BY IiAGNETItiMWMEL .rw:rs Wancsalver, lkic.-20; 11918: 'etnstre *aces/led to older Wd.Wet 12 ec.1414 aienti"g titu"tten. N.innOons,l**o**P.risintek •• •• - 4'peetdigio!notke,b l :" - Downsior I"""isita e; eskfd ittd latieii,eildeleiris Sepd the first sea: sedbiid tithes, tote seoq 'eetzenittee Oft itstr":: It related i,iftheeittalgialtteent, ei a,'AjAii s t4 birgeamdrs, bes twecill*Vriiins ind Yeti c inz• . Be" Bios" orniMc; mpTed - to take tip the dtthepiibto Ws: wiieh meth= ens "greed y?, sad lied, ezt the bill 0,4,40 anti! tilieleub. 0E3.161-IR. Diu.a New Ircrk , uurred o. tAlcu up the tafirliidiigtomitimidowilliCeintsfirbicheecition we IgkeedjUp,mAd the, bill • Cade the Mkt o( th* 44414 the titautuary _ , 14110.*1s t o iLe ricurniinir was eanaidered and postponed. Araneisagn in **titbit' aniareCiiied‘frOm ti;e Cht motion' We Saute - Went 4rliEwii!ive.94v , dcoi fad nmimed until aikiatarnmerit. . _ Horme...l4r. Vinte4, , Chsinnatt of the committee o rlitr mi itia,Hesns; repotted ahill ircteiding ktr the"' into elfeestite Median Vrieliteand re ' She setdemein of the boundary . line, by the Co tiiissionene and Engirtpers„ whi r l ma files and -refined to dhe dentenee of the W/14k 4 i': • -" , :Mb Sutitb, ehsimitintithe-taSanahtae on Tere ritorie‘insile Simon, penidl4 fiir the estatdielt nn*ofTentitartnA:Atovernwent in Upper Calr ftlrtga;.lrt4hlivokiemid filen eid,referred to the Chninitterestfthe •c— • - 44'1 . 41k, of oisiiia;a Altai the Hansom. of Whelp on the state ere.stlwrs, whielimeaton wassigreed to. • 'Hue Tretelditeit'spessigifwas'ealled up for eons itheiHr. !utile; ens*.mllo on. • honied Speech in =opposite - 4. ee tuF the trade :: 046: ldr4ehm, re -. ohih;idkeWed. He said he liked 00 pp* t hat wee nabs. to diernminete the tido upon: • tux-odes.. He - hared tinkering,: as it laigh - Pa. 'Okra. had ;Ilia.= anew Congrestbssith inch highltorilf ferktru was 'to supetsedelhe grasaitOttoultleAribtless, pass an other. , yreekheimilltrot, or New York, next krieet . Criticised the menage in severe tartest and 'notteluded by expressing a strong &sine for thersittif of 182. OHIO LEGLBLATORE. . `be e n Cowen's, Dee. 18. 111eri haw Li dm Rause the seine prelizenariesusnallyPthe tbionithleiith. , lbaritt :is no excitement, flip people am Oienniii edleMare *nee all attempts at atetehreei none teig be attempted. Tba!eaeptettatation has en• tfreli diztlael AU pattiei go in for peservieg the '24410-64 of,the &eta, OLEIC/LINA U. RAF-SATOH RAixtary..T. C.) Deb. 20: ilan-GeargeE BidEtr, th e ,ortteent incumbent 114 beef reelected United Stag Seekilifin North • Cesolmit, Or six years free the tberth March I ":1 4 . 1 PAPER NIDL. BURNED. DlragTr, Dee- 20. 1048. Opley pipit pain the treiihixtrhood of this chy'iss ibam , Bd .io Orgintota thhimoridni. The loads Wavy, beshtf turning some thirty persons Of*PfcluotoL 4jEATEI aitEDBEET TOLAND, ESQ. l'Exraunzamis;Dec.426.lB4S. ,• , . Esq.onetaithe moisi didingoish. e a' Eftr ofiastofahecit . y.; died once dux • lo o l og. 2dr. Toland as •philsltbropist is icriark do* gm!'desth 'will be crvae4 r etested *id vibe aTOLF4 •-.A,'F ,Ma'W , NORIE-4 4 AO GOF accZADA:-.LOTIMENT CITY. ! •• • : • ~ • .• NM .Yoix, Die. 204948. 1961' emeiren4 01 9 Lle* ebaelli hive ' oda Hospital today. . , Ili ~.. " " Starner Panda sailed to day kw niapoialrith 2 Do. • : - ---tio4resiiiiitity Ili dad taiatatproltiipipid 621 4 1 4tbChiiteitlb , !Foonde ja 11 50 NITqaer the licit Videsuita of o.tor the trip. SILMAWIMA,MAILEZET. Pimarazinai Dee.2o, 1848.. FOtirLaiktir, 4.riado.:o4*l:Thitn . ;)ran4p. t t .s„:l molori,3l pifitt'-The 7 t*ypt emit:Aid Au an' opttiiid tatidascp Coro an d . 0141 a. gIII4IS in fair de:paid— sa4tiof Oinapielicrit comas to'.gte f 66. Bye 9sles it 62e p ba. • roil —r cme men, sales at $13„,25 and sulas rbbl, 64r01d salted. The nukes in ; otter 00114 , 113 Midas, entirely QM, 1311hdapritun riovstreievmd sne v, for Oft ; b7.9n ipriber a tawnier MA eash cenearr• : JOHN DAVIS, Ana, dtelt =7- corner of .Wood and kb rts FOSPSALK—Varct Tearer .Hones—sill , inert well in eilbef doeble einlia-bamend will be uld tom Inkatte. or • Ewan& ENGLISH, 13 2 =. 6 V/P — Tha Xeinnunlibtatea of Publics ei t i o , s deo of I StVet,V= s i:legli s s h a lt Au! cdlle C. 4.'" lfie Ot t AS e Ejtgirguai lireatlEedoa Bares, that play !nem of allsoraluesestaddllesasun reedu I X KINSSIOS,IO nzuket st Clara •PlOSS—lau. reeeteei, ene oust of easore Gold Penn Penans baying numb'do, do, 141 dnd great ease to estegthese pane. es th Ain ey ds cramp Cher angers,and Su WILSON, ndae entomb dwii-patina I • W W - eon= 4.h and =abet ets ILIASAPABILLAIOOIbs ttondums, i_u!t iecOd .m 4 a , • • r Ole bp' mool.-li A .FAMOCIL it Co VGWV CthMt",;--1 - taioelast Ived and fat sale by . . . ,ENSiltBkooo: cues wind bright eeloun. Jed AA' okand try SILIACCLZIT & WHITE fini briaced teigelMall4 r &- des"' PgarleTh—.l:o,l“ ia by billtilefill**Pftea suacK TiwLElrArarrE OIL CAT.E.-2ans dit cash= received per canal , boll New Brisbusbiand [break by • • • IL ROBISON& dec9r'. • 192 Liberty mew. cazilou.;;-is MA paint Linseed Cajun re teypi solk fey cats by. • R. ROBISON a Cs. k egs pima Hatirlin We by abc. ••' AludStAisio &mon= • BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-13 seasick: We by P`"*' ca p El-41 bble veer , fla! , Poly deep / NG &MO= • SWIM, doi fins Btikul 2 doz nooollrts L Auld Ltrairtm. do ** fithlrur. leed ftls TOO IECTWWI W 13414 Seek idetbl46:, theta tarsal. br ded4 , /ABDALZMI.. OTAB CANDLES-4 9 kts landlue'luid fir ule 1150 , lAB DALZkL4 kep asserted, far Weir" N. deet4 8 VON BONNHOBBr le Co tons Nos SI widgg/ 61.4re14' '.I4B.VONBONNEURiirk • -&)14-50 bbls 'welt Cider In 'slain 41- 1 • or.vorißoNliaossikc. • bbbareekleir ' .1j &nit a F VON DONNHOWT &Co r 11"1110 , ll bbis t3 r IIN I GYM% hi* T. 1 4 ‘ o b WitrEBEANS—iO bb Dunes by rel 4 . OE VON BONNHONI3r& Co CIGAIODACCI Halt *nob. Lob tab by__ VON OODiblibeco— TkitaimouNet—ot A li 4144ketvonAtiarr 2rl luind de4 -0- F "" UPUBSri, pla 1.13 1..40b1as tickler, flis;l43* ebSlipalsead• ~ arolk.zsalaby ,1••••• • C EIGRANA 13 • ' • bras Creole roLL bum/ lut =e' ;c01TA04 1 4 , 4 1114 10 b 1 a. ROBISON DOlO PEACIII2I;-100 bathelijnat received slut : for %Ws bY (deel) 8. XOl3ll3laN G ELLATINnss Cs9par's Isinglass, Is eases for ill, 141/27 4Qgt" r N COMai Tl:=llte MN:3.7100M , otaigivtßesaN,lnsion and for ;-4110 by ztovao I:8 WATERMAN IILTEW 11101.1.88orti kat rer.74 111. awl tot askoll, : ,. .LBYTAI6.CIJ4BFSTSON dee 4 -44.,..,4Ear.w.nf0ret0p tiniarqes t • . .Olog fess oursTMall Colombia' sat foT W We eer bi ' dOett • .... DMZ 'TN 4" ' for able by Otto - poi* ma JAS DALZELL REMMaI.Twa DAY n4W 07 1 919Pe07,8rlueb Cw 1 . 54 cu roll gad fin. gr' !Tr bargv , • tae 3IcCLaAVICIE4: latrna t almbrook , 9l)-10 - re am. awned Iniiimilbealr6d mud lot tale brr LdBSAUF RFS= • / 121 "SICUISHES-ID doziirs *c. • ! M i ra • . •• •• • • • ' COMMERCIAL RECORD: rUC=I Bin. ems,, mak. - 2 .. -3"" tr - s 7 27 f11TC; . I.t tilZ 4 • II Th 12 Friday P 1113 1101g e n00.1) ., QP Pips&Mitr— e• s. ss, PO • IlltegSlVl ' Otiiiilßartetabion Gazzrrs,- .t ked' tinThdaY Moiiip,goileeember 2 3 1 , , , 1848.i Owindto the bonatitil tidn. WWI fell *dal , othing i vras done ;#44l423wirptyorth °tieing , d conirentlAttctia gepsalir a nr"d` fro previoui/1011katcm,,,/ The rtceipts of &Air I:mm-to-A - fair axiom, but . es wer• very 1 4aitao - rmoanting to a km small iota only fro e river nt 3,231 p bbt :With.mod taws sale notations cantina . ° iutodY fiPm atom Tnekrocery and "Produce 'totaltetgenerany is Well itipplied,,..4.l-i'il,;te,iatilain, ti th ed el Peen vious:day's qucen.thum, ~.: - • BarrtnoMazi,43ar -,lsp,inaper.tiona Floor; for tho.warin ammciai-the 6ilrrwiag iris& Mid cinantifier;Vir. r ' • • , i . .14E49 90 Soaquehanna,_ 150 ~ Family,' ,753 , And 323.6b1i1ti0 flour, bbLa end 10 half tibia Cara„Neai. ' COTT° N - 7, : c 0 ..0EF; 41 -TO4 it Thb in s ipprtiond Stock. Enicfpnbilkir4..l4 . 4 , ' m o rn , , : „:41117. i 1848. Great Britain, 1,042 537 ,1555 071 Vrstnce, 016:01: Other pottecif tat* 177A.66 • ,1,50,692 , .1,910,637 Swett& „;1847: 4348: Great', - ' 509 , 6 0 0 6,2 , 600- Vrenci, " r;" 00,769 • 06,437 Other pci ! t t i . , F tlaiolio.,l .76,663„ , 651,160 . -781,706 • 1841:- • —1818.• Great- • 4 1•3; 0 0 0 0, , 47 0 0 ,0 0 0. otheroctets.of :293;648,000 ,•279,200.000 • r . 324,900,000 .326p0,000 Stocks. n.s ,48k.7- • - • 4847, Neat Britain, `r - 50,200,000 Other ports or Etitol4, '" 73,200*0' ' 00,00b,000 • - • Importi." - • •' - 1847. 1848. Great Britain., • 739,700,000 663;0E10.000 Other ports of Etuope, 638,000,000 Total, 'IAO 600 000 1,100,000,000 Stocks. 1837. ^lBlB 'Great Staidia, 4,:236,700;000' ,29SP0Q*1:1 Otter ponsaf '83,600.000 inmootoo Total, - ' 315,500,000 Atacre,oocr Amore" io 1* 7137.—The SL Teo 44 , Pniou states that the steacier Gee jesup.eaute near-being destroyed by running against a snag. The log entered the tobri joit nadir the guard, passing through theiberilir , deek, , theuee through the hurricane rooflaat; n lern--the chimneYs, She was finally cut Acker the log, receiving but Slight -injury. 114 i ma or New Oruseca—The morahlyeude• meal to Saturday, 25th-ilk hes teen prepared by The Betted of cur•twpci,„Bota which we transfer the circulation, deposits, add specie accounts, as &I . lecart— Cire'lni. Deposit. Specia ,Lottistans Bank 5t;168,592422,203316 $2,52 2 ,003 pans! dt Meng* l - 965,915i2.2,012,535 1,5.V.,849 (St)Bank,. 499,700 839,149 998,327 lat:Ztateltank, - 467,2&5•.1,317,490 gm,aas Mech. ok. Trader's 556,425 . . 1,192,039 2,115,694 'Union Bank,.. 26,005' 4,437 237,440 Total, 53,694 1 1 012 $8889,531 58,491,632 The amoiinief A l and Domestic Exchange .duethesaa h, ,403, against 91,406,733 on the same account, _ ttiohleaves $923 , 670 for draft:-in favor of oar Banks. This, added to the specie, makes it $9,405,322. The total moth lia bilities of the Banks a 513,519,656, and the cash assets $1.9,393,623, alto ing &net r_atTlas $5 843,1X8: nese reatilul neernii'lxnaniets Peat:mars or Vaer Toot--Besides the Isms consumption-of tarirOths. Piton, end turpentine, emaidendde quanu!ty . etported, each year, as navarstOtel ' Lt etbkop to the use of the pine, for these oltems, and im intrinsic video rpi timber, difference of opinion ieetm to prevail amongst .our people. Some diaapprove the bleeding of toe pine, for tutpentine; etc, ns the prams, destroys its life, azillirould: oltimateV riear oar &leas entirely of this valuable tree. ! t does Mat loikne, however; that stustrimt the pine kr its sap, will either kill it, or render It uselert •Or other parposes. Were such therense, timely means ought to be taken for its preservation. , „ Ina 1810, the quentiqi of tar, turpentine, rosin, and pitch, produced in the several States, were as . Bamis. Barrels. Nada Cara= 593,451 irentocky, '7OO Virginia,. 5809 New. York, 402 . ,Ohio, - 5,631] Missouri, 356 !Tennessee,' '3,336 , Alabama, 195 Midis !pia, 2,248 Georgia, ' 153 , LOCI6 I / 1 014 : 2,233; Arkansas, 34 ;Nagr.Jereey,lowa, 25 1 tPermssisania, 1,595' Wisconsin, Bonin Carotins ~ , 224..„ 019,106 TOBACCO MARKET. Baltimore, Dec- 16,185& Tanacco—.The market Still remains inactive,— There is very little Maryland on mile except of in ferior, or at least of the baiter grades, andlar those factors have refused the previously current rates, and hold for prices which are beyond the views of buyers. And this is mach the case with Ohio, .with the exception, that the quality is good, but :orb:es - held too high, There is cone now go ing on ahipboard, so no ;vessel is up for a foreign part; and the, receipts have materially fallen o ff , since one last week', report. The Inspections for • this week Comprise 413 hods Maryland, and 34. Ohio- , -total,l4Thhtle. Exported within the same LIMO to foreign ports 793 Ude, of which 631 were to Bremen, and 111 to togituid, making the ex. , ports to Dampen % rill once Jan. lit to 14th lust, . - ... , Thisweek. This year. To' /kernel, lib& ! ' . 641 *12,637 ,Amsterdam, 3,092 Bardeen; , --. 669 ' Etame, -- 2,987 Minedien, . ; --- . 1,233 England, v 111 ;Stack on Nun* 14th bast, W,559 khde 260 . Irrhere were 337 hban cleated 18th tilt, which ;we omitted at the time to Lanett, but they are in. !eluded now in die /moral aggregate:—Vour. mat. FOIiZIGN Menxers. Mom Witbeit Simities - European Twin] Luircaron, Dee.2, 2 -43readraufrs-The corn trade has continued the downward tendency noted in oar hut hare. The annals from abroad, as well as the borne suppliecare very large, the extent of the finpottation is, especially ham America, having eleeeeee the most unman axp hots; and so long as each large quantities d foreign grain and grain produce continue 'to antra in this country, pried Ultra rule low even tower than our present 0 001 bakuu• In Gls Wan or things buyers have bean very cautions, and limited in their opera. titan, .At Mark lane, on Monday lam, the beat Eng. :lisp wheat sold , for sls to , A9a per quarter, the gun. oral sorts selling at a: decline of 2s p er .46dei be. low the currency of the 20thk, Foreign wheat also participmed in a similar decline: Indian corn met 'a Slaw demand, and the 'ruling rates were 328 to 1 351 per cwt. Flour watt UM/1A at 29s to 30a for ilartericani. and auradinalla CO .30, per barrel.— .The markets held oft Wednesday and yesterday "eferethieireneededi and little budneu was Jane; prices, therefirra, remained almost crowinal. Our rnarltet held Benson .Tuesday woe well attended, bat the Indented very doll, and for wheat, flour, a nd - noldere: readily accepted lover rant.' Yesierday,.the itrorkei at Wakefield was very languid, and wheat receded 2s per quartet The London -marker wino dull, and hardly any truant , *dahlia:6 effected, Ai the market here a tnding raduAroa pahroa }mac bonded parcels of whiati;t3orne Americatcreed sold at 60 per 70 lbs, duty paid. .-United Sten floor could . aca be had under 27s 6d to 2Se per barrel. ' Large orders the ladled nom were executed' g' 31a to;22s for white, enthlite liorto XL ladiao ;meal b., realized/Oslo 169 Od Per. band , Ammucer Pativraton Mmuter-The arrivals of American cored woriaioasida ring the past week,' comprise 25 te./69 bblrbeell . 32l Adds or port 241' 6=40 haeori;', 605 rirkitmallialtlart 3,M boxes 015 cask archaise; 09Itts .2,,,z0.bWs 2,000. kegs of lard. ,In beef the , . sales are of trifling moment. No farther arrivals of new ban come to haud.— Tho cUrtenorii a rc h /Ochl pellOrAT:Pibizu dew , and 85to ti6a kir The low qUalities. of Old. Xgricsia. ready bur ers, chiefly kie liehttid; riew,''of good- 'Oll4, is much wanted for ships' stint .",Llufn'brrainess is 'doing In Rana; miss, of eholce quality let br 45a to 50a percyrt. Lard has needed fully 611 per rcpt.; extensive. rale:shave taken phice,durd the quotations now vary from 36. to 40s per cwt penal, ist,,,very; doll- : demand;' Canadian,' duty pat ferehes67lcoltlepek ern 'PORT OF PITTSBURGH. • 40 - I UVED , ' ' `LettfilifeLangerrosett, Brownsville. Por nr/Irnlvmvine-.1 .1 Ilttsa No .2, Gasanalio!On LaksEne, Shales. *oven, ; Bour.Or• , --Beevef,Cfaiig Wellsvilloi s. Clipper No. 2:CtisoA_ , Coble , LOW& Rosco4.TaxCoirS!"."" , = slutieeMerrivenrßrourniiville , Nelion,,Monopiabele ray. % o w e ., Bindeclranb, McKeesport. DEktrED., Louii McCunePientiett, Brownsville. Alburisc,BiolordoW, , Brovatrville. Mkbigno 2r i 'Grlson, Beaver. Carotirre,Losbel,, Bender' Benvot, Clark, Waivilrel. , New 'Engin - ad, No 2, McClure, Cin corral, Webbe4 Nirtieelme Cinsignee, J H Lockwood, Cm kart Pm, Miller, F kiln. Bomden, Flendricl=, Brownsville. t tt dusk lest evening, there were 0 feet 6 inches valet in the ,charnel, by pier mark, end falling . BOATWLEASTING MILS DAY. CinClonal Packets, 10 A. M. • . 13rowtosoilla Peketo,.B A. M., and 4 P. M Cincinnati Dolphin.' • - St. Louis Pioneer. IdEPORTWITY RIVEZEL. • If f irectink-s-Per Jinxes Nelsonl-24 bla beinp, A \Vallingfcrrd; 5Ws peantreit, 9do apples, 3 do beans, BurbrMge, Wilson dr. err ' 9 elm Callihan* 14 baP; FinFaler & Smith; 10 kpcolo,RDaltell :So co; 40 bbls flour, D Letter at do; 101 ban bacon- G B Wilbrubergir; 1 box ordse, A J trickery; 9 lxliapn paper, 2• aka do, .1 H Mellor; isq bEpc bran, .isuner on board; 85 bge bailey, Wood &- Hughes; 1 do do 2 bpi balpi„' Brown k Crdberraln; 24 bbls apPles, ar._Piaulair; 2 bbls apples, jai) Blair 17 alo, wool, Clark Thaw 221 aka driedeirlea, J C Bidwell; 27 bbls dour, Armstrong , & Drier Per CotirOol—sl,k4 4 bbls. male. I Dickey do col •10 bbl. apple;, J F Perry; 55 kgs ;lard. Dalaell do co; 9 aka wool, J C Bidwell; 20 664-apples, Nam Moorhett , 2 bis mdse, bbl batfor,lliack fea-- tliirs;ankiera aboard; 130 tails paper:B C Hill; 14 do do, 1) N White; 32,5 bbl.. (lour; D Parkinson; 81 do cro:'ciwier, aboard; 3 bis candy, A Beaky; 25 bbls flour, .owner aboard; 00 bp, brut and shorts, Stara. • - St Isms—Per Danube-26 bb heMpi F Von Bianaltorat; 60 ma load, it DaLmll Zs my 50 tons pig metal, Bissell & Semple„ . 35 do dc,, Ai; Allen 5: co; 8 bla hemp,owner aboaa.; 36 ilcooato,4l 50.bbla Eleauttao; 5 ski bethi5,' , 4.0511,05, 1606pes meos,Joa Jordan. Plaint:mewls and • Allegheny lan* may, I (Located to Allegheny City,-Fleming_atreel.. con tinuation of Sandusky—near N. ComMi tan.) Trills institution isnow m et:teem/fel inon, an yder the' inannOrteln Of 'a competent ron and nurses. The Meshed Siert s compered Of follow ing phyaicianc Drs. Addison, (ier , sm Dale,l Brooke, • Morgan, Dell; Liege, and - Comman, 'Use two lam of whom attend ta.the C.<119/SI patients. The :abject of +am Infirmaiy isnot robe tatelT receptacle,Kitt a cu rative retreat for the settfeiing and the sick—..,sh chari ty is therenDe limited ter accidents turd • acute illnesses, except in extreme "eases, As many panel/{. of this character -orDI be received 'grads., as.•the /mart wilt permit Individuals, Churches. }lmielehtlkflocieties, Families, he., who wish tonrosido asyh for sick friends, members. end dannenties,-can do wrist hum o to BU per - Week, according to atteedance,"roOrn, Jisc. All nephew:ions for permits most be made to Dr. Mtn ion, Perin street, Dr. Gassam, oth street, Dr. Brooks, 3d street, Dt. Lange, Hand street, Dr. Momam, Penn street, Dr.Cdnunan, Penn street, oth ITALIA t,ad Dr.. We and 808, second bank, below Federal street, &I -v:l74x. and contribution. far this chne stet =7 ballade to the Hey. NV. N. l'swavant, Dtreen tr of the Inslittulise; or to the following Banker% *no hare kindly consented to receive them: relessra.'N rota., & Rehm,N. Dolmen & Sons, A. Jones & Co., I‘l m. Lari- Mer, Jr., Hoop tr. *argent, Hill & Curry, aad H. D. Zing. • dec2o4 Et== T AND ESIIiELLISH milatik.2 ll MAP OF THE WORLD, ot; .4tereatont Pnejection.-,This is replan:deo tie the most splendid 'illgrof the World ever published. • It is high ly embellished .and besznifelly engraved oh steel, m the most are style of the art. .The geographical nortinna am compiled from the latest mad mast molten ' tit Uncut. Extraordinary pains have been taked to make this map perfectly reliable =II authentic to an respects. It has but to be esamioed to int admired. Price will be $lO. COLTON'S - MAP OF THE UNITED &taxa:— This Map has been Mat sasefully compiled,. slid cog • taiga moo-ms azd intesettalng Intortnation It is highly embellished and beamifully engraved on steel; is of convenient size and represents the grind, Pro. winces, Oregon, Wilma* !lexica, with pans of New Grenada and Venemela. Also showing the course of the. Adantio deamships, to and bean EttrOpe, America, the West Indies, ht. Price 82,P0i COLTON'S NAP of abs Emmunes mentioned in the Now Tutement, and Travois of the Apostlen, with dm ancient and MIXLIns names—from the molt , atalliMlie .011.[Ce. IEI7 The Agent of these Map., Mr. THOMSON, is now lathe nay pronanng anbactibara, and would most reapentfallrudinit a shun anal:die patranaga dar.12.41.r Pennsylvania Will Rand Compony. ZilOTlCEtahrreby given that the Seventh Amanmetin of Five Dollars per abate on the Capital Steak of s Company, Is required to be paid on or before the In day of January next; the eighth inatilm e ntof Fire Dolan per shore, on or before the 11 day of Nan' nerk the ninth instalment of Five Dollars per,abe re on or before the tat day of Nov next, md the tenth, to. stalaseatorktrellollirrapererkee;tal OtruElbfatbi fat day of July next, so the office, Pio. PO Walton nm, Philadelphia- Payments Witt be received of one or mom Instal ments, or the mock may be paid in full, at the option of the Stockholder's, mod tetereat mill be allowed G one the da rntteTturti l et paid omens's-11Y bo" bleat ts the penalty of one per cent per month, 11.1 neq aired by GEORGE V. BACON, Tto maser. •N. B.—lnstalnants will be received by W, Deana. at the ltbarehants' aral Mannfactitters' that Pitts.. Mirth. taI=TEEI Hfi sabscriber to =rem" for sale • 'handsome let a(Nonnaitlark`.,(l%."w York,) and Chick= ga (Boston.) plan= would direct attention to the her thot his ii the any place In the West where We instruments of these two makers =A be tried side by side, and where, consequently, • correct ides of their groan'. colt =formed- The setnenber belog anxious Co test their IT.lll.ave meats, and ha mar (or a number of years perfotthed upon the Pianos of Noon, it Clark, has laden low use for th e last twelve moos, • Chick ming Plano, in order to try Its durability and Panes. as m accompenyment to to. voice. This Piano may 131.1 . WI seen and examined et his threes He feels confident et his ability to give a emnpe tent and relia ble opinion on the subject. A handsome lot of new Pianos moll be opened m a few days. ICLEUHR, deep At l W Wombwell's „ . rliffE mein balance acknowledrod as tinhand so the j„ date M . S, fteport of the Board of Vissuirs. being now spent, the Sisters of Mercy twee not for its sup port one dollar belonging to the Instihnion. There are nom twenty-eight patients itt the house . The Sisters beg leave to appeal to the public for Mil to meet the expenses necessary fe r keeping op the insti tenon. Subsenptiona and donations will be solicited by R. Jaraos O'Connor, or will be received by any 01 the following gendemen, members of the Visaing and Building Con;minces. W. nroe, John Snyder, - Henry Bel'Cullough, C. Ihninisa, Loke Tnaffe, P. lilulvwly, John S. Cos/rare, J. C. Cummins, Jame.llllkely, deel6-illw 1 _ HE undersigned are prepared to Ignite, to Furnace owners, Hot Mast Camino, made on the Hanging Reek Pattern, but improved wan to render them more &tient.e. Theprice will be the same per lb. as charg ed at Hanging lock. We will also furnish the Sheet Iron and Tin mast Pipe, manufactured in the most subolluttlal manner. The whole expense of erecting dit im = ilft at the L an n are I:l bead ot rom 651) „ mo rn. sDi Stack, Will be about W d famish mill Mad Inery and othelfrastrtl i gs '* P'P gene ' ral r lr i gl vti a rant pi a tua ll bet ip da s af a lata , giiumalag, Po., and 60 Water at, Phial/urea. deelLS-altmearr f l ll. 1)A.t.2 TAMES A. IVP KNIGIIT, No. 32 Market street, 1 , „.. LP wen 3d and 4th,) viral sell at greatly red treed prices the balance of his stack of Silks, arisres, Mouslimt, Chemizettes and Collars ' the mos, ...a.m. goods for a nice Christmas Present, and eWrapm than the =MO goods could be purchased in oo of the eut em Mae, deel3.6t REFINED BUDA RS-405bbla orar.ll Loaf, monad umbers; IVY do eruabed; S 5 d'o powdered; Cid do clarified; w awry cud for sale by JAS A EU :C/lISON k Co, Arta St Lout+ Steam Sugar Reliner7, duel 45 orator and D 9 trout at H ARRISON'S Colambia, Hair Dye; do do Indelible Ink, -with or without preparation. Harrnuels.uperior Red Ink. For sale to the trade at notudieturer's pricers, by R E BELLEW), dud, No 67 Wood ritual. LAIDES' 11111 , 1b11NOS— os2d blk Latto Demi Veit - s, 3 ps cord Silk Velvets; 20 gums bib Delsoy tons 11 do essilllian do; lb do cold Flom do; 12 do do Fantasia do; 9 dos col'd fleecy silk (Doves; 0 do bib Jenny Lied Frusge, 12 do Preach milk Ruches; ree'd ibis day by P II EATON is Co, decl3 Fourth at AHD OIL.-10 bbl. ConklinihT - 6 - 7 -- mTinierr stretU: ed,Stud reeeived sod for sale by dee!) SELLERS t NICOLS. FAMILY FLOUR--313 bbl. toot rec'd and for sale by r deal WICK re firCANDL/aIS extra dour, lihimo brand4ust received and for said by dec9 Et 6 W HARBAUGII. APPLE -4-- :otfrg'ro do .1 tut landing from Comet, and for solo by d,09 & W HA RBAUOII. (AIL MEAL—d tont oil mall just landing and for ll male by (deco, 8 & W 11AftlIAUG11. DARLEY.—nOO bushels barley just landing from the )Cmet, and lot tide by deco 13 & W ILARBAINIII. I RES —Zio boles create cheese, extra, landing hum Lake Erie, sad for sale by dee9 8 h W HARBAUGH. pooa bP/lINt4 do. India Robber Door rec d for sale at the India Rob ., akDot,N.6 Wood droll J 4F. II PHILLIPS r ll .-21bbis.fresh roll and packet Hauer, taw, 40 keg. Rutter; jest received end for sale by dec9 .L 8 WATEILMAN CCAI.IWo__I 11 - bas asoWcanalo n cmm oonroom; for sole my deal A Rater/IA% & OROZNIL der.9 ARMSTRONG & CROZER GAV2S boa Cinclrinnii 1;;;; sale b A 7 deed A RNISTRONG fcSROZER _ iNf f:Kit..-T/' bales Minims wo ol roma reerrOord and for WO by Weed) it ROBISON & Cm_ SUNDRIFS—Z•bbIs •unan white &aim, to Good dapping order; fbbls Dry PeICIUM; 8 k i fa. Lard, No I, laadlag from steamer Lamartint; for by dad) • ISAIAH DICKEY & Cel, front m y.ATIIMS--630 lb. prime Minn* for mile or il 4.pq , B k VON FIONNIIORST tr. Co LARD bbl. best minter strelned; Lard Oils laadmg horn um Messenger and for Sale by deell JAN DALZELLorater sl f 'IMAM CHEFS}—W)O bee pritieCreatriebeeso, m lJ Itolll apd foe sale low to elow evoelsitatesn, diet, JAB D,S,L,ZELL„ n... 413 %X V. IL SAMSUN &OS: /LI LOCALy4W!M'i *oaths( eit. 4 4l.siends et We Babbath,o7 • The meeting, called for.the promotion of the bet.; ter observance of theSabbeth, took place on Tani. day evening, in Dr. Herron's chuck. ' On motion of Dr. Herron, Hon. Hamar Denny was called to the Chair:end D. N. White, Esq., op. ed Secretary. Rev. Dr. Black opened Ike meeting with a brief and beautifiii prayer, invoking the blessings of the Lord of the Sabbath on the deliberations of the evening. Dr. Herron moved that the business committee appointed at the last meeting, be called on to re , port. Rev. Dr. Rodgers, on behalf of the Committee, asked a few minutes to prepare for making the re port. Leave was granted, and the committee with. drew, when Dr. Riddle was called,' on to address the meeting, during the absence of the Commit Dr. Riddle said be did not (eel that the had any very important information to lay before the meet• iag. The movement, be believed, originated main• ly from the desecration of the Sabbath by the run— ning of omriibusses, dec. This was the immedi ate cause of this effort to prevent the profanation of the Sabbath. All parties agreed that the evil should be abated, and the meeting was called to consider the means of accomplishing the object-- Having enlarged somewhat upon the subject, the is of religious worship, &c.. he gave way to the Committee, who then made a report, whluh an amended, will be found below. Dr. Riddle moved the acceptance of the Report. Carried. Rev. N. Wen then moved the adoption of the memorial to Councils, es embodied in the report. when Dr. Riddle moved to strike out the word .doggenes,' which appeared in the first paragraph. He merely wished to avoid the objectionable phrenology, Dr. Wray enquired what the committee intend• ed by the word hloggeriee and groggeries.' Dr. Riddle.—Does the Doctor ask for inhumation, or merely from a desire to hear a phylological disc quisalon on the subject. Dr. Wray mud he askettfor information. Dr. Riddle regretted that the gentleman lacked information on such a point. Dr. Wray rose to explain. His object was to tr certain the meaning of the Committee, whether they made a distinction between great and small liquor shops; whether a small liquor shop on Strawberry Alley was more objectionable than a large one in a different location. He mold not make a distinction. lit Dr.! Black thought neither the term .doggery' nor groggary; were exactly classiciil. Rev. N. West did not know why they were termed ‘doggeries.' Perhaps became dcga were introduced into them. Mr.Mecsahey saggeeted the phrase 'drinking Dr. Riddle said he now understood the object of Dr.Wray's inquiry. He himself made no distinc tion between great and small tippling houses. Tip. plin g in • great hotel on the Sabbath was no less it desecration of the day than if done is a lutle grog shop.. He made ..sto bones" about calling all alike `uppliing houses.' Re v. Mr. Weal moved to i overt 'tippling WI Wl' lode. d of 'doggories.' Carried. Dr. Rodgers now moved that the memorial be taken up by paragraphs Agreed to. The Ant paragraph, relative to the running of omnibriasers, having Wen read, Dr. Rids In asked what was intended by the phrase, 'ant! other carriages' Ras. N West, said he understood all carriages sot ibiolut6'y necessary, whether licensed or on. licensed. H e could not condemn pleasure nding to the country on the Sabbath, by those whom air. ovations prevented recreatton of that Sind during the week, whale Chnstians Ihring In the city disi. turbed the quiet of the Lord's day, Mhos in their carriages to church. For persons living in the country or elsoweere, at a distance from their place of worship, it N. as of course proper to use such modes of conveyance He understood that if. Ptah. adelphia all carriages and omnibuses were prohibi. ted from runotog on the Sabbath. He meant by 'other carnage.; a 11 which unnecessarily disturbed the peace and quo st of God's people on the Sab bath. Mr. Layne' objected to the adoption of the memo. riaL He thought It needle:sato nab he other enact. istteati aheady eirsted: which would remedy the evils, if public opinion could be brought to mist sin their count:anent. He a/mansions to effect the .abject of the meeting,hat thought it the better plan to enforce existing laws. Public' opinion and not the ls w was in fault. Mould public opinion 'mg ht, and Ale law wan ample to remedy the evil. Now the carriages of worshipping Christiana were to! be heard ratting upon the pavements before the services were closed. Under the law one hundred years old—the ant of 170 h—the nuisance had been aba. ted in Philadelphia. He was sorry tbe Committee Juni iiin'epplied to a 'magistrate to eat 'wee the one Wing laws and suppress the evils core Ptah:est ef- If we could not reach private vehicles we could not stop all public eonveyauce, carriages let eat for stop, and our public officers wield enforce t he laws sustained by public opinion. Let reapectim'ile cit• teen lay in information, and:the offenders Nvonld 1 2 punished. The running of private cam MP" ®old not be prevented by law, but by public mune ion—by inching It unfashionable, the evil would be remedied. The lira paragraph was then adopted. and tire second in relation to Amaral processions was taken Dr. Riddle moved that the lecoad perograph be ethane out as the Comeetly could not interfere to the matter. He would employ a Mere& method of remedying this evil. Dr. Swill concurre d with Dr.. IL and suggested that cases frequenth, occur arh m it is proper and even necessary to •inter the dead on the Sabbath.— While he also be ow and deplor ed the fact that in. termenta were fir quently mode, I IA from necemity bat from choice on that day, he tnmught it improp. ask councils to interfere. Rev. Weal.' gave some of the ren eons t7hteh for deced Mr; cm mutates to insert the p arogrepg.. The evil wr.s our, of magnitude and the Influence' Of the M s figlOO.ll community should be wet against thaw Ilte7 a experutes and auntie-emery funeral mores. skins on the Sabbath. They originated in pride:and ciliilaie" of iliapldy, ,and led many to " inetir great unneceus try expense, far ardethlbelianeans were not adequate. Dr. Cook thought the subject should sot be rei. farred to °ancient', although he believed the mato. rity of Sabbath funerals were of the Sab bath. He would leave the subject tailor churches. The paragraph was stricken out. The third paregraphon relation to tippling hous e.. belnglakett up,someyerbal amendments were made, ortatiattenef Dr. Riddle. . • Dr. Riddle ilia he waa opposed to invoking the actlena of "Couifidls, What we had ancient i. tgu lative! enactment, already. The . laws extant tg, if ear°, Fad, Would shut up every Sabbath tips ding hermit° thi chy—hcensed end Ma:med. hfr4 Ny,its! add the Mayor tau unwilling to act until am ordinance:should be passe d by Cum tile. There! Isat Yot p e 04:1113i0C1 or conflation in the law, which vuld be remedied by anerdinance. TRU was dal inducement to memorialiie Connell& Resj A—M.,l3ryan objected to the 1111 M tnemb. vial. H e was opposed to going to Couticily•whde we had inlinljiind good lawi enough, already. He was ad anishedthat the Mayor should 'refuse to act. Ele itoggested that sevendmandldataa were now In the geld for the Mayors should eat. them--ascermin who of them would enforce the exi sting laws, and vote accordingly. He was surveil ed that any Christian man should say that be had no authority to enforce the laws, and sup• press the evils. Dr. Swift said the law was defective, because it mate fi red an informer, and Councils might rectifY the 'levet, and in various other way, prevent des ecn anal of the Sabbath. r. Mack concurred to& Dr. 8. He thought thee nap resston of the views of suck a meeting woulal nalbeenee Councils, nod aid to produce n heat ty pal 'Lc dientintent on the subject under considerr do 0. Mr. Wert believed that the Mayor woe a go td ' re mn, and would carry out the law, if he believ ed I w had authority to do so. Mr. McClarrea wished to correct an ermr in rev Ira to the Mayor. There was n defect in the law tl tier prevented its =farce-meet. The lam makes to 1- caption in favor of person! going to church, an d '.ll - travelling in an omnibus were oat heir way to or front church, dm Mayor could not 11 Ater. fere. The Mayor was, therefore, right—the , law opald not be enforced. htt..l,4yeit said tat the Meyer knew t ?Demi eader the biwto abate a uoisance co • ed cc, L.;dwelt *Rae subject:at considerable tenet. the law empowered every constable to prevent tippling' on the Sabbath, but he must run ails*. He had known a case where a constable retaining a 4lppling .hone, and failing to bring elite r inviderine before the Grand Jury, was mukted in the coats. Public sentiment did not sustain the officers in the execution of the law, and they could not enforce it. He thought it as much the duly of every good citizen, as of a constable to make in. formation against the law breakers. Dr. Riddle differed in opinion with Mr. Layng. He did not feel it in conscience to be his duty to make such illlfOrMaiOLL If he so believed, he would feel eelf reproached for neglecting the duty, but constilides were elected for this, among other purposer--and it was therefore their special duty. Every man hod his share of duty. After some further conversation, the 4th pare graph was agreed to. A paragraph relating to the obstruction of the pavements, Ace, by idlers, oa the Sabbath, was struck out, without discussion, on motion of Dr. J. Black. The last paragraph of the memorial was then taken up, read, and paned. Mr. Tptten thought the whole matter useless, so far, at4nacila were (=corned. They had no Fairer act on the subject. He would throw aside the memorial, and pan proper resolutions instead. The memorial was then adopted, and a collection taken up, an motion of Mr. West, to defray en- penes of printing. Mr. Bryan objected both to the printing of the report, and to the reading of it in the pulpits. He fenced It would tend to defeat the object aimed at. Mr. Lorenz thought the report would have a very beneficial tendency. He hoped a would go firth. Dr. Wray said that one evil—the running of milk cuts, during certain hours of toe Sabbath, had been already removed. Dr. Kiddie—The same may be done with the omnibuses. Mr. Cox Loafed that the opposition in the cam. triunity would be so strong as to defeat the object of the meeting. He inferred this from the mom. feetniions in the meeting itself The resolutions accompanying the memonal having been read, in order, end adopted, the Chair man appointed the Committee under the third re. solution, named below; and, on motion, said cum. mitten was Instructed to prepare an ordinance, to be. submitted to councils, together with the mem orial. A motion having been made and carried, that the ety papers be requested to publish the pro. ceedingi, Rev. C. Cooke cloud the meeting with prayer. "Pr the &led end Common Calmed, of the Cuy of Pittsburgh- The undersigned outset,' and inhabitants res. pessdully present the Wowing named modes of Sabbath desecration, and earnestly and solemnly ask the City Councils to suppress the same—name ly First, The running of omnibuses, end other car. riages, which in whipping of horses, shouting of driven and passengers, and running of races, has arisen to such an intolerable nuisance to chnslinn assemblies while at the public worship of God, as utterly to baffle the speaker, and disturb the quiet of the congregation. Second, The practice of keeping open tippling houses on the Land's dry; which dens of polotion seduce multitudes of our thoughtless citizens to the lowest acts of seltdepadation. Yourniernotislists vtuld therefore respectfully beg to refer the City Councils to the following Sot. utes, and earnestly request their literal and legal enforcement, via The Statutes relative to "Inns nod Taverns,' tee., Purl Dig p. rat. Sect. 16-20. The Statutes relative to the 'Sabbath," Bcc. Do. do. p. 926, 927, Sec- 1-4, And should the Statutes referred to, not be found sculcient to abate the nuisances complained of, your memorialists pray for the passliqe and spplication of such an ordinance wtl! effectually suppress the shameful practice of public Sabbath breaking, now so fearfully prevalent in our city. And your memorialist' s as in duty bound, !kr- Prrrorusou , Dec. 19, ISt°. The Commute° of Business respectfully report the Grilowing items, and recommend the Armen., bly now convened to receive and adopt the same, via : First, t Tlit the onwmpanying memorial to the ' -- my comma. be read mod adopted.— PS LENTELD LOT OF NEW PIANOS., That the IRMO be punted, gel • et:Ty 1 pit:ll: , :u k CLAIM New York; HICKENING Bton; sent for women, to ooh pastor to the coy or The subscriber haa c o wo open and fo bitniett and congregmloit. Number of copin to be . sain t . lot of moot sopenor Piano, se. printed, 50. , leered by himself aitbetmanufastonea 'Mini. That the memorial remain for signature ! Thor .. 00 7 '. of R.T.d..„::: Alt ° /MY r".."1 with each r ...., or witereerer else left, Mr tour :LI a t n t ti tt ° ,:r4:l ,;,z„„;',L . i .,..P,, r ,,,7,,:',,t,, weeks, and be 0.. returned to th e chairman a • la clack's, i tor winch relebrool brut be is setA Ammtk) committee to be raised, which committee shall pre- have an tmpro•ed ;way of stnnamg posselsed by no pun and (Omani the IMMO to the city conncibr r; said I other also, • superior plan ot leathertng Me hammers, 0 ,,,,,,, k4 ,,,,,„".. b ,„* ~„.. ~ ”..b,.,. , ...„. 4 .. .. t t0,...s ..! the.. Pianos Amu growing harsh and wool _„. _ . . Dr. McCracken, D. N. White, and John Maces. I Th er s7l.l7o7o . l' Chic karma, or which be has • =pen leery. ; or lot, ate provided with the Circular Scale, and were Fourth, That a collection be lifted this craning : 'elected for him with rare by ,I. Chick...nag, of Roston_ ode ray the necessary expenses. I The above will positively be sold at manufacmrethr Frilh, That the ,Committee appointed to present ! Me e. ' °•••1 ...c. ` • " .• " 1 ""' • fi '..""' the memorial to the couecds .hall lame the notice ! „P'" "'ir,,.7: - 1 ", • ;,,T 1 .17 . hi ,j b f rz' I t t ,; T` ': foe another meeting when they may deem the ! st Mc . IS,re.dwell Iral attend to le bluffness daring setae necessary. • the balance of time 11. KLEBER, J W Woodweil's. Eff Third st - _ DRY & VARIETY: GOODS'. NI. PIANO& SOLI AORACT nth Names& C.aa's Cates .v. Pus°. - I'HE subscriber his dud replenished SPLYBDID STOOK OP PALL GOODS, h' .. .''' of P‘.... , ••••h•eh for ....eq. Wholesale and Knoll. o f s style and pnen has never been mr- A. A. MASON a CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., passed in this city. Just received and LIAVE received more than ens tlitonsand Caw. and opened, the following now Pianos . P o l i aeLo . f i F . o .. rea r.a gri:.:d .... Dome ,u ltlf . til , :ct, c m ou stk ni. - . ZoZrothe abject grand Piano. en courtly new try, embr.iirg the latest, nchest end most fashiorisblo O. Renewood ai, verralegant Nan. & Clark. style. of 'rationed and Amer.. Goods, perch.. in 000 " 6 1 " •• enure p.kagea from the importers, mmtufaeterere and One " wult Coleman'. celebrated Moll. At. large Auction sales, by one of the firm residsng fas New t.h//kYita• nisi. a very xtlrYiof Piano. York, who is constantly wriding tin the newest and 0.. ... ... b° 5 .... 1.1.P...1 N . W. C. most desirable goods in the Emden, markets, which =Y. / is HER, u.,1 W Woodwell's will be offered as low u at any establishment m the V - CITICIL-Tax Collectors and other city officers are 1.1 ailed States. and lower than could possibly be offer- ill requested to base their respective ...of. in is et by any House to the West. We enumerate the lot- ale eof prepexano mbe AD... by Thar...iv even lowip artle en- tag, Mu knotknot., m, at a o'clock, at winch time the under- D FES SILKS-6 cases rich chanigrable, etriPm4 alined Committee of Councils, elected for that parp.e, plaid and brocade tiro de Atli. Gee de Berlin, Oro de I will meet at the Mayor's Office. Swiss, Gm de Algiers Glacier. black Oro de Rhine, ; T. Collect:nu are particularly remured to settle Talk., fine Senn, Florence offal] wk., &o. &a Al- with the City Treesurer, add bard their duplicates and so, Silk Velvet 01'011 colors, a very large stock I aceounta ready for at that time. 33 CASES DRESS GOOLE, el. eases emus rich I S. C. HILL, Win Ong Ceahmere; do do do printed do d. demean d STONER. I.Audiung Com. Bowed tub de Lathe, do Clentm Plaids, ee striped J. NECOLLISTIBL Onwards. c Al., 00 eases Alpaccas PO cruse rich i dreadid striped and plain Lyoneec,• 0-4 Tanan Plaid sod Silk Ter.; 0-4 cashmere. and Grandilla Plaids. Hardware.-Cheopir Roos Evert FRENCH MERINOS-A full assortmentof black, r OCSAN, WILSON & CO. Idiporteth and Wholeaule mode, starlet. Monson, Natant., blue, purple and oth- J_J Dealers In Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery. No er colors, of the best ...famine 100 Wood street, above Ftbtt. have now to store • very t SHAWLS-C'orapnaing the most extexthive as- cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, imported sonment ever offered In this city, enibnreing to .4 stn. the decline of priers to Europe, end which they Nears Cashmere mid Tanen plaid Shawls, Mande, are determined to sell correspondingly low. Merchants 20. 2q .rtea, Etssi 2 .2, Jenny Unit, Laeoaettee, and nth. who have been in the habit of going Eut, are porn.. er Shawls. tarty requested to call end look through our stock, al P2IIBROIDERIES, I.ACE GY)011M, GLOVES. to- w. cotfidmillY . 1 .. they will se'. their expenses. Lace caps, collars, cuffs, standing collar., chemithits .th atho, Linen cambric and lawn Mirth, L..and Edg• ORIGINAL sIIOLIVAR BRICKS.' in. , Belt Ribbous, Hosiery of all toed., Gloves do. CURDS, „ KA , , ~,,,, ~,, -A full EXlllll n, NIE4C .awe fudiths, on if trial or one and a half GIMPS, FRINGES, sawn... of the most fashionable at> le• . Irsia pronounce thth article unser visaed f. &Inability t hy . construction of all kind. of LINEN /OYU HOUSE KEEPING GOO I '4-Cithe of Isiah Loam, ben manufacture, Linen Strectlnge .d 'i n. " . • rite 6,35 can, I° , ~..,,, o f m' m , a.. ,- plitoW cue Line. Table Derma .d Diaper Satin '" •••. ‘ e •'•°•''" ••'''' °rder. fora " e. " ?.• • `'‘ / Y missk f able clotar.d Nataklna, H.kab.k, Rum Soar. Dn.. will be execute at ffl i ti per to, 1 . de• ens, and 0.1.4 Eye Diaper. Flannels-over 10110 p. of ''''' '', "l "' " P" .... " '' stock ~.? th° ,[!?' . 4 ,..,. h .'Y every variety illaaci.a and Brown Mus li n•-more ~.,11,w , ,, : n .r y i ' ''" ''''''' . . 0 ,;71, 1 r . 7";,...z . m . "- titan 16,1100 ps of all the well known makes. Ke n . Iron Works RIBBONS-Moro th.loo .ruins entirely new fall I _"P G '" and winter Ribbons, very choice nyles.i 1010HCIINIX FIRE IitRICAS-The mibscrtbers tram. Punch Cloths, Cathimeres sad Doeskins, In great 1 JL been appointed sole Agenta b) the manufacturers, trarteiji Vetting., Beach, cravats and Hdkfs. , for the sale of the celebrated -Flaccid. Encks," are WhIte:000. Of eIHOY '"../IP o Ol.lidiedlte with tv• ; now prepared to fill orders for any quantity, at Ell s .y snubs usually tband in a dry ;roods store. mama per I,too For the construction of &mac. o f e. ~`Le ndbroing I. am Involve of 07 cues goods Jest all kind., these bricks beer been pronounced by coin. - ,,,t 22 ,! ' with .3 prices annexed: pet.. fudges as being serener to all other fins bricks 10 bilas scrod and white Flannels, all wool, for lie now to vb. C A IPANULTV & Co, Canal Dana 7 casts fr.... , see tad?new, a i ¢_ty3o to do Ca.b.`ott.„ 33 r,,,,,,.,"" 10u 4 I Q lIERLOCK ON DIVINE PROVIDENCE- Tau Mt do fist co "..••••••„_„_••••-, 0 hitherto very etare• .d exceedingly valuable 17 do Bleaches `...."'"•_,.._ N 12 work, has Ent been published by J. L. Read. inn beam 4 de Moos de I. •••••", 1 2 trial 11.5. vol. of Ed pages. It contatns the recoil/- 7do real Scotch . ' " 5 .... b .„,"'' i , ey me damns of several clergymen atlas CM', of differ Also, 00 bales 44 Bra, e. i. „,..."7_."1 th „ . h ., th th . ..,,' .. eet denomt.tione. In o. week 100 copts. have Geer al OF which, In emlbee. 'Z.... -. i h aa - a. n - i,,T,Lia. dtstobated In the city of Pithibrgh and suburbs. It o tleewit will be offered w ie ' w . -....--- te ihis - elty — . The ONE a book for every body. For solo by ed ill kIIY . 11 . , c.thfilitifimeidt t- a•- mesa novE Ft HOPKINS, Apollo Butldmith, 4. at PRICE SYSTEM, which Insures . 4....... J.? • - " • ,..... e to all, will be smelly observed. A ‘Y,,_ ......C. Z P" c .7., rota MC.. Z. D. recalls ed •t dim establishment found to be s - ".V.••• . P,.., RITCHIE &COCHRANE, ‘untosi willing. market price, a co.equent reduction vr. „,.. 1 ,,,,, , ,. ty La mane, u pon thecacenutancas Deng all _n_ ii FORMIDING Er, COMMIBSIOII ItERCIIiNT, :. the Proprietor', It being their dente the. Le= NO. OS TCHOUPITOULAS STREET, shall be sold on fun and honorable ten.. Al . Y"7"" isugll-d&wOosslit New Orleans sot respeethilly hotted to examne our awn .." without feeling the least obligation to purchase. oet4 ICII DEW+. n'.-- I...reß _ DREss 000 DR ~., iom reamer.---E... rop.: I T N . FO . I. lllsl , ; r llT t er y r , f , Cl . e2 e dL7 o %d , tlTe th p ti ab e ll ir etha i. : o tt e te t. y i, h h az ; .LiTill . ... morning ?A i go,. l l , 4o .. 6C c l ic.u, rartt m a p irre o.i.g t, will 17`r n A 'in p x• e xt7;e u r tc k tr e7tire .. th bu e s r nt i et b'rg to tit h Be Brown following style., vls: Satin plaid Merinos, a new sni- .411, :'' . '' lll '''' PW , " n"L styleal yet en, and the richest goods .incported thts sonsorn all -- co t i F r .. h o s : I ~,,,,CCloth., Plaids, tehs, ~, in h i / g .,,d h oy c .. 40 , .1 o d, is nu , a t, an d 7 ~,,,,c 1 I . e l b, L iz t s t b y d. l e r, s; go 4 .d 1 s wool l,l, lil m e a ER s . . .1,1,._ _l n t ~, ,P i t f il er :7 i :, to( ( Chlo r id e ,Fir .e i n d m e bA N. : t du y L at i 7, i , w 1: 1 Ned Combine. es, It, g r.-et vkriety. no , occ .c t otly be soppl ed with les. blueprint & Sons' eel- LIM etasted theaching 'wader, which they will warrant 0 u VERIOR LONLi EIIiAWLS—W R Murphy ha ~ i f 00 , rece n c y to c cy 1.p.,‘,1 to th e it ~,,o no, 0 , valved ibis thorning by Express, • lot of vary 11,1 ,ml they ara prepared to volt et the lowes t ~,,c c, ,, or wool Long Rhawls, of hoodeonte styles. I twice for rub or approved btlla , gliart,cas,l,i,fotwara, Invisible, g b ree so n d : us.szior,,bstor.cLonf, drab,shsse k : n , ol, 1_ _ __W fe_IIId . IT_C_IIEL'rIIEF, IGO Ilk: rty , " r i t: L w A t, twi t 41%,:r1Tn t rth * a f w d la, o " ; a a g o nois es. ct q 1 a I i ty on bond at .00h out vomiter 4th and Market ola ' deer , _ A. ht. SION & C0.,„60 Marta street, eve just A. ready td another large involee of plaid Long and Squere E. trawl. bought 23 pageant Iwo than any previously re. 'deed Alia season. Our sleek o f Shawl. is now the largest bribe city, ! and purchaser r may be certain that our prince (Torn this date will hes 25 per rent leta than at any Conner UM. dee2 DLAID LONCi it.II.AWL3.- - Ale sander & Day, have L just received h express, one canon Plaid Long ' t he some of wit deb aro or the Attest quality, sod the newest mien imported, and ewe now offered at prices greatly muted from the rat en obtained early to the seam. Aisoot few extra `'ChenLan en Mocha Lang by Shardis,.Which willto closed at gram bargain. The ladies ate inviteALEXld in early examine sin. twa tie DFJ2 & DAY, TS Market It, deel3 ' N W ear o4lhe Diamond IFl ' e r t i :kTm Shawls , L OP . the 1 1l est sty I .4 'e a *P a ' n ' d F r re :e ' s h : designs, jam opened at td selling at • very 4reat redac ting from former pneesa. deel3 ALEXANDER & DAY A 111INISTER CAD. PErtio—Wo ow • kristmte the anondon of those wishing to Attain Wm., to eon and stumble out Amninsttr Cupola's/4,in ors 4 o st.lit n ts e :ul7 l.a'a d o tt W IrVI 4 A N NTO 4 " 7S K DANIASVi' Welhatook oder a to parches. 0 en a vary handsome assortment of tin satin De smash. for mintlow en tains. Also, Freon chintzes, be*, tlnen, tronparent skodes,Ao., u hir - corpet woos room, It Fourth at. den TriAVEEDS AND CAS4BIEERS--ne 'Vole nun'tli hrown and Won ?stesds, der'Faney Domiment just reel and Con tole at umnufacarters prices MU KPH? k LEW, liberty at, debit" opposite 61. h PMrtl=l Comaltlng ZeitMears &Onus(Akers for s, • rotissitemar Odicr for procuong and 'defending Patents, imparting information on Mechanic. and the application of &s -cone to the Ana, and on American and Foreign Laws of Parente 'DROP. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Philadel -1 phis, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Weshington citYr to be aided by Hazard Knowles, Esq., lam Mathinest of the Coned States Patent Offire,) have ...lined themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of professional lousiness, either in their office, at the Patent Office, or before the Corms; and will de vote their undivided intention to forwarding the inter est of Inventor* end others who may commit them or place business in their hands. Mr. Know!es ha. for the past twelve years held the post of Machismo in the United States Patent Office, and resigns that situation to take part in the present undertaking. His talent and peculiar fitness Cr the import.° office so long fill ed by him, have been folly recognised by Inventors wherever the office Imelfis known. The office of Mroors. J. & R. to on F street, 0pp.... the Patent Office, W.lnugton, D. C., where commutu cations, post paid, will be promptly attended in; exam ined°. made., drawings, specifications, and all revile ire papers prepared—end models promised when deal rad—on reasonable term.. Letters of enquiry, expect ed to be answered after examination. had, must be ac companied by a fee of five dollars. In me duties of office which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, M K. will be misted by a legal 'clubman oldie highest professional character, end hilly conversant with Mechanics and other Ponanufic subjects. nlyinidawlyl3 JAMES W. WOODWELL, flo der n and Antique Furniture, ta, Tura], -Starer, Prrnstrum. gz A large anti e m mmortment o mance, minable for Steamboats, linga cone H miTtl i ; ' ,V KlZlA7tie lliilll4 ta order. 'The present stock an hand cannot be exceeded b any manufactory in the western cannily. PEI.. wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as lam determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock consists In— Tate a Tete; Buffet Faairie; . "" Lokee XIV Chaim queen F.Jllabeth than; Tea Yoyee; Fnet Table.; Toilet Tebles; Loui. X V Commoder: French Mahogany Bedawarliii Piano Stools; 50 sofas with Plash and Hairgloth °oven; 60 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; 40 do% Parlor do 30 v Fancy do 05 centre Tables; 20 pair Divans; 4 pair pier Tables; 16 marble top Dretaing Raman; fi Wardrobes; 8 Secretaries and Book cases; MI marble top W.ll Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; 8 pair fancy Work Mande; A very largo assortment of common chain and othe furniture too minter°us to mention. 1:17 . Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. dects FRESH PURE TEAS, Wholesale and retail, at the , . ERIN TEA BTORE, 70 Fourth street, near Wood P , , ritG rn burgh.—The subscriber having just returne d (rani New York. Ili now receiving a large fall supply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAK, from the New York Pekin '1 ea Company, selected with great care for trim! sales. Our week betng now heavy we are pre pared to supply Grocers, Hole!, Steamboats and Fun nies with any quantity end at any once they may packen in I. I and 1 pound packages. 7 lb. nn canis ters, 6 and 13 11, catty boles...vitt in half chests. ttotatt Grocers ore invited to call, tut we can and wt'l yell better tens at lower prices than any other hots. in Pittsburgh. our stork of Young Hyaon, Gunpowder, and Hu penal Green. and Oolong Meek Teas are the best the Amencan mmkel. Lovering'. doable refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pul vented Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFELS—filocha, Old Goo. Loa. Laguna, St D. roinge and Rio Caeca. selected by the molt expeneo ced coffee Broker in New York. Sweet Spiced Cher-clue, Pickled Cucumbers and Onions, Fresh Perches, put up in their own juice. Malaga Damns; in 3 lb boxes. N. t3.—A:l Dr. D. Jsyne's Flaunty Meilteines for sale. dee9tdAwS A. JAYN. EZE=I TO THE ENTEEPRISING.—A rare chance is now presented for the safe investment in a business en urely new, ono adapted to the m. of Funned, al well as to the man of extensive resisureeg yielding a profit from capital nod enterpnse beyond any operation of the day. It is the complete monopoly of a staple arti cle, absolutely necessary and etmenual to every fanci ly, no well as indispensable to the mechanic, artisanand profesenal trmn. To capital..., an opponanny offers melt or a lucrative employment of either large or small conic, bnagiug =mediate and highly satisfac tory returns. Thole desirous ofentbarktag. a plea.- ant, genteel bustneis, are Invited, with others, to call at the office of the undersigned, exam= the article, and form their own judgment, from the &eta presented. (Mee, ExchangetHuildingt, St. Clair an, neat door to Eacinire Jahns' other. COLVEE & MYEEs. duct I 'HI URR3II Fltolll 'TRH SHELL - By Berke I Co.' je Fast Express, at reduced priees.—To at-coma, date all lovers of this delimous laitnry, SUBICE n Co. have resolved to supply thepeople regolarly through out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oysters to cans, half cans and shell, at such reduced prices will suable every family to enjoy this delicacy at thei tables. - • - An Erpreu lout Neill be received daily at the ware house of /NO C. BIDWELL, Water ascent, hal:seen Snutkfield and Grant, sad for sale there, and at the fol losong depots: Rely & Berger, corner Smithfield and thl sts; E Hearletan; Diamond, A Hoc•lnr, Penn ar. sth Ward; D Haughey; foot of Libeny sr; Cohan_ Jr , Pertn'a Auntie; Alt:rear k Robinson, Allegheny city. Si .O. W. 111111TEI b CO., _ Mumps...St A.. Sons , Soda Ash. TTIIE eribscribens are now receiving their Fall stock of the above article, direr vessel., via: the Juniata, m e daii„„. an d Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and 111.111100 M, tan mere, the Stephen Baldwin and Leda., shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will receive daring the will. to and spring regular supplies win New Orlon.. novl3 W k h 1 MITCHELTREE C UNDRIF3.- 5 Inns No Mackerel; ;10 bbls Not mackerel; 20 If do No 2 dot.. 011 " " 3 " 10 do Tatman Oil; 41• Mum; 3 do E Salts; 3 do chlp'd Logwood 1 kr do Nutmegs; 60 Ina No 1 reared Herring, 50 bar g dodo; 3do scented Soap; 10 do No 3 rresx'd do; 10 do No 4 do do 1 ham Clove.; 10 bags Java coffee; • 60 bbd. irnruar N 0 Bu gar; just reold and for sale dent{ BROWN k CULBERTSON DA. D. EIONT, Dewitt. Corner of Founk and Decatur, between m 162414.1 khlrket and Ferrympreta A vvitTilisa REDUCTION. T A. MUMPRATF te. BONS' FATE.I4T9 4 / 1 14% ASH— tI 1 to 6 tons a cash earreney, or 4 moo. app'ed tax. 6 tons or apardrde,34 donor, 6 mos do, !merest ad ded. For the supdner quality of this brood we toter to the glans and soap mmatattunwe of this Cuppg %V k MITCHEL RRE, dee4 • 16. liberty at nodaraigngil having removed to Warhingron city, will attend to the prosecution of claims on ovetnmem, ilnd to any taw bovine.. before the Coatis of the Distßet. with which he may tm commie.] deeibdamin ANDREW WYLIE, du. DOAP.STIC WOO Blankets, S, ooo i. Tweed., Catolootta, 11 Cloth and Cassitoevo by Um owe.. or p.oflgo, very low; for Gale lip asylei OHO .C'ELIIAN HOUSES, LOTS, FARM, &o. - — 3l6l3Jl.4erwalssialid tor Sole, ITUATED on the Monongahela river,ebout le miles 0 Gem Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, M the immediate neighborkesal of Mews. Lyon& Shorla and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This Enii,bqdy Of Coal will be sold at the low ponce °ISM per aere-one third in hand, balance in five equol anneal payments, without interest Title indisputable. Leication very good-cannot be surpuseed. For further particulars enquire of S. ELLLSLEY, who has a draft of 'shirt:l;i. perry. n e .idenee 2d st, below Ferry, Mr. dams' Row N. B There is another seam of coal on this met. client 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. jr3Sultf Huai getate ni—Ohlb ._ ATRACT of bout, 90 acres, in Harrison, Pore on the Cuyahoga river-abort 30 ecru ei• irh provement. Also, two unimproved 103 In the village of Warren. Trumbnll Co., 60 feet by 90. Also, a lot of round in the centre of Hartford, Trumball Co., with a Ana dwelling house and IBMIT-000 of the best stands fora merchant on the Western Re serve. Any or all this property will be sold on very accountrodating terms. ISAIAH DICIWY teCo., feblo Water and }font as. . . . . lIR large end well built Factory, erected on Rebec ca street, Allegheny city, by FL S. Cassaii, Eq., 4 e and I°"°l°at° bargain, and on easy term. The tot on whtch the Factory is crested, fronts Uri feet on Rebecca street, and runs back I.lofeet to Park street. The male building is of brick, three stories high and 60 feet long by /7 feet wide: The Engine House is large and commodious, with en engine, boiler, stack, fee., all m complete order. The property will be sold low, end on advantage°. terms. For price, term., ke., enq cure at this office. anr74-dtf TWO novairs — Aari LOTS WOW S — A — LSL 10 6 TWO LOTS on Heaver street, in theeity EMI Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on which is erected a frame building, two storms high, suitable for two small tenements. The lots ere each twenty feet In front by one hundred feet deep, and run back to • street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre will pay a very hand/emu interest on the invest ment, and the property will be sold cheep for east. Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk'. office; U. S. or to nov79 KAY te Co_ T • . . . HE sabscriber will Italian accommodating terms, valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh; and about eight miles from the town of Prsedom on the Ohio noel. The tract con tains (C 9 acres and 90 perches, strict measure. The land is of an excellent quality, about 90 acres cJearad, and well watered, and will be sold either in whole oh in farms of convenient size, to Mil purchuers. For further particulars enquire of WOO. BOYD, An'y at Law, office on 4th at. above Scrathlteld, Pitasbargb. rityiblidirsrtf T _ . ROSEDALE TO LET. THIS delightful Summer Retreat, for some years past occupied by Mr. 4 Borch field, Is offered Mr sale or rent on the first 01 April next. This property has been improved by additional buildings, and a substantial stone wall, and terrace planted with Evergreens and Fruit Trees. To a good tenant, capable orconducting the Retreat, tire terms will be reasonable. GEO COCHRAN. Pittsburgh, Dee. 9. _ Agent for Proprietor. AtTHE subscriber offer. for rent for the term of one or more years, a large convenient well fit tabsd two story Dwelling House, containing 8 rooms and Kitchen. There ts s lot of ground containing li acres of fine young fruit tree. of every kind, stable, Re.. connected wash the honse. To soy person wish. ing n delightful residence within a few minutes ride of the city, this will be a rarer chance. Forman., which will be low too good tenant, inquire of Mr. Jno. Waght, near the premises, of John Wctt, corner of Hand and Latterly streets, or of oet2B-tf THEO. F. WRIGHT. Property In Allegheny City fOigale. TOLE subscriber. oder for sale a number of choice Lots, situate in the Second Ward, hoaxing on the Common ground, on easy terms. !auntie of W. O'll. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St Clair at. or of JAS ROBINSON, on the premises. myt7dArfT Scotch Botta= Land for Sale. TEN ACHES OF LAND, situated in Peel:dee town ship, on the Monongahela, three miles from Piths burgh--an lots to suit purchasers. For further pesos- Wars apply to Henry Woods, 3d et, or to A. WASHINGTON, n0v22411" ilth, above Smithfield .t for Salo. C(INTTAIPLATING e removal from Allegheny city, I oiler my residence there for sale. The premises are m delightful order, and every way worthy the at tention of any person wishing each property. • R. W. POINDEXTER. Heal ➢,` sfafi In Elare~r Ociinary. ALOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, Ailo elle on the Erie Extension Casual, in the village of West Mid dlesex; a desirable location for a merchant A 150,.. Lot and good Dwelling House well salted for a Tavern Stand, in the village of Orangeville, on State lino of Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKEY ft Co. Water and Front it.. rabid COAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven acres coal land for sale, situate In bend of the Monongahela River, above Brownsville, Pa., having a 7 foot vein of coal which will be sold in exchange for goods. For portico rx apply a ra,zi k. W , HARBArgiII 21 wood al WAREROUSE FOR BALK—The subscriber offers for Mae the three story brick Warehouse on Wood street., occupied by R. Tanner & Co. apl7 WM_ WILSON, Jr. 2 The %absenbers %nil rent pan of the ware- Corse now exeupled by them. Apply to k Co., VALEARLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on PEW: street, between Hay and Marbury ativets, adjoining the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edward., having a front of 25 feet, and in depth 13) feet, will be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th ft, sear Wood. ocirdldltf I /tarTWO ROOMS formerly occupied as a Da• erreotype establishment, being well adapted or that busuiens. The second story room io.n neat office, and the third story, a long room, with good light. Extrance on Market •t, between 2d and 4th. EEMaM FOR RENT A THREE story Brink DereMfg! House, on Wider. above Grant street Possession given en the firm of January, 11349, or sootier if required. For terms, inquire of non? (1 BLACKBURN & Co. water at • EXCHANGE BROKERS, /40. E. HOLMES & soar, B , Exchange Brokers NoistA, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANC., GOLD, SILVER AND RANK NOTat. COLLF:CTIONS.—Drafta, Notes and Acceptance-a payable In any part of the Union, collected on be molt favorable tonna. NGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal. utmost; also, Cu..., Louisville, Saint Louis and New fly!r•no , . coristataly for sale. BANK NcrrEs..—Now* on an s olvent hanks in th- Lbtited States discounted at the lowest rite. All kind of Foreign and Amenr. 6014 and Silver Coin bough. and told. (Moo No. 56 Market meet, between 3d and 4th Pauburgb, Pa. ocra 11171311K1r, HANNA 0 00., LSANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and deal, in Foreign and Domestic Eirchangei Ce rt ificate, o posa., Rank Noma and Specie; Fourth Firma war ly oppoane me Bank of Piosbuma Current mom received on deposite—Slght Choefl for min, and co keno. made on nearly aL the principal points m th Untied Elimen. The highest pretaisui paid for Tarawa .ad Am • Gobi . - Advances made on consignazonta of PI041:10e. ship. ad East, on linen' term*. mchla _ BILLS on &Lean& Inland, and Scotland bought any amount at the, Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Deans payable in any part of the Old Countries, from Li to LIMA at the rate of AS to the / Sterling, without deduction or ducount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and General Agent, omen sth at one door west of mood. tntlEnt HILL & CIIRELY, BASEERB •nd Exchange Brokers, Dealers In For cup and Domestic Time and St& Dills of Ex change, Certificates of Do -panne, Bank Notes and Can; No 63 Wood street, trona door below Fourth, west side =rift( ,•11.r. Illoallilauunira & asnirotvan massy BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BRO/I.EFtS, dealers n Foreicn and Domestic Bill, of Exchange, Cer. oficatcs of Deposita, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of 3il and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles Ho tel. mayttSdly ifik - - - - -- -- - Vir.litgitni inns DS— (Thicludiama, Beourelry, Mossonn, Bank Notme purchased at the lowest rst r et tbiyourrs. BONS, 35 Market treet. 8f1.311 OW WaOTlANOWt—lithrht Cheeks op 1. .., York, Philadelphia, one Baltimore, N. 110LMIZ tr. BONS 35 Market st. Co.tantly for sale by _reo FRFSII ARRIVAL—,V. 111'Clintock offers to those wishing to furnish houses, the handsomest assort- MOM of Carpeting ever brought to this market, corn prisms in part the following varieties: Rich style Vel vet Pile; Axminster Tapestry, Brussels, extra super 3 ply, super 3 ply, superfine and fine Ingrain Carpets; ich he most respectfully inaltes Ins Blends and the public, to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Waterworn, No. 75 Fourth IL, Pittsburgh. deal° JJEWELRY, cods/stink of gold guard, vest and fob chains, keyk seals, pencils, finger rinks, bt'.i pin., stud., ear Hulk bracelets, lockets, buckles, slides, &o. Also, silver combs, card cases, fruit Irnives, thimbles, shields, pencils, hackles, slides, tooth • od ear pick., &c. %V NV WILSON,* dec4 37 market. , cur 4th NEWJEWELRY-1 doz gold patent Lever ea; " " detached " I " silver " Also, gold pen and peneil Cases, Vest chains, heavy Guard chain*, Breast Plat, Finger Rings, Ear Rings and a complete asmrtment of other Jewelry, . dees EF.111.5 LON KINSEY'S, 67 inarkt at bIERINOB AT COT-Smith & Johnson 46 Market sweet...lll sell for the bylante of the AVYOII at coat, their stock of French Merino., comp, sing the most choice colors. Now to your time Mae re bargains_ decla reCeiv . rd VI l Vhf RIRIIONS-Just wry, 67 Market street, 30 ps colored Velvet Ribbon, snorted colors; :tut , black " " " embroidery Ilintpi IU ps wide Plain, &e. deco CIHOCOLATE, COCOA, tic.-1V Baker's No Lebo -I.J colate, Baker's Cocoa Paste, No I.Norfolk county Chocolate, constantly ou hand and for sale by BAGALEY A SMITH, nov27 Ants for NV Baker, Dorchester, Masa. T OVERING'n DOUBLE REFINED RUC/ARR.:2D 1,4 Ithle Covering's Boob/. Refined Loaf, Crushed and Vol vett zed Sugars, two reed and for sale Et the Pea Teo Stem 70 Fourth street, by nor A JAYNES_ I~ArniEw WILSON, Poor. and AttleourePain. / tec Rooms, corner of Post Office Allay and Fourth street, entrance on 4th noes Musket. ASSIMERF.A-1 case fancy striped nassinicres; 1 do steel mild buckskin do; jam IWO and kir saki by do a MURPHY, WILSON It Co XIV AV WILSON, Wothhes.,/osselry, Silver Weir*, . •fld Military Goods, tamer of blanket god 4th streets, Pittsburgh, Pm. N. 3.l.—Waichos and Clotke e nrefuily repaltrd. dec4 lorroN ArTH-AStM4—A sopertot ankle • j family and meatnboat :Uatttaases, =nate:urged from good notion. well cleaned and carded; for .ale be no•Z/ I lIIIHSEY, warehouse,o wale/ at liiOI.ASSF.a. , —.IO bbl. patine &agar bow; A 14;.• la.iu store sod for sale by deco JAS DALZEtI.I. 3iIRAISINA—SO bat RILIMI.II, in store arid lor . sale by dein. MEDICAL.' rr s _1? - v. Liff - il _ ELLIATMWEGETAHLS SWIM:ACT 'S THE ONLY REMEDY OM can tie relied on for the permanent core of Spasmodic Contractions, ir ritation of . the Nerves, Noreen, or Sick ilesdache, Nervous Tremors, Neuralgic Affecilons, General De bility. Deficiency of Nervous and Physical Fawn, and all Nervous Disorders, including th e mote dreadful Olaf! diseases that ever affect the human race-- EPILEPTIC FITS, or Falling Sickness, Hysterical Pith. Convulsions, Spasms. he. Hart would impress it apart the minds of the sr/limed that the Vegetable Extract ni Ate only rem edy ever discovered that can be relied on for the per manent cure of this most dreadful of all diseases. As Its reudency is in mmnity, madness and death, the meat SKILLFUL PHYSICIANS of Europe, as Well as those of our own country, hey. pronounced Epilepsy incurable. And it has been so considered by many, until this most important of ail dthcoveries was made by Dr. S. Hart, nearly slgivvn years since, durmg winch time ha s been performing some of the moan REMARKABLE CURES hpon record, and lum acquired e reputatlon which time alone can efface. Shy adman& of undoubtedskill and enerience, minister. of canons denottunations, as wal la. hundreds of our eminent milieu., all unite in recommending the Use of thaw truly valuable medi cine to their patent, charge, and (mends, who are af flicted, as the only remedy. WE QUOTE THE LANGUAGE eked by those who have been cured by thw valuable Medicine: One mytt, .1 have suffered beyond any pow er of description, but 1 now erlotce in being fully m otored to health and happiness" Another say.. "I thank God I feel that I am s well man. I also feel it my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the earth, that those similarly affllcted may hod rehef.. ;tooth. (who trait EMIPOiN r LAW TER null well known ni thisctty) says, coo has been afflicted tor year,. with Eptlepoy, but is now enjoying good health from the Vegetable Extract. Its tame.. say. be, - should and ought to be Founded to the ends of the eanhe An othck says. "Language Its enurelylnailietunte In express my graUttffle to Dr. Hart for having hero the meano, under the blessing of God. of restart/1g me to the enjoy. meat of good health, atter having been afflicted with Epilepsy to its worm forms for more than twenty them years, and my morning and evesung oblation of maim and thanks4aring theft continue to ucend to that God who has aOcten but to maketne whole." Mrs.). Bradley, 115 Orchard street. N. V.. maws that she has been subject to fits for many years. and has been restored to perfeet health inner every other means had failed) by the use of the Vegetable Extract. Dr. Charles A. Brown, of Dover, Russell county, Ala. who is elle of the best phs:miens in the State, says that hid Mu been much bene fitedby the use of the Vegeta ble Extract, and that he unhesitatingly prescnbes it let every case of E4nlepsy which come • under hi% knowl- " tr. O. Mayberry, F 9, formerly Postmaster at Lime Mills, Crawford county, Pa, now living in Erie connty, Pa., states that for an years past he bee been sorely afflicted with fits, and he Is now happy to state that a persevenng use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable . Extract, has restored him to sound health, being eutirof ly freed from that worst of all dime... From the Cinemnau Commercial. REMARKABLE CURE. The follewmg certificate was given to fileesrs. Tho mas A Miles, Doctor Hart's Agents for the sale of his Vegetable B e le It .' ne ' s ' a ct 'ti f i o a n :Le h' In ou d to give it it platy r editonal columns from the fact mat,, the only known medictim that will rare Epilepsy, at the same time believing n to be our of the greatest riot to medical science. Pigskin.. and men of science of all ages have born trying to discover a rccdP - the this disease, but all has been to vine m until the present dis covery of Dr. Hart, and we would now say to those afflicted with ft., despair no longer, for there it hope! MESSRS. THOMAS MILES, lei Main street, I:n -et:math Ohm, Agents tee Doctor liners Vegetable Extract for the can of Epileptic Fite: Geutlemen—lt is almost impossible for language to express with whet heartfelt ...faction I address these few lines to you, for the purpose ofinforming you of he beneficial results that have been effected by the one of Dr. Ham's Vegetable Extract. My son, aged twelve year., has been !evenly at , flitted with Epileptic EM., and with sure severity that the optnion WA; h o could not he cured. In one Mkt. peroxywas he fell and broke Ins arm. called in Dr. Mulford, a very excellent physician, who reaet It lie informed lee that my son'sNervoos System was moon demigod, and that it would he emposstble to core h. of Epilepsy, no Epileptic Fits g. almost iitcurable, and employing Inns In hi. case would be ouly throwing money away. I called upon Dr. Puttee; he Informed me that the dioeue bud mistimed a chronic form, and it would take . a long time to curets. if ho could be cured ni ail. He became weir. arid worse, and I begin to think there was no can fee him, until 1 saw the aiiTeriin , ' ment of Dr. hart's Vegetable Extract in one of one coy p' age r te ' d ti i .r th te r n7fge7:7lw f e r n o ry , P L ' 2l7, * nl l l o e h v " en r h y years, and restored to health by the use old. Extrael. I called at your store, and after conversing with Mr Thomas, I cane to the conclusion to purchase n three dollar package. It don, little or no good I thought I would try another, from the use which I perceived some lutte:benefix then Caine to the conclusion to purchase a ten dol lar box. I found that it woo Of so much service to him was !ed.ed to purchase a second. And I am truly thankful that I done as by the use of the too packa ges he has been restored to perfect health. Should any person be desirous of seeing ht., and ..- certatning farther particulars. I should be pleased to gratify them by their calling on me at myrentlehee, Booth west corner of Fourth and Park streets. Clack man. Ohio. ISAAC N. PERKINS. Cincinnati. August 26.. THE TIME IS NOT FAR DISTANT When thounrinds who are now trembling under the hand of this dreadful disease, and fearing the, ovum' snuck may prove total, will find permanent rebut nail he restored to now die, by using this celelirartidsnedi r me. Over one thousand certificates hare been re ceived in ta , olooliy of dm beneficial results prodoerd by the use ot Dr lion's Vegetable Ks nine, Prepared by S. lIART, M. it New Tort. Priers, one package nti do four packages 10.01/ do mot do Aklar TtlOflAS & MILES, Ira tram .trees, Ohio, General Agents (or United States, Canada, and West ladle' L. WILCOX. Jr.. corner of Diamond am! Marset st, Agent for Patent/4h, P. Fay & Kilibourne. Columbus, Ohio; II b. Cleveland: and for sale by lOPPi of the prinewel deny Titsta stad-merehmsb doveginno the Drihedlittaxii. •• non 16-dicwS M=EI GALLEY'S MAGICAL PRA EITEACIOE: ITIHE following from George E Pomeroy, Erg . der 1, well known propnetor of the Express, speaks for aselfof the importance of the Pain Extractor to every parentt. EIPTOPS Orrtcs. Alhnry, Sept I. Dumere. My Dear Sir—With feelings of no or dinary pleasure I address you in relation to thr benefit I have received froto your invaluable Path liatrautor. Lately, my little daughter, 6 years old, had a pilot*. of boiling water turned into her bosom: her screiols were dreadful. so that a crowd instantly gathered bef lore the house to learn the canoe of the tenable sc moms. I tore herclothes asunder, and on spread on your salve, an she was carried end so upon a bed. She was soon relieved from her par., and say. I WM so if I could laugh;" and was soon in meet sleep. She Avid sea/ded to a blister from the top of her shoulder over more than half her chest, and round tinder the arms. On the shoulder and breast It was very. deep, yet !roes the hest hour, she complained only when u w. dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there to uo contraction of the muscles. With many avialies, my dear .tr. for your aucceakin the aide of tins mighty article. I am your,, with resta.m. TrrE TEST ax 4 NO MISTAKE' The rename Dailey, volt] over produce the rant! tn sta.nuaneous relief. and soothing. cooling effect, in the severest cases of Bunk, :Melds, Piles, Ike. The Counterfeits—non aver under what names th - ey may appear—always irrimm, and iatIVIR Fa We pain TO THE PUBLIC. I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y., have been vi licted with rhea maturn to my breast, feet, and all over my body, for six years. so that I could not stand, and was cured by three applications of Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor. EDWARD P. HOLRES. Mr. Dailey: Sir—l cut my finger with a copper nail, die , poiwnous nature orwhich caused my arm in .wel l constderribly, with constant shooting pons up to the shouldsr. — A- large swelling taking place at the arm pit, wutb increaslng pain, I became fearful of the Lock pier( 10 this extremity your Pain Extractor was rq commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to try, The consequence was that it afforded me almost um :ant relief, and in three days I was complolelY Oa red. I JOSEPH HARRISON, Now Yort;„ corner Broome end Sullivan st, Sept AIM& • N9TloE—fl. DALtalr Is the inventor of this Invalu able remedy, and never has and never will communi cate to any living min the secret of Its Combination! , All F.xtractors, therefore, not mode and patsy In him, are base counterfeits. • • - - - - Plortureos's Dittors-415 Broadvsny, New York =Chestnut street. Philp. JOHN D. MORGAN, Generel Depot; Dr. WM; THORN=ta for Pittsburgh. • ..-..- J Antares Galramc Cure-A[{. Cures humors, spavm, quitter, grease, pall.geß, sores, galls, and bruise.. Pamphlet., containing aer tificalcs of respectable parties, mar be had on aPPllaa lion to 'JOHN D MORGAN, nevls dlyis Agent pinsburgi. ISEDICAL & SURGICAL. OFFIClifi • -., ~ aria. 65, DIAMOND ALLE Y ,:rt few doors below Wood scan. be .". ,•...: 1 :„ . : market. .•• . -.--. . i DR. BROWN, having bees mil l • ' :•,. h,„;,, • .• regaled) educated to the medico . .1 • - .fi r , - '.prokialon, .41 been for some Whet . • to general prettier, now etinflues -• his attention to the treviaisdt.of Ai,those private and delic.c. can; plaints for which his opportamucs l, and experience peculiarly gosltfv ... - w- s him. 11 years .siduously devoted to .to i 7 treatment of those complautts,rdaring which Lime he ha. had more practice and has eared mare pa tients than ean ever fall to the lot of any preen pr.- Altinner) amply qualifies him to offer assume.* tif %paddy, permanent, and satisfactory core to all sitilicutd with delmate diseases, .d all diseases noun; there) from. ~ Dr. Br own would inform those afflicted with prover. diseases which have become odorme by weeds•-; graveled by the use of any of the common iloetnnue or the day, that the i r complaints can he radically .d 11d-r -oughly cured; he haying amen his direful noodled to the ', e .t. t o f so d, eases, and rtler . f Clted in Imparter Of Inalarteeil in curing persons of inflammation of the neek dr the bladder, and loaded doted. winch ofmn result from those cases where othere have codigned them to hopeless despaw lie particularly invites each as have been to and unsuccessfully trea ted will bby othan to consult him, hen every satisfaction emire° them, and their ease* treater; m a careful, thorn :sad tuteUrgerll manner, pointed out by a long expendseo study, and mvesugauon, which It is impossible (or thos ~,,,,,,i . era) practice of medicine to givd.ilfri one Mass of amuse. =7 - lion. or Rupture —Dr. Drown also luvud„per. sots afflicted with Hernia to call, as he hai paid V.v. , Mar Reenter. to this cure bse.e. - , CANCERS also dd . Skin diseases, also PI s, Paley, ere., spendtil enrol Charge. very . low. N. S.—Patients of etth sex living at a distance, by stating their disease in writing, alma nil the swhp, toms, can obtain medicine. with directions for use, by hAtlresstng ' f BROWN, hi. D., poet paid, and mei.— mga fee. Office No. lA, Diamond alley, opposite the teeny glosses Ruzussuglisse.--Iht.Browuta newly discovered reme• dy for Illeoninturn is a speedy and certain reincily,Uo that _painful trouble. It never fads. Mice and Private Consulting Roams, No. di bp mood alley, Pittsburgh, Pn The Doctor m always I house. Cr No ewe no pay Offlee of American & Foreign Patel:Oa. JAWS GREENOUGH, of die late firm ot helloed*. gag?tree ' r 'c' exil h k. ` th o n ",u rn e :rnt e y,t " 1:;. " 0 " 15 o ri f o to tm air: of WASHINGTON. lie may be consulted ned Co, EloTed in mild examinaunns nta,htnery the Potent °eke end elsewhere, in luvosburg drannxte• and Speelheatian• 011.ehlnery und 011 pope n. veccxt ry, transfer, S mnarend, re ro .insu or xtend ICILEIT patenx the United eor Eupe e . He e & eon NO be carnal t• ed profewionally on all questions of Trill lingluthinrile- suar under the Patent Law, and arAnrd • now bbedUse Patent ON , or nit , for which Ina long experience in 'the Pratent DlfteXAnn ht his profeuwon, have peculiarly Altetgit& T r a r° . faesional business of the tn. Dr. 17,47§i l teie Ipasona been placed In hie hands, an lettere 111. t o WeiW should be addressed to low post path.. efravaijoi,,,, NEW MOLAS.4 WO. VfltnutZ'r . o crop) this morning loudivfgWotri'itsgate, Hibernia No .2, and for n 4 b 7 • ; Ilk •,• , 1. • doc 4 JA3M , a 111JTCUP3ON k Co •
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