.31, KM=ll W 41.4 ti 'ISTABIASEEE iii 1 786. , D j~a~DR 1 .Y f.; LIBDS . 1.444:IIIIIAM la - Ca.—' Ituloaataljaam 44- , Dl_ - 'criAlaVa suNew York. : 77, --- - ' -c.l - ' IP c i r ei, ;* , ''7;Catiigarents of VinteraLeatiTer sAadaed, II - ,flaila adyineli uLadt, it *Ore, -, ~. -, • tabiall36 ~.rIVIWOODOIONES ai Co..:Cossmnandn and '.. .Mawaidlag , Merataatif lam rimed ta,thale old -k.aatand,Waser and Pram areata Tiatta . 0 , 1 ..,,,; ruzinair. siiii ":1:•/; '" ' ' " 'osavii itznz I ps,:ktref a: Icianits,v6aegido 2,34 swat rtnw isizAcaqurrol4benrAwitit.ctalesueeu, Tina mayl4 , ' ' ' ' ' • -s. I. alawa. i , rovirlY4 , Malairi" 'N,Mliclaale Gloms, end Zarmalasicar 14 eretaillaiNo.' 145, L dads, . ,-lli,-o..irAtupgrrocsc & Co, - Whbleaila *at as. "AN 101 l llniglrinl, corner Wood add atti ea: ' 3yl ', gittAat r ta & SlST . ii,..Viltol , ~ , T ., d , 11 , ,1 9 . 777 ! 11:1 tad pet , I A4Clitirriavoniaiding tie ~ V. sassionia-A.-...r.taulasin , - Pittsburg% i • rm II 'ALT NEIINART. 'Mar Ntor.oti,. , a. nurzty-r.v.... - :i...muci Gaut & Barearrr, ltsre r 11 , JD 4`. Wboleal•Grocn. Conxausiioa_ thehat and deako_rs ht Aktotretu. 1 7 No. 37-Wood a. bouffl.n; roduce and 0. 4:11 ug . ' Iltrf iViolesl;lo .ozosors We X r l aurey ConoOOKtole Metabolite, and, Ar c u for BOOT: at s,x l attr.,o l °E **,),IF4 Obi ' -- ALLA:mum" inzia & multajtetimus -sr Founders and Gar ,FSUee, WV Croat, betty , sod and smithfriains,eetkluAbowthrgi m a 2 ,4 ~,T,uriustm, prim west for old Genes dmi • --- 'MN 'Cooulissiob VoMitaiwi „,geratiz cocliiiM — cotrum... - _ _ uusurraukioto, vii*ociastnit - vill's'b . nib: 'ii . _ _ —. . 1. -. 0512 . • ' V antrtitarovhst. -ea Red Lead qiian .' .11. tactorariParalaao Oil bErfahanr, eormsr of Li • :and "Han ara., - Plarb •• h..: , je IS , lalairrlaor,reiDrilCer,E_, • a- 'Cry Wole ac oalr eli &r,rWOCm amt”MotetOitta IWO d eal ers isProdzirsN , os a• , v.i ao.arllOrProaraeetalsoburak ~ .- - Orri9 jalagiVaa= A .lttie r St d eitt z i t t'l' • Br. Lera*MO4 (law or Plrrst ."" v. BoarrOralarra-44ttdortglrr Ban NV Penn:li t Ham , lor.*gatorirra /c.lit'Claral John Is Park , 011FalVer/r, r4 & Pl. - : iat&A7 .. • inagriffd oca;:who,meiessient.togatry.i. . r - pa. aarkPilrahurith Manafattarea No, 7 Comore' - aillUben7Orregl [rear tlio'Caa4 rugnuo, ft vxaIFAIIIE34 MeDUIRE, Own afttuslati of • • Alachua T fi lor, 8L Charles • • TAMES - I Al SIIITCHISON, .tr../Con-BgErcessols Lewis lintehisoes tCo., en ,,,,,, Ntion Mord= eed Agedtmortholl3t. .Lon Steazw•Sugat Bane - 4-ftisobwites-an4t s treat sueess,Pinst!tugh, BcAct, tun.. . I dll3o, St. CI& it; Pittabiush: jalett L Ax IANI 8.. DILWORTLII—Vilddodold Moder, ..1.10- ...i e add Cosolsdioir.Mour.lastax, No. V, Woqd et, ' Josel r-R. NORCIAN, Wholosalat ad dial rill Dye Sadly Palobitals, V' Ike., N 0.913 ood stroVosuf lkonli dooi of Diamond 1, MI- Joni ' 4,14,Es KM& Jr, .ik, Co, (suecellwr toi*Ph, , It .-Davi.s Skip Clnndiera, 2$ Wain: guest, . 003 l 4 0 . ...1 41 ., trEffel,.. ita nto m.. sido' i a t zl = 4. .. r, Slazarateel Pens, Quills, Pitt:auto , Cud., • • ollestleaanAelvirelly,No. ll Woodinsit i xi. •is . •• .. vor ukases mute,- .. :- .'" set= •:1. SCROONWLKNIL &Ca... Wholesale . ... . . I' llP it Na. @Mood smog liltsb ..., —.., onedoisiOiscorneeddi and W' . cu, Pluiliardb. acid ~TONYNTON I- STOCHTONOlcootsillerrs, ,Ptin . . CF 'Sod ragledfsuturseturets, No. 4414arkut se, Pi ; . CHN OREM, Wholesale Omer, mu. dealre in 1 , 4 done, Pilldbillei Atioddkitious, Tel , ta. No. =Liberty Strilirteburddi. `.*25 .. , . .. . -r-: ru"D Puna .0 0 ,13 1 Thalalib Illiecees, No. fOlAteulfslmek. ' , NPIrl , ee dteletiddlimn'dosleti lieo t e , leideasl6.9frzWaseauPeoirh ) IBSISON3,o a 1 i le E e F g cudPitsk --&awakeaela nada; ntaeAlit 6th and Mc aueeta,Z'imhacsh. ~ octB -,1,, , ,, , 4o ~ ltssavine Iramlicatks. .. 'At zwi westr aa'LL , Bel% v t"rox vt ills r atieba •,,WAVlVasehause, Di watar and 105 irons 4.. ~kli-YeegrAllt—., V . taefale,Groeiaca7 P l l e CepPisiva SlerdagAle.alaz in„ o ig 4 s u s u.siArproduas No. 4 1 SY.W W. ,t,attaarttauscar zt,. I -•-•- • - , sant eartytos. A. 17, 1, ,, rla dr, Whohmale Greeare,S. ' wit= Ltd ' . • tastatteateribealertt." . r ‘ Pittatattgit Marmfattunia, New IS ~1,., eWt,, eada • 1 4 - Piusbut / stw , - - 0 -.. -l ea 3 1 • •,MC-ntattite4atitie4'4 'la_lS 'lll ValiaPtProdeat ~,aaaergateauesaaneowssteaiL "!.• 3 . Marx- . - ,__. -,-, -. • . ~L wantica Lill. olksi:SILL at EMQ3,:WbOtaseta Gbeerre and • Cte:datie . aim atembaate r Na,l6l Libetty 111.4' , PtIllitatnil. Il v t -' L ' a f l iiia 3rItOI. 2 :COICI CI9CI' - SI . S T L-1C as • . , ... ebfrreturea*: water end' Pant st_l4 ' . ' 1 •RIIIIIIEISONriThittit Grocers : tdamimma,No.l2o,Labarty.m., ' - t1012M4,4 iscm,smoss,srartat _' 1 10 . 4. a_d9o; 9 (Z ea nam; p : l 9 :Fan , rik. dankra in 774 O=eque Alia at V...”im, Cara - cams oak .igtake-upna mad on all ihn ,pnneipai , calm ~.. • libetrulted Mama " dcal7 ' r 'IVJOBOMMOCMEiIWWmdaGMmOtee .. JEI4 DistWer,4lmder la ProductiPumbargb . ...Wag Walt kinds "of Pandit* and Domende and Lipton, No.il Libenrumet Oa band N a 4 1 , ~/ OPP Wok: of sdpetior r ood blanangabela •intuike. . wW.I ad/1 ba sold lon ita cull. ' • '-- , NSA" " - 'IMOD T. LEE CU. Im*aan and Agabic in , Rstragn T. Dammam tlaWrai..Bardwate mid al& Tisof all dosezipilous. No. Ea wf.# rRD BARD, Wbale4= 'ad . lt=driloalny la Limber, lalorocto,'SlnemakereToOn'ind7in l'anneral and Cadets , 70814_ '7 111 , Oil, • Wood si.,,Pipabarah: " .' . ' atill2 -ROBINS° k Co,,W/44up10 Grows, Produce 4 24 C9=540°4 idurereahrld.slrul- MauflOuclir P, lO . Rik id -Ont7- gr PUtdbor• lErrilltzELL & Co, Wholssils Queen, C 15:4ealatidtilind ftrtimutun'EterehtraiNdestets a•lnd . ei4 114 .7k r4!aufr-A Vbertl.l4 ,IOI3I4a6TVINNINCifiAIgi Mut Dialartzarcelsee itimbask• I,3IBYNOLDS snit Caratisslon a si tie filll36 := 4"nu li tiv r6 4. 4Trade, 41"OmPdet iniltliaies tor as* Pcmust rant . Aga • ,Ivsunimp—imased trz a p gro tenm a. nn on . Setts aspet:llsll4 ; 1 streft "SMiery Gmbh; Leo, klasba7 saL Fang . ... ,. 40,19Erketil &cm aLors Md et, Ili"2"I N IVIIME, ! 1i... 'cal 31e;erits, :=1AIUGII; A% . . . PPlueszat Produce V 410 17 .1 17, lad • ILFOarga, Dio.. 63 ,}Vg!tr 1 44 M. ' - WITH; BAOALEY•t 4C104 . Produce dada% N 0.03 Rialto stretcogrmen6te amvirouriant di* rbilidelOiL.._wet —.../: xr. -- lows Jacaotio, di- NIIMIA, Prance sad: Gimend .z -L. , .61e i 0 • iehtuao.l7.idOinT its risidyikk.- - ~, v:ciN_Bowinoast-..,,....00. 2., Forwidding and r ..” , ivicie ldidelimi, itt ritiburgb Manufsecitei and Western - Pk. ,AillhaTeratioied tdtheinteirwast4ousi,(cdri iti44 l Mt. comoi otrrins it la Tana::' :Along) . 4145 .4 VOA" .4.24e°4 mum ' 1 . 4 1 3. 1 4. ?Olr-tel'? Na 416 POA"°ng "*""=Tt%;TVlta sin t s w o uka_ So AktOrso of Ossmsolo b, mul4mi' AVM& .1 611414ESiiii (meta= ta .'W'Veits•YWltoletale.excori, .1 , 1114 r and , -1. 0 1.101111=4 Idenbans,. dealers fa IroajimilsiGh" •411.10111114 Yaw andlinsbartti AbinU%n=ll:mgezestirp CM. a Wood meets, Piustiouloti: tXriVEN.-G=lmUkg w !?;la ,1 5 No. Fl XAl2l.sl,b4nv"n xiemic . Ecnie and hl4/1:1Z140; /nirmatibutmog.h rto.s44 übani st, -- 1 , 1:L. Ibt. OARlthni, Mara' Pam "la Sait Drp Goods, Pte. IN Market meet, Pittsburgh. ' lift; W. WILSON, _Oman Watches, Silver Waro./WarrtioOds.ke,rio. 4s 7 Mar- rinnaliv,sho .I.6*.neßdail b u dir PoreltP and OWnl4O • AM i±looda, morthicut 4 - or Stsruzind so.; .;• ! ,,, lickyL•10011111. • r • I CO.—WIWI tuthar bidet; g. L '• -•-•; • • 4"!34, 4 oll , { 1 N:' WWIMAW , •. r"' • NrC - 1 31 - 3 szul OFT We lk "' an " AI 44:nanit •...mvia. , . + . • ~- , .- , : f gam:Milt. tt _ ",,- .111ACILUURN 'I Va,llll:Masaa , Gromall u ', innannia 0114,13emtl tq aPMMEMMI' ft ankilas,limsta - ar•ildatal ,J. ..' anortaimegoods in rI fin:olnararan. ' PM/7 .4 1 4.7,Pogontie_ L _ '"f ._''... ''. , ....: .. , -4 -.,..; i --'1” 'l,l, . 4.1, r rr . rr 4.1 f..a . ,',..!. ,- ..4 r ',.7 .-- . ~. r..? ...- , - ...“. 1 t• 4 , larii .. l: 1 lIMEN '.. TORN. M.'TOWNSEND, Dractist siit'ArbeA "No: f 5 Placket' t:, Wee doom Wined The it borgiulaill have enasinangeneband girelleblee aorent Orbhalrerrattd'ikftbeat - %e be .381)1 , te ll on ', th e 'Abet, retkaablic, .: nalafellu" IKainit -otdetiOriir be ptainpur at an sea sup pped - will, mit lea ady xrckt ros..von - ra. & LA " - ~.. • Physicians Peeseriputs rein be ;marital/ .. T p:e a r ms ea ut. fii the bail , , arafenals, , at tag inniref , s? Mir, magi :110p:stoat of fresh and good Nit. neiyii edibles Me031,-pATTFILN hu opened -7—k• the loge stablesta Out st,iinnin= my, - loSitecce gt, Wonted Wooden& Mrs-4 V* sesCat the kgela BMW, With swesdtrelyasokktock. Horses=4 Center s ist llorbedrillUdtty asellttest styles Horses kept at Ink- ITISI the beet mums. - • eysatm i a i la tz nli E•MISIMEWIS • ,ClON'ththliii;cl)• 'l•l4V*l2lls gotabsiliesd• Seou asaradurel, diantei *ad Rita Xer. Saris done at N:and madd., W,doLalleteriptiau IlesoliOaaaitOiel; paunasig• mitrltet'Onti_ ,_raranumaimi'l4 - ,tounr, and Ty' .colorawneri,Frinr4fui preasei, &44.§earmg. 'Eillt ad WOW cotton Pnoger for' arid Warn Paiisofi—Mmto, nadir, _and }ln ..Balhon made to order as rho aberidifootne. Brom comma oalaidea Lane pupi Willkun t entrane No William t, Witt tlaOr oretAbeed & dare,lo'6sllaiderildotr NevrTare r la EEEEiiiIETEMMM '3liCO2ilL2l/448 , ,42iA80 . S g , ItIPB Pi i C R /Lt = N ai l = ar m fi rTp . constantly on hana a general assortment of =bore article. Alscs.3nalte costliest stitterlor article pt Mirteratal ectaa4Vater 130u105,.0f colored east. Np. 46,WoodstePstlatturth, Pen . artralAns RICY..AI22thEC r ri Saddlers' Ironmanguy, Harness - and Coach ”,ena.ervi t a n to. &c, jytt ' To. Wool; sf. Prrkturito. 1 IL Etao)lyeepdepALTtiaunlngs dad Variety .A•l74vods. Maims Shell, Ti , ory ead - Jim .Comid, 'L.. '954 4 . I r 4 rn. fP.A.Weiilla.d.4 ,l 4. l * isladdldP,Pd., - rapas;Brildes, !cc.; N= Mini' strem;potwen Dia mond and dat .1., PivAbvrea. , - } yeZaty it-Clamour TEA STORE.—No: 7.t Fourth "hi, htar Wood—All qinumities of tined and 'l4O Tend, , duird up in •dnaner, hall; add ;17 41 Vl " 4"' l r trlg3, ll A:rl4l%qaa n t. 44 pr.. n 1 il , !, ,: 4. il , _ . • . . • . ESURBCE.' ' ~joOtiNhINNES' Trer_ _tetr4Ml2 . V .nea t 'CLll3VlLltallllllll4-' adtiptlia. Ville Risks upon boiLao morchEidiso of ootty Asscription,4ad Maxine Risks upon kills or .Catgoes. a somata,. taktO 441=1. • theJ most fromble irj Office le the Werehforsit of Holmes t Ertl-, ho.o2.Wamr,near Media street,. Piuslaugh. .N.S.—Thieseteetis of thislOotopany an. the moth litthineut of the Agency in Ibis truly, with the prompt mots end lihms.lity with which every claim upon them thr tins has been - adjusted, fally wan= the agent In inviting the confidence amipstronage aids friends and the• eoumuoi, enlarge m the:Delawane M.B lase rattec.theroperty, liss she additional advantages el enutstinttion among the mom dollrObing inPhiladel phie—ts haring en arephepaite.theapstal, winch by the operation. cif its chaster Es , eettmently Increming, yielding to cash mum =sated his due slam ot the profit& of. the company, *reheat Involving hint in testy ongemeibility . whsterm and therefore .pmeessing the Mutual peonmple.dniemed .of every otimarloas fea ture, end in lts most sarective brim.. • novr. ria " An ? ,... a llaa rac l oir ia tg 4 2 4. h egthe.:.•-• Agn the ItthseXibe., OLT.° pun pertnimeat Ilmit4l nsdnunts lapeny, Alta= atid viainiry ani 011 shipments by the eah *raiser Qceffiw • Chairs Taylor, %if ambrour White Jacob :job:of& Brown, . Join& Nee, NbidniAbldni, • Richard ILI:Vont, • -Moot= P. Cope, : We:1.19= 4 . fisinnetit Bawdy : - Frzoion tiazonelltranite, , •::. . • H. Anatt.Allibotte, 'll • ARTHUR. a COlMblv Punt. limn Et BXIMIOII2_ .. • 'IVA is the eldest bionerattee Company In the United :Bunt*: tiOu*.tree - ii elouteind X 144. It charter is Pmtuaqa&from =Ole: inetelbend irrolding 'ell , iisks of' an entnt.Ant. unmet ebariteter, It:may:be eon:eider:l4 anode:nu tiro • pie enmity to We W. ' • At the COCTigul of Atwood, Jotsee & Co., Wa ts? and noel meets :Pttneingb. • MILAiItILLIN PULE INSIMANCLS CO. WIN Matto Fixo Icourooto Cosopooy, of firdodol. 44 11 30.1 1 1 Meta Inanranca, permanent and Wanted ou,avenyseription at proprty, lar Filiaaafjph Fa* nut?, mum's. on favora b le , for ass co pand,- pemnaal • $406,000 pant in. Conimanen, Fund saqua OlfLoo tomer of Thud sad Market 00% Elosbooo. , WARRICK MAIM, Arno- • rtlet siiieniki4 day iiLkathwatiatheAi..- inau.gco Cosvani, of AgladgiA , t, ittUtillneiLOOker itigtuapee aspitissfroSs - os, !basso ..Oust gin; ...,baiki.4 14 71.1213 &maws polperty, opt eisiti.bazar this city, anoisiclist. syl4 GEO C Ito ,a rtemifingftlinl ithaPb ' EgifinaTingtUant Pro . ore kerannee Compaq - ofZionertem, "will WAN wit* itte% attend ee dte eelmrbetteem -tor '.t,1. - geory -- im gm, ImMebduse d'Atemed, Janet '. • • 1412 < • PriONE9,leMet tt• , FORWAIlleig &COMIBB.ION. J. tilluircfaamic. • ‘ Co p Dia a a. co{ -,IUBLCGO,COIIIOII3-11Ebtainti, No. Sotith.VirberreVEM 117. Beam- Wirer st. • - - cos. b{r{{n{r{her-{{,{6i , oui. de dam , generally, of • , PittslVlthifer have emide seek arrangenteuts with the sr ~ t bamenctuntile 'and the Growers a ifati"W asr,". Welt !Mkt, Uhl tact . plums, ts ins.t. .10 (raga lutd•tOaktilfit itottply the foseerhot dew*. dons of. Tobeeett, WWI 'twill to sold upon as /mop =editing unto ii .tirly atter home to Ws eity or elm where, nod s% oads ordered teem them PHU be Ivor. meted equal to rtpteliethaktre • • • Hamm; St. Domingo; 'Vamp; • Yen; Porepllieed f,..lPateht.; Seed Leaf to- Cutop . Verb*. Medea: Al.slll—Sfeneli's eelebratel ArocooLic Slages.eik dish, with p futsoruret pf ether poppies' bowls, eta tioelitieo of 2 0 _ 1 5414_ 31 7Thr, i is aud 7 oll Sa, Be toed ISt Piet; b ol a L Tar ilitslius ?sit ke., enter sodplsio, ' idt" boxes;,* knd ad? Atiadrorkaf or dOeld beldP6 - iug the took: . feledlyi . . - ~ F LOUR +ACT-ORS* • Produce, C0M164■10211 -asilt .IPororarding No. Ott Hama Waerreo,racttl29 i 1 am fir ,- , ... .PRILADk.ZPIJIt. Ran so-Nlohlati. NS rovra & Co. Robert thew &Co. ..• . Th " delphi ., Rerezoft, Bearer & Co. . , atriet,•l3gelay & Co. "• • ...• Allen ft Patton," Nerr-York. Welter, & ilarrojv ' Baltisetore. / 4 0 1 44: 4 801,1 4 ' Ihret Wilton Etto • - Bailey, Brown & Co. 3 Nls bu g h ' Seer& Janes, • -Xl ibmi F'" 11 .e!!" " I " l .r u n ' nu u ; Our 1.1" V ”.. - cIiAVIB. • .*Mat,IFA/ 2 4. 1. gLLm - AKER,EC PMT KY & rtaMm4l.l3Taita, And Gamma CosesimmusteucirMi•MhsWth No.aBOOI74WAM P - AIGADE/Aal t gEFERENCEem - iguti.Roaß t ßlNPaisbutgl. faig ni x4 , At=raalladaiigfi: t alulles &AWN Jr 4 V 1144 r 2 31:, M IL -frlPbßol's Re4l.l3nitiext, • ~:w6411 „ &COO/2144 ifiw .1111: JAMS D. Lamm, erwwn v. E M EFL, /14141DEAS „ 'Alai/kw:No.4'oJ '24kaitimorro, ...COTTON. FACTORS„ AND ABENTS: FOR - THE SALE or HAMS Asp W. GLASS, t • teli.o7lolS COMOULIIN —•• • epilogs! ' Wan and.llPoriOngottinitnOrobsiolta . C °II2I 7 WE IaC Stp um cur=tlid koloottail =ntactaita , anokl.,lnadait; and•ftr(odervthr A c s frAr=roositet i t! blotari ni AtE s itt lb* principal wait 97 kinaburgb litannfactntei r at uo I°.n * tylnWpat 744 Vale "UM IogWRDIIIII.,Amr OINIIIIIIOIIIIIaIIIII eiNIXDFALER • - Iran, tottantlrattui: dO , Plttlibar Itlikollfaatureo 6e y - 20..141. o*TD7 araarr,',. clacnawa, . ' - WIL •II . : CILABIC4 -'• • • :ranirardlioillrorebooso,,Brorurnavills, PR. Ordlll,lo. 01 6•Pkirolording of Prianade, . appiria.masirrit a CUII4I- CANAValeinte • • owl .r,firAitociltjev,-,,,i, I • osumum•commissioatanicacruzart -FOUTHESALI3OP PRODUCE: PROVLgiong, iuul 11:g tiirriVaWsitir, • Eingltszew'llteradintstrflitiaburglt. - • ' NOTWIII.7O4OII,BI.zaih vS r Psvo .y 44 01,8 OUUKAWf.iy '01;..h. ~, ow Muni GM, (or We sem, 46,ii - , -- ye bee fete4 6VI 6‘11T1V,7 - .... ibi.11164P.4,06.6:. Ikmaiirai it ' itteui `°— :06 rhotiateolyslttiii64.- • . ,I F l43ine ",„. • ' c klirarevvrir a a>, ,: ,-, • ,ca . Lauri, ' ' PlLlaii • 4.4C114.1:14.;.: C 0 a (&ecteaeoes to Reed, axle& Co,) . „:1411PIWC 011 P 1111410 • • -Pikitiesrertismivethaisiotiviraowd uto. ,v, ~...,,aviutrattesmasut 21111115 es,"piimr afield ddlaV ao •ti Ifs tol f lardol s p7r t gate e ir il la i tirs:SlL s4 • . . 0 BLUatouRN k. Co bisso,llll42 ami 1014amdair slau !yl - jut ree , o3 pet smoker Arm* atodlireside aY Jr-• • - tiff OFFICES. WITL . TIMBLIN 'ATTORNEY AT Law, Drakr, 11r/LL alotr attend tocollectiodwand all other busi- Cif T. neat animated to him in Ihiller and • Armstrong ranies, P. Refer to_ I. kPlayol, Liberty At W. W. Wallace, do ' Joiner Illanhall' do Pinabarah. F A T & Co., 'Wend jan7 InVEITZEB, Adordel as Law, dace ad It, opposite gt.Ciuntea ar Hmet, Pittsburgh, ,11 atm ur s ons; in Washington, Payette snd Greencaonsien, Pa. • • Blieksidek, Ball & Co., D T. k Chard, W dearoalwrl,. Putsburgh. feel3dl J. HENll.l. , Moisedir and Comml lot al Leto, 4- CO *Os Okla, 1101leeIldna in Beenhein Ohio. ;AL= a gir ' a i i=Vr Y fon n ieVonf d ;et. dlYawanbOw taking Deposiztona, acknowledgments., *Os ke. • *, zkit a ßripaalll a itt, V. ,.. Ctin 23k. H. W. WILL/A.lO, . 'WX. It. MEWL 11711ZIAMS (Ineentelem Lewlde and r`Willimily trulya and counsellors at Law. OlHee NoSti slde'of PovHh attest; above Smithfield. fiblldtswit '" TAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law. Bahamas to itnikibtg, Grant street, nearly opposite the Court Home. audit-3m • t _ItOMMOSUWTS.I- mats I/MOP, Ugi IWw,,,L T ° " MIOIIWARD t ItIWARTZWELDER, Ammer. a,' -Law, hens retuned their eke to the Beath ude o Fr au* at, between Chem Aker anti Grant street. 110BINSOKOAttatuel at Law, has re :Ws-awred m. elScat so the Ilaahange Badly" ftt. .Clitirss... neat damns JAlderatan Johea. :•;''''' '• BOOK • TRADE. To Ootuatry Merchants. A LARGE STOCK or School Ilona, Paper, &won ary, Oa., suitable for country sates; aneag able, , . Writing Papers, of fine, medium and Common melts Letter Paper del do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelope% Slates, Pencils, Wafers, Quints and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wid) plain and printed; Bonnet Hoards, of different outlines; Blank Books, in great variety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, andMouble eruct wrapping paper; MeGelSel. Eclectie Spellers and Readers; Hay's Eclectic Arithmetic% Cobb's•Ptimera, Spellers and Headers; Sanders , do do do .Acillustaties, by Adams, Davis,Colburn,Smith, Stock trot,Emerson, and others. GeOgraPhies, by 111licluall,Olney, Smith, Morse,Good tinh, Parley, and other.. Grammars, by Smith, Irtrkliam, Hellions, Weld, and others. For mie al low prices, by I H 81 weed st, S. doors above lith, 'Rite highest market price paid for good mixed In Cash. PLANETAirrcterEta..orworturs.-Kpopii: ler exposition of the great el nod theo ries of modern astronomy; by 0 h 1 Mitchell, • to, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. lieadlefaltaly,Alps and Rhine.—Letters from Italy, the Alp'. and the Fame; by J T Headley, author of No poleon end his Marshall% Washington end his Gener alm&e. Law and revised edition. Statistics of Coal.—The Geographical and Geologi cal distinction. of hruieral Comlonstibles or fossil fuel; • including aloe, noticeit cod localities of the rations mineral isiumunions substances employed in arta and 'manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Diellratutet Ac companied by nearly LOU statistical tables, and 11OU art. a . AsoLp h tlaeßlFiitediustibles, &e; prepared by Bich. hot received .fee copies of each of the above wort. —for side by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, /Y 8 •• • Boolcsallera, cur market & 3d WILAELLY BEADY 1:1108PUBLIGATI0y .L by J. A. &U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following .new bad valuable Works—; L. HttniphaxPe Erpeditiotr—Containing a sketch of the life' et Col. A. W. Demob.; the Conquest of New • Mexi•uEtien. Kumar* Oyerbsad F to Cab. forme Uertird.nb, CM:Val:lp against the Navims nod his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Intringo, abd•tbe °pent:ion, of 0en...We:51 Santa Fe; wi th a hLs and Engravings, by T Hughes. A the lm Beglmmt of Mirsotni Cavalry . Is Ifistory of NentackyLDs Antiquities and Natural Cariokines; Geographical Statistical and Geological descriptions; with anecdotes of Pioneer. Life, nod more thee ono hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish. ed Pioneers, So{dim, Stamen, /rains, Lawyers, Di vines, An; allasn with forty engravingE b 7 Lewis (lonies,l voL octavo. . . The TWelve Months' Volunteer or Journal of n vale In the TCIII.IISCO Pegiro4l4 ot t•avelry, to Me Cammunn of Mexico, d0rmg.18,042,t00 &hang an ar• coma o(1bo March of the Remment to Vera aro., deaeriptirm of the Country pursed oven manners, ells- Meru,. ice. of the people; 'Beaten. of Camp I. 'fur or mann of illshe .coots of other Volunteer Itemlnents, and a MI Almon of the Noncan. War, List of h3l - Wounded, Ste; Illnesrated by • large number of ,entrees views and plans; by Dm. C. Farber, I yohuto octavo. dee IL Blatirl!nparr and Bask itatablialluosuast,, '7BWoon Bt., artionen Forma Ana Mamma Aux, 7Esubscriber; bake Bun, opened, .t the abate =4 rg plonk of &Arent qualities =lnd and Idanwhile marblke Writing and Lever Paper, com meceial and pante-7M Flat Cap, decoy and medium arrningpapany for lank books; medium androyal no lortn aqua,* Papers; madman, dully and map Day 'Books and LedgersoisPenor paper and best Enamor binding, Sehokil Ilioka of all awn.; standard works to Theology and quills, !odd and steel Yens, Wafers, Wax., Bill Files, ice. am. • Blank Books of Ell aim* ruled m pattern, and bound in The mon subasiiiial manner. Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale pi, 'etifin cash, or tags al cuh pnces. JOB PRINTIN,.O . —Having • Job office =canna:mon . wll our establobroant, are prep...llo exeeine al: onionAn plain and fancy Prinung—booku, pamphlets. irculars, banana cards, !inn of lading, rec., with do.. patch and at low prices. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, myll 7h wood el. between 4th and diamond alley.. ,X4EIY Wolual,..—Vankty tr, • novel without • Bern, by Walloon hlakepeace Thaakery—with ellustratioas by the author. The Tenant of Wildfill Halt by Aetna Bell, author of "Winbering The YotutgSeboolminsesa by Josepb Alden, 0.14 Pin CI, _ Illastrated catmint of the Annum 'Nights , Llttenannuents. New translation, arranged darn/airy reading, with explanatory sots.: by E. W. Lane, Esq. Loottlis' . Logarithnot--Tibles of Logarillons of nun,- 'berg and wan and Tangents for every ten seconds of 4. koadrant., with other useful tenter. by Ens Lanni. J1.1.,./ProL hlattiensatles and Natural Ybilaitopky to the University of New York, author of a eTisause on - Algebra,n fee. &e. • Thu idinve walla received duo dly and for sale by SOUNBTON & BTOCKTON, aogl6 __Booksellers, cue Truk!! and 04 at Sew Publications. . - ,LrElTOtilf OP CONGRESS, I fi ograptdcal and Poti.. neap, comprising rocromrs of Me member. or ills • ngrass ofthe P. S.: By It G Vilicalcr. Illustrated ; by nommorin marl portraits, &a. &o. VoL 1 , octavo. Tim Writinp of C. M. Cloy; inclnding speech. apd addreasciroriin steel portraits: Edited by Creel?. I I le g:l ° Y Sava in Callibrinaz By Edwin Bryant IiSZIMA Boles, .Vol. 10, on JMnta, Peter, John and Charm and Coanior.Chataas: By NW lirliuoah an 'hay of .Tlaseem and ',a aq" "Conqueu.,"" Ake. Mary Braver, a Dames de Temperance Tale:l3y C. "Bardatt. ' . . Kings and Queeas, or Lifs ibp Palace; confining ,o 1 historical 'koalas °flute alai reigning riorereigiin By J. C. Abbott. AFitii.Bo o kU Spanish, or a practieal larrabsetioa 'id the ittidy of Ilia Spanish Language: By J. Salkeld. "TheDyt'ng and °Ossining By Bar.A. Alden Just reed by B. LIORKLNes Apo Building% lth et. Blac li ctssor to J. L. STEW B°Oil i l eil7d; of by C = .br ileac!Prof the r Bpt o g, Jar,ohasitur, *Wipe's, Matthew, with Harmony;: Eui Shakspenc, vo le Path pi Who; Skstahes,of the Way to Wary and , 1 =11 1 4431 F P9 ootsteps of Messiah; The Cbavaa4 by or of School Girl in France; ; - "Ndariu34l.Thab, by Warren, Wombs; aflemous, as.ranshige and Uncles; . Itelaud' s Welcome to dm Stranger, Ilaavea vim Lora; jlfawkataa, a Isis of aadar a yegagb vols. For sale by ENGLISH, 78 wood end Se 'nano 11. tonkthi ",wre ;r4 . dim Word Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, in dime styles of binding; a beautifol book for It present. • • Preparation Or the Pulpit. • • Sketches of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles of Christ,by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia—bon 'sketches, it. The Sottish Pulpit; cone:warm of am , monsky•the most entinstnt tiring divines of England: Good, Chimlan Love, l.av est thou me, flamed Meditations. my 94 • ;CHF, PATWARAMAL ARE; or the Boum and Raglan; a Mankind from the Creation to the cad, - Of issue Deduced from the writing.of Moses, sad other inspired authors; and ilinstatted by copious ,fefesinces lathe iv clew records, traditions, nod My thology of the Ileathen World—by Geo Smith, F. D.A. vol.,poUtro. 'Marna nod Cormter.Charms, by MU 'Shunt& A fresh supply of shis eery . palmier Wag sank. . OnstOrs of tire Ameri Revolution, by -F. Willa go., with Portraits. I vol, 18 mo. Tailors Cabinet lAbrary; far Tamil*, or schools, 420 aohrma*mei, with engravings. This is neva Work. For,We try 11 ifOralifi t Buildings, 4th ci LiE44 , 4 ,BOTANY—Botany of the United Satre portlier ,Yirginia; comprolescriplions of de sating said (oarlike plants hi no found In ikon States; , averaged according to 8 natural system. Whir a nynopsnl id' the Genera eccordag loth. Liir rimed iiyaela;u saheb of are rudiments of botari L and a gloiikarror tams: ,by betas O. Beek, H. Prot asnattry sod Nmital alma in Burger's College. New Jersey, tr.c.Ao. Second ahem, revised and In fused: ',For sale by septa JOHNSTON A erroctroz.4 tw•Rt.; Pe Gifi nT i l D ref i d the ll ' a r itiors G o l i Ina French Revolution—from =published sources: by Alphonse do LAAllitUlle. Complete in dues VI)1117:: Wtyde's translation A fee= soppl b y of =a pop 't end an safe y receiv ede'l7'd d ay JOHNSTONJt)hINkeT & STOCKTON, itooksellers, blade' awl id m OuCtnP,fERING IN EUROPE; ot sw ek , tric .e r:Jl:trzel , .r , ...ltahutd Au l t Grant Mist, with ast appaulli .tttng obwrrattotu on European &strider asd medical turttuetimm by Jobs W. Carson, AL D. A few copielt god. by .44 JOHNSTON it STOCKTON ..A 7 ,TATOB RE oat Market atreet,lbt 60,,baiareee 5.7..„="111 et an time. be (mod a large 'drake reeileaNiWar. b * ll li rt tx)" Books. N" 1-1 - 1 -kt% t. TY° StAllearbet u of tb=rj Bepdap st eteetio Sabbath Sebtx c ID. tl ••• between 2d and tk ate rte'il arid •An title BRAUN it BEATER . A -,1 i,i e , PITTSBURGH, • FRIDAY MORNING, ,ocToBETt 1848. Digititimoißlitil C6-PAILTHRUSWP - , 7 GOAN & IiTININEDY have this - day Usociated AA with theta in the lisramue business, Philip Wil son iwd Edward Gregg. The style a ann Will hete .alter De & Co. sratuagetaent ren ders a desirable to close the old brumes* os moon as passible All persons whose liabilities have natured, 'ate espeeially tequerted to maim immediate piyment. Pittsburgh, J. I, 1.49. LODAN, WILSON & 00.—Importers and Wholesale. Dollen tu s kless= and Domenic Hard 'ware, Catleiy, Saddlery, tic., 11139, Wood SIMI, ruts berghlate now telly prepared with a reeentty mom , ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, ap., to offer very great Inducements nit western buyers; being determined to compete is prices with any outite Atlantic cities. Al so on hand an extensive usortmentof Pittsburgh Hard ware, yir. Shovels, Spades, Porta Hoes, Vices, &e., ,all of veinal, will Ile, sold at the lowest matunactureis prices jaal 1t.m;7,1;4/4,1:4:171;e4O THE embeds bars having recently entered Sea i stm.a.: i f „ tl t ter ho name of Gel egla n e i r ie loa and Bram Founflag and rpose ° 4l:ll= g g ' l ' mainessla all its branches, have taken dr stand formerly men 'pled by H. thdlacher, No. 109 From street, between Wood end Smithfield sin, where they are prepared to niecule all orders tor Hells, Brass Castings, of every description, and Ga. Fittings with newness and des patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended In,. 11. GALLAGHER, P. A. I,O Au N L A t , . N 11—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is invited to our anti-attraction metal, for • rtdoced pri. ,, , which has Leen pronounce 1 superior to &Mips by number. who have used Loth. Steamboatbuilders mod the pablie, Neueralty, are al.-., requested to call &Idea amineour superior double brunet Force Pampa Car 'stem:ahem and domestic ore. OA dec I7elly .___._. .__ ..... (JALLAGIuga, LONG, Ir. MILL,EIL' -- Dlarolndon. partnership so long existing under the firm of liVeord tr. Kuig, was by mutual consent (1407 on the Ist inst. The business will be closed at o d armul tig either of us, using tbe name of the fit e Metpurßose. Being desirous to have our begin*. 'closed with as little delay . as possible. we would re. .Imm:tinny request those indebted to call and lads their MCCOMILS. 49 1 1 N .... Y.C°r. Co-Partaterratstps TOHN APCORD havtug associated ornh tarn lus LI brother James Al'Conl, under the style of hreord & Co., will continue. the Hat, cap and For business in all ty ratio.. branches, whblesale and retail, al the old stand, corner of Wood and fah streets, wheralhar solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old fin& JOHN D WOOS ,D lAMB 11.141:01Wl. N retiring from the old and well known Gnu 01 I lil'Cool King, I most reapectilly mormarend to the patronage of the public my euceemora, Mew. Itrcord h. Co. Ite.G H. D. KING. HE copartnership heretofore existing between the T suburtbers, twder the style of WWI, Bushfield Roe, expired tilts day by limitation. The business of the arto will be settled by & Roe. JAMES I). M'OILL, S. B. BUSHFIELD, WALTER C. ROE Pittsburgh, July It, le4e. • The undersigned will consume the Wholesale Gro cery and Cotnnii.ion business, under the firm of Nrciii mat Rue, at their old stand, N 0.104 Liberty street. JAMES D. M'GILL, WALTLIL C. 110 E, Having told my interest in the firm of Area, Bast , field a itite to my former partner., 111tiiII& Roe, I tato plettauWansceonsmendtug them to my friends and Ma mai Wartna rahip Notice. !STEPHENS °TV:heeling, E. F. Shcenberger • of Juniata, .cl .1. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, have 'this day entered intoe ro.parmership under Wyle and arm of :Stephens, Shoentkerrer ar, Co., et the Anchor lon works, Wheelunr, Oa.. for the purpose of utalsti fonturtug iron and nails of every description. IL W. RETRILNIS, L r snOCOranna. I S. 1111VICTON. STEPLILE.NII9, 14110EXIMIL6BILL lb CO. ANCIJUR IRON WORKS. Whaling, Va. Manniietare all kind of boiler, shiret, bar tract and nails, A. U. steel elipue sprlngs and sales. tieing con nected with Shoenherser's old Juniata work., we east Oder an vticie of !moans ton 'branded Shoenberger) equal to any mad, 1.1 the country. All of which will, be sold at the Pitt hunch paces. Warehouse of the works conies of Mo.. toe slid \ymer std myll r k issoLuTaos—The parummlup hitherto estai jiing tinder the my le and firm of Wightruan a Dal sctl, t. Win day dissollicd by mutual consent, Jobs Dal sell having disposed IC bit enure interest m U. %Wight :nen. The business of the late firm will be settled by 11. Wightman, who it authorised to use the name of the lots Grin for that purpose. II WIGHTfiIAN. speaktaw Daly 1'a;1 J DALZELL. THE Subscriber is now prepared to massafacture 411 lords of Cotton and Woolen Mschtnery, at the shottest nonce. Orders letl of R_ Wlghintruis Engine Shop, cor ner Liberty and Water sure% will meet with prompt attention. IL WIGHTMAN, Leacok at , between rederal and Sandusky sta y speeldly Allegheny any. 10.PARTNEILSHIP—Ww Not/Ad/mein this N../ day anoctated with hue, John H. In Curia, the lea ther biomess will hereafter be mendueted under , the firm of WA. Young & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, tans /NO. R. MCI/NE. lOr EALD, HUGINOR & a4ii bass atemetated with them In their Tate. and Com/unwell butioeu, /Award Heald, lint. aiJaeob Heald k Codkaltlmorigi Mood G. MeGinnuerm. and John A Wallin,. MAW MEDICAL. .liLrnets' Ex pee torant ums. Colombians co_ (4, Apr. 04, 1341. a/ANN 4.1,. bi,Mt Sta.-1 feel bound to you J and the eithictod yobbo, to avail myself of Mot op. portunity of bluing publicity to we cotraordtaary elects of your F.xpectorsint en myself Ilavialberso Mr several years wall a severe cusig bootie fever mid tts muscats:timid dresses, atul seeme only doomed to huger out a *bon but miserable rhissonev. until the fall .11,34 urban, bras* room severely :di tsc.l„ au4 buying maortril to all my Conner multi) r, and We pre striptions of tsvo of the most reaptotabta plipticiana to we nerghborhumi wabom denvolg aay booths, or the consolation of surviving but es few days or weeks at fartnest—when Ma last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to too your Kapectorant— and blessed byvhor Simms who does tel things In We se of the means—and tuntrari to the xpectations of y physlciads and (nand., I was fr w days raised my bed, and wall GI141.1•11 l.y the use of a bottle, to need to my business, mouying since boner health than had Are ten years previous. Respectfully young, ese , Jas. W. Est., For sale au Pittsburgh, at the Fekm Too Store, 71 Fourth greet mat A. FAIIibiESToCKII ANTI-Liti.lollB FILLS. Mk . an n t u ll ' etitte7:erZrpt ir c u o try b e i ' tarn Onu o r f Wire schen, end Leming a peculiar tendency to the Maury organs, is extremely raluable in this country, in which bilious fevers end other complamm atimuted nth congestion of the laver, so much abound. They have now stood the teat of 20 years, and experience has proved them to be a safe amd valuable remedy lu Intermittent, Remittent and Onions Fever, Jaundice, Rllions colic, Indigestion, Dropsy, Dysentery, 1111100. Vamitiugs, colds, and all complaints 01 au indiuninato ucharacter. The complete and universal satisfy• which has been 1111,11 by these phis to ail who Lave used them, tenders die publishing of the nurner• s catmint:ems to they favor unnecessary. To pre - went cc...letting they ore now put up in a red /yip graphic wrapper Price Y 5 touts for a box containing 30 pals. Prepared and sold by B A PAIINPSTOCIC &Co, corner Ist and wood, and also corner Gth and wood streets. sep93 B. A. FAitax;roci,l HULL, N.Y cay. aL. FAxsiorroot, Pituburgh. G. W. P.,ctiswoc, Wholesale Drag Snore In the City of New Tonh. I,L-eHE undersigned am extensively engaged In the Wholesale Drug business at No. V John street, in . city of New York, and are prepared to .apply Druggists and country Merchants with Drags, Paints, Dye-studis, Fore.su and Amerman PeifamerY, Mender, Weaver a Mender's Chemical (of their own importation) and all other articles in th .lr line of Nisi ness, of a swerior quality as 100• en they can bora chum' in thin or any eastern city. New York. Feblo D. A. F.tiIiNMOCE di Ca. IlareherN Chrome Orieu. PdINTKRS, BLIND MAKERS, &c—We, the underaigned, Noting and Blind Makers, of the COY of Neur York, have used and 'lasted, and are now using Knew article of Chronic Green, taanufactnnid byy Geo. . Marcher, of this city, and find it to work w during a fine brilliant Pali. Green appearance, with a b . at.. Green we hove ever need. New Port, June I, 47. . . Signed by firms of prom:eel pastier. of the city o New York. 'Pus unettuahed efirome Green may b. bed of EL F. SKLLEttfil, No 7 Wood street, who ha the exclusive excney for its sale In Pittsburgh. marl 3 SEwLeu tsl yERAIIFUGE—" No family should be it LOGAN, C. 11., VA , Aog . '49. EL E. Swum: I cheerfully certify that I have for some year's past used your Yenolfuge in my (molly, and unitersay with meows I decidedly prefer it to any other prtyramiloo I have used—mot:pi these may bo named the celebrated medicine railed Demilithot, Fahnestock's Vemulage, und a preparation called Worm Tea. In a recent case is single dose brought from my little boy one bundmd and six large worms No family cetielnly ought to be without it. Yours he JAS. LAWSON Prepared and sold by It }I. Sellers, No 57 Wood s t. and sold by Druggists generally In both eines. sent I A Vine Set of Teeth for 98 Oarales 151grIIITE. TEK/11, FOUL TT GUMS. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be ing MICAS 01 twice cleaned with Jona& Amber Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the Mot neonatal ivory, and at the same time true so perfectly innocent and ca., milsitely fine, that to constant daily use Is highly ad vantageous, even to those teeth that are in a good con dition, giving them e beautiful polish, andreventing • premature decay. Those already decaye d it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as are be coming loose, and by perseverance It will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de liciously sweet. Sold by Wed. JACKSON, le9 Lawny street. maw Be A. VAIANESTOCIVII VEILIIIILIOUGIC. FEW weeks time, ono of my children, age d dabout Ahve years, woe unwell for several days, and the tithe. increased so Minnuigly that I feated death would be the result. Diming heard of the good effects of Fahnesiock's Vermitage when adunedatered to the etuldren of my neathuore, and thinking toy child might have worl[l4,ltotil•Orne of the eytaptatus, I gam it one and • hall tamptionfols•of the Vertnituse, and to my peat mmustment it almost tanned/lately dtwbotged tietweim it au and YOU largo worm,. Its health tout soon restored, and 41. now remarkably weo. Pontoon taking the Varuntage the won. Waald oemakmally' rose bl its roma; al I Oen feared h 'would die from yirongurotroa JAS O. DAWSON, • rromesuk, VroAngo eo, Pti April 3, '4l. OPI3 ELF...lll,iiiiil7tiD AND TETTED .11..1 OINTMENT is the most effectual remedy betone the public kw the cure of letter, neh, dry end watery &toles of Lthe lace, neck smd body, scaly eruption% end ell other diseases of the Blue. Thu °mantra if wermate4 . frpe from Mercury, is Perieehr ante, !Uhl' may be at entrees end under ell etrcionstertenen A fresh supply of this valuable remedy receirs4 eael fed sale by LI A VA LIN k.TOCK &Co, corner of IST end wood, also, corner of 6th and Wood' ,otteeti. G received COPAL-4 cases rec and Cole by seple LIRACN & _REITER FOUNTAIN HTEL. LIGHT STREET BOALTIMORE knownquo .... ........ .. .... _ 2r r " to n e of l the inettstberoB and °Mon w i d elyl the eity " of *imam, has recently endergone very ext.. al . and improvements. An etture nem wing . h been added, containing 'numeroue and airy T 81ee i72 4 2 1 : 3, s'i n e t has *vl bs oleo been roams. . ng Matti- Col id and fit p red op in a moor unique and beauti ful etylei In fact the whole arrngeurent of the House has been rernodeled, with a sto g ieg eye on the pan of the proprietor*, Inwards the comfort any pleasure of their Onceth and which they confidently assert will challenge .mparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table anti always be suppfied with every sub nun& and turnry widch the matt afford* served up in al l upor mile; while In the way of Wines. Ac., they wil not be surpassed. In conclusion the propnetors beg to say, that nothing will be lett Undone on their part, and on the part of that Reeistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage ofolreir friends and the pleb. generally Thoprieds for board have also been reduced to the l i Cello od e mem Ladtes' Ordinary, 11,75 per day. Gerulemen". m LSO N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al- srays he Gmmd at the One and Steamboat landings, winch will convey hawge to and from the Hotel. free of dm -. marAf ESIOWINGE HOTEL. COLS= or Pala •NTl XT. Mall 6114., PLITSXIII[OII, TA. 2 The .bscriber beams sum med the manage ment of this thug established end popular respeatfally announces to Travellers and the Publio generally. that he will be at all time. prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable to a well regulated Hotel. The House la now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furruture added, and no pains will be .paredto make the Exchange one of the cry ben Hote ls in re th s e pe co c u tf n ally . solicila a continuance a( the eery liberal patronage the Him. has heretofore reeeived. THOMAS O%VSTON, fetrildtf Propveter. THROCKEILOIRTON'S GALT HOUSE, LOM.SIIII.I Li. MOS THRIDCIOIOWON bep to acquaint his friends thaf he is again levee of the GALT 110U8V,Loairsille, Ky., where he hopes to meet all his old friends, uses*, them huld the pobbc, that no effort shall be gored to make all comfortable who 6"‘" him Ulf th lA s D e lilTa 8 0 s MMUI CIIITMOT IT., IN riVirria YOUrni 'AD RIM un. /APPOSITE late Bank of the Vnited Ewe*, Phtle I=u. M. POPE MITCHELL, Ponderer. r i7l-/.ffinn M Chocolate, C 00.% &o. W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broma, Cocoa &c. TO merchants and consumers, who would purchase the best prodnets of Cocoa, free from adoltendioni more nutritious than tea or colfee, and inquality unsay pawed, the subsoriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself, and stomped with his name. 111/1 Drama and Cocoa Paste, so delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalid. convalescent,, and others, are pronanteed by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparation. Ht, manufactures are always on side, in any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers in the easte rn mum, and by tthel, agents, Hawes, Gray & eo.. of Boston, /ernes M Bunco & co, Hartford, Conn; Hussey & Murray, New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; TIIOIIIII2 V grand*, Rai timore; and Kellogg & Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Maas. For sale by sug3l RAG ALEY & SMITH, Ast• NEW COACH FACTORY, "TITIBTF„ BROOKS k CO, would respectfully In- TV Conn the public that they have erected a shop on Laeoek, between Federal and Sandusky streets. They are now making and are prepared to receive orders for cvery desenption of vehicles, Coaches, chariot's. 14. ouches, Buggies, Phonon., de, dc., which from their to experience in the manufacture of the above work, and tbe facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with W ese waating . artieles in their line. Paying panicolar attenhou to the selection of mate. tads, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in 'ramming their work. IVe therefore ask the attention *title public to this Malta, N. B. Repining done in the best manner, and on the tat reasonable terms. telt( _ _ To Violas. Dealers. rIiAKE NOTICE ltliat William Hemtrungray, of the cay of Pittsburgh, hanng been appointed Inapee r ot Flour by the Governor of tbeCommonwealth, under the Aet ofr Asitembty of the 15th day of April, 1835, in and for the city of Pittsburgh, and the counties of Alle gheny, Westmoreland, Wxhingtou, Fayette, Omen, Indians, /Mignon, Armstrong, Butler, Beaver, Mari eer, Crawford, Erie, Warren and Venango, this day enter upon the duties of his office under Ins com mission. lie may be Mond at Mr. Wesley Green's store, tor. uer of Water and SmoSachl rtreets. sep7.llm Administrator's Biotite Tsubscriber haring taken out letter. of Admin.- ". tratlon upon Has estate md effects of Charles Bru ton, notice la hereby Oren to all Mose persons benne possession of his property effects or otherwise, to de inter them no the Administrator, and throe owing to. or having claims upon said estate_ to present them du ly autherittcated. JOSHUA ROBINSON. Adratr sepa othee Folk st. near Wood. qH Wro . u n g b h en and d lCuve t t o U :Mona M t a h l e t p i u n b g ite that they have obtaine d from rbe Etat all the late nod fastuonabla delogne for frost iteding. both ter houses and eemeteries PCIMI3II swathing to procure band- some patterns wail please call and examine, and Judge iM themselves. Railing will be furnished et the short est notice, mud in the best manner, su the corner of Glnug and Rebeeen streets, Allegheny city augthbdtf . A. LAMONT & Knox loapratt & gen. , Patent Reda A•h. THE submnbent mlorm their customers and dealrn .L that thur find shlyrment forlhe fall bo nets of the above uncle, has &mired at Philadelphia per ship Juniata, direct from the manufacturers in Liverpool, and will be here in a few day.. They have lieVC I rs other shipments on the way—two of which. per .htp. Medallion and Lydia, are nearly due— they an therefore prepared to receive orders. Besides the large quanutte• they have coming to the astern cities (to be forwarded here by canal) they will teepee during the wittier and spring, regular supplies eta New Orleans. W &AI MITCHELTREE. sep4 PaneyPars, freists from Europe FrliE subscribers have now to store a very extensive mmnatent of Fun for ladles wear, which hare beenbee purehmed knish:ripe by one of then firm, at very prices duringthe monetary crises ucceeding the French Revolanon! Thor advantage, which they poasen over any other !mow in the trarleAvnl.l enable them to sell a very ex cellent arucle much below the market price ED' hlerehants and olden well advance their own biretta by examining this emend. assortment SOLIS, BROTHERS, Inspetter. bel Amen (Slit!berry) between Hd and ad mem.. Dr. De!Lass In TesirnegTiee THIS is to cettify that I parabolas! one ..I of D. McLane's Worm Specific, some two months ago and pay to • We of mine, some seven years old, two mutinous Call, and although we amount may appear sago, yet I have oo doubt but there ores operands of rwo aboosamt wean passed (tom him, measurmg Tom es.• quanta of an inch to two Mahe. long. 0 W HOLLIDAY. Rone• Creek, enema co, Tenn, Dec V 7, 1647. Leeching, Chapping mid Bleeding. MIL NORRIS, Ibluecessot to M. R. Delany s No LS Fifth street, between Wood and Smith field. Fresh lOW-hoa received monthly--attendanee all hours. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Birmingham. • I most cheerfully recommend to the physicians, fam lies and all my former friends and patrons, Mr. B. Norris as being thoroughly acquainted wit]] the busi ness and worthy of patronage. nmr:Al.ty MM=:==2 48 112(.2 . 1i 1 41-L o lc u r o t , oTter's supe „ rior serel b s 11.4 14 hf do Price & Harwood'. " 21 do do do 25 do do Pearl lc Harwood " 14 do J Robinson 57 hf do do In do do Wm Dawson an do T Wright'. 37 do 0 Anderson 9 do LT Dada's 5 do EL hlacosabt 9 do Roland' Just landing from reamer and_plekets, and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water it and In north wharves, te24 Philadelphia ANUPACTURED TOBACCO-4D bx hf 9 dories M iI Bou's superior .west lb htuiPs• 75 half bus Webster 014 superior sweet 5v lumps " Lawrence Loftier "5. " zi Uentry A Itnirver "9.A 5. " Dupont Ewe, " g. 10 " IdeLecal "b. " RS " Lawrence Louie, "b.A 0s plug Jun lauding Gum steamer and for axle by LIEAL6, BUCKNOR a Co, 41N water at and 10 N wharves, my3l Philadel • ta PAPER—WOO 1416130 nm Wrapping Paper, all alaea; /J 1 "." Ve e d d it C YpraPriTgle P fl o all qualities; 100 " Flat Cap; 250 " medium Tea Paper, UM pots white and blue& white Bonnet Boards; 100 reams Manilla Envelope Pawl " Hardware Paper; J _oat teed and for sale low by REYI2OL.W & AtiF.E, mr.rd4on corns rpenn and Irwin ina ANUFXCTIAIRTTOR7sCCO--irTriiiie M rive, the following brands of Tobacco, consmn• manta from manufaetureb of Richmond and Lynch burg, which will Ito .old DO the t(81118 at reduced nom 71 boa Lamartine Sr, 00 do John Hacker A.; 110 do Henry & JDOICS la, 511 and ft; 31 do L. James lia; PI do R. H. Warwick St; It do J. Of. Steward 5a and 27 do James Madison ss. I. N WATtiIIIIIAN anal 31 stator and . Lel from ate DR W. J. MADEIRA, Dentist. OFFICE on Smithfield street, Rd doo north of Third mom. Dr. Madeira re 11 14 ?i ser g . : l t i fh t e " carrani tg. or r Afut o rt hi legheny and vicinity. Rtormisoces—Dr. A. N. McDowelli Pachnestock; Dr. flotiert447ni Junes . • Esq. Mr. NVilltain ern; Mr. Benj. Weever. gpfindem SHIPS' PATW BLOCKS. TIE subscriber offers &a sale a hill assorunent of LI. Ships' l'alcut Blocks, Shims &a., adapted to e trade. A 1..,, complete sena of Moats' adapted to vetisela of any capacity, put up and forwarded to any putt efts Union, Withcal delay sadist the 10W01,1 •LIRINUM VIT.E for wale In damnifies to cult putchaserls GER W STAPLIA apiltsdkawTtc l 3 ' krillarling Blip, Now York SMIRAPARILLA—kO pas a this spring and =IMAM medician, nut day, [MAI )44 fm mile wholesale and Mall, by R ifFuLIMILS r. B. u DT. Tcrwaserid's only .out for Dltibtrilhllte . Remise article may ahrase be had at orylff MSM 40(11q1(21 210 Cafe." ~• boo,' Lyquara Cores G Go Llg do St Dosology do; akdbmte4oglaas; ta do 10.11 do• 23de 74 do; 2300 I.o4ldOilSk3 4 *- N 4 0 . Sugar ; gobble Na. 3 soackasel,; Nabs" rosin soap No. 1; TM do dipped csodles • 135 dio Cideismad mould do. masked on consigamentiad foetid° by L. sepl4' £1 k W itiaBHUGH HOTELS I=3 MX= NtscuLAMITS. • • . WIPPENCOTT HAIM Mom J SEttrieller Car LANUFACTURKRS, of PhesaiS. fire proof teaa,, south side, second stroet, betwoO. 1“."` and eld Pittsburgh. I '3 Strickler baying deceased mad the setrefringpatteet Mr. Jos Uppencor4 katiog assooiated himself with Mr. Wm C BM, the Moines. Wilt hereafter be conducted muter the style of UPPr7o con& Burr. . . . , .. .A I eto Cumuli:um, o.—We, the otadendam ed were present at the [eating of one of .1 . 8 Sttiekler• ik Co'. Improved Plnents bre-proof safe. The tee was placed m a furnace ou the public leacting,andelb*..d to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more emu three boars. In one hour and a half the sale came to a t o nreil beak the door of the thmace was then 61 which ceased en Increased and steady hest for the ce of the time, until the cur hoe wheels were partially melted Mr; the furdlee was then thrown down 1... e to the sate cooled and opened. The money, lut books which it contained were as pert as= tt il there, the binding only or the books being ht. a by the water in cooling the safe . We have Ito e tam in recommending it to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, end believe that it will stand any hens which might Ito produced, event a heat which would melt it to a solid mass. Springer & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg & Kew:tem Benj. tinter. W 0 P Breese, Mums Smith, T B Dttnirtsti & Co, Stedman. !Bayard & Co, Wm Manse, &load &. the undersigned, selected the safe Wi t n ß„ of from !bore, s lot In the morn of Prober & A . the Agents C SPRING . . 8 .1 KELLOO. ..... Refer to Cook & Ilan* Brokers, Piusburgh,. Howiey Hanna & Co, do do[&.3d&wlTS urraxcom !OHM U. WIC'S. L.. 0. LIPPEIICOTT & CO. . Air ANUFACI DEERS of Hammered and Cant Steel .13.1. Shovels and Spades, Axes ”d Ilatettets, h i ll, Cut, Circular and Gm Saws, Ray nod Manure Pork., HOC., Matlock!, Pick*, AA, havum completed all their arraagements in the construction of now machinery, and in wearing the best workmen from, the most cele brated ektablishmenbitif thei East are no* micadfacinr- Jog and will ksvp constant on hand and for sale all ; the above articles, having ly availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined thatin work manship and material they will not he excelled. They promise to produce articies equal, if not superior, to any that can be bad in the East. They invite Owsawn boa of dealers to as examination of their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they will be able to fill all orders in their line to the entire satisfaction of purchawrs. Warehouse, %Vases street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, PA N, LA—Persons having business with Win. Lappen cots& Son tall please cell on Lappetteott A Co. octially OEM Pittsburgh iiurniture W. ItOeutsa eIS, rznan smart, A large and splendid assortment of Furni ture, mutable for Steamboats, Hotels and pri vate dwellings, constantly on hand and loads to order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as I urn determined ivy prices shall please. Part 01 the stock consusts Las sofas with Plush and Haw-cloth coverr, 2 do: Mahogany Nurse Chaim 14 pair Divansi 12 doe fine mahogany Chairs; 12 mahogany Wort Stand 4; 3 do: mahogany FtnekinglChairL 15 marble top Dreasing Bureaus; tl pair Ottomans; 8 marble top Work Stands; 18 sherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maplo, Cherry, and Poplar Dedsmada ol all descriptions, mid a large aamrtatent of common furniture and.cliairs, too nomeroon to mention. marlaf to 0) , •• 4,.:4;/. , 1,1 :41 ..... THEY are not aware how frightfully injunous it it to the skin—how coante, how rough t how tallow, yet. low and unhealthy the skin appears after suing prepar. pared chalk! Besides lids injurious, co/Waning llama fotanuty al lead: We hove prepared is beitutiful vegetable article, which we rata Art F.S.'I4PANISII LUX WHITE. It isOerfectiy ointment, [mow purified of all deleterio us goafoier, told it imparts to the skin a natural, alabaster, clear, lir trig white;at the tame time acting at a coameue on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical so of Matta chu.ns, gays: .After analyzing Jones' Sptnial,Lo7 White, lied it poteesses the most beaudful and thsets ral. and at the same urn. innocent white lever saw. I certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price, th cents a box. .Srld by WM. JACKSON..e./ Liberty at. mardd I=tEE J 7 MIN WRR illT & Co., are prepared to lindd CottOn md Woolen Nlaelmiery . of every desertpunn, such D• Carding Muehisies Spaltung Frames, Speeder. rawing Frames, Itadway Heads, Warpers,Spoolers, Drespung Frame, Looms, Curd Grinders, &o. Wrought Iron Shading tamed. all bILCS 01( Cam Iron, Pulhes and itanger• of the latest patterns, bile and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every desenpsion furiushed on short 110lICC. Patients matte to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing. &o. Steam Pipe for heat mg Factories, Cast Iron Window Saab mid fancy Cap wigs generally onion letl at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co, Liberty street, will hove prompt atten tion. Refer In Blacks:4,k, Ilel. & Co. J. K Moorehead Co.. LL K Warner. John Irwin tr. Som., P.tuthurg h; (1 C. It 1. It. ILarner, triconeztv jnola ' • - .. . New Ha rdware H ardwar e... House. - -..... ~.., .... JOSEPH 1% OODWFJ..I., corner of •friii: Ill', Sl'irs t'' . lll,r.l Wood and al ~ Pittsbarga Ilav isH•3 .. I i'":" mg withdrawn from the firm of Ilialiter a Voodsvell, on the Ist of January, 164; I take pleasure m announcing to my fnends in the city stmleosintry, that I have Opened my new store at the nbore named plate. Having purchased my goods for rash, and made arrangements with unimufactarera in this co miry and in Iterops to Lc constantly supplied, I am hilly prepared lo res furnash Hardware of all kinds, fil tll as g 0.04 1.111.• sod us IOVr 6.11 any house Fast Dr % <es Merchants am others ore pectfully invited cut, and emumne toy stock, before purchastng else• vi ere. The following comprises a part of his stuck: - Intimboat and saddler) hardware, gun trimmings, a Si•ylor's steel. cutlery, edge tools, anvils, sires, It k's latches scythes butt hinges, screws, Union Fac tory planes, saws, mahogany boards and veneers, and all other articles connected with the hardware Low ness.- mchllif City Daignerrinn 0•11ery Tirura, MUM. orrlcx HOGE brigs leave to 1111UTIII the ettiseas of l'itts ,, burgh mid vimatty, thin ha hav talon the Doper - ram Rooms lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub. he are assured that all the Into improvements are groat red, and will be brought into operation by Mr. Hoge, who has been a constant operator since the an was East discovered. Entire saustachott la guaranteed to all who may become bit patrons. Mr. 11. will refer with plesrtec to Mr. Porter, at whose establishment be has operate-0 for We last twelve months. Fatally Por traits. Engravings, Daguerreotypes. fee. , tweurately hopied. Likenesses takrn in any weather, and set to locket., breast pins, cases and frames. IMSM;MMI — Penn !Machine Shop. LT WlGllTMAN—Manufatuarer of all kinds of con DI, ton and woollen machniet7, Allegheny city, Pu The above works being now in lull and successful op eration. I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch (or all kinds in inachinery to my lute, such no willow', picker., spreaders, cards, grinding machines, runways, drawing frames, speeders, thro.sils, looms, WINAVII Card., double or Angle. for merchant or country work, Inulea,ntek a &c.; slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of "huning made to onier, or plans giv .en (or gearing factonez ur mills at reasonable charge. 1t.... *ci --, ixifittmili, Clalds & Co., Illackstock, Bell & Co, King, Pennock & Co, Rm. A. Gray. - DELL AND DEADD - DOVNISD.V7 — is, an A FULTON, Bell d Brass.Founter, hes ro blink and commenced business at his old stand, where he will be pleased to see hi. old custom er. and thenda. Church, Slcauttioat, and Bells of every *me, from 10 to 81,000 pounds, cast from patients of Me most approv ed models, and warranted to be of the best material.. Mineral Water Pinnps, Counter', Railing, Ac., toge (her with every sanely of hears Castings, ti requtred, to rood and hurdled to the neatest manner . A. F thy sole proprietor of Intaarr's kart-Arno- Nina:. so justly celebrated for the reduction of anon in mach:eery. The Boxes and Composition a be had of Imo at all woes. ugly Ploughs, Plough Castfilgs;WiLgoa Oozes, HUBERT HALL, of the old firm of R. & g 8. Hall, is matiafsc turittg lare quantities of Plat-Mita Plough Cstings, Wag. to boxes, &A, with the Improvement. of the Leaver. Peacock, Itimole, awl other Ploages, date Latest and best patients now in use Warehouse, LOU Liberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite the Hay Scale; Factory. In Allegheny city, near the Cotton Factory of elegem. bilaeldock, Belt & Co. deans' DYOTTVILLE WASH WOJEKIL - Philadelphia. ' .T , Lay ,,..e gt ,,,, zLd ln c an g a m e , t j u o l a.7 l,3d ov h :z in on . h . n u ad, tun [lmager, and of wearied sines; %Nine, I•oner and ! po- Al Watts Bottles, mid all kinds Ilraggnos . "'Bottle§ and Vials, de., which they will sell at the low• at prier.. Orders will meet with prompt attention, if addressed to 1113NN EFL's, SMITH its CAMPBELL, • 3.54 South Front street, Iql/3 -am Philadelphia W. as J. ELYLNS, nook Eiltiders. 4 Wess, corner where Ivre are prepared to do any work to our line with, des patch. lVe sueiiii to our work personally, and satin racoon will lw given In regard to its nearness and dui. noilny Manic Books ruled to any pattern and hound sub stantially Boobs in numbers or old books bourn] cases fuliy or repiured. Nantes put un twigs in gilt letters. Thu... that have work our line arc invited to till. rcires low. rnyttOilf - _ GREENWOOD GARDE NS VISITERS TU TIC:. la 'r :CREA can be thrulsbed with a Lunch to all hours of the dap; also, Ice Creams, Fruit Confectionary, &a. , The steamerlireca wood makes her regular moss. usual, leasing her Pitt street lauding at at A. N , and ut half past each hoar I`kcept 10 until IN F. N —leariug thu Carden at It/ . N. for her last trip to the city. A moonlight view of the Garden is indescribable In its beauty. NOTICE.. IffAVINGI sold our snare stork to C. MGR/MT, with IX a 11110 v to Cluung our old bustuoss, we hereby so ne.: for Wu ills iturrounge of all our friends imilens tOleeti RO. W. POINDEXTER, Pohiburith, Aug 41h, Arvid. TtIF. iviribil:ifitt H GRANT. Wbulesule Grocer, Comurissicn And lJ 4brvurlltuy IHnrcbara, Nu. 41 auly • Unglue for Sale T ll o.l ' erfra ' TJ". " will he F. Clark on I,oonl siooto4nout Ileoven:." "dritit— itge,t•ln. Tara. and J of Cloths, C.oitunten VexOngo, Ornltais, dm., and CO, =kr L WEL.LIAhLS, Alerennt Tailor, r.Yo under Mourooraaola amOhited LOG lkiflN-11A1 woo, Ohio Furnace Hot Blau nips l vin pet ah , ggoldi SU ions Brooklyn Furzumo, Within Co. Ph) Hot Blast, for lone by }y 13 BGIIBHIDfi E, D'ILSON & Co. •FliS/ s l ik /Intl*: FINE DRAUGHT 11011 B- M Line Draught Horses for sale, Sohn. blo for tinging, &a. Empire of • %V A I.LIN FOFUIt & Co, . and linsin, Istserry st eZF BH.LNIS-30 dor ge3tilina Freileh Calf 'Skins,• vary floe mimic. A few dorm, Philadelphia BID., from the nianufamory of II hl CrinvGard, to *bleb the attention of boot makers is invited. Just reeeiVed and VT( slier by %V YOUNG & Co, je27 141 Wang 11 EEMEE anus, CAPS AND OASTS, Gil= BeTR T4l3' subscriber stoasli addittory Ma own 4 milatidi of liam 6 has made armor.. gussitswith Messrs. Be e Co,, ore ) o • fashietuthla hatters of the city of NOW Yrlt, for a elm snooty 011ie extra fine Silk !Tata and having jilst ...used a few ro/Vs, gentlemen ling be suited with , very sieh and berunilb %hat by calling at his new Ott and C op &orti,Smithtsid.street, second door south's"( Fourthorhere may be fused a great variety (dams and Ca of his own manufacture, wholesale slid te' tall lists made to order on short notice. atel JAMES WILSON: EINCORD & CO, 4 (Successors To M'Cord ildrtg) •O••hionablo II•ttorls,1 Corner of Waal and Fifth ART/CI:MAR attention paid so our Retail a. P Gentlemen can rely upon getting their liaM d Caps from oar establishment of the note suntassu sled wolsatimour, of the LWr muss, and at the rasa Conon Merchants, purchasing by whole:sal% 4ts respoctfally invited to Gall and examme our Btoc ; as we Ca. say with confidence that as regards wt, and ram; it will not suffer so a companion svlt uY housein Philadelphia. Cairn I 4 Oral Fashions for 1545. NoCORD & Co., (ur. le'cosp & ma) WILL introduce on Saturday, August lath, Fall style of Hts a,tast recessed from No. 170 k. Tsein wain of . neat and beautiful hal, are ntri to call at their store, corner of Fish and %Vood streeti. ahg2l STRAW GOODS. .&IDEALERS are lorded to examine R. D. PALMER'S stock of Sem, Goods, of lite spriNswAg_ortAso7d in %a r rl i, o; stable doi American do do '.. ,Chtna Pearl doTeolTurris 4p; autland.do; French Lace; 'Fancy tiirop,,ke. ' RATS—Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fano)" 8114 k. do Braid, Radand Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, to. Straw Bin net Warehouse, 95 market et. maM r o il ALFRED B. HICEVIL. CHEAPET Fashionable Hatter in Ilk 41,Pitudiurgh. Principal Store, T.l Fourth su-eek Manulatturing and accommodation Store, e S uer of Wood street and Virgin alley.. Highest pri es Morays paid for shipping Film roy6:l DRY & VARIETY GOODS. CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, Lo. W. lII.CLINTOCK'S CARPET STORE, • No. 75 Fromm *ram. ONE of the largest and the roost choice stocki of CARPETING in the trusrhen, embracing usual qualiues from the most approved marnlllelo p, that have been tested for durability in fabric and to loo. Tapestry Velvet Carpeting; • do Brownls do . Brussels carpeting; Extra Chenille Roo; I Extra sop 3 ply do Tuned do Pup Ingrain do Wilton do Film do do Brusseis do • Common do do Manufactured to order In new patterns.; adapted to proton, basement. and chamber.. Painted Oil Cloths, for dialog rooms, entries, enti hides, kitchens, !cc. . Mi2EEMMi= Couon and Woollen Docking, from ow' third to thine Tanis arida. Door Main, &e an., to withal, Um &Mtn. non of purchnsem nt wholesale laudretaLl respdet bully tented. Wnreroom, one door fro m" Woo d ot. I nags! W Ara LJNTOCI[ Fail Dry G00d... Shacklett & White. No. WY W.r, Prroorr, NVITES the attenuen of Western Merchants to Lbw I large and fresh stock of . . .. • - . FALL AND WINTER DRY G001:16, which they are now receiving direct from the Esmarn alanunidturers and Importers, and which Riot 1.11 tell at Eastern jobbing prices. Having every facility for the purchase of goods to the best ativadteg lowest and th lowest passible_prieee, ay confidently invite alerehanta to a - famine the qtlati es and prices of their goodsdbel hag satisfied the.veaa earn pate favorably with any mutat either Loot or %Veit. Their etook will comprise a full assortment °CAI goads usually kept in Dry Goods Homes, acid will be commonly reeenung additimut of all the new and desi rable styles of goods of domeatic or foreign ' manufae one,. and will only require an examinatio to be Up: reclined. .‘rPt4 JEWELRY. rW._„ NEW d splendid ve riory, at ZEBULON / KINSEY'S, i 7 Mauer treat. 50gold 'e'er \Vete.luts: 49 silleer lever waiehes, English; IS silver dolachedlovt r watch es; YU silver L'F4line watches; 25 silver gnarlier watcher.; 4.4 fine gold chat.; I do 7. new sly lee ar nags. 5 doe plata gold heap nog.; 0 dos. .owne d nag r.; 2 am sleal no.la, playing a varlet). of popular al.re; El gores steel slides, all sines. FANCY GOODS 5 dos fine Fans, tilt and paper; 50 dog common Fads; 6 do: line velvet bead bags, new styles; 10 sloe fine crotchet bead bug, stew styles; 5 don fine crotchet purses. neve :gloss; 25 do: fuse pa :vols. aasorteds Slats, tassel., fringes, gilt nod silver. (or regaling; 10 dot fine flower vases, assorted, 1 do: fine steel serresr pin bush. sons; I do: fine ivory screw pin cushion:, 1 dos fine wood screw pm ei.e.ntons. A fine assortment of new Toy, nu. de. inarl9 - K JIM BALL GOODS. _ ..... WM. YOUNG & Co., 143 Cherryinvite at le Lll/011 11l their ry et:tenure stock of Itiole thrt, Morocco. Tatum s Oil, Shoe Thread, &c., consti tuting a very getters] assor intent of goods in their line of busiumss; alt of winch hiss been selected with treat care in the Eastern cities, and is now offered to pur chasers 11l reduced pores. An examittan on of their stool es respectfully solicited. nug-A4 Dry Good. at Wholoaallo• W R. d ri u l Rcir..lls th I"2::: t r i i; i3 h c re h ttl . a . r ,3 s t;u: p. to , m , first suppl yy, and tuvitca ei t r lion of his stock. lie is determined to offer Ida goods' LOW. and to present every inducement to buyers to the way of prices imd a choice of goothi. Wiliolerale rooms cur. 4th and nark. sui, :SI story, entrance from founts. -asp) SAT ki. MURPHY has opened this morning, on. V • case Umbrella, toehallng Aran/CAA and Scotch gingham. cotton and meet frame gingham Otte auto Parasols, tueluding greon satin Turk, bik ink and brown ink, of extra sires. Also,one !Mlle bleached Drills; alias, Mimeo Rib bon, block and CZiOred; white Safi a do; Linen Ging hums. and various styles of summer Goods, selling at reduced price, A lot of super Manchester Gine..., good styles, also lately received. CUBA BONNI:1'11—A lot of braid and othe..l3on new (orb.* winter's shapes) M selling otf at Dom rfe to fl, at Me corner of Ith and arket et a Wholesale rooms on to story—entranee from Ith .1 1 jtiRAGES., &C.—Alexander tt Dlay have now open a beasooful satin saraped and plaid llarages, of the finest yealtues and newest IMIX/Tled; .Iso, splen did plain and brocha black Berages and Puliarasa, splendid Freneh Lawn, Linen Lustre, and Cdoghanas, a full uwronent blk, plain and AIL tin slope de Lain.. and hoe /apace.. All these goeslt hnve been purchased at the late poi. eruptery auvuou suits at New York and rhaladelpkta, A wall be sold at a great redoes. an lions regalia prices. ALE. XANDER a. DAY, my 4 corner d..nnaond and market WTCHES b. JEWELRY—J., receaved at No nj Market street, a Gold Lever Watches; 2.3a10 detached do; 6do Leanne; to Silver Poteat Loy. , aci do detached do; 6do Lapine do; IS Vold Out/rd Chants ; heat quality. Mao, a good alsortment or Breast Pins, E.lir Finger Rietga, Vold 14,1..41 Pencil*. 'Elie above goods have been received with the WI hoe *ornate, and will be sold tat reduced pneee. Pet %oils wishing to purchtwe • good and cheap Waft, would do well to call preview fo purchasing_ ;YOU ZERULON KI NSE:11". FALL OF 1848. dIVISYIt V, northeast corner Fo urtli and NV . ; Market sts., is now operung lus early t stdek oi encore and imported Dry Skied.. Bey en will please look before making their purchases. Open I M. morning, a Immortal assortment o r Pllha islack Alpacas, mph. Brocade do, do satin striped 44, do barred do. Besides a large sortment of 11011161 l style taints ginghama„muslim, Irish linens, Zsi very • 11.3 - Wholesale rooms on second story. Goods to cash buyers at about Eastern priers ltlerchoats will do well to ealL A 0 - 2fftb. TORN WELLY tr. Co. (s.a.e.s to Robb„ Wino beerier & Co.) fiIERCHANT TAILOR-900 n Ched nut street, Philadelphia, beg leave to inform the, Wends and patrons of the late finn, and strangers vim ting this cap, shat they are now in receipt eftlie *Ong add. Summer Fluhion.. Al. a choice and select am.et. me ut of West of England and French Clotho,. Gassi mere. and Vestings, to which they respectintl!r invite I their attention. non fitddaha. EGRGLAINATIRTNia, Alurplly b as v — i - rnr. X_l" In a few days received an addittonalsuipply of Lonnie. Nankin., (old style ,) fine bleached. Drills, common do, unbleached do, fine Long Cloth Mini loth Linens, leery luw,l white Cotton Hose, lead cord do, Paper Centimes, Re.. at the Dry Goods Hiousei ail E Corner 4th and Market streets. IQ Wholesale Rams up osirs. /T 29, ritENCII bin:MEM—Holm & JOHNSON, NO.. Eln X Market street, have thm day opened a ease Of French Merinos of all colon, ohm Lyunsao cloths, ID paces, oriental Ile, cashmeres, moo, de lama, silk phdins and woollen do, which will be .old osticy low. .eP4 .. Fariay RCEIVED mo ps at A. A. lawn & C0M,40 1.1.. Market street, ps supenot (painted cushment• and moos de lames, to as rich mohair trues,mad aim do. embroidered dress,. clams* elect style. 11Tel l j t ' e N t t i ll ' , ' a t r i e l' eVo A sinft ( t ) ut POI Of ' re " atP - to at (Mlle.*, or fully half* h usual price—goal fiticlin lured Prints at file. see BLUE AND ORANGE PEONTIS, autt.blue idecn meek do, constantly on band at lowest pficeso at wholesale room of W R MURPHY . "• ear Ith and tnarioC.::ls.4,fdraairi.r‘ - ii - a.tA INB--A. A Nieman k.do,* het st, have ram opened Amore eases of those very thou bleached Alamitos at tan. Also 4 more camas or the 41e do. Also, another large lot of the rorananta.ot Calico, at 6,1 n. magli VirIUTE PORCELAIN BEADS—The subscriber TY having received itic solo Agency for eale °Nunes, Wale Co.' Plato, Uum, Pivot, Molar onil Illscu4o didocs Teeth, Invitee Delman' special %memo.. JOEL MOHLER, Mums% and Apothecary. .apl7 coo wood and tab Jos TEEL GOODS—Steel Bag Clasps, the best smart S ment In Um Puy; Steel Bends, do Bog Tassels; do Dome do; do Pune Rings; do do Mops; do Shdes; do Key Hisagn; do To Combs, ,um med AL dto new fancy more IM Markel sizoot. toy Id KINSEY tr. KIYOK. IHui?. tiOoEkt—A full assortment of ipil . auyellk'nl and swiped Cambric, plain told chirM .laconeW, Swop! and Scotch Moil, Book Muslin, Bishop Lawns, !Unlocks, spotted Moll, Victoria Loom, .Tesp,te c , Muslim, mamba, with a full assortment of Bobinetts, plainandVancy Neu, Lace* Ed6 1 ,9 , -, Innertinga, &o. ara., au of which ho. Prat .unre al tstah from the im port rters, and for sale low tostheaAtriAiycKlamrby_ wit= yl7 IVIACHINPILIANDINOS-1 a be own on hand h ut or Vsdeanised.endlaltssbber all widths, from le Int bent* HI Maas in witlM which we will sell atitialltdiettiren,p . iices, nod ea age saved to the posthaste at 8 Weed t. J & H PHILLIPS OIMPS AND FRllNCit'S—Just reed' at Zatro 100 Kinray'., No. 07 Market Oren. di dos yards blact ertfilk Fringe, of various eridf64 patters* &advice:a, suitable tin Altunillas, Lc. Id der yards Glinp, ttylri, for imps 4. 44 pas 4'4 silk coax Binding. luiro ~lf~r.3` -= - - ~ Y' s.v. s i....s~aw , A>n.~ tw.~sai¢. LITERARY. EtAirmAloloo 'TINE GAMOW , MAGAZINE, atakfirate Flannels nalkimari etnrokad t 9 dm Ailm -*akiolP of Rank Sutishes, sound principlrs or awaking, tatljify and prin eiples of Lea Insuratteariurd'Earings Banks, English and American Law Deeiglans In rafatenV:. the bus, CmlalEants and krahkesab Edltp bg J. smith Homua C Portenlar littennon will be Oven ;V.. te tee compilation o/ meant &Malin:is teepee 13stik s, Bro ken. Bills of Bzebaziee, Promissail otes, Usury, Bonds, Nouriea, Menges, Zee., in the 'Carol. 01 Ms.- sachusens, Connecticut, Ne. y f uk: Penneylvania, hinlyland,Vl t 4 SoOth Cud Ohio, Ohio, 4roisiona , Tooneueo, anduther &awl. nit Will be one of die mit important &slam of ihe work, mod :will to it claim tho•atomilon of Prcskients, awkien, Notaries and others. • Amdox other,.dinalrs of Impon on- ones vs bankers and others, Ute wort will (Wallin ma icks a. tht, flanks IA vestry State Mho Voitro; bio graphical rikwithes osprootioent Banters of F.arope and Anteriesi Olds! Tahies.showiut the debts. busi ness, expennes, end fihwacial conoutionof tti! sere n7 Sow* of the Mum. Published , monthly, 64 raga octzro, at Three Ibl. lan per amine? : _ iluiorr a MLISH, 79 Wood st. Baker & Neritvgioes Publications. puEi.vbwit.ra hpia&be*.Mic , inted agents for A the - sale of the ,publicatioter of the , above won known publishing home; have • foil supply of them tooksouhaud, syWelithey, can sell at the eastern po ets, *holciode Antoserlits , rorkauhteh have been roeaeil7r.isfol~ hT them, which have been highly reedurnuoinded' tur exceedingly :interesting and udosble, may be fotuall. - -The Czar, Ina Cortiv and Peo plc; Irelond'slifelconte to the Stronger, Llethel Flag, by D , Spring, Napoleon calls Alarslunut Washing. ton and his Oestendin The Sacred.hhuatains; Orators of France; Teschint is Selectee. dm teacher en hunt; Charlotte Itinbial,.ta Uniform WOrks;.T.N. Arthur'. Making Haste to be Rich, Riches havelVings, Keeping up AppearaneenTlebtot andetedltur: ha. Re. Also, the works from the prone of Hobert Carter, the character of whose smblications issrediknown Tar redue's Theokty,in 4 volav Haldane on Romans; hie- Che's works; TheConvuut, by unbar of School (Ail he vince,, he. he. New books renelved as soon as no published. • wood and ELLLOTT &ENGLrket yp ISH, 713 lft ma so ESCKIKS,7IIiiroiI Coogress--I3legrapturat andedlideol, eenspraing Memoirs of Members ol the Congress ofthe ilnim4 States, drawn from mate ll oc,sourca; embracing the prommeot event. of then limy:an d theittOnneetrOnWlB3 the p4litiCal IlielorY of the by Hairy G. Vaealcs. Unstinted RRy nu teems. swelrits end rae.almito annspriPha Mote and cerskw.Li4s in the Palaconsisting of Historical etches of Silephineand'is. Lout.. Loafs VeKiloand of Anew* Nleholsielsobei - la 11, Leopold, anorVietorist by John S C Abbott. , Hams Notes on lam., peter, John and Jade Notes, explanatory and praettea4 on the general ropts. nes *flames, Peter, John antlJW.r. by Moen Barnes. Mary Grocer or the Theology V,lfe--4 Domestic Temperance Talm by Charles Barden, anthertn - the 'Connet's Child,' Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings: by Bir Edward thilwer Lytton, Ban. Complete in two parts. Part V. klarper's Illostraled Edition Of the Anton Nights' Entertainments. The ahove works remittal thin day, nod for sale:br JOHNSTON lb STOCKTON, lYlo Booksellers, cot Market qua Wm XTEW BOOKS—The Wridngs Of Qualm Marcell. 1 1 ( Clay, including Spoechesand.Addreasea. Edited, loth o preface and memoir, by Horace Grady, i The Mrst Book in Spanish . or, a pramicallutrodne non to the stn dy of the Spanillt Language: camel:One foil int - tilled°. prOlituu•••011, • grilaMar, =Wei. es on the 011endarTmethod of constant imitation and repetition, reacting lesson, and a vonbalary. The whole adapted for the use of private Isamers,or for claws under an instractor. By Joseph Silken, A. 8., aathor of "A Compendium of Clamdcal,Austiqui ues," etc. Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic !lib; by Frederika Bremer. Translated from the origami un publiahed manuscript, by Bray flossim The Dying Robin, andother mita By Joseph Alden, D. D. Just received and for sale b Ir2l JOHNSTO N N & STOCKTON XTEW BOOKS—Lamm on Sim'unease, bp :H N J.ll Hudson, in isso.vahunes. The Poorer of Me Pulpit, or plain thoughts addressed to Christian soinistent, Met those Whe hear thorn, on the 'Miasmas of • preached Gospel, by the Ruv• CtttdMter Spring, D. D. The Peasant-and his Landlonl. by 'the Ititioneso 16 . 3 . 1 t.g , ,TtansioxdAy.aut t istqwin• Larnartine's Girondists, Val. ItuftoPT m e th. aim, or personal memoir of the patriots o the French Revolution; from unpublished sourees—by A. do LA mumble A few copies of each of the above works meowed this day and for solo by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, Booksellers, nry3o. . z , „ ,conler,roarkAt and 3d ma NEW 80011.8 YIONF.ER HISTORY: Befog nn accoaut of th e fint asmisintiou of the Ohio Valley, and the cony settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly from orlanal maceiarlpti • contahing , he .p a of Air Cuomo Morgan, theme of Judge Burk.fito diaries of Jo mph Bent ad John hiattlapre; the records of the Ohio Company, An, tc., moth numerous plums end amps. By S. P. Hildreth. . • Orator. of The Amenean Revaluate, by E. J. Me • gOOO. Whh portraits of Sara, Adams Jas. Warren. Patrick Henry, Alen Hamilton, blear Ames and Jobn Randolph. I vol. cloth. Rettneg from Bannon, or The Illeh Mates Error. by T. S. Arthur. A few copies of each of the above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON a...STOCKTON. woe bookeollers, cor abet and Third _ k uft.;' fIR.ATORS OP THE AntEmomi REVOLUTION, 1..„1by E L blagoott,-platea of BmL Adams, Jiimplt tbarren.-Patriekilearyt Atatatatalltoni,Sisher Ames and John Randolph; dedicated to students wtoaare not drones, Christians who aro nit% bigots, and ettizeus who are not demagogue,. Retiring from Rumness, or The Rich Kan% Error; by T. K Anhur. Par sale by ELLIOTTt ENGLISH, sepl 78 w• • • and 5d market Al', Books I Books 1 1 r AMARTINES OIRONDLTI: S, complete, WendelPs Black...nes tommentanes, - - - What I saw in California, by Bryant, The Cray his court and people, thelading a toer in Norway and Sweden, By Magoon. Reusingßusiness, from or., the Bich Man's Error By T.-ft:Arthur. . • The BanJo of Buena Vista. By Capt. Carlatim. tipenecr's Caesar. Tyler's Tan des. Sehmiti's Bowe. A general assortment of Behind and College: teal books for sale by It- 4110K1N13; i sees Apollo Buildings, Fourth al stir q oind,if . , 1301)1C.W.*—Lneturea oA Theology: by the ll tale Ilea, John Dick, D. at pp6llWed adder n,< supon monde nee, of hi* goo, malla n blardtmol, • ducuoa by an American editor—comp ete in one vol. ume. Denich Vs Theology, 4 vols. Edward's Work., 4 vol.. Chalmers , Works, 4 vols. Neender's Church History, tat and 31 vols. .111*Ewen on the Types of Christ, Oust published.ll Also, d large end wail seleetal vtoek ofTheoioglval, kliseeasocoss, sad School Bookk, Cr,. pala,low by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, ong24 78 wood ar be tdattti MUSIC—Oh Susannah; Rosa "Lbeiyllnele N E IL; Wlielmnat a Fairy Dreanxbe, .The,Wateh cc, duelq Boatmen Dance; Juniata; Mannotie on's Carolina Melodies, 8 data; Lite kabala Stella; The Dream is Psat; The Aloantsin Maid's Inailanom-blkep tog dreamed, Love, Alpinism gitichstep, Boyce. quickstep; May Queen, complete, quildoer Hill Spring Waltz; Jenny ,1.01 s Songs, divapulo quickstep; I've Beeson to be Bad; Ethiopian Alta, yaYlatlonn Hooch orbeasnre; Sylph Qurillu,by littaba p a w lgate &Shan e, , Kindto Each other, V sterfi II be nli ye Wile; re ceived by Express and for sale by J H MELLOR, EL wood • . . ON Egad Aw4forattle,,the folloyring MlPiano Fortes, dtreCtfond the pinnate,- mixers, and at Eastern'.giritzr- ..0 No. 1. An elegant rosewood, six oc taves Iron framed Plinio Forte, •roade- . lii Otookering, Soaton, • • . ,10/75 No. IL Same as the above, 273 " 3. Researood., adekering, 35/1) "4. r. c 5. " 400 0 • " 0. " .475 " 7. " Gala & Co. . 2160 "P. " Metering, - ,4Z "O. " Manhattan Company, ' 300 " In. " Gd Mersa,. 40U " 11. " Sethad Piano, tam ''' SO Old Pianos taken input_ 2 mule= ter Nay of the above, by JOHN IL hIDISLIAOR, Ea Woad st, Sole Agent for Chieterines - Piato Fortes;for West ern Pennsylvania. . 1•... i. ' . ....... . . *Nal apilstudlid Marie , Mom& Tidrurtbsetiber previous to leaving fur the East to terdsh his asciek, oil 11 11 14691 1 1d=i caie . b .tod ej on bier lands. It canasta of choke! sell:edo P and on ianos of by &MI.& Clark, saCkrassi4rukarrus, of Vioakao,liLua., of from dto octaves, rovsVrood and iishogsax, didererd srries shdprieeh II: KLEBER., jy2l LtWoodwell's, 83 Third et GEN. ZACHARY RAYLOYL—Pontailael.Gen. Z. Taylor, by N Cora: ender the_maPedujrn raper- Intend:Wee dirbet.brurof tolderrigood Carom, from no ogiglaahrketelt f,'slaaAkeit , ChrnOrgo, by Comma lentoq ep C. D Connor,' (TBNaay;.Gebtan HrlialLO G; 'Geo rge latutl.POStri.d , •y.POStri.d,ix t= N NCradWr64, m lest• • makaauen ear dd and 4etroar 'ate T sortag—Thaett y_aa will •M i b gb , ; JLA Widow Abaham, Spry %=1 aOro:44onmet, eanying the Derr; Goha.., _wo 114 , 1 x, Prory Bon AO ma dot Woo: tam rommor,,Tyow Hooked car/ AlyltherAPnri . 0 4,0 13 , 4 *n 'I love thee nob 1.0.W.`, 6, doh ., F ol ltet, nit Viegialion- Atwell Whisper, I , ...±Nr"DnriXSatetP.lisodb str a ; vowl and Tho Northland. coil 'lolly Hawn. for sale by 301DIVH i _fra _ ••• I:m.11111 0 i st iisrioeusHED—An Allegories end esajthneies of the Old.Testesn.o, ly Willy. &Moven, mhos., or the GotPeretDdhdee. The ate , e popolorsoor, erhiebeeesusokbe Typical ,sons, Things and Pluto of the Old Tesunent, ditch has been out or Dual for sotee'tbee,'end Cor the.bies been a grela.aenzaadi,an,bavo /e. fepubli sbcd us aam sqlo—Appagel, mo. so cents. EINOLIIIII ang.ll , 78 wood Skotetkei st 'U .w WORK HY HEADLEY:Z oi rtva; IA emanate'', by J T HestNeTFnit9r • *Ninon J bLaillitsbalt,. "Ttle'Snbeen ' Want -111,0(11 and his Generals,. em. B. Bassin nay u.l ilit sale by JOHNSTON & Me ikt Boca=lltrni tor .Metalfhf ins I ~I tnNeE—Outlines beans 1/J4 otpra V 6 —f r ,,;` . .1:' the ninsess liSisS to Ykti, Havalutkur or , schools sad inaiihc{.7 , fith =term enowiqm ta dtnntstions On theelanunatiodnrynnNWT je.24 JOHNSTON at STOGICABN ( - )o ( =N b u l. ,49=. ti!m l 4) ( am k, i,spre and nuimdantwiAtAntienia-44 Viiy - . r priorantetyslut Larago4 1 116 40 1 31111:10.:d PaPeigiVrgr. N:W fug sreAmbrika SALERATIIS-4*iiiii.aNlty •penad uncle, inn rened and for Nan ~; WICK &Wen 01.186.9 bug, jasinFil aud 11_10TABLI.,31 t ask) Otte mtatioariii* for sole , sepll - J • • . • . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers