=MM ESTLISHED IN 1786. RUSINER3 CARDS, warding Merchants, have returned to their old nand, Water and Front greets, Pinabo ocs2l 020101111WEL RAUN Wholesale and Retail Drug . darner of Liberty and St. Clair streela, Pllll- amyl{ birsicibi st, eb K. a. irzawm. "OWN lt.. CULBEJITSON, Wltoteszle **cars, and Cirtnideidan Alerrckazazt No. 145, Liberty et., nsbergh.bVe. " BTo A. FAHNIMTMIC k Co., Wholesale us. . Druggists, so . .Wootl sad 6th sts. 13ACIALEF re MINH, Wholesale Groers, Id and Id Wei/dismalPittsburgh. MeANULTY A Co., Forararding and Con . mission 'piercing% Carialllasin, Pittsburgh r.. "inelr2 17.:iWAL17. " rota 118.11.117.=. rITALT & GIUSHART, Wholesale Onimers, deal ers In Produce and, Pittsburgh Mannfantares, ern. _ of Laborty and Hood eta) Vituturgh, Pa. 181,17 'll7/L 11.DGWW7. 111777117 R. 'UNGLUE l i t e t EriNSTT, Gate Eintliah, Gallagher t Co.) Wholesale Unseen, Communion and Poe. w rdingt Merchnnts, and dealer in Produce and Pitts burgh mires, N 0.27 Wood st., between ad and .111 street. 0011 • P. IL /MAIM, GSM WM, JAXI3I "MOD. 111 , 111.1.1 D , RHEY & Co., Rrholesata Groom and Commission Morahanta, and Agents for 13sisMson Yawl, Nos. 67 Water, and Itt nous Ens, Pat. transit, Pa, fete PALL/11121E14 MILIA:11, Bell and Brave Founders and en RUM, 100 Front, between eed and Braidelekl streets, Pittsburgh, P. Ilighut pima even for old Copper sad Drama. del* riECIRCIECOC COMml asion and Fora-ardin 141" Merchant, No. 20 Wood moat. Pittsburgh. oyl U. alum, Baltimore. J. ECCIJIO3I, EDWAZD D. C. 111 . 00111101400*0. worms, Iptr EALIDA , 111.10MOR, Tobacco Commission Me JUI ebahlii,lll North Water al,* 16 North Man es, nor3o-if HMARY lIRRNOT, 'Man awl Red Lead 'Vena tanner, Paint and Oil Merchant, corner of Lin . • and Misr& Plash° je ts JA.OOIIO,II2TTN,7L- W. MINCalt. MNORSYTH Ss DONCAN,Forsraidisr said Commis glaii:Prehintil, No. 37 First attest, Pittsburgh. '••••. • • , rALAII lIISCICZY & Co., Wholesale Grocers. Cam ml and deafen in Pralone, N0n..66 ater. sad 107.Frept streeu, finstesser. nave TOHN H. HAMM, Mummy and Coonse/lor at Law eJ and Commissioner for thefts= of Peatwylvazna BL Lode, Ho., (lam of Pitmbarel..) Sumacas—Piesbursle Hon NV' Forwent, Hamp ton & AMeedles. & &Mute, John E. Poeta, Bleeella & Semple, Areord & TOHN SCOTT & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward !) Mg and Commission Wareham", Dealen in Pre. dnee and Mahwah adansitamotas, Nei Commereml Row, Libertyameel, neat the Caney Pinsburgh, Pa. i" . A ((late o the o Alga. uld Methtle,) Merchant Tailor, 8t Cherlea ThOdings, wee near Wood Pittabo • TAMES A. MITCRIBON, A r cooe o , 00 n o to Lewis kienchlson & Co. , Commission Mere:moss am Agents or the Bt. Lows Steam Suva &gallery. No. U riser and ter. from streets, Pittsburgh. !ant OHN• & DILWORTH—WhoIenIe Omer, Pro duce and Conuntastan Merchant, No. 27, Wood rt, Otiabor b Ana iOHN A IHOHOILN, Wholambi Druggist, and deal er In Dye Staffs, Palnts,.oils, vendebes, ea. N 0.93 ood tarot, one door Beath of Dimmed Alley, Pim jml TAMES KERB., Jr., & 0., intecesaor to Joseph O. V tseia,Ohip fhr , + , m•rs, 2% Water anent. neat TORN IL hIELLOH, Wholesale and Retail 'dealer in Male and lias/eat losttaments, School Boom, aper, Slates, Steel Pens, abilths, Printers' Can* and Stationary generally,No. SI Waldo., Pluabargh. ' bo • . • or oakeo intrude. septa SCIIOONALAKER'd. Ca Wholesale Drogpsts, 54 Wood stressijrusabor.. 77 OUN. A DAMS, Ano.tionoor, corner Bab and Wood IP waft .Pitudosh. rellhicitlN tr. STOCKTON, Ikookseners, Printers U laud Papo . st bieumfacturars, N 0.44 Market .t., Pi u . 6. ' • led 01 - 11 WM% Wtusbnals tirocet, (Water Pro. g 1 de, Pittsburgh Mal autares, 1' Plats% te• ac. N • thrtaba • Mush lard J ° .R. , VLOTA gIIZZJYD,AIato 3. VlOyd Cp.,) Lolesale ft/ • Grocany No .ln Liberty Street top DALZEI.L, Wbolcsalodniocer.ecouonaion M .41,110oselsnt, and denier in inodoes and Poisburgb Ina...Loran N 0.14 Water go-, Pintbargn igun6_ lEHR JONES4ntwardiir and Cosamirsiort Bar I aunts,. Dealers in Prodno• and Piusbargh mane awed uncles, Canal Basin, near 7111 at - r EMS, DALZELL le Co, marinfsensvers of id] si 1, year Bit Sheet, Boiler but grid Nail. of the but , it „,u, v. Warehouse, 64 water and 106 front sa its • viten:am^ Hilualesals Grocer, Forward. r...loritCornesissont Merchant, Dealer in Yin. ,ipjf,,,v.factrcers end .Prodnest, Noe 3i Water it, arid 112 From 'tr.- r• N, Witolesale Grocer., For kft"arMr.oujraifrerl,Vi.=.l Wood at., P4tstarr. , l l2 . • Cs= DRPII_,Y WG.WN & Gate Jonas, Mosplay.& /NJ. GcsloWholasslO Dialers at Dry Goods, no. 43 Wood streit, Pittsbur.tb- norlig Wer".l Cammtutoo 111. Marched., for slot • sole of American Wooden (foods, Liberty sureel,o9 , 9roite FM& 00 , 23.1 Y Mei7l,TaffrritBli l3 krGsT.,*Coraridssron Mar ows, Phdadelphis, for Ors solo of prod..> go, =rear Liberal advances mods od consisvonsonts. Wifsur U. D. WWII. SVAIxIII C. Do& MCGILL & ROE, Vilolegate Grocer* and Comaex gjon LJinv•lh• nt. No. 04 Liberty rt., riusburgb. der Ind Market sus u be' Raoa and pd, - ER RjoRETRON, WhotZe Grocers sod Conimisaion Merchants, N 0.170, Liberty,st, Fins pa 3.014 & BON, No. 56 Marken at., second eicattr from comer of Poona, dealers in Foreign and - Destie bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depo• it, Rink Z.loutaand Specie. G:r Co Ileet i Ow. mad on all the principal cities righout the United State.. deet7 OIfEIXT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Readying ,Distlller, dealer in s andbrogManu tans, Led all kinds of Foreign Doonsidie Wince sad Linearly No.ll Liberty street- On hazel • very duty stock of superior old Mon o nga h ela whiskey, hich trill be sad tow for task. apt&l7._ • - Art maxal, Jr., importer awl Dealer In Foreign and Domestic baddlFry Hard.rue • sip Thw.Mings, of audetsorpatorts, No. 151 Wood riusburigh. arrJs RtcuwßU Whokoala me Retail Dealer in Leath. Mososso, Stioemakare TO. Ind Find mgr, T.mers , .M Callen" Pools. and Tumors' Oil, No. lOa Woad .., PiusborgL . . 12 Wl= LOSLEIOI/4 IMMIXL L 11.0121005. 1101111:130N k Co,Vilteksale Grocers, Prodnee . mad Commission Merchants, mai Deler, Pius kiturtketare, 1 6 6 Liberty at, l'ittsbeyb. gsgr a ,..7,DALZgt.L. k Wholesale Grocery , o . 4 ..siust and Porwardwg Merchants, dea/arn n it rodue ...,o Pittsburgh Manataetures, Liberty .1. IF* Pa- felt% zir. C OPIIIiGIIAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dente, p todu `Ce and Pittsburgh Manufserstrea '4.l44Liberty at. tyttl L. O. ZESSOLL% -11EYNOLDS*.ISHEF, g s stremrdirtg mtd Cenunission „D, Maralumpy for iheWo hirer Trade, deal• en in Grocenn, Produce, Pi mb Manufacture. and Chloride of Lima. Thahlgltem pikes, Su coneb,pald Chimes fur costa rs, rags.. Comer of Penn anitnrin ata jar. 8 . ..!..1ti1-D--Wrirderuie dealer 111 &Wads, 5-booo, shoes, Pittsburgh Jr =2Wwed ankle.; Ike:4 Sue turest, Putsburgh, sap/ thins& JoassoN,sv&amk..l Retail Dealer. (sooda, Lace!, Mmlerg tad nate y . lrrlalaar NO. 48 Market street, 3a door above Thud at, • • erM & e sit•csomer, §III:ACVJLEIT & WHIM Vilsolesste Dealers Is iv i gn ..a Donatsde Pry Goods. No.D9 Wood st. Cobra ritvitußuAium , W oe Mosebzot, De;lets Osaloit.t intd.Produce gounrey . , and Forwarding 114111,1 MOrehidip,_ No. &I Wales sj.., Pitts. . __ ------------ . QUM 12--..-118 ALLEY & Co., Inolcsals tamers stud 1.2 Psoduu dew woe 1, between 60 WI Iths North Sids, Philadelphia., _ uovil ipl iI & MAS A ' tic Nwri dt l iberaf Gi.iti: .12,4141011 Mellalla., No. 17 li berty st., Pittsburgh. 1711.1sizumodsuul Lord. Oils . . 'YON .110 NHOESTi Co., yVholissido ()Tit • owl, POPISbr&dS_Mi.. Cosatiastott. ftlersheists, tuntbibbllti Mundtsetures atislAgfestern Pro dolairesessustroal tiiiidintor 41011Slitesitold 71 .ddl NiNe emir of Pram in. and drancerYlAsta. r""Y_IltiPM wiwle Gn/.. aad inalig i.r ~ dr ib elati n ls,:uul dealers in nyducs. p z i4 3 s E9/STY&Alre:s Atexuazi deldwro and fir. - g aidi Z ii t th tlzokm: b o . f r r.A.V..u s ; v efw ar_ren! . ral laud die° at 'Washington, will wend n'''""kallffroslaiexpenewic k ,appli cauui. marl44t7 to L. 7c ; DAVID lIVADDIX.S . II " . w u Z , I i i t - 1N D 1 . ~.7%."4„ 11511:, jareTe lb t ni l d l. J.Y.7.&„ eta nentketne, dakers Waren, Naas, lies, . ~....... . nu, sad Amber& ktanufacutrea psnernUYl .7`,...„ Wed and Wale, -trews, POLborab• ~ 10 - WiThk.-Cansewaioa ea Forwaretnt ger A ot . . No. 00 Fytmt ac between Wood and kat atiturta. , (ebb& i rv . W - A, /AGE, /di 111011 awi MI Funnel* ~..t hs ... b , Vona, X°. Mt Liberty st, neat I.IW eastaL arl% *i, Dry 7.---"-airt" 11‘. licexte, b n0r1341, 7 ,_''''. _,... , m W WILSON, 1. ' Wat.h., /ewelT/, yT I, Silver Ware, Mile T 4 41 : 11 ., ie., pie. ra jo., iivi el. ti-F7C-4-010111' hia . i .-6.- •ialliv -'- iiETe • .II ' Ram and basun& it'l 400 4 wink arm , 11.111rof Market pad north as 1 aysll. •11S. rso. 1 Yana 'lilliSl7MNlll.Ge.—Dealers la Willwr have, kr , 14a Liberty sit. , piaill•lf, 1 ,lk surciangazs—va tobut.H. t0....47 , virilrsetifyivii Dstillirs, wild ISleie as d 111.4.1aP0111* of Soda /Wird D.' Portia, a. toe Marty ot. Putsteuerh, Pi. lea -. 4 lama sAccaon,_ crass n ItifefriSClED. URN k Wholavaids Is I. Oki lioat Eitose, and inksb.rt artieka, hare on band, at an tinte_ a d „ pperaisnagtassint et goods in &cis WO , ' Wsse. ligrObar7 aft. 1111166106 -l• - _ • . , . . ... . i T .... DAILY ~..,... .. H ...:a., .-.: ' T . . . bi CARDS. TORN N. TOWNSEND, Druggist mid Apothecary. No. 4.3 Market st three dOors above Third et. Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected vs torment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell en the most reasonable harms. Physicians seladhag orders, will be promptly avended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. nelqiPhysicist,. Prescrtptiom wih be accurately and prepared from the best materials, at any hear of the .klao y fo or r sal ht large stock of fresh and good Perna. me janl M elOgrit.r. higustint.,„,.d ff .., the large stable on First at, running through P A to Second st, between Wood and Snitthheld ma, in the rear of the Monongahela Home. with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages ot the best qualify and latest styles. Hones kept at live ry in the best rummer. hubby hatHCLI - Xf'/RES ON WOOL/ ST., PIFFaIICIMIL E. WILKINS, nONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stone., Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at a regular and fur price. N. H.—Drawings for monuments, vaults. the furnish ed, of any demnpuon. He solicits a share of public patronage migh-dtf • 'IX TILLIAM SMITH, hlanuforturer of Cotton and yy colored Lome, FrinKes for Dresses, &e.; s eorog Bak and colored Cotton Frlnges for silk and {lngham PIIT•SOI• (Amp, Mohair. and Silk Bullion Fringes, made to artier ort the shortest nonce. . • • Stuns, comer of Maiden Lane and William, entracte No tiS William street, third floor, over Abner tf. Fly: store, No G 5 ?deaden Lan , Now York jyto ZONVII.II. Jo*. 0. 00000, 11 10101,210., Jr. )mesa ourn, FUJI 601; /AIM It. ULM., 71,1 CM. 01110E01. lIIMORANICS' GLASS WORKS. SIPSON, I.F.AKE, STANIiER & mannfactu. kets of Philo, 110111 es, arid Wtndow Glass, keep constantly on bond a general assortment of the above articles. Also make to order a superior mile!. of Mineral or Sod ' s-Water Bottle. of colored glass. No. lti Wood at. Pcubunah, P. nua3ll-oro RICHARD T. LEECH, JR , 11.0011/1 ARO 0041.10 11 Sadden. Ironmongery, Ilarnese and Coach. Trimmings, Illoss, Deer flair, Varnish, 114,1 R. &0., jyll No. 1:11W000 So. Prroutooox. PEKIN TEA. BTI3R.E.—No. n Fourth GVI O st,„ near Wood—A.ll quanuties of Breen and Black Tenn, dons up m quarter, half, and one pound packages, raaging from 50 cm per pound glfill. jy.. A. IA VNES, Act for l'eltin rev Co Ditquesno'Bpring, - Azi.s. Steel and - lrou C Work.. fa OLEALVN, IiAILBIAN k Co. manucturers of Coach and Eliptie Springs, tistamered Arles, Firing and Plough Steel, Iron, ke. Warehouse on %Voter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers co Coach Trimmings and Malleable Castings._ BUCKDJAerrER, Atammum—Offiev., Fourth 11 • third door above timithbold, south Rae. Conveyancing orall kinds done yeah the greatest care and legal accuracy. Titles to Beal Estate cromined, On. 0et.30-ly & IiIITOILELTREE, Wholesale Grocers IU . Rectifying Instillers, and Wine and Lipm, Merohants. Also. Importers of Soda Ash and Bleach .r Powder, No. 160 Liberty street, Putsborgh, Fa. sirtitt INSURAKE. DELAW Al= M VTIIA".• INSVICABICK CO. j URN FINNEY, J r Jr,,v at Pittsburgh for the On avrare Mutual gaiety Insurance Coenpany of PULL &dolphin. nor Brats upon buildiuga and merehandite of every- deseripboo, and !Janne Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, ttteu upon the moat Namable *err.. p- Office in the Warehouth of V B Holmes & Bro, N 0.37 Water, near Market street Pittsburgh. N. B—The uccess of this Company since the estab bailment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness and liberality with which every chum upon them for loss has been adjusted, hilly warrant the agent inviting the confidence and patronage it his (prod, and the community at Large to the Delawue M. N. luso untie Company, while.% has the addiaional advantages as an institution amongthe joust floarmiungin Philude phis--as baying axt ample paid-in capital. ortucla by he operation of La chance is conatantlyincreuthg, as yielding to each person unwed his due .Aare of the profits or the company, without Involving tam to any responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested ot every obnoxious fea ture, and in its modlanutetilae form. none SIRE AND BiARIND'INSURADCE. map. Insnruice Com - parry of North America, mrough as duly authorised Agent, the eubsenber, offers to Make . permanent and limited litsuninee on property. in this city and itirvieinity, and on shipments by the Ca nal and Rivera. DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Chula Taylor, Simi W. Jon., Ambrose White, Edward Smith Jacob a Thomas., John A. Brown, John R. Neff, John Wk., Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope, Wm. Welsh, SISIIIIIGi F. Smith, Franz. lloskens, Samuel Brooks, H. Awn. Allthone, ARTHUR O. COFFIN, Pres s z - Rencez A See=_, Pree'y. This is the oldest Lumen. Company in the United Stoma, hay.: been cluuterml in 171:4. ha charter u perpetaidomad from ita high .144114U14, lOU/ expenence, ample 114,1112, mad avoidiag alt rm. of au extra haz ard°. &Papule:, it may he considered as °tiering am ple ecennty to the petilin. W. I'. JONES. At the Comtung Room of Atwood, Jones a. Co., m.- ter and Front streets Piusbutgli. may 3 PHANELLIN vino itzesco.e.scs co. _ . • • TULE Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Pluladel phla,,xlll make Iniutrance;permanent uld limited on every description of properly, in Piusburgh and the surrounding country, en favorable term.. 'Phis coin tupy..ihm, a perpetual Munn, SIU0,001) paid in. Connugent, Fund Pa 1.1,000 other rerun in Third and Market streets, Plusburgh. molting IVA/MICK MARTIN, ...gent. Insurance • • • • • • MILE undervigned, duly authorised Agent okie Amer anJ.. Fire inhumane Company of kliMudelphia, continues to effect insurance against loss or damage age/nu Fire, on buildings, merchandise, furniture and property, uut extra hazardous, pa Mu city ued,vicinsty. sul4 (W.O et•Cli RAN. in Istruel it tith; SIithiCkLIIINIL has been appouned Age. pTo I tem. of the lasereurce Company of North America, and will issue Politax *ad attend to the otherdrusiness of the Agency, at Ma orarehomm of Atwood,Jonm It Co. apt 2 WA!. P. JONES. Water et FORWARDING & COMMISSION. C. I.IITIIIIOWILL, J.,0 CTEIAILLES R. DATIRNHOWER 4r.. CO. TOBACCO COMMIBBON 'IIBILCILIBTB, No. W South Wharves, n.. 4 No. 117 South Water st CELPHUL EGS to inform the nod dealers generally, of B Piusburgh, that they .4, rondo such arradgements wah the Vlrginia Marturne:tireil and the Growers of the West, Vein ladle.; J.:.0 ether places, es wit/ itzum a large and constant suppry of the followine deser.p. none of Tobacco, which mill be sold upon as secure- Modating terms as any other house to Ihn coy or else where, and all goods ordered from them anti lbe war. rented equal to reposetrtatlan: Havana, Sr. Domingo; Conn.; Yara Porte Eke; Peon's.; Seed Leaf to- Cu* 'pint; & Florida; bacco; ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Coven lab, with a large ASSOTUIerIt of ether popular brands. and qualities of pounds, 6s, ea 1318, IN and gthr, Lamp, He, 6, es and IN Ladies ' Twist Virginia Twist, &e., sweet and plain, in whole and hall tuts!", wood and dn, together with every variety of article belcmg. ing to the trade. le.l6dly J A. amnanna7.... BARNET, NICISBIT £ GARRETBON, FLOUR FACTORS,. Produce, Commission and Forwarding 213:1LCHAIIT8, No. IN Norms Wasarra, AZD I/9 Warn ; N.v. PHILADELPHIA- Ilzrzavo—John IL Brown &Co. Robert Steen & Co. Philadelphia • Barcroft, Beaver & Co. Smith, Bagsiloy &Co. Allen As Paxton ' New )(ark. Welters & flanrey„ Balumora Bagel)) &Knuth, Burbridge,Wilson &Col BWoy, Brown & Pittsburgh. Kier & Jones, Jalpr Liberal cash advances on coasigouseecs to our address. etsrMt_,__dlY I", C. ILLZIAZZI. MM. Zeit. icir. ELLMAKER, ECKY & FLOUR FACTORS And 0 ***** I Commission Alsroliants, Igo. 13 Soma %VAT= Snucrt, PIiLLADE.4PHIA. REFIERENCFS—II enry Graff h Co, Putsbargt. Rodgers A. Sherlock, j B. Schooley A Son, 5 A. M. Janaary, Maysville. Charles Bambara Jr., Louisellle. Donk Humphreys & Co. • Mercer, Bro. &Co. Ptillad'a Reed & Brother " "di D.." A COOMitry, New drk. • • J•Kaa P. Llamas, caesura W. — e . caeca LEI-Imm &. ANDERSO FORWARDING k. COMMISSION MEREIV.NTS, COTFIIN VACTWLS, AND AGENTS OR THE SALE OP, NAILS AND W. GLAS , cria k 8 now sr, stove lananwar, Ctectmla,hl, onto. ------ anorraircommAN. •-• Commission and Worwarding eo. 20 goon ors.,amaarlaost, j nONTINUEB Miami a ,encral Comml;Mort nest, especially in tha purchase and sale it Amen con Manufactures , and Produce, and in meet ing and forwarding Goods !Obeli/I'M' te Mt. care. AA gent for the ManuMetures,,he Will hewnstantly supp ed with the principal amides of Pittsburgh list ofams eat the lowest wholesale. prices. Orders and canal melds arc res tah.lly termite& • 4 , 7' GEORGE A. BERRY , , WROMELSALIC CalOc Elthi FORWIIDIIIO AAD D M COISIBBION AI tQSA7, ANIALER IN Salle, Cotton Yarn. & Pittsimrgb Ilanufaeinres generally, I So. 10 woon mama, erriMMecke,_eiL. VI if: if: ' Vorwarding !Merchant, Bross 311.• 4e, Pa.„ :attends parties arty to the Forwardtng of 'roduee, ha. AO. thithmatjoa, apply to FORSYTIIi & CUN actin CAN, Water st. ISAAC CRUSE OMISMILAL COMMISSION nuanciutirr TkiFAILLE-An, PRODUCE* , PROVISIONn, N 05.104 and 1W Settles Wuetor iikurritchti., up. Rxrcuscla—MerebsAts of Pittsburgh, It'lleelme. Cranubsk Zoo inar2n•allie E taken,auoiLca immodistely opposite r blunt warehouse, for the present, Where w . en i tiranintietbilsiustais De duel, until new Mouse es be erected, unmet:emits havoig already been mad for that purpose. Boats will always be in readiness a oar other( wearies ft.:iglu. C Until Basin, II'ANULTYLiteCo, st • 5P4 rty LYMAN, REED &. CO., 1101arlailrairrig. WANT& . Pattealsr atlongl9susid.te the =leo( Wool,land mli4e on eeturigamtAlL ; PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1848 LAW OFFICES, WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butter, PO WILL alvi attend to aillections and all other bat, nets entenstod to hint in Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to ].3 R. Floyd, Libetty st. W. W. Wallace ' do ll James Marsha do Pittsburgh. dly Kay g Co, Wood st. J tan? Ta SWEITZER, Attorney at Law, °thee ad sr. • opposite Sr Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collecuomi, iu Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa.. REFER TO Blackatock, Ball is Co., Church k Carothers, }Putsburgh. 11 T. Morgan, racladly El J. HENRY. Attorney and Councellor atLaw, 1,11• Cincionnu, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio. and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania, for Inking Depogitions, acknowledgment., kr. krt. Rim ao—lion., Wm. Bell k Son, Curtis, Church & Carothers, Wm. Hays, r;.§. & .as 11c==1 IXTILLIANITA. SIUNN, (successors to Lowrie and " Attorneys and Counsellors at haw Office North ante ot'Fourth street, ahoy., Southfield. febltd,karly - - TANIF34 F. KERR, Attorney at Lave. Mattawan's J Budd tug. I; rent street, nearly opposite the Court . _Ronee. ans9-ffin • - - ;AIMS I,XILOP, r. HARMON 1M0Z1.1.- TIEN LOP Et SEWELL, attorney at Law, Office. on Srualffield, between 3d an d _4th sta. _ . VORWARD h SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys a, L' Law, have removed their office to the South side o Fourth st., between Cherry Alley and Grant street. lir O. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, ham re - moved ht offiee to the Exchange Ilatldnign, tlt at, next door to Alderman John.. apl7ly SA NI BEL W. 'BLACK, Attorney at Law. Ultra on Fourth .tract, near Grxnt, PittalturglL BATS. CAPS AND BONNETS - ATHE subscnber, In addtuon to Ina own msaufacw ring of Hap, has made •rrange•A ments math Messrs Bete e h. Co., lthe mom fashionable hatters of the coy of New York.) for a reg ular supply of his extra hoe Silk Hata. and having mat received a few ria,eit, gentlemen ran be muted with a very nob and beautifu that by calling at his new Hat and Cap Store, SnuthLeld street, second door south of Fourth. where may be found a great varier*. of Hats and Caps of hi* own manufacture. wholesale and re tad. Hats made to order on short notice. AMES WILSON. BPCORD it CO, (Successors to M'Cord & hint) Fa•blontabl• Corner of Wood and Fifth Stroeso. DARTICI:LAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen ran rely upon getung then. Hats and Cape from our establishment of the sa•t neeaataLs and wonaatamottr. of the Wier urnsn, and at the itiorarr MICE. Country Merchant, purchasing by wholesale, are respeetfully invited to sall and examts, our Stock, as we raw say with confidence that as regards ogairrs and rate, it will nor suffer of a comparison with any ❑ouae sitPhiladelphm feta: HATS. CAI`S AN 1/ NI I` Frri— The a Asubsenber is now recetvtag from the eny NGINI rlnk, choice assortment of Ilms, Caps and Muth, In fashion, in groat •one ty and very cheap, wholesale and retail JAMES WII.SON. Fralthfield rt. Yd door south of 4th Pali Fashions for 18.4... 44 IIIoCORD & Co., (Lan De t CCULD & moo.) NV I KII ' sWr i e I ' l It 'u re 'd er ' 7;red ' i ' r g er N ?sr ' o t r h k o . Thos. io want of a neat hod bertirOfill hat are invited io call at their nom toner of Fifth and Wood street.. hug:!4 _ _ STRAW GOODS ... . .t.HEALERS we i n to examtne R. H. PALMER'S stock of al Straw Goods, of the sprtna style,romposed IR part of RONNKTt , —Ploretkee 13ra,d: F.,'livh Don stable do; Atneriean do do, Ctmo.a. Pearl do. Cot IIrK do; Rot/and do, French Lace; Faaey ciunp. Ac an. kiATS—begnorts. Palm Leaf. Pan... Fancy Straw, do Brut], Rutland Braid. Pedal do Alim. Artificial Flower", NAM... .4c Strew Bon net Warehou.e. 95 market .1. mem, BOOK TRADE To Coo...lazy nierohAnt•. A LARGE ...crOtIC of t‘choot Boot g, Paper, Kim on ary, a, !notably for country gales; among orb mil Wnung Paperatorfine, medium and common qu'lt's Letter Paper de do do do Nom Paper ,do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes, Slaw. Pen.* Wales., Qatlls and Steal Pens; Wlndow Paper (yard wide) plain and printed, Bonnet Bomds, different qualtnas; Blank Books, Ifl great variety; Family. School and Pocket Bible. • _ Crown. medium, and double crown wrapping paper McGolfin's Eclectic. Spellers and ReaderN Ray's Eclectic Antbrueurs: Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders* do do do Arittuneucs, by Adams, Darts,Colnum, Smith. Srock •a, Emerson, and others. Ge0awa......, by Whetted, Olney, Bend% blores„Good nek. P-a.fley, , and other.. Grammar., by Smith, Kirkham. Bathos., Weld, and • there For aide at low prices, by - - J II MF.LLOL hl mood •t. 5 door• abevr. 4th The highest wallet price purl for goal mixed rapr, to cash. apt, PLANETARY a •STEILLA MC,III,Ds —A pop lar ex7wosition or the mat thscovenr• and thoes oes of modem ...whammy, by 0 M. Mitchell. • o. lA. rector of the CSR./M.l observatory. Headley's Italy. Alps and Rhane.—Letters frorn the Alps and the Rhine. by 1 T Headley, author of Na• poleon and [us Marshal* Washlngton and bin Gene, sit, !se. New and revlsed edinon. - . Statistics of Coal.-The Geographical and Geologt. cal dwuncuous of Mineral Combustibles or fossil we:, ncluding . also. notices and local:nes of the various mineral 01021I1111101111.1.1blitallet• employed In arts and manufactures. tllustrated by Maps and Dtarrarns; ae compained by nearly 400 statwucal table, and I 101 l en my sea of none ral combustible, he; prepared by Rich ard Crowding Taylor. Just received a few copies of each of the above worka —for sale by JOHNSTON Jr. STOCKTON. H" , lkwkwllent roe market & 1J sta. XPEAILLY READY YOR PIIBLICATION by J. A. U. P. JAMES, thrwinnati, the billowing new and valuable Works—* L Doniplan's Expeditions—Contiwang a .ketch of the life of Col. A. W. Donaphan; the Conquest of N... Mexico Gem. Kearney'. Overland Kapedinon to Cali fornia; Doulphan'a Campaign againsi the Natrtio.. and hi. unparaKeled March upon Chihuahua and Durango. and the Operations of Gen. Erma at Santa Fe; was a Slap and Eugrayings, by John T Hughes. A the let Floginient of Minoan Cavalry f„ Ifistory of Kentucky—lts Anhquities end Natural Conch:hes, Geographical Stausucid and Geologicid deecriptions; with nneodotes of Pioneers Life. and more then one hundred Biographical hiketc hew of distinguish ed Pioneers, Soldiers, Statesmen, itansts, Lawyers Ih vines, Lc.; dlustrated with forty engravings, by Lewis Collans,l vaL octavo. The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pr, rata to the Tennessee Rognoent of t:avalry, the count l Compa o q. of Mame°, durtug eon atomic sot an• the March of the Ream:mut to Vera Cruz, a dewnpuon of the Country passed over; manner., cus tom., Ma of the people; Sketches of Camp Ltle. ae emuns of all the atruona of other Volunteer Itagtmenta, and a full Ihnory of the Mexican Wen Ism of ~.e Kil led and Wounded, ho; illustrated by a large numlxr of eons. mews and plum; by Coo. C Punter, 1 volume mum°. dee l Sew - Paper and Book JEsiabllaihntant, 78 Wow) Sr, lowan Vourrm too Dumosu Auer. stand, ato gB abck of Vhf met iea ruled d plan white and ulna Writing and Latter Paper, col mernial arid packet post Flat Cup, domy •nd medium arming papers, for blank books; medium and royal ese lored Printing Papers, =edam. demy and sup Day Books sod Ledgers, ropertor paper and best hosteru hmding; School Books of all kinds, standard works ni Theology and Selenees, Cloth., gold and steel l'cn.. Maine', W., Bill Files, die. !se. Blank Books of all loses ruled to pattern, and hound in the most substantial manner. Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale pri es for cash, or rags al call price, JOUPRINTING.—HavIng a Joh office in connection with oar etoublohment, we ate propvect to execute all order. Mr plain and fancy Printing—hook., pamphlet.. circulars, business card., bills of lushog, ho., with dee patch and at low poem. ELLIErrr & ENOLI24II. mpg 7fc wood et, between 4th nod diamond alley. llilNACts - L - lxie of erorowell,by rfireedley 11 Power or the Pulpit. by Gardiner spring, U. D Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew, with Harmony; Lectures oit Phnimeare, vole; . • Path of Lite, or tikehhes of me Way to tilury •tl mnaorhaloy, Fooutepa of hleamah, The Cottvem; by author of Kohool Litt! 111 Prance; Now atul Then, by Warren, tfattehes of Lemons, on Parables end Nbraelevi Ireland's Welcome to the avengeri Heaven upon Carib; flawkaton, a tale of and for F t Land: 2 volt, For sale by E1.1./titT d fiNitl.lSll, )210 72 wood and 66 ftfaravt sit NEW BOOKE—Just reeci•ed from the publisher, and for male at the hiethinlist book Store, OW at. near Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, to three styles of binding, • beaultiol book for n presota. Preparation for the Pulpit_ Skatches of Sermons on the Parables and Ulrike's, of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-500 sketches, Ike. The Fdiglosh Pulpit; collection of ser mons by the roost eminent livoug dtvutes of Englatid. Dlssavora You.—Doing Good, Clidsusio Lore, Lov e.st theu roe, Sacred Meditations. nw24 riellE PATRIARCHAL AI.F.; or the History and Iteligton of Mankind Mont the Creauon to the death of Isaac: Deduced from the wriungs of Moses, and other Inspired author; and illustrated by eoptolis references to the acciant record; ...1it..., and my• thology of the Heathen World—by Goo Smith, F. A. 1 vol., octavo. Chan. and Counter-Charms, by Miss M'lntmh. A fresh supply of this very popular Mile work. Orators 01 the Amerman Rzeolutmn, by E. L. Ma goon, with Fortran; l vol, IY 610.. • Parlay'. Ca/anal Library, for families or whoolts al volumes, 111 mo, with engraving. This tr a new work. For wale by U 1101' KIPP& Apollo Building's, 4th st I,l 7 ja v ti — liffr AN —110.111 r the tnlted rukuTt. 11 north of Virginia; coomnsang dose npuous of the flowertng Lad frnolike plants hnharto found' n thou. Staten; arrattgru recording to tha natural system. With • synopst• of tee Umtata according to slra Ltu t.p system • wrack of We rudiment, of homy, and a glossary of terms: by Lewd o. Dena, Af. H., Prof. Shatrurtry nod Natural iliztory in Rutger's College, Now Jarsay, true. &o. Second edition, wormed and en larged. For sale by septa_ JOHNSTON & STOCKTON T A MARTIN EIS iilßONDitTS—History of the Ot is rondists; or, Penroosi Memoirs of the Patriots of the French ne•Pilltio.-410111 unpublished soureer. by Alphonse de Lamartane. Complete in three volumes: Hydes mosslstkt. A fresh amply of thu papules wor k reeeiund this day NAd tot sale b JOHNSTON is rrocritui, sopitt HOuldelbeits, ear ntsrkut end ad go COPARTNERSHIPS. L . GOAN Ps KENNEDY have this day associated with them in ths Hardware business, Philip Wil son and Edward Gregg, The style of firm will here after be Log.. Wilson It Co. Thu arrangement ren ders it desirable to close the old business as soon ss possible. All persons whose liabilities matured, are especially requested to make immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jan 1, IE4B. T OGAN, WILSON & CO.—ltnportnra and Wnolesale De•lent in Foreign and D01.1.111C Hard leans, Cutlery. Saddlery, kn.. 129, Wow:tweet. Pitts burgh4a re 1111 W fully prepared with a recently impor ted inock of Hardware. Cutlery. Se . to offer •ery great tadpeernents to cermet-a buyers, being &remitted to compete in price• with any of the Atlantic cue. Al ' a n heed es oateistuc• worm. utofht ts b rsll Hard ware' V ia B hovoliS Spadini,- Forks, Hoot, Vices, he . all of which orth be sold at Van lowest m ourfacturer's priceit. Jaal SSIaI o. • . _. .... • . • THIt subsenbers hav trig recently encored Into pannershlp under the name of Gel•agher, long, fr. Miller, for the panto. Of earry•ing on Me Bell and itram Founding and O. Fitung buten,. to all its liranch•s, have taken the • smnd formerly occu- Wd by 11. Gallagher, No. 109 Prom street, between ood and Smitbfirld sts., where !the • are prepared to execute all orders tor Belle. liras. Lasting., of every description, and llas ratings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to. Pl. GAILAGIIKR, S. A. !AM:. P H. MILLER. ' ' N. B —Tbe atiention ofMachuu.o and I.:castteen t. to tied to our anu.attractloll metal. fora reduced pr.., whieh hut been pronounced superior to Babint . • by nutohewt who hear trod both Stearnho•t builders and the publte, generally, are al‘o roqueated to call and al =me our tinpertor double henna Force rumps for ateuelhout and demesne urn. GALLAGHER, LONG, k MILLER desl7 . dly THE tiartnerahip a tinder the fine or MNArd do King, consent dissolved on the Ist inst. The eon will ha eirmed at the old .rand either of cof, uotnit theciatno of the firm la. that pdrpose. Bong deurons to .00 our bumf.... closert Watt az bole delay as pnestble are eroold re. apeetitally rtquo.t those indebted to call and souls their RCCOUIIIt. JOHN It Id I CORD, It KING Co—Psrtner•hlp. TOIIN D. MTORD having aaanenited yeah him hie brother James hl'Cord. ander the style of Nl`Gord & Co . continue the Hat, 1.. p and For lousiness in all its •artous branches, wholetale sod re.l. at the old stand, corner or Wood and oth streets, whore they when a eourinuation of the patronage Co liberally be stowed on the ofd firm. JOHN D NUCOR') JAMES tl. hrtioßD. rearing from the old and well known firm of I tire.Snl h Komi I most respect:illy moon:mend to the patronage of the public my successo, Messrs. lil'eord deo jit2it I) rs KlNti. 04.Partne rehip Not.le• - 17 W STErkit'..NB of Wheeling, F. F Stwenberger Ki s of Jauuu, and J. A. Stockton of Pinshorglii, have Ow. day entered Into< ewpartnorstup ander styli, and firm of Stephen•. Shoenbarfer A. CO., at the Anchor iron works. Wheeling. V. for the purpose of manu facturing won and nuts of ever) desenpuou MCMINN 1 • 1110011101141. I 1•0111• On. STEPHENS, OENBERGEIL 41, CO. ANCIRIR IRON WORKS. ilr'ketasng, Va. Mu actare all kind orboder. sheet, bar iron and flail, A. inf D. steel ehpue springs and Bile. Beill4 e a 1 on ileet, watt Zthoeubergers Juniata works. we van odor an article of inmate iron threaded Shoenborger, equal to any made in the country. Alt' of watch will be .oid at the Plusburah pnces Warermast of the work. corner of Monroe and Water at.. ISSOLUTioN—The partnerotip hitherto erlot- Erma aander the style and hero oi %%tabu:olio & Dai ren. to tins day 111.14o:ors) by mums! consent, John 1)01- roll having ttutpoard of Ins enure tutor,. to 11 NVreh, roan The business of the ate hero will be tertiir.ll by 11. Vfghtnean. woo t.•othortzed to use the nof die late firm one th at norm:we 11 Wit:DT ame :IJAN opt=d3or poly I'4ll J DAI.ZELL. THE SuPseriber I. now preparnal to manufacture all kinds of - Conon and Woolen 1l nehmen., ac he ahorte. notice Orders !ell at R Wi,tionstM kname shop, cor ner I,Perty and Wator street, will meet with prompt attention wicarrNtAN, 10• P ARTS! EELS II tP— loung ii&V I elg :Ws 1._, , kitty s....,ciattul watt Wu, .101411 four. the a -11, 1 , 0.11,5. .1.1 berrancr ,-00,Jur.ed uu Arr lb. !mu o: Win Vow:, 4. l'o \VILMA M lIC MMEME MEDICAL. I)R TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF 1.1 "Br -- Tlita preoured accord:rig ve pro. coned from a very me 1111 i ,In nen t hyssr n. who e Ito...teem/red int proem, the want or s ',sired,' to DISEASEN LUNOS. upon winch reliance vould be placed by the public—wforh Induced laln, after matured tests in numerous eases of Putrnonar) Complattits. w ogler this prepay .oft It hos been thos roughly toed by hundreds, now in good health, who mon ..y that they owe their presets...too from on early grove. to rhease of medieshe Conn - atrium awn Lie. Cc...Lamm—Fur 14/114 tune *uttered with Meae di..., and was Ihe snore alarm ed as I bad lost a soother , two brothers. and two sis ters. with the consUmption I had the heel meslteal *d r vire in ram every remedy woo trted without elect, and I woe ',moot in drape., I was waeung away, very nervous. had n had cough. loss of strength, sod many other dangerous tf, mum... At length I tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Lseerwort. and I Must .17, rho. soundieWlelsweed me like a ehaem. enems.s. ,A,wera should be mane known lIOLDRIDCE Y.:14 Sprint . Ratan. or litcooo —rw• th.,ct 44- II • .I{li V r u•e*l ip y the proper medic., Mr :•sewburj I:sower), used to rattle blood in large quantttles. both by day an night, beattles ibis, he I•sd n severe • nag+. nod yam in the brew.: yet alter •ising every other mecticzn, he wt., cured by Dr TE,lnr • Balsam of Lsverwort Thls roan I. a eartma mod iet aii others WWI afford to be Idle tollos. h i. ezatot,Je. I( they are •,r Y. and use :Ina medico, It mill resore th•eases: Lung • and Liver Inn .Mort time To persons of n disordered nerves, si stern. or those who sire unable us rest ascii ut this medicine is emphatically rreommeniled, st. the •übsertlier 001, witnessed its exunordomry virtue 01 his own roily. one of the menthe', been nit:wiled -a e• vere oughnig. violent roll. •pitung proluse swesta,thsturtsed re, Irrituti“ity with Mi tts-011y ot brentlitsig..lc and Yea. cured by one bottle of this Unisain Sold et Plttsborgh Lp l I 1 Morren. 0.1 Wood .1, Toveneend, 45 Market as II Smyser. cor Market and id dee. Henderson Jr. C.. Lauerty st Pr,cc reduced to A 1.511 per bottle. in I IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED Dr. Rim's Celebrated Remedies. %it JACOB S. RUSE, the dtacoverer and mole pro prlntor of these moat popular and benefirtal lazed tetnee, fo mud also the Inventor of the celebrated instru ment r Inflating the Lung.. In effecting a cure of Chronir dtaenaes. was a student of that eminent phy.,- elan, Doctor Yhystc. end ts a graduate of the l'ruverst ty of Pettinolvatna, and for tinny year...irk, heti been engaged to the InvesUgataon of dtsease and the applb. eats°. of rentethaa thereto Through the use of km inflating tube. in connection with his Privity laeOe Syrup and other of Ins remedies. :1e nu gamed an unparalelled eminence in corms those dreadful mid fatal maladtes, Tubercular Con. Cancers, Scrofula hheumationi. Astilms, Fever and AVM. Fevers of all k Intl, Chronte Frystp, ias, .d all those ohstniate diseases perultar to female. Indeed every tom of disease •anishe• under the use of his remedtes.to which humanity is heir—not by the use of one compound only. (or that • meow/iane with Physici/ogical Law. but by the use el his r - if,e., adapted to and prescribed for each peetinat form of disease . Dr. Hose's Tome Alterative PM, when used are to. variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, inatimoeh as they leave the bowel. perfectly free irons eosti•eueac as also los Golden NIL. is .Mooted by the faculty to possess pees, liar properties adapted to 1121111110 111.11. Leung moaned mat a bare toil 1. sufficient to •StabliSh what has been mid to the moods of um must skeptical. The athicted are invited to call upon the wet_ and procure (grans} one of the Doctor's pamphlets. giving Jowled account clench remedy and its application For sale by the fol'owing agents, no well as by civil Druggist. throughout be country. J *Moslem:taker at Go, CI Wood street, Pitwborgb, Townsend, drugs - n. 1,0 Market at Lea A Beckham, near Me P 0 Allegheny rots. Jus Barkley, Darlington, Beaver county. IN Jno Elliott, Eamon Valley, T Adams, Beaver, .". novßsdly Jaynes , Expectorant SAL.. Collllnioloill Co .11, Apr. .44, leD \R. D JAYNE.S. Da.ta Six —I tnel bound no you .I_7 and the afflicted public, t avail to toll of !hit op- portunity or grrlngpotilietty to the extraordatery edects of your Expeetorant on myself Hayti, been etflicted for severet years with m a severe beetle fever and as concomitant dowser., and seemed only doomed to !miser out • short but miserable existence, until the tail of I&M. when. being noire severely attacked, and Iteifin; resorted to all my former retard,,., and the pre scripuoim o sorf two of the most respectable ph yet omas In the neighborhood without denvaig any Leticia. or the coneolatton of surviving but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the lion steam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me your Expechiran.-- and blessed by that Being who does all things in the use alb. means—nod contilvy to the expectations of physiet•ris end frtends. I was in s few days raised ltom MY bed, sod was enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to nay business, etito)ing since better health 01.11 I had for I, years prey ton, Respectfully yours. he. lea W. Ern.- For sale in rataburgh, at the Erktn Tea Store, 72 Fourth street. merit/ NEW ARRANGEMENT. • n ("croft B. \V. 11UI4MIS having'wre y purchu -11 ad the Drug Stone formerly owned by II•ys Broekway, No a Comrneralal Row, Ltherit street, Pinstfolyfh, takes this method of inlortmlig till friends mid the public in general, that his store will at all times hr supplied with an ememove and general aa•ortmeitt of Drugs. Dye 6tufrs Peoll , t tile. Vartushm, Perfumery, Colognes, and indeed every ar ticle called Sur to a drug stole, which will elves) s sold as lowai any other house in city, whole sale or retell as Hoping to merit a •hare ot Me. public patronage, nothing shall Se want.), 10 give entire enl ist...on lo kus customers. nov7.t•Pf - - fly - drop...thy, or tile IN eater Grara. tJCPOR BENJAMIN W. MORRIS, still continues LI to practice the safe and popular remedy called Hydropathy or the Watet Core. and if desired will treat dtheases Allopatlocally. ltheutocal casee.l.i ha at tended to promptly. N. 13.—Dr Morrie may he consulted at his Dr.. Store, No. a Comarneretal Row, Liberty street, during busmen boon, or at his residence, morning and e van lag, Penn street, 3 doors below Irwin's alley new7.lsple V. - TtOViit., H. 13., OPTLIAL.MIO SUP.CiEON will attend to th e treat. went of Disc.. of the t o e Dz. R. btu been engaged In t le branch of the mad, cal profession for siiteen years, and has Condi:m.l.l establishment fur the treatment of dtwasos of the eye alone for scram/years Orethe and reeldence, corner of Sandusky st and Strawberry alley, Allegbetry nip eetll Dr. Allol.naao In Tonnejiae. THIS w to eanify that I purchased 'one vial of Dr. A 110Lnumi Worm Spoethe, wane two month. ago lad ;are to a son of mice , Dome seven years old, two unmywatm• fall, and although die .moan may appear nig% yet I have no doubt but than veu upwards of Or* ttoonato moans passed from kum, uarity Yom elete quasar of an Inch in two mates long. G W lIOLLIDAY. None Ask. Corral eo. Tem,. Dee 97.1847 ).14 EVRIM- - Superioe Preoe - h:n . •;orTiainTei; Past scoured tad for oak by deo( 8 A FAIMENTOCK Co HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. /0410 .oro THCBSTON, raormgro s TIIIB establishment long and w lux idely known as being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, Um recently undergone very ellen sive alterations and impnrcememts. An entire new wing has been added, containing nun:lemma and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing. rooms. The Lashes' department has Mao been compbnely rem:gum gyle med and fitted up in a most unique and Lear ful byes. ns has r em n fort thel e a a . rran e ge c tn y e e n t o op , I:: pan i lou t of he proprietors, Tyumen. the comfort and pleasure of sh a l l Guests, unit which they confulerntly assert will challenge eoropanson with any Waal in the Union. Their table n n always lie supplied with every sub tler:Ml and 'every whir the ma t-marke affords, served op in • superior style; while in the yof \Vines, ho, they mull not lie surpassed In conclusion the proprietors begin say, that nothing will be left undone on their par, an,. on the part of their ssistant, to render thin Hotel worthy the continued pambnage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board hare also been reduced to the following remit, Ladies' Ordinary, 81,75 per day. Gentlemen's •• L. 511 N. li.—The Regime Wagon of the Honse will al ornys be found at tin Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free of charte istayinf EXCHANGE HOTEL, Wants or man mot ar. msaut T., ITITIBC/011, rs. The subscriber haying assumed the manage ment el this long established and popular Howl, respectfully Antonio,. to Travellers and the Pubhe generally. th•t he will be at all tones prepared to accommodate them In all thingt desirable in a well regulated Hotel. the House is now being thoroughly mowed throughout. and new Pureitum added. and no puns will a spared to maks the Exchange O. of the elbest Niels in the country e understatted respeetfully wheits a contintowee of the wry bberal patronaae the 'louse has heretofore remand. THOMAS OWATON, febOdd LAMA:RTINE 110U5 k, MUM{ 1/001t111 AND GUM"aT yiio. PIiTIPC.IIII. inkTHE siihscrther respectfully announee• that be has nose opened his new and excellent hotel for the accommodation of tr•velers. hoarders. and the public generally The house anti furniture aro entirely nese and no pants or expense hare been apared torender it one of the most sortable end pleasant !tote's 1,3 sl etry The sobsenber ui determined to deserve, and than fore solicits, a than 01 public patron., .114-dly JACt lB FIOCCIII Proprietor THROCILMORTOS'III OALT HOUSE, nARISTHROCKNWRTON Lessaequami his (muds That he is again Moore of Me tiAL't 1101:SK, gy . where he hopes to meet all hes old friends. assuring them sod the pubile. that no effort shall bo spared to make all comfortable who favor boo WWI the, patronage 11101141 y MUD sT •1TY,..C.111,00 . ‘TP aen nrrn 117 PYI)SITE tette Bank 01 the ruled States, Phtla delpton 11 POPE MITCHELL moral l'ro new, MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate, Cocoa, at. W linker'. Amer, an and Fennell rfinuolate. Prepar ed Cocoa Coons Puma. Brom., Cocoa Sheila Ap rpo merchants and row-twat., who would purehnac the beat products of ra.ron. tram irons ado:tetanal:. MO IT tonnuona than ma or rodeo. and m anent) usu, paasnd. author rows - ret.ommend. the above arti n cle, Hl.utm :tired In honoell. and Camped milk name. Brom& and Cocoa Paste, as drltrate palututtLe. and salto•ty druito tor tnealida evaleseenta and ether, are pronounced by Me moat eminent pity uctatt• supertor In any other preparanona Ills manufactures are a:w•ya no sale. in any qu•Mttv by the most re. sportable Fencer. to ate outern clues. and by Meat agent. , liana Gray ro of 4001011. Jame+ 11 Bun, Conn. Ilusary & Murray, New \net. Grant A Sim, 1 . 12/1.1,11 .101. 1 . 110 M” V Itrundalr.lSal• maw, and & Bennett. t'ineittnnu, Mut WALrEn BAKER, Dorchester Ida. For sate by aug3l HAGALEY A. SMITH, Arta NEW COACH FACTORY, .u.wurn - • wif BRA aIKS. & CU. would rairpect ( ully in. eut tbe pub:, that they bay. , erected n shop on L.aeork. between Federal npd Nantinalry streets Thee am nose malt, and err prepved to recrivo order. tor every rle.eription ill 11111,0. l ' onrlie. Chariot', lia• rouche• Morley. Minium,. tar, , die . winch from their long e•perieliee in file matuumuure ihe shove uurk. noel the Ismutiea the) 0111 e Itiel lee! confide nt they •re enabled to do work the most reasonable term. wt. the, wanting arfiCico their rltt• Pe) 4lkg particular 311,1fion to the ftel..etloo or ley and having none hut etimpetent worklueu they have 110 ficaltattOn 1.11 Wattant.llll( Mel r I rk therrfore nak the attention a the pututeUn till. matter N Repairing me fir, irfitrii.elr. tud on the most mitaotthble t e rm , ti Wrought and Coat Iron Rolling. Tag, iiiihadriners :ea... to innirrn the that they hare obtained nolo the Eit•l •Ii tate and fashionable dean,. fid Iron Hailing. Linn for hour,. and co...tette. wishing to procure hadd soma pattern. p.eirid can and traininc.•fid Judge (dr rbomagigna iL' ;Amish,' at the sliort• eat nor',. and t theneti manner at the corner of Craig and Rainicr • rterlit, city aufrigl—dtr A LANioNT & KNOX 11:11:SIC AL •LIVERTISZOIEST. J)R111.'1 ,! 1 11R Nl/114u rr•porou.. ly annoosices to :he roar... of l'otabutg4 Lod cinity, ii.a. Lt. 1,./1 rwornenced ,t 11.; tootrucoon the P 1•140 11.... J 0. to.truct.ng •sy. to adapt/4 to I .1, very •burt He Lopes by son,. anrot.on Io uo. 9/Iti rrlacotaolo pccoa, 10 teem a .110 re 01 Ito. puo ,•ronairc. 'rho.< the u *Wong to boor boo p.Ol • e lo.ord .roye the., litras, iffittt ter tortn, at - litlelat (4Mo 1 11ollor or .101 Itlotne. Leeching, Cupping /find Bleeding. II NORRIS. iSup.r.or to M. FL hearty No 65 Fifth writ, between Wood and Smith - - field Fresh Ter,ved mouth y—ittiendaner ell boon. Relvrenee. pli).iciiins of rlttsburigh. Alie cheity and litrnutigham I most rheerloilr re end 16 the phynelani. MCI end ll2l in, former (re nd. and patio.. Mr. K If Norets . bette thoroughly acquainted with MO aqd worth) et pattounige. MEIN! MMM=== 19 hi do Pro, tr. 11arwrw,l's 5 al do do do ZS do do Pearl dr. Harwood & 14 do .1 ROLIII•asi/ 57 hi do do 12 do W3n Dawson T Wrlcbt's 17. do 1, Anderson 0 do I. T Dade , 5 do It Macon'. 9 do Rairldf Just lending from stramer and rackets. and for sale by Iik:ALD. CKNOR hr. Go. 41 north water so sod 111 north wharves, J`. 4 Philadelphs• `{n\l;/I.IACCO-11, 1.1. i la 5 'Jones tc Son's Roper,' r sweet lb lumps 73 hall 1,. Wens., cold cup...nor swOet 4 lumps Laverenre [Antler 3, " Gentry d Ruvwer •' 31 tr.•• 10 •'Dupont “le In kiure) " As •• NlcLeod 6S " Lawrenre NAN plug Ju.t landing from ...Imre, and for .ale by GEAL.U. Iit:CKNOR 41 N venter st and lON wharves, W. &Y. OLIPTK, -Book—Binders; WWE are soil •ngaged in the above b100m..., earner or Wood and TII rd streets. l'inaborgh, where we are prepared to do any work in our line wall des patch. We attend to our work lieraonally. and sails action will lie given In regard to ILO neatness and du. ratithty Blank Hooka ruledln any pattern and hound guh• manually Books tn nutnher. or old lio.its hound eare- Ildly or reputed Narne• i.ul nn hooka in gilt letters 'now , that have work In on, Itne are 111V11,i to call Prices low. myncti CO-PARTN W ti v i r :iCII inir per dr hi SCAIFE ATKINSON. mid letA • carry on the Ti hnn n. Popper, end Sheet Iron %Vert. manufactory A 1.,,. tilnek.roithtsig to all It• liratirhes, at the old stand of Wet H. Scade, First strert. near Wood Particular attention ghee to steamboat work cl 2 41 k 4 iITUS Rio , bags lyquera e`oTor. rlf do St. Domingo do. 481 boo 0-10 glass, HIS do 10-19 do; 15 do 7-0 do 25 do 10-14 do, Si hints N V. Sugar ;'lll blile N. 3 mackerel. 191/ Like room.oa No 1 llk/ do dapped candle., 115 do Cinein aa n mould d received on consignment and tor sale by sepl4 S HA RNHUGH UST R) -t giVI.:D-:A lance and splendid risSoron'ent tl 011.'10410. Casstineres, coatings. Cravats. dc, and lOT sale by 1. WII.I.IASIS. Nlrreent ross. under Monongahela House, sontbfield 11613172 f.: Three Line Drought Horses (or sale. sutta ki:c\ble for dray ing, ,ke Ir:inquire of WALLINHIFORD k Co, augl7 tl,l basin. liberty at CA , L . I: y S .7 91 00 11: s A c ri t i o t t w ii , 9 1 : : :Lii . o m h h nk e n ; • o. Skins, 'loin the manufactory 11i H 3,1 Crawforit to which we Pi 00. makers is invited, Just received and for silo to) \V YOUNG k Co, jet,' 143 Idteriv st A•rw. A'fi'S, No 7s F'ourtb great. can he sent, n •plendtil varlet) , of sup /loyal Vol ve, and Tapestry Carpets. latnsi styles. Also, Bros. sells, 3 ptys and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sup sLyles and dualities, and to connection can always be found Table Linens, Crashes, Diapers, Damasks, 2110- 'erns, Oil Clod., kr . , to all of which rye stall the *11613.11 of the public aurri AWING alu.ingcr n o . :Tr , ! i v;re u ; , To n . heel Dor I.lLat the pu , rounge, or al old , our "lend. end cu.- tome:. RD W POINDEXTV:I4., TM: POINDEXTER. Ptuaburgh, Aug 4th, 1,4,. (I II GRANT, IV ho , eattlr Grocer, Commumon and Forwnr.ling Merchant, No 41 Wetter sl aula JOHN SHICRUTP & CO., ICC*. Viand OS Front street. Hell Foundry* and man. utacturers of all kinds of Finings for I sod Water. have Always nn hand Wrought Iron Wel ded Pipe fur!steam, gas, IMl‘i AIWA', trout g tu. to tn. diameter Brass Castle,. made to order Also, .N.: a...unmet, of Uri!. and blushed lirmia Wort to arhtelt the attention of Plumbers and Engine Flanders IS particularly dimmed. 61uz.2.15rVt 456b — glitb — itai VrISITEItS Tl l THIS BF:Pith:AT rest be furnished y ‘•-,c• • Lunch At all hour. ot the diry, also, lee CteatnA Fruit Confeetlonary, tee The .teamertireen worel makes her regular trips es tuuM ) leavoug ner l'itt street lantituy, at et A. M And At hell pest earth hour texeept lit Auld 101 P hl —lrsving the Garden Ai lo P 51 for her last trip In the cm , . A moonlight mew et the liarden is indescribable in Aenuty. ITTSBURGH, OCTOBER 26, 1.2 —We ere now In receipt of I bales find rate 1549 Western New York and Meseseholious Prune lions, and an nivreys reeet•ing regular supplies. We an prepared to sell at lowest rams, Offire, Pin sm. Allegheny rise , oct2o CEO. W. &MTH & Co. HAILMILN * Co., have removed to the Warehouse, 3 drs west of the Monongahela Osee, On Water and oo Front PITVe.. FOR RENT—The Warehouse No. 43 Weed eon, Poet sous. 11510141—A ®all Tot pnme . dfdes. ,U) ant WALL. & ROE MISCELLANEOUS. . . LIPPEACOTT t BARR, (Late J Strickler & Col ANUFACTURF.R9 of Pheenis fire P.. ( . ' f "" south side, seeortd st W reet. between ood arid lighLeld Pittsburgh J Sznekler having des" .^...t and the surviving partner Mr 104 Lppe/icot .. haying toted himself with Nlr Wm C Barr. the business will hereaAer be conducted under the style of Lippea eon& Barr Trial of a safe in Cut tau, 0 —We, the undersign ed Were present at the testing of one of I S Strickler tr. Co's improved Plimnix fire-proof safes The safe was placed ton furnace au the public landing. and atibieeted to the intense heat of a stone real fire for more than three hours. Jr. one hour and half the safe e to a bright red heat; the door of the farms, . . then closed, which canned an thcreased and steady heat tor the balance of the time, until Use cast iron wheel• were partially melted Mr, the furnace was then thrown doyen d the safe cooled and opened The money. papers and books which it contained werepocket an when placed the,. the landing truly of the Imoks being i loretl by the water in enelnio the cafe. We have uo hesitation in recommetahng it te the public superior to any we have ever •een tested. and Usher, that it will stand any hint which might he produced. xcept n heat whielt would melt it ton solid mass . . ." .• Sprenger .4 Whaman, I, Wor.:2lc.n. Kellogg tr. K 01111,4 13an1. Unter. W P Fireeevt. Slums tine W. T S Dung. /r. Cn. Stddnl., Mayard & Co, \V Manx, Sicadh Wingtor. We, the andermgnea, mlemed the safe mote, of aborts, from a lot in the more of Truk, Sr. A abet]. the Agorae S J KFLIAN:. . . Rakr to Cook k Ilsrri•. Brokers. Pluniturtth; Hussey Banda & Co. do do tce3dAwlyS urrattcorr ttois it %volt L- t 1101.1• LIPPENCOTT & CO. MA WPM: CURERS of Htunmered .d Cast Steel Shovels and Spades. Alen mud Hatchet, Minn. X Cut, C.reolar and t ;In Saws. Hay and Manure Forks. Hoe, Mattocks, P, k , ke..havting rompleted all their arrangements In the ennstmetion of new machinery,and in Kceuring the hest workmen from the moo eel, braced establishments of the Kam are now Millialirtur ..R an dwill keep constantly nnhand and for role ail the abn•e antelea. havlM, ',RAW thernaelvea of the latest improvemmis, nnd are dentrlntried that ifi work manship and materiel they will not be excelled They promise to produce rime equal. a no. superior in any that can be h.... the F.aa. They in•i{e the atten tion of dealers ir, a .ion of their Mock before purehasin, elsewhere no they are enninteed that they wall he able in fill a . ; orders ui their linaterihe enure aanafaeuon of port-Misers Warehouse. Water street, 4 doors West Nlimnsigan em :•.1 II —Persons hay., business w‘th Wm Lippon on & Son tell please call on Lippencolt tr. Co. oei?dly El=l 13=MOZWECO=11 IM=l siMA iatge anti eplehtl d a•aortment of Fun, tre. tuant.'e for Steamthtuht, Hate, and In v-ate d wllltta, conetatthy on hand and made to °Net The present stock on hand cannot to earorelcel by any manufactory he the western rotoi.ry Persona ...hots he iihertiaoe dJo eve.' to give my se all. as lam determined •ma prises shall pienser Part M the stork C 011.11.1 s..(il• With Ph/ •ft noel If airic.otli rovers; iher Nlnhogiaily Nurser t . turs, II pair P 1... I/ in: 6.i. initiokgany Chairs; IY nennottany Work Stands, 3 doe malsogany Rocking t'bettrk; I , r top Irronoq Bureaus, peter Irma:am, .eh.. top Work Stands, I- e.lterni feta Stands. Mahogany. Maple Cherry, and Poplar 11 , 411.•/eels el atl elasertpuon.. and ninree ar-orstneeli of rommoti Inc niture noel chat,. too numerous to noittioll hearted M=I=NO=MEEM . . . . . . COMMON PREPARED CIIALEL. / 11 0 1 w t. w , a , r a e r. n r ow ,,n t:i a to ll t u t: h i ty h t , i , i . j . : r . t a ti i ti. , low ml nribeitHir me •litti nripestrt•tter name prepay. pared rtia... Beside. tt i1i,11.1,41,1.1 , 11.1111.4 .arer tionittity ot We Itnr• prepared n reerintile art, te. which we mitt it rit wi(rrE I. tior.fii .1 et deleterious ton.ihr, and it Imparts to the skin r tourist, Itca.tity iiiniiit•tet, whiw. at the •anir *run, •a coameth. the ak.3. mat .nit it .00 and smooth. Dr James Anderwei. Prnerieat Chetntst of Masse' iILIV-11114 sayr. ••AtWr anal, ting I.iiy Whitt, I find it potisesnet the mutil t and nut, rat. and at the carne time innocent t ht waul ttu ever nun , I rt.rtato:) row rt , o•t- t..ottet; I rreoeumetto It• u•te to 11.1 whose: skin rt-- Iteauttiying I'm., 25 rent. • Cox So.tl tt) M / AtAt. -LI:, tt , rtt 4t 11111 Pitt IfAchin•Viforksnitt M. unAry . TOFIN WRIIr lIT 00_ a, prepare,llo hail) Colton ti and \Tom., 3lnelonet, or r vers devrrlption. nuctl . Cardrsig Mactr,,, ;v1010111: Frame*. Speeder Draws.; Fratnra. we Warpera, spool /erg.. 121 re. rrnm,. Card r.. he. rona,i Iron Stkano.g ;Ornr.l. 5r..... 01 Ca.L Iron. Pu 11..a.cr• oi and and too. aoola L'ararnas oi nven da•u'rliroon rurnl•hetl on •00r1 nolde td order ior M.II I.eanng Iron 1tn.0.0 A. ; Irlirnln hr. Pa lIIR Factor,. aro Iron Woolow and Iluley lan I /ikirr• tell HI 1110 urrtillusr ol rah., .kCo. I.Jbeniy ttrrrt. nvlll Lane proturn uon Refer o 111Ark/10.../. 1/ Co Nlionr.-/oned k ('o.. 1. I'. %Varner. John Iron.. R Sons. I . C a J II V. arnor. Nettorovoo.. ,011.1 New hardware „.. ood sod ;it •ts , I . tusburgh las • ISn. at e r \l"...mtv.e" ....be Ist nt January. 1.47. I tate pleasure In snonuatel to, tr.ends I/1 the et, and oountr). that I I.l‘. ooeded .... .tors 31111 C anove named p.a. , /1n...., r0t...ha...A Inv stants tor c,•a. and made arr....Kest...pd. thanutacturcr• .11 thla country and to ritrnoe in he enestnotly spplool. I tin fully prep4re H d ,rot•tt ardware nt •.. kinds, no as goo.l term.. :. rd. as ON a• an) Idpu.ds Las; West Nleretod• and ott.er• o••perodl., to call and examine .nt to-ton where 'l't., lo,lovt ids pert .. • Stemt.on I and r !IA rd, eon files. NnO,d, •tr.... dupery. titre too,. vtce lora, latches se)u,s, tall s . •.•rews. C.t.ott l'a. tot . planes. *Root reit/1,0 4 n, so,r , • snd veneers. at. all othcr.arilt•les aected !ware 100, 110 •SI MIMEMI tt.l-: toe, leave P.O ~orto trt• eL:i/eog o( Pr O`l. s lough and •los4 tn.; to. ha. otsro tne Deo., rutin Rpm. lately t., 11r Potter TL, Ile a attattreit mat a. :Le ~oe marrovrotews ore red, fe d wtlt tootacht coo orwratino !Mr II•ce. who hat , heed a contdadti t ope start: O. art was first discovered Eon, Ikao , netoot•cuarsloeed tr. an who rosy heron.. pntrons Mr II strut reter with ple••ure to Mr Porter. /I bore ti hen operated for the la..t tAelvd otontlia Pmen:y Por. trans. Ettgr•vitt,, thicuttrrctotypea. heaccurately copied. ldieste.tneta taken tit an) uemiter. and act .11 lockeu. ttreart puw. ttaaes and fradtte• ittatrudttont. given zn every hunch of the art. and ap paratus formatted. _ Penn — Machine Shop. HWIG lITMA N —Matrulartur, of all kinds to rot. . ton and worriont rrinctiotery. A.ic4ricsi) oii) . Pit The above..or.. tieing 110 W jrl ttii; and novel...nil op. erutool. prepared to rxrerne order. mitt drupodelt for •Il knot. or norolunery in nip .rne, eaten as wiliow., picker.,tplCad,A.l L etrA, ~iding innehoirs. ruziwir,•. drawtng from,.. ~leeilerit, Itiro..si.. laanri, woliien c.v.!, double or ornizic. kor inercliaro or rouniry wrk,. muies,pre.• he ~...1.. ivid hiriol 1nt1... ipd tools in con ern; All knot. of •hwiling inniir iv ord., or ;1:11.• gIV. en for iges.xlitrz idetorien or to. at re...unable 1 . 11µ,V Rriiiira ro— Kentleo Clio,. dr i t . dllnelmork. Re.. dr. l'o , King. Pennock .k. Co . is. A t.rity . - BELL AND BRASS POCNDILY. --- jiA FULTON, Herr end Urn.. Founder. loot r.. built and rionmonord butiliets at rus old carol. where tie wio lie p.ear.eil to we In. old cordon, err nod IriClit, Chureh.Srearrubour, and cvory wt.. !torn 10 to 10.000 1.111.1.. Ca, Irrnn rat,rus on he mord epprne• nirniele, and warranted le .re or the beet nrelertrot Ntinerai Water 001....uuu:ar.. rn,e tiler with neer) rur er) lire.. Ceetine.. :1 required. turned end rntreired neeiran manner A F oulle sum propriclur tri Altit-Artn: 1, 0 % A 1.., ,4•1:) irl.rated rrdurt.., martttl,r cr TN., 1301 e, and 2umpos,/ort can hod nth.° tit .1 :turn. al I, Plough•, Plough Caatlng•, *agora" tu lol y l .HT HA q L u L u oti n U a t n r • 2r l Lrmtll A:V )1,1,1 nt Pl•nig,ta.%Vag on LKurt, A.c nt. of Ihr I,ev•r rearcre - 1. Illtncn., and oti., i• ough, Ow intent and beatpalterns nooinw.r. Werehu All lAA.Ty W...., oppo• thr )14.7 S., I', A Heinen) .•Ity, Itcar we Colton rector) n, Co .IrNly . - • NOTICE TO CONTIICATORS. Ortica NaIIiVILLY lAD CII• 11,31 x. A R. R N n•I vt-e, Tenn . Nov Ir)RDPOSAI.at will Ise rereo.ml at tbos oo the 20111 December nelt iur the 1,1.11141m0 and Me avar- ot luny :Ink, . Cr,,,!. ~ ,41 n Nash•ille. ten note. crossoto the Harrell tort Duckneer. to kleMordTenni...see sail ten marls On the North West . v ideo( Ti,'.'. river, Jackson couo.y. Alabama Profiles and plans may be seen at rho. other n' , or the l'ith December Hy order of the Boat - C F M tie\ RNI7I - 1 Enetnr, r N B.—Twent% five nolna to - rnnd lineoldnie tile T.. and •h 1 nok... 'wary .01111.11,1 work, arc under contract. :barn hundrr.l .ut.orera err reword contractor, noval dl ot• uwllse , c 1 a 1: u nder s F nende tare t poroapr sred d to b y il ord ~ . no s iota q ua nnt t Afoo',itarrids.ofssuror ew tart Mm ,r: tuna afday make t uo te r ,Oi", orehsni• who bay la n ge]) on Mho erist•t s• rtiey ran order the.. tiari rats shipped to any pixolA13011lIkg.) tout' dame, winch •h• 11 be attended to without...on iihurtze 111111111 I =MOVIMEI JONES & A ANuricri Fait, •rt., and Nutter steel. .pleugl, *trot, glee, p:ough w.tqa, coach anti enp aP.lt.,, rOII NIA , . and dealer. ,n mal leable r stung, fire e n iste nmpo. and remelt Intl/111/111,R amorally, corner of Rosa and From Ma., PttOkls44 Pa _nor. (3 . PUMA? r .41[411..1( T. BOUM .11M. INS Ir-ORGE & JENK.INtI, CONI3IIS,IoN PKOVISI4 NIERCIIANTha. No 3 Cose_aatre svaanr, HAL rINWRJ: Rcreuzatas -Church, Carothers &Co., Mexander Lanehhn. John Goer. nnvl Jun 1)1,A7,111.11',. arriu-• add I ) otbrrn vrantmg aboy will th. • larKe as ...milled! has atril te.i r•Crz , ,l.tr , al. quaitilea, Including acorno.,,, .ar,e. oup..rte.. the dry goals house o! K MI ftl'lll tio,ll V I-: earner ith c• MORE Lia - Aapic FACTORY. II AZ Lunge, Ar c; Ist of Allegheny. n0v1.5...11, • nn PETTIGREW & CO., TEAM IioAT A li k. S Ovvtua Asovz NI A .131 . tin V/ Wislet stre•t STEAK BOAT BM A NICBTIC, VrANIIPACTURED to order sod !unheated short nouet t with the nom, of use boot to .1100 14.01- " , t A 4.0, Cotton and Huse Mott luade In Th. best mammy, for avery lover pnca by I 11ERAISY. novlC.dly W.rchnuz., yD Waltz .1 DRY & VARIETY GOODS FRESH FALL 000ps• CREAFF.ST VET'. et ti corner - if the lhamond. very large anti itritenditi cock 01 101 l end wt.., Dry timid, to winch they mould re• k nown li!) m. 0., We attention of the public. It is well k to a!most every one that the present season one thatinguisfied for its low prices of Dry. Goods, anti it affords us great pleasure 01 00101 i aisle to state that owing to our great facilities for 0101 purpose, (0:10 ot the arm residing in Philadelphta i l we has been eat bled to purchase our present stock at a considerable reduction Iran the usual e na ble n cheap ea they are. and..e are therefore enabled to sell al correepon doLgly tower than the usual prices We would there fore inv., all rash buyers by wholesale or retail, to give us a call, and lay out their Feeney to the best ad' vanthge The Ladies should call and examine one stook Oei Prints, Gingham., de ',eines, Casitmeses. Alpnestail Menne, S. , kr llombarines, Pints, and rvanous other, styles of fashionable Drais Goods, of which we have tvery hoc :..ortment. including every ileacription oil hou gruid• In the market. • mums AND cAssINEERE.S--To !Materna , we would recommend our mock °teepee French ./011 English. French and. Anienclut Cashmeres • • (JUR STOCK OF SHAWLS i. veryMe, cams roo, etlnto.t -very variety of style and qnSlity. SATTINFITsI—L)(..vhich we havo an Clnellont Itortinonn nrid of all vogue.. FLANNELS-11nd. whits and yellow ITlinntels of all and pones. 0 K k a k u . j o a rt im ra e at et a lll ,ACIIL.D AND BR.AVN MUSL/IS—Entbrs rlns nirnroi every drnertpuon of the abase goods, in cision/ Sheettnua of all aridtkra. AL.SO—A 4ce- aloe k of bann Veatlngs, gilt and Cot ton Velvets, both p: stn and figured. Iser4tr Jo-ans , ae plod Lmys, pliod and fancy ftgrarni Clo ing and -look Loo.t, hirottotl and unbleached Table Doper, both linen and eottall. Idasehed and uubleruched Table troth+. Ineached and unbleached Cantrin Flannelt, cold dodo, Iron net, and Bonnet fUnbon,lalt. and cord .0k f . IltYlll, Ladle. rteorf• and cravats, Glove. and Hosiery of all kinds Suspenders, Iroh Llneto Linen Loren, Linen Ildkin. bilk In. Mk taro Vgil, Lova to and HdAf.. 0,1 l'hlntres, Canna and Scoter, Doper, era.. moan. plant auved and barred .ladonel, Cara t", and SW.. MIWIIII. Vielona Lawns, Groan Base- KC*. n-c Mernha.lll. me nay for the purpn:mo of laying Oln their .uppllcs. .000ld not Intl to in•o?Is Mil, Only vrtll find our ,00ds md price. cich 115 C* 11110 t fad their p.m.. , ALEXANDER k, DAY, sepi, 75 market N%V otir DIEZ110111:1 The New Golden Bee Hive )14.1n. Nun Poll and Mau., Dry Guuda. I USTreceived and now opening at the sign tit the al Dia Dna on Market silo., between Third and Foam streets. one of the largest, cheapest and beat n•mortnl clock. of Fail and Winter Dry t.pod, ever of fermi Ihnsburah, to which the attention of our nu merous customers and the publicgenerald, renpect. y invited, as the •übsortber i• confident that be tan offer such bargain. 111 Dry (Mods as cannot be sur passed 1, any other noose In thorny A. n 0.... good., hone been purchased at prince fat In non . nano . of any intl.+, .*neon, they will be wild al greittiy reduced rams Amon, :los 'are* and splendid mock will be found any choice and dmurniile roods at extremely low LA DIES' DRESS GO4 /DS. Very Filet, and most fashionable drew silk.: Pimd end Ccled black .4141., striped and plaid plain black . gios” ,ro ole plan black rich lustre: lo w ntr vtarttrit, inuntiilaa and caper! at very low prnies, avowal thotigns and latest slyirnti cashrtiOroh; Wain nntl anon .tripect cashmere, very cheap, French merino 011 rotors; de ,aings. pia. and tlfureilnd want striped. nt great rotlornon on former prices, gala, Cal. dorms unit iia•limere plaids. mohair and Monterey p.aids al: Cparean. all gualtueS and colors, from 11a to 75 vents per yard IHAWLi! SHAWLS!' 4 Fine terkerte and broche shawls War k enitiroolered cashmere and de lelite shawl.; Fate n,•-, and lain* do Fine biack and co.urad cloth do Floe noa.iii. .onc. very cheap do din lark and plaid silk. very cheap do A Inny 111 I , nod blanket shawl. from 7.1 cents to $3, nil woo, In iNIKIrrIC BELOW FORMER YRI 'ES booed dark ralinti from 'I to 6 cis yrr yard; heal yuanly dark calico trunk 6 to In cents; 1 aril wide purple do. IN boot t ard wide hiencued musna 4 to 61, Bed Bello y and eller". ail rte.,. Wont ,n• trout ron,• ,r•T qualoy, very cheap; .1 fun 4t of red. white and lalltivii n..nnon, e .son men itur Jean., Kersey, Linsey.,etc etc 11.t1 RI!! t.< sold at reduced at No ill Market 0 1. syn. , WM. I. litlisZ4ELL._ FALL tiOODS. m , 1•12111' ,, CK ,• now roti•tahtly rereivtng his stock oi Rl'l7ltioits, Ac. compristrig oil, the ,argriit aworiments ever brought to the mar t, III", I.<<ll nurelaiicil direct from the Int. port,. and hl, e , ot the latest and newest er psi, e tinin r. odrred to tins city. •i ne -• ilie thoi.e wooing to or nouse•. noloot purch nw tng tytn . rr. n, •10. io, part of the tollowing KWh A. xstilmsn'arprt do Tx,ory Jh Oneutai Tape.try Oa Cloth rolorid do 24 ixtdo ESE= 74.3-4,4-4 k l oil cloth Staaß 1. 1.-1. '"4 Druggett 1,1 , 0 Ruueweed Chi cloth do do dry logy .1., \l'.d. do 110 - • roconom r rook!. cholin I 1. .4 1 Do.uxur• FAll•ormod Pia V,ll l / 1 1/1 do Ts 64 do 14. 4:-.1.14 1 do do F , gored Tsq/le l 01 cloths plal,t do do Turkey Red Toileded 4-4. 1, 1. 1 & 43-4 col do Ado/old MA's MMENIENI do Au Tut vd itoALrnnl 'Au 1: :% ' " " 17:nr1 rnl•on Gr d Tkmecillng M C , oth and G-4 'rabic Limon.. Ith, do.lor eon., g., Tran.p n. V:todow St des rt lA, .g. Fronch do do fLon Saud .le Lames for w 111154,, CUR./ QS ,rar tp r rdator I :art and dead, Damask.; Ite.urel rann.ow ',lnuits: worsted and late,. Table •stienson •ruro.t, g, Vll, drab and b . dtek M..resn, 1 . , sne• of al colors./te &. km. A'.n. thnietpunr• and IMl.lngs (or steamboat deck. s.. other :rattan,. n,re•sary (or tnstflts (or boats nor 111, II) for espe,al sltention of owners mvued C.pet Warerooin, oils door 110111 Wood. on Fourta st ter;el NEW AND SkASONABLIE GOODS. 1,11 nave ,us.. re...elven a lino 11. assortment ot tohosang de.Y.F. , en of ...on' .e good, Inc gr,ater ',Amon of vrturs gave been uoug , ..tt at A art:on. and I.e ..old at great bargains. FLANNF.I,—Eted. van. and yellow Flannels, a er cnnip.e.e an.ortinent, and ‘ery. cheap. `CATTLNIFTS--A very large .ot °I blue, buck, Pik In.s. grey and go,l tn. r ,al:Jneta, a: very low prtees. A1..1 . A CAS-- :..1 Alpaca, plant and striped do, p and •trlpen do. <beeper than ever. FANCY A apletninl assortment or rich yttaogralde St: k a, limn plan and fie d, o(P.i111011( every .hid. SHAWLS—A very superior asl+nrimetH of ater lirorhe. Van. pmited. Trrkert. and C..bmere Shadla, at far ne:ow Lim orthliar) rate* a largeassortment' 01 EngliHt Merinox, Cash• mere. aud t.tHe blue. I.:0 and grey overeuat..llk Ca.tmeres, ..eatonllemsak, Laien d.., Kanlar y Jean•. kr ice, to a:i of yehich we Inrite the aurniton of tar ;woke. ALEXANDER k DA V. 75 market 01. ner.l.s N Wrnr #t . the .I:amoad _ . REMOVAL. 11 F:ATI. , si A. Co. v Inc remoJed from hinrket r• rirert tu Om, new Store. No le:Fourth cznet, be teen Wm.' andnrket. ore DOW openutir their Plt:I ur k of Trani:lingo 34.1.1 Vane, Good, among which are—C,,ll.llt: Ihr-• 1 . '1'1., 5 of al: land.; Fduld - tdro 101 d C,Vel, En.l.roidery \ oodir Work, r udd ddpo.o wor,ood Chellifle Itid, and Purge., Sterd Tottolotlg., I dko,os Mr. and o nod Ilocery, Chdd .° r , n. Mat .o., ~ Wove% rind Flonlerr Sh.ri, I aderstilrla. Drawer.. Dr...lug Gown. rtoittrett.' ot 1,11,11 rotten's, whteh they of ut tow 'truces bout and retatl nets r. II Earom CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, &a. w CLINToCK'S CARPET STORE MIZE= )4 • L 17 : 1411" .: 411 . ' e n l. " :111V4 ' 1.1 .' „ ' 1, " :i r l 4 :0 ( 041414. 11.11111,1 140114 Ihe 1101.11 approved tuunimictodn, Lunt ha VC 1,,11 Weird 101 . duraaon) fi!lir, and do-, or. Taposto Velvai Carprtlng; do Brut., 4 .10 Itro•aels rarpatzlit. Extra ,nansile ktugsi . Kt,. (op 1 p.i Jo Tuned do , up 1001.1.1 do Wiilon do • kirnsacli do C0.....a0, .10 do Maelufarturrd a 1101., 1 nv patanna; adapted ho p.. lora. 1...clooto• anti altambar.. fluted u C.D... for dining rooms, gontnes, veiti 411.e11f Atraw itlntung, Stsur Winder,' Shade. urd Flalurr. Conn and Wooden Baking. tram ono thud to three Verde wide Door Mot, !cc.. .Ye., to WiXICh the alien to al purella.:•, At end rrtatl rtimie,t• Jed \ .trrtooot oett door tram Wood it .104 W MCI.INTI/CK . _ I )LACK ALPACAS— W K Murphy ITIVIte• the por• 1) neuter :ottenoon ot hose. to Ws ni,ortinont at,ove (;ooda.lotving nr . ..,..trt.1 then, wall great cam to reierroce to their g.uapy and Rand l•ody for oil:, ler nu- A:Ro NIMIAJR ,ommon, medium and .ape, bac que.tries. ni , ludkne a frw plebes. et black, adapted for moorninK purposos Ai.. FANCY ALPACAS Ask I.usTREb. a OW , vo• 11. of earth siripec pion', and brin some o( volloth are eery superior A. I hi.. ,Othill beer been bottgin direedy Iroo liorsotter, they emu be sold at the er perisd.l.- prices To he hen also the pine,. In Wm:desalt, Rootms cam , . at a very auved advance on coat. 0e1.2 I Rl:, , s Gl h)D, , —We have ',calved a lull Cock of line.. aont aqt , Vb m.y found— Pula black and figure rn d Alpaca, Colored I.lli owe) road do trrgott. gone., /rleen• 1-11 I.4ovbertline Plitld, phase s colored and (ignited Cweloneroa, de Larne; Stlk 'raman and p.a.d ra•hmurra, rogrWer Tr'lL • a•aartnwoot other rlrca• gor•1•. a.! a which trill .04 , 11.1 W ,Ile ?we,. Or k age o-r, !411AKE.F7rT 99 wood All ItEoffIVPS) AT WoLlN'ffiii:s+ eery.. t-IVi.re h .16 r 75 Four th sq.,— p. 0-4 rm•evron• Oil Cloth., Tire novo., trre r vorpcfri, rrort:l'y n;••nnity o. on raOrrt ' , twi o rl for role,' Anti 1.1.4J1g nor torronoro rounter and tall.< cave' no Oc.ll/ • , • • AIME :11.1'1 . 1.Y OF NV: \V t.ta,Dst 1, st C LYDA IsDow oponmg u‘s SF.CI) \ Si. 1 . 11. N• of \'‘ I,ocr I,oods. Ineladwg a varrvt> shadvi of Or.t , French 11Iennna varrry. •n• 1 other lvvh colored Menlo:Mir, Maa•wstr b u. do, t , roWtt do Also I'A of same colors, Alpaca., ike., wttlt ruauy other dewraldc goods that are eery - scarce, a.I of whlch b. sold very cheap, at north earn ern net of dth and Mart., sta. 0dt.17 NM/tit: IIA!isgERT:tI I kV:4-811111/1A John.on. J 6 Ntarket stro.. would mans 1011 .1 , deniers and ot bon to their chOMO arote of Cauthrte Ild noel, a{,Nliat no frorn 6} els op on 4.2,60 Lil nig every V a, ICI) of tape ',ordered, heurited, ratitnei, clear :moo, with deep corded borders, R a ej.,,,, m u r .,.. dered and oolorod Onrderod '•. 014, - rrrIPTZITINIVI-40 61,1 s fin. Torintiassiln car r• I der. loot reeenred MAO for solo , DOS. J SCU(N) MAKEIeb.N. VOL. XVI. NO: 108 MISCELLA NEOUS. 00JLD'S • Patent Graduated Goloanse Battery and Patna Imettbsted Poles for Medical and eclair purparea rrt MS to the onlylnstrument of the tend teat has ever hero presented to the. °punter or Europe for med al purposes. and IL the only one ever known to man, by which Me galvanic dant can be conveyed to the hu man eye, the ear, the brain, or to my part of the body, either externally or intelki p ol a li, In . 4t , defin ite Ile ' Vnl ' o ' l ' l . e 7 / 1 11M I ,h e a k plit e est edects.." per fect impOrtalit apparatus is now highly approved of by many of tee most eminent phylimms or this coon. try and Europe, to whom the aillieted andothera whom it may concern can he referred. Reference will also be given to many highly rearmablo citizens, who have been cured by means of Os s moil trainable apparent, of some of the most Inveterate nervortsdieordera which could not be removed by any other g m ", Among cocoas others, it has been proved to be ad numbly adapted for the cure of the following diseases, vim nervous heikditche and other diseases of the brain. it M with this Imend.. Mode that the oar can convey the magn p etic fluid with ease end Jett' to the eye, hearing; sight," Or core ornatirosasi to the eat to rectohearing", to the tOrtrie and other organ, In re store cell; and to the various pant of the body, for the cure of chronic rheuntatiam, asthma, neuralgia. or tic dolourcul, pamlvais, or palsy, FOWL, chorea or Its Vim's dance. epilepsy, we.h treat mem", soma dioceses pecuitar to females, contraction of the limbs, lockjaw, etc. eta flights for surrounding counties of Western l's, and pnwileges, with the inatrumenL may be purchased, sad also tested for the cure of dim.... - • . . • Full instructions will be given for the venous chemi cals to be used for various disease*, and the hest man ner for operating for the cure of those diseases will al so be fully explained. the purchaser. and a pamphlet put into his hand. expressly for these purposes, cart fell by_thkat_aptes_._ F ,upnce h 13,2 . 1 ) tit,Eittuierx . - - NEW MONICAI. INSTRUMENT co.xx.mrr's nwrivarro v...onsos. TORN H. MELLOR, No 81 Wood street, is the wile agmu for Cuhart's Patent Melodeon, a new and beautiful instrument, exceedingly well adapted for small churches or timely worship. For the benefit of those residing at a distance. and consequently unable to inspect the Melodeon before purchasing, the followmg duct:gluon is given: The cues au made o(rosewood, and are as hand somely finished es s Plano Bonn The key-hood Is precisely the sum as the piano or organ and the tone, lertuch u very beautiful,) olosely resembles that of the flute stop of an organ. The instrument can be imme diately made portable without detaching any part, the bellows receding into the body of the instrument, and he legs folding under, Maytag the whole in acompaat form. Each instrument has a packing case, and the whole when packed weighs only 46 pounds. The Vol um. of tone is equl to Ow of a small organ, and at means of the swell may he increased or diminished at pleasure; it is utlimently loud for small churches, and is well calculated for • parlor inatruntent. Jut received, a supply of the above: price, with caw and Instruction Book, 850. omb Reversible Filtering Cook, FOR PURIFYINO WATER, Which renders turbid water pure by „e 04 . -;,.. removing all substances not soluble la water. The crown water t N York, tlio4h Oielar and pure to the eye, yet when it passes u hour through tius filtering auk, shows a large delnut impure substances, worn., tic This is the ease more or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible Filierer ts neat and durable, and not attended with the inconvenience incident to other Ftharers. as it is cleansed without being detached from Me water pipe, by merely inkling the key or handle from one side to the other. By Nis ouy process, the course of seater is changed, and all acousuultwo. of impure subsunees are drivenoff almost instantly, without u.crewing the Filter It also pus... the advantage of being a uop rock, and as suck in many cases will be very convenient and economical !lean be attached where there it any preasure by/ or low to a Trask, tank, tab, ke. Wail came. To be bad of the sole Agent, W. W. IVTL.,ON. octl7 corner of Fourth and Market she Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. tlitiiiiillTHlS d is to certify th at I have ap pointe Lthuthloa, Roggen Co Sole Agents for e the sale of Denning'. Patent Ellaprahgen Filter, for the et ttes of Piusburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter M. Gibson, 34u Broml way, N. T. Oct. 10. one 1,4 e. We have Innen acne of the above etudes at me off, of the Novelty Works for three months, oh In,. Atall tel perfectly sausfied that it Is a useful in a vention nd . we take pleasure in reeommending them al a use lul article to all who lova pure water. Orders wtil be thankfully received and pretapdy executed. oeng LIVINGSTON, ROGOEN ,k Co POPOLABL WOE S irICTION, VOR SALE BY JOHNSTON it STOCKTON, Ma. - ket street. corner of Third. Vanity For. a novel wallout a Hato. by Win. II Tbackery. /*.dionird Veinaiht My Conn 's Story: by F- V. Child• Nary Howitt • Tranalauon of the Peasant and his landlord. Capt. Marryatt's Children alba New Forest. The Bachelor of the Albany. Old Hicks the Guide. by Welawr. Mary Grover; or, the Truattng Wit, by Chas. Bur• deft lVuth•rma Krighta by the armor of - Jane Era roe Tenant of Vidalia Hall: by the author 01 ' . ./tioc Ey re." The Image of hie Father; Illustrated: by the Brother.. Nlay hew The Dow iptine o( litre Three Ulmer. and Threc Fortune, or Rot., Blanche. end Wioletti by G H. fonares. Thirty Years Sthee. by G. V H. Jame, E.q - • PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTEi , f 1111 S Involution, under the tare of Mr. and Mt.. J_ (imam., will re-open for the weepuon of pupils, so the Ofso r tSepl ould/opa. r. N0..1a Laden; street. on the Ist Monday esnbe A rrangetaisola have been made by which they will 1.0 aide to furnish young ladies facilities costal to any In the \Vert, for obtaining • thorough English. C/1i.4.• ealeatail Ornamental education. A full course of Phi. Itsoplocal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered ituring the winter. tllustramd by apparatus. The de trtments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Anguages, Drawing and Painting, will each he under the care of a competent Professor. By close attention to the morel and intellectual Improvement of their pu pils. the Principals hope to went a conttnnation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, we circUar or apply 10 the Principals. auggS,ltt GRE•T WESTERN s A L p E p A LM I NCHZ, informing Ills friends nod the public in general :list he has the largest stook of the following named a ries 00 his own manufacture in this eity—Saildles, flat ness. Trunks and %Vag., of which he win warrant to be made pram. best ton, and by the best meeh •bies in Allegheny county Being determined to null hi• manufaetures something lower than Mn. been here tofore sold by any similar of in the nosy, he would invite persons in tiled of the above named .niece to lug warehouse, N0r24.1 Liberty street_ oppo site Seventh_ Also. bands made to order for machine y: 0m.30-ly G. KERBY. Cooper Duplex and Lever Watches. JLST recanted and for sale at greatly reduced prices, five genu ine P. Cooper, 8 Calrhorpe ctrl, Liray's Inn, Road London," Du plex and einem Laver Watches, cased in It , km et gold. and full Jewelled, with Chronometer balances. Those are now the finest watches made, being supen or in finish and accuracy to the M. J. Tobias, Joseph Johnson. or any other make. Those in want o(a very fine watch are invited to call and examine this lot. Also, a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, ✓ Chsans,,lcals, Keys, tre. Fine Watches repaired In the best manner. W. W. WILSON, earner ith li Market al STIION'S XENOPHON'S MEMORABILIA- Xenophon's Alemorabilla of Socrates, sr. Eng lish notes, critical and explanatory. the prolegomena of Kalmar, \Vigger's life of Socrates, etc: by Charles anthon, L L. D., Proie•sor olds< Lireek,and Latin lan guages in Columbia College, New York. and Rector of the crammer School Just reed and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKI'ON, octal Booksellers, cor .311 and Market - tit 1)00K KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, PIIONOGRA -0 &c.—H. NVlt.r.unl hs opened a Night School in his school room, corner of 4th and Ferry sta. entrance on Fourth. where he will be happy to Impart mots/anon in the arts of Rending, Peanbanship, Aral, mette,Book Keeping, Phonography, is ort.s4:nu `' , TEAM BOAT CLOCKS--Flamng concluded to sell olf our enure sleek of Ktrke's Marine Timepiece*, we now oiler to set/ diem allow., prices than they can be bought at any h t Putehorgh or elwwhew, east or west. 13eing the only estahlished agents here for these cloekawe have the largest and finest assort- Mmit othe city. Call and see. Remember, we are not to lie undersold. _ - E }lark BLAK & CO., Merket street, 0rt.30 entrance on north side of the Diamond Eomaes;Coolitng Stov.s Grat - aa, &a. C:O., r., manafacu re and offer for sale Platform. F and 7oor d l s7iil l'ounter `close 01 the moot improved quality, Cool ta,t Snort...tr wow' and coal; For Stover/ or nor .m. ..tes., Parlor and common Grates. Hollow Ac. They also a...facture the finch,. R., ige. which has gmci, sueli general sauterne-non to those henna it in Us, to all of whirl ] tliej- would te.peetrull, tovite the anentlen of She ClUirns and the pantie generally. oenr•altr WaLehes, Jewelry. Cranks or Ma.. Ann Focarit srances. Prrrsacaon ,flll , l: „. : . u , n p it o e n rl i e g r a ha la s m ee e tu a r , :;•d c. f ... ro , in o, t i tl y n . tas c, t. m an . d t. rock Art he in Ine line lir - annul toe past ItheraJ petrol, age. he hopes to sent a continuance thereof, by Mll e...cc in business, and keeping Me .sest usortsent, and at tne mo‘t reasonable prices Friends, custom ers, and !Or public gencralty--partleularly sojourner. ',rung the city from • thstancei,ate invited to call and in .asame lut iarge stuck of goods. W W WILSON. " ON Db.RFel. ARRIVAL—D. ToWttiMari bottles of M. great fall and otter mcilivole, Just received and for mile by R. SILLERS. Sole Agent for Pittsburgh, of whom/he genuine arusic can be bad. i.5c46 - - CAI ELASTIC CLOTIII?4G-114 doe Gum Dann, U overcome. odo Jackets; ado pairs Paola: 6do leggings, of 4 different kinds, 10 do storm Haw 2 d o t o p oa , with and without sleevesi just received by press and for tale vrlsolesaie and retail, at the East• ern owes Ve wish it to be undermood that purchas rs sre buying from first handa, that buy et the India tier Depot. No 5 Wood street. octlM J it H PHILLIPS . A BOOR FOR PARENTS, YOUNG PERSONS - .Li AND INVALIDS.—Dr. blaming's - - Common Sense"' on Health, Pkystcal Education. nod Ha m an Voice. as based upon the mechanical plulosopby of (non's ph y•tc al Donal..lon. tieing the substance of hie 1 1 , lnte• on lac above selbjefle recently delivered in ‘,/,. sky For sale be R HOPKINS, °edit Apollo lituldtm t 4th W A PITS/P, PEELSON with a Wien MILLI, aequainted ./1. with the business, to take an interest in an Don Foundry. to be iorated on the Portage Rulmad. Ap ply at the office of Friend Rhey it Co. mins - • • • elifygrs• 4 r i titPET7 o . l .—Hamn.Jl2.ll4 feral from one msnuliketunar threat, a sp:audad Am annular Car. rt, of morn beautiful colors and ...ding; and' any on• Yo of parlors mrosdrl do trail by .:.mating our .took,** wa are sallm; •er, 110.16 NV 111 1 CLENTOOK. 73 Fonnbst 0:03h,4, SHOVELS. de —4O dos 87Mdes and Sho t:" val., 40 do Manure Forks, 103 do Grain Itaborala, do tioeket do, rboo., Hatchet,, Mattocks and Picks, liMlours, Vice., hr. . for sale ou manufacturer. pnras, b'y mat. f. 71.0 COCiIBAN, t mood pRINTINC, 113—An roaortmqifrir dcari SCHOONuAng 4,44 OZ==
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers