BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH REPORTED & TELEORAPRED. FOR THE PTTTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE. FOREIGN NEWS AILILIVAL 07' THE lITEAMISEgIe CALEDONIA. SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE ROME SURRENDEREOI DREAD f 7 1:11. - DISAATICIL AT MAI: OXe Hundred and Thirty-four MIAs ST. JOHNS, (N. 8.,) Friday, July 20, 74. The Steamer Caledonia, Capt. Leitch, arri'ved at Halifax, al 7 o'clock last evening, and will; be due at Boston alas eatly hoar on Saturday mom- The Caledonia brings forty-five passengers to Boston, exclusive of the eighteen out of the forty two surviving tatesengers of the ill-feted barque, Charles Bartlett, which, on Weddesday, the 27th ultimo, when seven hundred miles w 4 estward of Cape Clear, was run down by the steamer Euro. pa, on her outward trip from Boston ta l i Liverpool, and sunk in three minutes alter the fatid with MY hundred and thartrfour person.,, including passengers and crew ! It l dated that the dreadful catastrophe °cern red during a demo fog, and it is lamentable to re late, that out of one hundred and seventy-six per. Will on board at the time, only forty4stro more semi ' The Europa is acquiuml of all blame in the ja &minuet° affair. • The forts-two persons who mere saved, of cours • last all their baggage, and wart:Taft in a most help leo condition. A subscription was tmmedintely indeed amalig the passengers of the Caledonia, and the sen;of 4332., wea eontranated to the relief of the unforEu naus tuffirrem The Wired barque %nu bound for New York wit) emilrMati• The Eitrepisostateed no ataterid* pwir* the collisloo. Qa the 30th, the Constituent Assembly of Rome finding that farther resistance to the French an2y would be vein, ceased hostilities, and virtually es r rendered the Eternal City to the besiegers. On the 15.21, otilelal notification was made to the Frerteh Legiahrtive Assembly, that in consequence of ar rangements made between Oudinot acd the Tri umvirate, the Gates Paroli, Porte rid, and St. Pin, crusts, had been thrown open to the French mops, who were adopting measures for the hanii dime OCISIVItiOn of Rome, which would take place with perfect quietness and order. A correspondent, writing from Paris says: Juntas the remise was closing, it was stated positively that the Government had received a telegraphic dispatch, announcing the entry of the French into Rome, on the 2d, and that they were received with acclamations by the people. Garibaldi's army has been conducted to Ci4a Vecchia, whore they would lay down their ands. Two divisions of them would be maintained aid lodged by the Roman Government The French funds rose on the reception of is DOWD One per cent. LONDON MONEY MARKET. LONDOIT, July 8, 1869: The Minimal Securities have more than sustain. ell their firmaessthroughout the we ek. United State/ Ta are quoted at 1094, and Penn. rylvania s's 821Wc. LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET, LIVERPOOL, July 7, 1949,: A considerable amount of boldness has bode done this week in Brendatnfre, with an advanwein most articles, excepting Indian .Corn, which has declined from le to la 6d per quarter. Wheat has advanced one to two shillings per seventy pounds, and Flour 64 per Md. Flour—The closing prices (or Western' Quisl were 23s 13d0255, and Ohio 255fi1251 6d petba:, Corn—lndian Cora, Yellow was selling at 230 34s per quarter. Omen acme fair at 150t(la perbbL , Cotton—Operations in the Cotton Market Ws week hate not teen so extensive esthose of the past week, bat the market continues Giro, with tat upward tendency, giving a alight advance on low er Outlines. Annettican Prowls o ns—Poric—Sales Wash:sit Prisurtilitsawitti'hirt: • Sacon—Some parcels of Western bays brpught 27s 86129 a. Fine qualities are steady at fall p4t cast. Shoulders bare declined le per cwt. Lard may be quoted at previous, with ono a moderate demand. A TERRIBLE CRIMP-POISONING A: FAMILY OF NINE PERSONS' TWO TWO DEAD ! CusclmtATT, July 21 The most intense sensation was created is this city to-day, by the rumor that the whole family of Mr. J. Blair Summons bad been attacked with the Cholera. The whole family, consisting of nine peroonb were taken suddenly sick last evening. The symptoms were vomiting and purging, thus prin dazing the general impression that the whole ferns fly were seized with the prevailing epidenitc.e Medical assistance won speedily called in, and It was soon discovered that the symptoms were any thing but those of Cholera, and plainly show ed that the whole family had been poisoned by some means or other. One of the members of the family, s dissipa ted son, was, for some cause or other, suspected; and it was subsequently ascertained that be had purchased, from One of the Apothecary shops a quantity of arsenic, which be had put into the tea. Re was accordingly arreeled and put in prison. The mod shocking part of the affair is, that two at the family Mire died foam the effect. of the potion. CHOLERA IN CINCINIsIATL July 2L The Cholera counsel:tea rapidly to decline, shore having been only 36 deaths from Chblera, and 31 from other diseases, for tho 24 boo:sending 1t nova today. CHOLERA IN NEW YORK. July 21. There were 91 own of Cholera, end 39 deaths, fatthe-24 hours ending of woork to-day. CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA. July 21.; For the 2i boors ending at noon to-day, t were 31 eases of Cholera, and 14 death.. It rabiedhard daring the kienoon, and the ea 4- ere telegraph lines worked badly. BALT/Nom, July 21 Mural Vincent, who was hung in thin city ye , s, for the murder of Mrs. Cooper, made con: fusions, folly acknowledging his guilt of the crimp for which he forfeited his life. Three negroes mere hung in Charleston yester;: day, lb! participating in the recant outbreak in the State's prison. • New You., July 21..1,, Matthew Wood wan hung puderday afternooa, for the murder of his wife, the Governor reensini to interfere with tba seniencri of the Court. KC Fotededhis innocence to ti se Iou.• fiEW yoatc MARKET. New YOWL, icily 21, 10 Floar—The demand mostly limited to the wants of an ragulas hail. trade. Wheat—Nothing is d Ding in the market %rim* noticing. The Grain market generally is •et* quiet., but little doing at former quotations. Provisions—There is nothing doing in I. 2 mer , sOlll worthy of notice- The market is generally quiet, with moderate aalra al a slight There la Very little shipping inquiry for sari:tine Stocks—The prices of Stocksare rather loweir, and the transactions few. The steamer in now over doe, and is momen ai lily expected to arrive. NEW YORK MARKET. Nzw Yo RE, July 21, 6 P. M We have been vietted to .ctny by a beery stomp, together with the •steemers news, has puts generaletieck open the buil net. of the markets. Cotwa—The market cavil num very• firm, with its imprrerlah tendency. Flaw—The market it; firm et tact quotation., with 'Mt upward tendency. Stmt.—Ms market manit est. an moproying Lend ay, and prices are Ten firm DRESS DONE J. G. 4 G. W. cAgil, • WHALEBONE. CUTFE,RS, AND MAUUFAIr* REDS OF IDHERLEi.LA, PA RASOi., CANE, WIDP,BONNET AN U DRESS Bt WE. WE r.Peelfanv call the at tenant, o( V tan hams anal try Dealers' to the lupe& and Leer v trim of •, aborrirldeldi in thirdly, at She lowest p rte.. r• No. 1.25 N. Third above anon auset, r djoining the Eagle UottI,PHILADELPIILA. rypnradm liMri7llrr';Ml lat 9. , JULY. JLLIIA.M.A.IL. u nday, 1M: S n Mnday, 2 4C.aday 2, l=criai, 26- i• 27'.k`rfitay, ''''' PITTSBURGH BOAHD OP TRADE CORMITTEE FOS JULY. , JOL riersocc. JNO. =TAM= I. LOZLIL MOVEMENTS OP THE OCEAN STEAMERS. nma 07 t11L134 Tame Laves:moo, For Boston —CaletionlaDagklasa. July 7. for New York—Europa—Lai—July 14., for Boston—Cambnai—Leitch, July 11. for New York—Amtrica—Pbalumn, July PI run oa k amsMro remit satmactel. 'Pram New Yor, Ni July 2esh. From Beacon Caterlouta, Au4nsi Ist. From New 1 ork, Damps, Anon MA. from Boston. Cambna. Augfist 16M. From New York, America, ,August SAL U.Si. MAIL LINE TO SOUTHAMPTON AND ORE ildM.—Tbe steamers of Om Company will sail regularly once a month, sof follows : FROM NEW fORK SVaslangtop, Capt. Floyd, 2011 July . :Merman, Cipt. Crabtree, 19115 Ancamt siSastungton, Capt. Floyd Mt F Sept. • R.E.1101. Rermann, Capt. ROM Crabtr ls ee, 16(b July, IVashiamon. Capt Floyd I.lfli August. Reran., Crabtree. isittb September. FROM swill From Herman, Capt. Cratere, elth July. Washington. Capt. Floyd, Witt August. ;Hermann, Capt. Crabtree. 2016 September . Chines Prnitomaan Gszerra..Z Monday hlorning, July la, lei 9. S We found no change in the getieral market on Satur day.. The weather was cool amtbnscing, but business gedosally was very dull. FLOUR—We hove no new nature to notice in Mc market, market, unless it be that prices a 4 less firm, with, how -O,IZ/VllO material redoction in pqes. Purchasers show slate:shyness since the recent rains, in anticipation of a rifitain the over, but sellers are not willing to opet, ate lower rates. Some lots have been sold from first Ann. at 84.12. but the ankle was ordinary, and bull passed inspects., and ft by no means a fair erit:enon of the market. Good Wands in good order mat still be fairly quoted at 54#7014,11545. store, In dray' toad lots. cfrim rims r--Fialea oC Eilo dblod may bevested in a WWI way at 8d V bbl from stoic. FLOlJR—Moderate sal& are efeated from starlet V.,62 10 . bbl. DII ED FRUIT—The market iF quiet, and sales lirn• o[o4 at, for reaches 111,1.90 81,4 and for Apples 500 Mew be. 010C13111ES—The market I. kr - about any material chanke. In the way of general /tles, we continue oar quill/Ilona as follows: N 0 Illomsr§tithif in hada Large aalefewoald fall fton in below ilinse figures. Salas of Loaf agar, St Louis refined, at a range of Sto 10c for comiton vs best Sales of Rio .itiolfee at 7io9e Its in (1,14.44 of Sugar loose Mobil+ at 40044, of N 0 Moi*es at e.8951e, according to r quality of bbl. rAtoN—Conti.e. keen at ottlr last quoted rates— saylkm good common Wesern aid City caned Should ers bfi Sides Si, and limas at 71e. Sales of bagged Bubb at NZ, and of. Sum coma canvases:l hams at 10e Iffi lb. Hams are very IMBITE:, OtlnS—The supplies of Linseeci am very limited, and see rtiar of no sales yrorth Importing. Rale. of 14 bbl. Lard* at p bbl, and IR cosh for bbl. qTRESE—SaIes of . 4 boxes pod quality W R at fo . ,* 4 , en. Trndi stock in trade of the Radan'sSay Company is 82,090,000. The profits are oiled Oat! a million a year. The' .ell a gun, which cost 83, fftr skins worth Ste.— ft pT ti of rum worth eight coats I. sold for 67,73. We imatine there will be some competition in dill trade one if these daps Gilt, Samos Srei..—ftbout 3 o'clock lam evening as the Alton Packet, Gov. Briggs, Was backing out from the reeding, just above the foot bf Lamm street, her scent Was brought io contact with the wreck of one of the Sankeo boats in the harbor.glearnag off the plush for thd distance of foe, or five feet from the larboard ride, tlf her Mill aft of the wheel'pouso, causing bar to sinkitinenst immediately to her Main Beck, within ten feet ph the shore. It Is thought shh can be noised with very: little difficulty. She had do freight-4 Si. Lotus Rep; ' [Prom the NationsilntAligermer.) THE TOBACCO TRADE , --- Tll2 fottowingtatile, • ego 18 . 164 from the records of . the 110yemment, shdws threciporl of unmannfactured TotiteCo from the United States Trout DTA to 1547, ex hibging Mie value of the artiele,;lhe number of bogs. ' Misfits, and the average vale per hogshead foam- lilids.. VaitA Value per WM 1 6 t66,654 ' 0,615,02 684 t 9 • r3,lMi 6w • 2M9 74 51 lel 99,t09 8.632,Y31 63 46 1 , 2 , • 77,154/ 4.45.503 618 34 nag lEt2; 64,1199 5 75282 . 6,1,347 15,1= * 1 0 49 . itil 42 1.873 . 190225 6,317, 333 86 7.3 1.4.-,''' 10178 5.296 64 73 77,131 4 233,315 64 60 /Mb tll.BlO 688,383 66 65 18313 • 66,718 ' ' 56 40 18ta 106,966 / t i,99V 5i,153 5,765,86 a 5819 09 Mf 1634,'. 67,09 0455565 74 96 1671 - 94253 8,230217 87 01 , 3 „ 3111,441 10 056,610 lab= 6;63.647 91 54 57 gy 194 ..„ .. , , V tAi n i3 .Tiale , 7.1 48 Mt 47 -1664' 1'0.1E4 603,967 • 61 05 1841 i. , 147,66 133.575,793 65 09 1641 2 g- 166.710 ,4E75.3 62 11 1843, . 94.154 4,930,917 43 23 15* 193.945 8,497;4 51 50 1844 , 147.16 n 7,489,819 50 75 1446.: 147* 8.47E40 57 iM 1947 135.762- 7.942,11.6 33 34 llpiin an amount of exports. saJ , 86,3 9 6 .hhds after ded vr...g the amount consumed in Gilirairer and iite - in. fig ports, osung in the United :States 86.15E0M, Mr. Tiede, ,ahmutee the Cert.:lee derived in Europe to be IN 071,50, wit eh estrmare is assumed by the then Seerblury of the Treasury. .i • lifitneh wit• the revenue of 11g7 or 1936 upon the ' ii natality that yrer exported, whOr roust 11 have been T 17343, when alconst twice the tur6ounE was exported • boafety In -very coun . ry of Et.frope is specific, ie.:. s ' an ' e,t t tla il m o n o „ . i7u T it o n w lttris w eo h i7s7M i' e h d:rar * ld7s . t d l; s b s e rn ' e t wheteir the Torweco coins to Mu country five dollar or 547, The resent,. dice, for th e year 1913. accord ing r ib rode, cleansed from 147,169 hbila must hone beeritibout 80,857,094; being an peerage of about sin huntyin: 1 per cent upon the cost of the anice. The dui ors Wire from seventy-five to near two as per centitlion th e cow of the amnia il our tions, asd fur- • ntsti7ateommentnry upon the theory of free trade Cl undrinfood to Europe, and chewing Matthew proles srontilf reciprocity mean, if any thing, that they will obrattrall they cue from us, arid grant us nounng m re. turni:i• .13 400 N-6 oasts Bacon Side.,just reed and for Ma by 13 WATERMAN T OOISVILLE LIME-50 bbl. teeeined and , or sale L 41 jy ARMSTRK/NG & CROZEIL OON=2O co k.. 'aird Stdes, on consign - B*Ent; for gain by jy6 ~.jIII`GILL.S & ROE DuiED APPLES AND PEAD_NESIO bblo dried :Apple-6i 10 do do Pucka.; taat reed and for vale ARMSTRONG & CROZER, 2.5 Market at jCVKIP BOOKS:'—Loyola and Jesuitism in as Rol JOIt dements; by Isaac Taylor, dolor of Nature] tory ot Enthusiasm." • Sketches of Scottish Ckatch Ifurtory, by APCne. Alan:mire of the Rev. Thomas lislytinnon. with no eppetia, embracing on 21.1.1110 . the Church of SCOI -4mM:haring his nines Tirtil „ ife of Dr. S. Johnson, by the Rev. J F Russell; E.ogtith edition. ILOtimitle in Scotland doting the, 18th century, with threASermons by Rev. George Milaitfieldc by D. Mac farland, D. D. Manuel of Presbytery, by S Arriler, D. D., with an appgag4u, by the Re•. L. Lanoter. A tDoettinal, Experimental and Practical Treatise on aectual Calling, by S. Foote, 31. ?earns by Amelia. Ou hand and for sale by A 4 ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, 70 Wood st gr. CALIFORNIA AND OREGON TR AlL—Be braa Sketches of Prairie cod Rocky Mountain By Prints ?examen, Jr, with illostosttons by Dar- Icy r ln vol. For sale by )y2) JAMEt3 D LOCKWOOD Q11.11.4'11 of Quinine. o — de ortrlT, Pririceid„dff. fltie t Imo, Bi Carbonate of Potash, Nttrwe of Silver - , Calomel, Zodiac of Lead., *blonde of Soda and Chia* Ether, on heed and for salt by jyt,, , J. KIDD A CO. TVRIED APPLES 9W bush Ili sacks, for sale by Jyd&RIX:ILLS & ROE "OcitASH-10 cask* good PotadtV n cora .. %.1:3 4 LLB & ROE rr Vitt/LINEN—A few pieces coitnUT Tow 1... , to for sale. 13 1, ',61 , 411LLS lc ROE T VT—Large Dram DOOR KEY. The finder will 14:gbinfer an obtiguion by leaving It at the Gamine O.°l TY° VIKII 2 MACKEREL-56 Mils Ne. 2 Mackerel, remit :tted this day by canal, and for sale very low to C 1.0 Consignment by ./AMES DALZELLII JADOB WEAVER. lA, Whole s ale and Retail Dee. Itki to Foreign Wines and L.lytiore, and old Monon ga aglii Rye Whiskeys, corner Fifet and Market sm. RI) .IPPICITYB 3 KiD OP LIME—A few mks IWeri hand and for sale by • W A AI hIITCRELTREE Man They will receive fresh loppliee for the Fall raaG. . iota , • , FRUIT—TOo bush trte4 Peaches, 600 do do LP, Apples, in store and for sale by L B WATERMAN P 011" ABll-9 cocks Pctt Aeb; ido read dce in note .eAd for sale by . 8123 l. 8 WATERMAN ITtBl - 1-20 bb l . Herring; 19 do inlaid; for .ale by E 5 WATERMAN r ;jug . Ivi , , ,.. i ,: o. uct,.. ,, p f azkno b .mtcnufsetared Tobacco, —P" 8 V ',L 1051 7 / 3 6NNHORST & 00 I . 3O,,,ANTATION .-.40U barrels in pnme pekagea also. 100 M bbl. db. .APOILI.B A ROE I°4ASH—fa casks and bairels, warranted best fidelity, toy sale by JOHN WFADF.N & CO, /00 Ca nkl Basin • ,"- -- ar,ErwrrefforgnialMiNg--Ort hand mid n iv; sale by ilY3] J. MOD & CO Vllt AMERICAN JOURNAL OP THE MEDICAL P.PIENCES—FaIIted by lesion Hay., M. D., O pub- A a sequatte ly on. the first of ;armory, Ap t yt, a n d fk„,„ e b e r, r . Each number contains about two hon. iiiitsedsind eighty largo octasopages, and is approori minlyfillastrateds with eflifr.V.lo on copper, .tone, Thar Medical News and Library, is published month ame =W m; of thimy.iwo Vary large octavo pages. contstiningAlte medical mforniation of the day, as well ' no aftivouse of a high chamitteron • ruminant de- EarttiOnt or medicine. WatlinitOrt on U. PraOme of, Brodie'. Clla4al Lectures on Soo geryomd Todd A Bownitufa Phygiology have Mos ap peared in it, and the wink at pfesent publishing is WeskOrt me Dumas. of Infancy... Mid Colidhood. TAIMM!' The ett_bourifnilsa to tliA, American Journal of thit Me d ical eCtelteelt, Is . firs.rsi per annum. W1:04 Das amount u forisorded,. of postage, to mi yynetti the subsc r ib e r thereby b mace entitled to the Iffediee News and Library for of year , without for e,er Charge For the mall sum dollars, th e re,. 1 re, 'the oabscritier can ohmic a Quarterly and a Monthly Journal of the !neon <Lances", preaenung apt uttft.en hundred large .111rb page., with appro. peiojk Illasuatlon. Sabscriptionit remised, and the wogk promptly suonlied by • JAMES J D. LOCKWOOD, Cl Wood st, jyy Agt for Publishers PORT OF PITTSBURGH: San I Ban rises sets ARRRIVED. Atlantic, Parkinsoa, Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brewrievillu Win Phillips, MePhial, Wellsville. Ohio, Stoops, Hockingport- DEPARTED. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Wm. Phillips, McPhial, Wellsville. %tunes, Reno, Cin. Cinderella, Calhoun, Wheeling. Elite,' Bowers, Beaver. 1n 4 47 ,1 18 4W 4 50 451 452 7 2.5 7 24 7 23 7 25 7 22 7 21 7 20 TILE Ittvga.—There were 2 feet 0 inches in the channel, by metal mark, last evening at dusk and falling. BOATS LEAVING THIS BAY. Brownsville Packets, 9 A. M. nod 4 P. M Beaver Pockete,lo A. M ad 4P. M Wheeling--Peru. Lotusville—Lydia Collins FOZ PIITLAto L.LPOIA. U. Leech & co's, packet late. 9 P M. TOR TR.PORT R, S. 8,11.1 r el. Cola Canal Packet, 7i o'clock, r Dwaswastwavrr Or Tllll Li van. Is one of the must com mon, as wen as the most formed.. diseases known ID American physicians. It has in no ea , . faded to attract the closest attention from the Fsculty in all quarters of the Union. Still, however, Woolsonds an nually pellet, and thousands mere are made to feel fife burdensome by this Auca... The proprietors of fill.wne•stavei Palls (eel confident that they otter to the afflicted a remedy which time hat tested, and has never fatted of success when a fats final has been gi ven it. Call and purchase a box at the Drug Store of Jolt:WA svS 1 KIDIJ tr. CO Ea . A gentleman of Ifttlshurgh, who bad fallen into an open cellar after the "GreatPire,” sprained his an gle so severiy that he was unable to retrain from cry ing out with the pant A friend who had been using It A. Fitlusestoch is Co's itutmlnoicht and been mired of Rheumatism, gave him what remained In the bottle. and although his limb was greatly swollen, he was completely restored to health in twelve haunted freed from pain. This to bat one of a great number of eases which have mime under the observation of the propnelors. Prepared and sold by 13 A FA tiNESTOCK. a Co, I;iSS;O3;ZiM=I eILARET BOTTL--20 pose to Hampers, clear Li Claret Boales, for sale by JYI O JACOB WEA VER. Jr HEIDSEICE CHAMPAGNE WINE-15 baskets pints and quarts of this celebrated Wine. Just w hand and for sale by 1710 JACOB WEAVER. Jr FLOUR -120 bblitieFour, an exceilent article, good order, 50 do do dour , common, for sale by SELLERS A NICOLS BACON-10 hhds Sides; 90 do Sdordders; 12 do Hama, in store and for, sale by SELLERS NICOL 9 L l L.tra) l Ol; 19 do L nseed Oil for sole by 1 9 SmaERS R .. NICOLE Its tt I'B A (stilt r MY'O ' Y.—UTeman and Rom. Mythology, for colleges and Schools, by M. A. Dwight; 'nth Fri:mimeo illusimuons iu out. L2mo. Just received and for sale by . • i9 O JANIE,I D LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood ,o WISTAR'S 8A.L.4.(T151—12 dna on hand and tor on by I 2J J. KIDD fr. CO. FRESH 131/111BIER GOODS, I=l ALS:LINDER fr. DAY. 75 Market street. northwest corner of the Diamond. are now opening a choice cock of fresh SONIM ER GOODS. A large portion of these grad. have recently been purchuell at a peat menace, from the Auction Sales at die F..t, end from the imponers and manufacturers. We have decided upon offering this mock of goods at pnees so reduced as to meet the approb.tuon of those who do business an the cheap cash principle. The Silk Department is very extensive, embracing the different kind. of dress and mantilla Silk., Satin de Chen.. and Cameltan Gro de Rhines. The Shawl Department embrace. • splendid assort ment of India Crape Shamls, from the lowest priers to the finest qualities, elegantly embroldc red. Also. fire nadiue, Bernie, Moho., Nett nod splendid figured Silk Shawls. SCARPS--Black herage and Granedine Scarfs. BEDAGE and other tent USES. GOODS—htegant and navel 40iell of Beroges. Silk Tmsues. and other tam emus Gesoda, worthy of the attention of the ladies. LAWNS! LAWNS!!—In the Lawn department, our addirkusta from the Eastern auctions are gone large, embracing elmsm styles at remarkably low pneu. Imported and 'Domestic Cinemas Prints sad Chhatzes, Brown and Bleached Cheeks. rtekings, Pleanels. Superior English and French loth. and Cuomeres, Satanist. and JOWL, Pantaloon Stripes and Dnlhnirs. All of which is offered at such a reducuon of prmee that purehasen Cannot rail to be pleased lys ALEXANDER & DAY AtiIBLBODI SALOON, AND BATHING HISTABLISHMENT. LbleFbiLL, begs to inform the inhabitants of Pura burgh and vicinity, that he h im opened the e establishment, where every attention will lie field to the cordon of those who may laver him with a ea/L Liberty area. between Seventh and Wood. lee Creams and all other delicacies of the maims. DUISOLVVION rtpartnentldp heretofore, existing betansen Sma , B. Bushaeld and Wall= B. Hays, trading wider the firm dfltt/BIiFIELD .4 HAYS, ha, 11. dui' e n duselved bj IVili B. Hayselling Int enure intermit in the flan to S. B. Buableld. An daemons dbo the firm veld oe ealleeted by S B. Bushfield, and W deb ts due by the 'are Um to be pald by the same, B. D. 4UBH FIELD, nutmeg* JoAo 12, MO. W. a BANS. ACK&PAiktkliMPlTPltaglakriattatiliiving this day ametelared a/his-himself Hour 'oreterty of Bedford, Fa, and recently of the National Hotel, Pithburgh, anil commie lat. business under the firm of DU:4Hk tELD & Lk:ADES. at the old stand. N0...t.t Liberty. street. P. U. kilidHriaLD. Pittsburgh, June ka. 1249. 11. LEADED. Having retired from the former business, I take pleasure in recommending my sue eanore to the pa tronage of my customers and the penile general.y. 1.7 NV. 0. HAYS. itun :VS WORM KILLKR- Prrvu. eau. June 11. 1-49 . Nit John Mont - in—D.-or Sir I urnpoon full of your Worm Killer tonue or of Milidren. and in the short lime Wow. nom o mimed tiff —.ty Mite iirorni• I Irm Nair in re...rumor:nil .1 your Verroiluer m the best medicine Met run 10f JAY. M.,2qlN. nem Nolilerimmi Pmprired end gold by„Ow prOV{l , lol . JOGS U MtlR• GAN. Drogyst. or door below lhamonn agcy. Wood IT ERI LOW—W R. Mutienv vel fonow ing Summer (Loal , , at reduced driers. vtv: Dress Lawn., Glngbants. Ti•sues, Grena• dines. Belzarines, Summer She al., s , •rfs, Bonn, Ribbon., Beltings, Mena' and Boy.' Summer Veer Persons ',earwig any above, or any other do,erp nen of Dry Lmoda will do won to can at northead corner of Ith and Market its. /yin VALL:A . I3LE BLX - JKS--Finalitt'a LI& of - S •poieon Bonaparte, 3 rola. Ifaxlitt's Lectures on the English Poeta. " on the Comte Writers. on the Literary Age of Elizabeth " Spirit or the Age. or Contemporary Portrait.. Tales by Edgar A. Poe. We , tern CO:anew. Mra. C. M Krrk land. Holid•yr Abroad, or Europe from It. WO. hy Mrs Kirkland. Rural Letters and other Records of Thoughts at Leisure, urn.o w lire intervals of more hurried Litm nary Labor, by N. P IN nits The Adtronback, or Ltfe in .he Woods, by / T Headley. Phrenology and Mesmerism Examined Macaulay's Misteetlames. Layud's Nineveh and its Remains The Indicator, by Leigh Hunt. A full stock of American .5 S. U Books, on hand and for sole at Philadelphia prices, by fj l l 7 lE ISANAT . O.R LI e t? U rr ON k INI E' I N I • G r de n' airo W us oo o d t at un . 1 mining Informatton In regard to the number of deaths that occur in the city weekly, the character of the disease*, Ind the age oldie pervona, would respect fully request the Physts to report to them at the Committee Room, Old Court m House, on Fruilay evening of each week 102 JOHN Chic rILD IMON. RYE WHISKEY-51 five gat Demijohns 1.,1 HOD Port MR Wht.tkey. Geunemen and coo. notteurs are invited to call and examtne it. if they want as fine an article as can be had to the Western coun try, at the Wine Stone of JACOB WEAVER. Jr. OLL ; ;; L b bbl. Lms!ed Ott, for role by Jn CANFIELD B ULK SIDR3-50,000 pieces for s i tl i e ,: lityk JONES BRUSSELS CARE S--Thelarge, assortment o Brussels Carpets ever offered in thts city, for race at the Nem Oarpet Warehotme of arCitittock, No 75 Fourth at, comprising the latest and richest styles, and at prices lower than •ver offered in the market. all who want Brussels Carpel,, should call before purchasing elsewhere. jut. W NI'CLINTOCK C REAM CHEESE--GS has just r7'd ,, ar t l r f l o t r :l si i i. : :e by J " jy2 W•Aer at. between Scostisfield maul WACKI COCOA SIIELLS--t - thlos 1:otoa C 11 GRANT TUNLATA 131.00515-13 tong l/l atom and int sale t p by / ) ,2 KIER & JONES rIOREIGIN CORDIALS—Orgreat, Absynth, cot. Anntsette and fancy French and 'Winn Cordials, In baskets and ease.. For sells by the bottle or dozen, at the Wine Store of JACOB WEAVER, Jr. corner of Market and Mot sts WINES-01111:y, Webber et Forrester, 1631, r — Pore nch and dry. Gould. Campbell & Co'. old dry 1.43 b. Osbourn'. 1e34; Pure IMO, Pure Juice par ticular Port, Harris dr Sons. Pure Juice, threble. don Ole and amble Grebes. 'Phew e wines are all celebra ted for their medical propentee, and can be had whoie sale or retail at the Wine Store of J ACOR W WAVER. Jr. DACON—Side., Rhouldera end Rams. In Timote 1) house, and for sale by ,ty2 KIER & JON FS VINE COFFEES—Mocha, Afrie., Ja•a, Lt e- ;Zaiee, St Donungo and Rio Coffees, just reed and for sale at the Pekin Tea Store, Fourth si myttl RAISINS ANI eightn bas prime gal l., and 50 mall drums fro. Fie•, lust reeetved and for sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street. my 22 - - - - - 11E -OPENED--A. A. blason & Cosa Dry bee. Fe. tabitshment mill be re-opened on Friday, July nth. Al of their wick having been marked down. will he offered at the greatest bargains. Pri -chaser, may de pend upon esenring good. at LOWER RATES than ever before. PURR CIDER VINETta - R-40 bbla rest:Tiredand for m _ ho by ly3 ARNISTRONG k CR.ZER. DRY GOODS AT WEIOLEOALE. Wi invites the stiennon . of mart opened in hi n :wh t. tleatt e la " Lati 2 nri.olYnoli".7,-,`:morthoods eaa.l corner 4th and market streets, Pittsburgh This bein g bis second supply for dus spring, be h. many kinds of goods at reduced prices, and sumo st9l".!inVoraiMVPrl'ad.ilb'where S 'rn'k o dk r kYliatris, wittier Itrand, — m "' slo b re d nnd , f,tr ow salr ' t ' bP '"" ir9 NI:OI.S 1110(XILATE, COCOA AND -7-TeFs Brom*, No I Chocolate and Cocoa, also, Senorita swret spited Chot.nitite, just mod and for saleet the Pekin 'ten Store, 70 Pounh at. roved SUNDRIES --17 eases Caper., Aneltovlea. Olivco and tlardineaj 21 bruketa (frith ticOad 011, I do, aeh• rt tH IV KA VKR J. SLiOAH. AN D Mu. A555.....N-61. hada U Bak. prime; 5 , lads N 0 Molusea,prime, at oak bbla in rove and for mdo by ia2o W A 11 111VO-IIaI.TRYF. BR =prates. Patens ism'. Aah. I'7 c.AM; (balance of IVP,ninrfrr gl7T,Vilri O." 0T he sKiptelts "" pe i r airl!.. " l7C i a " :3 b ; t e itti " ir L i ti m Stephen Baldwin, widish will unite next mortll. They will also receive Luse supplies for the fall trade. !1: w ItYPOITYD 1011 THY PTTIIOIIIIIOII DAILY DLZETIII. Fatx—Afire occurred yesterday raornmg in the grocery gam of Mr. Disallow Wilkinson, in the Diamond. Mr. W. was, we understand, folly In. cured. Two of the engines only were on the ground, the Vtgilant and the Allegheny. Taal ie the second time within a short period that this gore has been on fire. Rite.—The mina of the last few days will have a very beneficial effect upon vegetation. All plants had been suffering from the effects of the long spell of dry weather which we have had, and the tomato crop in particular has been almost destroyed. Matta Hoerrrar.—This building is rapidly pro greasing towards completion. It is now two stories high, end when finished will have a 6ne appear ance. It is delightfully situated on the bank of be Ohio, a short dietance below Manchester. Assert, Ka Rsrucar.—William Cain and Robert M'llonald were arrested on Saturday, and taken belore be Mayor, charged, on oath of Han• nab Thomas, with entering her store on the Miner*. villa road, and taking some cakes, &c, without paying for them, as well as with beating her.— They were bound over to appear at the next tone of the criminal court. Goon On.oza_—We have never teen the citi zens otAllegheny more orderly than they are at present. Thal recent outrages In that city seem t.) have had albeneficial effect upon them, aince all the grog ahem; (with one exception) ate closed at zone o'clock, and a drunken man, or one belay. tag in a disorderly manner is now never seen upon the streets. MAYOR'S Orrice, Parnistison, July 2tat.—There were only four common eases of drunkenness be (ore the Mayor this morning. Two paid their tines, and the others were sent to the hill, one for twenty-(our hours, and the other for five days OSINIBCII6-o.—We refer oar readers to the adver tisement of Messrs. M. & J. lEireidenthal, from which it will be seen that an omnibus will leave the Diamond for Lawrenceville every evening at the hours of 8,9, and 10. Cuotaas..—The physician of the sanatory corn. mittee had no eases to report either on Saturday or Sunday. Fmwr.—There was a great fight to Wood etreet on Saturday, between two drankards, who were t oo drunk to do each other any injury. Luckily for them, no poleeman was near. EMPIRE MINsTIMIA.—The empire minstrels, who have been performing forsome time past at Apollo Hall, will give another concert tnt. evening. Reammun.—We understand that the resolution, expressing the determination of the Neptune fire company not to go to any fire In Allegheny, and councils give the appropriatons required by the fin men, was again taken up last week and sustained, whereupon a great portion of the company tender ed their resignetions, which were accepted. For lAA Gcurrtt. MR. Local. EDlTOR — Permit me, one among the thousands of our citizens, through your opt limn, to exPreas my thanks to the Sanatory Com mittee for the very efficient manner in which they are discharging their duties. In addition In removing nuisances of all kinds, many of which had existed for years, ircatteneg disease among the people, the Committee have commenced sprinkling I tine about the market place and in the alleys and gutters. If there are any in our city who deserve the thank. and gratitude of the pea -1 le, the members of That committee will be first in the list. I wish it could be said with truth that Councils are as deserving of praise as the Suntory Com mittee. I fear that it cannot. Council. have not done their duty in aeconding the efforts of the Committee, to prevent the ravages of the pesti lence to our midst. Councils have been blamed severely for not responding promptly to the re• quest of the Committee for the power and means to remove from among us all causes of pestilence. I trust that there will be no occaaton for blame hereafter. If there be, I should not be surprised to see the people as as well as to.a.. The Health Committee have the confidence of citizens, who desire that Councils shall give the Committee Hal power and ample means to pro tect the health of the city. If this he done, we need have but little fears of disease. It it be not done, the people will know whom to blame sad whom to pur44,. _ . A meeting of the First Ward Fire Compmy .f Allegheny, agreeably to adjournment, took place on Fnday evening, 20th inst., at the Public School lionse. The first business laid before the meetiog, was the Report of the Committee, which, after toms discussion, we, adopted. The Report rend as follows Your Committee would respextfully report—That na Ihere is to be a general organization of the Fare Department for the whole city, and as the Couz. cll. have not yet agreed upon a plan, they there fire deem it inezpedient to adopt at present a per manent organization, bat recommend that the pre rent temporary organization be continued, and the Corn ps try continue to receive the 0112111.1 of all good entizens who have arrived at the age of 21 years, and proceed to elect such officers as will make it etfi Neal for the porpoise of ezunguratring fires that may occur until the general organization is cora l- feted. The Committee would further recommend, that it Committee he appointed to receive from the Mayor the William Penn Engine, with the appa ratus belonging thereto, and further memo mend that the name be changed to that of "First {Ford n Ant of A L'Aighnly," and further, that the p.resent location of the engine house be abandonee , and thst n Committee be appointed to procure a amia ble place for the temporary protection of the appa ratus. all of which i• reepectfu'lly aubrnitted—.ustn ed—A. Lamont, J.Sehoonmi.ker, H. Wallace, Al bert Culbertson, and Wrn. A. Irwin. Mr. John Kelly, from the Fourth Ward, asked leave to deliver a message from that diatriet— granted. Mr. K. proceeded to state that a com• munication from the Mayor of Borman was thorny expected on the subject of the organization of the Boston Fire Department, and rucriesting this com pany to delay a permanent organiution; which was agreed to. The company than went into an election of a Caption and two Lieutenants, by marking; which resulted in the election of Lewis Weyman, Captain; Andrew D. Smith, let Lieutenant, and 11. Nixon, '2d Lieut. The Clue( Engineer, Captain, President, and Secretary, were appointed to recevie the engine from the Mayor, and procure a place to keep the The present President and Secretary were con tinned until a permanent organization is establish The Wowing additional names were appended io the company's list, vir —Tho's Smith, A Wood haute, H Nixon, James B Owston, A D Reno Alex. McClure, Jam. Heins, Hog h Smith, An drew 1.) Smith, M I3oreland, Wllliaca Beau, Thou Dorrington, Henry McCarty, Meth. v MeWhlnny, Michael Lanigan, John Rodgers, It. C. Loomis, John F Jennings, Robert Agnew. Ileorge Dania, C Stockton, Wm. Blackatock, John Clark, Eben Townsend, Joseph Snowden, 6 .'M Blachatock, Wm. 13 McCarty, W B Erskine, &untied Janie. The meeting adjourned—to meet on Tue ,day evening, at same Owe—desiring the proceedi cgs to be published. A. LAMONT, Prosident.. We. A. lnvio, Secretary. Woitars.—As this Is the season of the year when worms are most formldable among childron,tbe propri etors of Itil'ldute's Vcrutifuga beg leave to call upon parents, soliciting their attention to its virtues for the expellmg of these annoying and often fatal enemies of children. Their invention is by a physician of great experience in Virginia, and after u tin& it for several years in his own practice, and finding its success wi universal, lot has been induced at lasi to offer a to the public as a cheap but certain and c ccellent ruedietaCh Call and purchase at the Drug store of h:iik orT. J. 111 DD lc CO. Da Mrliscee Liven I—This areal American remedy for one of the most formidable ills that a heir io, is now iwknowledged superior to ony medi cine of the kind e•er oll.redto the public. The action enty. certain, mid attendant with no unple.ant re sults. It hes never been tried without producing the mist salutary effect. Compounded by one of the most eminent physicians in our country, it is the medicine winch wiener. skill and experience offers to i112M.1111 endemic. Call end purchase a box at the drug store et myt UNITED STATES WHOLESALB CLOTHING WAREHOUSE: LE W LB & 11A MFOLLD, Nog 222. 234. 254 and 220 Paut4 Srattgr, (between Fulton 44 and HarlityiSlip,) NEW 11 , 111 C, litre on hand the largest uaortment of CLOTHINO IN THE UNITED STATES, 41.13• PT. TO ALL YAM Eli In the =tele of SHIRTS nod DRAWER.B, we keep on endless variety. ittlaUXlVntax.—Dr. Brown's newly discovered reme• ay for R.heumaten i. a sprotly and esnam reu‘edy for thalltainful trouble , It ttetttcr fat', °Moo uld Private Outwitting Rooms, No 05 Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Me Dontor ts aJwaya 1,1 PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTH:NG, I home. • jr - r Nn ears no 000 ele•l• 01 all kinds. Also the moat eatenai•e manulhelmets of Oil Clothing and Covered lints o the world. Catalog - an of souk .on by moil. Onion promptly filled. I.EWIB & RANDOM), J10:1 Nos.= 24,258. and 214 Peon .. N. Y. IiACON-2/00 owed* Hams, 311 a, do tlhooldera, In mote house, hhdli Hama, 11l do Sidon, 21 do dloooldara 44 lif+MCß sugsr,cared Hams; In trbds can• vassad d., all prime quality, in core and for sale by 10 & NinoLs LED--600 bi nac'd andor sal •ye BRAUN & ausztt RATES OF DISCOUNT, • RATES OF DISCOUNT-4...1111R12- - TEJ) BY a. H 01.8168 & SONS, 62change Broken, No. 85 Marl et street. near Ito or Pennsylvania. Indiana. Bank of Plosbmgh --Par ante B*k & Elnmettes• • I McMinn,. Bank Parli - ureScrip • ••• • • March. & Mm. Bank 'Pali Virginia. Bk.of Philadelphia- • -part Krebange lit. of Va... 1 Girard Bank Par Farmers Bk. of Va• -- • " Banker Germanum m •par Bk. of the Valley,- " Chester County • • • par Bk. of Vlrrinia• • -•-- " " Delaware Co.• • • par M.& M. Bk.. Wheeling I " Montgomery Co...par do :Mork. town- •• • I Northambetland • •par N. W. Boni Va- I Colombia Bri&e Co. • • par do Wellsburg •- • I Doylestown flock par do Parkemburg•- " Fanners` Bk. Read,ng •p ar Tenn Fames' Bk. Backs Co. par Bk. of Tennessee • •• • • Fanners BR Lancoer • par, ,For. & klerchn Bk • - " Lansaw. Co. Bk.• • • .par Planters' Bk.•-• -• • • " Lancaster Bg. ...... parlUrtion Bk. ..... • " U. State. Bm k • - • -40 ittlasowel. Brownuortu e 8k... ..... p.,,State Bk of Missouri--• Wasiongton ..-. -21 North Carolina. Gettysburg!, Bk.-- IBk. of Cape Fear• ••- • 9 Chambetaburg • • ..-.. 'Morales Ilk., Nevruern• Snokaebmna Cu. . Bk.- 3 itiume Bank 2 Lommokon. - South Carolina. Middletown -1 Camden Bk •• •• • •• • • 9 Carluleo 'lit. of Charlemon• • • • • 2 }lre 8k.•.... • 'Commere,al Farmers' and Drover.' Bs. of Bank, Waynesburg.. I ifik.ol I lamb g•• • • • - 2 Harrisburg ...... - Ole re Ann ts BI- - 2 I loneedale •-••-• . 1 • Plantere &Mecca • Ilk- 2 Loll/soon por' Bk. of South Carona. , Poknville••-• .•0 ' ilaryiniad• Arywyn g ....... !Baltimore Bk s.• • • •• • • •pa. Voril Bk.• • ....... lialtm , e 2r.0 R Scrip •IO West Branch Bk I 'Cumberland Bk. of Alla. Relief Note. - • sthany ........ ••• •• I 'lB M Bk. NO. do- 0 For Bk. of Maryland • " Sc - O - Pnwb'g P. countylo ?armors' & likcharoc2 " Alleooeu v, IS' Ilk Frederick ... Ohio. ' , Erode r lc Ir CO. Bk.— • " State Ilk. and Branches 1 Illokorslossm Bk Iiloontrleokkot••••• • • " • NI incra I Bk. -- • -- • --- I Staub). v illc• ••• • . A Pampa. Ric. I hi. Clai rsvi Ile. —.—• • • " • WoskiWon Bk " Maisano ..... —.•.— " 113k."nY estmineler • • • • •• New Lisbon• _. II . 51 I eh Igo.. Chien...Ai Banks ‘i Bk. of St Clair—. . Colrusibu a do. ii Bk. of River Balker, -- Omit , die—. . ... " Atichigan Ina. ••• • Co. 5 llonviville .---.— " ,Far. lc blech's Bk 5 Putnam._., —.... " Wisconsin Terri Vy. Wooster . -- . in blar.&Fireln•Co.blilveis 5 Canada.. holly .... Ss. All solvent Banks 5 ”gri • • • • • • . • .• I Bank of Eng land Notes Cleveland --- . I 'Gold& Specie Values Vn.— —.—. .... i i• I Napoleons 050 Daytim•—•---- . " Ducats 2 15 0 2 20 Western Re.i...... " 'Eagle, old • • • • • 10 50 ftoklin B'k Columba. " IRokle• new •••• • 30 00 asillierhhe .—._.— " IDoubloons,Spamsh. 10 00 Lake Ee1........... " Do. Patriot- • 15 50 Beioth• • • I " `.lovereignk 4 63 I,..e.hec ..-- —.-10 IGuine as • ..... • - 5 00 Goamilton•—•-• • •• •13 Fredericksd'ors•—• 57 so ranville 50 Yen Thaler" • • • • • 7 60 Putties B`k Conlon--50 fen Guilders . -. . 3 c 0 116.1% .60 ;Lonial'or. • • . • • 4 50 Kentucky. i Exchange. Elk of Kentuelry I INeve York i Pm Bk•of Louisville ^ •Philadelphia • • • • k pm) Norbert) Bk. Keniu'ky • "'Baltimore • —• •• - S prm Naar York—City Banks.... Interior Wts• —in Tis DELAWARE AIL - IC - AL SAFETY INSB RANCE CONIPANY --Office, North Room of the Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. Flea lemaanea—Buildlngs. Aterehandtm and other property tn Town and enemar. Inured .grout lots or damage by fire at the lowest rate of peen:num. blotter Insuaattrea —They also Insore Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreign or coat wise. under open or al:rectal policies, as the assured may desire. InxmioTasersPOWlATlON. —The) also Insure mere han aisle transported by Wagons : Railroad Can. Canal Roars and Steam Boats, on neer, and lakes, on the Can't lateral terms . DIRECTORS—Joseph H Seat, Edmund A Sondes, John C Darts Robert Burson, John R Penrose. Samu aLF.dosarda, 0 [Asper. Edward Darllegton loan R Davis. Willem Fels.ll. John Newlin. Dr R M Hus ton, James C Hand, Tbeophtius rankling. H Jen. Wooks, Henry Sloan. Hugh Cratg, George Sten Spencer Mellow, Charles Kelly. J Is Johnson. 4;1 Nay Dr S Thomas , John Seller ., Won E:47; Vlza. Hosp Hey, Jou. T Logan WILLIAM MARTIN, PresttlenL , • . R. NawanLn,..eerelory. Of6ce of the Company. No. le Water sveer, AUsboegh. lulAdtf PA. MADEIRA, ASoal Journal., A.mancau, Post, Alercory, thspates, kW .91. WESTERN lASURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL b 300,000. 1. Fun. Jr.. 1 1 / 4 , 'T I R Maa..E. Jr., Nest Kill insurr. against all kinds of risks, AND MARINE A L:...b d pmes writ he liberally adjusted and promptly A home Inrutunon—manned by Director. who are Well known In e the community. and who are deternon• td by promptness and hberalny to maintain the toter which they have assumed, or oSenng the beat protection to those who death to be Insured Dras.crotte—R. Miller. J r.. Geo. Mark, J W Butler, Holmes, Jr Li Holmes, C Ihmsen. Gen. W Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon. Jas. Lippincott, Thus. K. LAO., James Al'Auley. Ate, Nimtek, Thos. Stott. Orme, No. Water street, (warehouse of Strang Ir. Cm, up austral J. T. DECKER & nonnisoN, LIGHTNING RODS, WI A IN - 11,11171C Orders led at WePont Mfmc. or .1 nirn. Erirtn'ot, on leurth el" between Market wad Ferry, will receive prempt •Ment•On. Floorooscrn.—Prot Horne. Webeer. Geneva. N , rof. Chaster DeM , V. D D., D.. Roebecer, N Y. p. Cannel., and Dannnon I. Small, Cleveland. It O.H. Shaonherfer, J. ill*WPl.llll. MlChael Jonet, 1 C. VBlcro f olud.wx (.1..1, thaelnaall. juleylif 1/111 4 i1cD fest: VV Alt zNO FLUID. 1116BERTS SUPERIOR RED INK Ml==M=M Mean Jeer from ordinary Ink. am they are all eb , lnaral soionons ring no vntenk mallet, A freely from any kind a pen—the rotor deep. bright and nuration !liner, have herrn better knie'er mad, I I.••ti rnnn nor heard of them ole but. n. can tie oiititined grail.. by the inerrhants qi`iinrk from II A rithre•took k Ilenry P Nr Allerinz.v or 0 . the mnnufardarer. TI'S r IdLieitirt i'herui•t. nom, or 'Aber- I ,moLf.e 0 droet•. Pit...argil, Pa N L. ....14.act•un can oe alikl w::: ,16¢1 Lights Light!! Light!!! juc ce.rbrated harnmg Iltaid ran „n,1.. had Lnr :a. tern Lamp ,oe, No -El crrei. before..., Womi suid Market For EL portv., 1544 the pre err oror. in all cot en.terl et,r, rtc pertret:y stte ..0.1 void .goote crea, or mot, uf t5.•.,tr.,,P.1e at. tendatt. Ito. now t , rommon (Si floo , Of lino. of I.Lmff • Si tro- tat 1 oft' ro• tor int toe •nrue V 1 IS.'. VII) M. II; yV NBl-I.NLI. Drumr..t •bd ary . No a Market three doors .hove Th.r.l K Pi. tnargh, have constantly on band et wed .I , lceted . aorta:lent of the lova and (rt.., ?d , theine• i.e 7,511 orll on the most to• pndate orders, artil prompt:y al ended tn. mid *up ed aruc:e. they nthy rely upon L. ne ID -. Ph purlan• Preterlpuons end) toe are urately Ithd neehly prepared from the heat matertala, at any hour of ho day or nisht Al. (or sale, • largo stock of fresh and rood Perth- Oel y DR. D. HUNT, Dconst Corner of Younk and Decatur, between liarket and Ferry mfeeta. sep2-dlyin A T th e loan of the Plone and Sew, 7. Wood street rt. • complete assortment of Ct. moat, Cooper. Tools, for sate Iry nt,l6 DUDEK 6. I.n OF\IAN CLINTON PAP&R MILL. under ned have tins Eta) a.,.neloted under the name l'hompson 114/1114 &Son, for me pur pose of manufacturing puoer, ennton Paper Mill, where they wlll he planoad to meet', :Le patron age ante pubtic, and the former customers of ine se. ens, partner Thee veal at .11 times keep on hand o generel as• sorunent of writing. wrapptiig, m. and wdl papery, bonnet taurda, blank books, etc rte., erbleb they will ,tehangn for clean linen and cotton rags Printers and Book Pubbsticre airy he supplied with cv.•ry desartption of prumlng wiper at short nonce, and at reduced pnees THOMPSON HANNA Aped I. 19—inythdant EDMUND S. DAN 800tlnig.—.131•1•6.111s6d Till Plaaas. — THbseribe beg to call the atmation of Builders, E . rt Architects end ownen of Ilculdings, to the many advantages which these plates possess over all °Meg metallic substances hitherto osed for roofing, ego, as they possess at once the lightness of tee without Its liability to rust, having no- been tested n, for several years to this trammels, both in thm country and In Eu rope. They ore loss liable to expansion and contrac tion' from sodden change of the atmosphere, than com mon un plate., iron. tine, orany other metal now used for roofing. and consequently form a much better and tighter roof; requiring far less frequent repalrt, whilst the best cost is bat a trifle Innie. A tall sapply, of all sites, from 16 to 30 W. 6., con. snooty ou hand and for sale by ()EO. D. NIOREWOOD le CO., 14 nod Id Beaver meet, New York. The patent right for this article having been tenured Inc /11C United States, all partms antiging thereon, either by unportatiou or otherwise, will be proweti tMl. 0ch.30-dlewlyT C fif I • No. 60, DIA.NIOND ALLEY, ; . few doom below Wood street, to • . market . DEL. 'mow'', hoeing been .• •• regularly educated to the medic• • ." profession, and been (or some time 4.• • "; in general practice, now confince ' hie attention to the treatment of -.4 44 thoseprivate and delicate corn' • ... plaint. for which h.s nppertmuuce . • ~ expenence peculiarly qualir. • • . him. II year. rossiduenaly devoted s •y t yeah:nom of those compltuntsdduring which time be but bad more prmuce and his cured more pas be.ute than can ever fail lo the lot of any eremite pruc sfuehier) amply qualifies him to offer as...mince. of e1..,,,,a1 L -,p,srnthnent, and musfectory curt to all afflicted with late e do and all diseases arising therel from. D r. amen, ',would inform them Claimed with pivots disease• which have heroine ehr.'oe Ly time az ag vented by the ose of any of the common nosh - nom of dm day, that their rem eleinth can be radically and thou. acored; he having even the careful summon to the ire of arch ease.. slid succeeded in hundred. of instance.; In caring perm:O. of mnommatren of the neck of the bladder, and kino ' , e.o.m. which often milt from those cam• where h fe°e!, ea'' , consigned them to hope,. desprur Ile per. `c.ot'll' such as have linen long and uneueceasfut, treated when to consult ham, when every sainduet. go mil be rem them, and their ease. treated in a catch, thorough and intrirtgent manner, pruned out liy Imo; o.Porthooe study, and in seetigution, which it Is linposei..'ie lettlm, engaged In general practice of medicine to 0,, an one crane. of Mona.. Err fletrua or Ruptore.—Dr. Drown al.o Invites Mi . 0 ,..111j,t,1 with Berm./ to call, as he haa paid pa. - 11.5 %Liar nttorttinn to that CANCERS al,ro earns. Etkin diseases, also tad ti puny, etc., speedily eared Charges very N. B.—Putients of eitb sex living at a distance, by stating their dinette in writing, giving all the sympf toms, eau obtain medicine. with directions for use, by addressing T. BROWN, hi. D., post paid, and ending, to a fee. Office No. 03, Diamond &tiny, oppoaim the . overly fence. 'UNITE SUGialth -Lovurlog'. loaf; crushed end polverixod rlogorsourt rce'd and for role by Oa bhl Of a relall, u the POk.OI Teo Stara, to Fourth fn. my,22 IN - KEY—coo thin thin WhiAkoy, to store olia halo by Jot , n' k 111 MirCIIELTREF. voREJuN IrtrAttis l R LILO Ilitirk--A gene l' rni latiOrltocnt always nu kto•id otp.i for gato iu2o W M MITCIIIKINRF.PI ARD-40 kers No bosa. lot sob, J.IIJTa h 143 ILLS & ROE t5r.1&te..: , ..-4 - ;51°1 , ::-= tit -7 .3 i iliatiFil!fliA4gl 1A tdi1111;1 : 2712_ , 21 ... I" "' 7 4..._1161 . E .2 cf-.:-. ...t/g'. l .t.--- 1 --. :a.,t:f.- _cam'`'.-Ef. if, ~:i • g 61 '" • ' Kg 0-z- . ° - 1' ‘• ix I,l_ , .1.5 . .zif.7,w:1 , r6= - : rs ~, = el “ . ii 4', .l ; E; = •'.D.l ' ll' .4-16.11 'q'a:':1 ° 2 ; - -.;'. l ;i. c .:Piz t i- 2 3 41 .4: t. -. Igo co -5 :8::E25. ..q. 7 ..1t'. 1 :g -9 CD 1 5 414i4 ;;!'' rZailt ;111!iii!liiill cg -2.!a4:!Whiiklii Li _` =z - 1 114 C 1 .1 Ji ! .3 , P -11 1: 1 . 17.:11. 1 1 .-7 ;' . 011 . : flq!; 4 > ' ll -4 ‘ 6 :4 - Er , !..:,ti g f ,, 1.! v g , 41: ill _ .t - r , =1g: . :: . 5....-.: .2 62- ] a—. 14,1i ;I : 1 ; ' . 11 1 1PIL ET' ' l ii 1 4 &— 1e .224 ..k111 . !. :;,_:ii l:.i 1 icc >gi ir;:ilii. .="l'e-= .4.-°'4'.3---, else :.. ` - ,! . g)n . l. 2 PpiLli;-'2:4.11 4 iir :; .2 5g .4 = 71,11! .:s•C s li.f-ifll' :.. "' E. - c" , :8-..' c`'--eats - 2“• - • E.- ~ 0... , ILI - 8 = ?.- r , iu.:!-1•--71 - :..7.1;: 6 ii'1. Z-..i =Jr (3 . as 0 17 . . e ,i 1.6i2,..4.g.a-...402-,,,,,.“ .. „,;,...: W 0 3 et , ~,. ts . .:' — g.o7:..l;:f.t.J;ir 0 ,•.. 2 MX 2 4. • E -, ; iio P' - ei' 6 :iiiii;:liisi 7; 2.5 C w m - .z .EiP-.-: 2 91.•... 3 ;....f.6;; . • 2 4 c" - C 2 x ..5., . ~ :E.,- i x,,, E ~:,.3.4.2ft 1 .0 - • t lA. g o 0 d ..1 .1 2.. 1 i 1 f 4.6 _11..!: g .a . ii-t3 gl -2, 2 ...ic° 22, ,g, i; f.. - HisEi!tlci;f:i.:l:-: 0 1, , ri 1 4 ti T,• I,=-...yilw:-A-7,z.. : EE -s .-... . ,s. ...t•.,,... 1 ...!..°. ^ Ail" - 4 .-+-'-' ' , Pt L ql2, 1ii.4:7 7.... : :b z g - - --- vt . ---;-..0cg..7-z. , --g .. - • 4 0 ...7. 46 ~SP • 0— a. w .---- .iift. ...:,TiiC..El4.f":'-':ilit.: I=l - liti. t. t 0,,,- I t i -35, t 2 e . e , :t *t;. ° %l"' `a e M 4 ElF:tlltflEE.: ° 2 ~i. . .k_-. . ”p.i4:_is''. E f 1 -4-,.2., ly-I..§Fri,--i.,7;:nDr;:0..1: ilo 'h iPP , ! . °..Eitii: -.- 0 ,-.-- ; , il ~,' F,l 111--...,:v.6.!;,:=E-:'”!vt;•p°,li• - z ..; 4 ... .,- - _, ,:?. 1 -:- 5 , . ,..2, 2., - ,..:4. 0, ~. 7 , t , e , .. -,- p.. - ,E - .0,,.. , .. 0 f.. --...- -.. .-2 ... --,.,. --= - ~* - '3.2::17,-u ~, ..z J z ~.. ~ , ,,. 9...... - .-., R E- -0 .: 0 ... -. ^ - -,I ~,- .:E.-1,g, , ,, a o a „ 4 41:;!.:.:z.1°,,zi- E...t , g;go*, . F:5 v• -m 2' ° 2 .. *.:=1'1 i .:;1:=5.', .", 1 : :E g 7 f , '“ e 3g . 1t!,E' ' .7 . 5! ''' 1 1 - 6 .. - Yil' - v 4 E:P.:lll.l:ap gs t,,, I . 0, - < " 1N.19 1 -“ l ' . t' slE. ,'Ln. - .6";01.';; -' Yoi ii 4 i 44li i i t 7 l . 6;.;E ii -t.r . q:-"l's 1 7 40 1 : A iiiiIII -r i_ ',' - ;! , legiill 41 1-;,;2.1,i117i41'ir2-V.4gE6°712 cl: t"iti.2lE4l-Er:.rf.biStlfli CW r • iEtit;Flit6'gr;Oi...lL.l2ll-2.1Z1 LI : ,,... 1.7 , :c. --1 :.3.fig':•:: 2 114.11 ti c °,- :i..:lZZ±:4Tit'c.2 - . 6 .eire.6.6 - 5‘6. ...;;,:;66:1 `'ll.l:]ii - :,1N1..: 4 21.Erit - le:•?. `i ny A GENTNI—WM JACK4ON, JOHN D MORGAN Plnohorgh D hi CLARY. Allegheny CH), A. PATTERSON, liirminghan, 17 18 'd= 11 IMlNNllNNlNlNMNENNEwmggriffiffmmgmmimmosimiNaimm mimmimin n isi MISCELLANEOUS. I TRANSPORTATION &C• I HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, Ito %1 ALL AOS, PITTSBURGH FRENCH BURR MILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Nov 244 and 246 Liberty street, near the Canal. French Burt Mill Stones, of my own manufacture, made of • new and aupetior quality of Block. partic ular care is taken to have the mints made close, and all the block. In each stone of a uniform quality. They are warranted to be equal to any in the country, and superior to the great mass of Burrs, whether of foreign or domestic 1111.1 ufsetnre, and cold At the lowest pri ces. Mill Stones, manufactured in Prance—a gene ral assortment, at reduced prices, always on hand. Laurel Hill Mill Stones, all awes. Bolting Cloths. Anchor Stamp, warranted hest qual ity. and at greatly reduced prices. Mill Spindles, Mill Irons, Screws and Picks, Plat form ;Scales. Corn end Cob Grinders; Grist and Saw Mill Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in gen eral. All order. promptly attended to at 214 and 246 1.4 , - eny meet. near the Canal, Pittsburgh rov:10 - .116rn W. W. %VALLACE. Pittsburgh Steam Marble Works. NO. 944 LIBERTY, opposite Smithfield street Marble Mantles, Monumehtt,Tomlia,Tatile Tops, /cc., a large suety of the most beautiful kind. made of the finest quality of foreign and domestic marble, always on hind or made to order, by the aid of ma chinery, on the shortest nonce and at the lowest p N B.—The Country Trade furnished limb nil Lime. P of Marble at the iowest rates All orders promptly at. tended to at 244 Liberty, opposite Smithfield st im)3Ctdam • W W WALLACE SMUT MACHINES. • LULUS Patent Stone or French Doer SMUT MA CHlNE—the best article of the kind in tion; they run light, clean fast, do the work well, and will last • hie time. Aboot WO of them are in use, in the best nulls In the country, and we nava the lean [stony of competent persons as their sopenority over all other Smut Alachincs. For further particulars, ad dress the subscriber at 231 Liberty st. Pittsburgh. my:Phdam W IV WALLACE STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS—For inst. sew and other mills, always on hand, or made to order on arty short notice_ and at the lowest pnces. All or ders promptly attended to at 241 Liberty street, near the Canal. my3o W W WALLACE PLASTER PARIS—For land, and other purposes, always on hand at *t4 Liberty st. my3l:l W W WALLACR GRINDRTONES—AII use. and gnus, always on hand - at 214 Liberty street. my3o W W WALLACE TEAS! TEASIt TZAIIIII IT is with pleasure that the subscribers inform the citizen. of Putsburgh and Vi et nit y digit they have completed arrange menu with Messrs J. C. Jenkins A Co.. of Philadelphia, to receive their superior I; PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter he kept constantly on hand. They are near! and securely put up in metallic pack• }, I and I lb. each, with their printed card—ohownag the ku,a n( Tea, puce. name of the concern and depotn Pbtladelphos, with an man... LO return the Tea. i (not liked. ig ( Gunpowder. ......626 76 1.121 125 1.50 a 1 Impenal 50 75 1.25 1.50 1 It y an n 50 626 75 1.00 I.= a ' 1' Hyann• 50 626 75 1,10 1,25 1.50 „ .4 _,... 1 Black • • - • • • • • .... .371 60 "'' C Fc ll< and artra Fula -75 1;00 1.15 1.50 We IVlii 1.,1,1111 all the TKAS we .11 us be equal to. if not 'sesame io any sold in this etty, and fliou Id tary not prove acceptable to tie Un44 shay eau be re tamed, and the money will be refunded, as it is only with that understandine we sell. . • • - • W, ask a fr. win. that the public may bi able TO mite between our Tent and those hereto:Coen hold by other comp.,. in thu city All lovers of hell, define.. and good flavored TEAS, shooed give no a call. For sale by 305. to M. VOU?jO & CO.. N W corner 411. d Ferry arena, and E. TOL NG & CO., rnylPdarns S W eon,. :LI and Row. mend 7"- Dn. W. 11. DNE, DEN'FIST, _ _ (Late of New 11 wk.) itt.rica—Snt,lltneld ttrret, between Seventh and Strawberry udev. N lt,en•ms of the mouth, gums and teeth treated I lonuropatmeal/ y joind3nt Ci INTINUATico: OP THE GREAT nALE AT A. A. MASON & CO'S ONE PRICE STORE, At n,li greater Redured Peters. A M. A CO, drscrous of mincing end elesing 11.. t their Sleek preparatory to receiving their New Fa ou ll Goods, will offer creator inducements than ever Their recent large purchases la the New York biales. made at such locution, sacrifices from cost.wir nit dosed out iho same famous mice. Amongst the Crudes reeenti) opened. they mention, a ca. 1 - ftat Colored Lawits, al 7 etc •• and E' and De A urge stock Ntlks. Shuttle and Victits, very low. ,C+ Mde LhilOtS, lot lieregr• at one nal( price I Ginghamts et Inc • klmbroideries very cheap Bonnets, half price • Homer y, Gloves, Laces, Trimmings. ,ka hiarTitll.ll Ctlii.e.l, at Be 5 lk cl Calicoes ot 6lc at•` and bales brown and bleached Mu.lin, cheap. Irish Linens at Int. Linen Gingham. tile Bonnet Ribbon b and 10c, Gloves et ec With an immense variety of other GDodt, ell of which .1;1 prove ri saving in purchasers of 'rem DS to 50 per cent. Tee store will by closed one day for meriting down and preparrng the stock for the sale jyk A A NIASt & CO PICKLES, PRESERVES, &e, WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST 217 Front street, New York, NIA o Pre eves. )shies, f Jams,ever&v: variety Sauces, kip reps, Vinegars, Mustard, Spices, Extracts. PATKN PRESERVED PROVISIONS, such as Oysters, Lobsters, Salmon, Mackerel, Shad, Meats, Vegetables, de. Importers of Olives, Capers, Said GIIs, Sardines, East and West India Condirnenni, ere. - - • - Their stock is more extensive, comprises a greater vanety, aad us put up 1.1 better style than that of any other (louse in their business 111 the tinned States.— Their goods are packed to all the various packages, and in so safe a manner as to bear trausporuttion y part of the country. N. B. Catalogues may he seen an the Mike of this • Agents in Boston: Silas Peirce & Co. PEuladolphiai Jo+. B Busster BalUntorai A. Bart & Son. St. Louis: Bea. Buchanan & Co. Locasollte. John Fonda & Co. Csticinnani Henry Braehman. juddiddm 61•ntlension's Furnishing Warehouse HERRICK & SCUDDER, 94 William aired, New York, 51 AN s N u o a 4 l ..`s s s'i LINEN nd : e a> LASS. STOCKS. SHOULDER BRACE'S, CRAVATS. OPERA TIM , SCARFS, MONEY BELTS, UNDER GARMENTS, GLOVES, SATINS, LINEN BOSOMS, I=fig,t°llo7l:lFil'Zll=EtcßoY BUCKLES, SUS. Tho above stock will, on examination, be found not only attractive , . exteustve and full. but Cheap. . Our long experience in the business and knowledge of manufacturtng, with the facilines of purchasing, ate such that as are confident we ran alter inducements test cannot be .rpessed by any Moose in the city. Particular attention paid to orders and the packing of goods. lIERRIOK d SCUDDER, ne William in, opposite Platt, New York. ante A. attics.. 00x01. W. Seneca cialid3w 814 AOKL/G Oz. W ILLT DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 09 WOOD sTFititT, A - , stock RE no renairtng a very larg of (stab us hoods, of recent parch.< and ouportunott,Yrkteh they will roil to the trade at such pane. as cannot fail to give sonic satisfaction. City and Coontry Merchants arc invited to call and ciattnna our Cock before purchasing elsewhere. w 10/1-Kgeplt ior setl:tD,,„itheau direction.r'. t, ! rt. printed on tin covens A new .apply Just recei ved Worn York, and for sole by Intl !MIN If MErt,nn yr w-tea D R.B. P. TOWN:4IE4Iin SAits.Ar.srsii.,...,—doo doaen of Dr. Towage:tore Geoutne Sarsaparilla, 1.. t reed and (or sale uy 11 E 67 Wood st. only Agent for Piti•burgh. Ily D CURRY, Agent for Adeghetty coo i 7 lIITE GOODS roll DRVISSES—W. R Murphy V V has a large assortment of above Goods, lately received. mach plain white !(idle, from Mc per )'a op to my Rae; plain Sari. do; barred Swiss do; em• broiderca do; moo barred J.c tone., soft finished do, mann striped do; end a general assortment of Whits tioods, such its plain and filtered Netts; Laces. &lg. sago, Sr —at northeast corner 415 and Marsrt its. Wholesele Rooms optslrs. tett IJana. D. I,nrawouo 4{ wood .reel. has ,usi roceised some beautifully ornamented OR A IFI APRONS, of a variety of patterns and colors, ilk° at Millie Paper for ornamenting 100110! picture frames. o • lamps. jot.; .1211111IFIE t:oUR'P UP N tit . (le li tolrar l i t ; l' rl. * ll l 4 l t. A N i n ' t6 la the maser of the voluntary asugnetent at War n. Alartut ft Co. Springer Mortis ugh and W. S. Courtney. And n w. dun.. ttld, IStU Nntiee hitting been given In the ?lurk+ , s4 Clinintrie and Mercury, for three weeks. of the filmy of the °reelist, ant no exceptions having boon hied therein, on inotion of Mr. Courtney. the aeccont Is confirmed absolutely, and Wit, es Aus tin, Fay. appointed Auditor, to audit and athirst the ye counts of cred , ors, and make distribution among them. From the Record. . . . 111 KAM FIVITZ, Protbonottry, 117. I will Intend to the duties of the above appoint. um... , my off , . in PtoOttrgli, on the 17th hay, at 2 o.riock, P.M WM. P. AUSTIN, Att.or pa7:ll3l‘. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, ofExclusivel or Passengers. iglaM—The Boats of Nis Line aril! I eave as follows. ai 9 o'clock at night Renwick y—Capt H Trilby, Monday. July 16. Loaisiana—J P Thompson, Tuesday, July 17. Indiana—P Elargey, Wednesday. IS. Ohio—A Craig, Thursday, 19. Kentucky—H Trilby, Friday, 90. 1.11.11111111—J P Thompson, &uaniay, 21. Inthana—P Burney, Sunday, 22. Ottio--Capt. A Craig, Monday, 21. Kentucky—H Trilby, Tuesday, 11. Louisiana-4 P Thompson, Wednesday, 22. Indian—P Burney, 7'horsday, ri Ohio—A Craig, Friday 27. Kentocky—Copt li Trolly, Saturday, July 99. Loutssana—J P Thompson, Sunday, tB Indlana—P Harkey, Monday, Otau—A Craig. Tuesday, 31. Fonpusuge apply to W BUTCH, Monongahela House, /716 or D LEECH & Co. Cana/ Basin 1849 . H and Eels Expraa• Packet Lana R. G. PARKS. Beaver, Propnetor. 111133 new and elegant Passenger Packets, NIAGARA, Cant Fl II Jeffries; PENNSYLVANIA, H Hoffman; LAKE ERIE, QUEEN CITY, Trubyi " J blchially: Forming a daily Line between Beaver and Erie, have commenced running, and well continue daring the sea son to make their mauler trim leaving Beaver after the arrival of the morning boat from Pittsburgh, (I &- clock, r. ) and arrive at Erie in time for passengers to take the morning boats to Buffalo or up the Lake. Tickets through to F.rie and all Lake ports, can ho had by application to JOHN ACA COHEN Agt, comer of Water and Silithaeld sts ow GEORGE KECK, anlzln under the St Charles Hotel BIDDLE ee. Dentin.. REMOVED to a new three story brick 111 4 ,..,.. on Smithfield street, one door below Sixth meet. Teeth inserted from one to an entire sex on the (xenon prmeiple, with a bean. &el representation of the nounsl gnm—restoneg the origmal shape of the face. N. B.—Teeth extracted with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pro visoung the tooth ache, which is much better than en. ring tt, though it shoul d be done In five minutes, or even instantly. anCly PEKIN TEL STOKE. THE. subscriber has net received at the Peon Tea Store, 70 Fourth street. a very large and well se levet! stock of pare GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from New York, all of which has been received in this country since die first of February last, consisting of all the diderent grade* grown to the Celes tial Empire. Our stuck belltg among the largest in the West, we are prepared to wholessle, on better terms than any other hoe. in the city. We Invites retail grocers to call and examine ou r stock and pnces. They ears have it pack• ed in d ud 1 mit the packages, S lb tin canrosters, or by !toilette... totheir converueuee. Our retail prices vary for Belong, Meek MILS from 50 eta. to 81.50 per lb.; Nutg Fouttg Sooehong. 50 mai Congo 50, end Englmh Breakfast 50. youn g Ilyson, Uoupowder .d Impen., from 35 rI.. to eI..Z per lb. FamMes are requested to vend and get samples 01 of our Teat. and try them before pumhastag. Y myloettveS A. JAN E& 7U Fourth street Great Et:welsh Remedy. EIOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The E GREAT ASiD ONLY REMEDY for the cure of ths above dowasas, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF ' WIT., discovered by the cedebnund Dr. Burial, of London, England ; and introduced into the United States i under the immediate superintendence of the inventor. The exriaorditodry cocoon of this medicine, in tfe, curer of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for tleatment the wont possible ea scs tbet can be found in the commenity--cases that seek eclief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have town given up by the most disucaprished pilysimans as confirmed and incurable. The Ifungurb an Batman hes cured. and will care, the most ites.rats of mud,. It is no quack nostrum. but a standard Eng. hoh medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every faun iy in the Lotted Suites should be supplied nub BuchanitiHungaritm Balsam of Life, not only to countemct the consumptive tendencies of the climate., but to ne used as a preventive medicine to all ewes of colds. coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and chem. irritation and soreness of the tangs, brochitie difficulty of breaung. hectic fever. night news. truant mion and general debility, asthma, whooping cough and croup. Sold In large bottles, at $1 per bottle, with fall direst uons for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, contaimng a mass of Falglish and Arnett can ccrufsentes, and ogler evidence, showing the mu equalled merits of this great English Remedy, Ploy WI obtained of the Agents. eratmtoosly. For sale by 11 A F AIN LTO K 3 Co.„ corner of stend Wood and Wood and Oil cut m9dtsyss GEORGE ARMOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, 13AVING purrhased an extensive and carefully lected wink of Spring end Sammer Goods, the so subserMer respecifutly informs hit friends and the p,shlie. that be pt now preparing to reeelve and exe cute their ord., with dispatch, and to the neatest, most substantial. end fashionable ma nn, As he is determined to do business on the cash system, he flat ters himself that be will be able redo work as cheap as n can he done at any establishment in the country. Mt. stock te varied, consisting of Casstmeree, Broad cloths, Vestines, tre., wtnela his friends are respeilful• ly invited to examine for themselves. otytatdtf GEORGE ARMOR Sic - w - EIAILDWAH. 61 STIPA/Ss. SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood street, Pistol:stares. LT lama AND LAUFMAN, Importers oust - dealers 11. in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, In all its varteues, are now prepared to sell as low and on as reasonable terms as can be purchased elsewhere. We solicit our friends, and the public genemilty, call and examineour stock, which consists in part of KNIVES and PORES, POCKET and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, such as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, together with every article usually kept in Hardware Stores. We lanialhe attention of Carpenters and Meehanics generally to our assortment of Tools s erhich have been selected with great care, and which we are determlns cd to sells* as to give satisfaction. ao . /dkatr RUST PROOlill. THE undersigned have erected works in the city of New Volt, for the purpose of Galvanizing all toes of Iron, which it is desirable to PROTECT FROM RUST such as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be required. For Hoops for Cuks, as a sobsutate for bale Rope; for Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods, and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call attention to the Galvani sed Dare for fences, it requires no paint, and will not rum. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which is or., mach importance, that it will commend ascii' to the notice .1.11 those interested. OW. B. BIOILEWOOD & CO., Patentees, oot36d&orlyT and 16 Beaver L. N. York. Feet. for the Public, In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, GALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. 1 eSTIMONY of ?La respectable Physician—Read the following, addre.eal to my Agent, Mr. F. Mer ryareather, Caw/tined : Cram: mart, 2eb. It, 1619. Sir: A sense o(duty compels me to give my tribute to Batley's fain Extractor. kteing opposed to quack ery and all nostrums having for their object* sinister mouves—but realwng much good from the ..Kmat of Paso Killers"—l ant induced to tender you this eertiff. rate. I here used it in ray family, in my practice, and withall the happy and wonderful effects thatecould possibly be Imagined. Decants, Dr. Brodie is the senior partner of Brodie et Levi, Druggists. Injtursmatory Rheurnati.m. The following testimonial comes froma sotme (e -mitter to many elf those traveling on our Western we ir. Hume the well and favorably known pro prletor of the P•rkershurg Hotel, is husband to the lady whose letter I annex PAummenati, Va , April 13, ISM. To Henry Dailey. Chemist, ise.—Sir Having for atatit, been long afflicted with violent inflammatory Itheumatiarn , which appeared •n firmly seateil'as to defy all ortltnary appliances to Malay the cream pain attendum it, was induced to try your Magical Pain Extractor, and n having effected, almost as it by ma immedttite reliei, and Mao, to alt appearance* an entire and perfect cure, I am induced for the bene fit of others who may he afflicted ksth pain, canoed by any kind of todummation, to wnto to yen, declaring that ~, F optnion, founded on actual experience, your Magma' un hatractor is the MGM valuable dia. mm e ry cot the present age far the immediate extraction of bodily peso. It is an almost immediate and a per fect or. for flume and :scalds, and all external m ill:Vit) my segunintmers formed by their visits my ltuanatio hotel this plate, I have supposcd st your .hews els mem Lhasa tete lines, it may possibly lir of oeuebt limn to them and yourself. ExuAerru Gun entertsin the hope that Mrs. hate will pardon the puithrity I Siva to her letter. ns well on the score of cuana,t) to 01 as being the surest mode of hriuging it to the of her friends —II. 1/Au's,' Felon Cured Extract of a letter, dated Itthaioirr, l y N0v.45, laid Ns. it. Dailey: "I have tried your rain Extractor in la ease of felon, in my own family, which it reheved and cured in a very short tone In haste, yours re spectfully, Jas. NI. YOO3O. try. Horns and Scald*, Piles, Sore Nipples, Woken EMPU..., Sores Case. Wounds, and it in flananyinion, yields readily to the wonderful properties of this unnealled family salve. But, in the same pro portion that you WrI•1 receive benefit from the senuote, you will be injured by the deleterious erects of the counterfeit Wens. CAUTION—Be sure and apply only to the Inventor, H. Das..., 415 Broadway, New York. or to hut au thorised agenpL. JOHN D MORGAN, General Depot, Pitwhergh. Henry' P. Schwartz, Alleghetty. /spot; J Baker, Wheeling, Va., James W Johnston, Maysville, Ily P. tderryereather, Cmcinnali, 0., General Depot. N. 13—Ds the severest Barna and Scalds it extracts the pain In a few minutes—lt never falls jai t TI- 0 -$0 b. on • d and to valeby T.ASSEY s BEST Valuable keel Estate for Sale. THE subscriber °Tars (or sale her Hoorn and Lot in Allegheny City, pleusunly aimated on Hank Lane, and fronting the Allegheny river, je4/oppoi!ite the point of Pinsburirtt. The Lot is 00 feet wide, and extends from Bank Lone on the Synth to Rebecca stmet on the North, bounded also by Hin son street on the West It is one of the handsomest and maw desirable lots now offered for sale any when to the neighborhood of Allegheny City. It is lame enough to be subdivided advantageously inta 10 build ing lots of the usual !dm. It is very suitahle for a fam ily residenee—{s mocked with &variety of choice Fran Trees in full bearing The dwelling to and donifionable and all in good repair. A 11 , 11f1".111. eed will be ' given, and possession in any time to snit the purchaser. For terms, apply on the premtses to jyl3nltm PRETE SAVORY. UZ!IELEEI . . APA large store cm Market m, between 3rd gad lth sts well finished and handsomely fitted up far goods, being a good stand for thea business. E U GAZE A.M, Office, 3rd st, over Philo Hall-0910e hoots from 9 re PI a . 11.. /712 SJCLE s A VERY desirable residence in the b 0.2 rough of Manchester, adjoining John Dow ning, Ray The Lou. a corner one, fifty feet froaby one hundred and ninety feet deep—with a two story Bri-k Hones, twenty.five feet front, with two parlor; dining room, and kitchen on first floor. A carrier, doves stable and grapery, and the lot foil of choice fruit trees, all to good order. Enqnire of the tabled bet. Lumber Merchant, Allegheny city. lallhd/sonf T JNO. PATTERSON. Property in Alleirbenyllifyfollfilii.-- uE sub.nbere otter for sale a number of chap T Lots, situate in the y Second Ward, fronting on %h. Common ground, on eas A rt Immure or W. &FL ROBINSON, Arty at Laar, St Clair or of /AS ROBINSON. on the premises urrlnnlawnfT ••• a A THREE storied Dwelling House, being the seroxid house (mm Penn street, in Snyder , . Row, on Hay street. Immediate p ossession will be given. Enqulre of DAVID ItITC IE, Attorney at La Gee on Penni street, between Cherry alley end Grant street. talthdtf FOIL UNIT, aPOUR new two story Brack Dwelling Houses, wait finished and in complete order, ori Center Avetwa, 7th Ward.. Porsession given July Is Rent low. Enquire of JOHN IVA IT & CO, 106 corner of Liberty and Hand au "WU — CR[I9E9R AND LOo3oRdlld l. THE undersigned offers for sale an M'Kean county, Pa, IMO acres of well timbers I LAND, with an excellent Saw Mill nearly new; and two new Frame Houses, one dl feet front by 47 tank; the other 3.4 feet front by 94 back. Also, good new frame Bara thirty by forty fret. The mall and band are situated four miles from the Allegheny river. A great deal of PINE TIMBER of the best quality, and also a vast quantity of the very best hemlock. Also, one 'tureen the bank of the Allegheny. mar a rove, most admirably adapt ed for raging, where lumber can be railed on the ice in winter, mad be perfectly safe from all freshet,— Price 62,000,0 r Se en acre. Terms easy. Wall take a well cleared smell farm, with good house and or chard upon It. as part payment., at location is suitable, and the balance In lumber, or as may be agreed oe. This is an excellent opportunity for sumbenng; and the pribability is great that in two or three years thls prosnry will double Is value, In consequence or its proximity to the New York and Erie Railroad. Tim ber 20ffiCitni I-, wear out several sew mills—and sev eral mill attell on the stream which reality:laxly through We aware of toe land. About fifteen mere. in grass. No hill to rise in hauling lumber from mill to neer Trout and game in abundance. For farther particu lars, address, (poet-paid,) P. B. TEMPLETON, msh4raikartlS Geseue odes. Pitunowl, i;=== imhstriber• will cell at prnrate sale, mom two T valnithle Ixtts orb/round, aittated on Tomato at., in ,he Third Ward of Allegheny City, eneta ..haywr a front of 10 feet, running hack IN/ feet in depth to ale feet alley, open which is built a stone wa/1, 33 by 100 feet, which contain. atone enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelttng houses, and in front there ate three shade trees, of d years growth, and the side. walk to pored mat bock, all of which will be sold at SOW. Pittsburgh and. Allegttety,or County. /Seep, mil ha taken in payment. J k H PHILLIPS, No 6 Wood a., or to WM. BENSON, iminethately oppostio said lout n6ylr9 TO LIGT, D d, rweo welli n g House on Thrd street, above SmiT HE thfielpied by the famil i y of tbe lets 'W. A. N. Sl'DowelL Possession given on the let oi July next. Alan. Some large lots of ground in the Ninth Ward, between the Fitt Ward and Crogbansville, suitable for lumber yards. WPI. NI. DARLINGTON, mrSittlrf At R. Darlingtonla, Potted. sI F"RAltEl—Frre lots citgibly situated m me doer tithing tour. of Bunaingharn. Tito lout are untit led on Denman street, numbered in F Bauman's plan 75, 71, SO, SI and 02—Lot No 75 fro thl (net on Mn.M ry Aso Street. 70 feet deep; the other lope Al feet rival each, by s 0 feet deep. Tr rms--Greater pore of purchase money may re 1 main for six years, secured by mong.if.. For elan, ml - pure of 11.1 SCHOYMI, myle 110 second at Valuable Coal -Laii-d—lfar at A BOU r four miles above Lock lao. 2, at the mouth 11. of Piut Rag Monongahela River. The Coal Is of the very best quality. sod easy of access. Any numbes'of acres, from twenty•five to a hundred, aught bo obtained. Persons desirous of purchasing, can call on WALKER REED. on the promises, or Wok Reed, opposite the Pout office, who will give any in formation coucerning the property. The above will be sold at a great bargain. mirk o LET—A good brick Dwelling House, situate on 1e Robinson street, Allegheny. Enquire of myth SOLOMON SCHOYER I t'Oß uSataLoEn CHEAP ; A t e r r street, FO R 8 C. 2 . s R fo i o P t — fre A col g ro undh meet; MI feet front on Webster, by SO feet tan fiva . feet alley —quite close to new courthouse. Price 129d0. Terms, 1213.2) rub In hand; balance In one, two, three and tour years ham the first of Aril lost. County and City Scri p taken for cash payment. In quire of myill S SCHOYEIL 110 second st 486 eon. Coal Lind lor Sale, ITUA PuiLlon the Monongahela river, shout 16ml/es kj from let vierxh and Itrulea above third Lock, In the immediate netahborhaml of Mean. Lyon & Shorb, rind Mr. Jahn liermo's purchase. This fine body of Coal will br sold at the low price of =per acre—one third in hand, balance in hoe equal annual payments, without interest. Tide indisputable. Location very rood—cannot be surpassed. For further pardculara enquire of 8. LIALSLEY, who has a. draft of mild pro. pony. Residence:hi st, below Perry, Mr. Adams. Row, N. B. There to another seam of mind on this trees, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. iT2l o dtf 6. a 17.1 nab' ingCit - rifile. THE wbsenber. arc enithonsed to oder at private rale, and uponohlshly favor title terms, a number of Very vnJuable Banding Lots, comprising a lance portion of the Lots mothered 97, 08, 60 and 70, to Woods' General Plan of the CIO' of Eltnthonth,' altoa tad at the south eastward:ly corner of Peasant! Wallets streets, fronting 910 feet on the former, and extending along the latter about SOU Teet to the Allegheny river, and “Ming a part oSthe Heal Emma of the late Jams. Si. Stevenson, Esq., deceased. .0 plan or subdobatott of the shove Lots, in teen. nnl y with which it is propowd to sell, may be men at the office of the uudentgued, on Four* between Mar ket and Ferry at.. WILLIAMS & KUHN. my 3 Valuable heal 'betas* for Bois. %um following properly the chi of Pitsbnegh, 1, and near the borough of Manchester; on the (Rao neer, ie offered for sale on accomanaisting ten= 3 Low (being sab- division of Lot No 400 in the plan of the city of Plusbargh,) bating 70 feet front on Se venth street, by Y4O feet to Strawberry alley tear Grua street 10 one ante Lots fronting on en Avenue, Ct Alit wide, molung from Beaver road to the Ohio hear. ad joining Phillips's Ot' Cloth Fatten. For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JA.IIfJ OsHAILk., Borte's alanbi yroparty for Sale,TN Tilk. NINTH NA ARV oh PITTSBURGH - --Sev -1 oral Lets on Baldwin and Liberty, streets, In the 9th W• 44 21 24 feet by 1101, and aili•ecrit the prcpused depot onto Central Railroad For terms tenpins of CHARLES B. SCLLLy, or JAMES O'HARA, marital Burke's Building, Ith TWO HOUSES AND LO ris rots TWO LOPS on Beaver street, in thecy 1g..: Allegheny, above the upper Common., on.w tack is erected a Crania building, Iwo atone, high, skits/Ile for two tintlii tenements. The iota are each meal - feet in Wont by one handred feet deep, and run bar • ton street forty feet wide. Toe buildings on the/ pre, rinses and pay a very handsome interest on the Invest, ment, and the property snit be sold cheap Inc cash, Apply to IL Sproul, Clerk's eifteci U. S. an to novo KAY & Co *rotor, Iliaitona Load for Mile. YUEN AC RIS OF LAND, situated in Peebles towns 1 ship, on the Monongahela, thtso mile. from Pitts burgh—in lots to suit purchasers.' For further pants. Want apply to limo' Wools. Ad at, or to A WASHINGTON. nov22-dtf 4th, sibeeeSmithllieldritt wAEL,...-HObsE poRsAL,T,,c subscriber offers for sale the three .tors brick Warehouse on AVood street, occupied by LL Tanker* Co. wiLsoN;A: VALUABLE RP—AL EBTATF. PENN entier FOR PALE —A Lm of Orourid shame on Perm street, between Hay and hlurbury streets, adiotofoig the house and lot now occupied by Richard hilwarda s having a from of Ch feet, and in depth 150 feet, will he sold on favorable terms. Tide tmexceptionable. Ens quire of C. O. LOOMRai 4th at, Pear Wood, octll-dtf ADIELABLE Building Lot in Allegheny Gig, yorably hmated, in limo about half an acre, and witt he sold on aceenunodsurot terms. Inquire of Cabe WILLIAMS, ILO woods A.FOR Eitit- 7 1, roam in the second .tiny Na. % Wnn.l mrnet i•eg W;Till TIE es. INFORM their friends and the pu b lic Lithe, hies no longer any connection with their hue establish tarot In Penn aural, known as the Pittsburgh Bremer. haul removed their entire business to the POINT BREWERY, Ik Fir impat, sopie:d.
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