rile.Llr d , 4 l. l -..: 4 1.,,t0 LI:4. mF ,z. ,-4 E•f,rl 2 4.° V+ 4 '''iif=•=7" , • , 91 . -.2 = F.= :.. i 2 ?-` - ' 2 . 4 ' - I : 'e, .7.1. 2 1:11'31- ° -” 51:3 41 1;: 11 ' l2 . 2 g ii f,' ri- 0' 2 ...11A!ii ' 3 ;; 6 2.1:11rf,r 11 . t:'7 : 4 . -p.l _= ?• r,Ai. 7- i.22-.1.4;`4 ,3 -er,..11 t I ',, ,I T-: 3 0 sr!A'vdig.r.l. ...:110 .3 !,R Cs- .1.. g o 2„- t'-'4.14-IY l '.-t=idlisr t: $ i t t i l ,' fg E q:± l ,,e.gliorlif: z .S4l-;:i El ti - 16 : :IN 0. E '"-001 2 .e_ilz•I - . 2 lii.• IA .2 - '' l t i .1i MI : Eit'Ll'•74l, g i.-1-iLl.s. ,3 14 ti 0 i g g ,'„....:11224AN, aifil.ige,,,q 'a ii* .) ~= 1, .• xl P .- Z - 1-I V l'2 - 16:1 . ' .t.1 ) :.Z01 b. . 4 fZ. i r i 0 _-6- ,= 0 f..: hle '4 ail :•"' a1.1 , =.1.„-A '. Liz 2 .... - :..-is - ...i 6' it 2t P 3 It '.. .ci -2 '.g in ,1 . r.71.-= ° !,,, En - 2 * d;Z I - - ' 11 LI C. 2 ".' cr. ;'re 0 A -v, x, , t14 1 2z;5 : .2-2,-.?:-2.01:::1-7T t 2 wz, , i , -. ?, >, :1 2 N _,,•., -4....-rc-i. ..a..- - - --- -, -.1:, .. S. , t 715 '.. V...T. , :' , 7:1 FOHrti. l ;f:rai7 5.4 . vr.or t : -.. =e.:- . .: . 4 1.8.-± - ,-..8.2,4•:i,...1.4..,:gAt. ,, v I C J' 2 i :,, .- . , i__z- f.. ..,. , . ~. :Ea g-i .: i 7,- ,-.-. ~ i L, : , :. ..., - - . ,,..,-„t....0- 7.: , , 4 1.i1 1 .1:j., 5 t„----,1,: ; -.f..”.>:1 , ..;.A . .:;::,. s -. - -,.-1ii.!..;14,1, 3 1,.. '5 . ::1; . i.1 . . . - '7. 2-I;l6i;lig:TE d.F. 2 ;,-P::.';.:!: i= I fl; c ,o ) < , !....,.. , 41-P,'=tieg:- - 151z-,!igg . t!-: - 8 ,r.., ; iz a .- E -7.11&iv54.3.-r s z.F.l _ O ,%' -area`'i'..l4-?,. t,!,....Z.iQ0 - =':i'fi:' , t:f. _.-: - 6 - 2 7f;` 3 'Ef-:_..t . A,19,111 7 ;gvz4, 1 6 il 9t=. < '' i l l R pti;:ili A L....z.1:0; lq.!-?,2 L--.;-.li It ;.,. mg . ....:;. , "} - . “-=‘,• ; ,.3.=2-..a.-_- , ..---_it. ..., ,:,,, „, '7 .. .... -. 7` . 7 ..ra ,2 _tiS!“ .“. '4te l C .. P..." ' t-t...N 2: "i"1...2.'q1".••••:;123,t'id4.'—',-3.:'''''--.'":'-,=',4Z,..". e1f",":::,..tgr,,,:-._''77.,....."*L'-'...:•PL1.; •:-.,-z..J.::,..t - g-r.... -- -.i, -. . - ..: - :.:::: - .: , ..;•:-:: ,i....! . ..,fe:_;4 3 4;:_4.i-: , ;-i ., --=,, .:z• -::_..:1 ` - -3:.!i4FTh . iri - r - . e 7. AO V. NTSI—WII J ACKSON, JOHN D MORGAN, Pntobargh D SI CURRY. Allegheny Min A. PATTFUL N, Birmingham . EDICAL M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT CONTAINING N. N 0 ''''''''''';'.,,,.....,` !MERCURY, orother Nth . 'A . ,r - al. -It tss power to IT 's ',. , "1.7 - ir clam all EXTERNAL ' ...A . 1 ek ''' ,.. 1 ` 1. ` 1 ,...,,,. ‘ I I II I Itta ' ES CI V FV I i tY S . t,i i es,, ,- Tr- . . r ,a 11) - - ......1 t . , 2 ( i , f l it ; Zp ). P t 0 I , r . N h O . II tSW ir , ‘ .2.-;, their Putriem*atiers, nod 'ls /r.- - ' 1 V. , then heals them. ;4•1 . e - - ' A ' I V!' lit'll i .tri:: . 7.l • , ,•••• „i....- we ' ts scarcel dt.- • , t,.... , ' ' ~,.-. -, • roe external orinternal, 4 '' , it , that it will not benefit. ' ~.. :......"..' 'ea.."' I have used it for the lot CCLOUMPTION. nu, • t e ars for all d is eoes a the chest, involvmg nth question, then, how obeli we nip the destroyer in , atom, dange d r ama reaponesbry, and I declare be bud? how shall we get cleat of our roughs and t.r,, , , , brne• it man, that obit,n one case has It dd. • so of vital unPOWthee to the pablie• fa.led to h.-nein when the patient w. within the reach THE GREAT AND ONI.), REMEDY of atonal mean, will be found lit the Ginseng Panacea. lu proof of Ohl I Lure Ittut ; , hystetent teamed les the profesaton. I we have from umn to nine published We certliseathe of lth•e noni•o-r. t.i the ro•pel, 'tidos of thefbeatnt, bench, al. loco of our beet known cittsests, who have r( „. hiwyer - ...ndernen of the lushest erudition. -.need its r oll pa rts 'These, a - ltb a mans • ent torso 0,1, eof the poor nor aln every variety of thaw/ from all arts of the emintry.-fmte ..,..,..a n. 0.,. no, ~,,.., bat ~,. ....,--..,.. untversal nr.nic..m MEN OF TILE FiRsT STANDING, vOiett .nimr- -..N ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT Ministers of the t a spel, tee , together with collie. o i 'll I I". tilt Mr- - tees from the lIIIIIUMATLet.I-It remove. almost maniodtattly JOURNALS - OF THE DAY, .h. Pull onnon and swelling, when the you ceases. we have embodied to pamphlet form, and may ha had, IR e•il the 411,11+011% around the boon ) trans et nay of our agents throughout the etraMlT. tit f a ll- ACII F. a • The calve has cured person. of the HUNDREDS OF isirrii.r.s are s•,. i• 4 twelvi years standing, and whit bad it have been used to this city. rase ~..ery -.wet ..., that vothaing took pion, EAR- TIRIDSA ND? AND rENs OF THOUSANDS I Act, . : nKIr 11-ACIIF:, and AUL , F. IN lIET PACE, , hroughettt tim Uttsthe States and Canada, era we cha a re n• peu Vlllll,lLte suere‘s , enge any man to point oth • I t... ,: r to here cured eases that actually SINGLE INSTANCE. donee c very thine known,. well as the ability of fif- a whlch, when taken according to directions, and he licon e vim) noctors. Ouo rhea told MI ho had 'pent fore the tangs kind become Wally dames. .en, it heal pals ~ i WI cloth,. Tenho may bencht, when o few aver Niles! to hoots m tits:tannt cured them EFFECT A PERFECT cultn. ti:r - rric -1 neer . notion, better for the Imre of Why, then, need the &alined hesitate! , A. by nese,' to Ten.. tee swie ruble nostruna 70. 00 an hY on , own todiTid - DeI:NS-It . one of thc best Wogs in We world for 1 oats • the the assumed two of south en slash"! pity- 800 „clan, and pal Ted into notonery by cern:mates r. pars I 111.11,-bousande are yearly cored by Pile Oint- I sons equally unknown' Whilst a medicine of ment. It nevus 11.14 111 W e relief tor the Piles. , UNPARALLELED EFFICACY L;_fe Around the nog arc Were:no. for oral:4 IP Al a toto be had,wlesse voucher. are at hathm-oce tietght• ' 1 Ithee', („nonmrior ,e-reiniu, Loan Corpthrm, Eeyripe- sots,-many of whom Ii hale la. T 0. • ,. Calitm.n. Staid flood, Soot Raw, Vinery. I ssi.TclIF:D FROM THE GB AVE. ....,-. Throe, Drea... Senous Apetsons. POIA.I. 0...- I In order that Do tuvaluable medicine may be placed em•s( A. Spine, f iend arse, wikaau. tkuraesi. Ear *the, within the reach of the poor as well the nett s we have P.m. . pat the price et ( 1" ,, u '", 4 ,', ' . .." .. ",,,,,,,,' ~,"',0.0'.7",..: s/ i , " ,,,,, a , SA" ,•f o ' ,, S* . ' BO. ' five . uoso fool, P ! ONLY FIFTY GENTS, r.orl ty aoa. C.a.., ap , Swede/ se Rialso Breast. Teeth j uinn of half the usual eoat of cough medicines. nn seit,,deue ro Ili. lee., 4....}r cr sale by our ageto to nearly every town use village 1 1 i I." f EET- L i ver Consul amt, ram in the Chest , over the west, with are prepared to give full informa- I and ?the. to of of the OW, or the other necompe- ton rciative to It T. SALTER, Proprietor o ~. eu. d wet .This • ;name in ,- the i car reined y ) It , Broadway. 1 1 1:11•1111111U. Or:to .. •,,, c!ttitt^ll , l In linv• rind lect I IR S P. 'TO t VNiel.NllS la A RSA rA Rs Lt. - A- awl Cs , KNS-tiecnsionsl ewe of the in.iiment ,will 01- I Ly dosen of Or Townsend's Genuine Sarsapardla, 1 . 0 ,„,„ „,,,,,,,,,, p e on. tired never Imwre c d and for sale by It E STILLER?, , .- .o ed with them 11 they nee it treques,s.r 51 Wood +I. only .(gent for Plusburgh. '.. t” I iss theta.. se geed to an Y Poet al me teed,' Jos By DNI CURRY. Agent for Allegheny city • ~ i usl.i ato is mllaned. to seam' s••'. 'i ohm" ''' - 11TDROPATI1 10 ESTADLIBUNENT; 1 intursireson, novo co., PI.. .AI T IoN -No fbutment "'D ta r em'm'' e" k "" M ` 1) g o, r ! ,;i ll ng b A ,.. .x . .A . o, , E , . , t , ta i a n c e a m t i ishe . .. n d ie , if , : o.fbrif,-. , I us. , ~ lA M t-Ti NI,. A LLISTER I. vrestien with a per, . ' W on , i cry M< 114 the extensive otronage be has meeiged, .1., i".. For sate s•• my Agee.. al , 1 ,1 Pttoellia' clue. eed ~,erning ,hem that he has lately erected a large and ow,. ~, the l ~,thu ?toes e.e . l rootructed building, for the eXcloive purposes JAME.? Me A LLISTER, of his WATER CC RE rt+TAAJIJeIIAIEIVT, at Ws old , So , e Ptertthte r ... dn . e, i '..'", m` ..... . 0 . ":: , bicolor , . at Philllpshurch, Pa., tot tbe tthio neer. opus. '... r Prthcst . s. int , ,• Nu T'•"...th Third '"‘"`' • ."' roe the stemhbout I.:tithing at Renee r, whore he is ready , to reertve patients a. boarders, and treat them on Hy- 1 PRIVY. o: CENT? PER !nig drop aide. prthr,plet In addition to his long caper. ‘..11 1 /13 '1 I t 1:en...1 - - lnuee ~ Reiter, eereer of. roc, and the great sorer. which has beectothee at- I .5.., sad S , t' as' .. eint L 1,1,... Jr, ten,. '" - I ended his treatment of patients commuted W his we, Ni.,,,. -t s, 'I Ihr ',roared, el., corner of 111, rod a,. hes now the additional (hotlines adotiled by kit ex- Tm,sist„ ,d ~... 111 l'a AY.. corner of )Valnut and I•ells, ....„„ ~,,,,,.,. • ,....,,........ ly (or roc 0„, ..._ ....O. nod weld at the Isto•e its Si hr . 00 „, c ,..„ 00 ,, 0 0 . 0,, airy room., 0 .,„ En .,..,, op , 5 .. i .1 , „, 1,..ii, serond st. iss Anegeenr este II P every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ittlenthis . :, , s arti ead i - Le , gent. bY li• T'imi b, Dt . eg t, U"' tretne the 11,111111 , 11 to the 1111111041 betiefst and C.Ol/1471 n,. wit Au., 1 1 ..,,,, , , F.rot -sherry, II Rowia, , d. Mc- 0 , 00. parent.o ~,,,,,,,,,..., na . moat ~...„,, __, i,e, etn.r . .. al A ttalttiOr k ttun. :110110111,L0013 City, N he :U,7 ‘ .„, 0 ...., , ,`,,,,,, 0 „.... ~),..,,,,....& .• . :Z — . 7 ~ „,.,., At, u.,d I'y Roars, Drosnavate, doh A. r . , .1/T.. ..111 . ILO.. 14,1101e•Orrle water. them e. 1L1,µ1.1211, tin, 1. , Ilea.-, r , Pa, re eao,emie .teat-, those .cried perm who may Platt themselves un de r h. cure. 11,01 every artenuon Mall Monad w the. I nevi a T s, it r. t,ajEc E.TADLi.suin EN T, Coolorl. 11.114.1111. un assurance of the thbotmthalbCnet I' DILI I•s/11 HU, PA su O derived, be ponds with confidence to the n ri , li IT , 11(011 ~,,,ies ormea Ilydropathy has made dente who htive , bert pe , nomeany CarOO . at Ins mob. ,into the ettlaloll7-the hell. hal:meat. The 'eater Cure lean. no ethane. effects ' Ant a t.f ate rural., effects el coid water to ',china, es . too alien the cue with those who have bionic. And acme mei.... when employed attar the been treated MI die old eystem. I t s a the ills- , -th o u ~ ' the ce , enrated Pricsints, bane removed from raw. mogorate. we old atetn. protects (mm the dangers ' - !in.,' 4an me nand and ALOCCOIIing pahhe every torident 10 changes of the weather, croaths a natural I etheary. nod gained it am. and active epticto. and Imparts vigor to the digeative ~ vi- i'ot , .• , < thc unsatisfactory results powers. Terms of trosioeut and bruirduigTeasonable. r •.. to- re, ,, , , •e need an the treatment of chrome Foe further Fano:eters inquire at we CSIOIIIIIIILIAC/11., Of tttnt.tttllttt•. lg., arOleh IkrO IllereASOlk ev- address Use proprthlor at Phillipsburvls. .L , ,or ./ own! wish to we the sorer. oug - Mil i ....L... ~ i n.es, so many unfortunate iraderen Dn. J.•.T , Ens Alirt.O.ASA. a- ' , in ' ter ',...• env mltroutte. We have' oon:armed by Men-Rose of aeon per. •••ttst - t••••I et... Pf. , .. , ...e.Milf .in intmedonber by Dr. Jayne's Altcrative,whieh. .at • o• cleill ) est.+ ai to. 11),Iropathie earnaltsb- pro•e• ith aapertortly over every other remedy of the 1 eet, a ro, • teen considerably enlarged and 10 - kind She has been afflicted bertha lot sixteen year. vri C al .e. ail Is• Tow. teed . every tesPon, to new vett. NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended wad.; to receive aid accommodate panto. who may with ulceration , and enfoliation of various bones, de. a e e mesowlvee under his cam, Ott! and he ring wb.ch tune many pieces have been discharged from 1 the ,rental hone or the emote:m(lmm both r arms, t •,,,,,.p.d.utc, •Tuated upon the left hank of the Ohm, se,.sts and banes, and from both legs • oil from the left: , ~....e. the south 111 the lug heaver. I. well known r,,0,.,., bone, and from the right knee., besalespainfol ~, Is- renc•Meir au , ' thlahr.o. Mt... Pe n, 'ode - ohms on other poise( her person, which hove Ogled sq. , Lte , ni.." , `• s" charming ...en d 'theiterY , eo- the sk•II of a heartier of the roost eminent physicians of requisste to residue Ills Mtoont of them- , oar mt.-dorms most of the 111111 e hers ffcroms have 24 trrAt , r. and comnbuung no • little to tv'es tent eltermataig and deplorable. Ahootthree monaill t., • , naps •e., ~, ant, .thd physical strength. Noce she won induced to try Dr-Jayne'. Alterative, 'I he, r•tet , ,..omi , et, the fast szarthd in the United tallith has had an antoritalongly happy etfeet open 1100, 1 state, ronth,..i rem) . wing, both for pleasure and h rmoving all pion od swellings, and cooing the ~, „ „ . ao-u.ated to lou re a reilY and hoop, ter- slee t . to heal, what al theses. time her getherel health one, o ,ce the mments of the soot. bas become completely restored, so that she now weighs i.„. „ as a wolf to avail themorlve• of the advent.- al. more than she did ofore she commenced the age ,•, , e odord . oil Mew, address the subscriber o f t o, tra ly . a lashie p t epasion.--(80. Eve. pose, : r. poss ;ant.) stating as our ee Isomble the FOl further twormation,thqntre pf Mrs. Rom, No. 175 1 we, ote I tor, , mommuts, of order to decide and ad- , pub ei , , tet i t,d e to,,a,, fit; ,c.• aod curability by We Hyannis:Doan F or sale :n Puuseririb, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, and d.,,,, what sell , be necessary for Were to Tit Fourth et near Wroat. . )ys_ tole ~ , le a ,,,,, t, tor lOCIT espectal and tensorial um. .. 1 - \IL ToWNSEND? SAILSAPARILLAT-4d dozen Pat' ARO ACKftlt. U. Proprietor . ' , .L./ mu received a Dr: Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the P M •' ,..r ' oe lt . Be°• "`" * "`Y , r ` • most extraordinary medicine to the world! This /..! I! iv r..... se --Rev' , Erlaketli, Armstrong; 1 - . D. 0 . 0( . „.., . „, ..„ ~,,,,,,,... h. shame sheave 1 c,„, t ,., t o , 11,./1 Thorne. Ithnry, Deaver. ra, Dr : , r , ~ R ____ . otee! ti a ,‘„, ~,,. p, nr tls T.:not, Pittsburgh. Pa; L C P....met, id 77 7-7 „ 77...P... , . on) laTtil. It Peri. L... i •,, to ~,. Nev s H. Se erd, I'.ew Alban, ' , 1,12 d i . .....0 . r . . 0 ° L m uit ßi P.S.nr , mehemng °el 11e, N, ~,t 1 rencton. N 1.: TL. Smo, E., loo_ Ig_!„ . , ..___, _., ‘...... s erg, 1/1 l • t 1 A Intr. Plailinsherg, tYm 11. Ide• ..,10.,7:,•,,,.......T.:7p0_ popersona have ... 1'..„ i• id, vela, A Bidwell, Esq , dot t op eledimne Lathe same I shiTried /untie. See that each bordello the nonce mg _ I mature of S. P. Townsend. a. E. SELLERS, ' , MITI , 07 Wood meet. betty I Third and Pcurth, . Dr. ownseudS only wholesale od mail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine mantle co be road. - , D. N. Corry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of WllO6l the genuine article can be ttP4 tt f • a.... 'IA I, f T4MI? OF VONSITNIPTION , I,nr. king dough, general enant...., sp,eune, irrcdular bovvols, j•n,w w •br r 1,1.2341 I • 4..LITEL.: Muria, a or eutenlarrnlConattng ORO,/ Oturew, gtnierni ilcirrlrly, great gong lip own. ascending I w yea Int ra, Pulse •tr.V. e %reek, wilder, drendung cold urd, moratue rhu, Coruntsnolol. comes on I.ke a common rata, rh 1.( rOld. .11 alio, the period when that dt. urn, y cap .vied to suboide, tome of the syntp tom• arc kucrtivn. td. The rough I. molt trouble -n ly tog down. There ts no hoed ie the ,ry el,,t. int dtineult lireadmig, which is w ono on l) down 'lle itfincatv•rice of the cop., onions, changed from a tluok nnen, to a .1/1112, 1.4. 1 140 C. it Is very un wear:int to the p 5110131, and rants an unnlcuunt smell tn,aed It 133 01 att outgo= appearance, and> l, t atutalnie of rue nod mucus, as on nuemetit , a w t port amt.. 1,1 part rayons. Th. thaease rr .31 any hnin, or at any •gc, and ts chum, teno^.l the poculiartty of the cough. iLn....tin of I..iyerwa rt effect,.the cure of this in ,..dine.d.senac by ex peC3.4 ration, reedits and heal, the cteti len,. It never fi Ifs Wherever this meth e . 1,, In,. -rd. we bear of its success. For thrr t..en cars It hno het, before the politic, and him been tested for all con iplamtu of the hones, and tt to ett thin ob pn7u .fi. tee prr., r.ergy, and tho.e who here be te et, en ed nit we de•tre .1 to ea 'I the attention of eaf die:rts. and their own gout I they will try it. i.nor out for coo nterfetur Always observe the mtg. rk , t ort...`r.vo Taylor, M D.,” on the engraved label, •,ern.e.l at Use Wholes. , Depot, 7:llleekinau New Vert. 1, 4 i 111 l'ittooorch D MoCenn VI Wood st; .no tet Sanyst r. nor Market and :41 11 , 1111en 011 k Co, 3 Liberty et trice reduced o r bott:e • ino, jam, , 0, 0 tt I ) Yin . I/ Lal I 1 , Wrrioth.eton Tp , Westmoreland en. a. Sir John I) Mama.; —Tots is to errtePy that I have our v,rmirua , for aland one vrcl to that ttnle I have urv, r known LI to to tall .0 briny.. worn. away. when thr symptom. to,rattd tor. prraenre I hod oet.loll io give oto two oar. nup e nd of my family; I Kaye each of torn, onr do*, end olio of them passed:WU and the oil, won.. It rho best Vertutfuge trot any tollla h. family. 1. NS.. Youtto err 1. trod and .old uy J NO. I). NIORti Drusg.t, 1.01 helna , Chnnlond 'Hey, on Wood at jut I IRI ..t c.r.—l • orn Red nark. Chlorie Poinah. Strychnine. Chloride Gold, 1.4v0r tote l`mciponto,Cynnurot Polooh. or., re o^l•o nod hp R . 1)„ ChlneoP FAL Bork i • rer , p. lodido Iron, Nitrate Savor. UI Jato•-• Powder, e Acid. Ch,o,ide Soda. 'dune Faber, E.l:taut Rheumy. Extract quatoia. and for sale by, .1111 57 Wood st l'EtTel - Nrt — Th.l: 110 N of ItA.--11 decomposes the virile or peenprinci , rontagions thseasen. It remov the . dange s...Moyle of sick rooms, Sc. lit its cleansing roar. gy 1e1,41,.. ulcers, and intercepts all communicable whether in man or animals, to. Joel ree'd nod for sale by mil SELLERS, 57 Wood at T 1110 Yl2ll 0, the Plane and yow l 711 Woodstreet s complete assortment of Cincinnati Cooper Tool, fur sale by inyln lEUBER LAUFMAN AA, ACAILA)"B lIIKTORY OF E I4 GLAND—Bat. IV/ Ices edam', containing nil the Matter, verbatim et Illeratim. of Vols. I and 2 of the London edition, em bellished with a portraa of the anthem-9 Vole. In one. free. complete. snc. A large supply albs above re• relwed and !or saw by ausial.oa, me to.a , MI wood at lifitit.:4ll..ATl . l. COCOA Tom No I Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Schmitz sweet 'weed Chocolate, jun he'd and for gale itt the ku, Tea Store, It/ Fourth at. myt."l bLI or ot remit, at rho Pekin Tn Brute, 70 Fourth st. tor 4 MEDICAL. SA_LTETIM GINSENG PANACEA! 1 , 0 TRUSS SUFFERING WITH DISEASEDI, LUNGS—The unproeedetsed messes wlscl hes misled tbe ese of the GINSENG PANACEA all the varatg font which trntatinn of the 10na... ounico, has tadoced the proprietor sawn non to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Ike changable weather which mask , . our fall and to months, is always a (ratan! waiter of ODLDS AND COUGHS. fhew, If neglected, are but the pr.:car - torso( alai fallfhe.e, leatroyer, It A. FILHIMIVCII, A. It IIoLL, N. 1 Liq IL L. I , AsesrroeLlPoutsorgh. O. W. Fem. povoq W holesale Drug Store hi Ma One of Neve York. Ilnderdgned are extensively engaged in the' 1 is holesale Drag baldness at No. ID Jol.o stree4 in too etry of New 1 tork,_and aro prepared no supply Urn. VMS and neardry Merchants with Drugs, Palma, llyeatndo, Fertitn and Arlene. Perfumery,, Nan Am, Annoy lc Mender's Men(esds, (of their own ml ovntionl ass' all other articles In their Lae of bust- I •ess, oe a =pet it, aa low as they can be per- • ituueol 111,1hij or gilt eagle= et/. New Volk. Feb 111 B. A. VA LIYMATOOK Dr. Wicker. Celebrated CUOLINIA AND UlattalltE.l MEDICINES. I' ut , . public ore requested to rend the following cen t Wm., This torthetne to eatatthively used in all the Vouthern end Fastern We do certify that Dr Loots thorn. of York, Pa., leek under his corn and suonagemeat on or shout 1110 • arst 01 October last, young man laboring under a j ..were stock of “Asia Cholera." That we count. neo the soul patuott,, and round him to hr in th e col lapsed sone, attn. dt.ase, with trequeut utd copious irice ureter diacharges. That we pronounced Oa erne all genuine 1-1101eM, and declared moreover that we heueved the said patient was beyond the hope Maned teal aid. lo fact we thought the patient would die, and - so declared tit the time. asWe turther cent!) , that she sold Louis Wlckay pat Ills own mode of ueatmeut, and adannistered m. Cholera Remedy, and effected a care et' the patient. I Ito :look in four days the 'caster the sold young mats was at work, and perfectly Juno C. Doan, M. A T. II DITC[III7, M. IL I certify that I visited o casco( modified Cholera on der the rare of DI Loma %rickey, and that 1 believe lea medicine relieved him. S.to of Maryland, ant we to I sernfy thm I ant wen anonsanted nate tbe of men vrho nave aigned tdo mubin centime:vs af Lou. Wickey t and they an men of respeetaboity. In trolly:m7 whereof 1 hereunto aabsenbe I..•name. and anis the seal of my other, this Map ievolli day of November, elKhieeit hundred end thirty-three. 0.1!. NV iL n4Y Clerk Washington County Cour:. Mnrlinndt I witnessed the aduthaistration of Dr. Loma I.7tek ere preparrnlon for Cholera, in the case Man appren nee to the plamenng business tu thw town (Heger.. broth Ilw was • moll marked sai• of ASiiliC tern, with ace water evacuations, cold clammy cold Wave, small tremulous pulses—l considered his annum. truly mined and aimenell• I"W film Pro' stone to Dr. Wickey, and wupreeent at the ademars tmtlon talkie Grit dose of medicine, and sew him re peatedly curing the attendance of Dr. Wickey; he re covered to as to be able to attend to and worn at his trade in • few days I amens , he took none other but the medicine adrinitised by Dr. Wicket'. W. gum., N. D. • The only true and genuine ppDDa- \Vinyl% Cholera ra M ar 7 one hied ' l7ll ;i o l I I y furl:dgai one door hams Diamond alley. at , . . RATEFUL thr Me very !Mara! mmoarstrentent I Ghave natured for so many yea., have deter , toned to enlarge my boaMemeommlembl) , enr arede domintom Foremen, 1 wlll he enabled to fin order. promptly, and do the wort in tae aural aria and at tel. prices, and ask the attentionof mar emote end riumna to my Lure atock of uritoLsrs, R Y GOODS and Reds, niallmseee and Bedding, Cor tam DamoAts and Momenta Carmen, Prin.. gee , hardeners, Tautels, Unlit and Roller B tnde , end very arucle usually kept to an rembliManent of th e kind Orden respeettalty aottexted and promptly at tended to. N. 11--Carpeta made and pax dime,. NVIT NORI -- .F. LARD—4O keg. No I Lard, for sale. _ _ l ydbl`GILLR Ir. ROE TIMED APPL/13-3 0 3 bash 6o sack', for tale by )PUILLS R ROE MISCELLANEOUS, before —ovoinon Ote , most approved Bastem plane— nO roost foohlonabLot earloropatiortiO andeofors. Mee ci I EAP ROLL, or BQSPON BLIND, ort bend or made to order of all oleos, and at all orlon*. th e and whore are invited to eaß anal examine the ahove for themselves, as all will be ante whotevale or retail, and a liberal dednedes nude te wholotole purchasers. void!, A WESTERVELT Notice to stot Publics W E hereby notify nor friends nod el:unsound:MU home and abroad, that ire will not, vans oily cmcnostsochs, receive freight from 1121.1 Bou (91 st luelt J. Newton Jones is agent, spit RHODES Ic ALCORN. A -- oLuD. OILN KELLY tr. CO., {mem.. u, Rob, Wine brener tr. Oc., thre llerclumiTalthin,) Pte. 102 CIIII2TNUT Parent, above Third, Philadelphia, be kayo to Inform their friends as palms Ito We boy., 'received the West SPILLNEI AIiDSUMMMI EABorOlO3, with a large aseernmont of lievolStpla GOODS; compriping Clo th e, Orsoloteroa,Vestizior, (every desiniption—all of which are of thelicronto portalion, having been cereal!, 'Omni urParis, London, Oe. Strangers 'kiting Plilladelptda„ are renpactfoli 17 Invited to eall and 0.1.1 1 / 1 0 their CUL Moo Met. • - NRIA RUBBER PASTE—Just Iscariot 2 gmea bottles of Rubber Poem, a ruperior RCM igght7 Important to pit... that wish to keep their feat 'thy Ti prents the lea th er from *seeking, ; end will tits polis ev h it. Foe sale at the lathe Rubber Rep. No I W ood street math J Plll/.41P3 GOLDI 001.011 GOLOW 001.111111 • Milk: subscriber, wholesale manufacturer of JEW. 1. SLILY, Invites wholesale dealers elle pea/MAUR ding Routh lurid Wtht—also, courlu-y store keoginth to I call sod eSalldne his stack of Jewelry, which vein he cold at the lowest prices for cubsr apprecul seam. maces. Constantly on Mind and mannfacteriag, large assortment suitable for city or country ends. K G. A. RARER, earner of Fourth and Branch'sts, stabs, apithdsm Paper Liangriag. I LT AYING purchased at three of the largeth Facto. 11 n in the list, (New York, Phllokalphla and BuinniortJ a large assortment of the ;merest end MU Improved styles of PAPER RANGINUS, BORDERS, ac.. and made arrangements by which t will be ena bled to procure ell tier Patterns, simultaneous with , their appear.ce in the Recent market, I would la ; rite the attention of those desiring to hare their Nooses I papered emit the knelt myths of paper, to ealkand emionne my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. I hove now on the way Root the ti se, to, plat. of Gold, Salts Cilthed, and common roper li an gion' which I can sell at prices ranging nom 12/ eta WARP ' piece. incht2 S C RILL. 27 woodlsi Bacon Smokin, LT A VING ju•st convicted the rebaildinga( our masks ieweee, we are now prepared to receive men, and smoke it In the Irttc merchantable manner. . . . . • The housea are hued with all the modern taipnere• °tenth, and are capable of eariwinin(l .w,OOO iha. ...b. ICIER &JOllik, Canal Basin, new Seventh aS PltigfiNU - PAPWI-16Mlifileaelasieaskiiter Cat the wkrof the Grovb Prim:ins Paper, (B. k 0 P. Markle, Proprietary) we will be , twaslaselp sopptied velth all the de:fere/II were at epperier gustily, 'vetch ere offer at the totree i trg r t iirmu nts, febtil earner Peaa and Irwin Ws _ . DErGICESNEI WOrd&ES. VLEMAN, MAILMAN & CO. comattte Nana. iacutre Small Iron, Poing and AN. Blister tlteel.' . P ough, Fork ent:lllaeliteel, Erre& ppitel and Wm% Nom Nuts, all sm., together with Cmeti and EliPtie Springy hlf Pat, Taper and common. Arlen Amen reduced the price of Wrought IreinlNtas, engine builders and others ulna the aruott wig bad It ID their interest Is give tins new branch oaltenburgh manufeetunes their attention. coach mnunings and makable iron somas. Wornhoome on Water and Fourth ,LL febio-tir SAM'I... GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR; ItICH•NOR lIIILDIF6II, BT. GLAIR swur.F..r, PITTSBUTWEI. U. JUST lIIIVILMID 1101 NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine enactment of CLOTIDI,CISSISIBREB lAD VESTINGS, OF TIIE DENT QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Mutt he is premixed to make to ord.,' Et= And in the latest Ftshlons martu fliostitletertees for 800. aadl liaserees Caro. of Foe. sad ....field streets, Prrrshelira, Ps. TO I SCOTfrog core.. Ys. Fl,„wholethe l sale and retail, otoold respetfollyris. I. he the attention of thatr Otte... the pubs hew essay. their opleoeld new torret,omisting meni, seemene, boys', misses' erat weat of every votriety, eittnitle for the seeseiti - art e. prices to sett the owes. splendid article ofipime =do entrk, .uch s. hoe Roots: ladies, iniues and children , . line worts. Please call .6 en.. ter you:selects TROTH te. comer ittlr and Staab:avid .to N. B.—Traveling Tmuks, Carpet Bap, Me. ha, al ways n and low for east, ersun o ny merchants would find it to dreiriatarest to Eno as a call when mentos theL:eity. N hl4, at. am., • IhIPORTESS arM Wbolesale Dealers inioreignaad Dome.° lianivinsm, Cattery, Saddlery, ho, 11111, Wood .meet, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with • recently imposed stock of Hardware, Canary, Sad dbrry, Curpenwral T 0015,..., to offer verygram bri ducerneom to Western Merchants, as in addition to the many advantage* had by our predeceases', Me. arc Log. a Kennedy, ere have greatly intreased our madams cod purek.e all our goods from Hoot hands on the very beat terms. The iovior members of the firm demur their whole mtentionto salqand teeing annildeld of givmg mf.not• ma ally solicit a earl from all who may emit dna mar • mell2 1 - Illudik a— soll lIE underlay.. o ir, r , or sale- a superior lartrela of bnek for building, made by :W-Steam Pram, improved machine, for urMehte hue.... a patero, and agrees to givenurchasers a IlEirillen geleeillee that they am stronger, nd millers. from and reel "MM. er uad imbibe-Maoworms. or dampen/ thaer Mir Oth er brrek, pommasmoy greater Weft and superierleamm and much more durable to every teepee; each briek s ang uj in psesuare of amend soua, aad se a handsome smoorh ura. and even. elk., they make e imut equal to W e s t s front to They have gmen the greats .Marantion to all grim hare purcharred. Akduc. be seen at my works, and alme.en at the Chheette Thom ham. supplied Iluermelrea thelr beadles., old ruirtong,...me Mout Mock, or superior hand trul roltd paring tin., can atm. thens. ISAAC GILEGGI ham. lme UM 00L—The lughcst prteo cash past! WY W tin WY ofetean washed woe, by yYI 11 L.F.F,Elbeny rl, Opposite Elb COPARTPIIESSIII P-4 have Um day g t apay io .,l until ure in the wholesale, (Smeary, Produce, 104 Coauxussmin I.lasioess,Mr. 'tabu Wawa undlirtba .101 IN, WATC .10104 NAT! ' . Pittsburgh, Apra 11, 1819. - - - of S ULPU h .! o h , ota r, ea r o. nr p rd, oer, Calomel, Zroune of Lew; Chlonde of Bodo and wo of Cltione &her, ota babc.l owl for mos by . . _ PITTSBURGH 421AZETTE, rL; Iti.isti ED DAILY, TRI-WEEVILLY kINEEIELX Lilts Cidiflll.llMikfing., as a, ago dm Pon WI., RATE ' S Off •DviravrzsiarGe.- . 0 rw . 0 1 : 1 : e rLi0 0 n m 0f .i 1 t t h,0. 1i0 t e . 5 i , u 0 7 : ti 1en,.. , .......... :., ...................11 0 0 1 V :5O Three " Ono Week Two Weeks .. .. X Three n d e .1‘ ..a:N,...,. oose 5.00 j . . .. One Month, r. ..... ..... 4 OD Two" .. 690 Three ~ ~ 7SO .......... Er Longer advertisements In mom proponice. One square,6 month., without altendloo,... 1000 12 .." " ..•• 10, I C Each additional square for 6 months, „...., 92, " " " 12 .!. 10 10 0 3 One aquare,6 months,reneweble atlileasare,..„ . 44 ..... T... 6 sc o h .q atit m ia . 7 6 l.q . Lare ths fm . l ,4 lT h o i rs at m0nth5....:... ,11017,....00 Each additional square, 6 month., ~, ..... .... .... w_ ritt-or ..... II w.llll 0 1 ao a On. upara . 3 in.mti oas, ........ "'" 07 mutt additional trivertioe,..••••• SUSUMU CA.IOII. Five lines of less, 0.. year, ..... 6 0) " " els .......... 00 ono year, daily 6r. weekly, 10 00 " a eis months " " ADVIIITIMNIUBIT. I 1 wizssir 2 1 / 131 " ror 12 lines, or lets, 04e I. 1. II I`.o , a , ....•••• 0/0 " Theo """. YO " " 'Moo ....../ 00f J. KIDD & CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers