BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH REPORTED 4b TELEGRAPHED e th« Plttibiufb Dally Gazette, PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Pim-«TigT-pniA, April 10—6 r. m. Floor*—Sales of 900 bbls. of western at $4 25. Grain—Sales of prime while wheat at Si per Losbel. Corn—Sales of prime yellow s|c per bu. SaJea of Rye at 56c. Sales of Oats at 53c. Whrikey—Bales in bbls. at 20c; Ihe market is dull BALTIMORE MARKET. April 10—6 P. M. The market is unsettled, and quotation* are nominal. Il has been raining all day. BALTIMORE MARKET. April 10—9 P. M. Flour—Prices are on the decline, and the mcr. krt at the dose was dull, with sales of 1000 bbls Howard street brands at $4,12t; City Mills $4,25. Grain—Salrs prime red Wheat at 99c; prime while Cora 40c; Oats 25c; Rye 67c. Whiskey—Sales at 2t)c per gall. Provision*—Sales Western Mess Pork at St O,S7j per bbl; Prime $3,87*; Lard id kegs 7|c; Bacon, bog round, ',i'. f Groccrie* —Sugar* are in fair demand. Coffei and Molasses arc without change new’ YORK MARKET. Nrw Yobk, April 10. Flour aDd Gnun is unchanged; the market, is heavy. # There is nothing doing in Groceries. Money Market—Sales of Ohio 6 per cents at 3J premium Ketitocky’s at U, Indiana fives at 05. Pork is heavy. Beef is quiet. New Yorx, April 10— 6 r. u. The weather to-day was very pleasant. Flour —The market ia stagnant. There is no change in other articles usually reported. Money Market—The market easier. Stodfci are the same as reported yesterday. New Yobk, April 10, 1319. The New York elections have suspendeJVil market transaction*. CINCINNATI MARKET. CiAucuti, April 10—9 r. n. Flour —The sales to-day have been to a fair ex tent including 1300 bbls. at 53 31 per bbl Provisions —The market is unchanged both as regard prices or demands. Whiskey—jßalcs at 14 | per galL Flour was shipped to New Orleans to-day at 40 cents per bbl.. Whiskey at 62c per bbl, Pork at 50c per bbl. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. N. Gbleaki, April 9, r. m. Cotton—The announcement of the Niagara's news has checked operations t in a great measure.— The market is so unsettled that accurate quotations cannot be given—4,soo bales have been disposed of sinre the reception of the Niagara’s news. Grain—Tbo sales of Corn exceeded 5,000 bosh, of prime yellow at 36033 d. Flour—The market is heavier than yesterday, and the business done is at a slight decline. We note sales of 1,500 barrels at S 3 Si to 53 87 054 per barrel. Provision*—'The sates of Pork are totnoderota extent, includiog 300 bbls of Mess at 510 per bbl. Bacon—sales of Sides at 51 cosj. Soles of Shou! den nt 4c. . Sugar and Molasses are unchanged. There is a fair demand for Coffee. Whiskey has declined, with sales at former prices. a. *. roiasEXTM. of Pittsburgh. C. U. BSTSOUIS, of Philadelphia. POINDEXTER & BETNOLDS,' FLOUR FACTORS, 4 And 'General Commission Uarehsnti) No. 423 Muin Street, between Eleventh and f Twelfth it*-, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber* beg leave respectfully to acquaint Uteir incml* and the puclic that ibey have asso ciated tbenuelves m Philadelphia, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Buxines*, and trust fhat long experience in business wiU secure lb them fur oatronage. By Particular anetuion wiH be given to saieaof Floor and Produce generally; and any purchase* in th« Philadelphia market ior Western account. R. w. Poindexter, c. M. REYNOLDS. REFERRNCES—The merchants of Pittsburgh gen erally; Springer A Whiteman, Lehmer A Anderson, Cincinnati, Ohio; H D Newcomb k. Bro , W 0 QlifUm, Ms Ruffner, Jos Todd, Louisville, Ky : Crow. M<- Creer v 4 Barksdale, 8t Louis, Mo.; Hewm, Nonou k. Co , W A Violetl, New Orleans,- La; GliL GdlettsA Noyes fc.'T*reeor 4 Morris, New York; W R Thomp son it Co John Tiers*.Co, Peter Marseilles, BM Jones, Deal. MilHroo A Burt, Pbilad’a. ap9:3m “W il o L X# AI*E D HY6 GO&B . j. i. 3BABOB & CO., COMMISSIONER 3 AND IMPORTERS, - cn a_u«e» Stxxxx, ARE now opening u'® moBt extensive and varied assortment of Spri Summer Goods ever eiMblted in the Wed era cJI HfIU 7» comprising upwards of Eleven Hundred Cases, p.'trebasrt fn'enure packa ge* from ihe manufacturers, n'°P or( s r *i and large uue uon sales, by one of the firm I'estding in New York, who is consianlly sending us u' e newest and most fashionable goods. They name ia \OO cases rich Spring Prints; I 20'cos’* M de Lame; ; St- M Lawns and Muslin* 134 u -*'oUon and linen 120 ‘- bleached ( • Ginghams:' r grades; v i3o “ col’d Mustinsy i 40 *♦ shining' Checks nqdj 27 “ Biplfas Cotton domestic Ginghams; ( ades and summer Stuft •250 “ -Brown MnsUns; Also, easel and packages of Bonnets, Flowed, La ces, Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Bercges. While Goods, .Millinery Articles, Cloths aad Casslmeres, Linens, Ho siery and Glove*, Ac. Ac, City and country merchants will find their slock n la/gc and desirable as Eastern stocks, and an exasl? .nat ion of their goods and prices cannot fell to con ‘sinno nil that with their undeutable advantages and fff iji'ties, they con compete wren xkt EUffin Joaaitt This i*«ei has Wen clearly demonstrated to bttodreds orihelr*patrons who formerly porchased East Their stock will always be found complete. ap7_ XTBW .®ANCV AND VARIETY GOODS—At 2EB- Jjj ULON UNSET’S, C 7 Market street. 100 prs Sue China Vases, ass'd; 172 sets twist and eat velvet coat Batumi; 40 fine velvet Carpet Dags; 20 do do gent's traveliug; 100 gross fancy «Jk Buttons, for dresses; 10 diz Nail Brushes, ass’d; 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons, ass’d; 250 do do gilt and plated, do; 25 doz rosewood Hair Brashes; 4 do Washington • do, 1 do Barbers do, 3 gio Fuh Lines; Fish Hooks, Lime rick, 4c. . JttWELRY, 4c —5O gold lever Watches; SO do de tached lever Watches; IQ do Lepine do;. 10 fine did mMuT Finger Ring*; 1 dot fine gold Vest and Fob Chains; 2do do Guardr, Breast Puis, Finger Bings; EaJ Rours, 4c. GLOVES, Ac.—-200 doz Ladies CoUon Gloves, ass'd; GOO do do ttd. Thread, fancy top. Ac.; 10 do gents' silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 60 do ladies kid, ass'd; 10 <lo do fancy top silk. , VARIKrY GOODS —751 pkgs American Pine 306 bis Cotton Cords; 75 p* Paper Muslin; 60U.000 ribbed f*e reunion Caps; 2DUgxo dress Whalebone do; 100 doz Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Bock Combs, Ac/ Ac. . apO L_ .. ■iffpus ftt.WaiL lusnds HAim*. wa i_ liixi. PALHER, HAKRA A CO., (Ssteeuors to Hussey, Hanna A Go.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreis-nond Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bask Notes, and Specie— Fourth, street, nearly opposite die Bank of Pittsburgh. Current rat* ney received on deporite—Siirht Cheeks for tale, and collection* made on nearly all the principal points in the United mates, 1 The highest pramiardpaid Ipr Foreign aqd AmertejSi Cold f Advances made on consigiimcnti of Produce, shifty ped Eat,* on liberal terms. 1 ottf . V * 1 CiIiLLKD ROLLS, T THE subscriber* having purchased the exclusive right of Harley's Patent, QateW renewed,) for the manufacture of CHILLED ROLLS, Ac,, are prepared to supply all orders at short notiec. ' All persons are forbid infringing on said Patent atffdlmAWAnT TOLLMANS A GARRISON. ss~Reward. T OST—Oa Satarday morning, between the JJonoft -1 a rohela House end Biteham's warehouse, Canal Suit. A RED SILK NETT PURSE, with steel tassels «n«l mu’s, coniaininc $23, belonging to a poor druj - nan. The finder will receive the above reward opd iLs thanks of the owner, by leaving it at this office. ap9a!2t* * Boarding Wanted, - - IN fdinily, for a Gentleman and his.-Lady who will furnish nia room if required. Location ui or Second Ward of this city. Addreka J. B , Wt.t 6i, post office,-and gire name and location,which wilt be attended to. HOK£ETBI BICKEEBH “' ./ANE THOUSAND DOZEN SICKLES, of tttperiot I Quality, for a&ie. aV-d« SPANG A CO, _ SVaiNO BONNET RIBBONS, A«.--W R'Mnrplif Q now open a «opp!y of apriag Bonnet Ribbon*, ofne\» and handsome atplea ... • , jffno'V'ew * t f ,e fi S’ J Nctu; Lt*ie L«*e» «vni Bd|> uare ilin.'n Edging*? Victoria doi plaid Muslin* and nforoidfrcd 8»i«* Mufoma, Ac.; beaidM a UiaoMwrltneixi of Spring Gooda generaJJy, at north eatt eetvrli h nnd Market atrecj*. • . Whole*ale K,'ooni* np nait*. *. ?P° .*»]« Kv- -r g~ 1,4. U' IUJfI IVASTOKI*. . k rmai i I aft’ROVED FARaI, of from 4QtobO A Addri..JJ Cb. aiihi»osc«!, with improvements, where oiioaicd, -AJ*o» the lowesiptiic*- >pC:d3l» * _ CLOTH „ TRIMMING*. eipTeoly for thu market, which for nehn«» and fioiih excel any. Foal BuildiDg*, corner Fifth and Wood «ueeU. sol'YcET TUSt ARRIVED at the loweT Allegheny Bndgi f) foar flat boats, laden with SCYTHE SNEATtiS, Grain Cradles, Hay Rakes, Cast Steel HoeSf PUCfl_ Porks and Shovels. Also, a .splendid assortment. o( Sub, Faunel Doors, Veniuan blinds, and a vanes? or other articles, ail o( which is offered for saJo by the subscriber, in quantities to suit customers ap7ni3l NATHAN BROWN., Blaapratta’ Bleaching Powderi ’ (Chloride of Lime.) , 1 IE subscriber* have recent}/ received (direcl/roin yke manufacturers) a fresh supply of tbo celebk **ed article, which thejf will sell at ih* lowest ««,krt price for cash or approved bills. ■ ‘ W * M MITCHKI.TKKK V> >. •'.•■■Ll&ilS, Drorai‘l. N« « W “ d ., H Soie foT l * lP ' 3 ' r ol Towflwind *Grfl b« J«« Z"! y f ‘ )0 “ a ° ( ukCwolleei i'k”a E gcllct. I. »ole um curr> - r °' AU . r sS' i ’ y ctiv. . • v* • «* "'F ***** PQb^HOPUfSS?A, ’?-^ r lltot F. *** M ‘i ■ SOAP* corner Market and W aicr.sU THE ITTSBURGH GAZETTE Aaliesr—Duty 3D pr. cent. O4l Pearl* 00 Scorching*' 3J04 Saleraia* • . 51 Soda AaL ..... 31041 A le—per bbl.. 02* >#3^0 Evtgtlea—Duly 5 per cent. Am'-nFop. 0 Butting— per fij . i . 8011 Hop* - Ool2| Beano— per bushel. Small Wluie 70075 Common A mix'd 4120 Bracket*—f dor. Patent.. Beaver • •2.250 S°T*** "fineo I‘J (a -i, c>ai* •* ra> UaJ»am l>ra -.- .*&> Corn.. . ■>, % I do f'Qpana • -30 0 XT, ■ Harry ... . V 0 - Brimatodf 4 & Man hmrit ... . s „* iftW. o '-, r«-(tnrj .. 40 * 4:, . Glo«. (,„* , ‘ |ChJori,ir U m «..,. ,, , k : p JU «h Common 110 13 .'SS'-ji **—r-^.y Sr.v.v:.v . ' i®.'2 0.».„,_U-v» / p. Copal- - > 0 So TunniM -S«£-:jj - ?J v • £s£- ip«M : ' ;r | : ■:..%! u c y >-“4“ l6 S -.Hi ' Mk^" y sT-'-ia" ~ Mrrrt. T,,i„ ....» a * ' B™, S-*"!- .•yX"™’' :l,a s ixtww... .. « * r ■ "»ia> O:L‘»5 1 lrow-i!,,.. '' “ #IJ - CIOV--4 VSStf-.'SO ' 1, “ } U > - 10 l^ r rf,Ul n r mm.Turk..y ■ 4.10 Bl.r, . iv,,,,, ~>a lr; • '*• «“""nr - BUu l\ a ,i.. " ~7. * KliuUnrli. roui 3-0 3u I |.„ m , h Ji *»' S*"‘ c 'n S 'l>' | ji ?! iarS-SP*rr,r- Dy® Wood—lhjiv 6 j* ci. <* 4l Camwood 510 ,u * 1 l{ * *»<® I*l Ku<llr.- t ‘ i .. *• 0 l4«w. eh pH 'Hi* 'ii W* r Duty yu pr n Feather* Oliiy as,"r u v' U ,“ !ll, " or " -> » udtnl ,rU N-w orU 1»0|* Ihimairr-ii - 14 0 |.« ' SlnuffFiiff I- fi* ai 1 Skirtniir - VI 0 VI Harm-**, black ID 0 21 Undid*, do; JO.WI oT)il.iki Ru*»fti do IW.ui i I'ppir hnxferij. V3.HO Kil>«. ftm*hed '.M.01l 030.1M1 i Cull Skin do 15.00 020.1*1 l.acr I.-.IMJ Q _ N Kmflainl Srnniii;. No l |>rr do/ 45.00 0 _ \<» V p-rrtor ;i5.00 0 No 'i pi'r do/ • V 5.00 of jtl <kin* VJO 6 Lumber -ilutv-jj ji cad val por .Si Beeiwas— Duty “JOpr.ct; 1 Yellow.- 20d— ton ; Bloom* - 9 —070 ; Boiler Lump* 9700 , Brooms— t> doz | Meri-haiiublr • 1.V2 -01,77 ' Shaker 2.2602,37 Barks—p cord Clu-siidt Oak 550®6t« Black Oak 401^1 Coal— Duty 3u per ct: Ai the nver -3 «P 5» r From wagon » Cotton— Duty free Teiui. KI4I Alabama-•• Chocolate—p b. Number 1 - • -inou ■ Cocoa, prepared 'JOfifiM Gandies— Duty 'M <-t. Cay dipped «*> Mod Id —6510 J Pittsburgh Ptnr • • Cmiinnaii do Sperm, be*l brand* • to Foundry. bol wurr. s- d - Gfl Furnace: ••'•••• do til Tea kettks <?• do 7 55407 tVagon Pole* F IWI lb $271) Coonter weigliii* ret--- 40 Sad iron* & B) noil- Cotton Yarns to Short reel— , No. 5 ui No. 10 1C • *• 11 to 13 17 “ 14 P K' liiurlfv I'.T 0 nt.ioA P-tni«ytva • 0 Fruil Almond- shell'd-••-W 0 «*„> Soft ]f, 0 f; n o n < 'urruim. Zanie ... 0 3 n* s,J« y < iroundtmt*. l,lr» 0 Kij». Smyrna . 15 0 j; Malaga-' 0*. Mu-twi 0 _ Hunch-. s.ou 0 lllnom, old- 0 ('ranbL'rnra- • • 9'2 & - l.«-manV lis 015 u Oranre « do • • $.3 **s n«i IVarfip*. dry. mu I.Od 01.12 Apple*, dry . j. 50 0 Apples. I iter- 11 1,1,: * I.WJJI.ii;. Fire Brick -per M llolivar-• 4f^s,OU ('oomuin- • • - -—l5 0— Increasing I rt per lt> to No yo Long teefp do/ No. COO fit- *• TOO “ $OO. IH*I. lUOU - it Coverlet Yarn It) • yovf Carpet Chain uod> Cotton- Twine-.. »►«» Candle 'Vies —Mlti Coffee—Uut) *JO per et Java, Old white iytf?i4 St. Domingo at Laguayru *i & Rio Tfrfl" » 'Copper- Duty ai pr ct. pig hat and old ft pr ct: old tree Braners - - &t<. Sheathing —&i* OU- • • •’ l~6?|y In cak* and Ingot' • Ittfiryn Flour—Duly «l per ecu. Ili Ira bruluW. •-• • 3,750 Tr* Suprrßjic —. ,3,11*30370 Fmr 03,25 Hye Flour 3.1H0 - hit LpM* • • - 0 _ llur kwlirat buded pQ>- 0 ] { “ Ml t>tn« nun^ .Cordage —Duty t»pr cm Manilla • —0 u Wluie-rope —0 || Tarred 0 ru Pack’g yarn, fine-- 0 v •• common 0 ; i Kemp Bed Crds per dnx— l Extra long 3,000:1.50 ; Long f&ixi ; Common . Plough lane* C 701.00 1 Manilla Bed Cords—per dor 4U yd.'-C thread •—4fr:i.Ao 20 it. 30 do i,75O>j.KJ , do Plough tuies 0 e?} Dooteatlei-per yard |- Brown (Cotton :i&Q | do do • —C 01 PcanSlit’f* A No. I - O 7} Allegheny L) » 0 Allege D Pin Mill 0 «l Oregon D Union Mill - • 0-- | Nonatook Penn Mill - • •—0 7 'Muskrat I JPiiUborgh do R,, rfoon ! Laurel D o~i y ln k Savage -01* Deer Skinner ft —• !< Powhatan ,A o*4 Glasa-3 Lbrmac C 0* u )ae -k Boaln Harmon pcrgrosi ©y,«i 64 brown rotum «0U ft,,* ,j 0 .. 07 ou I Blenched do ■ Mad’a wmrA.6 to rn!- ov*U) I, a° Clamper gross • 00,00 « d 0 , Window CHas*. per box— Brown drills -|®u env brand* Bleached-—— SOIO SiiUnet .. | c Ticking* -<4Ol. ioxl*J • -- ■I Hamilton 010* I Uncaster—p“ a;i -ni do , Jui,4 t„ | Brown »A.C. A dial- icx24 Methucns ~^ U \ Country brand- No 1 supenpr ©to* «ii 0....... Colored Cambric* 4i©*? yujia (3000.74 £"! c L Pnl 'm Gunpowder-Duty Aipr. Fall Bi«t Blue —0 3 r H Merntaac- —om FFrn--- —•• Fall tt. Biuc A Orange Uol<4 lt . r> . fj,, . York Tick* !oJ Do dor I 11, ciun«i'.- DrUga-perft . do Aloe* Feed —per bu*brl Bran - b 0 9 Sions- —140 i-i Fish -duty <*» t'ore'n cau'l fcl |v»-r rrril. Mackerel, No I HSDO No 1. li/f btdt- •—0 0 No. *3. •• VSOO - No. *i htf bblr, • _0 . No 3. - 00,00 No l. kiu* 0 _ Hcmnir.No I - —OiUio No'*s . 0 . . Salmon. No 1. old 0 . . New 1fe.500 iy Shnd - ~ 0 _ l od. per drum -• 4.2501.50 Furs—* Red Fox, No 1 • 4 R 0« K jjywdrr •1.3& ~ Grain—but, VO j^ro-ir;. —<a IV Wiicul 7\)it ,l) ®II Ry C -*r4s Arrow. Root' Aquafortis* - COMMERCIAL RECORD. | “r*- - . ; While H |. e i v I*4o I ALHANAC. APRir. | '? Saturday, 3 Sunday, a Monday, 10 Tuesday. 11 Wednesday, 12 Thursday, la Friday, PITTSHUBOiI BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. ‘ Manilla. *=7 l .*CJ p do* DR I KIJ FRL IT -** >*oiiUini<* 1 1 *mr> It rtvi*r. ami w? imucr full lupplir* with rn'.her » du'. REVIEW OP THE , niuiliri i’escho m lmr*c will not com ■ 111 am I over SI .**>*.• &bu Sai«r» rl \&t>le» ui alm n PITTSBURGH MARKET-, 1 tent at autfiSc bl roSTHK VEMEXDJJto APBTI. 1(1 J DRIKD IHIKF—We note vain 01 Western cured In revising tlie transaction* for the week just ciused- 1 ll yr P bv the v^nrmin> we liavc no market! chance to >tonce in the generai marked. Quite a lively general business ha* b*-en done, and qootations show no important change trout oar lasi week's exhibit The weather ha* been rather unsettled, accompan ied by Considerable rain the rnei has key,re, hue nav igable order for all ihe purpose* m tradV, and bun* ness in'tbat qnaiter has been quite bn*k There bos been no impediment to our canal ccnnatu , ttieautip* with the east, since the spring opening, and Uie quantities of Dry (yoods passing through that chan ' pel to the various markets ot the u-est have been ttn- .Tbe feceipt* by river during the week just closed, have been quite lull We give the toliowiug ust ot' tiie principal articles of iriule received during taut pe riod Flour, bbls- Wheat, ‘ TAbb I Butter, bbls - t£ft I do kgs • X I Sugar, htida 2*<e ; Molasses, hbls SOS I Colt'ni l-ults «4 , Feathers, *k* - CT| Wo.:, 911 | Potatoes. -do bags. Cora, bbls, Bacon, hhd* do hzs do bbls do ires ,<lo pcs Lard, bbls Mackerel, hbis Tobacco. Mid* -9 d-» leaf fix* 3© I Whiskey, bbls 10£ Apples, green. bt, 535 Clover seed. 42 | Lead, pigs til | Bye Flour, bbls IPs | Pig metul, ion* lit ; Tallow. bb)» ’ - do prime blit Erga,,bb!s Flaxseed. ires do ski- By reference 10 the Canal Coll*-< tor a book we are enabled to give the following aggregate oi Uie number of boalt cleared, amount ol tonnage received during the week ending Saturday evening, April ?th' 1549 - ” Xo Boult Tomiaqe Toll* Monday. 8 2* mo ai Tuesday. 3 2C s.nh.rfti nn or Wednesday, 4 81 1.0*1, 00P C:r- 37 Tbarsday. 5, t2> 1.JM,&11 TTj ?ii Enday, 6 -M l« it iHuturdny, 7 8-> UJU.MB nw 4o s.i«o,c?b jM.trr? in The .following i« ike aggregate amount >»i some of the leading aruclc* shipped from this poim eui. via Pennsylvania canal, from the ‘2d to the ?!h of April inclusive Efcmr, hbls y„'J74 I Hull" fb' •>•419 Beef tad Pork. bbl* i.ufrl I-irJ, 3.44U45 Wwl, ISfti.TlM Feather* - ASHE3~In the Ashes market, no marked change iPas taken place. The busmen or' the week ha& been Confined mainly u> Mods Ash, »>tne 23 to JO li>n» oi Which have: bcrn disposed ol at dt£:j|c, cash and shun time, Ad for heat qualities in small 'lots 4c have been obtained. Pur other articles under this h.cad sales iave been of n general character at our rejfuiar table quotation* . APPLES —Considering the lateness of ibe season, die receipts of the week base been to n considerable extent. Sale* bore generally been effected on the wharf at an average ot 02c bbi, and fruin store a 1 bbl, in dray load lots ALE-Tlie market is without change, and a rrgular business has been done by our Ur-vrrr* hi lull ~uoted ; IIACON—By reference to our Import list. uwil ; be teen that the receipts of lUnn from ihr different mar kets in tha west have been large, but owing to the heavy, shipments east, the supplies left m our marker have hot been more Ihtin sufficient*' the demand, and the articles has been quite brisk at faUr quoted me* 'file sales of Cincinnati and other western cured meat tq casks, have been to n fair extenr nt. for Mu,alder* SjtfMtT Sides sc. and Mams at o#6|c P. lb, Bud > i nt) lipreiijment at about the same figures.; 'Sale nt un tr> * Cincinnati Sugar-cured canvassed Ham* m yittij,- ft. Considerable quantities of g-wid -quality country cured Baeou in bulk, are arriving, which i« gcncrall) disposed of at from n J Ui a jc lower 'han our qu.-,is lion* 0( western euied Bacon. BUI'K PORK—The receipts r.i me week Imf be-n ddotparatrvely light, and supplie* nr- moderate We ’ ttoticc soles of )Fi,wib pcs. Hams at 4i. anil Shomder* oi3c, 4 inoa. Regular hogruuud sales are effected ai -3|uMq> »• - Bl'lPf'EH Very IhUe is coming lorward at present and supplies ore generally limuml Wc note sa cs or rfllmbqlsßtlMh3c for common to prime. Sale, m niTIfFTS AND TUBS—Severai considerable lots h«i'SS**"-««« w~v ">* ”i*rii" -rr fairly supplied. Side* of Buckets are regulany effect ed from Store a! »»d o{ Tub ‘ l9r *‘ ! * tl '- al * J * 1 dozen. * CHfcKPK-'nM* arrival* »-« T r ‘- l,nv '' I } ,c < cß '"f!" “.""i wo ndiice a tmall aupply l,l e '\ T?J<k of to# lliuMd cxieul,-of common " R Q‘ . oi Cream a? ?c, and of (»o*lien St 9 ® Ct/TTON-Tbe fr.*ij»u of the vreek have amounted in UZt? bales, but m ihc greater portion of It «*• bf en consigned to manufacturer* her*. we haw hrard of no reportable tale* « c gj»e about the ruling figure* ot Ute market in *enenl tol’lr. \ COTTON YARNS. SHEETINGS. Ac-r-Pnce* of all articles under Urn heud are without change, see R»m> lauotK. COR-DAfiE—Price* of m-«t srtides outlet this head jtra-rp'advanced smcr our la«t weekly ejfJuDih aud we jtvplko following corrected hat of quotations. AHD RATES OP IJAUISE INSURANCE, PREIOHTS, *.c. Pin-, r. r. m. pr M 0*22,00 Common • u*]|.(iu ri**ar It "• •• • - - 033.(ki ‘' oni ’* U “ OIJLSO Clear - 044.00 l orn n 2 - ... 022,00 U r kii bl-j: 1 in do - 0|9,00 l in. common • • 0 (h»k Jo do _ o]m 00 Pine sbnf* p 10002.50 0 a'no 1-nlhs. sawed. 2.23 0 m jo, Live Stock.—priuoih* nt Breve* 4.500 5.30 Hop* 4.50 0 Cow* A Calves rt.oil oi~.oo Sheep-- I.MIO 2.110 Hola«s*s Duty 30 pr cl Sui*nrhouM* 40 0 i; N Orlean- •• • 2SO 2u Naval Store*-Duty yno Ra*u> per bbl 3.750 4.14) Piirb - ::,25 0 Tsl Allegheny 0 •• N I'arolinn 4.23 gj - Turpentine, gall c«i 0 m Varm*h. Copal 1,75 & too Nall*—Duty 30 p c - p-r kre. too lb*. |cumnr nail* l eeni advance per Tb ] tPo2fk| Junium 1400 175 70 l>d “ 4000 60 7d *• 4500 -u •• 4750 4d “ .. . 0 6.00 3d • «.(W0 Spike* per ft 0 51 Pressed 010 S| Boiler Rivets - Q 7 Oakum -per ft Pittsburgh - -- - • Oil*—pergai Linseed - 600 Lard. City .... 560 CD <»livr | 3o 0 t 50 Sperm bleached 0 t .25 “ L'nblcacbed 0 1,20 84.00 p. n _ *w 1 kniier* per bi>l • P,UUOU»,iki a g-.>j 0 ri <9 ur; 0 25. a 25 0 IS Palntß—prr ll> Pru*. Hiur Til 0 WO i.ani|>Mai-k - - K*sOo ] 5 \\ ti Jllll < l\& « I'Wrotnr Gfffji •. . ju 0 45 \dlow .No I 33 0 :i5 No V 25 0 *> Uru:t*w ii k < itrrn 12 0 -.11 Won*- I,ra<J. dry C.JO 6J " Oil. j’urtf krg 1 .»H.‘ 0 l.ftjJ •' No i . - 0 i‘3s KrJ GJjJ . Vdlow Otliri' Vrit. Rrd Vrrdij; r Sun I Sun I t ' lo .l. ’ ul n«*. | ~t. ■ Ta "*‘> Hopr. :. y •i i '• I’jcknu' Yam [*uc 5 uT> I (1 Jo rbiimiDi i3i | -> :i: . .*>»!«•« ft *• i ii :ift ft At \ C Jti ft as | a J 7 Manilla. Sl.?jijr2.tXiif3 r jO t? .lor d'. V roil ,U- th Hemp. *}l & dot *!u *> I*OJ i Ilk- • tb DRLtiS AND MKDIt'INHS—See general quoia hl.Ol K—The receipt* ni the week have amounted to between seven and enriil thousand bbls The ship- - menu rust have about equalled the receipts, cause qqertny the supplies m market have not been increased ir rn first hands nave amounted lo about lUK> ; bbl» at JJkh- bul Flir sale* irom store have been heavy. lu*mg co hlied luuiuiv Ui drav load iota at | R1.62#*3.r.', p i,b> FISH - For ev«-r> nrtiele under ihi» head, prices r. mam quite firm at our ir.-ulsr quoted rales, see general table. 1 FKATHKRS— Wt notice lair suppne* m th« market. , hut sales have been confuted to ragulnr limited loti at [ IHicCH* - , which are the prr«.eni ruling Ugu'es ol in* i market. FKKD—Py the receipt* ot the past lew il»y*, sup , plies have been increased, and w*-. note regular sale* j ol Bran at «c. and of ShorL* at 12iS'lCc froiii store ae j cording to quality I GROCERIES—Receipt* during the woex tme l>een 1 less abundant duiing the past week, bui we nonce lair j supplies ol ali articles m this hne of N O Sugar. | sales have been u> a lan amount m hhds. at for lair’, and jJ tor prime Sules ol Ml mnlines at 'XU Vs*c. and ol Rio cotfee at s .inr bolding at “<■.— Sales ol Su|afiiou»e Moia»*es at 40d4Se cf I.oaf Su gar at itflOc, and ol Rice by i.erce nt 4i<34ieliper pound fl RAI N— With mod critic supplies in market, we no tice tumteil soles at ih* lollowmg figure# Wheal ?fl. Rye and Barley at JO.- Corn at .fl.'aiid Oat* at aW‘/7c from store | GLASS— No change m prices ot \\ indow gluts, see j quotations J HOPS-Sai-i Irnm store by bate at -k¥loe_ a > ,n •quality ! HA\ Regular *aie< of Titnoliit from wigun si C* : bOa-S' 4> mu IRON AND NAII.S—For prices ot all article* under this head see quotations in laoie !.ARl>—-The receipt* have been fair, but mostly de signed for eastern shipment. We note sales to a limit ed extent ui Idc in bhi* rind in keg* I.EAD-Severnl <mai! lo's have arrived, but sup plies are yet light Fig it held qmteJirm ut 44. and bar at 4jc lb MALT—The regular ruling price* from store lor Bar ley mail i» bfi&Tic per bu, with luuiled sales OlLS—Receipt* have been light, and supplies are rather limited We quote lunseed at Hard at Mif *>Oc ifa'i, md Tanner * at P bbl PIG METAL--Tbe following ur« the irnnsactuns 01 the week juat closed Iron Oty 100 tons nt Stfti, C mos, 14<> tuna Licking ut $25.76, 6 mos. SOU tias Lucinda tur uace, warm blast, in diflcrent tots. 60S. 0 mos. 400 tana Helen at $26. (i mos. ‘JtgJ lons Martha and Anchor at 820, tl mos. 2IKI tint Eagle at $26.50, fl nio*. and £i<> ton* Amanda, M R , c 1, nt BDI, 0 mos, hi Wheeling, RA(*S—R< cnlar first hand sale* at Hie p lh. for good clear tmird SOAP AND CANDLF.S-Malr« ol l merman and t il) nmnuliie lured lt'-un at 4i &4 p:. and VsncguuM soap ai M>j.- th Soles ol city and Cincinnati dipped raixllni ot y. „l Mould al H>{. and tl Star hi VI.. j.rr V I.NF/iAR -Sale* of cider vuiernr from store at s| aw V gull, m 1.1,1* WHISKEY —:»ale» ol rectified a! lc. 1= 1, and l-ic P Kail 1,1 htils For correct ~uoiat,ons ot aii articles not eauincrn cd in this h»t, see geueral table (iBXiK—Th» commercial editor ol the Baltimore Commercial Journal. ,u ertra<'ing our list t>i caua| imports ol tUe 4th n:»t, mutrk, t1i.,1 -we cannot learn from the paper. iM*n the operations tcok place. Ini’ presume it was during the spring .Now. it seem* to us that It would have required po very eltraerdinnry stretch o( intellect to ascertain the period enhra<.«d in our list, aa il was introduced in our general review oi the Pittsburgh markets Jot lA* vtti .nJm; .iytl'lU Uur acknowledgements arc Jue Mr J M Thompson, clerk ol the strainer J Adain«, lor late St Imu.t pa per«, in advance ol the mai Cattle lllarket, Beef Cattie were riUmnely seurre at the yard an Monday truly AX) licad were «>lfered. allot winch were rcadiiy taken ai V too &• o«U tor Of Sheep ar.d H</£s. none were oticreC Bogl«’a Hyperion Fluid, is the besran.clr for the hair m use The folio wutff speaks lor it*el! A letter from the Rev Mr Chapman, Sandwich. Maas late ol the' Olive Branch " IlosToff. April Cth, IMG Mt. Boor.* —Sir.consider it a duty I owe you gs. well as to those who may he troubled wjllt their head . and hair a* I have been, to ac k now led f e the elficac y of your Hyperion Fluid, 1 y the use of which l haw de- ■ r.vecl so much benefit Kor twelve years I wa- trou hied with a disease of the bead, the skin of winch wj« covered with a thick rust of scaly li.mor, (or dmidrofl; in its worvt form.) winch entirely covered the oVres of• the akin caused severe headache, and entirely unfit-1 t»d me for study; my hair ul«o grew dry aud dead, and . at last began to turn hald ana grey, to cure which I tried all Ute advertised aru-k, of ,|, c day. .andihetr! name i« legion) without deriving any benefit I heard 1 of your Hyperion aud although it was highly 1 praised by those who had used , t ye- } was afraid it’ was but another humbug of ti.„day, but was induced ! by you to give it a trial upon ihr .yiirm of no cure no pay; and i am glad to say ,t hi. entirely succeeded ! The skin of my bead is now clear from humor or dan-1 drutr, my hair is daily growing ihmkrr. and is in a fine healthy stale it is therefore with the utmost ronG deoce I recommend your Hypcrtan Fluid to he all you 1 represent il I am, yours truly, I „ , , , SaMUEL chapman For sale by L. WILCOX. Jr., comer Diamond, and I comer of Foonti and Southfield iu ip&ddt PRICES CURRENT, MeUil--pr ton. 6mo«. I .Nmr«aiiic» » -n .v Fore.- ®- - | Wool itpMr.r.i Ruc« ! Fun blooit • ... a i> ° 1 Foundry a : | unxxl- .. 4 J Forge - 0—• , » t,loo<! <&• * v» Trtj„e We .. . 0 _ ; * ami OmnJSfi ;■, *# *- Ale/Cer {\mnn Tut. wa.tird- # ±i Foundry P i? n u -0 ! Whi .key- , rr c u - ® Rec-aSed 1-3 Iv JUboniHK County. Ohio , R:.«- Mono»*»l.e » ‘tf M * Foundry!*,* fi? ; Zluc-pertb Forjre dn. - - Ht t snret -- ..... 9 PUiterParli-duh.rrfSjt, & I .juier J»an« Jo lua j Frelchti p.-r I Provision*- ' Tu r,m inimi. Rrtron H:im- " _ Shoulder* _ Side*. <•: stf‘i i.ocj.) *;3 l* Heavy .. ■ To ]-ou <v Moyrouiiii. nly c .ire - I> r , < >ootJ , roimiry do - Q • J|>nv\ L*rJ No I. in iik« »; 06] I Kr«»rnl.out«vi;> io ih *• in 0 i [Hy <;<>c*l» - • "1. ui • D|£*- !)|ravv .• B « Urf • L w i- a ■ To j,, Uu( , , M 1,1 ® 1-' l>rv (<<xxi« Uier«<\ \V |( r ,j n^„ vv " .. , * r r, ttn ' «*«* • ' To ' if-vrlunil hi id Kft< Uu '‘ k - »v H |, \\ !l( , |>TV (joo)J< _ l >r ,> ' l -<3* Kl Hn.n I ■-& 4 ,j r«i All.! ifinn Hrowiuvillr Petatocs—p<-r Imi-i, Drv Hood. .Oowni ' , -« - l-r.-1... r. A,- Nr.h,m,orl;. P |.„ C-iOl, T.. N,.,i v, Nr Ita|Jß-l)i,:v |„. r .-(,1 l>rv(.o<*li ( oonlry UIII.-.1 • :i]af , i|ravv Do kochl wlnir . . & To \V Rle*i*|.rr tb r>rv«.oo.|. ‘ K ',r , ■ *.* n ■ U.-.W . »*ed»-ilnlv Lulled >3*ll t - r l'c> ZttJlr « Vi"'» Clovpr J l Drv f.00.i -runotliy .... ' 11. ' HV \ Hailed Vo it | T„ Mu.iard • • it 3W. < Hrs t.ovd. .. Bptce*~ ;,ci to H>-itv\ , r,ov *-» > 0 'll To \>-w Orirjn, ( in M b u at -i', 11-uv, (..hiJ. , ~ Hiiierr- ... »» & in i„ ai . i,, r Nu:mo;. . | • >j if |.-i6 ' a Pi*pprr 7Of V ***** ,F » K R.i« Hfi • N THE i AUpice at i-n . . A>l, iuu.kma :» J . ** l , I’..' ami iVaii r.n Suaktroot |irr tt I Ituiier and Union 1 Vir«m.« if 14 r< A; 0 Rnic ro ,„. * : hiuburtclt No I 4J5 <i Bonn. ,1 ’ I'tiK'iimati • ■ .10 || Broom*. Steel—per Bj r«rei*ii I'nrr.r, V '- ’ oa*'. A Sfirar • Ifi 0 17 I’oru. 0 l\‘ IV) stna;ie is ig i\.ir,m. IV'lliTmoi) • 0 H nu.,.d R„|i Pr , ‘ t II |)n, t , » ln i Med.rmea, •• Hoop I. at i: Dry i.oo<1«. Pitixburgh .Niatiuinriure Dried Fru.i , (•email Steel a flj Fkmr. per U.i (to i hMt„'h bl.aier a lai Furs and Beliriea, per 100 ir.» u, .American blister 0 4} Feather -i , s P« n ?: 5* Furniture. i Spirit#—per gallon (ilamwitre l)o ! Brmndv 1.60 0 2Jo til***. \V,„dow. per hi BO 0 . Rochelle-.. tUO 0 3.411 Green and drv fruit pr, limit.. 75 ( Ruin.Jnm atth pi J.iU © 225 Gin«.‘n«. net iwitt, s£•’" W 0 90 Groceries, j,, 4O ® So ; Hardware. ri t) -• Gm. Holland ••• 1.210 1.75 i Hop. , Sugar—Duty;*'mm C rm Hem,., , N O prune, hhd (..Id) 014 Hide* irawTio dry f! «, do ' 'air, hhdlold] 04* leather. Jo w. Harana, white, lb 2 0 «j in r, u , rfo TT ,Br. u ‘ ;;; PO l.| 1..,d ...dY.,,, <w , £ £ Pulvcmed. I’lulnd Q to Oil. i’ Mlor Salt-Duty io per rcm I.maecd Oil. do 75 .No 1. udoot 0 1.25 Q° rlt ' per Ibl dn 0 175 . •l. in store —0 |a) per]oC:t>- fci [Table ilo2 box---- 0 Hopes and cordage do Ou I Shot—Duty *1 per rent Bpee.r do Be, keg 015.50 r<1 *' d.) 7ti Per bag--- 0 ij-7* r,*" 1 ' and Buffalo, do 75 1 Saltpetre - per ft Fallow. j., ,j. Saitpeire • • • V 0 in lobaoeo, Leaf. -j Tobacco—pertti —|Jop.-r d " M*na/actur«d. d.< 7a cl. off lor tor ittajiul'd ''heat. j., (*> Tobacco} l>uiv 40 pr et. ’* J.. 0 -40 li *W*»»key, p r; UkJ l! » (tj . Manuflddo 4 0 7 Tl , . ijjic.-twi.i- — 11.10 1. «!■*<.« » n... No A.hh ’ . ilz , " 14 7 i B»>w. I.„J, tilVut...- iO . Pork. Tobae , IS. Lump 111 hoj O IV* anJ|„H», b. - I; r, r b 2J.*-"'“ |, - F; “ Scoi.l. u a is ci... n. J- 183.. J 1V.,, :■■■ “ y u.v..r 01.1 4 o»r» It p.p o a h.p,i., «„„| _ c ,.„ ■mteanat MO M re.lh.r^F.r«ii..„' t liunpowdrr .5 0 70 Hop.. Md,, Im.O I.x' _ _ . U..IS lly.„, ... » » so U.rln. Pouchoii. ■■■ -HI O ,3 R.ip. of l.i.urui.c-r on r.r.00. of Itapl.W-hltUpoi .loun ~.J*C.| tool. * ' BaocatHool." O r ~l ; y. , V „ 't.U.w-P.l, ,op,‘V“ .... "IS I RrmloroO .J # - .. ■■ „ S l L 00... M. 10l J«« k ■ ° 4 < ““ lo HoO.ivill.oi,. a 5.«p1.r...r - 30 fl| ■ .oHoiopooJoooo !,%■ *ta*, 16 ' ' to.Vr,npi„. Too Ig Wines—Dut) 40 pr re n : •• •• % o r ; rail , n«<il I, B Madeira ■ tie i 9 im Friim N Oriem.-... t> > ‘'• LfTri.entfe • I.u, aiM M"iuu S, ‘ ,rt" J J 2 1 Charge, by good Flm Soats ) ..** Dry Malaga (.-0 71) t 0 New Orleans ( Sweet 50 0 62 ■ ’ RATES OF DISCOUNT. J.k v ttJ U> l.‘c 1 1.- Ur UK KAil.i.' Of DIM '", s r_, OKKI-. I hIJI.N I ' N. UOL#3I KS * SO.VB, I Fi.-hiflfte Broker*. .No is Mmrl.uni I’euniylvtnlt. Indiana. , H.uiv i»f r*.: imho rjf n Par S;aie B‘» Alim;.. . i, | Kxrun.ijrr Hai.a • -Pac ? a.. >erp Mrfi u A. Man Hank I'u 1 Virginia, j Uk.'.oi I’u.iudcipliia |>af| Kxrhamc- Bk ,<( \». 1 1 ['■find liai.i Par; Fu rrnrr.-/ii 1/ v« I Bunk of l»cl iii-nunwil i>arjUL. u ill- \ u ,, r> -■ ■ •• | “ Chester County ••pir'Uk uC • • •• | “ Delaware Co par.M A,M {lk .\\ ~ rr j Monnixii. r) pm Jo Mor« x/im w c || " NnrUtuuinerland parlN W Un/ik Va - j Coiaiub * Bridge Co. par do \V>!!<i.qi< •• ij Doyieiinwr. Bank • • pa/; do »i, urr ... .. Fa/uiri-. Bk. Kcad.n* par' Tenu«n««, Fuincrs'Uk Bucks to. jut Bk.of Tennriirr • •• • 5 : Farmer* H'k Luu:.n t pur I a/ A Mcrctj'l«Bk —• “ Lancaster Co. Uk. .■. -par I'ianter >'llfc. “ 1 (wiurasirr Ilk pa/ l'ii;on l»l\ •- • . « i Mnii 1 * • ~ —-JO Missouri. Butw/iiviii;' lit p»r .siutr Ilk m ,\| %*cvr || 'Va/./i,u/,u»n Ilk J North Carolina. Gf .1 Vlljuri'l. Bk • • 1 Ut 01 Cape Inr ‘J t'lm.j/herwliurß “ Mcrel. « Ilk N w .mi r'uwiupbatmi Cu. Hi. ii Suu.- iJ&ns •_» l<rliiKli OuUu/tk, South Cirollni. - Camden Ilk v ,\L'I.J.. Ink’ll . . 1 Bi nl t'li.irlnion- • 'i it !0 Uk ol I .m/reln -vi. -• M «rni.'i» a,J DruVerC 11. 01 liu/ui n/r• •- • Jluik. Wu> n«*»liufjr 1 'trr'tuiiii* Uk.--- ••< -• *• _ I'ii/arr* A Medm ill Ho-.evt ■» 1- 1 Bk of Somh C.iro .11.1 -j l riijuion par Maryland. i'niUvire “ Uu]nn<orr Uk. par 'V yo/inn* 1 Baiun c .1111! It Cr p | U ' ‘'fk Bk l Cmnoe/ijuid Bk oiAlir. W evt Brim li Bk I gn.tny | Note* ••• u Fur U» of Maryland “ M A M BV f’iu« do- •• Farmers' A M-, imi.ri “ Cuy A lioiur.y ■'vrip —•• Bk hred-r.rk *• Ohio. I’rfdrnal'q Hi - Stale Bk i/m Buncoes l> Huger• town Bk Mourn I*!':.-h/u “ M n-rai Mk • • | '■leuliciiv.ii'- •* “ FilJ|>«« ii Bk • 1 M l”la;ri'.le- “ : Wa»hmrV./i Bk *• Mariel'.a " Bk oi \V‘ll ui.m»iei '• New L'ltiorj “ Mlchlffmo. Cinc;nn»i. Bnaki •• BV. of Ft. C iii I'oljintun do - “ Bk of Hirer iUn. n (-ircleviJle Mielutran ln< r n .. .. 5 Zdnr*e:!!e • —— “ Far. 4 .Mri.ji'* Hk A Barnaul - “ Wliconaln Terrlt'y. W/*o*ter ?d Mar A.F;relu.F-o Aliiw'e i Mi»*illon IJ Ciuklm. '•andu.k, - AU AII «olrrni Bnni 1 J Gruuxa . • 11 Dank ol Knjlaod Noir* Norwuik . . io ——-f.l TU £ nr. Cleveland I| CSoIU A SpceU Value. Xenia-••• " Nipoii-«>ii« L* **o Dayion “ [) u .ai»— ilAOtiuu Wrilrfii Rnerre " F.a«te old- - - lUftO Ffiiikl.n K'k I'olnmbut “ K»cl r ID HO Chiilicmlir “ Doubloons Spinish 16 00 Lake trie <• Do Patriot ISAO — • “ ,J ovcfenn* • • - 4 i*,.j Lwicdlter 10 I.a;ne%i 1 uu Hu/nilton !'J Fjrdenrknl'fM •• 17 e 0 liranrdje jtt TetiTtairn- 7-0 Fsrm’rs U'k Cmt.»n -SO Ten liuiidn i . 390 L'rl.aus SO l.ouisJ'ori- i So Uentucky. Eichaae*. Dk of Kentucky It N»» York Bk.of Lounville '• IMiiladelphia Sprai Noft/rrn Uk. Krnm'ky- “ Ilaltimore fount S*W York—City Banks, par. Interior B’ka •• l FORT OK PITTSBURGH ARRIVED. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic. Jamba, Brownsville. Allaalic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeeaport. Caleb (June, A. Murdock, Beaver. Benver, Clark. Beaver Wm Phillips, McPhiaL Kittantnug. R Wighitnan, Walltannton Chrislcr’s Landing fenny Ltnd, Galhgher. /.anc*vil:r Lady Byrim Miller* Cm J- 4- Adams. Gregg, St Lotus. Brilliant, Grace, Cm. Zachary Taylor Lucas, Wheeling. DEPARTED Michigan No 2. Gilson, Benver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville Allnmic, Parkioeon, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdoch. Beaver. Beaver. Clark, Beaver. Wm. Phillips, McPbtoi. Kittonnirtg. Hiliernia No. 2. Klinefelter, Cm Pennsylvania. Gray. Si. Lotus. Comet. Boyd, Zanesville. L)e W itt Clinton. Devmney, Bt Lont*. Jas. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling Louis Mi-Lane Brownsville. There were 5 feet I inches in the channel last eveu ng at dusk, by pier mark, and lolling »1 owly Cincinnati Packets, ID A. M Brownsville Pm-kels. S A. M , and 4 P M Beaver Psckels, IDA M . imd 4 P. M Kittanmc —Wm Phillip* Illiuois river—Tagbom Zanesville—Jenny Lind. Au-aoncnt, Apm S, UHS D Leech iz co s. pocket hue—lf o dock }’. M. Pub Xasuvu hr »lau- Il n.ul la.l iumiii g 'ten ■ter (leneva. it now receiving freight opposiic Uir |.h,i of Market Sire,-i, mill will leave s* ;»bove on Fndsy evetung nett ut 4 o rlock Tin* (me steamer ha. just undergone tome very impunit-u n-puir*. and is now m hue order for the *afc ci uveytncr ol |is»»eit|fer» bi U Ifright “EcomiMT Is Wr«ltii.'and tf Mr rthields had but been governed by the above motto, he might have «» ved money and himself murti |>liysi.-al sulfmisg. bui read the following letter, dm.-rt April I tali. D*4?<: Mr.Wm Hhieids, • rrspeciubk taimer of tins vicin ity, wa* taken ill, railed m a Donor who doctored him for Dyspepsia for one J e;i r. but he Still wor..- He then discharged In* lor and paid Kuo ikrty dollar* He then got svialof your Vermifuge, and oiip boi of Sanative Pills, and by the use of these rued n-mrs (ruating only M) rrnlsj he discharged, hesayv at least oar ihousnnd worm*, and in two weeks was so improved in health a* in atii-nd to Ins bußißru.and has hern in good health ever iinre. und say* Dr Jayne's Vermifuge and ’“nntitivr IMk have mude a sound man ol bun. \\ M H DF.AN. F M . To Dr D Jayne. I'hita at Port William O For .ui itv Pittsburgh in the PKKIN TEA STORE, 70 Pourth street, near %\'cod febiT-ddcwfl H«'; Pi.n N VJ LEAVING THIS L'A Y Fuk PniLai'gj rnts I-OfAL MATTERS. REFofcic:, for rns fittsfcboh oAn.T6A2.rrrc. Court of quorter ißiiloa,. MosbAT, Apr ! itn 1 >49 Pa::on J..«r, a„.I Krrr TKI,'.I. Full Ml RLjKK IN THh aECuNII L)E- He.ird the report of the [ )i j 4,,. ;i, is.-iurf knit nr>>t. \« <• iit up. bi,J »aw the m.iti lyiUtf there When I £<•[ there ihere u-t-re »ev« ral there.'ami I netn*- mi ih.»r "atm.Jer. ) «,< r ..- u-fi hjn.l in hi- — }-«<- v. :i- i,,. jj, u,. r , K ht han>J was ly* * r "* n -* ~iui m« leli hnt.\j wan in in? j- . i,'- - ]| •• he ~! n j,(i „ ~,, 11,,, j L ,| ~,,( (( |, t)iee i|j»r (>M!n- l -ttikr. He wnt lyni* quartering up the hill I'ul ii.-lv-e ii, t . w(l ,, n [ c ,,( t |, rrr J|e was u iji Jt i! inm>vr ti)»- kit eyrhruu - VV’ni* look- •" vv^r, *‘ !»■<• ui>tinil wn<* mid thus came h.M I, n Wfti hI H |to«*ket. Mr. .Mur-, and Hu. c red m nn vi-re there, and Mr bi. K-k ran...: u |i ■.luiri'v ,i|i.t—Cant tell how sleep the hank -* It - nothing hke perpendicular. t'if iU.zcAt„>, ,J.,1 not see Mr (Hack -huot ill.- lII.UI. liiin !•.;! 1 turned m*.Je ut mv »h.i;> r*r-;ir < h.-rrv Blmk and launders u-er. iu . onsjiliji„, ): I didn’t think there -mv 11. rfi»-u: t v t*« *! v* them. [ didn't pnva ar< a .- 'tent .nil I, them I d;d mil ihfflk that ti-.-v were u .r r .-1.,-. the ttu.e. Mv :iUen» tmri I' < a 1 1<-(| t . IllV I Iny to nit a |.cr>uii - j ;s f \ s | mrue.l round I heard* i 1... r.-|..ri ..f ■„ I T,„. •ad, hi irk.fii | w.u't vti tn rut my hair A* 1 turned r-'ttmi Ir-nitm? in.- tmtlrmnn who spoke In me. I heard a mm.-d round arum nud ole *«-r»e.J. there •*., „ M .i »i,..t I wrut'l.i the door. I opened the .lr.. r , nnd ran a« .jiuekly as |e>««ihle t-> the -..m M r j»!a.-k and Mr Burleigh were there HcirJe-*., «.,} Hl.i-k mv Hod what have vou done, you i. jV e kdled Inis man Mr. Black idoer ved 1 1.-Vd I. damn | lim Mr Black then wad.rd aw.iy (run the corpse, l followed nr limn returned a id Walked hack the se co-til time l.ttlm ,>..Tne «■( the bystanders 01-ercrd 1 b-it he ought to I.e arreted. Mr. Black said donl he ah.rme.l gentlemen. I nin giiing to nive niw-li iiji 11e' then Mnrted to Mr. Meskmi ihet.s office, be arm i, there Mr Meskunmen. Mr Binek and mvelt. went tn the Mayor’s Office Mr Merkunmen i» Airent tor the Monougahela Na> iiiJlion <|ianv Knmi the position thnt they were stmidiuf. .n. 1 don't th.nk thin either of them had moved live -dtpr from the position where 1 tiro saw them Tim Kidyf.-ll mi the right parl'y -m the right side partly on the stomach with the right hand the month. C uildn'l say whether h,s left h.iud was in ins jacket or not. Hr laid with his head up the hill w ,ih Ins hand just where the curt, •tone w.m.d he. The right Side of h.* In- -* was toward Ilir ground I could see the v mi.a .; •tmet y when he was lying there IAM) l ktn.w ...nimitg nt«mt lim dirk Heard Mr. Joue> sut that Burleigh handed It..- knife lo* him when he pa*..-i| his store 1 wf. on the grnind ten m.tmtes hetorr Oil.inf to M esk oilmen's office Had some conversation there how he.Mr Black l came to -hoot Mr. Black 'bowed his cloak where Saunders had -iiirck lino with a stone. Mr Bla< k *»id ne Sanu.ier»t bud thrown a stone at h.m Thi* was nil he mini He showed the mud on hi.i dunk. A tremendous crowd had col leeted It ua* not more than nvr minutes from the time when I hrsl saw them standing together. i : ! I heard the report of the pi«im Fmm the lime I turned to at tend to n customer ltd the tune when I looked again w«. mil a moment and llien l saw t'rtiiiider' tali U’i> on the ground nearly a« sia n as iiurleijh. I think 1 >«w linn mv hi» hand on Bmck. and ti' ».iv 'Mv 'rod man whut hnve you donr \ou have k.ih-d Hi « man I heard none Ol the C.! on between thick and Saunders Saun.Jrr.* Imd < u .me ~t thosr mutikev jacket*, whiefi f.ini- down to U.e h-|.«, ami .-a-smett pno lal.* m• on He Had no wm-t.-onl and a cravat. — Am certain he had in- Vest a |- rotn where the Itody wa* :vmc i - mv *:i.p ’ • not more than ,u 'y tiv,- -,ep. c.taiiiii.'- . •k.Ki liif -:ji v) >n as I ln’tftd I e t*i• ri 1 rnr>h«*<J out. Rur|«*ttth i t l’«*fvjr*- r* >..nir ,•( iiir [>e<>jilr -ncd Ulm k ..light irr-*t,.J II ♦« »n>.l—“l >..» tt** atrHid ucntlriiien. I in t.> Hit* Mayor « .uti.-e tu c:ir ii.yuftr U|, I L ~f nrignt hnn.i The t'jurt h.-re •til ne J I lllr.'t 1,, m-irr-iw ■"• h. ) iie !•«*♦• on the part id moni'int at nmc lii'- <'«'mmn(iwfi\:ih not Ih-.ii* <\>nrludeU. . At tins season >i \ rnr uur «•.tv In.ptl slrantprs i/oiu tv •ry p irt .-i ti.-'( m.J ly many <>( il«rm tnaov r <i'Vrra! <lr-i.n.i:. 'n ;now .• f not in iik’ ui,,. u •r: i, *. y* »,j iipur inline. wlucb. iih;■ ynr wppK:v. • * tnimlrd into our olfim* 'f ia:d i'll our i.un t.iS.o T-t see tins slieet, •iu'ii !sr away from tb .«e w- n.v«. |>nngs m, like • nrrotibJcd. nml ti ■ r>h< »• and liine are. •|n*ak' irv tigiiKitivr-i’, ..nrnhriui«*.i Htu hi.w ran Naix.leon lbi» !.«• IJv a ..mi lo n reading room “You have restored the tiUilli'Lior*, und it w.ll on Where m.. ' i Vntv oftheni m town. , V disappear with you. »•*«» union.,-lately i.-l advertise Now we ,ua ° f , ,he | clu J ,, hn * ***" ■« the Assembly by the blender majority of UTS over dropped Ini.' v-of,! «v t ; accident "Where the division being taken by ballot. Every day now dmcloies t,u»« fresh instance of the indefatigable zeal ot the Socialists to overturi the present order of thing*. The journal of M Proodhoa f u> Unsestent of :if) or 40.0*0 per day, u» actively circulated m all the barrack* of France. ... iu< . lw . llVTllfc die nonc'-stiniminnrd oificers and men are aew«p:,* tempted from their allegiance by every mmiogina ' . ! -lo means. We very much doubt whether mat. I Ue f ills!., i .nz. iic lers will settle down without some, outbreak. iWc phee i.iirev., net. n..t because any At Toulon there are great preparations for ein cooce.t.but only u.r <4 ~ur ant.unity I harking troops. und in consequence of the Thr P. 11.1 1P..1, i 1,, U.. > K\i me"i> m I'leduionl and Italy the army of the Al;i» Ihe I i«M..,rsh r " M «*’- 1 „ lU u-rn a?aiu rri'.uileil. and every arrangement I <*4l, t lie I .ti»bur*ii M (. hn.iin ;»• the IJ4l«*1 J 41«* made that « large diVtMon of tn*«p« may orv.-« burgh ftai'y Met.-urx u,,- p.u.burgh (>aio. Amur. lT ‘" 511,,n1,1 an armed intervention I* resort ican. two P.ltMmrgii i.erniHii Papers l ' J V- Tl V . ; 1 l» bull's moment there semi* a cordial and 1 lie •> ati.oia litl.-l ge,,. r r. A s«h. nylon. the complete understanding I* !wr-n il„- French and Union, do English g-■ v r riimci.l. 01 1.-tli* nKoir-t .1 The (.We, a:.J Enquire New V.-rk, the Her ]U % , ljl( (Ji) , Tne french funds have fiuelualed M.-n.i.y The Had,a,ore Sou c ~,,r U ?* Th '‘ nvc |* r ’ »*»'’* “tree per cent m one <l*y. owing to the rumor ol actual Imh- Ihe Non,, American. I'nnadeiphid. the Teiinv t. it es m Picdmimt. but they have since r..t ie.J \ ery long purchases seem to be making <mi Eiieb«b is ir tlo vui ask N< xt ilnor to tbr Kichungti H.Jtci. m M i/'ir ,lr.Yl kept i‘V Mr Tinima. Uwstiin, a Vi-rv Wuri tv >■ n i .Uuiging r*itie«-n.~ What ih' ! iiet . imrg., du. The lamusvillc Mornua i.’oiiritfr. The Dmly Pii'.iymie, New Orlmns The Daily fresc.-ut New Urlraii? The Pennavlv anm Ixtmocrat. Th- Daily Dispatch. (’ni. Jimoli. The >t IMiUis Daily New I rn. The t'U-velniiJ Herald Tiie Kvansvilte Wiekiv 1.-urnmi Tlio Ahutny A; 1.",*. The Franklin £|»r<-ii»ior. The Arksnsas Slate < larrlte The Conrordin lutclligen* er The Public Ledger. Pii.iiideiplnu The JMetibeuville Dany Herald The I iftrly Kvemng NI-ti I.arril j Pu l,lish«- (1 l.y ' ° ne of ,h ® Heroes of Chapalt epee, an nawnuiinii «,| Journeymen Printers, |and un. The following Idler ha* been handed t» u, l.y questionably n. i. -ln io that :n(o1 1 uc and labo- OUr ,ril ' nt P RC. Stock fox, E*q , with a request tor non* class ol ri.en j 119 publication, with which wr most checrluiiv com The Maytvillr Katif ply II i* from Caps Ciuttt.Ko Navu.r. m relation The Cadiz Sentinel. lo our townsman, Mr. Jamfs Samimjc. cr-oi The Democrat. Cleveland 1 b,aver Y n “<l unflinching fortitude. under the men The ( innnnnli Globe. trying mromtiManees ar£ worthy of nil praise. Tho Mail. W.rr,.. sT(W«.U<miL, j The Buffalo Advertiser PirrsKiKOH, April I M’d J The British Foreign nud Colonial Weekly Oa- L>far ' <n y° ur request Ipm down in zetle, New York C,i v wnling Ihe substance of ihe statement made to ~, , , you this morning with regard to your neighbor Mr Wub .undrv other -mail 1ry.t..0 muhll ... U- men- ; James Sample, a resident of Allegheny ' ay. tinned in this hst. until they miprove Imhli in \ igor 'hi nrn vmg at Pittsburgh, in DecemD-r I Mi' and appearance. W|lil “'Y '•onipany from Philadelphia,on mv wayiu \ nw i . ... , the sent o| war, in Me* iso, Sample was inlJvduet'd '•' c,rr > e~l"‘ r ,n ll.'- »r- . l.y h„ 1,„.»,„., n .bw »„ ,Jd 11. h.,,1,and we Will warrant Hint (here will not !>u a ’ made up Ins miud to lake pari in the war. mid news-room keeper in any oly who will ia.l alter cn,,, «* to me soliciting u place in (he ranks as n pn •kH. lo,. h„ mi J . 1.., Of hi, ' v *« f ,m ‘ 1 gentlemanly address and pleasing manners, with « p»-f*«. and thuw ndonl (In* very "informa- large share of intelligence, ami knowing the lugli lion to (♦anger* " ly respectable character ol hi.* fnrnilv. I endeavored lo dissuade him from entering the army ns n pr •amdum>Hoi sK Win Muntz on Monday laid ' vate—telling him that 1 had no place 1.. r him. ;imi an inloriuation helbro the Mayor ug*n«t Thomas that inch hud been mv aoeml relations wilh n jnut Huwin*. l-r ...jung , p,,!!,,,. ,„J upulmg “O'. «■ h. muk. m« 1., h,... .. '* 6 , in that position under roe. Ha however was res* nouse in a cedar ui the corner of third and wood n| ulai aiu j | enrolled him nmi had him muslereJ street, Higgins Uiund over 1> answer the into service, nnd he weal with me throughout the charge at Court. whole war. His conduct a. n soldier and a mnu wus not only altogether unexceptionable but I ran Local —Between Him letter of our U'a-hmirton shy, with truth, that that army, ih»ti«%uished, ns i| (>.t re ,|„„J,„i. v,C„„„u,„,c,,..0,., of w„.10r,1. wealth of f.x.d »,„l l.rav,. « r „r,l.. ,I,J n <• . , . n>>i contain n lietter nor n braver man than -"Minnie. Profc.»or Me,,!,..,,. n„J the ll„O.arl,, N„,U inJ l.j otir comma- have i>»•«• n btinl in overflowing, and rxrmplury. moral uml rrculnr His industry. tm- Wi* am UnTetnie nnab'c in bung U|> the pri*oeeJ. *nls nml ability to he grnemilv useful, were early m f » ... Court, Mu. M....1„w A. Ilia, t tlf™™"*!. »"•' km.W.WM »" Aa»,.1»,„ w . ... _ the »l the it•■yimeut. where he retj I) A I‘Kk" HANi . I mT> - Tu.n I.u *• " rrcriviuj ,t lf oo ‘ l ' ,retl valuable services 11l- po-itlnu With the J iruni iii<- m.inu'ni 'u.-tu Nr«-s,.ik. IMiitiuJH < lomim-sury, however, he would never permit lu plna Mill HaiiitniMr. U tniL»- unit well •« ir, "rtl nu«orl- form an eXotl»e lor keeping out ol u fight, ami lie. tnrnt t.i Nil tin- ;at*-«i nml tvo.i iiniiruvr.i «nir. <>t .»• eordingiy nt every hutlle, Irom Vera Cruz to Mex -1,1,1 1 * ,A,,| - K It A N!. I M .> eon „ Mouldered hi- rtiti-kcl, took bis jilaee in ihe lu.iim | ,„rf, „( and I fe-eo. rank*, and shared wiilli hi* comrades the danger HttHsi 11ui. uinN'tr.uimi.' and t£o>ry «>( ihestnli*. He wo* with me in the l.'Mintc-iooui. i-lisa.' •: nn.) nflirr siorinmg pnriv at C-erro trordo. and during nil ihr Mum) e 7 »•!' h 1 *’ riition difficulties 1.1 trying iituulicm remained by me lit ti.r'pnJ.e\‘ , \Voo U I un.-. , -’m‘ t " ' *»i**U"l'° *"**' llr wn,t '"‘vet l .r an instant, separated Jrom me. ■Pi 'vM..».r«t I urn wh’ch way i would, tiielnilliful heart of?um- O 1 MiltirnT-niKi M!. st> ~ ~ pie wa» by my side. Such also was bis •iiu.iu.ii litsMi Ihu oii. linn roiii.a, 1,1 attack oo CbapuliejM-e. on the morning of tin- Inrcr Nn .1 Mnrkrrrl, t 13lh t>l September. IM7—the day previous to our j~j " *-t l '° ; taking Ihr niy ol Mexico Mv com piny was then •i in rr- ' , under tho command of the gallant Quitman, and \M d«,/,V.,r..v'r, , ,n7»rnn n „ n. -tore and for - belonged t.Vlhat part of his command which w n , talc bv inch'll JOHN WATT lalterty m led to the charge « half a mile ncro*» nn open, rx . MA'VW LAN s mvroin or KM>LANI>-Kui- »ulcr*e<-.1c,l with l.rt’BiJ d?«M' '»**■’» cdniiiu < iiiiiuiinnK uil di<* ini»u<T. vnl»«uiri L ’*' «ii©cHy in Iruat of ihe main buttery ul i I*l lllrrhlim, (»l \ | mill <>! Ilw rd.Uim. rfll »*l**C. ticlliilii-il w,tb » of the nuilK.f- 1 VoU m One uuintermiUed, honxootnl shower of mi-uIV iach*>M j tle handlul ol brave oien who. pu»hrd on resolutely, PKOI’OMA I S w.n hr- for raising ••'•-H) lnu« wahuul faltering, tilt they • ealed 'b«* heights ot the m iroa.t ifou. »oi.k m a Urgi.Miv river, a mil.** bill and drove the enemy from their worjcs. In rnn*- above KinnmniiK Al*» iin ti»n« 4 mites ahnv.- Free. tog this meadow, 'the man immediately in from ol port. ..r J 1,.-!- l,.inw Hill * Snii Work*, tl»r Soinple fell, Somiile pressed lorwurd, I.kA hi»tl*. .• i, v ap7 J SCHO'NM A K!-:h 4 Co. iM «sod *t man iiiterveoim;. I l>id turn good bye, and left lion rpKNM.-««.f K «hY»IJM» \l -IST t-r'aiiel. TemiZV °° lt * field As soon as Cbapnllepec w*oa taken a i «ee OrmnulNw., . p.m'.r arTirjust received ott ‘I* 1 " 1 n,a ‘ ,c and “ Dl ® UI to »“ ct u P ,lje w " u "- consignment ui .l for tale tow by deoaog bear tliem to tbe hospital. Sample wot GKO U MILTENBEIIGER, earned toTacnbaya. A ball bad parsed through apif 87 Frost *i h» nghl leg above the kne©. Dr. Steiner, one of FOREIGN news. THE STEAH SHIP NIAGARA ■ W t an* indebted lo the New York Courier lor ■ tlle following additional intelligence from Europe received by the Niagara. It :« quite interest- ! HNOLAND | In Parliament me proposal ol Mr 1/ larae 1 lo mnke j an inqu.rv into me peculiar burden* on hand ! a v;,; ' v ,n rebel, has been disposed oi bv a ma- of to | •'9. 1 Qi, majority t» quite deceive ■ lor toe present. but Mr. iriarnci promise* t-> ’.rng J ll lorward Ul °- a hd agam, and it remain* to be !>een to what |>mnt ol depression agricultural pro- I dure wit; l.ilt and upon Hie e.-o result.* dthe : great experiment now in pr-sr- * ,nu»l depend the eventual mi at,.,,, of ih.- •mp v , qm-'i.ou I be Army and Navy e.timale* have Ueii carried I * y mujontie. qu.le ax large n. hrrelolore j Tlie Utg t urw:ue.,e,| opposition ul Mr Hume mid i * V,r u ’ rJen Ini' -id-fled into the nieekeM disclaim ! enn the House c.i Common* agam-t the present | alleged excessive number of troo)>s ami *ran «-n ! 1 lnl V “T msigniiioant n, months have mpporu 1 ed the financial rrlormer*. The event* in India seem to nave moused tre Mnt.-h feeling* «-> long kept , n and ,l t' qmte plain that the rry m sh.p,/ colon.r* and commerce was never more popular than at tlus moment. t'p to tin' period nf the *e«Mon. the state ot par tie* in the Mouse lia'-not undergone any mater..»! change. There exist* on ait aide* n sincere desire tii support the hxeontive < oivrriiinent upon all t a Irouui ground*. Mr. Boov.ere * b,;| u, -Ihsclrri; ly Clergymen’ ol the churen *o as to enable them to prea.-n m'di'senbng chapels without incurring the (►eualt e* and oo«* lor the uon payment u l wtucti the Rev Mr. Shoru I* now in Kxeter jhil. relerre.l to it select committee, and j* likely t(> pass th, ; < \ . nj The divisioii on the second rending ofthe Navi gation Bill seem« to give an assurance with the exception of removing the impediments wln.-li *l**<>d in the way ol |*erlect reciprocity mthe 1, (4ri ,. penn (rude, vi a' to assimilate u to that ol the pre sent free intercourse uith the I’nited State* u nn tionnbzes *erlaui produce It is very doubtful whether the present Navigation Uw» wm be nls roguted The second rending ot the present bII bn* only been sanctioneil by n majority of '•<] m n House ol n*l member* The question as exp-iuttJ ed 11v Mr. ' Gladstone nins further. As he chance ot being (talented upon the e«*eutiul point now ruin ed, whether reciprocity or retaliation is to l-e [he ruimg principle of the proposed alteration, it i merely assumption at present to rely that the American*, or any other nation, will concede reci procal advantage* to us >n the coasting trade. If ihey.dn not. then m that case we are to call into action the sluratiering [lower id the bill, and we are to retaliate, that i* to replace matters. As they exist at prevent the more the subject ts canvas-sed the more difficult doe* an equitable and endura ble adjustment of all the antagonistic interest ap pear Tlie political opponents ofthe present ministry do not Hon lo expel them from office. A Peel mm i*try *pht up n* the Peebles are into two parties, and forming together scarcely a sixth part ot the Mouse, i* ut present out of the question, and the ProtectioniMs are wailing lor the further demiop. ment ol free trade measure*, which they believe with a depreciation of agricultural produce will ter niinale lu such an overwhelming national distress that an appeal lo the people will give Iho.r partv a majority in the Mouse ol ('oirimon*. e rejoice t-i say that Hie (Cholera i» last disup* pearinp. Total denies ha' reached 11.101. n( wind. I-00 were iu the Metropolitan di.'lnels. as l>out i 100 in the country, and more than I'.Ouo el*ew|ierr The total numtier ol deaths have been 'MM 1 ne weather has l>een uninterruptedly warm and tine lor the season Tlie wrst ami south of Ireland seems lo i>o in a deplorable stale Several frightful murders nre re torted The cholera (■ committingexleosive rava ge*. In Limerick. to compensate for thi* Mid and distreV'ing visitation the farmer* have commenced iilimq their ground, and the jsjt n>> u* agjin planted to a greater breadth. Tne attachment the Ir.vh to tin*, their precarious inode ofsuatemiuce. cannot I* l eradicated. It is hoped that the eari\ ha* l>cen adapted generally Ihr.nighotu the rt.uniry, but the cfiaooe ol failure may be diminished. The Knead d Ireland, howsver. views With conaijera. ble aJarm this recurrence to a system winch has cost so much hie and treasure. Public attention continue* to centre in the Inal* at Bourne* oi the jxrtitical pn«onere which are pro ceeding with due solemnity But a* Hie P,tn*mn' do not anticipate any new light In l>c thrown utmn Hu.* arre*l* of Inst year, and the distance from the capital preclude* me po**.bii;ty ot m.ikitig the pro eeedings a subject •>! excitement. Tile pnbl.c at tentmu at J’ari* i' more drawn to a theme nearer home "t a far more exciting character than to the pribai-’e late ol the prisoner*. Alicr a in! : n ' w'tigat.on into n!i the mrcunisi.inces c.niiected With I’ie ; 1111 rdc r (reiicr.ti I’.rc.t I In* Li>M.TU!t|«'lit hi * «| arc.! (tie ii ve« ol m tnc con Victed pa ri \ w,i h 'he cxii pi -n ot two, who wcr>- br-.light i.< me •catiold on tnc Idth. and guiih.lined. Th * tir*t i i.ppbcation ot that tiatHul instrument ol punistuncui : since Hie last revolution, lias excited me red re- I pub.,c:hi « to uncontro.,abie tury. Tliev have! •iiguiatized the President u* an executioner and ' an ssstuiiD, and M Proudhon emi* an outrage* ! cm* article otl the eubjeU thus, addressing lauii* ; Wiml di vent aud/oreiga account* The last price* .-i the P ~*-r cent* wert I 52 '"•!>, 3 per cents t ?>2 40 The Kin<4 ot Holland ha« been removed (run the seen* nfstrde on the continent liuvuie expired i'ii the 17lh ulf Hi* son. now King lil. wa* in London at the time, hut immediately pro ceeded to tus dominion, where, probably, he lni< peacefully ascended the throne. The notice lor the cessation of the armistice nnd ofine blockade oft-oleswig Holstein porru.lntj l*efl officially published. A correspondent nt,Berlin, however.on the truth writes I learn that yesterday the banish Envoy had an interview with the Munster "l Forcgn V,. n Arnum, in which he communicated to Inm the re newal of the Hamah armistice lor three months j Urn .ml moc u u . ■ f ili>' window mte the yard. After the nmpm: t "n had ]>een performed, and whilst J,teiM)rgeo ;>t<tunic on the bandages, be a b; -Uni i-r in Ur .■.* , n hi» led It was brfliut in. H 1 : 1 f' ! ' ii • i i*i«i-. and running hlVWljicr. ur oer Mo- tie■>!) . | f» )r > miipuinied part, he rlannm-d the !>••>'■«•. and imams, .i* the (M-.lor had unformed li'lll taut ,• w.t* shattered lo inert-*, be said' “I *>V l"r. I :< in |»ertri•;Iv 'it-i.ed—l mt ihe bone is shat lere!! ml i,) ni r i t . aml j.’iai tin amputation was in* ev.mMe Here. Joe ' h- ""m inded, handing hi* ics t" n 1.-How.soldier 1 '‘take* away my leg and bury ,( '' Ti.e .mnan i.i snrg-ry do i n inum an in- Manee of m -re berm,- mduranre "(suffering under a in.>st dreadful surgical opernl.oit, than this ease ol Sample i. n i.rivftte a private. too. :tt [be imtjc. wtib n const.lution greatly sh.iliered and er.leebled by the fatigues. exposures and pnvaii..|js . f one of Ihe severest enmpa’gna mi record And here periml me to say. in ihis ca«e at >nmple's is | ( , t». i.,imd im illustrative rev- Hali.m of il,e sr.-rel r>* lho«e successes deemed i.!e • than m ru.uil.ujs. winch uniformly attend* cd ll.e proercM. , ; | m,r arms trutu Piifn Alto, m the vinb-v ..I me Rio i*rnnde, m ifae plaining of our brtiincr ->n the pnincc "i ihe Montezuma*. It waa a new power loathe first tunefully introduced into war. A man power—the ]>ower of individuality— the power "I the mere .uJividun! manhood of th# mnk and t.le nside troin discipline and lactiefi,) tinder the * tew able stratagem.- head, w-h... Willi I),,- ai I m the engineer*. made general pi/ins mu |.r.,vnjr.| i,, r the general aud ifi.tveii.enl'. In tin. ir»t.iiv.dnaiuv of the men C"in:«'siiur t and ... ..bme, w,-i. the above '(;ii„.ns h e |,, l|( „j Ul e lllU(iI s , iullon n ,- cverv lnmii|.ii ..I "... :,ri,iv„i But this,. n..l the pine. I" “‘illde t" or lo discuss tr,,. ~ib|ect Il vou liunk tins i.ofe can l>e of any service in Mr Munpe. you arem liberty lo use ta* yon may deem most ndvuabte. rv.*r most Imthinllv yours. Al h called mecimc of the Maternal Aasoc.a i-in" of Piitaburgh and vicinity, fcpld at Lucina Hall, the lollowing t'reamble and resolution, were presented, and, on motion ol'Mra. {Jiaper. -econded by Mr. i ordmi, were adopted. W ncREAsi The subject of infantile dietetic. I. one oi vast .inportance—lbr it "has found by true experience ' it.ot the babe must be ted in or der ihnt it may crow and— (f T J,e subjecl hil? elicited IliUctifl^.jcijs. sion in our society, and is one upon which great diversity of np.nion and practice, i. entertained in our midst—therefore, hrtolvtit, (hat Ihe of the young gen ••raiion. the hype m the world amt the church, is a matter ot the im-st momentous interest. Rfiolwti. tlru while this subject has. by common ciuiwnt. been left to "te ludginenl o| mothers act ing under the C.nia«.-l Id their medical adviser*, vet we had with delight all attempts, ftptn wliatao cvrr quarter, in elucidate the principles therewith connected, and inus to furnish rules tor our gui dance in great practical business of feeding aright, our tender offspring, IRELAND. RfMjlrt.l, that we have see n with pleasure, in the Journal and Dispatch, a scientific cnnimunica iion on iln' point, from th.- pen of a well known divine. "V**r Hie signaftirc of N. W. written too w.m the ‘plidosophi. ►.! ncciiracii' ami grand inde pendencc i.| the s>cr<tn. *' tL-Mtie+d, that the thanks of this Asso«"intion I*, and hereby arc, tendered to the Reverend Author al »rr*aid. J>*rlh«i? kimilv descending Imia hj. ex alted position as a nursing father m the church** to In-come With iis n -'nursing neither.*’ Rsvilrtd, ihut a special Committee of thirteen, be appointed by the chair, to take under consider <»uon ihe dinletu- propertiesnf“oateomeal (larritcb** ••|Kjrridge."-M.rrab. nt," • |>ttdd-ng.'*or "mush," soul r»-|K.rt iijK-n •ns* .nmr n( our next regular meeting hr.ttth'ni, ihui tinmolhrr* <■( our A*soc:atton li'iu* niir«me !** rri|u«'<.toi i., wron thor infants ami -nUtum,. i«r th- • [.«,>* \ „ar month. Mid il-M .n t'-f f>i '..-.• and u'l other tis Mia!*-ni. r»*i» r! .it rr<.n;i« to in,. „h >v«* rom m.Ur*\ who run tr tiinioiiic.i w.iti Millint-ut. d.ita on wh.cti i-» rlrlrrinni.- "ontrnnural parrn*!i" a !.1 (Tint i>v ■ !*. i<i«liilijui*itt*d udvo illf, ill .!<• \ -TV I'.l-irr I r<- ll ■ 'll c“Tillr a|»[wrl**nl lul, j •* P r ’f ,, ' : hi*ilu* riwi'.i 1/ and N>wHi».'' Kr\>u<*<t l lull n ' IninUlrT- nf l!irrr U« apj>oii)le<l li> pnvnre.» ui.ld nnrscrv spoon, »uttuMv uiecnU-d. jirr-.f*nl rhf -unnc to N W n« .ln-lii trslimi* ii ii ul nur rr«|i**<‘[ au.] sr-timd** («-r h » «er v"'r" mi ~tir ih-ha l. Am), o- larlher proofo D.tfw be i 5 liiTr 1 ci-cte.l an Honorary M'-mlirr nr iu«“ A«*<..-iaiiun. .mu mvi- Jtril l.i u ■ i'i .*ur dr. Itv «>rd*-r SI SAN I* 'IK I’M, See | TKANSI'IHiTATION \c. I 1 1 riTTSBI RBB I\D CLkTfuS# ' “ > LINE, THK l‘l AMniHIm \\i, | •» '('III' l*i"|’r • ...r. n ;,n.i , „!*, Koulv. im**!!•• >! vr. *,„i riiiiiiiM ' in i' HKAVIU AN|, A 1.'1.8 ‘iHl. nr- ma!. -I ?n »t)e r m ii r»|ird lariim.-.* lor iln- Uni. • i r«*n' iii nml pn«,n-i>tr <• r•. on llir ■ •I-- i. o' iin j 1 t-a ,i; |.i.ii, t„ a ;; (miiiu.* on r JViiii •I .v..:,iu ~„l M ~1 , t > \nrlc :iml 11,0 1 .Ilk e - K M KIT<’M.V I'n. t'i-vrianJ HIIISS KU.A itHoTHKIt. A2on;«. Heaver .1. i’ HI l>\S K 1.1.. A^r„i. ~,nr - " a'er .rree|, i'lti-liurjli BIDWELL & BROTHER. hirvwiNliu; .ttrrrliunli, fkas i k. r.\ . fur in, }' tt \bu' ui t ,i>ti}<lsvt:,inr{, u-uh it,i,i }-.-,r, via h’i, and J'm fleam (•Hit* I ‘/if r‘T II ud ( '(//./. I VIJ.,-. ill.- ,iir S A uml \V;. an lion ;U*l l iiiU ;;>r ‘.lir P>iriri«. nnvi wiili tiir ii'li!i;ioii ni m " m. b..u»e, itw m<»*t ample nr niiiiiiickl:it on* i..r i*»-Ivim» :nnl lorwajdine, an.) l'“' l 'S’- llle;r minon anrnnon. proinptnev* anil .ic.pHtrh in,euiiipi;u io i.lipir .-are. nnri fly on Un-ir fnrn.J. lor L'.l 11 . 1 : _ ri ;!L r iA‘'-' H * HKu PITTSBtiIIfJH AKO KIIIF. LINK. m&m is-!-). r J , IIK I'i opri'-t”' nr fin. we.l k.-own L-nc <.i I'luia. j[ lloalv. ;e :iiiw prr|.ured to "ar.*pnrt [’a »w lure r« a ...M . ri: .i . |...iih> mi Hi* l' n - i.i No w n.ri i >i,iil. :mil iln' l.nki'l, a [III n i io- iii in vor able JrrilM ftlt'l wiitrt»|.:iH-h 'I ln« I it' , nm».li ( .nmfTUrifi w ltd ll.e •inm lionii BKAVKU uml I'AI.KII I til’F. |.riwj-cn f\u.;.un.H «•>•;•on i'.p l kiid itio I n>y nml Mic iti •< h u Ijke Rout l.iitt on'ilif Na*r Vork canal »' W IlKKlt, Proprietor, Kric P» 11 id w •• 1 ! A Hroihrr. At;i‘ni«. lieuver W T Muhrl Acent 111 J Mratunrit a Pa«*rilf.T 1 lUii'i*. Mononcftlipia llnii*«\ i’lllaliuisn ru S>lii.M .|.s - W I- Mulsn. 5),,,r011. J K A s Hui:, Plmrp'sburi.'. "iniin A Iviwnii.g, >lo. J II P ummer, s n<i (STeeiivil 1 !', \V|.-lc Actifi-.V I’n i!o. Win Hritri, Hart»(o«n. i*uiioii. liudalo Hnrnev toliin. \ t'o. Sun Iffakv, J:i« A Aimaimiii:. LkiUou. Kiii aml A N'-wt.-rr>, Sliriioysan. Mi’iun-A S\ .1 unit. Mi,\» »■,. If, Ki.iip Slorip/A. Duiimi. Kiuini', Julm H Kinrie. fli capn A S' (•••♦•i**e -V i'n >r\v ' i>r» . r .,) Piltaburgit and Ulalravlllc Packet Line 1549 - r l* M K. puh.ic -tre ri'P'i-i-n ..iimned mat J 1 A. 1 11 Itii.e litleil out new uinJ •j. rnj.i! Tiii'i,'! Il'no no ,!ur;: f the *en*nn. in eil l,\ llitee nor'f*, uml i, i'11..,! made ;n h: i oin- llkta ki t- u Himla mi*i l«£vi' ]'m«l,ur(b every Miiuilni. Tur.ila 5, T).iir«ilav Fridny . nt T oVloek. r w Krom iiiairnvulf e V i r y Mnn.lay, SSVilnr.iluy, Tliutmluv uml >uiur'l«T. in ? o'elock, • m . nml arrive m Kiiubursti Um- »amc ii.iv A two tiorso Hark irom Imlimia »'M in. .-’ lli.- ln>-j; :il Shlu-lmrgli. holfi on up want and .town t* ii lit trip —putting pa.»cuser* through from t Inn ] tn-e in one tin) . iriicli! ‘nr iln; n|.ov Line vm!' l.r rrenve.l -il itirr 1.011.1- OI inr Ui.minell'- 1.u,.- u , J-, 0 h'f ■ A »'o \»-li(i an- our auilioiinoi Ajjen'.• \d in n(lii r. i-nir.l tree oi rouiuini.ioua. J M M \ HS H Al.l, A i'i. JN“ KAItRHN k I'n, A*n.l. Kunu ita.iu I,i;-. fty m. I'iiui'urtli A Hark Ira Ve» lllu ,r. ville lor S ounr-lu-.t n on llir ivrr.val oi ihe t-<» ii ruiurn* to '.oat in iiinrniiie Karr from ruial.urpli to S'>>unc«|..t« t. r-<-.-;vril at orttre of Boalmcii j uuouph up!> dfim RXPtlKvy I’ACKKT Lin K, FOR FIIN.ADin.IMUA AM) H.VI.TIMuHK. _ . ».»■ :n-ivel\ lor k^...riie.-T. - l t, ~ '*•* I All- -A 11 Iravn WoiiaubMM 114 l,ll| int • ill 'J i, rlur ■nt mclit Ki-i'lur »y ' «»;•' H irul-l, '\ eili.>..«in\ ( mi fiipl J I* riinnij...... Thu r«<|.i \ .. indixiui— 1’ |*»-• > !'r-..lii\. n l III!..- I’lipt A < T».e . v m>;iil A”l|| 1.'.11i i or>n«-af- app.y lo H Sl'Tfll. M(Mi>i>.enlieia Hnu-e. apl l.r |) 1.1--.JVJI A r.. I'ai.a! Jla.n. MC\VICKI,K\ ACAUK..TIV, A I la»..ral anil t omin ’.i*. Lomilim; (of lloya.on (hr Ueuvrt Hnnd. iniinei-ft mur> trmu ry i. Itc v.'Joaeph S. Trtt elJl, A. fli. Principal. ’l' 11K SKM.M KK SKSSin.N will cuiiiiunit-i; on i um. A <L.) . Nlua 1. I'HI Turn*.- - UnitJ.,;r fun 1 in»*« lolnu; Kn p f session <• 11ru Mini or-') "• i in..’,r.l » b.ti rr IJU c*i v l K 1 U<i*riut»»«c i>( iHi I'ujiti AI J. i 1,0 Til I Nt. TU BK MAUKIiII faj-il* Id i ni'h thru „vn ln»r|» ll v«* *) lir.Uiil'ir lltHl al 1 hlinuld lie |)i*,cnt mi Hie Qr»i day "i iii<’ ''-K>Kiii h.T further earn « n<;uir- of the I*miri r „i nt Helen;)' “i Mr—l» John Irwiu A M«ti, No )| U «i-r ,trr«-:. I'm • **urttti. nprt.dvw KdgesaortU Ladle*' Bcmluarv " MWh'KI.KV r J MIK Summer Se*n«.n ot liutuauon w,i| Pfm 1 im-m ron 1 vfc-iuT, the Ut ol May m Tutsi*— For Boarding and Turnon, in nnv or »u ,i - rjtjliil. branches, Stt.Uj p-r session Dior** Tor further particular*, «* Circulars at Mes.r, j, h liN»m A Son*, comer of prom and Ferry stream nr t' H Co, US UUrty 3,* T ».,nv -t-u;. d „ lld ~..j b .„, , h „ lioni- »»- |„ alu | |(l>l h; , , »-UUIJ MX 1 > U.T. .. , „ a Soul ptepnrirg l<>r the work fisewpe at hwMsgar, and w,th Heady. u. tiiru-h (Off nerve, smoked it, and conversed Jurine the vhob; operation with theewveop n r.d tfo*- about him, n.« pleasantly aud n.- cneenuliy n> . t[ - he had been timing sootalir with bin friend* »i h;* own table Never n moan, nor n murmur «->r a eom escaped bis lips. There was u»t a quiver >! H - tiesli, ncr a contortion of the countenance but r>e mild expressive, !>enevnlent «m.!e *o n utra! n- the man. uever once left bis lace Hi* b wn« i.ihen ofi juM lielow the thigh, r.pd thrown o u _ 1 'HA SAYLUR K r "* roi Kina. K--, . PiMsburgh Fm-BrsoH. April 7, ]Aiy. I'd Kmii!,.i.|i.-,1 [., nr ON THK Kim: KXI I'A.N'AI. ,1 Hi*hver «• >1 R. ()lin*~A I'riui:. Kentucky -II I'ruM Iniun-iaiiu J K Tli*»mp«oii Moi..lay, y Indiana I' Huii'-j 1 ur»di«. 11l’ i k\— II I'nt). I'l.iir ailn y IV I .0.i,-itins - J rriinuipwio Fn.t‘i> 1 h,.i...,i- • I* Mur k >.imn:: n , 11 u iihtHiiK. I'url, l.iithu, I" 3»Ti— Itnr Unit >l:~ WtJi lif ('iinif.-J #([) HwliSfiS, U>TiS, FAMS, &c ORPHAN’S COURT SALE. Tl\ nmr m'»i, ortjrr ol the Orphan'* I'oun of A|. I) leeheny I'duuh ih* uno*-r»itnril wnl tlpoit U pul-.i,- «a.e on ;nr premise*. un ike {curteenih day 0 ( r P M • u,r IO il,win * d«*«nbe<l I ' of the late J Jin. , U .>O.l. It, I'rvrJ, ol A. - -I , V <1; hjwiL •"*' r ''" u I-"' ■ ’ l‘ ,r * “ • utoatc m die c:t) oi v. . I«-.II« Lot Nil n< U- I.rcrre Ledlic-I P vvtu, n j Tin i. —rordcii m in.- Recorders office c. A' l *-. f-iM.-tv it. IW.I In.ol; \ 01. til.l beginning ' 11 MJi:h«-nnn\ *de ..'1 ttri.n, a; me comer oi I <>i .j, 'ni-mv rji, „!i rt ... iroui on »atd Car ri.M •t-'-i-T westward* Tvirrii. reel m m* corner ofan a hw .u.iiv p-ea. r > the same width •■ :,r "ur.drru i.-ct u> J r(ter»on _ . n;' n.- .... v»iii--i. '««» • n, «*,j Woods by n r r l .'. r "V , w,Tr "" u,r r, "‘ ,la >' 01 JaQf i A llnrk "'K. 1 -' \\J I,'lm ' "V "! " ‘ o, ‘Veaion[ Iwo itory ,[ , V „ l ' “*'•»«*<“ I *r.a in good re S,:h..'jn?Z\Z U lWwnat "" ** An .morn «,.l U,, rffl >„ rrjM , 01 , ,b -pn'|Vrl).t,\ To u.e un<jrifejitiie<J N.ihi. Aduijm*traior D D.AVlji, Auctioneer O ITU * £*** <or «»!•* s-'ets? L r *2^ hrr ,»iUioui imre.l, Tui. VS “1 1 COml —can,ml lie I , U>< '* u °" '"T -HU,,. of S IIAI-S JIY. k" j.cny Kesitieiu-c jMs(, bciow Kprrv Mr A?!m*Vi, rnV .N H ’Ckcrr .. ai.Mhcr .can, »i ro ,1 ' OL, ° V " lh ° ‘° wcr ’ Country rksidencic por reut mto acres of ukound. es T* Pinabargh and Urconsburu'U Tumble 34 miU* from .be my. and rJcry on wbich u rrrou-d a larye and v4ll .wo -ory brick Ih-dUns House. ,Ofether witbSw!? .• *rnaire house, Ac There .» aJso on ihe premise. .’ lanic variety of trail iree*. and a spun* ofiumaaaJea relic nee ••onliguous lo the dwriline. _ l« Liberty u Valuable Real Kat Ate for " 'I’MK sunsrnber wii; «cll. *i private *alc, that valn«. 1 I'ropcrl), on me Fourth *trrel road, adjoiniae hi* pre-ent reside,,.:,.. :,„d K ,vr possession tmTOadilU?. • V Ibere are libou, TF.N \I HKS ill t"JIOJCK LAND, .ii * 'injli stale .>r fiiUivaiiun The unprocemeiu* are 'Hfi-e and u, „ Im.-hr.l brn It DWELLING HOUSE, 'j ‘UjM-r.i Kin :i and i-llrer nut Adjoirung the* i* a rui.n.iu* Fouu.:,.,i a:..l a eood Pomp wIM. I, lunu-iica ou „.iam supply oi r reel lent warn, l.ce i* a vnnst) oi Prun Tree, and Shrubberr on lie ~ i ii,* above d„ property u a« ... ».>on. iwi i reined for a i.rae Also, for »ale, ; 1! ; • ‘"I lAvenue at ibe> end of the Oo«rd wuJJI III), Ul te «,f 4p*dJni _...P AV IP B&KLER.~ rnni.-r lttfcbl *^ Ke V *««SaU. Vm. rruiic.-.01U.r W «iern Th«olo«c»l Seminar 1 ha Y, af deeded to mIJ. o„ pcrpetud ieMeTVnX: ALEX. LAUGHLjW, Malcolm leech, H CHILDS. 3AML HAILEY A For Sale. J-RCOND HAND STEAM ENGINE „„ m,„ order, ?( meli cylinder. » ,„ ch ’ £*S£! £?’ !■», ‘»"S. M met... „ dumeiAr, Oy wj«| a ' « Al«>, one line oi .hull.. 25 fee |o„/ j. gf'J* ui diameter, with drums; one uprirht •aw 4 ' rLLt =«*•'. ._mattheav saWh, No . 0.0.. »’OK she. SK-JK ' f h-HSJS: IW f *T* 1° oaV,d Hood ' on «- premises; Wm. M ph i J I e <^ cr, 7i ®Jid the undersigned in the oitv oi,, a rebl-Uturod t’HARLES GIL® rrHp V r lUAbl ® a * al Estate for Sale. . ’""'I"* P"»peny .n the city of Pitubora* * Md “^“ f l *‘ r «' Manchester. on the 0& on H^^t-sawsr* 10 one acre Lou r.onun* or, an Ave„ oe , ft. (M . iJe. runtime from Heavrr road ,o ihe Ohio nve. ad >muuf » i»i a 'loth Factory M For term*, enquire of CHARLES B SCULLY orJA.MKSO’HARjt, Burke’* Building, 4U) (V> n ** ’’*' ,ro, ' , 0,1 street, by )to teat V/ in Brewery neurly uppoutn l Veit »u««e ru n»r n irrtU Ut J r.if» Enquire of CHARLES U SCLU V or J \ M KM O’HAiIA. Hurkt'* Building, 4ih it. Cl! IW*,., ..;,J „, . •Ui'uu^rrj-r • -HAKI.IIS B SPL’I I Y ma ~.., uf JA\U->!(VMAHA. _ _ ,{ “ rl( 7 ’ Bmuiiui: 41)1 5] TO LKT M FROM l»i or Aj.rH „rn. OM rc<i»oiialiie irrm» r> * >' ’ IJt ‘•'■■im.ruoj,. :wo .lory » n .-k „ ii ,r '"' , "'t.IMKIt » RKED, ' l "' r Jli'fj M.opjuiTii.-Si rkaflei Hotel STORK TO LKT. rv Uni'if m'.'m W,,e °7“ ~r" » or - “>« 'hrec Mo- Jl£lL r) Ur rk BuiUlmis o,» Hoo.l ,tr- c t ana adimn U.K the Mti>i» ,md <torr ot HoN-n n.r u,, ( , P r I.hvr hrr-n hur.t UT. R , , L u .nkviu.kk v , FOU HALkV “ !**niiv- A , . . No Wood et Property i n AlU € h#«y CHy for^^T I K »ulM.*nbtr» »r!rr iuf,«r., Mifmher * sl»c* L-m 'f m 1 1,1 Tmiuhr un tb* i>U.>no.j . f'lujul. on .•!,«)• ir , m , |, . h tuy I d.Vwi:T , i-uu*ei. M Mru k iV-Ma/wm', / K | "m two ,lorT 1 oi..' »ian i ’ .1 H 1 rr * irupti»v«,l <1 'Vitu-r suert ii,. i' ii r *, a iwe »ione<i brick ,,■ ‘ lll,l!llu “ ?c I’irunnuis tituHicJ on the bank i tl.r u..n, river. the horoush of Munches TT" , z>>T k ‘' u,i,l -' >ut f™* JA.MI> A 14 IVHISON 1 Co To Let. 1 Kivru UnilirO Uln v J iicjur/>> HJ M .v Ki »K. 1 9j LiJxsriy tt Ll>t * tn Birmingham for .Sale. l z rs4r,sz ir^* 0„,v... si^sr* Foi lurwier particular* .„ r **>- »)l KAKKH 1.1.|., A „ Uw Llhl>>■ ktlttiii riling. Grant .t tel ..?ut,v“"WVKEr. BU r ; t:?-- ■pUiO i v B. L£K TWO HOUSES AND Xarl >SfflS Mtwolui's u-,v. . ;; ,h ;i l.ovp th , up/ur^UViW "„ cr .* r.mll U T l ' UJj, “> r - 5U»,u« biflu su.tjbu u«'u, fT .n. '•• C ,h * *•»» «e each *£n IM ., wilt Lav'd vert* I ** 4 Tl> l,u, ‘‘ llo r« on the pre .. . ? , n liauilsome wo* rtm oh ibo itivesi KA\ ACo ' . TH „ ' Übkt: :! , L K X" ■** i"°r^:r.T„'uS n r?; IV Z "IT"l'*'” ***• t. M.uccieo willllhr. hout** Toaiiv wrinn auk *,ii b,: I ‘‘ , 1 r»< I=™.. ow 10 * K l **! iruant, inquire o t Mr. Joo IliWrnV thf> P r * m " ,r *- rtf Joc "> " »«, corner c.l Hand ami Liberty street*.or or . TURK F WRIGHT. . FOR SALE, ~~ J--N Uir*. Him |, ( ■ i;<i Miu*t*<3 on ih<* hinher J'T''*' T’ ,ro :* ,,n < "" ,:,r Wlde • Nor,f * Common* tic Murnii V,.ta Kitru«ion Tcfni* $7OO cnsh JAMKS ROBIN9O.N WM on ROBlNStiv. OjJit,- hiirlmojii- Ru,iiimi!«, m i)', n n ai FOR gAI.E, A F ‘;' RM ‘ ' 1„ Robm*or. -r- l ‘ Vr,,,,,P * »™« IMl.bjurt, 0«» nn,; i-o „ t | o w*,icr Knqute of ' S OM Attorney ml ay Kjrhanjfe llutldintc*. ?< Cl*u Scotch Bottom Land for «»i* X *Uip. oil the Mouoiiicaiiala, ihrtc milrs from pin, buf*h-.,n lot, to wiiMicWr.. For funXer pJX app .y u> Henry Wood*, Od Mor .0 P A Washington, a u *t-»ve_3mithfield a< M’ WAKKIIOL SK F. >H >\l.K —Thu of w l ° r . ' ale U ' T * C Mory bnck W «webou6o „ ‘ m W ° M * lTf * "> R- Twiner,* Co -J^! 7 W4L WILSON*, Jr Y AI<I<ABI<K RKAL KsI'aTBON I 1 KN V f-OH^AI.K—A L«i or Oromi.J iiluate on Penn Jhi *..J .M,rl,ury arrets. kdioK* H'f turn*- ami lot now m rui.o-U by R,« tt arJ liiwaidi? liiiviiir it front »i v 4 ir« t. ami ut 12U fp« »n ...Id on „. fm , fd.V ..^XPtpUonafte For Hale. u, “'i,'» Uiiui|e o r ’ H lU.IAMS, u» wck.j U Jgk, K"KKKM'-Af,,, lni ; t | 11 , , . “ 'Sih..l >i rt n ° Wc **“ d «»•£, "10 ntrsnv4..:; ; ' l ,, 'V Rlrw ' v ««»^*c rortimi,,. imviuK Lr<V v thcu °*‘ U ,fD K “> <»r full) Wlccied ia p ßfl . I-Ooiloti, Jtr ~u-kx, * u ’"' u* miltkabebuur nil'll. Inn rtino vrtl u> V. - noil Suitihh«M<i drcft. * W * «W»XM * VO*, I r, '” K " tlieir fn<!iMl« n,r j.uiihc tbaiiltfy bnr« 1 no Uxic.t :*ity rmuir. t;.,,. xniii Uw**r l*ie c*l*Mi*h onit t» IVrii k<)..m n n. it-- h*VHIC Ihrjr -I'lf'. I'i..infv«in tlt«* FOl NT HIInVKBV hi pitj %]**' i mvl>vd JB. OANHKU». > !«!'•*'' "»"c«,Oh*oy Cemmi*- • milt anti Forw*r<‘i“F Mrrcijaiii. luul whotejftl* dealer m WrMrrr. Hc«rrv<- ruem, Uuaer, igd Pt’Mrt Aril, and WeMrr.i I'rodure penera)fy."Water >irrrL hrnrri'H «*nuihh<-iiJ m.J Wood, fflttfbttrgfc ap9 nEUDVAI,. U'il M JIFR3H l»«* rnnoved 10 No. <6 Marker VV *irrci. iwo door* from hit old nand, where he bus new »tock oi Good* m fcia Jme. • - spftdjw nauinmon ■lei- Lc-nve-cii " >»o»l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers