TRANSPORTATION LINES. . - and Nosy Casa., ()axial Packets. 2Mr=r., packet BEAVER, Capt. Stanley, will leave Beaver regularly on Nlonday. Wednesday and Friday evenings eta P ht., and arrtve Younxstoarn next !hernia:: at o o'clock—routertnr2„ .Idaves N oungs• roam Torniday, Thursday and liaturdan earnings at 4 P. M 4 and reach Beaver an tithe fur themorning boat, ALLEGHENY CLIPPErt, an-inn; ;ad Puottrorgh at 12 o'clock. The paglael HARKAAWA V, Capt. 5o rung, Jerre Beaver Tuesday, Thursday este ltsturd•P even ing. at 6P. I. re•ttrsutg. leave New S...)lsre, Alonday. Wednesday end Fnday try ettii gmto il , P SI also con necting with t tr morning hostler Picsitn rah. These pa are fined up 'An coral:trete order. hay. tie fiae ICCO 44 . 101. for passe. gr.ra and thlppera nay rely 01 u..rtu any and grower despatch torn hes nee. untamed at these tout• S. /Tr:tl Co.- Proprteletr. J . t rAh. In • • Bra . •• *leaver A It In •• • Younantown. It. W. e ue The elegaw awavler. A. Li l'P r,ll, will leave Neal", deity et A. NI.. i. d mrulinglu COLince With Ihr ...WV., bneas. lu ll 1849 ~ i sizm i' ' 'Warren and 0 ieveland on.altoger Li/3•• Canal Packet- , —sW ALLOW. e " j-OCEASI, ItQt NEI of the ahoy Po ekets !rove korr every en) (Sundays mire tedt nod errive next monang a reen, when they connect whit th e Neil Stage, for Akron and Ctevela d, arrival a at eadliof throe Once, re befo night . One n the pocket .. lettse W arren daily i at SP. hl and er ye at Beaver id time to take the morning boat for Pittkbureh. C ES LEFFING WELL; tr. Ce;Wbr , tli i N o , bl 13 TAYLOR. ' do JOHN A CAliGilt.l . , Agent. apla reent er Water and Sethilheth .'r Etiaal IS4O. w 'ea UNION LINE, ON TINE PENN'A AND (ODD CANALS. A CHAXIIPitt.r.I, Cir Ve.16.4d. O. rropr s B. a. P 4. 47 lbsoret:, XFH9I.mI be prem. ed on the bnaning of nay:- [than, to transport freight tool Pd.:semis:, front TESSURI3II and CLEVELAND, any point on the Canal and Lakes. The fistlules or the Lino are unsurinnssed numb, r, quality anti capacity of Boats, experf ; erice at captain.. and efficiency of Agents. , • One Boat leaves Pittsburgh Pod Clcsitand dtuly, run ning in correction with te, steamers , LAKE ERIE AN 0:311CIIK•AN, Between Pittsburgh and Reaves. nod p )lII' of first cis... Steamers, Propellent and Vosttels on (he Lakes- Mims:a—A D Parks, BeaVhr, Pa. i, Jesse Baldwin, VOungstssoFn, Ohio. B Taylor, Wasron, , Cynas Prentiss, " Wheeler Ss. Co, Akron. • Crawford A Chamber' in,:neveland, 0 Sews A Griffin, ltudalo,lN. V. JOHNA EA i/011ET, Agent, Office, eon Water and Southfield tog Putsitazgh. mehtlrly BIRAVICaI Steamer MICROS AN No. 2—CmpL , Ctlson. LAKE ERIE, ; • " 0 'lmrdott TILE above regular OA well tacit Egret ets, have commenced malt no tkr;.r 4.1;y trips to and from Beam,. and 0,11 eon: mmt:to run h• twerp Pittshunett and Beaver regmlat:y darlit the scam:., s, follows: Michigan N. SI leaves PtlMbn mit dejle• on o'elnek A. M., and Bear er at 2 o'Cloc•.' Loge Er, leaves Beaver drip at 8 o'cloik A. and Putsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. N. These steamers will ran ,n entmCettnn with 11 GI Parks' Rupres• tacks Lot, let Erne; Taylortr, LetSingwelPs Warm, Packets; Cumn Line of Freight Boom for Clcaciandp Clarke & Coo Pittsburgh midCleve)and LiL, Fremkt Boat. 01. R 0 Parts daily New Castle Pas ken:. CLARKE, PARliStik C thinver, Agents. • /01LN A. CALlONHV. Culttltargh• mch3l rot Water sinrsinanficid mn Is 4 Q. I'IIIBIIOIICH ANS CLAM ON THE PENNSYLVANIA A N DWi„lo CA.Nri THE Propnetors of thrs oldrevtatr:Ofed and hoptcar duly lute eonairatne of SIXTEEN S rat cities C eul Boata„ovrned by themaelvertand rdtallni r a edam , ' Han with the "tea= boats LIEA VER. AND CAI.-0 COPE, are ulded to offer arrequallarl fa er Inc, :or the transportation en on of freight and narenver, on . thr opening of Canal nangarron,lre all pp to on the Pen a sylvan.. and Hide and N. oik annalV and the Lnkea. I, x. FITC I I .4 do. Cleveland. DWWELL S. WHITHER, ASen. ts, Beaver. J. C. BI bWEI.L, Saem. taar2 Water circa; I.4l4n:rah. ERNI BIDWELL 4 • BROTHER Forwarding lerchants, BEAVER. PA , , .Azzats far rho Pitt...6ssrgA diutCletait 4nei Lore, nit,- burgh and Erne Line via' Rri..,iji':and for seam toata Beaver and Caleb C. Having purchased the Lar4: and intistantiel Wliard Boat Plat bath for the alotiongaloila Pacaeir. with the addition of a Wareliontr, thek/1113t1 adnine ac commodations for receiving and tort...aiding, and pledge their utmost atientioniprompina.s and despatc h ra.conslgninzate to their .10, and re.) on their friondi for a-trial -7-- FITTISISP/1011 kul34Ei LIAIJK: • 1849. Old Eam,.'isA. , nt I. in ON 'r it is ERIE EXTENSto,N, CANAL ritHE Propre-tar or this re Ile or Canal Tanta 110 W preimr..l to traniport•r.. and Faight to ail berets 0:1 rie:Extanaion, New lark Canals and the Lainsupon bit , most favorable terms and with despatch. The Line runs in connection with .the steam boat. BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Ym...borg, and Beaver, C Al Reed's Lim af steal. boats and or. sets on the Lakes, and the Troy an33Altelugan Lake Boat Line on the New Voila canal.. C. M. ugn, Progrirter, Erie, Pa_ Bidwell A Brother, Agents, Benver. W T Mather, Agent m I Alesinuen's Passenger 011 ice, Monongahela lloasee Pittsburgh. CONSIGNEES— W C hlalan. ;Alarm; J E A S Sharpsbarg; Smith a Imarniur. do; J 13 Plummer. West Greeuvtlte; Wick. Acker ll.ory. Hartstourtu Davis fc button:Tar:Mai Berney. (who. Co; Sandusky; Jos A Arm:lrma, laktfon. Ka:bind b. Newberry, Sheboygan Al iliore t thril lams. Alitweu kin; Kruip, Marley A Hamra John II Kistlie. Chicago; A Wheeler rk ew t'byc. opts Pittsburgh and Blidisvllle :Packet Line 180 " arEtL 4 public a respectflylly inforimcd that J. At MARSHALL C 0..; have Stied out new and air endid Packet Boats to rob during 3be serwou, be tween Blairsville and Pittsburgh-1M bons to be tow ed by three horses, and evet7 cfr‘, to ocean modate panseugent. DpArmaza—Boats wilt " leave :Fittsburgh every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. at 7 o'clock, r. a. From Blairsville every Mornay, Wrdnendoi. Thunday and Saturday, at 7 obloct:,..‘ 61111 arrive at Pittsburgh the same day: A ma Enr. Hata from Indiana will meet the boat gt Saltstifitsh. both on op ward and downward nip—flatting pAaseagers through from that place in one day. Freight for the above Line will bis' receive'd at the house of the Boatmen's Line. by Ir.. Parboil & Co. who are our authorised Aggnin All ;might received free of commissions. I Al Al AIDA tti 1.1. & Co. 11 JNO FSRP. I Co, Agents. IMMINSIME=I A Hack leaves Blulrevtlie for I . 4l4lgntown on Car Ime.' boat—returturto no.t.?a ronron. g rßrt from rttlsburgh to Youngsurrnul race of Boatmen's . Line thionsert nr9,l6m P I ; ff - t r iti MU Li 1P4L110 . A.131. 1840 RIM For the Tr...wpm - fano?, f"Ftetpyt to et /Id Irvin PITTS/JURGH, 1 . 7H , L ADE Yli I w. lIALTIMORE, YORK, ROSTON, Se: =E•EI Tax rag k O'Cussoti, Pittsburgh. TEE s old estabii•hed LinS being n o w m full opera. don, the proprietors are; prepargd,sita the, usch, extensive arrangements to Cu rfflardornerchanuise, pro duce, &e to and from the above pens, :Oterol terra,. with the regularity, despatch unkaafety peculiar to their mode of transportation V. elisions. seneu rrm shtp on the away is avoided. All consignments by and.for this bile receive& char. ges priA, nod forwarded in any requited directions free of chugs for commission, lids wicirtg,or susrave. No interest, directly Olutilirectlytto steamholits. All carnmunienuons proroptly alignied to on applica tion to the followilyx agental THOS. ElONStF.ilt.tri Alarkei. TAAITE b. O'CUNNORiCanci Elann, rthelargh. O'CONNOR & Co, Northhit, metee t liagiMi 18494 fASO 01NGE1.1.1218 , TRAIERPO E. ?Ronda - nes, Join BINGRAIS, Tun*. Therorteer, • Bueotteet, Jereon Dom, *lnducted on strict Bttiletiekr4Kng principles. LIE Propriemrs of thutepld esteXished Line have pot their itock in the Meet complete order. and ore oughty peeptiree to forleerd Prod:tire and Mere:ten doe to and from the Fleeter. clue., WO Mat that our long /LiperialittO in the carrying htlatatssoltid acalous anciflunt to rho lemmata of cos tmners,'will scenic to usLconnutearles and morons, a of the patronage hitherto eXtanded liingham'n Our arrangements will tamable tal :in curry Frclght with the utmost despatch. seal oar Orlccs shall always be as low as the lowest cbdrged by ether reaPoeinbh . Lines. We have opened an atm, in No IEI Market street. between nth and sth ins, Philnda, for the convenience of 'trotters. Produce and Merohnnthie will be received and for warded, East and West, without wry charge for for warding, ad freight. glorog6 or commission. Bills of Lading forwatded, and every direction promptly aueroled to.'' Address. or apply to ' WkL BINGHAM, Canal Basin, roe Liberty fa Wayne Ins, Pittsburgh. i:rlN(.ll:AlitS A DOCk, No 153 and kit Markel street., WlLst/N, Agent, No MI North ilowarthstrect. Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, metal No Hi West Meet, Newyork Merchants , Trwisportaition VIA PENNSYLVANIA F s :A:N.l4'a RAIL lion.Ds, tall.sDet•rill/Sego nstaltriumot. rIPNE Canal/ octal Itsul Keebds tamfoe now open, and in good order, we arc. p roponent to forward all kinds of roorchunalco and pr du. PiAladc 'Oda and Baltimore, with promptursk end dr,s,pateb, and on as good terms as any other Line. WA Mc/OiI:LTV a, Co., . Canal I.lnsin. Penn in, Pittsburgh. Aintant—CPl ARLES RAYNOR..iehilaticlehia tarn ROSH MORRILL h. Cl,pultiroore. aliL idrliadais Caa G fiat! Road k.o. preaajfaat Vacates Ea r lo l 1849. FROM lITTSSUGH TO PIRDAAELPHLA & S&L (Exclusively for Pmseiniers.) T' public respeettally informed that this Line .will commence running on thel ‘ hth mat, and eon alma throughout the Seasqn. , The boats are new ' and Oa superior CI., with en larged eatiins, which will dive greteter comfort. The ears are-the latest consmittion. „: A bon win always be ire, port, apn travelers axe re quested to ea) and examine them bOtbre engaging pus. wirelsewhere. are only nine dollen &Trough.) cone of the boats of Line Will leave the landing (cMposan U. S. Hotel, carats oftenn street and Canal, coin , night at nine 0 , clock Time 3( days. FO information, apply at the Office, Monongahela IlptuaS or to:IME:E.C/i &pia , MOW ' giTT‘pm7wq W..113KE08 POBLTAILLeS, BOAT LIKE ait2E2l Pei the Tranaportau o u o i g 1. to TO PHILAIIELPHIA, BALTIMORE A NEW YORK Bt.lsim- - 4.s on the Canal being now moaned, the PropriAtom of the above Line reelmerfully inform the public hint they are prepared to receive and for ward &meat/nth de.peteh. and at lowest rate.. They woCid also call the intention of tampers Eon ward to tlogret that the Beats employed by them In trammortiilijn, are owned up theta and commanded by experieneaciaptions. Sbippera*f bleat to Balk ai r ll find n advantage t° ship bp 4it t ls Line, a. the .übaeriber• have made e• rangemeolleat Colamboa to have such- reter. for Hal- Unarm, bantlikti directly (rom boats Sc care, thereby se vitg warerou. hanghiie Freight 14 Paitadelphia goes clear through in the Lwat.e. L - • No chart" made for receiving shipping or advancing charges. 4. KIER & /ONES Proproors, Canal Rosin, ' Seventh street.. Alt lIN4Joun A. Sham, Cincinnati, 04 Jno Me. c u i,„,,,,,, kro. Salon:ore; Jan Steel & Co., Pniladel plus. Stant). A Theorise, Columbia. rneh3t PICSIN S kit. VA N lA. CANAL. & It. FLOADOS, ;=,._.; 1849. Miaka. "FF-SS FAST PACAET LINE, Ptttablith4l to Philadelphia and Bob/mom • naively for raalengered 1111 E pablje are tespeetfu , ly informed tlaar tha Line eedeune Inc running on Monday, IMO March. • . . The thank:4oi this Lice are of a superior ela_as, with enlarged which will give greater comfort to owtsengertZ. A honi caps be in port. and traveler, are re. uested to 'tall and examtue them before engaging pas sage by othtr tunics. 'racy will leave the landing, op posite the 15, S. Hotel. corner Penn street and (Athal. every otgitfhit a o'clock. F.ARY:—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH. .4' rime-31 Days. For [whined/no, apply at Me office, Monongahela House, or tP D. LE.Ii:P II k Co, Canal Basin, N IL—Pac proprtetors of the above Line are nose holding agi , hildnionai Line of Packets. to run as above on or utich4Juiie I,t. conneetton wile the Peonsyl. vania Raii*ierd from Leaistosvit Pluladelpma. Al teat tame 44,acket actil leave every morning and even. Titnl;:ltroug h. 21 any, loch IO RELIAR„PE POTABLE BOATLIRE, ft,lllotl FoCitie transporiatton of PHILAIJI,LPHIA AND PI CCSIIIRGII. ( I uUDB `)ea recd lot tai, Line are a t . he ,htpped im nd ear nett iotofrection Portable Bon, over land and is a te,- —to airtime's of merchandise requiring careful llltals of impormoce No 1111/IrFe male • for stool - nag, Of for ad v anelng charges. Al, o rAiir ded vette dispatch, and on no reasonable terms as firmly oilier Line JOHN hPFADEN k Co, Canal Dann, Penn st, Pittsburgh JAS M DAVIS & Co, , marl Nlarket re 54 Commerce .t, rh NieFADEN A: Cu. Forwarding and Commis *ion Mercrimov, Canal Morin, Penn at, Pittaburgh. I A NIES AI DAVIS tr. Co. Flour Facto , and CO M sion )lercNuntr..2.l7 .Irarret and Si Commerce Pure, Prillade marl 1L., - ...,Lhceuice.. mmtr L, either of the ebove o Flour, mcrchattarre consig,d to 'lsm for sole :` warl4 10 attitiLUOLAN TS* WAY 1.1/1126. For I.3latts,tlle, Johnstomn. Gol.luay.butan, and oil intrru,,liate placen I ts LditYe will continue to carry all Way Goode with tkletz Reuel despatch, and at !au rotes of Aostiree A. Nl'Altill.TY & Co, Ptstaburga. 6 1113 NV akefield. Johurrown , ;1 . 4 ohn MJler. Ilothda) +burgh. R.Freta*s.r.--Jarnes Jordon. ',nail a Dr I' Shoenberqur, R Moore, John Parker. F Von Ronn• burst & Co, Wm Lehmer a Co. J.. M'Devirt h Rum, Prthiburga; John 'Nary, Sum,. Morholltan 0. Ray, JllO Unlit & Biarrarldr. inch 27 . ILERD,.4PARKS AL Co's. PA - CHET LINE. IS-18. REA V ER`.fiND el-EV - ELAND LINE. VIA IV Ait itiCS Canal Packet—SWALLOW, WA LLOW, Capt. Ford. " n' OCEAN. Capt. SS alters. /INF ot:the above Packets leave Beaver every day, excepteio sod tenet nett morning at Barrett, 4ere they colutect with the Mail :Menges for ns t krort audClevelitad, unsling at each of these places insane. angki. One of the rackets leave Warren daily, at 5 P. 11..,nrid arrive at Beaver to time to take the tor.. rang siOronlioat for Pittsburgh. C0T14.4A LEFFINGW ELL. Warren. 2 B 1.1,t1 Loa, rroprit'rs. AND ERIE PACKET LINE. Milan a Thrill Ls. tarCITT ROC.. ...AnafPacket—Proorrvamr. Capt. Jednes; " . Taterrasni, •• Pollock; “ 4 Latta Ear., " 'Portly, .` PSITOMA, /Roam; Fatattok, r Sayer The aStax new and spientdid Pusenger Packets knee commeneed runntng between BEAVER AND and in 1.1 Dm regularly donne the "eason—onc Loan leaving Rile every morning at " lock, and one lean wn-navel. every evening. immediately after the arri val or theramboat Michigan from Pumburgh. hors are nen and comfortably funtisned, and ism iun 'through me forty hours. Poo.ongers to any penmen Hie Lakes, or to Niatsura Fain, will find this route theinost comfortable end espennions. 'Flakes throooh tifn all porn on the Lake can be procured by aypipagito the proprietors. REED, P ARKS k Co. Beaver. .1 JOHN A. CAUGHEV, Agt. Pittsburgh, roe. Water and SmilliTielo stn. PSt•--Jao C Namron, Budao, N Y. C M Reed, Erse, Pa. C C Wlck, Greenville, Pa.; bl'iilarlartd and King, Big Bead, Poi t Hays A Plumb, Slassribsosh, 01, C taitst,,,aaroa. Pa, D C Mathews, Pulaski. Pa; R Cuumnghant. New Castle, Pa. jyl BIJILELE & CO'S FAST EXPRESS ; "UtMIIIO434 31, W. C. WIIWICI.I.. Sea vrr. FOR CIENHH.REA AAA HALTHAoRE, AND THE EAATERN Caws. THE Pimnetom eddies Llrie have put on New Stock, and ore prepared to (beamed packages of all de termitiouidaul y, at the lowest rate, J. C. BIDWELL, Agent, Water met, Flusukargls ROBINSON Cs BOEHM, °cal . 91 South Charles at, Baltimore,. =3l ' Passenger and Remittance 01:Mee. & CO. continue to bring persona cany pan of Eniand, Ir-land. Scotland or hs, upon the trim iennt. with then uattelporletualny and ittlei.on to w e wants sod Collo (On enILLIKIOLIOS WE- to pot allo our passengers to he robbisp,y thy swiedling scamps that inked Me sea ports, r i s e t i* charge of }then the moment they re.. port theriseiveill sod see to their writ b es t -bei and de. spanch hihm without any detention by the st slims.— We say Os fearlessly. sta we defy one of our passen gers to ass , mat they were detanied 4, boars by,o. Livcrpose, whilst thousands of °Lunn were dela:eve months. they cold be sent in some old craft. ai a ch,lp rag, whie too frequently proved Met, coffins We inttnd to perform our contracts honorably. cost what it Bay, mid not act as was the case last season, with chid , otfieers,—who either porfortned not all, or when it fatted their convenience. Drake iraum at Pumbargh Mr any sum from 11 to Luram, payable at any attic provtocial Banks in Ire land, kMgla.nd,Scousrul and Wale. Jr./Silt:A ROBINSON, rahl European and General Agent. Fifth rtreet. ens dna. WeArl. VE.NITIAN BLIND, ~ AND t' WA Eiiilosl. I A lIRt •WN would reApeet lyimorm to public, that he reps on hand his stand on the 'At Side or the Diamond, A lie• •ny rip', a complete *mon !. of Veal ban Blinds: else. Ve• tall 'Mutters are made to or in the beyt lity le, warranted Arit any in the L toted Stems. A Plied. eat be removed with t toe aid of a mrem driver tiring purchased t e ons. As,. and mood of tae e•nitiet es. vlyshment of hammy A M id, I am prepared to furnish eir old coimoment, u well as every thing in their lilies itrect, Pittsburgh. J A. BROWN. r)APER FIANOINGV---1 om now recet•titir, dir ec frog the manufacturers In New York, Philadel phia actiS3a.inore. a large and well selected assort. meat of KS the latest and most Improved styles of sit un, glntid and common PAPER HANGINGS, eon sitsurig of 10,t0 faeces of Parlor and Fresco; 10,0(ffi " Hall and COME.; 10,0) " Dining-mom, chamber and office Paper—ixhich I would panieularly invite the ettennon of titoseilacmg houses topaper, to call and examine, et the Paper Warehouse of S. C HILL, ap-J t 07 wood st CA 431.:THNOT as oinmr evil in - recifite a . ligge assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS, corisistia2 in part of Mullein's, Ribbons, H Laces, o siery. Gffives, Crape, Leine, Cambric Netungs, Lave Veils, Spacing, Pongee Hendkercluefs, gent. Cravats, gingliaM and cotton Handkerchiefs, corded Skirts, sewing silk, Threads, Bouons, Combs, Jewelry, Cut lery, iLe„ /Se. Country and city merchants axe res- Wpectfully, maned to call and examine hi. stock, No et Wood stltret. earner of Diamond alley. reektgil XTIFACT OF COFFEE—Ananieffi which ra fj comma, into use us a wholesome, noutisning enJ de igious beverage, bong more pleasant and pal atable tan common Coffer, and far cheaper, as ..mall paper costing only ten emus, go a, far as four puuntlA Coilec. 111.0 fartgarcd by JOHN S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa, Sold it wholesale by II A PAIINI-ISTOCK A Co, comer *First and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets, Pittsburp 21 ALIkRNIA FEL:MIER GOODS.—Jusi recome4 L mp Monaco, 510 officer coats; 12 prs Pontsq ah paws feu lined :dining &tots; IS Isthmus Hags, 3 Tauka 0 and 12 gallons curl,; 50 earlocus, I 'gotten etch, dos Buck.. :Honey Belts, Ido sled tambrie9lo do. The above goods for talc at the Cali• fornin Otlifitmg.Establishmclitts No 5 Wood sr. J Jc II PHILLIPS A SSO.TiID SPICE-S-:=Pottip for family use, in tin A enclosed in a sliding lid box. Containing ?dastard, Alspice, Cinnamon, Ginger, L; Cloves, Pepper, Warri e nted pare. For sale at the new Spice and Mostaea Factory, comer of Ferry & Liberty sm. ntylB.l. JOHN 11 BELL Lt - P — l--Wrought Iron Allot's, nt fro theYmni , . ;; vineworks, warranted; will be consul/Sly ou tmtlizid supplied to order, by mrYtJ GEO COCHR AN. 31 Wood st I~NF. t URNAGE HEARTH, moan mod from a supgrior . article of Bob .or ;re Brick Clay, in more and for Lie by KIER ft. JONES 5,1 r. Sitt, W. Wallaec basing used a Hearth of same, quality td manufacture for the past mamma MO' ill a, 'pron.... it superior to the heurthe lioar lalll general U 11.13 018 varmus from BOtticau.a, Jan rste'd and tor mic by Jo{ BILLER & RICKETSON Ti OLE; CHAlNes—Just. received. a beat:mut assort. (jmdnt of lathes and gentlemenst Gobi finned Chaim, doom SW to 850 each.tonere motes. Al., Wedding Rings of rd mom gotd gold Finger W, Ear Rings , Breast Pi., Bracelet, Gold Pens, atches; do. OP W WILSON, lns'iroomr lth anq Ala rkei ELSivr RIBBONS—Just received at Zent . Hon Nm- V 'ley's. 87 Merkel street, ' •' ' . . 12,i,bon ' sta.:Ted colon; .10 • , :blnek 8 .t embroidery Gimp; 10 ps wide Plain, tte deell • W 111115.11A1Nk.,..7 OE 1 . 1,8 T UkTIC/* latnilng MI alp habencal hat of Post Offices through out the uned Swats distances from as/Italian, D. C. 4 oust ,and territorial capitals respecti vett also ex tobitisigAe °glee. Captt State, OS 71,41 1/161,0911(1- i 7, Witll,4ll appendix of the traded States and lintish Tariffs. fJust reed by JOLINSTON 4. STOCKTON, mykt corner ad sod nuke' me MEDICAL. Q.ELLEWV FAMILY MEDICINES—"ThaY an , N. Mcd,emes of the dn.^ • • • - • u...3is &1...n0m. Ohio. May 25, 7819. Air- Sellers. I think 0 right (or the benefit of otter3i to rtete some facia in relation to your excellent Farm ,y have used your Verthifuge largely in my own fam ily. one vial frequently answering (or expelling large quntintiek coy I to 2001 worm= from ternehildren 1 have also used your Liver Pills and trough Syrup In my famil y, and they have in every instance produced the effect desired. As I am engaged in merchandising. I am able to state that I have yet to bear of the first (allure where your medicines have been used in my section of die country. In conclusion. I may state that they are the medic...tee of the day, and are destined to have a very extensive popularity. Your., respectfully, W H. ?Meath. Prepared and sold by IL E. SELLERS. Yo 57 Wood treel, and sold by Druggists generally it the two ci ties and vicinity. tn3l G RhLT4CItI LTfil:Col PLAINT, by he ong Liver PJI. SHOST Con., Ohio County, VIL. March kith, IEII9. Mr. IL 11. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a dory I owe toyou and to the pablte rrtera ly, LO rate that I have been atllteted with the Liver Complaint tor a long time, and so badly tint an abets, formed and broke. which left me innvery low maw. Having beard 01 your celebrated Liver Pule being for sale by A R Sharp, in West liberty, mid recommended to me by my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to give theca • fair Mal. I purchased one box. and found them to he just what they are recommended, THE BEST L/- YEE PILL 'EVER USED; and alter taking four Issues I find the disease has entirely lett me, and I am now perthetly well. Respectfully ,ours, 1) II COLEMAN. Idfierty, March •41,1-49 I certify the I am personally acqutonted aram Air Coleman, and Call Lear testimony to the truth of the shove certificate. • A FL SHAMP me genuine Laver Pills are prepared and sold by EL b Sh.LL,ULU, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists in the two elites. TO TiE Pt:RM.—The onmnal, only true and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by R Etier lire and home his name stamped to black wag upon the lid or ch bog and his signatore on the cutmde wrapper--all others ore counterfens, or boar inntatious. oplO R IitELLER, Proprietor Lift:JAY NE ; S CARJIIIISATIVICBALsAIB VW/Make Kee ASA !MINN, a well knonti and pop l' Mar Clergvman of the Protestant Chord The undersigned havorg been afflicted during the past wince, with a disunite ot ihe stomach, sometim w pro diming great pain in the comuhfor tenor Mel we 110.1 without intro:minion, and after having tiled •allnm remedies with little effect, W. fernished with a hen., "(Dr LlJayne's Carminative Balsam. This he need ac cording to the direerions, and found Levarlahly that th.t medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min uteri, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every Linens, gensanon was entirely quieted. The medicine nor n f terwarde need whenever t ndications of the approach or pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent , cd lie corn..led to use the medicine every evening and sometimes In the morning, and in a few weeks health woo so far restored, that the sufferer was re I ie• ed from a large amounsof oppreeenie pain. From Cl penence, therefore. hereto confidently recomme ,d 1.) iayer's Carminative Balsam, as a salutary wed , . for diseases of the sonnaun and bowels. A INND Allegheny city. Jylll For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKI N TEA tiTt 7u Fourth st :tear Wood, and s 100 a, ',Prue re et II Preet, S.GIIW • RTZ t •' . treet Allrg • VALUABLE; DISCOVE — RVI CONSITAIPT/VES, HE ON I'OCR GUARD. MICTIEGE COMPOUND DIKUP OtilViLD CHEM THA 00/t,r 9. - Yro . l 7. Consumpuon, Coughs, Colds, Asthma., Broncmos. Liv or Complaint, Spitting Blood. DifScully of Breath tog, Pain in the Side and Mem,. Papa-won of the Dean, Induenza. Croup. Broken Con stitution, Sore Thrum. Nervous Debilt tyraod Disgeses of the Thront, Brenst and Lking•; the mein ef fectual end speedy cure ever known for any of the above diseas e, DR. SWATNr•s Compound Syrup of Wild - Cherry! Thin metheii , is no looser among u s ,,„, of dots info: I t h as passed nosy front We thousands Oni.y seethed upon the ode of agreement, and now - moods higher to reputstion. and u becoming More extenetvo - used than any other preparation of inedicine evm produced for the reorf of sudert.ta man. It by been introduced very generally through the United States and Europe. and there are few loon, of imprtance brit what contain some remarkable em• lene o e of its good effect , For proof ot the fotegoilig summon., and of the valeta and efficacy of lb.. medi al., the proprietor 55,11 insert a few of the tau. r thou sand testimonials which Lave been presented to hi,o by men of the first respectability—mem who have hher rielre Of moral re‘pots.ibittly and iustier. than eer “fy to farts, bemuse it will do another s favor. and ,i i emsetves eo tithisoce. Such testimony proves con clusively that its surprising excellence It emelilished liy ith intrinsic meets. end the unquesuonabte authori ty of üblic soothing The inetanlaileous relief it of. fords, ted the soothing 10110000 e diffused through the whole frame by its are, renders it a most tigreeathe remedy for the afflicted RENE.MBF.FP. hWhen men. acting front conscientious impulses volununly best tertlimony 10 the truth of • thing. or particular fog, sorb tesumony, being contrary to their worldly interests mot purpose, eoeree• 70117.00 a oi troth, and commends itself in a 'special manner to universal eredenee."--011ogen's Moral Alartats. READ THE FIUME CERTIFICATY , i 5711.1. ANOTI , IMI Otto or POI.IIOXOII Cosset KrTio:7,- 1 - here never wee a remedy that has been as sureessfui in desperate eases of Consumption, as Dr Swaynes Compound Syrup of Wtld Cherry, It rlrOng l hehs the i) stern, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, :rolling new and neh blood, power possessed by no miter medicine. Chcrrex Co.. April Voth. Dr, Fortune—Dear Sir I eerily believe your Com pound Sprop of Wild Cherry hat been the means of coring my life. I caught • severe coal, whigth g y s j, lily grew worse, attended with • severe cough, that resisted •Ii the remedies which I had recoerse to. gal.! Increasing until my ease exhibited the symptoms of Polforio}ry Conserzopuou. Everir tevir f tried s e gm ,„,,, to have lie wiser, end my edsopLaint increased so 'hind . dim friends ns myself, gave up all bore. of my rerovery At this woe 1 wee recommended to try Tour mini-liable medicine: I Yid Ma with the most hap py results. The first bottle had the effect to bootee We cough, courlng me to expectorate fuel). and by the thee I kind use, bottles.l was e..orely we...Le...A1 no, stew brae , a mon as l ever ores In my life, sod would be harry suffersive en? tnformitoon respecting my ease, thm other ff. may derive we bmalit :or which lam so grateful. For the trsiLh of tee above stateraerric:fer, you to Peter Rosh. Grocer, West Chester, of whom I parceneed the medicos. Itimi Yut.rui Jean Aluaaaa WM.lerfoi Can of a Dirdkniiist iffirMeter. Dr. Suray.--Dear Sir I feel a debt of 'remade due you—and a daty to the slanted generally, to off, my humble testimony to favor of your Composted Sy. rap Of Wild Cherry. Sorne three years since I wa. violently attacked with cold and inflammation of the Lunge, which was accompanied with a distress:id ough. pool in the bream and head. a very consdera• h,o ili.charge of offensive moat. , from the long. es,. mall] upon change of weather. however .1101. At fist I felt en alarm shoot my condition but was pt /tip moo convinced that I was rapidly going Into eonsamo don. I grew doily weaker. end at length was .411/Cc y able 40 walk about, or speak above a whisper, was the escemlang weakness of my lungs Donne Clo. met had tried venous prepare... end preseriptiona. hot found no relief—vowing all the time worse la. here I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend it Wilsangton to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Chm• . 1 mast code. that previously I bad the' prem. diced aganst patent medicis and I .I.olaga/ost [hive wining oat of tie hand s°Tempest.. bet under standing your ciao. to the przifesson and practice Of medJetne, and ham. implies faith in the saying [slay friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, a Ira bottles. and commenced it,eme SI y eras at that time of Mier 'M months standing, coo. seemently an. deeply seated. I found, however, node bye relief from the tom of the first fear or fife hurtles. twat being a public speaker. I frequently au ;emoted aelt with my increasing Strength, and thereby ruptured those vessels that had already oeua to heal; in U. way. doubtieria, my mire was se at y [merged. In coetayuence of amine thus imprudently. I had 10 use twelve Or Lltef It tattles before I was per reedy restored I have no Micelle. a much .as Na of oottles would have mule Mr wood. but tor os above indiscrettott The Sir up ed the fever Itaoll, took away the assures.. cougar, put a to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave them and the enure system good health. I have deter• red oSortog thu rertarcatt - un,tl no, for the purpo.• h[ being nowtperreely catid with the permanency w ith rime, and that I feel perfectly ran, I oder Seaman. Rev 1 . ..10eus Dublin county, N C Important Catattm—Read . Rrort Thereis bat one cellulite preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is :.01111,11'S, the first ever offered to it,. pubbe, winch has been relit largely throughout tne United States and some p•rts of Europmerry tome pmauuat caned by ttse name of W t id been put OM 11111te this. under rover of some deceptive circumstances, in order to rie currency to their awes. UV a hale observation, no person need mutate the genuine from the false. Ent,. bottle of th- geuine is enveloped with a beautiful .4,1 ensravoig, n wtie tile ni:mese of Willssin Penn thereon, also, Or Swartz., tignaturet and as further security, the portrait of Dr. Swayne will be added hereafter so as to Mittman... Its preparation from all others. Now, il it nets not to the great curative properties and known virtues or Or. Swaynehs Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, person. would not be endeavoring to give curreac y their .ficsurina nostrums' , by stealing ine name of Na itil Cherry. RemeMber, always bear ill nand the name el Dr. Swayne. and be not deceived. rrincipal Office, corner of Eighth and Kate sweets, Ptilladelphia. For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW DEN, cor 2d and WoodHs; Et P A AW:it:STUCK & Co, ear tat and Wood, and Gth and Wood sta; WM THORN, AS Market st, S JONES. Irti Liberty sr, /AS A JUNES. our /tend and Penn ow; JOHN wren- ELL, Allegheny city. and by allrespeemble dealers in ruedteine. octl2 I tiTitorqo EV IDENLE that Dr JA EX. I'Er...TOfLANT is superior to all ether remedies for . moths, Consurophon, Drottehttie, Asthma, and other P ' , try efietions r ts that the some persona who cominetteed the ten)so sot I prefer it to all ',User females of the kind; nod where soy have been induced try other preparations they have almost insarietaly been &reappointed to reorretng the benefit which woo roasooably Envoi-awl from the high pm.. bestowed by the propr.etors, and ha" returned to the use of J ' gc Tema OT, a remedy that has surer faded to rubes them and witich Probably mover bad Its equal on Dug pulmonary thetas. Prepared only by Di D. J•Tne Pblladelphne, and sold so &C..1b7 ALEX. JA I,rbk:tl docZkldaelf 71Fou rib et •-,- • • . Dr, W. P. Inland , . Premium Plaster. TILL W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College tif adelphia, now offer. to the public his Indian Veg etable Premium Plaster, the qUaiIIICS of which, aftEr long and tried experience, has been satisfactorily es tablishes/. To all women who may be afflicted with Prolapstni Ctcria or Fallen Womb, he recommends his .honeslastr guarworeing a tare and speedy cure in the pa of from two to thee weeks, if applied with rare end rent --thiscarding all the eountleas instruments and expensive bandage. so long in use. This he (eels coin/emotions to state , innsmuch as he has not failed in one caseW out of ee hundred and lily-three pa tients. Also for liticumanam and Weak Breast or Back, at tended with pain, there Is limning to excel this Plaster in affording relief or effecting a aura For sale by L. Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market st Braun & Reiter, " Liberty and St. Clair sin Di 1 Sargent Federal at and Diomond, Alle- gheny city Jaeott“ & Co, " Denman and Diamond Birming ham. ie3 E. SELLERS, Druggist, No 67 Wood street, . Sole Agent for the *ale of Dr. Townsend'.Gen nine Sarrapanita, has rust received 21X/ dozen of Ana 6 rr at Spring and SurnEer Medicine. Vorehasers should recollect that A E Sellers to sole agent foe Sittsbarglt, and D M Curry (or Allegheny city ap.s /71_OLD ANUS VER PATIN' LEVER WATCH• 1,3 4:S.—Duplex Watches, made by the celebrated Cooper of Loudon, Al. J. Tobias of Liverpool, and a largeammortirin of detached gold and sti•er Levers, made by tee it Geneva meumfactureo. Spectacles 01 all Mik; Communion Ware In sets; Geld Pens; Jewelry in large variety, Silver Spoons, Porta, &a. [Er Watch repairing executed m the best manner. W W WILSON, myth comer Market and ash .t. MACADLAY - S. ENGLAND—Harpers fine edition, 8 To.. with portraits; cloth-78 cents per volume. For sale be JOHNSTON k cieKTON, come: Mutat and 34 K. IISMI4,MOIM PATENT DASHER CHURN Burs r, rsx 'sours. us sor 10 micro rams ill aurntion of the public is invited to this very I valuable Churn, which has the advantAge of all co- en in combining the old and new inventions to gether The utility of this invention is apparent, as by a Mml pie prone., the. air is forced beneath the dash, and does away with the necessity of parchtuonfg a new Churn, as it can he appbed to any churn in use, and for one dollar can hare all the Improvements of the age combined with those of gathering the Batter in the usual way . . The public are ia•ited to call and judge for them selves before purchasing elsewhere, at 87, corner of hlarkrt sod Fifth streets, or at 63 Desmond alley, be tween Wood and Market street., Pittsburah. m r/9 SAML. lEROESEN. THE undershgned hartug been appointed Agent of the DaLaW•lta IVIVITAL Paean Ilisretahcz Coo. the place a( John Putney, Jr., resigned, re epectfully informs the public and the blends and cue tamer's of the Company, that he is prepared to take Menne. Inkerd and Fire make on liberal terma, at their otbc.e. No. 37 kViiter street. P. A . MADEIRA. myte Agent Lyn:El F 1 , 1 ,4.7.-1000 tees 2 to. 3 ply India Rubber 11 Dose—met received for the Borough of Manches ter. wheel. Setif be held t more for a few day.. The Demon Rehm, nompany expreea a strong desire for the fire departme n t. of te cities of rit.t.rgEs and Al legheny to call and examine and make a trial atheist. The company 0, erditna to put them to any teat they think proper to conclude upon or yin JA II PHILLIPS, 5 wood at - • • bouks Pi.pit 114 R kaIis6RIPTILPN OIR - Rtott: 1,) irl the Citixens' Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. :ill be opened in the Rooms of the Board of Trade, on the first Klondav of November next, at lOo'cleek, A. N. Win. Lorimer. Jr. Robert Woods, Wm B. bl'Clure, Joseph Plummer, S M. Kier. Jo.lah )(mg, John She nil", Alex. Roseburg, nr.d H. D. Sinn. _ apltodiseYl Comnossloners. GOLD W A !MUDS. • TT PARRY ha. tereoted a machine for washing (Sold. for which he h•s made upplication for • pe:cat. Tbry are now offered for sole at the ware house of Petry, Scott G Co., No. 103 Wood street, Adventure, to California are invited to earl tad er n e these lubor.mving machines They are stle 111 their cnstruction, costly transported on the back of mules or o horses. lreMhing etglsty pounds each, and ran he put In operation in half an boor They eon ed with provisions. It is the opinion of those who have seen the trial of one of these machines of steeliest 111le, that two men wilt warm the mineral from ISU buelicio of sand or earth Ina day, without the loss of a particle of the nuneral. They eon hetnerermedia sue and worked by water or mule power, If expedient. The operators work without comg Into the water or being exposed tow et, and consequently without en. dangertng thr health. They will requue but a mall stream of water. and can be used the whole season, and ran be put Into operation where there is not suffi cient water iu wash in the usual way. Prthe 01 'gamiest st.e SAS. Orders from abroad, az cdatpardad by cash, until be promptly filled. U. PARRY, at Parry, Scion tr. Co's, febn-dtf Wood .r, Pittsburgh aluapratt £ Sons , ' Soda Soda Ash. pilE.b.,ribrre are now rear g them Fall stock of thee erne!, three vessels, cm: the Juana. Methrilion sni abov l Lydia. having arrived at Philadelphia •nd Ilona:nor, and two more. the Stephen lialdwm Lens. Mori., expected. they are. therefore, prepare,: to receive. ordr, They will erector during the win. ter and sr.runt reguise mppaes via New Orleans nov1•1 M NI ITCH ELTREF. Al . Ol NT KAI. TRIPOLI—For cleaning win 1.11 dow, alid lamp valises, silver plate, brass, Fin nnJ ott.ei ware It rapidly to out all spot. an , nail reproduces the beautt.til and dunibli lustre cit o are. lust received and for sale, whole. sale and retatl. by JOIIN _Druggist. R MI- Fl II A RV.' AN . ..ulna .old !us inter ITl , he parinerahm of Coleman, Hallman .1 lo 'n the re' partners. has lam day refired fr , vn.h. hrm. February 10, 1849. if I I oltl. Ki.•ll MAN L. PACI Tau . under themuturturcra, hau on ham: 1.1 i• I re 05550 a .ull .apply of the uncle. m ~1 awlo my wtneh he Mien for au,. a' pricril. GEO COCHRAN 26 wood at NI,I A RI 1:14:111 I gr.. bottles Indi. nn earel,rill article for rendrrh4 nom , wtiler proof, nod gall aa piece o . c.ot r app.4csoon of the. renst• in sufficient irk make :nem imprrviou .tow ater for A or 3 months, and a ^1 , k revertl•llve torn tile In.rhor 11,• A and tor Lale of the Indio Ruhber Depot. No 5 11 ood •t. tet Ib 1 h II PHILLIPS 13=1 air,rir•rrerrx or ALCOIIOL AND PUDE NPIRITS, corner Front ani Vine wee., Cln.cinnsiti, 0. , , , Kahle de;l to St loweet market price. sachitattly .., _ 11 . )1..t.'FJ V. D rills DAY, at We neer p. me I haute. No :5 Fourth etre.— ill/fa emanated 'Nano to Plum Turkey red China An do Ivan Jo Fur d do do do th dr•ted de do do do Dordaridan N.oe loe a.t t Carpet BILLIALOK.i (1+ r • .. 11101 r, .1 ALSO— camp. Cooloos Transparent Slade% V.sos do do Turk •11 dr do do (5t..1...•• do do do Drapor) Cloor.s do do Moonirsht V tows do do Ls.nd-cape do do do T Gooors do do Cord and Tasse:s. Reliant and :Rats, Rack Pules, Ends n,el4ore are of the rtrbest and west to orbieti sre too.. the attention o( our Intends and en•torners ai , d those wishing to furnish or re pietnsh sienut t oats and houses. mar 7 W NI'CLINTOCX I'F.T,-11eretved thts day direet Mita the manufacturer— :deer sty.el apestry 3 ply Cornets, extra super; do do do do sneer, do Carpet.; do Brussels, very cheap, do do rich colors sure, Ingrain do 1-1. and 5-1 heavy Venetian do 1-4 3.4 and ronitnna do do Al: or whlca se/d at as mall advance, and attarantre as ,our as cam be rarreascel let the east w /CF:.73 Fourth at COACH MAKING FROM the .cry hherai encourage went the *enter, ber has received mne he h. locaird tomaelf in Allegheny 'Wang", her • minced him to take a leane, for term of year., on the property he no neetipma It-.err snort, tmmediately hemde th • ext. mem lc , (March From the tool ekpenenee tn th • the - yr, busman. and • desirc t• pie., he hope• to Met Ind rrcerve a atm,r of puhnc patronage. Now Nan. and rtr“sl..ns to order. Rockaway liar ues. op on en and .0p linag:r. and every deserlpuon o. erlagesmade to order. froe•enty•fivo dollars to • nenaret ms N SOUTH_ The A I legheny I:l•m•tary, A T ,:o he : , az Uz i n 0 ,. 1 Coz . r a t .r or e s h; e l d u re•e eetrd anaarra lor t tng te ensuing year, TI II IM A d Al. HOWL, PreludenL JOHN 1111.$1.:LI, NATHANIEL Hot?dm NNILSON NI`CAINI , LI* , B, JOHN II SHOEN BULGER., JAMES H. J ann . Jr Secretary end Tro•se'rer. The anneal statement preaented the of of the 11/00r.) , 10 a very protperotta condthon Their oak , q, the rity 1. Nn :1, Water oireet THE STAR OF THE WEST I7not eide et the th ULAN arnott UMANUFACTORI , where Ventuat Likud. o! all the dttlerent me. and role the kept on hand or toade In order tallc e InteAt aod mon approved Fastern (¢llll tool, at the shortest nonce and on the me. Alan, the cheap lio•ton roll or .pin Blind Tramps. rency and Payer Curtains or All the different lowa and matter., on Land •nol (or Fate low for rash. Ind Vent: rtnn Bltnd. painted otter nod repotted.. taken of part r.lly ale t ter new II Wl - :4TENVELT. Yro'pr. N —An Vir 01.. dant' ...11.21 ale best material and workmanship. 2... d ranted to please to most Ca.- utlioue auglo-dly A:legbeny en, , Aug 10. I AIR. A2TIRAICANI TELEORAPIICOIIIPANV LALTINIII/1 e , PI Tan kiWILISCLINGI \vi',.rvltN LINE °Mee at the Etc hange, Baltimore. R E etY e el l , " 2.i " g d r,' burgh or %1 4e..'111,. and a corresponding reaneno made on all telnerapi,n. despatehe• forwarded froth Ba amore West of 1 . /.l.2rgh. Pa ftsent.—Tite ruarge tor a Lei graph despatch to • rrnta Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Wh ,. 1..1g, I. 43 eon for the first ten wont., sad 3 cents for each additiet sword. g - No charge is made for the addreu and algal Until the compieuml of the South Western Uno of Telegraph trona Nietn,tle A, Teen , to Neer Orleans, des pole ben can I e forytortled to Metbrottis by Ws route, end matt tor 111 , 4.111 tall - - ACHEION %VOUIII liii E & JOHN WOODHOUSE; HAVING this pint aspetaied themselves ittgel,her In panne r•1,.,. 0ne r the firm and style of A. & I Wtantouse. Pot tnnaufacture of TUN, COPPER AND SHEET.IIII PA WARE, on the earner of Robin son street and the Cott., 10 the let Want, A1.1..11604 errs, where they ore 'prepared to furnish to order, wholesale and remd, all articles in their line with promptness. Poundry 'trimmings, and Carpenters orders ere so. betted, which will Neel, pminediaie summon. City of Alleg:cnv,'l•eL. I. 1,49 --.111111 ANDSCAYE eel, a view Ilfulterey Cer o t , ordo, " " Buena Vista; " " Feu de Parts, " Chose de Lyon; Horde Francs:us.; Col C Auvergne; The above is suatable lot papertng large public rooms. Jam rood direct from Parts, arid for sale at 'he w•rehnntol al afr, S C HILL su 11. a F. ;meal Istioid fur washing clothes, carpets, silks, peon and fine lurtinere— saving half Ow Into, and thspetiatitg entirely with the wnshboord. The bong Wilton coxpets, after having been to assn :cern years, have been perfectly restor ed, without We stishtest troury to the fabric, and with out removiog loon the door. It will not injure the cloth. Directions accompanying eaeh bottle. Price tIS rents. For sale by J SCHOONMAKEH & Co, mys V 4 wood st D RUGS—Chlorate Potash, in lb. houleoi Carte Acid do Hypo. Sulpb. Soda do Sob NIL Limmutb do Comoote do o Lollop do Chloroform do Jam received sod for sole by A FAHN&RTOCK & Co y i Ay llAggs.--30doz for halo }a, P F VON BONNHORST & CO castsOm stew:l;r - 6.; berland and for sale ju7 A It NE3TOCH & CO 111:00:111(illi13:{1)A I ',Ai INIEEEM & BONE, Bankers, Exchange Brokers, NC:rrMI, DHAPTS, i6CE&A!,i6MGOLD,SILVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.--Dmfta, Notes end Acceptance. .yablo in tuty pan of the Union, collected on We most tamable terms. EXCHANGE oa New V ork, Philadelphia and Bal. =mei alsa, Cincinnati, Loatstalle, Saint LOWS and New Orleans. constantly for sale. BANE NOTES.—Notes on all 60i•CITIt banks in the United Stases discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign and Amenctin Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. Office No. s 5 Blanket moot, bemoan 3d and Ca. Pnuourgh. °cud FOREIGN EXCHANGE. . BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Countnes, from it to 14000, at the rate of SS to the / ;,ttcrling, sambaed deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and General Agent, office bib Al one door West of wept. °tabu atlas IMAILLI.I 1.0 1.1 DANRERS AND EXCHANGE BRI) dooler• .0 in Foreign atattiDomente Rills of Exchange, Cer tificates of Deposit; Bang Notes and Coin. corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite Si. Charles Ho- VVICICILN Ohio, Emmet'', Minoan, Bank Notes; purchased at the lowest rates, .... _ N. kIULMFZ & SONS, aepl3 35 Market street. BILLS or sc2OHANaEL4Ight - Che'cie oa - New York. rhAndelphia,_ old Bd. - tore, ConvenUy for sole by N. SONS. es pl 3 35 Markel st. BOOKS. ' UIIC, &G. New BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING.— Poo—Euroku, a Prose Poem; or, the tthyrios: and Metaphysical Universe, by Edgar A. roe. handsomely ' , rotted, 12mo cloth. 75 ma shop be greatly surprised II this work doer not credit • profound sensation among the diem', oral sctedtiac classes all over the Union, Ebel - dap:lg us tt does a reasmeng power and grasp of motor lit which cannot posslblr fait to excite the ',peens) wonder' of even the most careless reader.,—Erprese. Nineveh and int RCII1111114; with an account of a vt•ll to the Ch•brae. Chrisnans of Ku rdist., and the Ye :tom or Devil Woretnppersi and an inquiry nao the nuroutzra and arts of the Ancient AAA) mos. by A tont, Henry Layard, Eaq., D. C. L.; in U vole, watt mane, ous illustration. 'One of the most remarkable works of the age—The Tunes, (Loudon,) Feb. U. The Salamander; a Legion of the Iron Furnaces of Rockland county, N. V., by E. (taboo Smith. with .1- illeAr2 1011. of 'holey; ed Illuso. cloth, 7.5 co .1 Fennimore Cooper. 'The Spy, a fit w and heath] Ad edition, revised by the author, with new prefaxe, e be forldlaved by the Pilot. in the throe • yle The Work • of Washington I rvlts, roviAed and en. larged sty Chet author. eiegabt doodecinfo volumes Ithnotifut,) printed In new type. and Oil superior paver made. egpressly for the purpose For fta e by JAfIF3. u LoCXWOOP. (for miry ' , ars on with Mess', Wiley Puthara. ano lute John Wtley, N (Yom' ?dr L has Add returned from the Eastern eines. BOOKS--Iffaug—The Crayon Miscellany— , comprodig The Frame, Abbotsford. Ne Abbey. Complete in one volume—eicantalf primed. Cur - son-11c Mon...ries of the Levant. Port ovu, I Insulted A voinme of more than ordinary interest, relating a rell, 0 , most curious and 0(1 , 11 anat., advci lure • • • lire field occupied by the volume is almost entirely new murnercial Advertiser. A look of gentlemanly, hberrfb scholarly ul :nterrm l- . whicla re,mas UP not a little of Deck lord'. Spanish 1. °famous. or the vivid enslern tcrtan,:renees of guinea Literary World l'onper—tNele edition of ear y works op y revised be with new ,ntroductlon go.d notes. Com ,n to to I vol Ur tcorra wno Irvoig a work. 81 ti The opv and the eketchroot were t • e first A them ic eon i.OO k. tr which were unree 1 . . I, ocknow•edged to cos,tll4ll pettormanee an ar e e• Horn., W• well member the enthu•iasm WII/1 which use) were received. and the proud expectation.. which he) awakened prolong the 111/Cll4. ruined end th , pamotic al roe. Irving wt. roon eitooed a aerlt toe side of hoiden/I th and Addleoli. and t,iporrer wn• tranolated in every • coun,ry of the contitre wt.*, any Interest wa• 10.1 to a foreign literatux Lorrar) I,lorid For sale by 1 D LOCK NA - IMb. 1014 n d at .1011Ke,—Complete‘Vork• of John Al Mason. N D D, in 4 vol.. soda Voyage Hither, by Herman Nlelvile. border Warfare of N York, by IV IY Campbell. Here a I.tule and There a Litle. by the author u 'l.,tee upon lane, and Precept upon Precept " hlernoirs of toy Youth. by A De Lathartine Iltustratrd I ate of Frank.ta, part .Ih. two reertve. and for ante by N taTUCKTON : stpxl , rb rtl • ti %bale ta NF7►'F:l~' ttlaS—Dr. Goa; utry'a %Vora tau F:pair our Clkolrra, litatory.Caucea, Pathology am/ treat meet Philosophy of Religion. by J Morel'. AM. Bourne'. rated] t gm of the Steam Ptiguto Chambers Cyclopedia pflish Literature. 1 vole Octa•o, hue edition, steel Chan:Mem' hliseeliany of Useful and Entertain/by Enowledge—lti vols. Pd no. Dia•trmed. Advice In Voting Men. by T S Arthur. glib Young Women, “ Elements of Meteorology, by J. Brocklesby, M. A. On(rlVlngb. Proverb. for the People, by K S. Magoon. iovarsity Sermons, by Dr. Wayland. French's Holman Lecturer, ma 1-.40-7 —"The fitness of holy Scripture. for unfolding the spiritual life of men.' I vol. mid No. 6 Prima lira's Life, illustrated Received Mu day by R HfiuK, 4S. ap24 Apollo Eu 4,41.4,4111 st NEW PUBLiatiON4l Ornlte the Colon of Church and Statei by Baptist W Noei, M A t Ilhatii.—Ell 14 An entire minion of ibis work Ira. add in one day. on its publiration in London' Lean. from Margaret Smith's /carnal. zn the Pro vince of Alaasachusetm Bay-167b-9. I vol. Maio 75e. Pooma—tiketchea of Life and Landscape, by Rev Ralph Hoyt—new ed enlarged--witb nous. lino. A Caterlimni of the Mean) F.orne. Illustrative urine uriebtlbe principles upon which us operauun depends and the pracucal decal* of its structure. in its apptica• nom to mines, =IN, steam navigation, and rail. ay. with •arinowningemions of trerprovernenti by J Bourne 11. ' I an; limo 73a. Cheerer', LE-Clore• On the Pilgrim'. Prep .—new ed Price reduces! to Slial The Caxton., a Pastuiy Hamm. Port L letc. Franklin'. Life, illustrated. Parts IV mid V. Ezra 26. Rata.' Histories,' by Prof. Tyler—Mno For *ale by metal R HOPKINS. CRICHEEING'S PIA NO FORTES. JOIIN H. hItH.LOR, No. El Wood street, hos the pleasure of announcing the &meal of a new and splendid assortment of Pianos, from the 17111.1fi,10r y of Jonas Clitekenna. Hoston—nmong them a mar nth root Rosewood full Grand Piano Fort. 7 «tures. Also, a superb square Piano Forte, 7 octaves, carved rosewood, of the style of 1A... XIV, with svsnery 7, al and arts vet. to which the attention of purr MU- Cr • respectfully sonetled. JOHN H. MiLLOR. &de Arent for Cliockermi's Plano Fon.. for ll'eat• rra Pronsylvania *Pit lois Agency for Nana. é Clark's Pianos. ilttiT Rkit:EJVF.I.) and opening, a NMlnew lot of elegant Pianos. front thi celebrated factory of Noma& Clark. N Y.. comprising 0 ay and 7 octnyci st Mt important troprovemenu, both in mechanism and dilutor, possessed by no others. A 1.,-(1 A bite selection of Chic ken tiga Plano., trom fl to 7 ocdives H. Klit.'l , l..:R. Sole Arent, at J. W Womlwall'ard Thad at N H. The above will be mold at mnufarturers rri ens. arEtholit soy addiltlon for fretahl a or expemical mann Journal and ChrnltiCle copy. _ • -- PIANOS. . . A RN. Fi:N DI IX axgorrment MlMlironyan n d RA3.14,0011 rm., just fi.. totted. eat. matron - mid. am mode the latest patternand best ',MC I - 121 and wal be sold low for cash by F BLUME,II2 Wood street, 24 d.n. above Fifth N a—Tbove who •re in want of a good instrument are respecthtlly invited to examine there before pus ohulng etyma - here,. they cannot be excelled Ii) ail) in die boubtry, and will be sold lower Mail on) brultglo iYozOlJrci Elf t Alitolom received, two pianos of Item burgh manufacture, warranted to he superior to nit) egret . sold 111 title country octZi V II 1.412 subscriber has oven appointed Sole Agent for the sale of CA11115,11 I'S IMYKOVEII rNS, as manufactured and and perfected by Alessr• March A. MTh., of Cincinnati. The usual comps., and extent being bat four octave., Nlessm. M t% accordance with the general desire nod demand have eateuded the scale of these toatrument• to as anu even 5 octaves, thaa matt, g it practicable to frfr.tu. Von theta a n y memo written (or the jean or organ Ilia exterior, also, ha bent mach Improved by ph:trine the body of the 111•11V112,11 111.011 a cast nen imair beautifully bronsed and ornamented, rendenng it al once a mast elegant and extrem•ly desirable article The price is put so low as to bring n within the truth of every one to obtain a perfect musical instrument 'and, at the same tune, a man elegant piece ol turni tote for a rompuratmq trifle. II KI.EnER, At J W Woodweli's GHEAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The taubserthet has lust received from Europe, and for sale. au enhiely new inven non of Piano Fem., Called the A LI INKT PIANO PORTE, which possevolig more power turd sweetness than the ovum Pia occupies but one fourth .614 much room, and lea much no, mom showy aim handsome piece of furniture.. It is particularly destrur tole where the saving of space is an object, twang ea. ecerlingly neat and compact, and occupying no mere room than a small aide table. The subsenber hos to hand a teenier:mud of Its imperionty from the celebra ted ptamst, Moschelles, in his own hand winung,whicb may be inspected. H. KLEIII,II, otitY7 Al J W Womtura's --- thlelierli - Planos. ' - ?MTJUST received and for auk at man ufacturers rices, rum:. new Piano Fortes, 0, el p and 7 octaves, of tbv umst elegant pattern* of furniture, and with the We unproved meat, Also on hand and for sale low, 3 second hand Plan. no JOHN H AI ELLOR, Sole Agent for Chsckering's Pianos for Western Pennsylvania, el Wood street. ma, N EW MUSIC BY HENRI IlEll2—Tbe Last Rose of Bummer, with an introduction and Witham ve nation. for the Piano Forte, as performed in all his concerts in the Bolted States by Henri Herz. Ahlaary Polka, by Bract Hem COMIO Polka, Silver Bell Polka, " Just received tad for sale by JOHN IitELLOIt i 81 wood st Vocal Boardman ANI/SOLFEGGIOS, with an aecoinpanlment for the Plan-forte, adapted to the wants of pnviste or classes in vocal =We. Selected from Italian. Freneh and German COII2ZOSOre, by Lowell ,Slasont 76 large pages of closely printed music, cantalning 100 exercises progyeuorely arranged. Pelee 75 cones. Just received, a supply of the above, direct from me publishers, by JOHN H. AIELLOR, mch23 Cl wood st WLEANN-9 tot4;sni7tll, just ree'n anti , irr sale by tal3 NV tr. R APCL"MiI bar si 11 E , It d, R io lN s G torv Id--Sr nd ba f tw l e itrttrai ment by tell JAMES DALZELL, Water st kitiO4 OKA PkiA - Nirelt ArY: LieSki—kV iChrt. la TOT has received a supply of white and colnr , r Gapes and Crape Ltse—amous the latter green Mad other destrable colors. Also, white, pink, and blue that and Wart. Moods, hull QUININE-100 as Faces, just rec'd sad foral7bi ju7 11 A FAUNEEITOCK & CO MEDICAL. DAtLEY'S IAGICAL PAIN BITLICTOR: TFIE following . from George E. Pomeroy, Fan., the well known proprietor of the Express, speaks for melfof the tmportance of the Pain Extractor to every parent Exremoso7TlCX., Albany, Sept. 1. Ma 0k1a..: My Dear Sit—With feelings of no or dinary pleasure I address you in relation to the benefit I have received fromyour in valuable Pain Extractor Lately. my little daughter, 6 years old, had a Pitcher of boiling water turned into her bosom; her streams were dreadful, so that a crowd instantly gathered be fore the house to learn the canse of the terrible screams. I tare her clothes asunder, and soon spread on your salve, and she was carried and laid.upon a bed. She was soon relieved gh from her paths, and soya "Mn, I feet as if I could 100 told was soon in sweet sleep. She was scalded to a blister from the top of her shoulder over mere than half her chest, and round under the arms. On the shoulder And breast it was very deep, yet from the first hoar, she eomplained only when it was dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there is no contraction of the muscles. With many wishes, my dear air, for your sonnets the sale of this I am Mighty article, yours, with respect, GEO. E POMEROY. TIIE TEST oral NO MISTAKE' - - The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the same in stantaneous relief. and soothing, cooling effect, in It. severest cases of Burns, Scalds, ?net, the. The Counterfeits—no natter under what names they oily &opera—always Irritate. and alumnae the pram TO THE PUBLIC I. Edward P. iiolenes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y., hnve been elflieted with rheu matism In my breast, feet, and all over my body, for a. a year, PO that I could not stand, and was cured by e applicauona of Dailey'. Magical Pam Extractor HOWARD P. IiOLIBBS. .Dellcy: Sir—l cot tpy anger stunt a copper nail, , poisonous nature of winch hooted my arm swel l is with constant shooting pares tip In the shoulder. A Mime swelling taking place at the arm ,it web Increasing pant, I Lemma fearful ante Lock jaw. In this extremity your Pam Extractor was re commended to me, and which 1 was prevailed upon to try. The consequence wax that it &Smiled me almost instant and in three days I was completely ca red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, corner Broome and Sept B.I:AA NOTICEI—H. DALLIIi the inventor MR. Invalu able remedy. and never has and never will covenant caw io any hiring m in the secret of as eoratunstion: All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up b him. are base counterfeits. Peppermint's Deriem-41.5 Broadway, New York; =Chestnut street_ Phila. . . JOHN D. MORUAN, General Depot; Dr. WM, THORN. Agents for Plasburgh. Dailey' s Anmat Galvaztu Coro-AIL, Cores humors, specie, clamor, pease, poll-evil, sores, rails, and brutsea. Pamphlet, enameled car. talented; of respectable parties. may be had on applsea boo to JOHN D MORGAIN, novid-dlyis Agent. Plthsburgh. OINTMENT CONTAINING N MERCU R Y, or other M in esal It has power to rause all EXTERNAL SORES. SCROFULOUS HUM , IRS, SKIN IIS EAIES. POISONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their poirid mailers, ana Den heals them. It is rightly termed A LI. H L.ALI NO. for there is searcely o dile ease external or odernal, MagiIIEINEM I have used it for We last ,pcall diseases of me their, involvtnc the utmost danger end rasp .nsininty, and I declare before heave and man, that not In one Ins It failed IA benefit when the patsent nem wlthtn We couch of mortal mean,. I have had phystetans learned to the profewnon. I have 011111,lain of the gospel, judges of the bench, el le', cn. lawyers. gentlemen of We hlghest cruallton. And multitudes of the poor One It In every verlety al way, and there has been but one votes—one universal cob, sayang—“9TALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT I: , GOOD:" RIIEVAIATISM—It removes almost Immediately be .ettlen,mauon and swelling, when tho.pain ceases Read the dirccuons around the 1.2 ) HEAD-ACRE—Tim salve has cured persons of We hea,l-...he oft we:ye year', sanding, and who had it tea war every Wert so that vomiting took place. EAR. TOOTH-ACIIE. and AGUE IN ruE FACE, hr:eed wog ',Lae success. L; • • Y2AL. II EA lE—We have c ored eases that aemlly deflml every Jung known, on well as the &batty of fif teen to twen'y doctors. One man told us he hail spot. Ifjun an h s el - intim. withou any benefit, when a fe • Ira arc of ‘nntownl cure them. TgrrEa—There u nottung better for the cure o r,or r Le one o'tho beet dung% to the world fo Bums. PILES-2—Tbousands are yearly cured by this Otut. inent. It ii6V laii. iil giving relief for the Piles. If_r Around the box are directions :or using Afielb hew , Chnimenrfor Serofulei. Liver Complaint. Erysipt- Tetwr, n, Scald Had, Sort Eye, Quincy. re Throat, Be,rrthitaa. Nemous Affection, Primo. D.s. Mlt of ifmd area oethenu,:lealness. Ear rah, Burrir, Corns. oil Diseas. of at Sinn. Sort Laps. Pim ple, Streihne of Ore Limb., gems, RAeunuoism. Pilo.told Pea. Croup, Swelled or Broken Brtehr, Tooth ache. —lgo. in Ms Fors,4t. 4e •pun in the Chest and Side. iullingotTof the hair, or the other accompa nies coid feet_ (This Ointment is the true remedy it 15 a sure sign of disease to have cold feet. sure use of the Ointment will al. way• keep riorne from growing. People need never be troubled with them if they oar it larirrralY , ft?. This Ointment is good for ring part of the body or limbs when inflamed. In some cases It should be applied often. CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the name / A TITTItie AIcALLISTER is woollen with a pen on every label, For sale by my Agents in all the principal clues and towns In the United States. JAMES hIcALTIISTF.R, Sole Proprietor or the,*bove medlehle. Zur nncipol Office, No Non#Third street, Phil PRICE 25 CI7.C. TXPER BOX. , - - TN Crcr”rbou--Itraun & Retur, corner of Lo r ry, a nd St edur as; rod 1. Wileog, Jr, corner of 4arkst ot and the Dumorrd, also corner of Ith dad Strutnbeld ots, .1 It Cassel. corner of Walnut and Penn du, sth ward; and sold at the bookstore To Situth.fictd .r, 3d door from Second st: in Allegheny arty by kg,P scavenges and 1 Sargent: by 1 IS Sault, Druggist, Dir nungham; D Negley, FAst Labe"); it Rowland, Mc- Keesport: .1 Alegander b. Sea, ktolong 'thole City; N It Bowman & Co. and 1 3' Kocers, Brownstone; John llaraiey. Bearer, Ca; are asowlesale agents tett27-daallY WATER CURE ESTABLISHMEIBIT, OtMEEL722I - - rapid .aide. which Ilydropathy has made I rot,. thlroducnon ono this country—the Gal ant and i.tontshrog curative effects of cord water in chronic and acute diseases when esornove,l after the Inethisi of the re,ebrated l'nesnol,have removed from me naiad of an Illtliilgent and discenung public every paroete of tioatit ra io as efficacy. and gained it offavor. Considering the unsatisfactory results of remedies heretofore used in the treatment of chrome complaints (complaints. ioo. svhich are increasing ev ery year.) it Mbl. beta natural wish to see the success of a method by .11101 an many unfortunate sufferers will De freed from Men) pains and tafirmates • rr, subscritier having practised successfully this method air eight years at his llydromithic establish• merit, which L. been constderably enlarged and Im proved to all its nom, and every respect. is now readv receive and &clammed:lle pinheilts oho uray choose to place themselves under Ills care, null and • perience Phdpshorg, situated upon the left hank of the Ohi• opposite the mooch of tha liig lkaver, is writ know tor its refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, d. uiighttel quietness and charming natural scenery, co oozing every requi•ite to render the sojourn of the i rand agrecat• e, and contributing not n tilde to re-c taldish unpaired health end physical strength. . . The establishment. the first started in tile United States. reintall.4 every thing, both for pleasure and come., calculated to insure a speedy and happy ter ot the ailments of the Patient Persons wi•lnng Ia avail themselves of the advanta erg herr altered. will stareare address the salmserme post p.i trug us near as pn.silde th • ho. r their li nlird, in order no decide and ad vise on their limes. and curability by die ilydrormaiht Lres,mort.i. a,.ti a,so what w,ll be neveArary for Lem • take along, tor vet,. especial and personal use. ED in ARI) An KKR, NI I) Proprietor. Phi..p•hurg, Beaver county, Pa HICiIOIIV.M• —Rev'd tkell), Armotrymr, V 11 ark. do. Bon. Thomas Ile nry. Beaver. Pa., Ur No( Plasburgli, Pa, L C /kit,., Elm. Ohm, Bev. H. II Booed, Near Alban) n I Pribeeton, J T L. Station, York Dr. 1714 Vs Inter. Philtpsburg. Me. onn, Fay I . l“..bursik; A. Bidwell, kaq., do. VNIPTI/Nl:3 OF CONSFNINTION rul.e, harking con h geornd west np• re .ulna , %enable noetiio, irregular bowel beiweel p i the ithooliler p blades behind ?r,srrove or COUsUrartnol —Coughing ugbi rind dnt. gabby muscles, general debility, great ~a,triness of breath on going up steles, ascending • 4.11. or wriking but n little :net, pollee always above _ale hundred.tor week, together, drenching cold arils morning. Catarr tn ha .- 1 ConsuMpllon cornea on like a common ,atarrn or cold, but about the period when that di. user , 1.1201,1 y is expected in subside, mine of the ayMtr onia are aggravated The cough more troutil, .nore, e•pecieny when lylng down. There ano fixed ,atn in the chest, but dirricult hreathing,, which is worst 011 lying down The appearance or the cope, ,oration. which i• copious, is changed from a thick eei,ow mucus. to thinner substance. It very an. piestimin to the paiient, and emits •n swell amen burned It is of an uniform appearance, ails nrobably • mixture of pus and amen., as on MiXinit ...till winter port milks and part *worm Thio any cool in any habit or et any age, and la charac terised by the pecalinr,ty of the cough. The Ital./km of Liverwort elfcrto the cure of this in. ,idiom. disease by expectoration. sooths rund heals the liteeted lungs. It never hale Wherever th. wed, ell, he. been nerd, we hear of us success Tar thir. teen tears it has been before the politic. and ha. been thoroughly tested fur all complaints of the Lungs, and no. prourd used superior in went to any thing in use, r might rive hundreds of testis...unto from pays,. umn, per m the clergy, and those who have been cu red, Lut all we desire I. to call the attention of the ol d/coed. and for their own. good they will try it. Look out for counterfeits ! Always ob.rve Mc sig. aatu,e. "Leo 'Taylor, Al on the engraved label. and prepared ni die Wholesale Depot, 7.1 Beekman street, New York. Sold In Plusburgh by J D Morgan 03 Wood st: J row n.eild, JS Nlariet at; II dmyscr, one Market and Id sin, Henderson te Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced o 51,50 per battle. rna.rg I \4 0 , 11 „ itiTe WAsittN,lo,lTp., Westmoreland co. Po. Nit John 1) Morgan: —This is to certify that I have been wiling your Vern for sonic lime, any about cue year—and to that nine I have never known it to 10 tall In baing Worms away, when the symptoms indicated Iheir preaance, I had occasion to rve. it to two grown up members of my family, I gave each of ;hem nue 4.10. e. and one of them passel:lM and the °Lb. r ever 2.5 n worms. It is the best Vern:Wage that any man con use in hi. famili. J. W. You.. Prepared nod sold by NO. D. MORGAN, Drurals,, Me door below Diamond alley, on Wood at. jO5 RUGS' 't3l7irlok;lblirtral?l, lodide l'o c ta a st, 7t i r ' ;e " i ' wo ß in ' e d , Llver sulphur, White Precipitate, Cranuret Potash, last re reived.and for sole by pa R E SELL.EIt s - I) 4' Orn ' ot p i Inc Chloroform, Fat. tiark rrecip. lodide Iron, Nitrate Silver, Oil Copaiba, Jam, Powder, Curie Acid. Chit:nide Soda. Chloric Ether, Ertrart Rhatany, Egj j . gn j Just ree'd and for sale by R E SELLERS, lull 57 Wood Cl n ' oe " e ' ';, e 't v j t 's r ti O s F t; ec or K a i D ig?: p. of ml contagimm Myeases. It removes the danger- Dug alums at tack rooms, Ice. By its cleansing ever. gy relieves ulcers, and intercepts all commtmicable myease•. whether in man animals. As. Jolt reed sad frit role by R F SELLERB, 57 Wood at ALAI LAVS HISTORY OF ENGLAND—Baty n I ler , etlatim4 containing all the matter. verbartm or :iteratim. of Vol.. I and 2 of the London edmon, cm oc:lished with n portrait of the author-2 Vol.. in one. Face. complete. 56e. A large supply of the above re ceived nod for sole by 10115 i H MELLOR. mdlasbi WooL—The Inrhen pence In e — exit paid for ali VT d•lfercnt gradestor CinUll enunocl groat, by met' II LEV. I.llvrty oppoorian dth nu ri en-1a Ws fresh, Put reed L. Bale try fabl7 ARAISTRUN(i 1 CR9 ZER KEMAL. E=M IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR THE REMOVAL & PERMANENT CUBIC OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OR RABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ, Scrofula or Knlff'• Elnl,llh,nmatiun, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples nr PUIKInGS on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Bing Warm or Teter, Scald Head, Eilargment end Pain of at. Bones and Jointaiitubbom Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp toms, Sciatica or Lumbago, and Diseases arming from an injudicious urea Mercury, Aseites or Drop sy, Exposure or bripmderme tri. Li& Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders. In this preparation are strongly enncentrated nil the Medirmeil properties of SlIS.41,111.1.•, combined with the moat effectual aids, the moat salutary productio., the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it bas been so fully tested, not only by patients diem setaes, but also by Physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendation and, the approbation of the public; sod has established on ts own menu a reputationfor value and efficacy Car nmenor to the VVICIMS compounds bearing the name or Sarsaparilla Diseases have been cared, such as ere not (urn in the records of time past; and what Lt has already done for the thousands who have used it, it la capable of doing for the millions still angering and struggling with disease. It punfies, cleanses, and strengthens the n springs of We, and infiutea new vigor taro , out the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following sinking end, as will be seen, perma nent cure of an inveterate loan of &Tall* commends tt”lf to all anuilor y afflicted: : 4 41,1111,,CT, Conn, Jan.l, 1E49. Mosera. Santa: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflict tad induce, me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of say wife. She was severely affieted with the setorula on differ ent parts of the hods the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs much swaths. After angering over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease snacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated. Her phynctan advised it should be laid open, which was done, but without any permanent benefit In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use Sands' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any preimnpuon she had ever ta ter, and before she had used etc bottles, to the aston ishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure was effec ed, nod her health remains Foot, show , ing the disease urns thoroughly eradicated from the system. neighbors are all knowing to these face, and think very highly of SandeSanutparills. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr N. IV. Har ris. a gentleman well known in Louisa noway . , V.: -GenUenten-1 have cured a negro boy of MUM with your Sarsaparilla, who mu attacked with Scrofula, and of a merciful°. family. -Tours truly, N. NV: HARRIS. "Fredericks Hall, V., July 17, 1801."—lt seems almost ansectusary in direct attention to an nrtielf so well known, and so deservedly popnlar, as this preparation . , but patients often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are induced to try worthless compounds bearing the name, out containing little or none of the virtue of this valu able root; and we think we emtoot confer n greater benefit on our readers than to directing their attention to the advertisement of the Mess!. Sends In another column. The bottle has rrcertiy been enlarged to hold quart, and those who 'sun a really food article will find concentrated in this all the medicinal valuo of the root. The exper of thoumanim h. proved its et. firacy in curing the ience various Mumma for which it is r. commended, and et the present time more than any other, perhaps, Is this medicine useful, in preparing the system for a change of season.—Home Journal, Sept. Prepared and .old wholesale did retail, by A. 8.!, D SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, WO Fulton street, corner of William, New York. ,Sold also by Drag msts genera!ly throughout thaPnited Stntes and Cana da! l'rice Rt per Book; six Rattles for SS i rr For snE in Plnsburgh. wholesale and retail, by R. A FAIEUESTOCE. & CO., corner of Wood and Prom 0,, also, corner of Sixth and. Wood stm by L. P 'WOK. Jr_ corner of Smithfield and Fourth us. and nko corner of Markel at and the Diamond; also, t;y EDWARD FENDERICH,cor Moriongenla Muse. feldt-dm SALTER'S IWSENa PANACEA! TRUE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED I ouprecalented success which hu tended the use of the .1 all the .61i0L111 (owns which Irrnauon of the Innis u s, h. Induced the proprlelor afgnin to null anen t:on LO ha WONDERFUL PREPARATION. eltang.b le weather which marks oor NH and motor mouths, is always a frtutfol source of COLDS AND COUGHS. Chaim,. if neglected, are but the preourams of that 2 . 11 destroyer, cosuatriloN The question,. then, w AMP we nip the destroyer In We bud? ham shall o w w get clear of our coughs and Ads' wed Intel unportance to the pubUc. THE GREET AND ONLY REMEDY • will ha-found in the Ginseng Panaces.lbProsif of this we have from tune to tame published/be utrtificates of dozens of our best known citizens., who have erperi 'need its coronae powers. These, with a mass of tea byway from all parts of the country.—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING. Uri nolten of the Gospel, he., together with copious no' ccs from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied m inuribiblet form, and may be hal {mu, of any i iiti r T i ;genta gi=i i t the country. taco been urnd thm city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Untied Stateaand Canada, and me cha tettgo any men point oat a sima.y. INSTANCE which. when taken according to directions, and be. fore di. lungs had become disorganized, it hu over failed to k:FFECT A PERFECT CURE Witty, then, need the askieted hesitate! oby resort to Ise tunwrubie nostrums, got= op by ant Osrn Indiad oalao le r theassumed name of some ea 'brute. 07 . - o...ten. and puffed Imo notoriety by certificates m par sons equally unknown! Wlulat 4 teeliSeirio of i'NPARALLFJ,ED EFFICACY to to be 'had. whose voucher. are at home,—our nalgh? trore.,--tuany of whom it has SNATCHED FROhl THE GRAVE. In order that this invaluable naethetne may be plated within the reach of the poor as well the Hein wa hays pat the pnee at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, ;oat one half the canal cost of ceagh medicine& is ta or sale by outage:is at nearly every town and village 'Vet the west, WI. are prepared to give lull inform.- ion relative to it. T. SA.LTER, Proprietor Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. 111 - 11 - 110 - PILTIIIO F.STABLISHBIENT, ilit.ll.ll.olt, 0..1 CO., e/1. DR. EDWARD ACKER, takes this means of re turning his thanks to hie friends and the public Tor the extenei cc patroooce he has received, and of in forming these that he has latelyerected a large and ennetructed buildin for the exclusive purposes ai hl.lVe l ATER CURE bIhfrABLISHIP.ENT, at his old tocaon, I` hil Itspburg h, Po, on the Ohio neer, eon°. vie the !ileum boat landing at Deaver, where he is ready to fecrive putiente noardero and Peat them on Hy ant proimplee. In addition to hie long expen ince, and the great success which has heretofore ore hie treatment of patients committed is his care, he has now the additional facilities afforded by an ex ;entice hulloing erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, and fined op with rvery necessary apparame for bathing, and ddminlis. tering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of the patient. Dhillipaburgh it a most delightful and healthy village, easy at access by steamboats, and af fords fine and wholesome unpin Dr. Acker assures those afflicted persona who may place then:Ml.lV. 1:14. der hie care, that even . attention shall be paid to their comfort: and a/ animsnrance of the subetantiellenefits is be derived, he proton, with eonfidence to the hun dred, who have been pennaucutly cured at his mash iislimein. The Water Care leaver no hour - ions effect. behind, as a too often the ease oath those who have been treated on the old system. Itremoves she dio care, invigorates the !system, protects from the dangers incident to changer of the weather, creates a nalUnti and active appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestion im we rs. 're rms of trcauncon mid boarding reasonable. Per further particulars tonsure at the establishment, or address the proprietor at Plinlipsbargh. angina I=ffi=M=ll . _ have been informed by Mrs Rolm of s care per. ;tamed on bee by Dr. Jayne's Alteratives which primes its superiority over every other remedy of the kind She boa been Chimed for the last sixteen years with NECROSES°, WRITE SW ELI-INDS, attended vriih ulceration. and enfoliation of various bones, da ring which lime many metes have been discharged teem the montal hone of the cranium, from both her arms, wrists and hand,, and hula both logs, and from the oh Masora! bone, and from the right knee, besides painful sleets on other pore of her person, which have belted die skill of a number of the roost munch, physimonsiol our cu,-.luring moat of the time her suirerings have been °term...its and deplorable About three months since she was induced to try Dr.layno's Alterative which has bad en estonishatsly happy effect upon her, Liy removing all pain and awellings, and causing the a leers to heal . , while at the same time her general health his become completely restored, so that she now weighs ki its more Stan she dui before she commenced the use of his truly valuable prepauon.--(Sat Eve. Post. For further information, inquire of Mrs. Rose, No. Pa Filbert st, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittnburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, TJ Foarth at. near Wood. IYS D R TOWNSF.ND'S SARSAPARILLA.-Oilmen just received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the most eatraonlicary medicine in the world: This Ex tinct Is put op in quart bottles. It is au limes cheaper, pleasanter and warranted •ciperio, to any sold. It cures disease without vomiting, pawn, nokennig or debilitating the patient. Loon out sea lankrieraa—thapyincipled persons have copied one labels, and put op medicine in the same shaped bottle. gee that each bottle has the written sig nature of S. P. Townsend. IL 13 SELLERS, DrugOt, 57 Wood mom, botween rd and Frorth, is Dr. Townsend's only orholossio d retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the gennina rude eau be had. D. M. Curry hm been appointed the tole agent for Allegheny cloy, of whom the genuine ankle eao be had. 0$ Parattioiroce, A. Y N. V. 1.1. L. Fe ammo., }Pittsburgh, 0. W. Paramaribo, Wholessle Drug Store In the 0117 01 New York. ruillE undeceived am extenaively ensued to the holeaale Drui busirume al No. 49 Dole creel, to the airy of New for and are mimed to eoppiy 1) ,- .4 vats aud'eeantry Nerch.m mull Drava, Palma, J. Lye-.tae., Vermin and emeneanaruntanny, en•-er, New.= k. Mender'. Chemicals, (of there awn 0 01 1 W and all ether articles le then raw at hal less, at a taperer ea los as they can p.p.,. diesel Inalli OCT any eastern ear. Sew York. Febld II e. F•ti Wrack. GRATEFUL for Me very li beral entotm rm , m Mine received for so many yekm, I have deter mined en l arge .y nosiness considerably. Having engaged • competent Foreman, 1 will be enabled to fill all orders promptlY, and do the Work In oar mai style and at fair prices, and elk the attendee of mer chants and cinsens to my large stock of UPHOLETIif- UCIODS and Lied., blattguns and Bedding, Ou twit Materials. Damnka and Stinnes, Comm., prin. get, dordenegs, Tassels, Split and Roller Inds, and d eer, article %moony kept in an eittablithment of the tied. Orders respeettally widened and promptly at tended to: x.lL—Cwpala made and pat down. Pain 341 L Noma MISCEIIIINEOH& es Mee Bade. ONE PALE ' l rt.nD HAND KNIGICM3, 10 in cyUndcrs, 4 feed moire; 1 Ikulera, 40 feet ling, triebes In diameter, all in good order, will be mold apt bergein, If application be made soon. Tbey leave erW, been in nee about 19 =mdse. For rarueolem, imredeN of jet4sdtf li. HAY 3, Gazette otLee:,,, Dr. Wltalters Celebrated , .• CHOLERA AND DIARDX(RA MEDICINIC7 priE public are requeitetto read the follentring gef, tificatee This medicine . 13 extends* used ri all the Southern and EastiVa. v't We do certify thetbr. scar, l+: ILIT. of York, teok ander his care and man e.l, on or about Brn of October ten, a gown( man laboring undo/A severe attack of .Asiatic Cholera." nature eirsol.. Men the =ld patient, and Mond him to he an the lapsed state, of that disease, with freettent and mener-k rice warm discharge. That are proneurteedlt Aft? of genuine Cholera,. end declared moreover that honeyed the sad pattent was beyooi the hope of max teal std. in Met we domed the. patient 'would dlc e. and so declared at the time. •We further certify that the add Louie Wltkey : sued his own mode of treatment, and admixinor Midler& Remedy, and effected a cure or the peales;,.. We think in (oar Jays thereafter the aid yoco .d was at work, and perfectly well tr: j C. DOMT, T. B. DFcutrr, AL D. :,4 I certify Out I visited a case of racidiSedCbtalerauf".. der the care of Dr. Louis %rickey, and that I beds* ' his medicine relieved him. ea State of Maryland, WashingtoaCounty, to wit I n ertify that I well acquainted' with the genfir se l me who have filmed the within certificates of, Louts Wickey, and they are men ofresPeenatilli . In testimony whereof to t hereunto • name. and aft the seal of my oate r tht. r o w teenth day of November, eighteen hundred alt.l thirty-three: 0. H. W1(11.4.14" Ole*. ft." Washiegton County I witnessed the administration. of rnetue Vrol ey's prepara - ion for Cholera, in the enar of an eppretat, nee to the plastering business in this towel (Hack.", town.) lii s was • well marked case of Astride m CA.P,..S la with rice water evacuations, cold clammy sktrl cold wog., small tremulous pulses.—l considered fie situation truly critical and alarming. I saw hire pifiik vtoos to Dr. WlekcT, and wupresent at lb., adounr• trans. of the first dose of medicine, the and saw him n peatedly oaring attendance of Dr. Wicker, ho fir, covered so as to be able to attend to and woes at trade in a few days. lam sure he tout none other 10.„1 the medicine adminised by Dr. Wicker. RICUAZD W. Danny M. Pit The only true sal genuine D. Wtecule Quint and Howbeit Medicine is prepared and sold whofinl •sle and retail. by JOHN D. M("""'' beforeti - r . incTai;jtirn;icillaiiiinp .6' It • and moot fashionable Eastern patterns and ectloni. AV/i THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, on or made lo order of allaiana,nnd at all pros& Countrytonedarot. Morahan/a end other. are Invited to eaDIPA examine the Oboes for themselves,aa all will igr boat ) wholesal e or retail, and liberal dedectioa made". 6 wholesale parr:hum. s_stdl9 wFM'O.RVELT• • s • AVE hereby notify our friends and rbrrorpondoiAl es house end abroad, duo we will not, cird , ,, ans'eurdcasrancsa., receive (ratans from any 800. ra vrkdelt J. Newton /ones Is agent. . J OHN AO6IID. HP/ I & CO., leneewors to HObb,WIL-4, Intact & Co., late Merchant Tailor:kr Nb. It9l . CHESTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, leave to Inform their friends and patrons itistßtt have received the Istew SPRING AND SUM.D. FASHIONS, with a large mon:meat of New Sol p GOODS; comptiaing Caaalmeres, Veotlop, fqt. of every deacripuon—all of which ars of their own portatiort, harms been carefully .telectot in Pa °n Load Ur - Strangers virlting Philadelphia, are feweetG•), ly invited to call and examine their exiamilTis 4*(71. toch4o:dem INDIA bottle, It fLrevents po h OTGI No 5 Wood uth cal and examine his stock of Jeweary, which ;di is _..,.. sold at the lowest prices for cask or approved tee %antes. Constantly an hand and noinefacemine •' • large .10C4112c111 suitable (or city or country wad., , ' j F.. O. A. BAKER, %. j corner of Fourth and Branch sts,aPPOL., ' aplOrdom Philtheelphq_ Paper Ilanglasiss. LAVINO purchased at three of the largest FICA. rie• I n tit. East, ( New York, Philadelphia .011 kmorej a large assortment of the newest ar4 improved of PAPER HANGINGS, BOia l Ac., and made arrangements by which Pwill be tdt bled to primate all • new Patterns, sithaltnnedhs Iwl.ll theXr appearance in the &mem market, I would, site the attention of those desiring to have their hot papered with the latest styles of paper, to esti. MI C. 1.0.104 my stock; before parettmatts elsewhere. CI ., I have now on the way hem the Last, 40,800 pit s of Geld, Satin Glesed, and'eornmon Paper Hangi 1, which 1 can sell at popes ranging from 14 eat extk i ir piece. nichl6 - 8 C HILL, B7 wood, ~_ Bacon Smoklas. - 1101"ArVING jest completed the rebel:Whig of Oar miklr• Jia houses, we are now proposed to receive itt and smoke is in the most merchantable manner. 4 The houses are fined with all the modem isagrr!lit meat., and are can of containing 200,1= Una ar s ilt. HIER & JO HIA Canal BriaitleZ 14 • F ... . 1 07 ° F t24 , 1 1 PRINTING PAPER—Having diTerelowire agiwy for the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Papekt IC & C Pt Markle, Proonetorapse will bee supprieJ with all the different anon of superloog which we offer ll the lowest regular prices. • ~,; • REYNOLDS* Bllli/Vz feb24 corner Peon and Irwin or itectrzsann wolur.B. ---- OLESL6N, El oILIiLAN & CO. coming* to miz Pies tu faere Small Iron, Spring and Am. Slitter S.:}l, ah, Perk and Hoe Steel, itivets,tplkes and WIWI Iron Nuts, all sixes , together with P ii•h and El lie Spring., In( Pat, Taper antleowninn Axles. ,`-'. Having reduced we price of Wrought Iron rt,abi, engine builders and others nadir the article, will...tied it to their intereltio give thianew branch of Plttille4Nli , manufactures their tolerator,. .p, Coach trimmings and malenble iron on liberal 4.. Wareboum on Water and Fourth at, febtlk SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR; . ; BUILDItiGe, ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSII.IIIIOI, 11. IC. moo n tins "S' r t NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And is now- receivingn fine amominat of CLOTHS, CASSIREHES AND VIIBTHBtt OF THE REST QUALITY AND LATEBT KL:11-pl p Which he is prepprsd to maknuneti,:e ‘ INTHE REST MANNER n:lit • . A tid is the.latestTa•ASoak:"l;: • merle • - • fluid Quarters for Hoots and 1 11 4 9131. (miner of Fourth end Smithfielitstreets,'.:u Vairinmar,! TROTH & scow havms eturimmeted the general Hoot and 'Shea , bitricies4l:" wholesale and mall, wouldsespectfelly .t • um attention of their friends and the puitt . lb..L., crany, ILO their splendid new stock, consisting • - Ina,. • women', boys', misses' and onikirens,Wists Mg_ variety,Mntable for the season, and at prices the times, A splendid article Minima' made c' irk such ks gentlemen's fine Boots, ladles, m a ss +kit! children fine work. Please call mid psi of yourselves .mar TROTH . stkiinT N. B.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Dogs, tr.o. ir,f ;al ways on hand and low for cub ~ - r Comm merchant. woald.llud B t rothel. riti I to gitiejtla call when visliNglie;city.; .• on; i,.. iL.. • . LOOADI o W WSW! aii eV IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers Infliii4 •d' `I: Dialesuo Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, to:iv 0i • t Wood street, Putshurgh, are now folly prepareg.„ . a recently unparledinciernf, Ruda." Ciinbryt: • - dim, Carper .ers. Tools, he., to offer very gret , - docemert. to Western Merchants, a. in addlo 'to the many advantages hod by ` oniprodecemonie • ' mt. Logan tr. 6enne4Y i we have vevigaf facilities, and purckose all our g o od. • n *rat' . do on the very best terms. The junior members of the firm donitthficig a attention to sales, and feeling confident of givi, t• wfacuon, respectfully solicit a call from di or .. n • I vat this market- .1. - artiotelkirli ;Alas.. , 4 -- • ~ RE undersigned offeq..for sale a impeller,* 40 • Tof bnek (or buildineinade by bin Steangl sir, improved madame, for watch he hosobtained atki i and agrees to pretpu rchabers a written gruzatilif Bot they are stronger, and will miss Iron and wet to er attd Imbibe less moisture or tampon. thmtllZlS . .. er brink, pm...tug greeted body mid 'surdas WI and much more durable to every rtispeog, gook , being sobjeeted to • piessnie of several tons, oaf., sassing a Muldoon e oromah aurfase and, e'en k fri, they mate afront equal to the Lem Bpotbriek. ~ I ~, _ They have given the greatest satisfaction to al„i Oho have pureammL A kiln eon beset= army weRIC .tae specimen at the Gazette office. Those having supplied themselves fortheirlitdri and wishing handocime front brick, or superior . and soltd paving brick, eon obtain them. ISAAC OKEI Binninghom;Jane lt 1949. Lf a 46 -? L ' N 1. '7. rro Hao-;1' hbla No 1 trimmed , '2 dz. N i & mama llernug, 103 half do No Ido doi idi [Mts. ha ~ Mackerel; 10 do No I daimo n { jon writing by! iIII and lon sale by 'mut, wice 1 orb LiMell I . _ g iOPARTNEILSRIPLirh.;;, that dot Otio. kJ with ion.. the wholmale torocery, ermine, ad Commnsion Rumness, Mr. John VVllsoo, under tk , inn of JUICY W ATT' 1. ca JOHN Wk. 1 , Pinsborsh, April 3 0 , IBM . ... • —.—. .PITTSBURQH' GAZETT I - P LIBLISBEC DAILY, Tnimmula.y '&N#E4 T A , u.Gamins Briklingt, 3d at. ass" All NU Cd'-' , 4, . RATES OP ADIrkaTISIN't,- Onelosertion of Illioos or less 4 NT T w o insertions wilhontriterations,.... ..... 4 Three ~ ---........ . 000 Week d, II Orleal . •"•04 : 1 1.3 Two Weeks ..., it ..........',PSO Three " . ~ it 4.••••• 44,4,, ~., One Month," .........0 'IEI Two" ..... .. f ' , .. ,Sl9 Three • ~o „,„,......... 60 . 07 Longer advertisements in same pr.:pow: l o "•• One sq uare , months, entboat alteratittne J. , •• { 1 g ... .. )0 " " 12 "•••• Each additionasl square for 6 month', ...••• '. ; 0 0 12 " ...... 4100 One erprare,6 months, renewable at pleasure, 4; 030, Each additional square for 12 m0nth5.......,. E,400 Two squares, 6 months, relwable at pleasure, 3,1:03 Each additional square, 6 montha, ••• • • ..... 100 Ir/11.1.1 01 711.1 r SZLLT nt Di! LT ell One square. 3 insertions, ..... ..• ... • —... '5O " each additionsl.insertion,........., 1.11. 11:11111M1 CLADS. • Five lines or leas, one year. " " " six monthsoo " " " ono year, daily 6r. weekly, 2 i OO " " " six menthe 041 mrrasinurairinrre x 1 wirciliat iL7lltl for 12 line., or less, One Insertion, Two " tt tt tt Thins, " 00 Thins matt%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers