'SY )171CINETRLTEIMMIL Anwomma D & Tzrar.calarinim k; ALIDIANAIO:7 ..-/ ; .. e. XLERIVEr6I liftei laillVldial4lll4 PailaVlLtithaill4Ottes ----- (, ----- 1 - 8.. - Tb. 1 - m 0 - ir - m ---- ; ------ i.,.- in JANUARY. 1 rises. 1.-sets. Irl ae S.l ph are a. Na ParklBB°B ' l3l"nun'ill e- Michigan 2, Gilson; Bearer. 0 dututday, 707 448 ft 15 e Ene . Shales Beaver. n'A 7 Sunday,. 7 27. 447 7Z. . hak e - , ' 8M°13887., 777 448 881 ‘ Union, Greenlee, N Orleans 9 Tuesday, 725 4.49 941 Magner , ----, Cm 10 Wa&eroay, 722 450 10 471 DEPARTED. u Thursday, 728.4 SI 11 59 ~ ,_,I 12 Prld.7l 721 4W. wood Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. - .......t a) a from' ' Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Robert Fulton, —. Cie. rNTEEtpiToro nom nminmsußO. tree . nitvrox innisTcd To 11It =non. „ - •.• Eisszwavannt, /AXIL, 1849: du the p eg *, the On repealing the Erie and Ohio Rail Bowl Owner, was passed to a third reading tWelity, • • In the Mew . resolution was prised, indroet. int the : atreadreeest Military affairs to report a to idiedtth NM' Trebling, - • - V 1/071 0 0 . 0. 11, .. a. , rand rTd Wtmer Spezm C:11 , , ; ; 1500 - do do do Wtode do Wa l do: NW coast erode. do,, do t bbletiol Lard • - • d e 5' do Liollworrooted pare , .10t Strait's Tacto,, war'End gen'e; do - •In stare igolforask by• ._ - • MILLER eziucrersori,.. •rat,oolo-',llO %Wra er Floai,Jast finding 'lnd foi ut , br jino . l -8 DILWORTH& Co IflrTatt."-20 ter Bauer, 4 bbls do; yo 4 Lami ng sad fur ale by jalo 8 DILWORTH &Co txra& FAMILY FLOUR-65 4187f0r We b jslD.; • : : a lICIEWHF4IT FLOUR-40 seeks for sale by 1) AMY - - r&RAISTRONG & CROZEM WERT CIDER-35 - bbla tau reed and ter side' by law•-• - ARMSTRONG & CROZER. tr - INEtiAR=I9 obbi for sale ARAISMAJNO CRAZER A LitibakSlCO bags sat ahelled but reed per sts JCL Oriental, and tot sale by. ItURBIIII.IOE, 'WILSON d. Co, rain wader street CHLORIDE .. .OPSODA—thi' band and far late by t"IARMEE hand.od for by J TDD & Co 13ALTIM.011F. CIIROMT3,OREM-0 hgiud .43 Jul fotul6 ' Jr/10 3 A DD& Co EntuttaiFameN COLOGNE—On , • and for We by dalo J VOD &Co A BOOM /9AL BOPPOWERS'I4I' b d and for Jol leo bY Sal° J & Co AlLDOils—iFbblo stinrei , rtrained Oil loading 9lllBbottor Lase Nessisso and Ihr oaten' - JB9 JAMES siLZELL 4 " • OP , • reM • r steamer Z Taylor; for sale by iaS- BURBRIDG*NA Co nfinnlr--437 bash dry Apples; 300 tale by /Id J DILAVOWTII & wood it EUDING7&•-MAO bosh cheroots, for by JS DILW Tn &Co F W MI3 I - 2 nckS P 7B IrTlLtgre .!OIL&B CIDER—au bblo &a salt by_ , , .. la Jae J SDLLWO /I &Co • ' '' 0 ALERAIIII3-31ons. 801m=0..1 c'd and for 0 sale by Jas R ROM ON & Co VADDINO-600 dos my ham b Wadding, jest reed and•for sale by , Jr? BRACIELE2T &warm, • ..rood at FAMILY FLORB,-20 bbl. extra, Cat -by Jae .J D ItILLLAMS,I 0 wood at SOAP --0O boo Nol Eosin; 29 do do Ye • • for sale by. Jag • JD NY LLIAMS 10 boxe IU doold" 20 d o dipped; 10 do Star; stor= • • JD W L,L11318 TIMID FRUIT-30 budidried Apples;3) do dried JJ Peach.; for We by jab J D WILLIAMS 81100318-2) don common; 22 do extra quality; for tali by jag J D • LLIA3IB -STARCH -10 bat extra pure, for sale b • , AS .1 D W ILLIMAIS DRIED PEDIIT-41 bosh pared Peaehe 375 &no pared der,•ll,o do dry Appler.,__ban bl and far eby • jab . BROWN &CUL ER7 SON MIE4TDER3-45 auks sow landing f to ew Gems; fotsale.by Jag ISALLII DIC Y& Co • VrT l isilet 6 ) .lae i k a . 2 "°W- IVIIII " VIZIA ! -."0;'; 'VLAXSEED-19 ats cow landio Rom mu Genoa; X for ale b -1 DICKEY &Co EILVANA SUGAR-10 bra ••=IFNI saw • • :Italy yellow &ulnas= iv:calved S-Iteart !iiputdfoorgala try : COO , aziar RFLOVE:- - 0 UN for'sala istio 03 I. ' - -- rsPsoN Qpl4 - 15 rime for eby al. VON BONNR..: ' ac Co.. POTTED g ggr g ima I3III.CLLETT WHITE g INSIAO-1G bags Glaaesig; IsSafase aad f 'side •. jgg 13 ad, just reed•b AVSß i ; A figor. exp SEACELETTIk. WHITE LiFAD-00pigsGEenaLea4, per Er IRoben Fulton, kr isle by ha CII GRANT, 41 anon la SHOTr-LO kegs•Nostp 3.and 4 Shot, for sale by, • C El GRANT . QIINDBRIN—BIibIi No I. e Lgdi .I:bblßest k L lin ßo g l 4 l / 2 1 w r i 1.7 tor, bblime=p7 . 1 oSo r'e lor "1". ILECTSON to co FIbUR-:7bbLMummers Family Mur,,lcurt roo'd ar tamrCona; for sale by R ROBISON lt Co UOARALN MOLASSES-2S blals pane N 0 SA pr ltbbiss Goolales 941 Molnaar. .Ale by •• FISIV2I bbla 3Vocketel, taigas br j. 5.:. s ROBJSON t Co D E4l.l ti fi e y 4 Wed i Vrjs4Tp . ina l.th r d r A , Ppks inng . P V .7 GFila BERRY, 19 wood n ARjl.4O keb 1" 1 Lard, in mr SEVA f gErt 1ir.4 1.1. jaS TER r LA O LIO . O . II.-4 ,4 OIL - 1 0 r l pel,,1 11" S Sztnorn min.,. & CO: We Ihr; i&l ' . S ELLERS & NICOLS is mETAL—no to An 1 2 Rock, n.b, ° 0 .2 7 , and IA tom Haag P JAMES DALZELL • balm eounn, in lade...ond for rale by ovelitt ROUSE MOLASSES-40 eels prime Haw 'lltekliatolaisey invent and for sale low to close coosigameatAry. - .: 114 /dB IIALZELL: ATEwoluzaNs StiGja:SES hula, JO Mob prism 1.1 N llSiosriobletopoorhleb will' bet sold loss so close coosigsusent,- decal JOHN ArrADEN &co . SODA 0111-60caskiftoda Ado, of • nmpetior 11.1 uy, on hand !u41:',7 ',ale by dear . JOHN IMAM( tr. Co FAMILY IFLOGII—= bbla Parkinson' !multi Fam ily Boar, ree'd on censignment and for sale by &en • • W/CH NDIASS EVONI3-45 bzs fi3T • : • GINSENG—!4 bans Nara r DIC • Ii&TEM Frtj i is-7 . lvolb . ii in atom am MAHyI •tivbz Co T ARD;olbbla.lict It. 40 kegs do; fa • . and fat sale by sad ISAIAH DIC ' •& Co Cinmer.—Nq e rgo cod quality, N tore and, for tat 6 by id 4 ISAIAH DI • Yk Co Q.AIRPETRE,33 bap crude, in MOM .• for sale La by -• jag ISAIAH DICKEY & Co Sa l ac • . 0 - • , - • to , te; ,. • sal Is •y PEACHES AND APPLE,%_for tale IT J_l ia6 ISAIAH DICKEY &Co irlift COPAL VARNlSH—Furniture and coach, G is tddi, halt do, sad kers, bar sale by lab • * • ISAIAH DICKEY fr. Co XTAPICINS-45 dos Lined Napkins, ,DOW Ifs* bird tII eye and damask - patterns, opened end for sale try • lea - • - 81-IAOICLErt &WHITE h golaina, Lovicro brand; VIVINS-=4OO d o do do decl3 BAGALtY &11%1711 MIDEAST PIPE -2 dor Breast Nes, teed and for AID tale at the India Dabber Depot, No 5 Wood n. den 3 & II PHILLIPS-. deci4' ' DUILDBUICIE, WILSON aDo VIOLASSES--100 bbla Plausarlen Molasses, tolaiTi .Url. from stmr flail Columbia: for Sale deel3 BAGALEY & NSOLABBEB-60 bids, (new crop) N 0 hroh Lue , i„ WI superior older, reed ens dry by stnsuneo Tele roi.pb No 1, and far 'sok by 7 lc R FLOYD, deed • Round Church Building. . ("MOVER SEED-10 bbls Clover Seed, reed Ude d7y by Eats Diligence, and for orate by Jdo &FLOYD • YE&CUMS AND CHEITNITS-49 begs Money. :Pessbeg Id do Chub/tot; landing from atm J Aami &Yule by 40e1 ItAGALEY YHMITH LBLACK-41Inperier Sun., in blob end hhdi, Manned papers, for sale by • I_'elect B A-FAIINEEMXICt. Co SUlLlC—flieily, bagpjant ree b d ad for sate by QIIOAR-433 Ids& pr i old crop N Sugar, in 1.7 Mow consignment,vni for nwe by ail • I. 8 WATERIVAN IDTLOCUCE, acre bbl, Rail Better, 10 eble while .11eues; sue le. B.tillna; 100 lbs &nem 3 bbl, CaLerbastyo keg. Lard; jest reed snd for sale by / 4 ' - R ROBISON & Co QUNItiIIF3-10 tons Ott Wan. ISW ars common Wool; ISOtrostr dried Peaches; soo do do Apples, reed Ord foe sato try is 3 R ROBISON is Co TpLAT BOATS-. 2 rat Boats, 110 feet long, 20) wide; Is 3 a ROBISON it Co ---- -nOTATOES=4OOInash Potatoes, jars reed rind for onto ARMSTRONG & CROZER , kPlasts,jurt ree , daa4 for mile bt . .. • • u• • ARMSTRONO to CROZER RYE Ulb-4 bbhi Just reo'd and ibr said bY jy3 b.E IIB ,TEDNO CROZat. GtiibibrE MUMMY WOMEN% foiSOrdb64 oa . idutd dad for sale by . y KIDD k . ce • nit NMI:MN° bit V . P-On laralot sale DAVigarZ5lVBl"2"-Wild Chen - - _ _ GyiLDßAnoN—auo lb int hand sat %lob, I jtII ORY Worted_um" esh k.ad mid for 4ale by 481 S KI D„ &Co . . L AltilL47 bids No i t now landing fram•neirer Genoa; for-aabs by • - fag. ; !BAU D =KW & Co,front T.PATITERS—aeIs AM — live 1, T ----- a: • dectl S Boriinoluf7a. " Ak Co §INDIUM -40 bbis Green Apples; 100 barb dried Tisthes; Wdo small White helm; 4bbis Rye; at, thdriirl Apples; Jurtreed sad far sale by dear- II RODLISOIV t Co. 102 libe .IL I LAX6EED—.77 sailcitlSAlAli b 61,1, DICKSYL rrilre• keg, to' a for ; . I .-LrLitel s . front Ast 1[41.1.01T }nal landincfrom mar Militant it Saisal4l7 . , r MLWOrrill, 47 'ragtag • • • f/ t • n,.~.'~;L'3? ~~r„1C,~~~` - ~'Ar' , ~',i`„~'~a"~~'`~ =>~-rzg~:~::r ,COMMERGUL- REWRIk °Men Pretanuana Szarrit. Friday Morning, January ,1? 1848.5 The markets yesterday maintained their usual luietniss,and so far as me could learn, nothing of note transpired. The menthe was eleai, and cold 'enough to be rather unpleasant for outdoor bust nes*. FLOUR—Very little was brought is yesterday, and we could hear of no first hand sales to any reportable mount. From store We find no change in qtlollltiorte. From 4,12 to 4,22 in tie present rouge of the , market, with moderate sales. RYE FLOUR—With small supplies in market, we note regular limited sales at 3,121Q3,1.8e per barreL 81161 - WHEAT FLOUR—Supplies • are light and sales are waned to limited lots from store a; 31,75 to 31,97 p 100 Ms. CORN MEAL—Moderate sales are effected from store at 45050 c ft bit—as in quality. GRAIN—We hear of no sales to any large a. mount under this bead; bat may quote nominally as lollawin Wheat 70c, Rye 45c, Barley 50, Corn 430150, and oats at 2i.V.300 p bu. GROCERIES-Sales of 6 bhds fair N 0 sugar at Sac, time: Sales of 213 bbis N 0 molasses in different lots at 2763250 p gall. No change in gibiramelet. amounting to 14 bbla fair quality . ra-Ec fe and of 20 kegs No lat 0106io per .BUTTEftWe note farther limited sales of keg at 8, B.igiBip; rind of roll is bbla at 10ifil.20 p 111 asks quality. -- CANDVM=f3fdea of city dipped at 9c, and of mould:at joie co a TAI4.997—We hear of no sales to any large name. 7o p This a fair quotations from atom for rendered.: SOAP :Sales of city end Cincinnati ' manueics tote; rosin at prices ranging according to quality fosin4 to p lb. Spirit of the Dome.troitlarket New Orleans, Dec. 30, 1943. Cottott--The • market is quiet to day, and the . aideathathave transpired do not exceed 1000 bales. Priced thin.' Sugar--Sales 400 hh4s. Prices are feeble, and Fair has sold as low as 3lc, Molaasea—sSalea of 500 bbLa at I .B3loc—falling off'. Flour--Saleß of 170 bhls Fine in two tots at $1 64,M, and 120 Choice at $-1,00. There is a. fair demand for small lota on the Levee at 4.37164,40 for Ohio, with asks to the extent of 730 bbls. A flatboat load of 1275 Ras Ohio sold yesterday at 4 , 37 101,40, free of commission. Com—Sales 10 racks white and yellow, in two lots at 44c, and 340 prime yellow at 45. Oate—A flatboat load of 4500 bo cold at 2-le in bolt. Pork—Pdemi retails at 311011,2.5, and prime at 9,5009,75. Firm. Beef-36 bble p rime aold at $B. Cincinnati, Jan. 8, 1545. Flour—The sales to dny are 400 144 delivers. hie next week et 3,55; 150 do tram wagons at 350; 85 do from store' at 9,80; WO do at 41.5„ There was some inquiry for shipment, but thereon not many lots offering. Hogs—The sales to day are limited-60 bead ay cot 212 Ins at 3,25 356 do from wagons at 3,25 106 do div on 200 BO at 33a3.25. • The number in the pens is quite moderate and mostly sold. Bulk Park--4 sale in salt of 800 pea hams at 41q 670 do hams and shoulders, country at 44 and 21 mans 600 pieces eimlent, partially eared Shoulders and Sides at 21M;e; 1500 pea hams mp.n.t. Singed Bacon—A sale of 500 boxes at 7c, de_ livered at Near Orleans. Lard—A sale of 22 bbla country rendered al 51e; 100 tee good steam rendered al tife; 100 lads prime Not at 61e, tare 18 eer tent; 200 kegs do tare 20 per rental 61e. Tallow—A sale of 31 bble Mumoo: teak zero, dared of 6e. WhiakeT—A further aright improvement gnu realised to day. The sales ME 135 bbla from ca nal at 142e4 42 bbls from railroad, 60, 22 and 50 do form river at 141 e; 20 do from wagon, and 11 ,:o from Railroad at 141e.—Plu. Boston, Jan. 6, ISIS. Cotton—There has been a good demand for cot, ton, but the stock is now 110 much reduced that the sales since our last have been very light, com prising only 500 bales, at Cull prices, tu some ins stances at an ildrauce on gusted melt There are supplies near at hand and soon expected. Arrived dote oar lac— From Mobile, bales Exported same time. To Genoa, bales The total receipts of Cotton at the different pans of the country, from Sept. 1, le 49, us latest Elates are, bale. 557.344 Same time lam year, 532,511 The exports have beete— ISIS. I Sr 7. To Great Britain, 339,1193 151,469 Frence, 73,396 10`:,790 Other foreign posy... 71,3154 73.190 • Total, 483193 327,448 &Debi on hood, - 387,95:1 4 .-V412 . 9 DomerSica--There is o very fair demand at our quoted pricm. . Exported since oar last— • To foreign psis.% bales and rare• Since ism. 1, 45 Fiat—!n large Codfish there have been sales of 2,000 gib; .11202,121 p gtl, loose, end 2,45@22 0 p ctlipacked. Ualte are scarce and home bobs sold ni " 2 " ka° " $ 1 . 33 ie lid. loose. No I mach. erel are iv. very (air demandla oar quoted rat.i, but for 2'a and 3's the demand is refiner landed. Exported lance our last— Codfisk, boxes 20 • Codfish, gilt, 631 Mackerel, bbls 145 Herring, boxes --1 - Ship. List, Cattle Markets.. Baltimore, Jan. B.—Cattle--The supply of beowea on Monday was amalL There were 620 heal at the wales, of which 366 were sole, 20 reMaie ed over unsold. and 234 were driven to Prices ranged from 2,25 to $4, equal to 4,5027,7; net, and averaging 3,124 gnass. Hogs—Pales were made to day at 6585,311. COM.. can Gault—The frequent changes an the weather at Mistiest.= or the year, invariably bring R with them coughs and colds, whidh by timely ancT.rion are cosily cured by sicajdo zentedke SEle L'lrrLS' IMPERIAL COUGH EITHUP been in one fa", the tut 11 year., and has gained' morn reputebon or the core of coughs (not requirt rig active medical 'treatment) than • any other prepgraforit ever oaered the eitisens of Allegheny county. The Inverts' Cough Syrup is very pleasant to the Me te,felid. cm this ac count. is a groats-mite will, chlidotn. The doses are camfully graduated, bythe,directions, - to cult all ages. That thin long tried and hi ghly cough remedy may be withal ape math of, all, it !geoid at • tha love piles of to centelier bottle.• • Prepared and sold by E. PI OPI.LERS, STWood Pittsburgh, D. AL Curry, Alm , Actry,lhtd druggists gen erally in both cities.- 5A Pots Sr, or:K innrot sls„Csacc-1 allow . I," rthealiliy.Tcelb; attar /mina once of lyric." clean. ed, , Oth ~ I ,..at'Amsey Tooth , Pasta 4 have the look and t!evlrietnii at th e sausA ti th lo,iancteeat and SaLtinakia advantasqous oveih_St Arc. west that anal'. a sod& condSlon, giving them a hes.. SAS palish "add preventing decry. Tholes decayed it prevents NW. becoming Worle-111 also . &gals • uch . 0 . 01. becdmingloofe,:ind iretiderv - the realest teeth delieetialyWhiteould'lna haat: . btesth - deUelott.iy sweet Prli.te .Its 01174 cents a hoe, sitra'try Wht. JACKSON, hi, 2dhearipireet .t an of the Bic' poet, • • • - sepia ' • Do ran tematita Meiti, be 444 mats yOtt Ittat soft slob trte I, Der,yy I:Callen, late barbn 0n board the Gleam boat South Aroiriea do certify that bate Coral Hour pt,,,,,mtjpe Is the beat ankle lover ailed as dierdllii. softettimGcleaddna, and keeplng balp'a Inca time soft, elean,slllool44 and oellott. ory: eztatotarro preferred It to gory:thing elbe. :11, 7 .t . I sapPe.o dill will wear arYbeeasoniblo'person :hat I half!, listed.l might glee the allies of atico ben. For aode,by Wit JAI:Li/NU. sep2B Efildberty thnika of the-Big Boot tcr worros;11 their Irrimuon, pojpuint ine seer, tido et , men* or slime in ittestoMselt, in Ishleh, yil so, they Involve themselver; and II Is stud they r„ d fa...rived of a they 'Up. The eetehr 1,5 von il,n„d by Jr.FAIIN.sZIY;C2 • pttehig P l u ' ,.r. u ndatimltly adapted In its drperrolom first, to remove the prof. nine mucus, and se.tondly to Ripe) the worms render:4f helpless and tender by be. Ing thus denuded. It is a remedy itt which every con fidence cue he plead; end that d'ltss answered the purpose is nuirufest [row the hundreds of eardhestes given in its giver 117' Tle.solt, Angelic isillseancin of some Monde. /maul to view, wuilef the repuleire, wane, weedy yellow tacos of etheminacites diyasi—the tame With male. Could ouch ,people be in aced to try a coke of the maims. , Ital'om Chemical Soap, them would be enraptured with tie change. They would bare a deli onto, clear,whltorakini while every! o ld or eruptioruwould be removed rad clued. ,l'orricuroaNyper--Personswbobave boughtcheop eountedelts and imitations of thle,l and have Undo° of. Met prodoced,. moot aTthin. the Pinpard. Moat oak wr Joneatfloap. • For mac at•Ww.docascueo, d 9 Liber ty worm morel 'That w biter skis of berm, than att.,. JW • And pest as nuns unsental alabaster.. female. have skin like the above,. swim use-Jones 8 1/..htt felVtlfbite. — lt rttaketb pant anoory,•yet nets whit* /Shad at ni Manny street, 1711 de th el..o7.Flszlfrlsens Warsaw:so WO, t3untucas..-Itra qualltr.of ar a. bottle of Jone. Coral •-lsultatatlre to to •foroo - the emir to- grow- on she `•"betad faoss—or wherever nature Invaded hale , to 5t0w. '. 41 . 1 IVILXACKSON, Noss; Liberty eve.; It la oc:thus WS BOWL, i septa b.tlftt. ,POIMOF 21178BliEtat. At dusk htst evening, there were d ket 6 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling slowly. Awls Innis—the river at• this point is nearly at a stand, with about 4 feet 6 inches in channel by pier mark. The weather continues very coldi the ice from each shore is gradually approaching the middle of the river, and it must soon close on. less the weather moderates. The steamer Union arrived here night before last from New Oileans, and the Magnet yesterday from Cincinnati. The river at Louisville at the latest dates, wee gradually receding with a depth of 10 feet on the Whs. The steamers Mount Vernon and Lantrutine from Pittsburgh, the Silas Wright from Cincinnati, and the Gen. Jessup from St. Louis, arrived at New Orleans on the 18th ult. The Lamartine and Mt Vernon were advertised to leave New Orleans tor Pittsburgh on the 30th ult.; the Jessup for - St. Louis, and the Silas Wright for Cincinnati an the same day. The Nashville Banner of the sth instant, reports the Cumberland river at that point at a very high stage. The St. Louis Union of the latest dates reports the Illinois river closed with ice above Bardstown. The river at St. Louis had been rising for several days, with 4i to 6 ket water in the channel to Cairo; below that point the river is full, owing to thn rise in the Ohio. PERISH P VHE TEA H, Wholesale and retail, at the MORBID' TEA STORF., 70 Fourth atreet, near Wood, Plitsborglt—The subscriber having tort returned from New York, is now reeetvinx a large fall supply of fresh OREM AND BLACK TEAR from the New York Pekin Tea Company, selected Aria great care for rend) sales. Out rock beingnow heavy we ate pre pared to supply Grocers,4lotels, Steamboats and From. thes with may quantity and at any price they may with; packea in and I pound packages, I lb. nu canis ter,, 0 and 13 lb natty boxer, and in half chests. Retail Grocers we invited to call, os we can nod will sell better Term at lowerprices than any other boron in Pittsburgh. Our stock of hne Young Ilyicu, Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the best in the Amene. market Loitering's double refined Loaf, Crashed, and PM. vented Origami, at Midi, or by the barrel. COFFF.ES—Mocha, Old Goo. Java, Looms, St. Do. ming° cod Rio Cartes, selected by the most experien ced coffee Broker in New Yotk. Street Spiced Chocolate. Pickled Cucumbere and Onious, Fresh Peaches, pot up in their own juice. Malaga Raiains; in 3 lb box,. N. Dr. D. Jayne'• Family aleibeinee for sale. ileca-d&Acti A. JATN FcC. flooanig...4.ialvanized Tim Plait... THE sulinershers bog to call the auenuott of Builders, Archtteets and owners of Unildlngs. to the many advantages which these plates pewees over all other metallic substances hitherto used for rooting, ac , as they posse. at once the light/teas of iron, wuhout its Manley to runt, boning now been ten d for several years to this perimeter, both in thin country and in IP,U. rope. They Lew liable to etpanston and contrite. tun from sudden change of the atmosphere, than tom. man inn plate iron. one, or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a emelt better and tighter roof; requiring' for less frequent repair., whilst the first coat is but a tribe more. A full oupply, of 01l wires, from 16 to 36 W. G., ton stonily on herd and for sale by OF.O. R 1110REWOOD & CO„ 14 11111 d 10 Beaver street, New York. The Form right for this srnele hgvetvg bean, second for the United :Stites, all parbesisfringtog thereon, ether by tovortation or otherwise, will be prosecu ted.oet.3o.d.kwtyl. Pittebargh Water Works. - - • 1)R0P05.3A1..9 will De rreeired at the odic* of the 11: vier \Vet - 1,, nt uil Mo .Ilay. the V9ll. lom , at 5 o'clora. for iurnt.thsnr. Pepe.. a. lollow, to let: inch lior;, eueb varying Irani IWO lo 'JI. lb. tee& Mil', With the usual complement of branches. All the pipes of v melt and upwards mast he east on end, and in drairable to have the 6 loch and the .1 inch east on enn nlw. bidders 'all' therefore lone in what way they propose to make there site.. and the damenee m pnee, it any. bet., -n mvstinv theta on cud and on the inclin ed potion... it slmoin be kept tit view that portions of all the nues wilt be requited early in the Beason. nod tae whole nuentnu by the fins of November nen. Paymergs to LK. to Bonds beving interest, and run ning twenty yearn. 'Testing and delivering to be at the eivose of the contractor. MTLF.:LLAND. govt. lag-ttol . RUST PROOF IRON emend worts m we <rty .f T a " 1 1 : Z S = :e * ps " tie. of Iron, uitith it o d=le o PEA " T.CT FROM - In:ST. ruck sm Telegraph apitca Nada. tl . Jrc for Fences, and alty other arnele swath may ha requtrect. For lloop• Liar Csalta as • artbstaute for hale Rr•pa for Clothes Lulea I.iditaung Rod. and • boot odor application, it relll fooad camp and durable They arould particularly call auanuon Jar G1110•31,- zed Wire or 'emcee; it trqairce oe pada, and will run Mot Also 1.0 r& t p i tnll44 Delta Ilutt poraereation leach m of so ot tea Mapartaude, n will command itsz•lf to tau notate of all duare mere-saga • . . _ GEO . MOM.IWOOD SCDO.: D/Lmt/m/... net-41-twl TT /I and l& Braver st.N York Wertisement.. TUT. subscriber. in elfertitx Am sale a handsome lot of Nunn. & Ctart's. (New Tork,l and Clocker. tort Comma) Pram.. would airrel attentmo to the fart the: Me a the only piece in she Wen where We tostroments of thew two maker. can be tried aids by loam and where. consequently, a correct Idea of Matt qualms.. ear be formed. The subscriber beteg anxious to test their retailer menu, and ha riog_for a °owlet, of years performed upon the Plano. of Num. & Clark. hat =den tato use rot the Lest twelve months. a Ctitrk• cues to order to try its durabilityand Uneas e. an accomportyment to the come. 'Ms Piano may now be seen and examined at bin room. He Jeri. bonfideto of Ms ability to pre a competent and mita. le opinion on the subjeet A in lot of new Pianos will be opened in a few days. H. KLEISEII, deck.At 1 W DIVIDEND. • Oren, or Ws Ai-Leedom Demo. Co., Pmehurgh, Janne', I. 1.19. Pte.intent and Manager• of the Company for etectieg a Badge over We riser Allegheny, typo. rite Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, hives tio. May &elated • dmitactel of Two Dona. eaeh .hare of the Capital Stock. mending in Me llama of on. &mien!. on the MAIL. at the Company, out of be profits of the last am moutha, which wattle paid no Stockholders or them lege/ representatlene forthwith. ted-dithiencrtT JOHN HARPER, Seeretarv. 1•14 - 71a — larso rears for iloots Corner of tatanthfleld and Fourth sm., Prrrsecluin, Pk. • PkfeTIC R IPOI T ILI and < Shoe' h i." 0:113 n e l li:, a need mt retail, weed respectfully untrue the mmetion of stair tnende end the public generally to their aplendtd etoe: past opened, coronsting of men's, women s, bi nye', mow, ts' and chtldren's wear, of every variety, mutable for Cho seam°, and et prove tO Sail the time.. A 1., a xplen.tid echoic of kletalle Clem Shoes-for gen and holiec PIESInt cull and es tonne (ot your. 1111000. TROTh ik SCOTT, corner of Southfield and In atm, Pirtabstch. N. D tg• Trunks, carpet Dart, Ac, storeys on bend and low '0 - • • Disooloc.ors of Portnorshtp. underwgned bring Perehtwerd dm Interest of D. Brooke, of the firm of Whim, Drool. & Co, I ameti maker*, Ailegbeity, Mould tofokrd the Pu'lnd I 'Mt they moll consul. be bow Nod nn der Me name al S. A. NV BTU A IN , sad role at! Ine humnew 110, toy I De former firm. We would elm in OM h e ...doe of n be public to the large nook of Cerrun,m• m" I ng for the eptang trade. Ay A "VIDTT4 & to Allegheny, Jan 4, Int& of d& • --.- A PIIUTIIER BROVCTI4 I X• FAS. MUMPILATT & 005114' PATSW'r Str,...‘ ARM— S/ I to 5 tons 31 caeh earreney,or 4 loos app 'O4 tolls S ton. or upwards, 35 do par, el mos dn, friter,`4l 04. ded. Pot the superior qualny of this brand we fel *, to the Onu and way rnanolartorere of thi• nit y cene,'. l- 11 . W k M MITCIII4I:II4V.E., doe 4 1611 liberty et • -- .3114.14:41X Pita Y. MILICKM—The subscribers boning J boon appoint. tsi sole Agentsthe nsanstfacturera, Gar the sale of ttut celebrated .11 by ,fettle Iltlelte,“ are nor prepared In 5 II orders fur any quantity, •1 SW, fi 1,,,1,540• Yu' the eonstruction of furances of nit kinds, these tine to hove been pronounced by coin. 5,14,111014 CA as brio gni/stun to all other bre bricks oovr in use. C A 54'A & Co, Cowl Rus i n iny3o CO.PARTNICItAIk'IP NOTICE. . . . Intl) 46.L4, MIN fwellilro. oliN DUNLAP, haring on I.'se Is , ' 041 • 0...01010 1 LP web b/M la his b.lllllss John Fleming.,theT , sercaftet carry on their Imparting r '1 house .11.4•0111, acul marnsfactunne V. under the rtusnt . 14011 onyle Jelin Dunlap hCo Tb, ho. oo foo , of We • fld cot abliabrnent will be closed by Um eenwe pay l4' fl the rower al their Warahoorw, cOssiel a. Set and Pecoodnit. JOHN AF Jc Co• erldet y AJLIJ—Ia bids No I lard, landing; for sale by dealt)& tof 011, per steamer Con. signer for sale by , dealt) FRIEND, MIRY tr• Co CIDER 7U bbl. wreath,' Crab Cider; Ib do 00011000 do, In tier. dud for tale by - &rola J IS DILWORTH, IN Wood n ;11.18E—Iobitle Sarre for blsoune, for .01, by &eels . J 14 DILWORTII rIOD LIVP,ti 'JIL.--terkellope an hand and' for sake N.J by .keg/ J K41)6 k. Co MMalueees, ook barrels, arrl- rink per *Par Semina, dud for .nk by DURBIIIIXA, W1,}.,. Lament en, declk • • • (1 Uhl HUH DRYDRUDI-20 kW/ priced •Aim reed & , WSMV" 6 ";I7ZAVAT ,Zlvrood Itl 13 DU e lgt—t bbls Roil Butter, for sale by J B DILWORTH boa Raistom %Imam do; au boon. .Q shelled Alttiondb ail do bluing's. Figoi.l icv drum do; 2 eases Melly Liquorice; I bbi nivivrou's Blocking, Jost denG received and br salt by 311.0WN & O - . CA fit..l-20ions 011 eske just receivad pet canal bcint Ntrw Itrightoniandtfor sale by • • It. ROBISON & Co 102 Libertystrect. dec9 _arty Lll4or:Eis 011,.-19 tl..ppme Liimiecd.oa. Jun It. tel Yea Sa d far isle y did. R. ROBIZION& CD, BrMane-14 kegs pibac - Riitter for sale by • decD I ARIRITRONO't CROZER DO'TATO&4—ni bbt4 very• Ono Nestumnoek Polki toes on eounignment, by _detlLL AIRAMTRONO k caozEß' doz hirmi az wool Mort* trl and Ittikwere; J stoiraltinaln.s: tut reed and for ale by dei:) ! • F.ll EATON t Cal PU METAL— 1 tanallangl7 Ilickblets 1 1, .164 far sale by,. &eta JASI/ALZEL I 'DEA bITITS-150 ben Tenn. Pea Meta, In rum sad .1E - for see by Ideal' .I.II3DALZELL, .. a-n'r~^^7lrie4w+~i'~^"s':iY e,A+;•:tia..-......:.~,.`~a+: =Ea Pik . HAIM =ro Ai TM ism? gAatTL Threrter Covorte—Jan'y. 10.—This was an ejectment brought Toe a house and lot in Birming, hani, by Augh L. Cooper, Joseph Cooper and Mary Glenn vs. Elizabeth and Jane Cooper. The plain tiffs' claimed as heirs at law of Joseph Cooper, de °mead, the (other of both plaintiffs wed deMudants —the defendants claimed under the will of the mid Joseph Cooper. Joseph Cooper by his will of 1839, directed bra Executors to sell one house aud lot, and with the proceds to pay his debts, and some legacies to the plaintiffs and others—nod the other house and lot, the one in dispute in this ease, he devised to the deiendanti and their mother. Shortly after making necessity compelled him to sell the house and lot, which he had directed to be sold by his Executors. Plaintiffs claimed that this sale by the Testator, was a revocation of his will is toto—dft's claimed it was a revocation pro mato, as to the lot sold. In an appeal to the Supreme Court on Adminia• (ration account, that Court decided, although the question did not directly ruin, and was not argued before them, that the sale revoked the whole will . The defendants offered to prove the testiltor's dec 11 111161111 after the mole, that his will was god should remain valid as to the devise to his dattgLers, who were and bad been the support of himselfynd aged partner for years—the Court ruled out the dente on the authority of the Supreme c.orl, though much against their own view of the law, It was broadly asserted the decision the Su. pre me Court, was in the face of the 1 21kSection of the Act respecting Wills, and the only decision of the kind ever mode. Verdict for the plainuffs Wills fir plaintiffs--Woods for defendant, ANOTHDR AMAIN, AND Bunny.—John fluffy wits indicted for assaulting his wife—Mr. Bigham for prosecution, Mr. Burns for defence. Mr. Big horn said that since the bill in this case bad gone to the grand jury he had ascertained that this assault was a very aggravated one, and had they known all the facts an they knew them Dow, a bill would hove been sent up charging assault, with intent to kill. The location of the defendant is Manchester; the time the offence was committed about three weeks ago. One witness tiered the complainant cry out 'murder' and saw the defend• ant making motions in his house with a broom stick. Another witness deposed that the com plainant woe unwell for a few days after the af fray but soon recovered. Verdict guilty. Young Innis IXELART. At the annual meeting of the members of this institution the following gentlemen were elected officers fi+r the year tS49,— Pres...in-a—J. Finney, Jr. Vire Preridree—James A. Hutchison. Treruirsrsr--John S. Geer-Ore. Serrnary—Da•td W. Hell. Arrears—R. E. Sellers. W. A. Caldwell. Geo. E Arnold, James Holmes. Wm. P. Gunning. Andttora—N. Holmes. Jr. Thomas Jackson, Wm. M Hersh. M•iue'sOvvtea—Two eases only were brought before the mayor yeaterday—hoth br drunkenness one man complained of rheumatism in his head, and the other certainly had tin his tongue (.Jr he could not speak plain. from the etertsot the liquor he had taken. They were both at to jail for 24 hours to give them an opportnn y of getting so. her. LARceser.—Matsfielil Mason. rot indicted for Stealing a blue blanket over C"0 worth S 9 the property of Jacob liorsly. Twee ran--The at Pitishorgh." it new local sketch, which hue been fur some time in re hearsal, in .II he played this evening. It in said to be o novel piece, and from its locality, will doubt. lens draw a full house. PIILLADELPIIIA IMPOILTATION A T LOW Es . i . RATE:, - Jnai received. lynch Far. ul I..teat at) rt. rereuvkion Cora. Tetrilk arrin•si Sakie• und Nlll,l, Free.e4 rettutuery and thacip-iita artielea. with 114 e mu. eateneive , artelY 0. Plumy to liar city Dealer. are tn ward in an early examination Left., pu, ha.,ne suppl,•. as the KOO4/I Ar ill be *demi a. unrot.atloll mes Mr NI TILLER. I TII`Of, t. Na. I Comae., Ir'IE,I REI.'!:IVED—Three more or •r. j o•vy eelibroded Hart:burgh IMMD , I. use,' eonsteatly by . 11tolverg and OM, (rear MAIMMIreft, together -.ph o lone suorrment of rosewood and sumbomtny, of my Gal. m•nobsetare lb. mho.. MAIM..., art la be perlect in every rcspeet, and van be sold loss for rash BLUME. . 1111 wood et, ml door worn .lak tero natoried d and for aale . r 4 try derls lIVIA 1 \ k REITER IvaAhr.ll--laa.lo 11.• of a aaywno, qualtl), reed and for lute 1 , , deo IS 111L1.1..N k RVITI.'4I roc'd bad for taint, deolk 1:IIIIAVN k C 121.11 1 ,111 "SON 11011•F.S.--tll1 boo riay riles, for •ale by der l 4 Ib V VON MINN k ULC MI X KD VARN.I-I.lln. lthd Count,. x tan. d.y on conela-taternl (rota the manvlnc larnr., and for awe low by the bundle . . . derli P II EATON k Co, Itto st derti SELLERS /4 Qu.k: WrruitriltiALPACA, , --I rose ;;Tk ttri:ro - TrITo lo„ dons., 'air reed •rol for sale by NIL'N PH V. WII-4111 I Co, der9 44 ',mot at lAm) IX KEISS. Just received droll I ROE bitlf.:Ll PR IL rr Pourer. •r.. 1 sop,- too sacki ready lot skoloktxut dor.. NIct•ILL d. ROE. DEANS -40 LW. %mei! %VD, Beans. on *Lore sod KO 10f Mi. by 4449 J S DILWORTH _ - 'I , OIJACCO--J hbd. Moo !kola Tobkren for *air by A doetl 11 , DILWORTH ( IoRN 311. AL-A small lot very Food, ,root ree'd and IL/ sale by Joel 1 OK. 1I CROZER lot lord;, 60 kee rA Rl' : I. ' 41 .7t. f In cans, Igoe o. t I 01 . 1 1 . t o o 4 re M ;:d t G.l ..lo by deed I RICK KTSON K".' 7lrAt..44[4„Nti tc CROZER OAP-241 boa Cuoctonatt Soap, for sate by doel A RNISTROMi k CRIIZER %P. 1011.-17 bale* Ilionu wool pal received and SI for eole by ldrrOl ILRODISoN A Co bblo small vehozo Derma, to good &Wormy order, 4 Idols Dry Yearbook oi loks Lard, No It lantriog Tram strutter . Lamartote, dor ode by deal/ ISAIAH DICEEY A Co, frontal r'Clilll NI tit doz II L D eems Ve it, L 3 F.. col'd Silk Velvet,: 21.1 grog* bit n.i.e y 1113, ton, 11 do catttllian do. 1.. do rol'd Floes do. 12 do do F•nineo. do: n dos cord 11....cy stilt tilowes, 0 do blk JrntlV Loid riogg., 12 do French stlk Koehn; recd .1 A's LZ tine 11 EATUN & Fourth at 1, 9 1...../aremb4-43. lb. prune II for ..l e by 1: dee!! N V VON tioasr aCo lAM/OIL—ID bbl. best vnnier Luning...l Lard 01 Ismailni !mat sant Nltivenger •ind .1.11. 63, 11REAM C11V.11 , 241-21,0l • prune Bream char.., 11l ki) mote and for rail, low to tins conalqummal. deal JAS DAL ii kNICS — WARria) , dineount deed) N 11.1.111 KS k SONS CilF.F2t F.-140 bin tor eel. by der S F VON 130 N NIIORST A co levant d borne Sleuth, for mole by dee3o S F Vr , 7.7 BONNIIORST fr. Co_ APPI.F24—U, bb.. Ilelledowern, rte. :or wale ny der3o N VON BONN ' , MIST ACo eALF.bUgititiNi: - . b.. for ;if. 1;i dont . ] J I) hVII.LIANIrt 7O liLK PORK- 6 / 3 ,000 lite ...sorted Baum Sidra and JO Shoulder., to arm, for gain by FILIN.ND,RtII . :I" k 6tti7 bb", w•rn.a.d, ki . .itsmor I.l. ,, C ., :tizignete, (or nit tr) FlunstD, miEv DO%VI4TI PRESS PRINTING INK.-21) kegs near. I ink. 3 do book do Cylinder prose Ink in I lib's , r ;ut receiver/ and (or sale b) Vera 1 SCIIIIONMAKER h Co. Q . TAR i.* CANOLM-11 I. landing and fin nee by CI disc IAS DAZr.I.I. A'TLil toga o.rn~d. far ;iln by drel4 24 P VON 110 Will . ORKT & Co • 111P,PPER AND PIMENTO-20 boa Pepper, 10 do PrOurnbo; In Caro and for sale by dee?! MILLER & RICKETRON FLOOII--M Able o.Perfino Flour, received pet Clipper No I; for seue by Jest/ nuRTIKIIX/F., AVILSCIN k CA LAHD— 15 bbls No I beta I.rdi 30 kegs do do. Just reed end tor sale by L S WAfTERAIAN, decTl at venter and 11l front C 1D d 1" , .11 2, —.10 by• tag reed, utt st i or: l tuj L l T f; . r a ;; , , lJ N bY r 'MAD , AND BUCKETS-73 don Beaver Buckets; 'ice Tubs, Inept., 4 do do Kerkira, in store and for ole't ) • dc,c22 L S WATERMAN sr -13 A coN_ 4 lona Bacon WICK Sulea, in W ate e a nd foDLErS. onle try dec2l earner ;wood and water eta a i l t :l ' l r ld7s bcr Depot, Nob wood J PHILLIPS twirr-p,• ~,J1 anti packsa Butter; also, jj 40 kegs Muter; slat reee. 'V ' d r,i' d ,V; l g.Z Y lAN deck CANDLES --1n baa mould coed, for sale by_ deck A RhISTRO7 1 4 1R - Ektli R1301. - DIPPIPA..-:l6 flt' nabe by Sleek) QUNDRIES.-03 bbla pure Cider Volegort Lc ' 10 Slider 16 boa Pearl Starch; reed und for ' s os --- N decl; DROWN a tiULLIEIsI frEAS-37package. Young Hymn; YO do owl!. I der; IL do Imperial; M. Black Teal.; )011i rre'd for mole by docl4 BROWN &CULBERTSON bunnOlO—hicTSCickc7:holvec, reed end for male by V & ACCUTCHEON, decil Wltiberty. NUFT-9y lbe Rapp,. Snuff, Just reed nod l'ot .111= 0 b . docIM I KIDI) t Co MUSICAL BOXF2-1 dos Adosicol Boxes, lb ploy • variety of mfr., wtltane, go•drdle•.luet reed •t dneli Z KINSEY'S, a 7 market et . . K ID OLO VP63-6 1 3 . doe Lodi:o w lip . or e K: i d b filo!ooi 6 colorell do deed P 11 EATON & Co PlLE—Received this day direct from Ea- YErLtrur ope, the richest style Velvet Pile Carpet ever imported to the United Nimes, to which too Invite the attention of purchuem. Call at W Iit'CLINTOCK'N Carpet Wareroont, No 73 Fourth st. dee6 - • -- DLUE COATING—t bale blew Blanket ("maim for 47 es!ei 137 dean; MURPHY & LEE PERM OIL, (vrintr4 straineill—Bost qualaty, recd it:A for sale by deal; BRAUN &REITER 11111 NUNAILII ILDOT- -2 eues reed and for aide by 1 7 4 , - deal BRAUN & =TER DU,. 4 , VARIETY GOOD& DRY GOODS NOTICE. A. A. MASON A CO., Nn. GO plaicelll.lticr, Prrntimtiou, BEG leave most respectfully to announce to their oumentuo patrons and the public, that they, m consequence of contemplating • change in their bust , ness, propose .opening the whole of their extensive warehouse, (including all their wholesale rooms,) for retailing, and will continue open until the firm of Feb ruery, commencing on New Years day, Lea. Our wholesale stock, comprising one of the most extensive and varied assoninctris of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited in the western country, will be offered at lower prices than ever before Imams. Eve ry article, however choice and desirable, will be ac cordingly. reduced. Upwards of filly thousand dollars Moor stock has been recently purch=e greater portion of which are foreign at New York by Into European arrivalT,thich from the late ness of the 11 =See, no welt u the known pressure le the money market, were sold at immense sacrifices at public roles, at rates varying from twenty-five to filly per cent lean than similar goods brought the first °ldle season. We ore therefore confident that our prices for the time above mentioned will be found to be even lower then any Eastern wholesale rates. We anxiously invite all persons to visit OW estab lishment, whether they purchase or not, and test the trod of the above—erratum them that they will incur no obligation thereby, but confer a favor epos the pro plutons Our assortment of Silks, Shawls, and fine Dress Goods will amply repay one for • virio added to which, an unusually great display of Domestic Goods will, we hope, in all to call. Our system of one price will be strictly adhered to. jnl A A MASON & Co 77)) lCil DRESS COIDS, per towage grinner Europa. 11 —A A Mason ,k Co, No 60 Market street, will open this morning, Rich Dress Goods, comprising the following styles, cut Satin plaid Merinos, • new arti cle, and the richest goods Imported this season; all wool Plaids, high colors and choice style.; all wool Cashmeres end Now. de Leiner; fine Coburg and Lyo. nese Cloths, of any describable shade and color. Satin striped Cashmeres, In great variety. novEl (IEI2MT CLOAK TABBIILB-2 dor mohair Tas ur sola,sasorted; 3 do silk do dodo do do floe dm 10 do do Ladi. Tas.l., ;minted; .I'd do do. WOOLEN GOODS—IO duo children's woolen rolitt; 6 do do do Cups; 1 do do common; 10 do. Woolens°. forts, &warted; IS do do wins rings; 66 do ladies Cash mere Gloves, ase'd. LEATEILER BELTS-30 dqqs blk Molkakin Belts; 3D do do Morocco du, 3 do coldno; at noreD ZEBULON KINBErS, 67 market st ARRIVAL—W. hl`Clintock offers to thew E wishing to furnish bonzes, the handsomest assort ment of Carpeting ever brought to this martin, cora °swing i pan the following varieties: Rich style Vel vet Poe A:mower Tapestry, aflame* extra wiper 3 ply; Impel' 6 ply, superfine and fine Ingrain Carpet.' to which be most respectfully Invites his friends and the public, 10 call and e:amine before purchasing elsewhere. Wareroom, No. 76 Foust, at, rittaburgh. deet6 XT :\t JEWELRY-1 doc Fold patent Levet Watch II es; I " &gentled " " I " silver Also, gold pen and pencil Cases, Vest chains, heavy timid shads, Breast Pine, Bulger Rings, Ear Rings 111 , 1 a complete Resottment Mader jewelry, at deed ZEBLILON KINSEY'S, 67 market BA UPEFUOIL LONG SHAWL.S—W R Marphy has 0 rvevived this morning by Express, • Mt of very MI perm, wool Long Shawls, of handsome styles. F earn glum:we—on hand, a good stock to these tnvisMle. green, Garnet, maroon, drab, scarlet A.e. Also, Parinettos, of desirable rotors. A few black Tkubei Long Shawls, of • good quality, on band at north east COIIICT 4th and Market ink dery A A ~ ! „ .eh i l , A . : tfid n N no te th, e , o in CO me hl• it, t y k: i t4tre o e f h pi h ni a , e i e l... ju n . g t and i,,ev h::ma ty re r, S r h r n i w v, l ,d e, th lr ,, eh c.. l 2! . per cent les. than any Our stuck of :Mimi. is now the Ingest in the city, m.d purehamen inny be certain that our prices from this Min will 05 per rent less than at any former deck , 1, , Kr-tit:lt Al EIONOS AT COST—Smith tr. Johnson 46 Nina et .t reel, will sell for the balance of the seasonat c.f , their stock of French Merinos. compn ots the most encore rob e.. Now n >our note to se care hooka. Jn.rre;nredatLeuobnWn t :m p. rotated Velvet lit Itbon. twat-Led colors; .. emtrnidery In p. ynde Mwn, &c d..rs a lifiVD. 4 AND JIirdIKIVI--Vfnitth ft Jobneon. 46 k 7 Mailer vt, would nivtie the attention of dealer" and other. in Diets chosen •toct ol byou's mgwrior Kid 1.10. ca, and • err,. variety of merino, sulk and cotton tilover /Deo, to their extensive stock of worried. i'aithniere. Alpaca Vigollll. and Silk Hove; Aloran and ether styles of cotton lime— together with •ery idy 0 of children's Dose and gentlemen.' half Dow, 01.1, SP ECTACLES—StIver do, Steel do, German oo A large assortment constantly on hand. and rareiolly fined to any . age Concave, eon s-ea. azd cataract spectacle glaze aceurately adjusted tu way rtalon required Ah.o. m.mry unz ei for exacnitung linen, wont, 6uoli ke , mat rec a um lot wale by IIZZEBM tad corner of market and Ith ats JAM; ARV I,4U—NEW DRY GOODS —W. a. LI /agent( has opened dos morning an addcwonal •upp:y m Gond.. embracing many scarce and destra- Ide articles. and buyer. are invited to coll.*. they will hod a ntiorb larger stock to select from than I o.wally tound at to. ad. oared nano( these.mon. Among the gond• rectil. ed. ot new style small fled :Roos tit Luna, rnraeri Shaw,. big cwth Jo, ke 11 r Goods a: wholesale op Ma rs. eery low pr. )1..‘ I :411A gantlet .1 Day, bees I j am re. e• If ea! ext.., one carton Plaid Long :sass - N. mune of which arr or ale finest quality. and ate new est m, tioporied. sod are now offered at once. s-reatl) reduced matt the rats, (1 1 / 1 114/24,1 early to the season. fOso. rew tuna tan. Lane' Ilrotha I.nng wht.4l urai ix rinced at veal barfaina The lad,• ate tavltedt, an earl, elan:imam. A LEX A N DIA,A DA Y, market st. W zor the Diamond FREI.II ARRIVAL—Of titan. alum, -.cl 'rap..., I ply Impanel Carpet.. mcrivcd tht• day a•al aal a: rtaiaceJ v tan s cia:, :L Ar; e r K arpri warcroortt of LA RENCII TERKEFIRI SliAWLS—Super French Terkern Shawls, a (he late., styles and nebeat oproe.4 nod selling at a serf great redoe ono from lormcr parrs ••P.Nrs , YI H GOOLS—Fthe Shtna.wnn ‘,3 atnothnd cottars,,Thcatto, elkawd wool Vdata, do do do Drawer, toi,N.id and wool Gkrecti armr,o, ration and woo i Italian cravats, hoc Zc. phyr Sward. dech F EATON kCo A XSllNsl'Eft CAIIFETS-. arm:Trine - ad the A eththoon of those urtaiong to furnish borate., to call and e tummy. our Alarm. r Carpet., wroch are very net m sty and colors. Wardroom, No TS, 4 th or. Fdtsburrh deed %V hFCLINTOCK A I'IN Al'Clustrmk oder. to porchaa. rr. • eery handsomermwartment of nett satin La ma... for w,ndow curtain. Also, Preach chromes. buff.. limn, tran.pareni thud's, hr , at hr. carpet wore room. ;5 Fourth sr. deep ri,v. ANL ca•ea goT Kra 1 brown end black Twreds. I do Vane, - Casumere p.l reed and for We ILI MN liulecturr pnces NICKYHY k LEt_ lit..rty nreld opitosite Su' M I F added t:s t ' h T:r . ; n r, :F.A , R r rri d & partraent under charge of Mrs. Utarloss of Boston, for lasagna to order latest *vies, ifants' Wear, Misses Noel., cleat • and Dresses, I..tes and Dents Dreastisd Garments endinudered or stamped for embroidery. knitting. netting, crow-bet workihemautehtnir and non k toe loony e seemed_ ov:11 11.PKTS: CARPPTSr—Conatantly receiving at C W Fourth street, every vanety of Carpets, remanding nt part of Altositiston, of most treaottiol pa•terns. Velvets, latest paneens imported, vcr, rich, 1 apes% ry Llranstiy. 3 ply, sap. end Vetienan, •11 of hirh wee trill as love as they can be per c tiered m no. market Imporung and purchasing trot the manotacturcr, enables u• to compete with the eastern market. novls )N c0 1: , : :, N e l) fi i ! ,, D 1, 1 , : , ) , R .d, 5 , A d t, 0 F , - , - . 10 p. drab u;s hrl Elanltem. do grey unsed (1011,, I do Army Aran l Cloth: do Tweeis, brow., black and gold mix, 1 do faster t'asstmeretri I bale blue Ittaakel Comma: conameed din, row c manuitieturem and for sale by Me package or ptera deefio MURPHY LEE liberty it s 1 , XTII A AND SUPER THHKE PLY CARPF.i`S— ti Ito. day. dt,eci Mom the rn•nufactuters, a hanno..the us.r:thrut lit exlra lather and super three ply tropen,l carped, of neve 'qtea to which we ask the a...upon of those wishing to famish hoopoe or weamidtats l'arpet wart-room, No 75 Fourth at. Pitts burgh decal NV WCLINTOCK LrmEsric wooLuaoi Blanketa, Flannels Tweed., Castilla., 1-4 Cloth and Cassimme, by the piere or resekage, very low; Mr sale by novt , GEO WCHRA.fiI j, , ANC) CASSINIERES-.-2 eases new Lille Fancy eammerea. bright figures sod Tory handsome goods. Amt °pelted by doe:2 SHACELETT & WHITE FICIIANGE BROKERS, &c. B. IBOI.IIIEEI L BOBS. Banker 6, Eaehange Broker•, s °TES , SSA PPP, I.CCESTs SWF'S- ROLD, SILVER AND HANK NOTE. COI.I.E.I'TIDNS.—Drafts Note. and Acceptancu pn y nide tn nny part of the Itnion, collected on the nost Invne•hte term% FACIIANOP. nn New York, Philadelphia and lial• writhe, sign, Cumlnnen, houthcille, Saint Louth and RANKI J0r.411,t, ronatnntly An sale. BANK NOTES —Notes on all solvont banks in the (limed states discounted at the lowest - rates •ll kinds of Foretgn and American Gold and Silver Coin bOOOO and Pohl Other No 45 Merkel street, between 3d and 4th, I'lo.lturgh, Pa 0et.23 - - 1108810 Y, & CO., UANKERS, F.XOIIANUF: lIROKERS, and deafen 1) in Foreign end Domestic Fachergo, nifieatee of Deposit, nook Notes, rod Specie; Penni street. near ly opposite me Honk of Finsborgh. Current money received on daps...no—Sighs Checks for sale, and vol. lections nude on nearly all the principal points in the United Sows • _ The blgheet premium paid for Foreign and American Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship zed F. 114, on lateral terms. =US . FOREIGN EXCHANGE BILLY on England, Ireland, and Scotland brought any mourn at the Current Eaton of Exchange. AIM, Drafts payable in any pan of the Old front 1.1 to ISM, et the rate of 85 to the .f. Sterliog without deduction or dtecocto, by JOSHUA ROBIN. SON• European Ulu Ucncral Agent, °lnce fith al 000 door west of wood. octloll 7050111 EL HILL. WO c. COMAT - - • . lIILL £ CURRY. DANKERS and Elehatige Motors, Deafen in For. 4.J1 sign and Domestic Time and Eight Dills of EX. tonlce,Ccrtifientes of DVPO,I , N Book Note. and Cain; No 7 VI nail street, third door below Fourth,;:weit marli( • <l[l,46. MER w‘u, ahtig 1) in BROKERS, deoloto in Foreign „„,.• Pcnnostic Dills at Exchange, Cet libel... 1) 0 p0.,f o 01.1 k Nolan and Coin, earner of 3and w oo d dirbetly opposite Si. Charles DO• tee tel. may WICIIT Uh KILA Wilk.. to, Inchana, • Kettus.'lit IV:tesclori, Lank Noteic purchased at the lowest rutty 1 1 1. 1* 4.4. , .31kM tr. BONS, serl3 33 Market strrst. BILLS or ExousNalir.--Sliihl Checks On New York, Philadelphia, ind Patin:o6M- P.a.tard l l for We by N. 110LX113 k B % mt ON .eso 35 hbO '~`U~.in~.x~ttiui.4t-;, .. av'c~e~A~~~~...'.k:r':sx:K:J..~: KGSUMBEOIa JAmes,w.wponvieuta., 'lidera and ft tt urnite, m, Tam Etwouiv, • ir b A large , : i nd s pc . ndidlipa suitable for !Steamboats, Hotels and pnvate Morel constantly on to and made to order. The present stock eq, hood cannot be exceed:A by any , manufactory in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a nil, lam determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock consists in— Tete &Tete; Buffet Etmeir Tema XIV Chairs; Queen nimbi:lh chain; Ten Pope; Fruit Tables; Toilet Tables. Louis XV Commodes., French klalwkany Bedsteads; Piano Stoehr, 50 sofas with Plush rind Hair-eloth COVern 50 Mahogany Rockmg Chaim 40 do: Parlor do 30 Fancy do 55 centre Tables; 20 pair Divans.; 4 pair pier Tables; IS marble top Dressing Bureanw 8 Wardrobes; El Secretaries and Book cases; 20 marble top Wash Stands; 4 pule Ottomans; pair fancy Work Stands; A very large mor:tern of common chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. irr Steam BOats furnished on the shortest notice, and on the most irensonnble terms. deel3 Pittsburgh dk. Roston polyp.. Ossaatianty. r i p l a a rge o ularly y :ll " l ' LLe `f r:ld consum informs e% pab of CC: nod pe in the form in which they prepare it, that their &get! ing Works are now In successfuloperation, and they Ire ready to make contracts for the delivery of Ingots to those who want in this form; and also tough cake for the purpose of rolling. The Copper produced from the hletalie Metes of Lake Superior, Is in to be much superior to the ordinary copper in the markets, which is obtained from oars containing threign mineral substances. This copper is perfeCily pure, and Is not injured by the pro cess of smelting, and is therefore greatly to be prefer red-for bell metal, rolling, and many other purposes. As It is not the intention or wish of this Company in the v our c e . c: f w o orks ont i. fo ,, r h t i te h r i c t iun w fa a enture ted, tit,,feyexr,,.. to mote contracts for the delivery of it In the form of ingots, tough cake for rolling, isc., to those who may limb to embark in the bottom.. lierealter, all the copper obtained from their mines will be brought to Pittsburgh, and large sult., or amay be expected Letters addressed to 0. Tama" M. Howe, • seta meet with _prompt alueutioa CHARLES A VERY,President. Ml= 10 THE KINTTERPHIBINO.—A rare chute is now presented for the safe Investment in a business en. y new; one adapted to the man of limited, as well as to the mu of extensive. resources; yielding a profit from capitol and enterpriu beyond any operation of the day. It is the complete monopoly of a staple oui tie, absolutely necessary and essential to every fond ly, as well es indispensable to the mechanic, artisan szt4 professional man. To capitalists, an opportunity offers itself fora lueratme employment of either large or small gums, bringteg immediate and highly sidisfat tory returns. Thou desirouscf embarking In a pleas. ant, genteel business, ore levied, with others, to pi/ at the other of the undersign/I, examine the artille, sod form their own Judgment, from the facts presented. Office, Exchange Building., fit. Clan at, next dour to Johne office. COLVER & FRE3II FROM THE RHELL—By Burke & Co'e Feet Eames.. at reduced yrricee.—To accommo date eU lovvre of tht delicious luxury, BLAME & Co. have resolved to supply the people regularly through out. the se with the choicest Fresh Oysters in mil., hell' cells ason, and shell, et such reduced priers so will enable every family to enjoy title delicacy at their tablas. An Express load will be recetved daily at the ware house of JNO C. BIDWELL, Water street, between Smithfield sad Dram, sued for .ale the. e, and at the fol lowing depots: Reis A Berger, comer Smithfieldand Yd no; E Ilearleton, Diamond; A Hoevler, Penn st, 6t h Ward; D Haughey, foot of Liberty st; I Cohan, Jr., PeonW Avenue; Mercer I Robinson, Allegheny city. oRICOVIS -Bah JOHN H. Iitk:LLOR, No ti Wood .veer, hex received invoices or a large supply of Piano Forma from the cele brated manufactory of Llockenng. Holton, to arrive in a few days, of which due notice *ill he given, varying in price from 8375 to IMO. Also mom the manufactories of II Worcester, and Ration tr. Harem New York, it handsome amtortment of 0, ei and 61 octave Piano Forma, rosewood and mahogany caw, of the moat elegant description, and with all the. late improvement, 'Phi above, in addition to hr stock en hand, will Ina), the larger end most desirable selection ever offered lor scare in this ray, wad will 1.0 void in all eases at tom,utecto re rs onre.. on areoinmodating terms, and • wn.lru priarnnlee given withevery Piano Forte mold. .101114 H. MELLOR., dole Agent for the wale ot Chtekerings Piano Porten, for Western Prosisylvania decd) NEW INSTRUMENT. rum: subscriber has been appointed Sole Ann far JI„ the sale of CARII A R I'S IMP RI /V ED hILLODE ONS. as inanufactmed and and perfected by Moans, blanch rr. White, of Cincuman. The usual campus med extent nethg but four octaves, Mean. M W to accordance with the general desire and demand. have extended the smile of these instrumento to 4* and even 5 octaves, thus melting n practicable to parkins Taon them amy mime wruden Mr the I nano or Organ. le exterior, also, has litell UniCh unproved by placing the body of the instrument upon a east iron frame beautifully I. touted mid ornamented. von ttat oiler • moat rtegant and rxtremaly delurable yucle. The price ;a put m low ena to bnlig tt vtthm the reach of every one to obtain a eerie:et teal nunrument, and. at the •amr. time, a matt elegan mus t piece of (oral late for a eon:para.@ trlde II KLEMM At 1 W Woodvrell's deettr N B.—Call and column, NEW PIANOS. hobo Anton vol Nest. & th-sua Cutkaaanto Pulses THE 1.4644,16er has just replenished fe p pril his stock of Pianos, which for vane,- of style and prices has never been anz passed in this city. Yost recoveries:ld opened, the following new Pianos One 7 octave cabinet grand Piano, an entirely new inentron• One Rosewood 61, very elegant Pionns & Clark. One tt 6, One . with Coleman's celebrated Aloha', At tachment. Tata is a very superior Piano. lbw . enahoons, plain. N & C aorl3 11 kI.P.BER, ..I W WoodwelPs PLATED RINNINS4 a e ...... 7 . 4 doom Stier, Plated Butter Knives; 3 '. .. " plout tree Spoons; a . . - Threaded extra heavy. / •. Desson Spore., Tsvl - Tobacco Boxes, I - - - Sugar Sherds, I - t" . Salt ;.. EIMECII t G. Sliver ;*pee Cases; .• 4 •''• A.s,l cafe. A •Ito, S Allen's Potent Revolving Pistols; lost reed at decti Z KINSF.V'S. i 7 Market of WOOL, VLoIUR AND PRODUCE. LYNAM, REED t CO., ISuere”or. io !iced, Hurd & C 0..) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ha STUN. MASS Particular attention pant to the sale of all kind. of Pit. duo, and InMral ad.anref made on cordurnmen... L R. A Co ea., lea•e to refer to— kleii.rs ft 14,31.1..1 & Co `. .4 Roe $ l . '"'"nr h • flred, Park. & Co., Beene, • Laniann k Covcale. Well...ale, O. 1.e.., 11 Alorsh, Fan Steutienville, O. S. Brady, Esq. 1 \C t' Yrterron, EA q Wheeling, Va Meairt R Craugle & Co. •• litil & Stout. Rhode. & Ogieby. Bridgeport, 0 dee27 RITCHIE & COCHRANE, FORWARDING NCONIGINGION OBRCHANTR, No. 93 TCHOUPITOULAS STREET, angll•ilkwainets New Orleans. u . O. W. SlBtl - Trrnlo.., I NFUIL%I their friends and the public thnthey have no longer any connection with their late mtablish men! In Penn scree, known .. the Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed their enure husincm to the POINT , RREWER V. io Pau street. rifii.ting lAI POSTED DIRECT FROM TIM MANUFACTU• REIN —The subscribers have on hand and will ednstantly be suppned with Ina. Mospratt &Sone' eel ebraled Blenching Powder, which they veal warrant ,equal linol superior to our imported in the, U States., and whsrh they arr prepared to sell at the lowest ma, let price for mash or approved hill, tout - W MITCHELTREK IGO liberty st "Blokspratt & Sons' Soda Ash. THE valwetibere are now reettortng thaw Fall Hoek of the above article. three vessels, via: the Joan.er. Medallion and Lytita, bong errived at Philadelphia and Reductor, and two inore,the Stephen Baldwin and shortly, erttrcted; they vre. therefore, prepared to revettre cdOrs. They will receive during the win- ter and opritut re g ular .applies via New UtICILIIS. novl3 NV k. M MITCHELTREE SIM/K UIES-5 bn . No I Mackerel; 30 htdo No 2 mackerel; 20 M . do No 2 do; 10 do Tanners Oil; 6 do Alum; .3 do F. Salta; 3 do ctop'd Lorwood 111 do Nutmeg.; 50 bos Not *mod tiemnd, 60 boo No V do do; 5 do scented Soap,4 10 do No it Prr....1 do; 10 do No 4 do do I bate entree, lu tutus Java loiter; 60 . hhd. prone N Cotner, plat reed and for .ale ydeer. BROWN*, CULIIERTSON DR. D. HiTNT, Denton Corner of Ventral 41! 14111111 . and Decatur, between _ reptbdlytn_ STAIIIM.I4 Jr 61 M. I-RAI It, === Warttl WO/ "UPWARDS, 104.. C. lOC., .c0..,rf1, TIMM. IMAM.. MECHANICS' GLASS WORKS. I M IN,. 0 N lc . manumeturem of Vials. dollies, 0 and Window Glass, keep constantly o hand • general 10.1,1191.111 of the above articles. Also, make to order a superior amen. of Mineral or Soda-Water Bolden, of colored glass No. Id Wood at, Pulaborgli, PL. aug3l i tim '.IIE subscribers have dusd.y assomated them selves together for the purpose of trammeling a wholesale and retail Dry Moods arid Grocery baainem, at No ten Liberty, oppotate rthventh street, under the style md firth of 111.:St1FIELD k HAYS. Pittsburgh, January I, 1 , 19 N. —Our old customers and the public are invited to give an acad. Pa MLEMIFI.ANNEt.t . I-W R Murphy hmt on hand y y a lull assault,. of these desirable Goods, also, a full a•sortmeni at domellue unshemkable do, and a full assortment of scarlet and yellow, std spotted, for Christmas wear. . . Mare mode Fiannala—artute, brown and barred: supply constantly on band. • __decal rlrllgi subscribers, sur•ima. partners of the Run of 1 Atwood, Jones & Co., will continue to ttansact a Forwanlina and Commission business tinder the style of linfdy, /tles &(..o. AARON A 103 Writ P. JONIM. 1)0X LOST.—Lent, on the 10th October, ono Dos, fl IMO lbs., marked 'A. M. 11.8. 0. Lackey, aatnt Loam, MA" It in mPlamail to have been taken off on board or steamer Caleb Cope or Lake Erie, ea the dray umn who hauled It delivered 'aka to these boats. A liberal reward will be paid for the recovery of the ~ame • je4-2w D LEECH ik Co, Canal Damn. 1)1/ Ha E. LOST—Wes dropped bye Lady on her many 1 800 Elliott ek bhtgliste 1 book more, Wood at. 10 Datoo4 Monolog store, a purply Bilk Puree, worked with deal beads, continuing a alb note on the Dank of Pittabyrgb. The rower will he .ratably rewarded by baring the same a. either of the above named stores. ddetf7 NOTICE. 1111! orideralgord having removed to Washington city, will attend to the proem:town of claims on 0 vernment, and to my law business before the Cooni of the District, with which he may be entrozonL deckb.l3mia ANDREW VitYLIE. Jas HAVE this day associated with me in the whole. I sale Grocery, Produce and Commission boainess, on hiother Joseph, under the firm of J. 8 DILWORTH Ce. J. 1. DILWORTIL Jorloary I, t 843. , _. JAMES F. KERR, A TTORNEY AT LAW. office removed to FOUTIII ja. EMS y between Smithfield and Oran meet. jitidam HOIIBEB, LOTS, F Ito • nage Zeal Ziatt toi. bit iiito;r . LO Wowing described moiety, fo Vie shies of Pittsburgh sad bileghotty, and . Fietohy othgat ahr ort seeammodaung terms: . 1 Lot, 42 feet milord on Liberty 'treat, belaw,Mar bury, by 110 feet to Brewery alley, being pan t e L pt LW, neat the Monongahela river. let No 460, having GO feet front on Seventh street by 1110 feet to Strawberry elltsy, near the - earner of Grant street. 1 Lot on Elm street, 30 Owl bl • Lots Nos US, 809 and 135, on Find curet, between . Rods and Try streets, each having SI feet front 02 rind areet by 80 feet deep. Lou Nov 119,139 and 140, having 24 feat from on . Third tenet be 00 feet deep. Lots 161 and 162, having 04 feet front on Third street by eu feet deep. Lots Nos if, 24, 25 and 26, twenty-live feet on guar.; try meet by 60 feet deep. Two Lets, Nos BB and2os, on Penn tweet, it the Oth ward, 21 feet by 100 feet to Spring miry. 5 Lots on Penn sweet, In the 9th warn, between Bald. win and Morris streets, having 21 feet front on Penn street by 100 feet to Spring alley. ' • - It Lou on Butler street, in the 9th Ward, between' Wilkins and Baldwin streets, over the .s.l.legbettrriror. 24 feet front by 140 feet deep. Lots Noe 81 and 127:ha;lng lei front cm ReaVelt by 940 to West Common, between Ohlo street and , North Common. Lots Nos 90 and 91, having 60 feet front on Federal street, by 940 feet to Middle alley, between the Dia._ mark sad North Common_ . Lot No lea, having 60 feet on Sandusky crest by 240 feet to Pitt alley, between Ohm street and North Com.' MOIL Five Macre Lots in Reserve township, near the rough of Manchester, Nos 187, 1.&,189,11441, 1 ton sere Lot on the Ohio river and tke Eteavel! mad, between the U. S. Marine Hospital Lot and Phil:, Lips' oil cloth factory—to be sold m quantities to suit purchasers. Enqulre of CHAR LES B. SCULLY, or JAMES O'HARA, Hisrke's Building, 4th st. TO COTTON AND !MOAB PLANTS AS. PANTATION IN ARKANSAS.—The nbacsibee Offen for sale the extensive plantation in Atka.. Gas, formerly belonging to and occupied by ths Into overnor Ken; of Maryland, and cmitaming twenty eight handled and eighty throe nod • half notes orison , . This estate lies in the counties of Philhps and Crit tenden and is situated In Walnut Ilene, on the Missis sippi dyer, twenty-five miles above the town of Gale na It Is said to be the highest river land in that re gion of country. Its soil Is peculiarly adapted.to the growth of Cotton. Its improvements urn an overseer's house, a horse-mill, several corn booms, and: good quarters for servants. Upwards of seven hundred acres of this hmdbave been cleared and are now cultivated. The rest of it meY be easily elented, (the most being already donna and has less timber upon it, nod that Mildly of ash, which is readily sold at a well located wood push in quantities of several thousand cords every year, This plantation is one ape= •a/ne t and presents a rate oppommity to the public. in the hands of a good plume, it may be easily made of immense annual pee fit. Its facilities of intercourse with New Odeon. M. ford a constant avenue for the disposal of its prodiscia. It is distant about NM miles from Cite . lGO miles from the month of the Ott* mud 740 miles New Orleans. • For tonne, &a., apply (post paid) to WILLL&M PERIM, BaJtiatore,Magland. FOR BALM, ATHAT SPLENDID PRIVATE RESIDENCE now in the occupancy of Mr. Samuel I.ll: , Wick• erabian, situated in the First Ward of Allegheny city. This property is beautifully located an the bank of the Ohio having a river front of 200 feet, protected by a steoe wall. and extending back 349 feet, com• mending • beautiful view of the city and the'rivers. There are two steam ferry boat landings within a few steps of the property. furnishing convenierd antics, by steam, at all tames, to the city of Pittsburghi and Tem peranceville on the south side of the river. The house is a large double two story blink, finished in the latest style, with all the modern conveniences and improvements, suitable out houses, wasliboose, stable, carriage house, km he. The gaen is well supplied with shrubbery, and 10 choice fruit trees. incladmg peers apples, and. peach ... Poe terms and other parucult;rs, apply to WILLIAMS & SHINN, Anomie+ at Law. ni&dlrn Office on 4ni st, above Smithfield. • A 8 Aare. Coal Laud tor Bale, SMATED on the Montoyahela river, aboutlo miles from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon k Shorb, and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This Hoe body of Coal will br .Id at the low prier of L 033 per sere—one thud m hand, balance in five equal annual payments, without Interest_ Tide indisputable. LOCllidou very good—ommot be surpassed. For further pattieulan enquire of S.:BALSLEY, who has a droll of said pro. petty. Residence 2d at, below Ferry ,hlr. Maths' ROW. N. B. 'flare is another seam of coal on thin tract, about 00 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. jy2odtfS. B. _ . THE subscriber will mil on accommodating terms, • valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pilmbargh, and about eight mules born the town of Freedom on the Ohio nver. The tenet con tains 4Cel acres and 20 perches, strict measnge The land is of an excellent quality, about 00 aeresilemed, and melt watered, and will be sold either in whole or in farms of COM/C[IMM sae, to suit purchaser', For Cunha: particulars enquire of WM. BOYD, Amy L.w, ° Mee on 4th at. above !Matti:mid, Pittsburgh.' I to T EM=l A TRACT of land, 00 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co., .Act on the Cuyahoga nver--ebout 30 acres under no prevenient Also, two unimproved lota in Mid village of Warren. Trambnil Co., GO feet hy Also, o lot of ground in th e centre of Hartford, Trumbull C 4., with a fine dwelling house and store—one of the belt stands for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property will be sold onvery ...modeling terms. ISAIA}I DICKEY & On, febloWater and ?rent as. • FACTORY FOR SAAB OR REST. HE lance and well hunt Factory, emoted on Rehm- UMW., Allees.] City, by 13. 8. Cowan, Env is HE for sale or rent from the Ist of Jan. 16411. he lot on which the mis tye is erected, fronts WO feet on Reduces street, and ns back 110 feet to Path meet. The main building is of brick, three stories high, and 60 feat long by ff feet wide. The Engine Boone is large and commodious, with noengine, boiler, Mack, he., all to complete. order. The property wilt be sold low, and on advantageous terms. Inquire of ROBERT 111.11110101 T, deme-dthrt t. .a FOR RENT—For one to three year,from the first of April neat, a large two storied brink Dwelling House, pleasantly situated on'. bank DI the Otto river, adiotning the borough of Mauch.- ter, 'vital about four .res of I.d, oat bulldizies, fruit trees, Ile. &c. Apply to JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO To Let. A LARGE azul well finished Room; second story, on the comer of Wood and Third streets, shore she Enehanae office of 11 m H WilltairEa Possession peen inunedtattly. Inquire of - ta,/ hVGILLS k ROE 194 Liberty sr_ 1-sf . THE subscriber offers for sale rentaiis resi la..:dence in Allegheny city. POS.&6011 tan be gi ven lit of February, or sooner if necessary, And who ever may occupy it, might find it advantageglis to IO- U. some of the furniture, particalartranited to the place. R. W. MIND t•W'ER. AWANTED TO RENT—A small dwell ing with not lee* than four rooms and re Ititchen, within five or en l minutes; reach of the xmond. Address, with partieuiara, -800 No. 216. Post Office." ==l O LKT.—A Lot on Boyd's Hill, suitable for one or T two Hoek Yards, to let. Apply to 1.4-lm 24.13. LOWRIE, Agent, Wylie at. TW0110171588 AHD LOTS FOIL SALE. 40. TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in tlie tit y of no Eg Allegbeey, above the upper Commons,n which is erected • frame building, two smiles high, suitable cor two smell moments. The lots are melt twenty feet in front by one hundred Met dnep, au4,2rtutt back to • mem forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre tomes will pay • very hmdsome Jll4'lllll on the invest mem and the property will ku sold cheap lap cub. Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk's office; U. S. or to novra 110SEDALMS TO LET jaTHIS delightful Summer Retreat for ame years past occupied by My. L. Horeb field, le offered for mile or rent on Our first aat Apra nest. This property has been Improved by dditional building", and • substantial stonewall, and terrace planted with Evergreens and Fruit Trees. To a good tenant, capable of conducting the //Jureay the terms will be reasonable. GEO COC/ULAN, Pittsburgh, Dee. D. Agent for Proprietor. FOR REST. _ iaTHE subeeriber offers for rent for the term of one or more yeard • large convect.* well fin two story Dwelling Hence, containing 8 room. and Kitchen. There m a lot of ground cootaining II acres of fine young (roll tress of every kind, stable, Kr., converted with the house. To any person wish. leg a delightful residence within a few minium ride of the city, this will be a rare ehance. For terms, which will be low to • good tenant, Inquire of Mr. Jno. Wright, near the premises, of John Watt{ corner of 11. d. and Liberty streets, or of 0ce8441 THEO. F. WRIGHT. Prope - rtylnAlliktiany THE subscribers oder for safe a numbet of choice Lou, snout, in the Second Ward, fronting on the Common ground, on easy term.. Inqpne of W. O'H. ROBINSON, Any. at Law, et Clair sr or of JAS ROBINSON, on the prat:gam T ----- rrEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in Peebles tovro. I ship, on the Monongahela, three miles from Pin*. burs h—in lots tout purchaser.. For twill= pann• sloes apply to bleary Woods, 3d st, or to A. WASHINGTON, nov23-dtf 4th, above Smithfield st Raid >estte in Marna, Comity. ALOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, sitifete on the &le Fsension Canal, in the village of West dlesex; a desirable location for a merchant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling House swell suited far a. Teacart Stand, la the 'Raga of Orangeville, on Snare line of Ohs.. Terms easy. L9AIAN DICKEY & 9+lo Waxer andtrout aW abfor sale, .fleet, i R n bend dit7ourrigith res :l ' a W fLrer, above Brownsville, PA, having a 7 foot vein of cool which will be sold l exchange (or geoda. For portion ors apply to loctiN k WITARBALGH St wand et WAREHOUSE FOR SALE—The subscriber offers for sale the three story brick'Wetehouse on Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner & Co. apt? Whl. WILSON, The subscribers will rent port of the ware house cow occupied by them. Apply to VVIS, cp, LE • 1.10 Ire LU ABLE REAL ESTATE ON P ESN STREET V FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground 'Chase on Pam street, between Hay and Marbury streets, adioining the house and lot now oacupted by Richard Edwurddr having • front of 5C foes, and in depth 12Sfett, coil be sold on favorable terra.. Title unegneptiOnable. tio qulre of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th sr, noes Wood. oct9l-dtf FOR RENT 2 A THREE; story Bnek Dwelling House, do Water, above (Want sweet. Pones/ton fPvan on the first of January, lUD, or aoonet if required. For ten., inquire of . . 0 BLACKBURN & Co. water st .WORCZSTE4II O II PIABIOS. TIECEIVP.I3 thin day, and far sale at lrlanufattviers prices, three elegant Rosewood Piados, made by li. N% Greasier, N. Y. These instromentsare consider ed folly actual, 11 not super:or, to say now made la N. York, having as full, round, and mahatma* tone, war. ranted to wear well and give satiefaction. The price of them Pianos Is believed to Ito staph lower than any ashen caanaMetarer's ht Those who are In want of a good and olegoan Piano at a moderate price, will please call and aim:mina din above as the store of the cabscribor,_ wham %i v , ' 4 . moment of Chickesing's celebrated Pianloaelnatit* ■ be (mad. J0[15111: MELLOR, deaf] • el Wood et T. H. GAVABAVQU, Receiving, FonvnidlogaldleAttal.49ll - ittrifitint;„L: ..• . 0 4 ...... &num,: ea. f. m a k p a , • N. 11.- 6 trlet anereion peal to orders aeT PRNhir j a , tam markm, and .11 basin.. prompiiy 00114 Nearest* .r g ii :1. ,1011 . 1 " 1, 44n , k 01 - • 4ocale-daN ' ' • " L.. .? MEDICAL METE VEGETABLE EXTRACT 1111EVONLT,REVEDY that eau - bOtelied onr -J. thepennanenteure of Spa-medic Contraetions„ le! matron or the"errell; Nervous ' or blick Headache , • Nemo. Tremors, Neuralgic Affections, General Do hilkh EteaciewrotNereotta sad Phutimal , and all NerronsMsordera including the most dream. of all diseases that over adent'the PTI human rect— or Palling Sickness,- E Hytdericniu. convuhd..., • 7 /Velma &c. ifut - woodd imp:suit upon the minds 0f , the 'Meted that the Vegetable Ertract is the only teal edyever diacrovenal that can he relied on for the per mantra ewe of this most &email of all diseases. As its tendency is to insanity, madness and death,the moat t SKILLFUL PHYSICIANS of Europe, ss well as Muse of oar own canonry, barn • proacanced Redeploy. incurable. And it has been so coasiderad by men!, mail this mast important of all di..maies was made M• Do. S. Hart, nearly eixteen yam since, daring whirl time it hu been performing mole &the ram, REMARKABLE CURER olwn Meettl, end has acquired a reputanon which time Worm can efface. Phyrdeirms of undoubted .kilt and,experience, sandstorm of various denorrunnuons, rill as hundreds of mu eminent museum, all mute recommending the use of thin truly valuable medi eine to their patients, charge, .4 friends, who are of fficted, as the only remedy. WE QUOTE THE LANGUAGE aged bythms who have been cored by this valuable medic-Mee One says, "I have suffered beyood my pow- • er of desertptioth• but I now rejoice in being fully re stored to health and heppinua. Another guys, thank God I feel that lam a well mot. I also ferl it my duty to proclaim 'it to the ends of the earth, that Ithoso similarly afflicted may find relief." Another (who is SO EMINENT LAWYER and well known in this', city) says, "Cy son has been alllleted for years with "Wepsh hot is now et 1 1 04 7 ,6 good health room the Vegetable EXtraft. (art says he, , •ehe e ld andought to be winded to the ends of the Muth!' An other saya.Larsege eattriely inadequate to exert.. my grautado , an for haring beenthe meant, under the blessing of God; of remormg mo to me ealoy meot of good health, idler having been afilieted with Epilepsy in Su worst (arms for more than twenty alma Teats. and oty . momineand evening oblation of praise arid.thaeksmgstallecanie to ascend to that Hod who has it red bat to mate mt rna whole.. Most, J. Bradley, 1130tehard street N. V., stales that she has been subject to fits for many years, and has beep restored to perfect health (after every nthermeane haillfailed) by the Irmo( the Vegetable Extract Dr. Charles A. Drown, of Dover, Russell county, Al. who ia one of the ben physicians in the State, any. that he has been mach benefited by the uaii of the °geta ble htoract, and that be unhesitatingly preseribes it In evety ease of Epilepsy which comes under his know). edge. Canis 0. Mayberry, Esq. formerly Postmaster at Lima Mills, Crawford eory,[ Pa, now living in Fria Malty, Pa., Steles that foe many , years past he has beet sorely afilMted with fits,and he is now happy to stew that a perseming use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Entrant, ha. restored Min to wand health, being entire I 17 Heed Dom HAI worst of all diseases. From the Cincinnati Commercial. VSSM•Was ALE CURE -7,Thefollateing certilleate was given to Means. Tho me* la lilies , !beam HarPa. Agents for She sale of his Vegesabia Extract , for F. 'toll g Bioree.s We are the igu re c:ritil 4 gi l v e r i it c a r t:e r moor editorial comma, from the fact that is We only known medicine that will care Epilepsy, at the same time believing it to be ens oldie greatest diecoveries medital antenna. Physicians and men of science of all ages Lade been trying to disc a remedy for this disease, buttedt has been in vain until the present die aopety of Dr. Hart, and we would now say to thaw afflicted with bra,despair longer, for there is hole! pLesoßs. THO' ali & MILES, 039 Main sure°,Cm eSueali, Ohiot Agents tor Doctor Hart's Vegetable ilstraet for the care of Epileptic Fltm Oendemen—lt is almost Impossible for language to express with what heartfelt satisfaction I address these few lines to you, for the purpose of infornung you of he 'beneficial results that have been elected by he auto( Dr. Harths Vegetable Extract. My way aged twelve years, has Wien severely af flicted with ire tie Fits, and with taco severity that thexopinlon was, he could not be eared It one of Ins paroxysms be fell and broke his arm. n galled in Dr. Mulford, a very excellent physician, wigs re-set It He informed me that my soo's Nerroan System was very much deranged, and that a would be impossible to ease him of Eptlepay, Ilgulopue Fits were almost incurable, and employing phyeicians m hie case ii(Kild.bB 0111 y throwing money noisy. I called ape& Dr. Puttee; he informed see that the disease bad assumed a chronic form, and it would take • ling WSW to gore him if he could be cured at all. Ite became Worse and worse, and I begun to think there was no care for him, unul I saw the advertise meat of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract in one of our coy pers, with certificates [rompers°. who had been. afteted for ten, fitteen, twenty, thirty, and forty years, mid rezoned to health by the use of the Extract. called at your store, and tither conversing with Ur. Thomas, I came to the conclusion to purchase a three dollar packagelt done lint., or no good. I thought I would try Knottier, from the use of which I perceived wane little:benefit then came to the conclusion to percher° a Len dol. !arbor. I found that it was of so mach serrate to him I sae seduced to purchase • second. Aud I not truly dutukfal that i done gay on by the vote 01 the tea packa ge* he has been metered to perfect health. Should any personhe dolorous trimming bun, and as eettaming .farther paniculaw, I should he pleatied ID gratify Web by their all on rue at nit residence, math orestemmir •Fourth and Park P 1 12,1-f, Chime- Mal, Ohio. • ISAAC N. PERELNS. Cincinnati, Abgnst 266. 1949. TH6I TIME ls NOT FAR DISTANT When dinusards Who are now trembling under the attack this dreadfild disease, nod fearing that every attack may prove fatal, will fin& permanent relief and be restored to new life, by ming this celebrated medi cine. Over one tiontsand certificates have been re ectred in testimony of the beneficial results produced hy the are or Dr. liners Vegetable Extract. Prepared by S. HART, M. D., New ork. Price, one pdoltage tat do four phelrages ••• • • ............ •.• • • I olio do eight do goo° THOMAS & MILES. DV Main street Cmentneti, Ohio, GenemlAgenta tor United Staten, Canada, tool West Indic^t L WILCOX, Jr, corner of Inamond and Martin st, Agent for Pittsbusgh, Pet .Eby & Killbottme, Columbus, Ohio; II & F. Oaylord, Cleveland, and for tale by moat of We pnempul drug gists and merchants throughout the United Stater. aorta-Atte/3 GALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN BkriliCiia: TNE following from George E. Pomeroy, EN., the wet known proprietor of the Express, speak. for Itself of the Importance of the Pala Extractor w every parent. - - - Ratan 0117CIL, Albany, Sepal. Darast:Oly Deer feehngs of no or atary pleasere I address you in relation to the benefit Lbw., =saved from ye.= invaluable Pain Extractor. Litatal, my little dneght., 0 Teem old, had a pitcher of boiltag wrier turned into her bosom; her screams romedreadhal, wir that a crowd instantly gaahered.be fon, the homes to learnthe canoe ofthe terrible ascremats. Imre her clothe, asunder and soon spread on your sia/ve, and she arm earne d and land upon a bed. She was soon relieved f rom her pain., and says "Ma, I feel as if I could lanes," and woo soon to sweet sleep. Sim wee scalded to a blister from the top of her shoulder over more than half her chest, and round matter the arms. On the shoulder and breast it erns vary deep, yet from the first hour, eha complained only when a wtaa dressed. no Sore healed rapidly, and there is no tollttiletiGll of the muscles. • With many wishes, my dear sir, for your successiin the .ale of this mighty ankle, I am yoars, with respect., GEO. L. POMEEROT TEE TEST miff NO MISTAKE' The germine Dailey, will ever produce the same us etanteneous relief, and soothing, cooling effect, in the severest cases of Barns, Scalds, hies, Ac. The Counterfons—no it aver ander what names they may appear—always irritate, and Increase the pain. TO THE PUBLIC. I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Colombia county, N. Y., have been eltheted with rheu matism in kay breast, feet, and all over nip body, for kik years, eta that I eould not stand, and was cored by them ePPllottliaak of Dailey', Magical Pain Extreme, EDWARD P. HOLMES. Mr. DILLIOT: Sir-1 cat my finger with a copper nail, the poisconem natant of which caused my arm to swell considerebly, with constant shooting paint up to die thoalder. A large swelling taking place at the win pit, with increasing pain, I became fearful oldie Lock- J•w. In this extremity year Nall Extractor was re commended to me, and which I warp revniled upon to try. The conieguence was that it afforded toe almost instant relief, and In three days I was Completely cu red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, corner Broome and Sullivan Its, Sept S. IS4a. earner D.A.1.11 . v is the inventor of this Invalu able remesty i end never has andnever will continent eat* to any hying m m the secret of its conthinattont All Extrema., therefore, not made and pin up b him, are basetounterfeita. Psoretheiras ' Darovs-413 Broadway, New York ; _ _ MMT II9 IWI JOHN D. MORCiAN, General Depot; Dr. WMI THOH.N=ts for Pinabingh. a Ammo! GdIVIRIE 01,6411, Clues humors, spairin ; quittor, grease, poll-evil, sores, pdls, and bruises. Pamphlets, continuing cer tificates of respectable parties, may be bud ou applica tion ID JOHN El MORGAN, novls dlyis Agent, Pittsburgh. SIRDICAL t SURGICAL OFFICIO, • -.. kNo. 6 / 11 DIAMOND ALLEY, a Mar doors below Wood street, market- DR. 131411 WM, having been , regularly educated to the medica profession, and been for aoine nine •. to general practice. now confines • his attention to the treatment of • 44 those pnvate and delicate c ~ opportunities , . • • plaints for which his opportunities •-• and egperience pecaliariy <ilaff. • him. LL years asatduously devoted to stool • treatment of those eomplabstaAdonng which time be has had moreractice and has cured more pa, dents than can ever fi ll to the lot of any private prat thioneo amply qualifies him to offer assurances of speedy, permanent, and saftsfaciory core to all rallteted with dolmans diseases, and all diseases arising there; from Dr. Brows would inform those afflicted with private diseases which have become chronic by nine or g: graveled by the am of any of the common 110.1111M3 of the day, that their complain Can be radically and thor oughly cured; he having given his careful elleinion to the treatment of such cows, and succeeded In hundred. of instances in coring personsof inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred &senors which often remit from those eases where others have eunsigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites such as have been long and ansoccesehdly treated by othen to consult hits, when every satisfaction will be green th and their eases treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent Manner, pointed out by long experience study, and investigation, which it is impossible for thou e.n.rijed i au : i r u neral practice of medicine to give an ue Di'llernia or Rapture.—Br. Brown also writes per: sons ethleted with Hernia to call, as he has paid tear attention to this disease. CANCERS also cured. Skin diseases; also s, Palsy, etc., speedily eared C 6 arges very Ms. N,H.—Pattents of nth set living at a diet/Ater bZ suiting their disease in writing, all the,sympf terns, Can abinin medicines with ihreenoris for use by .g g g ee• f ssing TROWN. hi. 8., post paid, and enclose ees s , u' OkSice No. Cy Diamond alley, opposite the avralf Hoare. RILIVIIIArgIIC—DT. Brown', newly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism is a epeedy and certain remedy for that painfultrouble. It never fails. Mice and Private Consulting Rooms, No. a Dia mond alley, Piusburgh, Pa. The DOCIDI DI always at home. RD' No awe no pay. - dent* Mace of American & Foreign Patents. Jahlgt GREENOUGH, of the late lEnes of Keller & Greenoug d h, the business of Consulting Engineer Paten t Attorney, at his office in the city of VatitliNFTON. lie may be consulted and eio pfoyed making examinations in machinery to the Patent Oftee and elsewhere, In famishing drawing. and speelftemious of machines, and all papers meows ry, transfer, amend, re-lame or extend ten patent to the United States or }Suppe. lie" also be consult ed- professionally on all questionsof lingenon arts impander the Patent Law, and will organ gees. Ilene before the Patent Office or en appeal lbrlll*titqf experience in theßnard 01111ce and iu hie have p ec uliarly fitted tam Xitedi Animal . twines, of axe late Dr. T. P. 'mr. ittl'Oni been placed in his hands, MI Muer, in relano thew= shoald be addreued to Mal P.M P.id• EN. huaLAENE2F-40 bbls Phoohtiori Thritriar tItOW crop) this morning Wading fromOnsollir tido No h, ond (or oils . &el r • urn-:~~- r~~~>;~""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers