ESTABLISHEDt. MN 1786. ; BUSINESS CARDS. KiiSO & CROZKR, Conuniuura Merchant* and IVaier* m Prodneo. No. a* Martel street Pittsburgh .. « B BVHIPItI.i W *• Bill. Brj*linLLD 4 HAYS. Wholesale dealer* in Dry (>ood>, (.proem's Boo’*, Shoes Pittsburgh manu factured ariii-les. 4c., No 230 L.beny street, Pitts burgh . . . tun, *UUI KKTTK&. BRAl N X RKITCR. Wholesale uiU Retail Drug run, comer of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pitts burgh, I‘s ma yH ("i.nKKTBoa. k. ». aauunt. BR<i\V\ * CLLBKKTSON. Wholesale Grocers, and Commission Mercnaots. No. 144. Liberty *l, Piusuur«b l‘n dc3lty. BA FA H \ F>TCX' K 4 Co. Wholesale and Re • l>niirci««»- eorner Wood and (kb «t» Jy 1 —•• A 1 ,KV ft SMITH. Wholesale UroceTt, le and W i*>d »lreri l'ttuburgh. j C\ A. McANI'LTY & Co., Forwarding &od Com* /. iiiiMwii >WchanU. Canal Basin, Pituflurgh Pi ; mchW iaxes l. nann-t. Gall-' - i'Mil.lSH A BK.NNKTT. (l»i* English, i J- r.i \\ imiruir Grocer*, Comimuiuo and For wnr-urc a id d' »)rr» in Produce and Pitts. Imrvij i.iumctur**, JW 37 Wood *t, lx tw^rn vd and Jd»ir«.r'* r oeii Tj'KM-M' KJIKV 4 Co. Wholesale (Jroeert and r ••ion Merchants, and ArrtiK for Brighton Cotton V<trn», Nos 5* Water, and 108 Front «u.. Put*, hpnrh. febB GA 1.1 .AMI-KR, U»No 4 MILLED. Bell and Brass KauiMirja .uni I.'ls Killers, US Front, belween Wgod and smuhheid nreeta, Pittsburgh, Fa. [ftT" Highest pnre given lor old Copper aud Brass dci? dJVEORGE COCHRAN, Commission and Forwarding sj Merchant, No. *.H> Wood street Pittsburgh. tnyl? 4 T JoNES* 4 Co.. Commission and For pßlL warding Mrrchants, have returned to-thsuoM ■land, Water and Pront meets, Pittsburgh. Jafi WS4 ukaLD. BaiUrufue. A.J.CI.rhM,E, UU'.BU HUK, J,.h,|«U I* C. MTAMMO'I. A. VUIUL $ ni!»«« Ht.Al.lJ AHI < iKN( >i(, Tobucru Coinmu*ioa Met* cbom*, 41 .Norm \\ aicx n, *. 1C North W'hntvet, uotOO-i/ --KURT tiIBUT DICUT. JB, THAIAII IMOKEV h Co., Wholesale Grocers, Com* JL mission Merchants. and dealer* in Produce, Nna.AB Water. ai>«i UC Freni PHtsbunrh. novd JOHN H RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor &1 Law and Ccmum»aioncT u>f ihc State of Pennayiraaia 81. Lou:.' Mo.tiateui Pittsburgh) RirutMiD. -!’iu*nun,n; Hon \V Forward, liamp loti t Miiicr. M a M’Cluru, Joiui E Parke, BisselUk Semple. W Cord A King, jclLly TOH.N scori- A Co . Wholesale Grocer*. Forward •l mp itiiu Coaißii»ioii Merchants, Dealers lu l*ro 4uce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 7 Commercial Row. 1 .itxTty »trrrl near the Canal, Pittsburgh. Pi. nyfrl) _ 1 AM O S Mi M IKK, ilate t.f me firm of Algeo and •J Merchant Tailor, tit-Cburlr* Building*. Third »;r> •••. -irm Wood, Pittsburgh. JAIUKA A. 111 ‘TCUISON, A Co.—Baccrtsor* io Lrwx llutcii;«on A C«», Commission Mprdiaat*, and Agents nl the HL Louia Steam Sugar Udine ry No. 4S wv.r r and US liool streets, Pittsburgh. .•an I T .S. JJILW uKTII A Co , Wholesale Grocers. Pro t| « <luce \rml JContnusuou Meichanta, and Agenu for the HasuTQ'Towilcr Co. of N. V., No. si? Wood at, Pittsburgh. j»m JOHN D MOKf i AN, "Wholesale Druggist, and deal* er in l>y c stud*. Painia, Oil*. Varnishes. A«., N 0.83 Wood *tn ct. one door South of Diamond Alley* Pitta* burgh. _ janl JA AIKS KLKR. jr, A Co., (successor u> Joseph O. Dart*.' ship Cnai.dlers, J 6 Water a tree U oe3l JOHN H MK1.1,( )R, Whole*ale and Retail daaier iu *Mu».r and Musical Instrument*. School Books, Papi-j-. S‘air«. Ster! Prn*, Uoillt, Primers* Card*, and Bt-i in»i:u ry gcaem . !y , No HI Wood *L, Pittsburgh. Kng» bong!■ ■ nrjukrii iu trade. aepld J. STHt xiNM AKER A Co- Wholesale Druggists, • No ti-l \\ (hk! street, Pittsburgh. TOHN D L>.\ V IS. Auctioneer, corner slh and Wood ui'Tii, ruwurgh. octS" JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers. Printer* and Paper Ms ufucUirero, No. 44 Market at, Pitta*, bnrgh jet> JA K FIAJYD, tiate J. Floyd A'Caq>WJnjlesala • (.-ui -r«. Nu itrv i.i.M-rty street. *aps "I AMI-lr* DaL.ZKLL, \\ holeaale Grocer,Ccmmisaitin •/ Alerchunt, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh ManuJii: iuir» No. w Water *L, Pittsburgh. janlo T/ IKK A JON 1-is. Forwarding and nmammiim Mer* lv I'lui'i*. l** , ttlera in Produce and Pittsburgh manu factured amoe». Canal Kaaui, near 7lh SL <Wi Vesuvius Iron Works, LEWIS. DAI.ZF.LJ. A Co , manufacturer* of all si re* liar. Sheri. Holier Iron and Nail* of the beat quality \\ arcliousc, hi water and 105 froul at. ES WaTERM AN , Wholesale Grocer,Forward « tng and Coimwissioa Merchant, Dealer in Pin* l burgh XtanuiHciurea Produce, Noa. Si Water at, and tu Front it . p£7 Johs u-aiLL. jam. b. u’aajm \ w*j.Txa c. Bar McO IXXd A iUAE, W holeaale Grocer* and Commis sion Merchauu, No. 194 Liberty SL, Pittaburgh. jefi MLRi'HV, WILhON k CO., (late Jorn*, Co | Wholesale Dealer* in Dry Goods, No. 4» Wood street, Pmahurgh. nooS9 WtBPITy A LEE, IVoollieilaTf JIl, Merchant*, for the sale of American Woollen Goods, Liberty street,oppoaite Fifth. nfiTtCA 17 M. ILU.I, yutici, ““wii. L. BDOCK. MALLK.V A Co., Cocunisaion and • ForWWding , Mem.Hii;*, Water and Frefit-tiA, TaSkrCeta id and Murkei at* ■ *«■ t v^tfUnoiL "\.f 1L1.1.K A RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer* and JjX Cotnmi-MOti TUerchauta, No. 170,Libertyj»L, Pil» burgh, Pa. jani< nOl-NLKS A SON. No. U Matkot mu, teexmd it t>or corner oi Fourth, dealers m Foreign and Domestic bm» ot Kichangn, Ceroteaieaof Depos it, Uai,* Notr. and Sperte (t /** Coileruom mad on all the principal cities Mtfyugtiout tn«~ l mted dedi7 OUtkk ai_n.*, ■nm a.riww J"\ DLACKHLRN A Co., Wholesale GrooeSaS V/ ( deaierr in this, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Man, u/sclured arueics, have ou hand- at aD times, a fall and general assortment of goods in taetr tine, W aier street, ear Cherry A lley, Pmsbonrfu ant? —" TiOHEKT MIXJRK. Wholesale GroeVT, _ XV DiauUer, dealer in Produce, *“ lures, and sii kind* el Foreiga and DtnneHig Wtad* and Liquor* No. 11 Liberty street. On hasd-tiMrfcry large «u><-k oi superior old Monangabcla Whllkay, which . i- -old low forctuh. apt&ly Richard HARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Learner. Mojocco, akoemakera’lbcicudiEted- ingi. Tumicr* ami ijuUer*' TaoU, QUS Tk&StftSMfil, No- 100 V\m><i iu, t'lUaiiurgii. ... aepta Easxar hosinmm, —«»*T »Obl>-. & Co., WfcaUwle Grocery Prodneo « muu Cvninuasiuß {tterebuis,-aad IfetlertiaPia*- burgii *luiot»clure». No. WU Liberty SL, .Pin*Wwgh. Pu- •* -• jlftW i I)OK lThy i»aL2LLL ft. Co n ( XV Couinu-Mon atjd Forwarding Merchant!, dealefl 111 ProOuie and Pittsburgh ManoferurfeC, lib* tty «L l't . feral ■» >6uT~‘- I>6«T a. cI.N'NINOHAM, Wholesale Grocer, XV Drui'-r m Produce end Fitubtaffc 'MB&B&etaree. Nu. 144 »l . ftU » rnICT. Men, !ut the Trader deal> cr* m liriKfriei. Produce, PitubargL. Manctactare* and Cniur>U«-vl Lime. 1-/1 The iueij<-,i price*, in cash, paid at all dsurtbreas* try f«n« i.oiiier ei Pena u* Irwin "at*. Jang ' SMITII 4 Johnson, WboleiaJe in Millinery lood*, Lace*. Aiucle*. No -to Market *trcet, 3d dodl-teOV63saf»fUi Pittsburgh. I b. c. “I” tsoL’i.' i OUACKLLJ-r 4 WHITE, Wholesale Dealer! lnl O Fnrripii *„,i Dome.ue I»rj Good*. N 0.99 Wdodetj Pittsburgh _ i'jj fcbl7tf ; 4 w iiaruaUGU, Wool MerehinUfllealeTtf O* in Fiour and Produce generally, ■JxlTorwjmlnig' and Co*uni»i.on Merchant*, No.-63 Wtt& tt-jQtU* burgh. • t. .'.r: SMITH. bAUALKY & Co.,Wbcilwla Qipewtgad. Produce ucaier*. Nn.2CJMaffcciattaet,t«msea&k and 6th. Norm *ide, Philadelphia. .OATS t r. aKiAxaa, nrraacaou. Joan JOcSmaTllAiXhsiJ SLLLIiRS .v NICOLA Produce and CtaxefkLCbja-i mission Merchanu, No. 17 Sperm, Li»»ec«l nnd Lard OQa • ] vu.N UuNNHURSTTft Co, wi»lo*aieGxp-i n, C er», Forwarding and Cpaunlaaioa Jtothaataj Sealer* m Pnuburgh SlaniHactareaand We*tefp.JbfM 4oee. have removed 10 their new warchoa*a,{oU gtaqaj No. as, corner t>f Front »L and ChihccryAang. . 1 bov7 'm-j { ». 1. tbuth. TROTH & sCOTT, Whoteaale and Retail deltas ltd Hoou, Shoea, -Trunk*. Carpet ilafaptotyftrWJ orpef o! 4ih atid I riftoSKY e. bKST Wbo'leaaio Grocen atri o«t»i*4 I -aion Ale;* banu, and dealer* in P)TOnB Wood *L Pia.l.nrgh- * -*' | WM. u. MISTER, 'Agent for Mdsicu «ouim uiif penjian*, at the often oCW«-JB* Af*l tin, K*q., burfa builiiinga, 4th Bt, PltUtoUTglfc to the general land offieft at W*a|lfngtfltli Whidjtcny td Bty buaiae** iiiere free ofCxpenc# to applicant*. . J aarlt-dly, | >uu n. wic*. nans MtuJCßun> TITICK a NrCANDLEBS, (*HCCe#aa»u>JUfc J. J>; Vf Wick,. Wholesale Grocery Forwarding.ajM Coatwnmon Merchanu, dealer* in iron, Naii*,Gl**K Conan Yarn*, and PilUbnnrh MurafiMOTe* fljßnsMliT* **| > ** T of Wunj and Water »tre«t*»pitjaberghv^..... | \(r&rt *M J r TWerdj*Hi,No.«o,FroM*LiftflKeeß Woogjfed Marketurocu, \AT 7 v^v ACLack, Mill ctobe TT * iRf e<caLikhaenti hehf ibd canal. ~ v j ' _ p<seM 1 ' r \A[ J?. WTLBON, la Waiekeh. /fftrejm fT 0 BUT^z.Ware,Military Good*. B Uirj kaveb i£ .* ■ • .tit. . notr7 { and Beiaifdeifetl ant. TTCXOf. * £^»*etnrr" W « lore io Produce. Iron, Nails, ffittaLaMj Afoul burgh Hsmifßetues generally, |£» /iU«ng. bargb. __ ; |dccfr' j W" W. vVJLSON, Welches Jewelry, BUtct Warui . and Military Good*, earner of Uukttand 44 iirtm, Piiwharjb, Pa- N. o.—Watchm tnilCMrt} ene/aiJy irpturcdtf. t>t >l'*. ■'* ■ * r>4Hi f TiA'miWV iiMm*. career oiPoa OtwkiHltCfcShafl 1 4ih near MoilS&ggi&ijffT J‘~OUN M. TOWNSEND, N<k O Market tt, tinree door* borgh, wtti Cave utlumiwftlie toon and ufawy.ff hg 1 »iu sett on (be taost wnic«JW wwUnr onier*, wilt bo pUed wttb artetee they mar reJjr ®W»* ,. ID- Physicians PreberipUooa wtft be accwggJy a* «*Uy prepared &en the best attrriaU, atagytaai 4a dajoi night. _4 J -' j-;‘ji.] j for cate, alaig* stockof fteu£Z»4Q9»jKgy»~J . Y . • ?■• ■ \ - * . r •' : ./• : i : f.% ■■■■.. CARDS. «™«®P Mr!ro WUKI9B, rtqNTIOTJSa to ffltfmifitefcitt: Monutnent*,' Burial V Vaultt, Tonihi, Head Sttmet Piiee*, Cen tre and offoTdjrf-tS fitowde m£?le. ai a regular itidcdrpnce. •••*"• ■•■ *: ■> N. b-~ Drawing* Tor nontusesu, ranlu, 4e. fornialW ed. of any deienption. Heaolielti a share oT fmbHe patronage «igWtf»4 urat wm, ■ muses, - junsAtua. TOOK. Bmli . ~ ib v. K- • I HBCHISIcg' GLASS icnnirn. ' OIMPSON * Co., im nn ficroerr. ofnVifclfc»ao<Uefc O »nd Window Glsn. ktep cenßtsmtr <otufcsad a Rpnerai «»4onraeni of 4ha sboveorticJe*. Alto,' tnoke a r * nrpenoranielo of Mineral or BodSJWater BotOe*, Of colored fins. No. 10. Wood et, Pinabuncb. Pl - _ •_ SBgauiia. V PITWBUEtj: iH STEEL WORKS AND ‘SJJtjNO AND AXLE FACTORY. —. IU4C •. 20HX t, OTIM, jokes * a trod. ""Aiyasr Manufacturers of writ frit&wvtri&L ploDfh rteel, *teeJ plcragbHriSgttasfck tad eUpj uc ►prrap* hammered IITOJaF leaMr exudngr. fire engine ImrttjtadeataVWtnwHhxi generally, comer of Ru*» andTHfrlt 'ntj'TiUsbUflrti, p * _ - ttoX W IU ; IAM =*'TTTiJ, MinffiiwreV qJXfltioi, rad Uunp, Mohtu, wni3iUt_-Eomott,TimsS mule to order ou the *barte*ljiQtice. *,* ih ua* corner of Maiden Lane and WllUaiSfeniWfcee i*o o 6 T\ illiam meet, third floor,. ovtt.Shnei A EW? •lore. No 4j Maiden Ltui> New YofK'i- fry.- * ' i. HEHasar.ix,,}” ' Vj ANUFAcnißEßofFteara Boat and FamtiTjjian n •**“'4** tUß ?rrnrnn Mnmim ■ uprf-rs^j^,^r *" V. c c» Doctor J.h. tv l LLsoN ’i&nui, ■ . “ b " g.n.mlir of °£jj*2»£ "*“• Sft.. aa&l pbkis TKxcsj'ofiiwK i jj ! il, ri v l l B*ta c,' I»faj Wood—Ail (ju»r.uiif'.,oranTa..ini ■*®*P! ack . Tea*, do os «ji rt» quarter, half, and 2 1‘* ' ,ck *S«*« ranging. .front.»-*t*. FdtMßnd. - ® i ** j4j - to* _ A- JA\NRS.-Agl..for gckin Duqueene Bprtn^7A*i* f Steal c^FEFon MAILMAN - fc- Ooj mariafeemrars: of. y Coach and I-Jtptm Spring*, -Hatememd Axle*, >*pnng and Plough Steel, -iron,- Ac* • Werehoaxh on VVatrrand From rtreeta, PliabajgtL dealer* in» Oach'lTtitatsinfi and Malleable - w.r» .'.-Jl is ia -.JoofJa ' \ <’*» MiTßV, "Aunaous-offirpotmi ,i_ li. Uiird door afaote Brauhfieia,%dßtli side* '* -7: tie greatest W. .Merchants. Also. JflMwters of So t&StoSjfa ht&Wk. ; ' '»* >’ u * dr < ‘No- ' IIODALfiAfiCarSACTdEt*! !, ' TT A Ml LiON ; of! ratt 1 teasw tfo.. j ' -S TKAAfc-ttO AT AG'feVT S ft JOHN If swots Mole ai ttdeJpiui. 01 cver r Wffhuni ttr* caryop* of vessel*, uxTiUnf the couAdepta'lia&siraSiffy *hd! the commaiiuy ranee Cotopany, aj auiii&muuou p©pjigtiiQ phis—as Aftua^'jJSSplrMUiflj'wtjefilmW smshs sf&sshsmsi profits Of die ■rittfp.q; liiff Mmsai prinopladSaaift. of l | ria mro, aßdio uanmi BttfacPTCfqtatn r FTEB Aim r | T“£ S™ig^Sg^!£g^SEffii oiaJre S itai* city and nal and River*.* >" : ** ■ « : • »;*■ . ii;w b#S-frr'i* | PISECTOBB. ‘ .*•* .« ; Edward &aiUi , Jolui aT Brown, John ii. Jolu, WUuu - ' ~*cksW„ IJ*P&S r "Wm-IViUli. f Saijs, ■* Frame Ifeiee, Saraaeiatodu, ... . . .B. AunmAmbopk. , itarax a ! perpetai, tddfrbm luTiiglr ■ smpto i.„*; feqna of .; r -Zmji -^^^gsa£&s^s%gi on *umwpd?j>< «santiFrOQ P^^^perpetwilfejitne^,,^^,., | mHB unrimfcnnd, dstftstftol&ftAffcstof tfe&ftnfcM X ramoßm. JjßStßaßtttC^oqaßyvofffMUdelttu; eotmime* to effect msmoM aniiu) lasarb* fiaaitM Efainel fit*, mi ilinililiiiy |* jjllijlilnlllTl iiiiiMi|iiil»r..t propeny, not extra fcoicrdoil*,£Blbi»ciij ■tHykimiT egl* •« ■ ?o»V. >QiaX»GtiHAN.go‘w^tn IW^SSfSSCJ" wfl will UttoPHtirtiH aid BlMfffto (HoMifer bcudueta of the. Ajcocy, at the J »rtUffi»ale 2 *r^Wboa,'Jonee'3 Co, •* »* "«TOr,* p.wwih w»ig'r« 1 C'k'biinLMmmL--* -1 Cn4BLBaB.I»Aa|BSHOWtIf«;CDM AumonSuttOK'ikuianar 1 No. UT SttfifcJOtoer «ti .ufßlU&OKlfßLtKrtMC**** "ntiOS te lalbmthe crwop-arMfrdeajcni goneraily, el JD PiUsbaxgtkthaltber flavenudeidcKsmagrineQU with lhfl*Vujahl4lJ®aC}4rtW<S»iftlifi Growers of die Weil, Wkt gaS, aoJLiher pGSV/m Will iruard where, WiU Ue wuj rented equal to representation: | < nii-n .t* I Vm*l _ Ooba* ***• •Igutfli} *m * ! ALSO— Stag Oeven-4 4Uh, with a large uaoAouutf of hUter petrol* rbrajid*. «twK*w*Hft**<rti*Mh«.i.»ai6 o*fw»»nßs JC>» wa-iTn'tr.^ £s^!®* , lSaS!(ff¥!B@wffl®T | SS .V, ¥B4 /■mt.ilir&iM.. w w and on. together with erery variety or ariieTaLeJoiig ing tothetHtfa*JgaW Jeiadly dAtiaerSSr . UAOTOa*,- „ // Prodae«i Comialialon and Forvardinf i.ueas. *■ . au»ua box.' .*®ewtvismix a^^aKSMaßgsg&3J i .«U : £^ iftfr, jjflggSI Kl” '’-telSSll^' * Wo: Ate t kAZfir I nw»i!,oMßd faipswteßg Cofliijls ... , :»„ »»■• itton'atremrabi*■ •.'. c. ’’ , Ta&aai^BS’ .■?*o»l ....T^LnMoW Si T;';. tfe; B«r«wunimß IKreh^al ~j..rj ia bmk'2&*n?af> «*-f4gmtnatig *- - /SONTV V/■”*••■ jiav 4t **oa, «iu, cSiinFrEmi"*i -ptttJbrflsfc, ' - ,£l»n ufac t nr CN BelVeraUf'i. r 1 ■ ffc, ) V ‘£l£r wm 1 < .: Km^ll^BnMnßlllvP^ •jjߣ ■■,; pixtlbiSrl law officer ;rr; v . WM. TT&TBLIN. • AT>t9Mr, ? ". 1 Bailer. *> ♦ • jU/iIX"«Iw nriendto colleeti6n*'«fif *ir6tKfer tiau jT : V,.rc«CßlmiedjoWinlii giiUer Bjii Arautroa* - v >» .Xjffiiloyd,‘tfoerty stf\ " . •>>=• i*. ‘ Vk wafliec, ’'’do } • v * v •.*• ’RfoKr Black«oelr,'Sß!l<ibCe^»*■ 1 Attar*— -- ■ ■'" , Attorney ud Cooped lot "il Law, ■*~i *j jOhiifcj i Colleet ion»4nJSp«ti»*nv,Okio, >* , ** a ?*» «M#n‘Jtentaeky,'prmanUy;Wd C*re fttlty utenacd to. Cosmiluioiier ‘syUajila, fij? ,ip)tin|f. Deposition*, aSfcopwledgniipu, _ Retx* T*>T}Hfiru JVWBeII k Son, Co rtfik Church k b. u\ woman,.■< • .v»‘ • i WIUKi sattßi. (Aceeuoz».tatJ>vyißcnd _V William*)f*ttortte<r* aa& jULaw. Ouiw AtoftheideufFasrth street, atove’tailhfisbb _frt.i7djwriT, =i - . *, , u , ~rr. • ' p 4 ifpnn, /• A AT LAW. Officemdov'tolVPmmh XX wreet. between Srrfiihfield indt»f4nt , ta%«t " IAMiW.. , . i*MtS 'Dtjkito, • * - . 1. BAKBBOn ffWXLLJ TYUNLOI* i SFTWpLL.' attorney at L&wy Ofifeeion J_7 SdmJOH eta. j XkT> -i ©**lL» ROBINSON.. AuofPey et Ww'.'tij fe v f v «:;ixisrve4Juvofike.!o.(he JBjchfpgc Bafiolnr*, gt Clair sl, nest door to Alderman Jotoa. , v tpX7Jy HATS; caps asp-bonnets, t-n ~i FASHIONAOI* t. j •Vlft -XUK «b|«f*et. (! to>i|aiw «w JH numufaemmi- pT (inti, ‘Das made tmn«>Lfg with M**fe> Hebdbdt COV tthomoatfinfe : fiiibsnKmble hntlersof (he city c( higw/Vork-WArp **» Jiiac «t£ply e*txo Ado fciUj Hals. andn**iiijS rrcrrved a few ease*, RcntieineiTtfah De rated wu';i very rich and boamifqVhat bycalllnfftitfr(p-aM*dt H» andtlap 3lorc,'iiniUiL«ld street, .second door mth o .Foanb v where may „be foand .and CiMof hie owu manafactate, wtblciala' oiid 1 tail. Hats made to brder on short ndtite.- r > t ( >* r ap» JAMES WILSON, ifflS p»«hiooabi« n m ttaV» i> 1 ’ ° -Corner 1/ Waod'Gnd FijVt^StZeLi b 'p|AßTlcqjLAA iwebtkat £■&■ to oarfietail’Tmde ;X can rely npon getting iheir Hat* ko< Capft frtMo oar cndbliaUsteAi of tito ate? MxritliXM Oi of the l*tsm «TM fcoww •porcliimif W whOletaie, fth rtafcqtiaUj-joriieil to «a|l and t. we can any* afitli' cbnMence that tf TegfcrulOClUT' and rxtcii iHrt4 not (oifor in a compdriaoifWith nni hoß*dQstiUd«plua,‘ " ' - ; .^S,*nß»ciiber, i w now wceityig irony: .ttotHSg ofNew York), a choice aaaorpna nl w—fia apd Mn£t, toirfat £ashiona,is rtealirarfe ty.oitfyWj.fbeapj.wholeMJe and teiajL «. - ' */AMES, , V?ft&pNS' T aoyl? s ti- fmithftcldat, ild bootfcpuUfoiytf | jii ior .Hap* : Co., ‘ ,Jl. yrg' JIOTZ K*COBQ ft m) r - TX/lIiL introtel^dft>«attirtMy 1 - l Jk'B r ’ r>f«U Uttiijwvißcmred <r«aif»«,VoTkr Tbo«e ta wani'rf » neataotUbeauUfßlMUpUo {iuriiei: cornecof EiAhj I vKrautfcsv&&&ro wapofl].iei3iQ4 - • T PfrP,- new and A’l/y.. (iwttTv i hi»' tfaparalick>d Mkrek apcaZlEiihaahnn end J I and ,tto OpxTatioo»-aft<tea-itrieo*i tSana -Fte; jrith k tl | EngrMnns*iby Jobs T; BA' ti£ ' I l»l Jfcff«meaVttf'afi|«oo!b Catchy, *. ' •-.. Huiory i BatiWcal >ual •.GeoUfrieih deacnputra witfi aurcfeteatf Hfcaeen lift, mdeoft. one WMWtf of di»dn|tei#i.i T?d Tt cneer*,' Solffictf. JJtMiMaCil*?uri*u, Lawyer*, Dj** ;SS^iS®ro#^p , ™« br h’Ki J**® In gayrirat o < ■geairyJfofa. de»«rip!Sott» the Coaittmjafja' over toot*, 4*,‘ bf-tlio peoplei“Sselcfce* of ciwlitSljf'** W teetfftaattenL and Mesifiaß Wm •'igffftffiTftf? dart; TffEVV WOHKSS-CroWp^ moTeSSn^ 1 '** a 2 B»eui«-i of Kee- foWte*. and JafLfi* CSyw*,- is&i&SP”*- * «#Kt% Aralp*na,igk»' fenten«laSati?iaKS«fcf*Xl. JtrntyfigUjr &jatty rcadinr-rtrizii K*4- Prom itye *e«oiul ,ija?dain«<B« P»"«t w er ' or 3 Tolm * l2mo. Cloth—Ot}u TTTT . ■■ •„ ®? T . :.- ■ - . •. market. <cor ad n WieojioM to Menaorauoa, Surveying mod NvrSaßa 1 ByiOuu Coomu, A. hL , • ““« * -Xenophon’*,Memorabilia of Socrates. witlkUßriti 4. lt Crook*' First Bonk i A n Greek* wori*,wuh voc4>al*- o,. to the ficdy of the Spanish ) -aniraptf, 1 " ook # Kff c l“* , « by *M}«.,*nd double emryPrard-, 3 iJ,i "* nu r ■=»»“■«' k , £ Hi.iory of Prate*/.ftota thd fotujpeit e r Gaol Jr Svihe reign ofLooi. •byfluHi... Revised. lapnmo and enlarged, by /*<■> iiAMJC>aap For taJA by** „• <• . IL HOPKINR : »_-uiJ«cie __ KfioUQ-BaitdimroMa , t Element* o r Trl gotwarea l -Tv Efcn»nt» of plain and sapetficiaj TriTooiml w try. with their applicants BMensuration, Sarveytri S rt»*A.iM... • f* . A Fwitßookin Greek; eomaimnr* tail nesyofUWl ipnapt woro*» with yoctbsluiei n 4 mpusititt cue* on tho method of constant imunn^.y^m^tl. *o* >yVohq,M‘iJli« oc *' 41 Uf» > wfewr*f4i*nintiU «nfrAtt4G«9rsoiUCrapuAA Pnfe*4r, °» t W>|We» . , , . t o(Mtulame Catharine Adorna, 3d e«U-^ A new novel—The Discipline of Ufa ' ‘ * i, Fatrffl,ld*3uJ|f^fifrrpf>»«o^sr^ifle D( i,d jl_. inarmed edlitow of thCAra bW t«7jfbu‘ EntenaifinbuT * Hrrrtnlr'aiirl ; forealobv Jt>.‘ > / >JORf«MTON«-ltfbciQr^&^ * ,<•/>'***■»* cor 3d kbdStiweiit* , ? 0/ Hasffijuon. ic\hi. ■ Fnufrici 'of Tiictiiii*, to moiira' QfffijfjipffmmikltSd*’ *■> it&S/mr «• *■« 1iTb»ScWlh|Blll1lrf8a«(«(Ii04«Brt-X' rtiji'n'lll/or’ faAecßrt, tichoolt In two rar>. rVfAloi J ; TM®gSy-ps;MtjhfrfSSeAkv, ’isJ’fShMi.ind ■• -3U~. J^aOUlei.—'Uhl* work chum* 01 twrotyVocuhv, • and hChftSkVdtffeOiScdhjocta, ilJasirniqcie k wlth Wly! wa l tlat*, f) jt,i»kn entirely «ri*ajtaV'.«neCL ronqUy wnu*i»nn4fltm^eied 4 by.S,G oaoriri&2iiP wiissssisß^iss^ai^Be^ awn q lift eaHo.lUe-’offiriifefit raflH o ** aVß»bir<> r 816 per »t For laJo by, l I f K itOPKINB. Apollo BoiklingV,iUtatj Vanny Fur, • -iwwekwjibotn a JleroTh»AVlifb»yv with illu«irauon», 1 f-K/Ci I fSiffAtoiK .o ( vT)i>;i.v(i Hfail2mo.wnL'of'BM)J|>«rpe»J It 1 eofithiia UV3i(£q>, moudatloo* otaevcral'OicryymeuiDfOii dTnof dlferf** (til'atfotftiß&xioaa. >U one week 4UUcM<fcJnnbbeofi! dixtrlbttied Itf^etliy/or.PinitiWjh^CjfaqtoKtntfc?. r t ff gj ■ t “ , ftlloi l in«»Wolli'tfll!HW c , . A jjdok Foa-JiAiUjjfcrflXj VOOKa.",KERBaNfe A (i i?.iMUio, ®S|*i Soitah ,, 'oa iliaUn, TAyaleal Kducauon/.ajtaTinftaJv ->Vcd eofitw baaeikttpon'Mro meefeihici}-phKt&d)as «f ttjm’afrityaitatconsiitouoni being: the ruhitar^e^Shle Iceture* on the, al»b»e *ubjcci«. recenllxTidiaerea £ U)% dty.-Ta,.ifii„T,f f - 1 /■■*•*• Apoftb ~ DROOKi’ OVii>—The ' x^.Ti.Hi!inVNarof nidfMldtrirf, u» fable*, together with Nww. Hutoricai, aud iljaitTatffll* yfrlyCtOTWi otnlio.iixhrac.uurwith a eloilfciC.a llrook., XM _ .s„u ... B'HOwCWBfi Xf op ' cX 1 .1 f-URNiV, otntrO^-s^iftc&Uj l7i From ttfb latcti au!fidriue*iJiy>J*v7ADgTt»td* - Ws&a^TOiisr^®#l ri p .«SrS“SP|«I H HttFKINS. Apo.lo-liatek* * ’»IWf •‘i kYX > .iYA CfiMty Bq^oj,^u,K„ 0 j,^ u ,K„H l eJb^thd^lJfe l , Amrt34 •r orljioW dociimcttu Revised and tmproVdtJ'aOwr' : UtoaUpervuion oi Wm, £. Mom*, Civil kflriaoeT.-opdß' .datapr«?B|eil. iuaaehcoiwiy. *u>dy auigbrilfitffti»i jMillstkTf^Ar/qw.oop.M lhmoahd/pJcMRIt jUiip received lhi« day and for \jJ r> - ■ J t <? , mi. ~.J WUNoxo.v tsrocKTlW, ] 4 • , Bookicjlci* cor’tuaritpt.ahd'lyft^' fcflh/ OOL-—I? 'hale* Illinois wool nfen .forMleby R.KOBIBQIWTCd|., , -•■'A.i • r*» ii, ‘ . {4 ‘ \ ) V u ■ ' ' a .. j vt» <S»Kb»Ppiyfai^Wfl«mai'Cav.i ~sT s jj*«* tQ clqto theoMbuiirtewrs* agoa&B : potybtp. ySofcliahßftieinjiiftqlyf^ltrifoft' * OO^-faip^sejt'r^iut j^g£j£sigis@S§£ agaffigaagsaljp t* JdHttw UrJrtC’ ouit^^^i gwt>fa«tr*Tto ;>j t/a* O - ni . . P°fps* juri aheSutea'WMi ttirirflfetofr.' >' ; -vf. - A»«).WkfcVfltilsiifew<U’lUM>t*ißae*-«i she aid -ttitA'af ■i i'auacWar MWUUIOQ |jv«ui*i«etfnlx>fti.W9i*k. . |j j *T I qia.laj& ‘M b&U J. cue. GtpQeii. rrjJdftce and Jottpb,'biißenfafifai MS.-b DItWORTH QKU&’i v ; ;t>e. condaeid naaerj-di, < i*™ ln timslDK AM) CKl&ftirf 1? >VdißEft»-lleTtna a fax Jong tine dutyresaeb ffinla iheajde a»d chtfw aeecmpaniei! (,22$$ w* W Dr.T«3jirtoUß cf*£aTer '*Hsl£SB!S? t ?H <*yjhfr tnwnrine baa ta&«wend,ib jT ** £ k*d 'it iiitt bteo ctU*4 6y (bit Judlelott* ™*gg£®cMan wbgj’acdtr.M^e^^itou- ilyea.ll WJSVjriHa ’ r , •tjflrWSefflWLAcjlltfW* rtpeytorftloo, -rcfibeea fe- Rjrtr»lrflnJtfiV bnd (day V* nmndered u • aa ‘Mrarvftanauan'ftf va©.fcnre , '»tnlore#t*niX)n of aji Qian asd Jongs. arutahatUdbe ie*pit- diapagrarbtva ratted thft.nrl- rti »i*u^Va7ire>4-; •i®rt|detit ndttruoo ef &a>4ay,£<> | itbiDTroip^ vf Sj!- I b&iag a Vl*- . •Si.?Swj(^P*S r «g‘i^toleaUj fc *f Ifltliywcdcld ncrturooddr • i/Lnad } uanyvrefr- *■ ’ -. Koraix ycurifco bad:, ‘ Pear,tto<Mat»id»baa^tfyStt«feaTr» fmtip* 1 , tl Sof ear. eo/Bfatfcetand 3d«t.. l , eo derwn4^«iiU | ?ye£ ?rtee jSaced to Slitter bottle T y . j^B •^WrP x^J? r . o{ thfw ' n«*t popular aiul beheflttal nod* ’» C, «F* ul *l*o the ewemor of the celebrated into* meat for inflating the L«ag<£4B effectum a ear* oi Chronte disease*, wa» « Modem of gat ealoeiri pby«. eiaiu Itoctor Phywc, and it « graduate of ih« L'tu«er«. ty.cCifrcjujrJifiuua, *i»l (of thirty fear* unrr hi. t&wTefttfailoOflf di»ea*e. *j>d the eau&n of ifnrflM tnwto. ' \ °yfai« Inflating tab*. In eooneetion I ' , i M-SUa/xainedaA aepwaXekad cnuocnceao euna B pad fatal naladtea, Tubercular Coh- BctoAJa. Rtesmstmn, Aathan. iiods, Cbnwrc ErrnW QUL.aftd'aQtMntotuuaate <hn>ciptr elaar to fetaon. Iftmlimif rfepßdf dbeut Ttsuktuqidet die ■& vfbi* wnwiie* t i»*rtiphhotfoilTUhelr--**ifr the :+*\ ef ape compound tsnh-, tut Oval j, w«jmi»4i)de .wah rbrwo'ofiea) Law, bat by Ow ue drbir xtm*- at*, fcdajntd to and pteartibed ror eaeh offliaeaaa. - 'rtprjßpml* Ttui» Attemira Filta. wbsa oaod are In- to.baaapcrior to all othet, u, or liver pill, tnaitnueh u they fe**® G&&0 admitted hy (be faeutry topo-MtMpedi.* Snmfcd&aTiJei adapted; to diwuii, bat betba iaotfieitiftaiA ban via] la sotbeiaoi u> utabiiatevbai in the mibdj oft&e no»t Bkepueal' •> ' aniwhed v«*aap<m ih»-ucaL aed prpeaip .(irratia) one of tbe Doetor’v t.«uph!<u: deiat a detefftm aeraoat o/4deh -aamedy trf h«. »prilir^tL^? For aele by the (blioanng jntt a» by natt ',,,.. • “ •> ‘ ntrr * ‘"J rto valley, *\ •, - l feel boand to yea Utfi tt® UleUd Mbu? f*»*n4J this af>~ pdmnrar of pawn* j,*o Ota exteaonlinary effect* ?(yoyr Kxpec<nr*n( bh mjUiC ' Havtaff teed aSUtnbd* for w«%iW*9*w*<iwftk>K«mt«««Bg&i tesia.foer : padilia vcscspauaot Mined oobcdoooiM to liapcf'odt a CtortT)|lt 4aA'-dini&a,a*tetv.beairAcre *feTez*taapaekad,*fcd i bavin?? «*°{l£d u»*U renacbea, and die p#©. iertputtwf ortwrf'oT wuuni‘fM}ie?sfcfttaif*Jdan»)d' the h4fthltottada*nidßto4MNic« j *&y,teß'st T ,errthd -ranaS; lib*d , Jt*i»is&MJdod ; ujfaa £»cclorani— audb)e»«edbrtha('Beuiff wlurdteijul \hmia'ln > 'ifea bmtw tt»'¥rtfan»' Sfoftootitftoy i\a&*■ «fpeq tdttoa pi *T rtVlcmhui #c^*w»jto*Sw4*ft nia H from waa enabled bylS'e&derancMtU.ito l Anertibipt Jnafth m»o For utels mafrrtfltr.afeftt PtkiaJfm Store, ?t ’Pftnbff w>p tala; 'Aa*<»aj4w£n *ta&win?f >u #*i»nllß-\ aw **■ ' *"“ 1J - yujra Aldt'n ■ iiia V or ill dueiueiY I t Cjta^}^, Uitf?rt»HB4ltt!of; dUl!MM'pl U» 4ye , (AVeqrper o£.S&nd«&f it, And : * if: iiitvpGf • VfS of I>^ 1 ■* : itofl9r*«t 1‘ batfCwdaw, tat Uieft;v**birrr»w Dfc v uwd t»g*jwwa . l%& A ft&tste&xfyE&aiil}(ifriji twfimiA*- .& T r 1 * A&» nJof cerifidcnPn»n^«ll'7n i wedaifng;\UocomSti»ea4caj' : •*" 'Mr,, .yFl^rteb^o»tg , > It huuie ailiclft cSWMMd. ”• >«nt*V /. at ntf- M'S* I ti',. tiffU 1 rjuio, .dimKpHlftCMf'* '«B*B BEU.KItS.r'" #i£#Sr% ■ y»ir 2?^ 1 £2*l JtoJLm* add ■ ’ jounc'd and‘far Bile Jte b7£.. ~hM<Wf r * JOHN D MORGAN t 1 mpiss j dßcioj-’« \ _ __ 4cM(U‘jnßli«d aod fof*»4ie * • ■ joHNDjauaaj^N i-.s t-vgyajpwriEPMj HOTEI*. , u "-i I BALT tMOBE. ' *ecp^StSftSVersS«& : fctos.’-te?) s<en} 44ded, -tQgitt&dcgTnßinorga* tna-iirt:: sXte n»aml>! -: Klßyte' IdfrEefegyemodaiad, bf*rea tfopinfef ,th» eamfonand Wsfgrs?^" ,to ” sr<r - wi^® W HotetVbrtbj*tlif Jiorafflwi ■Wjjn»f! 4pr6o«xd)ha.Ta fl&tffe ' '-• " • '.•‘gw^J. Wcfod of the MOil»« will d* ■' ttttHß at U)» Car utd'Stramlxn} Laadtafi, ’icoijycy to and from tiro Hotel,!free • •-... ■.- _' nmyatf* f tSjoiL&sqß Hom,, THorthfi Ibttj MtuSlfslrited pbjuuHr Htne}> - j-vipoctftiliy announce* to Tr»vellei*'tail ! XlSß yliefEß*s%By, Uaiito* wUU>et*£alJ tuntapTepbrcd 9nieoedjr<peflt£ett!rnUelU"« ecmtisstnee 'YW^paßswSLM*.Howe iu» hctyripp • iW»«os?|^ ittfWs W.yinoii&XtV,- 1 <“^l Wtl' -I'M il |Jyi : (itfX:i , %übifif t» porbhaM woaU’oowiefl tosOTret(B««*s ■■ttiVaa jagrprieg> «lialtpS«tej-»pKh<3 ./iSu.Xrlf Clkiri: . Stottet ' ' & imai» XROiiamtHlig --, T^asss&sisssßSs^ '■' 1 So » J- Tanrr~ ' l •So'• , •3 centre Tables;. :.; .> »,.* Xx-&n&'. - 22SffiiS€SifcSE.*Sh , ‘*-3'»»‘* i 4 pairGUoawu*i <• or, A*» n irt, a .- '•• • ®p*irfaiicj£SMrk!BcusU;*» i-; A r .{araJioro toorfomcrod* totoefillaa- , j, CX'S^fc» f jJo«i* Awoothe atosttauoaabM ttrac 1 ' -'wt'fceH) T. r ( Iw. Bikar 1 * iUktkis -uoi^eoM,Ceoea Pm».Brows, GoeSkSwkter T|'o merchant* ud consumers, wha fryit^pSaZi.! fZ. Urn bcaiprpdnru of Cocoa, non nutritious thin KiSlaqaaCiytmw-, nssed, (he c&bscrlber recommend* the urs3ek' 'mahafkctarediby bJmxilt spdmaaiMdvi&fcist’lrittt. 1 ‘Eu Brazos wd Coco* Paste. ss-delieaia, tofasjilZ, l dfld .salutaiy drinks for invalids. gamuiwr^t^yli. tras/c pronounced by the mosteminejH phtfritliSi iriottdiny other preparation*/ Httswnuntetsrea Horny*! ea sale, in my qc*ntltyv : 4y<dw CodsSn>' |*poctsh!e;fide*rs in the eastern ciuejynad • of Boston; Humct k Murray* Nety’Ydjlr ' PhiladclnhiaT 1 Umorn;'and YeHorn k Bennett. anr»hHt>U, •** i 1 ■ 2. r Walter BAKKB r Oorete»llitß. L ''! ’ ■ ‘’ ksftn BAOAhßk'.fcaMjyM^Afts' ’ 'Wrought uul rTiUHubteraets bcaJcavo to inform ihwyiftK'ftiiflfiit. A they-have obtained from the cashioaehio designs for Iron Ratliny-VtMsfoyftjjKAtfrfi and cemeterieA'.Prtsoft* whiter n seine patterns-*rg> fade pse gall and i Cfai* ml Rebecca StfcclsAliriWaAitT. ' Mfiyo-dy . a; eaMowt it ftrox^i j • aCIICAL AJDVKIIVABSmBWt'. |-i PRUKES.SOR CHHI-HTLAN NOTilSS[»pspectfi-<i # ’yraiuuwncc* ioih- eitiien* of Phitbumi'Aifd that he ha* eomoMneed yiTia*4asinieoon <jn the I’lrno. Hie trwnized-of niftxoctmj east-A \ tod adapted to t am id • very tfion rUßf* He hoolu l | I'T •iri«*t atlrniioi) !o bit lm»mcM, and bjSnssoaoJiJe I i pnce», mi B)«m a atiare »»f (hr public patrimage. Those wi.bim '0 hear him phij, nrt UrritWiit) leaveuMi rare*, with tbotane Mil the Marie. sior«* Mr Hellas ot-Mit lJiumc. E«imnc^iheybysitaaal^^^^§^^'&- I iUejAnd ilfnry fbrouM trie ads Kotos «i,beiaf tKotmigliiy -wD ? y,., ~ ~ _ Mj-RcajjiTj- 1 ; IS hfdo Price k r l_. *0“ 'u* (-», tfldoiio do “ • - ■® do do Pearl A Harwood “ “9blb av I; '' 'l4- da J BoUnsoo “ “ uj* u | r ••' f7.hf do do - u ... . S 3 do do Wot Oswioa “ w $ * ‘ O do T Wrtgbi'a “ u i ttJ i » 37 tfnO ASditoon * « $ u■ j . do bVlkdt’t ».*•« ' b • do B jfjv • J «* v •, da.lUaelifl’ r-. ■, -v Imylsmimg from isumu tad packet*, dan ter inldi by - \ 4 HKA.LP, tivCKSOk'tpx j * 41 norttr wattr atnnil 10 north ir!jarr*«, J*o4 _ _ • UlbiluJelpUif ‘ vt ANXirACTuSKD TOUACCO-ffl bi UMon J.U; fc Son 1 * sp}>emr rtrrttUi lamp*.' ‘.'■tr.’ji&i T7J n half bi* Wabatfr oi4 lujK'TWr tweetfia loop# Iji»Tcwe Laotuer " 6% ** f » ** l.enuj A Harder ' u S*4 *r “ t fl© • Dopoot(iWJa Eort)-“ 1 8t v «» • i \u - Mel*od us “ Uwnsa Lcmer Jiut landing irgxa *tf— - •itdfci «1 N 11*731 *“ ©tEJitfTßooiTfei WY. «r« mil cngsirraiiiYlw ’ ol Wood sad 4^bTil-«t* , *‘ we ire prepared todq pitch. We attend lo < faction will be liven t rabitlty • >' i*tani4*Uju .raUfornßatreU. flaim THoti -total hare wpjk t*rW«f low ’ '' 7. "fro waaio. f|M!E pQdoiuine&jtiri 'JL tjtasutitrD'Cyptwi dr t t>« m tow <Uy» notiety'} , we*aa-pH** -u }b» tnu., .bßTlaxceiy »u W» eoftiJ,, relr«hs[Wdlo tar pTaMf ■'tWUfto* ahcAiled'to’#!? —, Jfc. lMr«y*b6 '*.*f*- • Paducftfe, OfLUb'i [;* " aTBABtBr 4»e*. 01 eu i*r itl be »t*‘ 'jj£ MANUFACTURE! nouec, with the . ca?i*a*p* beif tt*rinar„>Q( a tut noyit&ty •<2WKiS' (rot) the tiStfii 'Wlfieb iho akteoUoo.pVl «ccH«d tfld/of ttU* •a*!L. 41. .. .iiAVR >v m* M’CLjr A cm Jjeaeena ipjc 'nyfctfWdlSßaiitiSu-fcad fiMlodi Tsbto Lirienc, O' icotis, Oil Clutfa* T Ao,.' f T f TAVtNQ •old odr cd* ■'Urn fut’Uitmho patron* ~ - _ iaa*n.L „ ■.iU).>.w J J?PiNpKX > < V^ < >i : tnl*NT\wlit)l«i»tooro<cr l ;Csmini>»]( FonfwmaugAiarc torn,p; ♦>tWtUar n. < ;-r=o Ti MIUHimaWXSDw 1-' togeftstanaust-otf lSrilrwrfiAoUbwMJt**#- 1 terms. ~** ** ' - MpfltMtfiffl* 7ljfttniC)TH^Efc§^j'a‘{^^»»d^¥aa- : ea»4. ‘Si l^taiffljooib.ttoUT .wcumr i-i.dp. willfind ffreftLeftM WWiULfff^rJ^ o^ BtUtgy du*ho(*CTattiplltenWs^fWiOdfrtmrtfiw&iOOUi' W ' M'oeuy-’- 1 bat „„«* ’"|^3TRECEIVE& <J' «slflbnu*a-Hai*lA - tS«SSSwwSJSSSS^SroLfc 'in* if Tfe4l barge and> 4ik . i ilStflffVftfldtH. &?&sixssm wii rented tabb'perfecHn M-. ifffv -T 1 •*3B* cui -NO ;. . - ■®VOTVsiSj»t, &k£W%7J&?S ft* jßfn^^^iSSS^i^^^:^? • >llV>Ufl of lfa hftb7>LiT*rwftTt P . J^J^Jj^^^J^^rtuSy^hayffeewnyy^ES tm*w>we&&ffia&vi&&l^£S£ffi. «“l* r PA» ! i<W°Hi;° ■' -7 ,;. ■£S2*S w ¥fT*^?‘&»•*#*«!# «4hU vis* lea** *t2.Ujer,‘jmrtn- SJwfjfithiaod •bonldei, *tMASicooHA^B^]Mttoaua^jonof;tnpesiiei^to> ibmtriwrt=oi^4iwetfis{S?SS£.^ffiSriS : z^«ffiiyr4vsfifsslS wOSO^fOUKO-.J.*,' n S«wsm> ’i'iK«ats»i',‘tßi/-!«>s»t«i)t'|r(ai<li>i'pttpi>»ji<M( -Uycngort-i 'All .cfltas angi /cuUJiffn&iS&.MH*" ■liniiiaits rtiythtnc.C tirfcfci : |tti L\ P «s&s iK.'fesF.s “fM. lM*rptuus» MdK»kra<»,tF*#3Silt)rjJMi mmsmSssm :feI'“SSSSS .sawßßteggae «tad t Wfa^^d ,^^^'^aryny’ > -'ai&n&- AlttWf.«n>rtatm9^R£fo«a|cbMrttdM»fle»aCTrevi *ESSvsswSl b SfS2 ‘ . .- ” *" ’ kfirililiv mailt*, il*ich S&SK3»9S gjggg£ *ps4 Scotch di specs uu yje*st «ad K , JlanteW difcct*Tft>ta ITI pf .which are tho «xhi Jf»f,H31 6 fwalfcftwill -ba •cntnparcSeiei I 1 WrPptiiog. ,w -the: shore eanmerufje i• foofatlqt/i*DClCeopsri#e»%jrenr,l»tge i : %,: L; 'e&iuMatfflß ea»Jnan«fSA, lichee IMlafldfreit ** ■- L l vlclloSbrllMKj tTii Jmcmthlwri ■ r>H in **\ t , [;< Wrtiftaoff > «gTe<nl»xffeißs. r , , . I- s* ;; tha jrublte generally are respectfully inviiedlo an ea; • ,; iu 'T^Olgr l 1- *= .»t‘ui j H W eansraftkafkHpoad *•- ‘ * I KrCLiNiDCßit* : tJcn< r fecmitnjAiT«ee*:ivinrba tfgH-OttOOt 'rf CARPETING, 4c* fcrni*mbi£ a?r rb re axbi lathe tnaf stirrer from the Jnj- P9rtfs»wwAJ*nWjwti ,r and ‘hewesi ttjrWK anjfToweT iff pric'd CAn eier dfemMtr ibU en 4, o. wtuchfae iaviter ihe-aixemioii of those- vhabias ©• WSibl'AtteißbeßUMi/teioieajbefiorfepaictiMaj? el»*- qpasfca r .m,pait.of l %) ftiUo^ut' K% AUmmlji Oriental Tapestr/Oil Cloti mW«I • 1 ’ *dA * ‘-Plaid colored- -do T uPrklieflry n > fc'- ; ' iM feet wide I W'Bw«wla*| .-da- 6-A. 7-4, S-i, 4-141 oileioflj ; &' '©sesf Dru ' s ' u wj*9 “ . • 'fi>P ' • RosdetoodOil Cloth • AhSfftdo*- :• -"do-- - -crushcloth* /• - bs/4.PPhjpm>k ~ Embossed Piano cover* renUlizj do do TaW do ■•4 J twlMdo do*, Table Oil cloth* iF/JaW’*’””' 4ie4ct>ura Carpets; sheejraltlii do . > & •.-. - %£?&&&&* t ■■■l . • Ba.*»v i.i, Crash 1r ■ ■ *od M Tabje Liucnj -SS’- c D a 'ftiMUp’iU Wtddo* Shad lEinaFroftcß do ■ do *+•’ Rich; Baiia -do Lmaei i »}*■ : ' fwipdaw.caftaioa , black, and drab Danas] paaiiii* worsted 'jmft linen' Tal Jlud.wnUtrn, scarlet,gfcrtliUjM* ! *ndbla ~ Pldahes of all colors, 4c Ac. te. --- - ' •'tteityioD ,-perfect worJfjMd m ma .-17 dose to their waiebt* All —d to perform well. .i T iOTty|T4stfaccd my btuiaew to a e&aA * y*- ttqtetaitietitpecU-a* low u the reau or,atesj*Siulcu*tonirri maybe aettupil can male their purchases in this' line p« •In the eastern cuiea, thereby encoaruiiur Ut*hA faufcWtty. w W WILSON Jltrlaott French JBerlnoal PRPfIV haa o)%«Dcd,«iUiin a lev day* « . aaißltmani or' ■ uprriorlVench.MeriiiO*,. JiSetosi-ebade* M'.SlarwHvßarnet, Strut*'*' m .£lei, Cherry, Dnu., Light Bier. Brown. end 1 -fnfifßff-ift ol tinou * qnalitie* of'biaek. AUa r*ARMKtTOS AND LYONESK CLOTHS, eoJori.ihclodiag* low pteece crfrflry ;'*jfSWlVOS~liftunnB Uint, fl[Mn Brova, 4e. Uaruei, Bruvn. IHUi BlaeJti *c, [ oi£!?2 R ? I P# aE , D CASHMEHEJ-Pltin and printed printed CashAerea, L«m*njM.Htnrw». Udtet drone*, Saua uapedphlpaciu. CASSIAIEIUS^WUMur. «Cwy«ln large ,a«wniM{u of the-* Owhtkfiw, wTsST qnafinei,/ oliVc, ssmUMe fie«n, <t>row», andvWiw/Rgtimdß* ,h -r? »r« vprj hMtuUomc French BlcduSbiblo fqr cloaks ; y A iircrr?{o&< jp-eipq «n,i fo*{ MddlWn>Ca<icE«liliU.- aoastmtujheajiaad. wtkeham Tm byapiece, U *pecaißy invited to iwr _ Jt*cl2; *- * ■ ■ r A IUBiSSCfi'J 1 ® X-ißerty itrisfa, rotoprbiairFrecch of the ucwmi vuu/tMnomAloaable style* imported, i H «»*H» of Hough and Ready Blanket. • tSSIEg* 1 * I *** petoHarly adapted M.ifie Lmos and ine 1 liTreat,' &e< manafactured • and moat ! s?s l w*MP<WhO MM-qo table manner. , •q. J l ?** 4 l PRWTa, fUTUorpity has ' ai ? o> oa ® -«yl« brwn aud a-kjtn • "W 1 *) yv>':handsome,.amveiihy .lain«it-iw i -3rV a large assorunem ofpfctTc style. " 0*‘ l CD,or * anJlow Once* i gaaWUl ** V ‘ rioU * q«»UUfct- B .apply • , O» pn<wi ind fine—a vary full ( >p4frUo«jiny*afor quitny. jjn 1 a Wv«raT has rexeotl) reCei -2 !*,*Wlw.of Eagi alt aud American : Ijrtuit*, warranted fast colors '• V'MotfXra LiOT9-*AIR» received, a lot of very seat a-.gixKtartlola, only as.-2Kss^i“ i °'"“ ~i ? < * M En « i ‘* h «*«»2 frr?rl!*® eUI *"l*er^e»nMry*«l\ ; Hi |ftL lfc 25 aß s iwewfh 4o| o? fo*T hon4*oaie Ip*. ■ , *xx 4s; colon.. «*mnto* iJfcmiiMotlwia. I fS|$SH£ ,*&eckte«; •taeu'ttoih tfftd'etrtifcko •■ • , '‘WwvjffiLawi • ": r ‘ •~-‘* ' *» «^<a«yw-fyea>.|ui B^^®**iMb*«', iBjktV4|iW«» for hf to feJliaK ittSTedW '*~ '*’*’"*' —’."IT-: Wt- . * 4*- blMk ilq Pregch Work /•JMld sntflaVKVJ-yifiiff <k», «nh’i faff* /oneij tb&bfJe'ftSirfl: J gbitts uo d* io}- ,f V#d BQific taA’tio weru bob net, ing»4 jun received nod lor *aJe vntfle- V J P(t KATUN‘S GkU „ r i * t . aMjtUjn*^ iffHOAB A&D> .-•1; Juaonrf‘elo«X|r*4itl»i 5 irroA* imirerf ailk lfinyy' niffj~4 &b‘di) Vn c&Wrdtf/ ? no do Sfet/wat t}ot’sAb firtifo Tu^^^X2o^&iXi,pS todrttfow' u«v eontufoUy yte>te»nHh > tpvii H iUto» urn eannUmJy larrt-jiiidAbfflce,aw>nwe i> t of ; |jJteQia|^jmd€iO}7«,,WVJ 9& b «“ *qd bnufl*! 'lm-- eloven ajia boduv, , «m*■‘inlfUh jnujttiider* udvtt&r fcrraeub^Fferlftt f ■Jtb&hjri nendldfc* pin* button*, iipw ; ofwaieh ttoT«Kr»ttbo e«S k . W> FAiicrr ■• goods, "v 77 >“?,*f* f If I£» 4>, mr iSi ** mo!»-«r wa* ‘ ■! jfcaaßwß^g' J- K wiu,iA»a^[ih. t viti n , har y. mL.'S^V* 01 ' of s * ad “»^—no«p'?jrcadhiJßJ«K-fe »q4UJ3tl»V«ttjmi* ojwStfcfcaia. « , w»adid.4«,4fl,Cenn M patients. • Ti«»obiect»i’ v 'i» ’ l* **? *> V«'«.B»re rcceptacij/hw . a^o . (Sfe?*?* 1 ifiL’/ I®/flfferuw 1 ®/flfferuw wcjt—the clum penile dlicawt "*rtß‘ iir«iTrehi6 J 'or Ihb <-ru^tfvtbboada^rill KSf ASK’' 7 sieifcUc., 3<Jcn»«,ift*.di nßC j^| aad ltrßtJy Dr M3r^uvf^ s %&t^afeK«^sg teS" 0 ?’ 01 l» lia faUowiog .Banker., r.-tia m «r Hhffi'«° l iKhS>i2f :cc ‘ , » t J ,eni: Mam. KnunSft, r? : **• Huhttj & Souk, s. Jont. t Co„: Ufra. 1 .D,. lUm * Hia i.Apj.^yd.^. , t < J? 0!r WOIIKB Fon sAtE: 1 7T T’’ Wo™™?"'* Iran W«i* tinuud. orrt;s.k, TTiefrfwbSi tt>ffi“rk”Smi%li!,'' l ijttil F«oito KbunderroßSikliireo (llssi Fn/iiacßvtiaolb. «rf iron ore, coai, lira«ai«}ne, i nnti *»&S& r t of P^ r the bd<t wafernoWer’* tfiaiean btf any wbd?e ftirfii i iwWf ot further impra,7ctiem .t q alw»-*t ani 4l tl c *,* ,l^uad 6f room foi* f-bffou and *©•!**. feevnes | B addition to the *odt.« already erectttf ami a bcoouful aigbt for a TdJmre. TWe trorWarr .Raa ltd in thn mfcM ofa ricfrlknnlnrW,! UT, *bere are ahimriaat 4™ Iriiiuig, uutl the i"nciJjtie» for get to-* to mar~ ket iA iaay as tfoutd be whhed. ii'atjlnfrthd^- S'snr,*o^. 1 ‘" uo “' , ' h *“ d • apply toTa**<r ■■ ■ m?z st k . lUv4rslble Altering Codtf, £ fi-- FOR tfUWFYIfiG WCAjffcft,* • . Wuch fender* turbid writer pnro by removing ail 'sabstsmeeW tfdiin .The croton, wwes m.s4rYork. clear and pare u> die ey<v yet \V>S3!sr‘/* whcrt rt passes ao hour fthenug cock, show* a laras/dcDrwu impure inb-aances. woriasrSe. aiibydmobwhter tit* itercr i* neat and fumble, and is net attended with the ineoinrenirrtee'irfeMfcnl ttfa>f(irr RltemHCalMt Ireleansed vrithtmtbeing detached frpn Uje fipe, by merely wrung the key or honal. from one uffe to the other. By’thu easy process,' tne eouw« of water a tiaaffed, and all Aocpawiatiou to unnurc are d/iVe.i off almost instantly, withouttuucrewinff the Fitter. liaJeopowesaemi'.- adriunwp cfbeinyajtop cock, <ui4 a» such w. many cade* wjll bo very convenient and cconooticai. It eati’be there Isnny prenutrxr toed or twanwa with eu*e. To be had ;«/ the sole Agen- W,’W. WILSON ,l deitT. ' ■ ao«aw*t'Amrth and-*laittt.atB DhUilirtgin FQtetf Am llydrtat Water ? 'fP?*l‘« w<rnu >' Uiat.n^yaap. I PWlleit Uvingsion, Ro< S en IOW' <or ibe sale of Jemutjr • 'SrW^C 1 "' 1 Dluiirahgtn I'ntrr ioraht ci jFl . tietofPiUsbutgE imd Allepbetn •' JOHjN (ilB.-ON, Aget& . .for Walter JlUilmou, -13 Brotjdwa;. © • Oct. 10*lSir<. . W e have been.turn* one of the al«ve articles at ti,.- o*ce of the .Verity <Vorfci. tor . and fret p«r:cci’y.uiti«ficd that it is a ateiul uivcuUoi; we lulu- pVn.ure m rcn.nuneadia* them as a nsr u lo 8,1 wUn P ur< * w ate*3t>rdr*ri will ‘ thankfully received and promptly executed. t~ <*-|3 LlJlNtJsn\)\, RO'.dFN'J: CS» Advertise meat. ' ’ T MK *«l>-cnber, in odenng u»r *alo a hrnidwdM. | o i 1 ot £unn* 4 Ciurk a, (Nevy York,) nud CJutker "k * ,Bo»w>n,j Piano*, would direct aii.-ntton i* Ul4 . ia< t That bt> n the onty place nr die Wen woero 0# instruments of these two maker* can !.« «m« Ur »ule. and where, consequent!)', a eofTeel Mm trf||, tl r quaiiutw r».i l»e lonned. Tjhe subscriber nnur aniton. lo M theu relative merit*, and bartna lor * umni>rr ni year* performed upon thi Kano. of iV lt mV& L , arl , havuden uitv use tbi lire Ihtt lyecWe piwniM. a Chick' enujj 1 ism-, 111 order (.> try a, duraiuhi/ and hums* ai an urrumpaiiymcni to th* voire. Thu riih<yfanr ,ttr r }* *«««» amieiamptd mm* room*. lio#-ei.. consdeiii of Hu aJuinv to five .i competent an,! ble optflton on the subject. 1 ' ,a A n*mia*nu lot of new Pianos tvdi he o.ieiu j a iVb ' - U. laXilllll, 1 Al J \V V7oodw.*llv • 6RIOAT WBHT3SBJBRi V A ,- ) rP 1 ‘ 1 '“ HARNESS, TRUNK AND VYlflP xr's v' 9 ' rACTI.m -TJ, of.nfonmm'lm memte and ihe public m 1 Ie» Of hu own roanufacturi ui tint city—Saddle * h,, new. Trunks andWhip*,'dli of vrtuet/ tVL. . W o(the beat laateiial and by the-be* t S ,Y kc " y C *W- dumuffied mibreifedby any MmUir-osmblishtaont ?, bewoahLmvlu t*m»• in need of the abovfc UH^^ - *«tch:«to Ai* warehouse, No. Übertn »i~. uta Seventh-. Ai»*iW* made to orifcf forouLcUbT r ' . • •_ G. imßpi, T)HCKNIX PJRE BRICKS—The BabscnUebThavni: «w* "prepared to-fill order*] for nay qiig* « , j°L 4?° wnmucuon of -fwautcc* '■>) Ml Wntfß.tnese hrfck* bare been pronoimet‘<r Lx* com P«e*H|odi*«*ai*au*»upesorto aU other? fitojL, " I C A WA.Nb'LTY 4 Co, “ M" AXUFACTURED TOItACCoi." --—77- JO I bx* Lamartine .3s 33 do Mtrnbcau 5,- I 'i : TJ l M r i^ 1 . tt !: cr '■' KOM ™*w« c . «u lh. iowo,i «uuk« p„ M f„ ', u t ir«,S«iSi!rJ ''&**»«sss& , X R “~S?diL 8 t«' Jtt iAut=J 7iSWWSr4«». IUOJJ «r«u t or lro^ < ir . lpQd* „i _ x , , . - SCAIFE* ATKINSON. 2*Shjr a. ■irf®BE«sffiE !8Bb&aBlt fit,' illj-barertLifc«my and IVooi&hirurtajtiiataa^m.,, “?i c /»®‘fc rn \ Woot and toom^r ••“4 SIPJBW of vajwm* aiie**} Bajafc and common 6 rale*, follow Ware, 4c..Ac. They the Kitchen RhtVre. ivfri£!Ujiypft^sn gcuoraJ «u»tacaan, to those Q , which they would respecuully uinje l£p ilteniion nf theoutre ti» amf th 4 fiablie geptqridfjr 1 PA' SHUT isuLitt anonmem or Cornelius A Co’» celebrated man,, liiriure, and superior to nil other* in tfjjjwjl u * churrhea* •teamboott.-wctmie*, dwollioc* n „i.\ ra lt> - Al»iy<»lTtfnd«ee; llßlt tahternaptride!ffibty» l i^i 7A1«o, » H^»^w*-Ohetp«r4hJ£^^r; r WILSON 4. Cix, lu.r>orir^a n a I».Wflml«Kefc^i V ‘ 'Urfyreteermd-ujoaU atd loo* w ftt :;,&4a Ai«Tlliu«.^rwi.A • W«Moh!,U<6*> ■«~~aag«am. ■ EWUSESbeSS 5 * _ nova) '■ , .l„ ~ ' . / C 4tr , - «ssr r a _ i* rnr’ clip -jr+iiTtitxt: - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers