IMEN=E ESTABLTSKED IN 1786, BUSINESS CARDS. Ar WOOD, JO' E$ to Co, Contonsnon and Yon. warding Merchant., have returned to their old .tend, Wale? and Front street., Pittsb• •. act% '1,329121C1 itiBIGS 10:MOL I'IRARPticinER, Wkelesale and Retail Dreg 'J3l-- gees, iomer of Llbo,rty arid Sr. Mir streets, Pita .bergs; Pa. Maya 11. 11. BROWS. pittatOWN CVLBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, nod Ckimmtsilan blerchaabi, No. 145, Liberty et., barith. Pa. FASIMESTOCIL & Co.„ Wholesale ind Re- D e •tnU•Dra;giw, earner Wood and eth w. jyl DAGALEY Y SMITH, Wholesale Grocers, 18 and ' lid Woo d street Pittsburgh.' ary. A. iIe.ANULTY t Co., Forwarding. and Cons. et./s ottani= hierratsuls, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Ps.. meh2 lt. 16741.7. JOICI C1:1111.17. IDWALT GEBHART, Wholesale Grocers. deal- CLOTS in Produce and Pluaburgb Blantrfacturos; cor tur of Liberty and Hand sta,pirutbarirh, Pa. :cal, WlLsetatSvc, - mats r. Sz:rxerr. ENGLIBiI & BENNETT, (Late Eructlsh, Gallagher Co.) Wholesale Gram, Comausaton and For. watches Merchtutts, sad dealers to Produce and Pius hdtrgh Mansfacturea, pia. 77 Wood at, between sd and ]dame.. octl e. L niIDID, 1111C1. WOOD. ILBEY & Co., Wholesale avocets and Coriususn hierehantkand Agents for Brighton • Yam N o.. 67 Water, nod 10s1 Front sta, Pitts burgh, Pa - - .1 Wand and Smithfield atreets,-Pittabulgh, P. Plies g r Mr old Copper and Blass. dein GEO ig llllECOCHElM3,o:ol'mtsiduttittut Poruntrdirss ettbarat 210. 01Wood stmt. Pittsburgh. mll7 IttriAßY BRUNOT,O7IIIto anti net !ad Moou rtotttrer, Paha an y 011 blorchsta, corner of Lib. • und•O'ltsra it... Piustrorsh. joiS IIMII lIMISTIII,7I. ' 308:1111.v. ne xeMt. WORSYTiI & DUNCAN Forwarding and Cowan. JC Won Alarshants, No. 3 + First greet, Pinsburgb. Mit Wltobssaletlincerl i Com. DICASZY & C 0 ,64.. pr.d.e., ' minion Mardian% add tu , unti, , tier. Ed 1t ? Pent fitmea.Yl. b youN mummy, Attorney sad Counsellor et Law gg.wrl,Cosurdseiener for the Butte of Peruntylownia 13t. Lewis, ilate or Pittrincegb.) --'l2zezzszonrubnyte 800 W Forward, Hemp urn &M il lar ItiValuilsoo Itt'Clure, John E Parke, Einar & EntriVlSVCorsi Elsa, jel4:ty 1 01iN SCOTAS Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward tug sad Commission hierchams, Dealers to Pro '. nee and Pittsburgh Mennientores, No, 7 Commercial Bow Liar:yseem, near Um Cala!, Pittsburgh, Pa iAXES 8 tdeGUIRE, But of the Brat of Algeo and lloGnire,)blerehata War, Bt. Chula. Sodding., TAMES A- SA d . Le l re e r * itU n tehßisJo TCHaI S o O afNs, Cc & a C n a is — el a o S n r u g c h h e . e e a e a t s o , No. A = o an= tro ut themStmbwßefney. ;sal . JT IL BLACK, Merchant Tallier, Exchsogs - • din . I ,[Bl. Clair st.,Pittaburgh. lawn sala Grocer, Pm , Jam and GlL Conminion Blenheim; N o. en, Wood at, lan4 JVEN D. MORGAN, Wbolosain Drtg l i u m . , and dear. or in Dye Stafs,Painta•Clils, Valoi s - N 0.93 Wood otreat, one door South of Diamond __TAME:6.MR, Jr., & Co., (satteessar to Joseph O. V TiselsJ Ehtp Chandlers, SS We= street. oc.ll TORN R. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer er Is Music and hi =cal Insuaments; School Boars, taper, Mates, Steel Pens, Quills; Pritibm , Cards, and littailoaaty cenanly,No. 81Wood Pißstrazgh. Is Rase boo to or-taken is trade.. sole SC OON Al AKER & Co., .me Dg 411 No. N Wood. sweet, Pi ugh. 101111.0.'IM.VIS,Anciivneer, earner Sth ad Wood amen, Pinsb . oci9 - -- JOHNBTON & STOCKTON, SockluwUsra, sad Paper blonufaemrers, No. 44 Marker et, Pius burgh. TWIN GRIEG, Mamie Grocer, dealer in .Pro -0 deco, Pinaborgbldsnoiketteree, Ma Plates, tee. de- No.A.VlLlberry 0. Pittebargh. lens axi nom, =WM ROTA T R•FLOYD•Asta 3. playa lc to,))141olesale 11/ • G • .• • No.WlLlbeny girt. • scps JAM 3 DAT ovi Wholesale Grocer, Cerscoisaioa blirrelant, and dealer in Produce and Panebmw6 hianalactures. No. Water as, nuabrugh. jard6 is: R, • o • • ft and Mar ' Atkins, Dealers Prokeenuad Masbate, 1:1111111 • . *rucks, Canal Bunn, new 7th at d9l Volumlna Iran 'Works. 3.LEW. DALZELL le Co, manufactoms of all al. ma Dar, Slam, Bailef [ran oad Nall* of the boat vutfay.. :INare!ume,s4.water slut 105 front at • WATEHNLaN, Wholesale Gwen, Forward 4144and Cannalaidon 'Merchant, Meer m Pius. araCULTINI and Piodaca, No. 31 Wawa in, and 1124 , c0nt a 127 , SHIPTONi . Wlrdaside Grocers, Furl wascra l td . Com:mist= Morel= Let : 7 l r , %Vogt st;itiushurith. itaCrillEtta ,tr. C 9, Conindsalen Met c464,32 rkgaelphin, ,the Wei o f Froth." gel Agritt a lliDnT ll annum= bands on ccansranenne. 1/1.1". 111 , 0111... WAIXIM C. 102. .IkAreGILLtr.II.OE, Waimea Groan sad Commis : ilk sae !Uremia, Na LN Liberty u., Piturtugh. Era • X. ALUM, 11.101 L arracca, WILL 161¢13: 111 :ALLEM & Co, Commission and Forwarding , Mem-bards, Water and From cm, between oodandlitintaNna ' • issta e. ateelaels. WW- ILLLII.. ". ib =MON, WhatesOe Grocers mut 11 V4aunitecialderelssats,Noa79, Liberryjn, Phu. jsualf H & 80N, No. fd blarket hu, second ! do or from corner of Four* &Men we Foreign •Aufrinie Ezehangei o.ortMeatee of Deno. rfillanb Nora and Sped& Milted= mad an W tha ph:o* cities 'thronelloot ibe United States. deel7 I.IIUKT MUCMUS, GnMei, Heetifying jAribietiiler, dealer in Fredneis, Pbrabrirgb faunae . 'tram, end, a ll kinds of Romig. and Domestic Wines '!{sad /Avian, No.ll Marty event. Unhand a verg Imp mach of earior old Monongahela arblekey, • wheel will ba nold lom for east.. g I etSAJAD LE=ll, Jr, Losporurr and Ueda u[ ' Foreign and Domestic Eladdlcry Bardeen, and at: all eTriannh. niugs, an deacriptterus No. LTI Wood Elltshri ILLIIIk Wholesale axe -Hoed Dealer in Leather, hlorocco, Shoemakers , Toots and Plod. stew Tatotess , end Cods& Tools, arni Tansers' N0.1C9 Wood st„Piusteuah. septa bazar wim E i ROBLNEIO tr. Co n WholesaloCiroeetr um' roduee . Idexediamsomilkillect is Pius- Alissiariecturew,'Ne.LEM . a. 7 yiniburgt, " 'DAT ?VT t it Co ; Wholesale ,Geot.en t lL - ConsistJoanna Faziesidtaie Maecenas, &nen ea and" TimbersEi Maauessuues, Lteene akeit paa - 1 44 aiternes and:Papipardb . " Mantisteraa," • S. 0. RITEOUNI, I. L. =IL I,IEYNOLDB &SHEA Foninuding . and Cainininina AVlderannus, far Ow arra rade, deni als InAlroceri Prwinrel, .11trnr6 lannufactures and Chlcnilie of Lime. . TheNgfraw pion, la csak, paid man than' for mut . Carner.l4 Perm tad Irwin rts *43 Q. I 1111. • ,r 1 dealer=l,vd_ 0, groceries boets t resaitubangh. Wee Sr a mitte C rftleit • ik‘ 4 l l l = Anklet, ria.4sMaket mein, door aboves Third„ kb:taboret. mat L C. ittrartsraurr,, =LB. wad= EADDLETZ" a.. .Valrns NThOlesals Dealers la am/ Doomale. Du Good. No Oa Wood sr. reblltt 8!: di. KrJUDBALIOD,Mtia Mathis . sIT - DasZ, a /a Pomona Produce generally, sad Fdrw ardiaa sad • DOSIVEdISIOII Merchant% No. DS Water a-, Prus. — MTH, CAWLEY & Co Wholesale Grace; ;Ind la Produce deniers, Ne- SSC slice; cd, — end Mk; Math side, Pifiladelphiu. "te=Vr 12:11IL=: • mWilcra 13 tderetanta, o. Liberty st,Piusburgh. VON NONNI:IORn k Ca, Wholesale Gro w*. lkaleta to Fererardlny 14 en Merchant., Pittabargit Mannfacuires and Western Pro. delhaer removed to their new warehonsegold wand) corm of Front at antl. Chancery Lane. rt:or. & , • o Grocer. and unamur Won ldereasnte, and dealers in Produce, No. 35 and 13..1%1sta:wan. Pam ers me NY-yrosttin M. " " 1 :=1 411 = zrenr.... Au. I*, EA., BiztVii 4diPinsbnrilu My son MIAS ISM d i e Med:won, ssiD mend to therafreaxpeae 10 appliCaSlX mar 14417 itAOA DAVID APCARD/1111 . Wlag Isaieesiers & _ Wiak,l - Wboluale Grocers, 'Foramsling lisul Matadi:law Alerehsans, dialers in IrOn, NOls, Glass, ispflaallltras,-and Piusbuigh llanalissares generally, Pe+saset Wool and • twits. PitUbur& - FY= EAm in meeri W r =nd . . fy7 W. WALLA. CE, stone mid Mill Putrush : 4s, wilmillammn, N 0.244 Liberty e n nemThe . mil, • • --- - - 1117"4L - 42.141LARD, Dada ist Fancy and Builds jr , n - lh7 Goods, No. 22 Market street, Pinsburgh. t50n3.411 TV AV WILSON, Begirt' Watches. Jame Fry • f`B r 7 Xilitar7 rio. 67 Nan! turn hlUll.PNVi_Wholvsnte and Retail dealer In ai; Idadetitt = 4 lll ' DTY "'d""thanar 11/111.102=1_ " ' /NO. IS'Crlcs 1041731." YOUSolted. , -114114ti 161.1ber bides, its W 143 Liberty st. , ,art3l7 mot. : lc 11.-DIITCHELTBEE—WhanaIa Gloc.m • iteattryl=, sad Milne and Lvov of Soda Ash aznißle— ;4inifter,lto.423.lberty a. PlusbasewPo. Jonsr3l >SUM Issoososeg,_ _ smolt U. sem VA , BLACKBURN & Ca., Wholesale Grocers and `KIS &alters in Oils, Boat Biota, and Pittsburgh Man , s issallsesi ankles, has.= hind, at all KailA • fall and PURlitscetegen b da th at ruler WAG= Greet, ear.Rgerry Atley,l ' aur AITTCHEUTHEE, Wholesale Grocers, • Rees Vying Semil of Soda "lers, and Wino Ash awl 13 eurClAquolaaehi Also, hapeas - i"par prude; No. tOOLltorty ones, Ptasburgh, P. r _ CARDS. JOHN M. TOWNS.KND, Druggist and Apothecary, No. 0 Market as, three doors above Third st. Pins. burgh, will have conatantly on hand • well selected as of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely upon its genuine. irr Physicians Prescripuons will be aecartuely and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of th eme day or sale, night_ for a largo stork of fresh and good Perfu mery. janl Illanonitallela Livery Stable. . 12 ROBERT H. PATTENSON has opened the lame stable On Fint 111, miming through to Second st, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,in the rear of the hlonongahela House, with on entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages or the beat quality end latest styles. Horses kept et live ry in' the best manner. irbay MARBEfiTWORKS ON WOOD ST, virrmic kcal. E. WILKINS, . CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Burial Vaults,Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at o regular and fair price. N. 11.—Bramince for monuments. vaults, &e. furnish ed, of any description. He solints•• share of public patronage aug9-dtf 'WILLIAM S3fITII, Manufacturer of Cotton and 71' colored Linen, Fringes fur Dresses, &c.; Sewing Salk and colored Cottou Frumes for silk nod gingham Parasols, Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes, made to order on the shortest notice. STOILL comer of Maiden Lave and Willis!. entrance No as William street, third floor, over Abner /r. Elys , store, No 65 Maiden Lan New ork iro WATTLIZIA itIaWAILDS, MS. C. rocza, 111011. STANG.. JI. taco. recut, non Boa, .1.4_11.13 a IS.; 2CLECHABICS' GLASS WORMS. QI3IPSON, LEALL L A Co - BTANG & ~ manufacto rers of Vials, Bowes, and Window Glass. keep constantly on hand a general assortmebt of the above atonic.. Also,make to order a superior article of Mineral or Poda-W•ter Bottles, of colored glass. No. 16 Wood 61. Ihttsbargh.Pa sag6l-6rn RICHARD T. LEECH, JR •; • IMPORTER AND [MAL. IN Saddlers' Ironmongery, Hornets and Coach Trimmings, Doss, Deer Dale, Varnish, &a. &c., jyll No. 1 Wow) vr, Prrranono“. PEKIN TEA STORE.--No. T 2 Fourth at, near Wood—All dummies of Green arid Maze Tem, done up in limner, half. and t i l i e , dound packages, ranging froze do me per pound lyi A. JAYNE:4, Ain. tor Pokio Fee Co Dnquesne Spring, Azle, Steel and Iron work.. COLEMAN, iIAILMAN a. Co, manufacturer. of Coach and Eiptie Springs, Hammered A 11,., Spring and Plough Steel, lron, A,. Warehouse, on Water and Front street., Pittsburgh Al., dealan"in, Coach Trimmings and ?Joinable Coming,. ocrld . RUCKMASTER, Axmouattx—Office,Fontrh third door above Smithfield,, south side. Ccinveyancing of ail kinds done with the greatest care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Saute examined. &c. occ3o-ly INSURANCE, DELAWARE — WU T U AA. INSURANCE CO. ORN FINNEY, Jr., Apia at Pittsburgh for the awan nitnol Safety Insurunce Company of Pbtia adelphia. rue Risks upon buildings and merehandue or every description, and Marine 'Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable terms. P" Office io the Warehouse of W. a Holmes & 1o.3: Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. 11—The meccas of tide Company since the estab lishment of the agency in th is city, with th e prompt ers. and liberality. w ith which every claim upon diem for lows has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent to inviting the emthdenee patronage of his friends and the community at large to the Delaware ht. h Insu rance Company, while it has the addotoual advantage's as as itimiumon .tong she most fionnstueg in Ptitladel phist—as having an aroplepatd-in capital, which by the operation of Its charter to comtnutly increasing, as yielding to each person moored his due share of the profits on the company, without involving tuns in any responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea ture, and In its most atiractlVO form. nov4 FIRE AND ILIA.RINE ILIHIIRAIICE. T . Itharallee Company Of North Arilenea, EnrCrugla duly unthoriaed Agent, the aubunber, otters to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, 111 thin city need its Meanvy, and on shipments by the Ca nal mid Rivers. DIRECTORS. Ardor G Coffin, Charles Taylor, sent'l W. Jones, Ambrose WEnte, &Jamul Semi, Jaeob M. Thome., John A. Brown, John R. Neff, John White, Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope. Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. Small . , Franks Hookens, Samuel Brecht., S. Aucon Allibene, • • ARTHUR 0. COFFIN,-Pre.',. . Hanlot D. Stonmaxao, Seely. This is the oldest Imturancet Conarmo ie the United Stamm, having been chartered in OA. Its charter is perpetual, and from ae high standing, long expenence, ample meam, and avoiding al. rake of an extra ha:- auto. character, it may be consldered ex olrenqg alu p:e security to thy public. W. P. JONES. At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones U. Co., Wa ter sad From 'thee. Pineli. mayS - - - FRANKLIN FIRE tostritesco co. Tr; Franklin Fire Insuannee Company , of Fluladed -phit, will multi; Insurance ; permanent and bathed an every desernmon of propeny, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, au favorable terms. This con,. pant has a perpetual charter. Ca nal, P 640 . 0 OCO paid in Olin:Lova; Pond 6500,000 ()ewe corner of Third and Ilarketatreets. Pntsburgh. WAB.RICIS umirri, Agent_ =l= THE undersigned,duty authorised Agent of the Amer. man Ftm irl•llMSlet COMpilly of Flulndelphm, continues to effect insurance against loos or damage against Fire, oft buildiugs, merehruicitze, furniture and pidyes.), not extra hazardous, Is this city and y. aiil4 UK° tirn:H It AN. wordl rte L ni. 6 = "it uranc h :to b :p=f i' ll?onhe ' n p rZ and will issue Policies cud attend to the other nosiness attic digeocy, et die cruel/oils. of Avg.., Jou. O Co. • apiti o it., :t FORWARDING & Cosi~ll !UN, C. D. LUZENISOW/C6, I.IOLI.LDO CANC. CELAILLEI R. DALNENELO‘ir & CO. TOBACCO CuIIIMIBBOA 9ISECILi6IIB, N 0.69 South Wharves. No. 1.17 South Water at. PIDLit VEGS to inform the • roJt oral dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, Mat they made ouch twang,mr nts at the Virstuta mancincturers and the Growers of .the West, Weil Indic., aim other places, as wili Insure a /area =I COrlatarn eupply of th, following descrip bone of Ttrbacco, width win be sold upon as isecom modruirqr• terms as any outer house in this city or else where, tad sill goods ordered from them wed be war rented equal to represeutaunit. ' Havana; St Domingo; Conti.: Vora; Porto Rico; Peen a; }Seed Lee' to. Cuba; ligain6 Florida; bacco; 2J.444s—Bratich's celebrated Aromatic Slag Caven dish, with • large assortment of other popular brands, and qualities of pounds, bs, be Ms, Ids and ,Tn, Lump; As, 6, en and ilts Plug-, Lollies' Tyresti Virginia Twist, &a, sweet and . plabs, to whole and half norm, woo tin, together with every variety of article belong. tog m the made. nittidly 1. ILLICIST. a. STMT. t OLVAILTSON. HAUNETs NNtSBIT tt. GAILKETSON, (LOUR FACTORS, Pretdote, Conunlesion and Forretardlnig No. Id Noern Wasstors, stn lteD Warn Sr PHILADELPHIA. Rana so—Jobn H. Brown & Co. Hobert Steen &Co. Harcroft, Heaver k, Co. Yhn " .lod. Smith, Segoley & Co. Allen a; Paxton, No York. Walter &Haney, Dolumore. Bartley &Sand, }3nrbridge,Wilson &Co Raley, prawn Et C. ". Wier h. & /ones, chr' Lateral cash et:Hance* on consignments to our eu. sanegedly =SALM melds, tam LOST. WATOIO. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., BLOM PACTORS, ===tt===l N 05.13 Sorru WArra Smarr PHILAbELPIIIA. REPLIIENCES—Iieray Gni!' /I. Co, Plusbargh. Ralson X Sherlock, ' 8. Schooley &Son, A. hi. Juntouy, hisYsrSle. Charles Basharo, h., [Amarale. Avilh, Humphreys & Co. } ro Mercer, B. & Co. Philad's Reed & Brother, & Consloery Neer N'ork., Jflfl to. LICLIA.I3I, ‘11•111.0 W. ANDLIVION. LEHMER & ANDERSON, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COTTON FACTORS, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALEM' NAILS AND W. GLA:se, res. 7& tl now n. stew annewar, ceam.Xs . moo --- cmnag - coolinem: Gominission and Forwarding Merchant. lta won ei., OONTINAHM inns= general Comutivaion lisi aj two, eapecitilly In the purchase rind sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and ferivarding floodsconsigned to C.C. At. Agent for the Manusactures, he will he constantly supplied with the principal 6.41.10. of PzlOiburgh Mllrlufactote at the LOW.; WhOICDILIC price. Others sad consignment, an reorzpillillysoliciterl. 11l GEORGE A. BERRy, WHOLESALEtiILOCicita FORWRDIIIII tordmINISION . AND DEALER IN Iron,liaar, Cotton Yarns As Pittoborgb idanntaot genera/Ir, so JO wodb caCiar.. • Forwarding Moral ant, Brownsville, Pa. Attends punioularly to the Forwarding of Profuce, M. &a. For any Information, apply to FORSYTH & CUN CAN, Wattrat. ocus ISAAC CRUSE -- _ GENE COMMISSION 511571CIIANT, FOR THESALE OF PRODUCSA PROVISIONS, Nos. 105 and 107 Sstrru's Wrist, 11A.LTIMOILE, MD. Rsorsomcmre—Merchan—ui of Pittsburgh. ' 'Wheeling, Va..—a. Cr., et, A Co. marO•ddia 7 ZypFTMG TO stur - Pis. lir bays taken an office imediately oppoene m on, band torarebouse., for m e th_presenti wt. , e we test transact business en mad, until a new house can be erected, arrangetnenu bs'rmg already been made for that purpose. Was will always be in readiness at our whartio receive freight. C A APANULTY & Co, O P I , Canal SUM. Liberty at WOOL. LYMAN, REED & (sue.... to Reed, Hard tr. C.) (MIRKA CODiOIIbBIUR MISBCIIARTS, BOSTON. Pardealax attention paid to the sale of Wool, mad litter al advances mada an consigommda otilaulkwly G• Dia 8-10, I 12 al, 10.14 ..d• JUSI seal 1161 summit larowlin aad far a aby W 922 FO DUNCAN - . . • . .......,-.1 -.. I A . .z. . i ~...,....,..,„.„ q_ . i. . _..... • . .., LAW OFFICES. WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa L al so attend to collections and all other bosi• Hess entrusted to him in Butler and Ammon counties, P. Refer to J. & IL Floyd, Libeny at. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittoburgh. dl' Kay & Co., Wood at jun 7 T B. SWEITZF2I, Attorney at Law. office 3d at., opposite St. Mules Ho,el, Pittoburall., will also attend promptly to Colloctiono, Washington, Fayette and Green mmattea, P. RR Bliuk!dock, Dell &C0.,0 TO Church t Carothers, }Putzbamgh. D T. Morgan, kel3dly J. HENRY, Attorney and Conocollor at Low, E Cincinnati. Ohio. Collections to Southern Ohio, mid In Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commis:loner for the State of Penn. sytvania, for taking Deposition., aclmowledgmentri, the. Hann ao—Hon. Wm. 801 l & Son, Curtis, Church & Carothers. Wm. Hay. k: q., ‘l Monk & Davis. AnD_ M== virmiaams & SHINN, (successors to Lowrie and Y Attorney. and Counsellor. at Law. Office North shin of Fourth street, above Smithfield. _ . JAM ES F. R.F.RR, Attorney ar — Laar, BakeutTll's Building. Grant greet, newly oppoeins the Court Honer. ..6.97am /•11. DIRMOP, 3. LUMMOX ITATILL.L. DI:INLOP & SEWELL arioroey . s Lam, on Smithfield:between 3,1 and Ith sts. OR WA RD & SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys a i r Law, have removed their office to the South uda o Fourth IL, between Cherry Alley and Grant street apSIL UT 0. IL ROBINSON. Attorney at LAVV, has so- V - moved his office to itte Exchange Batislings, St. Clair cs, next door to Aldermen Johns aptlly SANICEL W. BLACK, Attorney at Lass. Mee on Pcunh street, near (rant. Pittsburgh. 0016-dim BOOK TRADE. To Country Blercharstot A LARGE SMOCK of School Books, Paper, Station ary, tc., suitable for cetuatry saleE among which are NVriung Papers, of floc, merimm and common qu'lt's Letter Paper do do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slates. Pencils, N afera, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yawl wade) plain and printed; Bonnet &anis, of different qualmec Bloat Books, in treat variety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown,_ medium, and double crown wrapping potter; laleGulße's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray' Eclectic Anthmetics; Cobb's Primers, Speller. mad Rendenk , Sander.' do do do Arntunetica, by Adana; Davis,Colbarn, Smith, Sloe k ton, Emerson, and mites. rio tt=ni r T o b d y o tte n, hell, Olney, Smith, klorse,Hood- Grammars. by Smith, Kirkham, billions, Weld, and others. For sale at low pnees, by I H MELLQH, El wood as. 5 doors abafe ath. Tic highest market pines poid for rood mixed rags In cash. opts PLANETARY A. STELLA rvvOrti.lis:—A" expoution of the great discovene• and Moo nes of modern astronomy; by olf %Lichen, w, Di rector of the Cincinnati °bac century. Headley's Italy. Alps and Rhine —Letter, from Italy, the Alps and the Rhine. by J T Headley, author of Na poleon and his :Marshall, Wulangton and kna Gener als kr. New and reamed edition. Summits of Coal —The Geographical and Geohisp cal distinclions of Mineral Combustibles or fossil fuel; including also, notion and localities of the various mineral bitummious substances employed in arts and maim/minims illustrated by Mope and Diagrams, ac eompanied by nearly 4011 mammal tables, and IMO an alyses of mineral combusubles, &c; mewed by limb ard Crowling Taylor. Just received a few copies of each of the above works —for side by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, iTO Booksellers, roe market A 3d its. IVEADAY READY FOR PUBLICATION by J. A. A U. P. JAAII, Culeinnali,tbt following new and valuable Works— Dotuphan's Ezpedition—Contairdng a sketch of the life of Col. A. W. Doruphani the Conquest of New Mexico; Goo . Kearney's Overland Ezpetfition to Cah. forma; Dosuphanbt Campugn against the ?Hot." and Ins unparalleled March upon animas/J. and Durango. and the °pennon. of (Ve. Pnea at Santa Fq vetth • Map aud Sugravinvs, by JOA3 T Hughes, A Bo • u, g , 1. Segtotent of bitranun CR1..117 litstory of Kentucky—lv Antiguan. and Natural Cunwoues; Lirographical Stauancal and Geological deocriptions, with anecdote. of Pioneers Life. and more than one hundred Biographical 'itemize. of di...Anguish ed l'lmmers, Soldier.. StlittrAMern, /uric, Lawyer., Di emen, dc:; illustrate-4 with forty entravlogo, by Lewis Collin., i eoL octavo. The Twelve Months' Volunteer, Or Journal of a Pri vate in the Tennessee !teg,ment or t avalry, in the Conspairm of Mexico, durtng 184.47, coo *hung . act count or the March of the Regiment to Vera Crna, • desenpuon of the Country p.wel over, nutaners, eus• toms, dr.c.- of the people, :sketches of Cacao LAM; sr counts of all the actions of other Volunteer Rev.:tents, aud a full Ifiatory of the Mexic. War, Lin Kil led and Woluscled, stet illustrated by large number Of correct views and pleas; by Geo. C. Furber,l volume octavo. .eel BliniTiCiper sad Ilociii - Riialblishmelat, 78 WoOD ILCIVItZ.II EOLITH nun Dtuctum HE ..hokvoef g,ot7",ti:lt.thnlead b r:l plain white and nine Wilting and Letter P.p., coat meretal and packet post Flat Cap, decoy and osetbaro rtong paper.,for blank books; met:tuns and royal ect oerod I'n wig rypeTo.; dewy and cop Lay Gooka and Ledger., superior paper atid boot Lasteru binding; School Books of all kaudc, standard woeka to Theology and Selene., gums, gold and steel Pens, Wafers, W., Bill Files, ern. he. Blank Books of all awes rated to pattern, and bound at the moat mabauntial Country. Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale pri ers tor east, or rags at cast prices. JOY PRlNTlNG.—lllaring a Job office to connection with one establishment, we are prepared to elector- au orders far plain mid fancy Printing—books, pamphlets pirculars, business cards, bills of stub der atch and at low prices. kaa.maT EAUSLISti, iny2 76 wood so, between lob arid diamond alley_ AIDDISS...- Vaulty Fait, • novelwithout a XII Hero: by William Alakepeace Tlmokery—with illastrations by the author. The Tenant of Wildlell Had by Acton Dell, author of "Walhenng Height" The Young Schoolmistress: by Joseph Alden, D. D Pan 6, of Harpers' Illustrated edition of t h e Arabian Nights' Eutermatunenta New translation, arranged for family reading, with esplanaioni owns: by E. W. Lane, Essi. Loomis Logarithms--Tablea of Logarithms of num bers and aigas and Tangent. for every ten acconds of toe kinactratikwnh other useful tables: by Elms Loomis, A. AI., Prof. Alausemones soul Natural Phdosophy the Univer s ity of New I: ink, author of • -Treatise on Algebra," The above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON & 677JC6TON, an. Id Bookanlers, cot market and 3d so Kew PUbLtcatlossts. — lIISTORY OF, Btogniptdcal and Pols. ucal, comprising 6101001111 of the members of the timigress of the b. h.: Ily II ti Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel purusus, the. the. VoL I, octavo. The WlMogs of C. hi. Clay{ iocluding speeches end addresses, emit steel portraits: Edited by 11 timely. I vot, vo Mau I Save In Callfornlat 13y Edwin 1:117.i Been.' Nowa, Vol. 10, on James, Peter, Jahn end Luke. Chana• mod Counter-Quin:ma By MIAs hflntosh, thor of ••To wow and to ha," 'Coodoost,^ Lc. to. dory Breyer, a Domestic T.mperanco 'Mc: By C. BardolL Kings and queens, or Life in the Palace; conatsting or historical sketches of late and reigning sovereign= By J. D. C. 4.trbou. • • A First Book to Spanish, or a practical introduction to the study of that Spanish Language: By J Salkeld. The Dying Robin and othertales: By Reir.Dr.Aldeu Joel reed by A. IftSPBLISS, Apollo Buildings, Ith at, augl ISucciewor to J. 4 NEbb ISDOKB—Life orCromarell, by J 1 Headley Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner tipmq,'D. D. Bethel klag, do do Jacob. on Gospels, Matthew, with Harmony; Lectures on Shakspeare, 2 ro ta; Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Immortality; Footstep. of Ylssuradi; The Convent by author of SchooAGsrl to Prance; Now and 'T eo, by Warren; Sketches of Lemons, on Parables and Miracles; Ireland • Welcome to the Stranger, Heaven upon Larthi Hswksion, • We of fad far Engiond: 2vols. For We by ELLAYF tr. T ENGLISH, jela id wood and NI ',target to. EW BOOKS-4w received from the pobltsher, ill sa w for safe or the sietbodmi Wok StOrn, 4th at, eau Wood. Tupperfa Proverbial Philosophy, In three style,. of fnding; beeutthal book for prenent. Preptimuon for the Puiptb Sketches of Sermon. un t h e Parables and Mirarle• of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-400 .ketches, Ise. The Faiglish Pulpit; collection of sert mons by the most eminent living divines of binglend. Vol.—Dolng Good, Chtsttau Lone, Lov est thou use. Snored blednettons. tura ; - .THE PATRIARCHAL AGE; or the lhatury and Religion of Mankind irons the Creation to the death of Isaacs Deduced from the wranigs of Mose., and other inspired authors; and illuistrat= by copies= references to the relent records, tradition., and my thology of the Heathen Wolid—by Geo Smith, F 8. A. I vol., octavo. Charms and Counter-Charms, by Miss M'lntosh. A fresh supply of this wiry pogular little work. Orators of the American Revelation, by K 1.. Ma goon, with Portrait.. 1 eat, 12 mo. Parley's Cabinet Library, for families or schools, BY volumes, 12 mo, with engravings.. This is 0. new work. For sale by 11 HOPKINS, asp= Apollo Building., Ith st IDEA.K'S BOTANT—lkstany a?the ftratiSSlStates 1) north of Virginia; comproung descriptions of the Dowering and fern-like plants hitherto found in theme States; arranged aecordlng to the natural system. With a synopses of the Genera =cording to the ULM !man system, a sketch of the radii:nen. of Isatatsyd • glosaary of terms.: by Least, C. Beck, ,an L., Prof. Chemrstry mid Natural History in RuigePa College, New Jersey, tee. &c. Second edition, revised and en larged. For sale by =MO JOHNSTON & STOCKTON AIIIARTINI °IRON DlSTS—History of the Gt rondlsts; or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution—from unpublished sources: by Alphonse de Lamarrine. Ounplete in three volamesr Ryde's translation A fresh supply of this popular work received this day and (or sale by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, tepid Booksellers, roe market and 3d etc - OITERINGS IN EUROPE; sketch. of travel In Prance, Be .n lgLam , „ . Ana , nna, Switzerland, Italy, containing cattLd rvetionaEuropean with c ax t yr . ndli . 4:„ medical metructiona by John i n p. - da nn nam, N. D. A few copies for.wdo by asplol JOHNSTON & STOCKTON AT OUR STORE on Market meet, No oa, between ad and 41h may at all time . be found rt large pock of Theological and Mlseell.eous Books.. New pooh waived a..00u MI published, and sold at low eat prim. The publication. of the American Sunday School Unita and hlAseutuiseete Sabbath Scheel So tdways un hand. Catalog.. firdatted on ap elleammu ELLIOTT A ICULUSH,._ sari 66 zitazta berm= #4•14411i. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1848. _ - - - L()GAN k KENNEDY have this day usociated with them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil son and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Logan. Wilson & Co. This arrangement Yen. dors it desirable to close the old benne.a ns soon a. passible. All persons whose liabilities hove matured, are especially requested to mute immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jan 1,1549. 141:GlifIlis WILSON 4 CO...—lnthoners and Wholesale Dealer. in Foreign and Domestic Medi , Cutlery. Saddlery, ike., 129. Wood street. Pins burghjere now fully prepared with a recently impor ted stock of Hardware. Cutlery, tce_ to offer very great indueemonts to western buyers, being determined to compete iu prices with any of die Atlantic eines. Al so on hand an extensive asithrtment ofPntsbusgh Hard ware via Shovels, Spades, Forks. Hoes, Vices, he., all of ' which will be sold at the lowest manufacturers prices. jonl _. ._. ........ _ ATHE subset' hers Miring recently entered alto partnership under the name of Gal agher. Ion& lb Aline ,for the purpose of carrying on the Bell nod Saran Founding and Gas Fitting business in all its branches, have taken the stand formerly Wan pied by If. Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield su., where they are prepared to execute all order. tor Palls. Brea, Castings, of every des, urinal', and tint Fdlings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER/ S. A. LONG P. H. MI , LEE. . . - - • N. 11.—The adenuou of M.birkista aml Engineers is invited to our anti-ottruction metal, for areduced price, which has been pronounced superior to Rabbit's by numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and theyuhlte, generally, are al-o requested to call stud C 7. amino our superior double Mourn Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic use. firOIE partnership so long existing under the firm [ at iCard & King. was by coutusi cnse dissold on th e tot inst. The busuiets will be c lo n e dat the 10 and I e either of tm, using the name of the hero r Mat purpose. Being dostrous to have our business closed with as little delay as possible rve 'moldy°. Spectfully request those Indebted to call and smile their .counts. JOHN D. NIVORIX H. D KIND Os Partnership. TORN D. Itt`CORD haring essociated with him toll brother Santee M'Cord, under the style of &Mord & Ca, void comma the Rat, Cap aud Fu buaine,ssin all to various breaches, wholesale and of the old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, whet. they .I.cit a continuation of the patronage so liberally he stowed on the old Grua JOHN D JAMES S. Itt`CORD. N retiring hom the old wad well known fiTte 01 ACCord & litng, 1 mart 1,000 tr 111 y reeounorkl 'to le patronage or Um public my 5ne4.2011„ New Weord & Co. rwm U. D. KING. Cc-Purism sable 30110•• E ' IV STEPORNs of Whoelmg, E P. Shomborger of /Imam. and J. A. Stockton of PlOstronyh t hake this day entered mute eo-paemarstdp andcyatylo and firm a Stephens, Shoentmeger & Co. at the A nc hor iron works, WheelinaVa, tor Ike patinae , of mann- Cantonal, um and nails of every description. BTYP WirTirauititM . ANCktuR IRON WORM.. Wheeling, Pl 4. Manafacture all kind of boiler ] shoe; bar ism? and nails, A. LI steel eliyytic orprings Red aCiDlr neeted with Sheen rpm'. old Juniata works, we-tan offer an aruele of Junta.. von (branded ,ShoembesTerl equal to Guy made in the meant IT. All er will be sold at the Ibuslmckh prices_ Wareboum of the works corner of Monroe and Water CA. utyll rilBBOL VTIO/fi—The partnership hitherto emit- Ling under the style and firm of Wighonan t Dul cet; is dais day dissolved by mutual -erect, John DUI :ell having disposed of his main Interest to It Wight man The business of the late firm mil be muted by It \rights:tam who is strthottresl to ore the name of the late firm for that purpose. ft WIWITIJAN. spnilarthar billy I'47] J. DALZELL THE Subscriber is now prepved us manufacture all kinds ail Coln. anal Woolen Machinery, al ha abonnt natlee Orders left at FL Wiiihrtuanls Enitins tabon. cor ner Liberty and Water arreta, will meet wath proint allantiOlL H WIGHTNL&N. MESSI Young bavlog d day .10°121.1 with bon, John R. Al'euna. tLc Ica-_ %her bounesa 'nil hereafter be Cl3lldueted under the firm of Woo Young k. Co WILLIAM NOUNG, IN.) R =M== an NV.. other, Wife sad Dasseght•if i N fa r il i y ik elry Tl ou 'D r S a T tlen ATl. no ' l — to T t " 47. --. . " (1 °"* „.: otster 4 azgrgesaly intended for the pmtion Mon of the heal of both wave—whether ti ans. from Incipietti Machu" or early consuceptiou, Debthty of the Lunge, Brocielial Affect:a.. iNeurtay. Deranged and Disordered state of the bac, spleen, or Kidoeya Dis (eased Pone, Chaim. Dyspepsia Palpiwbon of Me lean, Low of Muscular or Nervous Poorer, ite . DD. C. B. BARRETT'S fiItARDIAN comes to the immediate relief FenaJes suffering Dam laregeleri bes, ami all Other, nark. &faculties and diseases uip to dental woman, hether m-ensioned by cold, feet, ovally similar i al woman, end all ir mtboet the use of medicine: as the most delicate and sensitive lady can at any mansent apply it to herself without the posailiffily of ineurrum any rag or dmgev. cr any unpleasant results arising from and with the, ertainty of obtamlna immediate relief. Dr Barrett's (Bawdiest w no catch-penny, or one of the many humbugs of the day; but it la an memo:nem made upon strictly scientific pnuples, accordance with the lava of Electricity and m m lialsanitat. and for neatness. the nod elms, , infinitely sorpesses r e rythuig of the Itind ever before odered the pubbe bir the relief of duietwe and in the la.arctaan of one of the most enlightened men of the day. is ponvouneed to ' - the greatest diworcry of the age. - 4. period of mo lem than then years hat Lou occupied by , - ) r liarfcti bnnetne Guardian to I.Os present owe of perfceboa—donne which tune e •. been it the endear mine of tho most esMucet physimans ot the North and South, es miff as In the du ...bow of no mem. a families, who have used it tor all o' tor arove porpo tea, with the most perfect sit o~ 01,11 woo have cneerealty gtven melt unqoal fied atiabon of IL. elficac,• and milt.. as can be seen byaynr referring to the Manual of Instruction accompanying IL Dr. C D. Darreo's GUAM.. //0 locurcd from tonal,- owls by • pater. from the L toted Still!. Patent (bloc. .nd be bad either bro.b or without 111. Gololob meter. The ?gedico-Electro Galvanometer, in point in base ly, worlinianahip, donating - ) and pow of he stn. he or even eqoalird, and Me aubscriber hot. that he hazards nothing to the mammon that it will be found to more power and efficacy m the treatment anti=al of disease.. by Galvanism and Electric, ty, than any ottor instrument. rubor in the Glued States or Earepe. The McdnmElectro Golvanometrt to warranted in cv rep respect, and with COM.nn min nary care will last a life-time, and is by tar the cheap es, because the beat. Inurement ever adored to the public. A manual a.tcompanies theca, giving the most ample instruetiona, of racier/llpenenco, so thin ii o readdy . lntellifibin lathe Sitedof every one. while the • ••• • cry oteraccrement b.ocb that a child ma, —.name with rt My Inforuwtion grausitoualy gwen, and all comma ilcadona cheerfully answered per mall, either rn rata dun to the Eleetro-Galvanornewr or Guardian Medical men are Invited no call and ea annac Dr Da/ mita Ciaardian, and teat tt. efficacy For sale by H. FLICILkILDSON, sole Agent. 71 Mar set st, Pittsburgh. arZedif TONDERITL CURE OF C. iNSEMPTIrtN —AI. Y though Dr Taylors kniniam of Liverwort lies found hundreds of &de0..., and hair produced • large number of teattmonials In its favor, I cannot withnold my small weed orgy-awe. Being plardisposed 10 con sumption, both from peculiar tbnaatton. and heredoary transmission, I tried every means to cheek tot. di.. ease, and strengthen a naturally weak cousin UOll, I spent two years at Pisa, one at Rome, two in Florence and another In the South of France, seeking. mean time, the advice of the hest phyaicians. Two years stage I retained to this country, in about the same at, nation as 'when I left it. I bad seen in the reading rooms in Europe much said in moor of Dr. T•rlor's Balsam of Liverwort, and as soon as I armed in thiv city, I used it, and in three months I was so well I eon chided I could safely pass the winter here. aird did so. I have end occasionally a bottle now and then during this time. but am now hi as good health as is possible. My cough has wholly erased, sod my any. have eve ry feeling of health. Dr (I. Smith, and Dr Post. of this eity, were my physicians, and now say they believed ate incurable J AMES HILL WLOC(TI Hotel, Courdanot at, N. Y. Liverwort. even in the common way of pre para. , is universally known as the best article for diseases r. the Lunge, ever discovered; and it is obvious that s. highly concenttadd preparation, securing the whole Virtue of this inesomable herb, must be loved:ankle Moreover, this medicine contains the medical proper ties of many roots and he bs. Such has been the sue CC. of this Balsam, that It is warranted as being i ore pabla or producing, in arty instance, injunous BO eem• Vithin the last few years the calls Mr tins waverdign remedy . navel:Den immense, beyond precedent, anal its Deputation sustained limn Maine of Mobilo, thus I dol ving die confidence bestowed upon simple meth cal preparation, purely vegetable, and the unusual asokii• iabtub effect attending Its use. Phyalcitom too, tram a conviction of its mildnees. safety and success. employ It In their practice, reconunend It i 0 their patient, and deem medicine sale and invaluable; particularly as it does not Interfere with any other medicine patient• may De taking at the *aloe nine, nor reeirlel them io • any pecuarity of Mob confinement. Se , thus enabling person. to receive the lull benefit of this medicine, ond follow at the seine time, if they wish, the advice ot their phyetcioo. Bold lit Plltsbargh by J D Morgan, 03 Wood at Townsend, 43 Market at; II Stnyser, cor Market mid 3d eta' Henderson On Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced to 51. 0 .10 per bottle. wag LIAPORTANT To THE AFFLICTED. Dr. hose's Celebrated Remedies JACOB S RUSE, the discoverer and sole pro tial= of these most popular and benefiemi med. Winos. and also the Inventor of the celebrated instru• meet for inflating the Loop. in °Reeling acure 0( Chronic was a student of diet eminent physi cists, Diselor Physic, sod is is graduate of the nlVor•i ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty (etas tints hos been engaged in the invesugation of disease, end the appls- Celine of maladies thereto. . - Through the use of his Inflating tube, in connection with l i biprophylocue Syrup and other of hu remedies, he has gained an anporaielled mummies, m aunng those dreadful and fatal melodies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma. Fever and Ague, Fevers of kinds, Chronic Erysipe las, and all those obstinate diacipses peculiar to females. Indeed every form of dame vanishes under the use of his remedies. to which humanity Is heir—not by the use of one compound only, for that is inearaparible with Physiological, but by,the use of his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of disowns . . Dr. Roses Tome Alterative Pills, when used are to. variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as they leave th e bowels perfectly free from costivenese; as alto his Golden Pills Is admitted by the factillzy to possess peen. Liar properties adapted to female diseases, bat being satiefied that • bare trial is sadleiaut to establish what has teen said lo the minds of the most skepticaL The afflicted are Invited to call upon the agent, and procure (grads) outs of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving detailed aaeoont °teach remedy and its application. Per sale-by the &Vowing agents, as well as by mist Druggiew throu the eount dcbastrunak gh er & out CO, et Wood street, Pmsburgh; J bl Timm/mod, druggist, 45 Market st ?As A Beekhato, " near the P.O. Allegheny city; lo•Barkisy r Dullngton, Beaver county, P. Joo Elliott , nn Valley, 'A4asll4 Beam; COTARTNERSTEPS. pr , 64 GALLAGHER, LONG, k MTLLE-R. ETEEMEM!!! MEDICAL. MEDICAL BOCIETLES, lEEE HOTELS - - /FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE Noe no freemen, mammon. 2This establishment long and widely known an being one of the moat commodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very erten sive alterations and immerser:runts. An entire new wing has been added, containing numerates and airy . I °.sJ'i°l oPutments, and extensive bathing rooms. The tAdies` department has also been completely reorganised and fitted up in a moot unique end beams- Ad style. In fact the whole arrangement of the Hensel has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Cacatoi and which they confidently meet will challenge comparison with any Hotel In the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub amnia' and Maury which the market afford., serotol oP in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, An., they will not be surpamed. In conclusion the proprietors begto say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the pan of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patromme of their friends and the publio generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 61,76 per day. Gentlemen's N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Home will al ways be found at the One and Steamboat Landings, wEtch will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. may=f EXCHANGE HOTEL. MUNE K O PPRXIVAXDST.cLuitsm,mrnmoseg,r, The subscriber havinjg assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully unounem to Travellers and the Public generally, Mal he will he at all times prepued to accommodate them in all Miro desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The Hon. Is now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Bombs in the country. The undersigned renpectfally solicits • continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS ONVE4TON. Proprietor. HOUSE. CORM Om rucranir AND 04,111. Resits, PTITCBMOIL THE subscriber respectfolly announces that he has now opened hi. new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of traveler., boarder., and the public generally. The house and furniture are entirely new. and no pains or expense have beets spared to render It one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subecriLar is determined to deserve, and there fore !solicits, a sham of public rkatronage. octl4-dly JAM It HOUGH, Prop_rietor THII.OC ir 110 Vitt inegsvu.t.; .t. pi ARM THROCKIIIOON begs to sem:al:lt Ms friends that he is again lessee of the GALT HOGS • , Ky.. where he hope. to meet all his old friends, assuring them and the public, Mat no effort shall he spared to make all comfortable who favor Mtn with their patronage. HOTEL, CTIMMT ST, DICINVIC. room, CID MTN M. roPOBII% Bank of dot United States, Phila delphia. M. POPE. MITCHELL, mitatt Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate, Cocoa, W Baker'. Amertehn and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa. Cocoa Paste. Brom*, Cocoa Shells, ho. , e merchants and consumer., who would purchase 1 the best products of Cocoa, free from adulterunoit, more nutritous than too or coffee. and in quality unsur passed. the ettlocrther reconammds the above arucles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name. His Havana and Cocoa Paste,. delicate, palatable, and salutary docks for Invalids, convalescents, and ethers, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparations. Ms manufactures are always on sale, in any quantity, by th e most re• Framable grocers tit the essmat cabs, and by their Nano, Busses, Gray &co _ of lkotom James Bonne h. no. Hartford. Conn. Hussey k Murray, New York; (Seam h Stone, Philadelphia, Tomato V Dranditre, Bal. baton., and gehapt & Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Drachmae, Mass. For sale by .oath BAGALktV it SMITH, Ago NEW COACH FACTORY,- BITE BROOK D would respectfully m- Wlona the public that they here erected n shop on Lacock, between Federal and Sandusky streets They are now milkier/ and ere prepared to meet.. orders for every descnpuon of vehicle, Coaches. Cheryl', Re touches, Boggle., rbirrunas. &c., &c_ winch from their long expertence in the manufacture ante whore work, and the facihuca they here, they Ice/ confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wantan; prllele• in their hoe Pay mg part:color ottentson to the acleetton of mate :al, owl havoty none but competent workmen, they hare no .hr moon u nuug their work We therefore t.k the attentiott allot public to tho matter N R Repoirom done in the best 13.11-11<, and on the moat maw:triable term. Wien/Ist sod Cast trots Tlik; aunac ethers hex :ease to inform the public Mar they have obtained from the k:ast all the late and fastoonable don go. hlr Iron trailthe, both lor houses and eemeteries Person. sr:stung la procure hand er r patterns will incase eel and etramlnr. and lodge for themselves Itatiing snll he forutsbed el the short est notice, arid in the best manner. al the Corner of Crap( and Rebece• *Pre., Ais,eheuy rtry'. enaYhdif A LAMONT :4 ILNOX Ilasprait & Sons , Pat•ne Soda Ash. THl.l.6.erlhers inform ibrir en... Mrs 2.161 denier A generaPy. met :heir hest *Wpm:ant for ibe tab bo w:wee of the wbova musts, has arrived at Philadelphia par .hip Juniata, direct from the inane:texture. in Liverpool, and .nil Cr here in a few day. Th ey hare seven./ ether atupmeme ea the way—la:o a aristels, . per eapo Nledall.on and Lytha, are rly they doe-- am the-fora prepared to reedier ord er.. Reautea the large quant., they have coming to the eaatero caeca lte Le nawartind acre by mad, they will remit., during the winter and eprwg„ reguler cm New °noon. W h. 11 11MCRELTREE. rP 4 Logeotiliog, rtoFrais iSacceiaor to Ai EL Delany ) J. No 61 Villa !street, between Wood sod South field fresh leeches received oneathiy-watteudance all Loon. Reference, We woe... of PlUalturgit. Mc, cheny and klarcungbana I tortht cheerful', recommend to the phygimans, ram the. and all toy former friends and patrons, Mr. h. It. Nom. na hems thoroughly acquamted with the Low ness and worthy of patronage mund-ly M. R DELANY. atom t urea - 74; o. 48 EiXA & • supertor gyre, 5 !pa; '4 de Al A Botlee+ 19 Id do Price L Garwood's " is iL 21 do do do VS do do Pearl b. Harwood •• sdr, lb " 14 do 1 Robinsou 6: Of do do " 31 do do War Dawson 31 do T " 37 do G Anderson V do LT Daily's 5 do R Macon, " 9 do Ratehr4 Sass landing from alcanler and ?acacia, and for sale by lIKALD, EILCIOVOR & Co, 11 north water at sod 16 north wbanes, 0164 Philadelphia 11 ASUVAcfnauxi•rolimxo Iq ba 1418 alone, Vans eyperior sweet lb humps 75 half by.slVehrter Old enporlor sweet 5a lamps 36 " Lawrence Lower " 5a " 25 " Gentry & Rocs,' 32 &bs " 26 li?oniide la Burn) " 6/1 " •• Lawrence Lorne, "ba& 62 plug Just landing from gramer, and for sale by RF.ALD, 1112CILNUR & Co, tl N water at and lb N wh.ona, • royal Phdadelphml o - B - 71 — c Bitsdoia. are prepared to do any work in out Itne with des. oaten We attend to our work personally. and tons arttoo will he given in regard to Its neatoeu and du- Bliwk Books ruled to .oy pattern and Wand loth •tatotially. Book. tit mber• or old boot. bound care tulle or repaired. !garnet pot on hook• In irk When. rhos.. that have work to oar hew are invited to call. Priers tow. - icstr-P ART X ERRIFIP. - • AVM and Capt. /AUKS ATKINSON y y have entered into eartnersh.lp, under the Am of SCAISE A ATKINSON. and will carry on the 'Ern, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware mmufaetory, rt.eo, lilacksauthltig to all its brahebes at the old tend of Wet 11 Scads, First street, mesa Wood tlo ikK4 - 11ro - W,roo7l9siiiiiijoan Cid., • too do St. Domingo do ,• 4,91 boa r.. 10 g lom 1.2. ' 6 do 10.12 do L 27. do 7.9 do • It 3 do 10.14 do Abdo N. 0 Su g ar bblo No. tlmter-karel ; 190 tura roam soap No. I ; 10t) do dipped candler , het do Morin/non mould do, received on consignment and for mm by aepla& W IiARBHUGH 1 DST RECEIVED—A largo and sideudduaortment LP of Cloths, Cow menu., Vetting-a Cravats, AA, and for role by L. VrILLJAAIB, Marva. Tailor, Inra under llloniongultala Houma, runittatleld at A t i N - • Tiliti`lffiNc: liftAlJdift ftorb.ins.- Three floeDrought (or an. Enquire of WALLINGFORD& Co, _IV' eanal basin, Merry at SyALF SHIP G4 7 .:410 dos rename French Call Shim i Vary hue arose. A law dorm. Philadelp hia ins, (rota rose.a the manufactory of II NI Crawfo to which the anennon of boot makers la Invited. Just mceived and for sale by W 1 OUNC/ fr. Co, tel) 143 liberty at AT w. 111. 11111LINTOCID S, Na. 75 Fourth meet, Calf be semi a splendid 'mom of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Corprts, latest wtyles. Also, liras sets, a ply. and sup and floe Ingrain Carpets, of sup style, and qualities; and in COMIOCUraI cm always be and Table Limns, Crash..., Diapers, Dainmks, ItIo• Teens, Oil Cloths, 3c. 3a., to all of which win call the ottenuon of the public. angry *NOTICE.: TIATINO wvld our cadre swek to C. U. Gaon, arida a view to elo nag our old business., we hereby su llen for him the patronage of ail our (needs and Cu.- looter.. IW. W. POINDEXTER, MEM=I Patsbargh, Aug. 4th, 1.448 ("I IL GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Comm...on 4nd V. Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water st. walk _ TORS 11111011 Fr £ 00.7 XTOS. gannd 04 From lanai, Ball Founders and men. utarditrers of all kinds of Fittings lor (las, Steam dtJ base always on band Wrought Iron Wel. rd Pipe for steam, gas, and wider, from gm. to h tn. in diameter. Deus Castings made to order. Also, a large assortment 01 Bells and Smelled Brass Work to winch the attenUon of 'lumbers and Engine Builders is particularly directed. Gas Fittings put Up promptly and on reasonable terms. .er`ri!" OVLEEMWOOD aaILWIOIIII. VIPITEHP TU THl$ RETRP.A . T eau be furcuehed with a Lunch at all Ileum of the day; alto, I. enumiii, Fruit Co.feaciouary , &c. The Ammer Circe', Wood makes her regular nips me usual, leaving her Pin tttet landing at et A. M., nod az half put each hour initn 114 P. Al.—leasing the (Judea at io P. AL for her 'net nip to the city. A moonlight view of the Garden is indescribable in ita bosomy. jilts ---- ITTSBBEUHI, OCTOBER 45, IslB —We are 11011 In receipt of several bale. first rate 151 9 Western DI Pork and klasaachnsetta Prime HOPS, and are Lamy. reeelvitig regular somata.. We are prepared sell at lowest rates. Once .Pin street, Alleibeny &vet. °odd ORO. W SMITU & Co. CU AN, HAI LAIAN t Co., bays [moved to the Warehouse, 3 dons west of the Monongahela on Water awl Front. street. FOll KENT—The Wanntonse N 0.43 Waal H. 11A00N—A, rozZiki prima didcs. SILL k ROZ MISCELLANEOUS. --• • • . fiaILPPENCOTT & SLIM. aate I S Strickler & Co) VrANUFACTUREBS of Plural: fire proof safes, .ITI smolt ride, sec ond st ree t, between Wood and Smithfield Pittsburg. J S Strickler haring fici" o . s and the surviving planner Mr. Jos Lirrenc.ltb _,,Li usociated himself with Me. Wm C Burr, the business will hereafter be condocted under the style of UPPel?' snits Barr. Trial of a safe In Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign• ed were present at the teeing of one of I El Strickler.! Co's Improved Phi:anis fire-proof safes. The safe was placed in a furnace on the public landing and subjected to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for •mora than three boars. In one hour and a half the safe Caine to a bright red heat; the door of the furnace woo then closed, whiith caused an increased and steady beat for the balance of the time, until the cast iron wheels were partially melted oPi the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, panen and books which it contained were as perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being in ored by the water in cooling the safe. We have an vitation in recommending it to the public as a cafe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat which might be produced, scent a heat which would melt It to a solid man. .Fn B o P tl 'i o n d7Jet Una 'hi r, W O L PlreVrtrof S s at il lg Rd&k.t. & Co Stlitnan, Mayn't tc'Co, Wm Menu, Mead & Woutor. We, the undersigned, selected the Bade spoken of above, from a lot in the store of TnMer & Aobory, the Agents C G SPRINGER, a i iELLoo Refer to Cook & Harris, Brokers, Pirisio;rg - Massey Hanna & Co, do do Lfe3d&arly9 SOS LLITENCOTT. 10011 D. WICK. L. Z. LiPPIENCOi'T & CO. VrANUFAC I UREES of Hammered end Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Axes aud Hatchets, Cm. Circular curd Cie Sowe, Hay end Manure 'Pork*, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &A, having completed ell their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, and in securing the best workman from the man cele brated establishments attic East are now manafactar lug and will keep constantly on hand and for kale all the above enielea, baying availed themeelvelt of the latest improvements, end are determined atutun work manship and material they will not be exmlled. They promise to produce •rtic es equal, if not superior, to any that can be bad in the East. They invite the att.,- don of dealers to an examination ertheir stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they will be able to fill all orders to their line to the entire satisfaction ofpurchasers. ITuretionse, Watet street, 4 doors West Monongahela Nouse, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 13.—Persons having business with Wm. Lippen cutt & lion sell please call on-Lippencatt & Co. octedly =I7M=;:=I =MIMI • . .. . XA large and splendid assortment of Furni ture, suitable for Steamboat, Hotels Mid pri vate dwellings, constandy on hAnd and made to order The present stock on hand cannot he exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Prisons wishing to purehue would do will to give ma • 004 as lam determined my pnees shell please. Part of the Motk consists in -10 sofas with Plush and Hale-cloth corer; 2 do: Mahogany Nurse Chews; 14 parr Divans; 12 dos fine mahogany Chairs; 12 mahogany Work Stands; 3 don nethoirany Rocking Chaim 15 marble top Dressing Miro.% 8 pair Onomaits; marble top Work Stara* to cherry Work Serails; Mahogany, Slaple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of all de wriptions, and a large asrariment of common furniture and eiem, too numerous to mention. marinf LADIES ARE CAUTIONF:D AtiAINST INO 9DIEION P P • C . . THEY are not aware hour Inghtfully tolunnatt it is to the .kin—how toarse, how rough, how .allow, yel low and unhealthy the ohm appears after using prepar pared chalk' Reoides ,t,. unction, containing •largc qaututy .'east: Wa ha report,' s heetnifulvegetables article, which we raft I LILY WHYTE. It is perfectly anoceut. heir, ,tur,fied of all deletes - ions qualities; and n imparts to Ilte 'tail! a natural, healthy. atablater, clear, liittug white; at the same was mum! as a eommuc on the skin. making It son and ekomiith. Ds. James Anacreon. Practical Chemist of Masao chusetuo, soya ..fsfler analyang Jones' Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the Moat beautiful and neat nil, and at the same time innocent wane I even sow. I certainly eau cousemotiottaly recommend m ase a all whom skin requires bmtuatyang." Lowe, 2S cents • boa. Sold by WhL JACKSON, OPP Liberty st. mar 39 Pitt Ilacktris Works an. Pottri•ry. mrraarson, PA JTORN WRIGHT& Co., are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Maehinery of every demnpdon, soap as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames. Speeders Drawing Frames. Hallway Hrada WarpreaSpoolen, Dreoiong Froinen, Loom+, Card Grtnders, &o Wrought Iron Shafting turned, rill arms of Can Iron. Palhes and Hangers of the latest parvenu. slide and hand Lathes. and tools of all sinde. Camino of every simeninion for cashed on short notion. Panerna made to order for fildi Gearing. Iron Radios, /cc. Steam Prpe for beat ing Parton., Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cass ungs generally Orden lent at the Warehouse ord. Palmer & Co . Liberty meet, wilt- have prompt anon. Refer to Illacketoek, Bell & Co, J. H. Moorehead & Co.. G. W•nmer, John Irwut & Sons. 1 1 ;11.sburgh ; G. C. & J 11. Warner, Stet:berm-Ole. lamp . 4 ., JO:int:PH WOODW ELL, corner of Wood and d sta„ Ihmaiaray. Hay mg withdrawn from the firm of Voodwall.oa too Ist of January, 1187, 1 take pleasure In announci open e d y friends ore the the dovecountry. Mat I have my new m at the abcme named place Having parcharsed my goods for cash. and made arranger:nears with marturacturem in thus coituu7 and to Europe to be constantly supplied, I are fully prepared to 'amain Hardware 0(111 kinds, on as good tenns and a. tom a any house East or West. Merchanta and other• are respectfully invited to call and romaine icy •toek, Calibre purch•nnz else where. The followwg comprwas • part of tin. clOek: Stranaboat and a... Liter) hardware, gun trinumugs, film, Naylors steel, cutlery. edge tools, anvils, nom, locks, latches, mythic, lion hutgcm, screws, Caton Fac tory planes, mars rallnputy hoards and veneers. and all other artseles vectod with the hardware bam- . . 1106 E begs leave to Intern Me musette of Pitta ,O burgh and rummy that he hit• taken (be Deaner rian Rooms lately cc-emoted by Mr Porter The pub licare assured that ail the late improvements are secu red, and well be brought nun operation by Mr Hoge. who has been acon.aut operator since the art was firm ducorered. Future *an-faction is guaranteed to all who may become his patrons. Mr II well refer scull pleuo. to Mr Porter. to whoee establishment he haul operated for the last twelve months Faintly Poe traus, Engravings, Daguerreotypes, dc., accurately coped. Likenesses taken any weather, and set lit lockets, breast pins, Coot. and frames. Instrucuons peen in every branch of the art. and ap paratus furnished matt( --- Penn IllainineShop. NVlCiliTMAN—Mautacturer of all kinds of cot. The atan and woollen machinery, Allegheny etty, Pa bovee works betog now in full and successful op eration. I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch for all Hods, of nuachmery in my Itne, mob a, ortlbarta pickers, spreaders, cards- grunimg m.hinci. railways, drawmg frarnes, speeders, throsstla, kooks, wools s, n card double or single, for merchant or codtdry work, mdlee,./acks. dc.. slide and hand lathes and mots in gen eral MI kind. of shaltnig made to order, or plans or• en for gearing factor. or mills at termonable charge. R.rmt t. -- Kentted7, Childs At Co , I Co. King. Pennock d. Co., Jas. A. Gray BELL AND BRASS POUNDTI:I7.7 . .... ifiLA FULTON. Hon and Bross Founder, has re budl and commenced bogginess al his old stand, where he wttl be pleased to no Ins old eusumu ere and friends Chureb, Steamboat-and Bel. of every Mee, from le to 10.001 pounds. cam trout patterns Make moat approv ed mode.. and warranted . be alike beta odder... . Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Ratting, &e.. toge ther with every ear ety of lira. (lusting.. It nagwred, turned and fttu•hed to the neatest meaner. A F the sole propri of liantirVe Airet-Aritti eitin At 614.1.., justly celebrated etr for the reduction of frtounn In otuchtnery The Boxes and composition can be had of turn at all tunes. Ploughs, Plough C 14 - I.lViikiiaa Doze*, as. Ruko.arr HALL, of the old firm of R & 6 Hall, is issarnafae taring 'ergo qu•niti tie. of Pirate* Plough Cutings, Weg.. on hoses, he, with the unprovainenui of the Leaver. Peacock, Ithnote, and other Ploughs, of the latest and best pattent• now in use. Warehoisee. ital Liberty street, Pittsburgh, oppoelto the Hay Neale, Factory, in AlleOony city, near the Cottou Factory of Messrs. Blacketock, & Co. - - deiSly fir We. co-partnership hermolora existing between John Ferree and Samuel Wightman, order the name of John Fume & Co., to tins day desolved by mu tual consent The business of the late tine will be set tled byjohn Fu et tho warehouse of dui Boatmen's Line. JOHN FARREN SAMUEL WIGHT:HAN - - The business of the Boatmen's Line soli hereafter he conducted by Myren & Lawry. at the same place.— Thanhful for past furors, we token a conunuanee of the same. JOHN FA RRRN .opts I. I. LOWRY FIRE PROOF MINERAL PAlNT—Recelyed, per atm.. Michigan, ti bid. Mineral Paint. The ar ticle is worthy of the consideration of all painters, for it I. of a stone color, and ran hr added with nay other solar without changing the shade materially. It is a great oaring, and wsen oppl ed to wood it will turn the paint to a perfect atone surface in the course of some 4or 3 wee.. Also, ti is a complete fire proof—the or title has been fully tested for six years by the proprie tor. before they would offer it for male. Any person purchasing will not be deceived lit the article. A large quantity will he kept on hand at all owe., at the Ind. Rubber and Oil cloth Depot. .I M. II PHILLIPS, °MI% Abu fur the company, co 5 wood s r OUSSIO.I,'SFINE PME F ERFURY—Just renetved IV and for sale, wholesale or retail Annandine Soap: Ilaml cut Oil Soap, Philliconte• Alelblade 011 I slte Co mp's) Ox Marrow) wash Balla, (transparent) Almond Sharing Cr(,m; Bears Oil; Hears Cir!Tao) Palm Ommbus Soop; TayMee Perfume; Cologue, 3 lures; Jenny Lind Pomade; Amaudine. °cal R E ELLERS, No 57 wood rt. T. Eloilegti7 at. QrnieLmic SOHO SAN t i l ill attend to the treat meat al Oise.. of the 1.. e. r. R. has been engaged in ■ branch of the medi c.' profession tor sateen years, and has conducted an dote fin the treatment of diseases of the eye alone lor several years. Orrice and reradence, corner of Sandusky st and Strawberry allay, Allegheny city. .113 Dr. 31.1.0uie to Tenn • FDB ill to conk). that I purchased one vial of Dr. I McLane's Worm Specific, some two months tyro and gate to a son of mine, some sever. years old, two maimovas ami although the amount may Ropes: larga,,gat I have no doubt but there Was upwarils of toed7lMtnison NVOllta passed from him, measuring You:tom gamed. of an inch to two limbosug. 0 W IiOLLIDY. Ductal Crook, Cured co. Tenn . Dee g 7 A , 1847. 1.74 frOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA—ZObn of this wad L er re sale w I gat *riholesale ng and su and r e tell, by medicine, this day med g s OPI.I Vl2B N. U —A. 8. E 8. I. Dr. Toemsand'i duly agent (or Pittsbargli, the gentdna article may always be had at No 57 Wood MO.& ntyl3 etLOTHIS AND CASSIMERFJ3—&mith ► Johnston, up 48 mow wow, would molts duk,altandon of tdrrerayo Study stock of Frepott Ciotti' and Cascimaccr slmb, d'arnacc's fancy Cossulteres, Baidnets, Tweeds, 'Sado and Bak Voting% Tidlon . k e . 001/0 DRY & VARIETY GQODB. FRESH PALL- GOODS CHEAPEST YET! - - JURT being received and Dear opening &VALE; N DERA. DAY'S, No 75 Market steel, northwest orner of the Diamond • a very large and sp lendid stock of fell and winter Dry Goods, to which they would re spectfully invite the attention of the public. It is well known to almost every one that the preschl season is one distinguished for Its low prices of Dry , Goods, and it affords us great pleasure In beteg ahreite state that owing to our Brent facilities for that purpese, lone of the fine residing in Philadelptift.) we ha* bete ena bled to purchase our present stock at I eausidemble redaction from the areal market rates; chimp el they are, and we are therefore mudded to sell elcorrespOe , dingly low= than the uthelprice. We Would there fore Invite all cash buyer. by . wholesale Qr . retail. to I give us a call, and lay out lbw meney tqthe best ad- .. I vantage. The Ladies should call and examine Oar stook of Prints, Gingham. de Lathes, Caslunerith, Alpaca. Merino. Sill,, Bombannes, Plaids, end various other styles of fashionable Dross Goods, of width we have • very fine assortment, including every description of those goods in the market. , CLOTHS AND CASSIDIERM—Trit 'lll6 gentlemen we would recommend our atock of sur French Cloths end English, Freneh and American Cu mete. OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very liege, embra cing almost every variety of style sod guitar. SATTINETS—Of which we have an eXceJlent as. sapient, and of all qualities. FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow•Flennels email qualities and price. TICKLNGS AND CHECKS—A superiorthasortment or Ttektngs of all grades, and Shirting Checks in great • tasnery. BLEACHED AND DROWN einqmost every description th e abovn,goods, in clu Sheetings of all wid th s. A I—A fine stock of Satin Vestinga; end Gat ton Velvets, both Min end . figured. Kenteeky J•ww. claid Linsey. _lplaid and limey figurer% •010sAlng and loak Linings, bleached and unbleached Table thanes, bout linen and cotton, bleached and unbleached Table cloths, bleached and unbleached Cain* Flannels, cord do do,Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, bl d g and send silt cravats, Ladles Scarfs and cravats, (heart. and Hostery of all kinds, Severn:tem Irish Limas, Linen Lawns, Linen Hditf. Silk nix, tint lace ye 4 Love do and Hdkfs, Oil Chintzes, Russia and Scotch NM , ' crash, Linen, plain striped and barred Jecottets, Cam bric and Swiss Muslim, Victoria Loam, them Ham ge. Le. . • Merchants visiting the city for the purpOse of laying in their supplies, should not fall to gthe ea • call, as they will find our goals and prices tech as' dannot fail to sat their purpose ALEXANDER fcrDAY, • wpb 75 market st, N W cot Diamond The New Golden Bee Slve,4l(elel. Nero Pa aud Wintef Dry Gor. TUST received and row opening at the gigs of she 0 Hs, Bea Hrrr on Market gnat t.,betweda Third and Fourth streets, one of the tura; chespdap and best sorted stocks of Fall and Winter Drrldloords ever of fered in PittatourgEb to which the An 01211.013 oar 130- memos elastomers and the public generai, is respect fully invited, as the subwriber is eonlideot That no earl offer mob bargains Dry . Goods as cannot be me - passed by any other house in the city. : 1 Al there goods have been purchased at ;prines far below those of any former season, they will be sold at greatly reduced rates. Among this large and splendid crock will be. found many choice and desirable goods cc extremely IoW prices LADIES' DRESS GOODS. lil4 plaid sod striped: liTac h k "' sl i ti m n7s t trt . ie h r art i p ' tald silk plain plain black very glossy gm de Shine; plain black st ab lulu: los tying, Ink for vixen., manullas and capes at very low pricer, nearut designs . latest erring Cashmeres, plain and satin striped mere, very cheers French meriu all colors, tables, plain arid fisar-W and twin striped, at great redaction 011 former pnces: gal a, Cal ifornia and cashmere plaids mohair and Monterey plaids, all qualities; alpueas, all <nline. and colors, from 171 to 76 cents per yard. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Fine cashmere, terkerie and beneho shawls Black embroidered cashmere and de ULM shawls Fine Tibhet and de I eine do Fine black and colored cloth do Fine quality long, very cheap . do Plans Wank and plaid silk, very cheap do A large lot plaid blanked shawls from 75 earns to $3, all wool. DOMFSTIC GOODS, MUCH BELOW 'FORM= - - - Good dark calico from 3 to 6 cis per yart4 Best gond): dark calico from 6 to tO eenrt, Yard wide purple do, l 2 etol Good yard wide bleached muslin 4 to 615•: Bed nekings and cheeks, all prices; •: Blankets, from come to best quality, vng cheap; A full assortment of red, white and yellera flannels; Satmens, Kentucky Jens, Kemeys, Lihseya, etc, etc, etc, all of which will be sold at retlnand roma at N 062 Martel st. sepan WM L. RUSSELL. FALL GOOD'. J r 11TCLINTOCK, is now constantly neceirmg his V V fall stock of CARPETtNO, kc comonsing one of the Ingest nsortmenu ever broughllto the mar ket. which have been parehased direct (ham the Int• poners and itfanufeemrars. of the lat.& Mad neocat styles. and lower in price than evereffereo In this city, to which he lemma the attention of those wish*. to inrush P1C.01,061.• or houses before parebasing else where. The stock rousts. in part of folfowing lit r gtlitnist Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plain colored , do do Tapestry do 24 feet wider' do Brussels do 24, 7-444.4{ R. l otil cloth Extra super 3 ply do Stair Rods " g e' ln *n do do IR-4, E. 4 and 2-4 itrogyert do star Lartens W tele do do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do . do crumb cloths 4-C 3-4 & I Dcnansk ==== _ .. . Tenor. do do TRUIe do 4-4, 3-1 dr. 1 tarl'd do do Fliroml Table Oil clothe 4-4,14 te. i plebo do do Turkey Red Toßenett 4-4, i, k. 1 de. 2-1 cot do Adelald Mats . tt-ti printed cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do Kura sop Chenille Sags; low do do do 'lifted do Ahearn do Fine do do Manilla Hemp Wilton do do Boo+ dmp Napkin. Cnmsen fig'd Plash; Diaper Tomato* Plain do Crash - - • Drab M Cloth Eel and 6-1 TWO Linurl. Blue do, for couh trals; Trans or Window Shales Carpet Rindlugs EXtra 'French do do Wused cords Filch Saito de Lollies for do Tassels window curtains • • •-• Searles,e, blu minium ' •blackand drab'lnumaata: figured remixes ifismaaisi• worsted and listen 'Table corers; blue, enmson, starlet, green, dn.& and black Moreenw cotton Flumbesof all caters, &mike. &e. Osuburp and Del. foe Weamiboal dee& and all Diner trimmings necesury for outfits for boat* in our line, to which the especial artentiod •of OWilen is invited. W fit'CLINTOCKII Carpet Wandocreu, one door from Wood, on Fourth se up2B NEW AND SEASONABLE GI t . DS. A LItNANDER k DAY have ma receiked a line 11msorustent of the followlng demnptimi ofseu orr able goods, the greater portion of widen_ pave been bought at A ammo, and will be sold at ma bargain.. FLA-NNELS—Red, wrote and yellow Flannel; a very large and complete assortment. and ler7 cheap. SATFINSTS—A very_ large lot of blee, 'black, tat m t.VA Y Cr.9 l —frl:l7tlk B rl " =ti ." lll,l7.J7l;igt ' fr . o, fanny plaid and sniped do, cheaper than eller. FANCY tIILKS—A splendid maortmillt of fish changeable Silks, both plain and fled, of laknost emery, shade. S. RAWLS—A very supenor assortmonl of stirrer french, Paris printed, Terkeri, and Cashes ,rs Shawls, at pncea far below the orclusary raw. ; Also, large assortment of Etsg.lish Merinos, Csugh mere. and Gale Plaids blue, blh and grey PLIot Cloths, for overcoats, bit Ca 11112.1 CS, Ca.. D.Mt.kt linen do, Kentucky Jr.,,., de. he; to all of whirl& are inane, the &neutron of dos publla ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 maFkal oct2s N ear of theldiarsond REMOVAL. F.EATON & Co, havlng removed Stm Marker street to then new Store, No 51Fourrk street, be tween Wood and Market, are now opeturpr their fall stock of Trsmnungs and Vanery Goods, apiong which are—Cloak and Dress Frutves of MI kinds; Eminpidery Gimps and Vervelsi Embroidery and Needle Work; Zephyr and Tapestry worsted Chenille Slims; Steel flag. and Purees, Steel Tnranninget I Ladles Merino and Silk Veen...4 klosi<4; Children.' Cows, l.aiters, Min., Gloves asld Hosiery; Gents Shirts, Underattine, Drawers, Dreedng Gowns, he. Wool and Cotton Yam; Cht'drew' DITAIKII, of latest patterns. width they of fer at lone petrel both whotentalh and retail.' °nth F. H. Estrtts. W. P. 514nansta... CARPETING. 011. CLOTH* Ace. W. M'CLINTOOK'S CARPET 3TORE * No. 75 Fonant StaXtr. O NE of the largest and the most eholde etoek of CARPETING in the market, embracing all the neon! Qualities from the most approved IMMlletOliga t that have been tested for durability m fabric and no. lore Tapestry Velvet Germano; do Brovma do Brussels carpeting-, Extra imp 3 ply do Elmo uosnals Rugs; Tufted do atm Ingram 10§Miii211 Manufactured to order in nem patterns; adapted to .ariors, basements and chambers. MMEGMI== Cotton and Woollen Booking, from one third to three yards wide. Door Mats, de. /M., to which the anat. don of purchmen at wholesale and retail Is respect fully Invited. Warerootn, One door from Wood at angle! W IiPCLINTOCK DLACK iLLYACAD—W a MuitMy nirtes the pal l) titular MROIIIII3 of buyers to his assortment of above Goods, having selected them with mat no in reference to their glossy finiati and good body for win. teruse. MOHAIR L.LISTRES, common, medicine wad super- floe qualiues, including • War pieces Jet black, adapted for mourning purpoves. Also, FANCY ALPACAS AND LUSTRE S, in great ea riety of satin stripes, plaids, and brocade., some 'Of which are very .pertor. As these goc.d b t have been bought directly from Importer. , they eau sold at the lowest possible prices. To be had also by the piece, in AYholesale gOOlllllll9 Ellin, at • very small advance on cost 0012 DRESS GOODS—We have received alullstock of Dress Goode, among which may he found— Plaln bleak and figured' Alpacas; Colored and funny plaid do Oregon, California, Qereti, Orleans mad Lombardine• Plaids; plain, colored andgured Cashmerno • do Leine; Silk, Tartan and plaid cashmeres; to.grther with • large assortment of other dress goods , all qf which will ho sold low by the piece or package. oc9 BHACKLEIT & WHITE. RECP:N ED - AW - YrISPCLINTOCIPS Carpet Ware. house, 73 Fourth areal— ps ad rosewood cold Table Oil Clothe; 3 " 6-4 nch dark " " 3 " 64 " " " " The above are of superior quality, Musket/ of fin ish, of most beautiful rotors and shading, balanced for furniture, counter and table covering. oct9 AROR SUPPLY OP NEW GOODS.— a T dlrrorai is now , opeoung hts SECOND SUPPLY. of Winter Coods, including a variety 64 ntstaes of Drab French Alerinosi amulet, cherry, and other high colored &lerincick !Susanne b se dm brown do Also, PARMETTAS of lame colors: Attioctia,' &W' with many other deniable goods that anssiasto c ir all of srhuth will be wad vary escapist non.h COT, net of 4th cad Market sit; LNEN CAN 1.3111 C HAND Al . ' 0 I yr Johnson tel Market stroel, titd. Ilitorbre . er t i = 06n of deniers luld otherstofik.eir Ardseestoel Clunbne /WS fs 2 sit liner.„4atjkdielik rip itrailso,loldo;t ding every ...wary Otto nrorderedf beredeed, emceed, dinedvrorsrr deep-erxrded borders, levier, embrol- - sod nabirOdOSIPIOIVAL, I . ontJe.„ rektEfffelDir—ltYgalilpis I r tri tina - in'Airror der, 'jut rewleireetand &steals , " AO4 - actiOo 4 DA B VOL. 'XVL NO. UCEiLikEOl7a - Palau Goodwood Ganame. Broturp amt sPatn• ineutatel Pciarrorlltedicataadmhtergy Tills ti the , tmly instheeent of the kind .that ever teen presented In thls meant Oriton . ape r mat. toot per u th , end Is the":":1 3 y k eon W:it:iv:a man eye, the ear, the bildri, Or. to anfikenentiesp, either externally or inimilly, in *.n.oenetto stersre. without shooks or pion—raa SWUM err— and often telt hymn cam This Impenuat mantas le oxtertdatO. by many . of the m oat eminent phystmans o Miscount ny and Mope, to whom t h e sZlemd and others whom at my.concem can been:Wm. Refereemit.lll be pr. to teeny highly res . pemble enisosmenho have bean cured by inemof oilman valtub'e apparams of some of thomoskinmatam pervousdiModen artden coold not be Moved by any other known means. it,Mixgareard—, az% trixt nervous headache sod other diseases ohm brain. t B,a l.4l4.loo ..Filemitui.skuut.lhal . the mentor ran convey the magneto laid with ems and safety to the eye, to bp rulera stet or ems of ro* eat to sring; eto end onar ma to im re „tpreepeeent-snd to thittranaus pm of ths body, fbr the tittre of ithroniorhinumulsta,:awqm stemal er tic dolmen.; paraleus, or palsy, lout, el..g m, S L Vinee time, epilemY, weaSome . dseespa rstal MOM, wens p„,pir a , ne.fmal,s, emarmion of the limb; lockjaw, enc. eta. Rights, for warn:wain/ counties of Western Fa, md privileges, entit th e Imminent, may belmtehased, and also tested for the cam of MMUS*. • Fell lanniction. will be given for the rrattinis ibex* eats toneesedior micas diseueaandlhe ne r for oncoming far the cam of thosadlitell will al to be rau,y expid to ned the purchaser, and a mate' pat into Ws handsexpresely OW thesepairses, elre fully prepared by the patent= . &quite oetl3.dly 8 WILLLthrS, Vine st, Moshumft, -7— NEIIF 11118810.11.2, . , canautes totritermo anumcoa., . wet a) ORN e1..gg14011.,N0 81 Wood ettetit,,la the ;IC, fdeCluttrtY Potent Totelodeom, anew and benuM insmiment,- exceedingly well adapted kir ethilleibrinanilyMonehip. r. For the benefit of . gum residing ea a Alstattme, md consequently inalileto Raped the Meltdeon beLsre purchasing, the followin•deieriptilet bresittn The gears am made ormsevonal, ant am as band eomelt a - Piano Feria The 'keryi.bocul le precistdy the soaves theriatto or mom attd-We (pus I *bleb. a very betuniful,) closely reseed)* that oath, 'Cate atop eta erten- The Mom& r' reline home diaisdruouhrportable withoudetambh=ll, illo bellows meeting. Into the body of the tat, and 'darters folding under, leaving W. ulmttlmSt fem. Each. utrtramenU hasapaaldiaga i = whole when packed Weighs only 44 - poutidi. The vol_ ume atone ascend to that of • .and by means of the *well tea iimpreased ex ' at pantie,.; It is suiliebintlY Toad for Snuff Mathes, and lewen maculated ebratierlorimentsum.,,o Jost received, • sopply_ of the Aboyer.,. plea, with ease and 113On:tenon 800r,1150. oots Save=able Filtering Coot, FOR PURIPYING WA rEa, : • , • WkOlr aostlani-Ocrtdd Amor re by zel Prbummee not ISO wan,. 'The crown Xeres*, -rr riPamanicre=tharßiai nne;ing neck: . shirwr'aliarge Inl anbatenceso.e. is the cur re Mo or 1m ,140 a with all hydrant wronna, ate tr. r. The Revertlblo-Frebret lEinhat and ,daratde, and to ant Invaded with Me inconvenience Incident to Other rilterers, as it is cleansed without being detached Own the Water OS* by mealy madam the keT-or handle Inmionnado to the ether. By MU eary-rrOcem, the eons. of eater is changed, and all aecnottlations of impure subaumcm are dnveo off alemstramantly, arithoat unsrrowing Fdter. It alma imapeases the 16,n:stage of being a Bop cock, and'eased/ In many ease, walk, very COMMienX And COUNI*4II. ,11. can beat/ached where there is apy pressure high or low to a cask, tank, mb, ee. with nese, had or the sole Agent' W. W.-WILSON, octl7 censer of Venue am:J . 24lkm eta ----- Dtaplwatna. Miter, for u7dg'& Water. * Now , . . ~,,,,Tri is 1 , 11 , a , r 'l n hora,.. • • Patent B4sgyni Filter for the el ' relief Pitts and Alb4iteny. .JO OULSON, Agent, fir Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway, ' N.B' ' We have been da.g. nee oftr;o above articles at the °Moe afthe Novelty Works for three months, on trial, sued feel perfectly Lansaw:l that it is a caeful Invention, and we take pressure in recommending them as a use thl article to all who /wry pare water. .Orders will be thankfully received undiorompliy executed. clew/ Lweaskerom, ROGGEN & Co PITTIIIIIIIMU„LWALALE sartyrruTzi THIS Imitation, unmet the care of and Mrs. - I ,, Gossetuta, will reopen fondle reception of pupils, to those= buildings, No. 42 Liberty strum, on the Ist to of BepteMber. ' !..arrangemegmhave been rude by wilia they will DC able to (mush young ladies facilities mond to any In the Wealthy obtaining a thorough English, Clatter. cak, antiOnmanesnaladucation. &Juno:tone of Phi lisophical and Chemical Lecturea will th delivered go.nng the winter, illustrated by ap MM. The de. rt=:::lVocal and - Ilitislc, Modern ZlnSuntig snaramttag,,wili each be under the care oft ce= , Prilitaser. By'elese attenlion totes mOssl ant f *elf pu gg, the. VlnciPtilihope to, m i nt a ct "7l = r-P uation of the em! patronage 'her' have hitherto enjoyed. For mama,...circular or apPiV zo t l / 4 9- Pr*IPOL astr,..g.dtr ' , . TOAASIIITACTIItigIidIuI. T ELATE tsittlaick castnet boanipasecd, for the as tablialmsemo(uMatulimmyeg of Woutjtatten,lrdmi. ulna, or an Other business coal. It lea& mining my ftzm "Harlem." Cn the-hioncritgaliela river. ~Ithere is erected on the lot a large Building In which ta erneteg - ti Wad engine Gild - inch cylinder, those boileraste., man: mill, and a small.plir stones the railway. from my coalmine passim within a few = in . ; Intim persont wishing to ensub In mann to visitthuplace andsgantine its advanta ge. I will less it at low raw, or if initible partners wonld tiger, would he wilting in rest the property In as stock in sonic joint concern If &neer Infonnathm is by . b e, it guy be had by applying to my 'Wo od MH Baird,gr. , llll.llnrieso f tis J. pi. pbrier.b. W o od env, aT te MEMII, .1. the Wirt: ortelt building called - " Th e Round unsnarl , Washing on.,:PaL 7 ,nargisLigwlt. . -it DAM. ~-1518.11 AT VITILSZEIR/K -ADDLA HARNMS, TRUNK AND tdrillP MAN entnieribertalretthla method eintforndughie flienda and tha_pabhe 4,general that tonna the hugest gee* of the following named arti cles df hta dein mentifeethhe In this eltr—Reddlee Har em*, Trunks and•Welps. all of Which hearill warrant no be made of the be4t material and br the beet mech anics in vadierbeny , enanty. Bateg.demmlu e d to eon 41.6 Manufactarcersegoilduglower than,Pas been here tofore mold by soy slmher ertahlishmee in the sl y. be would inane • persons In mod of .the move named ankles to his warehouse, Net eetl Lthafblrenaot, to Beeenth. bends ma: tertnderfor oetlaty • • Ail. KEEBY. poRDR . r .I7 . and Leve r,Watobea. ' — ',..„..:r- - .11187reatelved land for sale at taruagreally, radosadkrioas, five gene , 'T. F. Cookr,ifealthorpe stet, • ligityht-flitioßoall 4ftitattots," De. pl.= autd,Paterat Levor SWelehwtepartd la 18 karat geld, and full jewelled, aid" ChrOnohiater balances. 'heat areititerGuallaest orttattearitigtbein g super. • at itahaisteaodateroyany e.the. M. I, Inas, Joseph Jahasoe, or idly' Other' make. Thine lliaiant of a very gee swatabare invited to can vett ratarabse this lat. Also. a large asaortoteat of Gold an 4 Bihar Wae., Clisloefeala; lisys,lte. ' • 'Er Pine Wmalebeie repaired totilb haat outarter. , W. W_ IVILSON, , eetyg eOrmslAilviad'fdarket sta. NTHON'S XENOPHON'S Igtmoite Blue_ Xellophonie Memorabilia of Socrates,with Em,s , - bah notes, Wfidoil'intd ezplactuart, tho Pnaorgonloonn of /Colorer, Winer% Ufa of Socrates, etc: by Charles Mahon, .Pilifestdr ofthe Greek and Latin tan_ enure. in Cedninlita liolleo, NevriTorka n d M.or of the Grammar Schoob. Jost reed and for sate . Jiy JOHNSTON & irrOcrioN. So *ushers, oar &l and Market ma , SOLLwa. DOOR 111FEPING, PMIANSItiP:"OHONOGRA D 21.4.—EL .Wllszuretni ,weedNish; -*10ath:4.42 sebtxtlrooto, oppeT of ith and Pa entTunceoi Founh, liderabiihaop to impan Instmetton thaltruotliestitoin. MoiolnattiP, Arjth mattotAooh KoVittg, Phonounibi..4. om.i-azto SQ TEEM MKT CLOCHS—Hamg conch:Dial to tall °dont litiliteitbek of Kirke's Merino Timepieces, we pow_ effecter !ell th ee et lower prices thee they elm be bought at - SAY ltobee in. Pit bStr °lambent. !east Or weer: Belorthe oohy stream here or these clock% we here:the lelmt - itod finest °mon o:tent/Lg. °11.• C. 1 1" Oa. Iternember we arelcii - to be undersold. BLAKE &CO Market street, esumaca ost berth side pf the Diamond fitTEllll' SOIAAILLARD amen:mem or Cornell. it CO'l celebrated manu facture, and m erior to all °Mete honite; adapted to churches, o mbooto factories, derailing., public and petvion halls, audio all other uses where a cheap, sais and brilliant light • • Almi g Er a n d o les , Nall/ . .a.ww, aa ol e t me. sagas, Wicks,Chimnica, CanA,Trummers, to. Alm, Gaa Chandeliers, from rue t four lightt• .5.10 • W.W•WILSON, 45 market 80•1011ECOOkIrig stove., u.. .. ü ben,v lcv .4 17.0und o C i li arch, and 0f fec.4 5415114- '4144("" oun . Praltrr;4:,:ot atilt° moat improiedeirmitty; 'lnd Mali 'Egg , ROMs *freed°. Al., Parlor and common Grams, Hollow Were,, &a They also Atiumfecture the Shelter! Ruse. *lifetime fi rga ,„, e h general emiefartimuo those *lift` um, to all of *blab they eavald respectfully. ae of the citizens and the publie generally: " se zgy_g tf Watibhoei'moti armor a s ASCI Paeans mums, Psrmarigo n . now l lbcriber haa returned from the, Earn, ami is I opening large andemellitrykeleer e d g e .k m Good. labia him , 10 11 put liberal patron ne hopes to moo,, a calm...nee thereof, by dui. gene. le Maine-e end keephirthd Mat assortment, and at the moat reasonable primula =MOM am and the public generally-4 0, ti.dting the city from a distan:4 , ameingle4 re e a u an,. exam°e my large eree4o . g our& ' WILSON. _ . --- LA/ %)N.DhIiFIII,ARIU.V.i.L.—Da. Towrerrno , . &ca n, wistr.l4—C,9o6 bottler 'of 'ado mar 1-e fall rer raoriermi Fut rartved artrl for tale bT It and FBFI t c. 1 44 , Role Arrcra for Ilurbfri'gh, or bou We geimile Wilde * MA be laid. ••• • eetzle e.._,_t_srood At UV1.31 EL7tSIIC CLOTHING-1-W dos Gum Elude Overcoats; 6 drsJor.kelet ddopoirs Pus tai 6do dolseggiogsoif 4 rid/event Xinda, 16 do storm Haul 2 ;.'Cape;mtbott ilbeverg Ism recess.; by Express ondfassals orholoßthrend retail, s; Ito RlM eni prices. Wo 1;40 I; to beJ undeivood that purchas ers are buying tiara Erst ittia.,-tam boy at choirs/Re Rubber Doitio.No 6 Wood street. ..‘ . c,l ! ll ..itoimsg.,,,lT_ lk la PHILLIPS x l H11)01{, FC OI ;;PARESI74, AMINO PhILSO_ N 9 • MY41•1144...P.D1. papaw' -coalman be nadiii;Thildeirrattegaft, sad Haman • '"`lna4alied. amartkbr..mealtampal wambotealoonatieatelntlol7dt leonine an,theridlovai delivered! la lFet meleenv. ,, Y W OMN% Apall4Elaildin6,4M at ar v i i u nftd va& sttak-tar tattneww.t.i. - *men ilzi Iroa *world* belactuethan the _Null!, Rtarmit pl „„", I`. RHEY. . 41% 00. trolokreandilis.. 14 r • i•-,proarl Rl':.. MOM Ca
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers