-a s w W' 1786 - .ViBUSfIJESS :0M1)S. Merclianu AyyjflUpr&kr httHtMiiA*,' N©.‘;W Martef r *treet PitttJ'UTgfj- . ... • :•... Larjrb. | .''.... i.'i? s „_ reOKWCE BRAILS, . ... , • .i..,UU>K4K RkITOIL BBAUC^tR^TJ^^ Tn{o,lci«Aiya.! tlnhiß Urog tntfgll,'Pa- *’ '' '.':,y u ■ ■ • fli;iy i l4 CTtBEITSOn, ■ "vi* ; m. 'fc BfcnwjN? Brown. &n*m. wu&OOßaasucm. 6lccciu*ui^Jjttitny el, Pitt&mgMPai itivUjy. BA. indlkn • tail Pmgft^qe,C^Qigt,Ayp 4vqidCUMt».. jyl tWGALKV 4. SiMITU, Who sale Urocor*, jjl . ,■ (t 'Xt MeANUtjrrrt Col'Fdfw'apftntf brft (Sin. J% ratMion^ejrJ^ubUyCaciaiJiuiuj Pa. ,i \ u-~A- ijuus, jj ■latNrtT. TnNGLWH A UENXKrT,;(i«t e ' Ki »K i “"' Oaiisijtber Ji A* Co.) WbulcKoia t : ifoi;cTs,fJi)iu«l'-'ivu drul For warding McrclutttlaiftXiadf'aJr-iillrri’rtHna-o und Piuh i.t'l • - ■. -•• ... ; L QCII GEORGE COCHi^'Tcotaki^oHnrdFirfrartin* < uiyl. Dsal rfl r to pjnrCocimtggidn MetcSftHtj for thd.«alt of it.- > telil7 £faftunore. ; >1? K ' ■- a. r.ecHhß>Kf-iiDW*«b:rtiiir44 «'• : . P. c-APcamxos. loirs a. waAnkk. \ r'lnaua. |ffinMCjß&TlrtWKNoli.fr‘&bieAr f’nmni Lesion jlfr- Wutrr nt,£, its aiy p, ISJUAIi DtfEJCT, ?J&}l£W JSJCRK, JK, TSAIAU GrocW* Oora- X rnifdftTi Mtfrthufli?! ana deatfc'iit mjPfoiluHi No*. 58 f priori J4>EN.iWAT?Lf' 4*v ibr<li)v 1 &!t t AYLol&vile. Urouct’WhL, Worcluini, dcaJar. fax* JJxaduce j?*u»iniw £u t}|u, >or tmr.ofGiitfcny and lluml T AMER s S McGHlttV*-<Utfe otic firnj-af Atgcoond U McGuire,) Mertliuni Tudpr, Hi. Ca*ri'-i iiirtiiliDgo, Piuabttrgli/ • . . j__ i w A' Co.,\ Cdxwoirw , .“H c-relmnu, aj|iyA|RJitg of lfip SV l4>Dt»’SUiJra Su-nr lUiJin’cry. iriC>u| ', } -JSULU-J- ■ ' • ' T' Al Co:AVhnl<r*a)<- C.r.-c-r*. i*ro- V CotrfmitJilon JVlcrChaid*!. mot iAguma QJrthe RaiftisJ PowJrr Co. of N; V~ fto V 7 \VooU Kt, PiitsbargiL JOHN IK JWQ|BAAN. \Vhole<»lc£»rorgiw,unit deni Wood strcrs, ono.tioor ol Diaumno Ihi'.»- TA}SSSI3?IIR, Jr, W‘ Josrph 0 tl. JXa.vig,)Ship GU^utdrt.% -iVu" li'.rrci tl Music xud M\)fticat Irnttrytacni*. s-diOot Hooik, P4id^£Uitß( , -Mi«il < if<fcta'R)&iUa£iM)dini' Oatdij-aml Buiioi»»y<| i rWT|JJs.^u.tfi>yo(3d«l r tJp>!« | l/V r K)' |tT UagnJipttgtiOQP taheEtialnide. erpi.i 1 .sqaOOtSSijCEit JOHN I>. UAVIU, zu -',. ••,- i»uu>< U acd Paper Maiuxarliifofs; NO. 44 Mntjici Totoy^ums,•--••■ ’ '<•■* *- ■•-£* WtfAkl! >f£uTD- J& R. FLOYD, (late X. Floyd & 'CVA WlnJi<f«Ur • fdUnf . ;^eps U r JskxehuijJ^£ad t ilcaici, hi. Product;.<uyj I’itLibiir'sh Jfixirt Waici; ja/ttr. EIERA4IONESfF6rVmMiiiS ijt ,Mer "Ciiiudi, Dealer* in PkeducO U lniinu tacwtal nr\riltA, t C-ngfl«kt»m>-Eitae7iii>aj: •' t o#! v > >-7l Veinvim Iron Woriu. ? ! •CO.y'tAaidifijiQirers of. ail ai titoeet, Boiiei Iron And.. NaJlnoi Ulu Leri auaiuy. ~\Yarrtonee,si vruior atrdlju3l'tc';n : •fijaAMs*:'.- :.i< . .- .' ;■•?:■ ■'■&]■ g.:?’ , \VitolOfDMrl^Sfwßrd• I AJ, ing 'Mcre\£uh;.lVabr : m; Pirtf-1 bami Mofltlfactafw mid'PfMfipeJ , 3Si*i. l.i-Wr>r : m .; andTO -v - J * rf ; .jomf srotlii jjj. t». M’etu-;' - r Bor riIy|!cC3LLS&ROE,"WItUIeS I »Je Urbftirs s,k& Chum u»- ‘‘JjMptim MeoUaaWfJio. l»l Uliertv eU^PiUßburuti. j»C is-*!' '■>' v j . ~j) ; 'Tk/ruKviLY, wjjawi'fc co,; (Si* MtapfeT/tr IVI tTo.) Whblebnltf 'Dcalt'rs' ml>ry'GoM?, 'N<*: Wood «UCTt,fjtuburpfi, * ! dovsS • tAJjtSi “T W»?R. MMUV • M... ALERT* &. 00., O-oumttiifhvn aJiil: t t«>r .Tarding 9 Merchant*, Water aiid '-Frodl m.' bkl*eet» _._ id amt Warkfels-Uk > ■•■'■■ '■ junti l.- t.SOC'-KZUtSS'' <»\ ' C. Tkij: ILLEK Jt lasXCaxaimi'doaMerc-Uanl*, N<.s«o, £Jl>ctT¥'*k< no* JSgh, •_ - . N HOLMES i is.,-|«Mi4 • jxoßicorDetioi*' I‘on#fl, HeSter* 1 irt Pntfeign -foa gnurtlic aJilXPos iV'Bauk Not** *ndSfedfli • iv, Vc [P*Collection* -.mHd"»mg| atraha taftiivipa) cine* Ihroughflatiag lHUKfl'Sialoa. - V , "> ffi ''l>OBERT‘iiOaW;' l rt : kiliw/i GtolciSicOiiui* 'Xv / £iUiUer' tore** and all kindn-ftf-ffirrim Irfa Pftini>».titr\Vlne« an(ljyrtofc/ff«li'Libd?tWap ; ¥>L‘ On fiuiu a very A ‘of'Hapcrior «#ld -.r6iiicy a which will txa told to?.fat feuiSr’U uplM y >”; : T kTV."- : -‘ aaiaso.l. —.... '‘iiiiffzii a.. baai»WA T) &OBU1&ON& Cn., \Vhc>lcifiirefilocef<s i’fcxiuce c r » Ili +' oMrgk Maitufirinrc*, No. Ij*> Pi. .)•■•■ •_. ij-.- * ytulo^ KOhfcßT'l»lfo<lU. Laptf'cri, ComßUF><uonaral>.t'urwarili}|g MercliHJ'lx. denier" in t'rotiuce.aotl Piusbarnk Mkljifiaeiurts Uu<ny »l l*ia»biirgh v Pa.- • , - t *, ' Jetiirt _ ProUacn and Pltctrt'ffh' MimnftWtims. No. 144 Liberty kl ' ; •’ f • jyl- cr 4ft-UTWUB, , •••' V artKE. KUYNQLBS& SHRE, Korwardinf rrul < >nimi*»ion r Mercham«,Tor lJi« Ailejjjietiy ftin-r*J'ittdr, deal era in ort*erU&- Prince, VkUtairgli Mtuia(>clurc* tad Chfotitldorijme.' f' • TWhighestprice*, ia tiy rag*. Corner of Praia enu SMITH i \Vb*les*&ofi<i He tail 3&eil«r» ia-MilUnery Goods, Lactty Hosiery tu*l Fancy: Articles, T*o. 46 Market *treetjstf|dtetfT' nbovi- Ttunl »i. Fimborgk. - . , .- • 8- G-'CtACHJCtj ' -JUOtf.it. WMft*- SHACKLBTT ; ‘fc WHlTE,Ttlio|widß*i)e4le>» • Foreign ud Dcrmeane Dry. <ip<Xhiii N«L OUWoQd st- Pimtnrrsfi.- * j' . ? febltif {S' IIA&BaiIgH, Wool McrrhaiUF. Dealer* O* ih-'Hoot «iMlProdfae« <bß.r^*iUy,!andi'or»raiilii*tf and Comxnisdfm Merchants, s’io.SJj Wuier *t. riti*. •bnrgb. -• *' OUHHuBA-GALKY i. Co„'\Vhol«uJ<3 Uroceri mi' l * © Bu|ducfc4le4ier»,Nb.333Marl:^titfc«t;lje : n«‘CT6it»' m 4 filh, North aide, PUHodnlphja.* ’ , ’*|BV3 ..• pHTsnißca. johti , jucKut*. « * N'ius d. SVJ.T.VTLH.&I MCOLH, I'mduCn and OttMS/nl Coiu ; miarioaAlerchani*, No. 17 xu, l*iu«i»ureh. Sperm, Limced and Lanl Qibi •- . * , . C F. VON BONNHORST, if Co., wlwiorvie t;m -©i'edrt/Forwarding and Oof&mUisioti- “ : IJCalerrin' Pittsburgh arid .Wmierd. Pro duce, have removed to ihetrnred.JwrrrtdliottMi.Jgld tdAjid) No- 35, cornnr of From at and Ohrinwry Lane:- ‘ igiVr . w.-j. taunt •"’ ;•?* s - t c ' T~ROfti£sCOTi; Wfcoleaifc .Srs Retail dorignu Boots. Shoes,’ Tnnrtcs, C«rnfet Kaj;s, A.* 1 -- ?. vr o aWd StriUhfickt its j’itUlmrgbj - &BE3T, W holes aJeWoij'crsiUld dorniru*- JL»HHil«wiaJitt,«ul ileaAeik Sflat'JOflttW. W -• t • _ _ 4»^». 10ml •• - ■ : f -*> nmr»*n:2xDuas.- WIPK’& ; M i OAM)LISSs U- & J. T>. \VickJ .Wholesale Grocer*, mid GqmnH«anitr&«ychmn». dealers iitifou, Nails. CoUML'Ydtniiyiuiii l*ittsour£U Alatiikiarutrn* pciicfilly, ror>w:ofWood.aod-Weter atfesti^'VitMt^fghg TSrEST' BftWEN—CcmiiUosloa' J 'Wi4 FofS'-'ttrdir ff., McrcboflU No. 4 Jl> Yld® Kl.lj<tvvdcu W<>cdur; Market <ireeta.-’ / : T " ' . \ *fcMa WW. Fu/utihi . inr<saWiiliin£nt r -Wo^i4l,J-jt>crij > »t, ii'au die e«aai. - ,• ; C mairttf 'X’ff W~ WTLSo^T l^®^^ ' V?«Ueii!& jrT^ctry, • wy * BUverWirt, MlUury'tfoOd*, Mar uttt . ’ j »ov7 - vrr j-R.- JUntPHY,\Vbol«sak\.nmi RcUni Scaler ih ' fVi« Fbreirn/and itooiejaio ixfry.tii**)*.. r.ono ea«t eoraer of ' f 'u : ; ‘ •; j.mtu'crai. » ~ TX7TM. YOUNG * Co.—DeatcJ-aia'Jcaild'xlml**, &,<*. , VV 1113 Libcny-«L •••: '• M-’-'y *obt. M'rtrt^UEttrt , IST *JLM’CVTCIIGOV.imiMmik Onwre,— '"-.W ~Wn ia Produce, Irofc, Mu; nd PjM, - t.urjh Jilajuiiccrurcs rcueralb-, rrr 1,,:u r:v tt^puu- W # imiiMUliiiryOpoiU.eoriKS"JS'M't'S'Sf 1 «&• ■ >. care fallr repaired. SraWrCiAM SMITII. MiuuifWuut-r <H OdUon tu|d W color«!Linen t l'VingT?*ftvDrr- -c*,A' -i v «-wjuj; SUk and color**,Couon Frtbg** for ;«U *M“» Pamela. 1 GIUPt Mohair, ard-rfUfc iiullwu *rnis««f •,. • nuafeio order on • • * « • STOD.TOrMroriUudcc No (a William OM, Uiird-.fcK"'" A,,n " * «U>revNo!fis Maiden- «o?k< . J V” "-*• 'ter. Jlooios*. comet of K« Oll« Alky ami . r r dee»4Ufc - 1 ; ’ _ j.: l*diti,V»Utav«s'?Aii*(]foiry i»hlmria.n wreOi «*• fgWfeMVihe -bd n Ut i iK-! btfk3f«a»4inV«. rvhwh be vu) tetr <m Qje motl Ytrai>«>iiA3>fe ti-nfl*. IMiy**ctaii* -1- SSS-ff*®*.**.** pwa/pUy tttw *kA «*.».*» •‘•P* *— P- k 'L* Prewcriptiolgr-win't-c and • sAAU/ prepared from ihe Wi tuatcnKlX, ul uuV luinroi ' lto way or nigUu ; . f. '• I Ajyfer.wf 6 ! a larpa noefc of -faery.. »._ , „ 1 ow umsrr sT.vioi‘J'Od»Tß A r ! EPMpKD WHriilsiH, -a- fIQNTIWJBS Shnamctai, Unrial 1 \J ‘ YaiHu, Tomb», Head HyjifciL M;u,urV iVr.-H, ceil- orfijreijjr *i4 ddtmuiu; nturlif, at • r r <ot i,-. rdmuli pf, ne talictt*;«nimm i.i } . fratfopfcge-', ~ ■’ '• H» T«UnberUi fit. U.^ a-riTAt.Mltt UvUve trp r L F.hf IL V ea<;ag<i,fC^- ** ktych. oi i 1 * 10 '•‘ii :} .cw wofc«i<» y«3U3S and *„ ;.y!Sta§)lUluaA&£fof IbtfAfeaUuejiJ dl d.j-eaien ui Uit eye t1 ® ,,,;8 ’ s * nU “' k? ; M A""* ,y> to!S? <oicr•- U i twr.mig a.'JEA’BTOXtK—Nojte hounh ’ » arcx ■ -4/—4k „._ . • . 7% - py «■■■. mil lIMI i .11 ry,-»ym- ,u ' '' * -•*••« CiARDSi C„. ; ui'CtCBSHE WttUKt. IOLEiUNj IfAILMAS 4CO continue 10 nianu •-. tucture Small Irion. Spring arid Am. 1 Blitter Steel, t'ioueti. Fotk an 4 Kite Steel, Rivet* Spike* and tVroi Iron Nuts tuf uzes, together with' Co&db and FJipuc Sprjnj», hlf.Jftu, Taper ail’d commonAxlr* Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron lim*, engine builders and others using she article. will liml it to their mteieai to give til* new branch of I’m* Scrub rahoaiactuieaihdir attention. • t.'oaeU irinuninjjn and ualeable ironaa liberal term- Warehouse on Water and Fourth su. frlvju-ii' rKfllfi iIILL, PITTSOIIUGH, PA. l/'ESNIiIiV, CHILDS 4. CO., Manufacturers of very Ja.' superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain. Cottou fwiirt andßaitiag. ja3u-ly CIOLKMaN,' lIAILMAN 4 Cd, mann/Unurar* of > Com-li and 'Eliptie Springs, • liarnmered Alien. Spring ami Plough Stee}. Iron, Ac. Warehouse on .Water ind Ffonl street* Pitiat.artfii. 0 Also,-dealer* inj Coach Trimming* and Malleable Cahtingi. ; octet NBL'CKMASTKR, ALEKEJja.T—Ot&ce, Fourth si., • third doorobove tide. ConvoyauclogofaJl kind*,done with the greatest care mid legal accuracy. TnWi.' R.*nl fUmfe frr DCti&My xir & M Wholesale (irwen Yf a Rectifying Distillers, and.. Wine anti Ln l ii». Merchant*. Also, Importers of Soda Ash ondlilcach- I tg Powder, No. ICPLiberty Pittsburgh. Pu. scftfl % . DOMEXBIOtK FiCTOIIV. HAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Heavy Shining* Checks, kc.‘, RfheiT* street, nty ot Allegheny. 1 -AOV)s>Jly* ft *" PETTIOIIKW A^O., f JpTjft STEAM BOAT AtiENTS : Orriou abovk M. tu«« 4 Co, actiU , fiti, 4J Water street. INSURANCE. ] HTOEMNITt. The Prar.liin Fir# Jujhnraa Co. of Pkiltuie&n*. 1 "I \!RtSJTOHS.,—diaries N. Uaficker,- Tsootu Hsrt. ‘U Tobias Wagner, Samuel Oram, Jacob R rtmiib. tier. W Richard?, Mordeeat D. Lewis, Adolpho E Bone, David S. Brown, Morns Patterson. _ ' CoiXUrs N. BAaatiot, President ' Charles 0. Baucker; Secretary. Cpdtinue to make insurance, perperaal or (united, •on every deaerfjjtioa of property in town or country, • at rates as low as ara eonsisieot with security. Tp Cotnpuny have reserved a targe eomingcm Fuad, 1 which with therrCapitai and Premiums, safely uivesi e<2, atford ample protection to the u**oracL The assets 01 the company, 011 January Ist, ls4l», si published agreeably to ati net of Assembly, were a follows. Viz: Mortgages f.l,(H?,4:tn 4t Reul Fjitate 94.7U4 *a Taxnporaxr Loan* • • • * • • uo,Uil ab 1 _ Sipess .V ■& . ll5 ‘ J7 ■ v. ’ ' - 1 *uas.4sa n Since ihetr incorporation, a period of U'>«**». the)- have paid up*ganlt Of on* million four Injnilred Ihi)u» arid dollars, losses by evidmtee (.2 the advaiuages ot insurance, as well a» the ability sint 'dmppsuioii to meet whb proutjnaess all U« blliues. J. GARDINER LOFFIN. Agent. " ranrl-dly Office N K corner Wood and Jd iu DKLAW ARlfc MCTLAL XNBDRANCE CO. JOHN FLNNES’, Jr n Aghut at Piiubargh far the i>i aware Mutual Safety Instuantft- Company ot'l’bUs adeipltis. T Fire Risks upon buildup's and mcrchamlitti of every: tk-SCnpUon, and Maiaid Jlisks upon hulls or eaigocs.of vossgl* taken t:{>oit most tavomldc terms. ~ |l~f Oifive m thaWarehouse of W. B. llolmct A Bro , ‘No. 57 Water, near Market street, i*itis|mrgh, N. B.—The aeccess of this Coiutfimy ilncc the es:ab . hshOtcm of tiia Agency hi this ctiy, witii die prompt* nessft^dliberality with whichever) claim upon tficut for loks baa been, adjusted, fully warnuitthe agent ia MiViutig the coti£denea and patronage oftis tneudsand Hht community at large to the Ik-la ware M. S. In»u /luicu Company, yrhiio it has the additional advantages as.an uistiuuina alpoagthe mosidottrisiung in Pbilodei* ptna— a* having an Ample paid-in clipiufl, which hy the opsrauou'of its ralrarter coastastiy increaeiug n* yielding to each peraon insured 4i* due share or tae proliia of ; the company, without involving him iu any responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea ture, and ia iu uosi_B£frncuve forth nov4 FIRE A BID BLARINE INSUOASCK. ntHR liiAuranco Cooipaay of Norib Ament- s, in roup h X its duly aathorixed Agent, ibe Jiaibscnber, otters to mike prrmaneuist&d limited insurnnoe ou propeny, m this city and Its vicinity, and an shtpfoetiu by the Ca nal and Rivers. DIRECTORS. ArthoMl Coffin, Oliarle*Tmylor, Siun’l W: Jom-*, - 1 Ambrose White, Edward baiilli Jacob M. Thomas, Joint Xi Brovrn, John R. XetT, Joint White, Richard P. Wood, .J'JioaaA P, \Y of Welsh. •Samuel F. Smith, Fnaucr Huston*, Surnucl Bropk'b, AMtboue, ARTHUR G. COFKLN, Pies l Ilanat; P. Suthrson, Sec'?. . This ii the olden Insurance Hompapj in the United Elates, ha vine hben Chartered in 179j1. Ju charter Is jwrpetu&L and from it* high standing, long experience, .ample nitiam t .and avoiding all nsViol an axira hox arc one characterj iipiay.be.coiultlereil h* offering am ple iccurity to the public. W/P. JONES. At the Counting .Room of Atwood, Jones k, Co., Wa ter and Irout Ititjets Pitab'urgh. ' mays FURK^ANXrMdKISiu ISSVBAACE. ~ FfottcUtm lninraDtrCor of Hartford. Conn, t i CHARTERED TtftaSL' 1 C'tAPITAL LIMITED—*SOO,OO(S^-AND SURPLUS / FUlop.—The undersigned. hMlog been appointed 'Agent of the Protection InfurancttCo-, trill t*ke ; ask* ou property in the cityand vjenuty. nod ou shipment* l.y canal, and the, rivers sad lakes..- . 1 FaYETTTEBBOW.S. mch26:d£w Office, No. U 7 Wood street fr'HL SUBSCRIBER ha* been appointed Agent pro X tcm. pffhe Insurance Company of North America, and will issue Policies attd atteud to the otbee buslne*-* oc the Agency- ** the warehouse of Atwoml, iortrs A Co. • apt a WM. P. iPNKS. wuteT »t FORWARDING & COMMISSION c. a. LjA..xi.imiwaa, i. liKssjJ>\»rf*s». CHARLESR. DASSKROWKR « CO. ‘Tobacco coauaissoN akbchamt*, No. 69 Sooth Wfcarvea o.k! No. *417 South Water iL I’HiLAI'KLPIIIA. BKl»S to inform the miOe and dealers generally, of Piutliurglt, dial they have made such arrangements with the Virginia the Growers of West Indies, am) other blares, as will insure a large and constant supply or the following descrip tions of Tobacro, which wUI be sold upon as accom modating terms u any other house in inis cfjy ot else where, slul all goods ordered Iron them wdl _bs' war rented equal to representation: c Havana,' St Domingo; Coruj-i ) Ynfa; Porto Rico; Penn’a.j >S«ed Leaf to- Cuba; Jguitu; A Florida; A bacoo, ALSO—Branch’s celebrated Atomalic Stag Caven "dish, with s large assortment of Other popular brands, and qualities of pounds, 6s, as, UH, 16s and ifc.’s, iumip; 6s. C. ’■‘o and His' Plug; Ladies' Twist, Virginia Twist, Ac., sweet and plain, in whole and hall ooaes, wood and tin, together with every varituy of article hrlong log to the irude. jelMly WOOL, FLOUR AHD>RObIICE. tt H AS, BE Kir k 10., ISueeessor* lofHeed, Hurd A Co .| QENBRAL OOSIIIUSSIOS MKRCUAJiTS BOSTON, MASS. Particular alteirtionpaid to the sale of all kinds of Pro duce, and Liberal advances made on consignment* L R. A Cd. have leave to reform— Messrs R. Robison A Co. - MeGIUABo., •' Reed, Parks & Co.; Beaver; “ . Lawson ACovodeVNVeJfRViJIe, O. t Boswell Marsh, Steubenville, 0 S. Brady, Esq. - \ u Gill A: Stoat, ; J 44 Rhodes A Ogleby, Bridgeport, (). dcc37 dAwlxaytCS r ■ . i cAEi>< > • " ROBERT W. POINDEXTER, (Late of Fmsbuigh, Fa-) . BEJiKHAi. CQfIIUSSIUS WBCUHr, No. *>:3 Sooth Water tL, (between CUesuni & Market,) PHILADELPHIA. Parueultr attention will be given u> sale# of Flour and Produce; andiany poitUase* m the Phila delphia ruarketfor western uccoant, and aoy Produce or Merchandise sent to him thrbVgh Mr. C. H. (Irani of Pittsburgh, Will have auenuortinere free of coraroi*- ston for reectvihg and forwarding.. jnur7ultf JOHN A* HliMtW, PACKtR. OF PORK AND UKKF, Commiiiloß Jlwthanl attd torwiirder, Ml ICA.NAhBT n CINCINNATI,OiI!O. • \\J~ Particular attention paid lo the purchasing 01 of any article 0/ Produce in uia market. Also to the forwarding of Goods generally. -Refer to Messrs. John Bwasey A Co,") “• Martinifcftwckweji >ti’ineimiau, O. S. C. Parithtjrsl, Jinp ;■ ) i.ippincoii y Kier A Jones, ypmsburgh, Pa. tinglikli A Bennett, J, . oiajd:U6tn ' asoueti cocElkaiv. Commiaatop aadVorwardlng2Urobaut. so. v» wood rrrTwacaoH, CONTI Ml IS to transact a general Cotntmaaiea bum iinM, especiallypurchase and sale of Ameri ruit receiving and forwprdlUg (roods U> Ilia Care. An; Agent for the be dfftslnnUy supplied with the principal articlelQVuisburjh Manafactnrc at the lowed 1 wholesale price*. Orders and consignments sr'* frspecifnlly soUeited. ip7 CARD.' M. EGOLF, MERCIIANDIHK HHOKFR bad fommiMiDn Mrr chant, No. 35 Sou lb Frontitteei, (tecoad story.) Philadelphia. ‘ £C7“Ciood« nnrehased, packed, in-'urrd. and shipped io order': 'Woolf- Floor, Omni. Dried Fruit ajid Cbeeue received on consignment and nor age. with insntaflee obtained. H .i-uiirq-p«—VVm. Hell A Soft, Mr. H. Higby. and : Mr Harvey Child*, FttUbergh.V feb-dnm GEORGE A. BERRY, WUOLKBAbK (TbUCKHS, 1 KUEWBDIMi jUM.MffIBISBIOJI MfICHANT, AND BEAU# IN ; iron, Sallii Cotton Yarn* APltUburgh AlAnaCiMCurei generally, {TO. iu: llltAESr. «TTSBCBUa, UKHpiif imtvriifcas a co.,' CO M M AN TB> i For lhc *ale of P/edurt'e generally, edvaa£da.biado on dOQtignmeoti. iMgt-dftwfloT ! BBOWRSVIJ.LK, Commission and Forwarding Agent*. C M HORTON, receipt' Produce going Bust* * 8 fetfta-aajp _ .'; Ji- *C. TO MERCHANTS AND PEDLARS—S*mi A J<ihs*os, 4« Marlrsl street, wshiug to close their stock of Vfirtety Good* previous fa their removal, will MU at wholesale Uicir Moek of-Corab*, Buttons, Noe dl*»,Thread*; Pins, Jewelry. A*-, « i’o*t. » 4 J- will reroow on April id, to No CO Market st. mehW L Alii) Oil— lo bbl* pure winter slreineTuartKWj in stube kind foy inti; by ’•" , - . OBLACKBURNACo TvKY a|*VUes— lo bill for lale J»y 4 r '.. inpl ?rL JffDlLWOtttHfcCn -if bbl* No a Mnekereiiitmoro and 1 iXJL fortnleby tahas » A WiUJUJAUGH LAW OFFICES. WM. TIM HI .IN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hutlrr, Pa WILL also uttcnd to collection* and all other i.m,. ne?4 entrusted to him in Butler and Arinjtn.ng counties, Pn Refer lo S. A R. Floyd. Liberty st \V. W. Wa.lnce, Jo 1 ritme. Marshall do > Piti-burgh dJy K»»V A Co . Wood *t I junT Til FWKITZKR. Ailomrv at l.aw, office ul u. « opposite «-t t'hnrb-* Hotel. Put’buruti,-will »L» iUriiit promptly in t nllertions. in V\ ushingtnn, KnyrUe and Green eoonuea, jPb refer to Bl&akoock, Bell &Co , i t'barrh A. Carothers, >Pm*burßh. 1> T. Moreau, l «<■'] .Idly "l.' J HENRY. Attorney and Coono-llor *1 l,«w, .Fj* (’-mrumnii, Ohio. Collection* m Southern • Huo. tun] in I mil h na, 4nd lit Kentucky. promptly and care tally in Commissioner for the Stair or Penn sytvuma, lor taking iVpo-uion*, acknowledgment*. ter Kkfkr to—lion Wm Bell A Son, Curtis, Church A Cnrotherv Wm Hays, Kvj. V* iliock A Davie. n‘J5 v‘ JAMfil V. KKRR, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Other removed to Fourth street.'between Wimhbeld and (Irani street. j»3-dn»i jashl* j mit&ißofr eawra.t. DUN L.< )|‘ A SEW ELI- attorney at Law, Office* on WuUhfieW, between -M ami 4th tu JOHN H- RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor ut Law and Commissioner for the jttnte of Pennsylvania St Ix.tfi* iMo.llutrol Pittsburgh.) ItKFKKKM'fc* Fiti.Oittrijii: Hon \V Forward. Hamp ton A. MHler, M’Oandles* A M'Clurr, John E Purkr, Uiwll* A. Semple. NPDorrt tc King. jeU tv JOHN T. COCHRAN*; A TfORNKY AT J.AW. Fourth street. between _ and Grant. jalil-Jitm WM. C. FRIEND, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fouui. meet. hear (inn! mtrd»V_ \ir u M .ROBINSON. Attorney at Law. ha* rc- T y • moved his other to the Exchange Building-, St. Clair*!., next door in Alderman Jt.im.-v uplTty HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATS. ffw THE subscriber. in addition in bis own of Hat*, ho* made arrange- JQ with Merer* Brlirc Jt Oo„ (the fanhioitahlc hatter* of the city of New York.) for a reg ular aupply of lub thru fine Silk Hat*, and ha von; ju*t received a few ca*e«, gentlemen run he Milted wuh a very rich and by calling nt his new Hat and Cap Siore, SnmiiLelt! «vreet. *rcond door roam oi Fourth, when* mav hr found a great variety of Hut* and Cips pf hi* own manufacture, wholrsalr and re tail. Hals made u* order on short nonce. _np‘»i_ J AM KS WILSON 4 M’CORD * CO., ißtat (Succrsaor* to MVonl A King) Fkihlonsblt Hntterii Corner of lVun{ a-'u! Fifth Strrri* PARTICULAR altrnlion paid lo onr Urtai! Tri-lr. Gentlemen can rely uih>o jp-ttn;,; thru Hut* mi.l Cap* iruui om r*iabliriuuc:it of the ris-t Imran:,. •• * ,t;id wmtxtujisiiir, of die usrear stm-Ks. ami ut tin- uovkm rhi era, - Gauntry, Merchants, purchasi/ig by whaietajr. arc rc»pertlul!y mvivd to suit and examine our Slock, a* we can say with confidence that i*i *utr and rurtu it will not suffer m a conipariMin wun auy house in Philadelphia. tVoir M hats, caps and muffs—th* Jtfg t«h»rrilwr t» now rreeiviug trout iheCwtS oi New York, acbou-e assortment of Hat*. I'npa ami Muff*, latest faahioun.iu tjreut varie ty and vrry cheap, wnolesale and retail . JAMKS WILSJN. tiovl'l Smuhbeld *L *Jd door south oi lih rrjfi CALTFORNIA HATS--L* doi water ptool f_ & California Hal*. ju»i received and for »nle hr M’CoRD A Co tel»s/» corner sth ami Wood tt* rr*% SPRING FASltlO!^FOliTsisi I S M’CORD ACo will intTOduee on Satur- f_jt <*%day. March 3d. th* Spring rtyle of HAT* vm Those in wunt of a neat and lupenor hat, are uivurd to cal) at corner of&th ami Wotni street* mart MEDICAL IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED, Ur. Kusr’s Celebrated Keiacdies. DR- JACOB S\ RUt'K. tlic discoverer anil sole pro prietor <.|Th--*.- Illo.i |H.|.uiar and tn-:ic&ei.i! m- .1 tcine*. and aln> the invemor ot the Celct.niirit ii-.tr-.; went 'or mdatiiig tin- Luiig*. in effrruus .* cure t*f (’hromc diseases, wmi »indent ot ih«: emim m ph\ *i- Clan, Doctor Physic, und t* agradumrul the Universi ty of Pcuu*y)v:i/tia. mid lor thirty ) e.-tr* since Ua* been engaged lu the investigation ot di*ea*e, and the appli cunoii of remedies thereto Through the use of hi* inflating tube, in connection with hie Proplrj-Jneue Syrup an.l oiher'ot hi* rciurdirt, he boa gamed an unparalelted eminence in curing those dreudtui arid fatal maladies, Tut.cmiiar C»q sumption, Cancer*, Ferofala. Rh.-uuiau«m, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fever* ©fall kind*. Chrome Krynpe la.», and ail those obsuiiatr. disease* (wculiar to fenuuns. Indeed tfVery form ot di*co*e vam»be* ander the use of hi* remedir*, to which hatnanity u beir—not by the ase of oqa compound only, for that t* incompantile with Phyaologica) Law. (nit bf the nie of hi* reme dies, adopted to and prescribed tor each peculiar lorm ofdDeaw. Dr. Rose** Tonic Alterative Puis. when used are in mnubly acknowledged 10 be superior to ail other, a* ttpnfr»frv> or liv*r pit), manaach a* they leave the bowel* perfectly- free from coiutwim; a* alio In < Golden Pill* is admitted by the faculty to pos*ess pecu liar properties adapted to ietaale dt-ca***. bat bfinr satisfied Unit a bare inn! 1* sufficient to establish wuat bias been oa*d in ibe minds of the must skeptical The afflicted arc invited to call upon the agent, and procure. (gTali*) one ol die Doctor 1 * immphiet*. giving a.detailed account of each remedy and its application For sale by (be fol'owmg agents, a* well a* by ®o«t m«ggi*ls throughout the couurry . J Scbootnnakrr A Co, *.M Wood itrseL Pittsburgh. J M Towusrtid, druggi.-l, 45 Market »: i-ea A Beckham. near the l‘ O Allrrber.v cny Jo* Barkley, Dariwtirlnru Beaver efHiiny. I*u J.. 0 Elliott Ki.no.: V,«riei. T Ad-ini*. Heaver, nov l«*-dly CiOIUH, PAIN IN THE SIDE AND CHESM'CF ’ RED I —Having a tor Imig unit- been (lt*rres*rd With a *evere pum ui the ante and client, srcmiipahi'-d With a dry rough, 1 was indurrd, upon the urgent *u;t citation of a Inend. to Dr. Taylor 1 * Hhl«»id uf Liver wort, and i mint »uy thii medicine bus answered n* purpou admirably My dmres* wan produced i.y n •evere hurt, and w»i *0 great that it with difficulty i eoud swallow ruy lood. indeed, I am aausbed Uut disease must tsave terminal'll m Consumption. or <oine fatal diced'-e. had ll not been cure) by thi* judiciuu* medicine. To all who *eek to prolong their ,ivc*. I would advise the use of Dr Taylor’* Balaam of liver wort. JAMES (idWA.V, 42rt Bowery Thu medicuir facilitates expectoration, re<lore* le ver, restores sueugib. and iu«v be considered a* a su perior preparation fur the eure and prevention 01 all disease* in the Obe*t and Lunc*. and -hould !>•■ re»o, t- «d to, even al'.erjhrre dueaae* have restated Wie u»n -ol remedies. in the pnu-Oc-c ol this old aud very re npeetablo pbysiciaji, tin* Balsam oi Liverwort ha« ac quired an enviable reputation tor it* virtue*. a« supe rior lothaiot the abundant mistrofii* of the day. a* waa the character and probity of r!« inventor, to that of quack* uud empiric*. CONSUMPTION CI’RED ~ My «on harms a vio lent cold, used to cough violently, ranting guuatitir* ui thick putrid matter, ami finally be could not turn over in bed, from weakness. Ur tnn«iie«ied rverv »y nip tom of ronfirracil coii*uitipiton For «tx year* he bud been subject to the nsthmu. Hi* payticiuns, Me»»r* Vermoule & Anderson, said he wm incurable, and must *oon die. Yet I \va* determined to try Dr. Tay lor’s Balsam of Liverwort, and strange tu it tuny up pear, this medicine has fully restored Tits health SOPHIA GALLON, M Norfolk street Hold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgau, ltd Wood *t, J Townsend, 45 Market *t, II Mmyier, cor Market and M sis, Henderson A Co, U Liberty st. Price reduced to 81 J) per bottic j#3tj Jaynsi* Expectorant. Saum, OoiuiDbiuua co .O , Apr. IM, . DR. D. JAYNKS: Dkah Sia:-I n-rl bound to yoo and the alllictcd public, to nvml myself of tbi« np portunitT of giving publicity to the -llraordtnary eiTect* Of your Kxpeclorunt onmy«elf Uitvm?; been alllictrd for -several yea is with a severe rough, hecti'-fever a*d its concomitant diseases, and seemed only dooitu-.d to linger out n short but im-ncmtile existence, until the fall of ISO, when, t>eirir more severely utinrked, mid having resorted 10 nil tny t«>nner rrim-dies, nnd ib*- prn. scnptious of two of the most respectable pny*u-ian» .11 the neighborhood without deriving uify betiebt, or ll.e coiiioJauoii of surviving but u irw day* or we< k< i»i fnrtbc*t—when the ln»l gleam of trope wua about 10 vanish, 1 hail recmunirndcd lo me ynur Kif*eeioruui ■ltd IbesSed by that Being wiio dot.-* ail things in ihc Use of the tnrajuv— oad cotitrury lo the vipedalion* <;l lily pbysiriun* umi tririid*. I wu* m a lew days rained Irom my bc<l. Slid wa* maided by the D.e ot it bottic, in attend to my busim-**, enjoyni); t.uce better brallh tt.un I bad fox ten >ear* ptcviou* Ke.specu’ully yoofs. Ai . J*s W For sale m Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Hiori-.T*) Fourth street. martb ROIIBSEL-H AROMATICK VINE(»AR.—The high iy sanatory, balsamic and tonic properties oj tuts Vinegar tender it fur superior to Cologne watfr tor the ordinary purposes of the toilet, surpassing the lat ter 10 Its perfume. It prevents and remove* pmipl-s, tetter and uspertty o( the skin, it refreshen nnd wlnien* the ikm, rendering it soil nnd smooth. It corrects ibe clammy and bitter ntsie of ibe mouth, iniparttug a itesh nnd pleasant breuUi ll clenlises and whltrn* Ihr teeth, and hardens tiir guins For nil Uie above pur res, it i* used w 1 Hi water in -u.-l> proportion it* in»y louiid most agrreable b, nilialing it and rubbing it on l|ie temples, it will remove headurhe ll applied instantly to a bum or brut", n will eventually prevent mortification. Kcnrrect vitiated air, and gurtnmiie frotn contagion, it 1* thru-lore very useful lor punning and perfuming upartincnu For *a)e by R K KKI.LKIIH, Wholesale Druycigt, mrb3l -7 Wood street. Fitt*t>ut'gb Dr, BXcLano In Traneiwe. I‘HIS 4* *° certify that I purchased one vial of D* iitsLaiio’s Worm Hpenbc, Home t ,vu iminifu ugo and gave to a sun of mine, unne seven yearn old, two leoapOCQs full- anil although the amount may appear large, yet I have 110 doubt but tbrre was upward* of two TBOU**n> vroaxs passed from him. measuring firom aso (piaster of an inch i<> two inches long. U W HOLLIDAY. Roca’t Creek. Carrol co Tonn , Dec • B, I--IT ja'J4 SFXLEHS’ VLKAHFLGK IN GEORGIA - I'oLLMBta, Jsn. -tb, IntV Mr H E Sellers:—Your Vertnilngc hut -mid well, and has been higlly spoken ot by ail who have used it From the success attending ibe ad mi in «i ritllon of your Vermifuge in every case I have heard of, J am confident I can tell more during the coming season than 1 did last. 1 will be glad to receive another sup ply of 4 or b gross. Yours, respectfully, (Extract froln letter.) R. CARTER, prepared and sold by K. F„ BELLERS. 67 Wood «t, and sold by druggisu generally, m Pittsburgh and Al lephny. jatftl jab”*. YIUTMAIi 'E. t rltTHin. OEO. *. BOttlXMi* YKATBIAN, PITTMAS * CO., FOBIUKDINIi k COJUIISSIUN SIEKCIIiim, No. lh'J Second street. mchUYtlflra* SJ*. IAJI'IS, MO. REHOVAL fpHE snbsenber has removed his Wholesale («rorc I ry Store to the corner or Hancock street and Alle gheny Whattj next door to the Perry llou»« neU»W JOHN [f . i-KHBV. AFRiL— Just opetiii>ir.''iO«rge «nd selected «"»*>';- mentofflne Wntchc.s «nd Jewelry, which will bo sold as cheapo* In a»y*oihrr establishment in this dr the Eastern ritlci. - Also—A Urge lot of vuncty store \\ atrhes and Jew* ■ollT, #1 very low prices Fu.l jewelled IA karat Gold !*».«, u low « Ihiriy-t,, HoUjr.^ -okch9o cornar 4th and market ou PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL <v 1549 CO-PARTNEfiSHIPS. DHiAlnUou. THE cn-patinet»hip beretofore exi«imp between the • tihsenbrr*. in tl*« muno cf Friend. Rhov «Y • wa« itti* day dissolved by nanuaJ consent Geo. Khuy will t-ettle the bustnos of the concern, lor which pui pose he it autliouied to use tite hhiii-' of the Gun PORTI-.R R FRIEND. JAMES WOOD. Febtuary 7 IM9. (iFAI.RHHY Co-Par tuerahlp. The subscriber, have, lln* dny n»*ociMcil thrinjClv'*l - t|.« name of RHEY. M A'ITH EWS A Co. for the purpose of trait-acting a gene ml CrwerV. Commlti«on and Porwnrdint,' Bom net.*, at the stond ot the lam firm of l-’ntMid. Rhey A Co., whero ibet will be to receive lb- patronage ot the customer* nf dial boore und our friend*. (iEO RHKV LFVf MATHITAVS. February 7. W.M. EH US We take pleasure in recommending to the eoufideurc ’four Inoiid* nod thoic ot Friend, Rhey A Co , oui • m'i---.f.or> hi biutncis. Rbr-y. Matthew* A (’»- PORTER R. FRIEND. febS JAMf'.H WOODS Dlaaolutlon. THE co pafiner«hip heretofore exuding between th« subscribers, in the name ot CottMaule, Uurke A . i< tin* dm dissolved by mutual consoni. M«*»o Uurke A Uunies will settle the of the eon reni. for which pur;«)§e they nre uuthonsed to 'he nanv of ihe concern N A'PMANIEI. (XINSTABLK. KDML'ND BL'RKK. THOMAS BARNES. The under-ogned have this day u»-i>ciaicd them-elvr* m the name o( BI RKE A BARNE.’ 4 , for the purpo*e of mftiUifarlurtng b’ire Proof P»afe*. Vault Door*. A*'. Ac . at the ctund of the laic firm of t’wisuible. Burke A Co , wbero they wilt hr p!«a»rii to leenvy the pH- I rdi.igc oi I fie en*lottir r* ot llml bouse it nd their ifientl* KD.MI M> Jit.'Rk'L THOMAS RARNE- 4 - In reurin* from tbi* bmi ot Constable, Burke A to. I with smeen plcu>u/e rreuiuniru.l ,Mr»»rs Bnrke A Burtir* l,i the e(iltiideiiee of n,> lr;--i)d- and lb*- liubbe Fri. i». i-i!i Nathaniel conrtahll r.-htrd-.r Dlaaolultoii. I'M IK Pftnn*-r»Vi p *o lonp nml«*T th<* firm of M '-OTtl k. «1* by MlKUfcl ■ on tin* M Inst Tlte liußiiirM will l.r c»<-»l at IJi«- old aland If wither ol ua, thr name t>i ihe tirni Cor uuu purpocr Hnijif! 10 have ..ur InifrineM closed with a* (ini'- dels) - m* po«*ublr we would r« speoifullr request lho*r itulcbtnd to cull and «rUle their arcoauta. U M'HOKU, Co-Partnership. JOHN P MYOHD having a**o«*iHted wtlh him his Wdher Jam*- MVonl. under tuo »ivls ot M'>'urJ h. t’o.. will continue tin* Hat. Lap and Kur tm»die»/ »'t all ii* vmioui Unuioiie*, wtudestilr uud rcliul, at t)i<- old stand. corner ot W'ooJ and Sill *t:r*t«. wlnra they M.inM a conlinualiou of til* pmronairc «o liberally be «uwr,l on tiirmd firm JtUIN II M’OOUH in-.N J.vMKS S MCOKP. IN retiring from tt>c old and wrii known ti< tn n! .'•■•'ora .v King. 1 rno.i rcspenf.ly reoonirtinul to ;li-- ). .-finiacr of tb<* piddle my »uri-<*««or». M . O J A .«•> 11. 1) KlNti. <' DISSOMTIOX. Till! pir’nrr.lup «>< .Ml lU*H\ A 1.K.1-. i»«li.*da>- !*■•* tirm wii; l.r «e:i>d || 1,,. J K MIHHI\. Fumburttli. Jan dti, l«d:< II 1.l l N‘ >TI.'H- The U-drrtl.-n-'l n . Crniinur -hr U ...d buMno.i n ii,l m'fiiil to ihr sale ul Wortm Itonil., at Slf .—I H UJ-. lit rriiriug lion w.e littu <>t AiuinUj A l-re li-'f cr.-m jilra-su f m rrionuitcntlini: Mi H l.ce m n.r confidence of my tn-n.li and in. 1 puUtut. Pitud.urKh. Jan isi, l»ln. J It M I RI’H \ fPHh uib*<-nbcr» have tins Jm ,med mem- J[ »elvc« Utgeiher for dir purpose of irnn-»< - ti>i« » wholesale nniln-U.lt Dry iroodi anil l.rocen :«iMiir>t. »i No-gyii Lioert), oppo».iu ?»-vetiui »tre»-. uinJ'-i :tir .tilr ..ml firm of IH'SHKIHU)* HAVS Pittsburgh. January 1. iN.B -<'tit mil ruMi.iuer* nml ihr pubu.- .ir* o cire I». a rail jui CO-PAHTJIKBMHIH. Tl/M. B M'AIKK and Mapu JAMBS ATKIMH'N If htl.rci.l-'-d lII'., parln-fhip. Ur.d-'rth. arm ot Sl'Alt'K 1 A I M.N’Si iN *n.( »||| -snv ud th» Tin, l.i.ppor ami Sheet Iron V\ »r* ifUmitaemr j Aim IJiai*i*imth:iig in nU itf Mam-he,, at the old .land r»f Win H Scmfr, Ftr»t near \t ,«»j Purtivtiuir attention j.*iv*u 10 Ilcuubu.ii won r J'ME PARTNF.RSJIIP ot \\u AII If.y* *-• iu; 1_ been dissolved ! v the death <>■ tin-- ot the uarti— r» :ae irtcro. ot v\ ui May*. Jr «v. .*.,.. <i r ,,., nii.'Htiiif Dl Hlilf l.*-.lhT. !»•; Jr, i*.'t t..- nolrt on tin- prrmuo* on itic l.V>»-an*t i-f*..7-ui JA.Mh> i.AI MII.IN A.hi.,in.!r*n.r 1 HA VK :m* da. u*»in-.»t*<l »»-;n in* in the A ‘air (itAf.rv Produce amt (t4>mm.««i<in lni*inc>*«. my luotiirr Jojcj.n, uud.-i n.c linn »t J *» PILWORTH >-»:■» J J* DII.WORTH. J’Hiuarv l. IMD. tU>-PA.nTN£ILRIUP-\Sa. \oung ttsvi. < Hr* I dov tofcniciaieiJ lum. John H AlViron, tne l*u :ti-r t>u«tnr<» wilt bnrt-nfVr he nondncied atnh'r ibo linn oi Will Vouttß * Lo WII.UAAI VOUNt,. nf»'» J\o H MifM- BOOK TKAD& IRlOlih— Pilgron * I’rulreui pud Ji A Mie Liic and Tuno» ot John Jlun> iui. lit the Kov O«o. It Checrer. DP. ' t4'a..denugs 01 a Pilgrim m the Shadow Mount by Geo I) Chcever. Dc D. '• * The Joarnal of the Pilgrim* at Ptvmoufh, in New England, in tvJJ, Reprinted Uosn ttiemigiuai.volume, wnij historiral and local i.la«u spun* 01 providence principle* and p*r*oo», i>y George B l> i> Second edition BspUsai. w-r'.h mere nee to it, import ami by Edward Be««ct»er (> J) late and (!unr*rtHiilcor« of John Foster, uLunl I y J K Kylnnd, wuh t>oi»cr oi ilr, Foster js a preach-T and a companion, by Joan Sfteppsrd nrw eoinon The aiiovr, vriiii u iarrjc *toci oi Theological, His torical. Medical nml Hrhool Book*, lor •» , r nt low pnre* by EI.LMrTr A ENGLISH TO Wood *l. man) between >lri, «r and Diamond a)tcy ORKt.ON LNT) CALimRNJA IN 1-tf -BvJ.ii. Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme fVurt ot in «fott--witli an A,'pendti: including recent jnd nu ihentie nilormsUoi, on ibe sulijeci ol 13r <»mt ,Y|> i--«. and oitier valuable mallet of mic re*i 1,, ibe - migrant. • .h.iwurruu, 11 uttraiioii* and a map, . voL. Urao. '('he f;«»;d->e'k,.r« Mancal being n prsciicsl and Uisiructivc guide to an person* eiurerutinff w die gold region*, by D T Ain.ra, Frol 01 Ucoiug) . King s 00l- Icgr. l voi, uat>er ‘Ax- Note, 01 Trnre, m rniiiornis. i-otnpti*ing tic- (prom inent feature* 01 ihr rnuitrv. n’-r> the route Irtjm Fort iK-avenwonti. .Mo . u, Son From the offl cuil report* ot tb*t Fremont t,nd Mu I-jm>r>. I vol. ?nn page*, i^k- - Flic < umornm Guide Book, rotnprisme 1 .- 1 « i „n tne.l work, loveibrr w,th F.t! Fr-numf. 7ier,,. r account of Fpper t’nbforni-,. n.i.J bi« Vseintr of ibe faplonng Hipert.non in l&c Kocky Mmnuuii*. A.-, wnii -J map*—L voi. «va. paj-er. .e'v Rev Bapn-i >V Noci 1 * Wot k «>ti un- l m.-. of F.-uirn nnd Stair 1 vol. tSnm Sl .A, Jusi r-ertTed b t me bit! HOURS Books ■ y.' K \ V,rm;.»n. ..r PoperT by Rev t’ Sparry, Xrnopnnn'.. N\ ork*. I»rn,i. 4Norks, t tuvrrsity Scr*on*. by Way.ami, Ni.ima H.4i„r;, i.t Fmliu ull d Tun. .ol J’U,u,. Hen r, Lileul Rev Henr, Yum, Ftovrft,*„f ibe p..upi.- Ol Magonp, Tlre u j,t.nnv . oi mari'e«i*nr>n of i,,r| hi Omst. Memoir, of J Fuweli Uimou. Bart. i'bri»ii« all, by fyag, Bnfiusm. n« ini|->rtand modes. The Mid die Kingdom, d vol* i.'henvnr's Lecture* <m Pilgrim 1 * •Frogre**, Clic«rer"» M andcrmg* of a Pilgrim in toe Alps, Anderson s IV>me*tic 1 onstitiition, Modern Ac complishinent*; La-t day* of FJishn. Wonni of ihr Revolution, i>y Air* HU«i; Life of Follok; for sale by marl!) KJ.i.IuTT A ENGLISH. ?u wood *i HI MAN MAGNJ-rriPM—lt. rlu.m. lo dt«pa*»ion ate inquiry; being mi attempt !0 show ihe utiluv ot its application lor ihr renel o' sultermg,; l-y \\ .Ncwnbuin, F>o - author ot “Ttir recit, (0 * hI mflneui-e uf Body and Mm.l.” clc. The be.,, UfU k m.Mie , published For »me I y F'I.LIOT)' A KNGI.ISH, marts, TU wood «i Ili-'E OF FRANKLIN, lliusinurd n, V„ lir .e oi J publication ill the sm-iai form, by Hnr(ii-r ,\ UlO tber*. Now York, The lute of Beiijannn Franklin, ■•on *i«lim; of hi* AnlobiogmpO) . ii'iul a tmrrntive ot In. public tile and service*, by the Rev 11. ilnsimg* Y\ Hd. •plMldidiy i-lUbr;l lined by nuineiou- r lguflle i>> Joint l, ■ 'bujiinmi, e ngrn ved 1:1 1.1 •- liigli.--1 • 1 ■■ 1 mi The work 1* pruned .11 Hi.- unui, su |>« rliin- paper. Iroul bold unJ lyjw || will t.e ••ijttirleb*d in eight pari-, ill Vb fnils roeli mu i,.ued m t.ricl mierviils. Each pail will be rri-cived by ex pir„ iinin.-diaiely nfler it-, publtrr.tnui l’liri In just JoHNSTON .V STOCKTON, iu'J-'- corner market and :ht MACAI LAS S HISTORY t»F F.Nt.LAND From the accession oi Jjme. || -Vol I. The History *>f Alexander me Great: by Jacob Ab bott. with map and cngruvnig* Tim History ut Charms the Fir«t of England by Jn cot. Abium—eie X a< t engrnvmg*. Harper» lair 01 Kruflklm splendidly embciiished by numerim* cxqulsiir d>-«igii*.2tNo 1, "i'> c<-ui* Fu i-c eowplrted m e> numl/cr*. Vietorml History ot Fuiglmid, up :o the reign of G«.- «ge 111- cumpleii- in ) voir octavo Fhm iIU--tra- JUSI received by KHtAPKINS, fet-tl Apt>llo Buildings. 4ih *1 Mai;ai i.av*s hisioryof England. v..i, n CliHimef, 1 Forthuuion* \Sotk*, Vol. 1> Franklin h Lib: hiuioruird p*r(. II nnd 111 The History of llanriibnl the Cimhngtinun: by Jacob Abl.oti Ihusuatrd mu, map and numcioua mgr* 'mg*. Adh'T'* Grammer and Mnglisli Dictionarv. or t:ivu Sl.-ry of J,ntle John from ihc Ftebch ol M C Jen nell. lllu*LrnU-.1. Acton, or the. Circle ol L>h: A collection ol Thn't* and Üb*ei valmin-, dcfticu. -l m deijneate Life. M:ni »nd the World. Hnrt'-i ILimsnee of A achttug Arabian Niglu, Enmriiunuu*nl<, l^ric 1 * irnns-suon, splendidly tilusuaied. j voi*. I Jcuo Ju*t received by R HOPKINS, VTEVV BOOKS -History of Mary queen of Sr..f* Xv By Jacob Abbott, witii engraving*. Htklor) cifKing Charlc* Ut«> First, of England, By Jacob Abbott; with engruvtag* History or Alexander the Great. By Jacob Abbott; with engravings History »f Hannibal the Caiihagitnan. By Jacob Abbott, with eiiuraving* Received and tor snlc by JOHNSTON A STtYCKTON. fehZl car market and 3«i* NEW BOOKS—-Oregon and California in ld4s; by J Quinn Thornton, late Jndge of the Supreme Court ol Oregongund corresponding-member ol t-lic Atnrrieun Institute With uu npprndtx. including re eem ami auttieuiic iDfoimaUon on ibe Mii'ject of the GOLD MINKS of Oalimrma, and other vsiaable mat ter 01 interest to the emigrants, etc With ulttsiruUurw and n map. In two volumes. Raphael, or pages of the book of life ni twenty by Aipbotue da Lemarttnc, author of the -History ut the Girondist*, or Persoanl Memoir* of thn Patriot* of the French Revolution.” «-te Juit reeeiv»<l amt tor sale by ' JtHINSTON A rachl4 comer market nnd :M *l* MAP OF PENNhY L VANlA—Conatruetcd from the Ooottty Surveys auiboaecd by the Stale, and 01 ti er original document* Revised and improved ondrr the supervision of XV m. K. Mortis, Civil Engineer, upon Jam procured In eaeh county, under authority of tbo .Legislature A eoprea of this iaxge and splendid Man reertved this dhy and far sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, cor market and 3d >ts Llhll T S T R K KT HA LT I M OR F. MTpl'*t (!«tnl»li«|.m*tii lour iind wid-lv known a« T»*- iTijr one of :Kc nio-t nmtmrbtiona m the ritv ot' Bn I muon*, haw uudcrHone wurv extcii -ive nllcruuoiii. ujwl nnpiotuniri.ii. An rnnro ucw wing uim hecn aild*-J. roiiin.iti nf imnini.u* nml nir,- ileep. iK -ipnnm«-it l *. am' i-iit-iiMt'- hathing room-. The ittpn: tm»~it l”i« i»l«o been completely r- (irtTtinired nml fitted up in a uUi-t imiigue nml hrHiiu tm uv'it Mi fsci the tvnole arranr.-uteni m the House Irn.s I'erii retno'le.cil, wuli x 'iiigi-; cj e on ih* part Ot tne pr.ipnewr., iew..fd* tin- c'Mtn*.»rt -tml pi.-a«ure of Uu-if Hue.u, nrt'l wliii*h they codfiilently nurn will tthn'leiiye i*ompnr*«ori with miv Hmel m ine lom.ii Their Inhle will al.wr* he Auppur.l .vtUi every «.ut»- wamal ami luxury which tin iinrWet ntlord*. v-rvr.l tipiti H ••upejior Kty l<*; wiun; in -|.- « ,y Wine,, Ac iticy will not l>e «irp i-«c'l In the proprietor. h-<r in MV, that nothing Will he led urnionr on their purt. nml on dm pun or their tiiMiUiuiw, to render tlt'ie Hotel word v. the ronimurd patrott..Rd of tlii-ir Inend*. and ihe public gen« rally The pnee* lor board have, a!-- been reduced in tin- N. II —.The Hayyrnfic Wagon of Hi* llou«e will nl way- he ioun.t nl the. Cur and SicsmWn Landings, -wliiin wdl L-.inve) to mid trom the Hotel free onbvgr msvJtf couxtE op ruts* **n vt rT.Ara cts., mtthm'B'hi. i*a. S'l'lie «uhecn(r»r liavtm* aesumed thr uhuulcc* tneru of thtr lobr i'*tiildispcd nud |H>ptilur Hotel, rcipe-cllullt Hnnoutic-* lo Tnivelh.r. and the I‘uhbc generally, that he w|h 1n- et all time* prepared lo acc-oimtiodatr them i.i n’l 1 nin^- desirable m n well regulated llou-.. Thr llmne i« miw heimr tltnrouahly repair, il thro.iclmau ami new Furniture added, nud no pain* will he spuied in nirtkc ti.e Kxclnutgr; one uf trie very best ||,. ; r:, 1,, 'he .-(..i-.h . The under-igneil in-p<-. :t.r.ij mi.<.•■!• •> rui.i.i'iianre of lb* very h|.rr«.l piirotw*-* the House nu* h.-reutinie rel-riveil THOMAS HWSTuS. feha.ltf l*,npr eior LAal A lITINK aOCSK., coeskr nr rurion *:.a uttavr irnio. i'!rr>Hi.'B.:it MT’HK »ohM.-rihi r ir.prnh.li. an tnu: lie ha* now Opened In* new mid cr.-rllr'ii Hoiel lor tne a.'-eniiiiii'-dnlKv. n. traveler*, hoarder* mid the pul,lie c-neralft 'Die 1...11.0 and Itirmture -|'«rr.t lo |r n.lri II one of .ne iiici coinloUuhie and pleasant llotei* .-t tin- r-11 > The »ul.*crdH'r ir drienninrd tn de«ervc, and there fore fcolims n ahare of public paironarr. orll J-.My J \t:t»H HIM OH. I’n.pr.ehir ’ 1 0»' I» K H C K N T S A V K I) I iii’iiinmo.v hoi \l U KlNti f pHK VIKIHM A HIITHI.-lMt U.-it.lu.uc * reel, lien r X. me IVjHH. ruiubcrhim!. .« vn-.v 1 nti|* ; •**»• ..rdrr for the r-.-rpiiOn and ncenmmn.!-»;■«ot id* public. IVr«iMi* lit *.rareh of ran- am] comfort, will d.i wcii to pu*rom»e (hr** e<idtni*lirnen I—t!ie\ wo: Ir j iii-< chstn’wM-a H.-a.-i and nice, and Hi* I'hb■* a* . f.ir- Kuaiuair.cd a* RO.el a- any that can he had in the plucc. tn ui.y prfe or no rimcy.- No chare- tor iran*portntinn of hue enpe to and from die rm. mIS-'hriT, W AHIUM.It «N EV ANS I SITKIJ STATIC* lIOTKL, r«tV»XI T RT . 8 f.l W r.RJi loVklll * 'i. 1 » ,Pi !1 ,*l* OPPOSITE :«u- Huai m h- l .|Ue,l *<::,i-* H,.' .trij,iue M I'ldd lim-H'-.i.1. FIX K S II HPK IMi (10(1 l) * MiaekirU & Win If, 7 \K V f.lVlfW lUHMK.BS v*. U -W.d -Uee:. I ,e 1 / am-tn.n 01 Merrtia.it* m thc.r -.0.-s t \|| Id 1 AN A.NII FiMlKii.N I’f! S l.t« *D- le.-n.le Rrce.i ,u- rt'iiul.ir «npt; m o- fir*' rond- dur-np oi |<«i*r.'i ;i id d.»Volins 'I Inri-e «> i.r- ot ihru alleriUi*.i to Ea*ier-t Anet K-m iaie*. tlie" -a *>.nr>‘ hiiTer* theV w ill hlift il |o U|.-. i ic.ei r-| i. * i .on. u* thel* Mil. k CwU Vam't P'lioi, i''a..!m-r-., . >„mp.er Hood*. I.»-e* Ulnie »h. H* In**:. E la,lor* TYtminiilif* amt tin a .1 and n-eaeped , Ul■U* ul •• >n oui brand* in r . J A 9HCS W. \V OODU'EI.L, 11 0 drr 11 and A nli q n r t'urniturr, 1V [-r -r'.l .-o-'V mi >. l;i,| my mam,urn,.m u> w.-v.-r.- •.•'-'"'ii- U* immiAi .• .*• ■* l i.qi .leicr.iuu. -. m . j u,.- ,i(Kk ton*,-!. ... r.'raTw. Hull-. v.. v -f l-.un XIV i’iiaj. t; Hi.a, Ten • I m:.i I r*. Toilet "f" able • I.ijii.- \\ i'<•«!> I'rrrirb j B- •- .•'« r*»S«, IVam. -*i.wi 50 -fti.-i* with KOMI ami H.ti---milt cot' g i ft «• Cn-Mtow 5s i W.MwLwi 5s as TaL „ " ! .. .fc"*?""" * •JII 1-a.f I*ir* i pi.r ;-.-f *rnMi". liunrl.l' innlW I UtDIUU Ja and l», «• W a p,lrnt**-r - Upp.eian. * and ru«v , n*.'!! «* , 6l “ ,0 “ f*’ •5‘ warble ton Wbmi sian*!*, 1 . U /‘ , "*• InulavZam S . T '»•>»’ 1 J'*l* ~ ua .r fan.-- Work Mur-Ar a J< ... Is; . A vr.ry .arc*-fts^ott'nc.it''.i i on,-i,.. md ,-d . r <■• } - Henry A ju.uea Si- l« send s*. *(ur"ituri too usmcrnii- :n n,er J " LS WATERMAN 1 Ip" n “'- ion- ... w, pm 11-. hlu. Wotu uiS piis^T a;*J on 'bp mo*i ren.miMl ip 'mw- :.i PirnuuiuoM, r*. h, ~ Coco*. Ac. 1 WRI<»MT A Co., arc prepared 10 hand Cotton TV. Baker** Aon-ncm tini TVm-h t bf.pninip. rrn*«*» » «# >*nd U’u*i«n MaaWaery ofetert dcteriptMQ, aueb <-b Cocoa, w-oa l’*i»;e. Broiu.k < ... o n **;>-!-- .\ r •»» I'tmbns Machine*, Spinning Pramea, Speeder* rilo uierchma* .i-il cr.ti.umpr. -W, -t.m-o ;««.,•!.m, pmwit. ? Prime*. Railway Head*. Warper*, Spooler*! .1 il».- l>c *1 prodnr-*. of t’oe«a. ir. --...t. *c>. i- ru-.inn, Frame*. Ixaoma, Card Grinder*, Ac. Wrought uior' nutrition* ifcnn i«?a ■>. r offer. anti m .jinm, un»«r- H*»« Shaitnnr turned. ail *ue* fcf Cast iron, Puilie* and pa*~.«l, thr kul.*cni.er n-c-<niiu-n.!i o' - **.e iu ;. l's, Hungers of the latex patterns, »lulo and hand iAlhe* B>anu!*r(ured :»> hin.pp.i 4,1.1 -ui.a, »"d Eindi Ca.ting, of every dc*rnption Uu Broma and I'm u.i I* • * v*- •»' d> .-a.-- piatai notifi’ Putiern* made to order fur ami oluui, rfr• >IV• 1...- .i:vr,\.!. r,.„ Y ,... M.:: Iron Kail..nr. 4r Steam Ibne tor heai otl.rr*. ire prr..,„ u -'.-p-! : V u.r -uni.r.it r t,\... i«u. "i k - i n.-ion.-. Ca*t Iron W.fidow Sasth and fancy Cm. • ajicnof ant other . Mu * •!.) «»ttlrr« .ell at the Warehouse ofj am alwam 01. sale ... k.,y .u r- to Liberty Mro.jt. «•».. aavc prompt alien • pervab p gcoct-r. inti;.- 1; ;»i. I , ;l.pi, -.o- r ugr i.ii-. 1111 wet, Mra y A .of Host,. • Jnm< • ‘'l linn A CO. HnrtionJ font*- 1lu»«.-r A Murray \nt \ ..ra f.runi A Stoop. I'hila.Mpht*. T.toinai \ Hun..Ha' lirrr.rp and KpilnkVA iP.im.-u, I'meiu nan. . »ti,.. V\ A i n.K HAhLK. Ilnr. t-r Mm y ausr.H HA(iAl,l.'i A 'Mi l H Am- Wrought *ud Coat Iron Kalilnc. r pHK »ut>*f filters lo g 1P..-.P 10 m orin th- “mi J. they hist r idittii'.Pd 'mm HIP Km»l aM t|.p :»l. 11..| fml.isinol.lr il-'m. "Of Iron R.nfsi.tf Ik.ii, i„ f , Hint . nap Ip nr. Hi r.otu w.tiii.l/ 1.. ;ro ..rr ~-•*<». H.I(IIP pailPl'.A Will p.'ftsi . A ■ rt-ul ■ *:>:.• -ir .f,J ... 1 lor Uipui-eisp- Kaii.iig wi. bp f„re,hi ij,p . Ctaig nu.i K»-in-t .trcpi*. All. stipnv <-.iv aumS'-du A I.A.VIOVr A KNu\ Leeching* Cupping end Illeedlng. KB. NOKIUS. ,Sup«p*«ir 10 M K . No 3i i-iai, -irrr' iu-tM-rei. NVo.n/ n.u! n held. Fresh Ip.-i-.i.-- n-f-ivp,! u.ouKHv - om-miu.-p- a 1 hour*. Reler.-n. r tin- t>( IVn/l.ii'i't. \,..- g’iirny mid Hirtnii I mn»t I'lieertai.v r-cmainrmi in ti.p r-Uy*.. ... i» i.nr ill*-* nii.l nli mv tonuer tni'iul* and psir.n.-. Mi k »* Norris iu l.pjiig inc.ruuslily iii-.j-nminl w.lli t n-> Mi nes' -uni worthy oi putrni.au* . nmril ly Kor *aJr »>y 4I.LBT.HKAT \ ] •'" 1,1 y. G 4 w,,ulrt I moral i l *L. , ’ , pu " ,r c. “, lal ! fir ‘ y , h ® v ’‘ '■"‘CtTd a *horrou l-ni. k •■•iwrrn Federal ami Sandusky rtrertv nirv :.<p novr tnakimt and are pointed to receive order, lor r-. ri) or-t.ripu..<i «»i vr'ucio.. Coa. hr*. ChanutV Uh <o.l. .*. iiesip.. I o.vii.riv Ac . &«• , which from their lot.. . x (*• i n. chi .1.,, inamiiurtii rr of ihe tilroTe work, •J < O.r 1.. p; .nc* they ha ve, they ir*l confident they arc Man it far tnt e <1 Toliiii iu. o to *l*» work o:i ihe mo»t rcu«onabi a icruis with ■\ O HXm .nilr> A K»>\ *.<•> * '»>■ - ri.<■ • 1 arnc.c-4 in the, r line 40 <1« ,\1 A !lm<c.< • i • lOk i':un<-..<,.r atl-nlion lo Ihc «circUon of mate iU tii do Price A ll.irwoo.f ■ .< <"'d i.:i v :r:»r i..v'c hui cinnpci. m workmen, (key -Idud.. do •• 111 , ' ,IV4 ' 1,1 ,l ' l, rriir.iir|o llinr work \Vr •s', do do Penn A Harwood .'.A li • ; U, ! t ' ;'/ r 'J'' k ‘he attention «l the piit.Uc i„ Ihu matter 11 do J • l«>* ■ ' >.{ K« pmiing done in the l>c*l manner, mid on tbu &i hi do do • o ■ m-.ei r. ;ie...mi.,c icni.H. _ ja«o:tf - i : m I'KK KKKNCII BHIiADCUITHS-W. R. Ml,. 37 do IJ A itdrr-o.i ■' n k - t -11 1 'd'itn» Uir attention o| bu >«r» to hi* exteiutvc V do I. T I hide • » j OI uliovr Uood*. emhraemj; ever>' quality 5 do k Vlaeon . 1,1 ai ‘" ,f « ai ,llr celebrated raunufacuv U do Kai< Mi ;i, : f _ ,r ‘ * urTlitt»iiif thccc jrood* from the Ju'l lundnu irom *i*'nnicf mi.l pncki •• nml i..r -,i r . merchnni. or ajjeiue of the maimtuclU- I.y lIK.AI.It Hi'rKNUKii'i. , rrr., j„-i n. *c,| them at the lowe.i po.*iMe 11 rniih WHIM .1 and Hi norm wl.arv- j °"' r . •'^V' *» d ""““W" Cloth*. I’u.. i.ic.i.icm * '‘ i' '< • wool died I.lk do; and French, Hnu*h ' ‘ ■*" black and fancy; btk : V" ' ' lr ' " UTiiiicmeii'» riik pocret !>! '■ ,kr !'’ a ' k “ n< * “wry Cmvat*, Imcn pocket M,K '- [ ...i.-r-i.irt-. Drawer*. Ac , m the north ea *t • l'ii nn<l Market street*. V ‘ ,v “P "»'«■ fcIUJU rJononnhela Uvery Htabie, u * ,kErt I h . t>o* opened larL'i* Oal.ic on hir«t *u ruiuuiii* Utrouffh ( Q S u> loMwrcii Wood and Smuhfield h,f 1 therrurofthr Monontahclu Hou-e, mi'll . . , i a .i'. .ui -•mircl) new moi v in Hor»e.* oml UarnaKt-* of W; A J.OUKSK, llooU Hinder.. ' !•’ H< ’ r * e ‘ k ** X Uvr ' \I r c,H, tnr r ' - • - -- TT ui W.mnJ and ili.r.l *irn-i- t*i 11 -Im ■ \M !to.\T Cl.! >CKS—f laving concloded to will We arc preprint! tu do an. «i.d <n ioir w..i. a. . l “ -lock of Klrkc's hlanne Timepiece*. patch. V\ .mend lo o«r work p. r«.i..a';, an.! w.- ...nv otic rin **ll ihem nHower price* than they cun tioii will he vircn in rrcardn. u* n. ui.ie-* ...ai .1.. ; : -uc,-; at uic. i.mi-c m Pin,|, ur gh or elaewUere, ; ..asi 1.1 wet Hr.lie till- only emahluhcd agent* here Hlniik Uook'rul.-d u* nry paitern ni.d ml .u.. j i“' ihr-e ••n*ck*. wu the largest and fine.t a.»ort •lßllUaliy Hixjks in uuitil.er?. ..r old hook* I.ouiml .an , H.--M the city Ci.ll nuJ „ T . inily or ri:puif".l Num-« pm .... m kiHlH'.i. r K> nn mher we are uoi to he onHenotd. R HOPKINS Ai>ollo Building*. 4t)i l'-u Mam nt ti kkd ivuA<r«> w ••» m 7j M« \S.I-M.-r U I. mi; ;X l.i.wrri.ct- - A. Si (.A it■»v-*»— r • •)•«.*■ . S» |h.|w,..i < Jr* 1., | - Si - I lAJill- r -.-A ... , I u K( , hNll |j , v 41 \ M H. S » ~r - i'bour liuil li.ivi* w»»fk in uur :ir»- invited i<* rn ■! ’ l’noe* low. liiy-.m If I lielltfj (^ L 4 8 rar; ,Tl ' rM " F 'K^„f ND BPRINO *km., imtn the .mmuiu.-iory ... H M Isi „. AND AXIJ% **«™**. 7'tt ? ■" -cirvri- J, ‘" ■ jonks * ’• ,"i m : VI A.M-KAmilu-a« oc Si ki.ro, ro.L A'r W ti <> if iv u'k- • s. - , , |iloui;h wmg*. coach and clinl I v\ M M UJN I KK r. s.. ... H.U.1., - r- . imm.n-H .r.>„ «(m, ind deal*M ,n ma 4 InV »'•-» n S'li'iKUO van**t> <" .up K<o n V. i- , !<•»!•!» fire (-..pun 1.-unp«. and coach irunmi.t#! >c. tair.i .:>!.•• A,-. Hr,,- «. ~.mrr of R.... ut.d T’rom ««., Pm a |..ir K V ’*'d “ ,K * U| ’ “' ,ri ‘ U ‘* ll, ‘ tra " l ' •" '“l* t‘» ivbs^ Joum! i'nuic Lttic-n-. I'.H.t:.'., Damri-kM<, 1 l ST IN TiMF—Atioiln*r lot of PtstoU, suitable for feti*. 111! Chiili., a Ac-. ;r» k:i m wair.i wi- r.m iif U 'ar l aiilortuu tervice, jusi received. nUenimn ot i‘:» puMic ii.ixd*; Ai-o u» .tr.'ive on Un- ISUi m*i., by Express a ncal NOTICK. Ul ''* iinu-i«*oi i'ortat.lc (iold -cales, which ev nAVltfii <(>l.l oitr nwic Mi- ku.r II t.i.» •>, wm. ‘ r m, < hl <" ,ls » vf . "nil tor «ule hy a vicii vi i lui.m oil I ...ij !-.i ..v r. . . W W WILSON. licuiur h.m me jmirommi i" ’n-iiii corner 4ih and mnrfcci «in w "" " 111 i For California. , ini- H. ■■Hi;,- ...run 11.ur.1 H,d- I'onjer, in kr,.. h»il I. In I met.. A»r til, IM-, . 1 i.- = - I cw , nk i, y’ *•* ' **“ J S DILWORTH * Co. „ CH I,RA\T, Wi.uif-ni.-Omn,!--.-.,, .nn. . • Forwarding Merchant No U w am.- aiuaprott’s Patent Soda Aah UKLU AND IlllASfc KOI'NDU \ . .)| U \?hi' :-»i received per sujumera Ivarboc A A FLI.Tt l\. Ilr II nnd Hr n*« Founder, iiu.t j u ,m ?i Cioud, nnd lor „alc by ° C built mid rptiimri>ri’i( bumhc** m lu. Old *>ajul. ' W ft M iIITCHKLTREE. |,leH ' C,i l ° "'' C Vll : - wr> n .. . !»Liberty at lHu rrh, SlPimiUoiti. and •:. of rrrrv »t/.. iri»m 111 ' . YOU JIG A- CO., to H> turn pounds. cum from pattern* oi iiic 1110*1 |.r.>% - ■ I \K\LFRs *• LEATHER Morocco, cd iiiodrrl*, nnd warrnnled Hi or oi the he*t ni.ui r....« A ’ n< ** ft- .. \o H 3 Liberty eircrL have .Mineral Water Funipn,Counter*. K.min*: .V<- . t.iy. • received tlieir Si'iilNU STOCK of good*. com tirr wrilh every var.cty of Ca-miis*. it r-(juirr,.. , t'' l ’“'* ll4 '« r uastirun-m ~f ancles in ibnr iiae, to lurnvd uml hm*hrd m the netjir.i immn>T ''’cn tneoUon or it invited. A F la die role proprietor of ILimn's Atn-Airn this Marsh, »o j«»i!v celebrutrd loi trie reducumi nf NOTICE* ~ " PRINTING P APISH. KouMA u . and Hu McKnigat A Sou, are notified r I , HE mtbaenber* having tiie exclusive Agen-v u>r ’ l‘**V • w imout turtUer delay, to X telling ihe Ennuiig l*»prt oi aur <* and rum*-vc l ROBERT M’KNIOUT, paper mill m tins viriniiy, w.h br nt n l linn-* wr .uj>- til.i dim Administrator of SV, McKaigM, dec d p.irU with uiciiilTerriii *izr« ot paperni *uprr...r ..uuii- j » RTISTS* MATERIALS—JutI ico’dand for .air— ty. which we offer hi tint town mru.ur price* > xV. &0 yard* smooth Canvas*. inch. Any »i7.c or quality wni l>c niuiiiilncuifi'ii m (,r.H.r a: ' 2i) *• o jq .. th»rt notice. UKY.MiL.Ds A MIKF. ! yi *• « «. & .. ja** dm I'linuti I’C'MI aii.l lr*m m • ill “ *» ». .. INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—JmO received iot me I' 1 " do* CpmjvrcsMblo Tubes, ofoii color*, by Ctlliornia KxprHinon, n emupleie atMirnncnt of! mchlli J KIDD A Co Guru Klnstic Cloihinir. ai once* ranjpn; irom V.'oii to ~ry__ BUAO for Btiit oi coat. patn» and Ual. I'm -Hi-mtim w iio tliorouehlv India Rubber brrxu No 5 Wood n 1 OiRL U> do hnascworfc. One who Uiorougfily dertSl Depot, iNoo \%ood n | A utulrrsiann* her buMncrs. andean give good re. Ilrr. _ ... ±1" 1 ! .. rencr, „f „ pcnnnner.t .itaauoo, at fair JUST RECEIVED—Three more ot tbosc so ■ wnget.by applying at thin office- mchl^rdtf celebrated Hamburgh Piano*, used cotiMumlv l»y * -- .T' .n —i..i. ' LiaL Tbalocrg and other great performer*, togvther [ 1 \MFD -M b H^RnAn^Vf 1 * wtlb a large istorunem of roww'ood and mahogany, ! J J •>}* >‘)* _*<?»«_£& W HARBAUOH of my own munufactare. The above mslrumcnts are ! n,m, GRFISN—I9 cant true, jutt rec’d and for warranted ta be perfect La every reapeci, and will be 1 * B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, ' •old low tar cash. PBLUME. . mch 'C corncMirt and Wood at* dgtlo Wo U 5 Wood »t,9d door from SU» j Apoilu Hall. 4ill <t HOTELS FOiNTAIN HOTEL. *1.75 [>rr tint 1.0(1 KICHANUE HO^RL, MISrELIiANEOI'S. rr- _ -pli-ml.d M K Di'I.AN V miscellaneous. GREAT INVENTIONI—VALUABLE MSCOVKBY- P*Tlt*T SsetTBRB JfcJTLABT lflV 1619. rroiWfw rrtmxitnt TWfa, Scfai, BarvtuJ, 800 l Casts, Writing Dtsku OF WROVGHT IRON- , 'J'HK TA.DIjKS far surpassinif every other in* a v-mion of the kind now extant. They cvx be e*- i from leu io tweuty-fito Icel, and when closed in- Iruves are all contained inside; they are’ made to ill <ixekand wiiapea, and am admirably adapted for Hlcainboatx, Hotel*, and large private families, form ,"rf?n.cl?*S.d • ™mplete centre table. Jfl iFAh AND BUS.KA.Iid— These articles are inval uable. particularly u> mote who wish to econo mic room, and convert a keeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, at they can be opened and shut m convenience-! and when shut, the bending is curios e.l. A great c aVing in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece ot furniture ior u {•ariose or sitting room. BOOK CASKS—A near and osefal article for parlor or drawice room. E|TiN<» DESKS—For law offices, counting rooma, h no other when opened a most convenient bed •«te:ul. when cloeed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. AH there articles need no recommendation: the lieauiy ol tho whole is, they are warranted not to get nut oi rcpciir Ii will he for your interests to call and ejßrnnu- in- erodes. at the manufacturer's store, No. 'Hurd »tr-ct. Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advantage*, they are proof against bars. mchlrt JAAIES W WOODWELL. JUST RECEIVED) ~-n rv- AND now opening, a aplcnded lot o Ftaiio Kories, from the celebrated firm rPTC?y™IP|of Nonna A Clark, N. Y. It consists in I I ” I ■•partoi ihe lollowuig: One elrgiutl Rose wood tij octave Piano, with carved moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and carved gothic tablets. One rosewood Piano, 6| octave, elegant and plain, with t’ole.miui’e celebrated .Loltaji Altaduncflt, u su perior mstninieiiL Ouc Row-wood fi octave, round corners and octagon >rs* line do do do < >nc nifru'ood I’iano. *juare comer* and leg*. *Th<-«r I’m no* have improvement* in the mechamtin. hi rtriOKi»« and covering 01 the hammer*, po**e*frd liy no o:jot» m thi? coumiy, and arc at once the bent writ it* ilnr ciir piano* that can be bought. AI.SO- An ctcgiuit tot of rhieltertng’s Piano*, from T i "'t octave*. nil tlie latent improvoment*. in reduced pm-r*. ALSO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano, 7 octiivea, a yew invention. UfiN'RV KLKBER, " 1 i h At J \V WoodwelPn,S3 Third it ( HICKKRI.Nti-S PIANOS. » . <-tfrr T JOHN H. MKLLOR, (sole Agent for g{w>■raftm Chickcnne’* Piano Porte* for Western rTMB I[™ Pennsylvania.) No. dl Wood street, * * * “ !• Pittsburgh. has received and now open •s*'- iik- ndlowinc degnni assortment, direct from air murui «'-ir>Tv, «i r.birkennj‘» (Boston) price.*, i*tic KoL-wood seven umavr Piano Forte. carved in <;■- 1H..-I rUjtrt.,l and ru b style of Louis XIV. ‘Kfr'vixnl carved •even octave, new and im proved s.^|e i>m- rosewood Pinno, f»i octave*, new scale, tnir carved.t> 1 v * f ’ i"uml i orner.l, fl octave, new jcaJe, |. MO panne; - ” A ' - ' - “ I nr ;ii-uvf an- .ill from the manufactory of J ci.iiit it.■•ion. of the latest Myles of fuTiuturr. and with Un- new nnd unproved scale I l(<e>ivou.l li octave PiaucM. ironi the manufactory • >. II \\ ..r.•'»(>•», \ew York, formerly of the firm ot Wiiii-o.in \ Durham. v r...e0 n n-mvr i.nle A fit.. V ‘ rr~. -vi«Hl t.j nei.tve l*tanu, made by Bacon A Ra i .'fahoiraii) ti m t:iv. : Piano, made in Baltimore, and •e: ",i;hu' in. i-y tiie owner. for ca«h or in el . . manufactures, or grocenetsuit] M.;- •• 'X * • store FJi.-r *:«*). jaJU K Vl-IJ.MI EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR } W Nl. Hus i—rtihe<. thai immediately after i ;• c mv brother. who died of consumption ”• f was taken ink with the Consumption i-i I.iver (uii,j.Hunt, aud was reduced so low wtui the ciiwncr. itin! mr iwir year* | wa* unable to attend to ii., i u-hi- V-. r itii.-r hi home or anroad. being for the t*»i-*irtr.l in mv bed Dunns tne above pen -1.1 in lime. | 1,n.) e vpeniled for medical attendance o r--ci: nr Pli sicians and medicines, u> ibe amount of *'**'*' wm.mi ri-ceiv,„ c any benefit therefroru. [n > J '*' 1 1 j taking Dr Jayne's Medt ■ i n-- and bavr taken them more or less ever since, snd fei.ev mat n was i.y persevering in their oae. lohi I .-un ; ow truly say ihai I have completely re«<>-. tcred my h •Ulih I believe tiiat Jayne's Sanative Pills and f.ijH'C nrar.i are ibe l-est family medicine* now ta i rrs.de fc. Springfield. Otsego county. N. Y., and ram on n luniai r and machine shop in that place. Him .. m irtlrirsrrd in any manner in the sale of the •if... - innti.linr». m,.1 make ibis certificate lor the ben ’ athn-ud ELIJAH EATON. "pm'-irfirhi, N \ s-pt. 16 j# 4 M .\M r.\* TI RKI) TOBACCO—-Thr inUrriber i ;),<• aiipjinon of the rity trade 01..1 1 <-r> •■'•lr*'. v. ’.O the foMowin? brands Tobaccos, •••• and |o m 1»» c. winch Wing consignment* di> rotu ma|iultf<;;utrt». lie is euaulcd to sell at east Ur ~ u» mttrWtfick. Bel! A Co..J K .Moorehctul ft < . f. K w itfrirr. John Jrwn, ft Sons, l».»»b U n;h ; (i i •» j M U nrner. Steubenville. )Bnl9 P«nn JHu:hlfa«Bhotk" n u B<MTMA.N—MiuiuJOciurcr olail kmdaof cot* , :**« «<id wvo.ini machinery. Alleghcuy city, Pa l ii< *>•»•' •• work* l«cing now in fu;| md Miecrsstol op . 1 M . m "> *xccuir order* with dispatch ’..r n kmiii of iniirbmrry in mv imp. such a* willows, pir fc.-r. cnr.lt, entitling machine*, railway., rt. n .«i n< trimi'**,. »p*-eijen., thru»»tls, looms, woolen •' " r <«*r merr.hniki or country work. nui • ». *• k•. Ai , i-i.le and hand !aiiie« mid 100 la in gen rf ‘ \ . *"iif* ni «hajnn{ made to order, or plana giy • •• .ir -rnniie lai-ume* or mill* at reasonable charge Kkfv.n 10 -hcnnciy, fluids &Co., Ulackstock, Bell A « •*. kiog. Peimoi'k ftro.Jts. A (.rn> NEW COACH FACTOttV, HI.A KK & CO.. Market street, "inriiiu e oil uorili side of (he Diaiimiid MY & VARIETY GOODS Sincet)te Vevs&ypemenf of the California Gold Fever , AI.BXAKBB& * DAY, No. 75 Maxmt SraoxT. Prmßuaon. Have resolvedon SELLING OFF tb»-ir targe «t>ek of DBY GOODS—the principal part, of which have lately been purchased at the Arc .tios Sim in PbilaJeipliia and New York. at a tre mendous and unparalleled sacrifice: We have made such a large reduction from oor reg ular price* that we will nowaell a large porunn of our goods BELOW COST of importation. The early at tention of buyers i* invited to 'choice high coioreu goods adapted to the California Trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain on<f figured CameUaa Cashmere* and do !atne« silks, all price*, Very Mtpenor broehiit fig’d Super cloak cloths, ail co anii watered blk silks, lore, Superior tepannure silks, French merinos, ail color*, blk and colored, Black .bombazines, Super black glossy Uro de Cro«" bar Ted and Btnped Rhm silks, alpacas, Vioctte and amoulla silks, Brocba fig’d and strip’d do, best quality. Jenny Lind plaid*, Pare «atin», blk and bine Victoria Lyooese doth*, blk s'tics, very nch, Inunarrlne sarin merinos, Coberg cloths and eameli- : Super silk warp alpaca au lustres, lustres; SHAWLS! SHAWLS’! Splendid plaid 10/igshawßuA tew brocha long shawls, Splendid lerkeri shawls, the finest we have ever from N. York auctions.! brought to this market, great bargains; I now to be sold at great Plain and embrnfd thibetl bargains) shawls, all color*, ! Superb no and common bro- Silk fringe, remarkably oha square shawls; cheap; 'Super cornelian silk shawls GENTLEMENS’ GOODS . French cloth* from the celebrated “Johany” manu factory For beauty of finish and permanence ofwear, these cloth* have no sapenor; a few pieces extra fine lilack and olive caston beuvern and other heavy cloths lor over coats, twilled French cloths, manufac tured expressly for cloak*, French and American caa- Hiilieres, super west of England do, taper French st um (W vi-Rtnig*, the best imported. Plain and (hncy velvet and cashmere vesting*, merino shin* and draw er*. Italian cravat*, linen, cambric and silk bdkfs.ho siery and glove*. STAPLE GOODS. Irish linens. I«r«i long cloth shirting. muslins, bleach ed nn<l brown muslins of good quality, remarkably low. tickings, check*, domesuc and imported gilig bainn, scarlet, vetiow and white flannel*, a large lot very rlieap; n (urge lot of white and r.rossbarred coon- L lry flannel*, cheap, brown and blenc'hed Barnsby table linens and table cloths, Russia and Scotch diapers and towelling*, satinciu, Kentucky jean* and tweeds. BLANKETS. Ah usual large stock of blankets, direct from the manufacturer*, some of which are the best ever exhi bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled low prices. In addition to Uie above enumerated goods, our slock comprises a very large aud complete assortment of almost every article usually found in a dry goods store, and a* they have been maiuly*pur chased ni the casern auctions, hence the late great re duction of prices. We arc enabled and determined to sell them off at great bargains- Wholetale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and the public generally am respectfully invited to an ear lv examination. Bargains shall be given. ALEXANDER k DAY, 75 .Market «, feb» S W eonierofthe Diamond CARPKTB, OIL CLOTHS' Ac. Received this day. Carpeting and uii doth* oi the lap-m ami mou approved patterns, and at purr* to .-au putchn«*rs, and cheap us can i>e pur chased ui any oi the Eastern erne*, comprising the fol lowing varieties Ultra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; Aixnntuner Carpets; air. s./e'liull room- or ve*J Tape *lry do tibule-i. Sup Royal Urut«*j* do Tnpesity stair carpels; Extra tup J ply do Drii*«nU do do Superfine do do <*herailr* Rugs; Extra *up Ingrain do Tufted do Superfine do do Brussels do Fine Jo do Chenille Door mais, Common da do Tolled do do 4-4. 3-4 Jt | Tapestry Ademi-I do do Damask do «tin do do 4-4, 3-4 A | twl'd Ve- Hi-4 Bmb'aed Piano cover* neuau do >M do Table do 4-4.3-4 A 4 plain do do tt-t wool do do Colton Ingram do 6-4 worsted and i men do do do Ve o'»uui do Brass Stair Rod* 1,8-4 wool r rumb clotbt Stair Liuen -•4 cotton Drugget; lii-4 woo-en do G-4 table do English Table Oil cloths; Diaper do German do oo s-4 Floor Oil cloths, Snow-Drop Napkin*; 7-4 do do do Crimson Plush; 8-4 do do do Purple 5-4 do do do Maroon Carpet Binding; ■tArreet (hi Cloths, of newTransp’nt Window Shades Tapestry pattern*, cut to fit | the above we are constantly receiving our Spnncr Stock of Carpel-. (Jil Cloth* and Steamboat Trimmings, to wmen wt invite ihr Miniiioii of all who wish to fur n.»h liii-ir house* nr steamboat*, ms we will be able to offer goods a* low a* they can he purchased in the Hast, ami ofthr richc-t and latest styles Cal! and ex amine our sloffk before purchasing elsewhere Ware house, No 7j Foonh si mch'JU W. M’CUNTOCK. The Largest, Ouapot and most Fashionable Stock of Goods, adapted to Gentlemens Spring anH Summer- Wear, r.< just rrteivuig at wn. DIOBY’S CHEAP CASE BLOTHISB STORE, l.Ri üBEK TV STREET TAHE Proprietor of the ab-'vr establishment would X respectfully inform uia numerous customers, that lie bus juit relumed from the Eastern cities with the moil »plena.d assortment of goods in hit line, that was ever brought to this cuy, all that is utrw fashionable. elegant aud Cheep ui Clous. Cartimeres, Cashmerru.v Drap De Ete. and every description of cotton. Uuen aud wool ion. Summer Studs, Shirts,-Ora vuu, tidkfs. Sutpeudcrt, Ac., of’he newest style', which totjethdr with h»a eery large. And fashionable flock of ready made Clothing, he is prepared to offer at Jus usual low prices. Country Merchants, Contractors, and ail who par* chase largely. are particularly invited to call and ex amine ilie stock, which is deeideuly the largeirt and i pioMfashtonnblc m toe city, and great alleution has t Lx eu paid to gri it up stumble to the wholesale trade, j Orders in the Tailoriiur line executed in the most 1 fashionable (Banner, and that nothing may be wanting :to ensure ilie newest ami best style of cutting. A gen tleman who has had rreat ex|wr enee in the Eastern i cities, has been added to the establishment. mrh2l;d'im SEW GOODS. R. H. PALMER, OFFERS FORS.ua; AT LOW PRICES, a full assortment of STRAW AMD MlL.La.Tti ll Y HOODS, of (he. mnu approv' d styles and pat ter n*. for tins SI’RI.Nt ■ OF lr-lil, conaining hi part of— Fancy and plain English, American, and French Straw, Florence. Rutland. Pedal and other plain and fancy Braid. China. Rice. Jenny Lind. I.oop and Roy al Milan edge Braid BONNETS. Rich French Lace; Fancy and plain Gimp. fte. Fancy Braid, Straw, Gunp, tee' and Infants' HATS. Leghorn, and other Mi: Paimni'i. Manilla, I.reborn, Palm Leaf, Straw and other Summer HATS- lor men and hoy*. Bonnet and Plain Ril»l>on*. Bonn,l *11.,; Artificial Flower*, Ac. ftc. Ac. Straw Bonnet Warehouse, y 5 Market street. tarhl7:(l2w “m ason a CO., XJO. (W MARKKT STREET—Have received liy re .l v cent impontmon* ih« idHow-ng Good*, vis: Six carton* Thibet Sluiw.j, 01 various qualities and color*. Fifty dozen •‘Aleximder’s'’ best quality Kid Glove*, together wuh u good H»*orimeui of col’d silk, [,i»le thread, and cotton tilovr*. lor «pnnc trade. Rich xtaiidiiur. »irinj> ht turnover t nllar*, cheap Col lar* ;HX> pair emnroideml Culls, liom 50 rU to £l,;£>. Mourning Co»lnr»in great vanciy IVmi Lure Veils, the greatest assortment ever offered by us. French and English t 4 Prints; Ho> le's Print*, small figures and taxi colors, small piuni French Ginghams; Brituh Furniture Chintz, white sntin Damask Table Cloth*; Linen Damask, rt. 2 and U>-5, Green Hcragrs, Gcnl* black Gro* d«i Rhine Silk Cravats, 32 to 4l> inch, the host goods imported; Purse Twist; linen cambric and linen oaoibnc Ildku. trout of t>> S&5O, White (roods, such as Jaconets. Luwns. Mull and Swi*« Mtisliit* figured and plain Ibices, white ami col'd Tarluuuie«' Ac. Ac. 1 We are in the daily receipt of NKW GOODS, and invite the attention of purchasers to our extensive stock. feh27 SPRING GOODS. AT DRY GOODS HOUSE OF W. R. MURPHY, Norra East co&kxe 4ru and Marxvtstj., PiTTaatniou. Dry Goods will please take no tice that the above bouse has commenced recei ving tu J'iKW SPUING GOODS, and invites the calls of regular customer* und buyers generally. Goods will be offered at low price*, aud purchaser* wnl hnvc U large siid choice H.«*orimenrlo Select from. {LT“ ‘‘fuinry Murcbant* and oilier* are invited to n amine the assortment in Wnolcsule Rooms, up stairs, where a large assortment of Pnala, Gmgbam*. and goods irmcralty am now opening. roar'.* DRY GOODS. BHICK LETT 8t WHITE Dry Goods Jobbers, NO 09 WOUDSTREET—WouId call ibo attention of Merchants to their large itork of Domestic and Foreign DRY GOODSL just receiving from the Im porters and Manufacturer*, and which they will soil at vetj low rales for cash or approved credit. Our stock is now foil and complete, and well worth the attention ofbuyer*, as we are determined to soli at such extremely low pnees as cannot fail io make it n strong inducement for merchant* to make a hill wuh as iach3! H oo*B*l KEEPING GOODS—W K. Mdrtut i.i vites the aticnuon of house keeper* and ilio«e about commenqinv house keeping, to his at sorunent of above Goods, such a*— Guilt* and Counterpane*, while and colored; ’Pickings and pillow-case Muslin*, Sheetings, from one u> three ynrd* wide; Table Diapers and Tuble Cloth*: TovgeUing, Towels and Napkins, Furnilure Prim* and I'himre*; Scarlet Oil Ohii t*. for cumins. Super printed Cbmu. for quilu, Embroidered widow cunain Muslin*, Sniped and hurr-d " ** Bed Huukei*. n'l qitalttle* and sizes; A suppij <»i tiie*o lA»o.i* i* omisiamly kept on hand, and will alwav* hr «o‘.l on Hie m-*«i invoraMr trim*, at north rn*i comer Bit und Market st* iehi’4 Hh'trtix»c~nniilini and IriathLluena. UR MURPHY niviie* the particular atiei..Ju ot , those wanting the above Goods, tolu* desirable siock, con*i»uii« of the be»i make, iroin the most ap proved manufacturer*. and Ul* latter warranted purr flax.—He Has just received on additional supply. ami is offering Shirting Muslins of ■. superior quality, at a very low price Also, Sheeting and Pillow-c<u>e Muslin* , Diaper* and Crash . Table Cloth*. Towet • ..> Napkins; U-ankrt*, (guilts. Cou- 'p*urs; und Housekeeping Dry generally. LaDlEj* l DRESS GOODS—Su -h *r Franco Merino* paramcuos, plain and fancy lie Gain**, (some new style*ju*i -received;! Alporu*. Ac The season being tar advanced, all taeii Goods wii* be sold at price* that cannot lan to please. fT/~ Wholesale Rooms up *unr«- janlh A. A. MASON *■ CO., V"0. GO MARKET STREET w..i continue-their X* ;:ret»t semi-annual saie of DR\ GOODS. (or 30 days longer, during which ume their extensive wnoie •ale Room* wul be thrown open to their Retail Trade a» heretofore A. A.. M-A Co. knowing thhi they aze selling D r y Good* of every description from tea to fif teen per cent 1«» m than ever before, do iuvtie every person iu want of dry goods, or who may be in want, to examine and purchase from our stock, at the lowest wholesale rate*. Our great object in reducing stock is to m&ko room for Spring Good.-, it being oar intention to exhibit iu March ih* large*! uad the richest stook of Dry Good* ever offered by any one house in America. We shall cunliuue the sale of our Bleached and Rrown.MusUu*,Tiokings and other Domestic Good*, at our former low- rate*, notwithstancUng.the recent ad vance of iff per cent upon the same tit eastern markets -fcW YOL. XVI. NO. 206. MISCELLANEOUS. COAIHB Patent Graduated Galvanic, Battery and Petmi Insulated Poles far Medical andatieryarpotte. THIS is the t>nhr fastrrimenf offhe ktod that rrrrr ■ f been presented in this country orEdropo fa T iflal purposes, and i* the only one ever known to *»■». - by which the galvanic Quid dan be conveyed to Husk*.- man eye, the ear/lhe brain, or to any part of the body, either externally or internally, in a definite genua stream, without shock* or pain—with perfect safety— amf often witirtho happiest effr»er« J This important apparatus is now.higUy ajmrovedef by many ofthe mo*t eminent physician* (rfWseoen- - try and Europe, to whom, the oMiefed andothociwkoa B may concern oan he referred. Roferencowill also ' be given to many hlghiprefp*tablecltitaa, -wholmva been cure*! by meajjj of thisi?onTtiliJ»Ue«pß*ratu» of some Of the any inveterate nervous tfiaonierswiikL could noi he removed by any other knows v»*ns * .Amonffjanoue has been proved to bo ad mirably adapted for the cure of the following disease*, ntt nervous headache and other diseases ofihabnS . It is with this apparent* oloue Uuu the operator eta convey tho magnetic fluid wife ease and fifttytotto eye, to restore sights or csre omairasaii to tko ear to restore hearing; to the tonguemnd other organs, to re store speech; and to (he variouspurts of the body.te ’ the cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, aeamteuuor iiodolmueu,pMalriii,ormSj. okore. 0,81 Vita’Bdance, epilepsy, weakness (ram sprains, diseases peculiar to ianaJns, contraction of loekiaw, etc. eto, Kighta for surrounding counties ofWestßra Pa, and pririleges, with tho instrument, seay b,,.pwl,■ 1"d also tewcu for the cure of diseases. Full instruction* yffill be given (brlhe various chemi cals to be used far various .diseases, and the. best man ner for operating for tho cure of those disrates will al so be fully explained td the purchasers and a pamphlet pnt into hi* hood* expressly for these purposes, care fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire er octKMty s? WILLIAMS, Vino at, Pjttsbnrgh. Revtrilbls FtlterlagGoekt A . FOB FUIUFYIRO WATER, |1 Which renders turbid water sure by ramoving all sahxtanses not soluble in. water. The croton water in N. York, though clear and pare to the eye, yet ftWsfiya**Wheti it passes an hour through this ' - filtering cock, shows a large aepodt tpipare substance*, worms; Ac. This is the case more or len with all hydrant water. The Reverstble Fliterer is neat and durable, and is not anoiidcd with the Inconvenience tncideoito other Kilterers, a* it a cleansed Without being detached from water pipe, by merely turning the cey in' hondl* from one side to the 'other. By this easy process, tho course of water U changed, and ail accumulations to impure substances are driven atT almost--instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. *lt »t«n the advantage of being a stop coelLandju such in many cases wul be very convenient utd odoncmlcaL It can bn attached where there is any pressure high or low to a eaak, tank, mb, Ac. with ease. To be bod of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON, _ oct!7 corner of Fourth, and Market sts IB ARSOKETBB* 11UE aneniinD of the public is respccuuuy colled to Die following certificate*: Ms. B. Esuita—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, I find the result proves your instrument correct; and recommend the use ef it to tho>te going to California, as the best method (hr ob taiuing bus real value of Gold. Resp. yours, J B OUNLEVY; Gold Beater. Pittsburgh. March &, 1d49. PrrwocaßH, March 7 t 1549. Mo. Eabins—Dear Sir. Having examined ihe meter," munuiactured m your rooms, I do not hesitate to eormuend it to the use of those gentlemen who are ui>out removing to California in search of Gold. Ivgive* a close approximation to the specific grevi ty. of metal*, add wDI certainly enable the Adventurer 10 ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold, mart* Your*, reapT, J. IL MX3LINTOCK. CLINTON PAPER MILL. CLINTON PAPER MILL, usate<Jai'Btenb»- X 'rille. Ohio, having been enlarged improved, and at a very great jpxpense added new and the most t improved kina of machinery, is now prepared to man ufacture ail kinds of Writing, Printing,-Wrapping and Cotton Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, sc-, equal to any in (ho Eastern or Western country. The undersigned haring the Agency of the above Mill, will keep constantly'on hand a Urge supply of-, the different kinds of Paper, and will have any sUe made (o order at short notice. S. C. HILL, nwTU 87 Wood street _ tubs An d oh urns. Fine and Cedar Ware Snnninetory, No 87, coa*m Msskut svd Ftrra Sra, Pmsaomoa. THE subscrttier keeps constantly- an hand, whole sale and retail, very low for cash- Wash Tubs, | Barrel'Churno, Bath Tub#, Stall Cham*, llorrc Buckets, ] Half Bushels, Ac, All oilier kinds Ware in his line made to order, SAMUEL KROESEN. A FURTHER REDUCTION. JAS .\I L'SPRATTA DONS' PATENTSODA Afitt— -1 to 6 ions Hi cash currency, oi 4 mo*, app’vd bill*, o tons or upwards, 31 do par. 6 mo* do. Interest ad l'-d. For the superior quality o( this brand we rater to the glass and soap manufacturers of this city general ly. W A M .MITCHELTReE, dfcct lfiD iibertyst Diaphragm Filter, for Klydxant Water* «p THISu to certify that l have ap -1 pointed Livingston, Roggen It Co. - Agents for the sale of Jenning** Dtaproligm Filter, foi the dig fa ' ties of P;. sburgh and Allegheny, yfifti JOHN GIBSON, Agent, lor YVallur M Gibson, 349 Broadway, © ucu 10,DMA We have beer, using one <■ the above articles at the office of the Novelty works for three monihs, on trial, and f«<l perfectly Batislied that it is a useful invention, aud we late pleasure tu recommending them as a Ttin ful article to all who love pure water. Order* will be- Utankiuily received and promptly executed. oeU9 LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN A Co Advertisement, The •uh.crit.er, in ofleriurfbr sale • handsome lot 01 Nunns A Clark'a, (New Yorkj and Chicker ing * ißo.ion,} Pianos, would direct attention to tho fnet that his ii the only ploee in the Weat where the tustnuneou of tnese two makers can bo tried aide' by side, and where. cousegKntly, a correct idea oftheir qualities cow)>e formed. l *Jrkesubscriber being anxiou* to tost their relative merits, and having for a nomber of years performed upon the Pianos of Nunai A Clark, htu taden into use for the last twelve months, a Chick firing Piano, iu order to try its durability and fitness a« an aecompanymem to the voice. This Piano may now .bo seen and examined at his rooms. Ho feeli confident of his ability to give a competent and relia ble opinion oh the subject. A Handsome lot of new Pianos will be opened In a few days. a KLEBEH, if** At J W Woodwe&l GREAT WESTERSr * SADDLE HARNESS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN I 1 AtrrOßV—Fhe subscriber takes this method of informing his friends’ and the public in general that he ha* the largest slock of the foliowing named arti cle*.of hi* own manufacture in this city—Saddles Har ue«*. Trunks and Whip*, all of which he will warrant to be made of die best material and by the best mech anic? m Allegheny county. Being determined to sell hi* manufacture* something lower than hat been here tofore sold by any similar establishment In the city He would invite persons in need of the above named arucics io hi* warehouse, No. sMt Liberty street, oppo* sue Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machinc- T- oct3o-ly G. KEEBY. PITTSBURGH PEM'AJLifc"'liffB^PttPdTß* fpHE Secoml»Be»sum of this institutloat oM<?t the X enrr or .Mr. und Mr*. Giisttoa.*!, for the presoot academic year, will commence on the first of Februa ry next, in the same buildings, No. fid Libert? street Arrangements have been made by will bo able to funii*H young ladies facilitiet eqoal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough English. Classi cal,and OrnararniaJ cducnilon. A full coarse of Phi it.Mjphicul and ChoritcaJ Lectures will bo delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Mnsie, Modern Languages, Drawing and Patming. will each be under U,tca„oiaconi p .u ! m IWmmi. By clous alttmioi. to the morn! and intelleciual improvement of their pu pil*, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of tho liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For term*, see circular or apply to the Frincipala. _jaau-dtf_ y PIiCENIA FIRE BlliCKS—The subscriber! having bem appointed sole Agones by the manufacturers, lor llits sale of the celebrated “Ph«nji Bncka,” are now prepared fo till order* for any quantity, at 821, C fi !, u' r *'* or iho construction of furnaeci of all kina*, these bricks have been pronounced by com petent judge* as being superior to all other fire bricks uow m uw*. e A iI'ANULTY & Coj’Uanai my3U XT’A N V F’a'CTU'RK if' Y\> SjCO— JXJL »0 j bks Lamartine ffif Bfi do Mirabean fitq S do Putman fi* and is; a> do John Rocker S«; Ifi do Ro bert* A Sisson ss; <t» t‘o Henry 4 James 5s and «*; 10 do John* and Lewns’ Is; 3 do Warwick super Is; 7 bxs Steward Ba, Tbe*c Tobacco*, embracing some of the most favor ite brand-, on eoiuignznent, and will be sold low to close, by dect* L S WATERMAN PITEMT soda A<IH» IMPORTKI) DIREiTT FROM THE MANUFACTU SF.RS—'I*he sabwnbers, being the exclusive un porter* r»f_ James Alusprau A Sons’ Soda Ash i'ot this market, are now and will cominne to bo largely sup plied wuh this celebrated brand, which Uwy will sell at the lowest market ptico Tor cosh or approvedbilia They refer to the glass and soap manafactnrera f this city generally respecting the quality. Will MITCHELTREE, nwv > j 150 liberty st IRON FOUNDRY' FOR SALE—A smali Iron Foun dry 91 a flourishing town, urtth Patiarn*, Tool*. . Ac., all ready tor business, will be sold oft accommn? dating terms, ot exchange for Iron or goods. This offen an oxceilcm opportunity to a voting wuh wnnll capital to commence die iron Foundry bu siness. F-nquireof BCAJFE ft ATKINSON l»'nm Wood ttreat Scales, Cooking Stoves, Urates. “ MARSHALL. Wallace A CO, Round Charts Uheriy and Wood street*, manufacture. Slid infer lof *nle Plnuorm, Floor and Counter .he .no., .n.prn.... C00W.., O con. K», -do.™ of ..no«. p. rlo^ ooinn.on ««rnie*, llmluw Ware, Ac. fce. Tw . mroiui.c'oo- -h. K.lelic,. Ran**, wli.el, h», , ve * “ .“"“S J» im, u> iS o, ■“ ‘“r;/ P-' TK -\ r .01. AH lAttjrGGns^uroT.ls™ L “‘ojroi.cm o. Coracl.ua 4 Oo’« eelehrolnd monu .au.urc, and .npcnorio oil oU.hr. in « churcfic.. awclllogi, puSSTLS prnrMte nans, and to *]] other use. arL>i?? lSt ue w f Ind tmiluint ligM l# deutSie Chea P' ■»& AiaOtUiruudbles, iiall Lanterns, Candelabra*,ij'ane. W j;k», Crummes, Crtiia Tnnimer*. Uaa CUandciicra, from one to four li K bta ** Al *°* deefi \V \V A ll vi , * —v.~ . -- - - v V*“ M ’ 1 . .<« lawiei at ttsrdwart~Cli«.s|ier i 4 L ° ■ lmiK,rlcM Wholesale ..... .....a,. or ireML-usrnnii-d\ C U ' '*' ' n C ’ *UU .wtuclTuiejr ire deicrnui»vd iuk >o. r- tK>l ,ji llg | j Merc turns wbohavrii.eM the huun of going East, an pSSi. „ * *,i i W l U *<l J< *o* uroagh o*r stock, a# ocU C “ U> Ul,cve *«7 will save their espeaecs. T uo£lV aiTaiUCKS^ - ArbmliNCEDjiMlgOk, on a trial of and a half nuuionrf, imee 1645, pronouaieo tils. article on*oi> passed for durability m tfm construction cftail kinds of Furnaces. Pnce SSUS cash for JoasUdfJO M, guart anteed uine months use. Order* for»,*eeond Quality Bolivar Bricks wili be excelled alB2ofteritf» if so de* ailed, without guarantee. A stoelrofifctfjfinj is now forsole at the warehouse,‘3losi l ul Bwaby i hiiaW MAClAppjft 1 Kp&tjr yensingtonlrdaWoT^s i PadST w^els,/ SPAJ)£3,~SifO\ _ 'jui.--ovjun spue* Ud g j£l vels: 40«loMmaurtJPorMj^O<ioGj»iaShorel«:fiO do Socket do; A.xe*, M*tt©ck*-*nd Pi &. » , Bellow*, Vice*, Ac-, ior fiue ai maaor»ctarc n prica^ lir mS OEO COCHBAN, at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers