~' ~ . .'~S'i" ~z~r'~3'. .i .. .::: , :!P),YfiS.',f;';:, ,l -....,.. } ri ESTABTTS BUSINE • - . 7 7V7'ORNEY' AT. LAW. • 015.ec ea rai;nii laiiil.„ ....... ' bc.vrees amen: alley - sad finutt4.- : my1:117 • • ' :- .. - AftAlSTßONGlGCHOZgll;ConanAtiiiiirliferehai t is -, , L isp.d Dmlara .irs'esostses, No .419 . 4 et 'llliitt` 1 asstaggi.. . .:.. -!... -.• deeP • ; s.s. semi rms. ' Ti. 1.7.7:11 °SUS I. ELD & HAYS, Wholesale deskrs - ba 'Thy. . , 1 ,13, , Dpod s Orbeesiet,DostsiDboes,TsDsbtfgh ...°1" 7' atilnbe rtilo ad I viers, &a-, No.= I.lbf•Tty ~st.teel. ;Pius _______ 1 I . ,19,..., r . . 'A=ir l 7 ,l2- , sirtitUt. a ae.i wholesile.liraudi gnu , . t,orneretLibero.acid SLCIalr strantA, nOrti, asON; Mahal" Cirocerg, , hant.,l , l9i 145,,iamY dc3Oy. )3 nOWI C and Caannissaar.. dtaanaralt. l'a. I A VAIINESTOC • .1 . j ,„ & SMITS Wholoco,te.Grixers, In and SS Wood arca Pittsburgh. - • - Ce.StoSATTJLTY t Co., Forrrani4g L.cd Com • rabscioc &Lombards, Coral Duda,. h .. hssborgh Pa. iguquangg Siring. Mforlr.g. ^,‘ OLENIAN,'zieILBIAN Cd,'firahtfac tarino of f Coach md Ellpdc Spnugh, Iltiodifiergd Spring and. Plough Stool, Iron,itc. Wg&houso oa Wader mil.= 'Meta, Pittebarghi. derdars Trhascrlairs *rut Ni leakier" Caguas,. ' ocru MARtLI3 WORKO ON LUIEIIiIIiVITE TOE DEAD OF WOO PF/TSBOROXr EDIIIISZID C 9.0 t r' s,Vtalr., rear=leter Yos and PieeTags of foreign nod nentatlOr.arY.,, at a regular via On ;men N.D.—Drawings for oionnatenta, t Raki, 2cO.fizintah ed, of any .tescnpnon. Bo solicits a r4ur,re h lle War. 6. =OMR room S. aro= MINGLISiI IiEDINETE, nag English" Ganglier Cganl i unesale G ro c ers, runigion ro u id l ZSarlalZ t d i a ' ,llo. 37 Wood sti F fiaont 34 streets. - - .1011 . • - _ I 2_lAilfiik: CO(:HRAN? CommUoion ondFororang Sterahant. No. 20 Wood street. Pittsbnigh. ilyl2 HOME LedlifAlM.VAla r dier. HaIIIZON STEWART, moonfactur ,er of:ROOTy 'Sittrittp, Checks. RebecOlt; lstook :Oily. of Atto2.brOT:' . • - novIS-040 ._LEEi Nor eelsor to 'Murphy*. Lee,) Wool sr nod Commution bterehant,. for .Itos sale of n - zuleas Woolens, Liberty, opimalto Sib st, fabl2 • a.archoos, IEDVAM I • • D. it , chhotoo, 11713N.A. co S iitALDIc BUCKNOR,Tobacto Coo:mission Alen M, 41 North ward, & II? North 'Marin, hits. L.A. HAUL rrARDY, JONES & Co., Isueecnors WAtlhood, 1.1.. L: Jonas & CoJo3mnualuou and. Forleardhg Mcr ant., detlerk In Piusbiargli hlanufahtaitf Goals, Pistabur . h Pa. alLat scarcermczn, - nt, D1a.67 a. Co., 'Wholesale Orocrts, Com- Slivdon Marettennynsddealen la Proitacc,Noi. andlOtTront.treets:Pittsbuntiar„ Tait - I t i. :g sr t d imi4D, F....n uat t. of sr 3Laan it 9am i co h. mmis- k.w . •:7 k , cad mi l , „nerrA.R"Frra Meese boor Po t. ' ° !Sq•.s beimen ami gtflaett;i'lerallY , Plltt'e'dr FINITAIT,-(,,,c, ' Pin/I'lllh/ .p 3 1..„2„,,;46.1.41e1m1e Grocer end g="mt4, rbebLul,l --', rh TOr Lib e ,,,, :,7tr o lfit.b. , o Bhuitia....l, l ,,Trnt: 491m-----,,,,,,!,l4„..c9RiiitTifftntrarieWYggir mkcjitd ' Tiara ifr,',70,=.....,.11 Tiller, Sb Chyle . nadu,,,, - , ~.. ; jriadES A . inaGri-slrir. * , ..., , ~, Lewis Ihrtehieon & Co., 'C 2 :Atrlir w t al l to ~ _at _ ta , of the St. I,ems Stehnt. Sager Vale rt liu t t a ands front streetit,ittatht,,,fg&r , % .° i *" I - 21. DILWORTH & Co, Wholesale iilsoelass, bet , si Agate and Commission Merehturta, and &smite TOethe ILtzard Powder Co. of iteWoofl .Pittaborgh. • • i - - 30 ELK I 4 ?SOUDAN, Wholoiale I ,,p ltrU uut deal. • • u - es In DyeStsulh.i`citas, Oils, V "&a4 N0..4 • WOodulleet, Geo diem Borah orDta.4o: PT. AMES HERB, Jr., & SIIISCCUPX • U. Dalna,l Ship handlera,„!..Wates Weed.- tee Db.• OIIN ty in Altaic : mat lancet lestruntetus, , Okbedd &gads, aper, Slates', Steel Peas, Qtallla, PsinuralCaufibleed Stationary gencrally,rio. ell Wood at, Pittsbuigh. , QT Ha6s hough , ,se taken' la trade. I 0., Wboliantre Tolosa, Ite. & .0 24 W o od street, Pittsburgh. ' OM D. DAVIS, : Auctioneer, co PiiMP ' A JOHNSTON & isrocrroN . 4cuorrum = -••._ • kuttazo 11. FLOYD, Wholento Giroxemin tituliastaimm, and Denims in Proinsie,qad ch innadblin, tronunig on LibertY, indicts h { PA. my elk} .1:•L "Wholesale Omer; Cenimitlipn 'BIM Munn, zwd - daitiltin.rtrumfda Munn Waterni., innbii4ll4 Jr" 011 N M. TOWNECEND,Drmitt cid Apoo4nrjr, 0 7 . fib. 43 Market ss;likree doors dixssaTilird M. Pies • ! Intset,millitsve eonsuuttly cabandamolligkeell 04. ',' , some:a or tho bon sad freshestAlettleseetriCh il • resin sell em th e most ressourila Mous—, iSSMa wiliait 4 wider . .., will ai , lliwireill' attended* sod Olt; 4 1 , withmetes they mayzely two as irenothei. ~- Physicians Prenriptams Will be -affzustatl awl Prerf ham'th° b, ' 4 '.ieriflN a l 'UV /Ina! Also (or isle, &large Met of freg ah Fx4:Zrf*. & JONES, flosuudiag add Codndokallif• chanu, Dealers in Produro eadnpburevsouilul • druclea, Candi Blab, near Mt ; DUMB BULL," PITTSBUUOII,;PA. arNEDY, CFI L D S & CO., Manufnenuen ofyiry sngetior 44 - Sheeting!, Carpet raving ,Iron liVortrik' r. V Elia% & Co.,manptactnrtrs`aYal4j.- jJ ses pi; Sheet;-Boiler Iron End Nona of bask Waseliouse, 4.1 water:ling 105 frout . N WATERMAN, • • ate Graces, Foss !ra = iss .1 et From =Carcossissian.2,Lsrebaut, _n t _ tures and. Piudac rial--721.1v.5ur4'c., ti E.. ••• ' ' - - nnetit'pawfit' s "MN/MDT i SATlrlfliati , , 1 4 001CINO GLASSfivineracturere,:ithd4l7ltelegifer &alai in imign And denneiniellasintr Geode, ' revern merthattug„Pedlats nen wthert nitt ineffett Weal' and eXaMiaa the prices Intd qoalltyptiper.stelph-; • as with one present increased fnefritiesin:nutettfeeter ing and puee:ming,' we dant We ewe offer neratfeal laaaCetatual la s aayerS u any - Peer house:weal pftlie tr • Moluntine. — jas-iy , 10zor Woos. ray E. rani..- vre.tiros c. i ,*eGILLS it ROE, 'Mu:atria Grocers ant ariOr elonl:d.eritigros, No.. 191, Liberty itt.alttsbrirgh. • .1,1 UIII2W WILSOY Zt CO, flariJoses,AsendrY & .1.74 CO Wholesale Dialers An Dry Goods, lid 48 Wood mast, Yiustrayb, : . ,• - •l]isv 2 . l . _ .k „ E ...,.....„4.„,....E anka, ---- iix. - 1. as „._, 1.,„111.1M11 ?t. Co., Commission , and • Farstardiel. ALL, bleretiOm, }Visor sod /from j4,liitsieen ~,„ 'ood sod Market Su. . ' - - : iSs3O • 01k,f,Attli m ic ILICEEPSONOVIioIemIo ONtOtisf r4uxostiosiondlorch.giam;No s plilltrentX,' • tttia +.ll tor,- ItooL,•eavar r'' r .Pose -‘l ! '4 7. ..11 . 111 14". roue:totem, enuluaco .24 near Market. • ,:"" toukik.:B No. 5.3%/Sorko.t.:Adi seeoei tli i ik= r ,rt i gT,V i ZoiintlealOro AO:Foreigh It, Bonk Notes and Specii... 174 "ific.2l44 " _ll5. Colleettom =Ltd oriazie — armor/toot th e - United Ists ' ita.. -rd;de'clir! ''.:. burst - BywczaAsma, Ainanaziz-iogkerounkat.l. iiikrd door above St:Wino:ll;2ot* Conveyancing of all /Rob done, vriin i atte :greatest, anff legal accaraeyi. - . Tilleala Real Rotate exianainntily , Rc.` • ' OT;Ekl: - ikTO,ltea vouirrit STREM—Coonalezing Mato 13 Irmo, itunciatainStran. Milani Pollee, Roaluet • .',1116-113insi IL T. Itoberta r D eirrneualq swan:to:lr &mod 10,441:mat. (.7 moat of itiaeasea of the ; - has been engaged in; brooch oetbe knetii.; procesaion for sixteen Years,and has esindateied am Ihe.U.P4UCULAf,.I344 4 ^fPIi of,thenye• ; — ;""—alonertorsavaral years. Ontsia and relidenea, 'canter of Bandtiski illttiSaritetry alley, Allegheny eity— , seit3 MPaifinil TEL EiTO.T.l'TP.Potritr 0,,, .• at, near Wood--411 qligaSitiCierli land Black Teas, done np, is gnaw, ; .4=l L - me p ons packages,. ranging freee_no cis. , 4 ,,,,,,.4 ~ , ,,r ~ ,i n • • _Ayd. •A. JAIPW3, MI . for Pekin -lea CO. . ; tHi1f...1 4 tillJUktE t Wholebaki'GrOCGT, Rooth. Distiller; dealer ne Puente.; Pittsinuntalanddie, 'I, igrascand all %dads: of Foreign. and -Domestic Wiud . and Liquors, Pio.ll. Liberty sutert:;:iCht anntit4 VSO I - - •", •AOrdo Oloeb of superior- aid binOokinbebrolidigey, -= orluettsdil be 101440 r, for cub, ,- - • : 1 ~ -7 iApy4l:. ! t :._•.i r Ifigil l / 4 .&. co,. wuqualsAlrli`4,.'= and Commission Metebsins,endileaferabt Pias• lillituriettares, No . llo *Lawry , nl ., ibliabuied --,'• Pala ,, IttnimAr LIALz}II4. A C 0: , ,: WhAiessic , Grocen, - . Cotaminion and l'orwankttg ilerehanii,*alers - ---- VA4g 4 .- 4 14-11vslangt• Almmatnelareei9.fiyai:: PlitAargb, P. . OUT. A. tat. 51?:11116n1, hoiconie.Aironet AcUer Produce BudAtionifiqu i r 0.144 Liberty in ~• - • - L. a arrnotta, - r- - - -" 3 _ ,-j w.xi , :I) EX1501403.4k BUM Foranuans wad Ct.ntro' l 2 .1. .11.Int-hterelasoshfok t h e 4.1.40 th e ear 14 . r r'r..._.... , . „.. = • en ia CB:meets, - roteuee, riudeughaßaataaaoa!-B ••41MTimllghesipirceZzieath pah't4aftititaalietoH"ltr''' ~...„.; ~:, ~ , tua. - Cornet of kcaatataltliia Fie..: ~_ - Aha, ...:-..!,.... , CIHACKI'd:LT -&-.WEITiii Nujkd...pe lei; r o.Foreigwar+4 Domßlio 10 7 !1aa15.:110.3 odd Ili ' joittibaftrh: ,' ' - : e - .Hit., mi . ; ' - '67. - C*. - Itallnittfl; " Wieltatieltiaii;talt Wirt Fleet and Produce gonettdiy;.a.r.,- iw.t . - sotf.Ccoolaistio o. Prt-4 10 .DS - I. : 4 ?,' 4,ll Vattit` ?of& botch: -7) , , 0 &WWI% .64X4311,1'i .&i a ciliyt t l 4l;agt,V . ta t r .. ?; =id' ....: 11 - .00 puxilie4 agatell, a• U.....t. trade," A aip• - enditut. Notch lade, I' . ..olytelphit- -a ,:.: ,, : , V, 120 A V: inizaiiii, ritigividit. - , 'leaf mcntiiii, .',,, . . .1:I ELLEtts NI LS, Predate 104 ;.,Uctßtal Can. _IMI 1p UW.O /". r 7 r , ! brtil' , A l !4Liburtk... 4, . ... .2e .. FICLIIIGC an R:P.. NUN• BaNNLIDILST, 4.0?.,-Yilatteßale dto. -p . . and vaquautwon .4c rplook. „. L ...-Z. .... te r,. lin t b m t v Manatee Wel fad elYt.t7O em-' ' - , ..., a ki avaremovvit lo their now muelatole,h-4 twid) ..., comer of Front Bt. and Chorieeryl, i ~ , °I. , A . S . ..14kS.V...tlatiMI° I" il : a". .Z . ,1:.1 , , JaKiE V A ORLAII e :,.. . ,',., " ,,, 3 15 ID avail vXL Lt,... ~ , Camattaloalad'Foivardigs Agetilk _. "01m. Iravow,•kittifit,7o: 7.tt, • roteip, pr«hice r,, - pist.•• -, : - , : reb...__,, L ! , .. i.),,p,..F.„ 4: , :ft.:LT.:I;E aH, JR t , loTorter Out Deal of in FarAtm and- I , s.‘i i- • A daleir Thntwara; it enttiageLTtimMingi f , -ze or k.ta ;wood: it.; pjuouratiis..... 1.1 1 % 1 2,: iv Ti asxnuono79atlat 47..n . .._ Wci,Ithask t'7 1 I t: 4 M" 04 "." , 00k, khan 4V4., , T118- - Da -. --.=.. tha best Wanes. tad. to „therefons `T i --- a----,,,,,.. , •,- , _ ~, r. r;itara, a lads e jet em. 4 ea te. ereed`eatierstuost to ROT t la -Bean Whalcrala co.! isatau deWers in ail who azav a iavar bun vralA via. - i ma 627;6061 lk)a noes ?mote, , Carpa6, DAV" ttai f1...W., 177F — Anfax, i v ,- 7 ---y .--._ .... , -.. ~_ ....., 44 . .a tzar at 16 and 13maWletd ata, Astabargail'q JC.1 , 1: , 0 ~,,TE T V,,Irr ' --, fr ....,,,. 2 6 .„ 6 -.P61 . ,_ 6 *.aL.. • , i; r.- , -.13k..T. WholesaliCirric 'ers imltfni *. a° swig ap;;Az i .. ibtr:FY,ltt .t , .....114., _ ia,ZdOchanta, sad aealetsila rioduaa. Zia. 36 Afilowlf. VlCes.a s ;ip le ''', -.m ar Pt Pal, price Z Goa tt,llluslnaro, . . --' - 1 -^.' pate ti , . ;mew GED Wu , a" " 1 , 1 ", 4 , r. • 1. . . .., -;. •-•., - ,t. ••,,, 't. - • '—-- ' ; ' ;'=' '''''' ' —, ~.. ,•,- J.IL.-. +~T::.7 .. 1 .: , - :e:'' i 2 "4". q - i,,:- 5 ..: , .... ' t '- ', ;' :. ,40.1,':e.:_ t:;1,:: r '-' '''', ,:..- t;;,c ~,, ..,; ~,, _- - 4--4 , :;"•j Akvaqui9 , ~ .4gozx4 e-.4•141:44 La.araii 4 .2 0446. 0...44•14.4 - 4.11:4=za te,lazz A- -....:r..7y4t.5.: :I'-. '-' • - : '.-•,-..: • s • - :-•-•.': -...a i.--'l4-'s , -.` .:•.---;.* ' - '. l - - ;•:Vf-r - Z.:',...1" 2 , "-• , -- 4. .7.1.... ,- ;p; 571.,- `1,2 - 5 : 13....-2;;.....- - -I - - --t •'' ..--- C- - -- .- T , ''s - 4,, , , ---1„,5.-z- ,,,, :.2.s.'s,= -Is ' .'kr , ! - t , ~,,:-..t-t4w,--A-..-,-, -T-..;- ,,, T. ,- . ,,, ,•1.7.. - t;:' , .: 7.tn:'.:.- - ' , ..‘=" . . r rr;l''''''.'earsc..."l - • :--::::`,"--'' - - -, • - - - - ....v..-r ,,,,,- 74 - z1": . .....77 - - . V.IM -77 :X7" 3 -7-: ''..t ; - 1. - . v --r : - ..,,,- . r ..,, ~„ ,„.., a !A ",: fit •e • •' , . • I) Ly ... . a '. , • I . a . ---..________________ ___ -- 1 I S EMI - IN . 1786. P.ITTSBITR • • G — S _ " ' • W wllow.c...Psiiier is Watchei,' lot:retry g .11 Sliver Ware, =wary Goads, tee lie 57 Ma r , . • nov7 I fl TICK D. WWI, • ICC.4DLD. & MVANGI43BB, (men. " ro to L & D Zvi , • Wint .. ,t_rorcelde Grocer*, Forwarding rod tauaa Yams, dad pivit dea wgyl* in Ircto .eu4 lairo , , , Gl7, grocer e( Wood and.Waror troesta,finstrorgt yy Merchantado.Do From ata and betareen Wood and 4lttrittt siteets. • • .• robin - • . • I W gi W AVPHIAIiti mud And MID FUrnah. ! x i . ..A 044 I,rberty st., Ace+ the owe.. ;nand UT B. MURPLlll_Wholearde and Retail dealer in V V e•Poreign .111u1 Domestic Dry Goods, north earl corner of Market end Fourth, as. • auc.2l_ rt ______-_—• • -7- • rio.iritungi VAL • Ix? 0 & Co.-liluolers in icather bides, &e, V Ha LibertLet. wru et'ertertrom. Ain. ureurenzon ,W 4 x Arcrrctipog„llibol o ale (trocersole•- . e left to Produce, Iron Nall olstue, aft'r Pm. 'bUrgh .Manufacceres ve,ieragy, tuu I.l.beny rd., Pm.. ' ' •-, ': dm WA I nEr 3ISI, 4 - VViltes,JeorulTy - 13, fiierWiiix, ..-.• . Ulla Igniter) , Goods, corner At" Marker nod 4th ;skeet., Pitteburgh, PA N. D.-Witches end Clods ,earefully_Lepaired. ', dec4 ______,_ Vol ILLIAM shirr 4 Mau tuner of Conon roTd .'• yv, ergeted Linen,PriNve (or Avis., &n; Purring •Nth. end colored Cotton Pretlee for illk 'end ittern , PaorauOte-.oimp e .hlohait , KO Bilk,,,firdlion.-I•Anges, made warder on arviarititiotiee,, ,-, • Siva caner iiflaiden Leer:turd Willium,entreAd,u No 81 Willielia iltiel, third floor, aver Abner tc My. , . strire - iiir &56.talen Lan,: Near York_ 410 & M. lartcptlitzwhal.iiii broe,r. , o...Rectifyin, ere,.. and Wink . zwd ,Lique, Praia.... el., mporters ergoda Autrend Meath ly .Iv Pinnies, No. 160 Lawry !um: PilUblitgh; Ps., & Co., Wholtude and Ria r Wood autdeast. SI/MW:TO Tr ' ; rrt EALEttS IN HIDES AND LEATNKR, Morocco, :1:,/ Shoe Frothags;&..c.: No: ti 3 Liberty street, hive ipt received theu SPIIING.EtTOCIt.or goodsi earn ,prising a large asiortasenhof taticlei 111 their hoc; to which the aticatioaprpruchtnaers is Invited. - i.F.A n?.11610.A.-'W CO., 50i,• • •-• , 0.m.....11A1 . ,;VZs otttt.lt. Water rtreet. T . :. - - -- - - - Tiortanliata Pori Inautzglacc Co. of PkilutelAia. vitnEctons.-,lolAszles N. Dunker, Thomas thoo, Tobias Wagner, Baausel Grant, Jacob IL. Smith, o. W- Dihard.; Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph., E. *dee; David 8. Brypire,liTotris /Mumma -a' • • , ClautteaN,ltiusauta, President t Charles o.Elineltor,f3eeralasy. C°3 ' l33 ° "" 3 " 43 "thineet Perpetual or limited, antrart-daddriptioti orpropeilt in, own or country, al at tesata lops as urillanalatent vrith seaway. I Cputplillytumete,lantil at:tile cantuuyent Fund, lohleboarliktheldClipitap and Pictinuma, takly Invest, edoctfOrdaglPtedatkeetiott to theasanted. ' 1 121" he Imams althe coMpandosoluiturylablgill, u eta/dolled agpehably to en let Pe' Aneitibili• 'On.° " )"n 3 wltt"li -- , ..Ilt " . . fildliatleideiH,t a- ••• • : 3 , ' C0 1 .7,429 41 r'l`-':TRelit4u6 '::-',7 1 t 2 ..- ,0+ : 1144 .• - ••••• ' 4. --- ": , . . r+1 33 , 804 37 : ,,`,,' -- ,l';;',"''• , I ,'-•-• - ''.., " ..,:, ,; " - *----,--,,_,,,,, a iiaoilicii liitti;ri 7 fidalliDi,)lleritid !l l, SCTila n ihey 10.4.47 upwards istoue ralluon four hundred thou- Ausd douameuesirreliembr Itoriguttibter ` o4Zi t tncuseCalitiriotZiiiesalill gabbing ' • F. DARDIN LI T tiOPFIN, Agent, mart•dt y Office till cornet Woad and ad on fkaLll-1/7"DrA• 1 7 ty re - kldiat 0 Z Di& 1311 VE.MF4r., - 4 otriDeburVi for the Del ay • avrareelifettudi Stlt rani* Company of nolo ddel, 4141845ta-OP= buildpititatti,33""andlra 'dr twep' desetalbtiont"aild ild akt epee' ID or mrws, pf,Lrecsq?,,toten'ttgo ytts moat Assemble '''i - Offitis in ibis Wittman of 14. , Drlfolnksit aro, ' .TPU - Id/N,Pittbr,Bcar Market armed Plnablirgh.- •• ' L ld.'ll. , .The iseeteari el thie CampanyaLtme thantitab 'Madietwor the agency' is ado aird, With the focenPi- 'ataili Ord MAMIE? soul which etasy - clalm apod them Vacate Ints beim maljulated; tally "warrant ten alma in 'lnitialing tho totalfittence sad pamatugo_ bal. ((Goode end l'heataxabotity at large - to' the steturantold. 81 ina. loaticaCoutpondisehlle it has the additionsistrancuu crunbwarrteaa name the moss datuatalnes taPhiludeb • pales.ass booing ample paid.in catutaiptihsch by the 'operation of its- chaster= coutatala acorreasind, u Doldlng to each, paten omured his dna- glum of the 'Product - -t o e matopany, without invoising him In any - regoonsibility whatever, and therefore • ea piameating id.tiattiaterinciple divested 'of Ortrti ohnoZiona fee /turegandmitaanino.sulractive.form. ,• • i -i, • ons 4 IP iG. FL AlizraLeAtiNtruratruals6lo: gliltEiniatanie comptou of North Amtrymaoltrough - •-2." na +duly mithorried anontyiltd-subsendbeE ado. to , make pimnaneuand Limited Insuunen on-property , to nnl.. ithlsifiri O son llh d its vicinity, and on sluptocat b 1 the ,i, it- . t ,•• , DIDECTOBB.I /. . llarthatElC •s offu; t • . -_t Charles Tallints 11 V."-bmedi i • i Atainase.Whas, "IllZuotticorth. J. , .•- / , s • Jacob 111,Thoreas, ata•Dresszi; . •-- - '1 J=Noiri„ fllhouttalt 4 . ..,0pe, ~ '• • 1 • Wair. Welsh, Samuel F. pawl, -'-o ~,,,- . • • ,-.F111.1120* Butz_ .Aluxutted,Drents, , _ 8. - sinstas lillibon - • .ildlThad C. corp4N, 4. ,' Thart . Ti D. talgazDamoisel, r Bb s lsl etneoC= p_ atry• In th e United chart ered ta I'M ' - Dstehiarlar no .perpettud, mid faterita hlgfillanatitujukuivapnenee, _fil/31""t1i., addacioidind olf_stafts od'air cum, ha. amoott char antay,lt ail be• imuiadred names am. PIO Ileattritt Iti the limblad, .• -1,, i W..P..r0N104. - • Amato C i esnt4 Rooth/ o ( azerood)Jodeita , Co., Wa ter ind • Front strata Malin It.- - ___,- aaMY 3 /, *Odd Isiarfi A tt z ..za BMta a 7 KTCdr. 1101 001105 - 1001frifilttU :01 Hanford, ibnn. . . -.. CAI aILTERED IN laza. Ciirt'AL ' ', 1 . 1 4 1 47.', $ 4041 ,c 41 0-AND. iarißPLus L.' i I IN/ 1-.. . 7 "'"dcratiPted, haring been aposnoted --ailleatotibi'Droluottottlinnuaoce Co., arid, take nat. onproperty,at the city and simony,. and ott, ahipmenta liy eitml,and Mout/els end-lakes. • Fe-VETTE DROWN aftiltbis: , • . Odlee, No. Ind i mid meet ' , Vgri nlk3l ict a irg A l e *llfie utrolrst, glut wall-justs.PoliMea a:depend on the POW tmaineas saf thlaulideillaYa &Lithe warehouse of Atwood, Judea fa So./ Arr.., t. sailblis • , WiIIs.P.JCItiES. writer al octs et4, 7 l4tetEri et se., Fag, '.ice- DANElitle WWI, dr. CO. gillf :61611111111SONAIERCUMT11,- Nizoredtrifeviiirtes..Nd,llantilvAra t or nry,t ....yintjuozpum '...3/4£4o3PG:Piationa diotrana anciddaterstliherally, N ptestphiThi, that theybat irnd. arraignments MU , VtrairdaTtermottnetarere and' llte;Orournm of Ineliteliq-Vercbcatiora olherplab*s,'skiitt in.ro "4 , I'lo thd.wiasuutt supply, of MO lallcusitte *strip• ttiurnior/roboducq:.lartrielst mill Masotti ijg.on 4 4suram• limas's mop Mho imnsein Ems ritlon ... where; .ant goods tonierrectifornAlanstittlitlite war " fantod equal to representatiau: Ilasana;• , St; portingui 'Cntz.; •• yarn; ;: • Porto itko; .1 • •Penn't.; • leaf to. • Cubs;! ikant. ''lZ Florida; Immo *l4l l —BouttetiNt eeletnined Anatruitin 814 dleh, milk nommen, of ottrat popular Wanda ;arid of pratuls,;" at,. Rai Ills and tons, Laturq l" At,' a; es sod Ins Mgr ftkTWis!gl i i t ztals , T v = sad "r ' l t ' o t toelltt P iga' i rf i ve l g a ti sad etrof , in to o 'ruse. , kindly 00E. fektiMiliND z,:nlirldtf , A4E F ACE 11.4." , t) 113. enamors , AxtirprAl.#lo=.usalAtus auzzionAwra BosToN,NASEL of Pro. •,;,...ddemuilittte al adranommsda,lia - OOlsktrunernsi • 14 1 :400. lurseffeave toTeier , ,to-- `i • ••••-• - .41d sus FL.Hoitimm • Merkel *.Etde; ,12.5• rettaitrarrY4*.rtai &into TA - Mion* CuintleilVellsoillts 0. t•i ,,, ,--Ba sistetl*lattsit, - *R.StlidietivUla t 0. • I ,l7Flgetersits,*.r3 jai, v iritig Cilusglat* 04: - "" /r , • Gilt& moat, • • .4 :-.`s..t..lihaffe.*:olo67.o4idg‘""' 0. 'I d4TrAdtskiii.yl63 , 4Olll A. NJELA.I.V, .. 1 , .'Na PAIIKIE. OF g AND,BFJCF, ComthOm Mentifint and ,, lf orwarpler, .N 0.4 CANAL.s;oulcimixn,olo. ;al;kolteular **Alton iroill Ma° Pate W°.S. o f Anielll' P ro duce in th is maw. A li n to the forwarding 4:2300dl gencialty. Sect, tO 114 ,7• !'— drhe v alln0 Y 1tVet}CLneicc.a • (1 i a.... Ps.st.tuaL.-Eg0..... .' 4' ' l 4) , piobols7A.C&l' - ' '" ' 4 . ' 'I!" & O r ctesi gfuhA7fotl • • Pilubasttr, Pl. • "dmf I N3 , ointal•2l , • • Cillitliol4llile and Voinotardlstrilerbhosit. ~.' . --- AO.Zioralvin., osunloo, ' _CONllNllESetitnolionsigozwral CotatolsCon had. . ..c.e3.4csixczattylathe narettuttlind We of Ax!th: can Atcnafinnues and floduer,...usd is seocalog Ado Goods 0 000ftned io Au mu, As Ajtoot for Jae MM., kis w in- bo. cooma oupPbod *lib the pmer.ipal Anteleo of 1411.011 amkratoAufacture it ,0 * omen orlologal=aes. Ontero 44 cowd M. .EGO CF F, • TorrAcitANDlSHLlEKisktt and-Coratairsion in. tit= kia..l3-tiostin Puna atrecy re pa ck a , .wilr EP - Goodx manta, packa, is.nd l. SU shipped, to order. Wait, Flock: - 13 raui; Dnut Vll:refietut re — effent•coltalgrAiiw.,,g t 11'e,1.1thinEStanee Otnltumt. • Mt IL Rigby, sal int.tnn • GA'n O ll2 B E A. 13 E ,r unoo.a. , tonalowfu comas iattOnesv, .I..p.,Nidth'vottan Timis di Pittsburgh gittabaiietursio staterally; Pk la Woolt rtitscr, rituutuns,. - "" ^ "..atait 00/4 MISS lON- 1 4 11 E RON A tsiTB, "•.1 :Fsitale of Pra li tte* stnataliT. ~ M. Meta mtranenitutcln.entnuulgmenu. IstiihirtatT, INSURANCE. Jaynes , Expectorant. Suite, Columbium co,O, Apr. hi, 14. DD. JAYNES: Dana Soc—l (rot b ooed t oy ou and the afflicted public,to avail arrest( of this op. pornmitqving publicity With, extrhoidinary effects of your ctorant onetyself Having been afflicted for averts yew with . a severe cough, hectic (ever and its concomitant diseasva, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short bat mumble existence, omit the fall of tan, whoa, being more severely attacked, and having resorted le all toy fanner remedies, and the pre. scripuons of two of Me moat respectable physicians in :the neighborhood without deriving any benefit,-or the cop:4.ll oa of ninishig but a fear days or weeks at - farthest—when the last gleam' of hope sus about to vanith, I had - recommended to mosque,. Expectorant— sod blessed by that Being who does all dungs in the use of the meanie—sad Coatnly to the expectations or my physicians and friends, I was to a few days raised from my bedoutd was enabled by the sae of a bottle, to uncut to my busbies* enjoying aume better heal th than I had for ten yearerprevloos. Respectfully yours, At., Jan W. Errux. For sale Id Pittaburgh, al the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth smut. a." 29 111011;38..EL414.01123.111, j-rul4toom. Vinegar render ,it far superior to Co and runic rm,e water for the ordinary purpose!. of the suresuing the lat. ter in its perfame. It prevents and removes pimples, utter and asperity of the skin, it refreshes nod whitens the skin, rendering it soil and smooth. It corrects the clammy and littler taste of mouth, importing afresh and pleasant breath. It to and whitens the teeth, and hardens th e gum For all the above par. poses, It isnsed with water in such ero7ortlon ss may be foundthost agreeable. By inhaling It and rubbing "ten the temples, It will remove headache. ((spelled - Instantly to a hum or bruise, wilt eventually prevent niortificatLin. It correct vitiated air, and guaranties from,contagioiu•itis therefore very useful (or periling and perfangnpartatents. Per sale by it F. SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist, nichit ' • 67 Wood arm .{tune h • •a 8IIIIIMS•116 791111 t m-eaftily t t I purchased one vial of Dr. hioLana's Worm 8 die, some two month. ado -sad gava to.iim of mine, some seven yeam old, two aaapocas fM,Oad although the amount may appear largehiet I. have no doubt bet there was upwanL, of raw raocaum_staaam passed from hi =mann/ tem mut encerthr of an Lech to two Mahe, lane 0 W 11 0 1411 . I. Y. Boas% Creek. Carnal ea Tenn Dee ?f,1641. rELL E.M.IVVERUIPUOIE: IN GEORGIA.— CoLowirs, Jan. Erik, 1819. /1411. P. gelleye—You Vernalfuge bas sold well andltu been hlgisy spoken of by ail whe boss used IL 'Pinar the success attending the adadnisuatlon of pier Valzulfuge in murmurs° 1 have heard of, I am confident I cut sell mare during the coming Wall= than' didlut.; twill be glad TeCCITO another sup ply or 4 orb Volls. • Yours, respectfully, lEsbnict frem'letter.l R. CARTER- Prepued end sold'by IL E. SELLERS,•S7 Wood st, and soldbydniggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al legiusy. - jai /AZ LITAIX•11. z. P. IMMIX OW. a LOASIIO2L P/TTAIMA Co., FORWARDINti k COMIRISSiON MERCHANTS, .. 0h27 1 4,,, ,,; ; 09 Second street, ST. LOUIS, ammovAL. PrtlLEalb..taker has removed his. Melanie Reece. .1 ; ry.Sooe to the corner of Haeooek smelt end Atm. gheny. next door to the Perry Reuse. lackeßell JOHN F. PERRY. 41Pit 11 . -4 .lrope•L,g, a lads and selected mom • • merit of fine Wembes and Jewelry,. winch will meld at cheap as In garotter establishment In Wu or the Easters einem; Also , —Marge Jet of granny suns Watches and Jew eletr,ht Teri low miens. - Pun Jewelled lb karat 'Geld Levelly I t s itanY'rists dollars. - • or PIOW • • • r or , f r u _ 17 boor and fut malting Mau boat THOMAS SCOTT, I do Greenwood Wharf Boat, at the ovary half boos doting-the day, Landoll; at de A' 4o o *Dibrell=N *ut xhrtiettat GrOrrertmitt ;g . m for ads'ln the Garstenr. Ice Creche and other rot floshibbota fortdahod the tab.. ~t tobbetipladft du,' gonad notice. Went ;A:tr t=tets, teftstt4 whin( beat gri ll metre proms it ~ 1 EINEI - f4e,-'?*+e7.ll-u'ur:ii.4s LAW OFFIC S. __ .wAr. TIBUILIN, ATTORNEY AT Law, Butler, Pa . also attemd to =Hectic= and all other had. irri. l ta amain:ad to Malin Butler and Armstrong mities, Pa. Mar to .. J. a FL Floyd, 1,,m,,,,,, ~ . W. W. Wallate, do . Jamas litarldiall do Pittsburgh. My • KitY &Ca, Wood st. An? T a IRVENTER, !dummy at Law, otilce 3d si., u . opposite S.L Charles Howl, Pittsburgh, srlll also attend promptly to.Oolleetious, in Washington, Fayette =I Oreemoounties, Pa. k c e.r. Blaokro k,llaL &REnlia TO DiPattaborgb. EJ. HENRY Attorney and Commoner at Law . Cincinnati. O hio, Collection* M Southern Ohio, end In Indiana, and In Benteeky, pronmUy and care fully attended m. Contuniosionor fez the State of Penn ayleauia, for taking Denoanion; acknowledgment., Carothe Ramat xo— W lloa. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis, ei Church & rs, m. nays, Fag' , Willockte Darla m -----------_ 8 • • IFS. A TrORNEY ATLAW. Office trmored to Fourth JoilL street between Smithfield stuf•Orant street _js3-dttn _ . OVNIAT, J. RA/LIMN SE MlL,OZAStttoveeavttorney at Law OLE 4al as. J Of IN H. RAMON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Commiulonet for the Stale of Pennsylvania Si. Louis, hlo., (late of Pittsburgh.) Rte rnancus.—Pittsburgh : Hon W Forman!, Romp. :on A Miller, APCandlen A. P.PClure, Jahn P. Parke, Bissll, A Sample. APCord.t. n g . jeltly JOHN. 7e:Ctl4:3llAl A TTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street, between I'l Smithfield and Grant. Jalfi-dern ......* 1717100 litific A - s - roEtNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, near Orem. . FO. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re . moved his office to the Exchange }lading', Bl rt., next door to Alderman John.. aprly BATS, CAPS ANTaii)NATS. 111PCORD & CO., (Suceessors to hitCosi tag) OIL I 4, Pashlonsble Ilatteee,. Corso of Wood and Fifth Simms. 10 ARTICULAR intention paid to oar Retail Tinto. „g Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Ilats and Caps.from our establistuncet of the taxer witenatsts and wousuuttnns, Of the, lan= IitIMS, and al the Loan= PEICIM COO.lllO Merchants, pureluming by wholesale, are respectfully invitcdeo call and extuaine oar Ste* as we can say with confidence that as regards Qualm lialtriff.C2.ll will not safer in a companson with any del honer in Philaphia. feet, SICALIFORNL! lIATS-12 dor water proof C alifo rail. liars, Joel received and for cale by teb77 corner WO /RD & Co Mb and Wood its rSPRING FASHIONS FOR 1849. &CORD tr. Co. Trill int ro duce on Bator- Those day, March :id, the Swing style of HATS. in mind ors neat andrior hat, are invite In call at comer of nth and Woo d stream road S PRING BONNET RIBBONS, oks.—W R Murphy hts nose open • !amply or 9ring Bonnet Ribbons, of new and handsome styles. Also, nesr_mple fied Ideas; Lisle Laces and Edg- Ingm Linen Edgings; Victoria do; pluid Muslim and Jaconets, embroidered Swiss Muslina rte.; - besides • large assortment of Goring Goods generally, at north can comer 4th and Market streets. Wonlosolo !Soons on molar. MEDICAL •rdIPOriT ART TO THE AFFLICTED, Dr. base's Celebrated Itemedies. kR. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro prietor althea, moat popular and beneficial mil s, and also the inventor of the celebrated in:Nua m= for inflating the Lungs. in effecting a cure of Chronic diseases, was 0 student of that eminent physi. Man, DoC , Or Physic, and is • giaduate of the Oinvend. ty of permaylverna, and for tinny years since bas been engaged in the investigation of• diseme and the appli cation ot remedies thereto. Through the ism of his' inflating tube, in emote-cun L hia Prophylneue Syrup and other of I s remedies, he has gained an unparalelled eminence in caring date dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con. summion, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, /Lachine, Fever end Ague, Fevers:of all kinds, Chronic Erysipe las, and alltbose obstinate diseases peculiar to female.. Indeed every form of disease vanishes ander the nee *Chia remedies,to which humanity 4 heir—not by the sae of one compound only, for that is incompatible with Physiological Law, bat by the use of his of reme. dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form disease. Be. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pill., when need are in. variably acknowledged to be superior to all outer, na • pervade° or liver pill ; inasmuch as they leave the bowels perfect/3r free nomcentime's; as also his Golden Pill. is admitted by faculty to Douses. pecu liar properties adapted to female dining., but being latialled that a bare trial it, sufficient to establiidi what has been said in the mind. of.the most skepticaL Tae afflicted are invited to call upon the agent,. and arocure (gratis) ono of the DOctor. Pamphlets, giving detailed Recount of each remedy and in application. For saJo.by - theifisPiteringagenta, as well as by meat Draggiaut throagtmu them:warp • • - J Schoemaker & Co, 51 Wood atreet, Pittaburght Irrownaend, &wits, 45 Market a - Lea A Beckham, odor the P.O. Alleksny city;-Ennon Jos Barkley, pulingtOU,Beavereounty,. Jae Elliott, V y , " T Adams,-Beever, tiovlßdly 101 J GI I , PAIN IN TAE SIDE_ AND CHEST CC. %./ BEM—Having* for long time been distressed with_ • severe pain in the side and chesqueompanied with a dry cough,/ wee induced, upon the argent sob eitathm of a Wand, to Dr, Taylor's Ballast of Liver won, and I most say this medicine hns_ imiwered us propose admirably. My distress wee produced by a severe tion,and was so great that it was with duticulty I coed swallow my food. Indeed, lam satisfied ,this yliaeuo mast have. terminated in Consumption, or some fatal disealio, had Ii not been cored by this pullwous medicine To all who seek. to prolong their lives, I Would advise the use of Dt Taylor'. Balsam of Liver wort JAMES GOWAN, 425 Bowery. This medicine facilitates expeetoration, reduces fo. ver, restores stress* and may be considered as a so penorpreparation for the ease and prevention of ll diseases to the Chest and Limes, and should be res. a t ed to, even aft I n these diseases have resumed the . al remedies. n the procure of this old and very gm re spectable physician, this 13alsam or Liverwort has ac quired an enviable reputation for its virtues, as supe rior to that of the abundant nostrums of the day, 111 was the character and probity of Its inventor, to that of quacks sod woollies. CONSUMPTION CURED--MY mo havioff • vbs. lent cold, used to cough violently, raising quwaines of Mieltpdtrid matter, and finally be could not tam over In bod,hoot weak ness. He manifested every syrup. tom of confirmed consumption- For six years ha bad been subjett to the ludo= His physletana Messrs. Yeboauto 4. Anderson, mid he was incurable, and must 'soon "die. Yet I wan determine! to cry Dr. Tay lors Unlearn of Liverwort, and strange as it may ap pear, dile mtdielne boo folly restored his health. SOPHIA GALLON, le Norfolk street. Sold la Pinsbargb by J D Morgan, ea Wood at ; Townsend, Ohio:kW et; H Bmysar, roe Market and 3d Its; ilendenon & Co, 6 Liberty at Price reduced to SI AO • or bottle. MSIiM at n ~ f~ 3 ~~ ' S c,c,~~; GIL FRIDAY ' :It~11~~1~;~:i~ll~►~ MaioWilma. T B co.pannership heretofore eiistinabctareen ma was this day irobseriben, issolved in Urn name of Friend. Rhey elll” d try muted conset. Geo. Rhey will settle the business of the concern, for which par pose he is authorized to use the name of die flu. PORTRFL R. MEMO, JAMBS WOOD, CEO. RUBY. February 7,1819. Co.Leartaxeir•htp, The subscribers have this day &emaciated themselves in the name of RHEY, NA HEWS Co, for the per of transactioN • garreral Grocery, Commission and Forwuding &miens, at the stand of the lore firm of Friend, Rhey & Co., where they will be pleased to recetre the baits:lege of the monomers of that hoese end our friend,. t GEO. RHEY, LEVI MATTHEWS, February 7,1949. WM. EBBS. • We tale pleasure In reeeransendlrig to the confidence of our friends and those of Friend, Rhey ft Co, our noeetson in business, Rho,,Matthews & ioRTER R. FRIEND, fetal JAMES WOODS. Dissolution. 'P I RE co-partners/de hcretolcrr existh7 tween the subretibers, in the name e of Constable. be Burks & Co this day dissolved by mutual commit Mums. Burke & Barnes will settle the business of the con. cern, (or which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURM THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day usociated themselves in the name of BURKE k BARNES, Inc the MP.. of manuteentring Fire Proof Bees, Vault Doors, be. :e. a. at s. te re st i e h n " d o s Ltp l e b Late i of . Co re %uttle ib ig a mte . tronage of the eustomersol P that home a nd their Blends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In rering from the of , Burke &Co , I with ti uneere pleas ure firm recommend Constable son. Burke & Thames to the confidence of my friend. and the public. Feb 0.11349. NATHANIEL CONSTAIILE. febl 3-dtf T i=ndiratqp so tont existing ander th 4 e l Lon lve ol on the tat inst. K 4 n bfit=tetie ' ti l li he e eTose, at the old stand tot either of es, using the LIMP of the tea l for t eteirTrl7lr6 YilirdetrZy nor bedew azo r tfulllt = re u quest stow indebttig H t zi o e n all . m tai o iale 1829 it D. HING. Co-Partnership. JOIN D. hf'CORD hinting assocuted vrlth him tos brother James hl , Conl., ander the style of Iff'Cord & Co., will continua the Hat, Cap and Far boldness in all as various branches, wholesale and remit, at Me old amid, comer of Wood end tidt streets, ethers they solicit a condonation of the patronage so liberally be rowed on the old firm. JOHN D AVCORD Jado JAMES S. M'CORD. IrN retiring from dm old and well [olio firm at EPCord & King, I most respectflly recommend to e patronage of the public my successors, Messrs. ItPeord k. Co. 1n29 H. D. KING. DISSOLI7TION. partnership of MURPH is LEE is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm 'HU be euuled H. Lee. J. R. MURPHY, Pittsburgh, Jun. 3 le4D. H . LES NOTICE—The undersigned will continue the Wool bueleesa and utend to the de of Woolen Glowis, el Use old stead. a LEh. In retiring from the firm of Murphy 1 Lee, I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the confidence of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh, Jan. 30,.1649. J. R. MURPHY. rrHE tabwritten have 'hi. irsy associated—them 1. selves together for the purpose of transacting a wholeule cm 3 retell Dry Goods and Groecry business', at No LO Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the stVe and firm of BUSHFIELD I HAYS. Pi l . " Mo i l a d 4 c U :s7om l e l rs B4l :rul the P.M. are (olive es a call. 1:10.P AIL TNILFIJSUIP. ir-B. SCAIFE and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON hav e entered 41t0 partnenthip, ander the firm of SCAIPM & ATKINSON, and w il l carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also, Blacksralthing In all iu branchel, at the old stand of Wm. S. Beane, First street, near Wood. Particular attention given to steamboat work. nem TIRE PARTNERSHIP of Ww. been dissolved by the death of one of the partners, the interest of Wm. Hays, Jr., deceased, In said firm, 7ousisting of Rides, Leather, Skins, Oil, &c., will be lid on the premmes on the ISM inst. "-b)-td JAMES LAUGHLIN, Administrator. HAVEI this day assoclaruriUtTa sicooldwo solo Grocery, hodoco and Commithon badness, my to other Joseph, odder the firm of J. S 'DILWORTH & Co. 1.8. Damon:mt. Jun ary 1, 1E49. CO.PALIZTNIEWAIng_Wm Young havin g gd day asaoclued with him, John R. Ift'Crune, the lea. us they bonnets will hereafter be conducted under the finn of Won Young ft, Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, lans JNO IftY`ITIVN. BOOK TRADE. UALIGN U. LOCILWLIOB„ Bookseller and its portar of Foreign Books, 63 Wood street, kits en hand a V a/ruble collection of En EA - led Anterlean Books LI the different de of Lkeratiins, Watatnarra' prepared to sell as to as dory can be obtained td the Eastern chi... hat glt.b and Continental Bookie, Realms, Maga rine. and Newspapers, imported to order. The price alloy Reviser, hlmarlea or Newspaper, may be laseertalned onetime - ea to Mr L. Gnaws and American Catalogues furnished pulp Alt. L. intends to visit the Eastern came In a et days, and wilt be happy to execute any orders In Books, Engravings or Stationery, at small adman on Bootie Cost. mr9 Na BOOKS—LaysnPs llHneveki and its Rem:tiny, with an tiecoont of • visit to the Chaldean Wirt.. lam of Kurdi tan and the Y. H rti. Hob., or DeWrinhip pers, and an minim Into the mantiem ant of the Arelent Assyrians, with an introductory totter by H. Robinson. V volt, octavo, with about 100 illmtrations. Clicaver's Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress. 1 so!, lento. Price mooned to 11,00 Croden's Cot coromce condensed: reduced to VIA. two Honaulay'• History of Enitiond. HorPere new rd, M cents. rola ixotvo—lorgo print and Lino paper, per vol. Gerrenins' Hebrew and English Lexicon" new ed. ..yro m ved. For We by HOPKINS, ytt st, Meal 11100 d NSA* PRIMEVAL or The Constnetion and Prlmi mi. flee conaitlon of the Human Being. A contrthe don to Theological Science, by John Harris, 11 D. Lectures to Yeah( Men an 'raceme Important tab mem by If W Beecher. Ehrinelny's Works, =thief.: Moir, The worse hfy n Arthur, uniformed, 15 'rots. Jett recd by toylP * HOPKINS, 4th et, hens wood ENOLAND—Harper'. fine edition, B to , with portraits; cloth -75 cents par vaca. For sale by JOHNSTON & sTocirroN, ap7 corner Market and 3d sis 13001 CS! BOORS!:—Edgar's Variations of Popery, D by Bev C Spumy; Xenophon , . Works; Works; University Berson Wayland; Neilson! Hillary of Enthusiasm. Life a n d s Times of Philip Hen ry; Lite of Rev Henry ' Venn; Proverbs of the People ot /11•11. n; Theophany, or monifestanort of Hod in Christ; Memoirs of/ Powell Button, Ban; Christ Is oU, by Tysi"; Baptism, Its important:l modes; The Mid dle Kingdom, 2 trots Chooser's Loonires oo Pilryrtm's Progress; Cheerer'. Wanderinp of a Pilmim to the Alp.; Anderson'. Domestic t onstiortion; Modern ac complishments; Last days of 'Dish*: Wooten of the Revolution, by Mn Elle.; Liles( Pollak; for sale by marl 2 ELLIOT!' & ENOL.IBII ta wood or fIUMAPI ItMONICTISAI—Ita claims to dispassion ale bigotry; being art attempt to ahowlha nifty Ne urnh o Ws. application for the railer of suffering.; by W. am, Eoul, author of "The reciprocal influenea of Holly and Mind," etc. The best work on the eubiect . published. For sale by ELLILYYT a ENGLISH, 'lwood st XrEW BOORS—Oregon and California 'in 184.9; by EI J. Quinn Thonnon, Into Amp of the Supremo Coon of Oregon, and corresponding member of the American Innittue. With an appendix, Menai= re cent and authentic information on the subject of the OOItD MINES of California, and other valuable mat. ter °tinniest to the emiernota, etc. With illustrations and a map. In two volumes. Raphael; or pages of the hook of life at twenty; by Alphonan de'Lemanine, author of the . n illatory of the ttiroudists, or Pereanal Memoirs of the Patriot. of the French Revolution,. etc. lon received and (or one by— JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, • corner market and lid sin ernsaußau srEta. woms AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. MAO Mal C. QOl2O. JONES %woo, IArANUFACTUREFIS of & eptiog and blister steer, In plough steel, steel plough wings, conch and elipt leable tic springs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in &Op °Ladoga, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings Reuel - ally, coma, of Ross and Front Ss., PittllbUrgh, rCbO. FOR PURIFYING WA PER, Which readers tubed water ;tarok, reenovlngral substances not soluble 10 i f , ' l, water. The erolon inter to N. York although clear and puns to the eye, yei roy.N.i.e, when It passes an hoer thrmegh Altering cock, shows a largo deposit ure subsuumesorarms, Is the cue more or less with all hydrant WILLEM Le. This The Reversible Meurer is &at and datable, end Is not attended with the Inconvenience Incident to othee Fletarers, oa It is deceased without bung demand Our the water pipe, by merely turning the key or handl. from one lode to the other. lip this coop process, the course of orator Is changed, and all acoomuluirms ft Impure stebsteneca are driven of almost instantly without unscrewing the .Filter, It Um possesses the advantage of beings stop cock, and ad and In num cases wIL be very eonunient dud econondeat hum be attached where thereto any pressure high or low to acask, tank, tub, Ac. with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, W, W. WILSON, oetl7 eOhlef of Fourth and kluket its THU ATI ' • ' shardino of the publhs La tespeettudy !laded to .1 the tollowlog cartlßeetet; - Eastnee4tartorr tested quantity of Gold welshed by your ulllth Nara raceme:lr, I Had the nude proves you tostruxueur correc; end tecoaucread the use of It talnlot tho us thole goins r osat video of iltma* ea the boras you=Wuxi M for ols PVLs eal De, 0 . D. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater.b Prearviou, March 7, IBM Hi Eames—Deer WI Hating matinee the "Oleo. molar,* Inanteketered 1210 mi toonts, I do not hammy to commend It to the use of those gentlemen who are shoot =wriggle California In search oraohl• It (ism; e elan oprozhnatlon to the Vedic Pali ty amends, end srIU eestsualy chusblo the aitresamys to ascertain when his ylaent 4 *Mane Gold. • mate ' •YborthrestOy. heI.MINTOCX VOrollgia.Ort4 Domestro Liquor*. A MAUD- alsodananeof Forman and Lomeade to anti . von. always b on hand nator gals to attautbles arcbsseref • ' y W I af MITCTIELTEIVE • Kturystte Bleaching Powder, - (pride of Lame.).- , THE subserTbeta have reetalliteeetved(dirvetthera ' • thevetrabLeamerv) a Ova .apply et. the above ebrebtintiele, stlab Unseat ft/I.st. the Winne easaaettdee feroash egr spy Aproirsd WILL - • -• • 144. ENING, MAY . 1 . 9,!: ,ft 46, HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL, ,LIORT STREET BICL,TTIMORE: saga .an TIIISSeree, ellheeßfOri THIS est:alig:lent long and Widely known as being one of the moat commodionain theaity of Relturtore, bu recently andergenevery erten &We alterations and Improvements. An 'entire :new. I wing has been added, contelnlng ratmercut and The airy w i n g missunents;and emended bathing MOMS: Lames, department has also been e=pletely rearganised and fined op in • mow mimic and beant‘ fin sty Le. le feet 'beseech" gurangemeat of the House haa been remodeled, with • Angle eye on the part elf the Pmertmors, tewerds the comfort and pleasure of ehellir Gaerts, and which they confidently assert will eugs comparison with any Hotel in the Unites. Then table will always be supplied with every sub , sound and luxury which the market affordeomsed ap in • .perioe style; while to the way of Wines, &e., they will not be surpassed, in conclusion the proprietors begto say, tint nothing will be left andone on their part, and on the part of their assistants, to render this lintel worthy the eminent.] patronage, of their friends and the public generally. The price. for booed have also been reduced to the followm . rates. Ladies' Ordinary, 111,76 per day. Gentlemen's " 450 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Roue will al. way. be found at the Cu and Steatabor. Landings, of c which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free har .. EXCHANGE U 0 EL. . Minn 07 rim AND Sr. Mall 1114 TtITII3I7IGH, The aabseriber having assumed the manage ment ef this !Ong establtabed and popelar Hotel, respecthtlly announces to Travellers and the Pablie generally , that he will be at all times, prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable an a well regulated Hotel. The House Is now being/boroughlY repaired throughout, and new Parrumre added, and no LUns ...l :lll t b l e o zar i ed th te e eitek .„..tr e y the Exchange one attire Tie undersigned' reapeetiallisolielta e.gontlnoance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOhLag OVVETON, re ceived( Proprietor. 1 ' Ili TIIVH HOUB9O, COMM Ur FOURTH AND GRANT STIIII7I, rirrsamnob. TilE schmriber respectfully ant:Dane. that he has now menial bin new and excellentifotel for the secommodation of travelers, boarders, and thepublic generally. The house Rirraitare ate entirely new, and no pains or expense have been_ spared to render it one of the most comfonable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a share of public patronage. octl4-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor, 100-151113. SAVESDI OPPOSITION HOUSE. fIPHE VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Thdtimore eet near 1, the Depot, Cumberland, Is now in complete order for the reception and accommodation of the priblic. Penalty in 'search of ease and comfort, will do well to patronise MU establishment—they will find the chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well fur nished as any In Cumber! Ind, at twenty-hoe cents, guaranteed as good as any that can be had in the place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for wronswrtation aberrant, to and from the can. WASHINGTON EVANS. -- UNITED tf.n - ir H A Call37lln SITS 9 IIIII9OOIII ADD MI MI 11,21 OPPOSITE late blank of the United Staten, Phila. delphia manef M_ POPE MITCHELL, Proprietor. lakeiNertioxatki FRESH SPRING GOODS. Sheeklett h White, I RV GOODS JOBBERS, RD Wood street, ask the attention of Merchants to thelestock o TRY AND FOREIGN DRY GOOD 3, nowf ASIE R receiving direct from Ilt.t bands. Receiving regular supplies of first goads daring the mason, and devoting • large share af their attention to Eastern AZIVIIOII sales, they can confidently 11.1.11 buyers they thew stack. will find it to their interest to examine Jest received, large Invoices of new style Dress Goode, Fancy j4inn , Cawimeres, Cloths, Summer Goode, Lswes, White Goods, Irish Linens, Tailors' Trimmings and brown and bleached Sheetings of vari ous brands. JAMEY W. WOODWICLL odern nod Antlq_ue 83, Tann Brum; Prenaviton. 2L, A ISS N, : of n &d m suitable for filearab:als: Hotels and private demi tinge, constantly on hand and made In order. The present stock on hand carrot he exceeded by any mannfactory in the western country. Persons wiithing to purclue would do well to give me a call the cock consists in— , as lam determined my price, shall piece Pan Pa ol Tete *Tete . Beret Emple; Zonis XIV . Ch/Crat Queen Klisabeth chum; Fmlt Tables; To Te il a I:o i y a tie, b i e.; Linda XV Commoder; Frgeh Idaho/m Bedsteads; Piano Stools; 00 sofas with y Plush and tlair-cloth coven; EO Mahogany Backing Chairs; 40 dos Parlor 30 " Fancy do Weeny° Tables; Elpair Divans; 4 pair pier Tattles; IS marble top Dressing Dam.. a Wardrobes, Secretaries and Book 01.1 20 marble top WWI Mends; 4 pair °Unmans; 8 pale fancy Work Stands tAvery large awortment of common chairs and other raitors iboln otOn• 11311100. OV. Sheara ' Bo m ats furnished on the gamest notice, ..mul ea doh most reasonable terms. dee id ai Wo. . Baker's Anterican and French Choeolato, Punter. ed Coca*, Cocoa Paste, Dm., 1:13001 Shells, &e. TO merchants and commoners, who would par dm best products of Cocoa, free Gran adulteration, MO. marine. than tea or coffee, and in quality =mar passed, the subscriber recommends the above article., unutufaeurred by himself. and camped with Ms name. His Drama cud Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable d salutary drinks for invalids, comsakseents, and others, are pronottneed by In alios, most eminent physicals:is open to any odter preparations. tits mumfactutes am always on sale, in any quand.y, by the most re irpoclable woven In the eastern Ones, and by their & Hawes,Oray &ea, at &CON James Llnnee & In& Hanford, Goon; Humey & Mumay, New 1 o Grant k Stone, Philadelphia; Thomas V Bnutdige, S al. al. Ilmora Lad Kellogg & liens «, Cincumati, Ohio. W&LPHR BAKES, Dorchester Masa. For sale by aug3l, BAGALEY & SMITH, Agra Wrought and Cut IrostEtatiling. TlnbaerMers beg leave to Inform the public the, they have obtained frdm the Eau all the late and fashionable design. for Iron Railing, both for houairs and renutarles Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns ail) please calhed examine, and tor themselves, R•4ll¢g witl furnished at the shor t est notice, and In the but manner, at the comer of Craig and Rebecca atreem, Allegheny eity. ellaYe-dR A. LAMONT & KNOX. 21anufactured Tobacco, 40 RIB Gallup & Royston, superior avocet 5 Ipl "30 23 de AI A Batler's " • lb • 19 hi do Price & Harwood'. " " 5 111. do do - do • "10 • 23 do do Pearl & Harwood " " 5& lb " 14 do I Robinson • • ifls • 57 bf do do • 2.3 do do Wm Dawson 33 do T Wright , . • • • 37 do 0 Anderson " 0 • 9 do LT Dade's • „ • • 5 do R filanon's 9 do Rateliff Al 4.6 I ~ lost landing fram Meurer and packets, and tar of by HEALD, DUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water st and 10 north wharves, 144 Philajelphin XyWUPACTLIIIED'Poish(S &W:. mi. & Bon's unwrap, sweet lb lumps. 75 half ass Webster Olgaperior s weet So lumps 32 " Lawrence tter " 5s 23 • Gentry & Rovrer " as & as • 20 • Dupom (de la Euro) • 5s • 10 " AleLeod " Es .2 . 25 • Lawrence Lotter " Ss &Os plag Jut landing from steamer and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 N water at and lON wharves Philadelphia: W. J. GLENN, Book liirEare still angagrtLin the above business, earn. of Wood sold Third streets, Pittsburgh, where • are prepared to do any work in our line with desk • etch. We attend to on walk personally, and sans action will be given in regard to lts newness and dh bility. Elan Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Hooka in numbers orold books bound ease fully or repaired. Name, put on Ixookt In gilt letter. Those that have wort in ors Sue aro Welted to call. Priors low. cup dhif ri - Ari r SKINS - 71 — do oa anntune Prnitek Cal('klitlits, a 1.../ Wert One artiste. A few dosetta PhMid) , de4hta Skins, Aunt the mannfantory . of H hi Crow to 'which the. attention of boot makers is loottni. hod tecelval and for sale by YOUNO . A. ler 143 111.44r19 of AT W. M. - 61'CL NTOCii. , d, No. 73 can be seen a splendid varlet) of top 11 .1.1 Vol vo' and Tapestry Carpet r, lawn styles. Also, Lints. sole, 3 ply. and top and Ana Ingrain Carpets, of sup styles and qualitks; and in connection can always he found Table Linens, Crashea,Diapers:Dammam, Al& 'rum, Oil' Cloths, fee. an ., Co all of Widen we ell the *wenn= of the public. ans. • . • • KAMC/ sold oar cella stock to C. H. Gas" with • slew to cballog oar old business. we hereby st. for him the morons/re of all OUT friends and ea. UUGTS. RO. W. POINDEXTER, TEE. POLNDEXTER, Pittablugh, tog. 441.,1548. R. GRANT, WIC:4We Grocer, Cosnmita cod , a• FOrwanhug Menchaca, No. 41 Water .t 1.414 DELL AND.IMASS FOUNDRY. AA FULTON, Hell and 13ress Foamier, has re. built sod commenced business at his old stand, where he will be pleased w sea his old ewes. era and friends. Charch,Steambam,and Bells of essay atm, from 10 to 10,1(0 pounds, cast from palates of the most approv ed models, and wamuned to be of Ilie hest material.. Mineral Water Pumps„ Counters, flailing, dn., /toga-. thee scab ecarY variety alines Castings, is [squired, tamed and hatched ht tile mutest manner. A. F. is the sole mydietor of fistuires AUMAnII2. 1703 A sa,hiel so Justly celebrated far the nedoetion of friction nery. The Boxes and Cc; posidon owl by had of hint at all times. Jalittly T gE rabacritienshaviug the exclusire.Ageney for sellingthe Printing Paper be e t oil linty extensive payee mill in this vicinity, will p.led with the diSerent sleet of paper . ofaupetior Quad. ty, which are offer at the lowest regular micas. Any sloe W qin , lit, will be manufactured to enter at short notice. REYNOLDIA SR Jae 1361 earner Perin and harm sts 1 NOla CLOTHING--Just received for the 11 C ' dir enlia ExPoMltio, a complete tusONmeot of Um: Elastic Clothing, at price. ranging from &Off to Stip. for nal of Coat, pants and hat. For ..oat the Itubber Depot, Nos Wood at. de4taalt() I& 111 . 1i1LLIPS • EYOtST lINCEIYED—Three more of those. so pIaVY =don= Namlintill Pianos, rived eoartallll7 r~ T TPP/Perg Ind 'outer mat performers,' logetbec lute..fmtiment or =mood - add of pay own manufactareC• The above isiousiounw are warranted u tie perfect every reaped, and will be sold low for cash.. F ULUME. , No NP,Wroacet, doncfram,Nhl For 0 - illrornta. THE 4.1,bn.4 80. PoV i liT, klea, hW ..m iab k l e r k 94" .; run.weigra ltiesieriateAtiPatient Sudo, ' OW) bee secelrod per eleametes ,Iyanhoe WAke : Ooeukand for sale by • . W aIInIIELTSEE, MISCEVANEOIa P A PER . kfAtiarN.GB s BIILS 111/111•41 A . R.. , 13 0 tlt.ll.i&M, /L a, a• - • 81. Wood. Cita, Ny r°Ul4. .. lll, ottleaticutof tho.puldic to their yreamt Mink of Paw Hanft Winch f" rimy. Denny of linish,dirsbility antic apneas, 12 efiltdithnielaf JAIL, MUM • =win a /EV 'and fall unman or paper of their' :nr& tllallenare, therare arlishatylesa now rreenbur a dines In. nnell E(Piqper Hu Prebmed M astd ta, r.LaYl Howard, ono oldie arra now /11 Europe, consisting Or Parisian manufacture, DODO Loudon do do Of their own atahufactora lihey.havoloacroo piens Wall Paper, end,Ll ßlinds, d:c, ,Sgo piacessafin gland Wotdcoo Meurs. larne ' s 'Eariiiid a Ca have opened . neither expense nor labor lathery enderlyors to 'isolate east ern wall piper ettablistuneti, boaltt quality anises " ' slur° "d Of Meru; end they ant warrants ed in assuring the public that they have =tennis& The whole foreign and home atentitio tun, will be offere mome n t ' terms as low as those of east ern matioramment and Importers. mehn•iltr 0 - W.jptim O.Y. anew. of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia. POINDEITER & REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS,. and General Commission Merchants, No. 421 Mum= Braise between Eleventh and Twelfth sta,'PHILADBLPHIA. THE Innen bars beg lease respectfully to acquaint * their friends and the paclic thus they hen asst. mated themselves In Philadelphia, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Beane., end trust that long experience in Limn... will *min to them fair patronage, 1D Parthnlar attention will be given to suns of Flour and Produce generally; and any manses in the Philadelphia market for Western account R. W. POINDEXTER, LDS. REFERENCES—The merchants ofREYN Pitts O burgh gen eral ly; Springer & Whiteman, Lehmer 0 Anderson, Cnctunati, Ohio; H D Newcomb &Bro., W B Clifton, Lewis Ruffner, Jas Todd, Lonleville, Ply ; Crow, Me.- Creery A Her kaiate,litt Louis, Mo.; Hewitt, Nonni & Co., W A Viola; New Orleans, La.; Gitl Minns & Noyes, bl'Oregqr & Mortis. New York; W RThosup son & Co., John Tiers & Ca, Peter Marseilles, B hi Jona Deal, & Bun, Phliad'a . ep9Dat wt.. ic sa Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ST. LOUIS, MO. Will give particular attention to the collection of Claims, and all money reeeived, shall be rerlitted without delay. • Rarsamseco—Hon. IL Coulter, Supreme Bench, P.; Messrs. Lyon, Short, & Co. St. Loin& Wood, Abbott A Co. Philad'a, Jno h 3 Brown & Co. dm Mr. Charles 11 Weihns, do; Eoo, Mahoney & Co New York; Chin/en ds,. Elms & Co. do; Bangher A Orendmir Mom_ W F & A Murdoch, do; Love, Martin & Co. do; Z. John Falconer, Mews. Lome:, Sterling A Co. Pill/F -inn* Forsythe A CO. do; Hammon, Smith & Co. do; Mr. L 8 Women:n.4 do. inchtinitet ATEWCOMEtS—As ZEIMLON SEIOI3, 67 btu ket autet. - II dos very high back Shell Tea Combs; 3 medium " 2 " low" 21 " pinto high " if " narrow beaded cop " 62 " fancy top Defeo 10 " plolo " SO gran &do dos 30 dos shell side, amonod sl- Nlorggio e' Zd h o,7 do lo do dol 60 do Dent &glob Hero 6do o 8 8 Boa Ivory, 02ua biz.: 1 2 do 816 do do, to boxmg 12 you 8 fins do do; Ido comb Cloonan. 4116 biltatelt WARM JCega ItAteta. AIL 0. 11112 PALMER, BAENA 6 CO. (Atm.:sm. to Husmy Hanna & , 0.1 TANKERS, EXCHANGE IdROKIERS, and dealers j ) in Foreign end Domestic Exchange, Certificate, of Deemins, Hank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Hank of Pittsburgh. Current me . nay misused on dem:Wm—flight Cheeks for sale, and eollections made on nearly all the principal points In the United tames. GoThd.e highest premium paid for Foreign and American Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Eah• on liberal terms. _apt GREAT INVEN rtirm CT3LE PIS - WE:RV! Psrterr Seeming Jammer lin. 1849. Patera mests&ver recterunin TWA', &fru, Bureau., Baoi Cam. Writing Ikika. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. THE TABLES far surpassing every other m q• don of the hind now extant. They coo be 03- , tended horn ten to twenty-five feet,llind when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they aye meths to tll aims and shapes, and are admirably adapted for ' Steamboats, Hotels, and large private &milks, form , tog when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles ere inval uable,particularly to th ose who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartmentinto • parlor or sating mom, as they ran be opened and shut at conventenc, and when abet, the bedding is anelos e4. A great saving In room and rem Ali the bed read. wee.: closed form • beautiful piece of furniture far a parlor or stating room. DOOM VASES—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING HESES—For law °feces, counting tsmet•4 and other deers; when opened a mom convenient bed stead, when closed to per&et Desk and Library alone is visible. All there articles need no recommendation: the beauty of this whole is, they are warranted not to get out.of repair. It rein be for ',nu interests to call and examine itio articles, at the matinfacturcr's 'stale, No. re Third sueckPittabursh In addition to the above advantages, they are proof against bags. mettle JAMES.W WOODWELL. Nit kathlthill EATON.* VIitYPIPICATti TO Int JJOINE.—Teia certifies, that immediately after hav ng attended my brother, who died of conromption in Alprch, leer, i was Wien sick with the COesiaMplion or Liver Complerot, and was reduced so low with the disease, that for four years I was tumble to attend to my Moline., either or beam or •broad, being for the,. most time confined to my bed. Donna the above perb. al ciliate, I bad expended for medical anandaace o rrgular Phroicians and medicates. In the xrpoOrtt of VP*, without receiving any benefit Mem/tont. In July, IMO, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cines, end have taken them mery or less ever since, and brOieve that it Wu by persevering in their use, that Can now truly say that I have completely cored my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative Pills end use. MN-mm=lm the beet fondly medicines new in I reside in Springfield, OWis, county, N. Y, and carry on a formica and machine chap in that place, end am not Interested in any manner in me sale ofthe ahotte medicine. and make this cornfield:: for tin ben efit of those edictal. ELUAII EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept- IA 1948. j n 4 Vf AN UFACT U RED - TOWA - Cal—The sub* riber Let would call the attention of the city trade and dealers generally, loth, following brand, Tobaccos, in store and to arrive, which being consignment: di rect from manufacturers, he is enabled to end at east ern prices: • lan # biz R W Crenshaw Ss; 70 I " James Madman Ss; 81 0 " Lemanine 1 4 Mt 4 " Alirabeau 4 a 0 . Putnam as and 1a LS # " Batons A Sisson dm ii 0 Oscar Bail 4 0 " John. it. Lewis In; 3 " IYanitotcope 1% J • . 48 " Haney& James &t, is antes: 1 rebid L 8 WATERMAN . 1 • tt. l'ae• •e "or ani PaTIPOIGIA PA. TOHN WRIOUT & Co., We Prtp•Ped to build Cotton t) and Woolen Machinery of ever. description,such as Carding Machines . , Spinning Frames, Speeders Drawing Frames, Raltway Heads, Warpers,grolers, Dressing Frames, Loans, Cool Grinders, /sc. rough' Iron Shading turned; all sixes of Cast Iron, Putties and Hangers of the latest pauerns, slide and hand L0u,,.. and tools oral! kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short node...rattans made to order rot gill' Gearing, lren Railing, &0.. &earn Pipe for bait ing Fsictorisi f Can Iron Window Sash and fancy C: tiny. genet, ly. Orders led at Ma Warehouse of J. CoPalmer Co., Libeity street, will hove prompt otter. Lion. Borer to Blackstock, Bell & Co. J. H. hfoorebesd Co, 0. E. Warner, John Irwin & Bona Paostirrigh ; G. C. A.J. Warner, Steuirmune. mein WlGHTUAN—filanufentarer orall bind. of cot. to n and woollen machinery, &ftogh. o7 city , p a The a bove v works being now In dill and succeuful oration, I em prepared to cumuli orders with dispatch for all kinds of machinery in my lute, such as willows, draw picke t ys, speeders, can* grinding machines, railways, drawing frames, gp ote eeders, throssits, looms, woolen cards, dacks, h p e ouble for merchant or coun work, oftilcs,J.;slide and hand lathes and tools try in gen eral.. All binds of shafting mode to order, or plumel, en for grating factories or mill, reasonahle charge. k C0.,RU1.11 vo—Kennedy, Childs & Co Blackstock, Bell King; Pe mock & e Co., Jim A. bray. NEW COACCECIPICWOECTTI-- CO A. WHITE & CO.; would respect:ldly inform 11.1.• the public that they bate erected a shop On Lacook, between Federal eu d Bandindry streets. They are now making and ant prepared to niceive orders for every deseriptionof vehicles, Coaches, Chariot'., Bo ronclum, Boogies, Plumons,ota., in., which from their Lena eagerteaCe he the nutonfaetore of the above work; nod facilities they havuthey feel confident levy are enabletho do work on the most reasoliebis terms with these wanting articleain their line. • ddayin party ogr a torb n ittl o pet: l wee'T of mate. no hesnanon warrinung their lerbrk. , L y e therefore ask the attention of ths public to 11,1. maitir. N. IL Repairingdone In the Wit litanear, * tad ore the most reasonable terms. •• • tononrahels Livery,Stable. -- ROBERT E. PATTERSON Mu opened lsegthe large stable on Firm at, muting through •'A tit Second u s between Wood and,Amithfield with to ‘2ll:cl i ; nt TocAT roPllitreca " t i g nbel4 "° tT, the best quality and huest mice Horne kept at live ry'ln the best manner. hem.- •" 7_ vb-kriiii— - - ratcnt Grad:weed Go ßamo Bamu mut Awes buulated Polls for Nuke! andaktropurpou g , T ll IS Is th e only Inetremeat of the kind teat ess been presented In this counts, or Enrols* for ,mcd• Mal purposes, and Is the only one ever known to man, by which the galvanic dud Oen, hw mottled to ihe hti woo eye, this ear; the breln, or to any pert Of the body, either externally - ortetemally, In a &elite teeth stream, vtitheis ofooks or pmts.-with perfkeellitoty---' and .11w:smith the hipplesteels- Thislmportant visualize It new highlP approved of by ow n er of the most eminent physicians tsl this COGI). try sod ExToPo, to'whate the *Mimed and others whom. It may coueetn can let referred. Reference will. a/so be given to many highlysespactable Mende, who have been cured by means of Ole most, aleaLletapparamo of wme of the,most isivetcraidnersous disorders which could not - bo :moored by any tither known menus Among venous others, It has been praise/ lto to ad mirably adapted fbr the cue of the foltosslng disown, vim Ilene. headnehe amt other diseases of Ike hue. It is with this apparatus alone that the 'operator can convey the magifede Med with case and safety to the stye; to restore Welk, as ours Sitio rout mine ear to restore *wog; to tea tongue sod other wawa, to to . re sto specehi and to the 'arbor parts 'el the body, tot toe cure of thrones theumetlsm, asthma, wroteletst of Sit dolotrcue, parolee* or palsy, -goal, cheitte or b 7 ' Vire's dace; epilepsy, weaesten Cons sprawl, rotor diseases. Pee-Witt to !creaks, confraction ar pe awn,. loctla.,elesuo . , , his for stirfehlidluretesettes of iV= gad 'Viva**, welt thoffastnantetn, may be atAl also testwl the the cure at diseases- .- Full instracuous will be elven for the Various eheud. tale to es used for mim; ditwaese,finli2 4.. nor for °pennies .forilte cure of Mose: 'yip slf so ben ully' oviellied ur the marchesew and-a Wet plat iends Made eiptecay for Melo tire- 4 IMP prepared by the patentee. &Uttar* r: • . oetl3-41 • S. WILLIAM- Vine et. Pine .:, I fitissitico - bss exus egnick . cdput "riew sur asc eb y vryt , f:Swp/i1k.141) .a3F3;R~iC,S` PRYIA:.YARIKT GOODS PELESH Spitigta.coolas. WE am now operung;very:large and °home as. mended or sPRINO AND SUMMER( OOlks, {Elected wit/in:are than usual care during - Me last few , n 3 the New York and Pliiladelpttia ,morketa, . and embracing . t' grentneriety of almost every de. , scriptiun of dm lateara4 most fashiOnable stylus, and VtrAPMC.htegYig'reebteZrer=ibraVA gn : An rates, wo aro enaned to offer great Inducements to cash buyer., either I.y - wholesale or Midi We Weald therefore respectfully lon e the attenti on the puellelo our Stook, feeling confident of our ability to snit buyers In aleinat every article they may' Widi in Our line. To the ladies am wonld upectelly commend our stock of Srmensto Dams Suss, of whirl, we have-a vary 'largo and bearatful assortment of the latest styles and mm: fashionable color.. Lanus Done Goons—Monello de Leine*, Poll Pe Choevre, silk, linen and mohair. ,Lustrea, painted Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Sweets, English, Pron/h' and Sconh Otegnams, linen Gum hunt in great variety, dte. /at. . Hoaxes—New style Bonnets, very cheap. Brawn rare rtowsza—Of the latest swim and supe rior in qualny. • PaassoLs--A very large and handsome stock of Poi , Gaols, of almost every style and quality. Season--.A floe assortment of spring and enamor Shawls, of all styles and prices. Pas7ratt Currica—A gnat supply of raper French, English and American Cloths and Calsitneres, to which we would Invite the attention of persons needing awl good.. LSO—A full and general supply of Skirting Checks, Ticking., brown imd blewbed Muslin', Table Linens, 81 .mm/fa, thaPon, Cambric.% DallingnotummerGoods mane' and boy.' wear, /tweets, Mulls, Sartsi, Nan soots, Nanking, Prints, Gingham, Crepe, Crape Labe, Cravats, Gloves, }lottery, elk Briefs, Veils, /cc. An Persons waiting Co buy by who'esale, should cell Ind examine our stock, as enr prices am such es to take it their interest to boy. ALEXANDER /c DAV, 75 Market or, northwest corner of the Diamond .AA. giA I,a,N&o iet .• on hand the largest variety of Patbroideri. watch they have ever offered. Their assortment con tuses in part of Use following goods, riot 185 rich embroidered Marlin Capes, f rom 81,50 ta 3 ,0 0 850 " " Collars " 37k to 81,00 efri crochet Collars, from 371 to ;5 3511 lace 8 to I 2 • 700 trimpare " " tti to 12r I.soJetany.Lirid " " 64 to 1,00 18trmasha Habits, " 50 50150 590 pelle mean " to C 2 Call a t Collars, frees 16# to ttsc. Call at tho cheap one price More of A. A. MASON. k. Co, No Cal Alarket sc.. m 712 IVEW RIBBONS, BLACK SILKS, BLS 8A8A .1.11 CiEZ, Ae—W. R. Mraray has this morning ze eoived by Exprers a lot of handsome ,straw colored, green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Alois, glossy black. Silks for dresses, mantillas, Ad. lhamt. Sae La ces—A large assortmont lately cocci.' red. Worn Goose (or dresses—each is swiss and mull Nausooke, an. Also, embroidered :null. for dues., all at lowest prices, at northeast corner Fourth and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. my . FRENCH LINEN AND LINENLDS' R. Nearer btu now open • fall assortment of a •bove articles, for dresses and sacks—among the lat ter are NH. Pelfce colors, uch ae pink, blue, grit.", &C.: also, pink, blue, green, and mode color* of Cha edleon Leonia, and a large assortment of embroider- , muslin.; and Lawns. W. WM.'. recent purchase is now all n-calved and open, and persons wanting Dry Goods will do well to loot at his Argo and wash stork before purchasing— at nonheast corner 4th and wuket sts. Wholesale RODRIS up stairs. m • A H Flrw i t• e rs, "" vi. F . L p lZE . yet—filateriare for Aru•' mine paper for coloring, Flinn e Xt . :;;:ro m a " v d ea d o a f Ova rjr ton; bade. tip% and eallriers, enn ht obrair.ed Pt EATON to Co'. Trimming Stare, apl4 en Fourth ki . . EMBROIDERY—Wonted paPerns for Uttotastas, lI Piano Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Dag; wok ms, variety oration pattern. Alto, Worsteds of oil colors and shades, by the posed, ounce, or skein for sole by apl4 F H EATON& Co, &I Fourth st Q ECOND SCIPPLY - larphy, at northWitst eon. 0 nor of 4th and Market streets, has now open kis sunsan supply of spring and stantner Goods, and has a large atisonment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staple Goods of every kind, all of which will he told 2EM MUSLIN - DE LAINE—W H Murphy hos reeetvcd Me above sk arca and desirable Bracts, 'the fashionable shade; nu, Green Barnes. .per lAr 11 O/A - ICH V G 0 01) el A. 9TISOII dl UO., 11,5 5!55._5,0NERS AND 11111'ORTERs, an Usurer Sumer, AHE now opening the most extensive and vaned assortmentof Spring and Sommer Goods over exhibited in the Western country, mummies upwkals of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased 5n entire puke gee from the manufneturers, novena., and liege auc tion gales, by one of the hem residing in New York, who is eoutannysend/rig the newest and moat reahionable foods. They name in pan— -100 cases nult Spin. ?nuts; 30 eau, id de Loins.; 24 . Lawns andllluslins 35 g eotunt and arms Lem g bleached AlushusAill I Gingham.. grades; 30 colt! . Mnoz; 40 " Mahler Cheeks end I ' ' u Conan. domestic ningbams, ales and summer Sniffs 233 g Brown 31ustinn Also, cues and pockages of Bonnets, Flowers, Le ees, Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Dory s, White Goods, Millinery Articles, cloths one Caaahneret,Lineasilke .lery and Glove., ke- City and country inerchwas will find then sto,s as large and desnatito as Eastern oteselts, !nod e...larrib notion of th goods sad priers eacann. fail to bon noes on th atnth their undeniable adVantagen I ntid facilities, they can compete wren sAy'Esarat. This Met has been clestrirdesurntrolefi.to bumandm of Male patrons who forestal) porehused fist. Their stock will always be found complete. op 7 NEW GOODS, 1849. iv-ENKE:HY It SAWYER, corner Wood and Ftlarth meet, are now receiving direct from firnbrr, a large stock of Fancy and Voriet) Goods, Ina ng Clocks of every vonety, gold sad silver Wamhes, Jewelry, French . Naas, rnlss, Hooks syes. Gloves and Homely, Suspenders, Gun Caps, ell other articles is their lineman of which hamar fsssem parchtumil personally of the manufacturers cost. do dog the last winter, expressly Air the Spring trade, will he sold wholesale= a small &dune* on cost Coutansly on hand; all deseriptions of Looking Glass es, of our own munfocturing, at eastern prig. ,matt \TEW FANCY' ANDVARI% r tiOtnta—at Ann N ULAN KINSEY'S, 07151arket street • 100 prs fine China Vues, ou'd; 173 sets - twisX and eat velvet emu Dames; 4U fine velvet Carpet Rau; Ai do do gent's traveling; tOO pos. ioney 4tlk Bohol., for dres.ea; 10 4= Nail Brushes,. d; 100 pi fine ilk Vest Hu tons, oss'd; 250 do do gilt sod plated, do, 25 dm rosewrbd Hair Brushes. ' 4do Washington do; t do Berbers do, 3 gm Fish Lines; Fish Hooka Lime. net, Sc JEWk.LIFY, be —5O gold lever Watcher, 50 do de tached lever Wmetes; 10 do Loping do; 10 01 die mood Finxer Rms.; t fine gold Vera an Fob chains; do do Guards; Breen Pins, Fthgar rage, Ear Rings, be. 01.0 1 115. Y, ka.-200 dos'Ladies Conon Gloves, ass'it; 200 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, An.; 10 do gen.' silk Gk..; lad, do kid dm Abdo ladies kid, ass"di 10 do do fancy top silk. VARIETY HOODS-75 pkp Artudican MM boo Cotton Cord,; paPuP'e ‘ sl gget r tNr lin ed Percussion Caps; 200 gro dress % ot Lnrry Combs; Dreastrgy Combs, Back Combs, AS. Ac. smt F. IL EATON CO. are now openuig their vring . stock of Trimmings, coatiettlig in part of ,ilen tills and Dress Fringes, (Ramps, black and coVil Bilk Lamas, black Flounce Lace, Butiona, Drills, Bonnet Tnmmings, genU, ladle& and child/en. platy and /an al kloaierk, Shins for men and lay s Conan, Isar/ and otheyFana, Tarr, Span! Cotton, Needlos, Tape, Bob bins, Pins, .o. &s, which they offer for sale both wholesale and retail, at Mu Trimming Fiore, GU Fourth meet, knitwear Woad and Market. - _rem SPRING Gut stro—d.. 4 , 1 40 Market street. are now opening 40 eases packages of splendid SPRING GOODS, comprising LPrints, Fr awns, Moab., Bongos, al do Lainee Gieghams, ench Canittnes, Linen., Riblions, Laces, Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general DAM ft meta of Goods. m 4 ,14 7 at — l5 - MNPET, Oil. CLOTHS; ste. D ECF.I VED THIS S DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths of Me Wear and meat approved panems, and at prices to suit purchasers, and cheap as can be pm, chased to any of the Eastern cities, comprising dm lot h:mute varieties, Extra Royal Velvet Pile Oerpotc Ta Aigralmster Carpe do ts.; any uza hill rooms or ;reel peatey . tansies. sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry Wait cur Extra sap 3 IF Brussels do Superfine do do Chenille Etta sup Ingrain do Tufted do stoperfine do do Brussels do Floe do 'do Chenille Door man; Common do ,do Tutted do do 1-4, 34 d. *Tapestry; Adelaid do do Damask do Sheep akin do do' 4-1, 3-13 1 teeN 164 Etabtsed Piano Morels netion Se 64 do - Table do ' 14,34 d plain do - do 11-1 wool do Ido Conan Ingrain do 64 worsted and lined do do do Venetian do Bran. Stair Rode 2 4 cotton °much 164 wool comb cloths 12.4 woolen do Stair Linen 0.4 do do • 'll4 tables 40 Engllah Table OR cloths; Diaper. do German do do do . do Crash 764 Floor qa n do do 'snow-D.lphpk inx 0-4 do do do Crimon Flash; Purple do 64 do do do Maroon do .. 1-1 do do •do Carpet Binding; Sheet Oil Cleats; 'of neer'hanarnt Window Shades Tapestry patterns, mat to St W k the above we are constantly reeelvlngsatreoring . .c of C , ritets, Oil Cloths and Steomboat Prinanings, to which we invite the attention of all who wish t.l ra niali their houses or steamboats, we will lid able - tb offer 'good. as low sin they can be purchased be the Fa.t, and of the richest and late.t cyka. Call and es ammo-our stock before poreharina clsewhere tVnre house, No n Fourth at. mehat IV. APCLINTOCX Tyre largest, L'ittennut and Inca Fetakionn/566.5t' oak of Good,, adapted to Gatitlevatnet Spring and Sumner Wear, ts jun ncriatag.at Won. Di GEMS , CIIRAP CLUTUINti STORE,: 133 LIBERTY STREET. AIRS Proprietor of, lb. above esUiblialOrtentianntid reap. cattily Inform. h is tumorous CU.111111C11,04, Ito has just onumed from the Editor,, eine, with the maul atilendsd &sondem of goods In tsion, thitt . was ever brought to this city, comprising all that la new fashionable, elegstro.and Cheap in Clotho, Coalmen:a Cashateretta,- - Dtap De Ere„ and every deeeription of cattail Liston nod woollen Summer ' , Studs; Shut:kers V 1., Batts, Supendars, be, of the armrest styles; which, together with his very large and hobionsble mock of ready.toade Clothing,ha Ls prepared to oder no his usual low edam. Country Merchants. Contractors, and all who pow chow largely ore . particularly. Invited to call and ex amine the Mock, which Is decidedly the largest and Most fashionable in the city, and great attend/ n has bran paid to get it op aultahle to too who'esale trade. Orders ha the Tailoring lihn executed in the moat faabionanba monitor. and that nothlag may be wanting to ensure the newels and best aule of timing. , Vigen-' demon who bet had trent roper :in the Eastern. chios, has barn added to the eatoblishmettl..,, ' - Inehllol3ol- 7 — : -- ----DtTlrdteatij77--r—*-- SHAOKLETT. 4 W 14111. -• .., . , Dry Goods. Jobbe.rs, , ,' N 0.09 WOOD arREET--Woßld ealr th e attenilon ' of Irehanta wo theft large 'stoek or' 'Ykernewie 'p or , ~ pity coops, Jima receiving Dow the-ft i pones. to fitenefehinrers; and wilie/e-sliallilweil al very low ram kiresulb totappreve44 ' ~, ..' per stock u noir rail and edinplite;mid wel viiinii the aiienteen ellespere,„ae..46. 11 0: „dethn,. ined, Jed. sell at snob etztreinely_low prices= ennAet ma to otaavit a Wong I,neemene. GeeeFerdiutegs to mike et bill War 4' . CZ :'f zsti:f -74.7. f,,, L. XVI. 'NO. MISCELLAN LIIIIIDELARICE r9O THE PiIuTEDItIN FIRE AND •-.„ MA RI NE INSURANCE COMPA- ea remth, CONN. Casatigazu us DMA reeitel S,oo o tock, Annual Recatpthissi'i surplus nine 11,000 s All louses promptly paid at the OestertlAgen= Ace for the Western Suttee, thawed at Cincinnati, This Company is of tong mending, artd wall knora thro aboo% the United Stains for Its solvency - and Prumpt payment of Lasses—liaring beaded and Wu. tied, to the satisfaction of all eeneerned, over SAU) tunountingiethe aggregate to wary itituees or DatiAlti, the re ta for which anion the aka of th- Compan g ate and and Portion:al. The Puts'tig agency of this mitre was originaPY held br Hoses Atwood, Ere. and was enheolices2 taxed oat of the State by a law steounting to a pro Wilms of ah Poretgn Insurance Companies, jaw in sea son to eseape loss by the fire of Soh IMS. Too aguncY I. new teermunted under the charge of issue tint undeni gned, who will receive app li cations and against LuSS OR DAMAO BY FIRE oo storearWarehouses, DlPttniligi. he, with the ens was. Ahe, pa floods, Wares awl Merchandise a gainst the penis °Nguema anti Luaxo Naviaanoa, at the c trent ratesof atomism. OR.. at hi. IL paums tr. BROTHER'S, No. lay Wood wrest PAYETTE BROWN, Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Piusbargh and Allegheny CO. CITY SORIP. .• • Nave to the h01,t4.t v e PsurSurgA City l &HP. N oire fi gl irr of " it i p t ri l' Id:1101! dreetleonng*titsin°Pleritts"ned 'to negotiate MR CITY SCUM, the Bonds sedgert- Pam of individuals held be the City for'prenert7 sold, am , unting te TWFATIT•FJCIHT THOUSAND DOl, I.A.FLV—oublie =keels ere,tit given, thsu lAA Aoki obligations will note he disposed or for the Corporate lames of the City ot Pittsburgh, of the deneslinalhona of arm Two and Three Dollars. Further notice is hereby given, that 'Om Boas, bearing interen. from the Hitie da7 ofaprll: lett, laths te a r be per the annum. mil atsusY.time..leill/mr• ter be issued toholder or - holders - of City•SeitiP, Ip stuns of One Hundred Dollars and OpranrS, inCardigg to the provizims of the Ordinance of he short data. argil EL It. Jr/lINSTON. Ci Tresses*. )e.7I7DRAITIN S", rlt'a,fifel • 4 , Tn ONTO• .a•-7 . ' A N EMINENT and experienexil Rosie= tram the of. ata°,`?4,g;?::th'ill;ag=etPet,llll cm° On latexes, in Be a:other large e n hliThim been proverbial. the charges ue moderate, and Ids Itcorn permanent Old cues ofGleet, Strizetre, Miro- Aricoo7ltrtenfithecTsaft A6" ' B7PUI"t aY A care warranted7or charge snit ched. • • •' Omen, M. Clair urea; 2 Moon (rota the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor grade. N. IL—Dr. A. solicit. the wont easel Uttar dine* le Pmabo t” • WILLI/LIE mes a , flaaataelarer of Mineral Water Apparatus, Sten olr vnt coLDIDI sisOLXAXDSOMTCAM, No. 913 North Sec ond st., above Vino P HDHLPEIIts. AN eitiaen'ta'rinf.efor rtu'iigl%kitlpTpraruaitu.44lt24 the preparation of mineral Waterin Bonsai and roan. mina on an extensive Seale, wi th a Beim:ludo and prac tical knowledgeprof both braucthei of busmen, asge• titer with recent improvDmenis In the consul/00ot of the Apperatuirarui the preparing Of Mb Water, which he has succeeded In adopting mace hi, With to Pail& end after year. of close study ead p.oaloat Applies- 0. tiomi as applied to the ans blechanlctrand Chemis try, eatables the muscnber tb come before the public with sabre conliderthe, and offer them the heal end moo complete Apparatus, for the reenoractate Of Mu. real Water in Bottles and lounuilim i the cab be far. tusked United States. He also flatters himself that the canned mean he has met with, and the present emeholve and dairy In creasing unload oCha beeinese ht bath the *hove de partments, itirnishes the men cornier/rig preati.of his claim m supenority of Appuntul over those of all others, and of the purity and steaboty Of 'the Water prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Appostnis !ran a distance, may be areared that their (armament shall be faithfill ty eompiied with, and so packed et to aft? (safely either by limit or water to nay part of the U. Suites To avoid diesel:Minim el. it is recommended tot/wee who intend supplying themselves the approaching acn a- con, to forward Met? orders at as early a day as co weather hji,,mal Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fonutatns, Omiuneat 1 Cruz and redesties for brunt', inuuters and Gars or Hotels,. for drawing Hydrant p Mao:, together wilt Corking and Tyibg 6 /ealiincs, sod everything utipertitimils to IL. above btatintas, coextend) , en bawd, and tor satin.the lowearrietuu Cur eash,, upM:deoldm G R O C ERIE ,3-Z adlisPr rue Green itte, 76 Nga YH, Imperial ILA C P Teas; ,• 50 Ins 12s, Se and 3s spat Tobacco; 300 tints N and sag - anon. AL:lasses; hbds Nninlan 1501101, Is c r,i Tr, 31scherel and Solana; 30 do pure Pbu oil , d I o, 5 0001 watt.! Comm Vann ?Shales I.lauirg Candiewic 23 twx replier atatAlnica; • 40 bines Pearl and CouunittrStarCh; •' 4 60 Co mouitand dipd Candles; 10 do Star,' do .r 130 do No I Scrap; 10000 Sides and Slinulders Hann. desen Corn Brooms' In store and for sale by EvArr *. Co, Liberty m r ef Ht subserthera,arnicariringsuurotfer Gale a tow taws as foilows, HO 300 D es 'lto ackages end Ja V.H, va Colmpenalrr., aad P Ten I } Pkel.; Id, I lump; lo on ' d SA nail 'refrains& CU ante 0 Sugar; mil bbl., U dloissits; Mils escorted Nos Loaf Sugar; • 15 do Tanners Oil; IS do Lamp 014 11rJsross Sleeting; hLehe re!, t, Herrin In bbliand Itegbhu 300 is Liebee scaleg; 3ttlizli white opes; ei Pepperctir , Al-plce; n Camila; SOW lbs. Cotton Vara, ass'a.Noi; 11)0 badesliattins 30 It's Palm Soap; 60 do Toilet & Yang/ auto do; 23 do SperAnis,o do Large tusisinsf,ll..., CO bales Almonds; 03 do Pant Nuty - -„ 20 co E Nelms; Ott do Ft bens; bgs ground L 5 bas opined Clustolaten 3 , esses Liquorice; 13000 Principe and Hegaga Segura; giuss Cut and Dry Em 20 men., nor Bed Cords, H his !lock Candy; 15 it.,, Sperm Candlesi 2U do Star d a lest Umbra 3 / a dder, 2 careens In es digisj 2 eases Cloves; / do Nutmegs; 10 bbls Waking; 3 do Chalk; 60 do: Dockets, Hest Ills &sienna& 20 boa fine cut Chewing Toneco; Common and haltSpanisti Cigars. EaNtiLLYLI A iirINNETT, 37 Wood st, ap26 • opp onto St Chance Hotel TUBS AND CHURNS., Pine.lllid Cedat Win eianufm4l7l v. 97, mom Martin soil Finn Srs., Rtrersoass. 1111 E wbseraber keeps commonly on head,' whole. .1. - sale and retail, Very low for cash— Barrel Churns, Wash Tuhs, . Bruit Tubs, eked Ch erne,, ~ • nor= Beam, . • • I 11.11 thrseels, .147.7, } All ether kinds Were in his line made Warder. isiSdly SAMUEL: ICROESEN. __ • --__—_____________ Diaphragm 11 . 1.1ter, for Elir'slimet. *liters TlllB to to Certify that t have aa .. pointed LivingatOn, Roggen A Cri Sole Agents for the alto of . e nPatent ribm Pats /or Me g.4.erp.1 M 41, V4 N .. W 11 3=04 N. a lter id C.ion,Bßroadeige ‘b e havo' -10;14487" epee of the beenasingone of the above articles at M ~..-,e ovelty Work. for three rumba, on trial, ~,ali fgmlee pi tly elged duo itgluive=itzei.miori, fat article to all who love pure water. Orders SW be thankfully reeekred time p rowdy executed. °eta LIVINGSTON, ItuliCiZN rt CO .------viziPriTte - - I ADDLE, HAH.NI.9S,TRUNIC 4NO WHIP MAN* OPACTORY.—The subtle:leer takee, Ibis 'meow 0 informing hie friends and the m6lllllll general that ye has the largest mo-k of the followang- awned arti cles of hie own :ruiner/imam in this e of—,s,bit, Nai to„„,, end Whip*, MI of whiolt lib will warrant be made of tbebem material and by the best 'mech anics in Allegheny county, f1eit,,,3,,,,,,,, uti , 14„,,,,,,,,,,,,racm,,,,,,Arthang lower Omni. M et b here- Whit sold by any zunilu emattliahm In city, he would invilepersOns In need of th em Oni, mimed ante,. to his warehome; No. ell Liberty suneLoppc. tile 8,3,,,,n th . Alnabanda. made rosinter rormseta. ry. ottaa•ly O. KERBY. PlTfiiiintitttia:Pßß. II , 11118 &wend Session et this. luslinrier Hader tirs I care of Mr,. and Ales. Hormoan, (or Itin, present academic year, will e tmonenceoif - thrfanit of Febrile ry nem, lathe same buildiap t No•rr. Gibestyawect. Arrangements hive been made by winch they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities egualto sny m %Vest, for obtatning a aftermath Eagital M K,Olaael cal iso hierif 'and-, And Onnunental editeatiora A tali COO of Phi ipMennen! Lectures win be delivered dunng the Winter, Unnamed by p t The de- Emmental of Vocal and clinsueinentsd tdasicik.dtalera hrrve . or r it , ve. ',.4,, u,.,!. ay!: each za.z, . thu moral and intedleetual Improvement of ath. p, ails, the Principals hope td me oletllurtna or p ipe tinter./ patroaage they have hi th e rto' dieyei, Poe - ovum ww circular or apply to the Princtpada, IRON FOIItrItRY.FOISALK—a 'mail tins t mut- . 1., dry in a flourishing town, with ,Parierns. Toots, ete., ail ready' for haziness, will be aced On aepenanicv dattotg tartes t or exchange for Inn or goods, :11Lie Mfers ah excellent oppotuunty text yawns ems v as sesta copied to rinneseneethe Iron Foundry his. nem. Ennui/roof • a.cs. j tlatuPE a 4azirlsoN. Us neiu.WeedVireee. Seeley Cooking Sierras, GrattesiSio.. SS afidilattL,WaLLlCE a, idi,% Sound. Climb, Vretrin c onl.:: Ltriepraitr ‘F;a l tl. strent:atttalio2Ao milic7:vedquatit'if CZrti:Statieo,l'irA..l sad !oat; Egg bump of ratios dies, Polar aid eentraon Grates, GoPoer Ware, ke, de, . They alio atattootaritha Shahan Samoa, ditsit Sail/wen snot oeuaealsaisisetioa to tam of to a harms at is tio„. ll ~,a, they would r,..ptially hurts the li =cation of the a/titans-and a the pabe genertdry::. * ' acen.dd i CliittliT'- SO - a - IrCi n iftb - air.-..-..___, ... 0,4 1. ' Ilslortintul of Cornelius &No's aeatt, rated alliail• (secure, pllirmiptititor to all others in town, adapted WI, eharebea, oteambants, Isetadeo ;doralllngsomilio and .prientehtdia, and £0 WI ober ail» Vice a drop, saat end brillaun Itgat Lid eutable. --:- • : ' ' Aliqiirsidotel, Hall LaalerastentialaaraSlabes, diodor.Wieks, eltiteides, Saus, Tit out ets, Ira. Abe. Goa Chandeliers, from one to COlikebto. deed •'•: * '•', W. AV- WIW,ON; 48 m " .-..........----- L'Hard verts taillan Eve" 'tytcstmilv - cu, hnp.rj.. awl Weedersl a Dealers ut Heathenry, ttuderyarel 'Saddlery, No Mt Wood meet, strove Mb, letvanoardo gto re • very cheap and *oil selected atociar. tiati.a , e, imPOTW AuCe the deolieto of prices iu E. ,,, Pe3 .. ,, d .n.etk th ey sittO tinditained to se lf •iorre,p.ZPlOY).., .4.rthanli YO. ba Stt.e. tech to the batal.or going L.l.llitputip. U. 47 ateid to ead add wow dtrotstb,r ottS'itoe.koes Wee y b,,t,,,, e they. will ravel ta; expluces. :riariA, MaLut.pc4f-' oJJ&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers