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' AftriPtaswartalw alrlWa.llorallated Mad In own Wore Womb L. or, lon gli- aas tarty dm dr, In poetical& Advertisements not itmenod Cara i- Oa limo will invariably kw stoned anti! wit Fos mrsie Comma:OA Imiallgano, Mar key, Itlmet flaw% imam, Matkey Markets, Ma. moo tW Pmts. 1.•..:t page tor Telegraphic Ninon. NO pePiain..ro,mounow. To permitShope's= employed in thin office, to keep the Thanksgiving Festival to day, no paper be; iuned to morrow. BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. The "(funs o[Baltimore bevies failed to secure • rall road route to Pittettargh,ininetpally, we Whirs, through the opposition of Han. Loins Mlgan, have touted their lineation •to another rail road communication with this city, with an energy which promises fall mom The Amen. can watei that a meeting was held on Thursday evening, at the City IBael, at which, his Honor Mayor Stansbury presided, and W. G. Harrison, was Secretary, with a view to taltingeglcient measests for carrying intooompletion the wnstruo tion of a direct railway connexion between that city qui the Great Central Railroad of Pennsylva" Ma at Harrisbergh. Several Important letters were read at the meeting from Mr. Watts, Presi dent of the Curberbui Valley Railroad; Mr. Mer rick, President of the Central' &Read; end Mr. Yeager, President of the Haniabarg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster Railroad Companies, in which thb moat enlarged and Mud views of the enterprise are expressed, and every reasonable facility for connexidn and intercourse tendered. The meeting proceeded to appoint committees for each ward in the city, to solicit. subscriptions, and the American remsrica that if the gentlemen tints appointed are only reasonably snedesufal in the cants to dispose of the shams so asto procure a sufficient amount to build the toad, the , officer, having it in band pledge their Wet efforts to open it within a par. When the Peinnsylvania road is finished, Bali• more will thins 1 connected with Pittsburgh, by a rail mad communication which can at all times compete with the Baltimore road at Wheeling, if it is ewer finislied,excapt in Tecy low water. Balti more will, also, by this memo, secure a diesel com munication watt the . immanse lake country. The rail road nreeting, lit night, was numerous ly attended. Addresses were made by Profewors Twining and Day, in behalf of the Cleveland and Wellsville route, which we will notice more at length in oat. next—the crowded state of our co. lam= precluding a more extended report. / Dr. Whippo and Mr. Frazier also presented the _ claims of the Steubenville mute to the eonndera Con of the meeting. It win announced at the meeting, that Soloman W. Roberts, Esq., Mier Engineers of thePenturyl. muda and Ohio Railroad mould address the coi.. . sena of Pittaburgb, on the advantage. and claims of that mute, tin Friday evening next, at some suitable place, b be notified by handbills. Panama. Rannourst—The Wowing !smuts, from the Richmond Whig, WO not inapplicable to this region, and must be vary consolatory to some Ras we wet of Caught In then. own Trap. • -The history of the Whig party is replete with instances of open . desertion. The LOC:C(OO2f on each fresh occasion hare imitated the ;endue of the Mexicans, who are now making officers out of latch of our common soldier* as they hare been able to induce to abandon their colors. In the Amerinan army they would never dare risen above the; make, as the apostate Whigs would have been esennou soldiers still If they had re• • • - maned in our ranks. It ill a MOM pleasant thing, certainly, to be an officer, than to be it soldier. and where a man is a mere mexcenary,'Wnd fights in his *y; we .me wee-eattmished.thlthe should look Oda. the best paymaster,'Principle; of-coarse, being a thing which inch, perilous may have bend of but which is too man an 'twos& don with %head inbred. -their conclaet, is left entirely ant of the question. Some of imee gentry go so far as to any that °the Whig party never no be a majority." Here is the limy no doubt to much apoetwey) if not to all. Selishmen never fail to get caught in their own nap. These stony am nicely caught now. They see that the Whig party ems sometimes be in • majority, and they may make up their minds to tight against one all the red el their lives. No man who is worth retaining, will ever abandon a came when it is in distress. Thl Loadocos. ao far flout hiving gained any thing by these des sandotte, have only obtained a band of hungry de. penduas whom they will have no power to feed, and who, if they do not. feed them, will look out elsewhere for their daffy bread. Of one thing we are glad. They cannot come back to the Whig -party! That party bids fair, from present appear maces, to be in the majority for the next fifty years, and it neither wants nor will accept their modem The tolloorieg paragraph, from the New On leanseantier, of the 9th instant, thihttgh not inteo• dad as a joke; is probably as good any of the oth• ars : 'THE -Telegraphic despatches are received in thiecity of the most extravagantebar eater, as we predicted they would be. New York 40.000 Or Taylor ! New Jersey for Taylor! Rhode bland for Taylor! Illinois Of Taylor! Nittssacho seus doubtful! Mir is a fums✓ry and balder dark! his hardly sporthy of Juries! These dew patches were conveyed to this city last night or early this morning. They might have the power to jtoll thominds of men if they were not so mock ks Afrosedeasern ! They are manufactured for the purpose of creating an influence on those who have betted, and for nothing else." ' The Editor of the Courier, no doubt, has since become conscious of his awn blindness. What must have been his astonishment, when the whole truth canto upon him I THE Hanixr FAILs Dos menu structure, thrown across the Connecticut al the New My, nine mike moth d Npringfield, Massaehusens, was forced Lem its foundations by the accumulating waters on Thursday, the day of its completion, and the larger portion of it destroy ed. The wrier had risen within akw feet of the top, when it broke througb r and in a kw moments nothing but a huge wreck remained of the Largest stmature of the kind ever erected in this country. There was an imperfection at the bottom of one of the gams. The dam was over one thousand feet loag,ebout thirty high, sad cost same 515,000. A huge mumfacurring interest was dependant on it for motive power. Though many lives were en dangered, none were km. Tark.Ntate Zleotton. Assam', Saturday, Nov. IS. 'Woburn the official and unofficial returns from se the Ommties except Tioga, St. Lawrence, Lir. /nylon, Lew* Catterattgal and Chautanqum which give Van.Bunn. Cu& Scattering 107,530 107,292 2,0i2 - Or Me Counties heard from ell Ire official lizeolo Albany, dlleglamy, Dutcher% Erie, Kings, New York, Masan, Odeans,pswego, Richmond, Reek Winen, and Wesichemar. Taylor's million. ty over Van Raren will be at least 90,000, and over Can 95,000 Norm Casar.rea,—The Raleigh Register pub. lishes e lit of the Mures, from which n appears that Iltmeral Taylor's majannes we increased, in 4$ ocerttles, 5500 votes over that of Governor Manly, who was elected by a majority of 874. A aerrespoading lecresao elsewhere, will give as the State by over 9,000! " tiara to lialr Yort.--Accordiag to the Hoek. land County, N. York Idemargirr, an extenilve bed of ate bu been lately discovered In Haven:raw, span the lands of Biz. G. & Allison. Art &Dolph; puree it to soma{three Mhz gold two laths all. mote. The mine will soon be worked. Scutursa—We mfr all lovers of dowers, w Wardzop's advertisement. His skill is cukhrwing lowers, andlii tags, be displays putting up his }bajada, are well knovm in this emactunisy. He laforais of that be hi better prepared this soma; tlisa ova before, to supply orders. limo who mai tots most &MOT* itifig l 4' . grietkoito Ingo boor, theilogradoliotrof ban= ammo, meat° go and ate the Shaleor imp islion, or mhos probably cariaatorigg 1 . '''','-l''.: . .. '',': :. 7-' .. :''- . : .. ..:`:!,:'-' !-.;‘7":'l' '-:.':;':''. • '' ,: ' : 31:..., -,_ ..•ti;;,,.':.4_,,,..,-s',-,,,,,: , . -,,-,5.,-,-,7.:,•-. : 4-, ::: , ;:i .,-- ::rz-k,:,,,;,• , , ,, :(5., !; :5:, t _,,.. :;,) , ; . :::: 7. -tloj- - - % : , ' ,.-- ,; . :4.. , .-i...;7,':...f,,;:1,,,,-,,.., MMMIE ..: ThiNaiiTcOccl6 *ii:i#F-04.i *li . :4_,,Wv4 j E 1 111 4 . * -Wabigil**44lWl'lliilY4lo99. . 41/ •' - 1617,411i :11.4 46 c 4 Timaig bi,, 6risimat -.. t ea 'the eivit eras ; Brat ebintiVieed li - lbat 'Stile. prOburebitiriV says ft via reprinte d to 1 MO, theibit year•efaishoyiOndeaSlantes Mains .10/611011. iiic4egaiA.xp3B39, on tbe,divnuon of the pigpen It has therefore been in use V that Din een Vs tbfrty years. sitana IsablllOWlllo. I The service presertbed Cfinuult, in the 'Forte' of Prayer and Almighty God, for the fruits of the e tiiptigltareithet blesaings of his men efftil Providence, ,to beiPsed Yettly, the first Thunday in November, or on such other day as shill be appointed by the civil seithori_ 7;' accept that the tenth-Section of Psalms shall be used Harming Payer ,and in addition to the Than kr giving appointed in said service, to be used after the General Thianktgiving, shall be said, at Mom ing and Evenin; Prayer, the Wowing; 0 GOD, Who art the bletsed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lardy, the Almighty aulerof nations; we adore and magnify tits glorious name for all the great things which thou has done for us. We render Thee thanks for the goodly heritage which Thou hart given us; for the civil and religious privileges which we enjoy; and for the multiplied manifestation of Thy favor to• wards us. Grant' that we may show forth our thankfulness for these mercies, by living in reve rence of thy almighty power and dominion, in hum ble reliance on thy righteous laws. Preserve, we beseech thee, to our artistry, the blessings of peace; restore them to nations deprived of them; and se cure them to all the people of the earth. May the kingdom of the Prince of Peace come; and reign big in the hearts and lives of men, unite them in holy fellowship; that so their only strife may be, who shall' show forth, with humble and holy fervor, the praises of him who bath loved them, and made them kings and priests unto God. We implore Thy blessing on all in legislative jct. dicial, arid executive anthority, that they may have grace, wisdom and understanding, so to discharge their duties as most effectually to promote Thy glory, the interests of true religion and virtue, and the peace, good order, and welfare of this State and Nation. Continue, 0 Loam, to prosper our institutions for the promotion of sound learning, the diffusion of virtuous education, and the advance. merit of-Christian truth and of the purity and pros perity of ThrCharch; change, we beseech- Thee every evil heart of unbeliefi and shed the quicken ing influences of thy HOLY Smarr on all the peo ple of this land. Save us frolll, the guilt of abusing the blessings of prosperity to luxury and licentious ness, to irreligion and vice; lest we provoke Thee, in jolt judgment, to visit our offences with a rod, and our sins with scourge. And while thy un merited goodness to us, 0 Goo of our salvation, lead us to repentance, may we offer ourselves, our souls and our bodies, a living sacrifice to Thee, who but preserved and redeemed us, through Jona Cater our Lola; on whose merits and mediation alone we humbly rely for the forgive ness of our sine, and the acceptance of oar servioes; and who liveth and reigneth, with the Fin= and the flora Gum, ever one God, world without end. diem After the Collect for the day, in the Guamanian se maze Ahe following; 0 ALMIGHTY GOD, who hut never Gifted thaw who pot their mist in thee, ILO doat honor the people who honor theta imprint on our hurts, we beseech thee, a deep and habitual sense of this gust truth that the only security for the COll - of the blessings which we enjoy, consists in Our acknowledgement of thy arivezeign and pea. clone lhovideace, and in humble and holy sub. mission to the Gospel of thy Son Jews Coeur. to whom all power is glean in heaven and earth, and who le one with the Firm and the Hots Gaon, in the eternal God head, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. 1 At Evening Prayer the same order shall apply with regard to the introductory sentences as is set forth fo r Morning Prayer in the farm of 'Prayer and Thanksgiving' aforesaid; the Nina Selman of Psalm, shell he need; and the Ara lass= shell be Dent. x. 12, and the firma .U.won, Romans, zit, end the Coiled for the day, en in the morning. Porrasrr 'Prii.vrtso.—lt is a well established truth that genius is always em -need with modes ty. Some men however are too modest, and we are half inclined to apply this imputation to Mr. Mathew W ilson, a celebrated portrait painter at present in this city. Having heard be was bete we were anxious to find him out and see what ha was doing, but we s'ilid'tit know where to find him." So we hunted about, and round, and round again and lo! when all came to all be was within five rode of our office. But then Mr. Wilson was too modest to let any body know that; for he had not hangout any sign, or exhibited any intimation or Ire= 'lazuli, thereby giving toe great deal of tin. necessary trouble. At last however we found him in a spacious room in Fourth Street exactly oppo site the Farmers Bask of deposites, but Mr. Wilson not even putting his name aver the door, we hes itated considerably, debating with ourselves a, to the propriety of knocking. Now such like /LW pease is very painful; and we do absolutely pro trot against it Mr. Wilson mast therefore let the gisodzitixeqs ofpusburgh know where he is to be found. That would notadrig more than good auutrien.,Well we round him; we loaned at his portraltc - we studied a Little and soon came to the =elusion that 'they coald'at be teat' There are among Ur. Wilson's portraits WiMesses of some of our most distinguished citizens which for truth fabien of feature as well as finish in the painting deserve the highest encomiums. We were pantie nlarly struck with a miniature, in progress, of a lady. The painting was on ivory—and though not finished by a great deal, appeared to us to be admirable; the coloring was so natural; the disposi tion of light and shade so effects° as almost to make us believe that the string of pearls hung around the lady's neck ware is very fact the Man me, pretriss' t, tiniest; pearls that ever were formed. We can only add at present that we wish Mr. Wil son all the success that his great talents so richly merit. PROM 80IITEI AMERICA. Emmet of a letter from an American gentleman in Brazil to hie friend in this city— Rio JaurflO, Sept. 7th, 181& “Oar minister Mr. Tod, who occupiers the largest and finest private house in Rio, gave a magnifi cent ball on the 29th ulto, to Upwards of 400 per son., including oil the Foreign and Cabinet Menu. ten and their faustlicri—about hall of the number at the ball were Brasilians, and the other tuff Amen. cans and English. Every thing passed off handsomely, and gave unusual satisfaction. Heretofore, the balls in Rio have been confined mostly to those speaking the same language. This was a happy exception, sod has added to Mr. Tod's popularity with the Bra. affirms, which however was already well estab lished. But notwithstanding his popularity and hospitality, you may rely it. the Government willnot agree to pay him our claims. They never will do it antilpve force them by sending a sped. ron to blockade Rio. Than, and not till then, they will settle the matter in 24 hours. It is singular—it O worse—it is ridiculous, that our Government should quietly coax and beg be 20 or 30 years at a time, all the weak Goverment, who act towards to in bad faith, to repair the wrongs committed upon the perm= and property of our citizens, whilst if England only crooks her finger at us, we want to go to war right off. John Bull aces more sensibly, he makes all the inferior powers pay up, and only patiently, negotiates with those who are accessible to arguments of right and justice. There is good hard sense in this cosine, and we ought to have good hard sense enough to profit by the example. Wuzurr'e Dursucr, Pa—The Bradford Arty dike I Ith jou. well says: "In our own Country, the Whigs did their whale duty, as the olli4ial returns, which we publish in another column,folly demonstrate. It will be notic ed that the Casa and Van Buren vote united, does not exceed that given to Gen Taylor, near as mach al did that of Longstruh over Johnston. Had not Van Berea been in the field, we have not a doubt hat that Taylor would still have received a hand same majority in the county over Ceas. And this in the face of the fart that this county was made the special mission ground of the leaders of the Cana party. It wan here that the celebrated Bng Gem. Rotuniort, direct from (not Mexico) but the Philadelphia Custom-House, spent some ten days, teaching the people their duty, and it was also here that T. S. Femon, ofPhilinielphia county, made his hurried and mysterious 'Ult... And then we had McClelland, from Michigan.:the man who repre. sents Mr. Cads district in Congress, and who is known as the "Prime Minister of the great Miobi. gander ; and we also had a sight of Charles G. Hammond, the Collector of the Port at Detroit, and numerous other digninnies,—all of whom did their best to aedace the people of Bradford county Into the support of Lewis Cass, the Slavery Extension candidate for President. But thanks to the firmness and intelligence of the people, all would ant do— Can is beaten more than Arra doomed one hen. drat ages In the county. GOVERSOII Et= OF Nr Yotot..—No part of our late sureeping triumph Is more truly gratifying than the election of the Hon. Hamilton Pith to the office of Governor. Mr. F, although a young man. has performed distinguished service to the Whig party sea mom. her of Congress. His talents, his worth, and hi. Whig principles place him among the first public men In the State, while his virtues and his per sonal qualities secure In the highest degree the at tachmentofall who know . Hamilton Fish has always resided in the city of New York. Ho is the son of a patriot and soldier of the revolution. Possessing ma ample fortune, he is unassuming in his manners and industrious in his habits popular almost beyond example he has nova practised the arts of the demagogue; with mireterw hien designate him for public station, ha has avoided calm yielding only to the imperative demands Olds fellow citizen; and under all cir 4 crueatanees be has kept his hands waken what-. Cvet ghtbring dishonor upon either his pubis or private dam:ter. Boob is the wait whom the peopled the Stale of New Yo* have chosen for their Goveroor,3lr a tudority entirely without precedent That he will diadem the duties of his high amt. with httuor. id is Deedless to say. New York has reason to be 'proud other Examnivo—Roakatew Awsistas. f- ) ' 14 , 11111111011r marri ll1POIM - sr Intriut V i l va lif 4l Cd tbc" , pia' 77 titbit ecettill • toga pa 51,44 4 LEThe souls staid do Tbd friend *in **l and Paglikeit Wbo - ' schsnred, so 14E017 kb ini t kindly othes the when, h sae • sunny epos. The wife, who lull( our turd= And =era me a moan; • Whose ready hand wipes off OUt users. Mitered* an her own; Who treason* every kiodlY wad, Each harsher One lurk And enrols blithely as a din!— She's too a annayspot. Ile child, who lifts, st morn end eve, In prayer, its tiny voice; Who grieves, wheneer its parents grieve, And joys when the rejoice; In whose bright eye Genies glow. , Whose bout, warier. a blot, L fresh sad pure asiummer's rose— That child's a sunny spot There's yet, upon life's weary road, One spot of brighter glow, Where sorrow bath forgot helped, And team no longer dow,• Friendship may wither—love deeltue, Our child his tumor blot, Rut undimmed, that spot will shine— Religion lights that spot. For tho Pitasborgrh Gamma Ketron Cotaxas, Nov. LI, ISIB. At a meeting of the 'indents of Kenyon College and Senior Grammar School, held in the College Chapel, the following preamble and resolutions Were naanirnorhdp adopted: Wluncar, By a melancholy and afflicting dispenv gallon of Providence, Caracas A. Hamm, of SIMI. Denville, Ohio, after tut Illness of one week, was taken from us on the 10th int, by the hand of death, while in the vigor of plinth and the sucoestful pro. venation of his College Studies. Basolosd, That while we how in reverence before this severe vistation of Providence we cannot ze.. train from the expression of mu regret, that we are called upon to mourn the death of one so endeared to us by his amiability , integrity and affectionate Bs=That we tender oar sincere wympathica to his parents and relatives called upon to mourn the untimely log done endeared to them by every tie of affccuott. Resolved, That in testimony of our deep regret, we adopt the customary badge of mourning for the space of thirty days. Besalml, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to his parents. F.. C. BENSON, Chz B- LC, ....... , t, Sexy. At a meeting of the Nu Pi Kappa Society of Kenyon College, held in their Hall, Nov. 1 1th,11349, the fallowing preamble and resolutions Isere anent mously adopted: Wasreaa,The Great Ruler ofHeaven, by an afflict. Mg stroke of His Piovidance, has berth to crone of our number, Mr. Cuanza A. Hamm, of Bum. beuville, who by his affectionate dispantton and &minable department, had endeared himself to our beam, and comfirmed himself in our es teem. Bait /Looked, That in the sudden decease of this youth, whose punctual performance of his do., ties, correct demeanor and virtuous principko, had given promise of his hemming an accomplished scholar, a useful citizen and an honest into, this Society has experienced a deep and hisaithil Ruched, That this Society tender to the afflicted relatives of their fellow member, that: sympathy and condolence. Rammed, That to view of their melancholy beres• vemeat the members of this Society wear a badge of mournieg for 30 days. Rerobtait, That these wocdullous be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and be published in the Steubenville Herald, Western Episcopalian, Cincinnati Enq, , 5e Pittsburgh papers. GEORGE E. THRALL, HENRY C. PINNEY, EDWARD C. BENSON, cmg.itt. of N. P. K, Society EXCifiLISIt CIICLORICI.—The philosophy of physical life, remarks the Baltimore American, is better un denared, or at all events reduced to a Witter erten, of practice, in tome ofthe European =mules than in ow own. The adaptation of dress, diet and modes of life to the climate, the regulation of pub. wits and amusements; all those nabonal or local Whits, in short, which are the result of long experi ence through successive generations, may be ex• peeled of course to attain a higher degree of provements in old countries than in comma:rice. lions of more recent origin. If aro chalet to be in advance of &gland in poh. cal •asinments them may yet be mach for as to learn ftom Mt in other things. The following pa. sage (tom Mn. KIIMAIINI Magarthe pertains to • minter which none will consider trivial who have regard far those best of earthly blowing', health sad •aooed caestimmon : Ptetty ehildren.one sees in 'bandanae every. where— and so nicely nein!, manta to as Owl nobody knows nerd bow to else ew the physique of children as the slish They feed them With the amplest pciaathle food, and are astonished when they hear that our qunag folks share the rich. heavy, bighsseasoned dish sof their parents. Oatmeal porridge is oxasidered a suitable breakfast for infant royality itsel4 and a simple dinner at one o'clock, the proper thing for children whom parents dine acimptissuals , at seven. Exercise is considered one of the neceautries of life; and • daily walk or ride (not drivel id the fresh air the proper form of it. It might be nape:deices to notice any thing so °brim. if it were not that SO many people in god circam. stances with us, neglect this, and keep their child , rein Immured in nurseries, or cooped up in school rooms, with no thought of exercise in the open air, as a daily requisite. We wish nothing so coach for these benighted parents, as that they should once become acquainted with the habits and principles of a well ordered English nursery. A reform in teal quarter is much needed among us, and we know of no people so well able to be oar instruc tors as the Engkah, who have certainly brought the nursery system to great perfection, teal as respect a the comfort and advantage of the parents and children . Hz aim uta Tusam—A Terri respectable look lady stepped into a store on Washington onset a few days ago, to buy • steel reticule; the clerk handed out a varietypf sorts, alum and prices, gill of which the lady deliberately viewed, handled and commented upon; until at length having made her selection of • small one, at $2,50, she gave the clerk a ten dollar note to deduct that amount; the clerk emit to the desk, and returning, gave the lady her change. Why, herds but two dollars and a half!' says she. .Exactly, madam," replied the clerk. "Well, but I gave you a tea dollar bill, fie "Precisely madam," said the polite clerk. "Ills bag, is two dotter& sod a half is it sot!" lays the lady, holding limb the purr-hued reticules "Two dollars and a half is the price, madam." .Then why do you take out seven dollars and a half cW!" "Why madam, this reticule is two dollar. and a half—" Very well, sir," says the lady. "And that one attrnbed to your areas, beneath your cardinal, ts fire dollars more!" said the coin. plaiaant clerk, raising up the lady's cardinal and displaying a very handsome steel bead reticule, there secreted. The lady became quite agitated, but the humane clerk, ■ssured her it was all per. reedy right— " You don't for a moment suppose, sir—" said the lady, in a low and husky voice, "that I intended—” "0! certainly not, madam.'" said the clerk. "0, it's all right, =darn, perfectly correct," con tinued the clerk. "Good morning, sir," said the lady bowing and grinning a ghastly smile. .Good morning." reepeoded the rentlemactly clerk, bowing the lady aately oT oat of the prem. see No Gsney sketch this.—Dolton Ma blassacinnyrra Mammas or Cottaxste.—The Whigs have succeeded in electing six of their es& dldates for Congress, by a majority of votes each of them %Want the candidates of two oppooag par. ties. In the EMII other districts there Ia no choice. la three of them the Whig candidates have a large plurality of votes. In one district only the Free Soil candidate has a plurality of votes, hat wants seven or eight ho adred votes of a majority. 1t appears kOll3 the official returns dun Mr. Win. throp's majority over both opposing candidates is 3,930. He was chosen two years ago by a moo. rity of 2,608. Mr. Dancan's mejonty is probably 800 or 900. Mr. Ashman was chosen in 1846 by 1,200 majority. His present majority will be but a few hundred short. Mr. Rockwell's majority in 1846 was 664. It will now be nearly equal Mr. Adams in 1846, was chosen in the Bth district by • majority of 2,168, votes. Mr. Matm's present majority is probably more than double. He was, we believe, the only candidate whose name was on the ticket of two of the parties. Mr. Grinnell in the 10th district, was chosen In 1846 by a ma jority of 1,550 votes. He was now met by three opposing candidates, and he is chosen by a majo , my of near a thousand votes over them all. We doubt not the Whig candidates, as in 1816 i will all be ultadmely chosen, as they all have the firm support of the Whig party, with the haimption of those who have seceded Or the avowed tui•poes of bonding a new sectional party which disavows any cooperation with the Whig party of the Union. —Batton Day Adurrtierr. Gan Co',ss Lash—This Tatman Why tells the ZUowlng good one Inn letter to a gentlemen in this city "A plain old countryman, an inhabitant of one of the interim Counties in Kentucky, permuted him. self at his district poll on the day o f election, fin the purpose of voting. Whea aitd in whom he voted, he 'Spiked : For old Zack Taylor and Philp Mom ."—He was told there was no such candidate as Philp Mows, that It was Mama "Wall" said he, "ain't Philp and Phil the same name, and can't I vote like a gentleman, instead of like • Lew. Faso kis hardly necessary to add thin those proem' island it necessary to adjourn to a tames abop to repair the damages sustained by their tuantation. abke—At6. Bea Jour. fonimmo Dattx Guam: .Lecel'lLler• Least *attars. 117011 Fog not StllSMOone fare areinider they.Cuful 4*Nk'sf enncenla eh* to miriade* *a particelan'*, • most on. falthOtte tit*, blob " occurred oti-Witter street, itittei city, yesterday, not Ear kern thin Itessonsahr to bridge, -The eombannas were s echoed-a= at ,the Dune of- Qum Saunders, and a while men of the name of atthew A. Black, hat/ eurtged on the steamboat Atlantic. tuna Te , 7 renennY, when the colored man wa*lischmitetl,; is consequence of disobedience to =firs. The &eta in the cute will be learned h 1 the evi- dance below. A Commit's ingiesf who held as soon es possible, ehd the following evidence wan elicited: Miss Margaret lane Lutton,testifind that she was in the entrance to Anderston's:Comt, this mmning, about a little before eight o'clock, wee she heard the negro say 'What did the cabioboy commebce on me for" He and Black were on the bank, opposite the Court. Black said, "If he was not ■ d—d black nigger, he would blow biabrains out," They were nearly touching—Black kept pimping the negro back with his hand. The negro's hand were down, loose; saw nothing in them. Another negro was down below, hallooed to him to "come on," but he did not appear to want to go. Called mother, after he pushed the negro back. The ne. gro said •Oh,dou'tm raising his band. "I will, by Gorr said Black, fired, and the negro fell back, and rolled over, his cap falling of :Bleak had a cigar in his mouth, smoking, all the time. Saw no stones thrown. Black aced her, the negro had his back to her. His comrade came up to bin' efieswom e picked up Beander's cap, and carat, on the pave ment. They were moon the street from her, near the top of the bank. Witness knows Black by inght—thinla he it barkeeper or pilot on Melt:owns vile bost,"Atlantic." Mr. Matthew A. Black, now present, is the person who shot the negro! John Diengiss, boatman, testified: that he heard some words between the parties, they were quar relling, about three steps apart; the negro was rath er backing up the hill, still jawing back to lanai Bleck got out his pistol, and saidj "d—o your black soul, I'll blow your brains mar' The negro halted then, Black walked right!up to him and said, "what did you hit me with: a rock Corr— The negro replied, said something %bout a previous dispute, and did not deny hitting him. They jawed about two minutes—the negro spoke stay saucy to him; (witness was two or three steps all) negro had one hand in his pocket. After the quarrelling , Brack swore he would shoot him the negro sand "shoot away, then," two or three times; had one hand up, and the other in his pocket, but did not make any effort, (that witness sale) to push Black away—he fired, when close to him. When he saw parties first, the negro's posture did not seem to indicate that he had thrown—thought be had dropped something; then Black ;drew the pistol, stepped toward the negro, who retreated about a rod and halted; Black stepped up to him. Black made no effort to escape from the negro—nor did the negro attempt to escape from him. Saw nothing to prevent either from leaving Uniother. Neither seemed afraid. The negro was jimmy, but made no threat nor offer to strike him. • Black was in a pretty high pumice; he had a cigar, which he took from ha mouth several times. James Farrel, a coal•best pilot, testified that be was coming out of the Coup, when the platel was fired; heard a negro was shot; went up to the spot; asked Black what he had done! He aal4 "I shot this negro.' Asked him what made tom do 10— He said the the negro had been fidlcrwing him for two days, and had bit him with a nick. Some said he would ten off; told them not to he uneasy— ha would'; Black mid "no, be would go to the Mayor end give himself up" He then went away ; several persons started with him. Before speaking to Black, went to the body—found him on his face ; his left hmd op eves with his head, or nearly ap— his knife (in its simbhard) was parallel with ha hand, the point up toward, or partly i n his sleeve. A negro man, (Paris Burley.) picked up the knife u he stood there; Mr. Jones took it from him. The result of the Coronae+ Investigation wail a verdict of murder against Black, on the part of the Coronor, and the case was transferred to the Juts , diction el the Mayor, who committed Black to an user the charge of wilful murder, The deposition having been !produced in the Mayor's odice, his honor asked the prisoner what. er he had anything to say or any ointment to make, at the same time cautioning him Plat he need not make any atatemem enter be Owed. and that he was not Emend to state anything which might criminate himself. The prisoner then said that her wt. a . hecl to tuts tothing but the truth. ite then - I;Jc tie U0:64 statemetn, which we give in his own words: L am 23 years of age—am bar keeper on hoard the Atlantic steam bast, Oreg. between Pittsburgh and Brownsville. This miming I was proceeding to my boat, along the bank of tne river, near the Monongahela house—l was on the pavement just opposite the Monongahela !ionic. I saw this man (the deeeased) standing at the corner--his name is Jason Saunders--I thought I had better gm out of his road. having heard that he had made some thirsts against me. Ile wit, standing new the lamp post and I walked mad him, near the house, I passed on op the pseemeat Mier Iranian got up a piece, I looked bank to ace whether he area following me—l aria then near the National Hotel. HA Ives walking ader me—following me up--and I &mmenced walking • little Guter—l did not locd: back any more, until I was Wrack with ■ atone. I tamed round and said "Jason what did you do that for r" He said, "I'll kill you, God d—rt eau," at the same ume turning mond, and ptcking up anotln er stone—l strop°.c it wan not heavy enough and he threw It down, and then partly pulled out a dap ger horn hat breast,--be &gun and he would kill me—that be had • grudge 'gamin ma• and while ho mu in then act of pulling out his d agger, I fired then putoL That is all 1 Dave to say. The prisoner was, in the comu of the afternoon . brought before Judges Lowrie and Hepburn, on a writ of habeas corpus, with the view of being ad • mined to baiL Mr. John D. Mahon and Mr. Knox were counsel ibr the prisoner. They contended that this being a ease wherein it was certain that a verdict of "murder in the first degree" could not be found, the prisoner was entitled to halt Some argument ensued between the counsel for Coneth. and the prisoner's counsel, when the Judges 1113Idi y determined to hear evidence on the matter. Robert Douglas was first called He said ihrt about half past seven o'clock that morning he was on Water street, when hie attention was attracted by two men sculling—the negro having one um extended, and in his other a largo stone. The at tention of witness being momentarialy diverted, he had has back towards the negro, and in a moment or two afterwards, he heard the fire of a piece. I looked round, and saw the young man lying on the ground. Went to him immediately, and found he was dead. The colored man was lying on his face. Saw no weapon. Was not convenient enough to bear whet Wes said by either party. Positive the negro bad his right hand extended, with a stone is it--a large ,tone. Saw the stone slier the colored men fell, and did not observe any other stone near the place. When the aftention of witness was first attracted, both puttee were trio.. tautly throwing about their arms. Capt. Jas. Parkinson, of the steamboat Atlantic, was next called. He mid that deceased had bun a porter on board his boat a short time ago, and that He had been discharged for refining to put a man on shore, who was slck. - (Here the Captain narrated a circumstance in the conduct of deceas ed, while porter on board his boat, tending to show that he was a man of rather violent temperament, and indisposed to obey orders.) It appeared the ne gro had exhibited violence towards the Captain, whereupon Blank, the prisoner, interbred to eaglet the Captain, from which cause, it appears, the ne fro's grudge had arisen. Robert Duahane testified that he was coming out of the National Hotel, from breakfast, when he saw the negro standing on the pavement by the Mo nongahela House. Mr. Black was than coming up, and was about twenty fret from the negro. He passed him, and alter having gone by him about four steps, the negro followed him. Mr. Black turned his heed towards the river, u if he wished to avoid having anything to say to him. Mr. Black walked out of his regularbay to mid the ne gro, and finding that he persisted in bilk:owing, he cocked his pistuL Mr. David Wain, clerk In the Prothonotary's office, stated that at the time of this occurrence he was sitting o nhis and cross down ward' the river, and at that moment he saw the colored man throw a stone at Black, end hit him.— Mr. Black then turned round, upon which the co• lured man stooped down and appeared to tuke up a MOW) in each hand. Mr. Black came up and said—'What did you throw that none at me for?' • Did not hear the answer. hill.l3lsek then took his pistol and threatened to shoot him. The negro raised his ann three times, and the fourth time he shot him. Cannot way whether he had,two stones In his hand when he raised tria arm. Was from 75 to 100ketfrom the parties Saw no knife, nor did he sae the negro make any motion to diner a knife. Whoa Ito threw - the stoott,thlokt thew sunotking 'in albordtpd. TLe mono appeared to sttqto the diiikcf* B i i r t *coulerlit*wlith 4 it Wit bka. AIL ELME 4tbora %ma Mimi& ehs 61=1E44in in Mt maid itiatb4 ISM the ttegto fat there was . itootiaattie awed. Should think that not more than two initiates elapsed from the throwing of the stone to the firing of the pistol.— He evidently intended to throw the ntonb with ell his might Peter Blackstone, a colored man, was the next witness He said that be had entered his akcp that morning about half ;dud seven o'clock, at the cor. aer of Cherry Alley and Water Street. Saw the two parties in conversation, but did not hem any altercation between them. His attention was cal• led by a gentleman in the shop, but he paid no el ten to him, and immediately ran out, and saw Black in the act of turning round, and shoving his pistol into his pocket. A young men who came out of the National acid to Black, ' What have you done!—you have killed that man." Yea,' said he, D'—n him, I've killed him.' He then turned round and says— , I done it: I em the mart.' Black then went on to the Slack Water Navigation office, and went in there. Did not see him fire the pistol, for my attention was called by the gentleman in the shop. Heard no loud words between the parties. Mr. J. IC. Moorhead was next called, and gave Mr. Black an excellent character. From all he could learn, he said, the young man bone an tinter. naked reputation, and he had been particular in his Inquiries, on account of his having an interest In the boat on which Black was engaged. The judges both expressed a very decided opin. ion, that whatever the offence might turn out to be, it certainly was not murder fa the first degree—or a felony of death, and that the prisoner was anti. tied to ball. The bail wu ultimately fixed at SUMO, which was immediately entered into, and the prisoner was net at liberty, CILANCIL—The changes are sudden and various. We hate to part with the old friend, who have "done their duty." but as the eld Latin phrase "Necessitas non habit lege." Farewell! friend Polk. The tear la in our eye The swelling at our heart! Good bye! Goad bye ! We wish you a safe passage, at your own risk, and better company than your unfortunate Cap. tain. DEP/MUM' Olt lAMICS L. POLK The ' , Noise and Contudon"• will not pre V.= the Steamer from starting. "Circumatatices" have placed it in our power to furnish you a speedy passage. ILISIMIDCO has been effected against Pole FOR SALT RIVER On the Fourth of Ranh next, at 11 o'clock Tito Superior Steamer, Free Trade. This ticket will encore to James K. Polk, a corn. fortable passage to Salt 'User. "Baggage at Me risk of the Owner." LEWIS CASS, Captain. THOMAS RITCHIE, alias Nona Ver Tons, Pilot. W. O. BUTLER, Clerk. GIDEON J. PILLOW, Leader of the Band. "Salt River" is now in fine boating order, and to add to the enjoyment of the numerous passengers 'expected on hoard, the Hero of Duch River will be on board. Farewell' Farewell is seldom heard, When tears are in the President's eye, But he hates to hear that other word My Loco friends! Good bye' My Loco friends !Good bye!! (Copious Team) My Loco /11.1E3D11 Good bye !!' (Deep emotion) But he deeply feels that parting word My Loco FRILIDS. Good bye' Untriai STAI:33 Cuinrr.—Thin Court was axe. pied the whole of yesterday to the case of the Lo.. 0000 of Watson vs. Prescott and others; and the ease had not been got through at the adjournment loot evening. COVIT or queer. Scattoxe.—The,lury an tba case of the Commonwealth vs. the Superclean o North Fayette Townshtp, after a long absence could not agree, and were thenfine discharged. Flu gatardut—We have been favored by M. George Veltman %Frith dome specimens of his tine &P.., and man pronounce them the bead we kraus ever had the privilege of pujing. Some of the bead of them we have reserved the to day, be ing Thanksgiving, and we are acne we shag enjoy ■ firm tread. Texatax---13L-usirs ay Ms, AND Man F. S. Ccsocen.--On to =ems (Friday)evesdne will be presented, for the first time, • new play, written by Mrs. E. S. Conner, called ' Octavia Bra/adj..— Alter piece—' Lady of Lyon. e TUABIKIGIVINO ANSOUNCZiIEM NT/. cry- Rev. Mr. lignitomme, the eativert leraelite, mill preach the Thanliegiving.earmon In the M. F. C./much, at ate corner of Liberty and Hay stmete this morning at 10/ o'clock. Mt" Dieu. ...Tutu], artil be held In the Method.. Prole ten. Church, on due day, at halt past lit o'clock A. M. Mamma or rax Tiorreamma Luigi—An adjourn ed mean` of the League will be held tulle.. Dr. Rid dle% Charch t ntm tvarrom, at 7 o'clock. The qua. lion for Radiation will be: 'go It expedient to invoke Legialatlve aid in carrying fraud the Temperance reformation, at the protein ertaisW' Competent grah am, bath elcrwal and lay, have lams appointed to dis cuss the mile.. The public generally ma Matted to attend. JOHN 111IXASYKY, Prost De. tirLsirge Laval Prue to New Yost —The ra pidity with which this invaluable medicine has became known and appreciated, can only be emanated for up on the grimed of its real value. It has only required one anal to establish its claims to the title of the only medicine for the core of Liver Complaint The follow ing toter from a druggist in New York, shows the Minn. to which these tulle are regarded in that sec tion of the country. "Dr. 11Mo.— Dear Str—l have said oat all goer Liver Pula, acd am anxious to have another lot imme diately. Thew Pals seem to take 0:1031 wonderfully. I amid have sold stanch largr h umatity, If I had been rliZk ided reatet wi f ih or th thent bot ' w i te . lt! t =e are !Lap are illi: or not, Ido not know. Please send me soother supply Immediately. P. Sankt, Datum. Hemlock Lake. Livingston no, N. Y. Mar. 8, 47." A genuine article of the above veluatble medicine can be had at the Drag More of nocti J KIDD & Co, 00 wood st Ulll TUX Peanut hlasint—lf you malt to be me pessful at any undertaking, you must always nn. the eloper means. , Therefore, if' yea have • cough, use Jk...rstoroasivr and be cared, for it is the proper means. Hove you Asthma or difficulty of breathing, then the only efficient moanm cure you is to use Jayne% Expectorant, which will immediately overtime the Epsom which contracts the diameter of the mhos, and loosens and bring up the Mlle. which clogs them up, and thus remove. every obstruction to • free respi ration while to the 4EIO LIMO Inflammation to sub third, Ind a can is certain to be effected. Have yea Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fact soy Affecnon, then ma Jaync's Expectorant end rellef ceinup, and you will find th at you have used th e proper means. Por sal. ePittebergh at the Pekin Teat Binh. l 79 4th MAP= cor AL:4one= Cmg.—Mr. Editor: Yon will please enneeme the name of VIAL 110Y1.) ad Ward, Allegheny, a candidate for the office of Ma) of. Mr. Bold, If elected, would make an armee andefficient dicer, and is well qualified to discharge the dunes of Molt pool- aCtvlS•dlyt• 11Lirr Ctitomm M.TOS.LTT—Mr. Editor: Please ansumnee that Cosa B. BC...LT, E.N will be a candidata !or nomination for the otlics of Mayor. Bacon Ma. Fbrroa—Please annumoe that the friends of Wm Ball attend presenting bin name as a suitable candidate for the office of Post Muter of this city, and petitions mill shordy be circulated for signatures. • Wright, D. D., Dentist, Omni end residence on Fourth street, opposite the Pittsburgh Bank, °dice hours from 9 o'clock to IS A AL, and from 9 o'clock to 5 P.M. sept4-ly nAntilED, On TUOidnY MAK br all Rev. lo d ha n.gl, (3 ro Bwn, Mr. Jiargen Powtaon to Miss mu, tar of Mr. Joseph Clark, all of Allegheny city. BOOT AND OBOE VABBBOUBE. Na D WOOD BT., BETWEEN ad AND Ottrrs. - -• R. TANNER & CO. TNVITE Country Merchants .4 others to . exami- J 1 nation of their stook which Is one of e largest to be found in any establishment hi the co im and consists of very desirable and seasonable Gods, az. primly adapted nu to size and quality) Western sales. Prices will compare favorably with those orate East. Tenn liberal. aolev-dlm - - OFFEE-150 bop just roodand for übr C riovlO ei JP VON BONNHORST 8. Co T' il3-40 packages Young Hymn, Gunpowder and Imperial, for axle by noel 8 F VON BONNHORST & Co ABB-130 b. 8210 40 do 19.14 40 do 10.4, oo • / lORN bIEAL-84 gnats of 4016+, Rifted Meal, for v. Bale by ocbrin S F VON BoNNHoRsT & C HE 5'.r. F r 6° "°`ll' Vtrltamicrurr& Co DIUTTER-9 bbl, (mob 8011 Buttor,fin .ale by coviN 8 P VON BONNHORST k. Co Lit QAIERATUB—I O cash for sale by 8 F VON BONNHORST I Co 115%T IRON-10 tons Nos 24 and Y 6 Juniata, fin , o byo• tiEl $ I VON BONNHURST Co S._ sa— PERM OIL-1 ow Winter *arm OR, jam rood 17 and far ease by boyl3 R ESPI.I.IIIIII Jrezmuce mutow ROOT-4 M. of swerlar E r s al Ity, for sale by novll3 R SELL VIIENOR OCHRE-4 bank for fade by norHE SLIZERS RED SANDERS-3 bbli for solo by novra it E SELLERS MIXT. GENTIAN-0 lb. 621 gale Sr EurrlS E SELLERS PROCILAXATION. jErb b. I t as rife prow, ender the hands of the Hon- Th qgnmi.jel-Pen an. reeddeni.of the Coot of PIMA hi 'or tottMilßir terthallnithas , and , Jegtiestrf tat A pMdeAet Ind T"SinerthotihosinteLltil deli , hall s aid Ditntiett_ end Villthse:Xon ant el AMMO, D. cuing, Associate Mitt of the Wig Courts, Is sad for me aaon4 Of Allegheny, dated the= cifSeptem. ocr,nl th e year of oar Lord ono eight hun dred and forty eight, end to me directed, for bolding a Coon of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail defier 0., at the - Cm:Lit Hotto in the city of Pittsburgh, on the 4th Moodily Of December next, at to o'clock, A. Id. Public notice Ishereby given to ell Justices of the P,eneet Cert.+. r and Constsalo of the county of Aile linear, that they be then and there in their proper per sons wild their rolls, records, inquisitions, comma bens, and other remembrances. to do those things which to their respective offices in their behalf, appear to be done—and alto those that willproseeute the per , sons that now are, or may be in th e jail of said county of Allegheny, to be then, and there to prosecute against ! them es shall be lam Given under my hand et Pittsburgh, this 41st day of November, to the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight, and of the COMM.. wealth the sixty ninth n0023-atr.wet JOHN FORSYTH, Sheriff. 13312:133 1.. j . THE subscriber is pro pased to furnish Bouquets for Weddings, Balls and Parties, composed of rich fragrant Plovers.. Orders left with W. T. Brown, Jr, Pt. Clair street, or through the Post Office, wit! be de tiV'S = DROP, Manchester Nursery. ocorga dtm. fine quality, and beautiful expressly for retail sales, made .ohnson, L. therland, Device k Co, Beesley, and other . genalne and approved manufactu rers in hlngland. F.. 11 jewelled IS carat Gold Patent Lever Watches, aa low as CM Others at various priees, according to quality, weight, /he., varying from 540 to 5150. Edister watches in real variety, from 115 to 550. All over 610 WlLiTallttai. Levers as low as me. . . . JEWELRY, cousist.ng of sold guard, vest and fob chains, keys, seals, pencils, finger rtngs, breast pins, studs, ear rings, bracelet., lockets, buckles, elides, Re. Alm, silver combs, mad eases, fruit knives, durables, shields, pencils, buckles, dfbes, tooth ud ear picks, &a. W W WILSON, novS6l 67 market si., nor ath _ANECDOTES—CycIopedia or Moral and Religion. Anecdote.: a colleevon of several thousand Pacts, Incident., Narratives, Example sad Testimonies..m• bracing the best of the kind in most former collection., and some hundreds in addition. original and selected; the wkole •rranged and elmisified on a now ninn, , ith copious topic.' andscriptural Indexes. By Rev FL Arvin, A. Pd., Pastor of the Providence Church, New York: with err Introduction by Rev. Geo. B. Chance, D. D Jun published. The above, with a number of new and valuable pub lications, for sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, non2l 78 wood et Post copy. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY REED-6 bbl. Ohio Cie. ver Seed; 20 do Pn. Timothy Seed; in store and for solo by nov2l 3 k R FLOYD COCKS AND FLANNEL—Sr dos super Woollen 0 Socks; 3UO yda har'd Flnunel, in store and for sale by o.SI J & R FLOYD CHEESE: ?10ban Cheese; IS casks do, in story and for aisle by ENGLISH & BENNETT, nortl 77 wood st CGARS -10.000 steam boat Yarn Principe Clears, for sole low by nor 23 ENGLISH & BENNETT PEA NUTS-300 bosh reo'd and for aala by nov1) TASSEY & WINDOW GLASS—Mb. 7x1); 20 do 8010., 7$ do lUx it, 3 do 10z14; o a hand and for rale by. C. (LA P-75 b. No I Cin. Sono, reed and for gala by aov23 TASSY 4 BEWT ALUM--5 bal. reed and for solo by .1,21 TrASSET _& _BEST F'll.--Bal bbl. S F Flour, for sale by bora 1011. Y 8 DILWORTH SUNDELIES-11 bbl. Crab Cider, prime article; 50 do ,men nonlea. ramboa, ream., pippins, ne; 150 bash dneei Penchi, 5 bale Roil But er, jest reed and for ink , bY n. , 4 1 JOHN 8 DILWORTH PIG METAL—Mum.' Middlesex Furnace Metal, in rt .re and for sale by navy JANIFS DALZELL GKERN APPLES-120 bbls Greta Apples, landing And for rale by norg3 JAMES DALZELL EITRA. FAMILY FLOUR-20 bbls Family Flour, landing from Minidgan No it. and for sale by noy2o JAMES DALZELL CHEESE-I.32brrs W R Ctoreso, londing and Co, sale byroartn nJAMES DALZELL OAP-51 b. Palm Soap, landing and for aide by 1,7 ovso JAMES DA LZELL TriANIOF.RB' OIL-20 bblR be. Brown Oil, in store and for sale by no. - 011 JAMFS DALZELI. FRMI FRUIT -600 bra Bonen Raiso.; lOU hf do do do; 211 casks Currants, lands and for sale by aorta BAGALEY t SMITH TART PEACHES—MO bags Kentucky Peaches, at JJ praise antler, landing and for 'ale by noel/ HAG ALEY A SMITH bbl. Tuxners. Oil; 75 do,Wlrkter FJephant 1.1 al; 75 do Wm., Whale Oil; rum rec'd and for for sale I.y oorM BACIALEY Jr. SMITH 11 1( 4 C°"V-E— no•gr P II e ATA R IIMZFV 's T.A.N o n v FLS' OIL-25 bbi%% , orger. sale by Nrd4 & LiNns„,-Y °u .— " ""J'Y'c'dOALIER & Co SPERM OIL-10 cache best truster bleached and ea bleaa Cad, warranted pure, for tale by cern J SCHOONMAKEIS fr. Co SPT& TURPENTI.NE-40 bdle in tine order, for side Dl wen SCHOONMAYER & Co HYDE'S EIDAP-0 bsc Windsor No 3, Jost ree , d anti for cola by 13 A FAUN b.Z & Co, n 0•23 corner Wand wood gas OARSAPARILLA-100 lba Honduras, just reed and 'or .1. by 000?1 11A FARNESTOCR IC Co PowTt_CUBEI39-1 ear. leer reed and Co. Welq n0v291 13 AFA RN DVICICK Co ArhITTEIIEANS-3 bbl. for We by oerM S F YON BONNHOR.ST & Co FLM/SF/MOIL-10 bbl., In prime order, JOE i sh`ll and for W. by novll3 R E SELLERS 1 011.-10 bbleprat reed and for We by nov2ll R E SELLERS - - MtatrHYTYY/ESC — /NiCO 3 (lito Jones, Murphy A. Co.) 'Wholesale Dealers in Dry Ganda No. 40 Wood Piushorgh. nov29 M U L P ro l l e s, 1 1 1 ; iii i rr i al? ‘ O;=e es' tair (loads, Liberty street, opposite nth. turvlS,ly §UNIS33I barrels Dry Peaches; 70 dorm Corn Brooms; 3 bbl. Woo Beans, to do Clover Seed; 4 b and tand 10 b It y egs Boner ~ } l l l Il ß oW Err ost reed wen 37 wned . Cl ROUND PITUTS-31 rock, noor landing; for We by norll ISAIAH DICKEY it Co. fiord st LLARD-4I bbl. No 1, now landing and for sale by eorlV' ISAIAH DICKEY & Co _ _ iIrE.ASE-16 bbl. cow landmg, for sale by IX aorta UNDRIF.S-0 blola Dry . Peatboa; 3 do Flaxseed; 0 bit Rags, not landing from Komar Cumberland, for sale by tsov?..l ISAIAH DICKEY a Co DRY PF.S.CIir:Ss-19 sucks nos, nunling bons stms Consul, and Use mks by sov9l ISMAII DICKEY k Co AZARINE BLUE PARAIETMS—A farther cop al, ply of above goods, of different opened dm morn• log al the mitre of novll R MURPHY GOOO9 EXPECTED—W R Murphy will receive In a few days, superior grey Pelts". Cloth for ladles and misses tacks. sovgg SAW WRAPPING PAPER-2= ruts for sale by J SCIIOO NMAKER & Co, morn — 21 wood at —.--- In APPLES-300 bush dried Apples; 20 bb!e en do, store and for sale by I R FLO YD, sos 23 _Round Church Building rpOTASII AND BCORCHINGB-10 01 , 42 nell'o pure Potash; 3 do Seen:hinge, in store and for sale by wart) ,Jk. R FLOYD BUTTER-13 bbl. (Plampord Roll Butter; SO kegs peeked do, reeetved and for rue by oov`Zl J k It FLOYD rACKEREL-40 bbLs No 3 Msekerch a do No I do; for salt by S F VON BONNHORST k Co Err o,22 /NG-41 bbls or sale by S F VON RONNHORST fr. Co PRODUCE TO ARRIVE-85 bags dried Peaches; 29 tacks Fluseed; 4 sacks Featber hourly ex pected and for solo by MURPHY, WI LS ON & Co, nov2l 48 wood sr FOR STEAM BOATS—Senses 45 4. blenched Sheet. ibis; 5 bales No 3 bossy Lowell Twill., for swam boor decks, On reed sad (or ule by nov2l MURPHY. WILSON k Co U PER PLAID LONG SHAWLS—We have Just opened a lot of very superior all wool Plaid Long arawls, of the most fashionable colors, to which we inVILID the attention of thbladies. A 1 r. ' % ANDER & DAY, 75 market se, novlll N W cor of the diamond TpRENCII MERINOS—Just received, tape; ihma. rime blue Maroon and Scarlet French Merinos. ALEXANDER teDAN: DLACK DE LAINS—Just opened, a rood assort. 13 meal of plain black 31onalin do Lames, of all goal idea noyfft ALEXANDER & DAY fly - RAPPING PAPER—IMO rm. Crown Wrapping TT Paper; IWO do medium do, jun road and for sale by noritt FRIEND, RHEY & Co 1 EAD-860 pig. Lead, Just reed and for tab, by 1.4 nov4l FRIEND, THIRY &Co DRIED YEACHIFS-67 sacks test rec d.d for sale by nos% FRIEND, RHEY & Co . _. . _. ._ FEATEIERS-24 sacks past rceetsed and for sa/a by novilt FRIEND, IMRE A Co . _ IN fo SEING—II sack. now landinf, r non by Gnowdl ISAIAH DICKhY & Co, front at ._.. FIDEATHERS—rd %lacks now landing, for tale by nov2l ISAIAH DICKEY & Co BEESWAX—I cask now finding; for sale by needl __ _ . ISAIAH DICKEY &Co FEATHERS--10 pucka prime Feathers,just melon consignment and for sale ng nurll AT'. OOD, JONES & Co CortilGi's bezi winter strained j Lard 041, Jost received arifor We by novil SELLERS dr. NICOLS bACON-78 pre Bacon, landlng from WU Hudson and for sale by JAS DALZELL, ' novlll 24 water et UNDRIES . ---50 bag Cheese; 4 bble Roll Heuer: g 0 comas Youth, landing from Michigan Line and for sale by nova JAS DALE ELL - - . _ ORAD CIDER-40 bbls superior,just landthg and for 4,_/ sale by bovVI JOHN S DILWORTH EILOUR-1601.14. tale ipy nor' JOHN S DILWORTH A PYL.—GO bbl. In store end for calo by - JOHN ei DILWORTH EARL ASH-18 casks, pore article _ ~- . an more and P for .ale oy opvtl TI.BBEI tr. posr • DMM APPLFA AND PEACIIfIB-303 bush Dried Dawdles{ 11/0 do do Apples; reed and for sale by novb TASSEY 0.• DFST T EAD—L2IIO pigs Galena Lead, We law Ramos, L for We by novl FRIEND, RIMY a. Co SPADk SHOVELS, tce.-50 dos Sped. sad klho. voliN 40d0 Manure Forks; 'lido Gram Shovels; SO do Socket do; dzok, Hawker., Hassocks and Forks, Bollovro, Viconacd, Wr oak) at aisadatlaren plums, by . novlO GEO COCLOLLN. Yd ropod at AUCTION SALE& 17 au* D. Davis. Anottemm•7l.',: is Broke Berl " • Sale of valuable library ediumis of limy am.* authors, by citalovie, Mut, Saturday .as log, at t 41, Commercial Sales Room., corner of Wood cad &Rang. among Meat aft, Robertson'. iftstory of Arearkat Scotland and England, J yolk complete workers( lkire. Opie, 3 sobs Hunort's Anatomy of MO utettoly; Ittifor toll's History of the Late War; Plotreles Lifts, Cm's; Fronsan's Ciannieles of tinglattd, Francs and Spain, pI.; Bradford'. Ilhydrated Atlas, fine colored maps, Imperial : fain; Doswell's Life of R. S. Johnston, Sole; All ison's litrory of tintype; Short's History of the Church; Works of land BoSatooke, ♦std.; hirer. ray's Encyclopedia of Geography, 3 Tots: W • Ecclestasucal Resniniseences; Alexico End tiltary Chieftains, VAubigoe's History of the Reformation, lout ol; Siborne's Water'. Campaign; Milton's Poet ttool Works, 2 wits Greenwood's tbermons, rrolsr, Ban erttft's Life of Washington, 3-e. he. Also, fondly and pocket ktibles, various styles at bindata; Prayer Hooks; illustrated works for present., ke. Catalogues eau be oburined and the book. examin ed at the auction ItOft. Also, Pluemological RPM., with labelled organs. JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt. W. A. AVCLURO wishing to Blow out the balance of his stock, a final sale will be held at Ens stare, No CL Wood street, by the sobscriber, at 10 o'clock us Tues day, the tNth hut, and continue till all is sold. The stack compnees au assortmer t of Cloths, Com move" Cloaking" Vesungs, Gingham', Prints, Cash meres, Alpaccus," kg. An. Also, a large lot cream" Laces and Bobinettc also, a large lot at Chmke of every description. The goods will be arranged on the day previous to sole, in lots and numbered, when they can be &seminal by all desiring to purchase. Terms, 3 months credit (or all sums over 6100, for approved endorsed notes. noven JOHN D DAVIS, Aut. 21 cams Bow, Brogans and Resaars--15 emu Rau cud Cap. Will be sold without reserve, on Friday afternoon, 24th lost, at 3 o'clock, at Davis Auction Booms, 4 cases sopor calf sewed Boots; 1 do Napoleon kip dm 6do prime do do; 4 do lup and lined Liman.; 1 do each moos and misses skipper.; 3 do prime rubber over tave3o cases fi ru no sl o iTez, d ckifr i Le ui tioep io bol e s = bromaa, he. hats; 4 do mens and boys cloth, fur, glared and plunk caps. non, 3 JOHN D fIAvIH, Acct Underwriter's Sale of Drugs, Wines, Grocerms, Wrapping Paper, fe. On Friday afternoon, Nth inst.. at 2 o'clock„ will be sold without reserve, by order of Underwriter*, at the commercial sales rooms—l 7 hal( chests Young Hyson T.., Beawitett; y do do Imperial do, Inca; 9 do do gun powder do, Condom; Ido do black do; 6 bogs Rio Coffee, slightly wet; IS boo No I gronnd popper; Id do bliles~ 11111141 tobacco, 4 do 'F J Oteyi do do 110 red.* ...di.. sue. PaPrr; It do crown do do; 13 do medium tea do. I bbl yellow Ochre; Ido cop ras, I do stone ochre; I do l'enetlan red; I do L4u pe onee, Turkey amber, saltpetre, madder, chrome green, chip ped logarood, Ac. itladeira and sweet lilego Wine. nosier JOHN D DA VIO, Auct AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE C. 8. PORTER BENEFIT OP MRS. K S. CONNER. • PM RAT WILITIIN IST M. CONN.- PamaY, Newt:noes YI, will be aeupll a near play eal led OCTAVIA BRAGALDI. Braraldi Mr. Com Ociarta m. Mrs. Conner. Etsses Mies Walters and Mr. Goodwin. _ . Toeonelett a with the LADY OF LYONS. Claude Mr. Conner. Pauline Me,. Comm. PUBLICATIONS OF EVANGELICAL KNOWL. EDGE SOClRlT..—Christian Consoladott In Ihn death of Relatives and Friends, b 7 the Hugh Wham, M. M. 32m0: Gilt. M mu to. Addrem to young persona on COOfir.“10111, by the same author. Ztmo Gilt 20 cents. The Ciliate of Linwood, on the real satength of the Christian Ministry, lama. 31 news. Selections from the Homilies of the Protestant Epis copal Church, with . Preface by the Ai Rev. William Meade, D 71 12mo. 10 cents. The infant's Progress from the Valley orDemenction to Everlasting Glory, by Mn. Sherwood. 18mo: 37j cents. The Christian Visitor, or select pestle. of the Font Gospels, with &weenie. and Prayers, desighed to tho (nerd* of the wok and itiffintath by the Ran. Wm Jarnett, bit A 43 rents. The Ch... Visitor, or select portions from the Acts of the Apostles, and the Epistle. by the same au dna. 45 cents. The Liturgy Explained and Defended: a Tram. Address to Vamp Persons alter the Confirmation, by Re•. Charles Bridges, L AL A. A ir•C The above wchts may all be obtained et the Socie ty's Philadelphus prices., of novl7 ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 79 wood at OYSTERS! OYSTlL'afili -- FRESH PROM THE SHELL—Hy Brake & Co'. Put Express, at reduced prices.—To accormao date all lovers of this daimons luxury, BURKE & Co. have resolved Ptetipply the people regularly through out the season, withthe choicest Fresh Oysters in cans, half egos and shell, at such reduced prices as will enable every family to enjoy this delicaey at their tables. An Erprew load will be received daily at the ware. house of JNO C. BIDWELI, Water atreet, berracco Smithfield and Otani, and for sale the: e, and at the fol owing depow: Baia d Berger, coreer Smithfield and 71 wo; E Hearleton, Diamond; A Hoerlei, Peon at, 4th Ward; D Haughey, foot of Lawny J Coflaw, Jr , Peon's Mercer k Robinion, Allegheny city. nov2l EIIHOPE.I.II AGMNOY, For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With held REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE.. the Set tlement and Arbitration of Commercial, Tradiog, and other Debts,. Securing Patents for iIITYZIOorts in Great Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependencies thereunto belonging, and Negotiating (or the Pur chase or Sale of the same. EFERMCCE may be rad on application free of Lb ? charge, (provided the motive is not that of mere eurussityo to List comprising upwards of 15,00) names In which tosebomed property is standing. Also, as inalez to our 10,C03 advertiseinente which bare smeared for the past 50 years in Tifil). British newspaper, addressed to Beta at Law Mug MGM of kin. Communicarions by otter are requested to be post-pal& BENTHAM FABLAN, 08 Broadway, New York. References are permitted to Rost Charles P. Daly, Judge Court,of Common Pleas, New York. Freeland, Stuart & Chas. CartlAke & Co. W. & J. T. nipscott. G. EC A. !ticket's, Esq. Edward SchrodorEN. t anoinnati, Ohio. A. Patehm, F.q, Pmudant Pur-hh3 Bank, Bade. nor3l-4801 NOTICE TO CONTI/CANOE& Omen Nminvuxasan Carimismoos B. R. Co. / Nashville, Teen, Nov. 9,11348. S PROPOSALS will he received at this Macs on the 20th December next for the Gradunotkand law rryyot forty miles ef road, tel mMp next to Nashville. ten miles =using the Beirut fork of Duck neer, In Bedford comity, Tennessee, and ten miles on the North Wut side of Tennessee river, in Jackson musty, Alabama. Profiles and plant may be seen at this office, eller the 181 l December. By order of the Board— C. P. M. GARNETT, Chief Engineer. N. IL—Tvretity-live miles of road, (Molesting the Tun nel. and six miles heavy mountain work,) are under molluscs. Reveu hundred laborers are wanted by the COl2 l / 1 0101116 rievaldinss EXPEN 01&.1. EXPRESS WAGON LINE, Pittsburgh and Phllatalphla, (vis casstaxassimo ) - TIME, FIVE DA VS—RUNNING DAY AND MORT. THE pablic are respeethilly Informed that this Line will commence mooing on the nth Inst. A ear th leace Philadelphia daily with the Mail Train to Chambenharg, and from thence by Wagoii, with a relay of horses, Forming day and night. W. will be prepared to forward Mal lbs. (raisin dais Apyly to aoNh D /.I'C VH a Co PIONEER. TRANSPORTATION LIME, ea= 1848. Mittila BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND FITTSBUBBIL Irp Time, 5 days. .„Cll Merchandise transported al(;coal rates. FORSYTH & DUNCAN, Agents, Water str u agi z ttsburgh. FRALEY, MARS Agents, novl7 47 Light meet. eldest* SOY& O.I.OTHING .-•. • • • . or P. MILLET F , Draper and Tut, from Boston, W has established himself in this city in the man. ufacture of Boys' Clothing. For the present, he has taken part of dm wareroom No. Si Fourth sr, now ocoupied by If. P. Sterrett as a furnishing store, where he vrill be happy to wait ott any who may favor lam with a call. He is supplied with the newest styles of French Kooks, Roundabouts, de_, and will receive regularly from Paris, fashions Ibr all articles in his line. Refer to F. H. Eaton & Co. novi7-Par CLOAKINGCLOTHS—We have just opened a lot of handsome black bins and olive keels, of • light fabric and Lae Emai l made expressly for cloaks. Ladles Issahin as "good c loth cloak should give as • cal; DEE d. DAY, 76 market s; no• 17 N IV corner of the diamond STEAM BOAT BLANKETS, ANUFACTURED w order end furnished at short notice, with the name of the boat in each !den. kbt Alm , Cotton and Bask Mattrames made In the beat manner, for a eery low price by L LIERBEY, noA&dty Warehouse, 29 Water at Boatels Sonoma Land Mar Bala rrEtti ACRE. OF LAND, situated la Peebles town. I ship, on the Monongahela, three mile. from Pius. bergb—in lots to suitßerehasers. For further porde. Wars apply to Henry Woods, ad at. or to A. WASHINGTON, di, 'above Smithfield st TO LET. TWO ROOMS formerly occupied as a Da guerreotype establishment, being well sdante d ger that business. The second story room Is a net °glee, an the third story, long ro om, vritharood li g ht. Extranca on Market st, between &d ma ermet.irw E. D. GIAZZADL STEAM FERRY BOATS FOR SAL The rub. scribers ores to sell ono-fourth of the two test) hosts, &strand Oen- TForth, roomr rennin; from dm foot street to Saw ABB Rae, to . to make it a p le invemeteat for capita li sts, or atty who ror,l ettgege to the neatness. For Amber parasols., inquire ot noWit tf 0 BLACKBURN k Co, Water at F oil r I" ea pair second hind Blain In good One Cip • Zirl ' :d7r7o n o= m 7 4 .prod l --.Aix.7.b; woollen au. • r'g .. • BLACASTOCK, BELL O. Co. Pitt Cotton Mill. Nov. it,lB4sarito. COATINGS TO ARRlVE—lease grey mixed brown Cuaimerea; 1 ease Lavender 'zygote; bale lavender Illanket <OII.IIIC I d cirab do blue do Consignment from Eastern manuthemrere, and (Cr sale at eastern prleeth with canine added. novel MURPHY & LEE,ltherty at, foot Chit IDLANKEES! BLANEETS!—Homa keepers soil lr) others wanting aboveigeoda, will bear in mind that a large assortment has lately been reeehred,of all qualities, Ina iudlng some acry large and Illipenat, at drye goods house of W u MURPHY, ,• m.* N E Cotner 4th Ms: M IL K L t,:r . pte l e ' U s of cherrike*Olo'red Net .cu Also,. • lot of S hari r - OftNg 41:1 market xt , CRPETV 6 ARPEVl—Havingjuitree'd Gout the manufacturer direct, • splendid Airminister Co ast, of most bestatilhl cobra and shading; and any ode Immeshing parlors would do well by ezanduing oar cock, as we are mall= very . norld NV ItIVLINTOCR. 7 5 FOUni HONE LEAGIVIA ITACTORY. 13 AItIILTON STEWART, ektattufeeturer HeaA.Evy o. lti nr rti . effs,Ctieeks, &bete& street, elf? of ne•Lidly• STEAMBOATS. Aiiramrt a, pisvaavaan v PACKET LINE. known lino of spleedld passonicer Stem. ers Is now composed of tho r ti= nnftest., bee sad forelahon, her Inures of the Won. I.srery secommodmitnesto. iart that mosey 94n porwa, has beenprowited far paw n. Th. /AM hu peen biciod.d3on (only* Tsars —has carried • mil li on of people without tie least labs. ry to their pcnang...mo hosZ 4 Wlii44,P,the kat 0f... Wood mom the day previous to startmg, for th e non of freight sad the emu of passed the sni on ter. In all eases the passage tnixosy.gina hp advance. SUNDAY. PACESIT4. The, ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. (A AWN; .L4l leave Pulabozgh every ELatid4y morning et 10 Vale.* Wheeling evely'Sunday eyerang ler.Bo Iday eB, L 847. MONDAY PACIERT. The I , IONOZIGAMELA, pap- Suns, will Imo Pitt. burgh every Monday :annuals at 10 o'clock; Wbaskas every SLooday everung ct 111 e. • TUESDAY PACILET. The lIIBERNLA No. V, Cap. J. le Krzcznymultll lease Pittsburgh miry Tuesday rooming oh: Wheeling every Tuesday evetung, a: 10 r. 1. - -- • WEDNESDAY PACIUM. The NEW ENGLAND No k. DNA & PUji, win leave Pittsburgh ovary Wednesday moms a s a s is o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening sl up% it, - THIIIISDAY PACKET. The IIItII.LIAPIT, even Capt . Gwen, will leave Maw. burgh eve Thaesday wonting at lOo'elechi Wiw.ili N t every Thanday °mug at 10P. K. FREIVLY PACKET. The CLIPPER NO. 2, Capt. Capon, will lereve burgh every Friday marnius at IO o'clock Wheelpet c. 17 Friday evenutg RI 10 I. IL ____ EE— • /ATI/TWAT PACT. The 10113SIZIG1:11, Capt. B. atm, willleave Pitts.' e,ge every Sataniay maralas at 10 o'clock Inaellas ave.g 7 Sang zdayenealag at 10 r. r. NEW LISBON AND FITTSDITROHIAAT LINN OF CANAL AND STEAM. PA Isse. aim= otosocovj Leaves Pittsburgh daily, ate o'clock , A. IL, azal rives at Glasgow, Month ofthe Sandy and Deseirelho rial,) at 3 o'eloek, abd New Lisbon at 11, sum a/oml f.,cave. New Lig.; ai 6 o'clock, P. 01., (ntaking . dia trip canal to the dear during the Akbr.) and Mop* at 0 o'clock, A. M., and arrive. It Pittsburgh at 3 P.' M.—thus making. a continuous line for carrying pg. longer. and freight between New, Lisbon an4lPhas. burgh, In .homer time and at less rates !Wintry/my, other route. The proprietor. of this Lute have the plumps in foc.M;%b,llALtutie acpuoy hay. Uon e atted o ltt p t twodlit el: a re height, to run in connection with the well kluelne steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, sad eonowst•-• lag, n Glasgow with the Pittsburgh and Canals. nen and *taw dolly line. of Mama down the MIS. and Mississippi river. The proprietors pledge thew solves to spare no exports° or trouble to Insure cola fu f t , safety and dlsparela and ask of the pnblln shut c eu. PE" `HOFUZED.a.OVITS. G M.HARTY: N, 8. t W. MA.RBAUGII, ft. HANNA- &Co. myna( ReAllauli &Co. , NeW Lk"ft• NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, _C. E. Clarke, maw ter, will Mare Otter th is notice, for Wellsville punnatht ally, at 9 o'clock in the morning. $l3 19411. SASS PITTSBURGH & BROWNIIPILL.II Daily Packs?. Lila& FEBRUARY Ist, 184 PEBRUARVI9I 2 HS LEAVE DAILY ATB A. hl., AND 4 P. AL . The following now beaus complete me line tot the piesent num: AIR LANTIC, Capt. James TIC, Ceuta- Ineebu M I MI/ ?PLANE, Capt E. Dement Mot beam am =Maly new, and are hued up withept regent to expense. Et , cry eamfon the: money can proton has been providetL. The Deets will leave the Ilonenuthede WherfDoet es the foot of Ems et Passengers will be puneuell op board, m the boats will eertiunly leave et theme used house, 8 A. M. and 4 P. Fl P3II73BURGH a WHJ3ELING rAcialr„ ' • The swill steamer CONSUL, . . malLyebber, router, Inn frATO sevalarly or Whellog, every Monday, Wed nesday and Paiday, at 10 o'clock precksely,::. ' • Leave Wheeling emery Tuesday, Thatidatand Sa hardly, at 7 o'clock, a to, precisely. _, ... The Consul will land at all the imerenedlata . . Every accomodadon that can baproeured the cow fort and safety of passengers has bmn provided. - Millr boat ts also provided with a selfacting . safety raard io prevent cantonal:la For freight or I 7 .7 . 7 . board or to DAVID feb4 corner cOst and djs. FOR ST. LOUIS. Thesplendid steamer J J CRITTENDEN, .! L tsruel, master, will leave for the Aim% d Intermediate ports this day. For freight or passage apply on board, nee — Ftill j gT7raing: The solendid'and rein stemmas.* i s DE wrrr CLINTON, Devising, master, mill leave foe Ole above and an intermediate ports Ws • day. Far freight or - - ---, FOR WHEELING AND SUNFISH. .., . 1 The now =daft MOM AVE44.If. Harney master, wit! . Ina!'" fin laxly all ituermadrile_ports co We.** days end Sainnlays of each week. For rie.tgla or,paSO sage apply en baud or to !male GEO 13 MILTF.NBERGER . , Ail 1 FOR NA.SHTILLEI '' . ' The fine nropplAnsoghtsits. oapL Miller, w ill leave inKtle aheiiri d oil 'mem:dims -wawa Sou , di; 18t6 flak az 4 We:4)&4E1114 ov.dra ~- For freighter pas7 3 r o f i pljzi or te ..., L eo•2I IF - 1 — ..-----...,..aa FOR OINCINN.'" RINGGOLD,-- •-• ',A sartieCope,, master. Will leave for Om§ and intermediate ports this tar,' as loolelock A. hi, positively. . mit PITTSBURGH AND LOUSVILTIMCWIefAM •• • • • • Theca.. and splendid fast pissisa. ger packet t TLLEGRAPFI No. a. ; n n t=s, willierce. for t nail tad Lonisvillood Ti tho tdah inttl &dna, A. AL Pon freight or mango i r y . w 8uR8&1... WILSO & Co, or DEX) B MILTEYBERGER. ' - _ Jalrp" Steamer Perna will leave Lotdavitu t Poe Orleans, on artival of Telegvimh No 21 • Palsan i lpt aired.e east go direct, and can have bes sectued. beta de . --- - -- - -- -- - REGULAR WHEMANG PACKET: • • .... The new and rplaaMd ST, ANTHON Y,, aner D P Eisner, wager, will ran as • amend packet between Pittabtuglk and Wheeling, waving this city 'very Tam:l%2 . 1 g rweddy end eamnLay, ea 10e , eleekA. M., and W eft ry ?donday Wedrowday and Friday, at 8 o'clk,at. M. For or pampa., haling auperler aorainanaod. Eltn, apply mi board et to • Arent. JAMES MAY, Area. The St Anthony is a new boat, and Int xv a“...modasjona cannot be anrpaased by any the river. norIS FOR BRIDGEPORT. Tim neat and _ - i , ... utatantial stesppr IUDSON, Andrew Poe, mauer, arßLiterfatitt Shegular rm. between Fumbler* and Bridgeport vrill leave Plualdtrgb on Min days and Tllttradays. Morfreight or manage, apply on board, or ea , novlo D Wilaurift, AV The eMendirl and Cut MAXIM sus melr NEW ENOLaNIk A 7 ISPClnre, mamer, wit/ lents' Or e above andlntennedingpoUnk aht to-morrow tfiudap) morning al 10 o'clock: • ' For freight or •a • a•• 1 onboard. itova- Asia The eplendld liski draught 'daze:fie OENEVA, Willchu, muter, will 1144'410v like *bore and Intermediate portele az 10 o'clock, A. M. For Aelkht or FOR NEW ORLEANS. COLUMBIA,IJONTIRELI,O AND pEORGETOWN, and rdl intermediate laud. Lugs 04 the ktississipyi and Pea:llllva ru The new light dr=gbi sad rabstab. nal steamer FIA/RA, Jenkins, master, wifl harass dun* Thursday, Mr iris ,at 1040 11. freight or Milt on the bond, no Fm nosle 9 •l' Lr' '''l- .) r ; eIILTLTIBERG o ; 4 4 0 ./- -------- - — FORST. 0 W. . m ai The gilendid rut runic' swot:or C4IIB/11A. • . C. S. Kendrick, master, will braviallar the above and isnoactedloo pone oo Tactiley, the Slit lost,' at CO o'clock; :VI& ~..., Pot freight or paeans apply onboard, orb ' , ' noro3 FORBYTIf &Co FOR bT 9 KNEE The fiat steamer mai= DA ill i gstf slisr alsenns 11=1' pariathinriy. rbt or passage apply cus mar. ssonii rdp.Kifr. The Ugh: draught Hemet SHENANDOAH, w iffiLikrorout meter, sill leave tor ile a . Ire and intermediate porn- - • • at to o'itooJc. For freight or puma ap I ® board. na.ii .FOR BT. LORIS, The fine ma and anbaainial sat: MT. VERN CAW ON H. K,untx., mayor, arlll lean i(OT I above andifinattnedbMo pOtbefon ad. day, ulO o'clocr, A..bL For aided or passage .apply onboard..,; . Zon7 - ---- • - • litrazuz & 00,11 FAST..l42,Pallias FOR ellautEititaND. HALTIMORt a AND ASTERN- CATIEW • riaill3 Proprietors of thieLinebtera polo n Neer Steak. and are prepared. to forward paekages of all de seriPtieee dellY, et the town. . , J. C. RIDWEI4: Water itreet, ovtp ROBINSON RORHA oct3l SOetth Charles tt. rPain A r j . vv - rn jEtt i 1848. Masa skuP w LEßS .w and oth mn za ar. p : T izto u =tat . reenipted for ty DAY LANE and repair t9g ons, at law rata* and speciaad ntnili6joiror 1011=1thiLEM,Elid - • - • - - - • EXPrott Poekot mato to Ptilladelpki, LAST BOAT OP 'rUE SEASON. .ifitl.l4 . 2lrh "9 a''leck ' PC ' P9 :irte ; " Pll7. is' or D IXECH ' ft (=Zit, 0:4 , ,•. ar i matsSTEAM BOAT AO • EN ' IS Onus uovs M., Amax& ow. oeLll No. 49 Water! , ... . ; ClAlLPSTEL 4 l3AlitPiltl:—Cosietaatll ratei t t E it IN.ld'Cliatockh, Velma wash Avery twiny L 5 55 , 5 c 55 „... 5 ....5.5 5 ,a la part:of alzatatatorl i gg atost. I b....a t ' pattern% Velvets, latest Natant. pett t d. tiny gal VaPegliTtElnllubiaPllroulp.and t Venatt ata . , all of erbleb tre tall tell as taw as they au, eh mita Ws market. lattforliagetraparehtud n Abe aupmaectrets, enables 'us .to.coliipetegruk eaataa market .-.40115
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers