ETTBBURGII GAZVT BLISBED BY WHITE it BB)::& PITTEIBUIOII, WAY MOILING, IDLY 4350 4P`s4 , 4cd' 'en -Weekly, and Weekly.—rie Daily iwtieviS Doitemper asuansng the Tri-Weeirly, iv Five 111,1Lesv per i nnin;ths Weskir is Tyro Dullnre per !masts. <kionnew. . TAT -- e;tad in i l tr favor. before ' 6;.r, Itd:. early in cha On' practicable. Aavenlaencenteijet inserted raga Poel fled t tie will Invariably beltbarged until arPctid PAILADELPERA allWaTfl AMR 33 dA4. Advertisement. and mbserititinns lo the 15:41 1, 5 , d4 , lean and United States Gazette. PhiMdelphilth rlepre and forwarded from this ether , . a Per Local rdettora - swo next ANTLISABONIC ANO:WRIO TikagE`k —Q7 N kmsE:tip:iv, P non. C. WALKER, sir,Elizabeth Bo r:444 JOHN KILLER, of Skiitnbargh. 0 . , CALEB LEE, or p..,,,,rgh 4 A . 0 . VVX. fairlr, of Lower - .-6. Clair. ,• & .. • CARTER CURTIS, of Vlaborgh , , PROTIMi4II.AUT, ..: . iiiia S. HATS, of Upl . W4 St. Clair i $ , rar.A.Rt.a, , 5 : , We publish, In day, Ites`' . commonicad i nq fr+n„. : Elisabeth tosrktahip, one ci6o took a sombwltet ex. phungoty of the other. While wo mama iltht ;Ai of the Whigs of EltiabethOhould ennago a or,; mixing project, we attlA -7 . ,- ,rnoie regretZthat they . ; should, for Me-purpose or, liecuring ob.. Jett, assail the Conveatf44 and the caadfdatea tij the Whig party. TheyrMise a right, rte oktuens, to join what party they I:lease, Of, get ?apia. new *party; and they have a..ight, m WhAtO r kfavat the new county proje4but thel:Ata4 ict right to attack the Whig calididates and the Whig Convention without eutt3c. We had A good op. portnnity to Imow, 11114 . 4 .: ,.5VG MOSS 111,34eSiliirOgil . affirm our conviction, -st the proeceli*ntthe late Whig County Convtttion were as iiiyed up nght ea that of any j4eai body which over M umbled; and probably Oblegated cooVentioil fiCS , or met, Which there 07*erolly reprA er4ed.: wishes of the people. As to the ticket itseAre are in diiity iS111119)4- WOO with gentlemen f4i every part of the ,coo t, and have yet to heatilihe first whist-we : lm' donis plaint of the ticket out iYi Elisabeth. ,It giv, as mach satisfaction, as riihole, ae any:,.tie,)tet tivir nominated in the tooth 1, and it will l ee Ce”t 1 6- umpluustly elected. favor of Whig Glenda in Et =bath, whoLare to favor of the new county project, may rest Meuted,iithat the party, out of that corner ofthe coenty, ore fCI , rayed, to a man, swains)," a division. nil we bade reason to believe that ti. ajority of the petiole pt Elizabeth are of • aim* opinion.. Thryinafsreis assured, therefore, tbakkey have mgc en - eau:ally aided Mr. Walker' In re: resenting hit( as oppOaed to the new county. They will rally to ilia and liven more votes than he toWitotherwisc laa 4 e receilvel. • TtICIL FOILEIGN Nirwa.-4e egatn 'rein out ?rail. 'en ton most intensely' interesting Etpopeam let ter, from the New York CommercmlAdverifues. It gives a most intelligible account cf Eutopettat affsdas for the week, *hint., in reg - arl In rianee and Rome, is of the dOepeat Internet." - We rat,set sufficiently express one Mtter loalltneol the-con duct of 11,0 French ' . ooverument OwardB' the Roman Republic. Ift4servca, and !will motile the execratton of all- ood aoi !nn,: men, atd friends of liberty in chi? and every cathir iountry and age- PRaAmet.rnie Lexes.—iptinig era.- barked in the great wok of reetirinf trade and 'commerce, by means :qc Railroads, ::Philadelphia does not intend to rest , ontent with cne`,coble terprize merely. Althotrsh she will tuionfrenehte Lakes it . Cleveland,bythaeans ofher a ,Central #.l dour Western Railr' yet she is cietArshiced'al, to avail herself of the iipportunity editnied try it enterprize of New York; to reach the Lake sale., kirk. An advertisement appears in the PkiladOpii. paper, of the Catavrisaki, Wilhatespoit, road Company, proposing for a !clan et51,000;990, for the purpose ofccunPloting chefroa.tof • puny to the Susquehanna. The tiollri Ameitean, in commenting on the paeans Pttiladelphin has to reach the Lakes, sayalliat they have: as good a road asany state can betel on the ;note fa, /nek ton to Tamaqua, via lading Railrofd, a ths . ntice of int miles. There ist.!ir short, nafinillaed likk,Lor six miles from Tamagiatt to the CalaVit.a 414. 0, which, can he constru*d in . a short time en& at a comparatively small ex:Owe, and lirkfiCh dog La ale Schuylkill ItalhoaC and Cool C?lliPan* ire bound to coostruct, oaths coroptccioo tho,C4 wises rood. They hn9a then caly 3fr mliea ufthe Catawissa road left to provide with iniierstructure and rails to reach the Ntisquehantia. It is ter qua object the loan in quilion is profs:l4d. When they have retie:bed Cam - win/sit, theyhiche 45 miles to Williamsptrt on the West Brand, surveyed n few yearxistnee by' Edimiel Eeq.,and from Willianiejlort to Rij.isto - u,Xi dial:epee 0(26 miles, there is a 'rUil road diready:ip aperß Lion. From &Osten icirßlossbargb, a disiance 01 25 miles, a route has Vera surveyed; Rom Bas,- ' burg to Corning, a diikince of about 40 miles; a railroad has been conshijuted, and innetsr It nee; at which latter place.* provision or' ingo;dcy, a junction with the NevoOrk and Erietuad."; The whole die:ante from Philadelphia toOuttkiric on Lake Erie u 433 taiisig.'heing 31 iniPeX lesiCtban from Dunkirk to New TUX The wh4lll expendi ture, thus for on the New York and itrie shoat 813,000,000, additiunal &nit to Diu kirk will swell the anUlicit to sboot 8a q,00k000 . „ Of the 438 miles trek Y Philadelphia punki . 161 ore finished an'Ciji operation, , icUvlng. 21 7 miles unfinished; the',#pcnae of completing 175 miles of which will lii - 3/ome exclusiieiy by New York; so that there reciaiias 6101 . 02 miiim for Perm sylvania'a share in the tiocomplaarnent of thin peat work; and evei4X4l this utifuristied pcirtion the sum of 81,200,1300 Sin been expended. less than the New York. and Erie !aped will ex pend in completing thief line from Corning to Dun kirk, mill perfect the .4ole line flourThiladylpitia to the same place. • The New York eintO:Trie road is already cutup:ri led and operation Ulu ae Oswegd; by October it will be extended to,ipid in opersthin as (p an Elmira; and before thiti lose of . the- year, will reach Corning; lonviiit'h last link of Pelyl7s#leis to Dunkirk, on lntiro pir, the who'd pf whiah has been contracted (or, affil will be consfriteted within two yam Cuttetpontletttia tit the Pittatiargh Gratue t 'ValzAstrin, /illy 2, 1649. Ms D. N. Wares: .INar Sir :—I send Vat the following . brief auto mate of a New Couutt:meethar i which was held In the upper piat of Pileaheth Towdahip, on Sat urday last. I giveit tri, you in the yiends of one who was present, and - paid particular attention to the whole of the proceedinge. The determination:en taw Whtge tn ELlZabet b • township, to dictate. a *use of policy, to the can. didates of the Whig party to the Legislature, Wought forth a ineetintof Itverety two Tniv, and Lou Lowfoon al the Wm. Pena &hod House on Saturday, the 30th of Jane. With theassisienre of e Nlqnongaheln Qty friend, (who was at the meeting) the Committee on Resolution% rennin:id Ave. which• No. Laweepe off the IF bp; It of the Whig Assembly tidtet, end piontionces :Unita incapable and not qualified to represent Allegheny County. The second:gay. soilletteng about the right of petition, (whiell no ono doubts), 2)1o. 3 extends the right band at fellowshtp to any Pajty that hu not notaluatedAs ticket, and to any at, of men wbo orwayablo, Ogit is, who arc favorable toe New County, having:,,Mononnahela City wt its county seat. No. 4 ix-pointed at It'd. Walker, exclusively, on seisot*of his being incepabfethat is, opposed to the cuteloplated New County: : The proceedings of his meeting:may got be sent down for publiquion, but if . OUT are; the above statement marassist your read_bra in under standing the nature and object of She meeting. TEM*, 7$ do Edgar of th• .01,6.14 Gagiq.e. In pursuance to a *4 made by a division of Me Whig party of Alleil . w . oy county, a . respeindde number of Whig Eleetnrs met, June Jour , 1149: at William Penn Scheer House, for the parrir of expressing their vieurOn reference to'the claims and quid/ 11,0 ton' of the nominees for theltae Legislature, pessenteri:ibr their infringes by the Whig Nominating ConVention recently held it the city of Pittsburgh. , - The meeting was *Spread by the tppointnient of. the'folloming offinnia:—President, Ebermsaz Ctldwelli Secretariesatrisben W all, J. M. TOM `. , Chi catalog, Jobe King, Ist.seph Wall, Col. Jo. -ph Tliyfri, JO/61 Irwin'; and [lace, conro 11 - pointed s comißtnea to prepare fr4o 1 1 110(14 e: • , remit! et the ileitae dale meetzng. The egtraiiittet laying retired, s e magi Esq., who waa ieixsent by, lovantion. the audience with, a apeeah, on the roll. oft politieal delegating system; The Comptittga appointil ta:il rail re.olutlon, duo( AO their , reported as follows,— - ; 106..0011120)plialed 111 the delegate systent thatthe:OgnintitiOn of candidates for e , e,•- r i m , t o , e dgees tit trait, slwuld, proceed from the d ear ly e ip m sold,iwill of the entire of vet,. belonging to the.. Party tanking such noininoti,,s. .And. that in ti h 'county of Allegheat, where n riondUation br thei,Whig party is tqui valeta ii' an blecusilt shoild be made honestly. .. g dmetbent suaileion :of fraud; that when ever .t dlgtvVered that un'dne influences have been brought to bear,Opon She .del^gate elections, rind result is brought about which is adeervi t, the wishes of tlin le, it is their priviiene and nc:r oPPirel all. onorable means, the eiee non of ihoad vrtps bre in this manner brought b.:O, them; that ,Sts s)ue WThigys, ever retitle to sop:i.vt the party and ilittOgniates„.When (mil , presented to oh, we will iguver only to the sporaintiontt , ll- ter .beCIIRDC wilt net consent to an menial sublnisidon eipalpablo wieng and outrage upon our rights and fae4ciirs, and the grunt p,.rinpits of our party. ITt*fore, //Voiced, Thnt it is the solemn conviction of thisixneeting, quit the present nominees of tire Whig party, far . the St.ste Legislature, do or,l posataa the ems4bitity of Tepresenting the interests of Allegheny Cdunty in tnat body • Rrfroked, Thlit. if siny'of the porter yet to no minate will aeleet m* who are ,capable of refry beating and didending fhe true Interest. of the county, that we chili giro them our unanin,o• support. Rpoltrd; That ale Only support men ..vhe will listen to and resvoL the wishes of the people. when expressed to: their'Representai,ves, throunh petition or.Otherwfie. L'e?eolved, Their 11.4heyt.Q. Walker, et' Etirnhetli. havlng tintson4lizonally'Pedged lomself against an objeet which of the flighe.t importance to this peopie, there4direktly setting himecif up in op position to right of;petation. therolure, is ur.- worthy the o.fiportiof .the Whigs of Allegheny cotkoty,anii thioare of Elisabeth iownshil as !MOIL call not and a6,til rent,,pitAhort him for a sent in the nett LegiaAat4a. nmolord, 'fat borough, nnorematma tal4nt and wdalh, Infide:',oboiee of a Whig whuu wikwoold bet s te . : .'ispprort. and one csiiable of ti dy repreirUiting and iief7nding tiio interests etf Afkeheisq essinty. lia.olmts that ; it is 'she ;solemn iionvietion ni this meitingibiatour pitmary meeting, wnwn Cr' cubed in pc goiee of Mr. Waller for to h represenuut.: . ve Lust' in this Case war anfair.v anti dmudalesitly :brought about; tirrt, by it.,,as bang alltiwed3o, vote:wile ore not nod win not br electors in the:, tOwnahM at the coming elect., and aecondlyi' 4 by persons voting more than on., atlhe said prlioary meehiny , for Robert C. Walker, Besvicwi, that the piik•sedinas of this corona bei:publialsed , aa all the Papers in the county. The above fdeolutions were unanimously adopt. Teri; pus titt- Ter It cell. bn Mol.lotl;NdJollttldd 10 meet fa 01 ;re eammitb?i, ohirlancd. EBtIiEZER: PA LOWE L L. Preen.: e /. Balsam. pd. Topa, !I . "!, July 3d. 150. COnferels, appointed to nurnmate a t end, date for the e'Orinfe . ; met pursuant to n0t.,.. : tl k essri. Hi - f 4 4m...Ff,rtiti; and A ixander Frauki, appeared as eielivitot , from Allegheny county— Messrs-4. E..M. Jenkus, and A. Clime from Stillet. goy*. Hulo, 'f:sq , Was exiled to the Chair, and Ap Guns appe#..p.ecl Zecietar y. 'Mr. Bain, c epf thn appointed Delegates bong absent, Mr. A,,Walson, was, on motion, su;.,..nm ef in Ins plaa. :The Allegra4County , Conferees presemrd to the meeting Pimp o f A les. sad er 11 du ..- ethodidale rei the' nominee n; The Bu tier %on =thee the nil* z:tf hrir ! Wainiaalett. On motion, of Mr. A ~541alwia, Mr. Wm. Hon of Butlet CoOty..ves et it,mouei y .r.cininatcd 11111AN1 lit•LT2 Dr • ANDREW I.3OtRE,Se2.4.tER ' nror'fb. P'ailbur Ga Cazt a< For tho ;c •fi sr4a.tionof the editor of itie I tiroald infon4iim thet.he can procure the "can., Lind horn.rroiltbic treatrop. , of Cholera, by B F. Josh°, M. ll.r.l4l.l.llsbcd.tio New York, nt Mr. BeCL 4:en's ciore..4 I,,betiy".Strect. iNturypErvincisica. DA T ,Amenmink*tlbeerpt,heir National Anal versos' dila year, grip: fieculitigi:eest. While the Oct nos o! Europe are :liiregglitit,Omidst fire and bloodshed. to throw offifie gillitiktoke.of an oppression sanc tioned by thif . ;piraeliesisof ages, the people of thc United StateL.of 'Arri*ica, in the enjoym. ni „i much pure?tad rutiott l liberty. aid an greai pecopeenty oteon ,b 6 expected en 143 earth, can pelebrale thel natiorrabirth with bosoms heaving With iv:dime_ '. th thi•diter of all Gcod. with heart telt WO fervent sympathy with kOVera of h4.4lnairrr:Adnill en every land. .Thelolldos ode, :which we take Gem tne !Path. ngto _2e7sehl*, 40 -be read with 6 .motioas, bipdg readers, on this glad morn, . • , 1 1 44.14 . krf Victory. far thi 4th 4iF-!!Ja7g, IW, by a lady of Neu- Yo.i. Rise! tri!si4itiko"tfieer.lik of glory 3 By odi trrabentil hunch% done; .71 Detds 12,§t 30llgmpong and gory 7 Tyrants cruel . freedom won; iitioortalti hail' to yo Wbotiion yotlr ;country's liberty. ; ; • .11. Gn w 6 ", theye-L4lia arm num...ming— p?otre leithin,their vein.; His dreolif power r Cause nostratumng— Gloribits! natave pbuns Tbey fcaktit4- 4 41.14 died to arm for thee Oh' 11,1014:oenaed; thy bberty • " 't '; : See theAchecbts bqhtly blazing ilank.4l4',.loar—ln deadly 14-hi :6 ! Wives 4Vmothera speechless gsz]no— toraii?brosboytf sod foes In dight• Sopa of4eeedomt tatot anti we <truant' rod strikelor bbeny. .IV. the helm Oom gusdtng, k,on% end glOralbs be hos sway' . O'er htspedne lakebstars presiding, Chosedliaoored' lobg may be Serrsti hie copnlyy's liberty. fLaisetr bounei•prondly 30anng WI ` • eagle to the airy, Trumpo soundio-canoun'a marble— .' For Ithuaien's victory, ' Amen* air thine' for thee' The sacred land 'of liberty. 'DIECIAL.S.ATION ' OW INDEP.B6ENCE. Warr 14 the etnirsh 'of human events, it be comes 110.01/014 kir-000 people to dissolve the po litical bands!. Which . have connected them with i . another, anditrilutstm*imong the po re of the earth, the ill . plrtate. titid equal sum .to which , Me laws of 'Vie attlfts'S GO4l 0 a them, a decent re 'it fort .opinions of m Ind re quires that' rt qb declare the co et which impelled tit OM to ItitChApitration. We build tbpii.itillttly, be self evident, th at nil me., ere createdfiguAli lithlh`py are endowed by their Creator withliX.ltaill idlthentible rights; that among rbile, Fa u r fit /,lbtr*,,'AnLthe pursuit of floppiness. at.. 10 Sell'etikems rig governnaento aret. , tlP. Stitched anieittg topitet4.jblirding their jtist powers. from the cod:Pant of ;the governed; that, whenever joy Cohn OtllgoVerrientsut becomes destructive of these eid-1;4 1 5 41 r *tilt of the people to alter or abolish it, tl'aill!p o,tftrae a now government, lay ing it, soupoldliquiogk . tech rumples, and organ i•i,ig to pel,.*to i n isilel Mon,, as to them shall c,,,,,,,,,, ' post ''.y•to:_ellect their safety and happi .7,, isrui*ce,tiniked, will dictate, that govern inents long itabbolled, shtuld not be chboved for 'light and ' treaient canseot and accordingly. nil ex.' perietiOehafAsholish, Wet nianktod are more dis posed to: sUP:erlieillit gaits are ',offerable; than to tight themseivee by itbMishing the 6arno to 0.0100 'they are aoeistilmed2 :,'. put, when a long train of ibuyes.'andli@stirpapai37,, pursuing invahmbiy the same object, cvbaceb I design to reduce them under absolute deSOLhart,!ir. I, their right, it is plea duty, ,L 9 throw off etta tresh*lnient and to prolmde new guards for thto'futurlo -security. Such has been the patient shirdranet et' these Colonies; nod such Is now the et ,4 ,...otssity ; Which constrains them to al ter their fJeltiO alibi:Sus of government. The history ; of the ptusehtt fring of Great Britain 10 a history of releated, - AjOries and usurpations, a!! having, to diber,t object, the establishment of an absolute tyrasmir orb, these Suites. To prove this, let facts be rohnatqd tf . a candid world. He Has tt iltiedt is' assent to laws the most ld wholesomotd ne erlintry for. the public good. lie has fotladdent his Governors to Peas laws of Immediate tad peeling Importance, unless sus pended in tiCtirmperatlon till hia assent should be obtained; and,Orhalfacit•auspended, he has utterly neglected us:attlendito.:them. He has refused titiptss other laws for the ace -lin mahatma ofilirge dig:lints of people, unless those people'. would : ralinistlish the right of represente aZ uoo in the ' laturepi right mestunable to thew, and Cormi te s ta typints only. lie has : le:twit:let legislative bodies at pin - ,ces annactaligMeomforlable and distant from the fdepositpry o. 4 theit pahhe Tetrads, for the role pur •pose of LatiOtiog t h em' into compliance with his `measures: :',- ' • He has itii*ived:representative houses repeat edly, for optioning with manly firmness, hie inv. ,Hon on the Oghts of 'the people. He has repshd, lb* 4 long time alter such dirs. lotioni,:tominsd.othitnito be elected; whereby the legislative Owens, icafrable of annihilation, have seutrond toile :people 9t large for their eremite. -the State reeradrutiOd•the meantime •apowd to Illeianifill-•OfinsknAnn from without, and con vulsions wtyEiini'• He hu erffieiroreil io preoent the population of these Slatatjlis:thaf .pitrpoise obstructing the Dun gn,r, r, pas, "th.r" eion,l hither. end raitai.ig• .• •••• ;•• • • , roprintior, of :and, 11.•• ii.iritinistrati..n of Jurist, try n ising b.* laws for ertablishiog i.wer• He rms male pld,• d , pt•rident his 7,1111110ne for Ire too., id !heir offices and the emote and PCRICUI u; the t ealanne. Ile has emoted n .10,1,1 tie ol new udice, and arnt hither ant:lrma ctriiirra haraass on, peo ple end ent out the, atil...rim, Ile hal kept nruanis.m time or penoe, stand :ma arin;i, without the c , nrent ofel, He hr. nit, ted m reeler th e :,,,l ;are , n d eineu . dent 01. nnd simettor m the c Iv , : pow er I Ile hull C 01111)11,1 W •It• net ers, 1., enlueel . to a jarneliebna Carmen to our 0 m entuto n and mow- .n ;edged by our la - os; mein, Cun assent to their art! 01pretended tegnslamm Fai uuarterma large hodwe et armed teary. among 11., Fir prOln.l.lot larol, by mock. trial, o'olo I.Unishment. Int any murders they should romnet on me mlishitan', ur there tfuntes. For eu tr u . e ~,t aur t'a'e w 70 all parts al the world. F ‘r linen- •.I , ole. on ii. sentient our imosem. For denroribr us ..1 10 0, care., of the bencliln 01 Itoll 'O, VP!' :. ,•;•110, , ,, O. beyond the seas to be tried Mr 10-00-4,1 09,noes, For ill 0 ',how the free se•'em m 1 . ...g0-h laws is a ncighnerng Prat „toe! estalaollog Ihereol tin arbitrary go, ru men:, nod enlam. g ii .. Imontlar es, en auto trader , it at num, an e sample and nt in etruntem tor tntrab i deer, tut tame 11 1 ,,. Iry rule men thee, coma e•: ! For taking away cor obarters. n'. 0. •pines oar most va:11,1100 laws, mid n 11,011: fundamentally the forms of our g_werinnent. For euspendatg our own legne ionic., r 00; .:,oar ••.; ',An:row:Yes invested with I.wer to it,,inte 3.1 f:ll , es WPll!soeVet. He hue p“ . ..1,111,11t here. 6y . Jrcia ringl, at 11:mdWm.', rig war againgt He has b,as, ravaged our ,01111. burnt our lvPit,, 11,1 ticstruyeti on ll.vcs a cur people. Lie is, IN' torte orooe , of filMl3l,ll Inrit , lll.lll , r , - ,11:ele1r, work e'Jrelh d-...c•::mt, x!r.•m'v I•rgnn. With ,r etinodarive• ereeltv and perti.!to edardriy pantl rind to ihr no•t harietroom nee, and totally uti Writ thy the heal iierit nation. LMM=I c.4onve on 1.1-. it . t to tr nrrt• ago.n,t their country. it , It, on, inn t'5.,11110.1(1r3 01 Iht.,r friends and brethren, or I ,, by then . hand. He ha' , initur,ethin‘ Ti t heti enii ..II or:, tir,e4 oe the it het er chit fr-- ~ n::.•r.. titer,: —tit ithiten ell en 1:11,W rn't, and dr<vu In every •tug" rt t perrnned !'r .11 tt, 111 t hurn'•L• ter,. nv rt.rtt'ta.l tatttt....t. live htleti antwa.,:e4 only ttv rrort‘tt I:,•iry A ••,,,•• '• Very W 11, tyral . wttit to .. e in Nay has •wt..,.a waToo,g n3e10.•.0• to ou Br,inbt Lat. t .:ave ' t.nie Z;rze.faa alicttpte 1 , , t :et•lre exart.d ne...lnavarrati,hle ••, -1•••,••• Cr , •th We have rata to , co , ,,na•a o our •irret ae.l •,,..rtaent here. \Va appeal,: ,„'hr.: j'..•twe ah tr.:l,Jan ahtv and w. ,:• • ••Ire • tecot by the I: ea et 0011,011 11', I I. nosa ura,rans. ena 1 and earre.,/ 1;•:,••••• They. • a 'ave r tech drat v rah••• I n... 1 cd,onehagu,. iv. W. aill••••, f r.• ••••••••,•••••e the ner,•••••ty wrhei aenrarr,ae• ca, • , , , trat a•al n 11 ti,n. Tv. at• •Ini I•le. re, .; ,us, :la V.,! . prat.: fr.enda. Wc.theredee t•te P,.••; - •reuerAn,es ••• tle Vette r Amer. wend., Genttre-511......11:',, .Ideete Jed, ••• the Worit• h 'rout., • t t.ur ottehhor••, do t• o • nu., by Iva :11,1137., prop'e 4.1 !cnit.'r -h nrd dtar , arr, That C, ar., a; I c••: cazill In FREE AN!) IN. , LPENI.F.ST lAry rrc a , solvrd Nom a: 1011, Crown. and tbaz a., • au t ,-al , ellaret.. a I,Plarr tern ard S:ate or Great jr In it 14. ,u:d it.• tat., d I rd—and trot. and Indsa•.!, at .7...1e-, :Pry Lave foil avtvrr io.ryy wa r‘v•clatie y•rar' a Ican n:: , 1 a , • a! :rd • - Abd. t 7 nor' tt•e• mar , , I.lttano. t-f on int r tun' and our hors, The I,Lv..r.irr rIYII ,I 01+ :•.:10, 1 , MIN HANCOCK Neu: 11.4 11 /11•1, mar, 111 rt. • ;,--rt• Wll 11171 t. 1.1111 1, 1 /V• 1.14 : 1 .1 , 1 1 1h0 .7 : Ti or, n , loorge 11051 ,1/0 1 11 ^ 1 1 17 .1-11• fillf2lll,l John A..R Rob.. rt I. v Eibr OE= Hot.tns Et:• Roger Sam.; Ho: •,:kctua NV,lontr. \V! !..,ire efftEM INMEI Rxbaid John W Frane.'• J - n.n !fart A'.,ra.un ("Ar: PF .,,,, , i. I ar I ll .1,11 Grçe C.y:c L VTE: . 4T FROM ECILOPE Our mono , ny ree;,ea,nu-1 •tn, euhLnue.. The Para!Jan, have aaa, braken , and an 11.1 Y the etm ,ant upon Men. ILun yet holna nut nod tue diAtuce oh define •nle: rum tae Vresser. tansy ss sn sign r.ora. err.; .11 trl,rr ;: rnr—rn Ir ,Utical. irungarV, ect. 11,Vern Prr— a 3,. I, r EMIEUE=I .:. see Inert • :, - .,a; err ,norraw , tl tred :11 it II quotrt,,, 1..14 ewe .00rt...ed ^rtaway. icturt 1.1111 of the lieiver s a I ' ve::: 5t.: not fl mug :rack. And rur,whae, a the Ina,. ln ofofthe riot, an agentagent iit orate inn:Crif gluinl/y vrt than either Inn; nr roof repnn eau wore. Tiret,•.l ,. ra day afi try er :h. nurnkur between 600 at .1 700 etchnin Par:, uonr. 15 glen extent: eleewnerr — spre.tdint ular and despurkl.ey !a V.enna and Prenburun cornea upon minusan lacy turn Oulu ii sight of the scati:: . :l just a• harm, an ternate theme with threa::: tri aturna: e,rnaae In 1791 the re:en re . 'err, wan moaned i o country arid t.: nue ban:,. It . • nue: rea:ed Europe fur a , a , 31afn, n 1; rlan,3 Lir ac pr t", na cnolern a, at:added mtaioer As you will do it.teetat rat:c.v. detain. coin Pans, 1 wiz! mutiny my-el' to me!. few words fe gardtug what he , Icy:mot...l there vs may b., i,e ee s. nary to render my letter coiterm.i. On the returo Of M. Leascp• it we, felt to it Om 'lnman bottoms. hut: turned ant so:hn to s•vke nts hertig a 'rime was unimportant/ that, with pid,toila mvoutentent on the port of the app sang,. ine downt of the Miaustry wool Ibe settiact. Ihe 0 tru Detrinerats, Ituawever,trae to that iuvariable policy which makes them the beta 1,011,4 of dl•pott, , n ihr tughout the world, contrived by the vmleime of titers eed ings nt once to turn the Otto in favor at Mintstera and to soot Mart probolity the ult.toueu tatunich nI General Oudloot. After brdontig Itmard pro• tt • .51100 jar the imfitmentrient of the President. nwl finding hotivellin aremora, Ledru reolittrn cd, with reference to the ante I; on Rome.— . the eoustaituon hal twos t etlated we wiltde fend by every pu. , .role means. nen ty arm,' T eti threat, in a eharttlrr elected tint:rely by the popu lar vosee, plmoly .towed the of deal rig with rush a man. and tile resoit, of county...was a bring of alarm v. r. red memos,' support to be peen to the .11trileiry ot Lettro Rollin. tindlog he cool.) dv noth.teg won the Assembly, nbsenten hit -elf, het party. Irons the blll/3ctincti: pions. Ahkertil lams then took place to the strews Cavalry:eV/ere every (planer Wine go), ....I fee ble attempts uo made lo eun•lnlet lisrneatte, and a few shoo, were fired, by wnleh one or two persons were killed. Every thing wit-plainly ripe fur miscluel and tht re we re litany National Ir nerds in unitorm, but unmoor 1. among the mote. "I've Assembly decineed use!! .11 prrinllll,l33 ne.d 3 bill as instantly brought forward and pit d. to place Part• once more m 01 Mese. erirtaor Is again invested with the cominauti of the National ' tuards, eogiunetton with Itivi of the army of Pans, aria leveret Depotten are lodged in prison. Ledru Rollm hied toward Lyons. but It el 11 aye Il.pcalcd mai be has Oren arru.d.c4 Trio Pre :dent has mooed an address. to Wblea no afore:e• .. his honor of the re veil, as It me agamet "le tiOVern• ment founded In umversal suffrage." Ili omits to Dune. e, however, that roe revolt had it, origin in consequent, to . his having attarked the Gatverc meat of the Itufnan Iteptinhe, whoth is founded tot preeteely the ~.use owns. Walt regard .0 me ranter:, Mambo] Ftugeaad it numberednum..- as richer He was in 13:1 ettiy 111th year. Fe, qoit, cn,.! u hat, conic., ha hence life ara prm tdo .er, and war made a corporal on the Geld Austrebt... Early In Leo moan 01 Louie Pei.rpoe he Wee 110eWnted Gover nor or the citadel ot the Finches.. de Born wan impristimed • mitt being aferward taunted that in his devotion to the monarch. he had eon to become n Jager he hoot In n duel the unfortunate aulhor uf the remark, nod eubseivently to , at Coact wad! greater favor, ILe rentorre le.s FelVl , ee in Akzerta c. - his aonors. He war al waya .Vollgef!, however, au the strongest ride, and aimoadh the inet merehal orated by writ the. Bret ro recoznize the Republic. Toe titn. words he uttered nu hi., death Lied, althouata merely relief:lqt to the rata/ nature of the attack, we, =pre...rive at the close of such a om a lost man? He had, of course, a multitude of enemies, but there has been one eireuinatimce mentioned of their hatred to him, which ocrind not have occurred in aoy country but France. At a soclalirt banquet. after his death, a toast outs proposed—The cholera which relieved on of Marshal !It:avian?. Toe account. thus far received of tne actual operation. bekne Rome are, as I bane said, vague. but it is certain that the reluctance is terrific, sad that the French have again suffered severely. Al the time of there first defeat, it will be recollected, the Ministry kept back the news for three day., and they now also nre using every effort to pre vent the actual extent of their reveries from be. coming known. The cone'unmn of the negottation•between Lea' rep, and the Tlitimmrs Was entirely of a piece with what had pees tautly taken place. !Yantis. coned loge against Me. enbtertuge, The Triumvirs asked the Levi y how he could demand the adreitioes of the Fr orb troops into Knott, when he did not tiller a single guarantee of their intentions. M. Lea4eps replied that the ever plain and toriple policy of France" thou!d be sniff mew to render guarantees unoeceasary. Subbe quenVy he offered "t 0 guarantee Main invasion the territory of the Roman republic on by Peach troops. In their answer the • Triumvlrs inug oceat.on to review the whole rourte taken ! by France dt the matter. France, they pointed out, avowed'y bought in the fires instance to re- store the Pontiff us a temporal monarch. :the had, hoWever, f.tll upporlunitien to satiety herself that the popular voice of the Roman State, had dec,. vrly pronounced tuoh a restoration impost/tide. To See tnipl.•t: it, however. the King of Naples in vaded the e. entry, and Austria, having subjugated ' Bologna after a heroic resistance, was also advan cing. The King of Naples had been beaten and expelled. Austria should also be beaten, but the Rotean forces were also required to combat the French army. France bail also intercepted arms on their way to Rome, and finery, m the name of mission of protection, she was DOW besieging the The offer to guarantee the parts odcupted from invasmn was not wanted. All that Rome wanted was to be len at liberty to heat the assail ants. The rineation was, why was the oecupatton arise cdv d-maudedl [fit wan to defend the Ito• mans, the Itlmans could defend themselves. If it was for a political purpose, the people weilld not endure it. There were three coarsen Opel, to France. Eater to aide, with the Roman Republic, and fight against the Auctions; to declare against• it. and light with the Austrians, thus dettroymc. without any motive, the national life of a friendly people; or to remain neuter. All that was asked was the latter; the Roman people could not hal: France to begin a European war fur their takes, but tlotv catrild ask to lie left at liberty, to defend titer own rti•lrllCe. • Subsequently to this correspondence M. Lesteps .s sad,: 1 , d o. air F ,ges, and cusd scams to have perceived that his task was one too disgraceful even for a diplomatist, and that he Lad better rescue France by a prompt mmcossion. Accordingly he came understanding with thf•lvlra cad a convention trctwrea Mom was signed a. follows: =MEM I. The moral Del of Frmee .s assured to the ROllll,ll, uud Runic regards the French as friends 00100 10 11., at in her defence. r I rt• • Tht. In^b nen:y will not interfere with the “.overnmen., btu w:!1 occupy <Vernet ennbut- 4 a-,1 5., The convrnuon to be rnufied by France. in Cala. , of U in rmatiention 15 day. nonce to be Through -tit inn whole of these negotiations it wa• known mat general IMilinot was burning with rage, End no sooner was the convention an 11011nred than he protested against it, declaring it uuh End void The Romanis therefore found them. eitives aga.o dagrantly cheated by their protecting bmthere. Tbr act of the Envoy who had been des, rit••licti tt• them with all proper credential, wr.• 1.1 ano they received notice of an .m -c ; wk . bleanwhtle Oudinoes passion, wt. • .a in In b, been therougly French in '• r. ore 1..-ssepe complains of having lc•cri asEat e I I.y him with -cries, rind qurce. - doubtless led bon to denounce lee--ei s A mod man, and thus to complete the ra tee Envoy on his return to Pans. The web of te-i• eery on all sides thus np[Mlnflf to have been t••rte Aloe deceiving the Pope, the Al.:/•41.• n Nramillians, and the Romans, all in turn, ;lie Freuco diplomatists plot against each other, and raci, nna.o in Inn) will be renay to plot aci,nst hie nnve.rnmen, Lessens a: otet.r,n had the mon:flew-on rec• :1, - Jta :rain Ports notore of tits reeail, u n -ants Inessrngers brought orders to I corral t tins Tnc subscqatiat advice.. an ounce the serious commencement of opetithons °wheat an. report. aid tile tael it of s 01 the most importstit exter nal position•,l wit is impost rate to depend upon Ins account of tom .• renseettve Insert The Villa Pam tic wan deomiled by numerous barricades and I.:Ntit m, a hit was taken and waken, being h ifal.y. ho en wever occupied by toe French. More than 200 psis were captured on his occasion, ermie tee French mn had I if., wounded. Stare the receipt of site despatch announcing the oerurren. cr. of what general I tudinot ones htiva ulemonable and glorious dm',/,' other toting. are, however. alleg ed to have been received by the members of the Mountain perry :11 the French Assembly, to the elect that ra, Idthe French had been such that (Mit= was obliged to ask a 24 hours truce to brine h s dead and to look after the wounded.— An add unimi body of army surgeons has been hurriedly de•patched team France, end our own seeounts, received to dray, in a great menu, eon- firm' the slaughter tam hen taken place. It is said I hat t bit. not ever several days hinting, ha. not sea •eedeit ai ---,tieing his panailiOn to any item ant degree .1 loss has been rsatfebly not teas t ban on , men, sod that his own brother a 1...: egin. Three thousand of his troops, penetrattie into one gutsier of the suburbs. were soddenly ...hen upon and routed, end there came tale of 1 / a rritialdi having made a sortie with thousand men to harass his rear. Tlw liOnl3lll at-a here su tiered severely and aro, Ho , ti destaet so suffer sue more, mace Ou dinot eeitn a :At • letter than' a nonage and bin tfed p • Int- aCeennily of redeeming n ham, a sunet'ate hint to a frantic and reereless perseverance • In tue malai of all this it a satisfactory to be 'Lie tai re rd that one universal shout of repro bat, is seethe raga'-ant France, and that even it, E-fglacif t,,tlst. of the position taken by the it and tile cruel treachery they have ,• ,iar.ene• II are .I*mm/fusty admitted. In the I em.- has bare reinareed--The success of the l• reit, arm., neer this unnatural and irraLonal contr. , , will only fenny the achievement with erre!, ahanic. and the unfortunate commnnifer i•I the expedition wall be remembered with the La no agen la n tnc lamb, the renegade Ben loan and the phindering sans-amines." The Alornine say the shame of the affair must indict itisin the - French t 'rove rn ent 'ha shoe k from whi.-ri ft whi prirba l fa never entirety weever" and av (may Nei, ern - Imam "We consider the name ~i Ifarrot as for ever dnitionored—an de,:r-ofed it eh: merely in the category of Inc l a ;is ail, Meer-fawn. who were consistent, or z, that of 0, Pn.ignitin, who might Plead toner,' r,oa l t,n or their rAy, but to a Ear deeper 1 pit el p itheal bilsnof , that pit to which witt he "amounted the memory of all those 9,41.1nen woo made use 01 the power they had reached by the pmfession of liberalism. for the betrayal and exit Lichen of mat cense. - la the House of Corn- MOW; the conduct of France has been stigmatised as heal - amen: and the most hearty satisfaction was riinnihniled When rtanr,real from the state ments of Lord John Russell and Lord Palmerston that to e j3r,tisn Government were entirely free IJarta.ii,alk.n in the mattes The rung poin ted reprice'. however, which has been heard from any quarter, was neared by Lord Reimmtiltp th llr /town, of I,lrd•. Such fraternal love,' be such brotherly protection as France tens stow extending to ROIOC, had never been seen by the world stare the days of Cain and Abel" anal - Ca. Regarding Austria there is not miteh to commu nicate. bet runners ore still going on favorably for the Hunganans. fleaeral Peresel, the Hupganan eetteral who hes been repeatedly represented of In it. In our Cory papers AS boning been completely surrounded. is reported after al; to have Fruited ccrent ad vriningen; the field of his operation is the South. It alga appears that four eqesdronn of how r• Anstnan army, who were lately ordered from Bohemia to ;tale on rencbing Styria turned their horses' heeds toward Hungary and deserted from the Imperial color, The majority of them were Hungarian. At Vienne the laovernment seem completely pa. rinsed, The Austrian and Remit; commandant are said In he quarrelling about pireedenee, and nothing has ye: le-en done. It is oho alleged that treachery bon been discovered ea the part of one of the officials in the department of the Minieter for Foramina Affairs—a correspondeece having been carried on with parties in Fluneary. The unfortu nate cart Ina hi ea apprehended, and it Is to he presetned will lie flanged without much formality. Nev.:a-the:co.: should strongly linnet the whole thing Innove been got tip for the wake I tit: rd ratite clerk, who, being n Hungarian by hien. may li•• regarded with dislike. or Of finding n nerilexl fit oc.• met for name of the shameful dna.. ter. wtich the Austrian generals have *nines ed. 'I torte in no schema of urtekedneas ton sinsl or localism)e for an Austrian diplomatist. Honing. are mill frequent, and the Hungarians evened meet with I the mercy. Reitman pram, i•e• übm scr sit 10 bepn imported along with Russian tromps, alone a linagarlan lady hew been dogged Air having carried on a chirnispondance nn favor of the notional enure. Aecounts helm been received via Cunstatitino. pt. thst a [minim of Rteasinna advancing toward the Danube have uteri nurniked by thew old ear. cams, the Cireassfatis. and thoroughly routed with a loss of 3,700 men. At respects the or . • hi the Austrians In Italy, a aL,ficars that Vence is hard pressed, and n-tn been obliged to dew-it:ate fur a surrender, pend' ing which, bandit,es hove neon Jipzonlinued.— Ananna continues to bold out, GIERMANY. The remain. of the Central Parliament have assembled rat Stuttgardt, the capitol of Wurtem. 1,, g , but the Wurtemberg Ministry give them no thiciOntagethe at, and merely tolerate their presence. Ater violent resolution Neaten toe Berlin draught for a new coast:tenon, they nominated dye per son!, under the title of Regency, to administer th• affairs erne. The Archduke Jobn, how ever, still hold, that dignity, and apparently does :, itrctl IIII!IIME VARY I-A• mat.; Ch,.. h...rcl 1-Irnry Iru Tt.onms Je•ir• • a nier: 11 .rt:•• Tu.ns• :qv.. Jr , iev.e, IMIM=II ,1114 , EMffill!Ml KEMM=TE Frencn Government guarantee• Rome • la a private letter from a iriend, written the everting before the attack, I lind the alogular state ment that owing to a strong feeling of dlasattsfae- Lon at the ~ ondoet of the British consul at Rome, all the ludo oh remaining in the oily . had placed tbruiee: yrs undo y the plotectlon of Mr. Can, the Amenevt charitr. It seems that our consul has rather h., many private iniereita of hit own to enable him to give proper attention to his country man. and that he is, moreover, unpopular with the itantan Government. He is said to unite the pursuits of biaker, Mature (*ler, siesm boat equal, &a. m l e.d 10 maga Enna enmething definite Is ernsog ed. The Prnaliana are threatening Baden with a large tome, and the Proriainnal Government in tha t D'ichy are equally busy in ongamning El RBI*. race. . . The Berlin draught of the German constitution has berm I.sented to by Mecklenburg and Hesse Darmstadt. Nassau. and all the states of Northern, Middle and Western Germany, are expected also ID come in. Bavaria has declined, and she is evur deafly intriguing with Austria. Mr. Donetwin. the American Minister, arcrrd t er to the central power at Frantrfort, has, it appears. to Brussels, to wail the tett:en:ant of In the liouse of Commons the HI for odautting Jews to Parliament has passed its third reading by a majority of 66. The majority for the second reading, however, was 93, and the bigot, there: lore greatly rejoiced at the diminution. The iate of the measure in the Houre of Lords is still very uncertain. Mr. Cobdeo's motion fur the introduchon rd arbitration clauses into our treaties with f,r. zaa Governments has also been discussed. Mr. Cob den admitted that in the present state of the world the plan could not be expected to suppress wor altogether, but his great loot was that wsdr the arbitration was pending the disputing Lat.ons would have time to cool, and also the party refus ing to abide by the ultimate deersion would thee go into war with. moral disadvantage. Of coarse in the opposition to hint nit notice of these Iwo strong points was dexterously avoided, and the motion was lost by 170 to 79. Hamilton, the man who recently fired at the Queen, was tried yesterday. He pleaded guilty upon the count charging him simply with the in tent to alarm Her Majesty, and was sentenced to seven years transportation. The flogging which was also applicable to the offence was remitted, it is underarm I at the express desire of the Queen. The morbid impulse which prompted the wretched creature is shown still to to, prevalent among those who ought to know better. since it wan alleged after the trial that 140 had been offered for the pistol, not worth a shilling, which had been used on the occasion. A curious and almost farcical point has been raised by Smith O'Brien and hia colleagues. They have refused to submit to the mitigated sentence of transportation, and have insisted Upon their legal right either to In' hanged or set at Irberty. The question, however, will be pat to rest by a declar atory bill, introduced last night into the House of Lords. 113 to the actual state of the law upon the subject. With reeasd to the appearance of - the potato rot in Ireland the accounts are contradictory—but it has been positively asserted to have been already observed in some thstricte. EIMIMEI JOB PRINTING. RI LI. IiRADs, CARDS, CIRCULARN, La. 11,1 1 -, Contracts, Law 11.:11.1 ■lllB, WEI" CH POLICt., kf. okc Prlntod at the shone. uouce, 1111 T puce., we der) liwzierretUrnvs., RD Improvement. In Den DR 11 11 sTEIARNS, lute of Dor., prepareo utatuclure n n.l •et BLOC,. rmu la erle,e aed per o upon eturuou Attoo•phene Toon", u ct , vc m,r - ree, tor e rposed e re eitieuer 0, , M., or • °Mee. Fourth street. I'lltsburga. Ituxen lo—J. 11. Al'Fatiotrn, F F-aton ,ell/ Ponta, I.e..rem SreAR —prepared by J tt . •treet. N . nod for sale by A /Novel. Nu 70 Footle Thtt ,slll be found a delightlal ele of beverngr In families, and parucularty lur .let rooms. listert's Rents —An improved Chocolate prepate• unn, btung accrotannttom Coeoe but, tr.uocedl. •Lcoratmg lotl palatable, highly recommended pdro , - diatly for trtvaltd.t. Prepared be W Bator. Doane.. ter. Host. and for ante by A JAVNI , d+. at the Prat/. Tea .lo e, No. 70 Fourth st 111,1.11 W. DI. Wright. 31. Dentl•L, Crnez and residence on Fourth at opposite the P.ltalturgh !lank 11114 r IE4 hoot, from 9 o'clock to 12 A%I ttttd 11•1111• trom 2 o'clock to 3 P.)l.acolitly Fire and Maxine Insurance.—Too Prrn N4vto.ooloy haff Pcsul,mci: Coas,”— rhartered I , 32—con.nnuet tolna., upon r very Lit xer,rouni of properly, al the :otreit 'att. Ornt - l- No 21 Market street HARRIED on 'Newlay moat g. by the Her Jeremiah Knox a. u Mirau. NUtitat.hi to .Nri•g i.MILT, daughter o Chartea Image, Foq ..ii of dus err) PHI IroSALS WILL BI RECEIVED, from it., ns. pervone only, Icor the exchtelve Ace ucy for each en? Town or Vlllaael of the United in he vale tot very asrecal,e and warrar.ted PERFECt REMEDY lor Iharrherl. Dyaenten . Re to prevalent et Lt. time 111 a., part. of ,he .orld. Tenn. extrezne- MMMEIMM 9 , 111.: PRES-IDE:a AND NI ANAliElt,...t Ilancl ,Irtit Compact). na, tilts tl.ty declarnt tttulrnd o( Ix" D 011.% ruts' same out of the profits DC tur 11.1 stx months. payable to tor ,IOC kbolders or tont mealrepreactutalt•ra, on or tater ttte 101 a Int; ty.1:31 NN LARIIIER. 1r , Tram...tor FRESH SUMMER GOODS. AT RY:DUCED Nift-Es ALEXANDER ft. DAY 75 NI a rite( street, i.orhwest carnet of the Di•mond. nee now orenlv, snot.. tock os fresh : 4 UNIMER IiOODS A large portion 01 .nese goods have recently been parehas,d ist n pest se r.fice trout the Auction Su,. at the Is., and root tan ,niporten and manufactorers. ‘Ve have decided upon odernisg twit atOek of goods at prloca sekeedaeed as to meet the approb glen of those who do bowie..." on the cheap caste prtnetpta The I•itlit Departtn , nt Is very exiensave. enabraeunt 1,:s1 different kinds of dross aud 1111.11lit/IR 0,4, Sant: Chenes. and Carnelian lien de Ronne. The Shaw: IhTtrisient embrace.. •.•an ent of India , rape SbSDls. (then the .0. cet pt,ri the firiert.ittsliiie, elegant: y embroidered Also. C °mime, Ikrage, Nlobau, :Sea red Ipim.did figured ' , ilk Shftwis. I=l 1:13 Ali f.ful other thin DNE., , and novel Myles of Berage. cb, Ttssues. and I..thdr a,d Dress firooda, worthy of toe allenuon of the lathes. I..AWNS' LAWNS': —ln the Lawn department. our toldttiona t'ront toe Emnern auction:. are gaffe rtliblerlng elegant style. at rem arlt•bly low print. Imported and DOEllt•Illf Cifthihaffir Prints and Cluntrer, Brown and Bleached NI u•onf. Cheed, Tie Inntr, Plnanelk ,upr nor Lognall French 'loth. and t7aactsurre•, Sat:f., al.ll Jeans. pantaloon ,try, and Dr.flinc.. Al of Artocli L.L offered at such 11 ',dorm of pr eec ,hut purehum to cannot 1.41 to he p.eate.l ALL•( ANDER A DAY utNIKS! W —l,Oll and j...V110110 It. jiL D danen.,nr 1..• C T. ) wr. 1114 tory • 1N1e1n0.,4 ot the 11101 10010101 Iletlyhurti, . /Tenth., cmaraeJtot all 4000,10101 1/10 1 '1:00• It tot Scot ruJ during 1118 unte• • • • n: Dr • Jahn.on, by the Rcv F Ru,eU, edvion. Rev", !..4-otletlid during thr I.llk eentnry. with •trr ,, Ncrltion , by Rev lieorre Whitfield. by 1) ‘la.c.- .irl•n, D MAnitel of Prtshvery, by 3 Mlller. D. U, wLih xn th , 8c• J 6 A Dorton.. Ezporotteutal and Fracture! Ttettute au&cum, I ooing, by 1 Foote, A. d roems by Amelia. On band nod for main by iv 4 LI.LIOTT & 714 Wood m PLEASURE TRIP. For Greenwood, Rosedale, and Ploastuat IVEDSESDAY. JULY FOURTH ytc.- The 91eitthd font running steamer TEE PEST. make regular trt pa every half our. from Like foot of Pitt .tree•. to the above places, untll four &clock in the afternoon. %• he, sue rill melte a Pleasure rtg, , o Sew ick,o, for the accornmedauon of parties of please,. or amen. passengers, returning al 'even o'clock She will lad on the Allegheny sad, for tlio accommodation of pa congers. N B.—She wUI have a splendid BRASS BAND on troard neat,' for the trip 50 cents, to be had at toe Ga.ns OM. ()Tama or Till Ahhaonanty Damon l'o July 2d. 1 , 40 T HE Prendent and Al/magma of the Company tor re in ing Billige over the Allegheny river uppo te fataborgh, to the Cuunty of Allegheny, have 111111 ley derlarml n Dividend of one dollar and aeventy-ho.. rent, on ra,, .hare Vf the capital .took atannotg the name of todivtduale on the book of the company, to toe paid to the Stockholder. or thmr Irgol Itepreseatn hve forth tan, JOIIN lIA RYER, wdltmtvlt Trestaurer. XTOTICI: hereby given to all parsons IndaLted to VI the Famte cf Joseph Holeman, lase of Franaim townshtp, A,lacheny COutily, deceased. so make ;m -ooch*te payment, and all Nrsons having elptin ago.. said Eatme to present them properly anthenu• Co 1 for totticosent to the u2derslgttad HENRI' 1101.E.11AN, JOSEPH 11()LKMAN, Exeantora. Banatory_Nottee, d T " olVin ' ti N t j ti%• T l L l ' o i n . h " o i Xe r eit E T F. woUlro . oU 'l lY p Tl ', . owners of ail ca n t lots , eveciall ' y the burnt di.- trim, whore 61:h can be depo.ui e d, to b.v, thorn no muted a, to prevent the accumulation of noxious at•t ier. otherarim they will be under the necessity of re turnine Mena as museums. 3s2d3t JOHN NI4iI.L.L. Clia.rman. 1=33 D ROPOSA seill horeeeived by the underrsetted until J L !UM. at lit o'clock, (or .he stone work, per perch. of two Abutments of a lirsdge, from Bank Lane to lierr's island, below Stephen hlorttron s saw null. For farther particular.. enqcore of U.E WARNER. Allegheny. A. JAYNE'S. 70 Fourth st Pittsburgh. tyissitJulylo I ) )m ANIIIALS—Di.tory and Dtsertht;h of thc Horse. Mule, C•ttle, Sheep. :Irvine, Poul try and Farm Dogs, 'Mt{ dthecuons for their Also, manage ment, hrredlog, e.oseirat. rearing feeding. •ntl 'rera n for e profitable market. toe, Dtheuses end Itethetthes, together with full din-coons for the management of the Dairy By H L Alien. Ithao,wtth numerous 0111.1.2i10011. For .ale by JAN 1) LOCKNVOOD,II3 Wood et TTCJiITjAIiFTiOR-40u1b, on bandand cot by pr 3 J KIDI) & CO 1111.01L16E. OF 1.1A11 , ,0n Land and ier rue Ly ilia 1. KIDD A CO. 12,0TES (CHOLERA MEDICINE—On band and .I' for solo by J. KIDD d. CO ARGENT'S CHOLERA MEDICINE-6n band and C 1 for sale by . 1j731 J KIDD & CO LA7 ISTAR'S dos on band and (or sale V V by OP/ J KIDD & CO. Oxide of Tab Promo Acid, cu ll of ram of lion, 1 1 n ' ,r xi earbottato of Potosi. Nitrate of SII•Cf calomel, Zodiac of Lead, Onion& of Node and Exifr, on band and for sale by Assign•e's Notlo• Benjamin Smith and George A. John so John amt Merchants of the coy of Pittsburgh, trinfing Yi r , the firm of Smith & Johnson hare mode to the subscriber, an assignment of all their Estate for the benefit of all thatr creditors, no shall within two months from the date thereof execute and dell,. to the said Smith & Johnson a bill and absolute taloaao of ad their respettive ithdoisand demands. Notice is hereby given that the itatignment and cr. team is now et the dike or the sable rote', on Fourth street in the city of Pittsburgh, for inspection and 11 , 11. intact with alt whom it may concern. )fieCANDLE9g, AmagAst. Et.A.VNIOIND i 00,.8 EXTENSIVE MENAGERIE. BEING THE LARGEST. RAREST COLLECTION OF WILD BEASTS, ,BIRDS AND REPTILES EVER BEFORE. EXHIBITED IN THE UNITED STATES. IN ITTTSBURGH, on Tuesday, Wednesday sod HERR DRIaaBACII, Thursday, July, 4, end S. tor three days only, at The Emperor of all the Uons, in the dens of Wild U. . 1 1ANSION HOL SE YARD, Liberty street i Beasts. Ills performances direr from all others, not TIME lIF EXHIBITION ' only in the skill and pram: which he displays in his On Tnesday,Ju'y 3 4 , Afternoon. from 2 to 5 °Cloy k— :c to l l le Even., front 7 ti. 10 o'clock. :centres with the TERRIFIC GROUP 0P LIONS, ' TIGERS, LEOPARDS, COUGARS, PANTHERS, /Se. list Wednesday. July 4th, there will be four distinct l ir ni i n o n matchless sad almost superhuman command g'i"b"k".. ' ''' .—Mormon ' irem e to 11o ' clock, end „nth which he enacts the obedience of these fiercest own 11l to I I'. NI . Afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'c lon k, and ernig, tenni 7 to Hi o'clock. 'and Inert remorseless tenants of the desert, the forest ev I and the mit& HPIKR DRIESBACH MAY RAVE .... Drain TburrdaV. July An—homing, from to 12 4 Al" MANY ATORS, but HE HAS P.O EQUAL— tr moon. from 2in 3, and Evenoth .0. 7 . 10 ' IS HIMSELF ALONE At nng tlm moat """P"'" l'""‘" of th" "th". Ti LIST mbmees the fated Living Specimens e Ithnt.on. It the RH INt WERGS, UR UNI CURS OF lIULY WRlT—the. only one in Ameriva 'of Wild Animals mune I hint the e rent experience, enterprise and resources The sruat difficulty of canto - me thin lame and In- in the proprietors have resoled them to bonglngather reer creature. member with the almffid Imlffin.ffiiffir in one L ARGE AND SPLENDID COLLECTION. A aI ""'" 'um 01'0° °c l imate7° °°°°°°°.•l to foil descrtotienA of the Animals contacted to the Lahti halm, and corublution, renders the exhibition of A noon, „it he f oun d i n Pamphlets and DiW nosh° LIVING It II I NOCEROS in the Crated stales, the,onnntpnl Ho,* prcvioas to the arrival of company. gremert curiosity in the Animal KinAdoio. ruremo4 w interest, novelty and ...scum, are (Er Admission 45 tent,. Children lirldla ID pram hold and original performances of lb cents. Lots for 8.10. ritWU LOTS on Pennsylvania Avenue; roe on Ors _ 1. Nord sin, lust he and Congress street, 25 feet bun, 2e C.ict i in the rcsr, and shout 147 feet deep . A iitithi r iin the South dile just beyond Mr. W arson's .1 .. :.. •ri, 25 r. li frciiit sail rear by 112 fed. drop. Three Butldi,sy Lots. CM Welly Stmt, City eV' A i•O li I.ot tot Onion, .treat eater/dam bark in Is, Ai/tit/v.7i at Auction. o wet deep Ity 25 feet l'h in front For trans, do Saturday a ternoon. July 7th at I o'clock. will "e et oe' D N' A A d ll""lei he sold on the prelims., Three Valuable !kidding.uterney. Adlornvr• . Lew' 4 t , n l•sm' e en. LG., 111111nle On the smith side of Liberty Street, having Slndeee" ...I Great est b a wont of in ed n Inches, and extendloe hsek 73 Ligkt 1 Light II Light lii ; feet. beteg port of the property belonsing to the Second Pe r Church of that dry. l 'i. ' • '''''' .." '".ruin, Bold " ...' '''''''Perms. 01,4 d id cash, residue to two equal umued . .' "•'. L. '"' n L '""" ''''"' N0..6 turd .triter —'l payments, with Interest, to be secured by Bond arid rof .1 ',inside house br it, it bus rue ',reference in ail i ~,,,,,,,,,,. Uyn) JOHN D. DAVIS, Aunt. ai .. • ...••••...... 12... a' pettedly safe nod rhea, .'-' _.— 204 i.i •nnit.e 0. ea.., or soy of the disticretetild It- L'oggy and Harness ae Auction. ... 0 , • , .:, .. ~,' : : ;.t.';'h7r,::', p c ,' 0"::;.7,,, b 7,1';‘,'. On Thursday afternoon. Lth foal, 3 o'clock, at the ior Lic saiii•• Jvnidomo V 1 DA VID Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood •od Fli n g Street, wi I be sold, one superior Buggy with fallig lI,L 1. , \';',...L.:. I.I.ML—Su bids dicey/04 . s rid rot sale ' top and Iron Arles; elso, one Sett Haar ass, nevally o it ~ J ARNISTRONii A CROZER 1 um, DOI JOHN D. DAVIS,•Auct. 11)Illili CiDli a VIN Er/ AR—..4) blill received mid Etapts and Amos? Dry Goods. j tor ~le by t yn A R4sTRONG ..4. Clar/ZER _ On Thursday inonding..July ath, at 11/o'clock at 415 e Commermal Sal. Rout, corner of Wood and Finn I. NDltill."--74 boles Cotton; mu, will be sold without reserve for cash currency : 44 tails Nu t Loot ; A large assortment of foreign and domestic Dry I b. Flaxseed; ; Goods, consulting of superfine cloths, cassimeres, sett " - Garden Peas; PO., Jeans, tweeds, fanny vestings,. drillings, =to :et - F; e' lie rs; . nades, summer cloths, lawns, bal . /ann.., huntre.ei de 7 " g, I Wines, super prints, gingham', shawls, silk ludkfil, i - Wool ; block satin, dress silk, alpacas, checks, bleached and No o 'anon" IrOtn L urn beriand, No 1. for pale hy Ltarown muslins, hosiery, legborn and braid bonnets, ' 3 ____lS AlAll DWI:EY a Co Front 5t.... 1 tissue hats, damask linen table cloths, k.e. Steam Blowers. Al 2 o'clock. 'IN rept,. to 0;e "NoUee and Wanting' of Chr.nati Groom., Quorum:oars, Furnirtsnr, Re. j Burthardt. ,see Cfinctnonn llusette, Jute 2710,, we Young Hyson and Imperial Tea, Vs. manufactured off.: Me toilowlng op,oton of cur Counsel: tobacco,. No 1 palm soap, No I shad, mackerel, her islNlMU.sin k. ANDERSON. ones, shovels, spades. hoe., Cork., ones. hatchet,, reDLIC 1-411,A“, (ft:fan:sax - 4 oniong and wrapping pager, band boxes, dy nets, ve. Jane 47th, 18 - 0. t muon and transparent window blind', mantel clocks, 1' MEW. SIY,10:. A Anrtasou--Gentlemen : Inmantel lampa, lookiag glasses, Ac. accordance with your request we hare carefulor es- A large and general assortment of new and second amdted Inc Lettert Patent granted to autumn Burk. I band household (Matto., cooking stove, kitchen uteri. horde - tor mprovernem• in the cption of feel in si t s , gl ww erare, A u . stem Looter and other turnrt onsum eau nod dated June 61b. I At S o'clock. ' Ints 1 Ready•rnade clothing, Mortara shoes, hate, ape,'c Wt . ore of opinion Mot Coo late nr J. De- umbrellas, fine table and pocket cutlery, gold and ad brew,, for whom w , prepared papers for a gayest and 1 ver watches, shot goes, pistol,, meow matrumenut, An. an apptinnuon for heifers Patted for an improved ; ;y3 JOHN D. DAVIS, Anat. Stet= Blown r,; are 'n no wise infringing the clam of. ; C y an ! „ r arnisia and 411.1kogriny Testers ca lowed NO Burkhardt ui that Patent. iota respertfodi• Amaon. t:LIN'I . O3, KNIGHT & BROTHER. On Thursday afternoon. July 6th; as 3 o'clock at the Patent Agents and Anomie' mme totalCo Sales Rooms, comer of Wood and Fifth its, will be sold to day advances and charges: PREPARED FARINA. 4 bbl' copal varnish, good quality. . 1 , ti IS Ankle hoe been eere'llny and folly tested by C bo x es mahogany veneeni. • large neuter of the art.:heel profession, who re-; 'terms al sale. comment aas the most volaahle of all the fartlirtetlas ! 15 3 JOHN D. DATJS, duct. arf , "' • now ' S. n nov , it Leine much soPoD B r to arrow-r- i QIG`R VITO VIII & SON'S great =la of splarida mPme's• 'file "80. Y. e., for ntvolid , and dui - IQ and mstque Marble mad Alabaster Statuary, An are•• done Vane., Urns and Oraamenzta, pith engraved and AR •n article of common diet for ehddren, pante.- I cut Bohennan Glass, Emrich China Vases. Candela br. y tepee of weak bowels. or of feeble and delicate bras, Bronze Figures, Papier ade Masts ?blew, and eonsulullon. a tv , Ihe i ollrid to g l e e heni‘b and strength i a [real vatietyy . of astral and beandfal articles, will with more certainty Man any other substance. !ta e pls. on Thursday next, 44th MR, at Weaning- I' A. Parma hos been obeli:neatly analysed by Drs I ton Mill, Wool strenturMt.M. Fifth sod &XII, W.. , m Coma and Rot eon, and Professor Ran, ell of whom ..,d, . . - bear teruntotty to I a great value over nil 016, ruins- Thu h,,,,,,,fig guorimcgt mathri,. in re of Eaton. eroas substattees, tor inraleta and eluldren. , ry in dark marble: Hercules throartng ['um An extract from tie report of each ann4yotie is here . the Altar, fignim of Aristides, hlereales, Fermat, reap given "2" ' of Enesi Statuary in Alabaster: Bacchus on the Pan. l . Iti claim to the attenttan of the medical process - KM, dm., bilth of Venus, DaneLng Girlsof Comma, rani t'l . i tasi aPne la ea...twat in me slaleb ...I nikamen With Deg, Mena !arta &rusted Mediate and Hetet ,e 1 •oge tared prtariples,vegetate haring and albomegh Veseh r i Agate and Yellow of sienna Tatra, Behemiret •abetanee. not 'goad in arrow-roes or stmt. , bnnheit , ' Ildaleal exeunt and China Clocks, Clio, Reeatille .--.Eleal &ter, the Vestal Teeple, Lamps and Flower gazette, 'I ee areal arrowot. tapiona. sago. he . en en ' , trunk or d , e , 'or -L 1 Butter Stands. Torquoise Gremlin out Toilet sect, invalid. a o -,d chtldren is prntetpally ...oaf to the g,a- Papier Macie 1 at,les. inlaid with leather of pearl, A otn .1 roataina, whach a 11l are rent r—,Chaton. do do Boon!,, with [nitride stands; figure of Sypelm a I. form. Ithe Pat..) a eery ecnneeolv l'IPo.. nu'r.t. : 'superb ropy clew Warerich Veep, bi,Y4.Ware, Sea t- 00 erole of ( nod ota•oll 'ltaTat. l , end Pdfatotbr , The cites retie:dm haeberre S.rp.lK - ,_„rilere I rt• adapted fotlaysnais ' and ebildren."— (Rotted ' ' lady, Fnutee,`Germatrx and Engiand, Yr, Slig're Vim The above article always on band, and for sale by tr. t a & Sono. Croon Eg Reiter, corner of Liberty and Si. Clair sta. The room wall be open on Wednesday, the Wth Lust, ;y.l :Chronicle cop) ; and in the evemor. The lade. and. gmulenten of ' {lambing h are tnettal to attend and examine this JA thIP st'PAV ER. la. Wholetalo and Reim, Den. b eaa tif o l eoll e at‘o a . ,•r in Fore+gn Wine. and l....!_snora. and old Morton- 'I erme—All sauna an der 5 1 00 , cash; from SLIM to den'''. 11) , F , iti•kol , ooronr Mt , and mane , ale S.PIO, minery days crediq above $2OO, six months, for • approved endorsed p•prer. mS__ JAMffiL *KENNA, (ILI) NION BYE EY-51 6, gal De"nicht. ki lOW Pure M R Wikt.key Gentlemen and eon r• Mlolllt IS as e .Lvtketl to rm. and exumne 4.1 f they avant tine :111 rucle . Inc Lad Ht Ole Woatern roan in.. at lac wine Stare of JACOB WEAVER. Jr LIE," in Me city which with •onte etre:, may be made cry luerauve. The he proprietor ertstitng to he absent a consider - RH< part or rh , ttine on hurls es• eon lomed the Hon*, h then-fore desire. louse men It non. mean., good addre., and res tably ,•onneeted. to take an interest with him. dreva ALPHA, loot Office. •lapne real name and ref4enee, ..nd warn Oil .ntervhcar they be had ;ye-114v LII , IIHDS--;AMf«r Oak Bolrd, (Wand 16 r talc b y KIER & JONES, I=lll=sl=l Shounlers Pnd Ilsma , In oinnlce ) nud for auk. liy jy2 BIER & JUN ES f)ULK SIDES—WOW tocee4 for sole lip KIER k JDNEs CREAN! CIIEEOE—t76 Lie gun recd tftlii for II CANFIELD, =Mat=sl C oC y 7 /kHELLII-2D Cocoa libeljoi4lzrßßAWy GREENWOOD GARDENS, JULY 4th. 1)fl are made in Mt. Garden for the Ike. romme.latmn of five Lhemaand vtasters Mt. day, nob relre4hme3lll. uenally kept m litm retreat. An ef. I:e.,ent polme will be on or premise*, and good order triaintainrd AdtrWlaner Lu the Garde. out male . . Ts,s oardett nontatn• aui ,ruuod. lasti out to •tear . ;. tars, twit,. of waits, with numerous summer itsuse. sactly bowers, kc., at u• cored with Flaw • t,,,th natt in and slot.. Large Ssaioons, and a ~ rre,ol,ouse, enact this place enputde ot sod-staining .rom two 10 lasso thousand signer. , att ons moo • 'rh rre xteun,l.ont., the Naarr, and °NIA, er:11 rua troth the (itecuwaod wharf boat. foot of P.ti street, to the Garden—out leaving every IS =notes. I Cola io'clock. M , anal IV P. M. Nu :claim atmg drinks on the premise, )1,1 EXPRESS PACKET LINE, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusivciy for Pasaringera. .; 7 / I ...,ratiZlMLll. —The Licata of this Llnc will leak , * 10110 VIS, al 9 o'clock at roger 1,1.11.1/la—J r Thompson, Monday, All,' 2. Indiana—P Horsey, Tuesday. 3. trato—A uralg. Wednesday, 4. KuLtaeky-11 Truby, Thursday, L.tosiann-1 P Thompson, Friday, tl Innia,a-1 . Harkey, ,laturday, 7. Ultio—Caps A Craig, i.unday, Kcnoicky—ll Traby, Mondat, 9. Louialana—J P Thompson, Tuesday, K. Indlana—P Harkey, Wednesday, 11. (non—A Craig, Thursday, 11. Remacky—Copt If Truby, Friday, July 13. Lonoliana—/ P 'I/tampon, Saturday, 14. Indtaua—P Hockey, Sunday, K.. Fot passage upgly W SUTCII, Monongahela House, /p 2 or D LEECH & Co. Canal Ilisani FIRE W 50 bx. No I Cr,,neke; YM 11 - 1 Torpedoes; IJ yrd ROlll2ll 8.061. y i ßorknni; gro Grassbodpers; :Vass l / 4 1 Put When* •• Triangle Wheels; 15 lon Fires; With [arse u.onartnt-at amber Pm, Works, too nr nJo,on. to menu,. Persons ensiling a good aruc:e eli, plea, roll. C. YEM,EII. jJIdY. Inn Market ot JI .'.TA 11L0031S-15 tons In store and for sale by 112 KIER es JON idS 1 ,111:101 , 1 Ct/RDllLS—Orgre•t, Absyntb, Con rod Alarn•qu•ns Annual,. end fancy Preach and I mien s, in baskets and eases. For sole by the kJ t:, or dodo:, at the Wono Store of JAWS WEAV ER, Jr. ,ornde ht awl Ftr.t *di L) UK r 1.1,1-, Miry. W ebb, & Fort...ter, 1834; r MT , r.ea and dry, Gould, Campbell & co', old dry I ilsboll..• 101, Pure lot, Pare Juice par. titular Port, 'tarn. & Son, Pure Juice, threble, dou ble and W. , I :races Theta wines are all celebra ted for their mettle,' propertine. and Call be had who,- sale or retail alt the %clad Store n( ytt J ACOB WEAVER, Jr. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ALLE, WIEN Y Cot N I', at October Term, Mkt. No 3.5. iu we matter of tire voluntary. arturrtusent of Wu,. nca Marty A. Co. Fining., If urbaugh and W. P. Courtney. itd 11,NY, June ISM Notice having been given in die l'itteburn:. CM:atonic and Mercury, for three werhi. or the him of the account, and no cdceptiona raving been filed thereto, on motion of Me. Courtney, the acezunt ii confirmed abaolately, and Wm. E. Ana appolOWd Anditor, to enact ono adjoin the MC- Cp•Illt• of modular*, and milk. distr.buiton among From the Record. HIRAM Prothoontsry Sy ivill attend to the dimes of the •bove Spr.ol,ll. 1111..1, .1 my othcain Pittsburgh, on the 17th July, 1,49, ett 2 o'clock, P. 11. DIM. E. AUSTIN. Auditor. rioridaw . . . _ 1 , 0 3 001) lbs Shoulde l re s an4Zi l da4Z4 and BtoCrUsNo.: Jun. W•ter mot 62 Front at ElitiES' 6 TWISr IIMAGED-29 ba. Dodge.' 6 k_T mast Tobacco, landing per run, Shenandoah, and for mile by J AMEa DALZELL V 0.2 MACKEItEIc-50 bbia No 2 Mackerel, land- J.. 1 lag try canal and for gale low to close co , nger. meat by jult. JAMES DALZELL,W_to ykr .11 , 1T1 w44 NLI-10 lust recditraduiz....," 13 USE EIN/Z-2 bbis, of • impostor ttuallth Just retot JA, awl tor We b 7 jutttl ISEAEN XSITKIL AUCTION SALES. By John D. Davis. Auctioneer POUND, 11 I'w~IIGT road, o nay. The owner can bare It by calling at Walken'. %unto, and describing it, and paying (or the advertise. went ja:3o.tint W I h:Do b,n, bOIU and gala Wino d Gr ass, Marshall's brand; WU do assorted Slll ° 7lth ( k HeirOn'll LIMO, In store and for I/110 S HASS& UGH, y ;030 53 Water and 104 Front st / 'ft:ARS-IMM common Cirstrs just reed, in store and for sale by jo3o S & W HAEBAUGII DREAM CHEESE-50 boa prime Clonal Cheraw, in sore and for sale by S & W HA RH A UGH D R b l y ED A I ; ' l -I°U "'"; kvwAritAwr s —2o east s to stor 1070 :/slfgAssalfilacia IS j 0. MOLASSFS-75 ht;lsihro - Molissraia store and far sale by 1,170 S& W MIASMAS!! LARD 01L-15 eels, a good article, iu elate rtna r. sale by iit3o R & HARBAUGH • N OF FIRE WORKS. prepared ,t - 1 expressly commemorate the annisermy of American Independence, mill be exhibited at Rose- Jett Garden. in Manchester,. on WedrieNiale evening, July 4th, sees - titer permitting, commencing at , j olock, precisely. eenu—no half pnee Tickets-to be had at Om OFtee and Bei of the Exchange Hotel, at the Osrden throughout the day, and at the Gate on the evening of the 4th. For particulars, see email. bills. [Tr The steamers WAYF. and ARCHY MASON, trul Jerre the foot of Pitt Street every half hour thee'. out the day and evening ; to carry passengers to and from the Cartivn.n3OnlC VALUABLE S. BOOR - ON - MTICiiINERY. fre.— r S oc p , tt's Engineer and Machinists A.thirtant, in It lloltanpaaPs Turtling awl - Macau]lea! Manipulation; vols Y a. Tredgold on the Strength of Can Iron; 2 vol. 4vo. Seoul% Cumin Spinner and Manufactuthr; 1 vol !ma Pellauhn Cutiotthes of Glass Making Pao. The Hand Buck of Taming, La mo. The Apprenuce ; by the Anixan Club; co* 4 to. Cthsay'v Encyclopaedia Clvil Enguthenng. Mudses Surveyor, Engineer and Architect; Ca Bourne Steno F.nanne, by Acumen Club. American Architect; 4 to. Carpentry .d Joinery: A compcolsensive Enid* book (or carpentry nod 'ornery. With rates for every pall or work Edgy{ Wiling, and nemnroas pintos: I noir ; Ito. Piaeucal 6.lechanie and Engiaeer's Alap.6ine; 6 4to Craddock's Lectures on Stoma F.ngine, 800. Alban's High Promote Engine, 4 vol., S vo. Hmtn's Theological and Practical Iklechanios, Svc. Tomlinson'. Rudimentary blachaolca. • - • •••• . Dobson's Rudiments of the Art of Redding. Swindell's Rudimentary Treatise on Well Digging, Ro, he. Just received and far sale by m nne Afi J U LOCKWOO_I wood at N PURSUA SCE of `an Ordinan. providing for m increase of the Revenue of this city, passed the 10th April, teed, notice is hereby given, that the City As temmr bas left in my (Alec, for eXamination by all In terestd, a list the persontdairtg l haterthif the city, conformity with maid Ordinance- Son 1. If upon examination of said list, any persons .hail think themselves aggrieved by th e said assess. meat, they *ball .rate the same in an affidavit, 'Mich alhdaytt *hall ahlo Contain a statement of the tree ount of their odes, all near as can be escenaine am d; said caviare to be made and left with the Clay Treas urer. wiihin two weeks from the date of the Ern pub hen tan of the notice afor.aitt b. That no appeal *ball he taken hat lay the affi davit of the proton or firm weaved; said a.adavit to be conclusive evidence of the them stated in relation to the arr.oant of rites. S. IL JOHNSTON. City Transom, irr °thee on Third street, next door to inn 3d Pre. by terion Church. 1•301.12.• W ELLS, MILLER & PROVOST 317 Front street, New York, A i N er t . F :T i v C Z U j E gi ft : ujf a eve7.1%ipe.78c.f..{:t:41127 nips, Vinegars, Mutant Bpmes, Extracts. EATEN r PRE:Ss:ay ea) PROVISIONS, such no Oysters, Lobsters, Salmon, Mackerel, Shad, Meats, Vegetables, So. importers of Olives, Capers, Salad Oils, Sardines, East and West India Continuants, eta. Their stock is more extensive, comprises • greater canny, and is put up m !truer style Man that of any oCher House In their ess m the United States.— Their goods arc pat d m all the various paean., and in so safe • r to bear transportation to any part of the coo try. N. B. Catalogues may be sego at the allee of this Aacuts iu Ilosion: Sal. Mice & Oe. Philadelphia: Jo,. B. ihmlier. BpStaor. A. &Son. St. LOUill Cleo. Hochan. & Co. Lonisiclle: John Fonda iien. Cincllmall: !teary Drachm.. M3OM2m Ocratlemmaro Furnishing War•boule. HERRICK & SCUDDER, 95 William sfreet, New Tad, MANUFAcTV RERS, Imltosert and Dealers in SHIRTS, DRI.ZSINO 1 0E44 LINEN Cole LARS, STOCILk, SHOI7I.,IIER.BRACk, CRAVATS, „,11.1g,, TIES, SCARFS, MONEY BELTS, UNDER tIA ti A RMENTS. CLOVES, SATINS, LINEN BOSOMS, NINCERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, BUCKL&i, SUS DERS. BOMBAZINES, 80. to. The above. stools wilt, oil commotion, be (pond not only etrlECllen, eVenliVa fatl, but Cheap. Our long experience In the bosh:toss mid tnowledgo of manalucturing, with the focilidet of_parehosing, are soak that we are confident Ere ow Wet indacemmits that cannot be carpooled itly Soy Howe in the Pinnexhi Mama orders paid to orde and the . Izig of Wodo. SCUDDE OS William st, opposite Plan, New York. nano a.ogiosai. nun w. Faireene. L PITTBDUILE4IIX • , • ..` • " jai B iEt a ;• : , . 4. DAILY PACKET LI •:g. - fr,HDI knots-Aisne of splenda pssannte s ,• I. en is none contresed of the largest, surtittest n ites fot,she,l nod fattushed, and most posrerfet bittV waters of the West. Leery nneotritoodatiotTl. ;on thnt money enn procure, has been provide, Thr i.ane Leen opemon COF —hag rnrtiroiminion of people avithoet the te,,lla:tten. 4 Tho boots will be ot xf o letitt W not a•seet toe dny pres,ous to stattiug, lot tqe reettp."l". uon of tregtht end the entry of paasenaters otittnaa,teget. : n2l' tor •11 Um Possnen ntaatibta ,Taitl • • •••it ;•-•-t! KCa DAV PACKET. ' 14; The 113.t.A,1 NEWTON, Captain Her:ol4)li vell 4; ~K ve K t, every Urreday 26021r2i22 41 Ilile4lo2k, ev r , unray erreurag to r tt. %Th )11a) .11 .2,1-1 - modpar PACKET . 1~4 - Elie MON( /NOA IIELA, Capt. Srovv,eruPlpyrb , ritttr. vr' burgs every Nloadap IP tillttultnt; ' every 31veri. everine at 1 , , r u. TIPICR Y Toe IIIBEKNIA Nu 2, Capt. J. kurett/..502; war , lease 1 1 Utabarth every Toeulay avarnrits' at kii'veyloo4,lA ' ‘t, ticc.L.el; ever ; fuL. ins evening Et 12 P. EL 0+" ON IR Si)A ! Ttia NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Caps. d, PLE, : piurilr leave Eursherph every Wednesday Enorall at wi.ditywin) rvaarit t, t iraLii Ttrit:s6Air:F/CifkiLtT. The UKILI.IAN'r, Copt. Caaea, Ira burgh ever) Tburvipy muvutap al It , o'clatty r. villnuveype terry Ttiorsd.iy Yrral no Et i° 2 .^ ; '&? fT; The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Past prrat i ,.l,lllteli,av: I'lluburgh every Friday morning JO u'r Way hof every Friday evening at W r. , ,: S DIMMER ARILANGERISCITTS 04;;;1 844 ).!':; MONONG AII F.LA ROUE. T t tr . ' '. 't 7 , k . Only 73 .1111 e•, , lrf: Via Brownsville ad likunberland to I.l¢loo- att.. t.‘„l 1 Philadelphia. t . .., THE splendid andlend running ll S Malt f'dhamer*.itct, , • 1. ATLANTIC, Ulm 4 p4:4[4.4 ; [' ALIN:3 4o 47 7 ; :.1.t' Jambs; LOUIS APLANE, Copt E Bennett art ,aosoi.s. ~:.' makingdontdodally tops betwtmo , ..` '4". • PITTSBURtiII AND BROWNSVILW7 t :' t'A . ' - ,, The morttlng boat will leave the hlegL3ngrilticha ,Al'' Whaf,anove the Bridge, daily at el o'clock kirectiel), t. ' , Pamengers will take SUPERS COACH E - g,t.illy . uurioi...... ti. s t. villa, at 3 o'clock, P.N., and the splendid eko ad• thig,.: l2=t '. Bulumore and Ohio Railroad, at .Cmutiethirid,, at dr 4 l i o'clock, A. hl., and arrive in Baltimore triegodaveml.,a d inn, in me for the Ha evening to Philp ilia. cad '•-,,t , Washington city. I 11_ , . tt.• h.. , 1 • From Pimtburgh to Baltimore, oily Ct: ho ' '.t t . - ,0... 41 0,1, Fare vlo,lalrti ' 'i. tl. • Prom Newburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 itep4,. . -- sgr,', Fare 812.1301" j t 1i.,-. A: The evening boat will lava at 0 o'clock, e` 'Sept 5 0 ,,.;%N! day evenings Pasengers by Jaw host will • Jr oe l ),Ls , Wiwi to coutfortals Mate the nrst 4past ;, i over the mountains Me following day In bunt': .r.- . Couches, and lodge the wcond matt en - Had. Passenger. hove choice of either Strumb PrEall ...t4 1 Road hempen Baltimore and Phliaaelp Arid thig,„ 4 „... privilege of stopping at Cumberland and! Riettor.O,trt . , end resuming their seats at pleasure. 003:91c3 C1112•F•7 - 4 r lewd to parties to travel as they please. • • s, • • •::-:-...E We make up the lads and Way bills for Hit appk.; •.,..,, es in the Pittsburgh offices. to order to savisliGink oa.: - 7,, arriving at Brownsville) u is inemfore luiplOant for ; ;,;; passengers to get their totkew before going Riis teahls'.. of the boat, et our eke, Monongahela liodevagn.:ss7 street, or St Chad. Hotel, Waal at, PutsbXgh,. epSulthst J. bIESKIIIEWaieut ",,,., 'Plit - J) k . iniiiilx Sc Louisville gibiellitiC_llina - ';,,e. FUR CLNCINNATI AND LUOISVICW.sI • '"4l' jr ,,,.. The splendid near stearhil ~:t'i 't 341 TELEGRAPH NO.k i.. ,:,....... liadep, mater, will leave. takeiver , ,l'.,t Intermediate ports ifT Yad...ti-4 4 5 3 , the oth Tart, at l 0 o'clock att. For Height or pah ß indgie ti ml r y K er li , s ;itx4 i., .. : ::.14: Ina GFX) B MILT HERGErI., i .. ,3‘il prrranußati AND LOUISVILLE PAC 'MN _,., Thews ad splendid I Pitaseawli get packet, c v: ' ,- -, "'- _:::, - ma kiaL WLEORAP,II ason, master, grill icavalitt palear , . caTi Lortieville Thursday, the *oat It 1.. o'clock, A. M. For freight or panne opperOA . DOOM' JO tb BUKBOIDGE, WILSONBS4)m at.? GEO B _ - FOR CINCINNATI AND LOU ' O l The light draught steam s , IA a s k :, K LADY ., ( 11 , 0 4 - 1 rm Om day, at 10 0 1 'e 1 1:01t5',4,01... For fr eight or panne apply on board, a , e tt, • • 4 Jon LoulsaLlle sand Bt. Louts Paolcabg 1840. KB4l St REDULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR % .LOUL, The line fur IntintarPallllenK6,:t teafr i Zer. Wl cr A l a .LA m N se l te l l r the chore end mtenernsanl peed every' use ay, et 10 o'clock, a. ta b d For g 1" Wo. 174 dbel 'e illo. • • REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET 1 , 0/6.0r3,0ut The fine but noun4,,passessfoof to , steamer GEV. ' A. McPherson, inainerosiii bbibef,To4, e above end usterniciffiKtv,pooLS tviti qSltrurday, to 10 o'clock, v. fa. •• • ..For freighz or peasageomly onboard, CO. , • " fi E. C. KLN6I, N 0163 Conti Sarir 2 4 mars.46se ",k; Dun. witEx.uivu eaum ksitthu str.'" Ihit'pm andsubetaittal,Meatehr • HUDSON, mwner, will fie ef or of 'P."; 'Cr reg.* trips betermlttlittibergli Wheeling and Bridgeport. She will leav - ,Pittabufgll oa Wednesday and Saturday. •- - For freight or pafanim apply on boorti- F l a i a. - ." , 3 44 : 4 FOI . WttEELINo AND BUN imaChe ftne .reame r George Calhoun, mastivawiti above and entermdigt gegta Ea ~,LdrAttlag=n=ye‘ a tu t ab atiivp, ,,, , SUNDAY TRIPSTO - IX The U. R Mali steamer CR1044 No. 9, will leave the lan the Monongahela Henze; Ory ay morning ate Walockite,lileavet.,l,i Returning, will arnve at 5 & clock , P. AL • ' Fare to Seaver and back, Twenty-bye Den* my2s SUNDAY TRIPS TO BRAVE . % r The mutter liEnVl4l.. Will lelent4 the wharf, Gorman° the tomi.o.g.P.t kola Hoare, every- SundiPLASerston t o'clock, for De”eq ) will leave Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. Al., allo 'etkrbre 4 o'clock. Fare, Twenty-five Coma_ wog. BRNO GEO B. MIL TEE*4o=a-br S. EL AGE, Forwarding and Cotnilli Ma* chant, has removed to No. T. Freely be 3 . V. , 0051: and Smithfield street.. _ Oet . ... . , FOli CINCINNATI AND 3.011151/0,14i '' 12 mat Theisen draught manna* >':: 'i rt r Lorrci4 -.. —,,_. e..^ 1.: C V \Vella, muster, avilltnlor eg,".. I o'clock, P. NI. ,s' above. porno on Tuersday , '' lallasti la .e" , •''• I , : '.; For freight or panange apply on Loan:l.'4)l3V. , ' fl 3 I) W 31111 , 30ige.k. '. i FORCINCINNATI — AND sr: , I...Va' -_, • ,;..,.' 1:, The splendid near ale e s e I:: mai:3l Hno l l ' a l r .pr m A na C te ° r, LL 4Ple i rrae '.. ''' :4; he above and all intera)ndiuna plat. '. . T.e.d.Y, th e '3d. at It o'clock, A. K.V, • ' '.,i I. For tresgirt or passage, apply on board s re,r tit 3. : ..h I' •'. IY 3 D. W 1 1 ( 1 1,..S,'Sgenk.):' i: FOR CINCINNATI. :. ' ,• i!'i r , ti a l v m The fine passenger wet trg,. :,,: :,. MT. VERSO,* -, ;..', Roma:, roaster, will leagg:foOtaeßf!. ati and intermediate ltdort.op 4 04 this day, at 10 o'olock, A M. For freight or Passaic, apply on botsitiXt tri Art fy3 OLO li MILTEN BE 'RPEIR:.A.'''' WATCHES, JRIWIRLILY, AN D ) W AIRE. ; THE sthmenber, who has been in m earn- building for the last Tokyea.r.' )• ail deseripuo. of Fine aid AMISH- ; - war %%arches, Jewelry, and BilOsir Ware, Id retail. at the vary lowest price. t Gold and Silver English Patent Lever A Gold and Silver Dot hd Lamer and Lephd, %Wichita: , Gold and Silver Haruental and verge Womits. , Gold and Sillier independent Second 'ihylogibes timing horse. • I Gold Gnant, fob and vest Chums Gold Spdeturiki,,,, Gold sod Silver Pen.. Gold Pens j • Ladies' Gold and Stone BrIICCICG 7 ' 4 Gold Lockets. Gold and Silver Thintl*„ Diamond Rlngs and Pina. t +lv Ladies' and Gentlemen,' Breastpins. L ' Sterling Silver Spann., Caps, Forts, Gold Watch. a. low ea Si to Racer-ft. , Watches and Jewett/ ezehanged. c Spoons and Forks plated on Getman 'River; a Rat article. All watches warranted to keep Oaci v tlate_Ps the = Man may ed Jewelry repaired, gild anttßl, elesthed and repaired In the hest natumerps Mach iftri than the 11.111.1 pet.. I.IEO. Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wild retail di Wall street, Op Sums,) NEW Vital bid:edam. ATIIBLEII2 SAMOS, 7 .1 TNB BATHING ESTABLIANIITINNTuI , " cFALL, neg. to infanta the inhahßGbUrbi r - , Z; burgh and 'minks., that ha ha* 4prXed abe d Vl estatiltshment, where every adifftion - ottll pa to the notion of thome who may ftwitr him , a call. Liberty street, between Seventh-0d Womirdi lee Creams and all o th er delteam. "."1' • MffenArrs7CHLORTD — E OF Libibkihirtir on hand and far sale bs r - W 4 Ai MITCV,Lti.RH, , V . ' They mitt receive Gem. impels.% tifr I,lth MAI v .4.. • • .editti M0tA14.11.4-61 - fieile:4lr4l3 Si lereAe; 353 bele N U Molasses, prinu4Frm, o. k wyk,?, in store end ter wee by Je2o lY & 31 M1T11, 4 ! plrai P si Otet , 5 . 1.'7 C an AS X; ( It 77 ° I tPN`CrStd r vriti of thr ',K,, h ~."I,77rlUnti,"`.ll ft 4C a e which writ arrive neAt They will also receive large sappliet toed;. (pills* • r .lado . • UNARY SEED—GOO les --"'— jaHACZAty DRY GOODS ce WOOD S 1 ARE nolo receiving a very large strOt , atanaitt+, Goods, of fecal purchase and hapeutiriartadth s6 .;,,, they will AA to the trade at such pvicas!aecarrant,iy to eve entire satisfaction. ; City tad Country Merchants ail, Ineita!, eall examin e oar stock Isefore purchasing eiKeittlY• Mia O IL .. J. Pt y PPERSIEVT wn can,rtr,A,urruti‘ofra..6.4l.4 frAll-20 bbls on hand and, C 44 solo ~V , ' .1. lace ' TA4Sdf &.PEEL‘i" ~,9 Ilmarellagp*liialvamlsed T 1 .4 44 4 44 4.0 .4 In Tl.lmtbsetiliers beg to call the attentylor ' li Architects and owners of fluddingai la 186 ma advantages which these plates postela 414er , eat o , -0.„,. metallic mbstances hi th erto used for me**. 411. : - - 3 they,pomess al once Um lightooss of traqioahtkohil•• habitity to root, havina now Ewan lesu4l,foulm, yeas, to this pardcuLar,both to du. 0.4.21 tin rope. Th.y luo loss liable to capulaisalapj garttrak, tk uon from sudden chetah, of the eullteePliol4:4 Wan Ir; mon an plates, iron, rine, Main mbe , 7 titlip for roofing, and eoasequentlY ft= k We, 441ter a ' tighter roof; vatmirtng far hiss frequent u t a, t: Om flit cost it bat o trifle more. A fttll supply of all Mae., Mt. 16 ha i)',Vit. ', e ki .... 1 :, manlyna hand and for mde hl c. GEE. a moßmvoefi- - ," ~.. .: 14 and 16 Beaver 5r , .....1...P 1 i`.. \ .„ ,,,4 4 . The patent Mghtfor Oda artiale ' 't i . .!'',..1 . .......,i for the United States, all . - ..Erti g' i 1r re 4, 4 14 ,=4 0 ' v... v 5; ,..4 either by buportatkut or sat . 0 alluvia% orifte• btoserth •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers