NEDICAL. TO THE PROFESSORS AND MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETIES, • Lae TO leviatT Mother, Wife .sad D•ugh-ter NTHE UNI noiSTATES.—Tbesubicriber raw.. Ifully•call• vont attention to Dr Basierr l s Golua nur, expressly intruded for the preservation of the health of both se:en—whether it arises from Incipient Plaids', or early cou.mpuon,yebility of the Lang Bronchial Affecuons, Asthma, Pleurisy. Deranged and Disordered smut of the Liver, Spl.n. or iMineys, eased Spine, Chotie, Dyspepsta, Palpitation Of the Ilene:, Loss of Magmata or . ervous Power, ho. lee. DR. C. B. RAREBITS GUARDIAN comes to the iounediate relief of Females 'offering hem Irregulari ties, .d all other titanic difficulties and discuses ton. dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold. wet ~,. airy jojodiclous elposare, and all this without the use of medicine; . the most delicate and sensitive lady at an moment apply it to herself positive the possibility in incurring any risk or danger; or arrysimpleuantiosults artailig Trom it, and with the certainty of *Man.,: immediate B.rett's Guardian is no emel-penny or one of the many hum.. of the day; but vt is an imminent made arm, strictly arteutific principles. in accordance with the laws of Circincity and Galvanem; and for neatness, durability and efficacy, nalnitely surpasses everything of the Lind ever before offered to die public for most lief of disease, suet in day,gu of one of the ettfightened nano( the is prorounced ''the greatest discovery of the age." ...period of no leas than four years has been occupied by Dr. Barrett in bringing the Guardian to OA present state of perfection—during which time it Lao been to the hands of some of the most emineat physiei.s bf the North and Santry it. well asin the dwelling. of no- Introits families. who have used it for all of the above purpose, with the lOWA perfect success, and who have cheerfully glove their mainsail - ad approbation of la efficacy .ll same. an can be teat by referring to the Manual of laidrucuotts accompanying it. Or. C. Barreti% Guard.. is secured from innone tons h ad patent iron the United States Patent Office, and ho nth. with or wi th out his Medatenlectro Galvanometer. The Metheo-Eicetro Galvanometer , in point of beau ty, workmanslup. durability and power. cannot Ire sur passed or even and the subscriber their that he batheds nothing in the name s on that it will be found to posseu more power and efficacy in the treatment anJ removal of disearen. by Galvanism and Electrici , than any other I.treteret, either to thin United SSuites or F. 0111.. 'rho Medico-klectro Galvanometer is warranted in every respect. and with common ordi nary ease Will last a life-time, and is by far the cheall est, because the bosh imtrument ever offered to the public. A m.. 1 accompanies them, giving the most ample instructions. of practical experience, o that p i e t readily intelligible to the mind slice every one whi is . t h n , see '• ay of arrangement is such that a child may ---..putioe with U. Amy inform...non gratuitomly given, and either in rel tion to the Elm o n Div or tidantlian. bletheal men are invited eall and examine Dr Ma rra's ta le and test Its efficacy. For Itale Ity el RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar ket st, Pittsburgh. ,ap.4..dtf O'ER 6, 0 0 0 PER - fiOrirs in Philadelphia •lone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of that porrerful remedy, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA. In Pulmonary Consumption. Chronic Bronchitis and Sore Throat. Asthma, Chronic Catarrh. Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Brie and fleeces, Difficulty of ',trembler, Whooping Cough. Croup, Weak Herres d Nervous Tremors, Palpoation of the Ilea= also, Liver Complaint and Affection lathe IGdneys. This medicine, the invention of a man who gave the subject of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Pectoral di.ases the most rigid examination , hoe now been before the public near four years. During this period it has per formed some of the most remarkable enter on record of Pulmonary Consumption—seemed the recommenda tion and use of physicians In their practice. and the warmest approval of thousands of persons m ordinary and severe Colds, Cougus, in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, Ac. ASTONISHING CUR 62. About four years since I was attacked with Typhus - Fever, which mote a miserable state of health. in extreme dettotty w i th n general prostration of the 6.- ter ...tat violent putts in the breast and loss of appe. tile, in et-mein:lens, of which I was unable to attend to my usual la•inese. or perform analy kind of work. a I pplied to eiveral physicians an ard canons reme dies, bui without am,. benefit, and had despaired of ever obtaining n rscoyerg of my former health. But nor. time lest Juno 1 was adrlsed to try Thomson's Cone pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nept and incredible as it man appear. the time I had taken three bottles the lability, paw nett every rellle of suffering were completely remorse. and I was able to attend with see shored to ail usual avocations, MARTIN CLAUDY, Of Ihnhiniton township. Cumberland co. Read the tomes testimony from a respevalile member or ths Cmmei o, Friends, in Poughkeepsie. N York. TBSTIMONV. `This may certify Mat la Ole spring of 1 , 45. my health was vet) I seas ;calmed with pain in the • s vent, other aismuute symptom...nod autlered much from great Al :ha, tune I porehosed Irmo Mese! Dam. timtles of renamon'sWitt Compound Sy of ot Tar Woo,: Saadi. Irons re ri eXpeen d great toy health seine now good, rind red etieerlally neon - uncoil the artist- id nil persons when may tic autlerihe with general dsbinty, with symptoms ola Mashie WILTSIF- Poughkeepsie. Milieu 15, Prepared mils by Agsgort A Dtmso, et the N. cornet of Fee , and Spence streets, Phila. Sold by I. WiICD)., Putribureo and by druggists generally. Prat emits. or One Dollar per bottle. • SALTER'S CIiNSENG PANACEA! T O THOSE SUFFEILLNO WITH DISEASED I,UNtrit.-I.IIC unprecedented surtou winch har trended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA It all the-art - Ho. forms tthiest Irritunon of the !Mttten g. mimes, h. induced the propnetor arito to Call a torn a this WONDERFUL PREPARATIt Tbe chandable weather winch marts our fall and winter months. I. etesays • fnutful wort , of COLDS AND COtiGlltl. Thee, If neglected. are but the precursors of that fell destroyer, CCVSULIPTION. The question, then. how shall we nip the destroyer m the bud! how shall wie get clear of our roughs and olds! of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY ILLLNIFDY will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this we hare (root time to tune published the certificates of domns of our best known citizens, who hare experi enced its curative powers. These. with u mass of its tunosey from all parts of the country.--from ME. DICAL MEN OF TILE FIRST STANDING, Illiensters of the Gospel, toge th er with copiom 110 i tiles from the LOCAL; AL4 OF TILE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form. tint stop be had grain of an y afii;,nirag li Otrour,hik.n.t the 110 co have been wed in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS thrnighout the Unwed States and Canada. and we eha leoge anY an top a out n n which. when aye. streorttlitlt to directions. tad be fore the lungs had beroine fatally theorganimd, i t has over failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CUBE. Why, then. need the afflicted hesitate! by moo n to the miserable nentrums, gotten up bps o individ uals a le r the assumed name of some cc • .ra phy sician, end puffed into notoriety by cemfica om_ noes equally u UNnk PAnown! Whilst a medione of RALLELED F.FFICACY Is to be had, whose vouchers are at hOme,--tta esilhs bona,-many of whom it has SNATCHED PROM THE OR AVE order toot this tenantable inedinne may be placed 'amnia the re a ach of the pooy as well the nch, we have pat the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, hat one half the mud cost of cough medicine. to a for sale by our agent. in nearly every town and village OVer the melt who are rtierttl to give fall informa tion relative to it. . SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway. Cinema.. Ohio A MFRCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been af ffieted with the physicians for four years, had taken almost every Mote His physicians constantly atten ded him. nod a nod expended over two thousand dol lars. He never believed in advertised medicates, but conaidered them all humbugs . At last ha tried Dr. TTaylor's Baleam of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman street. New York. and in MI weeks was entirely cured, hav ing taken only three hordes. nue is only one of many eases where mummy obiectionsto opulent medicine have prevented persons from using this medicine, who i have expended imodreds of dollars to their pity stein. vain--and in the end owe their recovery to the thfal. lib li le efficacy of this purely vegetable preparation. There is no mistake., that this medicine is superior to any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This medicine has taken u s years tomato., and is th e su rest remedy for diseases ever iniroduced to the politic Rammtarte Panes, SUOMIXAS or 82.11.1 Coll9:—Serefing fore long time with these complams. I had given up all hope of beteg cured. I had consult ed the botanic and hotnceparlue dectors in vain. I had used many maches advertised, but found no eel cf. In despair I had given up the use cif all mechcines. Hear ing of the grent virtues Taylor's Balsam of la v er wort, mil the great come it had performed, tailored me to tel it, and to my great joy and astonishment, I was better daily. I conunved its ewe, also his Sugar- Coated Pills, omit lam entirely cured. He. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort is the best tnedtelne in the world se for the complaints. and wiIISETH cure e .LAWFLEN CF.very one afflicted. Caplan of the Nancy. of New York. ASTRI“ Como.— I have .ffiered from the Asthma a very long time. and have used every medicine I could obtain for its cure m vain, goal I tried Dr. Taylor , . • Balsam of Liverwort. Thir medicine hm afforded me most manifest benefit, and is tom opinion, • cure for this diatresstng disease; more especially. aa I know of many caeca among my friends, where it has been high ly successful. Persons t o are invited to call at my rands for further Inform:w hv ita Laurens st. • Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood Townsend, 45 Market at; H Smyser, cot Market and 3d sag Henderson tr, Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced Is lll'.:93ner bottla /ma B. A. Pahnesteek's Antl-BlBlons • ccolmpbt"tiv:T:illiTe7:l4"off purgative action, and having a pentane,' tendency to the bilimy organs, ts extremely valuable in this coun try, to which batons fevers and other complaints, at. tended with congestion of the beer, so much abound They hose too 4100 d due teat of IN) years, and expert• ` ice; has proved theta to be a safe Mid valuable remedy sit Intermittent. itortuttent ltd litho. Fevers ; Jaun dice; hlltov. Colic • Indigestion; Dropsy Dyrentary IJilious VOzatt.nCo : Colds. and all complaulut of sit In tlasomatory character The complete and universal nallitzfecUon which lout been given by them pals to all who have onre ured them, r ditto moor uisisetePtar). To prevent counter - ricking they are .w put up red xylograpic wrapper. Price 25 cents fora box containing Al pills. Prepared and sold bY It A FAIINESTOCK & Co corner Ist and wood, and also corner Gal and wood sepl2 Icrit ORIS Caitiff SYRUP—It proVeicar lie the al great Panacea coring my child's distressing eeeett From the Tempe rance Banner, Nov 71947. Cocoa Samar.—Re are not in the habitof paling, mash less taking patent medicines, but "cereal dupomd to recommexid Morgan 's Syrup to those who are afflict ed with a cough. After having tried the usual reme dies to remove a COlllstitElt and Atstressing cough, that had for several days afflicted one of use children, with. out meccas, we were induced do try Morgan's cough map, and by it relief was obtained in a few hours. It moved to be the panacea is this cue at Prepared wholesale-Ind retail by_tproprtetor, JOHN mono wood 0,1 door below dia=ley. STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'S EX: APECTODANT Is superior to all ether ramedies for OemessCessoorptao, Bratatatis, Attkma, atta other Pollee vary Melons is dui dm way rem. ethoessnmeoeed the too of It ht their ilnailten yew go still prefer it .a. a/I Othar arshedies of tba kind; sad than wry haw. been thawed tote try other prepare-ions they Mae almost Invariably two sier. aloappoiale from d fa recelving.the bowel which eras reamatbly opoici the h4b o, boomed by the propnetoss, eNoe returned to we use of ,JAITIZA. Firscrrolurs, as • rsosaly thad kowtow faded lo ram* them, aad 'thief, prellethly Dent had itsDr eqmsl la arrcothw 00l clpltia, ocoary••••ocoaccld I s roopared on y by. Fr. Jar.. PhiGtO oo ou iligowirA, • ALES , /AV NEE. ord • . - • 72 Fount, st --___----_—_- -1-IALLEY:S PAIN paluicTos wiliTitTils; iiin- JJ etas from the time of its application, remoao the palm. from the severest bunts, seeds or blinlo., alai will heal tomends, ;deers and Wet of any, itind without seer. This valuable Vale Extractor can be bad of JOHN I) MORGAN' Dritygist, ' —.. No OVIVood inset, Sok Agent tar wainern Trans: MEDICAL. „On'--.A... lt;fe , ! -- '" , : ,. .•• - . ./ LtV,,,,Ort .? . `: ,- 1' H.„ . --1 : :'..,. • Inizi.):lA-3111714:14; ,1,jj 4 .; ;1).4.114 . - . ua.:.i-i; '.. . 1 i i - t _-. t ..!ii.,.,„-..,, 11vp ....,, . - . 11. irol/A - 4 , = ~..„TI----7e-c.a:i:-.1-..-.-•• roll i l l - INMI ,1. p i t. ~...) -1 , . ..,..0: 7 _ , L.., ~,,;-1,-.............,,----..., It 11, lIE Wu..." . 0 D Mt ITO 14 'COMPOUN SARSAPARILLA. Wender mitt Blortims of tits Age. The most extraordinary Medicine In the World Ms Ex-trail is sqr {insert Bott/thr it is tilers arapm, yleasestar, and soodsroded aerie,. to any sold. It milts withoet " r " Patient The great beauty end superiority of this Susaperthe other medicine.that while It eradicates we du, es.e. it lortgorates the bode. It is one of the very beat SPRANG AND ERIMMED. MEDICINES Ever known it tot only perigee the whole systent, and otree.rthew. the person, but it crest. err, pos. cad reed Irt , oot a power poweued by no other medicine. And in thoLlic. the mod secret of its wooderfel mares It he.. ptrformed with. the hot two yearathore than ) 0 eurrs of rev ere ease. of disease ; lent 15,00 were romoJered incorahla It has need the lives or mom then 10.000 children during the two paw sauons. 10,000 roses of General Debility and wont of Nervous Energy, Di. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the arbole m permanently. To those rho have lost their m isculsr energy by the effects of medicine or acre. tun committed in foods. or the eaceasive In of t pnesione, sad brought on a general physical proem. tom of tha Demons ayetem. imsirude, leant o r ggg bigi gt ,, fu. mien per mat lona, premature decay and deeding, beaten. tuc toiserda that fatal disease, Consemption min be en tirely insured by this plesaant remedy. This Sarsa parilla it fu superior to any Invigorating Cordial, A 1,.1 , •11 aUtl itivirorater the spite., rivel activity t. t,e tiirsh., and etr,irth to the snuoculai r_ rem. in a 111... t extraordinary decree. Consumption Cured. Chases cad Strengthen_ • Consumption cau he erred. Droacattis. Commoaption. Larry Complaint. Colds. Cohort, Cove... drama. Spitfrge of Hued, ''Sormaras in lb. CUM, Hem. 11.1, /trit " 4 , Sweats, Difdeelt or Prof.. Selman ' ration, Pain in fla Side, hm., home Nun and can Da tarsi • SPITTING BLO O D D . New p 1P47. Drt Towtsszted—l verily believe Mat your Sartapa. rilla has h.. v the menu, through .f st ing mT bre. I have for 611•Crld years had • bad Cough. It brrvmn worie Lod warm Al list I raised largo pvavti nen of Meal. bad sught Sweat. ex cee d to debili tated and reduced, gad dld not o bre. I brie ahlr used your Sarsaparilla .. • short rime, tted Mere bar a onderthl change beau .taught ia I ara stow able ta walk all over the city. I mica no blood, and ray ra.h has left me. You cut well Mown that I am thankful for these rewrite Your obedient wervant. WM. RUSSELL 65 Catherino-eb Female 111mIllelae. Townsend. B.parilla is ...sovereign aProlad apeedy co, for Incipient Contasumption, pses or Felice of the Womb. Costivaess. C en t corrhira, or Whites. obstructed or difficult?deotes.- ..on, ineuniuence of Urine, or involunuo disclose.. r rot ad for the attend prostration of the system— no matter whether the result of teherent cause or Cell.. by irregularity, illness or webfoot N.hisg .1.1 be more surprising than its invigorating rfrectl no the hum. frame. Persona di weakness and lan, tram taking it. at ouce become robust and Nil of ....nip under its influence. It iturnedietely counteracts t b • nervelessness of the female frame. which is the greet ot Carryon.. It will not be expected of 11. io ca-es of so deLicate • nature, to exhibit certifies.. 01 rres performed but we can sears the afflicted. that hundreds of .ses have been reported to us. Thousands of cams where families have been without children. tiler suing a few booties of dila invaluable medteine, oirie been blessed with fine, hau4hy offspring. To notbere nod aisegriled Leone.. This Eon. of SersisparUla haa been expressly pre. posd reference to female ormplaints No female w•so has resson to suppose she is appreaeldrig Mat meical period. tars of life, - should neglect to mke it no it is a cartoon preventive for nny of the taimerina end horrible disease. to which females ere subject at this time of life. This imrsod my as de. layoffs , sorrel year. k^ gNf ties esediciat. Nor I. it kale velnahle for those who are approaehing wo. manhood, as it is calculated to oust num by quick thethe bland nod bingorating the system. Indeed. this medlerbse in v aluable fur all Um delicate dims o to which women so subject. It braces the whole omen, mows prranateotly eh. oral marries. by rninovlng thr tropurtues of to cot no far sitimelarteg as to predate sulohnure. .4 . 11 , the ease medielne• tin Coo frauds weak mad discese. I. LW •(..r . medloo y severe nod serprot spars mow may be prevented. C rims Dimming to 711 others mud Childress. It is Me ufest and moist effectual rae . ittnv. Ow partly inn the zystetti maul relieving the sulfermr• attends , . upon ehtid.birth ever diacuaered met:Lathan. both the mother arbi prvveata paiv sad dtwea.r. ti k it it r... Roil ratiehni , the tbo.. who hair la.b.pen•al., blibiy tsar.' both • after coutineverci ac .1 prri•Lat• a,on Lbektrwraess. a/ the Feet. Despot...lave?, Iln.rtharti Vommeg. 1, , t0 to the Back and lola. False rata,. Ilemorrhaga .1 to regulating the secretions 'and eon:Dram the vir batia• aau no imolai Tb. treat ham., of titit medicinal. lnc. ear, end the most delicate imit. um. • mmst success/idly, mem (em cue. reeptire mly °tam medicine. la some • dale Cuter Oil, or Itlsammitt. tmefuL Exorcise In the open tar, and fe light fund mith do. medicine, will almoye enema • sa and e.y. roo finement. Beauty mad Health. Cosmetics, Chalk. and a of preparations gene r. lly in to when applied to the fare, arry aspd of its beauty. They C .ohm of the .3 .1. sad c'leelt the circulation...l., as ta em tower , e Iby disease or powder. or the skin Inflamed by the a' kali. used in maps, beautilim its own proancroan in human for. NMI," as well es in thr padre or ..:h and delicately tintwi and Imiegeted flowers A I , tn., *Miro and healthy circulation of the fluid, of the ....rimier Grum pure, rich blood to the extremities, o •mo t which paint' Are ountenance the 40 ^1941 4. 4. beauty. his that which imparts the sodreentodde • min and Imbes lorelinem that all admire. but can dincribe. Th. beauty u the offspring of ne ,re--not of yradar or map If there Is not a free and doh emulation, there ono beauty. If af ore lady I. as driven saw, If she paint, and commie+, ...Id the blood ta thick. cold end impure, she oot beau ful. If Ma be brown or yelloe, and there is pure end altive blood. it gives • rich bloom to the. check, and a brilliancy to their eyes that I. fammettng. This is why the southern end especially dm Span. loh 'miles, me so much admired. Ladtea in the north oho take but Ilttle merelso, or me coallned to noose oho toms, or bare spoiled their comphirion by the appli. r diem of deletertom mere., tf obey emit to re r sin elasticity of step. buoyant spin., eparkling eyes mod beautiful complexion, they abookl me Dr. Toon . Snrsaparilla. Thomism!. who have tried a, ar m. e than smirked. are delighted better of err" ...Lion crowd our acre daily Notice to the Laulles. Thor Mat 411itJaC Dr. Tem mend's Sorsaparilla. her, moo • arriably called their stuff a greed Rnouly or Fe ns,lce, dte, and have copied Oar bills and circular. . hick relates to Me complaints of woman w i for w e r e --other man who put op medicine, berg since the great rmeruns of Pr. Townsand's Santaparilla complaint• 1 - e idern to female, recommended Mena, elthongb prr nosay they did rum • number of these Sliatura, A mutinous! to female, ax they rata 's aggraisase, rod undermine the constantkru. Dr. Towinsond it the eed best remedy for the naluereas female mem oninte—it rarely, if ever fails of effecting a permanent r•lre. It can be taken by the most delicate female, any case, or by those captains: to become mother, oth the 11 . 400444 advent.... m It Kelm.. the getem prerents pm. or danger, and eMengthene boob enther end child. Be cereal to get the genuine. Scrofula Cured. This rani Geste conclusively proves that .h. Sane I . ,villa has perfect conool over the moat obstinate dla s u ee of the Blood. Three persons mired in one hove* .• nprecedented. Three Children. Da. Totmceiwn--Dear air : I have the elevens to ,iorso you that three of my children hays been cured the Scrofula by the use of year ecceßent medicine, y were afflicted very severely with bad Simms 1 have only four bottles ft 1001 111113 Amity, for which I feel myself under Feet °ldiotic. Y*ur ArATVV I III:AIN, 101 W1:10•111,111_ rr tc.::::ira.f:Noirro.2:oonTay Tobacco. JAMES DALZ ELL. 2.l•ratof :ill , Mackerel, brooded aoc-2•1 JAMES DALZEI.L 1, , KA on' boo• Featber pAT zlei , ll, ousel tiI:DTVII..i.E t'onon.ntly on h• n by Bog I I t' if ((RANT CAUTION.) °SIN —:C9 lints for mole I.y at .laccen. and Onalonar lola of Dr. llt •.‘,1.1 C GRANT Opinion. of Phyoieinm. 0 : Townsend t. almost daily 'et-Ade - Mg orders from TM. e. I .esientnto certify that we, the tmderaigned, Ph pawns nr he Cny of Albany, have in onmerom mums preterit.. i Ur Toweaand's Sanaperilla. and belltere it to he nr the moat salvable preparatiom in the market H. P. rirLltiO If. D. J WILSON d. D. a. IL BRIGGS, N. D. Alhany. April L 1841 P. E. ELMENDORP, N. D ll= Townsend', tlarmparilla. a . formed% oor Agents. have commenced making Sarum, Estraeta Bitten, Extracts or Yellow poet. . They generally pm It op to theism. , shaped bot. A. , * mot some of them hen, stole and copied ow adve , luententa--11teyre only •orthteo imitations, and :mold be avoided. Pyinopal Office- I% .TON FRYmt. So. Raiine. NY. He & Co- S tale Wry &oaten , I/you & ITS North liecno.l *try.. Plttindelphle S. I-Iyyr. finlmonrB; P. It,. Calms ChnrirstB. , W.BBl & Co- 151 Chnrtryy Street, N. It, I ,B n !You, n.Bel Scre, Albany, end by ail the prittrilBll Drut .."1. 8;81 Myrchun. ell' II. , •ugt888 Ow I ”or.l W 8, yyt 18 , 13 •,,t1 ,88r N. o.—Persons inquiring for thi. incilleine. should not be induced to take any other Druggist. put up Sarsaparilla, and al eourse prefer selling !beef own. Do not be deceived by atrium (or Dr Tovin• r::id's, and take no other. Hernerntier toe ',bu iiTownsend's Sarsiiparil .." raid by the Kite eqeiii. K 81.11,Lk:fL.S, General Whole.als A Retail No. 57 Wood street. and D. CURRY, Allegliviiy PEACE. I PS A,CE I I not to assitio, OUT IN EVERT hltrrlf ER'S HOMESTEAD ; IHE aisle:signed line long been on vineed of the necessity (or some medicine adaptiatto the use of ildren and Inf.m to supereede the use el allthose medicines which contain °piton, and era at .ength suc ceeded in preparing and earning to the publir a medi cine fully answering every purpose ter ell diseasees of the bowels, without the use in that deleterious drug, or anY tuber Calculated to name in the !mat The Infant Pan: aeon has been fully tested mot mud. the lasi twelve months, by numerous periews, and looms to moose. all the extraordinary victims, and to produce all the anion. !lilting effect. as set mrtn on the hill 01 threetio.. rh• Yearning, Chaim, Litimuc. Pains, Clean.. aid Discu. arising from Teething, acting immediately without disturbmg any of the functions of the body, producing the happiest and most pleasant transition from viedentiain i t r o a tranquil and joyous state of feel inLr is the he had vcr e :olo:Zl:i . and retail, at the Prelmetot. JOHN SARGANT, Druggiat and Apothecary; John Mitchell, Elliott & Beckham, and moat other Droccism a Allegheny and_ Pittsburgh_ dee T- t p. TOWNSEND'S SA RSA PARILLA thorn .L.. 1 jest received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, tb most extraordinary medlelne is the world! This Poet is pet up in quart bottler It is six times r brayer pleswanter. and warranted superior to any sold It cures disease without vomiting, perform, sickening or debilitating the patient. Loos Mr , ' .01 Lutsartrnolo—Unprincipled persons have pied our labels, and pet up inerneine et the acme saped bottle. See that ankh bottle has the written Jug. nature of S. P. Townsend. IL SELLERS,DraggIst. 57 Wood street, between Tbird'aml Frarth, us Dr.'Pownscildts only wholoakie meal retail agent for Pittsburgh, or whom the &rumbas noble can be had. D. M. Carry hra been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of wheat 'the gututne article ,ea .be had. , • DONNIV AND. - tit InvitivlNHULdneon of buyers la a neerrapplyiof goods, of newest stole and very low as TIM MANUFACTORIES. W BC:1 - 11,1k,EA DakkEt A DONIS. COFFIN 'MA KERB AND EURNISIH F: NO UNDER TAKERS, - • TAKER:it, comer of Penn and Pl. Claw streets, rmpo,site Um Exchange Hotel, entranee on Penn Meer respectfully Initinn their friends and the public, that they are prepared to famialt and attend to everything In the line of Undertaken. Always on hand a large as. merman of ready made Comes, covered, lined and fin- I ,shed in the very best manner, all wet. and man ready I made. Ihroads of tin haul, Cambrick and mashn, and ail I Saes made In approved styles We keep a large as SOMMIVI . of win e and black, cotton, silk and kid H lovn t sable for pall bearers and mourners, crape, cap eol tut s, end every thing neeesstry for dressing the s, dead, and en reasonable WC purchase all oar goods or the Eastern cases Also. silver plates for manning for name and age. We have a splendid new b e anie and bnreee, and any number of the best marriages. Every rung attended to promptly and punctually. aced) , BENNETT & BROTHER:, twEr . Nsw ARE mAnuFecruaEtts. - 131,-..j.ght.m, 'near Plttabasgh s l Yaw 14a:rehouse, ‘'Yo. 137, Wood street, P ittsburgh. W ILL constantly keep on band a good moos, em o: Wan, of our tram imutuntelare, and sup,icegorma.. Whoinale andrmanur Mei • •• anima MC ierpectiony Invited to call and ex arame frr toeirmelvet. as we are detensoutt 10 set, cheaper than Ins ever before been °detect to the pub- Ord , ro rent by moll, accompanied by the mudh or env reference. anl he promptly I...ended to. feb2s P. MVLVANI. Jawm Lteus PM/AT GLASS ESTABLISH/111NT. e LI:ANY & LEDLIE manufacture. and keep eon- Hi unruly on hand Cut, Moulded and Plain 1 1 1,m emery. al al: or, eurletwa, m their Warehouse cor ner tu and Water street., Patetagh. Our Vs ork.,ue in lull operation. and we are i altt :%g our Flock. which enables us to 411 orders with plourptne , s Purehmer• are respectfully soh- itrd to ea:. and ex:int:l.e price and tem.. ico,ny COAC_H MAKING FROM the very liberal encourage '1 en- meet the saner:tier hat received mace has locale,: himself In Allegheny, CAsugg, . • has induced him to take a Mtge, for a term of years, on the property he now Ore let, at Beaver street, tiumedtately beside the Pre iterigu Church. Prom the long eiperie nee In the above business and a desire to please, hr hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on bond and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug open and top Boggles, and every description of Carriages made to order, from seventy-Eve dollars to aianthuetaret JOHN SOUTH a:4IJFACTURED AND LEAF TONACCO.— :XL DEALD, BUCK-NOR. A Co, 41 north water In, mud In N. wharves, Nora, oder (or sale on accommodatnig tens, DAM pkg. Manufactured l'obaceo, cotwisting of pounds, hail pound*, Ds, e's„ Ws, la's, 16's ana 66's. lumps; Ds, Or and e's plug ; and 13's Ladies' Twist, in whole and half bores, olbhe tollowmg approved brands, V , r. James H Grant. Osborn & Bragg, Grant & Williams, A Cabsousa, . 1 S Jones h Son. M'Donald, \Veneer Old, J Thomson,' (!James Thomas.. Jr. AII Armistead, = , J Thomas & Sol, Landhorn & Anmatead, I P Coates, 1 M Cobbs, (krotry & &oyster, J A Clay, M A Butler, C A Hal!. Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pear/ & Norwood, J S Blackwood„) Nath Page. Keystone, W II Vaughan. Edmond Henry. Portant: Ilithinuin, Russell & Robinson, Kean, Robuison & Co. Seth Halsey, II 3letcalf, Jonn rider. linwretice Lower, J Rubinson, ti ray te bray, I/ LI 'Furlie r, II Jamieson, York White. D M Brooch. —ALSO— Havana Liescrolmeeo, ski spouts and fi'!rri, toot do do dri Cid, WO "01 do dO do) St .1 imo " de Cuba do do dot St lanningo do do do Norio & Londe. do. part fine. do Si al ivte do do do Kentucky various grades do do V ammo Leaf, sintahle MrmanuMeturnig •nd erport, Spanish Seed 1... ea, Perin'u. Cam O,' liedt and tit.° V11,411.1(1 S‘raps, sweet. lierman Pipes, Pme heads; Sen,/ Snuff ,iciose and Madders:l tilseemtho Mrs, 'rovitua Ream, Havana has. Ono Rose, Bergamot Calabria Liquorice; Patent Caufraltan KaleCO.Spunk &r. &e. PHILARFR.I'IIIA, my Ili IrgNETIAN BLINDS. 111 I.: Karam. and beat varlet) evprodercrl inthra e,ty 1 before—made Ott the moat ayptovaat at w moat lhalhonahle Easte+npattrtos a n CON,* A rt, CIIKA I' KOLL, or Bin , for': L'Ll N Lt. rnade to order of nil atzes...l at ai; pnees Country Merchant. and other • ro ea.. and , 13 , n1tte the above tar Ltseturclyr , *. a, rr , I. Lei.e arhoh-aata Or r t. and a I.bera . dtahution hia6lc purehaar.s. *hid)) A , V ESTF:R ItOSEDALE GARDENS, MA NC111.1 , 11.14. 1 . -dr...WWI' of writ know,. rkare of resort nun 1 the p,rosuTe ildorinang Ilar 1nd...! than h.• r•tah• hnvimg her, thdrodhhi) rehtt...l and repu,red .A.•. Ind oounds virtual •nd decor...J. ta lot tvir scdonfluralatien. and he ganef. h.en. •• who favdf bin. in f.t. iltc.r phifoz. •1 r ternot. •,...r do rip...dd. tnaain, cataoi...breent worth!. ;.,:dw patronage lie tuna acconunodauou• (Or rJ,nalrv . harulfet hod ail regrasb tuttlo:l, the sesaon. canatantly on hand I.F.V I ItURCIIVIELD Monongahela Mouse Tailoring Mstab li•bmenl. eA %VILMA \ [teapots and Taints. Isep to I zr.rnlo' Polstsusgb and others. that be. • nr at tn. ttona• on Sntaltheld street. ur.• .I , r the enn , • Uwe. a large and Iseauttisl assortment t•a•snnere• Sat no. vu! other Vestntse. s trlter Ith %sett rr.n., a• are requsred Oar t.entro • wear eund• bare twerloaferut,y •e sod are se "le news , . and snot. lastunnatole ••- r. as.: as 01 sups-nor qua. , Ilia utotsters depend Upon havute the, ...aloes made op in a nnanner nntr , Cannot larl AO grant) 1.4 taste ot the Inns: lao..datsts of lirs , n o ch b. Wrkln: , ... do 5 do do It, kr, \o I. 0w...t. 10 do I'sch Care:A.o4 5 do an 1.1 M do I‘Eirarsil z: o. 5i.41.1101 do; for salo I 11 NCIIJAAMS Q Idliall the Large ana coo. mo•liouo ,ruokr lioutod add itarrod Storehou.e ad ‘ogotng our Warehou.e. o“ Inv Cartai 'we are pr. to smoke mid .dora bdiCou rcuallable lend& KIER & Coma/ bas4a. bear 7111 at P.. - I `121.', 1 11 11S1. 1 . CrT CI! TltßACttn—mra 1 ttlt:lern ale! J. Arden...ed. jam reed nod for late Ai 111 . 1:111NOR I Co, 11 north water And Ili north wharves. Phtladelpuia - - • YARA I.EMF TOBAC(( , -7. 0 6 haie• Y•ra Learcoo- nreo. wnappery etnEsur:not sad Sul. -)unt land mg trot,/ 1.17 q A tnn, dr, Int •a, by }WALL BITKNON. Pc Co FIRNIAN I'l3'l , A-4. 34 las and 3 gm (~ T median; LA,AIs, }um landtng tram ft And 11A:A1.1) 111. CKNOII a ro I'l,4l—lsaac Cru.e. Bull...more, Md., urtll Leg!ed In 1 have orders Irnui Its. (newts Its YOreborgh and -ewhcre. 'or the purchase ot rabad a. 04 tremor. du sramon. I trdc cc executed .uth drapath. mad •1 sew t-n 1 rates Charge , . for pure haetua / .trITON YARNS. kr —laud Itm. mud r k.. Yarn. Carp, Chcon, Candle Wick. and Comm UU k. alu ILIUM,. for *ale at manutarturrro FRIEND. WILEY Co. HUG'S age.. for manufacturer,' I p 7 reeetved at the nortitea.l corner of 4th 0 Mattel weetet Needle Worked Collat., Wrousot Ittornel EttOttoott. very cheap aunt TEAS -200 pk. Young Ilyunt Imperad. Ganpow ded en d Black Tr". for •%.1k I.v BROWN tr. CULBERTSON, )Af I,N-10 earl.. Shoulder.. lauding trout ofteanaer 1) l' 13 t. for owe by aue: IU 4t F.RTtif iV /. REPPER7.I O 9 st . . A FRNC REN—T From - A Itevo,nuon —EA Hlsl H ory, by VOLUTI Timm. C. v. r- I tt two ~,u , 0.0.--eloth For astir by JOHNSTON k SI'OCKTON ----- u ,nur1t:1,..1.,--,n1::...q. t. 0.,, U. in .sioretllll t maw° , tly artgi:/ S fr. \v 11M1.11A1:(ili , ,i,,,,5—,i ~.- e ;t o ...1 10JI2 WilleOW . 61111.1 1 . ki psi reed per slinr L.ows NVl.oft, and for .1,1 .O,OS h. )% 11AlttlAW111 - • - HITS BEANS-40 Wk.s small While Bean.. lor salt I.y mug? WICK 4. M'CANDI.F.SS )1.:1,:1,:gE,141 , —7.1 bags 011 hood, and fur sa f le i u lery A lowr r .y 8 VIRE now on tbi-whruf; I, em,rl4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, from J lAM/ OlL—Burkhardt'. best. just rec , l and (or sale bY 6.10, J KIDD & Co t 110F'1 EE-110 bags Pro. , H.o. &du do 1.10.( ro. %,,I 10 do old I.ov. Java, for sale 1 / 1 ) D W11.1.1/351: 1 augYl C . Cr; A K-3 bads prune N I); 6 Wu rioartfied; 11 do tj crushed and pulverised, Y. 5 do nasorted IIa; for li, by .„ 6 1, J D WILLAMS ‘.11 . 11C1:24-5 bag • l'outouu 5 do Peppr ri 1 bbl Cloves; Li . 2 do pure Ginger; 6 cases Mustard. autorted sires . mi i ;tts Casale, I keg Mare' yround Spices to gr.. 3 tiety, , for rale by augli J n WILLIAAJS I)ACICSI —llOO Sides, ,ucrane and for sale by ) aug2l TASSEY & IJEVrT I /EA FIL ASII—ObtrD lbs, a prune article, In More sod 1 for .ale by aug:ll TASSEY & 13e6.1.T , I 'ALLOW-11,M meal nod for sale by a ur2l 'CANNES & BEST IWO. al F.AI,--:at obi. Corn ?deal, C P Amami: brand ryr'd p, sour Companion and for sale by toy!!! , 0& (V BARBA Uril I Marlin'.le• 111 A l, bra te 1 41 . .4 aTt ' s i l l i Zito . ; A ou .' sl i t Y e'Crandors.a sale b y unglii JIBIN ‘ B M ELEOR, al wood st A LUM—Z* bbl. Alum, j s ut ii rreAv‘ A d for . sa k lely , nugla 91 wood st ..1.:1•ID-6:1 bags Timothy Seed, 20 bbis Clover dIN (or CI sale by augl 1 & 11 FLOYD 1 C.EAR SI I,KS--tt , casks clear Soles, lust rend nod N.," for sale by KOUT A CUNNINDIIAM, 141 liberty st augn .... PM OIL.— Wurranted pure--5 cask. for sale by i 7, •ugla J SCHOONNIAKER &Co 1V H A . L g li: B ol.l. l . rude MA Hr Eile r i . l 4 . r .'. n!.!. 1' ly _ ' . " ARD-8 kap No I Leaf Lard, tust reed and fot 1 . 4 male by an?) WICK dt M'CANDLESS 1,,1FAT11EK.4:3 00 lb. prima Kentazky Feathers, for jr sale by nuirm WICK & IWCANDLESS - - • ILIOR RENT—A commodious three story Reek Warehouse, on Watson. Possession given i1n12115 Widely. For farms apply to alien C 21 GRANT, 41 'rata. , at "EindfiLY FLOUR—Kept enartantly an hand and for ula by angS4 BROWN to CULBERTSON lity - FEIS PORK—Jost reed awl for We by -aniy9 WICK/. WCANDLCIIMS TRANSPORTATION LINES. I THE ONION LINE if Elam 184 S. mikago BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. Kamm, Pittsburgh; Ram. FA11.3 fr. Co. Beaver, }Nov's. Cluorroko k CliA.B11.1". Cleveland rpHE above Line from prepared andnsport (iambi 1 and passengerslhnsliarghleveland. or any point on the Canals and Lakes. One boat leaves Ihnsbargh and Clnveland dally, mi ning in connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and Michigan, between Potsbargh and flyover, and a line of era class steamboats, propellers ; brigs and school en on lakes Erie Boron sad Michigan. Property forwarded to any part of the Onion with dispatch, by \ VAL T. MATHER. or JOHN A. CA IRJHEY. Agents, nor Water and Smithfield sit, Pittsburgh. AGENTS:—Reed, Parks ft Co, Braver, R 0 Parks k Co, Tournmtown. t I; E NV Cues IC Co. ki'arrtin; I) Bostwick & Co, Brea dport; l A & N Clark, Newton Palk F Lewis, Newport; .1 Ir. E NI Whittlesey, Carnitbellspon; / 0 M'Bride, Ravenna, At a. C H Kent. Prankum Miller k Tattle. Cuyahoga Falls; Wheeler A CO. Akron; Hanley, tiibba & clo. Sandusky; N Vanua. in Eagle. Toledo, li Willits:lts in Co. Detroit, Abell; M'Clore It Williams. hLtlormik In, Wog II 1 Winslow. Chicago. 111. anti RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 1348. .1141,3. ===l==l • • • - • •• BETWEEN PITTSOUR(iII AM) t 1111.A!)} LPIII A. pill.; Proprietors of thin old est Abashed rind fit, Portable Boni Line, having removed their de put in Phdodelphta, to n much lark r ‘darehou•te on Markel st., than they formerly a neupied, and . . creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh, nrc how prepared to offer much greater far dines to their 1 ne lids and patroas. (;Dods earned by title line are not tranodupped he- tween Pittsburgh and l'lniadelpina, being carried en urdly in Minable Kenton Boats. Ti shippers of dour and other goods requiring ca,eful handling, this Is of importance. No charge made for receiving or shipping Roods, or advancing charged. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as reason able terms as by any oth er line. J01r7 , 1 NIeFADF.:g & Co., Canal Itwain., Peon Pltuthorgh. JAM; SCI. IMV &Co . '47 Market .5 54 Commerce at., Pluia. JOHN Me FA DEN & Fororunllng and Commas on Merchants, canal Mann Penn at., Pinaburga. JAMF.S M. DAVIS b. Co. Flour Factors and Coramer sion Merchants, T. 17 Merle., and SI Commerce st., Philadelphia. ID" - Advantes .de by either of the above on Flour, 00l and other de m seripuone of Merehaih. colbegetel ID them. IVOTICH—The stitizorihera hove doiposed of their tore.t in the l'enn'a and Ohio Lino to CIA ftKr. & THAW, of Pttlsborgh, and JOSEPH 5 , LEWIS, of this city hy will continue to tratixart burner.. for the line. Itt their Warehouse on Brood wee, or usual. nod i.e ovenk for it n conitntinnee of the paironriee of iheir frieods I A NI tc. Co I'llllEu/ft/pin, Mnreh sth. 1410. POULIN. and Ohlo Trani, ..1=7:317 • Do übit D. 1y LArze of FIRST CLASt , NEW LiUATS AND CARS. Tu coons CLTWIC.N 1.17.111..611 ND LAT. , CLARKE & ortiANy. S Canal anon, Pittsburgh. LEWIS d BUTLER. 219 Mar tet Phtbs.lotphiu J :=7l-Ifra, a. Ago, Rronti 1W DEN. CLARKE d Co North st.. W PORRICK. Agt.. tt Wrot siren. New Yoe t mar:s Co-partnership TIIF .übtenbers have 0114 tiny a•-ocotted tLr together tmclar the •tyie Iti:rt Jrom.• th purpote col:L.11m; the t,tooneo. torment rrr led by Samuel M. Kier. arid t roon•nre a of the ,• erai pattettage Lerctolorc ex•e,led otl to th., hou.e S A NII . FI. M KIER. Ii F JON 1.11 , Itittsburgh, March 1.1a4i, KIBR'S POBTABLE BOAT LlNk.'• C()SII . It4ILW F...SITIREI.Y OF FIKKIL CL.Ass F. 1 ,1 I , SEITION BOATS. FOR rtrii.Ano.riti A AND BALTIMOR-K VLA CANALS If RAILBO.kIIS 117" E ere psvared do rodssve Ant! 10,4 11 the 100 I' and lades...a/Ale p.A. e. wlttt .• u.d, I dlewatch. And at I. I. w rude, du AA, otur ~,,, The •ttenuon of .hspres• vrlshrog to roil( or BA ton 0 13.1umore in lola, is priatronlari)ror,yer.rd. o. estnuoti ss•trf orrrsopurrol• throag h in I.ctt, order th•n t3:l:r Ji 1 . 1,• •• Cam, huaborsh. Match I. 1,47 4.11.11 . 1- KIEN. a. JONES- t'ommuuon and Lama and NV/Kan...l .. I n.n.. It °nu. e Salt I . todoen. de ad•a_ne..• m. eno..ntn.u-n... at, IMMEIMEI TM= To Ph de UIXNaZ VIA C.11,•1-• /1.1. HENRY GRAFF k CA, . Conk; 1t0•... DCTILIi lit MPIIREN $ a Co. \ II: %I, C II kocou eon,. r Norma Sat ..+c4 •.• loom F C:orke. 1.1, Ohl Sop Ne "v.. • ICOTICE—The rt)le of our Sm.. , "rt Aml axle At Yat•4urr.l 4. and el I . l.s,martptua...• Wuiu. Iluv‘ph,•• ND .11 . ND II A, 11l 111' NY *AL.,' f. PaA.bu, PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE NW= IS 'lra po .t • J I, F., tie TNars.T.,,,..rn .ft. Pl'Fr,til Mill PIC LA 1.0'3.1'111A /;Al, 110 an,..••• h. Cs•nn. tad,. on. 1. Ts VII lnion‘on 1 . 0.••• ••••••t: LAO< 1..r0n: ;sow in ••,•••.. I . poldtroors too• • ti •xtetu•• rr •••- fo••••rd c 0... and Nrots.•.. rrohne•i•ao • J. nth themost fa • oranie toms. rv..% eon On-nn, 11.;wr Itnn•wn vrolootness dcdoc ronn •••• tuna? ast•ty n: rJ.rving—candron, go. hd, ca ' cacti inn, o•ontrzo•i•••••.• • ..• • an wner% or pr0d.... , --•••••,,,•• nn., • 1: Ile one au.: ourruirOn4 ••,•••,••••••. 4••••••."•• o. • •c• • • lo thous • 01 %nal I.:•••••• par, .• • beret. gratrtur!, orktonou-rito Al' eort•toornertr• y anti rturr rum mee, .1. • L ,,e . K. 001. •ror anit.l 1„ any roqu.-.1 .1-, • I DEED. P *IRKS & Cosa. PACKET LINE. of ottorge oonsor...on. ~ • 40 ( 1 4 IS-18. All oronovartre auk.. promptr, sue rracti to or. uon the 14.1!"..19,, spo lu t.. T 7, Nlstrit, rn I. Or Fr N 11.'i.ry FLA Nr) NEI.WI HEN TAAFIT..I. tr CONN olt, Co.! Irnelet 1.1,.W Copt Ford . OCONNUIL It Nustn at. 1..t.n0, • to IA ',Copt ‘N atte. WM. I{ IVILSON, Cod. to. New tut. ap.l • o ,•• It..ver ro•rr 1 r . 0n.... el •I ‘^t. •ort morning al .•, „ •r• • L ...„ Moil 50. , . to , iret.l.l at 800. r tot tune to tato Ile A I .f \ W•rrrn t „ r.t r• 11 11 rAI LAH.F. ERIK AND MICHIGAN LINE. irfitila 1848 . Be•ver. Crld firrlgill And 1100,11ger Ron: tween Beaver and F:rie, and C Reed a tiner hr clasattehrnhowhi, propellers had re sire.• an hie Iha • ix prepared to carry freight arid piraarnger• a, • po, no the Erie Craraisl, and LAkcs Erie, Huron had Mir.. • Us. flaiatrag every faciii , for ron , nr• lag freight ha.l par scorer. with prompt..:.. and dispatch. the proprirt..: and shan. rexpectiatiy solicit from their :newts a eoh• latioratio• of their pstroartir C M REED. e Proprieior rAIiKS Denver. Ag,.. 101I\ A CAI:(011 . :1", Agent, apl4 or Waur tptul Smithfield als tila 18-IS ECLIPSE TRANSPOILTATION LINE. To and from :ha Eastern roue eta Cumberland. , rIIE. propru,ors of this popular line, ha ve•rlnce thrur 1. re-orguntratton largely untreated their tartitt,• meet the turishea of ahippers, and am now prepared is forward a greater amount by the FIVE DA LINE as alto try additional regular wagon+ at low rates Thus hue will run throughout the year. deltveruig gooda throash theagrnui in Baltimore arid i'mal.,,g6 to owners and conatgloce• at specthed rout. and urn. Shipments from Phlladelptua for the Item should 1.4. marked "Carr. Robinaon, Baltrmore " The only manta are J D ROBINBON, 91S Churl. at, Baltimore EDGERTON It Co, Cumberland. WA 0 W CAW., Itrowne•ille. C nitAvvEL. Pittsburgh. tafgo. l -. j'LTION 1 ! : 1211 E - Agency .t Cusaborland from tC hours of 7cieig 4i 2t d .: . 7 Fun to that of bigwig. A Co Pa:tabu:o and woo =modalu art notified th.i I 11.7 No 91 South Charles “. tlohLroore. W. outhodind Kent of thts Lane IP b. t Postai, eines The uuly mg.. are C DI OW ELL, Psitlbnrsh, U W EDGA BTOT # Co Cusobre , and d real I . J B ROBINSON, Ilultunore. _ . W••taras Trakaa r talloas Compktasr, M-M.4/83i 18-18. 18-18. TO 14111.ADELPHIA, BAL,TIMORE & NEW YORE •sts 011143 10•46. ARE preparrd wtransport rood. and pralure w un.l from Ihn atm ye Ones on ravuruble wrrn• An drew or apply to 11 LEECH k Co, Canal !lasts Pittsburab HARMS & LEFA.,II, Nos. 11 kt 15 South Third .1. J TAYIA)R& SON, Agra. No 14 N'th I luward 51, !WI. A. ABBOTT, Art. No 7 Wens street, New York Pittsburgh, March 19th. 1041 morn TranapoitsTilott Lino. 1848 ' Anita =ZEMZM FOR PHILADELPHIA AND lIALTIMORX rAOODIt consigned to our care will be forwarded k.,T without delay at the lowest current raw.. C A Mc ANULTY & Co , Canal BUM, Penn st Pittsburgh. MERSEILLES & REYNOLDS, 272 nod 333 Market st, PhlPa. ROSE, MIWRITT & Co, je2A Smith's wharf, Balunioret _ imLiiiszTRAHSPORTATION LINE. Ant-eißlB4B - "-nqu::edtOtbrUtt"t;lnrar'oginhierli the ' , " "tt t r "" lea l t; ' l . : dady. Produce and merchenthre ut few Alerchendsse from Baltimore brodeht but ut turtel rotes. Time five days. 1 C EBBW 111,1 i Age. Water st, II doors above hion&a. Boum. Pittsburgh. B ROB SON & myl7 92 South Cherie. at, • PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE, 1848• fiSlia t BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND raTsnuaolf. [Er Time, 6 days. 171 Merchandise trumported at Canal tales FORSYTH A DUNCAN, Arens, Pinsbugh. FRAILRY ki l tral= o =lllll, jytl 47 I ighi atreeL, or*. BOOKS, MUSIC, &iv. Valuable stud Attractive Few Books. History of the Gironcluta i vole. lado Ltfr of Chevalier Bayard; 12 too. Life at Henry the Fourth, of I'mm, ya —lrmo Cconroler Gales of Dona Id too. 1.1/e ul lraua ehrrr; vo. N10w..1 . 4 Fre1:11 tile:trim,. or a ors.' Sheaf from :he old !AO. of 4 'onuncroal Europe. Cape iienr)'4lol , lcht. no :he Mextran War. 12 mo 0,12 Sim.) to Ow Ilaulr of Waterloo: IY mo A *tutu, th sootlurtd. by Jacob Abbott: 12 too ~•41und, • I.ll , rature of the South 01 Europe; 2 role 12 took Ito 3 ton'. Ale enturrs no Skim° and the Rocky Mon 111 to roudiii I . ,nahusnon, ‘Vorkoi of Rev 'no, Chalmers, D D., 1.1. The Pretenen: A oronomen by TllOO Dirt, 1.. C. D. 1.4 e nt Immo, llelknup. li. D., Dammam of New 11.1 , e.pdorn 1..11.en 41.1 :he Reionnanon, by John St.oll, M. A., Vl4 1 he Midd , o Kingdom. woh n liel`r map of the F.mpire; Ic IV .i•••. I_o ll.< rower ot the Pulpit, to • mrdtner Spnog, D. D., 11. The I tli ' e r t7.:ll S e p r r Tif ' .l 0 13 1501: 1) oy l2 R n' o o v . t it. MCI The In• Court nod People, Ly John S. Ataxwell. m .ori Shalt 'pea re. to N. Hudson. '1 an ot Aloe hea—lninornird with nine rogru- Vllll, 1:11 111111 eottioniung sketches of the II ye, ot ilood, \Ve•l. Olson. Trumbull, De Vet la it M•raiolt l'enle and T ho, era wford: 1 vol.. yo Onnorx on Fromm. 1011501Rilin sketchea of me ,v , 1.,n0rt.m., 'Ebner:, Napoleon, Dorton, Nlirm hr •• ...b . no mid other.. with port mit. of roc!, Ilea Nolmleont mid ht arnhata: Y vol., 12 000.. Ile: and ho , Linares', 2 volt, 12.rri 1:e1.11e1 Sacred )loutontos 'Elm above. itmether with a largo roller tion of Stand ard Work.. t•mn.irni and School hook.. rale Ly JIOIINOTON 2c STOCKI'ON. BookAellem rorin r market nod 3d Eli' \ AVIII.ACrIVE 111 tOßitt—Cttuatuers Le .i, : Itwyoriore ReA.lmq, ) 0 0 .. t.r0f t w Itt S to Mr. Fry.t.ind Nor, author ot -Srlootorsrl Franc,' Ludy Mort . . or Not of we Word, It) Bev CTay lor Al A, Ilarttuott. or the Pearl. Ao ?lark tt:orottp. or the MerelintiCo ,In 1., of rn,lnk. author or -Cour., or Tune" The Itwtener.b) Caroline Fry: Ettoturoo on ttniakopeure,lty II N Life of rtlty, Crotnx r li. l,y J T Ileroltry, Napoleon 111141 Ft. Mat,ltols Waatungtori and boo t..enerni, rower of the Pu'po.b, Itor.lotor Sprtog, D D Bethel Flate. do du Heligtion ToaehteK by Itinotplo. l'ulprlt iratoro Of Prunee. try Turnbull, I•osous ,oullund. do l.tie of Ito. land Clwr , h Pulpit. 3 vol. trotoro of Prone,. Now . antlTlttor. Bethune's Poems: 111urpore: Mercer. Jortoltux on Mooney, odoptott to Union quositons, Arthu I'npu 'lx Rirlteot the World' tt Lott lin•te tn r i.e }{ll.ll." "ll tehe. ll4, IL lie..' Kr , j. , llt, op Appearance, "Dollar and Creditor • For .ale I.y vi.Lufrr h ENra.ISII. otl.l ttt- wood and 66 market .t n., N lilt Nut.T.t t N 1.•.n,k Avaol.gnent, wo• I Skl, Koglavd Coi , noto. ino:o oo.rr t 0,1000,011. of ad , neyloo •pc. ,111 ,. :1 0! Anicrwrils •k 11: d 101 , 0vrIttor reMarks Ira= In ,1,0 =EEC REI=III . . . .. . • I. wail 1 , 1 Willi your •• f'..blinl At urhturni - wliplt I rotpuirler us u grr•t nuu•kral un prove., 1 1.1.:1.L a•ut,l !ou 11'. 0,1 MS ~.tll I •II,” vsc I•tn.• •.,. rig; zt r,..ery ~,,, •on KUTII,I3II to. r 111 Iw, . Ilv ..t' .• I. I 1. 1 1 .1 :0..1 ',gm* 11.. , ,r• 1 =EMI 11• K , IMMIEIBM! 14 1 4 , s•r-•I. 1 , %I •.1,..1 1.. p i A. , N( , 1.1,411 Ul' •.HIS'% I • I. Tlrtalie Frame Plano. SYLLN 1211. •••. , 1 fi111.,...1 t altos ;”•• 11J: •,-.! T ILINSPORTATION VI:It A NI , LICE PACKET LINK Ittatitoll ,•, PORTI Ifol SO v., 1 nit /tato, Poltnek, Sayer te.entot Patoot,er Packets have tg n \V VII A NILEICL -11.1131N dant, the n-a-ott -one toat tong !'.r,. .Tnry rnormast a rl and ono nv. Ike ser ever, even., totentottl , e:y all me al . ', ot the ...amt.'s: MteloSmt hnot Polshnsalt rh. hoots am new and coatiormloy turommol. and tun 111rouK“ oh lolly Imam Ilassengem to ant/ t h e Late. to Ntagnse Falls will find llos re...• toe mom coal/unable and atm-Moons. 'hearts nn, tot the Lake call he loneumtl P•Rkel Co.lleaer A CAI t•IIK). ARt Plltaholgh. nor Wmern.l 4 otoldtrld •ts A t:L N N -Jan Hannon, Ilutlhan, N C M Komi, Fme. ,• r Wlet Green•llle. Ps. Wilationd sod King. IK, Bend. Pa. 11.). A Plumb, Kliarimburglt, Prt, C MalattShmon. Mathram. Pnlaskt. ft ,% Cumongham, Ness Castle, Pa HI HERCRANTIP WAY FREIGHT LIFE. 1848 . Mida 1..11.71.1 10.1 11, r4•NS.I4..r•TION WAY .11.Ilialr I )1711% 1:1•:'s Ihn•roirah. itday•hurgl, Won, .treat, tilurrungdon Co) and Pr . .. terd , urgh Tina Idno was formed etc luary el) lot the spectaine• c..rninodutnnt or thr on) buwanemt The Proprioror., krnl tor rho so, likornl patroonFe thr7 Imv• ro• ed d 0,,,,„ eArs, WOUld respeettutiy th• 10, •nod t.oh that they are !tow -it I prorni...l drily or god• ur any am on the I;unal Alial Rail wlth prompt/Ir. and di•put. rii . NV0013,. J A i;I4,FH;It. THIN Mr.. JOHN MILI.F.H A 0.1. .“.ENTs Woort...l"l"hnosvo John Ifiller, lhalithaysburph A NI .\ milt) A. CO, vithhl Ih.laitgl. te Sketch., J h J Itt.C..t J II Shoe.orwrue.r. . 1 / 4 liuqx,y hSO .1011,1 NN it. Ixtintrr ,evti P•nnsylv•nlik Canal & Road Ka pressyftat Packet Line, iS. THOM I'ITTMOMI TIMO TO POIDAOELTIOI RK. o:zelnetvely finr Pawarliger4 ) . , I , l , l , ldru .o h m l Untie throughout tarnaon The bout,.re and ,det anpenor elaar sutth wtll give greao•r eorulort Tho are are the laic. roommetion A I nu: ars to. in port and tray, lee nre yneai cud .and exatntne them brio,. engaging po st ge where. (Fare Indy tune dollar. through ) One ath, tromp of thi. !Joe ortll leave the hunting loppoarte U Hotel. corner of Peon street anti Canal. r very sught at nine o'- clock Tar, dny.. For nifornutunn nppl) al the Orlire. Monongahela llou., or to 1) & Col jea_ ennui Hari: PK4gal:tiger and Remittance Office. AIIANIIDEN it CO. r onttnuo to Lnug persom. Iran Roy pun ol Englund, tr 'laud. Si,ot.luttd nl Wale., upon the most lilmral terms, won usual ponctuatiry and utwonon to Me wants and cont. 1 ., a rm ., r R 01.% We ` d¢ .1 allele our p10..,.1.cer• be folds, I.) the ..rirdllos ...unn , . .h. port, ar •-0 t 0 .•• !lie) re. or, in•mg, 14,10 ue II itch Ile-O. Without any deteintun by tee asst ships. We ray lbw tearlessly, es we defy one 01 our pewe ' s, to show that they were detained 4S boon by us t Ll'Vefpoal, Whilst thollertfilis of others were detentetl months, until they could he sent some old craft, at s eh' r rate, which leo frequently proved their coffins. We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost wlhat it May, and petwas the eoKchuaseu.loll, WWI ether officers,—who either performed not all, or when it ranted thew convenience. Drafts draont at Pittsburgh for any Kalil from to /loon, payable al any of thetyroirlitend !truths in Ito latid, PAgland,ficothuld and Wales JOSH U A ft( /DJ NPON, Et.roPetsat and General Ant, all Ptah stbolo,.d, one door bolo,. - - EVROPEASI AGENCY, For the Recover) of Dormant and Improperly With held Real and Persima. klamte--the Settlement and Arbitration of Commercial, Tradins and other Debts. Securing Pi hues for Inventions in Great Britain, Irenand. and the i'elontr• •nd Dependencies therranri beionvittz. and Y....goon:mg or the Purchase or Selo ot the :rime THE proimpal of,ert in the ettalAishritient of this Agency e. to .0) reel in tne most muslactoM • Lad 'economy., mattr the nen:term. eLroms for property set., ectzens of the butted States really ha Tvee. or unapt, nary 1.0,40. in klngland iota else whre. he efforts of designing and unscrupulous men have been uenvely eticaded miluenetng a belief 00 thts stit9eCt many quarters. with a view to petty pecula tion. and evident., cq me mei have Dean n Irequently lavio,ht to lie ht as to it noonurxeerersary that an mime be navois .nr l.:ect the guts faction on those who have been deluded , and to estab heti the claims of a. are the rightful her s m doubt ful property. to tom w LOCI% a improper.) witn!iald Articles to the leading iooruals in the pride pal mites of the Coin a, freguentiv nopearing. beade -own ley histate. - ''.l Great Forthne f somebodyd.- T -Meet togs or the Iloilo ;Rod's at Oh rocester:' -Cease Niem an,' de ki.the authors ot which are generally law ) seekinq prat-der. or adv.,iturers. vrliuse only oti 1.,: IP to teed ono., pomic eredult , . by producing an excitement ,11ii..1 1113 reahre tor them•elves monied, me duo,. nod ,tio o r v,terally spooling. without the -tightest know.eder .4 the •olojects they put north. The cymicliCe s ltLt• bring a tact aro every where apparent. no no OW' single tionance have th eir ill loundeilexpectations Lice, o::d ais h Olen' Ihe correction of Mt , that die •uh,riner has O e:l the mostextetinive arr adios . , to sous!) the inquiring, as well an to musty me curiosity dios . , w no, inducncoil by family connection or otherwise. wish to pursue the tuvenugauon of inall<l, Cotten 11,01- tel•Wts ulake 100.1 ,tupetsacna• 10.11.1111de Ao teGardA real Etiglood, the bulk of it 111 atileect to me lawn of hhtui.. nod Primogeniture. and Lair since the revolution 111 lane, Inn provripal estate. 1./c.clisLlLiceled to the...hang , . which always cn our on re eo:ution. coolurdon. and change of dynasty; and altlmugli th ere yore heed Tema! lawn passed for thin purpones. all those which have reference to thin sulocot. and winch were passed subsequent there to. are su I avatlab , in cases of legitimate nght It is not. however, nitended mi. .Icm - twine..., to refer antecedently to the American revolution of 1770. at which pr,irsi. a great number of parmits entitled tit va rnitts Ways to property. abandoned the same by lor an tiic revoluumiudy party Thts ant. in itself. was soffi t' Ifllt In lead to confiscation wile, it W 124 directly held L such individuals; but when those abandoning the sans , were next in succession to th e then poaavors. -11 id cm. heroine. altered. and alienation front home and founly %erre made the barriers to rightful inheritance. Another Iruitfhl of investigation is found in the I'm:homed Dividend Kook of the Bank of England ; and WIC 111rtil.m, a.. 1 doe, earn name that hose ver exts,tl at a holder ot funded property. is the main reliance of the unpsneipled traders in public credulity. I The modes of investment ore exceedutgly numerous andll parts of Europee but lit Idigland particularly so, the subscriber lo prepare inn s h o wn the Mealtime winch he pose ..... for an invesugation in soy of the mottos above alluded to Ikeiddes ail these. there Ls property Liositively I , equeittned. and COLLSG. 1.04 . 111PL1 the 01 Int . pa rtien to wnom demised, tiorornes Involved In tilt) .Uhf ein UM laws of the Court of Chanter). It. nil Caeca. eve°. 01 suppri.ed Mimi:, connexion. the mo-t pat and smi•fariory ...horns:ion can be .the .t as to the fuel. connected vet. the men:hers of Min ihe.. matter oe remote the dale, or se angry' bruit the id, roigation, stid here the race hes alrea dy bee ti ofiderloaen h y any of the numerous person. alrea dy' pr , rid to n linuw ledge of this boomer., anti who have naugettnir railed .1.111111. untitled alTord the Information sought by the vie tim• of their specious ties• at: delusioo.•ne maw: s e more )cuddly under 0, the greatersatisfaction in aiding wolf.. r preteures of othery have obtained so much mitn.rited confidence Inthe eincine , it Cotione,cal, Trading mid other litho , . ie necessary logo! and mercanttle aerhtSl oe hrooeht to lar. `I are a Of holln cenlu -1.1.U. ar ;dam ti. tss best evidence that 1 re a.fon.•d..f the wilt he bestowed on tim•,•• m 1111 l im udder ts., d I ...ell.) , and warm le Patent r secured in hdy or nO fhirt,. or .Itll have the'AIIIIIP rdi,t cd in a et I over 01.11 nIN 'ye th,. usual t.r. t,ihred th ad, e,e. • dry Every li:forma ..., h modhie tpeio.o. 0101 the .tin e d, aderded and ere ofleTed wradu end 1411 wh v h.ver he.ohas to nos department •ted•. 111 l there:oli the pe.ile in get. rlv svhdded to th, ed the Agen ndins no,r are reimesuol to be post I. r.o Water stn.,. New Nu. Ir ,•:, r iu Iny irlert,l IIZIEM In fr•pt,lll%,, • ample - IThr ti• 1 t; ,t,; wen, t." •" . W.•••• i•thrths..-.1 111!111=1!13 MIIIIMI MEM .? .114, in LA, ~,,, u. r). betwern /.// and •crere/... pu r - lual!) :Mended to • rroprietutt. ot iwort.paintrit ' ou r tilts sot/ ••:t /o//nem ./ tnuo/1••• u• /lour itapeq...l ll • • I'•• trt •Lv.• tne.r Intl to tt Tor, on uurrlos.Ang Vl('.. tour* um utnounl o! tor, Oti: tot utiverntong. Ihtn.'n:nnai MENEM MEM MMMESIE 3fISCELLANEOI • 1 - CE.Y.M.I. , 110. I' / Cor.nion N nn% nrnilden J I I .10• ,, . , Bans. 13adalto rt. ERICK FOR SALE ,tertro Prc•s. i..• pa,..t. MME EMS=I Ml= WOOD TYPR• 11 ,1 r'd rkrn , r, 7,171.- \ 1. 11. H. RYAN M It MI R, az. .1. I, tor nsisr.u. trla. /c.o. %Vt... taca et . .• mad,. marhi • r,y. trl on , It,le tit r 1.140, ••• •..e. 11.,11•11•1, A MERIC AN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ril-ritect , “ Amu ,v)tua.01..... Oilier M the Raellange. Baltimore. 111.14 liA - I . 4are lwrn rr•lLt. :7tomu. Ihs nmi okr,.{..uttn, rra..lloll clar,r sor • ,eirttr4p!t rtulch to or Of :Or 4,1 Of WOO., f cat:, eniargt .• made We akitires• and 1.1;1,1 u l. tw Weceru Line of a k ,, trout Ilein, ~. 61• rt.", , Nnw Orleans. des ne nr.ird to \ Iraq y tl.nt route. end masonl inr New ;Nen., it II The Allegheny Cemetery. S the, Mania,r• ii/t the ) cm. '1 • MtPMAn M HOWE, /MIN 141, , 51.1..1.. VISS rrii I as. `..k I'll A N I I-4. 1101. M EA/ ts. I 1.. , 0N C /1)11 . • H /.1104/./sliF.Rtir.l l , JAME:. II SYEKH. ' ' 1 F 1 . Vtecrethry •nd Treasurer. The mknuml amement preacthetl the affairs of the we st vrry pm•pt.r.• coud.ork Tlthif offleo th iny to No AT Oven. jel2 011.101 SAL .BOLIVAIt BRICKS.. LXPEILIF-N , 71-Li judge, ou a tan; ut our and a half =Woo, amen protionuer this aruele tumor pusaecl tor JuralnUty in the tooarucunn os all lands of urrlacca Price 15V3,75 ea,. for oal• all) M. guar. eon] mint mouths uac. Ordors tOr a second quality I.knivar van Le egoestod at aLa , per M. if Pe dr .nrcal, without guarantee. A stoc ot the hart quality i• no or tor ant at nut arenotnie, ':+loan's Wharf,' Clo no Haan. J O , IIA o%' NIACLAILM.N. ••,..n Kenangion Iron Works WU:NIX FIRE 1.11110:,-The sub•crawr• satins appnintra iunc Agenla liy in. manufacturer., in; ..a:e til uic brut,. Brick," art nii,v prepared to h.: order. fur an) quanuty, at $2l. ca,t, per l lath rt.( tilt [ll.irtletlo ll oh furnace% .0 i.e... brie k • have liven , lry judge. a. bring •npefior to a.. other fire 1,••• 111 A NI ANL 1:1 . 1 J. Co. Canal 8.. EME=MI • 1)11 rA lik.F. .-1r cutt.csa•cttt aructe ilensw• an , tt•t the 1.. r, ea. , . or cwt.., ytl.e ball. tt.t , 1., t•n• nirtt A tr./ ttt•t re. t•I U1 . 1.1,1.iN /l/ti.Nt.tIINCY .1.1)A71114-1.)ellyrrod N1o) llth. tho 11..uar of tho ztll,ll Ward. rut ttttt rgh 11. Breckosirldge. 1'0b1i.11.41 by JOHNS ft /N & Sl'llo KI•ON, and for salt , by n.l/ tho 114./o...rellorslo //IC ekl). /7 3 chutee impertor brand', rerenvcd and for .ale ...•oualooddling term, lot td,l, 11. au>u1rr111,.1.14111,...100 °berry gt Alll/ 1/11.• bl.lesurerlor. LltyroklionlY. broad. 1.4 10.0 rerv.ved and la” N. 11.11, it 1 iillll./ & 640 wood rst AT,—tai ea, ko ruperlor 011 ix rrt'd per nteatner e and for • t' t.) ,trip J lA+l Roan.: C.nurr“ r • M \ S eel Main ' SI Int L.-rz•AAN 11 , 1 V j l . lt;lo . Lk I , g mid ,t,12 II .4E., .1 \\T lIEET IRO io 100. No. ,4 or tele tk, ,ot S 1 VI , N t o 1.1)1. p A rtll t t, , i." ,; 'F"‘,ll oargn g. h Brooms, 2. do II Jrn L, tor role F V, IN W IiONN liollaS by T 4. Co Kr."" : " 1 . c co d onrl o ,71` "'"' AC II • I'I,IIIIICM pm lauling 0 , 01 wi,yroN BOWEN, 70 trent 10 BARI.V.I'-4 Itar tor snict , y 4009 VICK & M'CANDLENI - • _ aim for brrlertry. \VICK tr. NIVANDI.F.S.. A ri'l.l , - 4 - .5 3 um aogIU D 1111. ) lustiverived I.lll d (Or .11/0 by II .1 PA IiNtISTOCK m CO. audlo corr., I•t nod wood d• o dOU Ju•l recd d tor solo I.) •ti nytl AFA b...fruc K& Co I.att , :4l;l j ue I \ .I.t) !I 1, - .0 41, 44 1 4 4 1„41.1.4 .414 , 1 14 I,y uugi. r, t W ttliA t.II - - _ L LN: u I. 4 : , E L L) Ull.--1:: Lula tut siniliriAN .4 [WATCH AIL') Ult.—lU Lad. add 4 Kali Ws, in rime to j. 4 0 IV sale to, ann BILON CtaiIeKRI , IEN DACoN stioULDIIIIS-14 emu. JO.t reed .ale by engin BROWN er. cut.BERT. ,. _ - _ CIOFFEK—tI.I sacks Rio Coffee. a prime article Just kj received and lat sale by ougt7 WICK 6.IU'CANDLF * S iy.cußnm lb.. tA . ot rto'd anti for .1) ,ale b. $ A FAII/Ak,l'OCK & lbr sogib comer lot and woo,/ ots - CASNSUBIPTION, Asthma, liionehnte, Liptuitie Mood. Pain is site Side and Breast. Sore Throat, lioarsorteesiPalpildion of the Heart, {Snooping Cough, Croup, hilvta, Nerretim Tremor, LlPtt Complaim, and Dowaird gldnerya. are retheidiv Dr. Elves yne's Composts:id Syrup of Wild Cherry. Itid and pleasant to the taste. perfectly sae and h•nul nu eas in its operations, and yet it is rde oldie most powerful and serum remedies for Consumption of the Lungs, Coughs. Colds, Asthina, Spitting Blood, Liver Complaint : Penns intl. Side or Breaal, and general Debility of the Conataution, that was ever invented by the abll of man foe the relief of the afflicted public. Geminates and evidences of Its wonderful curative posy ,. a m, daily received front all quarters. It . im posstble to o eive the nrgregate oral:dryly:mnd rusk ery that ha been relieved or WiAished by ti; rum can we calculate the Immense benefit that shall scene from it hereafter All ages, sexes, and coolant:Mons are alike affected by it, and the disease is cm/mated from the .y... 1, the consumuon repaired, and health rei cored by the um ot Swasores Coorstiman Since or tWit.l3 Gasser. /lOW many sufferers du we daily ha holdapproaching to an %unmet): grave, wrested, In the bloom of youth, (Fenn their relauve s wm.b rd with thet fatal malmly, CONSIIFTION, which wa•tra the miserable sufferer until he Is beyond the power of human skill. If such m(seen would only make a Ma: of Dr. dwayne's Compound syrup of Wad tint,they would find fflemselveo sooner relieved by gulping' the various ineffective -remedies arttli whirh oUr newspigier3 abound; this Vegetable Reme dy' heals the ulcerated lungs : stopping profuse night swoon, at thecae. tiateindUCUlsanatural and healthy , expectoration, and the patient will soon find himself in ! thy moyinent of comfortable health. Thepublie should bear In mind that Dr. Swept. to a rrgalxlPra.ustall pio... and has had years of experience diseases oldie Lungs. Cbest, Ore The lortgraallud me article is only prepared DR. SWAYNE, ...F -oci! of Eighth and Race atreetcrldledelplus. '' tOTHEIL HoAie;/,•:ri'iuqc'ea.E. Of all the tares thathas ever been recorded, we may rarely say the annals of medicine cannot &flush one to surpass this, which now stands as a lamgg woad the curability of consumption,ev when lift had been despaired of. Dr. Swaylie'a Compound Syrup Of Wild Cherry is all a professes to be, the greatest modicum to the known world. The True Rielue of Life ir Bubb. De. Swsrsa—Dear Sir.—For the good ofthe public, feel myself in ditty bound to testify to the great core which your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perforkri ed on me. For my part. I feel as if ever.. body ought m know it. I was afflicted with a violent cough, spit ' ling of bloat. night sweats, hoarseness, and and of the voice Ind/cowls all alarming state of the dlsensel y appetite was gone. and my strength had, Pa far fail ed me thou my blends and physician were persuaded I could not survive many days. My Lister, who wok my anxious care-taker. made inquiry where she would be likely to procure me most census relief. She wastold that if Dr. rivrayne's Compound Syrop pl Wild Cherry failed in the cure, my do was then hopeless.. Your medicinewas immediately procured, and the not bot tle gave relief, and by thr ume I had commenced the suet bottle. toy cough had leit me Rodney strength was much improved. In short, it has mule n perfect cure of me, end l am at Um present time as heany • matt as I malt, and have grunt renews to believe that the use of your medicine has saved me from • premature grave. I shall be pleated to give any infrtmatton respecting ray COS, asate, cheater at, betweenrace and vine ate, Fbile. • - CAUTION! CAUTION'? Consumpuves, Read! Retie. ild Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of W Cherry. In about the year LOW, I found a ,necethary in any profesmonal practice, to compound a Medicinal prepra. anon (or diseases of the chest aid lunge, posse-tonne more powerful heoltng praperues than any other hith erto known for such dthease, In my COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILL) CHERRY, I have been •ery suc cessful. The truly astonishing cures enacted by my medicine soon spread its [tune abroad; for It owes none of its Ounce.' to trsouracturml newspaper puff or for ged cora:trams—the real intricate mens of ray com pound is the only rause of its popularity. Its extensive sale soon es cued the envy of cerman speculators in the salbcriorts at his fellow creatures, so much so that in few years from the nine that my preparation was intro. dozed to the public and in great demand. a firm to thta city, finding that my preparanon had muned a high rerutatton for its curative properties, came oat wtth what they called Dr Wlrtarts lialsam of Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular physician J 11.4 no more to do writ the article than poor Sara Patch. The name of Dr Witter Is attached to make it uppeththat. this eme mem practitioner was the onglosi Inventor of die pro purauon, such is not the tam. '('he above firm, there al inventor, width. recipe and right to nianufacture to sorne patent medicine dealers in Cuteimmu for the West and South, and another In New York for the East, who afterwards. ti is asserted, sold out to a druggist In Bortor—au the number of ham'. onto which tt may have charged as Or enteral, In some pieces they ththrt it emanated from a phy sician Piandelphllli in others. trom a phystrian atassaehuthus yo tt hata thieehood and stratagem .tamped inevery feature. There have been a number of other preparations put Porting to contentWod Cherry put out flltten, from me nais of me inane., which the poetic should guard against. as they column fume oft!. virtue, of the oritp mu and oi l y genuine preparatton, which bears the -ie. nature of lir Ewa tie on and bottle. Thep resent marunieterent ot theit pods and false certificate. have the darme etlroutery 1.0 cu tit Puhise nOnoat ciaanng tit , medicate. we oily truly genuine and oriel nal preparation of %%Lid Cherry hetore the public, whleh to proved sau•tantorns to the public ree,da en the Commostsseadth of Penney...a, •s well aa non. Otis othr r 0111 CA-el dOCJIII , III, DR. H. re \Y AYN Inventor and sole Propnetor of the gnital. Com. --- oef Eighth — dßa eels. i elphtu Pamphlets call he untaed grabs, setting forth an array ut transom) that convtnee the most slept, I ea. of the Nondriqui vlrturs m ot Swarste's Compound Syrup u, 5% lid Cheery Cull and get one, that ntay . rad. Purt. haat- the otedicnse. lana to on anti. s:+•e.,ir and retail. Me Agents. st nit SRN a: Mars, •t. Agents. rnr ..: .. 1 ical Liberty co: r. JONES. led Lauer. .., it A ACNE:art/Os A. Cu, corner in Fa. and I 5, sod And Siam and Wood, IAItIF.S A JONES, Drug. g .t. tome., Penn and Demi ste. and JOHN MtTCH f ELL, Allegheny city'. matt! DK. tint NErS ALTERATIVE. • . We [ln,. neon !Wormed by Mrs Rose of Inure pper. for m,.d on let r hr !Jr. Jayrae's Alterative, vetuell prr.ves s it en perrorty over every other remedy of the Kurd rftte it.. Lean attretcal for mho laot aritoen years dos NM:RUSE:a or iv I lab: swELLpIUS, attended a'..eration. and entobsoon of venom , bones, dn. tog r h time many foeeesh•ve beery derehawa from thee. Lon e or the cranium. from troth hot atom, rarer. and Lan,. and (tom both loge, and from the left bra: bone, nod from the Nett /race, brodestoonfol alerts en other parts of her person, ware! have battled the •ht.lJ ar • trumoer of the most eta neat phytonans of our et. —.hens meet of the time bey atraerlhtt• have been exeroratatg and deplorable. About three months some roe arms reduced to try Dr. Jayne's Alteruove, amen nut bad au astonrshotily happy effect upon her, by rrmov.n,g al! pram men avrelltnra,And causing tha a . .cert tO heal. settle at the mune tone her general health has r,eeorne completely restored, so that she now weigh* . osmote Man del ,efOre she contomoved the me al :rn:y vllyabia prepitliOn.- - ( Eve. Post. For tomb, nth:matron.. Motors of Mn. Rote, No. FLU Filbert .t. Phlladeipbta. r, ho.o..orgb. at the "REIN TEA STORE, ft f mot, .1 near Wood. JTS 1 „...-!( EOM I:LA AND SCKOFULOUS SWELL INGS.—Serolula in all ate multiplied forms wnether in that of King's Evil, etdargementso the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, enronic kineumatism,t...anser, diseases or the Skin or Spine, oral Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the same cause. wluch is a poisonous principle more or less inherent in the human system. There. lore. unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be edected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, IS removed, a care must et necessity lotion, no matter under o hat lorm the disease should manliest itsell. 'Pens, therefore the reason wt., JAYNE'S ALTIHJSTI VI la SO em rersully suceessl f ul in removtng so many malignant diseases. It destroys the virus or principle drom whim those diseases have their origin, by entering into the eirculauon, and with the blood is conveyed' to the minutest finre, removing every particle el disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. South Than street, Pbdadelphta. :.old at the Pekin 'lea Store, No. 1: Fourth 'tree. Pittsburgh niCh.3l f ADIES Who Use Common flrepared Chalk, ere Is often not aware how frightfully tapsnans is tel the •Ittal how coarse, how rough, how sallow,),ellow, and unhealthy the ektu appears eller using prepared etta/10 Besides, It is injurious, contatrung a large gain t, ty o( lead. We have penpneed • beautiful vegetabrh, set:cle. which we cell .10NE/PS SPAMPII LILY BiltlTh.l It is perfectly thnocent.belagpurifiedsof all deletenousgealates; and it impala to the stia • natu ral, healthy, alabuier, clear, hems "stale, at the same time acting as a COW:lclie on the skin, tanking ;I=ll and eauoota. 1.0. James Anacreon. Praeochl Chemist at Massa h Lisette say -After ans.) es..; lonnele Boswell Lally Wn.i.c, I End s: poinwsese tee most beauthful and natu ral. at the •arnc time innneoul WII , CI ever sa w. I certainly can conscientious , y rethimMe d Its nto all whose skin retu.res beautify mg." ,D — Pree UU cent, • non. .algwMold br bVM. J ACBSON, at ht. Boot and Shoe More, 69 Laerty ...rect. head of Wow, 111, the sup of the Big Boot. r-' 43 L.adtes. lad,nea anon:shed. When you know that you are promised A natural, Ilfc-like, snowy srlnne, That yen arta aril/ use mamma chalk, Aad look a deathly yellowlright, The theme of laughter undo( talk If you would use a box of J0N1.. - iti it would give your skin en •labaster yet natural orbits, and at the same time clear and unplove it. Sold at JACKSON'S, :0 Latterly ht. Prnee cents per tor.. toy& PAPER WAREHOUSE. O. Inrd NO SLIP. 1.511LW TOOK. yguA Nv FIELD offers for sale of the lowest Manufacturers' prices, a eery extensive snort. memo( PAPER. Conl prawkg r very possible r•rwity, adapted to the wants of consumers in all secuotts or the country. Paper of all kinds wade. LO order at .hOll not ce• lite stock of PRINTINU PAPER in nausbritly lark. a pane( watch t• of very supersor crumbly. PAPICH. OAK.batlit eIATERIALS of every desertption, imported and kept con...kitty 00 ban., eta Feltings, Wire Cloth, Fourdrinter D: tree Blwichatg Powder, Mae Ultramarine, Twine, Ae., RAGS.' C, eras, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, IrrysAstur, e.. porettaacd, for which Use Iniglreat price di Cush be paid I rzly New York, J .n)f,..T . Pr. 13, 4 :114 Pr e ATZ: Prem ium re l ge . bl7:ll - adelphm, now offers so the patine in Indian V eer amble Premium Plaster, this qualtue• or none& after long and tried experience, has been saustectortly es. tabhshed. To women who may Oe minesed wish Prolapses Uterin or Fallen Womb, he recommends his pla ~,, gAaranteelng a auto soul speedy cure the short spasm fiffront two to thee woek, applsed with care and res tscarding nil the routine. In and e4penelya bawlages so long In use. 1 Ins be feels conscomilous in stating, Istasoisleh EII he hes not (turdin one ease oat of three hundred and gity-three pa. bruin. Also for Rbetimuusm and Weak DreAst or Dark, at tended wcth pun, there is nothing to exert thm Plaster tit 1. eifordfng relief or °Pecans a cure. Foe sale by Wlleal, corner of Dsamoudand klarket st RM. it 1 Reiter. Liberty and St. Clair as Ur 1 unsom a Federal at and Likamoud, Alto- o Jagques&o Mand Di amond, Binning. ham - —• - - A coolies's to she Worlds TIVEINTY-FIVE DOLLAR:SwiII be patd * any ono wins will prod:tee a apel of paint, green a dry. lhat cantiot be extracted .mll.llolo* Improved 1...11...m1ettl Soap. I have the seuentetiOn of sayang to me people of the. [deco, that this article, by my own unproven:en( on , w mends unnoallod in this roman, for entrancing ~,,,u o: e , tar, pooh, oil, point, or any other greasy Sub. stance. loom all kinds of gentleforn't; or ledtmet.lollOns. ea , p.ns, tab/el clothe, menno aluterlc moire' benign, without injunng anything ;CI; pure armor willnot . i km un-. More than one tttOikhund pereorta to di& ent perm of the coaxers have told me they would be without in if It cost one dollar per cake., In mans thls soap on more 01.300 articles of Ilia aide, nth* .i. poems, and calicoes, I have out); found dace ptertee of ilk, two of alpacce and 102 r of MOM*, on 0110011 it changed the enWri tbisrensts before palling A on o ito n dress try a ample of the dew grab 1 stab tblebccusse I urn determined not to recommend ii any monger sp ia I know to be strictly trim , in WHlM lone, 121 sin per tete. Vold, asbelensle end retell by lil 2 deal_ _ . ______ i n/ . I. _ . , L 'st___ riE.AI3-30 half class. Y HTeei 30 do4 - it 5,,,1 s o , 30 do do Gunpowder drg ,N l do & Wahl bear li ty hn tinponniet arid, Y sis Moil and for sale mill. , II AL CULB=7BO4I ---4P41441 A °RUT CURE, porionned ba orkylialumisalyeree nand gatinuer Liver Pill, preparedby t end old by R SEL LERS. Mows' FACTOZT, Westmoreland Co-, Jon tae, 1847. S E. Salient—A man of daty to yew and the alllcted toducceme toadd my bumble testimony in fiver of yourjuselg celebrated Lillie Pills I have deterred doing so Sir pan, adhering to Davy Crockett'. maxim, °be .or you are right, then goahad." Mod of the many preparations act:quite, wed qnecks, lauded to dm skies, haw sunk into oblivion meg yaw Lever Pll. have becnoilited to the pobtie, and, indeed, I believe they wlll ',twelve them all," as they are Ind what you represent them to be I bon Libeled with Line Complain from my youth; have .aged mach; employed may imunent pnyelelses to whom !paid moth money; hen lost mesh Rook beta led and physicked almost to death; =heated sor G hate, and axially peen up es incurable In lbars.7 I was induced to ny your Liver Pills, and SOON GOT WELL. Vise box et yeti& LA cum Kamen' to keep me OW 01 pun in the ode, and all th e other symptoms for at howl 19 asinsthe Your Pitts weals° the hew cathartic I ever used, teeing mild, not griping or gir mach siekovesat the stom ach, bet give me winch niter I ken kept them in my store 637 or 7 gar; sold no of boxes and hare tweet beard e sing a ompteint uttered by any me who has need them. They haveinsperorded almost every ether pill In this emightorhood, wad to a short time will bustler, them O. menestly recommend them to all persons needing physic, whether for Liver Complaint or ailhoto Adestio. I eon :eider them breuperior to Calomel or the aloe/Pill Respint- Ni (l ) lkrl77674—ike then are other Pale bet ' or i I f ; 11 "5L po t. lta eaum Ltver Pala on®s who went the GENUIN th ask for and them other than iheeke prepared md told by R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood-el between Third and Voureb Wrects. sold by Dr. Comm., Filth Ward, D 111 Lou,, Allegheny city, xS5 Itydropatlay, or ate Water Cure. D"R 113:3U. W. MORRIS returns his uncere thanks to the citizens su pport tsburgh and Allegheny roy for the very liberal ppoand cn&nragnlnent he hat received within th e last six month. That the Wa ter cure should acquire such celebrity, is neither strange nor usystanothorrben it is considered bow great a number of eases of every variety of diseases, both acute and chrome, have been cured by a judicious the , of d. In Germany, where it or/punted, ath thousand !the wont ease., that were given op by the most sktl lal physician. of Romp. tut incurable, were cored by the immortal Prithruna, the founder oldie Water Care. In Regland France and Amenca, thousands of Mtge leas eases have been cured by and the immerots% Ilydropanith establishment. sow in thee...sand opera non in the United States, speak volume. in favor of the 3 practice. In. Morris hanng permanently cuablisbed awn*" in the city of Pitleborgh, three doors southwest of alley, on Penn street, II now prepared to take a tumber of boarders and near them at his house, and hose who prefer being treated u their own derellinga, will be pthmtually and faithfully wended, Ile may be consulted at hat °Etta from t helock rift 3 P. M., and from 7 to tutu the evening, R.—l:very variety of baths made ath of In he Water cure, both for ladies and gentlemen, ran be ob mined at We Athenaeum. on Liberty street, where they have been recently erected for the exam.. the of fly dropathic patients, and where every attention will be given by the polite and attentive proprietors. ap14.5. Great lifisaallah Remaly. OR Coughs. Colds, Asthma and Consiamptiord The F OREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the coma dm above diseases, is the HI/NO./LALLY BAT `Ott! OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London. England, and introduced Into the United Sums under the immediate superintendence arum inventor". The extraordinery success of this medicine, in tk, cure of Pulmonary diseases, .11117.121.11 the American Agent to soliciting for treatment the worst possible ca ses that can be found in the community—eases Masses's relief in rain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been giver up by the most distinralabed physician. as confirmed and Incurable. The Hungari an Balsam has cored, mid will sore, the most desperate of caws. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Eng hob medicine, of known and established so:Stacy. Every family ill the United States should be pplied with Buchan's Ilmagarian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate., but to be tmed as a preventive medicine in all eaves or cold.. coughs, smiting of blood, pain in the side and chest. trotatton and soreness of the lungs, brochitis„. MSc ulty breating heel. tatter, night sweats, anima *don and general de bility, asthma, tulluenza, whooping COligll and croup. Sold in lame hostels, at al per bottle, with fall direc tions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, contatunig • M... of English and Anson can eeruheates, and other evulenee saostung the un equalled nerthi of tins great English ' Remedy, may he obtained of the Aga: u. gratuitously. For ••/t by LI A FAHNESTOCK is Co., corner of at and Wood and Wood and bib sta. math DR. JAYNE'S CAIIIIIIN ATIVE BALSAM rRUM the Rev ASA 6111 • r, a wet. know. and pop tsar Clcrp man at We PiOles , aul NI clitOdiet Chateh The unatattagned having neon /tainted daring the past trotter with a dtwase of the liamach, .nitclinica pro :theta{ great pwia in the gtontheh for tenor twelve boars Will...teraLiSsion. and aster having tried various tented.* wan I. ttle ell/r1 was :tlf hi,hrd with a nOtt:e of LW tr Jaynes Germinal:a, outtat t e rats he tired a/- cornet; to the altretions, nod (bead thvariaoly th.t true nle.cnte rauand the NMI to abate in three or four mut ate- cud in filter nor twentytrastrs every uneasy en a.a.. was entirely quieted the medicate was aft tett...ldg a•nd whenever . ndleauons of the apploach of plant:vete perceived, and the pato was thereby pee/ant ed lie connaued at Li, the med... every evening and tothettates at lhe monVn/ and to 1 low wenrs Itca. ill ....-ae go tar restored, that the Rua< ref wag re t ies , ed tram a large amount of oppressive pain. Front e/ Ur , coCe, therefore, lie can confidently Lk Jayne', Cannt natty e Rattan, has salutary med. in for tl.seaseu of the statute. nod bowel:* A SHIN lit) Alkgheor .1y :it For ea.e Pdtstoorgh at the PEKIN TE/ %TOR 72 Fourth etre.. ..edr Wood, and I.ldd thellrug ~ire of it t• Sell W I['rB. !Federal arrwl IlevitnaY Portly Your Blood_ R. O. F.-SIBLEY—Dear Sie Last Spring, and du 11l ring the previous coiner, I was severely afflicted with a scrofulous complaint in my legs, and had b een for some monthisunder the ease of physkinna. They sod my ease Was almost incurable., and they amid do but linle for me. I was nearly helpless, bet with the aid of crutches could with difficulty get atiout In May last. I purchased of you, mid commenced Using Bats. rot, 1111.... After the use of taro bontes, the sores commenced healing, sad I laid obis my crutch. es, using only a cane. I dispensed with my aane, and at the end of the fourth, was no well no to osio all day in shearing cheep. In all, I used five battle.. The serofula and ores have all healed ap, and Orlin lot haml have seen no appearance of the disease, bat /laic con ued. and on now, in the moat perfect tteabli I state with confidence, ho mg that others may he ben caned la the same way, that the Sarsaparilla sold by you. has been the means and the only meatus of erica., mg t he the cure. CORNELIUS J. ROSE. Fsale wholesale and retail, by dA er R. A. FAHNESTOCR & Co eor. front P wood ma, & edso doiloW woad &Galas Id PEILFUICEMY— F Cream de' Amanda Ameic', for shavosi Cream • In 80. e, tor sham& Al monde Creme, dai Superfine Rouse, on Poreelaln snannisi Ln t teem begs, perfumed an in Lavender, A ng:e -I,e autifol powder pas, of all pitmen.; Embossed toilet buses, commoing migrant eel:reels (or the hendkertinef g a IMMO 1.41.211 d slier 00tr.,..t -mle for pregems. Yerman, or Chum. powder: bolt. ringeloble Ram oil, Lk Les oil, in fancy or common wrapper, (nue teem M!EiMMIM roar; Soda map; together ante a great variety of lino perfumery: Just received; for sale by D A FA IID tirrrt.a.K & CO it.: la nor 6th & loyal at. Palmama Halsar.. bi l. z ' , lS we ß- ,0 9. & C dory Since ffir=l ttryy gllal V s4 "b al l i:ultven years ego, the happy effect of which I then gave an aceount of, ° I have had several severe complaints and attacks at my lungs, one a few days since and In every instance I have used the Balsam alonciwith complete and perfect success. It has effected relief imff core in s very few days. It is certainly a stub medinnet. I do not know that ii will cure a iced eonsumption, but I believe it will be in many eases a praventne, and prevention 1.• boner them cure I do therefore, for the love of my low Mon, earnestly recomuneud the ase of this Eels., in all pulmonary complaints. I .leonldeot that It has been the moans of presences re) . _ life to this day. &UMW JunIIENIAMIN ?ARSONS., For sale by B A Falmeneek, kCo, corner first and weed And also corner wood and Gth. jelg tZ [ILEX'S IMPERIAL RCP.-11 has 11.7 poster m cure) FTrniscloo, Feb. 14, 1.547. R. E. Smorsa:—/dy wife has for yeen been sub! of ' M ' e L cure icTfit h e .I',7llfferelt*ioLhugh" thma relnenteZ end had the advice of the most eneeent physiciens ed England, but all waa unavuleig. By chance / board or yen, Imperial Cough Syrup, and was Induced to buy Coale for tnal, although I 'MA no belief that anything need remove her completer. To my great surpnse. two doms gave her immedrara relict She is at times owned with a cough, but two maspoortaful of Syrup always stops*. I oat minified, after a teal of three or tour yeers, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the belit rough midterm I have ever tried either in the Old or New Wend. Foirsureee, Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh. The above certificate should induce sll wire are troubled with cough or utluna, LO give the Strop a 11 it may be had Co 25 cents a bottle, al the drug store of R E SELLERS 57 wood st. debd by Di Cassel, sth ward, and D H Curry, dile ciff. )8..5 Patent Block Sprlair . Yeaaadl. EWLY INVENTED—Forum reLrf and ref reemeed LI Care of lIERNLA or R.L.rreaE. 18.104 10 all but.) I'd...apnea:a . claims of tam Tr... contd.* de tho 0.54. CaratiVlS eat, with watch :I rbaY !at Pled dI toad Wang neatly balanCed on rprdles, paid. to pres eare on any part of it. and Oundastdy adapts au/I to try movement made 0) we wearer. It eta 4e. wore tr. noon IrderabeelOn, wad a care It effected. Yoe Syn. 1 ..era bate trade lelldinernenb for tee 01 thou dalaable Trnaret, ia a supeeor 1•11,44 io pats, and boar them now fur •ale at toil ..tit: e, Na, emitAeld at. near Sixth, P•ntrirdt. ULU. W ATr, D. W. lid. IJEFSLOI. y , EFLIIIFUGE- - Supenor In any I have 1J a Unmans Tr, Fayette county, Pa., March 4, hlr. IL E. hel.Mmas—/ he thlty ceruly that I PAVE used your Vermtfure on my lanuly, had behave tt equal, ti not mapcnot to any I hare ecer used. I gash to ono of nay culdren one does, which expc.lcd steam to worms. kit EVV.PEON. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 Wryld; sr. Sob: by Dr Cassel, drib IVarer; D dl eurry. Ancirtzenfi W J Vemperancevil,e; and Deave, Leer rem-beide RINGFS—An rusortmant rca'd and for sal 0 by myJ J KIDD & Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ru 01.05)1tiD D 5.11.1% TIO-W y WLI74fLY ds Ms , 1.4120 ihidiNis, 4d A., tow 14. 4*l Ok# ItikTfilli OF ADVEELTISING. One interoon of 12 Ilona or lees $o 50 Two,osertions eritheatall.trations 0 75 Three '. •• • . 100 One Week Cwo W eek. Three One MuntO, Two " ry Longer advertiaerraeota in soma proi.""T s ' One tortare,6 mouths, without aiteration•••• tu tsv Each additionaal square for 6 m0nth5....... 500 1 •• •••••• 10 0 0 One .quare,6 .6nth. ro.c. , able a Pl.Wi r r• 4 C41 " 14 Each additional N 0.,. ; o r tomato; ..... 10 (10 Twu squares, r, moans. ro At please.. 30 00 Each additional square, tp months, a 10 1 Each Wlli.llLlr ON TILI-111 LS I. nllll /41515. One square. 3 Inanroou, 41 30 `' •I each additional inaeruon,••••••••• ■UM INT.SI C 474141 Fire lines or lase, one year. ..... ......... 6 00 " ii ii ail m0nth5,......... ..... 600 " " " one year, deity ik. weekly, 10 16 ‘. .. " ell months " 00 ADVaITISIKINTS II WIZIKLT PASIII. For ?algae', or lets, One iewertloo, .80 60 " " " Two, " 073 " " " Three, " 1 1/0 " " " Three months 360 " " " Su " ........ 600 'Pivot,* • V 1 50 . ..... 550 . ....... n 0 ° ....... 4 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers