gazetie. published by v/hitß & cciJ ' ■ . PIT T 8 B B HGBI ) ", FRIDAY MORNING, APRiI/ <5,1818/ PHILADKUPIIIA HOKTB ASUIBIOAN. AtivorupcmeiUß and rubscripfion* N'onirAmer- Ua^ c^- SiatcaGaMtie, Philadelphia, received and forwarded from this office. **• n *? l P*i® For Tt deal Mattsrsgee •• LEfitk j Box.—The u Gazstu Letter Star has been removed from its old situation, a window nearer Office. ; The PdsijiH alarmed; for tear'the. Legislature •shall adjourn jtfithaut passing b Wli io repeal the Proviso io the Ten liour Law, "Although ihal law.ia in,full operation here, for good 'or.nvil; as lime willjßhow. the Proviso having been rendered a nullity, for tho present at least, by the power of a Unless and riotous assembly, still the Post iS not satisfied.: Its bitter hatred of the, manufacturers is not sacked- It will leave no chance for salvation, should ilibe found that the cauq’ot go od un' ritforot,-than pork longer than;ten hours—better have uo AVort s\i all, than that Locofoco radicalism should net prosper. | Wo do bot! know what right the Legislature, has toady looaindividual—you jfonll not work longer t linn leu hours, and if you do, you shall not bofable to col!ebt your wages, by process of tow, unless yau.enter.into a written contract to that oiteut— end still less can we see their power to toy to ad individual, you *hwll not,even by written contract, have power to collect wages for more than tea hours’ labor. We look upon it as .invasion Of in dividual rights, of the grossest character, and we axe surprised that our working men do not see it itt that tight, la seeking far protection from, whit they are pleased to consider anmnnecestory dum ber of hour* of labor, they ard: giving their saue tion io a principle which’strikcs dt the root Di lheir individual liberty. They permit the Government to Jay io.them —you shall sell but ten hoars 1 worth of labor in a day. If you do, it in at the optlonof die purchaser topay you or not. Weshoulddikirjosee this wbofo anbjecfcirabmitted totheSdprcme Court; far it involves a principle of immense importance. One Legislature may say, that a. man' shall not Workbat Un hours, and another, with wore,of the spirit of philanthropy or demagogUei*m r jusi’a*tbe readerpleoses, may enact that, nght boors shall be the limit; 'and another, not to bo outdone in the race AfDsr reform, or ephemeral popularity, may .fopOfftwo hours more, and make it xix—and oveo four- or ‘less, might he reached! a*i : accordiogto the doctribes of the GamtnuniSM of the day,, when their terrestrial paradise is ushered in, al| the wants of man are to be supplied with the leant taste in the world of labor. •* ’ , But we merely took up <fur pen to notice the pertinacity with which the Post IjtiiMics g course which ih most certainly and fctirely destroylbg one branch ct business in this city; which wto once expected to become one of-the essential etomeota of our greatness. Colton Factories are springing -up iit many of the tVeslera and-Southern- Stales v faotwfthalandingj the business has been somewhat depressed from competition Wiih the great jjuanu* 'lias Of cheap foreign goods-imported under the Tariff of MO, tho dawning of a beUerday baa en ‘couraged them to persevere, and the remoddling irf tbo Tariff, at the* next session of Congress, will he thfe harbinger of a great increase of totton maa- ah along our western rivers, and wher ever facilities,for motive power and transportation shall render guch enterprises promising. This Will be the caie every where but ia Pennsylvania.— This great commonwealth, possessing unrivalled facilities for the successful prosecution of eoSoo manufacture, has, at the instigation of a seS of pseudo philanthropists,or unprincipled.chtulathns un tho auience of political economy, placed a clog Upon her heels which will radsneflhciuaUyprevent her advancing oao single siepfin a career which vifl taring other communities anil ariord :empldyment to thousands wltp';have nothing bui .-.’iaboMo dispose of.. .. ' " '"Tho Post calls upon its’friend* to i“»«ixri" the • legislator who refuses to obey-ila-beb* stain relation r ’ to' thie .proviso, and to u refuseJ to vote' for them , hereafter." Does the editor >sdppos* thainollody ’’■'has votes but those whom’ ha wobid thin lead to their own destruction. ibintiihere is . .intelligence enough in this cotnmunitYu>_‘sastain < -v-noy man in discharging his ddty houeltly'in sup* ■" portin* the interests of tha <StalCj against tho at ..tacks of a paper and its wboto-vjhole ob ject io this entire controversy; has.liefcn to revive and ibuild up their effete; and at T any expense tpthcindxvidqil intereila of the com I' munily.-'-We feel satisfied tJjepoople of this counj '..ty‘woUld sustain atujegiilatore in ■-•• ten hour law sbehtime as it could - »* be niade goieral in its- adoptidh; when are should .'"'be glatl Joiseeit sustained add we -know it ■«, would be, by the unanimous desire of (lift cotton OWnera themselves, withonf any dcftibtfhl itreteh ot power on the part of the Legislature. ■r. -i a- r -' - - ' C&JsHSL FmassßT WAn£«.*-Thui geptieman, * “ wbo waS:appointed Second Poit Master • Gencr&l.byihe Whig administration, has been the . Yrtarget nt -which the whole Locofoco crew, have leveled their shafts for. some week? bacfc.with no > • ■ .other effect that wo can perceive, than tohring Mr.; .WiiiUEt into general as a devoted Whig -•and hn able There VE,two ieasonA for-this qverjlow of bile; one is, Mr. Waaoxx bu heen an i r active, shrewd and successful vfrhlg politician, and -has flocked the game of the Locos more than once, _ jta the West; and the other is, that he has in hie 'bureau, the appointment of ihd. iboaslmdsr of Post ... Hosiers, which are scattered 'over tho country.— ’Having i fruu3e that office, themselves, . a source of political intrigue and power,.they dread to sea it in the hands'of a gentleman, drjiosi political- shrewd' ness they have already beaijttfaghl to dreqd. The 'Union,'" therefore opened up rU'.baitery, and 'was speedily seconded by the smaller guns >of .ibeiSet- River. gentry, bat it has all been 'labor (oat, except to benefit Mr. Wabxxk, by attracting towards him, public aitr.ntioD, and rallying around him the Whig *press of the country. Theic shafts, directed by pc -1 liticni malice, have fallen handlfess at his feet. - Election offJa&ges. 7b rAr Editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette. ’ The resolution to amend the Constitution, so as to make the Judges wah taken, up this afternoon, in the House, and passed.' it has thus passed tho Senate and House, Enclosed, I send you the vote on the final passage. The Yeas and Nays Werd required by .Constitu. boo, and are os follows, viz ; • Yeas —Ball, Bent, Birdie, pioom, Bole, Bull, Cort- Diehh Elliott, Emery, Evans, ?ao»otd, Fegely, Fuh er, Fuller, Grove, HampsOnl, Honssey, , Herring, Higgins, Hortz, Hower, Laird, Lewis, ibogj Mc- Cartney, McCulloch, H McKee. .McLanghhu, Marx, Myers, Pearce, 1 Pratt?- Robb, ftublcy: Ry umn, Schoonover, SelbcrViifiarp, Snively, oierl, Stubbs, Stiftzmon, Swortzwelder, Tagggft, Gyo T Thom, Nicholas Thorn, Wattles, Welrtck Wilcox, Zerbey, Ricker, Speaker. f'- Nats—Cornyu, Evans, Henry 3 Evans, Fenion, George, Gicctpte, Gordon, Henry, Kirk, Latibacb, McCalmoat, McKee, JdcSherry; Miller, Morrison, Otto, Roberts, Rosebefry, Ruth erford, R R Smith, J Soytfi} '6aouder, 'Walier< l Williams. ‘ Yeas 52 | 25 So the question was determined in the affirma tive. ; •-" •. , Yours Truly, M. SW'ARTZWELDER. Haaaissxmo, April 2,18<9. : PrrrraußOH *m> AuJwtdbfr ,i«riaju*Y.—We are pleased to learn that thJ*'institution which has now been in operation aboutUiree months alibough v small in l|* beginning, ot vigorous t gftokh and eminent utility. -The Luceyriße proper ty fans been ponbused loj'the insiiutiaa, and will noon be prepared lor occupation, where jbe suffer-, log will be most amply and comfortably accomoda ted. The situation is one «1 greal'beauty, and we feel gratified to know iKai the extensive build ings erected by Dr. Lacey purpose* will be so usefully and benevolently occupied congratulate Mr. PjtssaViUrt, that hif Christian labors promise to be so atujlly rewarded- We un derstand tliat from one Cb lour persom are receiv ed into the Weekly? ven in its present infant state. « ' .. • ‘ Anoastf ' announce the appointment of J. B. IsiitfitlS* Esfl** “ AttorneytHsaerdrOf^iheWes}- erfi district pr Pennsylvania.; -Hr. fcwelttejr ia a • " ' yoting^enße lll ® o much, premise, of axdsllent fitie abilities, good- edticaiioo.W con. - ' : legal attainments; honor the of , ' ■ ; . ' * >*/'Hon Ailwor.# ■*■ member ■ 1 of UiiikOMigteo from ifctW* tttoif, b»« » '' «;«d rt« appointment of-MnnSUl ofdw Weatert U.c ! orPann W tvaoi,-:a,,l rt ml..g^pan '- • of hi*hrduuictnr, aoi a»«T *** *A «» ‘ MOM T .. Corterpocdcnce Of the PiUsborghGazcite ■ r Wiatiisqtox, April 2. IS4& : Since Mr. Hampton left for homjEi,lbave U*t sight of that particular clou trf political Intelbgeffce inleresling to the people ofPiUaburgb. It is flailed m tlis newspapers, that a nomination has been made, or rattier an appointment of c|»y post master. If it be true, of course your townsmen will hove been promptly acquainted of the &ct in tbe most autijenlic form, by the gentleman*. hiin>eiC But unless you have that evidence, or some other than a report,! advise you at oue* W set down the report as an invention of a man who is to send news whether it be, good-or bad, true or false. You know that new? is very often like patent razors—made to sell, and to the cant phrase, peoplcjwho take it usually find themselves “sold ” The reeeot telegraphic reports of the Newport Heraid often remind me of the reasoning qfrthe veteran, able, and pleasant correspondent bf the New York Journal of Commerce, upon the morale of Washington correspondence. A bona fide ap. poinlmenf. says bo, is worth $2. because m these dry umnsone can make a letter out of it, which is )rth that, at the lowest. But a contradiction is worth s3—Why? Because readers are just as milch interested io the contradiction as in the affirmation,and a great many more people are gratified with the disappointment than with the appointment of any named person. For not only the incumbent and his friends, but all rival applicants and their friends rejoice to knQtf that the rtimored sQCceta of a candidate is unfounded. )( a good whig shall have been appointed td tnsuage the Post Office ot the Irou City, l shall upon it as a happy omen of a “good time coming,” for though I am the mildest of men, 1 do tdng to see the poisoned chalice of their own bitte p political malignity returned to the lips, and if. need be, turned down the throats of that portion of the democracy which, has been for fattening on the spoils or the vanquished.. Old iHiekory was in many respects, a great mah, but of ail the political’rascalities which originated in j his administration, and have come dowu‘- Ip our own times, this of excluding people ot qpposite political opinions to those of the administration, from office, is the most villainous. Therefore I am disposed to say, that justice and policy boih require , that the great body of incumbents of office on March 4th, 1549, should be sent tracking. Let the state el patroange be for the time tabula rasa, and lei the vacancies be tilled up from all classes of people, from all portie*, and acoording to the only just rule of fitness—capacity, fidelity to the cons slitution. Under this rule, some ol the present officials might be restored, and a few of the nrve Tangled democracy ol ISI4 and ISIS not yet ap pointed. would receive employment; but they would be very tew indeed, not nearly so numerous ha the whigs who would be introduced into the pnblic service. I have suggested a general role. There would be many exceptions to the generality of the sweep which I would recommend. In turning the heSllbftilcurreiil of political reformation through the Aifgean stable ol Polk and Tyler corruption. I would ot course protect from the current, the fow inoumnonts ol a belief and purer day, the old men wtj have grown grey in the pnbl.c service, and who have twcornc incapable j of olbe,-service. I would ever Respect •‘The constant service of the antique world When service swea l for duty not for need u But such fidelity is not “for Uie fashion of these times,'' and locofoco rapacity has few who would eoma under the exception. people of ooutae are anxious for the change ex pected, and the number of those who come here to be prepared for a dive >uto the pool at Jhr first moving of the water*, does not diminish. Pent, sylvaoia, Ma.ssacbu»»sUß. and New \ orb, which furnish 'their full proportion a taxes, and in which by far the largest amouut of the public ruvenue is collected, are fully represented among these ob servers of (lie course of ihiogs. Bui 1 regret to aay.lhal uf specific movements l know nothing Speculation and philosophy are my forte, and m the vaticination uf general and ini|iortßtit result* 1 profess sodvt but I shall haxard my reputa tion by foretelling affairs of minor importance which have not come to pai»s, »i.J might not. though predicted by all the prophets from bamuni j to MaluuLi. It is said that the cabinet have bad under eon i sideration tbs fitting GUt .of the steamer “United | Slates* in New Vork. as a «v frigate for ihe government of the German confederation The rumor is that the Danish charge has called the at tention of the President In it as a violation of our neutrality. How do we kuajir, he suggest*, that the Germans will not use the step jo blow up Copenhagen ax kelson did? The probabtuly is that this is flummery, but according to the ruie of correspondence now alluded to, the correction U worth as much nnd a little more than the origi nal statement- It has been noticed as another alarming diplo matic symptom that the Baron Von Roenae. nmu*- ler from Germany, was not present at a dinner given by Bodueo,io the diplomatic corps at Wash ington, on the birth day of Nicholas, hi* imperial lani and master. Some say that the Baron bad no invitation; others, that he refused one oo ac count of tfeoefative political position of Germany and Russia; wbfie others “likely to be well in formed;’ declare liM iliey know that he staid away “on account of the woolher, - ’ the bad stiue ’of which. had caused a paiafqi oi the corns and huoions with wbicii he ta alHicu*. It is hoped that the Utter statement is correct, and that the incident will be so explained us not to cause an interruption of the peace of the ‘world. I probably neglected to neiice, that »!*>»» the lime that the German Baron did not go to the din ner, the proprietor of the well known and popular National Hotel, cvaoed to provide dinners for any body, and suspended specie payment*. The stoppage ia the culinary and cashier’s departments produced a great sensation, as tin numerous honorable guests were turned unceremoauvsiy into the fctreet. and the creditors claimed that $lOO,OOO due to them from the concern, appeared to be utterly unprovided for. The consequence ta, that all the furniture cf the inimeiite establish ment Will be sild at auction next Monday. It u a great pity—but such are the world's changes. Hotels spring Up and ao down; great -talesmen and warriors pass od the stage of life; empires themselves, with all their mighty memento*, tali . and lade utterly away, and yet the earth describe* its orbit with no other variation than is indicated by the precesaibn of the ecliptic, or as the vulgar have it, the world wags oa just the same. .frail:*. The Waslungton correspondent of the PiulsJrt plmi North American writes-*- Within the past month the imuct and transfer* ot' U. S. Stock*, for investment abroad, have been limited uad have not reached half a million of dol lor* in the aggregate. Coupon stock to a consid erable amoQnt hna been iraued in the mune of ilie original shbscrlbers to the la»t Ibau: the large prt portion of which, it is understood, will seel and tind a foreign market, as the form of actual irans* fer is not necelsary on the books of the Treasury. Between the 2Gih and 31st Murch inclusive, the following issues were made Loan of 1&12 '• IMG “ 1b47 “ 1646 I attach a lilt of the appointment! of Postmasters with salaries uot exceeding .$lOOO per annum, made by the Postmaster General, for the Slate oi Pennsylvania, since the 26tb March By Postmaster General »* Pennsylvania, on 2GM of Marth. Emanuel Swope. Leacock, Lancaster l». Elizabeth Will. McSberrytowo, Adams ( o i. J. BedVrick, Butler, Butler. Co. IT! L Lewis, Zclinople, Butler Co. John lrvine, Bbaveri Creek, Hontingdon Co. E. Lewis, Coopersville, Lancaster Co. f». W. McConnel, Powl’s Valley, Danpbio Co , (new office./ H. I). Heagy, Fairfield, Adams Co. J. Scott, Kittanning, Armstrong Co. A Breneman, Elizabethtown, Lancaster Co S S. Nogfe* Marietta, Lancaster Co. F. Humphreys, Orwell, Bradford Co. J. D. Warfey, York Sulphur Springs, Adams Co. Wtn. Butler, Lewiatowu, Mitflin Co. D. G. Rogers, Beallyille, Washington Co. D. R~ Stevenson, Caanousburg. 3. XL Griffith, Hickory. Pxunuro Stoss Prott Teres.—U bos been but a few years since the cultivators offeuit have been in the habit of pruning peach trees at the extremi ties oflhe branches, Instead of cutung off limbs at the trunk. This system ofshortening-io, as it is called, is gaining ground, and it is a great improve ment The reasons far this mode of pruning are evident on examination. Most kinds of stone fruit grow;rapidly, and bear the greater part oftheir frail on new wood, which is, of course, near the ends of the limbs. In this way a tree spreads over much land, and his naked branches near the trunk; and pnraingottbo'trunk causes tb? gum tot ooce out, which sometimes endangers the healthoflifepfthe tree.' Oa-the contrary, by pruning at the ends of the branches, the tree ia confined to a small space, the wounds have bo unfavorable effect, or oily xßest this twigs, and notthe trunk, and much new wood is produced far the production of fruit Atu&totie from California* .From ihc aoewna.ii G«xeu«. The NalionaJ Inteffigencer publisher a ton;, and THE TAKING OF AOULOHO. interesting letter from Captain Fouoat, of the Quar ter Master General 1 * Department, in California, to Major General Jessup. The letter w dated, “San Francisco, California, Jan. 23, lSi9,” which is the latest authentic intelligence which has been re» ceived. Capt. Folsom state*, that during the winter, mnch has been said and done in regard to organizing a provisional Government. Several villages have appointed their delegates to a Convention, which was to meet, March 4tb,at Pueblo de San Jose, about sixty miles from San Francisco. He thinks nothing will be done, however, at that lime, nor until it is known what Congress has done for them. The want of a stable Govern ment is greatly felt. He says that a general feel ing of insecurity depresses the whole population, and operates most injuriously upon all classes of society. Crowds of men are ducking from all quarters of the country, and among them are many persons of bad character and desperate fortunes; and every thing about them affords a reasonable assurance that every kihd of villany may be prac ticed with impunity throughout the territory, ‘bit rages are occurring ia all quarters of tho country, and the public astonishment has seweely subsided after one murder has transpired l*efore another is committed more horrible than the first. House breaking, thefts, tyid robberies are of almost hourly occurence. This stale of things must continue until we have ibe firm and steady rein of govern ment extended over the territory by Congress. In regard to a provisional .Government, Capt. Folsom remark.--: “I have no expectation that a provisional gov ernment (should it go into operation, and this, cannot be the case in less than a year from this Ume) would be found adequate to the public wants. The materials for organizing a stable government do not exist in the country at this time, and of such ,j there are tho best cannot be commanded lor the business. The most respectable men. who are en gaged in lucrative enterprises m the country quite foreign to politics, wit! not desert their own inter ests to take public stations which promise to yield little but vexnlion and annoyance, and. should the local organization go into operation, 1 very much doubt if it will produce any relief lor the ills which now afflict the country. It will be tempo rary ia its nature, and, having no permanent hold upon the community, it will be only a little better than no government at nil " The following extracts contain all the news in teresting in this quarter. “Within the lost five or six weeks we have hail weather of extraordinary severity. It in said to be the coldest season experidncegOiere since that of 1523-'24. In the gold has been four feet deep, and at Sutter’s Fort ice has formed three inches in thickness. Within two weeks the .•greets of this village have been rqieaiedly whi tened with show and had; nod the hills within I sight, on the opposite side ol the bay—-twelve miles distant—have been capped with snow for the last fifteen days. Very heavy and protracted fall* of nun have now swept ofl MU »nuw frofti u'l the hiils within sight, but high in the mountain*, among the mine*, it is thought that they liner had nothing but snow. If so, it must have tallen to a very unusu al depth. We now have cool winds and occasion al rains, but the se\enty of the latter, tl is bebev ed, is now jiaat During ifie )a*l winter we had no snow here, and only on one occa.«u;n, for two days, was there nny in sight, and the tails ol rain were much less hcavv than those we have recent* h experienced. A* a general thing, the operations among the mmea were suspended uu the approach ol winter; but large numbers of persona have log bouses m (bo mountain*, and. hiving laid in a winter’s stock of continued among the mines tor ihe prosecution of their business. It i* now under stood that the extraordinary severity ot tbu weath er ha* prevented them from effecting much, and there can be no doubt that much suffering will be the result A great.stagnation in busities ha* occured since winter set in and price* <>f «oud* have fallen m conseqnenor Vessel* arriving at this time find an inconsiderable market, aud it will continue bad no til there it a leudepce Inward* the mines, in March, when new eupplie* iny*t go in that dueoliou. Wrh in the last ten oavs, MX or eigid ven*e»* hnve ari.iv ed from Mexico and the we-l eoarff ot Nmllr Amen ca, and we hear of mire than forty winch are likely to loiluw them from Ctuli and Peru with about 'l.OOO emigrates livery vessel which leaves lake* away a rich Ireigh: of gold, and there i<re still v« ry Inrge amount* ut Uin the country i am jiluftcd thav more than SJ.IKJO.OOu worth of gold has l-rru lakeu froni the mine* up to tin* time, and that S’d.OOU.OOO nave been taken away Inun the country, mostly to foreign couuines lor a market. I have no doubt that $i oOO.OOl) worth will have been sluppeil irom (his port alone. We hear officially from Chili that a very large »• mount ol sparse us coin is ab*ml to be shipi»ed from Peru and U- pi»l ml on on itu* coast 10 exchange (or gold, end through me .’-.tom I house*. By g.viug wim» may appear ’«■!*• * h • price tar gold dust, it would not be » range i.i bnJ ; the community defrauded out "t their pn*i*eriy. A< prevent roi-i du*t it *elUug f<r .iU>ul 51.i.'-0 ounce trov; Out a V.'ould n-*l surprising *l. mid the holders of spurious -on. force i* into circuiaiion by giving a nominal ConsidenUtou ol 51 '• per cum e for gold. There is cu proper outhuruy here i" «x pose a fraud of this kiDd ia us inception, or to m&tP »u assay of (he rOtn *»p|>ow*d to be ha.*c The ii'itwjj -I 'he cou.itry i» rapnllv morea-mc. ID .-ousequeuce of tbt» and the ureal influx of poputdtion. For sev«ral montiis r ntl li.r aver age amooni of duties iidieetcd at tin* j>orl exi-lu rive ol the expense* cfthecu* li ha- iceii rwuig uOO, and U is thougel mat it er.-»ed $60,000 the present month U uni! or sale i tti.iik. to put the revenue of California, ti.r me cu*renl year, at 51 .OOfl.&W, and four fifths of this will be collected at this port Tfte amount paid is becotn ; ng a subject of comment, and the tact that a pop ulation paying such a tax has no government and no representation!* exciting very general dissatis faction. Hhottld Congress again adjourn wilhont any heiiopiji reinuon to tht* territory, it will create suit more violeut'coratpenf, and msy 'cH to some measure* on the part of t bp peopW ■/ th* country which would bring lasting disgrace upon onr flag. All the trade of the ooast is fast concentrating n this bay. Nearly all the good* consumed in the lower parts of this territory are sent from this port, as soon as coaster* can be got ler the busi -1 dcm. foreign vessels will not vi*it those ports at all. The introjucuon of steamers on the const will ! give additional nujiortaiice to this bsrtwr, .md it is most likely that much of (he business «l '.rv.-on will he done here alio. W« are now expecting the first steamer lic fe ,n •aioiit a month, and nil look forward to their rvif*J' ior trips ji tew -ra in the history of inn <v>ai*t Tliere are many h erc who will avail mein l selves ot their rapid trips to icmi, gold dost to the States; and h certain, regular and expeditious rr.&d communication with the States will give great as sistance to the mercantile community. It is gene roily believed that the business of the line will ju» ti/y »u<«h an augmentation of bouts as to tdiow of semi-mostly trips I'Hbre the end of the present year; for it is presumed th*.t oclive emigration will lake place truni the eastern and middia Slides vm Panama. I write in {treat haste, and !*eg that you will take the discordant mailer I send you lor what it is worth. ! am. dear s»r. your-' tntiy. ! L. mUS,>N Majorficn. Jestuji. I' S. Army. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATUItK' liaH);ihKi'it'>il Man-ii !IJ Mr Crabb. Iruio the rtimriiiilee on Banka, to whom the bill, n» n mended by l!;e lb>U)-e. I «j extend the charter uf the LWik ol ('heater couaty. was re (erred, reported it buck w«th uiurudmniU. TIM» amendment'. a.-) amended w ore ironrurn- J The amendment* ioaJe by the H"uv t-> tb* t» l; to extend the charter id the Knot of Montgomery 1 were concurred ia, a* were also the • ■tiemlmeuts ! of the House in the further supplement t«> the act j to establish the HenHi Office ol Philadelphia, as i amended t>y the Senate coinmiilee, who introdu : ced an amendment prohibiting u bog market with ! in the district of .Spring Garden. ■ Mr Richards, from ibe Select Coivuoiltee to j whom was referred the bill relative to the District 1 of Peon*and authorixuig a survey of the borough [ of Wept phildelphm, reported it with utneiul- 1 menti> I SI.HOO • 8.000 43,360 61,060 The bill lo incoporaie the Kensington Siwamboat and Navigation Company wim taken up, and Hl'ier j beihg amended so as to contiue the operation oflbe I comity to any port or ports on the coast* ot Vu grnift sail North Caroliuu, it was lingUy pass- • ed | The bill U> extend lh< i-hnrter ul the Comlumbia Bank ami Bridge Company wa< . alird up by Mr Fisher, and after l ing untended until it u»umed the -liupe ot the Montgomery Bank Biii passed se cond aod third readings. The vole on its final passage stood 50 to 21. Mr Cornya called up the bill re establishing the judicial districts oflhe Oommouwsalth, and it was dißi'ussed at great length, and finally passed seroud reading. A motion to suspend the rules and re*»J the bill a third time, was negatived. The amenenietils made in the Beuale to the bill to fe-cbarier the Bunk ot Chester t«oumv, were taken up, considered, and concurred m Amendments sl-o made by .Senate to •.averal other bills, were considered and concurred m. Ad journed. TBRASr-RT -VOTE* OUTSTAWDISt;, APR! L 1, IM'J. Treasury LiEi-AsrueNr. Register s Ollb'e, A pnl '2, 1 *•!'.< Amount outstanding oflhe several i*- sues prior to ihe-2Vnd July%lS4G, as per recordsof thisolflce Sl'<l.'-/39 H Amount outstanding of the issue of 22d Inlv JSIG.ns per records of this of ice...... W* oo 00 Amount outstanding of the issue oi the 25th January, 1M 7, as per records 0/ . tbte office... , 6 -™> 9QO 00 » : ; ' 3l; Deduct cancelled notes in the bonds of : the accounting officers, of which ; S10.1&0 is under ibo act of tad July, under other acts 10,&00 00 ( ' *? 97,022,839 31 It NOURSE, ActingßegWJer. a tale of the oahcasus* BT JAXKS M. nSKUO. Almost every packet which, by the aid af sail ot steam, has crossed the Atlantic for the last twenty years, has brought ns acme moor nfcou» teats and defeats in (he depths of the greet Caucas ian range. Turkey, by the Treaty of Admnople in 1829, ceded to Russia her claims over the preci pices, the defiling streams, the rock-bmlt villages, the green homesteads nestling among the snow clad hills, the porphyry pinnacles, the tlowery-strewn forest— among which dwell the Ctrcasians, and Georgians, as we smoothly call them, the Tcher» kesses aud Tschetsbena, os they roughly name themselves. Turkey's claims over this mighty mountain land were something like those of the Iroquois over the great valley of the Ohio, which England purchased in l~'is at the treaty of Fort SlflDwig : soinew hat like those which any men has npon his'neighbor's farm, which at times he visits as a friend, and trom which at times be steals ap* pies and eggs. England, or her offspring and rsp resentaiuv, •*ti»e t'lale*," enforced her claim suc cessfully, hut Russia lias had —not a Kentucky, an Ohio, an Indiania to overrun; but a country bristling with peaks, some higher than Mount Blanc; cat and hacked into fragments by narrow, deep, rock sided valleys; and swarming with a population as courageous, as agile, as quick thoughted, as full of bole lor tfie toe, as Ponuac or Tecumth»\ Nor were the Caucasians wanting in heroes, natural leaders Philip*., Abd-el-Kadirr. The hero of our day, and the man who, with the great African war rior ol our day, represents the age of rhivairy, is Chamyl, a native of the steppes of Perok. His youth was the common youth of a Tshelseo warrior- His, tluui-a of Caucosaian sabre, bis horse, his Koran, (for they are all Moslem ) and now and Then the flashing eyes of some maid of the mountains, were the only things be thought of At length the story crept among the hills that the sons and daughters of the snow, as the mountaineers are called by the shepherds of the plains, had been sold to the Muscovite. Ere long these faint tales swelled into certainty, and the children of those who had fought the wool clad men of Ibt- north under Sheik Mansour in HOd, now found those same eorsacks advancing to take possession of their vales. Then rose Chasi-Mollah. and called his country HOUSEJoK ati'ESEWTATJVES. AiTERMOOS SESSION. OFFICIAL.. rneu lo arm*. it was 1101 in the name of liberty, however, or constitutional rights, but in the name ot' Allah and and his PropheL Thousands (locked to his standard. Enthusiasm soon became fanalt cistn. Out ot his thousands, be chose, like Crom well, his hundreds, bis ironsides ; men part-pnest,, but wholly devoted to him and the cause ofthe Caucasus, the cause of God. Of tins band wns'Chamyl. At length Chasi Mollah fell at the hard fought tight of Himne in 1533 or 1534. To the Russians the war seemed at an end; the soul of the i!!-disci* [dined army was defeated; Cromwell whs dead Not so. As alter Wallace arose Bruce, so Chamyl soon place ofhi* fanatical predecessor. He was a wiser man and better warrior . the Crom well of the Caucasus was indeed first issuing into ac lion. He never rested, never Ured. Witbanannyof eight thousand men. when fullest, he foiled year alter yrsr, the oighty thonsmid soldters of Russia. But the immense resources of the Czar at last threatened to be 100 much I >r those of the impov erish deieoders oi the* hill* Chamyl felt that ail depended upon his securing such an umounl of nmmuinti-'ii uud food as would euable btm to make some .‘bovn spot secure against all the forces that Russia .it the world could bnng against him. — The m mntniu ;>eaks of porphyry and sandstone nlieretl miuiy such, the warrior selected the hill of Arulch ’ Bene.lh (low* the river Koisu. surrouiuliug three iciinhs r>t the ba«e of the rock; and irora n the ibud-l'Mi,- ci.ffs rise clean mid »traight a* the walls or a N.ifiimn .mntle Here any there, ;jr upjlhe rain and the wind, working through oentunes. have worn caverns into the face of the precipice but it would seem that only the birds of the air could visit them. <>n the fourth side a narrow neck of ruck, rising trora the lower land by three terraces forms the only possible access lo this Gib culler, itns Kittnl head, ot the Caucasus To take pone-non of this natural strong hold, lt> ««t one portion oi lus men lo budding rude hut* of stone a second 10 excavate boles in the soft rock, itsell, which might serve to secure their powder and pro. fision* aoJ a third, to con-lniet detracts at the several trrrnresby which hi* position must be ap i proaohej,—uli this was easily done.—P.ut to secure the powder and provisions or the mosey to buy ihem. —there iav the problem fh.imyi knew wed that the great export of his native fond in such troubled times consisted of the i daughter- ofthe lower classes, who went not uo* 1 t'v*f the harem* uflhctr fellow moslems, the Turks. He knew that his hojw of a military ! chest is,ii-i depenJ upon h « procuring. I»y pursua ' Mon ..r force a Isrge share of the proceeds of the year s export. Krou valley to valley lie pas*ed through ilt«* summer ot I S3S and the winter of Mis tioquruce. his beauty, Ins courage, hi* perseverance overcame ad obstacles, aud early m Uie spr ng of tlic year last named, he sUrted tor the «ea c.ia?t with a band ot the choicest maiden* ot Georgia *elfrdev.>trd lot the cause oflheu country, i The little which nitric front Turkey for slaves m order to ovoid the Russian row boat*, have m run on shore, and covered with bruucheaj ot tree- or concealed m sr>me manner— and when j .oadr-,) 1.0 (, ura every Mil ».ul uiaags the hon* ion ta a cause ot diead Tbr gwl- Tthe Caucasus have l-een br-t.wn r.ilher t.i d---wk :h«!m*efre>, titan | lo l*e taken by, sod married to. the square sbonh i defej. v.rvin worsli'ppmg Kussuo- It was with i iir oi mo-1 i-vrror therefore. that the last! under, Ch*nu g " iUiinee ncard. one night after the sales j hmi be« n ctv#cd and price pa»d to the hero of the hi;.- .1 «-rv of • Ihr Muscovite* 1 the Mu*covit**r’— Litis imgtened sheep they gathered around their, protector, from whose charge the Turk ooul-J cot lakr them until hi* vessels were afloat. Chamyl n—urrd them all won d be well, and with his ten mountaineers ir.l oo foie Turks lo battle. The Rus sians. -.jM-d t.i meet oto‘, nud common *isv»- J.-aler- m in.-ii i..cV>t sk>mo*iirs.*pruiik aghast ai the le.-nh.e ishrc w for ••liampion He paused fora m.uncut to rest, n,r:mnj to -urvey the field, he saw a lemale Ilguru dose behind him—' Why are you here 1 " said be—“here iu tho midst of depth ,, ’ ••If you die, l would die"' wu» the answer. Chamyl recognised the voice. It was that of the daughter of a chief, who. against the wishes of lather and mother, had yielded lo his repreaonla ; uon ofthe duty which every wotnou. as well as ' every man, owed to the land ol their birth, the 1 Pronhet of their God. It needed no more words k, mage u«e aero und trslnnd "’by she bnd yielded, i -Go beck,* said hfe ahajl not die, and | you shall never leave me.* 1 Silently she retraced the path of blood, and now the little slave ships are afioai. the trembling gtrb embarked: the sail* are spread, the morning finds upon the beach only Chamyl, Mtrxuna, .whose price he bad repaid the Turk and bis little band of mountain warrior*.— Anxiously they walckeil the saiis of the vessels that J on; V -;r countrywomen away grow leas and less, but ..o|Ru**ian t«o«upUis- M ed ( nv frigate .ifled in I the diMatioe. By noou tueTsbetaheo band was on •t wa • t Uus white poak of mount Kaaboc. W.thin n fortnight it had entered Acu.cuO. And .t was time, for the Russian general* at Till,* nad hoard that the arch-rebel was fortifying anu , a castle among the hills, nnd orders had already gone fortn to gather troop* and c-nn.<o lor ti* reduction. By great exertions Chamyl, by June of ls:i9 coropieted his preparations. and wtien ' *en Grnbbe, who came lo dutch him on his cvne, sat down before it with his mortars, his congreve rockets, and heavy hattenng cannou. the Eagle of thr Cuucasus laughed him to scorn. The great object ot the Russian* was to kit! or secure the Tshetshen leader, the soul of revolt —and they I hoped by destroying tho defences and the huts on I the bill, to lead to a surrender. Bombs- and bails 1 soon effected their object; the stone hula, the rock* I bubt parapets were blown away, or l>eateo into their original sand. But the garrison, hidden in the CtoVii.c*. which had been made lor the powder and food, remained untouched, nor would it hqve been known that a man wa* oo Aculcho. but lor (he ha:; wtrdi, issuing thence, struck down every : Russian who ventured within range of the mask j etn ofthe mountaineer*. The Munrouitea were at ; 1 i,.,« —the occasional rush of a solitary fanatic from the rock into the ramp ofthe besieger*,among ’ v n "it will) pistol, sabre and poinard he made com punitive havoc ere Ou-y could slay him.—proved - h..w Hopeless it was lo intimidate tho holder* of Acul. h-'. f'nnoon could do no morr. A mine seemed useless. The Rock warfprovisioned for : many month*. I'nwiUingfy the commander ot the : i European* determined upon aq nm-ulr. A eol j timn « f tiiteen hundred men. the Weadie»t heaviest j infantry m lite wertd, movtul towanl the narrow ! C au new ay Chamyl, having seen his i ming wife ! id n pjsce of safety, prepared hi* men to receive i the attack He arranged them so n* lo insure a ' continuous lire upon the Russian column as it en -1 irred upon the narrowest point of the pn*«, where not more thau tour could move abreast That point no Kus*ian pawed—an unoeoait g storm oi bullet* ; swept every soldier, euery file from the -p ; ,t inslani- I ly. certainly. Rank after rank came up. tottered, and plunged from the prectpu*, the wounded drag g;flg down their comrade* with the dutch of death, tjt tho ijft-'en hundred who went out Hint morning ' to the assault, only one hundred and fifty returned j to the camp at evenlDg ! The Russians, however, did not deapmr.the gar -1 risen had suffered sevcrly ulso. A second assault : wa* inn e. and llie’lowor terrace hlier great slaugh ter wa-curried and secured. A third effort put the besiegers iu possession of that m the u.tddß - nnd no effort seemed likely to carry the (artier the Tshei'cns could now dciend themseive- when balls nnd shells could not reach them. The plan nf n mine was considered again, and at b ugth un- JerUkeu. Meunwhile Chauiyl drew his loilua rrs, men and women, together, that they 'might i.msult, as to the wiMJMt course to be pursued in rs«e the Russians sliould enter their last drfenurs. It was known that caverns existed on the mdriof the wall toward the river, and somd of the older I'ouncillors proposeil that the great chief who-u life wna so es sential to the cause of Ins country should, with bn wife and a few followers take refuge m them until some chance of escape might occur. Unwih hngly Chauiyl consented; and ropeg were |>repared by which to lowet the selected few,‘in case of need, to their strange hiding boles. In anticipation . ut' such need, provisions and arms were «eot down by uight. and every preparation made that could be thought of. The day of need came sooner than was looked for Borne of the curions and foolish of the gar rison ventured from tbeir defences to inspect (he !tu*Mau miners who were at work below. Thoy were attacked; surprised, they tied; the Russians, burning with revenge, followed close behind them, and tbe pursuers and pursued entered the strong bold together. Tbo garrison, taken wholly una ware, was thrown into confusion, tho Russians swarraod upon tbe undefended pathway; the Cau casians, men and women, fought like those that have no fear of'death; bat their haired was cqaaL led by that oflhe troops they had slain by thousands, and in an hour not a liviug Georgian breathed on tbe surface of the rook of Aculcho. Thai <**rq« the examination of the dead. There were thowaißong the Russians wiw knew Chamyi; ' ooc, fftiesefter-irotn-hislriutd. Every corpse wax looked st in topes it was that of the renowned lea der, every canty on the-surface was searched; but pryed into;—bat Chamyl was not there; Minima, his young wills, was not there; many of his most renowned followers were not there. It was plain to the Russian commandant that bis three thousand men had fallen in vain, that the Eagle had escaped him Bat how* where 1 The rock was girdled by the battalions of the Czar; the river book opposite was lined with them; it seemed that, like an eagle, indeed, he most have mode the air his pathway. While themortilied <?enera! still mo-ed, a shoot arose from beyond the river: the dwellers in the raves bad been seen, and «onjibe news pass* ed from rank to rank that Chamyl wouid yet he taken. But bow* One way alone offered itself— men mutt be lowered from the cliff above, and this hanging in the air, attack the fugitives; who, as the Russians supposed, must be without ammunition, and probably without arms. The ropes were soon procured, the attackers selected; and the army stood hr. athlejs as they swung slowly downward, holding Uieir gunsready Jo discharge. Chamyl smiled as be saw them, and looked at the keg of powder by his side. The Russians came to the level ot the caverns, and cooly aiming into the balfdarkness discharged each his piece. Some moans told that the discharge bad not failed. But why does no return fire cause the bold assailant* to die as they swing there* Alas! ihe uuhappy fugitives have found that their powder is all spoiled by the damp* newofthe rock on which it hah rested. Not a mus ket wouid doits duty —-defence is hopeless: Cbamyl at last must die. At that moment, when the boldest heart failed and the wisest minds were at a loss, Mirzima, who has been so ready to die with him she loved, step, ped forward. ‘'Chamyl muff be saved,” she said, “we will die”—“Bat how save him*” ‘“Defend this cave with your sabres till these planks which were lowered hither tor my bed and screen can be lashed into a rail. When ihe Russi- ans for a time, at Dight, erase their utlacks lower the raft into the river —at night let us all, but my lord, place ourselves thereon. My dress is known to the enemy; if I am seen in your midst, they will be sure Chamyl is there. Thev will follow us; they will cease to watch here. Weihall die, mv lord will live.” * . “For a long time the hero refused in listen ti> the proposal of his young wife, whose noble nature had won all of his young heart that hnd not been given to his country and bis religion. But she could oot be saved even by his death; and the faith of Islam was to l»e saved only by bis life. He consented to the sacrifice. For lour hours the lilile band of warriors had defended them*elves against thicr mid-air assail ants. The canlest ceased with ntghl; but sentinels were stationed along the river to watch every mo uoo. It was bright moonlight. The raft was seen to descend; then figure ofter figure. The Russians remained silent until the frail vessel swung off with iis devoted Then rose the cry of the Comack* ns they spurred to the nver side; the drums of the infantry pealed from the shores; and horse and loot pressed along the bank to secure the chief of the rebel*. The head dress of bis wile was already recognised and every heart beat high. Mirzima stood with her eyes fixed upon the cav ern they had left. And now those ou the raft ore summoned they refuse. A second sum mons, a second refusal. The word to fire is given, and as the slight lashing yield to the cutting balls, and warriors fail arouod her, she sees dimly a form glide from that cavern in Acutcho to the river. A niomeut more und the lead sinks, into her breast; but she smiles in deals, for Cbamyl has escaped and Aculcho ha* fallen tn vain. •This hardly deserves lo be called a isle as it is luUe more than a naked statement of (acts.— I'hamyle v slid living.—See Blackwood lor Frl ruary, 1 "49 PROM I»1\V YORK, i . r-kfioiiJrnce ol the PiIUJ-urgb Gazelle New Yoaa, March 31.1949 Day has broke upon the financial affairs of Walt street, and borrowers of money are a little more encouraged So hard a day has Dot Iteen known in leu years, t« yesterday, and the balances were not only closely drawn between the banks, but the short loans throughout the street were called m by the banks, down to those secured on stock selling at forty-five per cent, premium. Treasury Notes receded to 106) cash, but close 10-oight at 109, and firm. Fancies are also higher, and alter another week of convalescence, a nse may be looked for. Vice President Fillmore has been in the city for some days, and announces that Gen. Taylor ha* accepted an mvihiuon from Governor Fish lo ut lend the Imr ol the New York hilale Agricultural Society, to be held at Syracuse in September.— New \ork i* always magnificent in its reception of strangers, and the old hero will be paraded to hts he«rt's « olite.m, and see a specimen of ihe un terrified Democracy, ns well s* the hard banded ; Whigs, who gave him the vote of ihr city. The trade sale oi books and stationery n* bow in full operation, and hps attached »u unusually good attendance from all pirtvaftb* country, and whaiis better, full price* are obtained, und large bflU mode, la tpite of the pressure for money, the 1 general appearance of all department* of trade wus never better, Dry goods are unproved in prices from February, and some desirable stylet are out of even the jobber’s hi nds The commencement of the weekly liuc of steamers to Liverpool will enable assortments lo be replenished with ease. Another rush of California emigrants has been made from the interior, aad we daily have parades of adventurers, dressed in uniform like so many soldiers uod nil officered complete. Letters trom on board the California make it probable that s military government will soon be in operation up od the "placers. 1 ' Gen. Smith has given the most positive assurance that he will enforce his procla mation, issued at Panama, and asserts that none but American citizens shall reap the fruits of the Mexican war. The sluggish blood of Ihe Spanish race bos been roused by the stones of the wealth of the country they abandoned, and seem inclined 1 to test on the shores of ihe Pacific, the powers of [ fhe ]ieople of Anglo American origin probably with i as little success as on the plums of Mexico. ' Y» e »ro fo bqrp the Charter elec uoo a now Charter lor the city, which U Is thought will give mare energy to the administration of af fair*, and at the same Ume cost the same. Under the new regime, the various committees »*f * IDO Common Council are to be j,y depart ments, the same a* those of the general govern ment The Common Council to be a legislative . body, and to meet once in four months, and sit coaliniiallv until business U fiouhed. Whether the people of the cfly will interest themssives enuugh to oppose a law so desirable, remains to be seen. The prospect is that the vote will be small lrresponsimeand vicious voters will no doubt out number all others, and keep live city a* badly man aged as at present. On 'Change there ou beet; considerable activi* \ty Ashes are scarce, aodpols sell at 6i, and in demand. Cotton is rather weaker, and holders seem inclined to realize. The sales of three daye ore 20,000 bales, all for export, giving a good deal ol exchange, which is dull at 106) for first class, good soiling os low as 1041. Flour i* down again, * nnd {mod Geneses sells at $5 ISj'Jrgfi “jA; Com mon $5. and Pennsylvania round hoop $4 974, — Rye Flour S-'i If)(Ks3 67). Cormneol $2 50£ff2.- 56. Wheat is not held firmly, and good Genetwc could be had at 122 c. 2000 bu White Pennsylva nia at 112{. Rye 5W359c. Oats dull. Corn 53c for Mixed; 56c for Y'eilow. 3000 lbs Beeswax 2067*22. Pork hn< fallen,aDd SlO bOtfilU 624 now the price of Mrs*. Lard i.* firmer, 2QO bblj 0 (foyt part soft, fiO.OQQ tbs Beef Hams at 7c; 120 bbl* Dry Salted ShuulduY* for export at 4 )6r4 |c. Whiskey dull al 21 ; for Ohio, and 22 for drudge, rash. Fvr the PiUtburgh (iaerttt. Proscription at Wuhlnglon. Mr- Editor—l was struck the other tiny with lli'- lorce of mi editorial, io which was exhibited the utter laUeness of the cry < I proscription i-y (hr Post, m re jlcreiue to ihe office of (Quarter Master in Pittsburgh. Foded at home, that pa|>er attacked the churac* ter ofthe Hon. L\ li. Penrone, because he was lately appointed io nu honorable position at Waahtnglon. Does not the Post know, that the stale battle cry ofi k Bribery and Bank bought” cau uo longer raise lhe spirit of'‘the Democracy." •'Even the whole of Oregon or none" —and “‘54 10," are no more heard of—although once so dear to *‘the Democracy."— Tho author thereof— having just retired to the shades of private life—softly to real his head upon Itis Pillow, and 7VuMully sing the “sword of Gid eon and the Lord.” But to my object—l have personally known Mr. Penrose fur fifteen or twenty years. His private pharactor Los ever been gbove suspicion. Uts* talents, as an able lawyer and statesman 'are ad mitted by even his enemies. His iiidutiry and ip- I Uaiiou have raised him from being a poor boy, to his present enviable position. The only ucousa* lion ever brought against him was the ooe alluded to by the Post. 1 happened to be present at the trial of the editor who drat made the charge, upon an indictment preferred by Mr. Penrose, lie was convicted, although ably defended by a distinguish ed lawyer —John M Head, Esq., Philadelphia.— The editor, in open court, acknowledged the injus tice of the eburge, which for ever put an end to it. Thus much l Celt was due from me to Mr. Peorore, and l may add—the present position was unsoli cited by Mr. Penrose. His acquaintance with the dutios of the office, aod his industry and talents, having pointed him out to the Secretary of the Treasury as a lit person to dll the j«ost, with beue fit to the country. truth. JOB PIUISTIMQ. ' bill heads, cardk, circulars. Manifests, BiiU Lading,CContract,t t, Law BlanU, uajid aiJXJ, UAtuoa, cimrtcxr*!, cbeou, ruuan, Ac. Ac.. Printed at the shortest notice, at tow prices, at the de& Gaxbtts Ossies, Third strut. IK BifKOttATtsMt' B A. FoJmeMock i Co'i Kub*ta eient bao breii of ureal »ervlce. From Uie timemeul of Mr, Uotlrubamer Uie reader can draw hU own in fereutea. I' o ® l * conclusive and cannot be gain •aycd: Prutitt, Tenu., April Ulb, 1*44. HJettr*. 0- A. Fahnestock A Co.: Gentlemen—l was very much atfliried with Rheumatism last tnamer, and beins advised by Mr. Shepard, l used your Rube facient two days; it *#ve me euiire relief, and l have not been troubled with ueincc. June \V. Boi>KSßiMa«. Freanred and told by __ P B A FAHNESTOCK A to. coniff lit and Wood; also, comer flib and Wood iu. api Bogts , fl i ßyp«rJoA ET.nid> la the best article for (he hair in nse. “The followingspiak* fofitretL— A letter from the Bcv. Mr. Chapman, Saodw{eb,Slll*- laie of the “Olive Branch." naSTOK. April 6th, 1846. Ma. Bools—Si r—l consoler It a duly 1 owp yon as well as to those who may i>e iranbled with their head and hair os I have hern, lo acknowledge the efficacy of your Hyper .on Fluid, i>y the use of which! have de rived *o much benefit. For twelve years I was trou bled with a disease of the head, the akin of which was covered with a thick cost of scaly humor, (os dandruff in in worst form.) which entirely covered the pores of the skin, canted severe headache, and entirely unfit ted roe for study, my hair also grew dry and dead, and at last beean io tarn hold and grey; lo cure which I tried ojl the advertised articles of the day, land their name is legion) without deriving any benefit, i heard of yoar Hyperion Fmid. and sliboagh it was highly praised by those who had used it, yet I was afraid it wan but another humbug of the day, but was induced by you lo give it a Inal upon ihe system of no care no buy, and lam glad to say it Ins entirely succeeded. The skin of my head i« m>w dear from ha nor or dan drud. my hair i» daily growing thicker, and ia In a fine healthy stale It is therefor* with the almost confi dence J recommend your Hyperian Fluid to be all you rrjire“<-nt n. 1 aui. >our» truly, SAMUEL CHAPMAN. For sale by I, WII.COX. Jr. comer Diamond, am) corner of Founn and £iaiihhel<i sis. aps:dfil Improvements In DsaUatry. DR. G. O. J-TKAKNB, iateof Boston, is prepared to manufacture und set 15loc k Tscm in whole and part* of sets, upon Auction or Aunospbene Suction Plate*.— Toothacotccckq is five MisuTzs. where the nerve is exposed. Office and residence next door to the May or’* office. Fourth street. IMuburch. Rj.rnu io—J. JJ. M’Faddcn, F H. Eaton. jal9 W. M. Wright, 111. D.,Dentist, Omcs and residence on Fourth »L, opposite the Pittsburgh Hunt;. Office UfTWyfli hours from 9 o’clock to 12 A M.. and ‘ ‘-T r jrgnj o'clock to 6P. M. tepU-ly WM. A* WARD, Dentiit, J-5--diSS>S)> Penn street, 3 doors above Hand si. Office hours from 9 till 5. Pbimivm I.kuov Sousa.—Prepared by J. W. Kelly, William street, N Y., and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. 70 Fourth street. Tlu* will be found a delightful arti cle of beverue* hi families, and particularly tor sick rooms. Baize's Bboux —An improved Chocolate prepara tion, being a ccmbmaiioM of Cocoa nut; innocent, in vigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic ularly for invalids. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorchea ter, Mass., and fur sale by A. JAYNES, at (he Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth *t mehl4 PaoTHOKorsiY —'The Whigs of Allegheny' county will urge thr cluinif of W.M. J MARKS, for a nomina tion to this office at the ruining County Convention. Mr. M. is a good Wbicr. and i« every way competent lo discharge ihe duue- of ihe office, uud deserving a nomination by the puny. alleoukst Count. mch“JUdJlAw|t*T SiiKßiFFs ITT.—CoI DUFF, of Ohio township, will be supportrd for m* office of Snertff. subject tome iiomm*uni> of ihe Whig and Anlimasonk- Convention. mchttl'wiiiT ► Ohio. Strung ali v —I7T a candidate for the office of Sheriff of county, subject lo the decision of ihe upproacluug \\ big and Auliiu-xxonic Convention for nominating county ticket CARTER CURTIS. Sixth Ward, Pauburgn, April 2, lh4li—dAwT Siiekiftaltv —Capt. W A. CUAELtoN will be sup ported lur Utr office of Sheriff, subject to ihr notßiiia- Uon ol the Aniimasouic and Whig County Convention. Ehiktu Ward, PiTTsartoii. Mr. Editor:—You will pieu«e stale that l will be a candidate lor nomination lor die office of Proihosota ry, before our next Whig and Antinuuonic County Convention Your*. Jte . SAM’I, FAHNESTOCK. Elizabeth tnwn«hip, March. 'Fi, 1P49. FRESH ARRIVAL OF HEW GOODS, At P. DelaiDy’R, mo. 49 Libert/ street, PirrsBURUH. Jl ST received, an cifbn«ive and general anorlincni of French. English, lleigian and American CI.UTHS. i aSSIMKRKS and YESTINCIS, Uf ihe lavcti and mr>«t desirable patiems. Aiuungsl them will be round a variety n( entirely new stylo fan* cv CsMiinrres and Vesting* ef the LATKiiT IMPORTATIONS, Ail • which will b« ropde lo order in the most fashion able fliminer, al ibort i.nurr und rnnsouable price* A >srge und general assortment ot READY MADE.t'I.OTHINt,. Un timid, mmle tn the,rut spring sty le, comprising oert description ot FROCK AND DHKSJt i'OaTM. M sdc oi Franch tEnglish. American and Belgian Cloths uf ibe mo«t lushiunuble cpterv New style bu*mcs* e<>al*, plain black aad fancy co lored Casfiuiiceu, Tweed and Summer Clolh Back Coats and Panlalooiu of superior single and doable cubed uuiaiero, luronicr cloths, and every other de scription of goods siuuhl* for BPKINtt AND BUMMER WEAR Also, s cho.ce aiuorUneiil o( NKW STYLE VF^TS, Rich Milk*. Casbrucres, plain aad fancy colors, plain black HaUn, of superior quality, with a great vuncty <>f .übstantlsi and well made V CLOTHING, A hog .-ther cmnpriaiug one of the largest and handsom est assortments of RFADYM \HK t'LOTHINti That ran be ioqiiJ m the city . wtufh will be sold low N B Tn Ts.tjr* Watt'* (irsduating Bboulder Measure Sysreni lur sal" at P DELANY”!4, »p 6 WlmS 49 Liberty M SKWICKLEI ACADEMY; A (.'lexical mu! i uir.mcrctnl School (ot Boy i, on b>e Beuvcr Ruud, fourteeu mile* from Pittsburgh. Rey- JoAspb S.TravsUi, A. M. Principal. 'I'HE.hLMMKK BESBIU.N wiU commence on lues- J. Jay. Slay l. lel9 Tkr»k—Boardtog, Tuilioa, M'aaiung, Fuel, Lights, Ac . per session of live months, S?S—one hiylf payable ip advance; the balance al the cfoss of the seuiau. Those takutg I-geucfi Ituoas will be charged 6lu per seasloii eiiru. Books and Stallone y fnniuiied. when requested, at the expense or the pupil ALL CLOTHING TO BE DISTINCTLY MARKED. Fnpd* turrusb their own towels It is v«rv desirable that ail b^,present on the Crsi day of the sessioit. For further particular., cuquirc of the Principal, at the Aeademy. os of Alcssrs. Jehu Irwin A Son, No. II Water street, Pittsburgh. apffidilw Lola In Binalngbam tor SMf* THE subscribar otfer< for sale four wairaWe building Lots, situate mi Canon sfteci. between Craig and M'Kee sirer**, i.j the ffp tough of Himing ham. These lot* a;;‘J4 feei lu lYool. and ItiO feet deep to s zvu'cet alley. Title indisputable, and a portion only of the purchase money required at time of sale. Fur timber particular*, apply lo . WM BAJCnWKLI., Attorney ai Law, apd.d'Jw Bakcrvell's Duildings. Grent it QPHIVi |U*NNEr RIBBONS, Ac .W K Murphy O ha* uo-k oprn a supply of spring Bonnet Ribbons, ol new and handsome stylei. Al*o. n«w Fiyir fig'd Nett*; Lisle Lnce? uud Rdg *»K«i Lieen Edgings; Wtnns <L, pla3 MuVAils and J ucuiu-i*. etnhrrnlf r:d Mtesii&s, Ac.,‘beside* a .Mo.iiUPrtl df Sprlhg'GocAi jerieraMy, a\ north ri«. conxr flh and Market streets. \V>iolf;alc Rooms up naira. ’ FARM WASTFT, A SMALL IMPROVED acre* fo- ‘ ARM » of « to6o B at Uu» ~ m> —in cash will bo paid, Addrtss 8. ce, describing land with improvement*, ano where situated. Alto, Uio lonrcn price, apduttl* SOAP. kU \ BOXES NO! ROSIN SUAI\ for aale at '" 1 HOPE CpTTON FACTORY WAREHOUSE, np6:dlw corner Market and Water its LOA f SIHJA hbU Loaf Sanr, in atom and lor •ale by apd HARDY, JONES * Cto WOOD A HUGHES will call for 14 !»I>U Ale and 3 empty barrel*, within 30 days, or the tame wil! be *o!d to pay freight and charges. *pA _GEtMt MILTKNBKKGKR, 3? From it POTATOES —Aid'neks Nethanncck Potatoes, just rec’d per steamer Peru nitd for tala by ARMSTRONG &CROZER BEANS— 4 obit imall white Result, for sale L»y npo ARMSTRONG A CROZKK LOST or taken train the SII Pilot Nn‘J—| bblsfLtn and Jbbls Wheat, marked I), liclongtne to aps J s 11JLWOHTH A Co, f 7 woo.l si DRY APPLET—tOoO bush prime, lor sulo by »[** ‘ i S DILWOHTU ACo —li*i bis 1 lb. s’«. 111'*. 16’s, )qu lauding 1 and for su ; c by apS J S DLL WORTH ACo CtOFFKK— 3o l*a»* Coffee, )n*t landing; 3CQ do do,*lo ) arrive. a&S J S DILWORTH k Co I)EPI‘KR AND ALSPICE —123 bags Pepper; 16 do Alspige, jus! lauding. »p 5 J S DILWORTH ACo T ’BAS —toil hulf ehe«t* Y H.IIT and Imperial Tens, 1 m arrive ap4 j S DILWORTOACo l • TWIST TOBACCO—i<i keg- G twin Tobacco, lan- U ding from »nnr .Monongahclu and Cor aale by JAMES DAI.ZIXU staler si HONEY I)FW SYRL'P— * Mil* Hone? Pew Syrup, in store and for «(»Jc Ipw l.f u|id JAMES 1)A LZF.LL HULK PORK-SOW ib« Hull Fork, in tiorr and for • iln t.y >1.6 JAMES LtAJ*ZKLL LA KD OI! > U M»lt I.urd Oil, ill store and for sale low 10 i'lo«-, by B p£ James dalrkll I'ANNKRS' OH.- 26 bbls Tanners’Oil, receiving troin Philadelphia, by nj>s JAMES DALZKLL Window glass-soo i>x» ajiti; iso do toiiu, so do 10x14: ;u«i rre’d ami for aalo by aj>4 S F VON RONNHGRST A Co TAKATHhRS —23D lb* prime, juat rec’d aiul for salo X 1 t.y apt S FVON BONNHORSTACo POTATOES —SUM) »k* ree d and for salt* by apt TASSKY AB£ST_ DRIED ua bbla on band and for aftle by apt TAS9EY A BEST_ Roll BUTTER-la UI.U rec’d and foi* tale by _ap< TA99EY A BEST LARD —2S keg* on band and for »ale by apt TA99KYABEST LA RD OIL—I 6 libit ,Nj t Lurd Oil, for rale by ap4 PASSEY * BEST. CIHEESK —tfl bit cream Cbcrus ju*t ree’d and for j tale by aj.4 11 a IIDY, JONES A Co tIHKESK-IUJ bt> landing and for aale by / iip-I ROBi DAI.ZKLI* Ijberty at PEARL ASH bid* butai tsoru.toamve; for aale by np4 ISAIAH DICKKY k. Co, Frqnt if APPLES- W ui ■' m *t"re; for sale l>y tt|s-| ISAIAH DICKKY k_Co_ BUTTER- H» just ice d and for tuftTb'y * ujcj ARMSTRONG k CROZER ( 1 RKF.N APFLES —J bbi* iua| recM and for aale by VT apl AK.MSTRONOACROZER LARD- ttt.bU Lard, do. just rte'd and for rule by apj AHMSTRO.NO A CROZER RYE FLOUR- 10 Rye Flour, for aale Uv ap* ARM^rRONOtoaf^ER I) BACHES AND A PPLEB—IOO tka dried Peaches; an do do Applet, received slid for sale by mvl ARMSTRONG t CROZER ROLL M'ITER—I bbl just reoM and fdr sale by ap3 ARMSTRONG k CROZER CIORN -AO both shelled Coni, juslree’d by J apd ARMSTRONG A CROZER ■\nNEUAK~JO bbla for sole by V »p 3 ARMSTRONG A CR< CIDER— 150 bbls ree'd and for tale by *£! ARMSTRONG A CROZER /"tHEESE—2IAI liii W S Cheese, to arrive; for sale by JU CAN HELD, Wsier st, »pd between BimthOeld and Wood NO. SUGAR— IOO bhdi‘prime N 0 Sugar. Jo*; • lanuiog' fronyutbamtrKfibtFultQn.aadifor sole WAM MITCHELTREK, .IflQ Liberty at ( tOTTON— bale! Cotton, to arrive and toiiale by Kj ap3 tSAIAU DICKETCtto, Ftaaiat KOLL BUTTER—IO bbla in store arul for pale by mcU4 SOBT DaLZELL * Co -AUCTION SALRRr . John D. Dsvts, Aueti(nieer« airra/efc. Jl* rsy a , u ct Auctz&L,. a.-»i ' hTnt »l B v:,«k th* Commercial rale. Room, comer of Wood a..!d*Fifth Streeu, win be sold without rc-.-rvc, luri-.,.], rurren- One square body Barouche, -unable (or «,.,e 3 . horse*, with hames*. in good mder and u>i; (unshed. One superior Bugjy. nen-v -,ew. with .ran *ile*. felling top and scats for children One new rabstaai-al iwo hotse Wagon. JOHN D iJAViS, Auct The subscriber Ikk* Icav.- to announce to the buyer* of books of Pittsbtirgn and vicinity, that be Is now re ceiving a large and very valuable collection of cboire and spleodid English Uoukv embracing many of the best aod most dc*irnble production* of the Briimlt Press, inctnding works on Architecture, Heraldry, Theology, Histoir, Antiquities, Poeirr.ibe Drama and other branches of Uteraiu re Also, a number of beau tiful PoeUcal works, highly mihcUished with line line and mezzotint engr vine*. plain and colored—ihe whole forming the most ;md aiiracilve colter lion* ever offered tn this riiy. Tnoy will be sold on Thursday. Friday and Batnr day evening*, Itffh. 13th and >4tb iW at the Commercial Rale* Room*, comer of Wood and Fifth streets. Catalogues can be obtained on application, (post paid) prior u> the sale. \ ; apO JOHN D DAVIS, Auctioneer Administrator's Sals of Stocks. On Thursday morning, April I2th, at 10 o’clock, at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood ana, Fifth street*, will bo sold without reserve, by order of Thomas Davidson and Joseph Petjnock, Administra tors of the estate ol A. Horbacb, deceased— -6 shares Pittsburgh and Gtccnsburgh Turnpike Co 1331 do Conemaugh Bridge Company. mch27 JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Blatrsviile Recorder copy and send bill to Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE. C. 9. PORTER Benefit and last appearance of the distinguished Tra gedian, MR. J. B. BOOTH. ' Fodst, April 6—To commence with Shakspear’s celebrated Play of , KING LEAR. King -Mr. J. B. Booth. Edgar Mr. Oxley. | Edmund Mr. Roys. Corde’ia- • Miss Porter. (lonenl Mrs. Madison. | Regan- --Mrs. Prior. Dance—by-••• Master Wood. To conclude witn the laughable Farce of DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND. Charlotte, with a song Miss Cruise. Saturday evening, a variety of entertainments. GREAT NATIONAL PAINTING. Panorama off tike Battles la 2laxl«o* Most gorgeous painting in the coun try—Views of the eities of Mexico and Vera Cruz!—This great Painting which has been universal ly admired by the thousands who saw it in the East ern cities, as the richest and mast splendid ut the coun try. will be exhibited al the ATiJF.NiEUM, for a few night* only, commencing on Thursdaycveaiag, April slh—for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans of sol dier* who fell in Mexico, and our disabled volunteers. Tickets of admission, tfi cents; children accompani ed by their parents, free. Balcony exclusively for co lored people. Doors open al 7 o’clock precisely. , An excellent band of music will perform during the exhibition. aps SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS tor 1849. ■ MONONGAHELA ROUTE. Only 79 Miles Staffing. Via Brownavtile and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. TtflF. splendid and last running U S Mall steamers ATLANTIC, Capl J Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt A Jacob*; LOUIB M’LANE, CapiE Bennett; are now making doable dtily trips between PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE The morning boat will leave the Monongahela Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at B o’eloek precisely. Passengers will take SUPERB COACHES at Brownt vdle, at 3 o’clock, P. M., and the splendid can of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at 6 o'clock, A. and arrive in Balumore the same even ing, in time for the evening line lo Philadelphia and Washington city From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 33 ho’urs. Fare 810,00 From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 hours. Pare -812,00 The evening boat will leave at 8 o’clock, except Sun day evening* Passengers by this boat will lodge on board in comfortable Sta'C Rooms the firm night, na*i over the mountain* the following day in Eastern built Coaches, and lodge the teeond night in Cumberland. Passenger* have choice of either Steambhal or Rail Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, uud resuming their seats at pleasure. Coaches char tered to parties to travel as they please. We make up the loads and way bills for the Coach es in the Pitisbsrgb offices, (in order to save time on arriving at Brownsville,) it is therefore important for passengers to get their tickets before going nn board of tb* boat, ai onr office, Monongahela House, Wafer street, or St Ctfailei Hotel, Wood u. Piitaborgn. aps:dom _ J. MF3KIMEN, Agety_ To the Honotabie, tin Judges of tks Ciitrt of Gone* ral Quarter Sessions of tht Feats, tn and fa* fa County of ABechfiny. npHK p?Huaj bP\V. M’MASTER* of the town -1 ship of Pine, in the county aforesaid, hnmbly • heweth. lhai yout petitioner hath proviaed him self wuh materials tor the accommodation of tra velers and others, at his dwelling house, in the township aforesaid, and prara that yout honors will be pleased to grsuu hqa a treense to keep a Public House of Ajid your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. We, the subscribers, citizens of the township of Shaler, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for boqestj aad temperance, aad is well provided with house room o£d convenfeucea for the accommodation aud lodging of strangers und travel ers, and that said tavern is oeeessare Jehu Shaffer, G W Ram soy, Sami Emmett, DM Da vis, P Motser, Jss Arhuckle, A Shaffer, H Good, G Neeley, a G nTCawly, ;<?«A Grubbs, J M’Ktnley, W A Lcgan. ap&dS* TIIEWKBTERH INSURANCE COMPA f NY OF PITTSDURRH. IN conformity with the “Act Incorporating the Wes tern Insurance Company of the Cii7 of Fituburgb, in the County of Allegheny,” approve*! the tflhh day of March, A. D. lsib—Books will ho opened for iho sub scription of the Capital Stock of said Company, a( the Monongahela House, in the city of Pittsburgh, oti MONDAY, the Sffih day of APBIL, le4£l, between tite hours of tea and three o'clock; and continued al, the same place, and during the hours, isaSk day tn day, ustii at least twen’y-five hundred. Shares Mall have been subscribed. Fivp DoUhtawtU be reaMxv' to be paid on each share, dl fee time of Eabseii>^ n . * • By order of the Couiaisiuoner*. JAMES, gt'j T„„. ..WICKI.KV. HE Session of this Insutution will ccm p‘.eace on Tuxsdat, the Ist of May. Tbu-For Boarding and Tuition, in any or all the English branches, jfer session of five months. For further particulars, see circulars at Messrs. John Irwifl A s Bons, corner of Front and Ferry streets, or T. H.'Neviiv A Co., (28 Liberty street apffdlw 4rAUBiakaTaXASK&. PALMER, HAN 5 A A CO., {Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Co.) T> ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers D in Foreign and'Domestic Exchange, Certificates ofDeeo«ite, Bank Rotes, nnd Specie— Fourth street, noariy opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. I'arrcut mo ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for sole, aad collection* made on nearly all the principal points in the United States. . The highest premium paid fur Foreign and American Gold. Advanocs made on consignments of Produce, ship ped East, on liberal term*. ap2 CLOTH STORE, ROBINSON is opening the largest importation direct of CLOTHS, CABSIMEKES, VESTINGS and TRIMMINGS, expressly for this market, which for richness and finish excel any. Post Buildings, corher Filth and Wood streets, spider »>. CHILLED BOLLS. IMIK sabscriberi having purchased tho exclusive . right of Harley’s patent Gaiety renewedj for the manutaclure of CHILLED BOLLS, Ac., nrc prepared to supply all orders at short notice. All persons are forbid Infringing on said Patent. ap3:dlntAwBroT BOLLMaNS A GARRISON. Boarding Wanted, IN s private family, for a Gentleman and his Lady, who will furnish nia room if required. -Location m First or Second Ward of this city. Address J. B, Box 61, Post office, nnd give name anil location, which will be attended to. ap4 FOR SALS, A FARM tiinate on Charuer's Creek, m Robwaou towtuhip, eboat five raile> (ram Piuaburgh, con taining 280 acre*, wuh the allowance. I%aqture of W. CPU. ROBINSON, Attorney uU*. Exchange Building*. St Clair it JB. CANFIELD, (laic of Warren, Ohio.) Commit • »ion and FonmnJiflff Merchant, and wholesale dealer in Wentern Reserve Cheese, Bauer, Pei and Pearl A»b, and Western Prodoce generally, Water street, between Smithfisld mad Wood, Pittsburgh ap3 St’NDtUES— 3W) bM« NO Molasses; ~ 15,000 Bacon, hog emmS; 40 bbls large Mackerel; 13 “ “ ° t do 10 “ i Salmon; di “ pare Flaxseed Oil; 150 dozen new Corn'Broom»i~in »iorr nod for «ale by meh3l JOHN WATT. Utterly at removal; — • SMITH A JOHNSON have removed to C 9 Market •irtet, between Fourth itreet and the Diamond, whe ro they are now opening their Spring Good*, com prising a treat varietr'of veaiocablo Dresa Goods, Ulovcs, Hojlei,, UeiiGood., Kinbroidanc, &niw BonncU, Ribbonty&c. np3-d3t ~ ~ * WM M. HEfiSH MBLni street, two has anew stock of qMßpht* nored 10 No. 40 Market /bis old stand, where he bis line. tpfrdlw BICKLBBI OTGKI»22SW ONE THOUSAND DOZEN SICKLES, of inponor quality, for *ale. . ... np&dW 4 _ SPANG A CO. RE. SELLERS, Drucgiit, No 57 Wood Hreer, • Solo Agent for the uile of Dr Townaend 1 * Geik> tune ftarcapanua, haa just received 800 dozen of this Great Spring and SornEer Medieme. fttronaaera should cqcollcf t that R E Seller* u sole agent for Ptiuborjfe, ud DM Curry for Allegheny -aps /iILiFOUMA BLANKETS—3 rase* grey rmxed, VJ to noire abctilSd April, construed from the man* nfacton and for »al o \rf H I.EK. ach3l 'Ohio sih Liberty «i, oppoi BECTJFIKD WHISKEY—«o bbU Rectified Wbi«- key, for «*lc by WK3TON BOWEN, me tuH vo from *i_ CSaLABRIA LIQUORICE—I 7B lb»ju»i ree dand for > tale by apk R K KKIXKB3 FEATHER*-* iks Fbather*. 10 unvarndfor tale _by apd ISAIAH megm *Lo SUNDRIES— 1 c»k Beerwai; l bbl‘lot 3 *k» Ota ten*: 13 do Has Seed, lo anlre »>’<* for •»!« b y ap3 ISAIAH DJCKF.) Castor oil-iu bid* nvi cmw "i'lJ?/*. " eM and for *tUe by «!>a J KID . _ . P'RECIP. CARS- ‘iRON-M «» J?£jL“i tor jiaio by ap3 _ PLASTERS— Waiters, a *upa no, .mol., « •»" “{ S' KIDD t JODINE-7H I—"- ."1 to, ** l ; jgpp fc XODIDK POTASSIUM—73 o* jast rac’d and for tale Sy »p 3 3 KIDD A. Oo RKP PRECIPITATE—Ib* just rac’d end for tale by *pa TENNESSEE sacks Tennes see Ground Nats, a prime article, Just rec tired on consignment and for sale low by' ' i GEQ B MItTENUBEGEB, . CT From st_ LA!U>~*3& bbU No 1 L»id; tt do No 9 do, to trim «od for »*U t>|.' ap3 I?AlAli DICKEY &Co STEAM BOATS. r OUtCtBBATI * PITTiBCHQU jsl js, DAILV PACKET LINE, IMII3 well known line of splendid passenger Steam v ere is cow composed of the larjw'j swiftest bea uittthcd and furnished, and most powerful ooOU on the water* of the Wen, Every accommodation and ce» (on that raouey can procure, has been provided far pas seQgers. Thr. Line ha* been in operation for five years —has earned a million of people without the feast isja ry to their person*. The boats at Ihd foot ol Wood .street the day previous to starting, for dw reeep* < non ot Height and fee entry of passengers on the tena- Icr in all ra*c* the passage mosey mast be paid Ui advance , MONDAY PACKET. , The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain HemshlU, Will •®* ve ;‘‘“i-’btugh every morning at 10 ofetaek) >4 Heeling cny j»u.(d«y evening at 10 1> H. .May SB, »s*47. 8 . Monday packet. The MoN(»NOAIiKLA,Cttpt. Sross, willfeaV* PRt»- burgh ever) Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Whßß&Bfe every Monday evening «i io r. u. TUESDAY PACKET. The niBEHNIA No. Capt. J. guwmTt* leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday mfnting at 10 o'clock' Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. ff. 1 WEDNESDAY PACfftty, The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, CapLß. Dua wtil leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morsiax at It o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at Mas. THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Giacg. vtill leave Pitts burgh every Thursday meaning at 10 o’eloek; WtoaUaa every Thursday evening at 10 r. K. * _ FRIDAY PACKET. i. CUPPER No. 2, Capt Pan Dnvsx, will tan* I itubnrgh every Friday morning at lOo’eloel; Wha*> Ung every Friday evening at 10?! m. M SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER No 9, Capt WoomraJtD, will leav* Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at 10 ofelodki Whcclut every Saturday l evenlagiuiO 9. M. J&t ia4S - ' (na olxsbowJ Leave* Pittsburgh daily, at 8 o’eloek, A. M., and as rives otGlasgow, (mouth of the Sandy aad BeiTe Q». noi>) at 3 o’clock, and New Lisbon at U, tame et«vt Leaves New Lisbon at 6o’clock, P. (maJtiturth* trip canal to the river during the night,) 9 ur miff at 9 o’clock, a. AL, and arrives at Pittsburgh at 3 p,. AL—thus making a continuous line for carrying pas* sengere and freight between New Lisbon andYum burgh, In shorter tune and at less rates than by any other route. * 'The proprietors of this f have the pfeacam of 4n»-- forming the public that they have fitted up two first Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passengers o 4 freight, to run In connection with' Ibe weir known steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, connect ing, ut Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and nau and other daily lines of steamers down the fw»i» and Mississippi rivers. The proprietors pledge theta selves, to spare no expense or trouble to insure coo fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public a thfix#. of feetr patronage. N AUTHORIZED AGENTS. R AL IIARTCN. *1 S. AW. HARD AUG H, . R. HANNA, A Co. ) . myU-.lf J. IIAKBAUGU A Co. \ Lisboa NO TJ,S E - Tll * BE *TO*, c. E. ClMte. «u» !er, wUI lev. «ftcr lhi« Min, SiWdlirilto mt, ally, at 8 o’clock in the mo^uag. Pittsburgh A~toaßvui t pjfla~clsy' FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. dZZJt ® *as day, ai 10 o’eloek a. m. For freight or posaago applv on board, ot to BuRBRIDGE, WILSON ACo \ *ps GEO B MILTCNBgwngP * PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINE k The new and splendid fesl paresn lggS&3a* tilleghaph No. t, master, will lemve for Ciacia naa and Louisville on Thureday, the sth Insu at %'a o’clock, A. M. GEO 8 ADLTENHRHfIgR * s . fcottUrme and St. Loula Puk >rt 18 "‘ 1H«. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET VOB gT. LOU» .«2s '“**”** ■■■BBBMfcr tha %boT« and Intensediato pop* ewrTDMdoy.uWtfcJock . “"""T For freight <M JAitage-apply on board, ov l» E. c! KING, No. 143 C0m. Bow. ~ Loaisrxlio; R£t*ULAJ> SATURDAY PACKET FOR BT.LOUB «a >‘-rrr~ k Tha fln« tut ratrnia* nuaaanr iwamor OEN. LANE, . A. MoPkeraon. muter, will leaf® (or ■BErrPH JBfHijp above and uxteßsediatß Duti<n sy Satsrday, at 10 o’clock, r. iL For freight or pacsan apply on board, or to E. C. KINO, No 153 Cota. Row, Loaurflto 1 FOR NASHVILLE. “““ JffijWySHSf Wilkins, master, will leave for the above and intermediate ports on Tut day, the lOih insl. at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to apfi JW BUTLER foRRO- AgfßU* FOR ST LOUIS, a The fine steamer WYOMING. day, 6th Inst, at 10 o-'cloek, am. ' * F ort * °®«T*- For ftdgkl o, P“TO WEft tMrt w - -5P 5 ObQ B M VLTpjßgpntrp, roii Louisville. l ®e packet . master, will leave as. above *>*, ?6faeaKw’> o>,*ro FOR ST. LOUIS. Jtriabo*- tv splendid passenger packet lifwW? . ~ CAMBRIA, Ludlow, mastar, wil) leave for thw “T 11 “• ■ i, "*bnva and Intermediate poriaoo fiat* or day, 7th inst, at 10 o’clock, ix For freight o> passags apply onboard, or io __3L® PETTIGREW &C P»Am FOR MEUPtIIS. »fPj*TJj> ■ n “ ,P E.°w?sfpPMNg jB|||W ii fflff» Fo " 1 i »*»for, willE. w for 1 ■ and intermediate ports oa. Friday at 10 o'clock, i. s. " For freight or passage apply on boani, ar to apl J NEWTOW JONKS. kn for sT.Lbnar - =ls 7- IC£A " e %'S^M>T r - Collier, master, will leave iacabera* lnU»ra»tti»f pOfU «M» dsyjmh. For freight or passage apply on board. OMO w »P< PETTIGEBW 1 ft Co. Agts. REGULAR ZANESVILLE PXCSKT. j h. The fine steamer * M • rej -..■.. ’WBrlu werklj ptck-4 tn>t> HnS borgh and Zanesvtile—leiTts Pittsburgh «rert Tiirs day. For freight apply to . • Jr« rod srt Louis ASD'Bcginum b.v^j — tv £ e fpfotulid gtKMXatx ° nul »t for >Sarw For freight or pamsage apply oa board, or so PETTIGREW ft CWArts * Iriryeairatm »» The Pisdem is going dii llegmar~Sarartav Urcmat FOR CINXCCSATt. 7i,ts 'Bns£x%an *&»»€&%& Kogna.master, tad tarday evening, 3ltt intt, at 7 o'clock, F or freight or punn, apply on boards*^* ■P a OEOB MILTKSBESGRa. An TORTSfr.' E6XH3Z g£ ?f f ijcssi J^t^tsssssr IggjgSSlteTiiiay, matter, will iaaVVfor tea BMHHESBBBiatnre and all intermediate porta on. Wednesday, at 4 o’Jflpek, f. *. F 0 «*• For freight or ptfta applron bean*, or t* J NEWTON rViMgW-.a,T KURST. LOUIS. k Tbo splendid steamer JaiaMw mmj R SSPrZ2; dr fbore fmenaedtetooa T*etjlay,at 10 For freight or passage apply on board, or to fPl __ . J NEWTON JONES, Aft RKOt'tAß* IK 'nu fine steamer li¥-Uuf aT . ZACH4RY TAYLOR, Lacas. manor, vill hereafter iqb aj a ■MBHantereatilar packet from to Wncc ha Pitubnrgh every Monday, Wednse . or freight °r panage apply on board. . ia£4 .roOLmeKv^FASiESHSDSot And Hockugport, and intermediate landing*. .r iTin~ l_ The fine steamer f FTfhi? WELLS YILLE, . _ aarSCwtHttl Foe, matter, will leave fat Arabova llliiaillriHßi[x)ru every Tuesday, at 1» ©.’clock, a, m. For freight or passage apply on board. dockMw FOR NASHVILLE > K Tbo splendid. steamer i fTyTLia EUPHRATES, Calhoun, matter, will leave foe abora BBBaS&aßßfauMl inteonediate ports on teia dav the Aim iutt. at 10 e’docM a. m. . For freight or passage apply on beard, u a <pia PETTiegEW^fecTA^ aui;iu«, oi the lete 6m wlil be .euW by J. araTwigfe* butriwO to eee lt>e d«m of the feu lotto of the baiineaa. j bpp. *ememeat Ibiuberfb, April 8, ISO. J.' tLnfOKKX. o. ItoVriS^ I?UEA Wh-*', > the p.iton^eof nt, frfeoi^™" 14 “* epiaa J. M. PENNOCIC. T‘£„ fi ™ Co. UritUb,, (k .t 01 ”. ) h r f a .SWIia **!«« J. G. BUSSEY. JOSHUA HANNA. mi. JL HART.' COPARTNERSHIP. - Waterman Palmer cr»:;r.:iaA£« „ JOSHUA YiAPEftIfAN W «-K.HA XTSr\ AT from the manufacturers ' phia and Baltimnre,a largo and well mem of all the (aim amlmottla ti n, glazed and common PA PER H AN/mSn* ****' •auungef— • “ nAW *WuB, con ofSo*e havine homes to paper, to ailhe Paper \\ arebooM ti w • v «9«i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers