• • T t A a 3 ;lf ./ f . • fL. • . - 7 , ; 7 •.;.te.;4.4- •-• • , 4179 e a ixtvo rtiote . • , • 1 - '; • Taw gism i ar m i p emirates-amain:tip i cairiniki:=rie.7 ow &sae*: - 4 1 #! We diitlaithadatithe;;;isii re i:4 . ft a F, ma Yo They have also them eorrecG alai:dad ili :L * 3 e 6 lalar qti'V ' re ' inter a comme dfleti.tr" h nets &swam him Irtlert tagetpge 01W TOtt chers:an t d thea war mutts °Me teems eityefficenketeltita,:thaitibieeromx a a - . _ . • 2 1 1 . „fad:2L i ta l 'nnt a ALLLreiL'orted secteue,.uttetete kta , as, en . 0 - matt: ltor7tu F tet $14,793 00.7 .=,,!-c517,!.• The n t ! tala nd ia ir w an . an ra drawn by the tour Committee ratueltthereeeteitteiitit iikaaiaiaa asih e T„... a „„,, an ' . -- cere - 0 T alms eetemturt or the llidebte fblethofibitell). frith tiitiletnqtnT kireouz eszei paid y the eityi end thettmenetpaixt by the 631. the last& - to whieftwourotild the, early attention et mbit'cieutelle. . EL;Jolu:ustaxi, City Trialgurtr, tp liiisaisiLvdth ft/ Mayor; Alders/us, nay To bideneelA Treasury , .118,36 Y, Cub; City Taxes 0f.i47 „RATS 69 Water Rents of 149 58 Balinese Tax of MY . • 382 96 - City-Taxes Of '4B • eti*ll, Water Rents 0f , 48 . " 445.= 12 30 Busmen Tax.of -2, • Nintirgaian ataltos 158 & 47. 14 " A M. Hasiapes, , _ 100 • 00 Then ' l°°, F° °. " ll l l6 ' Beale" oo F ?foam, Br., Cur. Miura 4 Jamb Tedder, se, Salt /nspeetOr„ ." Bent of ialDiarnond mantets. u Wards:aster .fohn Oreen, Clerk of „Markets l eT 3O 00 1 JobAn ll los;sth Tankmarked 03 U.G. Admen, lines and forfeitures 72453 - Dreatadeetab licensee 060 oU ' egle Stalls 1,515 53 • a ....Rola M coo t, ar,artnes and &Snag 1413 00 410 Kent at old, Water Week. . 6ZSD 45 F E Yolr, Seecald rout a 5 badasl3 5.5 • I.IS Joh-e, wharfage, Au- 114 10 " Tees froas Board measurers 330 " Bent of rooms in old Coot House, 687 Paulson, 'uterus 03 bond_ , 352 511 " .loe Toad/mon, oa account Witter " Lot. ~ 1,100 CO arta:dime of Poor, Interact 1,102 a Bump ale* Oct., 5840, for lopa .- Street 2 , 01 M 00 PRent otos. int 4040 00 - Dividend on Gal stock - . 3,0'/4 . 0 Dray Licenses collected irrrreamrar 1,554 51 .0 , Poe aid paving stone , 21 .Balance °Curio 0f11415 aidl44o. 103 31 Scrip of 15th Oct, 11545 , ..`11,2.!7 1:51 The Aqueduct evertheAllegheitylituArk-aOlthiliurgh, ter jgapidrii, Rebuilding. Ate., in Accoustittnth the iftrari AIa•MSZI, mud Cillselit et Pittsburgh. . . . 1841—Ciet. 2. To eonuited with . Leashlin k 1844—Dea.24:. By caab iteivod for tolls Sing - • • • 21 fin:repairs and ,nuito- • ~, from.,lBBi wen, 1544, dll ten Ats faridehed, - _ 2,400 00 date 2,65 00 1844-41 4. Tocontraetwith3 . 2.A.C.Beek ' 1915—Doe. 01. By essli Setinved for tolls for further reonn ansimstev - ' from 4tli,litne dll date, • 1411, finalshe ._ . 4,020 00 1 Ammon to balance, Bee.ll. To =maw 2414 Collenlors of Tolls, and•nentimaty repairs . from Apsil 4th till dale,. , 81113: 2a . . To =mutt paid I. A.Roepling, .. - on account:for Beh r' • Aquednet, Wm 20 2L001.0u L _ _ __ dine, meths work ovogress4d,*l4o 00 1841.—Sep. 20. To =mutt paid 2 A Rambling, balance doe him on contract, • - Avon Oth Jemmy date, MAO lle ', Dee 3L To mount paid Coll WI ectors of Tollsand otnerexpeases,and for riprapoing, &a, 3,282 21 " " To interest 01l dem, 9,608 48, 18111—tran. 1. To balance,. 67;61 15r Dam:Lattp amount paid collector of tolls,. watchman, and other so k expense" till dila, . -, •2 " To interest till dam,., 3175 17 71.418 11947—.101. L To balance, • nee. 1. To amazon paid conetears of tolls, mrlicen, and other • oxponsacalill date, 1,M9 en: " Te interest till data, 3,493 71,771 SS 1110 , .7aa. 1. To balance, 61, 677 Dee. so. To amount: paid consolers of . tolloi.onaelxen,.and nnees sory erpoirs' add expenses 3,7 07 0 ` To lantesi.till dote., 3,617 201 twat as' The ostemint ofinoney coileeted al the office of the • The whale number of beets; flats, Ice., that erased the Patatettgh Aqueduct 1849, was 84M, Slw freak which wareollieted --67,0e8 Amount collected - tom foot praetor= 39,604p0 ,Tbtal meant us 1.849 TAX COLLECToZtO ACCO.VAITS. BERNARD RtIBLY, : Balance doe on duplicate for 1841 11155 11 Interest from :luny 1,1842. DAVID _ KINCAID, 2d Ward: gaiiPenine on City Weser, and Bmb .12=TaXlat 18414 ' fmrn lanno9 184A^ -70 10 R. L SAGER.TY. 3rd Ward Balance due on City, Water end &mi. nest Tax for 1847 • 642 15 Intarestirom January 1. WILLIAM NEELT,Sth*pri: Ba!ante due an atrand 14triness Tax in. 11347 • tie ;those accigattli luive been placed in the tundtroftlie City Solicitor; fro Collection. ' Par 11146., IirraIAKIMITCIMO..seWard : Amt.464l . srplicata iore yTsx, 8,407 18 • Wale/ Rent, 5, 50 „ BasinesiTax,l, 647 B44 45 -1 —,-..-15„899 13 Ey.Cash paid Treasurer, 14,577 38 Exoneration., 574'61 iedaatioa by Water Comm. Coramistion, 54 50 458 09 -•-•,•••-• -1;104 58 Einlance uncollected; JORN BITER 2ndigard Amr. ofThaplicant for ei iiTes ; 7,030 61 ~ . Weer Sent,.: 3,E89120 .„; -LBusiness Tex, 1,020 22 By:dealt paia . :IS RedantiotHe bstytter Rem. 22 150 . x 0,289 Bah6igiunconectea, $1,668 88 101113811 I.I , CCLI,OOI43isi Wad: Amt 8,504 02 „ - • Water Sam, 7,140 50 Badness Tax 845 ..75.1 18,490'27 By Cash paid Vaasmat, 12,848 00 . „ Examendosis, 437'35 ". • • „ ltedactloa by Water Com. 52 op CoMmieadaa; 385.44 Bainwe utux4retted;: MO 48 ticseaD, HOYs,4 th, Ward:. da6Bl6Bplicite'of my Tax; 829% 98 n - Wei* 6681, 4942 00- v , Mildness Tax - , s 515 . 88 . - - • —714752 84 ByCah - pia tre'irsirei r 11.685 00 : „ Ezoitendions, - 198 08 ltanction of wan Cam 350 • 62 80- ":" • - 1 09 . , 141136./5 .Balance tmcopkled, JOHN LOWRY sth Waal. ; • - Mac of daocsae of Citytax,4lJ337 48 Water Rem, 5,190 - 00 • .-„ OcitisesaTax, 133 17 Fl a Treisnrer; 8,925'75 Rrolenakine; . 2 50 Etedaition bi• Water Cam. 51 00 - 1 • -00maiiisala • '267 92 Flithirace eirrsult. weLFILAND,ww.m: Ath-cd'itopoesaitof.arY r,sx,V 72. 37 Watir,ll4oo, 2,291' 50 • . , • • • Business Tax,, lo . ti By Ceatriiit&Tteuar, - Aost..oo- .140beraticas, _ ' 331.63 Ridnition. by 12:00 Conausion, .110.43' , 604 20 6835 It Balance uncogec*; GEORGE GUMBERT, lib Word: r, • Amt of DopßodeofCitirTot.l999 • -do . do 'lodnessTix, 51G —41,0(4,95 •=pidd Trosszroo, -700:00 , 79 31 • - N. 31. . . -134dizieo nooollbesed,- . $234 64 C33SEMS C. MSOP, Bcli Wara:* del oi duplicate Of..soy tax, 1,302 50 do , -do , • wain -244%4,104 50 , do - ••do , business taxi 17_01 . -12,424 01 eash*lT'reasipix, - ' ',IAN 36 woad= bl W4tor Coto 550 , cumini4444,44: • : - 43, 19 T., 55 ; 0867'46 Mr. Prfoop luto Bind mania . the . fort amount of thedupticdo pylier FIT 3011N-i:lialtiketkfittl - No id, C 5708 4 . 5 bikid.4o l PlsAfr . 83 " 4 28 , _ anA ac jvcid Treasuferi.% tlikt BB 29 Ctimaisigon,'lB 33 .8.45 zuwallected, . . , 84 i! eat. o(iordf l eilirepAellone,srie. .. • 0 11 , Of 62 r 021542* " 7,560 66 , 0. Intinut on City lams 40,639 4.2 a.' Pa ll e Printing ,' 931 63 ' ' 4.-Engine and RPM Cc44/111141, 3 , 23 4 56 .15.: chi-Watch ', ~) - 8,42315 ,:,` - ',112, City Weer Works, . 19,649'ea '2. Revelries, end - paviag eteeeer 12,314 20 8. CleabLeg etree9 I: Lob ' WV* 204 2132193 gime 'l ir! °9 ' 10. Banitiry pastelist ,; g t'' , ' 2, 2.' ' ' 'llielukoina nuke% kF. --- ' 660 1 44 , '.... 3 m0- vr ,..,..,„i„. r , • 2V 42 '1 13. Mk py :sz 1,954 05 ' ."" 14 ; Coiu meet And '.'. • 153 City Loans . . ~, - 3111 op , IS. Getztenalog marreate ' 3234 93 r t 3:627 .. paymevs, balLieiotadelp 0045 i '46 4963 al ' a. .. Lair :2 1,4 " . pa. . '....i..r.11A, ofllBllol9e . 048, roc : . r .-. „ f 47 Plimeela r ernip of lAib Zen" 4.6„ to, ;127 (41 upper water week. , 1,000 00 Haltules In Troasm7 r 4 . 308 42 • .. lin sada:Wale the above, betimes there is in I leeway, of the sterilissetted pbs . onlinenee of 18th October last... . .• 1310,1173 ten 8128,40 it P46—Dee. 2t. Dy eath misdeed In= tolls fretTO 4th Peb37,311! date,7,723 75 7,763t077 balince, • ' coot 77 . , , IBM—Doe. M. By cash rikaired from tolls from 30111 ha till date, 10,174 QS , Amount ut balance, 61,507 04 1 Islll—Dec. Mi. •By aulinnielved 1112171 tolls •, Gam eSiltJa2k. till data, 10,637 75 Am itmt to balanei, 511,234 17 sburgt Aqueduct, 190 j 51A537 75 10,174 5% Rceopitulatim V T.= intecCeeted in the different Trords ; Amt uncollected -Ist Weml, in 1841, I 3455 11 j It lO !dd do 1.644,.E : .6T Bth do • 1847, 93 05 - WV. 4555 45 3ddo 'LC& 86 . '" do " 2,767 86 4th do ) 1,456 75 sth ,do " ' 699 49 6th do " 835 93 7th do " 204 64 Bth do " 404 50 •• 9th do " 14'83 Total amount at tatai doe, GABRIEL ADAMS,et, reports as follows Received for Dramatic' p ease, 280 00 do • Vegt. 'rents, 1,525,50 do Ilan sa . ?rfeit. 724 53 -152,530.03 cash psid Treasurer, $2,530 03 Re by elmo received files, which he etentitled to by law, $1064 32. JOHN GREEN, Cieic ci) . the Market Amount at nuns a:Ali:cod Gun outside. mulls glad Numb, fromJanti2:7 22 , 1842 . m •140047_1.,, 1849 4- • ..... •• • • 61,4b6 .95 137 csabsaid Tm,stire.", 1,339 28 • Ccaurdasion, . 148 69 -81,486 95 The amouarqfpmluel pounds of butter taken in ;nuke!. is 86.5%-lile belt Wl:kb eoea to the City Farm. He hae Wag ° a:maimed 651 cords of bark and wood, and . also.meastred and branded eixiy..oaeaad_ e din healing coal— Re .. - •ra roes too the . - _ e, 06 65. JACOB FEDDER, Salt inspector: Inspected duties the year, op to December 2..± No. 1 Sa3l-47,2 byarels, " 3 " 30 ' 48,539 banela. Feea—ST3B 21. One belief Which intablen paid to the - Treasurer. 1 .15BENNEN,WitiO Nader at the Rey /3/saleia Amount of Feea reoeived from the 70th Jannti4 1 7 10 -Nor• 301 k 1848 , -------- ••-•• • • • 5887 oa Paid the Treasurer on half,- • • •• • 343 tot AARON M. BARTH - PEA Weigh Master at Market—Reeened Fees in the Flour Market, in the old Court House;"froaaantuay 20 to Dee. 27,1848, $462 43 By cash paid Treason!, 100 00 T. S. NORTHAM, city 'Gauger. Has ganged—from Deo. 20,'47 to Dec. 23, '4B - bane!" of Molusee—Fees reed, 8741 84 :4160 - do Whisky do 225 75 1,180 do Oils, ddc:., do • 57.55 $1„OZ 14 Paid City Treasurei:cine hog 512 57 THOMAS BITADDEN, Whirrf Magmas the Mo. nringaheht Whasfollected wharfage On the year 1847, 6256 75' ' .1818, , 15,801 48 1 —41.6,058 23 Bywub paid Treesurec 615,647 44 Counted - air and ancurrent money^ on hand, • ' " 1138 00 Dhsconni on Erie money, 19 CA Wharfage log for the year_lB37, 56 50 Uncollected whaufage ser '4B, 296 79 •••—•16,058 23 HENRY, FART. WheTriaster at the Allegheny Wharf: Wharfage for the year 1848, 3,350 25 Cash paid Treasurer, _3,094 44 Uncollected Wharfage icr 1848 257 61 - ,• 3,352 05 ' V 99 48 I. W. LIGHTNEEL,LO7/harf Auger at hear Mint • For.Wancp due, arid unpaid Wharfage, 469 00 Baird lioximrars. JORN _OWENS, let Wad: hleteured in the cith4A96,ooo feet, Fete; 449 60 Paid Transits; 47 44 p.,:upSTILL,2nd Wad: • No BoOott. , „ T . JAMES 211 . meuarairnhac o Y' 2 . l4)4 " 7 t FINIS 21 0-4 o ontoftbepity,97o,4ooll.) Pahlhessuret, - • 31 36 RORT.XiCLDRE, 4th Wan' : Measured in the city, 3,1142,0ra IL—Fees 564 29 ratitTretuennr,. . Si 63 J. W.,tiei ETZDIEE;6I7I;d: .No Repoli. ANDREW ALLEN; 6th Ward : =Ls JA2dIPI,ROI3B, 2th ,W =RIMY MOlMOTrEdlYard' . - .! " ! wan 4 ia g acit i / * 9121t 1, Fe es 130 49 agorae oity,3l,ooo(t) 23 42 a 5 - M rußtredukhe if% 4 4% 18 08. Fees 419 87 ci1y , * 9 7 9 ,!.! Pirrositeit loans, 123%0 35 .99 Transiut Loco, bY fEkt". ilmedi 224 000 00 to date, ....... ........ ..... ) ' Total, 9932,033 99 =IIEI = R .6 t;f: ' -Vuf - 0 et tstf - r ..". t 7 - - li4 T rii. all 4 #f " "t il ' . 4 - ' " ii. -• i ", ' ' Wite% WOtiCii 214 14:t,....• :... • • ....4500,01#0 ' I4 I ctP4zi*YerF ColirtHonse,•-•••••4.. 38000 Gl= d connected - with Bluth; al that, 5400 Ifeemzpain e0r.,,..,..4....... • ~.."...... 10,000 dueon oPIRag Sods ign. ' 7950 ealiaitLni: r on old Water Weeks talon 2 300 Peer use Fare ' " 4 1 00 M engine House lota-4 in number,. :'8 00 iL egtieny Wharf, -., 100,000 Monongahela. 250,000 Pone:Tat of Revenue from Markets and , s othr some', 192)30 thul Btook ' 68,400 l'aitleptle, . 58,251 $1,313,534 It may be proper to add that the revenue derived Gum ; Taxes is .nc4 included in the dine value, Lien. Your Committee deem it right and proper. to lay before Councils as a part of their .report, in .ordee that some action may be had • thereon, • I condensed Statement of the County Tax assented uponf property , ttur-VOIIIIty, lode ding the: ;wine of Pittelmrgh and Allegheny. Mr a period of eight:years, last Mist, in order that your honorable bodies maybe bifortped Of the relative amount assessed .in the two cities ,respectively, and that assessed upon property in the county— -BTATT.MiN " Far the Total As t. of Pilitio T n in Portion In Years County 7oz Pittalturgh. Allegheny. 1840 71,563 83 28,598 98 8,070 05 1841 75,921 69 30,499 53 8,588 88 - 1842 .77,462'22 - 30,845-98 • 8,998 3 4 1843 40,345 95 18.097 54 5,480 54 1844 47,519 60 , 16,890 35 5,895 '73 1845 32,339 , 8,660 19 5,053 84 1846 31,036 65 • 10,207 69 4.796 49 1847 37,556'77 13325 19 5,688 02 1848 ,40.734,129 1005 67 7,427 18 $469,93014. • $176,131 71 • 59.947 07 176,131 71 The amt. assessed in The, two cities, greater than half of the whole amt. 8236,078 78 appear from the foregoing, that during a 'period of eight years, the .assessmentir in the two cities, are more than one half of the whole county taxes: Pittsburgh alone, reechoes to the great fire of 1815,the assesament exceeded the two fifths of the entire county tax; and since that eventful period—ootwithstanding the immense destruction of property, arid theeonsequent lessening. in value of property in our c amount assessed 'has I increased to a aim much greater than the one I third & the whole taxes. , Your Committee have had before them, information chairing clearly, that while city property has been assessed' at compare. 'lively ifs real or fall value, property in the county, .ferrite, dia. have been returned at two, three, four, and five hundred 'dollars., when their real value would exceed so many-thousands. . The enormous proportion of taxes under the Present system, assessed upon property in thiscity, to be expended in viewing and payment of dame ages incurred in laying out and building bridges Bcc., in the opinion of your Committee, require the adoption of some other, by which the city may be relieved from a eurden so unjust and onerous. Your Committee also dente it proper, in con. neetiou with this subject, to refer Councils to the act of assembly pasted the 15th day of March, 1817, relating to the assessment of damages oc casioned by the opening of streets and alleys in Pittsburgh, which in Its operation is most 'unjust, ;end cells loudly for its repeal. - Your Committee urge upon Councils immediate and prompt action, in petitioning thelegislature, for the immediate repeal of said act of Assembly, which in its operation, cute off the only means by Which oar city, could receive even a partial ree munenftion for the enormona proportion of lases paid into the county treasury. S. C. HILL.) S. STONER- Auditing Committee JACOWM•COLLISTER, January sth, 1849. siwto 11 Annual Report of Coma Wee on City Water Work.. To tko &lent and Comoon Councils of the Cog o" Pittsburgh- The Committee on Water respectfully report— That in consequence of the absence of Mr. James Thompson, when he was appointed Superintend ent of the Water Works, under the provisions° the Ordinance of 27th December, 1517„ and the disappointment sustained by his subsequent resig nauqn of the alike, it was not ontd the firs of March, that Mr. M.'Clelland entered upon his in• ties, to the able communication twin whom, here. with presented, your committee refer thr ;detail ed statement of the presert condition of the works —the extension of the supply front the present bas - m--the particulars of the contracts made for completing the present, and constructing the New Works, and the amount of work done thereon—es well as for an account of the revenue and expen. ditnte for the last year, regular books for which have been kept by the assessor and clerk, audio o addition to the b "Mks previously discharged by that officer. •-•.,.. 0,537 75100 The experience of the past year has convinced tWsiximimlteeofitiO4.terrefits-aratisqr feats the al._ teralki' n in the eysteoiiif management oldie Wa ts-Works, introduced by the Ordinance of 27th • Deorimber, 1547, which will be more apparent, *ben the works for the supply of the upper Wards aW completed --at which time, however, some mixlificauons will be required, among the most important of which would he a revision of the tariff of eater rents, and the adoption of a more efficient plan for their collection, or it will be seen from this year's accounts that a large amount re mama uncollected, of which It is feared that a cons tuderable proportion will be ultimwely lost, not withstanding the efforts of the collectors. St 0,1§6 49 • -- • The vast consumption of water by the rolling milts, and other large steam engines, renders the continuance of their supply a question of doubtful expediency, unless at a considerable advance upon the rates at which they are now assessed, and with which anneof their proprietors are disaathified. By referring to the Report of the Committee for 1848, it will appear that the total coat of the lets, rawrvoins, pipes, engines, 114 c, to that day, was as near as can be esrtimated, $190,722 62 Coact permamentextensions in 1847, 4,084 97 do do 1848, 16,263 54 Making total ca t,to 31st Dec.,1616, $511,071 13 Less proceeds• of lots on Thiquesne Way, sold for • • - 624000 Old Engines, Pumps, dee ms on lots sold, and estimated at 2,000 Estimated value of lot on Grant Street, 240 feet square, say 30,000 -1536,000 00 Leaves estimated cost of Works W 45,071 13 It is supposed that of the above amount, the portion on which the city pays an mould merest of 6 per cent may be estimated at about 1425,000, mating interest, $19,300 Current cmpenses, per Ap., ' SB,OlO Salaries pmd m Superintendent and Assessor, ........ ........ 1,700 —10,310 Making total limpid coat of Works, 09,610 F.jr....d net Plaice& of the last year's 'states rents, per report , herewith, 428,527. lly which it will appear that the venter .tents - fail one thousand dollass short of paying 'the ncluarexperises'of the works. When the construction of the new basin and the engine for its supply were decided upon, a number of designs for the engines and pumps-were sub_ miltedto the committee. In adopting the plan presented by Mestax:rnapp & :Totten, your coma mitten wore, governed in a great molest.. re by the satislactery mulls of similar rnackinergnk Swab. benvllle and Wheeling. Your committee believed that the interest of the city wouldbe promoted, and the punctual execution of the contract would be insured, by awarding it to an establishment pones. tog sufficient means and capacity within. itself to cempleteithe whole work, and therefore, although a proposition was handed , in by another engine builder, that might have cost a few hundred dollars leas, they alloted the engines and pumps to Messrs. Kapp & Totten, after the withdrawal of the latter from the committee, sit. their offer was lower than the bid of any other establishment of equal extent. During the last year the committee have des troyed torn and defaced scrip to the amount of thirty six thouaand dollars, which has been rape. cod by the issue of an equal amount of new scrip. The Committee have expended only one thous• and dollar. of the amount of scrip placed at their disposal by the Ordiatince of Ithh October last. They, in conclusion, beg leave to state that the Works, Basin, ke, are now In acondnion of greater efficiency than they have ever previously been, which may, they believe, in a great measure be at. tribnied to the attention and industry manifested by - the , Superintendent in the Mae-barge of his ar duous duties THOS BAKEWELL, JAN. T. KINCAID. JOHN SHIPTON, IL H. HARTLEY, A. SCOTT, DANIEL ARMSTRONG ]awry .5, IMO .Report ofdo Superintendent. The Superintendent preaenta to the water com mittee a statement of the condition of the Works, -and of the operatioSs ofthe last year. Early in the year tbeCnew steam cylinders, with the other and, leaser improvemenu to the Engines and pi:impel were pot in complete order for work. leg.' Bit although,. by the late arrangement the two 'Engines are adapted to work on one shalt es well as singly; they have been thus far run singly, with the exception of a hew days-Mr trial. One ; pump is capable of furnishing water for the present demand, but when the arrangement' 'ball all-have been completed for running the two to getber,it will be.with advantage to the machinery and , asaying of fuel, to so,rna them. In oider , however, to a =fa and secure worlong of tbe4wo. engines.and pumps jointly. an Merest,. ed supply, of waterfront the river, as well as no enlargement of the Riming Main have been deelllo ed necessary. Accordingly by authority from the Councils, contracts have been entered into for the necevsarypipes. About two thirds of the whole number required for the rising main, 24 inches h arch .64oUen cant at the Foundry. afloat' Mich. d am ; ; and the.reinaluder would doubtless have been caa by 'thin' time, had not Mr. Nicholson), bberitotelly destroyed by arson the night of the 23rd, Nov:last' filMet ofthe near rivet Sup ply have been isudliiiiCtuipp ds Totten; and have been laid in, and connected with the water vault of the •Eagliii.Rouse. Inlionnecthin with this new; and also with the ohl Fravision bus een - made far washing out lhasand and gravel from these pipes, by introducing : a contact Way!, into the pipeamat outside of the water Insult, which is to be conducted from the !Wag main, keeping on the outside anus Hotter.—the pipe has hithen to been washed by passing thectuient ttunuaiheim . Abe • :mpg did eall aiiiintriiiiit beettiniuTe diilota beenthtuktri thrtietfate °cps " • • unb:l9.ta te,eoiltlall#4:;OPthe awed.; :There' has tdso been alarge quantity of Oiling put oil thefoet 'Of (Mita sneer, and eit the trWayo itrfrOt,c(the EggineXtetwe,wirth a view to mak ing i had Ear thane:dingo:et to pass round. when it shall • happenthat the occupation of Mr. Laugh. tin's intend will prevent ittent Lam touting in the alley.: And as a writ occ en before the filling, thhty feet in lenalkwea added to the Public sewer OTtern street at an expense oillph Another piece of work which has been made; is anere° theffitter vault out/idiot the ham. An o Meg was cot in the .arch of the vault, and then earrted.up to the form .of a equate well with masonry. totter surfaceitif the groned--at a cost of $92 00. The objeet orthis entrance, is pried , pallK,i kir the greater convenience of acmes to the an d for the ;removal .of the sand from the vard—but it is besides, ht speMal necenthy sea way by which to put in certain castingsto be con nected with the new nier supply whieh`ctiold not be posed through the door. A Sewer 20 inches in diameter, hes been built Kale loWevvide ofthe Engine*. extend ing from the check valve of the ft:4 ai n into the river, to serve the several purposes o carrying away waste water, receiving the blow tf steam, and the water from the bilge pump. A line ad' 8 inch pipes which had heretofore lam e of the above purposes, having become o cted, has howl taken up. Crusty& the sewer and inking up the pipea $23800 From which, deduct the value of 15 pmee • wren up, which are of inferior iptahlyi,' and so valued, any, ........ 127 50 I.4aies as expense of sewer, $llO 60 Another work, similar in character to some of the foregoing, is the grading and fencing to of a part of the Basin Let, which front on O'Hara Si, or a .yard in which to amts pipes and &ther pm. perty belonging to the Work& The paling, &CC ing and shed., have coat :atom $320. Stop Cock, have beyn made at the Works, as knows, vis . 2 of 24 inches,/ For She river. supply,. the wash. 3 of 20 Inches, out, and the rising main. 2 of El inches, 1 13 of locket', For ordraary 15 cif incikes, 'At 4 total expense - of. ....... ........ $1,327 00, At the rate which has heretobsre.been paid, these cocks would have cost $2,539. The difference has mainly arisen-opin an improved Gum of construe. Stop Cocks repaired at the Works of 15 in. ches ; 4 of 10 inches ;' 2 of 8 Index: 2 of 4 inches. Besides the 5 large Cocks, ;which have been prepared for specific places, there an on hand :- 1 .15 inch, 112 inch, 310 Inch, 1 8 inch, 12 inch, and 54 j Also, 14 Fire:Mega. ,Pipes laid far Distribution : 4, inch, Elm Street, near Pa. Avenue, 90 feet. • Pa. Av. from Price to Marion, 630 „ • Pride Street, 950 „ • Quarry Street, west of O'Hara, 315 „ • Diamond Street, east of Ross, 255 „ „ Fayetteßtrect, west of Rand, 170 „ „ . Hancock Street, ....... ... • . 430 „ „ Grant St. near 7th, (connexion) 76 „ Fourth St. neer Wood, (do.) 64 , „ Serving 17 Pings; 204 -13 Of the above, 750 feet were lifted from ,184 situations where they were no longer of use. 6 inch High St. from Wylie to Grant, 438 feet. „ Clarke Street, from Logan to Townsend 250 „ 2d.St. from Gm St. eastward,.. 760 „ 8 inch High St- mid Role Bt. from High --r1,488 to Seeond,, Total extension of diewilintion pipe, 6,010 added to the quantity before laid, Wake Es,oooleet, or 18 3-5 miles. Besides the above, there have been taken up and telaidi in • consequence of grading street., as follows, via 15 inch, On Wylie & sth Si.. lowered, 390 feet. .12 inch, On sth Street,„ 490 „ 8 inch, On Logan Street, „ 140 „ 4 inch, On Tunnel Street, rained, 386 „ 1,396 Total number of feet of prpe Zairian, past year, .7.396 On taking up the 12 and 15 inch pipes on . Fdth Street, it was found that a number of them were cracked and had been patched, and the Corn. mitten condemned them as unfit to be put down. And accordingly 4 pipes 15 inches,l6 of 12 inches, and 2 cross branches were procured and substi• toted for the original pipes, which are still on hand, tad may serve fora leas importam place than that from which they were taken. It is deemed proper to remark hero, that. these pipes were originally part of the first rising tllOll2 in Cecil's Alley, and were made when our four.dera had but little experience. Stop Cocks pot in 4 inch, 12 in new lines and 2 substituted tar old ones 14 6inch, 4, and of 6 inch 7, II 17 Fire Plugs hove been set, making the whole vmbeq 125.- Fannies taken' out during the year, 169 Owing to the question of jurisdiction on Penn Street, between the City and the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike Road Company, remaining o> long unsettled, the pipes which had, been order ed. could not be got laid in that street. The requisite pipes for laying in Gibbon and Townsend Streets, are to the courser with Mr Nicholson, but they bad not been made up to the time of the destruction of ha foundry, before men. stoned; hence, the orders of the Council be laying in those streets, have not been fulfilled. The Expenditures of the year kept under the heads of 'Pennanent Extension' and 'Current Ex penses,' have been PCII.II4.IILIT 3rXTI3IIOII. For Engine repairs... ..• ..156,201 83 Labar 3,174 14 Coatings, Smith Work, Brim, &e 4,678 07 Lead, Lumber, hauling, Paving, (lee 2,209 50 54,565 56 Labor 3,221 14 Oil. Yam, Hardware and Stationery 783 23 Total Expenditures 523903 55 For which warrants barn been drawn on the Mayor amounting t 0523,592 18 And paid m ßonds bearing interest 1,311 37 Whole amount ofWater Tax 55 assessed 530,214 00 Reductions, Commissions dc lost, estimated at 3,000 00 27,214 00 Water Tax on buildings re ceived 380 92 Amount of ;Building Tax of lad yea: received........ Nett income 828,527 77 Estimated amount of Water Tax on Jattildfngs remaining unpaid of 1848....15150 00 Estimated liabilities growing out of contracts tin. finished . Jahn' .Nichobion fir Pipes, via : New, rising main (corn lower works. .......... 312,000 00 ta inch, 6 inch & d inch pipe to be supplied from pees. eat basin 3,581 00 Valves, lead and labor kir 00 haying and completing the R. Wesaittuted at 2,500 00 In part payment Mr. Nicholson receives th,Sold puttp and other large cam. imp torn the old works, amount not yet ascertained. &limited coat of the river aupply including laying is 3,100 00 Of which. kas been paid to Messrs. Knapp & Totten on account of the pipee— the old engine at 600 00 8a1ance........ ........ $2,500 00 Estimated cold of the wash out pipes, including cork., laying, arc 1,82000 Of which has already been ex tided in suodoes say 350 00 1,500 00 4 inch pipe procured from J. Abderson &Son, for coin. Meting certain connexions ab0ut........ .......... 300 00 Total liabilities after subtracting the old 522,381 00 metal, say 522,000 00 The quantity of water supplied during the year boa averaged 250,000 cubic feet, or 1,870,000 gib lons per day,—at aghast Mr fuel, labor &a, of 529 cre da zivi:! ' g he b o zz l alone has av eraged . over $l5, consumption daily of 340 bush. It will be seen in the statement of the Register that the whole number of the tenants receiving water is 6,120; arranged under the following divi. aloes, viz: Taxed. Airla 5924 dwellings, stores and shops, g 23,159 $4 00 169 hotel; tnY.ens, dro. 2,459 14 55 52 steam engines, 1,723 33 00 3 rolling raills,2 at 250 and lat 225 725 72 all others 2,146 30 PI 6120 $30,214, The 6Driwing analysis is 'based 011 sae above facts: Daily supply of water..........": 1,870,000 gal. 5821 dwellings, stores, duo, , allowed an average of 100, gaL each is 582,400 111 of the whole allowed 04 public plugs end washiruin 170,M --, 752,400 Consumed by all others. • • •• • • • • ...1,117,600 ga t, Dwelling", stores dze. assessed. • 423,139 All others. ~ • • 7,0.55 8304 When the Improvements to the lowe ,2l r .works, which have been determined upon, shah have been completed, by laying theisecond riser supply, and t h e egditioußiWng Male, the capability of those 'Wits will be Bona nuns the present simply and ctinsutopthm or 1,000,000 cable Stet in Penny how l , - Thhi, so far so the supply of water mph , ed to be taken into consideration, was thought to fully wirrait the phut for soplAying the higheT Imth• .flons thh city, bOrasurfeiting water Gem Abe ,present bithin to the near Memoir. Accardirtgly, in Virtue or authority in the Ordinance of the 15th ilawielag, the committee enteredupon measures for carrying out that plan : . Contracts have been entered into with Sheen & • Elythe for erecting the Engine liouse•-.4e•eaorte for which are supplied from the small Engine piense at foot 4i , f Cecil's Alley/ t hey, having been toed from sale with the ground, for reasons of ,economy. Progreal wan made in this job by es, icavating for the building, and by transporting a Urge quantity of the stone to the gronedi When at ihe approach of winter the work was suspended. rMessrs. Knape So Totten are the contrannorefisr the Eogiaea and Pumps—they havamadet nomad. perable_pthlress in the patterns and castings. 1, Mr. Edward Sullivan the contractor for =naval , Ip f the Basin, has nearly finished the 'digging. `, The water in the new Basin will stand 230 feet Mime the present one, and .320 feet above the river. The length of the pipe between the two - busies will be 2500 feet. The eilgines and pumps will be capable of fine, jog to the upper basin equantity of water equal to one burth of the capabilities of the lower works, 'an &manta equal to the present supply rind con. tomptiosi of the city. Cost of the work under contract and.projected for the upper works known and estimated as fal love, in= The Engine Hours and apportemurces,...B 2000 Contract for Engines,. ...• ........ . • .•14,000 'Estimate of bed plates and other work, .....2,000 Estimate of Basin c0mp1etet,.......'. —4OO -Estimated cost bf Rising Main including laying and lead 816,760 Estimated east of 8000 feet of distributing pipe with the stop cocks, fire plugs, laying ' the same, &lc g . 15200 Total for the upper Works :so far as projected. Of the above has been paid by warrants on the scrip issued under the Ordinance or Oct. . 18thi 1918 ........ ........ Respectfully submitted, J. H. MoCLFILLA.I Jan. 4th., 1849.' Beano or uo Assessors AND Aroma RCITs FOR TUE Yana 18484 The Water Rents assessed on Mb difrerent establishments using the Hydrant Water, amount to thirty thousand two hundred and sDartero dol jon, as follows, viz:- 1 City Gas Works, 3125 00 -- 1 County Jail, &o 250 00 ---. 5 - Glass Factcrries, 145 00 3' Public Baths, 88 00 5: Taanenes, 138 00 9 Breweriqs, ..... ....... 381 OD ••., 10 Livery Stables, 300 00 15 Foundrit, 338 1111 ' 55 Steam noes, 2448 00 ' 13 Rectifyi Dutilkries,.. 252 00 3 Ileuermi, 38 00 7 Chandleries, 104 00 169 Hotels, Taverns, and • Boarding-Houses, .. 2,4,59 00 5,824 Dwellings, Stores, and Shops 23,159 00 8,120 Ammemment, $30,214 00 or this AMOULII. Wm. PitCutchin, Col. lector of 1 t Ward, reports : .Collected and plod Treasurer...4s,l9o 66 Commission, • 160 al Reductions by Committee,. 54 50 Uncollected 241 96 Amount of this Unplicate, Of this amount John McKee, Collet for of Second Ward reports Collected and paid Tre55....53,056 00 Commission 94 43 Reductions by Committee.. 22 50 Uncollected Tr, 07 Amount of his Duplicate Of this amount Joseph McCulloch, Collector of Third Ward reports: Collected and paid Trea5...55,600 C011111111.i00.... ......... 173 Reduction by Committee.... 52. Uncollected 1,315 4: 4 Amount of his IWO:cute Of dos amount ft. Hope, /Collecto i of Fourth Wnrd, reports : Collected and prod Tress...s4.r.oo 0 Commission 130 05 'inductions 11 Committee... 112 50 Uncollected 240 45 Amount of his Duplicate.. •.• ....... Of this amount Jim. Lowry, Co tor of Filth Ward, reports, Collected and paid Trea5...5.3,600 00 Commotion° 142 14 Reductions by Committee... 54 00 Uncollected 393 66 Amount of his Duplicate Of this amount, A. Sl'Clelland, AleOttif of 6th Ward repOrtic--ocilleeted nad paid Treasurer, 51,000 00 C0mmi55i0rt,.........• •• . 49 441 lteductions by Committee, 12 00 Llacollected, 630 06 Amount of his Duplicate, ....... 64291 50 Of this amount, Charles Jessop, CoL lector of nth Ward, reports—Collect ed and mod Treasurer, $766 36 Commission ......... ........ 23 43 • Reduction by Committee. Uncollected 317 71 Amount of hie Duplicate, Aii.csmar and Register red collected on new boll legs of 1847,......... ............ $BO4 50 Judgments on Alderman's flock. Total, 5932 85 Total amount collected (or water this year, Vl= By William McCutchin, First Ward, 65,351 04 By John Mlice, 2d Ward, 3,150 43 ' Jos. McCulloch, 3d ' 5,773 04 R. Hope, 4th ' 4,039 95 Jam Lowry, sth ' 4,742 14 A. M'Clelland, fith ' 1,649 44 Chu. Jessop, Bth ' 791 *l9 Assessor and Repioter, 932 85 Total, $16,263 54 mxPnikilli WAGON LINE, INAkg Pittsburgh wad Philadelphia, (eta all.l.112817..) Mg, FIVE DA YP—ItUNNING DAY AND NIGHT. Hl:puhlte are respectfully Informed that this Line will commence running on the 27th inst. A car wullosie Philadelphia daily with the Nail Train to Chagibersberg, and from the by Wn, , with • telaY of horses dog day and ntgbt. ago We will be prepared to for w ard (Moo lb. freight daily. Apply to D LEECH & Co, Pittsburgh, or HARRIS 4! LEECH, nor No 13 Peed, Thud Street, PhiladelPhim PIONSILIS Th.ABISPOSTATION LINE, itiag i 2lB4B. llllLiiiL BETWEEN LIALTLHORE AND PITTSBURGIL fl Time, 3 day. LB Alcrehandiso transported at Canal rate. pcntsrni & DUNCAN Agents, Water street, Pittsburgh. •PRAILEY A MARSHALL, Ascots, norl7 47 Light street. Ttalthiners. 1113VEIKE 41.. CO , S FAST EXPIIE 8 iMft-Iga FOR CUALDERLAND, DALTIDoRE, AND THE EnsTr.}lN (Alms. 1 HE rioprictont of Ito. I Aar kayo too on New St‘olt t and •re propored to torwtiol pookuse• of oil Oe• mortptions duly, at the lowest rotes. J. C HIDWELJ, Apint Water •trecL, R()IltliS(*1 &IMP.Itg o'3 Sow h Chnries Italtimorn. EcLWegTUAsitUKVA l ifilit 151' 1 . -• . • 4 - -,_.,.........,-.-. 0 DIPPERH,trud other. arc omit - toed that Mt Lute 0 continues tit run dull Produce cud morel muftis reeetpted for by PI VeiDA V LINE and regain wag ons, at low mitts and speettled nine. J C 11111 W ELL, Plosburgh; novl4 IItittINSON & Ikrlllthl, Haiti c ore. PENNA._ AND 01110.1 V AUON • = TO li NI, 1110.4 't*.. 11, 7 :1 4V. ‘ " . e .. • ti11... ,• •A 1 ,- PlrrginißL:ll AND 11/11.1LDEL.P.11 rut; 5 utiva—amtatau nut AND wont. rillid LINO, whose . putictuatny 101 wino. gave ,i. such ffe llertll yanstactlon, wilt cenirs/ro maing ou Ist of January Heil, using thy mini Irvin East of Chamberaburgh, and (clan of YOrtlest on the turnpike. CLA Ma; .k. 'III ArkT, Pittsburgh. LEWIS & 1 0LE. 14 , 112 Markell4 dee2s ' Phtladeleta_ Bingham's . BilniSo• IV agar. Lin", lire An Max amat /o - 0141;Rtill AND PUILADELPHIA, VIA C11A1.13331.1.014 T" FIVE DAVE—Running Day and Nightl—A CM will leave Philadelphia dolly with the Mail 'l' j 0 to Charabershorght a %Vagon will leave on Its ~,,,,,a, mid having relays of horses running day and mad, securers the certain arrival of goods in. Five Days. No mom Goods will be received than can be loaded up each day, sorhat no delay will 00001.4 We will be prepared to forirard WV lba daily W , APPIy ~, Md. B/NOILAIII " Caned Basin, Pittsburgh. Ir. DOCK, dee2243m No 270 Market street Milled. SEASONABLE GOODS SELLING OFF—Atom, der R Day me selling off at remarkably lowprices s Imo Li 40141115111 of superfine Blankets; large domes tic Blankets, low priced; o large nalioltznent of colored pt,, n nels; heavy woolcu plalß Long Shawls; heavy Terkerl and blanket Shawls. Is ,, 3 LAN ELT COATING--Irree ed and blue, fat sde by die pie a or Pidiii;4l,:- randralardb FiebN by MURPHY & LEE: - ",poi_da: . atb PILOTHS—I case black ;nixed awry cissimetesli la do Tweeds, fancy colors; tdo fancy esseimere lot ale st inenofseitirars prices, by MURPHY &. LEE T EVIAMON GOLD PENS, • magrafic ut an d _Ls most exeelLam pen, being the first sent to MU market; for We by W W WILSON, Jnfi_ comer market am/ 41h sts kegs TabicanTdisatii ogoola,bast loo' d on consignment and braid, by de calSP ! I.d- NICOLE; MOLANBETB-4 we fur sale by UM! 8 8' VON BONNHORBTA Co f, - vri !I' VI !LANE'S LUNG S N - RUP—Un hand .dfor,sal by' io= .1 KIDD &Co D _ llVlS'S'Compound Syrup or Wild Cherry, cm biuld !mad for sale by ( 0 2 J &lUD &Co Gll3l DRAION—vou I t. . on hand mad lot .4. by :02 J ELDD ik-reo E. 24 , 0 a 1t i,;..atcd sizes, on hand riLl r iz 5 i, ! . %, oi:03 L ,m 7 .47z r bl . s ai N . o by t, noa landing from steam, jiL2 ISAIAH DI6SEVtr. Co, front st F"dleilEß --4 °' ''',:?,°,7NigacKlp, for Ve.by Lts .L fID-.4 Mils Jon _refil .. o . for ta ti l sr . _ P F s.". i uo_ C .de 4 -2 b" V; vgrigAtob.6 &co CLONSF2aO-8 =aka Giuseng, rec'd and ford %X dear W iCK d AIVANDLESS C HESTNUTS -12 boob Chestnuts, reed and for sale -- by dad) WICK & td • CANDLESS 14- ARD AND PEATLIER3-17 bbl . Lard; Z sacks . Feather's, to arrive; for sale by fat ISALAII DICKEY &Co HICKORY NUTS-2 boa shell barks, for sale by dec27 WICK & IdtCANDLES.I3 C. , dXtU ---- CleirtTtlllerittiiiV7LlTs 0 do do; 10 b s do do, pulverised in papers; II caske do do do; for s ale by dctn WICK & ArCANDLESS TWII - Ilk( bal;siiierliiiirisliii , CiliaGr s D sale by dec22 S& W HARBAI/011 &111).-M bbl. No 1 Leaf Lud, on noniltsmont by jJ decl9 ARMSTRONU & CHOLER V RLEY—MO bush Just reed and for sale by ARMSTRONG CROZEII VGAR CURED DRIED BEEF ROUNDS-48 to Cincinnati cured, a prime ankle for fainily use just received slid for sale by dec SELLERS re N/COLS El2=l N DIA /WEISER CLOAK-B-24 India Rubber Cloaks I just teed and for sale at the India Rabbet Depot, No 5 Wood .t. J YHILLIPS 1 NDIA RUBBER BANDING, for Machinery—A I large assortment just reed and for sale at lbo India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood am eet. de c.N NIOLAI3B}M—IMIbbIs near crop N 0 Molasses, op arid for sale by • •-• CILOVER SEED-133 barb prime Clover Seed, Jima lJ reed and tor rale by m 5 JOHN WATT N u D RI jO b bloa ch exa . l.l . r . oi f tif t lerks French 17 lay JOHN WATT ak l9ll-76 Mob, No 3 Mackerel; 15 do No do; 10 do No I Sahnon; - 10 c.a.. Codfish, In .lore and for sby ias • JOHN WAIT MOLASSES-27 new env Molluscs, landing per Er Clipp.er and for sale by laa JAMES DALZELL BACON . - ree'd s perTelrgiisptTald for sale by jai ROBERTSON fr. REPPERT ,. LARD --9.5 bid, prime Lard; 9 kegs do do; put rec'd ;Loafed' sale by 15EARL ARM—O/ casks in store and forsale by E deaf. TASSEY k !JEST UERMAN LA Y-23 casks first quality, on band and for sale by d ecd TASSEY !MIT -. • MACKEREL-. 13 5 Dbl. No 3 large, for sale by 111 deekd WICK _k tiVCANDIAS lIREN A PYLEA--113 bbls Russets, Pippins. Erre kjmugs, tee. Au in prune order,,and ior sale by decked, WICK tr. ARCA NDLEES . • - _ . • _ VINEGAR—Wbbis Cider 'liner); for sale by V deed:. WICK it k! CANDLES ktrrurti KS AND WORK BOXES.—A spleutli 1.40111.111, Satiable for presents, fbr sa.le very lour, C. YEAGER, dccll 1(0 market it %lc) BOATMEN—A Iner , Cable. for Bale cheap. Ap. 1 ply to SCAIFE A ATKINSON', der,'- Isl. acts wood it I.3 L yk o r.r . _ Hi d, h ,. l7AL—e2 tons Hot Illn.tr-oirisktl73t&cAN rrENNMSEE BLOOMS—DX tons for Gale, tO Ju -1 rive, by deo2J FORSYTH k DUNCAN eIOTTON-01 bales Tennenee Cason, for We by decd FORSYTH & DUNCAN LOVER SEED-60 bash for sale by Cl haste d y VON bONMIORST .1k Co Q ALERTIJS-17 bbls pure, for stile by deeih J C BIDWELL CORCIIED SALTS-14 bble for male by deed 9 F VON RONNHORST & Co 7 OAF SUGAR-30 bble kraals by .1-0 deep __ S F VON wNNEtortsr aco 111141 PL— s bbla pan and for sale by KIDD & Co SIRE ANDI ‘4 , - EATHER PROOF PAINTS—WOO ILa I meal ed and for lone by droll J KIDD &Co G IN d IEZG-2 sacks, to arrive; fo ISAiAistecizo Ey lk co LINHEYS-0:110 cases good bright colours. just opened by nor snecci.krr & WHITE 'C 'Y docl;l N-1 c'u l'l4l=, ' FIRES k Co . pto . bbl. nobles, reold6s7 i c a o&Tent, d for sal dcell-II 41 orates H PEA NUTS-53 sacks joss reed and for gale by &eta ATWOOD, JONES & Co grater 01 C.A3 balan c SUN - DRIBS-7 kegs No 1 Lard; 9 bbl. Batter, very nice; 4 do dry Peaches, oovr lon dlng; for safe by deo97 19d1AH DICKEY tr. Co, seater st VIN d EO =2 .IR-10 bbls eider Vinegsfer ui s . ts o bi Tti rLOCR-150 bbl . extra Family Sou, in store sod for sale by deal .1 , 8 DILWORTH H. MOLASSES-30 bbls Sugar House Mo laaieti U. St Louis Refinery, in store and for sale by damnAllt gyn./ alciarrsoN _ . D ROD UC E-101) bush Cloverseed; GO lameiud Cheese; 1U legs Bauer lostore and (Sr salts by deepLrll. eicK.grsot RICE , -8 tierces new crop Rice, store and for rale by dealt MILLER h RIOKETEIOI6I LA RD OIL-6 bbl. Burkhardt's, for sale by decal FRIEND, REILY Co sfULASHE73-tai belt new croptust ree . l for sale by dr cll.lw C IH.I6ISEN, Ist Was DROO6IB—MI dos Coro Brooms, Jost reed and for Jib sale by decdt ARIdSTRONO &CROZER • _ _ ••• .... ... 827,019 78 FEED. E. VOLT., Aaseasor and Register. ROLL BUTTER-13 bbl. prime Roll Bauer, m atom and for We by JAB DALRELL, ec-23 'winter St q --- E1N1.M.18.8-17 Lard,• 4t sacks Featherviirlo 1.) Ginseng-, 10 do Flaxseed, to arrive; for Abney deas ISAIAH DICKEY Cq ken nt OLABBO3-65 blolasseq Jost landing mid IM Lv.l. sale by deal 8 le W ILARRAUGH • - CE. bags Rio Coffee; 60 do Lamsyra d 60 do di Doonngo, for sale low to close consign. many by dee d 8 et W HARRAUGH OAP AND CANDLE:I-100 bits Cincinnati Soap; WO do do mould candle; 40 do do star candlcao • landing and rot aala by deal' S & W HAIU3AUtiH RS APPLES-95 begs Drg skses; lb de do Pesti,- JJ s, Jost received and (or sale by aces . , s & 1V ILARBAUGH S VUAR-23 bbd. prtme N OS mrar,imor Drop; 20 do do do old *lgor,put tool and for wee by docl7 Bk. W HARBAU(ikI PIPL= and le b bblaAifles, landing from inzor i i v . . • W 11,21— . :t0 0 .r..10 . r b inapt. b.udlea 10 den car . 01 dP YONIIONOIHORST a Ca ACKEILEL-1.13 bb ALL AL 8F for me by VO BONN OORST a Co. INIVIIOBST:k. Co. TA R-10 1 Al MO d tLi: I c . der.= UM (1 . 4 ,, lower shun ( 4 32•11 reed LAN IJI eoata 1)111Wh J.) hi. d dealt I,NEATILERS-13 sacks for salo by deelS FRIEND, RISKY& Co .B=e — sVp k rT P =7 617. 1 !t i le Poacher, pealid do; to arrive and for sale by deebs BRO%VN Se CULBERTSON /A )L—, libls Linseed Oil; Id do best winter Lard Ur do; Jest received and for sale by dec la SELLERS& NICOLS I'LATHERS, FLAXSEED, AO.-35 sacks Feathers; '2l bap Flaxseed; t doOlnseag; landing from steamer Fort Pitt and ler sale by • • SSALTS AND POTASH —Z bbl. S Batts; 3 urks . Dom* for We by JO BIDWELL, Agt, tlectB watar st PEACHES—RS sacks dried Peaches, for We by declO .1C BIDWELL, MAAR—Madill 0, on consignment unit f --- F,qaZ 0 by &cid C BIDWELL DEARL calks /rash quality, Oa hand and L for stle by decll TA2SEY t tilsl3.o yiIAIXG--110 togs t, prune a de, roe red Iril for sale by decll TASSEY & BEST BARLEY--950 bash just ree'd and for age by lj L S WATERMAN, declB 31 water and Cl front at BUTTER -4 bbls rime. Roll Butter, reed and in saleby deal 4 Wk. WeI:MCI:WM xi-J.11.8—100 k r , Roger G Itllklichles' Juniata Nails, assorted, received mad for sale by deell W arcdrctrEoN tx to .fora .ad for AWN & CULBERTSON CURRANTS -4 bb(. Same, thrash by declS ' J D WILLIAMS COLL — BTJ — TELS bkaajust reed and lot da; . by ra doll ' WICK b. SVCANDLJESS VLVET CORPS —Two wouecheavy largrolAp e Genoa MiSsijostoreekved doolV SHACKLETT • WHITE D 1 MONATE YOTASII—On • and and for • •by • ded17,1,:::,?.. KLOD & CI ALI'S TARTAR—W IM on Yard and Car vale by darn J law t co GRiie - MM /cc ,3tla Ho Bogor, leibbla arbibt2 mEgror.,lo:llbo- Glamor. bbl., lost. reed BOBISON& dare Coo by R' Oal Cake:. GAO lbs common edyearlev 600 do do Apples, ja3-• fiCIBISON iat &mut, 110iiTtion7;20 iraostsubmco pab PotzuoesOnst reed WO' for ARMSTRONG t CROZRR Ploor,justrooMaJed &rude try ARMSTRONG & CRUZES a just reed Ind for sale by A ILMSTRUNGACROZGR , LINIMENT, for Spraint,on by C=M= ARMSTRONO k. CROZER =2l Cincinnati rooild eon for We by &MCANIIL,D3.9 R aloninsdi,iiiie.d hiaucShoca, the retail trade much lie ; city. We invite =OM No 5 Wood a suitable for over- IRPHY k LEE iegs do; received TARSEY k DFST -IRAKaM:rBM4 - ;: "fPVLSOI,:III3ITES4 ' • _ _ mizunt, Net 6! Wood; • ' • et,luta nOW meeMed • 4dl a**, • ' ant of Pisam Porte., aelekted Itrom NNNNNNeeeeee following atanufaetorins:in Bosun and lsaw York, gridelt they +mention of pokettaants Is respeetfully 'MI Those from Mr. Chmkbeint, (for. the sate of which to joie Agent in Mantra Penn, sylrattlw4 hatewhat is S ermod the New eirogarHeale..; Poing an ullpeereement recently mule, ant &trig Ihem .• decided advazdaio in, power 'and equaltyyjorom. over goy i othen. Cblekerl, The follqtvim me the pastents and styles-oN 4I . Bn l e.l.xli ecrlets, finished baq d, hoa r MOP 2 nobly carved VA "3. • " 'ei nobly ' • • “' 4400- I "4. " 6 " gamed oteuldloss, ' -11400 a & fu irked baelCand Cam, IWO ". 61 a.y. o 0 " " J . ...! WM, " " ' • u 4:126 •" 9. " 6 projecting front, 4 p ham a 16 _7 richiy carved, avla 0fL011i1,14114 u “ contertitad tam, on nixed lam socond band:coat originally 444 and will: be mid at a very reduced prima .N0.'12. Roseanied, - round comer, very * elegantly' tot' i.,h e .c wad. No ,13. Ralpr•otnl, round eorney,earyel-; eTtly &dotted, SAS above are niattotacteutod by H. WorCeiter,,-N: well known as being connected formerly with Itlamm Stotard,lVorcester it Dunham,N. No. Ig. Roararood,Okcarredatotlanw, mode Wale Manhattan Company, -Y. WS 1 • No 14, **wood carved, Teatimes, Gale k Co'. ) N. Y,lleZO. No. 'l5 " plain CI- • 0 : ! rzo No id, Ibmewood Gaud Fiaop, made !by Henri Hen, Paella No 17, Mahogany, defunct, seepndhand, ides 473. Old ktanos taken to pan pilmqnl fot new Oncs. • ' , JOHN 11 hIELLOR, ' Sole Mani far Chickering4OntriendSquitreasm 1 7 Orteklbr - Western-Pcnnal .1 octl7 • A SPLENDID arsonnarmt of Mahot 4M:tlgany and Rojnworat rianor;, hut Ur' tshed. Theselmirpmonta sr; made at the Mutt panarn-atut hest thatesiala , sad Will be sold low for cash by' ' ri • • . • P. mut% Strek,_ mi door abase N. B.—Those who aro la smOt,Orial o Pn=" ooo 4. are rhspectfis ll y e .M=nern Mew tliChntr chasing VaNSTO.M. they eanetot,bnetteellet?7,,lttlY• In the esteney, and will be wild lowtir than int ratight, (rem the East disojust received, Mre planosof Ham-• harsh manufacture, wahranaan he - aarsitiat etlant ever said in this connuT. tterM GFIEAT liII.IBNAL has just reeetved (row EYworie., acid fOrerileii. 4214 entirety uew invention of Piano rote, taUM,Am CAB.' INET PIANO POSTE, which. tsiSsiessininaote and sweetness th. the square Filen!, °Genteel batons • fortune ROI mach room, and isw much mare shroy and: hadoorno piece:of furniture." Itiapartionlarlyticairi. , ble wham the sawing - of space A.amobk..r.4 being on ceedinely neat and compact, and °ovum.; uo MOM yaom than a swill side table, The subsentwir barid hand a testimonial of na ouperlerittircus the polars , ma mmustadoschelles, in his own hand writittchleti may be ins ported . • ' KLEII - oet27 At W Wcool '4l, ACOL .• It AIPFACEMISZN_Ts , ECIMVED @add:it-sale, &lour kliniesPithOsilwa and without Colernan'a Alain Attschnient, by mi.& Club, NY. One of Nunes& Club's Plana, with the Atmehmentoras taken ko Engin:kr by-Mt Coleman, and artiongutany Other tedimonials..of, miration for this elebun Ueeimerf of American WM. and ingenuity, aliened the following rentagira Crain H. 'Milberg, Magmata Pishiet baths.' •—• my VAX My Dear Sir—in enolosing a l I. e o iter 3o t Sun(l, Mt . Frond, Faris, f nuncios refrain' from aged% espousing to you how much I was plowed with your aaa Attachment," which I consider es i pus musical im provement. I can ware Sod Mayon my past shall with greatpleasure do my utmost to make yourdrren. limo known. For sale by ' MELEBEZI Je23. • Al Woodwelills Ilanitare mama, Wm 'SOLT V2l. IBH 1: 1 001C1Y—llmorrof. the Greek :tier. ohnion, and of the wan • IndECEUTlpnignt 4timitg from shr.rnrogirres of the Oreek:Potriout in Ernucipa. find their country from the.AirlAskNolre—in lens ret urnee—splendid copy with numerals,. Cup awl awn rings. • Letters' illustrative of the reign of William 111, from IGhb to Irea—wiyh no portrait., to I roll. Corupamon m the study of - gar Holy h 4 triOnyht • Hvry Mowbray, duffing imams, viikHt engra- Wis the MIT Wand: Freneh titaitt cod 6letette. In Can, Just recd and for tafe Ild - ItIeDONALD tILBEESON spau ep asked street 4 A SPLENDID aaao tn pr Dow- Nip!! woad and Mahogany attion Pi anoa just &Jihad an • ...lei Also, two eidendid owl Pianos, with ColootooPs aelebratedll,olian at ertt &hilted, In the moat modern style, and for sale at ' tel " P SILO wE'Eqllit'etotA at TRANSPORTAfIWT:t Et • AdtA, FARMS & PAOSZCT heed.. ea= 1: F AND CLEVELAND LINE; we WARREN. I Canal Packet—SlVALLOW,,CaplPord. OCEAN, Capt. Wooers. CLNE of the abbva Plekewleave 'Baiter eVerrday, (Bandar. ereolnad) and 41.rtivel itartatornta* at ISMI, Where they eanwythrith the NaßSla(;e.l4 r Akron and Cleveland, arriKnl al ohoh of these places, before men. Onwo th e PitattllibllTS Wirraa daily, at I P. Pd., and arm, at. Bearer 14 time m ftaketthli mo=reaboa t. LEFFIx t for td B TAYLOR, • BEAVER AND ETII,E ► PACKET ÜBE. zonr,ur.7 4 lunuci, Canal Packet —, Trumann, I . ' Pgageg; Lela Earn, — t" Traby; Parsonia, thoisim Feu - mono._ ;", Bayer. Itte above new and splendid Passeter Packetshavii commenced matting bantam% 'HEAVER, Mil:pinta& and will ran vegalmly dating ..the 4annott--nrun boat leaving Erie every manual( at 8 o'clock,imd one leav ing Beaver every evenitsoedimely alter timaret. sal of the steamboat Me from Plitt. The boats nro now and titttably tm .. pd; end will run through off boats, Pane:gen to gar point on the Lai., Niagara ...in find this route the most mom& le and empeadotta Ileketa through to all ports on the .Logo cut' bet premised by applyng to the proprietors. ARKS& CO, DiaTer. JOHN A. &WY, Agt Pittsburgh, cot. Water and Emithaeld to AGENTS:—Jar Barrister, Buffaloali Y. gtilr4O _ WParlandd hang e ir i berV4 an Hays & Phimbv t nib, • W MAUD, Shama, • , D 0 Pulaski,• H WOunning New e. Jyi Heataagreasall& C preasyait Packet Zino, ••• .• ' 1848, PROM PITTSBUGH TO PaDAMELPHIA sex, TmO (Exclusively for Passengers.) HE public am respectfully leforated that His Line T will commence running oh the 2211 but, and can to:ale throughout th e Hewn. The boats are new, and ore inperiirr with Cu. Urged cabins, which will give greamt comfort. The cars am the latest caul:mill= A boat will always be in port, and.trairelent are re quested to call and examine Mon bolero mining ps. sage elsewhere. • ,• Ware only dna dollars attester.) Orate boo; cf. this (.me will leave the (opp osite U:l3. Mod, moues of Penn eueet and ism night &Milne et. cloak rune 31 days Fos ' don, applg at the °lce, Monongahela Homo, 0r..10 D &CO . jeZ) . Canal Hada HARNDEN di Wt . ' Passional'? and Itentittanes 'Oates: , AuvA HILDEN CO. commie to Miry"' persona m any pan of England, I,lasul. Scotland or Wales, upon the mast liberalsenua with thett moot Intnetualay ind at to theonotto Mid cola, fort of emmigrants We do not allow Our panerigers to be robbed by the swiedling scamps that infest the sea ports, as we take charge of theta Me Moment they re port thomatives, and see to their well being, amide. ate it them without any detention bythe first shape.— We say this fearlessly, as we dot ode of Cat Passett sets to show thas they were detained Whams by no in Liverpool, *Alm thousands of others were detained months, emit they extuld be sante roam old craft, at a I ebts rate which too fremtently proved their coffins. We intend to perform our eontracti honors*, eon what it may, and not net as was the ease lastacuon, with ether ofileers,—who either - performed not' all, or when it suited their connustenee. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh far any minimal /1 to lam, payable at any of the promareal Bank in In,. land, sUgland, Saarland and Wales • JOSHUA ROBINSON, Eampean and General Anent, Calvinos Patent, Coleare Beata Churn: MATER IN FIVE MINUTES:: call the attention of the pablle to", Me article Leading this advertisement, and invite dm en. lettrrisidi tnd envious to call and witness its opera tion. Ail advertisements in relation 'to hi. invenuan, to the hundreds who have seen It tested, Is sr:parent rotten. . Ist. This.Chunt will produca.lluuer, ritherisps hin 1111.“, 00121. swat Mat, in hup to..ten ruhunasl .and from cream prepared, as families usually mimic it, ill three m five minutes! 1 2d. The utility of this Instmtiort Is apparent, in het ! ter ilatter eau be produced from sweet aunt, or than gam warred in Ow usual ..7; and by mesas Ale of • lisle girt or boy cam performs la ale or len nalnates,what has herownare regelred the labor of a vontm or man for one or two hours, andaometbries' half • day. ad. Fb simply otfolag • thumb wrew, the whole In side daaher Is taken oat, loar lag nothinrbut thwbellef and milk in the Vain woodet box. eth. It I. the cheapest churn ever Invented, as the simplicity of Its CllLlfillielioo ltboaglt einbOdyielf :great phalosop bled{ principleymakes,lt but Hula l a imanufactere 6th. It Is • common, rease•'eherni as tit ?itl admit who will examine it. 1 HT We have putehased the swoop:asp( this *ilea. his torproventent. from Meant Cetus A 111 Yelgithei patentees. We •am now offerbir the conaz k m , poly ofthis styled article for the ignites of ' , pm, sylvanis r New York tiow AMT.. Marliathl and Mel: aware, which will Ware Oertain acid large paa1t...,,,- Acoaszataccano, sad a spool:if:retain of ineettalenL The public are Muted to call sad ccbaess ihroterallon, moor oleo, in Piusba 4 every So kt /L • L C • 1170 a&C.0.;Prperi atoh. temßichanr litt.Cialfatteei;ilext oot: Ecoace Jobna °Sc. deal! -0u M bbl pond Yana, for eales— ltltwOl DUO ....~~.~v.mc~sm,nw.+oe•aw...s;s ,4~-K:::v , ANlMl.ftolttl‘_:: i i gm. ALEIAINIPE.., rt Et N 'MA KEITS'IND FE RNIFSEINE tr %./.T KERSoortme :of ,PenatamtiStAlnum ittgotti.; dteeta, imphsi the Exchange Hood, entrance of Penn main river-trolly intern their thinals — and , the patA zw thei tiStoPf i n r : = Auti ti mil ays on aka large. it: so remedy erode Cedliti; &mid, Mod and Sri "led a 'th e^ :T 7 beg , mazneri - ail *elle ad eseitesdi . imade Wends et flannel, Cam and masbn, le eze• Inada in approved styles. We keep • 11= 4 rabbiar WI he and blankonn;nnoiLk LAkid pill biarin add "mounters. coaPe t kIP 11 1,!.. lam lad arm thinanceteornrp Air trOltizat the - ___._ w N am or Jeasegable terms, as we parr.bpo all nalSW.q., 'in lb. amain ewes. Alio, silver pilau ihr ents lo 4B the nice cad age. We km &splendid new hearse no home and any alzuber iir the bftVeintatel. Ever) thin g rded to/M. l 4olga Peacauar• , 'PegAT " 13 N NETT 4' 13 ROTH E R i' a *THENtrWARE .114ANUFA MUSEIA -• • . mem, letesur,PUtabstraltui Pais .VE NO. 137, Wood Greet, NiMbrath. WILL constantly keep on bluff a gwd asiort. • ateat et Waini a our own uansfutate, and , otapen - r 4. Way. 'ili'holesale endeourry Mu. ; ehointatte respectfully invited to call and en =UM for ilteruselves, as we. are down:dug to 'sell • : • : eh thanhasever beibre been offered to the yet. ' a lie. 1 Mr WI int by mall, accompanied bd. the cash Or ,• city ennizel will be proaptly alluded tn. feb= ' C. id vast.' Illext E. Maus f s• —muss EsTenrasanuarr. xiu v&Ny & LEDLLEmensfaciare and keep eon. • tix us bead Cut, Moulded and Plain Me t' . Y 1 6 are, in oil its varieties, at their Vgatelanue ettp. 'tier 0 uket and Water meets, PlUbUrgh• Orr Werke eennetle in fnll opention, and we eta co tly adding tour cock, watch enables tut to All '• • without:tensest. Perehasen an respect al 'diet • toe alienist examine prices and terms. OAC 14 M &KING . ~ - 1- FROM the very liberal emli m pa • • .. . lII= ithe attncribat hu received WIC* '...• .. he bestowed Unocal( la -Allegheny. 1,.......e,- . - has induced hint to Lako a lease, for a , • , timitaf years,, ,, tgl i, ar ptoperty he now. . eideo 'la Beater street, Idly bealde laa • i IP' -• _.. • • Mush: Prom this up:de-nem the *btu .. beam= and adesirst. plume, tut .beyetto nice. • 'Wand .... est , share of public pansunge. __ ilf, anhand and thilahluguronter, Rockaway Hag./ m ..,,, A A W Om top Buggies, and descriptor/I of . Vadat° :der from secreinylve donate 16 411h "P au " g0 .• JseP 3 'din, •• ,JOIIN BOURN. . ... . , . . : .t - 1 . - 111$C1ILLAVE014' _ - ACTURIIak AND , 14.EAP, TOBACCO.- - 4 WEALD, RUCKNOR &Co, 41..nortS wansr.losna 11A 4wfiaryea, PhiPa, offer ferule on aced urea oirA P gaMannhetored i Tobaneo l % .t ,cfll 6 lu B insla'del , T .l. y u * , a rrrs. A sad p whola and halt boxes,or the following oppmved brands. ' , viz , I tit: H Onad, - (aborn & Enna t A, Withams, ~ Cabanas, SI & Son, M.Donaid, ~, Wdbstar Old, J Thomson, . ill*OrTho2olll, Ir. . Ali Armistead, - 4 'Minas & Bon, landeonl & Anolgenek .1 - LP Co lld 'Cobbs, GentryT l ßoywor, I A Clay, , • , MA, & MR ar . C A Bak - , Owen , Wm Dawson, . Pearl A Norwood, JEI Illookoread,, . 1 NW. NS., icerstona be.„ r WII Vishan, po,inr Robinson, Ronal) & RobiLsorni Re... Robinson & Co.. Sash Ralso.l4 , - R Iletealfi John Enda., ' Winton° Lonna, J Robinson, Gray A Gay, D 1) Tyner, R .larniesOn, York Whiles - ,D M Branefi. —ALSO— Ravfina leaf Tobacco, wagon and 611arq Yaws do do Clonfisogea do do 'do St Jag° de Cuba do do * do do ' do Bt It=dea ' de, put fine, 1 do lil trains do do do. Rootacky swiou grades do ' - dn . MLest suitable for snanataeauinesmd ',apart, , BeadPenn'a, Conneetient sad Ohio; • Scraps, lamer, Gorman -Pipes; Pips headg Scott% Sena (Immo and bladdersLMoccoobit* T Mln i ti ß"n a Lido s ' °lire; Paten t bo 't nda llm6 h KIR ; Tan, An, An. .., P ....bELPRLS.. my - • TULL ~ . I A I . his .01A gad, come[ .of Stuitittieid strait arid MDiamaud alley, Pittsburg b, Pa, would respectful -11 call the 'Wrenn= olColnituy Merchents;.llottil alma Sceataboai•BasAeepers. to a Largo and superior assort ment of IMPORTED CIGARS, amonit „ whieh wrll be lounitthe-following brands, yin Eitt4gtegalle, Cos. taco, Piin g . ZIAL Niiimaa, WO ityntris . indl Dollar De an of width will be as tow as emu ballad at any o eilnaue la 'lenity. Also, constantly ou hand and j t ia a tans unit well shinned cook of Vinprdig inid e.Cut Glowing Tobanoo. • Alan liaratut, Cuba and Comma Lear Tobaccos con l stantly tkil band and for sale. tairSaillia 10. L PAPER , NVAREHOUSE. 0:131/ELLING BLIP. NEM EMIL. IVRIId W. FIELD` Offers Mr We at tbe lowan Mankilkotareta. Wens, a any extensive won. mr.o of PAPER, nomtomME km/. Pomade adapted tonta.wants of consanners /II ail sections of country. Paper of all kinds made to order at akon not V.B. 1 berackoRPRINTING PAPER is zylui,aally largo •p a lager; rm ly irj2l4•3l a ovary dasceptjani intported it t'emaxtuttly qn tion.:oriz; Iblu4sLW - tre Cloth , Faintitinler Wires Illautang Powder, Mae trltnamartrut,Twlneose-, &a CefilM" made oa most amused Easterspisn•— and met fuhlormble Eastern p•lterate =des:dors. Also UR 'COMP ROLL, or BOBION BLIND, on hand or odes order of anal... mid all prises. usury blerehmus and others are Invited to earl stad ti*nille the above for themselves, as all will be mid wholesale or read, and • liberal deiloation made to wholesale purchasers. coldly A w ESTERVELT • BRICE FOB SALE. • , Milli undersigned offers for sale a superior snick .1. of brick (or building, made by his Me= Pram, Ica Machine, for which be has obtained a patent, lti agree, to give purehuers 11 'hilt= guarantee that the are Menge!, and all mist Lou and met tread. er nd imbibe lees insistare or dampnese than any oth er rick, possesiing greater body and superior texture en mach more durable in every respect, each brick bei it row...ma to • ;mucus of several tons, and . pow setting a handsome smooth surf.. and even edges, th make a from equal bathe ben from brick. ha ebepyurchatiased" gi7," A th k ul dri g" cart Een be " see th n ia a c tra tia y u vro w rks, ll Intl ' Tit imen om bar piled smi th * thTliesim office. one hes tortheir buildings, 1 and wishing . handsome front brick, or tapering bard and solid paving brick, can obtain theca • • ISAAC l' .1 , • lutm, Jane 12, IBM if CiREDO. ' NW e . VENITIAIi BLIND NACII.IItY. ( . . JOHN A. BROW Ws , ~.I— , it, • .I . AxEs . this method toll:dorm Ida (Hands -&--- ',. rm.?? that abl,ipcc.° l itiaorron .id, Factory • —__....:.„ the Diamond, Allegheny, where a emm . 7 ., - - , .:_i :ARAM supply of Blind.s,of various =lore ---- I uttl Onehtim.are constantly kept ambush • .- . —... Ida°, it Nob Wood at, Pittsburgh, at Jk. . „...,..- H Phillips' 01l cloth waremorn. Wellman Shutters made to owlet in the best style.' Minds paired at the shortest notice. • . N. 11 Its Mode will be PM up without any addi timrtii. , .nu euthetthey elm la removed in a mt. f fire or for washing, and without Magid offs u Myer. Jyl.dlyfesnamlyB •.' 71C13EDALE GARDE/VW I ' JHANCHESITH. lIE Proprietorof tide well known plum dream has the pleasure of informing the public that his estah. Hs mebt having been thoroughly ratted and repaired, nelv * the . grounds ekgantly laid out and datontW4, is ripen for teeir accommodation, and be danen Wm. self Clot those who may favor him with their paWon agb wilt End all that they desire, provided. In the hest style and .on.uasonable terms. He is determined to spareMo ezpease in making his establishment worthy oripablie patronage. He - has accommodations for bonding , a few families. lee Creams, and ail refraah. moms stumble to the season, constantly on hand LEVI BITRCIIFIELD. 111 6i- ; L yn onotiillela llama Tailoring Eagan. Ushatent. LBIIAC 1.11:1118, Draper and Toiler , begs to lel form t c enuens or Pittsburgh avid other s .. that lie is now o num at his rooms on Smith e ld rime, an. der the • ve 11014 a large and beau fol arwornen of Cloths, 'asehneras, Satin.. Silks,and other Veltlligig tistether with such other ankles as ars required for gentlemen'. wear. ills goods have been carefully at, leered, t ied are of the newest and most fashionable style,. well as of eoperior quality. Ills antainers wee depend open barter than clothe. made- , tip in a manner which cannot WI to snuffy the taste of the . °1. 1. !1.400 1 ... =Mir VENMAN BLINDMANCIPABTOBY ~...- um. te 13 1 :111M "' s of all i tt ai"la ditre 14 1 .w lse ho v " V d em l ii" ore 4 4 0. are kept oh hand - or made 'to order elle the latest /tad moat approved Eastara fut. ions,et the shortest node* and on the moal Aua, the i cheap Bostom roll lir split Blind Transpa rency am Per Cantles Strait the diderent sues and patterns, on bawl and Mt sale low (omit. Old Vera.' oan Blinds painted over andlrepaLted, or taken In Prat, payment dm new. 811 "„STERVELT, Proph . N. II —All work dons With the best material eed ""alsookke ` end Watrented to ptease the atom Imo . edema. •a . sutsta-dly hliehhafly htty, Aug. 10, 19 - 12. . . S lTA hlPZltalr' BONN Votriirt,- -- Th. ..b. wribereptter to sell oat-tonne of tho two Cony bone, Gee Stott and Gen. Worth,no. tanning trom the Mot of Pann street to Pew BBL Ran, soas to make It a profitable investment Mr eaphatism, or any odo may with to engage in.the banners. for Amber parnettlart, logo , . of w o•Mt•tr 0 BLACKBURN e Co._ elm at _ V --- EW - 1 - fitiffsElk4 7 - - tti - ed this dav dimet dist .1.1 the manufacturer— w Ne mytaTaputry,,, p ty Bur., e.,.„1,, vo .seer, . do • do • do Be oo Brasse .P . ' s ; Carpoti N •' • do - Bressols, valet...Pt . do rich color. awls lava= do 44, 8.4 ond 4.8 heavy VeneUan da 44,34 indlts commas do der ' , AB or whet yid - be Vold at a small advance, 'aim 1 Will Ott/MOM Is to WI e. be earehased ht We east. kettS pthI'CLI:CCOMM EMMA st. DOVPDJAIILIIOA GINGER—For sale er • • • &WO JOHN D MORGAN '• ROUND MUSTARD-4 bbl fin Ws by_ dablb JOHN D IMMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers