`ALIE riTISBURGII MEM PUBLISHED BY AIME CO " WEDNESDAY: NI ORNLNG,TAN. PII.MADEMPEULA IIORTB 41111LICRICAN. Aoeriblawn% and Subscriptioasto ttatNorth Amer can and limited States Galena, Pbadelpthireeeeived and forwarded framed.' office. _ • - •. .• ' 00211:11101WLILL LIST AWED PSI LIML. .PIIIA--1.13.147E.C1W5pr. sobwriptions to tide valuable bo received :3 - SEATIrOJAIL. marmais. We vinli memo and Mt-ward Gee of expense. ad ertiseinerits and wabicriptions for th is paper. ' .137•Tita Priam.= Mar Clunks ts published' bay, Tn-Weekly, and Weekly Daily Is SWIM . DOilint per ammo; the Td-Weekly is Fire Dollaraper annam; the Weekly is Toro Dollars per arum. small Si* adasnies , • Errezninsm ..efrinentl7 tegnested ea' bird to emir Amon before Sr. N., and es Orly in desday es practicable. Advenisemerds not Inserted. On sp mi fied time will nernuably be . ettarged,onMordered ent . • Foci Lionwe Com:mete-lel IntiEdgrned,Dosnowle, Mar , kers,Niser News, Imports, Money Dilute* to. wit bird pate. Nee next page for Telegraphic; Neer& Oitß. .2.A111. 110,11. D. Ws again, beg , ileaVe to , direct the attention of our citizens to a propriety of calling upon our city Councils to au °risen. subscription 0f5200,0 00 to the stoat - of the Pennsylvania and Ohio Rail. tool -.lt is a mall amount for this city; and 'I A necessary to secure en abject vital to the pros pectic° prosperity of the city. We say his a small amount, when compared with what • other cities have done, and with Whaiiiiitsburgh is able to do, and it is small considering what Allegheny city has done. At the present mamma, the *plc or Cincinnati. orb circulating petition". praying of the Legislature of Ohio, thatthe city of Cincinnati may be authorized to anbenibe ens million of drillers t 3 the Obi* and Mississippi Railroad Company, dee signed for the eonstruction of a Railroad from that city to & Louis; and snails the spirit and zeal manifested, that three thousand names were ob taloned in a kw days, and a highly respectable emnialuee have been sent with duspetition to Col. embus. Now this road,. which Cincinnati is so ruavions,to give n million of dollars to, is not - half _to important to that city, as our Western Road is to this—for the Ohio and Mississippi Road merely opens up the country between Si. Louis and MI, einnati, whale our road opens up to us, all the on. nsense Lake Country, and all the interior of the great States of Ohio, Indians, Illinois, and - Nola. That it is important and highly necessary that this city should subscribe this mock now, for the =mess of this project we can . easily show. We learn, from good authority,iliatthe mien of Salem Ohio, has already secured a large individual sub , scription, and that the inhabitants have pledged themselves to raise enough, Mona; to prepare the road for the rails through the county of Columtdans. A letter from Souk county, - abatis that that county will furnish sufficient means to take ihe road thro' her borders. Wayne and Richland counties will not Im behind. All that is wanting, therefore, to justify the directors in potting the toad under con tract from this city to Massillon, and probably to Wooster end Mansfield. early next spring,is the . subscription , of 8200,000 -on the part of the city, and the filling up of the individual subscription, already begun, to 5200,000 more. This would make, in all, from the two cities, and individual subscription here, 5600,000, a sum which is believ ed would prepare the road for the rails to the State Line, and on receiving which'. the Directors will put the road under contract. We will not waste time in showing the impor tance of the road, and that the stock must be among the beat in the Union. If any remain to'be con. vinced of this in this community, we dete r . of enlightening them. Let us then have a prompt ok ; and vigorous action, and place our goodly city on an eminence in regard to rail mod facilities one` quailed by. any city in the West. We ash the candid examination,by our readers &such articles and facts, as we, shall give from time to time; initiation tothe Homestead Exemp. non Question—a =cairn which is peasingliself upon the twilit:FY.: and mast be met," and we trust will lastirekho epitit of justice and candor.— We ism, that an undue ed against thisnroyetnel*from the imprudent coo. duet or some Of its okra @iamb, who in their zeal for reform nemer.know When; to • stop, and er:lase up afance,by their utopianthearies,avimnoHthigo. position. Let the question be examined to its own merits, divested of ermuretros and =neces sary adjunct, and we feel satisfied that ft will commend itself to the formable considerathon of every benevolent heart, and of every sound mind. It is simply an extension of the same benevolent principle which abolished imprisoament for debt; and many other of the barbarous codes. of the dark ages cif the world. Several States of the Union are trow considering the question, and among them the great aid enlightened State of N. York. The Le - itiTiature of that Stab, composed almost entirely of Whims,. is at the present moment engaged in maturing a law-exempting the Homestead of are ry debtor from sale by execution, and the only dig. feresicenf opinion seems to be,how expensive a -homestead shall be allowed. The &flowing article we eat from one of our Pennsylvania exchanges-7 from what one wodonot now. recollect . Although it does not present the subject in its eamagest light, will tt is worth consideration: Hormareso Examerton.—The queathon of ex.- Amid= from sale od execution, br debts contract. ed after.thopuroge cf the laW grouting the ex,• orlitinori,is becoming one of:erviey general interest throughout the country. Already some of the States have actedfavorably upon it, and It is expected that ethers will do so during the pies. eat sinter. - IwPennsylvania it has attracted kill Miami:el, perhaps, than in,same of the net States; Uneven here quite a another of the country preen es,. located among the laboring, yeomanry, have . spoken warmly of the humanity and Anisdom of the measure.. Nothing can* said agitate it which may not, with greater three be urged against the few articles the poor roan is, already allowed to retain. The policy of the naiades exemption law is to leave to the debtor the necessaries afire, is =Mel, God and Willem, together. with such things as area chief mere* ofgaining a livelihood, littnhanio's tools, team, implements 'of hue bandry, die. The same policy "should certainly Amara• the family shelter. A Morsels net less nce. cresssity•tkan furniture to fill sad adorn it. The Mamma tools, the wheel and wool, may be dis pea,o trianteofeathetrind must be had f italferopth,and ii will eat answer the remolds _ to any it pay be rented, for teams; tools, and 'fur. ukase may be -.hired also. If, then, the policy 'of nmemption, as now practiced, is well founded, the poor man's poise, which comes clearly within Its reason and spirit, should also by atempted. But while the princiPle'iroon Tahiti' all our a. . caption laws rest, would leave to an . thafartnnite - family a small habitation as an object of that • necessity, there are many reasons in throe of the ' • urnintrethat do net apply to any other speciesi of seoPen - Y. A dwelling het= is Always =comma,. Uted,to, th e Size, romingtort and orriamented.to the taWe . of a particular family. In -thisrespect it' is unlike awore,ahop, ortavem. ...They are &mita, 'net to'sdit a particular merchant, landlord or me' ishinde;but: to anconnicsiateir pinned!: trnde !or trecyccend orcourse are as suitable for one an carrying ou'auctra trade Cr traffic; inothei; and ..xpencnoa shows that while thiskind ofrial estate generally command' a respectable price .in frequently mare than cast, the 'former, is saline always iroatifa ruldottesacrifiee. ma t's la=e,like ancestral pitturn, is far more valdable to hint than to any one and when aold,thotigh •k may not enrich the purchaser, it makes the tut tutting= laser poor indeed. It is, more or leas, a ' gale of all the affections. and attachments which the whole household eherishthr their old . haunts sod home. To them the hoineshied it veritable, Pot only as.a shelter, but for its associations and ens deinnenes The tree they have planted, whose ganctiotion.tnagroirththey have watched • and watered;, as to them an.. ideal value, and 'if you . there from you dePrive :them mit only of its shade anti fireller,but. the Mental confliction with which they regard it as the object of their But aside from any arguments connected'with the debtor himself the State has a deep interest in . - tbei proper settlement of the question. The, y • manly of the country mot always be relied upon sena defence against revolution at home or inva sion , thorn 'abroad. ' Botind by interest to the roil • they eultivateobey become the natural supporters .04 the government that wafers ruat protects their :::.tide. -•t The land owner, unlike the capitalist, can. not 'Ay with his property, or shift it with the shift. hag government and the laws: His !safety lice in ",--.iliesuit4V of cod good order in society. BY :anarchy and revolution he can 'can gain WOW& but lose much. Should not, then, the dad Ito. vezonent -be such as to enlarge that class of its .eitisacts• bolding an interest in. common with its • ; proposed ' exemption naiad present serious cheok.upon the 'lnotioNly of the Pm by . •. the wealthy: •It is us common opinion that evil is conAned, molly to the rid Amnia; bat the, - Is a igeoteneed not go beyond the limits 4)f mown Adair; Amite its fallacy. -- The saute. Mein of portions of Pronsylvanialmi been rrisrd.. .Ardmore thwthalf natatory 14 the earlye,emee •• - and retention of theace by richcompanies mid in ogm .diYidualr, and evert 'now the devekqemin chOor4; sad ill.' donna, pi,. ,;401ortekreC63,11?•tai°5°"°0* • sanoOlY is tide iota btettittlirif• thbe l lo+sql :and fidt, that the proposition to theft the &mown of land which anyonePu= may bold at any one timers cal g l6lo g sn Pe o dent' To this With doe are many objections; but would not the . .."-'aterno.rm loatgo' l o4 sense snook it not elk 'its . - . MEI -.:~~ ~=MM a yme d Ine luseibu to amountMunt.he pontvolyShaked, not exparsii 1 2 rehgm*a#y =wed,Liam:wng every man toe a pottier:ll —. The holm:teed, i ' lol : l2 o' o lXtro:abilittylisellialt.stiloss. and there are,' many capitalists who hang about sheriffs' - officer, and double their money by buying in the poor man's borne. Place that home beyond the reach of,-dimmer Miskistute s and. one Junneb of.laad sPeattletiostaninnenopoly will be entirely 'destroy ed. Instead OftS'ftendatieteitanuy, the coil beohltOrated ftieholdets; and hundreds of shiftless, landtesi citizens, stimulated by the hope .of retaining, will be induced to acuoire and eulti- Vallan portion orthe earth. -Having mentioned a few of the blessings which this ,exemption may give to. the debtor and the State, let us inquire how it will affect the creditor, for his rights and interests should be as carefully guarded as theirs. Suppose that at the time a credit is given, it is stipulated by the parties, that in case of failure to pay, the creditor may seize all the debtor's property, except his dwelling house, would any one say, that upon the happening of the eons Cogency provided tor, the creditor could be allows ed to violate his contract and drive the family of the unfortunate debtor into the streets I Certainly not. Sat parties contracts in view of the existing - laws of the State, end, in their contemplation, such tsars become a part of the contract as if drawn up at length and inserted in it. Nor will it be claimed that the creditor May violate his implied any more than bin express contract? And if not, in what respect is the creditor injured So far from being injured, it seems to me he will be benefdted.— There is so wisdom in the policy that strips the Siting debtor at once ; Wr from that time however honeat or numerous his:dehte, he IVe no ame.— DOven from his. fireside, and compelled to set op his household goods in new and changing places. his ambition and energy are gone. His lessened mimings ate absorbed in; roots, if not wasted in dissipation.--The wisdom of thin policy is the dom of the woman who killed the hen that every day laid the golden egg, in order to secure the mass of gold she supposed her hen contained, and dins, without finding Me expected kotune, lost her daily For the Pittsburgh Gazette. Ma. Warm —ln your paper of the 20th instant, there is an article signed One of the Committee,' which I suppose Is Intended as a reply to my note of a date preceding, addressed to the auditing cone , minenoicity councils, in which I called their atten tOt statement which I thought calculated to make a vary erroneous impression in regard m the relative proportion of taxes paid by the city and county, and eontrary to my hope, ' one of the com mittee,'. in his rejoinder, instead of giving us the data upon which they founded the assertion, that • whilst property in the city was assessed at its bona Ode vahae,pmperty in the country, farms, &o, were assessed at less than one.teoth of what they should have been, kindly tummies me that if, instead of .untthig myself iii print; I had called upon the committee, I should have bad all the information by which they were enabled to arrive at a conclusion Ito ' clearly' diacreditable to all the assessors in the country districts In this opinion, however, 'one of the committee' In probably roi,r.l.ort, far I lap no claim to the character of those Whom optics we so ahoy, I woes, As to sec what la net to le mien!, And even 'one of the committee,' in his reply appears to have 'been not an very ' clear' in th matter as Ormerly,E:wwittunit giVing any particu lan, he says that without pariicalari--ing' any fender, he will refer me to the township of Rosa, with which - he says I must be familiar, and that there I will find farms, large and small, rated at a. boat ono Pura of their value. Mark how he is ' approaching. the troth in the premises!—another effort, andkun may succeed. But even to sustain RA he refers to two farms not in Rosa township, veined-as all other real estate was— three years ago, and on which the very entermis• ing proprietors have since made very valuable ins. provements. The other which he alludes to, be hai not been kind enough to give me the slightest clue bywhich rrier to it. Will 'One of the Corn te mince,' or the whole committee, be kind enough to infirm me bow ouch an erroneous discrepancy, if it aims, happened to escape the notice ofthe last convention of assessors! How it happened, even since, to escape the ,vigilance of our excellent Board of County Commissioners, and was left standing for three whole years, to be brought to light by the Auditing Committee of the City Conn. cll. But in sober seriousness, my dear air, without fifty years' experience—which you are again wrong in saying I bud claim to—l am fully aware that the general valuation of property in the country is sot much below the mark, and if your is too high, it is not our fink- Now, do not complain on us for what weean't help—don't call us names, and my our assessors are all a set of &mama Seam ps.— Just inform its politely, when year burdens are hea vier than you can tear, and'are 'll lend pasta hand. We are all thriving in the country,and we will re. prima intim pmsperity of the city. None of - going to. California for gold-every farmer of us manufactures hisowngold,and,wheamade,it loots better, and will wear longer than any that you will bring num the ' diggings.' If you will be civil, we will tie generous—are will oven help you to grade and pave ` 1 1th Street, ereery Summer, and assist you with all those cross diggings about the sew Court Hones—all those iasprevesmma rend to elevate the sanding of that splendid edifice, which we built for you a few yenta ago; and it will give us plea. sure to see our money so very trinzonziairly ex. pended. You never hear us complain. We pay, cheerfully, our tan, which you impose for the pn vilege of furnishing you with your daily bread.— When you examine and take our produce, just be. cause Its sevigkt, or quality, or dimensions, do not square with city views, we never complain. We deal with you on the preemption that you are all honest men; and I am happy to know, without •fd ty years' experience,' thin some of you are really such. If you help us occasionally to build a bridge or two, it furnishes a facility for the supply of your necessities, and we in return cheerfully pay for your summary commitment., 67. c. Now, in all good humor, Mr. Committee Man, when you again 'pot yourself in print,' give as the documents Yon have keditiesbr this, which are not so convenient to-w ill the country, and if we can clearly' see that there is any thing wrong In our mutual relations, we'll right any for you without cost. The polite allusion to the locale of feeling in country gentle. men, and the aelmowledgement by the citizens generally, of the honor conferred by the writer, are accepted and duly appreciated. Their value being greatly enhanced by the very respectable mullion through which they are no ' clearly' communm ted Yours, dro, S. Ross Township, January 22d, 1619. AMERICA , COZORMITION SOCIETY. — The Anni versary Meeting of the Colonization Society two held on Tuesday evening last week in the House of Representatives at Washington. It was very (ally attended, and is characterized as one of the 'largest for many years except the last, when Mr. CLAY presided. Hon. &MIL Warrnat called the meeting to order; andldr. McLane, the Secretary of the Soelety, then read the Annual Report—from which it appeared, that 443 emigrants have been sent to Liberia the past year, of whom 3'24 were slaves liberated . an the purpose of colonization. Of the fall number 113 were free colored. and 2 receptor• ed Africans. These were sent from 13 states, and the greatest number went from Virginia. Of the whet* monger, Wily 12 have died—The applica tions for entigmtien already number 651, and there is a probability MI more. The receipts of the Colonization Society daring the year are stated at 150,114; while the expend'. tures have bean 851,923. A number of Auxiliary Societies have been formed the past year. —The speakers of the evening were Hon. Richd. W. Thompson . of IA; the Secretary ofthe Treasury, Air 'Walker. Hone. J. R. Ingersoll And 'McLane, or Md., and Hugh Maxwell, Eel. of New York. The speeches were all eloquent and powerful and the tatateit dthenieeting continued unabated until its dm. Piraue I.ara is ifixsoetu is attended with ins cooviesces sot =whoa to elevated stations. Gov. Edwards, it his farewell address, says almost every Governor Walks before envy, malice and bared. The bnef history he gives of his predecen sore is quite Interesting. He says. "One—a good man and a patriot—resigned and left bia poet before ha time expired; the next left bekse his term was ant, and Dot in good odor; the next eommitted suicide a year in advance of the close of bis that year and the next bas moved at all times ready to meet an assassin, daring at leant three and a half years oat of the roar of his admin. is:ration." Goy. Edwards may congratulate himself on go• ing =of his ague without having lobe carri ed. Sent= ro tae Bum Ptunit—di corres pondent of the Nearboinalti Mau, Herald given all sea= of the sentence of one Mines, of .New Bedford, who, it will be remembered, induced a • ytmeg girt logo with him In a chaise, on the plea that her father was sick, and after getting her Into the woodscommitted en sunlit upon her, from the effects of which the did not recover for: sometime. 'lleindin the plea of insanity, in mitigation of the cribs, hetivithoct avail. He was sentenced by Judge Mellen to moray van confinement at hard labor i t s the Stara Prima &nod him right. -A FARCICAL Arm....—A duel .lately canoed in. Fountain 'county, tad. The combatants .were Immix° A Orvia end James Darby. It appears thetas secenuts. aimed to main, the aral.r as arch cat as passible, by loadingtheir rides with''Serno: thing , , reah and meter thou !sap' The gr,mnd being meassucd. and *cud given; bang went their instrutuellts , of death... The reader may read.' fly grneeithattm boner werebrokon. Te.tender aTair inkrititidicolone, 'the 'surgeon in at, tendance promptly proceeded to the &sells* of his duty by stepping.up to ttus murdered two with his implements, comprising . an old meat axe, to. bemo cutter, lap hazel and jack knife, but finding neither of the lathers of honor' brut,The gave .ciders that they should be cleaned and sent home. 111=13 .11r/LORre 11AURIBBORGH. Cpiieipondehaa oelLiilittsbano Gazatus, :.f' - .Etainditoncdn, Jan. 20. ISO:, . Dar Sir :.-Tkas Coniarinee on Inland Ndvita. Lion or the Rouse, this morning by Mr. Faller, 're, ported btilltrithe "comptetion of tberNorthßrantb Canal—that it, from the mouth of Lackatvana rive er just above Wilkinbarre, to the New York State Line. --As -this is fa moat important bill, and one upc9 which much discussion is likely to ensue, I give it et length : • An Act to Provide Mr the Completion of the North Brooch E.Mension of the Peoneylvmaia CanoL Read by Mr. Little, of Wyoming, end reported by the Committee On Inland Navigation] Be le enacted, 4n., Ssarion I.—That the Gayer• nor be, sad he is hereby authorized to negotiate a loan by issuing negotiable certificates of stock for a sum sufficient to complete the North Branch Ca nal; $500,000 of said loan to be paid Into the treasury, in the year 1815 ; 8500,000 i n the. year 1850 ; and during the year 1551, such a sum, if any, as the Canal Commissioners 'shall deem net, cessarylar the final completion of said work, an estimate of which they are hereby directed to fur nish in their annual report, which loan shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6 per cent per an num, payable half yearly at the Batik of Pennsyl• wink, in the city of Philadelphia; and for the re• imbursement of said loan at the expiration of 12 years, and the payment of interest accrueing thereon, the tolls hereafter received at'the Collec tor's otlicee at Berwick and Northumberland, on the said Canal, ore hereby specifically pledged. SECISON IL—The Governor is hereby authorized to cense to be executed, certificates of stock, bears ing interest at 6 per cent, tnuafenable, &c. Szenos•lll.—The money authorized to be hoe. rowed by thin act, shall be applied to the comple tion of the North Branch Canal; and the revenues nocturne in the said Canal, from and alter the I passage of this act, shall be and are hereby set apart and appropriated no a fund for the payment of the accruing interest, and for the reimburse-' meat of the loan aforesaid; and as an additional guarantee for the payment of the principal and in terest thereof, the faith of the State is hereby pledged. Storms IV.—The Canal Commissioners are hereby directed to put the said work under con tract as early as practicable after the loan shall have been negotiated. The entire North, this session, is ',pouring Into the Legislature a flood. of petitions in favor of the completion of this Canal. Some of the applica. tiorrs for damages, also canned by the work oo the 94 miles of the extension partially made. above the mouth of the Lackawana, have likewise been presented. Then applications for damages can only arise in consequence of the bank not being completed. If finished, it would prove art-advan tage, instead of detriment, .and nothing of course, could be obtained from the Commonwealth. I have heird it estimated that the applications of thislind, which will be premed, and which will In founded in juitice, if the work is not resumed, must reach an aggregate_9f claims not thou of half a million of dollar he triends of the resumption of this work and its completion, urge that nearly two and a half millions of money has already been expend ed upon that part of the line above the mo uth of the Lackawaaa. That all the heavy work on said tine is done, and that moreover, the work since its neglect, bay anatained very little if any perma nent injury. New dams of coarse will be reruns i ed. Tharby the estimate of competent and expo*" rienced Engineers, 51,100,000 will easily finish the work. The tonnage in the North Branch will I manta chiefly of coal, the line passing through the centre of the Wyoming coal field. Two hundred thousand tons of thin staple sent to market the fin year is thought an exceedingly moderate estimate The Canal is one hundred miles long. At a half a cent per ton a mile, the revenue would In one hundred thousand dollars. But it is urged, that at the and of-five years from its completion, not less than half a million of tons would annually pan upon it. At this rate it would in a very short time pay the costa, and pay an interest to the Common. wealth. The question here arisen, where is the market for all thin coal. It Is answered in the towns, cities villages, and farm bons. of Central and Western New York. The Salt works alone of that Stale will consume annually nigh 100,000 tom; and when the North Brunch Canal is finished to its connection with the Canal of New York, coal will be taken by mom through the following counties vise—Bradford'and Wyoming in Pennsylvania. Tiogn, Chentuago, Yates, Senora, Ontario, Wayne Monroe, Orleans, Niagara, Eric, Broome, Madison and Oneida, New York. These counties content a Pciptilsiiiern of too,ooo. The consnmption or coal in England amounts to.nomething mom then a tan for . enelii individual inhabitant; en that basis, the great consumption of coal in New York, and the Lake region, tech:Cog with minimills, and which will be reached by means of this f'..mo, can easily be estimated. It is a fact that coal mild be delivered from the Wyoming coal region at Buffalo for SS per ton. The project for erecting a new county to be called Carroll, oat of pans of your county, Wash. tegton, Westmoreland nod Fayette, is again on the Legislative carpet. I believe there is a majority of the member, averse to any new County projects These are generally pretty numerous, and there is no wiling what log-rolling may accomplish. Let me en umerate them : Car.i.oll-.-1:a of pans of Washington, Allegheny, Westmoreland, and Fayette, adjacent to the Mon ongahela River. Mouongaheta City, proposed county seat. Lawreare—Frora Reeser and Mercer. New castle, proposed county sent. Tionesra--From Venango, Crawford, and War. Pine—From Clearfield, Indiana, and Jefferson. Laebuoonna From Luzern°. Carbondale, county Seta. ilf.adison—From Berks, Montgomery and Chea ter. Pottstown, county seat. Coae.stoga—Lancaster and York. Columbia, county seat. Quite a small list you ace, compared with the usual average of such applications. But we rue early in the erosion yet, and may "do better." Oar friend, Fenian—honest John, as they call him in Cambrin--eppears to have n crow to pick with the administration of the Allegheny Portage Rail road, which tried, it is said, to save him the no cessity of crossing it on his way to Harrisburg, this winter. John hat already thrown two bomb.bans into the Canal Commissioners room. in the shape of resolutions of inquiry, in regard to number of hands employed at different periods; money ex pended, and what for; amounts due and unpaid, &c. Honest John ardently means to ascertain how same things are done as well as others. Among the petitions which have been presented is one by Mr Snavely, from cid:cm of Allegheny county, for a uniform standard measure for Ban. minoos Coal, which was referred to the members from that comity. Talking of Coal, bow does the acts to "further develope the mineral resources of the Commonwealth," by authorizing warrants to be laid, so as to cover mines under rivers, work with you? Up in Lucerne county, they arc perfectly wild In opposition to it. The member from Clear. field, alto, Mr Wattles, has already placed on file a bill repealing it, so far as relates to that county; rendering all warrants issued under it null and void, and directing the State Treasurer to refund the money. Petitions, however, have been pre. seated, praying that lithe law should be repealed, it may be done as as not to destroy rights already vested. You doubtless recollect the troublesome election inspector, who, at the Governor'. election, in the sth Ward of Southwark, by his captious objections, managed to delay the voting, that two or three hundred Whigs and Natives were prevented from voting in time. The same result occured in a more modified degree at the Presidential election. ,Thera is a proposition now before the Legislators., to divide the ward into two or more divisions, nod no bid defames in [Mare to all each men as Mr Inspector Murphy. There is a disposition manifested this session to amend the Common School Laws. On motion of Mr Crrittenger, of Lebanon, after some discussion, the Committee on Education, were directed to inquire into the expediency of re-modeling the school laws, so as to make them clearer and more comprehensive. Mr Hover, of Lancaster, suggest. ed no amendment to them, which I think, has pith in it: to appoint an Assistant Superintendent of Common Schools, in every county of the Com. monwealth. If these should be selected from men of the highest order of talent and education, with power to licence, or not, teacherzlffe foundation of improvement in the system ay hi - be audined. A high and fixed rate of wages, and a high mead. std of qualification Mr teachers, is the infallible panacea for the evils and defects of the system. The effort to avoid the incimedplane, in the Columbia Railroad, near the Schuylkill, a place that is the dread of travellers and the aneoyn one of transporters of *paid., has again been renewed. The embarrased finances of the State makes ita success very doubtful—aside from lb; it would succeed at once. The payment of the February interest will be too tight a squeeze to allow elbow room for meth treasury-tapping projects as this I work is. I enclose a bill offered in his place:by Mr. IL S. Evans, of Chester4the editor of the Village Record,) for the abolition of Militia Training", and the ex. auction of the State debt. It is a most important propmition, and one, if available to accomplish the', end proposed. undoubtedly worthy of the careful scretiny, and fostering cure of every one who de sires to seethe public burthena liquidated. The ob. ject of the bill is to release the state from militia mustering which. in point of fact MI a heavy tom to the ,Conarnmawealth. 250,000 able bodied scat being subjected to a loss Or . IWO days mum -any i n inn stenpg-r.lnd to itbstitute inplace thee. of a small tax of 30 cents. This tax ta estimated 'to erratum to 860,000 per 'antrum. Thia• la to be . eepreeditetles.the filet Rein of the sinking fend. The second item provided for, is, the disarm! now "alkeired to MX payers for petompt payment of State Taxes, auld,pr:mpt payment is enineed in the oth Section!!! This saving wcedd create an adittional fund at 841,000. Thy saving by the reduction ofthe per cerange for collection of the State Taxes, is estimated at 40,000 and constitutes the third item of thersinking fund—making in all about 8140,000. The importantfeatures calm proJect are as 631knix ^i~ ~ ^. ''^-~••:[~,+,~•-+i"a- ~ r ~ ~ ::ems+. -~ :;> , a .. ~. .xe+e~.~.,..,,....,... ._ . z ". _ i`: t ~, ~:F ~,. fi"' + r-- .x-^ F ^,^ n _ rs r:,'~: M . ~ ,rL r~~ T : ,^*,r , 2+~ *:. "reers~sy . -{sv*.,.+.'.,k . q(c`^S!C✓: ~~,,..,,,,:•.-rve..^i^.>xs - ..:~F., .~_:,. r'~ .. ~ ._..SI _~ ~_.. _e ~ .. ~. .. ...~^R . ',.,4.,: [+mami'>. in. it unpo.es nxinew 444 ruileelitili;-itabstitu- lion te aarnall.tax ilt;sieW of nitilitarrlrainings, Which cannot 4ustly be-regarded as such, be so considered. It economizes 'the collection of theStatiTutzeti. 3d. It enforces the prompt pay ment of taxes, by imposing 5 per cent upon such as neglect to pay at 'Mt time appointed. 41b. The fond ems comtituted, will amount annually to the sum of $140,01:0, besides thu interest accru ing an nually upon the State loans purchased by the fund, and-which interest is to be added to the fund. to be appropriated to the same purpose. sth. This fund will increase at compound interest, and by the addition of the interestaccuring upon the stock, also at compound interest, in such a ratio tbat - in the space of shoal 55 years, it would entirely ex tinguish the State debt. The power of the fund so created can only be properly appreciated, when it is considered that it would require the appropri eke of $500,000 annually, for a period of eighty years to accomplish the payment of the State debt. Another feature worthy of reflection to connection with the consideration of this bill, is the fact that the taxes of the People would be paid with more cheerfulness when any prospect shall be afforded of a Sinking Fund. It would also put the State credit upon a solid basis, and bring op the State stocks to par in a few years. Such are a few of the arguments in favor of this bill. The Ohio and Erie Ruilrond charter, besides be. lug overlaid by the Governor, is liming a sharp squeeze for its life--ifit is alive—in the Legislature. The Senate yesterday passed the bill for repeal of the act, by a vote of 16 yeas to 12 nays. The re peal bill will meet, however, with opponents in the House. The resolution for inquiring in regard to the uns recognized laws in the hands of the Governor, was the order of the day again this morning. Messrs., Roberts, Myers of Berke. Speaker Packer, Biddle, Evans of Chester, Little, Esleman and Cooper, participated in the discussion. All the speakers agreed in thinking the acts to be undoubtedly laws, and Speaker Packer and Myers, talked darkly about "a misdemeanor in office," and the duty of the house as a tribunal for the impeachment of the, Governor. This last, however, is -all leather tmdt prunella"—sound and fury, signifying nothing. Mr. Swartzwelder has introduced a bill for the election of Judges by the people. This measure is growing in favor with men who were originally op. posed to it. Whem the Reform Convention cheap• ed the tenure by which the Judges held office, and tiled their services for o term of years instead of during good behavior, the Judiciary system was left in that condition of subserviency to the powers that be, as to make an appeal, directly to the good sense of the people, by means of an election, the next best "reform" to be adopted. The system of electing Judges works well in Ohio and admirably in New York—and why should it not in Pennsyl [ vanra! The election of Deputy Attorneys by the peo ple of the several comities in another proposition just introduced to the notice of the present session of the Legislature. This, too is a measure destined so succeed ere long. In politics not much is stimng. There is a calm in the political world just previous to the Presi• dentist Inaugmtion. The Pennaylvanta delegation in Congerra are divided on the Cabinet question, thougls) understand Stewart has the majority for Secretdry of Treasury. Josiah Randall's friends. ore pushing bim for Attorney General, and McKee non's, for Secretary of War Yours, Lummt. An act to abolish Militia Training, diminish the cost of collecting the State Taxes, and to vide a Sinking fund for the payment of the Sete Debt. Read in House of Representatives, by IL S. Evans, of Cheater, Jan. 18, 1849. IF7rerras—The performance of militluy duty upon the several days now provided by law tor the training of the militia has always been regarded as onerous to the citizen, and of no practical Milk ty in imparting a knowledge of militarrtactics and it Is exceedingly to he desired that the same may be compounded by the payment of a small sum annually in lien thereof. And, whereas, it in the desire of all the citizens dads Commonwealth that a permanent sinking fund may be provided for the gradual extinction of a large debt with, which the State is now barthened. And, whereas the compensation paid to the collectors for collect ing the state tax upon real and personal estate amounted in the year 1848, to the sum of g 70,000, and the discount allowed to the tax payers tbr the prompt payment of said tax, amounted in the same year to the sum of $41,000, both of which sums are lost to the revenues of the State. And, whereto, the imposition of additional taxes for the establishment at g sinking fund, ought to be avoid. ed. Therefore—: • Be it enrutal, 4:--That so much of the militia laws as require the treating of the militia of the Commonwealth. at stated periods annually, by companies nod battslima, be and the same is here by repealed, and that hereafter every citizen en. rolled in the militia and liable to military duty, in lieu Manch training, shall be liable to ao annual tax of thirty cents, to be assessed as States taxes are now assessed, and collected as the State taxes are now, or:may hereafter be collected, and subject to the came regulations for the collection thereof as are prescribed, or may hereafter be pre, scribed far the levy and collection of State taxes. Swann IL The said tax when collected shall be transmitted by the County Treasurer annually to the State Treasuier, Wk. shalrkeep earesturtiss account of the meows au transmitted from time tit time; and the State Treasure; in his annual teat& meat to the Legislature shall give alrainctly the amount of said ma so transmitted to him. Startox 111. The amount paid into the treturmy as aforesnid, obeli form a fund, to be talked the Sinking Fond, end the proetedis thereof, together with such additiorta as are made by the ititt and sth sections of tliii act. or as may from time to time be provided for theimirease of said Sinking,. fend, shall be appropriated hy the Governor and State Treasurer annually id — the purchase of the lame of the Commonwealth at the current market price thereof, not exceeding the par value, lb/ certificates of which Inane SO purchased shall be cancelled, and the debt reduced so much' and there shall tie added lathe said fund by the Trees: I carer of the state, at least 15 days prior to the turd appointed fin the payment of the semi.aonaal in• threat in the state debt, from any revenue in the treasury, a sum equal to the amount of the interest on the entire debt so paid, in the some manner an if the said stock had not been cancelled which sum shall also be applied to the pnrchase of state loans in like manner as above, and 60 on annually until the whole debt of the State be paid out of the fonds provided. Seams 117.—The act of 1844, allowing a dins count, which, in the year 1845, amounted to the sum of 41,000 dollars, is hereby repealed, and paid. The seta oi 541,000 so allowed fordiscounts, shall be hereafter annually sq•propritfted to the sinking fund, established by the foregoing provision. of this art. SECTION V.—The sum of $45,000, being threes fifths of the amount paid in the year 1845, to the several Tax Collectors, for collecting the State Tax, upon real and personal estate, shall also he added annually hereafter (together with the interest which may accrue thereon) to the sinking fund above provided for, and invested in like meaner. Sacrum Vi.—Tbe Collectors of the State Tuts, in the several wards, boroughs, and townships of this Commonwealth, shall, on or before the 4th day of June, in each and every year, post up a lrinted or wntten notice or advertisement in at east eight of the public places of the several words, boroughs, or townships, giving twenty days notice of the time they will receive the Taxes assessed upon the inhabitants thereof, at the place appointed for holding the ward, borough, and township ekes times, and the Tax-payers aWI then pay over the amount of their State Taxes, between the hours of A.M. and 6 o'clock P.M.; and for the Taxes so collected, the Collector shall receive the sum 4. two per vent, in the manner now allowed by law; and he shall continue to receive such Taxes forat least two consecutive day.. And if any Tags payer shall refuse or neglect to pay over at the time and piece appointed, the amount of Motes assessed against him, it shall be the duty of the CollectOr to collect it in the same manner nciur provided fur by law. together with five per cent additional, which additional five pet cent, together with two per cent, to be allowed ,y the Poilcity Treasurer, from the State Taxes, for the 'meant of the Taxes so collected, shall be the ecanpereths tion of the Collector. Samos VIL—AII existing law* inconsistegg with the provisions of the act, are hereby repealed. An ACT in relation to it Notary Publio of Pitt*: burgh Szcztou I.—lte it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in general assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of t same. That so much of the act pa im passed Ja Gaurteenth one thousand eight hundred and tithay, tour entitled a supplement to the Moll to enable the Governor to appoint Notaries Publio and fa other purpose.' as requires one of the additional Notstita Public authorized to be appointed by said act . Ibr the county of Allegheny to reside in the Boroti4b of the Northern Libesiea be and the same ie hart by repealed and the aaid addition a) Notary rqb. lic is hereby authorized to reside in any parrof aald county. Received signature of Governor, Jan. l 8 11519,. Sntotrua &cant mon StAvaaY..—Willinui Brown tomes to the Liberator that one orate most. interesting canes of the e.capc of fugitives tram Slavery has occurred. He gives the &pike:frog particulars; , "William and Ellen Crept, man and wife, ffv e d with different masters in the Servo of Georgia,- Ellen is so near white that she can pea. wae:Mt suspcion for a white woman. Her husband Is iißs caIaV4OIrPTEIV.4IIOI.: OpTOPJXON ; much darker. lit is a mechanic, and by worling (tom lriuknuttt, will goo a' enigma of gi g nights and Sundays, be laid up money atloughjlk, tame m._„ .. -tho gamut' of.Plittliegt, Allegheny, tte., bring himself and his wife out of Slav*. v. IT "A i1..,r,,,,,, ',, , ;;M T u i tteiiintunteditittit, unlUbtl though n •IA ' t t o rot two nnantuut rtnuelt ttuukttut,',or Models pj plan was without precedent; end Mae thit mean. of giving them their freed , " tile unman system, made of • "papturAnDhniu Isom Ellen rimmed in man's clothing, and passed • , eribct mid larger, (one beim OM litint elgleethlgh3 vNuter, w i m eight:f nee ine **k i , west of ihe'Mainitaina." be . - ' p In this' while her husband passed as t a way they traveled from Georgia . T . ' Thesalptyllels Iva tuaViillalltudinkied to De thetas; i mem ..µ{6µ,eninpllietatildspirateuefeterhatatm delphia. They are now out of the twit; • 1 '-'-'' asenatnifte4Pl o -19t I.ll, 9 l e'etlf% 0 bloodhounds otthe South. On their journey, µsa dotal taielmlltyW, , plet pukup et the beat hotels where they stopped. ~, 't; ,µ4, l µµtioier eglimUlticthaSsaln,' apt a,, the: of them can read or write,• and Ellen, . :sang, tfµµl, 4r AstetiVelialtineac tayee„gia, ter n°7l4 ...%" en '' altaatla' , 6 thstar = a s i ttn VC log that. she would be milled upon to ley; name at the tvateLti du. tied her right hail,' .as t:f i c r , though it was lame, t whleffi,roved °Cunene . no ~,,,ihc sna ps.plemlid•=deli orgy,'" ints t pa ys por , to her, as she was called upon several Wail*. linani'al as lowrolLP.tuo„,_f the, heart, the face,,syy hotels to "register" her name In Charleston fk 0, elms of,'2,lret - ..42l,,,,mt i r n ut a t. upt,___ura they put up a ttbe ' hotel which ikiv.McDuffbirand'i,==ll',' w h t l e , , r ,, ‘ "bli , i e i.74%m: J. C. Calhoun generally make their home; yet chesel z;•,,r. ;anemic°, for the illye t a u tion the suumaree dmurkguished advocates ofthe "peculiar =Mull otl' . .," µ µ &actions of the Haman y. Bay that the slaves cannot take cam of themselves. ' • The course "HUM la e.POL BALL, contemned., . gy, vecepting Sendai evening. WI closed- Ware open They arrived in Philadelphia in four day' emi the :Satentay creole', Imoiary =km be witubmedate d . time they started." , i Mt el &Nook—l-cam totommence at 7'. 151 r. Emma writes that throe fugitives tv kat-, • rseltets to tbe toeme,lll,o% single eviuntig,ka one, tend the meeting of the Massachusetts Autiltive. I 1m be end a , Kay _,, ...,..„ : „.. C4.lo " °k O tor Ti l " .l .ttha 409 t. ay Society, in Boston, the hut of the ,p sera I Lou" t'er'''"?—"l' ra244:4. , month. " W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentl,l4,l' thrrtcs and residcnce on Fourth street=ln tbs, Pittsburgh Bank. Office hods from 0 seut _l9 Al Id., and from o'clock ton P. M. mglll4lY -.r-+, .y FR-..1r.._. SI .l. d' a~~..~ Y......:: t.sa _u.-sue. z.: ": ~aG~~L. ~. ~ ': '.O F.~itia. thentnazinur Cans iir stheaux...WeiAthd th e ~ .. . eUewthefethisecoant 0 tthe,.suirei. inge and . death of Ear. math H. -cuter, 1 44 pastor state Prtabyteriam . . Chum, upimille , . Livingston county, In the New York Day Book, frotri the pen aribi, Editor, Dr. Bacon: ' "His death was caused by the growth of a singe' lady hard and obstinate tumor in the throat, which began about twenty yeas ago fag a sequel to a i neglected sore throat or quinsy) with deep sealed', and scarcely perceptible "lamp" on the right side I of the neck, and gradually enlarged without occa• sinning particular annoyance, untfl within the last two or three years, during which it encroached towards the front and left-aide, producing a dia. treating and constantly increasing constriction of the bony: and trachea, [the respiratory passage,) that became for the last few months a probng.. ' d agonizing strangulation , making every breath laborious nod almost convulsive straggle %shut &carnal, under which the strength of Ms robust u n vry d idt o sm.vro th ni e mi r thr w lo te thrc pe etz lerit t.ton ly dran h t lialth edbly pea." y raey fram straiiii e ce :ms t.r...initth griel .weder ri rsy . amatuacea perfectly proper and jnstitlable, as well as desirable] operation was perfoamed upon the 4liseesed throat, by Dr. F. 14. laamilton, of Battik), an ethinent and skillful surgeon. Bat the incision onlyit m rw e ' le al 7t d evident ne trhl'at peless the m a te esia nd oLth o e cue.— and not be completed by the removal of t= ! bon of the tumor:which produced the strangulation, without causing instant death. The formidable and mysterious thyroid esed was the constricting body, which could not be separated without uncontrolla ble and immediately Intel hemorrhage. The only remaining chance even of a few hours of life, was to open the respi ratory passage below the seat of the disease. This was done by the operation of treahotomy; and through the artificial aperture thus fanned, the sufferer obtained for the lasi four days of his life, the first full and free breathing which he had known for years,--though, of course, from the moment of the perforation of the trachea, be entirely lost the power of speaking. The disease has been under vigorous treatment for More than a year past, with the aid of minute consultation with the most eminent physicians and surgeons in the State, without any permanent re. lief It differed essentially from common brontAo ais, rgoitte,"l which is a prominent, Indolent pens dubs. tumor, end wan notimpreasible by the remi• dies which are no unitormly astccessfal in that eels dom or never fatal disease, drended , mone as a des fortuity than as n danger to life or general health. An lenience ofatrangulation from genuine, common goitre, is a thing unknown. The tumor in this fatal case was nut prominent or pendulous, nor mill• ciently conspicuous to be noticed as a defor mity. The only relief experienced from the treatment was for a short time last August, when active medication was [followed by a considerable dig charge of pus and blood unto the interior of the throat,—aftor which for a few days, the patient breathed with an ease and freedom which he had not known for months.—This favorable turn was very transient. The first exposure to fatigue and dam paces brought back the original difficulty, wldeli from that time was wholly unyielding and steadily progressive. Thu gradual tightening of a hard bond armiud the throat, procung on the wind pipe, would • give the best idea of the nature of the distressing Fromm by which life was extinguish. ed. • Remarkable as ems the disease, [unparalleled In the experience and reading of several of the moat learned and eminent men of this city,] the deport• meet of the sufferer, throughout, to the lam, was equally as. Such calm faith, such smiling cheer (Meese, in every extremity, were never eqnsliedin the observation of the writer." • TAN COM/AMMON Canna—The American Col , onixation Society have recently sent out 440 emi• grants, which has exhausted their fend*, and they are now appealing for aid to send out 070 more to Liberia. Applications of this kind are rapidly increasing, and unless pecuniary help be afforded, the Society most become embarrnsed at the very tone when vast openings of usefulness to the Af rican race are rewarding their philanthropic el , forts, and when owners of eaves are willing to release them if they can be transferred to their own lend. We find in the last number of the African &pos. irony, some interesting and startling facts in refers mice to the slave trade. According to the estimate of Lord Bowden, British Minister to Brazil, 60; 000 Africans were imported as slaves into that empire, in 1847. One vessel alone made five successful voyages daring the year, importing between two and three thousand slaves. Of 54 slavevessels sailing from Rio de Janeiro in 1846, fifteen were American.—Pkihrgelphia Dolly Nam. A Smarr= Wcoses.-11 the reign of Charles la a lady incurred the displeasure of a neighboring megutrate, who had her arrested, and brought be. tine torn as a Popish recusant, when he threaten. ed to commit bar. But at the same time I:Mires. sow hankie said, 'I do not like to be ill natured, and if you will call the Pope a knave I will quash the indictment.' Sie replied the high minded In dy, 1 do not know the Pope, and therefene, will • . isty - that-dokla**lltning".tala. klew kink bailee well as I know you, I would sweat he was a knave, and an arrant knave too.' HZSEI our telegraphic despatches are correct, in regard to Mr. Clay having consented again tweeter the Senate, the whole country will be delighted to know that the nation and the ad. ministration are to have the benefit of his experi ence and wisdom. With auch men as Mr. Clay and Mr. Webster in the Senate, them is no danger Mom the foolish machinations of Mr. Calhoun. JOB POINTING. BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS. Manifetti, Bali Lading, Contrada, Late BLzstidr, HAND HILLS, 1....11.11. CTSMICAIVS, CaIIMIN cotacila, dc. he Printed it the shortest notice, at low prices, it the &CS Gsmerra Onncs, TEan amt. tia• roux. Mears bluseaarrox 1,18.21 r LID Ms. cavrtae lersmurrir —The Tbird - Leentre before this As. sociation ssull be delivered by the /Lour ItsvlEtnaor CPCuanora. on Thursday evening, Jan. tab, 1E49, at Apollo Hall, at 71 o'clock. Scarcer—The illmmuce of Christianity on Slavery Single Tickets '.LS cents, admitting a gentleman and accompanying ladles. To be bad at the Book Stores and at the i door. JACOB ACTsAVER, Ir., DAVID HOLIES, }Committee. B. A. SAMPSON. pu lE7l , l. 4. nrrem o c . os .. L d reafa th .. ;LIT friends of the Re which has glven'existeuce to the ITCpublie ' , e s:ill letri meeting in he Methodist Protestant thumb, EastCom moot, Allegheny, oa Thunday, the Mb inst., to com mence at ni o'cloek. The meeting wtll be addressed by Judge Lowrie, Hon. Walter Forward, and WilsonAPCandleas, Eno The public generally is invited to attend. No collec non will be token op. ta7✓l-d2t Ecr The Roo, Angelic ea - prewar? Owns° female. grateful to view, while: the repulsme, coarse, muddy yellow feces of ethers, excite. disgusi—the same with males. Could such people be Induced to try a cake of the we loom' Italian Otemical Soap, they would he miaowed with the change. They would have a deli cale,,clear, white skin, while every diedguremeet or ergedon would be removed and eared. INJITICIILAZNOTICIL—Petsons who have bought cheap counterfeits and imitations adds, and have had no eh femproduced, most try this, the otiginal. hind, ask fot Jones' Sony. roe sale at Wsi.lacsami's, 89 Liber ty street. motif 74TIMell E.Talrookoarr...-We would call attention to this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consamption, Anthrax, end all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Having several time@ within a few years put had 0001.- sic= to aso a medicine of tem kind, we bame.byge,peiri enee tested its excellent finalities, and are pml tm recommend it to other. Ministers or other public speakers afflicted with Wonchial affections will find great benefit from its use. It le emptied by • gelatin fie physicien, and all chasms will find it a safetptd of cactoee medicine in Me diseases fpr rylgeh lib re. pommended.—lCalontbas (glop/ mu and Journal. Fos sale at dm Pekin Ten 5t0.,.N0. /0 Fourth street lira Improvement* in Dentifitip DU. tr. O. STldahi"latio qmoduas,Etiferiredtq nsionnteduro nog cot Tim n troliholir laudparte atf me,. anon StlePOn os A c herbs Bannon Platts.— gwroacaz rpm IN nva wherirthe Mere Li ItUidiVri. Office and residence neat door to the Map chee,,eourth street, Pituiburgh. two pfluvln l e: Etta, Jalli 13.11 Baum on Dar , Term—Persons arhaitays eh. thee are honorabty slanted that a tr. haz of Joneel Amber Tooth easte offlt. oa aria trial, without fall, Make the Breath pare amt. :reel, The Teelk .l 'itu and(2 " U r l ' Reader, last ItT *Kongo. .F,ar he/ Wit JACK SON, 0 Meer -1 .4 41 Pa*. Boot. 0013 .. frr The (rosette, and P i and other nevra pen. —Ca demon traveling, or any d ows •ot a, wanting o 'apply of oar Ittsbargh trallr orar Ito... Rapers or a variety of olanr of oar Eastern; Av.,,,,,ca, Northern and SoutherritoNorns add ettiett to r „,1 4 an d hay cheap, can dell atI+)IL'HARE/18 , Agerti qand Intelligettoo OlT:ce, Where a full 'apply Lalhp't and sold low " -j' 4 1 * vi ' MEM D04.44aV0 P:411 Ilnita+-1( yea haVe, tie . ofJohesb mberrooth Paste. Thal yillmakepaur breath await, *ham yoar teeth, &A l .Pahratlo.l4TlY WI . A Good Bek _ ■ e Abir Halo. r 4 :41)=194 Lan Venn*y e tlte g z i for aly f lepeineeskgni a ankh k. Ike PropHelor ineeneenient to have • eatebllehmenttHek?• ll 4l ~ineeenn~eenientt APP11•1 ammvs. joi-d2oe comer Wylie sad Washington ge. r ..bwitiparebitaettlarlhilretrW* •• : atioliittaMatbdibitfovviye*.westit o m m, 3 alselerree lartitAllagbaitiy coolleet erte ere rlrPer" • ad to souratchiniaLsodiridiwidaal inn township wed, firths:the publia;to Mee. Er,eYee made by KvilaleVive iiitiopanillort 'this plate: rkeerelPaaredin aitoptirity,'dorability and e All bode of timber la eat lariat eipint ,ataits reerektie, raw of rOpM per May. Timber that cannot be treOrtd by band pia readily nonveried by this atm contrivance into uniform! smooth and beautiful stares. Bartok made of these waves have& neatness, Geitneis and ;Aram numbness and bracityciorr ago best that ran be wade in the ordinary way , SOWN: EIPF.F:FIii. GOD Kr: W1L: 4 .( 1 9• Dellevernon, Jan. 21, ISM—alto • . - NOTICE. THE Mibeeriber Mill oder, by way of public sale, on Thundey,oth del , of hlarch 161120 a tho,premi ses,.• peon, prop noree of land, abOat 32 scree cleared, 20 acres ie in meadow, g dwelling I wae, with other out buildinirs, about nun Imagine fruit Me.. and on which is ereetod olio large steam mill m CO.O. neetion with water phercr, 3 run of Moues, .2 bona, 2 nom en, 3 nets of eleentorg. end all metal goofing. If not sold on that day, it hid be open or sale until it is sold. 'Pones-hot eon be civeil et alumni any time. Terms made known 0" too day of sale. This Property lie. 3 mile, , weit of Economy. An indispu table title will to. mode on v i . ll ,, e= c i i tig.. s.ro Hopewell Tp , Beaver co., Pa: Dissolution of Partnership. HE firm of ed`Kce Geissenheiner, boo this Jay ETbeen dissolved - by mutual COMM,. They have need their books and Recounts In ibe bands of N. ltackMastee, for the perposo of collection sad settle ment. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late Inn, will please call and nettle with him, and all persons having claims against them will present their accounts for payment. DAVID WEEK, CHARLES GEMSENHAINER. Pittsburgh, January 21, 1940.--Jalittedl BERG/al; BROTHERS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PHILADELPHIA, For the .ale of Produce geherally. t 7 Liberal advances made on coneimtmente. ja.24-dAw6mT ' L 13--A large stddtuon supply o rat ruin Gold Pens. both in silver and gold CILSVA, varying in price from 75 cents to 614,110 each, and for sole b 1 (054 W W WILSON, corner morketand 4th ars_ SPARKS —Vatt Diamond ti . mtrita. to glass cutters, received and for sale at SAW each Rs the teal Hest Indio. diamonds. ja24 W WILSON B 001 ( KEEPER WANTED Mason lc Co, No Cu Market streol. App lypersonalty. Jo2l LARD -S 2 bbl. No I; CO keg. do, In good stripping culler; for *ole by ISAIAH DICKEY k Co. .21 front tt rieal3F.RE—aaen Ilae in note and for .ale by F Pea DIcKEY R . Co G/ - *II , IBENG-6 sad" in more. for nate by in 2.4 ISAIAH DlCkFlti & Co FLAMMED-3 bbls in store and for sale by 1. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co HEEttiE-100 bs.• in store; car solo by C ISAIAH DICKEY _& Co FHESII ROLIAILTTHII-2 1,411 or best quality In store; brute hy M ISAIAH DICKEY &Co BENS—Yo sacks small whim; 0 bbl. do do la mom; for Sala by ja24 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co MitRAL PAINTS--Fre sod Water Proof-82 : E lls in store; tor sale by ISAIAH DICKEY &Co PECANS -3 bbls Jest reed and for sale by la% ARMSTRONG k CROZER FLOUR -DO bbl. eaperfine Meer, Jost reed by J 724 ARMSTRONG & CROZER ODA.ASH-1.0 mike Reaming' Soda Ash, put W. S eelved per meaner Pioneer and for vale by W & M MITCHELTREE, jaZ/ 100 Liberty sr WHtTE WADDING—IGO dozen, good heavy sr& cle, large sheet., just received and for We by ju27 SHACK LET r & 09 wood tt G REEN APPL.F-40 bbl. in stoxv and for by J D W ILLIAMS, 110 'rood st EITRA 119.00N18-50 dozen cons Eroons; tOdo hearth and cloth do; for talc by Cjra DEIN—D begs !belled, for tile by Is= J D IVILLIAMS DMED FRUIT-5d bush'Peuebes; ludo Apple.; for sale by 1.2.1 J D WILLIAMS BUTTEE—I bbl Bat 4 for .ale by Ant JD WILLIAMS RloE—Wtierces Carolina Elea new crap, {waling browsing, Consignee oad for rale by JAMES A IILTCHISONA. Co HEMP rtElbar-5 bbl. rood and far rate by jali SRAM & REITER /UNARY SEED—For sale by lJ j¢'II 'BRAUN & REITER ei Uhl ELIAII-1 case rec'd and for rale by ).11 MIA UN & REITER UPALLISTER'S OINTNIENT—A. (rub /at Mt re. ceived and for sale by jati BRAUN k. REITER UGAR LEAD—On band and for man by la J KIDD & Co ACETIC ACID—On hand =I for nate by_ jot: I KIDD& Co G . FIANYILLX'S 1141710 N--On band.d Cm role by And J KIDD & Co DOWby DBILED BAYBERRY —OnICID band an D d for sale jaZI . 3 tr. Co pl4,lp== JaZ ANFOAD'S EXTRACT LOGWOOD—On hand amilbruale by 1.29 I KLLID & Co 11/23 bz• Cheese, prime quality, just reed and for sale by W & E 21•CUTCHEON, ran 1..% Liberty rt RY PRACREbash ark Peaches, reed and for sale by JOY W& R hVeL7CHEON • bh etkestrws, r sold sod for sal us is= %V a R WCUTCHEON I ban --.2 bids and d kegs Lard, reed and for rale! W & ft Warren-EON 12. MN APPLAZ-40 bbl. Green Apple., on band G and for sale by j. 22 WAR MVUTCHEON AMT-20 Idols Me and Water Proof Point, p • band and for ante by jaJ• W A R M'CUTCHEON OTATOES-20 sacks Neshatinoek Potatoes, reed this day per mar Robert Fallon and for sole by latU TAW:EY tc REST OTASH-9 casks In non and for sale by Jam TAsSEY Ir. BEST N. 0. SUGAR-20 WM, prime new crop, landing from stmr North /Over and for sale by land JAMES A HUTCHISON*. Co 1) AL9INS-40 ini 0 boxes Al R Ralsl SCO dr do do do 200 qr do do do; In store and for sale low to elose, , by ja22 JAMES A iivrcinsaN a co OLL BUTTER-5 bbl. trash Roll Butter, far sal lA, by • jar.l FRIEND, RHEY aCo CYMEILI-4 wk. fina 'away ) . p k i Ey a, co )021 LI.E.A.THERS-23 minks peons Feathers. for sale by ja2.l FRIEND, EFIEY & Co CrroN—ius bodes for sale by Ja23 FRIEND, RUBY tr. Co DOLL BUTT En-0 bbls just reed and for Ws by a, jaal A ELISSTRONIi Is CROZER E GGS—t bbl Ens, for Ws by AIithIESTRONG & CROZER _ El LOUR—SS bbls sops:slims Flour, Fos ssle by is= ARISISTRONP lc CROZEIt CRAB CIDFIR-8 bills sadly reed, and far sale by !EN ABAISTRONG is CROZ E. Bp. GAZSIIAZI has temoved los °flee to the . Post Gees balldhig, 3d sorry—enlyance by Philo i stairs. stl9-ditv LARD OIL-10 bbl. cold pressed Oil, landinallom the Hodaon andltor min I to close cOnalar punt by 1.11 JAMES PAI4ELL,Nrater IL LARO 011".-15 bbls pare winter attained, In store and lot salt by 0 BLACKBURN & Co, Jail IFILIAI Itillet SOAP -10) Das Crompton & Co's extra Soap, in store and far sale by Ale 0 BLACKBURN &Co PEARL STARCH-15 b. In elan, and for aata by Jae 0 BLAC .: j, &co por ASH-11 eask. rot Ash, in sir, and for sale •I% 111 ' & HIC,FMTSON SVOA4I. 11911.L$E 2110;ASSV13,1i bills üßoasr House Mauna, on eMnet bud for silo by jalb ' ic RIC 'Zt...N UITLUTE MAUNAR-3g z‘lttihn Ham* V V S s ug,t, just A raeciv S s4 UG . 1 .7 • u t t taz b viycKsoo,4 lIDA J I ::" . "`" 4°IIIu4CI4 m 4 CiOMll-43 bare ilia Wee; 30 do overdo do; 60 do Lago re Coffee, in ewe and for sale by Da • miT.T.va a 1L1C61:3130.N ITEILTu OLD BRANDY -.l` , D. '0_ ,1 4, 1 p_91121S by thßiatt plBOO. B I".lmurrivt'an,r, NAC:U/991914-79 Wig No 919111999 M, tiding Goad tlgme Brooklyn and lot We by g' • ' • 1 Ahl • • =LI. LL jwt ekre l Tand fqt 80 1 l Holier' " re •' • - • ' L B WATERBI .IVEAME/bbli No blackm Ili a by Mile No AAA e . 4l..ard, but reel and for .L . 1 : 1119 311( "Jp4 ''" WATERKAN ItE t t , r s9 . 4ls to, 'sidle terhaatenl and foe 'MCLIEraal—.lO ass cram heat; also, • enem Rama's, formals by • • lal7 - :Midge • LULL trERN SCRAPE; VAILTIVor which. the ' c. 4est • V 4411P4 "E E Bawd, ea .4 =0 ;MACOMB-600 busbdtied Peackesi to /pod iblpping only, Camay n feu . JAVV6/4 IDIOUCIMLIkAT 1:741VH,40 imitator tale.bi All . i_BßErrpa . NA OROZB4, ciDEß—as bi A m ri o and fa mils DT VINEGAR -19 bbh , 'CU 11139_ 1 7 ' • 411213TRIX10#, CgOZER . , VIVELDS :III4 t 4 TisSift - 40 .441 . - ilslik9 z Apiq Z •11:;:timi , strung • wiLsos ruu.o o 4ooP.lgitK-011 111 rtEIHOIIIt GREEN—On bund'and 44 b y by 4 0 _ 1 1 */ ) .4.C.° yiCifaihritralAdidr. GREEN-0;0211mi 64 '.11) ramie by 1,40 KIDD& CO., ENTINE GERIUNCOIIOOI , I OL bandit - ha far G salp Or. EIDIM Co t- -- BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS—On baud and fot *ale bY 1.10 - ' J .. , 'pp irr,sls sacks Rye, for isle bT - . •, - • ...., ,11", • deents -•- ARMSTRONG is CROZ'EGt • Eovngapaza,s;PEMNo: INK.—M kcp news Sak, b dabeek•Ra. -Cylinder pets ink in . 1 MAW t received and for was ny . . dee9 • •••••• '• • •• •• 4 SCHOONMAIUM. &Co.' otAit r{ , C),Z-111 tasairrlAß DALZe.LL aerrnd far sale by 0 dee , AILS-700 kep iumorted, Cot see by N dool4 B F VON BONNUORST it Co 1 AUCTION i'i; . '..lllz.jeiltall:Davisollsica_lll t'.."':J- - - . ••:Ellsg`jkliggs, Rnigans, lilstai . ing;Aniiiii. , ftaiP7te, bYellb , l'' .I — NOTig..iidnit„.,4ust,s,t,lo,o'clock, at the Commetrial Solos Rooms; corner et Wood addllidi streetsorill bo sold without suscree, en • credit efGO days on all wow over el tgi— • ..,. A large endure!' selected no IC, COrlaiilll2l.. in past .of meas . deg, kipandeescre. _ .ts sod brogan boys. kip and muse Loot end bleg iiheifs'raWitifirpti tem gums; N•001.0' boots, bo LA slippers amalgams; miser. , grakted buskins sad el s; mend floe pumps, ehildrens , shoesiAc. ike. c. ,dale.: can be obtsinwl. . and stock exammtvl oti =eau 1 Mt .IDiiititS, AuCL .Perempiory Sal* of Dry doe - 4;44 . a andckarrs.. • • • On Thursday , inorningiJan.•Oth, atl.o o'clock, attha Commercial Sole. Rooms. corner of 'Wood -and:Figh, streets, will be soldi"for toneney, on •aneOned: whom It may correon,- , A largo and ge n eral assortment of seasonable Iglu I ple and huny Dr, esuhrgoing snoorano eassimeres, satioatsocans, woods, pilot - and beaver • cloths, white, yellow'. toren toldscallet flannels, an ion flannels of rayed. .00lir?4, blanket.. ebiali4aga, outman., snaring., alyaoai, Mack Satin, fancy vesting., gleghema, adteoell, do loh,e, oldest. c r ., children. not coats, woolen; Coteau; hosiery, ape, gloves, ribbons, Intros, edgingh Nai.s vitneW of r goods, &a. • Az g o'teloCk i Gaocastmt, Quranswarta,• 47. rce- Id bat Vitgsma tobacco, a mthntity of second. hand. household (tannin., cooking stoats and kitchen mm,- ails, from a family about to 'calif,' front the airy.. AI 7 o'clock, - quantity of rashionablu , ready made clothing, dry 8.0. In Kwit variety - , new Ind aecond hand 'ratchet, atantel e Meta, fine ,Idan and :pocket evihrry, shot guns, pistols, musical tastraments, Gorman fancy goods. letter and cap writing paper, blank book*, &a )sal JGHN D DAVIS, Aoct E!MSMZES3=M ingv, 4v. at anctron. . , • On Thursday morning:Jam 25th, at 10 o'clock, lathe. residence of Mr. It. W. Poindexter. Allegheny city, will be sold his entire stock of slousehoLd Fkirniture, library, oil paintings, engravings, Ao., among Which are— very superior well tOptd.pion9i.lpr large French Oslo ga frazno, mirrors; 1 pair Superb pier table.; 1 pair splendid mahogany sofarl; 1 mahogany centre tatile,'l do side board; Mabor.aby andWinttiorchairs: a few handsome oil palming., n library of choke ifbarS7, duttl Work, v•ls benuati u condoinbtXu, SA= drew lag bureaux; China, glass end' oticenevrare,'•_logether with a Large quontrly of household goods, which may be examined protons to the sale. , Terms at sale. • Saab JOHN DDAVII3, Auer AMUSEMENTS. C. B. PORTER _ BENEFIT OF ISH; BIURDOON - . - W1113.11•1', JANtrAti V 4, win he acted.the LADY OF LYONS. Cl. to • • 3tr. Murdoch. ratline W. Poner. To conclude with It Comedy called the INCONSTANT. Young Minable - Mr. Murdoch. °risme Mks Potter. Disarre Miss Claim, .Ll:7 MR. AND MISS LOOAN are engaged fora few aught,. Nance—The Gallery will remain closed during the eo2 weather dd and dd Tier, 35 cents. , • , CHARITY SOIREE, - " VOR TFIE BENEFIT or vas therairia or 9r. PaulAr Je Curann, will be given as the Lafayette Assemb ly Rooms, on Friday evening, February 2,1841. MANAGERS.: • . . Bon. C. &wax, Atrogino Bettis, Esti., lona B. Orrnarr, J.l.` Swan, ;Jong Lusroa, 'T: WADI, ' Ay. A. ralltrume, • Jona J. N', E. Juan, - ' .' Joel Scan, Wia. B. filrreatraturs, St., Hyatt KELT, . Joan Dols-ease, . ,A. PdTourgerni , ..• C. 00=211411X, IH. MrTleketican be obtasted Gam the Hanagets deeZi PITTSBURGH IrESHOWS INSTITUTE. I rpHE,SeconcLansaion.-of tbla ,Inatitutkpi, under. the I care of Ma and Mts. Gamma, for the, pace -eat acealenale Mar, will comineocc on the Stator Febtrot ry next, In the same buildisdnr; No. P 3 Liberty litmetr. emoorements hove been made by width they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities matial to . afty in th e West, for 'obtaining a thorough Engtoth, Classi cal, and Omuminstal educed°a A fall come of Phl lisephicel and Chemical Lectures will be delivered donna the winter, illustrated by, apparimia The de =eof vow end' Instwunental Malin., Modem' s, Drawing marauding, will each s he under the cam of. competent Profeuco. By close attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pu. ells, the Principals hope to then a tonthouttion of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. Fey terma, we cleetahs'. or apply to the Principals. g 010.4 I=l L V)ISBB1 LII3IBmRB MILE subscribers having taken the Saar Mill above I the Filth Ward Driage,lormerly run by Me. John Chambers, and having a good snick of Adtber on band. would solicit the patronage of the public. Orders thankfully received and promptly_auended to. tiAVARYA SPAULDING. The undersigned having sold hls Interest in the above Mill, to Messrs. Savvy reSpaaldiog, would •recont mend them to his former eustomers and the etlonturni- .• • • ty es being well qualified to give satisfaction ma who may deal with them. to .dtm JOHN CHAMBERS. I ACE GOOEIS—Sxrru &Jarmo'', Et Aitirketetieet; L have.reeeived oue ocrion of fine English Ablw_nd lace sad edgings; Avocations loom 'nada doj tea car taus cotton do; one do of black silk lace,. JalWdo „ef black sadadutet nine& workedlees-captm,isittedawj, I,laek chandlla veilm together with a variety . af .(titaey. BMW* mom black ante,:dtmed, milk news for yam cord and white silk Ullman for extming drease4, 7 Dealers and °Mem mill find' 4.fpr tea mere* to ea; melee them ochre .. 7td2• , Itaiiilluxd•Ansala l KIDD & Co sal - ins , Timm:mu as IN •' • Cot oxersaate fhb, ' Fir, IL E. Sellers—Your' Vertnifamt ita• - aold well; and has been highly apoken of by all - mho' have Wed it Froorthelneeem attending the mitabilartlirlon of your Vermin:iv In every time I have beard of, I am confident 1 ran sell more dining lita.oomlngem.,mon lama I did last. 1 will.bo eadJo reentva another. sno oty of 4or 6 gross. Yours, Mese:fatty, . Mitinelfrom hitter.) R.. Prepared and mold by iI..E.SELLEELS,TIWat, Imam and sold by druggists genera ll y, in Pillablaii ~ • - For Hatt Fronotetpo..Caltfornfaiwallreot a Tho A 1 Clipper _barque - JOHN yPOTIES, Capt. NVEn..LVVatis, hucror loading at Chase's wharf, Baltisnon wanul , wills proceed withou t Pi. Per balance of freighter passage, having pert. cabin aecommalatlons, app yl to • • HAYDEN tc COALE; C loath Gay at Dolt Mama Winter it Idolater wW hale charge of , the cargo, and will be pleaaad to reedy], 'farther consign . menu. ),M X - Sw lkjr A. WHITE le 60 Wemid reapectklly bnibrui 111, the public, that t&tp have erected a shop on Lacak,betweeDFederatln Smiduskpireets,,- They am now Malang and are prepared. tiireseivo orders foi every description of vehicles, Coacioll,'CheNot's, roaches, Buggies, Ptrossot wideltfroth theft! to ra v g expericoce in the mannfacture at the above work - , and the Pralines they have,they,fealconlideutthey are enabled to do work on lawman 'seasonable terms With Mow swatingarlieleelu theirlhie - Payingparucular attention to the selection of mate, rid.,and having none bat competent workmen, they have ea LO/11211011 lq warranting their work. 3VO therefore ask the attention abbe public to this manes: N. B. Revoking done in the best manner, and on the, most reasonable ramp. . 0 itiliagssir Q HOGE beg. Isola toinforn th race omen e citizens of Pius- P• bulb late vimnity,that he him taken thelhigisso. nart Rotaus lately occup ied by , Mr . Porter. The -pab he aro assured that the late nnprovercems are secu red, and will be brought into opesattort,by Mr. (lege, who been hatwiwn qietator Mum the an was beet discovered. Entire roxisfaotian is ramonmed to all who may become his pinions. nr. kb will refer with ideas= told. 031 . 41,1natose establislow.ot he has operand for the lust twelve mouth. }Emily Por traits, Engraving% Itsguerreorypu, goe., accsuntely ec c ri- itikauralis britetain ally lowlier, 20 Set in I eta, brow plea, eases and Emcee, .. - instructions given In every branch of the art, and ap. panes • , lacol(s. HELL KEDERASII EOVELLEV. A FULTONgteII A awl BroasVoaudat, bilk re.. built ll and cpoloienced terstneas at his old stand, where he will be jiliosed to we his cd4ctqlom cts and Mend,, • ChstrehAtehorks, mud Bolls of eivery. sizejmnio to uwoo poon4 cast fromponerns of Ow wear *Wet- ' ed hre e r i d' Water fkunns;Cro ." 4 15Vi1:fd,...A., Uwe. then with every sorcery of Brass Covina, a required, turned and finished in dm neatestraenner., A. F. is the whs proprietor of Moines AT-A 2711. not Ddinrsd, so jowly celebrated far: the ledectiou of friction to inachiaeU. The .BOXe. SUA/Comiutsidua owe be had of Idan at annum. ** • Ja2Cely IagaTtIAITSQUILIIAOUSiIaI , ..Mgrs L ValfrquiParrucTreorypes, piblished bir E. Antlak, (lAuted Webster, Henry Clayrlin his net yeW, ";. SOU L Oen. Tarter AttildniFjlhaareOenlwm. j dd p. ro4 to grtigN e." . ittittAtdrtas, 4l"Wi ro An .4 .ll 7d o rew . . Cz nt '‘l g. '" ,,,o n ' t m of tlut ative mein ' : .xsa l ' rtrnits w es i. t, reed and for — We lay : . JoENSTONto MICEDON -; ; .410 ~, . - earnoswiarket and W. ate VOA rl. i; tatAND poosesoloh , .. , fflei A 1,0 April—A Store 1 lo Naha oi{eol, rmir Ph3riz i ~ _, A Store in merts:itiVS'imp door mike cot , 1 I otioiliforket And I.l3ert,7:iiisi - ,,..z The Adjoining Dloph 3404,,,orilArket end Liberty 'rrrcau IWo Storey, woh.dioolDwiippai Demo Omit, 1 olor ihO SO 3 ". • AliOloPirrOW ',.'srit3 or.witti; I *A' iimmium nOln.l ri, , c_343 . 1,', on . kite Alia, weZionly• lohoDoyor- 1 -^ - .-... - - , ,DAIID,9O..LEN ~ ‘,. 11133441n0 '. - I Derin sireef,3o.3r xhor carrot t 30 0 D }r, ft gaili:N. - wriflllitt oppositzobr ,uovss.- : :i. - . ,liot viEGINIA24O7AI,9avigiwP '''''"" ' . the Petry C.O o lhorillititeioijoMoAcdo_, 01 , order, r the okooP 9 1 3,10 0 1 :1 , h3 Pdahooi ho 07 0 . 4 . • lionicou in_ wash pr ow, opt con3fpc l / 4 yrill. Awilli 10 piiimitze Vitomabtlohment-LtAey will had dip. :cherpors Olean arid nicer rod the 'rook ' ow - well ro* - '3l3ifoil as 11,20111. atml.iftlivddattfreapfive Foray iffreßta .it igf PO tEitOr s tl.o ll l4kti:Vi Tl i t . t ; °...i.E.d.l=AirafglinNlthe.7g, i Jo.. -,,, ~,,, WASHINGTON EVANS. ~ • • - vattali • eitticwat...-- , . 9cAtt7 7, its--(0111#-Intitarty Vali libusc soAe 0 brand, lul.ticiAt par steamer 'Brae km! far I ,sal etz ' - Vt. tr fil ZSITCHEL ES, Non(' Liberty rt • I. A is/Murat hi rarer. • „ CM. Abrrket'sireet, few dam:llo4Mo TOIS very ioitntile for a dabble . o u v 9 Qi:d444SSEV:aI TLOVAtI oNO i s o pridomelaiolvooNuot : • .lu= 4 1 %.*Imai styli matw rr oo*akot 01, 41t0ux., ansins44 7 P 1 4 16. gad halms 42411,,,, t y, nag, sgw.)c,. itid for ante by 7 WM di Co • • nirAtilk. -, DLETiroii 110TAfty7,1111LICL QVFlClSltibleart.' Boom & Co , s WisiektiiiWP".- let itteciOtetfiethiNirbod atinialket. Re-aldeilef nactra, Jews' Fatuat suer.; toalreiNa Giant. neseionsilEr pr: tinpf axldiwWood/44h 1119afi n e d Ati o c747447 - t - t it s t=a,.atut otherlitaiojia 144 Ades iet ijuf i,a, poto awitimireirradtwrifilleitagnalli.‘irlgt:4l4Wof lustre of nevOwartu , lyintset 64 .64l.ll , intlo, wheut.,. sale anti ftia, - JaM , .it • it v 144414, eld jai Oniat,- ' bglk • 414 , 4 a Nklie .T mictri iss goodolordcricoezvvlrd' TIAVIS,B Campoundfiirsilifehiiiiiratha az4 for saki by t JEnDbaco SALIK.4 _4.7t.FAIIBOATS Ol:loldrii6sin 6 PITTSBURGLI Milaka -"itilkill'-is/CCX Li•N•Ez.---- afel) kitti c nits Of..aPintring., E .M . eivii new d Iff the • abed andTamis.he and mast you WM. dd lOC umtantatiehaliVesh livoncitgennto ,4 o°R fort that matter can procure, has been amelded Da pan, inn. The UN kras Wen in %tetanus fot , sta run —hat carried a miWodof pewle Med , WRT I. rytotheir persona !The suni be at e mot of • Wood once% the day previous to muting, for th:sweep. Goo effreight end the e entry of passengers On 0 UV , J ter. In all eases the passage mmeiy mambo pain in advance. BANDA'S' PAIIIKETh • • ~ I The ISAAC NtWTON, • writ leave Volsburgh every Sunday rveroineatlO &tient , . Wbeeline every Sunday evenbag et Vt. eh • NOY* /Sit ' SIOSIZOLV;PJECrak i Irr r, :' The PONONUAEIELAipapt: Stove, tvalletiVeriltet.(l burgh emery Monday omertuagralbtAleeki Wheeling ary Abbadateveningat lOe.te . . • TIJXISDAT .PACJECIETv. . ' The 111)ilEILNLA No. 11, Copt. J. litzusgrate i Testis-Pi arghavewTherday uledoieg a 1 1D o'clock; Wheeling very Tuesday ebetlidg etillir." , ah: • • _ _ - tv.r.Dßraszkir PACK E T..• The NSW ENGLAND C*pt. S. Ttaap,tarii leave Pittoburek. everY aVedixsdY mothiaa o'clotki.WhetUng averylVe'dnetdire esttans stitlt. It. j TUVBSDAT PACIIET. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gtucn.l atilt leove , ..Pitu. ,:- burgh every Thuroduy thornier luta Attech;Whoeltag- -, , every TbAriday ennuis' ut ID root.— •• • • -- AT , PAC-MI.IT. • • The CLIPP No. V, Cape. Prue Dural.; will !cart, Pitraturgh every Friday morning ot;ID o'clock; MVP „ lint every Friday evening at.lo r, v. •, • . • / • SATITILDAY MESSEI 7 GEni Cain. F. llimphixt., will lesiva' Thabargh eve Sararday 10 o'clonk;• Wheellol ore guird,z7evehinK ni 10 r. pogisy LISBON AND ErMBUI:1411- DAILY LINE-... ', .. 'OF CANAL ANDSTEASI I'ACILETI3;.. - , .. ,t • r , ' . 4 .' . .EqL - : . - L .• - - • INZikall '' 1 ! ' Leaves Pittsbargh.dally,infl o'cl a,' k:it, littnil if{ I i rives at Glasgow, (numthof thitPandiatilßeavet. ca. • , nat,) at 3 o'clock, and New-Liebou as 11, inate'ingb.L. L'_... ' -Leaves Now Lisbon at a o'clock. - P. 12L,Rmaking the ttip canal to the.stiVer dating the night.) andiGluteom lat 0 o'clock, A. AL; lull graves ..et !Ittaiburgh at 3 P. AL—thus making a • eantirmore line fur' carrying pas. 2 v imagers and' freight between Nevi Lisbon and hue- i 4 burgh, la shorter time and at less rates than by aur r - i This proprietare of thls Litle have the platoon of IS. , girmingttut publiorhat they have fitted ustwoir.it clime.: ) Canal Bmte, for the. ageommodstion .of passengers Ea. freight, to ran ln en wetion with the well. ktiolett steamers OALEECOYE arid BRA illilkintin dean 1 ing, at OlasgrrW, with -the -Pinsttagh• arul• (Na "... nen and other . deity lines of atenelers dawn.the Ohio and Vria.l.‘ippl riven. atm. Inopl etara pledge them. , . selves to spare nitexpento or , t hie to bums coat, , ~• fott, safety end dispatch, end air the publicist stars • , i or that/ patronage. .• . ALITROMZ EDLatfrE. 4 -• -' ' • 1 b. m..urrar,• , .i P'l-3b' . '' a.& Y. HARDAUGII, E HANNA, SCo: r"_-•„L..ft.L myna JiIARBAUGHACo. , S" - . . • —....... NOTICE—The eteiniefDEAVERS. P. ClarkaM(fait ter, will leave alter this notice, tot WelinE"S peauttit , ' • ' Slit, at Po'clock In the wonting ..:.1 • . ! 013 i t!, ; 1848. - ~ - • I , - --. • limb" ~., privainniarteo tinowasiimial-..). ...:, Daily Paakat,Pino. FEBRUARY 1.t,184.9 FRBRUARY Ist, IBS,. LEAVE DAILY A'ES:A. MIANDII-P:3L -- i ' - . ' The 'following lIINW Nan, 'COMOSIO. 11 'tee - line • fertile resent lielmamikTe. . • LANTIC, Cart..‘ James Perkineelep TlC,Capt.,2oJaeolthi awl WIMP „. IPLANE, GELB.' Beano. . Til t boz4s aca =ltaly' , new, nod aro 12tted pp mithqut let dto ezpeeid:, 'Ey. - , asey comfort %Mamma,* els pr he, leen pecerlded;, . ,The Beau will leave the ..hiorthesnthela Wheel Bost all ' dm row of Rosa ot. neirengen *ill 'be'renetwth bir i board, es the boats'. sal' cenniniy linage it the - ate, m tined boon, El .A.;11. end 4 11'151, • , 2J..... , . v ion ~, J e • 'FOICNEW , i/ILLIiNS.' '' : • ' ' 4 . Thp-rf.PArmil.t.guair ' . Caniniti tb Coat'. a, will Inlinol'iin..,.. o , Bll4,.solinitainediate ports •on i ' Thar day, 25th inn, at 1.0 o'clonk, A...1E. , - .. e d , kc. fr.iBht or Pa 4 I4POPPIY. O 9S I rd. , , je2t. - FOIL CINCINNATI AND I.OUISVELLE. " Tto ; sse4datl p T . sprzer_ 4, • • .•.-.t..44;;Lt trosatif;*illienvo for I:bity4 , . 224 Ina, at 10 o'clock. . L „ _ . For freight or pai l ver r igloN . o v a i rdiod4o k ' co . .. , ! , ion . GEO 11 ATILTINEXIMEIL „ o g'AolcEr. .mat: e se, ~ z /Lcu..141.r- r dryth 13,.: 5 - I.,ue*fituter; heteuftee leritiO toter • paCket. near hkr lerriatZUgrotshoiterylifoodiiyAlfolais _ for bright or paossolO:apply errrsrantati AND vcrinsvfiltrricßtv naltiowl Louisville on 1' edneottOL ThopaijitKat.ltio ,, o'Olock cd00614.;: to! .GEDzmuntwor.wiLtuntqc,cmm):, hi > if i•iteniiiefroytOrfilostuenvoLouiartllo for Nolo O can ou antral, of TeUvvh.piriA ,Pasootp i carrigoditect, otti l elt, ho.vol.OEsOctroOltipt ' • tu; , --, ...; iVI LI ';r-t AIP 4.1011 - • ; Tha,ituftetidliiv-A pip; xta.4 i am .. IVllkina, mortal, will leave,.fai. dim , mg ai above amdklnennodireelalfta An 19c4,-11 neaday,lbe 24driax.r1 lb Welock. el - • -.,,,,,_, , _,C. : j , „ F l4r ght 7 P 7Tit ICIMgE fraard t . a Eitr ,,, . :,Avn,,, - -: And Hoeklngpol i v • f en d- tat - tillff* rL u la i n ff dildir , a - '' ~ ( ` , t, t . The Moo stentnr iirkeig: >: . z , , AVE4.l.BVittr .; I'l - 0 . .roconestaGenll Isavetor,thoile i porn every,layost: In Wel L,. NI For freight or pump apply oeboard, dee mixt! • . l'77l3llUßGrato %Tar? , pfer , "* . ~:, ,, 1 . ,, CONSUL, .• . - ,- -, ' IVel l "-. 7 0 7, W-vynnil IFoire re e Wbeelingonver7 nlonday, We ' ..t.L.Lnlall '..a'b . .blr,en_ll4o , clook Fax ~0 1 , -.... • ~...- , ~ INbeellng every' TneadaY. "alintelay one BA , knadar, , at 7 o'clock, a in, precisely, .4 The Congellaill ?and at en the ~kaoro,,,bo o , p0rt,..,; - El/417 aceoinodancre that can.b4prOOOl4,4 for the c . ig fort and anfelrotpassengera o' boob provided. 4 , at is loam, dod Wilb_la MI toktnin, 41 . 4 1 Y a lIlmni to, grurovr7iP6? P-‘7.liiii-railsitr."- .fat 4 . , earner hi:lM and Satin:Mem ife:r ifi x :iv 41,;43 0.151••/.1INfi.TI, iffliatztioslit swat- • " "Ilbltt•V:ursti." . and R . lalladelpAttoi,; 11t3A, ' ol 3b.ttaitootato,)' MIK Invzitos-“RuN.Kmai'Dmr T H ,, EAltib bibie ilife t r h r . l . llFtt t t!as .A. Litue.i PlldahlT, 'u lall 'g i 4 " ith. ?XI Togo , Cbambentiorg.,• ma (tam thenbe IrslVogna;' , withAl. of hotoey martillitt dor butl'oigit.l..Wit wilhbero ptcparoil to format 6000 lbs. freight ditUr.' Apish/Kt* r.. 1) LTX,C • • novto oril.billtlS/b.L.F..14011.„, , No 13 &nob 'Mini t PIONEER ThANSPOIt Alum' imam, ; alkiMl - Magi BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND 211TiEIBBEEL Metti•s daPli bferchandise tramportil Id CwAl ram • • • • • Pc!ft. s rril 4,IIMOA*, Airy,* , - Trattrltivequgittie*.r; PRAXLEY k MARSHA . _turrl7 Lieff sty ea; , 1211118.10 ab' COM FAST EXPC.11;018 ' I M I NAIRAc VOB.CI I 4WEBLAND..tiILIMMIS ,EAsTEata. . • r. 7 1416; P;OMIitIM ULM hal* 1111, iigitliCAo• I. ...I are prepared to Glryeard paer4sa 1 'U t , T..! ,171 1 r,0 ..'19:71 1 ?" 6 " 4 "'ar'..;.:7 77 • '"' ' • '"'ROI3I,SMON/r BCC= orall: car. r -,,,,,, Setioudt Oradea sr, Elddronim , tailia rim :Tg/i/laPO,WrA i rbli : 411 ,4 1 ' I ' tie{ , E48,,0uLL ' 41.,;?„a1,...„e - 4,0, - un. continues in ren,cleily,pqucnili . nd =UZI 41x . i , 'pledfiiiby7lVK DAY LIN F: 1 ';',... 8. 2 1 _mg ,150,"rilrn=1XL.Wiitedn* 11 1, ill $0 14 '" • . ''''' 01 = 5 CLNAPOPit;. 4°P. PEask, '4l-11gD oino - untP l3 • - , •-- • • : '-•"...... TO /CCIi VlOll , I:—TAr.. ..„ ''''s t...i - . ' irrrOnlieDD'ANl;• I'LIILADEI4II-11A4 i ;Vae ) & 6 aura"-E'm"' TV , sit rifiei - 4 '-' A inah L lir b"% ne i rno e f ur eul. Y eeannineanthr "" 31gi or len llt of tannery next, using the .nit train Eillst a iebanablipniall 4 ld r ryx ernentee on'themigm" et A i HAD - i:.Fla 'Yank dli " , ?r : • ' _LEWIS a.BUTLI.I3, 211 t bin rlii& 44 0 4 _ Ilitusbam , s Entrens Wages fj9i n e, ..,t Mar la Axe my - i":, :Adak -1 ;•;,, , i - xIIIRGII AND 11 . 14,111 . 4 . anipq : =, hr. nw,..rive.DY-R.,0 i.c" - ~ ;111 I'm 1 Cer 'i lenve'Plandel 14 43 r 4na ' ri elga' ~,... 'id Chstatenabargln. tt P 44till i a,,,,, e '; *camel, and harias ?aro, of .1.0P10.4 tdeningdZ l A eeenle-s-,the- erntnaw antelni,elcondele. Dayst, ,No *sore Goals mill be receive than OW be IpT4IT4 Up babb,4o go that ;93, Mar will oe cur. !. 1 r we tollho pmarr,4 1,:? commis .oi, ii,,,,kny 'y I A PAIP .: , ~. Whr, auvuunkli-"?1 '' ' .;" A' . M. a ni ' 44 t D 1 r" nktb a 'L .'''ZqikrAti.Efifreitill ,1‘ ItIP L - EU .-tair k*l • ort . s - viirrt6gArr..T uarn7 MMldr r e tt P " r 4V A: A Al' a, mil, l'lr ~ ''l ' Allitt - On - iCitilinthen? PrtaL_ai . ..,. Mb; Vil reattsea to Iwr en tr./ thatnlth fans -years lome eenbin./ to Ve yblismin,'-eithei.lit. bottle ',XX •Illn 36 . 1 ".• lA'i n ir IV ~.ft taus ***made my bed. Daretlimunteern _ 1" °( °Ma r l I . 4 'exlllnn4ed for -media iii ornewitace rle mailer P ysieinna and medicine,,,' Lt.%, , u,..Jutozdat VA bur,,, , ithoarl rmeitiug'i:_„l umob'oglon•lldt: 441,4117 fgaTiriVin ' Tua n tarkli Vg.pte4l, and believe diet it ass DY r*t.C",..g p io l 4:meil v Vel e ighTirg 'lti tTairait=7l7ll44oo4.l tt d r 4 r t lr JA .V a Plqt'k "li "" 44 , 444.49 W,AA•• , „fill t,,,,,,,:iiii,tii,v 0440cquaty ) N. Inionnix 'LI lenhy,ed 'l'7 .. otWella thlllle , Mi4rdi PLAIN II landnxiiilofinterextid In .8/ ii on.- in 40 041.4* 00,, motiehiga . gLpc,ila..,eertl fi citte ler • On, eli - ofth....mtud. -7 4.1 1 ,&ti WO". JA ' ssirtrigraid,l4: v.; 5epi14,14:9. „.._ , i s c, , , ~, A'IVAZITE.24 4 ' ' ' lOWA YOUNG MAN. whose- eharseter IOW; 1:.:4 4 11 the strictest issestlystoo,ta L simation astl.,* Keeperr, or oy other desertpuon of employment-wilt Gsseno whether laborious or halm - Address k " JUSdfds •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers