{ ESTABtilifiED IN’ 1786 BUSINESS CARDS J HMKt , RONGJcCROi^ER 1 jnowml««'® Aicjeirantt. A aiiJ Dealer*- la Prodaec.cNfc 21 Market «wi PnUorch. . _ BAT*. f>tr><IIF(EI,D A JIAYS. WhMMak' <*aler4'in Dry fc> Good*, Urws:rtc», Boot*. HhottL, PiUnborjrf) manu faflurrd article*, Ac., Ubeuy street, Pitt*. Bareli ,i. ?. ii“ 5 . .feaKDeidru. aiura. - : fisoaax uirrsa. TYBAUN A RI3TUR, Whale**!*;and Retail Drug js gist*, corner of Liberty and Sb.CJair surel*. Pitu l/iSrgb, Pa. ; •'/; w»ayU CttSKRTSUJI, ': Jl' M. B. aatflSTJ. GROWN 4* Clft.BltftTSON, .Wholesale Grocers, JJ and Commission Mcrchanlx. No. 113, Librfty si., PifUburgh. IV ! ,/ v J ifcSlly. BA. FAiLNEsfroCK A and Kc . tail Dragging, corntf WoodapJ Ctli *n • jyt f.RAI.KV t ttntß, Sown, is «nJ a> Wood street PitUbOrslL -. ; 9 A. MeANUI/TY A Co., awl Gom . mission Merchant*,Cantu t&in, I‘iUsborgh Pa. ". * • ; i '■ . ; • nicfat: Wjt a. taousa, fataE* i. Htßirtn. IjtNUUHH lt>Bi2fNEnT, ,<la «fGallagher 'j Jr Co.) Wholesale Grocer*, Coaimissum w>d Vnr- Wflxduig MerebamX, *od denier* iolPmducc an<l l*tu*- batgh Manufccture*, No. iff \Vood at., between ?d und Sfotreeu. 4’ *. oell • g-4 KORGK COCHRAN, Commission arid Forwarding \3T Hlerchdnt. No. go Wood raylj HIJ2K, (»ucce»Mr to Murphy'A !.«>) Wooi Deal v er soil Coramissioo Mere.haiit, fur Ui<* »ule or American Woolen*, Liberty, dppOHite 6fW at. __ ielii:_ TITABnV. j’on3» A and i'oi- XX warding MeitUam-S. bate, returned to their old stSiid, Water and Front street*. Pit|»tiu.fgh. Jk/> ‘ < vyw. irsxus Bdluiaorc. • ’ i *.i.«i>aw*,ta>w**»»«|iJK J pbiuui,. ■r c-a'cAnutoj*, aoun «. wgasfeu. y TTKAIiDABUCKNO'R-,' 1 Tobacco M*** ft ehariU*« North Water at, to.'lo North \Vbar*ra, : . novMMf Tjttitiii inciDi, • *" ~ wcakt, Jfc, fiALAII DICKEV A Con Grocet*. Cotn jaisaion Merchant*, and jn Pooduee, 56 nxer, and tn? Front street*, gmflbhrgh. tto-ff -gOJIN WATT, Uacecskor'-to RwaU A tiebbnrt.) •I WbolewtPi Grocer and tomrii*«i6n Mercbam. dealer in Produce! aad Piit»bttTgh.filniitifac»uTe*, cor-. Bir Of Liliertyi anti llaifd rireej*, FJtUburgh l’a ia'A* JAMES S McGITIRE, tnaof AJgco and McGuire,) Merchant Sb,Khttrief> Boildtng*, ITiitd street, near Wood, Piiubttrjb .. ... . . JAMES A. IiOTCHIsGN,; A .fjo.—Sacec**om u> i>wi* Hutebiatm * Co, Gomoturinn Mcrchwit*, aad Arem* of th« SU Lorn* Sugar Refinery, fto. tfwater andtS front tueeti, P>tist*irgh. :• : ! ■f S DILWORTII A Wbol&tale Grocers, Pro- J. duce oju! Cammi»sitja Merchant*, and 'Agent* (of Ihe Hazard Powder t'o. of N- V, No. 27 Wood »t, Phubonrh. r y.j, • i s * JOHN IX MORGAN, afid deal er In Dye Staff*, Paint*;.Oil*, ydmi*«*,Ac, Nu v 3 Wood street,one door South of Diaßiodd Alley, Pitu httrgh. !'i. Janl A Co., i»ucg.e*si»r to Joseph U. lf, Ddvlß,)Ship Chandlers.’tJG W6Wr «in4t. : oc3J fOHN H. MELIXIR, WMioid'aaio.and kctaiUchlcr ill ln,Bln»ie aud Musical School Boos*. Paper, Slates, Steel Pena, Uuitla, Printers' Cords, fend Stationary gietierally.No- fil Wool*!, PiUsbuCgh. . - fi7~ Rafl».bought or taken m.tn*je\ \ I? SCUOONMAKER A'Co.i WTiolCsale Uinggist*, No. 21 Wood fetreet, PuL«barj('h. ' _ ■pOUN D. DAVIS, Auctioned 1 /, cojncrfitii arid Wood (J-- streeu, Pittaburgh. , J__ SOriNSTON A STOCKtONv aud Paper Manufacturer*, No. 44 Maffeet si, PtU'*- ilnfrgb. ; . r '. >, fg° Jons n*>7t>, • KiouAßi* alo^i*. A R. FLOYD, (late J. Fjord A. D 0.,) Whoie-*alc 1 Grocers, No. tW Liberty sfrecL *cpo btf^K|.l., Wtiblesftle'.Groecr, r.Merciuuu,and dealer’m Produceaiifll'jtt*l>urgti Myiufacture*. No. l!4 Water si., Pftuburgh. ' jan 1 1! KIEH a JON FJS Forwarding aud' Ooiumi*sli<n Me r clumis t Dealer* in Prodoey and Pittsburgh raajiu f»etnre4anicle*,-Canal'Ba*in?fiear'Jili*L dill 1,1 Vesurlus Irou^Worlti. TEWIS, UALZP,I>L A tnanafarturer* i>( X'J *c»‘liar, Sheet Boiler.lroa uml Nail* of .the oei-t gtihliiy/ Waietlousc, 54 wnter;«nd 105 front *y jaiilfl 1 1 1 ; ' IT, 1 WATERMAN, \Y ; Wc**'« firoser, Vonvaid- Ja.ingAndCQuuniAtion Merchant, Dealer hi Pitts targh Manuiacturu and iJroddec,N (, a. 31 Water , and fid Fronts:. , , ; ji> laiiif jnaiLL. za*. o. m’cilL. - waixk£c. ana McfilLldJ A RUE, Whoieaaie Groceraaad Cumflu.»- cron Merchant*, No.'li4-Inbeny *u, Pitt*burgh ■ : i* a . . : : __ MURPHY’ WILSON A.CO.i (li.it lone*, Murt.ny A Co.) Wholesale Dealers jit Dry Goods, No, 4e ‘Wood street, Pitiabuxgh. i nov^_ mT AtXßsj aXkiV Ritiics; wa. *. htM»:l- M ALLEN A Co., Cotnratssion and Fo/wurding Water >4 and Market t’r,. _ Vfß. kju&S, . . • . t. v. ucitfrso^t. ■M ILLKR A Grdcrrr and J,V* Commission Merebtuit*, No. 17b, Libert Pju*- bULfgfa, Pa. > • ' jsi‘l4 Tk?T HOLMES' A SON, Na J iX*door from corner of Foiirii. deal cry in’ Foreign and JDainctdic Gill* of Exchange, Gfcrufirtiies of L»cpo»- tVfiankr Nout* and Specie. *; t’ ' JET* Collection* mad ou all tito pnncipal ettic* ikMjmghput thd. United State*. ' • ,det-17 ■TiOBEBTItfOURK, :«roc«r, Itecu/ymt JX PUtiHef, dealer m Prc.dn6e,'filtsturgh plumifac upes, and- till kinds of l-'drefgn phd Doineitdc W loeo altU Liquors, 1 No. t< IKtcny -*t>eeU' OA'faafltf a veiy> IWge stock of cunexior old Mdoflugatiela whiskey,! which will bo sold low for castr, • ; apUkly 'BQ&S3T RaKSioX. ~ . : lilacokiTm. AubinsoSs, H & Co- Wholesale Uyoerfs, lNoduee', XVs and Coßmiisa>o'n Dealers in I'itu tnrgh ManalaciUTes, No. ieO J-ißnny st, Jfiiisbuigh. p*. . g. juaio IJIt)R£UT bAL'/KU-. A) I’oi Wholesale Urocirs, XJ/ Cotniuiation and I'orwanfing MerdiantA, dealers introduce »jut Pittaborgh Matiufariuros, Ijhfuty si Piluliurgh, Dn : * EOUT. a. CUNNINGHAM, .Wholesale Hi oerr, Dealer in Produce sitd Piiutburgh Manufaciure-s hio. 144 Liberty »t- , i)} - Lo. aerwuLM, . « .J- t. 13 EYNOLDS & BHEH, FonfarAio* Oointnusuoa n, Merchants, tor the Allegheny River Trade, deal er* in Groceries, Product Fimbnrgli-Manalaeuirrs arid Chloride of Lime. T ■ ■ • £be highest prices, in cash, paid ai all antes for coun try mgs. Corner Ol Penn anti Irwjn •!*- ' OMTTH A JOHNSON, Wholesale and RetsilDculerß 2? in Millinery Good*, l-ace*. Hosiery Md raj»cy Articles,No. 45 Market sUbet, ad floor ahoVA Tiunl si, Pflutiurgh- . ' . • h? antfTtJTTT, • TUtSt. *e WBtia. A WHITE, Wholesale Dealer* In JS Foreign and Itoaestie Drr</oods. No. 90 Wood *t. m*bnrgß.. i-.( cUi7t ' 73 —A W. lIARBaUGH, WQCfI Merchants, -Iteilcra S* >a Floor aad Produce ge»esilly, : ana Fonvamnig awi Commission Merchant*, iJfip. 511 Watei tt., PiU*. Lfirgh. _ • fc.-Y . : . OMfEB, BAGALEY A Co, #h Dlo,al « <»«>«« » n f H Produce dealers, Nn.S£J slreel > oil* add fito. North side, Fluladelplifkc _ . ,_c° vH afattiias; nTt»»o»6B. • i&K iticnom, su.H¥is*ito. C* ELLERS A NICOLS, Produce add ;GeiVeral Gom- J 5 mission No. It Liberty Tuubargh. gflerro, Liireded and bard Oils: • .. F. VON BQNNHORSTJ Ato., Wholesale Gro cers, Forwarding oQd CouHttisstoh Merriiania, olera in Pittsburgh Manufactures ami .Western Pro ddee, have removed to their now stand) 14$. 35, corner of Front su ami’fciiaAcpryLajte. cov7 V'■ I ■ J "w. j. troth ,T ~- .. ‘ r ; , ;’ 6CoIf rSIIHITH A SCOTT, WTioleshlamnd Retail dealers m X Boots, Shoes. Trunk!*, tfiifidl Bags, An., S. W. q rner of 4th. and Pmithflrtd stt, jfllitbujghrfa. J 8 1 rftASSEY A BEST, Wb«setuta<iin>cer* and Comiuts- X »»oo Merchants, and llealei* Ip PrWuOt No. Ju Wood su, Pittsburgh. ’ . P*^ 1 iUun m wicx, DstfiD ji'CsJiui-i** f*r lOK A SrCANßUiSK,,‘(Biicceisor* to L. AJ. i> ■ f Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Comnuraiou Merchants, dealefs,\in Iron, Nails, G'l***, Ctatbfi S'ams, and Pittsburgh ManrifartareS generally, r»ar of Wood attd Wn-i -tr.ifeU, Puubuigb. EKST BOWKN—CoimnSjaon ar.fl Fotwardm No. W) Front «L betvrteeft-Wood an :et streets. " t -. . ! WW. WALLACE, Mill stone and MtU Funush * me esiablislxment, No;SM Libetiy near the esnat _ _ —2?^. Dealer -to Watehes, Jewelry, . Silver Ware, MiUlarT-J?®" I *. *?., No. S 7 Mar «m R. MLRPiI V, Wboksilp and Retail dealer in • Forelrn and ItomcsUoyDry Goods, north can eonterof Market and Foorth sIL BP^~* • - ' ittn. r. n’rtifta tM YOKING A Co.—Deafen In leather bides, Ac. 143 Liberty at _ —^■nnVcnciniD' iSr^AlLM’OljTCliEONjAt'fcoleraleGnKjersvdra- W • jera in Produce, lroUj.74*i l *i Gluski and Into. bftVgh Manufacutfes gcocrsi^JE/iburty I’UU W. rnJU" 1 -.* carefally repnlml. J,; ; "£? . WTLIJaM SMITH, MaiiUffcclutof: of .Colton and colored Until, Silk and colored Couon for silk alid emgbmn Parstols. Gimp, Mohair, uojjl Hfdk Btillion Fringe*, iasde to order on the shartostsiouce. > Sto»«, eomer ofMaiden Lanp-ftad \N illiatn.nmraiice S«iawmii™ .iw.mhud opof, »»« Abo»r t iJr> jtorv.Na.O | ftP #- T4av¥ Y£rk_- __ JT»” SJSTPUKW WlQioN.TtortrhitandMioiuwref 1 IVI ter. Rocmi, comer of'ltost Oflicd;A!l«y n»d Fourth strest, entrance on 4th near Market. ■ drclMltl ' flfs«Uta*d“X^«i‘tscarT; w N°- «Jflarkei st, three above Third « Pi»to- Dorgh. wtirhave constantly a trcli selected u»» nortiflirntoftho testand freshes: Mcditu*e», which he • eU °il “® wart jcasonablo tcrnSs, rMsicians SiiM n witL r iSi7. U , l k ,e ?“? upon a* genuine. ilf Physic areuratcly and w33v prepared from the V-t» hmuri»3«, at any b«u r of ha day or night. . : TT 7 . Alw fC" * l*,I» iwi Of ftc„ (rood Ptrfo •wr- - - . —_y :: ■ ■ SARBI.iI WOKKfI Off I.lfjßXV ot 1 OPI’fOSITF * ■ Ire and Pier Tops of foreign -sha dotitcstic martlle at k regular and fair price. . N. B.- Drawing* for monomwiU I .vanlu»Ac. lunuxh ' fcd, of anf dcscinplion. iiOeo.ucnsa-Uate of public palronaga. ' u i.\_ .... . ■ augy-dtf p - JJ. T T. Ilob«t(§ M,b^ ;/\rri!ALMI& aUend to U,r. treat \J rneniof Disease* of wAKy*'. Dr. R. hns been engaged Iti.tflis branch of them«li tal profession for silieen yCarft And bhs ponducted.an lesublisbmem for the trealnifini,°. f diretislw of the dye .Slone tor tevaral years. m , . Wncs and residence, coTOtr of MndtuJry si and fetrawberry alley, Allegheny cjty. , mPKiTIS TKA S^pHAC^'N?, 7 ’' FourOi •t, noar of Green ami Black Teas, done-aj> lu'qoarter, half, and thi: piTTKitntnii mm mzetof- CARDS. ■ UUUIBBKE WORKS, ' C'tOI*E3LA.N, IiAILMAN A CO. commie ip manu- J faetare Small Iron, Spring aud Am. Bluidr strc.i. Plough, Fork aud Hoc Steel. Rjvpt*. Spike* and Wro : Iron Ntilk, *ll «i2e*. together with Coach and -EJipur Springy, hlf Pat, Taper and eoratoon Axlr» Having reduced the price of Wroughf Irrvi Nut. cngincjb'oilders and other* using the artu ir, will hint il to ihbtr interest Is give thia.netv branch of PttUbursti itranufaciure* their itirmion; Coanh irimmings and mulchble iron on l<be{ai ienn> YVareltoiiw «*n Water and Fourth «u frlrthi-n UattiikW 1 rtiWAaoa. ;o*. c. Focbiu tikis ctxnokr, ir JACOB rwcca, raui ton. jahesh t.f*KK, ■ THU* *tljl , >n’l BfcCUASICS’ GLASS WORKS. SIMPSON a lk>„ mnnulacturcr* of Via!*,, Houle*. and Window Gla*», kerp c«m<tauily <>n liand a general a**orunriif of Ibr ah.M-»- artiebiv ATi-o. ID ordtr a superior article oiMmeral or Soda-tVmr r HotlleS, of colored gb-v No. 16 Wix-J >t. Pi!o>barKh. Pa. Buglt-dm ' >KNI9 MILL, Pl'fcTtfHClßGU. PA. T r ENNEDY, CHILDS A tJft, Mnnufinurcr* 01 rerv i\ superior 4-4 Sheeting*, Cntpct Cham, t'oiion Twine aad Batting. jaJd-ly DaqUtint Stiei amd iron tIDUEMAN, IIAILMAN A Co, suutiaiacturer* of / f'oach and Elipue Spring*, liamincml Axle*, Soring and plough Strd, Iron, A'. W art-hon<-c on Water jmd Front utrcel*, Pitiiburgh. Al*a, dealers in{ Coach Trimuingt anr{ Malleable Ca*Unj{«. ' 0.111; XT IiuCKMASTb.R, Atuituu* -fijift, Vjptath *t, 1* • Ijn’id doorabovr Stnithheld, *outh aide.' 'onreyancmg of all kunls dona Vruh Hie grcawi n> atiiiexoi accuracy. ' Tilin* le Real l^aiaU' tfiamiiir.il, 3w., fir AM. MITCHKJ.TREK, Wholc-oie •’ (Jrocrn TT •Jtrcufyinu Diaullrra, an<* Wflic anil 1.i,.,i 0 Merrhsot*. A!*o, lnipoftfWW'SoJa A«h and Blrack ••iC I‘wwtler, No. 160 Liberty streei, ftunburL’h Pa tu-p2[ HOME LEA.QCK FACTOR.*.' HAMILTON STEWART, mannfaewrer of Heavy Shirtings, Checks, Ac., Rebecca street. city of AH«?Kbrnj\ __ ftovLS-Uly» - rv PETTIGREW & CO., [JLIuLJa y T t: A M BOAT AD'KATS _• >6a»£gH»« OrncK ajsovk M. Aixtv & Co, ocCB No. 4S Water 1 siren INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL, IIiSURAACK CO. JOHN FINNEY, Jr_, Agent at Fiunburj.li for tbe Del aware Mutual Salety Insurance Company,ai I'Lila adclphi*. Fire Rinks upon building* and merchandise of every description, and Marine Risks opuu hulls or cargoes o( vessel*, taken upon the mom lavorabie terms. * Office in the Warehouse of W. B Moimos A. No \Vuler, near Merkel street, Villsliurgn, N. B.—-The success of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency m thiS'fity/vptb the prompt- Ilea* atfd liberality with which e\ery claiitt upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in in riling the confidenee anil patronage of hi- fiends und the rottnuunity nt large to the Delaware hj. st. lu<u nuier Company, while it has-Uie hddiunua] idmiiarn as nniuatuuiiOii among the most Bourisinng mPli*;aJ«-l plU£—as having oji ample paid-in capital. wfiirh i>v me oixrrjmtv ' • . - i- of i la charter ta eonmuily mcreitumj. m dliig to faob percoty umtml : hiv due share <>i' Uu jfilstJllbo company*, without mrolTiiig liiinmaiiv whatever, and therefore ao pnisetsing the Mutual principle (livened of every otnioKn.n* i>h litre, and in it* moot attractive tom. nov4 FIRE AKD MARINE INSCRAifCK. fFHF. tiisutaJioe Company dfNqrth America, turough X its duty authorized Ageul, the «übacribei. oflrrs to make permanent ami Itdnlrd Insurance on property, in this city and iu vicinity, and on shipment* lij the c'*• aai and Rivers. Arthur U Coffin, Sam ! \V Jones, FJtvard Smith JOLII A. Brown, John Whho, Thonoaa P Cope, Samuel F. South, Samuel Brooks, le3IT D. Stoxuut, Sce’y. This is Ihe ottleal insurance Company in the l/mied State*, having beet} chartered in |7W. It* i*lianer it perpetual, and from iu high aianding, long ejj.erieiirr., uiuplc mcaua, and avoiding all n*k»oi &u earn Uux arduu* Character, it may be considered as odpring am ple security to the public: W. I’. JUNES, - Al the Coanung kuom ol* Atwood. Jones A C«i„ \V»- tftr ami From "tretJU Pittsburgh. inavh rjtllK riUBSCBIIiKR has GeeiVappol met! Agent pro X lent. of the Insurance Ortitps£hy -01 N'oxth Aineri. a, and will i.-*ur rolietrs aud attend t» the oihet tiu»ti»*« dt the Agency, at the warehouse of, Atwood; Jour.* .y ,Co. . »|.ia \\IM. r Jt.fsi;-. rt:tu-r-I FORWARDING & COMMISSION c. a. naJTEisuowEa, . j. ta.tii.tx> sane. CHARLES VU DANSNIIUWERA CO. . TBBAOCU OUfitaiSSON ItEHCIUSTS, No. Ui South Wharves, u.-.J No. 117 South , Water .PHILADELPHIA. EK(»S in Hifontt die tnnlo aiid drialen gefirtrUly. ot Pittsburgh* lhulibsjr naue made tuctiarrkugYiuenta with the Virginia, manufacturers and Ute (itveers of Ute West, west and other rditcet, as in«urr d large and constant supply of the fallowing desi-rip tious of Tohaifoo, which wilt be said upon (Modaling* terms as any other bausir in this oily or els«~ Whore, mid all goods ordered from them will be'wur- Fented equal to rrpresentatioiir Bc Domingo; Court.; A Vara; - Porto Rico; Peno'a.; SSoecT Loaf to- CSta; ... ~ Ifpizd;- A Florida; ) bacoo; ALSO—Braach's aalebraied Arairtauc Stag t'dven dub, With a large assortment of Otter popular brand*, and qualities of pounds, s*. 8?, Us, ids and &M. Lamp, is. ft, st and io» Ping; Imiitas’ Twist; VinpoiM Twi-su Itc., sweet and plant, in whole .and half bases, vroJd snJ uu r together with every variety at article belong ing to tj*e. irode. , »• > jcKVily l. RAKitST. * sa«aw. t dour-raon- BAItiTKT, SEsfalT dfc CAmtETKON, FLOOR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Ponrardlng MKRCUAKTS, No. 63 Norm WasavioK iMi lU9 Wsnca Bt, PHILADELPHIA Rrru tu —John 11. Brown A ('o Robert Steen A('• 1 ow.i.ii.,^,. Barrt.A, Ifc.ver ACo e,U«delpl..» Smith, Bagaley A <k> j Allen A Paxton, New York. Walters A Harvey, Bultiinote Bagaley ASmith, i BurbriiLreTWilaon 4 Co l „ BulAr%o»n A i:=. ,f^n.».ntb. Kici A Junes, J Libera! cash advances on consignment* lo our l duress. uiorJOtdly r. C. tl.l.MStg*. CUAELU KCKI. uuSr.WSTSIH. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOCIIPACTOHB, And General Commtaalon Merchants, Wirn &ra«xr, PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES— Henry Graff A Co, FuubtLrgh. Rodgers A Slieriock, / n':.,-, B. SfliooloT A Son, j f-uiomniiu. A. M. January, Maysvilic Charles Basham, Jr„ LuuisviUe Duiilh, llomplirey* A Coi i Mereer, lire A Co. vPkilad’a Reed A liroibn, ) _*pl:tlly_ Dutilh New 1 York " Wool., FLOOR.' AbU> jpRoDtICK. Lilli, H K HD & CO., (Successor* to Reed, Hurd A Co-) GENERAL COHHlftglOai fIIKUCIIANTS BOSTON, MASS. Paroqalar attention paid to ihe rule of all kinds of Pro duce, and liberal advances msild on cnnaigtiDieni* !,. H. A Ho, have leave td refer to— ; Messrs R. Robison ACo ) ■p.,,., » MoGUI A Rod. Heed, Parka (k Co , Beaver; “ Lawson A Cqvode, Wellanllts, O Boswell Marsh,-Esq Steubenville, O. S. Brady, Raq. ) W F Peterson, Esq I*w ii -v Messrs tt Cranglo A Co. j V* *• Gill A stout, ) “ Kliodes A Ogleby, Bridgeport, o derCT-dAwtaaylCß “ T. 11. CAVAISAtiGB, ‘ Receivings Fonvardiflg and licncrui Comrnis- CoMtcutcu l PraitaT, Hr. Lnru, ilo. N. ulUnUum pawl to order* lor purchasinc it this ißsrkm, und all l.uMiims uroinpily Iranaacic.l Keferenee ui Putaburgh, John M'FadsJkA *'-o daetS^Um GEORGE COCUILABfT Oommliiien and Forwarding MerchanL *n. 2C wood st., rtmutrai/u, CIONTINUIvH to transact a general Comnussioo basis ; ues*. especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri can Maiiofai.Uirus and Produce, and to rdeeiving and forwarding Goods coagigncd te bis cars. As Agent foF the Maonrertures, he will be constantly shppltrd witjf Jic principal articles ef Pittsburgh Manuiaetnro at the Uywvst wholesale prices. Orders and cimsignmrnU are respeet/ully soticited. < >U? : GEORGE A. BERR-Y, W HOLESALE GROCERS, PORWKDJhU iMIfoaiJUSSiON HEfiCIMNT, AND DEALER IN !. Irod| salli« Cotton Yakns A pittsborgh, Blantsfaotarea gsttirally, so. 10 woop mar. rrynatraon, rs. v: 'WilTli. CLAW” * Forwarding2lercliant« Brownsville, Pa* Attends particularly to Uie Forwarding iit I’liKiucr, Ae. Ac-.- For dny mlormotinn, apply to FOItnYTH A I'HN CAN,’Waleral. BERtEB, BHOTHKHS A- CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PHILAHKI.PIIIA. ' For ihe sale of Produce generally advances madn on conaigntnente. lafri-dAwtimT Tranaporfatlon to the Cast. DOKSKY & COPliiN, Commission and Forwardiog Jgenii.' G M lIARTON, Pittsburgh; will receipt Produro going Ea*i feblfl-dim I> a n. M. EGOLF, . MEUCHANDIBF. BROKER and Oominuaion Mm, eham. No. SABopth Frontstreei, (second »inry-,) Philadelphia. {Jv*Goods purchased, paoked, Insured and shipped to order. Wool, Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit Cb e «*« received on copsignmerii and 'W« With insurance obtained. . feb-dJru rPmSt-M bis fresh ivnt-i,., ;a«L rcr, ; ,vr,f ,h- L .tfs'Si'*w;; i«» do wl“ ,e «° IW> do «owl» do . RA(W BAGS', KAfi»,„-Cuk if'.n'n**' *' ft. H.p.r W.rekw««f "S, w„!j SAt.ERATUM- 15 caski- Kaleratus. tor mebts WICK A M'CANDLKSB*. \Xy RAPPING Paper—th« je#m* Stntvr and Bag: v v crown *nd uirtUuxn, lor sale by •• tacUts WIUK A M'CANDLESS LI NKNSTXiNKNairONBffSf*!•■-5 b ruutids of ifii above uamed goods have betn reevited tt “tor*’* A A MAftON A (Vi, «H>,market si . G' Uhl CAMPHOR—On haiul and tor sale by I mart J KIDD ACo ... .. WILL also attend u> oollerbons and all ..ti.-r on*.. net* entrn<ted to liini in Butler ami \'in*;r<.i.< rouifues Pa. Beler to JAR. Floyd, Libert, *i | I James Marshall® do t Pm-Uur'i dly Kay A C-0., Wood »t ) ~ni7 T H S W F.ITZKR, Attorney »l Luw.olT.re '“-Am. •r s opposite flu Charles Hoirl. Pni*tnin»h >nii «p-« attend promptly in Col;.ret,mis. m U x*!iui-t- 1 ■ L><. ••tie ami (ifccT) counties, Pa. RKFI'.R TtJ lllui'k stork, Re'il \ t’o, I ‘-liureh A Carnthcrt, >Piust>uren l) T Maryan. ) • blit J HKNRV. Attorney and Torn.. . Hot „t L.-iw AJ» Cinrinniiti < Ihto Colleetuuis in Sunvrn nli>.' s'id'm ludmna. ami ui Kenturky, promptlt sml lullv attended n> Commissioner for the Siam ot IVn.i sylvhma, for taking Depositions, arkm>»vi.ili’,inem», Rkfekto—Hon Wm Bell A Son, Curn< i liun-li A Csrothers, Win ll#y«, K-q.. Wtllock k Dav • a?J ' JAMER E. KEIIR. ATTUKNKY ATI.AW. tnfii-c removed Fourth •Heel, between Sroithhrl<l ontl Crant street jad-(t3m ISVES DCltLnp. ! HARRISON SKWSU DHNUIP A SEWF.I.I. anornev at Law. t ><Tu e« r.rt Smithfield. |«*lween W R'ld Itli Ht* JOHN H RANKIN. Auoruey and Counsellor ut Law tuul Couinu&sioiier lor the Main n( Pomtvy tvaii.a St bun. Mo . (late ot Pitishur;tli > kkruHtfii-r. ~-l‘hi.burp n IJon W Fonvard. Hamil ton A Miller. M'Candiesi ti M’Clttre, Jotm I-. Parke. Bixseli. A >emple, M'Cotd A kmr jel Uy _ JOHN T. COCHRAN, T » TfORNKV AT LA\t’. Fmiitl. *tre>X herweeri J\ Smith held aud Uram ,:«Hl-d<lra WM. C. FUIKNI), k rrOHNKY ATIAM. Fourth -treet. near (irant J\ ml-dh 'll/ o H ROBINSON. Anornev at Law. hn< rc yf . moved Ins other to ilie F.lOhautfo ltnitdiin;». St Clatr ail, next door to AMermsti Jolms. apITIy HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE 11AT8. THE Aubsrrtbcr, m addition to hi, own JB mßiiufteturing of |jat«. has made nrrntw j£S •%inrtiiswiih Messn llel.ee A t'o, ,;if iH»!ii,>uuble hatter* of the'em oiNi-'r lurl. l turn reg ular iupply nf lit* extra fine Silk Ha i<. ami hn v ji,a; reeeived a few cn»r«. cenileinrn r«n br ■lined with n very rich and beatittfu'bat ht calling ni hi* nrw Hat uiul Cup Store. Suiilhbc'd •treet. *erumi d«mr noutli ot Fourth, where nitty found a great variety oi llnt nnd (?ilp* of his nvrii manufacture, wholesale undre tail, lift;* made to order on *li<*rt notice ap’is J A MKS WILSON fII'COBD A. CO M J& iSucrcs*on to .M Cord ,V King) flcft Ftihlonabl* lla lleri, ' Onrr of Wood .ind Fifth StrtfU. PA KTK'I'I.AP attention paid to our R.-tutl Trade. t.»n!lrmfti ran rely upon yeiiipg tbeir llat* mul Cap* from our r«a!.!i,h«inti •*' tin- irst wstvriai.s mid WdEKiuhsiMe of the : * nun srrt.t*. mul ut the tj-wiorr rßntK*; Country Morehmii«. pnrrhn*nir by whole,ale, are respeetfulH mviied to #s!l aud rXniniue our Slock; a* and rnior- >1 will II»H ’Utfcr in a cutnpai i*ou With <my tiouie tp Philtdelplne. teblT m HAl>, fAI'S AMI MT;n 11m XS subscriber 1* now reteivmg Imiiii lb-W&Bl •’nbcity oi New Vors, achouc j*Bortinn.t of Huts, Caii* ami .Mull*, la leu fashion*, .u ereai vpr'- V J P JAMES WILSAIN, novl't Smitnhtiid <t. 'id .l«x>r <10111)1 01 4th /-*[, I'ALIFOR.NIA ftfATS- W do 2 water proof CaltforniM llat», jb?i received and for sule b, M Ct iR!) A Co, |eh‘J7 rofpe r stl| Slid Wood S'.s rrjjSPßlNfi FASHIONS FOR IN4IL pL I jfi MH’ORH ACo will introduce on M.l.it- > ■ wWjb<lay. March 'id. the Spring oytec.i lIA'INwR Thrr*e iu want of a neat and superior hat. are rnviiw to call at copier of hth and Worn) \trc i, inar'd DIRECTORS. Qhntle* TaylOr, AmLruxe White, Jacob M Tlfoirtas, JtlllU R. .Nrjj Rtc-hard D. Wodd, Wm. Welsh, Frame* Uoskcju, S Austin Alllbone, AltTIUm C COFFIN, Pre.T. IMPORTANT TO TIIK AFFLICTED. [)r..llosr’s Oelfliraltd Ktincilifs. I \R JACOB S. Rt IS K, the ,li»eovr r« f and «<>le J.ra XJ prreioi »l the*- tlto-l popular and 1,.-iieU<-i.vl m-d incut for inhaling <hn lainss. in a cure 01 Chronic disca-w*, **• h Ktmieitl <>l thul einmem yb , *1 c mu. Doctor l’h\ *ic and 1* u gruduntr of tb- I imm iy of Peiin»ylvmns. nnd for thm .• year* i,*. beeji encaffril 111 liir inve-t,cation oi «ti«riue, an<! tl.-- .ippli cauon of rcniedic* Uiercto. Through the u*c 01 hi* inflating tube, in eonnectidn witit hut Prophylactic S>rut. »nd other 01 In* r.-in-liej. ue ha* gamed on ftnparalencd eminence 1/1 eur.iij* thO«e dreadful and ■'FjJtal ninlmfie-. Tuber, uiar ,b• sumption, C. Hirer*, Scrc-tutn, Kbe.lruHUi.lll, A«nmit>. Fever and Anue, Fevers 01 all kind*, Chrome la.*, and all timer ob- [male dj'CU.-. * j>ci uiiiu lo inuj.i.a Indeed every torm 01 di*case VHnt«h-* umler the u*e ol his remedies,to which hiiutnmiy t« heir —not by the tisc'Oi one compound oif’Y. lot that .» ineompHiiide with PhyatoJogu ai Law, but by Uu- use ol hi* reins diet- adapted to aud prescribed tor ca>:li pccutitfi f..'|n of dlseo-ee. Dr Ro»e*v Totite Alu raiive Pnlv used arc ip* variably mrknowledgrd to be superior to »!i oilier, is a purgative or liver pill, iiiuomurh ms they teßvo tie boivrfs perfectly free from rosltvcuc**; as ul*o ij* flofdeer Pilto is t»downed try ih#- lurutiy w« possess pe«p iiar projxrucs adapirU tu uu>.i><- Jiw.jw*, but btnoe souihea that *• bare irud 1- *u<ricient u> csmldisli whai bus been raid in the mimic of the uu>*t ; The ajllirt*-*! are invited i<> upon the sgcnL, uir] procure (giatisl one 01 the Loetor i yntoplilci., eiviftg u dct.Tilcd arrount of e.aoh remedy audits appii.-aiuii For Sale by the 10l ownrjj ag.-rtt*. n- wri. a* b) tno-t I>MigKi"ts tlirquithout the roiinlry J St’booUßiatcr A C«< -J4 ood Mreet PiiTcbiirgli J M Tc*.m*eii,l. <lrugi;i«:, (j Market »t le.i A llrclliuiii, near Ibe P I > Ailrgtien , r;(> . J<|. Uark let . Darn ncum. llr.tver e„ui,ii'a Jno F.limtt. Fjim.n Vj,!. ', T Adnni*, Be-n»rf ' ■' novtOMlly lion flcrtbaoL, liowrivuii LAW OFFICES. VYM. TIMRUN, attorney at law, IS 11 tier, Pa MEDICAL / ioi:gh. pain i.nthksiuk and chesth HKD 1 Htvwif n tor l-c„ ,li*i f e h .r.l •xuh a dry cough. I w«« inOnrr-il, upon thr- u.-ycul »«di nianon ol a Inend. to Dr T»)iur- lit-,amt-. l,:-.rjr wort, ajid ] tnu>i suy ihi* tncUu'inr lia* mnwncd |,- purpo** adiuirnHv M) «ti<trr** was produrcil t.\ *evrre hurt and wn ui < ilia: i; »«, win diihi-uhr diseuse must have tcnuit.atc*' in Co*i«nniption, or sott fatal di»ca»c. had it not t-ccu citm) |>y itn* judici-ni* medicine. To ui’ WHO *e>-k lo prolong llieir :,»r<, 1 wsiQld odvirr the u*e ol Dr Ts ) i««i . o< l.ivct won. JAM l '.*» (»i»'S' A.V ln» Bower) • This meilicme i'scliuil-* rxp<-' mruiron. reduce* fr ver, rcsiort;* sirenglli. tunl mnv !>c coinvidered u* n fii perior preparaurm lor the run, uml preveninni ol a-1 dl*en«e* lit the Cln-tr and J.unv*. n,n( slioultl l-e revolt ed to. even after it-rvc Wave re*j*icd ihe oeu »l reitii-rtics In the practice ol iiii* oiil and very r. •(K-ctnhle phym inn. ilu* lUiwwn ol l.rverwort hu* u< qutrr*l hit enviuMe rrputution tor it* virtue*. »< »n(ie nor to Ihat of the. at.uinlanl no-lruin* »I Ute dll) »• waa ihe vhuraclcr Jtul prolniy m it- in-rrnior. to that of»|uacli« and cinpinc* C.IiNSUMrriON I'UIKD - My mu havmr it '.U - lent cold, o*ed lo cough vun-ml , . rui--, r>v quasi, in • *.i thick putrid matter ami anal;, i,e rouM not lorn ov» < trt lied, from weakne*.. Me in trnir-ied every «vm|> tom of conhiined eon«urnptn«ii. lor -i« jr'ar» lie iipd beeu Milijr-fi lo tue iikihnia llu_ pli - , «ipianr Alp'-t.* Vrrmoule A .tmlrr*on, *a>.J t>e w,.« ,n, nmt-.r -nd mu*, soon drr. Ict 1 nos den-ruiiiicU to iry Dr 3ny lor’S Balsam,ol liverwort, amt »iraui<e u* it mnj ap pear, tins lucdinne. has lully re.lore,l In* licaltn SOPHIA GALLON. M Ntinolk .irm-.i. Sold In PriUburgb by J D Morgan, V.I \Vn.»l *i . J lowtiMind, 45 Market *t, II Siny»er. cor Mnrkei -’hist*; Henderson A t’o, 5 ljbcriy.*l. Prio: redu<t-d lo gl p«r Uodlc. jh*.*6 Jaynes' Ripcrtorsnt. S*».«. Colnml.in.m c, . II . Apr 34. DMI. DR. f> J.\ Y N h>t* Dkau Sih.-I tee.l bound lo you and the allhcted public: lo avail iny*ei| of thi * trj> portnniiy of giving publicity u* iiir exiruoHinurv eiie<:. ol yonr EXPeeloruriL Oil III)-ell Havin' bern njlln if.l for •everaJ year* with u sc.'-re beetle b v- r ami its eottcomil.ini ili«iu«e-. iiml -eeined only doooa-d to iingsr out n *lnm but miserable cxi-ieuer, imiu dir fall of IrJS*. when, being more *ev, ieiy aiiacked, and mi vine re*orted to all my loitner mn« die*, and ihe prr •eriptron* t>( two of the tno»i reaped able phy«tr inn* in the neigliliorhood without rtonvme miy licnelji, nr d>e rnnsnlatiOM of surviving bin n lew <!ay* or week* ui lurliie-'-l When llie last gleam of hope Wuj alnnil to > n ill «li, I had r ee,inline ndrd lo me jour Kipeeiorani— and bloMjd bv that Be,n« who <loi -ii!l dungs n, Jo* uw: of Uie incnii*- und eontrnry lo llte ,*jot ray physicians ami Inctid*. I was in 3 lew days isiinl irom Uiy bed. and w:t* rnabb-d I. y l li•' use el n botlb-. lo attend lo my business. en|«»> mgr mec belief heo;III !ili ■» I had for leu years previous Rdpecuully voor* *e, Jsi? 'V F. n: i. For »olc in I'ltleburgh. ol the Pekin I'ea 50n.,73 FnuiUf *ircet. Hinrv NR»' ARRANGKMKNT, DOCTOR a W MORRIS having recently |nur;,i»- r«t ihe Druit Sinre fornn'Tly own-d by lfiii« A Drockway, Nu u tlnnimrmal How, Liberir •u.-rt, I‘iltsburgh. lakes tins uu-,,,r>.i ol mforrmni. b>- 111,-ml* mid Ihe public 111 geiiAtni, milt hi" ‘lore Will at i«il Uiue. be »,ippi,ed will! u:i ulnnn- nlid eeiiernl «• sonueHi ol l»f ue«, !») e pt,U(T *. Pain’s. Oil -, VBrni«bes. Perfumery, Oolovnes nn«l uutecii ■-»« <) ar lick Pulled lor in a dritc *tf>,-. wli.di wiU nKv*i ■ In sold to tow a* 31 any Mil-: hM«-‘- gLlbe <‘<iv paironaipi. nodung shnil b. wnntinx i» give euuf -ai islieuon 11. Ins ,-u-ionicis n.-vTispl I Uydropalhy, or (li« Water Cure. 1 \OCTIMt BENJAMIN \\ .M<»RKl>,-i.:i . XJ W pru«'Uee the sale and (sopniai remedy , i Ir l or the U ate i i ur, ami i!-l- • ir- it •11Ir e a I di.-ca*c* A llopulmc .ill \ I >h.nil,. 11l a- 'Viu l.p *l. leinb-d lo dromjd'v N H --In .Morns may Ui eon-ulted »l Ini Drliv .«tnre, No ’J I ’oinuir n In I Row. I.il,enj duninr butince* hours, or at In- residence, inoriinig and ,••. en lllg, Prim sued ; door- l.doW Irwin - *ilej novMspN Dr- McLsnt In Tennciice. r l 'lllfl « to certify that I purchased one viai ot Dr X.MoLano’v Worm S*|>«< the. some t«ru monui* g«vn to n mu ot mine, some seven yea*, old, :*o -jaa«pOOO* toll, siul allhouifh the amount nmy apf.ear large, y«t I have no donl.l t.ui 110 re wn* uj.wauH „( TWO TBOCSSJIW wnaaa pasird limn hun. meaMiun,: Irom ose uuurter ol an m« h m two inches long G W IIOU.HMY Rona*a Creek, tbirrol ce. Tcnn . 27. l-d" m 24 SF.I.LI7R.* r VF.RNnn t.E IN(.FX)R(«!A - tViM MBCH, Jan. Mil, IHI* Mr R It Seller*-—Your Vermifuge has aoltl well and 111- been Inglf y spoken ol b) till who hav* used n. Frotfl the mere** altcnding the admuiiarmtion <u your Vermifuge tn every rase I have heard of, l sin confident I can nc.ll more during ihe coming sea-on ih*n 1 difl l*al 1 will be glia,l to irc'-tve uuother sup ply.oft or 6 gross \ olirS, respeeimily, • {Extract from letter | R CARTER. Prepared and »/>ld hy K K SKI.I.FRM, 57 \Voo»l *l, and «t)id by tlruvgi»i» gc.nrrally. m l'iu.*buri;h «nd Al J»'J2 Sll MOLAWfct-‘id bin* *i( Mola»jv>, jUri f ' » ceiVrd and lor tale by mart UllutYN .V CULRERTSCN L!IJGAR—<Hi hhds prune »ugnr new «<r*>j», /u»f rrcei Js' vtd uinl for «ale by nivrfl BUtiUN A. (I’LBERI>«N SUAF— wi bia Piltaburgli manutuciured S»up. ju received and lor sole by mart BROWN A rn.DERTSON laIAMILY FIAJUR—PJd bbl* Pvrkinaon'a enpeno: > Family Flour, for sale by ■ fsb* \vaCK A WCANDLESS PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1849, CO-PARTNERSHIPS, Dissolution, TIMIK co-partnership heretofore extstin* h« t-.veeu ihe l Ftibacnher*. tn the niimr of FrO-ml. * r ‘» was tin* day di.soived by mutual ronucm t/00. Rhe> w.U aeulti the bn-.rcM of the concern, tor wtueh pur no*.- he i» aulbowd to me the name ot the nipt. * PtiKTKU R 1-RrV.ND. JAMfT* Wt>o|>. FehrutiryT 1 **t!* <»K<> RHI-V. Co-ParU»«r»bJp. Uhv«- ibn il:»v u * llirlll-rlV'*- in i::ini’r cu K 11KV. MAft H KWS A. t - o . inr lb- - Li 'll’ Forwardme Bn«me*v .il ill* - ««ainl «i ibi- luv farm o: bririt-l. Kli*-) - A i wlirrr ilir\ Will Ur plc;a*r»l 1" . r :iir Mi-ima'"' <►! ib« - < , u*n*nir.r* •)( lliar umlonrln.-ml* KIIKY. I,I'VI MATTMKW* \VM KBBS. ►Vl.nian 7 I \Vr take pieruuir m [iTouiuirndiuf! U> tbc < -.onhilenv* of opr incii‘l' and iho»e ot Fncml. Racy A •'«* • i* l,r «ucf«*»F*»J ■ m l’U«u»ei' Hb» v. Matthew* 1 (*•». ’ VoKTKK R -FRH ND, Irhv JAMITS WOODS Dissolution. rpiiK ro-pamirtheretofore .-juani* be|wr-n the 1 subscriber;.. m iho imtuc of Constable. Burke .V c.>. >1 tin* day iliimiivrii l<) mutual • onwn'_ Mest?*- BmkeA llurt.'-will ~tlie the fm-ntp- of tin- «•««• cpm for whirl, |.UTi>o«e iheV nrr authorised to u*e the ii<tm•• r.l the rmirrm N ATMANIKI. I’ONSt’A UI.K, KUMUND Ul’-HKK. T> It i.MAS BAHNKS T)i«*undrr , i*»» , «l ha ve ibis dny n«",rinir,l tlient*rlvrf in the lurnir or'BHRKK A HARNt>. tor the purpose (H'mnnnring Tire I'root Sat.-H, Vault IJoon. Ac. A«i.. in the rtnud Ot tin* lair linn ol Constable. Burke A O.v, where Ui*y will hr iili-Hved u> reenvp tne p«- Irwnn'c of the cuMotner* «>t ihm lioiim- anil Uieir fueu.l* KDMUNI) RllkK R. THOMAS RAKNKS la miring irom the firm ot Connulde, Burke * '-0 • l wiili Miirrrc plra>uf neominen.l Nk»rt Burke A Bar-ie. to tin (-owfldenrr of mV Itiend* ami the pubhe Pel. U. 1-l*J NATIIAMKI. tnNSTAIM.F. M.n-.iti Dissolution. r PHf\ parmrrehrp *<> long ensßt.r muter the hrm rd 1 MT»rd A -Kmr. wan by mni.u.l .Im.ol red »>n if..- in m»l The tniMiie— vs 111 l»e .• ,o*rd ui lye old -land l*- ailher oi ir>. umiir the name ..i the linn lor that pnrpc-e Brine <lenmu« to l.i.vr nur l-iiwue** rlo«e.l with u» Iltie delay n* )*o«sibie wc wmild re snrcifulfv reimr-ii tho»o indebted to rail tunl »etlio Hieir ai-.'otntis* JOHN P M'CDHI), Co* Partners It Ip. JOHN n M'Oi‘Kl> having ass..ei.iied with him hi* brother Jam *. MVonl. under the stylo of M'Cord A Co, will ronunur tin- llu - .. Cup amt Cur bnniie** in H ;j various I'mm iie*. wl.ou-aI.-aud retail, at the 01. l sill ml, rori.er of Wood Hint 511 l Mr-Ht. wl.ers thry sr.heit a ro-Hintiftl..™ ot th- |..irn»iiage -o literally be Stowe,l on the <>l.l him JOHN 1) MCOUI) JaMI.S S MVI'RD IN retumr from the old and w.-l! known firm ol Word *. Kmc. I nn»«t re.pretniy re.-ommeiid to ui* pairotiace <u tt.e puh),.-my «...•• e.w.,Mew*. ,M .-,.id A r.- inti* H l> KIM. DISSOI.ITION firm; partnership oi Ml ILl’li \ * I.KK itin.-tls- X dissolved 0) mutual , oiiaeul The busing*. oi tl.e late farm will t.e M-.:lrd II Lee J K MI R»* H' Ihu-Imrgh, Jiiu «>. I‘ly H I.KK .NOTH'!’ Tl.e under.,co-U «• d mm,mo- the Vkooi uund. M,r "' l ° IUC ** rOl 1,0,, 'n^l.l-K In ret, r in’ from tl.e hru, o- Murid,-/A le-e.l-i rent plei-ur- m ,frOimnni,l»ii' Mr H Lee 1.. H. l - iuii>ar>jli. Jiui ft*. I viv J R. Ml K I'll \ ritltr, suhKMilter*' this d*> »•'»' la'rst -hrtO -1 selves r ||»l die puipi.ie iramr » wholesale And rtU.i lit v i.ood- t.ro.-ert lot' •. t.- and t.rrti oi HI >H UI I.l' •' HO' iMI.-nur-1.. Jaii.iur. J. I —is* N.ii -Our - uM-.n.eii ari.l pull n- a*. ~.. lr-1 CO*PAUT.\ERSII IP. WM B r-CAH'K iio.l Cup: JV.MI-* ATKINSON’ .SfAlKt: A ATKINSON .md wi" e 3 rrC on J.« Ti . A!• .j Him m u!l UsYrnm-nr., a:'ll!- nM ■ Uu.l id \\ in ti Si-mlr, K.r-l .:ir, 1 ... . r 'A ....I I*l IK: l , AitTM’.K'-m»' (.1 Wii A H lltfs h.o I. 1..-en r1».,»1ve.l l.v U--- ilr sI r, 1 th- p:»Me.-1 oi Hide., lx ...... i. >On- O.L A.-. w,,i I I. |.r tu 1 JtMK>I. A I i. I! 1.1 N \.im,.i!«tf-iK.r 1 sale (,!«••-• m»l < oii.nn« .not l.ii.im -1.1, r-ioUiei Josepd. under (lie linn oi J . I•! f. VVi iRTI t A ' '*> J S HI I. SS tIH I M J-uinar, 1. I'l*i /'iO-PARTNiIItSUIP-Um *. ~uuc i,.u, 5 Hu* X./ iUv .i*wH-,jie.i w,ih I,iu,. John KM i • u,r |.v»- 'N ui Vou u x * ‘ o BOOK’ TRADE- BOOKS* KJqar* \ aiil!mii< ..I I'.-j.. r. I* t.y «*•»»’S|.nM>; X'ri,..pi, 01 ,-. Work«. 10. ,i W Work*; liinvrrßJiy barMiu*, l»> Warund, Nmujsi Hittocj ot Kinbu-kittkiA, Liie ami Tutirj* ui }*bili|> Hoi r> I.ilruißiv Hi iiry Wun, l'rn.-rrl>.4 ui kite Kelpie ui Thfujiimnj, <>i Uiuiuit-skAiion u( Ond i" Ctixiat; .JkJetouua al J ilui’on, Uu4 Qil oli. l»y Ty*<f; it* nn-i Thr -MW die Kingdom, \t «<£>» Ukucvcr*» lecture* «a l*><rniM » CU«cv«(,'a Wamlrrjmr* oi* u l*)lermi a* tbr DuiuenUc (jbuMiUiUonj/MoOerii <\» • • oiiip!l."hnii-i.u, (.a*! Jay* i>fKli»tin. rtniuoi of tl>.' Revolution. I.y Mr* KJlc._ Lift o' BulliA. tor «ul«- l.j mail? lll.l.l«>Tr& :«f W.W..1 M HI M\N \| m.SHTWM - li- .-1:.,«.H I,» . v.e i- «e .nr- i..,-. ... -hn-.v N'-wiiiiuui. . -uti.i.r or •• n». rrnpiocut uißiuiuce Ol Hotly Ul.<t Mind. ' ftr The I.r-.l w„,k «... lilt- .lit, k.h »a'<- i-j i.i.i.i*rrr a KMil.isit LIFE OF FRANKLIN, lilu-um.-d In ...ur-e oi pul..|call,m in the social Inrtn by Harper A jlro [her*. New Y ork. The I jtc of Benjaitnn rranilm emi -i-tnii; oi hi< Au'obiography. and a- nurrutis, ot bi* public me and »er\i< i *, hy Uie Knv II I la-tlug* W'clJ, - i ... l .d,di> • .libr.iished l.) nulliTOu* el<;u: s.ie deny ns, M John «. t'hiaptiinii, engraved n, me h.. : n.-’ ..>.e .n .u; Pin- sort ~ 'printed in llie «• l*.lorni, on su j.erline paper, irom bold and h w,.. In- i-oinplricat iii eigln parts, si 25 c«-m« • ;.en, ami > -ucd st nr.e.i mte rv iu« Each part w-n be received b\ ej - pre»* iiiimrdniie)y ailcr n« ntiun Puri I- ,a-l MAfAt LAYS <H 1.N1.l AND From Urn accession oi James || Vol I The Itutory ,•> Ab ,d-r n.- Ur-*- byjarj.i. A'■ The Hisiorv of Charles ibe'F<><t of t-'ncitfßt l J:. Harper* Life of l- , rnnk:i,i -pP-urtidC- « mb* m-iicd by niivaerou* et,)m ? ur ,1.-*>gu- W N<i I To fv compleled lit X lUiinbrr* Pictorial H:-lory Kngi ami up lo lire r., k ''i ~r t- A iSoio Bu: drtir« fit. -i \ 1 At A 1 LA YS HIS TOK\ II) ) NI.I.AND \ II IVI ci,aimer- Po-Ammon. Work-. Vm .i, Fruikmr* Lib- !ilu-iiHtc;«: pan. II *„d 111 Tl.c IliUory ol Hui,mp.il tn- Carthaginian by Jacob Al.lx.li 111 ii- u a ted txle. map ami numrr.,ui . :.<ra vings. Adler * Gramm, r and ii Dirnoti.ni v . la-,d Siori of Lillie John >rnm I),-- Fr- ncb ..i M >' j. Acton, or llie Firclc ol Luc A cobecnou m ThoV an.l Olnei . Slioii-. .I.Migiir.! in .1. I 1.,,.- M in and the World Hun - Rmn.iin e m \ a< hi,.>g Arabian Nigtii- l-bitcrtniiuiieni«. Linn- * truri‘bti*on. spleudldry illn-tra let. 2 vni -, lVmu J.l.t re,eve,l by U IH>|’klN< ti-btK Ap->!lo llnl In, si Tkt KU BtIDK" lli.lo.) ,„ Mari lynern s«oi i> |(> Jacob .iblmtl, with ef.gr ivirnr■ IliKior, of King t'hurl'• ihe Firsi. ~i I ’jigMii.t F Jacob Abbott, with , ugru ving* Hikloc, or Aieiiiml-I lIIe Great By Jii’Bl. A'.'iM'. IlikiolV "I Hanillhul Uie C.ll |i|u.">lnuu tiv Jnco'., A bhoit, with rnciasingr Rc<,-i.,<l mid lor s’.iir by Ji'llVSTns A STt m.'KTi >N Map <n c.ai.il’Niknia. a tk\as I'.iiUl the l»|c*l itlllhorilics Hv S Al»V«slo- Mur-lie-, with mi uc-oro|ianimeru I f iiloro-ui, t’b li vn. i .cog i jphreni nod Sinic-tica 1 Ipr -itln by tier 1.. R IHJPKiNS. Apollo Ib.mlmg-, Hn *’ Map nr Pennsylvani a con-mi.-tr.i f.on. the • on ill i Surveys :nnhor,/e,l by the state, and oili er orntnutl document- Hr n-, d and improve,l mob-c tlic *upervi«oH ot Wm. F. Minin C, vrl Engineer np.-u •tala procured in car li • ouoi >. umlei authnii) <•' the talglslaiuie A lew ro[>|e, ol Nil* Inn;,- uinl -pbH*l‘d Map rcecncl tin. ilny mid m< -ale i<v JnHNsTn.N A sTmJKTn.N. Dookicllrrs, cor mr-rk/i and Jsi-t* N r.W DIMIKS OrcKon and ( nlitnfro- in 1-4', M J T'loroi.iii, laic J,,.’-,. O. ,hr -up. ol nrego" mi.l cor i capo in ling in-mber Mlha Amrtimn In-. Mute With an appends, including rr- GUI.D MIM> ol Caniornto. nrnl other vnlitobb- mai ler Ol .metel 11l- \\ illi • la-lralion* and u map la Itvo Volumes. ILspi or page? ol lur nook ol al tw. nil bV A j [.loin-,' •!,; 1 ain a Mill nailior ol ttiti “ History «■' lb<? «.'tf>n#sis. or P- r-nnai .Mcmou- ni tiro I'atnoti i>< me Fie,:., h Kevoluiuni, etc Jiim i cccivrd mid for S3 1 ", h) JOHNS I’ll* j A Ml'( KJ' 'N. me!i! I crsrnoi umriei and Id is KEFINED Si (.AKS lital.lri* small laiflf. »*«-nr,l number-, 17n do' rushed, k ,!<> jmwdeferl, l“-do riiiitieil, in . Infu and lor sak b>’ lAS A HI.TCIIISO.N A Co, Ah'* I*nu* Strum Sugar RrhOnry ■trrJ ih water slid tfS r», ' 1A RD oI L 4 bids Willi,•' -irnmcd. r.M’,l pe, .mu J Peim.sjlvHiua and tor sale by I AUiin-.01 l.nis ruperhn- 1 lour.' .in .to K»c tl., •>) . store amt for sale by I. S WATE.R.MAN. I»b2l m wulrr anti d 2 irtuit >t INDIA ni HltJ’.H Lin. Hnvr-Jun rrectvcii. 1 India RuMrur I Do»i lu f.. i l„ m; , * u-eful arti dm Rubber Depot, No WVi’m '' " : " r " 1A XTKA ILOI. R--H«» bt.Uoi Holme*’ A No I J era 'j Flout. |Uil ire d and l<» -nlc b, iiinhln S & W HARHAUGM G\ LASS— s«t bst i»jicnor brnnil* Window line T ja*t received and tor sale by inchlO SA VV HAKKADGtI I’ AUl>—3o keg- V, rv goml. lot ••ale by j mch)7 f aBHM'EMNi'* • UtiZl'.R loll jacK S’ jJ*r Himhug Horn «b-.iuiei Isaac rkewlon n/id for sale I>t mchl7 ARMSTRONG X CIUJZKR I.VF.ATHKRS~3O wlii prune, for unit? by P mrhlU KHF.V, MATTHEWS 4Oi f?^AR—5O bid* North CTnxolina, for »a|e by 1 rachlfl UlllTY, MATTHVWVS A Co SUGAR--22i hhd* lair to prime, for sale hy mchlk RHEY, MAITHEAVS 4, Co FOUNTAIN HOTEL. i. I ti 11 T STRKKT lIALTIM'IRi: MTIIIyt f-ialiiclitnrui long and vnriely known a* mir of ;)n* mn-t commodious in the ciiy of ItnlsiiTH.rr. ha‘ recently undergone Tftrr exten sive aii.-.Cii.on* itii.i improvements. An entire new whir Uaa hem added, countuiiug numerous and airy npMnfcrint. n:iil extensive bathing rooms. Tnr i.:idir<' department no* also been eompleirly renreaniird and /inert un to a in«>*< uni/|a<* andbeaaii lul In ji.,•» ;be who'e arrangement or ibe-alouhn Ims Iweii mno.iri.-rt. wi'ii a -i.iic!<e eye on lije part of the proprietor., toward- tne fomfort and pleasure of ilir-ir <lue»t». aM«f winch uiev confidently a*«erl wt'l c|i"lleii|»e couipur non wiih miv Hotel in the Union. Thru table will always be *upi>lie.l with ever) mb* ’unmnt and luxury xvlucn Hu: market ailords, servyl u,i ti. .1 -up,-nor .1-, Ir. wbne in llie way of Wines, Ac , In eonrliitmu the proprietor* be? to ur. Ibnl nothing will [,r. li-.jt undone on their part, and on the part ol tlieif •t«-i»nmu, in render tbi* Hotel worthy the continued piiin.imte of their friend* and the public {morally. T'ue price. for board huve nl*ai been reduced lo the followuij* rate—- . Loilm- Ordinary, 8-I,Tj per dny. N. H ’Hie |(«s?aee Wagon of the House will al wu) «. iK- found itt the Oar and ?teajti*>r. landing*, win. h w>ll convey bagguf; m and from the Hotel, free ofeharr. may-ilf cnaaru ~r r*:;N *sn si < lmk st-., i>trr«tirxr.n, Pk. MIV “nb-i-iit'er having uvniraed (he raanage inoi.i of thu tong rt-talilulied ond popular Hotel, Unh'ie c-n-'-illt .'lhal he will be at nil limes prepared tn nreoiniuodau- diem m all thing* desirable in a well regulated llot-i. Tin- Mouse i* irOw being ihoronehty repaired thron-hom. rad new Korn:turn added, and no puma will be »pured io ionite the Kxrb&nge one iff the verv l.rsi Hotel- mi Hi- country The no«ler«i?n<-il r.-spepiiully *olieil* a eonlinannrte of the very 'ii-erat pationace the House tin* l.rretolnfe received. THOMAS OWSTOV fehbdtf proprietor bAIiIAUTI.Nk IIOl)H£, MTHK *ll ri» .*-r re.p.-etfnlly announre* ibai lie tins now opened in« new und i-zeelleni llolfl *rme accom.i.o.lanon ci iiqv-br. boarder*, and thd p-iblie Ri-neralU The tiou-n and furniture lire entirely new.’ami n« |»tin«nr i-ipeu-e have been -pared to render n <*:i»- m the mo*i eoin/drtnblr ami plra*anl Hotel* m ibe nit The r«ul’-ctibrr is de!> rin:-., d In .lr«erve, mid theft ontt t—all y Util i.li, Proprietor 100 PKK AKNT 8 A V K I) t H I* KIM, nPi'OSITIiiN ll< >1 SK. VIRfjrMA HOTKI. on ire sirent. near 1 Ac Depot, CuJnbeiUnd. .* now m complete ordtr for the reerption und iircfimmoduiinn of tRn public. prr«oi-* in icureh of *»»'- mnl romiort, will do well to pairoui/e this r.iaidi.-liinen i- - die) will hud tbo rhiunber* clean amt tuee, and the Table a* well mr >ti-ibed u* any in ('iimbnrl*ud. »ttweidy-five cent-, suniuiite.d a- gc->d a* mi) th-n cun l>e hud in »he place ai »ns puce, nr no riintge No charge for trnnaportaiion of naggage lo and from the car* ja| >i| >in WASHtNfiTON KVANS. nm«' ? wt , a etavkioj rirv*Tii i\d nmi xrs. OPP'iyiTr. uitr tluuk n< Urn OmiH Siam*. Phil*- iir'phi:i M POPE MITCHKU,. inirvr Pfopnnor ]vll\ (iiKilNjullHKKS yi U..-I -i»k ik<* f an.im.Mr. Mtclh... -mm. ir ot *i MEW '' A,N \M> F«-IUJ(..N I>R'« m..a irimi f.r-i iij.-i R'l.'irmi r * if it ti* i ‘i»pt>;n » <»i iir«' ro<>J* Jur ini' ib-' .lufi- -.1 tli.-.r .u.-mU#., t.uw-r» ih«n 'Mft Ji:n) n u> tin'll m* rirtun&r '11..’ ',mk J||.’ fr.-..|Vr.l i.ir,n< urrr Fancy l*iim-. 1 .••Miirr.-t, i 'mil., .■'uu.uirr mb. Uraritl. mum . ,11 odtrn anil A dliq ur Furnitort, l'|. .lock ...I h.1'.l '•a'l'io’ »- Trp.'d-.! by iu>y lui.HiH.riory r; Um- tou-ury Fc-m|.- v! .1.. <1.•:. rrai, ir.i mV fill''- .1.0(1 c l -<-/• Part ,•! til.- <>.».-k .’.(...r1. .<»• p. - -| Hull- I } .. - \l\ l'li MO Ifur. f, El./-. i-hHif, I'pj« I'OA .P I : I I .oil,. \ V 1-o.ni 1 • • . I. M.!,..pr Hrd-i.-a.I. 1*..• jo 'Mi-f aiU. I'lu-Oi ami Man-cloth enrera; .Vi M .i. »:•!.' v l!.>'lin* r|,-ur.. A 11.1..; I'.n,- .1,. •Ji |.i l» I«w. ' pa.r ]?. ti.aiMr '.op l>»»—ir»s Kuir iu 4 pair Oi'nmaiiw. * pair la nr y Work Slund.-. A very larer a..orim-ni oi mimm-n raan* »n>l ntbfrr luiui:um I£«> I111UI«T..I1» In ltl-»»in>li W11.1.1A.M \ol-V(, JNO It M rt NK lltoul. and on the uwv-! rert«onaMr ier«n» \\ HHk<*r'' Aimn an ami Krri« , l» t’horoUt©, J'repi r.i i Vm'ou, l’wii*. Uromu, Corou KliHl*. Jt'*, *4|U) xud rop-ujiivii, tvna wnuM |iui< ha L J iiir- (.rodupti oi ftbui uJuttertn^ hnorr uutrilioti- 1 Uiaa in :i or . nntt m nnailty ddm Ui- frri*«Tiinriul* tbi" tiltovt* artu il I ■nm.ufarturinl <>v hua*eii «n*t •lampt'd wisii hit*- nan : }||« Hrntna UlMl’ ror«M kv.f a* dnlK 't!-. imtjual. I drink*’or •naii.!-, . »m\ m< «»•«• m-. u »m>f ni>r !■' mv pn-p ir iiKvi- H - • ■>.•• n:.., .u o.» »i«tr ■ • >.IV it!V ' . IN.. ' I.r-V A H 0.:.... J„T„. . M • II .... v X Mu::.: V w ...ft Pm-Jim- \ K*. lllU'.r. . 4...1 Krl.oiC A Mm nir.ati. ' 'l.tu WAI.TKK UAKKH, u.f. I.r-;, r Fi.f »s> i v fiiiuJl ItAt.AI.KY A. .-'MITII. A^t Wrought and Cast Iron Railing. 'l’llK »u ! >«'• 111 r • !.< t ro ui.i.rm mr puv i<- (tint 1 -hrv h-.. ■- ur.t Pi.in jh- K:t-» .11 in- d-p »f».l lot UjriUi>c, .- • 1C Liilr.fc 'A Hi -r Ini U'liriJ 11 Ik.* A I.AMoNT \ KSi»X. LterliliiK, Cupping anil meriting. KU NoKKI* t ?■*»!i rr«nr id M K iM-tnv)-- . V. I;m>i -r-t. 1.-nv-.-i Woo.lm.i 5m.11.- Ilr.ij |. -I, i.-.-i I|. • v.l tuAilllil) -utlr *nl .n--l.il m »* JJpt. t.-r-r,- •h- (-I,> ...-i.in* o(‘ |»ltM>urrb A ijr- 4I.U ill flu* (...111 JOHNSTON A STIAKTtiN co-net mills- I . -d k’ - I'l Ml ,lo r*« A. )l* f woo«l • • .•I .!>■ .1.. (if •« .In .In IVfirt A M irwnn.l ‘ Sk !li H .in J Knlnn-un !«.- .*IT hi .In Ju ■> il -In tin Win Ha-exon " ft U <ln T\V r.<«l - n TT iol, ,|.«1n.,.n ■ - •J In I. T Dmlr- . r. .1.. H Mii.-nn « •I .1., K it. '.rf • !t. J... 1 i-inlM.v trim. • •-niter ar-.l v ,r-. r „. m.l lm .»i« -v lIW 1.1). Hl l'IiM.lK A > n 41 imrlh 'VVf I Snil ll> .n.rfl wfntfvf*.. r -.M PlnM.lolpnia ’yj (M ni-iriii nTnimvi. -.fi-i tn * i.ii-or- IV . .1. t.LKS N, It-uh Blnilrr., \ \ * r 1 ■ •' lll** • < OniPl VV O' "O'- Hi r.l -ircrt.. I'm-' V wnrrt I n. 110 .nil IV.Ilk ill lil.r line- '.vih J. » i*.»rL I .iii- r . .... mr-Dl! CAM- >Kl\> lIM.II CIUII'U- ItwM’Ml t'kii"-. U wry 1.... „ ri’i'i** A - V -1../r.,< I'hitl.il'ijiliiK rA'ich .. j«-! rer.-ivt-tl nml lor -Lai' by \\ UIKM.A- f-». >rT, t 111 l.l.nflv «l AT IV M M t:i.ir» , l r tiv:h , s, So Fouiu. -urc, run l»r seen U ivieildnl .arir lj ol -up Ko)«! V<J irl and Tlip.**U) < *;i f p--1 •*. Ml'*-*1 *t\l.-» Also Ufu«- • --I- •; pt\. nml cup :trjr! fine |.i«rnui I'nr]wl.«. of Mlp *r, lc i|iinJiii-*. .i i»*l >’i <•«(>.iprnwn rail ,-ilwnyi be i...n.,| I'al.l** Linn.-. Ora.lit;*. iMina.k., \ln »*•• 1... I ‘.l I'lotji., .Vr A..- , IU .ill *•' winch \v.: t-iill mr •' for 'uin ihr pu'it'iinf'* »' sHotir ir.. ml. mi.li-u-- i,K>' U l’i >isin;\ n-'.K TUI. I'IMMUATI- i< I.until. Aug 4ih, / t II I.UANT.Wko!i*«iilrl.rnrrr. r<nniim«i«n «•..! \>, I'ni n-irdm;' Merrhustl, No 41 'V»>fr l aulV UULL AND UttA»» FOUNDRY. A A PM.t’ON, 801 l and Hr"*' Foui.drt »•••• rr wlirrr ).f Mill be pleased n» *cc lu« oid '-i.'.oai- f "Imr- li. .“ipirmk'OHl. mid Bell* of everv sue. from |u id iii.mii p.ii.iiM . a*i uiioi |i»ilf ru. •*! il'** "h>m "|)pr«' - •••: mod. I-. nil.: '-V a ’ i ,i :;lr il to !-• <•! I"r Mm**rul Water Pump*. • ""rum, Railing. A<l lli-i with **v.-i) v.i/.eiy u' Uni'll n nnd Ui.i.h*-.! hi hip iirni'-'l tnani'fr A F .. il.r M»i«r j.foi.r'*n,r of fUapn* A vr' Attki rrni Minst, «» j'l'Uy r-b-hrat. d lor ihr ri-iluninu <>i Ito nor n. mnch.'i-rv The lU.jhj and Composition can be bail ol nun al it!! tnncv julA'ly_ J AMES A MITCHISON A c ri’MK fut-rrihrm the r n-lusivn Agency lor J v*llii«i* tiir I'rii'ime l’n|x*i ol " new and eiieusiv-- paper mill in Mu* vifiuui . will be ai all Ume* w* I .uj*- p.o-il will. Il.r .liarr-M I'pipfT ofiuprnof quali i).nbuli** oiler ai ilia low cm jinrat. Any »irr> nr *iu<*’i*-v\'i Op in»»ufTU*tur«l u* ordrr at Kl.ofi noitrp (IK\SOI.US A. SHKK. .1 A H PHILI.IK*^ HOTELS F>—» tj;' nSOtTUKTOB; EXCHANGE IIUTKL, UNITED STATICS lIOtfEL, MISCELLANEOUS. < KKK HU S P 111 S (• (■ OOI) S Shackled £ While. iAItIKK \V. WOOD WELL, .1 Kook /•*<«»< C-hoi ointt, Cocoa, Ac. nuncio! lo tile J.liJ*Mfiaii« T-tin ■f’l.ia m><! patron*. Mr k It M R IJKUM ftt-JknufHc lured Tob»r« o. il, M I M IvA 1.11, 111 rk \m( i NoTlrfc I*aiNTlNO PAPER- jitn Qni I’iuin-r lrwin «t* IN lit A lU.HUKH OLAHHl.NU—Jusrrci'«i»cJ ~IC. rm.Hk.r ....ru»;nl "f (.urn KU*ik- tUoiliniu, ai rfl»|-li>a «AiO to ?ll.;jt lor »mi oi coat, punt* -md hat !-'»r htu**-."' toe Folia RuMn-r IJpj.m, No .1 Worn! *l il.TS.'ft » J A. 11 |»Hll*Ul’r_ Jl ST UFJ'KIVKD- Thtc** mum of fbo*o «> >u»"v ,*. ifl.rai.-.l Haiiiliurpli Fiano*. "»cJ coruiaiuly l-y liXFTball.rrn *m» oU*r ft~al perturtuent, Umj-Hkt n tarßa anwirimp.nt ol io»»wood and rualiojany, ol ray own niajmlaciiue. Tlif nhov- ninramenU »rt waciamed la t»r perfect in every re-pect. andw'l be aoldltrv for eaah *■ »l*UMli, doclS No US WoorfcPS doa * fT#m I 1 * IW Company respectfully informs .the particularly all dealers and coitsinoers of Copper ui ih« fora in whiah \bcy prepare IL thai their Smell me Works are. now iu succesftflfopcratiofu end they are now ready" u> male contract* lor tie delivery of Inenu iu those wiio w«min thfsfbtta; and also tough cake for Urn purpose of rolling. * • The Copper produced Cram the Metalie Mine* of I-ahe stupctior, u ascertained to be much supcrior'lo the ordinary. copper in the market*, which i» obtained from hkd containing foreign mineril substances. This popper i« perfectly pore, antf ia’Yiot Injured by the pro re** of MoetUni<. and Is therefore greatly to be prefer red lor Ixill ioctal, many other purposes. A* a is not the intention or wish of this Company to erect,wort* fur the mauufoctura of copper in the vnrtonl form* in which it it wantod.'they wifi be happy to make contracts for the delivery of it m the form of Ineota. tough coke Cos toiling,a*., to those who may irub to embark in the business. Hereafter, all ihe copper obtained from their minek will be brought to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may be rxpected 1-enrrs addressed fo CO. Hvsbet or Thomas M. How*, will meet wuh prompt aueutum. Jvoltf-d3m _ CHARLES AVERY, President. JUST BSOEITiED, i fM AND now opening, a uploaded lot a i!L!!L*WB Piano Pone*, iroutjlhe celebrated firm ■ ■ N uans A Clark, fi. V. it consists in I I * I I ■ part of the following: l !m* elegant Rosewood 8J octave Piano, with earved moulding. top and plinth, projecting front and carved gothic tablet*. One rosewood Piano. 6] octave, elegant and plain, with Coleman’s celebrated .Eoltan Attachment, a su perior instrument One Rosewood 6 octave, round corners and octagon leg*. One .do do do (me rosewood Piano, square corners and leg*. The«e Pnuio* have improvement* in the mechanism, m •Hinging rutd covering of the hammers, possessed by no oilier* ,ii thi* country, and arc at once the best a* well n* the cheapest Pianos that can be bought Alg*(>—An elegant lot of Gbickenng’s Pianos, from 7 m (I octave*, posneiamg ail the latest improvement*, at reduced prices. ALSO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano, 7 octaves, a new invention. HENRY KLEBER, febl -if Ai J W Wood well’s, 83 ’Hurd si CIIICKBRING r S PIANOS. JOHN H. MELLOR, (sole Agent for Chtckering’* Plano Fone* for Western Pennsylvania,) No. bl Wood street, • I * I } ■ Pittsburgh, has received and now open for sale, the following elegant assortment, direct from the manufactory, at Mr. Chickering’s (Boston) prices, One Rosewood seven octave Piano Fone. carved in the most elegant and rich style of Louis XIV. <»nr Rosewood carved seven octave, new and im proved ucalr dne rosewood Piano, <4 octaves, new scale; carved. 6 u “ “ round corners, 6 octave, new scale. Two '• pnunrl - fl *• “ “ The «Uuve are ail irom the manufactory of J Chirk cririjf. Eb>«ton. of the laie*t styles of furnitore, and with the new and improved scale 3 Rosewood r, ortavn Pianos, from the manufactory of H Worcester, New York, formerly of the firm of Siodart, Worcester 4 Ihtrham. i rosewood 6 oetave, Gale A Co-, N. Y I rosewood fi| octave Piano, made by Bacon A Ra ven. N>w York l Mahogany 6 octave Piano, made m Baltimore, and i-n will, rnr fo* sals by the owner, for cash or in r.X chance lor Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries suit) aiiic lor a country store. Price S3IXI. ja3U PIANO MUSIC. r PHK Silver Moon: My Home, my happy Home; J Tr* Home where eVr tlie Heart ta, Jenny Lind I'olka, i imiw led ihe snow clad llilit, Rosa and Old Uncle Ned; Susanna Polka, i ,o where the mi*t« arc sleeping, Will you come to my mountain homo; i.rsm oi RoLopsrtr, No. ne'er can thy home be mine. <ib Anisims, (*i>»d-Bye. Henrietta s Waltz, Ben Balt, Joy- dial we ve tasted. Ailem Mavourneen; Iklle; Ethiopian Dances A new edition of Hrvrca’* Fu.iu font Iwraccroa, with Frrn< li ami English Text, reduced to the follow- Hu titer'* large work, containing 93 pages, 82 00 small ’• u to “ l 50 Burrow’s Piano tone Primer, 25 Heirt’'iK 1 Method for Piano, 3 00 t'art rmi s Guitar lustructor, 2 00 J’anvrau* Vocal School. 3 00 ItoiiUick’s Pis no Instructor, 1 23 »(»r .ale by JOHN >1 MELLOR. ih'L PI wood it MR ELIJAH EATON’S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAYNE - Tins certifies, that immediately otter hm mg attended my brother, who died of consumption n Mnn li, Hi I was taken nek with the Consumption »i Liver Complaint, and wo* reduced so low with the 'li* l 4'c, imi for four years I waa unable to attend to nij business, either at home or abroad, being for the mn-' ’Hue rnnfinrd to my bed. During the above peri od of um-t. ) had expended for medical attendance o regular Physician* and medicine*, in the amount of 831*1, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In Jmy, 1 i 43, 1 commenced taking Dr Jayne’s Medi cines. and have taken them more or less ever since, and Uelirvc that it was by persevering in their use, ihHi i can now truly say that I have completely toco-. vered my health. I lieucve that Jayne's Sanative Pill* nml Expectorant are (be hosi tamily medicines now in use I reside m Springfield, Otjego county, N. Y., and carry on a furnace and machine fbop in that place, and am not interested in any manner in the sale of the above rardictnea, and make this certificate tor the ben ch! oi those afflicted. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y . ScpL 1«, I*4B. ja4 Manufactured tobacco—The subscriber would cal! the aueiition of the oity trade and dealer* generally, to the following brands• Tobaccos, in store and to arrive, winch being consigmoents di tcct irom muuutacturcr*. Uo t* enabled to sell at east ern , . ..._ UO > bxs R W (jrenaSaw 5«; 7b | ■' James M»J»ion ss, w t t “ fts; Ti f •• Mirsbeho 5^ •J l } • Putnam &i and Is; i • | Roix-rti A Sisson >. - j < ui «i Burl a», '•> j John* A Lewi. I'», " | Warwick, .upr Is, t* 1 Henry k James ss, Is and 6s; ivb'Jl LB WATER-MAN Pttt Machine Works and Poandry. F-ITTSBPRUH. P*. I dIN WRUiIFT A Co . on* prepared to build Cotton and \\ ooirn Machuiery of every defcnpuea, (mch a- t'nrdine Machmea, Spiniuiir Fraxnea, Apeed«rß, Draivit'i* rr»tu**«. Railway Head*, Warpet*, Sjioolera, Un-«»ine Frniitr*. ! ,oom«. Card (rfindem, 4e Wrought Iron sh.iftme turned, nil ■nr* of Cant Iron, Pullir* and ilaiieer* ol ti.e laie*i p.-titcrti*, »hde and fuui4 loathes, mu! Kona ol ail kind*. I‘ikatwitfn of every description inrnulird on »Jjori nourr Paiteriu made 10 order for ,M.;l tirunue ,Iron Raiftne. Ac Strain Pipr for heat in* Fafionr*,-Tavt Iron Window Sash and fancy Can im-« eciierjliy. Orders Jell at the Warehouse of J, I‘aiiitr-r A i'o„ l.itn-rty atrret, will have prompt auen lion Hrlcr to Hlseksiocjr, Bell A Co , J. K. Moorebead A fo.i. F. Warner John Irwin, k Sona, Pittsburgh ; U. i! »J 11 W anier, SteubennUe. ranlfl P«nn Machine Shop. H'VIi.I(TM,\ N-Moji macro re r ot all kinds of eot . i.nt and. woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa The lat.ovr work, lirmg now in lull and (ucceaalut op •*i«ti..ii I uni ptepnred lo execute orders wilh dispatch lor ail kitals of inaelnneiy in my line, such as willows, pi* ker., <.prnulrr*, cards, grinding machines, railways .U:i'vn>< irtuncs, .peedcr*. thro»*iU, looms woolen * nnl.. double or •sitirie. lor merchant or country work, millet, >ncks, Ac , slide and hand laities nnd axds in gen cr-ii All kind* of •hading made io order, or plan* giv e n inr ce.irim; la.-ion-* or mill* at reasonable charge. Kii »k r.e - Kcmir.l y, I’lnld* A t'o , Ulaekstock, Bell .V r.i King. Prnnock M t 0.. Ja* A (Jray slew coAcn factory, SI.LKSSUC.VT MA WHITK& CO. would respectfully inform . ibe public that they have erected n *bop on 1..-icock between Federal and Sandusky streets. They are m>" making and are prepared to receive orders for ev.-ry .Wcripuon ol vehicle., Chariot's, Ba rout lie- Hnggie*. Plneiiitis. Ac , i*e , which from their b>ii£ experience in :h« inanufactorcof the above work, ami the fan nies they havn.Uiey feel confident they are nul.i.-O in do work on ihr mmi reasopable terras with ilm-v wuuimg urtnues in Uimr line.. Paying pnru. uiar attention ui the selection of mate* rial-, slid Inning none but loniprtcni workmen, they hovs no hcsilation in warranting iheir woik We tliereiiirc n.k ihe intention of the public to this matin. N H Repairing done ui the best manner, and on the ino-i .-. a.omii.lf terms >a2JU:tf kf|T"l-'.R FRENCH HROADCLOTH3—W R Wua- P nit *n v iii* s ihe uitenuon of buyers to his extensive n-»<>rimrn! i>( above (»oods, embrncmg evory quality up to \er. (me. and trom the celebrated manufacto ri. * of France Purchasing these goods from the < omniMaion merchants or ageuu of the manufactu- he t« enabled to *ell them at the lowest possible price*. AJ*o. olive jfrrnu and tnvitihle green Cloths, v **r> clii-np; wool dyed blk do; nnd French, British .md Anion.-an CASSJ.MERKS, black and fancy, hlk ..■■.l fancy *atm VKSTINttH, gentlemen's silk pocket Mandkcrchirls, black and fancy Cravats, Imcn pocket lldkfs, Lmtcrshin*, Dravvers, Ac . ol Uut north east corner ot 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. febW SlODonsahcls Livery Stab Te. ROBERT 11. PATTERSON has opened large stnbie un Rr*i st, running through U» Second si. bciween Wood and Srnillifieid .in the rear of ihe .Mommgahela House, wnh an nnure.ly new stork of Horses lUid Carnages of the best quality n:nl latest mylca. Horses kept at live ry in the lx*»i manner jy2dly STEAM BOAT Cld >l’KS— Having concluded to »ell odour cn’iir .lock ol Kirkc's Mariuc Timepieees, w now offer to sell them nt lower prices than they can l.rltouuU. at li«> house m Piusbutgh or elsewhere, rj>t hi iir.t lb me Il.r on I j established agents here lor W>**.r •*lork* tve liavr ihe largest and finest assotl iitriu in lb.- .-ity, I'aK and see. Rrnii tuber, wr an- not to be undersold. HI.Ah'K A CO . Market street, ~ri at entrance on nprth side of the Diamond prn>nrrtf;n works and bprjno AND AXLE KA(“IXiRv JONES * MA.NI I'Ai’l'l RKRS of spring and bl»oar steel, -trd, strrl plough wings, coach andolipj ti< •nrinc-. mutiitirrrd iron axles, aud dealers in m«|l Iralil** ■•n'tinits. (ire '•ngine lamp", and coach trimmings e-ncralty, corner of Kn«» and Front sta- Pittsburgh »’*- fobT* I NL)iA HI HHEK SHOES—Just received, 2 cases x lid lined over Shoe*, a splendid article, superior 10 any ever offered m ibis city, of which any quantity •an lie hod m -hort noiico, wholesale and retail, ai the lndm Rubber llepoi, No SAVood street. » r!,a J^IIPHiLEIPP PAUFORNIA OirmTS~; u ,t 'rec'd the India y «“|> h 7 the rollowiuff goods: Gum Quue f’ams. Jockey Lap*, Camp Blankeu, Life Preservers, Ifftav. Ho,» Co»»n>, Brmklnj Can., Tcnu ...J lou Hoof., ..pK-nJid.male, h[i ow . llUim „ t ltap.- lLvai.Mkii, Cmumiu, Pwdiw, Loot 8001. J’’.* 1 '" ,mn ß BwoU - . V ho ttbovc S°od* ‘of sale w * " ‘' o,, n M)l7 JilimLlPtl / IANDLF.S UK) hi* Cincinnati Mould Candles, on \j roußipiimriii aiidfor sale by ..-Jr]*® 'VICK & M’CANDLFSS M.\THISMATICAL‘IS'stRj;inKNf§— For Draw ing-In Ebony and Rosewood eases, with or without Ani«ts‘ color*. Frir sale by dertH R HOPKINS, Apollo Buildinp JUST IN TlME—Another loi of Pistols, suitable for the California service, just received. Also, to arrive on the 16tb iusL, by Express, a neat |n*l handy article o( Portable Gold "coles, which ev er} gold miner ought iu have, aud for sale by W W WILSON, inrlit i corner 4th and market sts No a ami 3 mackerel—b^ l * for »aie low t 0 close coQsiinimont, by mirlO JAMES DALZELL DRY & VARIETY GOODS. The Largtst, Cheapest and most Fashionable Stock of Goods* adapted to Gentlemen'* Spring and Summer Wear, tsjun receiving at WM. iHOBri j CHEAP ClSff CIOTHINB STOKE, m LIBERTY ffTREFTT THE Propnetor of the al>ovc establishment would renpecuully mlorm ins numerous CttstomctS. that he ha* just returned from the Eastern citie* wrth lha most *p lend id aasortmeut of goods in hi* fine, that wtl eve* brought to this city, comprising ail that is now? fashionable, elegant and Cheap in Cloth*, Ca*sHß*re»j Caahmereus, Drop De Elr, and every desenpuon of coitou, linen and woollou Rummer Stuff*; fUiirta, Cra( vat«s lldkfs. Suspenders, of the newest stylo*) 'which, together with hi* very large and fashionable #lOok of rcady-mode Clothing, lie is prepared to offel at his usual low priee*. Cosairy Merchonta, Coatractora, and all who i»ur» cha»e largely, are particularly invited to call and ex* amine the stork, which is decidedly the largest and most fashionable in llw city, and great attention b*u beeu paid to get ii ap suitable to tse wholerolc trad A Orders in the Tailoring line executed ie the mord iaaluonabie manner, and that nothing may be wanting to ensure the newest and bc*t style of cntling A gen tleman who ho* had great: experience in thu luutcra cities, h»« been added to l&e establishment meli2l:d3m SRJ BOODS. R. H. PALMER, /~YFFERS FOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, a ft»B v/ assortment of SIMRATIT AND MILLWE» RY GOODS, of the most approved atyles and pat terns, for the SPRING OF 1649, coiuiaong in part of— Fancy and ptain F.uglish, American, and French Straw; Florence, Rutland,; Pedal and other plain anu fancy Braid; Ctiina. Rice, Jenny Lind, Loop and Roy al Milan edge Braid BONNETS. Rich French Lace; Fancy and plain Gimp. Ac. Ac. Fancy Braid. Straw. Gimp. Leghorn, and otlier Mis ses’ and Infant*’ HATS. P&aiuna, Manilla, Palm Leaf, Straw and other Summer HATS, for men and boy*. Bound and Plain Ribbon*. Bonnet Silks; Artificial Flowers, Ac. Ac Ac Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 95 Market street. mch!7:d2w Shlrttnc BXnaltna aad Irlah Ltnena. WR. ML nPHY’ invites the particular attention af • those wanting the above Good*, to hts dcurable stock, conaitting of the best make, (roa the most ap § roved manafacturera. and the latter warranted pure ax.—He has just received an additional supply, and Is offering Shirting Muslins of a superior quality, at.a very.low price. Also, Sheeting and Piliow-case Muslins ; Diapers and Crash; Table Cloth*. Towels and Napkins; Blanket*, Qmll?, Counterpanes; and Housekeeping Dry Goods generally. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS—Such as French Merino*, Parameiio*, plain and fancy De Lames, (some new style* ju.t received;) Alpacaa,'Ac. The Reason being far advanced, all these Goods will be sold rit prices that cannot foil to please. [O-Wholesale Rooms up stairs. . janls A. A. MASON A CO., NO. 60 MARKET STREET, will continue their great semi-annnal safe of DRY'GOODS, for 30 days longer, during which tune their extensive whole sale Rooms will be thrown open to their Retail Trade as heretofore. A. A. M. A Co., knowing that they ore telling Dry" Goods rf every description from ten to fit tecn per cent, leas than ever before, do Invite every person in want of dry good*, or who may be in want, to examine and purchnnc from our stock, at ihe lowest wholesale rate*. Our great object in reducing stock is to make room for Spring Goods, it being ear intentton to exhibit in March the. largest and the richest stock of Dry Goods ever offered by any one house in America. We shall continue the sale of our Bleached aad Brown Muslin*, Tickings and other Domestic Good*, at our former low rate*, notwithstanding the recent ad vance of 15 per cent upon the same in eastern markets feba FINE BLACK LUSTRES-W R. McviiT ask* Lha attention of buyer* to his extensive assortment of above goods, inrluoing mohair and alpacca Lustres, very fine and glossy; yet black and bine black; also, a few piece* without lustre T for man ruing dresses; also, a large assortment of various colors and style* of soon striped and brocade Alpaccas, black and fancy co lors; plain black, invisible green, drab and other col’s. Mazarine Bine Parnsettos and Alpaccas—A few pea of these noarce and desirable good* lately received. Wholesale Room* up stairs, north east corner of 4th and Market si* ja3l FOR GENTLEMEN —w. R. Mtnm has recently received a mrtiier supply of Gentlemen's Fancy CRAVATS, including «otne very handtunne. AJ*n, bia<-k Italian t'ravaU, several qualities, and including some sopenot Ai*o, gcttL* Linen Cambrir Handker chiefs. plain ami with colored border*, super Silk do, Uuder*hiris and Drawers, merino, silk and cotton, some of the former extra *ize. Especial attention n asked io his stock of French Broadcloths and Cassi mere*, of the latter plam and fancy; Velvet and Satin Vestings, 4c At northeast corner 4lh andMarkr* street*. CIAUFORNIA WARDROBE—To amve by Ex i pres*, on Tuesday next, Kith uisU— U S. Dragoou Pistols; Allen’s 6 barrel Revolvers; Pistol Beits and Shoulder Straps; Bow re Knives, brass mounted; Gold Bags; Blow Pipes; v Pocket Glasses fo* examining minerals, Ac-; and for sale at Eastern price*, wuh addition of freight, by W W WILSON, feblO comer 4lh and malkei it New goods in January— w: r. mcvut has within a few day* optened a supply of black Al pace as, low priced; do. medium andicpcri do Mohair Lustres; new style British Prints; -do Any no an do; hlack cloth Shawm; plaid long do; neat style Moqae dc Lames; plain lead and drab .do, at IS|; and a vari ety of other scarce and desirable goods, worthy aueuuou of those wishing to buy. Merchants will find intho whole talotomas np tlsdrj. a good stock of desirable goods, at low prices, jail RICH DRESS GOODS, per foreign steamer Europe. —A A Mason A Co, No CO Market street, will open thin inonung, Rich Dress Good* comprising the lollowine styles,vu: Satin plaid Mention, a new arti cle. snd the richest goods imports'll this season; all wool Pliiid*, high colors and ebewe styles; oil wool Cashmeres and Moos de L&ines; S6oCotiurg and Lyo nese Cloths, of any describable *h*4* and color, Satin striped Cashmeres, in great variety. jalfe A A MASON A Co., GO Market street, hake just • received another Urge invoice of plaid Lotift and Square Shawls, bought 26 per cent less than any previously received this season. Our stock of Shawls is now the largest in the pity, and purchasers may be certain that trar prices from this date will be 26 per eent less than at any former time. jalS GENTS’ CLOAK TABSKI«S—U do* mohair Tas sels, assorted; 3 do mlk do do: ido do fine do; Id do do Ladies Tassels, assorted; > do coi'd do do. WOOLEN GOODS—III do* children's wooien costs; It do do do Caps. -4 do docommou, JOdoz Woolen com forts, assorted; lb do do with rings; SO do ladies Cash mere Gloves, ass’d. LEATHER BELTS—3Odox blk Molkskin Belu, '.*o do do Morocco do, 3 do eal’d do; si '? aov» ZEBLLON KINSEY’S, tt market at LADIES’ TRIMMINGS—-tldo* blk Lace Demi Veils, 3pt eol’d Silk Velvets; 20 gross blk Daisey Hut ions; 1| do casullian do. Id do coi'd Floss do; 12 do do Faniaaie doj 9 do* rat'd fleer/ silk Gloves; 6do blk Jenny Lind Fringe, 12 do French silk Ruches; rec u this day by F H EATON A Co, dec 13 ' Fourth st lINEN DIAPERB—6-4. 7-4 and S-4 Linen. Table j Diaper, of common figured, damask and snow drop patterns. Also, Russia and Scotch Bird Eye Pat tern, SUACKLETT A WHITE, ja!9 st WELSH FI.A^NNELS—W R Morphy has on hand a full assortment of these desirable Goods; also, s full assortment of domestic unshrinkable do, and a full assortment of scarlet and yellow, and spotted, for Christmas wear. Home made Flannels—white, brown and barred: i supply constantly oa hand. drefft) A A MASON A Co, No. GO Market street, hav< • just received the largest invoice of Linens evei offered by them, comprising twenty different qualities to which they would invite the attention oi wholesalt or retail purchasers. febffl TUX SKCOtfD LABOI AjTD XASHIOXahLS StJtTLT O? NEW OOOD8) AT DIGBY'S, 138 Liberty street, comprising French Clot ha, Caasimeres and Vestinrs, of. the newest and most lashiooable styles imported. Also, a large quantity of Roogh and Ready Blankets and Costings, peculiarly adapted to the times and the season. On hard, the largest, best manufactured snd most fashionable stock of ready unde Clothing in this city. All orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most fashionable and durable manner. novt4 NEW BRITISH PRiNT*, - ECU W R_ Murphy has ju«t received alot of new style brown and white British Prints very handsome, arrived by late steam er Also, on hand, a large assortment of choice stylet of American Prints, fast colors and low prices. Blsek Cloth HhawD, of various qualities— a supply juM received. Black Alpneeas, low priced and fine—a very full supply, and at lowpneoafortjnaUty. jnjo LACE GOODS— Smith k Jomwos, 46Marke'i meet, hare received one carton of fine English thread lace and edgings; five canons loom made dio; un ear ion> notion dpi one do of black silk lace; two do of black and *hue French worked >aee capes: one do of black ehanutla veils: together with a variety of taocy Brussels netu; bladk end colored silk netts for veils. eolHl and white ailk llhinon for evening dreasc*.— Dealers and otheiß will find n for Licit interest loex amine them before pnrehaaing. ja22 jewkET -1 doz gold patent Lever Watch I u detached “ l ai iTe r >• •> •> Also, gold pen and pencil Cases, Veil chains, heavy naard chains, Ureaxt Pin*, Pinger flings, Ear Rings and a complete assortment of ©ibey jewelry, at d ZEBULON KINSEY’S, 07 market H JEWELRY, roDsistmt! of eold guard, veal and fob chain*, keyv seals. pcnriU, finger br’st pins, studa, eaj rut**. bracelet*, lockets, buckles, slides, &.c' Also, silver rombs, card ruses, fruit knives, thimbles, •hi#lds, pencils, buckles, slides, tooth md ear nicks' Ac. W W WILSON dcc< _ 57 market st, cor 4th Johji t qtnoo, CHANGEABLE SILK 'VWi i l , tsa| for flhvusm.. •etna.—W. R. Mtulpitt hM on hand a fen very handsome changeable Silk Visile*, very editable for Christmas presents, which be U eciling a( reduced pri ce*. Also, band»ome Dreea Silks had Satins, tararfine new style Linen cambric Hdkfs, Ae. Jee2d LACE HOODS—White amfbiacfLaee Cape*; etnisd mm Jin do; white and black laoe Undenleeves: do Lace lie ribas; black do Veil*; plain IV-ch Work Coliar*, in mined and itmrimM standing do; etub’dcuds to maicb; ladies lipen cambnc bdkfs; gems do do do; also, opera ties, head dresaea, artificial flowers, bonnet tabs and quiltings; Just recetTcd and for sale whole •aJe and retail, by p |] BATON A Co, < * rrs fii fourth 4t COAT AND CLOAK TRiMMiNGS~2S 3oi gems assorted cloak Tassels; 3 gross figured silk Bind ing: a do do mohair do, U do do drab coat do; 3 do drab overcoat buttons] 40 do fine coat buttons; I2J lbs best Italian sewings: SO do do patent Thread; padding, can vass and other Tnnunings, lor tailors’ use, constanOy on hand. __ _ daci F H EATON ACo FRESH GOODS—F II Baton & 00. are constantly supplied with a large and choice assortment of mg frmgei and gimps, velvet ribbons and braids,' la ees, edgings and embroideries, gloves and hosiery, fonts shins, enspemlers and under garments, Berlin depbyr, woolen yams, needles, pms, buttons, tapes, bobbin*, i*., oil 01 which they offer »i the Uiwesi rtsb price* to merchant* aud others; at their new and com modious warehouse, thr Fourth si, rirar market na"& TRIMMINUST - HOBIKRY" ANDRaROY FH. Raton ft ro., IfcOrir* in Tnmininvii tad • Haberdashery, bare removed from tbeir bid stud to NO. W FOURTH STREET, 4 doo» fmm Hvket stfcet dot 2» VOL. XVL NO. J 94. MISCELLANEOUS. GOAD’S ' • i Patent Graduated .Gaiusste Sattsry mi ItuvJaud-Potarfor frftdittii andm&n jutyem< » THIS is the only fnjtrumeit of the Mad tattnitew bee&.pr«seatcsin iHs'caahnyor Europe tor nod ical purposes, and the duly one evet l# Wi by which the galvanic paid can he c<wy*yeati> Imm* man eye, the ear, the brain, or w *f»y part Or the body, either externally or tateroalW, In' 4 ddaiuta "genu* stream, wuhaajStocks or pain—with perfect putsty— and often wifi fee happiest effect* . .. This important apparanu U now highly apgfOTOd 0* l>y many oi the most eminent phyaictan* of UUi Ctfßß try and Europe, to wbomtito ugicied and others whom ti may eoneemcanboirefejwl -Reftreoee'wtU nlso be given to many tugUy.respectablocilizenatmhofeisre been cured by means of .tijusmost valuable apparanu ot same of the most invetcraio nervous disorder* which couM not be removed by toy other known, wiwhn* Among various others, it "»« been prosed to lM ad mirably adapted for the cure of the following disease* ▼ix: nervous headache and other disease* OTthd brain. It u with Uus apparatus alone .that the operator *aa convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the eye, to restore tight- or cure nmaorotas; to the ear te restore hearing; to the tongue other organs, to store speech; and to the various parts of (ho body. fiw the cure of chronic rheamaihm, neuralgia* *r ns doloureux, paralysis, or palsy, rout, ohorea or B*. Vila’s dance, epilepsy, weakness from sprain*, eooie diseases peculiar to females, contraction of the frwh* lockjaw, etc. etc. Riehts for surrounding counties ofWestern Pa privilege* with the instrument, may be pnw»i<s™«J t Kgd also tested for the cure of disease*. Pull instructions wQ) be riven tor the various cheml* ealstobousedlbrvarioaidlsaasea,aodthe best man ne r fur ope rating for the cufet of those diseases will al so be. folly* explained to the purchaser, and a paxuphhst St into his - hands expressly for those purposes, care ly prepared by the patentee- Enquire ot octi3-diy a WILLIAMS, Vina si, Ptflabtagli RsvuslblsFlUsrtnfl Co<f>> • ' a FOR PURIFYING WATER, . _|j Which readers turbid water one by removing all substanees not somble in water. The-croton wafer inN. York, dear and pure to the eye, vet it passes an hour through tala. VySfflf . filtapng cock, shows a- laxye deposit impure substance* worms, he. This it die case more or lest with all hydrant water. The Reversible FUterer.is naat and durable, and is not attended with the inconvenience inoidsat to other Fllterer* as it is cleansed without being dataohed from the water pipe, by merely turning the rey or haftdU from one side to the other, By this easy process, the course of water is changed, and all aocumalatiOSS fo impure substances are driven off almost instantly, without unscrewing the Fitter. It also pogtoaseStho advantage ofbebtg a step cock, and a* such in many cams will be vrry convenient and economical. It can be attached where there is any pressure high or tow to a cisk. tank, mb, tee. with ease. To be had of the rote Agent, W, W. WILSON, octl7 comer of Fourth and Market sta THE AB-BOSIKTSH* THE attention of the public is respecauuy called to the following ceruncatea: Ala. 8. E*Us» Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by yonr Areometer, l find the remit proves your instrument correct, and recommend-tha use of it to those going to California, as the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Resp. your* ~ i. B. DUNLEvY, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, March 9, 1849. Pmsavaen, March 7, ISO. Mi F-iitx* Dear Sir Hoving examined the “Areo meter." munutactnred at your room* 1 do sot hesitate to comutcud it t* the use,of those gentlemen who are about removing 10 California in search of Gold. It gives a rlo-e approximation to the specifio gravi iy of tneiuU, nnd will certainly enable the adventurer 10 ascertain when Iti* placer is yielding Gold martit Your* resp’y, J. R. M’CLINTOCK. CLINTON PAPER HILL* THE CLINTON PAPER-MILL, situated at Steuben ville, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved, end at a very great expense sdd-if new and toe moat improved kind of machinery, is now prepared to, man ufacture all kinds of Writing, Printing, wrapping and Cotton Yam Papers, Bonnet Boanis, tec., equal to any in the Eastern or )Vestein country. • The mi.lcr»igued bavitig the Agency of the above Mill, will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the diifrrciii kinds of Paper, and will have any tiso made to order at «hort notice. S. C. HILL, jo9o 67 yfood street TUBS AND OHURNB. Pine ami Cedar Ware flannfaetory, No. 97) cOBKxs Makext aRD Firm Sts- Pmuuius. I'IIE satxcnber keeps constantly on band, whole , sale and retail, vary low for cash— Wish Tubs, | Barrel Churn* Bath Tub* { Staff Churn* Horse Bucket* { Half Bushel* tec. All other kinds Ware in bis line made to order. SAMUEL KROESEN ~ A FCBTHER BimDOTl9a7 JAS. MUBPRATT A SONS’PATENT SODA A9H— I to 5 tons 3| casta ourreoey,or 4 mos. app’vd bill* 5 teas or upward* 31 do par. 0 mos do, interest ad ded. Fur the huperior quality of this brand We refer to the glass and soap manufacturer* of this cixy general ly , W te M MITCUELTRKE, dec4 _____ 160 liberty c Diaphr»fn) Filter, Wr Hpdrattt Water. n THIS is to certify that I have uv ■ I poitued Liviog3loo, Jtoggea & Co, a Agents fcr the rale or Jennlag’s Dtapnhgra Filter, IbrAaelg .fta , ties of Pittsburgh end.AUcsrhrny. . JOHN GLBSONl'Aytnt, wgjß- . . for Walter M Gibson, 4Ut Broadway, IST Oct. 10,1849. >V« here beeruuiogoae of iho abovearticle*the office of ihc Novelty Works for utrefe months, Ofl trial, and feel perfectly sattAfiedthin It is A Use fa] invention, and we take pleasure in them as a tK ful article to •- ’ — ■ titankfbll**' fact that . , ,— — n .. cst where w. instruments of these two makers can b« tried aide by aide, and where, consequently,. a correct idea of their qualities can be formed. The subscriber being anxious to test their relative merits, and having for h number of Jean performed upou tho Pianos of Nunns &. Clark, a* taden into use fot the lost twelve months, a Chick enng Piano, tn order to try it* durability and fitness as tut occDtnpanynicm to the voice. This Piano may now be seen and examined at his rooms. He feels confident of his ability to give a competent and relia ble opinion on the subject A handsome lot of new Pianos will be opened In a few days. H. RLE BEIL Je«-» _ At JVV WoodwdPs GBBATWKSTB RH - SADDLE, ILIRNESg, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN UFAcITORV.—The subscriber takes thin method or informing bi» friends un«l the public in general that he has the largest stock of the. following aru* cles of his own manufacture in ibis city—Saddles, Har- » ness. Trunks and Whip*, all ofwhieh ho will warrant to be made of the best material and by the best meoh amesm Allegheny ooanty. Being detemtinad to sell uis manufacture* something lower than has beenbere tofore sold by any similar establishment in lb© city, he would invite persons m need of the above articles to hi* warehouse. No. #44 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine ry. ©ctso-ly o. KftRRV PITTSBURGH PBHALE rSSTPnTTO r pHE Second Se»*ion of this Instilauon, wider the X care of JUr. ami Mrs. (ioanona,.for the present academic year, will commence on (he fixyt of Februa ry next, in the same buildings, No. 52 liberty itfeet. Arrangemeni* have been made bv which they will he able to famish young ladies faculties equal tr>any in ibe West, for obtaining a thorough Fngl| t h t Classi cal, and Ornamental education; A fail coarse of phi lisophicai and Chemical Lecuires will be delivered dnnng the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal nhd Instrumental Alndc, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be «"<W thocareofa competent Profasnor. By clow attention fo the moral and tnudlecuml improvement o l their pu pils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of tho liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals, ja2U-dtf PHCENIX FIRE BRICKS—The subscribers having been appointed sole Agents by the manufacturers, tor the vf the celebrated “Phmnn Bricks," are now prepared to fill orders for any quantity, at 821, cash, per 1,000. For the construction of furnaces of all kinds, the Be bncks have been pronounced by com petent judge* a* being superior to all other fire brieka now in use. C A M’ANULTY A Co, Canal Basin. my3o Manufactured ; . <0 l bxs Lam a rune 6s; US do Mirabeau ss; 88 d,> Putman Ss and Is; SO do John Rackets*; 16 do Ro berts A Susoajha; 4A do Henry k. James fis and ss; 10 do Johns and lewis’ Is; 3 do Warwick snper L; 7 bxa Steward *■. These Tobaccos, embracing some of the most favor ite brand*, on consignment, and will be sold low to -close, by • dec9 L 8 WATERMAN PATEJVT SODA ABB* IMPORTED DIRECT FKU.M THE MANUFACTU RERS,—The subscriber*,' being the exelttsive im porters ol James Muspnsu A Sons' Soda Ash for this market, are now arid will continue to be largely sup plied with this celebrated brand, which they will sell at the lowest market price for cash or approvedhills. They refer to the glass and soap mannfoctnrers f this city generally respecting the quality. . W£ M 3UTCIIELTREE, novl _ IGO liberty si IKON FOUNDRY FOR SALK—A *mill Iron Foun dry mntloumluoK lovtu with Cauerns, Tool*, &c.. oil ready lor business, vvjfl l»« aottl oa accommo dating ter®*, or exchange Tor Iron or goods This offers an exertion! opportunity (o a yooiag with small cental to rotnineaee the Iron Foundry bu siness. Knquircpf SCAIPEA ATKINSON. __l*}jicar Wood street. Seales, Cooking Storei, drtUi, Ac. MARSHALL, WALLACE A CO n Round Church, corner ami Wood streets, manufacture uid offrrfor «aia Platform, Floor and CounterScale*, of the moil improved quality; Cooking Store*, Cnj wtwwl and coal; Eg? Stove* ol various *ue«, Parlor and common Orates, Hollow Ware, fcc.'ic. They also manufacture the Kitchen, Range, which baa given each general satisfaction to those having* it in u»e, to ail of which theywoold. respectfully invite the anexuion of the citizen* and the public generally. oct£7«dtf FaTUST sffCA ITI .A cxiemivl assortment of Cornelius ft Co 2 * celebrated cnana* facta re, and superior to all others m use; adapted to churches, steamboat*, factories dwellings, public and private halls audio all other uses where a cheap/taia and brilliant lighLia desirable. Also,Girandolw, Hal! Lantern*, Candelabra*,Globe*. Shades Wieka, Chmmien, Cans, Trunraera, A'c. ~ai»fr. Gas Chandeliers from one to four light*, decs \v w WILSON, n market at Hardware—Cheaper tban~2^vert LUO AN, WILSON A Co. Importer* and Whploale Dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No 12) Wood ■ treat, above Fifth, have now in store d iery cheap aiul well selected »tt>Ck of Hardware, imported »mcc the decline of price* in Europe, and whtcVthay are determined to »*u corroapoudnigiy low. AJerehanu who have been ui the habit of going East, are nartieo iariy requested to call and look through oar stock, a* we confidently behove they witl save (hair tipeoces. octl jndses, one trial of on* smdahalf XU BtiUion*, auiee ls4o, pronounce this article unsur passed Tor durability in the eomureduon of a£f kind* o f Furnace*. Price ££l,7* «a;b, for loads of Ift H, guarg antevd nine month* use. Order* for a second quality Bolivar-Brick*-will becxecated at ga>perM, if** mr«i, yithontgnarantee. .a, stock of U» ArrtquUity is now for sale at the war*hoove, ‘Sloan** Whart’ Ca* cal Basin,by J SUAW MACLaREN, acpOttf _ Kensington IrouWotx* SPADES, SHOVELS.A.C.—SOdoz Spades and Sho vels; 40 do Manure Forks; dfi do Grain Shovel*; SO do <soeket do; Axe*, itmchcUy Manoeks'arid Pica*, Bellow*, for sale at manufacturers price*, by nrrrti' GEO COCHKAW;S*v«of«^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers