GROCERIES, &c. C., IL " GRANT offers ate teige % Mo coffee, 79 do blk Pepper, Pkg. Y H. 0 P and It. , penal Tear, .us 20 bbl. e mbed and pd. red:ad BurasT, 97 do No. 3,7 t eLoafdo; ! 9 casks Madder, sale on acconunodaung bxs Runt's Axes; 3 do Hoboes' do; 35 trams Tow Wrapping Paper, 160 dottnw dodo; /tidos 11.1:11p cords; '2l coils manilla Rope; 4000 lb. cotton Yarns; 3Aoolbs No 1 & 9 Batting; 261 , bL Rosin Soap; 10 do rare do; 39 bbls Rosin. MI casks Tennant's doable caned Soda ash; 36 boa HMI Glass: 64 do Sxlo 102 do pint.Plesks; 15 do 1 do do; 14 do quart Bottles, I 3) bbl. Lime„ 113 k d as Beaup's e Paw -109 eg r 6 Rock do; 14 bdles No 54 Skeet Iron; 29 Peacock and Patent Leber Plots ha se , I 2 eenititt. Indlto . , I%brok groom! r .ka ESE", 3 bags Race d Pr, E do AllsoSa, 5o malts nlzinannon, 70 bas IA sa, Es and 12a 'Fontenot Tarim. rd.l and 4nolii , "; td kegs Carolina and Vt.: tang No 05 bbta No 3 lame isaek-1 erel, 75 61,552.1,0 Sugar, 355 keitslE n 13175 Lead cask Black; tact le. A B .54 can Steel. lk!Laubatti • narenow at low rateKs follow 8.5 bf cleats Y P sod blk . 80 bra do do receiving and oiler for sale 50 bbl. No 3 Mackerel haltbbls do_ 75 bp white Brazil Sugar 1151 bra Herring, No 1 15 his Bordeaux Almond. 35 " E Walnuts 25 " Filberts 30 " Brasil Nuts 30 Tenn Gni Kum 200 boa W 20 eases Tomato Catsup 50 drums Fig. 7 mats Dates 12 cask. Pante Currants 20 bra Shelled Almonds 5 cues Liquorice 20 boo Hoek Candy 70 be. Sardines 75 " Fire erecters 8 " suieed Chocolate 9 casesPknne. 25 boo Lemon Syrup 1 ease pren•d Ginger 10 7 ,0tr;ri l fic o rpe ng , Regalia, Castel°, and Havana age. 00 bags Rio and Lsgsdra Codes 15 bgs Old Gov Jaws do 150 bzs manucaerstod.To- Lace°, ss, 154, 164, S2s. I I lb and 1 lb hubp; 16 . and 54 Span do . MO mats Cassis 1 bbagsbl Nutm egspper 45 Pe 2 ceroans Indigo 1011 In.pelf:evnzs 1 Ibbls ehird e Lcgwood 1 casks Madder 22 bzs No t 0 2 casks Epsom Sal 20 bbte Tanners' Oil 6 casks Lamp Oil 15 bxs Sperm Candles 43 bre White Pipes 5 cute Rice 57 bus Dairy Salt 50 able refined Suer r M GronerMu to, Le. 500 tomlo mid Lagstira coffee; a rN Y . . 0 11.,... 0. P. and Imperial was 100 160 bbls . u =Mies; 100 bAs assorted tobacco ; yoo sides 1.7, Y. sole leather 100 kp rook powder ; 31:11 rest. wrapping patter , " asslac 60 bbls No. 3 hu ap ge mackerel, 60 " North ; " sisorted loanougar ; 60 " chip lopomod; " tank 10 " pound eimsroal ; bhds prune madder; 3 scrams& F. indigo; bbl. copperas; " Mum; 10 " sideratos ; .76 dm by/ cords; with opmend assortment or Pittsburgh truutufactures reedstrui and tot sale on accornmodidng terms by & 0 FLOYD, atoll Round March IM7=l TASSEY k BEST °far for sale at as Wood sues, Pittsburgh, on amdmmodaung terms 100 ricks Y. It, linpl and Gnu Powder Teas ; 300 bp _Rio Coffee ; 10 " Pepper; 5 " Maraca ; 100 ball 1 lb Lump, 63 and as Tobacco; 20 kg.. 6 twist 20 Muds N. Cr Sugar, 100 bbl. Molasses; :5 75 . No. 2 and 3 Maekaml , Whig do do 60 bhls N. C. Tar 10 . Tanner , " ; bx: Chocolata ; 50 " Raisins • traits PR 1000 " Au 'd Window Glass from 0-9 to 24-30; 20 cabs Soda Ash 30 bbl. S. Salo ; 10 mks Pearl Ash; 12 Palatal.; 30 o German lay;C 600 kg Asst/ all., with a gamma assortment of aR sises of iron, and Pittsburgh manufactured articles at lowiricca sepl6 Groceries, *o. .3 5 0 S kgs G Y u . 8., a G P. rad Im 'al T • 200 bbls N. 0. Malaita.; 60 bhda N. 0. Sugar; 120 boa blanufactured Tobimco, Cs, ds, 1.4 Ws Ilia I posed /Map ; 80 bas Pepper; 100 Mass Quails • 36 bbl. L.Sars. Carotins S. P..lsuligo I had Madder; 25 kb/a N. G.Tor • 30 N 0.3 Lars Mackerel tao ea No. W rappi ng; 100 Reams WPaper ; 26l z• White Pipes; cues Llnuorice With a general assortment of Futsbargh Manufactures, reed and for sale by GEO. A BERRY, sepia 19 wood a ROCEELLEI3.—.2OO bags superior Rio Coffee Ur 110 bf chests Y Ci P. and Rupeedal Tmts; MI caddies do do do do bbl. N 0 Molasses 25 blab do Sugar lass Breasts do - 88 bbls Loaf do, 0, 7 and 8 110 his Tobacco, 1 lb, 6,12 and Id 22 kegs 6 twist • RV mato Cassia 60 bbl. No 3 huge Mackerel 2 Wats Madder 3 eemons 8P Indigo SO bags Pepper /CO W , No 1, .4 and 3 PO bop Cotton Yarn, 5 to 10 GO tat white and stone Pipes 10 bbl Tar Maus Shoenberger's Nails, usoried 40dna good Wheat Rags 5D bra =lO and 10:13 Clan 30 dos Buckets 6 do Tubs Al.:, Pittsburgh manufactured articles of all kinds, for axle low by JOHN 8 DILWORTH, wpl6 • W vowel st WINES, 1411.A.11DIES, 012111, to. 10 HALF pre Copan Iltmetui Home...p a co " " Co If octave, Rochelle do A &Agnate 4 pipes Holland Gin; qr eks sopr pain Wry Wine, Duff, Gordon 5. Co 5 " " Br-leder lo " Meieire do 10 " L F Tenni& do =tar 40 " Oporto Worm, various 2:1 " Lisbon do 10 /aids 40 hi' hit& Haut Banters Wines hhhi 10 iihds o Clete; blootte . iand 15 do htersoilles do Bersarti 15 beakers Champagne Wine, Ideidseick 15 do do do P A Mum &Co JO do do do .Thlyneson & Sons 40 noses Claret of vas - ions/pedal, implied in bottles /0 baskets Borden= (Rise Cif, any MS, Durand; 5 do Bordeaux " " Letzurrs: 111 do Morse/Ins " " Just received and for ula by .tep2o DULLER ts 111CKLISON §UNDRIEB-75 don Com Brooms; 10 kegs Maple Malan* 60 bit linidn 1000p5 60 kegs ued Nat* raw Wrapping Paper, cotton Yarn, eimdleariek, Bat.- liar, PM do: Buckets• 6 doTubA 10 pea pint Flasks; 30 bbls Tutelar; 15 brolitaretn 1161 81*, 176 ehebing 1:10; 8Pi gp . , s pen or sn 'il dVatrtil fi Arun copperas and slum; in store and I.t WO by ENGLISH tr. /31377 N kr, 10430 37 Woad sly opposite Si Charles Hotel rrEAS-1161) packages, economist . ng J. 'Young Kyoon Teas, bolt ekes:Loud any bozos; Gunpowder do do clo do Impend do do do do Soudan. and Yerorehong, In half chests, of various qualities tad Lae tmpotatrovs, In store and for ule by HA&LET wood & SMITH, a ang23 IS &WWI REFINED BUGAIL—IO b. IL EL hlslo tooloopa, olsls moo 4. fir 6 , 7 . 0 19 0 u° KO do • aerushod d. 900 do F°.S"ld .50 do to MOTO and for solo try • PLUM , A HUTCHISON & Co, odP5 Aim ISt Louis. Ramo. uses -40 hc chests sad au Ens to extra Y. Hyiora . 10 " ': : : IL I P rerder; 10 " Pavel:min Far sale by ' .1 1) WILLIAM, 1111yrood et anal. NTEDS. N. co. 1 No 3 suckereLY bbls t ls=ti s a' sh bb a 16 bbls L 4. House molasses, L5O tors window glass, 632'4, 90 bin,. but Tea, 6do Imperial do. 15 do One Powder &L EL MINI= _-- 0 1L8-4 1r0 g et i. o " dr ble' r -ed. ' r ale 15 4 • t bubo. do Rached do 6do brown - Tannins do 6do BpisiisTnrponfloN_LlLsyrn and or side by ang3l 0 BLACKN & Co ItE7PINED - 13COARS-5 lass D R lame Loa& 600 bL'I 4,5, 0, 7 and B small de; 230 do crashed; ISO proreeset le store and for sa le br JAM A HUTCH/SON & Co, . h's 4 kelt. of St Louie Busson_Soro Refinery_ Q, OOAR RtItIBIEIIIO - IASSES 7 - - 10 3 bble sialpurbouse *3 =lanes lo store and for sale by ___ JAMS A 111rMVSON I Co ,CIOLDEN SYTtUP.-10 bbls golden syrup; 10 NJ' do do do; Zags do do in Pore sad far sale by JAAUFS A HUTCHISON it Co oelos Ars Si. Louie Refinery LEADGOIOna load in more and Gm sada . JAMES A HUTCI4II3ON & Co No 43 onatar m, and 92 front m rr*A9-. 0 70 half chests 0 Powder Tea: 10 do do lm 00111 du '2O do do Y Byron dot do do Paw Abair ela. Ae, l lb and 0 chum otsaperlar quid try, 1 , 0 sad Wally' eas In sumo du.seo by sept • ' . 0 by k Co ACON-7^ tb.,a prima ankle, on hand and for h .06 TASSEY & BEST A PPLES-30 table Green Apples, in stare end for mi. by sepia ViJASEY k BEER Rri EMPTY OIL BARRELS now Isnillng; for We- Mk/ veil km, if applied for Immedlataly. GC • 10 J BOHOONMARER &Co MOLASSES - 2 bbls Sugar House Molasses, Just received and for eats by BROWN a sepld mamma .TOBACCO -70 bi? 10 " Thomes'Grape, Ladles End Or sale try JAISES IttALZELL • , ULNINE—M °Wien JUN reed ausd R E SELLERS, 67 wow. TRACT LooviooD-21 eases rec.% ,sals by sepl3 ,R E SELLERS PIE. AP ALOO3-1 esie p ‘.../ see by upla ~ ~r _ ~n-. SILI s L o r e ll y blOßPHS p ir 3 . -351 ounces et recd sad for LEES taALT just ricdand for sals by tol3 g E BELazas G i f t 640, 1.2 and . 10tr=ordn y a . trf -- PUILITYT% tr. DUNCAN (;11rTUM OPIUM caw reed and 4d sale r. by aapl2 UAW( & BE= COMMERCIAL. RECORD. 1032EZEI San rise. — l3 - 41 5 62 5 54 53 5 50 6 59 5 SD 17 Sunday, 19 Monday, 19 Tuesday 11 Wednesday, 21 Thursday, 21 Priday, - 01014 Prrramtan Gazerra, _ t Thursday Morning, September 2!, 1848. f • The weather during the most of yesterday, Was inclement, and very little was doing in the market. FLOUR—The market continues in a drooping state. The receipts yesterday were light, and we could hear only of sales of a few small lots from firm hands at 4,50 p bbl. From store sales were also quite limited; being confined to small lots by the dray load at 4,751 4,87 p bbl. Sales from wa il= at 4,501,62 p bbl, in small quantities. GRAlN—Nothing new has transpired to the market, and prices are without change. GROCERIES—The market was steady but not active. Sugar and molasses continue firm, with regular sales of the former in limited lot. at 5(35l in hhds, and of the latter at 29Gi.70c p gall. BACON—Supplies ale lieit sad prices show no change from last quotations. Sales of city cured hams at fltarc, aide. 41041, .shouldera at 41011 as in q uality. Other kinds are without change. LARD--Moderate sales of No 1 at 7c p CHEESE—SaIes of prime Western Reserve at tic, and of good common at sic p Br bin:manumit Stscir Wsima—The log is a lira of the receipts and clearances by the Monongahela Slack Water route, daring the week endieg Sept. 16, 1849- Down Freights. Floor, buts 1,204 Whiskey, blxis 93 Glass, has 461 Boards, ft 4,060 SDP, Sand, ba Brick Apples, bbl* bbls Oats, bu lbs 36,900 Lime. bu 379 Tolls for week ending Sept. 16, NEW Yoal IMPORTS—The import. of goods for the meet eodiog Sept. 14, compared with the 7th hes beea as Mows, Maon of Wool, " withdrawn from warehouse, " Cotton " " " Silk " Fl.r " . . dlisceHaneous The goods warehoused during the same time were as follows, Manuf. of Wool, " Cotton, Silk, , Macelkiaeous, Naw You Cskala—The quantity of Flour, Wheat, Corn and Barley, left a tide water during the Ist week in September, in the years 1817 and 1848, is Et follows Flour, 4:Wbeal, Corn, Barley bbla, bu. bu. bu. 817, 74,766 81,300 128,521 3,630 baB, 69,039 93,602 119,613 8,040 Decrease, 5,22E11=12,30213ms 9,208 Inc 4,410 The qmuitity of the same article. left during the second week in September, is as follows Flour, Wheat, Corm Barley bbl.. bu. ba bu. 1937, 68,095 61,191 204,1158 1,254 1818, 66,833 87,218 140,509 e,290 Increase, .1.8'739 26,046 Dec 63,579 Inc 7.036 The aggregate quantity of the same articles left at tide-water from the commencement of naviga tion to the 7th of September, inclusively, is as follows Flour, Wheat, Corn Barley, bbl► bn. bu. bu. 817 2,467,319 2,619,023 4,628,081 312,896 818 1,233,267 1,074,107 1,027,955 150,198 Decreasel,229,os2 1,544,856 3,000,126 162,698 The aggregate quantity of the same articles left to the 14th of September, inclusive, is as follows: Floor, - - -Wheat, Corn, Barley, be. bu. be. 1847 2,535,414 2,680.191 4,832,169 314,150 1868 1,325,100 1,161,394 1,768,481 159,489 Decreasel,2lo,3l4 1,518,810 3,06.3,705 155,662 By reducing the Wheat to Flour, the quantity of the latter left at tide water this year, compared with the correapondiag period of last year, ahows a decreasd equal to 1,514,016 barrels of Flour. RAILROAD MOVEMENTS. House Tonic Bensotin--Receipts of the Housa tonic Railroad Company fisr August., 18418: For Freight, $12,183 99 Passengers and Mail, 7,464 40 319,618 39 Same month last month, 16,139 76 EMSISiM3IiM Barron AND Maitre Etariroao--The old board of Directors, were reelected on the 13th, except B- W B ayley, l . , deceased, who is succeeded by Juries Ha, This road is in a highly prosperous condition, and the receipts in August of the present year ex• seeded those of Last year, although there has been a redaction on the fives and freights since the first of July him This fact, when the depressed state of busiuess Is taken into consideration, cannot be otherwise than gratifying to the stockholders. New Newt, liserroan axe Srnetornum Rau.• itoars—The receipts far the year ending August 31w, were From Passengers, 5219,685 79 From Freight, 125,177 09 Rents, Wbasfage, Steamboats, _ Made, Expresses, 85p50 08 Total, $439,212 95 The amount expended for er sting and replan of road fin. - "'" Minn, sl4s,ass 59 latmext on bonds and loans, 41,702 09-187,390 68 Balance after deducting aspens. es and interest, 4242,822 27 The reMeipta for Passengers and Freight for the year ending Aug. 31,18!8, were $218,31.1 74 1837, 267524 32 1848, 344,782 87 The increase of receipts from Freight and Pas 'engem Ate past year exhiltint a gain of 576,948 5 5 The number of Pusengeis rransported over the mad this pear ending August 31, 1848, mere 297,773 Ia 1847, . 228,595 Increase! 81,178 The ttemponation of this large number of peo ple hes been conducted without en seczdent. The annexed statement exhibits the receipts of the New York, Harlem dr. Albany Railroad Co., In each of the first eight months in each of the past five years: '44 '45 '46 - '47 '4B Jan., $6,642 10,045 11,399 13.683 21 , 331 Feb, 0,025 7,425 8,703 12,1 . '97 19,012 much, 7.950 10,750 12,010 14,917 20,172 April, 10,183 12,070 13,813 16,563 22,436 May, 14.884 17,712 18,651 19,105 29,419 Jane, 15,608 17,978 17,649 23,016 29,598 July, 17,243 20,450 19,373 28,537 32,414 Aug., 15,700 20,055 18,822 30,050 33,284 To4s* 1177,515 1 .---1 20,426 158,473 206,726 The increase lathe flesti eight months of 1848, compared with the corresponding period in 1947, wea 648,253, qqahl to 31 per cent. nawi Pr Ines la the 01•6800411 Elaiket Wedmotay idornisqb tkp, 20 . APpkep4Ppo - .• ••• • 22016 Hatt® 4 0 6 8.4 1.44,84, 400007 W 4P b. ..... --.0 017 --bliddlkg 40 5 ka., bit pal, •- cm --.0 5 m5......... 6 0 5 Paddlag Lircr, fib 4 0- ---Dned• •-•- • •-•8 Ow Parkboateut. 60- --41multra - 0- 10p..-- - 0- 1 : 144,4 4 ir trttoak,•.•• 30- Pug*, rbond. • 2 0 . 1 Batty, bob prrnllBl6 019 Potato% 111 , 4 plt 9 010 Do 4k. Ran. • .12 0.- --E.g.. -0- Do Appbaqt• 100- weal 4P Pb. • 030 Ikao. la kill.ll l pk 8 010 0 111 .,4 1 / Pk• • • • -0-- Skr 6 Itfra s , Iqt -0- Potbes, p pek •• • • 10005 040bage, 41 ..bed. 4 0 6 —Dried, 1p q t. ••• 5 0 0 0 ..., Darras, ft bunch • • -0 - Plain," dm -0- Clacutabets, 4P4108.6 0 8 Poas,ln bull,fpcb- 0 - Chlekcea,llrta .pr 230- rib. •• • • 7 0 d 607 ChanatLlP qt 0 Dried • 6 0- DamatulodDatk ba 40 0- ogisea,Batf,greaa 15 018 Clienies, p ql• •• • - 0 - - Kki" 314037 111 11 .,. 006n t 0 dos 80 10 Itsps.lin, nab. • 0 - •Itpe, pqt -0- —dal• • • .1/0010 -O .TALTA p pair. -0 iVol, best eats," 1 5 -0 51 ...-•••elosol••• .. • 310- Strawberries, fqt -0- 1 4315.111 dot 0 060 WISH- Oar - daga, catk• • 0 rmh. IP boor-b• • • • 26 050 / ". 47 : 15115 ,rqt, me- 5a.... 25 0- _ ,.... m35, ft at• • 440 6 C 0 6 rlbakere• al 466 90 4 0 13515 %Z.,...... lb.. 9_ 4 % 9 w F b LOUR- 0. is -- Aldo.* iO. •le eso at4 '; • 2 ' 3 - _ - _ - 1 .,.,,„ ?3 , lb• • -ott • .•• 44 11P 1600 pm pilot • it' Mei. pi- . 0-- Taktatas," 4 pk••• .40- Plow 111 0 ,L!, - • -2 016 Macau sash • • • • Wigq PORT OF PITTSBURGH ARRIVED, LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville. Comet, Boyd, Marietta Umpire, Young, Cin. Fairmount, Poe, Cin. Pilot No 2, Karns, Cin. Ludlow, —, Zanesvill Caroline, Day, Beaver. Diligence, V.' orley, Wheeling. Alert, (new) shipyard. Arrowline, —, Brownsville. Arrow, —, Brownsville. Ariadne, Grabill, Beaver. Hail Columbia, Green, Cin. DEPARTED. Fairmount, Ebben, Cincinnati. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. • Arrowline, —, Brownsville. Arrow, Nelson, Brownsville. Caroline, Day, Beaver. Umpire. Crooks, Cm. Wellsville, Barns, Cin. At dusk last evening, there were 2 feet 9 inches water in the channel, andj falling slowly. _ Moon% pha.e.. 9 0 15 e 7 M 6 9 34 5 041 4 10 47 9 11 Si I mom. fkorm—Per Keel boot Brooklyn—hi box too, Church & Carothers; 139 bbls corn meal, 522 bx• cheese, H Graff; 132 do do, I A Caughey; I box mdse, Per Keel boat Umptre—ti tons pig iron, D A Greer; 30 tr. hams, W Bingham; I bbl salemtus, S F Von Bounhorst; 93 bble whiskey, Robt Moore; 14 ale bbl,, 4 ball sacks, Geo W Smith; 1 lot furni ture, W II Williams; 3 bbl. whiskey, J A Cau sng. Beverly—Per Ludlow-11 pcs pumps, W Tate; 23 bbl, apples, Thorriley; I wagon, D A Greer, 1 pltg mdse, Bagaley Se Smith; 100 bbl, flour, John Flack; 20 bdls paper, R M Riddle; 15 do do, Loom is• 3 bbls butter, E Hetuelton; 20 elks timothy seed Meelurkan; 25 bbl, flour, Sarni Lindsey. Up Freights. Boards, 11 49,405 Shingles, 23,000 Empty flour bbl, 1,053 Salt, bbls 2313 Whiskey, bbla 9 Hogs, 4 Laths, brils 100 Iron, bars 29 Fire brick, 200 Flour bbl,' 4 1 Muses, Brownsville—Per Atlantic-1 box 1 trk 1 chest mdse, Ira Hussy; 22 bbls flour, W Bingham; 3 bdla leather, Fulton; 28 bbls flour, J Richey; I box mdse, H Vickery. Per Arrowl,ne--147 kegs nails, 307 Las glass, 2 bbl. flour, 10 hdls leather, 21 kgs butter, 56 bbls flour, I bbl vinegar 40 bbls flour, 105 bu wheat, 100 bbls flour, various consignees. neeling—Per Diligence-100 bbls flour, Ovum & McGrew; 100 do do, M Allen a: co; 1 WI bags, G W Smith. Noe/ma—Per Columbia-26 bgs feathers, 3 do wool, J W Butler A: bro; 22 do feathers, I box, M Allen 6: co; 14 bgs feathers, '7 do ginseng, I Dickey & co. For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o clock, by Leech's Par 10-ts. Office opposite the United States HoteL Steamboat Packet Lute, (raves daily for Cincinnati, 10 A. a. Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 ♦. Y. and 6 r. a. Mail Coach Laze direct to Philadelphia, 9 u. a. and 12/ v... Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 •... North-Western eta Cleveland, daily, 10 A. Is. Este and Western New York, daily, 9 A. X. North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, except Swkdays, 4, a Y. Week ending Week ending Sept. 14 Sept. 7. 167,446 263,935 43,353 51,359 93,694 325,445 37,173 52,111 I+ 676 322,996 29,754 26,732 46,076 121,670 35,076 21,361 65,096 89,755 8,878 7,958 ARRIVALS AND DErARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern Mail vta Philadelphia, due 3 s. x., closes IS a. NVest'n Mail. Cinrin. A LOUIAV. due r closes s♦. )d. viallaluntore A Wiwhington. due ti r. a. el's 5 A. is North Western via Cleveland, due 10 n. a., closes 9 •. a Erie and Western New York. due B r. n., closes 9 ♦. Y. Week ending Week ending Sept. 14 Sept. 7. 22,477 22,441 12,319 16,6.67 23,937 6,022 778 All females have skin like the above, who nee lone.' Spanish lnly White. It maketh pure sowy, yet nabs rally solute. Sold ale 9 L.iberty street, /Or. [Er Don have yellow dart 'reeth—they can ba made pearly umite by one nine dame a box or Jones Amber 'rood, rate It hardens the gum. kweetena the breath, de. :sold at MO Liberty at. novlbdtmtrly n ov - Dont have a Foul Breath—lf you have, use a two shilhog bottle of JOrt<9 , Amber Tooth Paste. Tha II mate your breath swiirt, whiten your teeth, Ar.— Sold at lith Ltberty st. - - Dr. Taylor's Batsman of Liverwort. Foe Conruniptian, and all ofertions of the. Chest, Lain six and hirer. TUN 0)1..1 . IMMOT has been tested for thirteen years, by thousands of persona afflicted with every randy of diseases of the Lungs. who •rc indebted for good health to the use of this truly valuable medicine 'Sr., this medicine bee effected More CUM; and done more good than any oilier medicine known. It is un rivalled for its pent and astonishing efficacy. Its cu rative power over diernoes of the Lungs, is universally admitted by physicians, clergymen, and thousands who have toed it. SIX •ND rwalm-oxa testimonials have been published within the last year, eompristha some of the greatest and most wonderlul cures ever heard of Nearly every paper in the emon has spoken editorially of the mares effected by this medicine liNuuerrati rano, can be given of as success in all eousumpure eases. COLDS •ND cocoas are the fortrunnera of Conartmp non. For ellecung • tiotek cure this medtetne 1. total lible. Convincing evidence in favor of Da. TAYLOR'S BAL. sax or LIVERWORT from the AS'holemle Depot, No. ti Beekman street. Alex Smith. 15l Forsyth Street. Sex. cm of Rev Mt. Matthews' Church, Chrystie street. for seven years afflicted with a hall cough; raising blood and metier from the lungs, severe pain in the chest ; at night, awes.... For seven long years he suffered, and at length. rescued MA it were from death by the use of thus almost magmal medicine, he said' • Truly I could not have lived to this tune, but for this medicine and Divine blessings!. We ;lass on to more cures. Mrs. Fowler, 105 King street, for many years bad o distress ing cough, one bottle cuted her. Me.. Reed, 551 Hod son street, cared in • week of a violent cough and cold. with pains to the side Elms Lewis. IS Grand street, hoeing liken a dreadful cold on the too,. wu en.- palled to leave his boson., this medicine quickly cured him, wait doe. all who use it. He works at re, ad. H kery, c of Warren and Washington sta. The Rev. Dr I. I/orner Flemming, 26 Walnut street, New - ark, ha. used this met/mute In hr. practice, and recom. mends at highly. Sold to Pittsburgh by J D ][organ- 93 Wood at ; J Townsend, 45 Market st ; H Strayset, nor 'market and sus;Od Henderson it Co, 5 Liberty at. Price reduced to $1.50 per bottle. malt HTDIWPATUIC ESTABLISHMENT, entLi-tetoir•oll. easslni Co , TIR. EDWARD ACKFIR. takes Be, meant of re. If turning his thank. to hi. friends and the public for the extensive patronage he has received. and of forming them that he Inn late/yerected • large and well constructed building, Itir the exclusive purposes of his WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at bus old location, at Phfilspaburgh, Pa., on the Ohio aver, oppo- site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where be Is ready to receive patients. boarder, and treat them ou Hy drepathte , t rinciplm. In addition to his long caper , and e great since. which has heretofore at tended his treatment of patients committed is ins cafe, be has now the additional Holism. afforded by an es• usraive banning erected expreuly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy room, and fitted up with e•ery necessary apparatus for bathing. and dilation. teeing the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of the patient. Phillipstsurgh is a roost delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steamboat, and af fords fine and wholcaome water. Dt Acker angoras those afflicted persons who may place themselves on der hi. rare, that every enema° shall be paid to their comfort, and as an assurance of substantial benchts to be derived, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at his etnat., fishmeal The Water Cure leave. no One noes effect. behind, LB is roe often the case with those who bane been treated on the old system. It remove. the dis ease, invigorates the ryatem. protects from the dangers incident to dames of the weather, creates • natural and active appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive powers. Terms of treatment and boarding- reasonable. For farther partsculars inquire at the establishment, or address the proprietor at Phillipaburgh angffld Consulting Engineer. a Counsellors for Patentee.. Office for proeurinj and defending Patents, imparting lilformatioa blee.balacit and the application of Am erten to the Arta, and on American and Foreign law. of Patents. PROP. WALTER IL JOIINSUI)71, late of PhUndel phi., and Z. C. ROBBINS of Wuhourton eny, Ito be aided by Renard Knowles, Era/,. late Machinest of the United States Patent Office 4 have assonotat themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of professional business, either m their office, at the Patent Office, or before the Courts, and will do. vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors and others who may consult them or plane business in their hands. Mr. Knowles has for the past twelve years held the post of Machinest to the United States Patent Office, and resigns that situation to take part In the—present andertaklng Ho talent. and pencillar fitness for the Important office so long fill ed by him, have been tally recognised by Inventors wherever the office itselfis kmmn. The office of Messrs. J. at R. is on street opposite the Patent Office, Washington, U. C., where common'. nation, post paid, will be prompt), attended to; exam inaticms made, drawings, specifiesuons, and all requis ite papers prepared—and models prc.ured when d[4l - reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect. ed to he answered alter examination. had, must be ae notopenied by a fee of five dollar.. In the duties oflibeir office winch pertain* to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. J at R. will be assisted by a legal gentleman of the highest professional character, and hilly conversant with Mechanics and other Scolitific subjects. my-Andtr.wly S ---- - To the Medteal Prot...Mon and Pahlie. jjECKERIS now in use at in Hospitals, j 1 ' 1 Asylums and other pain establiMments, an d _ by some of the most distinguished phy sician and chemists, as an article of diet for children and invalid., much perini to arrow root. saga em., fat more strengthening, pleasant to Me taste. .d easy of digestion. Put up in 24 lb. boxes of half lb. papers, each accompanied with printed directions for coning, Lang, in his AgricalturaMiemistry, p. 48, Phil ed , observes: . . "Children fed upon errow-root, salep, or indeed any kind of •mylahrecous food, which doe. contaln Ingre dients fitted for the formation of bones and mucks, become fat, and acquire much siumusettort; heir limbs appear full, but they do not acquire strength, nor are their organs properly develuped." In the analysis of the Parana made by Prof. Reid of New York, among other constituent., he give. 15 per cent of'kitten and albumen; and remarks that Oa claims of the Farina upon the Medical Profession and the public will rest upon I. containing to the &nen and albumen, vegetable fibrins end other nitrogemmd bodies not found in arrow root or 111611111 r substances, and which modem chemistry has pointed out a bmng ary necess to the formation of human fiber, end by means of which nature makes up for the constant waste that takes place in the human body. For sale wholesale or retail, by R E SELLERS, aryl,] 57 wood PI . . . Profemot of Music and organist at Trinity Church, lONTINUFS to ail, Imirmlion on the Piano, Liu, tar, and Vocal Illuste Those pupils who desire to take lessons at tilt house, have an opportunity of practising a sufficient Imtb of time, before leasing, to dx the instruction imparted firmly on the mind. Th r e moat excellent Pianos are kept for that purpose, placed in rooms when, the pupils can recline entirely andi.- tabbed. Determined to take only a limited number of pupils, those who wish to be instructed should make early application. Tine--SIG per quarter of 24 lemons. Residence, Penn street, nearly opposite Dr. Herron. sepl-Im , DYGIVVILLE GLASS WOHKIII, Philadelphia. THE onbecnbers critunifamere and have on hand, Carboys for Acid.; Demijohns, covered in a tope. riot manner, and of assorted aires; Wine, Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, and all kinds of Druggists , !Joules and Vials, hewhich they will Bell at the low. est prices. Orders B;ill meet with prompt attention, ;f addressed to . . . . IMPORTS BY RIVER "That whiter skin of here, than snow, And pure us monumental ntabarter " HE - 8111( acTusocK, HENNERS, SMITH & 75+ Soot Pthut Weser, arplS-dim Philadelphia BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, Correspondence o(Rltt.Onrgh Ossetia. Correepondenee of the Fhtteborgh Gazette WASHING/20X Cr rr, Sept. 20, P. o. Samuel Stetuniurs a Notary Public, with George W. Phdlipa, Merchant, both of this city, were ar. rested to day, charged with obtaining land war rants by fraudulent meant Correspondence of the Patsburch Gasette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PH ILADELPITLA, Sept. 20, 0 r. Flour—Sales of 1000 bbls at 85 50@5 02 per bbl The market to firmer than yesterday, and the busi ness done is at a small advance. Grain--Sale. of 12,200 bu of Prime Red Wheat nt 115 c per be—an advance. Sale. of Prime White at 8119 c. Corn—Sales of 6000 bu Prime Yellow at 63c per bu. Provisions—There is no activity in any article. Quotations are steady. Whiskey—Sales of 300 bbls at 28c per gall. Correspondence of the Pittsbingh Gazette NEW YORK MARKET. Now Voss, Sept. 20, G e. Y. There it bnt a moderate quantity offering, whtch causes a quiet market, but the demand is good.— Prices have undergone no change. We note fur ther sales of Genesse at $5 81a5 93 per bbL Grain—The market for Corn is dulL and held at 62e for Prime White, and 69070 c for Prime Yellow. Rye—Sales at 70c. Oats—Sales at 33c per hu. There is a good inquiry for good sample of Wheat, l ut poor lots are dull. Provisions—There is lean movement in Pork, but the market is steady. Whiskey—Sales in bhls at 240/2t3c per galloo— n decline. Other articles usually spoken of are unchanged. Correspondence of the Paul:Jur:o Gazer. BALTIMORE MARKET. B.u...rmtoas, Sept. 20, e P. M. Flour—Sales of Howard street at $5 37 per bbl, a slight decline. Grain—Sales of Prime White Wheat at Mal I f, cts per bu. Sales of Prime Red at 115 c per ho. Corn—Sales of Prime White at L1859c per bu. std. of Prime Yellow at 5961202.0 per ho. Provisions—Sal - es of Prime Pork at SO 50. Sales of Mesa at $l2. Bacon is unchaged and in good request. Land—Sales in bbla at hl. Sales m kegs at 10 cts. Correspondence of the Pturborsh Onoette. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. September 19. Cotton gales of fair at 69c. The market is steady. Flour—Sales to a moderate extent at 65 00 pr barreL Grain—Sales of Prime White Wheat at eta. per bu. Sales of Corn at 52.413 ie. Provisione—Sales of Meta Pork at $l3 per bbl. Sugar—Sales at 31c. Lard—Sales in a regular way at 6(alc. There is no change in other articles usually spo ken of. THE WEEPING LOCO. Ata—•• The Solduris Upon his heel he turned, And heaved a bitter sigh When new. that Taylor was our man Swept liken whirlwind by. We used to think him ours, said ho But he's o Whig., alas' And we can show no Letter card, Thm putty General C. What ate Gor us to lecuoneer' Old Zack w it have the day, And gain the peaceful battles as He wins In deadly (ray Why was he not a Loco born Ur why were we, aJa,' So very poor that we could get No hero bat a Cara' Had rasa but seen the elephant, And stood a single fight. To earn his name of I. ienera/, We might hare hard things right, But we can truant Of nought he n done Except asword to crack— Oh, scissor we are used up men , The wo. I will shunt f t Zack. LOCOPOL, Del wasay.— •• Clear and unqueation• ahle. " —That which la in dispute. "The whole or none..—A little inure than half. • Fifty four forty. or tight."—Forty nine and dunk. "A bloodier.. achievement.'—The tiaeraiee of 30,000 lives. -Indemnity for the paet..-I,,ooo in a tight with Mexico. “Security for the future —Paying $15,000,000 more. "Aid and comkirt."—Giving the Mexicana a General. - Government economy —Sn2 019 per year. "No National Debt"—Ad centring tar l oan .. "Hard money "—Treasury notes. "Will of the people."—Veto and ditto, "Revenue taritr."—Protection to British Manu facture*. "An unsullied Democrat: —One who wore the black cockade. CONURS.—The Whigs of the ( 'rawf.rd have selected John N. Howe, Esq,, of Venango• as their candidate for Congress. We regret that they have not united upon Mr.;Farre,:y, who has made an excellent member. Mr. Howe, however, in spoken of in high term. as a gentleman of un questioned abilitiea, and of high moral worth. The Nlercer Whig say., that the owdeetion of Mr. Howe, meets with the entire approbati, vi Mr Farrelly and his friends, and ill, u,. v uJI glee him a unanimous and hearty support. rxx.—Late account, from this late distract ed country, state that it has been again united to the Mexican Repabl, cud the union has been celebrated with great rejoicing,. The whites have nearly regained their ascendancy 3n the pen• innate, and that the State, so powerless and insig nificant by itself, has resealed as appropriate place in the Mexican confederacy. A warning to all weak states against the folly of separating from their confederated sullen Mau. Eta:et - tom-1n 205 towns where the vote for Governor last year stood, Whig, 20,530, Loci - . 25,503; unaltering, il,29n—The prevent vote is W. 25,904, 1). 30,519, Free Soil 9710, leaving a plura lity against Dana, Moo, of 4795, which is n loss to hon of 3470 vote. The House of Representatives stands, Whig SO Dere., 6L, Free Soil lb, Taylor bemocret I. nod 25 yet to bear from. CILIIONT Ltatatarrar—Errata county retort. 5 Whigs, 6 Democrats and one Free Soil man to the House of Representattves, and chooses a Demo- clans Senator. This, added to our former returns, gives the Whigs ten majority in the Senate, and four above all others in the HOMO. HIALTit or Mrs , Oatersa.--The board of health of New ()titan. reports that there IS no increase In the yellow Gayer, and n ia evil of a mild type. The number of deaths in the city on the 7th Instant, from fever, watt 20, and on the oth, 17 death.. ILNIC RONSIZT.—The Wayn cmtnty Ohio) Dem. ocrat says that the Wayne County Branch Bank at Wooster was entered and robbed of a box of coin eontaintng some 1110,000, on Friday night of week bekue last. MAasscureirrrs.—The Boston Atlas .ys*—The news which reaches us from all ports of the State, is of the most cheering kind. The work goes bravely on. The popular vote for the Taylor Elec tors will exceed that gives for Mr. Cloy in 1h44. We ask that this prediction may be remembered. The Irving House, a new hotel just opened on Broadway, New York, has been erected at a cost of nearly half a million of dollar., and furnished and fitted at a cost of about $1.5,000. Ilatarwey Hoestreso.—Some 233 acres of the old homestead farm of Gen. Harrison were .1d by the administrators on the 13th inst. "Be not the first by whoa, the new are urea, Nor yet the cotta lay the old aside.• EMPIRE COOKING RANGE possesses the 1. following advantages:—The oven is constantly supplied with pure hot air, rendering the uperauon of baking as perfect as when done In n brick oven. • • • • It h. a Chamber egclusively for Roasting , menu with • spit, thus doing away with all the roasting at. mamma. to the shape of "tin kitchens." It has a large cooking capacity, with 1111 unobstruct ed fiat sagaea on the top, which all hou.keepers can appreciate. It can be set up without mason work, in any ordina ry firo-place, arm the room as a stove; enabling thove who occupy hired houses to have the advantage of .1 range at tile o.t of • store. A nd It barns less coal than any other cooking app...., not excepting the Empire Cooking Stove, which is at. for sale at wholesale or retail, at Empire Stove Chinn, 412 Market street, Cltrard Row, Fattest from •recommendation from Henry Bach man, Fig., 332 Market .trees—'You can use no term. in recommendadon of tt, which I will not endorse if referred to." seplo.deodtDeclabfeaw AMARTINEB OTRONDISTS—iilstory of the randlets_; or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution—from onpoblishcd sourer.: try Alphonse de Lama/Una. Complete In three •olurnes: Ryder. tranallltion. A fresh supply of dal popular work received thin day and for sole by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. sapid BaakwUera , cor market and M as QCOTCH PLAIDS AND TAYLOR CASSIMERES-- 1.7 W. R. Murphy has now open a supply of thew Mad lanes especially the attention of Coma/ Merchants, to the low prices at which then and an other kinds of want woollen. are now offered. ==l A FINE FAMILY HORSE forsolo, ye old tim liMM. &Ruin of JOH 8 DILWORTII .'d :No W wood st,. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FASHION ABLE HATS. ditTHE subscriber , addiuon to his own 4 manufacturing or la., has made arrange. menu with Messrs blebee S Co . (the moot fastuonable batters of the euy of Neer York.) for • mg ular supply of his ext., f ine bilk Hata, and having Jan received a few roar,, R intlemen can be suited with a very rich and belitufa lb at by calling at his new Hat and Cap Store, SnuthLebl street, second door south of Fourth. where may be found a great variety of Hats and Cops of his own manufacture, wholesale and re tall. Hats made to order an shop notice. ap'2l JAMES WILSON. 4 11 , C0It & CO" (Successors to ArCord & King) lo b F•ahlonable Hatters,' Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. ARTICULAR attenti on paid to our Retail Trade. P Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Haw and Caps from our establish= rot of the 1111. 1..31.1.15 and WO...Mtn?, of the tat no rm.., and at the towar Country Merchants, p archasing by wholesale, •re respectfully invited to as ll and examine our Stock. e call say with confidence that as regard. cica ic urr end rata it will not suf.:, in a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. kW, A L - Foll Porhi ono for 11348. 2 1 1oCOILD & Co., (Larx o'coao Is =co) ILL iatrodoce on Saturday, August 26th, the W Fall style of Hata, Stet reeetved from New York. Those to want of a neat and beautiful hat,are invited to ealVat their store, corner of Fifth and Wood streets. nag% STRAW GOODS . . . . . DEALERS are invited to examine R. H. PALMER'S mock of Strut., Good*, of the spring style, ecimposed in parlor BON,PS— Florence Braid; English Dun stable do; American do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do; French Lace; Fancy Gimp. Ac An. HATS—Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Braid, Rolland Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Floweru, Ribbons, Ise. Strew Bon net Warehou..9s market et. mar ALFRED B. rraczviL, CHIIAPEST Flight onside Heuer in Firtsburgh. Principal Store, 7.2 Fourth street. Manufacturing and iiceommodation Store, eor. ner of Wood street nod Vinun alley. Highest prices always paid for shipping Furs. rnyikly DRY GOODS FRESH FALL GOODS CHF:APE:NT YET y VST Daunt received and now opening at AIEXAN r6 DER a. DAY'S, No 76 hlarket street. northwest vo of the Diamond. a very large and splendid stock c.f failand winter Dr) Goods, to which they would re .pectfully invite the tittentton of the public 11 is well known to almost every one that the present season 1111 ditunguished for its low prices of Dry Goods, and it t affords us great pleasure in being able to suite that owing to our areal facilities for that pnrpose, one of the firm residing m Philadetphia) we have been ena bled to purchase our present stock at a considerable reduction from the usual market rates, cheap as they are. and we are therefore enabled to sell at correspon dingly lower than the usual prices We would there. fore motto all cub buyers by wholesale ur retail, to give us a call, and lay Out their money to the best ad• enrage. The Ladies should call and eganune our .took of Pnnta. Ginghautis. de L 11111“. Cashmeres. alpacas, Menne. , Bombaainea, Plaid., and •anou• other styles ol l 'floMionatile Pre.. (foods, of which we have a very fine ..rtment. including every description of those goods in the market. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES—To the gentlemen wa would recommend our stock of super French Clothe and Flngliith, French and American Cuatmeres. OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, embra• ring almost every variety of style and quality. SATFINKTS—Of winch we have an excellent as. wormers, and of all qualities . FLANNPILS—Ited. white end yellow Flannels of all qualans and price. TICKINGS AND CHECKS—A superior assortment of Tie kings of all grade., and Shining Cbeelthin great variety BLEACHED AND BROWN AIUSLINS—Embret nog Almolt every descrtpuon or the nbove roods, In eh:thole Sheeting. 01.11 wldths. ALSO—A fine &lock of Kann Vestintrs, Silk and Col ton Velveta both plain nod figured. Kentucky Jean, plod Linsey., plaid and fancy figured Cloaking and cloak Linings. blenched and unbleached Table Diaper. IsOlh linen and cotton, bleached and unbleached Table cloths, bleached nod unbleached Canton Flannels, cord do do, Bonito,. and Bonnet Ribbon., blk end cord era% at+, Ladles Scarfs and craynts, Gloves and Woolery 01 all kinds. Suspenders. Irish !Alien Lawns, Linea Hdklk, Silk do, blk Lace Veils, Lore do and Hdkla, Oil Ckuntus. Russia and Scotch lhaper, trash, Linen. plain striped and barred intone,., Cam bric and Swiss hfitislins, Victoria Lawns, Green Bare ges, kg. Merchants eluting the city for the purpose of laying tn their suppliee, should not fad to give no a call, a. they will Red our gands and prices such as cannot fad to su 1 their purpose ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 market et, N W or Diamond The New Golden Bee Hive Again. Nese Fall ism! Went. Dry Goal. I'NT rremved nail now opening, of the.tgn of the Fourth soems one of the large.. cheapest and best assorted stocks of 101 l and Pl inter Dry (rout ever of fered in Pnbiburgh, to which the attenti. or our too merou• usomer, and the public yenerally., fully in•ited, the übsertber is cotlfitif that Ile Call oder zilch bargains in Dry food. as cannot be sair. passed by any other hou s the city As these goods have oln n purchased at prices tar below those oh .y former season, they o ill be sold at greatly reduced rat.. Arno. this large nod splendid stock will he mund many "...nice and dot ruble good• 51 extrrine:y lon. prices. LADIFS' DRESS GOODS. Very nett and most fashionable dress silks plaid and stoped black satin, .taped and plaid silks; plain black very Ylm.sY de Sbine, plain black nch lustre: lus may, silk tor vikettes, mantillas and capes at very low pricrs. newest designs and latest sty les easb,orr, sod satin stord earthmen, eery cheap. Frenen knenno all roinrs de lames plain and fig.. and striped, at yreai reducuon on Milner prides; gala. Cul. tforma and rashine. wards, mohair and Nionterey platda all qualities alpacras, all qualities and colors, from l 2 to 75 cents per yard SHAMS' SHAWLS" Fine cashlatrt. and broche shawls Black embroidered cashmere and de lame shawls Fine To.t., and de lame do Fine black and colored cloth do Eine quality lung, very cheap do Plain black and plaid silk. very elle. do A large lot plaid bLanket shawl. irom 75 cents to $3, all wool. iXPOESTIC GOODS, MUCH BELOW 'FORMF.R PRICES food dark calico room 3 to 6 cos yer yard, Best quality dark calleo from a to ID nen s Yard artde purple do. Good yard wide bleached muslin I to 65, Bed itekings and cheeks, all prices. Blankets, Born coarse to best quality, very cheap. A full assortment 01 red, white and I eilow damsels. Boone., Kentucky Jeans, Kersey., Linsey, et, ate. etc. all of which will be sold at reduced rates, at Pio 03 Market sr scpl9 bVhf L RUSSELL, A A NlAororA Co C L A wroowr & Co Ihrtabor. New York WHOLESALE DRY GOOODS A. A. MASON i CO N. 60 ilfetria, Iffroursa Flatrei and Fourth Xtre'VLS, Pittsburgh, Pa. NI/17'ES the attention or all Merchants to thou es• tensive mock. Iconiprising more than Six Hundred kages) of Foil and Winter Condo which will by offered by the piece or package, of the lowest Eastern Wholesale : prices Receiving the creaser - poruon of nut Domestic (Mods.on consignment front the Manu• lecturers and berry po ed of every faculty and ad. •ontage through our New York Mouse we reel assured that we shall ha anal,ted to tuns compote with •tiy House in the Country Our stock in pan consults of It Cases Cashmiers and De Lams, 73 CaJtcos std Cinchona.; 24 " Alpane. and 1-yoneon Cloth,; 25 Bales lind. Whne and I enovr Fiume.% 50 Ttektg, 150 " Brown 141111013 F 173 Cases Blenched Colored Cambrirs Apron and Shanng Chocks Ll=M=l CEMMS=I ECZEIZIAZI TOGETHER arab a general impartment of rheas and Cloak (roods, Silks and Shawls Rrbbona and Laect.— Pane y Goal, ninumnas, Arc . d.c Making in all. one of the mum complete. a. well as extenalve eureka to be found In the country We will he constantly to receipt of the latent style of Ocoodix, many of which eve shell ba able by horror them on comma...ton) to offer, at better advannsge, than could possibly bc worded by Eastern lobl.ors filer. chmts pontoon:lg East, are abetted to examine our easortinetrq and (corn the low pnce of our goods take A A MASON A Co Mimic Papery to whom sent marked, will Copy an take our former advertisement. oYVR AiI:RPM', northeast corner of Fourth and . Market nta, is now opening hi. earl fall stock Atnenean nod imponed Dry Goods. Hoye. will please look before making their purchase. Open ibis morning, . beautiful umortment of Plain black Alpaca...lll;dr Brocade do, do wino striped do, do haired do. Besides a large assortment of new ,, st siyle prints Irish linen, de , very low [yr Wholesale rooms on seent , d story Goods to cash boyar at about Eaatern pllet• Merchants will do well lo call. sep4 AtWal.b. OIDI KELLY k Co.. Isnot , ..... s in Robb, Wine !) brener k Co.) hIERCILANT TAILORS, Su Chest nut street, Philadelphia, beg leave to , nfonn the friends and patrons of the late arta, and strangers slatting thin airy. that they are 1110,1 in ',woo of the Spring end Summer Fashions. Also a choice and snivel assort meet of West of lingland and French Cloths, CUP end Venting., to which they respectfully mane the r attention. aptscUltu ertilerte — m - iiiri - Ifel - rillititeek Goods: - C . k JOHNSON, 4n Market street, have Met 0 reeived • large stork of slam. drawer*. collars, clocks, c fancy and black milk erauts, sc arf,. hone. rc, beton lucid glues, ke. Gentlemen are invited ccall end examine them, as they .0 supposed to it. heep .06 IIA Wl4l-Jun received, large stock of :Maur's, concting in pen of Printed cashmere, Moth, § ery Braid, French Wool, Taman:, Square and Long Shawl., tasting and for ule by sepia SMITH h JOHNSON, market et Few eFTWltlfebons. - Q MITI! k JOHNSON, Irk Market .t, have mst re ceived by express, a splendid uurunent of lull ribbons, to oe reh they would particularly cello the et±ilttion of pnrchasers. sep4 AA. Minton & Co, tin Market smut, have lust open • ed LW sup wrought rollers Prat received per in't steamer. seprt I;RISNCI1 MERINOO—Sorrn t Joevoixt, No. 96 I Market stren, hove tins day opened a ease of French Melinos of all colors, also Lye... , cloth, s 1- parts, oriental do, roshmer, s, moo. de loins, silk plaids and well do, winch will be sold extremely tow. — Errancy Dileas Goa*. ECEI VED this morning at A. A. Mason A. IP Market street, 00 ps superior potted cashmeres o mous de lames, lO ps rich mohair lustre., nod one dos embroidered dresses of most Ciegtot style. ( 1 3 . 1111 PS AND FRINOPS —Smith & Jamison, N0..40 Market wets, ra ets, have put received and terce of g repo and Stages assorted color. and .tyre., some , courtly new patterns, to which they would 1/1•11G the alit 1111. Of purchasers. arri . _ CA DRS AND COLLA RS—A A Marou & Co. hove Cold reed 6CI) more of th ose very cheap Wrought Collars, at ldic, Don Mourning do, oars aryl° . 4gsl Wrl Standing do, dome very superior; &leer aura .1/ bU Wrought . 1 0 1. Sr rillliar r trA A Al &sou & Co. have jut 0 opened PD ps of Tissue sod Styria Manilas. mt=ra aughiP 2111lITKO&Z-A. A. Nam & 9.. have nut recd jJ lips glad silks of beauuful fall styles, airman° pr of fancy dress and lain silks THIS turning owned at A. A. Nissen & Co's No. 60 Markel sUva, 60 viaoMs, LIN> sota6 Ana mourning. standing colors. sep4 AA, Mamma & Co. have ma received another lot * of colored silk fringes and gimp. opap4 E NOL f3H PRINT. —A never( arles, and fmest qualities, lost received at the d__ .. poosis house of sePo W A MURPHY SUP. FRENCH CLOTHS—A supply of superior blk Plonk Clotho Coo dress coots, Just reed sod offered • kno for goodly, at di* atato of oopl4 WR MURPHY HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &.. ORPHANS , COURT SALE. BV strum of an order of the Orphans' Court of Atte ghttY County, Pennsylvania, m No. 54, June 15 40, 1 will expose to sale, by public !endue or outcry, at the Court House, m the City of rmxbutl.b. on October lad, 191'. at 10 o'clock, A. Ms, being the at Monday of October, 1548, all that certain Lot or Piece of Ground, situate in the clry of Pittsburgh, beginning ou Penn street at the distance of 23 feet westwardly from 31. bury street, and runnintralong Peen street westwardly 30 feet; thence southwanity, a parallel line sera. Marbury street, 110 feet to Brewery alley; thence along said alley eastwardly 33 feet; and thence nonhwardly. a parallel line with Martntry street, 110 feet to the place of beginning—with all the appurte nances; on which is erected three small Frame and one small Bnck Dwelling Houses; the same being nab let to a yearly ground rent of one hundred and eight dcAlars, payable quarterly forever, to Anthony Dram, his heirs and assigna. Texas or Sata—One third each on the delivery of I di! deed for the premises, and one third in one year, with interest from the day of sale. and the other one third to two years, with Interest from the day of sale, to he secured by hood and mortgage on th e G er. MARGARET SLA Late Margaret Thompson, Administrarrix of Pd- hem Thompson. deed. auir23-dts Cambria Furnace for Bale. TELE undermined will offer for sale at public me i. non, an Thunday, the fifth day of October nem, the following property assigned to them by the late firm of v d d o n, Lean., Reese & Co.. for the benefit of the creditors of said firm. to witi—The Pomace erected by raid company, with the steam engine and fixtures, sad hot blast append.; the tool. used about the foresee; the lot of land on which the Furnace stands, containing about fifteen acres of land, and the Interest of the said firm in fifty acres of land bought of R. B. Do Bois. The sale will be held on the premises, in the town ship of Tailmtge, Summit county, Ohio, and will com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. 'Faun oe Saba—Oneiroardi cash, and the balutee in four, eight and twelve month. W. S. C. OTIS, ang I 4-dts NV. H. UPSON, j" '" gn ' e. ' Dedribfe - Las Tor Silo. THE subscriber has laid out eleven LOU en the South side of the Fourth Street Road, and about two and one quarter miles from the Court House. These lots contain each from one to two and a half acres of land, and will be sold on reasonable and no eornmodating terms. It is deemed Unnecessary to en ter Imo any explannuon of the advantages of these lots. Their vicinity to this city, and to the line of the Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly as very desirable country residences. The subscriber also offers for sale about seven hun dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny <monly, about seventeen miles from Pittsburgh. Also, nine building lots in the borough of Birmingham. angls-dim ZsIEVILLE B. CRAIG. V XGIErKEIT.X PRO T' lttYLVV — irTl i - 11 - KCat; jtitTHAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon, F.sq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sold on accommodating terms. The lot is 21 fret 4 inches on Craig street, running through to the Canal 1511 feet. There m a good two story frame dwelling house on the premier, lately built, and the lot Is well improved, containing a variety of choice fruit trees, grape. shrubbery, kr. This property is conveni ently situated for persons dery g busineas in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Title indisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attor ney at Law, offire on Fourth street, above Smithfield. ap4-dtf 505 Acres CoZ - Lenti - Yor bale, SITUATED on the Monongahela river, about 16 miles front Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon & Shorb, and Mr John Herron purchase, This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price of Sal per acre—one third m hand, balance in fiveegual annual payment, withOUl Interest. - Rile indielYbtable. Location very good--cannot be surpassed. For (nether particulars enquire MS BALSLEY, who has a dealt of said pro peny Residence thl st, below Ferry, hire Adam.' Row. s. 13 There is another seam of cool an this tract, •t7eu t fin feet above the lower, of excellent quality. 7726 dtf S. B. Heal Estate h 0-hi& ATRACT of land. 400 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co., on the Cuyahoga nver—about 30 acre. under im provement. Also, two unimproved lota to the village gf Warren, Trumbull Co.. 60 feet by Oil. Also, a lot of round in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with is e dwelung house and store—one of the best stands for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property will be sold on very accommodating terms. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., fetilo Water and Front sta. FAOTORY FOR SALE . . RE large and well both Factory, erected on Rebec ca street, Allegheny pity, R. y, by H. S. Cassan, had, to "red for rate at a bargain, and on easy terms. The lot on which the Factory m erected, fronts 100 feet on Rebecca street, and runs back 110 feet to Park street. The main building is of brick, three stories high and 60 feet hang by 07 feet wide The Engine House M large and commodious, with an engine, boiler, stack, tr.c.. all in complete order. The property will be sold low, and on advantageous tams. For price, terms, Ac., enquire at this office. isug24-dtf EC= . THE subscriber will sell on accommodating tell••, a Valuable . tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin. shoat eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio river The tract con tains tied acre. and 20 perches strict measure The land is of la excellent quality. about 9uacres cleared. and writ watered. and will in- sold either 111 whole or in farms of corivrILICIII •tne 10 AU. purchasers. For further portico tars enquire of WM BOYD, Ao . y at Lew. other on 4th st. above Smithheld, Pittsburgh. myalai.d.k vet( T Property in Allegheny City tor fide. — THE •unlentierl oder tor sale a number of choice Lots. situate in the Second Ward, fronting on the Cwinmon ground. on easyterms. lof %V 011. 11111111•11 1 4./N, Ally at Law, Law uire , St Clair st M!BINEI=ia EZ123333 12. THAT commodious bock dwelling honse and large lot, the restdence of NM, Jane Magee, on Wetutter street, nem the head of Seventh street. Ott obeli are a stable and carnage house. out houses, bake oven. and a cartety •hrol.s and grape vnte• Possessum tvtil on the 1.1 of t.tetoOr r.or •oott cr, vrem,.et, or on Wylie, near Was. s s von M LOWHIF auga.:;I 12=11=ME! k VALI:AI:LE FAlllsl containing 140 acres, situa ted Belmont county, 0100, 7 miles from St. l'iairsyllle and 2 Intl,. unrth of the Naixonal Road, nod in one of the most delornbie neighborhoods In the coun ty There to under culn• anon about ninety sueres.artth • young ore hard. he Ac Fur terms and other partic ulars. inquire of /WIN S. DILWORTH. inisl9 47 wood st V•lisable Business Stand. . 1142. ALF: —The store rat ' iL t e i u tK ut occomml by Mr Joan Thompson, nn street. too door- above Full, o. edema! or A AO. a veryhamlsoure locurron at, con tanning urrout vritto s dv. - ellit.g house and other improveroent,tornierry residence of Re• Mr. Mc- Curdy A pply to I. FO. BREED, serri-d:or DA wood street Valuable Realdenee In Allegheny City for Sale. ClOrtrTF-Nt PLATING removal from Allegheny city, I offer my residence there for male. The premiers are m delightful order. and every way worthy the at tention of any person wialtlnt oath property. _1 YliA IL W. POIPII.II-IXTF.IL 11.4.1 ICatata In kli•roer Comsat,. ALOT, btorenourc and Dwelling. 'thence on the Ern, ELatoorton Cane,. I n the village of \Vest Mid dlesex: a drawable location fora nterehata Al.. Lot and good Dwelling Hour , well Cowed for • Tavern Sund, to he vrtlettre of Orangeville. on Pinto hoe of Ohie Term. envy. ISAIAH_piCKEY fr. Co. feblo MMM ATH RM.: dwelling houses Wormed on 4th street neat ennal bridge, in the city of hasburgh, 00. a room 7.1 by feet, with a converiond en trance. flu ot near wood. ANO. n frame dwelling, two ow!, v, with au acre aground enclosed and under nuiusior .0. aituate on Ohio lane, in the city o( Alleghe y. I. ,oire of J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood MEV- To Brewer.. nFOR SALE OR RF-VT. the Pittsburifh Brew ery. with all no brewing apparatus. Wolin on Penn street and Barker'. alley.and now occupied tty Cleo W Smith d Co p0,..., n0n g i vno on ,o n fin, day of April enouing. For term., do. enquire of BROWN a. CULBERTSON, febiiStf 145 libertLt. nAi. LANDAND Mk tidl.).;---seven acre. coa/ laud el for ell, mliolin o, .end o 7 the Monongahela River, above Brownoville. havlng a 7 foot vem of coal which will be .old in exchange for good.. For portico ors apply to lore:,' s h W`lld RBA trill MI -wood ot ZitW A REHM. SE FOR SALE—The sabotnber offers nor loth. the three story brick Warehouoe on Wood street. occupied by R. Tanner a Co. It rent. now for Slim per year. .pl 7 WM. WILSON, Jr. Tbe subscribers will rent part of the w are bonne now oceopled by went.. Apply to & CO., All 19 64 water atriwt. Malta jth. A Flute two story Lark house, on main street, Allnihony ray, :near the upper bridge. The tot b. .t 1 ice; ut !root ho Inn deep For terms myrtle of de URI A WASHINGTON, 4th 44 THE lame fire mar worehoom, 24 feet front by . 1.012 , 0 feet deer. on nd .1. near wood. Rent mod- Ingtore. of J 4nro 21C1100NMAKER S Co., delft 21 'mod 24 For Rent. A Smoke Iltmse, simaled on Plum alley, for rent. Inquire of ROBERT DALZKLL A Co. Liberty •trees. deel3 Ntir orrhoure to-nrrit. warehouse et per sent °emoted 19 the subseri I hers. Port. ton gtven nn the lot o( October sep7 FORS Tll k DUNCAN EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ski OUSEOCY, lIA Nal A 6 CO., DANKF:RS, EXCIIANtrE IIitOKIMS, end deafen JO in Forman and I.tomrstle Frrahrmga. Certificates of Deporne, Itank Noturd Spec o; Fourth storm, neat , llni.k ni Pin .burgh Current money mernerd onnriii—tsisUr l'hrek. for sale, and col lectrons gamic 11111,11,C0 thr principal points in the United Sinter ppiiiituni paid for Fonova and American Gold. Advent.... :node on ocooocomente or Produce, ship. cod E... on hberal torma. techle N. 110LAISCH Ilk , SORB, DANRERS and liner. in Exchange, Coln and I) Bank Nines, No :15, Market etreet, Pittsburgh. Belling Rate.. Ktehango. Buying Rate.. New York, . prCincinnati, I die to Philadelphia,do Baltimore, do IS'illrutils,k.' It 9 do Buying Rates, BANK NOTI•13. Buying Rates. Ohio, 9dm Co & Scrip Ordess i 2 di. Indiana, "do Relief Notes Kenning 7, "dn l'ennaxlvain). Cy "do Virginia, "do New N ork do "do do Wheeling, ido New ()henna, "do ne Tesiagee 2do Maryland, "do intnalti FOR-HIGH HICHANOSii -- oit England, act.od, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Ilnina aable in .7 part of Me Old Countrina from .f.l to £l lOOl, at the rate of &Ito the t Sterling, , without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA. ROHM SON, Ihiropean and imneral Agent, °Mee 6th at one door weal of wood. n. wax C COACT HILL At CUILHIC i 113ANKER9 snit Eachanse Brokers, Deniers in For .4lclip and Demesne Tinie and Sight Hills of Ex c honge, Cenificute• of Ilepoxite. Haat Note* and Coln, No id Wood .1,001, thint door below Fourth, weal aide. manna • 1111111.Aium & RAIIIII,_ DANKERS AND EXCHANGE DROIRS, &salon in Romp and Dominic Hills of Exange, Cep. ews of 1J aloe , !lank Notes and C ain, corner of 341 and Wood curets, directly opposite St. Cherie. Ho• tel. BILLS OP EXOTIANOE—Prea Cheek. on New York, Philadelphia, and Dalthaore, Constantly for sale by N 1101-.llFia & BONS. 1,003 POLL/LOTIONS—Drafts, Note., and Acceptaa eca payable an any part of the Unicacollected Da tie moat favorable tone& N. HOLbilbbi & BONS dell 14 biaxial MISCELLANEOITS. Chocolate, Cocoa * W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Proper ed Cocoa . Cocoa Prune, Brown, Corm. Shells, &e. TO merchants and consumers, who would purchase the best products of Coo oa ; free from adulteration, mere nutritious than tea or coffee, and in quality miser passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself. and damped with his name. His Broma and Cocoa Paste. as delicate, *amble, and salutary chinks for inva li ds, convalescent., an d ethers, are pronounced by the most ethineet physicians superior to any other preparations. Xts manufactures are always on sale, in any qUantily, by the most re spectable Smear.m the cadent eine* and by di. V Bost ents. Hawes, Gray & co., of Boon; James M Dunce & co, Hartford, Cann; Hussey & Merray, New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tomas V &endive, Bal timore; and Kellogg & Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by attgat BAG&LEY & SMITH, Aft. VENMAN BLIN D IDANDFACTOR East side of the Diamond, where Veltman Blinds of all the different sites and colors ate kept on hand or made to order after the latest and moat approved Eastern rash imu,mtitesttortestintliceamionthemos reasona le terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains oral] the did - event sizes and patterns, on bond and for axle low for ea.& Old Yen, !SPA Blinds painted over andrepaired, or taken in part payment for new. @ M hUrTERVELT, Prop, N B —All work don., with the beat material and workmanstup, and warranted to please the most fas tidsona. anglo-dly Allegheny city, Aug. to. l&td. PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. THIS Institution, under the care of Mr. and slrs. Cosrioan, will re-open for the reeepuon of pupils, in the same buildings, No. P.l Liberty meet. on the Ist Monday of September. Arrangements have been nude by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities canal to my in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Phi- Itsophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparnms. The do wtments of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Modern Languages, awing and Punting, will each be under the rare of ca m petent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improventaut of. their pu pils, the Principals hope to merit a coniilmation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto emoyed. For terms,ng see2s-dtf circular or apply to the Principals. a Fancy Furs, trash from Enzope. riIHE subscribers have now in store • very extensive assortment of Fors for Indies wear, winch have been purchased in Europe by one of th e firm, st very low prices• during the monetary crises succeeding the French Revolution! This advantage, which they possess over any other house In the trade4,ll enable them to sell . very e.. eellent article much below the market owe. [Er hlerehants and others will gdvanee lima own interests by examining this extenstve assortment. BROTIIF.RS, Importers, Be lutcu (Mulberry) between 2/1 and Jd atreetn aug7.l2M Philadelph is. Office of American & Porelspa Patents. TAIIFS GREENOUGH, of the late hem of Keller b. t/ Greenough, continues the business of Consulting Engines r and Patent Attorney, at his office in the oily of WASHINGTON. He may be consulted and em ployed in making eza.mtnatious in machinery in the Patent Office and elsewhere, in furnishing drawings and specifications of machines, and all papers necessa ry, transfer, amend, re-issue or emend letters patent in the United States or Europe. He can also lie consult ed profemnonally on all questio of litigation nos ing under the Patent Law, and ns will argue ques tions before the Patent Office or an appeal therefrom, for which his long ex - penmen in the Patent Office md in his profession, have peculiarly fitted hint. 'rho pro- Mwannal business of the late Dr. 'r, P. Jones having been placed in his hands, all letters in relation thereto should be addressed to him post paid. augkit-dikwemS To Flour Dealers. T . AKE NOTICE That William liemoungray, of the city of Puwburgh, having been hpponued Inspector ol Flour by the Governor of the Commonwealth, under the Aet of Assembly of the 13th day of April, and for the city of Pittsburgh, turd the COLIMIC. of Alle gheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette, Green, Indium, Jefferson, Armstrong. Edger, Beaver, Mer cer, Crawford, Erte, Warren and Venango, alll this day enter upon the duties of his of f ice under his com mission. He may be Mond at Mr. Wesley Green's store. eor nes of Better and Smithfield streets. sep7-dlm ri , HE sulannber having taken out letters of Admit:mi -1 If.oll upon the estate and effects of Charles Bru ton, !mune is hereby [peen to all those persons having possession of his property effects or otherwise. to de liver them 10 the Admmuttrator, and. those owing to or having claims upon said estate, top resent them du ly authenticated. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Adm'r sepS office Fifth St. near Wand. Wrought and Cast Iron Railing. THE eubsertben beg leave to tnform the public that 1 they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses and remeterm• Permns malting to procure hand. some patterns will please call and exanune, and judge for themselves. Railing will Ire furnished at the Mort notice, and 11.1 the best manner, .at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets. Allegheny city . aught-dtf A. LAMONT St. KNOX. - - Maapratt & SOIL . Patent Soda Ash. THE subscribers inform their customers and dealers a„ generally, that their first shipment for the fall ho stile. of the above article, has affived a 4 Philadelphia per ship Juniata, direct (rein the rnantifacturers in Liverpool, and will be here in a few bays. They have several other shim:mum on the way—two of which, vir per ships Medallion and Lydia, are nearly due— they ere therefore prepared to receive orders. Besides the large qua/tunes they have coming to the eastern elite. to be forwarded here by canal) they will receive during the rimer and spring,-regular supplies via New Orleans. W & f MITCHELTRI.E. sep4 _ Youghiogheny Navigation Co. TIIE stockholders of the Youghiogheny Navigation Company are hereby nottfied that an election will be held at the boom of David Shrader, to the borough of NN'est Newton, Westmoreland county, on the first 'ruesday, 3d day o , Metober nen, tor the purpose of elem., by ballot, to be given in person, Oue President. Four Managers, a Treasurer and n Pccretary, to con. duet the belongs of the company forth, ensuing year. sepl.3.l,ktsteT J 11 OLIVER, fiery Cot 400 .70 ° ,',. R D'onI C 'in ff g o'edn'W b 4rblL7Fgl d M o 10-12 do ; ..,M do 7.9 do, 25 do 10-14 do; 35 hhds V.O. Sugar; 1191.b1s No 3 mackerel ,• Ittu hos rosin soap No. 1; Ito do dipped candle.; lg.,' do Cinelnuan mould do, received on conslgnment and for salt toy sopl4 . 5 k W HARDHUGH MARBLE WORKS ON WOOD ST:, Pll 7 l 7 6lll2RtiH. E. WILKINS, tre and Pier Tops of foreicn end don:lestc marble, at a regular and fair prier N. B.— Drawtngs for monuments, ranks. to. furnish. ed, of any description. 11e soliCls a share of public patronage augi,dtf - - --- V - EW ARTICLE OF STEANI PACKING—Just re ceteed by express. :w lb. India Rubber Steam Packing. Mr cylinders of eteamboats, Ate. This article being much the best kind that has aver been offered for the purpose, me rail the attention of our steamboat ea. givers. to it. It well sa•e them great amount oflabor, tor when a cylinder is once packed it will not require to be parked again before making one od two trips to St. Louts and buck. For sale at thin laths. Rubber Da unt, Nro It Wood at. iyl3 J & II PHILLIPS W lL ,o l l l o t r i:l l Sl n .l: , TlL:4la , n n u fo rae r ture , r .. o! „..c. Con t, o: an ng d Stilt and colored Cotton Pringes for .ilk arid 'thigh.. Paralots. Gtnals. Mohair, end Bullion Frinstes, made to order on the shortest hence_ Stn., comer of Malden Lane and William, entrance No rh William street. third door, Dyer Abner A. Ely.' store, No as Maiden Lan DECK'S BOTANY—Bounty of the United Stat. D north of Virrnia; comprising desenpuons of the and fern-like plants hitherto found to thaw State.; arranged according to the neural system. With a synopsis of the Genet. according to the Lin system; a sketch of the rudiments of hotaxy, and a gloasat7 term.: by Lewis C. Beck. D., Prof. Chemistry and Natural Ihnory to Ringer's College, New Jersey, &e. hr. Second edition, revised and en larged. For sale by sepia JOHNSTON & STOCKTON GREENWOOD GARDENS. VrISITESS TO TIIIS RETREAT can be furnished V wt. a Lunch at di hours of the day; also, Inc Creams, Fruit Cow cuonney , &e. The steamer Green wood make. her regular trips asusnal, leaning her Pitt Street land., N A. hi., and at half past each hour (except IX( natal nrk P. Nl—leaving the Garden at to P. M. for her last tap to the city. A moonlight view of the Garden Is indescribable to its beauty. 11813:3 _ . T_T A VING sold our snare stook to C H. Glans, Isiah JA a Ines. toe toting our old busts:ma.. we hereby so licit for him the patronage of all our friends •nd elas tomers. RO POW DEXTP:II. THE. POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug 4th, 1b44. . CH. GRANT. Wholesale Grocer, Commission and . Forwanhng Merchant, No. it Water et. told JUST RECEIVED at W WCfintiVek.,No rminh fences, and for sale cheap a ps ex sup Zphy carpel, maw style ; 10 do do fine log. do do, some very elegant .5 do do do co do do 5 do cot do do do as low wlO cents; 3 do do Wen. do rich style; I case Tltompsonetlle rugs, unsurpassed in style Persona smrchasing for dwelling., hotels and steam boats would do well by calling and examining our sleek before purchasing elsewhere. sepll Tcs the Phil Wthe subscribers, respectfully solicit th e met chants and public, to call upon us and purchase 33 buds mackerel, which we will sell low to close con tainment, prior to the Indignanon meeting, to he held at the old court house to-night. JOHN MPADEN A. Co rep? Transporters, canal Rawl AT W . M. hI'CLINTOCK'S, No. 75 Fourth street , can be sew • splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet •nd Tapestry Carpets, latest Styles. Also, Brus sels. 3 plys wd sup and fine Ingrain Carpets. of sop styles and qualitira and in connection can always he found 'table lane., Crashes, Diapers, Damasks. Nlo teens, Ott Cloths, Ac. Ac., to all of which we call the attention of the public. lugs GEO. W. SMITH s CO., INFORM thew friends and the public that they have no longer .y connection with their late mtablteh ment to Penn sure , known as the Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed their entire business to the POINT tIIIb:WER in Pun street, utylßd yta 1101:1513:3 A . . . WOMAN to do house work ; wages liberal and wart light; good reference required Apply ,to .spy J H MELLOR. A l wood . THREE FINE DRAUGHT HORSES.— Three fine Draught Flotics for sale, muta ble for draytng. he. Enquirt of Mt"AI.LIN(IFORD & Co, dual? canal basin, liberty et cI — TATF . B/CIM.B.L.X d;z gvnitine French Calf Sktne, a very fine article. A few dozen. Philadelphia 8 na, from the manufactory of H Id Crawford, to which the attenbon of boot makers is invited. /tut received and for sale by W TOUNG h Co, lea 143 liberty at , R E r ! . :1 e 0;14 , 1, ;:, I.: v H o ( L.M.1 , 0 0 1 u ) b re ,, T r n e r , e , :o v h o rt i and !darket nrcet•, the Igai day of..scptember L , LooßtNer—Goson fort prime trucle, for role at the r Out Let Saw and PlaneMg Alillr, Allegheny city. aerial( NE:VILLE l CRAW it ON - - 40AL BOAT PLANK —73,000 nit ofdry boat plank, for sale at in Oat I, Saw and Planning Mill., egbeity city NEVILLE II CRAIG A SON acpS-dtf rrII . E . engine of the fru" marabou " K. L 617 F. Clnrt o 0 hw/d at Beaver." o f 0(C. Rag Warehouse. rpm.: highest prey to cash paid for good alms tags 1 also, canvass, bale rope; maa to bus loud. est nage, he., h./ '; I. W. CRSyk It K. wards. st. bet Sens t nee Tobacco,. 20 RIB 66, prime article ;8 do do; 12 do 6. pckip ; .4mo 11; lump, moque I 6 do dl do, do ; 20 do Tipsy, In and fo, We by sep4 0 BLACKBURN a Co MEDICAL. THE ONLY FLENEDICIL Dr ARTS VFZETABI.}: EXTRACT i• inv• , • , • ble remedy for Epileptic F. or Falling :Net Convulsions, Spasms. ke. It is well hoown, ilia, from time immemorial, physicians buy< pronounced 1.4i11r the Fits incurable It has baffled all their skilL and the boomed power of all medicine, and con.egury thon sande have suffered through a on e rah ie extrien2e nod Wlast yielded up their live• ou the antr ot 01. ith all deference, however, to the opinion. o, west and learned. we .T that la has bees cured. HART'S V i..GE CAMS. RXTR-b cT, Foe sixteen years, ha. been tested by man, ;cr.. who have snliered with this dreadful di•caw, and n every ease where it has had a fair tnal, has °aryl:Al a permanent cure. - . Fits of 411 yew. and C montlos, cured by the use et tin. truly wonderful medicine. Read the following remarkable rase of the *on of Wm. Sccore, lag.. of Plulatlelphia athirted with Ept• Irons. Fibs 27 years and 0 month.. Alter 'rave:nog through England. Scotland. Germany nod France. eon. tutting the moe eminent physicians. and exoendius :or methcine. medical treatment and advice. tbs., thou sand doll.s, returned with his son to min untr) November last, without rcceietng any benefit wan... er, and was cured by using HARTS WMETARLE F.XTR.M.7I' Mr. Witham Secore's Letter to Drs. krona and Hart I have spent over three thousand dollars lor eine and medical attendance was advised to take a , tour to Europe with him, , I did. I fir-t 111/3,1.1 England. I coiaulted the most errunent pheniciana there in respect to his ease; they exaxmxed him and prescribed accordingly. I rematned three months without perceiving any change for the better. which restme about two hundred and filly dollars pocketed by the physicians, and the moat that I received was their opinion that my 11011 . 5 case was hopeless and posi tively incurable. I accordingly lea Faigiand, and me oiled through Scotland. Germany and Fran., and re. turned home in the month of November last, wen my son as far from being cured ea when I left I saw t our advertisement in one of the New York papers. and conch:it:led to try Han's Vegetable Extract, seeing your abatements and certificates of so runny cures. some of twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can assure you am not sorry I did so, as by the use of lint's Vegeta; ble Extract alone, he W. restored to perfect heath His reason, which was so far gone as to unfit him or business, is entirely restored, with tke prospect now before him, of life, health and usefulness. He is now .N yeah of age, and V years andos 6 months of this ante has been afflicted with this mt dreadful of dis eases; but thank God he is now enjoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't believe in. To say that I cheat be ever grateful to you is one thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, I b•ve no doubt but that you will think this is another and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude still owe yoa, but please to accept the present 11110sn as interest on the debt in advance. il''octn very rest.eifuUy, WILLIAN SECURE - • - • One of the propnetors of this Invaluable mintict. WOO afflicted for several yea. with Eptlepur The disease hail produced theworst effect upon his spume, ms: Loss of memory. imbecility of need. and • perfect prostranon of the nervous system. He hail tried the skill of the beat physicians for seem, tear-. and grew worse under their treatment. and he that dos medicine wits h. only hope tor beau add life, and erns therefore determined to gi rur and to persevere In no use, which he did, tor the "tau , a perfect restoration to health, which nese noun ued antaterrnmed for nearly nxtecn yearn We would refer to the (ollowiug perioa. oho have bees eared by using Hartghte Vegetable prime,. Col F. Denslow's daughter was Ciliated tinv pease. reaides at Yonkers, New York. W Bennet, aim' years, 171 Grand at. J Ellsworth_ , seven rara, 12 Dover at. Joseph 11PDougal, tame years, Emit Hrooklse, L. 1,11 H W Smith. New York Custom Ronan B Kelly, tn'ent7 yearn, Btaten Island Miss E M'Keef twenty years. Yorkville: Mira E Crane, twelve years, 112 Hammemly at; Wm H Pencil, twenty-three years, 73 Norfolk;st Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney st. Philo lel:omen, twenty. right years, Greseeletla, Judge Randall, 94 Kan Broadway, New York, Thomas R Jones, of the 119 Navy. Capt Wm leaning", State st. Orblrport, Ct. Reference also made to Dr W L Monroe, (Milford, O.' Rev Richard Taggett, %Nest Davenport II I Rey T L Boehm TI, Baltimore, Mil Mr Joseph Bradley 115 Orchard ¢ N Y. C H Houghton, W.lEreenth st V. Mr. James &shelf, ester, Orestry John Faber, 179 Elizabeth et, do D A Richton. 21e Delaney di, do James Smith, 115 Suffolk et, dc Charles Drown, Shl Water at, do All of which may be celled upon, or addremod pa.' paid New Y irr ork. Preqared by Dr 9 lira , (lam !rano b Bert 1 O F THOMAS tr. Co, 140 Main rt., beciaexc 3,1 ant 4111 ma and lag Main 11, between 0.11 and sth siren., Cincinnati, Ohio, wholcanie and retail iirrerci for iha uth and west. L WILCOX, Jr. corner o( Maltet st end the ntsi mond, only we is Pa jn••Mavei7 MEDICAL 4 SURGICAL OFFICE, No. 05, DIAMOND NI.!.PI', • AAfew Joan below Wood sr.' ; market. Da. DROWN. hsvhir, I regularly to the inedies' profe.ion, and been fur prune time .4,, in general practice, now confines his attenuon to the treatment of those private and delicate coma plamts for which his opportunities and experience Pt - Call/HT quailly • him years assiduously devoted to study fr. treatment of diner romplaintatdunng which tone he has had more practice and has cored more pa• Items than can ever fillsl the lot of any env ate prac titioner) amply qualifie him to offer assurance. of speedy permanent, and satisfactory care to till inflicted with delicate, and all diseases arising there from. Dr. Brown would Inform those afflicted with pr• can diseases which have become chronic by tune or ao: fronted by the use of any of the Common nostrums of the day, that their complaints ban be radically viol Mon. oughly cured; he having given his careful aitenuon to the treatment of such ease., and succeeded hundreds of ittelanCea tli Caring persons of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often result (mm those eases where others have conslgried them to hopedess despair. He particubwly Myst,es such a* have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others toeonsult him, when every satisfaction will be mem, them, and their eases treated In v careful, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by a long egperience, study, and investigation, which It is impossible for tante engaged in general practice of medicine to give tog one class of disease. Ire"Herni r Rupture.—Dr. Brown also invites per soos antictea with Hernia to call, an he has paid Pct Star ottontlon to this disease. Skin diseases; also s, Palsy, etc, speedily cured Charges very low. N. 11.—Pauents of euk sex living a, dispute, by staling their disease to v. nung, givuut all We spiv: toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by addreuing T. BROWN. 31. U, pest paid, and encl.... ing feo. Office No. 65, Diamond alley, oppostu, We B•erly Douse. Ruterwartsia.—Dr. Brown'snewly discovered rem, dy for Rheumatism is a speed y andcertain remedy for tnat_pronful trouble. It never fails. Mice and Pnvate Consulting Rooms, dn. 6.5 Dia mond alley, Pnwburgh. Pa. The Doctor is 'Ally* at home. CT do CMe no pay. decl9. t Fru:q.t., OR DIFFICULTY OF BREATIUNO- - ft Thls .ii.ease is caused by a e arogystual construe non of the n.r cell.; it is very debilitating, almost caus ing suffocation. DR. SNir aIaTSER'S P.AL - N.A.CF—ti. is the only certain cume cbe entirely cured by a free me of Dr. Beieetaer's Panacea. Catarrh, or common cold, which, if neglected, mill terminate in Consumption, tot effectually relieved and cured by Dr. Screamer'. Panacea Bronchitis, if unchecked, well effectually lead to Bronchial Consumption, bat a timely use of Dr. Sweet- Panacea will effectually core Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Throat.—This disease often leads to serious consequences from neg lect, such no ulceration of th e throat On the first symp toms, Dr. Ssrectser'• Panacea should be procured and used freely. Coughs and Colds find a sovereign remedy in Dr. Sweeter's Panacea Pneumonia Nothu—A very fatal disease, resulting from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro ken down constituttoth aged persons are subject to a.— Swecter's Penmen should beused on the firm symptoms, which UM IX cough or cold. Night Sweats.—This deb' itann,g complaint wall meet with a timely cheek, by using Dr. Sweether's Panacea, Comminpuon.—lf on the first appearance of consump tive symptoms, which are a ;man to the side and breast, rough or spitttng of blood, LID, fiwe,-therls Pan a cea is fr eely turd, no danger need be apprehended. ' When the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes become clogged up with phlegm so as to impede respi ration or breathing, Dr. Sweetser's Panacea, which as • th e di pm:c rec m - fat Expectorant, should be Wren according to tions. Indoenst —This distressing epidens.i - ms president in oar riirs.'.' Is speedily cored by Do. Sereetser's Dime sen Priee 151 per battle, or six bottles (or SS For sale by WM. JACKttON, f 9 Liberty st_, sign o r be big lama noyfssly SELLER'. FAMILY AIEDICINES • Should be kept by every Family. Loom CoS= Roam V. Aug. ID. ill It fiELLERS:—I hrst intro...m:4.G your V. LVI atrrrou in this place, at a Lille when n prepara• lion called The Dead Shot was very popular. and Mond it very difficult to sell; but it boo gamed for uaeli a pop- Manty that bail .wallowed up all others. I could pro cure you soy number of certificates, but I do not data It necessary. That your lay. Pius are preferred to all others in this region I know to be a Met. Yesterday I sold to a onhant two boxes for his oven use, although he has handa supply orDr. ISl'Latie's. Twelve months eau, I saw, la it distant part of this countrY , a or". disconsolate bulking lady, who had tong .uttered ikon. layer Complaint, she had twice sent a great distance for a physician, but Mond no permanent retool sod was almost inn hopeiless condition. On her husband's fir, visit to our town he bought two boxes, and promised, should they benefit his wife, to purchase more As he never called I supposed they had not been of service, but on peaslng by his house a short nor since, I found the lady in comparative good hearth. cheertu I and con tented. Your Pill. orwayn relieve pernons who liar., Agee nd China The Cough tttyrup hot , never honed ,„my nowledge; in every ewe or producing o good rottutt, id giving entire vousiarcion Very reopectibily Prepared and .old by WARD. No.Si Wood creel - Sold also by druggists generally in the two clues. seta M1=::1= IT is • great saustacuoti to us to be able Mae publicly to announce. that the great demand for our superior n “d splendid preparanons of oar ••FAItIIL MEDl eirdm" far exceeds our most sanguine espectatninia, particularly our Intuit Expectorant and Compound c a rminauve tlalsara, which for beauty of appearance, superiority of ingrethents, and the coinpounding of them, together with the immense disparity the sire odour bottles over any others—the beautiful and orna mental engravings, and the taste displayed in the nut ting of them up, is a further Incitement to the omens. er. And as many of my old friends who knew mu NI. Guru Localmr.") when in the employment of I>r 0. Jayne, I now beg leave respectfully to Inform Ilient that I am one of the firm of LOUDEN h. Co, No. si A rob street. below Third, PLIUADV-Pitta, where Isbell be happy to see them; wbo, aided by his brother, a reveler graduate of the "Philadelphia College of star. make, pot up, and compound, with nor own hands, every article comprising our "Family Medi cines," vizi Indian Expectorant. Compound Carmina tive Balsam, Compound Tonic Vertnifuge 'l'd"' Sanative and Oriental Hair Tonics. We farther beg leave to remark, land we do it with a confidence that cannot be shaken,) that b"'"d'".. e li oze , te i d o,,:artcricOrl,„dmen:,alz the public. Give in a at No. dl ARC a Our terms alone am an inducement, and we are sv ro of the result SELLERS , VERMIFLIGE—"No in should be without L.A.", C. IL, VA , Aags 34, As. Ma R. FA Swam: I cheerfully certify that I have for some years peat need Year Venalataate my family, and universally with encase 'decidedly prefer it to any other preaarati. I have riced—amongst these may ba natonl the celebrated medleino ;ailed Deoebot, Fabnestocals Venalfageli and a preparati. . called Worm Tea. In a recent ease a single thin brought frtm my little boy 0. b.dred and str large sweats No family eenatuly ought to be without it. 7 Yosys he JAS. LAWSON uad?revved wul sold by R E. Mellon, No. 57 Wisod pid by Roping guitenaly in bulb tides, scpl.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers