_ THE PITTSBURGH G PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6,IISUEL AdriPIIIILADZILPEELL NORTH AIIIIMICABI. nisammlit ivt4 Ekbecripticas ill the - Nora Amer esn'and Unita filtig*Gazews, reached and forwarded Gem this ace. 166 W YORK lummox. We will weave end femme free a ezpense, ezettsecomee sad satsesiptions tea We paper. Elemoustio ;nag ilkenz9nations, FOR PRESIDENT, SACTIRIZT TAYLOR, 1 FOR VICE PRESIDENT, itiLLaitar WELLBORN:, 40 issw Torm. MIL110 . 1 . 0 11 •L Tiossr. 13ENATORIAL ELECTOR& Taseses IL T. 1 1 1 10 ...=ashlegion. Jogai ilaroureernior DISTRICT =OMR& 1. Dalepli GL Clarks* 13. Rem Janson: Narrn Colder, Br. 4. 7110 s. W. 10. Charles W. Maker, IL Duda 0: Either, 17.. Andrew Conn, Joan& Dnotan., 111. 'Moe IL Davidson, 7. John D. Steele, 19. 3ollepli Markle, Johnlandes, 90. Daniel i 9.Josepht Bekenneker, 21. Andonr V l LLsois, 10. M.ll3nyder, 92. Richard 1 1L O. Hurley, 03. Thomas If‘ 12. Franefa Tyler, 21. Sarni A. Pa anee. FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM P. JOWNEITOH, •, 01/ MIXIpO3O 03111177. FOR CANAL MIBIII3BIONER, MISS EIDDLICIWARTEI, 411aitimassalle .ad - I;l7ldNomlnatteaks. FOR CONG.A s.MOUE/111Air01.01, JOB •SSIIIISLT. LEWIS C. J. NOBLE, of Indiana. CHRISTIAN SHIVELY, of Wilkins. W. SWARTZW GE ELDW Pittsburgh. HENRY LAR, of 11:0501014 MISEITLAN NIXON. of Lower Rh Clair. XiSCRIL WHEN SCOTT, of Rom DAMS. Fliofbeth Boroooh jtAtl AIMISTM, 1021 N IL FOSTER, of Baldwin. ONE MHZ DIME `THE DAT IS 017 EIS HANG OUT YOUR BANNERS!! OLD ZACH IS COMINg YBAlllr 408C4 LIGHT PROCROBION, Eonday Night, 9th inst. The hianks of Taylor, Fillmore, and :Marston, and Pennsylvania interests, will make their grand rally printer our State electron col Monday evening nam Tbey will meet et their mnal places of meeting in the thro cities, on this (Friday) evening, and surrounding and Townships on Bauirday evening next, traorViEtnen Programme arch in districts to the pines desi in th below. Every carom good old Commonwealth is ex pected to turn out andioin the procession. Each word and district le rathaested to organize, sleet their Mar shall, prepare their banners, tronspareneies, ouch Lights and music, and loth the moss with all their =thr Let •Verf Whig prepare himself for the LightProcussion. different Wards of Allegheny eiry will repair to the end of the Oki Allegheny Budge, on Federal onset. The Manehester delegation vrill join the Allegheny di - alai= there, and move at 7 o'clock over the Old Ondge to liberty Wad, the right resting upon the rear of - the ikidegadeat on the ground, until ordered to move by the Cadet Marshal. Zhu Ant deknottion on the pound WI form on Lit,- eityauesr,the right mating ii the mouth of Marburg street.. The otherdelaptions as they arrive on Liber ty taut, mill farm the right, resting on too mar of the delegation on the ground. Thu dila:oat Wards, Boroughs and Townships are osculated to be en Wbsny strait .7i o'clock, an d form as above directed, under the direction oldie Chie Marsha , who mill be on the pound. ROUT OF PRMESSION. The procession will =tow march on Liberty meet to Factory st, dowe Factory street to Penn et, down Penn st to Hand et, amen the Hand =rot Br 4e to Ohio et, down Ohio atto Federal at, down Fade rW over the Old Bridge to Penn st, dot., Penn m to Hay et, up Hay to Fourth n to Market, down Market to Wenn at, pp Wanar at to Smithfield, ap Smithfield it to Marray's Yard an Penn Erna. oats Taylor, I,lllswore, & Jetuaston Ileatitag. The Blends of Taylor, Fillmore, and Johnston, ant the Tariff of 1642, and Free Sall, will meet at Beam min Sarver's; Frankrin township, on Saturday, Oct 7, at 6 o'clock, p. AI. Addresses may be expected from Hampton, Dusie, .debars. By the Committee. Whig E•etisag—irlieesport. On 7th of October, On Whig! A P lCcetport vit bold Taylor arid ,Johmano =tong, at I o'clock, P. M. Tlm out—mm ont—ono and alf, end prepare fo baths. ORGANIZE FOR THIS POLLS. By sesolothto, the Executive Comminee of the Heogli end Ready Club have recommended that the Vl7logs to tho direr= Wads in the two cities, boroughs end ocraships, call atßtings to be held st the piers* of !Althe election, on Saturday evening, the 7 th inst, drich, for the purpose of making the necessary anatignoteuts to harts the dill vote of each Ward, 80. roug u sed Distier polled, by. appointing COMMille. The istgortanea of the contest, and the limited period tor uncle, makes wagon:nu effort necessary to insure the election of our whole ticket an Tuesday next, by majority of which every good Whig will feel ptecd. • P A MAMBA, ?mil. fee wiz!, yawl for Volliographla Sew*. mittwrion TO OEN. TAYLOR. We an gam to, lee the Chronicle persist in do. log injsurtlce topeneral Tayke end the Whig par- ty. st goad canes Is always injured by the use of itepsoper weapons, as the cause is in time idereiB• ad with the means taken to support it. The Chro• oiele has eer teriairtiOn far the assertion that the Whig party is "'pm skrony." It is an outrage spinet truth and justice to say so. Three &ands d t h e member of the Whig party are anti-slavery, as is manifested both in word end deed—and we must religiously believe that the Whig pasty con• talesman:tame miti4davery feeling and sentiment than say other, or all other parties put together is this county. The CidonieJe also does gross injustice to Gene ral Taylor, in statiag so positively that he is oppow ad to the Wilmot Proviso. How does the Chrosi. de know this, So far as General Taylor has writ. ten on the sallied, he Lust rather !cooed the other Bm spys theChorafele, maims the 'assurance of the EllavedsoMees; and 'tit mows of the ltfirria •ips on that subject.' An to the amino of Slaveholders,', we have the assurance of haticheda of good antledavery men in the North SO the azarary, and of some Slavehdders in the Smith lathe. •In a speech, delivered in mrmei.e, on the flat Sept-, Hon. home Saw dedared that if General Taylor be lieved Shot Congress had power over the sub. *ed . Slatfery ta the Territories, he windd not re. fine' his unction to the Moms Proviso, if passed by Coogreaa. 'He andd not,' remarked Mr. Bell, onsitistwer4 wars Air meow, &coiner, withhold his =sots it: , Bat what of the reputed* the 'Missies (PO Legis. laurel Why, simply this—there never was each a report made to the Iltwiissippi Legislature-.a conuniutee of the legislature was never appoint. ed, and never waited upon General Taylor in any official capacity—ifthey did;where is the evidence OW klutz beendenied over and over again, and the proof has ranter been produced, that we have seam The illuanicle speaks of this report as an absoluta GO; aa scuizetbilig that cannot be denied. If it has any evidence of such a sitcom let ns have it, and theeirs etwa be piniuted to answer it , . .The aideidatethat Democrats fa Peausylvaida smil vote the Landreth and CM stab ptagia of the Maim Proviso, is am calculated to gain much credemee except with preataven men. The edeition to Peireylvania will afford no -expression tp ayorac or against the Mina Provide The gm is extracted from the Chronicle or yesterday. The candid resin will argrua with IS. that the coven foot of Local:iced= *sickens rather pronithearky. 'We venture the opinion that the article was gotten by some one who Cairo sone for the success of Locafinoism, than for Free BolL the. Democrats of Pennsylvania do not note for Yerigatresb and Can as the noun, of ' the Wilaspelivrini,onwkas principle do they vote ke thine ka the facade of that manse, Cosa the forest of the Wilmot Prrnisol That will not do,Dir. Chnotthic Your Locafoco seal has rather outran your sliesetion. But probably the editor means that the Democrats care nothing about it. and that they vote for Longstreth and Can simply as Lrifossa, whhata any regard to principbs aid measures Quite a flattering picture, pulp! But idmining that this maybe correct,will it be for one memo denied that inch a vote Will be counted stair* thiWthnot Proviso, No MAD In 'Ms aea• pm can • doubt it No man welt any fairness can deny it Inhere are genuine Whigs who have Pitted this mavemeni, they Maist tot by this tune, tbsa-they ue in a wrong pasitton. The principle Fisißoil is a - noble one. The great question is, cowers* the best way of promoting it- We af gtm It fa by wicking to the Whig party, and voting the Whig ikket, and that we are right, time will ahtnn _,Tub Dscrerconn—The telegraphic de. apsintbareceived oflate, from tbeEsm, have hero lar the not uniagagitee :tts character, and so MO of Waders, ea to be almeekif not entirely useless— Thaffireiipsnewsgesterday , sias earatered itYttialither by . the,tearettce at carelemmens of me *Mkt . at tintliter ad of the line. f3o was the elecalan' newalinin deaincie—etakes the city cd Angina Yet& jn Congressmen, both in the driis red data , Medd& The blender haveti been or • • - 11 ' abject complaint m the astern es, and we unst it may lead to some refor m . The Groh is In the preparation of the newa Of ttamadasiou at .attr:u eud ~ofthe line. 440 , ~. ~{s --..~ ... __. : ~....,>-••_.._...r-'.rr .-.r v:•t~. ..a.--...:sp a v:rx-.x—a--... :.~-..,_~,.,..r:r • :11;Astio.::4r-: ; death w saiiiii, a regret ICI 111111101111 Ce aar re the eau:mode's, James Biddle, of the Ulgte4 States Nen: This Midancludif e eeent oceerreillaat night, at 10 ecilock,a/ hfi lodititegain rertieelineitAPritaa gnat, shave Meth. The disease which caused hii dealt...Um contracted during his list cruise to. China, thence to the Pacific and thence home. James Biddle was the eon of Charles Biddle, Esg.,Zof this city, and was bornixillle 18th of Feb ittarr,l7B3.- Mir was thus in his firth year, at the time alas death. His life has been part of the 1111111111114H20 ofthe United Hist*, end there are few men whore gallantry hall lad to obis history mweArstre. Weandllea*adat the Pemisylenina University, nturentered thellitry lea Midshipman, in the year 1804 He was on board the: fugue Philadelphia when dowse kat on the con tof Tn. poll, in 1803, and behaved in a gallant manner due. mg the capture and imprisonment of himself and the other officen of the frigate. After nineteen month, captivity he was released, and them wan precluded to a lieutenancy. He was in active oer. vice from this time up to the arm with Great BAWD, when he acquiredupportnnmes of servieghis cove try, and distinguishing himself, which be did not neglect. He was on Board the Wasp when she captured the Frolic, and was appointed to take charge of the prise.—His conduct in this engages meat was rewarded by a sword. and a vote of thanks from the Pennsylvania legislature. Alter thin period he was promoted to the rank of Master Commandant, and assigned the command of the Hornet sloop of war. In the harbor of New London, he was the negotiator, on the part of the Americans, of the celebrated challenge to fight the British ,with an equal force; which Challenge the British office» saw fit to decline. After a mason of inactivity be paused the blockade of New Lou. don, with the Hemet, and sailed for New Yozlt. Thence he sailed in a short time, and in the course of an active cruise, captured the British brig Pen guin, ofgreatlysapencrr farce. He was then charad by a British seventy-bur, but by good seamanship and boldness escaped. A court of inquiry awarded I him the highest praise, and many honors were be stowed upon him on his return. This chase is a memorable event in the history of the Navy and the conduct of Captain Biddle was considered ;hove all praise, during the long period that it lasted. Since the war with Great 13ritain, Commodore Biddle has been almost constantly engaged hi some important service, either in the ordinary capacity ofe naval officer, or es a diplomatic agent of the United Staled In the latter capacity, he signed the commercial treaty with Turkey, in 1832. He resided at the Naval Asylum near this eitY, from 1838 to 1812. He commanded the Columbus seventy-knit when she nailed for China with the American /Minister, Hon. A. H. Everett, and oiler the death of this gen tleman, represented the United States in that fur off country. He sailed thence to the rout of Cali: &train, and as he outranked bah Commodore She. brick and Commodore Stockton, who were then in that squadron, he commanded the A merman forces then engaged in the prosecution of the war with Mexico, He returned to this country within a few afflicted with a disease, that his thus carried him otj in the midst of his early associations. Pennayl. vane", in his death, has lost a brave and illustrious son, and Philadelphia has to mouro t the death of one of the most distinguished of the naval heroes she has given to the service of the United States. Commodore Biddle was, at the time of his : death, the sixth in rank of the Commodores in the .Navy Commodores Barron, Stewart, Jones, Morris and Warrington being above him. A recent publication in the Washington rnion has elicited the Wowing eloquent comment from the editor of the Newark Advertiser Tea FORLORN Hors.—ln the - absence Man just grounds of opposition to Gen. Taylor--whose trre. proachnble hit and character is beyond even the reach of calumny—the otncial paper at Washing ton la seeking to divert attention Goat the damning list of extra charges made and rewired by Gen. Cass, amounting to $61,000, by pamding ip its col umns all Ike "commutations, pay and emoluments" of Gen. Taylor since he that entered the Army.— These items constituting simply and nothing more than the regular pay of bin rank, with that:mull ex. penses oftransportation, the Union. has the effron tery to denominate '-extra allowances." And 'whet is still more graceless, intimates that he is now re. wiring full pay and rendering little or no service! Is there a Man in this nation whose heart will not bounce with indignation at the imputation! It is enough to make every cheek tinge with shame; that the official organ of the government should be' permitted to hazard such an imputation —that a war worn old veteran returning fur a brief season front such a careeraservice, sacrifice, and achievement, to the long denied bleiaing• of home should be taunted and impugned, and that by, erea tures fattening upon the public bounty, who never rendered an hour of public service in the!, live. It is especially contemptible' that such charges should be mode by the minions of Lewis Cass, who wasjluzuriating m the saloons of wealth and royalty during the long mouths and years that the veteran old patriot paused in the swamps nod (Jr. eats of the country without so much as once sloop lag upon a bed But the hour of retribution •is at hand, when an indignant people will prove to the world that Ileptiblics can be both grateful and just_ General Taylor never received a dollar of pub. lie:money beyond his regular pay, and the author alba slanderous attempt to impugn him knows perfectly well that there is not an!item in the Un ton's whole account which can be properly termed entrant which was not fixed accarding to law.— Whereas It is demonstrable, and it has been de moreurated over and over again, that Gen. Cass charged double and treble for his services, such es they were. Among the many evidences the public have bad that the — Sage of ilattland discountenances any use ofhis name, to the detriment of his party or of his country, we have lam the Richmond Republicanj seen nothing Irons his pea more decisive or. satis factory than the following "Ainniiin, Sept. 19, LSI& 'lily Wm Star • • * Ever since I knew of the Philo delphia Convention having decided against my nomination as a candidate for the Pre. sidency, I have written many letters, unifornity and explicitly declaring that I would not consent to any farther use of my name in connexion with that office, and that I world not consent to accept a rum ination if it were tendered to me. To no parson or 11.61MCialiOn of persons have I, at any time, given the least countenance or encouragement to use toy name an a candidate for the office since the derision of that Convention. I shall des* foment if flare anytimils alio wilt oat conforms Weary angel on tits mfgeet. "With many thanks for your kindly feeling. and long auaehment to me, "I am your friend and obedient servant, HENRY CLAY." "Colonel ROMIAXCIL. The above is an extract of a letter to CoL. Hain tramck, of Jefferson co., Va_, who, fn tavoring us with it accompanhm it with the following cheering account of the good cause in his region: "You will be glad to hear that not a single Whig in this grouter of Virginia pretends to go against Taylor, and that many Locos will vote with us. know of some dozen myself, is my neighborhood, who intend to vote for the old Chief" THE TEN HOVE LAW On Saturday evening last, Mr. Collins of Phil adelphia, declared that Gov. Johnston opposed the Ten Hour Bill in the Legialatnre. Knowing this to be a barefaced and wicked falsehood, we contradict. ed it on the spot, and compelled him to acknowledge its untruth before those to whom he promulgated it. He, however, slier admitting that Gov. Johnston voted in the Bill, stated that he had attached a tail to it in the purpose of destroying ii. This was denied also, and to show our readers that the mi. thin we assumed is correct, we append the "tail alluded to. his as amount:— "Provided, that nothing contained (a this act shun be construed to prevent minors above the age of fixate-en from being employed more than tea hours in any day, if the same be dune by special contract with the parents and guardians." - This section was voted in the Bill by a lame majority—and we appeal to any sensible person whether a new Section permitting any person to work mare than tea boars a day, Who thought pro. per to do so, was attached to the Bill as a tail, for the purpose ofdefeming it. If Ms. Johnston was not the author afire Bill imelf, be was the consiss Wit advocate of it —and voted for it on every oc.. casino when before the Senate. Now, were we not justified in contradicting Mr. Collins on theipol? JournaL Mumma m Ouzo.-The citisens of Roscoe nal Coshocton, Ohio, were thrown in Magnates: ex. element on Thursday morning last, by the corn. mietion of one of the most delibehne murders aver recorded Between 8 and 9 o'clock. a Mrs. Wades, who with her husband boarded at Jones Hotel in Roscoe, was engaged in washing, and a German who was hostler at the Hotel, and who galls him. self Joke Thomas CarAart, was requested by the landlady to bring water Mr Mrs Wades. He brought some, audit) akw minutes some one chanced to go into the room where Mr.. Wades bad been occu pied, and discovrded blood upon the Boor. Search Wog immediately made, she wan found in a cis. tern in the same room. Upon getting the body from the cistern, she was frond to have received a deep wound upon the left aide of the neck, which mast have killed her instantly. An axe being found near by with blood upon it, which appeared to have been partially wr• pod off. Corked was soon found at work in the barn, with some blood, upon his clothes, and upon one place on his pantaloons were traces of blood, evidently wiped from some instrument, and which had been partially washed oft Blood was also bead upon • fart In the barn, as from the hands. Carla,* was immediate lodged in jell and deal., the committable of the murder. Mr. Wades bad lately opeaed a drug 15/011, in Roscoe, Mrs. Wades bad been there may three or bur. day. She was from du. comm. • daughter tiller* Wager, of of Rockport whither her remains were brought for interment. She was very highly esteemed. No camed. e is amigned for the bloody 4104--Ckoclaild Rim Soma Cattoi*L—Gov-lohneon has determin ed ro call so extra amnion of the Legiaburcro of South Carolina, to order to enable that State to aue her vote be Eketora of President cad Vioe Preiadent. 1 11:SEHCT HOSPITAL. - BsP ol t el thir. , .ditattuatee of die BrotkerAocri of Se joa7a kettirlig Charge of rho fifers, Serpa& sines the ille . fttAeolid e WV building is Hey but Numberof Pidents admitted, 146 do do discharged, cared or convalescent, 114 do do died, do do remaining in the Hospital, 18 Of floe were Males, 118 Females, 29 Colored, 00 In offering the above report, the Committee, on behalf of the Institution, return their grateful am. knowledgernenta to those charitable and humane persons who so zealously exerted themselves to procure a refuge for the sick and disabled, a shelter for those whom, if it had not been for their charity might have died, strangera in a strange land, with. out either the comp trans of religion, or of the rights of humanity Number. hay been restored to health nod strength who otherwise would have been in their graves, or lingering out a miserable existence, alike the victims of penury and ill ;health. Whilst the Institution has been an asylum bar many who have been horn and raised in our midst,it ha. been to the poor stranger of incalculable benefit. Several, who have been nursed and attended with more than a mother's care, have exclaimed (whilst applying for admission,) "I am sick; I have no money, I have nowhere to go 1(1 am not admitted; I may die on the streets." How many would have been reduce to this last distressing necessity, hod it not been for your liberality, is known only to Him who !mow, all things, and to those more immediately in charge of the Institution. To the poor soldier returning home after the toils and difficulties attendant on long and tedious mac dies in an unhealthy clime, broken down in health and strength , a bas been truly a house of mercy.— Several who were received were past recovery when admitted, but a number were discharged convalescent, and ennliled to proceed on their journey homewards, again to rejoin their families and friends. But whilst the committee, on behalf of the Insti tution, return their grateful acknowledgments to those who have assisted in erecting the building., and in those generous and charitable persons who have, since its opening, sent to donations of house. hold furniture, clothing, old• linen, and other essen. tads kor the comfort of the patients(sucb relief being always highly acceptable, as the patients are fre quently destitute of all pecuniary resource.), yet they earnestly beg leave to remind the friendi of the Institution, end a benevolent public, that its continued usefulness must still depend upon them. They will bear in mind, that it has no resources but those dependent upon their kindness and char ity_ The Hospital at present Is in debt for Medicine, Bedding, Provision, &c., which have been pro cured during the past summer, for those who died within its walls, and who had no friends to pertiirm the last sad rites, except thaw con nected with the Institution. These debts ere accumulating and necessarily must he so whilst so many apply for admission, and those, frequently, la such distressing situatiotw as to make a relit. sal impossible. The Institution is in want of many necessary arti. Glen for the comfort and sustenance of the Patents, many of whom in the fall and winter months enter the Hospital with clothing so light and worn out, that when restored to health and ready to be dis charged, are not in ■ condition to face the cold and piercing blast of winter. The kind and good Ste. ten, who have charge of the Bimodal do all they can to alleviate the distress.; of the class of unfor tunates; but bestowing theirilabors has they do] gratuitously, as well as supporting themselves from their own resource., they are unable to provide all that is requisite, They therelare appeal to the lib oral and charitable for donation. of Furniture, Bed. and Bedding, Inc use of the Institution, clothing suitable for males or females, shoes, winter stock ings, provision., Szc., which will be received at the Hospital end distributed to those whom Providence has thrown upon their care and attention. JAME, BLAKELY, Charrnuot. Washington College.-Annual Com menooment. The Commencement Exercise of this Indite lion took place on last Wednesday, in the N College flail , beEne an unusually crowded nudi ends. The following was the order of Exercise. English Salutatory—H. ti M'Cann, Erie, Pa. Latin Saletatory—J. Black, Stewartsville, Pa Greek Salutatory—Wm. R. King, Bedford, Pa. Original Orations by the following gentlemen. 'Tyranny its: own ruin. - -Wm A. Fleming Jacksonville, Pa. "The Spirit of Liberty."—E. F. Dodd, Amity, Pennsylvania. "Our Age--Its Movement,'—J. ft Stewart, Clinton, Pa. 'lke true Bootee of Free Praucipleo."—.l. Marquis, Cross Creek, Pa 'The li•'ptroual to nuto."—D. F,lmimoo,Cherok Ohio. French Oration-8. Da van port, Wooriflehl, Oh "Tim Empire alThought."—J. Forsyth, Palley villa, Pn. "Fine Impreesion.'—J. & Colwery, linyivill Ohio. Valedictory.—.T. H. Craig, Claytonlle, Pa The fu Hawing are the member. of the &olio Claris, on whom was conferral the degree of Batch elor of Arta-36 at all: Andrew Todd Baird, Lewis Mackay, J. Black. J. H. Craig, James M. Clark, John 11 Creigti, Jas. F., Cook, J. Scott Colmery, Samuel Davenport, Kiss F. Dodd, David Edmiston, Norman D. Pen ton. William A... Fleming, James Forsythe, Jame, IL Forsythe, Anthony Hari; William R. Fang, W. B. Kennedy ? Joseph N. Loogliry, E. H. Lesvm, J. S. Marquis, D. F. M. M'Farland, H. D. M'Cann, J. W. ISlVltiolryl. C. Messenger, David A. Press ly, T. B. Seanght, J. Monroe Shaffer, Jamb F. Sto gie, John C. Spencer, lord. Stewart, William B TU. fair. E George Turner, J Waiting, William Young. The degree of A. M. was conferred co the lowing named gentlemen, firmer Graduate. Of the Institution:— .bseph I Braddock, William Ewing, G %V Giffin. John R WiLnon, Nathaniel J Pugh. Edward D Bowers, John Y Calhoon, Andrew Hopkins, 1 R. Hughes, BoNed Johns, M E Johnston, John A The Honorary degree of D. D. au conferred on Wm D Smith, of Indium, William lanes, of Scot land, and John Barker, President of Allegheny Col The Annual Address to the Alumni Association. Was delivered on Tuesday evening, by the Rev. William C Anderson, 1). D. His subject Was “Conservatism and Progresiiion." The Anneal Address to the Literary Societies was delivered on the afternoon of Wednesday, by Prof John S Han, of Philadelphia. Subject "Comparison of the Past and Present." I We had not the pleasure of hearing Dr. Anders son's adduces, and cannot, therefore, speak of it from our own knowledge. The Dr. has the leans. tog and talent to produce an address worthy any audience, or suitable to any occasion. We had, however, the pleasant of hearing Prof Han, and it was cartairdy a *want. His addrese was a rich litern7 treat—chute and beautiful in its style, full of engine' thoughts, happy in on CODllall be tween the Past and Present, and interspersed with some playful illusions to the antiquated cu.totne of the "Good old Times," of our forefather.. Washington College was never op a argotr io sis or a more prosperous sate than at present. Tli number of Students la attendance during the yca jest closed, as ezhilited.by the Duologue, was 211 The neat Session commences on the first Mon day of November.—Washingtou Rep. Pourtcsx. Cll/121,00.—W0 do net open an ex change paper, without observing evidence of the changes from ecoLossoism to the support of Tavlar and Fillmore. Among them. is John Cooper, Esq. of Columbia County, the father in-law to Milo M. Dunmlck the loco candidate for congress in the Northampton district. The Mauch Chunk Gazette says, Mr. Cooper gives the strongest assurance. that Columbia County will give L,ocoGiscoism a death blow mac approaching election theft will be no 1 700 majority of the “rate and ruin" Polk party there. The citizens of Columbia have had enough of the Free Trade and Slavery policy to satisfy them for all time to come. Danville, the piece of Mr. Cooper's residence, and the second Pittsburgh of our Stale, as regards her production of iron, is completely prostrated, and her business and many of her citizens ruined, under the work. ing of the British Tarnll of l'olk nod Dallas. I ler furnaces., mills and workshops are throw out of em. ployment, and kneed to shoulder their packs and travel in search of labor and bread. Such a state of things has never before existed ID that hitherto thriving section, and the perple are preparing re. tribution for those who deceived them tour yean since—North American. Fear WRIGHT AT Canto.—The editor of the Cain, .Deita has iseen the elephant; he has coaver. acid with Fanny Wright, during her stop at CAM landing, and he thin describes her. Mr.. Wright In a very tall woman, and possesses features masculine as her general appearance. Her hair is tinged with gray, and curls with a stiff, an. gry Linda air, over a forehead remarkable in none of its peculiarities, being neither high nor law, broad or narrow. She occasionally warms with her theme, and uses graceful and expressive gee. tures; but even in her most enthuliastie ATM.. •ions she exhibits a delicacy in touching rudely upon the opiniens or feelings of those in her pees. enaz. We should judge her to be about fitly year• of age—but at all events she is old enough to be well aertainted with human nature, for she ex hibits this kind of knowledge in alencen every re. mark. Mrs. W. is no doubt n female, but there Is nothing of the woman about her. Hata arm Harr.—We heard a good one aCm ' days since, of an old German woman, who keeps an Inn somewhere in the Whig county of Somers set. De it remembered that, though the widow was cure enough in her particular line, she was considerably ant of sorts on political matters.— "Base you any Cats men in this neighborhood!" enquired a traveller, as be sipped his last cup of coffee. "Nee." replied the widow, "nee cash men." "All Taylor toes, I suppose, then," said the s tr a nger. 'Nae, nae Daylor men too," answered the ol d l a dy. "What! all for Van Boren here," continued the gentleman, in astonishment, as be .thee from the table. "Nee, no pody goesh Van Puma, too," said the widow. Well, Qum, who the mischief are they going in," enquired the tra veller, who, by this time, began r 4 Ihlnk t h e o ld lady was quizzing him. "Vy, spout von half of'em goesh Ear mold yeller day calla Bough and Ready,' and the cider half gush for anodit yeller day calls!Old neck,' replied the widow, u she proceeded to clear onkel tabla.—,lVaskisenn Com W. 11. Wright, E. D., Dentist, Chinn and residence on Fourth street, Pittsbutgh Bank. Otikes hours from t o'simk ,012 A. U., and from 2 o'clock lo G P. M. sepl44y ot%t, Booic*miLz. • Denil Nothliiiiicutanuorr—Eatbra. eittSinght end .12keddriEutril3ool Kicrtiso— PartteAladyadapted tti thee 'Wind and Maritime camerae of the trailed %dew exemplityied alleitedentirnprovementa lithe .dente, meth a new and certain method of detecting errors and miring the Ledger. Embracing an improved oof instruction: complete in two pest.. By .7DltYr, Merchant, New York. Pi:Wetted by the Author." This is a Dew work on the important subject of Book Keeping, by a townsmen:4 Mr. Duff, residing la this city, and being well known to our citizens. We have 'not sufficient professional knowledge of the subject, to speak decidedly or the work, bet we are informed that it is an excellent one, em bracing mash new and valuable matter, and affords a most thorough and complete course afloat:action on both Single and Doable Book Keeping. In the eastern cities, it Is admitted to be one of great sal. tie, as will be seen by the accompanying recom. mendations from some of the tint merchants, ac. countants, and bankers, in New York City, Ms. Draw—Sir-1 bare examined your 'North American Accountant,' and find it contains much matter that is important and interesting to the mer chant And man of business, to whontl think it will be found highly useful. Yuan, respectfully. C. 01. HALSTEAD, President Merchants' Bank,New York. Ste—l have examined your work on Merchants' Accounts, and I think it is calculated to be exceed ingly useful both to practical accountants and to teachers of book keeping. You have made good ure of your own long practi. cal experience an, merchant, sad been thereby ena bled to make plain many things, the want of doe comprehension of which, often occasions serious ditTiculty in the counting house. The accuracy and concisermas manifest through the whole work, bear testimony to the great care and labor you have bestowed upon it. Vetter, RICHARD IRVIN, Merchant, 98 From St., New York. Mn. P. DIM. I have examined Mr. Duff's Work upon Book keeping, and am much pleased with it. lam aware that of late years many works have been publish ed on this useful science; but none, so far as my knowledge of them extends, elucidates the subject with so much clearness and simplicity. I shall be glad to see this work published, believing it will be of great service not only to tha new beginner but to the most experienced accountant. F. W. EDWARDS, Canbier Mechanics Bank, Wall St, New York. I have been thirty years a practical Book.keep. et, and driringthat time, a taste for the science has induced me to examine almost every work upon the subject that has come in my way, and I have not met with one before, that so clearly and min may explains the whole subject in fact, I consid. er it the first work I have met with, from which • thorough practical knowledge of the science can ho obtained; and it *moors to me, that no person, from the smallest retailer to the most extensive merchant, will read the plan and contents of it. work, on the first page, without possessing a copy of it. To the young kook keeper it will prove ■l. most invaluable, and there are bat kw, even of the most experienced -accountants, whO will not find something new in it. Respectfully yours, JOHN CAMPBELL, Merchant, 53 John St, Ness York. The undersigned has examined Mr. Dar. Sys. tern of Book Keeping. and has no hesitation in giv. ing his testimony in its favor, as • work exeeding ly well adapted to school instruction. The dime. lions tx teachers, the rule., and oral exercises— every thing relating to the bills receivable and bills pnyabki accounts—the cash book, the forms of ac. counts current, are all remarkably full and com lplete, and will certainly convey thorough know. edge of the subject. The undersigned intends using It as his text book. JOHN H. SHEPHERD, Teacher of Writing and Book Keeping, Columbus College, New York. I have examined your Work upon Book Keep. ing, and readily recommend the same, an in every way calculated, as a book of Instruction, to give a clear and sedisfactory insight into the very useful science upon which a trews, through all its gra dations, from the sample style wealth" to the musti er*, to that requisite for the moo varied cud corn. plierned commercial boa-mesa I am fully of opm tun that it should be in pogwaelon of every pract, cal accountant, as a useful amostant, as well a. in the bands of every one delorous of becoming an areompfinhed link keeper. Very resre...lfully, FRASER, Cashier Seventh Ward Wok, New Yank Insg Campaign Song dedirogod so the 41/1 Word Whig Woo Club of Alloglany Cult, THAT BROKEN a WARD. Alt—CrairoriMme. • Al Baltimore the Locos met, To nominate ■ Pressdeat, They made a role just two third. bag, To measure Mr the vulgar throng. That broken .word int mended yet, A'nt mended yet, not mended yet, . Tbst beoken stronl a'at mended yet, So Cass you can't be President. Old Snags and Brillion rustle a bid, To catch the Southern voters, And Cass ha sod, and Benton slid, Foe want of dna supporters. That broken sword, &c. Now Caw upon the Stave ung rides, O'er .and hers, and o'er breakers, He sympathises with the French, And tries o'er spoiled rens:nes. That broken sword, dr.c. The platform that the Locos made, Is scarcely tit to hold 'Aim, He grew so fat ta public pay, Wade agent fix the Ingots. That broke sword, Sec. Tilts Lewis is a mighty man, He used to veer a black cockade And then at Hall's surrender brag., Tis said be broke Ms rusty blade. That broken twordidec. The Locos have been feeding him, On "metro ;my" and .flatione." They sent him to the Coen of France, To learn the foreign fashions. That broken sword, am. Then next you heard, he wrote a book, And pohliahed to creation, That Phillip was • model King, The French a happy nation. That broken sward, lee. Nov Van he loved these Monarchs too, Their tucks would have repeated. He claimed both sword and purse you see, And therefore was defeated. That broken sword, dec. In forty 6itr, he tried again, Again, he tuna defeated, And now in Ginty eight he swear*, "The eherstar mule be cheated." That broken sword, &c. Now Cass and Viut are in the field, And fighting for the plunder, But ZACK is sure to give them both, Some Bums Vista thunder. That broken sword, dec. And now the contest has begun, Bee Cass and Many dying, That broken sword ain't mended yet, And the Locos all are crying. Then broken sword, &o. GM) MM.—Parson 13,014 , 010 W, of the Jones. borourgb Whig, saps "We have ■ very strong conviction, that the real strength of the Anti Slavery party in the South is greater than the South are aware. And certain we are, that they are more tormidable in East Tennessee, then their opponents suppose them to be. All they need to produce mischief and divide and distract both pahticalparticain ■ few bold and talented leaden to take the stump, and advocate their principles. If this were done, even Mr. Van Buren would receive a swing vote, at the ensuing election. We say this not because we wish them any success, but because we cannot resist the proofs of this fact, which press in upon as daily." You bring us good news, Parson. We are glad to know that Anti Slavery is growing in Tennessee. We fervently pray that it may grow and flourish as the cedars of Lebanon, until not a slave pollutes the soil of that fine State. It is the right place for Antislavery to grow, and grow it will, whenever the noudlaveholding portion of the white inhabitants feel arid assert their power...— They are the moat nutderous class now in East Tennessee, and Slavery is to them a deep Injury as well as to the blacks. Let them rise ns freemen, and shake it ott REAR TOR CORWIN: A letter from Lim Thos Corwin, published in the Ohio papers, says Having visited a very considerable portion of Ohio, I can were our friends that every day brings with it prosperity, which promises certain success to our ticket. The true character of Oen. Taylor is only begin., tug tote huhurn to the masses of the people, and I feel confident that bin stern integrhy, sarong ittod sense, and Republican panty will he known and justly valned by the voters of Ohio. It needs only thie to make his triumph certain. Yopre truly, THOMAS' CORWIN. DrATII 07 Man MA l 7l7l , 4taadeni winp r robe. , bably remember the marriage of Rev. 3:V. Mats 81t, some two yams and et half moos, the elreafir. stance ereatistorme excitement at eke thin&iiEThe maim soon perfumed and have strum lived *pert, Mr. Man burps at present in Arkansan.. Pam Menu died on Friday night, aged only MAW= years wadi semen months, of hellions fever, agar about tea days illness Her funeral took place yrs :ay, from the residence of her step.fiatter to WHloughby ureet—/Vers York Cousserdat of Oa. 2. =='= MEJEOIN ==!M 'fit—Cooling over • Sle of ibd old - Panda: ugh Gazette, me bond the following slim lion to the old Monongahela and Allegheny bridg, es,ln the Gazette of Thursday morning, Getobet 27, 1813 The hartatfut bridge over the Monongahela has nearly reached the Northern shore—it will pro. bably be craned before Christmas. The one over the Allegheny is sot ro far advanced, but yet enough is done to ensure its completion. Pins. burgh will then exhibit what no American city or town has ever yet done—run splendid 6ridgcr over two mighty streams, vnthin four hundred yards of each other." Just about thirty years ago, those "two viand..., I bridges" were under way. The old lionorigahela, bridge was as ugly an affair as it well could be; that referred to crossing the Allegheny, was you. salily good looking, but not desperately hand. solle, The kismet was burned by the Great FiZe—one of the best pieces of service which i ts. th t gre did—both to the bridge stockholders And th city; and the really "beautiful" wire suspension bri has taken its place. Bat on the Aileen,. ny , what a change! The old bridge-stands, but modernized and improved so much that 11 might blush to look back to its former state; and it has two dangerously handsome rivals, spanning the same stream, besides the noble, imposing wire suspension aqueduct, with its great trunk full of the very element over which it springs ma grace fully—to bear boats and their heavy cargoes across to the great warehouses of Pittsburgh. Those "iv s, opinsiii4 bridges" were great affairs In their dal', doubtless--but they are "no great shakes" about Pitt/burgh, in this progressive age. Think of common wooden bridges, indeed, in this day of railroads, North, Booth, East, West,—all to come to Pittsburgh, and take her great products to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Louis, the Lakes, and all over creation;—and of !nag : netic telegraphs, conveying thoughts, intelligence, by lightning, from city to city, and from land's end to land's end. "Old things have passed away, and all things have become new." A German came to the Mayor's Office, on Mon day, to ask an Asylum of some sort for his wife, who to subject to fits of derangement. She talked vehemently, and without intermiasion--geaticulas ling with much grace, and with quite an oratorical display—now apparently "'apt, inspired," with some great idea of her unparalleled wrongs—and noon bursting into tears and heart-breaking sobs, as the Mayor attempted to stop her everlasting harrangue by threatening to send her away (min her husband. Ile looked very unhappy, and told a and tale of his trials. In her moods of madnesa, he cannot leave her to pursue his business, but must neglect everything to attend to her. Sting poor,lie must work fur a livelihood, or both snort wan* and thus he was compelled to find an Aar. lum, till her reason retumed. She sat during the whole painful scene with her arm tightly locked in that of her husband, as if determined he should not leave her; but when the Mayor told him he could only send her to the jail, she momentarily re lazed her bold. The Mayor then told her she must go with her husband, or he would leave tier, when she again took his arm, and went to the jail, The Sheriff received her, but justly conaiderau hardahip to be compelled to take care of this un. fortunate class. Why have we not an Asylum proper for the In. sane! It is disgraceful to this great city and noun. ty that the innocent insane must be sent to s core. mon jail among the wont criminal.. What re -spectable into would bet ailing to place a beloved, unhappy female relative among such a vile herd of abandoned dissolute wretches! and bow many, like this poor German, are compelled by poverty to do mot Let the people take hold of the matter at once, and erect an asylum of some kind. Better a log tenement, with proper attendants, than a jail, with crimioals a, associates, to pollute and brutal. lie the onfotiunate venoms of amenity. We rail auention ton rural headed 'Texas," I out advertising columns, to day. Mr. LM. liar r.a Buller , the senior partner at the anetrtmlile first al Harris & George Butler, Vele.eo , trod Grurg Boller dc Brother, Galveston, is now in our coy, the Merchant'. Hotel. Mr. Butler ta, we learn, superintending the building and fitting two first class light draft steam. boats, intended for the trade of the Brazos de Dios, the principal river in 'Western Texan. • One of these boats, the 'Brazos," in now at our Wharf at Pittsburgh, and is pronounced by cothpe. teat judge% a ropotior homy combining turret with lightoeu of draft She is from the yard of 41/30011.1 & CO, Well rbralta‘th. The second boat, the "Wathiogton,' is IMO on the mock* at West Elisabeth, and is expected to be launched in ten or fifteen days. Duraar to GLANT.—Tha Allegheny Jokers.were amusing themselves hugely yesterday, at the exl pease of two well Loon gentlemen, who took a faney to go outs hunting together. One orthe •tettms would not be a bad representauve of Gulliver's Brobdignaman acquaintances, while the other might hail from Lilhput. Fats. Pray, G.TLeltet—The edema of the Gatorade Bad Amencan both pitched into Mr. Wills yesterday,—the former berme. of his ad. vocacy of Governor Johnston, and the outer be. cause he stood on the "Batrato Platform,". and 13.hr-10-mutton chop speeches." Mr. W. is home what given to chopping tome, bet we had not before heard of his penchant for 'mutton chain." GIEWIROOD, The little Manchester packet tins re. turned from bee Cincinnati trip, and sits quits de. uturely among the larger craft at the wharf We called yesterday to enquire about her voyage, and learned from her clever captain, that she had mote ■ good time of it. She intends gulag back, and those who go along call like her, very much. Tea hLataa RAILWAY.—Tko Cincinnati packet Hibernia No. 2, was hauled out on the railway on Wednesday. She went up beautifully. A Wight occident occurred, in the breaking of one of the cog wheels, but as the boat hod already ascended to a sufficient height above the water, no delay was occasioned. The Mayor sent hour young men aniturci Iveys to the bill, on Tuesday, kir disorderly conduct The subject of Dv Banning's free lecture tonight, at Philo Hall, is the philosophy and cause of Spt nal Curvation and Drooping Shoulder, and hots to prevent It. As deformities of the shoulders and hips of young ladies hate become es, alarmingly common at the present day, let no parent or young person fad to wand SUM3I2 Ccrurr, Oct. 5, IS7B. bowler et uz vs. Long. lodgment of the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County reversed, and ',moods noon awarded. Opinion by Mr. Jas. tire Coulter. Bank United States vs Patterson. Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver County. This ease has been under argument for two dap, by Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Staler for Prtf in Error: Mr. Fetterman and Mr. Agnew for left in Error. .- • . The Court will take up the Alkgheny Cobmy Cue to morrow (this) morning. Covens sae Cola.—The frequent changes in the weather at this mason of the year, invariably Ming along with them coughs andcolds, which by lithely attention are easily cured by simple. remedies. REL. LEAS' IMPERIAL COIX:11 SYRUP has been in: use for the lout Li years, and has gained more reputation for the cure of coughs luot requiring active medical treatment) than any other preparation ever offered to the citizens of Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough Syrup is very pleasant to the laste, soil, on this ac count is a great favorite with children. The dolma ore carefully graduated, in the directions, to suit all age. That this long tried nod highly popular cough remedy may be wtthht the mach of all, It is sold at the low price of h cents per bottle. Prepared and sold by It F. SELLERS, 57 Wood st, Pittsburgh, D. M. Curry, Allegheny, and druggists gen erally Is both clues. pouf I 17- Use snx nor. Muss.—lf you wish to be Mo pe...fel in any undertaking, you must always `use the Groper means.' 'ffiterefore, inn have a cough, use Jsrax's Exrecroaser and he cored, for It is the proper means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing, then the only efficient Mean. to Cure you is to use June's Expectorant, which will immediately overcome the spurn which contracts the diameter of the tubes, and loosens and brings up the mucus which clogs them up, and the, removes every obstruction to a free respi ration, while at the same time all inflammation is sob dued, and a care to certain to be effected. Rave, you ffimuchills, Splying of Diced, Pleurisy, or in fact„any Pulmonary hffecuou, then use J•yurt , s Expectorant and relief is Certain, and you wli find that you have used the prer moms. For safe in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Stele,7y 4111 Meet near Wood. _may - Da. Bl'Larnee Wrram Roxim , O—hl , Lane , s Vertnifuge has long been admitted to be the best medicine ever discovered for expeillog warms from children the following earl:Monte speaks volumes in its favor: lgaarneo, Worm Co . N. Y. I June gal, 1847. certify that I base used PerLaile's Vermin:we, e n d (Mine it all that it 6.recommended to he, Ruh have hold it, and hove to ell cases tutted it to be an effected core. Whh. 8. Fascttta a For We at the Drug Store of J. KIDD &Co, GU wood aliseL °eta Dr. 0. 0. Stearns, Minitel, FF/CE at Miss Mulch's, on Fourth street, a fete . O doom above Wood sheet, until the completion Of the house nearly opposite. Teeth le blocks, with am'. Adel gams, after the manner now univenully prefer red at the east, manufactured to snit each panic cue. Teeth, from a Atli sat down to a single one, 111. meted on a nation plate, thus avoiding Injury to the [Wore tooth. .epechnens of blocks of .action plop may he examined at the office. All operations incident to the profession performed with care and faithfulness. atiggialu -..~~-.:~.k;., ~- liti t iadp,XfacntAitsitior Var eutt thy io-.110•Er zusreetJA" date*? a Iluxi . • service 'le held.la the basement stery of the new d M. E. Church, on Sunday gennumg nent, atlut o'cloet. ranee oa Seventh meet. dertorrlon'. Wilms or rera Szcoran Wozo—The Whig voters oldie Second Ward are rreane ted w meet st the prarnsDwriet Haug this arening . eekckr to make sortable arrangeenenui app . ., in the Grano Torch Light Processo a ma d Let every friend of Traylor, rumor., and be present. oeral . • orr The in of the Elm Watd, Allegheny are requested to meet in Me lover Barry of Quincy Hall, erenhsg at 7 o'clock, to make arrangement. hyr the GrandTora LigEtt Avowal., to coma of on arandaY night next. octa Nona Waco Alawraso!—The Crimea of Taylor, Fill more, and Johnston will meet at the Pubhe School dooms, in the kb Ward, this evening at 7 o'clock. Messrs. AL A AleGehan, Swartrerelder and others will addrete the meeting. acre Dugslmre GLUM:MX=7 AISOCIATSCar—The memm• ben of the D. O. M. A. are roipleated to meet at Ma. H. Paul.oo's 7a Wood scree; on Saturday, 7th ion., at 12 o'clock, ht. By order: ocus.4:it DAVID CAMPBELL, Seey. • GEORGE BINIAR g BRO., Galudo* BOOM & GEORGE BUTLER, le.lnto; UTILL attend to the coneenan of Noma and an y co.t. to the State of Team, the sale of Goods an consignment, parehase of Prod.° VECeildoB and fortsertong of Merchandise, and to th at of a General Commission Subclass. . . . Rarammums Nam Yoac.—Zdoses Taylor, Pao; Ed ward Collua t E c eq;_ Allen & Paxson; Tarrant Put ano,Esq; Rob Wetmore & Co; P 8 & D Ladtroln J G Dudley & Co; Haydoek, Codes & Cm, Edward 0 Palley & Co; Wieners & Gale; Walter B Townsend & Co; J & J P Trippe. Rama:am to Barros—Henahaw, Wan, & Co; Prot tor & Butler Pullenou & Raymond. Harmsen to Nam Ourtaaat—hPDoweLl & Peet; J C Woodruff & Co; &Odes & Co. Kamm= to thactssa.n.—Bulder & Brother; It. Johnwon k Co. Cotruaanicatio. may be addreued to I. M. Harris Butler. Manhunts Howl, or to Meeero M Allot & Co, or to Messes noon &Bargsta,Bankers, Pittsburgh. ADVERTI&EiIILICINII' - itsll. DEMPSTER, composer of the "May Queen," 111 "Lament of the Irish Emigrant," 4 11Und Bay," An, has the honor to gnomes to the chile:Mot' Prue ' • f vein. ace of his ORIGINAL tßoAlhe.ctr) intention at riot. 8ai1... Monday evening, October Plh, including the Collowang amigo rhe Spot where I was Born; The Loved One was not there; John Anderson my Jo; The Rainy Day; • Sawye my Wee Thing, I'm with you once again, my friends; A M.'s II Man for that; lament of the Irish Emigrant, het us Love one Soother; My Bennie (2, I'm Alone, alt Aloue; JOlllll/0 Morrison; Duncan Gray; And I n . popular Cantata, "The May Queen," a song in three parts. Tickets 50 cents. To commence at half past 7 ererk. oeul wANTED—A l'oang M. of good business habit. compoient to take char. of • set of Book. Ad dress, by totter, Bon No. 4.0, Os.' name and refer ence. yANTED—A Boy 15 or 10 years old. Apply at No. 63 Market In. ECEIVED, et W I , NClinexk's, No : 5 Fourth in, Xt. end for sale. 5 p. Elastic Printed Btaur annetblux Eel °SW i ll-A .V EED- t LIEATIIERS-3100 lbe to • 'rive; for gale by r oral ISAIAH DICKEY k Co G . INSENG— It suet. to arrive; for tale by oral ISAIAH DICEEY A Co U . rl "1. _ i rl b_ oetf 14VAT&_EZ Co 13A RLEY—Tbe highest pets, pan! in nub, for good clean Barley. BROWN tr. CULBERTSON, I.4.sllbetty . MOLASSIIII-100 Was N 0 blolasaos, In Pittsburgh barrel., to store and for sale tg. octa JA6Ik2S DAL2ELL, 24 WV= tt - -• ONE% DEW 71OBACCO-70 !a s Backer's de, re. LLllectruter Awe for willa by oeto JAM DJJ,ZELL SU6 AR HOUSE AIOLASS—GO bble fa 'lore snd for we by Gerd JAMES DALZELL Ai INDOW GLASS-1606:s to store and for sale byV I , oeto FORSATII & DUNCAN, 37 Pint st ari LAS—V, Lis Glue, New Gene, k.l brand, to arrive, (r sale by peel FORSYTH & DUNCAN DifiTEn. as ke g , l int recessed; for sale b _ - rKt6 hVGILL £ ROES AHD--O kegs fresh Lard. BARLEY—YS buakt Barley for sale. octli NrGILL & ROE )EIPER ANL/ AL,WICE-1.1) bag, Nowa . ; lu do Alspicn_ oeto SEGILL & HUE BELOONIS—ISO daz Brooms for We. ee,a WALL & ROF. B avg SIDES —A small lot prarrkSite t s , 4. 3:1 RBotoE J UST RECEIVED AT W. JITCLINTCICIPB, 7 planes J .ry neh COlOlll and good patterns, and very cheep. No 73 Poona eV oess O. 10 HT CHECKS ON NEW YORK Or WA.. 0 oct4 21.11014KRe IL SONS DRAM ON PIiILADELPIIM, in limns to suit, tor role. will I N HOLMES & SONS VXORANGE hAtrik grecs(Or We by .E 4 oct4 N HO ULEZ & EIONB 'DOUR SECOND HAND PIANOS, on band and for r oale I.y JOHN H MELLOR, Dell el wood at LARD OIL—For sale by ocH ISAIAH DICKEY Is Co, fro nt • Q.ALTPETRIE.—gO sacks, cmde, (o Wm by 0 oet4 ISALARDICEIW Co I)ACON-4000lb. gtoouldort and Hides, reed and for 1J gale bLooti R91 . 3T DALZELL & Co, Libeny at (lIIEF9E-4:ou bal. Western Reserre,pan efeam,f• ljtaala by oet4 Roar DALZIII.I. & o OLE. LEATHER-44,000 lierolock Turner!, in aro 0 and for .ale by .i 4 11013 T DALZELL &.Co . _ SLERATUS-14 tans, tu casks and bin, reed and for sale by neo ROBT DALZBLI. LCo M AD „ D i t:R—A aupcnor article Ibr rile by DOW'D COLUMBO-1 ease jest need dka sale r by oet4 Q E SELLER* ft wood at 130 WI/ IPECAC—) ease pan reed and fer sale by oet4 6 E SELLERS 1 hOW'D RHUBARB-6 eases just reo'd and (or;:aia i b - oet4 R SELLERS 11)A a t—,54 tierces thigar cared Hams; 6 !Ida plain P do do; 8 do Shoo Wars, bright and dry, Mst rimed red and far sale by oci3 SELLERS NICOLS SODA ASH-111 east. Sod. Ash, just received on consignment and (or sale b oet3 82 W HAB/1118011 MACKEREL -75 bbls No 3 Macterol,Mat received; In store and (or sale by oci.3 8 & W HARBARGH GLA - 8 - 80 his liglidss; le 150 do liMbl dit= 9014 do; 35 do 708 do; 50 do 10:14 do; last and (or sale by oci3 8 & W HAILHARGEI EPSOM SALTS-6 bb reed and for ute by oeuIJOHN D MORGAN RD INK—Warranted Frencli, and • superior arlb R bier, received and for sale by oeta JOHN D MORGAN BLACK INK—I bbl for sale by ocO JOHN D MORGAN VEitAIILLION—AmarriCan, for talc by ocl3 JOHN It MOBGAN COPAL YARNIBI4-4 bbl. New York quick dyeing, reeelved and for sale by ;AO JOHN D MORGAN r AHD 01L—A lot on hand in bbls, will be sold low J J to close consernatent by °err J KIDD & Co AI 'LANE'S VEIIIIIFUGE-3:0 gnu au band and JIL for .nle by wig AVLANES PILLS-300groai on band and In far rale by mai J KIDD tOo DRIES APPLES—A mall lotion roc/ unlit°, sale by moo WICK A. WCANDLM3 INDIA RIMER GOODS—Jost recerved, the follow ing articles : Teething Rings, Eludes, Life Preser vers, Gun cDyers, Paper holders, Tobacco 'Wallets, Ad and Solid India Rubber Rads, all for sale in the India Robber Depot, No 6 Wood sy oct2 J 1 H PHILLIPS SADDLE RAGA— Jour recd , dosen India Robber Saddle Bap • superior article, at the India !bob ber Depot, No 5 Wood st. ace/ J 111 PHILLIPS ANJOS AND TAAIDOBINM A 6ne won. .0 went of these two musical instruments, j.Cree'd ibis day. Alto, Llama Scales, for .at. by _Dor/I MELLOR, 61 .wood Se ODA ABl4-40 besk i s t e j oaN t r, jolt recd 'aid for sale by N & [LEPPERT scp26-tw S A . 1511 BHOWN-1 cask for sale by - JOHN D MOTWAN, Druggist VENETIAN HED—g casks for sale by V ocig JOHN D MORGAN BLACKING -100 dos Mason's Machos, read and for salc by occi JOHN D MORGAN 0 INGER—I bbl Ground Ginger, tor We by k.T °erg JOHN D MORGAN -- - USTARD bbl Whim Niggard Bead, for a 1 ..Jo by serJ JOHN D MOHUAN CHROME YE LLOW-3 eases Chrome Yellow, for sale by_ °eta JOHN D MORGAN TIMUISIE OHEEN-1 ease sepeo - r -- Chrorae Weary %,,./ for liale by ortit JOHN D MORGAN •atch aud Chronicle coy. CP Ind id tkett.)lllAlE—ei bb.freak • /11“107(id tibia Packed do; 17 necks Basler; 13 sk. common Keel, in more and for tale by J R FLOYD. owl Round Cbareh 1131131 w LANAI:FA—I cue ree'd ve coneignment and ro eels by peel r& It FLOYD LARD -6 bads and 3 tap freah Lan% m storm and lb: aide by oct2 I i It FLOYD L!MUM]) OIL—I bbl. just reed and km sale by ocul R ROBISON t Co SCGAR-75 &Oda prime N oSugar, tot tale N•b7 oat It ROBISON& Co SALERATUB-40110 lbs Salami., for We by octS R komsoN a co ICE—IO tierce. N Rh., for We by - jL oetil R ROBISON a Co PIG IRUN—IOU tons for ode by ocri ROBISON & CO AT O. PI:OAR—NO hhfls prima N U &or, fa more mai for gala by oct2 - - - --r panaulit a SMITH PlO COFFEE-G 74 bags Orem CoEse,gorr XV ding from canal ant fox mob acO BAOALEVA MTH ODOM, AND BALERATIYB-197bisprhna qua ty Cheasei b 4 Ina, 8 bbla Balenms , landing Am mauler Carohna and fat sal. by and MEPE AND BONE LINIMENT- 0. 41 d foc gale «14 Oa WOOL -9 tacks Wool,last reed and for We by sey29 WICK L WCANDLI3BI9 --, . . ' ---,,, 3ft .-'' ' ll '= n4 AUCTlONfttitilUtik...3'...,,,..- '„ 17 Angus D. nary;' 141 : ,S . &IA a aid Fgs , iiCiiil4 Ori , mortung, Oet 111,*10 okilm: , algho Commercial Roma, corner of Wood and AIM ameM,Mill be soldorkboalkeocrom• to egummivo as sommeat of seasonable fastey and maplii,Gomagn and , &mead° AT Goods, embracing every moiety nanall7' kept in a large retail dry good• store. t • " ' -'-'—' ° At 9 Growls., Qua l igulany Parreatkii, 47.- • 1 bas fine lb lamp V. manafactured tobacco. 11 ud box. A Cablota i lb lamp., 3 bn fine, la to the pocl. 4 half chime 'V Kum. A tßottilz/ of groused, chhttlon cram hicekclors, abovalc, w bbala agrcel, thehan utensils, ite. A general accortawatof nave sepledband ' bona hold funattaa, among which a Ilamb9Poi Wasp =bortlatic,bcok 'caws, tables, clout, bedsteads, 1 frame Flea= plea udnors; Umber beds, mattiassasorork and wish stands, fire irons, fenders, mantel elooka; Al aj o'clock, My made calf akin boom, aimed= French; sryle sham, coals, lantabtaia, vietts,and mbar climbing, um brellas, pd and aralr_bes, =tarn:fancy and staple goods to gram valtunta.. mid .; Xatia Ths tale of W A 11:Marrs Wick will cltit t med oa gamins, of Thatadan Fib:Waal of Ws, areal, at hisaols,ZDea Wood armor, octs ~ J OHN Dayis,/..% • Boots, Lamy 4 n 4 ”COP .'ir • 0 -PIM. Road Books, Goitintagst. as sloomitts: On Wednesday, Tharsdar .Elaittralrg everdage October eth 6th and 7th, as 7o' • lucky as the Colashar eta! Bales kreem, corner of ood sod , Pllth Watts, will be aold the most emulsive • • don Of valuable mw Books sorer seared in this dry: Issititridd cop ...dd. Paper, blank books. : • • At• Ennhara loarno tun go ld peas, tee. primate sales during tha day i i n Tall larrP#c"aa• Those who wish td ptirchase Setae Waa, as the whole amoont tone be sold , ta4hlP a SSW adays. oe 14 JOAN D DAVIS; Ansi. • SHERIFFS SALE Eassuitn Rani/ awl ofrhl , Geo4t On Friday ruorrOterr ath, at 10 o'alac it the Commercial Salm a comer of Wood FIN, meets, will be sold art 1 resarve; for eash, par mode, by order of John Forsyth, Esq. Shea , - Thy mane stock of anextenaire retail OM, eon/- prising•menu imortmeat of likswer 'and , Staple for- Olga and damask Dry Goods, erhiah aro pow wn* Zo b.. m assorted mantan, SR , and bonnet rib- At 9 riteloelr, P. IL • 3 half chests Y fir Tea, euvetullsh tobseeo, 9 bags pepper, S bbls bums, 3 b peseta, I bertill lost sit pm I box saterstus, candlevrielttii largo tonally of bardwtre to di , a uls. tutlery, which Say examined pre vious , . • oust • "MIN D- L D6 Abet TEIRIAITRE. C. S. PORTER • BitNicaii. FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 6, will be pbteeoleollbe great Play of RING LEAR. ' Mug Lou Edgarond Mr. fleiy. Edmond Mr. Prior. °ottani MMn.rtlasilsolr. Regan Mrs. Pribi. Conic Alin. Parr. To coo do& with a Firceresßid ROW To sh - Tnx, artor YOUR WASHERWOMAN WORVPn Woillot.-- • . • -, • •Mr. Jahn Hann. Wu, wMt. Min Alll4Clithe VAN ANCEDUILOU & 00 2 11 BOIANAO/3116. WILL be exhibited in PITTSBURGH, otiPean st, on MONDAY and TUESDAY, the Ilthindlerth days'O e tober, 1848,f0r TWO DAYS ONLY. • Examnsem—Form fto 4 o'clock, P. M., and dr to 9ln the evening. Mensal.. 25 coot.. Chil dren under 9 yeas, of age, half price. • The Procession of Carriages, &c., will, dater the above mere Amu Butler, at II o'clock on the above aorsq.., , preeeded by the colossal r. Runs, ex Gnat. Semen Cameos, Panned and gilded inthe outist_gorgeounnyle , mattein- Aug Pon% (arum New York strap Rand. Tbe Carriages and Cages are all troz,"Stilt by the best mechanic...a In New York,) highly penned and decorated; an &num by • mope of , dapple y,Homes, the finest said aver collected THIS I/titter- CAVALCADE will pass through the principal streets of the town tadveniard for exhibition), to the speekuts Pavi li on., erected for the exhibilionof this collection of animals, where the public may have an grana K nitj of beholding the of er, will give an Interesting illustrationofle eseendan ej of f n&llect over the mid tenants of the forest. See large bills al the principal hotele The area will be exhibited at New Castle the 6th, Centreville the Rh and Bader the Itti Oct. scot Andrews , Eagle Saloon, Wood. Strait. 'MOW/ of the cordial greed= of over one thousand friends, and the unexampled patlnnage bestowed upon es aim we to-assumed the coeval of WS mut4 lishment, we box torn to infirm our friends and pr irons that =exertion will be spared to prom:Lomita, nom. fort, pleasure and hilen ty of out either'', and id male the Old Eagle. stand foremost, and lead off entangler establiatuneots in the west. lee ersam, (=rivalled) peach., oysters in sessoe, with all other.rde)lr-acies will be f== at this eMahnshment, and served up in a manner without precede= Ltalls and partial fur nished as mai- Mil/FLEW& ORIGINAL CAP ISTOTLEZ A. NARLll.heretofore so favorablikarrera for 60 quality nod cheapness of hia tombs beg. leave to inform bia friend* and tbepbblie acuersity that be has just menial from Nen ark. and having parchased foe cub,he 411 enables', to sell cheaper and on more aceormardeue4 tone. t h an any other house its this city. • • A • Pea Can—He prepares his fins haute& therefore gentlemen may nut ensued that he no (anthill them With the best quality of Far cape, claret most fashions, ble patterns, at prices taunt helper the nasal prides. MMIIM Mont von Lime Ataarcuevs—lle Ma alsoon God several Owes of the beat quality French Clotk - seleet. ed anomaly for Ladies cloaks, (color warranted ova bCau ebange,) of whielt be wilt &spot. at reduced:pica. nsasaP Caro—No pal= will be toured to dren with Fur, elotb, Velvet arul Plush Capsetr ant for andpattenr. lettattld they not ftylretorneet duo money Intl be reAtuded. Lanus' Bruno Cu. of mar Patten; rude ltorderi sad on sneb term'. eunnot but gtve woitfay . A. NASD; Markete • oete-dlw between Second and Tll4l stu arEW sitsloaL larsTaunzszcp. caamawri DIPROViD andounom TORN IL MELLOR, No Ell Wood men, Mt= 'sole if agent An Cuban's Patent Melodeon, • new and heanullil insimment, exceedingly well adapted f../ small church= as featly For the benefit of those residing at a di - nip:Me, and coneepeonly inabla tivinsepcx Me' 2tfeled. *thee penhasing, the fallowing dinerietion Ls see The =see are made of rosewood, and see as ha= somely finished as a iFilirtO_FOrtn The keyAboasii is :Mealy the same tu simple= or organoindshe tows, which is very beandihta eleeety resembles that of the (livestop made Man organ. The instsansent can beimmis ly portable without chhag =given, the bellows sending into the body of den the basmonno, and the Mgt =ding andel, leaving the Wilde in ajecospact form Each instrument has a packing case, .and the whole when packed weighs only 45 =sods. a The.rol ems of wee is equal to that of a small organ, an d by means of the swell may be Increased or dunitilshed at pleasmrse 4la anficiently loud for sintdl churches, and is well calculated for wearies instrument. Jon ceived, a supply ofato poles, ne p with case end Instruction Book, $lO . oels Ass — Ordlsisnes• Mooring the Plan of Adding Etkors in as EVlsh Ward. W, I. He It ordained aud eustered by the citizens of Pitsbur In Select and Smon Coined* sentbled, and I I hereby enacuol by the autholity of the same, That frogs and after tha pomp of this Or. dinanca, the plane Sr holding Se eleotiona the 6th Ward be fixed as the Public School Honed In said Ward Bra h farther ordained, an, Thn so mach of say callable atdinaace as 4 hereby' plitersl, be and the same AA beme 41404. Ordained and eaaoted Imo • 41. r, of Oc tober, A. D. Is 4& [Attest] MORGAN ROBERTSON, Prea't C. C. R. Roma Rosins, Clerk C. C. JOHN 13111PTON, P, 8. C Joex Mama, Clerk 8. C. oct.3-3t SUNDRIES-300 bags prime Rio COOCC; 100 half ohms Y 111 Tem 13 do G P do 20 do Black do 200 hes *Maud lb luny, Jos Kerr's. Tobacco; 13 3 33 1 M Edp dodimples. 30 bbls Tumors' Oil; 63 do large No 3 Mackerel; together with a dem and assortment of Pittsburg manufactored"..ardeles, In nand for sale by H. HT D/42 R Co, ' ItihnOVBIL: F. - 11." EATON*. Co inettat mennetel fresiVarket street tOthelYntrar fkore, - No tt2Foorth street, b. moon Weed and Market, are now operung their Fall mock or Trim:mine and . Variety Goods, mean erhkh are—Cloak and Dress Proem, a ell binds; Embroidery Gimps and Velyeue Embroidery and Needle Work; . Zephyr and Tayestry wonted Chenille F 11; Steal Bags and PursekSteel Trimm; Ladles Pdsrino and Vests, and Hosiery; Children.' Cosine, Gaiters, Mut, Gloves end liomery; Gents Shirts ; Undershirt!, Drawers, DressinyOheerns, Wool and Ootton non - drens• Dresses, of latest penmen, which ley fe rmilow prices both whol .male and retail: ,et4 B. ELTON. W. P. ttgaisiil. GCSODS—Bruith &Johnson, Url klatkat. of lOtt raccivnl ',choice stock of Dross Goods, cm wiring in part of rich Clounalinnflaks t black da, man suip Calmer= sad Oricroals, plata Chameleon and phi= Alpaca, satin wiped dra sdk Warp and teal Al. PParautstras, Primed do Ulric and embracers, Preach sad &Oak Modem, teal Scotch Gnigharo.s Amu lak ots pp to the Antra 41.14; Calico from .4 eta to 1111; nob h•b•.• Muslin /lobes for attains draw% to, to which they would particularly Incite the aura. iron arpurcbasina • -.acid *ltBS. N. R. uounrsos, No. I, es. Masa tali WOULD blosm her easseasssa and the pubUt at she, has lug mottled I's the - East With • splendid issortamot of MILLINWroad ssoom selach the tuts selected with eau ewe, led will sell at er...wftsly. piece. ' . N.dbest 11.--Sttaw end Bold Asark- done Its the :lusaleit an CAUTION TO TLIETDBLIO, AND CLIIILZWAN ki TED—The. Watt .eautkeied b pay mane/ intents account without we written astWelyillaanY perAg i ttlr. Jobe Cola or Wm-IL commpu • An amiss steady Crk tes aw collect bills , and mate seulamonm.. la Nam Oatr. :. IS MMIY. oet.t-If JNO 111TADEN Co Hardsrsritoonesper k tites Evert Lim" wiLsont-CO 4 lmportexa =LW/h:sale Dealers tortarderaw l itattery and Saddlerp, No Wood, MN abate km now in stoma ve Ozer w sl selected see of Hardware, is sines the drielitterg Meet in Europe, sod whio are determined wadi evirespondinitirja.. a m" who have been in the habit ageing. but. are Patti.** July tied wcall and toot through our suer, VII believe they will nave their eleven, oett . W.l mug an • -et • Salo. IIA LARGE and OlCelloile throe sum Wick t Duelling Houle, containing tootles, on a censer of Thirdstmet and Chem &Herewith the Lot on which it mands, is °Shred for sale on tacos*. modeling term. The boom has been bath dote the ir..l fife, and the tido iePerfaa,t epee, and eseellaut workmans hip o! the Inesso k Onekthe plesaantness °tile locretotr, reader. if tadesof Mad= denrgble rose:lone. in Pitult bliqUite of at els age on i er il et, &SOL c•140111ED PLASTERPAI/111..w caticala • Co, of Plaloaolphis,.eootioi,, to P. tonufacturo Canned flown ' of insonited not !nem qamlln not CIA 134 MAlndiat the Wynn. or 82 CUE, per banal, tar pus op juoicoopp at 6,19 tor co MO.WOI3. Stottoirpo Mau at IKIA siut Riad Argot . . at EC coatepurbbl. Dinka mkt+ to the pm:966ton at Pb4.14:5414 or to lota, Crow:lung* IM/1 wool at Now Omni.) ' coulklOt do: Shredder tedieoil k is 91endid ankle. jou received bt b litpremt r vale at We Of! cloth and India fte De rt. 6 Wood rev& J P 4~. ~... ... ~• ..:Y ~~-l.i':a v. cnt.:~. , . '+.'~-a.+. t er.. L.Y'~'T' tl ~•..~`~-`~y..frLL- ....~ ~ ~. es~: S 11= Z=i2M! t)q STEAMBOATS. ~ _ LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY .., OF CANAL AND STEAM Lianas, .k.," ..n.„ a , tika._ _., ...,. . LeAves = PatOriatalattriv 9o' .A.Lili, India. m at tier-sat tiallmminentherHe at and trter Ca. .4) . 1 3 o'ctock and New Lisbon at II; WM COL , LellanaNeerlathon al $ °Weak; P. 04.4 11 altitella trip canal to the treeritridag the alglo,fend at 9 o'clock, A. IS., and armee at Pllrsh,_____,__ __elSh - e - tri. 11.--thal Wakirts. a contlattots 49,HOMtri.e= venom . and kw& between New.Lls sad .bugl e . it ahotrer othcr rode. thtle and at:leaf kilealhat primp .Ttroiha InnFireors dada Line hivi the ifinthateint• Canal"""", &t t e a the atin oaf y have fined up Matra! Anceenunode- WIMP= WA &law ' freight, to raw Le - connection with the well known stamen CALEB COPE andEF.ILVF..R, and bannietr. • Huy at Glaagow,..with the Anal Made. mad and other dailytnea of • I srmV k a down.the chip anti hlhaderippitiVers. The prominent Novi mob .e,Te, to spare toes.se cc trouble to hews k ti n f e ti aftd , h9ttek etid- ink or thelndillo Selena of etr patronan AU'I'HORDIED &CENTS. I a M. BARTON, • . . S.* W. HAS /MUCH, - 1 . 1 , 1•4 " 6. ,B. HANNA. &Co. , ... - mud ;I. Haaaattou a Co. Nelr ushat .. , NOTICE-The warner BEAVM.O. ” E. Cleittowne ter, will leave al* Oda notice; for Wellyvillezena. ally, at trwelookin ths eternhur, ' ' -, • alma. . - • . ..4 , ,...." Li tfikil RiTTizionon al. Brio .... Halll7 Paola**. L - b - ret7-- FEBRUARY 18;1848 reanuaay Id, 314 . "LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. 01., AND 4 P. IL The Wowing new hoot . erataplate too Bne for the. prewar sceatint,,AT. LANTIC, tar, /Mat - .Padtterewn TIC, Capt. A. JactiOceed DOM ISLAM, Capt. E. Bennett The' boats are entre* we, sad areas:al up without regard tilegeing, Ewa ery comfort Gateman can preen has been Ftwidard. The Bows will leaved* klonoagabela It'had Doll as the foot of Row st. Passenger will, be Dtmtna • ail board, no the beats will cellainly leave etthe=9, timed hours, 8 A. hi and 4 P. II - EITTSBUILU atv sf •tufFrik aw .,,, DOZWY P lesis y for M2147. Wedande s &S , Fadry, u o'eleel.' aesay Toesaep,,Taandayaad br wfty, al 7a , • t h , PTeeinit The Coma will land at ell the Eftrrieeomodition thfu aa Mewed ftart4iim. GM end liSferf Of joassoi,kinza bee .ar punk& The Wall also =ilea KL:Aself . trag setur gaud =l,-„irT, DrinD )" fi,b4 . . earneroflu and azeuhuista 'FOR ST. LOOMS. K . l, The near and substahUil aseluser maiALICF, • - X Q geenem,, mastercerill leeirefor drove andhne:neeilue - poli— ceiSebtx , del. the 7th bel t at /0 WeVekt - 441 Foalght orr nE vAa ti o o Nm e boaid lem ee ti ts tio . 2.- Raw Wt. LoutsviusTaceEr.' ~, T htspletld new stetlao . r; ;"'" , • 'tPmVESBIONT 'Male% mute ,r will loiirrbilbo bora and Ataroiedialeportii today. For fteixtd or pomace, apply onboard:. %IS matoThe splendid and fastrinalmrsleana. Mang, muter, wilf i 'la art for the above and intermediate pass tthill/alf to 10 o'clock, A. AL For freight or passage, apply on hoard. t wegl REGULAR CINCINNATI PACIET. .1 • • • , ' ..The fins H atewoer • i ij. I 1 IGHLANDER, ••. ' n:te 4g:l % Parkinson, =SW will , Lava for the -Forabove and freight or passage, apply on baud, sepl7 FOR — DINCHINATI. , • k The splendid steamer 1 FRIENDSHIP, t Avis, master, will heave 64 the bore and intermediate pore thiltdaT at 10 o'clock A AL lasidtH FOICINGINNATI Ahlig ST. L 01.113. The elegant steamer .; RINGGOLD, • ghEirar tray, APT th e above uarraedirda parts this dap _ mar height o!pageage, ap& on board. FOR cum:NM - An ANDDErt um , Thasplextdidnew sauna te 4aeob;il myrrh will rem Or akar* and Ardermadirua ports dda tali, as 10 o'clock A. M. For Elnighln , plainer' 40 On board: 'i Sepal PM CINCINNATI. at Ni% , Therplandirl Jtykk AratOrht tfilintar • OrOdIET, Hoyt), manor, will lenet for atinv • antantrodtata porta On this d} OA at 10 o'clock. For fro lOT mono apply an board • . FOB BT. kbuil3. .Th 4 splendid rtelinier .T.TCHITSENDEN Israel, nurse ,r will Imo farads abour internatatie ports tWllies r For (nicht or p orn o a pp tp 4 On board. Na .odsl se/amnia) swim OP PALL' 130013114 Wbolaantas and iA.,,IRAIKEV 3. CO., PIMIKIRGE;44I., AVE reesinad more than ono Damp PaekagoinCromign L smilDomeatln Gawk soak ons ofthis mom tantalise assertnuatti the- man. by. embraehig thalamic, richatcandmost le styles of Itatanted.andernetleals Grady in maim wimps from the important largo Amtan mks; by case of Mogan reddinglandllw Fork ,who is eonstainly wading as the nisseagazul most desirable goods - 1n the Emma ntarTnilaV will bet oillred kw as at any artablislancan Untied Ebst_tsgtarpd lower than eatibl,Pcialybd edby car ncasein the West. We ecihrt RtFIl- S casai ed. and brocade Gro de Adhcr,Gro deßerila - , 434 las,,Gro do a/gram Glacier, Wank Rio do - Talfaln, SneSmin, Flowitim of a ll oolcas, Atm Atm-, no, Silk Velvet Mall colon, army large gawk, 31 CAKES DRESS GOODS, gm guns mar Des casht aripedenstmeretdo do do whited, thidon.tkmaira grated unglash de Laing do Clenenes R.d4.2lbirgadl Orientals, p ima tAlso, fames .I=aritdO easel rick stnped and p Lyonesg (HI undSilk Tann; 1-4 cashmeres and Granata Plaids. :FRENCH MERINOS—A fall sonommemt d , Paha, molganati ors et.hlloccon, Nsnataa azatine,bino, parphlanklath. or col, of t best sasm .SMA SDAWlS—Cconprising Gs most orgeastgr as. srwat over nand in coy, entbraclng lomadi alums Cashmere, and Taman. plag, annuarlek, Finland, Jenny Lind, Lyaastinar er Shawls. La EMB caps, ROLDERIED, LACE GOO=ringkite.— ce nailing enati,manding Also; Ram cambric andlawn Mk* Lilite hrtlikeh Ribbons, Rof all_kipdgDßAl w ry ß DS, gall mom:tient of the MOM fashionable atka, , LINEN AND HOUSE KEEPING 000=11.- Gish Linen, best renrafsetarg Linen and =re Linns, Table Dun& Ind Aapir., Satin Table cloths and Nvllinsolacksbachl74.- sla, and Rini% Eye Duper. .orerliral pit of army variety, Bleaciod and Drawn than MOOb p atoll the well knowninak l rs RISHONS—tune Gum /00 tartrate =Maly raw. audacious Eihbons, van' , FrApeti Clash', Cadmus' and Doeskins, in glom satiety; Vesting., White Goods of i lai i ' vety ll %seriptians. eryartee tq1.21/7 found in a dry "'- The Sallowing an of macs carlag rectin, wlth t3opliee:Satattersdr • ' iitZsl — crn.r.fur.7ll7crls — r — mels, all woolObt uo 16 47" arica.7, Rigid; or 12 do flat colored Fria* , 17 do Bluebird Ithtalins, I/ ....., rt . . 4 do Moos de Labs, 7 do- real easel aurgham, 4 :" Wei 444`Bmaitt labille, All of which, in senneellou wilt thou tbott : Seed, will be erase sleet peter lises% e' ed by any other establishment in this shy, The . CIITE PRICE EIYsTEN, which burns I ulltigoLanC i Mh to all, will beTRN, sleety observed. mg angle el at Ws estahruhusts found Job/I...bong* market prise, a consequent reduction willows *Maw ly be made, 19on the ctenuastabees being aside knees to the Propnetors, lt ' being thsirdbere that ell goods Ural be void on tale and honorabbs terns- , All pawns m respectfully touted to exunerwanr-ieratrallent. without feeling the least obligation to potOutaf. ~ pod a ..., Dearabl• Mott- Mia , lllaWo.- , IA rag mbseviher had laid. mit , climb Lois du 'fhb 1 South side of the Fourth silent stoo4 . lena dear two and Me quarter Miles - frotte lam. 011 4 1Youns. These lota monde each from' one to - two Orr a kitlf 5c,... of land, and will be .old Pt .r 050 02 11314, .a 4,4 ........0.r... It A' deemed taneeartats ter into auy eXplanation of the; advantagee oe boo. Their vicinity to thli city', antVlsi ihif lbw Or. central Ilan Emma ; recommend 'theta stmodly MI pry desirable county maideartes. .. . . . • ... .... MO subscriber aim eaten fru saltrabons ;or= km deed acne of land In Franklin township; Allesheby oh coun 003ty, shout seventeen billes frOM 1 . 113.1*" -- *psi , m boildiag.-140 ill dia _baler` " ,Birmi Vapt 411 . . M LLES. be add at 3Mw prices and mien tialor - $ll. 17/ I slll On Wylid'atreet,-abOM IngatblOgOlf at ou Wylie streeVetridexteedbut Ma'am .t t 0 titi feet alley.. Thdrapid frajnovenzmabr,hd tl i tifirL. - of the city,. and the terms epee which the ..." Pe . 10 „ k. nmdet this pmperrr wooly Mosnualion ofiUmaa. anima of bombed/sun:al edam , Indelle or , . f i TODD k. 13 1. sep3o.lw MUCH ALPAID,IfI—W It atrippiiiddieddd, - . AI Ueolar- attemlou et Myer, to. .. bit 'ludo of above Goods. haring odeOre - tbsol with crest - e in reference to their giony Unish and good body for . ter me- Mro, . citiql " Mal 410 e mom= aII 3 rIPZ, common, gat .- fine qualities, inapting • kw pleetajet block, arbisami rFNMlPPitritAtlirl'.liftillill;Mn etrai'Ort riety or soda stripoo,plaido, cud troxades k ocarhaf which are rely superior. A. . diem goods lune Om. bought dined? era:T:o[lAm, dal ego t#Opolagput lowest possible pile . To be bacl also by piece, In -Wholesabs litocgaraP maim si- a lazy smaU4aaranse an eon - „ CABLMT LIBRARY,' for Sobi l lits Vandlies—Tbis wish conststs 6t swan and contains Bra hundred direventrobjetts, with OM eagravinga. Iris an mainly 013=0.assies, smiesair ems. and completed by BO wanks thos ot Wier Planers Talcs! Mal his k.llilineillif I bit, in • popular Atom, Select Morns, mods= OA wonders and mniussties ot litav duties or Bra An, Butanes, and Plillosopbrointh,lbe M, Tee Wen per VOL is 73 cents,.alli mmigiga,,A,ms FLP,Pi, ft i 12 'VMM". r x 'ale by - , ; I T - linsipsat• die ilions AP°l - 'i * 8 - - - riumsubsennorsurs 'now meaning - their Pa iliek J, ottlui above inkleohito venete,VlMllsiniusali. Medallion and Lydia, having Mimi al Pill~s sad Baltimore, end two more,* Stephen lialdiri in i= till% f lWal l "P" Wd i iheZ,Pref thera n . to ratans onless. nay w receive donut Able Wt. - ter and splint re sapges via New Orleans. M .., _ _ ‘,. W• AC MITCHELTREB Disaiamprion. -7. r TOMTIT raga Tolirsk-gjer.i..6.l:( es mot Csist &cal; is, ei m tama, _,---1 d‘noly.t. , mutbssllage haviNt RAS hi , =a l " . Zr"hu s in said One mimes Bogdan: Tim wh o a oa to will be settled by James Bogdan, sunlati: cd to use the Oman cattle firm for that Aid JAMES en, Sips ft, Ma , 2 l" ilh - • - MOCKER:M*9 flgeliCtirstaz 4 1111110,BOALEPIANOF0 - 13/0111eve Pisan Forma. from ths esitbrattstalia ' ntsetory of Cbieloning, Boasswinth , the nevi unproved circular mils, Inn root Aa4 , Veil for Want Hr . Chiebuing a . pri y I 2 . JOHlf hi MELLOR, 51 wad as Solo Agent_ ftCliiickexingllnGesallosad. 11=1 4 Sims fol. Wmuna Pellliallailili . IN , ' -,-., - 4.5 - - - --- D°b°7ll.4krnall'im GS""/ doz Dow pd. Po; 3 Wood".i. We at theLir• ) 24 med. _ tale am PinuiPaps- 1 x~~ \_r w Fn~n_!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers