it HfDBHMM MILT IaME PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1849 t ! 1 ' Bi .dSS CARDS. > 4 RMBTRONO 4.CROZEB, CommUiica Morchaau «mi Deslen inProduce? No. £1 Market itreet “ * *' ' .- r -— r ■ (.miiniu. J nVBHn£t«D'£'lZAVBr!Wbo!en}o deslen'in Dtt : Jj cood»>Crod!rr^hßoot»iBio>B»,-Pilttbnrghmuro — faftffwMi NagOfobcny itfeefc Pim torch; % i j»& nocOTiat MACS, • ‘ ■ atoi ima T)RAVIN*- REJtEB, Wholesale ahd Retail Drag.. J> gist*, earnerdf Liberty tad St Clair streets, Pin*.- toga. Pa- ‘ aaayH ccusaxaoß, K* a. uova. BROWN -4- CVn-BERTSGN/Wbo&aTeGrocek and Commission Merr.hanH.N*. 145, Liberty sC Pittsburgh. Pa. '.dc3lly. A. PAHNEETTOCK ft Coa Wholesale and Re. tail Drpggun*>Toraer Wood andmbit*. > • Ijyl, ?«3ALSY,ft SMITH, Wholesale Grocers, 18 and > a> Wood street Pinsbargh... , CA. MeANVJLTYft Co, Forwarding and Com. • mission fferchanta, Canal Basin, PjtufrarghP*. Fwk. a. KSBUSB, ' )ajcks i. jcraxrt."' •GIJBH ft BCNKBITi (lata Kcriith,' Gall other !r CO3 Wholesale Grocers, Commission- and Tor wardlug Metcbsott, and dealers la Produce and pin*, bargh Mtmuiaclcres, No. 37 Wood «L betweenVd antf 3d streets. ‘«n 9. * " ' *•. ft. TKntSO. QEO> KHEYi JAMB vgm Friend, rhey * ca, wholesale Groeen .«d CemmToiea Merchants, anl. Agents for Brirtton Cotton YarftSj No*. & Water, and4oB From n ?Fiut bnrrh. p*. - ;.:.^TehS LONG * iJlLLEßj.Beliaudßm> IT Founders and Cm Fitters, 1(S: Front, between Waod and Smiihffetd streets, PilUbuTch, p» - B7* giyen for old Copra and Brass. ; * dels lEOEOEODCURaN, Commission and r Merohsnl, No.SO Wcodstreet Pittsburgh. oyl7 HAHDV, .JONES' A Co.* Coaumssura..and-Far> Merchants, bars retained to their old . stand, Waterond Flout meets, Piaabetih,. ?Ja6 - wjs. urUuvpalumbre. *.». suxaust XDWAXo.nxiu>, . I „i« Mn. o. fe’CAKMos.Kjua a. vaiu, f rwiaua. KALDA BUC&NOE, Tobacco Commission. Mel* chants,4l North Water at, 410 North Wharves, *• ... - aoT3O-if , iaAjAu-iroiKT,':; BORtrjucxzT, is, TSAIAII.DIOKEY A Ci, Wholesale Grocers. Coa- A mission Merehasu, and dealers in ProdBce v N«s.fi6 Watet. and 187 Front streets, Pittsbaryh. . dpts . TOUN U. RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law O and Cstnminlancr fbrlheBtate of Tennittrania fit, Louis, o! Vttfjbarjh.) RsnoEtCEA—Piiubarghi Uen w Forward, Rftn> tsn A Miller, M’Cahdless A. M‘Cfare, John K Parke, KsseUs A tSaopln, MCord AKiny., jelAly TOUN SCOTT. A 'Wholesale Grocers. Forward* p iny and Commission UerekaiAg, Dealers la Pro* bee and Piniiuirh Manofisctaret, Ne, 7 CemmerrUl Bow, liberty streM.'near the Canal, Ptusbnnh,Ta. — "TAMES'B McnuiEE,jj«aofihefimof Alreoaad D Merchant'Tailor, St CUrles Bmldinea, Third stiectnvar Wood, Piruhnr*v - ° JAMEB A 4nJTCmSON. 1 A to Lewis IlHUthUon A Co, Oomxsisubn Kerch an Lt and Ao St /Lotus Steam' "Boyar Beflnei? No. 45 water and 03 front streets, ftushnmli. janl J.B. DILWiRTH* Co-, Whole sale Grocers, Pre* • doco sudCcmaiisfkia Merchants, and Agents (or the Hasaxd tawdcr Ca of N. Y,No. -87 Wood it, Pittsburgh;’ ;*' • ' \ jus*“ JOHN El' MflfcflAN- Whn!»ynln I>rßiriri»t 1 -nrn< er in Yaini»se*,iß— No. S 3 Wood sir«oi,ai door South of TCmia«»i a n, T pja*. bunch. „-• -t ■ 's^l. TAMES || Pa’ ~Jf* A Co- (successor to Joseph G. handlers, 33 Water street ' oc3l JOIIN H. MIS LOB, < mnH ,-p»rfii <tn«iiry In Mniia ad Musical fewii Paper, Slates, tee! Peri*, CoWa; Printer* Cud*, tod Stationary gratally.tfo.aiwoedau rtsaCbuxA. ■'. gr Rag* toght or taken ia trade. ■>•■■ • tepls v ~ JSCHOOfiIAKER k Co* Wholesale Sranxfia, • No. 34 \Vod itreet, Pittsburgh. JOHN D.DNlSjAucticaeerjfccrnerSth aad"Wood streets, Ptt.bargK; -, . . . pcta JOHNSTON i ; STOCKTON; Booksellers} Printer* and Paper Jhmifaemrei*, No. 44 Market it., Pitts burgh. - .--vi ... ~i ug.. joo.h turror' ■ nijiyj;*-'- Jk R. PLOD,.(late J. Floyd k Co’.,) Wholesale • OroccrsjNaw liberty street ‘ ' • • TAMI&* DAL2LL, Wholesale Grocer,Ccmml**lon || Merchant, wt dealer in' Produce and Pittsburgh MaimJnciarr*: frill W«crtL; Pitabrirgti 1 jaald YriEK4dOM& Forwarding aadOcntmisshra Mer i*. eboiii*, Dealaon Prodaee antmasbsTgh mastf factored angles, anal ilasin.near7thst &£ “* Vertrttt* Iron Wf*ks< LEWIS, DALZLL a Ccc, maattfactamrsof all si res Bu,Bbee Hotter bog and Nattsof the beat quality. Warehoe. U water aad IQS front ml janio •; *>Ci • T B AVATERIUT, 'Whoteialo Grocer, Forward-' (Lit m *4Cpjmttioa 'Merchant. Dealer la Pitts &argh ManttfaCtartaml 'Produce,'!?©*. 3t Water *L t aiidca Fronted -■ jjy 1 : -'^«raES»issssaßaßs^s!Sssasr Jxy on, Mefdrm£j No. IM liberty stj^tubiijjJu Murphy, wuana co-(iat« Jon^ifiinhVi ,Co-J WhofosaljDealers in Dry Goods, No. 43 Wood streft,'Pitlsbgh. oovS9 ntllMt ■wit rnwmi/niHw jXm. Merehariisj fothe tale ofAxneriett Woollen Goods, Liberty »treqppo*iie.pfi>i ; ~ aoi&ty ALLEN ft C Conuniaaioa ani Forwarding JkU-j Merchants, sler and.. From between Wood and Markets! ~ . Janfl ms. siuit. t, *r. nouraox. tILLEE ft BUUtbONi WholealsOneertsad OonnutMton-Mehanta, No. ITtJ, Piu syi-.-• i«ni« HOLMES'-ft ffi, No. £6 Market st- second ■ door from eon of Fourth, dealers in Foreign 1 and Demesne Bills efxehaage, Cenificaxasef Depos it, Bank Notes andSpie/ ■ CJ* Collftctians- m on all the principal UtfQPghoattbe Cniledateß. • . oum anacwau, itsiai a. roan. A BLACKBURN jOtx,'Wholesale-GtoctiV and \J» dealer* in Oil*, as Biara,'and Fltuborgh Man* uaetnred articles, haeet at all a fail » n < general assortment ofgdsia their line, Water street, ear Cherry Alloy. Pittargh, ' - «otr ROBERT MOO BE, tiolcaale Gioctr, BcetiMai ' Distiller, dealer Pittsburgh Muutiac-. lore*, and all kind* efareign and DomeatieWine* and LiquuTa, No. II liUr eueet. On bluafva vtrj laffe atock of >aperio>ld Menanfahelai whiskey, which will be aoid lowicash. •" gpiftly BICHRRD KeuiTsealdrin - Leather, Morocco, ocmaien’Tooia andTind- Dub, Tmuiera* and Call’ Toole, tad.Tenner*’ OIL Jfo. lie WoodeLtfinibih. •; . tepid eoaxar sostveoa,, - . . . tutou. a. auaimos." *¥) ROBINSON fc.Cojfcoleaale Grocers, Produce XV* and Commlsiidh hhhsms, tndPcalertia osrgh Mannfactmes, NtSO Liberty at, Fitabqjfgh; I){)£ILKT OALZKLLWholesale Oroeen, XV Commistiea and Fcarriiny Merchants, dealers in Prodoee and PitttbqrtManßfaeaiea. Liberty sl Unsbargft, Pa: ■ , ■ ■ ; , , fbW4 t tion. A. CUNNUiUM, WtoteuO* Oiocei, Jy Dealer in Produce a Piusbargb Mannfaer”™] So. 144 Libenytc 1 jytt KEYNOLItt at BHEE, nrurfiof asd OunlßlMloa Merebaau, far ibe eghenjr ftJTer Trade, deal* era in Groceries, ProducritUburfi Mamxf&dlCtre*' •ad Chloride of Lime. The highest price*, in copaid *t ell limes for ceoo- Trigs. Comer of Penidlrwin ita. “ jtfl3J SMITH * JOHNSON, Vdesslo mod fiotaiFSalen J in Millinery t-oeds, ees, Mastery mad tuey ▲nicies, No. 40 Market »ti,3d door-abore Third si, Prtubnrgh. J •;•••■ >pi3j. ▲ e. niacxixfT. tsos. a. wuizjl OHACKLMTT k WHT, Wholesale Dealers lo- O Foreign and'Dombsticy Goods. No. 60 Wood tl Ptgiburga. , , , , fablTtf £t““kW. IIARBAUGH,’o6I Merchants, Dealers jj, in Flnter aad ProdueeieraUr, andForwerdiog and Commiision MereharNd. &> Water stypfcts." borgh. ’ ' ti MlTil, HAUALKY k CWholesale Grocer* aa d I Produce dealers, Nn-££irkel street, between fith and 6th. North side, Fhilaihia. oar 9 w. f* ~ra; rrrtooaaa. _ iu mnmia, mimw. Swt.t.v.UH h NICOLA Ease and. General Con* 1 miuioo Merchants, No. Liberty Ftushargh. Bnenn. Uascedand Lard <>.• £ F. VON JJONNHOBJk Co, Wholesale Gr<* Oa eers, Forwarding tnftmtwlwton Merchants, Deslert ia Pitisboigh Manaurcs and daee, hafokemored to their r wtftkoMpMiad) No. 35, eornor of Front sl eChaneery nor 7 - ~ w.j. ratrm: .... „, TBOTtf k SCOTT,.WBoIie and Detail deainrsja. Boots, Shoes, Tronk*(irpet*B*g*, S/W' orner ofltb and Sffiith&cld Finsbargfl, Pa. .ja3 A MKWi', Wholei'Groccrs end’C<xnt^t-' ; . sion'Mtfr<Tr#nls,shd def in Prodtjce, No..# r ood SU rimbuhfe ;. \jtfiL. B. 1 K&TbB, Agen! Mexican soldiers and: ■ If proconng ptnnooi, ti office <rf Wat IS. Ana tin,Esq., Dark’i buildings, 4t pittabnrgh. My son rathe general land offices! thington. will attend to By buiaessthere free tf eXf« toapplicant*^-^ >offlia. wxcirf: ; > ' • vxrxo lrcijrtMw- XfiTICK A. to U A JrT Wick,) Wholesale Gfcr*, ffeTwanfifl* and poaaiaaiort Merchants, deo lnlrdß,Neil*>Gla*s, • Yams,, anil Plttslrarghfiafeetßie^MßeralJy* ****** of'Woodand Wa'M tUTVimborgh. ' MPfflfc Yomaramg, J'l Merelittfiljft'o,Frot~bctwcca;'VgoodAnd. gmMwwaai ' ‘ ; ; - fefagi .. lljr W~. Milino «iw> ftllH ftmuih. ff * civaLiajusem, Nd liberty sunear the **&**• marts W, SWftSfi KL. ..'... acv7 "ttf *• Hrtall'dealcrbi ** WM* TOCK9. ‘ wssssas t°^>» wg. IfeCTCU»uX_ —J- ■*=■?' W •. <»" i* I'rodaM, ItotmU,, Pul barjh Mmmiflicmici liuema ÜbSj VT £[{£ bOT>' .: diral W.AVILSON, Watcßnrdrir. SUrerWnr* . -«nraaupy cioo4.,te,^cfi vk s , ,2d% CireeU, PlTUbafJ&r ?*- N. W>tch£i» ctitfoilf irpfcircd. -v „ , ■,. , i M A tetS^l«tiis«to’',«« “s®; u£jlb& , yonr^ftiecijCCUaaeacniUMJUiksi.:;;....-. ;. • decfrdrf ' .•' "• • »■--■'■■ - •• ■ • . TOHN tL- TQW-flaH^iygyi^-AppUMurf. ■»rtment«(a«. bcitnad-fifw “eomnafcpuafci^. . wiU tell on the «rj«iia» -. aodlnc oM«n,ailll« pna**ntodMto,«adgap. jUrt with <KftitU» tot TO.Wa“ «»«**• - MD" Phr»iciaai prewrtpwfr be necaiaicly ud> «Surptepircd fraatito H >ay b»ftyej. a rt!^ C ' licxjfre mdfooj^PerfiK f ; »»'• r> •:* •- ! CARDS WORKS ON LIBEhTY ST. 0IT03ITI: _ H f EDmTirD^SH? btloH Monmnenu, Itariil 'e&'S'ZSfV**** f or “oftoioents, ntulu, Ac. farnish patrSaaJ? d “W 0 : a shue of public . r. | | sogb-dtf 1 w *c*«>cn, Taos.srawn.ji, iecotrooa,. , -. .mnaoi, janauui. thor, sDcnoa. CmissS?t 810S ’ OLASR .WORKS. of Vud*, t Bottles, Claw, keep constantly on band a ■ a **°ns:en t o/iae articles. Also, make w .a superior article of Mineral orBoda-Wer gomes, of colored glass. No. 10 Wood «, Pittsburgh, - ■ - - ... . cag3l»Cm PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS • AND SPRING J '' •’ ‘ AND AXLE FACTORY. n*SC JOKkl, JOHH ». qoroo. JONES * <IUIGG> ANUPACTURER3 of spring and blister steel, I>Jot?gb steel, sin) plough wings, eoacb and etipj mnga, hammered'iron axles, and dealers io tnal ieaoie cas tings, fire engine lamps, and conch trimmings generally, comer of Ross and Front Pittsburgh ■Eg-'- - • ' septf VlflLlilAM SMITH, MantJfaetum of Couon and J,y colored Linen, Fringe* for Dresses, Ae.; Sewing £** *°? talored'CoTton Fringes for silk and gingham iF& Ncfr York, '• : -ft* o ' I* QEHSETi " arc ho QBE, So. 20 Ww, .uoet, Kmbnrgh. D t kerrip^in U h. w '*. I *LSON odera.liis protonional I fiSS3 fr l " l4 * *” d <*« Poblic Stncr*lls-,of - •»’?ssqs?* i *ft **• d ~>" f ~» *•»*» »®c.. BSEMI ««MUne« of Green and ■B&9 waek Tea*, done op in quarter half au d Po, "?“* SEriSgrEg^str.raa-ir^ Cj°C^Sh A^"i n vffi^ A o- * Co . manufueuiron of CaJunn^* 16 ** “i Coach Trimminfft and MaMeabla — un **' ootid ' ALanuua—bflwe; taSGEnu • thfrd.dobrabore Snmhfield, aouth «Jd© : c.™lffiTc U rtc£ dm ” WiU ‘ U,c JT|Ub» to KcalEetaiccsamincd, Ac. octOO-Iy W I,TC^J^TaKE * WT>oI e ,al B ~o^eu ■J* ■|Rfccufy tag Diaotlcn, uj Wine and Linun flrpow**' J v”*J?P^ r,e " oi Boda A,h **»d Bleueh* 18 £-naif eT ’ ,tU klxsrty Jireti, i'msburgh, Pa. Heavy is* 9 No. iJ fVeter .Sw. "USSUBAKUE. * CiHN SSSS ? D . TO * I - WSCaASCK CO. JZKM '9!2£23s&s2iE£: lf|^ D? s^pr^/H?sr r JjJgJ 6 * Df »c*«U, iaiBa-BpQn Tt« «w fcfSSS Office ia of W. a Ilolates & Bro W^if r * Uarkox 'twet,' Pj»boreh*. ’ ••« Sftssptis. s ***?? whichever? claim npontSm tc^ 1 , MMed,-felly. »inaat ihoajent in •ttSSS^SS of hia friend* sod .tte eoaUDuniiy atbxyo to the Delaware M.J*. Inro niwe Cmnpmny, white « haa the tdditinamf advantage* ,M an latttatum ninbag tha mo*t fiooriihiug in PhiteJel “P‘l*l, Wt byiho ' JvA'cr 3 * /*. TW*on tniaMd al» and 'feart or tin jgofiU oClhe eortpJuiy,-wiiht>tJt involving Um in anv imgmtnlitjr whkttrer, „ d a^„,m “ W lie ,\h::uxl jinnc.-ple divctlrd of erery obmESSft-”? fora, mtia iu rno»i «ltmtUvo ftm pma Aso.aAmiisfiisfiCßiscKV^, aathoria&rf-AgeaLtho f^bteriber,otlcoto JWttpßfmaneniWHniimiedliuuranee on property, in . a DIRBCTORS. Ariur d Coffin, . Charles Tayter, EdSirStor*’ w ■ !■ Joil> *■ N-ST^ rasw..:-'-: S5W&*-. ssMSr^asfftssssfs'ss'sa AMotu character, it may be considered u ©florin* am-" Jdo Identity to ihe jmWie. .■., w. P JONES. Al theCountteg Room pf Atwood. Joaca 4 \w termed Prom rtrceu Pftuharyh. ■ ■ ’ PEABKhia FIftAiKIBI&ABCB CO. "JfUB ftankUn Kre Insarance PlSadel • X wiU toahe-Insoraao,permanent and limited .on every description of property, m Pittsburgh <u*j the surrounding country, oo Avorablo teinu. This com pany ha# a perpetual charter- Fund •WOj»ftp«id In. Office earner ofTtiid wd Market streets, Pittsburgh. «P tun * WAHSICK MARTIN, Agent I nb aatbotised Agent oftbe Anur- X lc*n Fxre lmnrxnco Cocipviy. «f .Philadelphia, eooUuaei to effect insnnfteo kgaittfttota : wXnu« *J»«M Fire, on buildings, mertkanifije, fandiureand rpxopeny, hot extrubaxardou*, is thixctry and vieiimv _OKOCOCHKAN sii n | r |' Hti »UHSCRIBtUihaJ been appointed Agem pro A. laatuaace Cotopany ofNorthAmerwa, lad will U*oq Policies aid iUead.lo.Uie other business cfUje Agency, it the trarehimse of Af*ood, jdne» & »Pia ~Vr.M V •JONhSWaier,, r ORWARDD)G & COM M ISSHiM c. a. DiaraownU'' • i m ic j , GDAfidißSlb DAHBH UOWfifi. t CO. -jiißicco coiiflissoa : nßneiuaM, N*.» South Whirre* ll7.Boath Water sl B wa , P^ULaTJ-iLPiIIA. *"9 to iraus.iad dealer* rent rally, of Pittsburgh, that they onvsmade such arrangements wuh die Virginia maumaemrers and the Growers of the West,.vVesUndies,anut»iher places, a* will uuare and constant supply of the fclWiog descrijv tioni of Tobacco, which wiU he (old upon as accom ntodatmg terms u any other house in this eity or else where, and all goods ordered from them will be war rented equal to representation:' Havana; 8l Domingo; Cana.; * Vara; Porto Bieo; . VBud Leaf to- Ctoba; Igninfc fc Florida; ) bseeo; Celebrated Aromatic Hug Caven- a large assortment of ether popular brands, Ana qdaluie* of pounds, dfc Ba,Lfa, lfa and as. Lump: ss, C, ti« and lbs plug- Ladies’ Twist; Vinuis Twist, fte ? sweer and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood and tin. together with evftrjr variety.of article belong ingtothe trade. 1 ' ■ jelfidly T. L. tBEC- • I. mm, JAMET, VESBIT AOABBETSOK. FLOUR FACTORS, -PrCKliiec, Conaluloa »&d Forvardln* '••jßKßcnAUf*; Na 03 Nona WhxkvzS, urn 139 With Sr » j . u- ■ philadklphia. RetotO—Jobs 11. Brown A Co. \ Boben Steen A Co. L,. . ... BareroA, Beaver A Co. f RtUadelplua. Smith, Bagmley A Co. j , . J Allen A Paxton, . New York'. - Walters A lUnrey, Baltimore. Bagaley A Smith, \ Bartrmje,Wilson ACo( w „ . . Bailey, UsowsACo. fHtttbnrjh. ■ Bier A Joses, j * IL/” Überml -cash advances on y, ggj ■Address, ■ , ... . msraihdly. r.'c. mwnri “ CHAttti KIT. MOtt. Wl'nttft- ELLMAKER.ECK Vj&'CO., ' mmViCTOBi, I AM Qaxaarml CommUiion ilerebmait. , N«>l3Bocn Watxb Sraarr, ~ PHILADELPHIA. KEFEBENCES—Henry Graff A Co, Pittsburgh. { cl ““ i A. M. January, Maysvule. Charles Basham, it-, Louisville. / Daulh, Humphreys & Co. ■> i Xf,* JBereeiyßrd. A Co. yphilad’a Keed A Brother, V : tplufly ■ . Patilh ACoasinery,New vort. abjcjtboso* ,j ... . ff nrrji . abmiTaw* t^oßT f “ V/jPittlburjb, Fa., will attendpromptly lo (be »&Ie ot et«y dereppuon or Weatero Produce, and other - ax-’ Molesenlrustedto ibelr cafe. ' ‘ Rxrsz to Hanae, Hnuey & Co: PiiuVorgh; Hanna, Graham *,, V, ?Se^.^J 4tK l n U 0 r MettUnii, generally, IVotia- TiUe, 0; Rhode! * Oglebr, UrideepOrf, Qj> A-O.Blch anbon' & Pro. Cincinnati; j. FV Howard. Looliaille. KyjOolldA Demon, stloob} 1C BoyfciSttulSS . • decC T. 11. CAVASA^GII, Semiring, Forwarding atd’tfenftal Commii j tlon ilertimot, ■ - , CoaxncUt &tk*sn, Sr.' Loti*. Mo. N. El—Strict attention paid to orders tor pOrcbirnr in tbi* market, and all boriaeti promptly transacted. Bcferehde at'PinfboTpb,' Jotin BFPaden t Co. dccas«d3m rmtxr s. OKOBOK. • > 1 *f.iomT iiaii'm, QBOROE * JESKIS9, COMMISSION PROVISION MERCHANTS, : N&3 Cuiocncs vrxsrr, _ BALTIMORE. rch, Carothers & Co., Alexander Luighlin, - ' Jo&n Grier.* - • oey4*d3m* aEoaoß'cOcxiKiK. ~ Gonniiiiowmd vanniiiilß|/tfß?«hM4r n.iSvoron t nmswß, i , CONTINUES to cwm «; general Cograiuimi bu«- ne», especiallyin. fhßjraraJisae and sale ot Ameri can Alamriacßves mod lo receiving awl ■fanrimiiiiir Goods consigned to nu care. A* Agern for ' ; Q>A,MaiiaJ»£turef,b« 'will be vote*«iifl)Uni#fi«d<whh •mpri&elpa} Articles of Pittsburgh AUnoffccmra ai the Hfrycsi. Wholesale prices.’ *OlllBl4 mod consignments *pgTytpecU'nlly: i >oljcltetl • • •• ■•• • W? * IWfBOMijUVD COEBlMlONfflllKCnilll) •!£ _ DEALER IN . .-.<> ... *•**♦ OottO ß fEa^na.A ^ lPUtflmrgh -T7. VflL HrCLAtik: - - ' •-- •"'- lr “‘™^ TU » 00“ . •-•1 fc-.» I, •.,,«,°'ft*^. LA¥ OFFICES. . TIMBLIN, * ATTOESEY AT Law W Buthr, Pa Lh Um> attend to collections and all other u.. new entrusted to him In' BaderJ Vzl' r . bu,i * conntfcaJP*. Refer to r 4nd Anzut ™ a * ■; Hx, !L.d OiSZnvMZ?pi' u ° m ' “ F ”>'>“ Blsek'loek, Dell EJ. JfKNRY, Attorney and Cooncellor at Lav # Cinr innau Ohio. Collection* in Southern Ohio, K? *r- d n entnclr T» promptly and ear£ C°«mi»«oner for the State of Penn •yitrama, for taking Deposition*, acknowledgment*, Wn, A Bel! ,* Curt*, Church ft. Carothera, Wm. I fay*, Rg ft Davis. *3 * SHlVN,*t»aece*ton to Lowrie and „V ' Vll,l Attorney, and Cotm«elk>n at Law i* 1 * 1 ® of F<rant ,lrcet 7 above Snitbfie-ld febl/uA.wly . __ JA3UBS P. kSrßi A TTOHNEY AT LAW. Office removed to Poanb Xx street. between Smith field end Great street. • •' k j*3-d3ra JANR* DCKbOF, DV™ * * i* IiAJUIBOn u UNLOP A SKWBiI,, attorney at Law, Offii Smilhficld, between 3d and 4th at*. WO. li. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, ha* re • moved hi* office to the Exchange Buildinga, Si. Clair si, next Alderman Johns. apftly HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATS. m THE subscriber, in eddiuon to hi* own c*. JBH manufacturing of Hat*, haj made arrange- JjR with Messet tiebec A Co- (the fashionable hotter* of the l city‘of New York,) for e rer blorkupply ofhl* extra Gne Silk’HnU, and having jut racctvcd a few cases, gentlemen can be suited with a venr nch and beaoilfu'bat by calling at hi* new Hat nnd Cap Store, SmiihLoM street, second door*onthof Ponid». where may bo fraud jegreaLYarietx of Hats “”r .?• o{ manufacture, wholesale and re tail. Hats made to order on short notice. - n P~ JAMES WILSON. A JTCOBDACO- /M. fiH ~ (Sneerssort to M'Cord A King) raSH, Pashioaable HatUir’i, Bpo P Comer of Wood and Fifth Stmts. ABTICULAH attention paid to oar Retail Trade. .Gentlemen can rely npongening their Hou and yap* from our establishment of the war jurnuatai and woax*Ajainp > or the 'Latest stylo, and at the unvm races. Country. Merchants, pa re basing by wholesale, are : rcspectfillly invited to sail and examine onr Sioci; as wo can say with confidence that as regard* qraUTT and mot, it will not suffer in a comparison with anv . tonne mThiiadclphin. f e b|? fa* UATB, CAPS AND MUFFS^The^Bk - is now receiving from theMgl of New York, a choice assortment Of fiats. Caps and Muffs, latest fashions, in great varie ty and very cheap, wholesale and retail. JAMES WILSON, t, 2d door south of 4 m Fail Fnchtona tor 1846. JM At o CORD A Co., 3 v^, v , , (latx K'ooas A KllfO,) \A/ ■ILA/ introdoee on Saturday, Aognst 2Btb, the Tf Phil style of Hats, lust recerred from New York, rhore in Vent of a neat and beautiful hat, are invited ° eii Jp lhr - ir ,u>re ’ «*roer of Fifth and Wood streets. BOOK TRADE- XfKAJLLY ILKADY FOB PUULICATIOS by J. A. A U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following new and valuable Work*—; , i Jp oa . I P^* n ' s i P^xpedidon—Containing a sketch of the me of LcL A. W. Doaipbau; the Coauw« of New r x,eo i !»**• hearney's Overland Expedition to Cali- Ibru'a; Dotuphaii's Campaign asaiust the Navyoa, and to* unparalleled March npon Chihuahua and Dura net, and the Operations of Gca Rrit-e at Kama Fc- with a Men and Engravings, hy John T Finch™. A B «• the IsPßegnaetit of Mirsouri Cavalry _inaiory of Kemaeky-lt: Acuqumes and Natural Curiosities; Geographical SutlisUcal and Ocolonca! dcsenpuoiisi trnJ, anesdotea of Pioneers Life, and more than one hundred lfiographieal Sketches ofdisunjfuish cdTtoncere, Soldiers, Staicme*, Jurists. Lawycra, «. * -m. HI. The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pn- Kwffwxsertt of t avidry, in the ofjklgxteo, daring I&4G-17, cna aining an ac eotiat of the March of the Kcgintcai to Vera Cm*, a dcscnpsan of the Country passed over, manners, cus toms, At of the people; Sketches 4f Camp U&; ae coant* of all the artidua of other Voluuteerßegt rents, and a full History of the Mexican War- hu/ 1 - irn .M And WoptarO,Aoisiiasxnuol bf h correct view* amfplans; by Geo c. PurberTlvoluw Ucct \ T rhm^n> K T~^ CnnnU * S P ee<?bc *' Ac—Oliver Pperehes, includUiff the to the first edition: With elucidatS* By -XtatSW« Carlyle. In ttvois: Iltao. Clodt T Colun*’ Kentucky—Hiitoricai Sketch™ «r »>-. cmf r, ri Bm!,r * e * n * “Gquitv, aud nararai etmos.yrs, geographical, statistical and reoioeicai do renpiums of Pionre, itfT than oue hundred biographical Sketches of dref^ ,0l nt! r *’ * C , d joriats, lawyers, uX'hZ.. iu ‘" amM >’ Fairy T ties tad Legends of many Nations— Seicet- T , : ; c 'VI 1 Tbonoond and One Ninhit n kmonatr.mcnu, iron.UuJonS b7r'\V expiajislorv not.., QllV.UiaU. in iho .r,ouj London odj llon. ill nitrated unit 6UI wood mu or Horror ood Illoimnolul utlo. Hr Owen Jono., dcmaltJ {„ t d poponoraroloiano. clotb-<^ P ” “ b000.n,,, rocc„od ,„d fa, tolo bj JUIIVfToSI * STOCCTUN, Umkrollorr, . *. airtct. cor 3d st IP' i tc-Elae.!, o( n£..s« •„? *« B*>herlc,l 8 * >herlc, l Trigonometry. with their ap t“S£ iSJSSTff 0 - ■'“* »•••*«»■ Xenophon'* Memorabilia of {tocraica. with Ear»i*h Kft rs.i! d l :r“ au ’ rir ' ufa ° r V tie* and eopi'xu exerciae*. & c ,M * fir*i U©oh u» £*panUh; or a practical In Uodacuon to the .tody of the Spani.h Language. t? 00 » Keeping by *tcgle nod double entry Praeu U» limed tttatea. By p. Dufll OI »*r top y °f Prance, from tie eonqneat of Gant be .iolina Cmar to the reign of LoUIj Philippe. By Sin SbiiV ,m j? rOTed andenlargwl, by iacot> Abbott, map and engraving*. For *aJe by . ... K- HOPKINS, ** Apollo Building*. 4«b *t ■V- EW ■ • KJemenao/ Trigonometry. £} °J Plain and .operficiai frigwnomi “7j *PP^ C »4«» D * «» Alenauratioa, Sanreytng • : by BUi Loom!*, AM. * . "L m containing a full rirw'oftbo fora of word*, with wabofarie* and copious exer cite* on lie method of conauuzl imitation and reoeti doo; by John ITUiotoek, U D.* Profcor cf lanrnm gea, and George R. Croon*. A M., Adjnnct Prole..or of Langoage* ui T>tckln»on College Jpham’.Life of Madam- Catharine Adorns, 3d edj. | A new uovei-rTho Discipline of Life. P*rt4 9, lU of Harper A Hrother*' splendid jl a££fsu ® t 3 edition ofrfae A rmbmn Nights’ Entertainments Tht ilwvr work* received this day by express and lb;**]e by JOHNsTON A FTOCKTON, *° cor 3d and market sis QCHOuL AnCIKTKCTURK or contribution* to the O Improvement of school houses m ibe D. 8.: by Henry Jlafaui Abundantly illustrated with views andbians. TieOry aod Practice of Teaching, or the mouses A* AL >Cltoj< °f Rood school keeping: by David P Page, !lSf*A U r£ * Sfiencc; lhe Teacher an Anise by B. R. The School and the School Master—A'manual for the use of teachers, employers, trustees, inspector*, M.4c.,°rCoaiaoyi!«li(j<Hi In two parts. By Alon. xoPotter.D D., and G. R-'Emersoa, A. M, Illustrated with engraving*. Porsalcby dett&l- • j S HOPKINS, Apollo Dsildlnp PARLEYS* for j ramifies.—ThN work consists or twenty volumes,' ve hundred different sabjecu, illustrated wub jOO engravings. hla an entirely onxinai series, reeeruly Written and completed by 8 G Goodrich, *u tbor ofPeter Parley's Tftios, and is designed exhi bit, in a popular form, Select Biographic*, ancient and modem, the wonders and cariosities of History, Na tore, Art, Science, and Philosophy, with the practical duties pf life. r ’ r The price per Vol. la 75 cents, each containing about 3yopMei,Urmo; dr *lO persl. Porsalcby H HOPKINH, Apollo Building*, 4th st —A Whim, and its consequences: by 0. P. IL James, Ksq. Vanuy , J-’atr, a novel without a Hero: by William Makepeace Thackery, wub illustrations, fctlwnrd Vernon; My Consul’s Story: by E V Childs. H'orT o/ f we Pemuaulur War: by General Charles William Vane, Marquis of Londonderry, U. C. 1L G. C, IJ-, Colonel ofihe ‘hi Reg’t Life Guards. The above worker received this day and for «aie bv aug-JS JOHNSTON A'STOCKTON SHERLOCK ON DIVINE PROVIDENCE—This llithcrto very scarce and exceedingly valuable work, has jart been published by J. L. Read, in a beau tiful I'Jnioi vtfL oTtEJU pages. It contains the recoin mendultoai of several clergymen of this city, of differ ent denominations. In one week 40Dcopies have been distributed in the city 6f Pittsburgh and suburbs. It Is a book for every body. For sale by novtff K HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings,4ih st A HOOK FOR PARENTS,. VODNO PERSONS AND-, INVALIDS. Dr. Hanning’s “Common Bcusc n oil Health, Physical Educaiion, and Human Voice, as based upon the mechanical philosophy of man’s physical constitution, being the substance or hit lectures on lhe above subjects recently delivered in this city. For sale bv R HOPKINS, BROOKS’ OVJD—The Metamorphoses of PnbiUts OyidiusNiiM! elucidated by an analysis and ex tlanauonbf t&e-Fobles, together with English Notes, lisioricnl, Mythological and critical, anu liliuirairu by pictorial embellishments; wjuf a elovU. Hy N. C. Brooks, A- M. R HOPKINS MAP OF CALIFORNIA, OREGON A TEXAS— f rom the latest authorities: By 8. Augustus Mitchell, with an accomparUmeut—Historical,Descrip tive, Geographical and StalHiicar For sale fay - -fol* H lIOPKI.VS, Apollo Bmldinffi, Ith «_ iNSTBUMIiNTS-For Draw uixfc Wg-ln Eboay and Rosewood- eases, with or without Antsu’colors For sale by R Hopkins, Apoiio Banding* jV/f AP OF PENNSYLVANIA—Co ns true ted from the Comity Surveys authorized by the Stain,aodtth* er original documents, Revised and improve* under the supervision ofWm.K Mom*, Civil Engineer, upon _dqta procured to smcbcounty, under authority of,the Af®? e °P {e thin-' large indsplendld Jttsp received this day aodforaaleby " I JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Ir . Bookseller* c&rWfartatldSdst* • WOOL>-l? title*.Miaou woo! juu received amT lfor.aleb7 f (dec*) B. HOBSON 4 Cof CO-PARTNERSHIPS. CO«PABTraESHIP. I OQAN to KENNEDY*.baye'-tbis -day associated J_i -wlib them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil son and Edward fcregg. The style of firm will here afier be Logan, Wilton A Co.: Imt arrangement ren* Oen it deaimble to dote the old business n» toon as possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured, are eraeeially requested to mote immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jan. i, IMB. lOOA.B, Will SOS ft CO*—lmporter* and j Wholesale Dealers inForeirn aztdDomenic Hard wore. Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac_ lfcO, Wood stmt, Piiis- Dnr»hjare now fully prepared with aloienuy impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ae., to offer wry great inducements to western- buyers, beingdetefmuied to compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cities. Al w mi hand aa extensive assojtmentofPimburgh Hard- Tfff J^ X; I Sht, ? r e l U ’ ®P* a e a » Fort#, Hoo*, Vices, Ac., al. of which wdTbe sold at the lowest manufiicmre^s en:?L. u - jam t T ** *“*? «**tor «odßr the firm ol JL nraird to Kmg, wae try mmasJ consent dissolved 8 rtt mu. The business will bo,eloped at the old ?£V d J?U! ,lher namo'oflbe Ann for r?®* desirous to Eavu bur btudnest -■ IrtUe delay u pouible. S. woald re ,p,fftniliy rcqnc.l th™ i :! q-b:«d to rjjl -r.d witlo Ui.'roccoonu. JOHN DnM-CORD, JaJB 11. D. KINO. »T°hr^ I l .WCOWnaving ossocmed wuh hint his A 4*5. itel' M*ConL under the styH of M'Cord H'K 0 *? Md PUAbusiues* in all tu vanous branches, wholesale aud iPMail. nt the old stand, eorner of W«id and fith they sclitit a eoudiraktion of the patronage sohbcralty rowed on the old firm. JOHND UVOfiS inaS JAMES S. if CORD. r N "“W »IJ Ml w«tf taoin firm ot A MLort A King: I most respeetflly redommend to Sco P rd Acf* ° f th ° pa^u ° my ■“ceason, Messrs. MWd A Co. Jttaj a iTiUNG^ T)frs*SS?s , ®Sr' I \ 8 J iarlneral ‘>P biiitorto exlst- X/mg under the style and firm ofWfghimtaA Dal rel r 2 bT m i UUal con « ul « Dal *ell having disposed of hu enure mtaresi to H. Wighl- H*wtJE£ 91 Gnawill bosettiedby hfli'W? M fl' who £ * a *Bori*ed to use the name of the late Grra Cat that purpose. h WiniyrM an •paXOW P - Only 1 ’47] LDAL2ELL. n JJ Ih r^ ,b * cnbo !. l fJ 1 ®? P«fured to rnanufkcmre all kinds of Cotton and Woolen Machinery, st thh shortest °. rJe " L°o™ 111 Digine Shop, cor nftiJ^ " , * tcr »treets,will meet wiilrprompt oiuntion. || WIGHmAN, Lnscok sl, between Federal and tjanddiky su- Allegheny city. „ 00-pabtiembip, » TITM-B. SCAIPK and Cape JAMES ATKINSON «L? .J?? T ? * m ° partnershia, under thafirm of SCAIFfc, A and will carry on the I’in, Copper, and Sheet Iron are manufactory T . Al ?°V,if‘ ;k ?? l il lun f in 111 branches, at ihe old stand of Win. D. Scalfe, First street, near Wooft 1 articular attention given to steamlmat work. _ OcCt ; Ili-tVIJ this day associated with n» in tbeVhaio rale Grocery. Produce and Commission business, roylnoUirr Joseph, under the firm of J S DILWOBTFI . C . A J. 8. DILWOOTH. Junoary t. 1840. CO-P AR'TNaHSflftsi: Wm.YoTnghtringthil day csaociatod'Witb him, John R. Mthme, ttolea iner buMneaai will hereafter be conducted under the firm of Ha Voang A Co, WILLIAM YOUNG, jno n mvi^vr MEDICAL. ( LN THE SIDE AND CHFJiljct'. RED?—Hsvin* a Ibr loug time been distressed witn a revere pain in the vdr ami chest, accompanied with * dry cough, i was icdueed, upon the urgent Soli ctlanon of a friend, to Dr. Taylor** of liver wort, and I must say this mednioe has answered ns purpou admirably. My distress was produced hy a severe hurt, and was so great (hat it was with dlifiealfv I cou d swallow my load. Indeed, I am satisfied this disease must have icnuinaled in Consumption, or come fatal disease, had it not been cared by »n. judicious medicine .To all who seek to prolong Ifietr fires, 1 would advise the use of Dr Taylor's Balsam of IJv*r- W !L? JAMES GOWa.N. 420 Itoweryj rot» meuwioc facUltstes expectorauon, reduces fe ver. restore* stre gth, and mav be considered at s su perior preparation tor the cure aad prevention of «H diseases iu the Q&esi and U„ g , , n d should be re so* l ed to, even after those diseases have resisted tba usu al remedies. Jn the prmeuce of thirofd aud very re spectable physician, this BaUsexmJ Liverwort has ac quired an covubis repumuon lur iu virtues, as sum nor u> that of the abundant nostrum* of the day 4a was the character and probity oi iu inventor, to that of qsnevs and empiric* teii o id oM^ nUNC V UED -“ M y *° n huvaig a W - ent cold, used » cough vtolenUy, raising quOMiucs of A , f^n ß^ Ke t ,Uil be could not turn over in, bod, from weakness He manifested sympt om of confirmed coniumpuon. For sis years be bad been subject to the asthma. Iti. physicians, ftirr.ra Vermouie A Anderaoa, said he was incurable, an 4 mtat soon dm. > et I arms determines u> try l>r. Tart tof* Balaam of Liverwort, and strange as it may apt pear, this medicine has fallv restored ht» health; T 1 - ... _ POPFUA GALLON, 14 Norfolk streeL*’ • Sold ‘a PtU*bargh by J DMorgan, n H Btnys«v «tor Market and HJPOKTABT TO TUB AFFLICTED. Br. Roitl Calibrated ktmtdlts. TV* - ACO ® ® the discoverer and tole pro pnetor of ihett mow popular and beneficial mrd »cw<», and al*o the investor trf the celebrated ituirfr -5KL 1 "“"’“‘"S tta L 00,.. „ . c«™Tf □rnttaim, . Uufeoi of thai mm phyri cuuj. Uocior Ptiy’uc, ud u . irpdu.lp of u,„ UnWrlp I 'l™’ •”'* ?' ‘“'7. I rßr * ■«!. lu toes ito ioyettj.Uoo of du0..,., „,j ,p. „ cation of remedies therrio. * “ 1 Uieaeeofluaioaatinjr tube. ,n connection wut hi* Prophylactic Synip and oiher of hi* reoiedir*. he ha. jained mu unparaiellod eminence >u etirlnx ihoM dreadful and fatal maladiea, Tubercular Co£ tancera, Scroftilc. Rheumatuni, A.thma, Fever and Ape, Fever, of alt kmdm, Chrome KryWp£ aa. and all (home obwinate di*<a*e* peculiar lo fema£7 Indeed every Conn of d»«ea*e vu.uWie. o „der ihe ore Of bl» feme«Le».u> which humanity i. heir—not Ot the "* < u o .L o “ e « wa P«» n «» °“»7i lot that >. incompatible w,th 1 byuoJogteal Law, fc„, bv ihe nu of diem. adapted U> and prescribed to: each peculiar foro D f . K°«e<i, Tonic Alterative IHJIm, when red ere n, variaM/ acknowledged in b« vupenor u> aJi o .her • ortiverpUi. *. IvTr'* , 'ree iron. etwtive.ic, » alw, U« .«Mrn fell* » admitted by the feeatty to potrw pee B . [L*ri r r rt T?r iC * T** ptrd «*» <*■>«»• dlMie? hut Cejnjr that a bin in.l 1* •uificw*m»o establish wb«* li». Wn *aid m Urn aund. of u» moat .kepucal The afflicted we mailed to eali apon the a*enL end procure (gratis) one o( the Doctor'. ™"* rJSI; *''.J 1 ■“‘•l'owdm u »«ll „ Dr««firt» throughout U>« country- ’ 1 Mjoon-.k., !&,« W«*l |.„ ub „, k J M Towm.u.l, dmjjul, U M.rt.i - » _ “ near th fl p. o. AJleebenv cur Jn» Darklejr, oarljnfto«, Beaver eoanir f*e jnu WlK>a7feanon Valley, *• .. 1 T Adams, Beaver, - u ~ noYIO-dly Expectorant. - i .L.y^u *«■—* reel booed U> yen ' alflieted pobhe, to avail myself of this op- mn.iif erf fiYinf publicity 10 the extraordinary rtfwu of on myself. || B *w ; fflleted . « r t !f T< *” T ■ * eTero hecur fryer mj\4 iu eoncomitaat diseases, end scaled doomed frl * Jbort bot miserable etUience; anul (bo UU ©l IS®. When, being more severely enacted, end barutf resorted U> all my Comer remedies, and (be [mv fheT^h^i!^ 11 1 0 respectable phy.tetans in the neighborhood without derm.,, any t.ene6t, of ihr LA’E.? 1 -.. * U C n ' , , lu « bal * ,cw d -y» or week, at farthest—-when the last (fleam of hope was about to Tam»h. I bad recommended to toe your Kiiw/-inr»ni_ lift of Uie means—-axd contrary to the sxpeeuuoos of my pQy.ioiatu end friend., 1 *u in a few day. retied from my bed, mod waa enabled by tbc use of a bonfr u> aucad 10 my business, eiypytng .mco better health than I bad for tea year, previous. Ke.pectfaily voora,Ar., JuW, Kmu. J-or .ale in Pittsburgh, at ike Pekin Tea »u>m,7« Foortb street. _ mart® HKW ABAASQSUEKT. T"\OCTOR H W. MORRIS having recently purrhas- XJ ed the Urug Store formerly owned by Hay. A jirockwar, No. a Commercial Row. Überi/ sired, Pittsburgh, takes tbi. method of informing hi. friend, and the public in genoral, that hi. .tore wilt at ail time* be supplied with an extensive and reneral assortment of Droga, Dys Smfia, Patou, Oils. Vami.bei, Perfumery, Colognes, and inaced every ar tiele called tor in a drug store, whicfi will always be sold as low u at any other house In the city, wtiolc sale or retail. Moping u» mem a share of the public patronage, nothing snail be wanting to give entire sat* i.taction to his customers. nov7-upH DilydropatEf; or~tH*“WVlei r Cure." Oc rOBfIKNJAAIIN W. MORRIS, iliU continues to practice the safe and popular remedy called Hydropathy or IhoJUater Cure, and if desired will treat disen.e. AllopathEßy. Ob.titrical cases will be at tended u> prwnptJyTw „ J k * ofri * ““J b# consulted al bis Drag store, ivo.jf Commercial Row. Liberty street, during business hours, or at his residence, morning aud even ing, Penn street, I) doors below Irwin’s alloy tiov7-upl4 1 A ~ IC’Pi Koberu, il. D.. SUKUKON, will attend to the treat w menl of Cueaac* of the Ere. ,' *V b^ en en g»ged ui this branch of the raedi eal prafraslon for sixteen years, and has conducted an establishment for the treatment of diseases of the eye alone lor seraral years. “H. re,ld « n ce, corner of Sandusky at and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. eci!3 R*. tUeI«XBo Its Tennessee. X'lllSU u> ccriry Uim i pticWj ouVvW of Dt. i Mni«gUB i Worts Bj>ccwo, tome two 'months aro fcitq ffta to a son of mine, some seveu years old. two Wlspoons foil, ana althoagh the amount may oppcai l * r f e i I have no doubt bnt there wu upwards of r»0 nMOian wono passed from him, measuring vom ou quarter of an inch to two inebeslong. b— -u . G W HOLLIDAY. *“«• » Carrol co. Tenn ,Jjc V 7, 1547. jn&t in ÜbDßul A ■ *'-v. „ „ „ . Coujttjtce, Jmi. sih, ls;u. “• P- Seller*—Your Vermifuge has soid well, nrtd has been highly spoken of by ail who have used | It. e rom the success attending the administration of y<Wf Vermifuge in every case 1 have beard of, I us, confident I can sell more during the coming season *7*® ‘ did last. 1 will no glad to receive another sup- : or 4 gross. Yours, reipcclfu'ly, [Eitract from letter.l R. CARTER... 1 Prepared and sold by R. R SELLERS, 57 Wood st, ana sold by druggists generally, In Pittsburgh and A 1 JasH UJ ONDKRFUL ARRIVAL.—Da. Towncoi'i Bi>*' *A*aaiLLa.—4,tSXJ bottle* of this rreit fall and Z&V&S* I *"**’ j“ 91 Medved and for *al« by R. B. BrXLlSfm Sole Afent for Piiuburrh, of Whom foo g;nmn6 arlcje can be had. oct» Columbian liatr l>ye; ' do lndoflblo Ink. with or wttKint pretwoHoQ. Red Far *«Je to the trade *» mutwohaervprice**, by R K BELLERB, Pio27 Wood ttreeL T\lflß<7tiQNB~eo ream*T > atenl ATesTclna 15ircc >-L/ Jlppf Jiut rac’d and for tale by BjSf" ' 3 KIDD* Co ib* Fine Brooic,~air color*, iiut rec*d jutd for eale by deolH J KIDD* Co A DfI©!VI4tPLABTER-ISO yd* EUi** JLi. rJa*ter,Jn*t received and for aale by deqlb j KIDD ft Co i A bbl* Alcohol, ion rac'd and for aale IfL}fT decld JOHN D MORGAN I'^AMFEIIa^K— j ca**' ' M P iILACK—4 cuii josl rac'd Rod tat' sale by ‘ T JOHXDMUfcGAN HOTELS llrtu FOUNTAIN HOTEL. L I Oj H T STREET BALTIMORE. MTifr/ 008 .twnpros, yaonutroß. ,‘¥ s establishment long and widely known as bang one of the mast commodious in the city of • _ Pfmrnore, hm recently undergone very exten improvements. An entire -new sie^nitf l «?«n b t? n ded > containing numerous snd airy xh*'??S- ftr V n $ ntl > ckwriu've bathing rooms. department-has also been completely a moot unique and oeonti “^rttfjcwßoloarrartgeaißDtcftheiiouse die ir^L r -? KK,e,cd > w ? ll » «y« on.thepanof the comfort and pleasure of _ h)l which they confidently assert win *?-hT, ? ?uff mp ?,r“ n wili M 7 Hotel in the Union. «taul*} r Eft always be supplied with every sub tm did ind luxury which the Market affords, irved sTev ii7Sl7? r ,! J rle; whne in the way af Wines, &e n they wllj no be surpassed. win h2?tFe^ n Proprietor* beg to say, hat nothing ™LmnS?!^ 0 ? *«*. *"<* *M panof their ’»^„ re ? d srtbU Hotel worthy th > continued p /tt., fffi; «beirifneuds and the publwgi nerally. foSifcti" bo,rd ba " ■'"> b '“ « '»“J '» U» w li.? j"' rbe ,***«»«• Wagon of the House wUI al- win nd tl Steamboat Landing!, schsr2 ' , ha^e t 0 “ d f ro“ the Hotel, free — : —— • mayStf EXCHANGE nOTEIT; Mcoasr* cr nin.iJ D tr. cut* n,' rnmcßon, pa. ,iaYin F the manage *on * e, J“blished sad popular Hotel, Piit.iu •L'.? ftet y v a,lnounce * to Travellers and iha KLol^ ~y - ?■* h ® will b ® ««H time, prepared r t teP aJI tWogi desirable ui a welt Tbe,r ° n » 1» nowbeing thoroughly S^inT W,rhol, i and nnw P«nutore ailed, and ao »IWu • condnnsnce llb ' rnJ tmmm tho Boom kf heretofore "JHKi THOMAS OWSTON, * Proprietor, i ! *•“**!¥«« HOUSE, ail THK 0 !!!?* *?® BBA,fT "7 ,KKr »’ PITTWOBOB. jffia h. k!S R f ub * cnbe J reppwstfally announces that Jlg»Ls* opened bis new and excellent Hotel mnA th T earamod . at,OM of ‘«»®lenL boarders, S?eSfJK^iL rB 5 r * ,,r , Th ® IK>UM •«< ftmlt«n^ . L T*' and no P aJn ‘ °f expense have been ■pared l© render u one oi lire most comfortable ud pleasant Hotels in the euy. Tho subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a share of patilii patronage JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor PSITEb STATES HOTEL, BETW * Ea iwbii *!td n rra m. PPOSITE tale Dank of tba United Slate*. Philo, deipiuo* AL POPE MITCHELL, - Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS JAJtTCS W. WOODWELL, BoQirn nnd Antique Furniture. 93, Tmes Sntsn\ Pi+raaittaii. Hotel* ttjuTnrivaie dwif-* UaCT, constantly on hand and nidj to order present *toclt on hand cannot be ejioeded br imynunoTactory in the western coon try. Persou r^ h u L f ‘°P ■ T WOttW do well to five me a oaU, ts I uiq determined my pnces shall please. Pan oJ the stock consist* in TetehTete Huff.u ttaqeie; Lou.» XTV Chair*; (fuaen EHiabctb chain; . ?«?i f n “‘ Table* ’ ’lu.lci Tal.W, 1-ouu XV Commoner i-renrh ijaliofajir CediteadjL Piano S>ool«; Si »ofa« with Plush end Haircloth eoran; at) Mahogany Rocking Chain <tJ do* parlor Jo •** ** Fancy j 0 ’£ centre Tanlct; *’ P**r Divan*: 4 pair pier Tahlca, 13 raarnfe top Dressing Bureaus: £ —‘li??*".?. mi nook SgMßtlrbta top Wash Blands; 4 pair Ottomans, 9 pair fancy Wort Stands; ■*«« ll *K:nt 0 f common chain and other ramlturr too numerous to mention. lET Steam tloals rarnished ort the shone* notiee. oivtho most reasonable terras deelfi Cbocotaue. Cocoa. 4kc. W. >b«W* Anmneaa *M»d FtenchChocoliurs I‘rep.r- Cocoa, Cocoa Past*. lire mo, Cocoa SWJs, k 1 eo , a ‘ ujn «» ! who would purchase X the best preAtcU of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more outrltimd than lea or cofea, and in quality ontnf. pajse.l, the rabacnbei recommend* the above articles, himself. and stamped with hi* n.m. Hu Ultima and Cocoa Paste, a* delicate, palatable and salutary drinks for invalid*, convalescents, and •then, are prenbonced by the most eminent physleians superior to any other preparation*. Uts manaiacturea on c*fe, ln *uy quantity, by the most re. tpeciable grocer* in the eastern euie* ] , and by theli sfrnts lUwes Uray & eo_ of Boston; Jame« M Dunce fc ro. Hartiord, COnm Hussey 4, SluTTay, New York- Tn°«“ V trend lye, lii acditeiloca £ Bennett, Cincinnati,-Obiix „ , WkISVJI BAKKR, DorchefeViaL*. _E2 f “J? u IIAGALEV A SMITH, Agla T« K'iobSKn "S?l (s“ iV. i -"“tiinf lo proe jm h«.i ■ome pauerna w>U please call and esannae. aad mdee tor thcstuelve*. Railing will be famished at the shaft! «d uouee, and in the best manner, at the comer of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny eiry A A KNOX. P„JKS? C > I, . ADVEn, ”SK!IIEST. ~~ ItOFESSOR CIff"I STI A .V NOTH most MpetUfi]- 'y tnnounee. u> lh« crair„. of Pm.buK, and • fruiiiy, Uial h« ranowiicrfl girlny on toe Ihano. Hu tar4h*»d of Itwtracting .u very easy. *«*l «4*pte4 to 1. min. in a Very ilion lime. He hope* l»y Uriel attention to hi# business and by reasonable |»nce«, 10 ment a •hare of the pobhe patronage Those «mhm* to bear btra play, are invited to i P ., e tilzn card*, with Um Uue best jolted to them, at 0* n■»«,,, Hioret of Mr. hlellor grldr. Illume. „ htiiincr>-J. 11. lienor, Esq., Frederick Uaote K»q-, VictorScriba, tt e wi?S7. C ? ,p P i “ * »nd’BleedLna> K (Soe ' c V‘ or *® M. R. DefaayV jfV* «!Li?. ,W £ Wreet i b * r,WiS Wood and Smith- Bern. »Tcah leeehoa reetsm*! nwathly—attendance ail 1 most cheerrtuly recfloHbend to the physicians, fara lUe# and all my former friend* and patron#, Mr K. U .Norm u being thoroughly acquainted with the buu ne*« and worthy of patronage. _5‘ r 2 M R. DELAN 48 al% n Fi££z" t ''‘"‘*v'°' ’V'l* 'r- Whf do Price & Harwood'* •• - 5 . “ SI do do do *• “ 16 * S 3 do do Pearl k Harwood * - jj, » >4 do i Robunon - « ia. u 5“ hf do do •• u j 21 do do Wm Uswsoa *• - g « H do T Wright's - **(?*• 37 do G Anderson “ « H u » do 1, T Dade'* » .. 9 «. 4 do R Macon's •* $ u * do Ratcliff *• u lb u landing from ateamer and paehets. and Ibr tale lIKAUJ, BUCK.NOH A Co, 41 north water »t *nd tfl north wharves »*” . Philadelphia MANUFACTURED TUUACCO-SO bx hf 9 »Jon ei aSon ■ superior tweet lb lump*. 73 half bxs Webster Old superior sweet Sa lamps M “ Lawrence Lotucr •* £* .. 83 M Gentry A Rower u 3»*fc - W " Dupont (de ia (fore! “ >» *• Id " McLeod •• S 3 •• Uwrrnrr I-ottier “&•*<»* p| U g Ju*t landing from ateamer. and for aaJe by IIKALI), UICJLNOR & Co, <1 N water it and 10 N* wharves m T}l_ Philadelphia * JT«L"Kiirl« f llotiFßlnaera; W K ?T« ult e,, * a *CL d ,n 0,0 ahove l*«»inesa, comet TT of Wood sod Tbrd meets, Pitubunrh. where we are prepared to do any work m our line with dea patch. We attend to our work personally, and satis taction will be given in regard to iu neatness and do- Blank Book* rated to any pattern and bound «üb •taiiually Hook* in number* or old book* buund care* mlly or repaired. Name* put on book* m gjlt letter* p«o*- that have work m our tina are invited to coil Prn-c* low _ mySOetf TO WHOLESALE GUOOKIIi. fIMIE undesigned are prepared to fill order* foJany 1 quantity orCypreu Molasses Barrel*, of a snkeri or quality. deliverable to drder at any time; byrtvinr u* a lew day* notice, atoar Wharf Boat. We thiaa we can make it tbe interest of there merchants who buy largely on the coast, a* they can order their bar* rel* *htpped to any plantation they may desire, which tnail be attended to without extra char** o . t „ WATTS, O|VRN* Co Paducah, Ky., Oct. 53,1848-3m* MBTEAH BOAT DLAKKKTB, ANUFACTUREDto order and furnished at abort notice, with tbe name of the boat m etch bian* kbt. Also, Cotton and Husk Maitraaae* made in tha be«t maimer, for a very low prims by I. lIERBEY. novHLdiy W*rchou»a, sa Water it /IAI.F do* genuine French Calf Bktns,'a V very fine article. A few doren* Philadelphia Bkm*, from the raanaketDry of H IU Crawford, to which tha attention of boot maker* i. iuviunL Jail received and for aale by W YUUNU A Co, . 143 liberty at AT W. M. JU’CLINTuCICa. No. It Fourth street, can beaaenaapteiulid variety of *up Royal VdJ •*»*, J ply* tut a ■up ajtll fine Ingranf Carpet*, of tup ,e * und noalitiea; arfa In connection can alwaya be (bund Table Htaena, Crakbea, Dianes, DamnakafMo reeua, Oii Cloth*, Ac* Ae, to all of winch we call the attention of tbe public. aurtS '* NTFTICU. ‘ HAVING sold our cadre *tock to C- 11. Goitre, with n view to doting our old business, we hereby *•- ucu for brni the pa»ronagoof all our friend* urd cos u,mer*- RO. \V. POLXDBXTKR, „. . . , THE. POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1543. Cl 11 GRANT, WholeaaleGrocer, Commiuion and Sr forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water at. talti N,j — ~— OS. 93 and U 4 Front street, Hell Founders man ufacturers pf ail kind* of Fitting* lorUua, Steam ' alway* ou hand Wrought Iron Wei* dedl'ipc for stehm, gas, and water, from Via. to 4 m. to diameter. liras* Castings made to order. Also, a lorgo assortment ovlletU dud finished Braaa Work? to which Ibq altcntiou of Plumber* and Engine Builders is particularly directed. Uo* Fittings put up promptly and on reasonable Wrnu - ' sepsu-dflm MAAIAIOTII PENS—Jo*t received, ono eusc of njamnwtb Oeld pnn*. Penoiu having much wriuiiftin do, will find great cose in using thuso pens, bk tlioy do nol oramp the finger*, and have fine smooth pomis. WW WILSON, . ae v* comer 4th and market *u . 1 BBWCn>rffTNO~Just received tor toe A Cdliforaia Expedition, a complain. auortra*u| of ■r.'lf? Ml^Clothing. at prices nutgui*fromAMOto forsuit of coat, pans and hat. Por saleal tha Indm Rubber Depot, No d Wood at. • i J * a pmtups I 1 * MAJLMAN at Co.. hava-removed ththe V 'Vhrthoaae, 3 doom wc« of the Momagahela “ d < nax «**<>«; FOR^RENT—-ihe Warehouse No. 43rW004 *L ocU*t)- , <;•, Post copy. • .'i • . TUBT RECEQfED—Three more of ihoM so Tianoi, : med coMtqnujt by, ?V^ er * V^? d {rtier great performers, together with a large auartmeat of rosewood 2L‘Si*, , !!s^s2 orac i are -. The ItulnußcutS-an *° ” i,y •» w.U- No itf,ad doorfroahSih .. • l, r J?hUjU:GraJtuOtd , tl :~: %TOS^2gfe^^;Vr'^-ri »gs: .- ;SMgsjaß^teag»k^^ &aa^Bßmm.4 pplpppllfilii ; ••flyWfwaaMßt Vina w, Ptottfarto-/: ,V\\ '1 k isoi£r<i?~: -•■■ok - 7 sfe?3SS ffl£ *“ ? ' ll ad7^r.r£ e ftjgttomi,'Cjr <Unt ,}iaaSL.„ I.■=.» ■ • • •? ,nU *y ,^AH ' v "-^- <*i* i«wnSSSi3inEwml%K^£Bd4 ®imr, «*4 a a - .-, -..; “-■-' . - --A- * . 2Lr* •. ~ ,»•. ■l|SlgB|pss;; ■;'. - BSiSg^aaSsa»g nSgaaV ’• M* , ' V *7* ; mmSSSSKS^^ 1 f •: 19w«woiiStSdB^B^V"5s-! Wto-.-to. fconr thnu^^^t. -4 asi-^w: taßß&ssssSsasSa^m^^-^ 7 • 'g o n»gj of Fogrth ~-.v ' J«j ' 'A- “ ' 1 ' ££• ~ V. *s!3s^HHa^"v} i- Hl^-:^'.Cj^Sict’l ttt£H& / ‘ H% *?'«*» - «.ii. ix&faraSftv, SagSffm> r- "• r- 'x :-. 2JOTC J?{?1 mmS ?J P / k <, : ' *, ; e :- < 1 ■_ -tijw ’ - ‘ M&hssssx&S MfSffls®SfesSsa/ - : ‘ »f ■ * ssssSSSSSSS^^'^-' s prSsE?gs»H^^> *!»lsM*jwb<ta*jmt2ssfSi«Bf^w^^^t4'’'.-! : .' : , -;v Usl*& fimoQ te iSl>d»'Bo«fry* ?•.'.." t^ '-.i; ... K, T... YfJL^te*^<&*WjnimSE&jl‘.£,!Vwv\fr mim.^aSSSSSlS!!Si^i^s*»*im&>^-ii't----x:«i i •,- ":■ HTtCUELT^pp*.;-/- ■' ’ y -r'-^ .SWESgM%t 'lw^s«rd - toff POft*t BloVea >*nt* ■p wwb3*x#&a : ;’ :r >\ • fibodevt - - ■~ ' -:-' J watf 1 * w^^SoESSSJSSSsSteaSP S ?^-*w'. : i ?Wood»w«t, ttoip raff weUMiBBtAI SJ!SS' rf; . 4 ’' 4 * ,4*, ' ,; ':l • and tfce»fo£i*i e £fLkj ffl petemJs-eqaaUynafortonate, sssl-sikSß®- fflpffi s£3s£?£ffi3SSf= S§®!gSSS3« S3s»lsrYl!lst J S; S?S^!6?L?3s£. Lnrtx Coxnamr asp Gotkhi!—HaTirijr taken a vio lent eold, which nettled on my lanes and Jiver, prodaT €, "f l * evcrc coas^ ® nd P®»in the tide andshbatdi, *° « Tere «t times I coaid tcareeiy taro over tn bed. 1 was jradtiaily wtutinjaway,and wary even of ray life. My cooyh wasrery distrewine, m 3 ft#* aecaapanwd with nansea, loss of appetite, do bility. and oilier diiUrejncß symptoms, my soifennirs were extreme, Finding no benefit from any medicine! nor from my physician*. I rot a bottle'of Dr. Thylof’s Balsam of liverwort, wbleh soou made me well and able to attend to ray basiness. GEO. YOUNG, «... ~ . Uruggist.36l Faltoa »t,Brooklyn Sold In PttUdmrch byj D.Moryan ijf Wood J Townsend, 45 Market it; H Smyser, cor Marker and 3d su; Henderton 4 Co, 5 Liberty ti Price reduced to *i ,50 per bottle. Remember, this irthe only jrenuina preparation of liverwort. All others are imitations. Be fare ant bay only as above. j*p K.IPPEHCDTT*. BABB, • . (Lafe J BBuicltler ft Co.) XI"ANTTFACTCIRERS Of FhteiUz lie proof lala. XjjL south side, second street, between Wood ana Smithfieldpiusborgh.- J 8 Strickler having deceased ana tire surviving partner Mr. Jos UppencoU, havirijr *^‘9* : * a,c d hunsetr with Mr. .Win C Harr, the business' win herctmer bo conducted under the style ofLippen cottft Barr. Tnal of a saie in Cincinnati, (X*tVTe, the undersign ed were present at the testing of oue of J S Stricklex. ft' Co ■ iiDptOTed Phmnii fire-proof safes. The safe arts' placed In a furnace on the public landing, and subjected to toe intense beat of a none coal fire lor more than three hoars. In one hour and a half the sa/C'Came. to * bnght red heat} the door of the faraoce was then closed, which caused an increased and steady heal for the balance of the time, until the east Iron wheels were partially ®eltod off} the furnace was then thrown dawfl : and the sale cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which h contained were as when ijlaeed there, the binding oniy of the books being in ured by the . waist in cooling the safe. We have no ! ,e,,t 5 110a m . recommending it to the public os a sdfe superior to any We have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand hay heat whieh might be produced, w hteh would melt it to a solid mass, Springer ft. Whitman, l. Worthington. Kellogg ft Kenneu, BeuL pmer, WOP UreeseTMurua Smith, T M d S“wf ' 9leJ “ an - Ma r* rf ft Co, Wm Manse, We, the tmdeiiignea, soJrcied the tufa spoken of •bove, from & lot jin iho eu»ro of Truber A Aaoery, ihe Ayents c 0 SPffiNOKR, B r „ . 8 J ICEL k. Refer to Cook * Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh; Hussey Wanna * Co, do do [CeSdßirlyS *> Boston Cojrpar Comnaiay. • I”Hio Company resbeet/ally informs the public, X particularly at) dealer* and consumers o/Copper ln l \»/ 0 7 110 wtl »ohthey prepare i\ that their Smelt ln? ’* orbs are now in and they am now ready to make coutraß*mr the delivery of in*ou to those who want in this finm; and also toneh cake Jar the purpose of rolling. T he 4 P fod Q , J* ! d from the MftaJic Mines of Superior. i« ascertained to i e much superior to 1 the ordinary copper in the markets, which Is obtained from oaxji containing foreign mineral substances. Tbi» copper is perfectly pare, and is not injured by the pro. e**s of melting, mid i* therefore greatly to be prefer red Cor belt metal, roiling, and many other purpose*. A* it is not the intention or wish of this Company to erect works for the manufacture of copper in the various forms in which it is wonted, they will be happy to make contracts for the delivery of tt in the form of Ingot*, tough cake for rolling, Ac., to those who may wish to embark in the business. Hereafter, ail ibo copper obtained from their'mines * wut be brought to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may be expected Letters addressed to C. G. HcsutT or Tuumss M. Hows, wilt meet with prompt attention. deeiOtUm CHARLES AVKRV, President. I A OABD. ■ r |'Q THB ENTERi'KISINU.—A rin chance it now 4. presented for the male tnve*uncut iu a baitoett ea tirely new; one adapted to the man of limited, aa welJ •a to the man of extaruivoreiooree*; yielding aprofli from capital-aud enterprise beyond any operation of the day Jt ja the coraple o monopoly.o(a cupfe arti cle, atuolatdy aerraaary and e**ctmal to every ftunl ly. a* well aa indispensable to the mechanic, art!urn and p»re»»iona! man. To carrithlifta, an opporttmity f (6T * keratms employment of either lane . or •mall mam*, bringing immediate and highly «Qiirfao- Jocymacnar TbovededTOßWofeartiarkißjriliapleSi,'’ geaiMt tmtme**, are invited,' with other*, to call at use office of the undersigned, examine the article, ~i onn “ ,etT ovrn jndgment, from the facta prevented. Office, Exchange Building*, St. Clair at, next dobr to bKiotfe John# o&ck CULVER A MYERS. w decll I UTiONEO'AQAijiST. USING - T COMMOB PREPARED OHAT.Tt. *!u *&*?'*** bo,r frighxfiillylnJorUwnit t*to the eciirw. how rough, how tallow, vel> low and onhealihy the *km appear* after Bring ptepar* pared ehalk. Betide* it "it injurious, eonuiinLsur a larre quanta* of lead! • ''*• *ave P, n £?fZi* beaotifnl vegetable article, whieh weea/l JONES’ SPANISH LILY WHITE Ii " r«rfiectly innocent. being purified of alt deleteriou* qualities; and U impart* to the »kiu a natural. healthy, alabaster, dear, living whim; nt the ■am* tune acting a* a eormptie on the akta. making it *of\ and emootlu ..**■ ,i mc * rv>n - Pratied Chemirt of Mona analyzing Jone.’ Soaniah Uly While. I find irpos*e#»e, the moat beautifnl andnan* ral. and at the tame ume innocent white l ever *aw ) cenawly can cou»eienuou«ly recommend iu use to oil wbo*e akinwomre* beautifying.* l Price, S 3 cent* a box Sold ly <V.M JACKSON%IJb,ny.t PU* Rbehiae Worba and Fenntlry, rirnmou, ta. JOHN WTaOHTACo, arr Prepared to boild Canon -J and Woolen Machinery of ever* descriptiao, aoch ■.Larding Machine*, Spinning Frame*, Speeder*. Drawing Frames Railway Head*, War perm, Spooler*, pre*-i.,g Frame,. Loom*. Card Gnmlrrm, AiT Wrought , Kr i T ed: ali orc4, ‘ , ,r ° n ' p«n». «id Haoger* of the latest pafiernm, «ltde and hand Lathes, ° fa i C « w,n *‘ of every description furnished on ,hon notice. Pattern* made to order for : Mill bearing, Iron Hailing, Ac. Sleara Pipe for heat mg Factnne*. Laat Iron Window Saab anafaneV Cam- Sfi-fJ'f y . rt '” lrtl " ! rdmer A Co., Liberty meet, will have prompt aoen- M R- DFJ^NV 4 i. K. Moorhead * t Jl ftrner ' Jol » Irwin & Sons, P.usbaroh: <J. C. «_ J. H. Warner. Xteobcnville. jsnl* Sew IlsrdwarfTHoaie, t ~‘ tftto^SL^aal JOSEPH WOODWELL. comer of WEwIBmHCTa M'ood and -Jd n*., Pittsburgh. Hav- Uly withdrawn from the fin* of \Vttlkrr and \% oodwelL on Um Ist 0 f January, 1H7,1 take pleasure in announcing to my friends In the city and country, that I have opened my new store at the above named place. Having purchased my goods for ca»ft. and made arrangements with manufacturers in this country and ini Europe to be constantly supplied, i am tolly prepared to furnish Uardware pf all kinds! on a* good terms and as low a* any house East or 'Vest Merchants and other* ar* 'respectfully invited wh?,i " 1 P»r«li.«n,.l^ wtr* vA fa fwi j ow »«f eorernws * pan of his nock; vteambost and saddlery hardware, gun trimmings:' ? l* 1 rollon', edge loofa, anvils, vieea, loals, Uucbea, scythes, butt huigrs, screws, Union Par. top- .aws, mahogany t>oard. and veneer., and all other article* o, ere ted with tho hardware Luaj- mchlltf Penn Mschlne Shop, TT WIGIjTM AN—ManufartarSr otVn kinds ofeot*- Xia ton and wooliaa machine™. Allegheny city, Pa I i he above work* being now in full and successful op eration, I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch for ail kinds ofmachinery intnyluie, such as willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, railways, drawing frames, speeders, threadls, looms, woolen curds, double or suite, for merchant or eodnlir work mules, jack*, k* A uUOe and hand lathes and tools in no! eral. All ktad* of shafting made to order, or plans ei». on fur gearing lac to rios or null* at reasonable charge, KaTM to—Kennedy. Child* 4 Co, Illackitock l&U 4 Co;, lOngj l onnock it Jaa. A. feray. Cooper UnplixTteTe'r'SSa-WiTiKiiT' JUST reedfted and for sale at greidyTedueied price*. Qve genu. *T- P, Cooper, 0 Cdflhnjpe str’t* jr> , r * lok Hoad Loudon,” La. Ptf e , m % T ? r Watches, cased in !8 kaiat gold, and rtill jewelled, with 'CbrouometcrbalcneeL hic.e are now the finest watches made, being l!s2rt or in finish and accuracy to the M. J. Tobias, Joseph Johnson,or ttuy other make. Thosain warn ofa JS? watch are iavued to call and examine this lou cfci SSLjKiTE 1 Qf Co,d ‘ nd IP* Pirth Watcbe* repaired In tho best manner W. W. WILSON, * corner 4th pud Market its. „ ’WoaCESTKB'B PIAHOB. T? BCF4VKD tltia day,.nod for «*1« at manufacturer. iV nncei.Uireoolegajjt Roaovood I’Laww, made bv *J } i, 01 ?* 18 ?* ft' ' • Tlie * o itutruraeun are coniidcr rd fully f<jual, If not lupcrlor, to any now made lu N tork, hijyuift.** fall, round, and meiadiou* tone; war* ranted t 6 '♦ear well and jure sauafaeilan. ’ TbepHoe of theae i*wno* i« believed to l>o muA lower Uian any manufacturer's in N Y Thb,o who ui n mil of a good anil elegant piano a. l * moOerale pried, will pleaae call aod ax amino thb above al the viore of the sobveriber, labero a luove na. ■oniaejiiof Chickenng’a ccmbmtdl’iajmioan afiran bn found. JOHN HMFXUOa? 1^ .... '!“*L. • 8LW«? W,’ATCHKS, of* very floe quality, and beantlftil , •elee.edMproMlJforrei^ff.lSSSg qy cooper, lotnaa, Johniou, L.lfloriand, Davie. 4 Oo renKJtoi" 8 '"" 1 "”""' 1 '‘H’"”" l "f-'-W Puil jewelled lb carat Gold Patent Lover TOnt-k.' “ T “ er * ftt quality, weight, 4c., varying from MO to SIIKK* 4 1 iSllver watehe* in great variety, from 13 in ftsn *n over 810 wurram-a. Lever. M iow a*«r» ■ J!«i W WILSON, 37 innkSS. <ttk n7A lo B(Mnd «» Wtweeij Wood ihd^SmiiEßw STKAM BOAT CLOCKS—Havm# conolttdeil to tell off our cmlro .lock cfKirke’, Jaime tS«£c«, we now o(Tcr 10 Mil item a; lower price*, thm ihoycim Irtbougbi; o»yh<?ijM iu Witibvftjrt'VeWbfcS na«or WML Belnffthe oalr MtakTuhe<l ior thew clock., we lure the : lanreit4n<f fioeiiojucrt* weiil m th. eity. .Oail and i£n.., s - Kcnjwaber, weep; noHtf^.ffudJnwHl. pl£SKl3&CO;,Marke t»twct, ’ , oct3o afttwnce ou ttottaiia eof the fiiamoii & \ ■ SALE.—The flood,and tub* (lL l j|c^ a alsam boat AMERICA is Jggjsjjjgj&lejed .for »aid' on Accommodating water 01/NoRWBr—l®»i>uihei« dried peaches, lOCHfatt; 1 <J treoLmio' gui«pif,Jn*t received'per vie am ere: Magnet neer,andfi>**aloby '. •■<ri'w. ~• deefl ... . ... C.IL GRANT, DRAB COATING—I case DraV Coating, Terr be a* vy.jMtieeid. daalfl< , miscellaneous; ,SW “ HSvPjSggg l *”™-*” ..?: PRINTS, B/M*n>hrkM ir!?, , k^ recell, * d aUum new,atylo brown end white m handsome, arrived by into steam!' Jaif“Jri£d th *■*!&«£• apptj : pSSSawssws! Mocit bf*Liinß 'b ***** 1 S 3 s^«»'*n*^^!«?SSsyS' *o°a'«nw3,iol» JSsS: s/a.te;"* 1 '”'" •ti*®**^ i^smWfcSW^m Wbqbigia.Rgomtap^ain,,. ~..;>. . ~ | B «T . :§lliiii§lig NTJ^ 1 '' IXII “? ‘, com P ,cl ° “fwunem SUPERIOR LOXO BHAWLS—W received this mornlnfrbv ***j u ?* TP^ cAke*, frulttaUvetj- thSjldfc i «ueW*»l>ed<3l», bacfcten,; aiiaea. toothfladra-yffig *€4 W.W,W|lgag£* .—S££t t . S7nurket «t; c<ir 4th : | ce*. Aiao, handiomo DrdaVßUlWaitfßailSi : tßbfejfiSi , l -new aijlft Linen cambriglfrUtftyAo,-- t iff?TO !;J T ACE GOOX&JffUto aidßiick'ia&fcaftk e’js& ±J mttalin do; while oiul B< *. nllUi J* 4p v y«uU}, pl*Jn;ftwehiWorti Coll an; UramedaiwimWßWl»umdlrtFa3 l *'enb , a'<aia tomaiob; Jadie* linen cambric fcdSfc’ i3ui dotita'do: -sin, .opera He*, heMdreMec artiSoidi fio*e**.bcnßet ■mb. asA' qiUlUnpfiut ScSwd tod WS? “iSo. Mlo udtgull,br K a EATON fc Co, . . 4eefl luIUo imrtntK MdoWlsiieiVTluaukpiulito.etn. tm» and ttHer TWthiainTfc’ iu uUwr** • «*»fafui. - pRESIWS6oi)S-FRiitTO*4;Oo,art.' dmmulv jy loppiiod T ufe. «irf cfmtca ua6«a*iu * »Mi friogw aad-j&cp». .TelTet rLbbooa tadbrairfy *!£ e«» fedeuij* Werr. ireoU ahlnj, foipeaderi wd oaderifftnnajti, fUrift fe^^sffisssaffiSaS. DRr&jAßim GOODS,:'; Sia&tlu'.Dtpeiopfimfnt ! wAytwftttiAhi y r -... , f. gISuN^OPP which fcaVe. lately beeninrrpbased arthe.taaa* .'AicS nos’ Sxlm In "PHladeiphla'add KewTott; *Fd m£ ; j-. ,: w.v* a ;. , W« bale made inch a lai£d redaction irotaearreg. alar pricestharwe wilTboWiellsi Hlgiiamlfllftiroar toodißE£jDWOaOT l of im>ortaib>'».,Tho eariyatv tealion ofbayeTs U invite/ to'ciaice hlgh'Cefortd roods adapted tn-ibeCarubraldTrailfc <'»* >Xi? UDI£S DSCSd k Plain and EgoredCameUan Caslmjetee and 'dJlslnft, silk*, ■ f allprieeap-M Very tnporior broebiafig’d 3pper.eloakclo;h*»all eo* bad wftered bile silks, lowr’ ..t.,vrri,*w,.-i reparntoe silks, Prtneh merinos,*!! CfilOti; ulk and colored,, .. Blackbombasines,. • Soper black glossy Gro de Crosr birred 1 and mtriped' Rhw oiks, • • . *tetea»,; . - vTseite Brochd fif’d'and striped dd> ben quality 1 ' pltpft; ■ ■ -\!. ***™ *“P a *» blfc and-blne Victoria l l>TQnese;.c|oUis, blkseilns, very nch, T <?• uamartiiie satin merinos, Coberg cloths and eatnell*- Soper oik warp, alpaca aniostiea, - i lustre*; | > ,l! i r l « , ~J . BHAWLS! BSAWZtS3. A,few brochaJonr ab*m% ; Splendid terkeri shawl! the ttnfcst wehaTi*ettf • 2?\ Yo , rk '“edda** ;toobghtito;jthi*<toa£ijct,s piS“.t?!SSi.d 'to« ’-SS e «Si*& ; cheap} fo^rc«sfUah«tUfraWfr . L , OENTUaiENtfGOOD&Iv ->V »- lfactor* f o'kii** andtoettoiheftds of wexr^ *smekss ussssiSmsM ■ru ;u- staplegoois.,, , r V : Irish lmensjbesnong eloth thinfar,mnsllaa,l>l»eli.' ed- and; brown tanslina of goodqnaliwj temarkablr ! ow » tickings, cheeks, domestic aodlmported >*»*» yarta*. yilTow and white torn'Jot tty fianheJs, cheap; brown and bleached Sarrisby table Uflfflw ind table cloths, RttkslkahdSdotih dhtbMOaad. uAfwsS^^ An qsoal rairge 'stock' 6rWaaketej'<n«bt‘;ftoii.ih : * mapowtawes. some of which ar©thobe*v<Tcrexhl-; Iw’ n Ji,s?M®Jl* ** closedoni at^nparallc!dd : PfceS. -Jo addiuao' td 'ibe 'abdta-enta&erattd i goods, bar stock eomprißes«.Tery.iarn,aadeempletsl assortment of almost ererVartlclettsoaiiy todndifl ih dry godds wore; and as thdy ttaeobeed mainlyznh the eawn eocUons,. hencd,tha lato greaTren doction of artees. We ard<lnabled aaddeMmiln6iio- Mllthem off 81 [great bargains., -r^/isr, ~ ° p PfW comercifthepiartt?ad^ W, ' PALL GOODS.' 'J--:: v-mWim L i&raLtNTOGK, it now eonrtanily-tepeiilnr hls •ifalj »toek orCARPfrrLNO, ftL^MDM&fa* ont ofUriiipn wertmftnU BTtfrbiWritttftiwSaS -5T Uil ' ■i® aj “‘w»U.or bTOierfaVaw^B.wlS j Tie ttoefc eofliiata "ta phrtof Q»‘fi}llawiay KiehXUminlit ; • -«to ..- Fl^«aof37;^v3iiTtvj do TWiuy do S 4 feel wide T* * da-Brunei* do ** Extra fupcrDply tfo -ISrBfISJo A0,.."*,]. *.ft; «* Super do do I <jo Ingrain ' do gSr . W Wide ito 2 do ~ KooooroodpilClo*- ! . 'gj Ooomoodo .do tnuofStK. £ D ”“ uk j KmboMOd riooo coven 'jg VBanian. do-, y,.do v .TaKla An ■ * w* ttswSa-Tiblo'Oll'&rf' U TbikeyEndSWietteti .o ;4fi - £5 Iri »’*,* . -Adpiwd.Meta, . F« Mpripiedcoijoo Carpet*aeepkilado'’ ■*tao S,t v do 'do Tufted do Aiieam ’do ' £?5 t * j do do Manilla Hemp „ y to • a ' • Scow dfpp. Napfrjrut-. -. ***. Cjrpolßlndolj, ■ Wjwdconb 1 Bicli Soda do toimsTSm window eg Scarlet, blue,' ctinaon, bTack-'aadnlralr- Buaaatai; Damatkv ; ;wpnacd;and iiaenlftbte blue, freen^drah'‘hrHtfrifffi 1 M ” r f gn *’ eo 7 onPfa < b g» of aUfrnlqr^frnAfl, Of»tebursa pod Pni!u4JJh4«,fleamljo« f dect, 1 ? nd •” • ,ber tnmmuga in our line, to which the eeMeiai bf . QW‘neT*- l f *"**4 W. Ca^WaSSST one door from Wood,on Fourth at"r' -■ 'neffy* : vmb aeeaxmey and IkflilUrnew pleeca* eutottetsos&j ~ Ka£&Si^iSWifii3!te ' iSi P ?k e ** 64,l co»u>nea nay. b^usaied Ani aey can miM their Jiarehaie* £o», p ,^ o iX^. c,uev “$?& sgSSRP no7D • •■’ ' '<-<■' or* ‘Art? j r“ XMT?m^, b#r -- Rr MURPUY •jiaaopc®ed dayaa-' • ‘.■ l *S.i Mo ? l ««a* of snpenof French MerinnV f®25 n £jW A l ,®*'®* l *&**« of MatoaxtiOoneXt^Smi^ berry, Sewlei, Cberry, Drat*, Xflflhi Drown. and i Ma **D?o£rS£USl2?» wiooa qaaUtiM ... AND LYONESECLOTHa.^'j teiN W Si^!SSJ^SSI! e ' am =bt>™™,*s. -J Dni,Bilcftc i_U “ 00 ‘ ;^S “ n ' 1 -- Bn”** ’**°nov? le,e fcr ladj6 l , dre rtr^^UpaSv phy b«a lateiy rectrred a large aaaottmeaioflhetaJ irfX*“? P * lU 4'/ * l pneeaunprecedented??] low ':■■ A «>, French Doeakina, of all - 1 • A'«o, Preach and English Broadcloth*. fclaik.oHre. 11 invisible green. brown, and bine. Affionjr these l arn I «©n« very handsome French BlAckjnuXfferjSoJl I at a very law pneej aiul brown. InrfnthlA irti£ffk-? : l blaek Pelinee Cloth* ’~ j .i®
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers