BY MAGNETIC, VM9MBi ar.-TicisicitaUlaro Exaushtedy far the Pitiaburgh Osman% BENEV.III3 , :sEIX:CrMANT.:4I33Oter • CAW _ !". I 'lak/ 0,0,23 . 13 f 9 ; 7 The 0111041a11;ilatal ; .• elr• - .a *catty Ciado 1 Gl 4 o nington;,etY s l#4 . d has reneweiAb iewt . - the tezeittitt,Y44k:.# l o l 4tc r . h ! re qr , : hti NTF, t h at rtic uatops areeapsgedi add' rim berth s t ,,,,,ecol, , sp. ,: rnhiy., , eit!.oeon, who haws caught Afra,faratOiLiOn, aro „binnin g eominnia, , and caalttP4 2 ; l o re P." ( F: l "P at tr n.q . 4 ; I ...2rT N . T P : * . W , taxamarcetaan.23;lB46... The .o;itie - AtAketsssitaibeit.,orcan. peas re.aarahl , adia the.eapitol bon smelling::: A. aspenft' ', 4 titrimklv l A ß Y T lv s, P *l l` °'e6n l id ev atiou afre- , wazFrwai , of tha;CouvimtioNia lien of Ifr..,;o)4,laht.and of mom conciliatory and - m jr.wan,rejatted, how. ever, of 44ehate;and Mr Calheuu a.oLrn address adopted. , : 13=1M YORK AND CIAIBERLAND RAILROAD. t,lxt tail-gas; At altrernistechal . hellst the Exchange is this city to Ai ; for saianirds 1400 shares of the stock of the , troatemplated railroad, i.etwee t ii,tcele ruriillerrhibtieg. . „ PHILADELPHIA,. 141,RICET PintapaszinA, Jan. 23,18{9. hPhitilpitrb?r 63neign new. The ntlistrgeore et which eine.ll4hles have been elre‘cteAli,gi3i Rya ylour—:St4eB at 11.3A11.. . 09,040 i, at 62 , 15 0,9 3- per Guer—S4l!a , prime red Wheat at 12 _ 213 per Ca , *-'4lleitL, :oiyellowat 62e per ba. tilMi Rpatfl9e per . totieparee'ef 1500 bales at %evil ' , ' Provbrine:—..:Makes of men Park at $l4 and men beef at 13;54;ri bbL Sagar--.Sales 2Q p . at4lAll,2lcomera,ned 51 Cufre4.s . ales at Wfcli and 50151051 Vin• Lagaruay , 2l,. and in exten t to 2606 bags. W{j} gy--Saleiat 2s ets per rgina Barman, 3an. 23,1839. Fir A TM4.e.S. is held at a per bbl, but the price is abSTrilliWylcirpt of buyes.. City Mills held hightielliike ' e neglected. . G.06,1:-.50.0 prime vitals . Wheal at 11.2(fillk red Vatkr.Pei bashed, with minas antanat of 1000 , . ats3e ea prime white, and 66 fai, yeßat4ittlaiitaincanit 3000,bus. . Ryt-43 . alea a , ' 62a per txt Oate c •-4ides 'at 32e peiba. Proviganittere is nal" tutthrity in any uticle-- quotations are many.. .. • VlbiakeY-' 4 •3aleant.2 , ll vents pat - gallon. NEW _10& )MLUgi:ET. New Yoze; 31u1. x 3,1869. is-Do marked 'change front gee. terddy, tigrthe tomicet b ff angthiag more active, and ii,l4l,Kve iiiiounta woo btas elate and wcsceln .; Grain - The erl k dr m os ain is good tutd rawer, preiiiorim dm . et. • . Cari--.Szdes of prime yellow at dso per tm. PetiOtto*-Tbe market's' !margin Pork, but I illear . fot ea sales..lcrater offers voila be accepted. L44.45111C., . pit lb iribbts. Colton—There is no new feature to =kr-de manit is Lair.ind quotations steady. VO:dsltry--.Selecat 21e in hhds, and 24 tin Ibis P tisership Notice. THYINAB ICE. NEW, Jr" corner of Wood and tth street:f t -has this day associated wit bim in the Loolcinr:Giors and Vatietp business, Air. JOHN U. A‘V YEE., of hisitiettai Obi& 4 - Thor ton hereafter gill he liar:alma is Santana. . SW wurguaidman. , . tonght..linwrin. .75-741g3IEDTAIV. SLWIEggs T OtiIIEINGULA Moinfacturers, sod WiLoteasto We gehlets in.foreiro and dornestio ghtlety Akionth Western snerolwatsttlars , nog other* st.e_inmoul to outland examine theorizes end chalky of.onr met, with ourviewtiactessect &oilmen irt reortatheree• inn. Ittil.loarthwungrwe think wo tan tea la great inackpluuttliMrbllyers as 111.11 Y Ottla UM. I.", °the _ . war,' illtninlirrn;PAßSl3 Co. b aias? 1.4144 avenictr.atata.einiktr6 ,Itelacinots !be tuelmizori.ll bo - setted - br RAI. Parka or PAIL. 1310,. 4411q`:.°19'Alc, CHAS- - M: HEEDS Beim& Jan. 8; • Y. IL WM: Ct. LesPG ect. — e•LiCO4Aitis; late Reed, Putt awrits: FOR mamma ac. co.wassici - N dtArri4 Aud Agents, for the nitu PinsOurgh and Cleveland Litre, in Cleveland, O. Ilatur, Lute, Cleveland, O. : nuke , Express xeketan:Erie, h rit. Rotor to Li. M. Herren and Soluile. Cans Pitts burgh. • Head Qdressreers for Itootaand shoes, Corner o'Bz:diddled and Fourth ate, rtainstraan, Pe. ig TR gemZl'L.l.srjr, l b i=troed the , Fantail, weed recreating invite the 'Mention of then niends and the public generally, to their splendid new stook just opened, consisting of meals, Women's, Ikon!. Misses , and children's 'teems of every variety, suitable for. the seesonitutd prices to nit the line. Also, n splendid ,artiele of/Retain Gam Shoes, for gen tlemen and ladies., Please call and examen forgoer. senes. • ••• -TROTH & SCOTT Lenver Of Sr:WM."I ,I and 4th It. , rrillflL-Travelieg TnlabliemPol Reg., Re, Wens oninEed Mellow tor imitt. • , -,je3 ' - iistmamignid hiying.rernoiest zi*tiehErtnei T: wilt - Intend to Me proseeetion.Of claim on • Govenunetu, , and to 4131 . bostneai Leas the • CQUm oithe-Distdet,wiCsverbieb he goWtmsted: •. stni'DmEtn- - is 6.. k. Nut tub; 04:' 2, 4 5 5 5 . yl bbls,acoiebed • • '5 N ciew 0r00;. i-°-.1.0.b.11'14:4015--14000610; an.,soas.r;il. • %.. - .. - 14...Cut 'mould candles; .0 bbls . takegi6 tsviat Tobacco, prlmC. 100 butt closer seed; 10 000=04 dq • . . L001; . 1111.1 do; on hard and forsV i e4r o r . for cOsh, by .• • • :4302 TASSEY & ,11 -azuckhni. • exaction meat'' Prer„,„thse uuumer*.• i; ismin. .sh In ow Mt. each. mso W n ?., c fisted cl watztxt, mahte t and am The nble aeon_ c ana l Battic, near ._ =Ito!, seventh • .."111111711% AT. GREAT nancienrst ir 'CORD a CO, etialona , w close eat tide ruck a mai and Vietorlena fot .the seaway trill sell the Wince Ihnittraddir a 'good +min, at Lux and Farm r o w e l[ as Stature cetukon atueleo al EMI. TARN COST--to al:dealt:ay orcaddreapeWaSyinvne • the attention of petehasen. , NOW IS THE. TIME :FOR senoems. cal •at comer .Wood and Fifth lucent: ANTED—A. large .Neem, well lighted, aiul 'suitable le other 'effects ier the sr-commas. of a Select Behrl„, EsquisePit this office. indepenieut:Piacs ogee., a : FOUSTII STREDT.—Cceetaithes Magi.. NAcasexasilissais ~Chief of Pollee, Rosso -- • wit . 0. yarn No. • 11 Arroto . TT AT :oftW, YonttA street, neat Gran • • / r. CLUGAR-48 Rime 0:'4."01N bblo Loaf, 10- 10 sorted Nos, . ' bib by - FR. IIHEY &Co • 1220 • - EANE-42 LAD white:Deana, „. \ ba t I l lta. db j.„ l " J.t enleAr MUD., ED LEAD-18 , 1mo' for sale FEILWD, RIL 'W R tiins rig Ira; is for sahib)! N TT JOHN WA SWitlitiai—rd Posh prime Clover Seed; do A :timothy .dm lbs Wertom ReserepEbeere.„ • imarreeirod.suul (or es,lo, by jaw , ,JoHN . . iL ta rboya In atom - add (Oriole br yq A , INtiirrEgrocii & co, corner Ist cod wood OS i.lll4.—finliblo in morn and for rolo'bi . - Ala4D' • d3IL"F6IIN.PST=S. &Co DtaZkrrant'am,-900 *nth Pesehei; 414 D gPPkg,;A dmgrecayvoin; for saleby - - PRIEZY, RIMY Co Tiver i tter i or. , . , 9_f4a , 4oo.o leo • rPRIEND, JET Ak.'oo CIASSOEt 011,-15 for ralebf V:" - - • • FRIEND. HMV &Co CiG]tßl+ ~ , dee I'W . giNTED, at ¨aut. • N 110U/IW/1305S CI.3 I I:EJ' 51X.8.-+Mbbla and 10 bus strictly wino ,cloycz /pod, in sung and fen sale by LB WATERMAN , ROllll,-100 blls prime wheat Renzi 23 do sw...s• . Ey. ov, Ivz huaily use, in store and for. tale by sru. bush Term Pea Nuts, to store and' deete JAB DALZELL • ff.-10 h "cairn Moor, Just landlns•aad ley latu - . 1 8 DILWORTH/1 co .y \rrrl fdae:?7••••-•-",i 4 bids dee lost ' landing j es l, 3 P a'all S DIVADISTR d. Co_ JOI and apt. 11a4. - ilbtik—esMets kir sale kx.TRA,FA,ntLf,' AftIBSTELLM'G eble Nelidar 7 -kelga dOdoi. di see, Qttea)a.TEe Pladt4L4 F eather es. t ds . a y i r e,. for s p O is 4 dd do lyblte iVlti4?lBlkibidrcE7 fmul ., 0114 v Jot ang, tpol vppr gp . ffre-K5.r. 11 . 4 'ARP CillaZP.,-200b.vrprima cram etteeov, m fOf Palo 19w, o,9r .t gr i lsN*2 7 LpXteRMS:-.1,10 e 0r0m010 , .3 esirskor cileby . jet J VIIPPER*.kpESTNTOLO 636 repker; ittdo rimstais,-.. stpre and (evade • • IWILLEII. 4 RICIUITDON THE; PITTSBUIt - - -ANDArkiti Borah, ratiaihaTl:4l lie W.. 19 . 1.!1tt l h P021...3:411,:50505;15-- 1144:21:41111. IC 2IO P S r tu ft ed. v4O 015 Chloridela, east. SAO, 7, Coeltitutak*,.... v i 1M 02,,0ht Cream 121,,,..he 5 ....1.,24 0_22 arP.... ..... .. ... ........... Galls Iso o -isa , Guth an* ' . 51 1 070 132213 30 0 50 0 - s'll i 0. s• klattio... •• • --101,2 5 f ,.„,. „ . .... 50 01, 0 0_: . 1W 1 1 1 1,114,1o;;,i.. 65-0400 Li1b trja.......31 S' •Larci, ° E ., ..... .0 0 00 raa ju p ....... - 40 0 - twt. , ..z ta 33 , 51 • ea, Marro- •• 41 0 11 Mas2lo,-Costuaoa• .- 0 Oil $1, , ,, .-... I , , ,, Zrkey ..... 04 5 4 s !' s " Castor 1,55 01,75 4 Ca uld 410.403,50..., 4 .Clovest- - ....2,55 1 5 4 51 Pep'mo ..... ••.2 t 5O 02,1 x. Ophtm,Turliey•: , 4,75 esmi istt .. 0 :-..... 03, 'Rhubarb, ressb - • .32 0 50 ...941•Amentato, 10 .0 10 • VI, ; m 0..... ri:4ol ,111 • , Dye Ililt 5 Pt It 4 Catttw io ood,t•s. .• ars r.• 00 0 • r Rat Loierrood, aimed. • •202 21 Veathers-ftty "RS per. er SJ pr. cent. Pots ••t• 41041# .y .• Sale •••••"- -453.. • Ash • •fiel: • - 17 41117', Arnetibanet.. 4,.K.1%80r Oat: -w Raltint -pet 4•-• .'lpt6e}r .8011 704175 • ker4i dor_ -t•A‘." Pita Heaver' ' HTe sivax-rDury 24r. Vello Mt& - 131 zeus-Sr ton. • Dl $65ObV Hoge;Lnm p oszto-br doz. Mere ble 1,95 Kw , Shal 2,2592A9 -13 krk-r cord. Chez ut Oak ..... .s.sooeccr Mac Oak ...... ~,e7 4 04,50 C -Duty 30- - per ct At th river--•.r .5 054 Cotton-bury Tenn 4 and_Atabams. • • •3101,5, . ChooolAte-f. Ntimber 1. i• • - .... 404nt • • c ot prep.eed I'eatA i er-rDaty 20 p0r.5.4 on btd ' z , 31/101 Mzt.7lib 024' ti Ott itpebealge-Irst btunds• ea. CsbnU lb - Fnalhiry KO deg': W b a Oa oses..oo.l3z•n" Corr welsher sod re ad /rib aes4,L4 C tton Yarzilb-f .94•• N Itto No.lo ...IL. - 21 1 4 tee;ixgniittnPdvilEtaN° lB4 ree .1 , 4144 , A , . 1.4 • 4 700. . Vo Ci r ) ll •IP•; ; :•Zi aj li c1 u dn.e.e.n.1.0•413119, Cotton Twine MP. Cobb Wick.-- • • • -015 - -Coth.-DatysB..per .Tevt, Old ze lM bite , ,,...., - .7110131.. St. Doln1 0 ." tl# l- t , a ' e1 .... .... M.^^ ••-4- • . ft , Copper -D;d7l29Prtnidt. • Ida andel/ ¢pt . F. old bee., .BheiallhE•ytnr. ; t;f 4o7 Idi • • • ..... cake and ;IWO . Cordagle,DlW 4 Opx:cett.. Manilla • - mite Tarred • •-•••....- hal; pun,. (Lie,- 9 " corozoort* , -0-8..-1 - Hemp Bed. Crisper 1 1=Lina5?..,r ,, 1 8701 4 18 40yd bwgh. 8 . 46 P I S 62 fr. 21:k 62 DizzAsilaberwraiserz, - 1,11/0.111 Oman - Shfge. d nai.. 4 .. rr a Atte& .Oregon D Union P;6- laird - Vart il LlD Lornise C-• , Z. , ...••••••• 1116 I 5-tbraern , d okeddo• 409. o do , —• dd.:.llLia.:: 13 - 46.2 81 10, -7-7- A. c. A. • • •74212- 'llledrnens :..... .....:-0 td x{o9 f , 1 1 .11 vet Enna --o tO gentooky ...... •• • 0 31 cobiok.Peoarylvo.• -- 9 lonondo 04100-2 11 Soft le 0 15 gad ....... ... • 0111 Carron% Unto. • • -1 0 10 11 Filbeol-- alea Groandenno•- • --- 1,112.0 Turkey- • -• • 1210 Plascos•.:7m - kaa Mom, eild-•-•ev ;•-• - [ Cluberries ...... Lnts,Sledy eoz 6.00 ' 0550 Oroa - do. •••10,599_ p too pploo„ . tes,oreenA6l. 1,0001,25 nollrav ".• • •• • Use Cotamba• •• .:-1 5 - It 1 1 y 9 ' 91 Flo 9:50,11o0,110--- 0 4.1 8 . 0450 Sopestaze•-••4,09 Oen ••-... oye ticur..--;-;230 o - lairaeshead,lo/ 10 1570 -0 `. Rene. .4 ."I"`btatt.„, Biqa .. ............ 19 north— . 1891- 019k-dal7 tmGotols. coo 3 cent • 1,, oot " Nnl,lol. bbla.• •• -0 II No. 2,• • - 9,900 - .1 1 ,104 1:0,17151s,•,• • --.0 - 6,7600,09 - 0 ••• nerdn6,No , ft• 6,7306,02 g 19 0 131 97. . 4 9 04,50 - Cod i z „ r dram • •-• ' 1 :1 1D ; Bizeraaa,.-7- o Deem s. . - tPei 0 / 9 m- Stookßoam • *, im l o 9 a 0 9 0 0 emu 0 9 09 C 0190.5%.925,90r.....111,01-, 05,05 "Windaw pea box- City broads., , 12.r.L9 • • .... - tarp Palm eto., 1!14 tee 165514 • • ..... —lO 300 .15 Coontry brosea. ..... _ —.4960175 G anima!!! ar--Daty PFFG 5,25 05,50 Eagie, lbs 03,00 Da. dos. lb. estaises— tirip FFFQ do E.411.9' e4OO gook paved= ..... 3 3 M Grafts—D.4 -20 R. l RP . ^'T Blue k Orsago 9010 i Tack Tick. 101. -Zia 17 -Macs. . . - • ,1?) 12 • 10 ft 11 ....... tutacelda• • Azzaw Scot latalfonis— COMMERCIAL RECORD .11.1.11 AMAIN I Banl sets. Bun rises. 1019 JANUARY 40 Satarday, ....... ..... 414 Sunday, Mariay, eaneauqrs' Valh --••••••• ...... ME• 1 p•vr ex!. ulie. as 'r - •-• rose Tut -In= iranso Julius* 23. The week jpd duped hae•heen one of general tlelettirencend rio narked change has transpired in any: branch of iiislizers. The weather has been' changetible . ; The Rivera; alter attaining a high I :mark, have graduallfreceded, and from this point t o ports below' navigation has been free and open --receipts of groceries and proviWous have been quite fag, and for the past few days tattiness along the river and through the city, has aisaiWned some activity; in the way of general transactions to city and country trade. We may say then, that els though in the midst of winter, our tattiness corn. manly have no came to complain, the more so from the fact that the river fiem this point West is free of all obstruction, and unless severe weather cinattes, the, present partial' reaction in trade mad izontinue,voth considerable activity is pro. st o tsions andprodsuer generally. In reviewing the transactions of the week, we have no heavy sales to notice, and our exhibit must,to a greit degree at least, be confined to re( ale limited or retail transactions. ASHES—fibs El:attire malntaine as usual quietness, with tot marked - ablaze in any article. .poieelide:Of all binds bays been light, end tram talent limitediat quotations. APPLlitrOf 'green-.apples, large quantities oantictue to arrive by river, and the market is tether ourdmpplied, and dolt The sales of the Week, in 'regular limited lots, have amounted to lowa 390 bbis from atom at prices ranging accord ing to quality from 790 to SIX g bbL BACON—The receipts of the week base been Partial,and but little has been done in the way of aali* l "We give quotations . is table, with small sales. BULK. PORK—The receipts of the week have been Bill, but u large quantities of it have been tanight out of the market, sales have been on a re 'ittikttel [cubs, and the article will not command over 3i to 40 hoground. .BUTTER Fatg butter has become scarce, and :prices base partially advanced since oar last IPweekly review., For the past few days we note mdes amounting to some WO kegs at 916910 p 801 l butter is in fair demand, with• regular sales la bbls at 120139 p th BROOMS.—Receima have been partial; sup. plies are Braked, and the demand continues very g 004., SAM .11/ 44101111 . rii,lisUe been to a fair extent at quetillota. BEESWAX—WHIT small suppiLm the market is quiet, dad very little doing in the way of sales. We may quote hunted transact ons at 200 BUCKETS AND TUBS—Receipts have been light;hat !supplies sacra - about raided to the de. mind, with regular limited ides of the former at 2,25, el the latter at g 9;. doe, (tom store. . . . :MIME—Bow smell lets Shave arrived do. ring the - week,' but supplies arei limited, end the Market gain. We sae regular sales of WA in Waited leis at sliii:s4e, and of cream at 6107. per ' I : taiElitalnB-4itodenite sales from tore at .01,75(ilOgliv ha . Loge lets would fail short of T ete pgures: &applies OM fair. . t „„n Mate-Prices remain without change. jigh,..4l9lellin er the nunk foam sla et, m nre auto iniate• to rate .salos as ..7#' 4 ,„4 0 ,,, areWhal":43rard' C°i ni,. 4ll:, ...=' 4llji: Sr' fire Of ccnotit isdlY al 5050* Of 12 " t s v i rt e sr Gtrd r ra and sheotinsi, correct quota.. aeuend tables DRIED FRO ' IT—The receipts by' 4 .!7 wntin ' no.gtille full. and the market is Imo,. . 0 2Piecd , and ' , The transactions of the wee' .` t v m ° wattled by no heavy operations, sales • 'Store being Confined to regular limited tots at, 'peaches $1,1200 1 , 10 , - and for apples at 10, 56, and 62a bu—ns in qnniity. • RGGS—Recepts continue light, and sales from int 'hands' by tihkano box have been effected ta ree from store at 18018 c per acting 'the weak.39SA•olosed, gen eral quietness has prevailed iitthe leaticei. ear. aiderable quantities have arrived by river, but the whole amount of sales on wharf.have Illobabli not exceeded 600 bnlrat 0.0030,96 bbl Bales from store are confined to regular limited ions at $ 4 , 4,l2lo4^sesoctiolf filial- ItIIigiIIyBUCICWHEAT • FLOlTlL—Hertuler, salest:filitalrOGll - gore . at 3210 W bhli and • Acitimbeat at rp'loo.'r fdrip• Plies • • PaG,Yra--Freights very 'twee and ve . ilhim:°l4.°4tAq -frdeithlit Stint' (Oraweg,— ~rogolat„pokevVi-euutatl„ . Pi' h manufasatured t0.1.0c; art tolOds"2oe - "net' Pretisinsugere taken yirsterday . farNaahyiUe•akmi.t/rlieavp;:aud 50'o'forlighlif. and )•few Orleatis at 580 peil.oo. • Taii%)to -04 1 01e:40 0 , Viur.ore.thet • ; ht Tod'_laaatintir D Leech fi dai I 'rem lwa fialt OW chirps are far heavy 4 - , - Aztrit' - PIittECOMENT, 13 ? "..-4 4............. • • - 24 030 Barley, „,i5OO 153 • Olste-per hi PlOsb•Comnsea•-.....• 1 ./ at /3 SO3IOP-„P 01 7 , ?.. 9*-r cent Cabs per goWd-o ••:r. .., - ' , Western comb p. 3518 - 0 A 2 0 ;Cllstassag-Mty Oilpr. ei. C 336608•••-• 25 . vd nay-- um 4 0 001 b -.- ,limotby pci - 800 9 , 96 : 11.1dEesDati 5 per evnt- Missemri•.-413 ti, Do: ~.,= .... a - - 0 h. ,, , Doi 3 iPPePer skin i'4,00 MP , •,,. -. Green•••o 4`' Hemp_-Dory 95perceillo7 Missouri ,t.Ky • - • 51.067 M r anillsi 1b... •• • 119,0 - • Mops-UHT 8) percept. First spl. 48.•••• • • 100 BP Bc. lntitcp:9ktty . ...."l.o s Be ci r4: 6 6 o l. Spanish LW OLIO' Manilla 13 01,00 t liorh-Bstry 30 per cent 1 4 144 4= 3 4 o e4 11 thief 5lO 7_6 Boiler ?hilts-- • • • 6 0 Ot Nall.. . • .... -4. - •• 420 6) Pi o .6 3 mtds • 4ea 6 Slabs ,4 0 4I Kon - ia Sheet gp is Lead-1I ty 20 per cent. Missouri Pig •490 - Bar ..... -...t. •••-• - 0 43 'Die size. Pipe per 11. 440 • 12) Sheet ..... •• • • - .. • .. 0 0 I 4 Leath - Or-Doty, 20 pr cL Sole, Baltimore. • • • 'A o'22' • ' New Yotlct .. . • •• .14 0 11 Rl= - - - - 4 1 2 8 i ril 5:1 4 Skirting ' 10 ' 21 Harness, bliek•-• • .19 0 II Bridles, lihick,pedos. sides... • • ••• • MT 039,00 Bassett do 34,00; 042,00 ,Upper Ambled. .92,1:0164N) Xms, finished. • .24,121035 W Celt Skin d 0... • 15,00 0211,01 Lace. Leathe • • • 18,110 0 No, 1 per dos... '0 - , No. 9.perdos•••• 0 - No, 2 per dos.- • 0 20 ,Sheep skins ' 2)0 5 Lumber-duty 21 p. c, .d vaL per M. Zoe l'r in, pr BL - 0W.,00 CenAt Cl 14 le " •• - • •- 011,00 ear, "• - 033,00 Owed 11 *••••,•••••=• 0111,50 Clear ' 2 u•-••••-- 044,00 Wekd MT 1 in do , - - 419,21 Ito. common. r•-• - 0 — 018,00• Pine ablier 101:02,50 0 3,00 I..aths,uror „ 9,25 0 2,50 'LIT" EIP,o r WO lbs rit, titeeyes .. ... l-i• 000 4.20 a k...1 91061••••-••---: - 0 30 Cows & Calyes••4o2 010,02 Esbeep. , -..---1,1M6, 9,00 lioLaasei-Daty SO pr. eL ilmrszhouse•- . 40 e: LS N.Orleans• .• - • • • 27 0 98 Hlivral Stnvm-Dary We Rusin per bb1.... "Par, hnellheltY • - 0 - 1 * N. 0u01in5..4,25 0 ;NI !petiOng gail• •• 60 0 70 'Varnish, Copal-1,75 0 VP „Balls-Doty 3:12. 1 % -pet 1, cent ( ma. Ivance per .1 . 1.00217 d Juniata • • 3500 '3,73 80 941 * 4000 60 7d * 4210 '-• do ".. ..... ilAO• 13taea per • d* Preyed ----• 6+o 6.4 Boner Rivets--• 0 7 00ctusa lb— 0 med WM7 1. 1 4, • • • dbOab Olive •e-- 101010 1.45 0 Sperm bleached 0 1,3 Unbleackbeel • lAld i.---. 0 I Wheat, • - 75 0 10d Tanners per bbl. 1.7,00010A0 Palnts—per lb. iilun• • • • COO to Lempbbick 510 7 Bps& Whitbig•—•• •Ito Chrome Or 33 0 65 Yellow No.l 33 0 33 .No.: M 0 t 3 Brunswick Green••l3 0 so Mite Lend dry• • • 610 Oil, pure eg••1,50 1,04 " No. 1 —0 135 Red Lend o ceuh YeEdm Ochre.-- -10 3 no_ Vert, Red 1 0 6 0015 Verdigris•— 30 0 0 51.. Z, and for light 51,50 p 100. Return charges Cattle Market. by same line-heavy goods 52, light 52,50 p 100. Ausatmsy, Jan. 22, 1519. From this point to Baltimore hy the F•ciipse five B y .EvEs _, goodly number wt. odered at the day line; for heavy goods 51,25, for light 51,50 p 100. R eturn rates by Lyme line, k., b ean 10 ,,,k , yard on Monday, and all taken at 4,5005,5% which 51,371,f0r light 51,50 ip 100. showed an advance of 25c p 100, since last GRAIN-We nonce nothing new in the mar. week. '.'Jet Receipts have been moderate, sad supplies, sifiEv_No,•,,, were daft , Good sheep are with the exception of barley, are limited. Sales '• _ arit , 2,25 h. have been confined to limited lots from atom at the following taker. Wheat 70c, 4.5a50,' 3 ,, BOGS-Sales to • fair extent were effected at rye 40045, corn 3253, and Ms at per Sip ,100 Lit bushel. • ' - • - Faso= hi suirrstas-Al the opening of. dal CROCERTM-Duting the week, cresiderablit - Thum .a marc . et . f air 1 accessions have been made to the supplies of as. , last evening, there were aCI gar, molasses, and rice, but so fax as we eon es. attendance of purchasers at the following general certain, prices generally are about the same as list of pricey need in our last weekly exhibit. Sales of N 0 su- Retail Prawn to the illhasond Market. gar in limited lots. amounting in all to about 50 Wedbosday frimning, Jus.ll4 bbd. at 41 to 51, (or fair to prime. Of common ApPlys.arrik 1.0016 ::: .. mi 40 5 old, and of new crop, we may quote rev il er sales B.r.,;•irri4e r. • f r n' 6 iddbaa .1 7 0 C'.. , lr i t r e• p.k . • ••:-... - 3 Ir li .1 40 for the former , 41 to 41 for the latter - ___E,,,... d ..,_ . •"" 3 0 5 Pudding Lines, pa 4 0- Bales of 200 bbl, N 0 molasses in lota of 10 to 15 —ga, , ,,,,5.........--8 aa litrork.befteria 5 0- bbls at 27, 2703250 p gas--as in quality. Sugar. --Qs:users • ....- 0- —Hey P ay. •• 4500- house molasses is in fair request it 400150 p pall, 0 . 0 4 p bnusb• • ... • 30 4 Pwwilaily bosol • • 30 4 or.. .•. 1 . p1a ... -010 in small lots. Regular sales of loaf anger, St Lou I Omgr o r , frlti Me n t . lb .. - e ) ign , : tr2 p.Ard r' t re.riP is refined, at prices ranging, according to quality. I D. apytsitt• too- ....._-.....,-, t nins i t v ph.. O rr= Bto 10b f 55. Rio coffer is disposed of In i Be et s in halt. p pia -0- h., 0 ph•••• --0- regular limited lots at 7, 71 to 71c yr 115--as in -851'd grecn, oqi -0- .Valeh•L I Pell- - -.e quality . Sales of rice in limited lots by tierce at' F....ain•l_P B ch ... 30 1 I,niti ! it 9 1 .•• • , 4 2 1 .. SC/slc 0 Ri. For prices of other articles under '6... umt ;,.. , 4 ,.... _7,,,L. 1 1 ...tte ir t r veelt _ - ;= - 1 this head. see general table. Chietuns,lini,gs ps -0- r r aunge.;ls. ••• • 7 0 8 GLASS-The market is quiet, with a fair reg. tiled .... --e• Aillint —Mei 807 War demand for window glass, at potato. ~,,,....,,,, c ' b rereit t,4 h. 4 . 0- ceet...Driel • Bedortetea --0- 3 018 found in general table. Of ant glass we give the cb,,,,, e , r qt..... .-0- I .—D r ise 014037 following condensed table of prices: C./ . 0, green, f dor-0 - Tiuksys.liritisetr • 0 - Currants,• rniou Pqt -0- —dewed. •• • 600 75 Plain Tumblers i P 4 from IW. 10 ox eac h, r truck., 4., ip , pbr• -0- Veal, bed sate, 0 lb -0 ni dos, net, 316)32 _._ c i c ... h 37080 ~,.t. ,,,,a w r ri es, P qt -0- Pressed do l and l pint, tram o,to 10 flute cusp.- ..... 1501 n FISH do do 6201,23 Gene, dean, elide • 310 . , eti, p beach-• Decanters, qt, light 2 ring, glass snapper 7y7 Mulberries, IP qt, -0- r , do do heavy 2do cork , ni - . • at a aaa.. , . _ 3,73 _ 1 -tana r a ' in' P -0 61, a 604 do 'do do plain do 2 r. Hominy, lii qi 607 . FLOUR do do do pillar d 0... •.... ...... ii: g t_t== t , rm. , - 011 Wbga r t., MD Ito .2.00 0- Wine glasses, plain OP 41-20 0-- .fly. ...... •• • -a do do pressed 770 Lod, 1.0.4,.. lb. •-0 0 i . . i Radiehes, •• • -11 , bunch Egg plant • 0 Pitchers, qt, plain 1,87 01 , 70 Iluckleberries leqt- 0- Tamales, p 1 pk • • —O - do pillar and ribbed 7 9 5 M b ,' Pqt .• • • .-0.• Mellon. each •- • do Iqt or creams EL...- Molasses Cana, pt plain 1,25 do do do ribbed 1,57 Plates, 8 in. pressed and fig 75 Castor Bottles, Rated 83 2,50 tars, 1 gal, Laquered cover do gal do do 3,25 HAY-From wagon, wa note regular sales of . good timothy at 8;4059 r too. HOPS-We note limited transaction from stone by bale at 100120 p lb-as in quality. IRON AND NAILS--Siee quotations in general „table. 71 4 1 791 4 3 791 4 4 7,Z) 4 9 719 4 9 719 4 7 719 5 9 • -• LARD—Receipts by river have been to a large extent, and in the way of general sales a lair a mount of business has been done. By lota of 10, 15, and 20 kegs we note sales at fllo, and by the bbl id 51 to Oc Ri. LEAD—Regular sales of pig from store at 41a, and of bar at oat io lb. Bala of lead pipe at prices ranging according to quality from 61 to 121 p bat. LEATHER—With a quiet market, a fair reg• alas business is doing at quotations. MALT—We continue to quote sales in a reg. nlar limited way at 74130 c p hu. 011.8—LSales of linseed at 56(357c, and of lard at 58060 c, with pay for bbla Sales of Tanner's oil at $1%419 p bbl. • PIG METAL—The market has been very dull, and no sales have come to our knowledge during the weak. The American reports a sale of 300 tom pig at Hanging Rock furnace landing, at 828 on time. POTATOES—SaIes of beet quality frcm store at 51,4081,45 p kb!, and by the sack at 504362 e p bushel. RAGE—We note regale: ealee from arst hands at 3831 c for mixed. ROSIN—Soles of N C at 3,25 p Obt SOAP—Sale. of city and Cincinnati manoke. tared main at 4, Al to 41—es in quality. Of Vas negated at 101 c p m, by small lots in boxes. STARCH—SaIes at 610 p Et. TAR—We note regular sales of N C at MO 4,25 p bbl. TALLOW—SaIes in a small way are generally erected at 7c, p ih, YINEGAR--Sales of 10 bbl. good cider vine. gar from store at flBole p gall. WHISKEY--The market In without any ma. *aria! change. Sales of recalled at 19(i219k per gallon. WOOL—Receipts have been very light, and prices from Out hands remain steady at the fol io...ring quoted rater: Co,'mon 'W001... ...,id '•,l be:7 1 do..' • Full do Our general table zhieh .has been thoroughly revised an d corrected, w a': Fermat fair quotations for el articles not dada:wed in Um above review. . • .• MONEY MARKET.. • Witutve no changes to notice in the local mon. key market, unless it be that mosey Is scarce, and lin'greater . derareL The- kalOwing are the rites of exchange at the Sinker's bOard: Selling rain r.,,, ~m v..:: g reet.' - • Nwp Yorlr, , i pm, Philadelphia, . k• " Louisville, L. Baltimore, k" St LIMAS, "•• SANK NOTES - Buyillg WO:. OhitS ' ' 1 ais. CoacCity orderk, 1 dia. 1.4 i.. . ~., ..•• " Roller Notes, " ginilic 3 4 , " " " :Xi r ile Co. " • 'tfinnial 4 4- , •-• ".- '" - NME. q; , " !" .'d7" 'kneeling -i " . • ' ' " , , .... , • a :, r . Tonneeles- --, • 10 " 8 W Chlalas; • , 1 ~,, PlO Netal- pr topy.6)oo.L Alleeteny. .No. L Foundry •-- 0 FOrue• • Mowing Rent. No. 1 Foundry. - - 'Tennessee 0 - Metter County. Fatesdry Pig 11 - P giloninT County, MO. E*.4 7 7 FtP• • •-0 " Nailer Parts--do zy -0 , f7; Destro Paris. • • • 0 10 Provisions- Been Mims ~.. 85 07 - -0- " /fides - 005 , lbground, city care 03 connuy do. 0i •Lard No. 1, In kgs • • - dattof 2, in kits. " Lin bhls--0 Butter " 1, in kg.. •EL10: Pi " In roll-10 0 12 'tense, W. B. 810 7 61d2 51 Crack's, Ping). Warr. DO. gig°. 4,03 ..... --0 4,72 retaiteara-per Nediannocki p:1;111 1.3701,50 untry 431344 C ,itlial4-141sy 5 per cent. 30 11Blesepe0.90odwal lb ts -0 4 - 5 r Aire- 0•005-dutyLintecd,20pc• Clover,- .L 240 - Timothy 1,7302,00 Thutseed 03 2,50 0 3,03 Spices-per lb. Cloves. 99 0 31 Ciunger ria in Zeal. • • • - 0 25 G 9 0 Minna 1,40 0 1, 10 0 PcPPnr- 7 0 9 Elspice• 121 suaikerecit-por V 11 10 4,1 * - 14 134neem. .... 0 Soap-Duty 30 per sent. Cilinncinnati sburgitNo. 1•••• 4 450 4. 4i Stasi-per IC, Foreign ,Guth Shear-•-•• 16 0 17 .W i ltOarmati 0 13 Jzle • • • • • • 0 11 0 16 Pittsburgh Manntaatur4. Gerouintgeel-• 0 64 blister••• •• 0 11 bUster.• • • 0 6 4 1 4 B Ptt.:" . • . • .. • 5 1‘ , iipaaa=cr ran. • 60 1111 2916-- 1 ::1110 ° 11 f50 ° Ron,..Tamiolth 04,50 0 9591 a. GO • 90 'N 40 0 10 1,715 111.4111 . *Daly 30 .. t pr emir. t' l / 4 9•e n g h4 ) 3 1 , 66)••• • 450 Itriana, whim, lb 9 9/ MUD" lb. 90 SI Musallea I/ 0 73 :Calabripo e t... a ..... ...... ..... I,cc 69 0 0 3,9 7 ' Wool per lb—Duty 33 per emit. 1111.1 . b100d 0 .3) :I blcod blood 0 23 mid Common 191 0 4 Tub washed 0 3/ Wldakay--per gallon. Rectified.-- —0 Raw Monongahela •—• • . —0 20 Zino—per b nett • • ......... •• • • ..... • 0 10 Slab 021 Preighte—per 100 lbs. To Cincinnati Thy Goods • 200 Heavy. ........ .• •• —•-- • 12015 To Lonissille. Dry Goods. Heavy Froth Louisville to th Dry Goods 0— k:teary To Bt. Louis. Dry Goods ........ •• 37 Heavy.. 30 0 7o Cleveland and Erie. Dry Goods Elena, _ To and front Broom/villa Dry Goods (down) Produce, Ike.(up). To Nashville. mwry Tovnming. Dryowd. a." ..... 751Zannyffle K.y. To New Orieana Heavy Goods 600— Glass, he • —o— or TOMO= ON 711 IiNNNTLVI. Ashes, Pot and Pearl, 40 45 Butter and Bacon, 45 60 Ileac salted, 45 60 Balm rope and Bagging do 70 Beeswax, do - 62 Bones, do . as Brooms, ir drl 1,60 C0 , 6 do do 6 40 0 Co tto do 60 Chilled Rollers ; — Dregs and bledielen • l,OO Dry Goods, . Dried Flail 75 Flour, per bbl. GO 65 Pon and Peltries, per 100 lbs LW Feadiers, do 1. 0 Furniture, do in Glassware, do 62 Olga, Window, per be 0 0 Green and dry Iron per 100 Itni 73 Ginseng, per 10 lbs. 60 Groceries, do 00 I Harderare, do 75 BM., do Damp, 70 1 Ilideagra. 73e; dry 010 do ) do Loather, do 00 Lead, do 40 Lard and Lard Oil, do ta Castor do 75 L oo, Loseed OIL do 75 Port, per bbL do 0 160 Rd" per 100 lbs. 65 Rope 6 and cordage, do 03 Specie do 00 Feeds, do 70 Bluns,Deer and Buffalo, do 75 ass, do 43 Tobacco, Lea, do 60 do Manotaetarad, do 71 NVbsiu, do 0 :key,N.i per bbl doe 67 la TO TICE LAT Tll KOSTISIMOILL nays il_olvetll24l, Pldlad. -- .0 - 21alt-Daty 'Alper won. No.l, deal. 0 1,15 1, In itere.-- —0 1,50 Tolle, doz. box— • -0 — 212562-Dory to per ma. Per keg.- 015411 Pet 0 1,572 thaltpotro-por lb. 24122petre•-•••- ••• I 0 10 , Toliarno-por 1:0-410per , et. ad for cash for orsoutd Waimea Duty 40 Ft. et. Ciptletaf— —•• 4 0 6 11010761•16 •• • •••-4 0 7 liedies , Twin--1010 le Plng•lnkep• 90 0 Plaginbezes-44 0 17 Cavendish— 0 6 [ 193 Lamp in WY. •. 0 lid 114 " `.•.—•19 0 V lea " "•—•l9 0 14 Pesach' snuff— •• H 0 10 '\ l an a frDra ih pap. • : g Twa—Duty :0 per cent. b e ,pedei—• —• •63 0 BO Gunpowder- --• •43 0 79 Is strut v oVeen•-•• 25 0 W Yes— 30 , 0 7e• Tin t o— Doty 13 pr. et. Barns oet-••-• ••• 0 — T . I x• 10 611 : allaw—Duty I V O pr. emit Rendered.-- 7 0 Bough-- ..... —— • • 0 41 Soap Grease. •—•• • 30 31 I Vtees—per tem 1 Bad boxes 0 16 Clam, No. I—Aahea, Bah. Pall. N. IT; Bacon, Boner, Lard, Owen, Pork, Tobac co, Tallow, W.Gtaaa, and Wlthdry prloolb. Pao No2—ltesap, Flax in bales Class Na.3—Driod Fruit Leather, Old Rage, - Seeds, Wool, Chtse No 4—Beenraz, Feathe m rsat Lbooa.gos n , ,G l =4. 11°P. harlsie Is F%laa surane Bates 01 Insaranee on WV= 0 steam and keel boata. .. ... .. . , F'm Pittsburgh to Whalmg,Vo.lo I . .to oM Crop Cincinnati, 0 0 ooinnlle, • " to St. Lonu,' ?do y. 1101 " u m iloonrille,do 1 0 • " tolodepeadonco 202 * " teGolesto.,llL 1101 • "to hlempta,Ten 101 " to N. Orleans 1201 From N. Orleans to Pittsbiugh. •1 01 St. LOSIiill• , I*ol Cil t = „ bi n rod Flat Komi .. • • Ily 40 pr. cent 1 . 1.,010 at NI) N - E5 1,00 e •75 1,,T. ESE PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED, &We, Jacobs, Brownsville. &home, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdoch, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Beaver, Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Zachary Taylor, Lucas, Steubenville. Milian's, Grabill, New Geneva. Lake Erie, Shales, Beaver. • Dr. Franklin, McLure, Ctn. DEPARTED. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Beaver, auk, Beaver. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Beaver. Lake Erie, Sholes..Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Telegraph, No 1, Hazkip, Louisville. Germantown, Maclean, St Louis Then :titters A. (era 0 inches-water in - amine by pier mark, Mit evening at dusk, and falling. BOATS 'SAVING THIS DAY. Cincinnati Packets,lo A. M Bioarnsailla Panama, 8 A. - M4 and 4P. B A. m., and AT. M Looirville--Telegratia No 1. , Vacating—Zachary Taylor. Cincinnati—New England No 2. St. Loris —NorthMyer. Nashville—Geritiva..:-` Fon Wtnamlna—Thei fine •steetner .Zachary Taylor legless en alio% this day. The Z. T. has engaged as a omelet:Nibs:sling packet, ea — we wish Cept Lucas that " . .success width his merits so richly descrlic.' Tun Azsourrir,—The Ire was running quite Gealydo the Allegheny yesterday, but not suts hciently weighty to be much in the way of steam.. boats' ear-ending the Ohio. IMPORTS UT RIVER. Ciseinnats--Per Dr. Presidio-276.d' lob, 3 A Hachluta & co; 895 pas bulk toito,l , Torier; & co; 1 9.0 kg. sausage skins, L Bahl; 31M beans, 3 do buckwheat, 1 do lard, 1 do eggs, Church & Carothers. ' - Per New Erightbd No 2-195 pkga potatc;es. W Dyer, 5 hhdgbacoo, W Greer; 1 do- 1 bb bee& 2 do lard oil, GB. Massey; 1 boa tridseD Leech & coil do L B-Wateramo; 2 pkga mdse..; Kidd Sr. La); 92,000 spoil; B Jones & co; 12 hble alcohol, B A Fahnestock-6: 00. SrsubionnliclrPer Zachary Taylor--2 has mate, W Holaiei & WV, 103 bbl. floor, S Lindsay: 3 8 shoulders,ll3 sides bacon, Byrd liarbitugh; 19 sks wool, 1 bbl butter, 5 kgs Oman & ?de. Grow; 21 sks wool, Win Bllnthain' 818 b pork, 2 kiro lad, It Doha & co; 17 bilis paper, D N White & co; 9 do do, B A Fahnestock & co; GO tibia dour, B A Sampson & cc. St. Lonis,, lsl9 . Rtsee News—The weather has been einem°. ly cold and Very disagreeable Or the past duty eight boars, sleeting and snowing a greeter portion of the time. Saturday night It was several de. green colder than any preceding night this wean, end ice formed tepidly, during the entire deryess tridelltehe'rniesses wer&anizy in the river, and towards evening it ono red lowly, end:from ippearances was nearly egbbreed both elieke soil below the city. Melba beMd of Duncan's bawd A had pearly !armed across the 'channel andtheta shas tete viete out 1r t'@bets, amusing anuddele ce from the short: The clerk of- the :swill *ldea= Mogan wink above Fort Smhh, on the Arkin. ~ • . Mum lidtleto*f Steamer 54. Louis, lad el .:eiders, st. New 0 ens, on the 3d par,sa, lOCAITIATTEM HAOHTEb TOP. TDH 7117113117M1 DA LT Ga 12117. [Otot Lit,—We,shall have to ask the indul gence of one readers Gir akw days; in reference teens local department,aacrar very efficient reporter ties been suddenly called away by severe sickness in his family, and we have not been able to pros cure a substitute during his absence.] We understand that AlerranieTitoller, who was m i l, go seeerel bapired in the fight ill Manchester, on Salon;lay I is likely to recover for his wounds. Tara —Mr. Murdoch taken a benefit this evening at the Theatre, as Claude, in the play of Lady of Lyons, supported by Miss Porter as Paul ine. The cast throughout is a strong one and the play will doubtless be fairly represented. Mr and Miss Logan are engaged, and will shortly appear. .._. .._ - 370 - -_O Maroa's Ormcr..—.Nothing --- of rest transpired at the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. There were eight eases before his honor ; two ware dm• charged on paying their fines, the remainder were sent to the hilL Toe OrnotnterhICIAILATION OF iNDIFIOIDETCII-- Many renders, probably, are aware that a claim has been set up, on the part of Nort i t Carolina, to the horror of havintursued the first declramtion of independence, more than a year prior to the ape pearance of the famous instrument drawn up by Jefferson, and adopted on the 4th of July, 1776. This first declaration, it blur been said, wan issued bd'a meeting in Mecklenburgh county,North Car chats, in May 1775. It was first made notorious in 1818, or thereabout, when the Raleigh Register produced what was alleged to be a copy of it.— This, however, Mr. Jefferson rareneoaaly declared ----SO 0 ISO -0 - to be spnriotos; and the authenticity of the paper has eat been generally admitted. But it In now proved to be authentic. The followmg letter from Mr. Bancroft to D....L. Swain, Esq., a citizen of N. Carolina, was communicated to the Legislature of that stale a few days since, in a report from a Se nate committee, 90 Erroll Squzzz, London, 4th July 1818. My dear sir: 1 hold it of good augury that your letter of the 12th of June reached me by the Hermann, just in time to be answered this snorting. Yon may be sure that I have:spared no pains to discoveron the British State Paper Office, a copy of the resolves of the committee of Mecklenburg, and with entire success. A glance at the map will show you that, in those days, the tram of that part of North Catalina took a southerly direction, and people in Charleston, and sometimes even In Savannah, knew-what was going on in "Charlotte Torn," before Governor Martin. The first airs count of "the extraordinary resolves by the people in Charlotte Town, Mecklengurg county, was sent ovor to England by Sir James Wright, then then governor of Georgia, in a letter date 20th of Jose, 1715. . . . .. The newspaper thus transmitted is still preser. ved, and is the number 408 of the South Carolina 'Gazette and County Journal, Tuesday, June 13, 1115. 1 reed the resolves, you may be sum, with reverence, and immediately obtained a copy of them; thinking myself the sole discoverer. I do not send you the copy, aa it is identically the same with the paper which you ceased to me; but I inward to you a transcript of the entire letter of Sir James Wright. The newspaper seems to have retched him after he had finis hiti his dispatch; for the paragraph relating to is added inpis own hand writing, the former part of the letter being written by a secretary or clerk. I have read a great many papers relating to the regulator., and am having copies made of a large number. Your own state ought to have them all, and the expense would be for the state insignifi cant, if it does not send an agent on purpose. A few hundred dollars would copy all you need (rem the State Paper Oillee, op all North Carolina topics. The regulatory are, on many accounts, important. Then complaints were well founded, and were so acknowledged,though their oppressors were only seminally punished. They form the connecting link between resistance to the stamp net and the movement of ITirr, and they also played n glorious part In taking possession of the Mississippi valley, 2 ... toward which they were • d irresistibly by their love of independence. It • natistake if any have supposed that the r aga were cowed down by their defeat at the arses. Like the mammoth, they shook she twit Otim their brow and crossed the mountains. i shall always be glad to hear from you, and to be of use to you, or your state. Very truly yews, GEORGE BANCROFT. D. L. Swam. Eel. Chapel Hill Nortb Carolina, The &born linter establishes the fact, beyond MI question, tAra indmwarimm =afire perielniesed in Mica:dam.,.. - -•finrs, is lyag, 1775. The letter of Sir James Wright, referred to by Mr. Bancroft, closes as Ealkiwai *By the enclosed paper, your Lordship will lee the exturordinary resolves of the people of Charlotte Town in Meek lenbtuftb coundyi and I should not be surprised if the =DO should be done every where else A, Fon 21011 r.—We translate hem the New Orleans - Courier of therad inst., the article that fol. lows, giving an account of a subterranean canal that. has been discovered, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. We believe little or nothing of the whole story ourselves, but Publish it fin the InGslwation of those who may behave, Many snob there be, and for the amusement of those who do sot. It has been got up as a hoax, probably. Here n is . 4 French physician, established at Vera Pas, who, besides practising medicine, has the charge of extensive farming estates, upon making mance. mentions, undertaken with the view of forming a canal. through which to carry his produce to the sea, discovered at the bottom of the bay of Honda• rasthe cloning of a motermestal canal seventy. five metres wide, (about two hundred and duty feet) and running in a straight hne towards the south. west, its sides being constructed of enormous stones, rudely cut. The two walls, which continued pa. marl, had been followed to the distance of several ternmea. Having reached the dot of the mountains, where the volcano of Fuego la now In activity, and having cut away huge trees that obstructed the entrance, they passed under a vault of 100 metres in height, (shout 335 feet.) and of the same width as the canal. Nothing among the ancient Cyclopean structures in Greece could give an adequate ides of the tre. mentions masonry of thenntis of this vault. The canal was filled with salt water, twenty metres deep. Our intrepid countryman did not hesitate to embark with some Indians in a pirogue, which he caused to be brought to this spot, and eighteen heron afterwards, (Whig story is to be belleved,) he enter ed the great ocean, (the Pacific,) between Guate mala and San Salvador, through an immense natu ral grotto. called by the (lettermen of that coast the DeVir. Mouth, which superstition had deterred them from ever entering. The whole nurlted part of this superhuman structure was lighted by shrifts cut through to the surface above, and through its whole extent it is navigable for the largest ships. M. Alexander Humboldt had already mentioned Amercan edifices whose architecture indicated a very high antiquity, and revealed a peculiar civil. Cation; but his learned descriptions give us no idea of the existence of such a monument. What great people, then, has inhabited these regional Should this news be confirmed, then a maritime manna nictation is at once eatablithed between the two hemispheres, through the centre of the Amen. can continent, and Europe will have nothing to do but to cut through the Lightens of Sues.— Wink Glide. RATES OF DISCOUNT. RATES OF MOOD H. 1101.111 Exchange, 137okers, No. 30 Marker wee's, MIT 4th 1 0 101111111y1WILE11 1 166 Indiana. Dank of Pitobargh •-•Par ‘ State irk fr. Etranehes•• l \ Diehard° Dank Der'SitteSerip • •••• - " March. tr. Man. Dank • P.I Virginia. Elks-of Philadelpida• -Par Exchange Ilk. of Vat • • 1 Girard Bank••• •• •• •• •p.r Framers Bk. of Va•-•• •• Bank of Oennantown •par Ilk. of the Valley,— " . " Chester County • • •par Bk. of Virginia ..... - 0-, " Delaware Co.• • gist , 21. k. M. Bk., Wheeling {• . Montgomery Co. • • par do Morgantown• •• • 1 " Northaurberlaud• •par N. W. Bank Va.-- • I Columbia Bridge Co... pus do Wellsburg. -• • • 1 lbrylestowa think par du Parkersburg.- " Farmers' Ilk. Rendipg.par Tennessee. Paulen' Dir, Backs Co. par Bk. of Tennessee.• • • • 6 Fallen DI Lanearr• par Par. le Merelete Ilk-. " Innenater Co. Dt.• • • •par Planters , Bk.- ..... • Laneatter Ilk par Union ilk.•••••---. ti U. &Me! 1161111•••••••-au allasourl• ISTOWDSVIIIC Bk par State IlkofEliseouri— 1 Wastungion Ilk.• ••-• • 4 North Carolina. Dettyaborghl3l. •• • 1 Bk. of Cape Fear...... I Chatalthrsburg• s• • •••••• • " blerek's Ilk., Newborn. 2 Baaprehroma Co Bk.- 3 State Bank a Lehigh Co Dank, - Booth Carolina. Lewistown • - Camden 8k...... •• • • I Middletown -- • 1 Ilk. of Charieston• • • • • 9 Carbide -• • " Commercial Elk ..... -O . PM i1k....... • • 030,13 k. of Grooresnms•- ' 2 Fannon. and Drovers' IBkof Hamburg. •• • • • 2 Bank, WaYnesburg• • 1 'Merehant• Bk ..... - 2 Hamadan( - - - " ',Planters eadethrs Bk. I kloneidale• .-.- • 1,13 k. of Soak Carollea• • I Lebanon • - • • poi , Blarfland. Pottsville.-- • • •••-• " Dalumore 13ks.• -••• • • par Wyoming ....... •• • • • 1 Baltm'e 2co RllBerip •10 York Ilk. .1 Cmaberiand Bk. of lille- West Branch 131 i. ...... 1 shard ........ ••• •• • Delia( Notes " iFor. Ilk. of Maryland • hl Sr 11113 k.• . " Fumers' Ss Mena.. 4County Serip•- 1 Bk. Frederick •• • ~,_•• • Ohio. . Frederick Co. 13k.• asearnad 11ranches I ilagentoornßk• , MonotPleasent ..... • • " Mineral Bk• •••• teabensiLle•-••••• • " Pauspleo Elk• - Fit cuawdib s .- - . •• " Wasl3k.ofhiptik•- , Mantua •.--....-- " Wea Doter • 'Newl..labon. •••• -• • " =le lama. ctustm tth i, Banks " Ilk. op, i r Clats• •• I Colaminis do•• ••••• • " nk„or ver palace. ~Ctreleville- • •• • " Michigan Inst Co••• •• 5 . z .....„, n , .__ ..... it , par.& Meeks Ilk If Patnam ----• • • ".. 7 Xlsoonain Tarrley. IWooster • -----••••• 7101ar.artroln.Co.Mgare s Massillon - •- I I Canada': .Sandusky •• • 20 1 kil solvoniDaokp..... ."5 iGegigmy •• - • • • • . 1 10i tlank of Eni l landNbies ICleyelpitd--•-• • 1 Gold i lipaole Vadat. 'Xittrib - 0 Napoleons ' DAD ;Darnel . - ... --•— • " Ducats.- 4 -••1115•5342 20 tWesteni Reserve. .^ " Dagle,tlid • • •••• es lo 60 lEnutklittl3l Columba/ " Eagle new '••.•' • 10 00 CUlllidithe •-••••••••••-- 7.' _ rikeobrinißplUnsh.l 6 1: 0 3 1 1 i = i !.............. ...... F. rms . y r= .-.---.. 133 . twienthipe ...----10 Guisteruther"-- 600 ikfamilton•-•-• • —l3 deridltnPoll•-••3 7 SO' ; Granville 50 CZ Milers - ••a• 716 IParddra Irk Gan:pa-60. en Guilders •• • • • 760 ;Urbana ......60 Lonisdkiia..• • •• • • 160 /fLeratnelrr• 111Rohange. tElko(Kenuteky 1 Bern Yost ••••••• ••-• rts w IBLefLonisville " Pluladolpisla •• • --• pim Nothern/lk. Dentiek_p. t . _l32lthoota •-•- • Illowlfark-Cuy aim, pas. Wong W)3••-• 1 IIRY"& VARIETY 'GOODS. DRY GOODS NOTICE A. A. MASON & CO., •••• - - - - No. D 3 Mauer moor, Prrrahulb.d , most respectfully to announce to their numerous pattune and the public, that they, in emmequence of contemplating a change in their barb neon, propose opening the whole of their extensive warehouse, ftncluding all their wholesale rocanal for retailing, and will continue opener:a the firm of Feb nary, commencing on New Year* day, Mk One wholesale stork, comprising one of the most extensive and varied assortments of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited In the western country, will be offered at hewer prices than ever before known. Eve ry ankle, however choice and desirable, will be no eordregireduced• Upwards of fifty thousand dollars °four k beebeen recently parches, d the greater portion which are foreign goods, received 'at New York bydate European anivals, which from the late ness of the season, as well as the known pressure in the money market, were sold at immense sacrifices at public sales, at 'WV/ varying from twenty-five to fifty per rent less than similar goods brought the era of the season. We are therefore confident that one prices for the time above mentioned will be found to be even lower than my Eastern wholesale rates. We aniiously invite all persota to visit our estab lishment, whether they purchase or not, and test the truth of the above--asimrinu them that they will Incur nn obligation thereby, hot confer s favor upaa the pro prietor.. Doe usorunent of Silks, Shawls, and fine Drees Goods will amply repay one for a visi4 added to which, an unusually great display of Domestic Goods will, we hope, induce all to call. Our systemof one price will be strictly adhered to. J.,187 A A MASON &Co ShlztJlag _3112 itmilbas and Irish Linens. WIL MURPHY tes the particular anenllon of those wanting the above Goods, to his desirable a wes eonaistieg of the best Make, from the most ap proved manufacturers, and ohs loner warranted pure basjeuttneeived an additional supply, and is ogering Sbicung Mail= of a superior quality, at very low price. Sheetingal Pillow eau Muslim; Diapers and Crash; Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins; Blankets, gailr: s lnterpanes; and Bouukeeptug Goods generally. LADIES , DRESS GOO anti as French hlennos, Parametun, plain mid fancy De Wiles, (some new styles just received;) Alpacas, he. The season being fat advanced, all these Goods will be sold at prices that cannot fiat to please. Err Wholesal e Roams up stabs. • RM! DRESS GOODS, per foreign steamer Ramp. —A A kisses fr. Co, No 8G Market street, will open this morning, Rich Dress Goods, comprising the following styles, vie: Satin plaid Merinos, a new arti cle, and the richest goods imported tlas season; nil wool Plaids, high colon and choice styles; all wool Cashmeres and Mous do Laines; fine Coburg and Lye nese Cloths, of any describable shade and col Satin .tripod Dahmer., in greed variety. balB A. MASON tc Co, 60 Market street, have Jost received another large invoice of plaid Long an Square Shawls, bought i 5 per cent lets than any previously received this season. Our stock of Shawls is now the largest in the city, and parchssent may be certain that our prices from thin date will be 05 per rent lets them at any former time. lair GEN 13' CLOAK TASSELS-9 dos mohair Ts. sels, assorted; a do Wk dodo; 9do do no do; 10 do do Ladies Tassels, essoned; ' do cold do do. •" WOOLEN GOODS-10 dos etildren's woolen cows; 0 dodo do Cop.; 4 do do common; 10 dos Woolen corm lons, assorted, 16 do do with rings; 1.0 do ladies Cosh mere Glove., ass'd. LEATHER BELTS-30 doz blk Molkskin Belt.; 20 do do Morocco do, 3do cord do; at noo9o ZEBULON KINSEY'S. , 07 market .t EW GOODS IN JANUARY—W. R. names has N within • few daziopened • supply of black Al. pace's, low priced; medium and caper! do Mohair Lastres; new style 'Lath Prints; do Anstelcan do; black cloth Shawls; paid long doe neat style Moose de Leine.; plain lead and drib do, at 181; and a vari ety of other scarce and desirable goods, worthy the attention of those wishing to buy. Merchants aril find in the wholesale rootasAlf, stain a good stock of desirable rods, at Owen: jal.3 JANUARY 0, 1049—NEW DRY GOODS—W. R. Mutiny has opened this morning an additional supply of Goods, embracing many seance and desira ble articles, and buyers urn invited to call,. they will find a mach larger stock to select from than is usually found at this advanced Dart of the season. Among the goods received, is new style small fig'd Mona do halos, Terkeri Shawls, tilk 020th do, Ac. Er Goods at wholesale op stairs. very low. jaB • - I JLAID LONG SHAWLS—Alexander & Day, have L pat received by express, one carton Plaid Long Sh•orls, some of which are Of the finest quabiy, and the maven styles imported. and are now uttered at penes Kready reduced from the raimeobtained early in Um Se MEW. • •. • • •• • • . Also, a lem exit+, fine .'etiene (Jane^ Broctu. Lang Shawl*. which vrlll be closed et great bargarns. The ladies are Invited to an early examination. ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 muket at, ATIFIR CIAL FLOWERS-Bmltti & Johnson, 40 Market rot, would invite the attention of 'dealers and others to their extensive stock of French and Ntrieriean artificial Flowers, which will he oTered .4111 prices deed' NCH n'f-1/IS. 1111181C11 TE. r B - 8.811111 811 A Wl-I—teoper Proved F Terkem Shawls, of the latest styles and richest designs, Just opened and selling at • very.graar redne , don from former Mtn. deel3 ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS—Fine Shins,anin 1,3 standing collars; merino, silk and wool Vests; do do do Drawers; Wk, kid and woad Glover, =ekes, cotton and wool Hose; blk Italian cravats; One Ze , phyr Beliefs. dees F H EATON & Cce A XDSINBTETI - (7 , ARPETB--We would Wow: :he attention of those wishing to furnish houses, to call and examine our Aximmiter Carpets, arLich or. Corp nett W style and rotor,. Wareroom, Na 75, ith st. Pinshursh deep IV lIFCLINTOCII ATIN DAMASK—W hrCliatimic ofers to purchas• 0 ars &vary handsome asaortmerd of rich satin Ra mada- for window curtain. Also, French chintzes, buffs, linen. transparent shades, &e. at his carpet ware room, 75 Fourth at. deed WHEM AND INFANTS , m Maven & Co, have added to their former huhu. • de partment under charge of Mrs. Brow of Damon, for to making order in latest styles, faun' Wear, Misses Backs cloaks and Dresses La d. • and. Gents Meaning Garments elbroldered ar stampettfor merroidtrit Imitung, netting. crotchet work,hemstitching and mar kineatly executed._ antra Ml.PtiSreiiiPlirdt!—Cars y remitting . at W. kl'Clintock`s,73 Fourth street, every tamely Carpets, constant*. in pan-o( Aimimteu,of mot bundle' patterns; Velvets, latest patients Imported, avery richt lape stry, Brunsby. 3 ply, sup. and 'Venetian, ll ;which we will sell as low as they can be pub. c eel in this market Importing nod purchasing from manufacturers, enables us to compete with the canteen market. novld i 6,3/16.' TRIMMINGS -2doz big Lace Demi Veils, 3ps cord Silk Velvets; 20 gross blk Daisay Col lo in In do mutillian do; IS do cold Floss do; Id do do Fantasia do; 9 dos cold fleecy silk Gloves; 6 do blk Jenny Lind Fringe, Id do French silk Rockies; reed this day by F II EATON & Co, decl3.P.m& It • • amS - 9:4 — Linen 'Tab!. Draper, of common figured, damask and ono • drop pattern. Also, Roma and Seotch Bird Eye Pat tern, all ACKLETT & t urn. 019 99 wood st NFOX lIRMAII ?RINI'S, do —W. IL hlurphy has put received lot of new style brown and white British Prints, very handsome, arrived by late steam er. Also, on hand, a large mortment of choice styles of Atomic. Prints, fast colon and low prices. Black Cloth Shawls, of various qualtue•—a supply just received. Black Alpacas's, low priced and fine—a very full aupply, and at low prices fm quality. Pith ON HAND AND FOR BALE-10 pa drab 131. km .Coatatig; d ps Lavieder do do; 1 ca. Lavinder 1 do grey mixed Cloth; 1 do Army Cloth; 2 do Tweeds, brown, black and gold, lair; 1 do fancy Cassimerea; 1 bale blue Blanket Cohdng; consigned direct from Mattitfaerareri and for sale by the package or piece. dee2o MURPHY & LEE, liberty et MIXTRA AND SUPER THREE PLY CARPETB7:- Es Received this day, direct hem the resnuf.turers, o handsome amooment of extra super sad super three ply imperial Carpets, of new styles, to which we ask the attention of thole wishing to furnish houses or steamboat. Carpet waremom, No 73 Fourth at, Mu deal W rd'CLINTOCK DOkIESTIC WOOLLENS tthmkets, elatmels Tweeds, Cassinetts, 14 Cbbth and Cassimete; by the piece or package, very low; for t s ale by novie, M COCHRAN F ANCY CAS9INfIBF~3—R nr: .ry atyte . . Fanep . roodt opened by deell2 811ACKLETT & FRENCH MERINOS AT COST—Smith A Johnson 40 Market street, will sell for the Indents of the season attest, their stork of French Merinos, compri sing the mom choice colors. Now is yourtime to se cant bargains. deela A rELV — gt RIEDIONS—Jost rectatved of Ket7ttrnititiTt serti, 07 Market street, 30 ps colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted 30 . 4 black 4 . 0 embroidery Gimp; Kips wide Plain, rte. 6lecs LOVM. AND HOSIERY—Smith Johnson. 40 Market at, would invite the attention of dealers and others to their choice stock of Bitoo's superior Kid Gloves, and a greet variety of merino, silk sod cotton Gloves. A 1.., to - their extensive stock of worsted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Vigonia and Silk Hese, Moravian and other style, of cotton hose—logathar with every style of children's Hose and gentlemen& half Hose. Jae -CORRFXTED LIN 5 & soar, GOLD SPECTACLEd—SLIver do; Steel do; German : Silverdo. A huge assortment nonstantiy on hand, and urefally fitted to any age. Concave, con vex, and cataract spectacle elasa acearairly adjusted to any vision repotted. Also, multiply glasses for examining linen, wool, minerals, bank notes, On., just rood W W W and for ILSO N, sate by corner of market and 4th sts EVIATHON GOLD PENS, a magnificent ao most excellent pen, being the first sent to thi kat; for sale by W W WILSON, 1.6 corner market and dth a. ID GLOVES-25 doe Ladies sup h er Kidb it s; Glove men, white and " 6 - missed colored do dead PHEATONACo ArdfilOTH GOLD PENS—e large and beautiful ten for engrossing, and &tall odier puspose& so, Premium Gold Pens, large, medium mud small sites, of the best retaken: foetal° by W W WILSON BLANKE.7 COATlNO—Dneb,.Lauendarl rail ed and blue, for sale by the piece or plateau, at manufacturers prices, by MURPHY ix LEI /a 6 Übert zt, opposite bet kILOtITS-1 ease block zoirod bony coositoems;. do Tweed., futn , colon,l do Coney ea/o=4 forsale n conuolnatureroiolces, by lad MURPHY &LEE rfftri.,RDS AND C.liliBlhlBlCEZ-4 cases Bola mix'd I brown and black Tweeds, I do Fancy Ca...Amer* Just 1/: cid and for sale at raanotletnrem plum MURPHY tr. LE.P., liberty rt. deelo SEASONABLIS UOUDe tWF—Alexan der & Day are selling off at remarkablLl r e i r prices large usestment °lmpeding Blankets; e domes to Blitakeu, low priced, a large assortment o colored Flannels, heavy woolen plaid Long ,Shawls; heavy Terkeri and blanket Shawls. Jeff FIISSII A.RFLITAL—W. Ill'Clintoele orers to those swishing to famish houses, the handsomest assort ment oreargetingeverbmn&.to thin market, eoln• i f . Prising in part the *oaring Varieties, eh style Vel vet Pile, Axminster Tapestry, grease extra super 3 PIA ..tkgr a of; 1111Perfina and fine , is . CUM..; ID •Ittlett hei.Mestlespeetfa:ly invites m..fneatts mid the ppbllo,l6'enit artj examine be( re' perehasing e.lsea rdeellk hereh ,''W,az , eroete,ltio.l.S . T.irurth it, Pliaburgh. . _ NEW JEWELRY-1 dos gold patent Lavas Watch a• - I " " detached " , 1 " Bilior " Also, goldpen and pastel' Cases, Vest chains, heavy Guardehatns,amut.Pins, Finger EattiVAr Bins and a-complete usortmentof Gabe, lease Y. at deed • , ZEBULON ION51:1^8, e 7 market st OPERIOR LONG 81RAWLS — W R Murphy Ids S ranolved Ibis morning by Krim.. • Inv of very uproar wool Long Shawl., of handsome Mad Pusan Iliammo—On hand, • good rliwk of thew goods—olive, Matta* groan, Garnet t maroon, drab, amulet &r. Also, Palakeitos,of desirable colors. A taw blob Mabel Long Shawls, af . a good quality, on bard at north eat earner llit and Marken W. Leta v_ aw.. o-.~a'Y MISCELLANEOUS - Kraglneeira & Continuators for Patentees{ Office fat proeming and defending Patems, imputing information on Mechanics and the anthem:lon of Sci ence to the Arts, and on American and Fenian Laws . of Patents. TillißOF. WALTER IL JOHNSON, huff of phis, and Z. C. ROBBLaiS of Washington city, (to be laded by Hazard Knowles, Esq., late Machinest of the United States Patent Crlce4 have associated themselves together for the prosecution of the above* branches of protessionsl bonne., either in their office, at the Patent Office, or before the Courts, and will de vote then. unded attention to forwardlng the inter est of Inventors and others who =7 consult Mem or place business in their hands. Zile. Knowles has for the post twelve years heldthe post of Machiumt its the United Suites Patent ()ace, and resigns that ablation to take part I fitness fr.n the p office resent undertakmg. His talents and peculiar . r the Important oce so long fill ed by him, have been fully recognised by Invent°r.t wherever the office itself is known. • The office of Meters J. ft R. is on Fstreet, opsite the Patent Office, Wu Washington, D. C., where CO.M po W.i . cations, post paid, will be promptly attended to; eau.- (nations made, dmvrings, specifications, and all maul. Ins paper. prepatod—and models proctored when desi red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect. to be answered after examinatiom had, must be ac companied by a fee of five dollars. In the duties of the, office which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. J. h IL will be assisted by n legal gentleman of the highest professional character, and hilly conversant with Mechanics and other 'Scientific subjects. mytffed&wlyS FREH PURE TEAS, Who S lmutle anl or the MISEILIN TEA STORE. 70 Fourth street, near Wood, Pinsbargh—Tbe subscriber baring just returned from New York. is now receiving a large fall supply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS(. from the New York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great emro (or retail-sales. Oar stock being now heavy we are pre pared trl supply Grocers, Hotels, SteamSoadiandFam dies with any quantity and at my price they may what; packea in f, and I pound packages, IS lb. do canis ters, 6 and L 3 lb entry boxes, and in half chests. Retail Grocers are hooted to call, as we can and will sell boner Teas at lower prices than any other house in Pittsburgh. Our mock of fine Yoang Dyson ' Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the best in the Amencan market. Loveririg's double refined Loaf, Crashed, and Pul verised Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFEE—MoeIm, Old Goy. Java, Legnica, Si. Do. raingo and Rio Coffees, selected by the most expellee, ced coffee Broker in New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers and Onions, Fresh Peaches, pat up in their own juice. Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb bores. N. IL—Ali Ur. D. Jayne'. Family Medicines for sale. dera.dtrwS A. JAYNFS. WOOL, FLOUR AND PRODUCE. LYMAN, REED 16 CO., (Successor. to Reed, Bard & C 0.,) GENERAL COII BOS 3 I / BM BION MERCHANTS TON, OSS. Particular attention paid to the sale of all kinds of Pro duce, and liberal advances made on consigmnents. L B. & Co. have leave to refer to— Messrs R. Robison & Co. /pz c . " McGill & Roe. $ tosontan. . Reed, Parks & Co., Beaver; " Leaman k Covode, Wellsville, 0. Boswell 'Marsh, Rot. Steubenville, 0. N. Brady, Esp. ) ..,W P Pew..., E.I y Wheeling, Va 11. Crangle & Co. Bill cwi t . Slout,, Blida - sport, 0. i twayl6s l bursts. " vP°s p, o'clock or 50 pipe., la 733 “ 201 160 . 17 120 a 5 6 .510 4 31211 end elms. hi• propose tom • tf arty, betty • ed posinou all the at et the whole e 1: Post Es dole all 'oven; hove resolve; •ut the aces! ans, half c ai euelle c N \V ma et the Diamond An EzPro house of Jti Southfield ol . to amar &pa ad AN . E. He Ward; DH. Pena. Ave . -- BraW , . ,1 “ --- kmis - DOSTOS PLW -- 311. - JOHN H. 14 . 141.1.911,. No 14 Wood street, has received invoices of a large supply of Piano Fortes from th e cele brated manufactory of t bickering, Boston, to wive in a few days, of which doe noun will be the t, varying in price from 11273 to WOO. Also ire the rnauefactonn of H Worcester, and Bacon fr. yen. New York, a bandaon. assorrment of 0, St an 64 octave Plano Force, rosewood and mahogany rises, of the most elegant description, and math all the late improvements The altos m addition to he stock en hand, will make the I rgast and most desirable selention ever 'fiend fors s in thisnily, ...a will be told in all eases masa. rs prices, oa accommodating tenns,and iiteu cantos given with every Piano Forman& : 3011 N Hi MELLO% for the sale of Chlekering's PlanotFortes, , Pensylvania. _ Ag.-61...guaLsid - Tili - Mises; embers begs(' catlike anendon of Ilallders, - to and owners of,Boildings, in the Many: which these eilateWposannewers.ll.-suber , • • ..• hitherto used for rooftng, in,' tit at once the hgbmen of Iran vetthind its st, having now been (eare d dilr acacia! ' .pitrucalar.both in this !manly audits Err are less.liable to expansion and tonna, • t .0 Change of theadmosphere,than coni es, iron, sine, or any other metal now and and consequently form a much better and requiring in, less frequent repairs, whilst. t no but a mile more. ply, of nil taus, from 16 to 30 W. 0., cen t d and for ludo by - fillX). B. bIOREWOOD tc CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. e t right for this article having been neared •,,i sl a ms, all parties iafringing thereon, •• portation or otherwise, will be present. oet3o.4l&orlyT =Si Ley ppoo yeah LLI • tope. rite ration. One He One Ono neWmenti One ' CD SPOONS. tte.- , 1 Aron Silver Plated Batter Knives; Cain TT Sprits; " Tirreaded extra heavy . , Dessert Spoons, Table , Tobacco Boxes; " " " Sugar Shovels; "sail " " Mustard " " O. Silver Spec C..; • " " Specs; Ass'd col's. Allen's Potent Revolving PistolL Mat rec'd,at Z. RINSE:IOB,Q Market st niusT PitOtiio More. idersigned have ereeted'work. in the city lof 7arpOse of Galvanizing all atu de'' 'fable to PROTECT PROM Iphßrire, Bolts, Spike., Nails, ly other article which may be or Cults, as n subsume for bale Lightning Rods, and a boot of rill be . foondetmap and durable. ly call altendomo iherOalvord. requires no pain; and will not and Botts, the preservation of naortance, that it will commend -IC those interested. ,IREWOOD& CO., Patentees, 14 and 15 Deny. irt, N. Verb. IlElt lELEDIICTION. ta SONS' viatzix4vDA ASII- tenure:icy, or 4 inos app'ylibllls. do pax, 6 mos do, interest lad. quahty ol this brandvie refer to I mlattnrera of this city g`eneral - tr. Al-1112CRELTREE, • Ifinliberly it ffihn - r - 111_ Waldo of Lime.) tISCT PROM THE hlANUFAClrli obserilient have on hand and will Iced with Jas. hiuspran d. Sons' gel. Powder, which they will warrant ir to aur Imported in the D. Stems; prepared to feast the lowest roar er approved bill, MPCCHELTREE' „NO liberty at nro now reediting their Fall sock title, ti4ee vessels, via: the Juniata, la, having arrived at Philadelphia two mote, the Stephen Baldwin end clod; 41 are, therefore, Prepared to re c eive orders. They Will receive during the win ter and spring regular supPlfei vie New Orleens.„ novl3 , , . 111 IMITICIIELTRED 0117 - 1).111311T. Dentist Corner or FOurth 1 and Decatur, between Market and Ferry meet.' serd.dlyin rvilE bicetreisluire'irtis day associated them se •es together for the purpose of transacting wholesale and retail Dry Coeds and Grocery business, at No 220 Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the stVel and firm of • . BUSHFIELD h HASS. Filtsburlh, January 1, IND. • N.D.—Our old customers and the pubhe sue tinned to ere to meal!.le s _ . 10113 sac®. 11. D. COOSA/art RITCHIE - dt,'COC H RAN Ek FORWARDING & COIIIIIBBIOA lORRGRANTS, NO. 03 TenourrrouLas STRF.ET, 1.1411-46•6m*S. New Orilla*. GEO. w. warm & co., TNFOIII their friends and the Dublin thati 11 hey have 1. no longer any connection with their late esuabli,lli meat in Penn street, known as the Pittskargh having removed their entire Mainers to the POIIS - r 1:112F,W+111 V, in No street. cavkird WFLANNEW il'hiorphy has ark hand y y • foil assortment all:Lead desirable Goodxl also, •WI assortment of domestic ulasbrinlable do, int , d Mil assortment of solute and pillow, and spotted, for Chrisonas wear. Homo made Flannels—whirr, brown end barred: a fly constantly on hand. f WU', subscribers, sarelvtng mimeo or the Ina of lAtwood, Jones & Co., will not - doge to nans,ant a Forwarding and Commission huoinesa k i4der tee sty!. of Hardy,Jones &Co. AARON A Ff &TIDY, W ht. P. 40NES. ttesE LosT:Aviiswiiwif 6 7 • Lndl"lftrWAY P from F.lllotke4lfirn2 h0ec2R7,...,(a0 , d sh to &owl crimmi4 carir t gr pan% - with steel bead...containing attlhe M of Pinalniegh. The finder will he attitably,rawardatt Lp leaving the same at either of 14440.44,, 41.27 PIIINTICIAG.PAPHEL - THE alatute rib,. having the egehistre Agency for sailing the Printing Paper arenas, andeltan-sive paper milt in this viciat7, witito *LI Omar irtetOUp plied with the daerent totedof.papea ereaporief quell ty, which we offer at the loyaastregatatPnees: . ; d i i Arty Mao or quality will be nntantazttrred to at short notice. REYNOLDS& suer., MS Om • corner Penn and trade ats OAP-26 axe eine 1,7 Odd .sburgh Water Works. L.:3 will be received at the office of the risks, until Monday, the 79th inst., at 5 ishiog Pipes, as follows, to wit . oh bore, each MI lbs. " f " 1900 to 015016. U 0 lbs u u . 460 and complement of branches. All the h and upwards must be cast on end, and to have the 6 inch and the 4 inch canon ere will therefore state in what way they e these sixes, and the difference in price, n casting'them on end and on the Wein.. $ t should be kept in view that portions of ill be required early in the season, and ber by the first of November next. be in Bonds bearing interest, and run ears. gelivering to be at the expenseof the J. H. ISPOLELLAND, Supt. 'STE.R.SI OYSTERS!! . .. . . _ ON TILE KNELL.—By Burke tc Co's ress. at reduced prices.—To ucemmo i el this delicious luxury, BURKE & Co. to supply the people regularly thosugh n, with the choicest Fresh Oysters in and shell, at such reduced prices as fiery family to enjoy this delicacy at their load will be received daily at the ware- D. BIDWELL, Water street, between Grant, twit for sale then e, and et the • Reis & Borger, corner Smithfield and mon ' Diamond: A Roesler, Penn at, 6th hey, foot of Liberty et J Cohort, ire; Mercer & Robinson, Allegheny city. NEW- PLASOI3. cr rent THE THE subscriber has jeut replenished e a c , his stock of Pitunia, which for variety of style and price. has never been sot.- passed in this City. 1113 t received and following new Piano.. :nre cabinet grand Piano, an entirely new ewnoe vi. very elegem :icons k. Clark. 6, " with Coleman's eele6reted Arai. A Tele le very .or Fier Pitt " mrEl 7 .llfr at 1. 4.1 Wooderell'e Trra i kaF ito tole sale _ NO 011102 ER -110USESHAYMf Valuable Real E5t41 , 4 , " /:lIE foltooringdeseribeA Vt 21 .41 11, in tpe.citle. of Pitaborgh and 4ller.A.enYkl. v/0 1 . 1 71, i. ogru'd sale on acoommodatuirteratet' k , .7 • CliT I 1 Lot, 42 feet to front Libenyistteet, belly* Mar buy, by 110 feettol3revrery be_ing . ..pnifof LotNo 139, near the Monongabe.a aver. Lot No ISO, barring to feet front on Seventh curet by 210 foot to Strawberry alley, near the Vtlylllsl . at 61 , 1211 lartY4 1 Ijot on Elm street, 70 feet by M. Lots NO, PS, Lin and 130, on Pint street, between ROSS nod Try streets, each having 24 feet front on First rued by 1.0 feet deep. Lots Nos 1:N, 170 and 140, hating 91 root front on Third street bY SO feet deep. Lots !al and 162, having 14 feet front on Thintl -street by SO feet deep. LOU Nos 21, 24,18 and At, twenty-five feet on Quar ry street by GO feet deep. Two Low, Nos 20 3 . and AB, on Petin Creel, to the 916 ward. 24 feet by Inn feet to Spring alley. •0 Lots on Penn street, in the 9th Irani, betsvern Bald win and Morris WerlP, having 24 feet front on Penn. street by 100 feet to Spring alley. 11 Lau On Butler street, to the 9th Ward, between Wilkins and Bildwtn streets, near ihe Allegheny river, 24 fret trout by 120 feet deep. CM 01 ALLZOIISIIi. Gota Nos eland 127, haring...3o feel from on Emmet by 340 to Wet: Common, between Ohio street and North Common. Lot. Nos 90 and DI, having CO feet front on Federal :tree', by ice! to Middle alley, between the Dis- Pend and North Common. N 00, having 60 feet on Sand' sky st"b st y. &a i r to o Pit:alley, between Ohba street ind Northee2- mon. nee 10 acre Lots in Reserve township, near the-bo rough of Manchester, Nos 10 7, 10,4,1119,12 t, 1 ten acre Lot on the Ohio river and the Beaver road, between the U. S. Marine Hospital Lot and Phil lips' oil cloth factory—to be sold Inquantities to salt purchasers. Enquire of CHARLES B. SCUL.Li, or JAMES O'HARA, Iterhe'• 4th at. TO COTTON AND SVGAR PLANTERS. PLANTATION iN ARICONSAS...—The subscriber offers for sate the extensive plantation in Arkan sas, formerly belonging to and occupied by die law Governor Kent, of Maryland, and containing twenty. eight hundre d estate andeighty- three sod &half .r. of land. fhis estate h es in the emottiestif Vhilluis and Crib , tendon, and is situated in Walnut Liana, on the Minis. aippi river, riventy‘e miles above the town of Bele. • ea. )tit said to be highest river land in that re gion of country. IL, is peculiarly adapted to the growth of cotton. Its t)tnprovements are an overseer* houee, • borne-tall!. several corn houses, and good quarter* for wrest.. Upwards of seven hundred acres of this land have been cleated and are now cultivated. The rest of it may be easily cleared, (the most being already done,) and hod less timber upon it, and that chiefly of ash, which is readily sold at a well totaled wood yard, in quantities of shveral thousand nerds every year. This plaotktion is one of great value, sad present!. a rare °plane:Linty to die public. In the hands of a pad planter windy be easily made of immense annual pro. fit Its-facilities of intercourse with New Orleans af ford a constant ave n ue for the disposal of its products. It is distant about 00 miles fron, einehmau,l:7o miles from the month of the Ohio, and 70 miles from New Orleans. This property will be divided into errand parts, If desired. For terms, &0., apply ipT i tt iA3 lo to IL FIUME, nalibaora,Maryland. FOB SALE THAT SPLENDIPRIVATE RESIDENCE , now in the occupin of Me. Samuel M. Wick . anthem, situated in Finn Wand of Alleglen city. This property Is beautifully located on the hen of the Ohio, haunt:: n rive}} front of 200 feet, prouichei by a stone wall, and arthuding hack 348 feet, corn mending a beautiful view of the city and the rivers. Them are two steam fen* boat landings within n few steps of the property, furnishing ecumenical =sew by ! ' steam, at oil times, to the city of Pittsburgh, and Tem- peranceville on the south Sideotthe The bonnets a large dootble two sorry brick,firtished in the latest style, with all the modern conveniences, and ,rnprorementa,, suitable oat houses, wash lumnie, stable, carriage house, td &e. The garden in well supplied with altrubbery, sod choler (rot trees, Including pears, apples, and peach .. For terms end other l articulara, apply to WILLIAM h S ' INN, Mumma at Law. jafidlm Office • a Su, at, above Smithfield _ 205 Acres Ca • Land tar Sale, SITIJATEMon the Mo. • nguhela river, shoat Inmiles from Pinsbnrigh and amine above third Look, in the immediate neighborhood of Mawr. Lyon & Shorb, and Mr. John ilemon's parr-Mute. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the to r price of 8a per nere—one third is hood, Maimed: in five equal ,anal payments, without mum.. Title i disputable. Location very good , --cannot be surpassed. For further particulars enquire of S. BALBLEY,:who has a drdft of said pro perty. Residmee ttd et, below Ferry,Mr. Adams' ROW. N. 13 There is anotherweam of coal on this tract, about CO feet above the loWer, of excellent quality. jr2Sedif g. Tract. of Isand for Sale. MBE sabactiber wi11.41 on aceommalating terms, • valuable tract of uniinproved laud, situate on the road lending from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from l'ittsbutih, and about eight mile. from the town of freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tain. ace. acres,and 20 perches, Rliet mettanos The Mod ht of an egeellent quality, about 00 acres cleared, and well artiteredOted will be sold either in whole or farms of convenient site, toindt paichasers. For farther particular. enquire of Whl. BOI'D, dn'y at Law, office or 4th at. above Smithrield, Pittsburgh. tarlOallcssif T aicalAdalate u Ohio. A TRACI °Oland, MI acres, in Hllllll.ll, Portage Co , 21 on the Cuyahoga river—about.lO acres under Moe provement. Also two unimproved lots in the village of Warren, Trumbnll Co. 60 feet by Kt Also, a lot ground in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, 'rid fills dwelling honse andtstore—one of the best star for a merchant on the Western Eleserve. Any or ui w. thi rm.f i b p;prany : 17'7 be I=l D v lGlEV a"44n et a 4 4, Web:wand Front st r • • -,. + .al OrLOTORY Valk SALE OR RENT rk ea :largeindwefbein Peccary, erected on Rabe. , street, Allegheny{ city, by R. S. Gassed Fail- 1 a o ered for sale or re 0= Abe Ist of Jan. 151 the lot on which the Fae rr is erected, AOALI 100 feel on Rebecca street, end s back 110 feet. haPerk street. The main building is fbriek, three. storicahigh, anti i -60-feiet-loopby trr et,r/dia -Tteatngine Ilounris large and cornatodio with an engine, libiler,,statk, ke.. ill in complete er. The property vrill be sold low, end on adv. ons terms. Litielre of ' 11011ERTSFILNIGHT, ' 0ket..4.4.1m • , Agent' COVISITILY FagEVIDENCE /FOIL /LEST. 1. LIP GROUND, situatedar Mo . • Pittsburgh and Greensburgb Terninke, n it miles frorn,The thy, and adjoining the Allegheny Cem etery, on which is erected a large end well bthhed, two story brick Dwelling. House, together with stables, carriage loose, Or. Tiannela also on the premises huge sanely et fruit trees, and a spring of mumual on celleneb contigeths to the dwelling. Also--One three and one two story Mich dwelling, situated on Liberty street,. between O'Hara :and WO , nut streets, eth Ward. Bent moderate. Enquire of MI. YOUNG, 143 LibetWit VOW REHR'. OFFICE. DOOMS near the Post Other. Also, two small stores 'on Third street. And a L>111( room on Morkeestreet, third awry. with smaller room in second story below, formerly occupied as • Daguerreotype establishment, being well located nod adapted for that business. k. D GAZZA.3I, mll-2er Mee, 2d a., over Yhtlo Poll. E 0332 THE three story prick Dwelling House, for accepted by the subscriber, on Rebecca street, to Allegheny mu. JAS. KERR, Jr. laL=.V No R Water st A THREE story Dwelling on Fourth, between ELFerry trod Liberty streets, now occupied by Absalom Morris. Engtre of telg•U 'RNA P ATOTFEN FOR RENT—For one to three years, from the firat of April next, a largo morn:tried brick Owellhig House, pleasantly situated on the bank to theOblo nver,adjoirung the borough of Marmites , ter, with about four wires of land, out buildings, fruit trees, Am. &a. Apply to jay • JAlllb A HUTCHISON &Co Pioperty r Sale. Alleghesittty fo rubseeibem offer fur sate a number of choice Luta, shame in the Sono* Ward,froudng on the Common ground, on easy tenetka..lnquiro of WO , ll. ROBINSON, Ally-or Law, Si Clairet • OforIASROBINSON,.OII thopremisna. my17:11/eatfT To Lot. A LARGE and well finished Room ' seized story, an the corner ofWood and Third Clint., shove the Exchange Mace of Km H Peasersiori given immediately. Inquire of 9.9 9PGILLS k Ell 194 Libeny FOR SALE OR REII,T. bk. THE subscriber offers for sale or rent, his real dence in Allegheny city. POIMMIIiOII can be gi ven Ist of February; or sooner if necessary, and who. ever may duel:4ra, might find it advantageousto . re- . tabs some of the - furniture, Re.., particularly suitellM the Piurps. jo R. W:POINDMTEJL. AIVANTED TO RENT—A =al: private duvet- -_.v kg with not len than four rooms and a kitehon,.. , • wlthin Ave or tea initiates leach of the Diornovi- Addens, With patticalars, ••13ox No. 216. Pool Otßea.. TG LET.—A Lot .I,3Oyd'e }jilt, suitable for one or two limit Yards, to let. Apply to ps4..les /11..8. LCAME, Agent, Wylie et. --. • ..,- TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALEcity. Af., TWO LoOTS on avet street, in toe of Allegheny, shore t he oppei Co mete, on vs Melt. t. to erected a franc budding, two stories high, saleable for two small lenelpicnta The lots are each twenty feet in front by one , hmdred feet deep, and ran back to a street forty feet Wide. The handless on the pre mises arid pay evcri:andsotne interest on the invest, mem, and the prope wlll be sold cheap for cash. Apply to 11. 'Sproul, Clerk's office; V.P.' KA or to . nor-A Y . &Co .J. ------- IfiliEbszaa TO Le.T. THIS delightful Summer Retreat, 4i for tsumo yen,. pail occupied by Ntr. L. Burch- - 0 Id, is offered for sole or rent on the first • - o April next. This property has Leon improved by additional buildings, and a Fiannad stone wan, and' terrace planted with Evcrgreeps and Fruit Trees. To a good tenant, capable of conducting the Ketrcio., rk e . terms will be mountable. GEO COCIIKAN • Pittsbargh, Dee. D. Agent toe Pri_m_riar, t. • rOti SENT. - 21 , 16 THE rubscriber often for rent (or the torn .ot:', ' Afitone or more years, a large convenient well . ft*... ,seed two story Dwelling HOU., containing In and .nartir , Kitchen. Them is a lot of grotmd containing. V, aerate fine young fruit trees of every kind, c a • fin., eommeted with the house. To my peraonsgiia„ • • log a delightful resident° within a few umlaute:l ildaot the city, this will be • rum chance. For tern* which' will be low to a good meant, inquire of jilt. Joist, Weight,nem, the premises, of John Watt, earner of , Ilmd and Liberlyetreeta,orof • maa...lf " ' 'THEO. F. AVV.IGHT2 . .... - _ — "Heirigainogtosia lisiond for 9nYe.' iTIEN -AM GS OP LA ND, situated In' Peebles ton e & .Whoa the goilngethebn, three miles from Pins burgh—in lots so.,seut purehisseM, For Canker, panic clan applylo Wary 'Mode, nd et, or to A. WASHINGTON, thosbovelilsrlithfield et ' 'Mae in Ziemer Coast,. IiLOT,' Storehouse and Dwelling, situate on the Rue R.treasicaz Canal, in the village of West AI:U -ses; a desirable location for a merchant • Also, a Lot aragebd Direlling House wall suited for a.Tavern Stand; the village of Orangeville, on Stale lino of - Obis. Tenn easy. NO DICKEY feble Werra and Front str CLAUD FOR SAM-Seven acres 'coal land for sale, situate in bend Mille Monongahela River, above Strowriaville y Pa-, hiving a 7 foot rell 'Width will be sold to exchange for goods. For persica nre,apply to [oral WIRARBAI7OII Soontlin, ti:WIAF.HOU4 E. PiittSALk—Theaobecriboor , Sere for. gate the three wary brieh V l *./tog%., on %sod aftetoccupLed by R. Tanner 8. Co., epl7 '• wIL . . . •-• To et. ....Subscribers will tent part of the soul! boose newer cupied by thoos ' 204 to . , . LEWIS, MIZELL, N, CO; ~ • , , jantS . . OS ors_ ,teestincl:••'' ' ITALULBLE REAL •Esvervom ltb‘..l ' T FUR a/dz.—A Lot of Gtound.+66ll26, „ oat .. Pools street, boosan tiny - sad. MarborY, dtnot.o.' 4 .4=11 1 1.. I the house u:d lot now ontotOled by Itieltud.Rdoirrds. having a front of tr. feetesodistdoirth 126 foes.,lnlll2ff sold onissorablo.tormsrAitlesaitexceptiortablb.,ll6l4, „d r . g i flo4.olodßit 4 21 o; 00112 W..OW'r . orrlLdlf . •r - ',Cyr -A s r, , , ~„ . , .. •• /ti ~• : ~ ••,A, s., •:. , -,, ;, , „ * ,Z;: t .,, l l;!,''' ‘1.7 2 • , :' ”". ' '...' '' vi I. '" " l '' ' : • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers