_WE 611SBURGII (WHITE PUBLIS pl"go BY WHITE A T co PITTSBURGH , ' HORNING, MAY 18; pM9. Pressley= DULT Gszeris is published -Weekly, and Weekly.—The DOly is Berm pedlars per SWUM; the TO -Weekly is nee Dalian per 111==i; the Weekly is Two Deltas rut schuss, aridly _ r Avvar® =earnestly toquessed to .hand in 3, Wars beforo r. w_, and as early in the day e. n praeileable. Advertisement. not insetted: for a speei la lima will invariably. twebargel Ordered can - ''''ihnlLADEJ-OPElliti °ETU Ampftioin. Advertisements andmbecripdana to the Dionh Amer 'Men and Unite Settee Gazette, PhiladeMbis i received 'and forwarded from ibis office. lei seat page for Telegraphic iireera. Per Unal natters age next page. , . lirrnat Box.—The "Gaa.tta Lair 80x..," tom been removed 'from its old situation., a window caw the Pots Mee. Letters on The great day:mid for the excellent .pitfer. on Cholera, by Dr. Hawthorne, his zahaealicl large,tirra edid= °four Weektyoletiollif.lbet.. We have, however, eurameneect ioyat " tYt* ilea will bye a thir4 *tau' ready .this afternoon . They ill be on taie thg,F.oun , ieri-pries eve caws. They are hi:gbiVarquoved of by cur moat eminent Uhreelowl, > • Tite Gait dassorany.—This -venerable and •highly ressonablAody of Chriatian 34tusters and LaYawn, 'commenced its manual re.iona path' cky yesterday. The opening sermon was preach ed to, At. &Mrs,' of the• Weitern,theological Seminary, whose learning, piety and eloquence, our citizens know and apprecutte. The proceed inpef the ',drat day will be kend in another mi ., nom, and any report will be amtintied from day to dayoiltile the sataioni last. It will be the effort of oar citizens to make the at*saiti nudge member,: among ai tin jahadbler. and it is the Lank= deeiie;oftll that preserved tram tininess Ind death ,f-irrttilet *our, midst. It is a trying time kii• large Wieser paw' metro . m different. sections to lassem big • yiljetkutir, while the cholera to tail a.roinid us, Woo otr our city has been mercifully preserved framthe scourge, and we feel a strong hope, almost - amounting to confidence, that we shall measures• bljesenpe—at least that the disease will not be come epidemic among tia. .va do not know , that any subject of espe cial general interest is to come before the Assembly. bet the deliberations of the highast delegated body Olin numerous and influential ,denomination of flluistlium. Mast always posses* great attraction, anirourcithreas generally will k 0 doubt avail them• salves of the ciPportunity of alts tag the daily amt .', Stoat Thy will also have theilitillege of:attend' log the pulpit ministrations of tergymen einem. 'bled firm twines sections of 0. Union, among whom are to be rated tome Om finest pulpit onstors In the country. Tufa onozazas. " Passe . eget% who came directly from Pittsburgh onthe Doddridge,' inforro.us that, natural.- etauding the denials of city papers, sad their ef forts . at concealment, there are from 10 to 15 'deaths there daily from this dreadful scourge.-- They were chiefly imported caste, however." • • The above is from the "Manogallan," published .51 Morgantown, is Virginia It is grossly untrue. There has hardly been "10 or 15 deaths' here altogether, flOl2l cholera, and every one were im ported Cum We have', yet to hear of the first well authenticated case of local cholera in this city. We deny that there is any attempt at con ' .cealnrent. We have published every case which we could authenticate, and shall not fail to tell the whole truth, se far as we can ascertam it. We May hive the ohotira here soon. We claim no es pecial exemption from a scourge which has passed round the earth. but we ask justice, and ask ez epptlon from its affect upon car bualneadisarl • . commercisi intercourse until it does come—and may not come at ell. Such false reports as the above do us much injury, and ought never to be made:on flying rumors. A letter has been received in this city, from Pittskurghers, on the ship Orpheus. bannd for Cal. ffamis, dated March 11, in math let. 08:: long. 40 deg. 47 min.—Enty days out from. York, all well. FROM rus Pries—Disaurous 'Selpounss ore reaching SL Louis from the Plains,. Four mee, who left Fort Laramie on the 24thklareh, reached* there on the Ila inst., and tune the, in comm oner= of there being no grass the Plains, the animals of emigrant parties were dying of hunger. The parties were getting along slowly,' and the Mit winter was the must severe one ever known In the mentains. Several battles hadraken place between the Crow and Sioux tribes of Indians. By aaard in another colnam, our readers will pereelve that P. A. Madeira, Esq.; has succeeded John Pinney, Jr., in the Agency of the Delaware .Mutnal Insurance Company. A. better selection to succeed the late gentlemanly agent could not , have been found, as Mr. Madeira's urbanity of manners and correct .basioess habits render; him well Attedier the piece. This Company has done en extensive business here, to the entire satisfac- tion of our community. It will not do less, we feel assured, under Mr..Madeirs's management. EXISMOMT AND SIM= AT EASTON, Ps.—The boatmen are on a strike at Easton, Pa. On Fri day, they paraded through the- borough, numbei ing probably over two hundred men on bombs and abort ford- hundred more were on foot, ceded by a band of. music_ A large majority tr, the people evidently sympathise with the boat men. A letter to the Pennsylvanian says : "I am told thin a gentlemen has gone to Harris burgbio obtain a requisition from the GovernAr for the arrant of some of the principal men, and for authority to the otherili.to call out the mili tary." Wm. U. Shaw, Esq,Senior Edam. of the Neiv Castle Gazette, has beed=aopointed Post Muter of that place. We congratulate friend Shy on hie good am _tune, He will eneuettionably make a good Theeitisens Fit, Louis enjoyed the novel eight co the 3d instant, of the launch or the ■hlp ?deal ' de, a vessel of SDO tons berthed. The Republica saw— "It is contemplated to (eight her principally at this part for California, far wblebeciage she was expressly belli, , with eat eye single to the neressa ry strength anddnrability adequate to•a tnp aroa ud Capeilurn. All despatch will be brought in te vadtian by her enterprising binders and own ers to get her ready for sesta the earliest practi cable day.° The appropriations market thermal:a session of Congress, according to the oftkial . atatemetit Nth• hatted in yesterday's National Intellir_neer are u folkowir. • diplmatie, and tniseellaneons, 88,301,005 Id Nilltaryi.incladityy fiartiksitions, Itr Nan department, revlntionary and other pension& 1,937,181 98 Naval, ineleding naval pensions, 9001.882 . 91 Yost °Zee Department, 4,3.28,391 90 In fulfillment of the treaty with Max. leo. 1,230.000 00 The Washington correspondent of the Baliimare . Patriot, says The rumor that Mr. Second Auditor Clayton had recommended six removals in bin bureau and that . Mr. Seaway Meredith had rejected outright the Auditor's recommendation, is not true. As a gen rale, the Secretary alwayrtpays deference to the recommendations of the heads of the bureaus of Ids Department, and sanctions them, unless be possesses information in some cases not !mount to 'the head of a bureau, which ought to have weight in the matter. Mr. Clayton has sent the mimes of some sit or eight clicks to his bureau to Mr. Meredith for re moval; and in dire time the Secretary of the Trea sury will act in the matter. Au yet he has not done Flom tas Scroret,--Neso Chicane peen of the 7th huit;contabithe following ilerroo • On Sunday, the 6th Max, the l'eglioni Coffee HOMO it New Orleans, on the Levee, and the Thy GockdsStore'adjoialtag, were destroyed by foe. Lorean's fancy goods Dud yerfamery stare, on the earner offinyal 'were, also took tlre—eatimated lass Mae ICI stop the fearful rash of water through the Crevasse an Lawre's plantation, fideen miles above Net Orleans had teen entirely unavailing. The water rose to Eight street at Curcdkon, and rapidly extending from the rold,hrading from the town to thershell roadontalingthe gamest damage. , A messenger arrived at New Orlearts invoking the authorities to seed more OA: , The barque Delphsa, which :tailed hum NOW .odeans, On the 2d tam, lot Boston; Lammed to the etitatflnit Pass on Friday, *Atte lash-on ire. She was towed' inside the bar and immediately, wanted: After 'helve was extinguished she Was pounpsdout and wasexpemed ii New Orleanti on lidonday:..irTlie °argotic; board Was nalte,Valind bfs oupArldwkaileAtthSTl PROM WAIIIIINGTOS.' Correspondence of the P 1841898 Ga" u° ' Wu nn c May 14111, 1849. Who doubts nowt The work is really going forward with astonishing smoothies" . and celerity. The lumber of removals and appointments " der ed al the cabinet meeting, en Saturday, could not barebeen leas than' twen ty sae. or thirty. The thing was really done handsomely , When I last w' lolB l I 1110 under the influence of Imponnons received before the adicommentof the cabinet for that day, a n d accordingly bad little actual Infor mant:in to communicate- Upon the whole, Baur. l!====Ml nuguration. The meet Impintant cases are now nearly ail out-of the way. There is not a State in the Union in which the demand of the popular voice for change, that is, further application of the democratic maxim of rotation in office has not been heeded and obeyed—norotta The western sod interior States have their new, Jan& offi cers, marshals, and district yummy' ; the great ceccunertnial communifies at the east and south have been equally gratified with Whig collectors, post touters, and a general change in the cams belonging to the revenue and the judiciary, so fur as the same are within the control of the appoint- I ing power et the seat of goyentment I speak of these things without reserve, in perfect candor. The present administration has made it a duty to its seal of reprobation upon the infamous apoliti cal prorsciption of the put twenty years. Gen. Taylor has acquired honor by the judicious and discriminating manner in which he has regu lated hie appointments,thus fu. I give you some examples from thine which have been made with in the past two days. _ On Saturday, thigh Maxwell was named Col lector of New. York. He is a Whig, .and, I be lieve, one of the earliest advocates of Gen. T.', nomination. He is a religions man, a participant in most benevolent enterprisei that come widtht the sphere of his action, end Li well known as a scrupulous Whig politician. Mr. Brady, who has been appointed post master, has been twice mayor of New York, and was each : time• elected as a Wbig. I tillak be was the first choice of a ota pnity of the New York city Whip far Collector. Ex-Governor Young was a Taylor Whig before Taylor's nomination. Re has been offered the place of Assistant TreasUrer, or receiver of public money at New York. The difficulty of procuring bonds to the enormous amount of 11400,000, may induce him to decline accenting - the appointment. Mr. Maddox, the new pointenster of Balumore o has king been the eompeteht and faithful chief clerk of Mat office. .11e is appointed as en excel. lent ma of businesai and mg with any reference to his politics, and I presume. it is not known that he has any. To day Mr. Lunt tuts br . ola &elfin:dad District Attorney of klassachusetts„in file., of Robert Rantoul, one of the most Oftictiork of the odteirn electioneerers for Can . and Butlbr, ;In pursuit of which laudable calling, he .what to lowis and Ma lawi, and spent some Oriel months of the can vass, three thousand mis'fatim the scene of his duties, making political speeches. For this offence Polk ought to have "replied' him, but he did nob Mr. Lunt, his successor, wad the only man from Massachusetts, In the nominating conventien, who took part for Gen. Taylor from the beginning, and this he did with seal and boldness. His Most for midable antagon* in the Contest tar the 'appoint ment was Fletcher Webster, sou of the Senator. Mr. gilder', one of the editors of the Boston Atlas, was appointed post master. Mr. Hoyden was very conspicuous in the Massachusetts legis. lame for his opposition to .the war, and it is re ported that he twice voted to lay on the table ms- Mations of thanks to Gen. Taylor. With great wis dom and temper, the president has, nevertheless, conferred upon him this decisive mark of confi dence and favor. Here you have an oat Clay anti-war Whig, and • resokite, original friend of Gen. Taylor, placed on precisely the eamelooting, and treated exactly alike. They say they have discovered some extra rascality In the War Department, connected with the forging and 'manufacturing of papers, where with to procure soldiers' land warrants. No names need, at present, be given. This may or may not be true, but I confine it will not surprise me if a turn out strictly areurate.. There were some pe. colitis mysterious proceedings' about the public of fices last Sri, in respect to the land warrants, and I repeat, if will not intimish , me if, by aid received from some officers in the War Department, a large bomber of vervains were , fianduleady obtained. The subject demo nda a thorough investigation , and I presume, will now receive it. Next week, if not th is, will witness bitty work among Washington aisles. Perhaps another day will be required to finish up the business lams In the States in a satisfactory manner, and then the attention of the appointing ,power will be directed towards the expediency' of sweeping out the drones and the incapable, who encumber the hive. Icarus. Correspondence of tha Paig:trim Gurus. NZW TOMS. AriativEassazze New .Yoga, Mey 11, 1849. Tnx Asnuncari BOARD ar Moriosts—An over flowing public meeting in beball'of the American Board was held at the Broadway Tabernacle, this forenoon. Hon. Mr. Frelingbuyeen, this President, made some eloquent introductory remarks, illustrating the Christ bke grandeur of that benevolence, which can embrace roubitivies in ihe.fpur goalie= of the globe, who can make no:rep:o except in thanks giving to heaven, and Ut 41ending the same blessed influences to others. Dr. Pomroy, one of Sul teerniaries, stated, that, in connection with their • various Missions, they had now twelve Seminaries for educating minis ters and teachers, with corresponding numbers of acadsmiee and schools 'Tor c,biLdren, aside from those of the Sandwigh Islands, which are now genenth sly sustained' by the native government. They had also eleiven printing establishments, that .were touting the Sthipturen, school books, and Tams, in some thirty different languages. The receipts of the Society, for the last nine months, had been upwards of 5217,000; but, in connection with their extending operations 590,000 More would be needed, previous to their Septem ber Auniversarr. lie alluded to remarkable revivals among the Sandwich Islandera,the Nestorian', and the Stock bridge Indians, in Wisconsin, and said that at no former period had their prospects been more en couragmg. Rev. Dr. Scott, of Newark, spoke of the special interventions of Providence in behalf of lour coon. try and mfirlons:—especially of the wonderful circumstance of the Sandwich Islands being Chris. tianthed, joist in time to prevent an avalanche of heathenism and polltulon from being thrown on our Pacific coast. We lived at an evemtul period —the age of tabbat h schools and kindred Institu tions. We hoard Ike crashing of thrones, and me failing of tumthen temples; and at such a period, it especially becomes each parent, each teacher. and etch individual of any indnenoe, to mark the indications of Providence, that in the end they might not heir from the lips of the Redeemer and Judge,— • "Ye knew insstnaty, but re end it not' , Rev. Dr. Poor, who has 'peg thirty three years in ceylon, atdd,'flye tint* missionary bead with whom he, contutenced, ware still In warm ser vice; a much grefda4P l 'a_P_ortilik than of their our, associates in, t. ,rldo spoke of the difficulty of changing the lid' en mind. A Chinese might m ove through Mix etty ets an elephant, proclaiming the doctrinerof Confocittig and from the cariosity and Interest excited, it might. be thought for the otomeni,that be had many converts—many follow ers! So with , the Missionary of the Cross on his paty, In Eastern cities and villagers—but in gain ing any real conquestricuMr the superstitions and prejudices of centuries, he must have long patience and toil. Still, in Cello, beside. working the press successfully, preaching the gospel, sad pis Leering towards 1,000, hopeful converts into the fold of Christ, they had, con:tramming with their own domestics and dependents, organised 173 chnstiaa 'duals in es many , villages; the blessed results of which,in Urea am:tete:any the arithmetic of heaven alone could estimate. When ha understood by, what wisdein in wan ed, energy In action, and hberality of the soot in the community, a gloat city had Leen supplied with pure water from dkanot hills, he could not bet hope and pray, that, in this day of wonders, there might be seen id christian churches of ev ery nine, a like promptitude, wisdom, energy and seal, for carrying the *Men Of salvation through out all the parched and periehing regions of the earth. Rev. Mr. Storrs, of Brooklyn, said the work of the , world's evangeligation was difficult, but still practiodde. ,sundreshiof ram, with their bun- Ikeda: of dialects, were bound by anne.,,,i,d vorliallorol and images 'to fortis of religion, CSIII_ genial b the deprevea beart. Bat, cm the oth. ,er hand, for -our anboursgement, native con- science, and Floridan:a, and the , Holy Spirit, the Vsoolia *Ws. of Ctvist to faithful Mission 'sties, were all in herrriony with truth and a pate religion. Christians were .Indetd feeble halm menu; but. Working in union with Christ, they could make the ;roe pew, theeteam cars, the light. ning wises, thnimittofaccan, the revelations and IMprotremstitior the age, all to subserve his kin iforn.; 4.•tnatt inlght .spend his beret hour of -.• flea; taftlinak, r Mita; tbe Saviour's atom • ' Wit of iuch)kiitanti, ah 835,429,041 411 Whit Was new specially needed Ili give brinmph to Christianity throughout the world, he said, was a general eflesinn of , the Holy Spirit For this we hadthe stinted e ncouragementprayi-Qespe. Malty sines our surprise hod devout gratitude had - been so recently excited by the out-pouneg of that, Spirit a community avowedly hostile to Revi- Vlde, on a setriprimerbial for confidence is firms and priestly ceremonies, and on another sect that had been supposed to reject even the central pillar of the,Christim And who, he asked, Could caleulate the result. to the' minee of phibmthropy, were sorb Revivals to pervade the clusches universally, Who could mite the influence of a single individual, fully imbued from on high with the spirit of Christ. Rev. Mr. Stoddard, recently from Persia, here gave *slowing account of the power of a revived Christianity among the Nano= churches, and read extrema of letters just received, showing that another Penticostal season was now in progress there, He krvently invoked the prayerful ern patinae, as well as enlarged liberalities, of Ameri can Christians; and hoped that the lights now kindling in central Asia and other comers of the globe, would continue to brighten and small,— till all the nations, acknowledging the only Lord and Severer, shoal rejoice in hitilleelel The large 4 sseembly, then, at the suggestion of Dr. Pomroyi as an appropriate close of the Anni versary exercises, rose enduing,— "Pram ail that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise aline: Let the Redeemer's name be rang In every Ind by !very tongue." Dint 4. "A, PROPOIIII9III TO DITSOLVE THE BASIC Passe is the designation which the W ngton Union, by a prophetic instinct, which it is will ing to comprehend, applies men article in the American of Friday on the subject of the "New Democracy." - We hasten to aasure the "Union," that the dem ocratic party which elected Mr. Pots, which aup parted Cris and opposed Garn. Tsnos, no mare h& keel! WU rounded at Buffalo last August. It is dead. The "Union" is not expected to understand this or he admitit. It will hot be aware that the ground is gone trout under Its feet until it finds itself feet uppermost. It is like the man whose neck was severed so smoothly, as he stood erect, that he did noticomy the fact, and it wu only when he at• tempted to.move and his bead fell otTohat he came to the knosiledge of his own decapitation. A. Wisconala paper of the ninth of lux month. under the head of '7llll Unita DuLacrary of Wia• mann a " says "We learn that, previous to the adjournment of the _Legislature, the Democrats and Frei Soares ppfecisdo union on the basis of sound principles, end that, in consequence thereof, but ons Sews Contwarust.is to be called next fall for the nominee tort of Governor, &e., to be represented.by two delegates from each Assembly district in the State. it hula:lg been perceived the differences were a mere matter of organization. That tenacity has fortunately yielded, end new the priesemahr sear supported Cosa and Van Blown mill work reggae-, and thus secure In Wisconsin a Democratic ma jority alike impregnable to the efforts and sedec harts of the Taylor Adoeissutratios. tit is pertinently suggested that the exernepis of the Dagger arts eau, glorious Suds moll be found worthy of mutation in other State+. We have a neutral pride In saying that Wisconsin is the pio neer State, where thit union loss been firm muster. oneetaL" The propamme of principles put forth by the United Democracy of Weteonein" has been pob- Ished the and wide. Has the union noisome it!— It Is apprised of the alarm of the Bangor (Maine) Democrat at the consciousness of approaching dir s.Elution--for it quotes that paper.' "Will you die. bind your party," cries that journal in its disarm, appeahug to the shadowy phantoms passhig hobos it, "will you disband your party and go over in a body to the freirsoilers7 Will you give up your party organisation and fraternize with the atoll. tiouiruir Alas, for these frantic appeals! They sound dismally in the melancholy groves of that political Orecomdtatt„ the cemetery of delunct factions, the necropolis of demagogues, where the shade of the last Baltimore Convention still hovers, and the mournful echoes come back with a hollow sound as from a region of spectres, a place of departed spirits. The Union with an amazed Mr inquires is a pos sible that the "democracy" can be expected to sop. part Gene TAYLOR'S administrationi Not the Uni red Thresocrary o f Wisconsin, certainly; not the Barnbuming democracy °Mew York; not the de mocracy that Calls for the abolition of all duties sod insists open a reeort to taxes for revenue; not the deniocracy that cants and whine. about limi tations upon holding land; not the democracy that would array one portion of the Union against another'and deny U any section of the Republic the rights and privileges atd guarantees of our glarionaCoarrirwrium No; from such democracy the administration of Gen. Tsll,oo does not expect sopport.—Baltimore ebeseriatn. From the Leorism Ile Courier, hiey 12. Murder 'and Robbery. On Thursday night hut, Marshal J. S. Speed, of this city received a telegraphic dispatch from Vin cennes, la., informing him that a horrible .murder had been ceniutitted about twelve miles beyond that place, on Wednesday evening about an hone before sun-down, and that the supposed murderer had passed through Vincennes, in a buggy, on his way towards Louisville. A subsequent dispatch informed Mr. Speed that the man had left his bug gy at some place on the road and taken the stage. Although it wait then near 12 o'clock on Thursday night, Marshal Speed at once dispatched officers Beard and Kirkpatrick to Indiana, for the purpose of meeting inn stage. The wisdom of this precau tion was men made evident, Shortly after the ar rival of Means. B. and K., at Greenville, the Via cennes stage arrived, and the murderer got out, intending to come no llutlier. He was promptly arrested and brought to this city, when he gave his name as Milton Jones, and stated that he was a school-teacher at Charlestown, LL By the pa per. taken from Mal it wan discovered that his vie tim was Mr. Joseph Miller, of the firm of .5 t J. hillier, respectable merchants of Charlestown, and that he was on bit way to Spencer county, Ky., for his wife, where she is now on a visit—Mr. Miller had with him upwards of 51,400 to money, and a number of letters and memoranda addressed to several me:chimps of this city, all of which were Mond in the posseiston of Jonee—The belt which contained the money had been cot from Mr. Mil• lee's person. lopes told Marshal Speed that he was travelling with Miller, when a cane-gun, w bleb was in the buggy, want off accidentally, killing Mil ler menially; that be became alarmed at the thought of being suspected as his murderer, and conceal ing his body, carted for Louisville, intending to give the money to Miller's- wife. Ad the circum stances point tmuslatakesbly to Jones so the mur derer, and he will no doubt have justice speedily meted out to him. Jones Is now in Irons in the Louisville jail. Witt DWATiLVIT, Gismo:Oanass, No. 27. ' 10 A w ."" ..k trr er,„ agNZlLAß ilf. ; llo/K1C1, . 1649. 1. In pursuance of the orders oldie President of the United States, Major General Scott will resume the command of the Army and the duties in all that regards its discipline and military control, according to the regulations prescnbed am the guidance of the General Commanding-to-chief. The two senior Brimidlers General will be so algned to the command of the Eastern and West ern Divisions respectively, the seines to have the privilege of selection. Headquarters of the Commander of the Army at or in the vicinity of New York; Readmitthira of the Eastern Division, Baltiraensi Headquarters of the Western Division. Cmcirnew ti; when the Generals are not on visits of Mapco- Leon indium of duty. The Inspect.ss General of the Army will report for duty (by letter) tothe Major General Command- Commanders of Departments, Regiments, and Posts within the Western Division will fir ward their lifetime and reports to Army Headquarters, New York, and; hereof er, the commanders of the Pacifiertimision, and of Departments Nos. 10 Cali fintlaland 11, (Oregon,) mid make their reports di rect to the Headquarters of the Major General commanding-the Army. 2. Muster Rolla, Monthly Returns, Reports, eec. enjoined by the 13th and 19th oftins Roles and Ar ticles of War, and the "General Regulations for the Army," will, as at present, be Drwarded to the Ad jutant General's Office, Washington. The reorming Services will be directed by the Adjutant General of the Army, under the authority of the-,Secretary of Wu. Military correspondence generally, and official monomania with the Wu Department, will be con. ducted, as usual, through the same channelof Isom. municiatlcni. By order of the Secretary of War. B. JONES, Adjutant General. -- APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. r Tim Bran:sou Arma,........5.-11 will be mu . by out telegraptan detpatch tram Watington, that George Lout, of Massachusetts, to be Alto,- on Satu rday the , „_____ R n maitach ey of-the ugemUn.liediloSLatensittrteuthei, Jr.-removed . ~,do l. i3 .1. - ,. .. - ,. - .... , :y. , p 7,;t: p .7 .a .lP.Pete illt t .. ,me ß e etx tellre re ln c e u tv Charles Devon, , Jr., of Massachusetts, to be ''''"' "" le:— Marshal of the Vaned Ames for the district of Ccildrizr.—Cal. George P. Kane. NOVOi O ffi en.—Ttuuou King Carroll. Massubusetts. owe lasso 0. Barnes, removed. . , Su or. — Ma, T. Griffin. po Gideo bli. wm e . F4 l2 . ll i Mthethli .i. f mi ei , .. e3 Wpp4/ranutiveraid_e' that In the ban .___ ll4 . of theam e . gen_tlemen ,!,_, Gm l assured eon Pi out te u il, Iwi t herr te er cd .P ebl m uth uy e lan d ' d. ID be Mar - an d administered v' d ' with 1 er6Mea lju e l y tm and Han fabhfa se ' Tom, *hal date United States for the district of Man , and,.. to the "thlreettha et the community gene land, arid col Teems IL Kent, as heretofore nib- ~' it will also be wen t. les T. Maacz, EN , ulticat , hat been appointed Post Master. I Mr r. .M. bee fin - ' tcsfottFicE DEPARTMENT. ed the Mice of Autuata Pat ildestettoha number , Chides, T. litOdot llslienkai Mi l . Allman, with perfect satisfactlon to the cod:unto& WAllamßreweer Taiititonachnsens. ty and credit to himself, snAllia pioditelott wills*. George L. Whitney, Camuidisgu, N. Y. ewe the matinuance °chin valuable end became- Mathew Merrill, Charlestown Massaahturegs. tie services Leiria L Weir:l4'7o== I Vincennes, s The appointment of Manhal of Maryul has A. L lents, Harrisburg, pa. been given to Thomas H. Kent, Eso , a ate of the Palley P.Blridgett, BirlisgrAM,Yertnont. late Governor Rent. This islao, we feel satisfied, - 'momikß o4l4 ,,.. 111 ot^ A 'X'' - .....'' WlRVAllll4lDtgetttilppillifEent .-13 . at t littori -:- . . -'.- -.";': .',',." - -- - 1.7 -, -...: ~ '"-• : - punning:B. twriaxammoz BY Tim WHIMISIII. ENIGLILTION TO Amsll....—Ereirpetkel fronaGee many hides British Colonies and to America, is Mereasing. Itt order to temlitate the movement, arrangements have been beide by which the per. eons emigrating may more quickly*. economi cally reach the point of embarbation. Bodies-of I men and families will now be carried by express trains both to Havre and Antwerp. Those who proceed to Antwerp will be conveyed at the be ginning and end of each month, whilst those who make thine their port of embarkation, are to leave Cologne for Lille via Mousaron, every Wean.- I day.—Lendais Ckraskis. April 21. Tan Ex Raw Loxes Pennew..—The ex Ring o" the French, mace his snivel at St. Leonard's on Sea, has been in the enjoyment of excellent health and spirits. His . Majesty, in common with the rest of the illustrious family, appears to enjoy the retirement and genial air of this salubrious levee ing place, and the late boisterous weather hes not prevented him from enjoying boating excursions to the various points of attraction along the coast. —Lumley. Tim., Apra 28. IRELAND. DIZTIZI3 aim Dn.. —The fearful mate ofH affairs in Mayo le most painfully exhibited ln the following statement, which appears in the Mayo 1 Geruditution:—. During the Quarter Sessions of ' Weapon, we witnessed scenes which we believ ed no state of misery or suffering could have brought about. It was that of hearing seventeen unfortunate creatures convicted of various crimes, imploring of the court to transport them from their I native country, as they only refuge from the hoe I rors of death from hunger. I Tee Cuomo.--Supemdded to the afflictions that have fallen upon the devoted province of i 1 Connaught, the present epidemic seems to have set in there with far more fatal effect than in any 1 other portion of the kingdom subject to the visit- alien. The accounts from Baffirimbe, in the county 1 of Mayo, continue to be of a most distressing na ture, the disease sweeping des people off by scum i each day, while the cases of recovery are so few as to be scarcely worth mentioning. The peso. lance has also broken' out with great virulence in the work nooses of Balluansloe. EKENCH AFFAIRS. The motion fore reduction of the French Navy wasmin the National Assembly, by a majority of 10, vir. 309 against, and 229 for. U. e Lamanine declines standing for Paris, as I • ca didate for the National Assembly. lid de Lamartine has just issued the first num ber a monthly to t journal, be w ri tten and conduct. I i ed b him, the proposed object of which was to en- High n the lower orders. It is, however, as might hay bees empecied, written in a style ranch bet ter dapted for the elegant saloons of the Firemen; of SI. O or the Faubourg St. Germaine, then Dr h I t. r e Ateliers. It has all the charm of Lamer sin un • style. The theme Miles number is to prove the although the republic is admitted to be dis- I tasteful to the great majority of the French people, it ia ll nevertheless, their interest to submit to 11, 1 r than encounter civil war, which would be ins arable, in consequence of the conflicting claims of the numemus pretenders to the throne, should monarchy be again attempted to be re-established Ameerrnee or Cuss—The London Times of I the 21st oh. reviews Mr. Thomas Coate Reynolds Wier relative to the Cuba question, at some length. and calls it a emarses neat." The same paper, on the 23d ult., after mentioning that a cabinet council had been held on the 21st ult-, says:— elt appears unnecessary to assure the public that there to not the allghtest foundation for the negotiation attributed by Mr. Reynolds, the Ameri can diplomatist, to Sir H. Bulwer. In our remarks upon the subject on Saturday, we glee the extract from Mr. Reynolds' letter as a specimen of Amen. can credulity or American mgennity—nothiag more. There is no intention. nor has such ever existed, of "swapping" away Gibraltar, nor of doing any of the dreadful things lambasted by Mr Rey nolds to the English embassy at Madrid. Mr. Rey- 1 colds in we fear, in the habit of going a mare's neutng by moonlight" GERMANY. Germany yet affords the most fruitful dead for speculation and conjecture; affairs there most be feat approaching a crisis though it would be a bold exercise of opinion to surmise woe that crisis may be. The King of Prelude's refusal to accept the crown of the empire has very nearly driven his Majesty to the alternative of an abdication. If Frederick William IV resorts to this last step from a high sense of duty and honor, and we are willing to believe that he is governed by both, he will per haps only forward the settlement of German Minim • single step It I. understood that his brother, the Prince of Prussia, who would succeed to the crown, is ready to assume that imperial station which the present menuch declines to decept The thirty minor States of Germany, unable to resist the democratic influences that are armmg on the whole question, have, through their plempotee mines at Frankfort, declared tick unconditional acceptance of the constitution .It stands. This haa emboldened the party in Prussia, who are for union at all hermit; and the Lower House of the Prussian Legislative Assembly, has pledged itself 1 by a majority of 20 to accept the constitution in the same manner as it boa been accepted in the minor Sutter The same feeling is sign6.naly enough manifested even in the Upper Howe— This has created a mat additional difficulty foram Cabinet. „count Itrandenburgh suited that the Ministers could out advise the King to accept the I Constitution as It stood, and unconditionally, but to couple the acceptance with certain conditions, which the Plenipotentiaries in Franklin were in structed to mate. The Count added. 'I recognise the force of public opinion, but we dare not reck lessly commit the ship to the winds and cameras, or it will never reach a secure ',even." He was evidently much excited. The remit has caused the greatest excitement in Berlin, net being antici pated. The Ministry moat take one of two cour ses—resign or dissolve the Chambers. The next news from Pravda will be highly important. AUSTRIA. A few words will suffice as to her situation in respect to Germany. On this side she is meenced with the loss of her ancient palette amongst the Teutonic States by the decrees of the organized convention or parliament at Frankfort, and by the (probable) combination of Prussia with thirty of the minor princes, to form a sort of league or Son. sierfesed, under the headship of Frederick Willem IV, and upon principle, which the Court et Vien na openly repadmtes. What this state of things will lead to, it as in vain to conjecture. If Prus sia accepts, which she probably will, if not in the person of the present King, in that of his sheet. ear, the new German empire, thus founded, will moat probably, aided by the wishes of the parties themselves, speedily absorb the German provinces of Austria. This is, however, a result which Anatria wit not submit to. if she have the power ' to prevent ; end it she have not, only at the last extremity. Austria, at the present moment, has employment in Italy, with Lombardy and Venire, the yet unsettled arrangements with Sardinia, end her interference in the affairs of iler Pope. In Germany she is threatened with the lose of all that connects her with that empire, and on the side of Hungary she has to pot down a revolution which seems to become more formidable end ex tensive every week. The whole of Upper Hun gary and Transylvania are in the hands of the in mugebta. This is a fearful position. Nina You, Meg 14, P. M The report gained circulation been daring yes terday that a large body of persons known ea `Mark" were coming over from Philadelphia, and this bad the effect of renewing the excitement, lantana' as it wan supposed these men would unite with the mob. The military and police were on the alert, and scoured the street) and. all suspicion* places, far the purpose of preserving order, until after one o'clock at night, and until they were satisfied that no further disturbance would be attempied. A strong guard, however, occupied the streets and the theatre all night. j*, Mr. Forrest protested strongly against opening the Broadway Theatre on Friday and Saturday nights, it being In his judgment most prudent to suspend. performances, but the managerslisissed upon his fulfilling his engeeemeut. At this time all inquiet end no more difficulties apprehended. Mr. Macready sails in the Hibernia nest weet from Boston for his native clime; and be has as serted that he will never again visit America. The appointments made by the President for New York give very general satisfaction to the citizens. It is doubtful, however.lwhether Mr. Young will am:epithet subtreasurysliip which kits been assigned him. We have Intelligence by an arrival from St. Do mingo, of the total defeat and route of the Mayottea by the Dominican Gorses. President Soulonque himself narrowly escaped capture. 1 Nay Yon:, May it, .1 P. M. Farther ad vices from St. Domingo by the achcion er Forrest, to the 27th ult. confirm the news of Solouque's defeat. It Is stated that the army and the Hayden President himself had been poisoned by using water Gam streams where they eneamp• ed, and where the Dominicans had thrown 111 some poisonous imbalances. While prostrated from be effects of the poisoned water, the Ray+ tiens were attacked by their foes and utterly tout ed with greet lota In killed and wounded. Solon. que himself narrowly escaped capture. Since the battle, provision/ had risen twenty live per cent. The eoronees investigation in the Astor Opera. House tragedy will continues. The evidence ta ken goes to show that the appearance of the ind. WY was the cause of the loss of life. The jury are senninising lu (hi* examination of witnesses, and a dangerous feeling is manifested in a preju dice of duxes—common people and aristocracy: Preparations were being made fm a grood fu neral for the deceased It the close of the Coroner's inquest. 47741. TtA 7 6. D' Dantusi . • Ono= end residence on Fourth st_i opposite tM Plusbargit Bank. Office j I Jwassnun elcok.to and from 2 &clock to SP. M. sept 447 Firs sus Clisir ins laigunsfßoe- , -T.. Pt.*. =WEI NATIGATIOS A. Plea lastriusca COlNPAlrr— charmed I°T entinnes to insane, upon every de scription orproDerty, at thalami ram Orrick No. 91 Market *treat.. • SAMUEL •GOEL11t1;, Preet Ronal Prnaci, Seel. &Sem - - PIISSEIMOU .13D 805T03.31.V0N0 CO. Dtvmmo The Stockholder. of the abase =real Cetapan7 are notified that the Dividend of Ten Dollars per aead, declared on the 20th Jannary last, he Pad th.a or their leiral representatives, lathe idiom-of do Treat urer of stud COmpany, In the eity of Ninaberah, no or elle he Met day of May, Inst. En:tern Stockholders twill be paid at the °Hee of J. W. CHLOE & Co., Easton. reyl.l THOS. hi. HOWE, Treasurer. JOB PHXNTING• BUJ. HEADS, CARDS,, CIRCULARS, blzarifens, Bias Contracts, Lam Blanks, VAND ELLS, canna, CSEMICATIS, C10=135, P 01.10.26, Printed at the shortest node, at low prices, at the detl9 Gwen Orince, Timm wets. Improvements in Dentistry. DR. G. 0. STEARNS, late of Barton, is prepared to monufacture and set BLOC. ?Erni to whole and parts of sets, epon SucticmorAtmaspheric Suction Plates.— Toortionna consis no errs setters; Where the nerve is exposed. Office and residence next door to the May or's office Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Bans iro—J. H. td , Faddeo, F. H. Eaton. J. 19 Paw= laneox Brost —Prepared by J. W. Kelly, William street, N.Y., and for mile by A. Jayne., No. 712 t Fourth meat will be found &delightful aril. ele of beverage io families, and particularly toe sick Barm.s.—An Improved Chocolate prepare don, being a combination of Cocoa net; innocent, in vigorating and palatable, highly recommended panic ulatly for korabds. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorehe ter, Mass., and for sale by A. JAYNklil, at the Pak Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth st nachl4 Conon . COMIXIOIoNab.—EI= Bones, of North Fayette township, will bey pored before the vp proaching Antimuonie and Wlng County Convention tor County ttommisstoner, satneot to the decision of said Convention. Mr. Boyles its a swotting cum of the party, and every way qoaliFted and deserving of the °Mee. my Levitcw.d Nowni Fexerra. Canon Connautdossa—Mr..E.ditor. You will pleas. flounce Wat. Eutaw, of klobbuton tourna.ap, candidate for County Commitnioner, subject to Wan of the non Antlol.o6lo a nd h g Conven mytEndluorS guru WA. • THE undersigned having been appointed Agent o the Dm.aoranz ?thereat. Sarin' Itraostarma Cox PA XS, to the piece of Join Finney, Jr., resigned, r. spectitilly informs the public; and the ft tends and cur tomen of me Coat/ v, that he Is prepared to tat Menne. jolted and Fire risks on liberal terms at the'. office, No 37 Water street P. A. MADE IRA, mylB Age et. Journal, Post and American copy. FIRE AND 81A.E11% El INSURANCE. rptiE I NSURANCE CO. of Non Win I make perm.m-ni and Railed Insurance on pro. P. TiY in tl.ls city and vicinity, and • ship mints by Canal, Rivers, L a kes. mid by Sea. The pro,lerties of this Company, are well Invested, and furnish an avail able faun for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro.ro ed by insurance. myth WM. R. JONES, re gent, 44 Water st. NFORhI AIION IS WANTED by an aped (tither, ~oer res,ding in this city, of He whereabouts of hls son, BENJAMIN ELLSWORTH, of Bradford, in orkabire, !garland, who sailed from Liverpool for the United aline. same (oar or Eve month. tame Any InteiligetMe COMMUOICIIIed to WO IMb...het, WhiGh Would lead to • meeting with his son, would he a great chanty . , and grateful p acknowledged by an anxious parent. WILLIAM ELLSWORTH. Pit. burgh, May IP. IND. r. Si—},ll.llters in the Interior of Peunitylvanla, would confer a great charity by giving this ;move an inser tion in th Ir respective papers. IVEW BOOK POR SCHOOLS—HI-ma rt. of hly- J.l thelogy, or Dasii.al *tables of the Greelt• star Itornans, to which are added some notices of Artian, liindoo and Scundlossicn Superstitioos, together swab more of the American NE1131.14 the whole comparing Poly heism with true Bede on. for the use of Schools. Just reed by JOHAISTON it STOCKTON, myld corner 3d and Market eta OTAVII-44easkR anit flesakb Pmts., An reel P =I for we by mylB J 73 CANFIELD / 1111A81 CHEESE-150 bores Just ieo'd et the 1% , II Butter and Cheese Depot, nod for tale by mylB J B CANPIELD CREESE-87 bzs very :lice and large, now lawful& for eau, by ISAIAH DICKSY & Co, mytO Front et MACKEREL—SO bbl. No 4lffaeterel, for solo by BUSDIODGE, WILSON: Co, royIR Water ol UTTER-40 keg. put amid and for mie. my Id WC:II.LS d ROE BACON-IO.MM Heron 13Ides. nm7lB. PRIME N. O. SGOAR-40 linds in store and f. aide. m • 18 &GILLS & ROE PLANTATION MOLASSES-In bbls •nd hit bbl myth ..ITGILLS tr. 1101.1 A FEW BBLS. WHITE BE&NS—BOR on band a. d tot ule. myth WGILLS A ROB APPLE IMTERL3 bbl( tot myth • AVOILLS & ROE DRIED APPLES-300 bash for kale. ¢l7lB 1,14311.L9 Zs ROE dozen Corn Brooms, Mon and for RAE lt, 212.17kFEW9 & CO, 29 wales FRYNHILICE FLOUR—Jaat reed and for We at the :toot and bliatard Factory Comer of Perry and liberty sta. trold JOHN U UHLL UTNIEGS k MACE—Jam reed from the east, N iresh, and fore ale by myte JOHN B BELL A SSORTED SPICES—Put op for family use, in do 11 cans, enclosed in a sliding lid box, contaitung Mustard. Xispice, Cinnamon, Clinger, Cloves_ Pepper, Waryeared pare For rale at itte slew Spice and alustried Factory, corner of Pony k Li - /erry ste mylS JOHN B BELL Jun., for Sale. DY virtue of a decree of the Chancery Court at D Clarkentle, Tennenee, made in the can of Sel lers & Lawrence, v. Carter, Jar-keno end others, I will, on Monday, the Oth day of July, 1.612, at WEB STER FURNACE, In Montgomery comity, Tonnes. e, .ell to the nigheat bidder, an n credit f.twelve. emehtreit and twenty-four months, said FURNACE. enth the LAN DS attached thereto, tOntlitting about upon which are Mewed valeatiLe bloke of mon oat, 0.0 land nein; •ao heavily umhered• I will also sell at the Bartle 1.102 e, al/ the FLalll, 1 001/, and P - arrsana tiled shout the Fume.. and a number of W•ootra Capi altsu and others wishing to polecat valuable bank. of Iron ore, tad to engage in the manuftscaue of anti, would hod It to their interest to examine Mis plce. The purchaser willreqaired In give bond wi.h two secueues, and a lien wattle stunned on the land for the payment of the purchase mouey. 11. T. OLIYILANT. Comedasioner. —Clarksville Credo.) CirrOrt.,7ntyletsvxm9 LAIDES DRES S MOODS—W. R. Mearnr, bon rant corner Fourth and Market Its, moues the testier , of lathes to his excellent assortment of the d Parent styles of Bre.. Goods, stumble for the seam such as Piton, Pink, bine and drab Enrages: Printed d. large assortment, silk' and lineu'llssueE silk and en Lustre.; l'nen do, of various shades; British a French printed Lanny, white and embroidered lima embroidered Lawns, French Gingham.—all which will he offered at low prices for quality. Wholesale Booms On Rd slory. r0y1.7 r‘lll ED PF.ACHES-100 bash Ohio halve*, j.. 1 re l., calved and for gsile by nA W myt7 Common Cirtn, reed and f sato by myl7 8 &IV HA RIJAVGII SUGAEL2SITbbIB numbers 4 5,6, 7 and 8 Li OAP Loaf Sugar, of nil:femur refineries, in mans and for ante by MILLER & RIOKE7SUrN, :11717 In and 174 Liarrty at eeteed and for cola by UILL & alcx-tmoN B n o c o o e 4: o m brt n,a S , i , d d e t s ot an sa l l :rla y lders, juat reed My 17 Nll L I.ER & RIONETRON SALAD OLL-30 basket% mat recd and for able by myl7 MILLER& bIICIabITOON 7SERRINOS—.S44 bar No I Herring., landing from A 1 canal and for tale JO a to CiOSC glonalgomeut, by myl7 JAMES DALZ ELL, water st H EARINGS -Y 5 bbta frema Ilerranga land canal and for gale by - • - HONEY —2 cut. Cant Honey, lendlo=. gale) J A !il&•4 ID A, R - OL . 1 ; t , t r UTTER.-171 .0 frr i kt ,; go r x i le o b y co CLOVER BRED—O bbl. reo'd and RR sale by m 71 7 3IP VON BOYINHORST Co LARD -10 bbis for sae by my l f 8 F VON BONNIIORSTtr7o 80 — bblii for solo by 1.1 myi7 8 F VON BONNHOHBT it Co FLU m U y tt i -200 bbl. extra , Pbbaj,krcdiiiratlitibl RYE FLOUR-23 bbLs Rye Flour reed and for 1141_16 my/7 d kW HARBAIAid GLASS -923 boxes blarken's brand 41ass,. ree'd and Cot safe by myt7 WILAKISALIOII lA' boles nelanati :cop,Out roo'd•and for • sale b • myl7 9it NV ii9RE19:999 IbIPROVED BPONGE BLOTTING PAPER, a firs rate article for Banks or Book-Keepers. for tat by • JOUNSTON & 81%0CMarket aON, myl7 . comer 3d and s 4EW RELIGIOUS WORKS—Thougbts on Pantie Pray's, by Samuel bllllor, Ds D., 4 L U. b ought. on Family. Woolly, 'by James W Alex. ander. Just received. myl7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON yESTEßtiiallilLll2ooll, 911 Market street, twil. GOLD if WAVELET. AO Innen returning it to this office, edit be aterilly reerareed. rnyttd3iu Dams tot Sale. ANEW sabatuutial - aretl built Barge, well (wattled mad of eicalteuttaaterialaT—of 176 ioua bonbon. For We by WA IL WALKER, tlizabeth, myl7ul9er ....Allegbany county, Pa. BENNETT•S BROTHER QFEENRW ARE MANUFACTURER% BlomSashimi, linens PlttsaturisbOrss Warehouse, No. 137.. Wood stied, Pius burgh, wu.A. constantly keep On haid 4 pod %MTh meet et Warr/ of ens own map tseltMet end superiorquatuy. Wholesale and eonnityy Ma ' °ham are respeettelly Invited to Gall and m. amine this themselves, an we are determined to sell cheaper than has esetbdam _bees offered to the pub lic. Er oral, anititiatilltlleetcipanted by theeeats t lea reference, will be promptly seeded m . m 16 Oft SALE. VALUABLE NULL, Power, 104terlY A Y known en Loonard'rowspablo-Af grinding from ICA to SOO losahels per day, Impasse with no acme of good land, one ball of unieb illgoodUmber, the_ other f r aprairla, under karma, traproresneuts, a goad habit OA doable Gums hanise. The,preaceirtmlfwas Wit II months atoms, open utndM of,or media Id :is.lll years isgo.. The , old mill rented for , pet 'irfohtll.; We deem It ormecenary to say more earning the' property, as It a not expected WM nay ono arid buy before examining, he. This propetty Ls situated ant miles north of fbiticy, to one of the beat Wheal grow. ing countries. This property, uS convection with ULM. Mg rod Calming, is most admirably calm:lllmi for tir Taming of En .k. Far bract particulars, call On or address A. Wheat, Eaq., or C.. 1. G. A. MU Ma- COMO,: M. May, 1643-42n19:41rpwindl i. , 7irfr , = ,-- ''- '.';;:i 7j7.4.z5tr* V - ir. 1 / 4 F - n 'VM - .olt":: - V-- . : -. ::. '' ,--# 7 ‘ ,: f .5 /Zg'-‘ - :: 1 FO9 ,IFf. 04 Ciltioltora tr G ee * t t e the i ti k ttens Tr l ' Ai= " 7nitt that lie is In possession of the best sad most tp proved Molar* • mediates ilnaltdisirmr tem mm to certainty arrest and effeemally mmt that soot dread filf et all disease.. The Mem of his medicine bm beta leaded by both his obsemtlinni and experience. Havng bad the cholera himself, ho is a hying witness to Me riparallelod viramothis medieineln cmant4 and batimg lived in *Booth dating Its moot dreadful . i n there; he Os witnessed Its - miraculous effects in many instances. it is, in a' ward; as cholera medi cine of t he South, ishiel, after all- the experiments made oy the mast eminent pph l d d ly•t is now appea sed a di estod by 'Mani its ~ ciiisdly•the best of all remees ever disxovded.. N. N.—Flom his bmg ammaintaneti with - the fin finned Dr. Shannon, and his unparalleled amass in coring many thousands of the tainted, within the last two years, many of whom living in this city can be referred to by calling at Dr.: B. Mars worn, at the Bed Lion Howl, on St elan swat 4:le has also procured an Agency from Dr. S. for Wl mining Instructions and giving receipts of his mode of treating a.I disease, in which he has been no sucreas fal to his noparadeled practice In the United States. He may be found In his moos (ma 9 Octal, a. 0. until 0 &sleet, r. et. The Olivad who an unable to pay, will receive attentions pais tr e slso b ee on had a fall assortment of Dr. Shannon's medicines (or sale. it.;om No. 7, Red boo Hotel, St. Clair street, Pitts burgh. C. will leave on Monday for Balmer, positive,. 41.1deairincto set him, will call p t our to that lima • myll4l lE EFINED WINTER DOUBLE STRAINED LARD 01L-23 bblb just reed and for sale by mit? %V Et fiI,CUTCHEON RusgpAcignm.— .ernes while running la large m the fields are tell , aft to bmim nod !alum themselves in many way. They are often disabled so as to be useless for • long time. If immediate em could be made of EL A. Faint-mock & Co.'. Rubefa- Mont, and the 1 misest part well munrated, and the remedy rubbed in, is would fire relief and MI6 the pain No farmer should be without this mslelirated medicine, as it M alike healing to man or beast. Pre pared and sold by .it A PAEINEZ3TOCK It Co, corner of Wood and let Bug also, corner Oth and Wood. myl7 • 'll, the Honoriosls the Judges of ato.Courl of Gene. rat Quarter Sessions of tits Poacisin ern for this eAllOgibmr• THE Petition ofJEBnE PLANKENTON, Of Mb town ship of Pine, in the county aforesaid, humbly eweili s that, your petitioner has provided hUnteif with materials for the aer_ommodatlon of travelers and others, at his dwelling house, in the to aforesaid and prays that your Honors will be Itleased to giant him it license to keep a Public House of Entertain- MOM. And your petitioner, as in ditty bound, mill pn We, the subserlimrs, chimes of the aforesaid Tp., do certify, that the above petitioner u of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the acriumnisdation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is accessary. Thom. Gibson, John Sandie*, Peter blOrroar, R Pearce, Wm Roger., Martin Byrne, Thos Wallace, John Mc Kinney. IL Luring, Jobs Grubbs ' , John Gra ham, James A Gibson. thyllitarßrEl flift.EolAVNE'd TABLE OF POST OFFICES, eon an alphabetical list of Post Offices thrtinet out lb. Untied States; distances from W'ashinguini D. O; slate and multi:dal capitals respectively; alto esti bibiung the Post OtSces in each Suite, as well in noun ty, with an appendirof tha United Stasis and DritLab Twin. Just reed by JOHNSTON 11, STOCKTON, mylo canter 3d and imam COIF:AM CHEESE-200 hoses; and 4 bbl. fresh Hell V Duller, inn reed at the W Lt• Butter and .Cheese - Depot, and for salti_ raylo J S flitiNPlEl42_ J OPABII cas ainl 4 bbls 8 Salta j ANFIE ost reo'd and L sale , b lo y ks myth J BC LD aun cured Tuba, co, very Inc, lor sale by my l 6 J DILWORTH &CO D OLL BUTTKR-25 bbls In more and for labs by roylo J.B DI!. % tart! a Co _ X RAPPINtI PAPER-200 reams in oujte auJ f• myka J S DS J WORI k. GL,o'n.Tlt 6 ,b"."ria — di7AD'andiu';."C? Lt. UNDER - ES-30 tackle FezuherE 7 do wool; 40 4. k 7.1, Peaches, AP/ ree'd =I for tole by C H. GRANT UNDRI FP—Elston, 2500 lbs Haan; 30M lb. Shoal. 0 ders; 1000 It. Bides; 25 bbl, No 1 Lard; 7 sacks wool 4l do Feathers; w sways by steer Dotobin, for sale myle ISAIAH DICKEY. t Co, Prom st I WEE'S Sr-70 big cum loodlog; toY mi. by ni ISAIAH THICICKY & Co F _ , IRP, BRICK—¢O,OOO6I-ovees Bolivar Piro Etrick,ln iklom and to, Nabs by KIER fr. JONES, mytO Canal Bain NE FURNACE REARTfi, manufactured from a V superior article of Holisar Fire Brick Clay, in Store and for mac by KIER k JONFS Mr. W. W. Wallace had used a Hearth of same quality and 61.1.11/ClUtO for the put eigriteenl2lol3llo, pronounces it superior to the hearths now in genarld rise. aryl6 UPERIOR HAVANA AND PRINCIPE RECIARS 0 —lO Al ViCiali., in (-10th boxes; 114 do Antigul. dad; Bdo Otti. 10 do El Lobregat Regulus, in I.loth bless; ado Venus Ile galls; 6do EI Lobregat• rued. Reralias; 10 do Joolo Bans Prineipc, 3 do National Trabnor Regalia; 4 do Letnir 11.111101 Bdo Rio Hondo; 3do La latetbgenia; 4 do Lanturnna pluitatton.Rean llas. The above just recalstd and for sale by - ' ' WICK & BPCANDLE9B, cornet wood and water sts IUR DENTINE-12bbls Bis Turpendne, jut reed 1 and-for sale by bayld J KIDD & Co CA b R r D. MdthSiEl 4 l;4l . r lb. lug teed and fm We OIL ORIGANUM-511 lbs jut gee'd smiler sale by awl° J KIDD &Co - - gi 2 . CARE SODA . _ y r lbs lust reep gaDfoe:csalo CIiLORIDE OF BODA-2doi)J.l. medal:id (or sal, by utyl6 J MUDD k. Co SUO Al 2 HOUSE SIOLASSES--U3S bblssagarboase Molasses, Ei James Heft tlO dodaste, Lanai. ales Refinery; La store aria &rubs MILLER /it, ICKETBOII, mgrs Neal 72 sad 174 Liberty st RIED A221,b3-20 bbls dried Apples: Ss las do, ji on consignment and for sale by lute MILLER tr. RICKETSHH AI HTTO s:xr, 12 . 13=1 .1 b . h b ds r Mutton Hems, on con- MILLER & RICICETSON: SPICE 2--3120 mots Casein; 20 bags Pepper; 10 do Alspice, In more and for sale by mylo MILLER k RICKETSON R AZIL BUOAR-70 bags in store awl for sale by I) my IA MILLER & MICERTSON f - tiiNG/F).13Biltll - ACCO—i0 bra Russell & Robin: I_, ewes 66 Wisp Coupes. Tobacco; jest tWo I / 4 1 and for sole b 9, Kayla. MILLER & RICEETSON 'VITRA HAMS—ta tierces Monnines extra, can vessed llama, received and Wr sahrby B & W !LARS/WO% style 63 water and 104 front at BUTTER -3 bbls prime Donor, read and for sale by tayl6 8 W LIARBAUGH NYE, W CASTLE GLASS—Sample boxes of this sa il perier brand window Glass received, and orders van be prom e dy filled by 8 tr. W HARBAGGH mylo BACON SIDES-5 bhde bu t recd mei (o [sale by myl6 a& WII4III.BAUGH wCYOL —The higbettaaarket price In cash, will be paid for the ditfarent grades of well washed weal, by mylel - tl & W HABLIALTGEI FOR SALE-Fivelots rlijitilysiiimed the float inning inning town of Ettnalnithom. The lota are emu led on Leaman street. numbered In E Banaman'a plan 75, 79, rat, 81 and lint—Lot No 75 fronting at feet on Ma ry Armytreet. 70 feet deep; the other lone 20 feet front cent', btro feet deep, Try - ma—Greater part of parehaaa money may re• main for six years, scoured by mortgage. For mac ular., inquire of 8 BCIIOYBII, myiti 110 second at O LET—A good brick Dwellin&Hoose, situate on 1 Rob aeon strut, Allegheny. Enquire of en) tft SOLOMON SCOOTER: 1761.§,c1..1c CRE I .OPOR SCRIP—A lot of groond . Or Webster street. 25 feel from Hi gh street; to 20 fern front on Webster, by SO feet fire feet alley —quite close to new court home. Nice 1930. Terms, Mb cash in handl balance to one, two, three and four years from the first of April lest. County end City Scrip taken for cub oarsmen- In quire of myl6 S SCHOYER, 110 second st T the .Ig oi the Plum and Bay 78 Woodlreet, Cl. complete aseonatent of Cincinnati C open Tools, for wit, by myl 6 HUBER & LAUF N O A"T9 -100 batlijast recd and forme by unylo AUMSThONO k OROZER Lcauzu LINTERS of Administratamsot. the Emits of r eorgo Grant, Esq., late of the city ofPittabargit, deee”- ed, having been granted to the andatsigned,.all per -1.011, having claims agninst said came We'noilried to present the same, legally atnhezttlealed, for settlferterth and those Indebted to makeyment.withohtr els, to mylthdtho ...wag I SAAC p SAAC hT. PENNOCK. NOTION. . - MBE Dowd of COMMA beingotyranixed, and a Doom tary haring been appoin.edi the Board La destroca in obtaining, et thb earliest peasiblOperied, all the in nomolon that may be compelled within tee term, of the act of hlarch 3, lerktl, locludinienlines,agriclattons, commerce, manufactures, education, and other topic*, as will exhibit a full clew of the permits, indostrY, education and resources of the tountry.” MA coos murdeations of all persons who may feel disposed to make susgostlons or contribute information on the socket, will be respectfully considered. Address "Department of Btatei—Consus? Weahing ton Coy, D. C. By order of the Board! myl6,3t .103. U O. KENNEDY, Secretary_ th - 7111741,ilpiJoolgoo - Ofia - oCIW OfGOOO. . • rat Quarisi Swims of du Pas* is. mid fart ho Hitof Attoghon. pnition of J.S, arcuaa, of the trownitelp of T In the wordy aforesaid, humbly atom. eth, that your penile:her bath provided butualf with materials for the aceommodation of troxeldss and Omni, at his dwelling lonise, in the township , afore said, and prays that your honors will be plowed to grant him a license to keep a Public floozy of En tertainment. And' your petitioner, Al L.IVAY b9ll/Id, wilt pray. We, -the vubveriben, *inserts of the township' aforesaid, do certify, that tho above petitioner is of good repute far I:nanny and tempennee, and is well provided with hoe* room and convenlenen for the accommodation and lodging of suangetg and :travel. en, and that Mid MOM a LleCtUarr• Jou Allshonza, And Snowden, R Elder, J Manic, Dandson, S Dunbar,Chalfant, 0 Made, A J!Jollins Wall', C ffi Colt, niglentrt• 2b !hathe Judea of Ms Conn of Gen. rat Quarto Samna the ream, in end j Canal* of 'Meant,. • , . rribitt petition of .JOceith SPellebri;.mt Ibit-titdl Ward, 1 city of Pittsburgb,ln the county . afotesnid, busablr th a , y o ur pobllanci peovieled Illinsolf with „involute (tor Wv noccurncr_tni, n do n when, iv tOr &codling 'house in Oa Want *Sony. oand prop that your bonins mill be pleased to mit Wm • Ileums to berg la Pb) lip*,.oll Enter tainment. And yam. viutimmr, I. iv dntr bound mill pray. . , W., the eubseritte ix,eidiene of dee 4Omakt W.rd, do earuty, that the Ocrrepetitteuortoed :Ouse roe honesty and temperance, awl 4 . pysnridete houseroom and cotruatencsa tot the nee .and -I, x4thm6 ettangera and uneelere, ttgd t tavern isone . .1 Wilson, Win ~ take, Clis Nels6l3, N Sluml That Sanders, ass /4rnett, J C Vindlay, D,Z ut errie, .Wl4on, R a.rhapro3 Bend Clark. Ylirr4t.. - GAObl,-230uuts rig /mai NO. • 1,1197.01,7=A wrip.T. patatt, in stater end for sale IttY AzYIA Tic It FLOYD fpo , sxrrroN. AND woomg, RIANUPACTUe RERSliling leatNArrectermeets tar fa... cow , taunt sup t 1 of FACTORY FlNDlNGB,epreorill sea a: leer prices Cal( and Sheep Rater Skins Lace Les. ther, Packers, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Terme Ytehater No, 5 te IA Rett Flinches, Wrenehead_hrt9Phif audit' 10 to IS No Pawn Dosser Bradlee, Weavers Etriah• • ,/te. LOGAN; WILSoN & CO., 1 .14 129 Weed Merl, ratebargb. VRATHERS-0a heed t eoop:Atn ler . • 15512,•..4 MOST Qi• cl-'"Mrlt. , z,riz;l7l tyg::. - .. .. f . . 1 . -:!p - ,i, ,;'.:';' ::- , ,: 7 J.-. •,i 't. !f:AUCTION:....'BALE& By Jahn D. Davrls. A tactic...3m • Largo Seca of Dry Good. On Mondaymoming it buy :net, at la ome al the Commeretal sales oozes. earner of Weed and Fifth street; will bn told, wittiont 'Toone, for each A Lama amorunent, of freah and staininabla wpb and fancy Day ,Goods, Among. arnica an raperg= fin nga io tt t i= d a n. ai . :l, ,, nr:eda fei , , ir d af i l, s pez i l. re. Prudfaringinuns, awls and ad*. hdtlit in great lan ai, niesened and brown =sloe, damask dims dia per cheek., neknags, drillings, cottnnadza, fancy w ales, de. Gommlca, Queensdoure, Furniture; dm, Young Hymn and tomerialvem cot , lis . r G, Z. No I shad, N og mackerel, 8 bus Vs to bamo, 10 bus No 1 palm map, writing and w paper, shovels, spades, finks,. window blinds,= clocks, looklngglasses • A large and general &Immo= of hoosehold and kilkhen furniture, kitchen utensils, Ac _ At 7 o'clock,- • A. large collecuon of valuable London Maki, bg catalogue, 'which aro ready for exam nation. 10717 • ' r===l= . . On Saturday morning, Hay IS, ot Itti'elock, front of the Canapercial Sales lloom, tenter of Weed and Fifth wrens, sold, one saWnantial well finished Beggy oeith falling top. mylB JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt. • and — P7 644_,e Faroe and astrs464 Lop 2Oritive of M... Zostdon Hog& Nan yof them elegantly Illustrated wi th splendid. colored engravings, and also an worriment of very rare classic million of the fifteenth tentaiT: . Will behold an Sikt.tuday and Monday 'evenings, 14y 19th and 91 1, at the commercial Wes Mow. corner of Wood and Fifth streets, commeacing each evening at n o'clock. • FWI particabirs In estalogumt, which can be - bid on application to myti • JOHN D DAVIS, Axel ~:I~i~t1:~~1,41~~a~C~ THEATRE. Lamm and Ilianagert• • • - o. Q. Paiterr Ammo AND Eiwnlimuaii••• •• • • •Vt.:lL•Clusr• BENEFTI'.OF MISS BUZ& BRIENTL• Prima Don of the hrtlatt bad N.-York Opera Fltiiies. Mr. IManyers 3•111 appear, assisted by hire. Oltrte, and atromparded on the piano by Mr. norit Oar- Lut eight of their ertgags=eaL Ur. W. B. Crisp as Boy Otithea. Firoac Eveasso, ALT 18 • PAINT REART - NMVEH WON FAIR LADY. Buy Comes Mr. W. IliCrisp. The Duchess MD. Cruse To be followed by the let ter of the Ones! Opera Cl, LA' SOMNAMBULA, (by the vest &IMO Count Rodolpho Mr. Ascher. Elvino Amid, an Orldisil Mr. Mermen. ?dies Mewl. Lin ...... ; .. ••••• •-•-•• ...... i..• • —Nn Clarke Denote, by Miss Homes. . . Pas de Deal. by Matters Wood. avezzara nutintrsAseir, For tits eraataal Care al Indigestion, Hypo, Blue Dalle, and Cholera Tax while gestareliy, atte an ow Veda, istaitathtl I came this iselemansarostral remady, with this fa sorance t h at Is la biamma, an antidote to caw senesigel allarietes aux, does not Imedere with dales of the MY, moltddi teliMas bile, and he been franaelly Moms us seam the mon Mamie to lad asphalt= .• Bodies, It. gmoondis next day'a basisms. all et ee rand him been known temperance sensible relief Imams ma rife of me geors.being mirambreali Mai to the 11111 of an. omainerism to e 7 main at the vrabibears of • !Mg in march of Math having bare ambled on gad Mod.. • No Parer has been seemed, es the In gredients, eithssigh famous in Europe and Ammtbraosi here pabllehed to the world, are in the Me = this College of Phannney, andtesposition fee fat that if tho smallest of the antqament marital or Waite, the mamma 31 ionsimblg Vaal ne muse= eat =elm. • • The iirgredimas ass elm and yet how . nermsablel) a Man a the aracons, a 'mama a thn MOM. Ettsemennadelit of Ma Rosa ; the seartlita hocirond faa• mama end Arm fattier- Yang Gann hot en his =Midas lame" the great Bedard Bab art lama hackend Soma= and - Bameasis van the Tight Ear eyManar j the Dramatis. Snap ofafamallsma an end Balm; the Balits=f Minitetiont a Mg= Lan Guinam; And Efereami Imam Pareosanet endlitpeettions. KIMIDT, DoT, Moen la Tama, Jean an; Roma, Naar, Barizaan, end Madmainf Nay Mantua, Hour, and Nana, ht. max! 9••• 8 • 2 • poet. our of the arldintdoel depretmont eod drag no uns of dte meanie hid-Hors Asocarwrz, and the odd Rangy of dimhunint Pardee, PLASM, Dass, Batmta- Atanaat, rad Bovriana ; the whole Initialed to the condstruney of Erato, with the, quilt., mauler ; mod fauvist of De Mar, the ma Shalreprinot Jetttre tad gait Timm the germ goaline gomediarn The mum is pee far Oiladitlecteibe dose by • &Cope of dhe " rWraft, of dor instil:abort pa it mars town I ... the Coen ma-0w Euripter of OOP B ling of , Pranck; rtes kgrost arj. _r pesv P ' 7ll Ml pryers AOMOOMPIIOM of the cavalcade of Hamm= awl wonnun, awl the groat Await= Lyme draw drawn tryistogfelt stettliud drama* Ain Rim kitoulf; "Toile writahaltra altatishar,! , ha • -bm• the wtappeni dowalt haw tam &catered that As patientivessiably Atha with Laughter dating th• opera. too, onongh for All yomonoahlo wapiti*. Era tle es, Idaisnabr Wistord Elater MI DAV IiteVIPSONO and . laltalornt ham fount sepal far Indira wham., the 4- swam, Boat, the diormiag Jam, the goilkodellza• ROI, wad the :awl fompitental" have bear found la. stardatniondy academe— Dr, not against made *anal, oo Imita b' tion could tako.in *Mott TM duo ; hotetrizot the al longue . to bit. eggellisidod, to wit, that the Eneilid may rataquvro sartacaut of pleat ado doting the Mato and Equitation, or aro COIMIS. OW= Of Irmghler, during the throes a Das Rid& Thin mimed Patacat will he praworibed Wanda al OM grand Had du /realign to ba erected al PITTSBURGH, on Lot in front of the AMERICAN HOTEL, Penn meet, on MONDAY, May llth, and remain lan day.. Doors scan or 7—performance to commaae at to &O'clock, P. M. l A Grand Performance will be given each after awn (Monday exoepted,( at 3 o'clock, for the accom modation of Juvaniles and Families, who cannot at tend at night_ Admismon.23 cents—no half pile. AN lUCE, MD, She. Dna. Domartla 1ai,04"040/ Dina L . sm Axe Nadu acrak. qf Taw Iskasour Pne,gf • • olgutvaw. Via Haile Low for Canis • BE interest alba leapt of Store, hitnelt, T lknositb straideadlit amnion pin alleys, and a lame essertment of the best t alls and pins, all In the best ,tif. order.., The: tear. of villas,4bepvinietOr his other Mali.. to attend tn." There teivrePT,ltsnd , minis Saloonen first 000 y, and the prate is regolorly lieenoed for the solo of boors, Eke. For flartborinfor motion, please tall at " MICH% ICALLtria,` - m &dim ' 15111millt8el& • Take Nutley. ALL pennon le4abted. %Ike route of Fnemr, deeeaao4. Williklesen mike meant tin or before the tat of Jai} , nits to thkezeeatery erbe will be tonna a$ Dr. Marleek'e,roaritt Weir, between Swindled , sod W. , d,_..rnnelrtse their accounts will be left In the binft lhb roper otileers krr etinee.' Lion. SAMUEL EOM _ _ Vont:tr. • CSATLIERIN4 '/441.D0CF, Fp, ening. 16.110013er . .". • IM'OSM'BOSEIit-11100 feel 9 In, Spruladla MCI. Hose—loot received fordo Bomugharkfantebost tarot hick' wilt be held store far • fur day% The Boston BeitiatCompiull firma' a strong dints fat the fire departments onto CitiON of fettateniii aad Al. Ireton). to call and &taunts ma make atrial or them. The company Is oritlirtg.to pet them to any tool 'll7 think prom ta etontiodo open. J H PHILLIPS, 6woad at - , , TOBACDO-26 bin apt ati Lamp roba:e i r Bu da Jasper'. 6 spun ping do, in sum) and for myl4 YD SPI.ENOII2 STOr 10p NEW SPRING GooDs. ) V A: ) MASON & CO., one PRICE STOREI-3Has BO DEMME:a aTzuragT — MioLzeiiiiail AND itgralr... A. A. e St t-jh C4.sthiblil collsiddregY **Surd Nair F k " D " , Dmihtl/dtb Bough and Ready stay, Ea' - for W 'ittesasedintien of their tamer o, lb& Chip, Fan ice. to ‘g basinen, are and prepared to eXhlbit to noir re- ilib liONNE'r_ BUIDONS- 1 1119 bode, or "tow and Cap la trade liteast attentive elookdrvieh and or dart erylev. ‘ Also, Week Eli ..P___ ,,,, ... able Imported end Adierictan Goods they ba te Taffeta, nod hest eplanty, Also, Masa ="... offered In Ws city. Unix lam Sheol 8A.% logedv• end Linings, es,, a c . er with another *asp roam, been Pled el , dln. ad- HOSIERY ND OLOVES-Evonr rilotkm of doh totheirl.lllll won= inobgraby gmbi allut me Win and up s . and edevess =odds pie room for the display of tier la.ress dpw-it• Mall Baal% Also, Berne Cause, VI " a ° coumintlVP gm =OP or unRWOM.." 43 t he" "V" Veils. Maeh ilea deal Veil We. to . .` 'C ! - in New • troth, they are enabled i. to OW OM NEW narEs and 2d j oi l lgulAgt, otell Ca feat.- „,,,,,,,,., hd ..oda ~,O s egesireble irole% hzdt st Flan lonabls colors and style as love es astidehse ." 1 . ce. ,,, i , - NAIHROIDEDHES, -111128, 311EllhaN1 .. , de ,-- 71 1 . 17 14* M.”! b. Mg . i ' ;", 1 ; Lees tre Ilars, end; stanehei p ains Pros Hosnage % I v. etnitratnelk Belem, Vidie,... ~, ~,,,i mesh urine, yeaThhidri; Albannes, D.bb,,,, k and marquise °tam and lasezting, Dolt !Ribbons, US= CAgani.:" igwfk liddies mos. Also, Nil de C,,dm , '", ___Fohbod Mak de ereptte.Ae. •e, m. letlthh G/h.lut... s, Ve.'" , ..........."'NsaldelatsToilsi PARASOLB end PAP °in than two lrrierdAtfe.,„, ~,...! bed risk "- wane ' I i uswased Female ea a. or el• - egoism L $ 4 . 1 / 1 .... , '"" A l'e u -.-- -Moneta, inelodurg th e best motes eldest Sabo and Camelles. Lotto and Oldelidles-aftudtd- nenferol l ' Cloths, CeesbnerekVeahat. ,B "mr gmlnivTdeedes Bevels lintivised Pleees WWI• InA•PrekehTrito, lean. Also. Flannels, alSehrinusen, an tkao gsgrus'°l:"th ith r 1:::. „,,,V=2.ll7,figTaata a ....,.. . Vhsce Handred nett of Heti plain, d der. and chnollor° Silky hf ifildll 4 Y new tryles-1 BLEACHED and BROWN MUEILINS-Ovlo one bleat Kite or dressed, , visnov, mantilla% *4,1 4 hundred eaves of all the well known aunt approved 6 ' 1144 I ' m "' " • - ' makes of Illesebed bledsng add helot hogoengporws.. ' EdIAMS-Zuhazere . llulor, ,Lang tOrd rare e 'l Wie 'i " d ~P ri l e4' if d ' I Shawl% Gm errildah - Psint &se* amon.c.i., IPP rambaft n k ."Yi t rr,,t iron th= tilk l ... B al l / I .4r7a,lir,woca newannutimud ksamt , " 4 *. i ed r,„..,b l 4n4 k, de° vi ces , viv,."" ammo{ !,..° ......."'"',,,,,L, -‘ ''.." ; . ~ .: fAVY P [(MEN adapied byltde eitaldletno4 so wen Mar M tVIWIti.... ealithnee, Saardnan-tflalalte as their ONE smois EirSMAT. having awake nob Lawns, Bosh • and Sol= Blestran, Terletad,- P.M' aniversal diver slatt the eabsenbers ars enable:llo al soot Lawns . Dolled Khans. hteil ant Mid' ter mill greater indnednente to pentium Envy sr soot &Nike. Ari. ode 'rift tasteless Ds marked al each low sloe as out- MEN 000DS-Deaeroka, Cover Itk in tei, I. not fall to give Parket sedentenon. Harchares Bald SI DIN VYMeh Linen and Drills, dims. an pans atlas smart an ignited to call. Irish Disk Wank Out Mats and JLAIL ILASON SON Sallsplate edeliattliall orailanlagil, iplirellana IllAireasta bowssa 711, ant tut ws. STEAM BOATS. • !lat PACKET LINE. rvault damp Ana ledid passender Alma eno fa now seet4stsed d i d Ingest, sonfterr, bet heti sad furnish and mots powerful boats on At omen of the West. Every seteammodatica and ocess Ant that moray eon ptocare. lowborn yroridedft Pen. senders. The Liao hits been ha operatton for flue pare —has carried a million of people without the least in • WO their persons. The beats will be at the thee , nod streerthe daprevious to etarting, fra tho p 7 don of freight end the entry of pusengers on the ter. In elf man the pas: raga mousy must be la advance_ itreney pacturr. ibe- MAC NEWTON, Captain nezigt= WITS Pistabergh every Seeley morning et hy Wheeling every Benday even:Lure 10 e it • May 26, M. . ' tiIOHDAY PAONET. Tha MONONGAHELA, Capt. &cats, will lam Pins burgh eettcautag morning at 10 o'clock{ Whaalata every aimaa7 eaeuthg at 10 P. la. JI7II.b.CIELET. vh,„ mmitmA 7l3ll" 2, Caps J. Kuntritiziorili leave PiaahOYgh ave Tamdaq morning ulO 4.e!eck, WhechAr area 4=rl:7=._ WEDNESDAY PACKET: The NEW ENGLAND No. A Copt - S. Ikrati;lirill leave Pittsbotoh attcry Wednesday otontiot oi to o'clock; Wile,.Ups witty Wednesday eveningaz top 111 • THURSDAY PAOHET. The SRULLANT, Capt. QUOIN anli• Tern Wu,. bargh e • Ttnuedny mervlng etlo o'clock; Meth". every • y evening et 10 P.A. ITEILDRIC PACKET. The PER Na K Rapt Pass Rms. mat Mass Plaabargla emery Friday meaning at 10 stead; Wbao. Rut avant Friday evesuss at It P. :..N AND Prrresuaaa DAILY CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 01041 .. (InnsiZalsiOW LAMS Pinobargit deity, at SI dad dares It Gdasmrouth lathe Band Beaver Ca ns* at 3.4; arid New Lisbon sat, same night. Leaved Neer On et dolciack, P. M, (mating the trip canal to the rives doing the fight,) and Oberon ar V (Mont, 4..11, sad arrives at Tutobtargb 0 . 3 P. M.—thas making a continuous line tbr carrytrwpatc onagers and neigh' between New Lisboa andlPius. burgh, in abater time and at lees rams than Og an other mono. The proprietors tinkle Line have the pleasure Wl' tn. forming the peal+, Outdate have livid op two Int elan Canal Boate,for the aceoutmodoolon of pennons and *sight, in run In connection with the well .kreown steamers CALEB COPE end IIEAVER,and patentor ins, at Glesgow i with the Pittsburgh and Cistern. tun and ether daily lines of steamers dawn thaOhle and Miseinlppi riven. The proprietors pledge t h em. selves to spate no expense or youble to inhilla cam of rhea d. sf i tety end dispatch, mid alit of the p a share ArrITIORIZED AGENTS. w & W. HAEUAUGH, lI&NNA. & Co. "mil&q: J. amtaithm a co. "balL NOTICE—The steamer EEA O. F...filiske;isss ter, sal leave alter this mite, tar Wellsville pinata an, lt 9 o'clock In tho mossin -13 ealtstMaltle 81131ERLida ArLBAIWORIMENTS -tor AS46I. , • BIONONOAHELAMOUTE • r.. O'kily 13 'Mil ilea Be Ugh neg.. Via 'Woven - RW . llnd Caurbeilend to Baltimore and " Philidelphic LHE splendid and Dui ramung U S Nall . steamers ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Ceptl. bw LOUIS hPLANE, Caps E Benneth are now making doable daily trips between . . ... . PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE, - ' Te morning bead will leave the kleuoagebela Wharf, above Ike Brid daily at B o'clociptectsely. Passengerwill take S PERU COACHEElatHrowas. Wile, at 3 o'clock, P. and the splendid Care el the Baltimore and Ohio mid, at Cumberland; at 8 o'clock, A. Id., and arri in Baltimore the liameeven- V, in time for the evening line to Philadalpkin sad =a city. burgh to Baltimore, only 32 Doan . Fare From Pi nigh to Philadelphia,o ll ly i rhoil Pare 111,00 • . The everting boatedll leave ate &cloak, akeekt Sea , day evenings. Pentagon; by this boo will lad pon board to comfortable State Rooms the Rut night, mu; over the mounfitina the follcusingslay in Eastern built Coaches, and lodge the second night In Cambarbord. Panengen have choice of either Steamboat er Rail Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, grid the privilege of sto pp ing at Cumberland and Baltimore, and sernioung their eats at pleasure. epithet char. toed to pules to travel as they plaice. We make op the buds and way bills for r i te Coach . re in the Pitubargh offices, tin order to lave time on arriving at Brownsville,) it is therefore important for passengers to get their tickets before going onboard of the bow., at our aim fdonougahelaHrase,Prater strew, or St Charles Hotel, Wood at, PltuburOt. ap.k.driat l. MFSKIPIEN, Agent VW& & Lantsvato Packe t tm' ,rpacotatNNATLOUISVILLEAND LOUIS VILLE The_ l i eMag r aga r a i r 2, lasts.4` the leutftn, al ID otlea - T IT k uzz 3 V D 7bnamosi , l4,-.. Fal4l - 410. • - nrYI•S • GEO a hulAlartueaws& ppp , remiE9D AND Lowismue. Pa ' 4 •IJNIS • Money add rpleadldlinpasseo. N0•1 1 vk awn, master, , leave 100 00qcfn• cad cod Lcalwille Thunday 100,24 00g,t o.olook, A. 7g. Ear 1101061 or pangs appiy 0 - o&oard, BURBILIDGE. WILSON & Egor • GEO El MILTENTBEEGER. • asommt WU= Ptat2l FYPTBDUROH AND lIOCKIPI , The steamboat ' ` PILOT Ne. 2, ' ' 4 ' Capt. J. N. Shenk, leaves .Pinsbarglt sty Tuesday, at 2 Akdoek„tY. M., far Enisebothtown, Captina, gnash, Droctorfßar% Landing, New Dianntsvllic, Banns, Slatespill e,'Dae Ps Landing, Idatamoras, /1.-13 heeds Landing,lleaclam, asent rit Newport, Cow Creek ' , Marietta, Point, II Par, , kenburg, Belpre , Little Hocking and Rea% - lea -- L M: Hoeklegport every or , at 3 &Mock, r M. - Ma rt ens on Ptiday, at 2, A . Wi g al l n e gi l lZ P , Vo l g i nl o g r hi. he ""P- trey By a above seranment, thin boat waba - ible to Mshouldy at Pinabrugh on Sondem andkceit lisattay as It be. • The piddle may depend open this boat oonilsdimg in the trade dude the low we • emu. I •atdactm Lontsrl . lLe and SU Louts Rsi?llvil„Llo.. 11 • illll9. 40 Vgr&witlr FACM Ir°U/S The limo fast itutinnie steamer ATIANTL.S,, Geo: Mr. Wicks, mister, torn Laos the above told 41#110444 ,6 .: pore every, Taesda,y, at-10 o'cineg a. ta. Far freight or pranapply on tatinVagii.:7 KING, N 0.153 contAgoto , sottrf-dOso _ .. .. . ~ REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET Fooreuvis. The four fan roWareegar: r steamer , GEV. :'''`l. I A. Me Pbervon, mastek.wl lama is a above and tntarrarrame pasta ITO r7 Seramay, at 10 o'clock, P. IL , For freight or lowan apply on board.ov la 0 E. O. gm, No tsa Com.s.a!sl mar-Sam . .r. LOPP.TIIIO FOR eatimb ne neat and obstantlid meaMer HUDSON, mane., nroO, in mato trips bemoans Web 1 Wheezing and lindgepon She will love , Koh = on Wefts:Ain, ahrturrday. Par Rd& or passage, apply on board.. i s l t aphi -- VbaliaratTrA - AND4ANESVILLE. The splendid punnon: watord Aan COMET, Boyd, masto,will leo° for lbabort am eaday, at 4 o'eloek, ?o duce potu tL4 toy - Wad. r freight or passage, m 44 7. on Ward. FOR NVITBELJNO ARD - 811 The Ono c ate nsimag am rzAt vi er lagar George Calhoun, mare,„ 5 71 or above and intomednibri Blonds For ht • ar t b: 3l, Troarsdaya, at 70 A X or passage, apply 'on board, •ni , mi zuvcavniremtir The One ateasuw ' iiiNNY LTG% , 74. ,C Moo, master, will 811LSP li p ter• ..C l / 7 _poker hamlet' n. burgh and Zancolili-leaves h'ittaburoli" TO. day. For freight apPly to •., BARER h. FORIPITIL All., OT I TP" " FOR NASIIVELAJI Nov. Tito dna Rgtodrso . irt DOLE% •- - Hulce matey, 1 . 1.4:101 Or above d totem:Wale ),:leottor UM at 4 o'clock, TAIL • • '-- ' -- ! --4 For (KIM Or passaxe, 'lndy to- oral GEO itiaILTEN . • he__ HOP soanivr a. a AL Farwardlogr endC44ol, md._ remo meet& ved to No. 87 From. ilk Wood cleat, eaet Smithfi has eld tilgrMb bosh of Wimeib 'Velet r* -- emo 3C03 Haley, est *bleb %be high= =Act prim In cash will be pall by myg 8 it P 7 MIRIAM-1 0131.—Itupcblbs of . thkibmb y myB S k W HAREIAUGHAnuI • - silanowa • T:,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers