v- h -MBDICAT/. ■ db-SWaynets EQJISOBifPiftJBIIP CDBEEI. ■ r .*d«I**T»**SDTFO» ii,-, ■,." itoaitffcflßCßia, CJrmzp, Broken pwi ftitnfion, Sore Throat* Nervooa Dpbtli •••' lyiand aHDidduetof the Throat,. •■, •' prewtandlnmy*} titetmmef* •■'-:> * ' ' feefnal and cp«By care : • ever known fpr any of - ,;■• the above -diseoa. - .< ‘i ■• c*. l£ ’ } • <• ■>’ *■•- ■ ' t2>%* BiWA-irN£*B’s-,:! '(jintipm ll BynxpoT WUil Chnryt rrTs£#diCaieioe*ij So longer among thojerifdcnibllii] i BtUte.* it bnpeueU away from. th«- thonitftda daily T«tmehe<iapto.ihe tide of erpcrimeat, and nhw tlaxuli Uiteeu roflctafraii and i* bieomlnd Ijrtttedthut'auy mieKpreparation ef medicine ever, nredneedfofthoreliefaffnfleriagman. . Billhead been mtioducpd very generally frijpugh the • United State* oml Knrope, am litre arc Jewtovnui u{ Importance out what contain some renuUkahla evi dence-of iurgood effect*.- Fotproofofihe'foxegelijj statement*, dna of ths-valoe and eSmacy ; .of medi cine,-thepraJnteioT will insert a fewof the taker thoa nattncetunoaials which have been preach WAtouim by men of the first respectability—men Wbohate higher view* bf moral responaibility aitd to c tlfyito iaciai' bccanae. it will. do another -ailavor, ami Ihctaaelve* .to injustice. Such teatimoity prove* co.<- cltaiTely,th*iits aarprximgcicclleaec **’ c/itablisliwl Eltliatrinue merit*, and the uaqaeationable authou* ot publit opinion. ThoinsttnttneoiMjrjlief it n da,and tjw toothing influence dlffiud* titpMfth ri> Whole- iu cue, render* it a remedy for the afflicted* . ' | ,1. ■•■ When men, a«ing-from ToHinLiuily bear uatimany 10the truth tj<Xipu»s. or paranoia* fiMt snob teatimouy, being eoiOTCfy >9 “*«*' worldly int&resu ond purpose#, coerce* fcgltyicuen «n its truth, msd eommena* itself in * fpeduUMiinanef in universal efedcnsp.’’—O’Hogan’sMoral Supme. READ THE HOMEOEBimOKn*. fHm/'Aj&TIiM Cm o* Ptruio.VA*T - rancdy ih»> »* been to mccm»|ui in deiperate cows ol' ConnampOon,. » erf&Uns nSV einl rkb litooenioteer lij othermedifcloe. r , _ _ . -.,, L . x CHE»rta Co-April sisth, 19W. Dr Swk«6—Peer Sin I terily believe yourCoi.i pobnd Sytiib-of 'Vtld Cherry Hm beentMrioean# ~f Uvinrttr'fijk I caught a revere cold, which rtiul" ifUT«tw we* f «»»* ie,ld< ’ d * * evef< ,fl " reused hH ft* remediei which i hud redoarie u>. su I herewW itttil tay e ase exhibited all the ftWpptotn* o'. Pdteoanw Cdnctaption.' hVery tiling 11 Mi oeeut-. to I lvtluU'irieat)i a# well m rayielf, gnyr analHiow* ... nt feebVciVi this Ante I wau recommended to c •/ yoeyiavaltaibta medicines 1 did to with itbe most lsv bvrtkolU- ' ; had the effect ur-looßcrt tin- C«hgh.:eadftßg ntetnerpecWima freely) end byrtUe. Onto f hod Mcdalx bottles,! was entirely welt, end am. note an beartya taaivvslcerev wu io,ay .Ufa, m,u wthtid be hippy to give any information t*Jpeotmg.Biy cdhe.' that otno r Huteicra may derive theiiwmSl lot which 1 ami co gnlefiiL For the «uth;o£ia« akov* foitesiem,-Irefer job to Pfter Huh, iiroder, >V<?.. f!tie»tor. UHL of whom l purchased the medicine. fidrjßWnliyTrottn, > Jaygta-ÜbKaan. . Won&tfnl C-ttss q/aJ&iWtrf Mtmxtr. Dr*Sw»/ne—Dear SinT./rel a <3e"bt ofgrttitaJa due totaottw-andi* daty u» lUssßUeted genu tally, to offer ray humbloiiesamony infattorof your Colnpouna Sy tupirt-Wai Cherry. j3ame( three year* me« rw*. violently attacked with cola and mflsmnaUpn of th>- Lawn, whjch w accompanied with a. tuxtreuiiig cough, pateia the breast anil head, a very consider.* hie diicaafge of offensive-mucus from the loSgs, eipr eially open; change at weather, however slight, Ai Qrtt l feltrq alarm about my condition, bul j»as pretty sotm coftvfacod that J wna.fapjdly going imo.tonaattf>- tiWn.i - I greyv dallv weaker, ;oiul at length was scaree lytlblatcPWalk about, orvpeak above a Whiiper, such wutbecxdeeding.oeakncasofmy luogh. DuringUii tiiae I had tried various preparations and ptoscripucra ■ found relief-growing all the time vrorse. Ju*i b«r« I washdtrieod and porsasuled by a-deu friend u> Wilmington. to make trial of your Syrup ofAVild Cher ry! J mast'MrafesYlhßl previously 1 bad been par l dthbd aguinit patent medicine*,; and 1 am still agtuiw those comibg out oftha hands of eaperUv.bot under standing your claims to the profession- Aadpraetiee <’i medlcluo, end haVinglznpUai faith in the saying of mr friends; I ftfnhwilh purchased of Dr. Shaws'paoofyour a*cnts»aiciabooies,andc<nninencedits,nsc. Mydn- Mse-vns aj that iimb of 20 or 2d aentitoUy £l was deeply seated, ft fodnd, IrowTbTer, eonsMerabis relief from the use of the Gmfoor or five bottlea But being a public speaker, I .frequently u tcrapted to-p reach with oy increasing .strength, and thereby ruptared those -vessels that had already begun to h«4 in »Jus way, doubtless, my cure .was greatly retarded. la consequence of acting thus imprudently, 1 had to asdptwetve or fifteen bcttic»,b«fera.Lwas per fectly restored. Msats no question, a; much smaller tnduber of bottles wouhl have made me temad, bqt for {he above i tab sere tico~ The Syrup allayed tha,fevcr rthhabit, tohh away the diMreawng cough,•pnta stop to lhe discharge: of matter from the luagai. hud gave thg*n and the eatire system good health. • I have defe r red offeriarthii certificate until now. for Oje purjjow of being perfectly satisfied with the pertaaneuey ot tbu cure, and nbw that l feel perfectly well 1 bsc r h wiU. juSwre. ■>. „ „ &*»• 1 • ■■ Dublin cojXnty, N. C. ;• j Important Caution — Read’ Read! There U pteparaiiba of Cherr/. and that is i)r-. Swatxb I *, lie first ever ©feted to th. Kfic, whLei hat.baen'Mld largely thonigheut :fc<* ted "State* and loaeputiof KaropeiJiad paislfeai ©AHed by the name of. Wild;. Cherry fit' - beda : jmt otrt «a» this* under cover ot some 4ecepuv« ciretmstaafes, fas order w«i« eu rreney-u>theuuir.-. i Bv aEttlb ftbaersnuon, no perron need mittake the ecnoinafrtia the false. Each. bool® of *hs gnnuioe is enielopei *hb a beaauTai *m«l etyaeug,.with me iikiwaofWllUwn.Penn thtreotr, Ufm+inO-. fend aaflmhcr teetmxy, fca porifait of Dr. Strayna wlfbe added h«ei*»fi w «f 10-dutlnpjui. hit-preparahon frontal others. Nov. tttt'ww* otf for properties “f* Dr - StPaTße’a CcmpowHi Byrnp of Wild Chefry, perfcoo* *wld -not;bc endeavoringtogiv® enrreacy to their “fietifiona‘Bo*tnim* , » by stealing dm- name_of Wild Oberry; Riunauber.abray* bear m mind ton name bfDr, Swayne-andoonotaheeived. ' tomai of Hghtk and fiaco ateeets,- F« *a?6Wioie«3e and retail by QGDtSftNk BNQW DSN. cor & and Wood tuj B ArRAHNES?TO&K A Co, c©T maud Wood,- aad,ethadd Wood n*; .WAI TUOEN, SSMarket et} S JONES, IBO A JONES, fior Hand and Penn su; JOHN .AliTCli- PT t AJlrrijeny eityyand by aH retpecttbiddealars m mrSTdae. ; ‘ octl3 M’ALLISTER’S OINTMENT,-t CONTAINING NUhIERCUBY,or other 51 mere! i li h"« bower to cause *ll EXTERNA I, bURLs*, 1 SCROFCISI'S RUMORS, SKIN DISEASES, 1*"I -! HONOU3 WOUNDS to discharge tlieir puUW tnaUe and then h£als them. . jj i».rightly tinned ALIr-IiHALING, Gij there i* icarcely a fiiseale external or intdnral. Uni tt mil oci benefit. Iljaveuredit far the last- sixteen years tor all diseased of the chest, involving the'etdldst danger and rexpoMibility, null declare befare.heaveaanJ man, that rfbt in one cue has h failedto Iwsneut when the patient I»as wiiiia the reach of roortabiMans.; • I have brfd physicians learned in the profession. 1 have minivers of the gospel, al dencen, lawyers, gentlemen of toe highest eratUfion, aad of the poor use it in eveiyiranety ol am- and there has been bst one voice-foiia.Universal J3&«yXg-*M’ALLISTER, YQDR OIfiTAIENT IS GOOD' n> >• RHEUMATISM—It remove* almost immediately the inflammation, and swelling, when thp pain cease*. (Read thwdireeuons around the box.) . • HEAD-ASHB—The salve has cured persona of the hetd«ueho<w twelve year* standing, and who had m aro helped with li*e euceefc. ; •. „ SCALD READ—'We have cored canes that actundy defied every thing known, as well a* the ability of lil teen to twenty doctor*. One man told u* he hoc spent S3tKXv>a hi® children withott any benefit, a irw boxes of ODiuneui cared them. , .. TETTER—There o nothing botier fqr .the cufe o. U one of the best things in the World r ° r B OT.jrculy Mrti JJ «■;» film menL UMra-taUstaprac rtMlml&rte* rrj- Around the box nredirectiorfs Tdr «ui«ii Ai- Usler’t OintßUni for AmtpWnl, Erysipt tw, Taw, UJUai*, tkMilwd,Jcr. &,a, Qatar,. ££i Thnati'Mrondtitai, Jfcranu ‘‘fwani, Pom,. awrftdtSfiw, Badackt, Ew w-k, Burns. Cornx; aU Distant SKa* Sor%£ipi, Fttn pfa, rfe.. Swelfifif of tkt Ltatbs, SorOf fLhaanalism. rHOjCoid FttLCnnip, StetUtd or BnktK Bifsti TdoCH “‘cbfStV’BET— ldv«tkimpiait£, fd the Chest anti Side, falling off of tho hair, ortbeomW-acconipa- Discoid fcit. {This Ointment is the unh'telnedyj It is fc sure sign of disease to have cold feel. ... . - CORNS-tOccASlonal ose of Will al ways keep com* from growing. I wpto npver be ; troubled with them tf they use it freqaertly. . ft*. This Ointment is good fox any pdtt .dt the body ormabi wtsfin inflamed, la some cases it should be No Ointment will be genntna«nles*thp name of JAMES MeALUSTER is wriuetfwith *4«n ©a every la&el. . , , • , . . . For sale by tny Agehu w all the principal cities and l ° Wn? te Bntol ““’“(AMES MhALUSTER, , Pole Proprietor of the above medicine. H7* pnfl£ipalOfflee,KoißNorUtThmUireei, I‘hii adelphia. gg CENTS PER BOX. * Koxam t 3 PtfrsßtraaQ—Brean d: Reiter, coreCx of tabony dtK lu:l ! I. Jr, of Market « ••ml Ike DiemonJ, <leo cornercf «ik «aJ •rmmfi.lil il,', 1 11 Cuaelt cpnier of WtflattUnfl ftton RUL Stlt ward: aid .old at the hook.torc* Ui'SmichieW .Lad door from feecood eh in ctty]»y;H.r Sehmana alld J by J O fimhh, iDrtieyif Bir- JON-egley.iUnObervy, IIWU Mc- KmiporLi I AltStutder k Son, Clift N BBoirnma4 Cd7«nd JT Enmira, Brorkimlllci John. Barkley, BeaeeftPn; «ro w|tol<u«lo «*«nu.- \ iTEbrfa (jvißiiNcfi'iim unistiit’s ex- A pECTOBAfeVIr WyeriliTle-dll Whar ruoediu for, SoT » b’ffiir SniTiea ten ran ago, <• oartrtvmtdittofeiskljtd; aodwhsivsoy hiveheeamdac^f to iry'etbcr havd bren ths bcMfll jhieh v^msemhiy KoCJaT«**»E3»*OTCsa<T,. m * a toedv tint hts ttcvcr Ailed to relrw* thetak fcn* whieh probablyamr batt itaweal fat amstfa* oaliootiiydim**. deraoikrHf 1 1 72 fourth rl . .rTSTwJpTteiSS-a Pr.mlom Pliater. DR. W. r. INLAKB, ofthe Medieal College brPlal adelpWa,nowo&r*v>shapnbHe his loaian Veg«‘ ctaole Premium Plaster, the qualities of Which, titer long and tried experience, has been stlisfacUmly esr To oil women who may bo Prolapsus Cteria or Fallea Womb, he recotiaaends hi* plaster, gu4ranteeing a sure and speedy core -in. the ■hort-spaee of from tWo to thee weeks, u implied ywi tit earn and rest—discarding all the cotxnueaadostramems and expensive baadjges so long in use. TV* he f»«U in stnling, uissnvneh as be has not failed). In otie ( case out of Sreo bujtdxed and fißy-iiuee pa* /sRn /br Rheumatism and Woak Breast or Back, at* tadtlgd with pain, thereia nothing to exeel Uu« FUuter Jn afloidingreUeioi efleetingai'caro*.-For.sale by h Wilcox, corner orDtamona and MtrkcUi - Braun & ftedter, “ Liberty and BU Clair ats Br J Sairfent " Fcdeml st and Dfa&osd, AUe* rtehyeity ‘ ■ j«Cae3 &Co, a Denman and Koifiorid BirsUbg' bain.- • 1. • ' kp> : "LAIMESiABftrCAimoKEO AGAINST-USING * niriu.K.. . fffifuliySSSSit b ui I »k«. t yin— eofcree, how roogU, h<rsrwllow, yeti. gw and nnhealihjr tto-akin appoannfler muns prepay paradefcaDd Baaid»bUta|ttdo«*,canialnta*alwg^ ‘ a beaniifal regetaWp anid^ WtoSS2pn%NES>.sPAwaHLnrywinTE. it feassffls®bS^B^ :-tw- Pnietieal C&«flnat-w.M«»a> * i?SoM lywM- JACtaoNTa Übtm b- total s SARB... \ fTvnitr *»d Bltitiaf «ftk* Art. I ffc. d&Mt nxo»®«Hw7 Mwleifc* ia t£» World! !' Tkii Mlttrrct it p*|[ «? « Q*** BottUt r ii u** jf-4* clter*r t pU*r**i*r, «*« ««rre*i*d R. | ewr** wUiaia tamiiUg, p*rfbv, tUktning rt iebMUtttftiu [ ■ - Patfcat. Tl* gr*** beauty and npcrbritf of thi»BaruparilU onr afl other medicines la, feat while It eradicates fee <l>» cam. Ji inviaoratae fen bod*- II U on* of the Tgry he«t SPRING AND BUMMER MEMCWES Rrcrkndwa; it twt eslr puri&es fee w&olasyttcm. and etramfetma fen pftxMa, bat U ertaU» aete. «r< usd Hr* UuoHj a bower possessed by soother median*. And ia i-feilieatfro grand eeefat of its wotderfid success. It ha? pcrfona'fJ within fee last two yearn, morn than lon.OOo riir<*j df'uivcrc easel of diseue; at lem 15,000 w*™ i->n«dertd insurable. It bat saved fee live* of laor- Ciaa IOiKVj children-daring fes two past season*. 10,000 caeca of General DrbUiir mid' wu)( of Rcttovi EWfBT. Dr. Tawnsead's Samparifln lflvi{Ot*t*s the whot« yytiea permanently. To tlriio who have last ihtv mn«cobf , oncTsy .'by ine effect* of medlcioeer tndiscr*- ; Uuu committed ift youth, or.the excessive Indulgence o* i fen passipns, and brought one gefleral physical prostra tion of fee nervous syriam, ( bu»tqde, w*nt ofambltion, filnttnf iß&aaiiont, prematura deciy asd d-ecllae, haitca- Ing towards that fatal disease, Coßsaomtba, cafl be en tirely minted by ibis pleasant remedy. Thu Sane . parilla 1* Car superior to any larlnfatbo Cordial, i At Urtnewf ead.tnrtgerntt* the system, gi»*a aeuvitr , to (It* limbi, and strength to the tfiuseulsr system. in a i man estraordwxry degree.- t'oottnnptlon Carvti. 1 (Mtiu mid; StrrtgtiJfen. OaaiteptiM com bt cdrtd. OnpUiint. CV=' Catarrh, CaarMa, Asthma, SpiUisg ej jsiata, Umtu ta tin Chut, Bunt Kaah, Bight Sotalt, Dificalt or Brafitn. Xxptcie* FaiatribU Bids, 4-&,iasi , fit* » end mm It cored. BFITXIRG BIQOS. Bio Torjk, April S£&£t7. Da. T<97xbir9—! rarlly better* that y*«r Sartaao rUlt fcst b*#n the swam, through Freridaijee, bf sarie 'n*yttfla." r him far'noteraJ yean bad d bail Cough. It bacaiß» v«r»a asd wtwn. A.I last Iralred larjbquasti ti*» rflrotd, bad ®£jkt Sweats, asd war gtsutif deHiv • istedvAf rwaM, Aaft 4ftSjaor«xp*cl to Bvn. I bare' •sly b»4 y*ur BnrapadSia aben fern*, and there see a eocdoTfil ciasgvboca wrwugbtls mi to walk ell ra the alty. 1 raise ** bleed. and at? «s*gh bat left bm. lea aea wall imagine that I an ItuUU Ar these rasolu. Tear ebediest'tcrrvU, T7sf. RDSBBLL, 68 OtdiHrm gamela QtaSlCtCS* Dr. a*i| so **ir aura for Incipient OositUCpiloa, Barrvotms, ?rof»rrci i Dtari, or Falttsg eftba Womb, CMtimaca, Pttea, L*>. - } wrrfw*. or WbltM. obttraated cr,diS4al»-lf*o«tra»- I tlbu, Idoestlnaaee er Dries, or lafthtaamr thereof; cd for lb* inntl prwtntloa efi the tytut*— ad mettar wbetb*f tee twtaft efbtbereal note or cace«r. prtdacad by brtfrlerlty, {Hata or eeddeav fictljss' - css be tsar* «nprltl*r Otaa lt> (srinretisg «3Wa*, oa tho btusaa ftase. reraoc: aH waiiopw asd laui . ludo. fn*a uidß2it;U «sm beesaa rebut usd fbit oi caeryy oader ItAfatSoence. It ißßadUttly eo«£teraet> ' the csrralamoaef th*<bioal»ft*ffie,Whssftlalb# C»*»* oaaae oi Btmoatta It will tsrt ita, ta eesae of ao dedeatn a set an, t» exbibll cnrt’Jieatsa of-, euros paxttnsod bat we «aa unn tbs nffltetad. that hcsdrsdrofesstM-barebeasreponsdtaea. TUwnsacdt of easrt where families bare beea wirtoot. ebttdraa, tfw miny a Taw bottles of this ißTsleable hare btea hleased wtib C&e, healthy ofisprisg. Ta flotben efid SSArriedt Indies. This Burnet of SampariTa has b&ea-expressly pre pired Id reference to matin eosmlalEts. Be female who has reason to cappbee ah* n tppreeehiag -that critical period, " Tit Im tf itfk? ihojiid teglMt tc tahn U, os U la a eartsls prefeattra far any of iha MUR9 horrible dlieese* ta whlahibrneles ere csbjtet bt this time of life. Tils' period «ey it **■ lAatijhr ttvtral ysorf ftp <ui*g tsU mttiiciat. ' Nor b it ten ralnabl* fer those who are epproacUeg wo wanKnpd, u ilb calettlued to assist satue. by qniek .«m| tb* asd fajTinratiagtht «ystca?>.lnd**4, tbb U iaralaaiw fer ell the delicate di«» ins to jwjilch wcOtCA are subject. It braces the wbtde sysUoT rtnewa prmsneatlT thr qetaraJ cneryiea, by retnoTing the imparitiii of tbs body, tt<K to fer ttimalaxbig at to produce tuimequeo' relataftnn, which b the car*-oftao*t amdiriaes Uhra fat female weakness tad disease. By atlas a few bottle* 4 this medicine, naay aerera sad paisftu nnpcal opere tient may be prermited. Great Sleaiiu to Sloihenaad Cbfldrrn. ' It is fee eafeet aad meet effcctoal medieptsfer purify tDi? the eystejn, tad relisrtAf fee eaiTeripge attendee! open ehUii birth erex dlecorcred. It strsagthen* hoik tha wfeer and child, prevents pain am*, dlacaee. In- enricbetthe food, those who hard send It fetch h biaditpensaUa It ii highly nteful both before . and aIW confineCKat, as it prevents dieeaser aUr.ndant upon childWrth—ie Ccftiren***, Pilee, Cratnj»t»BwcU icr of fee Feet, Derpondeacy, Hearfeuro, ViwuUint Puia In fee BtcVahd Loins. False peint, Hctaorrhorn and in sacra dent and eqaaiininf the cV eolation It hen no equal The groat, boasty of thii medicine is. h Is ahnya aafh ead. tha moil daliealr ose Itmon saoeeasfeDy, OUT fe* cases any other ta Mcae a jmle.Cattar OU, or Haf&esla, is esedaL Exerdsa ta fee open air, asd light food with this win always ensue a safe and easy ceo- OIHIMHW t ** . - 1 Bcanty ud Heatth# Chafe, ainl a variety of preparations gen» tally Is nsa. when applied ta the fece, very too* spoil it of hn Imanty. They close the pores of the akin, and ehack ttetfenladea which, when natur* U not thwan ol by disease or pewdar, er the this Inflamed by the. alftnlkeasediß iremt bentlfles-.ito own produetien fe fen •haaaßfeee.DtTtnn," et weQ as in fee fardan of n-h cod delicately tinted and variegated fldwera A free, aettre asd healthy circulation of tb« flohlt, or iha eounlsg of the' purn, rich'blood to feo extrmitica. a feat which enlnt* fen cossfenaßCn in fee most e.xqw site beauty. Itis that which imparts fee tndwribabtv shades and flashes of loteticcs* that All admire, bu* 1 none can describe. This heantt ts fen offspring of en tert not of powder or ereo. If feere Is not « free and hraSlky elrcolatioo, feere bno beaoty. ir fee lady is (air as driven enow. If she paint, end use teem*tic*, and the blood Is thick. c*ld and Import, she Is not besof tifaL If she bo brown or yellow, and there is par* and actiro blood, U Cites a rick bloom to fee chesfcs, and a brilliancy to their eyas feu Is ftsetaatteff. This is why -the southern, asd especially The Bpaw- Uh ladies, an 4a much admired.. Ledler In fee north who bet : littie exardsek or are eonfiaed In eloeo rooms, w hsV»spotted their eoaplexiaii by feo appll of deUferioor -mixtures, if they wish to re rain elasticity of step, booyani spirits, sparklinr ryes ■H bftantifiil coaplsxiacs, they ehoold us* Dr. Too u- IwkT# StSapuflia. Thoasaads who have tried it, are more it«» are delighted. L*-Si*» of er»ry elation, crowd dor offle* daily. Notice to tire Ladles, Those tail imitate Dr. Townsend's Btr»«psrlila. h*rr inuirbly esOad their Niffi mti Brrtuif f*r ft 4ff. Sul, and hsrs cep fa our bill* and circular* which rahtaata tb*er»pUiai**f woman, wei.ijar »orr —other sira who pat op medicine, bar*, *uoeo th* ?rev •vcua of Dr. Townsand's Sarsaparilla in complaints inctdnni to fontalaa, reeaeustsdad tbairs, although pro ri unity they did not. A somber of theta llixtoroa, Puls. & c., aro to females, ■* tboy aggravate rfi*r**'v and undermine the constitution. Dr. Townnend iis the. raty ltd besLTestady for tbe name rent female com plaint*—itvaraly, if tvor fails of affecting a parmoarai cur*-_i tt cna tw takas by the sort dslieaie fcmaica. in mv cun, or by thou expecting ta baentne moth'-ra, •iirt the graatcat advantage*, as it prepares the tyit'tn ’ ami presents train or danger, and urefiftbrei i>"ib mother uni child. Be carefuto get tie genuine. 1 Rcrofnla Cured. Tl>u cßrtificaforonclnsireiyprtnraa That tbit f»or.*- paniUbuparfoet controTorer the men obtuoate dis eases of Useßlyod. Three perwsu cured in otte !»»•• Uunpraeodenwil ;thm Children. ‘DI. ToVTAIPTU—Dear Sir: I bar* the 'pleMorr te Inform yoa thiithra* ef myehildran have bees cured of the Scrofula |>y the bm af yeor axceßent medicine. They werwamieUd my severely with bail Scree ; bare taken edy four bottle*; It took them away, /or which ( fee! myself nader great obligation. Tours, reapedifaJly, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wootter *t Ophtioni of Phyiicinu* Or. Townacad u aimott daily receiving order* from Physicians in dUlVreni parte of the Union. TUa U to certify that wa, the undersigned, Physicians of the City of Albany, hare la irameroos com prescrib ed Dr. Townsend's nareaparflla, and believe it to ba one ofthe moat rslaable preparation* id thb market ' it. P. PUUN«. B- 0. }. WILSON. U. t>. IL B. BRIGGS, M. D. Albany. April P. B. ELMENDORK, M. D CAUTION. Owing U> the grant aaccen and bnmensa aale of Dr. ItawuHitd's Sarsaparilla, a naobar of men who wet* formerly onr A* in is, bare commenced making oampa riila Extract*. Elixirs, Bitten, Extract* of fallow Do< k. fee. TfeeygraardUy pat it np hi tbe rtmn shaped hot' tie*, and aumeofibam hart 1 tot* and copied our Od»er litwaeats—they are only .worthless usitAtidiu, and should be avoided- Principal Office, ISO PULTON Btrcet, Sen BoUding, ; f 7. Jf.: Redding * Co, 8 State 1 tract Boston; Dyott • Hr,n*_ las North Second (tract Philadelphia ft. B. ; n.c- Dnyadit, Baltimore; P. SI. Coder., Charleston; Wright i.C0.,151 Cbartree Street. N. <l.; 105 Sooth ' Paul Afreet. Albany; and br ail the principal linj. ( - fiau and Merchant* generally throughout ibtr L'nt'ed KUira Wsst Indies and tha Canada*. N. B,—Persons inquiring for this medicine, nhonld not be induced to taka any odier. Druggists put op tiaraaparillax, and of eourae prefer coning their own, Do not be deceived by any-—inqnlrd for Dl. Town: aend'a. and uike no other. ll~7“ Rom ranter jfre (rrnu? ino "Townnend 1 * SareapnrilmT” sold by the sole aqciu*; R.E. SELLERS, General Wholesale A Retail Ae-m, No. 57 Wood street, and D. Jl. CURRY, Allegh-ny citT.__ • _______ • I**’ , EUROPEAN AGENCTi For the Recnvety of Dormant and Improperly WlUi hcld REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE: Uic lirmem wnd Arbitration of romnicrdnl,Tn»ditiß. i-n} other Debts; Securing Patetiw for!ny«inif>n«iii Giihi Hritain, Ireland, and the Colonies and Dcpendriinei 'beroanto ami Negotiating for tin- Pur* - t\a»e or Sale of the clime. ntay l>r bad on applioetioa free of A.V charpe, (pravidad the motive is not ihat.of mere eatiocity.) to a. Lin compruiuf. uo-vdfrdk'df 15.009 names in which unclaimed property is »ixddirty, * Also, an index taovr ](i,txx> advertlcemcnls wbicll have appeared rot the past So years in various Bnusli newspapers, addressed to Heirs at Jjtw trod fieri of kin. Codunouicattons by letter are tcqacxied to be postpaid. BENTIUH PAUIAN, 39 Broadway, New York. ' References are pertained to Hon. Charles. I*. Dnlyi Jodga Oourtof<?ojriraon Pleas, New York, Freeland, Smart tt Co. CfcsmCartUdge fcCo. TvTapseott. G. R. A. Ricketts, Usq. Edward Schroder, Fjq^Cincinnau,Ohio. A. r&tclii!t, ttq.. President Patehin Rank, Bnttutoi * novtll-dbra i TbTXUcglienjr Cemetery. ( AT th* ar.r.utu toecunij of tho'CoTiioratyr«, : biild on the nit; nut-the fouotria; persons ra-crtt unaiU mocs!y re-elected Managers tor the' ensdtfc year: THOMAS M.UOWK Present JOIIN. BIO9E&L' ’ ' :?; v JESSE CAROTUKnB» • NATHANIELHOLMES, : '• > .. 0 ■■ WILSON WCANU&3B& •\.\?HN'lt. : -BIIOENOEBeER, i > !*" ) w • . 3*MESR.fiPlffiß,“n r **}-»•; »!•-;- ; r J r.j Secretary and Trcasorer 1 1 The annas! stttemeni piywittad ‘tb* affairs! of iho . Cobpahy InoWjry pnuperouscoodJtlorL Tfaeir office - blhcbty ttfvV37wataa soml- ••-•t • /-• . jeia.l; Ekt’’ 14 bbU, asaors3T3HsfiSrens by dcct* ISAIAH DICKEY k Co itorv tad .for itJ* (nr ?■ \JTSSi ti# JBAIAH DICHEt fc.Co _ '.-i5 MIfELLANEWS. w GOLD WABHEBB. " Li PAiIRY ha* iavented a machine for washing .1 L« (rCld, for which he has made application for a paient. They are now offered for sale at fee ware house of Parry, Scott ft Co.. No/ 101 Wood street. Ptuscargh. Ails-enturern to California arc invited to call and ex amine tbSw! tabor-aaving machines. They are simple in Uierr construction, easily transported on the back of male* or eighty pound* and can be put m operation in half an hoar. They can be iii.ed w,Ui provision#.' !t i» the opinion of thote who tmtre wort the trial of one of these machine* of smallest ji.ze, that two o«q will waan the mineral from ISO btunel* of sand or earth tn a day, without the lots of a particle of the mineral. They can be increased in size and worked by water or mater power, if exnediem. Tile opertltor. wdjk wilhoot goti, w»£, be,„s eipowd to wet, onrt cwueooeoily without tn d’“k',",S their health. they will but „ , m , u iireim orwater, end cm be uhed ibe whole “"A can be pm inlo operation where there i< not .«*- ctciit water to wash in the usual way l'r,ce of rmalteat me Mi Order, from abroad. nr fompamed by cash, wit! be promptly filled f I ,lt Parry,Scott fc Co*, Som Wood si. Pittsburgh. - ag - . .nMMinrh mm “ n *ip“‘‘ * Son," Sodi A.H. HS'T""" *" TOeirmj ihcir F.ll .took " ““‘il-Tdia, laving art™! „ ‘“J?* ’ "'T'- lwo ,®ort 1 ibe Stephen Baldwin and }** ' ‘^ rt < er P t thev nre, therefore, prepared r ® rdc P* ,^ ey w ‘ l teccjTe during Ihe win tor ai.d ipnng regular supplies via New Orfean* _ W &■ M MITCH ELTRKE MoC'NT KAGLiTtrIPOLI-Fo, Zoning wii,- tlowa aud lamp gUmses, silver plate, brass, Bn laimia, and other ware, h rupully lake* out all spots and slain*, and reproduce* the beautiful and durable lustre ot new ware. Just received and for sale, whole sale and mail, by JOHN D MORGAN, : Druggiat. M„ „ NOTICE. R. &AML. 11. HARTMAN baring soid hi* inter en in the ro-purtnrr'hip of Coleman, Hailnian A l*!. to the nmtuiutig partners, ba» thii day retired Itmn U» firm. February UMSW-ti PUTSBURZiH MANUFACTURES -The under . signed, Agehl for the uianuiaeuirer*, ha* on hand and is constantly receiving a tuli r.apply of the article* untde mFiiisburgh and vioituiy, which he offer* for sale at njnnufSeturers price*. GEO COCHRAN. lel-2t> sfi wood »t 1 NDI ARUBBER PASTE—I gross hollies India Rub- JL her Fps'e. excellent article tor n-ndrrlng hoots and «htu** pcrfeptly water proof, and sort a* a piece <>i clett- U»*- application of this pasts i* sufficient to mate them nnpervnms to water for ‘2 or d mouth* and n pericrt pn-vrotMive trom the tealner cracking. Rc**‘d uikl litr sate nt the India Rubber Depot. No 5 Wool -l, leblO Jill PHILLIPS INDEMNITY The braulhn Fire ht-iu>anff Co. of Fhiludelplna. I \lRl'.C'l't iRS —Clihi le* ,N Uunbker. Thomas Uart. XJ lolnai; H cigucf, Samuel Grunt, Jacob R. Smith. l>tc. W Riciiaidr. Mordec.Ju D, Let* - ,*. Adolnho K Hone. Dhvnt S Drown, M«ru* Patterson. t'i!A*u>r*N. Basrair., President. Charles <i. Rancher, Secretary Comiuiic to jtiulre ii’*uri:nrc. petpetus! or limited, on every desertpuoitin propeity in town or 11 imiry. at rates a« Inw as are cou*i<ten( wnJi security To Company imvejcserrrd 3 iaree rontmsrntFuiid, which with their Capital and Premium*. satolv invest ed. atford ample protection to the Assured 'Die assets jt the company, on Junuary l*i, DMv u» pubxhrit agreeably to an ari „f Assembly, weTe ». fellow*, vi; Morticnge* 4t Heal Fatale tel Temporniy • • - <jtt inii yi - ■ Mir; 1., c«*h, At • • j-wi 3: 71 ''Hire tl-c,r incorporntii.n n period of IV years, thrv hnve paid upward" of one million four hundred thous ai-d doHnr*. louses hT tire, thereby Affording evidence «.f it,-advariuefi of insurance, ss weli a* the ability jr-d di«po»n on to ineel will, protaptnes* all liabilities J GARDINER LUFKIN. Agent, mar 1-01 v <lffn e N" K eor• er Wood anil .Id si* KENNEDY A SAWYER, I<>< »K!\G (i LASS Manuihciurers, and Wholesale ,J deulrr. in foreign nnd domestic Variety flood*. Weitprn Merchant*, |Vd!ar* and pther* are turned ic ca!l iu.il ciarainr the pure ami quality ol our stock, H- with our present increased facilities in manufartur hit *"d purchu*lng, Wr think vve cun offer as great inducements to bu)er« as any other houso west of the .Mo.,..ta'ii'. jarl-u »E\V GOODS, 1849. KHNN KI»Y A SAW YER, corner Wood and Fourth street, are now receiving direct from hr»t hand*, 'a tar-*- »toc* of I'ancy and \ artety Goods, including •lloi-its n[ perry variety, gold and silver Watclie*. Jewelry, French Prints. Combs, Hooks nnri F.res, Glove* and Hosiery, Cun Cap*, and ail other arucie, mi their lute—all of which having been purchitsed' personally ot the manufacturer* east, du ring ihe Insi wiAler. exprewly lor the Spring trade. . w.n be sold wholesale at a small advance on con. ■Constant!) o;t hand, fl'l description* of l-ookutg (>la>»- <.•*, of our nwa mariufactunug. at eastern price*, marl MEDICAL BO O K S—Cooper's Surgical Lncty. i upelaud's do; Cruverbu*' Anatomy. Urucit * !*urj:ery. Ferns on Cholera. Reese on do, Bell ami Sto«e-s' Pructke, <irey> Jurtspnolcnce, urave*’Clio Lr, lures, Broilie * do. on Joints Magoftdie , Pl:)*.. Neltyan on Medicine*. Pari*' Pharmscologia, LlJundrll's Midwifery, do on Dtrea-vr* of Womrru Mom- SOmery on Pregnancy. Parker on Hiotnach Velpeau on BreoAi. Hupaxeque on Uterus Kramer on F-ar. Clark on Consumption. Conte* Pop Med . Ashweli on F'cmales, Stewart on Children. Bell * Institutes Perei ra on Blood. Louts on Phthisis FJ.’iouon * Precttee. Duprevirei* Fur. Al-ernu'Uv - Works Phillip*’ on ScroiuiA. Mrtckciuojn * Practice. Bel Jard Midwifery. Kherlie* Therapeutic*. Bells. Anatomy, thark on Femulct, Harrison * Anatomy. Coo[-er bit Dw ocations Condte on fluidren. iliUcr** Prin of Surgery. Churcliill's »nuUe*, Lie wees on Children, <k> an Midwifery, do on Females Daugttson'. Physiolpiry. do Dictiouarv. on Eye, Per-.i ra's MaieiraMed.. Wation’s Practice, Liatou'* Surge ry;, jjungltson"* Practice, do Materia Meilicu. Miller’* Physiology. Rnrosbotbam's Mid.. Bartieu on Fever*, Hope on Heart. Cohitnbai on Female*, Furguson'- Surgery. H*ii»oa's;Anotomy, Wilhaotson Respiratory Organs Abercrombie on Brain. Dnrghson'* new Rem edies &e. > <•. The above, with a general assortment of Standard Medical Book*, reeu nnd for sate low ELLIOTT A ENOLISH. 78 Wood u, mar" _ between 4th and Diamond ay POTTER’S SERMONB. ‘ Economy Ddvcioped; in a senes ol diecourse* oil the Fncu, Institutions, Applian ces. EShtls, and Final Resalt* of the Chrutian Sys tem: BY Rev. Thomas Potter. Micmer of the Metho dist Proirslant Cliurch. “The irueisui has long been ciirmiL that ‘•fact is stranger than fietiotj.” This is pre-eminn.iiy true oi Scripture fntu. which vastly transcend, in Uie inar ycl;tHt*i.ail the ctPHttcn* of tn-» imagination. Nor i* ii less cCrun:i; Unit the representation of tin: events oi rincred H.siof*', mil the •uu'-turnu of R--ligious TruU: any he tlrawu out m *uf‘i u manner, as lo be. at least. eqtuvliy"at:TiictlTe, interesting, and impressive, with Djc deluieauuiu and dnau-oi hcuuou* or fabulous lileruiuTO. This has bees ifcc author's aim in ihese , Ciscoufvei."—PHXFStX. For sale at Boot and Shoe Store of Troth A Scott, comer of Fqunh ami Smiihfieid street*, a. Stoner'* clothing wiabiiauroenl.' W.xxl street, at the *lore ol Übhrica Craig, Diamond alley, at the druu store of VV Henderson. «!.'» Liberty rtrect; al*o al tbc Methodist I'rotestani prir-oiinge. on , r *:h street. P.ttsb.mrii. anu m AJieghfii) city at me drug »uuv oi Dr J Sa/geam and at ifer paMinarr, uiljomutg die Meihmli.t Prnte-* taut Cliilich mar 7 d‘Jw* ‘ iMbUrt’S UKKlAlit fiAAmCTURT, Dfumeftd JUUy. 6rtlr.fi Hood o'lJ Swilhluid Strrfts E -M. BIGH!,< )\v would r»-ijv^cllu, i V /•\J^»~GrC^so'mfo. r rn the public that ai lit* Far tory srA.t.r^r.X --•i-,.. anti nit kind* <»i in-iry farrim:**. e >,ua! in c.r -mH ucatiir-» Hi any iuun«i In iic Kosl :or on' n-miter i.f furring--*. ihixgir* a»J Wa <•..*..•*•11' •,c promptly A -t-wor* n* - I.l* own maim fur-’.nrc will warranted J? * > r.SKV IS- t'<»! K r.ii'rr*on. It II BaUrfon, F U i.nuiim, . Roi.cr. Robb. H- ( . ■' !. Mugill. A. .lemon,ificcl. irha^:tn< WIRK UAILIMI. fkcuufd in letters fatent IIHBLIC ATTENTION *■« *onVitrd u,“an rm.rciv new article oi RAILING, ironic of wroucln i-t.ii ■'ir*. ail'd wift anneal.-'! rinl*. nr w.rr, and expr- »»|y desit-net) for enclosing foiu irr*. t-cwcier w*. *iajeo ni-’». PuhltxiGcoumi*. Ac . ai p:u-e« varying Iron. 6u orni* to 3-'l,lio ll»e running foot li n> made hi pnnnoK nt Varioo* length*, t'l to 4 fret fngn. wtth w-rougf* iron po-t* li inch square, at iclervcmnc di«l»(.i'e* cf 0 in Hi h-ct. |f <tcHrr«l. the pamirta ran be undo oi an> Jieirnu to runiiituou* span* or' 50 lo (Ul feet with or w-imnil post*. 'No extra charge lor po*i* The rooipamnve lightness, great sirengtli and dora inliiy oftiie WIRE HAILING, Hie beamy oi it* varied ornameulal design*. together with the extremely low price at winch't is sold, are causing it to supersede the C.i*i Iron Rmling wherever their comparative mern* have tested. For further particular*, ad dre*. c M AItHH ALL A BROTHERS. Agent* for Patentee*. Diamond alley, near Hmuhtield «t, Pittsburgh t*.li<a»-dJm TATHW BOOK.S—lecture* on Filcniifa Progress and i.V the Lite and Titrtc* of John Banyan, hy the Res {.ell. H dheever, U D. Wanderings of a Pilgrim >n the Shadow of Mount Bln mi hy Geo UChrcver. D D. The Journal of the Pilgrim* ni Pn momh, in New England, in 10SU. Reprinted from the original volume, with lurtorlcal and local illustration* of providence, pnuciplcs and person-*; by George B Chevve.r. D. U Second edition. Baptism, with reference to it* import and inode*. i»v Edward Beecher, D. I) Life and Correspondence of John Foster; edited by J K Ryland, with notice of Mr Forter a* a nreuchrr and n companion, by John Sheppnrd—new edition. The above, with a large tiock of Theological, Hi*- lorical, 'Medical and School Hooks, for tale at low price* by' ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. 73 Wood .t, maFl between 4tn «t and Diamond alley E"”KCKI V>il THW DA.T, at U>e new Carpel Wure bouse, No. 75 Fourth street— Rich embossed Piano cover* Plain Turkey red Chunk flo do Tabic do Plg'd do do do Worsted do do do do Bordering; Blue Damask; Carpel Binding*, (rjeen moreen . I ALSO —Camps Gothic* Transparent Shade* Scripture View* do do •'J’urkish do do do Chines* do lt.l do Drapery Chine** do do Moonlight View* do do Landscape do: do do T Gothic* "r dn do Cord and Tassels, Holers and .Slats. Rack Pullic*, Roler Elids The abovn (roods lire of the nclieat mid newest style*, tu .wluch wu m7itr iSr aticiiiion of our friend* and ouatomnn. and uift*e 'vishmg to lumish or re plcmsh steam bouts and house*. mar 7 W. M’CLINTOCK r ir'AVLLLtfoMK’H PREMIUM FIRE PROOF *) • CK*MKN'l..—'Oie Proprietor would respectfully inform the public that he ho* now the satisfaction to ulfer them h Cement, which will weld, beautifully and durably, till articles of China. Earthen and Gin** ware, Shade*, rininments. Marble, Ivory, Ac., without di*- Qganng them in the lcn»t; rendering them a* useful for any porpoae Whatever a* they were before broken, ami not uffeced by heat, water or air. TTms Cement is not weakened in the least when «üb» jeeled tr> a strong drv heat, or when immersed tn hot • water The public have long since fell the necessity of soch, an arucle, and in inis their expectaucms will he fully fealuad, a* It Is applied without heat and enn beuseu bv a Child. Ttio subscriber ba* fully tested ibi* article. For jaJe by \V W WILSON. JolAi . corner market and 4th sts -j'TNSIIBIN/iAiILE FLANNELS-W. R. Moxrai AJ mvltea the anenuon of buyer* to his stock of the above goods, of ah the different qualities, said to be as tinihriukab.e a* the \Velah, and at much lower prices. Genuine Welsh Flannel* also, constantly on hand. Gauze and Silk do, 4-4 and 6-4 do, for Shrouding pur poses. Alao; _ , „ Home made NVhiie Flannels and Linseys. constantly on hand, at the north east corner of Fourti and -Mar ket street*. . . _ _ f c bs “ H O W AttD B OTi L , NEW YORK iMHH, MIDDLETON A WHITE, beg leave to an -1 nooucr to U(eir friend* and the public, thai thay .have arsumed thc ,of the large and con mpdtou Hotel, corner oi Broadway ififa hfaiden Lane, kitowu as flic llowart JlotcL impro- Wfld lie interflU improved the tmentul arrangement •of the libose, no pains shall be spared on the part of ’the proprietors to give eutlre satisfaction to those who lAuy favor a* with their mard-dAw ' ' Patent fddli'iUlb idaas makers) Jaa M tup rati A Song £i i brand, rust rtrd per steamer Brooklyn, and far til* by \V A M MITCHELTREE, j«ifl No 260 Liberty at :i^isssfc;2i;; S p£3^ EXCHANGE BROKERS, kc. I* OOLHKI 4b SORB, Bankers, Exchange Brokers, ASD QBalJas IN NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES. GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS—DriIIs Notes and Acceptances payable in any part of the Union, collected on tie most favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Samt Louis and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANKNOTES.—Notes on all solvent bank* m the United States discounted at the'lowest rate*. All kinds of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Corn bouaht and sold. 0 Office No. 55 Market street, between 3d and 4th Pittsburgh, Pa. 0c1i53 HUSSEY, HANNA A CO« BANKERS, EXCIIaNGE BROKERS, and dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cenifieate* of Depostte. Bank Notea, ami Specie; Fourth street, near ly opposite ine Bank of Pimburgh. Current money received on deposits—Sight Checks for sale, and col lections made on nearly all the principal points in th« Limed State* The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advance* made on consignments of Produce, slup ped East, on liberal term*. mchls FOREKOB EXCHANGE. T)ILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought A> any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Drafts parable In any pan of the Old Countries, from JLI to .£lOOO, at the rate of « to the £ Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON. European ana General Agent, office slh st one door west of wood. octlFli aujra xnaxiaO JsnwaauaAUM KRAMER A RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer tificates of Deposite, Bank Notes and (Join, corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite Si. Charles Ho lel- msvj“<ily WEstErb FUNDS- - - - Oluo. Indiana, Kentucky, MialUUll, , Bank Notes; purchased at the lowest rate*, by . N HOLMES k SONS, •n’M 35 Market street BILLM OK EXGH ABOK—Bight Checks on New \ c.jk. Philadelphia, and Baltimore, N HOLMES A SONS. 3.‘> .Market si. Cimstamlv for sale by sepl3 MISCELLANEOUS W. COPELAND, A. U-, OV Trinity College. Dubtui, ex-Snai, ami Queen's Scholar from the Royal School of Enniskillen, respectfully informs lb" public that he witiopeii(t) V ' u»c POHTORA INSTITUTE IN ALLEGHENY CITY, mi htouday. iitli ot April, tor the purpose ofimparting a «ourd Classical ami Mathematical education u> voung Rcmicinei: The Principal trusts that, bv unn-iaitiing atte.nunn n. Hie uiicllcciual ituprov-mcnt of hi* pupil*, lie will (dent a «bare of pub.ic paltonngr A tew hoarders wiN be received, who will have the ol studying each evening under Uie imme diate and 'p-rsoiml superintendence of the Principal, strict attention being paid to the health, comfort and moral*, a* well as tlie luerdry advancement of the pu pi's For udditioiial infortnstii'ii. uiquue ot Messrs FJlioii k English Rci.-reiice kin*ll v pcraijttcd u» Hi Kev llr Mcllvaine. Ki*bop ot lllno. t'liii'iimati •Rev Dr. Bim.l. New ’t ork. Rev '>i I»)e,. Rev. Dr Kiddle, Rev Dr I'pfald, Rev Dr CuoLr. Rev Dr Herron. Pittsburgh. Rev W Preston, Allegheny city. tnarr-dtf CARPETS, Ac. JUST OPENED, lhr« day. and for *nle at W. Me- Clmtock * Curpei Wurcioain. No 75 Fourth *trecL Very handsome style Brussels Carpet*, New style extra sup 3 ply do Super Ingrain Carpets, . 4-4 common Ven Ui I'arj'c’t Med'm-up ilo do j 3-4 Uo iJo dr, I me ,!o Jo j 5-3 <!n do d» Coiumoii do do I 'i-4 lit) do dll ColUni do do 1 *-4 Cotton Calpru. ALS**—Extra «up Velvet Pile Carpet*, ot the latest importation Aimuustf r Cnrjieu Tapestry Brussels Carpet*, a I of tl.e richest nnd newest tuylev to which v>e invite i)io»e wishing to furnish houses, steam boaU kc. _ icbifo W. M'CLINTOCK. Manufactured and leaf tobaccu- HFALD. BUCKNOR k Co. 11 north water si, and 1A N wharves, Phtl’a, offer for sale on accommodating term*. COOP pkgt Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of bound*, half j»oumis, S’*, **’*, IT*. Id’s. 16'* and ifs, lumps; s's. G * ujul P’s plug, and Id's Ladies' Twist, m whole and half l>oxc*,of the foliowuig approved biando, v >*: James H (iruii, Osborn k BraggJ Grant k Wilhuiuj, A Cabaiuss, ft Jones k Bon, M Donaid, M ebster Did. J Thomson, Jtmc- Thomas. Jr. A If Annutead, J Thomas k Mon, Lundboru A AuuisiosJ, J P I'oatea. J M Cobbs, Gentry k Royster, * J A Clay, M A Bullet, A Hull, Green Hall, Wn< Dawson, Pearl A Norwood. J S Blackwood, Nath Page. Keystone, W 11 Vaughan, Edmund Henry , Poruaax Robinson, Russell k Robmsoi;. Kcitn. Robinson A Uo Seth lltjo-y, R Metcalf. John Elide-, Lawrence lyOU.er. J Robinson, Gray k Gray, D B Turner, R Jamieson, Yoik Wait-, DMUr-mch - Al.«<*- Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrapper* itidV Yara do do Cientuegos d*» do St Jagn de Cuba do do St Domingo do do Iqoria k Guides do. paft Une, Maysville do do Kentucky various grades do Virginia Leaf, suitable tor m mg and eipotl; Spoiush M-ed lyat. Pcni 'a, neat nnd Ohio; Virginia Scraps, sweet: tier Pipe*; Pipe beads; Scotch Snuff uoo— and t-nulde Muccooba Meal; Tonaua Beaus, lluvnuu ,>:.•■ ■,:... lU»»c. Berramot; Calabria Liquorice. Pvteni Caveodiah Kmve*.Spank. Ac Ac. PHILADELPHIA, oiyl»_ T*'-, ..’TIT JL before—tnnde ou the moil approved KaMero |< ».ii» ■» 11H tonnt fnnhionuMr hlaaiern paurrn* anrirolur* Alu< THfc CHKaP HOLL, or HU*lt)N CLINU. on uiud or made Lo order of all t.xe*. ami at at! price*. Country Merchant-* and o.iiem are .n»*ted to ra'.; and exam ue (lie above fur Uicin«r!»c*. at all w.il t.*- loid wholesale or rcuul.auda liberal uedncuon made n> wholesale porchaaera apldly A 'V KSTKRVKLT RUlCli FOR RALE. fPIIF. osul<-r»i(ru<-d u|T<*r« tor *ai« a suf-rlnr artirlr 1. of hrirk for bunding, uindr by hi« Sixain Pres*, unproved machine. for which hr ha* obtained ft pairtn. • ‘■■l agree* 10 give jiorcha»rr< s wniirn gtlsruiuse tbs: •fi'-v ~r„ »U9ivtfrr. and will re.isl SrOSt and wel wrailr er mid imbibe !«•** montur- or daiapacM than airy otii r r brick, po»K<->iiQp*groatrr i*><ly and superior irxtur* mid much more duranir in every respect, each brick sul,;e« ird lo a i.( several lona, and pos seting a hmi-Uotne rmooili >u finer and rven edge*, thr \ mnkr a from equal to Hie best front brick. T!«*-v hi»vr given the grtaie*! satisfeeikm to all who Imvr purrhMwd. A kiln i,p ,1-cn as my work*, ami • in-rmirii *• ’.hr Imirllt odirr Tl.o»»- Laving «unpin*il ihrm*riv»-« lor their building*, an.l wi.tjing li,nine from nark, or superior Hard and *o!id paving i.rirlr. ran obtain them. ISAAC (iRFAK, Bumingliam, June 12, 1-4*. if ALLEGHENY VKMTIAN BUND FACTORY JOHN A. BROWS, jB TA KFIS this method to inform hi* friend* P ami the public at large tbal hi* Factory 1. I the Diamond. Allegheny, wbrrr v oun- I »'**nt *itpply <>i Blinds, of various color* A and qunliUr*. are ronatanily kept on hand. EsjsExat aim. at No 5 Wood st. Pittsburgh. at J 4 ■QEE9 II PhilWpi'oit rimii ware room VehitiOJl Mnutlrr* made to order in Uir b*-«l *iy|r Blinds’ repaired at the .honest notirr N. H —Hn Blind* will be pm ap wiihont any addi tional expense, •<> that they ran lie removed in a mo* mem in roxe of lire or for washing, ami witliout the aid of si »craw driver. jyl-dly&wtumlyS BENNETT A BROTHER. yPItfiNSWARE MANUFACTURERS, BlnulA(baa,(ii«ar Plttlbargh,]Pa. Warehouse, Ap. 137, Wood strut,.Pittsburgh. WJLLLcon*tar.tiy-k oep an h*Qd B rood umiri gMfcymcnt of Ware, of oar own manufacture, am) WKiP supenorquuiit). Wholesale and country Met «** etMuua are respectfully invited to. call and ex amine for ihnmstlvt,*, as we are determined to Mil cheaper than hnsever before been offered to the pub lic. Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cosh or atty refisroijee. will be promptly aucaded to, fob2d NliW fi'AkPßTs—Received this dajTtiirect irdm the manufacturer— New aiyle Tapestry 3 ply Carnets, extra super; do do do do super, do do Brussels Carpets; do B»si**ertfc very cheap, do do riofiteotom super ingrain do 4-4. 3-4 Vetietinn do 4-4. 3-4 arul IFifiAnirnoA do do All of which sold at a small advance, and will guarantee as low as can he purchased in the east -ec-J5 . W* M’CLINTOCK. 75 Fourth st COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal eneourtfa' fCyHffilP .mem the subscriber has received since KBggjySSKT he bos located himself in Allegheny, UJN tro 1 has i nduced him to takes lease, for a TWr i -irfiT "jcfinof yean, onthe property be now occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the PresbytenajtChureb. From the long experience in the above business and a desire te please, be hopes to mer it ami receive a share ol public patronage. Now n n hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Baf fle*. open end top Baggies, and every description of Carnages made to order, from seventy-five dollars to •ifhtbanaret fsep3-dtf| JOHN SOUTH- Monongaheta House Tailoring EsUb* tlohment. ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in{ form the citizen* of Pittsburgh and others, that be ■ < now opening at hi* rooms on Smithfield street, un der the above Hotel, a large and beautiful assonm- i>i of Cloths, Casstmeres. Satins, Silks, and other Vestiux*, together with such outer articles as are required for gentlotnen's wear. His foods have t»een carefully fp lected. and uro of the newest and most fashionable •tyle, os well as of superior quality. His customers may depend upon having their clothes ande up in k manner whieh cannot fail to gratify the taste of the meat fastidious. apfMtly the star or the west j VENITI AN BUND MANUFACTORY East side of tbe Diamond, where Venman Blinds of alt the diderent sizes and colors kept on haud or inode to order afte ibe latest and most approved Eastern fash* N ions,at the shortest qoucc and on the mos reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Bund Transpa rency and Paper Cartatus ol ail the different sizes and patterns, on hand and for sale tow for cash. OldVeni ttan Bliotls painted over and repaired, or taken m pan payment for new. R M WESTERVELT, Pro’pr. N. B—All work done with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most fas- tidious. auglO-dly Allegheny city, Ang. 10,1848. TRANSPARENT SHADES—Just received and for sale at W M'CUntock’s new Carpet Wareroom, No 75 Fourth si, a handsome assonmem of Transpo rriu Window Shades, at very reduced prices, to which w« invite the attention ol those wishing to purchase. febl4 _W M’CLINTOCK lARD IS k p g* Lard; U 5 bbls do; in store and far j tale by WHS JAB DALZELf. \aNNERS' OIL—'JS bbls in store and fa* sale by mar It) JAMES DALZKI.I. vrarvo—WjCVKB SHACKLETT A WHITE,» Wood Kreet. are now receivtnx a fresh Hock of DRY GOODS, of re«-mt purchase, slid fresh ktylM, patterns, fce , which they will sell to* to the trade. Merchants are requested to call and examine ihoir stock and puces. ishfe BOOKS. "USIC, ko. Sole Agency for BamugCltrk'i Piano*. • JUST RECEIVED and Opening, a | lot of elegant Piano*, from the j Wr®j**fflceJebaued factor? of Nuuns A. Ctara, j *l*l I •■N. Y., comprising 6. t>i and ' nrinvca, bo,l " n ■ to.K.OrtaAib.nr.^p'-' ALSO—A «„ rfcSikmm-. Fbws (r.m , *«• Mj- Dtnr fiir-Whh fct hnB« of oo or 6to 7 H K 1 A.-citi. “"" y > , ‘”“ ,r T ‘ V“ !?' ~ t ««• it- «... m*« „•{ Turn „t I :m\«* received from yourlnvnluaMe Pain Extractor N. D. The above w:; he .'Jld°at manufacture- ~n- | If,**'?- m > m:)e 6 years old, had a pitcher OCT. without «n T attarion for frritrbt or cipccuo i w, . |l »« •*"*’ , “™' d h ''! ,CI “"“ narlu Jlld chrai'k- cop) . 1 ?*" -ifo-dtu l . x. that a crowd iuuntlr rethorod be ■ forrii.c iiou«e to icnnuhe cause oflbc terrible screams, heuipapert, Magazine* and Ilevlewr*. • j mrr her domes a-under, and aoon spread on your Received at ifc e Heading Room ot the *. «i-J »h- *»• curicd and laid upon a bed. She toung Jtletij’ Nnrantilr. Library and NtdutntC' | wn* -oom i curved uom tier pain*. and says “Ma 1 feel rnjtUutf,’ . a» it I tt»uid t.iairii " and was soon in aweot tleep. She Fouttn at reel, between Wood and Market street*. I wa* -< :«;.!«•«: to a linier from tho top of her shoulder Naw Yoat—Conner A Enquirer. Tribune. H«uai«l. I over mure •dnui U:i-f her <.he*t, ana round under ihe Evernu* Pom. Journal of Commerce, Spirit ot the I arm* t’n 'be »hou‘d*r and breast it wa* vory de*-n. Tiroes, Scientific American. ' In> " 1 l,r ' : huur. »h« oomplained only when n PBiLADKLnru—North American nnd U S Oaten*, I was dr-**-,! Tin- *orr healed rapidly, and there i« i.o Pennsylvanian, Commercial l.:*L • ! ei*utraoi.«.n <»t Uie nm»d<<. 'Vaskwgton—lntelligencer Cmon. National Era | \\ .nmu - • »..me-, ro> Hear *ir. for your sucre*.* .<> Roeros—Mining Journal, Alia*. 'me *a.* «• *"i »’•') u'ocic. UaLTiMoaK— American I uni s ouri, with reaped. Cincinnati Gazelle. Louisville Jourual. St laOUi* Re- , (■ KO K. POMERf^ publican. N Orleans Picayune. N Orieaii- Price Cur- I rent THE TEXT a>ul AO MISTAKE' Livtmrooi.—Wilmer 4 Smith'd European Time*.l,on- ' Th* (•rnui;' - DuJlry. will ever produce the same ,UJC * ' '‘ la,,|a neou« i-lief, and soothing, cooimg effect, in me Msoazi.tej.—H.n, »wood'», Knickerbocker. Ploug-i, wvernt cai" <ol Bnma, Scnld*. I’iie»,4c. Loom A Auvii. Kcjfciie. Hum's Mercaniit* - . Lilted » i The Comrterfeita—no >• utter under what name* ti>rv *-! v ’ n^. A^'! .\ , * on ' rul,u ri»t, Silhmiui l * Jourmil. Journal may appear--:• Iwuy« irritate, aud increase tnc pam ol the hrmikhn Imiitutc, t'lvil Engineer*’* Architect. . TO TIIE PUBLIC 1 FJtvnrJ l>. ilolmpi. of Cfculum. Mp]v,n Brito-, A “ nc *" , Whit .-, M «M<r. v . Aa.« b-o„ MtolCTl With rhjp ,. ; A -Iliuui-l-t. North Hriti.n r„oi.-,i: ir | brriut, Irrl, uo.i ,h o V „ ,r.) OoJ), , or Koona open dai y irgccpt SundayM from 7| r. e'i.ei . . «o that 1 eoald not stand, and wa» cured l-Y A. M . until ID «»clock, P M. .Member* have Uie pi.- • r application* of Dailey’* Magical Pam Extractor m v S wan « m UI .“ ,X lhrir ! f «••** IJDWaRD P. HOLmS r- • ->e entitled to tree adimoion lor one Da’le; Sir—l cu; tny finger with a copper nail, u , |ini»oiiou. uature oi'which caused my arm to *wf!l citrine h> becoinu mcml'ers ieiv- , nji.i.-.t.nh ivtth con*iant •booting paint up u> tiie A ■'«' taking place at t^e^zrm annam nubtcnption gd. m advance, mehU ” l . *"» --mg pain. I hue ame learfulnl tbeliock. PIANOS ' . :*•* * i.m ■ itrenuiy tour Pain Extractor was r « • . A SPl.i;Nl)ll)*CT,ortn,e l it • ,o-. 1 ,w i>: i , luaA l wm pnvnled bpob w BBBlur ,»j Ractwoo. 1-i.iuCT, Mix u. ; "1 »»■ Ihaui hffordod m, hjm..t It bi ‘y r h ' -" •’«iSiSoNT/w v^if" ~ • I , 'l>'l»iCTtp>tlCTh mid b,.t mmermu , „ {'"ht,' J„ , 4, ” k ' and will be M>'d low for cawihv ! l*m- m- h.i,: Sm-ivna i>t», Sept p. I ■Me. y BM-sfe if- Woml .tfCTL N"1I. K: It b..i-.-v t. Uw it.vtmor of lh„ .... , üblc remedy mid ivver l.m uul never will coiouiun.- N who aTe lU WBllt *Sr V good mairument. '*• cora !’ u,a, ( , °" . are re*pectfully mvited 10 examine these betnru pur- . A!l •n-t'fme. not made and put up h chasmg elwwbere.aa they cannot b,- rxeeilml bv uv lu,n ' ar, ‘ «'»“n>«*rfeii* in the coumry, and wm bp soi.i i„w bfmi»bt Pbomuktoi * LTKeort- HA Broadway, New »rk; fromibo toi. Aix,i.«^, , ,^r; , j'“;2i'ss; •“srrs-MSif'i's- n w„ burgh miuiuiacimv, wurmr.tr.u u> bo- cunermr in anv JOHN L). iMORtrAN. (tenrral Depot; Dr \V M. rver sold in tiu« couiilrv oci-ct y H * THORN. Agents tor Pittsburgh Ibxllrit's A>itvuiHiulranir Cure-All, Cure* humors, -pavici, ijuiior, grease, poM-evil, .»ores, gall*, and bmw«. PiunphleW. containing cer tihcatc* of reapectm *e. partic*-. may be had on apnln-u -■onto JOHN D MORGAN, novl.V illci- Agent, Pittsburgh. NKW INBTRLMKNT. riMlF.suUcrH.cr has been appointed Sol- Arm for 1 Hie sale o! CAUHAKrS I.MPRuVK.O MF.I.uDF ONS.ii* uißiiiifariurr.l ajl ,| pcriVn.-.i t,\ •Mun'Q A. Wlltlr, or CIIHIIIIIUU 'l'lir- UMin ClUtpl.S* and rrient bn:n: bt.i tour ortinc. .M A \\ . in aou'rdanc- with the general desire mul d-numd. h«Ve -xicrJ-il t *.:• -. n;r ~| ihor in»inimrni« t| a.,.t even 5 ocla rr». ihu« inMkir c i! prariH-i.tde to perforin übOii them any iiiiisu* wriile n lor the I lano r»r (iipui The exterior, hu n much improved t.y pU< u,- the body of the iti>.truiMr:it upon a rn*t iron mime beautifully nruiiicd and nniumruted. rendering u at once a most elegant and extremely desirable urticn* The price is put *n low m to bong it within tbe reach or every one to uMu:i a perfect musical instrument, and. at the same time, u mail elegant piece of furm tuie fur a comparative uitle. 11. KLEBKR At J W WoodweH's GHKaT MT'WCaI. NOVRIVFV—Ybe — aiibscr.pcr has ju«t received irotn Europe. and for sale, an entirely new niveuUon or Piano Forte, called the CAB INFrPIA.NO FORTK. which nooseioiing more power and rweeme** Utan the square Piano, orcuptea bat one fourth u« much room, ami is a much more showy and handsome piece.of furniture. It :* particularly desira ble where the saving of space .* au object. being ex ceedingly neat and comport, and occupying no more room than a small side table The subscriber has in hand a testimonial of its superiority from me celebra ted piaiust,Moschclies, ui Uis own hund writing,winch may he inspected ||. KLKHF.R. _ _ Al J W VVoodwel: Citlokerlng’i Pianos. JLST received and for «:».u a; mai,. II ■ • I » rirguiii patterns ol furniture amlvutli the late improved -mle. Also on hand an.l lor sale ,ow, J second hand Pinn 0r JOILN H MKU.OR, Sole Agent for rinckrnng's Piano* lor Western Peutisylvaniu, tl Wood street. mui- V'K'V Ml''SIC BY HKNRI HKRZ-Thc Ro«e l'l of Sumnir t. wiitf an introduction and hriiliant va riations for the Piano Forte, as performed m all hi* concerts ill the l lined Males hy Hen■ i Her/ Military Polka, by Henn Herr, Comic Poika, Oliver Bell Polka, WKUJCAL ft RUHOICAL OFFICK, kNo «5, DIAMOND Al.' KY, a w ‘ tioor * Oelow Wood *trr- , to' TRANSPORTATION. JglL|r3>.^SK h A 4 S‘ £l*** jPgfefiSSS&yP m gmcral practice, now contact 1849. “:;.r;"r , :„i h 'dJ."r"cL°i PITTKBIRGH Ai\D CLEVELAND LINE. nnd cipimenco peculiarly qualify I dai'> r °ur t-'oT iiVrn 'u<f a ‘ J ;to »tudy A trentmcrr of ih<mi coaiplamu.|iiimng which Dual* liwr-.t !.) "'iiriii»r ve* anti n n -""*• j tllun has had morr practice ju».i ha* rured more pa* non »i:|i i'hr !,oiu. |!ka\Tr' i-'V'iVn ; lle, “» lh,, ‘ pall evfft '“ li lH u,p iol of V l ' P flTn, ° Pr*e «'Ol’K. ar<- rna:o offer mi- ' i-a i • i 1 uuoneri amply quanta* turn to offer a.«*urnne«» of ijh* ir:iii»|K»nj , '.»n {,( aui ; 4,U “ ,** Illl,r * h* l » ( «scijy. (irrmnnem. ami *a'.i»fariory cure i<> all atfiictee ojM-iiinjr i.i f'milii nar.ji'inii ?p 'hM'rn " dr-lcaie hi*mm:is and ui! di»ea«r» amiug there] «\ uaum Otft> and • >*» J •‘ r K Vn'',| i l l ! l - r \ Dr Brown woOid inform those al&»rte4 wui pnTaU uiliWKf ! * HnViVnr'p' aud ’ diwaj** widen han* become ehroitie l.y time or agj w ° V KLl * * gravainl i,y the u*e of any of the common nostnimsoj i r mmv’i.M* i * . 'lay. .'mi tunr complaint* can be radically and thor* .. m , V' 1, . oujnlj ■ urct. ne bamg riven hi* rarrfnl ntirrmon 10 _ _ r * c , ‘ ikuiirn.i. , j;,,. tn a’.inrm <il such ca"*e». and in hundred* i>i v. BiDWki.u °*■ ‘nstnne.c* i - curing par.*on« of inflammation of the lltjvrr ' tfiK cf :hr I adder, and kindred dißea»e« which often Ju*t received and for saie by mchl3 JOHN H MKI.LOR, -l woo-l .1 t l*i 11 ur k DI n \A/ D I Jf. DDnruco i result frum :h«t«r cn*e* where others bare consigned »i k . Mtß * | thermo Hopeless despair. He particularly irmtem such P orwarumg alcrtuanli, * r* have L»e-**u 'ting and unsu<*ce*»ftxHy treated by otheri BEAVER, I’A., to consult Uiiii. w&r-: »vrry *a;i*farnou will he givco Agents fwr tJi* PutsbUrghstttul ClnWantf f tn* anti Ulein *«d tuv. r fUf' 'rralrd in a careful, thorough and far Itiam inalj Braver and Cutri C<w ’ u>'clii s rnt ■»■<. r „mu-,l o»t 1,7 ■ lon* jwc, 11... i . 1 *, .... , iiuiiy, anil inTr*«iituti«m, •e.-hich nt» iinpo»»il»l« for tho» “fkv„ n r 5:7.11 10 ronnKiiiueuU ko Uieif <arr. ml rn » uti Ueir friend* 1 B ‘. •* v . -I- om. i -v*'") iI,R " 1 *« Y±.~:., REED.PARKS 4t Co'i. PA< kiKT LINK, r.-urgr* very l<>w _ _ N. il —Patient* o: «“iih »»•* living ** » dittuicr. '■•} IO JO JL 'j2 tjJb ’■ • lining ihmr m w. tin*. giving uu the «>-»>} tonn. c*n aiiiiu:i me.i.euK. wuJi Jifccuoßn Tor une, F-t SBSitSSiSSSHB n.iur-»*jui; T IIRIiWN, M L) , j»om pujJ, and <-nrJot« Hl'-AVKR A.N'D I.'LF VKI.A Nl» WaKkV’n i:ic • I'aiim ISr itct —S\\ A 1.l ii »\V. Cam For.t udu-e >u. 06, Diamond a..ej, uupOMie Ui* * areCj IH'KAN.I>! Waii-m llm.-' ON Kbr i|if u:.ov«- Pa,-keu w*e Heaver <• very Jay. —Dr Browr.'« newly discovered retne • 'Sunday* erc-pied. and arrive neii niorttirt m dv lor Fnrujt)ii;.*ra t* a »pcc3y mid ccnsun remedy fo> 'Varrrn, wtierr lijr» cumwi truU lire .Mai. riuuje* lor unu ua.ntui irouMr. It never fail* AArou ilhJ Cleveland, arr.vm* al o*c li of Ui.-*e plan - Mifjer ami Private Coi"iiliiru' Rnorai. No 81 Du iteibrr uiftlu < >ne oi Ibr Packet* leave 1\ iiHm dm <. ranivl .u.e |*n. •hurph. Pu The Doctor 1* ajwuya a i nti r M, ami arrive m Heaver in time io lake Uir tnwnc mo. nine Ucamnoal for PittalrurgU VJT Na eurr r.n pa? JeelS COTK?« A I.KFFtNOWKLU Warren,) u MHTAYI.OR, | rropnw. : TiuU Duly IT l.'HUi -Send*, Ht»toi and BuH. II loimeii'. i-m tu- .r SttMapuftila m »iu«l! t.ottie* RKAVKR AND KKIF PAi.KKT LINK I.ng .. ,e* ..acre- Imi ~0.-e Dr Tnwn.eml i iin« rnauvjn ro thk uu i* rom uocwi i.-i-unie know., and imo-t <>r unite driven innr little v.anal P*eket—P*a.«r*TLvavt4, Capl. Jeffrie*, ' tvotilc• mu ut t.,.i market, ;jj<*y are now pulling Itieif* * Tsi.KoiLaeii. Pollock, 1 up in latter ix/i'ie* . tour urae* a* much a “ “ L*l« Kttx, Traliy, l.e.iorr, He* muei. profit did they male t>e. ** Parrotm. u Brown; ; lore o 6 of th»tr suin' toi.tr*’ \Vo« it honeaf Ami “ '■ Kslcjiio*. •• Snyer j since dj«-y have rr-a>i<T.i im strength is u hpuost in The above new and splendid Psau-rixer Pacini* hove pretend that Wry are ** gomi a* iliey wtrr’ pr Town roroiifCjii*e«t running between BKAVKK A.N.b k ERiE. »end eomnieur-**«l hnrtr«'ly ami lairly- *a*e »« mucii and wll run regularly during ih- w-iuk>m--one boat • medicine as nr cim n art-in) nn< iu*de several im leaving Erie every morning ai s o nock, tun! oo r leav- f prn Yemeni*, and i« dr lr noun d ui Is -rp tip uic «treii(r;.i lar IWvci every evening. immcdialr v ;.|'|» i ihc mn» j m»«l quality and will wurraiu Unit each bottle ol hi* rai oi Uie »tc»mnoai until lVt'uuiyii ' Sarsaparilla cumuli- more than lout limes the rjuanii- Ti. w iioats up* ur-.v Bn>i roininrial’U furiu*hr<l. ami ly til Sarsaparilla and itteduiu. <|ualiur», man -any otli win iun through in lofty hour* Puwii(i-n m uuy rr preparation i.t Mti-ai-amin m tnc mai krl pom'bii the l.akrs. <>t to .NiAgnra l'h-i«. wil. Itjnl <it.- Sold t*> R. K S«i>r«. sot-- uarnt lor Pmsburyh. un«* ■*utc Uie ibom .omfortaMe ami ejpeditinu* T.rset. _ I) .M. Curry, Allegheny. irLii v7r»". , !eu."L-wu P ,"«o,‘l “> r US PKUFI3IEUV HKKD, PARKS A Co. Heaver " >*rcuia dc’ Amanda Article’ for thaviiif, J' "IN A <*Al (/HK\. Am Pia.t-uraii, ' lin •'» K-.-r. to, *-mv.|. r ., ••nr Water and .i« * **»* ,, «*-' (.rt am. do. T- ia« C ilarn.OTi. Huffmo N V Superior on 1 in• -Hands, I.’ M Hard. Knr, I‘a. 1 'v“ l! ••*£». I" rfuitu. 1 * ,;ii l,a«ruder, A rg.« CC Wirk, (sTeriiviile, p», irnr M" . M Kurland and Kin*, Big Bend, »*«, ' K« -m. ; "_i , «-'»drr rul<- «’ - linys tc Pluuit*. Shajn«bur«b, Pa, ■ , u W C Malan. Sliaron, Pa; t ll,r ’* 1 • U C Mathews. Puluitki, l'a; : *»•!*» «»» r«. <.*» * K W Cunningham, \‘n_ jyi j i,,^'*7*'!,7 '"" i UI'RKK t CO’g FAST KJCPKEBH \ liUi" o'LWanr', ’ common wv v . Shell Soda -i ip, tu-i-Umi with a girnt vsi:rl» 1 <K hne prrrmnrrr jt> '-•''ceiveil, lor sale i»r ‘UKAHSL-ToOKAf" < or dm A wood ■:* FOR CUMBERLAND, BALTIMORE, AND THE F-ASTkRN i'ITI^ r PHK Proprietor* of this Linr hnvc put on NcwStoek. J. and are prepared to forward puckuge* of all dc* tcnpllon* daily, at the lowe*t rate* J t:. BIDWKLL, Agent, VN nlrr Street. Pittsburgh. ROBINSON A BOKIOL ocl.ll W South t’lmrir* .1. Baltimore ’ "HaRKDKN A co-. Puitnger and Remittance OOlcc. rfi jg HANKDKN A CO. continue to (.rum prrvms any part oi England, Ir-land s< otiund upon the mo«t liberal icyrna, with tne.i usual PunclnaJity and attention to the wanu and com fort of emnugrnni* We do not allow our pu**cngrri> to l»e robbed b) the ewirdlmg scamps thut infest the .sen poru. a* wr take charge of lb run the morarni trn-y r. - port tiiemjwlvra, and m-c to their well being. and de spatch then) without any dnicntiun by the firxl ship*.— nit nay thi* fearlessly, ar we defy one of our passm Era to show that they were detained -IS hour* by uh hi verpooi. whilst thousand* of other* were detained month*, unui they could he tent in some old craA, ui a cbgp rate, which 100 frequently proved their coffin*. We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost whet K may. and not acin* wm the cose last season, with ether officer*,—-who either performed not all, or when U suited their convenience. Draft* drawn at Pittsburgh for any turn from JLI to XIUtW. payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire land, England, Scotland and Wale*. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Agent, f«bt P>ftll «r**L nn« dnnr l«ln« WwuU LARD AND FEATHERS—7 I,hi. No 1 Lard: ado No a do;' 70 bag* Feathers, io arrive, lor sale by f-bia _ ISAIAH DICKKS ACo, irohi.l S~ ll'.K ‘WARP AIjPACAS— Smith A - ji>iuf«onT"4« Market siren, would invite the atinttion m denier* add other* to thfir choice «tock of Silk Wnrp Alpaca*, Mohair Lu*tre* and fine Bomhnzmr*. which u,.-v arc now offering rti reduced price* i-i.« ON HAND AM) FOR SALE-lb p. .ir U i. Coatinu. p- I .uviuiicr du do, 1 1-a.r Luv.udir Mimil ci*. I dntrrc) miied Cloth, 1 do Arm) Cloth, iio Tweed*. i»r>m n, inuck nud gold mix. 1 do rnm y Oa»«mcrr*, I bule blue Blanket Coaung; rmiMgiie.J direct from niunuiacturcts and lor sale by the puciago or piece. deci.ii MURPHY A I,KK. liberty *t Extra an bet pkh three ply carpets— Received this day. direct from the manufacturer*, a handsome assortment of rxtro super and super three ply unpertnl Carpel*, of new style*, in wluch we a*k the attention of those wishing to furnish houses or steamboat*. Carpet warcroom. .No 76 Fourth »t, Puis borgh._ decal W M CLINTOCK BLANKETS— fit* |*c«. Drub Blanket*. The attention of California inon are asked to this article, a* they are heavy, and will he sold low io close consignment. febl7 H LEE BLANKICT COATING- An ussortmem of Blanket Coaung, for sale very low as i k* season is far ad. ronced. Those m want of this art.iic will bar gain*. _ feb!7 IiLKE ARTIFICIAL FLOWER}*—Smith A Johnson, Mnrket «, would invite the attcinion 0 | dealer* and other* to their extensive stock of French and American artificial Flowers, which wm be offered at eastern prices dcc - J7 GLOVED aNT> HOSIERY—SrimiTA John*oii7.t6 Market si, would mvttr the aiirntton oi denier* and others to their rhotce stock of Bitfou'* thpe/ior Kid Glove*, and a great variety of merino, *»&'anil cotton Glove*. Al«o, to their extensive stock of worsted, Cashmere. Alpaca. Vigorna and Bilk Hosn, Moravian and other styles of cotton lioie- together with every style of children’* Hone and gentlemens' half Hose. ;a‘i /*T6iCD SPECTACLES—SIiver do; Sleefdo; Uermau Silver do. A large a**ortmeni connantly on baud, and carefully fitted to any age. Concave, con vex, and cataract spectacle glass accurately adjusted u> any visjofr repaired. , Also, maUiplymg glasaeg for examining Unci, wool, mineral*, bank nuu», Ac , gu»i rec'd aaafor aug by w w yvilson; jag comer of maxfcet asd itb *ta MEDICAL DALLEV’S MJGiCAIfPAM EXTRACTOR! THE following from (leortre E- Pomeroy. Esq.. the well known proprietor of the Express, speaks for iiselfof the importance of the Pain Extractor toerery pare tv. Cl‘Et’L\l. >YM PToMS til' CONSUMPTION O Wu:'K pci*'-, li-u’kins fo..eh, general weaknev i'-I t*- *leei*. vai.nble uptH-lile, irregular bowot-. i , “i■*“ !'i-:wer« the •huuitler limiilc* hehitiil l>f STMl'iiOlS <)V I’oNSCMmil.t.—Coughing ami >la; rinM'y inu.«.-lr., gc-nrral debility, great snorin'- .. ot t ream on gm-g up stairs, asccndiug it U.tl "! •**! aintj bui :t Little* in«i, pulve always above »nr tiun-lreri tor w-’ek< together; drenching «old -wi-nl. li,wani. tnnniiilj t’ntarr!i:i; i nnsuinpiion cuiiien on 1,1,3 B t-otwnon catarrh nt coni. bm about the period when that di*. ru.e urun , V I* expr.-led U) unlmda, SORli* of the symp tom- iire ngirruvn'i u The rough i« more irosibl-- *ouie, opcciu.ty wi.m lying dowu. There t* no fixed p»tn in the i'Ue>i, t.al difficult breathing, which >r wont on lying down The appeurenee of the expec toration, which 1* > opious, if changed from a ilnck yellow mucus, to a thinner substance. It i* very un pleasant to the patient, and emits on unpleasant smell when burned It i» ut an uniform appearance, andfr* probably a mixture i-r pu« and mucus, as on mixingyil wiili water part suit* amt j.ni: swims. This disease may oc cur in any habit or at any age, and is charac terised by tire peculiarity of tire cough The Balsam of L.verwort effects the core of this in sidious disease by '•iprciormion, sooths and heals the affected lungs It irevrr Jin!* VYberevor tins medi cine hn« been u*rd, we hour of in success. For thtl -1"11 year* it has hem iieforr the puhltc. and has been tburoucluv tc.icd !m all coiiiplainis of the Longs, ami bus proved u««H superior in merit to any thing m use. We ought give hundred* 01 tcstimotuala from physi cian*. ihr press, clcigy. and there who nave been cu red. but all we desire is to cntl the attention of the af tln-ind. and for their own good they will iry 11. I ,ook oul (v r rouiucrieit* ' Always observe the *»c* iiuiiin:. '(jco (aylor. M D “ <>u me engraved label, and prepared al UlO Wholesale Depot. T.i Bcekman Ssdd in by J D Morgan Ud Wood si. J Townsend. Ij Marie -t; || Smyser, cor Murket and id *ts; llmder-nn i ui, l liberty ft Price rrducej to SU'Siprr t-oti.c iimrJ ’teu, ccr.i'C.r,itig ftafin::i extr*ci» . see.,: ! *.><! m.x-i entiimoi. w»pj>ei», (to« si'tn Pulmonary Baliata. MESSRS. REED a CUTLER—I feel it a duty I owe to my Icilow creatures, to stale something more rr«pecii ig your Vegetable Putriioiiaiy BaUntu, Smew I lir«l u*rd the linUont. about eleven year* aco. the happy etfert oi winch 1 then gave iui aeeoant of. I have bad -rvrral severe complaint* ami utinrk* at mv lung*, one a le .v day* since, and in every instance 1 have u*ed the llftimun slono wtUi complete mid perfect success L tin* elfected relief lutd cure in a very few day*. Ii i* crrtAnly a sale medicine. I do not know thi'i it will cure u fixed consumption, but I believe u -.s i.Ur m nuiiiv lease* a preventive, and prevention i« better tiiiui curel 1 do therefore, for the love of tny fel low men cnrnojiiy rccooimeud the use of tin* Bulsam in mi puitnoiiM rl complaint*. 1 am conlidcnt thai a has ii'f.i the liean* of preserving my ute to this dny. Boston Jane |k 4A BENJAMIN PARBONS.j j For mile ny l/ A Fahnestock. A 00, coruei first and wood iuid a %o corner wood and Hth. jnß» M A. ITtiaasTdcs,) A. B. Hull, N. Y' City B. F*UHEgr{>CK, YPittiburgh. U. W. Fxu.iHrtoc..) . Wholcaale Drug Store In the City of fiov York. It UK uudcrsigned are extenstvciy engaged in the Wholesale Drag boatnets at No. 46 John street, m Hie city of New York, aad are prepirrciJ to *upp ; v Drugrsts and cccntry Merchants with Drugs, Point*. Lhls, Dye-stuff*, Forsfn and Amenean Ferlumery, kjuic-er, A es-er A Mander's Chemical*, (of their own m| OJ '.sUait) *r> all other articles in their line of bust- Dots, of a supeno a* low u they can par. saosed u> this or any eastern city. Now York. Febltl U. A. FAJfNKSTTOCK A r AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY BiLTiMuut, rirrsauajH a.vu whksu.vu. WK-sTEILN LINK. Olfiee at the Exchange, Baltimore. REDl CKD -Ti e charge* have been re.lu red mi nil io or from Baltimore. I*lti«- burvli ui Wheeling, anil a rorTeipruidinp reduction made on all telegraphic dexpatrhe* lonvarUetl from Bal- Umole \\ e*l of i'UUbur gh, I’l. Kxtsx— n«e charge lor u leiegruph drepatch to or from Luluinore. Pitt-biirgH and W heeling, is 43 cents for the in-; t> n w ord«, and ti cent* for each additional word [] N>> chur ;e i* made fur the nddre.** and signa ture. Until the complct»'i> <n tho South Wusiern of Telegraph from Memphis, New Orleau*, des patches can ue liTvvardcd to Memphis by Un« route,and mailed »«r Orienn*. ielt PARTNERSHIP. ACHIX'N WtajlUB*USF A JOHN WOUDHOUBK, HAVING Uh« day aetoriatril themselves together in partnci*inp. under the hrm and of A. A J WuouiictM., foi !hr mnauUeiure of TIN, COPPER AND SHF.KT-nmS WAKFhOii Ihe corner of Rohm son street and me Canui. m ihc |»t Ward, Au-squbm city, where <he> are preparrd io furnish to order, wholesale and retail, all article* in iheir line with prompine**- Foundry Trimming*, and Carpenters’ orders are so licited, which will receive immediate attention ihty of Allegheny, Feb. 1, It49.—dfim Bacon Smoking, HAVIMi jam completed the rebuilding of our smoke house*, we are now prepared to receive meat, uini unoke it in the rao*i merchantable manner The houses are filled wiih ail the modntn improve ments, and are capable or containing IJUO.GUO Ibsoilcli KJER A JONES, Canal Basin, near Seventh *t 1 oVEKLSIG’B DOUBLE bbls liovedng’s Double Refined Loaf, Crashed and Pulverised Sugar*, just rec*d and for sale at Ihe Peki Tea Store, 70 Fourth street, by n»*» A JAYNE* KULL BUTTBB—ni hbU frcfth, jaxi rac’d anu tor' sataiiy fet.l7 ARMPTRoNG A CROZES bbl» Clover Rood; 13 neki \j Ci bag* Paochea, landing from mar Caleb Cope fci tale k 7 febis BA6ALKY A #IOTH MfcDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE HEJIOVAL A PERJIANENT CURE OPALL DISK ASKS ARISING FROn AN IMPURE STATE OF TUB BLOOD OR HABTT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ* Scrofula or Ki *g * F.vil, Rhuunuubm. OScilnate Cnta ncouf l>upuci i>'. Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches. Bile*. Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring Worm or Tvttrr. Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain of th rt Bonn and Joints. Stubborn Ulcers, Syp*»BUxc Symp toms. Srciauca or Luisbaso, and Dtfeaaca ariajfir; from nn 1 n;udicious use of*Mcrcun*. Asciicb or Drop sy. Exposure or Imprudence m Life. Also, Chroflic Constitutional Disorders. • I In ibis jireparation are strongly concenlrateti all Utc Medu .nh 1 properties of Harsapajulla. combined witli the mo«t effectual aids, the most salutary production*, the Dm* i potent simple* of the vegetable kingdom; and 11 has been *0 fully tested, not ouly by patients ibejn *c!ve«, but ai*o by Physician*, that it ha* reccircd iheir unqualified recommendation and the approbation of thr. public; pndjbas estabhshed on is own inertt? a reputation tor value aud efficacy far superior to the \ uriou* compound* bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cured, «ueh as are no! formihed in the record* of urae past: and what it ha* already done lor the thousands who have used U, H M capable of doing tor ihc millions auU Buffering and struggling wt:h disease It purifie*. c!»an#e*. and slrengtl’cns the fountain springs of hfc. and infuses new vicot tliro’- out the whole amnia! frame ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following striking and, a* wi.i l»e seen, perma* nent cure 01 an inveterate c«*e of Berofula. comineud l itseli to all *imt:nr'Y nfllicw- SutTMHrrr. Conn.. Jnn. I. IS4S. Mc»*r* Savp* ficnilcracn—-lympaUiy tor uto affiic* ti'' ttnluce* me to inform you of me remarkable cure effected by your M«r*aparilln >u the c.nse of my wife She win wvercly alhicicd with the scrofula oa differ rut ptirtr- ''t 1 h«* bod v. the g. *ad . nl the neck wt-ro grcally enlarged end her limb* much awn I ion. After suffering over a year and finding no relief trom the remedies u*e<L the disease attacked one leg. and be low the knee suppurated Her physician advised K should be laid open, which ivs* done, but without any permanent benefit, lu this situation we beard of, and were induced to use Bonds' Baraapanlla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any pre*cnpuon«be had ever ta ken, and before she had used utx bottle*, to the aston ishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quitr restored. It ts now over a year since'the cure win effected, and her health remains good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from tho system Our neighbor* ure ail knowing 10 these fact*, nnd thin* very highly of f-ands* Sarsaparilla. Your* with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from ;i letter received from Mr. N. W. Hor ns. u gentleman vs ri: known m Louisa county, Va.: ••Gentlemen—[ have cured a negro boy of mine with yeuT Bursaparrila. who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a irrofuiou* family. “Your* truly, N. W.HARRIS. •Frederick* Hall, Va.. July IT, l;4.V’ Sard*' BABucAXtILA. h teems almost unnecessary to direct attention to un iirticlr to well kuown, ami so deservedly p-otiulur. u« thi* prcpbrniion. but patient* often who wish to use tbe extract ot Sarsaparilla, ure induced to try worthies* compound* iieartng the name, but containing little or none of the virtue ot thi* valu able root; and we think we cannot confer a greater benefit on our reader* than in directing their attention to the. ndvertisefnent of the Messrs. Sand* tu nnoibor column The bottle ha* recently been enlarged 10 hold a quart, and those who wt*h u really good article will find concentrated in this ail ibe incOu. iiial value of the root. The erpenence ol thousand* ho* proved lU ef ficacy tti curing tim various disease* lot which il I* ii l ommrmlnl; and m thr pr<*«en! time owre limn any ntlirr, perhaps. La Uta medicine useful, in preparing the system for a change 01 *ca»o«.—Home Journal. Sepi I>K Prepared and *old. whoirsaie and retail, by A B. A D SANDS, DruggWa and Chemists, IW) Fulton ttreeu comer of WUhani, New York. Bold also by Drug gulf generally throughout the United State* and Cana da* Price SI per Bottle, *li Bottles for S 3 [l~7~Fpt sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by B. A. FAHNESTOCK, A CO, corner of Wood anil Pront «t*j also, corner ot Filth and Wood st*; by L. WILCOX. Jr., corner ot Siiuthficld and Fourth »t*. and also comer of Market ai and the Diamond; also, by EDWARD FENDEIUCH, cor Mononga'la House fetiii -Ihn SALTER'S .iINSENG PANACEA! TO lIK IFF. SIKFKRI.Mj with DLBEABEIJ Ll-NGJ* TJ.q unprecedunied kuocoa* which ha* ttended the U*e of tno • GINSENG PANACEA n ail the vxnou* form* wnicn irritation of the lungs a*- luinct, hns induced the proprietor ngam 10 cull atten tion to thl« WONDKIim. PREPARATION. The rhanguUe weather which marks oar fall and winter month*, i* always a fruitful source of COLDS AND COUGHS. Those, if neglected, are but the precursors of that fell iektroyer, COSUMPTION. The question, then, bow shall we nip the destroyer m the bad' how shall we gel clear of our cough* and old*! is of viia! importance to the public tup .-ot-.-r .s-r, ,i»n v n i THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found in the Ginseng Panaoeo. In proof af th:s we have frem nmc to time published the ceruficale* of doxcu* of our best known cinzens, who have experi enced its curative power*. These, with a ma*x of lea dmnny from all parts of the country.—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Minister* of the Gospel. &e , together with copious no* tee* from the ' JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may l>o had grati* o: any of' oar urnit* throughout thr country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES hare Seen u»rd m th:« cite thousands and Tens of thousands throughout the United State* and Canada, and we cha tenge any man lo point om a "" SINGLE INSTANCE n wlnr b, when taken aoeordtnc to directions. and be fore Urn iun«. hud become fntitliy rimorganlzrd, it Jjaj eve/ tailed to _ EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why. then, need the afflicted ncsitate* VV by re*orl to Uo inwrehle nostrums, gotten up by un oa-a imlivid sols u ler the assumed name of some ce -rnraied phy sician, and puffed uito notoriety by certificate* r par sous equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY l* to be bad, whose vouchers are at home-, —om nssgb bnrv—many of whom n has SNATCHED FROM TII>: GRAVE In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within ih<- reach of the poor a* well the Heft, we have put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, last one hair the.usual oosi of pough medicines. ute tor sale 1" our agents in nearly every town an 4 vi.iage over the we»t. who are prepart'd n. give full informa tion relative to n T. SALTER, Propneior, Broadway. Cinnnnuu, Oluo lIY DROP AT lUC ESTADLISHWEST, niiuarsot ui.m, peavtot co r* DR EDWARD ACKER. t;.ke« this m> ant of re. turning ini' thanks to in, tn»*nd» and the public lor die r iteitM ve patronage be ba» received, and of m rormtug them that he has lately erected a Urge and w- I con m rue ted building, lor the e xelusive purpose* ..i i.i- WATER CURE F-STAHEJSHMKNT, ut hi. old. location, at I‘hiibp-b.irgh. Pa., oq the,Ohio river, oppo site the .teamboat landing at Beaver, xrlu-rr lie r« rrmly ;•> receive patriot* &« t>oarder«, unci trenl tltem «>i lly diupattuc- principles. In addition to hi* long experi ence, and the great succors which bus heretofore at ic-ded hi* treatment of patients committed is h'i» care, lie hu* miw the additional facilities afforded by un ex tensive building erected expressly lor the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, undented up with every necessary apparatus for bathing, aud Adminis tering the ireaunem*u the utmost benehi and comfort ul the pattern. Phillipsburglt is a most flclrghuul and Vuahy village, easy of access by steamboat*, and af ford* hue aud wholesome wmtrr. Dr. Acker assures iho«< utllicted persons who may place themselves un der Ins care, that every attention shnil be paid to their comtort, and us an assurance ofihe sub.tanunl benefits to l>e derived, he point* with confidence u> the hun dred. who have been pennauatnly cured at In. estab lishment The Water Cure leavs. no injurious effects behind, u* u too olten the cine with those tvbo have been ire Bled on the old system. It removes the dis ease. invigorate* the system, ptytcct* from lh<; dangers rornirm to change* of the weather, create* a natural and active appetite, urn) impart* vigor to the digestive Power. Term* of treatment ami boarding reasonable. tft further particular* inquire at the establishment, or uddrea* the proprietor ut rhilltpsburgii. uug-JOd DR. JAYNE'S ALTEUA I'tVl-. We have been informed by Mr*. Rose of a cure per formedonber by Dr. Jayne's AUeraUve, wnich prove* ns superiority over every otner remedy of the kind. Sheba* been afflicted for thn la*t sixteen years with NKCRf «ES or WIIITE S W KLLJ NUS, attended with ulcerations aiul enfofatidu of various bones du ring wtuchuroe many pieces have been d isntiarjed /rum the ironlal boue of [he cranium, from both her arm*, wtisu and hand*, and from both legs, and from the left fetrorul bone, and from the right knee, beside* painful ulccts on other parts of hor person, which have baffled the skill of a number of the umieminent phyniciansot our ca.—dur.ng most of the time her suffering* have been cxcrtliating and deplorhble About three month* Since She wu induced tp try Dr. Jayne'. Alterative. W.i-cb tia* had an turtontflungly happy effect upon iter, i»y rrmovnag all pam ana ■welling*, and causing the ulcers to trial, while at the «atoc thne iter general health has become completely re no red thoj she now weighs , lb* mors than she did betorc *bc commenced the o»e of this tnilV valuable prepau«n.--[sat- Eve. Post. ror amber information, jmjtiTc ofMr*. K04.N0. I2fi Filbctt *t, Philadelphia. For .air In r-nrfurnh. al ihr I’KKIN TEA STORE, 7* t-onrih i%. near Wood. j>-5 I \R TOWNSEND’S SARSAFAk! dorrn Xl/ just received of Dr. Tinvuncjid’* the most extraordinary medicine in the world: This Kx ti act is putiup in quart bottles. It is six tunes cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any *pid. It cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Look ootvok Imitation*—Unprincipled person* have copied our labels, and put up medicine tn the same •hoped bottle. See that each bottle has tlip written sig nature of Si P. Townsend. R. K. SELLERS, Druggist- 57 Wood street, between Third and Frarth, i* Dr. Townsend's on.’y wholesale ami retail ligent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article combe had. D M. Curry ha* been appointed the .el. agent for Allegheny city, of whom die genuiue article etc l-c hail ap-J AND sCKOFULOIs s»VELL O IN(jS.—Scrnp la in all its muitipliotl form* whether in that of King's Evil, enlargementsi ci the elands or bone*, Umtre, White Swelling*. Lhromc Rhe'itnntikm, Canscr, disease* of the Skin or Spine, or ol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the *airin cause, whicn is a poisonou* principle more or lebs inherent in Uio human system. Tberov fore, noles» this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal euro edn be ofleetod, but if the principle upon wbieh the disease depend*, i* removed, a cure muatol ncceMityfollow, no mntterunder whatlorm the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason why J »vs?. s At.ThKATtTi; ia to mu ve really successful in removing so many malignant disease*. It destroys the virus or principle from whicn thoac diseases have their origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, remosfng every particle of disease from the aystcra. Prepared and sold at No d South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, Nh. 72 Pourtb suae Pittsburgh - - , Beha P. S MAOKKRKI^—7e bti in styre and tor sale low to close coiMftnumtt febl DALZKLL 1 ...... A GREAT CURE, pcr&rcwd by lh« origtoai and mly true and gumis* Uv«r rßi, prepared and told by R Egg]. ( ftKR.I. Mnaejx’ KaCTuxt, WukmoTataad Pv,) July 18th, IM7. ’j Mr. A- S. StiUrj; —A teas* of duty to juoaal thaafiictad ifiduees me to add tsy htanbla tastimooy in lavor of yourJusUy Liver Puli, I hat* datarred doing n (or yean, uiheriag to Davy CrockcttN taasita, “h* run you are righf, ffics go ahead." Most af tbe many preparuttoos of aniptne* abd quaeks, headed to the akin, have rank into ahliriou tine* rjur Lir-. r Pi U bare be* n offered to lh* pubJle. aod, indeed, bsbrse thty will ''itrtiu them all/’ os they ar* iuat wfisi you rspirseut Lhtio to be. I hav* baea afflicted with Liver Complaict ftotn toy. youth, bars raff*red moeh; employed jpan} souueni phrueians, to whom 1 paid much maacyf hae* *M much Uca vsnaiud and physicked alaostu death; •aljHted sor 6 unci, aud finally given up uiucurahl*. It ÜbJC-7 1 was icduetd t« trj your Liver PRL.and SOON GOT MLLL. One box *f wtiieh umw ruflcltnt to keep nr*clear of pain u iL* »id«, tad ail tbo otb*e sysptoma, far al ka*t U atuatiu Yuor Piiu trvabo lbs best catLartic 1 wcruaod: Oemg m»I,I, not griping oe giving much debar* at th« stoa aeh, but giv* iu* much relief I have kept them ta me stare tor o or , sold huodreds of boars, and hav* sever fitard a »ng-e eontptsifci uttered by any on* vrha ha* u*d *“*> h"»e sup*rr«ded dioabst every othar Ml n tha neighborhood, sud ia a stsort time will hinuK jh cwuMly rv«an.a«ud the. to *R persons Bttdiiw pSrtie nhtlher for Ltrer Uanplwnt or fialUovu AffkrtwJ ndarthm fcr, Ul <no, toCalomei orth* rfuaPa As there an other Pill* fce&re SfnSit CatLcp Lirer Pills, persons who w«t thqGENU!NEeho<Ud asELLfi5 ke N' pt * par *‘ ! ij* 57 Ifood-*t. betwren Third tAdf«u<k Sold by Dr.GanasL, Fifth IFard, D M Cn*r, ABtftefty arS F Great English Remedy. OR Couch*, Cold*. A*thma and Consumption' The -GRLAr ANDONLY REMEDY fortWcnre ofthe at>ove disease*, i* the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP dt*coyered by the celebreied Dr. Buchan, o( London, England, and introduced fntff tlu> UoiicdSuie* ai l£s r immediate #uf>ehnifindcac« of the InvemorV »..li ,0 w C S!?f >rdui4ry * uoc «»* of this medicine, in tff cure of Pu monary di.*ea*e*, warmnl* tho American Agent in volicuing tw treatment tho wur*t possible ea» k* that can be found in the community— case* that ae«k relief m vain from any of the common remedies of the da>, aiid have been given up lr)- thn most duonniahed phj ateton* as confirmed undmcuniblc. The Hurijqrj. an Balsam baa cured, and will care, the most Jemma j f . eu *}: It is no qaoek no*tnim, but a tubiraedioine. of known and enabliahed etficaerd Eyttfy m the Laued statea ahouU bo aapplied with Buchaii e Hunganan Balaam ot Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies oftlio climiw. but to be used a* a preventive medicine tu alt euea of colda, coughs, spuung of blood, pain in the tide and Chest, irritation and *orcn«» of uie lunct, broehttiiL difficulty of breating, hectic frver, ntchi iweata, emaot ulion and general debility, astlnaa, mflueuiaTwhcow&r cough and croup. r * Sold m large bottles, at fl pcrboule, with ftdl direc tions for the restoration ot' health. Pamphlets, coutiuiiiug a mas. of Kngltah and Ameri can certificate*, and othur evidence, showing the «»• equalled merit* of thi* great English Remedy, auy be üblained of the Agoal*. gratui'.ously. ‘ For *al«i by B A KAIINESTOCK A Oa, comet of st and Wood and Wood and 6th its. mai6 DR. JAYTfE’S CARffIINATIVi;nAL9AJR IY' ROM the Rev AtSA dlllNN, a well knowu and pop P ular CleTgvman of the Protestant MethodinChareh JTbc undersigned havm* beenaihiclcdduringihapaat inter with a disease oftne stnmaffh, *ometimea pro ducing great pain in Uie stomach for leu or twelve hoora Without intermission, nnd after having tried various remedies with liuje effect; was fhrnlthra with a botilt uTDr D Jayne’sCarnunauve Daleam. Tbishouedno ebrding to the directions, and found invariably medic uie caused the pain to abate in tit ree or Cuar quo uie*, and m fifteen or twenty mtnaicsevurv uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine wttl af terwards used whenever Indications of the approach of ptuii were perceived, and the pain was thereby pvevuu etl. He cotiuuued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes in the meriting, and in a few weeks health was so far restored, tUat the sufferer was reliov ed from a large amoant of oppressive patn. From ox nerienec. therefore, ho can confidently recommend D D Jayne** Carminative Balsam, as a saintary mediein fbr diseases of thestomaeh and bowel*. A BHINND For sale in Pittsburgh at the P\l)s 78 Fourth streoi, near Wood, and ulao at liteDnav Store of II SCHWARTZ. Federal street. Allegheny {iRUCKRIES, BACON— >7 ca*k» sugar cured Ham*; J “ u Shouiderspfioraaleby __ msrii J P WILLIAMS? IIU wood it T >ACON—l<t cask* prime Kentucky oared Bacon—* Jl J Ham*, Sides and Shoulders, jn*t recHi and tot «hld * by mar 7 JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co BULK PORK— aas piece* assorted Pork; just recM; tor_«ale by mart __B ROBISON ACo Butter and ia.nd—-j bbu Rou Butter; \ do Turd; y kegs do; just ree'd per »unx Beaver, for sole by mart R ROBISQN A Co ■ BACON SHOULDERS—SOOO lb* on hand and lor sale by * mart TAS9EY & BEST CIUTTON —"5 bales for sale by > rhky. Matthews* Co, SUGAR —td hiid* pnraf old cropi'iioboli Loaf tto»tr, for saJc_by_feblo "V - ' l>. SUGAR' AND M GLASSES— 2OO hhda NO • Sugar, Oil ttbla N O Molumi, receivißf per •cauKrr* !»ar«u:»)£, Washington and Port Pill; for Mis aw- BAGAJ-KY X SMITH, la and 20 wood U \GON— j SkaJS —Ou bbils Llama and Shoulders, bright and dry; » aerres Sugar cored Hams, superior to any ever offered in dm market, jn»i rec’d and for sale by man SELLERS 4 NICOLS LARD —jo bids, 6 kegs, for sale by mar** 3 S VON BONNHORST A Co EL ITER —5 bbla Roll Butter, rec'd and for aaio by mchU WICK A M’CANDLESS_ BULK PORK AND LARD—t3^oo~pbands' llama and SboukieT*; Si key* Laidj landing from tuar C Cope; fur sale by DaGaLEY A SMITE, _ febia IS and 20 wood si SUNDRIES—® hhda N O Bagar, TOO bagi pdMo Rto Coffee; 10 tierces Rice; 10 kgs Gray A Bro. 0 Twin Tobacco; landing this day from aimr Messenger No 2, and for JAR FLOYD) marlO Round Church Baliding O MOLASSES—2UO bbls prime N O Molasses J.N • in store; for sale by mnrl2 RHEY, MATTHEWS A Co JUST RECEIVED—IOO lbs pow’d Liquorice Ball, and tor sole by mchl3 J KIDD A Co BUCKET*, TUBa ANt) KEELERS—4odozßeaver Backet*; 'io do do Tub.; fi do do Keelers: for sale by 8 F VON BONNHORST k Co, marlu 3S front »t LARD— 15 bbl* ju*t rec'd and for sale by S k tY UARBAUGU, uteblG 53 water 101 front su MOLABBEB— 70 bbis N O Molasses, for sale by _ martO L B_WATKRMAN OlAs- For Cutiforma overland companies, re ceived yesterday und for sole by fcblS W W WILSON GENUINE SALAD OIL—On hand and for sale by febao J KIDD A Co SO N DRfES TO ' ftl bx* prime white Havana Sugary 10 Ucrce* Rice: 113 bbl. N O Molasses, 10 bxs Lemons; SUbxs Soap; 50 bis Raisim, 40 bxs tot ei Soap; And for«ale low. ENGLISH k BENNEtf. • febl7 _ 37 wood sf LIHKKSE —'Hi bx* Wc.teru R--soive, in store sad for / sale by febtW ROBT DALZKLL k Co RICK —10 los Rfce, rec'd and for sale by . mehU WICK k fIi'CANDLESS f, , LAX—I a sack* Flax, rec'd and for sale by r mclill WICK A M'CA.NDLKaS BULK FORK—3ipc* Bulk Forit, ituidiug from ca nal boat Medona, and for sale by m&rj JAMES DALZKLL, 81 water ut STARCH— 15 t>x» extra Starch, for sole by mar I ii S F VON BON N HORST k Cu> tSJ HITK UFA.NS-—tftl bbl. while Beans, for safe by T> mario S F VON BONNHORST kCo PEA Nritiobu«h on hand and for .ale low u> close lOusigntneuL by lehlt BROWN k CULBERTSON SLoAR-5n hhd* new crop, just rec’d and fpr sale _ by tchU BROWN k CULBERTSON LARD— -to bills No 1 1-jtrd, In store and lor sole by fobltl SkWHARBAHOH BROOMS— 50 dor extra quality and finish; 10 •• * hearth; 10 “ •* cloth, for sale by fob--*. J D VVILLLAMS S MIRAS' ALE—Order* for ShiraV celebrated Sain tly Ale. promptly executed by the undersigned. ROBERTSON k REPPEKT, marlO.dlOt Agent* for the manufacturer^ iM-OUK —25 bbl* S F Floor, landing from stmr Ar rowline and for sale by mar-i JAMES DALZKLL VMAiTft—suo Übi* 11] .lore. X mars Jjj DILWORTH kCo SUNDRIES —& bbl* No I Mackerel; &> bbls No 2 mackerel; 20 tif do No 2 do; ut* " “ 3 “ 10 do Tanners Oif^ 5. do Alum; 3 do E Satis; 3 do chip’d Logwood l Uf do Nutmegs; 50 bx* No 1 seated Herring, J 5u bx* No 2 do 00; 5 do sccated SoapJ 10 do No 3 Press’d do; 10 do No 4 do do 1 ha;e Cloves; 10 bags Java Coffee: 50 hbda prime N U Sugar; ju.t rec'd snd for sale by decU BROWN k CULBERTSON SL'IJAR— ;W9 bhd. prime N O Sugar, reoei.od per Western World and Gen Pike,Tor *aln by murio tfURURIDQE, \YILSONk Co RICE —44 tierces prime Carolina Rica, arriving-by •teamer Gen Pile; for »ale by _ marlu BURBRIDOE, WILSON k_of» CjUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES—IOO bbls SH Molas sea; tor sniet>y BURB&IDGE, WILSON kCo mario _ WHISKEY —10 hl>l* old Mooojjgahela \Vhiskey copi>er distilled, for tale by mar 1 0 BU RU RUXJ E,_ WILSONk. Co STAR CANDLE—2O l.oxe* Star Candle*, No s*ju» received and lor *aJe by mart BROWN k CULBERTSON KAIBINS —50 In* M R ilaidita, ju»l recM anJ for .sic by marti BROWN k CCLBERTSQN iMGS— 10 I.x* Malaga Fig*, in *for« and for sale by 1 ma rt BROWN k CULBERTSON PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, - I't'BI.ISIIEU DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY 4 WEEKLY Jj ths I i*z4itt Buildings t 3 A si, tuar tk* post OtXiM. lIATKB OF ADVERTISISQ, One mtu-rtion of ISlineu, or lew, RO 60 Two iiiscrtiunß o 75 'l'nra-e | 00 One Week •' .160 Two Weeks *• 2 60 T h "' " " •' - S 00 One Month, “ •••«.«*«. 4 00 T»» " " 6 00 Tb ''" " “ 1 60 itr Longer adverttaemenU In came proporiieu. One square,6 month*, witheot alteration,... 10 00 " “ l? “ “ “ .k.. 16 00 Each additionasl square for 6 mouths, »•••*. 600 *’ M w “ 10 00 One tqQare,6 months.renewable at pleasure, (5 00 “ ■; - “ row Each additional square for llmanlhs. 10 00 Two smt&res, 6 months, re'wablesl pleasure SO 00 Each additional square, 6 months, .......... S 00 weksxt on Tui-wusnY nr xtaxuv rum, One square. 3 iusertuias, 60 “ each additional insertion,37 Bcfisasa canoe. Five line* or less, one year, ....•4*....*,. 6.qq “ “ '• six mouths, ...6 00 " oho year, daily 4t,weekly 10 00 " “ " sit months « 1 t QQ luvenTissHKaTS is vmir YAnaJ For 20 lines, or less, One inscrtiOh, -#ft a “ “ " “ *’ “ “ JJ ree ' H " " rhree months, «* ;; g; rtw ; OO 57 water street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers