HE DIC At; '4 DR. PWAYNFTS CQfiPODNDWBP OP WILD CfIKRKI. TJ i*GliwTßo«i't roB Coeioropljon, Comlk, ColtU Asthma, Liv er Complaint* rfpiti.m: Blood. DifffeuUyof Breath ina, Fain in the ?We aod Btcaal, Paipiunan of | me Heart. Intlnema. Croup, Broken ‘.Qn u;»aticm, Sore Throat. Nervou* Debiti ry. and all Liseo*** oi tlw TUroat, Rrtoatainl Ijunft»; the mort ef fectual anti spew} bare ever known foi any of U«e above dir«a.*- ea, it • * DR- S'VAYNE’S. Compound Syrup of Wild Ch.rryl TW. i> no mim.' ■'"•"S ‘V"' »< afllnv ll bm» a«HV t.o.n Ilia Ikou.aad. d«l.)' SSSS.J upon du-lte »' >»"»«•'. ”" J ifiterln reputeon. .ml '■ commit mn,. ,n,,n.,vc. I, mod d»„ odi" r'.|n',"‘'“" ° f »» cTcc- P"“ f «f *« '"teHte ofh-l.ulne »nd *«*«» ™ dusted. Sim d» propnrte ”* li u few 01 d» "Uty iteu ««od uuiLudi whirl. to*. po.«n,.d u, w> m „ o( the tr.i ...pm-whi iiy-mni who h.r. H1,1..i vtnwa of moral re«poi.«ihility and ju*»ee, than »> f-' f , utTZ (sc. Itesuw . teur.. *..d tliJmselvca no injunne- Such testimony xlnaiTclv that il» aurpriainc mccHenre t« cattli.Ub ' by iu mmna.c menu, mid the unquestionable of nublir opunon The inemnlaneou* rebel if m Lt . P nd ...du.uc d.lu«d,te«l‘te ,hte M, l,y u. eiulunno mo., »('«••*>" „ m .dy(u,U..n l iUc, ) . ;!MKMiiKH , “When men. suite dm" "'''“"'T. mine, or voluntarily bear leamiion} (ieuu , fo jnrary n> thru particular fact, suchte-nnio »> • ;rre / cptl vicuon nt worldly liimreet* and purpose • , nau , irt - j„ it* truuu and commend* j e* llnfal Maxim* universal RJ-.AD pl B’’ ‘>,os*kt - STIU. AsoiiUft Cl ”£j y mat has beep a.« aueiVa.iui There uaver ww ft ,. o ,„ ura piiou; a*Dr . Swajnr 1 * in desperate cihw* Cherrv, It rtreiujtheiu U.r Compound Syrup hrn l ih« ulcers on Hie June*. ■ ystera, and a Pj*" h ulo od; power. possessed by n.. creating nr» « l “ other medicine. CBEJTKB Co., Apial «slh. —Denr *«n l vrrily believe your Com- Dr. Sway' lls , Wild i‘berry >»«'* mcHiii oi pound WP° ( ,'in UI! l»l» *r*d» saving «) , ttr ,; l j c o wiili n *fvr», roojrh. tli.u 7r TIjl"X » I hyd.pj-ourw- 10. au.i restated *ll KU «.*ixhß.itßd oil lr* .ympio** oi mcreesing “'.‘“lT 7 puon . f.vrry irW M>eiu.-4 Pulmonary ( ou»ptaiitxiu>deeaMd m> rftjml » 1 8T ,?“±. well 2 niy»cii, pve 4 all ho P 2 o« |y that friend* j W!W rncoTHniended to try my recovery. . , t . j *dwtlfy the most hup- T “ r ™l? b"> .lie .Beil » 100-" *<■ PT T me » eipeciorete freely; end by the eongh, coo, e win eiuirely well, nail era ltaon, mine, lever <» in my life* ernl 00W 1H*| b hioev ro rive any iiiformautm renpeeunj my may <!•"« lie Une« 10, "“cb, - K., u, Kf BWflfW Cur. of a Moluxif Mmuur nr sim-rku Sir: 1 fail * r*«“ “ r f'* uu, '*« *>' . . JmT ro >i" u«Url.d yenoroily, lo«Srr “ T ! in furor of your Oompou.d sy “ T SwurCn WM mroo your. llnrr l wa. nip of Wilu <-n >v an< j uißtmoaiiou of the. T io '' nUT w»r iccoSpooiod wr* u. H«r~«n, Longa, w , 11 .. i ~..i «ml lirnl, a-Very eomudera eooA, P»in ' n l f b off r mQCU9 from Uie Idngr, e».pr blelUc^B^oofoffrn..y«m (^T A( S'*! T frKo r .l“m »l»“> «r ro)UliU'?dt l '“' P"*'V fiml ffiltno »*» - . rapidly go»n| mto coiuamp -100,1 K weaker Lid »l Itfnfth wu* »carre tion. I grow «Uu M , e ak above a whisper, surli s&Nta. Ilf .trffTvunoi!- preparation* Rod ume I bod med vuno t P worse. Jn«t bot (band no ' rh ' f r^ r ?"“‘;, in <i e d t.y •„ dear mend ». here 1 wn»advised a of your Syrup of WildCtier- WUi«d*io« u. i >, ry. I maatconieM Uw‘ t [l(Un „ utl diced against P® i ihr lmml* of eippertos. but under use comuiß nut ot th and practice oi •landing 7°»' , OT|) |ic i faith in ihe saying of my medicine, and Having imp Dr skaw. one of your friend*, I foritivr.m uu Mydm agents, a W months' staildm*, con ©a»e wa* at Umt tin * j n,und. however. •eqoently nwo ATomth'-u-e u f ,b e fim four df dvr considerable re4i« <ro»'{* IDC *ki r, J' frequently at bottles. But ‘*f!£\viihuiv incrrasbig strenclh, and tempted 10 P l * thru had already begun thereby ruptured ibu* my curt greatly to heal, in this way. • u ,„, imprudently'. Uio otiovo iiuluorouon. ’' 4011 | ! | > . p,„ , *«-- it* r P 'o d ,p. srrss v’b cure, ami now that lire t Ktv ) y joau*> ; pleasure. . Dublin enmity. N 1 /orponuor f 'uuruiu —lf.vi.ff .^.oor^Prr^ouor^.br.;, jS£VS- i r Donor! 5rn10.u.,.1 ivi.J inorry h..-r porUUOO, cu "' ■ u ~rr ro.rr » «ime Orropti . boon pm .1.1 -i*rr ,u *■“, ~', ...il.-ir o»> ■ f0".,0mC1“,.-.1.:.0r 1 r.,i 5 . »ulr if- ; m. *•’-«u -« k;; would 1101 l«- endeuvorme to f o( U ~ . ‘•bcuiiou* tio«mini« l l»> **'•“ S ....,, u . Qierry. Ri-raeUiber, alway* 'wnr,i ... Ot Dr SWH) nr. lUld Hr mil >•<•» e Pnueipat t.Hlibc. rofnf t "• *-« 1 ' PKiladelubin. , , ~, ; .... niiDl-''\ i. SNOW'. uS r .“r ?atrw.:::?»a 5 ,: o c«r Inland World, and «Ul» «„d. Worn. A JOXKS. cor Hand ’«.h ‘ 1 * L ' , , ;f EiuU .\Hri;'.r..> ■ iiy.-n.d ••« o> ., r! inedicmr .. M'ALUSTER’S ointment, kori'UH? FONOUF W.uCNW 10 •<:*■ m<rir r u.n-s man urd tben heal* Ilf m .u-,» ~ It u ngiiii) 'ertnrd ALL-HUAI.! V>- ‘ . scarcely a divea-e cilfrun! mulrnm. -hot d 1 i “S ; 1 have used,. f-r'Jf I«i-t wi'c-n > *«» I ■Si Amum «i Use clsc-l, ,nv.dvu.g tUeutmo*. sU«*« „nd responsibility, z°ui S3.;™. i »■>«,.. ».«»« . 1 Lvc baJ .a -b. 1 have nn.ii.icr. of me S“*f ■ Tif,"' YOUK ointmknt 19 RHEUMATISM— It remove* almo.l in.medir.trl> o,fSaammaUoo and .«ell„n, »b«n >b" I"**" II^A(^Tb“.T, d e'“S b e“ id-per..r, of U.- every wm-k »«..• 7™'"?,'“' ft? f,rf ACHK,TUUTII-ACIIK, Al.l KIN ril r. r A' l eared vt- .... «.* oebml every UU»U -..own, a. reel! a.- lb.- -J' 6 ; leen m raeuty ton... I►. m»o lord “ • ’ft" $3OO on hi* children wiUiou uny wuen u < W»Xe» of Oiutmeni cured Uimi , TOTTER—'There is nothing l”>U'-r ft ,r Use cun? l* one O' 'lie If M linn** m II"* worlJ for B °P?f.ES—‘Thousand* if je.-wly cured '-V 'litnO.nt roeni. h ««vt* mils m giving relief lor : lie 1 ITT* Around the l>ox sre direction* R>' • l j A ‘ liiia't Oinlmtnt/or Strofuia. lax”' ("vtp.aint, Kryttp* Ult.TttUr, Outbtam, .vabl H*nd. Sort Sort Throat, Er-mehttai. N«mm« A^ a ‘/ LJ - L> '" tattpfikt Sptru, Htad atiu. Mhmn. Kir <J th,. Burns Corns, all Distant of lAs Skin, Sore /-*/••« P»n via Ac. Swtline o /At Limbi, S*»«. HA."trvuii"< PUti, coU FtO, Croup, HirtUrd at Broitn B"mt, Twin aeJu, JUve m U* Fa**, l(t Sft. V COLL) HEKT— Laver tloniplulnt, [«uii m tfce l.iic»i »nd tfidr., fullme otf of ihe ban, or U»e o'.lier accompu niei cold fccL «Thid Ounmmi iMl.e mie remedy | n is a soro of-dircuae u> Uave cold frpi »wjonH—Occasional u»c of Uio UiMmeni tgjll a. wavs keep com* from Rrow.i.g People need ikvt be iroublcd wiili them if ibcy anc il frvuiiPiiio QC?™..* Uintinenl .* go"d lor any .!**« 01 Hie tanfy or t£m. rebel, Harm'd >" e**" " '' * P CAUTION Na OuiUneni will >■' ?eimuie e.leir me of JAMfi.Mr aLLIK I-KB wrliiei, war. a ~n, A,e... ~ aU -be pimcp.l C. 1.. a. a U.WMI. -be U.'leO M ,_ AI , USTE R. Sole Propriemr ut llief.-'.-'e medic.lie , C - Pnne.pal -l*c«, N" * Norm Third ..reM, IL.I PRICK O CKNTS PF.R BOX. Aoxto .a "rrr..dm.ii-l»aui, A Rcner. corner . uSe£^.db-n-r -! J '' 71“".,;: Mark*' *t and thr Ihanioml. ul*o copier »f 4 b Sm,m‘eld am, J II IW. • ..me. oCVV raU.ut P 0..;; ata. 6th ward; iu»d m,M a: ihc bookstore m Snuthh* 11 door (rum liccoml «i. m Allegheny city l>y H I Schwaru and J S»ar S eiu. b> J 0 Sinn i. Drowiiji, B«r* muurhaja: D Neglcy. F*a«i Übeny, H Rowland, Al>- J AleiJuidei A Son. MonoiigatieJa U'y; N B Bowman A Co, and J T Kotpir*. Urownsviile, John Barkley, Beaver, l’u, are wbole*ab* ag-ut* fcb^7*deodly » BTRONO KVIBKNet Ural »r J aVaK*V t.V A I'KI'IORAM' i> mpermr m all *«* cSab.,Comu»pboc, Breeebii... A.Uoaa,aad Cbr, Pula., S?SeSa, JlAat Iba ..a., permm who eeom.ae.d lira J l ., RPq rhair fnml.e* .* r*” ■«" * ,,;i *' Other rcmcdle* ofß.a k.bd, aodrrb.r-a., bar. beeo.od|a.d PreiTUiOb. u.r, ba.r aliio.l ..earablj b*.o £2J553 m rVeeirioe rl,. beoell. *Weh »a* maaah) ssseX. *.■ if p™« and ha*« r«luro«d u» the u*« of J*t«o • a ma«dy ih.l lia> orr*rU:iedu. relief* gm - >n ” *7', rss&L^, Dr. W.P. lalaud'a Premium Pla«er. Do W.P. IM.ANI'. >r Ui- M-iljeaj lollct;* Uf » till adeipkJU, bow odrr. n. Ilia public lII* Indian \ rg etable I'reuuuai Plnsier. Uir m|nnbc«-oi wineb, aiicr lour and irird eipcnrnre. U«« been *au*iacu»riiy **• Übushed. To a<l women who may be artliirted wnn Prolapsu* Bmria or K.iler. -V0...1., be rc.omimii.d. Blaster, auaranieeing j «ui- ami »p«ed) euro m 'l* short space oi from i-vu 'o ibc weeir*. i< applied w nn eara amlrtM-dmcardma all Hie couui!. «« mstijimcuu and expensive bandages *>o loi'K iri >'hi« or »««■ eonsetenuous in Mating, mamiueli uf Lb ha. i.Oi buicl in one m*e out 'Of ihf<** iiundnd and hilv inr«-c pa- Also far BheuuatiMii and V'c«k Urc-i or Back, m (ended with pant. Were is noUu.* lo cirri ihi* \ faeirr *. m afbrding reUefor edei'Uug a cure rvr «-i e / L Wilcox, rnrucr «*l Diamond and M«r*c. ei Braun A Rene?. • l.n-cny and Rl Oaif *i* Dr J Rarycnt '• Federal Sl and Diamond, A c Jbcß.es “ IVom.ii tm.l 11..1.01.J Binj.»« ham- _ 'TaDIEF ARK < Al TIdNKD Ai.AfNST USJI.Nt. COMBOS PRKPARKU CIIAl.lt. THEY am not awart; how rnguuull> n.jurind* il i* 1C the skin—how coarw, how rough-how nu.lßw, >.-i -— unhcalliiy U*c -sm appear, dtlcr usnijt prepar Bei.de* u i* iiijuriou'.couUun.iitJ a liirgs qnanuiy Of irtdf beaoUluJ Vcgruhle arurie, „ V t & rJ IdLV WHITE h which we call JOTkf- purified of all .icln. r.ou, isperfecUy innocciil. bci .if P ft MturaJ . }jtaJlh) . quaiiues; and n >jnP wlule U ( ttiw same time acting alabaster, clear, i, ? u \*[ b, l !J kllllfl t sod and smooth ,£X%:2i“7 y chuscitA, says: “AAcr analyziHS /» fl »ntn'u? and WMW.,I 6bd itpo.«r.«r* the “U?, aw | rat, tod at the -tune tune innocent «tua- J SsWnly caa e0...u.i,.u0«.1y .-‘TJ'X'aTeRL. whose stw require- wauufyiwr ’ Yriee, tcum • box. Sold by WM J ACKSoXsyLibcii) *t- bx. MEDICAL Q A <uU BUtr.Sf ef ikt Agt. TK- D io*t extreordinarr Sdmlietne In the World ; Tfcw KAtr*tt u p%t *1 « BettUi i tun' I<J|M r kt*ptr. pUm*i'tr,*nd Kamutled n» ytrw M «*y It '*’•'* mtAeut ilcMutn/ 9T iiinfy—utf U« Tbe great beauty ud •nrMonty of thia Sareaparitla tPT«r »I 1 other raedlelnea it. U • while ll eradicate* the •!•»- ?a»e. »t inrigormlea the hod). It U oa* of the eery bett SPRING AND WMriR MEDICINES Krer knveo ; U net anly |>er"at the whole lyetrtn, and 'irvnglhena the person, but a * '*l«t new. pmrt and rxeh i iood a power poaaetaad by nb other medicine. And io tin* he» the grand terret tofilt wonderful eueeere. It ha* performed within the lait two yean, more than MO.IKW -ur. * of terere eatea of diteate . at lean 1.1,000 were ronaidered incurable. It haa eared the lire* of more fiau 10.000 children during the two past itunoi 10,000 cue« Gmeral Debility and want of ftfrroßi Energy. Or Ti"»D»end'i Bar**p*rlll* invigorate* the whole ivrtcm permanently. To those who hate lort then inmcuUr encrxy by the effect* of medieiaßor Indiscre tion committed 10 yenth, or the *xeee*Jv* indulgence of me pamon*. and brought on a general physical proitra lion of the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition, tainting seusauoni, prematura decay and deeUne, hasten ing toward* that faul distaaa, Consumption, can be en tirely restored by thia pleasant remedy. Thu Ssrts i>arilla i* far aaperior to any Xnrl|»ratin| Cordial, A* It renew* ami invigorates the syitein, gtvea acUTlty oi the hmlin. and-strength to tha jnuaculmr svitem, tn • m,»l extraordinary degree. toaanntpllon Cnred. uieansr and Strengthen. CtmnmptU’u can he cmred. Breach Hu, Onsufßptioa, Liver Complaint. ColtU Catarrh, Ctragk*. Attkota, Spitting of Bloat, Sortncn in th* Qfutt, Hectic Fhtah, flight SmeaiM, Di&culi or Profoat JExpects- ® ration, Pan in tAa SUU. tyt, hart iaaa and aca )« eared. SPITTING BLOOD. Ktm Tort, April SSAS47 rerilj baHeve that year Banaan rilla han baas the menu, through Proetdaaca, of saving Lay Ufa. I have for several yean had a bad Coogh. ft became tum and weeds. At Inst ! railed large quaatl fcuS'efUood, had night' Sweat*, and war greatly deWIW tate«l ant induced, and did net eipeal to liva. 1 have ealf m»| year Sanapari&B a ihert lima, and there hae a woadurfa) change hea» wraaghlia no. lam now able ia Mtllt Wl oror the aity. I rain na bleed, and ay toagb iw left me. Th oi vail tsaglae that 1 am tlieutft’ far thaaa renhs- Tear ebe&ext aarrut WM. K.DUBLL. O CethetU^et. Peal}* Hefilelat. Dr. Tawanad'i P*jxh la a *ev«ret|i tad speedy «ura fer Incipient Oeseempttat*. Barreuaaa, Erofaatw* Dtcri er Falling of the Wenh, Ceeliraxaax, Pile*, Lea scrrbmn, or Whitt*, ebstriatad ar k dlflenl»-llaaitraa- Uen, I Does tisane* ef tlriaa, or tareUatarr dlaaharga thereat sad for thegaaeral preetratfoa of tha syxUa— do matter whether (he nnll ef txhamit cause or eaueee, prwlnctd by Irregularity, tQaact er accident. Nothia# «.*u be more curprtrfxx thaa It* tnetneadog efoet* oa kbo humaa frame. Femme tfl rttUMt and laaai udh. from taking It, at eaao hieana tebast and fail af enurgy mode* it* inlnane*. It immediately eooataraeu uc nerrolarraaM of the female frame, which 1* the groat . ion of Barraasaae. It wiD Bet be expected ef at. la ***** el eo delicate a centra, t* exhibit certificate* oi co* •* performed bat w* eaa assure the afflicted, that but deed* of cases bare beat reperted to va. Tbtfuxand* •f ?»» where here been withoat children, cAer »■<«! a faw bottle* af thia txralaahl* aadidaa, have bocublaaaed with tea, heahhy efsprtag. To Heihen tid Harried Ladle*. Tbl* Extract of SemparlTle has beam expressly pre pend to reference u female complaint*. No remele *ti he* retaoti to sßppoeo the Is approaahtxg tbei trideal period, * The tar* a/ tyh." ahsold Baftaei u kale it, as it is a aartata prcscadc* tar. axy ef the ucmaron and horrible dtsaasea to which female* are (object Bi this dae of Ufa Thl* period mag *« de layed for nooral feart hf ariag •‘dicta*. Net U It lec raloabie fat thoae who are approMklag wo manhood, a* it l* ealcaleted to atabt mantra, by quick oamg the blood and tsYiroradxg the cyxum. Indeed, thu medicine U iaralaabie for all tha dalieat* dine ter. to which vomto are subject. It brarct the whole tystem. reoaws permaneatly tb# utiural <-urrfie>. by retnoving the Impwnues of th* body, sot to far »timulaat< a* to produce subaeqneo' relaxation, which it th* rare of ontt mediettme taken foi female weakn*** and dieeaM. By asms a fow bottle* ol thit medielhe. many *erer* and painful turgieal opera noci may be prevented. Great Blrsilng t* nethm and I'hildrrn. - It is (ha safeet aad tanet eiTectuaJ medicine for purify Ing the syvteoa and relieeing the •uffertnjrt atteodaoi upon rhdd-lurth ever dUeorertd. It •tmnftlieu* U.th tb* mother *ad child, prevent* pain and durue. m cr*a*«* and enrlche* the food, thew* who heve used it think it i* mdtrpensxbln. It u highly usehit boih taf«r« and after ermfioemont. a* It prevent* dmeaae* attend.>nt ii|Min chOdbtrth—la Coeuvene**. Plica, Cramiu, Swell me of the Keeu Deepondencr, Heartburn. Vonmtng. Tam in the Bark and Fal*e PcJn*. Hemorrha^r^ ■ud in regulating the lecretion* and equaliaiitg the nr dilution it ha* on eqnal The gr**t beanty of thu medinoet*. it It always *afo. and the moet d«l>r»i* u»e c iti.wt •o(*re»«fully, ewey few caeea require any other medicine, in tome a Uule Castor Oil, or Hagnee>v it u**{ul ExarcUe la the opet. air aad light food with tm« medicine, will alway* e-««ie • *afe and easy con finement. BraatT tnd Health* r<x»flt>et. Chalk, sad s rsristy of prsparsUoos rsllr la use. »hsa sppUed tn the fees, rery «»a «jxul it pf its Ixtaoiy. Thay dose the port* of ih* skin, sad rheek ths eireoladoa. wtueh. when nature ts am thwart «-.! hr disease or powdar. or iho skin inflamed by th* »'U -;ie* used !u loaps. beautifies its own proeluctmn iu I-,.- - human far* Iliftne.•' ,s*>w-n as In th* garden r;,-b sod d*lir»t»lf tinjed and rarifgate-t fl..»*r» A free artire and healthy' cireulaUon «f th» fluids, or the -.ursine of the pure, rich Wood U> the eitremiii**. is ihai which paints the countenance in th* most **<}ui nlr Heauiy ll is that Which imparu the tnde*rrlbaf.i* shades sad flashes cf lofellneas that sll admire, but m. ran iurnba This VeaßtT Is the offspring of a* (bps—not ofpowdsr or tool U there U eoi a Trea aod healUiy circulation, thare la no beauty. If iba lady is fair' as Arisen snow, If sbs paint, and ote eosmeaea and the blood Is thlek. eold and tapure, the Is nol bean tiful If sbs be brown er yellow, and there is nure and artire blood, it gtfes a rich bloom to the ehaeka and s brtlllaocy to their eyes thntu fascinating. This ts way the ■snthern, and especially tba Spas i.b ladies, are » rnoeh admired. Ladies in tbs north who take but Intis sxsrcise, or ars confined in close rooma or hare spoiled their complexion by the appli ration of deleterious miXturea, if »bey »«« U> m raiß elastirtty of sup, buoyant spirits sparklinf eyes ,-,d tieautlful complexion*, they should as* Dr Town , ft.raaparllU. Tbooaands who have ined It. trt n. than aalisfied, tr» delighted. Ladies of ae.ry a crowd our office dniif !Norlce ls> fbe Ladles. Tb<»* mat iroitata Dr To-nssod's Harsapanils, hi*' Invariably railed their stuff • tU sssdjr for Ft i.Wss. ir.if.. and hnvs eopied our bill* and circular writ-ii relates lo the nomplninii of woman, wor I for *n> • -—nthrr men who put up msdirJne, have, since tba gr*e> lur-tru of Dr. Townsend's SareapariUs in eoniplaiott ,nrid. nl lo females, roeomasndsd tbsirs, although pr* t'lomly thev did not. A natnbsr of these Utxtures, fills \-t, ore injurious to females, as they eggramt" disea** and undermine the constitution. Dr. Townsand *is tl.* only and best remedy for tba nuoeren* female com plainu—U rarely, if wver fells of effecting ■ permanent cur* It eao be taken by the meet deUeate females. 11l any case, or by tixAa to.beeome mother., •jin the greatest sdeantaga*, u » prapare* tbc system Slid prevents pain or dnagar. and strengthen* both iin.ili.-r and cbilA B# careful to n* iba genumo. Ptcrefnfn Cared. Tin* rertiAcale eooelualfaty prota* that this Ban* ptnll* ha. perfect control over the molt oLstmsl* dta *.»« uf ihe Blood. Throe person* eursd in ou« bous* i* iiuiirecedented- Threc Ckildreni I>n TowwxSD—Dsas *irt 1 havss the ui-asur- tc mf.irta v-.-i that three af my children bavo*e«u cored • ■l'lbn Scrofula by the use of your exee.lleot medino- Tb*N* wera affiicted vary severaly wttb bad Bores . bsva Übeii ddlt fonr boUla*,, it took them away, for which I fuel myself under grept obligstlon. Yoon, reapcetfuliv, tSAAC W CkAIW, 106 Woo*wr-«i Op(ni«aa of Phyaielaaw. Dr Townsend i« almost daily receiving orders from I’livsu.iaus in different parts of the Union. flu* is lo certify that wo, the undersigned. Physician* of il* Cuy of Albany, have In numerous case* prescrib ed Dr Towojcuil't HsrsapariJla, and bahave it to b* us* of th* nniai raluable preparaboo* in the market. A. P. PULINO. I! D. J WILSON. U. D. R B. BRIOGS, M. D Albany, April I. 180. P E M. D CAUTION. Owing to the gre-at succeai and immense sale of Dr Townsend's HsnapnfilU. • number of men s*ho wnra loruirrly our Acnu. have comruenced making Barssp* nllu Kxirarts. Ehatrs, Butars. Extract*of Yellow Does, kr. They generally put it up in lha game shaped Lot das. Bud somr of them have slide and copied oar edver u*«ineot»—they ure only ‘miUlloDa, and thuubl La avoided rnncipal Offi-e, I‘ifl FULTON Street. Bun Bulldiug, •, Y fird llßg A 1'". H State street, Boston, Dyott A Soiio. If.' Nofu d»< uod etre-t, Pli'kil-I|iai* , 8. 8 fl«n< ••. Drurxisi. I’-*mroore , p M. Cobsu, (Mieriaeum . Wrirlit AC» . 151- fhertr*. •*!.•»(,?< U. lOfi South P*>rl Hii'r '. filial)' , soil )•> nil th* pnn :i|..rl Ding ei.p in-l Meri.-Lsn!' g>nerii!ly throughout In- I i.ned -•tel*. Wr*t lu.!"'» ‘'-I -be fin.,;.. N il—Person* inquiring for ibis medicine, should not bn induct'd lo Hike any oiln r Druggist* pm up Sarsaparilla*, and Of cutirv pr*n r selim* their own Do not In- deceived liy any nniuife ior Dr Town -end'*, anil Hike no other ft/* Koinernhcr the gi nu mc ••Townsend's SurnupAfiJla. -old L) thr «ole agents R. K. >KLLKR.**. (renernf WLolesalc A Retail Agent, No ST Wood -ireei, and !> M CI’RRY, Alleglieny ••liy. p-'ic EUROPEAN AGENCY, For IL* Rei*nvery t»i Doniianl >ilid lltuiroi'erly With- In-Id RKAI. AND PKRRtiNAI. E*TATE ihrs-i vh'iiirm and Artntruiion of Commercial, Trading, ami other lieliie; Scurintr Pair in- for 111 veiilion* m f. re«i Until,ii li-mnd. and Uni Colonic* and Deperulenr i*« ihcreunio iri'ioiigtnß, u/td Negotinflnv mr ih'' Pur- I'll.l.** or Suie 111 the -JMSC REFKRKN'T. ltlu> |.e ; id on uppili'itlion Dee o! cliurve. tji/nv.ded Ine mi,live j* not that of mere curio-iiy.) io Lim loßiprising utivnrds ,oi ISIM, names in whn'li unrisiMi.-d prof.eriy l» *iamting Al>o. nil i.idet n» our ltn-m n,l vet who-h hiivr B(>pear>.l ior tlf pi« 4 .'■<) )-:im in vanou- Briii-L Itewgpaper* llddres.ed UJ l|ei|« j, | |j| w illld If rt Ilf Kin , Ihntliuii’-fanni--. l y int.-r e/e rerjlie.»'.*d In lie post-paid Dl' N I'M AM FA iiiA.N. li-r Uroailwsv, New Y **rk References are ps-rmitted to Hon Charles P Duly. Judge ttouri of Conunoji Ple a « New York. Kr>*rlmirt, Sioan h * ■*> l’anhUir 4ii‘o W? A.J T Ti»T>«r<*U. ( K K. A Ksrfc-U*. F<lw«rJ !*<■ ullnlrr, K»<|_.<' , i»eiiinau, Ohio A Pairin' ls|. Ptr>.div; Pu ir l.tn U.i uk . Huffalo novil dOnt The Allegheny Cemetery. AT die a; mill meriinc ol ih<- Corporniun. held nn ihc itli iml. the fotiotviiig wr-rc unutu lUiJtaiy ie elected Manterr* lor ihn cnaolmr year; TIIOfIUSM JOHN lUBRW.L, 1 J fr>BK r AROTM KllS, NATHANIEL HOLMES. 1 WILSON M’CANtILKSK f JOHN H SHOKNHEKGKR, . JAMES R SPEEU, J J FiHJnrt, Jr. Secretary ami Trejunrcf. The annual iiatetnrnl preaentriJ the affair* of (he Company m n Tory procparooa condition Their other in me city i* No in w«ier »ireei jeia "jffcVtN ApVl .1 f» —(4 bhl». B>»orie<J fcini}*, (or *nle f by HAIAH DICKEY i Co CHyv>TlC-mt lia m »<urc and for »»Je by iccH dec* ISAIAH DICKEY t Co MISCELIiANEOUS' GOLD WfifiHßßS. “ UFABR\ hao invented a machine lor warliu.g . ‘fold, for ta-Jiu- ulm ha* made app-icaiion for n pa-.i'o! I'l.ey arr now otferrd ior,«a!r nt tlir war* bou«- oi I‘arry. S.-oti ifo. No luj Wood «uc- PiU*l-urgb Advi'inurrr* io ra;,.'onna are invited to rail and rj. tuiini'-rtje-r inbor-tsvwnr marmnri Tlirt are.-mpm in thru ronelniclioa. easily iram|ioriri| oi, n, r ou. t of mu‘e« or iiot»r«. w. irio.i< <ifii!t p0u.,.1. e.„ i,. ;l „.l 1-JII l.e pu: 111 iiprrslli.il :o H ill t »ui liour Tl.e\ i fil ed with |'rovi»i<ii:* li n the opinion o( iho«r wlm have *reii lbe mwl o' mlr (.1 three IDarhllle-. 01 *lilullrrt •ice. that Itti, ini*.i, un WttMkihc liiinrt.il .r.milUi hu*Ue|» or .and or rartli .n a day. tv.ihout me n... , H a jmrin’le oi ilic uuncm. I ;.f, ran he im r-a.r.i i,i -i/- and wori-ed t,yw:,l, , m mule po-wer ,r rxprdie,.- 1 lie■ oprnii.jr- work vv ,„. r ~r l.e.hjr rX|M.«cd to wet a In' CO,Lei, jr„; y W.ihoul rn hjii?i*n ii i; ili-'ir fie ft Ith wii! i-i. a oi '*-ni*T. tti»! inn t.r- >hr w I' f i- <> -m.. ! V»: , r MrtJ«-,s ■ rrtiii ftl.ron.l n> |.\ • ■>cli w,l' i(»rr«nif.tly II l\\mn . *• Pa, H ,- u . J-'4-.r i wj,,.,., Mu»prau t hou«< Sod* \*h. | r \*' r - trc-.vu* ili> ,r r» ' i,r ' M ' v v>'<«rl<. Ti/ '.hr Jimui' i. 1..11 :n.t 1.vd.., li.-H in* arrived hi Pli. .ml.-.|-n: i itn.l K.li'. itno.’f h -ul : w a ii.urr . lft«- Slrptlrtii Haul > 111 <».; in rrciJivt-&i,irr«. I (er , W|jl rn'rive during tin imi. ter an. -J*i.. < rt-jjxi ar »up|i!irn via ,Nrw Or an* w A_.\^Mr^nifT.i.TKK,r MOl N I FaM.l. I Kl l*<>l.l For clumiim: dow and I.UIIII .r?rr pint.-. i.m.., 8.. lanmn. and oilier »•« r- I: rapidly take** «**.: an -poi am! ‘la.liv nml reproduce* wic hrauniu: ui J dural..» ’ me mid retai,. t,\ JOHN ll AIUKt.AN Ilriiitiri 1 ! N OTIC K. MR >A.MI. II lI.AKTMaN iiav.mr m.d in* C't 111 Hie CO parti.. r*mp ot I'c.riunn, Iho u:,.n A t'li . to the rerna.iuan partner- Ini* tin- day t'-llr-d irinn the linn February |!>. lrB»-h pirism Ki»H mam FA»*TI RKS Tnr under i indued. A item for :in- timiiu-Hcuirer*. nn« on imod anil n roiulantiy rcee; i .ng n lu . —upi*, v <n Hie aruc,. * mmlr in I’lttMHirgn mul *n.iU u'ncl. I.e otfcr* mr •«> at tnai;u:;u-iurrr» ps.,-.-. i,fu idi'IIKAN I'et-ai -i. wood *1 INDIA KI'HUKK Fa- TK- 1 gro*. tm'.tlr* Imlm Kul I"**t Pa*te. an nn lent article 'or rent!* - ring ;.r><»i» and idioet pcrled y wjiri j.roo . ami «nil «•* a pier ot (noth <Jrnr a|"|ii.i aiioi, m itn* p.i*t« i» »uiln-ic:it to make Hu in ntipcri mu >,n * atrr mr or J n.tv Hi- a... 1 a pc i me. prevent* hv< . rr.m ii-u Mir r cinr k ,ug Rrc'd .iml <i.r mii>• ii Uir Imiia Riild * r [k-pen. \o .. Wood *i. i.-' to J A H PHII.U l> MHIMCAI. Honk S—f oopc r - Sureiru. Im !\ fopeund* (1.. I'euvrrmu’ Anatomy Dru'-u » >urgrr\. Fern* on fini-cra. Krr*c .m .).>, Urn and Mnii* I'raelur t.rev . Jar.-prudence. L>ravt» t im l.ei tnrr~. B.odic - no. lirodie ot. Joint*. .Magindir * I’liy-. Nengati on Medicine*. Far;,* IMiurinurolov'in. ll.unde.. * Midwiicri . .In on Llnra«".« ui'Wiiinr il. Mini! t’onirrv on I’rremtiicv Parker im >ii>in».-t\ \ rl;>ruu o.i Hreii*i. I)up«rni(ue on l tent*. on Kai. i iark on Coiipumplion I'niiy* I’np MrJ , A'lmtl. im Female- Stewart ott I’lnldrrn. Bell* lin>ir.utr>. I’m-, ra on Biood I.oui» on Pti'hiM*. FFiouon< FrurUV. buprei trets, >ur . Ai-crimili) * Work*. Fin, ,p- Soroi'ula. Maekento*n » Practice. Il.dlard on ' ‘hii.lrrr. Velpean'* Mtdwiiery. Kberlie » Thrrapcui.r- Anatomy. fiark on Femme*. Ham»*»it « Anatom. I‘ooprr nn Dmocaunin.. t'ornlie mi Chiidir", M, i,-i . Fnn. ol Surgery. Fliun lm.'< I'miu n |w-we..* o " i ‘hild rrn, do on .M .d wiicra . Jo on Femme* hut-gn . Fliyno'.oey, do Did.mur. I n«vreiipenn Kir. |Vr. , la « SJateita Med . W al-oii’* Fra. lice. L.-ion * ?nirr« • rv. DunKliaon * Fiaeltre, Jo Maier.M Mm)., a Mi. .-r . Fhy»ioioßy. Raui*''Oit.:nn » Mid. Kam.-ii on i>rrr* Hope on Hen. i ivuirH-at on Kure.i-on * surgery. Wii»on'*‘ Anatomy. " ilnam* .»•: jnr-»ir>t. Organ*. Alicrcromi i"- kii llm.i: bur r I*o'. * a. «• H. m rdlr*. Ae Ae The al'OVr. With » g.ir-u. -«n[ I met.: o. <, :il.dar.l MeJn'ui Book* In U and lor *:i.c on KI.I.liTl a ry mm? ! -•«< lih and bum- ■ .1 »i BIIiKLUWS UKKIAtit 51AM t'.UTURI, {txa+rviJ 1./:••**>. II vod u<*J rt«../ Si •ri< <ir». mid .til kind* 01 lanev I’arnagi-* eejua >n <-r vanre and neaine** i.> am lound in iim i-.»*l C .raeu tor mi> nuuiin i <1; I'Hrr.uge*. Bogt;,e- 1 U gun*, wo. l-e prompt.) u:.ct Ail work ot to* on n mviut-riure w t>c i* »rrnmcl Kuiiiri ks t'o: K Fut’er«on, R H F*i;rr*.>n } 11 F>*] Hoi,, r, lioh; F ,j y' |. M..* c . dcimmi Mrn -j; , tl W lit E RAILI.VB. SF.ri KKb lit I.F.TJ'KRS I’aH.ST 1)l'Bl.ir A’ITKNTIi.N .* *n..c.'.r-l in a-. - . lien artic ir 01 V A 11.1 N(, made ni n •oue M ;m,. de*,(riied tor r:iicio» - K l oi.age*. I'ein-i- nc* tiH,.-.- t. nun.l- A . a. pi.,e* ru,,,,., '•-u* O fjl*- it.r .ng TOO? it .* 111...1C , .. n: i ariou • m ne'.li* '1 [ .. I '. h.g 1. 1* :i j, n r.m id leer If nc. re l paj.i.ci* ran |.e ma.le oi an. wilnoui i-o*u No • I'r* - tiarg.- mi p,,* '-•i. !, ot die W |KF K All l\t. "-c r-. mi i *>,.•.i price al wntetr ' •<>.,!. arc rmit.ng n n. -up. i «»• d :.e fa.l Iron |l,, .nr,, .ompaa,... :• -. .1 |«> • .. m.-i )>:«/:> •. .. Nt \ ivSH A 1.1. A KK> ij HV.H" LOWEI.L FI.ICTCHKN AL l UII e L AM) V L'K IS Srlli 1 T S t’orner I ron' and Vine «treet*. Ctin ii mi i,«>. iiJ Jr nniSfe 1 2r ' jjT'ai LVTvvwiJi^ jy> ■ jtf M j |j,i|?jj^ HiUra BB IB 111 Rr, : | t.ed \\ hi.*.’; •>," rr p-oo Ki * El CM) TTTT*”I>A \ u: (a nou*** N;» *.’i Fourth »trcrt— Hirli • iti(K>««riJ F,*;m r.i.vr- F 1; Tatne do i Fir U. Bo'ilc I'nry- : Bt. Scripture \ >ew* d«J Ju Turkian do m, d>. 1 >rapery I'li.ne* 'lo<ni..el,l Y.rv I ,a ndß-»|,r do T i ioiliir« I'npj nrii] JU,,rf« Hll<i h.i » i’ll Root End* Tl. «l O'.- I.OO.;. . \h- M'tir*! •<-> I 1 • ' U M t I.IN'I >•> k I I! v\ i i.i • 11\i, j* rKEMII M KIRK I'HimiF •I, fEMK.Vi’ Ii - I‘rnpi .-in i •vunlil . • •■•-■•■tu!! •. -form ll.r piii'.ir Uiul a- ha* iow thr «aii*turi[o; iffer ih'm a tVinem winch will weld. ticauliiuiiy nmi In la i . > a . !■ r (,<•<■. irl it it, a. Kurt ben 'u.-l t, n,i*nrr **hailr* Ornament*. .Marbir, Ivory, A< unbuilt ih> Inrun-.* :h-m iii a- i an, rendering ilinn u- u*rt u : *«jr Hi)’ |>ur|x/><* whale,cr a» II,r) wrri' liriiirr l.tnk-i; mid in,i alt- •• nl i'7 l.e*' wavr or air Tin* Cement i» no: w,-likened in ih- im»i when -r’r«| in a »trrin* dr) heat, or when irninrr*-d m n< Thu J*utili f ha*- lone a,nr- ini i:,*- , , •h an arm- • • -.ml m tfu* ihnr r-j|.r.rtuii< •r lul.y rea.izrd. b- d ■ • nj>|>Si«*«l without h-a: un>i cu i „• u*cd l.\ a child The *uh«enl<er b»* tnln i«**in! :,ti uriirlr For *a»e by WW v\ U.siiN ni-jy rorner market anil till .t* UKOROK WEV.IIAIS mid dealer in nil kind* oi TOBACCO, 8N UFFS AND CIGARS. \J' ci, »l Ml Stnml c'lrnrr nl Smilhlirid • Bin) Diamond aJ'-s. t’m«t'arvii, I’n . would re*pn ilu. y i-rtli >!>♦• attention cl liiun.l) Mr rc li ».;t - Ml,'' .1. -I •ninnoul Bur keep* r* nn i'inrr .nid *u|*ennr *•* •in nl IMP! iRTKI) i'II,ARH umu-g wm-b wi, il■, 1 tiimuviii./ '.r.i.'d*. r./ Engl- Rr*H;ii I Prinnpr l.n \*,rn,uv SUr Kihii-1 M. o- J. '» Diillur Rrgu A:.i, rnn-tarillv cn hn in] told lor *h •• i .are' w-ll •rl-m-d Block \ irrinin Mi**our, and I n. Imwinc ■J'r,liin Aim IJiivniia. I nl'U UnJ l'«,ii]iiii,n 1.-nl Tidm i?* AND It I.V IKV\ .>» • Uy hUJwin P Vklupp, |>ll k>l \\ I.r ki;.l* - 1 ud IIIJ! lII* I hill V, - • I’hr JBo * : •i-yt mi 'Hir Hi Vnl. I,(iiiiirl in 6 ‘li-r|> Dillo in- Sta-kln<u*e'B Hn'ory o( llir Hi!-le, l undent, wnh I, «irip, and plain*. U-tavo llrbrew Bililr, nr* AiDirn un -liiiimi Bulkin'* Note* on thr New Tetiamru' V vol* nr w edition MorauUy'* Jli.nory ht-rary *iy'c Fur «ale t»y R MtiPKlN’**. mi‘h-Mi Apo lo Uu.ldmc*. l.h it DRV W<R»D-*- Wr nr. i.ow re—. VY vine a targe bu>cl ot Spi.in; m*** Summer Dr. i ,ood*. ♦ofecied w ub ureal cam from the itupnii- r* aoo maimfacnirrr*. and cmiMßUtig of a line aß.onnirru o' ~11 grade* übuul:-/ l-pt by I>o' Cood# houße-, wi,,.-l. o nr - jir-jiareil in ■-II ai *uch price* a-* tuntioi hi tugiv- inLißiariioi, to purcba>er*. City and rnuulti iu«-r cbttiil« aru invited to civ- u* , ,„H an4_c*ain.n,. our .lock uml nrir-* I,dorr pur . I,a-my- rTTrurbri. SIIACKJ-KTr A\V HITK. y<» U'omJ *l. two door* Diamond alh > me h m I’tM'UtNTKY MKHi HANTs-SMITH AJ'-HN*.. , All Market nr t ctin —H voo hOßtery chrapn inui the \ chi rajdn-r tl»**in— having bought Ui-tn at i ißfyr parkM[*e biilc prrvioui n, the urlvnnrr in pn-- Mi, y ran Brli you •*tiaw Domirti and V:il,-i\ li’iod b . clieap u.i you i *■. '-uy tbrin ol lvi*l”ril Jolrl—n ' limr and Br-. mchli-1 'Pot’oi \ TRY MERCHANT* \N K.MtßfuM. •. I r.-.w open it [ In* Uliolc.nlr Diy'/ood* Ri>*,ii>' nor iii ru*i ,-o ma i ~i lih und Market »i rrrt« E*iU*t,uri. i* t» fu. i iiij'tn j ul lir-ii >|,rmg (ioodß. mcludlni; nr u • • •tyle* cl f'hulx t,ii ctiami l.»wu« Ac mid invitr ; u ' fniJi.iuit.oii of lII* .’ock I'jii /nrrr- u, \\ r,„i,.,al«> Rooms (fulil lib BIT. r| n.ANMJs-yk H Mih 1 -l • 4 to- ii ••i.ti.iii t,uyrr« tj* hit .Ux - ko' Nti.i',- rfix.ii* of a . in- .iiil-rrui ijuiiiili-*, .ai't <■ tili«hrn.ksii*.<* i.< l\ , ~,, Blli i |„ w-i pi IlCllUinc '\*.-!l 1 . u l. o limit v /"I i. Oaure Bod i. pO«-*. At**’ Home mad- H luo* 1' nin,|i and l,ni«ey. I cou.lm 1 ) on hand.»al ipr not. ot Founii <n>d Mm krt Birrrl*. r,-j.i NEW GOODS. O rl ACK I, J• rT *k '' Hill'. '-I \\ , .oh Birrri, ar i- now recrivuig .i Ire* I .inr» m DR y (.Ol Ijys m I i,urrbn*r *:idtf--l. •' i* -*■ 11 11. * winch 'll wilt Mrll !'>ve to thr Hade Mercbanle uie l. 'i'ir.lrd lo cM and r aam.n- tln • lock and pni'c*. fok*e* r PR \NSPAKKNT sH.4 DF.S Ju„t rrr, <v . d ai ,,i (l , r 1 .sictilW MYiMO'k' new rarfM-t \V ar r r oooi. No Tf. J-'imnri -l. «• ii-imUomr i»H«onment or Trun.pa r,hi; Window jjlhadev mi very rrdured price*, t© win. t, we mvtlr th- ntirnlion ot ibo»e wishing to nurri,*,, (ei, 11 W -M’CLIiVTIh.k K) DOZ- SCPF.KH'R (»<>L,D PKNH; Vl» do coin mm I £ Table and Ten Spoona. 0 doi parlor, office nmi other Clock», 11/ dor assorted Hular Iniuip* and (,n. t'handuliera, 13 do* (rold andSii*«*t Spectacle*, opr,,, mg and for *a)o by nichki, " W WILSON SIK3AR. Ar -<I6 bhda (ju* to prime N O Sugar. I*/ bbli a**orte<3 iNo* l>oa( Sugar, l Wl> do Mola»«e« loraalcby mh-An RHKY. MATTHEWS ACo EXCHANGE BROKERS, fr, S. HOBBLES A SONS, Bankers, Exchange Brokers. t‘-’j n*ii rit" it DRAFTS, A’ i'l * <,u: ji «.i: . . p AM/ r.ANK Nun... t •■)!. I. KiTlo\-_|. 1 \Cll A S(• I. ...i V-a I' V N K N O I K- - KUKKICAi KAIIIA.M.K mi l .r"tai. : In rin' i i| . A.*.., Ural'-, it. k l I mi.i il io iICMI r. ‘Hi :*w\ lu<r• > i • KIIAMKK Jl KAIIM, HANKKK" AM) h.xmw.t ii Hi > h I i-:~ i i lon e.i .1 nit lloni ' i K » u- | vi I'll lII*-- 01 IV (Ki»llr Kkin. Vi. • - ,■ hi .1.1 1,4 ,tir-. . . , v . .... . , „• KI'SUS- K.lilur.v \ i.ui Mf- i\- * ■['l 1 M.irk.- i >.cU ,,V.|- H.. .iltinf. I'o-'. la, ; v fn- •:i. t :.y N ||'<| M I A M!,SCELLANEUIL\ WATKK Cl UK KMTABLIHHMKIVT, I'Hiur-ju «<, i’ \ r J'in niiH.i w.,.,-h It.r r :..i .. I* j . ol . x ,• ' -i *-.i: i • \ • rtf- i' li, . i| i i!ro|<i.i h 1, . .ii ill*-nl. « !i i, *• in »nl. raiov ,-r i'v i ■> 1,1)! rrowili . a . •- pr.tt. :im! .h r ».• r \ n'l.U iki <i •oruit.,..l;i;. |... . - , HllKir,, . n . j .Hi ii Ii j k |. ,i .11 r iualiCii o: Hu- a. Mr :A: .!><■ t* ii 1 I *‘A AII I > \> lx h‘H V li K„ n f, I'll. -I'M nr<. U. . ,| Hu >.. •. K-v K, k. . \ in. i nk 1«. .io. H. . It - 11- .• i I . ~ , !'• fv.-' I- , i H . - H - - . a v H. v i: ... !•, s } II „„ „ . , , ■ u n.-. V-i, 1- I.'' \I. 1 V- , :’V " SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAM,OR, ST. CI.ALR STRKKT, PITTSUIRMH I U i i* K k VN ii »' H| , v li 1 I l II I l LOTUS. I ASM)!KKI.S AM) \EMIHS, lib nil. HI .-1 •<! MU', \\ : i [ \ I 1 - l - i . . i a i m irr iu:imk Hr ail (|uarlcik l.>i Boot . «m| Mi or »tT •• IK 11 : i TO < A 1.1 Kn K A I \A v i:. "M i I'l.H i i • I.OOiA.N, WlLNil.li 01. CO., I M I - ' 'll I I.it> j \\ - • |s -r. t r . - I lk.it.r-.' H uro v. ir>- I'u -• \r | <4l> U iKHt I'irfl. <i , • [in ; •inr,.i.'i„ v\ r.irrn M-i. ••• -l A k'Mf'V Ornamental Plant*. Nlirubbery, Krrr Tr*«i,4t.Ar. <• \ - a.-.. ... i . -• I*/. . , n .'T- i’ «« . . in «. hr-' i Hi.. ■■ .., l • v . \ • 11' i tunnel Mnr K : >» ■ : <• :* r ■-:u v j.n, tril i >M. f- ir ■... \V T 1t..-A } i ‘ < i ‘Trrl J A Ml.* W Alt llttl If Hi j . it. S w.JI*" M-.n. y.-.-. i V.. lIHICK KOK S.U.U r | , ftK u .-Wwiril ntT>-f>. i.-r »:i'r a *uperi.ir nriif.r X <>f l-i.c » in uimP ;■> li.. *»rum !’:•••• j -ut j; r ••• « :>• e.v >• I'll r r li.i •.1 r ill*- n I'unuiiln !»i i: me -:rnirr .n.-i-t r . ».-i •. n.; ~,i *. ■ « . ~i. I’" '■ .lipd|..( ,-e Mi I iiliii* IlHlli. J 111 ' I ! I - l - II BENNETT & BROTHER, qFKI-\M\ aKI >1 \M lA' I l KM,.- ’ Birmingham nrtr PlKtburgli, |> t< A'». 1.17, W'hul *trrrt, WIU.i-oinHm.il; l*-r|n,n l|.,n,| en,i,| /yßy ini*fii of Waie, til mir own m jn,i;'.n n,|, ~,,o 'BBF •iipfi nr .j urn.:, \V lMirf«J - ■> :.d . hum,, \|, , istinn’* :trr rroprrtla'lv .ii - / :ri' T f. .•» , w ,,j . j •.in i.f fill lln Ui'f i .»■ Mfr drvfu, n. ~, 4, ; i.r i|.rf U.i.ii ln« . id '.flop- :,r. n uiM.li , ;nr jui <M‘leniently rritl.m. itin psi; - I y ;n- r< 4ii relrirnc- wt I ■ h. prninpi, y >*: ■. , t ,. z N’KW 1 AlU'Kl'r* K ; -ril 11.,. ,1,, a,,.,, Iri ,„. iii*- tiniimfaouirrf . V»• »i) "• fapr.iry .j piv <.lrpr 1. -1 ti-< mij.i r d <' •>" 'll, ~,1.. f '>•< «ll> H-li.—l. l-Bf.- lv 'III Hi Umevi. vrrv , l,r I[, .1.. Ill'O foloS -U|-l I "HI .1111 do It i 4 Mini itrhvy \-hfi i i| ll l 4 .1- t Mini Jr*f fllliilii..n A i.i whii ti will i „i .inwii Biivi,,,, , j,,.,; u '•< 1 I i h,' ir i, ' coach making. \ ''l r * * * f. ,11 IWVrf “Ifr-I-;. 'HHlJfll.'tlr , licu.j* l.'iV l . .l.y if run I’lniri'ti Ii Mu- lon* ripe, ~,, r ,n ,nr ■ . i ,i'i-p v>- h Min ■ ' i pul'' <■ p'liioniii;- •> 1, lihiM llnil hn '»•« inf ii* nri]. i. tto* k nwi t 1»,.f , ■ ,I|,l li mill I"|| H'l« ‘ • Illl.t.vr.y .I.'-, rJ ; r.l H 1,..'H1N li In 'llll'-f lf “"‘ •'•Tii.y h'.f ill.l dl« .0 . . . u „,,„r. |A-|,:i,i-n JOM-. ..a m Mniinncalirin Ilona* Tailoring Katah n ml, ». a n I 1- \A>' WII.I.IAM> 1 *m|>«"r ami t'w.ior i..-*. hi ,aj t n- in IMi»liunil xml i.11.t f., in.,i he rm.V ■ Ip'- IM 'III HI 111* fl'Olll Oil ?®lllll1lh«"ij *!!.•» I UII r 'hr n !'•« >• •* Jloifl. H lnrir»' uni mi tiiu I h-*hi iim-ut ( n*HHin*f'-» '•Him* aul nthd 'i i* -li ri . mi" |i r r *nli - Ut-It oMnr uiiirl*'* ri<ju |.-.i i',,t iua\ >!• |>>*'i<l u|mhi l.nvii'V Hi'-if i-.miid muilr up m 11 u> i.iii' i whii li ■ mmol l»il lo gmuiy llir laaii* m ipf n,n«i imiui.liou* >M>vM I Y THK STAR OP TIIK WEST j VK.MTIAN BLI.Mi.MA.M i'AC'ruHY F<u*i *" ,r 01 ’in- ItmuKHitl, tvin'ff V'diH.iui Mliinl* ni :ill Hu- ilill<-[.-i,i i iJPI uml ,o!(> r i kf|ii mi imml or inuilr to iitOit anp Uii- lair At unU lil(i»l approved imh. * iou».ai Uic Hlmrlr'i iiotxf.' am) on ilm mo- frtnonublp irrni* Ai*o. tl" - fl**-**! 1 Bo*ton roil or tplilHlm.J Traimpa rVnry and Taper t'oriam* ol ail tlir diffctrm *ii.-» and palter u». on band aml lor Aalu low for nt*h onl V nn nan iilindi pamted ovrrand repaired, or lakioi m pari .ii.ytnenllor now K M WK^TFHVI 1.1 Mr., pr N U— AM work done wiUi the lw«t rm.ii rial and worknuiahip and warrnmed U> plr«»c ihr nii-.i in. UiIuMJJ anjjllMll) Ailefbony euy. Aug. 10, iMi books ■’ rsu\ * c . N’KU i'l M.l'WTli'N*. E*»a\ nr'. .* :i.f Union o ■ i.urm am* ■. v Hup-':*- W Wi. M A Hi . .1 M- . I . - I 1- J I' .: ! \ i: d V F.rioi L ., ... ! t\ M« • IIKl 1 K lN p* till .1 Sole Agf ucj for > itnu> X flnrk’i Pianos. «in ■ ■ ..i. .... 1 ..Hi ... ii..-. htin.ni und .. .. ii-.i. o' i"f..> irri.-i. « T. am*, irom 1 1 i\I.I ft j .K. -muc Aui-iis ■ • J M I'lurd st .v« i i ••*,.... «: iu«nul». :urrr. pnj . :■ .l.i.r. . -<pf ! f<-.iilil or expeu-e* * ■ur- , .11 •! thr-' .!< ir I np\ NEW INSTRI MR.VT. '| ’ll I. - r■* r -.. : l i:,« ten Agrnl for 1. ' • 'UIIIAH I' ~ I \i I* Ki t\T.H MKLoDIv ■'•■r.l ... ! :i: .. , 'p- r vd I.;, Mcssr* ’I 1 1 ' ■ - . .. I'll'. II *UK I cumpao u : ,V. . \|i-,.f. M 4 W . I.l'- ■ 1.1. .If*l r p • nnd demand. ■ :!•••• • '! r uii)i.ii-. to -l| and u-11.,.. ■ .' uliHMii perform I ' .-I : . hr- I IKIKJ or I )TgBM i-i• . • ' <iiltipro. rd by placing • 1 ui., 1.,- . :< i u*i non trann* 1 i .i; i.T-rui,. t r-h,lrri!ii! llnl "A ~ i p| *A i•ln i * IN'- reach .• •• ’> i' r '• '■ r’l'i • • i. ulAi runient, Mu:. :. V. i,;. Ml M Ai N.*W l.r. Inc -oi— nbcr IMI I-, \ \. • l . IK I !. <)> likr r 1 n y'■ Pianos. ffiffli-fvT.;: I 'I . '!■ |. . 11l \ 11l K/ I'll. I U,..e V <»«' » I Kirnltra .\r: TIiANSI'OIITATION. HKKU, JMKKS X Co’s. PACKET LINK. IS-IN. jlgggj^ in: \ M»■ i .1- \ : \mi i i st. i ' >* •• i.i i ; ,m.\\ , : t \\ i. r v : : . >k !'► 1 '• I 0 \M’ M I I* \' KIT MM' ' ‘.. '' '' 1 ,n ' >4/» ht i'll;it tl!)' ninf’• ;hu:i ionf lime- !hr <■ u-ti> v . 'ui I \« "• ' '.'j' ’v m Mir«.i|i«ri. u mu! ni>'<!i<‘n' ,u:i itir. ilihii nuv »ili * ' , ' " ' r*• -' si.on <>(’ S.i r«npn ri ii n.l ' 11 ' " M M I'nfrk A ■ ■•‘Vlirn v k ,‘.h, (■ »’ik- A,. •.(!.<• r r'IS ic PKKFI MIiRV J’• ’ ' ' 1 ' l ’ ■ ‘ : 1 ' '* X" ' ream lc‘ A lil.ll. 1 Am. 1 ' Ji* \ ) Annouor O. im 00, Ki.-i! 1 1 • ‘ 1 Snpprt».ur K>hi<c mi Porerlar. ' 1 1 • t’ i |... j«i.i »( rhi i.;uc«, periuincii w.i.l I .a\r, ,ief, A u<. Sl t ' r • ' 'I *>'• • IS . lerrp Min, ,ljl A 1 •"*' "• - r «'' I’* Hr.idi.liij |>owiJef putl*. of all panrni*; U • unlei iHJia*. roi.U.Min* ri'.nfli I 1 t IS. 1 fnt uir ham'idrtdipi; * »«en 1 liaj, «:.iJ Un.rt «<.»(. - »u.: ' 1; 1! -~* oJ ' Nr' 1 - IS I i *tue mr [itcfcrtu*. Ut UKK Al CO*S FAST HXIMIfCHN ' *>r Oi.nrse powder; Jones' Soap, Nymph Soap, Ro-«- |..|, **'*«, 1 1 ■■'' " ' ‘ I 'N|i IHh Mirii *O4ll, Soda vmp; win a *«.-.u 1. ' 1 * ' . i.f f.nc prrfinier>: jQ-l rrreiynj. for sair l-v Ml ' i ll ’ • N '“' H “ H ' k . U A FAIlN»>'r«K'K A rc> ‘ ‘‘ ■ ' l '' " o ''**‘' ’I ’’ “ k M 1! ,!r - t n» IS cor till) Jl wt>vO '•« J > liiuw I.; Au-m. v, i,-- r,i;.r. U f<ti Ki' i:I Nx > N * H< iKM .M •*-’ < liar •: Haiiiuiurr il MIN 1)1 N A «'i i . Pfttatitger nui! UmiilUiiici Office. A \ Kj'K.i A iii --in.-- -Mir ..< jM-riona 1'“ r: • ' I •/. u... f,. ALL Kli II K V \ KSITI A M ULISU AMJ > A til N i 1 V. \KI Ki HIM AK'-n r '. No :* '■<•'l *• i•' l I’-H-i iiu-n < A HIIuUN .'I M»lill ‘ ii*» Tr.i. r> AU. r ~,,,) 1r i: 11, •M, .. • I.'. «... * ..It- - M, .Ki r # Ma- k. I*' d" I . .i H-.... U -1.-.- 1 ./’i I- T . liurir li R »,• in X 111 I . Ilrfi'-I f Tk****' <fl VnillfU* t> H 11111 I" i 'ill .|m r til |>lu< 1 /.r ! l- -tin U i.id"w (,i:i «* ill ilo HUIV .1.. 'IKI », ... a..oiled \ 1,;.. I-.- n, k . «*»-rn\ u -. ,•*"1 jmihih!* I <."*m *1 Jiri'. .■••orlril \ii | I . • Ill’-i " :l lU'l mill H'r 11<" IH i h»«l>(U>irn> 111 ftrl, I .V llliml) li.innil Chur, |. liu, U'llllM.' > i \UHiKMA |i,. i,.i VV "* ■■ •"> • <>' ■« '•••:••' 111. ll,hi 1 • ilr f ♦i'll Hn.i-. I > > mi 'nr. mi, , [!„• Mi. • •-1 in-1 K ,la 1,-, i Till »i N„ i•hi i t -l T an,| :t<! 'll.' ' !|. .11l '• 11..- !• I ||,. I 1,.1.1 ,1n.1.0, l>. I'HIII III! ' I ..M I .. .- Ir- A .If .hi 111 . | l( J I I t I Kx >N HA Vis I I lu-lmiH- l- -mi. V.., NVo’.i m. i.-.M •< A II NIIU.II'S / \ \ 1.1 l uKN’IA 1(1 Mil K i.mulK J„.i rr.-.-nf.i l. y I'mni' Vi nrti. t < I J |>r* r.«ni». l-|irur* it*-'' ln.'-tl .Muiii.i' l».iiinu- HnK* J v*»».T r»nl., li -»•« I-’ ~c. J ,Mi on I .11./ H„. 1..1.U I i!o oiLr.l I■ -iIII!-11«" 'l' l Jo I ilf «••<! v«* gr»o*K l.n Bl ||lr I'rilj • | iuri*lH 1 lUlfllinß ( .*!U l-.iMilli** Ml. ,\(i i \\ ih*U -1 m.»i !;,» I IMrll j| J \ H l‘ 11! 1,1.1 |‘S Pment Wmlitri. ])KIIXISS »!«•"« »'■ l • J,. I.f- lunnvii.-.l witli Ihr 1.r.l J'aln.tr.l < ..■-<! V\ *Min Urn l, a . |„. r „ U. IN- I'.lMl. l it.- „ om) -J- a,- . ami o«n k>r- j*n> k> vi m a trunk ii i:riT.«»ij Aim. njlil |V*‘ ati'l «'* l ‘ rr lui>l*u*r.J nr ilniilorn, i The .Uh.xi- Will It ‘"I>1 *'•' 'l'" '••'•"UJi.il.,r irimx, u I 11a i> \ i.urn m. infill' N'n J>l Markrlft TMIKM-'ll AT >'l>ST-Sinuii a Join.on 4C Mni*ei Mr- fi 'A i . •'•■lmr Hi- li vu.tr U | ,h,- •<!B4oU al co»U llii if »lor k o! I' rnicn sirr,f.n> >• nin|,ri »uu; ibc bju‘l r»oj.•»" , oinr« Now .« \ out um» ui *c- r P .|, xf I Hi lUJU.V" .Ju-liri.ii'l ,1 /.mu. on Kin «r •, i* Mui VM • ‘i* •.: 111 I'OloC'l 1 ' IV, I lilL-i.Oll, !-<> (, r . "i • omtimi'lcry Ounp, HJpwulg I'uun.Ac DILL El’S BABICALPIIJi F.JTR ll'TOfi: ro.iowiug irom i.pp-tfe K l'<■ • ' - w»-" known pro.'niP'or o *•-»• I- ' • - ilm-.io' thr iinporiandP u. liie I'aiii Kirno •• edition oi M'» wotk KjrRE.« Urm e. AO- • S-|» I Ms Pallet .My Dear S.r —\M».n i«t n - or no ..r cJmary pifnauri l I addre«» Vuu m rr l, *!i.m ;■» .U>- m-url.: I ImVf rrorlTPtl froiU v*>urinv:i uk I i 1 Hi:*. > f laiielv. my fitilr rlatiilii-r. ii j >-ji • •<■■: : i i- - 'pi oi '.oilnii! ivnirr lurncil into i|.-r i...- - i. . •.- Arrp drradlul. «o llml a crowd .n- i. n-.--.' lorr Uip liouac in learn ihr - p . •• * I lore ber cltMbe* nmi.ilrr »rnl - r. < I m • -i’ »:i'vc. and <bc wa« cir-irt and • ,i >.■ rrlirard I'nitll tier |.:iin- ”a« ift could lauirh ' nr-l - •.. w-t* '(-aldi-tl lo a (.i,.ii-r irom rn-T more than ha:: her liir-i :< . ..< ... ariii-p l>.i llic i|ii>iilil*r snd lin ,i n I'rexn Ihc tlf'l Itnur, «I|P I-lIII.VI- -, A :i« dr<—"l*d Til- purr t.e:.lrd mi.l CO*.lrani,.l, or u,r n.u-, \\ i'li iriHiii w.*(ip % ir., .tenr • i ..r i..nr llir <u'< hi Hu. Illi<l< ly « rl.l. Dip rouini-rioiiA— non atler under what name* Die) may appear— aJwuy* irritate, and mcrraiu' \hc pain TO THE PUISLIC > J- KAJward P Holme*, of Clintirant. Melvin Bridge, Coiumiuu touiity, N. X . have i>ecn etflii. -d n-nh rbeu* niaiKtn in my bcrasi. reel, and air ov-r my body, for »■ lycars. that t could uoi itand. and was currd l>) e application'of Dailey’s Magical Pain Kitrunor EDWARD P HOLMES. Da.ley. Sir -I cut my finger with a copper nail, poisonous natnre of which caused niy ann lo swell . t rtsiileral.ly, with con*tunl shooting pain* up lu me • hottnler A iargr swelling taking jilacc ai llie urm /it. with moreaning pajn. | became 'earful of lb- l,.>eE jaw. in Hus extremity your Pain Exlrm'.or wu» rr e(»ia.iieridcd lo me. snd winch I was prevailed upon to try The cortecgurnce wa» that it afforded me inmost :n>tuni rebel, arid in three day* I was completely eu red JOSEPH If A il RlJtliN, .\e w Vork. corner Broome nnd Sulin mu »ts. Sept - 1 J M I Ml'.. 11•» Wood *ireet, '■!>'■ .lon- above Fifth in "a-h ' . • -i jmvml m•tnimr.nt. • M V • uti'i"- Mie«e 'pr-lurr pur- 1 • i Hum -uiy ..rouclii • r. m, |.iiir,u»or Hum •• :i 1 ’ I"'* f-- superior to nn V .■• i-/1 F R NUTHiK' H Dai.ijit is the in veil tor of this nn ulu able remedy, and never ha* and never will cpuwiuni cate to any living m m the secret or' its combination' Ail Extractors, therefore, not made and put up I, him. are busc counierieiu PaoeatSToa’i Dkcots-t-US Broadway,' New York ; tCPi Chestnut atreet, Plula 1 : JOHN D .MORCiAN. (icnerai Depot; Dr \V'M, THORN. Agent* (or Pittsburgh. Dailry s Animal Liiilvantc Ciire-AIL Cure* humor*, spavin, quiitor. grease, poii-evn. *ore», gall*, and brutte* Pamphlet*, coniunnng cer uficaics or rcspectuble parlies, may he had on app'icu* h'ki.i.iikr/ J U WwJupi OPKCIAI. SYMPTOMS OF <'ONSIMPTIO.N' V 7 L^u., Ir pulse, hacking cough, general weakne* re«n*«, tlccp, variable uppetne, rrrrgu'ar buwo. pants between the shoulder blidc* helirtid. ItVAIUBLX STMITOItS OF t'oNS! MFTtOf* -I'oughlltg night and day. dabby muscles, general debility, great • hortness of breath on goiug up «tatr«. ascending a hill, or walking hut a little fust, pu.se always above one hundred, for week* togerher; drenching told sweats towards morning. Catarrhal Consumption come- on hkr a common catarrh or cold, but about the pe no.I when ilnu d,*> ease uruuliy is exp-cted lo suhsida. miur a I the symp tom* are aggravated The rough t* more imur.l-- some, especially wuen lying down Tberc it no hied pain in :he ehesi, but ditficult breathing, wind, worn on lying down The appearenoe of the ripe •. toration. wliieh i* rnpiou*, i» ri>aug<*<> Irom a tiiic* yellow mucus. io a thinner *uhs'unce. It un pleasant to the pntietn, and em.t« an unpleasant «meil when burned li i- of aji uniform appearance, anifls pronahly a mixture oi pus and mucus, as on tmiingjii with water part »mk* and part »wtiu* Tht* disei.s,- ">»' occur iu any habit or at anv age, ami it charac terised oy the peculiarity of the cough Hie Knlsam oi Liverwort cifect* the cure oi iln- m •idious disease by eiprcloration. »ooih« xml hen.s tlic iidrclrd luuss |l nevcl Jkjls Wherever iln»«liedi . iii' has been uvil we hear oi n« suecce For thir **-*..i. <l im<re power i u..u-ll more .|m« y and I' - *i lu'U.u rty draii a* uliypri be.ng ex up ’-I.pi ini{ no uia re i ~-i :, iiuni iin- eriei.rn il.llUl A-J ll,lu'. winch II kI.EUKK. A: J U U mniwi n . • • vr». oi • lif iiiiKl • ■■■' ■ *«- ml.I *•!, "*H\ M MEU."K* H-e-i years it ha* l.eru t.eforr :be pui.nc. smt ha* been •.n.'iooghiy tested for all complaint* in the Lungs, ami nss prtivml itaell sopenor m inem to uu\ Hung in use We might give hundreds oi trsi.nioiuale front phy*,.- eiins the pres*, ejerry. and lho»e who have been i u <eii but all we desire .. m ,-ali the attention cf lbs n: iiiried. and for their own good ihey will iry it 1., ii * K out for rouiiterfrit* A Iway s ohser r c H,e s.g 11htii 1 1* -l.ro Tm> lor, M D ' (HI the ruvruved label Mi.d piepure.l nl the Wh»|r«a ' D, pot “t Hrrunun »:rert .New Xcnt J“H\ II ill i.I.i.H, M wood -• ■•••.! nn IU .an ' N.p- I*. .l.li.U(i ll<i p- ai-p»i - :• i ; rnit) llie !' ‘ON H Ml 1.1 riR ' i «iid H> Pilt‘bui<li ht J D Morgan "* > M no.I *i J Tc»wn*end. 45 Marxei *i. H sun .rr cor Mark*! and Jd »i*. Hendervin 4. (?o, 5 L.bi rf, *: i*i,i e reduced to 51 SO per bottle niuri BA FA If >CK 4 t t i S Fi.eumo’iic or t'migh a Uaisain has H great .idvanliti;- ov-r manv other Cough prcpurauoiu. a* IU pteasHitl last - pernuts it to be u»ej Aithoul mronvcnieure But its value u, a Bm uadi coii*i *i • m ibe spec dines* ol il« cu r- }\’p n* vc siiown -oiiir ol Hie in oil .Wpcrule cough*, some of a Inc n hud been running ■,n lor a considerable 1. ngth of liter, yield almost mimediHteh to its pow*r In such weather e.« we bnv>- lia.l dun:ig ll.e pa.sl Ainlcr everyone nahle to take < old, u «lc*> pr* cMuliiins are u»cd « \\ A KHA N I or.i \S cl lert and undue exposure lo the ini'lcme n. y ~i me wcntiier oiteii lays the 'nundaiiiin m x ijacsnig di- bnve i.uilir tuns it rtilnu ie» o: cu re« wii., h ii I.*• p. roniicil many .•! who I. ii rr 'ruin pcimiii* :i, l!u-* . ,(y nnd the neitrtihtirhood. xml mey air a sulfieicnl \ • I if >Mi .1 Kii PolmonarT MWSKj! KKKJJ A. CUTI.KR —1 irei n a duly I owe id iny Irilow creatures, to stair >ui,uiinng moie respecting tour Vegetable l*ulmonarv Ha;*am Since I (ir*l u»f,l the U&isam. alx>at eirven year* ago. the happy effeci of which 1 thru jure an mmioiii of. I have hnil several severe complaints and ana,-lit ai my lungs, one a few day* aince, and in every instance I have used ihe HaUaon aJone with complete ami j*«-r(«-t t surcest. li hat ejected relief and cure in av, r\ lew ,li.> «. It i» rertainiy a sate medicine Ido nut In.uw '.full n wdl cure a Died consumption, hut I Deuryr u will l.e in many cases a preventive. and jirrmunflu is heller Umn cure, Ido therefore, lor the iuv c ol in> ir,. low men. earnestly reeomrtvud the u»o ol ihi> t<a.»uin. in nil pulmonary eotnp.iyinis I inn confident taut it has hern the mean* oi preserving nit me un« n.iy, lloston June hi, lii HKNJAMIN PA RX »N >.| | For sale i»y II A haJtnrMork. A t'o corner hr»l mid wood and also corner wood nnd Hth jam ii 'nr . .mti Iron) II n> J'imi: \ it■ >iti s )N, | * ' JIKIIWN IM.iliil Ir.pfi-I -,|„...| m 111. ou Wf. «l Ol Him Iliauiuml, A'lr II . . ) ■,, rc ■: , .p,| I, .iH-k, I|. / I." • J 1.1 1 In* ,1 i|ch| '. I fI. in. >•». reds ti, n i n AVISO purchased at Hirer of thn largest Faelo iir« inihe Eu*L iNew \ itrk, Philadelphia and It more 111 large asrorunent ol the newest and most uipi..ved Sturt ol PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, Ac , and made arrangements by which l will be ena hied lo procure ol* now Pattern*, umultancous wiUi iherr appearance 01 the Kas.rru market, 1 would m- Titi- the aiirnuou ol tho»e dosiring to have thetr houses papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and examine ui) .lock, before purchasing elsewhere I nave now on the way troiu the hast, 2U,UWj pieces in fluid, satin Uln/ed, ami common Paper Hangings, which I can sell a* pnees ranging from ii'| t -i» 10V-’ P pie,*e tuclil.i S i, HILL. *7 wood si Dmou Smoking. HAVI.N<i)O«t completedtlia rebuildingofour smoke houses, we are now prepared to receive meat, and smoke it in the most merchantable manner The houses are hued with ail the modern improve ment*. and are eapoble of coutauung JUU.OUU lbs. eac h. K.IEK A. JONKs. Canal Uasm. jn4 near Seventh st LOVERINU'* DOUBLE KKFINKD SUGARS-:* bbT* lajveruig’t Double Refined Loaf, Crushed amt pulverized Sugars, just ree d and for sale at the Pcki Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, by no via • A JAYNES ROLL BUTTER-- 10 bbu irt-»h. just fee d and ior sale by leblT A RMSTKONG X CRUZ KR CTOTro.N Y ARN- 4U.UIU lbs assorted Nos C Wrn. j C. Chain, Ac , Ibo bale* Batting 23 do Candle wick, for sale at lowest market rates by mchast RHEY, MATTHEWS A Co M EIHOAL t.1.1’ I. IM iM i-:m Tin-: TEST a»d .V.A Ml-l Ahl. Tlic gHDuinc Dalle), will ever pmduii- ine *:unc "i -iianiaiirou* relict. iuni »oi>tl,in», cooling circi'i n, Hie ■ I Burn*. Scald*, !*iie«. Ac JOHN D MORtIA.N. AgetiL Fuithurgh. •iign Aim i, i,. e.t- H u.. k rem.-dy j'levi rt *er >u i'rcpareit xnd Mr • »lc whcnesH;.- and retail. t.v H A TA 11 N (■> TOl k A to come r ol Wood u nil |.: ",J t\ vkhl .i n J rith *t- mar 1.1 d,k w> n> i W I>* IfS i I‘ 1 .1 xik - >Kii.ii. II ri.*iiii anoßu . iprm. tlv jiui ineir r*nr»«pur...x in -uia., i mil.' * niwi, a.nd BMIOKt or quite dri\"n tl.rit .il'.n .*wuie* out c Inc market, Ui« y are iu>a puiiing .lien up ..j »iC'-r tAH.ics coiiKuli.i.g lout ’.line* a- liturh ux : *"i'i r. t|uK rt I fow niuen pi nlit Jut th*• '. nix kc >e - ». . " :hr , hare redlHCil Hi" •U-llglh l* II lli.i.r.i 1., pI r e u.| :I, II.C . ale I * gliod X* t Y Were 1 1J I li.u,. ' > ou.il ultorii. tin- mttilr r.,r I'iit n( A U. Holl, N. Y City ll A. I'iiODTUCI, ) 11. 1,. FAunurroci. VPtiuburgH. li. W. I'a.U.HDTUC, j Wholesale Drug Store In the City of New York. r I'HK undersigned u« extensively engaged m the 1. \\ boieeale Drex business at No. 49 John street, in the city of New York, and are prepared 10 supply Urugnata and coißiry Merchants widi Drug*. l'aintt, Oiii, Dye-eUiffs, Persifu and American Peifmnrry, Run Jer, A k Marnier's Chemical*, 10! Uieir nwu ini or.ailofi) *xJ aJI older article* in their Line 01 bum- Jen, of a sqperio aa low aa they can be pur* tnaaed ip ihu or any eaaiem dry. Now York, Psblti B. A. FAHNESTOCK k. >' A CARD. GRATEFUL for the v,fy liberal encouragement I have received for »<> many )t-nr», 1 have deter mined 10 enlarge my bu»iurM eonudrrably Having engaged a l umpeieul Foreman, i will lie enabled 10 till ail order, piuiupdy. uml do Uie. work m our u»uai ■ Ijle ajid al fair puce*, and ask the attention of m<”j rlnini* and oureii* 10 my Urge slock of UPHOLSTE RY I.tMIDS uml RrJ». Maltra»*r« and Redding, Our lam .Nfaierial*, Dnmaak* mnl Moreen*. t'ormre*. Frm g---. nonlrruig*. Ta**rln. Split and Roller Kind*, and tve iy arlielr n«ua‘) kepi in nn eaiahlinhniciil ill Ihe kind Order* respectfully solicited and prompt!) a: temli'il 10 N II Carpet, made and pul down ASI ERIC AN TKLKORAPH COMPANY BALHitokt. HTTSJU'Iu.II aAb WHUU.IU \VF>TKRN LINT- Office at the Exchange, Baltimore, REDUCED KaTHS —The charge* have r>««ii redu ced »n nil Meaaagra lo or Iroin Baluuiore. Pin*- 1 ■ aruh ur \\ heeling, and a corrcKjtoiidj ig reduction made on all telegraphic dmpatchr* fop* arded from llal umore W e» 1 of Pittsburgh. Pa Him - Phe charge tor air-bgrupti denpalcii in or rrom Baltimore, I'iiuburgh and W breiuig, is 43 mu« lot the Ural leu words, and 3 crnU for each additional word 11./* No charge 1* made for the address and »igna- l nul the completion of the South Western I.me of Telegraph from Memphis. Tetitt . 10 New Orleans, des patches ran he forwarded lo Meinplns by tin* route, and mailed tor New Orlnana. tell PARTNKUHUIP, ACHKSON WOUDHUIrtKA JOHN W OoDHoUKK. HAVINti this day asrdfialed Iheiuseive* together in partnership, umli r the firm and *tyle Of A A J. W ivitniot at, for the manufacture ol TIN. 1 OPJ’KK AM> SHEET-IKON W A KF_ on the eorner or Robin son iireei nnd ihc Canal. in the l«l W aid. A . u ic.vi ijfV, wliete the) urc prepared lo lurmsii 10 order, wholesale nnd retail, ad article* in uieir Imr with promptness Foundry Trimmings, and Carpenter*' orders are so i.cued wincil will receive immediate uttrhliou. I ,n ol A dec lien y, Feh 1. !*-»!< —dtiin Paper Uangtngs. medical. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THK REMOVAL A. PKR3IASENT CERE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THK BLOOD OR HABIT OF * THE SYSTEM, VIZi Scrofula or K.ng * Kvi!, Rhruinauxm. Obstinate Cuta neous F.rupbon*. Piruplc* or Pustules on the Faqe, Iboicltc*. line* Chronic J-ore Eye*. Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain of the Bores mid Joint*. Stubborn l.'lccr*. Syphilitic Symp toms. >ciat,i .t or Lumbago, ami Disease* anting iron) an injudicious u*e of Mercury, Aw ties or Drop sy. Kiposurcror Imprudence in Lile ; Also, Chrome Coiistiiuuonni Disorders. In ibi* picpurudou arc strongly concentmted ail the Medicinal nroper.ics of Sarsaparilla, combined with me mo-: efi-rtuai aids, the most sulutary productions, the mo*: potent *nnple« oftbe vegetable kingdom; and hu» hern *o fully teslrd. not only by paueuts them* seivrm. but n.*o by Phyntcians, that it ha* received tljcir unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the public, ai.d ha* established on its own merit* a reputation lor value mid elticacy far superior to the various compound* bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diceiiic i.uve been cured, such as are oot furnished 7 in Urn r-i ord* of ume pu*L and what it has already done for Hie thousand* yrho have used it. it Is capable of doing tor me mil.tons sbil sutlering and struggling with disease It purtfie*. ciraime*. and strengthen* Hie tnu'iluiM spring* of bfe. and infuses new vtgoi thro'- oul the wiiolc aiiinuki frame ANOTHER CI'REOF SCROFULA. The following sinking and. a* will be «eeil. perma nent cure of an iuvclthlc case of Scrofula, commend* U*eii to ad mmiar.y alHicted. Mr*srs SaM)* (•entlcmeti—Sympathy for the alflic ted induce- im- to inform you «f the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla m thr case nf my wife. She wa* severely atflicted with the *crofulu on differ cm parts of tiie bodv. the giand* of the neck were great ) enlarged ami her oinhs much swollen. After • uderitig uvrt a year abd finding no relief from the remedies u.ed. the disease attacked one leg. and be low Hie knee suppurated Her physician advised it »houid be ia id open, winch wa* done, hut without any permanent benefit ]n tht• situation we heard of, and were induced to use Sands' Sar*uparilla The first bottle produced a decided ui*d favorable effect, reliev ing her more iht*.n any prescription she bud ever ta ken. and hetorr she had u»ed six bottles, to the u»ton- i*bnteiit and delight of her friends, she found her beuith quite restored It is now over a year <ince the cure wu* -lire ed. and her health remain* good, thow iiig ibe ,11 *eii**' wa* thoroughly eradicated from the »Y*’ein 'hir ncighhoM are ail knowing to these lucir. hmi ib.nk very luehly of Bund*' Sarsaparilla. \our» with rrspeci, JULIUS PIKE HUWMATWI.-Dr Brown 1 * newly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism is s speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble It never foil*. Omce and Private Consulting Rooms, No UDia - itiond &Uey, Pittsburgh. Pa. The Docmi is always at Your* -rul). N \V HARRIS home I'reJericksi Hall. Vn . July IT. Ir-le '* _ fO” No eure no pay. decl9 Exiruc; from u letter received from Mr N. W Har ris. h gcnilcinnn well known in I-oui*a county. Va.t "tieiitiniieii I ua ve cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla, who wa* attacked with Scrofula, ami of a «crolulou» fanii’r Sa.'ii/- Sarbai-ahii.l* -li *erm*aJmoui unnecessary to dam attention i« an nrucle *o weil known, and *o de»e rv (*J! y popular, u* ibi< preparation, but patient* oitri: who wi«h to u««• the extract of Sarsaparilla, are induced 10 :ty woruue.* roiu|>«>uinK !*»• arthe itnine, tiut rontitiiiiiig atue or none of the virtue of this vnlu ui.'r ri>ii' nnj we think we rannot confer a irreuter '•cii»*Li mi out render* Minn to directing llicir attnntion to tin- advertisement oi the Mr*ir» Sami* in another 'oiuiuii Tin* bottle hue recently been enlarged to hold n 4u»rt. timl ibonr who w.*ii ti really good article will bud cm ce United in lit. - *1: Uir ttirUii'inal value 01 the u*o: 1 :ic r iper,cj,i r .l I!..ium;ihU ha* proved its cf li<- icv curing the varum* diKiisa* for which It is iiuiiH-i .led, mill at tur jirrKetit lime more lhan any eiier i n :i;n .« ih i» medic■,nr u< eful, m preparing llie ■ * •'’•to ;>m n . t, .1:15c tit icn»ou ■ Home Juurnal, Sept i'rep.irni and ». ■I it wno'rsalr and retail, by A B 4 D 'A.Mi' Dtuvio't- ami t'heiiu*t«. too Kulion street, corner i/i W li.uiti. New ork Sold aUo hy Drug i!•!« rue i.tj > tn-ouchtiut me Inae.l State* anil ('aria da» l*rt> eSip< r liottlr *ll lU»Uir« for S 3 im'or *a> m I'ltHt-ur t .>l. wholesale and retail, bv H A FMIN FS l ot'K, A CU . corner of Wood anil 1 Km; *t- . ai*o. corner nt >mli anj Wood »(»; by L Ull.t'itX Ji„ corner (>i SniithtieM ami Fourth st*. cut iic" •hi 'icr i'f Hint the Diamond, also. 1* l im.VKD 1 FNDFKkH.cor .Mononiralm House SALTFU’S JINSENG PANACEA! ■l’" Ih.'Sl. sim-HIMi WITH IHSKASED 1 I 1 Ni.S TVe unprecedented sucee** which hu* fe|id-<! a**- ure nf me OINSKNt. PANACF.A *iir:i'U« i.i.-ii.» wii'ch irritation of the lung* as ini' 1 i.lui i-d the proprietor Ogam to call aUem WONUKKI I I. I’RF.I' A RATION. I'.ie er.sngru/.e wi .uhcr iwi.i h mark* oar fall ami tv. 1 ter inm.lh*. i- a! '.v i y • h 'rmUui source of mi.hs ,\M* ml i.lts msi .vi*noN F Itr Ijur.;;r>!'. 11l now -l:a.' wc i.iar ol our cough* and IMF i.KKAT AMI trM.V RKMKDY >•.: r imi i,.? in '.hr «. is< «** i : sf Pan are*. In proof of this >r i.nvr from iimr m utur pul.,..nrd lh<- certificate* of Mon !•: our tn-.t kroiisn < who have rxperi ■:rl: rurntivr (lower. The-r. with u tn:i*< ol te* MKI'ICAI. MKN OK Tin: FIRST > I'A.N DING, •rs ol t.o-|wl, A-c . together with copious noj DH'RNAI.A 11F THE DAY we Imvr eitu odicd in pamphlet form, and may be bad <!«!.< of ms of our agents '.iiroughoUl the country HUNDREDS OF BUTTLES t have been u»ed in th:« ettv Tlliil'SANDS AND TENS UF THOUSANW shrougbou'- the United State* and Canada, aird we cha etige buy man to point out a . “ ?*lN(if.E INSTANCE n which, whrn tnken accordnt" to directions, and be* ! ,re the mugs had become taUtiiy disorganized, it ha* ever lulled to F.ITKCT A PERKECT CURE tVh\*. then, need the articled lu-s,tate! tv fiy resort to tnu mi-erabio nostrums, gutiru up by ant own individ ual u ler Uir assumed mime of some ce •t'raleii pfry* uciaii. anJ puffed mto iiotonety by certificatos c , par* sons r-iuaily unknown 1 \Vansi 11 medicine of unparalleled efficacy i. in be hud. whose \ ouchet s are ut home,—our DBigb* bor* —mnny of whom it line SNATCHED FKu.M THE GRAVE In ordrr uiat ltn- mvadual.le medicine may be placed w.iiiin me ream 01 tin- jmor/is well Uic rich, w* hava put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, u*t cue half the usuai cost of cough medicine* it ti for »aie by our agents in nearly every town and vtllage over the w est, i» no arc prepared to give full mforma ion reiauvr to it. T SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cmeinimu. Ohio HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, DK KD'V A RD ACKF.R. takes thi. means of re luriuiig his tltnnkf lo hi* friends and the nulilie :»f 1 hr extensive patronage he has received, and of m loriii.ng tin-in thnl he turn lately erected a largo nnd 1 onstrurreil building, for tm- excursive purpWi m ni- WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at hit old .or.itioii.at i'hnlipsburgh. i*a.. ou the Ohio river,opp<»- • iir inr sienraboai liiiitlmg at Beaver, where he is ready 10 n i rive patient* as boarder*, and treat litem on Hy dropathic principle*, in addition to hi* long expert r ime, and the great »Qcce«< which ha* horetoftre at icndcil hi* treatment ol patient* committed is his care. He lihk now tlie adilmonai fnriLiijot afforded by an ex teiiSivc building ercrled expTesslv for the purpose, con luinnig commodious and airy room*, and fitted up with upparnus for burning, mid ddmuu*- lenngTlie treaUneiii 10 the utmost l.ciient and comfort ol tin- patient Phil!ip«t>urgh i* a ino*t delightful and hcaimy village, easy 01 access by sleacuboau, and af lord* line and wholesome water Dr Acker assures those afflicted persons who may place themselves un de r in, care, Unit every niteninm .hall be paid to (heir eoiniorU bjuJ as an nssurnucr ufthc suhstauiiai benefit* lt> I -e derived, fir point* with eimbdeiice to the hun dreds who have been permanent.) cured at hu catab iMliinni! fbc Water Cuie ,r:iv«- no uijunoua effeeu beininl, i« ;- n.o.uiVn Hu- ea*c with those who have been ireui.-d on me oM *) stem ll remove* me dls e,i-.-, in c ico rates thr «c«inn. prole cl* from the danger* in. idem to i lningi-s ni the weather, create* a natural nnd active appetite, suit uupurt* vigor 'o the digestive power, Ti-nu-oi in auneni und boarding rrasouatie. hor lutther particuinrt mauirc at the establishment, or ndilres, me proprietor ut rhillipsburgh. ntlK'.lsl DK JAY NE-H ALTERATIVE We have i-ren nfortned hy Mr*. Rose of acure per liunied nnh' r byDri Jaynt'a Alterative, wmch proves ,i* »upenor.ty over every other remedy of ific k. She ha« in-en afflicted lor the last sixteen years w.m NECROSES*or WHITE WEI.LLVJa, attended w.ib ulrrrntion* and cjffol tuion of various bones, du ring wh.ch umc mu ay p;cc« s have been discharged from the irimtiu poor ol the cranium, from l*oth her anna wr:-;« and hand*, and from both legs, nnd from the left femorui bone, ajid irotn the right krtfc; besidce pamfm uicei- on oUirr pun* of her person, which have ‘.lalfled the »k .1' o’ u nuniher of llte mos* eminent physicians of nor P.t. - during mc*«t 01 the i.me her suffering’ have been ni-ni.atmg nud depb.rnble About three months • Mice She W»1 .iidueed in try Dr Jayne’s Allenibve, winch ha* had an nuleanrungly happv effect upon her, l. reiTHjvmg all pa.n and »weii, o g, tt „u eausmg tbe uiepi* 10 heal, while at the «anie tune her general bnuih has beeotirc completely restored, «o llitu «hr mnv weighs is ib* mnr- than «he did before »i,e eoinmenrciJ the u*« oi th,-truly valuable prtpai,on hve l’o*t. I 01 further iitfortn’iiiou. .i„.cfc m M.i Rn*c No djs rllbcil «t. Philadelphia For »ale in Fiuiturgl., at the |‘EKIN TEA S’l’i >RK, • i honrtn ,l ~ear Woo-I n i \VM. NUBI.K DR- TOWNSEND’S SARS.VPAiULI M \ -Mdoren ju*t received 01 Df rownsriid's SuniapnriUii, the mo*t exiraordiuary medicine m the world! ‘l'hi* Fjc uaci it put up in quart bottle*, it is Ax time* cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior ir> any told it cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Luox out run IxtrunoN-s - Unprincipled persons have copied oor labels, nud put uji itiedicinw in the same •haped bottle. See that each bottle ha* the written tig nature ol S. i*. Townsend. R E. SKI.LKRS, Druggist, 57 Wood street, between Hard and Fourth, is Dr. Townic.-nC* only wholesale Hid retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine ar tic ie run be had. D M t'urrv li:n been appmiitcil the sole agent for Allegheny i-uy, *•; wtiuin Hie genuine article can be had Bje) Si KUFUI.A AND M. KUI-(; LUI MVKLI, liNlJS.—Hcrnf la in all Ha multiplied inrni* whether in that nf oing * Evil, enlnrgetncnU n the glands or bo Res, fioitre, \V hite .'vwellinca, ( nrontc , Hheum.-Uunt.Canscr, diseases ol the Skin or bpine, orol PulrooitArr Foiiaumnlinn, emanate irom one and the same cauoe, whicli 1* a. pmafmooo principle more or less inherent in the human system. Tlierc* fore, unless tins principle can be destroyed, 00 radi cal cure can be effected, but 1J the principle upon which tbe disease depends, is removed, a cure muatol necessity follow. n<> matter under what lorta the disease should mamlest itself. T*bi*, therefore is ike reason why Jayne's ALruikTtTE it 10 utl | versally successful in rwiioving bo many malignant diseases. It destroy* the virus or principle |>om which those diseases have their origin, by entcrißS into the circulation, and with the blood is couveved to the minutest fibre, remonng every particle of disease fromthe system. Prepared and mid at No 3 Jjooth Third Street, Philadelphia Sold at the Pekin 'Pea Store. No. 7? Ecu „ h .tree mcllV NO. 8 MACKEREL—"ti bl* in *iore and tor sale low to close eoaugnnseat. lebt JAS DaLZici i i Mu&jui'-K&ctom. WwdaofcluM) . u. n e <!„ Julj iitth, I*J7. ■’( ” n A. A Miß*r th.^j88.,.4 induce* o>« loadd UJ Uuuibie tnliauajrio boor ot jour. U ,u, ft..bn.iej Lirer Pill* i ).**« d.-UrhfU doing u. (W »~,7 *ab»nuf to Owj Crock* lit ra*iim, -be ran »« u t ,« r ,. fc , *»u go «h«»d." ,\l»l ul U.« uuuj preparation. or«*p,r,«J “ d uwb. laudrd iu th* I,i„ .uok , n(0 oblm*/L*« Tow L.»-r } ~b ti*T» h«.utf.r«g 10 the public w,d, indeed lbOirtf Ifac, w.ll ".ur*.., U,*» .IV»«ilh«JMiiut »Ui TOO irpicxul 11.ro. t„ be I \, A „ bn o -ah Ll ,„ I ipi.wm uij toulh, h.i*. lullord much, ruinUtid >J Mu.urul phttw-iau., t u wl.wu 1 paid much mod**, kata * LUW ' C " ,oln |'*‘ U »* J dra, fc (•Nil. - 1 “ r J l “' e, t “J fiwstll* enru I M . *, locurabb. I* \\ v I . 1 "•* to«'i_yuor KOUNItOT ,f fuiu .a »h?* '?* u.kcpoi.ct.ar itf Lujth. v*' de * Jl ,l ‘" s,,l ** r ‘W'*"***- ‘*>f a« I***l t*«iw tuila noi" ,IJr r " l * *” a, * ,, l,M ' r *teath«rttr I e*« r lucd; <eb bui ettc m , C I! , ‘ U ? **' B,ueh »K-har« .ion tor Vi J S ; I *•*»• kept tketn .a «y »u,„ b«ard» i.urV?' . U ~ ‘ ,0 * Jr *' J ’ ° s ho»*t. *ad b*na,ttr Ui«ih T&rvhi u “*rrd lij »UJ U 0« who ha* uxd nr*hboSj|, r .". r ’ « •*«.. earn Ml If recoouucotj tiein M to ,t »U *li mV X, ' U * W “'" ; '*“ ‘“■SSTlta “rV CiUTI&H-i, ,h,r. <,„,,, P , lu S,™' »• ® »•--* EJTKftft&S ti S.U b, Dr. Crr.tk, b.flh fr„ J, D M c ttt> uu,k„ y .... _. MEDICAL *. SURGICAL OFFICE taWo. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY. • few door* beiow Wood’ street, to* market. * BROWH, hiving been regularly educated to the medica Drofeuiou. and been /ot toon rny, in genera) practice, now confine* hi* attention to. the irc&Ußßi of Uioso private ami deiicalo ocuol ploinu for which his opportunities and experience peculiarly qeaLfv nt of those^om*psStj!l 0 d U umif which ume he ha* had more practice and has cured more na- U*nU than can ever fail lo the tot of any private prae mioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of speedv, permanent, and satisfactory cure to all afflicted with delicate diseases, and all diseases ansin* iherej Dr. Brown would inform tho«e afflicted with nnvata disease* which have brcoine chronic hr urae or arl S raveled by the w of any of the common nostrum* ol ie day, Thai their complaint* can he radically and thor ougblyutured; he having given hi* cartful atmmiou lo the treatment of *uch eases, and succeeded in hundred* of insiances in caring porrou- of inflammation of ih« unck of the bladder, and kindred disease* which often result from those ccaes where others have consigned them to hopeless despair He particularly invites such as have been loug and unsuccessfully treated by others u> consult him, when every ■utiafocuoa will be given them, slid their case* treated in <'«car*Ail, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out By a long experience ttody, and investigation, which it is impossible for tioa engaged in general praence of medicine to give an one class of disease, l£7*Hemm or Hnpiure—Dr Brown also luvltes peri sons afflicted with Hernia to call, as he has paid paruev ulur attention to Ihis di.ca.r, I'ANCKKB also cured SofTjinißT. Conn., Jan I. IS4S. Bkm diseases, also Pr s, Put.y, etc , speedily eared Charge* very low. N. B.—Pauents of enh sex iiviug at a distance, by stating their disease m writing, giving njj the sympi toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use by addressing T. BROWN, M IJ , post paid, and enclo»* mg a fee. Otfiee No. U 5, Diamond alley, opposite Uio ' avert* House. Great English Remedy. antl Consumption? Ths GRhAT A.NII ONIA RP.MKDV for the cure of the f l ?®*? •***■*“«•» “ u*e HLNIiAIUAN BALSAM OF U/ k. discovered by the celebrated Dr. Bochan, of Loudon, Lnglund, and introducrd into the United States under ihe immediate superintendence of the inventor* ITie extraordinary success of Liu* oediemo, in tX cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent .n soliciting lor ireauiienithe worn possible ea se. ihui can be tound iu the community— cases that seek rri.ef in run from any of the common remedies of ibo du>, and have been given up by Uie most distinguished ph> ucians as confirmed and incurable. The Hiuunin an Balsam has cured, and will efire, the movi desporam nl case*. Ii is no quark nostrum, bui a standard tlu*- lisn medicine, ot known nnd eatabliahed rfficacy F.very lamily in the United Stale* should bo supplied with Buchan's Hungarian Bulsam of lufc, not only u> counlernclthe coimitnpirve icndcueies of the clnuaie but to be used as a prevenuyr medicine la all eases „i colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and ciicvt. irritation and soreness of the lungs, brochm* difflcutiy 01 breauug, hecuo lever, night sweats, emaci ation and general debility, asthma, intluciua, wuoop.uv cough and croup. Sold in large bottles, at SI per bottle, with lull direu lions for the restoration 01 heulth. Pamphlets, containing a mat* of fttglish and Aiaerv enn certificates, and other evidence, showing the un equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratuitously K°, w, i,, B A IAIIMSToCK A Co, eomor ol *t and W ood and Wood and €th *u. mai g Dlt. JAY NIC’S CAHJMIMATIVfc. ns i.s* a, L 1 KOM the Hev ASA SHIN ,N, a well known and pop 1. ular Ciergrman of Uie Protestani Methodist Church The undersigned having been afflicted during the past winter with a disease of the stomach, sometimes pro ducing great pain m the stomach for ten or twelve hours without inb-rtatssion, and after having tried vuim** remedies wuh lllllc effect, was famished with a boulo »i Dr U Jayne’s Lartniuauve Uaisam. This he usedne cording u> thr directions, and (band invariably that fom medicine caused the pain t* abate in three or four min me-, and m fiuccn or twenty minatesevorv oneasr* ‘cjistttma wasgattrely quirted. The mMicuic wasai u rwardsused v/heiuveritidicationsofihe approach of were pcrccrvcd, andthepain w«h tlierehy prevent <-.i Mu contnaieii 10 use the medicine every evening a,.d .omctiiue* in the monung, and ui a few weeks hesilh was *o far restored, that the sufferer ska* reiiev eJ imm s largo amount of oppressive pum. Fromci t*erictu'c, ihereforr, be can confidently recommend I> D Jsyiic . I aruuiiauve Kai-aui, u a salutary mcJhftri for ui leases of the stomach and bowel*. a SUiN\i> prri-u: mr* of that fell ssc n,p ihe destroyer in . For *.io n- Pimburgh at the FEK?n'TeI' 1 <2 1-ourut street, near Wood, and also mihsDfiu Ol M »' SCHWARTZ, Federal tircot. Alie^heoy / IKKAM TARTAR—OOO Ib» ju*l rec’J tad for t*r U A FAHNESTOCK & Co, mnh‘<&2 comer lM u»d wood ils Sft>RC MINUS— 73 bbla Scorchiae*. rec*d and Cor . luie b V . mch!4 WICK AAi CA.NDt.KSB S SALTS— ‘1 ions in »tore and Cor raJe by • mcbW ftbuT DaLZKLL ACo T\KJED PEACHES—SOO bath Uhio halvri, for mI« U mciuH SPGILLtfJcROE DRIED APPLKS-r-sOObush,« prime article, tor sal* rachiM MXJILLs A. HOE WHITE BEANS—On consignment, 30Ubosh. wchLM MYJILLSAROE GLASS— 140 bx* silo Glass, for tale by mehsa WICK A M’CaNDLESS TJOLL BUTTER—d bbls fresh Roll Butter, for sale Xi. by mch:£i WICK A M’CANDLESS T) HFI.YED BORAX—£ kg* Refined Borax. lar uJc -It by mch33 WICK A M CANDLESB SS. ALMONDS— Hi hags AlmornD, for sale by . mcjrttt _ WICK X M’CANDLBSS A LSPIOE—IO bags ALpice, for ode by A inct« _ WICK X M’CANDLESS C3HEKSE —0500 lbs extra Cream; IU.O (Jo Wosurn J Reserve. Jot tale by mehW J b WILLIAMS LEMON Sk RL’P —li Jut «upenor L.-mou Syrup, on band and for sain by inchiM J KIDD XCo BALSAM COPAVIA— ISO lbs on bund and for sale Or me MM J KIDD A Co PISTOLS- Bailable for California service. Alto, Troy Scale* and Weights, Maguifrior Glasses, Ac., by mck2S \V W WILSON BULK MEAT—IS rack* Hama, in sweet pickle; UGS pieces Bulk Shoulder*. Just rac'd and tor sale bv mehJW HARDY, TONES A Co PEA NUTS—;O *ks Pea Nuts, just rac’d ao<Tfor r* by luchitf HARDY. JONES X Co PEA NUTS—3S *fct Pea Nuu, jual rec'd per steam er Telegraph No «, and for said by BROWN X CULBERTSON, IMfha7 U 5 Liberty si BEANS —35 bbla «iaull while. for sale by mcb37 J S DILWOHTH A Co R'iCE AND MOLASSES-30 uirees Rice; Übbla Sugar House Molasses, landing inis day from «tr duel Justice Marshall, and for tale by JAR FLOYD, _u>ch23 Round Church Building* ” POTASH —A pure and choice article, alway* on hand nud for tale by inch27 BRAUN X REITER CIaRIIONaTK OF A Mil ONI A—l cask rac 7 d and J icrtaieby inch 47 BRAUN X REITER ALCOHOL —13 bbls rac'd and for sale by mch27 BRAUN A^BEITKR T3LAX SEEi>—loo bbls >u»i rac'd imHor sale by Jc SAW BARBAt'OH, mch27 ft] water and lot front »i KOLL BU i H‘KR-lVbbUprimu“Ro!l Butter, put up tn cloth*, received and lor sale by ineh47 SAW HARBAIHJH LHIOAR CURED 11AMS—ill ueraes, s pn«»e arucir HO ree d and for «aie by SAWJIARBaUGH rnchu? GUTTA PERCH A—La die Bands,'of OuOa fore ha just ree’d and lot saJe by W W WILSON, mch3? corner and M*rhel_»u BEANS— lb bbi* white Beaas, m store and for *aie by mcb37 HARDY,JONES ACo LEMONS— IUS bn Lemon*, in store and for sale by me Is 37 _ HARDY, JONES ACo WANTED— Burley, Corn, Rye and Wheat, lor which Utc highest market pnee in cash wilt be paid by SAW HARBAUGH. mi-1i36 58 water and 104 Iron! »i WuoL— flra bi«n**i market price tncaanwiil be paid for 1 lie Uufereiu grades of Wool b« mcbaJ SAW HARBAUGH PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED DAILY, TRIWEEKLY A WEEKLY AilW Ga*«u Dut/dingi, 3d«j, star iki Pnt OlHn RATES OS’ AUVKRTISI RMSL One itiuertioa of Ulines, or len, fQW Two .nscrtious without slicrahona .......... 0 75 Tltri-o •• _ . 1 jyo One Week “ ".'!!!!*• * Two Wu»>ka <• ]* , - bu Throe One Month, Two “ Three •* IT* Longer advertisements tn time P n T°’ t,V \'^7 l n, One square, b mouths without alteration.... •• •« n •• .... l& UU £ach additionut lor b One square,6 months, renewable si pie*™™, |A) “ •• li *• - u Bach additional square for llmoulfas.. 10 00 IVo iquarcs,6 months, re’wsbieti picture, Mj 00 Bach additional square,6 months, o U 0 WIEKLI Oft 1,1 DA,LT YiPnfta. One square. 3 insertions, “ each additioo*liin*e' llon . 37 ausiiks* caftnS" Kit* tinea or lea*, on* 7 eBr t> (k> tit m0nth5,...... b 00 .. .. «. one yeail, daily 4. weekly, 10 uO « .. 44 fix months *' “ LK) ii.Tian*s««i ii wmut wmi. For 2U lines, or less. One tnsertion .$0 40 tißOCEfiliiS, &c. Two. *' 0 7* « Three, ** lOu Three aimhe, w . w .. > tg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers