THE PITTSBURGH G PUBLISHED BY PIT T BB %TIMM THURSDAY MORNING, Wit 5:-/818. -; • ••-rmiarnarmitrivaimfft Astaxiscas. Aomb....t. and BitbsaillioastottosNorib Amer, ataandJkitelf_l3tates fitssr,PdlacWedikermired ' and Ibrinuded Mao this *Tea., • ••- We *ill receive and (*lewd free of merge, ad lodaele24 end o,ll ol 4° P s this Paper. , . 007[11130VOLUe YAWS AND PHILAII PIMA MIXON 0101PLENT. AabiotTptfoeatodatattnable paper win I. i i ce i w i ' " IsnatoririnudAomms* , .p iplepTis ilemmenjurs Dent Gun= •is etblithe el Deiiii;M:Pereeklf, sled Weekly:—The Dolly u Seven „D g e e eepee anexter,Attelli-Weeklyis Free Dollarepee, e t =7,74 the Weekil it TWO Dollenpej ssumee,. seresty ofwlowits. • . Isms becotallt.74=l. ,i re % **4l T • •"' mg Willi be gbazlPA cmksjeci- ' Fat us= Caumwrolal Mar. kits, Rhea • News, jetports, blfsusy Madisty,,twata kdrdPlP, DemoteAtie WM, it FOR PRESIDENT," i•ofisitir Tasi.oll. FOR VICE PEESIDENT, EILL6II.O PILLNOILIC, EILEIOTOIRAL TICKET. SENATORIAL ELECTORS. J ' Tnosui AL Sa T. mmomg of ci Molmetax,W ” astdngurn.. , ona P. Leboe. 1. Joseph G.Clukson, Rory Johnsen, . John P. Wstherill, 14. William Colder, Sr. 2 James AL Darla, 13. William ATllvalne, Thom - W:DoSald, • IA Charles W. Esher O. Dinka O. 'Ri in mer, 17. Andre. G. Curtin, 7 - • whist Doma, 19. Them R. Random, oba IX Steele, 19. Joo9h Markle, S. John Landes, RI. Daniel IL Joseph Selunnekar, K ArelrivV7l.loads, 10. Charles Snyder, 12 Itiellsrd Irwm, 11. William! G. Harley, 21 Thrones SW, It PranclaTylerr, St IWO A. Smanee. EICEVERNI:I4 WILLS* P. JONIISTOXI - - FOR CANAL COMMISSIO . IRMA RIDDLRIBIFAILTILt AsUma.sinde sad IWhiNomataalleass. ii111111"aliMoti: ?Oa 41.11.11111.111. LEWIS MI. NA.l44_ of Indium CHRISTIAN of WiLdas. IL &WM= GE, WM,o2 , z,uf Pittsburgh. HENRY LAR immase Nt= ot ohower et. cat maw; JOlLtit scary, at Eau. tka,mzge. WILLIAM BEN/30 — illegbany city. JOHN'IL FOSTER, of Baldwin. 'Taylor, Blihnore, & Jehautont Proottus. The friends of Taylor, Finial:ea, and Jobnsum, sod the TardSdfdtt4, and Free Soil, will meat tu: Benin min:Sarver's;Ftanklin tatmaltip, on Sataninyi Oct y, ia o'clock, P. BL Addmems may be expected from Hampton, Dazzle, end others. prate Committee. i Whig eetng...llViralisimart. On the Oh et October, the Whip rt grill hohl e Tailor and Johnston maenad at 1 o'clock, P. IL Tau eat—mm out—one and el:end pupate (or battle. - . °scum= FOR THE POLLS. By resetiatiort, the Executive Comndues athe Rough and Ready Club have recommended that the. Whigs in the &Cavan Wards in the two cities, bonne,' and unrasidps, call meetings to be held at the pliers of hording *kr-Section, on Saturday aming, the 7th lest, at 7/prelact, tar the purpose of making the necessary arrangements ta hams the ball vote of each Ward, Ha rougDand TdstriM polled, by amminting Coma:mum far Mat purpose. Te importamm of the contest, and the limited period (or work, makes a vircrous effort necessary to insane the electiaaof oar whole slakes on Tuesday nett, by a audosit, of which every good A DIAD Whig will feel proud. Elltd, Prat. TAYLOR. S'ILLIIIOIIE, s SOMISTON. Ether WARD Bosom Was ezda—A mound of the = ram Fins Wardmill be held this ( Thanday) , at !.o'clock, al the Old Coati Haase. Addresses will be delivered by several of oar ben *OleoCab mid also be in =endear.. The comes% is at hand—let .11 be prepared to meet Every Whig' in the Old Virstslioald be present. Brorderof the Exam dve Commithos. ILLEUEL BLIZERIIRGH, Presq. 4 .1303.1` GIVE VP.TIEIS SEEM. A Idea Meetutrof the friends of .Tayloy, Fillmore, abiLlakeston swill be held el the New Market Holm, IN ALLEGHENY crry, this e owing al delimit. Addresses will be delivered by Ham C. Derfagbi Thomas Williwas, and other difiongoithed spanker". Several edam Glee (Hobs arUl be present. Illedraezt page terselrelairsphle 111nra. Peailsylvanis Jobaste". Never-have we seen the 'Whigs of this election of the gate mom confident of eaccessin the 'gouge sde for Governor—mole determined to work t'hat they may win. And truly their motive is ever• nokutualerthey have the almost eloolate ettiitifity of'snicesicheild mit se reward i3r cc- &w it* the Whigs have the most cheering reasons Or encouragement, we will give an ex tract or a letter scruteu under the follourieg munstattesst Some days since the New York Her aid announced that it Lad sent out reliable persona to expiate the great states cd'Ohici and Palme live. ais,lhr the ewers pavan of am:staining the po. polio. Among these travelling carrespan . dents. Ls the famous .Doctor” who is noted for his . aimed' letters Gym Washington. When'eel:toe ' toe mined at Pkladelphis, he sent bar.k weed, that he. thought Longoireth would be elected by abotty 1.0,009. majority. On his arrival at MIMI• • bruit, thil opinion was somewhat modified; and la his lasi letter, dated atliagerstown,263. where he had just mired Lem Chambembrugh, he writes as famine • We met today with' an intelligent Taylor demo. met, the very spews: er a politician &awe desired, to encounter- Reconsiders thatJahnsion is certain of an election. and Mid Taylor will get the State. - Wet. Bigler, the =Edge of the northern radical tlearateaL. 7 for Governor, watt superseded by Long. wad, and that has given great dimubraction. a. well toilet Baltimore doings, to the democracy of acathein - (vita:lea The Whigs will gain so Jorge's. in time counties, thstrith the 8,000 or • 000 get inPhiiadelpbiacityand , will carry the-State. That, sandho, conviction. The aggressive poliTaylorcy, bod&N l'olliend Om hal put me in the • funku,stsidtheelectiat will slum that do. not stead ate; mltat eitiOOkti demoenaryoitetustime, speak here as ill .the oast, oldie walker of Larigematfe elec. tionly eight or tin thousand; but every day's re. semthes teed to atzedadlttett the i s m that the Georeirecita election will bee wellcontatted fight, and If Igiaiatreab Succeeds by three or fore thou• . aced, if maybe accounted a YrenSt *MY. * • By tbeildo the oDoetoe reaches here, he wffi come to the eotteloalon that hit. Johnston will be most triumphantly elected. ' Chown = Immaros.—our Mends in Allegheny feel somewhat orwapPointed in not receiving • visit from ortriebb °audible for Governor. That glorious Yldriby.his great clibusifpon our pob. lier meg, as known — bow to erne a heavy lift at thipillr, plait yrtaild havigratified Mr. Johnston eaceedingly to have paid them a visit; bat it waa lawny cart of bis. power: his appointmmos being all given out for him until the claim of the Govt campaign. He left yeaboday:irnrldng for firnumburgb; where he was to address the people of Waltman:demi yesteadaY afternmm. To day he is to adding the people of Bedford county, and en Satardai the people of old mother Comberlaiid, W.Cirliale, and on lbw:lay evening he win close tha campaign in Philadelphia—a amend When t cise; Which we feel the utmost at will be mowed with a glorious victory at the polls . . • Gasaaun rnue:LAIID Besecu . rnces—Hon. F. O. :14 Of Paidandi Me.,has forabhed the Lanai eMe IcitimalMith a kar more &dorms in Cum' adadaMetklead Spricalathata, in coanctioa with *la* Htigatan; - Mmumm, l3 xern dr.Csa. Heaps that can agreed to be rerpoatible to the company lorthe lategrity Kiscrecrar. of Detroit, the `Ageseitiat that he did not 'bide by the agreement, and has net Lamented kr the disbursement of the kinds yet,. Maabotra sap he wu imenmed in ibeeptealetkm to a mad amount lady, compred with Judge Htiammo, vlmr area inWmeed to a lazim soma kiralomuso, kaweverotow far Cam and Boma, arid makes comb exprear pee ea or disekmores madam his dear Mend Mr. aunt, mbo' feels ie mich alarmed fur the Idea groat utter .tion Washington to the New York itatai4iiinteathat . Wir. Via Bunn bas • son living gogifigiMohiwyrho, at the present moment is =I WO :obit inctemsive slave proprietors in that If.thp old an /I opposed to alarm, and • iii° l u l ChulP d ."" bia mends wig he tn, be Ins not 1)13011 112 . - UlliZll4 child in his own lan' thouglik *Una he \ paheelnoaorool!nnglio with flonthant prim.; ytea t a baroald te maga coiiiisisass • Soothers *pi mith ' Sngt4iii;i4 2l2 4 6ll ',Y , . ate Ihralhao, wady 25,000 a tq'6s let is .Pads iri#,V all Y al ; the Ws 1500 to :ow Mau= Oa dap honk- _ --116113asif Marehaki, they. sire thirty _Oa, newly Irlittaidbottabictridalido cot coatakt ae , all thirty (1 11 , nrfritiaataiitor tilliii lolo oFickeles - ' boon lathe Rae dolliatakbringisa3OXlfianal year, recently put op at pablia cab kr 30,000 • parebasor. •ifirtiummninicsingwrimi. - VOY '.IOIINITON'S'IREECIF -,' The fouswis g is an astir's:so/ass spsislies a•- 11 Tard et@s`reatAthigmsetfng,onTneadsy eta dig, smitten out from the' notes dour ieponer. Johnston not beingpreseet et the opening of the meeting, Hon. G Dumb oreacellee to the stand. nreaussu Darragh 'seta he had :oPitlittn of Gov. Johnston., He knew tOsodoil the 6ariicei tilt so man of Ma me hi the, littittel, 'was blii superior [n ability, Mr. Manton bed taken part with the Whip as stlecmsetfrsntive, to omit the. tide obemix2atii oiimule. Y He had since been, and continues to be a sterling Whig, and was now about to speak for himself in regard to his principles. Mr. Longstreth, the Democratic candidate forthe Lune office, ha passed through this city two weeks ago, but had. not ventured to appear before the people—bad expressed no opinion on the Tariff ! on Free Soil, or on any other miestion of publitt policy. The sneering would have Mr. Johnston's slaws Dom his own lips. He (Mr. believed most sincerely that Mr. Johnston would beelected, In 1814, Mr. Shunk's majority was but 4200, and the tingle comb= of the Tariff would charge times enough to elect Mr. I The Whigs had the votes to elect him—would they not be palled? He (Mr. D.) had informed himself hilly with regard to the sow of the Huns At the last election, 60,000 Votes were unielled-40,000 of these Were Whig votes The Whip, he regretted to say, did not exercise the right of suffrage with the constancy and fidelity which was necessary to secure the ea. tablishment of their principles. The Democrats were more Willful in dine-barging that duty. But be believed the Whig vote would be polled at the coming election: The Democrats hadpeen coin, pelted to admit that they were notate?' Meads of protection; and the State election always called out a larger vote when a Presidential election was ire usedirdely to succeed it. If the vote crag was poll. red, a change of 2000 votes would give the State to the Whip. The Twit:relocation would Insure that number of change, and many more. Them, ciao Of the 'Whig Governor in October, would be a prelude to a greater victory in November. The 28votes ofPennsylvania were counted on as cer tain b 9 the oppcsitioci, but they woqld be deep. pointert They claimed the vote of Nbw York, al so, but did any one believe they would carry that State. They would also be distuipsinted in regard to Ohlo,—she was thoroughly Whig, and would cast her vote for Taylor. If the Whip did their duty, they would carry the election, Let every man, then, do his duty—vote for theiTariff of '42, and for the great principles of the Mrhig party.— Those who were not satisfied with Casa, must vote for Taylor, or throwaway their votes. If they did so, they would be responsible for all the consequen ces of the election of Can to 1844, the third par• ty threw their voice away, defeated Mr. Clay, and brought in Texas, with its debts, Slavery, War with Mexico, km.. Now they had a third pony candidate, also, and the same policy would be pur sued. No man in the Union believed that Mr. Van Buren could be elected. Mr. D. did not believe he could obtain one electoral vote. The contest would be decided in the electoral college, between Taylor and Casa. Any man who voted for Von Buren would be contributing to the success of Case, and the recurrence of the results of the election of '44. But whatever the Meting in regard to the Presi. dency, for what ram should Free Soil nice pate Mr. Johnston. Ile had always opposed the extension of davery—and was the nominee of • patty holding the same principles. Lcingstreth was the candidate of a party opposed to Free Soil— which declared that Congress had no power to prohibit the extension of slavery. He (Mr. D.) had always opposed alarms , extension—it had been an. constitutionally extended and smuggled in, when Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, and Texas were ad mitted into the Union. Mr. a concluded by re, pealing the appeal to the Whip, to roll their whole vote. Governor Johnson wee then netted cm. The immense audience received him with three deaf. enimr cheers. Mr. Johnston said, he had enjoyed intimate per sonal relations with many of those present, but felt that it was not as an individual, but as the repro sennuive 'albeit. principles, be annow so warm ly greeted. The immense audience had mem. bled to exhibit their devotion to Whig principles— the Oleg or the patty which had utiertmuen law "Hutu been elected by a /me party arida fellow citizens as their candidate far the Gubernatorial chair, he felt it to be his duty to visit the dillerent sections of the State, to see sad converse with aliefasses, and obtain all possible information in regard to the resources and diversified interests of the whale commonwealth. He did not hesitate to admit that he required the information. He be. HOTLYd that a candidate should be acquainted with the kcal interests of the State, and he must hold converse with the people to obtain thaill26:l=2llo.l. He had mingled with all classes, and had been every where received with kindness and courtesy. I He believed that in regard to one or two questions there should be butane opinion among the people ' of Pennsylvania. There shoal be baton opinion in regard to the tariff He had visited part of the vast mineral region of the State, and had finned some conception of her resources. Few of those present bad any Idea of the mineral wealth of the State—of her iron and coal beds—the extent of her timber lands, her water power, at the productive. nesaaf her soil. He believed her capable of gas gaining • poptdation equal to flirter the whole Un ion at present, and of affordingto that vast point's. ticm,greater means of wealth and happipess than arenow enjoyed by any people on the ilke atlas globe. By rail toads and canals, she would extend more and more the etcHities of aedess m her mines• al treasures. He argued that it was her duty to Enter the tariff policy, as the means of protecting her interests, and developing her resodrcee He would give some of the mamas which led him to advocate the protective policy. He would not impugn the of his adversaries,but not wish level represent any man whose interests he could not 'observe, would freely state his own opinions. He regarded the laboringeless as-the most impor tant—and believed that government should pay the highest regard to their protection. Next in imp°. taut in his view wan the agridtfittnal elan—next the manufacturing, and last, all not embraced in one of the first named classes. In the Old World the laboring man had no part iii the government-- J*llms a mere machine, used for purposes oflabar, and thapertormed, be was no 'farther regarded.— But here he faints part of the government—the very basis on which it rests. He therefore should be enabled to educate himself,dad his children for the performance of their high duties, and national legislation should be so directed as to afford him means and opportunity. Of the next class—the agricultural—it was scarcely necessaryto speak in that place. He looted on these two clime" as the support of government. The farmer should have a fixed home market for his pruduce—not affected by foreign legislation, and fireign commercial re validate The o=lAL:chum suffered least, by bed legislation, because having capital, he may change his business. He may be greatly injured, but suf• fors less deeply than the forme: and the Waren , — The mercantile and other classes were only Wan ad by the general prostration of business. You take awry from the poor man all the means of happiness, when you take away his means of ob taining a livelihcod. The object of just govern. mein--to secure the greatest amount of happiness to all—was defeated by the fete trade policy. The imported manufactures of other countries ced the manufactures of our own—and robbed the hammer of his means of support. If it was right to bring a single foreign Gado to ciiis country, which could be manufactured hem, id.wao right to go abroad for all—and we must give way to the pauper labor of other eouritKas. He wished not to build tip a newtheory—butWhen a system work. ad Welk he would retain it. We had had three periods when the country watprepared to supply its own mandlictures, sod three times has the hi. ritr system been broken dawn—with what manila, all remembered. Ma went on to exhibit ,t#e effects of the re. peal of the tariff in 1818—whito a gentleman re. I marked that dour was sold evp 25 per banal-- DU J. proceeded to define pa 0011411011 of the country previous to the election of-General liar. risco, and the enactment of the tariff of The femme, he said, could not sr produce es all— , could not pay his taxes to State—capitalisis world not lend here dollar—fibe could em pay her debts—even the wages of thd &harem on her pub. lio works. Those wadi did cot pay the Wong mfi,their °oh, and the Old edeyrtMarettith Win on Irects baskraPtar the *aim of galloon 4 .4iTed OgnifidOret:ilid IvOtbe tariff of 14isister# That Mr. strir Aimed to orcsect all inter. cgs. Itioptashos, every mambo wished h :~'S 9 '~~~~' 3 : -~~ =?' r _rre... ,Yr r ^ ~:~P''^STn , :3`-3'.^.~.'.~T.'rl}.4.t.F't+,ter. i. ~..,a".n!+a.a-.-.a.,..._.._.~ 10 T9iiri , fatiod employment : , ..4.llhrerteltes oftuiirt ufactureOrospeted, and all pities pledged se!ine . tolihreapprot. But the Purtyoppased to his eide4tM repealed it, nt4twith.wanpuir their 'Pledito: they had not sought to modify due regard to our interests, but had ditregarded those interests, and he believed that the law was designed to break down those interests. He m. fared it twin the fats that the President was hos tiki to protection—end from a section of country where this was the prevailing sentiment. He be lieved the tariff of (6 the worst ever passed, and if suffered to continue, would prostrate all inter ester, Mr. J. here went into an able argument in re. gird to the merits of the tariff of '42:and '46—hut we are compelled to condense. He was opposed to dispersing the people over a groat extent of country--thought they should be aggregated, as more °Oxidative to their individual and social hap pioesy and be who built a =sauna:tory, and bro't into the neighborhood the school house and the church, was a far greater benefactor iban,one who scattered armies with the sword. Mr J. said that there was soother question In which he wu in the habit of giving his opinion He alluded to the attempted extension of Slavery over the territory, acquired from Mexico. On this, also, he thought there should be but one opinion in this State. She had taken ground against Slavery its 1780—and gave her voice then, Or its extinc tion throughout the Union. Had concurred in the ordinance of 1787, declaring that every foot of ter. Story covered by its provisions should be finever five, and before the Constitution went into effect, every foot of territory coos free by its provisiou— It MU the true interpretation of .the compromises of the Constitution," that el territory held or to be acquired by the Nation should remain free; and he believed that every Slave State received into the Union since the adoption of the Constitution, had been admitted - in violation of the !mint of that in. Winne= Had its spirit been carried out Slavery would have been confined to those States where it existed when the Constitution was framed. Mr. I laid he had lately met with the resolutions of the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1817, egtEnst the ed mission of Missouri passed by a unnattintous vote. These resolutions contained the sentiments which should always prevail in this State. He regarded Slavery as a violation of the laws or God and the rights of man- a curse to every country where it existed. If Pennsylvania should utter the same voice now, which she once gave against the ex. tension of Slavery it would be arrested, forever. If her influence should be wasted, Or thrown to the opposite side, the iniquity would be perpetna, ted. Mr. J. believed these two questions of para. mount importance. If Casa should be elected free trade would prevail. lie believed Mr. Can lion arable man, who would redeem his pledge to carry out the principles of but party, and the Convention, which placed him m nomination had declared its approval of the acts of President Polk—sad espe cially of the Tariff of 46—because of the impulse which it had given to free trade. lie [Mr J.I could not my that the Baltimore Convention had made so unequivocal an avowal in relation to Slavery extension bat Mr. Cuss himself had distinctly said that the Wilmot Proviso would be death to the war with Mexico, death to the Administration, death to the party, and he [Mr J.l believed it would be death to their nominee—Mr Cass In the next place, said Mr. J, have the Whigs uominalod the proper maul General Taylor has performed every duty of his life faithfully and well. He comes before you boned by no platform but the Constitution—pledged to so policy bat that of obeying the will of the people. If their represen tatives pass laws embracing that will, he is pledg. cal to carry it oat. He would not venture to op. pose his will to that of the people. He believes that the majority should ruler and would faithfully discharge every duty. Mr. J. was about to close, when somebody ask , ed him how many hours should constitute a daft! work. Ten, stud Mr. I. Ile thought that number of hours sufficient, and had so voted in the Legisla. tore. He had also offered a movie°, that no Conn should sanction any contract which demanded more than tom hours of labor—but the amendment being rejected, he had subsequently offered the proviso now objected to, as the mean* of enabling children over fourteen, who have the; privilege of Ong their guardians, an opportunity to obtain employment under special contracts, to labor twelve hours, JO= desired to do ma He belie. wee uproper to prevent the einps.,,, t 4 tr i children, because they should have opportunity for acquiring an edacanon, and ea the law now sand., no child order iturteen could be employed mote than ten hours. If elected, he would carry out the popular will on the subject, u expressed by the representatives. Mr. J. A. Wills was nem called on. He uid be was a Free Soil man, and could not support the Prexidential candidate of the Whig party, bet le. cognising in Governor Johnston a sincere and ar dent advocate of Free Soil, and in the resolutions of the Whig Stale COnYeation au unequivocal approval of the acme views, in an adoption of the resolution pn that subject passed by the Buffalo Convention, he (Mx. W.) would give to Mr. John, sum a hearty support, nod urged all Free Soil men to do likewise. The Glee Qabs next sang two stirring songs, and the Bon. A. Stewart was next called on. Mr. Stewart said the time fin... Lion had arrived, and he would only urge the Whigs to turn out and elect Gov. Johnston by an overwhelming majority. If they did their duty on Tuesday next they might stay at home in November—General Taylor would take cure of bizase/f. He bad never yet been de. (hated, and never would be. His victory over Cau would be the greatest he had yet achieved. (Mr. S. being very hoarse, spoke but a few mm Mon) T. J. Bighom, Eal., was next called on. He al luded to the Imenern of the hour, told a good anec dote of Gen. Taylor's benevolence, and the grati tude of the benefiriary, and concluded by repeat ing the appeal to the Whip to tarn out on the Len coed Tuesday of October. The meeting then adjourned. St/maga Acearta atul Dreadful Lass of Late—Ca n. 6nm:ion vitae Bunang of the Stalatioot Odidi on Lake Huron. Bornic,, Sept. 30,1418. The supposed loss of the steam propeller Galati on Lake - lagoon, hence from the upper lakes is believed here to be billy comfinned. Remnants of • wreck, having semblance to the Oafish, have been discovered on the Canadian shore of Lake Huron, and the belief universally prevails that the telLiel took fire, and, there being a huge quantity afganp:iwder on board, the destruction of the vessel mast have been completed by the explosion of the powder. The charred wreck of a large propell l er wee dri. yen ashore at Pine Point, above Goodrich, Canada West, on Wednesday last, Sept. 27. Ayawl boat also came on shore, but it was not at all burned, while many of the wooden hoops by which the mils are run up and down, appeared to have been cut with an axe. Three bundled barrels of flour, with an immense quantity of candles in boxes, and boxes of thishss; kegs of blasting powder, packed in oats; together with many other articles of met ctuutdixe, all bearing the evidences of having been shipped on board the ()cloth, were alsO picked up along the shore. Many of the packages were di. reeled to the Pant Bt. Marie, and the Medea Min. mg Com pany. The timbers of the wreck that came 'ashore, had the appearance of having been torn asunder. As yet no human bodies have been fined, and it L supposed that all on board perished. Slavery Extension The Washington Union, is, of all the pospers in the United states, the most devoted advocate of Slavery Extension and Is the known and accredi. fed organ of th e s lavery party. Ita opinion, then, of the mama of the candidates of the two great pasties or that question, is deserving of attention. Fleas what it sap : Cam m Fan& or SLIMY Erszpurum "At all events we am happy to understand by private letters that Gem:Cass firmly stands on the ground which he was taken. Being applied to fint• wally by a man of the Wilmot stamp, he declared hudwaitatingly that he adhered to his . Nichnhem aver and to the Baltimore Phtiform, and that 'falai. ted President As would tete' the Wilmot Proviso." -(Wash. Union, Aug. I L IB4B. TAYLOR OPPOUD 10 tILAVIZT EXT/1211301.4 'Them out be no doubt about Gen. Taylor being opposed to the ancesion of Slavery. His letter to Gen. Gaines and the Cincinnati Signal are proof of this tact. That As livea in a Siam !fiats is no awn. meat:halo wide, its/eve...ion. Thousands ofthe citizens orate South believe Slavery to be wrong. in every septet le Which tie= be viewed."—{ Wash. Union, Aug. 6,1648. hinsurria To Boas—The Washington correspon deet of the New York Herald writes as lidlows eft is sakl that the Hoe. Edmund Burke, Commis aloha at Patents, will receive the Minis= to Rowe. vacant by the death of Dr. Mania. Mr. Burke is,. unplestionably, a man of talent, and, pinks aside, aZentlable gentleman. He is, however, a time den, and harm coneconen* made It peat many enemies. Mr. B. B. Franck President of the Washington Telegra l t C l. ozi l w, and kirmerty, clot to the House of batik succeed Mr. Burke the Patent office. p Ti tait*he them the runt sewint is so near, no change be ktade in the Patent mace until After the MAT report is pawn:ed. We lean that Hume ill no teoll in the report that Mr. Burke had applied Ihr the eoMmetrnp of &iton. ueYttimonraaam^!7.l Vuolt'Orir t ,W*oale. I,Nms Yost, Sept. 3Lt s . 4 . The arrival of the stiaina -brings no enfant** stone to the speculators ht tie Government Loan, Whose agent is now in London attempting to make a sale of a part, to save then: - 'fiOin ruin. Same letters have been received in relation to the 01 , 6 jed, and all that can be said ii, that inagotkareale lira pending. The loan of 600,000, Wrote, holds iog Treasury Notes, has been made, and the money paid out, without of yet producing the effect deer ed. Stocks remain heavy, at • fall of t from the highest point--closing at Hal, cash, for Treasnry Notes. Fancy Stocks have fallen, and the market shows no limas of permanent toilet The right of Mr. Walker to make a loan upon Treasury Notes, is fiercely debated in Well Street without any conclusion being arrived at, excepl that his power enables him to putting a forced construction upor the right to buy up stock, with s ceipts from the public lands, and to reissue them. Now the law reissue the notes for which the L . pledged alter the close of the Mesh being a war loan. Clearly, theu no right to reissue the $800,0041 days, for the war has ended, ant' expired. He can cancel, but at. fiectjthe Secretary has coral/red by — hi• acts ituth , the oper ation of the specie system to ruinous to the business of the country, and that an arbitrary exercise of power must be made to restore the metallic basis of the currency to its proper elan. nets. The Secretary has become the great money changer, and rules the currency as he pleases— performing acts more daring and dangerous than were ever attributed to the National Banks, intheir full power. It is expedient, and that with the pre. sent administration makes it right to be done, tho' illegal and dangerous in precedeet. The Episcopal Convention has artionrnedlsfier a quiet cession, wisely allowing all questions not of vital importance to remain untouched. The sub. oat of admitting colored clergymen to full privi. leges was not debated, and the question is prOper ly postponed. The salary of 52,500 has been con. tinned ID Bishop Onderdonir, and the matter put to rest, until time shall do away with all the WA feelings the unfortunate subject calls up. Jerome, who has acquired so much fame by. his gallant rescue of so many human beings Site the wreck of the Ocean Monarch, received lastitiffbt the highest honors his native city could bestow.— The elegant gold box voted to him by the T Lion, was pripented In the presence of the no. thorities, and the largest audience a roof coul cov er. Coon the stand with him were women and children, who were saved; and when the services were ended, a general rush was made by the au dience to grasp by the hand one who bad rushed between those whose lives were equally is dui ger from two elements, equally frightful. A new telegraph, by Bain, has been pot is ope. ration, that works well but slow. Instead of a lec ver disconnecting the circuit of electricity, as in the old machines, a hair pencil is used to write with, and a large verbatim fan simile made. By means of a curiously contrived apparatus, a bead of paper passes over a roller covered anti ink, and tha we.- song appears in black, a contrary way of expressing the truth, but quite correct. A portrait can be drawn as well as not, and the machine is rather upon the degoerreotype system, though slow in its operation, and useless, except as a cur osity of tit Macready, the great tragedian in all respects, opens on Wednesday, at Niblo's, in Mathetb—em daring to appear at the other houses, where he was supposed to have been engaged. Theatrical amateurs, and the idlers generally, are in a deal of trouble, and the result is likely to be a row like the one that drove the Woods from the stage,in Tetra long gone. Theatricals see in full blast here, and seven houses nightly crowded to overflowing, to say cothiag of the crowds who go to see dioramas, panoramas, and minima; who have no merit, except address in galling the good public out of their money. Saturday night.—The effect of the steamer's neva is won told. Cotton will open at a decline. Flour remains unchanged—good Statc brands, S 5 56a55 75. Grain is up—best Wheat held at 129 GJI32e. Corn, SO eta, and 70 for high mixed and 71 for Penn s ylvania round. No change is Provi sions, but very firm. Mr. Corcoran, it is said, has s propoaltan—from Baring, Bros. & Ga.—to loan him 0.500,000 on Go. vernment Stock, at 7 per cent-, with the privilege of buying the stock, at a specificprice, w ithin a given time. The hula &aim:nation hang& by the steamer, in relation to this affair, is kept very close, but the above report is believed to be the true one. The Steamer United States mill sail from South• ampton on the 10th of 0.44., Th e true cause of her potting back was, that the main•godymons, on which the aide beams work, became loose from defects In the cast iron through which they pals, and Li:tensed the framing. ' C. Paccam or tun Cnciums.—The cholera in the North of Europe in committing feartal monger.— Tbe eases are more and more numerous every day, and great frail are felt of its cramp* the QM. tinent yarrow's From the last accounts gather to Synp-u.e etsolcra on the 21at wag rathlg fearfully. Since its rust apperannee, the 12x11 leir there bad been 19,473 death*. In Vienna, only about 2or 3 eases:per day. In Moscow, 25 to 40—two thirds fatal. In Pawn nut brake out; and at St. Petersburg, on the 31st Au gust, then were 380. In the course of the day 22 recovered and 30 died. September lot there were only 315 cases tinder treatment There had been 204 victims in Stettin on the first twenty days after it appeared ; and in Riga, op to the 18th Au gust, there bad been 5,220 cams-1,054 fatal ; 3,480 recovered , 552 still under treatment For days there were in Warsaw, Poland 215 cases, 52 deaths, arid 59 recoveries. Advice. Mtn, 20 of Angtmt, slow that the ChoL era appeared m one of the Greek Islands, a few days before. The typhus fever was the same time prevailing to a very greatextent The Government had taken all possible_ precautions ; but the result was awaited with gent Oar. About 50 new cases daily at Magdeburg, Ger. many—very Gm recoveries. It appeared in Ham, berg on the Gth, and in the nest three days there were IS cases, all fatal. At Stettin and Vienna, it was also makeing (ireful progress. It has also broken out with some violence atSibe. Us, where it did not penetrate in fanner years. Tux Burrow Hum' will probably prove ■ ca. are, Col R. L Kinney, whose name hu been identified with the expedition in a letter dated Col ima Christi, denounces it. He says: The republican manner in which Herera ia ad. ministering the Government bears such a favorable contrast to the anarchy which reigned during the terms of Santa Anna and Paredes, that the pimple ate much better contented; sod if so change extra Owe, and the tneaveres which Hemra has under. taken be carried out, their social system will en approximate to our own, that the people may not find it necessary to seeks change. Under these circumstances, how impolitic, how injurious, how dilemmas might it prove were their neighbors to interfere, and by some overt set In• voice them in en Issue with their government, which they may not desire and which they may not be prepared for. The following note, published In the Corpus Christi Star, from Capt. Besancon, • leader of the "Buffalo Hunt," shows the hopeless character of the undertaking, at which we most heartily rejoice • Comma Cmurn, Seg. 11,1848. Dew Sir—l regret exceedingly having brought down men for the purpose of engaging in what is and tuts been called the Sierra Madre expedition. Had I been swan of your own opinion., and not relied upon Madam Rumor, I should have been saved the expense of.uhainence and transportation of a large body of men. However, I have no just cause of complaint against you. From the convereation I had vitt, ' you upon my arrival here, I became satisfied tlu t l your name had been need by ethers to an extent not authorized by yourself Notwitbitending this slight misundennanding, I trust that we part friends. Your+, truly, L. A. BESANCON. Col. A. L. EMIL 1070011077' 07 • New Sarzsurs—We were mesentat the Cambridge Observatory on the even. ing of the 23d, at the discovery of another satellite to the planet Saturn, malting the eighth. Wet. CL•scn Bolos the eminent astronomer or CAM% bridge University, and his son and assistant, Games Bow, were the fortunate disorrerers— Bottle( these gentlemen are devoted to their labors, and have already conferred lasting honor upon the sublime science which they nightly explore. The two last satellites to Saturn were discovered by Herticheß, and the discovery wan hailed by the artrenomers u the appearance of a new continent would be by men in pursuit ode new world. Cambridge has no greater attraction than ha Ob servatory. The telescope there is very much the largest in the country, and the one iu anasta—the largest in Europe-4s only like to it in size, and Info rior to it in power. Both were munGletured at Munich, and are among the wonder. of Europe and America. The telescope, Observatory, and grounds at Cambridge, costing some 3611,000, were the fruits of Boston connificemac and amongthe liberal done. tions since, has been one of $lOO,OOO for discoveries In the Heavens—N. Y. Express. A Neither!' and • Swathe= Casa Maxi In Oenierestoo. Oa board the steamer America, iellteragy, from ßuffalo, an enthoslastio Lowe:rim of our city ifs de claring his "views" to a hoover passearposotard the basis of hie predilection for Gen. Cass was, that the General Was opposed to the extension of We" very , a d la flow of the Wilmot Proviso. One of his Imams, who happened to he a palm= from LOtliztaria, replied, We are both MIS Men, dr, but I see you are advoesting big eleraion =wrong monde, It cannot be UM Gen. Oaitils to AMOY of the Wilmot:Pawl= We Nichol ion letter for. bids noch.s.ametuaton. In my t 3,41 , 0, air, we ground ram hostility to Gatmlnl.Zrataa on the fact thal,:by the tends of his first letter to OapftinLLa ._ ma, be stands pledged to approve a NH the principles of the Wilmot Proviso to ttte"frg tortes °Mem Mexico and Calilinida.” The dtionadon then 'topped t--Cfepefiand Mr. roaclice ermazion nascr bitima*oll. Mammy, Oar. 2 181& • Pursuant to adjournment of the 25th tilt, the Se lect Council met—present—M Aiken, Black, Ceeket RilL.rtnetlil, Laughlin, ens LEP", Murray, 1111, Mcßuraine, Simpson. Totten, and Mr. Shipton President. The Am banners' in order was the continuance of the Report of the Street Committal. The Prea. ident read the Report of that Committee; also the Report of the viewers of the damages sustained by the grading of 24 street. Report accepted. Also a resolution authorizing the Mayor to draw his warrant on the Treasuret for $750 in fall for damages sustained by Mrs. Laniard by the grading aid street, which was read; when Mr Murray moved to refer the resolution back to the Common with instructions to report the amount of damages sustained by Matthew Riley, to be asses sod in the same manner as the assessment of Mrs. Leonard. Mr. Shioon moved to amend by ad ding the name of Mrs English and John Koppita. Amendments lost. The resolution es reported by the Committee was then taken up and lost. Mr. Simpson submitted the report of the Coro. on claims and accounts. Accepted. Also a reso lution authorizing the Mayor to draw his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of R.. a McGowan, for $lBl, C. McGowan for 554, James Torbet for 58, and M. H. McCullough for 52,85. Read three times and adopted. M. Murray reported that the Com. on City pro. petty bad efteMed a sale of the Old Water Works lot& Accepted. He also reported ao Ordinance entitled An Orli. ounce authorising the Mayor to convey unto Jo seph Tomlinson and Alexander :Miller the two several deeds of the lots commonly known as the old Water Works lots. .Rend three times and passed. Also a Resolution in favor of John D. Davis for 830, and G. W. Smith & Co. for 812. Read three times and adopted. Mr Hill presented sundry bills for Printing which were referred to the Cum. on City printing. Mr McGil' presented the report of the Com. on Allegheny Wharf. Accepted. Also a resolution adding 5500 to App. for Ale. gbeny Wharf Read three times and adopted. Mr Laughlin from the Sanitary Corn. to whom was referred the petition of Dr Filmes:Lock, report. ed adverse to the prayer of petitioner report am. cepted. The resolution for a sewer on Penna. Avenue which was laid over at the last meeting was taken up and last on the third reading. The respiration tor paving Grant street which was read twice on the 28th of Sept. was taken and read a third time and adopted. An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, author-h. hog the issue of city scrip, which was lying over on the second reading, was taken up and referred to the Com. on streets and Water reference concur. red in by C. C. Mr. Mcilwain offered • Resolution authorising the Street Com_ to suspend all action had on the grade of Liberty at, previous to this date, until the question of the grade in said street is fully settled by councils. Council anted o sundry petitions, resoluuons and ordinances from C C, and concurred in their action. On motion of Mr. MOlonia, council adjourned until to-morrow evening, for the purpose of taking up the reports of the corn. on the grade of Liberty street. &rases Corrsr, °cipher, 9,;181.i. Evans vs Evens—Judgment of the District Court of Allegheny County el:finned. Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson. Biddle ea Iklartio--.Todgment of the Distnet Cows of Allegheny County affirmed. Opinion by Chief ustice Gib.oo. Myers vs Common wcalth--Sentence of the Oyer and Terminer of Vermin.° County reversed sad the Defendant to +rand committed to answer • new indictment. Op reen by Chu( Justice Gib e:dr. Reed vs Reed—Jadgment of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Erie County affirmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson. Date vs Meteslf—Jadgment of the District Court of Allegheny County reversed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Burnside. Torrence et al vs Commonwealth—Decree of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny County nwasding restitution, reversed; and the sentence that the Defendant nay the cost affirmed. Opin ion by Mr. Justice Burnside. Stafford vs Ames—Judgment of the Court o Common Pleas of Erie County affirmed. ()pinion by Mr. Justice Burnside. Lee vs Lee—lodgment of the Distnot Coon of /01-.o:may County affirmed. °mama by Mr. Jos. live Coulter. • Hays et al Heidelberg—Jrigmeet of the Dtstrirt Court atErmed. Opunoe by Mr. Justice Bell Deftest. vs Austin—Error to the Court of Corn. Man Pleas of :Mercer Couoty. 'Argue.' by Mr. Btephasort for riff. to Frror Mr. Htesdert for it in Error. Kenney et al vs Glade Run Chureb—Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Deaver County.— duped by Mr. Kennedy !or RR in Error. Dodds vs Dodd►—Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Butler County. Argued i t Mr. Timtdin for~P - I - S - . in Error Mr. DArodL e f ffo , i3e Court o! Cam r easof Soder County. Argued by Mr. Stephenson far PM: in Error Mr. Pearson far DfL in Error. Ocronca, 3d 1848. Sankey ve The County of Mercer —Ernn to the Coon of Common Pleas of Mercer County. !a ped by Mr. Stephenson the Plf. to Error Mr. Maxwell Go DR. in Error. Stavensoo n Marliews—Enror to the Court of Common Plena of Mercer County. Argued by Mr. Stewart for Fur in Error Mr. Pearson and Mr. Sullivan for Dft. in Error. Bank Coiled States vs Patterson—Appeal from the Common Pleas of Beaver Country. Argued by Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Sheer for PIS in Error Mr. Agnew for Dfl. in Error. A Foomin Marna, with several hula children. was standing on the wharf, on Monday, awaiting the conveyance of her baggage to a Kteallt• boat. Some good fellow had given several apples to the little boy of the flock, who divided them among his sisters, reserving one to himself The mother being busy with her baggage, did not oh. serve that the apples had been given to the boys and supposing that he bad taken them from her basket, ran towards him, and without asking a question, gave him a rap on the head, which sent him reeling and screaming with puns. A bystair der guessing the cause of her anger, inquired, and explained that the boy was innocent of taking the apples from bell basket, but she did not even make an spates, tole little sufferer. He looked as if sc • to customed su h rash displays of temper from his natural guardian, bat the sillysndrssionate moth• er will find before that boy grows pp to manhood, that she is bringing deep sorrow neon herself, while thus rashly abusing he: child, without even offering an apology for unjust Infliction of physical pain, and mortificatio n of feeling. A true, intelligent heart, will not hesitate to apologise for injury to the smallest child—and the parent who acts otherwise cannot hope for love and reverence from the ine tims of bar blind passion, and yet more unpardon able neglect to evince regret for unjust punishment Of CCIUMIL A grand war, or a melee of row. has, occurred In Birmingham within a day or two—originating in &Scotties between Mu. Barbara Miller and her husband Peter. The Independent Police of this city went over in (area yesterday, to capture a num. bet of Germans, male and female who have pars ucipated in the disturbances, Alderman Steel has a happy time of it in conducting the numerou■ suits between the parties belligerent. He n~gqya be begins to apprehend a confusion of the relatire po sition of plaintiff and defendant If the jail would hold all the panics it would save trouble to send them all there. THE TORCH LIGHT moos:mos Came off last evening, according to the publish. tad snangement, and was quite a grand ailhir. The streets and windowsof the houses were tilled with people—both ladies and gentleman an immense number of transparencies, with appropriate in. acriptions and devices, were carried in procession; salami tine bands, and a large number of glee clubs made the night vocal with music, while shouts upon shouts rent the air, by the marching throng, inuring altogether • scene of a very exhilarating character. But the time for processions and lame meetings is now past. Let every Whig go to work in his own Ward,and see that the voters ant out This is the way to carry the election. Tat subject of Dr Banning's lecture at 71 to morrow evening In Philo Hall, will be "the name. roan and avoidable physical causes of Incipithat weaknesses, and finally fatal affections of the lungs; and also, physical cause to be pursued by invalids, and parents and guardians, in order to avert and arrest the program of a tendenhy to consardptioa" We bed the pleasure of examining, yesterday, AU of the new Certificates ofigActuk issued by All& gbeny County for its subscription to the rennril. mania Bail Road. It is a very beautiful a s I w i t h coupons attached, and will afford a very pleamet and safe investment for any o our citizens who bails money to lend. 6.0.1111 erre Catme.—The (regiment changes l e the IlatlT at thu mama of the year, inirely bring slehg with there conghs and cable, which by timely anention an cagily eared by simple ternedies. 8131, LOUP IMPERIAL, COUGH SYRUP has been le use for the but l 9 yam, and has gained Mee reputation torlho sate of coughs (not reddlring active medical Mennen) than any other preparttimi ever offend to thevidatma of Allegheny county. ' The Imperial Cough Sygup !tarry pleasant to the tame, and, on thi s on count. le a peas favorite with children. The doses an can:fatty gamed, in the du r ectidns, to snit Thal GO tried and highly popular eon • maybe' the roach of all, h is sold al the low piing of Poems per bonle. Prepared and gold by R. E. BEI Pull 57 Wood et, urgli, th Mhos. Carry, Allegheny, and itmadruo irm i gen era* in bo MINEMBI palm firoy ; put Nasighli; rimpet ftwoc.. 10It AIM 11 "Mk up• :Jonalt end be em:4 a! Wes Mum: Have pro rlititum sr of then Id° ouly ea:lad means to:itain you , filo use Taped attperMandoitilleherilliMmediatelyamtnitiou the wHch meant, the diameter of the tidos, sod and baing•up tbeduzmumskicit by mos s up, slid thus removes every obstruction to I free mg& mum, while du the same unto all inflarturiation sob ,dued, and • mira is certain to to erected. Have you Broncithis, Spitting of Blood, Plcsuisy, or In tact any 12=obreetion, than. JIM. Jaynes MKPeCtOiSnl 6 certain, sad pm aria find that you have aced the proper means. , I For sr Pitudnirsh at do Pekin Tea Store, 79 I* meet near Wood. janl7 IPLawe's Walniftiniiirt".-44'Lanes Vennifuge has long been admitted to be the best medicine ever discovered for expelling worms from children. The following eetrtilleate speaks volumes in Ile favor . htameasa WHIR Co N. Y. j June 23d, 1817. S "I certify that I have used IliPletue , s Vermife, and found it all that it is recommended to be, and bait, sold it, and have in all eases found it to be an effectual cure. yra. Vanciana” For elate at the Drag more Of .I. KIDD le Oa 60 wood street. ocia Anniversary of the Teachers , Assents. • Lscreen ce rll2 Pectstse Prim or Enrcsvrox, IT Name aT Pe.sts —The public ere respectfully in vited to attend the Anniversary of Thu Association of Pittsburgh and vicinity (or pproating the interests of Ed.stion, at 7 o'clock this t y) .enlag, la the Chapel of the Undirersity. Oran as Exescaran—Lecture on the Prussian Itsr tern of Education by Professor Ovennon, a native of Prussia. Election of °Meets for the ensuing yen. .15 Drgemors Gasn Memnon Assommum—Tbe mem ben of the D. O. M. A. are requested to meet at Ms. Paulson's, 73 Wood street, ou Saturday, 7th inst., at 12 o'clock, ht. By order: oetSdSt DAVID CAMPBELL. Seel. W. M. Wright, W. EL, Dentist, 017= and residence WI Fourth strew, opposite the Pittsburgh Bank. Office holm from 9 o'clock to 19 A. hi, and fry= 9 o'clock to 6 P. M. Dr. 0. 0. Stearns, Dentist, OFFICE at Miss Natick% on Fensilt siren,, a few doors above Wood street, until the compieuon of the house nearly opposite. Teeth In blocks, with non. Rebid mum, after the manner now universally prefer red at the asun, manufactured to suit each panterdar ooze. Teeth, from a full set dawn to a single one, in. send on a mama plate, rhos avoiding inMry to the natural teeth.. Specimens of blocks of summit plate may be examined at the °Dee. --•-• • • - All operations incident to the profession performed with care and fsithtulnetta ang29.3m NICW INISTRUICEMT JOHN H. MELLOR, No 81 Wood street, is the sole agent for Carhart's Patent Melodeon, a new and beautiful instrument, exceedingly well adapted for small churches or family leonine. For the benefit of those residing eta distume, and connivently unable to inspect the Melodeon before purchasing, the &flowing dmeription is given: The eases are made ofnastwood, and are salliands. comely finished as a Piano Forte. The key-bdird is precisely the same 'e the piano or organ, .4 the tone, (which is very beamiltd,) cloiely resembles that of the flute stop of an organ. The Instrument can be items dialed, made portable without detaching eny part, the bellows receding Into the body of the i nstrument, and the legs folding under, leaving the whole in a corepaet form. Each instrument has a packing case, and the whole when peeled weighs only 45 pounds. The vol ume of tone is equal tathat of a =mil organ, and by means of the swell may be increased or diminished at pleasure; It is sufficiently loud for smell churches, and to well calculated fora patter instmmem. Just received, a supply—of the *Wye: price with case and Instruction 800k,550. AM Ordinance Changing thd Plant of holding Ekctiona in the ci i 4 3 4 htA I. 14r71 . ord.lned and enacted by the edbene of Pittsburgh in Seket and Common Conned. ...- .ambled, and it it hereby enacted by' the =Unity of the same, That from and after the poomge of ttd. Or. dance, the place for holding the election. In the Bth Ward be fixed et the Public, School loose, to sold Word. Ste n.-I.le it farther ordained, he, That so =eh of any exisung endinance as la hereby altered, be and the same Is hereby repeated. Ordained and enacted Into a law, thla Id day of Oc tuber, A. 1). INV. MOROAN ROBERTSON, Pres'i C. C. R. Bunn.., Clerk C. C. JOHN SHIPTON, Preet S. C _Jove Alcoa, Clerk H. C. 0e1541 SUNDRIES—HO bags prime Rio Germ IN half chew, Y H Tea; IS do G P do, 20 do Black do O bra ss, Ike and lb lump, Jas Kerr's, Tobacco; ee bags Pepper; 15 do Allspice; eu bbl. Tanners' On; be do large No 3 Mackerel; together with agen eral ...mown', of Pittsburgh nranufactured articles, in store and for sale by RODT DALZELL d Co, oetb Liberty et D - RkZB GOODS--Smith•Slohnson. 46 Market st, have received • choice stook of LitesaGooda, eon swung in pan of rich Charaelion Silks, black do, antln stnpod Ctuittneres and Orientals, plain Chameleon and plan Ajpaea, sada stir do, .dk Warp and real Al- Rata Lasses, hinted stain de Lim and Cashmeres, Franalt and &Wish attfamt real Scotch Giniluuna from CY ousts, to the finest qoalay; Callao from 4 au to UM rich I mb. hlsuilin Robes for evening dresses, ao, to which they would particularly lame the atton• uon ofpurchawirs. Ai AIRS. E. E. ROBINSON. ... i n No. 4, Sr. Chafe cram, WOlTLltinforttilmi customers and theNleti pubue into she hen lust retuned from the East with • splendid assortment of MILLINERY and FANCY 600D8, winch she has selected with great earn, and wlll sell at exceedingly low prices. N IL—Straw and Braid work done In the Dement • • best manner. CAIY 7 en nibs. attl AN TEII,II7 pubic • ootolen tom to moody for War without out written etptrity, toy' penal!, eltept Mr. Joh. Cole. Wm. IL Berl.. WANTFM..—An active steady Clerk compolutt to collect hills and make senlemants. None other wog apply. ANC &WAD= k Ca rum. RD:MYR!) AT W. WCLINTOCIOI3, 7 piece, Drsuit. very rich elk!. ...I VW PULerrN7 and my cheap, No 75 Foartb a SIGHT CHECKS ON NEW YORK for sal. orti N HOLM ES it SONS . DRAFTS ON PHILADELMLA, in sums to Fait, for ma. N HOLMES fr. SONS MIXCHANGE BANK STOCK for tido by AU . oer4 N HOL M lk SONS INCH SECOND HAND PIANOS, on hand and far r sale by JOHN H MELLOR, *al SI wood H T ARDOIL—For We by _LA oct4 ISAIAH DICKEY leo, Do 61 61 ALTPETRE—W socks, condo, for male by oca4 ISAIAH DICIARY & Co BACON—MI lb. Mumbler, and Bides, reed and for sale by Dal ROBT DALZELL & Co,Therty Is ellifiEßE-200 Ems Western Raservre, part eres=,& nby Gera BORT. DALTVT & o QOLF. LEATHER-14,000 Hemlock Tanned, in store 17 and for sale 1 mil ROST DALZELL &Co Q ALSRATIII3-14 ton., (onsets ml bxor, nee'd and 1..) for N o by «A HOB? DALZELL &Co vieDvat-4 mperior WWI) by JOHN D MORGAN POWD COLl.l6ll3o—t cue just ree'd and for axle try one ESE I vP 9, ST wood a DOW'S IPECAC-1 eye jusl reed sad for sale by I oes4 R E SELLERS H POW'D RHUB ARBoce4 —6 esabainsi toed cad bby ukly by R =LIMB B ACON -54 tierces Supkr eland Hants, Sib& plain do do; Bdo Moulders, bright and dry, just eual and for sale by oet3 BEIJAEBS NI ODA ASH—In casks So& Mh,oint reamed on S consignment and for sale 8 & W HARBAUGH ACKEREL-75 bbisPio 3 Mackarol,jostroceived jn. in .tore and for aide by • • • • • • - 8 4 V 7 lIARIM.UGH 40 LABB-20 Imo WO Gloss; 150 do Willi din do Ggrla do; 33 do 709 do; SO 4io 10:414 do lux lauding mod for do by oct3 Bb. W R ARBAUGH PSOAI SALTS-4 bbl, reed and N An D aalanj JOH AICIRCIALN 13 ED INK—Warranced French, and . anperior ant. lA. do, receleed and for sale by 4103 JOHN D MOHHAN U./WE INK—I bbl for sale by ocO JOHN D HORGAN eta,•l' 11 JOHN I BIoHoAN (`OPAL VARNISH-4 We New York goink dyeing 4.. J received and for sale by • - • - JOHN D MORGAN ARD 01L—A lot on b►dd bbls, will be sold tow to aloe corudiaatent by octi _ its LatritE2B VERKIFIJOE-300 gross an hand aao al (or .W. by o J KIDD & Co Ig/ ' , LANES LITER PlLLS—MOgroas on band and al far mkt by oetIIKIDD &Co _ - • - - DDIED APPLES —A Antall lot jou rec'd acid tot sale by =PM WICR t WCANDLESB INDIA RUBBER GOODS—Justreonaired, the ft, - ing minima Teeth E=r ing Rings, Hunts, Lea at een, Onn covers, .Par boLdera, Tobacco Wallets, Air and Solid hide Rabe/ Balls, all for saki at tha India Fbabber Depot, Nob Wood at. odd J & 11 PHILLIPS SADDLE BAGS-3nsz leed, I dozen India gabber Saddle Bap, as apezioe article, at the India Rub ber Depot, No 6Wda. • oetd te PHILLIPS 13AN.10.4 AND TANINOLUNNS.—A tine anon maul a( Was taro musical lastrtatenta., jau reed Wu day. Also, BauJo Beds, Dr. lials by mt./ I H blElAA3l4olvrao4 Ss A ASEI-46 caskont=ty, Jan reed and 0 for tale by N REPPERT sepYblw SPAN . :11 BROW —t-1 cub for sale by JO D &MOAN, Drugs* ENETIAN RED—C cubs forOr by cab JOHN D MORDAN _ LACKING—WO AAA.lAssoien 13'Acids's, Intod mad for b • Gott JOHN 13 AIOYOUN INOER—I bbl Gronnd Ginger, tor sale Dr octl 30111 , 1 DAMMAM mUSTARD HEM-4 bbl Mao Havant Geed, for solo by scO JOHN D AIORGAN 11801116 YELLOW-3 eases Chrome Yellow, for wide b oere JOHN D MORGAN I.IIIItOSIE ritiE.FN—L case superior Chrome Green, for sale b ot2 JOHN D AIORULN 1. 'etch sad ettreuiele ODUC • • • b trey • I :bun; bo bipL u d . bbl. Packed dop• 17 backs Ruler; b 3 di =lmmo °al, in min and for sale by' .1 •It B FLOYD, obul ! Round Chumb Etaildlng B 4ANKETB-1 eue cql mod on nonsiffnment and for Ado by oMO YD ARD-3 bbls and 3 kegs fresh Lard,' an store .• d for Ws by • eqd tit PLOYD . I IN9EIND' 01L-6 bbla 'tut rerid and Waite by ocri R ROBISON a Co _ kr 0. SW All-73 priose.N 0 Sum, Co saki .by o.l* • - HOBIWN &Co smjttxrus-sow tb*gaterOuV o llAr , r i a o kir isoN a co 10 IRON-ICO toaster sale bp a HOWSON le Co blOl prints N 0 Balm In earl Nact9 BAGALEY - 01 10 COFFEE-104 bu• OrmalgioCoffee,nar lA, ding from canal an‘ for wta by nod BAGALEY a am= =WM z rE~ ^, tom" +, ~ '~ ~'a'"A.-` i - r {e'as. --- i ~_~ ai J.A..Data4A, 711 "• 1 If NV Mthrlit aadeviteurealstamA il ' ite= a 2Z,VMAWig/ty_r" l " octSJOHN D Bad., Lau, and Cap Wn2"24. Po ' ixr, Zara Ba Gda Pau.! Clr at -Arystim...,, - - On WidniOday, Muni:l4 and Isiorday evening — i t Oetobto dth= t • ftb, I e'eloek, the Cramer eta! Bale . wawa • Of Wood end Mb nowt., , will be odd the tom owenalon of !nab). Books tow p °Owed In this 'COY. nod =I peas, bizak balks. Bard 'lb Bowloors precoo Tata des during the day as iris,' bfteleke. Thow . who wish to poothwierld plows call se as se mount mast be add thin line a days.nett JORXD MOOS, lota Fenny awl Stalk Dry Datala • On Thumdtl =truing, Oct o in o'clock, at the Otonnurtchti Osics ammotonter of Wood end FM meets, will be wild, without manna, melon! a wanctun, al, an Mcctorlo acmuno net of fanny , and snug° foreign and doinatio ray Goode Minabsin g of .great mainly of roper clOng, matittlams, asnineta, Rounick, team, dispels, blankets, woollsn comforts, twods'and boys' clothsps, Mk gloms, enewitqqadt Maarlsoilt hdkOi r rich style Frani LlYmtri alpaceas, mous de silks, black win must, dammk hmn table elo cheeks, bleached and brows muslism,an .„ %eautbrica, ea Gratiss, " quantity envwits; ghus atoplocerw. A Is t irtare mulary, boots and shoes, embmg, lame platform s t ale I iron safes, bra pima lam Va manufactared Tobacco. 1 gunny carnage with' falling top, 1 e double set bons mounted Mamas, I Franklin ato ' • • A general esSortment of arm and sec•lnel hand boom. hold prelude, =am which ale mahogany .Dias, bareans, book eases, Odd* dish* limisteado, lame ids acme French. plate minor,; feather bad*, madras..., work and mash mad', fire irons, cooking More., Moshe/3 manila, to. oct3 SHERIFF'S RALE. spa,Retail Surl of Dry Gmts, On Friday mornin, October Mk, WO detect, the Cattunental Sales Room, comer of Difp netts, will be sold withopt rehrre, fod an Fiftb or cu:y par f oniet of John 'The entire:mock of An extelmire mere, am priming rel mammas* of lea., eett maple for. r i an and Dry Goods, among winch axe about Wm*/ gamtrue b. eenn end bonnet rib. At 9 o'clock, P. , 7 half chests V H Tea, ca vandi tobacco, 2 bog' pepper,6 has bens, 3bags peaches, 1 bartal Loaf su gar. box Waren; clmdleeeickt,• large quantity of ardware, tarderT, to.,artach aucylateavtaanad Ino• vlouc to the cals. occil JOHN D DAVIS Atm AMUSEMENT& VEUBATZUO• C. B. POSTER Mateosa. THUBSIDAY EVENING,•O67. R pee to commence with the ! DUMB spur.. Vivian •• hit,Priar. Mut . To which will be added, Cot the thin! taw, thCrue ise enc wartalComedy called DOURLY* BON. - Ic which the whole Company will appear. , Mesta W. Bailors' Hornpipe The whole 10 conclude with a Farce created ood DAMON AND ETTIDAtk r , Mr: Date. Mts. Medium, la.'" 3 .a;;; VAN AZEDUBOII 6410.14" BEIDNAGIEMEIS. L be exhibited and PITYSIONNiti, art Penn el, IiV IL O2 MONDAY. and TUESDAY. the eth sad WO dirgolOotober, ISIS, Er TWO DAYS ONLY, °X Knuasso*---Enite li to 4 o'clock, P. N., end d. 4 to oin the evening. Adualsalou XS cants. Chil dren undue years of age, _hair price. The Procession of Carriages, Az., will enter the above town Dom Butler, as 1.4 o'clock on the ;Wye m° preceded by the colonel Rama, ore Gannon there Cesautea, Painted sad gilded in the moingorgeon style, comic, log Rim's famous New York Bram Band. The Carriages and Cages are all new t ibtdit r lz the best mechattize la New York,) highly lituad, and decorate* are drawn by a troupe pi idd drpple P y IlE Hones, the finest stud ant **wed together- CAVALCADE will pass ahromh the principal streets of the towniadvartised Gus lilon , l to the spacious Pavilion, armed for the exhikiticat of this collectloirof eatable where the Ile may have as VAofr=ltyofbeholtiag she muses S CALIKIDN sad MR. B KS, who togeth er, will give an interdleing illasumion of the tsceudsa cyD of intellect over the wildlettants et the latest or See large Wile at theprineipel hotels. The mine will be exhibited u New Cantle the 6th; Centreville the 6th and Butler the 7th Oct seritt Lndirows , 'tag'. Woos. Wood Stroll. the cordial gramma of over one thousand 1, friens, sod the ustexampla plumage bestowed upon m mace we re-assumed dm cootie& of thin estab lishment, we her leave to infona our friends and pa trons theta° exertion will be spared to promoted:a cow km, *seam and hilarity of oar viruses, and to mate the L. Old Eagle" staudfotemom, sad lead offallabuilm emabllshatests hi lb. inst. leo msam, (unrivalled) perobee, oysters la seaaos with all other dehesoles will be food at this establishosett . A . mid served up Li r a manner wtihout PrWed.Mi. Iht• Melted as usual. r.. .. ANDHEW& SPLUNDID STOCK. CIP.•IPALEs GOODS, 11171ablesaile ' and EUnall. A. A. MASON A CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., ..AVE rewired morn Mamma Mutual t"ftscs and Package. of Foreign gad Domenic goats, ma im of the most extensive aseanntents. in the coon cry, embracing the latest, rieheu and most fashionable mylm MlPorted and Americansds, ppoarehased in entire packages from tbeiraponea maaabemrars and 1 • /urcin d,b aim of ilenroa retidinsisibbnir . be offieret ukase as et any astablialunmit tbe United States, end lourr dun could posaibly-be ors, h esi 3 sy Roue to the Weis. We crime:vim the amides-. foi- D 61188-6 ease rich =mg buss& Orode Adria, Oro de Barrio, Oro de Oro de Algiers, Glacier, blank Oro de Rhlno, Tanta& lims Satin; Morenee of allsoloni, Sr. Se. Al so, Silk Velvet Mall einem& livery large gook 33 CASES DREES GOODS, Tic cues aura geh satin striped Outitaens dodo do rimed dodo; do man ftpued kept& de Luso; do Clorgnee Chientahli4r, Also, 00 Mel" AlAteetsi_ 20 ca s e striped and plain Lyoriesg 0-4 Tartan Plaid and Silk Tan_l 04 eashumus and Gremlin& Plaidg-, • FMK , CH MERINOS-A fall sMenecre7l oeblack, la and odi- Eitirta.AlVlS-Compriting thelisma extensive an. unman area eared in this eitTigebraniegise l ll square Cashmere end Tanen pia! Shawls,' nand Branswieli Roluddeeny'LlsoLluscoudne, and oth- - '- er Shawls. • EBIDROMERIEI3, LACE GINSW4OVES, Late ups, collai ears, guiding ; • chemiuna. Also, linen easebno and lawn Fink Lama gad Edg- IniMitibboes, lkwiery of ell Mos* Gkereedo. FTUNOM, CORDS, BRAIDS, in.-A full moment 'of the most SahkinelslnsOles,___ LINEN AND ROUSE PEEPING 000DS-Dase - of ki.h Linea r best ounufagora, Lieu Sheetinga and = mg LUess, ,Ikapar Sane Table cloth and Nepklnit, lleskaback. Rus e* cod Bud% Eye Diver.. plane!.-over ROO pa of every, variety. Bleached and Brows ktesline-mole than appo p• ufall the well bemire make.; RIBBONS-Mote then 100 monis mairgy new all and winter Ribbons, very duds° Myles.. vFrench CVegil otbs,np Cas Snag&tloseuem v sod oesldW, hi great ar±gy; , ormaM Mkt& rFyga ( te ry Gouda 0 1 every logethn with er a Reno% smugly an Invoice Giund drupode store. The following is ofll7 eases goods loot received, with the prices annexe& 10 bales of rod and whin:Flannels, tillvreckfor Ire ' 7 eines blade:id Mingo Adam,— • 10 -do Galiceesoll,Tards for • 100 • 19: do - Km ealareArtints,. • I 17 do Bleachad_Mnsline, 4 do Mouide'Lalee, r do reel Scotch Gingham, 12 Also, 00 bol e . 4 -4 4 Brown Maga& 4 All of which, in cognation wiW those above Men, dewed, ba offered at pieta that can be afford ed by arty ether eigilithdiasent Able city. The GINE PRICE SYSTEBT,witieb Insures Banco and ftelmeas to all, will be anietlf'dbserved. -My article parehatv ed et this establiguagat Mond lo lls above the general marker price, is =mount redrietbni will most willing': ly be made, upon ibid.:ea:W=6p being made known to the Proprietors; e n ding theta desire thai all gouda stall b• said.= Gar mmarable terms.. All persons are reirpestbally twisted to exabilna - one usameem without Smiling the lout obligation to gushes& t.. A. NARDI, beretofott so favorabiy =owe • for,the-qaabty and chearxmashf del , goods, begs heave to katrib kik Mends sod the Plddle madly that he has jet rammed from New York: and hams parekuml foe eashi ha is easibled to nem cheaper tad= snore inewhamodamtg terms than any ether lumse in this city. • Fez Cuss—Ha prepares, Ids Ws himself, therefore gentlemen may restrusered that he e= famish Cm= with tbo best quilt - ref Theca= of the emu fashiona ble panatela, at pricy ma= below the anal mums. Cu= =a Irmo timers -}le hatlnAld several ohne= of the best oddity FrenehiCloth, ealect ed expressly for Ladies eloalnii. (color warrant= aet, to elmairea of which= will dispose at famed rises, Clarinassat Clus-.Nopales =LI be owed to At rya. dreg with Far, cloth, Whetand Pt h Clops, •of =II. color andpailem Should enfold fIA teramed dux money will be refaaded, Lauxat It C 4.1.14 of any pate= made to order, and ea met terms as emu= bat alto satisfaction: . • .is NAM!, ?darkens; . berm= fleemad And Tbhd ets I KIDD & Co BRINOVA.R. ti R. RATON Co. kaviaterowrodinna Yorker twoilwent* aids row flearAtiod2Pounh bo• o Wood sad Market, m paw +bon stock or Trimmings awl Variety smog wkirl am-Cloak and Woo Friaro o. dl Ithutr, Sob . raider,'Roor and Velvety. Enonoidery and seal Wotir, - ZePbST o Prwil worsted Steel and Pontos, Steelltinonlzer, Who oodlsoklrestAind Roden; CbildreoP CottA Goltonv t bUttr,Gbpres and Ploanr tUondfirts' Primers, Drawing Gowns, Wool 'owl ditto Tat* • • ' ' • ChikhonorDrosArAonatAst pimms which they of. fer et lowriees bath whotoso4 =lretail. oott P. . : ;, W. P. IdAzaw.i. niardwirilluskta than vearl r 00AN,IVILSON & CO, importers and Whalesali AA Aziatril kl Hardwrim, Cutlery and Seridirrlr No 1119 Weed 'Meet, Move Fifth, Phylum. in munr , p cheap and wail Wetted swelt-oi Hardware, im ' sines the decline of plate and win OG7 ansdalattlinedtern cerierpendiagi la*. Manhunt Asitehave been IA the habit of gulag are partic larly =gnarled to call •and lock hreagh our stock as wa nosildently. twitters they o n save then a:peaces, oet4 - . : , , - • prierilklbwHotuo turd Lot tar ACL , La.auE , Lataradiasa um, story brick Dwelling House, comaining eland mess, oa camera Trird sweet sod Chewy alloy with the Lot an whisk itsuurds r lsoliared for on meow odeling mama • • Thodowee broi been balk store the great Bre, .4011 the tide Lynda:. The elm, roared once, and eieelleat workmanship of the hoomornd dar pleummasa of the 1..80n, renders h one of the moo desirable madmen In Prrisbamh Fad okra of GM_ lon . P . 4th eILL&IO : G RE, . cIaLCIZIND P ASIP:ft P 6 S T COGOINS s Cs, 1 I blladelpbie coutinall tostesfactere CaleltW Mem, Write whitest and knew queday vitas rat; be Rt.:diked, at the low rate of c=barrel, Hee" yes. ala la excellent, X r irtereetype Plaster al 43,0 q sad Sand Platter at BO eaatiperiPPOL Direst ardente theitreprletere -ftiladappis, to lobe cantpungh, ite# ogrp N Ner.Prkatts. asEati AND.saimumuls—us bss prim qtadi. V Ctieur: ei 14 C % 3 StignlPlAlng frean Gee ' 110:0.1111t stern n: YE AND scrin Mmerparr—seffroa biuid and for sab oat. J WaDD 4. Co 001.--Y is Woel,,Jy#s: flied and In Isla by WICK lb kIVANDLESS MEE NPatilStki 11 STEAMBOATS. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY WM OF CANAL AND STEAM PAClrcge, DeDllaltt A. sat as. m010 .1 . 11; 0 , Smetana Bea real,) at 3We ,and Nair Lisboa at MN Via ' beassalisarLtabotastAataktoke,R - ALettaaklag the W,p canal to the titer during the IV std al Data:WV& arai Watts • tab,_ara t M.—thaa 11'4m:dogma MA for imagers sad Wawa= Alita..-Lishaa Muth, in. Aorta, dos and al lemmata tlr b 7 aag Mho marina,* of Ws Lao lava the pitiable of Igi rming the patio that they km Sawing DroAris else Canalßoayfor Ike atootrisoodattoa , aPpeassogars oat height, to costamesiea well tom summate CALEB COPEc. la BEAVER,,allivammx* log, so' Glasgow_ the Pittakstrgb LA Cita:do lma mad othrz daily Doer of swims dengii , the QM° w.l Waken,* titem.,The PtoPrielaraPlDADD amia. WAre,_, ax/rAte or mak low. cos • f , , , ft.k e ent a l •tesAisPalear mad ask of the go a share yee MHORTTED AGENTS. Ca AL HARTI.IN, . , , S. aw. mutational, 113 " btit t h * sintaf mum/Kean a. ca. NOTIM—The iteimeillEll,9la Vallszlm, ems. ter , w ill les., • this notice,b4 WeJUN/41 late. orrranunonab nnowarettam FBBEUABY try 181e7 .1,11.4 0 ,,„ 184 LEAVE DAILY ATEI A IL, AND 4P. XL The tellowing new Nate ecaptew tee Bete ner the . pout= eadow AT LANTIC, Cepa Jades TIC, CagLl /Leo* Ps= Iti'LMIE, Capt. B. Bennett. The boats we entbeig new, and are fined ay *thud Taped In mom Ev ery added thatdoney tango:owe+ luut been meet aid. The Beats will leave the Monongahela BMW Bed at the foot et Ross it. Paareageta Win be ledelael board, as the boats will 'eenainly leaVe at the adver• timed boars, al BL and 4 P.' lanll yrrnsavimui win 1.1 ••• The •Wilt deader Disney P L o ony, master, will leave 17 for Wling, on -Monday, Wedneeley_ and Prater, at to weleen =wispy, Leave Weeding Mil Teesday, Thorley and Be ,„,,,tag, at 7 otloot, a nypreeisely. The Consul eV land at all the intennediate Every deomodation that can be brevetted for trecrw• int End eatery of pueuele has been provided. Me boasts shoe enovietith aselfooding eatety to =ltexplosion.. For beight or on r to DAVID ge,4 • • noted of Istataillaithleld ate • - •nu ctricnetrat ._ - mairai. Theirplendlipt &auht. imam. t 4 , 110yd,-onstaaill hurni.lbr lawn" intannothawparisocila oat! at 10 dalook. For freight or passarappl,.sp,A °e .. - •• FOIL EIT.• , • „ • rite ittiondid istetmer ! JICRITTENriEIk i, • hree fi l=rill karate: Puts *is above _-.ate, apply on baud. oats M=M REGULAR totramas Mat, Tim apleadd new , steamer , VIUMONT,, , nalLs Hulett, rolaterowfUlilio; 6ior the re and tatermeatiu* Pail* AD•daY• M==l FOB Fft LOW. -- The We aldPAautratetsuprer• gamma, me te r, will eirre , tor the re and ieimeMaurportiroa Wed nee, e llth inm, er 10 delf tappl .A. M. s ' • For freight ar paeans, y on baud ' teed ______ REGULAR CINCITINATI•PLORETS The line steamer • HIGHLAND Pt/Alessi, Inaster,.will l ERi mre fos the aad parta tido day. ' c, apply on Wart . „KV= =MC ' The splendid steamer .': FRwe: , lads, =user, will Wren for the bore and wham:Waft p0u,1111142 , at 10 oknock AM. FOR CINCINNATI ANL or, Lout& , The eleortritaliner„ . lIITipI3OI.II, .„..'", master, aria kens fra t e above immediate pmts thia,day. atria ----."LC POIt R4fhi 'CI:N " CINNATI " t AMi2r ' l2 l sll. • ' The aplendldnew Crrantelf VISITOR, . . heells, manta ' r, will leave hte above and brterautdiat' e portk!bls day, an 10 oarlock A. ItL • .. '• I For Want or panne, apply o n board, , kaSeptli DR.. DADNIII . .t Ch.P NEW TORN. mar: 6a c fir. iLy foie few days, at the Iliebtal ia once us the appileasim *flit: "Daly. Swthe »- lief of Chronic Wealmesa in gell.ll, Di mad ate *takers. Palma:de Dyipepticm. week /and td la dies and children, and Mawr with weak tad one t hip and shoulder And cam tr= will e applliation of. this perfeco7. - MaT lapfdie. gnu whieltia a =DUMAS Dr the eoract,, and KM NA- Tao ate, suggests) by IldpilOttlElg the WIWI 9(k . as4 . lllftin not corayrazdmithe ante* an:pawn:l Mohnen thromilli n of the /marital myna and toneednua era** by beaming the body; onlni ;nisi and not by restrain ing the annio . ns of the thoniders. Ladles will be lad by Dm Canwrhat, No. 133. Wood gram; et welted a • • • at Mel: &Map, . Mee Assersindaf, Aphelia.. e.. , .. 1 ,000,,, .4" . .. ee e.. 11 ikod at t• . -•- • we, the ,„,,, r4n , d, • h rrmarass;&934imi, "Akorthers Patens Liam" ejli rettef of casesa 'l! .tr;;NThighahag...nt s .ae....; • can noutied la the easa whinAtikti. Aus`tatisdred fra to external support _ • A. N. arnqWErs,,. . m. IL • .19-dif T. P. D • . AL D., r BOIECCED Fri C rec il erved a sappy of t ma azt "" "" Tbeir " rropencnity earnests in the Ammeter, saddropers paw ern haprovermat which &Yea them the doneSser elk is t szUrsins the nib and pm.= the &Math* of the neco.pans of which lt Is cat:maned, by caaja &perfect parallelism between them. t e h. rmaina *much larger 4=44 of Won nth er gold pens. WEL h prevents ell dnmying or mei:ming. of the Ink. It thus obviates eel? ordeedon AIMS( ert v l 4 o2 l' Bl mraister ordinary fre ram •la &HUMS the worionanship is superior to that of tarparts erroo.. tle ge., ea. lam They min make as &a ells& mark as the alit MCI pea s ‘. the, heyeetit the "Wad ty order 01.1 - They given ulisfactioe slk orrery: bunnies m midelt they hare beeetried. ' • A. O. P r emiumne, medmm,antarain Pta , = Brown's Peak Stie:Rnelftesa dies Pen; The Richelieu Premium PO; fittsitinapenni - aware.' prices, by • JOHNSTON& ENlXilyptiri, Market a, ammo 3d OpLI . OPPOOLOT OP PEW. rsiumos. MINNS & CASAlNetir;Tfut; fern CIIICULBRIII . rt, Boston; ~:',,,, The sulacsiber Cm ti'.: (or se.. iej' TW ' bm"Y eatudas . bb"" l7 a llose ellwa kira4 eroint and hfahotal aoßdt . p. :"7" ifisamy of ofd, Cl end 7 oaten.% or various stylea end and embrace all the latest imeterunnents. „Timms ones &Clash% (Mr which celebtated dun UM usso ham an improved way of goinging ' _ try so caber; also,* soperlor pima oil OIL nimmo,. pmenung them Pianos frostavor* kinalindickert .1,4 3 after silo* meo. The i'hines orMittens's, eit Mbleittitamd et belted ar koi. WV prommul with the Omaha? Beale ded wets seemed Aorta= Midi cam by/. atiedering- t diabase. The above wa ll panthrely be odd at manefeettunce piece, and on eccommsodssind hume.-: Ib ood The subscriber i wll tonna; bil - ft Is .1 Yr Woothottri, tlioo 11 to to 12 A. and from lrio BP. hi. 818.Airoodwallvill snood to O boatmen doxboy the balance of unus. EL IfLESEIV mid, at J.W Wm:dynes, drfbied et Drawable - Lad& itbt ltalsht.'i subscriber has led oaf Cuts' 1.041.Nie the, I..Touth side of the Youth Suasst and about two .and ow. gums. miles ham'OW Pass These lots eoushs.eseh from ono la.mrai eM hal( acres of hunt and vii be , sold on. resansablcusl CoNl2l3,ollting is deemed swaseessuT 4.2 ch . tee tuo any onpliusadan. of U y s eduntsgmett Ann lota Their virankro thhorittodrinsta Central Radl Road, reasmatend- , thou stron ta tho ey Keyser ter denuturasonnyuddiswee:o. , t• Thasebscolber also odhasSor ' thotti slosolshuse desdanossiot had In Trinktin 1 477 county, tasks arrantssa adlits os Plc° bundint 4 4 1 2 4 ,1. ..a#AKe .'" hor • lILL be wed et low pieta autpuliallfaii a la._ . I st UMtY r W a °A N 0., a a n s s e e t xt e a a b d a ites tie fet elli Th t t pid d beeoe4 ter k t a h t _ to Ten * of P, s 2.1 I )'and the termseepon white the Lets be R"',reader Ibia ittegett7 werly , die atbmtbra °Obese .deettoes elpurabeater teetestam, , lereaCr v repaker 4th, aim ti ro, ALPACAS...49%A 61 . i0it“ , 00 ' deign amid= ,Mll4 . l*= • Good., Lavin saiwk!a ofereq9o wthe4 glossy' Basal and POPI Sof win.- , vm5. 1 . 410, a•' . ...M1M411111p0, flue •islidas, tiding • tow pieces is! bia4o4loted ( P=ll=blillattalltift O tt . r lief or sada snipes, plaids, will IwocailWi, Mt, of et.k 'err invert= A=- thaw goodl'lnlvithewo [might directly Orgto Impwtots,lbitt piltile ‘ WldOt the lowest puled* Prices,' " • To be had also by the OmWhialem,4 moms eip sallsoits my =tali abases =MR. 'dam yo MUMPS CIAPINET LIBRAILY,Iet ' s a d 1 Familles.—This work tamest, swim% , sad camanss Pererieurtneldidereatta mita tra enng& ..iria an eatimarriee. reocrelp, wilt= and sampler* Isplatil Am ara *Peter Parlors lialos, ant is toslirtairs tlil- Isli, Ina Maim 10 .4 13 deet Di uMPtimilMltloril sad modem: the "mien awl curiosities of triss.,/, M aim, rtrs Science, gad Pailampayook GAT em ,„ th ., _. . . dean or We. ; __,_ , ..: -., ~, rr ..r,,,,,,tkaper,y01.144'..nt5;e14 :,_ h imiaidepitabost 317'5'121 abiUfglo z it y 'ThW,ii . 2lner . tt & St&svl&Whi,ta: 1 111 0 1 1=velach z*" Z mmbla g d &is t i..& 41 Manion end Lydia, honi ng i_triveiLtWo and italutoore, and two snore, tawatepinen oaf Leas. shortly expected; laWarshilanst leekny to reeelveordera. They srM melte ina she!' ten and spring regular eoppUss eta No. ONeoss -- mrrcnizr,,a z 11.t i a t r i laership hetetoCore exialog nag otyle of GLE SUGDM Mar Afttgar. sae Cast Steel, Is, by mood mar dissolved. Anon tingle having eon/ NE natal lo said dna to James goyim Tbs. kr - ,gassa orWl alnk-1•311 ha sealed by Jamey. flaris; srao sitherhs. lms ed 10 use lb. Dante nub, r rank a a .sett• MES 'JA AN. • , aele/T4V. Alleg 'Baps 77: INI merrAiiivanvernm WALE LaNDFOßM..—Nigyastew rianwreruekgrassinicelas , of Chielewingr e ? witn We new Needs; .F 210,1411 need now ese# far at CklekewnenSeenerLiennb tri ifIaN.:IIII7ELL9IIt, ek woods; MA Bole Area fie Chlektenog'olNanri" , altos far WeideraPeminli.enik ' • a • rhOOWSPNIVIM-4:40*. nmeht .L.F.1.714;A10r *Wog* erda 7dder. • , ... nab. SHOULDER BRACED d%just —2 dos Moed b a . 9btodbs mi tvaitived y Evros sabg a aft Oil eti sad India sad La Rabbet - No 4 Wool st - aliD) JirllP Z..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers