MEDICAL AVINUMMEMSCOVIIRTI - - 00113 ff Jr ,UVRS o lits OICTOIIHOUARZO prorgt - COUCTIND•SIENRIAVIAPi ;:t Wis en= =MU= won_ ClOnttanpds.(katilas, Colds, Alabnia, Watteltida, LW. p r e.hfmrettaig Difiently of Month iagOOn In the Side antteest4elpiteut of lotiletensa. Croup , ken co.CI. etuotemotere Throat,Nerpnis Debili ty ea all Distressed' the Throat, Ibsen end laturs: the dug or. Memel end speedy eure . - 5.5 4 . , =et known for any of , the above ilisdaw ea,. is DR. 11:WAYNE'S Cosormensua6 syrup of Wild ,Otterrys • Thi..,,aktue Ulm longer: smonA, these of doulitfal - utility. It haspused owar,fernn the dunisands daily Issatehmtureon Iho title efealtelFUndlir and Flow Biondi higherm nputaltrati end akeeamiling mere egt6sive -11 Ina then =V Oh" Freliereffoll of medicine ever ported' foil the relief of stenecng man. It kis been istrodneed very generally 'through the Fruited States and Europe,i , there are few brads of belponimee , but what contidn , seine remarkably evi. deneo of its good effects.. For prpof of the foregoing steUtereds, and oft= =bra and damp of this meter , ate, thertoprielcur will insert a few of ate many ihou. mud tesdelardalarrinehleve bon presented whim by Wen Of ll= Oesepentalerlity.-men who have higher Mon mond raspormihility padjuaUse, , than to ger Ely um • 'becuuse it wilt Ito another e.frivcr, and theaLle aMr taltallee. Sock testimony drone con clusive lkarits amprising excellenee fa establialied by its • le menu, and the unqueslionable eutho'n• g4 4 :11' edition. Thew hantwerwme relief it af e soothing influence diffused through the Whole fr eby its use r render. it a post &gettable, • remedy r afflicted .°When acting front cooursimnieuermpuisks, voinatully bear matitonny to the truth of a tkiug, or perneettar 64'4 such testimony, being contrary to their Worldly interests andptuposet, comes ernivialion of halm% and commende itself in a special ,togruter to imbrued eredeuce. , -CPH=ral Maxims. READ THE HOME EIMFICATES. Alarm= Curse or P TOOntaXeMOS:— . There never was a rerrusdr Thus boUIV•s sucessud in doper's, cases of Costa pejo =Dr. Switype's Coe:paned Syrup of Wild Ch Try, 11. etzengthees • the system. and appear. to , lip ths doers on the long% creating war and rich blood; power possessed b y no mbar mOlicina. Aprilllith, 18411. Dr. Swayno—Dear Sir. t verily believe your Com ' pound Syeo of Wild Chewy boa been the mean. or Wing my lire. Icing= a sevens cod, which gradu ally grew worse, attended with a severe cough. that ft re all the remedies 'which Thad recourse to, atilt tumulus did my case exhibited all tba ottoptomo of Palmonary il:ensmaption. Every thing I mei seemed lip tine mate, wimp complamt increased sor.lild .. dy dal Client% sawed as myself, gave up ell kuied s • of my mower,. •At this time was recommende to try • pecer invaluable medicine: I did so milli tho Must hate. • yr resaita Ito first bottle hid the effect to loosen if,e cough, cawing me to expecurrate lively; and by the - time I had used six bonhuhl entizely Well, and ad mail a man= I ever was in my life, and mould be happy to any infermetion respecting my _ Sauk that other mem may desire the benefit for Which 1 ant so gratefaL For the truth of the dune dfatessent, l refer goo to. Peter gush, time; pp..' Chester, Pa., of whom I purchased the medicine, Eitspedfdir roe., . lama AlogoisX. groninfa Oneoc/Flguthogn Minutes. pair. Swaynn—Dear Sir. I feel a debt of raked. ilea gloo—and a duty to the =Bleed generally, to oder • my hatoble testimony In Ihror of year Compound Sy. = f ,ir d Ct lrmrWith e l z a and in three Ta us oage a. l ard% ~a. which was accompanied with a damming onghp In the breast and head, a very smitten. b 4 tpirgeof offensive mucus from thelungseessow molly upon change of weather, however alight a At Int I " repro alarm about my ecauliden . Mat wee pretty soon convinced Ottawas royally guise into e p gm ,,,,,„ lino. 'I grew daily weaker, and Length was walkly able obene, or creak above a 'whisper each Ina the e Seceding rke.= of my bniga Dozing thie b ee 'M e a tried vane= preparations and prescriptions, it t a t o.-.growing all the time worse. Jost here nu advised and penned:el by a doer friend in Wilmington to make dal ofyourrirrup of Wild Cher ry. I mom confess that previously I tued been pry • Logainsaduent medium., and I am still against thosecomingotit oft= hands of emperica bat under standing your claims to the profession and practice o f medicine, and haying implicit faith in the saying to friends,l forthwith parehased of Dr. Shaw,one of your nen* a few bottles, and commenced= ow. My di. sue was at t wee etime p ly O or 111 motet's' mantlin, con sequently it deep seated. t (baud, howerer, considerable relief from amuse of the first roar or five boulea lint firing a debits streaker, I s tren gth, su seesqued preleh with my increasing strength, and Ward* repotted those vessels that hal e lready beg= tolled; Whin way, doubtless, my ow was greatly =led. eonsequeoce of meting than unpregtudy., 1 to use tirelve r fifteen erodes before was per fecfly restored. I have en gammon, a much smaller number of bOrderwould have made me amid, but for Ike bultscretion. The Syrup allayed the thee, fah habit, took away the destressing cough, put a any to the,discharge of matter from the hugs. and gave Otetnt and, the enure system gawk health. have defer. red °geeing this ceruficeee until now, for the mariposa reboring 'perfectly satisfied with the permanency of de ellll, and now that I feel perfectly well l offer it weal pleasure. Err. J. P Joan., Dublin county, N. C. Important Caution—Head.' Rad! There is bat one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Swayers, the first ever offered to the 'Mid, bad been sold largely throughout the United States and some parts of Farope; and all pre. ParDdr, eared by,the lame of Wild Cherry have been put apt since this, under cover of SOT. deceptive eiretunstanees, in order to give currency to their sales. i By a little observation, no person need mistake the genuine from this false. Each bottle of the genuine is enittOPed with a beautiful steel engraving, with the • likenass of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Bwayare's eignadmet and as farther seeurity, the portrait of Dr. !Dwayne bedded hereafter, so as todistinguish his preparatilmfrom all others. Now, if try,as not for • the great curative praperties and known virtues, of Dr. WlearaskrCovaposuut Byrup of Wild Cherry, persons woe ld not be endeavoring to give currency to their us noatratans” by mann the nuns of Wild Cry, ,liemember, always bear to mind the name o Dr. Bwayne. and he not deceived. Prineirfal Office, caner of &glair and Race steeets, Philadelphia. Par'sale wholesale and retail byOCIDEN & SNOW. DrsN, cur Di and 'Wand tits, B A PAHNESTOOK & Co, cot Ist and Wood, 'and Gth and Wood any liVld THON ,53 Marital at; fa JONES, Mt Liberty st; JAS &JONES, ear flood tied Penn run JOHN MITCH • Wl ,,, egi t oc eny city, and by all respectable dealers in Wallangstoelest Ante-Billions PW.. fillstev Carbonic compound combines 10211.401, Jrtutlir with efficiency and companuive mildness of th m i tt , ve , action, rgies, Lridt=yamiLit in r e L t r t i e . n c ey os to . try, in sedelt Wilson fevers and other compbth4 eluded with cengestion of the liver, sonnet abound.— They have now stood the tent of .20 mom and oneti me* halystrued them is be asafe and valuable remedy di Luermmoußemittent end Bilious Fevers; Um . dies; Bilious Co lic ; Mil Dropsy t Dimutary; !(lions cry Colds. and all eompbstuts of an lamessory character. The complete end universal earlsfactkin which boa been given by these pills to all wiz have once asedthem modem the pablisking of the mouerous certificates m their e.vnr anneceisary. To mem* commterficiting they ace ngw pat up in "d rit a r P er i i e tte7 4' abOx containing 3010 a • i Proarset and mold by. It Co 0019OVISZ andirroad, and Alm came, arid wood ogle eItLLEIIS VERMIFUGE PREFERRED TO ALL ormatik— Liteourrerd., Va.,,Oet, 14,1913. Mr. S E. Bellerw—One of our .phyrielans whose practice u very extensive, told me ads morning of a wain width one vial of your Vermifege brought awry Ouse Mt women and a gentlerma in the neigh : botteed Mid that leas than halts Mel caused the du ellosts army 60 tarp worms from one of his Mid . drea. Very luny of such insuwees might be mated. D Is Wen known about hero, and almost all prefer it to h any Woe.' Bendwe 12 dozen and Mlles I. NVILSON. ,Parents Who de vat wish to triliewith their children, Mtemid eve Sellers' Vennifuse.- Prepared end sold try Et E SELLERS, 67 Wood st., lebtilDyCasselitithWaxd; D Ol Carry, Allegheny. A ITIONO.LVIDENCY. that Dr JAYNEM XL PECTOILMai• superior to .11 other remain ter =llleirpelea,Bnatchstepbstizeramt other No. isthst the ma. pentata eeko eocusemeed the itNet t ltif tleir.fratiTtr. tom run ar AM prefer it to an Cdata youelbee elks OM; and whu• euzy have beta iadaied ;It otber preparahmat they ban elm* Intartatly beat diltypabled ta Nairn the benefit which erae ceposablY Sattapaholticattlio lughpraisesbestowedgzoprictor., leai W. Waned to them. efiATIMIe 11•111, amedy Oat has DIM Mato r.lino them tebleh Iprobibly ettnei hea Ite appal be Imelda( puhmeadyteetees • Prepaid only by P. D. Jay. Plaulelykla, and wide* 4 / " 4l2lLirdi • ALEX /JONES ,72. f NMI et • PAIN EXTRACTOR urilt, le fire min utes from the auto of ha application, remove ii jams from the severest burns, scalds or blisters, awl mill 'heal mounds, Worn anti sores• oi.say,. kind whims sear. Tbia valuable-Pala Extrattor can ba Rag af • -• JOILI DMOROANi o Drunk; No 94 Wod Wee; • Aim GH.W.e114113 Pctala• pis A. IP/111111E0TOIDIVAI IFILIUIEVIIGE. FEW weeks since, one duty ehlkizen,almslithoot Are yearsons unwell for serail days, and the se increased an alarmingly that I Ceara death mold be the result. Haring lteard ofthe.good dream Pahnestocklis Vermitege when mintinistered - to the eldjdren of my neighbors, and thinking nry child aught ''ken womm,from some alike symptoms, Immo It arm mid it halt teaspoonfuls of thialiankinige, and to my -astonishment it eltanst lmm-WlateJi diseharged t3Otatd 260 large maims. Italutalth wu soon ciphered, and Is Lenoir. remarkably srelL PreSioas to gl i re. v cninVa; h oefirnr vr d a r sgfrdl i :lrol; ,11= 4 tloa. • JAB. G. DAWSON. Venango no , Pa, ' ,April 3, apl3 kEZDTM.CE.LEEMATED ITCH AND TETTEft OINTMENT', the most climatal remedy before piddle for the more of miter,. itch, dry and watery &Vies of the late, neck and body, scaly eruptions, sod all other diseases of the skin. This Ointment la TM:ranted free from mercury, la perfectly We, and mug Ws mod at all rime* and under all eitCCIMAILACeiI. A ftik amply or this valuable remedy reeeived and 1113taaletry 13 A FAIINFATOCK & Co, Imam at IA and wood; nine, comer of Gth end swami NI 'QELLEItI3 , MUSIETGE- , "No (=din yo without UP , Ya d Loess, C. IL, Va.., Aug. 24, 48. 'E. Sandra: I acorn:illy certilY that I have Ibt wane years past need your Venstifoge in my family, and adversely with success !decidedly prefer it to rary ether preparation I base cued—amongst then may nalbed the celebrated medicine called Desdshot, Pl4l244"l"snoillnla and a preparation called Warm 'lda In a mew case a tingle dose brought tram my little boy one hundred and sic large worms duady certainty ought to be 'without iL Yount frs JAS. LAWSON . deepared and sold by R. E. Sellers, No. W Wood . t. and sold by Druggists generally N both clue.. septl A Plias Bet at‘ Teeth for 23 Cents. TEETH, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY br i F E UNIII—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after bp. area or twice cleaned with Jou& Amber Tooth Parte, have the appearance of the wont beautiful Ivory, sad at the ..we two Ills no perfectly increeut and ex cabdrely fine, that its constant daily use Is highly ed. restterets•Orats to thew meth thatate In a good con -11/302, Orin them a beautiful polieh, and preventing a decay. .Those already decayed It prevents awe worse—it also fan= sub w are EN. arab* loom. and by perseverance It will render the halm teeth delicately white, and make the breath &- WNW, sweet. Sold by WIL JACKStiN, let Library .11.1FatoillrOcig A. B. firm, N. Y. CM riminztoci,lllusbtugti. 0. W. FAloMat liybelesals Drag Store In the -city of • _ . Bow York. the r .,,,.. e . ,;11=r1121trirar,V4i, er sty it New, ark, _and ark pt „mint imply 11)taWiti, clarity Aleachanit WWI Ihr. /Iwo. //raware,• Foracii:Juir Ailwriesa satunery, Wader Wawa* Mantses lAandedy (WCUseis own ) : quid aL otba,awkles in mar um, Of ,bast -21,,, of • gporiot (WV Lk Jaw*, _V IO 7 ClutP°*- f d " t4°.-14L " .nr er L8 17:Viiirtimrolit *cm. • I *if - J.74T. Tbs tooM ssusOrdlnui:llll In the world I Zsrmed, te Mein Rawl ,Retflge; U 4.y own a.apiV, pleseestsr, e. 6 MtrreMed vs 'Mar Li lisirabt. dent no mat Win* sad sOsitoritY of thrammina nseinllottm{roldlelsokthidOrhflo msdieloss Me din. sus,. It futircostse 'the belly: Ms ono of the. very bed . MENG , AND 6=II=III,EDICIIIES Escii Ithstkil; It Dot ally }wiles Me stole system, nod annophera ths warm but it Meta kes, loos and rite Itosiir • paws/ picelosel by Soother medleine. And Iti min bee Ow grand went ofitywonderlblmmenss. It hos Imirosisid 'Odds Me, Iniatlrd yallniants 100,01:1 rihne of sewers man of Cum vat Irma 45,000 sore tonsldersd Insurable. It km trod the boos of more than 10.000 oblllens dodos its* dr° put smanns. 10,000 cores of General Debility and warts of Noreen. Errerlyr. Dr. Tumuli, lianaptial Invigorates the otola Drum . p a ariai naly. To bon of .whoMee. lot lUgunetsbe•ar ta• l., itub n nud of the pas:lou t Utt,brogibt nue _sad physical proms. du dam custioas mom,' /tudr, went atambitioo, fatallagsusattosa, pramosudauy astddaellaa, buns , lay totrardtr thalfatal dew% Coomooptios , Mar duly ruterati by tbla pleural remedy. This Baru mills is tar superior to uy As UranusLc " liul l iitora the num. Ow activity to ost du auraordbtos7 do limbo, mad urcora .10 Us macula+ spasm, la • mu eisunnpvtlati Oared. Maw sad Strortan.i•Odaamptios ea* ie trandL anwhitts, Csaati* Vanottilt Cowielas a Colds. skarly l 6 kir S IVnal 676 Cleutalektialtia. Niras . Aseals,Dalkiat Preftei ot"; Pe6 WI Itig.o6,hno Aga awl each went atirririiii BLOOD. • Ras ark Apra helm hou." Itar=w r rata hai Seta them um, Wont PriniMmes, of wall& flamed. onwral yews taal • bed iftagh. iV i st m igloVefalt.ta in g "±"d orso BE7= tonal onleasel, and all ath wpm. es I hare NitYlilititTorr Ilassaparilk a that thus, wen Owe but a welliththl altithpbewa that in sm. lift nay obis to ..21 all inn iles idly. I aka wo Woad, and my oN MR Im Tiahams well kali. that I ma Al Die OWN = WILLION Clullsbooth, '701.111.1 Dr. TaWasopedbeirimparils b a enrol. aid more tot lite4reethramprimi, Dentanots, NOS% Mori, or aftheWarak, Piloe u corshisa,. ar, AeoWod th anctllhaaatroar tleo In.. of Drink er I.llllmoracy;dbeharp dame( end fl. the panne. preattallan thli nattywhither the mossilldlakommissans ar moss, bi Kamm a width. Pahl. anakm monk mirpridatanlito in=lay tracts oa the kai w eitisk al or and loth tn tods, . lass ante U.ct rah= ailtd nth of rothuandartio hdthowa- It immediassiy tba notrodberrumi at Ike Amok fro. width is the peal came of Bantams h 141 sot bo of as. la some of se dales. to ottare, to aahht etrtlfcat., ot ethos pertainald lion ors m ammo UN a 1.., tam linadmdt of nom have bean Matelot ma or mom where dal._hare ben withou sass nth betti. thin laralsolis Imre be. with item, healthy olikpring.modictas, . . To ItiOalkoro owl dlarelod Ladles. This Expo, at afthosaparlah 1m boo. already pre pored I. Worn. or (=tale complolath No female ho bas remelt to tappets lb. b opproarld. that uOlml poled, • Taw to gl .Scold moilowt to mks it. 'lt b a wroth porno.. kr may of the moans. and horrible dhow m .bleb forttalas ore oddest at this flits of life Thin period may Pe it. Updike fiareriel yips by ••wossls. Nos I. It lit ralathio Pm those who it. approach.; wr mothood, es It is calculated to aerie atom, by quick. oohs the bked sad inmsdag the oystam. lode. this amilidas b larakabL to. all the delleato diaeo sea to which • wan. me oatijett It loaw the .hole roman permanently the troarth eserciet by remain the imporitlea of dts body...* so for stimalmbeg as to produce sobsoqueat mkt.. which b ths mow amino median masa foe female ambles and dbteaso fly wing a fa. bottler ot thia ataalkho, may moan and pal A 7 metal open, tie= ettayfie preemie'. Grunalilenting to Illrotiersand Children. h is do ..feu mai neat effexteal enslletne for par*, leg the eyelet" int relieving Lk. sufferings ectendessi upon chiliThirth ever discovered. It rtrengtheas !anti the ®then and child, prevents pain and dininse, trao and enriches the food. those oho lon.. need It hink it is indisposahte. It I. highly Olen' both before end after co n g at. as it prevents diseases attendant open Ceetivencss, Piles Cramps, 191.14. Painf ih• Fees, pendency. heartburn, Vornitins. in the Bach nesilsoinis. l'she Pekin ThisrinviielZ. and in regulating the necretions and equalizing the eir retattan it Ms no equal Y put bangq of this medicine b. tt oloor blay Lad the ono denude ova mein eggannettin ray M moo noon. of other toolleitin la moo a Unto Cana, Oil OT useht Ennis, to do qua air, cod' light it ilh4'' .l ' = this nadidan wN always mete • of• nod my cer. Osmond , Beauty sad Henlib. Coethdca, than. and *athlete of preparations pew ray In ore, when applied to the the., very soon spoil it of it. been. They thee the p.m of the skin, and eheek the.ththiseon. Irkkli, whoa nature ts not thwart. =diem. or ' powder, or the akin Whoredpowder, by the media ether, beathille he owe production in the • hancen hoe th troll am ia the garden et nob and didicattlated and tratitheted dowers. A free, =tire nod glildthy circohnion of the bolds, or the =of the Iflee, ebb blood to the extremities, is eh pllnf the Pountenanco in the math thqui. rite beattey. It is that whkh Impala the thdrscribable dad. and Aube of lothallothe that ell admire. bet mY au daaathe Thie b e le the offspring of as now—noudrthater 001.01. If the he not • free and healthy cirealthien, thew lens beauty. If the lady I. fair as Moan num if the paha, ad nee eathedth ad the bleall• Wok, add and impure, she b oat been. Ohl If &the brown or_ yellow, and then Is pore and active blood, It elm a rich blown to the cheeks, tad • arialithey to their thee that le thactothing. This la why do soot _hem and athethelly the lithe hh idle., ere et much •rth. Ladle. In • the north who take but flab mirth., or nth candled b cloth rooms, ea hthe eyelet their complexion by ths apph cake of delethions reithurce, It they with to r4 1 ._ 4 .411 1 7 ag.P, beoTeth therklithi Yd bent= comple.thooa they shoald the Dr . owe toad'. Themanda who ba hied it, the a pp. th ae nudist, ow delighted. L ed!,, of they ethos. crowd our gibe daily. Notice is the Ladies. Muses teat holorte Pr. Tthrthancre Paraaparille. have horarbbly. called Ahab staff a great Re 11.141 Pe motes, te a &a, and have copied our biW red circular. whichrelaterto tie temptable 'demon. won! for .1311. —other morn who pot ap thadkina, hare, since the great saccao - rerf Dr. Teemed'. lianthellia In COnipillilat ioeident tdieffibli,l4llo6llii {Uhl, although pre riously th ey did as,. Ameba althea. Kithira.. Alla Lc-, are lathrieuele heed% ita they tyrants disease, and uadessehte the .ea. Dr. Townsend'. te Ute opeuLaid bon monody for the them= fame!. de. rarely, Worth fill of atfuthing a panther. cure It an he taken by the me delicate females, litany caq or by thole apethlag le become mothers, with the MOW advantage., Y . it weptres the rystete and prevents pia or dthgar, nod etrangthene both mother and chlld. , Ile caratil to get the grebe, eicrotaa Owed. TM, eertilica• conelasirely prone that LW Sena. parMa has Perfoet tootred over tie most obsdeute ar. of the Mood. Thu per eared is aos house Ilizapreeedezded. Three Children. Da Tontenne.. , Dear dirt thin the Owen, to wenn ynnihat three en/ child= h." b.= eared .dola by tle nee of your excellent nnellelon They. reneadlictod vary efferely with bed Sures ; have taken oily Ater Doubts ; It nil rhea swim tor which t WI myna( eedergrest Annette. Toon. llll/4 " W. C lOn Weeeter.a. Oplaisnuo of Physician s. Dr. Townsend it almet daily receiving order, boo Phosiciens . in different parts of the V 01... Tide Is to certify that we, the undersigned. Pleyeicians =the Cloy of Albany, have In =mere= cam =web. cd Dr. Tawneesure Sarsaparilla, and belle= it to be you oft= to et =huddle preparations in the count& It. P: PULING IL D. J. muloN, si. D. D. ft. BRIGGS, M. D. Albany. Aprll 1,1811. P. E. ELDIENDORP, Y D 01E1= • • . Owing to the goat omens and imam. ula of Dr. Tawesead's fiadaparills, a number of meo who were .fureferly nor Agents, have rotemeneed making Pampa. yule Ettnetk Melo, Bitten, Emmet, et Yellow Doak. .!« They geneistly pmt It op in the saeme shaped ba , arwl aomeenhent have dole and copied mu adv. *13.41 Im avo idedWeta—the . are only 'noble u ladled/a., and Pearlp.l Office, Im FM.TON Swot. 5101Boi/dhly. N. Y.; Raddins &Co. 8 Slats stmt. Bractk !Ron, 139 North Second erser, Philad ßoston ielpha ; 8. R. Bum, Drunist..Baltiniora; P. M. Calm. Charbestern; ' Wright & Co, 851 Chances Street, N. 0.. 105 South Pear' Sveee. Ribol7; a.. by MI tle. principal Drug. rict. and Herehluds generally throughout din United Wen Indian .od thn Tor.•Qolrhne r_ - ,51. D.—Persons Inquiring for this medicine, should not be induced or take any other. Druggists . put up Rampedßas, and of course prefer senio r their own. Do not be deceived by anpinquire for Dr. Town send's, and take no other. Remember the genu ine "Townsend's Bersapuril g" sold by the rule agents. E. SELLERS, GenefsfWbolesale & Retail Agent, No. 57 Wood ducat., and D. N. CURRY, Allefbeny 07. zurtiorrairximprcy; - For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With. eld REAL ANDPERSONA I. F.SPATR: the Set • Cement and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading. and • other °thou Securing Penults for Inventions in Great Britainarelatid, and the Colonies and Dependencies thereunto belonging, and Negotiating for the Pur chase or Sale of name. SVERENCE may be bad on application free of R obarae.lprovlded the motive is not that of mare euriosityd to a List comprising a • wards or 16.1ral names in which unclaimed property is &tending. Also, an index to our MOO (taco appeared the the pest 50 TIMM it, Vitrio. Itritish newspapers, addressed to Heirs at Law and nee of kin. Communication. by letter are requested to be post-paid. DENTRAAI FAIDAN, , Broadway, New York. References .are permitted to Rob Charles P. Daly, Judge Court ogCougnon Pleas, New York. Vreeland, Stuart & Co. - . . ...._ .. Ma, Cattalos la Co. THE STAB OE THE WEST W. It J. T. Tapstott. VF.NITIAN BLIND MAN IJFACTORY 0. R. A. Ricketts, E.g. East side of the Diamond, where Vonnian Edward Schroder, h.q., thneinnati, Ohio. Blinds of all the different - 4second colon A. Potato, Esq., President Pateltin Bank, Reffelo. we kept on hood 'or made to order ate ~....adv:ll-dOta the latest end most approved Eastern (oh • , • , J ;foul, at th eohonest notice end on the molt The — Allegheny Cemetery. — AT Ow anemial meeting of the Oarporators, hod „, , r we. ne .... ble terns no. roll . ...., . t h .,"...,,,,.. .1.,,,th r .i,,,,, „..„,, ~,,.,„ ~,,,,,,i . , Alb, L. e.0.m .. n ae WV /3111111 Tntriepa mattely re-elected Menem* far the e nsuin g year: : rency and Paper Curtains Of an rho different saes and THOMAS M. HOWE, Preet,i,,,_ , pattern., on hand end for sale low . for cosh. Old Vent. JOHN BISSELL. I ban Made painted over and repaired, or taken ill part - , /PIM CAROTHERS, ➢ yment km new. • WM WEsTER VEIT, Pro'pr. 'NATHANIEL HOLMES. • P. N. B —AB wok done with the best material and Managers workmanship, wo r d warranted to ohne* the mom Ms- JOHNBOANDLMS, JOHN H. SHOENBERGER, taboos. !Legit:l4ly . , JAMES B. SPRER • , . : Allegheny city, Aug. le, ISIS. . ,_`:J. .Fun507,..1i., Secretary und Treasurer. I Q TEAM FERRY BOATS FOR SALEZT/tesob , The annual statement presented the &Bits of the . a, scribe. offer to sell one-fourth of the two ferry Compillybis very prosperous condition. Their office hoot; flea. Scott and Gen. Worth, now mm,ln g fry,. :In the city Is No. 37 Water Meet. JaL2 the foot of Penn sweet to Saw.Tlili Ran, so as to make ~..---i--guarzsria. - 1..4 f or riZi, ! it a profitable Investment for eApitallote, or wry who 1 deep a ; . -- JBAIAIL DICKEY ACo ' .V . ill , r°•rntrode in at . bu ' dnei s' --F--- i or farther parnealam, inquire of r . :.=,. , co blebs stele red for wale by •• „ ~,,,,,ti p u , p BLAcKgugN & co, watt, . 1 - dela doff ISAIAH DICKEY k. Os ' i W ' ifiKtk".. it O FFIFTMAREILS,ILND,FURNLISIUNIO UNDER ___,TAKERS, corner of Pam and SE Clam ew, ' , Vans tte Ekehangellotal,entranee en Penn street, elm.* Y Inform, them Sunnis tad the public, that K are prepared to runrab and attend to every - Margin No lino of Undertaken. Always en hand a large as sortment of ready made Calßus, COVC , cd, heed and fillvt abed t the very beat manner, all sore andel:2e ready' made Shrondker da anal, Cambnck and mnaim, md ell triCs made In styp roved style.. We keep a lane as Sorustrat of whim and blank, co/1+011,411k and kid L.krvea 'tablefoj pall , beams. and MiNrgen, crape, eaj,a, pp]. (nrs, an even thing necessary for timing the dead, t enVETs M ''b cu l"on lig:l e ve7lntre S t l e ou na r t=_ l tC nail 11.5 . P. We have amletniad neon hearse tom one, and any number of the best mamma Every thing attended to promptly and panntat9Y. oatklY BENNETT /4 BROTHER, I NSW VA NS ARE MAN UFACTURERS, Birmingham, f nearPittabrirght)Pai Warehmsse, No. 197, Wood street, Pittsburgh. , WILL constantly keep on hand a wort meta ot Wine, of our own mauaracture, And saperlor quality. Wholesale and emntry Ater , „. chains are tespeetlidly invited to call and en matne for thenuervea, we are determined to sell cheaper than believer before beta oFered to the pub Ile. ellfraerdrecnnine, ortalllYbrupLaptlymineLdelytethe cash or P. Altruvatie. JAMES E. Lanus FLINT GLASS EsTABLISEIAMNT. VLVeNV g d LESLIE gianalhetureillul keep eon. heedirat, Idpalded and playa Film Glassware, in all its extriEues, at their Warehouse urr.• ner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. m O rtim. ur I, u k da s laeordinvo g r i . ri to ltze ic ra h tig to . rtn io. d ,L w .i is o a s re n orders ivitliproingtnees. Purchasers are respeelfilly whetted ba ealland eiantine paces and tenris. mylndly COACH MAKINO. FROM the very liberal carman". •• G meat the subseriber bag received since - •::st; ; he has located himself In Allegheny . its`ne s es,:: hart iadneed him to take a [mom, for s terra of years, on Ole property be now occupip, peavey stract, immediately beside the Pr.bYtettlChtltoh. Prom Me long experience in the above harmless and a desire to please, be hopes to rule , It and receive a share of public patromtgc. Now on hand and finishing to order, Po:octaves" On" ipe-s, open and top gureies, and every deseription o, Iftrnages made to order, freer sevemy.five dollars to uxhthrmaret isepthdtfl JOIIN SMITH MISCELLANEOUS. ItirA.NUFACTURED AND LEAF , TODACCO.— 'ffP.ALD, BUCICNOR it Co, 41 north water .t, and Id N. wharves, Phil's, offer for sale on accommodating terms,ll6to pkps Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of ponnds, half pounds, 6's, M., 12'., 'l6's, 18's and MN, limo; W. L'a and 13's 4ilug and LT. Lodi.' Twist. In whole and half boxes, of the following approved brands, • lx: James 11 Grant, Osborn & Bragg,' Grant A Williams, A Cabaniss, S Jones & Son, M'Donald, Webster Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. A H Armistead, /Thomas & Bon, Landhorn A Armistead, J P Coates, J M Cobb., Gentry & Royater, J A Clay, M A Butler, C A Hall , Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Peorl & Norwood, I B Blackwood, Nash Page, Keystone, \V 11 Vaughan, Edmund Henry, Portions Robinson, RUMICII A Robinson,) Reim, Robinson &Co Beth Halsey, R Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Loftier, .1 Rubinson, Gray & Gray, I) 11 Tumor, R Jamieson, York White, D 111 trowel. —AL$O— Leaf Tobacco, wroppe re and fillers; Yarn do do do Cienfuegos do do do tit Jago de Cuba do do do St Domingo do do do 1. aria & Guidon do, part fine, do Maysville do klq do Kentucky canoes grade. do do Virginia Leaf, suitable for anomfaeturtits and export; Spatiolit Seed Leaf. Penn's, COlllieC 11.11 and Ohio, N trginitt Scraps. Forces; Comae Pipes; Pipe heads; ''., uiolt Soldr (lw.. and bladder.- ) alaccoube Meal; Tang na Beans, Havoc!. bass; into Rose; Bergamot; Calabria Liquonce; Patent C”ettitish Kni Vett, Bpunk. he. be. PHILADELPHIA. e - '-' TOBALCn, AfilliTS, AND CIGARS, t T his Old Stand, corner of Southfield street and ./ I. Diamond alley. Pittsburgh, Pa, would rhapeetial. , eon the sue:thou ofCmintry Mercian/do, klowl and so...twat Barkeepers, Ina large and superior assort -1-v.,. of f SIPORTI:D CIGARS, among which will he truant the following brandy, els, Eagle, Regalia., C... term, Principe, La Norma., Star Brand, Inners. and Dollar Regalisa, all of which wlil be sold no tow as eau be had at any other boom In the city. Also, constantly on hand and for sale, • large and weR selected stock of Virginia; Missouri, and Pine Cm Chewing Tobacco. Also, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco. cousatudy on band and for sale. nov3-41not PAPER WAREHOUSE. SO. 9BITELLI3IO SLIP, NEW roma. Iliriart , W. FIELD offers for sale at the lo.ors. Numfactorers• prices, a very extensive assort meat of PAPER., comprising every po.witic variety, adopted lothe wants of cementite. in all Lectern. of the country. Paper of all kinds to order at shot UOU LW. liw cock of PRINTING PAPER is unusually lam, a pit tOr which!, of very superior qmihry PAPER RAILER'S DIATERIALA of every desermtion, imported and kepi constantly on han_, •is %Vac Clerk, Poordrinier Wire. ElJesolung Powder,.l3lse Ultras:mane, Twine 3 so., kr 114613.1 Gauss, Bate Rope, Grassßope, Baum*, o, ,-c., purchased, for which highest prieetto Coati wink. pad 13137 Nes Volt Jll+ll4o{ rrk nu,. —.ann. oestVariety ever,.,._. Attila eny / bernats:-.1 - nade on the mom approved Eameno plans and most fashionable Eutern patterns and eaten. Also T/IE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, on hand or made boarder of Claims, andai ail prices. Country Merchants and others are united to call null exa-nine the above for themselves !*, all will be sold wholesale or 'mann, und a liberal dediteuen made to wholesale pueehasers. coldly A WESTERVELT _ _ BRICK. FOR BALE. mite undersigned %Tens for sale s superior article A of brick for bnilding, made by h. Steam Pres., unproved Machine, for which ha has obtaiuea a patent, and agrees tagive purchase. a Virlilloll guarantee that they are stronger, and will Malat frost and wet weath er and imbibe lea motsture or dampness than any oak .' lona. possessing greater body and superior texture end much more durable no every respect, eacl brick being zubiected to a psesuire of several-tone, and pc.- resting a handsome smooth surface and event edges, they make a front equal to the best front brick. They have given the greatest ratindsation to all who have purchased. A kiln can be seen at my works, and specimen at the Gazette office. Those having supplied themselves for their buildings, and wishing handsome front brick, or superior ha rd and solid paving brick, can obtain them. ISAAC GREGG, Ilirminghara, Jane 12. 2 ISM. tf ALLEM' lia - Y VENITI - AWffiSID FACTORY. JOHN A. BROWN. 'the TAKMOnts method to inform his friends and the public at large that his Factory is now In hall operation , on the west .Ide of Diamond, Allegheny where a eon. mant supply of Blind.. or variou s mnors and quolitlea , are constantly kept on hand; also, ei No 5 Wood .r. Pittsburgh, at J A. II Phillip.' oil ,lath wareroom. Venit an Abutter. node to order nn the best style. Blinds repaired at the shortest nonce. N. R.-11t. Blonds vall be put up without any addl. ucnal erpense, so thut_they can be removed In a moo -• n., elfe or - • winchin g , sod without the and a l-di ynksvi amlyS FLOWER W INTER SEASON. TII6 sottrettiter ;a pre pared to formth 'Lampe. tor Weddsoca, Balls and Parties, composed of rich Ittorront Flowers. Orders left with W. T Down, Jr, Pt. Clair street, Or through thr Post Mee. will be de layered Promptly JAMES Nit ANDROP, Maticheeler Nursery. corn _'ALE GARDENS, MANCHESTER. /TirE Proprietor of this well known piece of resort be the pleasure of Informing the public diet bh !IWO ruant basing been thoroughly refitted and repatfed. and the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated, is now open for tech ecrotricsodatian, and ha flatten If that those who may favor him with their patren ge will find all that they desire, provided In the hest yin and on reasonable terms. tie is determined to •pri re no in ptl.o in making In. establish:sent worthy of pubtle patronage. IIIPC061.190(filti011• boarding a few families. lea Creams, um/ all refriah- MUMS suitable to dm NC.OII, COnStantly on hand iedif LEvi utmenetELD Dloneihrahela House Tailoring =nab. ti elnisent. ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in - form the citirens of Pittsburgh and others, that he iv now oomg at his rooms on Smithfield street, un der the s ho ve Hotel, a large and beautiful assortment of Clotits,Cavirneres, Satins, Silks,aud other With:us, together with such other article s as are required for gentleman's wear. ills goods have been Carefully so. leeted, and m of the newest mid utoit 'fashionable style, as well a as of superior quality. Ws ctlitutfien may depend upon having their clothes made up in • manner which cannot fail to gratify the tame of the sown fetuidirms. ar4fitlY THE UNZONI 4141171 11113161°1 1848. Mamma, brAvEmEtati ANDCLEVELEgy pirrissu Piusburgh; I ROM, Puss ,k . Co, Heaver, }Props'''. Cameroun kunareanar,m, Clereland TltHabore Line la nopritrepantd to Llanelli:et freight &a 'FoLtioruron , from rmoonrgh and Cleveland, or any point on . s Canal. and Lakes. Ond boat leaves Pittsborgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamboms Lake Fhleand AboltigrOn, helve... Pitlamgh and Heaver and a line Cot clam steamboats, propellers, brigs and mime. ti on lakes Mu, Heron and Idiehigart. Property forwarded to en y pan of the Union with dispatch, by WI{L T. BLATHER. or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agents, car Wafer and esnithheldsts, Pittsburgh, ASENTS:-.46ed, POrkslF. Co Beaker, 4 43, ..P..Ltte . 4t- Co. y . ?tia --- - pap — isu, _ Jte• k Co; DBoaMek &SA>, tteadpon LIVRTIITZ t e'y, CanipbetlvoM J U AI'U ides Hamm; Ma C H Kent, Fraukhu; Maier& Thule, Cuyahoga Falls Wheeler rirCo:Ajcion; /A.msr, Gibbs tc Co , & La d kr WlLtki . n . x a. Eagle, Toledo; G Williniusla Co. Detroit, Med; M'Clure dr. Wj liims , Milwaukie, H J %Vimlow, Chicago, M. apl4 RELIANCE PORTADLE BOAT LINE, astgialB4B.liiila TOR .711AVVOIVIATION or ructrawnta DETWEPIN PI7I'SBURGH AND PHILADELPMA. riga: Proprietors of this 'old established and' first Portable Boat Lbw, baring removed their de pot iu Philadelphia, to a much larger Warekonse on Market et, titan they formerly occupied, and also in creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh, arenas, prepared to offer much greater facilities to their hiegds and patrons.. Goods carried by this line era not transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being earned en tirely In Prittahle Section Boats. It. shippers official' and other good. requinng careful limullingohis is of importance. No charge nude for receiving or= goods, or advancing charge. AIL goals fo promptly, sod upon as reasonable terms us by any oth er line. JOHN McPA] Canal Basin, Penn at., Pittsburgh. JAMES M CamVl tr. Co.,' feti24 217 Market A 34 merce Plana JOHN NUMMI k Co., Forwarding and Contra. aion Merchants, Canal Morin, Penn at., PH:abut& JA311414 AL DAVIS& Co. Floor Fenton and Commis. Ilion Merchants, tr 7 Market, and 34 Commerce st.„ Philadelphia. few ! + firrAdrancen made by either of the abase on Flom, 00l and other descriptions of Merchandise consigned to them. feb2l MOTICE—The subscribers hare disposed of their to il wrest in the Penn). and Ohio Line to CLARKE A THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of els cil litcy swill continue to transact business for Pie line at their Warehouse on Broad street, as esnat and lie l sPeak for it a condnuanee of the patronage of their friends. JAMIB STEEL b Co: Phdadelpnia,'Marot i Sib, 1945. Pens.a. andto Trans ort a pan Co. atitaa Doubie Daqy Lane of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS,. Ilisnign To znalegeon 00006 sawnn rimirrann • .. -•- • CI ARKE & THAW, Canal Ba s in, Pittsburgh. LEWIS & BUTLER, Me idothal ?Wisdom/dm. JAS. STEEL &0., Ars, prowl street. COWD_ EN Cl A A C 'V & Co., 78 North st., Balt. W. POREICE, Agl, 12 West street, New York. nut.rl.s .tessrslatp. subseribershive this day assediated thenthelsoe I together ander the Ityb of Kier & Janes, for the by amael hl. flier, and scout a eouuauoaco of the lib• ernl patronage heretofore extended to the !mule. SAAYUPY AI. KIER, B. F. MAMA Pittsburgh, Mareh 1,1948. ILIRRT PORTABLE BOAT LINE, CO 7-71 r1;07: . 17D IZITM :1111 E,IN OFtEIRST CLASS AMR SE lON BOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIAIORE VIA CANALS* RAILROADS. WE are prepared to re“tve and forward freight to VTthe allow ontrtruermediate Otte. with as ItkOct despatch. and at la law rates, any other responalbi nue. The &urethan orthippent lend:tine to send Pork or Ik on to Pal:anon`r hulk, is panteolarly requested, ith .much ne our angement. citable us to ram such nicks through in better Order than Imp other line. KIER h /ONES, Prepare. Canal Prem. near 7th et. Pittsburgh, Marcb 1,1847 • • JOILI, lER S JONI73----Conamission .mlforwarding Alec JX. chum, and %Wholesale Omen In Iron, Blooms tOth., Produce. Sr Labor.' cub au:loaners on coniitruneuts. tenth( BIM, SY., SO. DCTILO, set, etiAl. mamma rs Pittsburgh. Philadelphia. ONION Linac, To Phi ep an a a mere,. MOS issnanana. HENRY GRAFF & Co Canal Uanq Piusbar g h. DIJTILII, HUAIPIIILEYS & Co, No.lo Markets, Phil. C. H. Knees, corner Nonh & Saratoga va Balt. / /min P. Clarke, No 13, Old Slip, New Lou, I'S" XTOTICE—Thrs style ef oar bens will be known from 11 and after dna date, at Pinsburci, Olt Han e y Um/ & Co., nullat Philadelphia, as Dun n ILifth o ap p eo. ItiTnITYND 0 DUTILII, CHAS, HUMPIIREYS, HENRY URAFF, Pinsbant marChf PITTSBURGH POI/TABLE BOAT LINE dibMlB4B.llM Fig the proasporturion of Freight to and frirl; PITTSWRiaiI, BALTITIORL, N. YORK, BOSTON, &e. Boannin & Caen, Philadelphia TA.AII2 k O'Controa, Pittsburgh. old eatabllshed tine being now ray opera. I A Lion, the proprietor have made extenaire Ofron,go - to Omani gown end produce with sle•paicb, and tn Oa tuba] (Mailable; tenet They con Silently hope well known piotripmeas IC delivering gowls—pe- COIIB, safety in mode of carrying—capacious warehou se, at each port, afordlngaccommodatioin 10 dupery and =men of produce—together with their long expo- rience and unreminnig attention to busineas, wilfsent re to them • eautinitimce of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. AS conaignments by and for dna line reversed, thar gespaid, and forwarded In any required directions free of charge for commission, advancing or storage. No Interest, directly Of Indirectly, in meIIitIOCOLOR. 411 eonsmardeatioluprounnlY amended to on applica tion m the following mean 80/MIDGE' & CASH, 2113 Market at, Philadelphia. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Bunt, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR° & ea, North at, Baltimore. MLR. WILSON, 64 Cedar at, New York. spa LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. i lk= 1848. Ells i...b,`"Eiliok =ir d n A f ttaborgh Beaver Ireigh! !mid Poom.rlor Cfoinu oween and kne, and C al Reed s lf first eine anemia:ram propeile rwd vessels an the(akes, is preparedto carry freight and pusengera to all points the Erie Canal, and Lakes Ene, Homo and %chi gen. Devinecarry facility for conveying freight and pas sengers with promptness and doliatch, the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit from their friends ••con unison,. of their pntronaga REED, PA fah k Co, Beaver, Agenla. JOICV A. , Agent, apll roe Water thfi Snockf us, Pittsburgh._ ia t 1848. Jai, ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LisEt. To and from the Eastern clime, via Cumberiand. T IIE proprietors of this popular line, have thtil W largely incr eased their facilities to meet the wishes of abippenq dare now . propmred to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LLNE, as also by addinorial regular wagons at low rates , Thu lint will ran ihroughont the year, delivering gaud. throat! h the mgenra in BulAciore and Pittaborgit to owners and consigneer at specified rates and time. Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should be marked "Care, J II Robinson, Baltimore.. The only agents are J 13 ROBINSON, P 2 S Charles is, Baltimore. EDGERTON b. Co, Cambarland. (1 W CANS, Brownsville. felul c BiDlyzEt, Pivaborp. , 11110:14ftia Air , at co..emed from po tin hea pyular rof Maui la Ala rms to thai of Edgerton d Co, Pittaborgh sod ar.tarn oterch.o are aoudad that ./ Bay ly Habossos. Pd South Charles st, lialhmors, alithert.l mg.( of this Li. ilk the Eastern cities. Thasnly agents are J C BIDWELL, Paubergh, 0 W CASS. Brownsville, dremhf EDO ROB T N M O NCealmoWe..4l, bleat ti Train Alen Cum:spumy. aitiMa fiat 1848, 011''LL111.1`d 8.48, TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK VIA I'W.32OIYLVA , II.• AND 01110 BAIL .113.1.06. A RE prepared to tnaispon good., and mode.. to And /1... from Me &ben clues on favorable terms. Ad d..o or apply to D. LEECH & ca, Canal Dula, Pittsburgh. HARRIS ALE. 0.31, Noe. 13 & 16 South Third et, Phil. J. TAYLOR & RON, Ages, No lA, NU Howard Id, Bah. A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 Wm. street, New York. Pittsburgh,Mereh 1141, 1848. marfel Tg'vauaportkm.. Limo. 1848 . VIA CANAL CANAL AND 1/11L110,1111 FOR GPHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. OODS consigned to our care will be forwarded .withou 1 deny 113 t h e lowest manta rates. C A Me AN ULTY & Co., Canal Main, Penn la, Plttste u gh. AI ERSPILLI33 & REyNa VA and IKE Market sl, Phil it.' ROSE, MERRT7T &Co, Je3o Smith's wharf, Baltimore. num:maxis , WAY LIRE. o=l 1848, ILICUMIVELT oOm imr.amesramrATtON OrWAVI/11111/0111 ETWELIf Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown, Hal. juin itdoysbetwb,Water street, (thmtingdon Co)and P. Va t il ' ie was fanned exclusively forthe special atu eommodanon of 1.110 waiberay ba l dness. patronage The PlOpri et Pro p rietor., thmkni for Me very l they lu k e e evived during the Int two yean, would retfully In- In form their fronds and th e public that they ar e a better prepared to deliver gooda al sup poles o n , Canal and Rail Roads, with plumate.4 and dup//a. PICK WORTH & / . .&NIESA LORE; GEORGE TFUNDLE. JOHNAGELEV, cb AGENTS. Plekarartb & woad., Jahartarra,„ Jahn Millar, Hollldayabar tb . . C A livermitT& b•l4 Pirlabarak. itarmaclaa—Dimburirh—Elada &ae,* & mcDaritgo & !Mamba:lag Xaan &Ca X Brialay & Plan; WM Worm & Ca; Dr P.XbaaAlleMer, 00K8f Kale; bio PIASO PORTZ& • • • agati, lib/$[114014 w 9.4 • Mreet, 00VII. retnived a rim lilloll Mental Piano' Ponca 'selected from , the 'following manafamorim in Hasten • New tors., to which the attend. of purchasers is pettfully Those from Kr. Checkerinr, (for I he We of which h e jsaple A g ew l a, Wmtern Penn i ybraniaJlte,V *hails 'termed the New Circular:Wale: de in c g an ided i ul mpervernou raw-ewer made, articirimrtheas tveriume in power and eq uality of tune others. The following am Me patterns and tyles of Chietering..: o. J. Rosewood,: oel`ves, finialsed back & front, Ssee " V 'carted " Vol " " qu“ «mu S. " carved moulding', ' &WO ~ 6 61 finished back and sate 7. " . ak '•n 8. " g " u u e sa.n 6 projecting front, S3OO " 7 richly carted, style of Lonis 141 b. . a itolime vsmars. andthollow cot. ered legs, second hand, elm, origitudlY 488*th and '6,6 be sold at • very reduced Mita. Rosewood, smod corner, very elegantly fin. 'abed, 8'175. No 13. Rosewood, round comer, very el finialted, e 375. TM, above are amoufacoued by H. Worcesier, N. V., well known as being colusecied formerly will, assn. Stotard, Worechter Pc Dunham, N. Y. No. 13. Rosewood, 04, carved madding, mado-by Vie lanbettan Company, N. V. BD& No 14, Rosewood carved, o octet., Gals & Co.,' N. 1i,t250. No. 15 . plain 8 " $250 No R 0801.7004 Grand Pinto, made by Henri 'Hem, Paris No 17, Mahogany, a oetavett, second band, price IN& Old Pianos taken in part payment for .w ones. ' JOHN 11 Al BLUM, Tortes, Agent for Chickering'• Ornate. Square Piano es, for Weafern Penrisah.nutia. omEt • SI 1.111. A SPLENDID essortment of Maho gany and loseirood Pianos, just li mbed. These Ittstramonts am made of tbo latest prutern and best materials and Will be sold low be cash by P. SLUMS, DS Wood Weer, nd door above KIM. N. B —Those who are in want of a good leslrurnent, are respectfully invited to essmine these before prts chasing elsewhere, as (hey dannot be excelled by y in Ma cc entry, and will be sold lower than any Moog. from the Ec.t. AlvoJust received, Iwo pianoso(H • - Lurch cfacture, warranted to be superior to • ever sold In this country. mat F. B. REAT MUSICAL NOVELTY The subset.' • Ulf has not :deemed from Ennape r and for dale, entirely new invention of Piano Matte called the CA • INICI' PIANO FORTE, witch penmen* more po • i and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies but o founti as couch room, and is • much more dewy • handsome *haat taraillatat It is pamicalarty deal. • ble where the saving of spate is an object, being • - evadingly neat and compact, and occupying no mote room than • small side table. The subscriber has In hand a testimonial of us superiority from the celebra ted Nernst, Moechellee, In his own hand serlinig,which may be inspected. 11 . KLEJIEIL annul At J W Woodivell'a JEC 0 firArrf 24 - T T D — AD DMIME E,CIIVED and for sale, • toter chenee Piano., with and without Coleman's Lotion Attachment, by Nouns Clerk, NV. One of Nunn. le Clark'. Pianos, with the Attachment, was taken to England by Mt Coleman, and among many other testimonials of ad naleation Or this elegant specimen of American skill and ingeuity, elicited the following remarks from S. Thelbe n rg, the greatest Pianist living. Limnos, Jan. 18, 1045. r My Dear Sir—ln cnolosinga letter le my friend, • , Fxand, Paris, I cannot refrain from again expmsein in : to yen how =eh I was pleased with your 0 .,E01i• • Attachment," which I consider an a great mound i• • prevenient. I can URlre you that on my pan I .h.l with win pi...redo my almost to make your Wain non known. Foe sale by KLEBER, AlWoodwell'e furniture rooms, &Ist V2101.48E1 13 00118-111aory of the Greek Re ; elation, and - or the limn and campaigns artasn from the straggle, of the Urea Patpota m Emanei • • hag Mete motor, from the Turkish Yoke—in two a. I annee—irplendld mpg with mamma. maps and cages' Letters' illostratoie of the reign of Witllsoc in, fiche MA to 1708—. nth Boa portrait., at V cola. Componton to the meth of the Holy Horipturea Harry Mowbray, Hiriling romance, with 50 awn- Toot in the Holy Lend, French Stage, and Sketches in China. bust reed and for sale by SIeDUNALD & BEESON sphrrEU marketatmet - - - - - eta `ra m sl fi lance ' A SIIIIIN DlDassortment of lose. ffillifl wood and Mahogany grand ammo Pi anos, Jost fini /bed and for sale. Also, two st I endsd Howarood FisnmN Mils Colecardes ceirbrated i d attachment, [noshed 1, the most Modern style. and for sale m fez F FILM •tHIA, I L 2 wood et TtIANSPORTATION. REED, PARKS - 4 PACKET LINE. 1848, ILEA vxn AND CLEVELAND LINE, eta WAILICLIY. Omni Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Add. OCEAN, leaveV metre (IMP: or the abov e Packetsßeaver every day, (Ek.daym est.petit and arrive nest mo rn ing Si Warren, where airy connect arida the Mail Stage. for Akron and Cleveland, arriving la each of thew piatva netora me,. Ono of the Paoketa leave Warren daily, at 3 P. M., and arrive tit Beaver to nate to take ,he monitor mw for Pontkorett. CAffkle LEFFIN(.3IVIi'LL, %Yaryan M TAYLAtit, a 1 PrOptiCra BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. minoron iv Mtn cue ie wan um. Cunt Parker—Punerev•a in, Copt. Jetlner; Tea-imam-a, Pnilock; Lana Etta, " Truby; Perroau, " Brown, Fumrion, " Sayer. The above new and sptenilid Pusenger Packets have eommeneed running between BEA VER ANDO:ME, and wilt run regniarly dung the season—me boat ',inn; Erie every morning aril o'clock, &odium leav ing Beaver every evening, maiedmiely raga Me arri val of the ma-milieu Mlchigan from Pritsbargh. 'Mc boats ere new and comfortably furniahed, and wril ran through in forty boar.. Passengers to any point on the Le.,or to Niagara Flllswill find this route the molt encetiOnalLe and expedinona. Tickets through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by applying to the propnetora. RP•ILKS& Co, heaver. JOHN A. CAEOHEY, Agb Ambush, roe Water andltsmthfield sts. AGENTSi—Jan C Hammen, Deffalo, V. C Reed, Ens, Pa. C C Wick, Greenville, Pm Mirada.] anti King, Big Bend Pa; Hays lc Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pa; VP C Malamßharon, Pa; C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; R W Cunningham, New Castle Pe. jyl Pinnaylvanla canal - -at: Ra4liinia-31fi. prosayaal Packet. Una, ifs/dm IS4B. FROM PiTTSBECiII TO PHIDADELPHLA. k HAL , TIMORE, lEXclusively for Paneurnal THE public are respectfully tuforined that Ms Line wit( commence ruming on the ?2d bat, and eon- Mee throubout the Sewn. The buts au new, and of a superior class, with en larged cabins, which will give greater comfort The MI6 are the latest constmerion. A boat will alwaye be in port, and travelers are I - quested to call and examine them before engaging p age clueritem Fare only nine dollars through) One of the boats of lb,. Line will leave the *ding opposite U. B. Hotel, earner of Penn mum. and Canal, every night at Mario , cinch Time 31 days. For information, apply at die Mee, Monongahela Houle, or to D LEECH &Co 029 Canal Bum. ILARNDEN k CO. Passes'... and Hannittano• Waal. HalittilF.N A. CO. <anomie to bring persona from any part of England, I,luttl. Scotland or I 2MM/tile., upon Me most Liberal rrina with Mei, alizatpunctuality and attention to the wants and com fort et =ring mite We do not allow our pamongers to be robbed by the swiedling vamp. that infest the Dee ports, as we take charge of them the moment they Ja pan themselves, and see to their well aln r i, and d spatch them without any detentign by the tat shims. We say the fearleody, so we defy one of our pease. gets In show that they were detained O hours by sta in Liverpool, whllst Manua.da of inhere were detained month., WWI *Cy CODA be sent in mote old emit, at • eh p rase. which too frequently proved their ooffine t a keinteod to perform oat contrents honorably, Cos, what n may, and not a of so My Ole ea. loot wawa, wah ether o lSeces,—whis either performed not all, et when it varied OW, convenient* Irma. drawn at Pittahwgh for any mun from to L oon payable at any of the provinciel Banks in Ire land, Ragland, Semler:4 and NVales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Baropean and General Agent, 0ri55.......t.nn0 Caw. h. 1".. Colver's Patent Concave Boater Churn! BUTTER IN FIVE MINUTESII W Eh;Virl in th e e lbTa u drenl o s t ent th e e nf, l' an bli d c l u nett e th e en terprisinc and curio. to stall and wawa its epera lion. All adverasements relanon to this lovechan. to the hundreds who have seen it tested, Is superero gation. Ist This Cham will produce Butter, gathering it In mass, frac sweet milk, in five to inn minutesl and fen. creme prepared, as famllice usually .prepare in three to flee minutes! SI. The utility of this Invention is apparent, ee b et . ter Butter ran be produced from sweat milk, or area., than crease soured in the usual way; and by means of ads ammo, bale girl or boy ean perform. i five or ten minutes, what has heretofore required the n labor of 6 woman or man throne or two hours, and sometime. balf• day. si/de.attesirTspliN:ornoul,7.2t,"V.T."g . E n t LhoE!.ettlenr .id in the pleb, wooden „. Ith. It is the cheapest chart, ever invented, es the idenelkity of Its constmmion (though eentaceyi ns . great _philowp bleat principle) snakes it b et li tt l e to manemeture IL Stk. It le a common-sense churn, Si all will adroit who will examine it. mr- We have purchased the monopoly of this value hi. - improveaput from blew*. Calvet & Myers, the patentees. We axe now offering the complete mono poly atlas styledatiele (or the &Mee of Ohio, Penn alvania, Naw York, New Jamey, pderpu o d sod Do , mat, which will leen,. certain and large profits to thenutaufactarer, and a speedy return onneeelmetn. The. public are Invited to call and icritaelg onendlen, at office, in Fallback, every day at 4 o'clock, r. J. H. CLAYTOIe& Co, Proprietors. °Moe, Ezebutre Buildings, Bt. Cie& street, next door it, Empire Johns' olliee.decLl•dif 11,4 f ilite r &lßl-11 ficicrui for eab --- .14 21 . 03 . . 491111.0MMAXI. .. ... . ......._... ,r,„e „ , vr /° briagiarbi. preparatice of latiilatuito to its present one of perfection; ander szlicriellee ' "" • of Common min hfrreittithodum, goal:lap ailige i z f pornmity to only, in thee varicora foSioi,lies diseases for I i t b "'"'in'abd to . I .P a =war co . eseti ked. cm.. i 1 ft :auto wish allialLY vb. idets...Leyipki fa deit a nisi, end It . / themeless of It. superiority, and the bromine, pmenrii pogo. ar arnating `, anYouing disuse. The bottle has hoe eyiestideptar offir Qtryarrielsiarin Ile' I 1 present Improved form may eddy elate to to the am and arrazZrries of, , the as.. Ito pogrom to the fame it less awned may tre.traced by s king Iv 4,,c, ~: i ( ! soil cones, that stand ae landmarks end tre... fa, tbs,bmilid, potottai w.' 1, 7 to I 111 Ad haweir at healthi , II II The following is front CoL B. C. Taylor' a' bll, aolitectance lo tho &Whom and ' g""u=d7 7cansta * g rof .....y rw iad a . = i,,,iiii i. , i'l id.o. i.'a aD. Banns r jill . Gragnartsw,--navinmed„ and witnessed the ohne fy7 • eat il'anm . • ' p . ~,,,, 01:1 10 . per." in variois pan, . ' f ur Souttiont •==.. •iiar Il!r : ia . Ot ...c.o.d. or i e t u 'A d Z.V"' K Z I m ix/2W= in ontE b ie: w hith fili, ' wands, removing spesioyth, ......,4-.., own can , it oat 1 ~, / ..,, AN, m.o. wmage mama: • toni..4 twig° 471*14..2d c ~ L" l You SartaParilla is iri,,fuy ~, .., nit.l brooms. ~.... unesevejl.d by Um 17. Stead O.Y' ' !lir "hi Mexteo, and my Oruntit,.lllE . 4, bomb th e habit of trolly it, and - reco r armitudf.4= , I ,azttels . .asthe soma tints:.,sod it loolor csoottlarod on altuse bago o nza., . , . i 1 , .%. , , , z114 , 2n ..., 2 . 6t7 1 b1 y za tties the better ists.,"l4 axo n = ll! known throughout Ow length ft tiniedu, el elt =,' inaes ' in it'ElM:nlitr II - . , 1,1 . , Y my. '" mii ",_ q /7 .474,41 . 1; AYT2ii, -- ' . 11 St Osourite New Granola ' • ' 01 REMARKABLE OM OF SCIROILMAs !' . , i I a i rl. BuiDlVlUthitino- afiated Egopathy On tbs ruiVtrbie s igli. .. I , ono umsouy idle: :filth the ScrofforiW ir e Ilan pa l eV i* tg ai hnoc cf V 1L .e...-e. I , tits neck wore 'neatly ealsoped, and halm* hock g i mak t iT . v.... of t ll =mi . :lL Wins no at f tithe ntmedlitsve l aid oaZ r ... ..4 8 ''. 1 , therbtee stippnratel. a:is il .ii , 1! idoneaen I! nod usnrsArr.=rilii. . This'llist bottle . p 5 .2 .12 214 = lii; lt o 11E11h111“ tAV=rNo . to the cb !lytiami="l7PrieVimarrtar l'ad.. 81, tba= oi knith . 4....a.,.. 1 4 1. , T u v ti:lt Asir since ' ores was sal*, . - 71 knowing to these WAS, Ind ' Save nerMll7 T a o • d rill.Mooll SO the anon , • r Yours with rupee; . il:, . 11l • KUM* front a War reenteed from Nt. NN. A. Kink.' a ittielateum wan beim" . Leda Ts. i-" I Sum Muni 'a' noire blsy et alibi with .f i lit i ;nes wi th sad staatunfolotre teaDy- Your 91; . : ,if Va. ...ql7,isic. . .N. A, . . * —.. ,I._ 7 b • .6.Ual Orstionny from Bay. Sohn Grigg, We Soder of the Churl of the ici v ,„ i , ow of al, ash easusaida Wolf so tittlosOKA PI TM lEE•OE K ii i eir K flisdie of cons of various Onset, ,sEledrid br up,,f,l44ldai'ilii anon Salty ; I, : " S a iiim, r-4,lnenthir of Aces vsletahte Ilauuneste for 1 a ntrehtlens.affsolkois = ellhert rweelling folio ite Li t ake, jter..inpils i tens to resort my testimony he Wolf ofata antra, ybe imbued to maks he al lit . ' 'i f ni — i r ia ' 1"1" 47 1151. "." . :: - ' JOBB GRIM i Muus..t. I. Si D. Biro , r,- _ , N R. r., chi: 0, 00 00111 . 11 : 1 M - rolatIP ; rif_,CiatWer tut. me ts suilt u aLto muorendoe im t ' of the. built I have doom from Uts us of. mu I hart for intend II =Pam bath alOotterielth, ocrohtlolts owsilliegs to im i hreit a gsh al times nM rg iu d i zelrri i!i_M7 Woe; soof = ast er would brut bin in y NCO and Dud. total my throst, 'fon, end had wore aint:st one ounplete tom ei iforE gout L was_or hoarse thit it as with the ritarost ry nt a t IftsM ober. a' DOOMS this jimilled antral attack. of 'sad other ' I Slitter. pluminaiesi , anti tried miens- bat received nonsanditantalassusestud using Barn- IMI am now we ; 'the sorts WS all healed. and I the ae , . of Your valuable medicine. • • MOW.""n* you s 2 Kral7 Ye., with raven sod gralintiln, MERE Ol11001( 1 }ki Ng Pas... l /Y noriensted with as' ' i - . 1, ' • mi i i l an named, 1 Were her qietetiormt to be mufti hottosetif choir .. , • TWASZD MID SOLD. WIS7INII.I SAD =TAN. ST A. B. & D. BANDS, Daxmozars AND Cannera, Favrommrw, cows or WlALtas, Ntrwr You.. Sold bYWalci generally thNSTINCSN. tM Ifallott emid s comae,. ?doe $1 per Balls ; da soul. for UDIDILIIIIIMIR ElD , For sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail. by R. A PA EINENTOCIL re CO., eornevor WoO d ana P m a t tot., also, comer of Birth end Wood eta; by L. WILCOX, Jr.. corner of Smithfield and Fourth sta, and also corner of Market in and the Dimond; also, by EDWARD FENDF.RICH, cot MononmPla Home . no7.2in . . _ I ADIRLS Who U. Co n Prepared Chalk, are ' IIakIkTIERSS .::. •: • . ,Ls erten not aware how f sheeny 'Marion. 't le to GINSENG PANACEA! the skin! how coarse, hoer bell, hew satiate, 'elle., "." "" ha ' lla Y the .Itat a am after ....V Prepared 7 , 0 THOSE . SUPPE:M(I'I WITH DISEASED chalk! Desules, it ie tom ' contatninga large pogo. A LUNGS.", The nrMinnettended .tea'eal'aaktiaLP has le . ..,.. nu of lead. We have prepared a beuufril vegetable' imnded th e me of the ' , • 'male, which we can JONEIOB SPANISH LILY GINSENG PANAMA • ! will= U to pesketly innocent. beingporifledof all , n all tho serious fonts which Ir ri tation o(tbd lungs as. heletcnoss qualuarg and it temans to the skin a nate- emus, hal harmed the ph:Mager again to cell anen t in, healthy, alabaster, clear. living white, tithe same I lion to *if 4 • , lime acting as a conoeueon the skinonalum neon _WONDERFUL, PREPARATION. ,• and smooth. I angab weather which markt out . fall end . Dr. James Anderson Trammel Chemist of Mum. win te rmonths, Is ahrays a &WSW solute of ` chosen.. eau: . After ittalyeing Jones's Nom. Lille , COLDS AND COUGHS. • White, I find it possesses the most brawl:al and nate- :n.s., If me % feted, are btu the premature of that fall t ad, at the same time innocent what I ever saw. I destroyer, .. penal* can coromeutiouty reectummad ha ma tont' 00sUA1PrION. Who. akin requires hcauttfying.” TAO truarrna; Glom how_ shall peolLthe ..lwineye_ -, r in clor hri......0 mete a boa. the bud? how. shall we get clear of inii - chiold" 11713014 by WM. JACKSON, at his Soot and Shoe olds? is of vital ireponatiee to the public: . thore,M Liberty street, head of Wood, at do wen of , THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY the lies Bost. in ' will be found in theGitiseng Panama. In proof of AU Ladies, ladin, Pm astonished, I, we have from unto to tins mad/shed the eerilfutates of. When yes know mast you are p romised , doaus of mar best Intown. ei#sanst, wide huts espen- A amoral, life-nee-snowy white, I s need its curative purer.. 'Cie' with amass of tee That yen will still Moe common chalk, And look a deathly yellow (nett, i 'i IINDICAL " It.M . IOIII , 7 ° P/WE 'm tTANDING, The Utter of laughter and of talk. ' Ministers oft he Gospel, /be, together witlreopious no; eellZeteiewoe your old akin a . b0z . f . f . .1 . 0 , .1 7 E'5 , i, 1... 4 11 . 1 j -vrtte, It tees ii,,,,„, th,, . OP DAY and awl at the same time dear and improve ft. Sold ' bete enthtlied in DRNALS pldet term ,anitailli be had JACKSON'S, 69 Llberty et. Prete Si cents per box. 1 gee d. of any of mix wen, thstrad thtieohntly. tnYe ITUSII tmlllolB bP V cROVUCAAND SteDFOLDLIS SWELL n.,, T e no bev imilzs mul iA • thl. ata ltr ism . a em ,.. 27 . o '. vveNte m ..: A 7 INGS.—Serolula in ell tts multiplied banal I whothov In that Of Rites Evil, ante/gammas 0 clog . at ., ne ilhani the /. 1 .,,. L'‘l...tatr i attil Catudai and,,ee chi glands or bon., Goitre, White Swelling., Chronic . ' aa " n ' y ''''' to Far INSTANCE • ItheoMatisso, Calmer, diseases of the Stun or Spine t .., whteh, when taken tecog to direetbattei be. 9r of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one , - fo. the longs had become MIT dieargatiumi LWI and the emu ono., which is a poisonous principle , over failed to initimi or less inherent in the human system. There,' EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Tore, We. th.b, Principle ca,, be d o .t. ro y e d„,, r ,dr . ,... , Why, then.smed the allicted hesitate? tilittresort to I "Me trusenble rtmtrums,, paten up hyena - owe Ladish', cal care tan he effected, bat if the multiple ENOS ! . 1 .. k ., u,„ ....hon. mums, mr.theeu n phys which the allele. dePelids• is rumored, • earn 1 debut and pared hitonoierietyby eartifeater , et per. mond areasuity folios., no matter ander what form ono equally unkocrarol %TIMM Oa Mattel]. of , the date.a stimelli monde.% Until. This, therefore ' UNPARALLELED EFFICACY A-. is the teas= JAYNE'S ALTIMLAIrreIt is 10 cal listo be had, wham voletereste et homn,--ont orb, aerially ea el in remorse{ no many malignant' bony—mac of tic,,,,,,. OSAvi i..... .1 Musser. It destroys Lbe •ires or Principle from the doh In other dot this Intrahatblemedieine may be Placed .w hien those disesats have theirerigte, by entering ..,,j,,t„, Lbe reach of the poor a. well bays ie. the mreelottoe, sod with the blood is conveyed ,„,, t th e prk..“ 'a' l to the costliest fibre, removing every particle NSou dONLY incrvir ozNirm, ... disease from the system. Prepared and sold itt No. int ono half the areal con of cough medietneta st ut 41 South Third Street, Philruhaphia. for sate by our agents in nearly every town and village Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. TS Fourth etas, over the "' eat . 'ea'? azaT lP a r a 2MT4 ll ,..infe t. nna - , Pntaburgh HMederay, Cineinnati,,Cildo. „.,.,„ 31 , don re/atire to it I_______ j HYDROPATHIC iMSTABLIIIMILMINT 1 ntazarsamem, Levu cis., mt.. D R. ... E rg v tl a N. A 2V t ;ia,mr i :adtl"..°4'° -4 p o u f to 1r; for thee tundra patronage he ham received: l' 4d erne. forming them that ha bos lately erected large and well copetruoted buildi n g. (or the excitorYe purposes of ho WATS:LCD/it:ESTABLISHMENT, atdus old locatioe, at Phillimburfk, Pa., o e n er th e e O hio , orm,cpro- Vontilt 7 reTiti t lZt ' s hma beints, Mo intdrgte w hen rtidyy dro path. principle ' s! , In addißon to his haw e:pari. enee, sad um greet success which has hermoßtre at tended his treatment 4:41;44=1a committedla his cue, he has sow the addlthidel raellilles affordedby an es teemva building erected arPteedrfet the r0a,c , ?... .....,CemmoiWas sad airy rooms, and ltbd up with every necessary.apperano for bething., ant dam:Mis the to te the ailment benefit and munfon of the patient. Phillipsburgh is d most del .t.*l and healthy village, By of &cuss by steamboat., and at fords fine and wholesome wirer. Dr. Acker Limes those afflicted persetut who may Piece theateehm. ea der his cans that every anenfion shall be paid tether comfort. and as an userance of Me substantial benefits to he dented, he peons with confidence to the Mo. dreds who have been permanently cured at Itue tomb- Lohman.. The Water Care lessee no injurious behind, behind, as totoo often the ease with Mode who loos been meted on the Old system. It remises the die. ea., Invigorates the system, protects from the dangers inctdent to changes of the weather, mem. • natural and active appeute, and impute rigor to the digestive powers. Terms of Ire ancient and boardingreirrotottla Por further yankedan inquire st the eneblishMent or add.s the proprietor at Plilliipsiough. . atirdid .. . PEACE: PXACE U- - x 0: IA warms BUT IN EVERY MOThERB HOMETTEAD. .1 -11 1"endr= me ha. = k eine a n da c p ° ted tele *r 'b e e f Ct.late and Infants to supernal, its use of all those nuulumes which contain opium, and has of *nob, sue , beeded in preparing and offering to the public a medi an. fully anaemia every purpose for all diseases ot tee bowels, without the ow of that deb:taloa drug, or ay ether calculated to lapse 14 the AMT. The Infant Panj nicea has beam hilly testa ono rued. the last twelve months, by numerous pawns, and 101104 10 rextreorclinary virtues, and to produce al=on- C eking effects at set forth on the bill of thmetions. M ira., Vomiting, Cholte.Oriping, Puns, Stekneee and macs arising! from Teethag, swung introtellately Without disturbing any of the functions of theubeiffY. ?reducing the happiest and most pleasant *Malt.. ront violent pan to a tranquil and Joyous mate of &sl im in the little sefferet. To be had wholesale and retail, of the Pa:unable, Dr. 70117( SARGANT Druggist and Apothecary; John Mitchell, Elliott & Beckham, and most other Shuggists a Allegheny and Pittsburgh. deviff — Mr.. Nts: P. 7 kilns:ill's Premiums Plaster. DR.W: P. of the Medical Colleg e bf Phil .- arlelphia, now offers to the public his Indian Veg. , male Premium Plaster, the quanta of coltish, eller .1 long and tried expenertee, hao been satiefamorily es- I *hashed. To al women whe may be afflicted with Prolapses Uteri • or Fallen Womb, he fee (amends his plater, guaranteeing a sun and speedy cure In the short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied lads care and rem--discarding a the awnless nuaremate and expensive bandages so long ill tan. This he feels conscientious in stating, Inasmuch as he has not failed 1 in one case out of three hundred anal fifty-three pa. I bents. 1.0 for and Weak Brast er Bark at ten Mao with pain,Rhetunatims there is nothing to t une) Mu Pla ster in affording re Deter effecting a cure. For sale by L Vileozcomer of Diamond and Market at !Imam & Reiter," Liberty and St. Clair at. Dr J Sargent Federal m and Diamond, Alle gheny city Jaciques & Cs, a Denman and Diamond Dirmien 1. nd contraries sirtallneaa of elk with efficiency and comparative mildness of per- Wive action , ami having a peculiar tendency to the blliary organs, is extremely mdu•ble in this country, hi which Milom fevers and other complaints attended hatheongeollon of the Liver, so muck abound. They have now stood the teat of I.RI yie•rs, and arnerienc. has proved Mena to be • safe and 'skiable remedy in • V , nuitteni, Hamitusta and Dames Fever Jaundice, Moue colic, Indigestion, Drape.,, Bantus oinking., cold., and allcurer:alums of an manual:nate. ry character. The complete and universal sainsfae• lionwhleh has bean given by these pills to all who burr used them, renders the publishing of Um mimeo en•eartific•lm In their favor eillieCemely. To pre vent counterfeiting they an now pot up tn • nest xylo• graphic arminict• Pries YS eenta fora box containing- SO pills. Prepared and sold, by B A FAIINICKTOCK & Co mar In and wood, and also umber alh and 0 .1,11. .opt . . _ JOE'S D. NORGAI4, on Wood street, ode door womb of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh Pa.. offers for wsle • lare lot or g,, medicines, Oita Pe L Puna, Varnisher, eet.g. and Perfumery,. Foreign end Domestic, to w ich be culls the attention or druggists, physicians and met eettetl Yellen tee city, 40 to determined 10 roll ett eery law prices, and else germallhatisfaminn. Goode' warranted and cheap, VarntsMsfot. and 2, N. York reanufacturei also Japan and Black Leather Varnish ep, of superior quality. Also, White and Ited . Leed at prices lower than heretofore offered. J. D. a also aranefactures Morgan , . celebrated Cough Synspoehleh couglt'has given general eadseiction to a owing of colds, hoarseness, hrtrense w h oopi causal, croup, ate; price Rff cents per bottle. Al., istorgan'a 1011. Li ver Pills, a certain cure for liter cop oaint. sick headache, and all billow complainta.. Price g 5 eta. per boo. sepllo dila la /13-0 CO&PANY. sum / LIN .1117.31/1411 eel/ WICICI=IO. • WESTERN Omen at the Exchange, Baltimore. 1) EDUCED RATER—The charges have been rode- jb eed on all Messages to or (Am Baltimore, Pnw-: burgh or . Artteelint,. and a .comeapooding reduction : '"A' re * V ni e l it w onfirt4h, re. h""nnu ' led hua Rem—The charge for a telegraph &match to or from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and 45 came toor the first ten words, 'and a cants for each additional rd. tare. No chug. Is mad; for the address and elm.- Until the completion . ofthe south Weat een _ Islet! or I I FI:pieoll from thi.ttr,,..aop.s4•Zinmue. edloalitesOtteaus. DR, JAVIVE,B ALTERATIVE. We have been informed by SITS, Rase of a ears per. !formed ocher by Dm Jademals 4 .4,aratastme which drovesper y over every other remedy of Me d. . She 41% be h en ru allieted for the' lath elision Year. testa Neaifftteißd or SY wpm sisELLuvusonumied end§ ulceration, and anfblintion of vaneaushones i do. KS ro which Maw many sumee have the imolai bode Of the cranium, (rota bath or awn, wrtsta al nd obandy,an Ind from bath Jeri, and frtati the hell .ord duns the right anon, beldam pal nkenoa other pans of bar perms winch have balled the akin at a aamber of the rausteitainont physticianaot ear cil —donng off time bar aulferuma have beets enemata:nig and deplorable. Ahem three mouths eitrinre the was induced to try. Dr. Jaynes Atteratwiiv watch has had en at tomahlmity happy Mho( uponher, I,y ms, mg all pen and sere/berm and cadent, the • elect.' tokcaJ, what at thematins time her gononnhaalth hut become completely restated, anthat she now welylha lb. more than ,tie did before abe commented theme .of Mit trot,. valuable prepanon.--Pean Eve: Ptirt. For ftwtheninfonneuen,ltteane or Mr. Rom, N0.'128 Fdbert at, Phllndele4 b a. • Fur mitt in Pala the PEKIN TEA •SITORE, 7 / Fonnb ab near Wood. Isd , A - Chang*le IlJa• Worlds. ri MINTY -Mg Do A 9will be paid to any one A Who *I I IIIII,IIKO aam of puny luau. or dry, that cal 110 t be attracted with o ft "mproved o. I have the, satisfaction of tarot to me peopled Mi. aoa plane, Mu entole, by myown ampnwashent it, u, steads unrivaled that fionalrY for nafaMakall Sren 'of hr, itch, 011, ait, or any other greasy tio mane a, from all Mild e of genlee. or clothin s ,. carpe is, table cloths, mein sha ladies' borings, km as .thout Waring' anything that pore Winer i Mora than am inomand persons indlEctient itot Punt at Me country hose told melba, woolfinfithe with. int lti lt it coot one dollar per cake. In turns Lhis Soap Ou mom then Ma on of 1101 Alas, Wins, pace* ',and calicoes, hum only found limo plates' of .11k, wro cif Umtata, and tour of ealieo,on it chant id dincolort Mere-fore befora puumg mi. Ilifhi drug 1,7 a mampMpf dup. firm. quo ta,miusim I tlrl to AM to recommend h any stroir fain I know to ho malady true. Price, 101 eta par take. geld, vrholmia leapt by ESELt wins. 1 , 4 *END . * sallseral rt j • ust. faeglYett D+. TOMMsemP. ealtstilpte mustlllstorditta , 7 medleke Maerarld! Tjila north pal rip :slum! Wile!. 111 e d.t Obeli cheaper,: and warranted superior to any mid: It . dcare* Weems* giftless vomiting, pulling, delenuir er eaiihmka; jam. , • WWI 002 MR TAMMOI.--unprin= i of B. P. Tan nand, Se ta, that e *mil pat up m e p ic aueecitte.l domed bottl eeb boule haelheerebleo ec R. E. SELLERS, thtss7 Weed streetibaracen nod, and Amite, ku rh•Xaummuts, ealY.:urackaal*,. aad retail agent cor *up* pinnies, ablate can be ba. • D. BL Carry . hie been appolnied kaaole eietit ' Ybr cika,, city, of urtam the guaake ankle ulnae • • - aPa Eq4.4ool4Xlig 0.74‘ .. filitalletrardll tnte - Iltdhiatiandnake/414via 41, hloanzat rawSOlTtNlWWlntalaad ON PI ti Jftly h, tee. -,' Afs. Zanit. Cads#ll:-.4 iltaliitddity vo imam! theafilialtal i l"‘" tr.u.kntiat uuk.n..-6!"4.7,..041, ..l. 1 • defe r red &nag ao ibr you, 1 ; lalltW - Cavalkett'sisaint, t'lla stow year aratifo4, a.... de Watwh" ._' Mott af the many praparattona of ervuzi lad teach", boveldto dui altifit,liw anoklato °Writhe:We 12, i an dotte a tObi_hriahaatbfficed la idarpaidlei_latitiadowl, i ham they -nil 'sanity then , ha. they arijost _vital tola ttlrinlitUlail hi hi: 'I batif We raided watt Liner' "PC44.l:Zarll kww,walt ,, r4 NOCI4 .A.PbTalk: puthValiant to whoa 1 paid moth aasay; have embhisei4 elysleitad aboodto &It ' SIM= V )tr=dieZaWtt4 Wg l4 .4. ll3 l , 9intAimuusehmeakurramberm, • 12 awat iMiA tba b th.Yottr t rhortat " best r eadthrtiti l ga ft e L aatd irn : s ovi, !'b tr/iva t i M C. ,4147. i1t am . 11 41 .07 Wm . i 304' ila 7* Wrk Wilqualtitikti 'Of kw End han wit' 1 1 .14 it to y cow** unwed try tar oat fah. has us 10.73,..tArhiriattpativalud Yawn wary wiry FLO ix this .4la nitrate tab. Val Ankh dhow alt, ' . 11/ 6 =7 "" Linut Coliplj ? j il'g f"* lto - ate itierthaaletkopiirlirtiCaharee tkelltharl t ilL , ltattfell- ' VliMidatiil344 tar lothai'hltiairtl4E:patt_At' dawn:lLl..Ma pvnous wbawanwheOVSlllßlgutooll, tak Oar and Wks no oat, than thaw mooted 10 add b r a r MUM; 2.112:5Y Modem Wring' en Third ha Yawn, 1 41 d by Dr.Caharn, Yillhjrpo, o 31 Cow, Allritanay To the ftl e am iant W i . ' W. c tag,ittittlT4—..._ ,liT -11 'Pftatil reettatmended ny t at Iho itutattla rlay iiulans awl chez:data, an an-aniala a( diet for Child,.. " 4.14140 % ..It' A n efr9WWw.tvlM • 1 0., far Wend alvenathenlng, pleasant to the owle t amian: ent pan Of IN War othalflb. pa= each annoinpanhodowithontod din w oons fo r t... r . *a. ob Lastd r , in Ida difricaltulad Chendatin p.- 43, Plultall:,'' • aerveat , `Charm *a ohmic ti .idep.. eilai :: : * p kuldigamstakmea.foolk, irliteb'dooietawahl ' dienta fitted for tba fonnanou of bones aud become fat, and &mire outteh annionnium Melt Unita, . am*? 3.4 4/fihdt d d' , - atraueh,' nor tins th rtnrtia :B“rair .iaily Pitt . old er h4rAt,a4+4,Mlttei craoadlowttlacheievaa 16 WI , eet=rol,o:huro=4.l , thi tun% 43 l tal e rtgitei.,23 the public will roll .400:Lit,,.epocounit Ilktb9slipm • bodi:s tb irlit e at T 2 , 74 l := 4 :,,l=ul lad which rdeichoto4ll:7,4-1-Pflfratltdon WWI*. here to' the tervidnion of Inman fibre, wild by Voltam o w ork cum =teal op '307 a p e edaiuka Tht . tin toe.".l,la c e laAtn, Wan.- bad ~.Piur !ale Atlnlila or eMrettui,ki lt'M 8 . ' f3f4"4-1,!.41aNi Anhma and Oder F ° ll l C' T i ZgtkLlf REMEDY for the PU"i tif due above dieemea r le the -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0•111dall.BILM OP LIFE, discovered by the. celebrated 01, London, Engiluidj aed bitredtieed Into the onnonatglia and kozooduutt SPPflituallderion allot inverter ak The extraordmary ateceas of this trictlielue„. I,K cute -of fbehnowilmr- &melee, warrants the amertielas , agent in wheal-Wm treatment Mo .rca. P .44416 'gt" sos that can be found in the ommuniry—cases dot sem relief vain from any erthe evolution' remedies of tea 'AUL 2 reotin g etTratit Ut. i ° o7 u n d i :rX= l an Balsam has oared, and will mum the mast' devolve of cams It is no quack nostrum hut a standard Sem ite merffeing, of known and ealablighed Beery family in the United tlimes sheeld:be supolled with auchaire ihumariaa Bolas. of Life; not only to munterget tha coesumptavotendeurlea of ha climate, 41 to fie mod as a preventive medicine in all eases of emaglar; Spitting of blood, pain in the aide gad !lat..lpatatioe and, soreueas of, the lamas, breadth* tq of brewing, heotid fever, eight sweats, emu& eoreral i general debilny, asthma, influents, whooping "Irterteintiles, health per borne, with NI dire'. tieme 6 . he regtonmon o remP_btui,contelaing a mass ofhltglish and aseari me 'come_ Wes, and other evidence showing the on _mike obri, 0. _of Mis greet *Mattel: Remedy, orgy be o‘ For kale eLe Ageyoututougly. lINIESTOufr Co, corner er ktiod Wood 'ed andath au awe. DR..!Aystz- - iiiiii-d;;;;,%3,OA.ELEATIViii BALSAM .sor dill rsilf, welt 'mown aitd po pa Clei lf itze ottitiaPieuaitantlilethodisteharch ..Dgari t rjaygf fi, tnto Mai . wed daring trout ditf44llP.U7no2 thatelenhfor'itrortiprelveh= n dmim.i°Pi A d atter haring tried aaliona fdMothca with Uniel fe. - wasfanthha with bottle 00A41,047wV*Pwa Thai he nand ad eordinif into di ee medicine cooled Mr P rf a t t[p o il und ie ir:lttri3ftinti"ur thu mfn- Lt.l.l.ll==r7 3- 1 .".TZT, P k =re d, ==ai maim:ad muse the =b r i m ntiary edema* rehyprmnnt and aomoinnes in the .tides in a few groat* health wit' rai far festantsl, Mat 'offerer was actin:ma lamaanteszit of °mour n patience, therefore, he can confideiny D Jaynci Carminative Balsam, no tindantry med me ia ' for dhicainnt of oriattacitailid hOwnhi toliplND Me gfiglarla t 22Fa1:A1944 WOdd; .ho thDia 80ir5.1.4. WM: Feder!! 4tet_e_!,i, o PL e , Trome Blau i....1t ,- E. SIBLEY De Sir Lae ;eict 3 /Z g yVL °. • wiAt .<4 141 4.1 "4. 124 4..n.y kgh;4:lßi -- 6r come Lon under the eeo c .phyLetana . j; bat tory ease vitas Ambit ifiemAlL tura-theY but Mae for me. I unts matt , Worn% but arlat tr‘ La Merman:a eindrlverMdgleahry get Shear.. LIM May Ipmelrasedot; yom , and eommeacied ttLpgßam. TOL* 54•111.1..WAA; rIU, ‘llle6flWo boWes, the swag eetrunAnted: ..lundimt . sotl4 had aside my numb- C•nl , . idt!PßAftd my wine, sad as the end or the Aihnhiiras so well tato burst Eli in shearizqr sheep. In 1,11.1 . need-file. hombre. • Ma, serofula nod Kau have LI healed upand fined Let scommeel hare - teen eurneeintiterof dlMasinbut have esunamed, and am BOW, Ria.;PO may 4 0 . 4 4 i - Mate arlarecnrfatence, homing that others may, en bar caned la the mum sway, that the Sailanarlas sold by you, has been the Leans An.hAeouly measselearcerty um the ewe. CORNELIUS J. P.OSE Per sate whaiingie cadrettait,A drew B. A. P ear. front P wind .no 6.i. FaaJs PiaItIPUELIPRIf-- ream de' Amanda Amen', for shaentri Pseuds la Rose, for sheaths; illnionee Cream, dot t ingieltionseinnPareClatin stan ds. 12 I at perfumed with Lavender, Angle ., Besatifal powder ,tirdknf nattnrini EmbeeseriPaillet bale. containing (regrind extracts' for the handkerchief' a scent hogiand eon ionie,aan elite far present.. - Persian, or Chinese pii.rder; Indian 'notable hide oil, Beare oil, m rancroverientoonsminippen,(nwit meat edit Jm& Spapi istj - aphiSeapt gone Lip £444 - • WikscUil: kopthor with a grea47lTiat, of hmi partimoo„Jest rccenredt, for ails &CO car fah hi wood us Pohyaenas', WEBB! & CUMER feel nalsaa.. - ; owe sy Cello, more ravening rnm Yegetabl Polmonary Bine* /Ma a aboat eleven years the bemre effect of which thoo jam an accong a 5 J have had utieral meta COMA.= end Alma* lon er us e d a feW days kinstsi' and in every instkne y have ue the &dm= alone with coMpletc and perfect emcees: &lon effileted retie and cure in ■very foto dttys.lija certandpe sofa tthaticine I do trot know that It .01 CM* afixed comumptlon, bat 'I believe it will be In cranycases sprevenuviL and prevention & better Man tine; ik.therakus. for the love of coy fel lowmen, cantwoly lecommt the use of I. It ße is ./1 Imnary complaints. lam coadent that t has been the mums of prey kia to Mu dry. Bom a / a nal& NA BENJA/11LN PAILIONEs y Verde br 11 A Fahnek,/, Co, ocular first ar4 growl and oleo comer woo dedn oth. • ELLF2PS IMPERIAL COUGHSYI?UP.:IIIuss S powm to cure: Pre:amaze, Feb. 14, Iftit. 8.11 Sawa:L.—My wife Mu for years been subjeet to a distressing cough, SZCOMparded with esztima r lot ' the maa whieft. leis used different cough .reinedies, and had' the advice of the most eminent physicians bt England, but all Iran unavailing. By theme Y beard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to hag a bottle for trial, although I had no belief that anything Ewald remove her .complalm.: To my great surpme, two claws gorse het immediate feller She la at dotes troubled with a cough, bid two tompoonsful of Syrup always stops it. Ime satiatied, after a trial of three es roar years, that SeUer's Coagh Syru la the beau weigh , medicine I base evert tried either i n the Old or New World. Fantionnto, Seventh Ward, city o Pitbu The abate certifieate should inducef ts ell Whorg h ari troubled with cough or asttund, to give the Syrup • trF at. It May be hod for emits bottle, at the dreg mote of R E.5RF4.1.7,111i, 57 wool Chatty Sold hy Dr cassed,dth wand, and H Corey, AS. city. lass . Plitt= /Hoek 19pelag Trams EW/si IY 'I424TED—Per the mlietand PertatherLl !LI Calm of lIP.RI4IA or 13 . 1 . 1 PTUJth;. gimbal uses.) ! lee superior claim, of this Trees consist ist.tho Com : oarative gaga With erdieh it may bawom. The pulp( 1113od beiratomitrybalaaceglan vamp,. yields to pre. tore en any pdrl Of a, and thoroughly adapts omit to any moveumermarle by the wearer. It coo be ,woro without iiitermiasion, until, cu re is etrected. The •Oth MaLrer• have made arrangements far the thathatactuth al thane valuable Treas.:mon a sayertar noloon reigq !go maul; and have them now far .ate at their Whca, N l 7„ tutithfield at neat Wadi, Pumbemb. 6EU. WATT' D. W. riAUI4IIAN. • Q. ELLEall d 7,EßXlFUGE—^Supersor to any I bii'es, b`J Gamut Tr, Fn.+, noway, Pa, Alvah 4, .4.n. Mr. R. K naLtszs-1 hereby . certify [hall have used your Vermiform In snyliontly,, andl,elieve it equal, not superior to any 1 have etret used. 1 gayest, one of toy children our dos,, which .pollod ehoot rL worms} 1:14 E Prepared and sold by It E SELLER:S, 67 vanson. Wood M. Sold by DT (Noun!, Sib Ward; D /11 Curry, Allegbany% W J Mai* Tinaperaneerilla, and P Want; La*. raneenlia. to,y4 • YEINGES—An unortmosu Jun reed and r o , by • nty3' ..1,181)14 la ant PITTSBURGH GAZETTE et: utisitEblpAus , Titi-wErA L w Ent? UsVainiabloilueo, 3d 1., eau Ma Pau itt &VAS • OP. AD 10NC.11.461.3t0,. One a neettloo 13.1ines,dx ... .. . 50 Two insertions with ontalteratiou,..... ..... 0 13 Three 0 . ". • . yop Ono Weal ..... . Two Week. ..... 150 " 30 ..... . Thet, " °no ..... ,60 b:lurk • 0 4 3 0D ISteo . 6 .00 Three f , si • •.•..... to Er .LOt tgat - adVertimementa In Immo propuli.a. Our agobre,6 ounthsorithout alteration,... 10 00 a. 1,11 i 2 10 0 lb OD Each addlthroXel *dare 11:m6 . .. 580 • • or. •• o, 10 00 0 .0.q101.115 6 toonthe re n ewable st pleunr., 'bu 154 • Enehadditionalsipiare for IS m0nth0........ 10 00 leptartil,6 tizeotbefeirwablent t pleura . .., 3040 h additional annexe, 6 mouths, ..... 800 88 9( 8 F8/8" Ott` 41t1.11IVNIkLY18 alvirx?P. Pte ihstietions,, • 31 - 50 inch additional insertion,.... .... 11711111ISE CAIIIIII. rue linetior less, one year, ...... ........ 6 • " six month, • " ' li., 15 , 03) eae you, dairpse. weety,loloo 0 six menthe . : 00 L ADlrmnigurllTO 3 wiiisir,,,Eurzi.,•• • Far whom, or less, One insertion t I Three m05t1y,,..,,, • " 6 4. «itF/W.l it • w /t An • , '?i,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers